Design of A Landfill Final Cover System
Design of A Landfill Final Cover System
Design of A Landfill Final Cover System
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University o/JIlinois, 205 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana, lL 61801, USA, Telephone. + 1 217 3337394,
2StaUt:ngin eet; URS Corporation, 1333 Broadway, Suite 800, Oakland, CA 94612. USA,
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a final cover slope failure at a municipal solid waste
containment facility. The lessons learned from this case history include: (i) slope stabi lity analyses
should be conducted whenever field conditions difTer from initial design assumptions, such as a
steeper slope and different geosynthetics; (ii) publishcd values of interface strength/friction angle
should not be used for final des ig n, instead site-spccific interface testing should be used; (iii) final
cover slope angle should not exceed the lowest geosynthetic interface strength in the cover system
to prevent tension in the geosynthetics and/or progrcssive slope failure of the slope; and (v)
designers should resist the temptation to utilise a pre-existing final cover des ign without performing
the necessary field reconnai ssance, interface testing, analysis, and design for the new site.
REFERENCE: Stark, T. D. & Newman, E. J. (20 I 0). Design of a landfill final cover systcm.
Geosynthetics [ntemational17 , No.3, 124-131. [doi: 1O.1680/gein.2010.17.3.124)
Location of
roadway slide "
-- ". - - -- - .
....... -. . -...
Areas with slopes steeper thatn 3H : 1V Area pictured in
Figure 4
Figure 3. Plan view showing slopes steeper than 3H : IV after placement of additional soil to achieve required 0.6 m thickness of
intermediate soil cover
laboratory shear tests are only an approximation of the rou (/I = 30.2°
Table 1. Cover soil and geonet/PVC geomembrane interface parameters used in back-analysis
placement of the additional cover soil by the owner (see This allows the contribution of various factors in the
Figure 3). This slope angle yielded a back-calculated geosynthetic-soil layered system to be identified and
interface friction of 16.0° after applying a 5% quantified. For example, the first two tenns of the equa
reduction to correct for the three-dimensional effects of tion represent the friction and adhesion strength para
the cover soil along the sides of the slide block (Stark and meters of the geosynthetic interface. The next two terms
Eid 1998). The back-calculated friction angle of 16.0° is of the equation represent the shear strength and geometry
in agreement with the range of friction angles (14.4 to parameters for the soil buttress at the slope toe. The last
18.4°) reported by the commercial laboratory. term in Equation represents the geosynthetic tension of
The adhesion value was set to zero in the back-analysis the geosynthetics in the slope.
because the geonet/PVC geomembrane interface does not In the back-analysis of the panhandle slide, no soil
exhibit an adhesion, which means that there is no shearing buttress was involved because the cover soil did not
resistance at zero normal stress or 'Velcro' effect. This extend to the slope toe. As a result, the two soil buttress
can be visualised by placing the geonet on a sample of the terms were removed from the factor of safety expression
PVC geomembrane and observing little to no resistance in Equation 1 as shown in Equation 2. Equation 1 was
when the geonet is slid along the surface of the geomem further simplified by removing the adhesion term because
brane with no normal stress applied. A non-zero value of the PVC geomembrane and interface does not
adhesion indicates that the interface exhibits a shear exhibit an adhesion as shown in Equation 2.
resistance at zero normal stress. An example of a geosyn tan 0 a t
thetic interface that exhibits an adhesion value greater than FS - - - + -------.:.--
y t sin /3 h 8)
zero is a textured high-density polyethylene (HDPE) (1)
geomembrane/non-woven geotextile interface where the c cos ¢ T
geotextile does not slide easily over the geomembrane y h sin /3 cos(/3 + 8) y ht
because of a 'Velcro' effect (Stark et al. 1996). The
inclusion of a non-zero adhesion for an interface subjected where a is the geosynthetic interface adhesion (kPa); 0 is
to low normal stress can be non-conservative because the the geosynthetic interface friction angle (0); c is the soil
component of shearing resistance derived from adhesion cohesion (kPa); ¢ is the soil friction angle CO); /3 is the
can be much larger than the component derived from the slope angle CO); t is the thickness of the soil cover (m); h is
friction which is proportional to the normal stress. the vertical height of the slope (m); y is the unit weight
The adhesion is not normal stress-dependent and is multi of the cover soil (kN/m 3); T is the geosynthetic tension
plied by the length of the failure surface at all nonnal (kN/m).
stresses. In summary, the back-analysis showed that the
geonet/PVC geomembrane interface installed at the site FS = tan 0 + T (2)
tan/3 yht
exhibited a friction angle of about 16.0° and an adhesion
of zero. Koerner (1998) an average peak tensile strength
The inclination of the slope in the panhandle instability of a bi-axial geonet in the machine direction (the geonet
area was approximately 2.74H : 1V or 20.0° which meant installed at this site is bi-axial and the geonet was oriented
that the slope angle exceeded the back-calculated interface with the machine direction aligned down the slope) of
friction angle (16°) of the geonet/PVC geomembrane 12.0 kN/m. Using Equation 2, a factor of safety of unity,
interface. This caused tensile stresses to develop in the slope geometry parameters in Figure 7, and the tensile
geosynthetics until they tore and the slope failed because resistance of the geonet from Koerner (1998), the interface
no toe buttress was present in this case. If a toe buttress friction angle, 0, can be back-calculated and compared
was the slope may have remained stable, at least with the XSTABL back-analysis using Equation 3:
for a short time, by relying on the toe buttressing.
However, progressive failure and the development of a
post-peak interface strength, namely an interface strength
o = lan- 1 (tantl y:tl) (3)
that is lower than the peak interface strength, has been Based on field observations, Figure 4 for example, the
shown to develop even with a toe buttress if the slope following values were used in Equation 4 to back
angle is greater than the peak friction angle of the critical calculate the geonet/PVC geomembrane interface friction
interface (Stark and Poeppel 1994; Gilbert and angle: /3 20° (slope angle) (2.74H: 1V); t 1.0 m ;
1996; Stark and Choi 2004). As a result, the weakest h = 3.1 m (for a slope length of 6.1 m and slope angle of
interface should exhibit an interface friction angle that 20°, see Figure 7); y 18.1 kN/m 3 ; T = 12.0 kN/m :
exceeds the slope angle to prevent the occurrence of shear
displacement on the weakest interface, development of a
post-peak strength along the interface, and progressive
() = tan - 1 ( tan(200) [ 1 ------:--:------
(19.9 )
failure. = 14.5°
Giroud et al. (1995) present a limit equilibrium method
to evaluate the stability of geosynthetic-soil layered
systems of slopes. The main benefit of this method is that The XSTABL back-analysis yielded a back-calculated
the factor of safety is expressed by an equation that friction angle of about 16° so the geonet tensile strength
consists of the sum of the five terms shown in Equation 1. may have contributed the equivalent of about 1.5° of shear
Geosynthetics international, 2010, 17, No.3
Design of a landfill final cover .system 129
resistance to this geonet/PVC geomembrane interface
because of the low normal stress applied. Given the slope 10 .
angle was about 20° (2.74H : 1V) in this area, the m
was probably placed in tension shortly after the cover soil if)
was applied to the slope crest because the slope ~
exceeded the interface friction angle. The geonet/PVC Co
geomembrane interface started to deform until the geonet (f)
tore and the slide occurred shortly thereafter as evidenced
by the road only having advanced slightly past the slide 0
0 5 10 15 20 25
area (see Figure 4). Accepted design practice is for Normal stress (kPa)
geosynthetics to be designed without tension, that is,
having a friction that exceeds the weakest interface. Figure 9. Peak and residual torsional ring shear failure
In summary, the geonet/PVC geomembrane interface in envelopes for geonet/PVC geomembrane interface
the panhandle slide area exhibited a mobilized friction
angle of 15 to 16° and an adhesion of zero. This interface
friction angle was insufficient to support the 1.0-m thick envelope, because a ring shear device was used and a
of cover soil on the north slope of the panhandle and shear displacement of about 110 mm was achieved to
resulted in the first slope instability at the site. reach a residual strength condition.
The authors conducted site-specific interface testing of The peak and residual failure envelopes were stress
the geonet/PVC geomembrane using the torsional ring dependent and corresponded to peak and residual friction
shear test procedure described in Hillman and Stark angles of approximately 18 and 13°, respectively. The peak
(200 I). Three shear tests were conducted using stock strength increased in a non-linear fashion at a normal
piled geosynthetics from the site and normal stresses of stress of 20 kPa because the geonet started to embed into
4.8, 12.0 and 19.2 kPa to simulate the 0.6 m of cover soil. the PVC geomembrane. These friction are also less
The ring shear tests were conducted at a shear displace than the slope angles of 18.4° (3H:IV) to 21.8°
ment rate of 0.37 mm/min and the specimens were not (2.5H : 1V) observed at the site and confirm that instabil
submerged. The geomembrane and geotextile of the ity should have occurred. The measured peak friction
single-sided drainage composite were glued to a Lucite angle is also in agreement with the back-calculated
ring using a thin coat of epoxy cement and allowed to friction of 16° and range of friction angles measured
cure separately for 24 h under a normal stress of approxi by the commercial laboratory (14.4 to 18.4°) with the
mately 19.2 kPa to create the geonet/PVC geomembrane. observed difference being caused by differences in field
After curing of the epoxy cement, the geomembrane and and laboratory conditions.
drainage composite were placed in contact with each other
in the ring shear device. The specimen container and
geosynthetics were marked to ensure that the geosyn
thetics did not slip during shear. The ring shear tests were In an effort to keep the project progressing while the
conducted at a laboratory temperature of 20°e. designer evaluated the panhandle slide, the contractor
Figure 8 presents the shear stress-displacement rela moved to the southernmost portion of the landfill, namely
tionships from the 0.5 mm PVC geomembrane/single the bottom of the 'pan' (see dashed box in Figure 4),
sided drainage composite ring shear interface tests. Using where installation of the geosynthetics had been recently
these relationships, the peak and residual failure envelopes completed (geosynthetics were still being installed in the
for the geonet/PVC geomembrane interface were con north-east comer, i.e. the top of the 'pan', at this time).
structed and are shown in Figure 9. A residual failure The contractor started placing cover soil from the
envelope is also plotted, not a large displacement failure bottom to the top of the south slope. As fill was being
placed up the south slope, tension started developing in
the single-sided drainage composite at the top of the
landfill. This tension manifested itself by failure of some
of the plastic ties holding the panels of the drainage
composite together and exposing the PVC geomembrane.
As a result, soil placement did not reach the top of the
south slope before the drainage composite started pulling
apart (see box in Figure 4) and sliding off the top of the
Upon observing the drainage composite sliding off the
top of the landfill, the contractor concluded the geonet/
PVC geomembrane interface was inadequate to support
o 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
Shear displacement (m)
the placement of cover soil and ceased work. Eventually
the owner terminated the contract so that the state could
Figure 8. Torsional ring shear test results on geonet/PVC redesign the cover system. The redesigned cover system
geomembrane interface was completed at an additional cost of US$l.4 million
Geo5ynthetics International, 2010, 17, No.3
130 Stark and Newman
over the contract price of USS2.0 million. The redesigned should be conducted on the potentially weak
cover system utilized a textured HDPE geomembrane and interfaces prior to bidding to confirm that the
a double-sided drainage composite to develop a Velcro required interface strength can be achieved with
effect with the geomembrane. The cover was constructed commercially available products.
using a different contractor. The first contractor was paid • The final cover slope angle should not exceed the
for all work done but unfortunately its termination was not lowest geosynthetic interface strength in the cover
a good business experience for the contractor even though system because progressive failure can occur along
it was not involved with the original design. that interface and lead to slope instability. At a
mmlmum this condition can lead to tension
developing in the geosynthetics, damage to the
geosynthetics, shear displacement occurring along
the weak interface, and/or development of a post
The good news from this case history is the perfonnance of peak strength.
the 0.5-mm thick PVC geomembrane. After 24 months • External review should be required for designs that
of ultra-violet (UV) light exposure in the period after most are created and approved by different state agencies
of the single-sided drainage composite had slid off the if the design is to be submitted for bid and
slope, the 0.5-mm thick PVC geomembrane still met all of construction by private contractors. If a state agency
the original project specifications and did not require will perform the construction activities, external
removal and replacement. The exposed PVC geomembrane review may not be as critical because the state can
was tested for volatile loss (ASTM D12(3), dimensional assume responsibility for design errors.
stability (ASTM D 12(4), puncture resistance (ASTM
D4833), hydrostatic resistance (ASTM D751), brittleness
(ASTM DI790), and basic tensile properties of plastic
sheeting (ASTM D882 Method A) and the test results NOTATIONS
exceeded the PVC Geomembrane Institute (2004) 1104 Basic SI units are given in parentheses.
specification for new PVC geomembranes. This is in
agreement with other case histories showing the long-term a geosynthetic interface adhesion (Pa)
durability of PVC geomembranes in a variety of environ () geosynthetic interface friction angle CO)
ments (Stark et al. 2001, 2(05). Conversely, all of the c soil cohesion (Pa)
single-sided drainage composite was damaged by UV light o soil friction angle CO)
exposure over the 24 months that the material was uncov f3 slope angle CO)
ered and had to be removed from portions of the cover that t thickness of soil cover (m)
did not fail due to cover soil placement. h vertical height of slope (m)
y unit weight of cover soil (N/m 3 )
7. LESSONS LEARNED AND T geosynthetic tension (N/m).
The technical and construction-related lessons and recom
mendations generated from this challenging project in
clude the following suggestions.
ASTM D751. Standard Test Method for Coated Fabrics. ASTM
International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
• Design entities should not utilize prior designs
ASTM D882. Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastic
without performing the necessary field reconnais Sheeting. ASTM International, West Conshohocken. PA, USA.
sance, testing, analysis, and design for the new site. ASTM D1203. Standard Test Methodsfi)r Volatile Loss from Plastics
Engineering properties of geosynthetics and soils Using Activated Carbon Methods. ASTM International, West
vary from site to site and site-specific testing, Conshohocken, PA, USA.
ASTM D1204. Standard Test Methodfor Linear Dimensional Changes of
analysis, and design should be conducted.
Nonrigid Thermoplastic Sheeting or Film at Elevated Temperature.
• New slope stability analyses should be conducted ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, USA.
when field condi tions differ from the design ASTM D1790. Standard Test Method for Brittleness Temperature of
conditions, such as a change in geosynthetics or an Plastic Sheeting by Impact. ASTM International, West Conshohock
increase in slope inclination, and/or length. In this en, PA, USA.
ASTM D4833. Standard Test Method for Index Puncture Resistance ol
case the stability analyses represent a 3H : 1V slope
Geomembranes and Related Products. ASTM International, West
with an unbonded nonwoven geotextile between the Conshohocken, PA, USA.
geomembrane and geonet but the actual slope Duncan, 1M. & Wright, S.G. (1980). The accuracy of equilibrium
inclination was as steep as 2.5H: 1V and the methods of slope stability analysis. In Infernational Symposium of
unbonded geotextile was removed leaving the weak Landslides, New Delhi, India, pp. 247-254 (also Engineering
geonet/PVC geomembrane interface. Geology, vol. 16, pp. 5-17,. Elsevier Scientific Publishing
Company, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
• Published values of interface friction angle only Gilbert, R. B. & Byrne, R. J. (I 996). Strain-softening behavior of waste
should be used for preliminary Appropriate containment system interfaces. Geo,~YlIthetics International 3, No.
shear tests utilizing the actual materials involved 2,181203.
Giroud, J. P, Williams, N. D., Pelte, T. & Beech, .J. F. (1995). Stability of stability methods in practice. Journal of' Geotechnical and
geosynthetic-soil layered systems on slopes. Geosvnthetics Int(!l"na Geoenvironmental Engine(!l"ing, ASCE 124, No. II, 1049- 1060.
tional 2, No.6, 1115-1 148. Stark, T. D. & Choi, H. (2004). Peak versus residual interface strengths
Hillman, R. P & Stark, T. D. (200 I). Shear behavior of PVC for landfill liner and cover design. Gemynthetics Intel"llational 11,
geomembrane/geosynthetic interfaces. Ge()svnthetics Int(!l"national No. 6,491-498.
8, No.2, 135-162. Stark, T. D., Williamson, T. A. & Eid, H. T. (1996). HDPE
Koerner, R. M. (1998). Designing with Geo~Yflthetics, 4th edition. geomembrane/geotextile interface shear strength. Journal of" Geo
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA. technical Engineering 122, No.3, 197-203.
PVC Geomembrane Institute (2004). PVC Geomembrane Mat(!l"ial Stark, T. D., Eid, H. T., Evans, W. D. & Sherry, P. (2000). Municipal solid
Specification 1104. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA. http:// waste landfill slope failure II: stability analyses. Journal of" (accessed I January 2004). Geotechnical and Geoeflvironmental Engineering, ASCE 126, No.
Richardson, G. R. & Chicca, W. E. (2005). Landfill closure: a lesson in 5,408-419.
crisis management. Geotechnical Fabrics Report 23, No.5, 18-21. Stark, T. D., Newman, E. J. & Rohe, F. P (2001). PVC Aquaculture liners
Sharma, S. (1996). XSTABL: An Integrated Slope Stability AJ1a~vsis stand the test of time. Geotec/mical Fabrics Report 19, No.7,
Program for P(!I"sonal ComfJuters. Interactive Software Designs, 16-19.
Inc., Moscow, Idaho, USA. Stark, T. D., Arellano, D., Horvath, J. & Leshchinsky, D. (2002).
Spencer, E. (1967). A method of analysis of the stability of embankments Guidelines for Geofoam Applications in Embankment Projects.
assuming parallel inter-slice forces. Geotechnique 17, No. I, Final report prepared for National Cooperative Highway Research
11-26. Program, Transportation Research Board, National Research
Stark, T. D. & Poeppel, A. R. (1994). Landfi II liner interface strengths Council, Washington, DC, USA.
from torsional ring shear tests. Journal of" Geotechnical Engineer Stark, T. D., Choi, H. & Diebel, P (2005). Influence of plasticizer
ing, ASCE 120, No.3, 597-615. molecular weight on plasticizer retention in PVC geomembranes.
Stark, T. D. & Eid, H. T. (1998). Performance of three-dimensional slope Geo~ynthetics International 12, No.2, 99-110.
The Editor welcomes discussion on all papers published in Geosynthetics International. Please email your contribution to by 15 December 2010.