Efforts To Communicate Corporate Identity Through Company Website

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296

Efforts to Communicate Corporate Identity through

Company Website
Ardhariksa Zukhruf K
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana , Jl. Meruya Selatan No.01, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11650
Email: ardhariksa.zukhruf[at]mercubuana.ac.id

Abstract: Corporate identity is not only viewed as a distinction between one company and another company, but it is a company's effort
in creating a company's positive image in the consumer's mind, as a medium to represent the foundation of a company's operat ional
system, as a good mast of a network (network) for the company, and make a selling tool or promotion for the company. This study aims
to find out how sunday-digital.com in communicating corporate identity through its website. The concepts and theories used in this
study include: the concept of cyber public relations, corporate identity and website. The method used in this study is descri ptive
qualitative. The objects in research are Public Relations and Marketing Communications of sunday -digital.com. The techniques of data
collection are interviews, observation and documentation. The results show that 1) sunday-digital.com builds corporate identity as a part
of corporate communication marketing strategies, 2) sunday-digital.com website needs to add content that represents various programs
and innovations, especially CSR and other programs. In addition, it is suggested to add bilingual aspect on the website in En glish, 3)
The website should contain various contents related to online business training for society, prospective online businessman, and Small
Micro Medium Enterprises by conducting various design training or website management. It intends to attract Small Micro Mediu m
Enterprises to use sunday-digital.com services when they will start a business.

Keywords: corporate, identity, & website

1. Introduction Ministry of Communication and Information Republic of

Indonesia noted in 2017, the ratio of entrepreneurship in
The rise of human mobility viewed by some people is a Indonesia increases up to 3.1% or about 7.8 million people
business opportunity. Thus, it needs a facility that can ease who have become entrepreneurs [5]. This indicates that
the society to build an online business, because the business many people are developing their ideas through digital
using digital devices is in accordance with people's lifestyle marketing-based entrepreneurs.
who tend to take advantage of digital technology in fulfilling
their needs. These opportunities are thereupon implicated on Viewing this potency, the government is now planning
the emergence of online companies. Indonesia as the largest digital economy in 2020 and is
targeted to be the largest in Southeast Asia. One of the
Through online business, all transactions become easier foundations of national development in this declaration is
because of the internet network which is connected to the digital sector. The government is targeting ecommerce
gadgets / smartphone devices. This condition certainly transactions to reach US $ 130 billion and create 1000
makes people more facilitated in carrying out activities, technopreneur with a business value around US $ 10 billion
especially in the field of creative economy business, so this in 2020 [6]. Surely it is very realistic, considering the
phenomenon strengthen the world toward the digital potential of e-commerce industry in Indonesia is not to be
economy. For instance : we identify an email, use of underestimated. From the data analysis by Ernst & Young, it
website, application, online product management, and online can indicate that the growth of online business sales value in
transaction activity. the country each year increases around 40 percent. There are
approximately 93.4 million internet users and 71 million
In the era of the digital economy, the orientation of business smartphone device users in Indonesia [7].
is now shifting from conventional transaction to online
transaction. The term was created by Don Tapscott in 1995 The digital business opportunities are captured by startup
in the book "The Digital Economy: Promise and Peril in the actors in Indonesia. One of them is Digital Marketing
Age of Networked Intelligence". The book analyzes the Communication Agency which is a company engaged as a
change of business environment due to the presence of digital communication consultant. The working system uses
computers and communications infrastructure (internet, content marketing and contagious idea approach that focuses
computers, software, networks, etc.). It causes individuals on story ability and co creation. To attract people's interest,
and organizations to redesign a number of business the company should have formed the identity of a company
processes and develop digital economic applications. In or corporate identity. The are many ways or efforts that
addition, business transaction activity refers to the process of should be conducted not only through the company's
digitization [2] website.

The growth of digital economy keeps growing along with Corporate identity is an important thing and should be
the use of information and communication technology is communicated to the public, so the public believes that our
also becoming more global in the world. This potency is company is professional and competitive. The condition is
thereupon captured by the younger generation, especially the inseparable from the development of digital communications
small micro medium enterprises (MSMEs) which are consulting business which is increasingly tight and
increasingly aggressive to respond to this digital era. The of competitive. To ensure that consumers trust and are
Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 15
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
interested in the company's services, a website is not only This study aims to reveal and analyze how sunday-
designed as a medium of information related to merely digital.com communicates corporate identity through the
service, but it must be able to communicate corporate company website.
identity well. Through corporate identity, consumers will
recognize the company through the various identities that 2. Literature Review
exist in him. Corporate identity is the way of company to be
well-known and different from other companies. Corporate 2.1 Public Relations
identity must be created through a special design including
various characteristics related to the company in physical or Rex Harlow explains that public relation is a special
visual form. management function and supports to guide and maintain the
line between the organization and public, concerning
Realizing this, sunday-digital.com has also managed a communication activities, understanding, acceptance and
company website that functions as a medium of cooperation; involves management in dealing with
communication and information for consumers. The website problems, helps management to be able to face public
provides many important information such as: Google opinion; support management in following and utilizing
Adwords Advertising Service,Facebook Advertising changes effectively; acts as an early warning system in
Service, Instagram Advertising Service, website anticipating trend of research use, communication technique,
development, and graphic design. The sunday-digital.com and healthy and ethical communication as the primary
website also communicates the corporate identity that can be means [10].
assessed by website visitors. The reason why Sunday-
digital.com become the object of research is that company While in practice, the role of Public Relation can be divided
having a website which has not been optimal in into several roles namely: 1) Technician Communication.
communicating corporate identity through website.Surely The role of PR is considered as the technical communication
corporate identity is not only viewed as a differentiator implementer. For example : writing and editing employee's
between one company and other companies, but it is a newsletters, write news releases and features, develop Web
company's efforts in creating a positive image of the content, and handle media contacts, 2) Expert Preciber
company for consumers, a medium to represent the Communication. The public relation officer is considered as
foundation of a company's operational system, as a good an expert. He advised the chief of the company or
network for the company, and as a selling tool or promotion organization. Their relationship is like the relationship
of the company. between doctor and medical patient, 3) Communication
Facilitator. It facilitates the company or organization with
Corporate identity of the company will be delivered well if it the public. It is both external public and internal public
is designed by competent person. Surely it is the task of (communication bridge), 4) Problem Solving Process
communication practitioners such as public relation, Facilitator. It acts as the facilitator and problem-solving
corporate communication, marketing communication, etc. process. In this role, PR involves or is involved in
But the party who has authority to communicate various management (crisis) [3]
information at sunday-digital.com is corporate
communication division. That division plays an important Explanation related to the function of public relation
role in carrying out various corporate communications reminds us that the function is vital for the survival of an
activities, including communicating corporate identity. organization or institution, even for a person. If only we
Creating Corporate Identity is not only related to the field of tried to illustrate an institution which does not have a
marketing or advertising, but it is also a communication reliable public relations, many important aspects of activities
facility to all employees of the company or members of the could not work well. With PR, surely the institution will get
organization, shareholders, agents, consumers, financial a warning (warning) before the problems occur.
institutions, and various other parties who have an interest
and association with the organization. Nowadays a variety of public relation work is facilitated by
the communication and information technology. It surely
The explanation above shows that the presence of changes a lot of public relation work activities, because all
information and communication technology in this website public relations activities are facilitated by the electronic
gives positive and negative impact which are extraordinary media and internet in building brand and keeping trust,
,so it should be responded and used well. The various understanding, image, and identity of institution or
facilities and conveniences that exist in the website can be organization to the public or audiences and can be conducted
used for various purposes, including business.Today's in one-to-one communication that is interactive. This
society is a smart and tech-savvy society. Surely the activity is called cyber public relation activity.
existence of the website can provide benefits for the
company and the community. Based on this condition, the Cyber public relation is a public relations activity which
researcher is interested to reveal and analyze more deeply who run various work activities using the internet as a
about how sunday-digital.com communicates corporate facility of publicity [8] Through cyber public relation, public
identity through the company website. relation practitioner can easily navigate pass by limits and
barriers, and facilitates public relations in delivering
Based on the background of the research, the researcher corporate messages toward targets. It is either internal or
focuses this research on how sunday-digital.com external public, without passing or relying on any party such
communicates corporate identity through company website.
Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 16
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
as journalist or editor if it is distributed in print or electronic about company. Corporate identity is a representation of the
media. vision and mission, company, corporate philosophy, culture
and company. Corporate identity reflects how a company or
There are many benefits gained by cyber PR activities. At organization thinks about itself and how it is viewed from
least, there are six potencies that can be utilized through the outside. Corporate indentity is almost always the public's
cyber PR: first impression toward company, as well as a visual symbol
1) Constant Communication. The Internet is a medium that that explains the message to the public [11]
is never off every day. Through internet PR can reach the
public and even all the world. The Internet can pass by Corporate identity is certainly not only a symbol of
space and time. That is what cannot be conducted by any discrimination, but it can be used for various purposes such
media other than the internet as advertising and marketing. With a strong and
2) Fast response. The Internet allows cyber PR to get a characteristic corporate identity, it will construct perception
quick response to all the problems and questions of that each person knows. So the identity of the company must
prospects and customers. make each person who see it understand the company.
3) Global Market. The Internet has bridged the gap of Corporate identity is the characteristic of every company
geographic separation through the relationship that exist which has several key elements. According to M. Linggar
in virtual world. Through internet, it is easy for PR to Anggoro in his book [1], namely Profession Theory of
communicate with global markets around the world with Public Relation, it obtains some elements. They are color,
a fairly low cost logo or symbol, uniform or official cloth [11]
4) Interactive. The Internet is a highly interactive medium.
Feedback is easily obtained through social media used by Thus, with something typical or characteristic given by the
PR. From the feedback obtained, the PR can indicate and company, it is expected to easily be remembered by
analyze what is desired by the audience intended consumers, remembering and knowing that it is our product.
5) Two-way communication. Two-way communication Besides being an identity of company, corporate identity has
exists between an organization or an agency and the several other functions:
public. Through cyber PR, it is possible to build a strong 1) It is used as a benchmark of all program strategy of a
and useful relationship. It cannot be conducted directly company. A good corporate identity should always be in
through offline media. line with the company's plan. Because it is an image that
6) Efficient. Through cyber PR, it is possible to help an wants to be formed by the company on consumers' mind
agency or organization to save costs, because it does not so it should color every branding strategy, marketing or
need an expensive printing cost [8] public relation made nowadays and in the future.
2) It is used as the foundation of the operational system of a
Basically the term Cyber Public Relation is also referred to company. This is due to an image that wants to be
electronic public relation. It can be interpreted as a pubic formed on consumers' mind so that all staffs should be
relation activity that uses the internet media as a facility of able to live it, especially when running the company's
publicity [8] daily operation.
3) It is used a network which is good for the company. A
The reason why public relation practitioner utilizes the good and positive image of a company will make it easier
Internet is surely based on various factors, such as the for companies to get investors, loans or partners from
popularity and multifunctional media of the internet. It is the various places, making it easier to connect with the
strength in building a brand and keeping trust. Through government like taking care of licensing.
internet media the one-to-one relationship can be built fast 4) Selling tool and promotion. Corporate identity is a selling
due to the interactive nature of the internet. This is different tool for a company for existing products or products to
from the conventional public. In conventional public you be developed. Because a positive image of a company
have to reach them with one-to-many way. That is why the will make consumers trust and are comfortable with the
internet is the most powerful, fastest and most effective company and trust in the products produced by the
medium of relationship buildier.. company that is the best quality product [11]

The role of cyber public relations here is closely related to In designing Corporate Identity, it needs to design the steps.
online media and print media that are very important for The main step is understanding the Vision and Mission as
marketing strategies in a company. The best result is a well as company goal, setting the budget to be spent,
combination of online and offline publication [8]. The collecting brilliant ideas, and observing what kind of
existence of cyber PR can ease various public relations character is acceptable in the community.
works, but this must be synergized with other conventional
media, so it can produce a greater effect. The task of creating Corporate Identity is the responsibility
of the public relation staff because it involves all aspects of
2.2 Corporate Indentity the organization as a whole, and becomes a very important
part. The creation of a Corporate Identity is not related to the
Corporate identity is the way of company to be well-known field of marketing or advertising, but it is also a way of
and different from other companies. Corporate identity must communication to all employees of the company or
be created through a special design that includes various members of the organization, shareholders, agents,
characteristics related to the company in real or visual form. consumers, financial institutions, and other parties who have
The design has a various form that it can remind public an importance and association with the organization.
Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 17
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
2.3 Website In addition, with the public website it can also give advice
for the company. It is certainly necessary for the company in
Website that appeared in 1991 is a document that can be order to get progress of the company in the future.
accessed via internet protocol which is usually called HTTP
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol). The World Wide Web According to the theory, the website is widely used because
(WWW) or Web is one of the internet services available. it has four elements, namely: 1) Information: many people
This service is most widely used on the internet to convey use the internet because the required information is on the
information because it supports multimedia. It means that website, 2) Personal identity: people can use the website to
information is not only stored through text, but it is also identify themselves with personal content, 3) Interacting
stored through images, video, and sound. with others: web page can be used to gain social interaction
with others, and 4) Entertainment: websites are used by
Website is widely used because it has four elements, people to gain pleasure, enjoyment, or escape.
namely: 1) Information: many people use the internet
because the required information is on the website, 2) Viewing the existing theory, many people use the internet to
Personal identity: people can use the website to identify search for information, and it is on the website. Sunday-
themselves with personal content, 3) Interact with others: digital.com understands it theoretically, so Sunday-
web page can be used to get social interaction with others, 4) digital.com uses the website as a medium of communication
Entertainment: website is used by people to get pleasure, and also a way of information exchange between company
enjoyment, or escape [4] and public. Information and content from sunday-
digital.com website is more directed to sales or marketing
3. Methodology program, where the information about promotion of Sunday-
digital.com product is Google Adwords Advertising
The type of the research which will be conducted is Services, Facebook Advertising Services, Instagram
descriptive. Descriptive research does not only describe Advertising Services, website development, design graphics
(analylize) but it also combines (synthesize). In descriptive which are listed on sunday-digital.com website. Thus the
research, the data obtained is not in numbers but it is in website visitor is easy to find information about the services
sentences, statements and concepts. Descriptive research offered by Sunday-digital.com.
only describes the situation, not looki for or explain
relationships, not test hypotheses or make predictions [9]. In Sunday-digital.com thinks that by doing that way the sales
this study, the researcher will descriptively explain the target of the company can be achieved and provides
invention of the study about various sunday-digital.com financial support from the company's sustainability. Thus
efforts in communicating corporate identity through Sunday-digital.com understands that using the website can
company website. establish an identity for the company, where it is necessary
for anyone. It is not only needed by a company but anyone
It uses descriptive method, where the researcher explains needs an identity to be recognized. In this case, Sunday-
about how sunday-digital.com communicates corporate digital.com tries to communicate corporate identity through
identity through the company website. In this study, the the website.
researcher only acts as an observer who only creates
categories of behavior, observes the symptoms and records it The website also provides other benefits for the company.
on the observation book. The researcher will act as an By using company website, it can communicate and also
observer and go directly to the field to obtain the necessary interact with the public. Based on the result of research,
data by interviewing the relevant parties. The result of this Sunday-digital.com considers it necessary to establish
study only describes the situation, not looks for or explains communication with the public, because the criticism and
the relationship. suggestion from the public is something that can build the
company to be better in the future.
Data in qualitative research is generally in a description,
narration, data, images or statements obtained from research By displaying a unique and interesting website design,
subjects, either directly or indirectly on sunday-digital.com Sunday-digital.com can provide fun for readers as well as
efforts to communicate corporate identity through the visitors to their website pages, so that Sunday-digital.com
company website. The main data sources in qualitative can capture their potential service users. This is in
research are words, and actions. There are additional data accordance with the existing theory where the website as
such as documents and others. In this section the data are well as a way of entertainment. In this case Sunday-
divided into words and actions, written data sources, digital.com can add quiz or race in the website to attract
photographs and statistics. the attention of the website visitors. For example, by
giving special promotions to prospective users. In
4. Result and Discussion addition, the website should include a variety of positive
activities undertaken by the company, such as CSR
For companies or organizations website is very necessary, publications that have been conducted regularly by the
especially in the digital era where the information needs to company through training and business education on
grow very rapidly. With the website, it eases companies to small micro medium businesses in several regions in
provide information and also communicates with the public Indonesia.
or the audience. The existence of the website also makes it To increase the value of the company, the website must
easier for the public to find information about the company. represent the corporate identity in a positive manner.
Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 18
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
According to the Managing Identity & Organizations website is very important, which by using the website can
Culture explaining that corporate identity is a way of the build image for the company and also as a way of corporate
company to be well-known and different from other branding, so the company can be well-known by the public.
companies. Corporate identity must be created through a Thus, Sunday-digital.com needs to put the latest information
special design that includes various characteristics related about the company and also keeps updating the contents of
to the company in real or visual form. The design has the company website.
various forms that it can remind the audience of a
particular company. Corporate identity is a representation The efforts of Sunday-digital.com to communicate their
of the vision and mission, company, corporate corporate identity through the website are continuously
philosophy, culture and enterprise [11]. improved. For example : the process of creating website
which is also very influential on the contents of the website,
In constructing corporate identity through Sunday- the process of creating website Sunday-digital.com
digital.com, it is expected to represent his company as conducted inhouse and internal company. The process of
Digital Marketing Communication Agency using content creating the website is conducted with several steps. First, it
marketing approach and contagious idea. It focuses on makes the design. Website design should be as catchy as
story ability and co-creation. The sunday digital provides possible and easy to understand for readers. It is made it
services to build client brand equity through an in-depth manually using photoshop or other image editing software.
understanding of the dynamic marketplace, the After that it does mockup or wireframe website ie website
complexity of consumer's behavior, the expertise and design that has been given visual effects and the result is
experience in the field of digital marketing, from strategic similar to real form. By doing mockup or wireframe, the
plan, creative development to digital media and event website can be reviewed whether it is good or not, and in
marketing. It is necessary to raise a value so that order to be more effective and structured because creating
corporate identity can be formed and well remembered by mockup or wireframe website has been determined so it will
the public. Sunday-digital.com appoints a USP (Unique not deviate from the main goal.
Selling Proposition) that distinguishes the company's
products or services from its competitors. Positioning also This is conducted in order to make Sunday-digital.com able
becomes the value used by Sunday-digital.com in to create a good and interesting website which is in
corporate communications through the media website. accordance with its purpose, namely interpreting Sunday-
digital.com as a Digital Marketing Communication Agency
Sunday-digital.com is unique because it has an online chat company. We recommend that in creating the framework of
that visitors can use if they have problems using sunday- the website, it also also need to prepare the communication
digital.com website. By using online chat, the visitors can strategy and also what content will be used. After
ask a question and is answered by the admin of Sunday- determining the audience and the situation,the next step is to
digital.com, so it will facilitate consumers to get compose a message, which determines the theme and
information. The use of online chat in the website is still material. The main requirement in influencing the public
rarely used by other companies' websites. through the message is able to attract attention.

The content becomes very important in delivering After doing these two things Sunday-digital.com, localhost
information, where the content and information become setting delivers web browser on http server installed in local
corporate message that must be submitted to the public. computer. Thus the website address will display on the local
Sunday-digital.com needs to pay more attention to the website on the computer. Then it is online and purchases
content about the company, so the consumers are easy to domain and hosting servers. By doing these steps, it can
find information regarding the company. For instance: by work offline without thinking about cost, time and
adding corporate organizational structure, company profile convenience. Based on that ponit, the website can be
and annual report or annual report of the company. If there accessed easily by consumers or customers, and make it
are other companies that ask to have cooperation, it will be easier to find data or information about sunday-digital.com.
easier to find out information about sunday-digital.com
company. In addition, various achievements, awards and 5. Conclusion and Suggestion
CSR programs that have been conducted should be
published on the website. Based on the result of research, 5.1 Conclusion
Sunday-digital.com only prioritizes marketing programs and
sales promotion. Corporate identity is a very important element in a company.
It is a form and image that must be owned as an identity and
Because Sunday-digital.com does not use communication the accuracy of the mission of a company that can impact
practitioners in communication and messaging strategies. the consumers' and society's trust. Sunday Digital is a
Sunday-digital.com's website is managed by IT division and Digital Marketing Communication Agency that uses a
creative / internal company. Sunday-digital.com should use content marketing and contagious idea which focuses on
communication practitioners who are experts in the field of story ability and co-creation. In forming the identity of a
communication so that the efforts made in building company or corporate identity, there are many ways or
corporate identity through the website can produce efforts conducted by company not only through the website.
maximum result and corporate identity Sunday-digital.com
can be formed and well understood by the public. Based on Website really needs to be owned by the company
the results of research, Sunday-digital.com considers the nowadays, so the information need and complete data about
Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 19
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
the company is in the company website. Adding other ways [3] Cutlip M Scott, dkk. 2007. Efective Public Relations.
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perpetrators of Small Micro Medium Enterprises about the Strategy in the World of Social Media. London and
management of website to support their digital business. Philadelphia Kogan and Page Limited. Pp.208
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5.2 Suggestion

When constructing corporate identity several things that

need to be considered is the number of products from
competitors that are actually almost the same and similar.
The good factors must be very highlighted in order to attract
the audience and target. For example in the website it is
visualized various CSR programs that have been
implemented such as various training to build a digital
business on the website. This can attract young people to do
business digitally and make Sunday-digital.com their
consultant. In addition, various awards should be published
on the website. In addition, the information presented in the
website should use two languages, namely Indonesian and
English. This is intended to show the premium class eager to
be achieved. Sunday-digital.com can recruit staff from
experienced and competent communication practitioner to
help determine communication strategies and messages that
will be used on the website to realize the objectives of
Sunday-digital.com as a premium digital communication
communication agency in Jakarta.


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Volume 7 Issue 7, July 2018

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: 1071802 DOI: 10.21275/1071802 20

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