Environmental Accounting in India

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Green National Accounts in India

A Framework

A Report by an Expert Group Convened

by the National Statistical Organization
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Government of India

March 2013

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 1

Chapter 1: Executive Summary.......................................................................................................... 3
1.1 National Accounts and the Idea of the Good................................................... 4
1.2 Economic Growth as Growth in Wealth............................................................ 4
1.3 The Idea of Investment......................................................................................... 5
1.4 Green GDP is a Misnomer.................................................................................... 6
1.5 Pollution is the Rerverse of Conservation........................................................... 7
1.6 The Salience of GDP.............................................................................................. 7
1.7 Shadow Prices as Social Values.............................................................................. 8
1.8 Illustrative Rules....................................................................................................... 10
1.9 Transition to an Improved System of National Accounts................................ 11
1.10 A Word of Caution.................................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2: Conceptual Foundations
2.1 Economic Evaluation.............................................................................................. 15
2.1.1 Human Well-Being................................................................................................... 15
2.1.2 Eliciting Well-Being: Constituents and Determinants........................................ 16
2.1.3 Happiness Surveys.................................................................................................... 18
2.1.4 Revealed and Stated Preferences ........................................................................... 19
2.1.5 Goods and Services as Determinants of Well-Being.......................................... 21
2.1.6 Policy Analysis........................................................................................................... 21
2.2 Sustainability Analysis, or, the Idea of Sustainable Development.................... 22
2.2.1 The Flow of Well-Being.......................................................................................... 22
2.2.2 The Brundtland Commission’s View..................................................................... 23
2.2.3 Intergenerational Well-being................................................................................... 25
2.2.4 The Idea of Wealth................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Unravelling the Productive Base............................................................................. 27
2.3.1 Capital Assets............................................................................................................. 27
2.3.2 Knowledge.................................................................................................................. 30
2.3.3 Institutions.................................................................................................................. 31
2.3.4 Time............................................................................................................................. 32
2.4 Shadow Prices........................................................................................................... 33
2.4.1 De inition................................................................................................................... 33
2.4.2 The Primacy of Forecasts........................................................................................ 34
2.4.3 Choice of Numeraire................................................................................................ 36
2.4.4 Facing Uncertainty..................................................................................................... 37
2.4.5 Preservation and Option Values........................................................................ 38
2.5 Wealth and Well-Being........................................................................................ 39
2.5.1 Growth in Wealth and Sustainable Development........................................... 39
2.5.2 GDP and Wealth.................................................................................................. 40
2.5.3 Income and Wealth.............................................................................................. 41
2.5.4 Growth in Wealth as an Objective of Public Policy........................................
41 Sustainability and Policy Analyses: An Equivalence....................................... 42
2.5.6 Population as an Asset....................................................................................... 42
2.6 Shadow Prices: Further Considerations.......................................................... 43
2.6.1 Externalities......................................................................................................... 43
2.6.2 Scarcity and Time............................................................................................... 45
2.6.3 Estimating Shadow Prices................................................................................. 45
2.6.4 International Trade, Global Assets and Transnational Externalites.......... 47
2.6.5 A Common Misconception.............................................................................. 49
2.7 Natural Capital: Further Considerations........................................................ 49
2.7.1 Valuing Ecosystems........................................................................................... 49
2.7.2 Pollution vs Conservation................................................................................. 50
2.8 Stocks and Flows................................................................................................ 51
2.8.1 What is Investment?........................................................................................... 51
2.8.2 Population Change............................................................................................. 52
2.8.3 Net Domestic Product as a Bound on Consumption................................. 53
2.9 Income-Expenditure and Capital Accounts: Simple Rules......................... 54
2.9.1 Defensive Expenditure...................................................................................... 54
2.9.2 Exploration for Sub-soil Resources................................................................ 55
2.9.3 Pricing Groundwater.......................................................................................... 55
2.9.4 Technological Progress..................................................................................... 56
2.9.5 Education............................................................................................................ 56
2.9.6 Health.................................................................................................................. 56
2.10 The Significance of Green Issues in Developing Countries....................... 57
2.10.1 Economic Growth and the Environment...................................................... 57
2.10.2 Necessities vs. Luxuries..................................................................................... 59
2.10.3 Irreversible Uses.................................................................................................. 60
2.10.4 Substitution Possibilities................................................................................... 61
2.10.5 Ecosystem Resilience........................................................................................ 62
2.10.6 Biodiversity......................................................................................................... 63
2.11 Economic Growth as Growth in Wealth...................................................... 64
Figure 1 : The Practice: GDP and emissions in OECD countries........................... 66
Figure 2 : Concentrations of Sulfur Dioxide............................................................. 66
A1 The Primacy of Forecasts................................................................................ 67
A1.1 Forecasting in a One-Good Economy.......................................................... 67
A1.2 Generalized Forecasts: Resource Allocation Mechanisms......................... 68
A2 Shadow Prices: Formalization......................................................................... 70
A2.1 Consumption Goods........................................................................................ 70
A2.2 Capital Assets.................................................................................................... 70
A2.3 Special Features of Shadow Prices............................................................71
A3 Shadow Prices under Uncertainty................................................................. ..72

IV | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

A4 The Measurement of Wealth........................................................................... 74
A4.1 Equivalence of Wealth and Well-Being....................................................... 74
A4.2 Sustainability Analysis Over Intervals of Time............................................ 75
A4.3 What Does Investment Measure?................................................................... 75
A4.4 Is Time a Separate Asset or Should Shadow Prices Subsume it?............... 75
A4.5 Wealth per capita as an Approximate Index.................................................. 77
A4.6 The World Bank’s Alternative Measure of Wealth...................................... 78
A5 Inadequacies of GDP and HDI in Economic Evaluation......................... 79
A5.1 GDP.................................................................................................................... 79
A5.2 HDI..................................................................................................................... 79
A6 Fugitive Resources............................................................................................. 81
A6.1 Percolation of Oil, Natural-Gas, and Ground Water................................... 81
A6.2 Fishery................................................................................................................. 82
A6.3 Diffusion of Atmospheric Pollution.............................................................. 83
A6.4 Rivers................................................................................................................... 83
A7 Human-Nature Interactions............................................................................. 84
A7.1 Ecological Thresholds and Catastrophes........................................................ 84
A7.2 Common Pool Resources................................................................................. 86
A8 Exploration and Discoveries............................................................................ 89
A9 Education............................................................................................................ 91
A10 Health.................................................................................................................. 92
A10.1 Health as Consumption.................................................................................... 92
A10.2 Health as Extension of Life............................................................................ 93
A10.3 From VSL to Health Capital........................................................................... 94
A11 The Attraction of GDP and Conspicuous Consumption.......................... 96
A11.1 GDP as a Strategic Weapon............................................................................ 96
A11.2 The Desire for Status....................................................................................... 97
Figure 3 : Quadratic Growth Function............................................................................................. 99
Figure 4 : Quadratic Ecosystem Service............................................................................................ 99
Annexe................................................................................................................................................. 100
Chapter 3: India's National Accounts and the System of Environmental
Economic Accounting.................................................................................................... 110
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................ 111
3.2 Measuring Income and Wealth........................................................................ 111
3.2.1 Gross Domestic Product.................................................................................... 112
3.2.2 Net Domestic Product........................................................................................ 113
3.2.3 Measuring Aggregate Investment through Accumulation Accounts ......... 113
3.3 National Accounts in India............................................................................... 114
3.3.1 India’s National Accounts System.................................................................... 115
3.4 Environmental Considerations in India’s National Accounts Statistics.... 116
3.5 SEEA — System of Environmental-Economic Accounting.................... 120
3.5.1 SEEA Central Framework................................................................................ 123
3.5.2 Differences between SNA and the SEEA Central Framework................... 125

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | V

3.5.3 Accounts in the SEEA.........................................................................................126
A1 Capital Formation, Capoital Stock and Consumption of Fixed Capital..128
A2 Changes in India’s National Accounts based on SNA 1993 and 2008....130
A3 Correspondence between the institutional sectors of SNA and
Indian Accounts............................................................................................... 131
A4 Historical Background of SEEA...................................................................132
A5 Ecosystem Accounting.................................................................................. 134
A6 SEEA Tables................................................................................................... 135
Chapter 4: Sustainability and the SNA............................................................................................ 139
4.1 Sustainability and the SNA............................................................................... 141
4.1.1 Measuring ‘Inclusive Wealth’............................................................................ 141
4.2 Expanded Net Investment................................................................................ 143
4.3 On Re-de ining the NDP.................................................................................. 144
Chapter 5: Environmental Accounting: Illustrations.................................................................... 147
5.1 Framework for analyzing changes in wealth.................................................. 147
5.2 Land and soil accounts...................................................................................... 150
5.3 Forest Account................................................................................................... 153
5.4 Accounting framework for Agricultural and Pasture Lands........................157
5.5 Accounting framework for Minerals...............................................................159
5.6 Valuation of the Stock of Assets and its Changes...................................... 161
5.7 Valuation of Natural Resources for Accounting......................................... 162
5.7.1 Land.................................................................................................................... 162
5.7.2 Forests................................................................................................................ 162
5.7.3 Agriculture and Pasture Lands....................................................................... 164
5.7.4 Estimating the value of Depreciation of Resources.................................. 165
5.8 Integration with the Supply use Accounts.................................................... 166
5.9 Conclusions and Data Needs.......................................................................... 168
Chapter 6: Implementing Green Accounting in India................................................................ 175
6.1 A Short History of Environmental Accounting in India........................ 177
6.2 Recommendations............................................................................................ 178
6.3 A Word of Caution.......................................................................................... 179
A1 State-level studies on Natural Resource Accounting commissioned
by the CSO............................................................................................................... 180
References.......................................................................................................................................... .183
(i) Government of India Mandate for Expert Group – Composition of Expert
Group and Terms of Reference........................................................................................................ 193
(ii) Minutes of Meetings of the Expert Group......................................................... 198

VI | Green National Accounts in India A Framework


T his Report - on Green National Accounting for India - was commissioned by the
Government of India under the direction of the Prime Minister. I was approached
by Minister Jairam Ramesh, then at the Ministry of Environment and Forests, to
Chair an Expert Group he was in the process of assembling with a mandate to produce the
Report. The Expert Group was constituted on August 4, 2011. The Group met in New Delhi
on three occasions (23 August 2011, 16-17 April 2012, and 6-7 December 2012), but from
the beginning Members have maintained regular correspondence. The Report's form and
structure evolved as we discussed the underlying issues; indeed a number of the technical
appendices grew from a written response to a simple query, through many revisions and
expansions, into their final shape. And in one case a chapter was formed and included on
the basis of a Member's brief observations over a practical matter. In order to make the
Report self-contained, we have developed the theoretical arguments both informally and
by the aid of formal models.The text has been written in as non- technical a manner as is
possible without obfuscating the analysis. The technical arguments that accompany the
text are provided in the Appendices.It perhaps helped that Members of the Group have
known one another for some time; if not personally, certainly by reputation, but it is a
pleasure to record that our meetings and correspondences have invariably been conducted
with intellectual curiosity and zest, and in good humour.
For our second meeting we invited a number of relevant organizations to make presentations.
They included the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, the Forest Survey of India, the
Central Pollution Control Board, the Ministry of Earth Sciences, the Geological Survey
of India, the Indian Bureau of Mines, the Central Water Commission, the Botanical and
Zoological Survey of India, and the Social Statistics Division of CSO. In addition, Professor
Janakarajan and Dr. Manoj Panda made presentations in their personal capacity. The
Ministry of Environment and Forests also participated in all the meetings and the Group
had the benefit of their contribution. I am grateful to the officers and staff of the Central
Statistics Office, in particular Mr. S.K. Das, Smt. S. Jeyalakshmi, Mr. Ashish Kumar, Dr.
N. Eagambaram, Mr. James Mathew, Mr. S. Suresh Kumar, and P. Sai Manohar, who had
been associated with the work of this Report.
Throughout, our Group has had the benefit of guidance from Mr. V. Parameswaran, Deputy
Director General of the CSO. For nearly two years now, he and I have maintained a regular
and frequent correspondence (sometimes three-to-four e-mails a day) not only over the
shaping of our Report, but also on such practical matters as creating the Agenda for our
meetings. He agreed to prepare a chapter describing India's system of national accounts
(Chapter 3) against whose backdrop we were develop our recommendations, and he agreed
too to prepare the final set of recommendations (Chapter 6). This Report could not have
been prepared but for his engagement.
For me personally, involvement with the Report has been revelatory. I am an economic theorist
by training and inclination and have led a most sheltered life in academia. So, the ease and
warmth with which real experts in specialized fields distant from my own welcomed me into
their midst and advised me on matters in their subjects of specialization was something I had
not expected. The Report's theme is close to my own research engagement, so I was naturally
attracted to the task of Chairing the Expert Group, but it is the personal involvement among
experts in diverse disciplines, with widely differing experiences, that have been the most
memorable. For all that I am grateful.

Partha Dasgupta (Chairman)

St John's College
March 22, 2013

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | VII

Expert Group Members
Dr. T.C.A. Anant (Convenor), Secretary and Chief Statistician of India, M/o Statistics and
Programme Implementation, New Delhi
Dr. Kaushik Basu, Former Chief Economic Advisor, Government of India and presently Senior
Vice President and Chief Economist, Development Economics, World Bank, Washington DC
Dr. Kanchan Chopra, Former Director and Professor, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi and
Presently Visiting Professor, TERI University, New Delhi.
Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta (Chairman), Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics, University
of Cambridge, and Professorial Research Fellow, Sustainable Consumption Institute.
Dr. Nitin Desai, Former Chief Economic Advisor, Government of India.
Prof. Haripriya Gundimeda, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences,
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai
Dr. Vijay Kelkar, Chairman, India Development Foundation, New Delhi
Mr. Ramesh Kolli, Ex-Additional Director General, National Accounts Division, Central Statistics
Office, New Delhi
Dr. Kirit Parikh, Former Member, Planning Commission, and presently Director, Integrated
Research and Action for Development (IRADe), New Delhi
Dr. Pronab Sen, Former Chief Statistician of India, Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation, and Principal Advisor, Planning Commission, and presently Chairman, National
Statistical Commission, Government of India, Delhi.
Dr. Priya Shyamsundar, Program Director, South Asian Network for Development and
Environmental Economics (SANDEE), c/o ICIMOD, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal
Dr. E. Somanathan, Professor, Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi
Prof. K. Sundaram, Former Professor, Delhi School of Economics and Presently Chairman,
Advisory Committee on National Accounts Statistics of Government of India

VIII | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Chapter 1

Executive Summary

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 1

Executive Summary

N ational accounts are descriptors.

They describe the state of an
economy and form the raw material
for both assessing performance and prescribing
policy. National accounts are meant to contain
many other items of significance will continue
to remain missing. If the recommendations of
the Report were accepted, economic evaluation
would continue to involve cutting corners. But
it is essential for good practice to know where
the kinds of information that are essential for the corners that are being cut happen to be.
economic evaluation. That is why in this Report we dive extensively
into the conceptual foundations of economic
The system of national accounts currently in evaluation. In any event, data are collected only
use throughout the world, however, suffers when there is demand for them, and the point
from extreme narrowness. Vast quantities of remains that improvements to the framework
information relevant for economic evaluation for national accounts can be made even now.
do not appear in them. Some don't because The ideal, which is what we construct here,
the appropriate data are hard, even impossible, should not be an enemy of good practice. Such
to collect; but others don't because until improvements as are feasible today would be
recently the theory and practice of economic partial but would nevertheless be an advance.
evaluation didn't ask for them. The demand The Report suggests a number of ways in
for green national accounts has arisen because which that can be achieved.
of a growing recognition that contemporary
national accounts are an unsatisfactory basis The system of national accounts (SNA)
for economic evaluation. The qualifier "green" that are still being developed by the United
signals that we should be especially concerned Nations and their affiliated international
about the absence of information on society's agencies contain very few of the additions and
use of the natural environment. reclassifications we suggest here. A number of
our recommendations do appear in the satellite
In this study - henceforth, the Report - we system of environmental and economic
provide an outline of what would ideally be accounts (SEEA). There are, however,
needed for a comprehensive set of national serious shortcomings with the classification
accounts. We show that national governments scheme favoured even in the SEEA. The
and international agencies ought to go beyond Report suggests ways in which the SEEA can
even green national accounts, by reclassifying more readily serve the purposes of economic
certain classes of goods and services and evaluation. Given our remit, we say little on the
adding others that are currently missing. For income side of the ledger. The focus of the
the present the ideal can be approximated at Report is instead on (the parallel) systems of
best very crudely. Data on many items that production and expenditure accounts. We will
ought to be included will of necessity appear see though that several of the Propositions that
only in physical terms for some time, while are derived in Chapter 2 and its Appendices

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 3

are best expressed as a mixture of aspects of recommendations of this Report with the way
production and expenditure accounts. data are collated in India's SNA and requirements
as per SEEA. They will confirm that it isn't self-
1.1 National Accounts and the Idea evident how the recommendations are to be
of the Good framed in ways consistent with contemporary
It wouldn't do to suggest improvements to national accounts.
national accounts on an ad hoc basis. Readers Chapter 4 is transitional. It identifies the
of the Report would expect us to offer moves that will need to be undertaken if the
reasons in support of our recommendations. existing system of national accounts in India
Fortunately, it isn't hard to provide those is to adapt to the ideas developed in Chapter
reasons. It isn't hard, because as we go about 2. Chapter 5 illustrates the problems, and the
our daily lives, we citizens carry with us a possibilities that exist, with the help of a partial
conception of the good that includes not set of data from the Indian states, pertaining
only ourselves and our contemporaries, but to forests, minerals, and various categories of
also the well-being of future generations. We land. Finally, Chapter 6 provides a map of
approve of some aspects of our society but the steps that will be required if the Report's
deplore others, and at times we even subscribe recommendations are to be adapted to India's
to the idea of the "common good". National national accounts.
accounts should ideally be so constructed that
they permit citizens in their private capacity
1.2 Economic Growth as Growth
and as government officials to sift evidence in Wealth
in ways that inform their ethical perspectives.
Economic evaluation requires data, to be sure, The Report's central conclusion is that adjusting
but it also requires a conception of the good. for population, the coin on the basis of which
More tellingly, without a conception of the economic evaluation should be conducted is a
good we wouldn't know what data we should comprehensive notion of wealth (adjusted for
seek to study. The conceptual foundations of the distribution of wealth in the economy), not
national accounts are constructed in Chapter gross domestic product (GDP)1 , nor the many
2 of the Report. The Appendix to Chapter 2 other ad hoc indicators of human well-being
contains proofs of propositions that form the that have been advanced in recent years, such
foundations. Chapter 3 provides outlines of the as the United Nations' Human Development
production and expenditure systems currently Index (HDI). By wealth we mean the social
in place in the system of national accounts value of an economy's stock of capital assets,
(SNA) in India and salient features of SEEA comprising (i) reproducible capital (commonly
Central Framework adopted by UNSD. known as "manufactured capital": roads, ports,
cables, buildings, machinery, equipment, and so
Readers will wish to compare and contrast the forth), (ii) human capital (population size and

Here we do not distinguish between gross domestic product and gross national product, because the distinction
has no bearing on the points we wish to highlight here.

4 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

composition, education, health), and (iii) natural are collected and arranged. The equivalence
capital (ecosystems, land, sub-soil resources, relationships do not pre-suppose any particular
and so on)2. We show in particular that changes conception of intergenerational well-being; they
in the circumstances of an economy should are valid under as general a set of circumstances
be judged on the basis of their effect on the as can be. What the ethical conception adopted
economy's wealth per capita, adjusted for the by a government or the citizen does influence
distribution of wealth.3 We are able to so are the (social) values to be imputed to capital
argue because we show that wealth per capita assets. So, although the centrality of wealth in
is the mirror image of intergenerational well- economic evaluation is value-neutral, estimates
being averaged across the generations. To of wealth are inevitably value-laden. If the
put it in other words, wealth per capita tracks latter feature should seem overly unpractical
intergenerational well-being averaged across for the purposes of hard-headed national
the generations exactly: the former increases accounting, we should remind ourselves that to
over a period of time if and only if the latter rely on market prices in economic evaluation,
increases over that same period of time. This as is the norm when the SNA is put to use, is to
equivalence forms the basis for what may be adopt the viewpoint that market prices reflect
called sustainability analysis. the social values of goods and services.

The Report also shows that the coin on the basis The Report shows that by "economic growth"
of which we should judge policy changes - such we should mean growth in wealth per capita,
as changes in taxes, trade, and the undertaking not growth in per capita GDP; and by
of investment projects - is also wealth. It is well "inclusive economic growth" we should mean
known of course that the criterion that ought "inclusive growth in wealth". It can easily be
ideally to be used to evaluate, say, an investment that a society enjoys growth in GDP per capita
project is the Present Discounted Value (PDV) and/or an improvement in its HDI even while
of the flow of social profits arising from it. experiencing a decline in its per capita wealth.
What is perhaps not commonly known is that Of course, the reverse can happen too. That
the PDV in question is the change in wealth said, the aim of a society should not be to
brought about by the project. That means the maximize the rate of growth of wealth per
PDV of the flow of social profits arising from capita, but rather to identify a desirable rate.4
an investment project is positive if and only if
the project gives rise to an increase in wealth. 1.3 The Idea of Investment
The Report argues that the pair of equivalence Wealth is a stock, whereas the rate of change in
("if and only if") relationships just mentioned wealth over time is a flow. Changes in wealth are
should serve as the conceptual foundation of brought about by investment. Wealth increases
national accounts and influence the way data if and only if aggregate net investment is

What we are calling “wealth” has been named “comprehensive wealth” by Arrow et al. (2012) and “inclusive wealth” by
For ease of exposition we drop the qualifier “corrected for the distribution of wealth” in what follows.
An early, incisive treatise on the idea of optimum economic development was Chakravarty (1969). Understandably, he
didn’t characterise that development in terms of wealth. The two equivalence relationships just mentioned in the text were
discovered many years later.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 5

positive. So investment is a flow. That much What about institutions, knowledge, culture,
is obvious. In common parlance though, the religion, and norms and practices. In common
word "investment" has a remarkably limited parlance today the notion of "capital assets"
range. The concept embodies a sense of extends even to those durable objects. And yet
robust activism. When the government invests we have not included them on the list of assets
in roads, for example, the picture that's drawn that comprise wealth. The Report explains why
is one of bulldozers levelling the ground and argues that it is more appropriate to view
and tarmac being laid. But that is because them rather as the social infrastructure within
national income statisticians have traditionally which the more grounded assets (categories (i)-
limited the term's use to the accumulation of (iii), listed above) get allocated and are put to
reproducible capital.5 As the Report finds use. What we are calling an economy's "social
it necessary to extend the notion of capital infrastructure" should be seen as comprising
beyond reproducible assets to include human enabling assets.
capital and natural capital, it recommends that
we stretch the notion of "investment". To leave All this has further implications.
a forest unmolested so as to enable it to grow
would be to invest in it. To allow a fishery to 1.4 Green GDP is a Misnomer
restock under natural conditions would be to Define net domestic product (NDP) as GDP
invest in the fishery. And so on. That suggests minus the depreciation of capital assets. By
investment amounts to deferred consumption. "depreciation" we mean not only the wear and
But the matter is subtler. To provide food to tear of buildings and equipment, we mean also
the undernourished not only increases their the loss of human capital (the onset of physical
current well-being, but also enables them to and mental disabilities; death) and physical
be more productive in the future. The latter depletion and quality degradation of natural
feature makes even consumption among capital. The Report shows that aggregate
the poorest of people, at least in part, an net investment, as defined above, would be
investment. Estimating aggregate investment is positive if and only if aggregate consumption
a formidable, even an impossible task. Corners was not to exceed NDP. Making use of the
will have to be cut ruthlessly. In this Report we finding that the coin with which economic
explain why and offer leads on how. evaluation should be conducted is wealth per
capita, we obtain an operational notion of
By investment we mean net investment.
Formally, net investment in an asset is any "sustainable development": Development
increase in the flow of services it can provide would be sustained over a period of time if and
over its lifetime. Net investment is therefore only if aggregate net investment per capita was
the value of the rate at which the asset's stock positive. We should stress that by "aggregate net
changes. Aggregate net investment over a brief investment per capita" we don't mean aggregate
period of time (e.g., a year) equals the change net investment divided by population size, we
in the economy's wealth over the period. mean instead the social value of the change in
per capita stocks of assets. Estimating stocks is

The term “gross capital formation” is even more restrictive. It doesn’t reflect the depreciation of reproducible

6 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

no doubt hard work, but the Report insists it "conservation" and "pollution". We argue that
should not be avoided. The term "green GDP" "pollutants" are best seen as the reverse side
is thus an utter misnomer. of "natural capital". The way to conceptualise
"pollution" is to turn one's mind to the
To illustrate, consider a closed economy with depreciation of capital assets pollution brings
constant population. Suppose in a given year in its wake. Acid rains damage forests; industrial
it invests 40 billion dollars in reproducible seepage and discharge reduce water quality in
capital, spends 20 billion dollars on education, streams and underground reservoirs, killing
and depletes and degrades its natural capital fisheries and damaging human health; sulfur
by 70 billion dollars. The economy's SNA emissions corrode buildings and structures and
would record the 40 billion dollars as harm human health; and so on. The damage
investment ("gross capital formation"), the 20 inflicted on each type of asset (forests, fisheries,
billion dollars as a component of aggregate human health, and buildings, respectively)
consumption, and remain silent on the 70 should be interpreted as a depreciation of that
billion dollars of loss in stocks of natural asset. The Report advances practical methods
capital. The accounting methods advocated by for estimating depreciation (Appendices 7-10
our Report, in contrast, would reclassify the 20 to Chapter 2).
billion dollars as expenditure in the formation
of human capital ("investing in the young", as 1.6 The Salience of GDP
the saying goes) and the 70 billion dollars as
disinvestment in natural capital. Aggregating GDP routinely gets a bad press these days.
over them and assuming that expenditure on But it has a tenacious hold on our economic
education is a reasonable approximation of sensibilities. It isn't hard to see why. Among the
gross human-capital formation (which would reasons for studying the economic performance
be to cut a corner in every economy we know!), in terms of GDP is that the index serves to
the methods advocated here would conclude estimate the gap between potential and actual
that owing to the disinvestment, the economy's outputs. Moreover time series of GDP enable
wealth will have declined over the year by 10 one to study household and corporate behaviour.
billion dollars (and that's before taking note of A further reason is that Finance Ministers
the depreciation of reproducible and human need to know their respective economies' tax
capital). Aggregate consumption during the base, and GDP provides a foot-hold for that.
year would, equivalently, be found to have At the international sphere, a growing GDP
exceeded NDP. We should conclude that wins a country prestige and possibly leverage
development was unsustainable that year. in negotiations over economic and political
matters. Each is a compelling reason. But we
should note that the race to improve one's
1.5 Pollution is the Reverse of
position in the GDP league table resembles the
proverbial "problem of the commons" (in the
Because the Report is on "greening" national present example, a "rat race"), so all countries
accounts, much attention is paid here to lose.
discussing ways of measuring the value of
environmental resources (Annexe to Chapter Our Report is on national accounts and we
2). The Report offers a unified view of assume that the international race in question

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 7

will continue in the foreseeable future. In suggested that to estimate depreciation and
any event, we don't recommend that national obsolescence, as would be required if aggregate
accountants should abandon GDP. We argue net investment is to be estimated, would be to
nevertheless that to ignore depreciation of introduce errors. It should be borne in mind
reproducible capital and the degradation though that 60 years ago estimates of national
of natural capital is indefensible practice in incomes were subject to uncertainties of a
economic evaluation concerning the long magnitude people are minded to think no
run. As noted above, it can be that GDP per longer exists in current estimates. In any event,
capita grows for a while even as wealth per contemporary estimates of national income are
capita declines. What would be impossible is taken too much at face value. Official estimates
for wealth per capita to decline indefinitely are silent on the proportion of incomes that
while GDP per capita increases ceaselessly. are unrecorded. National accountants may
That's impossible because in due course the have suspicions of how much goes unrecorded,
productive base of the economy, which is but those very suspicions would be subject to
what wealth measures, would have little left to substantial errors.
further degrade and depreciate.
1.7 Shadow Prices as Social Values
The simplest illustration of that truth is a small
To estimate wealth one needs ideally to impute
economy of constant population whose income
a social value to every capital asset, multiply
is based solely on the export of an exhaustible
each asset's stock (measured in terms of either
resource. Imagine that the export price is
quantity or quality) by its social value, and add
expected to remain constant, say, because
across all the assets. The social value of an
the rest of the world is able to manufacture
asset is called its shadow price. Shadow prices
a perfect substitute for the resource at a
are the link between a society's well-being and
constant unit price. Imagine also that owing
its capital assets.
to bad governance all export revenues are
consumed. It would follow that the country's That ideal can't be expected to be attained.
GDP equals aggregate consumption. NDP, One should doubt that it is possible to put a
however, would be zero at all times because price on natural capital of cultural or religious
consumption would always equal depreciation significance such as sacred groves. Societies
of the economy's sole asset. Wealth meanwhile usually "ring fence" them against encroachment.
would be declining, at a rate equal to the export They are taken to be of unbounded value
revenue. So, intergenerational well-being would and are not to be defiled. The use of shadow
be declining. Imagine now that the national prices in national accounts would be perfectly
policy is to raise exports annually. In that case consistent with that practice.
GDP (aggregate consumption) would increase
annually. But it would not be possible to persist Shadow prices assumed prominence in the
with the policy indefinitely. In due course GDP 1970s in a literature that codified methods for
evaluating public investment projects. But the
would have to decline because of the ever
concept proved to be controversial. The reason
dwindling resource stock.
is that market prices are out there and can be
Measuring depreciation is hard. So it is frequently observed, which makes them "hard" objects. In

8 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

contrast shadow prices have to be estimated, weakness, involving weak property rights,
involving both value judgments and an all ambiguous rules of engagement, the exercise
too uncertain knowledge of socio-economic of raw power, and so forth.
processes that are needed to be uncovered if
we are to peer into the economy's future. That A resource's shadow price is the sum of its
makes shadow prices "soft".6 There is then an market price and the externalities that are
understandable temptation to identify shadow associated with its use. The Annexe to Chapter
prices with market prices and avoid talking 2 reviews techniques that have been developed
about the former altogether. But to justify that for estimating shadow prices. Most such
particular move requires of us to imagine that techniques are confined to what may be called
markets on their own are able to implement consumption "amenities", such as recreation.7
the allocation of resources on the basis of an The problem is, the bulk of what comprise
exercise in economic evaluation that concerned natural capital are factors of production; they
citizens and public officials would subscribe are not amenities. Natural capital enables
to. Among other things it would require of us humanity to obtain food, fibres, and clean
to imagine that markets are able to aggregate water; protects us against natural hazards such
current uncertainties about future possibilities as storms; and is crucial in such processes as
in an adequate manner. the nutrient, water, and carbon cycles, and
soil formation. Appendices 7-10 to Chapter
To someone interested in greening national 2 provide outlines of ways to estimate the
accounts, the assumption doesn't make the shadow price of non-amenities.
cut. Market prices of environmental resources
are usually very poor approximations of their There is unfortunately a dearth of good
shadow prices. The reason lies in the ubiquity empirical work on shadow prices of natural
of externalities, which are the unaccounted capital as factors of production. The Report
for consequences for other (including future finds, for example, that there have been woefully
generations) of decisions made by each of us few empirical estimates of the value of natural
on consumption, production, and use of the ecosystems in India.8 The lacuna is in urgent
natural environment. Consider that in the case need of repair. For the foreseeable future we
of resources to which there is open access, expect stocks and flows of ecological resources
such as the oceans and the atmosphere as sinks to continue to appear in SEEA without their
for waste products, the market price is zero attendant shadow prices (Chapters 3-4 and 6).
even while the shadow price is significantly In Chapter 5 we describe how that can be done,
positive. That's known as the "tragedy of the by constructing a framework for presenting
commons." To be sure, it is an extreme case, but assets accounts for forests and for various
in humanity's use of the natural environment, categories of land.
externalities are the rule, not the exception. There is a further problem in estimating the
More generally, externalities reflect institutional shadow price of natural capital:

For reflections on the controversy over the use of shadow prices in project evaluation, see Little and Mirrlees (1991).
Freeman (2002) is the recognised treatise on the subject.
This is confirmed by Government of India Report (2012) on expanding the basis of national accounts in India.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 9

The physicist Steven Weinberg once wrote that two can be so large that the correct procedure
when you have seen one electron, you have would be to estimate what the definition of
seen them all. The same cannot be said of net investment in an asset tells us to estimate,
natural capital, which is inevitably site specific. which is the (shadow) value of the change in the
A village pond in West Bengal isn't the same quantity (or quality) of that asset. This is proved
as a seemingly identical pond in Kerala. The in Appendix 7 of Chapter 2. In the foreseeable
collection and maintenance of micro-level future though, using expenditures to reflect the
data is of the utmost importance. The lives value of the resulting accumulation may be a
of people are tied to their local environmental necessary compromise.
resource-base, which means shadow prices
of natural capital are site specific. No doubt In income-expenditure accounts, GDP as
aggregation is a necessity in the preparation of customarily defined is often called final
national accounts, but the spatial heterogeneity demand. NDP is GDP minus depreciation
of ecosystems should always be kept in mind. of capital assets, which is a familiar enough
We noted earlier that "inclusive growth" should notion; but the Report shows that it is a lot
mean inclusive growth in wealth. The Report less straightforward than is generally assumed.
argues that to implement inclusive growth Complications arise because of the extended
requires that policy makers pay particular sense in which the term "asset" ought to be
attention to the processes that connect rural used. Thus, our analysis has implications for
poverty to the state of the local environmental the way national accounts should interpret
resource-base. certain types of expenditures. We illustrate with
six examples here, involving the conversion
of natural capital into reproducible capital,
1.8 Illustrative Rules
defensive expenditure, exploration for sub-soil
As wealth is a stock, particular attention is paid deposits, and expenditures on education and
in this Report to capital accounts. Under ideal health.
circumstances (viz, an optimizing economy)
the (shadow) value of expenditure on the 1. If a wetland is drained so as to make way for
accumulation of an asset would equal the a shopping mall, the SNA would record the
(shadow) value of the resulting accumulation. latter as an investment and remain silent on
That way the accumulation of one type of the former. The Report shows that draining
asset would exactly match the prevention of the wetland would be a disinvestment and
the accumulation of another (the expenditure) should be so recorded.9
- which is the classic rule for asset management.
In those circumstances the expenditure in 2. By "defensive expenditure" we mean
terms of one asset could be used to estimate resources devoted to reducing the impact
the accumulation of the other. But in the world of environmental damage on health,
as we know it the discrepancy between the machinery and structures, and natural
capital. The Report argues that such

In an optimally managed economy the two would cancel each other and wealth would remain unaffected.

10 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

expenditure should be deducted from shadow value of changes in the quantity of
final demand. Not to do so would be to that asset (Appendix 10 of Chapter 2). The
record final demand as rising even while Report develops methods for estimating
wealth remains constant, possibly even the value of health. As with in case of
declining.10 education, expenditure on health in turn
should be seen as an expense that prevents
3. Costs of exploration (for sub-soil the accumulation of other forms of capital.
resources) are the mirror image of defensive
expenditures, in that the costs are incurred
1.9 Transition to an Improved
so as to augment the resource base. We show System of National Accounts
that exploration costs should be deducted
from final demand, but that the value of Readers will wish to contrast the data
new discoveries should be included. The requirements in the national accounts espoused
two are typically not the same. in Chapters 2 and 4 with the codification in
Chapter 3 of the data that are sought and
4. Depletion of exhaustible resources collated in India's SNA and SEEA. Chapter
amounts to depreciation of natural capital 4 provides an outline of the contrasts. The
and should be so recorded. chapters show that it isn't self-evident how
the recommendations of our Report are
5. It is customary to regard private expenditure to be framed in ways that are consistent
on education as consumption and to speak with contemporary national accounts. Even
of government expenditure on education the restricted enlargement of assets in the
as "investment in the young". This is illustrations in Chapter 5 reveals that several
an awkward practice. We show that the reclassifications will need to be undertaken
appropriate procedure would be to regard within the SNA.
education as the formation of human
capital and to estimate the shadow value But the required enlargements and
of changes in the quantity of that asset reclassifications in question cannot be achieved
(Appendix 9 of Chapter 2). Education overnight. In Chapter 6 we provide a map of
expenditure in turn should be seen as an the steps that will be required to be taken if the
expense that prevents the accumulation of Report's recommendations are to be adapted
other forms of capital. to India's national accounts. The chapter
provides a brief account of the initiatives
6. It is customary to regard private expenditure that are being undertaken in India toward the
on health as consumption and government development of green accounting. The Report
expenditure on health as the supply of a asserts that the adaptation process needs to
merit good. We show that the appropriate be informed by three considerations, namely,
procedure would be to regard health as a (a) the reclassifications and extensions should
form of human capital and estimate the conform to the internal logic of the SNA, (b)

An outline of an SEEA in an optimizing economy where defensive expenditure is undertaken was provided by Mäler

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 11

they reflect a continued improvement in our present a feasible transition path to an ever-
understanding of socio-ecological processes, improving system, but caution that even if
and (c) they are based on data that exist or figures for physical stocks were available, the
are obtainable with a reasonable degree of deep problem of estimating shadow prices
accuracy. would remain. The issue isn't merely one of
uncertainty about the role environmental
1.10 A Word of Caution resources play in production and consumption
Our strategy in this Report has been to begin possibilities, it is also a matter of differences
by providing an outline of an ideal system of among people in their ethical values. Wealth
accounts (an "ideal SNA", so to speak) and estimates should be presented as bands, not
from there to show step by step how very far exact figures. That people may never agree on
the current system is from the ideal and how the wealth of nations is however no reason for
far it can be expected to remain from it. We abandoning wealth as the object of interest in
policy and sustainability analyses.

12 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Chapter 2

Conceptual Foundations

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 13

Conceptual Foundations
2.1 Economic Evaluation E are prompted by the need to prescribe policy.
Economic evaluation is an essential activity. Because any change in policy is a perturbation
We evaluate our own household's economic to "business as usual", obtaining an answer to
circumstance, we worry that green is a C is essential if we are to respond to questions
vanishing colour in our cities, we are puzzled D and E.
by the growing inequality in living standards in Assessment should precede prescription. It
much of the world, we are concerned about could be foolish to look for improvements if
the character of economic development in an economy is doing well, for there would be
our own country, and we have views on the a risk of making things worse. If on the other
role mutual trust, personal honesty, economic hand the economy has been doing badly, we
incentives, and governance play in our lives. should search for policies and institutional
Economic evaluation is also a compulsive changes that are likely to improve matters. An
activity. We commonly discuss the economic immediate problem would arise if we don't
performance of nations and of states within know what to look for when evaluating the
our nation with our friends and neighbours, economy's performance. National accounts are
read reports and commentaries in newspapers crucial for this. They are needed if we are to
and magazines, listen to the views of experts address any of the five questions.
on radio and television, and occasionally take We refer to the person doing the evaluation
our concerns to our political representatives. as the social evaluator. The social evaluator
We evaluate economies so as to assess and could be a citizen, thinking about things before
prescribe, and we do so because we are curious casting his vote on political candidates; she
to know answers to five questions: could be an ethicist employed to offer guidance
(A) How is the economy doing? to the government; he could be a government
official; and so on. Being a social evaluator,
(B) How has it been doing in recent years? the person takes into account the interests and
desires of others, not just those of his or her
(C) What should our forecast of the economy's own self.
performance be under "business as usual"?

(D) How is the economy likely to perform 2.1.1 Human Well-Being

under alternative policies? In our Report we take it that the currency in
which the evaluation is done is human well-
(E) Which policies should we support? being. Contemporary people count, but so do
future people: societies live on even though
Questions A and B direct us to assess the
people don't. The inclusion of future people
performance of economies. Questions D and
means that an evaluation of matters that runs

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 15

from the present into the future requires a insects provide us before we are willing to
forecast of future numbers of people. The accommodate them in our garden without
kinds of economic evaluation we consider in complaint. When we are so reminded, we
this Report require demographic forecasts.11 come to value those life forms in terms of the
benefits they offer us. But that's only to look at
Restriction to human well-being would their instrumental worth, not at their existential
no doubt appear limiting. There are moral worth independent of how we regard them.
conceptions that include the interest of all
sentient beings. Most of us adhere to them Beyond the recognition that species, not just
from time to time. We sometimes protect individual sentient beings, have value, we have
other life forms because not to do so would be nothing concrete to say in this Report about
collectively unconscionable. When we citizens those wider ethical considerations. And so,
reject proposals to convert wetlands into urban because this Report is aimed at developing the
thoroughfares that would harm migratory logic underlying a comprehensive system of
birds, we reject them not only because we care national accounts, we say nothing further about
about the birds, but also because we believe the those wider ethical considerations. It should be
flocks matter independently of all else. When evident though that to neglect those aspects of
governments deny logging permits because our value system would be to practice economic
deforestation would hurt endangered species, evaluation in a way that is biased against non-
they do so not necessarily because people feel human lives. Citizens who are moved to include
personally affected by the extinction of species, the value of other life forms in economic
but because concerned citizens urge them to evaluation would wish to add those values to
do the right thing. the often opposing demands made on behalf
of human interests.
Regrettably such ethical sensitivities in the
modern world don't usually go beyond visible
2.1.2 Eliciting Well-Being: Constituents
life forms. We protest against further damage and Determinants12
to the habitats of tigers, cranes, spotted owls,
and rare orchids, and we like to protect warm How is the social evaluator to elicit human
and cuddly animals such as pandas. But when well-being? Scholars have studied the question
it comes to invisible life forms and organisms by asking variously:
that annoy modern life-styles, that sense of the (i) What is the human good?
worth of species doesn't quite make the cut.
We begin to value the myriad forms of bacteria (ii) What do people care about?
only when natural scientists tell us of the vital
role they play in the functioning of the Earth (iii) What do people say when asked how they
System - decomposing organic waste, driving are, or how they feel?
the nitrogen cycle, and so on. And we have
(iv) What considerations do people take into
to be reminded of the pollinating services
account when choosing?

Evaluating population policies would require a study of alternative forecasts of future numbers and their consequences.

Sections 1.2-1.4 are based on Dasgupta (2012a).


16 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

(v) What do they choose? (ii). Applications of revealed preference theory
are rather like reverse engineering. But with a
It is tempting to assume that one can move difference: the econometric methods that are
seamlessly from (i) to (v) and back. But (i) is a almost always deployed for drawing conclusions
deep question in ethics, while (ii) is prompted about the structure of the postulated answer
by the need to understand human desires and to (ii) are such that it isn't possible to judge
aspirations, whereas (iii) is about the responses whether the postulate was correct to begin
people make to questionnaires, and (iv) and with. We confirm in subsequent sections that
(v) involve the psychology and sociology of this lacuna matters in the estimation of the
behaviour under (possibly unobservable) social worth of goods and services, especially
constraints. Moralists warn us responses even capital assets.14
to question (ii) may not prove adequate for
answering question (i). They point to potential Questions (i) and (v) suggest there are two
bottlenecks at each link in the chain leading ways to measure individual and thereby social
from (i) to (v), not to mention the chain leading well-being. One is to study its constituents
from (v) to (i). Values and behaviour could (health, happiness, autonomy, security, and the
point to different directions, they say. But no fulfilment of desires), the other is to measure
matter which ethical conception the social it in terms of its determinants (food, clothing,
evaluator subscribes to, it is necessary for her potable water, shelter, access to knowledge and
to have answers to (iv) and (v). That's because information). But the determinants can stand in
she needs to have a sense of the way people are for the constituents in economic evaluation only
likely to respond to changes in policy. In any if they are valued in terms of the constituents
event, without an understanding of behaviour themselves. Simply to be told, for example, that
there can be no ethics. calorie intake among the poorest 1 per cent of
a population has increased by 10 per cent per
To people of democratic persuasion, data person doesn't tell us much. We need to know
on (v) have always been the first step toward the value of that increase in terms of the well-
making sense of (ii). The "theory of revealed being of the poorest 1 per cent. The social
preference," a bedrock of contemporary worth of a determinant is called its "shadow
welfare economics, tells the social evaluator to price", a notion that is developed in Section
postulate the form of an answer to (iv), study 2.4. We also show that in ideal circumstances
data on (v) so as to arrive at empirical estimates economic evaluation, whether conducted in
of the answer to (iv), and use the estimates to terms of the constituents of well-being or in
draw conclusions about the answer to (ii).13 terms of its determinants, would point in the
When governments, international and non- same direction.
governmental organizations use evidence
from national accounts such the size of gross Even so, why waste time measuring well-being
domestic product (GDP) to make inferences indirectly via its determinants, why not measure
about the quality of life, they move from (v) to well-being itself ?

See, for example, Vermeulen (2012) in a recent symposium on revealed preference theory in the Economic
Southerton and Ulph (2013) is a trans-disciplinary collection of essays on consumption behaviour.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 17

2.1.3 Happiness Surveys the findings are not entirely consistent with one
The reason is that measuring well-being another, nor that they haven't revealed fine-
directly, say, through questionnaires (a route grained features of the human experience. On
followed for obtaining answers to question large-scale matters, though, the surveys have
(ii)), is limiting. Large scale surveys, such as proved illuminating. They have shown that a
the World Values Survey, the EuroBarometer, person's income influences his state of mind
and Gallup, which publish responses people (the poor are less happy than the rich), that
give to questions regarding their sense of well- personal security and political participation
being - for example, how happy or secure they matter, that being unemployed or suffering from
feel or how trustworthy they regard others to chronic pain are sources of much unhappiness,
be - provide useful information, but are too and that societies are happier where people are
coarse-grained for use in economic evaluation. more involved in civic activities. Surprisingly,
Thousands of Americans, for example, have the surveys have found that affluent societies
been asked every year or two since 1972 the haven't become much happier even though
question, "Taken all together, how would over the decades their incomes have grown.15
you say things are these days - would you say
The findings do offer guidance to governments.
that you are very happy, pretty happy or not
They tell us, for example, that people care
too happy?" In the Gallup World Poll, which
about their place in the distribution of income
was conducted during 2005-2009, randomly
(perhaps we equate income with status), that
chosen subjects in 155 countries were asked
unconditional growth in GDP should not be
to reflect on their overall satisfaction with life
a social goal, that protection against physical
on a score of 1 to 10. Those who responded
and mental insults raises happiness, and that
with a high score were classified as "thriving".
civic life is a good thing. But they don't say
Respondents were also asked to recall how they
how governments are to identify good forestry
had felt the previous day - whether they had
policies or how to decide whether permission
felt well respected, free from pain, intellectually
should be granted for converting mangroves
engaged, well rested, and so forth. Answers to
into shrimp farms. As always, the Devil is in the
those questions enabled researchers to score
details; and as economic evaluation is in great
the subjects' daily experiences. The percentage
measure a study of details, happiness surveys
of people who were found to be thriving on
are of little use there.
a combined index based on those scores was
then used to rank countries in terms of what Whether happiness should be included in
has been called Gallup's "happiness index". discourses on human well-being depends on the
Happiness indices aggregate personal well- purpose of the exercise. There are democratic
beings and equate personal well-being with theories that don't see the State's business as
reported expressions of happiness. being concerned with citizens' happiness; they
see it rather as ensuring that citizens' material
In view of the scope of the questions posed in
needs and freedoms are met. Devising personal
the surveys, there should be little surprise that

Layard (2005), Clark et al. (2008), Bok (2009), and Graham (2009) contain accounts of the various surveys on

happiness. See also the wide-ranging discussion in Stiglitz, Sen, and Fitoussi (2009).

18 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

projects and advancing one's purposes is the and so forth. Economists have also used prices
individual's business, not the State's; or so the of real estate to estimate the additional price
argument goes.16 residents have revealed as being willing to pay
for residing in locations with more agreeable
That said, ethical theories that ignore surroundings (this is the "hedonic price" method
experiential states are of limited value. It of eliciting preferences over the quality of
would be distinctly odd if we were to value the residential location). That is an example of the
formation of the capacity to prepare life plans "revealed preference" approach to determining
but were indifferent to its realization and the what matters to people. Non-governmental
experiential states that go with its realization. organizations use such information as weapons
Seeking happiness would seem to be a deep- against moves to transform natural habitats
felt need among humans. But that only means into industrial parks.17
questions (iv) and (v) on our previous list are
pertinent in economic evaluation. Observing But there are caveats. The new behavioural
what people choose and do under different economics has recorded that people are
circumstances is one route to addressing frequently inconsistent in their choices,
question (ii). That is one reason why national make simple computational errors, and are
accounts focus on the determinants of well- bad at probabilistic judgments. There is a
being. plethora of evidence, for example, that people
systematically overestimate small risks (air
2.1.4 Revealed and Stated Preferences travel) and underestimate large risks (smoking).
People's responses to questions regarding This may have something to do with an
their "willingness-to-pay" for specific non- inconsistency between beliefs and behaviour
market goods ("stated preferences") reveal (psychologists call it "cognitive dissonance"),
information of direct use to the social evaluator. which results in people changing their beliefs
In democratic societies local governments are to bring them in line with their behaviour,
obliged to determine the extent to which citizens rather than changing their behaviour to bring
care about local public goods such as libraries, it in line with their beliefs. The issue isn't so
parks, and street lights. Usually "willingness- much to do with inadequate information as
to-pay" is expressed in monetary units (i.e., in with the way people process the information
terms of specific bundles of marketed goods they already have. Compulsory safety belts and
and services). Survey methods and statistical the requirement for bike riders to wear helmets
techniques such as Contingent Valuation are "paternalistic" responses to this problem.18
Methods (CVMs) have been developed by Survey methods such as CVMs have also come
environmental economists to elicit citizen's under criticism for their ambiguity (Hausman,
willingness-to-pay for the conservation of 2012). However, surveys have also revealed
natural habitats - wetlands, lakes, woodlands,

Rawls (1972).

The methods are reviewed in the Annexe.


Carlsson and Johansson-Stenman (2012) is an excellent survey of the lessons behavioural economics has for environmental


Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 19

unexpected features in our values that should In contrast, the communitarian trait in us is
inform social ethics, they should not be built on our need to belong, to do as others
regarded as ambiguities. People appear to have do (Bourdieu, 1984; Bourdieu and Passeran,
a more refined notion of what is meant by a 1990). Fads and fashions are a reflection of
commodity than is suggested in economics the trait. But such forms of social preferences
textbooks. For example, the willingness to pay aren't confined to cases where people merely
(for preservation of an object of desire) has desire to conform to the group norm; it can
been found in surveys to differ substantially be that people want to engage in communal
from the willingness to receive (in compensation activities and identify certain commodities
for destruction of that same object). There is that serve as focal points. Commodities whose
evidence too that we value objects especially demand is in part subject to social preferences
if we possess them: we demand more in have been called "relational goods" (Donati,
compensation for parting with an object than we 2011). Religious expenditures, for example, are
are willing to pay for obtaining that same object. built around relational goods. Births, marriages
Neither response is a denial of rationality. Each and deaths must not only be marked, but
points to the fact that commodities should be marked in significant ways. Club goods are
defined more carefully than they typically are in other examples. Food and clothing, reading
national accounts. More broadly, these seeming habits and even reproductive behaviour would
anomalies in our responses should influence appear to be driven at least in part by social
our notions of distributive justice. preferences.20 People responding to surveys
would understate their preference for the
There are seeming anomalies in responses to preservation of, say, mangrove forests if they
surveys that reflect nothing more than that the were not assured that others also would be
surveys were badly designed. As social animals contributing to the preservation.
we are both competitive and communitarian.
The competitive trait is built on the desire for Using survey responses to question (v) for
status (Veblen's "conspicuous consumption"). reaching an understanding of answers to question
In Appendix 11 we confirm that competitive (ii) requires an explicit recognition of competitive
consumption involves a rat race, where each and social preferences. Unfortunately, the
person tries to "out-do" his peers. As all are economic models of consumer motivation that
so involved, no one wins. There is resource are used to make consumer demand forecasts
wastage under competitive consumption. mostly don't allow for either competitive or social
The process resembles the famous Prisoners' preferences. The standard economic model of
Dilemma. To be asked in such an environment the consuming household sees us instead as
how much one would be willing to pay to pure egotists. But to arrive at a conception of
reduce one's air travel is to face an ambiguity: human well-being from that error is to construct
one's answer would depend on whether others a framework for sustainability analysis that
would also reduce their air travel.19 misleads (Dasgupta, 2013).

Competitive consumption sustains an important form of “consumption externalities”. We study externalities
in their general form in Section 2.6.1.
See Dasgupta (1993) for the theory underlying conformism in reproductive behaviour, and Bongaarts and
Watkins (1996) and Jensen and Oster (2009) for empirical confirmation.

20 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

2.1.5 Goods and Services as as consumption goods, capital goods, and
Determinants of Well-Being producer goods. Water is a prime example.
We have drawn a distinction between the Potable water is a consumption good par
constituents and determinants of well-being, excellence. For maintaining hygiene it is
but have offered only commodities as examples a producer good. As a lake or aquifer it is a
of the latter. That's because it has proved capital asset. That water has all those flavours
useful to measure well-being in terms of its doesn't pose a problem so long as we are able
commodity determinants. Institutions and to track them and their contributions to well-
society's social mores are also determinants, of being. Even multiple-counting is a virtue when
course, but they mediate the production and a commodity offers joint benefits. Because
distribution of goods and services. The direct water serves many purposes, its value should
determinants of social well-being are the flows reflect them all.
of consumption goods across present and
The distinction between the constituents and
future people.
determinants of well-being is blurred in the
In contrast, some thinkers have argued that case of some items. Is education a constituent
the determinants of personal well-being are of well-being or is it a determinant? One can
human activities and engagements. Friendships, argue it is both. The acquisition of education
associational activities, meaningful work, and is partly an end in itself and partly a means to
the contemplation of objects and ideas of increasing future incomes by improving skills.
beauty are the basis of living, or so it has been Aristotelian ethics emphasizes the former,
argued, from Aristotle to the present day.21 while the economics of "human capital" lays
stress on the latter. That education has both
The two viewpoints are not at odds. Goods flavours doesn't pose a problem so long as we
and services are necessary inputs in whatever are able to track the two and their contributions
we do; they are also essential inputs in the to well-being. Double-counting is a virtue when
development of the kind of person we would a "commodity" offers joint benefits. Education
like to be. Even leisure requires commodities ought to be counted twice. The same can be
as inputs, including such non-material goods said of health.
as talents and skills. Personal well-being is
therefore dependent on the consumption of 2.1.6 Policy Analysis
goods and services, whether directly or in a
Policy analysis, including project evaluation
"reduced form". Our Report is built on that
(otherwise known as cost-benefit analysis),
addresses questions D and E. The exercise
The distinction between consumption goods involves evaluating an economy at a point in
and the commodities that are inputs in the time, before and after a hypothetical change (the
production of consumption goods is often policy change) has been made to it. The idea is
blurred. There are commodities that serve to judge whether the change, which would be

Moore (1903) is probably the most recognizable exponent of the view in recent centuries. He came very close
to reducing ethics to aesthetics.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 21

expected to have consequences now and in the whether development has been, or is likely to
future, is desirable. Say a government official be, sustainable?
has been asked to determine whether a wetland
should be drained in order to extend a road. The 2.2.1 The Flow of Well-Being
official's task would be to assess the economy Current consumption suggests itself. Debates
with and without the wetland conversion at home or in class rooms, in the media or
and compare the two situations normatively in Parliament, frequently turn on whether
(question D). In principle, policy analysis consumption per capita has maintained
can be used iteratively to identify "optimum" itself over time or whether it is likely to be
development, which is a development path a maintained in future years. People no doubt
society would ideally wish to follow (question worry about the distribution of consumption
E). too, but the point remains they worry about the
Policy analysis has a long and distinguished rate of consumption. A drop in consumption
history, with a rich literature on practical is viewed with alarm because the factors that
methods for evaluating policy change. The directly determine well-being at a point in time
perturbation to be evaluated could be a shift in are the consumption of goods and services.
the prevailing structure of taxes and regulations To use current consumption as the criterion for
(Atkinson and Stiglitz, 1980) or it could be an sustainable development is to focus on the flow
injection of investment in a public project of well-being. So by the flow of societal well-
(Little and Mirrlees, 1974). Social cost-benefit being at a given date we will mean a numerical
analysis is the required method for carrying index of the flow of well-beings of all who are
out policy evaluation. It involves estimating (or are expected to be) present at that date.
the present value of the flow of net social
benefits of the policy change. We return to a A formal account will help. Consider date
study of the "present-value" criterion later in t. Write the population size at t by L(t). If t
this Report. is in the future, L(t) is a forecast; otherwise
it's a datum. Let individuals be labelled by j,
The idea behind policy analysis is clear enough. meaning that j runs from 1 to L(t). Now let
But what is sustainability analysis? Uj(t) denote individual j's well-being at t and
B(t) the flow of societal well-being at t (B for
2.2 Sustainability Analysis, or, the "beneficence"). To say that B(t) is a numerical
Idea of Sustainable Development index of individual well-beings is to say that it
The requirement that an object should be is a numerical function of the Uj(t)s.
sustained over a period of time means it shouldn't
diminish over the period. Sustainability analysis Classical Utilitarianism and its many variants
involves evaluating economic change when the insist that social well-being is the sum of
change is brought about by the passage of time individual well-beings. If we were to accept
itself. The notion of sustainable development that prescription, B(t) would be constructed
is prompted by questions B and C. out of the Uj(t)s as

A further question arises: what should the B(t) = j=1ΣL(t)[Uj(t)]. (1)

social evaluator look for if she is to check

22 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Although equation (1) is in wide use in would be sustained if and only if MEW was
economic evaluation, it has been questioned by non-declining. Jones and Klenow (2010) is a
ethicists.22 It should therefore be reassuring to study in that same spirit.
readers that our Report is not restricted to the
additive form. But because equation (1) is easy As a social objective, however, the flow of
to understand, it may prove helpful to readers societal well-being is adequate neither in policy
to think of B(t) as the sum of the individual analysis nor in sustainability analysis. The
well-beings Uj(t)s. reason is that it doesn't look ahead. The flow
of societal well-being could be high today and
Recall that we are calling the determinants of predicted to increase in the near future even if
well-beings "consumption". If Cj(t) is the flow the long run bodes ill. The point is the flow of
of consumption goods and services enjoyed by societal well-being at a given date, B(t), doesn't
person j at time t, Uj(t) = Uj(Cj(t)).23 Therefore, include the well-beings of people at dates
to insist that B(t) should be sustained would subsequent to t.
be to claim that an appropriate measure of
aggregate consumption must not decline. This particular criticism of what we are calling
The idea then would be to construct an index "the flow of societal well-being" should be
of consumption and study its movement familiar. It will be recalled that the basis on
over time. The index that suggests itself is a which policy analysis has traditionally been
weighted sum of the flow of consumption undertaken isn't the flow of well-being, but
goods and services. The weights are called rather intergenerational well-being. The theory
"shadow prices", which may differ greatly from of social cost-benefit analysis, for example,
market prices (Appendix 2.1). recommends that an investment project be
evaluated on the basis of the PDV of the flow of
Solow (1974) and Hartwick (1977) identified net social benefits it promises to yield. The PDV-
saving rules that ensure aggregate consumption criterion embodies a precise rule for comparing
doesn't decline over time. The authors put present and future prospects with and without the
flesh into an earlier literature on the meaning project. It says that projects should be evaluated
of real national income, a connection we show in terms of their impact on intergenerational
below (Section 2.8.2).24 Empirical work by well-being. Consistency of thought requires
Nordhaus and Tobin (1972) included leisure that we adopt the same underlying ethics in
and the enjoyment of environmental amenities sustainability analysis.
among consumption goods and services. The
authors called their more comprehensive 2.2.2 The Brundtland Commission's
notion of aggregate consumption, MEW View
(Measure of Economic Welfare). Today In their classic Report on Humanity's dependence
Nordhaus and Tobin could be interpreted as on Nature, the Brundtland Commission (World
saying that a society's economic development Commission, 1987) took the future explicitly

The literature is gigantic. Rawls (1972) is the most prominent example.
For brevity we are ignoring social effects, which are discussed in Section 2.6.1 and Appendix 11.2.
The normative significance of national income has been much studied in the literature (Lindahl, 1933; Hicks,
1940; Samuelson, 1961; Mirrlees, 1969; Sen, 1976). Below we show that income misleads.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 23

into account. The Commission re-cast to have access to adequate quantities of assets
questions B and C by interpreting the object of for producing them. Sustainable development
interest to be current and future human needs. in the Commission's sense would then seem to
In an oft-quoted passage the Report defined require that relative to their populations, each
sustainable development as "... development generation should bequeath to its successor an
that meets the needs of the present without access to at least as large a quantity of what may
compromising the ability of future generations be called a society's productive base as it had
to meet their own needs." itself inherited from its predecessor. The stress
is on "access", not "possession", because trade
Say an economy has enjoyed economic growth with others enables an economy to depend on
by investing in buildings, factories, mines, assets it does not itself possess. In the world
and transport facilities. If those investments economy, however, access means possession.
have been accompanied by a depletion of the For simplicity of exposition, we use the term
economy's forests, wetlands, and aquifers, the "possession" in this Report.
social evaluator would wish to ask whether
economic growth there is sustainable or The term "productive base" suggests a full
whether future needs will be compromised. array of capital assets. The Commission could
The widespread acknowledgement today that be interpreted as saying that sustainability
national accounts should include the use and analysis involves tracking movements in an
depletion of the natural environment - we shall economy's portfolio of assets over time. The
call the latter natural capital - can be traced to problem is that it doesn't say how the portfolio
the Brundtland Commission's work. should be aggregated to produce a numerical
index. The reason our social evaluator needs
Notice that the quoted passage from the a numerical index is that she needs to know
Brundtland Commission's Report mentions the rates at which assets can be traded off for
human needs, not human well-being. The one another while preserving the economy's
requirement is that future generations will have productive base. And she knows those rates
no less of the means to meet their needs than have to be derived from somewhere. The
we do ourselves; it doesn't ask for more. As viewpoint we are advancing here is that the
needs are the austere component of well-being, criterion for sustainable development should be
a country's economic development could be intergenerational well-being (which is an index
sustainable in the Commission's sense without of the "constituents" of well-being), and that
it being judged to be optimal, even efficient. the required index of an economy's productive
Notice also that the Commission's definition base (which is an index of the "determinants"
is directed at sustaining the determinants of of well-being) should be derived by analysis.
human needs (food, clothing, shelter, and so on). That derivation would then yield the rates at
Observe though that the determinants would which the assets can be substituted for one
be available only if the society in question were another in economic evaluation. We now study
how that's to be achieved.25
In a literature inspired by the publication of the Brundtland Commission’s Report, some scholars distinguished
between “weak” and “strong” sustainability. By the latter they meant preserving particular types of capital assets, such
as natural capital; whereas the former permits substitution among assets. Lutz (1993) contains a good account of the

24 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

2.2.3 Intergenerational Well-being We may now re-express Definition 1 as
By "intergenerational well-being" we mean
Definition 1a: Economic development is
a numerical index of the well-beings of
sustained during the interval of time [t, t+T] if
present and future people; and by sustainable
V(u+1) ≥ V(u) for all u = t, t+1, ... , t+T-1.
development we will mean a development
path along which intergenerational well-being How many generations should be included in
doesn't decline. We write this formally as V(t)? Even though macroeconomic planning
horizons are often not more than 25 years
Definition 1: Economic development is
(the horizon in India's "Perspective Plans"),
sustained over a period of time if during the
intergenerational well-being V should include
period intergenerational well-being does not
the well-beings of a lot more future generations.
Computable models of global climate change
To make Definition 1 useable in quantitative are today built with a horizon of 100 years or
studies, assume time is divided into discrete more, and theoretical economists routinely
dates, say, years. As previously, let B(t) denote include the whole future! In what follows
the flow of societal well-being at date t. Imagine we don't specify the number of future dates
the social evaluator places herself at that date. that enter the definition of V, but we assume
t would be a past date if her intention was to implicitly that it includes the life-spans of many
conduct sustainability analysis retrospectively generations.
(question B); alternatively it would be the
Sustainable development is a different notion
current or a future date if she wants to study
from optimum development. It is different
the shape of things to come (question C).26
even from "efficient" development. It can be
Intergenerational well-being at t is a numerical that intergenerational well-being V grows in an
measure - we denote it by V(t) - of the flow of inefficient economy; equally, it can be that it
societal well-being at all dates starting at t. We grows in a suboptimal way. Moreover, it can
may therefore write V(t) as V(B(t),B(t+1),...). be that an economy develops in a sustainable
The stream of societal well-beings {B(t), way for a period but is forecast to fail to do
B(t+1), B(t+2), ...} is a forecast at t. That means so subsequently unless better policies are
V(t) is based on a forecast. Being a numerical accepted. And it can be that the economy is
index of present and future well-beings, V(t) is currently following an unsustainable path but
a stock of well-being. In contrast, B(t) is a flow is forecast to reverse that trend.
of well-being (well-being per unit of time).
Prominent ethical conceptions (among which
Let u also denote time, representing any date are the many versions of utilitarianism) say that
beginning at t. So u ≥ t. Let T be the length of V(t) is additive in the B(u)s. Because of the
the period the social evaluator intends to study. practical convenience it affords for economic

Placing herself at a date other than the date she is at is the sort of sympathetic thought-experiment common in

normative discourse.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 25

evaluation, the additive form has proved to be the source of current and future consumptions
attractive. A general additive form, widely in the economy's productive base. An economy
use in economic evaluation, is inherits its productive base from its past. We
confirm below however that "productive base"
V(t) = V(B(t),B(t+1),...) = u=tΣB(u)/(1+δ)(u-t), is not another name for "capital assets". An
δ ≥ 0.27 (2) economy's productive base certainly includes
In words, equations (1) and (2) taken the assets it has inherited from the past, but it
together reflect a moral conception in which includes a lot more. There are components of
intergenerational well-being at any date is an a productive base - the quality of an economy's
additive function of the well-beings of all who institutions is an example - that impart value
are alive at that date and all who are to follow. to capital assets but are not assets themselves
(at least not in a sense that proves fruitful in
Although equation (2) is in wide use in economic economic evaluation). A name is not just a
evaluation, it has been questioned by ethicists.28 name. We classify capital assets in Section 2.3
So it should be reassuring to readers that our and identify those features of a productive
Report is not restricted to the additive form. base that are not capital assets themselves.
Nevertheless, because it is so transparent, and
to many ethicists a persuasive form, we make 2.2.4 The Idea of Wealth
use of equation (2) in the Appendices. Imagine we have been successful in constructing
a numerical index of an economy's capital
Equation (2) expresses intergenerational well-
assets, with the property that its movement
being in terms of its constituents. To see
over time faithfully tracks movements in
how the objective can be expressed in terms
intergenerational well-being. The index could
of its determinants, let C(u) be the flow of
then be used in sustainability analysis. If it is
consumption goods and services at date u.
also discovered that the index is a weighted
As C(u) is a complete list of who consumes
sum of the stocks of capital assets, the social
what at date u, it embodies the determinants of
evaluator could be given the weights and be
B(u). But if experience tells us the future can
required only to estimate changes in the stocks
be relied upon to reveal unexplained needs and
over the period under review. It transpires that
wants, B would also depend on the calendar
the required index in sustainability analysis
date, u. We may then write B(u) as B(C(u),u).
is linear, provided the weights are chosen to
In which case equation (2) becomes
reflect the assets' social scarcity values. The
V(t) = u=tΣB(C(u),u)/(1+δ)(u-t), δ ≥ 0. (3) weights are called shadow prices (Section 2.4)
and the weighted sum is called wealth. An asset's
Equation (3) says that the determinants of V shadow price is the contribution an additional
are current and future consumptions. But they unit would make to intergenerational well-
are only the direct determinants. We will call being, other things being equal. Shadow prices

See for example, Chakravarty (1969), Arrow and Kurz (1970), and Little and Mirrlees (1974). The non-negative number
δ is known as the “pure rate of time preference”. As mentioned in the text, we are deliberately not specifying the number
of dates following t that are to be included in the notion of intergenerational well-being.
The literature is large. Rawls (1972) is a most prominent example.

26 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

connect the determinants of well-being with to be the defining characteristics of capital
its constituents. That offers a hint as to why assets. That assets are durable objects is almost
wealth when suitably estimated can replace implicit in the term. Tangibility is a less obvious
intergenerational well-being in sustainability requirement; but it facilitates measurement,
analysis (Section 2.5). and measurement is a prime requirement of
national accounts. Certainly, those were basic
It transpires that wealth is the object of interest considerations among quantitative economists
even in policy analysis (Section 2.5). The way of the past. Modern economists have followed
we confirm the latter is by showing that the a more difficult trail. We follow them and then
present value of net social benefits of, say, an extend their framework.
investment project is the effect the project is
expected to have on the economy's wealth. Capital assets can be consumer durables
Taken together these findings tell us that policy (houses, television sets) or producer durables
analysis and sustainability analysis are at their (agricultural land, factories, forests). The notion
core the study of asset management. of assets has, however, become more elastic
in recent decades. It has become standard
In order to estimate wealth we need first to practice to regard "knowledge" as a form of
list the items in an economy's productive base capital (but note that it's intangible), education
that are to be included. Let us call those items and health as forms of "human capital" (they
capital assets. We are then required to weight too are intangible), and "institutional", "social",
those assets. The weights are called shadow and "religious" capital (which are not only
prices. We then estimate the weighted sum of intangible, but to many scholars quite beyond
the capital assets. That weighted sum is the the remit of the language of "assets" - Arrow,
economy's wealth. These matters are discussed 2000; Solow, 2000).
sequentially, in Sections 2.3 through to 2.5.
What should be included on the list of capital
2.3 Unravelling the Productive assets is, however, up to a point a matter of
Base convenience. It depends on the purpose to
Classifying the components of an economy's which the notion is put. Here we propose a
productive base is more complex than could classification that is useful in sustainability and
appear to be the case at first blush. Capital assets policy analysis:
are patently a part of what one loosely means (1) Reproducible capital (roads, buildings,
by a "productive base", but there are intangible ports, machinery and equipment).
objects such as institutions that would not fit Reproducible capital is frequently called
the intuitive meaning of "assets" easily and "manufactured capital" and sometimes
yet are a society's backbone. We provide a as "produced capital". Contemporary
classification based on theoretical imperatives. national accounts divide an economy's
We show in this Report that the classification investment in reproducible capital into
has proved invaluable in empirical work. sectoral investments (manufactures,
mining, forestry, agriculture, and so on).
2.3.1 Capital Assets Other things being equal, raising the rate of
"Durability" and "tangibility" would appear investment in reproducible capital increases

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 27

the size of an economy's future productive population growth is frequently taken to be
base. Investment is therefore deferred exogenously given. Often too, analysts work
consumption, a viewpoint we pursue below with population averages. Dasgupta (2001)
and then find overly limiting (Section 2.8.1). showed it is a reasonable approximation in that
Market prices are typically used to measure case to incorporate population by expressing
investments in reproducible capital. the quantities of the other capital assets in per
capita terms. That is the route we adopt here
(2) Human capital (populations and their (Section 2.5).
endowments of knowledge, skills, health).
When economists write about human (ii) Education. The kind of knowledge included
capital, they usually mean "knowledge in human capital is in many ways tacit, something
and skills". But health is another aspect a person acquires and is private to him. But
of human capital. As both education as teachers are painfully aware, knowledge
and health are embodied in people, they isn't costlessly transferable from one person
together make for human capital. Of to another; so, education involves costs and
course, people qua people are themselves should be seen as investment in people.
assets. So we partition human capital into
three categories. Knowledge and skills are both ends and means.
Reading is a pleasurable activity and thus a
(i) Population (size and demographic profile). form of consumption. The direct benefits of
Conceptually, this category raises the deepest literacy are then reflected in the social value
problems, because people are the reason of consumption (consumption's shadow
well-being should occupy the ethical core of price; Section 2.4). But being able to read
sustainability and policy analyses and are as is also of indirect value: literacy enhances a
well the means to the realization of well-being. person's productivity, implying higher earnings
Demographic changes are both the cause and and greater access to consumption goods.
effect of changes in the other components of Education therefore offers joint benefits. There
an economy's productive base. are now well-known techniques for estimating
the value of human capital in a society in terms
Each person should be regarded as a separate of earnings. Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare
asset, endowed at any point in time with (1997), using methods developed by Mincer
knowledge, skills, and health. So the population (1974), offer simple illustrations of ways to
profile matters, including as it does both age measure human capital in the form of education
and gender distributions. Arrow, Dasgupta, and attainment. Following a review in Section 2.6.3
Maler (2003) showed that estimating the value of the steps needed to estimate shadow prices,
of population when population movements we reproduce their methodology in Appendix
are acknowledged to be related to movements 9. More comprehensive methods have been
in, say, GDP per head poses special problems. developed by Jorgenson and Fraumini (1989).29
In the absence of a demographic theory

See also Jorgenson, Landefeld, and Nordhaus (2006) for wide ranging discussions on the framing of national


28 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Thus far we have stressed the benefits be "innate" ("in the genes", as the saying goes
someone enjoys from education. They are today), recent work in developmental biology
private benefits. But when someone learns to has found that what goes by the name "innate
read and write and becomes numerate, not ability" is in part acquired and can be traced to
only is it he who enjoys a benefit, others do too a person's early nutritional and disease history.
because they can now communicate with him. The epidemiological environment in which an
The acquisition of education thereby confers infant grows influences the development of her
"externalities", a notion we develop in detail in innate abilities. The social return on investment
Section 2.6.1. Total benefits of education are in the health of women in pregnancy and in the
the sum of private and external benefits. health of infants and children is a lot higher
than is often supposed.30
(iii) Health. Health brings both direct and
indirect benefits: (a) an absence of pain and We have dwelt on health as means to the
discomfort is one of the defining characteristics enjoyment of a good life ((b) above). But good
of well-being and, other things being equal, health also brings direct benefits. By bringing
healthier people are (b) more productive and relief from pain, medication improves the
(c) live longer. quality of consumption (meals taste better
in the absence of a head-ache!) and hence
By "health" we mean both physical and mental an improvement in the quality of life ((a)).
health. Disability lowers productivity, which Medication would thus appear to be a form of
can be measured in principle and often in consumption.
practice. Physical disability can in various
degrees be compensated by the availability Many types of vaccination and inoculation offer
of reproducible capital (wheel chairs, reading only short term protection against pathogens
glasses, hearing aids) and depressions and (e.g., a year). It may be thought the expenditures
anxieties by counselling and a less stressful should be classified as consumption; but that
life. would be an error. Defensive measures against
pathogens save lives ((c)). To the extent they
At an extreme, malnourished people lack do, they are a form of investment. Defensive
energy and stamina and are at the bottom expenditure against environmental pollution
of the earnings schedule. Improvements (contaminated water, particulates in the air-
in health over time can thus be measured shed, bed nets) has a similar characteristic.
in terms of increased productivity. It is a
significant fact that investments over time in It is an intriguing and fortunate fact that
a person's health are complementary, in that expenditures that bring relief from pain, or
damage to one's health at an early stage of avoid disability, or immunize someone against
life cannot easily be compensated for in later infectious diseases also help to extend their
years. Although a person's span of attention life. Medication, immunization, and medical
and the ability to remain calm even under treatment thus give rise to joint products:
stressful circumstances are often thought to relief from pain and discomfort, greater

For a recent overview of the subject, see Dasgupta (2012b).


Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 29

productivity, and a longer life. In their work stock could be an index of quality (air quality)
on the measurement of wealth, Arrow et al. or quantity. Quantity is sometimes expressed
(2012a) estimated the value of enhanced life as a pure number (population size); in various
expectancy in a number of countries during other cases it is, respectively, (bio)mass, area,
the period 1995-2000. Following a review in volume, depth. Even quality indices are often
Section 2.6.3 of the steps needed to estimate based on quantity indices, as in "parts per cubic
shadow prices, we reproduce and extend their centimetres" for measuring atmospheric haze.
methods in Appendix 10.
The classification offered above is useful in
We have so far classified the benefits an economic evaluation because it is based on the
individual enjoys from an improvement in reasons we value Nature. For understanding
her health. But when someone is immunized the changing landscape in contemporary
against an infectious disease, not only is it she economies, however, the classification in MEA
who enjoys benefits, others do too, because (2005a-d) is more useful. There natural capital
they are now less likely to catch the disease. is classified in terms of the kinds of services
So, immunization confers "externalities", a they provide.31
phenomenon we study in Section 2.6.1 Those
"external" benefits should be added to private There are three further categories of goods that
benefits if we are to estimate the total benefits are components of an economy's productive
of health improvements. base but which, for reasons to be explained in
Sections 2.4 and 2.5, should not be included
(3) Natural capital (local ecosystems, biomes, on the list of capital assets when computing an
sub-soil resources). Natural capital is of direct economy's wealth.
use in consumption (fisheries), of indirect use
as inputs in production (oil and natural gas; the 2.3.2 Knowledge
wide array of ecosystems), and of use in both (air Science and technology and the arts and
and water). The value of natural capital may be humanities are commonly regarded as capital
utilitarian (as a source of food, or as a keystone assets. They are the seat of discoveries and
species) - many people call this its use-value; it inventions: Nature's laws, abstract theorems,
may be aesthetic (places of scenic beauty), or it formulae, algorithms, and historical and
may be intrinsic (primates); or it may be all these cultural narratives. The products are durable,
things (biodiversity). Their worth to us could intangible public goods. By calling knowledge a
be from extraction (timber, gum, honey, leaves "durable public good" we mean that a piece of
and barks) or from their presence as a stock knowledge can in principle be used by anyone
(forest cover), or from both (watershed). The

Theirs is a four-way classification of ecosystem services: (i) provisioning services (food, fibre, fuel, fresh water); (ii)
regulating services (protection against natural hazards such as storms; the climate system); (iii) supporting services (nutrient
cycling, soil production); and (iv) cultural services (recreation, cultural landscapes, aesthetic or spiritual experiences).
Notice that cultural services and a variety of regulating services (such as disease regulation) contribute directly to human
well-being, whereas others (soil production) contribute indirectly (by providing the means of growing food crops). As this
Report has been commissioned because of the need to make national accounts “green”, we discuss natural capital more
fully in a separate section (Section 2.7) and in the Annexe. Bateman et al. (2011) provide a fine discussion of the valuation
of ecosystem services.

30 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

who wishes to make use of it, and can do so uncommon today for them to refer to "religious
repeatedly. A mathematical theorem knows no capital", "social capital", "cultural capital",
cultural or national boundaries. and more broadly "institutional capital".
Nevertheless, as in the case of knowledge, it
Many regard scientific and technological is as well not to regard institutions as capital
knowledge to be the most significant feature assets.32 Let us see why.
of an economy's productive base. Note though
that for someone to make use of a piece of Institutions are the myriad of formal and
knowledge three conditions must be met: (i) a informal arrangements to which people belong.
recognition by the person that the knowledge Those arrangements influence the allocation of
exists; (ii) the person should have the relevant resources both at a moment in time and through
skills (human capital!); and (iii) there should be time. Households, firms, communities, and the
no legal or social barrier (patents and copyrights) State are obvious examples of institutions.
to applying the knowledge. Research and But institutions also include a broader kind
development involves investments in codified of "enabling assets", such as the rule of law,
knowledge. Frequently though, knowledge social norms of behaviour, and habitual social
can be obtained freely from external sources practices. They form the social infrastructure
(for example, once patents have expired). within which goods and services get allocated.
These aspects of knowledge suggest that its
instrumental role lies in conferring value to the What role do institutions play in economic
goods we identified in Section 2.3.1 as being evaluation? They influence the value of what
capital assets. Before the advent of the iron- we are calling capital assets. Suppose the State
age, for example, iron ore was of little value. apparatus in a country is corrupt, in particular
But once the art of extracting the ore and the judicial system is unreliable. Because people
converting it into useable iron was discovered, find it difficult to protect their property rights,
the ore acquired value. Its shadow price rose. the value of the assets they own is small, other
things being equal. Corruption reduces the
Some types of knowledge are also consumption social worth of capital assets.33
goods. Contemplating a beautiful idea enhances
well-being directly, as does reading literature. The above example shows that the key to the
They have direct value. The way to estimate efficacy of institutions is the extent to which
the shadow price of public goods that are both they elicit trust among people. Consider as an
durable and serve as consumption goods is extreme example two islands that are identical
discussed in the Annexe. in all respects but for the fact that in island
1 households trust one another completely
whereas in island 2 households do not trust
2.3.3 Institutions
one another at all. Despite their identical
What about institutions? When scholars write configurations of capital assets, the structure
on the progress or regress of societies, it is not of shadow prices would be wholly different.

Sociologists speak of “symbolic capital” as well. See Bourdieu and Passeran (1990).

No doubt the purpose of corrupt practice is to enhance the market worth of assets owned by the practitioner.

In the text we are referring to the social worth of assets.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 31

The reason is that households in island 1 would is financial institutions. Expansion of
begin to trade with one another, whereas in financial institutions helped initiate economic
island they would remain autarkic. In short, development in late medieval Europe. By
institutions aren't enough. If societies are to the same token, the technological changes
progress, people must trust one another and that accompanied economic growth over the
have confidence in their institutions.34 centuries encouraged the creation of new
financial institutions; but not necessarily for the
Institutions influence the composition of better. Ideal financial markets would not suffer
consumption, saving, and the character of the way countries are currently experiencing.
future institutions. There are institutions that
foster progress by having in place a structure Financial institutions create and legitimize
of incentives that encourage people to allocate financial capital. But financial capital does not
goods and services in their most productive form a separate category of assets, it consists
uses. Well developed competitive markets, of claims to capital assets. Someone who owns
tight social norms and codes of conduct, and shares in a firm has a claim to a share of the
good governance together can combine to market value of the firm. His shares reflect
help create and maintain trust and confidence. the market value of the assets to which he has
But mutual trust and the cooperation that can claim. The same holds for currency and bonds.
result from it can't be guaranteed even under They are claims to whatever bundle of goods
sound institutions. Opportunistic behaviour and services the holder wishes to purchase,
can beget opportunistic behaviour. Institutions subject only to the condition that the market
can founder under a cascade of opportunism value of the bundle does not exceed the value
unless there are checks and balances in place of the currency and bonds he holds. To include
by virtue of the presence of a mesh of financial capital in the wealth of nations would
countervailing institutions. be to make a mess of economic evaluation.

Institutions aren't static. Just as they influence

2.3.4 Time
the allocation of resources, the allocation
of resources influences the evolution of A society's productive base can change for
institutions. Lipset (1959), for example, has the better or worse simply by the passage of
argued that economic development fosters time. Consider a small oil exporting country.
democracy. A good theory of political Being small, the country has no control over
economy would include an account of the international oil prices. Meanwhile, or so let us
mutual influence of institutions, preferences, imagine, an oil cartel, of which our country is
human motivations, and the productive base not a member, raises its price on a continual
of an economy. basis. Our country therefore enjoys capital gains
on its reserves without having to engage in any
A prime example of the mutual influence form of capital accumulation. Its productive
of institutions and economic development base expands.35 Similarly, it could be that the

On the role of trust in sustainable development, see Dasgupta (2011).
The same logic says that, other things being equal, an oil importing country would find its productive base shrinking as
the international price of oil rose over time.

32 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

country enjoys an expansion of its knowledge capital in the US found that a significant
base by deploying scientific advances elsewhere proportion of the growth in output was left
without paying for that privilege. In both unexplained. Solow called that unexplained
circumstances our country enjoys an expansion part a "residual".
of its productive base simply by waiting. It's
wealth increases correspondingly. Previously The regression equations from which the Solow
we noted that exogenous population growth residual is usually estimated (e.g., Romer, 1996)
is another example. These examples tell us the doesn't include the use of natural capital in
value of capital assets can depends explicitly production. It's however obvious that if the use
on time. The calendar date can matter. of natural capital in production were to have
increased over the years but is not recorded
Exogenous changes over time of an economy's in income accounts, the Solow residual would
productivity appear in macroeconomic data in appear to be larger than it actually is. This
the form of growth in Total Factor Productivity is doubly ironic. It means ignoring natural
(TFP). TFP growth forms yet another example. capital in national statistics is to make resource
It will pay to revisit that familiar notion. depletion appear through the back door as
productivity growth! Xepapadeas and Vouvaki
To recall what TFP growth means, suppose (2009) have found contemporary data where
over an interval of time a country's (real) GDP the error is substantial.
has increased. There are now standard methods
for decomposing that growth into increases
2.4 Shadow Prices
in labour force participation (population
growth; increases in women's employment A commodity's shadow price is its social
in paid labour), and the accumulation of scarcity value, a notion familiar in social cost-
reproducible capital and improvements in skills benefit analysis. Here we define shadow prices
and health. Suppose when we have added up and study their role in sustainability and policy
all the contributions made by these factors of analyses. Appendix 2.6 contains a formal
production, we find that the sum falls short of treatment of the notion; Section 2.6 contains
GDP growth. We are entitled then to interpret elaborations. The Annexe classifies ways to
that shortfall as an increase in the overall value environmental resources. It also provides
productivity of the economy's capital assets; illustrations based on empirical studies.
by which we mean that more output can be
produced now than earlier even if the amounts 2.4.1 Definition
of such factors of production as machines and Consider first consumption goods. If durable
equipment and skills had remained the same. (clothing, shelter), they embody consumption
This is a formal way of acknowledging that services over time. If non-durable (food), they
there has been a general rise in the efficiency vanish on consumption. So we may as well
with which goods are produced. Today growth use the term "consumption" as it occurs in
in TFP is called the "Solow residual", in honour everyday language, where reference is made
of Solow (1957) who, in a study of time series to consumption rates. We will take it that
on output, employment, and reproducible consumption is a flow, and that it affects the

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 33

flow of societal well-being at that date and that known to lose their skills with age and to take
date alone.36 We then have their human capital with them when they die),
but they offer a flow of services over time.
Definition 2: The shadow price of a A desk offers the scholar an object on which
consumption good is the contribution an she is able to read, write, and type. The value
additional unit of it would make to the flow of of the desk is the worth of the contribution
societal well-being. it is expected to make to scholarly activity. In
Provided the consumption goods are private order to assess that worth, we need to estimate
(i.e., their use isn't associated with significant the value of the scholarly activity itself. The
externalities; Section 2.6.1), their market prices latter's value will include the enjoyment the
are frequently reasonable approximations scholar experiences from the activity and the
of their shadow prices. For capital assets the benefits others enjoy from the fruits of that
notion of shadow prices is trickier; for assets activity. Of course, it could be that she is fully
are durable and, excepting for consumer compensated for the benefits others enjoy
durables, they are inputs in the production of from her work; the compensation being, say,
other goods. Formally, we have higher earnings and increased adulation. But it
may be that the higher earnings and increased
Definition 3: An assets' shadow price is the adulation, when taken together, are less than
contribution an additional unit would make to the totality of benefits others enjoy from the
intergenerational well-being, other things being fruits of her scholarly activity. In the latter case
equal. we should estimate not only the value of the
desk to the scholar - that would be the desk's
The determinants of intergenerational well- private value to the scholar - but also that part
being are the consumption goods and services of the value to others that doesn't get reflected
enjoyed by contemporaries and by people in her increased emoluments and social esteem.
across the generations, a point that is explicit In short, we should be interested in the desk's
in equation (3). Definition 3 can therefore be social worth. But the desk in question is one
re-expressed as among (hopefully!) many desks. That particular
desk can therefore be viewed as a marginal unit
Definition 3a: An asset's shadow price is the
of the totality of all desks. The social worth of
social worth of the change in the consumption
a marginal unit of an asset is its shadow price.
stream an additional unit of it would give rise
That's Definition 3.
to, other things being equal.

Capital assets are by their nature durable goods. 2.4.2 The Primacy of Economic
Some are tangible (roads, wetlands), others Forecasts
are not (skills). Although assets depreciate As the example of the writing desk makes
(machines and equipment undergo wear and tear clear, an asset's shadow price depends not only
even when left unused; fisheries are destroyed on its current use, but also on its future use.
when over-harvested; and people have been So the price depends on the forecast of the

Habits, like memories, are stocks, not flows.


34 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

use to which the asset will be put. That's an forecast of future development had the current
inevitable feature of the worth of anything. stocks of capital assets been otherwise.
A writing desk predicted to rest unused and
unrecognised is value-less today. In contrast, In practice forecasts are of aggregate quantities
if it is predicted that the desk will be used to such as GDP, consumption, investment,
good effect, its current shadow price would population, and employment. If they are
be positive. Social evaluators who agree on to be plausible, those aggregate variables
everything but the forecasts of the desk's use must be shown to relate to one another in a
would impute different shadow prices to it. defendable theory of the economy's evolving
political economy. As consumption goods are
In our example the focus has been on the the immediate determinants of well-being, we
dependence of the desk's shadow price on the focus on forecasts of consumption. Forecasts
way it is predicted to be used. More generally, of the remaining economic variables would be
though, an asset's shadow price depends on the derivable from the forecast of the consumption
forecast of the economy's future trajectory. To stream.
see why and how, imagine that a proposal has
been made to cut into a wetland to make way Imagine the forecast is to be made at date t. K(t),
for a highway. Among its many other virtues, typed in bold as previously, is a list of quantities
the wetland offers residence to pollinators; of all the economy's capital assets. K(t) is
and agriculture benefits from pollination. If an therefore a vector and will have been inherited
economy's development path is predicted to from the past. Ideally K(t) would be a complete
be rapacious in the destruction of its wetlands, list of who has access to which asset at t; but
there will be an especial scarcity of wetlands in in practice we would expect national accounts
the future. The shadow price of the wetland to record K(t) in aggregate terms (so many
today would be high in consequence, other hectares of agricultural land, so many square
things being equal. Current shadow prices miles of forests, so much industrial capacity in
contain a great deal of information about the public sector, and so forth). As previously,
future prospects. u is a variable that runs from t onward, and
C(u) denotes the consumption vector at u.
Ideally, economic forecasts would be detailed For notational simplicity, let Z(t) stand for the
enough to contain predictions of what consumption stream {C(t),C(t+1),...,C(u),...}.
future national accounts will report. And the As the forecast of Z(t) is based on K(t), counter-
predictions should be no mere guesses. As a factuals enter the picture. The reason they do is
minimum the forecast should be perceived to that the forecaster should be expected to offer
be technologically feasible; but if they are to an account of the reasoning that led him to
carry conviction, forecasts should be based on make his forecast. But if he were able to do
a defendable theory of the social and natural that, he would be in a position to forecast what
processes shaping the economy's future. That the future consumption stream would be if the
means shadow prices are based on counter- inherited stock of assets had been otherwise.
factuals: they depend not only on the forecast So, the Z(t) that is forecast is based on K(t)
of the shape of things to come, but also on the and perhaps also on t to reflect the case where

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 35

calendar time matters.37 We may then write Z(t) being the same.) Shadow prices also reflect the
as Z(K(t),t). In short K(t) and t taken together desirable balance between current and future
form a "sufficient statistic" for Z(t). well-beings (the parameter δ in equation (3)),
and thereby the intergenerational distribution
Because C(u) is a complete list of who of consumption. There is a close connection
consumes what at u, it embodies the immediate between "social discount rates" and shadow
determinants of the flow of societal well-being prices. These connections are drawn formally
B(u), as in equation (3). That means one can in Appendix 2.
deduce intergenerational well-being from the
forecast Z(K(t),t). We may then express V(t) A pollutant's shadow price would be negative.
as V(K(t),t), the explicit dependence of V on But the shadow price of even a potentially
t reflecting the possibility that calendar time desirable asset would be negative if the quality
matters. We conclude that V(t) can be inferred of governance in the country is so low that
from the assets the economy has inherited at t. an additional unit of the asset would reduce
V(K(t),t) is a reduced form of intergenerational intergenerational well-being. An oil field whose
well-being at t. output finances armaments that enable a war-
lord to terrorise opponents has a negative
The conclusion could appear as a sleight of shadow value.
hand, for how can the future be summarized
in data pertaining to the present (K(t))? In fact
2.4.3 Choice of Numeraire
the claim is no more than the ancient wisdom
that the future is imprinted in the present. If In what units should shadow prices be expressed?
the analyst has a sufficiently complete model As with market prices, absolute shadow prices
of the features and processes that shape the have no meaning, only relative shadow prices
development of an economy, he should be able have meaning. So we need a unit of account
to read the future in today's capital stocks. This in which goods and services are to be valued.
chain of reasoning explains the primacy of Economists refer to the chosen unit of account,
forecasts in economic evaluation. We offer a numeraire. It has become customary to regard
technical formulation of the idea in Appendix the numeraire as an appropriately selected
1. bundle of consumer goods. The "consumer
price index" is based on that thought. Prices
Shadow prices are the links between assets, of all other goods and services are expressed
K(t), and intergenerational well-being, V(t). in terms of that bundle, expressed in domestic
If V is sensitive to the distribution of well- currency (for international comparisons prices
being among contemporaries, as it clearly are expressed in international dollars, PPP). If
should be, shadow prices would reflect those we agree on the way well-being depends on the
considerations. (An asset in the hands of chosen numeraire, the "price" of well-being
someone needy would be valued higher than if can be expressed in terms of the numeraire.
in the hands of someone well-off; other things

That calendar date can matter is another way of saying that certain features of an economy may change exogenously (e.g.,
international prices, knowledge produced by other countries for which payment doesn’t have to be made).

36 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

In what follows, for simplicity of exposition rainfall and occurrence of extreme climatic
we adopt intergenerational well-being as events, there are disagreements on the possible
numeraire. That way we would be neutral consequences of climate change on agriculture,
across goods and services. Should readers sea level, and so forth. And there are few
prefer to work with a particular consumption agreements on the way those consequences
good as numeraire, the appropriate conversion should be valued.
would be to divide all shadow prices expressed
in terms of intergenerational well-being by the That probabilities are all too frequently
shadow price of the new numeraire.38 subjective is no reason for rejecting their
use. Just as people's values differ, so do their
readings of the processes that shape the world
2.4.4 Facing Uncertainty
differ. And just as it is possible, even necessary,
So far forecasts have been taken to be certain. to discuss values and sift through them, so it is
That's an idealization. Not only is the future possible, even necessary, to discuss likelihoods
shot through with uncertainty, knowledge and sift through the evidence to narrow them
of even current matters is incomplete and down. In any case, we are rarely faced with
uncertain. Very few countries, for example, problems ab initio. For every new phenomenon
maintain a reliable inventory of their assets. there is some related phenomenon about which
That economic forecasts are frequently made information is already available. Such evidence,
as though they are certain to be realized in conjunction with pilot studies, allows one
doesn't mean the forecaster is certain of the to narrow down probability distributions. As
eventualities. It could be that his forecast is further information becomes available with
an average of various possibilities and that he the passage of time, the family of possible
has arrived at the average by turning to the distributions becomes narrower. On the other
language of probabilities. The probabilities he hand, when genuine surprises occur, the
assigns to various possible futures will mostly possibilities are enlarged and the distributions
be "subjective".39 Being subjective estimates, thicken. And so on.
even experts disagree. Sharp disagreements So, forecasts are probabilistic. They don't
among experts are currently illustrated over the identify consumption streams with certainty
probable consequences of carbon emissions, but are instead probability distributions over
the current rate of biodiversity loss, the ability consumption streams, much like weather
of the oceans to recycle pollutants, and over forecasts. Nevertheless, economic forecasts
many other environmental matters. Not only are often expressed in non-probabilistic terms.
are there disagreements over, for example, the When they are, they should be read as the
effect of atmospheric carbon concentration forecaster's expectation of what the future has
on the spatial pattern of temperature and in store.

The procedure here is no different from the way we convert market prices from one currency into another.
Loosely speaking probability distributions over possibilities are said to be “objective” if there have been so many instances
in the past that the probability estimates are obtainable from frequency distributions (e.g., rainfall). The term “subjective”
is used for all other cases. The terms “risk” and “uncertainty” are often used to distinguish the two cases. There are now a
number of excellent texts on the subject. A classic is Raiffa (1968).

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 37

Associated with each possible consumption for each capital asset. The reason is that she
stream would be a corresponding value of would well-advised to field alternative moral
intergenerational well-being. Consider now the conceptions and not be wedded to a particular
formulation of intergenerational well-being functional form of V. Different parametric
in equation (3). If the social evaluator were to specifications of V reflect alternative weighting
make use of the classical theory of normative systems for the multitude of social objectives
decision-making under uncertainty, she would we happen to hold. If the social evaluator were
use the expected value of intergenerational well- to specify V, she would no doubt obtain a set
being as the object of economic evaluation. The of shadow prices. But if she were to specify a
way she would arrive at the expected value of different V, she would obtain a different set of
V would be to calculate intergenerational well- shadow prices. One way to test the sensitivity
being along each possible future consumption of economic evaluation to alternative
trajectory Z(t), weight it by the probability of specifications of V is to test the extent to which
Z(t)'s occurrence, and sum over them. Let E economic evaluation is sensitive to the shadow
denote the expectation operator. The expected prices of capital assets.40
value of intergenerational well-being at t is
then E[V(t)], which means 2.4.5 Preservation and Option Values

E[V(t)] = E[u=tΣB(C(u),u)/(1+δ)(u-t)], Natural capital can possess yet another kind of

δ ≥ 0. (4) value arising from a combination of two things:
uncertainty in its future value and the possibility
Definition 2 can now be suitably re-expressed that its destruction would be irreversible.
to incorporate uncertainty: Preservation has the value of offering society
flexibility as regards the future. Future options
Definition 4: An assets' shadow price is the have an additional worth arising from the fact
contribution an additional unit of it would that with the passage of time more information
make to the expected value of intergenerational should be forthcoming about the resource's
well-being, other things being equal. value. That additional worth is often called an
option value.41
It bears emphasis that so long as the social
evaluator has identified the function V she is Nowhere has the desirability of keeping future
to use, shadow prices themselves would not options open been advanced as persuasively
be uncertain. What she would be uncertain as in discussions on the need for on-site
about is the future; and as Definition 4 says, preservation of genetic diversity of plants and
that uncertainty is reflected in the structure of crops. Tropical forests are particularly noted
shadow prices. Appendix 3 demonstrates this for providing a habitat for a rich genetic pool,
formally. many as yet untapped while some are even
now essential in pharmaceutical products.
Nevertheless, the social evaluator would be well
Ecologists express concern that an increased
advised to identify a range of shadow prices

On sensitivity analysis and its importance in economic evaluation, see Dasgupta, Marglin, and Sen (1972).

The idea of option values is due to Weisbrod (1964), Arrow and Fisher (1974) and Henry (1974).

38 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

reliance on high-yield varieties has reduced the that labelling isn't feasible, excepting for such
genetic variability of crops. As new varieties of broad distinctions as public, state, and private
crop pests and diseases appear, the chance of ownership.
locating crop varieties resistant to them will be
that much lower if genetic reserves are small. Wealth is the social worth of an economy's
The value of genetic pool will become more array of capital assets. We write it as W. In our
and more sharply etched with the passage of model economy wealth at date t is
time.42 W(t) = iΣ[Pi(t)Ki(t)].43 (5)

2.5 Wealth and Well-Being We now introduce a familiar notation: If X is a

Earlier we noted there is a close connection variable, we denote a small change in X by ΔX.
between intergenerational well-being and Our task is to develop the role wealth plays in
wealth, and that shadow prices provide the sustainability and policy analyses.
link. But the connection was not made explicit.
Consider a brief interval of time, Δt, starting
We now study the relationship between wealth
at t. For concreteness we may think of Δt as a
and well-being formally. Appendix 4 contains
year. Denote the change in V over the year by
proofs and elaborations.
ΔV(t). Similarly, ΔKi(t) denotes the change in
the quantity of asset i over the year. If ΔKi(t) is
2.5.1 Growth in Wealth and Sustainable positive, there will have been an accumulation
Development of asset i over the year; if it is negative, there
For expositional ease, we assume for now that will have been a decumulation. We may now
population is constant. The assumption allows use equation (5) to define the change in wealth
us to remove population from the list of assets. over the year, ΔW(t), as iΣ[Pi(t)ΔKi(t)]. The
We re-introduce population in Section 5.4 and fundamental result in sustainability analysis is
show how to include it in economic evaluation.
For the moment the list of assets comprises Proposition 1: Wealth and intergenerational
reproducible capital, education, skills and well-being track one another: in any brief
health, and natural capital. As previously, time interval of time wealth increases if and only if
is discrete and Ki(t) is the stock of asset i. intergenerational well-being increases.44
Let Pi(t) denote i's shadow price. We do not
Proposition 1 can be re-expressed formally as
specify the number of assets but merely regard
the vector K(t) to denote the an indefinite Proposition 1a: ΔV(t) ≥ 0 if and only if iΣ[Pi(t)
number of stocks {K1(t),...,Ki(t),...}. Ideally ΔKi(t)] ≥ 0.
the assets should be so labelled as to include
the individual who has access to it. In practice Recalling Definition 1 we can also express
Proposition 1 as

Kumar (2009) contains a recent attempt to estimate the option value of biodiversity.
Some authors refer to W as “inclusive wealth” (World Bank, 2006, 2011; UNEP/UNU-IHDP, 2012), others call it
“comprehensive wealth” (Arrow et al., 2012a). However, World Bank (2011) defines inclusive wealth differently. See
Appendix 4.5 for a review of their study of the wealth of nations.
The Proposition was proved by Hamilton and Clemens (1999) for an optimizing economy and Dasgupta and Maler
(2000) for arbitrary economies.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 39

Proposition 2: An economy's development to decline indefinitely while GDP per capita
is sustainable over any brief interval of time increases ceaselessly. That's impossible
if and only if its wealth increases over the because in due course the productive base of
interval. the economy, which is what wealth measures,
would have little left to further degrade and
2.5.2 GDP and Wealth depreciate. The simplest illustration is that of a
It is as well to illustrate the significance of small economy whose income is based solely on
Propositions 1 and 2. Consider a closed economy the export of an exhaustible resource. Imagine
with constant population. Suppose in a given that the export price is expected to remain
year it invests 40 billion dollars in reproducible constant, say because the rest of the world
capital, spends 20 billion dollars on education, has access to a technology for manufacturing
and depletes and degrades its natural capital a perfect substitute for the resource, at a
by 70 billion dollars. As Chapter 2 notes, the constant unit price. If all export revenues
economy's SNA would record the 40 billion were consumed, GDP in our model country
dollars as investment, the 20 billion dollars as would equal aggregate consumption. NDP,
a component of aggregate consumption, and however, would be zero at all times because
remain silent on the 70 billion dollars of loss consumption would always equal depreciation
in stocks of natural capital. In contrast the of the economy's sole asset. Wealth, meanwhile
accounting methods advocated by Propositions would be declining, at a rate equal to the export
1 and 2 would reclassify the 20 billion dollars as revenue. Imagine that the national policy is
expenditure on the formation of human capital to raise exports annually. In that case GDP
("investing in the young", in common parlance) (consumption) would increase annually. But
and the 70 billion dollars as disinvestment in the policy could not be followed indefinitely.
natural capital. Aggregating over them and In due course aggregate GDP would have to
assuming that expenditure on education is a decline because of the ever dwindling resource
reasonable approximation of net human capital stock.
formation, the methods advocated here would Propositions 1 and 2 are equivalence
conclude that owing to the disinvestment, the relationships. On their own they can't tell
economy's wealth will have declined over the whether a country has been on a sustainable
year by 10 billion dollars (and that's before development path. What they do is to tell us
taking note of the depreciation of reproducible that wealth can serve as an index with which
capital). Proposition 1 says development was to judge whether development has been or is
unsustainable that year. The example also shows likely to be sustainable. The Propositions justify
that GDP is unsuitable to serve as a criterion the use of wealth as a normative criterion in
by which to judge sustainability. It shows too economic evaluation.
why HDI is unsuitable. Neither records the
depreciation of capital. Appendix 5 goes into The equivalence relationship in Propositions 1
details. and 2 is restricted to evaluations over "brief"
intervals of time. Proposition 1a explains
It can easily be that GDP per capita grows why. It says movements in wealth should be
even while wealth per capita declines. What measured at constant shadow prices. But if
is impossible would be for wealth per capita

40 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

the interval of time is long, changes in relative 2.5.3 Income and Wealth
prices would matter. In Appendix 4 we also Income is a flow, wealth is a stock. Wealth is the
show that the Propositions can be adapted to dynamic counterpart of income. It should have
the needs of a social evaluator who tracks an come as no surprise that income (alternatively
economy's performance over a long interval MEW) is an index of the determinants of
of time. Note though that the meaning of a the flow of societal well-being, a finding that
"brief interval" depends on the extent to which was much discussed in the classical literature
economic data are presented as time averages. (Section 2.2.1). Extending that thought, it
It isn't uncommon to read records of the should have been expected wealth to be the
progress and regress of national economies that appropriate index of the determinants of
involve not-very-brief periods (say, 20 years) intergenerational well-being. No doubt income
but present changes in economic variables in and wealth would move in the same way over
terms of time averages over the entire period. time if the economy under study is in a steady
For example, we not infrequently learn of a state. The reason is that in a steady state the
particular country that population grew at, say, composition of the economy remains the same
1.2 per cent a year over the previous 20 years, over time, which in turn implies that relative
that GDP increased at 2.4 per cent a year over to one another shadow prices remain constant
the same period, that the ratio of investment over time. Outside steady states, however, the
in reproducible to GDP was 15 per cent, and two formulations differ and a choice has to be
so on. Propositions 1 and 2 are valid for such made between them. The flow of societal well-
data. being is an ingredient in intergenerational well-
being, but isn't a substitute for it.
In common parlance a person would be said
to have invested in an asset if his portfolio
now contains more of it. By the same token 2.5.4 Growth in Wealth as an Objective
the person would be said to have disinvested of Public Policy
in an asset if his portfolio now contains less of Policy evaluation involves assessing the impact
it. Propositions 1 and 2 say that an economy's of a perturbation imparted to an economy
development path should be described in at a point in time. The perturbation could
terms of movements in its portfolio of be an investment project, a change in the tax
assets. Proposition 2 for example says that system, a modification in an institution, and so
economic development is sustainable if and forth. Although imparted at a point in time,
only if an economy accumulates wealth. That the perturbation has long term consequences.
is an intuitive enough notion. The hard part What are the counterparts of Propositions 1
is to know what to include in the concept of and 2 in policy evaluation?
wealth and how to measure its accumulation.
Consider an investment project. The project
We discussed a number of those problems
involves the reallocation of capital assets from
in Sections 2.3-2.4 and found answers too.
one set of activities to another. Labour and
Sections 2.6-2.7 and Appendix 4 resolve certain
skills, land, machinery, and equipments would
problems of interpretation in connection with
be required for the project in each year of
Propositions 1-2.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 41

its life. Presumably they would be deployed Development Index (HDI) can serve effectively
elsewhere if the project was not accepted. in economic evaluation. The reason is that
The project therefore demands redeployment neither GDP nor HDI reflects an economy's
of those assets. Suppose the project is to wealth. Appendix 5 elaborates on this.
commence at date t. The trick is to expand the
meaning of a capital asset to include the task Propositions 1-4 imply that capital accounts
to which the asset has been assigned. With that should be the basis for economic evaluation.
re-interpretation we can re-write Proposition No doubt income and expenditure accounts
1a as are necessary inputs in the construction of
capital accounts, but it is the latter that provide
ΔV(t) = iΣ[Pi(t)ΔKi(t)]. (6) the social evaluator with information about
the economy's portfolio of assets. Economic
Equation (6) has a different interpretation from evaluation involves the study of how an
the equivalence relationship in Proposition economy's assets are managed and how they
1a. The reason is that although accepting the ought to be managed.
project would be to perturb the economy, the
perturbation would be applied at time t. Let The changes to national accounts we are
us now recall Definition 3. It says that the advocating here bring with them the need to
right-hand-side of equation (6) is the PDV of revise our estimates of familiar economic
social benefits generated by the reallocation of variables. It is for example customary to regard
capital assets the project gives rise to. So we industrial capital-output ratios to be of the order
may re-phrase the familiar criterion for project of 3-5 years. For the economy as a whole the
evaluation as corresponding figures would be wealth-output
ratios. And they can be expected to be far larger
Proposition 3. A project contributes to than the capital-output ratios we usually deal
intergenerational well-being if and only if it with. We should not be astonished if in the
increases wealth. world we are beginning to know, wealth-output
ratios are as large as 30-40 years. The reason is
2.5.5 Sustainability and Policy Analyses: clear. Economic output (GDP) involves many
An Equivalence more kinds of capital assets than are usually
Propositions 1 and 3 provide a unified considered in economic models. It is time we
treatment of sustainability and policy analyses. acknowledge that an economy's asset base is
We formally state the unification as far deeper and more extensive than is currently
Proposition 4: Wealth is the appropriate
criterion in both sustainability and policy
2.5.6 Population as an Asset
Population is a capital asset. But as people
A corollary of Proposition 4 is that neither differ by age and gender, we could regard
GDP per head nor the United Nations' Human age cohorts as "vintages". Ideally population

In an albeit very crude estimate, Arrow et al (2012a) found the wealth-output ratio in India in the late 1990s to be of
the order of 120 years!

42 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

would comprise as many types as are given by and health), and natural capital. We are then
twice the number of age cohorts, the doubling required to divide wealth by the population
being a way to distinguish males and females. size and track its movement over time. That
In practice such disaggregation could prove move makes for great simplification. It means
overly costly. The other extreme would be to the social evaluator doesn't have to estimate
aggregate and regard "people" as the asset in population's shadow price. So long as wealth
question. The size of the population can then and intergenerational well-being are measured
serve as the quantity of the asset. If that were in per capita terms, the equivalence between
to be the practice, one of the assets in equation the two continues to hold. A proof is sketched
(4) would be population. in Appendix 4.

To regard population as another asset is

2.6 Shadow Prices: Further
empirically problematic (Arrow, Dasgupta, Considerations
and Maler, 2003). The matter has to do with
estimating its shadow price, which would require How are shadow prices related to market
us to specify human well-being in a sharper prices?
manner than we are accustomed to. It would
take us far afield to elaborate on the matter, but 2.6.1 Externalities
it can be shown that if the ethical conception is In idealized circumstances, an asset's shadow
intergenerational well-being averaged over the price equals its market price. In normal
generations, then under a not unreasonable set circumstances, however, the two sets of prices
of empirical circumstances the problem can be differ. By "normal circumstances" we mean
avoided if we were to measure the quantities circumstances in which the distribution of
of all other capital assets in per capita terms.46 wealth is ethically indefensible and/or where
Proposition 1 in that case can be restated as individual actions give rise to externalities,
a class of phenomena that are ubiquitous in
Proposition 5: Wealth per capita and economies we have come to know. Here we
intergenerational well-being averaged over the study the latter.
generations track one another: over any brief
interval of time per capita wealth increases Externalities are the unaccounted for
if and only if intergenerational well-being consequences for others of actions taken by
averaged over the generations increases. one or more persons. Ideal markets would not
countenance externalities. They would mediate
In Proposition 5 population is not seen as a to put a price on externalities and thereby
capital asset. Wealth is taken to be the social eliminate them. Externalities are ubiquitous in
worth of the economy's array of reproducible the world we know because markets for many
capital, human capital (knowledge, skills, commodities either do not exist (e.g., because

See Dasgupta (2001). Formally, in place of the expression for V(t) in equation (3), we have

v(t) = V(t)/[u=tΣL(u)/(1+δ)(u-t)],δ ≥ 0,(3a)

where L(u) population size at date u; or in other words,
v(t) = [u=tΣB(C(u),u)/(1+δ)(u-t)]/[u=tΣL(u)/(1+δ)(u-t)],δ ≥ 0.(3b)

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 43

of property rights to them are weak) or are not it would be an administered solution to the
competitive when they do exist. Externalities problem of overfishing. That humanity has
are the differences between shadow prices and collective responsibility over the state of the
market prices (below, equation (7)).47 world's oceans used to be explicit in the 1970s,
when politicians claimed that the oceans are a
Externalities are rampant when we put "common heritage of mankind".
environmental resources to use, because
property rights to prominent classes of Carbon in the atmosphere raises the reverse
those resources are difficult to enforce, often problem. Households currently don't have to
impossible even to define. By "property rights" pay anything for the right to emit the carbon
we mean not only private property rights, they generate at home. Because emissions
but also communitarian rights, even national defuse through the atmosphere (a fugitive!), it
rights. One reason property rights to various isn't possible to assign private property rights
types of environmental resources are weak to the open atmosphere. We can therefore be
is their mobility. The wind blows, rivers flow, confident that carbon emissions are excessive.
fish swim, deer flee, birds and insects fly, and Consequently consumption goods with
even earthworms are known to move. Not "carbon content" are priced lower than they
unnaturally, they are called "fugitive resources". should be. Today experts judge that world-wide
Property rights to an object are difficult to further additions to the stock of carbon in the
enforce if you cannot harness it. If markets atmosphere would have a negative value. This
and communities aren't able to eliminate means that even though the market price of
externalities, the role of an external enforcer carbon in the atmosphere is zero, its shadow
becomes apparent. Appendix 6 contains a price is negative. Admittedly we refer these
formal account of the dynamics of several days to the "market for carbon", but such a
prominent classes of fugitive resources. market is viable only if national governments
impose quota restrictions on total emissions,
To see what problems they raise, consider that which again is an administered solution.
the oceans beyond national jurisdiction are
open to all. The creation of private property The general principle to take away from
rights to individuals would be otious, but it these examples is that when the externalities
would also be unworkable: fish don't respect are harmful, activities giving rise to them are
human-made property rights. The absence underpriced in the market. The reverse is
of property rights means that firms aren't the case for activities giving rise to beneficial
required to pay a fee for the fish they harvest. externalities. Ecological services are widely
Consequently there is overfishing in the open acknowledged to be underpriced in the market.
seas: the price of fish in the market is less The corresponding assets (e.g., locations of
than its shadow price. If an external authority biodiversity) are thereby also underpriced.
were to impose an appropriate fee for every Note though that ecological services that
fish caught, there would be no overfishing. are contained within a piece of private land
This would not be a market solution though; wouldn't necessarily be underpriced. If there

Arrow (1971) and Meade (1973) are excellent studies in the pure theory of externalities.

44 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

were a reasonably efficient market for land, an ecological asset depends on the degree to
the value of the services would be included in which other capital assets can substitute for it
the land's price. This is especially pertinent in in production - not only today, but in the future
the case of agricultural land.48 The production as well. Other things being equal, the smaller
of food is the main service provided by such are those substitution possibilities, the larger is
land (MEA, 2005a, calls it a "provisionary the shadow price of the resource. Appendix 2
service"). But food production also depends on illustrates.
complementary services: soil regulation, water
flow, pest and disease regulation, pollination, 2.6.3 Estimating Shadow Prices
nutrient cycling, and so on. Their availability Three pieces of information are required for
would be included in the market value of the estimating shadow prices:
piece of land. Of course, it could be that the
pollination service is provided by birds and (i) A descriptive model of the economy
insects inhabiting a neighbouring woodland. In moving through time, including not only
that case the woodland would be undervalued technological possibilities and ecological
in the market, but not the agricultural land!49 processes, but also preferences, tastes,
personal and social values, and policies.
2.6.2 Scarcity and Time
(ii) The size and distribution of the economy's
Earlier we noted that the term "consumption" capital assets at the date at which the
should be interpreted expansively. We are economic evaluation is undertaken.
to think of consumption as the flow of the
direct determinants of well-being. Capital (iii) A conception of intergenerational well-
assets are our sources of consumption. being.
Because intergenerational well-being depends
on the distribution of well-being among As noted previously, forecasts are no mere
contemporaries and among the generations, guesses. If they are to carry conviction, forecasts
shadow prices of assets reflect distributional should be based on a defendable theory of the
considerations too. social and natural processes that shape a society's
future. A good forecast would be based on
Economic forecasts include future scarcities of requirements (i) and (ii) above. Information on
goods and services. Definition 1 assures us that (ii) can be used in (i) to track the economy into
those scarcities are reflected in today's shadow and over the future. The forecast would then be
prices. Moreover, the greater is the weight fed into (iii). Recall Definition 2. It says shadow
placed on future well-being in the conception prices are based on counter-factuals: they are
of intergenerational well-being (i.e., the smaller determined not only by the forecast of the
is δ in equation (3)), the larger would be the shape of things to come, but also by forecasts of
influence of future scarcities on today's shadow future development were the current portfolio
prices. It follows that the shadow price of, say, of capital assets to have been otherwise.

Perrings (2012) provides an excellent account of this.


Pattanayak and Butry (2005) is an empirical study of the complementarities between forests and adjoining farms.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 45

Shadow prices are no Platonic objects, nor today creates externalities (the unaccounted-
can they be plucked from air on mere whim for- consequences of emissions) lasting many
and prejudice. We will never get shadow prices years. Our social evaluator would try to estimate
"right", but we can try to narrow the range Ei(t) for her country. If an increase in carbon
within which reasonable people would agree concentration is predicted to be bad for her
they lie. The social evaluator estimates shadow economy, Ei(t) < 0. If the emission is made
prices, but recognizes that others may question by someone in her economy and there are no
her estimates. In democratic societies those emission charges, Ri(t) = 0. In that case Pi(t)
differences would be resolved through the = Ei(t) < 0. If the additional unit of carbon
ballot box. is emitted by someone in another country, the
consequences for her economy is valued at
As externalities create gaps between shadow Ei(t). So, again Pi(t) = Ei(t) < 0. On the other
prices and market prices, market prices hand, if the externalities were eliminated by
prove to be good scaffolding on which an internationally enforced carbon reduction
to build a system of shadow prices. So we policy, the resulting market price Ri(t) of carbon
start with market prices and add or subtract would equal its shadow price Pi(t).
corrections to them. Of course, at the end
of the process the corrections could well As another example, consider a woodland.
turn out to be large. Among other things the woodland is the
habitat for insects and birds. Agriculture
If Ri(t) is the market price of asset i at time benefits from pollination. If an economy's
t, Ei(t) is the social value of the externalities development path is forecast to be rapacious
generated by the deployment of an additional of its woodlands, there will be acute scarcity of
unit of i at t, and Pi(t) is the shadow price of i woodlands (hence biodiversity) in the future.
at t, then The woodland's shadow price today would be
Pi(t) = Ri(t) + Ei(t). (7) high, other things being equal. Shadow prices
contain a great deal of information about the
The term Ei(t) in equation (7) possesses an economy's prospects.
intriguing feature. In order to estimate it we
would need to know the shadow prices of As the above examples confirm, in economic
possibly many other assets; which is to say evaluation there should be no presumption
shadow prices are interdependent. Solving a that the economy is on an optimum trajectory.
system of simultaneous equations is routine Shadow prices ought to be estimated on the basis
in policy analysis. It is unavoidable also in of the social evaluator's economic forecast (her
sustainability analysis. response to question C in Section 2.1), not on the
basis of an ideal that is not about to be attained.50
To cite an example of much complexity and We develop the idea of forecasts in Appendix
current interest, consider that a further addition 1 and apply it to determine rules for estimating
to the stock of carbon in the atmosphere shadow prices in Appendices 2 and 7-10.

We stress this because the bulk of writings on shadow prices of environmental natural resources limit themselves to

optimizing economies (Heal, 1998; Weitzman, 2003).

46 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

2.6.4 International Trade, Global Assets Imagine concessions have been awarded in
and Transnational Externalities the upland forests of a watershed. As forests
International trade enables a country to expand stabilize soil and water flow, deforestation gives
its capacity, beyond what it is domestically rise to soil erosion and increased fluctuations
capable of, to transform goods and services in the supply of water downstream. If the
into other goods and services. As trade is an law recognizes the rights of those who
adjunct of domestic production, it does not suffer damage from deforestation (a case of
play a special role in "green accounting". By pollutees' rights), it is the timber firm that
trade we mean recorded trade. The problem would be required to compensate downstream
is that countries interact with one another not farmers. But compensation is unlikely to be
only via recorded trade but also via transnational claimed, let alone made, when the cause of
externalities. Two types of externalities may damage is many miles away and the victims
be distinguished: (i) unidirectional and (ii) are scattered groups of farmers. Problems
reciprocal. We discuss them in turn.51 are compounded because the damage is not
uniform across farms: location matters. It can
(i) Unidirectional externalities also be that those who suffer harm (reduced
agricultural output) don't know the underlying
Unidirectional externalities are just that - cause of their deteriorating circumstances. As
unidirectional - where one agent (or a set of the timber firm isn't required to compensate
agents) inflicts or confers an externality on farmers, its operating cost is less than the
another agent (or another set of agents). The social cost of deforestation; the latter, as a
direction of the externality is in part determined first approximation, being the firm's logging
by social norms and legal rules (e.g., whether the costs plus the damage suffered by all who are
rights belong to "polluters" or to "pollutees") adversely affected. We should conclude that
and influences the distribution of resources. the export contains an implicit subsidy, paid
Classic examples of transnational unidirectional for by people downstream. The subsidy is
externalities involve pollutants being hidden from public scrutiny, but it amounts to
transported by wind and water. Acid rains and a transfer of wealth from the exporting to the
river pollution have been much studied, but as importing country.52
yet there are few reliable data for use in national (ii) Reciprocal externalities
wealth estimates.
Under reciprocal externalities each party
Exports of primary products often come allied inflicts (or confers) an externality on all others.
to unidirectional externalities. Ironically, they Unrestricted extraction of groundwater is one
involve wealth transfers from the exporting to example, carbon emissions are another. We
the importing country (Dasgupta, 1990). Let us alluded to the latter in Section 2.6.3. It will pay
see how.

Unidirectional and reciprocal externalities are not limited to the transnational sphere; small scale examples abound.

Pattanayak (2004) provides empirical estimates of the subsidy in a study of waatersheds in Indonesia. They range within

3-10 per cent of downstream farmers’ incomes.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 47

to study them further. (Groundwater extraction of the global shadow price of carbon in the
is discussed in Appendix 7.) atmosphere. Their numerical computations
are a striking illustration of how the social
The atmospheric carbon concentration is a evaluator's attitude toward the future affects
global capital asset, but at current levels it is her estimate of today's shadow prices.53
acknowledged to have a negative global shadow
price. Without loss of generality let global The above assumes that countries cooperate to
carbon concentration be indexed as i = 1 on implement globally optimum policies. We are
the social evaluator's country's list of assets. So nowhere near that now; and it is interesting and
K1(t) is the concentration at date t (the figure important to know why.54 For the foreseeable
currently is 395 ppm). The quantity K1(t) future our social evaluator will want to estimate
appears in the V function of every country the effect of increase concentrations on
at date t, but its effect differs from country her own country. Let us see how she should
to country. Consider country m. Let P1m(t) organize her estimates.
be the shadow price of carbon concentration
in m. P1m(t) is specific to country m. (If m Net global emission of carbon (which is the
lies in the tropics, P1m(t) is almost certainly a sum of the country emissions net of what is
negative number.) The global shadow price of absorbed by the oceans and the biosphere)
carbon, however, is the sum of the country- adds to global carbon concentration. If X(t)
specific shadow prices. is the net global emission rate at date t, the
increase in concentration over a brief period
The global shadow price of carbon dioxide of time Δt is X(t)Δt, which equals ΔK1(t). The
in the atmosphere was estimated by Stern shadow value to country m of the increase in
(2006) to be minus $85 per tonne, and by concentration is P1m(t)X(t)Δt (= P1m(t)ΔK1(t)),
Nordhaus (2008) to be minus $8 per tonne. a negative quantity.55
Both authors took equation (3) to represent
intergenerational well-being (V(t)) - for the We can state matters in a different but familiar
world as a whole - and both assumed the same way. When country n emits a unit of carbon
form of the function that represents the flow into the atmosphere, it inflicts an externality on
of societal well-being (B(u)) in the equation all other countries. The loss it incurs, which is
- they assumed B(u) = log(C(u)). Where they P1m(t), is less than the global loss. The global
differed was on their choice of the rate of time loss is the sum of the P1m(t)s across all countries.
discount, δ. Stern assumed δ is 0.1 per cent a Of course, the reason why m continues to emit
year, whereas Nordhaus took it to be 2 per cent is that the gain it enjoys from its own carbon
a year. The difference in the choice of δ largely emission exceeds the loss. But that's yet another
explains the huge difference in their estimates instance of the "tragedy of the commons".

Aldy et al. (2010) presents a concise discussion of carbon mitigation options.
The classic on the question is Barrett (2003).
Arrow et al. (2012a) used this argument to estimate the losses suffered from global emissions by the countries in their
sample over the period 2000-2005.

48 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

2.6.5 A Common Misconception56 in the stock of i. Appendix 3 contains an
Wealth is a weighted sum of an economy's illustration.
stock of capital assets (equation (1)). Shadow
prices are the weights. They are the rates at 2.7 Natural Capital: Further
which assets substitute for one another in the Considerations
measure of wealth. There are scholars (Daly We view natural capital here in an inclusive way.
et al., 2007) who worry that wealth's linear At one end are fossil fuels, which are commonly
form hides an awkward assumption, that the referred to as "exhaustible resources" because
various forms of capital assets are perfectly each unit used in production is lost forever.
substitutable for one another in production Economists sometimes refer to natural capital
and consumption. as "environmental resources", sometimes
as "natural resources", and at other times as
The worry is based on a misconception. "environmental natural resources", the double
Propositions 1-4 have no empirical content, adjective being a way to ensure that readers
they are equivalence relationships. The take their minds off dams, tarmac, bulldozers,
Propositions only offer a tool for sustainability chain-saws, and automobiles.
analysis. Proposition 1, for example, says that if
the social evaluator seeks to know whether her When people refer to environmental resources,
economy is on a sustainable development path, they have renewable (self-regenerative)
she should keep track of the economy's wealth, resources in mind. Handled with care, such
it says nothing more. Proposition 1 doesn't forms of natural capital can be put to use in
presume that capital assets can substitute for a sustained way but get depleted if they are
one another in production or consumption, exploited at rates exceeding their ability to
nor does it insist they are complements. The regenerate themselves. The central problem
presence or absence of substitution possibilities in sustainability science is to uncover ways
in production and consumption among various by which a literally indeterminate number
categories of capital assets enter sustainability of interlocking natural processes that shape
analysis via shadow prices. renewable resources can be managed so as to
enable Humanity to flourish indefinitely. Here
Imagine that asset i is an ecological resource we use the term Humanity to cover as small a
that is now close to a dangerously low level, community as a village to people of the world
crossing which would prove catastrophic to as a whole. Scale matters of course, but there is
the economy. Suppose too that the exact point a core commonality in the problems faced by
at which the threshold would be crossed is groups at all scales.
unknown. In such a case, if i+1 is a run-of-
the-mill asset, Pi(t)/Pi+1(t) would be a gigantic
2.7.1 Valuing Ecosystems
number; so large, perhaps, that it wouldn't be
possible to accumulate sufficient quantities of Apart from fisheries and forests as sources
i+1 as compensation for any further decline of timber, ecosystems have traditionally been

The remarks here have been adapted from Arrow et al. (2007), which was a reply to Daly et al. (2007).

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 49

neglected by economists and national income The tropics harbour some of the most
accountants. An ecosystem is a complex of the fragile environments. In a pioneering set of
abiotic environment and plant, animal, fungi, publications, MEA (2005a-d) provided an
and microorganism communities, interacting account of the stresses being experienced
as a functional unit.57 Ecosystems provide currently by both global and local ecosystems.
innumerable services to us. Among the visible The publications record that of the 24
products are food, fibres, fuel, and fresh water, ecosystems investigated for the report, 15
but many remain hidden from view. Among were either degraded or were being used in an
those that remain hidden, ecosystems maintain unsustainable way. Valuing ecosystems services
a genetic library, preserve and regenerate soil, poses formidable problems. The market price
fix nitrogen and carbon, recycle nutrients, is often zero, which means the entire burden
control floods, mitigate droughts, filter falls on estimating the externalities in equation
pollutants, assimilate waste, pollinate crops, (7). The Annexe provides an account of the
operate the hydrological cycle, and maintain various methods that have been deployed for
the gaseous composition of the atmosphere. estimating shadow prices of ecosystem services.
As those services are not visible, it is easy to The shadow price of an ecosystem itself
overlook them. can be estimated by computing the present
discounted value of the benefits derived from
Ecosystems offer joint products: wetlands the services.
recycle nutrients and produce purified water;
mangrove forests protect coastal land from Despite extensive search we have been unable
storms and are spawning grounds for fish; and to locate more than a handful of studies where
so on. Unhappily, social tensions arise in those an ecological service in India has been valued
many cases where an ecosystem has competing using step (i) of the three-step procedure
uses (farms versus forests versus urban outlined at the beginning of Section
development; forests versus agro-ecosystems; Contingent valuation methods (Section 2.1;
coastal fisheries versus aquaculture). As natural see also the Annexe to this chapter) have been
capital is a mesh of environmental resources, deployed in a number of studies, but they are
what one means by an ecosystem is usually designed to uncover the "willingness-to-pay"
influenced by the scope of the problem being for a service, which would mislead if the people
studied. A number of ecosystems have a near surveyed were only dimly aware of ecological
global reach ("biomes", such as the Savannah), dynamics. Empirical studies of the value of
some cover entire regions (river basins), many ecosystem services in India are sorely needed.
involve clusters of villages (micro-watersheds),
while others are confined to the level of a single 2.7.2 Pollution vs Conservation
village (the village pond). Pollutants are the reverse side of natural capital.
One way to conceptualise "pollution" is to

MEA (2005a-d), Balmford et al. (2011), and Bateman et al. (2011) contain excellent accounts of ecosystems viewed as
capital assets.
There are a few in other tropical countries. Ferraro et al. (2012) is an excellent survey of what has to date been unearthed
about the value of forest services.

50 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

turn one's mind to the depreciation of capital hand, as the atmosphere is a common pool into
assets. Acid rains damage forests; industrial which pollutants can be deposited, the private
seepage and discharge reduce water quality in cost of pollution is less than the social cost.
streams and underground reservoirs, killing Without collective action, there is an excessive
fisheries and damaging human health; sulfur use of the pool as a sink for pollutants. Either
emissions corrode buildings and structures and way, the atmosphere suffers from the "tragedy
harm human health; and so on.59 The damage of the commons".
inflicted on each type of asset (buildings,
forests, fisheries, human health) should be 2.8 Stocks and Flows
interpreted as a depreciation of that asset. Economic evaluation involves studying changes
So the task is to estimate the depreciations. in the wealth of societies (Propositions 1-5).
Corrosion of buildings and structures is Sustainability analysis demands in particular
frequently estimated by their replacement cost. that the social evaluator tracks temporal
This is an imperfect procedure. The correct changes in wealth (Propositions 1-2). As the
procedure would be to estimate the loss in rate of change of a "stock" is a "flow", we
output owing to the corrosion which, to use would seem to be back with economic flows as
the economist's expression, is the "opportunity the defining variables in economic evaluation.
cost". Damage to health can be estimated by They are. Propositions 1-4 give us a hint about
loss in human productivity and the direct the connection between capital accounts and
loss in well-being as experienced in pain and income and expenditure accounts. Let us study
discomfort and reduction in life expectancy. the connection formally.
This means there is no reason for distinguishing
resource management problems from pollution
2.8.1 What is Investment?
management problems. Roughly speaking,
"resources" are "goods", while "pollutants" (the The word "investment" could be thought to
degrader of resources) are "bads". Pollution is embody a sense of robust activism, but that's
the reverse of conservation. only because national income statisticians
have traditionally limited the term's use to the
The mirror-symmetry between conservation accumulation of reproducible capital. When
and pollution is well illustrated by the the government invests in roads, the picture
atmosphere, which serves as both a source of that's drawn is one of bulldozers levelling
nourishment and a sink for pollutants. The the ground and tarmac being laid. That's
atmosphere is a public good. (If air quality is investment! In this Report we have found
improved, we all enjoy the benefits, and none it necessary to extend the notion of capital
can be excluded from enjoying the benefits.) beyond reproducible assets to include human
It is also a common pool for pollution. That capital and natural capital. So we are obliged
it is a public good means the private benefit to stretch the notion of "investment" also. It
from improving air quality is less than the includes for example the growth of renewable
social benefit. Without collective action there natural resources such as ecosystems. To leave
is underinvestment in air quality. On the other a forest unmolested so as to enable it to grow

Maler and Wyzga (1973) was an early study of ways to estimate the costs of environmental pollution.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 51

would in our extended sense be to invest in the identified in Appendix 4 (Section A4.5). Here
forest. To allow a fishery to restock under natural we state the finding.
conditions would be to invest in the fishery.
That suggests investment amounts to deferred Consider a brief interval of time, say, a year.
consumption. But the matter is subtler. To The change in wealth per capita over the year is
provide food to the undernourished not only per capita net aggregate investment. It could be
increases their current well-being, but enables that net investment in some assets is negative
them to be more productive in the future; and (depletion of sub-soil resources with no
the latter feature makes even consumption compensating discoveries is a ready example).
among the poor an investment. This suggests But if net investment in another class of assets
that the term investment means any increase in more than matches the decline in the stock of
the flow of services that an asset can provide sub-soil resources, wealth will have increased.
over its lifetime. No doubt that sounds odd, Contrary-wise, if net investment in all other
but theory and empirics taken together should classes of assets falls short of the decline in
determine our usage of technical terms, not the stock of sub-soil resources, wealth will
preconception nor customary usage. So, by have decreased.
"net investment" in asset i we should mean We will write variables in per capita terms by
the value of the rate of change in the stock of lower case letters. Let Δki(t) be the change in
asset i (Proposition 1a and equation (6)). the stock per capita of asset i over the year and
Return to Proposition 4. It comes tantalizingly pi(t) the shadow price of asset i per capita. Then
close to saying that net investment has normative pi(t)Δki(t) represents per capita net investment
significance not only in sustainability analysis, in i and iΣpi(t)Δki(t) represents per capita net
but in policy analysis too. It does. In Appendix aggregate investment. But net aggregate
4 we prove investment is what one would call the change
in wealth over the year. So Proposition 1 can
Proposition 6: Aggregate net investment equals be restated as
the present discounted value of changes to
consumption brought about by it. Proposition 7: Intergenerational well-being
averaged over the generations increases over
Proposition 6 provides the normative a period of time if and only if per capita
significance of the inclusive notion of net aggregate investment over the period is
investment we are advancing in this Report. positive.
That inclusiveness should inform the
construction of national accounts. We discuss Proposition 7 is proved in Appendix 4 (Section
examples in Section 2.9. A4.5). As with Propositions 1-2, Proposition
7 is an equivalence relationship. On its own
it cannot tell the social evaluator whether
2.8.2 Population Change
an economy is following, or has followed, a
We now try to make Proposition 4 operational sustainable development path over the period
by considering circumstances where wealth she is studying. It only offers a criterion for use
per capita can be used as the sustainability in sustainability analysis.
and policy criterion. The circumstances are

52 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Formally, let L(t) denote population size at time between "net investment per capita" (the
t. Using lower case symbols to denote quantities first term on the right hand side of equation
per capita, let ki(t) be the per capita stock of (10b)) and what we are calling "per capita net
asset i at t. Thus ki(t) = Ki(t)/L(t). Now let v(t) investment" (the left hand side of equation
denote intergenerational well-being averaged (10b)). We have switched the words in the two
over the generations. Consider a brief interval expressions intentionally. To see why, consider
of time, Δt, starting at t. Δt could be a year, say. equation (10a). The term pi(t)[dKi(t)/dt]/L(t)
Denote by Δki(t) the change in the stock of i should be called net investment per capita in
per capita during Δt. Proposition 5 says that if asset i, because it is net investment in i, divided
pi(t) is the shadow price of asset i per head, by population size. World Bank (2011) would
call the quantity "genuine saving per head."
Δv(t) ≥ 0 if and only if iΣ[pi(t)Δki(t)] ≥ 0. (8) But that isn't the sustainability criterion in
Condition (8) tells us that the criterion by Proposition 7. An increase in the stock of i
which the social evaluator should assess the merely deepens i, but because population is
sustainability of development over the time increasing, there has to be sufficient widening
interval Δt is whether iΣ[pi(t)Δki(t)] is positive. of the stock to cover that increase. The second
But the term iΣ[pi(t)Δki(t)] is what we would term on the right hand side of equation (10a) is
call "per capita net investment". Proposition the negative of the product of the population
5 says that sustainability analysis requires the growth rate and the social value of the per
social evaluator to keep her eye firmly on the capita stock of asset i. Returning once again
sign of per capita net investment. to equation (10b), we see that net investment
per capita has to exceed the social value of
It is however easy to misread per capita net wealth per capita if the economy is to progress
investment. To see why, let us re-write iΣ[pi(t) at date t. To put it another way, in the face of
Δki(t)] as iΣ[pi(t)(Δki(t)/Δt)Δt]. If Δt is small, population growth the World Bank's "genuine
we can approximate per capita net investment saving" has to be sufficiently large to enable an
at t by iΣ[pi(t)dki(t)/dt]. Let economy to develop sustainably. So, although
Proposition 7 says that the criterion for judging
yi(t) = pi(t)dki(t)/dt, (9a) whether there is economic progress is the sign
of per capita net investment, there is no escape
y(t) = iΣyi(t) = iΣpi(t)dki(t)/dt. (9b)
for the social evaluator from having to measure
In equations (9a-b) yi(t) is per capita net the economy's wealth itself.
investment in asset i and y(t) is per capita
net investment, period. Note though that if 2.8.3 Net Domestic Product as a Bound
population grows at the percentage rate n, on Consumption
The word "net" in Propositions 6-7 is
pi(t)dki(t)/dt = pi(t)[dKi(t)/dt]/L(t) - npi(t)
significant in sustainability analysis. We noted
ki(t), (10a)
earlier that the reason GDP is unsuitable in
y(t) = iΣpi(t)[dKi(t)/dt]/L(t) - n[iΣpi(t)ki(t)]. economic evaluation is that it doesn't record
(10b) the depreciation of capital. GDP growth
tells us nothing other than GDP growth.
Equations (10a-b) draw out a distinction

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 53

As intergenerational well-being reflects the consumption per capita is less than net domestic
social good, GDP growth means little. But product per capita.
Proposition 6 hints at the possibility that
net domestic product (NDP) is a significant Propositions 7 and 8 embody the ethical
statistic in economic evaluation. significance of net domestic product. They
say that consumption per head must not
NDP is GDP minus capital depreciation, exceed NDP per head if development is to be
which means that in a closed economy NDP sustainable.60 Propositions 2 and 8 reveal the
is consumption plus net aggregate investment. connection between an economy's income and
Let C(t) denote aggregate consumption. By net capital accounts.
aggregate investment we mean the value of
net changes the economy's capital assets. As 2.9 Income-Expenditure and
previously, let well-being be numeraire. Capital Accounts: Simple Rules
For notational simplicity assume time is In this Report the conclusions reached in
continuous. If the period being studied is Chapter 2 are used in Chapters 3-6 to help
brief, ΔKi(t) could be expressed as [dKi(t)/dt] extend the system of national accounts (SNA)
Δt. If Q(t) is the shadow price of aggregate and the system of environmental and economic
consumption, we define net domestic product accounts (SEEA). We now use our findings
at date t as to arrive at rules for arriving at estimates of
NDP from estimates of final demand, or
(NDP)t = Q(t)C(t) + iΣPi(K(t),t)dKi/dt. (9) domestic income, which equals the sum of
aggregate consumption and gross investment
In equation (9) C(t) includes government in reproducible capital.
consumption and Pi(K(t),t)dKi/dt includes
government investment in asset i. 2.9.1 Defensive Expenditure
C(t) and dKi/dt are flows. Equation (9) forms By defensive expenditure we mean resources
the basis of income-expenditure accounts and devoted to reducing the impact of environmental
is of fundamental importance. The equation damage on health, machinery and structures,
tells us which expenditure items should be and natural capital. Put another way, defensive
included and which should be excluded expenditure aims to soften capital depreciation.
(examples are studied below; Section 2.9). It is customary to include such expenditure in
final demand, but equation (8) tells us that it is
Using equation (9) and Proposition 5, bad practice. If the expenditure targeted at a
Proposition 2 can be recast as depreciating asset protects the asset fully, the
asset would not depreciate, but the expenditure
Proposition 8: Intergenerational well-being
wouldn't add to the stock of capital either.
averaged over the generations increases over a
If on the other hand the expenditure isn't
brief interval of time if and only if aggregate

A formal proof is provided in Appendix 7. An early version of the Proposition was proved by Solow (1974), Hartwick
(1977), and Dixit, Hammond, and Hoel (1980).

54 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

undertaken, output will be correspondingly new discoveries as additions to wealth. That
lower than previously and the asset will have would involve double counting. Appendix 8
depreciated. The rule that follows is that in contains a formal analysis.
estimating NDP, both defensive expenditure
and depreciation should be deducted from The above discussion assumes that discoveries
final demand.61 are small relative to known reserves. If a newly
discovered reserve is large, the value of the
total stock of the sub-soil resource increases
2.9.2 Exploration for Sub-Soil Resources
discretely. Shadow prices have to be re-
By the stock of a sub-soil resource we mean estimated.
(and should mean) known reserves. The right
analogy is with knowledge, the stock of which
2.9.3 Pricing Groundwater
at any moment in time is knowledge that's been
discovered, not knowledge that's waiting to Groundwater basins are frequently subject to
be discovered. Changes in known reserves of unrestricted extraction, usually by farmers. If
sub-soil resources equal the difference between no charges are levied on extraction it may be
new discoveries and the quantities extracted. reasonable to assume that farmers draw water to
Known reserves are reduced when discoveries the point where the marginal value of extracted
fall short of extraction. In that case depletion water to farmers equals the unit extraction cost.
should be deducted from net investment. This means groundwater rents are dissipated
That much is clear, but by the same token if entirely, yet another example of the "tragedy
discoveries exceed depletion, known reserves of the commons". Ideally an extraction charge
increase and that adds to wealth. The rule that would be levied, equal to the shadow price of
follows is that in estimating NDP, the value of water in the aquifer; but suppose, for whatever
the net increase in reserves should be added to reasons, it isn't.63 The forecast is that rents
final demand.62 will continue to be dissipated until the basin is
exhausted. It could seem that the shadow price
Exploration costs are the mirror image of of groundwater would be zero. In fact it is
defensive expenditures. In social cost-benefit positive. To see why, assume that the unit cost of
analysis they appear as investment outlays and extraction is constant and that farmers' demands
are compared to the value of the discoveries are also constant. In that case the aggregate rate
that are expected to be made in consequence. of extraction would be constant until the basin
But because new discoveries would be is exhausted. But now imagine that an additional
recorded in capital accounts as additions to unit of water is added to the basin. In that case the
wealth, exploration costs should be deducted date of depletion would be postponed slightly.
from final demand (equation (8)). Not to do so That's a gain to farmers. That gain is the shadow
would be to regard both exploration costs and price of groundwater. Appendix 7 develops a
formula for estimating that shadow price.

Maler (1991) is the fundamental paper on the subject.
We are assuming implicitly that the shadow price of the resource in the newly discovered deposit is not too different
from the resource’s shadow price in the known reserve. If the newly discovered deposit were of low quality, wealth could
decline under the circumstances just mentioned in the text.
Governments are known to go further and subsidize extraction costs.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 55

2.9.4 TFP Growth:Technological Change natural capital in fact declines over a period,
and Institutional Reforms the TFPs obtained from regressions based
Research and development (R&D) are inputs on those models would be overestimates.
in the production of knowledge. Expenditure The implication is more than just ironic: the
on R&D is therefore part of net investment (in regressions would misinterpret degradation of
scientists, laboratories, and so on), the returns the environment as an increase in knowledge
on which would be enjoyed as greater future and an improvement in institutions!64
output. But suppose the growth in knowledge is
"exogenous", as would be the case if domestic 2.9.5 Education
firms simply make use of knowledge created In earlier days capital assets in formal growth
abroad without payment. In that case the models were confined to what we have been
economy's productive base expands costlessly. referring to as "reproducible capital". The
Similarly, institutional reforms (lowering of pioneering work of Schultz (1974) showed
corruption and rigidities in the ability of ways to measure education as a form of human
citizens to go about their businesses) increase capital. Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare (1997)
an economy's productive base. and others have shown that in rich countries
human capital in the form of education vastly
Macroeconomists not infrequently measure
dominates the value of reproducible capital,
technological and institutional changes in terms
by a factor of 3 or more. Appendix 9 sketches
of changes in total factor productivity (TFP).
the method they used to estimate the value of
In Appendix 4 we confirm that exogenous
increases in TFP would translate into time
dependent shadow prices of assets.
2.9.6 Health
An alternative procedure would be to regard The indirect benefits of improved health are
TFP as yet another capital asset and to then increases in productivity. Those benefits would
estimate its shadow price from an aggregate be reflected in higher outputs and incomes. But
model of the economy. Arrow et al. (2012a) have there are two ways in which health contributes
followed that route. They identified conditions directly to human well-being: enhancing the
under which it is a reasonable approximation value of consumption and extending life.
to simply add the rate of growth in TFP to And broadly speaking there are two ways to
the percentage rate of growth of the aggregate estimate those benefits. One is to seek people's
capital stock. The procedure is described in "willingness-to-pay" for improvements in health
Appendix 4. (the "stated preference" approach; Annexe);
the other is to infer the value of health from
Contemporary estimates of TFP should,
"revealed preference". Here we discuss how
however, be treated with the utmost caution.
improvements in life expectancy can be valued
TFPs are typically estimated on the basis
by a study of revealed preference (a formal
of models that don't have natural capital in
treatment is provided in Appendix 10).
them (e.g., Collins and Bosworth, 1996). If

On this, see Dasgupta (2001) and Vouvaki and Xepapadeas (2009).


56 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

At its basis is the "value of a statistical life" countries there has been an under-investment
(VSL), the most common method for in health, especially the health of infants and
estimating which is to uncover differences in pregnant and lactating women.
wages for jobs involving differential risks. To
illustrate, imagine that someone is willing to Set against the finding is the fact that many
pay up to US $85 annually to reduce a mortal forms of natural capital, most especially
risk to him from 1/10,000 to 1/30,000. Denote ecosystems, were seriously undervalued in
the reduction as Δp. In our example, Δp = the estimates in Arrow et al. (2012a). It is a
1/10,000 - 1/30,000 = 1/15,000. The value of reasonable conjecture that when natural capital
a statistical life, VL, is defined by VLΔp = $85, is valued with the detail the other forms of
or VL = 420/Δp = $1.3 million. capital assets currently enjoy, health and the
environment will outweigh reproducible capital
Contrary to what is widely thought, VL is not by a large margin.
the value of life, it is the value of a statistical
life. In the present example it means 15,000 2.10 The Significance of Green
identical people would be willing to spend Issues in Developing Countries
up to $6.3 million collectively to reduce Despite the findings we have so far reported
the expected number of deaths due to this here, a nagging question remains: how
particular risk by 1. Across countries VL has significant is the need for green accounts in
been found to vary positively with GDP per a developing country? Shouldn't the need for
capita. As choices in so many other spheres economic growth (for which, read growth
of life reveal, the tradeoffs that the poor are in GDP) trump the desire to protect our
obliged to make differ cruelly from those that environment? We address these questions now.
can be accommodated by the rich. In a study
of cross-country estimates of VL, Viscusi and
2.10.1 Economic Growth and the
Aldy (2003) found that VL = bY0.6, where Y is
GDP per head and b is a positive constant. For
India VL is approximately $1.3 million. It is today a truism that much natural capital
is not only intrinsically valuable, it also has
From the value of a statistical life to the value functional worth. But scratch an economist
of a statistical life-year is but a short step. In and you are likely to find someone who
Appendix 10 we elaborate on the method that regards natural capital as a luxury. It is
uses VSL to estimate the value of an increase commonly thought that, to quote an editorial
in longevity. The surprising finding of a recent in the UK's The Independent (4 December
empirical study (Arrow et al., 2012a) is that 1999), "... (economic) growth is good for the
as a share of per capita wealth of nations, environment because countries need to put
health capital per capita (the value of the poverty behind them in order to care," or, to
expected number of years remaining for a quote The Economist (4 December, 1999: 17),
person) surpasses the combined shares of all "... trade improves the environment, because it
other forms of capital assets by an order of raises incomes, and the richer people are, the
magnitude. The sample included developing more willing they are to devote resources to
economies. That suggests that at least in poor cleaning up their living space."

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 57

The underlying idea was popularized in World confirming the inverted-U shape have
Bank (1992). Emissions of nitrous oxides continued to focus on ambient air pollution in
(NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), particulates, and cities (e.g., Harbaugh et al., 2002). Notice that
lead were found to have declined since 1970 such pollutants literally blow away. The air-
in OECD countries even while GDP had shed over a city would be expected to improve
increased. World Bank (1992) also found in quality if emissions there were to decline.
that among countries where per capita GDP But sewage is another form of pollution that
was under US $1,200 per year, the less poor would be "subject" to the environmental
among the countries suffered from greater Kuznets curve. Health in the cities declined
concentration of sulfur dioxide, but that at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution,
among countries enjoying per capita GDP in largely owing to an increase in urban pollution.
excess of US $1,200, those that were richer With rising incomes, the local environment
had lower concentrations. The relationship eventually improved. Because it is consistent
between GDP per capita and concentration was with the notion that as their incomes rise people
found to be an inverted-U (Figs. 1-2) Among spend proportionately more on environmental
environmental economists the relationship quality, it has proved tempting to believe that
was promptly christened the "environmental the environmental Kuznets curve holds for
Kuznets curve," because a similar relationship environmental quality generally.
between GDP per head and income inequality
had been found decades ago by the economist The temptation should be resisted.66 If
Simon Kuznets. The environmental Kuznets the degradation of natural capital were
curve was interpreted in such terms as the irreversible, economic growth could be at risk
following: and we wouldn't observe an inverted-U. And
there are other reasons we should reject the
"People in poor countries can't afford placing environmental Kuznets curve as a metaphor
a weight on the natural environment over for the relationship between GDP per capita
material well-being. So, in the early stages of and the state of the natural environment. Here
economic development pollution is taken are four reasons:
to be an acceptable, if unfortunate, side-
effect of growth in GDP. However, when First, the inverted-U has been found for
a country has attained a sufficiently high pollutants involving local, short-term damages
standard of living, people care more about (sulphur, particulates, fecal coliforms), not for
the natural environment. This leads them to the accumulation of household and industrial
pass environmental legislation and create new waste, nor for pollutants involving long-term
institutions to protect the environment." and more dispersed costs, such as carbon
dioxide, which typically have been found to
The literature on the environmental Kuznets increase continuously with GDP (World Bank,
curve is now huge.65 However, studies 1992). Secondly, the relationship between GDP

For reviews, see S. Dasgupta et al. (2002), Dinda (2004), D.I. Stern (2004).

The observations below are taken from Arrow et al. (1995), which was republished, with comments by a number of

experts, in Environment and Development Economics (1996), Vol. 1, No. 1.

58 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

per head and environmental pollution wouldn't movements in GDP. Movements in wealth
be the inverted-U if the feedback from over time pick up the right tradeoffs between
pollution to the state of ecosystems is positive the factors that determine intergenerational
(D.I. Stern et al., 1996). Third, the inverted-U well-being. If there are tradeoffs that can be
hides system-wide consequences of emissions. exploited between different types of capital
Reductions in one pollutant in one country, assets, shadow prices would reflect them and
for example, could involve increases in other wealth would summarize them in the right way.
pollutants in the same country or transfers of Appendix 2 demonstrates that shadow prices
those same pollutants to other countries. Acid reflect those tradeoffs.
rains are an example of the externalities that
emitting countries impose on countries down 2.10.2 Necessities vs. Luxuries
wind. A large part of what Nature offers us is a
And fourth, in most cases where pollution necessity, not a luxury. Many of the services we
concentrations have declined with rising obtain from natural capital are "basic needs".
GDP, the reductions have been due to local Among the visible products are food, fibres,
institutional reforms, such as environmental fuel, and fresh water (MEA, 2005a-c, calls them
legislation and market-based incentives to "provisioning services"). Many are hidden from
reduce environmental impacts. Such reforms view. A number of services filter into a global
may ignore their possible adverse side effects context, but many are geographically confined.
on the poor and on future generations. Where Human well-being and the state of our natural
the environmental costs of economic activity environment are closely linked.
are borne by those under-represented in the Natural capital offers joint products. Circulation
political process, the incentives to correct of material (ocean currents and the wind
environmental problems are likely to be weak. system) transfers energy across the globe (e.g., it
The upper panel of Figure 1 can mislead influences precipitation) and dilutes pollutants.
one into thinking that it reflects a universal Wetlands recycle nutrients and produce
relationship between the environment and purified water. Mangrove forests protect
economic development. coastal land from storms and are spawning
The solution to environmental degradation grounds for fish. And so on. Unhappily, social
usually lies in such institutional reforms as would tensions arise in those many cases where an
offer incentives to private users of resources to ecosystem has competing uses (farms versus
take account of the social costs of their actions forests versus urban development; forests
(the externalities!). The inverted-U curve versus agro-ecosystems; coastal fisheries versus
suggests this can happen in some cases, that aquaculture67). Sachs et al. (1998) traced the
is all. Moreover, as we have shown, growth in location of world poverty in part to the fact
GDP per capita is a wrong objective; we should that the tropics harbour some of the most
instead be studying movements in wealth, not fragile ecosystems, including those that regulate

See Tomich et al. (2004), Tomich et al. (2004), MEA (2005a-d), and Palm et al. (2005) on those tensions.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 59

A resource can be a luxury for others even needs are outflanked by outsiders' demands.
while it is a necessity for some. Consider
watersheds, which nurture commercial timber, 2.10.3 Irreversible Uses
protect agricultural land, create recreational Ecosystems are driven by interlocking non-
opportunities, and supply both market and non- linear processes that run at various speeds and
market products (gums, resin, honey, fibres, operate at different spatial scales (Steffen et
fodder, fresh water, timber, and fuel-wood). al., 2004); which is why ecosystems harbour
Watershed forests purify water and protect multiple stability regimes (Appendix 7). The
downstream farmers and fishermen from global climate system is now a well known
floods, droughts, and sediments. In tropical example, but small-scale ecosystems also
watersheds, forests house vast quantities of contain multiple stability regimes; and for
carbon and are the major home of biodiversity. similar reasons. So long as phosphorus run-
A number of products from watersheds are off into a fresh water lake is less than the rate
necessities for local inhabitants (forest dwellers, at which the nutrient settles at the bottom,
downstream farmers, and fishermen), some the water column remains clear. But if over
are sources of revenue for commercial firms a period of time the run-off exceeds that
(timber companies), while others are luxuries for rate, the lake collapses into a eutrophic state
outsiders (eco-tourists). Some of the benefits (Carpenter, 2001; Scheffer, 2009). Usually the
accrue to nationals (agricultural products and point at which the lake will collapse is unknown
fibres), while others spill over geographical (Appendix 3). That means the system is driven
boundaries (carbon sequestration). So, while by non-linear stochastic processes.
watersheds offer joint products (protection
of biodiversity, flood control, carbon When wetlands, forests, and woodlands are
sequestration, household necessities), they also destroyed (for agriculture, mining, timber
provide potential services that compete against extraction, urban expansion, or whatever),
one another (commercial timber, agricultural traditional dwellers suffer. For them, and they
land, biodiversity). Competition for Nature's are among the poorest in society, there are
services has been a prime force behind the no substitutes. For others, there is something
transformation of our landscape. Politics else, often somewhere else, which means there
often intervenes to ensure that commercial are substitutes. Degradation of ecosystems is
demand trumps local needs, especially under like the depreciation of roads, buildings, and
non-democratic regimes. Governments have machinery - but with three big differences: (i)
been known to issue timber concessions in depreciation of natural capital is frequently
upstream forests to private logging firms, even irreversible (or at best the systems take a long
while evicting forest dwellers and encouraging time to recover); (ii) except in a very limited
siltation and the risk of floods downstream. Nor sense, it isn't possible to replace a depleted or
can the international community be depended degraded ecosystem by a new one; and (iii)
upon to apply pressure on governments. When ecosystems can collapse abruptly, without much
biodiversity is lost at a particular site, eco- prior warning. Imagine what would happen
tourists go elsewhere that has rich biodiversity to a city's inhabitants if the infrastructure
on offer. That is why international opinion is connecting it to the outside world was to break
often at best tepid. In both examples, local down without notice. Vanishing water holes,

60 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

deteriorating grazing fields, barren slopes, limits to further substitution possibilities among
and wasting mangroves are spatially confined large numbers of natural resources and among
instances of corresponding breakdowns among environmental resources and other forms of
the rural poor in poor countries. In recent years capital assets (Ehrlich and Goulder, 2007).
we have also seen how an ecological collapse
accompanying high population growth, such as Four kinds of substitution help to ease resource
the one that has been experienced in recent years constraints, be they local or global. First, there
in the Horn of Africa and the Darfur region can be substitution of one thing for another in
of Sudan, can trigger rapid socio-economic consumption (nylon and rayon substituting for
decline (Homer-Dixon, 1999; Diamond, 2005; cotton and wool; pulses substituting for meat).
Collier, 2007). The range between a need and Secondly, manufactured capital can substitute
a luxury is thus enormous and context-ridden. for labour and natural capital in production
Macroeconomic reasoning glosses over the (the wheel and double-glazing are two extreme
heterogeneity of Earth's resources and the examples). Thirdly, novel production techniques
diverse uses to which they are put, by people can substitute for old ones.68 Fourthly, and for
residing at the site and those elsewhere. us here most importantly, natural resources
themselves can substitute for one another (e.g.,
renewable energy sources could substitute for
2.10.4 Substitution Possibilities
non-renewable ones). The examples point to a
Environmental debates are often over the general idea: as each resource is depleted, there
extent to which people are able to substitute one are close substitutes lying in wait, either at the
asset for another. Many believe that problems site or elsewhere. The thought that follows
arising from the depletion of natural capital is that even as constraints increasingly bite
can always be overcome by the accumulation on any one resource base, Humanity should
of reproducible capital, knowledge, and be able move to other resource bases, either
skills. Lomborg (2001) is an example from at the same site or elsewhere. The enormous
the popular literature. But the viewpoint also additions to the sources of industrial energy
pervades academic economics. Macroeconomic that have been realized (successively, human
growth theories, for example, are mostly built and animal power, wind, timber, water, coal,
on economic models in which Nature makes oil and natural gas and, most recently, nuclear
no appearance (Romer, 1996; Barro and Sal-i- power) are a prime historical illustration of this
Martin, 2003; Helpmann, 2004). The implicit possibility.69
assumption there is that reproducible capital
and human skill and ingenuity can be relied Humanity has been substituting one thing for
upon to make the sustainability of Nature's another since time immemorial. Even the final
services unimportant. In contrast there are conversion of forests into agricultural land in
scientists who argue that, globally, Humanity England in the Middle Ages was a form of
has reached the stage where there are severe substitution: large ecosystems were transformed

For example, the discovery of effective ways to replace the piston by the steam turbine (i.e., converting from reciprocating
to rotary motion) was introduced into power plants and ships a little over 100 years ago. The innovation was an enormous
energy saver in engines.
But these shifts have not been without unintended consequences. Global climate change didn’t feature in economic
calculations until very recently.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 61

to produce more food.70 But both the pace global climate is a constant reminder of that.
and scale of substitution in recent centuries
have been unprecedented. Landes (1969) has 2.10.5 Ecosystem Resilience
shown that the discovery of vast numbers Degradation of an ecosystem not only affects
of ways of substituting resources among one the volume and quality of the services it
another characterized the Industrial Revolution provides, but also challenges the system's
in late eighteenth century. The extraordinary resilience, which is its capacity to absorb
economic growth in Western Europe and disturbances without undergoing fundamental
North America since, and in East Asia more changes in its functional characteristics. To
recently, has been another example of finding interpret an ecosystem's loss of resilience,
new ways to substitute goods and services one needs to view it as having moved to a
among one another and to bring about those different stability regime. Sudden changes in
substitutions. That ecosystems are spatially the character of shallow lakes (from clear to
dispersed has enabled this to happen. The eutrophied water) resulting from increases in
ecological transformation of rural England in nutrients, and the transformation of grasslands
the Middle Ages probably reduced the nation's into shrub-lands consequent upon bad cattle-
biodiversity, but it increased income without management practices are examples of regime
any direct effect on global productivity. shifts. Human societies have on occasions been
But that was then and there, and we are in unable to avoid suffering from unexpected flips
the here and now. The question is whether in their local ecosystems. Fishermen on Lake
it is possible for the scale of human activity Victoria and nomads in the new shrub-lands
to increase substantially beyond what it is of southern Africa are examples from recent
today without placing undue stress on the years; the inhabitants of the Mayan states in
major ecosystems that remain. The cost of early ninth Century and those of Easter Island
substituting reproducible capital for natural in the eighteenth Century are examples from
capital can be high. Low-cost substitutes could earlier eras.71
turn out to be not so "low-cost" if the true Estimating damage to ecosystems from
costs are used in the accounting, rather than pollution is especially difficult in cases where
the costs recorded in the marketplace (Section the ecosystem is destroyed, or more accurately,
2.6.1). Depleting one type of natural capital gets transformed. Phosphorus seepage from
and substituting it with another form of natural agricultural fertilizers into fresh water lakes
capital or with a type of reproducible capital causes eutrophication. Reversing the damage
is frequently uneconomical. The example of

Forests in England had begun to be denuded earlier, by Neolithic Britons and the Romans
The decay of Mayan civilization has been traced by some scholars to an overuse of agricultural land. Soil degradation
made Mayan populations more vulnerable to crop failure in times of low rainfall. Martin and Grube (2000) have offered
evidence that the collapse of a number of Mayan cities occurred in the remarkably-short interval AD 800-830 (see
also Yaeger and Hodell, 2008). The death of Easter Island has been the subject of much recent debate. Brander and
Taylor (1998) give a short historical account and construct a formal mechanism by which a seemingly sophisticated island
economy could collapse over a short period of time. In a Special Issue on “Critical Perspectives on Historical Collapse”,
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2012, Vol. 109, No. 10, March 6) has published articles uncovering
reasons for the collapse of certain past societies.

62 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

can be costly, in some cases impossible. Regime abundance in ecosystems is like spare capacity,
shifts are a potential feature because the it offers an insurance device for ecosystems
processes governing ecosystems are non-linear. (Tilman, Reich, Knops, 2006).
In Appendix 7 we present a model of Human-
Nature interactions involving reproducible, It remains a popular belief though that the
human, and natural capital. As the natural utilitarian value of biodiversity is located
system in the model is subject to a threshold, primarily in the potential uses of the genetic
the economy has two stability regimes.72 material it harbours (e.g., for pharmaceutical
purposes). Preserving biodiversity is seen as
a way of holding a diverse portfolio of assets
2.10.6 Biodiversity
with uncertain payoff. The idea of option value
Determining the functional value of biodiversity (Section 2.4.3) finds its most striking illustration
is a delicate matter. When ecologists speak in "biodiversity" viewed as a potential source
favourably of biodiversity, which they do of new genetic material. But biodiversity
in unison and with regularity, they make an is valuable more broadly (Balmford et al.,
implicit assumption that the diverse species 2011). It is essential for the maintenance of a
have co-evolved under selection pressure. They variety of services on which humans depend
don't mean a simple head-count of "objects" for survival (species complementarities are
constituting the diversity. The diversity of involved). This has the corollary that to invoke
species increased when the Nile perch was the idea of substitutability among natural
introduced into Lake Victoria. But not for long; resources in order to play down the usefulness
the lake, as a fishery, was devastated. of biodiversity is a wrong intellectual move.
Biodiversity, appropriately defined, would The point is that if biodiversity is necessary for
seem to be a key to ecosystem productivity an ecosystem to provide essential service, the
(Tilman, 2012). By "productivity" we mean importance of that same biodiversity cannot
the production of biomass, termed "primary be downplayed by the mere hope that for every
productivity". It has been found in experiments species there are substitutes lying in wait within
in field stations that species-rich plots yield the same ecosystem. Recall the famous analogy
greater biomass than species-poor ones, which in Ehrlich and Ehrlich (1981) relating species
would indicate that the total productivity of in an ecosystem to rivets in an airplane. One
a population of species is greater than the by one, perhaps, species may disappear and not
sum of the productivities of the individual be missed. There is spare capacity, meaning
species grown in isolation. This reflects a form "species substitutability". Eventually, though,
of synergy, making ecosystems resilient to the cumulative effect of biodiversity loss will
changes in the circumstances they experience. lead to the crash of ecosystem functioning
The minor species in a lightly grazed grassland ("species complementarity" will kick in), just
could be regarded as "waiting in the wings" as the cumulative loss of redundant rivets will
to take over, if required to do so because of lead to the crash of an airplane.
intense grazing. The thought here is that species

In 2003 the journal, Environmental and Resource Economics (Vol.26, No.4 ) published a Symposium on the economics

of (non-linear) ecosystems and regime shifts.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 63

2.11 Economic Growth as Growth GDP useful. They have proved important for
in Wealth analyzing behaviour and assessing under-used
The central finding in this Report has been that capacity. But if the social evaluator is to conduct
by "economic growth" we should mean growth economic evaluation, there is no getting away
in an economy's wealth (per capita), not growth from her need for wealth accounts.
in GDP. As an adjunct, the finding says that Without demand supply rarely comes forth.
when we worry about the distribution of well- Because there has been no official demand
being in a society, we should worry about the for resource accounts, particularly ecological
distribution of wealth, not income. Of course, accounts, there are few estimates of the value
the point of economic policy wouldn't be to of natural capital anywhere in the world. And
maximize the rate of wealth accumulation, it without that there isn't much point in talking
would be to determine optimum accumulation about wealth and its movement over time.
rates, which could well be to aim at a gradual Early estimates (Dasgupta, 2001; Arrow et al.,
increase in wealth. 2004) of movements in the inclusive form of
Wealth is an intuitively congenial economic wealth that appears in Proposition 5 indicated
object. We commonly use the term "wealthy" that during 1970-2000 wealth per capita in a
to describe rich people and nations and on number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa and
occasion recall that Adam Smith's great South Asia declined, even though GDP per
treatise was on the wealth of nations. Our capita rose and HDI improved. Their findings,
discussion has however revealed that behind taken at face value, say that development during
what is a commonplace term lie unexpected 1970-2000 had been unsustainable in those
complexities. We have shown that many of economies.
the complexities are conceptual while others Unfortunately, the estimates were woefully
concern the nuts and bolts of practical national crude. Among natural capital assets the authors
accounting. A large part of this Report has were able to include only forests (that too,
been directed at unravelling those complexities valued in terms of their timber content), sub-
and building a unified conceptual structure soil resources, and carbon concentration in the
for economic evaluation. In Chapter 2 and 5 atmosphere. Water resources (both aquifers and
we show how to put our findings to use in the rivers) were missing, as were fisheries and the
preparation of national accounts. myriad of ecosystem services that fall outside
Despite wealth's appeal, economic decision- the recorded system of use and transactions.
makers and commentators can be expected to On the other hand, improvements in health and
be drawn to GDP for a variety of reasons, long education were measured in terms of public
familiarity with it being only one. Appendix expenditure on health, which is in all probability
11 offers reasons why it may prove difficult wildly below their shadow values. Despite the
for governments to wean themselves away shortcomings, those early empirical estimates
from GDP as their chosen benchmark for of wealth and its movements over time were
judging economic performance over the long useful if only because they alerted us to the
run. There are also well founded reasons why possibility that in recent years growth in GDP
macroeconomists have found time series of per capita in poor countries has been achieved

64 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

by running down wealth per head. The flip side exists in current estimates. That said, we take
of the message is that a move to sustainable contemporary estimates of national income
development may well require cutting down too much at face value. Official estimates are
growth in GDP per capita. silent on the proportion of incomes that go
unrecorded. Estimates of transactions falling
Arrow et al. (2012a) and UNU-IHDP/UNEP outside the market system or operating within
(2012) have made improvements to wealth a black market system suggest that the errors
estimates by measuring human capital and in official estimates of national income are
its improvements in line with the methods substantial.
suggested in Section 2.4 and developed in
Appendices 8-9. With but one exception Official ignorance of the state of an economy's
(Venezuela) in their sample of five countries, stock of natural capital assets should now
Arrow et al. (2012a) found that both GDP per be a matter of extreme embarrassment to
capita and wealth per head increased during governments. In a review of the empirical
the period 1995-2000. The authors found that literature on forest services (carbon storage,
in Venezuela GDP per capita increased even ecotourism, hydrological flows, pollination,
while the country's wealth per head declined health, and non-timber forest products),
(owing to depletion of oil). But the list of Ferraro et al. (2011) have found little that can
natural assets in Arrow et al. (2012a) was the be reliably used in wealth estimates. However,
same as it was as in the earlier publications. even if figures for natural resource stocks were
UNU-IHDP/UNEP (2012) made a valiant available, the deep problem of imputing values
attempt to obtain estimates of fisheries' stock, to them would remain. Market prices may be
but they were able to locate them for only four hard facts, but shadow prices are soft. The
of the twenty countries in their sample. That issue isn't merely one of uncertainty about
suggests the estimates in those two publications the role natural capital plays in production and
of wealth changes are biased upward. consumption possibilities, it is also a matter
arising from the fact that people differ in their
Of course, in a hugely distorted economy a ethical values. The sensitivity of wealth to
government may be able to have its proverbial shadow prices should become routine exercise
cake and eat it too. It could be that by a judicious in national accounts. We should expect wealth
choice of policy it is possible for a developing estimates to be presented as bands, not exact
country today to aspire to the accumulation of figures. That people may never agree on the
wealth per capita and enjoy modest increases wealth of nations is, however, no reason for
in GDP per head as well for a while. Only abandoning wealth as the object of interest in
further work in wealth accounting will enable sustainability analysis. Our ignorance of the
decision makers to know whether that is indeed economic worth of natural capital remains
possible. the greatest barrier to an understanding of the
These are early days in the preparation of history of economic development. Until that
wealth accounts (Chapter 5). But it is sobering ignorance is lifted policy analysis will remain
to realize that 60 years ago estimates of national crippled and sustainability will continue to
incomes were subject to uncertainties of a be a notion we admire but cannot put into
magnitude people are minded to think no longer operation.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 65

66 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
Appendix 1
The Primacy of Forecasts
In the text it was argued that forecasts are Output can be either consumed or saved.
meaningful only when the forecaster is able What is saved is invested. The behavioural
to respond to counter-factuals (the "what if assumption we make about people is that they
the assets the economy had inherited been save a constant proportion of output. Let s be
otherwise?" sort of reasoning). So as to the rate of saving (0 < s < 1). Assuming that
formalize those arguments, we first study intended investment and realised investment
a model that is undoubtedly an extreme are equal, the rate of investment is given by the
caricature, but it enables us to determine the equation
evolution of an economy in explicit terms. We
then generalize. dK(u)/du = sY(u) = sAK(u). (A1.2)

For notational ease we assume time is Integrating equation (A1.2), we have

continuous. The forecast is made at an arbitrary K(u) = K(t)esA(u-t). (A1.3)
date t. The future consists of dates following
t. As in the text let u also denote time, with K(t) is the "initial condition" for the social
the understanding that u ≥ t. The dynamics of evaluator. If C(u) denotes consumption at u,
the economy will therefore be characterized equation (A1.1) says
in terms of u. This is an unusual move, but
as we will confirm presently, it is useful in C(u) = (1-s)Y(u) = (1-s)AK(u). (A1.4)
sustainability analysis.
Using equation (A1.3) in equation (A1.4), we
A1.1 Forecasting in a One-Good
Economy C(u) = (1-s)AK(t)esA(u-t) (A1.5)
The economy is assumed to possess an all-
The model isn't believable because it forecasts
purpose non-deteriorating commodity, the
indefinite exponential growth in capital,
stock of which at t is K(t). K(t) is given, it
output, and consumption (the rate of growth
is a datum. Population is constant; which
is sA). But it has the virtue of expressing
means we can save on notation by ignoring
forecasts in explicit terms, which is why we are
it. Output (GDP) at date u, which we write as
illustrating "forecasts" with its help. Suppose
Y(u), is proportional to K(u), the constant of
the forecaster knows A (technological data)
proportionality being A (> 0). Thus
and s (behavioural data). Equations (A1.3) and
Y(u) = AK(u).73 (A1.1) (A1.4) say that he can then forecast both K(u)
and C(u) on the basis of the current capital
A is the rate of return on holding capital.

This is the famous Harrod-Domar model of economic growth.


Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 67

stock, K(t), and the distance between u and t. rights, tax rates, non-market institutions (for
The latter facts means calendar date doesn't credit, insurance, and common property
matter: the economic system is "autonomous" resources), the character of various levels of
in time. This is the sense in which the entire government, and so forth. We do not assume
future of the economy is written in the present that the government is bent on maximizing
state, K(t). Specifically, equation (A1.5) tells us intergenerational well-being (V). It could
that be that the government is ill-advised or
neglectful and has objectives of its own that
C(u) = C(K(t)), u ≥ t. (A1.6) are not congruent with intergenerational well-
Imagine now that the conception of being. Nor do we assume institutions to be
intergenerational well-being the forecaster unchanging over time. What we do assume is
deploys is the "utilitarian" form of equation that institutions co-evolve with the state of the
(3) in the text: economy and that the forecaster recognizes
this. It is no doubt a truism that social and
V(t) = u=tΣB(C(u))/(1+δ)(u-t), δ ≥ 0. (A1.7) political institutions influence the evolution of
the state of an economy, but it has also been
Using equation (A1.6) in equation (A1.7) we argued that the state of an economy influences
confirm that V(t) is a function of K(t); that is the evolution of social and political institutions
(Lipset, 1959; Acemoglu and Robinson, 2006).
V(t) = V(K(t)). (A1.8)
The idea of a "resource allocation mechanism"
Equations (A1.5)-(A1.7) enable the forecaster (RAM) developed below acknowledges this
to track the evolution of the economy no mutual influence.
matter what the initial stock of capital, K(t),
K(t) is the state variable of the economy at t.
happens to be. This is the sense in which
It represents data for the forecaster. We now
counter-factuals are an essential ingredient in
define RAM in its most general form. Let
D[{K(t),t}] be the set of all possible {K(t),t)
pairs (the symbol D stands for "domain"),
A1.2 Generalized Forecasts: Resource and let R[{Z(t)]] be the set of all imaginable
Allocation Mechanisms
Z(t)s, whether feasible or not (the symbol
We now consider a world with many capital R stands for "range"). Dasgupta and Maler
assets (including population) and many (2000) generalized the idea of forecasts to the
consumption goods. As in the text, let K(u) concept of a resource allocation mechanism
denote the vector of capital stocks and C(u) (RAM) via
the vector of consumption goods at date u.
The forecaster is interested in the consumption Definition A1.1: A resource allocation
sequence {C(t),C(t+1),...,C(u),...}, which for mechanism (RAM), is a many-one mapping M,
brevity we write again, as in the text, as Z(t). such that

The economy faces not only technological and M: D[{K(t),t}] → R[{Z(t)}].

ecological constraints, but also institutional
Notice that each {K(t),t} in the set D[{K(t),t}]
constraints. By "institutions" we mean
is mapped by M to a unique consumption
market structures, the structure of property

68 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

path Z(t). RAM is a many-one mapping. As thereby,
an illustration, we note that equation (A1.6)
defines the RAM in the one-good economy V(t) = V(K(t),t). (A1.10)
studied in Section A1.1. If the economy is autonomous in time, as in the
M is a mapping defined on the set of possible one-good economy of Section A1.1, equations
{K(t),t}s. However, for t to be in the domain (A1.9)-(A1.10) reduce to
of RAM would mean that the calendar date at Z(t) = Z(K(t)), (A1.11)
which the forecast is made matters. That would
be the case if, say, technology is expected to V(t) = V(K(t)). (A1.12)
improve at an exogenous rate (e.g., because
technology is borrowed from abroad at no cost The RAM most frequently studied by
and foreign countries are known to invest in economists is that of an optimizing economy.74
R&D). Knowledge only of the stock of capital For every {K(t),t} in D[{K(t),t}], M in the
wouldn't suffice for the forecaster in such a optimizing economy identifies the optimum
situation; the date at which he is to make the consumption stream Z(t) and maps the pair
forecast would matter too. On the other hand, {K(t),t} to the corresponding optimum Z(t).
if the economic system were time-autonomous,
This Report is not based on any such assumption
M would map a given vector of capital stocks
as that the economy for which national accounts
K(t) to the same Z(t) no matter what t happens
are being prepared is optimizing the allocation
to be. The toy model of Section A1.1 was
of resources. So we emphasize here that
autonomous in time, meaning that calendar
assumptions about institutions are embedded
date didn't matter there.
in the way RAM appears in Definition A1.1.
Although RAM's range R[{Z(t)}] consists Aspects of the concept of "social capital"
of the set of all imaginable consumption (Putnam, 1993) appear in RAM as part of
streams, RAM maps every member of the set the defining characteristics of M, as do ideas
D[{K(t),t}] to a feasible consumption stream relating to "social capability" (Adelman and
(or more precisely what the forecaster regards Morris, 1965, 1967; Abramovitz, 1986), and
to be a feasible consumption stream). If they "social infrastructure" (Hall and Jones, 1999).
are to be believable, economic forecasts should The prevalence (or absence) of trust and
be based on a RAM. Definition A1.1 says honesty are embodied in M, whereas other
that on using the RAM he has arrived at, the aspects of the concept of social capital such
forecaster can express his forecast as as personal networks enter as components of
human capital.
Z(t) = Z(K(t),t), (A1.9)

Book length treatments of the subject are Chakravarty (1969), Arrow and Kurz (1970), Heal (1998),

and Weitzman (2003).

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 69

Appendix 2
Shadow Prices: Formalization
We make us of the notation introduced in the A2.2 Capital Assets
text and Appendix 1. Once the forecaster has identified the RAM that
corresponds to his economy, he can, as equation
A2.1 Consumption Goods (A1.10) shows, express intergenerational well-
Once the forecaster has identified the RAM being as
that corresponds to his economy, he is in a
position to forecast future development. As in V(t) = V(K(t),t). (A2.2)
Section 2.3 of the text, let C(u) be the flow of Shadow prices of capital assets can then be
consumption goods and services at date u. As defined from equation (A1.10), or in the time-
C(u) is a complete list of who consumes what autonomous case from equation (A1.12). To
at u, it embodies the determinants of the flow see how, let Pi(t) be the shadow price of asset
of societal well-being at u, which we continue i at the date the social evaluator is doing her
to write as B(u). But if experience tells the study. Recall Definition 3a in the text. Using it
forecaster that the future can be relied upon to we have
reveal unexplained needs and wants, B would
also depend on the calendar date, u. In that case Pi(t) = ∂V(K(t),t)/∂Ki(t). (A2.3)
we write B(u) as B(C(u),u). For concreteness,
imagine that the ethical conception adopted The way to estimate shadow prices of capital
by the social evaluator yields the utilitarian assets is to make use of equation (A2.3). The
form (equation (3) in the text) to reflect equation implies that the shadow price of a
intergenerational well-being. Let Qk(u) denote capital asset at date t is a function of the entire
the shadow price of consumption good k at stock of assets, K(t), and possibly (if calendar
date u. Qk(u) should be thought of as a spot time matters) of t itself. Thus
price. From Definition 2 we have
Pi(t) = Pi(K(t),t). (A2.4)
Qk(u) = ∂B(C(u),u)/∂Ck(u), u ≥ t. (A2.1)
Should RAM be time-autonomous, equation
Of particular interest to us here are (A2.4) reduces to
environmental services that are consumption
Pi(t) = Pi(K(t)). (A2.5)
amenities. The Annexe discusses methods that
have been deployed to estimate their shadow In Section 2.6 of the text we present an outline
prices. The basis for those methods is equation of the steps required to estimate Pi(K(t)). The
(A2.1). Annexe discusses estimation problems that are
unique to particular assets.

70 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

A2.3 Special Features of Shadow well-being.75 An asset's current shadow price
Prices reflects not only current scarcities, but future
Shadow prices contain an enormous amount scarcities too.
of information, both about values and facts. Imagine next that the economy has been
To illustrate, let us re-write the additive form profligate in the use of natural capital in the
of intergenerational well-being (equation (3) in past and that the RAM predicts continuing
the text): profligacy. Natural capital (or at least some
V(K(t),t) = u=tΣB(C(u),u)/(1+δ)(u-t), forms of natural capital) will in that case be
δ ≥ 0. (A2.6) particularly scarce in the future. That means
an additional unit today of a natural capital,
Assume the economy is time-autonomous. In say asset i, would be valued highly. That's a
that case C(u) is a function of K(t). So we write way of saying that, other things being equal,
equation (A2.6) as ∂V(K(t),t)/∂Ki(t) is large. We therefore have

V(K(t)) = u=tΣB(C(K(t))/(1+δ)(u-t), (2) Future scarcities are reflected in shadow

δ ≥ 0. (A2.7) prices via the economic forecast. To the extent
assets are not easily substitutable in production
Using equation (A2.7) in equation (A2.3) we or consumption, those that are seriously
may conclude depleted and not easily renewable would be
(1) If δ is large (small), the influence on today's valuable even today. Equation (A2.3) reflects
shadow prices of future scarcities would be that. Economists call an asset essential if
small (large). δ determines the relative weights substitution possibilities between it and other
between future and present flows of societal assets in either consumption or production are
very limited.

We commented on this in Section 2.6.4 of the text when noting the large difference in the estimates in Stern (2006) and

Nordhaus (2008) of the global shadow price of carbon concentration in the atmosphere.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 71

Appendix 3
Shadow Prices under Uncertainty
To illustrate the influence of uncertainty on For simplicity of exposition we imagine that
shadow prices, consider a fishery. We denote the social evaluator believes Kc to lie in one of
its stock by K. Imagine the social evaluator those N sub-intervals with equal probability.
has studied fisheries well enough to know that Currently the fishery's size is just above K**.
there is a threshold population size, call it Kc, Suppose under business as usual the stock at
such that the fishery would be doomed if the time t would drop to (K**-Δ). The expected
population were to drop below it, but could loss in well-being would be (1-α)V(Kc)/N. If
survive indefinitely if the population were to N is large, the expected loss is small, meaning
be above it and were not over-exploited. To that the expected value of V (equation (4) in
formalize the loss that would be suffered if the the text) is a smooth function of K at Kc. But
fishery were to cross the threshold, imagine that means the shadow price of a marginal unit
that V(Kc) is the value of the fishery if K is of fish, P(Kc), is well-defined.
marginally in excess of Kc, but would be a
small fraction, α, of V(Kc) if K were marginally Imagine next that a policy analysis persuades
less than Kc. Crossing the threshold would the social evaluator that the risk to the fishery
mean a discrete loss, amounting to (1-α)V(Kc). under business as usual is worth it. She
That means V(K) is discontinuous at Kc. But recommends business to remain as usual and
equation (A2.3) in Appendix 2 was based on the fishery enters the interval [K**-Δ,K**].
the assumption that V is differentiable. What There are now two possibilities:
could the fishery's shadow price mean in such
(a) It is discovered that the threshold did in
a situation?
fact lie in the interval [K**-Δ,K**]. As
Let us suppose that even though the social the fishery is now known to be doomed,
evaluator doesn't know the true value of Kc, society will have entered a new accounting
she knows that it is not above K** nor below regime. All shadow prices will have to be
K*. So she knows that Kc lies somewhere in recomputed. But Proposition 1 in the text
the range [K*, K**]. To have an interesting would hold subsequently.
problem, imagine next that the stock is currently
(b) The fishery is discovered to be safe. The
above K** but there are signs of over-fishing,
social evaluator realises that the threshold
which is why the social evaluator has been
lies in the interval [K*,K**-Δ], but now
called upon to give advice.
there are (N-1) sub-intervals left. Being
In order to study the problem, she constructs a good Bayesian probabilist, the social
a discrete analogue of the fishery by dividing evaluator concludes that the probability Kc
the interval [K*, K**] into N equal sub- lies in any of them is 1/(N-1). That's still
intervals of length Δ. So, Δ = (K**-K*)/N. a small number, so the previous argument

72 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

continues to hold. And it will continue to loss in human well-being that would result
hold so long as the probability that Kc lies from the fishery crossing its threshold. The
in the next sub-interval remains small. But method to be adopted in this case is similar
once that probability becomes appreciable, to the rule in social cost-benefit analysis
the fishery's "shadow price" becomes a that for large projects the benefits should
meaningless term. Both policy analysis include "consumers' surplus". Shadow
and sustainability analysis would require prices don't suffice when the changes to
the social evaluator to estimate the discrete be evaluated are appreciable in size.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 73

Appendix 4
The Measurement of Wealth

We begin by proving Propositions 1 and 2. As perturbation, the right hand side of equation
noted in the text, the Propositions are valid for (A4.3) can be expressed as
sustainability analysis covering short intervals
of time. The Propositions are then extended to ΔV(K(t),t) = iΣ[∂V(K(t),t)/∂Ki(t)]ΔΚi(t) +
cover discrete time intervals. Finally we show [∂V(K(t),t)/∂t]Δt. (A4.4)
that the list of capital assets is to an extent a Define r(t) as
matter of choice.
r(t) = ∂V(K(t),t)/∂t. (A4.5)
A4.1 Equivalence of Wealth and r(t) is the "shadow price of time", a term that
Well-Being could appear ludicrous, for it suggests that
For analytical convenience we assume time is a time is a capital asset. It isn't ludicrous though.
continuous variable. As previously Pi(t) is the If exogenous forces were a feature of the
shadow price of asset i at t (the date the social economy's RAM, intergenerational well-being
evaluator is conducting her study). K(t) is the would be an explicit function of time. In that
vector of capital assets. The population profile case we would regard time as an additional
is included in the list of assets. On the basis of capital asset, subsumed in the list of assets in
the forecaster's RAM intergenerational well- Section 2.4. But for vividness let us keep time
being is represented by the function V(K(t),t). separate from the other assets. Below (Section
Definition 3, which was formalized in Appendix A4.4) we confirm that an alternative would be
2 (equation (A2.3)), says to not regard time as an asset but subsume it
in the structure of shadow prices of quality-
Pi(t) = ∂V(K(t),t)/∂Ki(t). (A4.1)
adjusted measures of the more grounded
The economy's wealth (equation (5) of the assets, which are reproducible capital, human
text) is capital, and natural capital.

W(t) = iΣ[Pi(t)Ki(t)]. (A4.2) Using equation (A4.1) in equation (A4.5) we

Consider a small interval of time [t, t+Δt].
Denote the change in V(t) over the period ΔV(K(t),t) = iΣPi(t)ΔΚi(t) + r(t)Δt. (A4.6)
by ΔV(t). Because V(t) can be written more
Dividing both sides of equation (A4.6) by Δt
explicitly as V(K(t),t),
and taking the limit as Δt goes to zero, we
ΔV(t) = ΔV(K(t),t). (A4.3) have

During Δt the composition of capital assets dV(K(t),t)/dt = iΣPi(t)dΚi(t)/dt + r(t). (A4.7)

changes slightly. Let ΔKi(t) be the (small) change
Equation (A4.7) is Proposition 1.
in the stock of i. Because "Δ" represents a small

74 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

A4.2 Sustainability Analysis On V(K(t)+ΔK(t)) - V(K(t)) ≈ t∫[dU(C(u)/dC(u)]
Intervals of Time ΔC(u)e-δ(u-t)du. (A4.10)
Equation (A4.7) gives us an equivalence We now interpret ΔK(t) to be the increase in
relationship between wealth and well-being; the stock of capital assets owing to an increase
but its validity requires that the interval of time in investment at t. So the stock of capital assets
is short. How should sustainability analysis be at t+Δt is K(t+Δt) = K(t)+ΔK(t). Now let Δt
conducted if the interval is not short? tend to zero. Equation (A4.10) then yields
For expositional ease, assume that the economy's Proposition 7.
RAM is time-autonomous. In that case r(t) =
0 and so V(K(t),t) = V(K(t)). Equation (A4.7) A4.4 Is Time a Separate Asset or
then reduces to Should Shadow Prices Subsume
dV(K(t))/dt = iΣPi(t)dΚi(t)/dt. (A4.8) In this Report we have repeatedly had to
Suppose the interval to be studied is [t,t+T]. accommodate variables that are exogenous
Integrating both sides of equation (A4.8) by functions of time. Some appear to be exogenous
parts and using equation (A4.2), we have even though they are not only because we don't
have an adequate understand of the world.
V(t+T) - V(t) = W(t+T) - W(t) - Total factor productivity (TFP) is an example.
∫(t+T)[iΣ(dPi(u)/du)Ki(u)]du. (A4.9) Macroeconomic models frequently regard TFP
as an exogenous function of time because we
Equation (A4.9) says that the difference between don't yet have an adequate understanding of the
intergenerational well-being at dates t+T and t mutual influence of knowledge and institutions
is the difference between the economy's wealth and economic performance. Population
at those two dates, corrected by a quantity growth is another, which is why it is customary
representing changes in the shadow prices over to forecast future numbers on the basis of
the period. past trends, not on a detailed demographic
theory. However, there are variables whose
A4.3 What Does Investment movements are truly exogenous, as when a
Measure? small oil-exporting country enjoys capital
Proposition 7 gave us the normative significance gains on its reserves owing to the efforts of oil
of net investment. It says the value of net cartels. How should exogenous changes enter
investment equals the gain in intergenerational national accounting?
well-being brought about by the investment.
There are two ways. One is to regard time as
To prove the Proposition, let K(t) be the stock
an asset and estimate its shadow price (r(t)).
of capital assets at t. Now imagine that the
The dynamical system that characterizes the
economy is awarded a further stock amounting
economy is non-autonomous. This is the route
to ΔK(t) over the brief period [t,t+Δt], where
we followed in Section A4.1. The other is to
as before, Δ signifies a small change. If
trace the influence of the exogenous forces
intergenerational well-being has the additive
on capital assets and measure the assets in
form of equation (3), the resulting change is
"efficiency units". When we do that, the assets

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 75

are quality-adjusted. The resulting dynamical PA(A(t),K(t)) = ∂V(A(t),K(t))/∂A(t), (A4.15a)
system is autonomous. We now show that the
PK(A(t),K(t)) = ∂V(A(t),K(t))/∂K(t). (A4.15b)
two methods are equivalent.76 We do that by
studying how we should decide which objects Wealth is
to include in the list of capital assets.
W(t) = PA(A(t),K(t))A(t) + PK(A(t),K(t))K(t).
Assume population is constant over time. (A4.16)
Output Y(t) at time t is taken to be a power
function of a single all-purpose asset, which However, to regard A(t) as another asset, and
we write as K(t). Thus so to regard the system as autonomous is
something of a cheat. The reason is that A(t)
Y(t) = A(t)Kα(t), 0 < α < 1.77 (A4.11) is a mere transform of t itself. It would make
equal sense to express (A4.14) as
A(t) is TFP at t. It reflects the economy's
institutions and knowledge base. Imagine V(t) = V(t,K(t)), (A4.17)
that A(t) grows at a constant, exogenous
rate γ. As noted in the text (Section 2.4), which exposes the fact that the economic
γ is usually referred to as the "Solow system is in reality non-autonomous!
residual". The alternative route is to amalgamate A and
Suppose consumption C(t) is a constant K into a single asset. That can be done by
proportion, (1-s), of output Y(t). As s is the measuring the quantity of K in efficiency units.
saving rate, the dynamics of the economy are To see what it involves, define the variable A*
described by the equations as

dK(t)/dt = sA(t)Kα(t), 0 < s < 1, (A4.12) A*α = A. (A4.18)

dA(t)/dt = γA(t). (A4.13) Using equation (A4.14) we may then re-write

equation (A4.11) as
Equations (A4.11)-(A4.13) define the
economy's RAM. Y(t) = [A*(t)K(t)]α. (A4.19)

One way to interpret the equations is to regard Now define the variable X as
both A and K as state variables. In that view X = A*K. (A4.20)
of things the model has two assets: A and K.
Notice that equations (A4.11)-(A4.13) represent In interpreting X we may think of K as
an autonomous system. Intergenerational well- improving in quality at an exogenous rate. X is
being V is therefore a function of A and K: then quality-adjusted K.

V(t) = V(A(t),K(t)). (A4.14) Using equation (A4.20) we re-write equation

(A4.11) as
Shadow prices of the pair of assets are then,
respectively, Y(t) = Xα(t). (A4.21)

The analysis is taken from Arrow et al. (2012b)


In practice K(t) would be a combined aggregate numerical index of reproducible capital, human capital, and natural


76 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Equation (A4.21) says that the economy has regarded population as an aspect of human
a single, composite asset X. Intergenerational capital. However, Arrow, Dasgupta, and Maler
well-being is now a function solely of X. Thus (2003) showed that estimating the shadow
price (more precisely, prices) of population
V(t) = V(X(t)).(A4.22) involves especial difficulties. The question
The dynamical system is autonomous. arises whether wealth per capita could serve as
an index of well-being across the generations.
Comparison of equations (A4.14) and (A4.22) What we require is an equivalence relation, as in
tells us that by changing the way we measure equation (A4.7), but between movements in an
economic objects we can alter the list of an index of well-being across the generations and
economy's capital assets. wealth per capita. If such a relationship were to
exist, we could remove population from the list
In sustainability analysis we are interested in the of capital assets and measure wealth in terms
sign of the change in W over time at constant of capital stocks per capita.
prices. In their empirical work the measurement
of wealth, Arrow et al. (2012a) went further. Dasgupta (2001) showed that such an
The authors estimated the percentage rate equivalence relation exists, provided human-
of change in W at constant prices. Equation nature interactions over time can be represented
(A4.22) says that the corresponding exercise in terms of the movements in per capita capital
here would involve estimating the percentage stocks and population size and provided that
rate of change in X(t). Let g(.) the percentage in place of intergenerational well-being the
rate of change in any variable. Equations ethical objective were average well-being across
(A4.17) and (A4.20) imply the generations.

g(X(t)) = g(K(t)) + γ/α. (A4.23) For notation simplicity suppose there is

a single consumption good, C. If L(u) be
As K is an aggregate of all three categories of population size at date u, C(u)/L(u) is per
capital assets in a world of constant population, capita consumption at u. Write C(u)/L(u) =
α should plausibly be taken to equal 1. But in that Z(u) and let U(Z(u)) denote per capita well-
case consumption grows super-exponentially, being at date u. Aggregate well-being among
an awkward feature unless s is so small that the all who are alive at u is then L(u)U(Z(u)). As
data are not at variance with super-exponential previously, K(t) is the vector of capital stocks
growth. Arrow et al. (2012a: 327) noted that (excluding population) at date t. Let
if s is small and α = 1, the second term in
equation (A4.23) is γ. The equation says that in ki(t) = Ki(t)/L(t). (A4.24)
that case the Solow residual should be added to
the growth rate of wealth to obtain the index ki(t) in equation (A4.24) is the per capita stock
of sustainable development, which is g(X(t)). of asset i.

In the obvious notation, define

A4.5 Wealth per capita as an
Approximate Index of Well-Being V*(k(t),t) = [u=tΣL(u)U(Z(k(t),u)/(1+δ)(u-t)]/
In this and the previous Appendices we have u=t
ΣL(u)/(1+δ)(u-t), δ ≥ 0. (A4.25)

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 77

Notice that the denominator on the right but postulate it) and then attributing to the
hand side of equation (A4.25) is the present social value of intangible wealth the difference
discounted value at t of population sizes from between their postulated estimate of wealth
t onward. So V*(k(t)) is average well-being and the value of the components of wealth
across the generations. Let they did estimate. More importantly, the
authors defined wealth not as the value of an
pi(t) = ∂V(k(t),t)/∂ki(t), (A4.26) economy's stock of capital assets (equation (6)
r(t) = ∂V(k(t),t)/∂t. (A4.27) in the text of our Report), but as the present
value of aggregate consumption. Their
In equations (A4.26) and (A4.27) pi(t) and r(t) procedure for estimating the present value was
are the shadow prices of asset i per capita and to assume that consumption in each country in
of time, respectively. their sample will grow at a specified constant
rate. If the authors had postulated a different
Dasgupta (2001) showed that if the conditions rate, their estimate of wealth would have
just mentioned are satisfied, then been different; consequently the value they
derived for intangible capital would have been
dV*(k(t),t)/dt = iΣpi(t)dki(t)/dt + r(t).(A4.28)
Equation (A4.28) gives us the equivalence
The procedure has at least three problems.
relationship stated in Proposition 7.
First, as the authors assume they know the
rate at which per capita consumption is and
A4.6 The World Bank's Alternative will be growing for the indefinite future, the
Measure of Wealth78 sustainability of economic development in
World Bank (2011) has studied the relationship the countries in their sample is assumed, not
between wealth and well-being empirically. studied. Secondly, there isn't, not can there
The authors were not so much concerned with be, an empirical basis for estimating future
sustainability analysis as with estimating the consumption that does not include the present
composition of wealth in terms of its various basis for it, namely, the current productive
categories. On this, however, their method base. There is then circularity in their approach
differs substantially from the one we have to measurement. Third, the identification of
arrived at in this Report. wealth with the present value of consumption
is valid only under the assumptions that (i)
The authors estimated the social worth of
the economy under study is on an optimal
natural capital, reproducible capital, and
path and (ii) the production structure exhibits
education. They did not, however, attempt
constant returns to scale. Assumption (i) is
to value what they call "intangible capital",
otiose for reasons to do with the contemporary
including institutions, knowledge, and human
political economy of development, and (ii)
lifespan. They avoided the problem of
is unacceptable because as a rule, not as an
estimating intangible capital by first creating
exception, the processes governing natural
an estimate of a measure of wealth (we show
systems exhibit non-linearities.
below that they did not so much estimate it

This Appendix is taken from Arrow et al (2012b)


78 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Appendix 5
Inadequacies of GDP and
HDI in Economic Evaluation
Currently the two most popular indices the decline in forest cover in Indonesia and
of societal well-being are GDP per capita Malaysia, respectively. They found that when
(alternatively, gross domestic income) and the depreciation is included, national accounts
United Nations' HDI. Here we study whether look quite different: net domestic saving rates
they are suitable in exercises in economic are some 20-30 per cent lower than recorded
evaluation. saving rates. In their work on the depreciation
of natural resources in Costa Rica, Solorzano
A5.1 GDP et al. (1991) found that the depreciation of
GDP is the total market value of the final three resources — forests, soil, and fisheries —
goods and services an economy produces. amounted to about 10 per cent of GDP and
The rogue word in gross domestic product is over a third of domestic saving.
"gross". GDP doesn't deduct the depreciation
of capital. Strikingly, it doesn't deduct the A5.2 HDI
depreciation of natural capital. The United Nations' Human Development
Index, HDI, is a linear combination of GDP
In the macroeconomic models that appear per capita, life expectancy at birth, and literacy.
in leading economics journals and textbooks, The former measures the market value of
nature is taken to be a fixed, indestructible economic activity, while the latter two measures
factor of production.79 The assumption is reflect aspects of "human capital" (health and
wrong. Agricultural land, forests, watersheds, education, respectively). HDI is a pure number,
fisheries, fresh water sources, river estuaries, lying between 0 and 1. Since 1990, UNDP in its
and the atmosphere are capital assets that are annual Human Development Report has used
self-regenerative but suffer from depletion HDI each year to rank countries; but users of
or deterioration when they are over-used the index (including UNDP) have gone further
(Appendix 6-7).80 To assume away the physical and tracked the HDI of countries over time,
depreciation of capital assets is to draw a wrong to judge whether a country has improved its
picture of future production and consumption performance or fallen behind. And there lies
possibilities that are open to a society. one of its problems. We show below how and
Here is an illustration of what goes wrong why.
when depreciation is ignored. Repetto et al. To describe HDI formally, let k (k = 1, 2,
(1989) and Vincent et al. (1997) estimated 3) denote a desirable attribute: 1 for GDP

See for example Romer (1996), Barro and Sal-i-Martin (2003), and Helpman (2004).

For the moment we are excluding oil and natural gas, which are at the limiting end of self-regenerative resources.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 79

per head; 2 for life expectancy at birth; 3 for indices that could be created to reflect the idea
literacy. Suppose the number of countries that GDP per capita, life expectancy at birth,
being compared is L (l = 1,2,...,L). Let Xkl(t) be and literacy matter. Take some other index based
the numerical index of attribute k in country l. on those same attributes, and we would obtain
Write max{Xk} as the highest figure attribute a different ranking of contemporary countries.
j can possibly attain (100 per cent for literacy; More importantly, UNDP has never attempted
100 years (say) for life expectancy; 80,000 to justify the tradeoffs among the three
international dollars (say) for GNP per head); attributes that are implied in equations (A5.1)-
and write min{Xk} as the minimum figure k (A5.3); the tradeoffs are postulated and taken
can possibly attain (e.g., 0 per cent for literacy). as desirable. When the Classical Utilitarians
UNDP defines country l's "performance gap" proposed the sum of individual utilities as the
in attribute k in year t to be, desired social objective, they offered a moral
conception to justify the move. UNDP haven't
Ikl = [max{Xk}-Xkl(t)]/[max{Xk}-min{Xk}].
attempted to provide a justification.
UNDP (2010) has introduced greater
In words, the numerator in equation (A5.1)
substitution possibilities among its three
is the gap between the maximum value k can
constituent indices than the linear form of
attain and the value attained by country l; while
equation (A3.3). But again, the authors have
the denominator is the difference between the
provided no justification for their chosen
highest and lowest possible values of k. Clearly,
functional form. The new measure reveals
Ikl is a number lying between 0 and 1, depending
odd tradeoffs. Ravallion (2012) has shown that
on the performance of the country.
under the new HDI the value of longevity in
Now use equation (A5.1) to construct the Zimbabwe is 51 US cents per year. That means
average performance gap for country j as, if Zimbabwe's authorities were to make a
Il(t) = kΣ[Ikl(t)]/3. (A5.2) policy change that increases national income
by a mere 52 US cents per person per year at
Il(t) is a number lying between 0 and 1. the cost of reducing average life expectancy
HDI for country l in year t is then defined as, by one year, the country will have promoted
human development. That doesn't feel right.
[HDI(t)]l = (1-Il(t)). (A5.3)
The second thing to note about HDI is the
Equation (A5.3) says that [HDI(t)]l is a number absence of natural capital. That alone should
lying between 0 and 1; the higher is [HDI(t)]l, tell us that HDI is incapable of serving
the better is country l's achievements in terms effectively in sustainability analysis. In view
of the three attributes. of Proposition 3, HDI is incapable of serving
HDI has been much advertised by the United effectively in policy evaluation as well. Both
Nations Development Programme for over two theory and empirics show that a society's HDI
decades. And because it is a simple index, HDI could increase over a period of time even as
now has many adherents. But as a quality-of- wealth per capita declines (Dasgupta, 2001). As
life measure at a moment in time, it has serious an index of intergenerational well-being HDI
deficiencies. First, formula (A5.3) is entirely ad has to be rejected.
hoc. There are an infinite number of numerical

80 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Appendix 6
Fugitive Resources

Many resources are mobile in their natural for host-population density, its geographical
habitat. They are often called fugitive. The term spread, social habits of the members of the
appears to have been coined for aquifers, and host population, and so forth. Empirical work
oil and natural-gas reserves, which reconstitute on the spread of infections, of course, requires
under pressure gradients. explicit spatial modelling and is so conducted
(Anderson and May, 1991).
Understandably, property rights to fugitive
resources are often weakly specified. Even In what follows we construct four canonical
when specified, they are all too frequently examples to illustrate the various ways mobile
unenforceable (e.g., aquifers). So, using those resources have been modelled. The dynamics
resources creates externalities. The question would be the basis on which shadow prices
arises as to how fugitive resources should would be estimated. Denote time by t. In what
be modelled. Sometimes it is suggested that follows t is taken to be continuous.
in view of their mobility, it may prove to be
a mistake to consider them as capital assets A6.1 Percolation of Oil, Natural-
in the conventional sense. River water flows Gas, and Ground Water
everywhere, so where is the stock that's Under the rule-of-capture, wild-caters in the
supposed to represent the asset we call a late 19th century were able to expropriate
"river"? more oil than had lain under the land they had
The correct move is to define stocks of mobile claimed as their private property. They were
resources in a location-specific manner. The able to do so because oil diffuses underground
"service" that can be obtained from those in response to pressure gradients caused by
stocks would then be identified also in a drilling. Slant drilling accentuates the diffusion.
location-specific way (Sections 2.6.3 and 2.6.4). Percolation theory offers the most effective
In some cases, though, scientists have ignored way to model sub-soil movements of liquids
the spatial character of mobile resources by and gases, but the simple model that follows
modelling their mobility in a "reduced-form" captures the essence of pressure gradients.
(Section 2.6.2). The classic equations governing Imagine two identical tanks filled with water
the spread of infectious diseases (reviewed in but connected at the bottom by a narrow tube.
Anderson and May, 1991, Ch. 6), for example, As water is extracted from the tanks by a pair
don't mention location; but instead postulate of "wild-caters", it flows from one to the other
the dynamics of a three-way division of host in response to any resulting pressure difference.
populations: susceptible, immune, and infected Because the tanks are identical, the volume of
members. The parameters of the model stand water in a tank can serve as an index of water

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 81

pressure at the tank's bottom. G(K), of a single fishery is most commonly
taken to be quadratic. If C(t) is the catch at t,
At time t water is extracted at rates C1(t) and
C2(t) from tanks 1 and 2, respectively. Let K1(t) dK(t)/dt = G(K(t)) - C(t), (A6.3)
and K2(t) be the stocks of water in the tanks.
If ε (> 0) is the diffusion rate through the tube, G(K(t)) = rK(t)(1 - K(t)/K*), r, K* > 0.
we have the mass conservation condition: (A6.4)

dK1(t)/dt = -C1(t) + ε[K2(t) - K1(t)], (A6.1a) In equation (A6.4), r and K* are parameters.

dK2(t)/dt = -C2(t) + ε[K1(t) - K2(t)]. (A6.1b) The idea underlying equations (A6.3)-(A6.4) is
that the fishery enjoys a constant rate of food
Equations (A6.1a-b) say that each wild-cater supply. If fish are not harvested (C = 0) and K
inflicts a "stock externality" on the other. It can were small to begin with (i.e., K2 is negligible
be shown (but it turns out not to be trivial to relative to K), growth would be exponential
show it!), that in the absence of cooperation, at rate r because the supply of food would to
both parties would drill at rates that are faster all intents and purposes be unlimited. But as
than they would agree to if they were able fish biomass grows, the constancy of the food
to reach collective agreement on the rate of supply begins to bite and constrains growth
extraction. (the negative quadratic term, K2 in equation
(A6.4) becomes large). Left un-harvested, K =
Under collective agreement the extractors K* is the unique stable equilibrium (Fig. 3). K*
would regard the tanks as a single reserve. The is therefore the fishery's carrying capacity. It is
aggregate stock of ground water, K(t), would simple to confirm that at K = K*/2 the fishery
obey the dynamical condition obtained by offers its maximum sustainable yield (MSY)
summing equations (A6.1a-b): and that the MSY is rK*/4.
dK(t)/dt = - C1(t) - C2(t), K(t) = K1(t)+K2(t). The r-K* model is the single-most important
(A6.2) ingredient in ecological theory. It appears
If the extractors were to choose C1(t) and C2(t) everywhere, under different interpretations, of
in an agreed-upon manner, there would be no course. We return to it in a different guise in
externalities. Enforcement of the agreement Appendix 7.
would eliminate the stock externality. In Because fish populations are mobile, sighting
Appendix 7 (Section A7.2) we show how to them is costly. Moreover, the smaller is the
estimate the shadow price of ground water population, the larger is the unit cost of
when there is free access to the reserve. harvesting the prey. We may then write the
unit harvest cost as e(K), where e (standing
A6.2 Fishery for "effort") is a declining function of K. Total
Let K denote the fish stock, measured in, say, harvest cost at t is then e(K(t))C(t). In short,
units of biomass. The natural regenerative rate, the mobility of fish is reflected in e(K).81

Dominant fishing companies have elaborate spatial models in the oceans, in which migratory routes are identified from
feeding and breeding grounds, oceanic currents, and so forth.

82 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

A6.3 Diffusion of Atmospheric For simplicity of exposition, we take the
Pollution unit of time to be a year. That way we can
Atmospheric particulates (e.g., SOX, NOX) average over the annual cycle and ignore the
diffuse across space. The simplest formulation accumulation and melting of the glacier across
is in terms of the equations governing Brownian the seasons. The move enables us to ignore
motion. (Winds are an added factor in such the time dimension.82 As in the previous
diffusion processes.) The most common example, let the river be linear (x ≥ 0). x = 0
models assume point sources of emission. The is taken to be the glacier's location. To avoid
resulting models are a special version of what additional notation, imagine that the river has
are known as "reaction-diffusion equations." no tributaries (i.e., further sources of water that
are added at certain points along the river). Let
To illustrate, let x denote location, where for Y(x) be the water flow at x, net of seepage and
simplicity of exposition, space is taken to evaporation. If C(x) is the water withdrawn at
be the real line. Let K(x,t) be the stock of x, then
the particulate at point x at time t. If Y(x,t),
I(x,t), and O(x,t) are, respectively, the rates of C(x) ≤ Y(x), for all x, (A6.6)
emission, inflow, and outflow of the particulate Y(x) = Y(0) - 0∫x[C(s)]ds, for all x. (A6.7)
at (x,t), then mass conservation says
Humanity is able to draw on river water (C(x)),
∂K(x,t)/∂t = Y(x,t) + I(x,t) - O(x,t). subject to constraint (A6.6). Equation (A6.7) is
(A6.5) the mass conservation condition.
Specification of the point emission sources For concreteness we should think of Y(x) as
(Y(x,t)) and the dynamical equations the flow of available water at x, and C(x) as
characterizing the way the particulate diffuses water withdrawn for agriculture, industry, and
across space give us I(x,t) and O(x,t). Together urban residents. The difference between Y(x)
with equation (A6.5), they enable the analyst to and C(x) in condition (A6.6) is the water taken
chart K(x,t) as a function both of x and t. up by plants and drunk by animals who reside
in the river basin. When additional water is
A6.4 Rivers withdrawn at a location, biodiversity there
We imagine that the river has as its source a suffers. That's one potential source of social
glacier (Gomukh). We should then regard the conflict. The construction of dams at, say, x
glacier as a capital asset. The flow of river raises Y(x) at the expense of water downstream
water is a location and time specific service as well as life at x. Equation (A6.7) points to
generated by the glacier. In other words, the potential conflicts between upstream and
source of the river is the capital asset (glacier, downstream residents. The river's worth is the
lake, underground spring). The water flow present discounted value of the flow of water
is the service that the source offers along its (with a multitude of shadow prices) all along
basin. the river and its drainage basin. The flow of
water is the asset's spatially distributed service.

Building in the seasons is a routine, but tiresome exercise.


Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 83

Appendix 7
Human-Nature Interactions

Three pieces of information are required for Catastrophes

estimating shadow prices: There is a single reproducible commodity that
(i) A descriptive model of the economy can be consumed or saved. For vividness we
moving through time, including not only move away from the practice of labelling capital
technological possibilities and ecological assets by i and denote them mnemonically
processes, but also preferences, tastes, instead. Output (GDP), which we write in the
values, and policies. familiar manner as Y, is produced by means of
three capital assets: reproducible capital (K),
(ii) The size and distribution of the economy's human capital (H), and services extracted from
capital assets at the date at which the ecological capital, whose "quantity" we denote
economic evaluation is undertaken. by S (for "stock"). For concreteness we will
measure the stock in units of biomass. Labour
(iii) A conception of intergenerational well- is supplied in-elastically. Extraction amounts
being. to depleting the ecosystem's biomass (e.g., by
habitat destruction). Population is constant
The concept of RAM, developed in Appendix
and the economy is deterministic. Aggregate
1, is integral to organizing (i) and (ii). The
consumption is denoted by C.
idea of well-being ((iii)) was the subject of
Section 2.2 of the text. Here we construct a The economy is imperfect. Human behaviour
pair of models to illustrate (i). is described by three parameters: a constant
proportion c of GDP is consumed; a constant
Formal models of the economy are of the
proportion h of GDP is invested in the
utmost relevance for preparing national
accumulation of human capital; and a constant
accounts. They inform the accountant of the
proportion d of the ecosystem is extracted for
correct way to classify activities in income-
use in production. Our specification is very
expenditure accounts. They also give the
much in line with the way such statistics are
social evaluator the framework for estimating
presented in time series data. The unit cost e
shadow prices. The first model is of a non-
of extracting ecosystem services, measured in
linear economic-ecological system containing
terms of output, is assumed to be independent
two stability regimes. The analysis shows how
of the rate of extraction. Time is continuous.
societal catastrophes can occur. We then analyse
As previously, it is denoted by u and t (u ≥ t).
a common-pool resource.
The evaluation is conducted at t.
A7.1 Ecological Thresholds and

84 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

We may now express consumption as it is in a state of continued deterioration. The
danger points are called thresholds. When an
C(u) = cY(u). (A7.1) ecosystem crosses a threshold its character
This leads to the fundamental income- changes significantly, as when grassland turns
expenditure identity at u: into shrub-land, or worse, a wasteland. The
transformed system also has biomass of
dK(u)/du = (1-c-h)Y(u) - edS(u). (A7.2) course, but its composition is wildly different.
As we have a non-spatial index of the natural
Human capital accumulates at the rate at capital in question, we take thresholds to be
which investment is made in it, but because of particular values of S.
death, depreciates at a constant rate β, the net
accumulation rate is Let G(S) be the ecosystem's regeneration rate.
So in the absence of human predation,
dH(u)/du = hY(u) - βH(u). (A7.3)
G(S(u)) = dS(u)/du. (A7.6)
If the flow of ecosystem services into
production is R, Let us consider the form
R(u) = dS(u). (A7.4) G(S) = r[S - S*][1 - (S-S*)/(S**-S*)], if S > 0
Output possibilities are given by the aggregate = 0, if S = 0;
production function
r, S*, (S**-S*) > 0. (A7.7)
Y(u) = A(u)F(K(u),H(u),R(u)). (A7.5)
Equation (A7.7) is simply a horizontal translation
In equation (A7.5) A denotes TFP. Marginal of the quadratic growth function in equation
products of the three factors of production (A6.4). The way to connect equation (A7.7)
are assumed to be positive but subject to to those features of ecosystems we have just
diminishing returns. The degree to which recounted is to observe that the ecosystem under
the assets are substitutable in production study has three equilibria: 0, S* and S**. We may
is reflected in the production function F, a ignore S = 0 because at that biomass the ecosystem
feature of importance to which we will return is dead. So we study S* and S** (Fig. 4).
presently. If TFP grows exogenously (Manna
from heaven!), as assumed in Appendix 4, A′(u) S* is unstable. It is the ecosystem's threshold
> 0. and is the source of the system's non-linearity.
In contrast, S** is a stable equilibrium and
Before formulating the regeneration function is the ecosystem's carrying capacity. Simple
for natural capital, it will prove useful to recall calculation shows that the ecosystem's
the general characteristics of ecosystems. maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is at S =
Ecological processes display positive (S**-S*)/2, and that MSY = r(S**-S*)/4.
feedback, by which is meant the whole is So long as S is some distance above S*, the
greater than the sum of an ecosystem's parts. ecosystem is resilient, which is to say moderate
The system's integrity is compromised when disturbances would keep the system away from
its threshold.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 85

As the ecosystem is however a part of the should the net depreciation of capital assets,
economy, its net regeneration rate is the natural which aggregates to (βPH(t)H(t)+dPS(t)S(t)-
regeneration rate minus the rate of extraction: PS(t)G(t)).

dS(u)/du = G(S) - R(u) = G(u) - dS(u). (A7.8) Suppose the rate of extraction d is large. Using
the economy's RAM, forecasters would conclude
Equations (A7.1)-(A7.8) describe a complete that unless d is reduced, the ecosystem will in
dynamical system with state variables, K, H, time cross the threshold and collapse. This is
and S. They enable the forecaster to identify valuable information for the social evaluator.
the economy's RAM. K(t), H(t), and S(t) define She will now wish to search for policies that
the "initial condition" for the forecaster (item would help to reduce extraction rates.
(ii) above). Shadow prices can be defined on
the basis of the economy's RAM (Appendices Can the economy survive ecological collapse?
1-2). If substitution possibilities in production
(equation (7.5)) between R and a combined
We may now compute NNP. Let well-being be index of K and H are limited when R is low
numeraire and let Q(t) be the shadow price of and there are bounds on the extent to which
consumption. Denote the shadow prices of K, technology can be expected to overcome
H, and S, respectively, by PK, PH, and PS. We future resource constraints, the economy would
define NNP as aggregate consumption plus face catastrophe. In such a world preserving
aggregate net investment. On using equation the ecosystem would be vital. The way to
(8) in the text, we know that in the economy save the ecosystem from collapsing would
under review be to introduce policy measures that target
NNP(t) = Q(t)C(t) + PK(t)dK(t)/dt + PH(t) extraction. If the rate of extraction is reduced
dH(t)/dt + PS(t)dS(t)/dt. (A7.9) sufficiently, the ecosystem wouldn't ever cross
S*. In Appendix 3 we saw how the shadow price
Equation (A7.9) yields Proposition 8 in the of S can be estimated if S* is not known with
text. certainty. When environmental scientists warn
growth economists not to ignore the potency
Now use equations (A7.1)-A7.8) in equation of Nature's non-linearities, it is the class of
(A7.9) to conclude that NNP can also be issues raised by equations (A7.1)-(A7.8) they
written as allude to.
NNP(t) = Q(t)Y(t) - βPH(t)H(t) - PS(t)[edS(t) -
G(t) + dS(t)]. (A7.10) A7.2 Common Pool Resources
Shadow prices of exhaustible resources when
Equation (A7.10) is probably the more familiar depletion rates are optimal have been much
form of NNP. For notice that Q(t)Y(t) is what studied.83 What is the structure of shadow
is often called final demand. Equation (A7.10) prices when an exhaustible resource is a
confirms that extractions costs (edPS(t)S(t)) "common pool"? We consider the case of a
should be deducted from final demand, as ground water basin.

Hotelling (1931) is the pioneering work.


86 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Time is continuous. The date at which the V(t) = t∫(t+S(t)/R*)[U(R*) - mR*]e-r(u-t)du = [U(R*)
evaluation is undertaken is t. We assume water - mR*]t∫(t+S(t)/R*)[e-r(u-t)]du. (A7.14)
is extracted by a large number of farmers. Let
R(t) be the aggregate extraction rate at t. We From equation (A7.13) we know that the
take income to be the numeraire. Let U(R) be dynamics of the common pool is time-
the area under the farmers' collective demand autonomous. So let P(S) be the shadow price
curve below R. U(R) is "consumers' surplus", of ground water when the stock is S. From
a familiar notion in social cost-benefit analysis. equation (A7.14) it follows that
It follows dU(R)/dR is the aggregate demand P(S(t)) = ∂V(t)/∂S(t) = [(U(R*) - mR*)/R*]
function.84 Assume that the demand function is e-rS(t)/R* > 0. (A7.15)
downward sloping. The rate at which revenues
and costs are discounted by the farmers is r (> The shadow value of the underground basin is
0). P(S(t))S(t).
Let S(u) be the stock of water in the basin at Write dU(R)/dR = U′(R) and P*(t) = P(t)/
u. Then, U′(R), the latter being the ratio of the reserve's
shadow price to its unit extraction cost (equation
dS(u)/du = -R(u), (A7.11) (A7.12)). Equations (A7.14) and (A7.15) imply
Assume that the unit extraction cost is a P*(t) = [(U(R*) - mR*)/kR*]e-rS(t)/R*) > 0.
constant, m (> 0). Because the aquifer is a (A7.16)
common pool, ground water rents are dissipated
completely. The equilibrium extraction rate Notice that P*(t) increases as the aquifer is
therefore satisfies the equation, depleted and attains its upper bound at the
date at which the pool is exhausted. If reserves
dU(R(u))/dR(u) = m, for all u for which are large (S(t) is large), P*(t) is small, and free
R(u) > 0. (A7.12) access involves no great loss - a familiar result.
Even though groundwater rents are dissipated What are plausible orders of magnitude?
to zero, the shadow price of groundwater is Consider the linear demand function. Assume
positive. To see why, let R* be the solution of therefore that
equation (A7.12). We then have,
U(R) = aR - bR2, a > m and b > 0. (A7.17)
dS(t)/dt = -R*. (A7.13)
From equations (A7.12) and (A7.17),
Equation (A7.13) says that farmers will extract
water until t+T, where T = S(t)/R*. Let us now R* = (a - m)/2b. (A7.18)
normalize U(R) setting U(0) = 0. It follows
that the inter-temporal benefits to the farmers, Substituting (A7.16) and (A7.17) in (A7.15),
taken collectively is
P*(t) = [(a-m)/2m]e-2brS(t)/(a-m). (A7.19)

It is a derived demand function, in as much as the water extracted is used for irrigation.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 87

Equation (A7.19) says that 100 years), (a-m)/2m = 20 (e.g., m = $0.50 and
(a-m) = $20). Then
P* ≥ 1 if and only if rS ≤ [(a-m)/2b]ln[(a-
m)/2m]. (A7.20) P* = 20exp(-2) = 7.

Condition (A7.20) expresses the magnitude of The value that ought to be attributed to ground
P* in terms of the parameters of the model. water is high (about 7 times extraction cost). As
Suppose, for example, that r = 0.02 per year, the date of exhaustion gets nearer, the shadow
S/R* = 100 years (i.e. at the open access rate price of ground water rises to its upper bound,
of extraction, the aquifer will be exhausted in 20.

88 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Appendix 8
Exploration and Discoveries
How should expenditure on explorations for in the Appendices, that constant proportions
sub-soil resources enter national accounts? of output are devoted to investment activities.
It's best to liken explorations to R&D activity. If c is the proportion of output consumed and
The analogy becomes obvious when known e is the proportion spent on exploration,
reserves are made to serve as the counterpart
of the state of knowledge. C(u) = cF(K(u),R(u)) (A8.3)

Let time be continuous, denoted by u and t E(u) = eF(K(u),R(u)) (A8.4)

(u ≥ t). t is the date at which the evaluation is Similarly, assume that a constant proportion, b,
conducted. Let S denote known reserves and of proven reserves is extracted at each moment.
R(u) the rate of extraction. For simplicity of That means
notation we assume extraction costs are nil and
that accumulated extraction has no influence R(u) = bS(u). (A8.5)
on exploration costs.
The model has two capital assets K and S.
Turning to the technology of discovery, K(t) and S(t) are data representing "initial
assume that the rate, N, at which new reserves conditions". Together with equations (A8.1)-
are discovered is an increasing function of (A8.5) they enable the forecaster to derive the
current expenditure on explorations, E. So, the economy's RAM and make a forecast for the
discovery function is N(E(u)) and economy. Shadow prices are then estimated on
the basis of the forecast.
dS(u)/du = N(E(u)) - R(u).85 (A8.1)
Let PK(u) and PS(u) denote the assets' shadow
We suppose as in previous Appendices that prices at u. If V(t) denotes intergenerational
there is an all-purpose non-deteriorating good, well-being at t, Proposition 2 in the text implies
K, which in conjunction with R can reproduce that
itself. The production function for output Y
is F(K,R). If C is aggregate consumption, the dV(t)/dt = PK(t)dK(t)/dt + PS(t)dS(t)/dt.
economy's income-expenditure equation is, (A8.6)
dK(u)/du = F(K(u),R(u)) - C(u) - E(u). Equation (A8.6) says that aggregate investment
(A8.2) is the sum of investment in reproducible
capital and changes in known reserves, PS(t)
For concreteness, we revert to the simple [N(t)-R(t)]. Recall equation (8) in the text. Let
behavioural specification we have been making Q(t) denote the shadow price of consumption

The model is deterministic. Introducing uncertainty would yield nothing other than terms representing the social

evaluator’s attitude to risk.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 89

in terms of well-being. It follows that NNP in don't amount to investment, they should be
this economy is deducted from final demand.

NNP(t) = Q(t)C(t) + PK(t)dK(t)/dt + PS(t) Equation (A8.1) assumes continuous

dS(t)/dt. (A8.7) discoveries. An alternative is to imagine that
discoveries occur in spurts, but that when they
Using equations (A8.1)-(A8.6) in equation do occur they are major finds. This requires a
(A8.7) we have different form of modelling: at each discovery
NNP(t) = PK(t)F(K(t),S(t)) - PKE(t) + PS(t) the entire structure of shadow prices changes
[N(E(u)) - R(u)]. (A8.8) discretely. It's as though the economy starts
afresh at each new discovery, with new stocks
Final demand in the economy is F(K(t),S(t)). (Dasgupta and Heal, 1974).
Equation (A8.8) says that as exploration costs

90 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Appendix 9
In the text we separated human capital into approximation, the amount of education per
two categories: education and health. When worker is then proportional to erT. The constant
estimating their value they give rise to different of proportionality is obtained from the wages
kinds of problem. In this Appendix we sketch a of unskilled workers, for whom T = 0. The
method for estimating human capital in the form stock of education capital is then obtained by
of education (health is the subject of Appendix multiplying education capital per worker by the
10). We follow the methods introduced by number of workers, the quantity being adjusted
Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare (1997), which for mortality during the working life.
in turn were built on Mincer (1974). A more
comprehensive methodology has been put to If we now assume that the labour market is
work by Jorgenson and Fraumini (1989). sufficiently competitive to imply that the
marginal productivity of education capital
Assume investment in education earns a social equals the real wage, the shadow price of
rate of return, r. Being a social rate, r includes education capital would equal the total real wage
the benefits others enjoy when someone bill divided by the stock of education capital.
acquires education. Let T be the average Arrow et al. (2012a) have adopted this method
number of years of educational attainment in in their empirical work on the measurement of
the country. Assuming a steady state as a first wealth.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 91

Appendix 10
Health brings both direct and indirect benefits: A10.1 Health as Consumption
(a) an absence of pain and discomfort is one Consumption is denoted by a numerical index
of the defining characteristics of well-being C and the flow of well-being by U. C is a
and, other things being equal, healthier people determinant of U, but the effectiveness of C
(b) live longer and (c) are more productive. as a source of a person's well-being depends
So, health is both an end and a means. That on his state of health. Health, a capital asset, is
(a)-(c) are conjoined is a deep and fortunate denoted by the numerical index H. For example,
fact for Humanity. They are joint products of H could be Body Mass Index. Assume U is an
improvements in nourishment and avoidance increasing function of H and C.
of infectious diseases. The idea then is to
decompose improvements in health into their H and C are in part complements, in part
direct and indirect components. The former substitutes. It is simplest then to multiply H and
would be reflected in increases in output C an so construct a composite commodity, HC.
and consumption, data for which should be In that case the person's well-being function
available, albeit in very approximate forms, in is U(HC). The product, HC, transforms
national accounts. consumption, measured in its own units, into
consumption measured in "efficiency" units.
The complete capital model of Appendix 7 Put another way, measured in its own units,
contained an account of (c). Here we illustrate consumption contributes more to personal
(a) by means of a single-period model and (b) well-being if health improves. A marginal
by means of a two-period model (generalizing improvement in the person's health yields the
which to many periods is routine but tedious). benefit CU′(HC).87
We then study the way the benefits of increases
in life expectancy can be estimated.86 We assume The analysis can be readily extended if we
explicitly that the value of improvements in assume that H is maintained over the person's
health in terms of (a) and (b) is the value that lifetime of, say, T years. If r is the social discount
people attach to those benefits. Throughout we rate, the shadow price of health capital, PH, is
consider a single individual. In order to estimate
the social benefits of health programme, spill- PH = CU′(HC)[1-e-rT]/r.
over of the benefits of health programmes
Suppose it requires a continuous expenditure
across individuals (the externalities!) have to be
(health care) E to maintain H. Then the present
added to the private benefits we study here.
value of health costs would be E(1-e-rT)/r.

We follow Arrow et al. (2012a), who extended the approach taken by Becker et al. (2005). The latter publication studied
the contribution that improvements in life expectancy make to income. Here we follow Arrow et al. (2012a) in tracking
the contribution that improvements in life expectancy make to wealth.
U′(HC) is the derivative of U with respect to the composite good HC.

92 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

The social evaluator would advocate further expected lifetime well-being, which we write as
expenditure on health if CU′(HC) > E. V, is assumed to be

V = U(C(1)) + πU(C(2)).89 (A10.1)

A10.2 Health as Extension of Life88
The above model assumes life expectancy is To have a meaningful problem we have
fixed. In order to study the value of increasing it, to assume in addition that there exists a
let us assume time is discrete. Imagine someone consumption level C*, such that C* > 0 and
who is alive in period 1 and will survive to U(C*) = 0. C* has been called the "welfare
period 2 with probability π. We are interested in subsistence rate" (Meade, 1955). That means
the case where expenditure in health can raise U(C) < 0 for low values of C and U(C) > 0
π. Suppose the price that must be incurred to for high values of C. From the perspective of
obtain π is H(π). We assume H is an increasing preparing national accounts, this requirement,
(and, plausibly, a convex) function of π, and which is forced upon us if we consider
that H(0) = 0. For simplicity we now imagine variations in life expectancy, makes health an
that health expenditures yield no benefits to the unusual capital asset.
person other than an increase in the probability
of survival. A complete analysis of health as a For simplicity of calculations we assume that
form of capital would require an amalgamation the population consists of a large number
of the analysis in Section (A10.1) and the one of identical people and that the survival
we now undertake. probabilities are independent of one another.
In period 1 the individual chooses C(1), C(2),
Well-being in any period is a function of and π so as to maximize (A10.1) subject to his
consumption in that period. We write that as budget constraint
U(C). Imagine the person faces competitive
markets for consumption in period 1 (labelled C(1) + PC(2) + H(π) = W.90 (A10.2)
as C(1)) and for contingent consumption in
Before proceeding to the optimization exercise,
period 2 (labelled as C(2)). The market price
we note that (trivially) the rate of increase in
of C(2) relative to C(1) is P. By "contingent
πU(C(2)) when π is increased marginally is
consumption" we mean consumption that
U(C(2)). Equation (A10.1) then says that the
would be available to the person should he
benefit to the individual of a marginal increase
survive. He pays P in period 1 for the right to a
in survival probability π is U(C(2)). In the
unit of period-2 contingent consumption.
text we noted that health economists express
The person begins life with total wealth W, U(C(2)) in terms of consumption goods and
expressed in period-1 consumption. His then estimate it by uncovering a person's

The material in this Section is taken from Arrow et al. (2012b).
Notice that equation (A10.1) has the same additive form as the form for intergenerational well-being in equation (3) in
the text, with δ = 0.
Notice that the person faces a single budget constraint. If he survives to period 2, he consumes the C(2) he purchased
in period 1. Obviously he does not receive consumption in period 2 should he not make it to period 2.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 93

revealed willingness to pay for a small increase U(C)/U′(C) = H′(π). (A10.5)
in the probability of survival. That's called the
value of a statistical life (VSL). In competitive equilibrium either side of
equation (A10.5) can serve as the VSL. The
H′(π) in contrast is the VSL when the latter is equation also confirms that U(C) > 0 in
measured in terms of rate at which the person equilibrium.
is able to transform wealth into an increase
in the probability of survival (the budget A10.3 From VSL to Health
constraint, (A10.2)). At a personal optimum Capital91
the two are of course the same (see equation A rise in life expectancy translates into an
(A10.3c) below). increase in capital in the form of human health.
Assuming that the individual's optimum π In order to measure that increase we need a
is positive, the first order conditions of his formula for estimating the value of a life-year.
optimization exercise are We now derive the value to individuals of an
additional life year in terms of VSL. Suppose
U′(C(1)) = μ, (A10.3a) for simplicity that the value to someone of an
additional year of life, which we denote as h, is
πU′(C(2)) = μP, (A10.3b) independent of age, a.92 If δ (> 0) is the time
discount rate, we can express the value, V for
U(C(2)) = μH′(π), (A10.3c)
an individual of age a to survive to age T as
where μ (> 0) is the multiplier associated
V(a,T) = h{a∫T[e-δ(u-a)]du = h(1 - e-δ(T-a))/δ.
with the budget constraint (A10.2). Equation
(A10.3a) says that μ is the value of period-1
consumption in terms of period-1 well-being. Let f(T) be the probability density that someone
at birth will die at age T, and let F(T) be the
Recall that the person is one among a large
corresponding cumulative distribution. If
population of identical individuals; moreover,
f(T:T≥a) is the conditional probability density
mortality risks are independent of one another.
of death at age T, given survival to age a, then
It follows that in market equilibrium P equals
it follows trivially that
the individual's optimum choice of π. So P is
the actuarially fair price. f(T:T≥a) = 0, if T < a
Equations (A10.3a)-(A10.3b) and the fact that = f(T)/[1-F(T)], if T ≥ a. (A10.7)
P = π imply
Let m(T) be the mortality hazard rate (the
C(1) = C(2) = C (say). (A10.4) probability density that someone aged T will
die at age T), and define
Equations (A10.3a) and (A10.4) allow us to re-
express equation (A10.3c) in consumption units as M(T) = 0∫T[m(u)du]. (A10.8)

The material in this Section is taken from Arrow et al. (2012a).


The analysis can easily be extended to the case where h is a function of a (probably a declining function of a (at least

for large a!), but at the cost of additional notation. See Murphy and Topel (2006).

94 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Then we can prove the identity Let ρ(a) be the proportion of people of age a
and let the per capita human-health capital in
f(T:T≥a) = m(T)e[M(a)-M(T)]. (A10.9) the economy, measured in life years, be denoted
From equations (A10.6)-(A10.9) we arrive at simply as as H. Then
the value of human-health capital H(a) of an H = 0∫∞[ρ(a)H(a)]da. (A10.11)
individual of age a: It is the expected value, at
age a, of survival to a random age. Thus Recall that h is the (age-independent) value of
a statistical life-year (VSLY). It follows that
H(a) = a∫∞[V(a,T)f(T:T≥a)dT], or the right hand side of equation (A10.11) is the
H(a) = {1 - a∫∞e-[δ(T-a)+M(T)-M(a)]m(T)dT]}h/δ. same as the VSL. In short, H is the VSL.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 95

Appendix 11
The Attraction of GDP and
Conspicuous Consumption
In the text it was shown that GDP is not A11.1 GDP as a Strategic Weapon
an index of intergenerational well-being. GDP is the market value of final goods
That should come as no surprise. The and services. Those goods and services can
construction of GDP wasn't meant to serve be deployed so as to gain advantage in the
the purposes of economic evaluation over international sphere. Never mind if a country
the long run. GDP is a measure of market enjoys a large GDP by depleting its natural
activity and was designed for use in a world capital; GDP can be (and is routinely) used by
where a significant proportion of people governments as a strategic weapon in a world
were unemployed and resources lay idle. where nations compete against one another
The index allows economists to estimate for economic and political influence. Not
the gap between potential output and actual only does a nation's status in the world rise if
output. Moreover time series of GDP enable it enjoys GDP growth, high GDP enables a
macroeconomists to study household and nation to tilt the terms of trade with the rest
corporate behaviour. In addition, as national of the world to its advantage. History is replete
income is the source of government taxation, with examples that demonstrate the strategic
Finance Ministers are naturally drawn to GDP advantages of GDP growth.
forecasts. And finally, estimating depreciation
and obsolescence introduces errors, which is The competitive advantages associated with
why GDP is more appealing to the national GDP growth lead to a to-date unexplored form
income statistician than NDP. As a criterion of the "tragedy of the commons": nations vie
for evaluating short run economic policy, with one another for competitive advantage by
GDP has served admirably. Our Report bolstering GDP, thereby jeopardizing future
argues though that the practice of ignoring well-being within each of their borders. As in
depreciation of reproducible and human classic instances of the tragedy, international
capital and degradation of natural capital is recognition of the wasteful nature of such
indefensible practice in economic evaluation a form of competition is a needed first step
concerning the long run. in shifting national economic policies toward
the accumulation of wealth. This Report is
Nevertheless, GDP is so attractive that without on national accounts and assumes that the
international cooperation it would be hard for international race in question will continue in
any government to abandon it as an index of the foreseeable future. So we don't recommend
progress. Why?93 that national accounts should abandon GDP.

We gloss over differences between GDP and GNP because nothing is lost in our account by doing so.

96 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

But to call for GDP growth and demand of a large number, N, of identical people.
sustainable development at the same time is to Write Y1 = C1/C1*. An individual's preferences
seek two incompatible desires. for consumption goods are represented by
U(C1,Y1,C2), where U is a concave, increasing
A11.2 Conspicuous Consumption function of C1, Y1, C2.
What holds true for governments has as its base The dependence of U on Y1 (= C1/C1*)
humanity's sociability. As social animals, we are reflects the person's competitive motivation.
both competitive and conformist. We want to The externality is reciprocal: each person's
attain status in our community in certain ways consumption of commodity 1 affects all other
and yet want simultaneously to be like others people directly. To be sure, because N is large
in other ways. In his classic work on the Gilded no one can on their own influence C1*; but
Age, Veblen (1899) spoke of "conspicuous the sum of the infinitesimal influences sums a
consumption" so as to draw attention to finite amount, which is why market equilibrium
consumption as a status symbol (fancy would be inefficient.
automobiles, expensive clothing, mansions).
Notice that if a consumption good is to be a It is an easy exercise to confirm that competitive
status symbol, it must be conspicuous; hence consumption involves excessive consumption
the title of Veblen's classic. of commodity 1 (Arrow and Dasgupta, 2009).
To put it figuratively, consumers in the market
Veblen's notion of status has been extended economy are engaged in a "rat race". Each
greatly to cover the more general tendency person tries to consume more of commodity
of people to try to out-do the "Jones's". 1 than the others. Of course, in equilibrium
Social scientists have modelled such forms of no one is successful in beating the others. As
consumption competition more generally as people are identical, all consume the same
"rat races", in which each household tries to quantity. The process creates a "problem of
surpass all others in their consumption patterns, the commons", albeit in a different sphere
in an ever-losing proposition: no one is much from common-property resources. Structurally
happier, even though all are consuming larger however they are the same. They both reflect
and larger amounts of conspicuous goods aspects of the well-known Prisoners' Dilemma
(Easterlin, 1974, 1995, 2001; Oswald, 1997). in game theory.
To get a sense of the pathway, consider a world How could people be made to take the
with two consumption goods (labelled 1 and externalities they impose on others into account
2), of which commodity 1 is "conspicuous". when deciding how much to consume? It is a
We may think of commodity 1 as a "positional familiar notion in public economics that the
good" (Hirsch, 1977). Commodity 2 is way to do that is for the government to impose
assumed to be "inconspicuous". Q1 and Q2 a consumption tax on commodity 1. The
are their market prices (in units of well-being). trick is to choose the tax rate so that market
Let C1* denote the average consumption equilibrium is socially optimal. Public policies
of good 1 in the economy. To draw out the are to be chosen in such a way that individual
implications of competitive consumption in a incentives are in line with the realization of the
simple way, assume that the economy consists social optimum.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 97

People don't compete with others in every Together they give rise to a spiralling process
sphere of life. But if goods relying hugely on involving the exploitation of natural capital,
natural capital (e.g. automobiles, airplanes) were one that continually increases but adds far
underpriced in the past and remain underpriced, less to human well-being than anticipated.
and if those goods are conspicuous (again, Crucially, the spiral jeopardizes the well-being
automobiles and airplanes), then they would of future generations. Here again, the process
be natural focal points for competition. Habits resembles the "tragedy of the commons":
reinforce the motivation for status. They Everyone consumes more and depletes natural
influence our current taste for goods and capital at faster rates than they would if they
services. To the extent habits have a persistent all agreed to consume less, but are unable to
influence, the past is ever present. This leads find a mechanism for enforcing the agreement
to history dependence, or path dependence, of (Schor, 1998). Eliciting well-being from stated
the course of events. Extreme forms of history preferences (that is, preferences inferred
dependence are often called "lock-in effects". from answers to questionnaires) or revealed
preference (e.g., from behaviour in the market
Complementing habits are economic place) can therefore be misleading. That makes
and social infrastructures, whose growth the estimation of shadow prices of goods and
accompanies conspicuous consumption (gas services especially hard.
stations, expanding motorways, airports).

98 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 99
Chapter 2
Valuation – Empirical Considerations

Introduction argued that some aspects of life are invaluable,

Environmental change is often a result of most people recognize the presence of trade-
external costs imposed by productive economic offs and act based on some understanding of
activities. Many environmental resources relative gains from different activities. These
also tend to have public good characteristics. decisions allow economists to either identify
People cannot be excluded from experiencing the values of or ascribe values to goods and
the effects of a change in the good or one services. In the case of natural resources that
person’s consumption of the good may not are traded, market prices may offer reasonable
reduce another person’s use of the same. The measures of value. However, for environmental
public good (non-rival and non-excludable) goods where market prices either do not exist
nature of environmental goods – clean air, for or where markets are lean, economists have
instance -- allow consumption of the good to devised various methods to identify the value
occur without a reduction in its availability until of such goods.
some thresholds are reached. Private agents will In this note, we first examine different methods
necessarily under-provide public goods and for valuing non-market goods. We then discuss
over-supply public bads since they will not bear specific tools for valuing the costs associated
the full social benefits or costs. Furthermore, with four types of on-going environmental
the causal connection between specific changes in India: a) deforestation and
economic activities and their contributions degradation; b) decline in land quality; c)
to environmental changes may be unclear, changes in water resources and d) mineral
with visible and measurable environmental extractions.
changes often transpiring in distant places and
times. Finally, many environmental goods and
Valuing non-market goods
services are not traded in markets and there
is no price signal that acts as an indicator of Environmental goods offer different services
increasing depletion, scarcity or pollution. For that result in a variety of benefits. These
these reasons, economic activities can result in benefits can be categorized into use values and
environmental changes that are un-accounted non-use values (Freeman 1993, Haque et al.
for and easily ignored. 2011). Use values refer to current direct and
indirect ways in which people make physical
In order to account for resource and use of an environmental good. For example,
environmental losses, these changes need the value a farmer gets from using river water
to be measured and valued. While it can be to irrigate his crops is considered a use value.

100 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Environmental goods also provide indirect that is referred to as option value (Wiesbrod,
benefits in the form of hydrological services, 1964). Option values accrue to economic
biodiversity and so on. These are the non-use agents when there is uncertainty about supply
values conferred by environmental resources. and or demand for an environmental good.
In addition, people also obtain utility from For example, people may want to preserve the
environmental resources even if they do not option of saving forests because of potential
personally use them (Krutilla 1967). Thus, medicinal benefits that may emerge in the
some resources have existence values -- e.g., the future.
benefits obtained from simply knowing about
the existence of the Bengal tiger. Finally, there Since many environmental goods and services
is yet another category of environmental value are not traded in markets, economists use

Box 1: Revealed preference valuation methods

Revealed preference methods for valuing environmental changes are based on an examination
of people’s behavior and actions. They typically include the travel cost approach, hedonic
methods and production or damage cost approaches.

• The travel cost method is frequently used to assess the demand for recreation when the
source of recreation is a publicly provided good such as a national park or beach. Based
on the costs that people are willing to incur to travel to a public amenity, the aggregate
value of the amenity can be identified.

• Hedonic methods estimate the value of an environmental good by looking at the market
prices of linked goods and services that are influenced by the environmental good. For
example, dirty ditches and sewerage water smell are a disamenity that often reduces the
property value of nearby homes. Since markets for homes exist, it is possible to identify
how much the market value of homes is affected by the presence of the disamenity.
From this information, a not too difficult next step is to estimate the costs (negative
value) associated with the environmental disamenity.

• The damage cost or production function approach is another method that is particularly
useful in developing countries. Here, the damage cost from an environmental change
to a final output is estimated by examining how the final good is affected. For example,
the external costs of shrimp farming can be valued by estimating the change in paddy
production in nearby fields as a result of increased soil salinity. Thus, the cost of the
externality is the salinity induced loss of profits from paddy crops.

• In some cases, a replacement cost approach is also used to value environmental changes.
In this approach, for example, the benefits of providing clean water are identified by
estimating the costs of filtering and cleaning the water to make it drinkable.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 101

Box 2: Stating preferences and valuing the environment
Stated preference methods are a popular valuation method. Their attractiveness can be
attributed to the fact that many environmental goods don’t have markets and because people
are willing to pay for preservation based on ‘non-use’ values. The contributions to rain
forest related charities from distant countries, for instance, are a reflection of these values.
Existence and option values can, in some cases, only be captured by asking economic
agents about their willingness to pay for conservation.

Stated Preference methods can be broadly classified into contingent valuation and choice

• Contingent valuation refers to a survey based strategy where economic agents are
provided a hypothetical market-like scenario and asked to estimate their willingness to
pay for a change in a particular environmental good. Care is taken to make sure that
the scenario and the change proposed are well understood and to minimize ‘cheap talk’
or biased responses to the proposed hypothetical situation.

• Choice modeling is a tool used to identify the value of changing specific attributes of an
environmental good. It seeks to examine preferences for individual attributes of a good
or service. For example, choice modeling may be used to identify how much people
are willing to pay if the lodging infrastructure in a national park is improved versus if
wildlife sightings increase versus if the vistas or views of landscapes improve. This sort
of analyses would allow park managers to make investment decisions based on visitor

Over the last two decades, our understanding of the usefulness and limitations of stated
preference methods of valuing environmental goods has grown tremendously. Choice
modeling, in particular, has become a widely used tool for private sector market research.

various methods to measure the value these the environmental change, soil conservation,
‘non-market’ goods. Broadly, non-market are empirically assessed by observing farmers’
valuation techniques can be categorized into actions and the results of these actions. Stated
revealed and stated preference methods. preference methods are more direct. They rely
Revealed preference methods provide on values that are expressed by consumers
methodologies for estimating environmental and producers in the context of hypothetical
values in the context of consumers and markets scenarios.
producers making consumption and production
choices in markets. For example, the value of Environmental valuation requires careful
soil erosion to a farmer can be estimated by examination of both physical changes and
identifying the contribution of soil erosion to human behavior. Good valuation depends
reduced farm outputs. Here the benefits of on how well we understand the change in

102 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

the environment and how readily measurable It is useful to think of forests ecosystems as a
these changes are. For instance, in order to capital asset that results in different flows. As
estimate the losses from deforestation related the asset degrades, the flows from this asset
hydrological changes, we need to have a clear change. The value of the change in the asset is
understanding of how and to what extent forest therefore equal to the net present value of the
cover changes result in changes in stream flow. resulting changes in the flows that occur. This
Second, we need to account for how people formulation builds on an understanding that
change their behavior in response to the changed forest degradation today changes services today
environment. The changes in stream flow may as well as in the future. Given the different
result in farmers altering the quantity of some services provided by forests, to value the losses
inputs and therefore farm output will change from degradation and deforestation, we need
further. It is only after this that the welfare to estimate losses from a reduction in any of
impacts of the changes on economic agents these services. The first empirical challenge
or the value of the change can be estimated. is to identify the degree of deforestation/
While increasingly sophisticated surveys and degradation and its consequent impact on
econometric analyses are used to obtain un- a particular service. Once this is done, the
biased estimates of value, both stated and next task is to ask how and whose welfare is
revealed preference methods require careful affected.
research. Before venturing into valuation, it
is useful to keep in mind the need for a sound While forests provide multiple services, three
understanding of environmental science and different goods and services are more readily
that estimates can vary based on methods used amenable for valuation: a) provisioning services
and are subject to error. (or goods) such as timber and non-timber forest
products; b) carbon sequestration services;
c) recreational services. In limited cases and
Valuing forest losses
geographic areas, it may also be possible to
Forests provide a variety of goods and services. estimate the value of losses in biodiversity,
These include provisioning services such as storm protection, flood regulation and water
fuelwood, timber and minor forest products; purification. While these services are very
regulating services such as flood control, important, valuation may require significantly
storm protection and water purification; more effort. Das and Vincent (2009), for
cultural services where there are sacred instance, examined the effect of the 1999
forests, for instance; and supporting services super-cyclone in Orissa and asked to what
such as biodiversity, primary production and extent mangroves provided storm protection
nutrient re-cycling. For economic analyses, services. They found that villages with larger
it may be easier to classify services into final breadth of mangroves between them and the
(provisioning and cultural) and intermediate coast experienced significantly fewer deaths as
services (supporting and intermediary). When a result of the cyclone. Such studies provide
we examine changes in forests, we are trying key evidence of the importance of ecosystem
to answer the questions how have final and services. However, a great deal of data and
intermediate forest services changed and what analyses and larger investments are required to
the resulting impact on human well-being is. undertake such valuation at a national scale.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 103

With provisioning services or goods, market the atmosphere through forest loss in India,
prices are often used to value current losses. has an impact on India and all other countries
The value of lost timber and NTFPs at any in the world over a period of time (because
point in time is the sum of lost resource rents of climate change). Estimating the marginal
or ∑( piqi - Ci), where pi is the market price of social damage of unit of carbon is enormously
the ith good, qi is the quantity lost as a result challenging. Tol (2005), based on a review of
of degradation and Ci is the cost of extraction. 28 different studies with 94 different estimates,
For timber, for instance, Gundimeda (2005, argues that marginal damages from climate
2006) estimates resource rents based on price change are not likely to exceed $50 per ton of
and cost data obtained from CSO. For NTFPs, carbon.94 Gundimeda (2005, 2006) has used
national data is limited and quantity and price the value of USD 20/ton of carbon to evaluate
data are only available for a few commercially carbon sequestration in India. Any estimate
traded NTFPs. Where markets are lean, NTFP of the benefits of carbon sequestration will
values can be ascertained by asking a sample require choosing from a limited number of
of local households how they trade or transact international estimates of marginal damages.
different forest products amongst themselves
(Adhikari 2005). However, such exercises will Recreational services can be valued by using
require detailed sampling and data collection. the travel cost method and choice modeling.
Further, in the absence of national data, costs This method requires data on costs of travel
of extraction, particularly for subsistence to different forested tourism and recreational
related NTFPs, will need to be assumed to be areas. Using a set of sample surveys, it will be
close to zero. possible to estimate tourists’ willingness to pay
to visit different types of forested areas. By
Some 12 to 20% of annual greenhouse gas incorporating choice modeling, we can estimate
emissions into the atmosphere are attributable both the overall value of the forest resources
to land cover changes, including forest losses for tourism and any costs from changes in the
(Sunderlin et al. 2010; van der Werf et al. 2009). quality of the forests. Obtaining the consumer
Thus, conserving forests also results in carbon surplus or the benefits from recreation in a sub-
sequestration. The carbon services lost as a set of areas will allow us to obtain the change in
result of deforestation and degradation can be the aggregate value of recreational services as
identified if there is a good data on the type of result of forest loss. We need to ensure that we
forests and tree species. The Forest Survey of value recreational changes only in those areas
India provides estimates of degradation, based where recreation is allowed and where there is
on which biomass and consequent carbon some on-going or threat of degradation.
losses have been estimated (Gundimeda, 2005,
2006). While establishing above and below Valuation of land and land
ground carbon releases is challenging, once this degradation
is done, the value of the carbon released can Land is a generic resource that is put to a
be estimated. Releasing a unit if carbon into number of uses and provides a range of

Tol finds that the mean marginal social damage from climate change to be $16/ton of carbon if he assumes a 3%

pure rate of time preference (4-5% social discount rate). The combined mean he obtains from the reviewed papers is
$51/ton of carbon if he assumes a 1% pure rate of time preference.

104 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

services. Based on the major outputs or change is driven by prices and results
services provided, land is generally categorized in externalities such as soil salinity.
into agricultural land, forest land and urban Degradation related losses can be captured
land.95 Agricultural land amounted to 46.28% by examining the impact on the original
of India’s geographical area in 2005-06. Urban land-use (in this case paddy). See, for
land (land under non-agricultural use) covered example, Umamaheshwari et al. (2011),
8.19% of geographical area, and forests, in the who examine the effect of shrimp-
main government owned, covered 22.86% of induced productivity changes on paddy
land area. land. As they establish, methodologies for
estimating value of the degradation exist.
In a vein similar to SEEA (2003), we distinguish However, assessing the externality-driven
between five major types of land resources: costs of degradation will require carefully
• land underlying buildings and structures done local valuation studies. Such studies
(or urban) will need to be undertaken in multiple sites
before any attempt is made to account for
• Agricultural land and associated surface national level degradation.
2) Farmer driven soil degradation because
• Wooded land and associated surface water of over-use of fertilizers or irrigation:
(forest land) this constitutes an important depletion
of natural capital. Some studies exist in
• major water bodies India on this. Parikh and Ghosh (1991)
and Parikh (2012), using the productivity
• other land
approach for state level data, find that the
Our main interest is in land under agriculture depreciation of cultivated lands amounts
and wooded or forested lands. to 0.38 percent to 0.89 percent of GDP.
Data from the National Bureau of Soil
Land degradation occurs when land use change Studies and Land Use Statistics can be used
takes place and is accompanied by a decrease to update these estimates.
in fertility or the ecological value of the land.
Some degradation may be the consequence 3) Land-use change from areas of high
of natural processes such as desertification. ecological value lying within forest or
Valuation of land degradation requires wooded land to built areas or towards
assessing the difference between the value extractive use such as mining. From 1980
of land under different uses. Three different to mid-2011, nearly 12 lakh hectares of
kinds of degradation are of significance in forest land are estimated to have been
India. Degradation occurring from: diverted to non-forest use. More than
two-thirds is diversion for industry, mines,
1) Land-use change within agriculture, such dams, roads etc. Some of these forests
as from paddy to shrimp farming. Such are high biodiversity areas contributing

Indian official data refer of course to a well-understood classification of land: forests, land not available for cultivation
(including urban), net area sown, other uncultivated land excluding fallows and fallow land.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 105

Box 3: An anomaly in using valuation for assessing degradation: the
need for physical accounting of ‘no-go’ areas
Driven by India’s high rates of urbanization, demand for land for urban construction and
infrastructure continue to push the price of land to very high levels. Undoubtedly these are
higher than values yielded by ‘traditional’ valuation of ecosystem services. Tensions from
differing land values associated with different uses and different stakeholders are rapidly
increasing. For instance, supply side ecosystem services based approach to valuation yielded
estimates of forest and deemed forest land between Rs. 7 to 9 lakhs per hectare for dense
natural forests (Supreme Court Expert Committee 2007, Chopra and Dasgupta 2008). This
was much higher than the compensatory afforestation payment of Rs. 50,000 per hectare
paid for conversion. But demand driven urban land use could garner a price of up to Rs.
90 lakhs per hectare or more. A similar situation exists for land diverted to mining. The
drivers in this case may be high export prices.

In the face of the huge demand from urban use, retaining land for agricultural or ecological
use is not going to be easy if valuation alone is used as the decision criteria. Underlying
asymmetries in the distribution of income, information and power of different stakeholders,
and capacity to pay, lead to high demand driven prices. While valuation of land for ecosystem
services may provide additional inputs, an understanding that there exist ‘ inviolate areas’,
whether for ecological or distributional justice reasons will have to be a critical component
of policy. Although ecologists and economists in the past have frequently employed a notion
of “scientific or economic rationality,” current environmental problem solving requires
them also to use “ethical rationality.”

Thus, we need laws to prevent conversion of ‘no-go’ or inviolate areas, thus conserving
supporting ecosystem services such as biodiversity and top soils. The loss of natural
capital, if we are not to do so, would be irreversible. More accurate, physical accounting is
a necessary precondition for this policy change to take place.

to the regulating, cultural and supporting Valuing changes in water

ecosystem services and critical for human resources
well-being. Such degradation is not easily Changes in water resources include changes
valued even with non-market valuation in their quality and quantity. Water quality is
techniques (See Box 3). Moreover, the affected as a result of pollution. Valuing these
loss of natural capital in the case of changes at a national level will be a complicated
land conversion of this kind is perhaps exercise. For example, when a river gets a
irreversible. In such cases, only an accurate little polluted, it may still be used a source
physical accounting of land use change is for domestic water use despite adverse health
recommended. effects, but when the pollution level exceeds
some threshold, then it may no longer be used

106 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

a source of domestic water. The loss in value over total cost, will fall. This decline in the
depends on factors like these on which it would rent will approximately equal to the rise in the
be difficult to get data. Accordingly, valuation marginal extraction cost times the quantity of
of changes in water quality at the national level water extracted (for a given aquifer). This is a
is likely to be a difficult exercise, and would measure of the loss of income in the current
need to be preceded by many local valuation year as a result of aquifer depletion in the past
exercises. Support for such studies that can be year.
used to build up a knowledge base to be used
in the future would be good step to take at this The decline in national wealth as a result will
stage. be greater, because it must factor in the fact
that this process will happen every year into
Changes in surface water quantities are not a the future. If the aquifer is not likely to be fully
major factor in India because there have been depleted in the near future, then we would need
no significant changes in aggregate rainfall and to add the present discounted value of the rent
river flows, although there have been changes decline in each future period.
in the temporal distribution of rainfall caused
by climate change. Accordingly, it does not This could be done by extrapolating past
seem practical to attempt valuation of such increases in marginal extraction costs to the
changes. future, assuming that the amount of water
extracted will fall only slowly. This would
Changes in groundwater stocks may be of suggest that the decline in wealth would be an
considerable importance because groundwater order of magnitude greater than the year-to-
is very important for agriculture in India. 60% year decline.
of the value of farm output in India is served
by groundwater with only 20% served by Data from monitoring wells can be used to
surface irrigation, and 20% being un-irrigated track changes in the level of water in major
(Shah, 2000, pp 106-107). aquifers, and the additional cost of extraction
can be calculated from the additional energy
Groundwater is currently nearly everywhere requirement. In addition, estimates of the
an open-access resource. So in each year or amount of water use in each aquifer would
cropping season, it is extracted until the point be required. These could be generated from
when the marginal value of water pumped sample surveys.
up has fallen to the marginal private cost of
extraction, or until the aquifer is fully depleted, Mineral Resources
which may happen temporarily, within a According to the Ministry of Mines mining
cropping season, or permanently. and quarrying amounted to 2.10% of India’s
If extraction from the aquifer exceeds recharge, 2011-12 GDP. Most of these minerals come
which is the case in many, but not all parts of from a vast number of relatively small mining
the country, then next year’s cost of extraction operations, but the public sector dominates
will be greater due to the extra energy needed with its production accounting for some
to pump water to the surface. Thus the rent 66% of the value of mineral extraction in
from the aquifer, the excess of total benefit 2010-11 (Ministry of Mines 2012). The main

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 107

accounting problem with India’s mineral wealth and lack of clear information on extraction
is that mined production is considered income costs and extraction rates, it is not easy to
and contributes to GDP; however, appropriate establish either resource rents or the extraction
reductions are not made in asset accounts path. Consequently, extraction rates are often
(Gundimeda 2012). Thus, the decline in natural assumed to be constant and resource rents are
capital or wealth as a result of mining goes un- established by subtracting capital costs from
accounted. gross operating surplus (SEEA 2003).

In order to incorporate changes in sub-soil There are many careful details that need to
wealth into national accounts, we need to a) have be worked out in estimating mineral wealth.
a good measurement of the quantity of India’s However, the accounting methods are well
mineral reserves; and, b) identify an accounting established and identified in the UNSEEA (see
method for estimating resource rents. Resource Chapters 7 and 8, SEEA 2003).
rents reflect the value of a unit of mineral
capital in the ground and are equal to the Conclusions
price of the mineral resource minus extraction Valuation of India’s environmental resources
costs. The net present value of resource rents in order to create environment-economic
multiplied by the quantity extracted until the accounts is possible. Changes in forest
stock is economically exhausted provides an resources, ground water, mineral resources
estimate of total mineral wealth.96 This value and some forms of land degradation can be
clearly depends on the discount rate used and measured and valued. SEEA (2003) provides
the quantity extracted each year.97 detailed recommendations for valuation, which
A country’s mineral wealth is never known with can be supplemented by some of the studies and
complete uncertainty. Reserves are generally methods discussed in this note. Any valuation
classified into four categories – proven, exercise, particularly if there are changes in
probable, possible and potential reserves. multiple ecosystem services, will necessarily be
Different countries treat these categories limited by data availability and methodological
differently when they account for their national challenges.
mineral wealth. Thus, one decision node for Valuation, in some cases, will require sample
India’s national accounts will be in agreeing surveys and testing of methods in diverse
on what category of reserves to consider as settings before embarking on national level
wealth. The two obvious candidates are proven accounting. In other cases, nationally available
reserves or proven plus probable reserves data can be used, but more thought needs to
(SEEA 2003). be given to how complimentary data can be
The next issue is estimation of resource rents. generated. As a first step, physical accounts of
Mineral prices are internationally determined key environmental and resource changes need
allowing any valuation exercise to use world to be established. Monetary accounts on a
prices. However, given volatility in prices limited subset of physical accounts can follow.

In rare cases, where markets for sub-soil deposits are available, it may be possible to obtain the market value of stocks.
In the absence of this, the value of stocks is estimated based on the NPV of flows from this stock (SEEA 2003)
See SEEA (2003) for details on how to incorporate discoveries and exploration.

108 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Chapter 3

India’s National Accounts

and the System of Environmental
Economic Accounting

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 109

India’s National Accounts and
the System of Environmental
Economic Accounting

3.1 Introduction assets, liabilities and net worth. Economic

The System of National Accounts (SNA) aggregates derived from the accumulation
is an accounting framework for measuring accounts include Gross Fixed Capital Formation
the economic activities of production, (GFCF) and net lending and borrowing. The
consumption and accumulation of wealth in Balance Sheet is a static measure of wealth and
an economy during a period of time. The SNA shows the stocks of assets, liabilities and net
was first introduced by the UN in 1953; it has worth of the country.
since been revised multiple times with the latest In order to measure whether a country is
version being the SNA 2008. The SNA is now growing sustainably, Chapter 2 argued for the
followed by almost all countries around the need to track changes in wealth or per capita,
world to measure indicators of annual change where the definition of wealth takes account
in economic activity such as Gross Domestic of different forms of capital, including
Product (GDP), Net National Product (NNP), natural capital. Thus, there is sustainable
and Gross Savings etc. development if net aggregate investment per
The SNA provides a comprehensive conceptual capita is positive or, equivalently, net domestic
and accounting framework for analyzing and product per capita exceeds consumption per
evaluating the performance of an economy. capita. The SNA allows us to estimate these
It also provides a structure for addressing economic aggregates, which we further discuss
emerging concerns related to the determinants in the section 3.2. Section 3.3 and 3.4 of this
of economic growth and their links to different chapter describe India’s national accounts
sectors of the economy. The SNA, in fact, is system and United Nations (UN) prescribed
a sequence of accounts, consisting of current methodologies for integrating environmental
accounts, accumulation accounts and a balance goods and services into the accounting
sheet for different sectors (SNA 1993/2008). framework.
Current Accounts record the production
of goods and services and the generation, 3.2 Measuring Income and Wealth
distribution and use of income. They reflect There are three economic aggregates that are
the flow of economic activity in any period important for accounting for the environment:
of time and result in measures such as GDP. Net Domestic Product, Consumption
Accumulation accounts measure changes in Expenditures and Aggregate Net Investment.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 111

We discuss the fundamentals of how these automatically generates income to the owners
aggregates are measured, starting with the basic of these factors. Thus, GDP is also measured
measurement of GDP. as the sum of factor incomes derived directly
from the current production of goods
3.2.1 Gross Domestic Product and services within a country.100 A related
GDP is the most used economic indicator economic aggregate for the nation is Gross
worldwide and reflects a country’s income National Income (GNI) (previously referred
through the production of goods and services. to as GNP). Most of the national income in
It measures the Gross Value Added (GVA) to a country is derived from economic activities
the economy within a period of time. GDP is within the country. But some income arises
measured in three different ways: a) production from activities of residents outside the country
approach; b) income approach; c) expenditure and some income in the country may be due
approach. to the activities of the non-residents. The
difference between these two flows is referred
Production Approach: The gross value added to as net factor income from abroad and GNP
in an economy is equal to the value of output measures GDP plus net factor income from
less the value of intermediate consumption, abroad. GDP, under the income approach, is
i.e., products used up in the process of the sum of compensation to employees, gross
production.98 All goods and services produced operating surplus and gross mixed income, plus
during the accounting period, whether they taxes net of subsidies on production within the
are marketed or produced for the own country.
consumption of producers, are included in this
measure.99 The value of inputs of raw materials Expenditure Approach: The production
and services used in the process of production within an economy can also be measured by
are excluded. Thus, GDP is measured as the considering the expenditure of those who
sum of value added of all economic activities purchase final goods and services. National
within a country’s territory plus indirect taxes expenditure is the sum of expenditure on “final
minus subsidies on products. use” by the three institutional sectors in the
national accounts viz., government, households
Income Approach: Since the production of and enterprises. Consumption expenditure is
goods and services is the result of the use generally measured as final expenditures made
of primary factors of production (capital, by households, the government and non-
labour and raw materials), economic activity profit institutions serving households. Final

Thus, the goods cover all possible items produced, as for example, agricultural crops, livestock and livestock products,
fish, forest products, mineral products, manufacturing of various consumer items for consumption, machinery, transport
equipments, defense equipments etc., construction of buildings, roads, dams, bridges, etc. The services, similarly, cover a
wide spectrum including medical and educational services, defence services, financial services, transport services, trading
services, domestic services, sanitary services, government services, etc.
While production of goods in the households are included in the production boundary of SNA, services produced in the
households are excluded due to problems of measurement and their unsuitability for monitoring the economic parameters
such as employment. For instance, services of house-wives are excluded.
Other forms of income such as old age pensions, education grants, unemployment benefits, gifts etc., cannot be regarded
as payments for current services to production. They are paid out of factor incomes and are called transfer incomes.

112 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

expenditures made by enterprises are labeled period in the current value of the stock of
as Gross Capital Formation (GCF). This is fixed ‘produced’ assets owned and used by a
that part of country’s total expenditure which producer, as a result of physical deterioration,
is not consumed but added to the nation’s normal obsolescence or normal accidental
fixed tangible assets and stocks and includes damage. CFC excludes the value of fixed
‘fixed’101 physical productive assets, (buildings, assets destroyed by acts of war or exceptional
civil works, machinery, vehicles etc.) and events such as major natural disasters. CFC in
stock accumulation (stocks of raw materials, the existing SNA does not include depletion
fuels, finished goods and semi-finished goods of environmental assets. For further details on
awaiting completion)102. Thus, GDP through GFCF, capital stock and CFC see Appendix 1.
the expenditure approach is made up of:
consumption expenditure of household’s and 3.2.3 Measuring Aggregate Investment
Non-profit Institutions Serving Households through Accumulation Accounts
(NPISHs), government consumption As discussed in Chapter 2, improvements
expenditure, and Gross Capital Formation to inter-generational welfare are linked to
(GCF), in addition to net exports.103 the growth in wealth. Changes in the wealth
of a country are established through the
3.2.2 Net Domestic Product accumulation accounts, which include capital
One measure of the ability for a country and financial accounts. Capital accounts record
to grow sustainably is whether its Net transactions linked to acquisitions of non-
Domestic Product (NDP) per capita exceeds financial assets and capital transfers involving
its consumption per capita on a continual the redistribution of wealth,104 while financial
basis (Chapter 2). Net Domestic Product is a accounts record transactions for different
standard economic aggregate and is measured financial instruments. Financial Accounts
as GDP minus depreciation on a country’s include changes in financial assets viz. net
capital. Depreciation is a business accounting acquisition of financial assets like gold, SDR’s,
term while in national accounts the related currency and deposits. They also include
term is Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC). security other than shares, loans, share and
equity etc. and record changes in liabilities and
CFC reflects that part of gross product that is net worth.
required to replace fixed capital used up in the
process of production. Thus, CFC is defined as Capital accounts deal with two kinds of non-
the decline during the course of the accounting financial assets: (a) Produced assets or non-

Broadly two types of fixed assets viz. construction and machinery & equipment are covered.
Technically, GCF is comprised: (a) gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), (b) consumption of fixed capital (CFC), (c)
changes in inventories (in India this is referred to as change in stocks) and (d) acquisition less disposal of valuables.
The expenditure on final goods and services may be purely for consumption purposes like consumption of food,
clothing, shelter, services etc., or for capital formation such as addition to buildings, plant, machinery, transport equipment,
etc. Some goods may not be immediately sold and may be kept aside as stocks. These goods which are added to stocks are
also accounted for as final expenditure. Goods and services are also used for exports.
The resources side of capital accounts show savings and the user side, the GFCF, Change in Inventories, and Capital
transfers. The balancing item in both capital and financial accounts is net lending/net borrowing.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 113

financial assets that are produced as outputs atmosphere) are currently excluded. We discuss
from production processes that fall within the below and in the Chapters that follow, ways in
production boundary of the SNA.105 (b) non- which ecosystem services and changes in the
produced assets, including non-financial assets stocks of environmental assets can be included
that have come into existence by ways other while accounting for changes in wealth in the
than the processes of production. These are accumulation accounts.
economic assets needed for production but
are not produced through production process, 3.3 National Accounts in India
including environmental assets such as land In India, the Central Statistics Office (CSO)
and certain uncultivated forests or mineral in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
deposits.106 Implementation estimates national accounts
The components of Gross Capital Formation and disseminates information on several
(see footnote 5 of this chapter) are recorded macro-economic aggregates such as GDP,
in the accumulation accounts. GCF depends final consumption expenditure, savings, capital
on the savings of the nation. Thus, the link formation, capital stock, consumption of fixed
between current accounts and accumulation capital etc. every quarter. The first official
accounts is through savings. estimates of India’s National Accounts were
published by the CSO (referred to as Central
Currently, several environmental or naturally Statistical Organisation at that time) in 1956,
accruing assets are not considered economic with prices held constant using 1948-49 as
assets. Assets such as air and the ocean, the base year.107,108 These estimates along with
whose contribution is not easily measurable, the current estimates at current prices and
assets that are commercially inaccessible (eg. the accounts of the Public Authorities were
virgin forests or economically un-exploitable published in 1956. The latest revision of the
minerals), common property where it is not National Account aggregates, based on SNA
feasible to establish effective control, and 1993 and 2008, was published in January 2010
assets that are not monetized (glaciers, the with base year 2004-05.109 (See Appendix 2 for
details on changes in recent years based on

Produced assets are further sub-divided into three types: (i) fixed assets, (ii) inventories and (iii) valuables. Fixed assets
consist of (a) tangible or (b) intangible assets that are used repeatedly in production for more than one year. Valuables are
works of art, precious stones and metals, jewelry, etc. which are not used in production or consumption. Their economic
value lies in the expectation that their price will increase.
Natural non-produced assets also include certain intangible assets such as patented entities, leases or other transferable
contract, purchased goodwill, etc.
With the gradual improvements in the availability of basic data, national income estimates were further revised and
published in 1967 by taking 1960-61 as the new base. Simultaneously, related aggregates such as ‘capital formation’ and
‘saving’ for the years from 1960-61 were published in 1969. Subsequently, there have been several revisions of the national
income series (with base years 1970-71, 1980-81, 1993-94 and 1999-2000) based on substantial improvements in the data
base and use of the revised SNA 1993 guidelines.
Base years are important for measuring the volumes of domestic product. The base year for India’s national accounts is
changed once in five years to capture structural changes that take place in the economy.
The series of national account aggregates revised in January, 2010 with base year 2004-05 took into account the following
three objectives: i) Revision of a base year to a more recent year for meaningful analysis of the structural changes in the
economy. ii) Complete review of the exiting data base and methodology employed in the estimations of various macro-
economic aggregates including choice of the alternative data bases on individual subjects, and, iii) Implementation of the
recommendations of SNA 1993 as well as SNA 2008 to the extent feasible.

114 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

SNA guidelines). • for different institutional sectors (general
government, households and NPISHs, and
3.3.1 India’s National Accounts System financial and non-financial corporations)
As Figure 1 shows, the National Accounts only the production and generation of
of India are based on current accounts, income accounts (of the current accounts);
accumulation accounts and rest of the world • for the general government and households
accounts.110 The rest of the world accounts (including NPISHs) sectors, the sequence
refer to transactions between resident and non- of accounts up to financial accounts;
resident institutional units and related stocks
of assets and liabilities, where relevant. • GDP at basic prices;

The basic unit for measuring economic • cross-classification of output and value
activities and compiling national accounts is the added by industry;
‘institution’. India’s National Accounts (INA)
include three major institutional sectors, i.e. • cross-classification of value added by
the public or general government sector and industry and institutions;
public enterprises, households/un-organized
• classification of the functions of the
sector and NPISHs, and the private corporate
sector (see Appendix 3 for definitions and the
correspondence between INA and the SNA). • classification of individual consumption
The ‘Rest of the world’ is also an institutional according to purpose.
sector which is shown as part of current and
accumulation accounts. The current accounts result in the aggregates
such as GVA (gross value added), balance of
India’s national accounts build the entire primary income (national income), disposable
sequence of accounts for the total economy, income, and finally, the savings of the nation.
but the accounts are not as complete for As noted, the accumulation accounts comprise
specific institutional sectors. Given available capital and the financial accounts. The capital
data, India constructs the following accounts account considers savings as resources of
and aggregates: the nation used for capital formation. The
difference between savings and capital
• for the total economy, the sequence of
formation (further adjusted for capital transfers)
accounts (current accounts, accumulation
is the net borrowing/lending of the nation. We
accounts including only the capital and financial
further note that current accounts do not give
accounts, and the rest of the world account);
rise to the full expenditure measure of GDP,
• for the total economy, the social accounting but only to one component of the GDP viz.
matrix which depicts all accounts in a single the consumption expenditure. The other two
matrix; components of GDP expenditure (GCF and net
exports) are externally compiled and included

Two accounts viz. ‘Other changes in volume assets account’ and ‘Revaluation account’ along with ‘Balance Sheet’ are

not prepared in India.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 115

into the capital account to leave the balancing India’s national accounts are compiled based on
item of net borrowing/lending. Thus, capital information from several diverse data sources.
accounts do not feed into the current accounts, Data, such as land records and collection of
whereas current accounts feed into the capital direct and indirect taxes, are generated as a by-
accounts in the form of savings. product of public administration system, and
other data collected directly through censuses
Figure 1 highlights the measurement of GDP and sample surveys conducted by official
as the most used national economic aggregate, agencies of the Central and State Governments.
even though other economic aggregates are For certain newly emerging activities, such as
also developed in addition to the sequence software, information available from selective
of accounts. India’s accounts incorporate non-official sources is used. While the underlying
estimates of GDP compiled through concepts and methodologies of compilation
the income, production and expenditure have been mostly standardized under the SNA,
approaches. While the level of GDP estimated procedures and approximations are shaped by
through the production and income approaches the country-specific data collection system.
are identical, there are discrepancies between
GDP measured by the production approach
3.4 Environmental Considerations
and by the expenditure approach, which, as in India’s National Accounts
noted, are recorded separately under the GDP Statistics
expenditure components.111
The NAS incorporates environmental goods
The National Accounts Statistics (NAS) of and services in multiple ways within the current
India also includes a Social Accounting Matrix and accumulation accounts. While there is a
(SAM). The SAM captures transactions and lot to be done in terms of strengthening the
transfers between different economic agents environmental components of the NAS, Box
(institutions) in the system and represents 4 illustrates some measures that have already
national accounts in single matrix. The columns been taken.
and rows show all the transactions taking place
in the sequence of accounts. The SAM provides GDP does not account for depreciation of
for: a) cross-classification of output and value natural capital stock as a result of economic
added by industry; b) cross-classification exploitation and environmental degradation.
of value added by industry and institutions; In other words, GDP may increase even when
c) classification of the functions of the the stock of natural capital, such as minerals,
government; and d) classification of individual soils and forests, is being depleted. The NDP
consumption according to purpose.112 would more correctly measure these changes

While the production approach of GDP is treated as a firmer estimate, any difference between the GDP measured by
the production approach and the expenditure approach is shown as statistical discrepancy in the GDP estimates through
the expenditure approach.
Production activities in the National Accounts of India and the SAM are classified according to the National Industrial
Classification (NIC), which is adapted to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC). These activities
comprise: (i) agriculture, forestry & fishing, (ii) mining & quarrying, (iii) manufacturing, (iv) electricity, gas & water
supply, (v) construction and (vi) trade, hotels, transport & business services, and, (vii) community, social & personal

116 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Figure 1: India’s National Accounts
Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 117
Box 4: Environmental considerations currently included in India’s
National Accounts
India’s national accounts incorporate environmental considerations in different ways in
estimating GDP and other aggregates such as GCF and GFCF

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) includes:

• value added in the electricity, gas & water supply sector through transmission and
distribution of electric energy, manufacture of gas in gas works including gobar gas
and distribution through mains to household, industrial, commercial and other users,
production of LPG, and collection, purification and distribution of water excluding the
operation of irrigation system.
• the value of minerals extracted (where minerals can occur in nature as solids, liquids or
gases and in underground and surface mines) and income from quarries and oil wells
with all supplementary operations (not depletion of minerals).
• the value of timber, fuelwood and non-timber forest products extracted from forests
(to the extent that data are available on quantities and prices).
• the value of natural growth of cultivated assets for certain crops
• output of dung manure.

Gross Capital Formation (GCF) includes:

• capital transfers from the Government to corporations for the purposes of water
• capital investment made by household sector in bio-gas plants and wind energy
• capital expenditure incurred (estimated) in installation of wind energy systems (windmills,
aero-generators and wind turbines) and unit prices of installation capacities.
• outlays on improvement of land and development or extension of mining sites, timber
tracts and plantations.

Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF) includes:

• estimates of improvement of land, irrigation works, flood control projects, laying of
new orchards and plantations, forestry & logging and fishing.
• estimates of extraction of both major and minor minerals with respect to public sector,
non-departmental enterprises, private corporate sector, and household sector.

118 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Change in Stocks (CIS) includes:
• estimates of produced/unsold stocks of major and minor minerals (but not depletion
of minerals).
• estimates in the agriculture sector for all the three institutional units (we note, that
as the annual incremental data on species-wise livestock are not available, these are
estimated by projection method at all India/State level using geometric growth rate
based on latest available livestock census data).
• estimates of electricity, gas and water supply, only for public and private sectors
• changes in unsold timber extracted (GFCF does not include natural forests).

in natural stocks; however, CFC, the measure completely excluded. Also, changes in stock of
of depreciation, is currently not calculated for ground water are currently un-accounted for.
non-produced assets such as land, mineral and
other deposits. Furthermore, GCF, the measure Another anomalous property of GDP is that
of changes in capital, does not include natural it will increase even when the quality of the
changes or improvements to non-reproducible environment is reduced by pollution. This
tangible assets such as land and mineral is because it both ignores non-monetized
deposits and natural growth of standing timber degradation of environmental quality and
or crops. includes monetized social costs associated with
attempts to improve quality. For example, an
GDP also under-estimates the value of natural increase in the consumption of potentially
resources. It does so even of those resources health-threatening goods such as alcohol,
whose use is monetized. In the forestry cigarettes and fatty foods will appear as an
sector, for example, while timber and NTFP increase in GDP, although they may decrease
use contribute to GDP, there is significant individuals’ welfare and impose a burden
under-estimation of NTFP quantities and on the national health budget. Effects in air
royalties may not reflect their true value. Non- and water quality on health are ignored or
monetized environmental goods and services included as consumption expenditure when
are not reflected in the national accounts. The they lead to the purchase of medical services.
contribution of other forest services such as GDP also increases when expenditures are
carbon or hydrological services, for example, is made on pollution abatement. This is another

The environmental aspects relating to the sectors for which national accounts are compiled mainly pertain to economic

activities involving use of natural resources that result in output which eventually lead to wastes and omissions and
depletion of natural resources and natural assets. Presently, no environmental factors are accounted for under national
accounts in terms of their use in the intermediate consumption or use of these natural resources as capital equipment, as
core national accounts according to SNA do not consider these under production activities

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 119

distortion because environmental protection 3.5 SEEA – System of
expenditures may actually be social costs Environmental-Economic
of maintaining environmental quality (i.e., Accounting
defensive expenditures). In 1992, the UN Conference on Environment
and Development “Earth Summit”, as per
Lastly, the national accounts are not yet able to
Agenda 21 (UN 1992), recommended that
examine fully the distributional implications of
countries implement environmental-economic
changes in natural or environmental goods and
accounts. In response, the United Nations

Table 1: Environmental goods and services not included in India’s

National Accounts
Status regarding inclusion
Environmental Factors and variables Reasons for non-inclusion
in NAS
Land Improvement Included in GFCF
Not Included (Data
Change in Land Use
Data need to be updated in
Depletion/Degradation of
Not Included National Bureau of soil survey
Data need to be updated
Degradation of Soil Not Included
Non-availability of complete
Impact of Disasters Not Included
Land Use, Cover Area, and Not Included (Data
Yield available)
Urban & Rural Land use Not Included (Data
pattern available)
Updating of data in State Land
LAND Productivity of Land Not Included Use Board (SLUB) will be
Data available but the
Real Estate prices Not Included same to be disseminated by
Registration offices
Updating of data in
Directorate of Economics &
Cropping Pattern Not Included
Statistics at State level will be
Output prices/ revenues Included
Gross/Net sown area Included
Soil depth, colour, salinity and
drainage (Soil erosion, run- Data need to be updated
off and soil loss under the in NBSS. Data on soil loss
Not Included
treated and un-treated micro- prevented by dense forests are
watersheds, soil loss prevented not available.
by dense forests)

120 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Status regarding inclusion
Environmental Factors and variables Reasons for non-inclusion
in NAS
Extraction of minerals in Not Included (Data
forests available)
Forest cover/Forest cover Not Included (Data
change available)
Accumulation of timber due
Regular and complete data are
to natural regeneration/natural Not Included
not available
Loss in timber volume due to
Not Included No data available after 1972
insects, pests and diseases
Animal grazing Not Included Data not available regularly
Data available, but more
Shift in cultivation Not Included
details are required
Not Included (Data
Carbon stock
Asset valuation of forest &
Not Included Data not available
Not Included (Data
Not Included (Data
Land area under forest
Physical volume of timber Included
Carbon sequestration potential Not Included Data not available
Area of Sacred Groves Not Included Data not available
Medicinal Plants Included
Volume harvested for timber
and fuel wood
Volume of forest stock
affected by forest fire
Area regenerated/Area Not Included (Data
afforested available)
Not Included (Data
Mangrove cover
Biodiversity Not Included Limited data available


Deadwood Not Included (Some data are

Solid organic carbon (below
ground and above ground)/
Impact of worms
Not Included (Data
Depletion of Minerals
MINERALS available)
Pollutant loads from mining Not Included Data not available

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 121

Status regarding inclusion
Environmental Factors and variables Reasons for non-inclusion
in NAS
Surface and ground water
Not Included Limited Data available
Data generated through
WATER* BOD, COD and SS Not Included primary surveys in case studies
need to be updated

Sedimentation in water ways

Not Included No reliable data available
and their treatment costs

CO2 Not Included Limited data available

SO2 Not Included Limited data available
SPM Not Included Limited data available
N2O, Methane, HFCs, SF6 Not Included Limited data available
AIR Carbon monoxide Not Included Limited data available
Nitrogen dioxide Not Included Limited data available
Data available through ASI,
Fuel Consumption Not Included
but not on a regular basis
Ozone depleting substance; Not Included (Production/
CFCs, Halgon, CTC consumption data available)
Notes: a) Other Environmental factors include solid waste and energy that are not discussed in this Table.
b) Changes in one indicator can change other indicators leading to changes in the sequence of accounts. c) *
Purchase and Use of water

Statistics Division (UNSD) published the SEEA Central framework as an international

Handbook of National Accounting–Integrated statistical standard in 2012.
Environmental and Economic Accounting (UN
1993), commonly referred to as the SEEA. The The System of Environmental–Economic
SEEA was revised in 2003 and then another Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework is a
revision was started in 2007 (for further details multi-purpose framework that describes the
on SEEA’s historical background, see Appendix interactions between the economy and the
4). SEEA 2003 represented a significant step environment, the stocks and changes in stocks
forward in terms of breadth of material and of environmental assets. The SEEA allows us
harmonization of concepts, definitions, and to examine various issues at the macro level
methods in environmental and economic such as resource efficiency and productivity
accounting. It also provided a well accepted indicators, decomposition analysis, analysis
and robust framework for the compilation of of net wealth and depletion, sustainable
environmental and economic accounting. The production and consumption, structural
latest version of SEEA is comprised of three input-output analysis and general equilibrium
parts: the Central Framework, Experimental modeling, consumption based input-output
Ecosystems Accounts and Extensions and analysis and footprint techniques, analysis using
Applications. The 43rd Session of the UN geospatially referenced data etc.
Statistical Commission formally accepted the

122 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

The SEEA Central Framework provides a about ecosystem accounting, see Appendix 5.
structure to compare and contrast source data SEEA Extensions and Applications will present
and allows the development of aggregates, various monitoring and analytical approaches
indicators and trends across a broad spectrum of that could be adopted, and will describe ways
environmental and economic issues. Particular in which SEEA data can be used to inform
examples include the assessment of trends in policy analysis which will be useful for official
the use and availability of natural resources, statisticians, researchers and policy makers.
the extent of emissions and discharges to This part of SEEA will not be a statistical
the environment resulting from economic standard.
activity, and the amount of economic activity
undertaken for environmental purposes. 3.5.1 SEEA Central Framework
Melding different disciplines, it brings together The SEEA Central Framework applies the
information on water, minerals, energy, timber, accounting concepts and rules of the SNA
fish, soil, land and ecosystems, pollution to ecosystem goods and services. Broadly, the
and waste, production, consumption and economy functions through the production
accumulation. It can be applied to all countries and import of goods and services that in turn
regardless of differences in economic & are consumed by enterprises, households or
statistical development and environmental government; exported to the rest of the world;
concerns or structure. or accumulated to be consumed or use in the
In addition to the SEEA Central Framework, future. All goods and services (products) that
two related parts are being developed: SEEA are considered to be produced are effectively
Experimental Ecosystem Accounts, and SEEA considered “inside the economy”. Thus, the
Extensions and Applications. The SEEA Central Framework consists of three parts: (i)
Experimental Ecosystem Accounts describes physical flows of materials and energy within
both the measurement of ecosystems in the economy and between the economy and
physical terms, and the valuation of ecosystems the environment; (ii) stocks of environmental
in so far as it is consistent with market valuation assets and changes in these stocks; and (iii)
principles, noting that only those issues for economic activity and transactions related
which broad consensus has emerged will be to the environment.114 The classification of
included. In accounting terms, many of the different environmental assets within SEEA
structures for ecosystem accounting will be Central Framework is presented in Table 2.
drawn from the structures in the SEEA Central Flows: Flows reflect creation, transformation,
Framework and, in this regard, the accounting exchange, transfer or extinction of economic
conventions of the SEEA Central Framework value and involve changes in volume
will be applied consistently. For more details composition or volume of the assets or

Environmental stocks and flows are considered in a holistic way. The environment from stock perspective includes all
living and non-living components that comprise the bio-physical environment, encompassing all types of natural resources
and the ecosystems within which they are located, whereas the environment from flow perspective is seen as the source of
all natural inputs to the economy including natural resource inputs like minerals, timber, fish, water, etc and other natural
inputs absorbed by the economy such as energy from solar and wind sources and the air used in combustion processes.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 123

Table 2: SEEA Central Framework classification of environmental
1 Mineral and Energy resources
1.1 Oil Resources
1.2 Natural gas resources
1.3 Coal and peat resources
1.4 Non-metallic mineral resources (excluding coal and peat resources)
1.5 Metallic mineral resources
2 Land
3 Soil resources
4 Timber resources
4.1 Cultivated timber resources
4.2 Natural timber resources
5 Aquatic resources
5.1 Cultivated aquatic resources
5.2 Natural aquatic resources
6 Other biological resources (excluding timber resources and aquatic resources)
7 Water resources
7.1 Surface Water
7.2 Groundwater
7.3 Soil water

liabilities of the institution. The SEEA Central collected in controlled landfill sites). We note
Framework records physical flows of natural that the definition of products aligns to the
inputs, products and residuals. The flows from SNA definition of products, i.e., goods and
the environment to the economy are recorded services created through a production process
as natural inputs (e.g. flows of minerals, timber, and with economic value. Also the measurement
fish, water). Flows within the economy are boundary for physical and monetary flows
recorded as product flows (including additions aligns to the economic territory of a country,
to the stock of fixed assets) and flows from the as defined in SNA.
economy to the environment are recorded as
residuals (e.g. solid waste, air emissions, return Stocks: Environmental assets are defined as
flows of water). Notably, many residuals also the naturally occurring living and non-living
remain within the economy (e.g. solid waste components of the Earth, together comprising

124 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

the bio-physical environment that may provide accounts and also separately identified and
benefits to humanity. The focus is on individual presented in what are known as functional
components of the environment that provide accounts (such as environmental protection
direct material benefits to enterprises and expenditure accounts).
households. Broadly, assets are categorized
into produced (from economic activity such 3.5.2. Differences between SNA and the
as buildings and machines) and non-produced SEEA Central Framework
(land, mineral resources, water resources) which The SEEA Central Framework adopts
provide inputs to the productions of goods slightly different terminology in relation to
and services.115 Changes in the economic value environmental assets compared to the SNA. In
and quantity of stocks are either recorded the SNA, the term “Natural Resources” is used
as transactions (such as the acquisition of to cover natural biological resources (e.g. timber
buildings and land) or as other flows. Many and aquatic resources), mineral and energy
flows relating to non-produced assets (e.g. resources, and water resources and land. In the
discoveries of mineral resources, and losses of SEEA Central Framework, land is separated
timber resources due to fire) are considered to from natural resources recognizing its distinct
be flows outside the production boundary since role in the provision of space. Further, in the
the assets themselves are not the output from SNA, land and soil resources are considered as
production processes undertaken by economic a single asset type whereas in the SEEA Central
units. Framework, these are recognized as separate
Economic Activity and Transactions: In addition assets and soil resources are included as part
to the measurement of stocks of environmental of natural resources.
assets and flows between the environment and In physical terms, the asset boundary of the
the economy, the Central Framework records SEEA Central Framework is broader and
flows associated with economic activities related includes all natural resources and areas of land
to the environment. Examples of economic of an economic territory that may provide
activity related to the environment include resources and space for use in economic activity.
expenditures on environmental protection and Thus, in the SEEA, the scope in physical terms
resource management, and the production is not limited to those assets with economic
of environmental goods and services such as value.
devices to reduce air pollution. Environmental
transactions such as taxes, subsidies, grants, and In terms of valuing environmental goods and
rent are also included. Using the measurement services, the SEEA Central Framework adopts
framework of the SNA, economic activity the same market price valuation principles
undertaken for environmental purposes are as the SNA, i.e. in monetary terms, the asset
accounted for in the the sequence of economic boundary of the SEEA Central Framework

The SEEA, in its stock accounts, does not consider the non-material benefits from the indirect use of environmental assets

(for example, benefits from environmental services such as water purification, storage of carbon, and flood mitigation).
Also coverage of individual assets does not extend to the individual elements that are embodied in the various natural and
biological resources listed above. For example, the various soil nutrients are not explicitly considered as individual assets.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 125

and the SNA are the same. Only those assets, depending on the analytical scope of the
including natural resources and land that have account being compiled, whereas in the SNA
an economic value, following the valuation the recording of these types of flows is limited
principles of the SNA are included in the to the recording of the production of goods
SEEA Central Framework. for own final use (e.g. own account capital
formation) and intra-enterprise flows related
Both the SEEA Central Framework and the to ancillary activities end.116 b) In situations of
SNA recognize the change in the value of natural goods sent to other countries for processing or
resources that can be attributed to depletion. In repair, or in cases of merchanting, the SEEA
the SNA, the value of depletion is shown in Central Framework recommends recording the
other changes in the volume of assets and is actual physical flows of goods in those cases
not recognized as a cost against income earned where the ownership of those goods does
from extracting natural resources. In the SEEA not change but remains with a resident of the
Central Framework, the value of depletion is originating country. No change to the monetary
considered a cost against income. Hence, in recording of these flows is recommended.117
the sequence of economic accounts, depletion
adjusted balancing items and aggregates are
3.5.3 Accounts in the SEEA
defined that deduct depletion from measures
of value added, income and savings. The The Central Framework organizes and integrates
depletion deduction is made in addition to the the information of the various stocks and flows
deduction of CFC, which is already in the SNA. of the economy and the environment in a
The differing treatment of depletion in SEEA series of tables and accounts. These tables and
Central Framework may require additional accounts can be linked to relevant employment,
entries in the sequence of economic accounts demographic and social information.
at an institutional sector level. The Central Framework comprises the
Finally, the SEEA Central Framework applies following types of tables and accounts (see
two variations in the recording of product Appendix 6):
flows as compared to the SNA: a) In the SEEA (i) Supply and use tables in physical and
Central Framework, all intra-enterprise flows monetary terms showing flows of natural
(production and use of goods and services on inputs, products and residuals;
own account within enterprises) are recorded

For example, the recording of production of energy (through the incineration of waste) and the abstraction of water by
an establishment for own intermediate consumption is to be done under SEEA. Similarly in the functional accounts of the
SEEA Central Framework, recording of all production of environmental goods and services by an establishment (both
for environmental protection and resource management depending on the scope of the account) for own intermediate
consumption is to be done. The SEEA Central Framework also encourages the recording of own account production and
final consumption by households (e.g. in relation to the abstraction or the production of energy). For such household own-
account production, the production boundary used is the same as that described in the SNA. In all cases of own-account
and intra-establishment production recorded in the SEEA Central Framework, the valuation of flows is consistent with
the SNA valuation of own-account and ancillary production.
This variation is particularly applicable in recording physical flows associated with the processing of raw materials (e.g.
oil refining) where the physical flows may be largely invariant to the nature of the contractual relationships that are the
focus of recording of monetary flows in the SNA and the Balance of Payments. Flows between the economy and the
environment are determined by whether they cross the production boundary.

126 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

(ii) Asset accounts for individual environmental Basic forms of PSUT, Monetary Supply and
assets in physical and monetary terms Use Table (MSUT)118 and Asset Account Table
showing the stock of environmental assets and Supply and Use Table as per the SNA are
at the beginning and end of each accounting presented in Appendix 6 (Tables 6.1-6.4) and
period and the changes in the stock; are further discussed in the next chapters.

(iii) A sequence of economic accounts that The strength of the Central Framework comes
highlights depletion adjusted economic from consistently applying definitions and
aggregates; and classifications for stocks, flows and economic
units across different types of environmental
(iv) Functional accounts which record assets and different environmental themes (e.g.
transactions and other information across water and energy). Further strength
about economic activities undertaken for comes from different classifications being
environmental purposes. consistently applied in physical and monetary
Physical Supply and Use Tables (PSUTs) are terms and because the same definitions
used to assess how an economy supplies, and classifications are used in the SNA and
uses and releases energy, water and materials economic statistics.
and examine changes in production and Implementation of the SEEA does not require
consumption patterns over time. The Monetary compilation of every table and account for
Tables record flows of products in an economy all environmental assets or environmental
between different economic units in monetary themes. Rather it can be implemented in a
terms. Many of the flows of products recorded modular way taking into account those aspects
relate to the use of natural inputs from the of the environment of a country that are most
environment (for example, the manufacture of important.
wood products) or to expenditures associated
with the environment (example, abatement
or defensive expenditures). Separate Asset
Tables record the opening and closing stock of
environmental assets and the different types of
changes in the stock over an accounting period.
This information can be used to assist in the
management of environmental assets and
provide broader estimates changes in wealth.

In the compilation of supply and use tables in both physical and monetary terms, an important factor is the use of
consistent classifications for the main economic units and products. Industries are consistently classified using the
International Standard Industry classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), products are classified using the Central
Product Classification (CPC), and the determination of whether particular economic units are within a particular national
economy is based on the concept of residence. The ISIC and the CPC are not only used in supply and use tables. They
are also used in the other accounts and tables to classify industries and products. Other classifications, such as the Standard
International Energy product Classification (SIEC), may also be used in specific situations.
A Framework for Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) following the UNFDES was developed by the
Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) in early 1990s and the
first issue of Compendium of Environment Statistics was released in 1997.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 127

Appendix 1
Capital Formation, Capital Stock and
Consumption of Fixed Capital
Gross Capital formation in the country is (i) reproducible tangible assets (capital stock)
represented by GFCF and change in inventories comprising fixed assets and stocks (inventories)
and valuables. GFCF measures the additions and (ii) non-producible tangible assets
to the capital stock of buildings, equipment comprising land, timber tracts and forests, sub-
and inventories, i.e. the additional capacity to soil assets and extraction sites, fisheries, and
produce more goods and income in the future. historical monuments.
GFCF is the result of the following transactions
on fixed assets: Reproducible fixed tangible assets (fixed assets
used for the production of goods and services)
(a) acquisition less disposal of new or existing consist of assets in the form of residential
tangible fixed assets which includes dwelling, buildings, non-residential buildings, dams,
other buildings and structures, machinery irrigation and flood control projects, other
& equipment, and cultivated assets such as construction works, transport equipment,
trees and livestock that are used repeatedly machinery and equipment, breeding stock,
or continuously to produce products such drought animals, dairy cattle and the like, and
as fruit, rubber, milk, etc. capital expenditure on land improvement,
plantations, orchard developments, and
(b) acquisition less disposal of new or afforestation. Fixed assets also include un-
existing intangible fixed assets like completed construction assets.
mineral exploration, computer software,
entertainment, literary or artistic originals, Stocks refer to stocks of finished and semi-
and other intangible fixed assets; finished goods and young livestock except
breeding stock, dairy cattle and the like which
(c) major improvements to tangible non- form part of the fixed assets. Durable goods in
produced assets including land; and the hands of households which are not used for
(d) costs associated with the transfer of further production of goods and services such
ownership of non-produced assets. as automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines,
furniture, sewing machines etc. as well as fixed
As per the guidelines issued by the United assets mainly meant for defense purposes such
Nations Statistical Office in 1997, National as warships, fighter aircrafts and war materials
Wealth is defined as the total of various kinds do not form part of the fixed capital stock
of net tangible and intangible non-financial as these are assumed to have been consumed
assets of residence plus financial claims on as soon as they are purchased. Construction
non-residents less financial liabilities to non- works undertaken by the households including
residents. Tangible assets are classified into buildings and capital expenditure on residential

128 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

dwellings for defense personnel, broader roads, of fixed assets declined over their service
ordnance factories etc. form part of the fixed lives. This method of estimation of capital
capital stock. stock and changes in capital stock over time
is known as the Perpetual Inventory Method
Non-producible tangible assets are made up of (PIM). Estimates of CFC are obtained as a by-
land, timber tracts and forests, sub-soil assets product of the PIM.
and extraction sites, fisheries, and historical
monuments. The CFC is calculated for all produced fixed
assets i.e., tangible (buildings, other construction,
As discussed in the SNA 1993, Gross Capital roads and bridges, transport equipment and
Stock is the value of all fixed assets still in use other machinery and equipment) and intangible
at the end of an accounting period at the actual fixed assets (software and mineral exploration)
or estimated current purchasers’ prices for new owned by producers. Fixed assets must have
assets of the same type, irrespective of age of been produced as outputs from the process of
the assets. The net or written-down values production. The CFC is not calculated for (a)
of all the fixed assets is equal to the actual or valuables that are acquired precisely because
estimated current purchasers’ price of new their value, in real terms, is not expected
assets of same type less the cumulative values to decline over time, (b) livestock, (c) non-
of CFC accrued at that point of time. produced assets such as land, mineral and other
As per SNA 1993, estimates of CFC should deposits, (d) work in progress and (e) value of
be compiled in conjunction with the estimates assets destroyed by acts of war or major natural
of capital stock. This can be built up from the disaster which occur very infrequently. It is,
data on GFCF in the past combined with the therefore, calculated using actual or estimated
estimates of the rate at which the efficiency prices and not at historic costs, i.e., at prices
originally paid for them.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 129

Appendix 2
Changes in India’s National Accounts based on
SNA 1993 and 2008
A number of important recommendations of • inclusion of expenditures on valuables,
SNA 1993 have been implemented by India. which are held as stores of value, and are
Further, while introducing the new series of treated as GCF;
NAS in January, 2010 (base year 2004-05), the
• treatment of expenditures on software as
CSO attempted to implement some of the
recommendations of the 2008 SNA, to the extent
data were available. The changes relate to: • inclusion of increment to livestock as
• valuation of non-market agricultural crops
on the basis of prices of similar products • inclusion of expenditures made on few tree
made by market producers and their crops during the gestation period as GCF;
inclusion in the production boundary; • addition of capital expenditure incurred on
• inclusion of own-account production of installing the wind energy systems in the
housing services by owner-occupiers and of GFCF;
domestic and personal services produced • estimation of CFC of all fixed assets
by employing paid domestic staff; including government buildings, roads,
• inclusion of premium supplements in dams etc. as Perpetual Inventory Method
respect of life and non-life insurance (PIM);
output estimates; • treating R&D expenditures in public sector
• inclusion of reinvested earnings of foreign as capital expenditures;
direct investors in the rest of the world • adopting the declining balance (of life of
account; this treatment affects gross national assets) method for estimating the CFC and
product, saving and capital formation; capital stock;
• imputed value of own-account labour • adopting the user cost approach for
treated as mixed income of self-employed; estimating the services of owner occupied
• expenditures on mineral exploration treated dwellings in rural areas as against the
as capital expenditure; present practice of imputing these services
on the basis of rent per dwelling;
• allocation of financial intermediation
services indirectly measured (FISIM) to • treating the construction component and
the users of these services, as intermediate machinery/transport outlay of defence
consumption to industries and as final capital account as capital formation, which
consumption to final users; was earlier being treated as intermediate
130 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
Appendix 3
Correspondence between the institutional
sectors of SNA and the Indian Accounts

SNA Sector INA Sector

Public Administration, Commercial Undertakings under

General Government Government called Departmental Commercial Undertakings
(DCUs) and Autonomous Institutions.

Households and Non-Profit Institutions Serving Households


All private non-financial institutions registered under

Companies Act and registered public sector non-financial
Non-Financial Corporations
units called Non-Departmental Commercial Undertakings

All private financial institutions such as banks, cooperative

Financial Corporations credit societies, etc. registered under Companies Act and
financial NDCUs.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 131

Appendix 4
Historical Background of SEEA
The Report of the Brundtland Commission, An Operational Manual (UN 2000)” was
in 1987, made clear the capacity of the published by UNSD and the United Nations
environment and links between economic Environment Programme (UNEP) based
and social development. In 1992, the on material prepared by the Nairobi group
UN Conference on Environment and (a group of experts established in 1995
Development “Earth Summit”, as per Agenda from national and international agencies
21 (UN 1992), recommended that countries and non-governmental organizations). This
implement environmental-economic accounts publication, while reflecting the on-going
at the earliest date. In response, the United discussions following the 1993 publication of
Nations Statistical Division (UNSD) published Handbook, provided step-by–step guidance
the Handbook of National Accounting– on the implementation of the more practical
Integrated Environmental and Economic modules of the SEEA and elaborated the uses
Accounting (UN 1993), commonly referred of integrated environmental and economic
to as the SEEA. This handbook was issued accounting in policy making.
as an “interim” version of work in progress
since the discussion of relevant concepts and Simultaneously, the international agencies in
methods had not come to final conclusion. As cooperation with the London Group worked
a result of this publication, several developing on a revision of the 1993 SEEA. The revision
and developed countries started experimenting process was carried out through a series of
on the compilation of SEEA based data. expert meetings and was built upon a wide
consultation process. The SEEA-2003, revision
The London Group on Environmental of SEEA 1993, represented a considerable
Accounting was created in 1994 under the step forward in terms of breadth of material
auspices of the United Nations Statistical and harmonization of concepts, definitions
Commission (UNSC) to provide a forum for and methods in environmental and economic
practitioners to share their experiences on accounting. The SEEA-2003 also presented a
developing and implementing environmental- number of different methodological options
economic accounts. Increased discussion on along with a range of country examples
concepts and methods of environmental- showing varying country practices, Thus the
economic accounting, accompanied with SEEA-2003 was never formally adopted as an
country experiences led to an increasing international statistical standard and the SEEA
convergence of concepts and methods for was not recognized as a statistical system in
various modules of the SEEA. its own right. Nonetheless, in general the
SEEA -2003 provided a well accepted and
Another publication titled “Integrated robust framework for the compilation of
Environmental and Economic Accounting- environmental and economic accounts.

132 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Recognizing the ever increasing importance -2003 was substantially agreed in terms of
of information on the environment and the both scope and treatment and hence the focus
need to place this information in an economic of the revision was to remain largely on those
context understood by central policy makers, specific areas of the SEEA-2003 in which
the Statistical Commission agreed at its thirty- the level of understanding and agreement
eighth session in February 2007 to start a second needed to be increased and agreed treatments
revision process with the aim of adopting the determined. The London Group was given
SEEA as an international statistical standard carriage of the 21 issues identified for the
for environmental-economic accounting within revision of the SEEA. The newly formed Oslo
five years. This process was managed under the Group on Energy Statistics was also involved
auspices of the newly formed United Nations in the discussion of issues pertaining to energy.
Committee of Experts in Environmental and The SEEA Central Framework represents the
Economic Accounting (UNCEEA). It was major outcome of the process.
recognized that the content of the SEEA

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 133

Appendix 5
Ecosystem Accounting
The second perspective (which is dealt with by humanity. Ecosystem services are supplied
in Ecosystem Accounts) covers the same in many ways and vary from ecosystem to
environmental assets but instead considers ecosystem. Ecosystem services may be grouped
the benefits obtained from environmental into four types (i) provisioning services (such
assets, including both material and non- as the provision of timber from forests); (ii)
material benefits. The measurement focus is on regulatory services (such as when forests act as
ecosystems. Ecosystems are areas containing a a sink for carbon); (iii) supporting services (such
dynamic complex of biotic communities (for as in the formation of soils); and (iv) cultural
example, plants, animals and micro-organisms) services (such as the enjoyment provided
and their non-living environment interacting to visitors to a national park). Generally,
as a functional unit to provide environmental provisioning services are related to the material
structures, processes and functions. Examples benefits of environmental assets, whereas the
are terrestrial ecosystems (e.g. forests) and other types of ecosystem services are related
marine ecosystems that interact with the to the non-material benefits of environmental
atmosphere. Often there are interactions assets.
between different ecosystems at local and
global levels. Economic activity may degrade environmental
assets such that they are not able to deliver the
For a given ecosystem or group of ecosystems, same range, quantity or quality of ecosystem
ecosystem accounting considers the capacity services on an ongoing basis. A focus on
of living components within their non- ecosystems that included both material and
living environment to work together to non-material benefits of environmental assets
deliver benefits known as ecosystem services. provides a basis for analyzing the extent to
Ecosystem services are the benefits supplied which economic activity may reduce ecosystem
by the functions of ecosystems and received capacity to produce ecosystem services.

134 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Appendix 6
SEEA Tables
Table 6.1 - Basic form of a Physical Supply and Use Table

Rest of
Industries Households Accumulation Environment Totals
the World
Flows Total supply
from the of natural
environment inputs
Total supply
Products Output Imports
of products
Residuals from
Residuals generated by
scrapping and Total supply
Residuals generated by household
demolition of of residuals
industry final
produced assets
Rest of
Industries Households Accumulation Environment Totals
the World
Natural Extraction of Total use of
inputs natural inputs natural inputs

Intermediate Gross Capital Total use of
products Final Exports
consumption Formation products

Collection Accumulation
Residual flows
& treatment of waste in Total use of
Residuals direct to
of waste and controlled residuals
other residuals landfill sites

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 135

Table 6.2 -Basic form of a Monetary Supply and Use Table

Rest of
Industries Households Government Accumulation the Total
Products Output * * * Imports
Household Government Gross capital
Intermediate Final Final Formation
Products Exports Total use
consumption Consumption Consumption (incl.changes
expenditure expenditure In inventories)
Value added

Note: * indicates Null by definition.

Table 6-3: Basic form of an asset account

Opening stock of environmental assets
Additions to stock
Growth in stock
Discoveries of new stock
Upwards reappraisals
Total additions to stock
Reductions in stock
Normal loss of stock
Catastrophic losses
Downwards reappraisals
Total reductions in stock
Revaluation of the stock *
Closing stock of environmental assets

*Only applicable for asset accounts in monetary terms

136 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Table 6.4 -Basic form of Supply & Use table as per SNA


Total Total Taxes less Total

Total CIF / FOB
Total supply Trade & Subsidies Supply at
Industries Domestic Goods Services adjustments
Imports at basic Transport on Purchaser
Production on Imports
prices Margin Products Prices



Gross Acquisition Total
Total Household Total Total Final Changes Uses at
fixed less Gross Total
Industries Intermediate Consumption General Consumption in Goods Services Pur-
Capital Disposal of Capital Exports
Consumption Expenditures Government Expenditures Inventory chasers
Formation Valuables Formation


Value added

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 137

Chapter 4

Sustainability and the SNA

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 139

Sustainability and the SNA

4.1 Sustainability and the SNA SNA itself provides.

he conceptual framework developed in Therefore, this chapter takes the SNA as its
Chapter 2 lays out the conditions for starting point. It explicitly recognises that the
sustainability under the assumption process of extension needs to be informed by
that information is not a serious constraint for three broad considerations:
evaluating and aggregating the diverse elements
(a) The extension does not violate the internal
that compose an economy. In making the
consistency of the SNA.
framework operational, the effective limiting
factor is in fact the availability of information (b) It progressively reflects a better
– particularly reliable and internally consistent understanding of the economy.
data. There are no doubt important
methodological issues which arise in the full (c) It is based on data that either exists or can be
implementation of the conceptual framework, generated with a reasonable degree of accuracy.
but these are secondary to the data issues. The
4.1.1 Measuring ‘Inclusive Wealth’
purpose of this chapter is to describe a step-
by-step process for generating the appropriate The key condition for assessing the sustainability
data for eventual realisation of the objective. of a particular growth path is encapsulated in
Proposition 2 of Chapter 2, which states:
Although all economic systems produce data
of varying reliability, and for a wide variety of “An economy’s development is sustainable
purposes, the only data set which currently over any brief period of time if and only if its
meets the minimum standards of internal wealth increases over the interval.”
consistency is the National Income Accounts
produced by most countries using the United In the proposition, ‘wealth’ is of course defined
Nations System of National Accounts (SNA). in its most inclusive sense. Nevertheless, this
The SNA provides the organising principles proposition is extremely attractive in that it
by which data from diverse sources can be appears to demand the least violence to the SNA
compiled to yield a consistent set of accounts. as it exists today. It may be recalled, inclusive
Thus, whatever the limitations of the SNA, wealth has within its ambit all produced (or
and there are many, it is at present the best that reproducible) capital, natural capital and
is available. More importantly, the organising human capital. The SNA already provides for
principles of the SNA provide a useful template all produced and a large component of natural
for the considerations that need to be taken capital within its asset boundary.
into account in the process of evolving a more
The balance sheet of the nation as provided
complete description of the economy than the

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 141

under the SNA captures the value of all valued at historical prices. But there is provision
produced assets, but is incomplete even with for revising those values to current prices
respect to the natural assets that are counted through the evaluation account. Nevertheless,
within the asset boundary. A natural starting this procedure in principle assumes that the
point, therefore, would be for a more complete current market price of produced assets is
evaluation of such natural assets. Beyond this, equivalent to its shadow price at all points
there are other natural assets which are not in time. This is by no means obvious. The
within the SNA asset boundary and human problem of obtaining shadow prices for both
capital which is missing in its entirety. natural and human capital is more daunting. In
the case of natural assets, even where market
Since the focus is on the balance sheet of the prices exist, they are almost never equal to
Nation, it is not essential to integrate all other their respective shadow prices. In the case of
forms of wealth into the flow accounts of the human capital, for particular types of human
SNA. Separate asset accounts can possibly be assets, such as education, market prices do
developed to yield the values of natural and exist and can be used in the same manner as
human assets. These combined with the asset is done for produced capital. However other
valuation for produced assets given by the forms of human capital, particularly health,
SNA could perhaps then be used to evaluate such valuation does not really exist.
the application of Proposition 2.
Indeed, the problems encountered in valuing
Although this approach may seem straight the health component of human assets lead
forward enough, there are some serious to another serious issue in the application of
impediments to its application. At the most Proposition 2. There are assets whose stocks
mundane level, most developing countries, are not easy to measure. So it’s especially hard
including India, do not have national balance to measure their social worth. In such cases it is
sheets as yet. In such cases this approach is usually easier to define flows and to evaluate the
inapplicable until the standard SNA valuation is value of such flows. Whether it is at all possible
developed first. A more fundamental problem to convert such flow values into stock estimates
is that it is not at all clear that the valuations would need to be examined in each case.
used for natural and human wealth would be
consistent with the valuation used for produced The need to value wealth in terms of assets’
assets. Since Proposition 2 requires that all shadow prices creates another hurdle in
forms of wealth be evaluated on a consistent creating what may be called “stand-alone asset
basis, this problem has to be evaluated carefully accounts” for natural and human capital. It
if the aggregated measure of wealth is not to may be recalled from Chapter 2, estimating
give a misleading interpretation. shadow prices requires forecasting of the
variables into the future. Since all models used
It may be recalled from Chapter 2 that the only for forecasting are necessarily based on flows
consistent basis for evaluating for all forms of and usually require integration between the
wealth is on the basis of their shadow prices. In variables, it is not possible to derive shadow
the case of produced assets, the stock is usually prices in the absence of the flow accounts and

142 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

without integrating these flow accounts with respectively, for estimating losses that are
the existing SNA. incurred owing to atmospheric pollution
and morbidity. Those losses would enter as
Thus, despite its elegance, Proposition 2 does depreciation in the measure of aggregate net
not lend itself to easy application in most investment. Integrating those methods to the
countries of the world. Fortunately, Chapter SNA will, however, prove to be a difficult,
2 offered an alternative method to judge the though by no means impossible, task.
sustainability of growth processes.
However, mere expansion of the asset
4.2 Expanded Net Investment boundary is not enough. Since changes in
The concept of wealth can be naturally the various components of net investment
extended to a more complete characterisation originate in economic activities, it is necessary
of the notion of investment, and thereby to to integrate them with the other flows in the
the “consumption” of assets. In Section economy. Thus the production boundary and
2.8 of Chapter 2 we described sustainable the institutional sectors of the SNA need to be
development in terms of flows. The conceptual brought in explicitly.
basis was provided in Proposition 7: Since the objective of this Report is to adapt the
“Intergenerational well-being averaged over the SNA structure to inform a wider set of issues,
generations increases over a period of time if it may be wise to hold the SNA production
and only if per capita net aggregate investment boundary unchanged and examine the extent
over the period is positive”. to which environmental and intergenerational
concerns can be captured. It is clear that a
Here again the notion of investment is fairly substantial component of environmental
inclusive in the same sense as it was for wealth. damage occurs in the act of consumption
The distinct advantage that Proposition 7 rather than in production. However, there is
has over Proposition 2 is that it cannot only nothing in the present institutional sectors of
accommodate such elements of wealth which the SNA to which those effects can be allocated.
can be measured in terms of stocks, but It becomes necessary then to introduce a new
also those for which only flow measures are “institutional” sector that can accommodate
possible. It is also applicable to such countries those flows. Whether such a sector, let us call it
which do not as yet have balance sheets. “nature”, should be an independent sector or
a subset of Government, doesn’t really matter.
As a starting point, the asset boundary needs to We could view that sector as custodian of the
be expanded to include non- produced assets. rights of future generations. The “custodian”
It should be clear however that in practice there would provide services to the rest of the
are important environment variables and some economy and would receive flows to it either
human ones that are not easy to classify as in the form of preservation or augmentation
assets. Pollution and morbidity come to mind. expenditures or of the negative flows arising
To be sure, techniques have been developed out of degradation and depletion.
by environmental and health economists,

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 143

In order to fully integrate environmental flows 4.3 On Re-defining the NDP
with the SNA, it would be necessary to develop
the supply and use tables for the expanded Although the inclusive notion of aggregate
set of institutional sectors. The first step of net investment is a coin that can be used to
course would be to develop PSUT, but this assess the sustainability of the growth process,
clearly would not be enough for the purpose. it does not readily lend itself to replacing GDP
In converting the PSUT into MSUT care will as the primary objective of economic policy.
need to be taken. As has been mentioned Chapter 2 suggests an alternative which may
earlier, there are a number of environmental prove to be a more effective substitute. Recall
variables for which market values exist. Proposition 8:
Valuation techniques for the remainder are
“Intergenerational well-being averaged over the
also available and have been used variously.
generations increases over a brief interval of time
However, in order to generate the requisite data
if and only if aggregate consumption per capita
for evaluating Proposition 7, which requires
is less than net domestic product per capita”.
shadow prices, a careful choice has to be made
in order to ensure consistency between the The NDP in the above Proposition is more
available prices and valuation techniques. inclusive than is commonly understood from the
national accounts. It not only takes into account
It is important to note that accounting for
the CFC but also the depletion of natural
environmental assets and flows in this manner
resources and the cost incurred in preserving the
and deriving the environmentally adjusted net
natural capital. Properly defined and measured,
investment runs the risk of misestimating the
such net domestic product can potentially be even
extent of increase in net investment. The
more useful in planning and policy formulation
evaluation of the change in human assets is
than the GDP. It also has great virtue: like GDP,
essential to ensure that wrong conclusions
it can be used as a compact descriptor of the
are not arrived at. There is however a
growth in immediate well being.
complication in making the necessary
adjustments to accommodate human capital. In making NDP operational, the initial step
If natural capital and human capital could could be to leave the GDP unchanged as in the
be assumed to be separable, there would not current SNA and to take into account only such
be a mission in that the changes in the two components of environmental degradation that
could be worked out separately and built arise out of production. The environmental
in to the definition of net investment. This damage arising out of consumption will
however is not the case. Degradation of the prove to be more difficult. Since there are
environment, for instance, is a direct input into components of consumption which affect the
morbidity and technological knowledge is a environment simply as a by product of human
direct input into environmental improvements. existence, it would be necessary to first have an
Accommodating such considerations will estimate of the normal or steady state values
require the development possibly of a new set and take into account only the deviations.
of tables which embody the interrelationships
between the set of variables. Using Proposition 8 to judge sustainability

144 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

over the long run is a lot more difficult. There consumption. It is shown why that is bad
needs to be clarity in the classification of what practice. There is no doubt that substantial
constitutes investment and what constitutes component of both education and health
consumption. This is particularly important expenditures are investments. In the spirit of
in the case of human capital, which in the Proposition 8 these should be deleted from
SNA is currently treated almost entirely as consumption in evaluating sustainability.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 145

Chapter 5

Environmental Accounting:

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 147

Environmental Accounting:

C hapter 2 discusses how we derive our 2001) and Gundimeda et al (2005, 2006, 2007).
well-being from different assets and the However, where feasible and possible the
changes in wealth (defined as the social estimates have taken into consideration latest
worth of any economy’s array of capital assets) available data.
as the prime object of interest to understand
the sustainability analysis. The proposition 5.1 Framework for analyzing
2 postulates “An economy's development is changes in wealth
sustainable over a period of time if and only We suggest evaluating the changes in natural
if over the period its wealth increases”. In this wealth using the format suggested in Table 1
part of the report we illustrate the feasibility of for the selected assets under consideration in
examining changes in wealth and integrating physical terms. The opening stock and closing
this into the national accounts for selected set stocks are the economically exploitable quantity
of assets: land, forests and minerals. We use of reserves or stocks available at the beginning
the theoretical construct discussed in chapter 2 and end of the accounting period. Changes in
to develop the wealth accounts and explore the quantity are brought about by direct economic
feasibility of the development of supply, use use/exploitation of the asset, including
and asset accounts to ensure consistency with the extraction of minerals, logging, water
the existing national accounts. The chapter abstraction etc. The term depletion measures
is structured as follows: In section 5.2, we the exploitation of the resource beyond long-
discuss the framework to analyze the changes term sustainable levels or yields (the quantity
in selected assets. Section 5.3 links with the exploited above the accumulation of the asset).
physical supply use tables to make it more Changes in quality of the resources affect
compatible with the existing national accounts the productivity and economic value. As the
in India. In section 5.4, we discuss the data quality changes are difficult to incorporate into
availability from different agencies in India. physical quantitative asset accounts, they are
Our objective in this report is not to develop shown separately below the closing stocks for
accounts using the latest values but use completeness. Other accumulation refers to
the existing studies as a sort of illustration changes in assets due to economic decisions
to discuss the framework, methodology, or interest and other volume changes are
valuation techniques, and then the feasibility the changes due to non-economic causes or
of integration into supply use tables. The natural events or disasters. They therefore do
estimates in this chapter are based on earlier not affect value added and income-generation,
work carried out by Gundimeda (1998, 2000, but are important elements in the assessment
of the availability of natural resources.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 149

Table 1: Framework for the Physical Asset Accounts for the selected
Subsoil assets (metric Forests (economic
Land/soil (sq.km)
tonnes) functions) (m3, mt)
Area of land underlying
Volume of standing
Opening stock buildings, land under Proven reserves
cultivation, recreational land
Logging (tons/m3)
Economic use Extraction of minerals Clearing of forests (loss
of timber)
Natural growth
Discoveries Natural mortality
Changes in land use - Transfer
Other of land from the environment Reassessment of reserves Transfers from the
due to changes in environment to
accumulation to economic use - Land economic use like
reclamation (asset increase) technology and relative
prices shifting cultivation,
transfer to non-forest
Reduction in volume
Changes in land use and land due to natural disasters
area due to natural, political or Reduction in volume or other non- economic
Other volume other non-economic causes due to natural disasters factors (fires, floods,
changes Transfer of land from or other non- economic earthquakes)
economic use to the factors Transfer of forest from
environment economic use to the
Area of land underlying
Volume of standing
Closing stocks buildings, land under Proven reserves
cultivation, recreational land

The specific accounting categories will slightly other accumulation. The losses of land due
vary. Below we discuss and compile the physical to natural disasters (like Tsunamis, wars, land
asset accounts for each resource. submergence due to permanent flooding etc)
are recorded in other volume changes. This
5.2. Land and soil accounts category includes also changes in land use
Opening and closing stocks consist of the and transfers of non-economic land from the
land area over which ownership rights are environment into the economy for purposes of
enforced, including land underlying buildings economic land use (cultivation, construction
and works, agricultural land, forest and other and so forth). The economic return to land in
wooded land, recreational land, and associated many cases depends on the quality of topsoil.
surface water, and other open land and areas of Under the land accounts one can consider
artificial water bodies. Land area can increased the degradation of land due to soil erosion,
through land reclamation, which is treated as deforestation, industrial development, natural

150 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

erosion and for other reasons separately. In to some agricultural use. Lands under
principle one could develop separate accounts Casuarina trees, thatching grasses, bamboo
for soil but the stock estimate is difficult. Hence, bushes and other groves for fuel, etc. which
for the time being we consider that quality of are not included under ‘Orchards’ should
land is indicative of quality of topsoil. be classed under this category.

Table 2 gives the asset accounts for land based 6. Cultivable wasteland includes land available
on the nine-fold classification. The reporting for cultivation, whether not taken up for
area is classified into the following nine cultivation or taken up for cultivation once
categories: but not cultivated during the current year
and the last five years or more in succession
1. Forests include all lands classed as forest for one reason or other. Such lands may be
under any legal enactment dealing with either fallow or covered with shrubs and
forests or administered as forests, whether jungles, which are not put to any use. They
state-owned or private, and whether may be assessed or unassessed and may
wooded or maintained as potential forest lie in isolated blocks or within cultivated
land. The crops raised in forest and grazing holdings. Land once cultivated but not
lands or areas open for grazing within the cultivated for five years in succession
forests should remain included under the should also be included in this category at
forest area. the end of the five years.
2. Area under non-agricultural Uses: This 7. Fallow lands other than current fallows:
includes all lands occupied by buildings, This includes all lands, which were taken
roads and railways or under water, e.g. up for cultivation but are temporarily out
rivers and canals and other lands put to use of cultivation for a period of not less than
other than agriculture. one year and not more than five years.
3. Barren and un-cultivable Land: The category 8. Current Fallows represent cropped area,
includes all barren and uncultivable land which are kept fallow during the current
like mountains, deserts etc. Land, which year. For example, if any seeding area is
cannot be brought under cultivation except not cropped against the same year it may
at an exorbitant cost, should be classed as be treated as current fallow.
uncultivable whether such land is in isolated
blocks or within cultivated holdings. 9. Net area Sown represents the total area
sown with crops and orchards. Area sown
4. Permanent pastures and other grazing more than once in the same year is counted
Lands: They include all grazing lands only once.
whether they are permanent pastures and
meadows or not. Village common grazing The physical accounts for agricultural and
land is included under this head. pastoral lands include items such as opening
and closing stocks, other accumulation, and
5. Land under miscellaneous tree crops, etc.: other volume changes (Table 2). Opening
This category includes all cultivable land, and closing stocks refer to the quantity of
not included in ‘Net area sown’, but put

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 151

Table 2: Framework for land resources accounting
Area in 000 Ha Causes of changes
Opening Closing
Reported Classification Reported
Categories Changes Additions Reductions
Area in 000 change Area
Ha (2008-09)
Opening reporting
area for land 305636.46 50.23 50.23 305686.69
utilization statistics
Economic uses
Forests 69688.25 -53.46 -53.46 69634.78
Area under non
agricultural uses 25568.32 739.19 739.19 0.00 26307.51
Barren and
uncultivable land 17396.69 -380.15 -380.15 17016.54
Land not available
for cultivation 42965.01 358.90 43323.91
Pastures and other 10418.14 -75.27 -75.27 10342.87
grazing lands
Land under Misc.
tree crops& groves
3361.81 40.41 40.41 3402.23
not included in net
sown area
13269.63 -508.09 508.09 12761.54
Fallow lands
other than current 10510.11 -194.07 194.07 10316.04
Current fallows 15425.44 -884.75 0.00 -884.75 14540.69
Net area sown 139998.07 1366.42 1366.42 0.00 141364.49
Closing stocks 7 9
Source: Opening and closing stock figures are based on Agricultural statistics 2012, published by Ministry of Agriculture,
Directorate of Economics and Statistics. Figures reported under causes of changes have been derived based on the land
use change statistics published by Ministry of Agriculture.

land (area in hectares) at the beginning and category, which simply pertains to the changes
end of the accounting period. The land area in the quantity of land (additions or reductions
under agricultural and pastoral lands can be in areas devoted to specific use) caused by
increased (artificially) for economic reasons economic decisions. Included in this category
by means of land reclamation (from the sea or are changes in land use and/or transfer of
river beds). Increase or decrease in the quantity non-economic land from the environment to
of land comes under the other accumulation the economy for production purposes and

152 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

vice versa. Lands under shifting cultivation was included in the physical accounts to balance
involve areas opened up for agriculture from the resulting closing stock of the previous year
forestry and thus, represent additions to the to the opening stock of the following year.
inventory. On the other hand, conversions Changes in land and soil quality affect land
from agricultural to non-agricultural uses would productivity and economic value, the most
decrease agricultural areas and increase other notable of which is topsoil erosion measured
types of land. Quantitative losses of land due in tonnes of soil lost, which affects the
to economic uses can be due to: i) the partition productivity of agricultural land. The physical
of states or the transfer of districts to some extent of land for general and specific uses was
states; ii) natural disasters (for example river/ accounted for in the supplementary accounts
sea coastal erosion. For instance in states such and expressed in hectares. Specifically, the land
as Assam, the area lost due to river erosion use account represents the physical area by
is not inconsiderable; similarly, in December specific type of land use and land utilization.
2004 tsunami submerged large portions of
arable land. 5.3. Forest Accounts
As such, these changes are entered in the The framework and unit of accounts vary
category other volume changes. An adjustment across stakeholders. To a minister of the

Table 3. Physical accounts for forests for the years 2009 – 11 *

Volume Carbon
Area in (Sq.km) accounts accounts
(Million cum) (Million tC)
Opening stock (A) 6,92,394 4498.66 6813.16
Depletion/degradation due to economic activities 17.47 26.46
(-) (B)
Afforestation (+) (C ) 4972 32.10 48.92
Accumulations due to Natural or Artificial 24.88 37.69
Regeneration in forested land (+ (D)
Transfer to non-forest purposes (E) 5339 34.69 52.54
Other volume changes (F) 175 0.21 1.72
Changes in stock
(A – G) = (C – E) for area accounts -16.26 -9.335
(A – G) = (C + D – B – E – F) for volume and
carbon accounts
Closing stock (G) 692027 11877.502 6822.495
* - Quick estimates. These assessments are done during the years 2007 – 2009 respectively by FSI.
Source: Area accounts based on SFR (2009, 2011). Growing stock data from FSI (2009, 2011). Carbon per hectare taken
from FSI (2011). The rest of the figures are derived based on the assumptions specified in the text.
Note: B, D, F though have an impact on the volume will not lead to addition or decrease in forested area because
degradation can change dense to open forest or scrub but the area officially still remains under the forest department.
Hence, forest area would not change though tree cover might change. Hence, changes in forest area can only be due to
additions in forest area and deductions in forest area. However, for volume and carbon stocks they have to be added or
subtracted because
Note: Changes in stock are the difference between opening and closing stocks. This should also equal the additions and
reductions in the detailed accounts.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 153

environment, perhaps the area under forests from the environment to economic use. If the
is more important, whereas to a forester forests are transferred from, economic use to
the volume of timber matters more. For a protected forests or forest affected by natural
conservation activist it is the number of species fires etc is recorded as other volume changes.
of resident fauna that is useful. Hence, physical Further forests can be classified based on
accounts can be constructed in alignment with the economic function. If the forest is used
the users of this information. Accordingly, for purely commercial purposes (plantations)
the forest accounts are expressed in volume and ownership rights are clearly enforced, it
(standing timber), weight (biomass), carbon is recorded under produced economic asset.
(tons), hectares (area) or number (species). Otherwise it is classified under non-produced
Nevertheless, the general format is same as economic asset or non-produced natural asset.
that indicated in Table 1.
Table 3 shows the opening stocks in 2009 and
The detailed components are slightly different closing stocks for the year 2011120, by state, for
for area, volume and carbon accounts forestland as open or closed forests, based on
etc., which follow format given in Table 3. statistics from the State of Forest Report (FSI,
Opening and closing stocks are defined as 2009, 2011) . The opening stock can change
the total standing volume of timber or area due to
or tonnes of carbon. The volume of timber
logged, above the long-term net growth of • Natural expansion: The stock of forested
the forest, is considered non-sustainable and land may increase because of silvicultural
termed depletion. Sustainable use refers to the measures, or natural expansion (natural
volume of timber logged without impairing regeneration).
the long-term capacity of the forest to yield • Afforestation: The stock of forested land
economic products. The sustainable yield is may increase because of economic activity
usually estimated through models but given the resulting in establishment of new forest on
level of detail required we can assume it as the land, which was previously not classified
volume logged above the net natural growth. as forested land. The afforested area and
As illegal logging is a reduction in the asset, compensatory afforestation in India is
it is recorded under changes due to economic available from various forest statistical
activity. If the forests are cleared for non- reports.
forest uses or shifting cultivation, it is recorded
as an economic activity. Forest increases due • Losses due to deforestation and degradation.
to afforestation are also considered as an Forestland may be lost when transferred
economic activity. Reforestation and natural to non-forest purposes or as the result
growth are recorded as other accumulation. of shifting cultivation (a specific form of
Other accumulation thus includes increase land transfer), or when the forested land
in volume due to net natural growth (after is degraded to a point, where tree cover
accounting for natural mortality) and transfers falls below 10 per cent and the land thus

Open forests include all land with a forest cover of trees with a canopy density between 10 to 40 percent. Dense or

closed forests include all lands with a forest cover of trees with a canopy density over 40 percent.

154 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

becomes classified as other wooded land. has been derived from the production statistics
Sources of degradation include logging of timber and fuel wood obtained from the
damage and forest encroachment, and CSO for the year 2009-2011. National Account
heavy grazing by livestock. Although the statistics also considers production of timber
total area of forestland may not change, from trees outside the forests in consultation
some closed forests may become open with the Ministry of Environment and Forests.
forests because of excessive harvesting. According to the Forest Sector Report of India
The area transferred for non-forest published in 2010, the annual production of
purposes has been compiled from the timber at present is only about 2.4 million m3
star questions of the Parliament and from which is 5% of the total timber produced and
the land-use change matrices. Regarding consumed in the country, of which around 60%
shifting cultivation, data from Wasteland is harvested by the State Forest Development
Atlas (2011), Forest Sector Report of India Corporations. According to the report, most
has been used. of the timber produced in the country comes
from Trees outside Forests (TOF) grown in
Table 4 and Table 5 give the accounts for timber private lands under agro-forestry, along the
and carbon. The opening stocks represent roads, canal, homesteads etc. However, reliable
the growing stock of timber present in 2009 data of timber produced from TOF is not
(assessment carried out during 2007-08). To available. Based on the growing stock of TOF
convert this estimate into units of carbon, and average rotation of the tree species, the
earlier studies used estimates of biomass based annual production of timber from TOF has
on a study by Gundimeda (2000b, 2002a), which been estimated by the Forest Survey of India
used the volume inventory data to estimate the (FSI) to be 44.3 million m3 in the country.
carbon content of the biomass in different
states and different types of forests. The In case of fuelwood, the production of
earlier papers converted biomass into carbon fuelwood is estimated indirectly from the
by assuming a carbon content of 0.5 Mg C consumption side. The data is obtained by
per Mg oven dry biomass. However, the latest the CSO from the National Sample Survey
report of FSI estimated the carbon in forests in Organization (NSSO) survey data carried
different states and we have used this estimate out every five years. Based on the survey, the
for this report. Only the aggregate carbon fuelwood consumption in household sector
content of forest biomass was included but not for 2010 is estimated at 248 million m3 and 13
the stock of carbon in soils as the element of million m3 in hotels and restaurants, cottage
interest is only the change in carbon because industries and cremation of dead human bodies,
of current disturbance. The closing stocks are giving a total annual consumption in 2010 of
computed as opening stocks less reductions around 261 million m3. The production of
plus additions. fuelwood from forests is estimated at 52 million
m3, and the remaining 209 million m3 came
Economic activities affecting area, volume and from farmland, community land, homestead,
stock of carbon can be: roadside, canal side and other wastelands. Still
Logging (both recorded and unrecorded): The a considerable amount of timber and fuel
recorded volume of timber harvested/logged wood goes unrecorded due to illegal felling

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 155

of trees. In order to account for unrecorded the area subject to this disturbance with the
production121, the CSO used an estimate growing stock per hectare in open forests.124
of 10% of the total recorded production
of industrial round wood as the value of Afforestation: The statistics on afforestation
unrecorded production of industrial round (reported by FSI, 2010) does not indicate
wood (which is an approximate estimate).122 various species planted, the survival rate of
Despite accounting for unrecorded production these plantings, how much area actually ends
based on the norms set by CSO, on tallying the up forested and the growing stock per ha in
volume accounts at the end, if some growing these afforested areas. The latest FSI reports
stock is still missing, this can be attributed to have improved the data on afforestation but
unrecorded production. as detailed estimates on the nature of species
afforested, volume of afforested species, the
Logging damage: Damage due to logging was study estimated the volume additions due to
assumed to be 10% of the volume of timber afforestation by multiplying the area afforested
logged from both recorded and unrecorded with the mean annual increment per sq. km
production.123 The assumption made in this and assumes that the same conditions prevail
study is that some of the damaged timber at the existing sites.125
leaves the forested land because deadwood
is collected for use as fuel. The remaining Damage from heavy grazing: Only the area
timber is left on-site but is assumed that it is an subject to heavy grazing is considered and
economic loss. the volume lost due to grazing is derived by
multiplying naturally regenerated volume and
Forest encroachments and shifting cultivation: the afforested volume with the percentage of
In India forests are encroached every year area subject to heavy grazing. However, no
illegally. As a result, though that land is legally carbon loss is assumed from grazing because
classified as forests, in reality the forestland is the carbon increases due to regeneration (if
occupied by humans or put to use for some any) on the grazed land is assumed offset by
human activity. This results in loss of tree loss in carbon due to surface fires and grazing.
cover in that area. Similarly, in some of the
Indian states forests are cleared for agriculture Other Accumulations
and after few years the land is left for trees Other accumulations due to natural processes
to grow. Such practice is very often seen in consist of the natural growth (mean annual
some of the northeastern states. The volume increment) and natural regeneration. The
of timber lost due to shifting cultivation and mean annual increment of different species is
forest encroachment is obtained by multiplying taken from the statistics published by the FSI

Unrecorded production refers to extraction of timber without proper records, illegally and detected theft.
Due to ban on clear felling this assumption may need to be revised. It is recorded that in some states like Rajasthan the
logging figure is as high as 2.5 times of the recorded production.
The figure is based on the information provided by the state forest department of Maharashtra (visited on May 28th
We assumed that forest encroachments and shifting cultivation usually happen on the periphery of open forests.
Therefore, the growing stock in open forests needs to be used for calculations.
The assumption was made, as the information on volume of stock growing in afforested area is not available.

156 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

(1995). This volume estimate is converted to with the percentage area affected by the forest
units of carbon using the FSI estimates (latest fire gives the volume of forest stock affected
draft report circulated but not published) as by forest fire.127 Gundimeda (2003) estimated
discussed earlier. The area regenerated (naturally that when the forest is affected by fires, only
and artificially) is obtained from SFR (2010), 20% of the stem biomass remains, 50% is
but only for some states. The volume added is burnt and the carbon transferred to the soils
computed by multiplying the area regenerated (immediate and releases that eventually occur
with the mean annual increment per hectare of in future as a result of fires today) and 30% is
different species.126 released into the atmosphere.

• Insect and pest infestation. The latest

Changes in forest stock due to
statistics available about insect induced
mortality at the time of the analysis carried
Changes in forest stock due to reclassification out by Gundimeda (1998, 2000, 2001),
include the transfer of forestland for non- Gundimeda et al (2005) are estimates
forest purposes (for example, for agriculture, from Indian Forest Statistics (various years
residential or industrial purposes) or transfer between 1947 to 1972) for various states.
from agriculture to forests. The volume These statistics reveal that the average
reduction due to transfer of land for non-forest volume rendered unusable annually due to
purposes is derived by multiplying the area attack of insects/pests is around 0.031%
transferred with the growing stock per hectare. for broad-leaved species and 0.005% for
Here we assume that there is some standing coniferous species. From this the average
timber left on the forestland before the land is volume lost due to insects and pests has
converted to non-forest purposes. This timber been derived for the years 1947-70128 and
may be used in various wood products from the same proportion has been used for the
which the carbon will be released depending study period. The volume estimates are
on the use to which it is put to. converted to carbon estimates as discussed
Other Volume Changes
Other volume changes comprise reductions 5.4. Accounting framework for
due to forest fires; stand mortality, insect Agricultural and Pasture Lands
infestation, and degradation due to heavy The physical accounts for agricultural and
grazing. The area subject to forest fire has been pastoral lands include items such as opening
given by SFR (2010). Multiplying the naturally and closing stocks, other accumulation, and
regenerated volume and the afforested volume other volume changes (Table 1). Opening

Because of frequent fires and heavy grazing only 18.3% of the total forest, area has regeneration potential of important
species (FSI, 1995a).
Only the forest area that is prone to frequent fires is considered as affected by fire annually in this study.
During the period 1947-72 the forests were classified as deciduous and broad-leaved forests. The area, volume of
growing stock and volume of timber lost because of pests and diseases was available for that period. From this we
computed the proportion of timber (volume of timber affected/total growing stock) affected annually and used the same
proportion for the latest year.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 157

of land improvements or reclamation, the
and closing stocks refer to the quantity of
expenditures involved are included in output
land (area in hectares) at the beginning and
on the supply side and treated as Gross Fixed
end of the accounting period. The land area
Capital Formation/Gross Capital Formation
under agricultural and pastoral lands can be
of produced asset on the use side. If the
increased (artificially) for economic reasons
agricultural land is converted to non-agricultural
by means of land reclamation (from the sea or
use, it indicates decrease in the capital in the
river beds). Increase or decrease in the quantity
agricultural sector but increase in value in
of land comes under the other accumulation
the other sector, which would be accounted
category, which simply pertains to the changes
in that sector. In SNA, the agricultural land
in the quantity of land (additions or reductions
(non-produced asset) is acquired by the
in areas devoted to specific use) caused by
institutional sectors from other institutional
economic decisions. Included in this category
sectors and recorded in their accounts. The net
are changes in land use and/or transfer of
acquisition of non-produced assets is zero as
non-economic land from the environment
one institutional sector acquisition is balanced
to the economy for production purposes
by another institutional sector’s disposal. The
and vice versa. Shifting cultivation areas are
acquisition of non-produced assets is not
the lands opened up for agriculture from
included in the output either of institutional
forestry and thus, represent additions to the
sectors or at the national level. It is only the
inventory. On the other hand, conversions
produced assets (which included additions to
from agricultural to non-agricultural uses
non-produced assets, whose output and GFCF
would decrease agricultural areas and increase
gets included in the overall estimates).
other types of land. Quantitative losses of land
due to economic uses can be due to partition The most important limitation is that the
of states or the transfer of districts to some changes in land and soil quality affect land
states or sometimes due to natural disasters. productivity and economic value. However, the
For example river/sea coastal erosion—in impact is not shown. Similarly, land degradation
the case of river erosion, in states such as impacts other sectors due to intensive use of
Assam, the area lost is not inconsiderable; or, land but is not reflected in the current system
for example, the December 2004 tsunami that of national accounts. We need to show this
submerged large portions of arable land etc. impact clearly through a proper accounting
are all recorded under other volume changes. framework.
An adjustment was included in the physical
accounts to balance the resulting closing stock Table 4 gives the physical accounts for
of the previous year to the opening stock of agricultural and pasturelands for the year 2001-
the following year. 2009. The reason why such a long time frame
has been considered is to capture the extent of
In the current system of national accounts land degradation. Land usually degrades over
in India, additions to agricultural land due to a period. Hence, sufficient time span has been
economic activity are included in output. If allowed for assessing quality changes.
the increase in agricultural area came because

158 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Table 4. Physical Accounts for Agricultural and Pasture Lands
(2000-2009) (in 1000 ha)
Agricultural Pasture in Water N P
erosion* K Loss
land land Degraded sedimentation Loss Loss
Opening stock 141461.34 14877
Changes in
-96.850 -614
Closing stocks 141364.49 14263
Total -23185.3 611.31 120.56 6.60 142.57 22.9
Degraded land
2001 2008-09 Change
Gullied and/or
2055.3 741.2 -1314.1
Ravenous land
Land with scrub 19401.4 18001.3 -1400.11
Waterlogged and
1656.85 870.34 -786.51
marshy land
Land affected by
salinity/alkalinity 2047.7 680.56 -1367.14
Degraded forest
scrub, pastures
2597.89 9081.74 6483.85
and land under
plantation crops
25703.84 902.51 -24801.3
current Jhum)
Source: Opening and closing stock figures are based on Agricultural statistics 2012, published by Ministry of Agriculture,
Directorate of Economics and Statistics. The waste land data is taken from Wasteland Atlas (2005, 2010 and 2011),
Department of Land Resources.

a – No time series data on soil erosion available for this period

5.5. Accounting framework for reserves due to changes in price or extraction

Minerals technology. An issue, which is critical to the
The physical accounting framework should construction of physical accounts, is definition
include information on the opening stocks of physical stock. Different ways to measure
(i.e. stocks present at the beginning of the physical stock exist – The most commonly
accounting period), changes during the used system of classification is based on
period and the closing stocks (stocks present what is known as McKelvey box, which
at the end of the accounting period). The classifies mineral resources based on the two
changes during the period can be due to combined criteria i.e. the degree of uncertainty
extractions, new discoveries, other volume (proved, proven and probable or classified
changes, which includes redefinition of as measured, indicated, inferred, potential

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 159

Table 5. Physical Accounts for Minerals 2000-2010 (all-India)
(Million tonnes)
Copper Natural
Coal Iron ore Bauxite Limestone Oil
ore gas
Total Opening stock 245583 17712 5052.9 169941 712.52 732 763
of which proven 91596 8571 1080.69 21861 224.6
Probable 116133 3929 896.5 29402 222.14
Possible 37854 5213 3075.72 118678 265.78
Extractions (-) 4341.61 1532.35 129.98 1747.47 28.431 332.38 324.3
Other accumulations
due to new 36345 4370 2397.09 94701 317.29 282140 393943
discoveries (+)
of which Proven 24209.83 -4105.335 -889.412 -14629.887 -119.64
Probable 0 -1811.713 -624.82 -23454.191 38.844 0 0
Possible 5501.27 15197.86 -189.038 51330.72 898.31 0 0
Other volume
changes due
5053 329 224.1 108 0 -41359 -61066
to changes in
Net stock changes
81185.1 10814.1 -1573.3 5403.90 845.94 25.44 477.92
of which proven 28551.44 -2572.985 -759.432 -12882.417 -91.212 0 0
Probable 0 -1811.713 -624.82 -23454.191 38.844 0 0
Possible 5501.27 15197.86 -189.038 51330.72 898.306 0 0
Total Closing stock 326768.1 28526.15 3479.62 175344.901 1558.46 757.44 1240.92
of which proven 120147.4 5998.015 321.258 8978.583 133.388
Probable 116133 2117.287 271.68 5947.809 260.984
Possible 43355.27 20410.85 2886.682 170008.72 1164.09

Source: Opening and closing stock of assets are based on Indian Mineral Year Book, 2011 and previous years. Data on
extraction has been taken from CSO for the respective years. For copper, data is based on Copper Market survey report
(2011) published by IBM. The rest are derived.

and speculative) and economic feasibility of classification and considered two categories:
extraction (economic, marginally-economic, recoverable resources and in-situ resources.
sub-economic). If a mineral resource is Reserves include proved, probable and possible
both known and economically profitable to corresponding to the measured, indicated
exploit with existing technology and price it inferred classification of the McKelvey Box.
is categorized as ‘reserve’. This is the most Resources include prospective and prognostic
commonly used measure for the stock of reserves corresponding to the hypothetical and
subsoil assets. India, since 1981 and prior speculative classification of the McKelvey box.
to 2003 has followed a modified McKelvey The parameters are also very few and, largely,

160 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

subjective. However, after 2003 a decision present value approach is as follows. A piece of
was taken to shift to UNFC classification. land can be characterized by several attributes
UNFC is a 3 dimensional system, the 3 axes like soil quality, soil texture, soil fertility measured
being economic, feasibility and geological. The in terms of nutrients, associate water resources
categories of resource estimation are denoted etc. With the help of these natural factors
by digital codes. The codes of categories can and other inputs like seeds, rainfall, fertilizers
vary from the highest (111) to the lowest (334). etc. some marketable output is produced.
The development of physical accounts for Economic rent is obtained by deducting the
minerals depends on the accuracy of estimates value of these produced inputs from produced
under different categories. output, which can be considered as payment
for the use of natural resources and this can
Though India has several minerals, the most vary every year with changes in output/inputs,
important minerals in terms of gross value prices and discount rates. Land rents may vary
added are coal, iron ore, oil, natural gas and due to the difference in the quality of the land
limestone and others contribute less than and inputs. Since the resource unit is expected
18% of the value in the national accounts. to contribute to the production of one or
In this report, we illustrate the asset accounts more resource commodities over a period of
for these minerals. The data for construction time, the asset value for any one land use, say
of physical accounts were obtained from the agriculture, will be equal to the present value
collection of “Indian Minerals Year books” of the stream of land rent over the economic
published by Indian Bureau of Mines. Table life of the resource over the relevant planning
5 gives the physical asset account for minerals period. The land rent is obtained by estimating
for the period 2000-2010. the annual net returns from the use of the
resource over time, less a reasonable allowance
In the national accounts the extraction of
for profit, which can be represented by:
minerals is treated as intermediate consumption.
There is also a debate on the treatment of new
discoveries and whether they should be treated as
capital accumulation. Here we have shown that
in the integrated accounting framework but have
not deducted/added to the NDP expression. Where, NPV is the net present value of the
5.6.Valuation of the Stock of T is the length of the planning horizon/or
Assets and its changes economic life of the resource;
Estimating the value of changes in stock of
assets necessitates monetizing the physical r is the discount rate;
accounts for which valuation is essential. The
LRT is the gross rent in year T; and
assets and their changes can be valued using
different approaches depending on whether CT is the cost of input in year T
the asset is renewable or nonrenewable. These
approaches are discussed below: The change in the value of assets (depreciation)
is the differences in asset values during the
The conceptual framework behind the net accounting period.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 161

5.7.Valuation of natural resources economic value. It may be difficult to value
for accounting each component. This chapter reports some
Chapter 2 discussed the purpose of valuation of the values, which have been considered by
and various techniques available to place a value earlier studies but by no means, are a complete
on the changes in natural assets. In this section representation of all the values.
we discuss some of the techniques adopted
by earlier studies discussed in sections 5.1 and Timber and Fuelwood
5.2 to place a monetary value on the physical The prices realized per cubic meter of timber
resource accounts to be able to integrate for different states were obtained from the
them in the form of supply use tables. Below CSO who in turn compiles the figures based
we discuss the methods adopted in valuing on the information provided by various state
different resources considered in the study. forest departments. The most common form
of revenue generation is through royalties or
5.7.1. Land auctions. From this the costs of logging are
Valuation may seem straightforward, as deducted to obtain the resource rent. The costs
market prices exist for land. However the include logging, pre-logging and post-logging
complications arise due to the following costs, transportation costs and overhead
reasons: 1) The number of transactions carried costs, some of which differ by the extractable
in a particular year is not much: 2) Even where log volume and the logging methods (see
prices are recorded, they are seldom available Gundimeda, 1998 for more details on different
for all locations (e.g. remote rural areas) and costs).
if available are quite distorted; 3) The land
has bequest value which is higher than that of Carbon
market price. 4) Market transactions seldom For valuing the carbon sink services, marginal
take place for certain categories of land social damage or abatements cost approaches
like forests and wastelands. 5) Bundling of have been used. Marginal social damage costs
resources may often take place. For example, refer to the economic value of the damage
agricultural land fetches higher value if the soil caused by the emission of an additional metric
quality is good and water is available in plenty. ton of carbon to the atmosphere. Abatement
In such instances, where market prices are costs refer to the costs of maintaining/
often not a good indicator, net present value reducing carbon emissions, which can vary
of the future benefits accruing from holding depending on the abatement measure used.
or using the asset is used as proxy for market Frankhauser (1994,1996), Frankhauser and Tol
prices. In the absence of market prices due (1996), and Tol (1999) discuss the wide range
to which net present value may not be used, of marginal social damage costs estimated by
the cost of production may be used as a lower various authors, which average approximately
bound on its value. US $20/MTC. There are well-established
carbon markets now, and one can use this
5.7.2. Forests estimate as well. However, as the carbon prices
As forested land is seldom marketed, forests fluctuate depending on the volume of trade,
may be best valued based on their total one can use an average price. Further, to avoid

162 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

double counting forests can be valued for either Ecotourism
timber or carbon and not both. Assumptions As forests provide tourism benefits, the best
about the proportion of forests valued for way to approximate the value of protected
timber and carbon have to be made, which areas is through exploring their potential value
in the earlier papers were assumed to be the as a source of nature recreation (also called eco-
percentage area under protected and reserved tourism). The ecotourism value can be captured
forests respectively. through estimating the consumer surplus per
hectare per tourist either through contingent
NTFPs valuation method or travel cost method which
In addition to timber, forests yield non- involve collecting information from different
timber forest products (NTFPs) like bamboo, sites and tourists. Consumer surplus is referred
sandalwood, lac, honey, fodder, resin, gum, to as net willingness to pay or willingness to pay
tendu leaves etc. These are also referred to as in excess of the cost of the good and can be
minor forest products. NTFPs are valued by viewed equivalent to a virtual market price for a
multiplying the forest area accounts with the recreation activity. A study by Gundimeda et al.
discounted value per hectare of the products (2006b) used an approach called benefit transfer
computed from the statistics provided by the method to estimate the value of ecotourism in
CSO (see Gundimeda 2001). As the only input Indian forests. “Benefit transfer” refers to the
required in collecting NTFPs are the labor and use of existing information and knowledge to
it is mostly those who have no opportunity to new contexts, i.e., adapt and use information
work elsewhere are involved in collection, the from already existing secondary studies in India
cost of inputs are considered to be zero and the on ecotourism to different protected parks in
entire output value is considered resource rent. India. In this paper, the values have been taken
Like timber and fuelwood, the value of NTFPs from the study by Gundimeda et al (2006b).
is severely under-reported; the CSO estimates
the value of unrecorded NTFP production as Bioprospecting Value of Forests
10 times the value recorded by the State Forest One of the most important services that
Departments, which are based on a nominal biodiversity provides to the economy is in the
‘royalty’ charged to forest users for collecting form of provision of genetic material. For the
NTFPs, but which is largely unenforceable. genetic materials, which are already discovered
values exist but are mostly undervalued due
Fodder to market imperfections. If we want to know
The forests also provide fodder for the whether the conservation of a species is
livestock. The fodder has market value but it worthwhile, we need to know the value of
is considered to be largely undervalued. The undiscovered genetic material. The study by
central statistical organization includes the value Gundimeda et al. (2006b) used an approach
of fodder in their national account estimates called the value of marginal species, i.e. the
based on the information provided by the contribution that one more species makes to the
Ministry of Environment and Forests but it is development of new pharmaceutical products
considered to be grossly underestimated. (termed as marginal value). The marginal value
is the incremental contribution of a species

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 163

to the probability of making a commercial capacity. At the aggregate level, the costs of
discovery. This approach is based on a paper soil erosion can be estimated through the yield
by Rausser and Small (2000). losses from production and fertilizer equivalent
of soil nutrient lost (replacement cost method).
Change in value of forest assets The soil yield loss function can be derived from
Once the value of different goods and services empirical studies relating productivity level
are established, asset value of forests has been of soils for a given land use/crop to varying
derived using net price of timber and fuelwood. rate of erosion. Using this technique the yield
In contrast to timber which once harvested is response functions measures the difference
lost forever unless replanted, the tree grows to in yields between each soil type as compared
maturity again (hence, can be valued only once), to the normal fertile soils. However, given
the value from NTFPs, fodder, ecotourism and the large number of crops that are grown in
bioprospecting can be generated every year, various parts of the country, it is difficult to
Hence, for these benefits the present value, come up with damage functions for all the
obtained by dividing the net price with the crops in different states taking into account
social discount rate of 4% has been used. the specific conditions like the land use, crop
management factor, altitude, slope etc. Though
some studies have been done, these studies are
5.7.3. Agriculture and Pasture Lands
hardly available for entire country thus limiting
Estimating the value of land the use of this method.
The on-site cost of soil erosion has been
If the land is used sustainably, it has an infinite estimated using replacement cost method,
life therefore no adjustment for degradation is which estimates the value of lost nutrients
required and the whole resource rent can be through erosion. The idea behind this is that
considered as income. However, as discussed eroded soil carries with it soil nutrients that
earlier the use of land for agriculture using could have been used up for plant growth. An
unsustainable practices would mean degradation estimated fertiliser equivalent of the nutrients
of land due to salinization, soil erosion etc. in eroded soils and percentage nutrient uptake
by different crops can be used to convert to
Cost of soil erosion an inorganic fertilizer equivalent. The value
Soil erosion is a natural process and only when of fertilizer can be taken as a measure of the
it erodes beyond the tolerable rate, does this depreciation of the soil resource base because
have an impact. Under the natural condition, of economic activities. For estimating the
whatever soil lost is replenished back. However, off-site effect of erosion, one can look at the
when the natural rate is exceeded a physical cost of cleaning up reservoirs or the reduced
depreciation of soil resources takes place. Thus capacity of the reservoirs due to siltation or
any loss of soil erosion beyond a tolerable sedimentation.
level can be considered as human induced. Soil
erosion has two effects: 1) erosion of topsoil Estimating the cost of land degradation
leading to productivity loss 2) Sedimentation Land degradation can happen in the form of
of waterways thereby reducing the reservoir salinity or erosion of topsoil. Salinity directly

164 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

affects the productivity of soils by making rate of extraction), n the life length of the
the soil unfavorable for good crop growth deposit (i.e. time for which the resources will
and indirectly lowers productivity through last until exhaustion), given by n = S/E where S
adverse effects on the availability of nutrients is the stock of the resource and E is the annual
and on the beneficial activities of soil micro rate of extraction, r is the discount rate
flora. Apart from salinity the deposition
of heavy metals or industrial effluents and Five sets of assumptions are critical in this
indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals such as estimation procedure.
fertilizers and pesticides are also responsible for 1) First assumption relates to prices, costs and
land degradation. To estimate the cost of land yield data as a function of time. Under the
degradation, once again two approaches can be assumption of constant prices, any changes
used: productivity loss method and treatment in asset values can only be attributed to the
cost method, i.e. costs incurred in treatment changes in productivity of the resource and
of degraded lands to restore the lands back to the time-value of money.
their original capacity.
2) Second assumption relates to the expected
5.7.4. Estimating the value of value of the resource at the end of the
depreciation of Mineral Resources planning horizon.
The physical stock of minerals can be valued
3) The third assumption refers to the choice
using market prices. However, in case of
of the discount rate. In general, a lower
minerals it is difficult to get accurate market
discount rate favors future consumption,
prices due to market distortions and depends
while a high discount rate gives more
on institutional arrangements. Once the per
preference to present consumption.
unit value of the mineral is known, one can
calculate the value of stock of a natural resource 4) The cost of production is assumed to
(RV) as the net present value of the stream include the value of all material and labour
of the future resource rents the resource will inputs along with normal return on capital
yield until it is exhausted and is expressed as (i.e. profit).
5) Another important assumption to be made
In case of non-renewable resources like is regarding the variable n, the economic
minerals, one can calculate the value of stock life of the resource.
of natural resource as the net present value
of the stream of the future resource rents the Owing to the difficulties in using the present
resource will yield until it is exhausted and is value approach, various alternative methods
expressed as follows. have been proposed to value mineral depletion
by various researchers (see Atkinson and
Hamilton, 2007). The first approach called
the total rent approach (also called net price
method) proposed by Repetto et al. (1989)
where RR is the total resource rent (the unit assumes an optimal extraction path. Using
resource rent rr = RR/E, where E is the annual this method, the value of the resource at the

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 165

beginning of the period t, Vt is the volume of imposed no optimization of the extraction
the resource Rt multiplied with the difference path for the resource and assumed that total
between the average market value per unit of rents in each period are constant at level pq –
the resource Pt and the per-unit (marginal cost c. Using this approach the user cost can be
of extraction, development and exploration, calculated as:
including a normal return to the capital Ct).
The user cost here would be the total rents

Ideally, this net price ideally would be the This approach is referred to as the ‘simple
Hotelling rent accruing to the owner of the present value (PV) method’, where N declines
resource, in which case the expected rate of in each period as the resource is exhausted
growth of the unit rent would be equal to the (assuming no discoveries).
discount rate. The main problem with this A fifth approach has been proposed by Vincent
approach is that the marginal extraction is (1997). He assumed an iso-elastic extraction
fixed and for optimality, the total rent approach cost function with increasing marginal costs
required a rising price path to hold. defined by
The second variation, marginal rent (or
current scarcity rent) proposed by Hartwick
and Hageman (1993), states that under the
assumption of constant resource prices and
increasing marginal extraction costs, the user Where N is defined to be reserves-to-
cost is given by production ratio

Table 6 gives the summary monetary estimates

of the physical accounts for different assets
This approach assumes that the mineral considered above. We used net price method
extraction program is on the optimal path. in case of forests and minerals and estimated
the cost of associated degradation due to
A third variant to the approach proposed by agricultural practices.
Hartwick and Hageman (1993) is given by the
exhaustion condition for the optimal extraction
5.8. Integration with the supply
path. Using this approach, the user cost is
use accounts
computed as
The whole objective of this exercise is to
integrate these estimates with the national
accounts. The integration should ensure that
all of the following three components are
Where, N is the number of years until the addressed: 1) figures for the production of
resource is exhausted. natural resources should adjust for unreported
production. 2) Capital accounts should be
A fourth approach proposed by ElSerafy (1989) adjusted to expand

166 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Table 6: Accounting prices and wealth of forests, agricultural
land and minerals for the year 2009

Accounting price of timber/m3 (Rs/m3) 13,390

Accounting price of fuelwood (Rs/m3) 1943
Accounting price of NTFPs (Rs/Ha) 6289
Accounting price of carbon (Rs/ton) 1000
Accounting price of recreation (Rs/Ha) 96355
Accounting price of genetic material (Rs/ha) 33471
Weighted net price of minerals considered in the study (Rs/tonne) 916.2
Loss in value of timber, carbon and NTFPs (million Rs) -19859.95
Loss in ecotourism and genetic diversity (million Rs) -4765
Total loss in forest wealth (million Rs) -24624.56
Total adjustment for depletion and degradation per rupees of agricultural 0.0037 Rs/unit of agricultural
Adjustment for depletion and degradation of agricultural GDP -28384.3

Source: Timber, fuel wood, ntfps based on National account statistics from MOSPI
Carbon, recreation, genetic materials from secondary sources (mentioned in the text)
Value of minerals based on IBM data and net price is derived after deducting the costs based on earlier study (mentioned
in the text)
Loss in forest wealth: computed

a. Capital formation to include accumulation (ESDP)

of natural assets and their depletion or
degradation. In the conventional accounts, ESDP = NSDP + (Anp - Dnp)
only accumulation of produced capital Where Dnp is the depletion of non-produced
is included. Other Natural assets are natural assets and is obtained from the asset
categorized as non-produced assets and are accounts.
excluded. The value of this accumulation
of natural capital should be added to The asset accounts are constructed as follows:
investment, which increases GDP and
NDP. Closing stocks – Opening stocks = changes due
to economic activities ± other accumulations ±
b. Consumption of capital to include the cost other volume changes ± omissions and errors
of depletion and degradation of natural
resources, which decreases NDP. Depletion = other accumulations ± changes
due to economic activities
The result of these adjustments is the
environment adjusted state domestic product The second term captures the net effects of

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 167

Table 7: Integration of supply use tables and the natural assets
Economic activities Economic assets Environment
Rest Non- Other non-
Final Produced
Production of produced produced
cons. assets
world assets natural assets
Opening stock of assets Konp.ec
Economic uses
Ci X C Ig
net domestic product* (v) NDP X–M C I
Use of Nonproduced natural
Usenp −Usenp.ec −Usenp.env
Other accumulation of
non-produced natural assets −Inp.env
Environmentally adjusted EDP Ap.ec Anp.ec −Anp.env
X − M C
aggregates (viii)
Holding gains/losses (ix) Rev p.ec Rev np.ec
Other changes in volume of
assets Vol np.ec Vol np.env

Closing stock of assets Kl np.ec

Kl p.ec Kl np.env

accumulation natural forests (non-produced up exercise. We start of measuring stock of

assets, Anp) minus depletion (Dnp). the assets at the beginning of the accounting
period and account for all the changes which
Table 7 represents this integration in a simplistic occurred during that period to give the stock
form for the assets considered in this paper. level at the end of the accounting period.
However, this should be expanded for all the Physical account flows can represent the stocks
sectors. and the changes therein during the accounting
period, in physical measures (square kilometres
5.9. Conclusions and data needs (Km2); cubic metres (m3); metric tonnes).
This chapter analysed both the changes in wealth Opening and closing stocks are measured as the
and flows using the framework consistent both economically exploitable quantity of reserves
with wealth accounting approach as well as or stocks available at the beginning and end
SEEA framework. The estimates shown in this of the accounting period. Changes in quantity
chapter are the quick estimates at the national are brought about by the direct economic
level for only three resources: forests, land and use/exploitation of the asset. For renewable
minerals, and did not come from a bottom resources, economic use is a gross concept

168 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Table 8. Greening of National accounts: an illustration for the resources considered in the study
(Units in Rupees Crores ) for the year 2009
Economics activities Economic assets assets
Non- Non-
produced Other non-
Rest of Final Produced Errors & produced produced
Production assets produced
world cons. assets Omissions assets assets
(agricultural natural assets
(forests)a (minerals)c
Opening stock of 4310843.2 36912824
Kop.ec 6966158
assets (i)
Supply (ii) 13102022 1639872
Economic uses (iii) 6551751 1298371 4567456 2016186 13526.9 132266
accumulations of 113374 17420.58 5905953 −Inp.env
assets (iv)
Holding gains/
214619 - 35934.02 Rev np.ec
losses (v)
Other changes in
Volp.ec 160.97 -748.11 -855184 Vol np.env
volume of assets(vi)
Errors and
omissions (vii)
GDP (viii) 6550271 -341501 4567456 2389213 -64897
CFC (ix) -655673 −655673
Net domestic
5894598 -341501 4567456 1733540 -64897
product (NDP (x)_
Use of Non
produced natural -3893.6 -13526.9 −83397
assets (xi)
5807307.4 5892726
adjusted domestic -341501 4567456 1733540 -64897 -3893.6 −83397
product (EDP) (xii)
Closing stock of 4470173 43812493
assets (xiii)
Source: National Account statistics (2011)
a- the stock changes for forestland are for the assessment year 2007-09 but the flows are annualised

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 169

b- the stock changes for agricultural land are for the period 2000-2009 but the flows are annualised
c – the stock changes for minerals are for the period 2000-2009 but the flow of minerals is annualised. Extraction of minerals is recorded under intermediate consumption
(economic use). However, the appreciation or depreciation might have to be adjusted in the EDP expression.
that includes sustainable use made possible by The aim of this integration is to allow for the
natural regeneration or replenishment, as well computation of depreciation of the resource
as “depletion” which represents exploitation in question by adjusting the NSDP (net state
of the resource beyond long-term sustainable domestic product) to reflect that depreciation.
levels or yields. This can be represented in the This new adjusted value is termed ESDP
following equation: (environmentally- adjusted state domestic
product), which is then used as a useful indicator
Opening stock (+) Additions to stock for policy makers to evaluate the wealth impact
[renewable resources] (–) Depreciation of of previously unaccounted damage. It is also
stock [economic use/exploitation] (+/-) Other useful in evaluating trade-offs in land use and
stock changes[revaluations/natural processes] resource use.
= Closing stock
However, it should be noted here that the
There are also quality changes that are relevant results produced here are quick estimates
(physical) aspects of environmental costs but for illustrative purposes. The good news is
they are difficult to incorporate into physical that some data is available for carrying out
quantitative asset accounts. green national accounting for India, though it
The monetary accounts are derived from does suffer from some limitations. However,
the physical accounts by applying monetary one could look for some approximations or
unit values, that is to say, market prices or proxy variables to be able to come up with
estimated market values, to the physical a meaningful estimate reflecting the county
stocks and stock changes of natural resources. conditions. Below we also discuss the data
Different valuation methods are used to place availability to implement the green national
a monetary value on the impacts imposed to accounting framework discussed in the earlier
the environmental assets covered. Finally, the sections along with possible data sources for
monetary estimates are integrated with the India. Where information is not available, we
main national accounting aggregates. need to compile this data.

170 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Data Source
Forest cover change
Data is available for year 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2011 in the state of forest reports
in different states of
by FSI
Forest cover in
different states of State of Forests Reports, Published by Forest Survey of India
Various state forest departments, Production Statistics can be obtained from CSO –
Volume of timber but these are under estimates. There is gross underestimation. Further, timber and
harvested/logged fuelwood comes from trees outside forests, private plantations as well. However,
detailed periodic data is not avaiable
State of forest report various years. – But we need more details and clarity on
species wise afforestation in different states. We have information on afforestation
Area afforested in under various scheme, However, the relation between various schemes is not clear.
India state-wise Further, more information is required on the stocking of species, volume, whether
afforested in forested area or outside the forest, name of species afforested,
survival rate of these plantations etc.
Accumulation of
The original publication in “Extent composition and density of growing stock”
timber due to natural
published in 1995. We need to know if any other publication is available. But the
growth (mean annual
latest FSI reports still use the information published in 1995
Accumulation of Area regenerated was available in one of the documents of Forest Sector Report
timber due to natural of India 2010– but we still need more details on the species composition and
regeneration regeneration rates and volume regenerated.
Area subject to forest fires was available from Forest Sector Report India 2010.
Area subject to forest However, regular statistics are not available – even where available we need more
fire detailed information on the type of species destroyed, the loss in trees due to fires,
volume of timber lost, value of forest crop destroyed etc.
Loss in timber volume
due to insects, pests No data is available after 1972
and disease
Infrequent and inadequate data available from state of forest reports regarding
Animal grazing
extent of animal grazing
Infrequent data from state of forest reports. Wasteland Atlas (2011, Department of
Land Resources) now publishes the information on shifting cultivation. Yet, more
Shifting cultivation
information is required on the composition of species and volume lost because of
shifting cultivation.
State of forestry report published by ICFRE published this information before
Encroachments 2000 but the information is not regularly provided. Data for encroachments
sometimes is available from the starred parliament questions.
FSI now publishes carbon stock and changes in carbon stock in forests in India.
Carbon stock However, we still need more details on the density-wise and state-wise carbon stock
in forests.
Mainly from state forest departments and other secondary studies. CSO is also
able to get this information from state forest departments. However, the data is
The value of NTFP,
still not reliable. Mostly we need to update this from secondary studies. Further,
fodder from forests
more details on whether ntfps, fuelwood and fodder are coming from trees outside
forests are from the area within the forest department.
Forest dependent
National sample survey data and secondary studies However there are no official
population in
census figures for the forest dependent population in the country.
different states

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 171

Biodiversity status of Environment statistics, FRLHT, IUCN, WCMC publishes this information but not
the species in India periodically. This data moreover is not available state-wise.
Centers of plant
biodiversity and
endemic bird
areas, species
WCMC, IUCN but periodicity of data is an issue
of conservation
importance, rare,
vulnerable and
endangered species
Area under national
MOEF, FSI – state of forest report
parks and sanctuaries
Medicinal Plants
species in different FRLHT, National Medicinal Plants development board publishes this information
bio-geographic zones but no periodic information is available
of India
Total flowering plants Botanical survey of India publishes this information
Amount sanctioned
under different
schemes for
protection, Data is available from the annual reports of the ministry of environment and
maintenance and forests
upkeep of national
parks and wildlife
Estimates of
medicinal value of Available from forest department statistics but is a gross under estimate
R&D expenditure of
Can be compiled from annual reports of firms
Centre for soil and water conservation research training institute (CSWCRTI),
Soil erosion and Indian council for agricultural research (ICAR) publishes this information but
sediment estimates state-wise data is not available, Moreover, the data is not periodic. We also need
Run-off and soil
loss under treated CSWCRTI publishes sporadic information but we require state-wise and more
and untreated micro- periodic data
Concentration of
Did not come across any data except for few secondary studies
nutrients in run-off
Soil loss prevented by
No data available for this. We came across some field experimental studies
dense forest
Likely hydrological
National institute of hydrology is one possible source but not sure what kind of
changes following
information is available and its periodicity
Ground water
Central water commission, National ground water board
recharge figures

172 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Data Source of Data
Land use change across categories Nine fold classifications is available but this is not consistent
across data sources – Department of land resources
gives the data, Ministry of Agriculture also publishes this
information but there is some variation across the data
sources. Data is available till 2008-09
Agricultural land area Planning commission publishes area under major crops,
Data can also be obtained from agricultural statistics
Contribution of agriculture to Data is available from the Economic survey of India
Fertilizer consumption Fertilizer Association of India, Directorate of Economics
and Statistics, value of fertiliser consumed available with
Crop Yield Reserve Bank of India. Agricultural statistics, Agricultural
Pesticide consumption Directorate of economics and statistics but the data is not
periodic, value of pesticide consumed available with CSO
Total sown area and share of irrigated Data is available for major crops from Directorate of
area in gross sown areas is available economics statistics

for major crops;

Land use data Data not periodic but can be found from planning
commission documents and Directorate of economics
Area under different croplands Reserve Bank of India, Indiastat, Directorate of economics
and statistics
Area under wasteland NRSA report on wastelands for different states is available;
Wasteland Atlas 2011 published by Department of Land
Resources for different states is the latest data available.
However, some of the wasteland is improved and used for
different purposes. These details are required. The data is
available after every 5 years
Data on various crops and their Directorate of economics and statistics, agricultural
prices statistics, agricultural bulletin, RBI
Sedimentation in water ways and their The Central water commission publishes time series data
treatment costs on sedimentation load in different rivers.
Extent of run-off No data available
State-wise loss in productivity due to No reliable data is available. Only few secondary sources
various land degradation are available.
On-site and offsite impacts of land Can only be inferred from secondary studies if available
degradation but no systematic data is available.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 173

Indian Bureau of Mines (Minerals year book). The data on reserves
can be found in National Mineral inventories and is available
Mineral resources and mineral
with Indian Bureau of mines for various years. However, due to
change in classification before and after 2003, time series data is

not consistent. The latest data available is for the year 2011
Data on extraction Data is available with CSO and also IBM for various years
IBM publishes the information on quantity and value of minerals
Price extracted from which the prices can be computed. Export and
import prices are also available from the export statistics.

Central Water Commission (CWC) publishes data on various

hydrological basins. The data on volume of water, run-off,
Surface Water quantity accounts
extraction, turbidity etc. are available for different years. Sediment
and Water quality accounts
load in different river basins is available too. Basin wise water

quality data is also available with CPCB and CWC

Data on surface water supplied is available with CSO and also
Data on extraction
with research organizations for various years
Price Good reliable information on prices is not available

174 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Chapter 6

Implementing Environmental
Accounting in India

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 175

Implementing Environmental
Accounting in India

T he conceptual foundations of a for our use of environmental resources,

comprehensive system of national environmental accounting have not been
accounts were developed in Chapter entirely absent in India. It will prove useful
2 and its Appendices. Chapter 3 reviewed to present a short history of that endeavour
the structure of the SNA and that of the before discussing what now needs to be done.
satellite environmental accounts SEEA. In
Chapter 4 we noted, however, that in putting In parallel to a reliance on the SNA, the
the framework advocated in Chapter 2 into Statistical Organizations in India have for
operation, particular difficulties will arise owing several decades discussed the possibilities
to limitations of information, in particular of introducing environmental data into
reliable and internally consistent data. We national accounts. Following the Stockholm
noted as well the salience of the SNA despite Conference on the Environment in 1972,
the absence of resource accounting within environmental accounting was discussed at
it. The purpose of this, final chapter is to several annual conferences of Central and
describe a step-by-step process for generating State Statistical Organizations. A Framework
the appropriate data for an eventual realization for the Development of Environmental
of the objective of "greening" India's national Statistics (FDEA) was developed by the CSO
accounts. In doing so it is as well to remind of India in the early 1990s. The first issue of
ourselves of the strictures that ought to be a Compendium of Environmental Statistics
followed in the process of extending national was released in 1997. Since then the CSO has
accounts to recognise the environment: been regularly publishing the Compendium of
Environmental Statistics, which provides in
(a) The extensions should not violate the
turn a general introduction to the state of the
internal consistency of the SNA.
environment, their changing character, and the
(b) The development process should reflect an impact of health owing to their deterioration.
increased understanding of the economy. The Compendium then focuses on biodiversity,
the atmosphere, land and soil, water, and
(c) The extensions should be based on data human settlements. The 13th Compendium
that either exist or can be generated with a was released in January 2013, covering data
reasonable degree of accuracy. up to 2011-12. The CSO organizes National
Workshops and Seminars on Environmental
6.1 A Short History of Statistics. It also holds training workshops on
Environmental Accounting in India the subject for State/UT Government and
Although the SNA tidily neglects to account data compilers.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 177

One of the CSO's early attempts to incorporate of the Government of India. For example, a
the use of environmental resources in complete mapping of ground water resources
national statistics was the establishment is a goal of the Plan. If successful, it will enable
of a Technical Working Group on Natural the Government to prepare a ground water
Resource Accounting in the later 1990s. The Physical Supply and Use Table (PSUT) and the
recommendations of that Group led to a pilot corresponding asset accounts.
project in 1999-2000 in the State of Goa.
The study was undertaken by the Energy and 6.2 Recommendations
Resources Institute (TERI). Chapters 3 and 4 concluded that the transition
In order to develop sector-specific but uniform from the existing SNA to a comprehensive
methodologies for resource accounting, set of national accounts that was identified in
the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Chapter 2 and its Appendices can only occur
Implementation (MOSPI) commissioned in a step-by-step manner. Bearing that in mind
a set of studies on land, forests, air, water, the following possibilities suggest themselves:
and sub-soil resources in eight Indian states 1. Prepare PSUTs and Asset Accounts for: (i)
between 2000 and 2006 (Appendix 1). It was land, (ii) forest and timber, and (c) minerals.
noted in Chapter 3 that the SEEA prescribes This can be completed within a year or so.
two types of ways for valuing changes in the
environment: maintenance costs and methods 2. Develop a medium-term plan (extending
that involve non-market valuation (e.g., stated to a period of, say, 5 years) that would
preferences). The studies in question used include (i) the preparation of MSUT for
both types of methods. In parallel, the CSO land, forest and timber, and minerals for
undertook a study entitled "Post Clearance implementing the SEEA in those sectors;
Environmental Impacts and Cost Benefit (ii) the development of PSUTs and Asset
Analysis of Power Generation in India". Accounts for soil, water, carbon, and
The study was conducted by the National energy; and (iii) planning and collecting
Environmental Engineering Research Institute data for the purposes of valuing changes in
(NEERI), in Nagpur. A synthesis report based water, carbon, and energy sectors. We note
on those studies was developed under the here that MSUTs for minerals can probably
technical guidance of a Technical Advisory be prepared more quickly than those for the
Committee, which was Chaired by Dr. Kirit other sub-sectors because of the availability
Parikh (Member of the current Expert Group). of market prices for minerals and data on
The report recommended the preparation of a extraction costs.
National Accounting Matrix that would include
environmental accounts. The establishment by 3. Develop a medium-term plan for
MOSPI in 2011 of the present Expert Group estimating NDP. In addition to adjusting
reflected the natural and obvious next step in for depletion of reproducible and the types
the process. of natural capital that were identified in 1-2
above, the move would require subtracting
Some of the issues discussed in this Report defensive expenditure on the environment
have found place in the Twelfth Five Year Plan from GDP and identifying better ways to

178 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

account for human capital as investment. 6.3 A Word of Caution
4. Initiate exploratory research in two areas: Our strategy in this Report has been to begin
(i) the development of a more complete by providing an outline of an ideal system of
set of national accounts, including a accounts (an "ideal SNA", so to speak) and
balance sheet for the nation; and (ii) the from there to show step by step how very far
identification of principles for valuing the current system is from the ideal and how
and periodically collecting and compiling far it can be expected to remain from it. We
data on environmental assets and flows. present a feasible transition path to an ever-
This would culminate in a valuation-and- improving system, but caution that even if
data manual that can be used for making figures for physical stocks were available, the
adjustments to the SNA. deep problem of estimating shadow prices
would remain. The issue isn't merely one of
5. Develop a long-term plan (extending, say, to uncertainty about the role environmental
a period of ten years) for (i) institutionalizing resources play in production and consumption
mechanisms for periodic collection of data possibilities, it is also a matter of differences
and for organizing periodic studies and among people in their ethical values. Wealth
surveys for environmental accounts; (ii) estimates should be presented as bands, not
collecting and compiling data for valuation exact figures. That people may never agree on
and preparation of MSUTs for aquatic the wealth of nations is however no reason for
resources, air, and biodiversity. abandoning wealth as the object of interest in
policy and sustainability analyses.
6. The Planning Commission could fruitfully
put in place a mechanism for estimating
shadow prices and their natural ranges.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 179

Appendix 1: State-level studies on Natural Resource Accounting
commissioned by the CSO

Name of study/Organisation Areas Considered

Physical accounts of Environmental Pollution
consisting of source specific accounts and ambient
accounts of water (industrial water pollution, water
NRA of Air and Water Pollution in Andhra Pradesh
pollution loads for agricultural sector) and air
& Himachal Pradesh
pollution (road transport).
Institute of Economic Growth, New Delhi
Monetary accounts using relevant methods for
valuing the pollution at source and ambient air and
water pollution.
Methodologies and framework for NRA for forest
NRA of Land and Forestry for Madhya Pradesh & and land.
Himachal Pradesh Generated various resource accounting tables
Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), for land and forestry sectors (land resource
Bhopal accounting, soil resource accounting, land-use
accounting, physical asset accounting, monetary
asset accounting, flow accounting, degradation and
depletion accounting, etc.).
Generation of data pertaining to various
components of land and forest resources of
Identification of goods and services rendered by
forest and land, and their annual output.
Valuation of the resources in economic terms.
Environmental Accounting of Land and Forestry Identification of ecologically sensitive areas and
of Meghalaya various natural and anthropological threats to land
and forest resources.
North East Hill University (NEHU), Shillong
Developed –
Physical Accounting of timber and fuel wood (both
area and volume)
Valuation of timber and fuel wood
Monetary accounting of timber, fuel wood and
Accounting of Land Resource

180 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Name of study/Organisation Areas Considered

Worked out loss incurred due to solid waste and

economic/environmental loss due to uncollected
NRA in Goa solid waste.

Integrated Research and Action for Development Methodology developed for air pollution abatement
(IREDe), Delhi costs, and water pollution status.
Did economic valuation of forests and indirect
benefits from forests.
Worked out environmentally adjusted SDP.
Physical accounting for land, forest land, timber and
Monetary accounting for forests and water.
Environmental Accounting of Land and Water in
Tamil Nadu Valuation of stock of assets in respect of land and
estimation of value of land degradation.
Madras School of Economics (MSE), Chennai
Asset accounts for water and water quality
Accounting for interaction between the economy
and the environment in the conventional accounts.
PSUTs for water.
Water related indicators based on primary survey.
NRA for Air and Water Sectors in West Bengal
Marginal/Average abatement costs and tax rates for
Jadavpur University, Kolkata water.
Monetary valuation for water based on damage cost
Physical and Monetary accounting of air.

Physical accounting for coal resources.

Accounting for unsustainable mineral extraction in Valuation of coal resources.
Madhya Pradesh & West Bengal
Environmental costs of coal mining.
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), Delhi
Impact and abatement measures in respect of coal
mining and environment.
NRA for Land and Forestry (excluding mining) in
Karnataka Developed methodology for physical accounting
Centre for Multi-Disciplinary Development and valuation of land and forest sectors.
Research (CMDR), Dharwad, Karnataka

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 181


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Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 197
Summary record of the first meeting of the ‘Expe rt Group on Green National
Accounting for India’ unde r the Chairmans hip of Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta,
University of Cambridge, UK held on 23rd August, 2011 at National Institute of
Public Finance and Policy, 18/2, Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area,
New Delhi.

An ‘Expert Group on Green National Accounting for India’ has been constituted
on 4th August, 2011 as per the directions of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to develop a
framework for ‘Green National Accounts’ and to prepare a roadmap for implementation
of the same. The first meeting of the Expert Group was held on 23rd August, 2011 under
the Chairmanship of Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta, Professor Emeritus of Economics,
University of Cambridge, United Kingdom at National Institute of Public Finance and
Policy (NIPFP), 18/2, Satsang Vihar Marg, Special Institutional Area, New Delhi at
10.30 AM. The list of participants is enclosed.

Dr. T. C. A. Anant, Secretary and Chief Statistician of India, in his introductory

speech gave a background of the constitution of the Group. Sri. Jairam Ramesh, the then
Hon’ble Minister of State for Environment and Forest felt the need for a green accounting
for the economy and took initiative to get the approval of the Prime Minster of India and
identified the key members to be present in the Group. The Group has a mandate for
suggesting a Methodology and a framework for preparation ‘Green National Accounts’
India and prepare a roadmap for the implementation of the same. CSO could be
coordinating the activities of the Group with Chief Statistician of India (CSI) as the
Member Convenor. The ‘Green National Accounting is a new area of research and the
data availability is one of the major issues and hence will need to be examined. CSI
indicated that the Group may take stock of the work done until now and identify steps to
fill up data gaps and also areas which need more research. CSO has already conducted 8
studies on Natural Resource Accounting and the Centre of Economic and Social Studies
(CESS), Hyderabad has brought out a Synthesis Report of the 8 studies and is also
preparing a report on comprehensive methodology for NRA. During the course of the
functioning of the Group, the government departments and other agencies that collect
data as part of their administrative work may be identified and involved with the work.
198 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
Representatives from such institutions may be invited to the next meeting. The Group is
to submit an interim report by April, 2012. The duration of the Expert Group will be till
October, 2012.

Dr. Partha Dasgupta, the Chairman of the Expert Group, in his address narrated
the distinction between the state of the economy and the need for valuation of the
economy. He explained two types of evaluation techniques. The first kind of evaluation is
based on the notion of Sustainable Development and tries to gauge whether the economy
is going in the right direction. The second type of evaluation is based on Cost-Benefit
Analysis and tries to bring out wealth of the economy through some measurements. The
measurement of sustainable development looks into the changes in stocks, net
investments, valuation of stocks, valuation of amenities available for the people,
measuring the monetary values through shadow prices etc., and create a system consistent
with existing practices. The Chairman also explained why sustainable development
should form part of national accounts.

Dr. Kaushik Basu said that a Climate Change Unit has been set up in Ministry of
Finance. He further mentioned that climate change and environment are being separately
dealt with in the Economic Survey and he would look for inputs from this Group so that
the subject under consideration of this Expert Group can be included in the Economic
Survey of the Government of India.

Thereafter, there were four presentations as per details given below:

Shri. V. Parameswaran, DDG, CSO presented the status paper on Natural

Resource Accounting. In this presentation, SEEA, present position of the process of
revision of SEEA, brief of the 8 studies commissioned by CSO and some salient features
of the interim Synthesis Report were explained. The studies undertaken by CSO broadly
covered the natural assets like Air, Water, Land, Forestry and Minerals for the states like
Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Goa, Tamil Nadu,
West Bengal and Karnataka. He also mentioned about data availability and gaps.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 199
Dr. Manoj Panda, Director, CESS, Hyderabad in his presentation, covered
alternative indicators of GDP and the findings of the eight studies in the respective states.
The studies employed a host of market and non- market valuation techniques to highlight
the pollution abatement costs and the respective reduction in the State GDPs, the extend
of change in the air quality due to policy changes, the contribution of forestry sector in
the state GDP, depletion of forest assets, the extend of land degradation etc. The
methodological aspects, data issues in terms of availability, scalability and reliability and
standardization were brought out in the presentation.

Dr. Haripriya, in her presentation, tried to examine whether the current pattern of
growth in Indian states is sustainable. She considered forests, renewable natural capital,
minerals (non-renewable natural capital) and human capital to find out whether the total
stock of wealth is declining or not. She showed with empirical analysis that the states of
the union of India are following a weak sustainable path to development, though the
capital accumulation is positive in almost all the states. The environmental capital has
been decreased in most of the states showing that the critical capital is declining.

Dr. Priya Shyamsundar gave a presentation on the environmental valuation in

South Asia. Various aspects of pollution, agriculture and productive systems, ecosystem
services and the needed policy interventions were explained. She gave ideas on health
cost of air and water pollution, agrarian externalities, and ecosystem services. The
challenges in the valuation of green accounts were also covered.

The Group had brief discussions before the presentations and detailed discussions
throughout the sessions of presentations in which the following points/issues emerged:

1. Welfare being the underlying concept of sustainable development, it should be

measured over a period of time rather than considering the present time. Movement of
time could be seen as the pixels and not as continuous.

200 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
2. Measurement of wealth is a topic being dealt with since the time o f classical
economists. A number of alternatives have been proposed over time for the measurement
of wealth.

3. Though GDP would be a predominant measure, there is a problem with GDP

when environment aspects are to be linked. The Group should look into alter nate data
which could be easier to get rather than hypothetical valuation.

4. Based on the new series of National Accounts, national aggregates seem to

indicate availability of whole lot of disaggregated data. However, aggregate data could be
obtained directly on the basis of studies/surveys.

5. At national level all externalities are captured which may not be the case at sub-
national level.

6. Growth vs. Environment was the major point of origin of this Expert Group and
hence GDP should reflect the environment concern. As policy concerns are not
adequately measured in the existing system of national accounts, macro level estimates of
national accounts have to reflect the policy concerns of the Government.

7. Valuation should be based the descriptive framework and it depends on

what kind of valuation is being adopted. It may be apt to start the valuation at the macro
level and a macro perspective is desirable to arrive at National accounts as the present
system captures a part of the environmental expenditure. It is also desirable to look into
the larger policy issues and its implications.

8. The exercise of asset management needs collection of necessary additional

data. Enlarging the existing NSSO questionnaire with a view to collect more household
information is not advisable as it would affect the quality of data and hence alternative
ways of collecting the required information need to be considered.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 201
9. More studies are to be encouraged to asses the states’ resources and to obtain
information at the micro level. Emphasis need to be given at the sectoral level.

10. A beginning has to be made to estimate the wealth of the states following the
conceptual measure of Dr. Partha Dasgupta.

11. Epidemiological data which can be used by environmental economists are not
organized properly. Therefore, collection of additional data for better reflection of GDP
measure needs to be planned and periodical coverage of such data needs to be ensured.

12. One should begin the valuation with forest and to be extended to other assets like
minerals. The non-productive assets like air quality data to be deferred till an appropriate
methodology is devised. There are also concerns about case studies on the assumption
they may lead to differing outcomes.

13. The framework suggested by SEEA could be made use of for preparation of the
green national accounts. The focus should be on NRA and compilation of stocks/flows of
NRA assets and valuation and to identify data needs with a time frame for

14. The method of evaluation depends on what type of evaluation one thinks of.
Firstly, which areas of green national accounts are required for larger policy issues need
to be identified. Then what aspects of environment are captured in perverse way and what
dimensions need to be considered are to be identified.

15. Presently, the national accounts do not capture non- marketed goods/services and
made a point one should decide whether these affect macro- level policy and also whether
to be captured.

16. Newly added items under forestry in National Accounts and also manpower
requirements for collection of data were highlighted.

202 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
17. A beginning has to be made with a conceptual framework and then to identify
important sectors, issue of valuation in each sector and ways of filling up the missing

18. A query was posed whether forest to be treated as one asset or as 3 or 4 assets.

19. Areas of air and water quality need to be included along with forest, land and

20. Input-Output table may be extended by including natural resources as inputs and
emissions as by-products and required data may be captured either through NSSO
surveys or by other means.

The detailed discussions and exchange of different views of the Group members
have culminated into following decisions:

(1) The report of the Group should have a descriptive at the beginning indicating the
policy background and the objective of this exercise.

(2) The principal focus of this exercise is to develop a framework for Green National
Accounts i.e. for arriving at national level economic dimensions adjusted for
environmental damages.

(3) While capital produced by human efforts forms part of national accounts, the
natural capital is not accounted for in the national accounts and therefore, green
accounting measure of capital is necessary which has to adequately address the
policy concerns of the Government. It is also required to make an assessment of
the natural wealth of the nation and the depreciation of these assets ought to be
accounted for. In fact till green accounting gets stabilized and becomes a widely
accepted measure, the existing national accounts paradigm will continue. Thus the
exercise of computing the green national accounts will be complementary to the
existing established system of national accounts.
Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 203
(4) There is a need to identify national level indicators which are used in computation
of national accounts and generate the correction factors to be applied on them, to
account for the degeneration caused to the environment due to the development
processes. It is necessary to segregate these into two categories into (a) those
indicators which are doable and (b) in principle doable but not in the near future.

(5) The Group must look into the feasibility of developing accounts for natural
resources. The natural resource accounting may be started with forest, land and
mineral resources. In case water and air, the challenges are more both in the areas
of data and concepts, particularly with regard to conversion into capital. There is a
need to deal with resolving the issues related to concepts during the course of the
work of the Group. Dr. Haripriya’s research paper may be considered as the
starting point. With respect to each area of the natural resource, data systems for
accounting need to be identified, the existing data sets will be described, missing
data sets will be identified and action will be proposed for filling up the gaps
taking into account the constraints within data collection machinery.
Consultations with Ministries/ Departments / Organizations may be done with
regard to missing data and filling up the gaps.

(6) In each area of natural resource accounting, as there would be a need for more
detailed studies for integrating the natural resource accounting into the national
accounts, the requisite type studies may be recommended . There may be a need
to generate replicable studies which can be scaled up for getting national level
proportions/ratios. Also out of 8 studies commissioned by CSO, those studies can
be replicated may be identified. The newly suggested studies could be taken up
during the 12th five year plan period.

(7) It is needed to identify and document agencies and the data which are brought out
by them (assessment of quantity of assets, valuation procedures). These agencies
may also be consulted in the next meeting which may be organized some time in
the last quarter of 2011-12 either in end of January, 2012 or during March, 2012

204 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

The venue may be a suitable place other than Delhi. It is required to
institutionalize the system to fill data gaps.

(8) The important question is whether fugitive resources such as air, surface water,
fish moving in water, etc., can be called as assets (capital). The Chairman offered
to prepare a note on the aspect of formalizing the fugitive assets similar to other
assets. The Chairman has also agreed to draft the introduction chapter on
conceptual framework.

(9) All the members would give a one-page write-up giving their views in addition to
what were discussed in the meeting.

The meeting ended up with a vote of thanks to the chair.

8 National Accounts in India A Framework | 205

List of participants

Sr. Name Designation

1 Prof. Partha Dasgupta Professor In Chair
2 Dr. Pronab Sen Principal Advisor, Member
3 Ms. Priya Shyamsundar Prog. Director, Member
4 Prof. K. Sundaram Retd. Prof. Member
5 Dr. Kaushik Basu Chief Economic Member
Advisor, M/o.
6 Prof. E. Somanathan ISI, Delhi Member
7 Dr.. Haripriya Associate Prof., Member
Gundimeda IIT, Mumbai
8 Prof. Ramaprasad Prof., JNU Special Invitee
9 Dr. Manoj Panda Director, CESS, Special Invitee
10 Dr. Nitin Desai Honorary Member
11 Dr. Kanchan Chopra Former Director, Member
IEG, New Delhi.
12 Mr. Ramesh Kolli ADG (Retd.) Member
13 Mr. Ashish Kumar ADG NAD Special Invitee
14 Dr. T.C. A. Anant Secretary Member convener
15 Mrs. S.Jeyalakshmi ADG SSD
16 Mr. V. Parameswaran DDG
17 Dr..S. Durai Raju DDG Special Invitee
18 Mr.S. Suresh Kumar DD
19 Mr.R.K. Panwar SSO

206 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Summary Record of the Second Meeting of the Expert Group on Green National
Accounting for India held during 16-17 April, 2012

The Second meeting of the Expert Group on Green National Accounting for India
was held during April 16-17, 2012 at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New
Delhi under the chairmanship of Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta, Professor Emeritus, Cambridge
University, U.K. As decided in the first meeting of the Expert Group in August, 2011, the
Central Ministries/Departments/Central Government Organizations which deal with the
subjects related to environment were also invited to participate in the meeting.

The list of participants in the meeting is enclosed.

Dr. T.C.A. Anant, Chief Statistician of India and Secretary and Member Convenor
of the Group, after welcoming all, mentioned briefly about the progress in the work of the
Expert Group after the first meeting and also about the purpose of the second meeting.
During the course of his address, Dr. T.C.A. Anant also co vered the salient features from
the paper titled ‘Developments in International Environmental Economic Accounting’ sent
by Mr. Peter Harper, Chair, UN Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic
Accounting and Deputy Australian Statistician for the meeting of the Expert Group and
touched upon System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) Central Framework
and recognition of SEEA as a standard document by UN Statistical Commission.

Thereafter, Prof. Partha Dasgupta, Chairman of the Expert Group mentioned about
the importance of human capital as a component of wealth of a nation and said that
presently wide discussions are going on among the academics and international
organizations on this. He was of the view that the present meeting would be an excellent
one as it would give an opportunity to the Expert Group to listen to presentations and to
have interaction with the participating organizations in the area of environment which
would throw light on the available data structures, how the same would be feasible to meet
the requirements of environmental accounting and what changes would be required so that
the available data could be converted for the purpose of the environmental accounting

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 207

Thereafter, there were presentations from the following organizations. The
presentations were made by senior officers representing the respective organizations. The
subjects covered in the presentations have been indicated in brackets.

(i) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi (land, soil and
agriculture and allied sector)
(ii) Forest Survey of India, Dehradun ( forests)
(iii) Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi ( air/water pollution)
(iv) Prof. Janakarajan, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
(overall environmental accounting with regard to surface water – rivers)
(v) Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata ( flora)
(vi) Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata ( fauna)
(vii) Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi ( activities of the Ministry from
the environmental accounting point of view )
(viii) Geological Survey of India, Jaipur ( activities of GSI from the
environmental accounting point of view)
(ix) Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur (Minerals)
(x) Central Water Commission, New Delhi (Surface and Ground water and
(xi) Prof. Haripriya, IIT, Bombay (Data Requirements and availability in
respect of sectors forests, land and mines)
(xii) National Natural Resources Management Systems, MOEF, New Delhi (
Projects on environment subjects)
(xiii) Social Statistics Division, CSO, MOSPI, New Delhi (Way Forward)

All the presentations were mainly on existing data structures with regard to the
respective Departments/Organizations from environmental accounting point of view in
order to give a board picture to the Expert Group to be able the Group to decide on the
sectors/sub-sectors of environment to be included in the accounting framework from
the angle of feasibility and implementation. All the presentations were well appreciated
by the Expert Group. Each presentation was followed by a discussion .

208 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

The various points/issues emerged out of the discussions held during the course
of the presentations and afterwards are as under:

Indian Council of Agricultural Research

(i) Conversion of degraded land into productive land is an important aspect and it
would be useful to have some estimates of investments required to maintain the
requisite area of land productive.
(ii) The data on land degradation were based on the available data with various state
governments (may not pertain to the same period ) and consolidation of the same
was an one-time exercise. It would not be feasible to update this information
frequently. However, data on land capability classes are available. Using
sampling of land classes, it could be possible to update land degradation data
from time to time. Also possibility of using GIS technology for this purpose may
have to be explored.
(iii) It would be useful to have the share of land degradation on account of natural
causes and on account of economic activities.

Forest Survey of India

(i) As monitoring of forest fire is done by FSI and State Forest Departments are
appraised of the same, this information could be useful.
(ii) As regards production and consumption of forest products, data are available
through the production and consumption study done by FSI..
(iii) Assessment and valuation of trees outside forests is an important factor. In
fact, trees out of forest area and minor products were included in the national
accounts in 2004-05 and since then there has been substantial contribution on
account of these items to GDP.
(iv) FSI uses three different definitions and it may be decided which definition to
follow so that the classification like agriculture land in forest, private forest
area, etc. can be settled.
(v) With respect to valuation, pricing of forest trees might vary vastly due to
policies of some State Governments..

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 209

Central Pollution Control Board

(i) Presently, 12 parameters of air quality and 35 parameters of water quality

which have direct impact on health are monitored by CPCB. Further, data on
health aspects are available with Indian Council of Medical Research, New
Delhi and data on occupational diseases are available with M/o Labour and
Employment . Possibilities of using these data could be explored.
(ii) CPCB regularly monitors air/water pollution both manually and through
monitoring stations in addition to the manual monitoring of noise pollution.
Further, CPCB monitors major rivers every month and ground water
quarterly. There is a need to explore how the data generated through these
monitoring systems along with information on physical characteristics of
water could be used for environmental accounting purposes.
(iii) Major industries have the system of monitoring source-wise pollution and
emissions. Possibilities of compilation and dissemination of these data
available with Industries/State Pollution Control Boards need to be explored.
(iv) There is a need for integration of industry–wise pollution data with ambient
data. If the purpose is to have a separate environment/sustainability index,
ambience data can be used , but in case integration of environment with
national accounts is required, then relation between source and ambient
quality matters. Also linking ambient quality with activities is important
which perhaps can be taken care of by the comprehensive monitoring sys tem
of CPCB .
(v) Though contribution to global pollution may be easier to capture, at national
level localized source-wise pollution with more details will be relevant. For
preparation of extended input-output tables too, rather than ambient data, more
specific data would be required. Therefore, instead of studies based on broad
geographic areas, localized studies in general on pollution and relating
pollution to health aspects, would be more useful. There is also a need to
identify the availability of data to assess the exact contribution of local and
external sources to pollution in an area/place/region.
(vi) Some mathematical models developed by CPCB can be used to work out the
impact of pollution.
(vii) Information on abatement costs and regulation of emission would be useful.

210 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

(viii) There are also data sets on pollution generated available with
academic/research institutes and individual researchers. Is it possible to tap
such potential through some mechanism?
(ix) Mostly pollution control monitoring stations are in cities whereas many rural
areas are also polluted. Hence, there is a need to have such stations in rural
areas too.
(x) Presently, available data on pollution provide for highlighting the impact on
health due to pollution. However, this information would not be useful to
assess the damage to forests, capital, etc.

Prof. Janakarajan

(i) Data on use of water are available with State Irrigation Departments. One can
collect the data from States. Also water quality monitoring stations set up by
States generate data on water pollution which need to be collected and
(ii) The data available with CWC pertain to major rivers only. Data on small
rivers, sub-stream flow, etc. which are also important are not available.

Botanical Survey of India

(i) There is a need to measure change in bio-diversity between two points of time
(at least decennially) for various purposes (eg.conversion of forest areas for
non- forest activities). It is difficult to re-visit the areas/places for such a
purpose, at least information must be generated to measure changes on sample
basis. Whether under any project, time series data on change are available?
(ii) There exists potential bio-diversity in non-forests. How to capture this
information? Specifically, given correlation between different types of bio-
diversity, a possible approach could be for FSI to come out with some Tree
diversity index, which can be used for estimating information on bio-diversity.
There is a need to bring linkage between bio-diversity data and FSI data (like
canopy cover).
(iii) Valuation is complicated with respect to bio-diversity. In particular, hot spots
(bio-diversity rich areas) are more important and will thus need to be treated

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 211

differently for valuation purposes than other areas. Value of bio-diversity may
need to be estimated through surveys.
(iv) Can potential of bio-diversity be treated as future value?
(v) Several ecological studies have been done by many Universities. There is a
need for networking so that one can have access to all available da ta on bio-
diversity. .

Zoological Survey of India

(i) There are rich data available even at district level on flora and fauna with BSI
and ZSI in monographs, research papers, etc. which need to be properly
consolidated and disseminated . At least for environmental accounting, these
can be collected from them and used.

Ministry of Earth Sciences

(i) Vast and potential data with regard to climate change and environmental
aspects relating to coastal areas, ocean, etc. are available with the M/o Earth

Geological Survey of India

(i) Data on proved–category, possible category, etc. of mineral deposits and

changes from one category to another are available with GSI. Can information
on parameters which are considered for explorations/findings of mineral
deposits be used in some manner?
(ii) Information available on land use with different agencies like M/o Agriculture,
GSI, Remote Sensing Agency, etc. need to be integrated properly to make land
use data more robust and consistent.
(iii) Information on land use by industries is required . One can go for type surveys
in order to compile such information.
(iv) As regards expenditure data for land rehabilitation, there will be problem with
information pertaining to private sector.

212 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

Indian Bureau of Mines

(i) Indian Bureau of Mines has lot of data on production of minerals, etc. In the
case of pollution, data are available only for the periods pertaining to getting
clearances by the mining companies. There is a need to explore mechanism of
gathering data on pollution and water use during the period of operation of
mining concessions.

Central Water Commission

(i) There is lot of data available in the area of water. CWC brings out three
publications, viz, Water Year Book, Sediment Year Book and Water Quality
Year Book which provide lot of data on water. Further, data relating to water
are available with Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) and M/o Water
Resources. Also ground water level monitoring through 15000 observation wells
generate certain data. With regard to cause of sediment, whether any information
is available and if not how to get the same?
(ii) Water Quality monitoring stations of CWC and Water Quality monitoring
stations of CPCB seem to be different. There is a need for further details in this
area and to find out whether both can be combined so that more coverage is
(iii) Surface water and ground water are to be combined for the purpose of
information on water availability and use. What should be the unit in this case?
Further, what should be the level of disaggregation for water use?
(iv) CGWB has projects at selected places with regard to water re-charge measures.
Can such information be used in some way?
(v) Water Balance Studies are done by many states.
(vi) Can ASI data be used for water information?
(vii) In ASI 1997-98, three types of information relating to environment were
collected viz. (i) whether pollution caused by industry (air, water, etc.)?, (ii)
whether abatement measures were taken? and (iii) value of assets on pollution
control. These details were collected only during that year and were
subsequently dropped. Presently, only information on value of pollution control
equipment is collected which is also not compiled.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 213

(viii) With regard to collecting data through ASI on environment related information,
one needs to keep in mind the length of ASI schedule so as to ensure that the
quality of information is not compromised.
(ix) Under water quality, there is a need to have information separately on industries
polluting surface/ground water.

Prof. Haripriya

This presentation covered a suggested framework for forest accounting,

structure of the core set of land cover/land use accounts, physical accounts for
minerals and bio-diversity. The framework for forest accounting comprised
opening stocks, changes due to economic activities, other changes, closing
stocks, area accounts for forest land, physical accounts for timber and carbon and
monetary accounts. Data requirements, data availability and data gaps pertaining
to the items covered in the presentation were discussed . The important points

(i) FSI provides lot of requisite data for physical accounting of forests, etc.
Information on changes due to consumption of natural resources is relevant and
hence required. Other than the published data, FSI maintains lot of other data
required for the purpose of accounting which could be made available.
(ii) Whether to include economically proven reserves or proven and probable
reserves or the entire resource base? In case the entire resource base is to be
included, then an extended framework will be required.
(iii) There is inconsistency in data pertaining to mines between the periods pre-2003
and post-2003 because of change in the definition of classification. Can IBM do
something on this?
(iv) How to get data on increase in mines reserves?

(v) Bio-diversity needs to be defined and indicators identified (should it be genetic,

species or eco-system level?) for accounting purposes.

National Natural Resources Management Systems

(i) NNRMS programme covers several projects like forest type mapping, coastal
studies, mapping of wild life sanctuaries, national parks, snow & glaciers, etc.

214 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework 8

bringing various environmental aspects together. Data are generated through
these projects which may be used.

Social Statistics Division

This presentation identified the do-ables, medium- term plan and long-term
plan. The plans were identified based on (i) two parts of the Reports of CESS
(Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad) prepared on the basis of
the 8 studies on Natural Resource Accounting (NRA) commissioned by CSO,
(ii) outcome of the discussions of first meeting of Expert Group held in August,
2011, (iii) outcome of the meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee on
NRA headed by Dr. Kirit Parikh held in March,2012 and (iv) availability of data
for various sectors of environment for preparation of physical and monetary
accounts. The following are the highlights of the discussions:
(i) Satellite accounts, sector-wise, would be useful as these will enable to infer on
wealth related parameters.
(ii) There is problem of additivity in the case of physical assets for aggregation. In
order to overcome this, monetary valuation is required.
(iii) Valuation is difficult in areas like eco-tourism, non-timber forest products, etc.
In such cases, is it possible to develop some coefficients which can be used to
derive estimates?

Detailed discussions and exchange of different views of the Group members and
special invitees have culminated into the following decisions:

1. The Report of the Group would cover all aspects of Green National
Accounting consisting of theoretical framework, existing system of national
accounts, doables under environmental accounting and medium and long term plans.

2. SNA is based on a set of accounts with consistency checks across different

types of accounts. Thus in order to incorporate environmental concerns one has to
work with each of the major activity of national accounts. The environmental
accounting framework will need to be consistent with the SNA. In a sense, this is
the essence of the work plan recommended under SEEA.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 215

3. The immediate do-able would be preparation of physical supply use tables
for selected sub-sectors specifically focusing on land, forests, minerals and water.

4. The Interim Report would essentially be a draft version of the final report
comprising the following:

(i) The first chapter will be on a conceptual framework on green national

accounting for India. This may include items like how to handle fugitive
resources, new discoveries, etc.
(Action: Chairman of the Group)
(ii) A separate brief chapter on valuation covering the principles of valuation,
strategies in valuation (market-based) and identification of areas and priorities
may be prepared which may be separately circulated among Central
Departmetns/Organizatons dealing with environment subjects by May, 2010
for their quick comments before incorporating it into the interim Report.

(Action: Ms.Kanchan Chopra and Ms. Priya Shyamsunder)

(iii) The third chapter will have a summary of concepts and methods followed
under national accounts of India and coverage of environment in the national
accounts. This chapter will also include salient features of SEEA (based on
Central Framework) and in what manner environment can be incorporated
into national accounts. Also some illustrative tables may be included in this
(Action: NAD/SSD, CSO)

(iv) The last Chapter will be on do-ables, medium and long –term plans based on the
paper circulated by CSO. This Chapter would also discuss o n data requirements
for implanting green accounts, data availability and gaps and suggest areas
where studies/surveys would be required.
(Action: SSD & Prof.Haripriya, IIT, Bombay)

6. The Interim Report should be ready by early June, 2012 which would then be
circulated to concerned Central Ministries/Departments/Organizations for their
views/comments/suggestions by July, 2012.

216 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework 10

7. The third meeting of the Group may be convened during September-October,
2012 for considering the views/comments/suggestions received and the Report
could be finalized by October, 2012.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 217

List of Participants
Second Meeting of Expert Group on Green National Accounting for India
at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi during 16-17 April, 2012
Sl.No Name Designation
1. Dr. Partha Dasgupta Professor- Emeritus, Cambridge Chairman
University, UK
2. Dr. Pronab Sen Principal Economic Advisor, Member
Planning Commission
3. Dr. Kaushik Basu Chief Economic Advisor, MOF Member
4. Dr. Nitin Desai D-63, Defence Colony, New Delhi Member
5. Dr. Kanchan Chopra Former Director, IEG, Delhi Member
6. Prof. K. Sundaram Professor (Retd.), DSE, Delhi Member
7. Dr. Haripriya Associate Professor, IIT, Mumbai Member
8. Dr. Priya Shyamsunder Program Director, SANDEE, Member
9. Dr. E. Somanathan Professor, ISI, Delhi Member
10. Dr. T.C.A. Anant CSI & Secretary, MOSPI, New Member-
Delhi Convener
11. Shri. S. K. Das Director General, CSO, MOSPI, Special Invitee
New Delhi
12. Smt. Nandita Chatterjee Additional Secretary, MOE&F, New Special Invitee
13. Smt. S. Jeyalakshmi Additional Director General, Social Special Invitee
Statistics Division, CSO, MOSPI,
New Delhi
14. Shri. Ashish Kumar Additional Director General, Special Invitee
National Accounts Division, CSO,
MOSPI, New Delhi
15. Dr. Janakarajan Professor, Madras Institute of Special Invitee
Development Studies, Chennai
16. Dr. Manoj Panda Director, CESS, Hyderabad Special Invitee
17. Shri. G. C. Manna Deputy Director General, Economic Special Invitee
Statistics Division, CSO, MOSPI,
New Delhi
18. Shri. V. Parameswaran Deputy Director General, Social Special Invitee
Statistics Division, CSO, MOSPI,
New Delhi
19. Shri. N. K. Ghosh Statistical Advisor, MOE&F, New Special Invitee
20. Shri. D. P. Mondal Advisor, Central Water Commission, Special Invitee
New Delhi
21. Shri. S. K. Wadhavan Deputy Director General, Geological Special Invitee
Survey of India, Jaipur
22. Shri. B. P. Sinha Controller of Mines, Indian Bureau Special Invitee
of Mines, Nagpur
23. Dr. Harendu Prakash Scientist, Min. of Earth Sciences, Special Invitee
New Delhi
24. Shri. A. Sudhakaran Scientist, Central Pollution Control Special Invitee
Board, New Delhi

218 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
25. Dr. Paramjeet Singh Director, Botanical Survey of India, Special Invitee
26. Dr. K. A. Subramanian Scientist, Zoological Survey of Special Invitee
India, Kolkata
27. Shri. Rajesh Kumar Director, Forest Survey of India, Special Invitee
28. Shri. J. C. Dagar Asstt. Director General, Indian Special Invitee
Council of Agricultural Research,
New Delhi
29. Shri. James Mathew Director, SSD, CSO, MOSPI, New Special Invitee
30. Dr.H.Kharkwal Deputy Director, MOEF, New Delhi Special Invitee

31. Shri. S. Suresh Kumar Deputy Director, SSD, CSO,

MOSPI, New Delhi
32. Shri. Ram Lautan Asstt. Director, SSD, CSO, MOSPI,
New Delhi
33. Shri. R. K. Panwar SSO, SSD, CSO, MOSPI, New
34. Shri. Nurul Amin SSO, SSD, CSO, MOSPI, New

Green National Accounts in India A Framework | 219

Summary Record of the Third Meeting of the Expert Group on Green
National Accounting for India held during 6-7 December, 2012

The third meeting of the Expert Group on Green National Accounting for India was held
on 6th and 7th of December, 2012 at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, New
Delhi under the chairmanship of Prof. Sir Partha Dasgupta, Professor Emeritus,
Cambridge University, UK. The list of participants in the meeting is enclosed.

Dr. T.C.A.Anant, Chief Statistician of India and Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and
Programme Implementation, and Member Convener of the Group, after welcoming all,
said that this would be purely a business meeting to discuss the draft chapters circulated
and obtain inputs for finalizing the draft report which should spell out a roadmap for
green national accounting for India which, interalia, include incorporating the elements of
natural resources into the system of national accounts. He mentioned that in the second
meeting held in April 2012, the Group did a detailed review of the availability of data
relating to sectors associated with the environment. In this meeting, the draft report
would need to be finalized so that after incorporating the comments/suggestions, the final
draft could be circulated to the concerned Government Departments and other
stakeholders by February 2013. This process would enable the Group to submit the
Report to the Government by June 2013.

Prof. Partha Dagupta, Chairman of the Group gave a brief account of the draft chapters
circulated and more details about the first chapter on the conceptual framework. He
indicated the need for wealth accounting and moving from GDP to NDP, as the latter
would be a better indicator for measuring the wealth of a country. He mentioned about
the importance of having strong foundations for wealth accounting which includes human
capital also. He was of the view that there would be a great deal of attention to health
besides environment in the coming years. He also said that not only net savings b ut also
growth rate of savings would have to be monitored.

220 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
Thereafter, Chapter 1 of the draft report on Conceptual Framework of Green Accounting
was taken up for discussion. The following are the salient features of the points emerged
out of the discussions:

Conceptual Frame work

1. There is a need to translate the conceptual framework into empirical situation. For
this both production and asset boundaries of SNA would need to be changed for
bringing the non-productive assets into the system. Even in SNA 1993 there were
changes in the asset boundaries.
2. The case of non- linearity is taken care of by the valuation.
3. How to take into account the general consumption patterns as well as that of
natural resources of various countries for wealth accounting? Can shadow prices
reflect the consumption patterns?
4. The draft chapter indicates the local valuation. As there have been variations in
shadow prices at different levels, would it be feasible to have bottom-up approach
so that national level green accounting can be based on sub-national level
figures?, otherwise, it may have to be decided which shadow prices are to be
5. With regard to bottom- up approach, the other view expressed was whether it
could be feasible to have this approach to achieve results in short run. It would be
preferable to aim at national level figures and for this wherever required,
estimates based on sampling (representative sample) could be used. It was also
opined that at least for degradation, one should have state level data.
6. For the development of a nation, particularly developing countries, exploitation of
natural resources is a must. In the context of global level comparison, the
developing countries may require some level of additional exploitation of natural
resources. Therefore, can there be a limit beyond the optimal value of exploitation
which will be an additional cushion for faster rate of development of developing
7. Reclassification within resources would be required for merging environmental
accounting with SNA. What type of reclassification would be required, how it can

Green2National Accounts in India A Framework | 221

be done, and the valuation exercises for the resources are to be looked into and
8. There would be a need to identify and come out with reasonable shadow prices.
9. The conceptual framework is holistic and some of the items only can be taken for
implementation based on feasibility from the point of view of statistical
measurements and availability/collection of data.
10. There are interfaces between asset and production boundaries, and one needs to
decide what extensions are required. It is also important to delineate two way
11. Some exercises are in progress to include environmental factors relating to
production activities existing under SNA. One has to proceed step-by-step
towards environmental accounting and hence, to begin with, one may not tamper
with the production boundary and only expand the asset boundary within the
existing production boundary of SNA. It may also have to be decided which
assets have to be included when the asset boundary is expanded for the purpose of
environmental accounting. Thus, in the beginning, one may see what can be done
without violating SNA and then to proceed to what would be further required and
how it could be done. One could also think of extending the production boundary
little bit and work on do-ability.
12. It is important to note that everything which is taken under environmental
accounting cannot come under SNA framework. It is also to be noted that the
equations under environmental accounting can affect the identities under SNA.
Therefore, the accounting framework of environmental accounting would have to
be clearly specified.
13. Air and health may be included for green accounting. Health and education
expenditures are already included under SNA. If these are to be included under
asset boundary, then their measurements have to be different. As these
expenditures are treated as consumption under SNA, under environmental
accounting a reclassification to treat them as investment would be required.
Another view expressed was to confine to only natural resources.

222 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework
14. Pollution control expenditure is consumption expenditure and the related
measures do not add to stock. This is the problem with other defensive
expenditures also.
15. The present draft report is different from the report of the project commissioned
to Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) for synthesizing the 8 studies
undertaken by CSO through various research/academic institutes, and various
studies done in India and internationally in the field of Natura l Resource
Accounting, in the sense that the report of the Expert Group is more of a macro-
level report as it includes a broad conceptual framework of Green National
16. The report may broadly have three parts relating to (i) what modifications of SNA
are required to include environmental factors i.e. a conceptual framework along
with translation into implementable parts? (ii) areas for further research,
discussions etc. and (iii) how to capture sustainability and inter-generational
17. There is a need to have another chapter in the report, i.e. chapter 2 which would
spell out the transition from conceptual framework to actual implementation.

Thereafter, a presentation on chapter 2 viz. “SNA in India and SEEA” was made by Shri.
V. Parameswaran, which covered in brief the broad System of National Accounts which
is in practice in India, highlights of activities included in the compilation of National
Accounts Statistics relevant to environment, limitations of National Accounts with
respect to environment, the concept of SEEA, the features of SEEA Central Framework,
classification of environmental assets in the SEEA Central Framework, comparison
between SNA and SEEA in terms of production and asset boundaries etc., and
environmental factors not included in SNA. This presentation was followed by detailed
discussions, the highlights of which are as under:
1. It was noted that there were differences in asset boundary of SNA and asset
boundary of SEEA in physical terms, whereas in monetary terms the asset
boundaries of SNA and SEEA Central Framework were the same.

4 National Accounts in India A Framework | 223
2. From the PSUTs and asset accounts it was observed that for implementation of
SEEA in India it would be necessary to have the type of classification indicated in
the tables of SEEA Central Framework from the type of classification possible as
per availability of data.
3. Based on tables of environmental accounting, would it be possible to forecast?
4. For the present, the ideal situation could be to keep the SNA intact and expand the
tables to produce PSUTs, etc. for environmental factors.
5. The environmental accounting does not bring any change in GDP but it changes
only NDP. At some point of time, production boundary would need to be re-
visited, in which case GDP would also be affected.

After this, a presentation on Chapter 3 with regard to implementing the Green

Accounting Framework was made by Dr. Haripriya, which covered the framework for
physical asset accounts for the selected assets; actual asset accounts for land resources,
forest land, timber and carbon, agricultural and pasture lands, and minerals based on
available data; accounting prices and wealth of forests, agricultural land and minerals;
integration with the supply use accounts depicting what extensions over SNA are
required for environmental accounting; greening of national accounts with an illustration;
and data required for developing the accounts. The following points emerged out of the
discussions on this presentation:

1. It was observed from the tables developed that many of the cells were vacant
implying non-availability of data.
2. The classification shown in the tables does not match with the classification as per
SEEA tables implying that merging of some categories would be required to bring
the tables on line with SEEA.
3. For developing accumulation account, information about degradation would be
required. In this context, it may be mentioned that with regard to computation of
CFC, valuation is not an issue. However, one needs to give attention to valuation
of non-produced assets as it is not same as valuation of produced assets.

224 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

4. As regards land, inclusion of expenditure on fertilizer in SNA amounts to
incorporation of the level of degradation of soil/land. Drawing an analogy with
“machines”, expenditure on repair/maintenance is included as well as depreciation
on account of wear and tear is accounted for, but the land is not treated in the
same manner. Whether land and machines are to be treated in the same manner or
5. As no regular data are available on land degradation, time dimension is to be
handled carefully.
6. In case of land, tables may be prepared by having 9 fold classification both in
rows and columns as such tables explain how the movement from one category to
other categories takes place.
7. In the context of bio-diversity, a reference was made to the minutes of the second
meeting of the Expert Group held in April, 2012 with regard to consolidation of
rich data available at district level on flora & fauna, measuring changes of bio-
diversity on sample basis, and estimation based on developing some tree diversity
index, etc.
8. The asset boundaries of SEEA Central Framework and the SNA are the same in
monetary terms which implies that GDP would not change but only NDP would
change. As NDP is not used as widely as GDP, it would be preferable to link
“investment” to natural assets accounting.

There was also a presentation on “Way Forward” by Shri. V. Parameswaran, and there
were discussions on the same.

The following are the decisions that emerged out of the discussions in the two day
1. The immediate do-able would be preparation of PSUTs and Asset accounts. For
this purpose, the classification of environmental assets as per SEEA may not be
followed, and these tables would be prepared for the sectors (i) Land and Soil (ii)
Forest and Timber (iii) Minerals. The components like landfill and solid waste
would be linked to relevant environmental assets as classified here.

Green6National Accounts in India A Framework | 225

2. The medium term plan extending to a period of 5-year would be (i) planning and
preparation of monetary supply and use tables for land and soil, forest and timber,
and minerals, (ii) consolidation of data (based on information available but
scattered) and type studies/surveys are to be planned and organized for
preparation of PSUTs for the sectors – water, carbon, and energy, and (iii)
planning for valuation of the sectors water, carbon, and energy, and collection of
3. The long term plan extending to a period of 10 years would be (i) preparation of
monetary supply and use tables for water, carbon, and energy, (ii) collection and
compilation of data for valuation and preparation of physical and monetary supply
use tables for the sectors – aquatic resources, other biological resources, air, and
biodiversity, and (ii) institutionalisation of collection of regular/periodical data
and organizing periodical studies/surveys for environmental accounts.
4. There will be 5 chapters of the Report viz. Chapter 1 on Conceptual Framework,
Chapter 2 (newly added) on transition from conceptual framework to feasible way
of moving it forward within SNA, Chapter 3 on SNA in India and SEEA, Chapter
4 on Feasibility of Implementing the Framework, and Chapter 5 on Way Forward.
5. The chapters 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be modified in the light of the discussions in the
meeting. In finalizing Chapter 4, Dr. N. Egambaram, Deputy Director General
(Retd.), NAD, CSO would also be associated.
6. The draft chapters 1, 2 and 3 shall be completed by end of December, 2012. The
chapter 2 (the transition chapter) will be drafted by Dr. Pronab Sen.
(Action: Prof. Partha Dasgupta/ Dr. Pronab Sen/ Shri. V. Parameswaran)
7. The chapters 4 and 5 will be completed by Dr. Haripriya and Shri. V.
Parameswaran respectively by end of January 2013.
(Action: Dr. Haripriya/ Shri. V. Parameswaran)
8. The Executive Summary will be drafted by Pro f. Partha Dasgupta within 7 days
of receipt of Dr. Haripriya’s chapter and also track changes on all submissions
will be drafted as his contribution to the revised chapters.
(Action: Prof. Partha Dasgupta)

226 | Green National Accounts in India A Framework

9. CSO cleans up the track changes and circulates the Draft Report among the
members of the Expert Group by 2nd week of February with notice that the
comments are to be received within a week.
(Action: CSO/SSD)
10. The Draft Report shall be circulated to the concerned Government Depart ments
and other stakeholders giving them 2 weeks time to send us their comments.
(Action: CSO/SSD)
11. The comments received shall be collated to prepare the final report by 1 st week of
March 2013. The Executive Summary shall be produced in a visually attractive
(Action: Prof. Partha Dasgupta/ Dr. T. C. A. Anant/ Shri. V. Parameswaran)
12. The Report shall be submitted by the Expert Group to the Government by March-
April 2013, and an International Workshop of reputed academicians and
statisticians will be held during the same period to deliberate on the Report.

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.

8 National Accounts in India A Framework | 227
List of Participants
3rd Meeting of Expert Group on Green National Accounting for India at National Institute
of Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi during 6-7 December, 2012.
Sl. No. Name Designation
1. Dr. Partha Dasgupta Professor- Emeritus, Cambridge Chairman
University, UK
2. Dr. Pronab Sen Principal Economic Advisor, Member
Planning Commission
3. Dr. Nitin Desai D-63, Defence Colony, New Delhi Member
4. Dr. Kirit Parikh Former Member, Planning Member
5. Dr. Kanchan Chopra Former Director, IEG, Delhi Member
6. Prof. K. Sundaram Professor (Retd), DSE, Delhi Member
7. Dr. Haripriya Gundimeda Associate Professor, IIT, Bombay Member
8. Dr. Priya Shyamsundar Program Director, SANDEE, Member
9. Dr. E. Somnathan Professor, ISI, Delhi Member
10. Dr. T. C. A. Anant CSI & Secretary, MOSPI Member –
11. Dr. Manoj Panda Director, IEG, Delhi Special Invitee
12. Shri. V. K. Arora ADG, ESD, CSO Special Invitee
13. Shri. Vijay Kumar ADG, NASA, CSO Special Invitee
14. Smt. S.Jeyalakshmi ADG, SSD, CSO Special Invitee
15. Shri. Ashish Kumar ADG, NAD, CSO Special Invitee
16. Dr. N. Egambaram DDG (Retd.), NAD, CSO Special Invitee
17. Shri. V. Parameswaran DDG, SSD, CSO Special Invitee
18. Smt. Vandana Agarawal EA, MoE&F Special Invitee
19. Dr. S. Durai Raju DDG, NAD, CSO Special Invitee
20. Smt. Shailaja Sharma DDG, NAD, CSO Special Invitee
21. Smt. T. Rajeswari DDG, NAD, CSO Special Invitee
22. Shri. James Mathew Director, SSD, CSO Special Invitee
23. Shri. S. Suresh Kumar Deputy Director, SSD, CSO
24. Shri. R. K. Panwar SSO, SSD, CSO
25. Shri. P. Sai Manohar Consultant, SSD, CSO

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