Case Study On Electrical Conductivity in Wood Poles: Technical Report

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Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics

Division of Energy Science

ISSN 1402-1536
ISBN 978-91-7583-XXX-X (tryckt)
ISBN 978-91-7583-828-1 (pdf)
Case study on electrical conductivity
Luleå University of Technology 2017
in wood poles

Mats Wahlberg
Sarah Rönnberg
Case study on electrical conductivity
in wood poles

Mats Wahlberg
Sarah Rönnberg

Luleå University of Technology

Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics
Division of Energy Science
ISSN 1402-1536
ISBN 978-91-7583-828-1 (pdf)

Luleå 2017
Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3

Identified variables that might impact the conductivity ...................................................... 4

Preservative of the pole ................................................................................................... 4

Drying method and wood properties of the pole ............................................................. 5

Temperature of the surroundings .................................................................................... 5

Precipitation type and duration ....................................................................................... 5

What is mounted in the pole and how it is done ............................................................. 5

Effects on a human body, exposed to electrical currents .................................................... 6

Description of the measurement setup ................................................................................ 7

Test site and instruments used........................................................................................... 12

Instrument for logging the moist content ...................................................................... 12

Weather station ............................................................................................................. 12

Instrument for monitoring the earth fault ...................................................................... 12

Description of a wood pole ............................................................................................... 14

Electrical model of a wood pole.................................................................................... 16

Measurements ................................................................................................................... 18

Measurements at the test-site ........................................................................................ 18

Watered poles................................................................................................................ 25

Fires in poles ................................................................................................................. 26

Tests in the field ............................................................................................................ 27

Risks for the public ....................................................................................................... 29

How to construct overhead lines. .................................................................................. 30

Future work ................................................................................................................... 31

Discussion ......................................................................................................................... 33

Appendix 1: Method to find broken isolators. .................................................................. 34

Appendix 2: Method Weak Grounding ............................................................................. 35

References ......................................................................................................................... 37

In Sweden the use of wood poles as part of 11 kV overhead lines is fairly
common. A three phase system is used; one wire for each phase and the three
wires are supported by insulators mounted on a horizontal metal (or wood)
crossarm at the top of the poles. The poles are treated with some kind of
preservative to protect the wood from rot and insects.

In the summer of 2008 a maintenance worker in Sweden was killed when

climbing into a wood pole supporting an 11 kV overhead line [1]. The
investigation done afterwards raised the suspicion that a current flowing through
the pole might, under certain circumstances, be sufficient to kill a person but still
insufficient for the protection to detect. At the time of the accident, due to a
broken insulator, one of the phases of the 11 kV line was resting on the metal
crossarm. This accident triggered a more detailed investigation in order to
determine if power line wood poles can conduct current and if so, whether this
current can be sufficient to injure or kill a maintenance worker climbing the pole.

This study has been made at the 11 kV level on a pole while a live wire was
resting on the metal crossarm as would be the case if the insulator was broken. A
measurement method has been developed in order to determine under what
conditions climbing should be prohibited [2][3]. This study was conducted in
2010 and was funded by Elforsk. The results were first published in 2013 [4].

The measurements presented support the earlier suspicion that a wood pole used
for supporting power lines can conduct current if a fault occurs and a live wire
comes in contact with the crossarm. It also shows that the current through a
parallel, not connected to earth, resistor (representing a human climbing the pole)
can reach potentially lethal amplitudes.

Identified variables that might impact the
There are some standards covering the use of wood poles for overhead lines e.g.
[5] which doesn’t mention electrical conductivity in the wood pole. In [6] the
wood pole is treated as an insulator independent of length of the pole and type of
preservative. This is inconsistent with the results obtained from this project.

Several studies have been done in Australia on leakage currents in wood

structures used for power distribution [7][8][9][10]. The influence from the
surroundings i.e. humidity, pollution and temperature are investigated. Similar
studies are however missing for Swedish conditions.

Three kinds of preservatives are commonly used in Sweden for power line wood
poles: arsenic, creosote and wolmanit CX, the first and latter being salt based. In
this study eight poles with different preservative and age varying from 40 years
old to brand new have been examined in a realistic environment. A number of
additional variables have been identified and tested in order to examine their
influence on the resistance of the pole; drying method, temperature, precipitation
and how the lines are built. Note that there are potentially other variables as well
that can have an influence but these were the ones selected within this project.

Each of the identified variables that have been studied is briefly described in this
section. The identified parameters can be divided into two types; type I that can be
known and documented before building the line and type II that cannot be
controlled and changes continuously depending on location, climate and weather.
Parameters of type I will be the choice of preservative, drying method and how
the lines are built, while type II includes precipitation, humidity and outside

Preservative of the pole

There have been studies on different types of preservative and how they impact
the electrical performance of wood [11][12], however none of the studies include
the preservatives normally used in Sweden. In Sweden there are three different
preservatives used for wooden poles; creosote, arsenic and wolmanit CX. The
three preservatives have been found to have different impact on the conductivity
of the pole. Creosote preserved poles have in this project shown the highest
resistance to electrical currents. Creosote however contains high levels of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Discussions are ongoing to change the use of
creosote as a preservative as it might have an adverse impact on the environment
and on the people handling the poles.

Drying method and wood properties of the pole

Traditionally there has been only one way to dry wood, simply leave the wood
outside for about one year until it is sufficiently dry. Nowadays heat is also used
in order to significantly speed up the process; a wood pole can be dried in three
days using this technique. There will be a difference in how cracks form in the
pole depending on the method of drying. The characteristic of the cracks can have
an influence on how the preservative enters the wood and also on how rain can be
absorbed. The age and density of the tree when it is felled can also be a factor to

Temperature of the surroundings

In the northern parts of Sweden the temperature can somewhat vary between -40
and +35°C depending on the season. It was decided that the measurement were to
be repeated at least once a month during the winter and slightly more often during
the spring, summer and fall, the reason being that the weather and temperature
shift is greater in those seasons. In order to keep track of the changes in the
weather an automatic weather station that logged the temperature, precipitation
and sun irradiation was installed at the substation were the measurements were

Precipitation type and duration

Moisture content due to precipitation has an impact on the electrical properties of

wood [13]. During wintertime the precipitation will be in the form of snow. The
snow can rest on the cross arm and the pole. In the spring, summer and fall the
precipitation will be in form of rain. The amount of rain is also believed to have
an impact i.e. if the rain is consistent for a number of days or if it rains heavily for
only a short time.

What is mounted in the pole and how it is done

The wood poles can be used for supporting other equipment as well. Sometimes
an optical cable or an earth wire is connected with a metal bolt through the pole.
Occasionally the pole is supported by a stay wire which can be connected to the
pole without an insulator. These conditions can increase the risk for a worker
climbing the pole to come in contact with different voltage potentials.

Effects on a human body, exposed to electrical
The total resistance of a human body consists mostly of the skin resistance which
will vary from person to person. As long as the skin is dry the resistance is high
but if the skin gets wet or broken the resistance decreases. The resistance of a
body is also dependent of the voltage level and will decrease for increased voltage
levels. For 50% of the population the body resistance will not exceed 1875 Ω
when exposed to a voltage level of 100 V [14], for the 95 percentile the value is
increased to 3200 Ω. It is the amplitude, duration and path of the current flowing
through the human body that will determine if the current is harmful. The current
threshold for perception is less than 1 mA and for current levels over 15 mA a
person can no longer control their muscles. Respiratory problems occur in the
range of 20 to 40 mA. When exposed to electrical current for duration over 2 s,
the ventricular fibrillation threshold is considered as low as 50 mA. The protective
relays at the substation are tested for faults over 3 or 5 kΩ and will not trip or
even detect a fault of this kind where the resistance at the fault could be up to
several MΩ. The voltage across the pole and thus the current through a person
climbing the pole will as a consequence of this be present for times long over 2 s.

Description of the measurement setup
A test site has been set up with a number of poles with different types of
preservatives, age, height and drying method. The poles were chosen to get a good
spread and to cover most types of poles used in Sweden. The poles tested in the
project have all been treated in different ways with respect of drying method and

• Drying
o Fast, the pole is heated and dries in a few days
o Slow, the pole is left outside and dries during a period of 12- 18
• Preservative
o Arsenic
o Creosote
o Salt Wolmanit CX-8

A list of the poles used is given in Table 1. In addition to these poles four
reference poles were erected to monitor moist content and these poles were never
subjected to any earth fault. The poles have a copper wire twisted around the base
and connected to ground in order to eliminate the influence of different condition
of the soil where they are raised. The age in Table 1 indicates the time from when
the pole was made to the time of the project start.

Table 1

Preservative Age Drying method

Arsenic 20 years Slow dry

Arsenic 50 years Slow dry

Creosote 50 years Slow dry

Creosote New Slow dry

Creosote New Dried with heat (fast dry)

Creosote 20 years Slow dry

Wolmanit CX (salt) 1 year Dried with heat (fast dry)

Wolmanit CX (salt) New Slow dry

Various measurement instruments were used to monitor the identified parameters.
Moisture and weather data were logged continuously at certain time intervals. The
moisture content of the poles was recorded at two different heights of the pole and
in four directions. This was done in order to get an impression on weather for
instance the north side of the pole had higher moisture content than the surface
facing south. Four poles were used as reference poles and no earth faults were
created in those poles. In Figure 1 and Figure 2 the poles at the test site is shown.

Figure 1 The four reference poles at the test site

Figure 2 Poles at the test site during the project

To determine the potential voltage across a person climbing the pole the method
used for testing touch/step voltages during high current measurements was chosen

and slightly modified. The vertical pole represents the ground i.e. the step voltage
will be replaced with a climb voltage. The method is described in Figure 3.

Approximately once a month a real earth fault was created on each pole. The earth
fault was created by connecting one of the phases, carrying 6 kV, directly onto the
metal crossarm as would be the case if the isolator was broken. Currents and
voltages were measured during the earth fault. The electrical potential between the
metal crossarm and the ground were measured as well as the voltage across a
resistor (simulating the human body) that was connected to the pole at different
heights as shown in Figure 3.

A 3 kΩ resistor was used to simulate the human body touching or climbing the
pole and metal “Scandinavian Climbers” was used to connect the resistor to the
pole. Different techniques were tested and the Scandinavian climbers were found
to be suitable even thou they will go in deeper into the wood than for instance a
hand touching the surface. Voltage dividers with an input impedance of 1 MΩ
were used simply to get the voltage down to a level where the measurement
instrument (a HIOKI HICORDER 8855) can operate. Three voltages were
measured; the phase voltage on the faulty phase, the voltage on the upper
Scandinavian Climber representing the hand and the voltage on the lower
Scandinavian Climber representing the foot. The two latter was used to calculate
the climbing voltage i.e. the potential difference that could form across a human
climbing the pole. The current through the resistor and the total current through
the setup were also measured. The space between the “hand” and the “foot” were
chosen to two meters and the Scandinavian Climbers was moved along the pole
while keeping the distance between them. The climbers were moved one meter
between each measurement. To apply an equal force to the Scandinavian climbers
two petrol cans filled with water to achieve a total weight of 25 kg were
connected to the climbers. The data from the measurements were used later in the
analysis and the influence from the logged data (temperature, rain and so on) was
studied. The measured currents and voltages were also used as the basis for an
electrical model of a wood pole (Figure 7).

Figure 3 Schematic setup of the measurement

Measurements were performed at regular intervals during one year to get a clear
picture of how the weather conditions and seasonal variations impacted the
conductivity of the poles.

Additional measurements were performed at the Pehr Högström laboratory at

Luleå University of Technology, Skellefteå. Small pieces of wood with different
preservatives were first soaked in water and then allowed to freeze. The resistance
of the pieces was monitored as the wood thawed and the result was compared to
the full scale measurements.

At one instance a full length pole was carried inside and monitored as it defrosted.
At the time the pole was moved inside it was covered in snow and had a
temperature of - 5º C, the resistance for the entire length of the pole was measured
to 99 kΩ. After 4.5 hours the resistance had dropped to 25 kΩ. Three days later
the pole was considered completely dry and defrosted and the resistance had
increased to 400 kΩ.

In addition to the climbing voltage a method was developed to measure the touch
voltage of the pole when a person stands on the ground and at the same time
touches the pole. The worst case scenario was deemed to be a person touching the
pole and a separate grounded part, like a metal fence, at the same time. The
method is based on VDE 0101/CENELEC HD 637 S1:1999 Standard with regard
to the surface and pressure representing a human during the test, 50 kg and 400

The Scandinavian climbers were considered to have to good connection to the

pole due to the spikes that penetrates the wood. The public normally don’t use any
tools when coming in contact with a power line pole. Instead of the climbers a
metal clamp was used in this case as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Metal clamp used for connection to the pole

Test site and instruments used
Instrument for logging the moist content

The moist content in the poles were logged using 84 sensors with wireless
communication that were mounted to the poles. In every test pole two sensors
were mounted, on the surface of the wood, phasing south and at two different
heights, 2 and 7 meters.

Additional sensors were mounted in in the four reference poles making a total of
16 sensors in each pole, in all quarters, at 2 and 7 meters and both on the surface
and 15 mm into the wood. More information on the sensors can be found in [15]

Weather station

A weather station, Wheatherlink Davis Vantage Pro2, was used for monitoring of
several weather parameters at the test site in Mensträsk. Among the monitored
parameters are:

• Temperature
• Wind
• Wind direction
• Precipitation (rain and snowfall)
• Solar irradiation
• Humidity

Instrument for monitoring the earth fault

A 3 kΩ resistor was used to simulate the human body during the fault. This
resistor was provided by Skellefteå Kraft together with 10 kV cables and a 30/10
kV substation that was no longer in use. The substation where the tests were
performed is high impedance grounded.

Several voltages and currents were measured during the earth fault. An
oscilloscope, Hioki HiCorder 8055, was used together with the voltage
transformers present at the substation, capacitive voltage dividers (Ross
Engineering Corp) and Pearson current probes of model 7810.

During the project it was discovered that the voltage indicators (VTU 307)
normally used for low voltage detection also could indicate voltage potential in
the pole. The voltage indicator, when held in the proximity of the wood surface,

could detect a broken insulator and could therefore be used as a first indicator that
the pole might not be safe to climb.

This technique was successfully tested during normal inspection of the lines and
several broken insulators were found and replaced. A more detailed description is
found in Appendix 1

Testing poles

Reference poles

Figure 2 Test site in Mensträsk, Sweden

Description of a wood pole
A wood pole consists of two parts, heart wood and sap wood. Only the sap wood
will absorb preservative. On most occasions the preservative will only penetrate
part of the sap wood as illustrated in Figure 4 and Figure 5. The ratio between the
heart wood and sap wood is different along the pole. There are also a number of
knots present and how or if they will affect the current going through the pole has
not been investigated.

Figure 5 Ratio between heart wood and sap wood

Figure 6. In some cases the preservative doesn’t penetrate all of the sap wood

The age and density of the tree when it is hewed can also be a factor to consider.
It is difficult to determine the condition of the wood pole with regard to cracks
and knots without intrusive methods. In Figure 6 the scanned images of two
different poles are shown. The images were obtained using a CT-scanner fitting
the pole. The image on the left hand side in Figure 6 shows a new pole that is
dried during a short time. The pole in the right hand side is an old pole from the
time before accelerated drying methods were introduced.

Figure 7 Two examples of scanned images of wood poles. The white areas
indicate where knots are located and the dark areas where cracks have formed.

Both the choice of drying method and preservative will have an impact on how
moist will penetrate the wood, react and then decrease/disappear.

There will be a difference in how cracks form in the pole depending on the
method of drying it. The characteristic of the cracks can have an influence on how
the preservative enter the wood and also on how the rain can be absorbed.

Depending on preservative used there will be a difference on how deep into the
wood the preservative will penetrate. The preservative will also be leached with
time and thereby changing the properties of the pole.

Moist can propagate in three ways in a tree:

• Longitudinally
• Radially
• Tangentialt

How moist will propagate in a dead, preserved and erected pole is beyond the
scope of this project, it is merely mentioned to highlight the many variables and
uncertainties that could affect the conductivity of a wood pole.

Electrical model of a wood pole

In Figure 7 an electrical model of a wood pole during an earth fault, with a human
climbing the pole is shown. This is a simplified model; other more detailed
models exist like the one shown in [11] or [16]. This simplified model was
deemed sufficient for this study but future work should include a more detailed
one. The human body can electrically be described as a parallel connected
resistance connected somewhere on the pole. The pole is divided into three
sections each corresponding to a resistance. The value of the resistances of the
pole will vary as the parallel resistance is connected to different parts of the pole
(i.e. the human is climbing up or down the pole). As the climber moves up the
pole Rpole1 will decrease at the same time as Rpole3 increases. In addition to the pole
the value of the ground resistivity at the location have to be considered.

Figure 8 Electrical model of a wood pole

From the model in Figure 7 it is clearly seen that if Rhand and Rfoot is kept high with
the use of insulating gloves and shoes the current through the body could be

Measurements have been performed at somewhat regular intervals during over a
year. At several of the occasions when measurements were done the resistance of
the poles were high enough for the pole to be considered an insulator. However,
large variations were observed and it is concluded that at under some conditions
the wooden pole can conduct currents.

Measurements at the test-site

The total current flowing through the pole and the voltage across it has been
measured and the total resistance of the pole has been calculated. The variations in
resistance over a year for a 20 years old arsenic impregnated pole, 20 years old
creosote pole and a one year old wolmanit CX impregnated pole are shown in
Figure 8, Figure 9 and Figure 10 respectively. The resistance varies between 28
kΩ in November for the arsenic pole and 1450 kΩ for the wolmanit CX pole in
August. The overall highest values and the least variations are found for the
creosote pole. The precipitation and outside temperature during the measurements
were logged and are shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12 respectively. The
precipitation from November to February is in form of snow. The low value for
the resistance in November could be explained by the fact that the temperature
were close to zero and the snow was very wet and as it “stuck” to the pole the
wood was exposed to moist for a long period of time with no chance to dry.

Figure 9 Seasonal variation of the resistance in a 20 years old arsenic impregnated

Figure 10 Seasonal variation of the resistance in a 20 year old creosote

impregnated pole

Figure 11 Seasonal variation of the resistance in a one year old wolmanit CX
impregnated pole

Figure 12 Total precipitation 14 days before the measurement

Figure 13 outside temperature when the measurements were made

When comparing the resistance values with the curves for the temperature and the
precipitation one can easily see that the correlation is low, clearly other factors
also have an impact on whether the pole is safe to climb in.

At one instance a total current of 250 mA were measured going through the pole.
During the same measurement a peak current of 106 mA flowed through the 3 kΩ
resistor representing the human body as shown in Figure 13. At most occasions
significantly lower currents, 2 mA to 3 mA, were monitored for the same pole.

The pole where the highest values of current were measured was a 20 year old
arsenic impregnated pole. The number of tested poles is however too small to
conclude that this is always the case or that other types of poles cannot show
similar conductivity.

Figure 14 Current through the 3 kΩ resistor connected at different distances from
the crossarm

The pole with the highest values (shown in Figure 13) had just been equipped
with moisture content sensors and therefor there no data is available on the levels
of moist in the pole during the days leading up to the measurement.

The measurements also show that the highest value of the current through the
parallel resistor is when it is connected half way up the pole. This holds for all
poles and during all weather conditions.

At one occasion an earth fault at the 20 year old arsenic pole caused a 100 mA
current flowing through the pole. At the same time no current could be measured
through the 3 kΩ resistor (i.e. Itot=Ipole as shown in Figure 7). One explanation for
this could be that the surface of the pole was completely dry while the inside of
the pole was not thus allowing a current to flow inside the pole.

Even though very cold temperatures seem to improve the insulation in the poles it
cannot be concluded that temperatures well below zero makes it safe to climb or
touch a pole. A period of rain followed by a period of cold weather will result in a
pole that contains ice. A current that starts to flow through the frozen pole will
cause the pole to thaw thus decreasing the resistance. This phenomenon was
tested during the above mentioned conditions, rain followed by temperatures well
below zero. Measurements were carried out once every minute for 20 minutes as
the live wire was connected to the crossarm. Figure 14 presents the current

flowing through the pole, which increases linearly with close to a factor 2 as the
pole warmed up. The test was suspended before any damage was done to the pole.

Figure 15 Increase in current flowing through a pole due to thawing

Based on the results from the measurements it can be concluded that the
protection relays will not detect and disconnect an earth fault of this type. The
minimum value of resistance for the entire pole measured was 25 kΩ. This can be
compared to the normal threshold setting of the protection relays at 5 kΩ.

The results from the measurements also strongly indicate that the moisture content
of the pole will influence the resistance. Work done by [17] show that the leakage
current through a wet wooden pole is increased up to a factor of 6 compared to
under dry conditions. These experiments were performed on wood specimen not
common in Scandinavia, but measurements done within this project on Swedish
poles support this finding. Experiments shows that for instance wet snow covering
the pole for a period of time will lower the resistance. Even though the
precipitation impacts the resistance it cannot be used as the sole parameter when
evaluating the resistance in the pole. The linear correlation between the
precipitation during a seven day period prior to the measurement and the
measured resistance has been obtained for the measurements carried out during
one year and was found to be slightly negative but overall weak.

The ambient temperature seems to affect the poles ability to conduct current and
in Scandinavia the variation in temperature during the year can be significant.
During the time period of the experiment the temperature varied between -18° C
and +12° C but temperatures as high as +35° or as low as -40° are not uncommon.
The linear correlation between ambient temperature and the resistance in the pole

have been calculated and in the same way as with the precipitation the correlation
is again weak. If the two extreme values for January and February (-18°C and -
15°C respectively) are removed the correlation coefficient between temperature
and resistance for the 20 year old arsenic pole is 0.36. During the measurements
performed in May, June and August the temperature was identical, +10° C, but the
resistance in the 20 year old arsenic pole varied between 172 kΩ (May), 620 kΩ
(June) and 1.3 MΩ (Aug). As can be seen in Figure 15 the variation of the
impedance of one pole during the year is significant. During the time frame of one
year the same pole can show values ranging from 28 kΩ to 1.3 MΩ (arsenic). The
reason for the large variations is likely a combination of, among others, ambient
temperature and precipitation. The bar in the far right in Figure 15 indicates the
impedance of the poles after they have been intentionally watered for a period of
time (as further discussed in the next section). This might not give a good
representation of a real life condition, but gives an indication on the impact of
heavy precipitation. Note also that the lowest values measured during natural
circumstances were of similar magnitude as the valued obtained after artificial

Figure 16 Variation in impedance for two poles during one year, vertical scale in

The measurements shown here were carried out once a month and the results only
reflect the conditions during the moment of the measurements. Continuous
measurements for a longer period of time would be needed to conclude the upper
and lower limit of resistance of the poles.

Watered poles

In order to get reproducible and measurable results the poles have to be watered
during a longer period of time, a natural climate impact is not enough. During the
project one test was carried out with intentional watered poles. The poles were
watered through a water hose that was connected to the top of the poles and then
wounded down the entire length of the pole. The hose was perforated thus
allowing water to run down the pole. The watering system was turned on with the
use of a timer every night for a period of three weeks. During these weeks the
temperature was above zero and the sun was shining during the days. Even though
the poles somewhat dried during the days the moist content in the poles at the
time of the measurements was high enough to give low resistance values.
Important to mention is that the lowest resistance value measured during the
project was not obtained by watering the poles.

It was observed, once the experiment with intentionally watering the poles was
finished, that higher moisture content is occurring at the top of the pole, close to
the metal crossarm after rainy weather. This gives an indication that the crossarm
will partly lead the rain towards the pole thus increasing the moisture at the top of
the pole. This would give a slightly different result compared to the watered pole
where the water was somewhat equally distributed along the pole

Figure 17. Seasonal variation in resistance for a 20 year old arsenic pole, the
intentionally watered case indicated with a red arrow.

The manually watering of the poles had a significant impact on the poles
preserved with arsenic (see Figure 16) and salt Wolmanite (fast dry, not shown
here). The slow dried, salt preserved pole did not show any tendency to have
lower resistance after watering.

Fires in poles

In addition to the safety risk for the public and for maintenance workers, a current
flowing through the pole can cause a fire. In [18] a pole fire in Australia was
investigated and one conclusion was that a current of only 4 to 5 mA is enough to
start a fire. Fires in wood poles are far more common than hazardous currents
injuring a person touching the pole. Moreover, a pole that is damaged due to a fire
could fall down and in a worst case scenario leaving the live wires hanging low
enough to be reached from the ground.

During the field measurements a new wolmanit CX impregnated pole was

equipped with an earth wire connected 50 cm below the brace. In Sweden it is not
common practice to connect all metal parts in the pole to ground as it is in other
countries, for instance Norway. The live wire was connected to the metal cross-
arm as would be the case of a broken insulator, thus creating a voltage potential of
6 kV between the brace and the earth wire. This created a fire in the pole in less

than an hour. The line was tripped manually when the fire was detected, important
to mention here is that the protection relay most likely wouldn’t have detected this
even if the fault was kept for a longer time. On the left hand side in Figure 17, a
scanned image of the pole after the fire is shown, the dark spots in the lower side
if the pole indicates where wood is “missing” due to the fire.

Figure 18 Scanned image of the pole after the fire (left hand side). During the fire
(right hand side)

In Sweden there is no available statistic on how frequent it is with fires in wooden

poles. When talking to a large number of maintenance workers it is evident that
most of them have seen poles with fire damage although the sightings were never

Tests in the field

An incident occurred during an inspection of a 10kV line in 2010. A maintenance

worker touched the metal nail containing information of preservative and year of
erection of the pole (shown in Figure 18) and he felt what he described as a small
electrical chock

Figure 19 Metal nail containing information on the age of the pole

The maintenance worker measured at the time a voltage of 160 V between the nail
and a metal thread that was pushed into the ground. The measurement was done
with a simple handheld voltmeter. The same measurement was repeated the
following day showing a lower voltage of 50 V. The weather had change from
rain the day of the first incident to -5º C at the time when the 50 V could be
measured. As the nail can be reached from the ground, it is worth mentioning that
also the general public can be exposed to this risk. The presence of an electric
field close to the pole was verified with a capacitive voltage indicator, VTU307,
on both days. The line was then disconnected and it could be confirmed that the
insulator was indeed broken as can be seen in Figure 19. It could also be seen that
the line was completely broken and the only path for the current was the tie wire.

Figure 20 Broken insulator

Risks for the public

The focus of the project has been to gain knowledge on how to minimize the risks
for a maintenance worker climbing the pole. As described on page 12 one
experiment was performed to see if a human standing on the ground and touching
a pole could be exposed to a current going through the body. This is a more likely
scenario for the public since they will neither climb the pole nor touch it using
tools. Measurements were done on a watered pole, a metal clamp was connected
on the pole 2 meters from the ground and the current was measured through a 3
kΩ resistor connected between the metal clamp and ground. Given these
conditions a current of 30 mA was measured through the resistor simulating a
human body. This must however be considered a worst case scenario since it is
unlikely that a person standing on the ground will get such good connection to
earth as during the experiment. But it is feasible to think that someone can come
in contact with a pole and a grounded metal fence at the same time.

Special care should be taken at places where it is possible to touch a pole and
another object with a connection to ground at the same time. Different types of
insulators are one possible way to minimize the risk for hazardous situations for
the public. To equip the crossarms with an earth connection would also result in a

minimal risk for an accident of this kind to occur. A discussion on how to build
overhead lines in a safer way is discussed in the next section.

How to construct overhead lines.

How the lines are built will have an impact on the safety in case of a broken
insulator. Sometimes the pole holds additional cables that are connected with a
metal bolt through the pole. Occasionally the pole is supported by a stay wire
connected to the pole or a sign used during air inspections of the line as seen in
Figure 20. Everything mounted in the pole have to be considered when a risk
assessment is done.

Figure 21 Pole with stay wires and metal sign

Special care has to be taken if a metal crossarm is used in a pole with an earth
wire connected without an insulator. If a live wire comes in contact with the metal
crossarm it will cause a large electrical potential over a small section of the pole

(i.e. the distance from the crossarm to the connection of the earth wire will have
the entire phase voltage across it). This will pose a large risk for fire in the pole.

There are guidelines in different countries on how to construct overhead lines,


 Norway: There is always a connection between the metal crossarm and the
earth wire in every pole.
 USA: Every wooden pole has a ground connection in addition to the earth

What is mounded in a wooden pole should be of non-conducting material. In

Germany there is today praxis to use crossarms with other materials than metal.
The main reason for this is that birds that sit on the ground-connected crossarm
can come in contact with the live wire.

Future work

Through analyzes of the data obtained from the moist sensors and the weather
station it is concluded that additional parameters have to be included in any future
tests since the precipitation and temperature alone can’t explain the results. The
impact from the age (number of growth rings) of the tree is one parameter that
needs further investigation. Samples taken from the poles included in the project
show that there might be a correlation between moist content and number of
growth rings. All the poles had the same diameter and it can be assumed that the
poles had been treated in comparable ways regarding removing of bark/surface.
Despite these similarities the number of growth rings varied between 53 and 146.
This possible correlation needs further investigation.

The prerequisite for being able to draw any conclusions from the measurements is
that a sufficiently high current flows through the pole and through the parallel-
connected 3 kΩ resistor. During the yearlong project, a sufficient number of
results were not obtained to draw and statistically significant conclusions.

For future projects poles with different diameters should be tested as well as
higher voltage levels than 10 kV.

The project has shown that there is a need for an approved test method that can
clearly show voltage and current in a reproducible way. No such test have been
developed as of yet.

An international and national collaboration should be formed consisting of

relevant industries and academia (i.e. industry and researchers bringing
knowledge on wood, preservatives, electrical power and safety equipment). One

important aspect is that many of the described issues are valid also for poles of
other material than wood.

This work should form a basis for a new standard:

• Documentation and quality control that is adapted to each other.

• Individually identify all poles thus enable monitoring for future
• Set requirements on poles used for overhead lines.
• Adjusting existing methods for working in or near power lines.

From the project it can be concluded that under certain conditions there can be
voltages and currents in a wooden pole of magnitudes that can be hazardous for
anyone climbing the pole. The use of wooden poles to support overhead lines has
been around for over hundred years. Problems with current through the pole in
case of a broken insulator have been few if any. However, with the fatal accident
in Sweden 2008 this has to be addressed. If this phenomenon with a current
flowing through a wood pole has become more common is difficult to say but it is
clear that newer poles are treated in a different ways compared to older ones and
the consequences of this is not fully understood. Up to now there has not been any
method to test the occurrence of current in a pole in any systematical way.

Safe methods need to be developed for working on an energized overhead line.

Under certain conditions the line has to be disconnected before any work can be
done in the pole.

The existing insulators in Sweden are mostly from the 1960th to 1970th and are of
the type with porcelain surrounding a metal rod. The fact that most insulators are
old would mean that the likelihood of a maintenance worker climbing a pole with
high moist content and a broken insulator has increased. There have also been
cases where newer insulators (without the metal rod in the middle) have broken
causing the live wire to rest directly on the crossarm. Even if the insulator has
been deemed whole there is always a risk that the vibrations of someone climbing
the pole will cause the insulator to break.

Clear instructions on how to increase the personal safety when working in a

power line pole must be developed.

Common practices in Sweden when building overhead lines need to be revised so

that unnecessary risks are avoided. Metal parts mounted into the pole should be
avoided so that the risk of coming into contact with two different electrical
potential is minimized.

The capacitive voltage tester has proven useful for finding insulators that are
broken or damaged.

Appendix 1: Method to find broken isolators.
For a current to flow through the pole there has to be a broken or damaged
isolator. During the project it was found that a capacitive voltage indicator used
for low voltage could be used for detecting the presence of an electric field close
to the pole. The voltage indicator is simply put close to the pole at approximately
1.5 meters above ground.

Using this technique several broken and damaged isolators were found during
normal inspection of the lines.

Even though the method has been proven successful in identifying damaged
insulators on 10- and 20 kV lines there are cases where the method will not work.
Unsymmetrical placement of the three phases will have a negative impact on the
method and a HV line close by will give false results.

Inspections of isolators should not be done when there is snow resting on the
crossarm. The proposed method can under those circumstances give false results;
a whole isolator might give an indication while a damaged one might not. And for
obvious reasons a visible inspection of the conditions of isolators and tie wires are
difficult when snow covers the crossarm.

Appendix 2: Method Weak Grounding
To increase the safety when working in poles while the lines are energized a
method called weak grounding is proposed. Since not all metal parts in a pole are
connected to ground they can pose a risk for anybody climbing the pole during an
earth fault. The solution is to connect all metal parts to ground or to bypass them.
Since a connection of all metal parts is not possible at all locations the proposed
method is to bypass them. A wire of small diameter and equipped with a fuse is
then used. The wire and fuse can be small enough only to handle a few Amperes
and is connected to a temporary earth connection. This wire of this size and weigh
can easily be lifted to the needed connection point at the crossarm as seen in
Figure 21. To lift and connect a grounding conductor which can withstand all
occurrences of earth faults or short circuit current is heavy and can be quite

Figure 22 Rod used to connect the wire equipped with a fuse

The wire will in case of a faulty isolator offer a lower resistance to ground than
the pole. The protection relays will be able to detect an earth fault of 3 to 5 kΩ
and the temporary earth connection then need to have a value less than 2 kΩ to
leave some margin. The fuse needs to be 10 to 25 A and will trip in case of a two
phase earth fault, which will cause substantially higher currents. The current
during a single phase earth fault has an amplitude of a few Amperes at the most
and the fuse will be able to handle that and the protection relays will trip the line
in case of a single phase fault.

It should be mentioned that this method is not fully developed or accepted. But
the method is so easy to use that it should at least be mentioned.

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ISSN 1402-1536
ISBN 978-91-7583-828-1 (pdf)
Luleå 2017

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