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boy scout handbook

the boy scout handbook
A Guide to adventure, A Guidebook for Life

SKU 34554
Boy Scouts of America
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
P.O. Box 152079
Irving, Texas 75015-2079 7 30176 34554 3
2009 Printing bsa
SERVICE STARS Shoulder epaulets



u.s. flag
council patch

veteran unit bar

patrol unit
badge of rank

national honor badge

patrol star of office
insignia centennial
unit award

right pocket left pocket

RIGHt left
sleeve sleeve
RECRUITER EMBLEM arrow of light trained leader
Boy Scout Handbook
—12th Edition—
Troop No................City......................... State...........

Date I Became a:
Tenderfoot Scout....................................................
Second Class Scout..................................................
First Class Scout.....................................................
Star Scout..................................................................
Life Scout...................................................................
Eagle Scout...............................................................

Assistant Patrol Leader.......................................

Patrol Leader...........................................................
Senior Patrol Leader.............................................
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.............................
Assistant Scoutmaster..........................................
Dedicated to the American Scoutmaster,
who makes Scouting possible.

This handbook, the official BSA manual, is based

on the experience of the Boy Scouts of America
in the United States since its founding in 1910
and is administered under the leadership of

John Gottschalk, President

Hector “Tico” Perez, National Commissioner

Robert J. Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive


Cert no. BV-COC-080733

Text pages printed on Rolland Enviro 100 Print, which is 100 percent post-consumer waste recycled paper,
processed chlorine free, and manufactured within the Environmental Choice Program guidelines. This stock
was produced in Quebec by Cascades using biogas energy, and the Forest Stewardship Council has tracked the
paper through a chain of custody from forest through printer to ensure that stock from these forests is managed
correctly. Cover stock printed on 12 pt. Kallima Coated one-side cover, FSC certified as a mixed-sources piece,
containing a minimum 30 percent recycled wood or fiber.

Copyright ©2009 Twelfth Edition
Boy Scouts of America Total copies of twelfth edition—800,000
Irving, Texas Total printing since 1910—39,570,000
Printed in U.S.A. GATE/Louisville, KY
No. 34554 4-2010/060305

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Boy Scouts of America.

Boy Scout handbook.— 12th ed.
p.   cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-8395-3102-9 (alk. paper)
1. Boy Scouts of America—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Boy
Scouts—United States—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title.
HS3313.B69 2009
369.43—dc22 2009005531
From the
Chief Scout
In some ways, my first
Boy Scout Handbook was
much different from the book
you’re holding now. In the front were instructions for flying the 48-star
United States flag, which didn’t yet include Alaska and Hawaii. In the back
were requirements for merit badges like Pigeon Raising and Signaling, and
advertisements for official Boy Scout shoes.
But like this centennial-edition Handbook, that old Scout manual promised
me fun, adventure, leadership, and service. And boy did it deliver.
The pages of this book, your own Boy Scout Handbook, offer those same
adventures to you. I wish you a lifetime of watching them unfold.
Good luck and good Scouting!

Robert J. Mazzuca
Chief Scout Executive
Boy Scouts of America
100 Years of Scouting
Origins of Scouting, 1899–1909 Second Edition, 1914–1927
1899—Baden-Powell launches The Official Handbook for Boys
the Scouting movement by hosting a • Adds descriptions of map and
camp at Brownsea Island near England’s compass skills, conservation
southern coast.  and nature, woods tools,
troop leader positions, the
Scouting for Boys, Baden-Powell’s
Scout handclasp, and proper
book of activities for young people,
uniform wear
promotes the creation of Scout patrols
throughout England. • More than 2 million
copies printed
1909—A British Boy Scout helps
American businessman William D. Boyce find his Third Edition, 1927–1940
way on a foggy London street, sparking Boyce’s Revised Handbook for Boys
interest in bringing Scouting to the United States.
• First of many Handbook covers
Original Edition, 1910–1911 by Norman Rockwell
Boy Scouts of America Official Handbook • First major content revision
• Called A Handbook of Woodcraft, • Introduces proper wear
Scoutcraft, and Life-craft of the neckerchief
• Written by the BSA’s first Chief
Scout, Ernest Thompson Seton
Fourth Edition,
• Includes sections on the American
Revised Handbook for Boys
flag, organizational structure and
rank advancement, camping, • Cover art The Scouting Trail
finding directions and signaling, by Norman Rockwell
and Scouting games • 39 printings of the third and
• Serves as the official handbook of the BSA into its fourth editions
second year
Fifth Edition, 1948–1959
First Edition, 1911–1914 Handbook for Boys
The Official Handbook for Boys • Covers new advancement
• Becomes the official manual requirements and a new
for Boy Scouts joining age (11)

• Teaches Scouts how to • Teaches Scouts to “Do a Good

find their way using Turn Daily”
the North Star • Change in cover art brought
• Includes the American about by uniform change to
Morse Code overseas caps

• 313,500 copies printed • Introduces lashings and the

taut line hitch

100 years of scouting
Sixth Edition, 1959–1965 10th Edition, 1990–1998
Boy Scout Handbook Boy Scout Handbook
• The only cover painted by • First cover to feature
Norman Rockwell specifically color photographs
for a Handbook, in honor of • Introduces Scouts to low-impact
the BSA’s 50th anniversary camping skills
• Written by William “Green • Introduces Venture and Varsity
Bar Bill” Hillcourt programs, as well as Varsity Scouting
• Omits requirements for all
merit badges 11th Edition, 1998–2009
Boy Scout Handbook
Seventh Edition, • Introduces a new Scout skill:
1965–1972 using GPS to find your way
Boy Scout Handbook
• Recommends Leave
• M
 uch the same as the No Trace’s low-impact
sixth edition, except for camping principles
requirements changes
• First cover to show Scouts
dressed in activity wear rather than full uniform
Eighth Edition, 1972–1979 12th Edition, 2009–today
Scout Handbook Boy Scout Handbook
• Complete revision • First “green” edition—printed
reflects a revamped Boy on recycled paper with environ-
Scouting program mentally friendly processes
• Second cover features • Commemorates the centennial
Joseph Csatari painting anniversary of the Boy Scouts
All Out for Scouting of America
• Introduces “skill awards” • Illustrated with art elements
borrowed from previous editions
Ninth Edition, 1979–1990
Official Boy Scout Handbook
• Written by “Green Bar
Bill” Hillcourt
• Features a return to traditional
Scouting skills
• Artwork in the fourth printing
was redrawn to depict a new
uniform design

Visit for more information on the history of the

Boy Scout Handbook.

Introduction Scoutcraft Woodcraft Campcraft Your Adventure Continues

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will help y apters
ou naviga

A Handbook for the Past and the Future

You hold in your hands a century of Scouting. In addition to being a reference for
the youth of Scouting’s second century, this 12th edition of the Boy Scout Handbook
also honors the heritage of Scouts who came before you. It combines art from
previous editions with modern illustrations, photographs, and information—it even
leaves opportunity to reach into the future with continuous updates through the
World Wide Web.
As you browse through its pages, take note of the “In This
elements that make this edition special. will give apter” boxes
you an id
andbooks what yo e
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Quotes from past and past will hel h av e changed when yo k index
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These icons alert you to information you
need to complete a rank requirement.

The BSA’s First Green Handbo
odiment of the BSA’s
Scout Handbook is the emb
The 12th edition of the Boy nat ural resources. You’ll see
g a good steward of Earth’s
longstanding tradition of bein nt to our com mitment to going green.
book as a testame
these symbols printed in this
printed on
bol denotes that the book is
The Universal Recycling Sym pap er. It con tain s wood fiber
-waste recycled
100 percent post-consumer con sum ers through
rely from paper used by
that has been recuperated enti
been de-inked.
recycling programs and has
the paper was
Association logo ensures that
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The Biogas logo certifies that fill and transported to the
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produced from the decomp y redu ces gree nho use gas emissions.
mill. Using this green energy
has tracked
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The Forest Stewardship Cou ning that pro duc t and content come
ugh a chain of cust ody , mea
the paper thro
trolled sources.
from well-managed and con
Cert no. BV-COC-080733

100 years of the Boy Scout Han
This 12th edition is a tribute to dbo oks past and present. As you
ifica nce of Han
celebrating the historical sign k as your guide. You
Scouting, you will use this boo
progress through the ranks of you will cherish
your adventures as a Scout, and
will remember your youth and
this book as a collectible.

Watch the paper for this book being made and its pages being printed on
the Handbook Web site,

Introduction 12
Your Adventure Begins 16

1. Leadership 44

2. Citizenship 66

3. Fitness 90

4. First Aid 122

5. Aquatics 178

6. Nature 204
7. Leave No Trace 242

8. Hiking 260

9. Camping 284

10. Cooking 312

11. Navigation 344

12. Tools 376

Your Adventure Continues 418

Rank Requirements 432
Acknowledgments 448
Index 462
“In these pages and throughout our organization we have
made it obligatory upon our scouts that they cultivate courage,
loyalty, patriotism, brotherliness, self-control, courtesy,
kindness to animals, usefulness, cheerfulness, cleanliness,
thrift, purity and honor. No one can doubt that with such
training added to his native gifts, the American boy will in
the near future, as a man, be an efficient leader in the paths of
civilization and peace.”
—From the preface to Handbook for Boys, 1911

Welcome to Scouting’s Second Century!
A hundred years ago, the first edition of the Boy Scout Handbook asked: “Would you
like to be an expert camper who can always make himself comfortable out of doors,
and a swimmer that fears no waters? Do you desire the knowledge to help the wounded
quickly, and to make yourself cool and self-reliant in an emergency?”
The book went on to ask: “Do you
believe in loyalty, courage, and kindness?
Would you like to form habits that will
surely make your success in life?”
Millions of boys through the decades
have answered “Yes.” They have laced up
their hiking boots and set off on great
adventures in the outdoors. They have
served their families, their communities,
and the nation. The values of Scouting
have encouraged them to do their
best with their abilities and have
given them a foundation for success
throughout their lives.

Shown here are both the original and the first editions of
the Boy Scout Handbook. The original edition (top)
was intended as a temporary Handbook until the BSA
could standardize the program and publish a permanent
Handbook (right), known as the official first edition.

The Handbook you are reading today is the first edition for Scouting’s second
century. It is asking the same kinds of important questions as that book from long ago:

d camper, to explore the

dy to bec ome an expert hiker an ll?
X X Are you rea good judgment and ski
meet challenges with
natural world, and to
lf and succeed in the bes
ke the most of yourse
XX Are you eager to ma
ways possible?
you can for your family,
ome a leader and do all
XX Do you want to bec
d America?
your neighborhood, an
ps and a set of values
uld you lik e to dev elop lifelong friendshi
XX Wo e?
ough the years to com
that can guide you thr
r religious beliefs and
stand your duties to you
XX Do you want to under nment?
in caring for the enviro
your responsibilities

If you answered “Yes,” then Scouting is for you. Join a troop and
soon you will be hiking in open country and camping under the
stars. You will learn first aid, become stronger physically
and mentally, and practice leading yourself and others.
The places you explore will become familiar as you
discover plants, wildlife, and all else nature offers.
You’ll also learn how to enjoy the outdoors leaving
no trace that you were ever there.
The Boy Scout Handbook is a guide to all of
that and to much more. Throughout your life,
you will face challenges as great as any you meet
while camping and hiking. The Scout Oath and
Scout Law provide guidelines for doing the right
thing. As a Scout, you will be surrounded by friends
and leaders who share your values.
Scouting has changed a great deal since the Boy Scouts of America was founded a
hundred years ago. Camping gear is lighter and easier to use. Troop members set off
on high adventures their grandfathers could not have even imagined. Scouts today use
computers to plan their activities and Global Positioning System receivers to help find
their way. The earliest Scouts could earn merit badges in Bee Farming, Blacksmithing,
and Signaling. Scouts today can work on Cinematography, Nuclear Science,
Oceanography, and plenty of other merit badges well-suited for the 21st century.


Not everything has changed, though. The Boy Scout pocketknife still looks the
same and is used in the same way. The Scout Oath and Law are the same, too.
Scouts still prepare themselves to do their best in emergencies and to care for their
communities and the environment with Good Turns and other service
projects. As steady as the Big Dipper and the North Star, the Scout Oath
and Law have shown the way for millions of boys and men during their
time as Scouts and throughout the rest of their lives.
The first edition of the Boy Scout Handbook divided Scouting’s message
into three parts—Scoutcraft, Woodcraft, and Campcraft. This centennial
edition of the Handbook is organized the same way.

Scoutcraft Preparing for Scouting’s adventures
and for life
 Woodcraft Understanding, appreciating, and caring for
nature while you travel and live in the outdoors

Campcraft Learning skills useful along the trail, in camp,
and beyond
Scouting continues to be an adventure that is filled with opportunities to learn, to
have fun, and to become the best person possible. The pages ahead will lead you deep
into Scouting. The more you learn, the more exciting and challenging your adventures
will be. Together, Scoutcraft, Woodcraft, and Campcraft will guide you through much
of what Scouting has to offer and will help you establish habits of success for the years
to come.
More than 1 billion boys around the world have answered the call of Scouting over
the last hundred years. You can be among the first Scouts of the BSA’s second century.
The challenge and adventure of Scouting are as strong as they have always been, and
now you’re invited.

Adventure, learning,
challenge, and
promise of Scouting
is all this and more. If
you are ready for the
adventure to begin,
then let’s get started.

Programs of the BSA
The Boy Scouts of America has programs that are just right for young people ages 7
and older. Adults can become involved as leaders and in other support roles with local
Scouting units. At all levels, Scouting helps youth achieve the aims of strengthening
character, physical and mental fitness, and good citizenship.
Cub Scouting is a year-round family program designed for boys who
are 7 through 10 years old. Parents, leaders, and organizations work
together to help Scouts learn and have fun.

Boy Scouting is a year-round program for boys ages 11 through 17.

Through the Boy Scouting program, young men can achieve Scouting’s
aims through methods that include the ideals of the Scout Oath and
Scout Law, patrols, outdoor adventures, advancement, association with
adults, personal growth, leadership development, and the uniform.

Varsity Scouting is a program for young men who are at least

14 years old but not yet 18. They work toward the same ranks
and merit badges as Boy Scouts, but they also participate in high-
adventure activities and sports.

Venturing is for young men and women who are about 14 through 20
years of age. Venturing’s purpose is to prepare young people to become
responsible and caring adults.

Become a Scout.
Grow from the past.
Achieve today.
Be the future.

erica is to prepar
m ission of the Boy Scouts of Am er
The moral choices ov
make ethical and
young people to e values of the
lifetim es by instilling in them th
out Law.
Scout Oath and Sc

For up-to-date membership requirements for each program, visit


Your Adventure Begins

A Scout troop is a group of boys and adult leaders taking part in the Scouting
program. You might know of a troop chartered by a place of worship or an organization
in your community. Maybe an older brother or some of your friends
are already in a troop.
Troops within an area belong to one of more than 300 BSA local councils. Your
local council can help you find a troop near your home. With your parent’s permission,
you can find your local council through the Boy Scouts of America’s Internet Web sites: (click “Local Councils” at the top of the page) or
(select the “Troop Locator” link).
The Scoutmaster and Scouts of a troop you visit will welcome you and talk about
the exciting activities in store for you. If you decide to become a member, they can guide
you through the BSA’s joining requirements.

Joining Requirements
 Meet the age req uirements. earned the
pleted the fifth grade or
rs old, or one who has com
Be a boy who is 11 yea but is not yet 18 years old.
is at least 10 years old,
Arrow of Light Award and

near your home.

 Find a Scout troop
h history
t application and healt
 Complete a Boy Scou
signed by your parent or
Allegiance. (Page 19)
 Repeat the Pledge of
ke. (Page 20)
mo nstra te the Sco ut sign, salute, and handsha
 De
ot). (Page 21)
mo ns trate tying the square knot (a joining kn
 De
th or Promise,
ee to live by the Scout Oa
 Understand and agr de. (Page 22)
gan, and the Outdo Coor
Scout Law, motto, and slo
badge. (Page 31)
 Describe the Scout
hlet exercises. (Page 34
 Complete the pamp exercises in the pamphl
et How
rdian, complete the
With your parent or gua ent’s Guide.
en From Child Abuse: A Par
to Protect Your Childr
ge 34)
tmaster conference. (Pa
 Participate in a Scou tion and health histor y form signed by your
Turn in your Boy Scout aster conference.
rdian, then participate in a Scoutm
parent or gua

Tell Your Friends

Scouts who are alread
y on the trail
to Eagle can use this sec
tion of
the Handbook as refere
nce when
introducing other boy
That’s all there is to it! Your Scoutmaster s to Scouting.
and the Scouts in your troop will welcome you
as a new member, and you can proudly wear the badge and uniform
of the Boy Scouts of America.

The BSA application form and health history form can be downloaded from
the Handbook Web site:


Repeat the Pledge of Allegiance
The pledge of allegiance is recited on many occasions where Americans honor
their flag.
Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for
which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
What the Pledge Means
I pledge allegiance . . . you promise to be loyal
to the Flag . . . to the symbol of your country
of the United States of America, . . . a nation of 50 states and several territories,
each with certain rights of its own
and to the Republic . . . a country where the people elect representatives from
among themselves to make laws for everyone
for which it stands, . . . the flag represents the values of our form of government,
in which everyone is equal under the law
one Nation under God, . . . a country formed under God whose people are free to
believe as they wish
indivisible, . . . the nation cannot be split into parts
with liberty and justice . . . with freedom and a system of law
for all. . . . for every person in the nation, regardless of their differences

God” without
Practice saying “one Nation under
dle of the phrase.
hesitating in the mid


Demonstrate the Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake

Scouts greet one another and show they are members of the BSA with the Scout
sign, salute, and handshake.
Scout Sign
Make the Scout sign by covering the nail of the
little finger of your right hand with your right
thumb, then raising your right arm with your
elbow at a right angle and holding the three
middle fingers of your hand upward.
The three fingers stand for the three parts of the
Scout Oath:
XX Duty to God and country

XX Duty to others

XX Duty to yourself

Your thumb and little finger touch to represent the bond uniting Scouts throughout
the world.
Give the Scout sign each time you say the Scout Oath and Scout Law. When a
Scout or Scouter raises the Scout sign, all Scouts should make the sign, too, and come
to silent attention.
Scout Salute
Form the Scout sign with your right hand, then
finish the salute by bringing that hand up, palm
down, until your forefinger touches the brim of
your hat or the tip of your right eyebrow.
The Scout salute is a form of greeting that also
shows respect. Use it to salute the flag of the United
States of America. You may also salute other Scouts
and Scout leaders.

Scout Handshake
Extend your left hand to another Scout and firmly grasp his left hand. Made with
the hand nearest your heart, the Scout handshake signifies friendship.

Demonstrate Tying the
Square Knot (a Joining Knot)
The square knot has many uses, from securing
packages and the sails of ships to tying the ends
of bandages. It is called a joining knot because
it joins together two ropes and because it is the
knot you learn as you are joining the BSA.
Tying a square knot is as easy as right over
left, left over right. Here’s how:
Step 1—Hold a rope end in each hand.
Step 2—Pass the right end over and under the
rope in your left hand.
Step 3—Pass the rope end now in your
left hand over and under the one now in
your right.
Step 4—Pull the knot snug.

Watch a video of this knot being tied. Check out


Understand and Agree to Live by the Scout Oath or Promise,

Scout Law, Motto, and Slogan, and the Outdoor Code
Every Scout for a hundred years has pledged to guide his thoughts and actions
according to the Scout Oath, Scout Law, motto, and slogan, and the Outdoor Code.
Now it is your turn.
Scout Oath or Promise
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.
What the Scout Oath or Promise Means
Before you agree to the Scout Oath or
Promise, you must know what it means.
On my honor . . .
Honor is the core of who you are—your honesty, your integrity, your reputation,
the ways you treat others, and how you act when you are on your own.
I will do my best . . .
Do all you can to live by the Scout Oath, even when you are faced with
difficult challenges.
To do my duty . . .
Duty is what others expect of you, but more importantly it is what you
expect of yourself.
to God . . .
Your family and religious leaders teach you about God and the ways you can serve.
You can do your duty to God by following the wisdom of those teachings and by
defending the rights of others to practice their own beliefs.
and my country . . .
Help the United States continue to be a strong and fair nation by learning about our
system of government and your responsibilities as a citizen. When you do all you can
for your family and community, you are serving your country. Making the most of your
opportunities will help shape our nation’s future.

and to obey the Scout Law; . . .
In your thoughts, words, and deeds, the 12 points of the Scout Law will lead you
toward doing the right thing throughout your life.
To help other people at all times; . . .
By helping out whenever you can, you are making the world better. “At all times” is
a reminder to help even when it is difficult and even without waiting to be asked.
To keep myself physically strong, . . .
Taking care of your body prepares you for a lifetime of great adventures. You can
build your body’s strength and endurance by eating nutritious foods, getting enough
sleep, and being active. You should also avoid tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, and
anything else that might harm your health.
mentally awake, . . .
Develop your mind both in and
outside of the classroom. Be curious
about everything around you, and
never stop learning.
and morally straight.
Your relationships with
others should be honest and
open. Respect and defend the
rights of all people. Be clean
in your speech and actions
and faithful in your religious
beliefs. Values you practice as
a Scout will help you shape a
life of virtue and self-reliance.

Scouting’s adventures will help you

fulfill the last part of the Oath—
staying strong and fit.

ArrowCorps , 2008

Scout Law
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty,
brave, clean, and reverent.
What the Scout Law Means
The Scout Law will show you how to live as a boy and as a man.
A Scout is trustworthy. A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his
promises. People can depend on him.
A Scout is loyal. A Scout is loyal to those to whom loyalty is due.
A Scout is helpful. A Scout cares about other people. He helps others without
expecting payment or reward. He fulfills his duties to his family by helping at home.
A Scout is friendly. A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts.
He offers his friendship to people of all races, religions, and nations, and respects
them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.
A Scout is courteous. A Scout is polite to people of all ages and positions. He
understands that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.
A Scout is kind. A Scout treats others as he wants to be treated. He knows there is
strength in being gentle. He does not harm or kill any living thing without good reason.

A Scout is obedient. A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He
obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are
unfair, he seeks to have them changed in an orderly way.
A Scout is cheerful. A Scout looks
for the bright side of life. He cheerfully
does tasks that come his way and tries
his best to make others happy, too.
A Scout is thrifty. A Scout works
to pay his way and to help others. He
saves for the future. He protects and
conserves natural resources. He is
careful in his use of time and property.
A Scout is brave. A Scout faces danger
even if he is afraid.
A Scout is clean. A Scout keeps his body and mind fit. He chooses friends who
also live by high standards. He avoids profanity and pornography. He helps keep his
home and community clean.
A Scout is reverent. A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious
duties. He respects the beliefs of others.
What the Scout Motto Means
Be Prepared. That’s the Boy Scout motto.
“Be prepared for what?” someone once asked Robert Baden-Powell, the founder
of Scouting.
“Why, for any old thing,” he replied.
Training in Scoutcraft, woodcraft, and campcraft will help you live up to the Scout
motto. You will be prepared if someone is hurt, because you know first aid. Because you
will have practiced lifesaving skills, you might be able to save a nonswimmer struggling
in deep water. Whenever leadership is needed, you will understand what to do.
Baden-Powell wasn’t thinking only of being ready for emergencies. His idea was
that Scouts should prepare themselves to become productive citizens and strong
leaders and to bring joy to other people. He wanted each Scout to be ready in mind
and body and to meet with a strong heart whatever challenges await him.
ily and without
ared for life—to live happ ared
Be prep best. Being eppr
ing th at you have done your practice
know skill you can
cially is a pa rticularly important
finan earn.
half of what you
by saving at least

What the Scout Slogan Means

The Scout slogan is Do a Good Turn
daily. That means doing something to
help others each day without expecting
anything in return. It means doing your
part to care for your community and the
environment, too. Keep a Good Turn coin like
this in your pocket to help you
Some Good Turns are big—service remember the Scout slogan.
after floods or other disasters, rescuing
someone from a dangerous situation, recycling community trash,
or completing conservation projects with your patrol.
Good Turns also can be small, thoughtful acts—helping a child cross a busy street,
going to the store for an elderly neighbor, cutting back weeds blocking a sign, or doing
something special for a brother or sister.

From recycling to helping conserve

America’s natural resources, opportunities
for Good Turns are everywhere.

The Importance of a Good Turn
ting to America. More than a
A Good Turn was what brought Scou n
ets of London, England, America
hundred years ago on the foggy stre aske d
his way. A boy walk ed up and
businessman William Boyce lost
Boy ce expl ained where he wanted to go, and the
if he could help. Mr. e
rican wanted to give the boy som
boy led him there. The grateful Ame won ’t take
k you, sir. I am a Scou t. I
money, but the boy said, “No, than
anything for helping.”
boy’s actions that he learned mor
Mr. Boyce was so impressed by the t
was just begi nnin g in Grea
about the Boy Scout movement that
foun der, Rob ert Baden-Powell. Mr. Boyce realized
Britain and about its
es would want to be Scouts, too.
that many boys in the United Stat
a group of businessmen, educator
On February 8, 1910, Mr. Boyce and y, Scou ts
Boy Scouts of Ame rica . Toda
and political leaders founded the
as the birth day of the BSA.
celebrate that date
the boy who guided Mr. Boyce
No one knows what happened to
never be forgotten. Like many acts
through the London fog, but he will
ed to be far more important than
of kindness, what was done prov d
to America, the boy’s simple Goo
who did it. In helping bring Scouting ugh the
of times over as Scou ts thro
Turn has been multiplied millions
decades have follo wed his exam ple.

A Good Turn is more than simple good

manners. It is a special act of kindness.


Outdoor Code
As an American, I will do my best to
Be clean in my outdoor manners,
Be careful with fire,
Be considerate in the outdoors,
Be conservation-minded.
What the Outdoor Code Means
The Outdoor Code reminds Scouts of the importance of caring for the environment.
Its ideals take on special meaning whenever you are camping, hiking, and taking part in
other outdoor events.
Being clean in your manners, careful with fire, and considerate means you can
enjoy the outdoors in ways that do the environment no harm. For example, using the
principles of Leave No Trace, you can hike and camp in an area without leaving any
signs that you were there.
Being conservation-minded encourages the protection and thoughtful use of natural
resources. You also can do your part in service projects that improve the condition of
wildlife, water, air, forests, and the land itself.
Wisdom you gain about the outdoors through your Scouting experiences can direct
your actions wherever you are, whatever you do, and at every stage of your life. Your
commitment to the Outdoor Code will make a positive difference in the quality of the
environment today and for generations to come.



Scout Spirit
You show Scout spirit by making the Scout Oath, Scout Law, motto, and
slogan part of your life. Many of the requirements for Scout ranks can
be measured by other people. When you set out to swim 25 yards for
the Second Class swimming requirement, anyone can see that you have
covered the distance.
How well you live the Scout Oath and Scout Law can be judged by you and
by others. You know when you are being kind and when you are helpful
and a good friend. You know when you are trustworthy and reverent.
You know how you act when no one is around to see what you do.
Do your best to live each day by the Scout Oath and Scout Law. You may
look back on some of your decisions and wish you had acted differently,
but you can learn from those moments and promise yourself to do
better in the future.
As you use the Scout Oath and Scout Law for guidance, don’t be
surprised when others recognize those values in you and respect you
for it. When a non-Scout tells you that you are behaving like a Boy
Scout, that’s a good sign that you have Scout spirit. Set high standards
for yourself and strive to reach them. Ask nothing less of yourself, and
no one can ask anything more of you.

“You prove that you have caught this

spirit by the way you help in patrol, troop,
home, school, church or synagogue, and
community and your habits of caring
for your own things and protecting the
properties of others.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 6th ed., 1959
The Scout Oath and Scout Law are not meant just to
be recited at troop meetings, and they are not to be
obeyed just while you are wearing a Scout uniform.
The spirit of Scouting is always important—at
home, at school, and in your community.
The standards set by the Scout Oath and Scout Law are very high. Strive
to reach them every day, and you will find that they become as natural
for you to live by as they are for you to say.

Describe the Scout Badge
The Scout badge is shaped like the north point on an old compass. The design
is also known as a trefoil (a flower with three leaves) or a fleur-de-lis (the French
name for an iris flower). It is the basic shape of the badges worn by Scouts in other
countries, too.
, an
The eagle with a shield
The two stars symbolize emble m of the Un ited States
Scouting’s ideals of of America, represent
truth and knowledge. freedo m and a Sco ut’s
nig ht sky for
guides in the readiness to defend
way, sta rs also
finding the that freedom.
ut’s out doo r
suggest a Sco

The scroll with

the Scout motto
is turned up
at the ends
to show that The knot below the scr
oll is a
a Scout smiles as reminder to do a Good Turn daily.
he does his duty.

The shape of the Scout badge signifies a Scout’s ability to point the right way in life
just as a compass does in the wilderness. The three points of the trefoil, like the three
raised fingers of the Scout sign, represent the three parts of the Scout Oath—duty to
God and country, duty to others, and duty to yourself.


“Putting on the uniform does not make a

fellow a Scout, but putting on the uniform
is a sign to the world that one has taken
the Scout obligations and folk expect
Scout-like acts from one wearing it.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1927

Your Scout Uniform

The Scout uniform is a symbol of the BSA. It
tells others that you are a Scout and represents
Scouting’s history of service to the nation and the
world. Wearing uniforms allows Scouts to show
that they are equals and that they share values and beliefs.
Your uniform is also a sign that you are a person who can be trusted and that
you will lend a hand whenever help is needed. Dressed as a Scout, you will want
to act as a Scout.

Whether your
includes a Scou
er chief is up to
wea ar
the troop. To
first roll the
om the
out 6 inches fr
long edge to ab oo thly
neckerchief sm
tip. Place the er or
neck, either ov
around your on your
r, depending
under the colla ck erchief
. Hold the ne
troop’s custom f slid e.
a neckerchie
in place with

For more about how to properly wear the official uniform, visit the
Handbook Web site:


The BSA’s official uniform includes a Scout shirt, Scout pants or Scout shorts,
Scout belt, Scout socks, and shoes or hiking boots. Your troop may also elect
to wear a cap or broad-brimmed hat. Your uniform may be brand-new, or it
might have been worn by others for many troop activities. Proudly wear your
uniform to troop meetings, ceremonies such as courts of honor, and most
other indoor troop functions. When you’re headed outdoors, you can pull on a
T-shirt with Scout pants or shorts, or wear other clothing that is right for the
events of the day.


With Your Parent or Guardian,

Complete the Exercises in the
Pamphlet How to Protect Your
Children From Child Abuse
Inside the cover of this Handbook is a pamphlet
that is part of the BSA’s commitment to ensuring
the safety of young people wherever they may be.
The pamphlet is meant to be shared by a Scout
and his parent or guardian.
Participate in a
Scoutmaster Conference

The last joining requirement instructs you

to participate in a Scoutmaster conference. Your Scoutmaster
will visit with you after you finish the requirements for each Scout rank.
Every Scoutmaster conference is an opportunity for you to review how you are doing
and to begin planning your next steps. You can ask questions, share what you like about
being a Scout, and figure out ways to make your Scouting experience even better.

Your Troop

The troop you

are joining is an
organization of boys
enjoying the challenges
of Scouting. Your
Scoutmaster and other
adult leaders will help
Scouts become good
leaders, then will step
back and allow the
troop’s youth leaders
to take charge of
planning and carrying
out activities.

The chart that follows shows how a large Scout troop is organized. Your troop might
be big like this one, or quite a bit smaller. It might have a long history or could be brand
new. Leaders might have years of experience or could be learning their roles as they go.
Whatever your troop is like, you can proudly wear its number on the sleeve of your
uniform and know that everyone is working along with you to make the troop a success.

B o y S c o u t Troop ls. As more boys join, thefilled.

Your ight hav
e fewer p
s are
r troop m ore le
A smalle ses and m
f patrols increa ster
o Scoutma

t Scoutm
Junior Assistan patro l
t t Ventu re
Assistan assistan
ster— ster ers’
Scoutma l Scoutma Patrol lead
ut patro council
Senior p
t senior leader
trol leader
Troop pa Venture
guide Patrol patrol
Patrol leader
leader leader
New- leader
leader t
t Assistan
t Assistan patrol
Assistan patrol
patrol leader
f leader
Den chie leader
Quarter­ er
OA troop master n
Leave Historia
tative Bugler
No Trace
or Scribe trainer

See the Handbook Web site,, for descriptions of

these troop leadership positions.


Your Patrol
The Boy Scout troop you join will be
made up of patrols. Your patrol will be
a team of young men who make things
happen. You will learn together, make
plans, and turn your ideas into action.
Together, your patrol can achieve much
more than each of you would on your own.
A patrol of six to eight Scouts is the right size for many outdoor adventures. A few
tents will shelter everyone on camping trips, and a couple of backpacking stoves are
enough for cooking patrol meals.
Patrols are so important to Scouting that most troop meetings include time for each
patrol to meet by itself. Other patrol meetings might take
place at a special patrol site or in the home of one of its
Everyone in your patrol will have skills and
knowledge to share. You can teach one another what
you know. Hikes and campouts give your patrol a
chance to put its knowledge to good use. As friends,
you can look out for one another. Friendship, fun, and
adventure—that’s what a Scout patrol is all about.
“A good Patrol is a gang of good
friends, standing shoulder to shoulder
whatever comes. ‘All for One—
One for All’—that’s the spirit of a
Scout Patrol.”
—Handbook for Patrol Leaders, 1950

In 1907, Robert Baden-Powell hosted Scouting’s first camp on Brownsea Island off the coast of
England. The boys were divided into four patrols—the Ravens, Wolves, Curlews, and Bulls.

Kinds of Patrols
A Scout troop can have three kinds of patrols:
New-Scout Patrols—The new-Scout patrol is made up of guys who have just become
Scouts. An experienced Scout, called a troop guide, helps show the way. An assistant
Scoutmaster assigned to the patrol gives it added support.
Members of a new-Scout patrol choose their patrol leader and plan what they
want to do. They take part in troop meetings and activities. As they learn hiking
and camping skills, they also will start completing requirements for the Tenderfoot,
Second Class, and First Class ranks.
Regular Patrols—Scouts who hold the rank of First Class or higher can be members
of regular patrols. Older Scouts who have not yet reached First Class also may join a
troop’s regular patrols and continue to complete the First Class requirements.
Venture Patrols—Many troops have a Venture patrol for older Scouts who are eager to
set out on rugged, high-adventure activities. Being part of a Venture patrol gives older
Scouts the opportunity to stay active in their troops. They also may use their knowledge
to enrich the Scouting experience for themselves and for other troop members.


Your Patrol’s Name, Flag, and Emblem

Your patrol can also choose a
name for itself. You might name
your patrol after an animal, as
the Brownsea Island Scouts
did. Through the years, many
patrols have named themselves
for trees (the Pine Tree Patrol) or
people (the Baden-Powell Patrol,
perhaps, or the Daniel Boone
Patrol). You can do that, too, or
you might want to be known by a
name special to members of your
patrol—the Mechanics Patrol,
for example, or the Superstars,
the Brainiacs, or something else
that says something about who
you all are.
a flag to
Each patrol can make
and on
carry at troop meetings
o has an
campouts. A patrol als
we ar on the right
emblem that members
sleeves of their uniform

Patrol Yell
Patrols have yells, too. If your patrol is named for an animal, you can use that
animal’s sound—the howl of a wolf, for example, or the hoot of an owl. Any patrol
might choose an animal’s call or decide on some other shout that identifies it. Members
can give the patrol yell whenever the patrol does well in a troop competition or reaches
an important goal, and even when they’re ready to chow down on a camp meal.
Patrol Leaders’ Council
Your patrol will elect a leader to help the patrol reach its goals. The senior patrol
leader, the chief youth leader of the troop, gives guidance, too. The patrol leaders will
meet with the senior patrol leader and his assistants at a patrol leaders’ council to plan
the troop’s programs and activities. Your patrol leader will represent the wishes of your
patrol as decisions are being made. High on the list of things discussed at patrol leaders’
council meetings are upcoming adventures—that often means going camping.

Your First Scout Campout
Soon after you join a troop, you’ll be on your way to your first campout. You
might go to a park near your home or to a Scout camp far away. Perhaps you’ll be
surrounded by mountains, farm fields, or the skyline of your city. The campsite might
be near a road, or you might have to carry a backpack and hike a few miles down a
trail to get there. Wherever you go, expect to find plenty of challenge and adventure.

Buddy System
For many outdoor activities, Scouting
uses the buddy system to help ensure
everyone’s safety. You and a buddy can
watch out for each other during a campout
by checking in now and then to be sure
everything is all right.

You’re on Your Way!

Going to meetings and camping with
your troop and patrol will give you an idea
of all that you can do as a Scout. You’ll
also discover that your troop’s leaders and
Scouts are there to guide you along the
way. You’re going to have great times together!


Write a few notes on this page so that you will always remember where your
adventures as a Boy Scout began.

My First Campout
Date: ______________________________

Where did we go? _____________________________________________





Who came along? _____________________________________________





What did we see? _ ____________________________________________





What did we eat? _ ____________________________________________





How was the weather? _________________________________________



What did I like most about the campout? _ _________________________




What did I not like? _ __________________________________________




What did I learn that I will use on future campouts? __________________


, you’ll fin
o f th is Handbook co u t
In the ba ck your S
ca n u se to record
a page yo e projects.
and servic
campouts pages 444
, 446
u t C a m ping Log,
XX Sco
ages 445,
u t S e rv ice Log, p
XX Sco

“I can say w
ithout hesita
of Scouting tion, because
principles, I
a better athle k now I was
te, I was a b
officer, I was etter naval
a better con
and I was a g ressman,
better prepa
red presiden
—Gerald F
38th presid ), Eagle Sco
ent of the U ut and
nited States

aft begin
who yo s with
u are. It
you see helps
who yo
become u can
. It take
where y s you
ou wan
t to be.

is what you do to prepare yourself to be the best
Scout you can be. It’s about making the most of your talents to
become an effective leader and a good citizen. It means getting into
good physical shape so that you are ready for the outdoors, for sports,
and for remaining healthy.
Scoutcraft also means staying mentally awake by understanding
how you learn and by exploring the world around you. It includes
understanding how to get along with others and using good judgment
to make wise decisions.
Mastering the first-aid skills of Scoutcraft will help you manage
risk and act effectively during an emergency. Once you pass the BSA
swimmer test, for example, you’ll be prepared for Scouting’s aquatics
activities and journeys on rivers and lakes.
Scoutcraft skills provide the building blocks you need to become a
responsible young man. They will help you apply the Scout Oath and
Scout Law in your daily life. They can guide you as you become a leader
in your patrol and troop, and in your responsibilities as a member of
your family and a citizen of your community and nation.


“As a Scout, I learned how to set goals and
achieve them. Being a Scout also taught me
leadership at a young age when there are few
opportunities to be a leader.”
—Steve Fossett (1944–2007), Distinguished Eagle Scout,
business leader, and record-setting pilot, sailor,
and around-the-world balloonist

Leadership starts with leading the person you
know best—yourself. You might be surprised
to learn that you’ve already developed some
important leadership skills.
Before you joined your troop, you thought
about what being a Scout is like. Maybe you
imagined hitting the trail with your friends.
You could almost see yourself arriving at a
campsite, pitching your tent, and settling in
for a night under the stars.
With that picture in mind, you figured out
the steps to make it happen. First, you had to
find a neighborhood Boy Scout troop. Next,
you recited the Scout Oath and Scout Law,
tied a square knot, and completed the other
joining requirements before helping your
patrol plan your first campout.
You completed those steps one at a time. Locating a troop was as easy as calling
your BSA local council or visiting a troop you knew about. You might have asked
an older Scout to teach you to tie a square knot. Scouts in your troop helped you
with the other joining requirements and showed you how to get ready for camping.
Before long, you were hiking into camp with a big grin on your face. You had
an idea of what your first Scouting adventure would look like, and now it was
happening. You took responsibility for leading yourself to an experience you wanted
to have. You followed through until you were right in the middle of that picture.

In This Chapter
XX Self-leadership

XX Forming, researching,
and achieving your vision
of success

XX Leading others in your

troop, your family, and
your community

XX Stages of leadership

XX Making good choices

Self-Leadership Is . . .
XX Having a vision of
you want to be

XX Figuring out the ste
to get the re

steps one
XX Completing those
at a tim e

Growth of a
Leader (1966),
by Norman
chapter 1

Where Do You Want to Be?

You are a collection of wonderful talents, ideas, and experiences. Your skills and
interests are possibilities. They are hints of where you can go, what you can accomplish,
and who you will become.
What do you want your future to look like tomorrow? Next week? Ten years from
now? Success begins with a vision—picturing yourself where you want to be.
Perhaps you have seen someone doing something you would love to do—handling
a sailboat, constructing a snow cave, designing a Web site, building a tree house, or
climbing a mountain. Do you enjoy writing stories or doing science experiments? Are
you in a choir or a band? Your teachers, coaches, teams, and clubs might help you see
yourself becoming a better athlete, playing first-rate chess, speaking another language,
mastering mathematics, or pursuing other areas you like. Maybe learning about the
people and cultures of other countries interests you, and you’d like to visit those
countries someday.
Scouting will open many doors to learning for you. As a Scout, you’ll meet people
who have interesting careers. While training in first aid, you might meet medical
professionals and emergency responders. While hiking in parks and forests, you’ll meet
rangers, wildlife experts, and others who are doing exciting work you might like to learn.

Scouting’s merit badge program will encourage you to sample more than a
hundred subjects—everything from American Business, Archery, and Automotive
Maintenance to Weather, Wilderness Survival, and Woodwork. You’ll have a great
time discovering new skills. You might even find yourself launched on a lifelong
interest that could become a career.



Doing the Research

When you picture what you want to accomplish, you can start making that vision
real. You’ll need good information to make that happen, which means you’re going to
have to do some research. Doing research is part of making success happen, and it’s
part of the fun, too.

Ways to research
information include:
XX Observing
XX Asking and listeni

XX Reading

XX Writing

XX Teaching

Requirements for all merit badges can be found at

BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges.aspx, and the most current
merit badge pamphlets are available at

chapter 1

Observation skills are important in many
pursuits. For example, you can make sense out
of a map only if you pay attention to landmarks.
When you notice changes in the clouds, you can set
up your tent before a storm breaks. When you sit
quietly in the woods, you might observe animals
that would otherwise stay hidden.
The same is true of anything you want to
learn about. Observe how someone paddles a
canoe so that it glides straight across the water.
Watch the way a crew repairs a street or carpenters put up a house.
Notice where birds are nesting and what they are doing. Pay attention as Scouts teach
campcraft skills, and you will understand much more than you did before.
Asking and Listening
When you are curious about something, ask. When you don’t understand, ask.
When you want additional information, ask. When you aren’t sure what to do next,
ask. Asking questions like, “Could you show me how this works?”, “Can you please tell
me why this happens?”, and “Is there a better way to get this done?” can save you from
wasting time and effort.
People generally are pleased to share what they know. Ask politely, then give them
all of your attention as you listen to their answers. If someone is busy, you might need
to find another time for him or her to talk with you. But there are no silly questions or
questions that are too simple. Unless you ask, you might never know.
Through the magic of reading, you can imagine what it would be like to strap yourself
into a rocket and blast into space. Reading can take your imagination to many places.
You might find yourself hoisting the anchor of a
pirate ship and sailing across the sea or shrinking
to the size of a blood cell and swimming
through the human body. You might even watch
dinosaurs stride across prehistoric lands.
Books can be flying carpets, time machines,
and telescopes. Open a book and travel to the
far reaches of Earth, to the inside of an atom,
and to the most distant stars. Visit famous
men and women throughout the centuries,
or read about what’s on the minds of young
people all over the world.

Books also teach. Do you
know what makes a computer
work? Can you perform two
really good magic tricks or
juggle three balls at once?
Do you know how to find a
summer job? Would you like
to be able to say “hello” in a
different language? Books
can teach you all that and
much more. They can spark
your imagination and increase your
understanding of what is possible. Reading helps you develop a bigger picture
of what you would like to do and where you want to be.
Librarians at your school and in public libraries can help you find books about
subjects you like—just ask. They’ll guide you to videos and DVDs, audio recordings,
and plenty of other electronic resources. Get a library card and you can take home
books and other library materials that interest you.
The Internet is a tremendous source of reading material. Computer search engines
can take you directly to information you are seeking and link you to related subjects.
For example, the Boy Scout Handbook Web site——is a good
way to begin exploring a wealth of Scouting knowledge and lore. (Be sure to get your
parent’s permission before exploring the Internet.)
Reading is a window to the past and the future. It is a doorway to discovery. Read,
read, and read some more. It will entertain you, expand your mind, and introduce you
to fresh possibilities you can explore.

Internet Tips
go online.
delines whenever you
Follow these three gui
t you know are
ssages or Web sites tha
XX Don’t respond to me uneasy.
or that make you feel
meant only for adults
your address,
al information such as
XX Don’t share person par ent’s work address
eph on e nu mb er, sch ool name, or your
tel the Internet
Never send photos via
or telephone number. .
permissi on
without your parent’s
online unless your
e who has contacted you
XX Never meet anyon
s with you.
parent or guardian goe

Visit to learn how to recognize legitimate

sites and avoid cyberbullies.

chapter 1

Writing is a terrific way to organize information you’ve researched or learned in
a way that makes sense to you and to others. It is an important leadership tool for
developing a vision of future success and for setting goals. Putting words on paper can
be very satisfying and a lot of fun.
Explorers and travelers often record what they see by writing in a journal. Scientists
take notes about experiments they conduct. Sailors keep a ship’s log. Many Scout patrols
have a trip book in which they write about each of their campouts and hikes.
Try keeping a journal of your own. Use a notebook and write a little every day about
what you have seen and done. Include drawings, photos, stories from newspapers or
magazines, and anything else that interests you. If you prefer, use a computer to keep
a journal or Internet blog. A blog also is a great way to record and share your Scouting
activities and to stay in touch with your patrol between meetings.
You may share your journal with others or decide that no one will
read it except you. Some people write in journals for many
years and use them as reminders of what they were
doing long ago. Even if you don’t write in your
journal very often, recording your thoughts
will give you new ways of understanding
yourself and your world.

Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of

the worldwide Scouting movement, kept
extensive daily accounts of his life and his
thoughts on every subject he could imagine.

Your local Scout shop will carry this

Boy Scout Journal, a handy tool to
keep track of your adventures.
Scouting’s Teaching EDGE
Use the Teaching EDGE to teach others a skill.
XX Explain how it is done.
XX Demonstrate the steps.
XX Guide learners as they practice.
XX Enable them to succeed on their own.

A Scout is helpful. Scouts live up to that point of the Scout Law by sharing what
they know. Teaching someone helps you to become better at using a skill, too. You can
think of it as hands-on research.
You can use Scouting’s Teaching EDGE any time you are helping others learn.
First, think carefully about how to explain to others the way the skill is done. Then
demonstrate the steps and guide them as they practice. Lastly, provide the support
they need to enable them to use the new skill on their own.
That’s what happened when you learned to tie the square knot as you were joining
your troop. Another Scout explained the knot to you and then demonstrated how to
tie it. Then he gave the rope to you and guided you through the steps. The two of you
kept at it until he had enabled you to tie a square knot by yourself.

Two leadership training courses for Boy Scouts teach how to put the EDGE
method into practice. Visit for more information
on National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and National Advanced
Youth Leadership Experience (NAYLE).

chapter 1

Reaching Your Goals

The world is full of exciting opportunities. By forming a vision of what you
want to do and where you want to be, you’ll be well on your way to
achieving a goal.
Scouting’s trail to Eagle is a good example of how self-
leadership can help you make great things happen. Seeing
yourself as an Eagle Scout begins to make earning Scouting’s
highest rank a real possibility for you. By committing yourself
to becoming an Eagle, you can figure out the steps to get from
where you are now to where you want to be.
There are dozens of requirements to fulfill to become an Eagle
Scout. Of course, you aren’t going to be able to complete them all
Scout at once. You can begin with the requirements for Tenderfoot and take
them on one at a time.
You’ll need to manage your time, stay motivated by the progress you are making,
and ask for help when you need it. You will find plenty of satisfaction in your Scouting
experiences along the trail to Eagle. You’ll also know that you really are advancing
toward that vision of success you’ve set for yourself. One day you’ll be standing before
your troop at a court of honor receiving your Eagle Scout medal.

Tenderfoot Second Class First Class

Star Life Eagle

The steps to earn the Eagle Scout Award are the requirements for each of Scouting’s ranks.

You wouldn’t take a hike without a map, so don’t start off on the wrong
foot on your trail to Eagle. You can find all the current rank requirements at

Boards of Review
Once you complete all the requirem
ents to advance one rank
and have participated in a Scoutma
ster conference, your
Scoutmaster will arrange a boar
d of review for you. The review
board usually is made up of mem
bers of the troop committee.
The purpose of the review is to give
you the opportunity to talk
about how you are getting along
in the troop, and to review the
rank requirements to ensure that
they have been met.

You can use the same method

to move toward any goal you
want to reach. Break down a big
challenge into small steps, then
complete them one at a time.

Short-Term and Long-Term Goals Eagle

Some goals—short-term goals—can be reached quickly. Award
For example, suppose you are leading a game at a troop
meeting. You might take the following steps:
1. Read about games in a book or on the Internet.
2. Choose a game for the troop.
3. Gather any materials that you will need.
4. Get everyone together and explain the rules.
Bigger goals—long-term goals—may require weeks,
months, or even years to reach. Do you dream of being an airline
pilot? A marine biologist? A guitarist? A basketball player? All these goals require
considerable time to learn to do well, but this doesn’t mean you can’t achieve them.
Follow the same plan you would with a short-term goal. Figure out the steps leading
toward what you want to do. Stick with your plan,
taking it step by step, and you will reach your goal.
Sometimes the hardest part of accomplishing something is just getting started.
Ask people how you can achieve something that interests you. Their suggestions
will help you see the pathway to follow. Open a book and start reading, and you’ll
find that the ideas will begin to flow. Stand at a trailhead with your pack on your
shoulders, and take that first step. Nothing can hold you back.
chapter 1

“To make our way, we must have firm

resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear
ourselves to work hard all the way. We can
never let up.”
—Dr. Ralph Bunche (1903–1971), Silver Buffalo Award
recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for his
efforts on behalf of the United Nations and of the
Silver Buffalo Award, Scouting’s highest honor,
for his extraordinary service to youth

Leading Others
You will have many opportunities as a Scout to lead members of your patrol and
troop. Perhaps you’ve been part of a flag ceremony opening a troop meeting. Maybe you
led the troop in reciting the Scout Oath and Scout Law. You might have helped your
patrol plan and pack food for your first campout. You may already be using a map and
compass or a GPS receiver to help lead the way during hikes.
Leading others means wanting them to succeed and then doing what you can to
help them reach their goals. That’s as true for a flag ceremony as for a backpacking trip.
Guiding people toward their visions of success is good for them, and for you, too. When
your patrol does well, everybody moves ahead. As your troop progresses, each of you wins.

The Silver Buffalo Award is the BSA’s most prestigious honor for adults. To
learn more about it and other BSA awards like the Silver Beaver and Silver
Antelope, visit

For example, your patrol might decide it’s time for another camping trip. This
time the patrol’s vision of a successful adventure includes hiking, fishing, and learning
about constellations in the night sky.
To do all of that, you’ll want to figure out the steps to make the picture real. You’ll
need to decide where to go and what to take. You will have to gather your fishing
tackle, find star charts, and map out a hiking route. Then you’ll need to complete each
step as part of your preparation for the trip. Your efforts to support and guide your
patrol every step of the way are signs of leadership.
Your troop uses the same leadership methods. Patrol leaders get together with
the senior patrol leader and adult leaders—the patrol leaders’ council. They consider
ideas from all the Scouts and develop a vision for what the troop can achieve in the
weeks and months ahead. The patrol leaders’ council will lay out the steps that lead
toward that vision and decide how to complete each step to keep the troop moving
toward its goals.

Stages of Leadership
Leadership and teaching are closely related.
Think again about learning to tie a square
knot. Another Scout used Scouting’s Teaching
EDGE to explain, demonstrate, guide, and
enable you to tie the knot.
A good leader can help a group such as a
Scout patrol work through the same stages
with a project that the patrol members
are doing. At the beginning, the patrol’s
enthusiasm is high, but it can turn to
discouragement as the work becomes
hard. A leader can help by explaining
and demonstrating what to do. This
encourages group members not to give
up while at the same time showing
them how to tackle difficulties. As the
group’s skills and motivation increase,
the leader can step back and guide the
group as it begins to succeed. When
the group members have the ability
and enthusiasm to move ahead on
their own, the leader enables them to keep going by
providing support when they ask for it.

The Handbook Web site——will help you learn more

about how the patrol leaders’ council works.

chapter 1

Leadership in Your Patrol and Troop

Some of your fellow Scouts wear leadership patches on the sleeves of
their uniform shirts. Your patrol leader wears
one with two green

Descriptions of all the troop and patrol positions of

responsibility can be found at

bars. The senior patrol leader’s patch has three bars. There are patches identifying
your troop’s scribe, quartermaster, and chaplain. Adult leaders—Scouters—also have
special patches.

Scouting’s Leading EDGE

Use Scouting’s Leading EDGE to help a group
work toward its goal.
Where the Group Is
What a Leader Can Do
Starting out—
Skills are low; enthusiasm is high.

Becoming discouraged—
Skills and enthusiasm are low.

Making progress—
Skills and enthusiasm are rising.

Finding success—
Skills and enthusiasm are high.

chapter 1

Scouting’s Founding Leaders

Robert Baden-Powell (1857–1941)
In 1907, Robert Baden-Powell began the
worldwide Scouting movement in Great Britain.
He had developed his leadership skills during
a long career in the British military. He saw
Scouting as a way to help boys become young
men of good character, virtue, and ability.

Ernest Thompson Seton (1860–1946)

The first Chief Scout of the Boy Scouts of America,
Ernest Thompson Seton was a well-known author,
artist, and naturalist who made nature study an
important part of the Scouting program.

Daniel Carter Beard (1850–1941)

A woodsman in a buckskin shirt, “Uncle Dan”
Beard encouraged boys to learn outdoor skills
that are still at the heart of Scouting.

James E. West (1876–1948)

Dr. James E. West overcame physical disabilities,
ill health, and a childhood in an orphanage to
earn a law degree. He went on to lead the Boy
Scouts of America through its first three decades
as it grew into a strong national organization.

Learn from history! Check out for more about

Scouting’s founding leaders.

The patches let you know that these people are ready to help your patrol and troop
move ahead. But leadership is not just about earning a patch. What really matters
is how Scouts and Scouters show leadership by sharing knowledge and offering
guidance and encouragement to others.
You can step forward to become a leader of your patrol. You can even take on some
of the leadership responsibilities for your whole troop. You will find it challenging
and fun, and it will provide you with a great learning experience. Along the way you
will discover the satisfaction of seeing how your leadership efforts allow your patrol
and troop to succeed.

Making Good Choices

Common sense, ethics, wisdom, and good judgment help you make good choices
and allow you to do your best with what you know. The skills you have can prepare
you for what lies ahead. Self-leadership will help you develop a vision of what is right
and the steps for getting there. The Scout Oath and Scout Law will provide guidance
along the way.
Good Judgment in Choosing Friends
Your friends are among the most important people in your life. You enjoy being
with them and going places together. They understand you. You depend on one
another to be there for you through good times and bad. Good friends can be with
you for many years to come.
Choose friends whose values you share and admire. Be open to those who are
not just like everyone else you know. Differences in race, culture, and language may
keep some people at a distance, but those differences can also be doorways for you to
expand your understanding of other people and of the world. Disabilities might seem
to be barriers to friendship, too, but look beyond what seems to separate you. You
might be surprised to discover how much you have in common with others and how
much you can share with one another.
Peer Pressure
At some point while you are growing up, you could discover that friends or
acquaintances are doing something you know is wrong. They might be using tobacco,
alcohol, or illegal drugs. They might be cheating on tests, stealing, or being unkind to
others. They may want you to join them, even though you believe what they are doing
is not right. When you refuse, they might say that they’ll stop being friends with you.
Real friends will not ask you to do anything that could put you at risk. If
those who say they are your friends are smoking, drinking, using drugs, watching
pornography, using profanity, or doing anything else that is unwise, you don’t have
to go along with them. You might need to look for new friends who are interested in
healthier activities. Don’t worry, they are out there. Be true to your values, and you
will find them.

chapter 1

Bullying and Hazing

er, smaller, or less able
Be aware of how you treat people who are young
Respect others and help
than yourself. Lead by setting a good example.
hazed or bullied, stand up
them succeed. If you know someone is being
for what is right by defending them.
someone’s poor behavior
Sometimes it might seem easy to respond to
are always better ways to
with angry words or physical force, but there
peer pressure, bullying,
handle difficult situations. When dealing with
Oath and Scout Law as
hazing, and other challenges, use the Scout
reliable guides for making good decisions.

Online Citizenship
The Internet is a great resource, but like any other community, it has dangers,
too. Cyberbullies use the Internet and text messaging to harass or threaten other
people. Being online gives these bullies a false sense of security, but they can be found
out, caught, and even punished. If you feel you are the victim of a cyberbully, do not
retaliate. In a private message, calmly ask the cyberbully to stop and let the bully
know that you will take other steps if the abuse does not stop. If that does not help,
tell your parent or guardian right away.

Leadership and Your Family
A family provides belonging, support, and love. For many Scouts, a family is made
up of parents and brothers and sisters all under the same roof. Grandparents, aunts,
uncles, and cousins might live nearby or they might be far away, even in other countries.
Perhaps yours is a family with a single parent. Maybe you share time with a father
and mother who live in different places. Perhaps your family is made up of other
relatives or guardians who want the best for you. What makes a family is not the
number of people in it or whether they are related. More important is that they care
for each other and hope to share their lives with one another.
Of course, there may be times when you feel that others in your family don’t
understand you. You might disagree with the way they do some things. As you grow
older, you will want to be more independent. The changes you are going through as
you become an adult might cause strain at home, but by being patient and putting
energy into developing healthy relationships with family members, you can make the
most of family life.
The leadership skills you are learning as a Scout can be helpful, too. When you
have a vision of where you want to be as a family member, you can figure out the
steps to get there and then complete them one at a time.
Family members can sometimes offer good solutions to problems you are facing.
You might be having difficulty with a subject in school. Maybe you don’t understand

chapter 1

of important telep
is ex am ple to start your own list ar the
Use th nvenient place ne
e list in a safe, co one, too.
numbers. Keep th to your mobile ph
ne , and pr ogra m the numbers in
response:­  __________________

at work :
­   _ __________________
Parent or guardi

or guardian’s mobile phone:  _ __

ive:  _ ______________________
Nearest relat

Neighbor:  _____

end:  _ ____________________
Family fri

why your friends are acting a certain way. If you ask the adults in your home and your
older brothers and sisters, they will usually be able to give you a hand.
Helping Your Family
On patrol campouts, patrol members work together to set up tents, cook meals,
and leave a clean campsite. Doing your part goes a long way toward an adventure’s
success. The same can be true at home. Running a household takes a lot of hard work
and cooperation. You might already keep your room neat, do your own laundry, care
for pets, and clear the table after meals. Don’t wait to be asked. Remember: A Scout
is helpful. Notice what needs to be done and then lend a hand.
Taking Care of Yourself When You Are Alone
Another of your family responsibilities could be taking care of yourself when your
parents or guardians are away from home. That might happen once in a while when

Remember the Three R’s

Be aware of the three
R’s to help ensure you
safety and to help pro r personal
tect yourself.
XX Recognize that an
yone could be a child
can be very skilled at molester. Child moles
influencing children, ters
situations that could so be aware of
lead to abuse.
XX Resist advances ma
de by child molesters
Just say no, and don’t to avoid being abused
be embarrassed to run .
cause a commotion. away, scream, or

XX Report any molestat

ion or attempted moles
or other trusted adults tation to parents
. Anytime someone do
you that your instincts es something to
tell you is wrong, or tha
threatened or uncom t makes you feel
fortable, tell someone
ask for help. you trust. It’s OK to

they are gone for an afternoon or an evening, or you could be on your own for a few
hours every day after school.
Discuss with your family what they expect of you when you are on your own.
An important step can be making a list of phone numbers and keeping it near a
telephone. You also might program the numbers into a mobile phone for quick
dialing in an emergency. Keeping these numbers handy will give you plenty of trusted
people you can call if you have questions or need help.
Your parents or guardians may set guidelines for you to follow when you are at
home by yourself. Perhaps they’ll ask that you not invite friends over during those


“The Boy Scouts of America will prepare
every eligible youth in America to become a
responsible, participating citizen and leader who
is guided by the Scout Oath and Scout Law.”
—Boy Scouts of America vision statement

For more than a century, every Boy Scout has pledged on his honor to do his
duty to his country. Each Scout reciting the Scout Law has promised to be loyal,
helpful, obedient, and brave. The words come easily, but what does it really mean
to be a good citizen? How can you fulfill the promises of the Scout Oath and
Scout Law, and your promise to America?
To find the answer, start learning about your community, state, and nation
and how they are governed. Along the way, you will discover that you and other
Americans have certain rights and responsibilities that make our nation unique in
the history of humanity. You will learn that citizenship means doing all you can to
be aware of what is going on around you, thinking for yourself, and acting to defend
and advance your country.

An Ongoing Experiment
The idea of citizenship started more than 2,500 years ago in the ancient Greek
city-states of Athens and Sparta. Spartans lived under the rule of a king who
decided what people could do. Citizens of Athens ruled themselves. They held
meetings to vote on the laws that would guide them.
Since then, groups of people have tried many different ways to organize and
govern themselves. Some forms of government, such as the democracy of Athens,
enjoyed much success. Other governments, especially those that limited the rights
of individuals, did not.
The United States of America is an ongoing experiment in how people can work
together for the good of all. As an American, you are a member of a nation with
tremendous possibilities. You have certain rights that are guaranteed by the United
States Constitution. You also have duties and responsibilities to fulfill if America is
to continue.
of a city.”
very old word meaning “a member
The word “citizen” comes from a
In This Chapter
How Our Nation XX How citizenship began
Came To Be XX Our nation’s history
The United States of America was born
out of a desire for freedom. Colonists who XX Your rights and duties
settled much of the eastern coast of North as a citizen
America were ruled by a British government
XX The American flag
that limited the liberties the colonists
believed they should have. The colonists had XX Your community and you
to obey British laws and pay British taxes
even though they had no legal way to make XX Serving your community
changes when they felt those laws and taxes
were unfair. XX Knowing your state, your
nation, and the world
Many colonists wanted to govern
themselves. They proclaimed their freedom
from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, with the Declaration of Independence. Britain
did not want America to slip out of its control, so it sent armies to put down the
rebellion. The Revolutionary War dragged on for five years until a treaty signed in
1781 brought an end to the war. The United States became an independent nation.
Representatives of the 13 Colonies gathered to write the Constitution—the plan for
governing the new nation—calling for a form of government in which citizens would
elect officials to represent them. A country governed in this way is called a republic.

Get the scoop on the Constitution from its birth to how it

affects America today. Visit the National Constitution Center at
Chapter 2

The United States Constitution, adopted on Sept. 17, 1787, lays out the rules for
how America’s citizens are to govern themselves. The authors of the Constitution
designed a government flexible enough for a nation that would be growing and
changing. They also guaranteed that the United States would be a land where every
citizen would have certain rights and certain duties.

Your Rights as an American

Do you like to get together with your friends? Read whatever you wish? Live in a
home no one can enter unless invited? Those are rights that are guaranteed by the
Constitution and shared by all Americans. You also have the right to practice any
religion you want, and your freedom of speech is protected.
It doesn’t matter where we live, how much money we have, the color of our skin,
whether we are male or female, or what we believe—the Constitution states that all
Americans are equal under the law. Never in human history have the rights
of every person been so respected.

The Bill of Rights

Known as the
Bill of Rights
United States , the first 10 am
Constitution endments to
spell out basi the
American. Th c ri ghts of every
e Bill of Rights
right to keep guarantees Am
and bear arm ericans the
fair treatmen s, the right of pr
t for people ac iv ate property,
from unreason cused of crim
able search an es , protection
incrimination, d seizure, free
a speedy and dom from self-
representation impartial tria
by legal coun l by jury, and

See for the full text of the Constitution and

Bill of Rights.

Challenges and Changes to the Constitution
The strength of the Constitution has been tested many times. A difficult struggle
for the young nation was the question of slavery. When the Constitution was written,
many people believed slaves did not have the same rights as free Americans. Other
people were certain that slavery was wrong and that the Constitution should grant
the same rights to all people, regardless of their race.
In 1861, the states supporting slavery and the rights of states to determine their
own laws tried to break away from the United States to form a separate country.
Citizens of the other states fought to hold the nation together. When the Civil War
ended in 1865, America was still united.
Through the Emancipation Proclamation and the addition of the 13th
Amendment to the Constitution, liberties were extended to people of all races, but
those bloody years of war will always be a dark reminder that our freedoms have a
high price. Throughout our history, hundreds of thousands of Americans have paid
that price by giving their lives to defend the Constitution.

What Your Nation Asks of You

America is your land. Its soil grows food that feeds you. Its communities offer
support, safety, and services. Its laws protect your rights. By defending the Constitution,
you preserve those rights. As a citizen, you should defend these same rights for others,
even when you do not agree with the ways in which they exercise them.
Written by our elected representatives, the laws of our communities, states, and
nation guide much of what we do every day. You can help your government respond
to the needs of the people by learning about laws and obeying them. When you
disagree with a law, seek to improve it through constitutional processes.
America relies on its citizens to protect it. The men and women of the armed
forces guard the nation against threats from beyond our borders. Ignorance,
prejudice, and indifference are enemies of our country, too. Do your part to defeat
those threats by taking advantage of educational opportunities and by standing up for
the rights of others.
A strong America exists only if its citizens are informed. Read about our nation’s
history and about how our government works. Learn about current issues and how
your representatives are making decisions for you. When you are old enough, it will
be your right and your responsibility to cast an informed vote during elections, to
serve on juries, and to fulfill other duties to America.
Our country also needs dedicated teachers, engineers, scientists, writers, bus
drivers, farmers, and merchants. The nation counts on capable coaches, pilots, soldiers,
computer programmers, and business leaders. It depends upon people committed to
protecting the environment, caring for the sick, and assisting others in need.

Chapter 2

America especially needs young people who are doing something good with their
lives. You are the future of your country, and you can contribute right now. When
you do your best in school and are of service to your family and community, you are
strengthening America. Be engaged. Be aware. Learn what is going on around you and
develop the ability to think for yourself.

Citizenship in
An excellent way to explore your role the Community

as a citizen is by earning the BSA

merit badges for Citizenship in the
Community, Citizenship in the Nation,
and Citizenship in the World. Citizenship in
the Nation

Citizenship in
the World
The American Flag
The flag of the United States is much more than just red, white, and blue cloth.
As the symbol of America, it stands for the past, present, and future of our country.
It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.
Honoring the flag offers all of us a time to think about what it means to be
Americans and to pledge ourselves to making our country the best it can be. Perhaps
you recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day at your school. Before sporting events and
at other public gatherings, you might stand and put your hand over your heart for the
singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” the national anthem. Boy Scout troops open
many of their meetings with a flag ceremony. In Scout
camp, you can join with others to raise the flag each
morning and in the evening to retire it.
While you are wearing your Scout uniform, greet the
flag with a Scout salute. Do this whenever you see the flag
being hoisted or lowered, when you pass it or it passes
you, and during the playing of the national anthem. Give
the Scout salute as you recite the Pledge of Allegiance,
too. Greet the flag when you are not in uniform by
removing your hat, if you are wearing one, and placing
your right hand over your heart.
The Story Behind the Anthem
ked Fort McHenry near
During the War of 1812, a British fleet attac
d Franc is Scott Key watched
Baltimore, Maryland. A young man name
the night . He did not know if the
as the bombardment lasted through
assau lt.
American fortress could withstand the
Key saw the United
When the smoke cleared the next morning,
er—s till flying over the fort. He
States flag—the Star-Spangled Bann
g the night and his trust in
wrote down the feelings he’d had durin
“Defe nce of Fort McHenry.” Soon
America’s future in a poem he called
the count ry. Franc is Scott Key
the words were being sung throughout
has becom e know n as “The
had written the lyrics to the song that
anthe m.
Star-Spangled Banner”—our national

The Star-Spangled Banner

O! say can you see, by the dawn’s early light,
last gleaming,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s
gh the perilous fight,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars throu
tly streaming?
O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallan
ing in air,
And the Rockets’ red glare, the Bombs burst
was still there;
Gave proof through the night that our Flag
O! say does that star-spangled Banner yet wave
O’er the Land of the free, and the home of the

Chapter 2

Flying the Flag

The flag of the United States
may be flown every day. Flags
are usually flown from sunrise
to sunset. Properly lit, they can
be flown at night, too. The flag
should fly on all national and
state holidays and on other days
proclaimed by the president of
the United States.
When the American flag is displayed with flags of other
nations, each national flag must be flown from a separate staff of the same height.
When the American flag is displayed with other types of flags, such as state flags or the
flags of organizations, the national flag is given the position of honor (to its own right)
and should be flown above the others. If flags are displayed at equal heights, the United
States flag is either out in front or farthest to its own right. The American flag is hoisted
first and lowered last.
Hoisting the Flag should never
The United States flag
except as a
To hoist a flag on a flagpole, hold the be flown upside down
for help.
folded flag and prevent it from touching distress signal to call
the ground. A second person should
attach the flag to the flag line (called a halyard), then briskly raise the flag, keeping the
line tight. When the flag is flying freely, step back and salute as the other person ties the
halyard to the flagpole.
Lowering the Flag
Loosen the halyard from the pole and slowly lower the flag. A second person salutes
until the flag is within reach, then gathers the flag into his arms. Remove the flag from
the halyard and tie the halyard to the pole.
The Flag at Half-Staff
Fly the flag at half-staff to show sorrow following a national tragedy, the death of a
president or other national or state figure, or to honor those who have sacrificed their
lives for their country. Hoist the flag to the top of the pole, hold it there for an instant,
and then lower it to a point halfway between the top and the bottom of the pole. Take
it down by first raising the flag to the top of the pole and then lowering it slowly. On
Memorial Day, fly the flag at half-staff until noon and then hoist it to full-staff.

Visit, which has a ton of information about—what else?—

our nation’s history. Check out the site’s Flag Rules and Regulations page.

Folding the Flag
Hold the flag at waist level
between yourself and another
person, and then fold the flag
in half lengthwise and then
again in half lengthwise. Keep
the blue field on the outside.
While you hold the flag by
the blue field, the other person should make a triangular fold in the opposite end.
Continue folding the flag in triangles until only the blue field is visible.

Displaying the Flag

The flag may be carried on a staff in parades, at Scout meetings, and during other
ceremonies and patriotic events.
Displayed from a staff in an auditorium or place of worship, the flag of the United
States of America holds the position of honor to the right of a speaker as he or she
faces the audience. Any other flags should be placed to the speaker’s left.
When displaying a flag horizontally or vertically against a wall, the blue field
should be at the top and at the flag’s own right (to your left as you look at the flag).
To display a flag over a street, hang it vertically with the blue field to the north on
an east-west street or to the east on a north-south street.

Chapter 2

Retiring Worn-Out Flag d
help replace faded an
a Go od Turn, Sco uts can volunteer to du ct
As new ones and to con
ter ed flags in their communities with do wn .
tat have been taken
g retire me nt cerem onies for those that a fire.
fla may be burned in
is worn beyond repair
A national flag that dig nity and respect and
e cer em ony sh ou ld be conducted with
pletely to ashes.
the flag burned com

Flags on Uniforms
Every Boy Scout uniform shirt has an
embroidered American flag sewn on the
right sleeve. Following the guidelines of the
U.S. Flag Code, it is placed with the blue
field (the “union”) to the flag’s own right
(to the left, as someone views it).
You might have noticed that the flag
patch on the right sleeves of U.S. military
uniforms places the blue field to the
observer’s right. According to current
Department of the Army regulations,
“When worn on the right sleeve, it is
considered proper to reverse the design so
that the union is at the observer’s right to
suggest that the flag is flying in the breeze
as the wearer moves forward.” Either
method of displaying the flag on a sleeve
is correct, depending on the regulations
or code that one follows.

Know Your Community
Scouting prepares you to explore the outdoors and understand the natural
world all around. Just as important is the BSA’s encouragement that you know your
community, learn how people can cooperate to improve their neighborhoods, and
find out how you can do your part.
Your Community’s History
Many American towns and cities are hundreds of years old. They might be near
rivers and harbors, or they may have sprung up long ago along trails and railroad lines
that crossed the continent. Other communities are much younger. They may have
started at the edges of cities or close to industrial, commercial, or agricultural centers.
Find resources on the Internet or in your library to discover why your hometown
is located where it is, who started it, and how it has changed over the decades. Visit
museums and monuments that honor local historical events. People who have lived
in your neighborhood for a long time might share their memories of what your
community was like in years gone by.
My community’s name:__________________________________________

Why my community has that name:________________________________



Names of people who founded my community:_______________________



Important events in my community’s history: _ ______________________




My community’s population:_ ____________________________________

Names of elected leaders of my community:_ ________________________




Chapter 2

ity M aps
Commun bo u t y our city
or town
ra r
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u c an learn m In t er n of fice,
Yo n the erce
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ris t in
or a tou nd loca
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o u r n e w o r s h ip, fire
Find y , places
g areas
schools shoppin f your
nearby partm en ts ,
ations o
c e d e h e lo c
and po li
parks. S
pot t in your
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hospita hom
and the travel.
eetings es you
tr oo p m
ra c e th out
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about y ging.
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Getting to Know Your Neighbors

Your city or town is more than a collection of buildings and streets. The people living
there turn a spot on the map into a community. Neighbors are the people in homes
near yours, on farms down the road, or in apartments in your building. You probably
already know some of them. Along with a parent, a guardian, or Scout leaders, you can
introduce yourselves to others. Explain that you are a Scout who lives nearby and that
you would be pleased to learn about them. Everyone has interesting stories to tell and
something to add to your community.
Senior Citizens
Older Americans can draw on decades of experience to help solve community
problems. If they are retired, they might have extra time to devote to their neighborhood.
Many appreciate the friendship of others and especially of young people.

People With
Special Challenges
We all wish we could have perfect
health and awareness. However, illnesses
and accidents can leave people of any age
with challenges. Perhaps you or another
Scout in your troop gets around with
crutches or in a wheelchair. Some
of your neighbors might have poor
hearing or eyesight. Others could
have faced physical or mental
challenges since birth. The effects
of many disabilities are not visible.
Understanding more about the
challenges confronting others is
a step toward getting to know
people for who they really are.
Other Cultures
Each of us has a cultural background. Your parents,
grandparents, or other ancestors might have come from Africa, Asia,
Europe, South America, or another part of the world. Perhaps your family arrived in
America hundreds of years ago. Maybe you and your family have lived in the United
States just a few months. If you are an American Indian, you may be a member of a
tribe that has been in North America for thousands of years.
Americans believe in a nation where people of all backgrounds and races can live
together and succeed. We also take pride in our different histories. Our languages
and religious beliefs, music, clothing, and foods help each of us identify with our
past. Festivals and holidays encourage us to celebrate our cultures and to enjoy the
heritages of our neighbors. By accepting the differences among us, we can experience
the variety and strength that all people can bring to a community.

Chapter 2

What a Community Gives You

Are you proud of the troop
number on the sleeve of your Scout
shirt? That’s because you know you
belong. You can feel the same way
about the community where you
live. You are glad to say, “I am from
this place.” It is your home, and it
provides you with support, safety,
and services.
If you play on a sports team, you know how good it feels to have local fans cheer you
on. When you do your best in school, your teachers, family, and neighbors will give you
a pat on the back. In your Scout troop, religious groups, community clubs, and other
local organizations, you can find people with values and interests that you share.
People in a community support one another through bad times as well as good
times. You might know a family whose home was damaged by fire, a flood, or some
other disaster. Neighbors brought them food, blankets, spare clothing, and other items
they needed. Some may have pitched in to repair the damage and raised money to help
the family get started again. That’s what a community can do.
People who care about their neighbors and the places they live want to keep their
communities safe. You can play a role, too. You can shovel snow from sidewalks,
sweep glass out of a street, cut brush that is hiding a stop sign, paint over graffiti, or
report a broken streetlight. With your knowledge of first aid, you are ready to assist
injured people if an accident occurs. You can also support the police, fire departments,
and rescue squads that handle more serious safety matters. They are part of your
community, too.
If there were no communities and your family lived alone, you would need to find your
own food and water every day. At night you could burn a candle or a lantern, but there
probably would be no other light. If you became sick, you would have to heal yourself.
Thanks to our communities, though, clean water is as close as the nearest faucet.
Electric lights come on at the flip of a switch. If someone becomes injured or ill, he
or she can get treatment at clinics and hospitals. School systems provide educational
opportunities for young people and for adults eager to gain new knowledge.
Fresh water, electrical power, medical attention, education, and dozens of other
services exist because people in a community work together. By sharing the labor and the
cost, you and your neighbors provide yourselves and others with many necessities of life.

Whenever you dive into a public swimming pool, visit a museum or a zoo, or read
a book in a library, you are enjoying community resources. The same is true of local
hiking trails and bike paths, beaches, sports fields, parks, and picnic areas.
To learn more about how a community supports its citizens, your patrol or troop
can visit a fire department, police station, sewage-treatment plant, utility, or other
public service.

Community Government
Large cities have full-time governments. But officials in a small town might be men
and women who serve part-time, often as volunteers. In either case, the people of the
community elect a council of citizens and a mayor, town manager, or tribal leader to
look after local affairs.
City council meetings are often open to the public. County, state, and federal
sessions of elected officials are often public as well. By watching government bodies in
session and reading about meetings in newspapers, you can see how lawmakers make
decisions. That’s one of the ways you can decide whether officials are making choices
you feel are best for everyone.
Visit a Community Leader
Many people are dedicated to public service. Talking with them will help you
understand the challenges and rewards of their work. You might also discover some
of the ways that you can be of service to your neighborhood and your community.
Public officials appreciate
meeting with people they
represent. They often have busy
schedules, so write or call their
offices to make an appointment.
Before you visit, make notes about
the subjects you would like to
discuss. You may wish to find
out what young people can do
to prepare themselves for public
service. Perhaps you have seen a
problem in your neighborhood
that you feel a community leader
should know about, and you want
to suggest a solution. By answering
your questions and by supporting
your interests, leaders are helping
to build a better community
for tomorrow.

Chapter 2

A Visit With a Community Leader

In the spaces below, write about your visit with an elected official, judge,
attorney, civil servant, principal, teacher, or other community leader.

Date:_ _____________________________________________________

Person’s name and occupation:__________________________________


Questions you asked: _ ________________________________________



What the leader suggested you can do to help your community:________




Volunteer Organizations
A mayor or city council member will tell you that government cannot provide
every service a community needs. That’s where volunteer organizations step in.
Volunteer organizations are groups whose members give time and energy to get
things done. A good example is the parent-teacher organization your parents or
guardian might attend at your school. They know that working together with
teachers can make your school an even better place for you to learn.
Your Scout troop is a volunteer organization, too. Adults interested in BSA
programs help organize and support your troop. They find ways to pay for camping gear
and cover other expenses. On their own time, your Scout leaders receive training and
take part in troop meetings and Scouting adventures with you and your fellow Scouts.
Religious organizations often help with community needs, and so do volunteer
fund-raising organizations such as the United Way. Neighborhood awareness groups
do much to involve everyone in the safety of homes and businesses. In smaller towns,
the fire department and rescue squad are often staffed by trained volunteers who have
other careers but are ready to go to someone’s assistance.
You can be a volunteer, too. Perhaps you belong to a school organization that
informs students about the dangers of using alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.
You and your friends might spend a Saturday collecting food and used clothing for
people in need, helping out at a home for senior citizens, working on environmental
protection efforts, or completing projects at a place of worship. Scout patrols
and troops can plan and complete many service projects that will benefit their
communities and the environment.

Chapter 2

“I have never forgotten my days as an Eagle Scout. I didn’t

know it at the time, but what really came out of my Scouting
was learning how to lead and serve the community.”
—Lloyd Bentsen (1921–2006), an Eagle Scout, U.S. Senator,
and U.S. Representative who received the Army Air Corps’
Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism

Citizenship and Service Projects

A service project is a special Good Turn that puts Scout spirit into action. Projects
can take many forms. You might take part in a community cleanup; repair a place
of worship, a museum, or the home of an elderly person; improve a wildlife habitat;
volunteer at a hospital or with a public safety group; organize a recycling effort; or
conduct a clothing pickup or food drive.
Service projects for your community improve the lives of those around you. They will
also enrich your life as you discover that what you do makes a real difference. The more
you give, the more you get back in satisfaction, in accomplishment, and in understanding
that you have done the right thing. Service to others, to your community, and to the
environment becomes a habit that you will want to practice often.
Service Project Leadership
Service projects are ideal opportunities for
Scouts to use the skills of self-leadership and
leading others.
 ave a vision of what a successful project
will look like.

XX Figure out the steps to get there.

XX Complete those steps one at a time.

Service Project
Write a short description of a service project
you have helped plan
and complete.  _ _________________________

Your vision of a successful project:  __________


The steps to make it happen:  ____________


How you completed those steps:  ____________


Chapter 2

Know Your State

Fifty states share America’s national history. Each of us is proud of what makes our
own state special. The name of your state often holds clues to its origin, as does your
capital city. A state flag, motto, song, bird, and flower further identify each state.
Do a little research at the library or on the Internet to discover the emblems of your
state. Write them here. What do they tell you about your home?
My state’s name:  _________________________________________________

My state’s capital city:  ____________________________________________

My state’s motto:  ________________________________________________

My state’s flower:  ________________________________________________

My state’s bird:  __________________________________________________

My state’s song:  _ ________________________________________________

Know Your Nation

The United States of America embraces 3.5 million square miles. Ours is a country
of enormous variety. It stretches from Arctic tundra to tropical wetlands, from sun-
baked desert to old-growth forest, and from great cities to prairies, farmlands, and
mountain ranges.
Americans are as different from one another as the land upon which we live. Even so,
when we work together we have the energy, optimism, and ability to accomplish almost
anything we set out to do. We have sent astronauts to the moon, for example, and built
remarkable school systems and transportation networks. We work together to help
fellow citizens in need after hurricanes, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, and other natural
disasters. We also come together to fight diseases, poverty, unemployment, and crime.
We remember the sacrifices and achievements of Americans with federal holidays,
including observances of the birthdays of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln,
and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day; and
Veterans Day. America has many unsung heroes as well. It has become a strong nation
because of the efforts of every person living upon its soil. Its future depends on the ways
each American contributes in the years to come.
Guam, the United States Virgin Islands, and American Samoa are territories
that are part of our nation. They have some degree of self-government and limited
representation in the U.S. Congress. Commonwealths such as Puerto Rico and the
Northern Mariana Islands are also associated with the United States but are self-
governing. The programs of the Boy Scouts of America are available to the youth of all
U.S. territories and commonwealths.

Our Nation’s Mott
o: In God We Trust
In 1861, U.S. Tr
easury Secretar
D. Chase wrote y Salmon
a letter to the di
the U.S. Mint. “N rector of
o nation can be
except in the st strong
rength of God,
except in His de or safe
fense,” Chase w
“The trust of ou rote.
r people in God
declared on ou should be
r national coin
Congress made s.” A vote of
the secretary’s
law, and in 1864 suggestion
the motto “In Go
Trust” began to d We
appear on coin
United States. s of the

American’s Cree as
es of America,
e United Stat
“I believe in th the pe op le, for
m en t of the people, by
a gove rn e derived from
op le ; w ho se just powers ar a
the pe democracy in
ns en t of th e governed; a ig n
the co many sovere
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republ bl
e and insepara
ect union, on
States; a perf es of free dom,
is he d up on those principl
establ ity for which
ice, and human
equality, just eir lives and
ic an pa tr io ts sacrificed th my
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I th er ef ore believe it to
fortun es . Constituti , on
y to lo ve it , to support its fend it
countr g, and to de
its la w s, to respect its fla
against all en ler Page, 1917
—William Ty

Chapter 2

“Our patriotism should be of the wider, nobler kind which

recognizes justice and reasonableness in the claims of others
and which leads our country into comradeship with . . .
the other nations of the world.”
—Robert Baden-Powell

World Community
In 1920—only 13 years after he had launched Scouting in Great Britain—Robert
Baden-Powell helped host the first of many world Scout jamborees. More than 8,000
Scouts from 34 countries gathered in London to share the fellowship of Scouting.
More than 28 million youths and adults currently hold membership in the
Scouting organizations of 155 nations. As Baden-Powell explained during that first
jamboree, Scouts around the globe form a world brotherhood of Scouting that is
committed to do its share in developing peace and happiness in the world and goodwill
among people everywhere.
We are living at a time when the world seems to be getting smaller. Economies,
businesses, and organizations are increasingly global, and communication is
instantaneous at almost every point in the world. Gaining an understanding of other
nations is vital to our shared success.
The more we discover how much people beyond our borders are contributing to
the good of the world community, the more possibilities we can see for international
cooperation. People all over the world can pull together whenever drought, flood,
earthquake, or famine threatens some part of the planet. Nations that have available
resources can send food, supplies, and medical aid to people in trouble.

Many problems the people of the world face today cannot be solved by one nation.
The list is long—pollution, AIDS, the destruction of rain forests, the endangering
of wildlife, and threats posed by nuclear weapons are just a few. The challenges are
difficult, but they all have solutions.
You might someday help find some of the answers. Begin by learning about people
around the world. Meeting people who have immigrated to the United States from
foreign countries is one way to learn about the cultures, histories, religions, and
languages of others.
Be willing throughout your life to make this a better place—not just for yourself and
other Americans, but for everyone. That is what good citizens of the world can do. That
is what can truly build a healthy community, a strong nation, and a peaceful world.

21st World Scout Jamboree, 2007

Chelmsford, England


“To secure endurance, physical power, physical
courage, and skill, the first thing needful is to take
stock of one’s physical make-up, put the body in the
best possible condition for doing its work and then
keep it in good order.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1911

What does fitness mean to you? For many Scouts, it’s an inviting trail and a
day to go exploring. It might mean a challenge from another patrol to a game of
basketball. Perhaps it is the goal of earning the BSA’s Mile Swim Award, or an
all-day bicycle ride, a backpacking trip, or a long canoe journey. Being prepared for
the adventures of Scouting means taking care of your body. Exercising regularly
and eating a nutritious diet can help you be physically fit for challenges now and in
the future.
There is also fitness of the mind. Diet and exercise are important for your
brain as well as for your muscles. Training yourself to learn, to lead, and to solve
problems is a large part of building mental strength. Developing a positive attitude
is part of it, too, and finding the good in what happens every day.
Making ethical decisions is a third kind of fitness. The ways in which you treat
other people and the world around you are choices to think about seriously, and so
is the respect you have for yourself and the decisions you make that can affect your
health and your future.
Whenever you recite the Scout Oath, you pledge to do your best to keep
yourself physically fit, mentally awake, and morally straight. That’s Scouting’s idea
of fitness—fitness of your body, fitness of your mind, and fitness in making moral
choices. They are among the most important building blocks of a young man.
You can do a lot to develop your fitness in all three areas by using self-leadership
as a way to accomplish great things. Self-leadership is especially valuable for laying
out a plan to improve your physical fitness and then sticking with that plan as good
things begin to happen.

Visit the Handbook Web site at for the requirements

for the Mile Swim and other awards that test your level of fitness.

In This Chapter
XX Envisioning
physical fitness
 ompleting the steps
to better fitness
XX Tenderfoot
fitness checklist
XX Stretching
XX Healthy eating and the
food guide pyramid
A Vision of Fitness
XX Maintaining the
When you imagine yourself being physically
proper weight
fit, what picture do you see? Perhaps your idea
of physical fitness is to be as healthy as possible XX Getting enough sleep
and to have the strength and endurance to take XX Taking care of and
part in all the Scout adventures and school protecting your body
activities that interest you. Your vision also can
include regular exercise and a good diet that will XX Avoiding tobacco, alcohol,
lay a foundation of health for years to come. and drugs

Each of us is born with a body of a certain XX Staying mentally awake

type. We can’t change how tall we are or and morally straight
whether we are naturally slender, stocky, or
somewhere in between, but
we can do a lot to care for the
bodies that we have. If you’re
already in good shape, see
what more you can do. If you
have physical disabilities, you
can explore ways to strengthen
yourself and be as healthy as
you can. If a health professional
has advised you to lose some
weight, begin doing something
about the extra pounds.
Whatever your starting point,
you have great potential. Develop
a vision of what being physically fit
will look like, and then start taking
the steps to make that vision real.

Chapter 3

Self-Leadership Is …
XX Having a vision of where you want to be

XX Figuring out the steps to get there

XX Completing those steps one at a time

To Keep Myself
Physically Strong
(1964), by
Norman Rockwell

Before beginning any exercise routine, it’s a

good idea to have a physical examination. Your
doctor can answer any questions you might have
and can provide guidance for you to undertake
the activities you are planning. He or she also
can help you learn how to reach and maintain
the weight that is right for you.

Steps to Better Fitness
Break down your vision of lifelong fitness into challenges that you can manage one
at a time. The steps leading toward being physically fit include:
XX Getting plenty of exercise

XX Eating a healthy diet

XX Sleeping enough

XX Guarding against injury and illness

Completing the Steps

The human body thrives on exercise. Being active for 30 to 60 minutes most days is
good for muscles and organs. It pushes you to become stronger. It helps with circulation
and digestion. Walking, bicycling, mowing lawns, and playing sports are all terrific
ways to give your body exercise. Of course, hiking, backpacking, swimming, canoeing,
climbing, and many other Scouting adventures are excellent choices, too. To give all
parts of your body a good workout, add push-ups, chin-ups, and a few other exercises.
You can use the Tenderfoot fitness checklist to chart your progress in becoming fit.
Recording your best efforts will help you see where you are right now. Exercising for a
month and then testing yourself again will show you how much you have improved.

itness Checklist
Tenderfoot F
wing tests.
r best in the follo s later)
Record you Date (30 day
Exercise _____
__ ______
Push-ups _____
__ ______
Pull-ups _____
__ ______
Sit-ups _____
__ ______
g ju m p __________
n _______
Standing lo ____ ____
__ __ __ __
alk/run ove after
500-yard w vi ties listed ab
th e ac ti
vement in
Show impro
r 30 days. e
practicing fo each of thes
m ple te th ree sets of do as
ngth, co example,
To build stre u r ti m es a week. For at’s one
ree or fo inute. Th
exercises th ca n , th en rest for a m h w ith a
ps as you then finis
many sit-u of si t- up s, rest again, gr ess can
cond set kout pro
set. Do a se n ot eb oo k of your wor
eeping a
third set. K at it regula
you to keep

Push-ups build the muscles of the arms, For less demanding push-
chest, and shoulders. ups, use your knees rather
How to do them: than your toes for balance.
Remember to keep your spine
Lie facedown on the floor with your arms
bent and the palms of your hands flat against and thighs in a straight line.
the floor. Keeping your neck, spine, and knees As your strength increases,
straight, push yourself upward until your shift to the regular push-up
arms are fully extended. Slowly lower yourself position with your weight on
toward the floor, then repeat. your hands and toes.

Pull-ups strengthen the muscles
of the arms, back, and shoulders.
How to do them:
Grasp a pull-up bar with your
palms facing forward. Pull yourself
upward until you can touch the
bar with your chin, then slowly
return to the starting position.

e fo re sta can
r legs
b nkles
d you g your a
If you
b e n
grasp i n ith t
o u
p , a friend e e x ercise w ay
pull-u lete th ood w
u comp a n be a g h
help yo
. That
c eno gu
c h effort i n b u ilding p s.
as m u beg ull-u
o u r body to e re g ular p
for y t
th to c
Chapter 3

Sit-ups are great for strengthening the muscles of the abdomen.
How to do them:
Lie on your back with your knees flexed and your arms crossed over your chest.
Ask a friend to hold your feet down. Curl up toward the sitting
position until your elbows touch your thighs. Slowly
return to the starting position.

Crunches are a variat

ion on sit-ups that pro
results. Begin in the sam duce good
e way as for regular sit
but come up just until -ups,
your shoulder blades
of the floor. Slowly low are clear
er yourself to the startin
position, then repeat. g
Try doing crunches wit
anyone holding your fee hout

Standing Long Jump
The standing long jump works muscles in the legs, hips, and torso.
How to do it:
Choose a place with a safe landing area—a soft lawn, the sand pit at a running
track, or a gymnastics mat, for example. Stand with your toes against a line at the
edge of the landing area. Flex your legs and then leap forward with both feet leaving
the ground at the same moment. Use the strength of your legs and a swing of your
arms to go as far as possible. Have someone watch where you touch the ground at the
end of your jump, and then measure from there back to the starting line. Record the
best of three jumps.
500-Yard Walk/Run
Walking and running strengthen the heart,
lungs, and muscles of the legs and hips.
How to do it:
Five hundred yards is one lap of a standard
running track plus an additional 60 yards—
about halfway down the track’s straightaway
or around one of the curves, depending on
where you start. Run or walk the distance
as quickly as you can, but remember to pace
yourself so you have energy to make a strong
finish as you complete the walk/run.

Chapter 3

Take a few minutes to stretch before beginning a sports event, an exercise routine,
a hike, or other physical activity. Stretching relaxes the tendons and ligaments in your
joints. It warms the muscles and gets them ready to work. It makes your body more
flexible and reduces the chances of injury. Stretching after a strenuous activity might
help keep your muscles and joints from becoming stiff and sore.
Try the following stretches, doing each with just
enough effort to put a little tension on your muscles.
Stretch without bouncing. At first you might feel tight,
but over time your range of motion will increase.
Thigh Stretch
Place your left hand on a wall or tree for support. Grab
your right ankle with your right hand and gently pull your
heel toward your buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds, and then
repeat with your hand on your left ankle.
Achilles Tendon
and Calf Stretch
Stand about 3 feet
from a wall or tree and
place your palms flat
against it. Keep your
heels on the ground and your back straight as you
lean closer to the wall. Hold that position for 30
seconds, feeling the stretch of your calf muscles and
Achilles tendons.
Straddle Stretch
Sit on the ground and
spread your legs, and then
lean forward as far as you
can while reaching out
with your arms. Hold the
position for 30 seconds.
The straddle stretch is
good for the muscles in
your back and the backs
of your legs.

Lower Back
Lying on your back,
bend a leg toward
your chest, interlace
your fingers around
your knee, and gently
pull it closer to your
torso. After 15 to 30
seconds, release your hold and then
perform the stretch with your other leg.
Shoulder Stretch
Hold one
arm across your
upper chest and
pull it toward you
with the bend of
your other elbow.
Reverse the starting
position, then repeat
the stretch with your
other arm.

Drink ple
nty of fr
helps yo esh wate
u digest r every d
food. It w ay. Wate
your inte ashes wa r
stines an stes throu
moisture d kidney gh
evapora s. When
ting from you pers
your skin pir e,
cools you

Visit the Handbook Web site,, for more

on exercise and nutrition.

Chapter 3

Eat a Healthy Diet

Choosing healthy foods and avoiding those that aren’t good for
you can make a big difference in how you feel and how fit you are.
Food you eat should do three things:
XX Build up your body and keep it in good repair.

XX Provide the vitamins, minerals, fiber, and bulk that

your body needs.

XX Serve as a source of energy for everything you do.

The Food Guide Pyramid

The food guide pyramid developed by the United States Department of Agriculture
can help you understand what to eat to be healthy.
The colored stripes forming the pyramid represent different food groups:
XX Orange—grains XX Blue—milk and other dairy products

XX Green—vegetables XX Purple—meat, beans, fish, and nuts

XX Red—fruits

XX Yellow—fats and oils

The width of each stripe suggests the amount of food from that group to eat every
day. The person climbing the pyramid stairway is a reminder of the importance of being
active. It encourages you to make healthy changes one step at a time. has extensive information on the food guide pyramid and

government nutrition guidelines.

Grains include cereals, breads, crackers, rice, and
pasta. Grains are a major source of carbohydrates
that fuel you through the day. Whole-grain foods such
as oatmeal, whole-wheat bread, and brown rice have
more fiber, vitamins, and minerals than foods made
from grains that are highly processed (white breads,
white rice, many breakfast cereals). Choose whole
grains whenever you can.
Vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals,
and other nutrients important for good health.
They can be eaten raw, steamed, or cooked in a
microwave. (Boiling them can cause some loss
of vitamins and other nutrients.)
Among the most nutritious vegetables are
broccoli, spinach, and other leafy greens that are high
in vitamin A, vitamin C, and important minerals. (Often the
darker the color of a green vegetable, the more nutrients it contains.) Carrots,
sweet potatoes, and other orange
vegetables also are good sources of vitamin A.
Apples, oranges, blueberries, bananas, and
other fruits are tasty, ready to eat, and filled with
vitamins and minerals. As snacks and
desserts, they are hard to beat.
Low-fat milk, yogurt, pudding, cheese,
ice cream, and other dairy products
are rich in vitamins and in calcium, an
essential building block for strong bones.

me da
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If you ch o ose la s of calc
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Chapter 3

Meat and Beans

Fish, poultry, beef, and other meats can provide
your body with protein for building tissues.
For meats, choose poultry, fish, and lean red
meats. To avoid adding unnecessary fat to your
diet, it is better to eat meats that have been
baked, broiled, or grilled instead of deep-fat
fried, cooked in lots of butter, or prepared with
heavy sauces.
Beans and other legumes such as peas and lentils
are sources of protein that also add fiber, vitamins, and
minerals. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, pecans,
cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, and sunflower seeds also
provide protein.
Foods with lots of fat often taste good. However, your body processes fat
slowly, and eating too much fat can cause weight gain. Over time, certain kinds of fats
can clog arteries, leading to heart problems. Minimize these dangers by:
XX Getting most of your fat from fish, nuts, and vegetable oils.

XX Going easy on solid fats—butter, stick margarine, shortening, and lard—

as well as foods that contain solid fats or have been cooked in these fats.

Take responsibility every day for making good decisions about what you
eat and drink and in what amounts. Remember your vision of being
healthy and the goal of sticking with foods and beverages that are
good for you. The more often you make wise choices about food,
the easier it becomes. You’ll feel better and be stronger
as you get into the habit of smart eating.
Sugar and Caffeine
t cereals,
Sugar is found in many candies, breakfas
in the form of high -fructose
and other foods, often
food s and sodas can give you a quick
corn syrup. Sugary
the feeling wear s off quick ly and can leave
burst of energy, but
amount of sugary foods
you tired and cranky. Try to limit the
fruits and juices can be
and beverages you eat and drink. Fresh
nutritious substitutes.
tea often contain caffeine,
Sodas, some energy drinks, coffee, and
system and speeds the
which temporarily stirs up the nervous
ble and make it hard to
heart. Caffeine might make you irrita
d only in moderation.
sleep. These drinks should be consume
usually better choices.
Water, some fruit juices, and milk are

Chapter 3

Checking the Nutrition Facts Label

Check the nutrition facts label on packaged
foods to learn the amount of
fat, sugar, caffeine, salt, and other ingredient
s in a food. The daily value
percentage gives an idea of how much of your
daily intake of a nutrient is
contained in one serving of that food. This inform
ation can help you make
healthy choices about what you eat each day.

1 Start here.

2 Check the calories.

3 Limit these nutrients.

4 Get enough of these nutrients.

5 Check the footnote.

5 percent or less of daily value is
low; 20 percent or more is high.

Special Diets and
Food Allergies
Many people choose not to eat
foods because of family backgr
religious beliefs, medical rest
or personal choice. Vegetarians
, for
example, avoid meat, but com
of grains, beans, and other ingr
can give them plenty of protein
. People
allergic to dairy products, nut
s, shellfish,
or other foods must be especia
lly careful
in their food choices and may
need to
carry emergency kits to be use
d in case
of an allergic reaction.

For more information about packaging emblems such as kosher or

non-dairy, visit

Chapter 3

How Much Should You Weigh?

Your weight depends on many factors, including how quickly your body uses the
food you eat and on the build of your body. You are growing rapidly, too, and your body
is changing. Eat nutritious foods in reasonable amounts and get plenty of exercise most
days, and your body will probably find its own ideal weight. If you have concerns about
how much you weigh, a family doctor can provide the answers you need. He or she
might provide a height/weight chart for you to use. A good example of such a chart is
the one used by Philmont Scout Ranch to help Scouts and their leaders prepare for
backcountry treks.

Philmont Weight Limits

for Backcountry Participation
must not weigh more than the
Each participant in a Philmont trek
weight-for-height chart below. The
maximum acceptable limit in the
m acceptable weight for a person’s
right column shows the maximu in
Philmont trek. Those who fall with
height in order to participate in a d risking
an enjoyable trek and avoi
the limits are more likely to have
their health.
Height Weight (pounds)
Feet Inches Recommended Maximum
97–138 166
5 0
101– 143 172
5 1
104–148 178
5 2
107– 152 183
5 3
111–157 189
5 4
114– 162 195
5 5
118–167 201
5 6
121– 172 207
5 7
125–178 214
5 8
129– 185 220
5 9
132–188 226
5 10
136– 194 233
5 11
140– 199 239
6 0
144– 205 246
6 1
148–210 252
6 2
152– 216 260
6 3
156–222 267
6 4
160– 228 274
6 5
164–234 281
6 6
170– 240 295
6 7
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
This table is based on the revised
culture and the Department of
from the U.S. Department of Agri
Health and Human Services.

Take pride in caring for your body. The habits of eating right and being active will
benefit you throughout your life. Whether you are a youth or an adult, it’s never too
late to begin making yourself more fit.

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“To carry out all the duties and work of a Scout

properly a fellow has to be strong, healthy, and
active. And he can make himself so if he takes a
little care about it.”
—Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys, 1915
Chapter 3

Getting Enough Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important ways of
renewing your energy. Rest also gives your body a
chance to replace old tissues and build new muscle.
Much of the growth you are experiencing now happens
while you are asleep. Most boys of Scouting age need
nine to 10 hours each night.
On campouts, there will be so much to do during the day that you will almost always
find yourself tired by bedtime. Crawl into your sleeping bag and you will probably fall
right asleep and not wake up until dawn.
Sleep routines can be different at home. With schoolwork, sports, meetings, and
family activities, there often is much to do after school and in the evening. Sometimes
sleep might not seem very important. Organize your time, though, so that you can get
the rest you need.
XX Plan your schedule so that you go to bed at the same time each night and
get up at the same time each morning.

XX Enjoy some physical activities during the day.

XX Avoid soft drinks that contain caffeine as well as sugary foods and drinks
in the evening.

XX The bright lights of televisions and computer screens can prevent your
brain from quieting down for sleep, so set aside quiet time as you are
getting ready for bed.

Taking Care of Your Body

Regular exercise, a healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep
are all steps toward good health. In addition, take care of the following.
Skin—The skin is the body’s largest organ. It is the outer armor protecting you from
injury and illness. In addition, sweat glands in the skin help control body temperature.
Nerve endings in the skin are sensitive to heat, cold, and touch.
When you will be in the sun, protect your skin from harmful rays by applying plenty
of sunscreen. If your skin becomes dry or irritated, soothe it with lotion.
Bathe regularly—every day, if you can. A shower or bath is best, or you can wash
yourself with a wet cloth. In camp and on the trail, carry water at least 200 feet
(75 steps) from lakes, streams, and springs before washing.
Teeth—Your teeth can last a lifetime if you protect them. Gently brush them with
toothpaste in the morning and at bedtime to remove sticky, colorless plaque that causes
tooth decay and gum disease. Flossing once a day loosens food particles and plaque from
between your teeth. A well-balanced diet helps keep teeth healthy, too. Having a dentist
check and clean your teeth every six months is important long-term maintenance.
Eyes—Your eyes should be clear and bright. If they are often red or they ache, it might
be a sign of strain caused by wind or smoke, lack of sleep, or staring too long at a
television or computer. It also could mean you need glasses. Have your eyes checked
by an eye doctor if you have concerns.
Rest your eyes when you are reading or working at a computer by looking out
of a window now and then and focusing on distant objects. Wear sunglasses in
bright light, especially on open water and snow. Goggles or a snorkel mask will keep
swimming-pool chemicals from irritating your eyes. Put on safety goggles whenever
you use power tools.
Ears—Very loud noises can damage
your hearing. Wear ear protec-
tion around machinery and on
firing ranges. Keep the volume
of music players at a reasonable
level, especially if you are listening
with headphones. An earache,
constant ringing, or fluid running
out of an ear are all signs of
trouble. See a doctor if you have
any of these symptoms.
Lungs—The air you breathe
provides oxygen your body
must have. Breathe the cleanest
air you can by staying away from exhaust
fumes, smoke, and chemical vapors. Use paints, glues, and sprays only out-
side or in well-ventilated areas. Refuel and light camp stoves and lanterns outdoors,
and never bring them into a tent.

Chapter 3

Lifting and Sittin

Protect your ba
ck from injury
lifting by bend when
ing your knees,
your back stra ke eping
ight, and using
muscles of your th e strong
legs. For heavie
r weights, ask
When spending others to help
long hours at a .
work, guard yo de sk studying or do
ur back from st ing computer
on the floor. Ta rain by sitting
ke breaks now upright with yo
an d then to walk ur feet
Best of all is ge around and st
tting outdoors retch.
and doing som
ething active.

Protecting Yourself
Against Injury and Disease
It doesn’t take much skill to cross a railroad track, but if a train is coming, common
sense tells you to wait. It is common sense to use a sturdy stepladder instead of a
wobbly chair when you have to reach something from a high place, to wear a helmet
while bicycling, and to fasten your seatbelt when you get into a car. It is good judgment
to stay away from unfamiliar dogs and to sweep up broken glass before someone steps
on it and is hurt.
Be on the lookout for dangerous situations and do what you can to correct them. Is a
campfire growing too large? Douse it. Is a sidewalk crowded? Walk your bicycle or keep
your skateboard under your arm.
When it comes to avoiding injury, you can reduce risk in almost everything you do.
Learn and follow the rules of the activities you enjoy. Hike and camp with care. Any
time you aren’t sure how to do something safely, ask. Understand the dangers of an
activity and know how to minimize them.

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
On a hike, you can rely on your map and compass to show you the way. When it
comes to tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, you can trust that part of the Scout Oath in
which you promise to keep yourself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally
straight. Choosing not to use tobacco, alcohol, and drugs is a perfect example of
ethical decision-making in how you care for your body and your mind.
Tobacco contains nicotine, a powerful drug that raises blood pressure and increases
the heart rate. Smokers get in the habit of expecting these changes and become
uncomfortable without nicotine. Once they have started using tobacco, many people
find it is an addiction—a habit that is very hard to quit.
Advertisements often pretend smoking
is exciting and attractive. You might have
friends who think smoking makes them
look grown-up. Don’t be fooled. Smoking
makes it harder for you
to breathe and to be
good at sports. Tobacco
smoke coats your lungs
with sticky tars that
can lead to cancer and
emphysema, diseases
that cause misery and
death for hundreds of
thousands of people
every year. Chewing
tobacco and snuff can
lead to mouth sores,
gum disease, and
cancers of the mouth,
tongue, and throat.

For more information on avoiding the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, and

drugs, visit the Handbook Web site,

Effects of Smoking
ct the following:
u begin smoking cigarettes, expe
If yo
Right Now
ll be bad.
XX Your breath wi
will smell.
XX Your clothes
st ink.
XX Your hair will
ll be come yellow.
XX Your teeth wi

Soon breathing problem
more colds and
XX You will have
than nonsmoker
your arteries
ng s wi ll be co m e damaged, and
XX Your lu
ow and harden.
will start to narr
as good at sports
XX You won’t be
ng, and taking
s en du ra nc e wh en hiking, bicycli
XX You will have .
enging activities
part in other chall
it ha rd to quit smokin
XX You will find

In the Future or.

health will be po
XX Your overall ing
er you go, breath
ed to us e an ox ygen tank wherev
XX You might ne
a mask.
from it through
ing of lung cancer
greater risk of dy
XX You will be at likely live
e a day, you will
ok e a pa ck of cigarettes or mor ok ed .
XX If you sm have never sm
than people who
seven years less
and just
the smart thing
ea sy wa y to av oid all of this. Do
There’s an the
e smoking, make
tobacco. If you ar
don’t start using those wh o
r your future and
ethical choice fo
opping no w.
care for you by st

Commercials for beer, wine, and other alcoholic drinks are all around. But flashy
images don’t change the fact that drinking can cloud your thinking and affect your
judgment. Alcoholism—a dependence on liquor—destroys many people’s lives. The
craving for alcohol saps their resources and their health, ruins families, and can lead
to an early death.
For young people, it’s best to avoid alcohol. Adults who choose to use alcohol
need to be responsible in their choices, both in being safe and in setting a good
example for others.
Be aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. Consuming alcohol can make a
person an unsafe driver, and the results are sometimes tragic. Never ride in a car driven
by someone who is under the influence of alcohol. You can always find another way
home, but you might not live through a crash caused by an alcohol-impaired driver.
Talk with your parents or guardian about what to do if you ever find yourself in a
situation that could involve a driver who has been drinking. Have a plan ready with
a responsible adult you can always call for a ride home if you need it. That’s self-
leadership at its best—seeing the future you want and taking steps to make it happen.
Drugs change the chemistry of your body. When you are ill, medicines prescribed
by your doctor can help you get well. Unfortunately, many young people use illegal
drugs that don’t come from a doctor, or they take drugs that have been prescribed for
someone else. If the amount of a drug someone swallows, smokes, inhales, or injects
is not controlled by a doctor, a user never knows how much of a drug he or she is
taking. An overdose can lead to serious illness or death.
Many drugs are addictive. Those who begin using a drug can soon find that they
want more and that trying to stop is physically and emotionally painful. They might
lie, cheat, and steal to get drugs. Using drugs can become more important to them
than their friends, their families, and even their own lives.

codeine, inha
ecstasy, co caine, crack, the mind.
eth, ful effects on
Marijuana, m in have harm
D, and hero eg al drugs.
LS d all other ill
alth by av oiding these an
Protect your

Chapter 3

Staying Away From

Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs
Because tobacco, alcohol, and illegal drugs can have such dangerous effects, why
would anyone ever start using them? Here are some reasons users might give you and
some ways you can respond.
“All my friends are doing it.” It might seem that some people you like are doing
something that isn’t wise. To be like them, you may be tempted to try it, too. But if their
actions are wrong, you don’t have to follow the crowd. Sometimes real leadership means
simply doing what is right. Show your friends there’s a better way to live. Get more
involved in Scouting, school activities, sports, and worthwhile clubs. If you have to, find
new friends who aren’t developing dangerous habits.
“I want to get away from problems.” Scouts learn on campouts that life in the
outdoors is not always easy. Perhaps you’ve been caught in a thunderstorm. Maybe
someone fell and twisted his ankle. You didn’t run away from those problems. Instead,
you used your skills to make a safe camp or to give first aid. You faced the tough times
squarely and made the best of them.
At home and in school, demands can seem very heavy. You might feel as though
there’s a lot of weight on your shoulders or that parents and teachers expect too much
of you. Instead of turning to drugs, tobacco, and alcohol to escape, use your skills
to find solutions. You don’t have to do it all alone. Friends, parents, teachers, school
counselors, and religious leaders might all be able to help.
“I want to feel grown up.” Because of the way they are often shown in movies and on
television, smoking, drinking, and using drugs might seem like adult things to do. But
hurting your body and your future is very childish.
Prove you are becoming an adult by accepting worthwhile responsibilities. Helping with
household chores shows you are doing your part to make family life better for everyone.
Advancing in Scouting’s ranks and holding troop leadership positions are signs you are
maturing. Doing your best in class and in school activities also shows your maturity.
These are the real ways to let the world know you are becoming a respected adult.
“There’s nothing else to do.” Some young people say they use drugs, alcohol, and
tobacco because they are bored. What they are really saying is that they are too lazy to
take part in the real excitement of being alive.
If you look around, boredom should be the farthest thing from your mind. Athletics,
books, Scouting, school projects, music, exercise, helping others—the world is full of
great things to do. Look at life as full of possibilities for constant growth, and embrace
the opportunities all around you.

For more tips on staying away from tobacco, alcohol, and drugs, visit the
Handbook Web site,

’s Advice
Finally, you can simply turn
your back on anything that
Baden-Powell ting’s found
t B ad en -P owell, Scou ou gh
would harm you, demonstrating Rober ere smart en
at Scouts w He
ethical decision-making and had faith th y and right.
re ou t w h at is health ure
courage. Nobody can force you to figu others press
ts not to let
to do something wrong if you urged Scou selves with
arming them
don’t agree to do it. With a strong them into h “And if you
body and clear mind, you will be alcoh ol, or tobacco. o
drugs , , “there is n
far ahead of those who choose to be en fool ish,” he said ay .”
have stay that w
risk their friends, their families, and ys you must
law that sa
their lives with the very real dangers
of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.

Mentally Awake
Eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, and protecting yourself from tobacco,
alcohol, and drugs are important habits for staying healthy. They can all help keep
your mind strong and alert, too.
That’s a good start. Staying mentally awake requires exercise, just as physical
fitness does. You can exercise your mind every day at school and by learning all you
can about what’s going on in your community, your state, and your nation. You can
look at homework as an opportunity to build your brain.
Scouting offers plenty of opportunities for your mind to grow. Advancing through
Scouting’s ranks and completing the requirements for BSA merit badges will
challenge you to think and learn. Being a leader in your patrol and troop can stretch
your mind as you practice new skills. Every Scout adventure presents opportunities
to solve problems and figure out the best ways of doing things.

Chapter 3

Morally Straight
The third part of the Scout Oath’s fitness promises is that you will do your best to
keep yourself morally straight. This idea has been at the heart of Scouting since the
beginning. Early editions of the Boy Scout Handbook encouraged Scouts to model
themselves after the knights of old. At the heart of that belief was chivalry—living
by a code that was a guide to behaving at all times with honor. The 1914 Handbook
explained it this way:

A Scout Is Chivalrou ld be as manly as
t be chiva lro us. That is, he shou age.
“Obviously a boy
scout mus should show cour
old . He sh ou ld be unselfish. He be
the knights or pi
oneers of He should
lence and thrift.
hi s du ty. He should show benevo s, an d show respect to
He must do ob ed ient to his parent
ld be of his
loyal to his coun
try. He sh ou s to women. One
rs . He sh ou ld be very courteou ee rfu l
s superio should be ch
those who are hi ev ery da y to some one. He
do a good tu rn self.”
obligations is to e a career for him
pr ov em en t, and should mak 14
and seek se lf-im Boys, 2nd ed., 19
—Handbook for

We are far beyond the age of knights, but the idea of being guided by a moral code is
as important today as it has ever been.
Who you are is built on the values of your family, friends, religious denomination,
and community. The Scout Oath and Scout Law put those values into words that can
be recited easily and understood by everyone. Helping others at all times. Doing your
best to be trustworthy, loyal, and helpful. Acting with kindness to others. Being brave in
doing what is right, and being reverent in your beliefs.
With the Scout Oath and Scout Law to guide you, you can make ethical decisions
even when problems are difficult and even if you must stand alone. There might be
times when peer pressure could tempt you to bend the rules, but you know you won’t
because that’s not the way you want to live.
One sign of character is what you
choose to do when no one is look

The self-leadership that is helping you become physically strong and mentally
awake also can guide you in making moral choices. When you are faced with a tough
decision, begin by forming a picture in your mind of what the right outcome will be
for you and others who are involved.
When you can see the goal you want to reach, figure out the steps to get there.
This might require getting more information and talking with others. You could
discover that there are several pathways you might follow. If so, measure each against
the Scout Oath and Scout Law to learn which one holds up.
Then you can put the steps in action, knowing that you are doing the right
thing. Despite what others might think, you will be making good choices and
strengthening your moral fitness as you continue toward the larger goal of always
being an ethical person.
Consider the following situations:
XX A school classmate has a paper you can copy and turn in as your own.
No one will know except you and your classmate. Do you do it?

XX On a busy street, you find a wallet with money in it. No one sees you pick
it up. Do you keep it or take steps to return it to its owner? If you do
return it, should you keep some of the money as a reward?

XX Some boys your age are bullying a younger boy on the playground.
Do you do something about it or pretend you haven’t seen anything
and walk away?

Decisions you make throughout life will come in many forms. Some will be
very tough, but they will have one thing in common. You will know how you acted.
You will be aware of the times when you did the right thing and realize that you’ve
strengthened your moral fitness. You’ll also know when you should have made a
better choice, and you can learn from that experience, too.
Many ethical decisions involve small choices—being courteous to other people,
for example, and helping out whenever you can. Other decisions can have lifelong
consequences. One that you might confront in your teenage years is the matter of
sexual responsibility.
Chapter 3

Sexual Responsibility
As you grow into manhood,
you are maturing sexually and
are capable of becoming a father.
Fatherhood is a responsibility
with powerful consequences
in your life and in the lives of
others. The choices you make
require your very best judgment.
People around you are also
changing. Girls you know are
becoming young women. They
are maturing physically and
emotionally. Your relationships
with them will become closer and more
meaningful, both to you and to them.
Sex is not the most important or grown-up part of a relationship. Having sex is never a
test of manliness. True maturity comes from acting ethically in the following ways:
XX Your responsibility to women. Whenever you like to be with someone,
you want the best for that person. A healthy relationship is supportive
and equal. You can have terrific times together enjoying life and growing
emotionally. However, the difficulties created by an unplanned pregnancy
can be very complicated. Don’t burden someone you care for with a child
neither of you is ready to raise.

XX Your responsibility to yourself. An understanding of wholesome sexual

behavior can bring lifelong happiness. Irresponsibility or ignorance, however,
can cause a lifetime of regret. Diseases spread by sexual contact could
threaten your health and that of others. Having a baby before you are ready
might severely limit your chances for education, occupations, and travel.

XX Your responsibility to your beliefs. For the followers of most religions, sex
should take place only between people who are married to each other. To do
otherwise may cause feelings of guilt and loss. Waiting until marriage is a
wise course of action.

You owe it to yourself to enter adulthood without extra hurdles to overcome. Learn
what is right. Your religious leaders can give you guidance for making ethical choices.
Your parents, guardian, or a sex-education teacher can provide the basic facts about sex.

Lifelong Fitness fitness
Each time you say the Scout Oath, you promise to keep yourself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight. These are more than just words. They are a
pledge to do your best to develop healthy habits that lead to fitness of your body,
your mind, and your character.
This might seem like a lot to do right now, but the important thing is to get
started. Picture what fitness will look like for you in the months and years ahead,
then lead yourself in the right direction. Be true to your vision of becoming the best
person that you can be, and the rest will fall into place.

ss is to make yourself
“One step toward happine
you are a boy, so that
healthy and strong while
can enjoy life when you
you can be useful, and so
are a man.” ll
—Robert Baden-Powe

First Aid
“First Aid must be both expert and friendly.
You must know what has to be done and how to
do it quickly and neatly.”
—First Aid merit badge pamphlet, 1939

first aid
A Scout on a campout falls against a rock. He shouts for help. His head is
bleeding and his arm is bent at an odd angle. What do you do?
Walking home from school, you hear the squeal of tires and turn to see a car
knock a man to the ground. He is unconscious. Blood is spurting from a gash in his
leg. You don’t think he is breathing. What do you do?
A small child complains that he feels sick. You see a box of rat poison spilled on
the floor and think the child might have eaten some. What do you do?
What you do is give first aid.
first aid
In This Chapter
XX The goals of first aid and
why first aid is important
st Aid
The Goals of Fir red
XX Personal and group
person who is first-aid kits
XX Protect a
rther harm.
or ill from fu XX First-aid method
XX Stop life-th XX Basic first-aid techniques
medical em ergencies.

under XX First aid for hurry cases

 et the person
XX G .
medical care
professional XX Moving an ill or
injured person

Why First Aid

Is Important
First aid is the first help given
to someone who has had an accident or other health
emergency. If more attention is needed, first-aid treatment helps keep an
injured or ill person as safe as possible until medical personnel arrive.
First aid has always been important to the Boy Scouts of America. It is part of
being a good citizen. Learning first-aid skills is a way to put into action the Scouting
ideal of doing Good Turns.
You could be the first to arrive at an accident scene and the first to offer assistance.
Even if other people are around, you might be the one most able to help. On Scout
trips, at home, and in your school and community, you’ll want to be ready to do the
best you can in any situation.
Knowing how to treat injured or ill people also is part of being prepared. The
Scout motto—Be Prepared—asks that you do all you can to avoid injuries and
illnesses in the first place. Good planning of hikes and campouts means that you and
others in your patrol will know what to expect along the way. You’ll have clothing and
shelter to match the weather, and you will be careful with stoves, pocketknives, and
other woods tools. You can watch out for one another.

Chapter 4

Chapter Quick Index

Use this index to find first-aid advice in a hurry.

Hyperventilation ..........................148
First-Aid Kits .....................127
Personal First-Aid Kit................... 127 Burns ..............................................148

Home or Patrol/ Cold- and Heat-Related Injuries .150

Troop First-Aid Kit........................128
Protecting the Neck and Spine ... 153
First-Aid Method...............129 Sprains and Strains.......................154
The Steps of the First-Aid Method ...130
Broken Bones (Fractures) ........... 156

Basic First Aid................... 136 Hurry Cases . ......................162

Simple Cuts and Scrapes .............136
Breathing and Heartbeat
Blisters ........................................... 137 Hurry Cases ...................................163

Nosebleeds ....................................138 Heart Attack . ................................166

Poisonous Plants...........................138 Severe Bleeding ............................ 167

Animal Bites ..................................140 Ingested Poisoning .......................169

Spider and Insect Bites Shock .............................................. 170

and Stings ...................................... 142
Other First-Aid
Object in the Eye ........................... 145 Emergencies . .....................172

Puncture Wounds ........................ 145  oving an Ill or

Injured Person ...................173
Dehydration .................................. 147

first aid
First-Aid Kits
Being prepared for first aid means having the necessary supplies on hand. A
personal first-aid kit will help you treat scrapes, blisters, and other minor injuries.
Carry a personal first-aid kit on hikes and campouts. Fit everything in a resealable
plastic bag and take it with you whenever you set out on a Scout adventure. Preparing
a larger first-aid kit for your patrol or troop can be useful in treating many injuries
and illnesses. Everyone should know who is
carrying the kit and where it is stored so that it
can be located quickly.

Personal First-Aid Kit

■■ 6 adhesive bandages

■■ 2 sterile, 3-by-3-inch gauze pads

■■ A small roll of adhesive tape

■■ A 3-by-6-inch piece of moleskin

■■  small bar of soap or small

bottle of alcohol-based hand
sanitizing gel

■■  small tube of triple

antibiotic ointment

■■ Scissors

■■ Disposable nonlatex gloves

■■ CPR breathing barrier

■■ Pencil and paper

id kit to
our first-a
te x glov es from y es involve
d isp o sable nonla t-a id em ergenci use
Use never firs best, beca
te ct yo u rself whe nlate x gloves are use
pro fluids. No ing latex ca
n ca
ther body tex. Touch
blood or o rgic to la io ns.
ple are all
e ergic react
some peo m ild to severe all
them to e
Visit for downloadable checklists for personal
and home/troop first-aid kits.

Chapter 4

Home or Patrol/Troop First-Aid Kit

A more comprehensive group first-aid kit can contain the following items.

■■ A 2-inch roller bandage These optional items also

are recommended:
■■ 2 1-inch roller bandages

■■ A roll of 1-inch adhesive tape ■■ An instant cold compress

■■ 24 alcohol swabs ■■ A space blanket

■■ A box of assorted ■■ A SAM® Splint

adhesive bandages

■■ 2 3-inch-wide elastic bandages

■■ 12 sterile, 3-by-3-inch
gauze pads

■■ 4 3-by-6-inch pieces of moleskin

■■ 2 packets of gel pads for

blisters and burns

■■ A tube of triple
antibiotic ointment

■■ 4 triangular bandages

■■ A small bar of soap, or a

travel-sized bottle of alcohol-
based hand sanitizing gel

■■ Scissors

■■ Tweezers

■■ 12 safety pins

■■ 6 pairs of nonlatex
disposable gloves

■■ Protective goggles/
safety glasses

■■ CPR breathing barrier

■■ Pencil and paper

first aid
Be Prepared . . . for Emergencies
Use the contents list of the home or patrol/troop first-aid kit to build your own
home first-aid kit. With the help of your parents or guardian, your home first-aid
kit can become part of a larger emergency-preparedness kit that includes flashlights,
a battery- or crank-powered radio, and a three-day supply of drinking water and
nonperishable food. Having these items on hand will better prepare your family for
storms, floods, power outages, and other emergencies.

First-Aid Method 1. Check the scen

Most first aid is for simple injuries 2. Call for he
and illnesses. There’s usually plenty
3. Approach
of time to decide what to do when safely.
you need to treat a minor cut, a rash 4. Provide
urgent treatm
from poison ivy, most insect bites and ent.
5. Protect fr
stings, or frostbite. However, when om furt her injury.
injuries or illnesses are more serious, 6. Treat ev
ery accident vi
using a first-aid method will guide for shock.
you to do the right things in the 7. Make a th
orough exam
right order in an emergency. When ination.
8. Plan a co
you use a first-aid method, you urse of action
follow the same steps every time
you practice first aid.

The Emergency
Preparedness merit
pamphlet has more
in fo rm at
io n ab ou t making an
EMERG DNESS emergency-preparedness kit
PR EPAR for your home.

The requirements for the Emergency Preparedness merit badge can be found
on the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 4

The Steps of the First-Aid Method

An accident scene can sometimes be scary and confusing. An injured person might
be crying or screaming. The sight of blood could startle you. Other people may be too
stunned to help. You should stay as calm as you can and focus your attention on making
people safe as you carry out the steps of the first-aid method.
1. Check the Scene
Before doing anything, stop for a moment to look over the entire scene and collect
your thoughts. Consider the following questions:
XX What caused the accident or illness?

XX Are there dangers in the area? Should the victim be moved?

XX How many victims are there?

XX If there are other people nearby,

can they assist with first aid or
with getting help?

XX Will bystanders need guidance

so that they do not become
victims themselves?

first aid
2. Call for Help
Whenever someone has anything more than a minor illness or injury, act quickly
to get them medical help. In much of the United States, you can dial 911 to reach
emergency services. Some communities use other emergency-alert systems such as
dialing 0 or calling a local sheriff ’s office or fire department. Send a bystander or
other first-aider to call for help immediately.

the backcountry when a serious

When camping or traveling through h
or more people for help with as muc
injury or illness occurs, send two
of the following information as poss
XX Location of the victim
illne ss
XX Description of the injuries or
XX Time the injuries or illness occu
XX Treatment the victim has rece
im and their general skill
XX Number of people with the vict
level for first aid
ce or equipment, including food
XX Requests for special assistan
shelter, or care for nonvictims

3. Approach Safely
Keep your own safety in
mind. At the scene of a car
accident, watch for other cars
and trucks on the road. In
the backcountry, be aware
of falling rocks, slippery
footing, steep slopes, and
other hazards.
Tell the injured or ill
person, “My name is ____
and I know first aid. May
I help you?” If someone
is unconscious or so badly hurt that he or she
cannot respond, you can assume the person wants help.

Chapter 4

4. Provide Urgent Treatment

Any situation where a victim requires urgent treatment is considered a hurry case, and
bleeding and breathing are the immediate concerns. When you approach an ill or injured
person, take 15 to 20 seconds to survey the victim’s condition to find out the following:
XX Is the person conscious and breathing? Is the heart beating?

XX Is there severe bleeding?

XX Are there other contributing factors like allergies, diabetes, or other

possible causes of an emergency situation? Is there evidence of pills,
chemicals, or other poisons?

5. Protect From Further Injury

Avoid moving someone who is injured unless it is impossible to perform urgent first
aid or the victim is in a dangerous location. If the person’s position must be adjusted,
do so carefully with the minimum amount of movement—with the help of a fellow
first-aider or bystander, stabilize the victim’s head and neck. Never move a person with a
suspected spinal injury unless it is absolutely necessary.
6. Treat Every Accident Victim for Shock
When a person is injured and under great stress, the circulatory
system might not provide enough blood and oxygen to the body
tissues. This condition is called shock. It requires quick and
effective treatment.

See page 170 for
on treating shoc

first aid
7. Make a Thorough Examination
When professional medical help will be delayed, check the victim for other
injuries. Check the victim from head to toe. If the victim is alert, ask for information
about how an injury occurred. Ask where it is painful and whether the victim can
move arms, legs, and so on. Pay attention to how a victim is responding as well as
what he or she is saying. Open rain gear, jackets, and outer clothing that might be
hiding other wounds.
8. Plan a Course of Action
If medical assistance is on the way, keep the victim comfortable. When help will
be delayed, decide on a clear course of action. A victim who can walk alone or with
some support may be able to hike to a road. If injuries are serious, though, it is almost
always better to send two people to get medical help. Keep checking the injured
person’s condition and be ready to respond to any changes.

Chapter 4

The First-Aid Method in Action:

Caring for Someone Who Is Choking
you could use the steps of the first
The following scenario shows how rgency.
who is experiencing a choking eme
method to take care of a person
ble. His
ce that a man at the table is in trou
Suppose that during a meal you noti grab s his thro at with
gh he is choking, and he
face is turning red. It looks as thou man is chok ing.
gnize what is happ enin g—a
his hands. Take a moment to reco kno w first aid and
the choking man that you
Ask someone to call 911. Then tell
that you are there to help.
e air
k, or breathe, you’ll know that som
If the choking man can cough, spea r is bloc king his
e him to coug h up wha teve
is getting into his lungs. Encourag es, or if he can’ t
making high -pitc hed nois
airway. If he is coughing weakly or obje ct from his
need to help him clear the
cough, speak, or breathe, you will
the following method .
throat by using

across his
d behind him and place your arm
Step 1—If the man is conscious, stan heel of your hand
ly strike his back with the
chest. Lean him forward and firm 3.
the, continue to steps 2 and
five times. If he still cannot brea
clasp your
put your arms around his waist and
Step 2—Stand behind the victim, e the navel but
thumb should be just abov
hands together. The knuckle of one
below the rib cage.

first aid
Step 3—Thrust your clasped hands inward and
upward with enough force to pop loose the object
that is blocking the airway. Repeat up to five times.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 until the object is coughed
up, medical help arrives, or the person becomes
Once you have restored breathing, treat the man
for shock while waiting for help to arrive. Treat any
injuries he might have suffered during the choking
episode. If medical help is delayed, decide how to
care for the choking
victim while waiting for emergency personnel.
You might decide to comfort him
and watch his condition closely so
that you can offer additional first
aid if needed.
Your first-aid method guided you to
treat the choking man correctly.
XX Check the scene. You took a
moment to figure out that the
man was choking.

XX Call for help. You asked someone

to call 911.

XX Approach safely. You carefully made your way to the choking

man and
introduced yourself.

XX Provide urgent treatment and protect from further injury. You

saw that
the man could not breathe normally, and you took steps to help him.

XX Treat every accident victim for shock. Once breathing was restored
you treated the man for shock as you waited for help to arrive.

XX Do a thorough examination. You checked to see if the man suffered

injuries that needed attention.

XX Plan a course of action. You monitored the man’s condition while

for medical help so that you could provide additional first aid if needed.

Chapter 4

Basic First Aid

Other chapters of the Boy Scout Handbook include plenty of information about
getting ready for time in the outdoors. The skills of Scouting can go a long way in
helping you keep yourself and others safe and managing the risks that might arise when
you are out hiking or camping. Basic first-aid skills can be used to treat a wide range of
minor injuries and illnesses, whether they occur on an outdoor adventure or when you
are closer to home.

Whenever yo
u can, wash yo
hands with so ur
ap and water
a waterless ha or use
nd cleanser be
and after trea fore
ting injuries.
disposable no Wear
nlatex gloves
avoid contact to
with blood or
bodily fluids. other

Simple Cuts and Scrapes

Small cuts and scrapes and other openings in the skin can allow bacteria to enter
the body and cause infection. Wash scrapes and minor cuts with soap and water. Apply
triple antibiotic ointment and cover with a dry, sterile dressing or an adhesive bandage to
help prevent infection and protect the wound. Clean and rebandage wounds each day.

For more detailed instructions on treating minor injuries, visit the

Handbook Web site,

first aid
Dealing With Hot Sp
Pay attention to
how your feet fe
hot spot—an area el. A
of skin that beco
tender as a blister mes
starts to form—
a signal to stop an is
d treat the hot sp
immediately befo ot
re it becomes a bli
Cover the area wi ster.
th a piece of mole
larger than the ho skin
t spot.

To help prevent blisters on your feet when hiking, wear shoes or boots that fit
well and that have been broken in. Change your socks if they become sweaty or wet.
Wearing work gloves can help lessen the chances of developing blisters on your hands
when you are working outdoors.
If you do develop a blister, don’t pop it. Breaking a blister increases the chances of
infection by bacteria.

If a blister forms on your foot while hiking, apply a piece of moleskin cut
slightly larger than the blistered area. Use several layers if necessary. The
moleskin will take the pressure from your boot off the blister.

Chapter 4

A bloody nose that is not
caused by an accident might look
bad, but the bleeding will usually
stop in a few minutes. Have the
person sit leaning forward so that
the blood does not run down
the inside of the throat. Ask the
person to pinch the nose firmly
but gently, and apply pressure on
the upper lip, just below the nose.
Hold a cold compress against the
nose and surrounding area.
After about 10 minutes, instruct
the person to slowly release the
nose pinch. Check to see if the
bleeding has stopped. If not, have
him or her again pinch the nose and
apply pressure. After the bleeding
stops, instruct the person not to irritate or blow the nose. If bleeding continues for
more than 15 minutes, seek medical attention.

Poisonous Plants
Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are the most common poisonous plants
in the United States. Contact with oily sap in their leaves, stems, and roots may irritate
your skin and cause itching. The sap must be on the skin for 10 to 20 minutes before it
begins causing problems.
If you think you have touched a poisonous plant, begin first aid by washing the
area immediately with soap and water. Rubbing alcohol, calamine lotion, and other
nonprescription treatments might help relieve itching. Try not to scratch. If the
reaction is severe, if the eyes or genital area is affected, or if plant parts were chewed
or swallowed, seek immediate medical attention.

how to identify poison
and camping, knowing
When you are out hiking ms they may cau se.
id them and the proble
plants will help you avo

first aid
Sap on your cloth
ing can affect yo
later, so if you co ur skin
me in contact wi
poisonous plant, th a
change clothes as
as you can and wa soon
sh the affected clo
separately from thes
other items.

Poison iv

Poison oak

Poison sumac (spring)

Poison sumac

For more information on identifying poisonous plants, visit the Handbook

Web site,

Chapter 4

Animal Bites
The bite of a warm-blooded animal such
as a dog, cat, skunk, raccoon, fox, or bat is a
serious puncture wound. To treat an animal
bite, wash the wound and flush it with water
for several minutes. Control bleeding and
cover the wound with a sterile bandage.


Rabid Animals
Warm-blooded animals may have rabies, a deadly illness that can be spread through
their saliva. For this reason, the person who was bitten must see a doctor who can
determine whether to administer rabies shots.
An unprovoked attack could be a sign that an animal is rabid. Report all animal
bites to your local public health authorities or the police. Do not kill the animal unless
necessary, and do not put yourself at risk by trying to catch the animal. Call the police,
rangers, or animal control officers, who are trained to do the job safely. Suspicious
animals may be confined and observed, or destroyed so that their brains can be tested
for rabies.
If the bite was caused by a pet, write down the owner’s name, address, and telephone
number. If the injury was caused by a wild animal, write a description of the animal and
where it was last seen. This will help public health authorities take action.

first aid
Snakes are common in many parts of the country, but bites from them are rare.
Snakebites seldom result in death. Some snakes are nonvenomous. Others are venomous.
Nonvenomous Snakebites—­The bite of a nonvenomous snake requires only ordinary
first aid for small puncture wounds. Wash the bitten area with soap and water, apply an
antibiotic ointment, and cover with a sterile bandage. Snakes are not warm-blooded,
so they cannot carry rabies.
Venomous Snakebites—The venomous snakes of North America are pit vipers and
coral snakes. Pit vipers (including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths) have
triangular heads with pits on each side in front of their eyes. Coral snakes have black
snouts and are marked with red and yellow bands, separated by bands of black.



Cottonmouth moccasin

Coral snake

Remember this ditty for safe

ty around coral snakes: red and
friendly jack; red and yellow–d black—
eadly fellow.

Chapter 4

Follow these steps for treating the bite of a venomous snake.

Step 1—Remove rings and other jewelry before the injury swells.
Step 2—Get the victim under a doctor’s care as soon as possible. Someone who has
been bitten by a venomous snake might not be affected by the venom for an hour or
more. Within that time, the closer to medical attention you can get the victim, the
better off he or she will be. The person might be able to walk. If not, you and one or
more others may be able to carry the victim.
Step 3—If the victim must wait for help to
Being ab
arrive, wash the wound. For the bite of a coral le to ide
ntify ve
snake, wrap the area snugly but comfortably snakes is nomous
a good fi
staying rst step
with an elastic roller bandage. safe in a toward
live. If y reas wh
o u ere they
Step 4—Have the victim lie down with the leave snak
they are es alone
bitten limb lower than the rest of the body. likely to ,
Use a hik avoid yo
ing u, too.
Encourage the person to stay calm. He or she s stick to
poke am
might be frightened, so keep assuring the vic- w es and brush ahea ong
hen you d of you
tim that you are there and are providing care. walk thr
where s ough are
nakes ar as
Step 5—Treat for shock but don’t elevate careful w e co mmon. B
here you e
the affected limb. as you c put your
ollect fir
over roc ewood o
ks and lo r climb
Spider and Insect
Bites and Stings
The bites or stings of ticks, chiggers, spiders,
and insects can be painful. Some might cause infection. Protect yourself
from bites and stings by wearing long pants and a long-sleeved shirt whenever you are
in woodlands and fields that might be infested. Button your collar and tuck your pant
cuffs into your boots or socks. Insect repellents also can be effective.
Inspect yourself daily, especially the hairy parts of your body.
Tick Bites—Ticks are small, hard-shelled creatures that
bury their heads in the skin. To remove a tick, put on
nonlatex first-aid gloves and then use tweezers to grasp
the tick close to the skin. Gently pull until the tick comes
loose. Don’t squeeze, twist, or jerk the tick. Doing so may
cause the tick’s mouthparts to break off in the skin. Wash
the wound with soap and water and apply antiseptic.
Wash your hands after dealing with a tick. Ticks some-
times spread Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever,
and other serious illnesses. If you develop a rash or flulike
symptoms or otherwise feel ill in the next days or weeks Tick
after being bitten by a tick, talk to your doctor.

first aid
Chigger Bites —Chiggers are almost invisible. They burrow into skin pores, causing
itching and small bumps on the skin. Try not to scratch chigger bites. You might find
relief from the itching by covering a chigger bite with calamine lotion or by dabbing it
with clear fingernail polish.
Spider Bites—The bites of most spiders cause only
minor pain and itching that go away in a fairly short
amount of time. However, several kinds of spiders pose
a more serious threat to humans. The bite of a female
black widow spider might cause redness and sharp pain at
the wound site. The victim can suffer sweating, nausea and
vomiting, stomach pain and cramps, severe muscle pain and Black widow
spasms, and shock. Breathing may become difficult. spider (enlarged)
A brown recluse spider bite may not hurt right away, but
within two to eight hours there can be pain, redness, and swelling
at the wound. An open sore is likely to form. The victim may
suffer fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, and a faint rash.
Anyone who has been bitten by a spider should be
seen by a doctor as soon as possible. Treat for shock.
Insect Stings—To treat a bee or hornet sting, remove the
stinger by scraping it out with the side of a knife blade. Don’t
squeeze the stinger, because that can force more venom into the
skin. Applying an ice pack might help reduce pain and swelling.
Anyone who begins to experience difficulty breathing after
having been stung by an insect must be treated immediately Brown recluse
for anaphylactic shock. Call 911 or your community’s local spider (enlarged)
emergency number. If the person is carrying a kit for treating
anaphylactic shock, follow the instructions.

Chapter 4

Anaphylactic Shock
pain, mild
For most people, insect or jellyfish stings cause
days of itchin g. For others, these
swelling, and perhaps a few
reate ning allerg ic react ion called
stings can cause a life-th
toms of anaph ylacti c shock may
anaphylactic shock. Symp
t tissue s that make s breat hing difficult
include swelling of throa
reaso n, anaph ylacti c shock is a first-
or even impossible. For this
condi tion that threa tens a perso n’s life.
aid hurry case, that is, a
rs of anaphylactic
Insect and jellyfish stings aren’t the only trigge
ic to peanu ts, dairy products, and
shock. People who are allerg
can go into anaph ylacti c shock if they
certain other foods also
. Some peopl e have a simila r reaction
eat or touch these items
with latex . With the help of their
when coming in contact
s with allerg ies shoul d discu ss their
parents or guardian, Scout
rs and revie w what to do if an allergy
conditions with troop leade
emergency occurs.

nt kits, such
People who know they have severe allergies often carry treatme
here, to use in case of an emergen cy.
as the epinephrine injection shown
bracelet or necklac e with emergen cy
They could be wearing a medical alert
that instruct s others to call for help by
information. They might have a card
cy number ) and lists the steps to take
dialing 911 (or another local emergen
while waiting for emergency medical technicians to arrive.

first aid
Object in the Eye
Protect your eyes by wearing safety glasses or goggles when using power tools,
lawn and garden equipment, and other machinery that might throw off particles or
other debris. If something does get into someone’s eye, encourage him or her not to
rub it. Persons who wear contact lenses should remove them. Ask the person to blink
the eyes rapidly. This might allow tears to wash the eye clear. Flushing the eyes with
clean water from a faucet, cup, or water bottle is another option for clearing a foreign
particle from the eye. If the object will not wash out, cover the injured eye with a dry,
sterile gauze pad and get the person to a doctor.

Puncture Wounds
If a large
object is embe
Pins, splinters, fishhooks, cactus spines, and in the flesh— dded
other sharp objects can cause puncture wounds. a nail, for
These types of wounds can trap bacteria that not try to
remove it. Gen
may cause infection. Flush a puncture wound tly wash the
area with soap
with clean water squeezed from a water bottle and water,
apply a sterile
or a sturdy plastic bag with a very small bandage, and
seek medical
hole punched in one corner with a pencil or attention.
sharpened twig. Using this kind of setup will
create a high-pressure stream of water that
will help flush bacteria out of the wound. Repeat several
times to clean the puncture wound as thoroughly as possible.
After you’ve cleaned the wound, control the bleeding by applying a sterile bandage,
then get the victim to medical attention as soon as possible. Because puncture
wounds pose a high risk of infection, a doctor may want to prescribe antibiotics.

Chapter 4

Fishhook Wounds wound that may

th e sk in is a type of puncture ible,
A fishhook stuck
in d, whenever poss
hing trip. Cu t the fishing line an ged so
occur during a fis fro m the flesh. If th
e hook has lod
ov e th e ho ok ols, yo u
let a doctor rem ve the right to
vis ib le ab ov e the skin and you ha
that the barb is field.
remove it in the
might be able to
ng line
ot length of fishi
Step 1—Wrap a 3-fo sh ow n, and
of the hook, as
around the bend yo ur in dex or
e ends around
securely wrap th
middle finger. 
flat and
fected body part
Step 2—Keep the af th shank to
ly push down on
stable, then gent sue. The shank
m the injured tis
free the barb fro sue.
to the injured tis
should be paralle
m the area.
ders well away fro
Step 3—Keep bystan e sh k, give
g pressure on th
While maintainin reful to avoid
sharp jerk. Be ca
the line a quick, g hook.
by the outcomin
getting snagged
ry, and keep
bandage the inju
Step 4—Wash and iotic ointment
. Apply triple antib
the wound clean sensitivities to
own allergies or
if there are no kn on as possible,
See a doctor as so
the medication.
because the risk
hi gh with
infection is
in ju ry .
this type of
Do not try to rem
a fishhook fro m
the face or from
be .
eye or an earlo
The chance of
additional injury
to these areas is
too great. That is
ctor .
task for a do

first aid
Water is necessary for nearly every bodily function, including producing heat
and staying cool. Moisture can be lost through breathing, sweating, digestion, and
urination. A person giving off more water than he or she takes in becomes dehydrated.
When this happens, the body might have a difficult time regulating core temperature.
Hypothermia, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke can all be worsened by dehydration.
Signals of dehydration may include:
XX Severe thirst

XX Dark urine, decreased

urine production

XX Tiredness, weakness

XX Dry skin and lips,

decreased sweating

XX Nausea, fainting, loss

of appetite

XX Headache, body aches,

muscle cramps

XX Confusion, dizziness

Protect yourself from

dehydration by drinking plenty
of fluids before you feel thirsty.
Take in enough fluids so that
your urine stays clear. This is
easy to remember to do on hot
days. It is just as important
in cold weather when you
may not feel like drinking.
If someone shows signs
of becoming dehydrated,
encourage him or her to drink fluids and rest. When
the weather is hot, get the person to a shaded place or
into an air-conditioned vehicle or building. In cold weather,
be sure he or she is wearing enough dry clothing. Help the person
reach the shelter of a tent and sleeping bag or a warm building. Keep
checking his or her condition, and be ready to provide further first-aid treatment.

Chapter 4

Someone who is anxious or frightened might react by breathing too quickly. When
rapid breathing continues too long, it can upset the balance of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the bloodstream. The person could feel as though he or she is suffocating and
might become dizzy, disoriented, and fearful.
Treat hyperventilation by talking quietly to the victim and encouraging him or her
to calm down and breathe slowly. While hyperventilation is usually not a deep concern,
it is sometimes a signal of a more serious medical condition. Dizziness and anxiety, for
example, can be warning signals of a heart attack. For these reasons, someone who has
experienced hyperventilation should be checked by a physician.
A spark from a campfire, boiling water spilled from a pot, a bolt of lightning, toxic
chemicals, a live electrical line—the causes of burns are many. First-aid treatment for a
burn depends upon how serious it is. Burns usually are characterized by the severity of
the skin and tissue damage.
Minor Burns or Scalds
Touch a hot stove and you could suffer a
superficial burn (also known as a first-degree
burn). Skin will be tender, and it also might
become red. Treat a superficial burn by
holding the injured area under cold water or
applying cool, wet compresses until there is
little or no pain.
Serious Burns
First-degree burns generally only need treatment with cold water or cool, wet
compresses. However, second-degree and third-degree burns can be very serious and
even life-threatening. Use the following steps to treat a burn victim:
Step 1—Take a moment before doing
anything to size up the situation, and then decide what to do.
Step 2—Approach with care so you don’t become a burn victim yourself.
Step 3—If a person must be moved away from a source of heat, do so only if you will
not put yourself at risk.
Step 4—Treat hurry cases of stopped breathing or heartbeat and severe bleeding, and
keep the victim’s airway open. Then treat the burn itself.

first aid
Step 5—Get immediate medical treatment for the victim if the burns:
XX Cause trouble breathing.

XX Might have injured the airway (for example, if the mouth and
nose have been burned).

XX Affect the head, neck, hands, feet, or groin.

XX Are third-degree (full-thickness) burns.

XX Are the result of chemicals, explosions, or electricity.

Second-Degree Burns
(Partial-Thickness Burns)
Medical professionals refer to
second-degree burns as partial-
thickness burns because the injury goes
partway toward the tissue beneath the
skin. Blisters are a sign of a second-
degree burn.
Place the injured area in cool water or
apply wet cloths until the pain goes away.
Allow the injury to dry, then protect it Partial th
with a sterile gauze pad. Be careful not to
break any blisters. Broken blisters are open
wounds and could become infected. Don’t apply butter, creams, ointments, or sprays.
They are difficult to remove and may slow the healing process.
Third-Degree Burns
(Full-Thickness Burns)
Third-degree burns damage the
skin and the tissue beneath it. They
are also known as full-thickness burns.
Skin might be burned away and flesh
blackened. Third-degree burns injure
nerves, so the victim may feel no
pain. Do not try to remove clothing;
it might be sticking to the flesh.
Call 911 and ask for emergency
Full thick
assistance. Do not apply creams, ness
ointments, or sprays. Wrap a clean
cloth around the injury and treat
the person for shock until professional
medical help arrives.
Chapter 4

Cold- and Heat-Related Injuries

The human body is remarkable in its ability to stay at a constant
temperature. When the weather is hot, we perspire to stay cool. When
cold winds blow, we burn more calories to make heat.
What is most important is that our core temperature—the warmth
of the organs in our bodies and our brains—stays close to 98.6 degrees.
If the body’s ability to cool or warm itself is overworked, the core
temperature can rise or fall into dangerous zones. The results are cold-
and heat-related emergencies that might become life-threatening.

Most sunburns are superficial burns, although more serious sunburns
include the blisters of a partial-thickness burn. Repeated sunburns can
cause skin damage and increased risk of skin cancer.
Guard against injury from the sun by using sunscreen
when you are outdoors, or by wearing a long-sleeved shirt,
long pants, and a hat with a broad brim.
Treat sunburn by applying cool, damp cloths and by
protecting the skin from further exposure to the sun.

Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion happens when the body’s cooling
system becomes overworked and struggles to keep
up. Dehydration can be a factor in bringing on heat
exhaustion. Hot weather, exertion, or a hot, stuffy room
also can play a role. Signals of heat exhaustion include:
XX Skin that is pale and clammy from
heavy sweating

XX Nausea and tiredness

XX Dizziness and fainting

XX Headache, muscle cramps, and weakness

Follow these steps to treat someone suffering from heat exhaustion.
Step 1—Have the victim lie in a cool, shady place with the feet raised. Remove
excess clothing.
Step 2—Cool the victim by applying wet cloths to the body and by fanning.
Step 3—If the person is fully alert, let him or her sip some water.
Recovery should be rapid. If symptoms remain, call for medical help.

first aid
Heat exhaustion left untreated can develop into heatstroke. The body’s cooling
system begins to fail, and the person’s core temperature rises to life-threatening levels
(above 105 degrees). In simple terms, the body’s air conditioner is broken.
Signals of heatstroke can include the following:
XX Skin that is very hot to the touch

XX Skin that is red and either dry or damp with sweat

XX Rapid pulse and quick, noisy breathing

XX Confusion and unwillingness to cooperate with treatment

XX Unconsciousness

Call for medical assistance, then follow these steps to treat heatstroke.
Step 1—Move the person to an air-conditioned or shady area.
Step 2—Loosen tight clothing and further cool the skin by fanning and
applying wet cloths.
Step 3—If you have ice packs, wrap them in a T-shirt, towel, or other thin barrier
and place them under the person’s armpits and against the neck and groin.
Step 4—If the person is able to drink, give small amounts of cool water.
Regularly check on the victim’s condition. Be ready to provide further first aid if
the person’s temperature goes up again or if he or she starts vomiting. You also might
need to perform rescue breathing.
Chapter 4

Frostbite occurs when skin and tissue become cold enough to freeze. A frostbite
victim might complain that the ears, nose, fingers, or feet hurt or have become numb.
Sometimes, though, a victim of frostbite will not notice anything unusual. Grayish-
white patches on the skin are warning signs that ice crystals are beginning to form.
Treat frostbite by moving the victim into shelter such as a tent or building. When
an ear or cheek is affected, remove a glove and warm the injury with the palm of your
hand. Slip a frostbitten hand under your clothing and against warm skin.
If you suspect that frostbite is severe, help the person get into dry clothing, wrap
the injured area in a blanket, and get to a doctor as soon as possible. Do not rub
a frostbitten limb with your hands or with snow. When there is no chance that a
frostbitten area will refreeze, rewarm the injury by placing it in warm water (warm to
the touch—not hot) until normal color returns. If the frostbite injury is on a hand or
foot, place dry, sterile gauze between the fingers or toes and apply a loose bandage.
Hypothermia can develop when a person’s body is losing more heat than it is able to
produce, which causes the core temperature to drop. This may happen to anyone who
is not dressed warmly enough or whose clothing is no longer dry. Wind, rain, hunger,
exhaustion, and dehydration increase the danger. Temperatures do not need to be
below freezing, either. A hiker caught in a cool, windy rain shower without rain gear can
be at great risk for hypothermia. A swimmer in chilly water or a boater who capsizes
might also fall victim to hypothermia.
Someone who is becoming hypothermic may:
XX Feel cold and numb.

XX Become tired and unable

to think straight.

XX Shiver uncontrollably.

XX Make poor decisions.

XX Become irritable.

XX Stumble and fall or lose


first aid
First aid for hypothermia begins with preventing a victim from getting colder. It
continues with helping him or her bring the body temperature up to normal. Try any
or all of the following treatments:
XX Move the person into a shelter such as a building or a tent. Remove wet
clothing and get him or her into dry, warm clothes. Wrap the person in a
sleeping bag, blankets, jackets, or anything handy that could be used.

XX If fully conscious and able to swallow, have the person drink warm liquids
(soup, fruit juices, or water).

XX Put towels or T-shirts around water bottles filled with warm water, then
position the bottles in the armpit and groin areas.

XX Watch the person closely for any change in his condition. Call for help.

Protecting the Neck and Spine

The backbone (spinal column) is made up
of small bones called vertebrae that surround
and protect the spinal cord. If a vertebra is
broken or dislocated, the spinal cord could
be injured.
Whenever someone has fallen, been
in a car accident, or suffered a blow to
the head, assume there is an injury to
the head, neck, or back. If you come
upon an unconscious person but do
not know what caused the emergency,
you should also make the assumption
that the head, neck, or back has
been injured and take these steps to protect the neck and spine.
XX Stabilize the neck and spine by holding the person’s head in the position
found until medical personnel can determine whether the spinal column
has been harmed. Another first-aider or a bystander can hold the victim’s
head and neck steady while you provide urgent treatment if necessary.

XX If the victim is having trouble breathing, gently adjust the position of

the head and neck just enough to maintain an open airway. Do not put a
pillow under the head.

XX Treat for shock but do not unnecessarily change the victim’s position.

When the person must be moved out of the path of danger, organize other Scouts
or bystanders to help so that the victim’s body can be lifted all at once without
causing it to twist or bend. One person should continue to hold the neck and head
in a stable position throughout any move.
Chapter 4

Sprains and Strains

A sprain occurs when an ankle, wrist, or other joint is twisted or bent far enough to
overstretch the ligaments—the tough bands that hold joints together. A strain happens
when muscles are stretched too far, causing tears in the muscle fibers. A sprained or
strained joint will be tender and painful when moved and might be swollen and discolored.
Strained backs, arms, and legs also will be tender and can hurt if activity continues.
Treat sprains and strains with RICE—Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation:
Rest—Keep weight off injured joints or muscles to give them time to heal. Do not try to
move or straighten the injured limb. Cover open wounds with a sterile dressing.
Ice—Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the affected area. To protect bare skin, put a
thin towel, T-shirt, or some other cloth around the ice pack and leave the ice in place for
no more than 20 minutes at a time. If continued icing is needed, remove the pack for 20
minutes before reapplying.
Compression—Wrap the injury with an elastic bandage. The bandage should be snug
enough to provide support, but not so tight that it cuts off circulation—you should be
able to slip a couple of fingers under it.
Elevation—For sprains or strains to an arm or leg, keep the limb raised.

first aid
Sprains and Strains While
a hike and
ld ankle sprain during
If someone suffers a mi can continue
discomfort, he or she
can walk without much person
ses pain, however, the
the hike. If walking cau
ther. Other
shouldn’t walk any far
walking assist
Scouts can help with a
Don’t try to
or a two-person carry.
injured limb
move or straighten an
Seek medical
if doing so causes pain.
n is constant
treatment whenever pai
or severe.
a sprained
You can give support to
boot and all,
ankle by wrapping it,
chief, or some
with a bandage, necker
en you arrive
other strip of cloth. Wh
e off the boot
at your destination, tak
and treat the injury wit

Head Injuries
A head injury can
be very
serious and shou
ld be
handled with extre
urgency and care
. A cut to the head
bleeding; call for can cause severe
help immediately
If the victim is ble .
eding but conscio
victim hold a cle us, have the
an cloth over the
pressure. Keep th wound and apply
e victim as comfo
wait for help to ar rtable as possible
rive. Use the trian and
the entire scalp m gular bandage wh
ust be covered. en

Chapter 4

Broken Bones (Fractures)

A fall, a violent blow, a collision—all of these can cause a fracture, that is, a broken
bone. When a fracture has occurred, a bone or joint will often have an abnormal shape
or position. There also may be swelling or a bluish color at the site of the injury.
Ask the victim the following questions to help find out if he or she has a fracture:
XX “Did you hear or feel a bone snap?”

XX “Do you feel pain when you press on the skin over the injured area?”

XX “Are you unable to move the injured limb?”

If the victim answers “yes” to these questions, he or she probably has a fracture.
When you suspect a fracture, do not move the person.
First aid for fractures varies somewhat depending on whether an injury is a closed
fracture or an open fracture. A closed fracture (also known as a simple fracture) is a
broken bone that does not cut through the skin. An open fracture (also known as a
compound fracture) is a broken bone that cuts through the skin and creates an
open wound.

Closed (simple) fracture

Open (compound) fracture

first aid
First Aid for a Closed Fracture
XX Call 911 or your local emergency response number.

XX Treat hurry cases of stopped breathing, stopped heartbeat, and

serious bleeding.

XX Protect the spinal column by supporting the victim’s head and neck
in the position found.

XX Treat for shock, but don’t raise a leg that might be broken.

First Aid for an Open Fracture

XX Call 911 or your local emergency response number.

XX Treat hurry cases of stopped breathing, stopped heartbeat, and

serious bleeding.

XX Protect the spinal column by supporting the victim’s head and neck
in the position found.

XX Control bleeding by placing sterile gauze around the wound. Use direct
pressure only when there are no other ways to stop serious bleeding.

XX If medical help will not arrive within an hour, carefully clean the wound
with a stream of water squeezed from a water bottle or a sturdy plastic
bag with a small hole punched in one corner.

XX Treat for shock, but don’t raise a leg that might be broken.

Do not move the victim unless the place is not safe and there is danger to the
victim or to rescuers. Regularly check his or her condition and be ready to provide
additional first-aid treatment while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.

Cravat Bandages
A cravat bandage has many first-aid uses, from securing
splints and supporting a sprained ankle to holding a
compress in place over a bleeding wound. Make a cravat
bandage from a triangular bandage. Stock your family
and patrol/troop first-aid kits with four triangular cloth
bandages that are about 40 inches on the long side. Use the
following method to make a cravat bandage:
Step 1—Fold the point of a triangular ban-
dage up to the long edge.
Step 2—Fold the bottom edge several
times toward the top edge.
Step 3—Tie all bandages in place with
square knots.
Chapter 4

Splinting the broken bone of an accident
victim who must be moved relieves pain and
reduces the chances of additional injury.
Splinting also can lessen the discomfort of a
fracture for someone who must wait a long
time for professional medical help to arrive.
You can make splints from whatever is
handy—boards, branches, hiking sticks, ski
poles, shovel handles, or tent-pole sections.
Folded newspapers, magazines, pieces of
cardboard, or a sleeping pad will work, too.
Padding allows a splint to fit well and
increases comfort. Cushion a splint with clothing,
blankets, pillows, crumpled paper, or other soft material. Hold splints and padding in
place with neckerchiefs, handkerchiefs, cravat and roller bandages, or other wide strips
of cloth.
Splint suspected fractures in the same position as you found them. Do not try to
straighten or reposition an injured bone. While applying the splint, keep the area above
and below the injury motionless and minimize movement. Extend splints beyond the
joint above and the joint below the suspected break. Tie splints in place with bandages,
neckerchiefs, or other wide strips of cloth. Tie at least one above the injured area and
one below, but do not tie bandages directly
over the injury itself.
After the splint is in place, periodically
recheck for circulation farther out on the
injured arm or leg by doing the following.
XX Gently squeeze and then release
a fingernail or toenail beyond
the splint. The pink color should
return in one or two seconds.

XX Ask the person to wiggle the

fingers or toes.

XX Ask the person if he or she can

feel you touching the tips of his
or her fingers or toes.
de splint
a commercially ma
A SAM splint is
kits. It can be molded to If any of these tests has a negative
carried in many ar ms, and legs.
injured hands, result, the splint may be too tight. Adjust
form support for
it and check again for circulation.

first aid
Splinting a Lower-Leg Fracture—Use splints that are
long enough to reach from the middle of the thigh to
past the heel. Place one padded splint on each side of
the injured limb and bind them together.
Splinting an Upper-Leg Fracture—The thigh bone
(femur) is the largest bone in the leg. If it is broken,
the muscles of the upper leg are strong enough to pull
the jagged ends of the fractured bone into the flesh and
blood vessels. This could cause internal bleeding that
can threaten the victim’s life. A femur fracture must be
treated as a hurry case.
fered a femur
XX Call for medical help immediately. Someone who has suf
moved until
fracture should not be
n applied
XX Keep the victim still and quiet. a traction splint has bee
by trained medical per
XX Treat for shock, but do not move
the injured leg.

Splinting an upper-leg fracture is early emergency care that might help immobilize
(hold in place) the injury until medical help arrives. Apply one padded splint outside
the leg extending from heel to armpit, and another inside the leg
from the heel to the crotch. Bind the splints together.
Splinting an Upper-Arm Fracture—Tie a splint to the outside of
the upper arm. Place the arm in a sling with the hand raised about
3 inches above level. Then use a bandage to hold the upper arm
against the side of the chest. The body will act as a splint to keep
the elbow and shoulder from moving.
Splinting a Collarbone or Shoulder Fracture—
Support the forearm in a sling with the hand
raised about 3 inches higher than the elbow. Then tie the upper
arm against the side of the body with a wide bandage. No further
splinting is necessary.
Splinting a Lower-Arm Fracture—Splint
to hold the hand and forearm motionless.
A piece of cardboard folded to support the
arm, wrist, and hand can be a good splint
for a forearm. Use a T-shirt or other cloth to pad the splint,
and hold it in place with several bandages. Placing the splinted
arm in a sling with the hand slightly raised also can help keep
the elbow joint immobilized.

Chapter 4

Slings help support an injured hand, arm, collarbone, or shoulder by stabilizing it
and protecting it from further damage.
To make a sling from a large triangular bandage:
Step 1—Support the injured limb above After Hours (1980),
and below the injury. by Joseph Csatari

Step 2—Check the injured area for

circulation (feeling, warmth, and color).
Step 3—Position a triangular sling, such
as a neckerchief or triangular bandage,
across the chest. Bring the upper free
end of the sling behind the neck and the
lower free end up, and tie the ends with
a square knot.
Step 4—With a second triangular
bandage, bind the sling to the chest to
better help stabilize the injury.
Step 5—Recheck the injured area for
feeling warmth, and color.

Artist Joseph Csatari trained with Norman Rockwell and has a long
history with the BSA. Learn more about him at
first aid

2 3D



Chapter 4

Hurry Cases
A choking emergency in which a person has stopped breathing is an example of
a hurry case—a condition or injury that could result in death if not treated quickly.
Any situation in which a victim has stopped breathing, has no heartbeat, is bleeding
severely, or has ingested poison is a hurry case. All hurry cases require quick action in
order to save the victim’s life.
Whenever you come upon an injured person, stop and look over the scene for a
moment. Figure out what has happened and decide what you can do. Be sure you can
approach safely and that you won’t be in danger.

person’s cond
20 se co nd s) of the injured
ey (15 to nscious,
Do a quick surv ars to be unco
th in g? If th e person appe . If the
1. Is the pers
on brea erything is OK
th e sh ou ld er and ask if ev an d nose.
pat him or her
on the mouth
sp on d, pl ac e your ear near e chest to
person doesn’
t re watch for th
r th e m ov em ent of air and
Listen and feel person is brea
an d fa ll— si gnals that the
t beating? Feel
2. Is the hear be ne at h
arte ry
a pulse in the e
st un de r th
the ear and ju ).
bo ne (the carotid artery
vere bleeding
3. Is there se te r
an d ou
Open rain gear ding
ec k fo r bl ee
clothing to ch be en
ig ht ha ve
injuries that m
hi ng .
hidden by clot
signs of poison vior. Look for
4. Are there ap pe ar ance and beha ight
Consider the vi
ctim est he or sh m
el co nt ai ne r, etc.) that sugg
(pill bottles, a s substance.
sw allo w ed a poisonou lephone or
have ve someone te
plet ed th e qu ick survey, ha
Once you have eatment.
he lp w hi le you begin tr
go for
first aid
Breathing and Heartbeat Hurry Cases
A person might stop breathing because of a heart attack, electrical shock,
suffocation, drowning, smoke inhalation, and other health conditions or injuries.
Brain damage or death can occur minutes after a person stops breathing and the
heart stops beating. Quick, effective first aid is essential.
An easy way to remember the steps for treating the Airway
emergencies of no breathing and/or no heartbeat is A-B-C-D:
A Is for Airway—The airway is the passage
that allows air entering the mouth or Circulation
nose to reach the lungs. If a victim is Defibrillation
unconscious, place the person on his
or her back, protecting the head and
neck if you must roll the person over.
Open the airway by pressing on the
forehead with one hand and lifting
the chin with the other to tilt back
the head. This will keep the tongue
from blocking the airway.

Always protect
the airway of any
accident victim. If
he or she begins
to vomit, turn the
person onto the
side so the vomit
comes out of the
mouth and is not
inhaled into the

B Is for Breathing—After opening the victim’s airway, see if the person can breathe
normally. Place your cheek in front of the victim’s mouth (about 1 to 2 inches away).
Look, listen, and feel for movement and breathing for no more than 10 seconds. If the
person is breathing, you will feel and hear the airflow on your cheek and see and feel
the chest rising and falling. If there are no signals that a person is breathing, give two
rescue breaths. Use the procedures described on the next page.

Rescue Breat ier over the
a C P R br eathing barr
ce u from
Step 1—Pla ct both of yo
th to prote
victim’s mou read by m ou th .
at can be sp
diseases th head-tilt, p
m ai n taining the is
Step 2—W h ile outh ov h er
’s n os tr ils , seal your m lu ngs .
the victim fill the
th , an d bl ow into it to . W at ch
or her mou e second
sh ou ld la st about on yo u r
The breath emov e
est rises. R
person’s ch ue breath.
to see if the re sc
d th en gi ve another
mouth an does not
an ad u lt : If the victim ths,
Step 3—Fo r rescue brea
th in g ag ai n after two sc itation
start brea onary re su
te ly be gi n cardiopulm o re scue
immedia t: After tw
r a ch il d or an infan th an
(CPR). Fo ore
lse for no m
eck for a pu against the
breaths, ch n ge rs
by p la ci ng your fi ne.
10 secon d s r and jawbo
te ry ju st below the ea
carotid ar
e st ill n o signals of every
If there ar eath about
u e br eathing (1 br e
resume re sc ing and ls p u
s) . R ec h ec k for breath
3 secon d
every 2 min beat, begin
e n o si gn s of a heart
If there ar


Child (one or two han


Infant (two or three fin

first aid
C Is for Circulation—Accidents that cause a person to stop breathing also can stop
the heart, as can a heart attack and other medical conditions. When the heart is not
pumping (circulating) blood through the body, the victim will not be breathing, mov-
ing, or making normal sounds. If you have delivered two rescue breaths and the person
does not begin to breathe, immediately begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Learning CPR requires instruction from a certified teacher. The American Red
Cross, American Heart Association, and other organizations offer classes. Ask your
Scout leaders to help you find training to learn this lifesaving skill.
While the techniques for CPR are different for adults, children, and infants, the
cycle of 30 chest compressions followed by two rescue breaths applies to everyone.

D Is for Defibrillation—When someone is suffering a heart attack, a machine called

a defibrillator can sometimes help the heart start beating regularly again. Most ambu-
lances, hospitals, and emergency care facilities have defibrillators for trained medical
personnel to use.
The automated external defibrillator (AED) can be used in emergencies by Scouts
and other members of the public who have been trained in its use. Airports, shopping
malls, and many other places where people gather have installed AEDs in much the
same way that fire extinguishers are made available for quick access. Scouts can learn
to use AEDs from trained instructors, often in combination with CPR training.

Find out where to get AED and CPR training at the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 4

Heart Attack
A heart attack happens when
an artery that supplies blood to the
heart is blocked. Heart attacks can
damage or kill heart muscles and
are a leading cause of death in the
United States.
Learn to recognize the warning
signals of a heart attack. Then be
prepared to take prompt action
by calling 911 or another local
emergency-response number. In some
cases, you may assist by responding
to a heart attack victim’s request for
help in finding or opening medications.
If you have the necessary training,
perform CPR.
Common Warning Signals of Heart Attack
The warning signals of a heart attack include the following:
XX Persistent, uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the
center of the chest behind the breastbone. The feeling may spread to the
shoulders, arms, and neck. It might last several minutes or longer and
may come and go. It is not always severe. (Sharp, stabbing twinges of pain
usually are not signals of heart attack.)

XX Unusual sweating. A person experiencing a heart attack may perspire even

though a room is cool.

XX Nausea. Stomach distress with an urge to vomit is an example of nausea

that may occur in a person experiencing a heart attack.

XX Shortness of breath.

XX A feeling of weakness.

Women may experience different warning signals than do men. A woman might
also have intermittent back, abdominal, and upper-body pain; unexplained fatigue; and
dizziness. She might feel heaviness in the chest or a burning sensation rather than pain.
Should anyone complain of these symptoms, immediately call for medical help.
Don’t delay. Be ready to begin CPR if the heartbeat and breathing stop.

first aid
Severe Bleeding
A broken window. A car crash. A careless moment with a knife, an ax, or a power
tool. Suddenly, blood is spurting from a nasty wound. Without quick first aid, a
person suffering a severe cut might bleed to death in a matter of minutes.
First Aid for Severe Bleeding—Ask someone to summon help by calling 911 or
another emergency number while you begin treatment.
Step 1—With a clean cloth or sterile dressing as a pad, use the palm of your hand to
apply firm pressure directly over the wound. Use an elastic bandage, if you have one,
to secure the pad tightly over the source of the bleeding.

Applying direct pr
essure on a woun
d will stop most bleeding

erial is not close
When clean mat
Don’t waste time. er else you ca n reach.
, shirt, or whatev
use a neckerchief

Step 2—After the bleeding stops, hold the pad in

place with a sterile bandage (athletic wrap, strips
torn from clean clothing, or something similar).
Bind the pad firmly but not so tightly that it
cuts off circulation.
Step 3—When the bandage is on an arm or
a leg, check farther down the limb every few
minutes for a pulse and for warmth, feeling,
and color. If you can’t feel a pulse and if the fin-
gers or toes are numb, pale, or cold, the bandage
might be too tight and should be loosened.
Step 4—If a pad becomes soaked with blood, don’t
remove it. Place a fresh pad over the first one and
continue applying pressure.

Chapter 4

of America R ecommends
The Boy Scouts fir st-aid method,
is a reminder
of th e -a id
ly, the third st
ep oviding first
Approach safe d ill ne ss w hile you are pr r
lf from injury
an ood or othe
protect yourse rtant when bl
rs . This is es pecially impo
treatment to
fluids are involved. tion from a
r gl ov es and eye protec
id emergencie
s, w ea eyes. If gloves
During first-a to sh ield yo ur hands and t
henever poss
ible r cloth pad—no
first-aid kit w fo ld ed shirt, or othe
e, use a bandag
e, a ier can re ce
aren’t availabl di ng . A CP R breathing barr
s—to stop blee scue breathin
your bare hand w hi le performing re
ion y
the chances of
infe ct hands and an
ss cl ea ns er to clean your hile
er le ly fluids w
water or a wat blood or bodi
Use soap and en exposed to
at m ig ht ha ve be ot he r items that
other skin th Ba nd ages , clothing, or g for
-aid treatmen
t. in a plastic ba
providing first th em sh ou ld be stowed
bodily fluids on
have blood or
proper dispos
ywhere. If
can happen an
Emergencies ill person
an injured or
you come upon s, use your
st-aid supplie
but have no fir ha t to do.
t in deciding w
best judgmen ou t the
t you know ab
Consider wha w ho
y of the person
health histor see
ok around to
needs help. Lo e good
use to provid
what you can risks
while limiting
first-aid care
to yourself.

first aid
Ingested Poisoning
Poisons can be swallowed or breathed in. Many chemicals can be absorbed into
the skin. Overdoses of drugs also can be poisoning emergencies.
Among young children, poisoning is the
most frequent cause of accidental death. They
Some mushroo
might swallow almost anything: fuels, battery ms, berries,
and plant leav
acid, peeling wall paint, pills from a medicine es are poison
too. Don’t eat ous,
cabinet, cosmetics, pesticides, cleaning wild plants
unless you ar
products, and other household chemicals e certain
they will not
and poisons. If you see items in your home harm you.
that could be dangerous to a child, store
them in a safe place, out of children’s reach.
A person who has been poisoned may feel nauseated and suffer stomach pains.
He or she may vomit, and there might be burns around the mouth. Breathing could
be abnormal. If you suspect that someone has been poisoned, look for evidence.
Spilled liquids and pill bottles are clues that medical professionals can use to identify
a poisoning case and to carry out the correct treatment.

In any poisoning emergency, call:

• Poison Control Center: 1-800-222-1222
• Emergency Information: 911
• Your community’s emergency number

First Aid for Swallowed Poisons

Step 1—Immediately take any poison containers to a telephone, call 1-800-222-1222
(the Poison Control Center), 911, or your local emergency response number, and
follow the instructions you are given.
Step 2—Treat the victim for shock and monitor breathing. Do not give anything by
mouth unless you are told to do so by medical professionals.
Step 3—Save any vomit in a bowl, cook pot, or plastic bag. It can help a doctor
identify the poison and give the right treatment.

Chapter 4

First Aid for Inhaled Poisons—Smoke, certain gases, and chemical fumes are poison-
ous. Inhaling them can cause a person to have trouble breathing and perhaps to lose
consciousness. Left untreated, inhaled poisons can cause death.
Symptoms of inhaled poisoning
Preventing Carbning
include headache, dizziness,
and nausea. Victims can lose
consciousness without realizing they Monoxide Poiso on
are in danger. To treat someone who pois
mon inhaled
has inhaled a poison: The most com ven off
oxide, a gas gi
is carbon mon l gas
1. Check the scene. gines, natura
by gasoline en rnaces,
arcoal grills, fu
2. Approach safely. Make sure appliances, ch rb on
s. To avoid ca
you protect yourself from and fireplace t operate a
zard s, do no
inhaling the poison so you do monoxide ha ed garage
not become another victim. ower in a clos
car or lawn m over
cook indoors
3. Move the victim to fresh air. or shed. Don’t d using
coal, and avoi
4. Get medical help. wood or char or other
ens, candles,
gas stoves, ov . Carbon
5. Regularly check that the victim s to stay warm
flames in tent le in
is still breathing and that the tectors instal
monoxide de if carbon
heart is beating. und a warning
homes will so s levels.
hes dangerou
6. If necessary, perform rescue monoxide reac
breathing and CPR.
When a person is injured or under great stress, the circulation system might not
provide enough blood to all parts of the body. Known as shock, this life-threatening
condition can cause organ failure and can be life-threatening. Someone suffering from
shock may have some, all, or none of the following signals:
XX Restlessness or irritability XX A quick, weak pulse

XX Weakness XX Shallow, rapid, and irregular

XX Confusion, fear, and dizziness
XX Nausea and vomiting
XX Skin that is moist, clammy, cool,
and pale XX Extreme thirst

Treat every accident victim for shock even if there

are no signals. People who have been injured almost
always experience some degree of shock, but they
might not be affected right away. Prompt first aid
might prevent shock from setting in.

first aid
First Aid for Shock—Never leave an accident victim alone unless you have no other
choice—fear can hasten shock. In a calm voice, assure the victim that everything is
being done to care for him or her. A person who appears to be unconscious might
still be able to hear you, so keep letting the victim know that you are there.
Step 1—Call for help.
Step 2—Try to eliminate the causes of shock by treating “hurry cases”—check the
airway and restore breathing and circulation; control bleeding; check for signals of
poisoning; and treat wounds.
Step 3—Help the injured person lie down. If you don’t suspect back, neck,
or head injuries, or fractures in the hip or leg, raise the feet about 12 inches
to move blood from the legs to the vital organs.
Step 4—Keep the victim warm with blankets, coats, or sleeping bags.

Recovery Position
Place a victim wh
o is unconscious
normally in the re but breathing
covery position. Th
airway open and is will help keep
prevent the pers the
saliva, blood, or on from choking
vomit. on
Step 1—Extend th
e person’s lower
her body. arm in line with
his or
Step 2—Support
the head and neck
victim’s hip and as you grasp the
shoulder. Then ro
you so that he or ll the person toward
she is lying on th
e side.
Step 3—Continue
to check the pers
medical help arriv on’s breathing un
es. til

Chapter 4

Fire-Related Emergencies and Rescues

e. Test
ing building, get out by a safe rout
Should you find yourself in a burn , get
touching it. If the doorknob is cool
the doorknob of a closed door by n the door
lder agai nst the door . Ope
close to the floor and put your shou ke on
Be read y to push it closed again if you discover heat or smo
the other side.
the door. Instead, seal the base of
If a doorknob is hot, do not open dam age the
out smo ke, whic h can
door with clothing or towels to keep the air will be
stay clos e to the floor whe re
lungs if inhaled. Smoke rises, so lable,
and signal for help. If a phone is avai
fresher. Go to a window, open it,
call 911 or another emergency num
others from a smoke-filled room
Be very cautious about rescuing Rus hing into a
ly haza rdou s envi ronm ent.
smoke-filled room is an extreme good if
scene to help someone will do no
smoky room or other dangerous until
your safety will be threatened, wait
you also become a victim. When
trained rescuers arrive.
, do
nscious person from a smoky room
If you do move an injured or unco of the
can be moved to safety with any
so as quickly as possible. A victim might
chapter. Avoid using a method that
rescuer assists described in this
make the victim’s injuries worse.

Other First-Aid Emergencies

The first-aid method used to address the most serious illnesses and injuries is a good
place to start your treatment of other first-aid emergencies, too. Follow the steps and
you’ll know you’ve done all you can to help a person in need.
1. Check the scene.
2. Call for help.
3. Approach safely.
4. Provide urgent treatment.
5. Protect from further injury.
6. Treat every accident victim
for shock.
7. Make a thorough examination.
8. Plan a course of action.

first aid
Moving an Ill or
Injured Person
The decision to move an accident
victim should be made carefully. In
many cases, there will be emergency
medical crews, fire department
personnel, or others with special
equipment and training who can
transport an injured person. However,
if someone is exposed to fire, smoke,
water, electrical hazards, poisonous
gases, dangerous weather conditions,
or other immediate threats, the
right decision could be to move
that person to safety. You might also
need to move the person in order to give proper first-aid care.
Move the victim only as far as is necessary, and do not put yourself in danger.
Except in critical situations, do not attempt to move a person who is suffering
from any of the following conditions:
XX Shock

XX Heart attack

XX Head, neck, or back (spinal) injuries

XX Frostbitten or burned feet

XX Bone or joint injuries to the hips or legs

Chapter 4

When an injured person must be moved, you may use one

of several assists to move the victim. Choose the assist method
you use carefully to avoid making the injuries worse and to
prevent injury to yourself. Some of the following assists can
be performed by a single Scout. Others require two or more
rescuers. Practice the following assists so that you will know
what to do during a real emergency.
Walking Assist—If the victim is conscious, has only minor injuries,
and is able to move, you can safely help the person walk. Put one of
the victim’s arms around your neck. Place your other arm around the
person’s waist. When there are two of you to provide assistance, put
one of the victim’s arms around each rescuer’s neck, then place your
free arms around the victim’s waist.
Walking assist
Blanket Drag Assist—To move a person to safety, roll him
or her onto a blanket, coat, dining fly, or tablecloth and drag from
behind the head.
Clothes Drag Assist—For short distances and to move a person who may
have head, neck, or back injuries, use the clothes drag. Firmly grab the per-
son’s clothing behind the shoulder and neck area and pull headfirst.
Ankle Drag Assist—If a person must
be moved out of a dangerous place,
such as a smoky room, but is too
large or too heavy to transport in
Blanket drag assist any other way, drag him or her by
both ankles.

Clothes drag assist

Ankle drag assist

first aid
Pack-Strap Carry—The pack-strap carry is a way for a single first-
aider to carry someone no larger than himself. Use this carry for
emergency moves or after determining that a victim can be carried
without making his or her injuries worse.
Two-Handed Carry—
Use this method if the
victim is conscious and
not seriously injured.
With one other rescuer,
place your arms on each
other’s shoulders. Then
link your free arms by
grasping each other’s
wrists. Ask the injured
person to sit on your linked arms. With
the person sitting comfortably on your Two-handed carry
linked arms, move your other arms
down from each other’s shoulders to
support the victim’s back.
Four-Handed Seat—When no rescue equipment is available, the four-handed seat is
the easiest two-rescuer carry. It is safe only if the victim is conscious and can hold on.


Chapter 4

Beyond the Basics

Emergency medical technicians in many American communities can reach an
accident scene within minutes of being called. In the backcountry, a trained medical
team could be delayed for hours or even a day or more. As first-aiders, you and others
in your group might need to maintain the health and safety of injured or ill persons
until help arrives. You might not have all the supplies you need and may have to think
of ways to use what you have available to care for accident victims. For example, you
might use a tent pole as a splint or tear a shirt into strips to use as bandages. You also
will need to protect yourselves and others from weather and from further injury.
Completing the first-aid requirements for the
Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks
will give you a basic understanding of how to use
the first-aid method to evaluate an emergency
situation wherever it occurs and to treat a
number of injuries and illnesses.
Earning the First Aid merit badge will take
you to the next level of knowledge. You also
can learn a great deal by working on merit
badges in Emergency Preparedness, Medicine, ID
Safety, and Wilderness Survival. Advanced
first-aid courses offered by the Boy Scouts
of America, American Red Cross, American
Heart Association, and other organizations
will help you build your first-aid skills to
respond to emergencies wherever you are.

The requirements and other resources for earning the First Aid merit
badge are available on the Handbook Web site,

first aid
Doing the Best You Can
Whenever you are faced with a first-aid emergency, use the skills you have to the
best of your ability. Remember to watch out for your own safety as well as that of
others in the area. Use the first-aid method to treat hurry cases, then put together a
plan to get medical attention for injured or ill persons.
No one expects you to have the wisdom of a medical
doctor. However, Scouting’s history is filled
with stories of Scouts who used their training
to help others, sometimes even saving lives.
Learn all the first aid you can and review it
often. Perhaps one day you will be able to do
just the right thing at a time when your actions
make all the difference.

To read about Scout skills in action, go to the Handbook Web site,

“Swimming is certainly one of the greatest and
best sports for all boys, but Scouts should train
themselves specially to make their ability in
swimming count for its usefulness.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 2nd ed., 1925

“Come on in, the water’s fine!” On a hot summer day, there may be nothing
better than having fun in the water. Joining other Scouts for great times swimming
in pools and lakes has always been a highlight of Boy Scout camps.
Become a swimmer and you’ll be ready to learn how to steer small boats by
trimming the sails and handling the rudder. Swimming skills also will prepare
you for adventures in canoes, kayaks, rafts, and rowboats. Want to go snorkeling
or waterskiing? Swimming is the key to those activities, too. If you want to see if
you’ve got what it takes to go the distance, the BSA’s Mile Swim Award sets a high
standard for you to achieve.
Swimming is an important part of Scoutcraft—the building blocks of a young
man. Being able to swim gives you confidence. It qualifies you to make the most of
Scouting adventures in the water and on watercraft of all kinds. You will be able
to take care of yourself if you ever fall out of a boat or tumble into a stream. With
training in lifesaving, you also will be prepared to help someone who is struggling
in the water.

In This Chapter
XX BSA Safe Swim Defense

XX Learning to swim

XX Basic strokes

XX BSA swimmer test

XX Floating

XX BSA Safety Afloat

XX Water rescues

XX Aquatics opportunities

You can act as a leader, too, by doing your part to be sure that everyone stays
safe while in and on the water. There might be opportunities for you to help teach
younger Scouts the basics of swimming. With proper training, you can serve as a
lifeguard during aquatic activities with your patrol and troop.
There are certain risks whenever you are in
and on the water. To help manage those risks,
you’ll want to do things the right way. The
BSA’s Safe Swim Defense sets the rules for
all Scout swimming.

For more information about aquatics achievements and awards in Scouting,

see the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 5

BSA Safe Swim Defense*

1. Qualified supervision. An adult leader trained in Safe
Swim Defense must supervise all swimming activities.
2. Personal health review. Each swimmer must provide a
current and complete health history.
3. Safe area. The swimming area must be free of hazards.
d rescue
4. Response personnel (lifeguards). Trained and properly equippe
personnel must be on duty whenever and wherever Scouts
are swimming.
of the
5. Lookout. A lookout appointed by the supervisor monitors the conduct
swim from a position that gives a clear view of everyone.
6. Ability groups. Each participant is limited to the swimming area
activities that match his ability.
• A nonswimmer is just learning.
• A beginner can jump into deep water and swim 50 feet, changin
directions at least once.
• A swimmer can pass the BSA swimmer test.
close to a
7. Buddy system. Scouts never swim alone. Each Scout must stay
buddy who always knows where he is and what he is doing.
8. Discipline. Scouts know and respect the rules, and they always
instructions from lifeguards and other adult leaders.
g merit badge pamphlet,
*For the complete statement of BSA Safe Swim Defense standards, see the Swimmin
Aquatics Supervision, or Guide to Safe Scouting.

The full text of Safe Swim Defense, as well as more BSA aquatics policies,
may be found at

Learning to Swim
Most BSA local councils offer swimming classes during their summer camp
programs. The American Red Cross, YMCA, and many other organizations also
offer lessons. You might find opportunities to learn at a neighborhood pool, too. Your
Scout leaders can help you find the instruction you need.
If you want to try out the basics of swimming, find a good swimmer to help you,
and begin with floating. Wade into water that is waist deep. Hold your breath, bend
down, and curl yourself into a ball. Clasp your arms around your knees. You should
bob to the surface and float
like a jellyfish.
Next, stand and turn to
face the shore or the edge of
the pool. Take a deep breath.
Push off with your feet and
plunge forward with your
arms stretched in front of you. Floating
Glide across the water, then
stand for a moment to get
another breath. Push off and
glide again.
Last, practice the way a
swimmer breathes. Standing
in waist-deep water, take Gliding
a breath and put your face
in the water. Slowly exhale
through your nose and
mouth. Repeat.



For more on learning to swim, visit the Handboook Web site,

Chapter 5

Swimming Strokes
As you become comfortable with floating, gliding, and breathing like a swimmer,
push off in waist-deep water and add the motions of different swimming strokes. The
front crawl, back crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, and elementary backstroke are all
good ways for a swimmer to move through the water.
Front Crawl
The front crawl has three motions—the
flutter kick, the arm stroke, and breathing.
Practice the flutter kick by holding the
edge of the pool, resting your hands on the
bottom in shallow water, or supporting
Flutter kick your weight on a kickboard. Keep your legs
straight as you kick, but not
stiff. Use all of each leg, kicking
from the hip and thigh, not just
from the knee.
Try out the arm stroke while
standing in waist-deep water.
Bend forward so that your
upper body is in a swimming
position. Extend your right arm
and sweep it down to your hip,
bending your elbow so that you
use both your hand and forearm
to pull against the water. This
part of the arm stroke is known
as the pull. Next, raise your elbow
and stretch your arm forward
again—the recovery phase of the
stroke. Alternate strokes with
your left arm.
Push off into a glide and use
the flutter kick and arm stroke
together to move yourself through
the water. Turn your head to the
side and breathe when you need air.

Front crawl, side and front views

Back Crawl
The back crawl, or racing
backstroke, is a fast stroke that
keeps your face above the water.
The leg motion is the flutter kick.
One arm pulls while the other
recovers. Bring one arm out of
the water near your hip and lift
it above your head to slice back
into the water. Roll slightly to that
side, and bend your elbow to push
water toward your feet. Alternate
this stroking motion with your
other arm. Keep your fingers
together and your hands cupped.

Back crawl, side and front views

Chapter 5

A strong scissors kick powers the sidestroke. Breathing is easy because your face is
always above the water. A long glide between strokes saves energy.
Begin by floating on your side. Draw your knees toward your chest. Next, spread
your legs with your top leg moving forward, and then snap your legs together as if they
were a pair of scissors. At the same time, thrust one arm forward and sweep the other
through the water. Glide a moment, and then pull your forward arm down as you
repeat the scissors kick.

Sidestroke, side and top

Elementary Backstroke
The elementary backstroke is a stroke with a restful, energy-saving glide, which
makes it ideal for long swims. Begin in a glide position by floating on your back with
your arms at your sides and your legs straight. Begin the whip kick by bending your
legs at the knees to drop your feet down. Slightly separate your legs, leading with
your feet, and whip your lower legs back to the glide position. Extend your arms from
your shoulders at the beginning of each kick, and then pull them down to your sides
as though they were oars. Rest as you glide. Then repeat the stroke.

Elementary backstr
oke, side and top views

Chapter 5

The breaststroke is another restful stroke that is useful for long distances. It is a
little like an elementary backstroke performed while you are on your belly, except that
your legs and arms do not move together. Start in a glide position on your stomach
with your arms in front of you and your legs together near the surface. Sweep your
arms down to shoulder level as you raise your head to take a breath. Time your kick to
provide power as you lower your head and extend your arms forward. Glide before the
next pull and kick.

e and front views

Breaststroke, sid

The trudgen stroke
was named for English
swimmer John Trudgen, who
introduced it at a swimming
competition in 1868. The
trudgen combines the arm
movements and breathing of
the front crawl stroke with the
scissors kick of the sidestroke.
Perform the kick when your
hip is turned upward as
you are taking a breath and
completing an arm pull. Allow
your legs to relax and rest a
moment while you power
through the water with a
stroke of your other arm.

Trudgen, side view

Chapter 5

The BSA Swimmer Test

Passing the BSA swimmer test is a good way to know that you are prepared to take
part in most Scouting aquatics activities.
To begin, jump feetfirst into water over your head in depth, level off, and begin
swimming. Swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following
strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, crawl. Then swim 25 yards using an easy
resting backstroke.
The 100 yards must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After
completing the swim, rest by floating.
Entering Deep Water
Jumping into deep water is part of the BSA swimmer test. Jump feetfirst into deep
water only when you have determined that the bottom is free of obstacles. Whenever
you don’t know the depth of the water or condition of the bottom, wade into the water
or slide in feetfirst from a seated position. Never dive headfirst into deep water unless it
is seven to 12 feet deep and you can see the bottom.
After you have made certain that the bottom is obstacle-free, stand at the edge of
the pool or dock, bend slightly at the knees, and hop forward into the water. Once you
get comfortable with that method of entry, try jumping farther out from the dock or
poolside with your legs spread apart. Snap your legs together when you hit the water
and push downward with your arms to keep your head above the surface.

3 feet maximum

Leaping entry (st

ride jump). Limit
of the starting po the height
int to 3 feet abov
e the water.

Stopping, Turning, and Resuming Swimming
To come to a halt while swimming, stop kicking and raise your head as you push
down your arms. You’ll find yourself upright in the water and able to look around.
By sweeping your arms back and forth under the water and making an occasional
scissors kick with your legs, you can tread water and keep your head above the
surface. To turn, rotate your face and shoulders in the direction you want to go, then
sweep your arms sideways to turn your body. Lean forward and kick with your legs to
level off on the surface of the water. Then begin a swimming stroke to take you where
you want to go.

Faceup floating. For some
ition is with
the natural floating pos
dow n almost
legs and feet hanging
, the legs float
vertically. For others
almost to the surface.

Floating faceup is a good way to rest in deep, calm water. Survival floating—
facedown floating—also is a good option, especially when the water is rough.
Practice faceup floating in chest-deep water. Start from a standing position. Take
a deep breath and hold it. Bend your knees and lean gently backward, arching your
back and stretching your arms above your shoulders. Relax and allow your body to
settle into its natural floating position. Some people find that their legs hang down
under the water in their natural floating position, while other people’s legs and hips
stay near the surface when they are in their natural floating position.

Chapter 5

Survival Floating
If you are ever stranded in deep, warm water, survival floating is a way to stay alive
until rescuers can reach you. Take a breath and relax facedown. Allow yourself to float
with the back of your head near the surface. When you need air, push down with your
hands and make one scissors kick to lift your mouth and nose above the water. Take a
breath and then relax and float facedown again.

Survival floa

Using Clothing as a Life Jacket

If you fall into deep water far from shore, you can inflate your jeans or other pants to
create a makeshift flotation device. Your inflated clothing will help you stay afloat until
you are rescued or can make your way to safety.
While in the water, pull off your pants.
Blow a puff of air into a pocket to inflate the
pants so that they will float even if they slip
out of your hands. Next, tie the pant legs
together with a square knot near the cuffs.
Close the fly, and you’re ready to inflate your
pants life jacket.
Hold the pants waistband open just below
the surface. Cup your hand and strike the
water, following through so that air caught by Step 1—Inflate a pocket
your hand goes into the pants. Repeat until the
pants are inflated.

Aquatics survival skills really do get put to good use in real life. Read about
Scout lifesavers at the Handbook Web site,

Step 2—Splash
air into the pa

Splash water on the inflated Step 3—Place

the pants
pants from time to time to keep around your
them wet. If they start to dry,
air will escape more easily.

Another way to inflate the pants is to place the pants behind your shoulders, hold
the waistband open, and flip the pants overhead to trap air inside. When your pants
life jacket needs more air, strike the water with your hand (as explained above) to
reinflate the pants.
If the first two methods do not work for you, inflate the pants by blowing air into
them from beneath. Be careful not to tire yourself or to hyperventilate.
Once you have filled your pants life jacket with air, use both hands to hold the
waistband closed so that the air will not leak out. Slip your
head between the legs of the pants, lie back, and float.
Use a flutter kick or a whip kick to move toward safety.
If you’re wearing a collared shirt made of cotton
or another tightly woven material, it also can be used
to help you stay afloat. Grip the shirt at the collar and
trap air in back and shoulders. (This works best if your
collar is buttoned and your back shirttail is tucked in.)
Reinflate the shirt by opening the space between the
second and third buttons and blowing air inside.

If you are wearing shorts, you can use

them as a flotation device. Take off the
shorts and inflate the pockets.
Hold the shorts close to your chest
while floating on your back.

Safe Trips Afloat
Have you ever paddled
toward a riverbank or lakeshore,
ready to make camp during a
long canoe trip with your Scout
patrol? Have you hauled on the
lines of a sailboat tacking into the
wind or guided a kayak through
the rapids and eddies of a fast-
running stream? Do you smile
when you think about rafting or
waterskiing? Do you dream of
someday riding a surfboard down
the curling face of a powerful
wave? Lots of terrific Scout
adventures happen on the water.
The BSA Safety Afloat guidelines
help make sure that you and others
stay safe during activities afloat.

BSA Safety Afloat*
1. Qualified supervision. A conscientious and experienced adult leader
trained in Safety Afloat must supervise all activity afloat.
2. Personal health review. Each Scout afloat must have provided a current
and complete health history.
3. Swimming ability. Scouts and adults operating a boat during activities
afloat must have passed the BSA swimmer test. Those who have not
passed the test may ride as a passenger in limited situations in a boat
operated by appropriate personnel.
4. Personal flotation equipment. Properly sized life jackets approved by the
U.S. Coast Guard must be worn by all persons engaged in boating activities.
5. Buddy system. Scouts never go on the water alone. Every person has a
buddy, and every craft on the water has a buddy boat.
6. Skill proficiency. All persons participating in activities afloat
must be trained and practiced in craft-handling skills, safety, and
emergency procedures.
7. Planning. Before Scouts go afloat, they develop a float plan detailing their
route, time schedule, and backup plans. The plan is shared with parents,
Scout leaders, and others who have an interest.
8. Proper equipment. All equipment must be in good repair and suited
to the craft, to the water conditions, and to the individuals using it.
Appropriate rescue equipment must be available.
9. Good discipline. Scouts know and respect the rules, and always follow
directions from the adult supervising the activity afloat.
*For the complete BSA Safety Afloat guidelines, see Aquatics Supervision or Guide to Safe Scouting.

For more on Safety Afloat and safe trips on the water, see the Handbook
Web site,
Chapter 5

“The Scout should train himself to be as handily and

efficiently prepared while in the water as he is on land,
so that when the emergency arises he is ready to cope
with all difficulties.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 2nd ed., 1914

Water Rescues
Learn to swim and you will know how to take care of yourself in the water. Learn
to carry out a water rescue, and you’ll be ready to help someone who is in danger of
drowning. Being prepared means learning lifesaving techniques before you need them.
You can learn lifesaving skills and practice water rescues at Scout camps. Local pools
also may offer lifesaving courses.
As with any emergency, remain calm and take a few moments to size up the situation
when you see that someone in the water is in trouble. What is happening? Is there just
one person who may need help, or are several people in trouble? What items are close
by that could be used in a rescue?
If someone else has already begun a rescue effort, be ready to assist. Make sure
someone has called for help. Keep an eye on the victim. If the person goes under,
remember where you last saw him or her.
To help a person who is struggling in the water, first try reaching for the person, then
throwing something to the person, then assisting the person by rowing out in a boat.
Only when those options don’t work should you consider a swimming, or going, rescue.
Those prepared for a swimming rescue should always use equipment, preferably a
floating device, to separate themselves from a conscious victim. Swimming rescues that
require direct contact with a person in danger are normally used only for victims who
are unconscious.

Water Rescue Meth

XX Reach
od s
XX Throw

XX Row

XX Go (with supp
or t)


Reaching Rescues
Many water accidents happen close to shore. While staying on dry land or
standing in shallow water, you might be able to reach a victim with your hand or foot,
or with a pole, branch, canoe paddle, towel, deck chair, or whatever else is nearby.
Throwing Rescues
Is there a ring buoy on shore—or
an air mattress, life jacket, picnic cooler,
or other item that floats and can be
thrown or shoved toward the victim? A
floating object with a line attached to it
is best, but either the object or the line
can be used alone. Practice throwing a
rope with a weight on it and without
any weight. Remember to hold on to
the other end.

Chapter 5

Rowing Rescues
When a victim can’t be rescued by
reaching or throwing from the shore,
you may be able to perform a reaching
or throwing rescue by rowing a boat out
to the victim. Wear a personal flotation
device, and get someone to help you
control the boat. As you get near the
victim, reach out with a paddle or an oar,
or throw the person an extra life jacket.
Going (Swimming) Rescues
Go by swimming only if there is no
other way to save a person. Follow these
rules whenever you are considering a
swimming rescue.
XX NEVER attempt a swimming rescue unless you are a strong swimmer.

XX NEVER attempt a swimming rescue unless you are trained in lifesaving.

A person struggling in the water is fighting for life. Unless you know what
to do, the person might pull you under.

If you are trained in lifesaving and confident in your skills, quickly strip down to
your underwear, keeping an eye on the victim at all times. Take along something that
will float—a life jacket, an air mattress, an inner tube, a paddle, or whatever else is
handy. Use the breaststroke so that you can watch the victim as you swim toward him
or her, but stay beyond the victim’s reach. Push the flotation device to the victim, then
back off. Let the person grab the far side of the floating item you have brought. Wait
until the victim becomes calm, even if that means that he or she loses consciousness.
Then pull the person ashore.

Becoming tangled with someone

struggling in the water
can lead to serious trouble for you
and the victim. Don’t put
yourself in danger. If reaching and
throwing aren’t possible
and you don’t have the equipment
to go with support, your
best course of action could be to
go for help. Only in rare
situations will a swimming rescue
be your only choice.
Completing the Lifesaving merit
badge will prepare you to
use swimming rescue methods if
they are ever needed.

Line Tender Rescue
e Swim Defense
The fourth point of Saf
sw im ming activities
requires that troop
cue team ready to
be protected by a res
wn ing sit uation.
respond during a dro
bad ge and BSA
The Lifesaving merit
cov er ski lls nee ded by
Lifeguard training
Ho we ver , wit h a bit
such a rescue team.
on g sw im me rs can
of practice, two str swim protection.
der procedure for troop
safely use the line ten
ge loop. Then place
of a rope to make a lar
Tie a bowline in the end te arm of the
er and under the opposi
the loop over the should
rescuer should take
rescuer. If possible, the
t will float such as
with him something tha
n, or other flotation
a ring buoy, seat cushio
ng trip, you may be
device. (On a backpacki
or foam sleeping
able to use an inflatable
pad as a flotation device
toward the victim, his
As the rescuer swims out the rope and prevent it fro
on shore to feed
(the rope tender) stays cuer and the str ugg lin g
to closely watch the res
becoming tangled and ng dev ice to the victim and, wh
presents the flo ati
swimmer. The rescuer sig nal s for the
the victim takes hold,
m to safety.
rope tender to pull the
available, the
If no floating device is
the victim
rescuer can swim past
t the line is
and then turn so tha
tim ’s grasp. The
pulled within the vic
for the tender
rescuer then signals
to sho re.
to pull both of them
or someone who is
An unconscious person
e to hold on to the
injured might not be abl
e, the rescuer can
rope. When that’s the cas
d the person’s face
grasp the victim and hol
the rope tender pulls
out of the water while
the rescuer and victim

More on BSA Lifeguard training may be found on the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 5

Aquatics Opportunities
Swimming is much more than a fine way to spend a few hours on a hot afternoon.
It is an important skill that will serve you well throughout your life. You’ll be able to
save yourself in a swimming or boating emergency. Lifesaving training can prepare you
to help others. Swimming
Being able to swim also is the doorway to many great
activities at lakes, rivers, and oceans. Scouting encourages you
to continue building your skills by earning merit badges in
Swimming, Lifesaving, Canoeing, Rowing, Motorboating,
Whitewater, and Small-Boat Sailing. You also can find training
and adventure as you complete the requirements for the
BSA’s special aquatics awards.


Water Sports





Requirements for all aquatics-related awards and merit badges may be

found at

in its
ft I m e a n outdoor life
“By Wood e.”
broadest s
Thomp son Seton t ou
—Ernest t Chief Sc
o r, a rt is t, and firs A m e ri ca
e B o y S couts of
of th
B oy Scouts have been exploring nature since the earliest days of
the Boy Scouts of America. They’ve pitched their tents in forests,
climbed hills, hiked prairies and coastlines, and traveled arid lands.
The keels of their boats have cut through rivers and lakes, salt water
and swamps. From city parks to wilderness, and from council camps
to high-adventure bases, Scouts have enjoyed more than a century of
challenge and discovery in the out-of-doors.
Scouting’s founders believed that being in the open air is essential
for growth and healthy development. Campcraft skills that boys and
young men learn in the woods prepare them to take care of themselves
and others under any conditions. Scoutcraft qualities thrive in the
outdoors, too, as Scouts become physically and mentally stronger.
They also develop into better leaders and more capable citizens.
In the outdoors, Scouts can build a lasting enjoyment and
appreciation for the natural world. The earliest Scouters called
this Woodcraft—the deep commitment to learning about and
protecting nature.
Woodcraft continues to offer exciting ways for Scouts to learn
about the environment and to better understand the complexity
and importance of the natural world. Woodcraft expects those
who use the outdoors to accept responsibility for taking care of it.

The principles of Leave No Trace are guidelines for all Scouts and
Scouters to follow. They explain ways that Scouting activities can be
conducted without doing harm to the outdoor places Scouts enjoy.
Lastly, Woodcraft encourages Scouts to give back to the land by
helping conserve, restore, and protect the environment. Good Turns,
troop and patrol conservation projects, and Eagle Scout leadership
service projects are all reminders of the commitment that millions of
Scouts have made to care for our Earth.

“You’ll have more fun on hikes or camping trips if you
learn to do one important thing—live with nature
instead of trying to change nature to fit your ideas.
Think of yourself as a part of the world of nature,
rather than as an observer apart from it somehow.”
—Fieldbook, 2nd ed., 1967

“Scouting is two-thirds outing,” goes an old Boy Scout saying. The outdoors is where
Scouts want to be. The adventure of the Boy Scouts of America is strong in camp, on trails
and waterways, and throughout America’s forests, hill country, prairies, and mountains.
Sometimes you head outdoors for the fun of
being with friends. You go to hike, to run and Scouts have always don
climb, to launch watercraft, and to swim. You go e their
best to take care of the
to test yourself and learn new skills. You go so world
around them. It begins
that at the end of the day you can pitch your tent with
the ninth point of the
and sleep under the stars. Scout
Law—A Scout is thrifty
. Part of
The outdoors is where you’ll find the being thrifty means tha
t you
action of Scouting. It’s where you can roam protect and conserve
open country, find your way with a map and resources. By following
compass, and practice plenty of other Scouting the
principles of Leave No
skills. The promise of Scouting has room to Trace,
you can enjoy the outdo
unfold in the outdoors. Character, leadership, ors
in ways that do no har
and good decision-making really do matter. m. By
taking part in service
Your troop and patrol give you you can give back to the
opportunities to see how the natural world that gives so much to
affects all of us and to understand our impact
on the land. Through Scouting, you can also
increase your understanding of your
responsibility to care
for the environment
and of ways to fulfill
that responsibility.

In This Chapter
XX Ecosystems

XX Understanding and
identifying plants

XX Identifying and
observing wildlife

XX Tracking and stalking

XX Features of weather

XX Stars and constellations

XX Taking care of
the environment
Learning About Nature
A hawk soars above a mountain
wilderness. Trees near your home sway in
the wind. Ocean tides rise and fall. Birds,
whales, and butterflies migrate thousands
of miles around the globe.
The natural world is beautiful,
complicated, and spectacular. It is huge,
too, a place where redwood forests
tower toward the sky and grasslands
stretch to the horizon and beyond.
Nature is present on a smaller scale
as well—the eye of an insect, the nucleus of a
cell, the secrets of an atom.
Nature sometimes makes itself known with the eruption
of a volcano, the jolt of an earthquake, or the howl of a blizzard. Nature also moves
very slowly. Continents drift a few inches every year. Over long periods of time, rivers
carve canyons deep into solid rock. Animals gradually adjust their behavior to meet
changes in where and how they live.
The relationships among plants, animals, and their surroundings are so complex
that we can understand only some of the mysteries. Even so, you will discover much
about nature if you open your eyes and your mind. Learn all you can about animals
and plants. Investigate weather, geology, and the impact that people have on the
environment. Find clues that lead you toward solving some of the inner workings of
the natural world. Books and Web sites devoted to nature can help you understand
much about the complex web of life going on all around you.
chapter 6

The study of animals and plants and how they interact with each other and with
nonliving parts of the environment such as weather, water, and sunlight is called ecology.
It comes from the old Greek words oikos, meaning “house,” and -logy, meaning “to study.”
Ecology is the study of the home we share with all other species.
Deserts, forests, oceans, mountain ranges, meadows—all these different areas on
the planet have their own unique combinations of geology, weather, inhabitants, and
much else that make each one special.
These groupings of plants, animals,
and their surroundings are called
ecosystems. As you focus in on an
individual ecosystem, you’ll be
astonished by the remarkable way
in which everything fits together.
Each species is important for
the survival of others. Their
survival also depends upon
certain qualities of land, water,
and space.
While no two places on the
globe are alike, all share certain
similarities that give us ways
to compare one area with another
and to help us make sense out of what we know of them. Scientists
organize living things into groups with related characteristics. Two of the largest groups
are plants and animals.

joying it. Get

ab ou t na tu re begins with en
Lear ning g where you are
oo rs , ha ve fu n, and begin noticin s,
outd rious about plant
d wh at is all around. Become cu athe r.
an the feel of we
im als, th e sh ap e of the land, and yo u
an oundings, and
ally see your surr
Take time to actu gu ages—the
learning new lan
will find yourself ies , the
water, the prair
languages of the
forests, and the

From grasses pushing through cracks in a city sidewalk to ancient forests covering
a mountainside, plants are vital to our world. Plants help all animals because they
release oxygen. All animals need oxygen to survive.
Plants protect the land, too. Their roots help keep soil from washing away. Leaves
slow rainwater as it falls, giving it time to seep into the earth. Fallen trees, shrubs, and
grasses enrich the soil as they decay.
Plants provide shelter and food for wildlife. A dead tree can be important to
animals as a roosting site, a place to build nests, and a source of food.
People use plants in many ways, too. We eat fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. All
come from plants. Lumber from trees goes into our buildings. Paper, medicines, and
thousands of other products are possible only because of plants.
Trees provide shade in yards and city parks, offering us places close to home where
we can relax and play. Forests are the perfect place to hike and camp. Roaming deep into
a backcountry forest allows us to get far from roads, buildings, and crowds of people.

Covered with young vegetation and slowly

decomposing on the forest floor, old trees act as
“nurse logs” that help ensure the health of future
generations of vegetation.

For more information about plants, visit the Handbook Web site:

chapter 6

Plant Po
draws hyll in
energy leaves
A plant from s
uses th u nlight.
conver is ener
t carbo g y to
the air n dioxid
and wa e from
soil int ter fro
o sugar m the
for ene s it can
rgy. Th use
called p e proce
hotosy ss is
combin nthesis
ation o —a
photo ( f the w
meanin ords
and syn g “light
thesis ( ”)
Photos “to ma
ynthes ke”).
oxygen is also
to the a return
tmosph s


Plant growth
Oxy lant
d fro
Foo Food from
(and other

Animal food

Carbon oxide

Plant food Decaying matter

Soil nutrients

Trees are the biggest and the oldest living things on Earth. More than a thousand
species grow in the United States, each different from all the rest. Some thrive in
sunlight, others in shade. A few require fire for their seeds to open and take root.
Certain trees grow very fast. Those living for hundreds of years gain their height and
mass more slowly.
The two large groups of American trees are conifer trees and broadleaf trees.
Conifer Trees—Also known as evergreens, conifers have needle-like or scale-like leaves
that usually stay on the trees for several years. Conifers include pines, firs,
and spruces.
Broadleaf Trees—These trees have flat leaves that generally fall off at the end of
the summer. Broadleaf trees include maples, oaks, ashes, beeches, and birches. Each
autumn the leaves of many broadleaf trees turn yellow, red, orange, and brown. Those
colors were in the leaves all summer, but were masked by the green of the chlorophyll.
With the approach of colder weather, a tree’s food production drops and so does the
amount of chlorophyll in the leaves. The green fades and other colors show through.
Next, a layer of cells in a leaf stem cuts the tissues holding the leaf to its branch.
The leaf falls to the ground where it decomposes, releasing nutrients into the soil so
that they can be used again.

Broadleaf tree

Conifer tree

chapter 6

“Different sorts of trees look pretty much alike to many people;

but by observing their different traits we can learn to know
a large number of trees just as we have learned to know our
friends. The natural history of trees can be learned only by
keeping our eyes open, training ourselves to observe closely.”
—Handbook for Boys, 2nd ed., 1914

Identifying Plants
Identifying trees and other plants in your community is a good way to become more
aware of nature. Your troop leaders might know gardeners, botanists, or other plant
experts who will enjoy sharing their knowledge with groups of Scouts. Land managers
at public parks and forests may be able to show you how to recognize the shapes and
sizes of different plants, the outlines of their leaves, and other clues that can lead to
their identifications.
You can use Internet resources and books called field guides to help you learn to
identify plants. Your Scout troop and your public and school libraries might have
field guides you can borrow. Many field guides and plant identification Web sites also
contain information about the important roles plants play in their surroundings.
A plant key is a plant-identifying tool that asks a series of questions that will lead you
to the identity of a tree or plant. For example, suppose you have a leaf from a tree you
would like to know more about. It looks like this:
You know it is a broadleaf tree because the leaf
is not a needle, as you would find on a conifer.
Going online or using a plant key in a book, you
would find a series of simple questions. The
answer to each one leads you along a certain
pathway until you have discovered the identity
of your leaf. Here’s how the process could work
for this leaf.

For more help identifying plants in the field, see the Handbook Web site:

Is it a simple leaf or a compound leaf? A simple leaf is a single blade attached by its
stem to a branch. A compound leaf is a number of leaflets connected to a central stem
attached to the branch.


Your leaf looks like a simple leaf. Choosing the simple leaf choice leads to a
second question.
Is the simple leaf lobed or unlobed? A lobed leaf has deep notches around its edge.
An unlobed leaf does not.



Your leaf is unlobed. The next question takes you closer to your goal.
Does your unlobed leaf have a toothed edge or an untoothed edge? A toothed leaf
has an edge that looks a bit like a saw. An untoothed leaf has a smooth edge.

Smooth edge

It has a toothed edge. Toothed edge

chapter 6

You’re close to an answer now. The next questions will limit the leaf to
certain kinds of trees.
Does the leaf have double teeth around
the edge, and is the stem off-center?
If so, it is probably a leaf from an elm tree.
If not, is the leaf oval shaped with small
teeth along the edge and a stem that is
centered? If so, then it is probably
a leaf from a cherry tree.
If not, does the leaf have sharp, curving
teeth and a smooth, shiny surface? If so,
then it is probably a beech.
If not, is the leaf long and narrow?
If so, then it is probably a willow.
If not, does the leaf have double teeth around the
edge and a stem that is centered? Your leaf does have
double teeth around the edge
and a centered stem. This tells
you it is from a birch tree.
The plant key might ask a
few further questions so that
you can decide on the type of
birch you’ve found. It also will
tell you about the area where the
tree grows, what its bark looks
like, and any uses of the wood
and foliage.




Identifying Native Plants
Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of native plants found
your community.

1. ________________________________________________________

2._ ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________

chapter 6

Showing Evidence of Plants

As you learn to identify trees and plants, you can gather evidence from them that
helps you remember their characteristics. Three forms of evidence are digital leaf
collections, pressed leaves, and leaf ink prints.
Digital Leaf Collections—With computer tools, you can create a database of your plant
discoveries. In the field, you can take pictures of a leaf without removing it from a plant.
Place a blank piece of paper flat behind the leaf and take a photo using a digital camera.
Photograph the tree the leaf came from and its surroundings, too. Take close-up shots
of its bark and any nuts, cones, or fruits you find on the branches or on the ground.
Build a computer file
featuring the image of the As your dig
ital leaf co
leaf, then add your photos you might llection gr
post it on ows,
of other evidence that members a Scout blog
of your pa so that
helps identify the tree. use it to le trol and tr
arn about o op can
Type in some information area and th the plants
en add lea of your
about the tree, and You could f files of th
also create eir own.
add links to Web sites identificati an online le
on quiz th af
that offer additional the screen at flashes
—a leaf ou clu es on
information photo of a tline, a full
tree’s bark tr ee ,a
about the plant. Scouts to fi —and chall
gure out w
hat they a
re seeing.

common / scientific
lle ction
date and place of co
Pressed Leaves—Put each leaf you
want to preserve between two sheets
of newspaper, then lay the sheets on
a table or other flat surface and place
several heavy books on top. Give the
leaves a few days to flatten and dry.
Mount each one in a scrapbook
along with the details of where
and when you found it, the identity
of the plant, and information about
the plant it came from.

Leaf Ink Prints—Use a rubber

roller to spread a dab of printer’s
ink on a glass plate. Place a leaf
on the glass with the veined
side against the ink. Run the
roller over the leaf several
times, then lay the leaf, inked
side down, on a clean sheet of
paper. Cover the leaf with a
piece of newspaper and run the
roller over it to make a print.
After the ink dries, arrange
the pages in a scrapbook.

chapter 6

Scout hikes and campouts are good times to observe wild animals. You also can find
plenty of evidence of animals in your neighborhood even if you live in the middle of
a city. Try to figure out a little bit about how they live. What do they need to survive?
How do they raise their young? What do they eat? Are they prey to other animals, or
are they predators?
Just as trees can be divided into broadleaf
trees and conifer trees, animals can be placed
into two groups: vertebrates and invertebrates.
XX Vertebrates have backbones.

XX Invertebrates are animals that do

not have backbones.

Vertebrates are further divided into five

groups: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and mammals.
Fish—Fish are cold-blooded, live in water,
and breathe through gills. Their bodies
are covered with scales.

Amphibians—Most frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and other

amphibians start life in the water as gilled aquatic larvae that have
hatched from eggs. Adults breathe air through lungs and generally live on land.

Reptiles—Snakes, alligators, crocodiles, lizards, and turtles are all reptiles. They are
cold-blooded, air-breathing animals that are covered with scales or bony plates.
Some move on short legs. Others, like snakes,
slither along on their bellies.
Birds—Birds are warm-blooded animals with
wings and feathers. They hatch their young
from eggs.

chapter 6

Mammals—Deer, bears, foxes, squirrels, and other mammals are warm-blooded

vertebrates that have some kind of fur or hair. They nurse their babies with milk.
Invertebrates greatly outnumber
the planet’s vertebrates and can be
divided into many more groups. The
largest invertebrate group is made
up of arthropods—insects, arachnids
(such as spiders and scorpions),
and crustaceans (such as crabs
and shrimp). The mollusk group,
second in size to the arthropods,
includes snails, clams, oysters,
mussels, and squid.

How to Find Evidence of Animals
Looking, listening, smelling, and touching are all ways you can gather evidence of
animals in your neighborhood and in the backcountry.
Looking­—Hawks in flight can see the movements of small animals far below. Owls
see well enough in the dark to fly silently among the branches of trees. Human eyes
are not as sharp as those of hawks and owls, but our eyes can still tell us plenty about
our surroundings.
Slow down and give your eyes time to
notice what is all around you. You might
start by glancing quickly at a forest or a
front yard, then carefully examining one Scat
tree. Try getting down on your hands Droppin
and knees and inspecting a square foot gs called
of an anim scat are
al’s diet. evidence
of earth. Look for animal footprints, with a sti Break sc
ck. Rema at apart
overturned stones, tufts of fur caught of berrie ins of se
s, and bit eds, skin
on twigs, or a feather on the ground. s of leav s
the anim es sugge
Be alert to movement in the brush, al is an h st
animal th e rb ivore—a
in the water, and in the sky. Use a at eats o n
bones, fu nly plants
magnifying glass or binoculars for r, and fe . Small
in the sc athers m
even closer looks. at of a ca ay appea
rn ivore—a r
that feed n anima
s on othe l
scat indic r animals
ates an o . Mixed
animal w mnivore
hose die —an
animals t in cludes b
and plan oth

Resources on the Handbook Web site,, can help you

more easily identify wildlife in your area.

chapter 6

Listening—Sit quietly and you will discover that the outdoors is full of sounds. The
buzz of insects and the croaking of frogs can be mating calls. Birds often use songs to
claim their territory. The chatter of a squirrel and the slap of a beaver’s tail might be
warnings. Sometimes it is the absence of sound that is important. When birds suddenly
stop singing, it could be because they have noticed a cat or other threat nearby,
or maybe they’ve seen you.
Many animals have very good hearing. The
ears of a deer are shaped like big scoops that
can be turned in any direction to pick up
faint, faraway sounds. You can increase your
own hearing by cupping your hands behind
your ears. Turning your head from side to
side might help you pinpoint the location
of a sound.
Smelling—A keen sense of smell is as
important to some animals as hearing and
seeing are to others. Ants lay down aroma
trails that lead them back to their nests.
Wolves sniff the wind for signs of prey.
Elk are startled by the smell of preda-
tors nearing them. Mountain lions
mark their territory with the scent of
their urine.
Even though humans in the outdoors depend less on smell, your nose can still
provide clues to what’s going on. Notice the scents of flowers, trees, soil, and moss. A
fresh stream smells different than a pond. The stench of an animal carcass may reveal
its location.
Touching—A snake flicking out its tongue is picking up vibrations in the air. Nerves
running along the bodies of fish alert them to changes in the water. With whiskers
or feelers, moles and opossums rely upon touch more than upon their other senses.
Even animals with sharp eyesight or finely tuned noses are aware of the feel of things
around them.
You can use touch to better understand your surroundings, too. Feel the texture of
leaves; some are rough, others smooth. Weigh stones in your hand. Wade in ponds.
Crawl through tall grass. Roll in the snow. Imagine what it would feel like to live as
different animals.

“Any boy who cares enough for the outdoors to be a scout is
sure to want a good acquaintance with the birds. . . . Scouts
whose eyes are sharp and ears are keen will find the study of
birds a fascinating sport, which may prove to be the best fun
that the woods provide.”
—Handbook for Boys, 2nd ed., 1914

Birds are among the animals you are most likely to see around your home and
during hikes and campouts. Many people make a hobby of studying birds, keeping
lifetime lists of those they have seen. Watching birds can be a satisfying part of
outdoor adventures and good practice for developing your powers of observation.
Scan the trees and take time to watch the birds that you notice. Binoculars can
help you make out small details. Use a bird identification book for your area to
discover the names of birds and to learn
about their habits. The Internet is
another good source of information for
identifying birds and for learning about
their habits and ranges. Your patrol can
keep a notebook in which you list all
the birds you see on your outings.
You might be able to attract birds
by whistling. With a hunter’s duck
call or goose call, you can try bringing
waterfowl close. An old stalking trick
is to make a smacking sound by
kissing the back of your hand. Birds
recognizing the sound as a distress
call may be drawn toward you.
As you observe birds, the Six
S’s can give you a quick way to
gather clues that can lead to a
bird’s identification and help
you solve some of the mysteries
about how it lives.

chapter 6

Size—A hummingbird is just a few inches

long and weighs only ounces. A turkey vulture The Six S’s of Bird
weighs several pounds and has a wing span
of three feet or more. When you see a bird,
compare its size with those of birds you know. XX Size
Is the new one larger than a sparrow? About
the same size as a robin? Smaller than a crow? XX Shape
Can you think of ways the size of a bird might
affect how it gathers food, makes its nests, and XX Shading
avoids predators?
XX Song
Shape—A bird’s shape helps it thrive in its
environment. The powerful talons of eagles XX Sweep
and owls allow them to grip their prey and
XX Surroundings
lift it into the sky. The long, slender legs of
the heron let it wade in waters where it can
feed on small fish. The beaks of different spe-
cies of finches have shapes that allow them to
eat the kinds of seeds, berries, or other foods
present in their environments.

Shading—Bright feathers help many birds attract mates. For others, drab colors act as
camouflage so that the birds can blend into their backgrounds. The ptarmigan is a good
example. Its brown feathers hide it during summers in mountain forests. When winter
comes, the ptarmigan’s feathers become as white as the snow.

Song—Birds use their songs to warn of danger, guard their territories, and find mates.
Sometimes they sound as though they are singing for the sheer joy of making noise.
When you know the songs of birds, you can identify them even without seeing them.
A good way to learn bird songs is to hike with bird watchers who already know a few
bird songs. They can teach you how the songs of each species differ from all others.
Sweep—Sweep refers to the movement a bird makes. Some hop across the ground
or scurry along in a fast waddle. Others flit from tree to tree. Soaring birds catch
updrafts of wind and hover without flapping their wings. Some water birds dive into
cold mountain streams. Close observation of the sweep of a bird may lead to the most
interesting part of bird watching—seeing how each has adapted to
its surroundings.
Surroundings—From the Arctic to the equator and all the way to Antarctica, birds
seem to be everywhere. Like all animals, a bird must be able to get the things it needs
from its surroundings or it will die. It must find food, water, shelter, and a mate so it
can breed and raise young. The first five S’s
(size, shape, shading, song, and sweep) are
ways that birds have adapted to S number

You can im Bird Study

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chapter 6

Every animal traveling on land leaves tracks: footprints, bent grass, broken twigs,
chewed leaves, scat, rubbed bark, a shiny strip of slime. Following these and other
clues can teach you much about the habits of animals. With a little luck, the tracks
might lead you to the creatures themselves. Tracking is a skill you can master over
time. Practice in your yard and in parks, fields, and forests. Here’s how to get started.
Find Some Tracks to Follow
Winter snow can reveal a surprising number of tracks. During other seasons, try
the soft soil near ponds and streams. In dry country, scan the dust for prints and look
for pebbles and brush that have been disturbed.
Study a Single Track
Examine one footprint and fix its details in your mind. You might measure it and
make a sketch of it, or take a digital photograph. These memory aids can help you
stay with a trail even if other animals have crossed the tracks you are following.
Track Early or Late
Shadows cast in an animal’s footprints early in the morning and late in the day
make tracks easier to see.
Think Like the Animal
If you lose the trail, ask yourself where you would go if you were the animal and
then look in that direction. Mark the last print with a stick so you can find it again.
Explore all around it until you find more evidence of the animal’s route.

For more track identification resources, visit the Handbook

Web site:

e same mammal
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Generally, the fr e, and number
. Th e size, shap w ith practice.
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Hind Otter
11/8" X 1 /8"

House cat Front

Front Front

21/8" X 3 /4"

2 /4" X 1 /4"
1 3

Front 21/4" X 2 /8"

41/4" X 3"
21/2" X 2"
Hind 21/8" X 1 /8" Wolf

Dog Coyote 33/4"





Mink Squirrel


11/2" Hind
13/4" Hind
Hind Skunk

chapter 6

Collecting Tracks
Perhaps you have heard the Leave No Trace hiking slogan, “Take only photographs,
leave only footprints.” Here’s a way you can bring home some footprints, too.
When out tracking, carry some plaster of paris, water, and cardboard strips with you.
When you find an animal print you want to preserve, notch the ends of a cardboard
strip, form it into a collar, and place it around the print. Mix up the plaster of paris
according to the instructions on the label.
Pour the plaster into the collar and
wait 10 to 20 minutes for it to harden.
Remove the cast and brush off any dirt
or other particles. On the back of the
cast write the date, the location where
you found the track, and the name of
the animal you think made the track.
Casts of prints are fine souvenirs
of your adventures. You can also press
a cast into damp sand to re-create
a track—a valuable study aid for
improving the animal observing skills
of everyone in your patrol and troop.

Plaster of paris is
at drug stores.

“A Scout walks through the woods with silent tread. . . .
He sees tracks and signs which reveal to him the nature
and habits of the creatures that made them. He knows how
to stalk birds and animals and study them in their natural
haunts. He sees much, but is little seen.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 2nd ed., circa 1925

Getting close to animals without them knowing you are there is an ancient art.
It allows you to find out what animals look like, where they go, and what they do.
Stalking is an exciting challenge that will test your patience and skill. If you have a
camera, stalking also may give you some great
opportunities for photographing wildlife. Stalkin g is a ter
exercise rific me
. To get ntal
wildlife, c lose to
Become a shado
so much w.

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chapter 6

Stalking by Waiting
Let animals come to you. Hide long enough near a well-used animal trail and there’s
a good chance you’ll see them coming by. Take cover in the brush or in a blind, or climb
into a tree and wait for wildlife to appear.
Much of the animal world is active after dark. On a night with a full moon, sit quietly
at the edge of a meadow or near a lake or stream. You might hear and see lots of activity.
Stalking by Moving
To move closer to animals, make yourself invisible and silent. Hide behind trees,
stumps, and clumps of grass. Keep near the ground and look around the sides of rocks
and bushes, not over the top. Stay low as you cross hilltops and ridges so that your
silhouette doesn’t show against the sky.
Move only when animals are looking away. Freeze if they glance in your direction.
Place your feet with care. Stepping on twigs or dry leaves might make enough noise to
send wildlife running.
Many animals will be able to smell you from long distances. Try to stay downwind
as you are stalking. When the wind is coming toward you, it won’t carry your scent to
an animal.

Identifying Wild Animals
Identify or show evidence of at leas
t 10 kinds of wild animals (birds,
mammals, reptiles, fish, amphibi
ans) found in your community.

1. ____________________________
2._ ________________________

3. ____________________________
4. __________________________
5. ____________________________
6. __________________________
7. ____________________________
8. __________________________
9. __________________________
10. ________________________

chapter 6

Checking weather reports is part of the planning you do before a Scout hike
or campout. You’ll have a better idea of what clothing to carry with you and what
to expect when you reach the trail. Studying weather also can be a terrific way to
understand the bigger picture of nature.
The atmosphere surrounding our planet extends about 60 miles from Earth’s surface
to the edge of space. Air over tropical regions rises as the sun heats it. Air above the
Arctic and Antarctic cools and sinks, pulling the warm tropical air toward the North
and South poles. The spinning of the planet swirls the air, too, keeping the atmosphere
in motion. Moisture that rises from the surface into the sky forms clouds that can travel
hundreds of miles before the moisture falls back to the surface as rain or snow.
Weather reports on television and on Web sites often include maps showing the
movement of areas of low pressure and high pressure in the atmosphere. Regions
experiencing high atmospheric pressure usually have stable weather. Where the
pressure is low, though, winds will be pulled in. If those winds are carrying moisture,
storms can occur.

For more information on finding weather reports and reading weather maps,
visit the Handbook Web site:

Reading a Weather Map
Take a look at a weather map and you might think you are seeing a topographic
map with contour lines showing elevation. To map the weather, those lines are called
isobars. Instead of elevation, they show the barometric pressure of an area—how dense
the atmosphere is at a given moment. By studying pressure readings and noting how
they are changing, meteorologists (scientists who study the atmosphere and weather)
can put together a map that shows current weather conditions. The map can be used
to predict the weather for the hours and days to come.
A front is the line between an area of high pressure and one of low pressure. A
front passing through an area is a sign that the weather is about to change.
1. Blue indicates a cold front with cool or
cold air moving in the direction of the points.
2. Red shows a warm front—warm or hot
air moving in the direction of the half-circles.
3. If a cold front or a warm front stops
moving, it becomes a stationary front. A
weather map shows a stationary front with
half-circles on one side of a line and triangles
on the other.

chapter 6

National Weath
Moisture rising into the air can
form droplets and ice crystals that
er Radio
build into clouds. Clouds take three A 24-hour serv
basic shapes. Meteorologists give ice of the Nat
Oceanic and At ional
each shape a Latin name: mospheric
n, National W
XX Streak clouds—Cirrus Radio airs cons eather
tant weather
Keep your radi updates.
XX Layer clouds—Stratus o tuned in du
weather so th ring bad
at you can he
warnings, an ar forecasts,
XX Heap clouds—Cumulus d other impo
information. rtant
To find the ra
to use in your dio frequency
Nimbus describes any cloud from area, see the
Handbook W Boy Scout
which precipitation might fall. A eb site.
nimbostratus cloud, for example,
is a layer-shaped cloud that could
produce rain.

32,800 feet
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C irro stratus
19,700 feet




6,600 feet



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chapter 6

A bolt of lightning streaking through the sky is one of nature’s most dramatic
features. Here’s how it happens.
The basic electrical charge of the Earth’s surface is negative. Six or seven miles up,
the atmosphere carries a positive charge. When the weather is clear, there is nothing
between the ground and the sky to conduct electrons.
When a cumulonimbus cloud billows miles into the sky and becomes a thunderhead,
the positive electrical charge in the top of the cloud can be drawn down into the
cloud and sometimes all the way to the Earth’s surface in the form of a lightning bolt.
Traveling at 31,000 miles per second, lightning can heat a narrow pathway of air to
temperatures higher than 45,000
degrees. The violent expansion
and contraction of the air results
in a clap of thunder.

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For more information on weather, visit the Handbook Web site,

Conditions that can form cumulonimbus clouds capable of producing lightning
also might sometimes cause tornadoes. Usually occurring in the middle part of the
United States, tornadoes can take shape when cold, dry air moving in one direction
collides with warm, moist air going another way. Differences in the direction, speed,
and temperature of the two air masses can cause a rotating weather system to form,
which might develop into the rapidly spinning funnel cloud of a tornado.
Warning signs of a tornado include very dark clouds that sometimes have a
greenish tint, heavy rain and hail, and a roaring sound. Meteorologists tracking
storms broadcast warnings with information telling people in the path of a storm
what they should do.

Hurricanes develop out of deep low-pressure areas over warm ocean water. Under
certain conditions, moisture rising into the sky generates energy that can cause a
spinning storm to build into a hurricane. It may be hundreds of miles across and have
winds of well over 100 miles per hour. Hurricanes that come ashore are extremely
dangerous and can do tremendous damage. People in the path of a hurricane should
follow the guidance of local and state officials to protect themselves.

chapter 6

Other Weather Signs

Through the ages, people have used sayings as a way of sharing weather lore.
The weather sayings below are very old, but you might be surprised how often they
accurately foretell the weather to come.
Fair-Weather Signs
Expect pleasant weather when you see some of these signs:
“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.” The dust particles in the dry air of tomorrow’s
weather produce a glowing red sunset.
“Swallows flying way up high mean there’s no rain in the sky.” Swallows are birds
that catch and eat flying insects. In the high pressure that comes with fair weather,
insects may be carried aloft by air currents.
“If smoke goes high, no rain comes by.” Campfire smoke rises straight up when there
is no wind. Still air does not move moisture into an area.
“When the dew is on the grass, rain will never come to pass.” Dew forms when
water vapor in the air condenses into droplets on cool leaves and grass. This happens
especially during the cool, clear nights that accompany good weather.
Stormy-Weather Signs
The following signs suggest bad weather is on the way:
“Red sky at morning, sailor take warning.” Dry, dusty air moving toward the east
causes the sun to appear reddish as it comes over the horizon. This could mean that
moist air is pushing in from the west, bringing stormy weather with it.
“Swallows flying near the ground mean a storm will come around.” The low air
pressure that pulls in stormy weather causes insects to fly close to the ground on heavy,
moist wings. Swallows follow.
“If smoke hangs low, watch out for a blow.” Low air pressure also can prevent
campfire smoke from rising very high.
“When grass is dry at morning light, look for rain before the night.” On a cloudy
night, grass might not cool enough for dew to form.
“Mackerel scales and mares’ tails make lofty ships carry low sails.” The “scales” and
“tails” refer to cirrus cloud formations that warn of changing weather.

“All American boys know the Dipper or Great Bear. This is,
perhaps, the most important star group in our sky, because
of its size, peculiar form, and the fact that it never sets in our
latitude, and last, that it always points out the Pole-star, and,
for this reason, it is sometimes known as the Pointers.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1st ed., 1911

Stars and Constellations

One of the pleasures of camping is looking into the night sky. Away from the glow
of a city, you can see thousands of stars. At first, they might seem to be a random
scattering of brilliant points of light. Look more carefully, though, and you will notice
that some stars are brighter than others. Night after night, they appear at almost
the same places in the sky. There is an order to their location. By learning about that
order, you will have a powerful skill for finding directions at night.
A star chart is a map of the heavens. The revolution of Earth around the sun allows
us to see different parts of the sky during different seasons of the year. At 10 p.m., the
summer sky overhead looks much different than the sky at the same hour in the middle
of the winter. Choose a star chart that is set for the month that you want to use it.
Soon you will be able to locate the constellations that can guide you as you travel at
night and connect you with the long, colorful history of the pictures in the sky.

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chapter 6

The Constellations
For thousands of years, people watching the night sky have grouped stars together
into pictures, or constellations. The custom might date back to times when ancient
shepherds spent their nights under the open sky. They may have imagined that the
patterns of stars suggested the shapes of kings and queens, warriors, maidens, animals,
and monsters. Many of the constellations they named are still called that today.
You can find the same constellations in the sky over your camp. Read about them,
and you will discover much about the history and mythology of people from the past
who, like you, looked with wonder at the stars above.
Perhaps the best-known star grouping in the northern sky is the Big Dipper. It is
part of a constellation called Ursa Major, or the Great Bear. It can be seen from most
locations in the United States.
Look to the south during clear winter evenings and you’ll see the constellation
Orion, or the Hunter, spreading across the sky. The stars form the shape of a hunter.
Three stars close together are his belt, and a string of fainter stars is the scabbard of
his sword. A giant red star known as Betelgeuse is at one of Orion’s shoulders, and
Bellatrix marks his other shoulder. The blue-white star Rigel, one of the brightest in the
sky, marks one of Orion’s legs.

For more on stars, constellations, and the legends behind them, see the
Handbook Web site:

Taking Care of the Environment
The BSA encourages all Scouts to learn about nature and to do their part to care for
the environment. Service projects for rank advancement and the Eagle Scout Award
can help you learn to plan and complete good work that is of value to the Earth.
Merit badges are fine opportunities for exploring the natural world, too, and for
learning about career possibilities in environmental fields. These merit badges are a
few of the nature-related subjects you can explore.
XX Astronomy
XX Bird Study Forestry

XX Environmental Science
XX Fish and Wildlife Management
XX Forestry
XX Geology
XX Insect Study
XX Mammal Study
XX Nature Nature

XX Plant Science
XX Reptile and Amphibian Study
XX Soil and Water Conservation Plant Science

XX Weather

As a Scout, you will be recognized as a young person who enjoys the outdoors and
as someone doing your part to care for the environment. A lifetime of service to the
environment can begin now. Recycling, being thrifty in the use of natural resources,
and following the principles of Leave No Trace while hiking and camping are a few
of the ways each of us can help. Learning about nature and enjoying time in the
outdoors can help you make choices that are good for Earth’s health.

“The serious Scout will use his imagination, and his

knowledge, in looking for conservation work to do. He will
remember what he has learned—that one of the secrets of
conservation is the web of life; that the other is careful study
of all possible outcomes of his project, so that it will result in
the greatest good for the largest number of people.”
—Handbook for Boys, 4th ed., 1940


Leave No Trace
“A Scout is Thrifty. One of the most important ways
in which you can show that you are thrifty is the way
you go about protecting and conserving our country’s
natural resources—its soil and water, its woods and
fields, its wildlife.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 6th ed., 1959

Leave No Trace
In the early years of our nation, you could have camped almost anywhere. The
population of the country was small. In fact, most of the land was wilderness. Towns,
roads, and farms were few. There weren’t yet many demands on the land. As the nation
grew, its needs began to turn much of the land into farms and cities. Dams tamed rivers
to provide electrical power. People cleared forests for lumber and to make room for crops.
The open country that remains today is home to a rich variety of animals and plants.
It is the source of clean water for everyone to drink, and its vegetation freshens the air we
breathe. When you want to camp and hike, you can visit parks, forests, and Scout camps
across the nation. With that freedom comes a duty to care for the environment. That
means enjoying the outdoors, learning from it, and then leaving it as you found it. Scouts
do this by following the principles of Leave No Trace—guidelines for traveling and
camping without leaving any signs you were there.

Scouting’s Trail
to Leave No Trace
For more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America
has been a leader in teaching the conservation of natural
resources. The 1910 edition of the Boy Scout Handbook
included a Conservation merit badge. To earn that badge,
Scouts had to learn the value of timberland, the causes of
water pollution, what made a farm field suitable for growing
crops, and which game animals could be found nearby.
Conservation merit badge pamphlet, circa 1925
Web resources are handy when your patrol or troop is looking for a place to
camp or hike. Start with the National Park Service site,

Leave No Trace
In This Chapter
XX Scouting’s trail to
Leave No Trace

XX Using Leave No Trace

XX Beyond Leave No Trace

William T.

William T. Hornaday, director of the New York Zoological Park and a strong
supporter of Scouting, made a plea in the Handbook’s second edition (1914) for
Scouts to help preserve wildlife habitat. The Gold Award of the Permanent Wild Life
Protection Fund (later renamed the William T. Hornaday Award) was created to
recognize Scouts who were making special efforts to care for the environment.
In the decades that followed, Handbooks continued to encourage Scouts to see
themselves as protectors of nature. In 1948, the BSA introduced the Outdoor Code—
a conservation pledge that Scouts could use during all of their outdoor adventures.
Scouts continued to increase their skills and to make their way deeper into the
backcountry. They were paddling, pedaling, and climbing farther than ever before.
They were learning to feel at home in wilderness areas. As they
understood more about the impact they could have, they increased
their efforts to protect trails and campgrounds. Handbooks and merit
badge pamphlets discussed minimum-impact camping, and
the BSA encouraged the use of camp stoves in places where
campfires might scar the land. Other groups were moving in the
same direction as they encouraged people who liked going to the
outdoors to help care for it, too.
In the early 1990s, a number of federal
land-management agencies agreed that Outdoor Code
Leave No Trace would give everyone basic As an American, I will
do my best to
guidelines for using the outdoors responsibly
and a common language for discussing the Be clean in my outdoor
best ways to minimize our recreational Be careful with fire,
impacts. Today, the principles of Leave
Be considerate in the
No Trace are used throughout America. outdoors,
Scouting is proud to be a partner in this and
ongoing effort. Be conservation-mind

Learn more about William T. Hornaday and the BSA’s Hornaday Awards at

Chapter 7

Land Manage ng for Amer
ee p ly in vo lved in cari dir ectors,
ers are d rs, camp
Land manag ge rs , fo re st superviso e standards
en land s. Park ran ot h er of ficials set th
op rs, and areas. Most
tion directo and private
urban recrea tin g pu bl ic rr ific
those visi Trace and ca
n be te
expected of t Leave No e
k n ow ab ou h ow to protect th
managers g Sc ou ts understand y Sc ou t
r helpin rs. Man
resources fo the outdoo ships
fu lly en joying time in on go ing partner
land while ers hav e fo rm ed
land manag ell-planned
troops and to help ou t w ith w
rage Scouts e environm
that encou
in g an d p re rving th
for restor

Leave No Trace
The Principles o
f Leave No Trace
1. Plan Ahea
d and Prepare
2. Travel an
d Camp on Dur
3. Dispose of able Surfaces
Waste Proper
4. Leave Wha ly
t You Find
5. Minimize
Campfire Impa
6. Respect W cts
7. Be Consid
erate of
Other Visitors

Using Leave No Trace

Scouting’s adventures cover a wide range of activities—from tenting at public
campgrounds and BSA council camps to backpacking many miles through forests,
deserts, and mountains.
Think about Leave No Trace wherever you hike, camp, or do any other outdoor
activity, and do your best to follow its principles. Make them a guide for how you
conduct yourself in the outdoors.
1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
Good leadership happens when you have a vision of what a successful adventure
will look like. Plan the steps to put yourself and your patrol into that picture. Being
ready for the challenges that might arise is such an important part of Scouting that
Be Prepared is the Boy Scout motto! A lack of planning can lead to unintended
damage to equipment and the land.
Planning and being prepared are important for protecting the outdoors, too. Plan
ahead and you’ll know what to expect wherever you are going. You can find out from
land managers if there will be limits on the size of your group and what permission
you might need to obtain. The land managers also might suggest other ways you can
lessen your impact.

Visit Leave No Trace’s Web site for more information on the principles:

Chapter 7

2. Travel and Camp on Durable Surfaces

Durable surfaces are areas that will not be damaged by your footsteps, bicycles,
or tents. A trail is a good example of a durable surface. The soil of the trail tread has
become so compacted that little can grow there. By staying on existing trails, you are
protecting the surrounding landscape and the plants and animals that live there.
Scout camps and many public parks and forests already have durable campsites laid
out. If there are no designated camping areas, make your camp on sand, gravel, rock,
compacted soil, dry grasses, or snow. All of these are durable surfaces.
Carelessness in choosing a campsite and hiking or pedaling where there is no trail
can harm the land in several ways. Campers walking to and from cooking areas, water
sources, and their tents can trample plant communities, pack down the soil, and form
unwanted pathways. Hikers and cyclists using the edges of trails or going off a trail
to get around a rutted or muddy stretch can widen pathways unnecessarily. Taking
shortcuts, especially down hillsides, almost always leads to damage from erosion.
Pitch your tents well away from streams and lakes. This will allow animals to reach
the water and will lessen your impact on shorelines. In addition, try to camp in the
forest away from meadows and the trees at their edge. Deeper in the woods you will
be sheltered from sun and wind, and your camp will blend into its surroundings. You
are also less likely to beat down meadow grasses or to frighten away animals that use
meadows as feeding grounds. Camping away from meadows is especially important in
mountainous regions. Camping on top of fragile alpine meadow vegetation can cause
it serious harm. Make your high-elevation camps in established campsites or on bare
ground or snowfields.

Leave No Trace
Use good judgm
ent if you are th
Capture the Flag inking about play
or other wide ga ing
with many troo mes that are po
ps. Dry fields wi pu lar
be perfect, while th tough vegeta
a damp meadow tion co uld
might be too fra

3. Dispose of Waste Properly

Getting rid of human waste outdoors requires special care. In campgrounds
that have restrooms or outhouses, be sure to use them. Where there are no such
facilities, follow the guidance of local land managers. They are likely to direct you
to dig a cathole or a latrine.
Digging a Cathole—Find a private spot at least 200 feet (75 steps) from water,
campsites, and trails. Dig a hole 6 to 8 inches deep (4 to 6 inches in more arid areas)
with your heel, a stick, or a trowel. Relieve yourself, and then refill the cathole with
the soil. Organisms in the topsoil will safely break down the waste. Replace pine
needles, leaves, or other ground cover. Push a stick into the ground to warn against
digging in the same place. Always use a hand sanitizer afterward, or wash your hands
with camp soap and plenty of water.

Organic topsoil Cathole

Mineral soil

Chapter 7

Often the best way to

dispose of biodegradabl
toilet paper is to bury e
it completely. Where
other methods are mo
re appropriate, land
managers can instruct
your troop in the right
methods. Don’t burn toi
let paper or anything
else in a cathole or lat
rine, as sparks might
spread into surrounding
ground cover.

Making a Latrine—A patrol, troop, or other group camping in the same place more than
a night or two can help reduce its impact by digging a latrine rather than making lots of
catholes. For advice, check with land managers of the area where you will be camping.
To make a latrine, set aside any ground cover, then dig a shallow trench a foot wide,
3 to 4 feet long, and 6 to 8 inches deep. As with a cathole, go no deeper than the topsoil
so that soil organisms will be able to break down the waste. Sprinkle a layer of soil in the
trench after each use to help keep away flies and hold down odors. Return the remaining
soil to the latrine when you break camp. Replace the ground cover you set aside.
Disposing of Dishwater—Strain food bits out of your dishwater and put them in your
trash. Carry dishwater and rinse water away from your camp and at least 75
steps from any streams or lakes. Give the water a good fling
to spread it over a wide area.
For long stays at one site, dig
a sump hole at the edge of camp
and at least 75 steps from streams,
lakes, or other open water. The
sump should be about a foot across
and 2 feet deep. Use a sieve to catch
food particles as you pour dishwater
into a sump. Empty the particles
into a trash bag to carry home, or
consult with a land manager on proper
disposal. Fill the sump when you break
camp. Replace any ground cover.

Leave No Trace
p S o ap A way Fr o m Open Water
kind, can leave
e biodegradable
Any soap, even th fish, plants, and
that might harm
residue in water es. Choose soap
in streams and lak
other organisms environment,
to be kind to the
that is designed 200 feet
apy water at least
then dispose of so r.
m bodies of wate
(75 steps) away fro

4. Leave What You Find

Among the joys of being outdoors is finding
evidence of the natural world and of our past. Resist the
temptation to collect antlers, petrified wood, unusual rocks, alpine flowers, and
other natural souvenirs. Hikers coming after you will want to enjoy these items, too.
Removing almost anything can change an environment in ways that might have a
negative effect on wildlife and plant communities.
Leave a place in as good a condition as you found it by removing everything that
you bring into an area. Don’t leave structures or furniture at a campsite, and don’t dig
trenches. “Pack it in, pack it out” is good advice when it comes to food wrappers, cans,
paper, and whatever else you have carried to camp or along a trail.

ay what
Instead of carrying aw
ph oto graphs or
you’ve found, take
r jou rnal.
draw sketches in you

Chapter 7

Pioneering Projects
Using ropes and poles to lash together a bridge,
signal tower, or other pioneering project can
be great fun and a terrific learning experience.
Choose your site carefully to avoid harming the
environment. In most cases, you will build your
projects at a designated place in a Scout camp
or another location with a durable surface.

, poles, and ropes

Leave No Trace pioneering often means using staves
a BSA camp or counci l staff. After structures
provided by your troop or
ials can be stored for use by the next Scouts
are taken apart, the mater
eager to practice their pioneering skills.

Leave No Trace
5. Minimize Campfire Impacts
Many Scouts use stoves rather than campfires on all their camping trips. Without
a wood fire at the center of a camp, they often find that they are more aware of their
surroundings and of the night sky. Stoves are clean, quick to heat water and cook
food, and easy to light in any weather. Best of all, they leave no marks on the land.
Campfires have their place, too. A fire can warm you, dry your clothes, and provide
a focal point for gathering with friends. Bright flames can lift your spirits on a rainy
morning. At night, glowing embers can stir your imagination.
A good Scout knows how to build a fire, especially in an emergency. He also
knows there are often reasons not to light one.
XX Campfires can char the ground, blacken rocks, and sterilize soil.
Vegetation might have a hard time growing where a fire has been.

XX Fires consume branches, bark, and other organic material that would
have provided shelter and food for animals and plants.

XX Campfires must be closely watched to prevent them from spreading into

surrounding grasses, brush, and trees.

Find out ahead of time if the area where you want to camp permits the use of fires.
If you build one, use an existing fire ring and use wood no thicker than your wrist.
Dispose of ashes properly. Even where fires are allowed, a lightweight stove can make
it easier for you to camp without leaving a trace.

Chapter 7

American bison

The Scout Law

us that a Scou
t is kind.
This advice ap
plies to the
treatment of
animals and
the environm
ent as much as
Snowy owl it does to peop
le. A Scout is
courteous, to
o, both at hom
and when he is e
in camp and
on the trail.

6. Respect Wildlife
Among the great pleasures of outdoor adventure is sharing your surroundings with
wildlife. When you are in the backcountry, you are visiting the creatures’ homes. It is
important to be a good guest.
Travel quietly and give animals enough space so that you don’t disturb them. Avoid
nesting sites, feeding areas, and other places critical to wildlife. Chasing or picking up
wild animals causes them stress and can affect their ability to survive.
Many Scouts learn to track and stalk wildlife to study animals, photograph them,
and learn about their habits. Do so with great care and respect. You are too close if an
animal changes its activities because of your presence.

Leave No Trace

Black bear

Plan your trips so that you can protect your food from wildlife. This is especially
important when you will share the woods with bears. Bears that find food in
campsites might come back for more, and that can be dangerous for the animals
and for campers. Keep your camp clean and hang your food from trees or store it in
bearproof containers.

Chapter 7

7. Be Considerate of Other Visitors

Scouts are not alone in wanting to go on outdoor
adventures. You’re likely to pass a few people on
a hiking trail, or perhaps dozens. You could find
yourself sharing a council camp with other BSA
troops. In public parks and forests, your patrol might
spend the night near campers who are not Boy Scouts.
Be considerate of everyone you meet along the way.
They have come to the outdoors to enjoy nature, to hike, and to camp in the open air.
Some want to get away from it all—including other people. Respect their privacy.
If you can, select campsites away from those of other campers. Trees, bushes, and
the shape of the terrain can screen your camp from trails and neighboring campsites.
Tents with muted colors that blend into the background will reduce the visual impact
of your camp.
Leave portable music players at home and hold down noise in your troop and patrol.
Keeping noise to a minimum will make it easier to appreciate the outdoors, and you
will be less likely to disturb wildlife and other backcountry travelers.
Sometimes it might be appropriate to go with your adult leaders to introduce
yourselves to nearby campers and let them know you are Scouts who follow the
principles of Leave No Trace. Ask if there is anything you can do to help make the
experience good for everyone.

Leave No Trace
Beyond Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace is a common-sense approach to caring for the environment. It is
just the beginning of outdoor explorations that will enrich your life.
Many merit badges are designed to deepen your understanding of nature,
beginning with the Nature merit badge. Working toward earning other nature-
related merit badges, such as the Backpacking, Bird Study, Camping, Environmental
Science, Geology, Hiking, Insect Study, Mammal Study,
and Weather merit badges, can expand your knowledge for
every adventure.
You can earn the William T. Hornaday Award—just as
Scouts did decades ago—for distinguished service to the
conservation of natural resources. Service projects that
protect and restore natural areas are good ways for Scouts
to give back to the land.
Earning merit badges and other awards is a tangible
way to know you’ve made a difference to the environment,
but the real prize comes from knowing that your practice
of Leave No Trace has quite possibly saved that land for
generations of Scouts who will come after you.

William T. Hornaday
silver medal

serve the
“A thing is right when it tends to pre
integrity, stability, and beauty of the
ds otherwise.”
community. It is wrong when it ten
Forest Service land
—Aldo Leopold (1887–1948), U.S.
ogy. Leopold’s writings
manager and professor of ecol
ndwork for peop le to make ethical
helped lay the grou
for the environment.
decisions about using and caring

Requirements for all merit badges can be found at http://www.scouting.

org/BoyScouts/AdvancementandAwards/MeritBadges.aspx. You can
also find information on the Leave No Trace Achievement Award on the
Handbook Web site:

-it of good camping.
“Campcraft is the how-to-do
ft along with many
The Boy Scout learns Campcra
st interesting way. In
other useful things in the mo
prominent that no
fact, Campcraft features are so
thout being well on
Scout can reach First Class wi
of safe, efficient, and
the way in the fundamentals
enjoyable out-of-door living.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 194

The Boy Scout Ha
gives you basic
to camp and
apply the
hike well and to
av e No Trace.
principles of Le
be ginning of
That’s only the
hi eve. Build on
what you can ac
of Scoutcraft,
the foundation
campcraft, and
woodcraft, and
urself ready
you will find yo
adventures of
for a lifetime of
ance, duration,
increasing dist
and challenge.
S coutcraft helps a young man become a better leader, make good
decisions, serve his community and nation, and explore the
world around him.
Woodcraft guides Scouts toward a greater understanding and
appreciation of nature and a commitment to care for the land.
Campcraft is the rich storehouse of information that Scouts
can draw upon to hike, camp, cook, navigate, and use modern
and traditional tools. Combined with Scoutcraft and woodcraft,
Campcraft prepares Scouts to take care of themselves in the
outdoors while they take care of the outdoors, too.
The skills of campcraft have evolved over Scouting’s first century.
Guided by the principles of Leave No Trace, today’s Scouts know
much more about ways to protect the environment wherever they
travel and roll out their sleeping bags. Modern backpacking stoves
have freed them to camp in places where a traditional fire might have
scarred the land. More rugged clothing and more lightweight gear are
extending the range of Scouts in the field.
Understanding how to use and care for a pocketknife, a saw, and
an ax—and knowing when not to use them—have always been
important Scouting skills. Lashing together bridges, signal towers,
and other pioneering structures links boys today with Scouting

through the decades. Kindling a blaze in a campfire ring or a family
fireplace is a terrific skill for a young man to learn. Being able to light
a fire without using matches on a cold, rainy day in the woods is a
mark of an expert outdoorsman.
Campcraft is about being smart in planning your adventures,
preparing for them, and conducting yourself once you are on your
way. Using campcraft skills wisely can make every outdoor adventure
better. Learning campcraft skills will challenge you and build your
confidence—and one day it might even save your life.

“To hike over hills and through deep valleys,
under big trees and along murmuring streams
is one of life’s real pleasures.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 1939

One of the best sights in Scouting is the beginning of an open trail. Lace up
your boots, swing your pack onto your back, and set off toward adventure. Leave
roads and automobiles behind—and sometimes the towns and cities, too. Go
without mobile phones, electronic games, and music players. What lies ahead are
possibilities, discoveries, and a closeness with nature that you earn one footstep
at a time.
Hiking has always been among the Boy Scouts of America’s great adventures.
On trails, across open country, and along city streets, traveling by foot is a terrific
away to get out with your friends and see the world.
Every season is special when you are hiking, and so is every place you go. Roam
the backcountry with a map and compass to guide you. Walk through urban parks
and neighborhoods. Follow a pathway to the summit of a mountain or along
the banks of a river. Everywhere you hike will offer
much to learn and enjoy as
you unlock some of
the secrets of wildlife,
plant life, and the land.
It might rain. It
might even snow. Your
route might be rocky
and steep. There could
be times when you are
weary to the bone. But
overcoming hardships can
be part of hiking, too.
In This Chapter
XX The Scout
Basic Essentials

XX Food and water

for a hike

XX Making a trip plan

XX Appropriate clothing

XX Leave No Trace hiking

XX Pace

XX Trail manners

XX Cross-country hiking

XX Hiking and weather safety

XX Staying found

The skills
you prac
prepare tice on e
you for lo ven the
nger jou shortest
XX Cloth rn eys. hike can
ing an d rain ge
camping ar for hik
and bac ing are t
kpackin he same
g. you’ll ne
XX The S ed for
cout Bas
to the b ic Essentia
ackcoun ls are ite
try. ms to ta
ke when
XX The L ever you
eave No go
you hike T ra ce princ
will guid iples you
help you e you du follow t
care for ring cro o protec
campsit ss-coun t the tra
e s try trav ils
XX A trip . el and w
plan is im ill
hike to a portant
wildern for ever
ess trek y journe
. y—from
an after

Chapter 8

The Scout Basic Essentials

The Scout Basic Essentials can make every outdoor adventure even better. In an
emergency, they can help you get out of a jam.

The Scout Basic Essentials

■ Pocketknife

■ First-aid kit

■ Extra clothing

■ Rain gear

■ Water bottle

■ Flashlight

■ Trail food

■ Matches and fire starters

■ Sun protection

■ Map and compass

Insect repellent, a whistle, and other items
might be consi dered essen tials, depending
on your destination, the length of your trip,
and the season.

A pocketknife could be the most useful tool you
can own. Keep yours clean, sharp, and secure.
First-Aid Kit
Your patrol leader or troop leader will bring a
group first-aid kit on most Scout trips. In addition, you
can carry a few supplies to treat blisters, small cuts, and
other minor injuries.

Boy Scouts of America

pocketknife, circa 1946

Extra Clothing
Layers of clothing allow you to adjust what you
wear to match the weather. During an afternoon
hike, a jacket might provide all the extra warmth
you need. Bring additional clothing on camping
trips to meet changes in temperature during the
days and nights you’re on the trail.
Rain Gear
A poncho or a rain parka can protect you
from light showers and heavy storms.
Water Bottle
Drinking enough water is important for
your health during any outdoor activity. Always
take along at least a 1-quart bottle filled with
water. On hot days, in arid regions, and at high
elevations, carry two bottles or more.
A flashlight casts a strong beam with just a couple of AA batteries, and it doesn’t
weigh much. Reverse the batteries during the day or put tape over the switch to
prevent the light from accidentally turning on in your pack and draining the power.

LED flashlights use light-emitting diode

technology to produce plenty of light.
They weigh just a few ounces and have a
long battery life. Consider using an LED
headlamp to free your hands for camp
tasks after dark.

Chapter 8

Trail Food
A small bag of granola, some raisins and nuts, or a couple of energy bars can give
you a boost when you get hungry on the trail. High-energy foods you can snack on are
especially important if you are out longer than you had expected.
Matches and Fire Starters
With strike-anywhere matches or a butane lighter,
you can light a stove or kindle a fire in any weather.
Protect matches and other fire starters from moisture
by storing them in a self-sealing plastic bag or canister.
Sun Protection
Exposure to the sun’s rays can be harmful to your skin, especially
for people with fair complexions. Guard your skin by applying a good
sunscreen (SPF 15 or greater) and wearing a broad-brimmed hat,
sunglasses, and lip balm that contains sunscreen ingredients.
Map and Compass
A map and a compass can show you the way in unfamiliar areas. Of course, they
won’t be much good unless you know how to use them! Learn the basics and then enjoy
practicing with a compass and a map when you are in the field.

Food for a Hike

The most important meal for hiking might be the breakfast you
eat before you hit the trail. In camp and at home, a hearty
breakfast helps start the day right. If you’ll be out
much of the day, carry a lunch in your pack. Make
a couple of sandwiches and take along some fruit,
nuts, and raisins. You might also carry some
crackers, peanut butter and jelly, jerky, or cheese.

Safe Drinking Water
Whether in cold or warm weather, drink at least 2 quarts of fluid each day. That’s
about 8 cups. When you’re drinking enough water, your urine will remain clear. Fill
your water bottle with fresh tap water before you set out on a hike and drink from it
often—not just when you feel thirsty. In hot weather, you may need to carry several
containers of water.
Water you bring from home or take from faucets and drinking fountains in
campgrounds and Scout camps has usually been tested by public health officials.
It is almost always safe to use. Water from streams, lakes, and springs may contain
bacteria, viruses, and parasites too small for you to see. Treat any water that does not
come from a tested source.

king Water
How to Treat Drin
for drinking are
ake water safe
Three ways to m th tablets.
and treating it wi
boiling, filtering, ll
lling boil for a fu
ng water to a ro
Boiling—Bringi s.
most organism
minute will kill
made for
eatment filters
Filtering—Water tr d easy to use.
rs are effective an
hikers and campe
r through pores
Some pump wate
strain out
small enough to
sites. Others
bacteria and para
ls or carbon
contain chemica
the water safe
that help make
the instruc-
to drink. Follow
with the filter
tions that come
you plan to use. are
eatment tablets
Treating—Water tr et s. To
ttles and in pack
sold in small bo io ns on
w the instruct
treat water, follo blets
ost treatment ta
the packaging. M tabl ets
op one or two
call for you to dr wa it 30
ter and then
into a quart of wa er treat-
drinking it. Wat
minutes before ng th over
n lose their stre
ment tablets ca da te on the
e expiration
time, so check th
esh tablets.
label. Use only fr

Chapter 8

Making a Trip Plan

Writing a trip plan encourages
you to think through your
preparations for a hike, a campout,
or any other outdoor activity.
Give copies of your plan to your
Scoutmaster, parents, and other
responsible adults. Your plan will
fill them in on what you hope to
do and when you expect to return.
Organizing your ideas well
enough to put them down on paper is good
writing practice, too. Keeping a journal of the adventure while it is happening,
then writing a record of the trip when you get home, is another excellent idea. A
trip plan can also be a leadership tool for helping you explain your vision of what a
successful trip will look like and then figuring out the steps to make it happen.
Develop a trip plan by writing answers to the five W’s—where, when, who, why,
and what.
XX WHERE are you going and how will you get there? Decide on your
destination and the route you will use to reach it and to return. For
backcountry trips, include a copy of a map with your route marked in pencil.

XX WHEN will you go and return? If you are not back close to the time you
listed on your trip plan, Scout leaders and your family can take steps to
locate you and, if necessary, provide assistance.

XX WHO is going with you? List the names of your hiking partners and adult
leaders. If you need a ride to or from a trail, write down who will be driving.

XX WHY are you going? To fish in a lake? Climb a peak? Photograph wildlife?
Explore an island? Write a sentence or two about the purpose of your journey.

XX WHAT are you taking? Always carry the Scout Basic Essentials. If you will
be camping, you will need additional food, gear, clothing, and shelter.

Add one more item to the list:

XX HOW you will respect the land by using the principles of Leave No Trace?

Hiking Trip Plan _________
me of this trip:_ ___ __________________
Na _____
E are we goi ng and how will we get there?
WH ER _________
__________________ _________
__________________ ________
WHEN will we go and _________
__________________ _________
__________________ _________
WHO is going with us? _______
Adult leaders:_ ______ ______
____________________ ______
____________________ _____
Patrol members:_ ______ ______
____________________ ______
about the purpose of the
rite a sentence or two
WHY are we going? (W __________________
hiking trip.)___________ _________
__________________ _________
__________________ _______
e with us?___________
WHAT do we need to tak _________
__________________ _________
the principles of Leave
environment by using
HOW will we respect the __________________
No Trace?____________ _________

Chapter 8

Clothing for Outdoor Adventures

Dress for the outdoors by wearing layers so that you can adjust your clothing to
match changing weather conditions. Imagine setting out on a snowy trail. The sky is
clear and there is no wind. You’re wearing a wool shirt and a sweater. Your gloves and
stocking hat feel just right for the weather.
Hiking burns energy, and soon you are too warm. You stop for a moment to peel off
your sweater and gloves and stuff them into your pack. As the miles pass, clouds fill the
sky and the air becomes colder. You put your gloves and sweater back on. If the wind
begins to blow, you can take a parka out of your pack and pull it on, too.
Most of the clothes you use for hiking are the same as those you’ll wear when you
go camping. If you are carrying all your gear in a backpack, make good clothing choices
so you will have everything you need but won’t be carrying unnecessary clothing that
weighs down your pack.
Choosing Appropriate Fabrics
Outdoor clothing may be made of wool, cotton, or synthetics. Each type of fabric
has its advantages.
Wool—Wool can keep you warm even when it is damp with rain. Some people find that
wool feels scratchy against their skin. Wearing long underwear or a T-shirt beneath
wool garments can help lower the itch factor.
Cotton—Cotton is fine for warm, dry weather. Once wet, though, cotton will not keep
you warm. This can make it dangerous to wear on trips when conditions turn chilly,
rainy, or snowy.
Synthetics—Many synthetic fabrics offer the comfort of cotton and the warmth of
wool. Clothing made of human-made fibers such as polypropylene or polar fleece can
insulate you even if it gets wet. Long underwear, sweaters, vests, parkas, gloves, hats,
and activity shirts are often made of synthetic fabrics.


Chapter 8

Warm-Weather Clothing Checklist

for Outdoor Adventures
Long-sleeved shirt


Hiking shorts

Long pants

Sweater or warm jacket*

Hiking boots or sturdy shoes

Extra socks

Hat with a brim for shade


Rain gear

Extra underwear (for longer trips)

Cold-Weather Clothing Checklist
for Outdoor Adventures
Long-sleeved shirt

Warm shirt*

Long pants*


Long underwear*

Hiking boots or sturdy shoes

Extra socks

Insulated parka or coat with hood

Warm hat*


Rain gear

Extra underwear (for longer trips)

ms should
* These ite a rm
ool or a w
made of w oid
fabric. Av
synthetic n the
thing whe
cotton clo ol, cold,
eath er m ight be co
or wet.

Rain Gear
Staying dry in the outdoors is a big step toward staying
comfortable and having a good time. Wearing or carrying rain gear
such as a poncho or rain parka, rain pants, gaiters, and a hat can
also add to your safety, since dry clothing will keep you much
warmer than shirts, pants, and jackets that have become wet.
Poncho—A poncho is a waterproof cape that can protect you
and your gear from summer rains. Because a poncho is loose-
fitting and can flap in the wind, it may not be the best choice for
severe weather and for winter travel.
Rain Parka—A rain parka is a long jacket that
repels rain, sleet, and snow. It should have a hood
that you can pull over your head.
Rain Pants—Rain pants extend the protection of a
poncho or parka down to your ankles.
Gaiters—Gaiters can shield your feet and lower legs
from rain. During winter hikes, they’ll help keep
snow out of your boots.
Hat—A broad-brimmed hat protects your face from
sun and from storms. If you wear eyeglasses, the
brim of a hat can keep them clear when it’s raining.

Fabrics Tha
t Breathe
and Fabrics
That Don’t
Rain gear
may be m
fabric. Th ade of bre
ere are pro athable fa
s and con bric or no
s to both. nbreatha
Breathable ble
escape—th le fabrics
e ideal co repel rain
mbination and also le
these garm for rain g t body mo
ents can b e ar. The dra isture
e expensi w back is th
Nonbreath ve. at
made of co ponchos,
ated nylo p ark as, rain pa
terproof a n and plast nts, and g
nd often in ic. This no aiters are
expensive nbreatha
rain gear . The disa ble gear is
is that mo dvantage wa-
inside, ca isture giv of nonbre
using you en off by a th able
feel to da your body
mp and ch may be tr
illed. apped

If your feet feel good, chances are you’ll have a great time hiking. Taking care of
your feet begins with choosing what to wear. Almost any shoes are fine for short
walks over easy ground. For longer hikes in good weather, lightweight boots usually
work well.
Leather shoes and boots were once the only choices for Scouts. Leather hiking
boots are still popular today and can give your feet and ankles plenty of protection
and support. They will also keep snow and rain from soaking your socks. They are
a good choice if you will be hiking and backpacking
on rugged trails. Choose carefully when
selecting leather boots, though. Stiff boots
for mountaineering or serious
winter travel can be quite
heavy and are better suited
for more experienced hikers.
Many styles of modern
outdoor footwear are made
of nylon mesh and other
manufactured materials. Most
of these boots are lightweight
and sturdy. They could be just
what you need for the trail.
The footwear you choose
must fit well. If you shop
for a new pair of boots
or hiking shoes, try them
on while wearing the
same socks you will use on the
trail. Your heels should not slip much when you
walk, and your toes should have a little wiggle room.
Before using your new hiking shoes or boots on a hike,
wear them around home for a few days until they adjust to the shape
of your feet.
Caring for Hiking Boots
Hiking boots will last a long time if you take care of them. When you get home
from a trip, remove mud or soil from your boots with a stiff brush or by hosing them
off. Allow them to dry at room temperature. (High heat can melt nylon and harm
leather, so don’t put your boots too close to a fire.) Treat leather with a boot dressing
meant for outdoor footwear. Oils and waxes in the dressing will keep leather flexible
and help the boots repel water.

Chapter 8

Camp Shoes
Many cam
pers and b
packs so th ackpacker
at they can s carry a p
get out of air of lightw
closed-toe their boots eight shoes
shoes that at the end in their
shoes mig will help p of the day.
ht be just ri rotect you Choose
ght. Water from injury
comfortab sh oes . A pair of
le for walk can work w ru nning
handy when ing about ell, too, if th
you need to on dry lan ey are also
d. Your ex
and socks wade acro tra shoes w
and change ss a stream ill come in
into your ex . Take off y
tra shoes to our hiking
cross the w boots

Hiking socks made of wool or a wool-nylon blend will help cushion your feet as you
walk. Try wearing a pair of thin, synthetic-blend socks underneath your hiking socks.
The inner socks will slide against the heavier outer socks and wick moisture from the
skin. This will reduce friction and your chances of getting blisters. Carry spare socks on
your hikes. If your feet get tired, change into fresh socks and hang the damp ones on
your pack to dry.
Hiking Sticks and Trekking Poles
Baden-Powell’s first drawing of a Boy Scout shows a young man with a hiking stick
in his hand. Try one yourself, and you may find that it helps the miles glide by.
Use a hiking stick to push back branches and to poke behind rocks. When you wade
a stream, a hiking stick will give you extra stability.
You can keep count of your adventures by whittling a notch on your hiking stick for
every five miles you walk. Somewhere else on the stick, cut a notch for each night you
camp out with your patrol and troop.
Trekking poles are a lot like ski poles. They can improve your balance and lessen the
strain on your knees. Adjustable trekking poles can be made shorter or longer to match
your height. Those with rubber tips might have less impact on the edges of trails.

Leave No Trace Hiking
Hiking so that you leave no trace shows that you care about the environment and
know how to travel through it wisely. Following a trail is usually the best way to reach
the places you want to go. Don’t cut switchbacks or take other shortcuts. By staying on
pathways you can avoid trampling and harming plants, and you will be less likely to get
lost if your feet are on a trail.
Areas of some parks and forests are managed as wilderness. Regulations protecting
them might limit group size, forbid campfires, and restrict other activities. Learn what
the rules are before you start a hike, and then obey them.
A Scout group on a hike or a campout will often be out of sight of anyone else.
Following guidelines designed to protect the land is a matter of ethical decision-
making—doing the right thing even when no one is watching. Outdoor adventures can
also be opportunities for Good Turns. Keep trails and campsites clean by picking up
any litter you see—even if it isn’t your own. Find out if your patrol or troop can help
land managers repair and maintain the hiking trails you enjoy using.

Hike at a pace that is comfortable for the slowest member of your patrol. Though
you may feel that you could race along forever, the safety and good fellowship of the
whole group is more important than speed. The journey really is as important as
reaching your destination.
When you’re stopping often to look at plants, animals, and scenery, you may not
need rest breaks. If you are pushing steadily along the trail, though, a five-minute break
every half hour is a good idea. It will give everyone a chance to adjust clothing, check
feet for signs of blisters, drink some water, and have a bite of food.

Hiking and Fitn
r your body.
n be a go od workout fo
Hikin g ca art, and lungs.
th en s yo ur muscles, he
It stre ng ls you with
od fo r yo ur mind, too. It fil oors.
It is go t for the outd
de nc e, en er gy, and respec or t
confi gin with sh
y hi ki ng to the fullest, be as
To en your journeys
the length of
trips. Increase to hiking on tr
legs be co m e accustomed

Chapter 8

Trail Manners
A Scout is courteous. That’s as true on the trail as when you are in your hometown.
Travel single file on most trails, leaving space between you and the Scout ahead of you.
You can see where you are going, and you won’t run into him if he suddenly stops. Step
to the side of the trail when you meet other hikers and allow them to pass.
Many trails are open to cyclists as well as hikers. If you are riding a bike, limit
your impact on the land by staying on trails. Keep your speed under control, both for
your own safety and that of hikers and other cyclists. As a hiker, be alert for cyclists
approaching from ahead of you and from behind.
People enjoying trails sometimes bring dogs with them. If the pets are on leashes,
they will be close to their owners. Dogs sometimes run free, though, and you might
suddenly come face to face with one. Don’t approach a dog you don’t know or reach
your hand toward the animal. Speak calmly to a dog while you wait for it to pass or for
its owner to arrive.
If you encounter people on horseback, stop where you are and ask the riders what
you should do. They will probably suggest that you go a few paces downhill from the
trail and stand quietly while the animals pass.

Cross-Country Hiking
Cross-country hiking allows you to get away from everything, including trails. Before
setting out, decide whether leaving the trail is a good idea. Where vegetation is fragile
(as it often is in wet meadows, some desert areas, and high mountain tundra), stay on
pathways. Even where ground cover is more durable, avoid walking on vegetation. Try
to stay on bare ground, rocks, and snow whenever you can.
Away from a trail, footing can be uncertain. Brush and rugged terrain might slow
your progress. Watch where you put your hands if you are scrambling on rocks—you
don’t want to get bitten by a snake or stung by an insect. Of course, you must be able
to find your way and keep track of where you are. You will likely need to use a map and
compass or a GPS receiver.

By writing a good trip
plan and studying your map before you
start a cross-country hike, you shouldn’t be surprised by rivers,
cliffs, and other barriers. If you do run into obstacles that you aren’t sure you can
navigate safely, detour around them or go back the way you came.
Staying with your patrol is as important in cross-country hiking as for any other
outdoor adventure. Leaders of your patrol and troop will often encourage you to use
the buddy system on hikes. Hiking with a buddy helps you stay alert to each other’s
safety. Your buddy can watch out for you while you keep track of him.

Hiking Safety
Whether you’re cross-country hiking or hiking on trails, you should always watch
where you place your feet to avoid slipping or twisting an ankle. Use bridges to cross
streams. Wade through water only if there is no other way to go and only if the
water is shallow and the current is slow. Release the hip belt of your backpack before
crossing a stream.
If you come across areas that appear to be dangerous, make a detour or go back
the way you came. Your safety is always much more important than reaching the
destination of a hike.

Hiking on Highways and Roads

ut a sidewalk, stay in
Any time you hike next to a highway or road witho
you must walk alongside a road
single file on the left side facing the traffic. If
colore clothing or tying
at night, make yourself visible by wearing light-
d your right arm and leg. Use a
strips of white cloth or reflective ribbon aroun
s that you are there.
flashlight to brighten your way and to alert driver
illegal, and it spoils the
Never hitchhike. It can be dangerous, it may be
spirit of a hike.
Chapter 8

Stormy Weather
Checking weather forecasts before setting out on any outdoor adventure can help
you decide what clothing, shelter, and gear you will need. You can find forecasts in daily
newspapers, on radio and television newscasts, and by checking weather sites online.
You’ll want to be prepared for the worst conditions that might develop. This can
mean bringing extra clothing if the weather will be cold and additional water if you’ll
be traveling while it is hot and dry. When you see that bad weather is coming your way,
you might want to postpone a trip and set off later when conditions are less challenging.
The swiftness of certain violent weather patterns might require quick action. Severe
storms that produce lightning and tornadoes are a clear danger.
Open water, mountaintops, the crests of ridges, large meadows, and tall or solitary
trees can be dangerous places during lightning storms. If you are on water when a
storm threatens, quickly head to shore. Plan to be off of mountain peaks and other
exposed locations before afternoon, when thunderstorms are more likely to occur. If
you are caught in a dangerous area on a trail, quickly hike down to a lower elevation. A
dense forest offers the greatest protection. Stay clear of shallow caves and overhanging
cliffs—ground currents might arc across them. Avoid bodies of water and metal fences,
too, and anything else that might conduct electricity. In a tent, stay as far as you can
from metal tent poles.

100 feet

If a lightning storm catches your

group in the open, spread out so that
people are at least 100 feet from one
another. Further limit your risk by
crouching low with only the soles of
your shoes touching the ground, and
take off your hat if it has any metal
parts. You can also use your sleeping
pad for insulation by folding it and
crouching upon it.

Portable weathe
r radios
can keep you up-to
on developing co

Persons struck by lightning may suffer serious burns. Their hearts and breathing
might stop, too. Call for medical help and then treat them by checking their
circulation and respiration. Perform CPR, if necessary. Once circulation and
breathing have been restored, provide first aid for burns or other injuries. Treat for
shock, and keep a close watch on their condition until they are under medical care.
When weather conditions occur that may cause tornadoes to form, the National
Weather Service and other organizations issue a tornado watch that asks people to be
ready to take action in case a tornado develops. A tornado warning is broadcast when
a tornado has been sighted.
When you hear a tornado warning, take immediate action to protect yourself and
those with you.
XX If you are outside in a place far from shelter: Lie down somewhere that
is below ground level or at least flat. A ditch might be the closest place to
go. Use your arms to protect your head from flying debris. Avoid taking
shelter beneath a bridge—it is not a safe place during a tornado.

XX If you are in a house, school, or other building: Go to the established storm

shelter area and stay there. The area might be a room such as a storm cellar
or a basement. If there is no storm shelter area, go to the ground floor and
move to the center of the building away from windows and doors. Leave
windows closed. Crawl under a heavy table or desk and shield your head with
your arms.

XX If you are in a mobile home, trailer, or car: Get away from them. None of
these places is safe in a tornado. Find shelter in a sturdy building or take
cover in a ditch or other low area.

For more information on staying safe in hazardous weather, visit the

Handbook Web site:

Staying Found
“Were you ever lost?” someone once asked Daniel Boone.
“No,” he replied, “but once I was confused for about five days over where I was.”
The best way not to get lost is to know at all times where you are. Before you leave
home, mark the route of your hike on a map. Then study the map to become familiar
with the countryside. Where is your destination? What landmarks should you be able
to see as you are walking?
Pay attention while you are on the trail. Notice the direction you are going. Watch
for hills, streams, valleys, buildings, and other landscape features. Use a map and
compass or a GPS receiver to keep track of your location.
Be sure to look back often and get a good look at the way you have come. You will see
your route as it will appear upon your return, which can help you find your way home.
What to Do When Lost
One day you might accidentally wander off a trail and be unsure how to find it again.
Perhaps you will take a wrong turn and not know which way to go. If you think you are
lost, stop where you are and follow the four steps that spell STOP.
Stay calm
Stay Calm—Sit down and have some water and something to eat. If you are cold, put on
a jacket or sweater. Breathe slowly and relax.

Think —Try to remember how you got where you are. If you have a map, open it and
see what you can learn from the symbols and contour lines.
Observe —Look for your footprints in soft ground or snow. Notice any landmarks
that can be clues to your location. Listen for sounds of other Scouts.
Plan —If you are convinced that you know which way to go to get back on track,
move carefully. Use a compass to set a bearing in the direction of your destination.
Then clearly mark the way you are going with broken branches, piles of stones, or
whatever else is handy in case you need to find your way back. However, if you don’t
have a clear idea where you are, stay where you are. People will start looking for you
as soon as someone realizes you are missing.
Help searchers find you with any signal repeated three times. For instance, you
might give three shouts or three blasts on a whistle. A smoky fire in the daytime and a
bright fire at night might also attract attention. Toss grass or green leaves on the flames
to create additional smoke. Spread your rain gear, sleeping bag, and bright-colored
equipment in the open to catch the eye of a rescue
pilot, or flash a mirror in the
direction of aircraft.
Pitch a tent if you
have one, or find shelter Be careful with fire even in
against a rock or under emergencies. Take the time to
a tree. Hang a T-shirt
or something else on
build the fire correctly so that
a branch above you it does not spread. Never leave a
to get the attention of fire unattended.
searchers even if you have
fallen asleep.
Use your Scout Basic Essentials
and whatever else you have with you to stay warm and dry. In addition to serving as
a signal to rescuers, a campfire can offer warmth and lift your spirits. Collect enough
wood before dark to last through the night.
Finally, try not to worry too much. You can survive for several days without water
and for several weeks without food. Stay where you are. You will be found.

“The worst thing you can do is to get frightened. The truly

dangerous enemy is not the cold or the hunger, so much as
the fear. It robs the wanderer of his judgment and of his limb
power.... Keep cool and all will be well.... Use what you have,
where you are, right now.”
—Ernest Thompson Seton, 1906


“The man who goes afoot, prepared to camp
anywhere and in any weather, is the most
independent fellow on earth.”
—Horace Kephart, Camping and Woodcraft, 1906
(An early friend of Scouting, Kephart encouraged
thousands of people to enjoy the outdoors.)

Your patrol pitches its tents under the trees of a quiet forest or on a hillside
overlooking a lake or a rushing mountain stream. It could be a hot summer day or a
frosty winter afternoon with drifts of snow all around. The laughter of good friends
drifts through camp as you work together to set up a dining fly and light your
stoves to cook an evening meal.
You talk excitedly about what you might do for the next few days as you make
the outdoors your home. Maybe you’ll go fishing. Perhaps you’ll build snow
shelters or follow the tracks of wildlife. If you climb to the top of a mountain or set
off across the lake in your canoes, you’ll get some practice
using maps and compasses.

The warm da
ys and nights
of summer ar
e perfect for
camping. In m
any parts
of the countr
y, winter
snows can tu
rn a familiar
landscape into
a frosty
wilderness pe
rfect for
overnight trip
s that could
include snow
shoeing, skiin
building snow g,
caves, and
tracking anim
Scenes like those are unfolding
for Scouts all across America today. In This Chapter
They could have happened any time in XX Overnight camping
Scouting’s first hundred years, too. Like
millions of boys before you, a big reason XX Scout camps
you’ve joined a Boy Scout troop is to go
camping. You want to go. You need to go. XX Planning a camping trip
You know that while you are camping
XX Choosing a backpack
you are going to have some of the best
times of your life. XX Choosing a campsite
Adventure, fun, discovery, and
teamwork—that’s Scout camping. You XX Choosing a tent
and your patrol will work together as
XX Making your bed outdoors
a team to make good things happen.
You can use your Scouting campcraft XX Keeping clean
skills to handle conditions in all
seasons and in any weather. The XX Protecting camp food
leadership you’re practicing as
a Scout will help you and your XX Beyond campouts
patrol make wise decisions to
meet the challenges of living
outdoors. Being surrounded
by nature always helps you
understand more about the
environment and appreciate
the wildlife, vegetation, and
land. As you learn to handle
yourself in the outdoors,
you’re discovering how to care
for the environment, too.
Perhaps you’ve already gone
with your troop to a campsite near a road and settled in for a night or
two. You may have set off with a small group of Scouts backpacking many miles along
a trail and pitched your tents in a different campsite each evening.
You can broaden the range of your camping adventures by setting out on journeys
with canoes, on bicycles, or with pack horses, mules, and burros. Imagine stowing
your gear in a canoe, a raft, or kayak and paddling down a river for several days or
through a string of lakes. When you and your buddies load your camping equipment
onto your bicycles, the back roads and bike trails of America will be yours to explore.
Each time you go camping, you will be building your ability to live well in the
outdoors. You’ll have the experience to go farther, stay out longer, and find more
ways to make “outing” a big part of “Scouting.”

Chapter 9

Overnight Camping
Many campgrounds can be reached by car or by hiking a short distance from a road.
Even if you aren’t going very far from home, you should choose and pack your clothing
and gear with care. You’ll be carrying just what you need and nothing that you won’t
use. That’s good practice for bigger journeys to come. Overnight camping trips also are
a great time to learn all about putting up tents and dining flies, cooking meals, sharing
camp chores with your patrol, and practicing many other skills of outdoor leadership
and living.

When you will be traveling to a campsite by car, you can consider bringing fresh
foods in an ice chest or cooler and canned goods that would be too heavy for carrying
in a pack. With one or two camping stoves, your patrol can prepare terrific meals. Try
baking golden-brown biscuits and a tasty peach cobbler in a cast-iron Dutch oven, or
fix a delicious breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs on a griddle.

Scout Camps
For many troops, a week at a BSA council camp is one of the high points of the
year. Hikes, camping trips, and other troop adventures prepare patrols to make the
most of their council camp time. Days will be full as you and your patrol take part in
everything from swimming and hiking to nature study. You’ll practice first aid and
complete some of the requirements for Scouting’s ranks and merit badges. Some
Scout camps can be used by troops for campouts at other times of the year, too.
BSA district and council camporees bring troops together to camp for a weekend
or more. National Scout jamborees and world Scout jamborees encourage Scouts and
adult leaders from many backgrounds to gather in the spirit of Scouting. The high-
adventure bases of the Boy Scouts of America are destinations you
can aim for in years to come.
Camping well builds on skills you
began learning as soon as you became a
Scout. Going on great camping
trips is an adventure you can enjoy
throughout your life.

Find a high-adventure camp online at

Chapter 9

Planning a Camping Trip

In 1803, explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set off on a three-year
journey across the unmapped American West. Camping all the way, they got the food
they needed by hunting and by trading with American Indians. They packed everything
else with them—tools, blankets, medicine, pots, and pans.
Planning gear, clothing, and food is important for your camping trips, too. Take just
what you need, and like those explorers of old you can focus on the adventure unfolding
all around you and not on the weight in your pack.
Making a Camping Trip Plan
The “Hiking” chapter introduced ways to plan for a hike by asking Where, When,
Who, Why, What, and How. Answer the same six questions as your patrol gets ready
for a camping trip, and you’ll be prepared for whatever you meet along the way. Make
photocopies of the Camping Trip Plan form on the next page and fill one out before
every outdoor overnight adventure. It will guide you in making good decisions before
setting out on a camping trip.
File a copy in a patrol notebook,
and you’ll have a good record of
your adventures, too.

eldbook for
See the BSA Fi
instructions on
an emergency
ill be
plan, which w
m en tal in the
event of bad w
injury, or illne

Camping Trip Plan
Name of this trip:_ ____________
we get there? __________________
WHERE are we going and how will
WHEN will we go and return?_ ____
WHO is going with us?
Adult leaders:_ ________________
Patrol members:_ ____________
or two about the purpo se of the camping trip.)
WHY are we going? (Write a sentence
we taking?
WHAT do we need and what are d list.)
klists and a copy of your menus/foo
(Attach a copy of your Camping Chec
e No Trace?
ent by using the principles of Leav
HOW will we respect the environm
ns you’ll
of your destination for regulatio
Lastly, check with those in charge lations and
group size, cam pfire regu
need to follow on matters including
p or patrol mus t have .
restrictions, and permits your troo

Chapter 9

Group Size nd s, fo re sts, and par

ks place lim
its on
le ssens
grou ther. Th is
many camp d camp toge
Managers of who ca n tr av el an
ers who m ig ht be
the numbe
r of people th e ex p erience of oth re sp ect
and on u shou ld
on the land e reasons, yo
the impact o. Fo r th es a gr ou p,
camping th
ere, to are to be in
hiking and e th an eight people an d th en
mor atrols
p size. If no el in three p
rules on grou tr oo p of 24 can trav in es through
mean a n-making sh
this doesn’t . Ethic al d ec isio
e campsite is watching.
use the sam ev en w hen no one
is righ t
you do what

Personal Camping Checklist

go on a Scout outdoor trip.
Use this checklist every time you
The Scout Basic Essentials

Wear and Carry:

Clothing appropriate for the sea
and the weather

Food for the trip

Personal camping gear:

Backpack with rain cover

Sleeping gear:
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad
Ground cloth

Eating kit:

Cleanup kit:
Dental floss
Small towel

Optional personal items:

Pencil or pen
Small notebook

Fishing pole and gear

Other gear
for specific

Chapter 9

Group Camping Gear Checkl
share with other Scouts
The equipment you’ll
h of you carries about
can be divided up so eac
the same amount of we
and stakes
Tents, ground cloths,

Dining fly and stakes

50-foot nylon cord

Cook kit containing:

Stove(s) and fuel
Matches and/or butan
resealable plastic bags
lighters (in
or containers) ing needs)
to menu and dishwash
Pots and pans (matched menu needs)
/or ladle (matched to
Spatula, large spoon, and
Cleanup kit containing
Biodegradable soap
Sanitizing rinse agent
Scouring pads (no-soap king out litter
as bear bags and for pac
Trash can liners (for use
and garbage)
Toilet paper
Food strainer

Repair kit containing:
Safety pins

Group extras you may want to tak

Hot pot tongs
Plastic, collapsible water containe
(1 or 2½ gallon)
Water-treatment filter or tablets
Two 4-by-4-foot plastic sheets for
preparation surfaces
Patrol flag
Small American flag
Two 50-foot ropes and bear bags
Patrol first-aid kit

Other gear for

specific activities

Chapter 9

Planning Patrol Men
g it into a food ch
th er a menu and turnin
Putting toge y for ery
rt of getting read
is an important pa ure
u’ll also need to fig
camping trip. Yo , and
out which pots, pa
utensils to bring.

Choosing a Backpack
For most camping trips you can carry your gear, clothing, and food in a backpack.
Your pack should be comfortable for a short hike to a campground or a long day on
the trail.
Nearly all backpacks have an external metal frame or a stiff internal frame. A hip
belt shifts much of the weight of a pack from your shoulders to the strong muscles of
your legs. Outside pockets on many packs are ideal for storing water bottles, maps,
and other items you might want to reach quickly.
Shop for packs at stores with salespeople who know how to match you with the
right pack for your height, experience, and the kinds of adventures you are planning.
If your troop has packs you can borrow, try out different styles and sizes. Adjust the
straps and hip belts for a good fit.

External-frame pack with hip belt

Internal-frame pack with hip belt

Chapter 9

Packing Up
Sort your personal gear and clothing into nylon stuff sacks or a few resealable plastic
bags (1-gallon size). Stuff sacks and plastic bags will help keep everything dry and
organized inside your pack. The bags can be reused on future camping trips. Along
with your personal gear, expect to carry some of your patrol’s equipment and food, too.
Your share might include a pot, the dining fly and poles, a camp stove, and ingredients
for a breakfast.
Place softer items in your pack so that they will cushion your back. Keep your rain
gear, flashlight, first aid kit, water bottle, map, and compass near the top of the pack or
in outside pockets where they will be easy to reach.
Stuff your sleeping bag into its storage sack, then put it inside your pack if there is
room. If not, then tuck it under the pack’s top flap or strap it to the frame.

Organization is key to properly

packing for a camping trip.

A rain cover will shield your pack when bad weather catches you on the trail. Put the
cover over your pack in camp to protect it from nighttime rains and morning dew.

Cook pot too big to fit inside your
pack? Try sliding it over one end of
your sleeping bag before strapping
the bag to the pack frame.

Before There Were Backpacks,

There Were Bedrolls
In the BSA’s early years, many Scouts made
bedroll packs by rolling their equipment and
supplies inside their blankets. They bent the
loaded blankets into a horseshoe shape, tied
the ends together, then slung the bundle over
one shoulder. Bedroll packs weren’t roomy or
as easy to carry as today’s backpacks, but for
Scouts eager for outdoor adventures, they got
the job done.

Chapter 9

Choosing a Campsite
A good campsite offers plenty to see and do. It is also easy on the land. Use
established campsites whenever you can, or camp on durable surfaces, that is, surfaces
that will not be harmed by your tents and footsteps. Campsites that work are found,
not made. If you must move a log, a few rocks, or anything else as you pitch your
tents, return everything to its original location before you leave. In addition, keep the
following information in mind as you decide where to spend the night.

Pitch tents away from dead trees or trees with limbs that might fall in a storm, and
stay out of gullies that could fill during a flash flood. Avoid lone trees, the tops of hills
and mountains, high ridges, and other possible targets of lightning. Camp away from
game trails, especially in bear country.
A campsite must be large enough for your patrol to set up its tents and cook its
meals. When hanging food to protect it from animals, choose trees that are well away
from where you will be sleeping.

Each Scout in your patrol will need several gallons of water every day for drinking,
cooking, and cleanup. Treat water you take from streams, rivers, lakes, and springs. In
dry regions, you might need to carry all your water to camp. That’s information you
will want to find out when you put together your Camping Trip Plan.
Stoves and Campfires
Where fires are permitted, appropriate, and desired, look for a campsite with
an existing fire ring. Consider bringing kindling and firewood from home if your
campsite can be reached by car. Where fires are not allowed, where wood is scarce,
or when you want to prepare your meals quickly, plan on using a camp stove to heat
your water and cook your food.
A Scout is courteous. Respect others by selecting campsites away from theirs.
Trees, bushes, and the shape of the land can screen your camp from trails and
neighboring campsites. Keep noise down so that you won’t disturb nearby campers,
and respect quiet hours at public campgrounds and Scout camps.
Well ahead of the date of a camping trip, contact rangers or other managers of
public parks and forests to let them know you are coming. They can issue the permits
you need and suggest how you can fully enjoy your campout. Get permission from
owners of private property, too, before camping on their land.

Download the required tour permits from the Handbook Web site:

Chapter 9

Choosing a Tent
Most Scout tents have the shape of an A-frame
or a dome and are roomy enough for two, three, or
four people. Many are made of nylon that allows
moisture from your breath to escape rather than
being trapped inside the tent and making it feel
damp and clammy. A waterproof nylon rain fly that
fits over the body of a tent sheds rain, snow, and wind.

Tents also have metal or plastic stakes.

Lightweight tent poles come apart to fit neatly
into your pack. To divide up the weight, one
Scout can carry the tent body while another
takes the rain fly, poles, and stakes.

How to Pitch a Tent

Choose a fairly level spot on a durable
surface. If there are pine needles, leaves, or
other cover, don’t rake them away. They
can lighten your impact on the land by
protecting the soil from erosion.
Spread out a ground cloth and unfold
your tent on top of it. Assemble the poles
and put them in place to give the tent its shape. Pull
out the corners of the floor and stake them to the ground, then use taut-line hitches
to tie any guy lines around stakes you’ve pushed into the soil.
The ground cloth will protect your tent floor from moisture. It should be just a
little smaller than the size of your tent’s floor. If your ground cloth is larger, tuck the
edges under so that the cloth won’t catch rainwater and cause it to flow under your
tent. Finish pitching the tent by putting the rain fly over it and securing the fly in place.
Let your tent dry in the morning and shake out any leaves or other debris as you
take it down. If you must pack a wet tent, prevent mildew by setting the tent up again
at the end of a trip or hanging it on a line to dry before it goes into storage.

No Fires in Te er use
reproof. Nev
No tent is fi , heaters,
ches, stoves
candles, mat nts—
in or near te
or lanterns

Chapter 9

A tarp is a large waterproof sheet often used on
Scout trips as a dining fly to protect the kitchen area
from sun and rain. When the weather is fair and
the bugs aren’t bad, tarps also make fine sleeping
shelters that are usually lighter to carry than tents.
Some tarps have metal rings called grommets
spaced along the edges so that you can tie on
guy lines—lengths of nylon cord—with bowline
knots. If there are no grommets, you can still attach
lines to a tarp. Start with several smooth stones
about the size of golf balls. Form a loop by tying a
double half hitch in the end of a piece of cord, or
make the loops for a clove hitch. Hold a stone under
the corner of the sheet, then work the knot over the
tarp fabric and the stone and draw the knot tight.
There are dozens of ways to set up a tarp, and you can have a good time
experimenting with different possibilities. For starters, try tying a cord between two
trees with taut-line hitches and tightening it so the cord is about 6 feet above the
ground. Drape the tarp over the rope, pull out the corners, and use taut-line hitches
to tie the guy lines at the corners of the tarp to stakes pushed into the soil or to nearby
trees. Set the tarp closer to the ground if you want to sleep under it. Lowering the edges
can give you protection from the wind.

A Homemade Tarp
or Ground Cloth
Sheets of polyethylene plastic that
are used by carpenters to cover
stored lumber make fine and
inexpensive tarps and ground
cloths. A good thickness for use
in camp is 4 mil (4 one-thousand
ths of an inch
thick). Polyethylene plastic is sold
in hardware stores in
rolls 10 to 12 feet wide. For a tarp
, ask a clerk to cut a piece that is
long as it is wide. A ground cloth as
should be slightly smaller than the
footprint of your tent’s floor.

Making Your Bed Outdoors
When you sleep at home, a mattress beneath you and blankets on top trap your
body heat and keep you warm. A sleeping bag and a pad are a bed you can carry with
you anywhere. They are easy to pack and to use. Most sleeping bags fit closely around
your body and will keep you warmer and more comfortable outdoors than blankets.
Sleeping Bag
The cloth part of a sleeping bag
is called the shell. Inside the shell
is fill material made of synthetic
fibers or the down and feathers
of ducks and geese. Air pockets
in the fill trap your body heat
and hold it close to you. If your
bag has a hood, you can pull the
drawstring snug around your face for
more warmth.
Sleeping Pad
Increase your comfort and warmth with a
sleeping pad—a piece of closed-cell foam or
other material that will give you a softer surface
on which to spend the night. A pad can also prevent
cold ground from drawing away your body heat.
Ground Cloth
Your ground cloth—a plastic sheet cut or folded to the size of your sleeping bag or
tent floor—will keep moisture away from your bedding.
To sleep beneath the open sky in good weather, find a fairly level place to lay out
your ground cloth. Don’t rake away leaves or other ground cover that can cushion
your bed and reduce your mark on the land.
Put your sleeping pad on top of the ground cloth, then arrange your sleeping bag
on the pad. It’s a good idea to leave your bag in its stuff sack until you are ready to
sleep so that it won’t be dampened by dew. You can make a pillow by putting some of
your extra clothing inside the sleeping bag’s stuff sack or inside a sweater.
Making your bed inside a tent is much the same as setting it up in the open. You
won’t need a ground cloth under your sleeping pad. There should already be one
under the tent floor.

Chapter 9

When you crawl into bed, keep

your shoes or hiking boots close.
Drop your watch, glasses, and other
small items into one of them. Put
your flashlight into the other so
you can find it in the dark. Have a
water bottle nearby, too, in case you
wake up thirsty. Small creatures
sometimes creep inside shoes or
boots in search of shelter and
warmth, so always shake out your
footwear in the morning.
You will probably stay warmer
inside of a tent when the door is
zipped closed to block the wind.
Wearing a stocking hat to bed
also will help you keep warm.
If you still feel chilly, pull on
a warm, dry shirt during the
night. Add a sweater, extra
socks, or dry gloves if you still
don’t feel warm enough. Finally,
don’t go to bed hungry. Your body can produce plenty of heat if it
has the calories to burn. Keep food out of your tent, though, so it won’t attract animals.

Keeping Clean
Staying healthy is a key to successful camping trips. The most important way to
prevent sickness while you are outdoors is to use a hand cleanser or wash your hands with
soap and water before touching food and after trips to an outhouse, cathole, or latrine.

Three important things you can do to keep yourself

and others healthy in the backcountry:
Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands.
—Fieldbook, 2004

On overnight campouts, you’ll also want to brush and floss your teeth before bed
and in the morning. Take a shower or a bath when you get home. During longer
adventures, you and those around you will be happier if you can bathe once in a
while. Doing it the right way will prevent any harm to the environment.
Fill two cook pots or buckets with water and carry them at least 200 feet (75 steps)
from any stream, lake, or spring. Use one container of water for washing yourself
and use water from the other for rinsing away the soap. Scatter the remaining water
when you are done. A little soap goes a long way outdoors. A small plastic bottle of
biodegradable soap is ideal. Store the bottle in a plastic bag in case it leaks.

Chapter 9

Protecting Camp Food

Proper storage of food at campsites will prevent mice, squirrels, raccoons, or other
small creatures from getting into your meal ingredients and spoiling them. It’s also
essential that you store your food out of the reach of larger animals. For example, if
bears discover that they can get into your food supplies, they could be tempted to visit
the campground later in search of more. This can be dangerous for you and future
campers, and for bears that might have to be moved or destroyed to keep them away
from humans.
As your troop plans a trip, find out from those who manage the areas where you
will camp how you should store your food. Your storage method can be as simple as
locking your food in the trunk of your vehicle during campouts near roads or using
animalproof storage boxes located close to campsites. For travels in areas where there
may be bears, the following tips will help you prepare a camping trip so that if bears do
come by, they will find nothing of interest in your campsite and will move on.
To bearproof your camp, you will need nylon cord and stuff sacks for hanging your
food from tree branches. Be certain to bring these items with you.
Pitch your tents away from your camp cooking area (200 feet or more is ideal) and
have nothing in the tents except sleeping bags and pads, flashlights, and perhaps a book
or two.
Clean up crumbs and bits of spilled food and put it all in with your trash. Wash and
rinse cook pots, plates, and utensils after meals.
The clothing you wear during the day can pick up odors from food,
sunscreen, and other items that might attract bears. Before going to
bed in bear country, you can change into clothes that you keep in your
pack just for sleeping. A clean T-shirt and long underwear pants could
be just right. Store your day clothes along with your other equipment
under a rain fly near the cook area.
At night and whenever you will be gone from your camp,
protect your food and other smellables by hanging them in bear
bags or stowing them in bear boxes away from the area where
you pitch your tents.

Smellables ients
de all meal ingred
Smellables inclu ap , sh ampoo,
, garbage, so
and leftover food es an d
s, toothbru sh
deodorant, lotion , in se ct
creen, lip balm
toothpaste, suns yt hing else
id kits, and an
repellent, first-a ct an im als.
might attra
with an odor that

Bear Bags
Putting smellables into a bag or stuff sack and hanging it from a tree is a good way
to protect your provisions and to keep any bears that might come near your camp
from causing trouble. Bear bags will also keep your food away from chipmunks,
raccoons, and other wildlife.
While there is still plenty of daylight, find a tree with a sturdy horizontal branch
about 20 feet above the ground. Toss one end of a 50-foot length of nylon cord over
the branch so that the cord is at least 6 feet from the trunk of the tree.
Stash your smellables in a sturdy bag or stuff sack, then
twist the bag closed and secure it to one end
of the cord with a clove hitch. Pull
the other end of the cord to raise
the bag until it is at least 12 feet
off the ground and 6 feet from the tree trunk.
This will place the bag beyond the reach of any bears
that might stand beneath it, climb the tree, or go out
onto the branch. Tie the free end of the cord to a tree.
Another bear-bag method requires two 50-foot
cords. Toss the end of one cord over a high branch.
Throw the end of the other cord over a branch of equal
height on a second tree with a trunk at least a dozen
feet away from the first. Tie one end of each cord to
the bear bag. Haul on the free ends of the cords to
hoist the bag to a height of at least 12 feet, centering
the bag between the trees. Tie off the cords.
Many campsites in Scout camps and public parks
and forests are equipped with a horizontal cable or
pole set overhead between two trees. Throw
a line over the center of the cable or pole,
then use it to hoist bear bags out of the
reach of animals.
Chapter 9

Beyond Campouts
From your first troop outdoor activities to great high-adventure journeys, a trail of
terrific camping trips will mark your Scouting progress. Become an experienced camper
and you will be ready for all that Scouting has to offer. You’ll also realize that the best
way to learn how to camp well is to camp a lot.
Scouting will encourage you to keep expanding the range of your camping trips and
to use camping as a way to open other BSA opportunities. You’ll soon discover that the
camping trips you are enjoying also are helping you complete many of the requirements
for the ranks of Scouting. Cooking over stoves and campfires; navigating with a map,
compass, and GPS receiver; identifying plants and wildlife; and using woods tools are
just a few of the outdoor skills that will lead you along the trail from Tenderfoot to
First Class.
Camping also can be part of what you learn as you work on merit badges
such as Backpacking, Canoeing, Cycling, Whitewater, Wilderness Survival, and of
course, Camping. The 50-Miler Award is another way your camping successes
could be recognized.

Pack It In, Pack It Out

home. Don’t leave
camp must be carried
Whatever you take to camp projects.
r, cans, leftover foo or
anything behind—litte s or bur y it in the
o lakes and stream
Do not throw trash int bet ter sha pe than you
t a campsite is in
woods. Making sure tha ve No Tra ce camping.
ch the goal of Lea
found it will help you rea

A camping trip also is a perfect time to put Scout spirit into action as you use the
patrol method to plan a trip, travel to the campsite, set up your tents and kitchen area,
prepare meals, and then clean up afterward.
For a hundred years, Scouts have been setting out to camp under the open sky.
The sky is still there, and so are many terrific outdoor destinations for your patrol
to pitch its tents and for you to make the outdoors your home. Learn to camp
responsibly and well and you will soon agree with what those before you have always
known—that camping is Scouting at its very best.

A Scout Is Reverent

Scout Vespers Taps

” Day is done, gone the
Tune: “O Tannenbaum the hills,
From the lake, from
Softly falls the light of from the sky;
re fad es away. God is nigh.
While our campfi All is well, safely rest,
ut sho uld ask:
Silently each Sco
dai ly tas k?
“Have I done my
no r bright ?
Have I kept my ho
ep ton ight?
Can I guiltless sle
I dared
Have I done and have
pre par ed?”
Everything to be

See the Handbook Web site,, for more camfire songs.


“Anyone who has spent much time in
the outdoors knows that eating is one of
adventuring’s greatest pleasures.”
—Fieldbook, 1984

Bacon and eggs sizzling at dawn over a backpacking stove. Fresh fruit, nuts, and
raisins for a midday snack. A Dutch oven full of biscuits browning over charcoal
at the end of a busy day of rafting. Food in the outdoors powers you through days
packed with action. It helps you stay warm at night. When the sky turns stormy or
you are tired, a hearty meal can cheer you up and energize your Scout patrol.
On a day hike, you can carry your lunch, some energy food, and plenty of fluids.
For longer adventures, prepare meals by cooking over a camp stove or open fire.
You’ll have fun, too, as you work together with others in your patrol to fix meals
that are delicious, healthy, and filling.
Knowing how to cook is for more than just camping trips. It is a life skill that
can give you independence in the years to come and a lot of pleasure preparing
good meals for yourself and for others.
A great way to practice cooking is by helping prepare family meals at home.
Following recipes in your own kitchen and judging when a dish is done is terrific
preparation for becoming a good chef on the trail.
Whether the ingredients are fresh foods for an evening cookout or dried menu
items carried on a long backpacking journey, some basic steps, a few spices, and the
willingness to try something new can
result in camp feasts you’ll remember
Tasty dinners, nutri
tious lunches, as much as the adventure itself.
and hearty breakfas
ts that get the
day off to a roaring sta
nothing better than
good meals in
the outdoors, especi
ally when you
have cooked them yo

In This Chapter
XX Planning your meals

XX Food for the outdoors

XX Menus

XX Eating kit

XX Cook kit

XX Stoves and campfires

XX Sharing kitchen duties

XX Cleaning up
after meals

XX Meals

XX Cooking in
aluminum foil

XX Cooking without utensils

XX Making meals into

special events

XX Keeping a cooking

Chapter 10

Planning Your Meals

With good planning, you can take enough food on a trip so that everyone in your
patrol eats well and there aren’t many leftovers. You’ll also know which pots, pans, and
utensils to carry, and whether you’ll be cooking over a camp stove or a campfire.
Begin making your plans by answering the following questions:
 ow many Scouts are going on the trip, and how long will we be away
from home? Decide on the number of meals you will need and who will be eating
together. A patrol is often just the right size for organizing the food and cooking
gear for a hike or camping trip.

 re there any special food needs? Discuss special food needs with patrol
members. Vegetarians don’t eat meat but have plenty of other options for good
nutrition. Some religious groups avoid certain foods. Scouts with allergies to dairy
products, peanuts, or other foods should share that information with troop leaders so
that their food needs can be addressed. Parents and guardians can help plan safe menus
and guide troop leaders with information on how to treat food allergy reactions.

XX What are we going to do? For days full of activities, choose recipes that won’t
take long to prepare. If you’ll have time to make cooking a high point of a campout,
take ingredients to put together meals that are special.

XX How will we reach camp? Backpackers can keep their loads lighter by planning
simple menus of nonperishable ingredients. When you will be traveling to the
campsite by car, you can bring along griddles, fresh and canned foods, and even
charcoal briquettes for a tasty Dutch oven meal.

 hat weather do we
expect? Winter menus
should contain more fats and
carbohydrates. Your body burns
these substances to help you keep
warm. Include mixes for soups
and hot drinks to warm you up.
Summer meals can be lighter. In
summer and winter, your menus
should include plenty of fluids.

Information on meeting special dietary needs can be found on the

Handbook Web site:

Food for the Outdoors
Scouts have been cooking outdoors for a hundred years, but in the early days they
had fewer choices about what to prepare. The 1911 Boy Scout Handbook suggested a
daily menu of pancakes, eggs, bacon, potatoes, bread, and fruit. A special treat was a
recipe for Canned Salmon on Toast. The instructions began, “Dip slices of stale bread
into smoking hot lard.”
The variety of food that today’s Scouts can carry on camping trips is much
broader. With all the possibilities, there won’t be much need to fry stale bread in lard.
Here are some meal ingredients you can choose for the outdoors.
Fresh—Fresh foods have the most flavor and nutrition of any menu items. They also
might be the heaviest. Some, such as fresh meats, must be kept cool until you are
ready to cook them. Carrots, apples, and certain cheeses will last longer, though most
fresh foods are best used on short trips or while car camping rather than
during longer backcountry adventures.

Chapter 10

Nonperishable—Pasta, beans, oatmeal, rice, flour, grains, and other foods that won’t
spoil are ideal for short-term and long-term camping. Stored in plastic bags, they can be
stowed in a backpack or the duffel bags of canoes and rafts.
Dried/Dehydrated—Much of the weight of
many foods is water. Dehydrated food has
most of the water removed from it, so it is
very lightweight and just right for campers.
Most grocery stores carry dried milk and
cocoa, potato flakes, soup mixes, and
many other dried or dehydrated foods.
Some camping stores sell complete
camp meals that require only the
addition of boiling water.
Canned—Many foods can be purchased in cans.
Canned food is heavy to carry, and you’ll need to take
home the empty containers for recycling or proper
disposal. That’s not a problem when you are driving to
a campsite. Sometimes an ingredient such as a can of
peaches for a special dessert might
be worth the effort it takes to carry
it to your trail camp.
Convenience—Every supermarket
has dozens of convenience foods
that are ready to eat or quick to
prepare. Those you might want to
try are pasta sauce mixes, biscuit
and pancake mixes, jerky, and
energy bars.

Chapter 10

Once you know how many meals you will need, write down what you want to prepare
and eat for each of those meals. The recipes in this chapter will give you some ideas.
List every ingredient for each dish. Use the Size of Servings Chart that follows to
determine the amounts you will need for the number of people who will be eating
together. Don’t forget seasonings and other items you might need such as cooking oil,
honey or sugar, salt and pepper, and other spices.

At home and in camp, try to

eat a
balanced diet made up of the
amounts of these food gro
XX Grains
XX Vegetables
XX Fruits
XX Milk and cheese
XX Meats, poultry, fish, bea
eggs, and nuts
XX Oils (fats) and sugars

For more information on the food pyramid, see the Handbook Web site:

Size of Servings Chart
The “amount for one
serving” is an appro
planning menus. For ximate guideline for
example, when your use when
dinner, you will need patrol is planning a spa
about 3 ounces of pa ghetti
Scouts in your patro sta per Scout. If there
l, then: are eight
8 Scouts x 3 ounces
= 24 ounces of spagh
Check the weights on etti
packages of spaghett
you’ll want to take to i and put together the
your camp. amount

Grains (Bread, Flour,

and Pasta)
Amount for one servin
Bread g
2 to 4 slices
Brown rice
1/2 cup uncooked
Cold cereals
2 ounces
2 ounces
Hot cereals (oatmea
2 ounces
Instant rice
1 1/2 ounces
3 ounces
3 ounces
Pancake mix
3 ounces
Pudding mix
1 1/2 ounces
Ramen-style noodles
1 packet (3 ounces)
3 ounces
White rice
1/2 cup uncooked
Vegetables and Fruits
Amount for one servin
Apples g
Cabbage, fresh
1/4 head
Carrots, fresh
Corn, fresh
1 ear
Fruit, canned
5 to 6 ounces
Fruit, dried
2 ounces
Fruit, fresh
1 to 2 pieces
1 cup
Onions, fresh
1 medium
Potatoes, dehydrated
2 ounces

Chapter 10

2 medium
Potatoes, fresh
1 individual packet
Soup mix
1 to 2 servings per
Soup, condensed 15-ounce can
4 ounces
Vegetables, canned
1/2 ounce
Vegetables, dehydrated

Amount for one serving

Milk and Cheese
2 ounces
1 individual packet
Cocoa, instant
1 pint (2 cups)
Milk, fresh
2 ounces
Milk, powdered

, Nuts Amount for one serving

Meats, Poultry, Fish, Beans, Eggs
2 ounces (3 to 4 slices)
3 ounces
Beef, canned
3 ounces
Chicken, canned
12 ounces
Chicken, fresh
1/2 ounce
Eggs, dried
Eggs, fresh
3 ounces
Fish, canned
3 ounces
Ham, precooked
4 ounces (1 patty)
4 ounces (2 hot dogs)
Hot dogs
2 ounces
4 ounces
Pork chops
6 to 8 ounces
4 ounces
Stew meat

Drink plenty
of water each
as well as war day, in cold w
m. Bring your eather
or get it from water from ho
public supplie me
from springs, s. Water take
lakes, or stre n
treated befo ams must be
re you drink
water-treatm it by boiling it
ent tablets, or , adding
using a filter
n always ad
spices lightly. You ca if
Use ove a spice
u can’t rem
more, but yo
you use too

Spice Kit
Spices bring out the flavor of your cooking. Useful spices for camp cooking include
salt, pepper, chili powder, thyme, oregano, garlic flakes, bay leaves, and cinnamon. Carry
spices in small, self-sealing plastic bags, then stow all the containers in a stuff sack.
Miscellaneous Items
Other items you might need for preparing meals include condiments such as
ketchup, mustard, relish, and salad dressing; baking ingredients such as flour honey,
sugar, and butter or margarine; and spreads and toppings such as jam, jelly, peanut
butter, and maple syrup.

Cost Per Person

Take your shopping list to a grocery store and write down the prices of the
ingredients you plan to buy. Figure out each Scout’s share by adding up the costs and
then dividing the sum by the number of Scouts going on the outing.

Repackaging Your Food

Many foods are sold in cardboard or plastic containers. Reduce the weight and
bulkiness of the items by getting rid of extra packaging before you leave home.
Measure only as much of each ingredient as you will need for one meal and put it in
a plastic bag. Write the name and amount of the ingredient on a label and tape it to
the bag.
Place the repackaged ingredients for each meal in a larger bag. Include the recipes,
too. Pull out the bag when you reach camp and you’ll have all the ingredients and
instructions together for a meal.

Chapter 10

Eating Kit
A spoon and a lightweight
unbreakable plate and bowl are all
A plastic flying disk makes a
you will need for eating most outdoor
fine plate for camping trips.
meals. An insulated plastic mug will
After it has been washed, you
keep drinks and soup warm.
can use it for patrol games.
If you reach camp and discover you’ve
forgotten to bring eating utensils, try whittling a
spoon from a piece of wood, or remove the bark from
a couple of slender, foot-long sticks and use them as chopsticks.

Cook Kit
An important part of menu planning is
figuring out which pots, pans, and utensils
you will need for cooking and serving your
food. By taking only the kitchen gear you
will use, you can keep your load lighter and
help keep your camp free of clutter.
Many troops have cook kits made for
camping. The handles of frying pans can be
removed, and the pots will nest together for
easy packing. You also can find cooking gear at
garage sales and surplus stores.
Your cook kit should include hot-pot tongs
or gloves so that you can lift pots and pans off a
stove or fire without burning your hands.
Pots and pans used over campfires will get
blackened by soot. Some Scouts scrub off the soot
after every use. Others make sure the insides of
their pots and pans are washed clean but don’t
worry too much about removing every bit of black
from the outside. Stowing a pot or pan in a nylon
stuff sack as you are breaking camp will keep any
remaining soot from rubbing off in your pack.

Stoves and Campfires er a
Before cooking ov
Many Scouts use stoves on all their camping trips. r a film of
campfire, smea
Stoves are clean, quick to heat water and cook food, ab le soap
liquid biodegrad
and easy to light in any weather. They leave no marks of yo ur
on the outside
on the land. A stove in your pack can make it easier for lp so ot
you to camp without leaving a trace. pots. This will he
ea sil y.
wash off more
Grilling and Dutch oven cooking are two other ways
of preparing food in the backcountry. Bring charcoal
and a means to protect
the ground for a fast,
consistent heat and
tasty meal. Campfires
can be used as well if
you don’t have a stove.
Lighting a fire
brings with it the
to protect the
environment. The
principles of Leave
No Trace will guide
you in deciding
whether a fire
is appropriate and
then building it in a way that minimizes its impact. Find out ahead of time if fires
are allowed in the camping area you will be using. Even where fires are permitted, a
lightweight stove is often a better choice.

Sharing Kitchen Duties

There might be times when you prepare a meal by yourself in the outdoors. Often,
though, you can share the joy and the work of camp cooking with another Scout or
with everyone in your patrol.
Cooking With a Buddy
When there are two of you, both you and your buddy can pitch in and help with
all the cooking and cleanup. For example, one of you can act as cook while the other
cares for the stove, brings in water, and washes the pots. Switch responsibilities next
time so that each of you has a chance to do everything.

For more guidelines on safely using camp stoves and campfires, see the
Handbook Web site:

Chapter 10

“A Patrol cooking its

Cooking With a Patrol
own meals is playing
Write down a duty roster. Two of you can cook, one of the most
two more can fuel and light the stoves or build and
manage a campfire, and the others can get things fascinating games
ready for dishwashing and organize the cleanup. in Scouting.”
On overnight campouts, each Scout can have —Handbook for Bo
ys, 1948
the same responsibility for all the meals and then
move to a new spot on the chart for the next outing.
During adventures lasting a few days or more, Scouts can change places on the chart each
morning. Everyone pitches in to store extra food and keep it out of reach of animals.

Sample Duty Roster

Day Cooks Fire and Water Cleanup

Nick Tony William

Rory Carlos Raj

William Nick Tony

Raj Rory Carlos

Tony William Nick

Carlos Raj Rory

Be Food-Safe
Keeping a clean kitchen
in camp and at home hel
healthy. The U.S. Depart ps everyone stay
ment of Agriculture sug
to be food-safe—clean, gests four steps
separate, cook, chill.
Clean: Wash your hands,
cooking utensils,
and food preparation sur
faces often.
Separate: Keep raw meat
separate from
other foods. If you use a
cutting board to
prepare raw meat, wash
the board and
utensils before other foo
ds touch them. Wash
containers and plates tha
t have touched raw
meat before using them
to hold meat that has
been cooked.
Cook: Cook foods thorou
Chill: Refrigerate leftove
rs right away. (In campsi
or other ways to protec tes without coolers
t cooked foods, plan the
won’t be many leftovers.) sizes of meals so there

Cleaning Up After Meals
Whether you cook with a stove or over an open fire,
put on a pot of water before you serve a meal. You’ll have
hot water for cleanup by the time you finish eating.
Begin cleanup by setting out three pots:
1. Wash pot—Contains hot water with a few
drops of biodegradable soap
2. Hot-rinse pot—Clear, hot water
3. Cold-rinse pot—Cold water with a sanitizing
tablet or a few drops of bleach to kill bacteria
Each Scout can wash and rinse his own plate, cup,
and spoon. If everyone also does one pot, pan, or cooking
utensil, the work will be finished in no time at all. Use hot-
pot tongs to dip plates and spoons in the hot rinse. Lay
clean dishes, pots, and utensils on a plastic ground sheet or
hang them in a mesh dish hammock and let them air dry.


Chapter 10

Dealing With Leftovers

Carry food scraps home in a sealed trash bag. Don’t bury leftover food or scatter
it in the woods. Animals will almost always find it, and it is not healthy for
them to eat your leftover food. Food scraps can also draw animals close
to campsites, where they may lose their fear of humans. That can be
dangerous for them and for you.
Wash empty jars and cans and carry them home for recycling.
Save space by cutting out the ends and then flattening cans.

Getting Rid of Dishwater

During campouts lasting just a couple of
days, use a sieve or piece of window screen to
strain any food bits out of your wash water, then put
them in your trash. Carry wash water and rinse water
away from camp and at least 75 steps from any streams
or lakes. Give it a good fling to spread it over a wide area.
For longer stays at one site, check with the local land
manager for preferred ways to dispose of dishwater.
One way is to dig a sump hole at the edge of camp and at
least 75 steps from streams, lakes, or other open water.
It should be about a foot across and 2 feet deep. Pour
dishwater into the sump through a sieve or piece of
window screen to catch food particles and
shake them into a trash bag. Fill the
sump hole when you break camp and
replace any ground cover.

Keep Soap and Detergent

Away From Open Water
s, and shampoos
Many soaps, detergent
t encourage algae to
contain chemicals tha
out native plants,
grow. Algae can crowd
and other animals
making it harder for fish
ergent might also
to survive. Soap and det
water that can harm
leave an oily film in the
tiny water animals.

Food Storage
Plan how you will store food while you are in the backcountry. Fresh meats, dairy
products, and other perishable items can be
kept chilled by stowing them with chunks
of ice in an insulated cooler. Other foods
won’t need to stay cold but could require
protection from mice, raccoons, and even bears.
If your camp will be near a cabin or other
building that is safe from animals, you might be
able to store your food inside. The trunk of a
car is another possibility. Some campgrounds
have metal boxes where you can leave your
food and know it is protected from wildlife
and weather. You also can keep food out of
reach of animals by hanging it from a tree.

The best part of planning the menu
for a backpacking trip, campout, or
evening meal is deciding what to fix
and serve. The sky’s the limit on what
you can do with nutritious ingredients. Here are
some suggestions to get you started.
Breakfast in Camp
Get your day off to a strong start with a stick-to-your-ribs breakfast. Here are
some suggestions.
Fresh Fruit—Apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, melons, and berries can all be tasty
additions to camp menus.
Dried Fruit—Raisins, banana chips, apple chips, and dried peaches, apricots, and
mangos are delicious just as they are, or you can soak them overnight or cook them
with hot cereal.
Canned Fruit—Many kinds of fruit are available in small and medium-sized cans.
Plan on about 6 ounces per serving.

Hot cereal tastes great on chilly mornings. In the summer, you might want cold
cereal or granola with milk. Avoid flakes and other kinds of cereal that could get
crushed in your pack.
Oatmeal—For each serving, bring 1 cup of water to a boil. Add a pinch of salt. For extra
flavor, drop raisins or chopped fruit into the boiling water. Stir in 1/2 cup of rolled oats.
Put the lid on the pot and cook until ready. Serve oatmeal with milk, brown sugar, but-
ter, cinnamon, or a spoonful of jam.
Granola—Made of toasted oats, granola is terrific for outdoor breakfasts when you don’t
want to cook. Many brands of granola also contain nuts, raisins, dried fruit, and other
good things. Try a bowl of granola with milk. By itself, granola is a tasty trail snack.
Boiled Eggs—Use a spoon to gently lower eggs into boiling water. Cook eggs 5 minutes
for soft-boiled or 10 minutes for hard-boiled.
Fried Eggs—Heat a teaspoon of butter, margarine, or cooking oil in a pan. Crack in two
eggs and fry over low heat until the white becomes firm. Flip them if you like your eggs
over easy, or serve them sunny-side up.
Scrambled Eggs—Beat two eggs in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of milk if you have it and
a pinch of salt and pepper. Heat butter, margarine, or cooking oil in a pan, then pour in
the eggs and cook over low heat. Stir occasionally, scraping the bottom of the pan with
a spatula. For variety, add chopped onions, tomatoes, green peppers, mushrooms, or
shredded cheese to the eggs before you cook them.
Bacon and Ham
Fried Bacon—Put bacon slices in a pan and cook over low heat, turning
them once.
Fried Ham—Heat a little cooking oil, butter, or margarine in a pan. Put
in slices of precooked ham and fry over low heat until the meat is lightly
browned. Turn and fry the other side.

Pancake Mix
You can make your
own pancake mix be
combining 1/2 cup fore leaving home
white flour, 1/2 tea by
of salt, and 1/2 tea sp oon baking powder, a
spoon sugar. Carry pinch
In camp, prepare th it in a self-sealing pla
e batter by stirring stic bag.
cooking oil, and 1/4 in one egg, 2 tables
to 1/2 cup of milk. poons of
require only water So me premade pancak
and may be more pr e mixes
actical for your tro
op outing.

Flapjacks are a treat on mornings when you aren’t in a hurry to break camp. Follow
the instructions on a box of pancake mix. Add fresh berries, chopped fruit, or nuts
to the batter, if you have them. Pancakes are best cooked on a griddle or in a heavy
frying pan.
Heat the pan or griddle and grease it with a little cooking oil, butter, or margarine.
Pour in just enough batter to form each cake and fry over low heat. When the edges
begin to brown and bubbles break in the center of the cake, turn it and fry the other
side. Serve with butter, syrup, or jam.
French Toast—Beat together two eggs, a pinch of salt, and 1/2 cup of milk. Add a
pinch of cinnamon if you have it. This should make enough batter for three to four
slices of French toast. Dip a slice of bread in the egg mix, coating both sides. Then fry
the bread as if it were a pancake. Serve with butter, syrup, or jam.
Breakfast Drinks
Milk, cocoa, and fruit juices all go well with breakfast. Use fresh drinks, dried milk,
cocoa mixes, or fruit juice powder.

See the Handbook Web site,, for more recipes

and camp meal ideas.

Chapter 10

By the middle of the day in camp or on the trail, you’ll be ready to rest and refuel.
You can put together your lunch right after breakfast and pack it along so it’s ready to
eat wherever you are. When you will be near the camp kitchen, though, you might want
to cook a hot meal, especially if the weather is rainy or cold.

An easy way to serve sandwiches is to lay out the bread and fillings on a sheet of
plastic. Ask each Scout to wash his hands and then build his own sandwich. Choose
from peanut butter and jelly, cheese, luncheon meats, canned tuna or salmon, sardines,
sliced tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, pickles, and lettuce. Round out the meal with milk,
a piece of fruit, and a few cookies.
Hot Dishes
A cup of soup will warm you on a chilly day. Follow the instructions on the label to
make it from a can or a mix. Try toasting a cheese sandwich by frying it on both sides in
a little butter or margarine. If you have fresh foods, light a stove and fry a hamburger or
boil some hot dogs.
Backpacker’s Lunch
On longer trips or when you aren’t able
to carry fresh foods, you can take along a
lunch of crackers, jelly or jam, hard cheese and
salami, summer sausage, fruit, and small cans
or foil pouches of chicken or tuna. Add powdered
drink mix and a dessert for a lightweight meal that’s
full of nourishment.

A one-pot stew is a satisfying
evening meal that is easy to
prepare. You also can fix a main
dish with meat, chicken, or
fish, and some vegetables. Bake
some biscuits, add a dessert, and
something to drink to complete a
memorable feast.

Handling Meat and Fish Safely

ts can be the centerpiece of man
Beef, chicken, fish, and other mea cam p, for
it should be kept chill ed in
camp meals. To keep meat fresh, ice.
d cooler that also hold s
example, by storing it in an insulate
water before and after handling
Wash your hands with soap and hen item s
plates, and any other kitc
and wash cutting boards, knives, them with
t products before usin g
that have been touched by raw mea
cooked meats and other foods.

Cooking Red Meat
Grilling—Use a grill holding charcoal briquettes, or let a campfire burn into a bed of
coals. Place a wire grill so that it is 4 to 6 inches above the coals and lay the meat on the
grill. Cook hamburgers 3 to 4 minutes on each side until the pink color is gone from the
inside. A 1-inch-thick steak needs about 5 to 10 minutes on a side, depending on the
heat of the coals. Cut into the center to see if the meat is done the way you like it.
Frying­—Heat a spoonful of cooking oil in a frying pan. Add your hamburger patties,
pork chops, or steak, and fry over coals or a stove until done. Pork must always be
thoroughly cooked.
Stew—For each serving, use 1/4 pound of beef cut into cubes. Rub flour into the cubes
or shake them in a paper bag with a small amount of flour. Place the meat in a pot with
a few spoonfuls of cooking oil, and fry until brown. Then add enough water to cover the
meat, put a lid on the pot, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add a chopped onion, carrot,
and potato, and simmer 30 minutes more. Season with salt and pepper.
Cooking Chicken
Frying—Roll chicken pieces in flour or shake them in a paper bag with a small amount
of flour. Place the chicken in a pan and fry it in a few tablespoons of cooking oil until
golden brown. Add 1/2 cup of water, cover the pan with a lid, and steam over low heat
for about 20 minutes more.
Broiling—Lay pieces of chicken on a wire grill. Cook over coals for about 15 minutes
on each side. Keep the chicken moist as it broils by brushing it with butter, margarine,
or barbecue sauce.

Cooking Fish
When you’ve had some luck with your fishing
pole, there are plenty of ways to turn your catch into
dinner. First, clean each fish by slitting open the
belly and pulling out the guts. If you want to remove
the scales, scrape the skin with a knife from the tail
toward the head. Rinse the fish with water inside
and out. (Check with local land managers ahead of
time for the best ways to dispose of fish guts. There
might be fish-cleaning stations they will want you
to use, or they could ask you to toss the guts into
deep water or pack them out of the backcountry
with the rest of your trash.)
Frying Fish—Roll each fish in flour or cornmeal. Heat
a few tablespoons of cooking oil in a frying pan or on
a griddle. Carefully place the fish in the hot oil and fry
until golden brown, turning the fish once. Keep your eye
on the fish. It won’t take long to cook.
Grilling Fish—Using a grill placed over coals is a per-
fect way to prepare fish. While it is still cool, brush the
grill with cooking oil. Lightly brush the outside of the
fish with oil, too, and place it on the grill. Let the fish
cook a couple of minutes, then turn it once. You’ll
know it is done when the meat is flaky and no longer
shiny. Avoid overcooking fish.
Fresh and Canned Vegetables—Many fresh vegetables can be washed and eaten raw
for maximum nutritional value. To cook vegetables, cover with water and simmer
over low heat until done. Corn on the cob cooks in about 6 to 10 minutes, while fresh
carrots, peas, and green beans can take longer. Most canned vegetables are already
cooked. Pour them into a pan and heat them in their own liquid.
Boiled and Mashed Potatoes—Wash potatoes and peel them, or leave the skins
on for the vitamins and minerals they contain. Cut the potatoes into 1-inch cubes
and boil gently in a pot of water for about 20 minutes. Test a cube with a fork. The
potatoes are done when the fork goes in easily. Drain, season the potatoes with salt
and pepper, and serve with a little butter or margarine. If you wish, you can mash the
cubes with a fork.
Fried Potatoes—Boil several whole potatoes and let them cool. Slice the potatoes and
fry in hot oil until they are brown. For extra flavor, chop up an onion and fry it along
with the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper.

Quick One-Pot Stew
It’s hard to beat a on
e-pot stew for spee
ingredients and a litt dy outdoor dining.
le imagination, you With a few
Just combine one ite can make dozens of
m from each of the different versions.
one serving. following lists. All am
ounts are for

3 to 4 oz. Add a 3- to
cooked: Add 1 packet:
4-oz. can or foil Add:
packet: Gravy mix
Spaghetti Cooked
Canned tuna or vegetables
Canned chicken 4 to 8 oz.: Chopped
Noodles cheese
Ramen sauce Chopped nuts
Rice sauce
Tomato sauce

Serve vegetables se
parately from the ste
drain and stir them w, or
right into the pot. Se
to taste. Add a beve ason
rage and a dessert
round out the meal. to

Pasta and Rice

Spaghetti—Bring a large pot of water to a
boil. Add a tablespoon of cooking oil, butter, or
margarine if you have it, then drop in 4 ounces of
spaghetti for each person. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes
until tender. Drain and serve with spaghetti sauce.
You can use packets of mix to make a basic spaghetti sauce, or put your own twist on
it by adding mushrooms, green peppers, and other ingredients. When the weight you
need to carry doesn’t matter, try ready-made spaghetti sauces from jars or cans.
Macaroni and Cheese—For each serving, stir 4 ounces of macaroni into a pot of boiling
water. Boil for 10 to 15 minutes until done, then drain the water. Stir into the cooked
macaroni 2 ounces of cut-up cheese, 1 teaspoon of powdered milk, and 1 tablespoon of
margarine or butter.
Rice—Both white and brown rice are rich in minerals and fiber. For one serving, pour
1/2 cup of raw rice and 1 cup of cold water into a pot. Cover with a lid and bring to a
boil. Let it simmer until done—about 10 minutes for white rice, 30 minutes or more
for brown rice. There’s no need to stir rice while it is cooking.

Ramen Noodles—Ramen-style noodles come in a 3-ounce package just right for a
single serving. Before you open the package, crush the noodles into small pieces. Tear
open the wrapper and pour the noodles into 1 1/2 cups boiling water. Remove from
heat and let stand a few minutes until done. If you wish,
stir in the flavor packet that comes with the noodles
and add canned tuna or chicken, canned vegetables,
and other ingredients to make a hearty soup.

Bread is good to serve in camp
alongside dinnertime stews
and soups. It’s also a great
addition to all other meals.
You can bring bread or
crackers from home or bake
bread in camp. Fresh biscuits are
hard to beat.

Homemade Biscuit Mix

home by stirring together:
Prepare your own biscuit mix at
1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

, add 2 tablespoons of cooking

When you’re ready to make biscuits
to keep the dough together
oil and just enough water or milk
but not too sticky.

Biscuits—Follow the package instruc-

tions for preparing premixed biscuit
flour. Shape the dough into biscuits about
1/2-inch thick. Place them on a greased
pan and bake for 10 to 15 minutes in a
stovetop oven or Dutch oven. Test the bis-
cuits for doneness by pushing a matchstick
or wood shaving into a biscuit. The biscuits
are done when the wood comes out clean.

Dutch Ovens or aluminum
ov en is a heavy iron lers , and
A Dutch ead, cobb
pe rfec t fo r baking br d be ans.
that’s stews an
as w el l as for cooking ed
pies t be season
ch oven mus
An iron Dut w henever it h
fo re it s first use and er .
be and wat
ed with soap
been scrubb fire
ng it over a
as on an ov en by heati po ons of
Se ral tables
d th en pu tting in seve th e inside
an oil all over
ok in g oi l. Spread the t th e oven
co el and le
ov en w it h a paper tow , an d
of the om rust
al w ill be protected fr st rips
et stick. Soap
cool. The m ss likely to
ep ar e ar e le t a D utch
foods you pr wash ou
se , so it is often best to
ea soap.
away the gr contains no
w ith hot water that

Dutch-Oven Biscuits.—Mix enough dough for eight biscuits. Use a shovel to move
a scoop of coals onto a fire-safe surface, then place the empty oven on them and let it
warm. Arrange the raw biscuits in the oven. Cover with the lid, then shovel coals on
top—three times as many coals on the lid as underneath the oven. Check in about 10
minutes. The biscuits will be ready when they are golden brown. Gloves and hot-pot
tongs will make it easier to handle a hot oven.
Stovetop Oven Bread—Ovens for use with backpacking stoves are available at camping
supply stores. Use them as you would an oven at home, keeping your stove flame low to
allow for gentle baking.
Frying Pan Bread—Almost any bread or biscuit recipe can be cooked in a frying pan
greased with a few tablespoons of cooking oil. Flatten the dough into a large pancake,
put it in the oiled pan, and fry it over the fire. A lid will hold in the heat. Turn the bread
with a spatula to allow both sides to brown. The trick is to cook the dough slowly
enough for the center to become done before the crust is too brown.
Dumplings—Drop spoonfuls of biscuit dough on top of a one-pot stew when the stew
has about 10 minutes left to cook. Cover and let the stew simmer. Steam from the stew
will turn the dough into mouth-watering dumplings.

Fruit or cookies finish a meal nicely. Pudding is another tasty choice. Pudding mixes
come in many flavors, and instant pudding requires no cooking. Cobbler, brownies, and
other baked desserts are always great in camp.

Ranger Cobbler
h cobbler baked in a Dutch oven.
A traditional Scout dessert is peac
Here’s the recipe.
2 large (28 ounces) cans of peaches
2 cups of dry biscuit mix
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
of charcoal.
Heat a Dutch oven over a good bed
hes into
Pour the juice from one can of peac
juice from the othe r can in
the oven. Use the
mix up the biscuit dou gh.
place of water to
from both cans into the
Put the peaches
n and
oven. Add the sugar and cinnamo
bring to a boil.
Drop spoonfuls of biscuit dough onto
hot peach mixture in the sam e
way you would make dumplings.
Put the lid on the Dutch oven and
move it onto a small shovelful of
charcoal. Scoop three times as
many coals onto the lid of the
oven and let the cobbler bake
about 20 minutes until the
biscuit topping is golden brown.

Chapter 10

Cooking in Aluminum Foil

Want to leave the pots and pans at home?
Then give aluminum-foil cooking a try. Wrap
food in a piece of heavy-duty foil and fold over
the edges to make a packet from which liquids
and steam can’t escape. Place the foil packet on a
bed of coals and turn it at least once while it cooks.
When you unwrap your dinner, you can eat it right out
of the foil.
Foil cooking is possible because aluminum doesn’t burn. This also means you
will want to carry used foil home with you. Because most ingredients needed for foil
cooking are fresh, foil meals are best for Scout cookouts or the first meal of a campout.
Hamburger—Shape 4 ounces of hamburger into a patty. Cut a medium potato and
a carrot into thin strips. Peel and slice a small onion. Arrange all the ingredients on a
square of heavy-duty foil and sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Close the foil and
lay the package on the coals. Cook for about 7 to 8 minutes, then turn it over and let it
cook for another 7 to 8 minutes.
Stew—Cut 4 ounces of beef into cubes. Thinly slice a potato, carrot, and small onion.
Place all the ingredients on a heavy-duty piece of foil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Add several tablespoons of water and fold the foil to form a packet. Cook on the coals
for about 20 minutes, turning it at least once.
Chicken—Smear chicken pieces with butter or
margarine. Salt lightly and wrap each piece in a
separate sheet of heavy-duty foil. Place the pack-
ets on the coals and cook for about 20 minutes,
turning them several times.
Potato—Pierce the skin of a potato in several
places with a fork or your pocketknife, then
wrap the potato in foil. Bury it in the coals for
15 minutes or more.
Corn on the Cob—Dab butter or margarine
on an ear of corn, wrap it in foil, and roast on
the coals for 10 minutes. Turn it several times
while it is cooking.
Baked Fish—Wrap fresh fish in heavy-duty foil by itself or along with some chopped
onion and lemon slices. Bake on the coals about 3 to 5 minutes per side for a small fish.
Allow 10 minutes or more on each side for a large fish.
Fruit—Cut the core out of an apple and replace it with a pat of butter, a few raisins,
some cinnamon, and a teaspoon of brown sugar. Wrap in foil and bake in the coals for
30 minutes.

Cooking Without Utensils
The secret to cooking a meal without pots, pans, or aluminum foil is a bed
of hot coals.
Roast Potatoes—Coat each potato with a thick layer of mud and bury it in the coals.
Bake 30 to 40 minutes. The mud will become caked and hard, but the potato inside
should come out just right.
Kabob—Slide a 1-inch cube of beef or chicken onto a bamboo skewer. Alternate whole
mushrooms, chunks of tomato, onion, green pepper, pineapple, or slices of zucchini. Broil
the kabobs a few inches above the coals for 10 to 15 minutes, turning often.
Fish—Run a bamboo skewer into the flesh along the length of a small trout’s spine.
Another option is to tie the fish to the stick with several wraps of string. Hold the
fish over the coals and cook a few minutes. Fins and skin will pull off, leaving the
tender meat beneath.
Bread Twist—Roll stiff biscuit dough into the shape of a long sausage. Twist the
dough around a clean, wooden broom handle. Lean the handle over a bed of coals
and turn occasionally until the baking is done.
Bread Cup—Instead of twisting the dough, mold it onto the end of the handle, then
bake it over the coals. When it is done, slip it off the handle and you’ll have a bread
cup you can stuff with sandwich fillings or stew.

Roasted Corn. Op
en the husks and
the ears in water, remove the silks
and place them on . Replace the husk
the coals. Roast s, dip
turning them as for 8 to 10 minut
they cook. es,

Chapter 10

Making Meals Special Events

Mealtime is a terrific opportunity for you to sit down with your patrol and enjoy
good food and the fellowship of Scouting. Even a simple meal can be turned into a
special moment.
Take a minute or two before you eat to
share your thanks for the food you have
Philmont G
been given, the experiences you are having,
and the fun of being with friends. The grace
For food
used at Philmont Scout Ranch is one way
of expressing that gratitude. For raime
For life
High Adventure (1957), by Norman Rockwell For opport
For friend
ship and fe
We thank
Thee, oh L

Keeping a Cooking Noteboook
Write your food lists and recipes in a notebook each time you get ready for a
campout. At the end of a trip make notes about what worked well and what didn’t.
Perhaps you needed a larger frying pan or more oatmeal, or maybe you brought too
much cocoa. As you plan your next adventure, your notebook will remind you of
changes you want to make.
Continue to try different recipes, too. Earning the
Cooking merit badge is a great goal to set as your skills
increase. Your biggest reward will be the smiles on the
faces of your patrol every time you sit down to
a delicious outdoor meal that you’ve
cooked yourselves.


“As a camper and hiker, there is one piece of your equip-
ment you should know, and know well—your compass.
With your compass, you can follow trail maps, or lay out
plots of land. You will have little excuse for being lost in
any kind of country, if you can use your compass correctly.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1949

Scouts on a high-adventure canoe trip match symbols on a map with landmarks
on the shore and paddle toward their next portage trail. Patrol members on a prairie
campout use a star chart to learn the names of constellations sparkling in the clear night
sky. With maps and compasses, Scouts on orienteering courses race through the woods,
completing challenges that test their physical abilities and navigation skills. Handheld
Global Positioning System receivers guide Scouts to their next geocaches as they take
part in high-tech games of hide and seek.
Navigation—the art of finding your way—is important for every Scout to learn.
Much of navigating involves paying attention to your surroundings and making good
decisions. With a compass and a map, you’ll have the tools to chart routes through the
deepest wilderness. A GPS receiver will add even more power to your ability to figure
out where you are, where you want to go, and the best ways to get there.

Navigation begins with understanding the shape and
size of the world around you. For quick estimates,
nothing beats the measuring tool you have with
you all the time—yourself.

lem-solving at its
Navigation is prob find your
you can use to
It is a set of skills d to plot out
ach camp, an
way in cities, to re d afloa t.
treks on foot an

In This Chapter
XX Measuring

XX Tools of navigation

XX How to use a compass

XX Using maps and

compasses on hikes,
bike trips, and other
Scout adventures

XX Global Positioning System

(GPS) receivers

XX Finding directions using

the stars, the sun, and
the moon

XX Compass game

XX Orienteering courses

XX Navigating your
way forward

Tomorrow’s Leader (1959),

by Norman Rockwell

Use a ruler or yardstick

to determine the follow
With these numbers in ing measurements.
mind, you can use you
to figure out the sizes r arm s, hands, and feet
of everything from the
length of the next fish dia me ter of a tree to the
you catch.

Arm span _ _________

_________ Finger length _ ______
Arm reach ____________
_______ Foot length _________
Hand span ___________
________ Height _______________

chapter 11

“In judging distances, the Scout should know and use his
height, his reach, his finger length, his pace, etc. These serve
as units for him.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1927

Measuring Distances
If you know the length of your footsteps, you can measure
distances just by walking. Here’s a way to learn how far you go with each step.
Step 1—With a tape measure, mark a 100-foot course on the ground. (A distance of
100 feet on a football field begins at the goal line and goes to 1 foot past the 33-yard
hash mark.)
Step 2—Walk at your normal pace from one end of the course to the other. Count your
steps as you go.
Step 3—Divide the total number of steps into 100, and you’ll know the length in feet of
one step.
For example, if you used 50 steps to go 100 feet, the length of each step you take is
2 feet. If it took you 40 steps, figure a length of about 2.5 feet per step. If 33 steps got
you close, your stride is about 3 feet, or 1 yard, per step.
Some Scouts find that measuring distances is easier when they count every step
along the way. That’s called a stride. Others have better luck counting each time their
right foot touches the ground. That’s a pace. A pace is twice the length of a stride.
To measure distances, count your steps as you walk. Multiply the total number of
steps by the length of your stride and you’ll know how far you have gone.

Measuring Heights
Scouts through the decades have used simple, reliable ways to measure the heights
of trees and to estimate the elevations of towers, waterfalls, cliffs, buildings, and walls.
Now you can do that, too.
Stick Method
Step 1—Have a friend whose
height you know stand next to a
tree you want to measure. Step
back and hold a straight stick
upright at arm’s length in front
of you.
Step 2—With one eye closed,
sight over the stick so that
the top of it appears to touch
the top of your friend’s head. Place your thumb-
nail on the stick where it seems to touch the base of the tree.
Step 3—Now move the stick up to see how many times this measurement goes into
the height of the tree. Multiply that number by your friend’s height and you will
know the approximate height of the tree. For example, if your friend is 5 feet tall and
his height goes into the tree six times, the tree is about 30 feet tall.
Felling Method
To use the felling method of measurement, back away from the object you want to
measure—a flagpole, for example.
Step 1—Hold a stick
upright at arm’s length.
Adjust the stick so that its
tip appears to touch the
top of the flagpole while
your thumb seems to be at
its base.
Step 2—Swing the stick
90 degrees to a horizontal
position, tracing the same arc
as if the flagpole had fallen
sideways to the ground.
Step 3—Keep your thumb in line with the base of the pole and notice where the tip of
the stick appears to touch the ground. Have a friend stand on that spot. Measure the
distance from the point where your friend is standing to the base of the flagpole, and
you’ll know the flagpole’s height. (This is a good problem to solve by using the length
of your step as a measuring tool.)
chapter 11

Measuring Widths
Imagine that you need to figure out the width of a stream. There is no bridge and
you can’t wade or swim across. What will you do? You could use the salute method, the
stick method, or the compass method to find the stream’s width.
Salute Method
Step 1—Stand on the shore and hold your hand to your forehead in a salute. Move your
hand down until the front edge of it seems to touch the opposite shore.
Step 2—Without changing
the position of your head or
hand, make a quarter turn or
more. Notice the place that
your hand seems to touch the
ground on your side of the
stream. Measure the distance
from where you are standing
to that point, and you will
know the stream’s width.
Stick Method
Step 1—Locate a rock or
some other object on the far
side of the stream (A).
Step 2—Place a stick on this side opposite the rock (B).
Step 3—Walk along the shore at right angles to AB. Take any number of steps
(50, for example), and place another stick there (C).
Step 4—Continue walking
along the shore in the same
direction for as many steps
as before (in this case, 50
more). Put a stick there (D).
Step 5—Finally, walk away
from the stream at right
angles to DB. When you
can sight a straight line over
stick C to the rock on the
far side, stop and mark
your spot (E).
Step 6—Measure DE to get
the width of the stream.

Compass Method—If you know how to use a compass, you can use it as a tool for
measuring widths, such as the distance across a stream.
Step 1—While standing on one side of a river (B), locate a rock or other object
directly opposite you on the far shore (A).
Step 2—Take a bearing by pointing the direction-of-travel arrow of your compass
at the rock and turning the compass housing until the needle lies over the orienting
arrow. Read the degrees (in this case, 120 degrees).
Step 3—Add 45 degrees
(120 + 45 = 165). Set your
compass at the new reading
(in this case, 165 degrees).
Step 4—Walk along the
shore, pointing the direction-
of-travel arrow toward the
rock. When the compass
needle again lies over the ori-
enting arrow, stop and mark
your spot (C). Distance CB
is the same as the width of
the river.

Time and Weather
Counting seconds durin
g a thunderstorm can
far away lightning str tell you how
ikes are occurring and
storm is coming toward whether the
you or is drifting away.
use the speed of sound You can
to estimate the distan
from you. Sound moves ce of a storm
through the air at a spe
approximately 770 fee ed of
t per second, or about
every 7 seconds. When a mile
you see a flash of lightni
start counting by thousa ng,
nds until you hear the
thunder. If you’ve rea
ched a number higher
than one-thousand-se
ven, you’ll know the
lightning bolt was mo
re than a mile away.
Less than one-thousa
nd-seven means
the lightning was closer

Measuring Time
Most of us look at a clock or watch when we want to know the time or how long
something will take to complete. You can also estimate the time of day by noticing where
the sun is in the sky. Obviously, the day has just started as the sun rises in the morning.
The sun is directly overhead at midday, and when it sets, night is about to begin.
To estimate shorter times, counting “one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one-
thousand-three . . .” will give you about one second per number. Practice counting by
using a watch with a second hand. Pace yourself so that when you count to one-
thousand-thirty, about 30 seconds will have passed.
Measuring Level
When you’re lashing together a signal tower, you’ll want the cross pieces supporting
the platform to be level. A clear plastic water bottle half full of water makes a good
measuring tool. Lay it on its side on one of the cross pieces and check to see if the water
inside is level. If it is, then the crosspiece under it is level, too.

Tools of Navigation
“Probably the best thing to do is not to get lost.”
—Boy Scout Handbook, 1940
Many Scout hikes will lead along trails you know well. Sometimes you’ll want to
take off for places you’ve never visited before. Wherever you go, you can find your way
with the help of the tools of navigation—maps, compasses, and GPS receivers.
The United States Geological Survey has developed useful maps for outdoor
adventures. They are called topographic maps—from the Greek words topos (“place”)
and graphein (“to write”). Because they enclose a four-sided area, topographic maps
are also known as quadrangle maps.
Sporting goods shops and camping stores often sell topographic maps of nearby
recreation areas. With your parent’s permission, you can download topographic maps
of just the area you need that highlight exactly the features that will be useful when
you are in the field.


600 300 60



Lake 0


chapter 11

What Map Symbols Mean Open pit, mine

Index contour
From an airplane, you can look down and
see roads, rivers, forests, cities, and towns. Intermediate contour
A map is like a painting of that land. Since Levee (with road)
mapmakers can’t include every detail, they
choose information they hope will be valuable
to anyone using the map. Some of the most Power line
important data are represented by symbols Telephone line
located in the map key in a map’s margins.
Directions—North is toward the top of most
maps. The bottom is south; the left side is west; Hard surface roads
and the right side is east. A map will often have Improved road
a true north arrow in its margin and an arrow
Unimproved road
showing the direction of magnetic north.
Distances—Bar scales can be used for measuring
feet, meters, and miles on a map. Bridge

Scale—The scale of a map compares the size of Footbridge

the map with the size of the area it represents. A Perennial streams
map scale of 1-to-24,000 (shown in the margin as
1:24,000) means 1 unit of distance on that map Water well, spring
(an inch, for example) equals 24,000 units of that Lake
distance on the ground (24,000 inches, in this
Marsh (swamp)
example. Thus, 1 inch equals 2,000 feet.)
Buildings (dwelling)
Date—A map’s date tells when it was drawn or
last updated. An older map will not show new School, church, cemetery
buildings, roads, trails, or other recent changes on Buildings (barn, etc.)
the land.
Sand area



5/7 .5


AMS 4459 II SW

For more information on map symbols, visit the Handbook Web site:

Colors—The colors used on a USGS map also are meaningful.
Green indicates heavy vegetation such as forests, woodlands, or orchards.
White is used to show areas that are mostly clear of trees such as fields, meadows,
rocky slopes, and other open country.
Blue means water. A patch of blue is usually a pond or a lake. A blue band is a river,
and a blue line is a stream. If the line is broken, the stream it represents doesn’t flow
all the time. Marshes and swamps are drawn with broken blue lines and tufts of grass.
The names of all water features are in italics.
Black ink is used to show anything that is the work of humans. Rail lines, bridges,
boundaries, and the names of landmarks are printed in black. Roads are shown as
parallel black lines. The lines are solid for paved and gravel roads. A broken line is
a dirt road. A single broken line is a hiking trail. Black squares and rectangles are
buildings; those that are completely black are inhabited buildings such as houses and
schools. Black just around the sides of buildings indicates barns, sheds, and other
Brown is the color used for contour lines. Maps are flat, but the areas they represent
may be full of hills, valleys, mountains, and plains. Mapmakers use contour lines to
show the shape of the land.

chapter 11

Contour Lines
Here’s a good way to understand contour lines.
Make a fist with one hand. Your fist has contours of length, width, and height, just as
the land does.
Holding your fist steady, draw a level circle around your
highest knuckle (washable ink will be easy to
remove). Draw a second circle just below
that one. Start a third line a little lower.
Notice that to stay on the level, the pen may
trace around another knuckle before the
third circle is closed.
Continue to draw level circles, each one the
same distance beneath the last. The lines will
wander in and out of the valleys between your
fingers, over the broad slope on the back of your
hand, and across the steep cliffs above your thumb.
After all the lines are drawn, spread your hand
flat. Now, like a map, your hand has only width
and length. But by looking at the contour lines you
have drawn, you can imagine height, too, and see the
shape of your fist. Small circles show the tops of your
knuckles. Lines close together indicate steep areas.
Lines farther apart show the more gentle contour of
the back of your hand.
The contour lines on a map represent terrain in the
same way. Every point on a contour line is the same elevation above sea level. Small
circles are the tops of hills. Where the lines are close together, a hillside is steep. Where
the lines are far apart, the slope of the ground is less steep.
A note in the map’s margin will tell you how far apart the contour lines are spaced.
Contour Interval 50 Feet means each line is 50 feet higher or lower than its neighboring lines.

Index Lines than the

our line is darker
Every fifth cont e in dex lines,
w one of th es
other four. Follo lls you the
number that te
and you’ll find a el.
above sea lev
line’s elevation
Longitude and Latitude
The longest black lines on a map are lines of longitude and
latitude. They form a grid around the globe that can be used to
locate any spot on Earth. GPS systems use them as well to mark
locations and set out waypoints leading toward a destination.
To begin understanding longitude and latitude, look at
a peeled orange. Notice how the segments of the orange fit
together. The lines between the segments all touch at the top
of the orange and again at the bottom.
Choose one of the orange segment lines and call it zero.
From there, you can number the other lines around the
orange—1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. This will tell you how many
segment lines you are away from the zero segment line.
On a globe of Earth, mapmakers have drawn lines that are
similar to the lines separating the segments of your peeled
orange. These are meridians (lines) of longitude. They converge
(come together) at the North Pole (the top of the globe) and
at the South Pole (the bottom of the globe). Latitude and longitude
Just as there are 360 degrees in a circle, there are 360
degrees of longitude. The meridian of longitude
marked zero is the one that passes through the
Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England. It
also is called the prime meridian. On a map
of the world, the meridians of longitude
will tell you how far you are from the
prime meridian. New York City is about
74 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Seattle is 122 degrees of longitude west
of the prime meridian.
Go back to the peeled orange and
imagine drawing a line around the center
of it, crossing all the segments at an equal
distance from the top and the bottom. That line
is the equator of the orange. Earth’s equator is an
imaginary line that is equally far from the North Pole
USGS benchmark for Baldy and the South Pole. (Equator comes from the word
Mountain at Philmont Scout equal.) The equator also serves as zero degrees latitude.
Ranch. Benchmarks are set
Lines drawn parallel to it are numbered to the poles.
in the field to give surveyors a
stationary reference point.
The North Pole is 90 degrees of latitude north of the
equator. The South Pole is 90 degrees south.

chapter 11

Meridians of longitude are numbered both

west and east from the prime
meridian, meeting on the far side of
the globe in the Pacific Ocean at
180 degrees longitude (a meridian that also
serves as the international date line).

Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds

To show detailed locations, each degree of longitude and latitude is divided into
60 minutes, and each minute of longitude and latitude is divided into 60 seconds.
A position on the globe is stated latitude first, followed by longitude. For example,
the coordinates of latitude and longitude for the summit of Baldy Mountain, the
highest point on Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, are:
36º37'45" N, 105º12'48" W
That means that hikers standing on top of
Baldy are 36 degrees, 37 minutes, 45 seconds
north of the equator, and 105 degrees, 12
minutes, 48 seconds west of the prime meridian
(the meridian of longitude passing through
Greenwich, England).


UTM System
Another grid used for identifying locations is the Universal Transverse Mercator
system. The UTM system is especially useful with Global Positioning System
receivers. It divides the globe in much the same way as longitude and latitude, but
uses meters for measurements rather than degrees, minutes, and seconds. Many maps
show the UTM grid in great detail.
UTM zones extend from the North Pole to the South Pole. Each of the 60 zones
covers 6 degrees of longitude and are numbered from west to east beginning at the
international date line (180 degrees longitude).
Like lines of latitude, the east-west lines of a UTM grid are parallel to the equator.
Their distance above or below the equator is given in kilometers and meters.
In the margin of a map with a UTM grid, you will find the number of the zone
that includes that map. You’ll also see several sets of UTM numbers.
XX The numbers along the left and right margins show a location’s
distance in meters from the nearest UTM north-south meridian. This
measurement is called easting.

XX The numbers across the top and bottom margins show the distance in
meters north of the equator. This reading is called northing.

zones. Zones 10 to 19 cover the

tem divide the globe into
ians of the UTM sys
North–south merid
ited States.
continental Un

chapter 11

The top of Baldy Mountain at Philmont Scout Ranch has these UTM coordinates:
Zone 13 480929E, 4053843N
XX Baldy Mountain is located in Zone 13.

XX 480929E indicates that the easting of the summit is 480 kilometers and
929 meters in relation to the Zone 13 meridian.

XX 4053843N means the Baldy summit is 4,053 kilometers and 843 meters
north of the equator.

Most GPS receivers can accept data either in longitude and latitude format or as
UTM coordinates. Simply enter longitude and latitude numbers or a set of UTM
coordinates—those for Baldy Mountain, for example—and the GPS receiver will give
you the direction of travel and the distance you must go to reach that destination.
Likewise, asking a GPS receiver to show your present location will bring up the
numbers of UTM coordinates or of longitude and latitude that can then
be located on a map to show you exactly where you are.

The north-so
uth meridia
value of 500, n in the cent
000 meters. er of a UTM
A coordinate zone is given
designated by to the east of a
adding its di that line is
For a location stance in met
west of the lin ers to the ce
e, the distan nter line valu
ce in meters e.
is subtracted

How to Use a Compass
Compasses appeared in China about a thousand years ago and in Europe a few
hundred years later. Travelers noticed that a magnetized needle floating on a chip of
wood always swung around to point north. Many people thought the needle moved
by magic.
Today we know that Earth’s rotation causes its axis to act as a huge magnet. A pole
of that global magnet is in northern Canada, and one end of every compass needle is
drawn toward it. That end of the needle is usually painted red or stamped with the
letter N, for north.

Direction-of-travel arrow

Index line

Bearing index



Baseplate Bezel
chapter 11

Two Norths
14 degrees The maps you are most likely to use on Scout adventures
are drawn with their tops aimed exactly at the North Pole,
or true north. You could say that maps are made to speak
the language of “true north.” A map’s true north arrow points
toward the North Pole.
c north

Compass needles, however, do not point true north.

True north


Instead, they are pulled toward magnetic north, an area

more than a thousand miles away from the North Pole that
radiates a magnetic force strong enough to attract the metal
point of a compass needle. Compasses speak “magnetic
The difference north,” a different language than that used by maps. The
between true magnetic north arrow on a map points toward magnetic
north and north. Arrows in the bottom margin of many maps show the
magnetic difference as degrees of declination.
north is called The difference between true north and magnetic north is
declination. called declination. Declination is measured in degrees. When
you use a map and compass together, declination
can cause large errors as you take bearings and try to
follow routes. Avoid problems with declination by making adjustments to your
map or to your compass so that they speak the same language.
Adjusting for Declination
With a pencil and a long ruler, extend the
magnetic north arrow across the map. Next,
draw other lines a ruler’s width apart and
parallel to the first line. Use these magnetic
north lines and your compass to orient the
map and find your way.

p is one of several wa
rth lines across a ma
Drawing magnetic no and compa ss can be use d
ation so that a map
for dealing with declin ing adding or subtra cting
y use methods involv
together. You also ma s, de pending on the type
compass beari ng
the declination from e more accura cy, but the y
methods may provid
map you use. These
to learn.
can be more difficult
be adjusted so that
use a compass that can
Another solution is to her than magnetic
ed with true north rat
its readings are align , the compass uses as
tment has been made
north. Once the adjus p (map borders, lines
e north lines on a ma
its reference any tru u can ignore an y ma gn etic
boundaries, etc.). Yo
longitude, township
north map lines.

When using a comp

ass that has been ad
declination, put th justed for
e edge of the comp
any true north line, as s baseplate along
including the north
of the map.) -so uth borders

For more information about declination, visit the Handbook Web site:

chapter 11

How to Orient a Map

Hundreds of years ago, European explorers were trying to reach regions of East Asia
that they called the Orient. Many of their maps had the Orient at the top. Today, most
maps are drawn with north at the top, but the act of turning a map to match the landscape
is still called orienting.
Here are two ways to orient a map:
XX Look around for landmarks such as buildings, a bridge, or perhaps the top
of a hill. On your map, find the symbols for those features. Turn the map
until the symbols line up with the landscape features they represent.

XX If you have a compass, rotate the compass housing until N (360 degrees)
touches the direction-of-travel arrow. Place the edge of the compass
baseplate alongside any magnetic north line on the map or along the
magnetic north arrow in the map’s margin. Turn the map and compass as
a unit until the compass needle lies directly over the orienting arrow in the
compass housing.

Using Maps and Compasses on Hikes,
Bike Trips, and Other Scout Adventures
Orienting a map so that it matches the terrain can give you the guidance you need
to travel over long distances. Stop often to orient the map again and double-check
your position.
When you are in areas that are new to you or when going cross-country, a couple
of other map and compass skills can show you the way.
Following a Route Drawn on a Map
Step 1—On the map, place the edge of your compass along your planned route.
Find the symbols on your map for your current location and for the place you want to
reach. Lay your compass on the map with the edge of the compass baseplate touching
those two symbols. Be sure the direction-of-travel arrow is pointing in the direction
you plan to go. (If the symbols are far apart, connect them with a ruler, pencil a
straight line between them, then place the compass baseplate along that line.)
Step 2—On the compass, set the bearing. Hold the baseplate firmly on the map.
Ignore the magnetic needle and turn the compass housing until the meridian lines are
parallel with any magnetic north line drawn on your map—probably an extension of
the magnetic north arrow in the margin. The N on the compass housing should point
toward the top of the map.
Step 3—In the field, follow the
compass bearing. Hold your
compass in front of you with the
direction-of-travel arrow pointing
straight ahead. Turn your entire
body until the magnetic needle
covers the orienting arrow on
the floor of the compass hous-
ing (the north end of the needle
should be toward north on the
housing). The direction-of-
travel arrow will point toward
your destination.
If there is a trail or a road
that leads in the direction
you want to go, follow that route.
When going cross-country, pick a tree, rock, or something
else in line with the direction-of-travel arrow and walk to it. Take another compass
bearing and head toward the next landmark along your route. Repeat, walking from
one point to another until you reach your destination.

chapter 11

Identifying Landmarks
If you can locate where you are on the map, you can identify the mountains, lakes,
buildings, and other landmarks that you see.
Step 1—Take a bearing on the landmark. Holding the compass in your hand, aim the
direction-of-travel arrow at the landmark you want to identify. Turn the compass hous-
ing until the magnetic needle lines up over the orienting arrow. The north end of the
needle should be pointing at N on the compass housing.
Step 2—Locate your position on the map. Find the map symbol that represents the
place where you are standing.
Step 3—Identify the landmark. Place your compass on the map with one edge of the
baseplate touching the symbol for your location. Move the entire compass until the
meridian lines in the housing are parallel with any magnetic north line drawn on the
map. The N on the compass housing should be pointed toward the top of the map.
Draw a line along the edge of the baseplate starting at your location and going in the
direction of travel. Look at the symbols under that line. One of them should represent
the landmark you want to identify.

Global Positioning System (GPS) Receivers

A Global Positioning System receiver is an electronic tool that uses satellite signals
to calculate its location anywhere on Earth. With it you can determine your current
position and speed, the distance traveled, and the direction in which you are going.
A GPS unit also will estimate your elevation above sea level. By recording where you
have traveled, you can retrace your steps and find your way home. Some GPS units can
be programmed with topographic maps showing your route and providing constant
updates of your progress.

A GPS receiver is
not a substitute
for developing
skill with maps
and compasses.
A GPS unit with
dead batteries is
no more useful for
helping you find
your way than is a
rock you pick up on
the trail.
A waypoint is a location recorded in a GPS receiver. Allow the GPS unit to find
its current location, then save that location as a waypoint. Waypoints are handy
when you are boating and want to mark a great fishing hole in a lake, when you want
to remember how to return to a good campsite, or when you are documenting the
locations of environmental service projects in the backcountry.
Waypoints also are extremely useful as you set out on a journey and as you are
coming home.
XX Pencil your route on a topographic map. Mark a number of waypoints—
trail intersections, stream crossings, etc. Determine the longitude and
latitude or UTM coordinates of the waypoints and enter those numbers
into your GPS receiver. Bring up the waypoints on the GPS screen as you
travel. They will guide you along your route by telling you how far and in
which direction you must go to reach each waypoint.

XX During a trip, stop at recognizable landmarks (a big tree, a cabin, a bridge)

and use your GPS receiver to determine your location. Program that
spot into the GPS waypoint memory. On your return journey, those GPS
waypoints will provide guidance so you can find your way even if visibility
is poor or you can’t remember where you should go.

The sport of geocaching is a great patrol adventure. Troop members and staffs of
Scout camps can prepare an area by hiding items in the field and using GPS receivers
to note their exact locations. You can then set off on a scavenger hunt by following the
coordinates to locate whatever has been hidden.
Geocaching is also an enjoyable public activity. Web
sites list the GPS coordinates of caches hidden in city
parks and other open spaces across America—simply
enter a zip code and coordinates for nearby geocaches
will appear. Many of the caches are small containers
with a few trinkets and a notebook. Those who
succeed in finding a cache are invited to take a trinket
and leave one of their own. After writing their
names in the notebook, geocachers return a cache to
its hiding place and go in search of another.

For more information about geocaching and using GPS, visit the Handbook
Web site:

chapter 11

Finding Directions Using the Stars

Maps, compasses, and GPS receivers are useful, but for thousands of years travelers
have managed to find their way with no navigation instruments at all. The stars were
their guides, and they used them to explore the world.
People have long imagined that groups of stars formed the shapes of warriors,
animals, maidens, and monsters. Many of the names they gave these constellations
are still with us today. You can use a star chart—a map of the night sky—to find
the constellations.
With the stars to guide them, sailors of old crossed the seas, and explorers made
their way to distant lands. You can use the stars to find directions at night, too.
North Star Method
Ursa Major is the ancient name for a constellation known as the Great Bear. The Big
Dipper forms part of the Great Bear. Four bright stars form the Big Dipper’s bowl, and
three more make up the handle.
To find the North Star
(also known as Polaris), train
your eyes on the pointer stars
of the Big Dipper—the two
stars farthest from the Dipper’s
handle. Extend an imaginary
line through them. The North
Star is on that line at a distance
of about five times the span
between the two pointers.
Earth’s North Pole lies directly
under the North Star.
Push a 2-foot-long stick into the ground. Hold a shorter stick in such a way that
when you sight over the tips of both sticks, you see the North Star. A straight line
scratched between the sticks is a true north–south line.

star in the
ght see that the middle
Look closely and you mi and Alcor. Some
really two stars, Mizar
Big Dipper’s handle is as a horse, the
ught of the larger star
American Indians tho
smaller as a rider.

Northern sky

Constellation Method
As you become familiar with the constellations, their locations will suggest
directions. Scorpio, for example, fills the southern sky in the summer. Orion rises
in the southeast on winter evenings. The Northern Crown, which is shaped like a
horseshoe, opens toward the north. Cassiopeia circles the North Star opposite the
Big Dipper.

For more information on finding your way at night, visit the Handbook
Web site:

chapter 11

Finding Directions Using the Sun

The sun rises over the eastern horizon and sets in the west. At other times of the day,
use the sun to find directions using the watch method, shadow-stick method, or equal-
length shadow method.
Watch Method
Hold your watch level. Place a short, straight
twig upright against the edge of the watch at
the point of the hour hand. (If you’re wearing a
digital watch, note the hour, imagine where an
hour hand would be pointing if the watch had
one, and place the twig accordingly.) Turn the
watch until the shadow of the twig falls along the
hour hand’s position—that is, until the hour hand
points toward the sun.
Notice the angle formed between the numeral
12 (or the top of a digital watch) and the shadow
lying on the real or imaginary hour hand. A line
from the center of the watch that divides that
angle in half will point south. (Note: This method
requires standard time. If your watch is on daylight-
savings time, turn it back one hour.)
Shadow-Stick Method
Push a short, straight stick into the ground. Angle it toward the sun so that the stick
makes no shadow. Then wait until it casts a shadow at least 6 inches long. The shadow
will be pointing east from the stick. A line at right angles across the shadow will be

Finding Directions Using the Moon
The moon comes up in the east and goes down in the west, as does the sun.
The shadow-stick method for use with the sun will work just as well on nights
when the moon is bright enough to cause shadows to form.
Equal-Length Shadow Method
In the morning, push a straight 3-foot-long stick upright into the ground. Tie a
string around the base of the stick with a bowline. Next, extend the string to the end
of the stick’s shadow. Tie a peg to the string at that point and use it to scratch a circle
on the ground around the stick. Push the peg into the ground where the tip of the
stick’s shadow touches
the circle.
In the afternoon,
place another peg where
the tip of the shadow
again touches the circle.
A straight line drawn
between the pegs is a
west–east line, with west
at the morning peg. A
line drawn at right angles
across the west–east line
will be north–south.

“When you are acting as scout to find the way for

party you should move ahead of them and fix your
whole attention on what you are doing, because
have to go by the very smallest signs, and if you
talking and thinking of other things you are very
to miss them.”
—Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys, 1917

chapter 11

Compass Game
Try the following challenge to refresh your memory and test your skill with using a
compass and making measurements.
Step 1—Push a stick into the ground beside your foot. Turn the housing on your com-
pass to any bearing (15 degrees, for example). Orient the compass and sight along the
direction-of-travel arrow to a landmark. Walk 50 steps toward it.
Step 2—Add 120 degrees to your first bearing, and set your compass again (in this
example, 120 degrees plus 15 degrees equals 135 degrees). Take a second bearing and
walk 50 steps on the new heading.
Step 3—Finally, add 120 degrees to the second compass setting (120 degrees plus 135
degrees equals 255 degrees) and adjust the compass housing. Take a final bearing and
walk 50 steps.
If your bearings have been accurate and your steps all the same length, you should be
standing near the stick where you started.

Orienteering Courses
Some troops set up orienteering courses for patrols to practice and enjoy map and
compass skills. Many Scouts also sharpen their orienteering abilities in open country, using
their maps, compasses, and GPS receivers to reach destinations chosen by troop leaders.
Whether going cross-country or traveling in an area you know well, an orienteering
course offers several challenges:
XX You will be given a map marked with five or six destinations called control
points. Orient the map and determine the direction of the first control point,
then follow the features and landmarks on the map to make your way toward it.

XX Upon reaching the control point, you will find a marker (a brightly colored
card or a flag hanging from a branch, for example) or a landmark/waypoint
(a road intersection, a stream, a hilltop, etc.).

XX After making a note of the landmark or punching your control card to prove
you were there, orient your map again and set out for the next destination
on the course.

Orienteering can be an exciting sport for everyone in a patrol or troop. Teams of

Scouts work together to complete the course quickly and accurately, combining their
map and compass abilities with route finding, observation, and physical fitness.

For more information on orienteering, including requirements for the

Orienteering merit badge, visit the Handbook Web site:

“The quickest and most interesting way to learn to read and
use a map is by taking a map with you on a hike. Starting from
a definite and readily identified point, such as a cross roads or
a bridge, follow closely on the map the route traveled.”
—Handbook for Boys, 1927

Using Your Orienteering Skills on Scout Adventures

In addition to the fun you can have, knowing how to use a map and compass will
make your outdoor adventures better. An orienteering hike might use a topographic
map like the one shown above.
Let’s say you want to hike from Log Chapel to the road intersection at 179. Study
the map and figure out your route before you begin hiking. Here are three possibilities.
1. Stay on quiet roads to Meadow Knoll Cemetery, and then turn north toward
intersection 179. Avoid most of the roads by walking south of the chapel until
you reach a stream, then turn left and follow the stream bank in an easterly
direction. From the point where it spills into a second stream, you may be able
to see your destination. If not, place your compass on your map, determine the
correct bearing to reach intersection 179, then let the compass lead you the rest
of the way.

chapter 11

2. Another route can take you over the tops of the hills in the center of the map. To
stay on course, you may need to take compass bearings from your starting point
to the top of the first hill and then from one summit to the next.
3. For a beeline hike, use the map and compass to figure out the bearing for a straight
line from Log Chapel to intersection 179. Follow that bearing as carefully as you
can and see how close you come to your goal.
Want to figure out how far you will hike?
Try this method. Put one end of a
piece of string on the map at your
starting point—in this case, the Log
Chapel. Lay out the string so that
it rests on top of your entire route.
Pinch the string where it touches your
destination (intersection 179) and pick
it up. Stretch the string on the bar scale
at the bottom of the map and measure it
up to the point where you are pinching it.
That’s the length of your hike.

Navigating Your Way Forward
Teaching navigation skills to others is a fine way to share the lore of Scouting and
to improve your own mastery of maps, compasses, and GPS receivers. Earning the
Orienteering merit badge is another great way to improve your navigation skills.
You’ll also find that the tools of navigation come in handy whenever you are
leading your patrol and troop during outdoor adventures. If you know how to
navigate, wilderness travel becomes possible. That’s also true of sailing adventures,
rafting trips, long-distance bicycling, and much more. Understanding ways to use a
GPS receiver opens the fun and satisfaction of geocaching.
Scouting’s navigation skills can lead to some of the BSA’s greatest adventures.
Being able to use a map is a life skill that will be important wherever you go. With a
compass and perhaps a GPS receiver, too, you can be ready to find your way almost
anywhere on the globe.


“The trained Scout should know how to handle
ordinary tools properly. Above all he should never
use them in a way liable to cause accidents or damage
property. This training involves care, accuracy, and
thoughtfulness for the rights of others.”
—Handbook for Scoutmasters, 2nd edition, 1926

By now you’re having a great time hiking and camping with your patrol and learning
to take care of yourself in the outdoors. Scouting is helping you develop skills for
solving problems when your only tools are what you can carry in your pockets and
your pack. That’s almost always enough, especially if you have been tying knots, using
a pocketknife, cooking over a backpacking stove, and practicing with the other outdoor
tools so that you are ready to use them anywhere and in any weather.
The tools of Scouting are a link to Boy Scouts of the past.
Use ropes and lashings to build a bridge or a signal tower, and
you’ll be practicing skills that Scouts have used for more

In This Chapter
XX Whipping and fusing
rope ends

XX Tying knots

XX Lashings

XX Using and caring for

pocketknives, saws,
and axes

XX Building, lighting, and

managing campfires

XX Camp stoves

than a hundred
years. Sharpen
your pocketknife
and an ax, and your
woods tools will
always be ready. Learn
how Scouts of old
could light a campfire
without using matches
and how today’s Scouts
use camping stoves.
You’ll be preparing
yourself for anything you
might face during days and nights in the backcountry, and you’ll be ready at home
and in your community during storms and other emergencies.
Knowing how to use tools well—and when not to use them—are marks of a
good Scout. Skill with tools will help you and your patrol accomplish all you set out
to do. Ethical decision making is part of it, too. Deciding when and where to build a
campfire or a pioneering project, for example, are important choices to make, both for
you and for the environment.
Learning about knots, lashings, woods tools, stoves, and campfires is time well
spent. You never know when they will come in handy, but when the time is right,
you’ll be glad that you have the right tools with you and the knowledge to use them.

For more on making rope, the types of rope, and uses for rope, see the
Handbook Web site,

Chapter 12

How to Whip or Fuse the Ends of a Rope

Handling rope and tying knots is a good place to begin exploring the uses of tools
for the outdoors. You’ve already tied the square knot as a step in joining the Boy Scouts
of America. Learn half a dozen more knots, and you’ll know the right way to tie rope
and cord for just about any need.
Rope has been made for centuries by twisting together the stringy fibers of plants
such as sisal, manila, and hemp. Many ropes are still made this way. More recent rope-
making techniques involve winding and weaving together strands of nylon, plastic,
or other modern materials. The twists or weaves at the ends of a rope can sometimes
loosen and begin coming apart. For a quick fix, you can wrap the ends with duct tape.
However, the permanent way to protect ropes from unraveling is by whipping or fusing.
To whip the end of a rope, use your
pocketknife to cut away any of the rope
that has already unraveled. Next, form a
loop in a 2-foot-long piece of strong string
and lay the loop along one end of the rope.
Tightly wrap, or whip, the string around
the rope, working your way toward the loop
formed in the string. When the whipping is
at least as wide as the rope is thick, tuck the
end of the string through the loop, then pull
hard on the free ends to tighten the string
and secure the wrapping. Trim away the extra
string, then whip the rope’s other end.

To see a video of fusing and whipping rope, visit the Handbook Web site,

y to fuse
Do not tr isal,
manila, s
made of ral
other natu
hemp, or urn
ey will b
fibers. Th
an melt.
rather th

Fusing is a technique that you can use with rope and cord made of plastic or nylon.
This method uses heat to melt (fuse) the fibers, forming a permanent bond that will
prevent unraveling. Start by cutting the frayed part of the rope. Then, working in a
well-ventilated area, hold the rope end a few inches above a lighted match or candle to
fuse the strands together. Do not touch a newly fused rope end until it has cooled—
melted rope will be hot and sticky. Remember to fuse both ends of the rope.

Coiling a Rope or Cord

es them easy to carry
Neatly coiling cords and ropes mak
tangling when
and store. It also keeps them from
use. To coil a cord or rope, hold an
they are not in
other hand to
end with one hand, and use your
. Wrap the last
form neat coils in the rope or cord
around all the
few feet of the other end of the line
ugh the center of the
coils. Pass a bend of the line thro
the line thro ugh the bend. Pull the
coils and run the end of
end to tighten the bend around the

Chapter 12

“To tie a knot seems to be a simple thing, and yet there are
right ways and wrong ways of doing it, and Scouts ought to
know the right way.”
—Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys, 1915

Knots have thousands of uses. On camping trips, they’ll hold gear on your pack,
secure tents and dining flies, and prevent canoes and boats from drifting
away. If an accident occurs, knots can be used to keep bandages in
place or to aid in rescue attempts on the water or in the mountains.
There are dozens of useful knots. By mastering six basic
Scouting knots, you’ll be ready for just about any situation that
calls for tying ropes together, forming loops, and securing ropes to
objects. Learning even more knots will add to your problem-
solving abilities.
After you have learned to tie a knot, practice
it often. Carry a piece of string in your
pocket. When you have a few minutes to
spare, pull it out and tie all the knots you Three tests of a good knot:
know. Practice them enough that you
can tie them quickly—even with your It should be easy to tie.
eyes closed. When you can do that,
you will own these knots and be ready It should stay tied.
to use them whenever they are needed.
It should be easy to untie.

Video instructions for tying various knots are available online. Start at the
Handbook Web site,

The Language of Knots
A little terminology can
help you learn how to
their advantages. tie knots and understa
Running end—The end
of the rope that is use
This end is also called d to tie a knot.
the working end.
Standing part—All of
a rope that is not the run
ning end.
Overhand loop—Forme
d when a loop is made
running end of the rop so that the
e is on top of the stand
ing part.
Underhand loop—For Overhand loop
med when the runnin
is placed under the sta g end of the rope
nding part of the rope.
Bight—Formed by dou
bling back a length of
itself to form a U. The the rope against
running end of the rop
the standing part. (If tha e does not cross
t happens, the shape it
loop, not a bight.) forms is a Underhand loop

Turn—To take a turn,

wrap the rope once aro
stake. The friction cre und a spar or a
ated by the turn can hel
a line that has tension p you control
on it, especially if you
line or taking it in. are letting out

Roundturn—Make a rou Bight

ndturn by wrapping
the rope once around
a spar or stake and the
halfway around again n
so that the running end
of the rope is going bac
k toward the standing
part. A roundturn cre
ates additional frictio
controlling a line under n for
strain. Turn
Hitch—A knot that sec
ures a rope to a spar or
other stationary object
Dress a knot —To adjust
a new knot so that Roundturn
everything is in its pla
ce. Dressing a knot ens
that the knot will perfor ures
m as expected.

Chapter 12

Two Half Hitches

A hitch is a knot that ties a rope to something. Friction caused by the wraps of the
rope holds the hitch in place.
Two half hitches (also called a double half hitch) form a loop that can be adjusted
to make it smaller or larger.
Step 1—Pass the end of the rope around the post.
Step 2—Bring the end over and under the body of the rope (known as the standing
part), then back through the loop that has formed. This makes a half hitch.
Step 3—Take the end around the standing part a second time and tie another
half hitch.
Step 4—Pull it snug.

Use two half hitches to tie a

rope around a post.

Taut-Line Hitch
The taut-line hitch is used to make a line tight, or taut.
It’s the knot to use for staking out the guy lines of your tent
or dining fly.
Step 1—Pass the line around a tent stake.
Step 2—Bring the end under and over the standing part
of the line to form a loop, then twice through the loop.
Step 3—Again bring the rope end under, over, and
through a loop but this time farther up the standing part.
Step 4—Work any slack out of the knot.
Step 5—Slide the hitch to tighten or
loosen the line.

Chapter 12

Timber Hitch
The timber hitch is the perfect knot to use for dragging a log across the ground. It is
also the knot that starts a diagonal lashing. Here’s how to tie a timber hitch:
Step 1—Pass the end of the rope around a log.
Step 2—Loop the end around the standing part of the rope, then twist the end around
itself three or more times.
Step 3—Pull slack out of the rope to tighten the timber hitch against the log.
The hitch will stay secure as long as you are pulling on the rope. When you are done
using the rope, the timber hitch is easy to loosen and remove from the log.

Clove Hitch
Clove comes from the word cleave, meaning “to hold
fast.” The clove hitch can be used to start most lashings:
Step 1—Bring the rope end over and under a pole.
Step 2—Take the end around a second time, crossing
over the first wrap to form the shape of an X.
Step 3—Bring the rope end around a third time and
tuck it under the X.
Step 4—Pull the end of the rope to tighten the hitch.
Another way of tying a clove hitch makes it easy
to lay the knot over the end of a pole. This method is
especially useful for attaching a line to a bag you will
hang from a tree to protect your food from bears or
other animals.
Step 1—Make a loop near the end of the rope.
Step 2—Form an identical loop next to the first and a
little farther away from the rope end.
Step 3—Without turning over either loop, lay the first
loop on top of the second.
Step 4—Place the pair of loops over the end of a
pole or over the neck of a bear bag. Tighten the
clove hitch.

Chapter 12

The bowline forms a loop that will not slip. That’s just what you want for tying a
rope around your waist or around someone requiring rescue. A bowline also works well
for securing guy lines through the grommets on a tent or dining fly.
Learn to tie the bowline around yourself, around a post, and in the free end of a rope.
With practice, you can even tie it with one hand.
Step 1—Make a small overhand loop in the standing part of a rope.
Step 2—Bring the rope end up through the loop, around behind the standing part, and
back down into the loop.
Step 3—Tighten the bowline by pulling the standing part of the
rope away from the loop.

m ethod

Here’s a faster way to tie the bowline. Try both

methods and see which is easier for you.
Step 1—Hold the rope end in your right hand and
the standing part in your left. Lay a few inches of
the end across the standing part.
Step 2—With the fingers of your right hand, grasp
the point where the rope crosses.
Step 3—With your left hand, lift the standing part
up and around the rope end, forming a small loop
with the rope end inside of it.
Step 4—Pass the rope end behind the standing
part and bring the end down through the small
loop. Tighten the knot.
Notice the collar-shaped bend of rope in the
bowline. To untie the knot, push the collar away
from the loop as if you were opening the top on a
soda can. That will break the knot so that you can
loosen it.

Chapter 12

Sheet Bend
The sheet bend is a very good knot for tying together
two ropes of the same or different diameters. It is a close
relative of the bowline and can be untied in the same way.
Step 1—Put a bend in the end of the thicker rope and hold it with
one hand.
Step 2—Pass the end of the other rope through the bend. Then
take that end around behind the bend.
Step 3—Bring the end across the front of the bend, and tuck it
under its own standing part. (The end does not go into the bend,
only under the portion of the rope in front of the bend.)
Step 4—Tighten the knot by pulling the standing part of the
smaller line.

A loop is formed in a rope when the rope crosses itself.

A bend makes a similar shape in a rope, but the
rope does not cross itself—it simply bends.

How to Tie
a Necktie
Being pre
pared is a
While it is bout more
n’t used m than learn
uch in cam ing skills
come in h p, a knot fo for the ou
andy thro r tying a n tdoors.
ugh the ye ecktie wil
Step 1—P a rs . Here’s on l
ut the tie e way to d
with the w around yo o it:
ide end to ur n eck
end should your right.
hang abou This
than the o t 12 inche
ther end. s lower
Step 2—L
ay the wid
the narro e end acro
w one and ss
the back. wrap it aro
Step 3—G
o across th
the narro e front of
w end a se
cond time
Step 4—B .
ring the w
up and un ide end
der the na
next to yo rrow end
ur neck.
Step 5—G
uide the w
forward a ide end
nd down th
the loop in rough
front of y
our neck.
Step 6—A
djust the
the tie as shape of
you slide
comforta the knot
bly against
your colla

Chapter 12

Bind together two or three poles with a rope and
you’ve got a lashing. Add more poles with additional
lashings, and you can build pioneering projects that
are fun to plan, interesting to put together, and a
good way to practice Scouting skills.
Scouts have used lashings to build signal
towers, shelters, ladders, and rafts. Lashings were
part of canoe building, too. In addition, Scouts
used them when building camp gadgets—towel
racks, tripods to hold water basins, and other
smaller pioneering projects that made camp life
a little more comfortable.
On today’s campouts and backpacking trips, Scouts don’t often need to
build pioneering projects. But these structures still have their uses. A lashed-together
table, for example, will lift food preparation off the ground. At a council Scout camp,
your patrol might be able to practice team leadership and problem solving by lashing
together a full-sized tower, a bridge, or another classic Scout structure.

The Language of Lashings

understand how to make lashings
The following terms will help you
the two spars to
Wrap—A wrap is a turn made around
ally three wraps
hold the spars tightly together. Usu
re lashing. Other lashings
are made to form a squa
might require more wra ps.
the spars. It
Frap—A frap is a turn made between
wraps tighter.
goes around the wraps to pull the
mad e on a lashing.
Usually two frapping turns are
Spar—A spar is a pole or staff, usually
wood. Spars are used as the stru
of pioneering projects

When to Use Lashin at
a powerful skill th
e go od lashi ng s and you’ll have build a
Know how to mak er you need to
an d im po rta nt to know whenev
is fun to practice
camp structure. cts is an
ct pioneering proje
cidin g wh ere an d how to constru g. The poles and staves
De in
yo u to use ethi cal decision mak
opportunity for or council camp’s
us e sh ou ld co me from a troop
yo u u gather natural
pp ly of bu ild in g materials. If yo
su y that does no
er ials, be su re you do so in a wa
m at g projects
onment. Pioneerin
harm to the envir vir on ments
ed in fragile en
must not be locat ar ea could
steps in a small
where many foot il, m ak ing it
d compress so
trample plants an
d to recover.
difficult for the lan
you decide
guidelines to help
Use the following e lashings.
and should not us
when you should
les to
No Trace princip
XX Follow Leave
protect the land.
erials approved
XX Use only mat
the project.
u are done,
ng apart when yo
XX Take everythi yo u were there.
ence that
and leave no evid
used for future
d st av es so that they can be .
XX Store poles an s and store them
g pr oj ec ts . Co il ropes and cord

More pioneering projects can be found on the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 12

Scale Models of Pioneering Projects

If you don’t have the right materials or a good place to construct full-size pioneering
projects, practice by building small-scale models. For example, you might make a signal
tower that is only 2 feet high or a bridge with a span of just 12 inches. Use straight
sticks and strong string to lash together scale models of any rustic structure. Cut sticks
to the right length with your pocketknife.
Make your models as real as you can, using the correct scale, knots, and lashings.
When you have a chance to build the real thing, you will already know how all the
pieces should fit together.
You can use models of pioneering structures to teach other Scouts about knots
and lashings. Models also are perfect for school projects, Scout Week window displays,
and just for the fun of turning sticks and string into working structures that are correct
in every detail.

You can increase
your structure’s
by including trian stability
gles in its design.



Chapter 12

Square Lashing
Use a square lashing for binding together two poles
Frapping ad
that are at right angles, or square, with one another. ds
strength to
a lashing.
Step 1—Place the poles in position.
Step 2—Tie a clove hitch around the bottom pole near the crosspiece.
Step 3—Make three tight wraps around both poles. As you form the wraps, lay the rope
on the outside of each previous turn around the top pole, and on the inside of each previ-
ous turn around the bottom pole.
Step 4—Wind two fraps around the wraps, pulling the rope very tight.
Step 5—Finish with a clove hitch around the top pole.


Shear Lashing
Poles secured with a shear lashing can be raised as an A-frame.
Step 1—Lay two poles side by side and tie a clove hitch to one of them.
Step 2—Make three very loose wraps around the poles, and then put two loose fraps
between them.
Step 3—Finish with a clove hitch around the other pole.
Step 4—Spread the ends of the poles to form the shape you need. Redo the lashing
if it is too tight or too loose.

Chapter 12

Diagonal Lashing
To bind poles at an angle other than a right angle, use a diagonal lashing.
Step 1—Tie a timber hitch around both poles and pull it snug.
Step 2—Make three tight wraps around the poles, laying the wraps neatly alongside
the timber hitch.
Step 3—Make three more wraps across the
first three.
Step 4—Cinch down the wraps with two fraps
between the poles.
Step 5—Tie off the rope with a clove hitch.

Other Lashings
Learning a few additional lashings will allow
you to build special structures or put the finishing
touches on a table, tower, or other project.

In Scouting’s early day
sta ves , were
hiking staffs, or
of the un iform.
almost a part
use d as pol es
They could be
pro jects and to
in pioneering
s and spl ints
make stretcher
id em erg enc ies .
during first-a

Tripod Lashing
A close relative of the shear lashing, the
tripod lashing is used for making a tripod or for
joining together the first three poles of a tepee.
Step 1—Lay three poles alongside each other
with the top of the center pole pointing in the
direction opposite that of the outside poles.
Step 2—Tie a clove hitch around one
outside pole.
Step 3—Loosely wrap the rope around the poles five or
six times, laying the turns of rope neatly alongside one another.
Step 4—Make two very loose fraps on either side of the center pole.
Step 5—End with a clove hitch around an outside pole.
Step 6—Spread the legs of the tripod into position. If you have made the wraps or
fraps too tight, you may need to start over.

Chapter 12

Round Lashing
Round lashings bind two poles side by side.
Step 1—Position the poles beside each other and tie them
together with a clove hitch.
Step 2—Make seven or eight very tight, neat wraps
around the poles. There are no fraps in a round
lashing. The wraps must do all the work, so
pull them as tight as you can.
Step 3—Finish the lashing with
another clove hitch around both poles.
Step 4—Make a second round lashing
farther along the poles to keep the poles
from twisting out of line.

Floor Lashing
The floor lashing will tie down the top of a table, the
deck of a raft, the floor of a signal tower, or the walkway of a bridge.
Step 1—Lay the poles side by side on top of the stringers—
the logs or poles on which your platform will rest.
Step 2—Tie a clove hitch around one stringer.
Step 3—Bend the standing part of the rope over the first
pole. Pull the bend of rope under the stringer and cast
it over the second pole. You may need to lift the end of
the pole in order to get the rope over it.
Step 4—Pull the rope tight, then bend it over the
third pole. Continue until all the poles are bound to
the stringer.
Step 5—Finish with a clove hitch, then repeat these
steps to lash the other ends of the poles to the
other stringer.

Putting th
e Tools to
helps yo
on the tr u learn s
ail. Maste kills for
r the too doing we
you’ll ha ls of Sco ll
ve what uting an
your tim yo u need to m d
e in cam ake the m
weather p, too, an ost of
and othe d to get th
r emerge rough ba
your fam ncies wh d
ily might en you a
on your need to g n d
own. et along
for a wh

Chapter 12

Pocketknives, Saws, and Axes

When you are splitting firewood, repairing equipment, or clearing a tree that has
fallen across a trail, the correct use of a pocketknife, a saw, and an ax can make your
work easier. Take pride in learning the right way to handle each tool.
Just as important as knowing how to use woods tools is knowing when not to use
them. Carving or chopping into live trees may kill them. Hacking at dead trees and logs
can leave ugly scars. Never cut any trees without guidance from a ranger, landowner, or
your Scout leaders.
Screwdriver Main blade

Awl Can and

bottle opener


A pocketknife truly is a multipurpose tool with
hundreds of uses. It can cut a rope, open a can, whittle
a tent stake, punch a hole in a belt, or slice a biscuit for
breakfast at a campsite. It’s also handy for tightening a
screw on a pack frame or camp stove, and for making
wood shavings to start a fire. A good general-use
pocketknife has a can opener, a screw driver, and one or
two blades for cutting.

Safe Knife Use

XX Always keep a knife’s
blades closed except when you
are using them.
XX Always cut away fro
m yourself, never toward
slips, you may be injured yourself. If the blade
XX Always close the bla
des bef
ore you pass a knife to
someone else.
XX Always keep your kni
fe sharp. A sharp blade
than a dull one. is easier to control

XX Always obey all regula

tions about carrying kni
including your school and ves in public places,
on airplanes.
XX Never carry a knife
with the blade open.
XX Never throw a knife.

XX Never strike a knife

wit h another tool.
XX Never use the point
of a cutting blade as a pry
might bend or break. ing tool. The knife

The Boy Scouts of Ameri

ca does not encourage the
knives. They can be hea use of large sheath
vy and awkward to car
unnecessary for most ry and are
camp chores.

Taking Care of
a Pocketknife
Most pocketknives today are made
of metal that won’t rust. However, dust
and lint can collect inside the knife, and
normal use will dull the cutting blades.
Cleaning—Open all the blades. Wrap
a small bit of cloth around the end of a toothpick,
moisten the cloth, and wipe the inside of the knife.
If you have used your pocketknife to cut food or
to spread peanut butter and jam, get rid of bacteria
by washing the knife in hot, soapy water along
with the rest of your dishes.

Chapter 12

Sharpening—Sharpen your knife with a whetstone. Some

experts put water on the stone while they are sharpen-
ing. Some use light oil, and others want the stone to be
dry. The choice depends upon the kind of stone and the
traditions of the sharpener.
Step 1—Hold the knife blade against the stone at an
angle of about 30 degrees. That is, place the back of the
blade so that it is tilted off the stone about one-third of
the way to vertical.
Step 2—Push the blade along the stone as though you
were slicing a layer off the top of the stone, or move
the blade against the stone in a circular motion.
Step 3—Sharpen the other side of the blade in the same manner.
Check sharpness by wiping the knife with a clean cloth and examining the edge of
the blade in the sun or under a bright light. A dull cutting edge reflects light and looks
shiny. A sharp edge is so thin that it has no shine at all.
Camp Saw
Use a camp saw for most outdoor wood cutting. The blades of folding saws close
into their handles, much like the blades of pocketknives. A bow saw has a curved
metal frame that holds a blade in place.
When sawing firewood,
brace the piece of wood against a
chopping block, sawhorse, or other
solid support. Use long, smooth
strokes and let the weight of the saw
pull the blade into the wood.
Clearing branches and brush from
a hiking trail is a conservation service
project you might do with your patrol
or troop. To saw a branch from a tree,
make an undercut first, then saw from
the top down. The undercut prevents
the falling branch from stripping bark
off the trunk. A clean cut close to the
trunk won’t leave an unsightly “hat rack” that might snag the clothing or packs
of travelers on the trail. Cut saplings level with the ground so that there are no
stumps to trip over.

Check the Handbook Web site for video instructions for properly sharpening a
knife on a whetstone.

Taking Care of Saws
Treat every saw with the same respect you
give your pocketknife. Close folding saws when
they aren’t in use, and store them in a tent or under the
dining fly. Protect the blade of a bow saw with a sheath
made from a piece of old garden hose cut to the length of the
blade. Slit one side of the hose, fit it over the blade, and hold it in
place with duct tape or cord.
The teeth on saw blades are set—bent so that they will cut two thin
grooves in the wood and then rake out the shavings in between. Even with the
best care, the teeth will slowly lose their set and their ability to cut easily through
the wood. Saw blades should be replaced when they become dull. Take along a spare
blade when you have a lot of cutting to do.

Safe Saw Use use.

it is not in
th a saw when your body.
XX Do shea ed away from
e tu rn
h the blad
y a saw wit and
XX Do carr sier to use
es . S h a rp saws are ea
ce dull bla d
XX Do repla
to con l.
tr o
other perso
p a ss in g a saw to an
care when
XX Do use r.
ive eyewea
r gl o ve s and protect
XX Do wea ve or dead

ee s o r b ra nches—ali
t any tr
XX Don’t cu .
wit h o u t permission
blade to
llow a saw
XX Don’t a oil
e ground. S
cut into th ic k ly dull
will qu
and rocks
the teeth.
ave a saw ly
XX Don’t le .
around cam

Chapter 12

The ax has a long and colorful history in America’s forests. Pioneers used axes to
cut trails and roads through the wilderness. Settlers chopped down trees to make
way for gardens and fields. With their axes, people hewed boards and beams for
frontier buildings.
Early Scouts often carried hatchets to camp for preparing firewood, sharpening
wooden tent stakes, and shaping poles for signal towers, bridges, and other
pioneering projects.
Today, Scouts use hand axes or hatchets to split firewood, clear fallen trees from
backcountry trails, and complete conservation projects on pathways and in campgrounds.
As with all woods tools, handling an ax safely requires good judgment and practice.

Safe Ax Use
which it is used, an ax can be mor
Because of its size and the way in whe n you
s. Rem ove the sheath only
dangerous than other woods tool
ared to use an ax correctly , and then follow this checklist:
are prep
Safe tool

Safe shoes, Butt or poll

eyewear, gloves Head

Safe working area

Safe technique Handle
Safe carrying

Safe handling Blade

Safe storage

Safe Tool—An ax must be in good condition. If the head is loose, the

blade dull, or the handle damaged, don’t use it. Bring an unsafe tool to the attention of
your Scout leaders and either help repair it or retire it from duty.
Safe Shoes, Eyewear, Gloves—Always wear sturdy boots when you are chopping with
an ax. Your boots may not stop a blade from hitting your foot, but they can limit the
extent of an injury.
Safe Working Area—You must have plenty of room to swing an ax. Check your clear-
ance by holding your ax by the head and slowly swinging the handle at arm’s length all
around you. Remove any brush or branches that the handle touches. Be certain other
people stay at least 10 feet away while you are cutting.
In a long-term camp where you will be using lots of firewood, rope off an ax yard
large enough to provide the space you need to work. Enter the yard only to chop and
saw wood. Clean up chips, bark, and other cutting debris when you are done.
Safe Technique—Before doing any cutting, get your feet set and your body balanced.
Stay relaxed. Pay attention to the work in front of you, and be aware of what is going
on around you, too.
Chopping branches off a log is called limbing. Stand on the side of the log
opposite a branch. Chop close to the base of the
branch, driving the ax into the underside of the
limb. Keep the log between yourself and your cuts.
If your aim is off or the ax skips on a branch, the
blade will hit the log rather than your leg.
Cutting through a log is known as bucking. Begin by
holding the ax with one hand near the head and the
other close to the knob of the handle. Lift the head
above your shoulder, then slide your hands together
and swing the bit into the log. Let the falling weight
of the ax head do most of the work.
Slide your hand back down the handle to the head, lift the ax, and
swing it again. Aim your blows so that you cut a V-shaped notch twice as wide at the
top as the log is thick.


Chapter 12

Splitting firewood is best done on a chopping

block, a piece of a log that provides a flat, stable
surface. A poor swing of the ax will send the bit
into the block rather than toward your feet.
To split a large chunk of wood, stand it
upright on the chopping block and drive the
ax into the end of it. If the wood doesn’t split, Hikers and
remove the ax before swinging it again. Don’t backpackers seldom
swing an ax with a piece of wood stuck on the need axes on the
bit. When the ax does go through the wood, trail and usually
the bit should hit the chopping block rather leave them at home.
than the ground.
Split a small stick with the contact method by placing the ax bit against the stick. Lift the
stick and ax together and bring them down against the chopping block, forcing the bit into
the wood. Twist the ax to break apart the pieces.
Safe Carrying—Place a sheath over an ax blade when-
ever it is not being used. Carry your ax at your side
with one hand, the blade turned out from your body.
If you stumble, toss the ax away as you fall. Never
carry an ax on your shoulder where the ax bit could
be dangerously close to your neck and head.
Safe Handling—Give an ax to another person by
holding the handle with the ax head down. Pass it
with the bit turned away from both of you. When
the other person has a grip on the handle, he or
she should say, “Thank you.” That’s your signal to
release your hold.
Safe Storage—Sheath your ax and store it under
a dining fly or in a tent.

Sharpening an Ax
Keep your ax sharp with a mill bastard file
that is 8 or 10 inches long. The lines across the
face of a file are its teeth. They angle away from
the point, or tang. A sharp file will be flat gray,
not shiny. A silvery shine means that a file has
broken teeth and that it won’t work very well.
Wear leather gloves to protect your hands as
you sharpen an ax with a file. Make a knuckle guard by drilling a small hole in a 3-inch
square of leather, plywood, or an old inner tube. Slip the hole over the tang of the file and
hold the guard in place with a file handle. You can buy a handle at a hardware store or
make one from a piece of wood or a dry corncob.
Brace the ax head on the ground between two wooden
pegs or tent stakes and a log about 6 inches in diameter.
Another Scout can help hold the ax steady. Place the file on
the edge of the blade and push it into the bit. Use enough
pressure so that you feel the file cutting the ax metal.
Lift the file as you draw it back for another stroke. A
file sharpens only when you push it away from the tang.
Dragging the file across the blade in the wrong direction can break
the teeth and ruin the file.
Sharpen with firm, even strokes. After you have filed one side of the bit, turn the
ax over and do the other side. Use about the same number of strokes. Remember
that a dull edge reflects light and will look shiny. Keep filing until the sharpened edge
seems to disappear.

The Totin’ Chip

is to This
The Totin’ Chip ha certif
y tha
s long been carried has re t the
who have promise by Sc outs the “S ad the wo
e o
Hand cond Cla ds tools

d to use knives, sa b
wood ook. He ss Scout” se and sa u

axes safely and in ws , an d it. In s tools me knows tha chapter o fety rules
granteconsidera ans respo t the own f the Boy from
the right situatio d “To tio nsi ers
tin’ R n of the a bility, an hip or useout

card reminds them ns. The Scou

t lead
ights.” bove d
, he is he accep of
er __ ts
of their responsib _____
whenever they ar ilities _____
e using woods tools _____
can be taken from . A Scout’s Totin’ Ri
him if he fails in his ghts
To earn the Totin
’ Chip, do the follo
1. Read and unde
rstand woods to
Boy Scout Handbo ols use and safety
ok. rules from the
2. Demonstrate
proper handling,
care, and use of
3. Use knives, ax the pocketknife,
es, and saws as to ax, and saw.
ols, not plaything
4. Respect all sa s.
fety rules to prot
ect others.
5. Respect prop
erty. Cut living an
and with good re d dead trees only
ason. with permission
6. Subscribe to
the Outdoor Code
. s around tents.
Do not dig ditche
cessary, and they
Camp Shovel Ditches are unne
might start eros
A small camp shovel or garden trowel is
handy for removing and saving earth from a latrine hole. Use a metal shovel to move
hot coals while cooking with a Dutch oven or aluminum foil. On winter campouts, a
snow scoop or avalanche shovel is ideal for building snow shelters.

Chapter 12 Many Scouts use lightweight stov
es on all their
camping trips. Stoves are clean,
quick to heat water
Campfires and food, and easy to light in any
weather. They
Campfires have their leave no marks on the land. A stov
e in your pack can
place, too. A fire can warm make it simpler for you to camp
without leaving a
you, cook your food, and trace. More information on using
camp stoves can
dry your clothes. Bright be found later in this chapter.
flames can lift your spirits
on a rainy morning. At night, glowing embers will stir your imagination.
A good Scout knows how to build a fire, especially in an emergency. He also knows
there are often reasons why he should not light a fire. Bonfires are not appropriate.
XX Campfires can sterilize soil. Vegetation might have a hard time growing
again where a fire has been.

XX Fires burn dead branches, bark, and other organic matter that would have
provided shelter and food for animals and plants.

XX Fire sites can char the ground, blacken rocks, and spoil the appearance of
the land, especially in heavily used campgrounds.

XX Campfires must be closely watched to prevent them from spreading into

surrounding grasses, brush, and trees.

Find out ahead of time if the area where you will be camping permits the use of fires.
Even where fires are allowed, a lightweight stove is probably a better choice.
How to Build a Campfire
Earlier editions of the Boy Scout Handbook celebrated Scouts’ ability to kindle a fire.
You can use the same methods today to build campfires
that are safe, responsible, and kind to the land.

ire Site
Bare-Ground F e he at of a fire by makin
g a bare-groun
d fire
a lot of
ground from
th r soil witho
Protect bare so il (san dy earth or othe 3 inch es
ough mineral square and
site. Gather en ra is ed pa d about 2 feet sh ed th e
in it) to mak
ea have extingui
plant matter p of th e pa d. After you te r th e fire
your fire on to and scat
thick. Kindle bu rn ed w oo d, take apart
osed of any un
blaze and disp u were there.
to erase an y sign that yo
site maining
ushing the re
This means cr the
g them with
ashes, mixin g the
and returnin
mineral soil, you
s from which
soil to the site
borrowed it.
Make a Safe Fire Site—A safe fire site is one on which nothing will burn except the
fuel you feed the flames. It’s a spot from which fire cannot spread. Many camp-
ing areas have metal fire rings, grills, or stone fireplaces. Use these existing fire sites
whenever you can.
Otherwise, select a spot on gravel, sand, or bare earth that is well away from trees,
brush, and dry grasses. Look overhead and avoid choosing a spot near low-hanging
branches that sparks might ignite. Choose a site that is far enough away from rocks
and boulders so that they won’t be blackened by smoke. Also check that you are not
building your fire near tree roots that could be harmed by heat.
Rake away pine needles, leaves, twigs, and anything else that might burn. Save the
ground cover so that you can put it back when you are done with your fire. Place a
pot or bucket of water close by to put out the flames if they begin to spread.
Gather Tinder, Kindling, and Fuel Wood—Patience is the key to building a fire. You
will also need tinder, kindling, and fuel wood.
are still on a tree might be
Dead twigs and small branches that
ciples discourage breaking branches
tempting, but Leave No Trace prin it
way only in emergencies or where
off of trees. Gather kindling this
will not harm the environment.

Tinder—Tinder catches fire easily and burns fast. Dry pine needles, grasses, shredded bark,
and the fluff from seedpods all make good tinder. Shavings cut with a pocketknife from a
dry stick of wood also work well as tinder. Gather enough tinder to fill your hat once.
Kindling—Dead twigs no thicker than a pencil are called
kindling. Find enough kindling to fill your hat twice. Fuzz sticks ca
n help get
a fire going. Cu
Fuel—Fuel wood can be as thin as your finger t shavings
into each stic
or as thick as your wrist. Use sticks that you k, but leave
the shavings
find on the ground. Gather them from a attached.
Prop the fuzz
wide area rather than removing all the sticks uprigh
in among the t
downed wood from one spot. kindling.

Chapter 12

Lay the Fire—Heat rises.

Keep this in mind as you
arrange tinder, kindling, and
fuel so that the heat of a
single match can grow into
the flames of a campfire.
A tepee fire is a good all-
around method.

Tepee fire lay

Step 1—Place a big, loose handful of tinder in the middle of your fire site.
Step 2—Arrange plenty of small kindling over the tinder.
Step 3—Place small and medium-sized sticks of fuel wood around the kindling as if
they were the poles of a tepee. Leave an opening in the tepee on the side against which
the wind is blowing so that air can reach the middle of the fire.

e Tips
Wet Weather Fir th er tinder, kindlin
g, and fuel
rains be gi n, ga
XX Before the .
your dining fly
d an d st or e it all under
in a plastic ba
ep a su pp ly of dry tinder
wood inside
an d lo gs w ith an ax. The
XX Split wet st
should be dry. a
rrying them in
es fr om da mpness by ca
at ch
XX Protect m a tight lid.
n bottle with
plastic aspiri sture, and
aw ay fr om heat and moi
tane light er eather.
XX Store a bu the wettest w
gi ve yo u a flame in even
it will
Fireplaces—A fireplace holds cook pots above the flames and allows air to reach the fire.
Three-Point Fireplace—For a single pot or pan, push three metal tent stakes into
the embers.
Log Fireplace—Place a log on each side of the fire. The logs should be arranged close
enough to hold your pots. The fire will slowly burn through the logs, so keep an eye
on your pots whenever you are cooking meals or heating water.
Try resting several old metal tent pole sections or pieces of iron reinforcing bar
across the logs as a base on which to rest your pots. You also might use a grill or oven
grate for this purpose.
Fire Lighting Methods—When the fire lay is complete and you have a good supply of
kindling and fuel wood on hand, ease a flame underneath the tinder. The flame can
come from a match or lighter. You might even use a magnifying glass, flint and steel,
or a fire-by-friction set.
Practice different methods of lighting a fire during campouts where fires are
permitted and appropriate so that you become confident with your fire-building
skills. In an emergency, you’ll know just what to do.

Tinder for Lighting Fires

Without Matches
ded for lighting fires
Very fine tinder is nee
s, flint-and-steel,
with the magnifying len
thods. Try shredding
or fire-by-friction me
cottonwood, elm, or
the dry inner bark of a
ency, gather the fluff
cedar tree. In an emerg
chipmunk burrow, if
from a mouse nest or
also might use a few
you can find one. You
or tear several pages
squares of toilet paper
from a book.
r is char—a piece of
An ideal spark-catche
rred by lighting it on
cloth that has been cha
out the flame. Dry,
fire and then snuffing
a standing dead tree
crumbling wood from
burned a little and
or a stump also can be
ke char. Keep char
then snuffed out to ma
til you need it.
dry in a plastic bag un

Instructions for lighting a fire with matches, lighters, a magnifying lens,

flint and steel, and friction can be found on the Handbook Web site,

Chapter 12

Managing and Putting Out a Fire

Build each fire just large enough for your needs. This will minimize the amount of
wood you will burn and can make it easier to erase signs of a fire once you are done.
all times.
Take responsibility for every campfire by keeping an eye on it at

Extinguish every fire when you no longer need it or if you won’t be around to watch
it. Splash water on the embers, then stir the damp ashes with a stick and splash them
again. Repeat this process until the fire is cold out—cold enough so that when you hold
your hand just above the ashes, you do not feel any heat.
Sometimes you will build your fire in a permanent fire site. Clean such sites by
picking out any bits of paper, foil, and unburned food. Pack them home with the rest of
your trash. If you have made a new fire site, get rid of all evidence that it was ever there.
Scatter any rocks, turning sides that have been blackened by soot toward the ground.
Spread cold ashes over a wide area and toss away any unused firewood. Replace ground
cover. When you’re done, the site should look just as it did when you found it.

Camp Stoves
A camp stove gives you a fast, easy way to do your cooking. It produces
heat just right for warming a cup of soup or cooking a big pot of pasta.
A stove won’t blacken rocks and cooking gear or scorch the soil. With a
stove, you can camp where there is no firewood or where campfires are
not allowed. Stoves work well in deserts, high mountains, and deep
forests. They also are ideal for use in storms and on snow.
Many camping stoves burn white gas or kerosene. Store these fuels Gas stove
in special metal bottles with lids that screw on tightly. Choose bright
red bottles or mark them with colorful tape so there is no chance of
mistaking them for water bottles.
Butane and propane stoves burn gas from small pressurized cans
called cartridges. Carry cartridges and fuel bottles in the outside
pockets of your pack where gas fumes can’t get near your food.

For the pros and cons of different stoves and fuels see the
Handbook Web site,

414 Cartridge stove

Place your stove on a level surface free of leaves, sticks, or other burnable material.
A patch of bare ground or a flat rock is all you need. During winter campouts, you
can carry a piece of sturdy plywood about 6 inches square.
Use it as a platform to hold your stove on top of the snow
or to prevent the cold ground from chilling the stove.
Stoves operate in different ways, depending on what
kind of fuel they burn. Read your stove’s instructions
carefully and follow them exactly. In addition, always be
guided by these stove safety rules:
XX Use camping stoves only where allowed and only with adult supervision.

XX Never use a stove inside a tent or cabin. There is a danger of fire and of
poisoning by odorless gas fumes.

XX Before lighting the burner, tighten the stove’s

fuel cap or tightly screw on the fuel canister. Be
sure that containers with extra fuel are stored
safely away from the stove. Do not loosen the
fuel cap or canister of a hot stove.

XX Stoves sometimes flare up. Keep your head and

hands to one side of a stove as you light and
adjust it.

XX Don’t overload a stove with a heavy pot.

Instead, set up a grill over the stove to bear the
weight of the pot.

XX Never leave a burning stove unattended.

XX Allow hot
stoves to cool
before changing
cartridges or
Carry home all empty fuel
filling fuel tanks. containers. Don’t put them
Refill stoves in or near fires. If heated,
and store extra
fuel far away they might explode.
from sources
of open flames
such as other
stoves, candles,
campfires, and

Your Adventure
“We felt that we had been somewhere! We had traveled
through forests where no trail existed, we had traversed
a great deal of nearly perpendicular scenery, we had seen
wonderful sights, and we had come back safe and well.”
—Thirteen Years of Scout Adventure, Stuart P. Walsh, 1923

your adventure
By now, you know that Scouting is full of adventure. You discovered this when you
joined your troop. It’s been true during patrol activities and on campouts as the skills
you’ve learned have opened doors to great experiences. Your ability to lead and to be of
service to others has expanded as you’ve made your way along the trail to Eagle.
Beyond your troop’s local activities and the weekend campouts you enjoy are
plenty of bigger Scouting challenges waiting to be explored. Monthly campouts, BSA
camporees, and a week at summer camp are just the beginning.
your adventure continues
In This Chapter
XX Monthly campouts

XX Camporee camping

XX Summer camp

XX National high-X
adventure bases

XX World and national X

Scout jamborees

XX National Youth X
Leadership Training

XX National Advanced Youth X

Leadership Experience

XX The Order of the Arrow

XX Opportunities for X
older Scouts

XX Venturing
Winter Camp (1986),
by Joseph Csatari
XX Continuing the X
Monthly Campouts promise of Scouting

Youth leaders planning a troop’s program often build activities toward a monthly
campout full of challenge, adventure, and fun. With at least one campout scheduled
every four weeks, patrols will become very good at organizing their food and
equipment. Scouts can build on what they have learned to become skilled at living
in the outdoors any time of the year.

Camporee Camping
A camporee is usually a weekend of fun, fellowship, and Scouting activities shared by
two or more troops camping together. Your patrol can show its stuff as you take part in
camporee activities and share good times and fresh ideas with Scouts from other troops.
What are they cooking for meals? How do they pitch their dining fly? Can they teach
you the best way to lash together a signal tower?
Perhaps your patrol will lay out an orienteering course that other Scouts can use
to test map and compass skills. A knot rack helps everyone learn to handle rope, and
an obstacle course can give you and your buddies a real workout. Camporee games
encourage members of each patrol to cooperate with one another in order to reach a goal.

your adventure continues

Summer Camp
The first Boy Scout summer camp was held in 1907. Robert Baden-Powell, the
founder of Scouting, brought together 22 Scouts on Brownsea Island off the coast of
England. Divided into four patrols—the Wolves, Bulls, Curlews, and Ravens—they set
up their tents and cooking areas. Then they devoted seven days to woodcraft, nature
study, lifesaving, and other Scout skills. Gathered around evening campfires, they told
stories, sang songs, and performed skits. The Scouts agreed their summer camp was a
terrific success.
Today, many BSA council camps are tucked into forests or set among high, windy
peaks. You’ll find others along lakes and rushing rivers. A few are located in deserts or on
seashores. Every camp is different, but here’s a small sample of what you are likely to find:
XX Nature hikes with instructors who really know their subjects

XX Orienteering courses for sharpening your skills with maps, compasses, X

and Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers

XX A wood yard for practicing proper use of knives, saws, and axes

XX Archery and rifle ranges

XX Conservation projects like meadow repair, trail maintenance, X

and erosion control

XX Instruction in Leave No Trace methods of hiking and camping

XX Project COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) courses X

that improve your balance, fitness, and ability to solve problems

XX Swimming, lifesaving training, and watercraft programs

XX Handicrafts areas

Summer camp is a week of living the Scouting life. Your troop leaders will be there
to help you enjoy tremendous adventures. A camp staff of adults and experienced
older Scouts will offer a helping hand whenever you need it, and you’ll have plenty of
opportunities to add to your skills and to pass requirements for badges.

a high point of the year.

ek at summer camp is
For many troops, a we

your adventure continues
National High-Adventure Bases
The BSA’s national high-adventure bases provide great Scouting challenges
beyond your local council. Designed for older Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and
Venturers, each base offers training, equipment, and support for wilderness treks
that will test your skills, wisdom, and willpower as you explore spectacular
environments far from home.
Philmont Scout Ranch
Explore the rugged high country of northern New Mexico on a backpacking trek,
as a member of a conservation work crew, or by enrolling in an advanced outdoor
leadership program. Covering more than 200 square miles of mountains, forests,
prairies, and streams, Philmont invites Scouts to hoist their packs and set off on
rugged trails. At backcountry camps, you can try rock climbing, shoot a black-
powder rifle, ride horses, and learn about archaeology, wildlife, and the history of
early residents. Horseback cavalcades, training courses, and service programs have
something for everyone in this legendary landscape.

Learn more about Philmont Scout Ranch and its activities online at

your adventure continues

Florida Sea Base

At the Florida National High Adventure Sea Base, you can explore the clear waters
of the Florida Keys and the Bahamas by watercraft and sailboat. You also can snorkel
and scuba dive among schools of brilliantly colored tropical fish, investigate a primitive
island, search for shipwrecks, cast your fishing line in the Gulf Stream waters, practice
wind surfing, and study the marine life of North America’s only living coral reef.
The home of the BSA’s Florida Sea Base is on Islamorada Key, one of the string of
islands stretching from the Florida mainland to Key West. Outposts on Summerland Key
and on Great Abaco Island, Bahamas, allow Scouts to extend the range of their voyages
along shore reefs and far into open water for exciting journeys throughout the year.

Northern Tier
The Sioux and Chippewa American Indians once traveled the northern lake country
that is now the Superior-Quetico boundary waters of Minnesota in the United States
and Ontario and Manitoba provinces in Canada. French-Canadian trappers followed,
their canoes loaded with furs.
Today, this land is part of the BSA’s Northern Tier National High Adventure Bases,
where you can paddle a canoe across wilderness lakes and down rushing rivers. You can
use your navigation skills to find campsites ashore. You might see moose grazing near
the shore or find their footprints on portage trails. You can tempt muskies and pike
to take the bait as you fish the clear, cold waters. When the lakes freeze and the snow
flies, come back to learn the skills of winter camping through the programs of Okpik—
Northern Tier’s cold-weather camping program.

Learn more about Florida Sea Base and Northern Tier online at

your adventure continues
World and National Scout Jamborees
In 1920, Baden-Powell invited Scouts from all nations to attend a jamboree in
London. The Scout movement was spreading around the world, and he wanted
young people of many countries to camp with each other, share their knowledge, and
develop friendships. That first global gathering of Scouts was such a success that
world Scout jamborees continue to be held every four years.
National Scout Jamborees
With similar enthusiasm, national Scout jamborees hosted by the Boy Scouts
of America bring together thousands of Scouts for a week of fun, learning, and
fellowship. The first was held in 1937 in Washington, D.C. Since then, national
Scout jamborees have been held at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania; Irvine Ranch,
California; Colorado Springs, Colorado; Farragut State Park, Idaho; and Moraine
State Park, Pennsylvania. Virginia’s Fort A. P. Hill has been the home of the BSA’s
national Scout jamboree since 1981.

Visit the online home of the national Scout jamboree at

Locations of World Scout Jamborees, 192
hosted around the globe.
World Scout jamborees have been
1971—Asagiri Heights, Japan
1920—Olympia, London, England
1975—Lake Mjosa, X
1924—Ermelunden, Copenhagen,
Lillehammer, Norway
1983—Kananaskis Country, X
1929—Arrowe Park, X
Alberta, Canada
Birkenhead, England
1987 8
– 8—Cataract Scout Park, X
1933—Gödöllö, Hungary
New South Wales, Australia
1937—Vogelensang-Bloemendaal, ,X
1991—Mount Sorak National Park
Sout h Kore a
1947—Moisson, France
Austria 1995 —Fl evoland, Netherlands
1951—Salzkammergut, Bad Ischl,
1998–99—Picarquin, Chile
1955—Niagara-on-the-Lake, X
2002–03—Sattahip, Thailand
Ontario, Canada
2007–08—Hylands Park, X
1957—Sutton Park, England
Chelmsford, England
1959—Mount Makiling, Philippines
2011—Rinkaby, Sweden
1963—Marathon, Greece Japan
X 2015—Kirara Beach, Yamaguchi,
1967—Farragut State Park, Idaho,
United States

World Scout Jamborees

At the first international gathering of Scouts in 1920, Robert Baden-
Powell hoped that bringing together boys from around the planet would,
as he put it, help “to establish friendships among Scouts of all nations and to
help to develop peace and happiness in the world and good will among men.”
World Scout jamborees continue to be held once every four years,
fulfilling Baden-Powell’s promise of promoting understanding and
brotherhood among Scouts from many countries.

National Youth Leadership Training

National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting program
designed to help Scouts gain leadership skills and experience they
can use in their home troops and wherever else they can provide
leadership for themselves and for others. These skills come alive during the week of the
program as each patrol sets out on a quest for the meaning of leadership.
Working together and taking part in a wide range of activities, games, and
adventures, participants use their improving leadership skills to put the best of
Scouting into action. They’ll take what they learn home with them to enrich the
programs of their home troops, too.
your adventure continues
National Advanced Youth
Leadership Experience
Combine the backcountry adventure of Philmont Scout
Ranch with learning advanced leadership skills and you’ve got
NAYLE—the National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience.
NAYLE draws on elements of Philmont ranger training and methods
of search and rescue to teach leadership, teamwork, and the power of selfless service
during an unforgettable backcountry experience. Scouts completing NAYLE will find
they have greatly improved their abilities as leaders in their home troops and councils.

The Order of the Arrow

As Scouting’s national honor society, the Order of the Arrow
recognizes youth and adults who best exemplify the Scout
Oath and Law in their daily lives. Members promote camping,
responsible outdoor adventures, and environmental stewardship
as essential to every Scout’s experience. The OA
helps Scouts crystallize habits of leadership and
helpfulness into a life purpose of cheerful service to
others and to their nation.
Among the OA’s national activities are service
projects, college scholarships, matching grants
for council camp improvements, and leadership
seminars. Order of the Arrow Trail Crews
completing conservation projects provide
invaluable service as they care for the environment
at Philmont Scout Ranch and on public lands
across America. Similar programs are held at the
other national high-adventure bases, too.
The National Order of the Arrow
Conference is held every two years at a major
university. It is a gathering of OA leaders who
are there to sharpen their leadership skills and
to enjoy the fellowship of OA membership.

Order of the Arrow members can help strengthen their troops by
camp promot ion, camporees,
leadership training and by assisting with summer
Scout shows, mentoring, and other activitie s.

Learn more about what NAYLE can offer you by visiting
The OA’s official Web site is Check it out.

your adventure continues

Opportunities for Older Scouts

Scouting is packed with challenges for older members. They can take on roles of
increasing responsibility as leaders in their troops and work hard to make programs
effective and exciting for themselves and for everyone else. The wisdom and experience of
older Scouts give a troop its strength. Experienced Scouts can be role models for younger
boys and can help them learn skills to take part in campouts and other troop activities.
Scouts up to the age of 18 can continue working on rank requirements and merit
badges leading to the Eagle Scout Award. Older Scouts also can set off on expeditions to
council and national high-adventure bases, attend national and world Scout jamborees,
and be eligible for other BSA opportunities, including Order of the Arrow membership.
Many troops also are associated with Venturing crews or with Varsity Scout teams
designed for older Scouts. A troop might also have a Venture patrol to provide older
Scouts with program possibilities beyond those available to younger boys.

Venture Patrols
A troop’s Venture patrol for older Scouts features exciting and demanding ultimate
adventures. For example, a Venture patrol might learn how to paddle and portage
canoes, brush up on orienteering, and research the food and gear needed for a long
journey. With the skills mastered, they can plan and set out on a canoe camping
ultimate adventure—miles of watercraft travel along lakes and rivers, finding their way
with map and compass, and pitching their tents each evening on the shore.

Visit Venturing’s online home at, or explore

Sea Scouting at


your adventure continues

Not to be confused with a Venture patrol,
Venturing is the BSA’s youth development
program for young men and women who are
14 (and have completed the eighth grade)
through 20 years of age. Venturing’s purpose is to provide
positive experiences to help young people mature and to
prepare them to become responsible and caring adults.
Young adults involved in Venturing will:
XX Acquire skills in the areas of high adventure, sports,
arts and hobbies, religious life, or Sea Scouting.

XX Experience a program that is fun and full of

challenge and adventure.

XX Learn to make ethical choices over their lifetimes by

instilling the values in the Venturing Oath and Code.

XX Become a skilled training and program resource for Cub Scouts,

Boy Scouts, and other groups.

XX Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders X

and be given opportunities to take on leadership roles.

XX Learn and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment.

What a Venturing crew does is limited only by the imagination and

involvement of the adult and youth leaders and members of the
They might sail the Caribbean, produce a play, climb a mountain,
disabled people to swim, or attend the Olympics. All these adventu
res and
many more are being done today by Venturers across the country

Varsity Scouting
Varsity Scouting is an exciting BSA program for members
ages 14 through 17. Each of Varsity Scouting’s five fields of
emphasis—advancement, high adventure, personal development,
service, and special programs and events—is managed by a
Varsity team member and by an adult, who work together in
a manner similar to that of a player and a coach. Varsity teams
also may select a sport, such as basketball or soccer, and spend a
season (usually three months) competing among themselves and
challenging other teams. Through the year a Varsity team can
focus on several sports activities and high-adventure outings.

your adventure continues

National Eagle Scout Association

The National Eagle Scout Association is a fellowship of
men who have achieved the Eagle Scout rank and who are
eager to devote their efforts toward forming the kind of
young men America needs for leadership. NESA’s objective
is to serve Eagle Scouts and, through them, the entire
movement of Scouting.
Alpha Phi Omega National
Service Fraternity
Founded on the principles of the Scout Oath and Law,
Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity is a national college service
fraternity active on many campuses. APO’s service program encourages
its members to continue their Scouting involvement through college
connections. Most chapters are coeducational.

“Let the boy remember also that in addition to courage,

unselfishness, and fair dealing, he must have efficiency, he
must have knowledge, he must cultivate a sound body and a
good mind, and train himself so that he can act with quick
decision in any crisis that may arise. ”
—Theodore Roosevelt in Handbook for Boys, 1st ed., 1911

Giving Back
Your experiences as a
Scout are giving you con
for terrific adventure fidence, skills, and opp
s. You’re also developin ortunities
many years. g friendships that can contin
ue for
As you grow older, you
can find many pathways
Adult leadership positio for giving back to Sco
ns in Scout troops cou uting.
outdoor activities wh ld allow you to continue
ile you practice leader enjoying
Scouting alive. Involvem ship skills that keep the
ent with Scouting as a values of
the BSA program for eve district or council leader
n greater numbers of supports
young people.
Continuing to live by the
Scout Oath and Law are
to your family, commu important ways to giv
nity, and nation. Be tru e back
years to come, and you e to the values of Scouting
will know you are alw in the
ays doing your best.

Check out NESA online at, where you will find a list of scholarship
opportunities for Eagle Scouts. APO’s online home is located at

your adventure continues
Continuing the Promise of Scouting
A century ago, the first edition of the Boy Scout Handbook closed with a letter
from Theodore Roosevelt, 26th president of the United States. He encouraged BSA
members to do their best and to take full advantage of all that Scouting had to offer.
Millions of boys have been Scouts since Roosevelt penned those words, and
they have done exactly what Roosevelt had hoped they would do. They have
become better boys who have grown into men able to serve well in their families,
communities, and nation. They have trained themselves to be prepared for whatever
challenges confront them, and they have thrived on the adventures and achievements
of their patrols and troops.
Through the decades, Scouting has made strong promises to those who join its
ranks. In return, the Boy Scouts of America asks that you do your best to take part,
to learn, and to succeed.
XX Scouting promises you the great outdoors. You can learn how to camp
and hike without leaving a trace and how to take care of the land. You’ll
study wildlife up close and learn about nature all around you. There are
plenty of skills for you to master, and you can teach others what you
know. Everybody helping everyone else—that’s part of Scouting, too.

XX Scouting promises you friendship. Members of the troop you join might
be boys you already know, and you will meet many other Scouts along the
way. Some could become lifelong friends.

XX Scouting promises you opportunities to work toward the Eagle rank.

Scouts learn how to set positive goals for themselves and then follow
clear routes to success.

XX Scouting promises you tools to do your best as a citizen, a student, and

a member of your family. The good deeds you perform every day will
improve the lives of those around you. You can prepare yourself to aid
others in times of need.

XX Scouting promises you experiences and duties that will help you mature
into a strong, wise adult. The Scout Oath and the Scout Law can guide you
while you are a Scout and throughout your life.

Adventure, learning, challenge, leadership, and responsibility—the promise of

Scouting is all of this and more. It is a doorway to adventure. It is a heritage of service
and the development of character.
Scouting’s next century is here, and it is beginning with you. Make it great, both
for yourself and for those who will follow in your footsteps. Decades from now,
Scouts will look back and see that those who launched the second hundred years of
the Boy Scouts of America did so with energy, dedication, and joy.

your adventure continues

Awards and Recognition

In addition to the badges of rank and merit Scouts can earn, there are many other
Scouting awards that reflect their achievements. The requirements for these awards are
listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book, which is updated annually.
Scouting Recognitions
XX World Crest. All members of the Boy Scouts of America wear
the World Crest as an expression of world brotherhood.

XX Den Chief Service Award. Den chiefs

who complete certain service and training
requirements can receive this special recognition.

XX Interpreter. Scouts who wears an interpreter strip can

carry on a conversation, write, and translate a foreign
language or in sign language.

XX Good Turn for America. Good Turn for America

is a national call to service by the BSA to help
ensure adequate food and shelter for Americans
and to help citizens develop good health habits.

XX Organ Donor Awareness. As a Presidential

Good Turn, the BSA set out in 1986 to educate
Americans about the importance of organ donation.
To learn more about how to become a donor and
how to educate others on the importance of donor
contributions, contact local donor agencies.

A Scout Is Reverent
by doing their
Scouts show their faith
o undertake
duty to God. Some als
rning that could
special service and lea
us emblems.
qualify them for religio
awards. Faith
These are not Scouting
igious emblems
groups develop their rel
program, including the

A Scout Is Reverent (1993)
by Joseph Csatari

You can get requirements, application forms, and additional information on all these
awards and recognitions from the Handbook Web site at

your adventure continues
Lifesaving Awards
The National Court of Honor presents
awards for rare Scoutlike action and for
saving life.
XX Honor Medal. The highest special
award in Scouting. In cases of
exceptional skill or resourcefulness
and extreme risk of life, the medal is
awarded with crossed palms.

XX Heroism Award. Awarded for heroic

action involving minimum risk to self.

XX Medal of Merit. Awarded to Scouts who

put into practice the skills and ideals of Scouting
through some great act of service.

Other BSA Awards and Recognitions

Aquatics Awards
XX Snorkeling, BSA
XX BSA Lifeguard
XX Mile Swim, BSA
XX Boardsailing, BSA
XX Scuba, BSA

Awards and Recognitions
XX William T. Hornaday Awards XX 50-Miler Awards
XX World Conservation Award XX Historic Trails Award
XX Leave No Trace X XX Totin’ Chip
Achievement Award XX Paul Bunyan Woodsman
XX Firem’n Chit
The National Outdoor Awar
The National Outdoor
Awards recognize Sco
proficiency in outdoors uts who demonstrate
skills. National Outdo knowledge and
Hiking, Aquatics, Riding or Badges can be earned
, and Adventure, and the in Camping,
Medal is the highest rec National Outdoor Ach
ognition that a Scout ievement
experience, and skill in can earn for exemplar
multiple areas of outdo y ach ievement,
or endeavor.

Placing all these awards and recognitions on your uniform can be a confusing task.
Check the Handbook Web site,, for more information.

Rank Requirements
✔ Effective January 1, 2010
1. Present yourself to your leader, properly dressed, before going on
and date

an overnight camping trip. Show the camping gear you will use.
Show the right way to pack and carry it. (Pages 292–293, 297–298)

2. Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a

tent you have helped pitch. (Page 302)

3. On the campout, assist in preparing and cooking one of your

patrol’s meals. Tell why it is important for each patrol member to
share in meal preparation and cleanup, and explain the importance
of eating together. (Pages 327, 329–339)

4a. Demonstrate how to whip and fuse the ends of a rope. (Pages 380–381)

4b. Demonstrate that you know how to tie the following knots and X
tell what their uses are: two half hitches and the taut-line hitch.
(Pages 384–385)

4c. Using the EDGE method, teach another person how to tie the
square knot. (Page 53)

5. Explain the rules of safe hiking, both on the highway and ­­X
cross-country, during the day and at night. Explain what to X
do if you are lost. (Pages 279, 282–283)

6. Demonstrate how to display, raise, lower, and fold the Ameri­can flag.
(Pages 72–76)

7. Repeat from memory and explain in your own words the Scout
Oath, Law, motto, and slogan. (Pages 22–27)

8. Know your patrol name, give the patrol yell, and describe X
your patrol flag. (Page 38)

9. Explain the importance of the buddy system as it relates to your

personal safety on outings and in your neighborhood. Describe
what a bully is and how you should respond to one. (Pages 39, 62)

Downloadable requirements checklists for all ranks and videos to guide you
through the Tenderfoot rank requirements may be found on the Handbook
Web site,

Rank requirements
10a. Record your best in the following tests (Pages 96–99):
Current results
Push-ups ________
Pull-ups ________
Sit-ups ________
Standing long jump (______ ft. ______ in.)
1⁄4-mile walk/run _____________
30 days later
Push-ups ________
Pull-ups ________
Sit-ups ________
Standing long jump (______ ft. ______ in.)
1⁄4-mile walk/run _____________

10b. Show improvement in the activities listed in requirement 10a after

practicing for 30 days. (Pages 96–99)

11. Identify local poisonous plants; tell how to treat for exposure X
to them. (Pages 138–139)
12a.  Demonstrate how to care for someone who is choking. (Pages 134–135)

12b. Show first aid for the following:

• Simple cuts and scrapes (Page 136)
• Blisters on the hand and foot (Page 137)
• Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, X
or first-degree) (Page 148)
• Bites or stings of insects and ticks (Pages 142–143)
• Venomous snakebite (Pages 141–142)
• Nosebleed (Page 138)
• Frostbite and sunburn (Pages 150, 152)
13. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and Scout
Law in your everyday life. Discuss four specific examples of how you
have lived the points of the Scout Law in your daily life. (Page 30)
14. Participate in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

15. Complete your board of review. (Page 55)

NOTE: Alternate requirements for the Tenderfoot rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental
disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book.

Second Class
Rank Requirements
✔ 1a. Demonstrate how a compass works and how to orient a map.
Effective January 1, 2010 and date

Explain what map symbols mean. (Pages 354, 360–364)

1b. Using a compass and a map together, take a five-mile hike (or 10
miles by bike) approved by your adult leader and your parent or
guardian.* (Pages 365–366)
2. Discuss the principles of Leave No Trace. (Pages 247–256)

3a. Since joining, have participated in five separate troop/patrol

activities (other than troop/patrol meetings), two of which included
camping overnight. (Pages 444–445)

3b. On one of those campouts, select your patrol site and sleep in a tent
that you have pitched. Explain what factors you should consider when
choosing a patrol site and where to pitch a tent. (Pages 249, 300–302)

3c. Demonstrate proper care, sharpening, and use of the knife, saw, and
ax, and describe when they should be used. (Pages 402–409)

3d. Use the tools listed in requirement 3c to prepare tinder, ­kindling,

and fuel for a cooking fire. (Pages 410–411)

3e. Discuss when it is appropriate to use a cooking fire and a lightweight

stove. Discuss the safety procedures for using both. (Page 325)

3f. In an approved place and at an approved time, demonstrate how to

build a fire and set up a lightweight stove. Note: Lighting the fire is
not required. (Pages 410–415)
3g. On one campout, plan and cook one hot breakfast or lunch, X
selecting foods from the food guide pyramid. Explain the
importance of good nutrition. Tell how to transport, store, and
prepare the foods you selected. (Pages 102, 316, 320–323, 326, 329, 339)
4. Participate in a flag ceremony for your school, religious institution,
chartered organization, community, or troop activity. Explain to your
leader what respect is due the flag of the United States. (Pages 72–76)

5. Participate in an approved (minimum of one hour) service project.

(Pages 84–85)
*If you use a wheelchair or crutches, or if it is difficult for you to get around, you may substitute “trip” for “hike.”

Downloadable requirements checklists for all ranks and videos to guide you
through the Second Class rank requirements may be found on the Handbook
Web site,
Rank requirements
6. Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of wild animals
(birds, mammals, reptiles, fish, mollusks) found in your
community. (Pages 221, 231)
7a. Show what to do for “hurry” cases of stopped breathing, serious
bleeding, and ingested poisoning. (Pages 162–170)

7b. Prepare a personal first-aid kit to take with you on a hike. (Page 127)

7c. Demonstrate first aid for the following:

• Object in the eye (Page 145)
• Bite of a suspected rabid animal (Page 140)
• Puncture wounds from a splinter, nail, and fishhook
(Pages 145–146)
• Serious burns (partial thickness, or second-degree) (Pages 148–149)
• Heat exhaustion (Page 150)
• Shock (Pages 170–171)
• Heatstroke, dehydration, hypo­thermia, X
and hyperventilation (Pages 147–148, 151–152)

8a. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim. (Page 182)

8b. Demonstrate your ability to jump feetfirst into water over your head
in depth, level off and swim 25 feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply,
resume swimming, then return to your ­starting place. (Pages 190–191)

8c. Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with your arm or leg,
by reaching with a suitable object, and by throwing lines and objects.
Explain why swimming rescues should not be attempted when a
reaching or throwing rescue is possible, and explain why and how a
rescue swimmer should avoid contact with the victim. (Pages 196–199)

9a. Participate in a school, community, or troop program on the

dangers of using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and other practices
that could be harmful to your health. Discuss your participation
in the program with your family, and explain the dangers of
substance addictions. (Pages 113–117)
9b. Explain the three R’s of personal safety and protection. (Page 65)

10. Earn an amount of money agreed upon by you and your parent,
then save at least 50 percent of that money. (Page 25)
11. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and
Scout Law in your everyday life. Discuss four specific examples
(different from those used for Tenderfoot requirement 13) of how
you have lived the points of the Scout Law in your daily life. (Page 30)

12. Participate in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

13. Complete your board of review. (Page 55)

NOTE: Alternate requirements for the Second Class rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental
disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book.
First Class
Rank Requirements
✔ Effective January 1, 2010
1. Demonstrate how to find directions during the day and at night
and date

without using a compass. (Pages 368–371)

2. Using a map and compass, complete an orienteering course that

covers at least one mile and requires measuring the height and/or
width of designated items (tree, tower, canyon, ditch, etc.).X
(Pages 346–351, 372–374)

3. Since joining, have participated in 10 separate troop/patrol

activities (other than troop/patrol meetings), three of which
included camping overnight. Demonstrate the principles of Leave
No Trace on these outings. (Pages 247–256)

4a. Help plan a patrol menu for one campout that includes at least one
breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner, and that requires cooking at least
two of the meals. Tell how the menu includes the foods from the food
pyramid and meets nutritional needs. (Pages 102–105, 316–317, 320)

4b. Using the menu planned in requirement 4a, make a list showing
the cost and food amounts needed to feed three or more boys and
secure the ingredients. (Pages 321–323)

4c. Tell which pans, utensils, and other gear will be needed to cook and
serve these meals. (Page 324)

4d. Explain the procedures to follow in the safe handling and

storage of fresh meats, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and other
perishable food products. Tell how to properly dispose of camp
garbage, cans, plastic containers, and other rubbish. (Pages 328–329)

4e. On one campout, serve as your patrol’s cook. Supervise

your assistant(s) in using a stove or building a cooking fire. Prepare
the breakfast, lunch, and dinner planned in requirement 4a. Lead
your patrol in saying grace at the meals and supervise cleanup.
(Pages 325–327, 342)

5. Visit and discuss with a selected individual approved by

your leader (elected official, judge, attorney, civil servant,
­principal, teacher) your constitutional rights and obligations as a
U.S. citizen. (Pages 70–72, 81–82)

Downloadable requirements checklists for all ranks and videos to guide you
through the First Class rank requirements may be found on the Handbook
Web site,

Rank requirements
6. Identify or show evidence of at least 10 kinds of native plants
found in your community. (Pages 212, 215)

7a. Discuss when you should and should not use lashings. Then
demonstrate tying the timber hitch and clove hitch and their use in
square, shear, and diagonal lashings by joining two or more poles
or staves together. (Pages 386–387, 392–398)

7b. Use lashing to make a useful camp gadget. (Pages 392–401)

8a. Demonstrate tying the bowline knot and describe several ways it
can be used. (Pages 388–389)

8b. Demonstrate bandages for a sprained ankle and for injuries on the
head, the upper arm, and the collarbone. (Pages 155, 157–161)

8c. Show how to transport by yourself, and with one other person,
a person
• From a smoke-filled room
• With a sprained ankle, for at least 25 yards (Pages 154, 172–175)

8d. Tell the five most common signals of a heart attack. Explain the steps
(procedures) in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). (Pages 164–166)

9a. Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe trip afloat.
(Pages 194–195)

9b. Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.* (Pages 190–191)

9c. With a helper and a practice victim, show a line rescue both
as tender and as rescuer. (The practice victim should be
approximately 30 feet from shore in deep water.) (Page 199)

10. Tell someone who is eligible to join Boy Scouts, or an inactive Boy
Scout, about your troop’s activities. Invite him to a troop outing,
activity, service project, or meeting. Tell him how to join, or
encourage the inactive Boy Scout to become active. (Page 17)

11. Describe the three things you should avoid doing related to use of the
Internet. Describe a cyberbully and how you should respond to one.
(Page 51, 61)

12. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and
Scout Law in your everyday life. Discuss four specific examples
(different from those used for Tenderfoot requirement 13 and
Second Class requirement 11) of how you have lived the points of
the Scout Law in your daily life. (Page 30)
13. Participate in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

14. Complete your board of review. (Page 55)

NOTE: Alternate requirements for the First Class rank are available for Scouts with physical or mental
disabilities if they meet the criteria listed in the Boy Scout Requirements book.
*See the Aquatics chapter for details about the BSA swimmer test.

Star Scout
Rank Requirements

Effective January 1, 2010 and date
1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least four months as a
First Class Scout. (Pages 34–38, 58)

2. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise)

and Scout Law in your everyday life. (Page 30)

3. Earn six merit badges, including any four from the required
list for Eagle. (Pages 48–49)

Name of Merit Badge

_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
4. While a First Class Scout, take part in service projects totaling
at least six hours of work. These projects must be approved by X
your Scout­master. (Pages 84–85)

5.  hile a First Class Scout, serve actively for four months in one or
more of the following positions of responsibility (or carry out a
Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to help the troop) (Page 58):

Boy Scout troop. Patrol leader, Venture patrol leader, assistant senior
patrol leader, ­senior patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the Arrow troop
representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian, quartermaster,
bugler, junior assis­tant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, instructor, troop
webmaster, or Leave No Trace trainer.

Varsity Scout team. Captain, cocaptain, program manager, squad leader,

team secretary, Order of the Arrow team representative, librarian,
historian, quartermaster, chaplain aide, instructor, den chief, team
webmaster, or Leave No Trace trainer.

Venturing crew/ship. President, vice president, secretary, treasurer, den

chief, quartermaster, historian, guide, boatswain, boatswain’s mate, yeoman,
purser, storekeeper, crew/ship webmaster, or Leave No Trace trainer.
6. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

7. Complete your board of review. (Page 55)

*Choose any of the 15 required merit badges in the 12 categories to fulfill requirement 3. See requirement 3
in the Eagle Scout rank requirements for a list of badges required for Eagle.
Rank requirements
Life Scout
Rank Requirements
✔ Effective January 1, 2010
1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least six months as a
and date

Star Scout. (Pages 34–38, 58)

2. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) and

Scout Law in your everyday life. (Page 30)

3. Earn five more merit badges (so that you have 11 in all), ­including
any three more from the required list for Eagle.* (Pages 48–49)

Name of Merit Badge

_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
_______________________________(required for Eagle)*
_______________________________(required for Eagle)*

4. While a Star Scout, take part in service projects totaling at least

six hours of work. These projects must be approved by your
Scoutmaster. (Pages 84–85)

5. While a Star Scout, serve actively for six months in one or more
of the troop positions of responsibility listed in requirement 5 for
Star Scout (or carry out a Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project
to help the troop). (Page 58)

6. While a Star Scout, use the EDGE method to teach a younger Scout the
skills from ONE of the following six choices, so that he is prepared to
pass those requirements to his unit leader’s satisfaction. (Page 53)
a. Second Class—7a and 7c (first aid)
b. Second Class—1a (outdoor skills)
c. Second Class—3c, 3d, 3e, and 3f (cooking/camping)
d. First Class—8a, 8b, 8c, and 8d (first aid)
e. First Class—1, 7a, and 7b (outdoor skills)
f. First Class—4a, 4b, and 4d (cooking/camping)

7. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

8. Complete your board of review. (Page 55)

*Choose any of the 15 required merit badges in the 12 categories to fulfill requirement 3.

Eagle scout
Rank Requirements
✔ Effective January 1, 2010
1. Be active in your troop, team, crew, or ship for a period of at least
and date

six months after you have achieved the rank of Life Scout. (Pages
34–38, 58)

2. Demonstrate that you live by the principles of the Scout Oath and
Law in your daily life. List the names of individuals who know you
personally and would be willing to provide a recommendation on
your behalf, including parents/guardians, religious, educational,
and employer references. (Page 30)

3. Earn a total of 21 merit badges (10 more than you already have),
including the following: (a) First Aid, (b) Citizenship X
in the Community, (c) Citizenship in the Nation, X
(d) Citizenship in the World, (e) Communications, X
(f) Personal Fitness, (g) Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, (h)
Environmental Science, (i) Per­sonal Management, (j) Swim­ming OR
Hiking OR Cycling, (k) Camp­ing, and (l) Family Life.* (Pages 48–49)
Name of Merit Badge Date Earned










*You must choose only one merit badge listed in items g and j. If you have earned more than
one of the badges listed in items g and j, choose one and list the remaining badges to make your
total of 21.

Download the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook and the Eagle
Scout Rank Application from the Handbook Web site,
Rank requirements
4. While a Life Scout, serve actively for a period of six months in one
or more of the following positions of responsibility (Page 58):

Boy Scout troop. Patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, ­senior
patrol leader, Venture patrol leader, troop guide, Order of the
Arrow troop representative, den chief, scribe, librarian, historian,
quartermaster, bugler, junior assistant Scoutmaster, chaplain aide, X
or instructor.

Varsity Scout team. Captain, cocaptain, program manager, squad

leader, team secretary, Order of the Arrow team representative,
librarian, historian, quartermaster, chaplain aide, instructor, or X
den chief.

Venturing crew/ship. President, vice president, secretary, treasurer,

quartermaster, historian, den chief, guide, boatswain, boatswain’s
mate, yeoman, purser, or storekeeper.
5. While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in
a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school,
or your community. (The project should benefit an organization
other than Boy Scouting.) The proj­ect plan must be approved by
the organization benefiting from the effort, your Scoutmaster and
troop committee, and the council or district before you start. You
must use the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook, No.
512-927, in meeting this requirement. (Pages 84–85)

6. Take part in a Scoutmaster conference. (Page 34)

7. Successfully complete an Eagle Scout board of review. (Page 55)

AGE REQUIREMENT ELIGIBILITY. Merit badges, badges of rank, and Eagle Palms may be earned
by a registered Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturer. He may earn these awards until his 18th birthday.
Any Venturer who achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout in a troop or Varsity Scout in a team may
continue working for the Star, Life, and Eagle Scout ranks and Eagle Palms while registered as a Venturer
up to his 18th birthday. Scouts and Venturers who have completed all requirements prior to their 18th
birthday may be reviewed within three months after that date with no explanation. Boards of review
conducted between three and six months after the candidate’s 18th birthday must be preapproved by the
local council. A statement by an adult explaining the reason for the delay must be attached to the Eagle
Scout Rank Application when it is submitted to the Eagle Scout Service. The Eagle Scout Service at the
national office must be contacted for procedures to follow if a board of review is to be conducted more than
six months after a candidate’s 18th birthday.
If you have a permanent physical or mental disability, you may become an Eagle Scout by qualifying for as
many required merit badges as you can and qualifying for alternative merit badges for the rest. If you seek
to become an Eagle Scout under this procedure, you must submit a special application to your local council
service center. Your application must be approved by your council advancement committee before you can
work on alternative merit badges.
A Scout or Venturer with a disability may work toward rank advancement after he is 18 years of age if he
meets the guidelines outlined in the Advancement Committee Policies and Procedures.

Eagle Scout
Alternate Requirements
✔ Effective January 1, 2010
1. The Eagle Scout rank may be achieved by a Boy Scout, ­Varsity Scout,
and date

or qualified* Venturer who has a physical or mental ­disability

by qualifying for alternate merit badges. This does not apply to
individual requirements for merit badges. Merit badges are awarded
only when all requirements are met as stated.

2. The physical or mental disability must be of a permanent

rather than a temporary nature.

3. A clear and concise medical statement concerning the Scout’s

disabilities must be made by a physician licensed to practice
medicine, or an evaluation statement must be certified by an
educational administrator.
4. The candidate must earn as many of the required merit badges as
his ability permits before applying for an alternate Eagle Scout rank
merit badge.

5. The Application for Alternate Eagle Scout Award Merit

Badges must be completed prior to qualifying for alternate X
merit badges.

6. The alternate merit badges chosen must be of such a nature that they
are as demanding of effort as the required merit badges.

7. When alternates chosen involve physical activity, they must be

approved by the physician.

8. The unit leader and the board of review must explain that to attain
the Eagle Scout rank a candidate is expected to do his best in
developing himself to the limit of his resources.

9. The application must be ap­proved by the council committee

respon­sible for advancement, utilizing the expertise of X
pro­fessional persons involved in Scouting for the disabled.

10. The candidate’s application for Eagle must be made on the Eagle
Scout Rank Application, with the Application for Alternate Eagle
Scout Award Merit Badges attached.

*In order for a Venturer to be an Eagle candidate, he must have achieved the First Class rank as a
Boy Scout or ­Varsity Scout.

Rank requirements
eagle palm
Rank Requirements

Effective January 1, 2010

After becoming an Eagle Scout, you may earn Palms by completing the
following requirements:

✔ 1. Be active in your troop and patrol for at least three months
and date

after becoming an Eagle Scout or after award of last Palm.*

2. Demonstrate Scout spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise)

and Scout Law in your everyday life.

3. Make a satisfactory effort to de­­velop and demonstrate

leadership ability.

4. Earn five additional merit badges beyond those required for

Eagle or last Palm.†
5. Take part in a Scoutmaster ­con­ference.

6. Complete a board of review.

You may wear only the proper combination of Palms for the number of merit badges you
earned beyond the rank of Eagle. The Bronze Palm represents five merit badges, the Gold
Palm 10, and the Silver Palm 15.
*Eagle Palms must be earned in sequence, and the three-month tenure requirement must be observed
for each Palm.
Merit badges earned any time since becoming a Boy Scout may be used to meet this requirement.

If a
are official as of January 1, 2010.
The rank requirements in this book irem ents
rank before that date using requ
Scout has started work toward a rank only
1, 2010, he may complete that
that were current before January n after
progress toward a rank that is begu
using the old requirements. Any d in this
irements as they are presente
January 1, 2010, must use the requ
irements book.
Handbook or in the Boy Scout Requ 443
your adventure continues

Scoutmaster or
Location Date Nights
Adult Signature
























Scout camping / service logs
Scoutmaster or
Type of Project Date Hours
Adult Signature

Scoutmaster or
Location Date Nights
Adult Signature
























Scout camping / service logs
Scoutmaster or
Type of Project Date Hours
Adult Signature

“We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail
when we neglect to do it.”
—Robert Baden-Powell

The Boy Scouts of America gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the
following people for their help in preparing the Boy Scout Handbook, 12th edition.
Members of the Boy Scout Handbook Task Force: Hector “Tico” Perez, chairman;
David L. Briscoe, Ph.D.; Harriss A. Butler III; Andy Collins; W. Stacey Cowles; Jane
Grossman; Eric Hiser; Russ Hunsaker; Ki D. Lee; Bob Longoria; Dan Maxfield;
Steve McGowan; Wayne Perry; Ben Poole; Thomas E. Reddin; Coleman Ross; Jake
Wellman; Dan Zaccara.
National office advisory team: Robert J. Mazzuca, Richard Bourlon, Wayne Brock,
Dan Buckhout, Gary Butler, Bill Evans, John Green, Albert Kugler, Fred Meijering,
Clyde Mayer, Carey L. Miller, Phillip Moore, Frank Reigelman, Jamie Shearer, Bill
Steele, Jim Terry, George Trosko, Stan Willey, James B. Wilson Jr.
Subject experts who provided exceptional assistance: Health and Safety Support
Committee; Camping Task Force; Rod Replogle, U.S. Forest Service (retired), former
Philmont staff member.
Scouts and Scouters throughout the nation who participated in focus groups,
photography efforts, and manuscript reviews.

National Office Publishing Team
Project director—Joe C. Glasscock, Volunteer Development Team, BSA
Project manager—Richard Luna, Media Studio, BSA
Research and project development—Maria Dahl-Smith, Hispanic
Initiatives Team, BSA
Author—Robert Birkby, Eagle
Scout, mountaineer, and former
director of Conservation at
Philmont Scout Ranch
Editor—Elizabeth Laskey
Editor/copy editor—Beth
McPherson, Media Studio, BSA
Art director—Laura E.
Humphries, Henderson
Humphries Design
Lead designer—Stephen
Hernandez, Media Studio, BSA
Designer—Jennifer Horn, Jennifer Horn Creative
Concept designer—Jason Gammon, Enventys Creative
Lead graphic specialist—Melinda VanLone, Media Studio, BSA
Graphic specialist—Roxane Galassini, Media Studio, BSA
Print coordinator—Kimberly Kailey, Information Delivery Department, BSA
Illustrator—John McDearmon, John McDearmon Illustration & Design
Photography manager—Michael Roytek, Media Studio, BSA
Digital asset manager—Christy Batchelor, Media Studio, BSA
Production assistant—Justin Garrison
Indexing—Julie Grady, Grady Editorial Services
Senior Web administrator—Eric Brown, Brand Management, BSA
Web development—Randy Piland
Web content development—Mark Ray

Check out the making of the Boy Scout Handbook at


Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,

The eagle on the cover is a juvenile
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages 6–7
bald eagle photographed at a
(Project Soar)
camporee. Young birds
have a mixture of Introduction
brown and white
feathers on their Photography
head and tail. It BSA file—page 14 (top)
takes about five Daniel Giles—page 16 (top and bottom)
years for their Mark Humphries—page 14 (bottom)
feathers to
turn white. Brian Payne—pages 16 (middle)
Michael Roytek—pages 12 (both) and 13

Photo/Illustration Illustrations
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National
Credits Scouting Museum—page 12
Stephen Hernandez (design)
Cover and Michael Roytek (photography)—
Photography pages 10­–11
BSA file—flag Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Brian Payne—eagle, zip line 5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—
pages 14–15
Illustrations Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Stephen Hernandez (design) 6th ed. 4th printing (1962)—page 13
and Michael Roytek (campsite)
(photography)— whitewater
Your Adventure Begins
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 4th printing (1962) Photography
BSA file—pages 28, 32, 35, 36 (bottom),
Paintings and 37
Joseph Csatari—All Out for Scouting Daniel Giles—pages 18 (bottom), 19, 29
(top), and 38
Brian Payne—pages 23 (right), 24, 26
(bottom), 29 (bottom), and 39 (both)
Michael Roytek—pages 3 and 8 (bottom)
Randy Piland—pages 18 (background)
Illustrations and 23 (left)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Michael Roytek—pages 20 (both), 22,
3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)— 25, 26 (top and bottom left), 29 (middle),
pages 1 and 2 30, 31, 33 (both), and 36 (top)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,—page 37
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—page 3
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National
Scouting Museum—page 16
John McDearmon—pages 20, 21 (all),
and 32 (all)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—pages
32–33 (uniform)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)—pages 17
(This Way to Be a Scout) and 20 (salute)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—pages
page 24 (Scout Law), 25 (On My Honor
and Scout Law), 27 (A Good Turn),
28-29 (Campsite), and 34 (Your Patrol)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Scoutcraft Section
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages
18–19 and 22–23 Photography
Randy Piland—page 42 (injured Scout)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages 30 Michael Roytek—page 42–43 (whistle)
and 36
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—page 34 2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—page 42
(A Good Turn Daily) (hand injury)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—page 26 3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)—page 42
(three boys) (This Way to Be a Scout)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 11th printing (1988)—page 20 4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—page 43
(handshake) (troop)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—page 42
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages
42–43 (physical health)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 11th printing (1988)—page 43


Leadership – Chapter 1
BSA file—page 60 (all)
Daniel Giles—pages 47 (top) and
48 (right)
Mark Humphries—pages 46 and Citizenship – Chapter 2
50 (bottom)
Roy Jansen—page 55 (Eagle Scout Award) Daniel Giles—pages 79 (top) and 82
Roger Morgan—pages 52 (Baden Powell Mark Humphries—page 87
and My Scout Journal) and 58 (In God We Trust)
Brian Payne—page 50 (top) Roger Morgan—page 72
Randy Piland—pages 50 (left), 52 National Archives and Records
(Scouts using journal), 53, 56, 57, and 59 Administration; http://www.archives.
Michael Roytek—pages 49 (bottom), 51, gov/exhibits/charters/charters_downloads.
56 (Silver Buffalo Award), 62, 63, and 64 html—page 69 (top)
Randy Piland—pages 87 (mountain and
Illustrations stream), 88, and 89 (both)
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National
Scouting Museum—page 52 (sketch) Michael Roytek—pages 75, 76, 78
(maps), 79 (bottom), 83, and 87 (cliff)
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Daniel
Giles (photography)—pages 44–45 Illustrations
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Stephen Hernandez (design) and
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—page 55 Michael Roytek (photography)—
pages 66–67
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—pages 55 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(Tenderfoot requirements) and 64–65 2nd ed., 25th printing (1922)—page 74

Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—page 46 2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—page 80

Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)— 4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—pages
page 60–61 70–71 and 84

Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 59 5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages 75,
76 (flag, salute), 78–79, and 88–89
Paintings Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Norman Rockwell painting produced 7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—page 68
from copyrighted art from the archives of
Brown & Bigelow Inc. and by permission Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
of the Boy Scouts of America—page 47 9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 81

Fitness – Chapter 3 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—
Photography pages 95, 99, 111 (right), and 121
Daniel Giles—pages 96 (right), 97
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(right), 98 (top left and bottom right),
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—
99 (landing), 100 (thigh stretch, straddle
pages 97 and 111 (left)
stretch), 101 (back stretch, shoulder stretch),
117 (all), 119 (all), and 121 (runners)
Mark Humphries—pages 102, 103 (all), Norman Rockwell painting produced
104 (almonds, beans, chicken sandwich), from copyrighted art from the archives of
and 107 (peas) Brown & Bigelow Inc. and by permission
Roger Morgan—page 120 of the Boy Scouts of America—page 94

Brian Payne—pages 93, 96 (left), 97 (left), First Aid – Chapter 4

98 (top right and bottom left), 99 (flex, leap,
running), 109 (tug-of-war), 111, and 121
(crawling, teamwork) Lisa Ames, University of Georgia,, courtesy—page 143
Randy Piland—page 109 (rock hopping) (brown recluse spider)
Michael Roytek—pages 95, 100 (calf Scott Bauer, USDA Agricultural
stretch), 101 (water bottle), 105 (all), 107 Resource Service,,
(pantry, tofu, granola), 109 (push-up), courtesy—page 142 (tick)
110, 113, and 118
Ronald F. Billings, Texas Forest Service,
Illustrations, courtesy—page 143
(black widow spider)
Daniel Giles (photography) and Stephen
Hernandez (design)—pages 90–91 BSA file—pages 139 (poison ivy), 150
(sunscreen), 157 (first-aid bandanna), and
John McDearmon—page 112
176 (lifting)—page 102 (bottom)
Daniel Giles—pages 125, 152, and
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 168 (top)
2nd ed., 25th printing (1922)—pages
Mark Humphries—pages 132, 133
92, 93 (Scouts on bicycles), and 118
(top), 158 (top), 173 (both), and 177
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,—pages 127 (purple
3rd ed., 14th printing (1931)—pages
glove) and 140 (skunk, bats)
102 (eat to live), 116–117, and 120
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)—
page 93 (kicker)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—
page 114 (lungs)


Kitty Kohout, The Morton Arboretum, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Lisle, Illinois—page 139 (poison sumac 4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—pages
in fall, spring) 160, 168, and 170
Roger Morgan—147 (top) Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages 126
Brian Payne—pages 124, 127 (closed
and 149
first-aid kit), 128 (blue first-aid kit and
troop kit), 131, 133 (bottom), 137, 138, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
145, 147 (bottom), 151, 154 (both), 163, 6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages 132,
and 171 139, 155 (right), and 177
Randy Piland—pages 127 (opened first- Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
aid kit), 139 (poison oak), and 160 7th ed., 5th printing (1965)—page 172
Michael Roytek—pages 128 (scissors), Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
130 (both), 136 (both), 144 (both), 150 8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages 128
(Camp Goshen), 155, 158 (bottom), 161 and 129
(all), 165 (AED), 166, 168 (bottom), and
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
175 (both)
9th ed., 11th printing (1988)—pages
Marty Welsh—page 146 158, 173, and 175 (bottom)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Luther C.
Goldman, courtesy—page 141
(coral snake) Joseph Csatari—page 160—page 141 (copperhead, Aquatics – Chapter 5

rattlesnake, and cottonmouth moccasin)
Daniel Giles—pages 182, 185 (back
crawl), 186 (swimming sign), 200–201
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Mark
(lifesaving sign), and 201 (both)
Humphries (photography)—
pages 122–123 Kevin Kolczynski—page 196
John McDearmon—pages 134 (both), Roger Morgan—page 181
135 (both), 137, 142 (both), 143 (all), 146
Brian Payne—pages 186–187
(fishhook wound), 148, 149 (second-, third-
(swimmer), 194 (bottom), and 200
degree burns), 153, 155 (sprain wrap),
(snorkeling, paddle)
156, 157, 159 (all), 162, 163, 164 (all),
167 (all), 174 (all), and 175 (pack-strap Randy Piland—pages 180, 185
carry, two-handed carry, four-handed seat, (Camp Goshen), and 194 (top)
four-handed carry illustrations) Michael Roytek—page 195
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—
page 140 (both)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—pages
124 and 146 (fishing)

Stephen Hernandez (design) and
Michael Roytek (photography)—
pages 178–179
John McDearmon—pages 183–191
(all), 192 (survival floating, inflating a
pocket), 193 (all), and 197–199 (all)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,—page 214 (beech leaf,
4th ed., 36th printing (1943)—pages
willow leaf, elm tree)
180 and 192–193—pages 206, 208
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(pinecone, feather), 213 (compound leaf),
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—
220 (cuttlefish), 224 (ptarmigan summer,
pages 182–183
winter), 237 (both), and 240–241
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, (star chart)
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages—page 240 (Orion
188–189 (taking a breath) and 201
(Scout paddling)—pages 232–233 (weather
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
map background)
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—page 181
Brian Payne—pages 207 (waterfall), 209
Woodcraft Section (biking), 210 (seedling), 211 (broadleaf
Photography tree), 215 (both), 216 (biking), 217 (right),
218 (fishing, frog), 219 (snake, falcon,
Randy Piland—page 202 (conifer tree)
bird watchers), 221, 228 (all), 230 (both),
Michael Roytek—pages 202–203 and 231
(binoculars)—page 209 (nurse log), 212,
Illustrations 213 (simple, unlobed, toothed edge leaves),
214 (birch leaf), 216 (leaf), and 236
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—page 203 Randy Piland—pages 207 (hiking), 211
(raccoon) (conifer tree), 220 (moose), 222, 223, and
232 (left)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—page 202 Michael Roytek—pages 210
(notebook), 216 (camera), 217 (left), 218
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(salamander), 219 (iguana), 220 (butterfly
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—page 203
exhibit, bee), 225, and 232 (right)
(conservation)—pages 214 (beech tree,
Ernest Thompson Seton—page 202 (fox)
birch tree, cherry leaf, cherry tree, elm leaf,
Nature – Chapter 6 willow tree) and 240 (Orion drawing)

Photography Illustrations
Dan Bryant—page 229 Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National
Vince Heptig—page 235 Scouting Museum—pages 206, 212,
and 238

Stephen Hernandez (design) Illustrations

and Brian Payne (photography)— Stephen Hernandez (design) and Brian
pages 204–205 Payne (photography)—pages 242–243
John McDearmon—208, 210, 211 John McDearmon—page 249 (bottom)
(both), 217 (both), 225, 227 (all), 233
(all), 234 (cloud formations), 236, and 239 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—page 255
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—page 220 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(both) 2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—page 247

Reprinted from Boy Scout Reprinted from Boy Scout

Handbook, 2nd ed., 28th Handbook, 3rd ed., 21st
printing (1923)—page 218 printing (1935)—pages
Reprinted from Boy Scout
Handbook, 4th ed., 39th Reprinted from Boy Shout
printing (1946)—page 223 Handbook, 6th ed., 4th
printing (1962)—pages 244
Reprinted from Boy Scout and 252–253 (campfire)
Handbook, 5th ed., 1st printing
(1948)—pages 226, 234 Reprinted from Boy
(background), and 235 Scout Handbook, 7th ed.,
1st printing (1965)—
Reprinted from Boy Scout page 249
Handbook, 6th ed., 4th printing
(1962)—pages 230–231 Reprinted from Boy Scout
Handbook, 9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, page 252 (lashing)
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—pages 222
and 229 Campcraft Section
Leave No Trace – Chapter 7 Photography
Mark Humphries—pages 258–259
Photography (trail mix)
BSA file—page 244
Randy Piland—page 258 (tent)
Daniel Giles—pages 250 (bottom)
and 253 Michael Roytek—page 258 (spiral card)

Mark Humphries—page 252 Illustrations—page 255 (black bear) Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—page 258
Bryan Payne—pages 248, 249, 250 (fire-making tools)
(bottom), and 254 (owl)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Randy Piland—pages 246, 254 (bison), 2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—page
and 256 (hiking) 258 (campfire)
Michael Roytek—pages 245 (bottom), Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
250 (top), 251 (top), 255 (butterfly), 256 4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—
(nothing but footprints), and 257 page 258 (troop)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—page 258 6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages 263
(compass) (troop, Scouts hiking)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—page 259 8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—page
270–271 (Scout in the Rain)
Hiking – Chapter 8
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Photography 9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 281
BSA file—pages 265 (headlamp),
267 (filter), and 274 (rain jacket) Camping – Chapter 9
Dan Bryant—page 267 (water Photography
treatment tablets) BSA file—pages 297 (left), 305
Daniel Giles—pages 265 (top) and 271 Daniel Giles—page 300 (boat)
Mark Humphries—pages 266 (trail Mark Humphries—pages 288 (cooking)
mix) and 266 (apple) and 293 (food)
Bryan Payne—pages 270 and 281 Roger Morgan—page 294
(cooking, cleanup)
Randy Piland—pages 262, 264, 266
(Scouts), 278, and 282 Omega Studios—page 303
Michael Roytek—pages 265 (flashlight), Bryan Payne—pages 286 (left), 289
266 (matches), 268, 272, 273, 274 (shelter), 296 (unpacking), 299 (packing
(boots), 275, 276, 279, and 280 up), 300 (campsite), and 303 (all)
Randy Piland—pages 287, 288 (Scouts,
Camp Ahead), 289 (meal time), 290, 292,
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Brian
302, 310, and 311
Payne (photography)—pages 260–261
Michael Roytek—pages 286 (right),
John McDearmon—page 280
289 (two Scouts), 293 (fishing pole),
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 294 (sponge, scrubber), 295, 296
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)— (spiral notebook), 297 (right), 298, 299
page 276 (backpack), 301, 304, 306, and 307
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
3rd ed., 14th printing (1931)—
pages 262 and 268–269
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—
pages 274–275
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—page 272
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 1st printing (1959)—pages 271,
273, and 278

Illustrations—page 337 (bread)

Stephen Hernandez (design) and Brian Randy Piland—pages 315 (both), 325,
Payne (photography)—pages 284–285 328 (straining, disposing of dishwater), 330
John McDearmon—pages 302 (top), (eating breakfast), and 335
304 (all), and 309 (top) Michael Roytek—pages 323, 324
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, (pancakes, Dutch oven), 332 (top), 334,
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)— 336, 341 (bottom), and 345
pages 286 and 301
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Brian
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages 295
Payne (photography)—pages 312–313
and 306
John McDearmon—pages 327 (boiling
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
water, dish pots), 328, 331 (top), 335, and
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages 288,
343 (bottom)
302–303, 305, and 311—page 320
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—page 290 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—page 322,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
324 (top), and 333 (fish)
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages 296
and 309 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
page 336 (supper)
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 298
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Cooking – Chapter 10 5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—
page 343 (top)
Daniel Giles—pages 319 (Scout eating) Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
and 326 6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages 315
and 330–331 (bottom)
Mark Humphries—pages 316, 317 (all),
318 (bottom), 319 (corn, green beans, Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
crackers, macaroni), 328 (aluminum can), 7th ed., 1st printing (1965)—
329, 330 (oatmeal), 332 (bottom), 333, page 345 (top)
337 (bottom), 338, 340 (all), and 341 (top) Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Bryan Payne—pages 318 (top), 324 8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages 327
(dishes), and 339 (all) (bottom) and 334
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—pages 314,
316–317, 324 (bottom), and 340–341

Norman Rockwell painting reproduced
from copyrighted art from the archives of
Brown & Bigelow Inc. and by permission
of the Boy Scouts of America—page 344
Navigation – Chapter 11
Dan Bryant—page 362 (ruler)
BSA file—pages 355 (map symbols), 373
(map), and 374 (map)
Daniel Giles—page 362 (signs)
Mark Humphries—pages 348 (both)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
and 367
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 347
Bryan Payne—page 365
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Randy Piland—pages 351, 373 11th ed., 8th printing (1998)—page 354
(orienteering), and 375 (map symbols)
T. A. Rector, and I. P. Dell’Antonio/
NAOA/AURA/NSF, courtesy—
page 371 (moon) Norman Rockwell painting reproduced
from copyrighted art from the archives of
Michael Roytek—pages 346, 352, 356, Brown & Bigelow Inc. and by permission
357, 358 (right), 360, 361, 364, 366, and of the Boy Scouts of America—page 347
374 (Scout, measuring)
U.S. Geological Survey—page 354 (map)
Tools – Chapter 12—page 359
BSA file—page 402 (pocketknife)
Illustrations Daniel Giles—pages 378, 382 (right),
Robert Birkby—page 358 (sketch) 383, 385 (both), 392 (top and bottom
Dynamic Graphics; Laura E. right), and 408
Humphries/Henderson Humphries Roger Morgan—page 415 (middle)
Design; and Julie Moore (photo
Bryan Payne—pages 379 (both), 380,
illustration)—page 369
381, 384 (both), 398 (lashing), 400 (top),
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Randy 411, and 412
Piland (photography)—pages 344–345
Randy Piland—pages 392 (bottom left),
John McDearmon—pages 349, 395 (all), 396, 397, 398 (tower), 399
350, 351, 353 (map), 356, 357, 362 (both), 401 (digging), 402 (Scout knife),
(declination), 363 (magnetic north), 368, and 405 (bottom)
370 (both), and 371
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 10th ed., 5th printing (1990)—page 401
4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—page 375 (pocketknife)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Michael Roytek—pages 382 (left), 388,
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages 346, 391, 393, 394 (monkey bridge, trestle),
352, and 362 400 (bottom), 401 (climbing), 403, 405
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, (top), 407 (both), 414 (both), and 415
6th ed., 1st printing (1959)—pages 353 (top, bottom)
and 361 459
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—pages 396
(bottom left), 397 (bottom right), 398
(diagonal lashing), and 400 (top center)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
9th ed., 11th printing (1988)—pages
382, 385 (middle, bottom), 386 (top right,
bottom), 387 (top left), 390 (bottom), 392,
399 (tripod), 400 (single-lock bridge), and
404 (top left)
Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National Your Adventure Continues
Scouting Museum—page 414 (top)
Stephen Hernandez (design) and Randy BSA file—page 433 (poison ivy)
Piland (photography)—pages 376–377
David Burke—page 423 (right, bottom)
John McDearmon—pages 380 (bottom),
Mark Duncan—page 423 (left)
381 (all), 383 (all), 384 (bottom), 385
(top), 386 (middle), 387 (right set and Daniel Giles—pages 418 (bottom
bottom), 388 (middle set), 389 (alternative center, bottom right), 420 (top center),
bowline), 390 (middle, bottom left), 391 432, 436–437 (medical sign), 438–439
(necktie), 393–395 (all), 396 (middle set), (swimming sign), 442 (bottom left), and
397 (middle set), 398 (top set), 399 (tripod 442–443 (sailboat)
lashing), 400 (flag pole, round lashing,
Mark Humphries—page 436
floor lashing), 402 (bottom), 403, 404 (top
right, bottom right), 406 (bottom), 407 Judy Krew, courtesy—page 427
(all), 408 (left), 409 (top left), 410, 412, (backpacking patch)
and 414 (middle set) Roger Morgan—pages 420 (top right)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, and 434
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)— Bryan Payne—pages 421, 426, 432–433
page 378 (top) (top), 434–435 (top), 437 (swimmers),
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 442–443 (background), and 443
3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)— (bottom right)
pages 380 (top) and 384 (top) Randy Piland—pages 418 (bottom left),
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 420 (top left), 425, 428, 438, 439 (bottom
5th ed., 9th printing (1956)— right), and 444
pages 389–390 and 406 Michael Roytek—pages 422 (both)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, and 445
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—pages
378–379 (bottom), 389 (right), 390 (top Illustrations
right), 401 (bottom right), 402 (top), Robert S. S. Baden-Powell/National
408–409, and 411 Scouting Museum—pages 418 (bottom)
and 424

Stephen Hernandez (design) and Daniel Giles—pages 448 (both), 459,
Michael Roytek (photography)—pages 476, and 478
Mark Humphries—pages 458, 463,
John McDearmon—pages 433 (foot and 466
bandage) and 434–435 (swimmers)
Brian Payne—pages 450, 453, 455, 457,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, 467, 470, 474, and 475
2nd ed., 28th printing (1923)—pages—page 479
438 (bottom), 428, 436 (top), and 445
(bottom left) Randy Piland—pages 454, 460, and 471
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, Michael Roytek—pages 451, 462, 465,
3rd ed., 21st printing (1935)—pages 469, 472, and 473
431, 432 (This Way To Be a Scout), and
436 (top) Illustrations
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
1st ed., 1st printing (1911)—
4th ed., 36th printing (1943)—page
pages 472–473
418 (top)
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
2nd ed., 25th printing (1922)—page 477
4th ed., 39th printing (1946)—pages
432 (top left, bottom left), 432–433 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(bottom), 434–435 (top), 435 (top right), 3rd ed., 14th printing (1931)—
435 (bottom), 436 (bottom), 436–437 pages 468 and 470
(top), 439 (top right), 443 (bottom), 442
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(eagle), and 445 (bottom right)
4th ed., 36th printing (1943)—
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, pages 454 and 474
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—pages 434
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
(top), 440 (top), 443 (top), and 438 (top)
5th ed., 1st printing (1948)—
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, pages 462–463
8th ed., 1st printing (1972)—pages 419,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
422, and 444 (bottom)
5th ed., 9th printing (1956)—pages 448
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook, and 462 (top)
9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—pages 421,
Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
440 (bottom), and 444 (top)
6th ed., 1st printing (1959)—pages 449,
457, 459, 464, 467, and 478
Joseph Csatari—pages 419 and 430 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
6th ed., 4th printing (1962)—page 451
Acknowledgments/Index Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Photography 9th ed., 1st printing (1979)—page 460
BSA file—pages 452, 456, and 477 Reprinted from Boy Scout Handbook,
Robert Birkby—page 449 10th ed., 1st printing (1990)—
pages 452–453
David Burke—page 461

“We must depend upon the Boy Scout movement to
produce the men of the future.”
—Daniel Carter Beard

at half-staff, 74
Achilles tendon and calf stretch, 100 hoisting, 74
Addiction, 113, 115 lowering, 74
Adult leadership positions, 428 retiring worn-out, 76
AED. See Automated external on uniforms, 76
defibrillator (AED) American’s Creed, 87
Aims of Scouting, 15 Amphibians, 218
Airway, 163 Anaphylactic shock, 143, 144
Alcohol, 115, 116 Animal bites, 140–142
Allergies, 144 Animals. See Wildlife
Alpha Phi Omega National Service Ankle drag, 174
Fraternity, 428
Aquatics, 180–201
Aluminum foil, cooking in, 340
opportunities, 200–201
American flag, 72–76
swimming, 180–193, 200
displaying, 75
water rescues, 196–199
flying, 74
water safety, 194–195
folding, 75
Aquatics awards, 431
Armed forces, 71
ArrowCorps5, 23
Arthropods, 220
Asking, for information, 50
Athens, 68

Atmosphere, 232 Bill of Rights, 70
Automated external defibrillator Biodegradable toilet paper, 250
(AED), 165 Bird feeders, 225
Aims of Scouting, 15 Birds, 219, 223–225
Awards and recognition, 430–431 Biscuit mix, 337
Axes, 406–409 Biscuits, 337, 338
B Black widow spiders, 143
Back crawl, 185 Blanket drag, 174
Backpacker’s lunch, 332 Bleeding, 167
Backpacks, 297–299 Blisters, 137
Backstroke, 187 Blogs, 52
Bacon, 330 Boards of review, 55
Baden-Powell, Robert Body weight, 108–109
Brownsea Island camp of, 37 Books, 50–51
on ethical decision making, 117 Boots, hiking, 275–276
founding of Scouting by, 60 Bowline, 388–389
jamborees and, 423, 424 Boyce, William, 27
journal of, 52 Boy Scouting, 15. See also Scouting
on knots, 382 Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
on navigation, 371 founding of, 27
on patriotism, 88 joining requirements, 17
on physical fitness, 109, 121 mission of, 15
summer camp by, 420 programs of, 15
Bare-ground fire site, 410 Bread, 337–338, 341
Barometric pressure, 233 Breakfast, 329–331
Bar scales, 354 Breakfast drinks, 331
Beans, 104 Breaststroke, 188
Bear bags, 309 Breathable fabrics, 274
Beard, Daniel Carter, 60
Bears, 255, 308–309
Bedrolls, 299
Bee stings, 143
Bentsen, Lloyd, 84
Big Dipper, 240, 368
Bight, 383


Breathing, rescue, 164 food protection, 308–309

Breathing hurry cases, 163–165 Leave No Trace, 310
Broadleaf trees, 211 merit badges, 310
Broiling, 334 monthly campouts, 419
Broken bones (fractures), 156–161 overnight, 288
Brown recluse spiders, 143 planning camping trips, 290–297
BSA. See Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Scout camps, 289
BSA Safe Swim Defense, 182 Scouting and, 310–311
BSA Safety Afloat, 194–195 sleeping, 305–306
BSA swimmer test, 190–191 summer, 420
Buddy system, 39 tarps, 304
Bullying, 62 tents, 302–303
Bunche, Ralph, 56 Camp shovels, 409
Burns, 148–149 Camp stoves, 253, 301, 325, 414–415
Canned foods, 319
Caffeine, 105 Carbon monoxide poisoning, 170
Campcraft, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
258–259 (CPR), 164, 165
Campers, respect for Carnivores, 221
other, 256 Casts of animal prints, 228
Campfires, 301, 410–414 Catholes, 249
building, 410–413 Cereal, 330
for cooking, 325 Char, 413
managing and putting out, 414 Chase, Salmon D., 87
minimizing impact of, 253 Chicken, 334, 340
in wet weather, 412 Chigger bites, 143
Camp gadgets, 392 Chivalry, 118
Camporee camping, 419 Chlorine Free Products Association, 7
Camp saw, 404 Chlorophyll, 210
Camps/camping, 286–311 Choices
backpacks for, 297–299 ethical, 92, 117–120
camporee, 419 making good, 61
choosing campsite, 300–301 Choking, 134–135, 162
cleanliness while, 307 Chopping blocks, 408
on durable surfaces, 248 Circulation, 165
first campout, 39–41 Cirrus clouds, 234

Citizenship, 68–89 Coiling ropes/cords, 381
community, 77–83 Cold fronts, 233
duties of, 71–72 Cold-related injuries, 150, 152–153
merit badges, 72 Cold-weather clothing, 273
rights of, 70 Colors, on maps, 355
service projects and, 84–85 Community
world, 88–89 government, 81–83
Civil War, 71 knowing your, 77–78
Clark, William, 290 leaders, 81–82
Cleanliness, 307 maps, 78
Clean up, after meals, 327–329 neighbors in, 78–79
Closed fractures, 156–157 world, 88–89
Clothes drag, 174 Compass, 266
Clothing measuring widths using, 351
cold-weather, 273 using, 361–364
extra, 265 Compass game, 372
for outdoor adventures, 270–276 Conifer trees, 211
using as life jacket, 192–193 Constellations, 239–240, 369
warm-weather, 272 Constitution, U.S., 68–71
Clouds, 234–235 Constitutional rights, 70
Clove hitch, 387 Contour lines, on maps, 355, 356
Convenience foods, 319
Cooking, 314–343. See also Meals
in aluminum foil, 340
cook kits, 324
eating kits, 324
meal planning, 316
menus for, 320
outdoors, 317–319
sharing kitchen duties, 325–326
spices for, 323
stoves and campfires, 325
without utensils, 341
Cooking notebook, 343
Cook kits, 324
Coral snakes, 141

Cords, coiling, 381 Diagonal lashing, 398

Corn, 340, 341 Diet, 102–107
Cotton, 270 Digital leaf collections, 216
CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation),
Disabilities, 79
164, 165
Cravat bandages, 157 Disease, protecting against, 112
Cross-country hiking, 278–279 Dishwater, 250, 328
Crunches, 98 Distances, measuring, 348
Cub Scouting, 15 Double half hitch, 384
Cultural diversity, 79 Dress a knot, 383
Cumulus clouds, 234 Dried/dehydrated foods, 318
Cuts and scrapes, 136 Drinking water, 101, 267, 301, 322
Cyberbully, 61 Driving while intoxicated, 115
Drugs, 115, 116
Declaration of Independence, 69 Dumplings, 338
Durable surfaces, 248
Declination, 362–363
Dutch ovens, 338
Defibrillation, 165
Duty rosters, 326
Degrees, 358
Degrees of declination, 362
Eagle Palm rank requirements, 443
Dehydration, 147 Eagle Scout Award, 426
Den Chief Service Award, 430 Eagle Scout rank requirements,
Desserts, 338–339
Eagle Scouts, 54, 428
Ears, 111
East, 354
Eating kits, 324
Ecology, 208
Ecosystems, 208
Eggs, 330
Elementary backstroke, 187
Emancipation Proclamation, 71
Emblems, patrol, 38
Emergencies. See also First aid
fire-related, 172
phone numbers for, 64–65

Emergency-preparedness kits, 129
Emergency services, 131
Environment. See Nature
Environmental Choice
Program, 7
Environmental/outdoors awards
and recognitions, 431
Epinephrine, 144
Equal-length shadow method, 371
cold- and
Equator, 357
heat-related injuries, 150–153
Ethical decisions, 92, 117–120
CPR, 164, 165
Exercise, 95–101
cuts and scrapes, 136
dehydration, 147
caring for your, 111
goals of, 125
objects in, 145
heart attacks, 166
F hurry cases, 132, 162–171
Fabrics, 270, 274 hyperventilation, 148
Fair-weather signs, 238 importance of, 125
Faith, 430 moving ill or injured
Family, leadership and your, 62–65 person, 172–175
Fats, 104 neck and spine injuries, 153
Federal holidays, 86 nosebleeds, 138
Felling method of measurement, 349 object in eye, 145
50-Miler Award, 310 poisoning, 169–170
Filters, water, 267 poisonous plants, 138–139
Fire. See Campfires puncture wounds, 145–146
Fireplaces, 413 self-protection during, 168
Fire-related emergencies, 172 shock, 170–171
Fire starters, 266 spider and insect bites, 142–143
First aid, 124–177 sprains and strains, 154–155
animal bites, 140–142 First-aid kits, 127–129
basic, 136–161 for hiking, 264
bleeding, 167 home or patrol/troop first-aid
kits, 128
blisters, 137
personal first-aid kits, 127
broken bones (fractures), 156–161
burns, 148–149


First Aid merit badge, 176 cost per person, 323

First-aid method, 129–135, 168 dried/dehydrated, 318
First class rank requirements, 436–437 for hiking, 266
First-degree burns, 148–149 leftovers, 328
Fish, 333, 335, 340, 341 nonperishable, 318
Fishhook wounds, 146, 218 for outdoors, 317–319
Fitness, 92–121 repackaging, 323
defining, 92 safety, 326, 333
diet and nutrition, 102–107 serving sizes, 321–322
exercise and, 95–101 storage, 308–309, 329
hiking and, 277 trail, 266
lifelong, 121 Food allergies, 107
mental, 92, 117 Food guide pyramid, 102–104, 320
moral, 118–120 Footgear, 275–276
protecting against injury and Forest Stewardship Council, 7
disease, 112 Fossett, Steve, 46
sleep and, 110 Founding leaders, 60
steps to better, 95 Four-handed seat, 175
tobacco, alcohol, and drugs and, Fractures, 156–161
Frap, 392
vision of, 93
French toast, 331
weight and, 108–109
Fresh foods, 317
500-yard walk/run, 99
Friends, judgment in choosing, 61
Front crawl, 184
American flag, 72–76
Fronts, 233
patrol, 38
Frostbite, 152
Flashlight, 265
Fruits, 103, 329, 340
Floating, 191–193
Frying, 334, 335
Floor lashing, 400
Florida National High
Adventure Sea Base, 422
Food. See also Cooking; Meals
canned, 319
convenience, 319

Frying pan bread, 338
Fuel wood, 411
Full-thickness burns, 149
Fusing, 381
Future plans, 48–49

Gaiters, 274
Gear. See also Tools
backpacks, 297–299
footgear, 275–276
rain, 265, 274 H
Geocaching, 367 Half hitches, 384
Giving back, 428 Ham, 330
Global Positioning System (GPS) Hamburger, 340
receivers, 366–367 Handshake, Scout, 20
Goals Hats, rain, 274
long-term, 55 Hazing, 62
personal, 48–49 Head injuries, 155
reaching your, 54–55 Heart attacks, 166
short-term, 55 Heat exhaustion, 150
Going (swimming) rescues, 198 Heat-related injuries, 150–151
Gold Award of the Permanent Wild Life Heatstroke, 151
Protection Fund, 245
Heights, measuring, 349
Good Turn, 27
Height/weight charts, 108
Good Turn for America, 430
Herbivores, 221
Government, community, 81–83
Heroism Award, 431
GPS. See Global Positioning System
(GPS) receivers High-adventure bases, 421–422
Grace, 342 Highways, hiking on, 279
Grains, 103 Hikers, respect for other, 256
Granola, 330 Hiking, 262–283
Great Bear, 240, 368 clothing for, 270–276
Grilling, 334, 335 cross-country, 278–279
Ground cloth, 305 essentials for, 264–266
Group size, for camping trips, 292 fitness and, 277
food for, 266


getting lost,
on highways and
roads, 279
Leave No Trace,
pace, 277
safety, 279
in stormy weather,
280–281 Injuries. See
trail manners, 278 also First aid
trip plans, 268–269 moving injured person, 172–175
Hiking boots, 275–276 protecting against, 112
Hiking sticks, 276 Insect bites and stings, 142–143
Hitches, 383, 384 Internet, 51, 61
Home or patrol/troop first-aid kit, 128 Interpreter, 430
Honor Medal, 431 Invertebrates, 218, 220
Hornaday, William T., 245 Isobars, 233
Hornet stings, 143 J
Hot spots, 137 Jamborees, 423–424
How to Protect Your Children from Child Joining knot, 21
Abuse (BSA), 34 Joining requirements, 17
Human waste, disposal of, 249–250 Journals, 51–52
Hurricanes, 237 Judgment, 61
Hurry cases, 132, 162–171
Hygiene, 307 Kabobs, 341
Hyperventilation, 148 Kephart, Horace, 286
Hypothermia, 152–153 Key, Francis Scott, 73
I Kindling, 411
Illegal drugs, 61, 115, 116 Kitchen duties, 325–326
Index lines, 356 Knots, 382–391
Information, researching, 49–53 bowline, 388–389
“In God We Trust,” 87 clove hitch, 387
Inhaled poisons, 170 necktie, 391
sheet bend, 390
square (joining), 21

taut-line hitch, 385 principles of, 206, 247–256
terminology, 383 Scouting and, 244–245
timber hitch, 386 stalking and, 229
two half hitches, 384 LED flashlights, 265
Knuckle guards, 408 Leftovers, 328
Leopold, Aldo, 257
Land managers, 246 Level, measuring, 352
Landmarks, identifying, 366 Lewis, Meriwether, 290
Lashings, 392–400 Libraries, 51
diagonal, 398 Life jacket, using clothing as, 192–193
floor, 400 Lifelong fitness, 121
round, 400 Lifesaving awards, 431
shear, 397 Life Scout rank requirements, 439
square, 396 Lifting, 112
terminology, 392 Lightning, 236, 280–281
tripod, 399 Lincoln, Abraham, 86
when to use, 393 Line tender water rescues, 199
Latitude, 357–358 Listening, 50
Latrines, 250 Local councils, 16
Leaders/leadership Log fireplace, 413
community, 81–82 Longitude, 357–358
family and, 62–65 Long jump, 99
leading others, 56–57 Long-term goals, 55
patches, 58–59 Lost, 282–283
patrol, 38, 57 Lower back stretch, 101
Scouting’s founding, 60 Lunch, 332
self-leadership, 46–55, 92, 94 Lungs, 111
stages of, 57
Leading EDGE, 59
Leaf ink prints, 217
Learning opportunities, 48–49
Leave No Trace
beyond, 257
camping, 310
hiking, 277


M Meals. See also Cooking; Food

Macaroni and cheese, 336 bread, 337–338
Magnetic north, 354, 362–363 breakfast, 329–331
Mammals, 220 cleaning up after, 327–329
Map key, 354 desserts, 338–339
lunch, 332
as special events, 342
supper, 333–337
Measuring, 346–352
distances, 348
heights, 349
level, 352
time, 352
widths, 350–351
Meat, 104, 333, 334
Medal of Merit, 431
Medical alert bracelets, 144
Mental fitness, 92, 117
Maps Menus, 296, 320
community, 78 Meridians, 257, 358
contour lines on, 355, 356 Merit badges, 49, 241, 257, 310
following routes on, 365 Methods of Scouting, 15
for hiking, 266 Mile Swim Award, 180
longitude and latitude on, 357–358 Milk, 103
for navigation, 353–360 Mill bastard file, 408
orienting, 364, 365 Minutes, 358
topographic, 353 Moleskin, 137
using, 365–366 Mollusks, 220
UTM system, 359–360 Monthly campouts, 419
weather, 233 Moon, navigating by, 371
Map symbols, 354–355 Morally straight, 118–120
Matches, 266 Motto
Meal planning, 296, 316 Scout, 25
U.S., 87

Names, patrol, 38
National Advanced Youth Leadership
Experience (NAYLE), 53, 425
National anthem, 73
National Court of Honor, 431
National Eagle Scout Association, 428
National high-adventure bases, 421–422
National Order of the Arrow Neckties, 391
Conference, 425 Neighbors, 78–79
National Scout jamboree, 423 New-Scout patrols, 37
National Weather Radio, 234 Nicotine, 113
National Youth Leadership Training Nonbreathable fabrics, 274
(NYLT), 53, 424
Nonlatex gloves, 127
Nature, 206–241
Nonperishable foods, 318
caring for, 241
Nonvenomous snakebites, 141
ecosystems, 208
North, 354, 362
learning about, 207
Northern Tier National High Adventure
plants, 209–217 Bases, 422
stars and constellations, 239–240 North Star, 368–369
weather, 232–238 Nosebleeds, 138
wildlife, 218–231 Nutrition facts labels, 106
Navigation, 346–375
compasses, 361–364
Oatmeal, 330
GPS receivers for, 366–367
Observation skills, 50
maps for, 353–360
Older Scouts, 426–428
measuring, 346–352
Omnivores, 221
by moon, 371
One-pot stew, 336
orienteering courses, 372
Open fractures, 156
orienting skills, 373–374
Order of the Arrow (OA), 425
by stars, 368–369
Organ Donor Awareness, 430
by sun, 370
Orienteering courses, 372
tools, 353–360
Orienting maps, 364, 365
using skills of, 373–375
Orienting skills, 373–374
Neckerchief, 32
Orion (Hunter), 240
Outdoor Code, 28, 245


Outdoors. See Nature Plants, 209–217

Overhand loop, 383 evidence of, 216–217
Overnight camping, 288 identifying, 212–215
photosynthesis by, 210
Pack-strap carry, 175 poisonous, 138–139
Pancakes, 331 role of, 209
Partial-thickness burns, 149 trees, 211
Pasta, 336 Pledge of allegiance, 19
Patrol leaders, 38, 57 Pocketknife, 14, 264, 402–403
Patrol leaders’ council, 38, 57 Poisoning, ingested, 169–170
Patrols, 36–38 Poisonous plants, 138–139
Peach cobbler, 339 Polaris, 368
Peer pressure, 61 Poncho, 274
Permission, for camping, 301 Potatoes, 340, 341
Personal first-aid kits, 127 Pots and pans, 324
Personal hygiene, 307 Preparation, Leave No Trace and, 247
Philmont grace, 342 Pressed leaves, 217
Philmont Scout Ranch, 421 Prime meridian, 357
Photosynthesis, 210 Privacy, 301
Physical examination, 94 Projects, pioneering, 252, 394
Physical fitness, 93–117 Protein, 104
diet and nutrition, 102–107 Pull-ups, 97
exercise and, 95–101 Puncture wounds, 145–146
protecting against injury and Push-ups, 96
disease, 112
sleep and, 110
tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
and, 113–117
weight and, 108–109
Pioneering projects, 252, 394
Pit vipers, 141
camping trips, 290–297
Leave No Trace and, 247
meals, 296, 316
Plant keys, 212–214

Rabid animals, 140
Rain covers, 298
Rain gear, 265, 274
Rain pants, 274
Rain parka, 274
Ramen noodles, 337
Ranger cobbler, 339 community, 80
Reaching water rescues, 197 food, 326, 333
Reading, 50–51 hiking, 279
Recovery position, 171 saw, 405
Regular patrols, 37 swimming, 182
Reptiles, 219 water, 194–195
Republic, 69 Safety Afloat guidelines, 194–195
Rescue breathing, 164 Salute, Scout, 20
Rescue signals, 283 Salute method of measurement, 350
Research, 49–53 Sandwiches, 332
Revolutionary War, 69 Saws, 404–405
Rice, 336 Scale of a map, 354
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Scat, 221
Elevation), 154
Scout badges, 31
Roads, hiking on, 279
Scout camps, 289
Roosevelt, Theodore, 428, 429
Scout handshake, 20
coiling, 381
giving back to, 428
fusing, 381
introduction to, 12–14
whipping ends of, 380
promise of, 429
Round lashing, 400
Scouting recognitions, 430
Roundturn, 383
Scout Law, 15, 24–25, 30, 254
Rowing water rescues, 198
Scoutmaster conferences, 34
Running end, 383
Scout motto, 25
S Scout Oath, 14, 22–23, 30, 31
Safe Swim Defense, 182
Scout salute, 20
Scout sign, 20
ax, 406–408
camping, 300


Scout slogan, 26 Slogan, Scout, 26

Scout spirit, 30 Smellables, 308
Scout troops, 16–17, 34–35 Smoking, 113–114, 116
Scout uniform, 32–33, 76 Snakebites, 141–142
Second class rank requirements, Soap, 251, 328
434–435 Socks, 276
Second-degree burns, 149 South, 354
Seconds, 358 Souvenirs, 251
Self-leadership, 46–55, 92, 94
Senior citizens, 78
Service projects, 84–85
Services, community, 80–81
Serving sizes, 321–322
Seton, Ernest Thompson, 60, 283
Sexual responsibility, 120
Shado-stick method, 370
Shear lashing, 397
Sheet bend, 390
Shock, 132, 143–144,
camp, 276 Spaghetti, 336
hiking, 275–276 Spar, 392
Short-term goals, 55 Sparta, 68
Shoulder stretch, 101 Special diets, 107
Shovels, 409 Spices, 323
Sidestroke, 186 Spider bites, 142–143
Silver Buffalo Award, 56 Spinal cord injuries, 153
Sitting, 112 Splinting, 158–159
Sit-ups, 98 Sprains and strains, 154–155
Skin care, 110 Square knot, 21
Slavery, 71 Square lashing, 396
Sleep, 110 Stalking, 229–230
Sleeping bags, 305 Standing long jump, 99
Sleeping pads, 305 Standing part, 383
Slings, 160–161 Star charts, 239

Stars, 239–240, 368–369 T
Star Scout rank requirements, 438 Tarps, 304
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 73 Taut-line hitch, 385
States, 86 Teaching, 53
Stationary fronts, 233 Teaching EDGE, 53
Stews, 334, 336, 340 Teeth care, 110
Stick method of measurement, 349, 350 Tenderfoot fitness checklist, 96
Stings, 142–143 Tenderfoot rank requirements, 432–433
Storms, 236–237, 280–281 Tents, 302–303
Stormy-weather signs, 238 Thigh stretch, 100
Stoves, 253, 301, 325, 414–415 Third-degree burns, 149
Stovetop oven bread, 338 13th Amendment, 71
Straddle stretch, 100 Three-point fireplace, 413
Stratus clouds, 234 Thriftiness, 206
Stretching, 100–101 Throwing water rescues, 197
Sugar, 105 Thunderheads, 236
Summer camp, 420 Thunderstorms, 280–281, 352
Sump holes, 328 Tick bites, 142
Sun, navigating by, 370 Timber hitch, 386
Sunburn, 150 Time, measuring, 352
Sun protection, 266 Tinder, 411, 413
Superficial burns, 148 Tobacco, 113–114, 116
Supper, 333–337
Support, community, 80
Survival floating, 191, 192
Swimming, 180–193, 200
BSA swimmer test,
floating, 191–193
learning to swim, 183
safety, 182
strokes, 184–189
Synthetics, 270


Toilet paper, 250 United States of America, 86

Tools founding of, 69–70
axes, 406–409 motto of, 87
camp shovel, 409 Universal Recycling Symbol, 7
camp stoves, 414–415 Ursa Major, 240, 368
knots, 382–391 U.S. Constitution, 68–71
lashings, 392–400 U.S. territories and commonwealths, 86
navigation, 353–360 UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator)
pocketknife, 402–403 system, 359–360

ropes, 380–381 V
saws, 404–405 Varsity Scouting, 15, 427
of Scouting, 378–415 Vegetables, 103, 335
Topographic maps, 353 Venomous snakebites, 141–142
Tornadoes, 237, 281 Venture patrols, 37, 426
Totin’ Chip, 409 Venturing, 15, 427
Tracking, 226–229 Vertebrae, 153
Trail food, 266 Vertebrates, 218–220
Trail manners, 278 Vision statement, 68
Trees, 209, 211 Volunteer organizations, 83
Trekking poles, 276
Trip books, 51
Tripod lashing, 399
Trip plans, 268–269, 290–291
Troops, 16–17, 34–35
Trudgen stroke, 189
True north, 354, 362–363
Turn, 383
Two half hitches, 384
Two-handed carry, 175

Underhand loop, 383
Uniform, Scout, 32–33, 76
United States Geological Survey, 353

Walking assist, 174
Warm fronts, 233
clothing, 272
Wasps stings, 143
Waste disposal,
Watch method of
navigation, 370
dishwater, 328
birds, 223–225
drinking, 101, 267, 301, 322
classification of, 218–220
soap residue in, 251, 328
evidence of, 221–222
for washing, 307
identifying, 231
Water bottle, 265
respect for, 254–255
Water rescues, 196–199
stalking, 229–230
Water treatment tablets, 267
tracking, 226–229
Waypoints, 357, 367
William T. Hornaday Award, 245, 257
Weather, 232–238
Woodcraft, 203
clouds and, 234–235
Wool, 270
hurricanes, 237
World community, 88–89
lightning, 236, 280–281
World Crest, 430
signs, 238
World Scout jamborees, 88, 424
stormy, 236–237, 280–281
time and, 352
fishhook, 146
tornadoes, 237, 281
puncture, 145–146
Weather maps, 233
Wrap, 392
Weight, 108–109
Writing, 52
West, 354
West, James E., 60 Y
Yells, patrol, 38
Whipping, 380
Youth Protection, 3 R’s, 65
Widths, measuring, 350–351

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RECRUITER EMBLEM arrow of light trained leader
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A Guide to adventure, A Guidebook for Life

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