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Research report

Conceptualizing neuropsychiatric diseases with

multimodal data-driven meta-analyses e The case
of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

Matthias L. Schroeter a,b,c,d,*, Angela R. Laird e, Caroline Chwiesko a,

Christine Deuschl a, Else Schneider a, Danilo Bzdok f, Simon B. Eickhoff f,g
and Jane Neumann a,h
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Clinic of Cognitive Neurology, University of Leipzig, Germany
Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, University of Leipzig, Germany
FTLD Consortium, Germany
Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, USA
Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Center Jülich, Germany
Institute for Clinical Neuroscience and Medical Psychology, HHU Düsseldorf, Germany
Leipzig University Medical Center, IFB Adiposity Diseases, Leipzig, Germany

article info abstract

Article history: Introduction: Uniform coordinate systems in neuroimaging research have enabled
Received 9 October 2013 comprehensive systematic and quantitative meta-analyses. Such approaches are particu-
Reviewed 30 December 2013 larly relevant for neuropsychiatric diseases, the understanding of their symptoms, pre-
Revised 30 January 2014 diction and treatment. Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), a common
Accepted 27 February 2014 neurodegenerative syndrome, is characterized by deep alterations in behavior and per-
Action editor Stefano Cappa sonality. Investigating this ‘nexopathy’ elucidates the healthy social and emotional brain.
Published online 21 March 2014 Methods: Here, we combine three multimodal meta-analyses approaches e anatomical and
activation likelihood estimates and behavioral domain profiles e to identify neural corre-
Keywords: lates of bvFTD in 417 patients and 406 control subjects and to extract mental functions
Behavioral variant frontotemporal associated with this disease by meta-analyzing functional activation studies in the
dementia comprehensive probabilistic functional brain atlas of the BrainMap database.
Cognitive neuropsychiatry Results: The analyses identify the frontomedian cortex, basal ganglia, anterior insulae and
FDG-PET thalamus as most relevant hubs, with a regional dissociation between atrophy and
Meta-analysis hypometabolism. Neural networks affected by bvFTD were associated with emotion and
MRI reward processing, empathy and executive functions (mainly inhibition), suggesting these
functions as core domains affected by the disease and finally leading to its clinical

Abbreviations: AcLE, activation likelihood estimate; AnLE, anatomical likelihood estimate; bvFTD, behavioral variant frontotemporal
dementia; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; FDG-PET, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography;
FTLD, frontotemporal lobar degeneration; MMSE, Mini Mental State Examination; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; MRI, magnetic
resonance imaging; ToM, theory of mind.
* Corresponding author. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Stephanstr. 1A, 04103 Leipzig, Germany.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.L. Schroeter).
0010-9452/ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 23

symptoms. In contrast, changes in theory of mind or mentalizing abilities seem to be

secondary phenomena of executive dysfunctions.
Conclusions: The study creates a novel conceptual framework to understand neuropsychi-
atric diseases by powerful data-driven meta-analytic approaches that shall be extended to
the whole neuropsychiatric spectrum in the future.
ª 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

meta-analyses (Fox, Laird, & Lancaster, 2005; Glahn et al.,

1. Introduction 2008; Laird et al., 2005; Sacher et al., 2012; Schroeter &
Neumann, 2011; Schroeter, Raczka, Neumann, & von
Neurodegenerative disorders are a major public health prob-
Cramon, 2007, 2008, 2009; Turkeltaub, Eden, Jones, & Zeffiro,
lem. Frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) is the second
2002). Here, two subtypes exist. The anatomical likelihood
most common diagnosis of dementia in individuals younger
estimate (AnLE) method uses coordinates of peaks for atro-
than 65 years (Johnson et al., 2005). Clinical criteria divide
phy, hypometabolism, or hypoperfusion during rest in pa-
FTLD into three major subtypes: two subtypes affecting lan-
tients if compared with control subjects, and determines brain
guage functions, semantic dementia and progressive non-
regions that exhibit a higher convergence of these peaks
fluent aphasia, and the behavioral variant frontotemporal
across single studies than would arise by chance. The final
dementia (bvFTD) (Neary et al., 1998). bvFTD is the most
AnLE map extracts the prototypical neural correlates of a
common subtype and characterized by deep alterations in
specific disease based on large cohorts that cannot be inves-
behavior and personality, namely decline in social interper-
tigated in single center studies. The activation likelihood es-
sonal conduct, impairment in regulation of personal conduct,
timate (AcLE) method, using the same algorithms like the
emotional blunting, and loss of insight (‘diagnostic core fea-
AnLE method, was developed earlier to conduct meta-
tures’ according to Neary et al., 1998).
analyses across functional imaging studies, where subjects
Recently, an international consortium revised bvFTD’s
are stimulated with psychological stimuli.
diagnostic criteria by focusing on clinical symptoms in his-
Here, we explore the general potential of combined
topathologically confirmed cases (Piguet, Hornberger, Mioshi,
multimodal imaging meta-analyses with AnLE and AcLE
& Hodges, 2011; Rascovsky et al., 2011). Now, ‘possible’ bvFTD
methods to conceptualize e i.e., understand and predict e
requires three of six clinically discriminating features: disin-
neuropsychiatric diseases. We chose bvFTD as a model dis-
hibition, apathy/inertia, loss of sympathy/empathy, persev-
ease, a ‘molecular nexopathy’ (Warren, Rohrer, & Hardy, 2012;
erative/stereotyped/compulsive/ritualistic behaviors,
Zhou, Gennatas, Kramer, Miller, & Seeley, 2012) disconnecting
hyperorality/dietary changes and dysexecutive neuropsy-
the ‘social brain’ (Adolphs, 2010). The rationale of our
chological profile. Interestingly, the Diagnostic and Statistical
approach, combing three meta-analytic steps, is illustrated in
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has included also a
Fig. 1.
decline in social cognition to the criteria (American
Psychiatric Association, 2013). ‘Probable’ bvFTD adds func-
tional disability and characteristic neuroimaging (frontal and/ 1.1. Identifying bvFTD’s neural correlates
or anterior temporal atrophy, hypometabolism or hypo-
perfusion). Finally, bvFTD ‘with definite FTLD’ requires histo- Firstly, we identified all relevant imaging studies of bvFTD
pathological confirmation or a pathogenic mutation. These from the literature containing 417 patients and 406 control
revised criteria have a much higher sensitivity in comparison subjects. We conducted an AnLE meta-analysis separately for
to the earlier criteria (Neary et al., 1998). Although the regional morphometric studies with magnetic resonance imaging
specificity of bvFTD’s imaging markers is still under debate (MRI) and imaging studies applying 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
(Schroeter, 2012), incorporating these markers will greatly positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) during rest. This
improve early ante mortem identification of bvFTD, which is meta-analysis identified the prototypical networks essential
particularly relevant for timely treatment e a paradigm shift for bvFTD, and thereby validated diagnostic criteria as sug-
suggested also for other dementia syndromes (Dubois et al., gested recently by an international consortium (Rascovsky
2007; Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011). et al., 2011).
In the last two decades, neuroimaging studies have revo-
lutionized the understanding of cognitive functions in healthy 1.2. Extracting bvFTD’s behavioral correlates
subjects and in brain diseases (Derrfuss & Mar, 2009; Yarkoni,
Poldrack, Nichols, Van Essen, & Wager, 2011). Uniform coor- Secondly, we wanted to place bvFTD in a framework of
dinate systems enable comprehensive systematic and quan- cognitive neuropsychiatry by relating these neural changes to
titative meta-analyses that might identify the prototypical clinical and cognitive impairments (Halligan & David, 2001).
neural networks involved in specific neuropsychiatric dis- Former studies discussed results of AnLE meta-analyses
eases, such as mood disorders, schizophrenia and dementia simply by reviewing the literature, which may be biased by
syndromes. Recent meta-analyses across imaging studies subjective presumptions and the specificity problem e the
have applied the likelihood estimate method, the most refined fact that specific brain regions might be related to highly
and best-validated approach to coordinate-based voxelwise diverse brain functions (Schroeter, Raczka, Neumann, & von
24 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

Fig. 1 e Understanding and validating diagnostic criteria for neuropsychiatric diseases with powerful meta-analyses e
rationale of the study. bvFTD behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, FDG-PET 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron
emission tomography, MRI magnetic resonance imaging.

Cramon, 2008). Overcoming this limitation we now applied a

very new data-driven meta-analytic approach by calculating
2. Materials and methods
so-called behavioral domain profiles for the neural networks
2.1. Identifying the neural correlates of bvFTD
detected in the first AnLE meta-analysis. These behavioral
domain profiles extract the behavioral, psychological or
The first meta-analysis aimed at identifying the neural cor-
mental correlates of the networks affected by bvFTD (Laird,
relates of bvFTD with AnLE meta-analyses. To ensure a high
Eickhoff, Kurth et al., 2009; Laird, Eickhoff, Li et al., 2009;
validity and quality the meta-analysis was conducted ac-
Lancaster et al., 2012). This second meta-analysis was con-
cording to the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for system-
ducted in a probabilistic functional brain atlas, the BrainMap
atic reviews and meta-analyses) guidelines (Moher, Liberati,
database, containing whole brain functional imaging data
Tetzlaff, & Altman, 2009; see also http://www.prisma-
from approximately 3000 experiments with 40,000 subjects.

1.3. Validating bvFTD’s behavioral correlates 2.1.1. General study selection criteria
The PubMed search engine was used to identify studies on
Finally, we compared neural correlates of bvFTD with results morphometry and glucose utilization in bvFTD. The following
of AcLE meta-analyses across functional imaging studies search strategy was applied: (frontotemporal AND dementia)
investigating empathy and theory of mind (ToM), two typical AND (PET OR MRI). Studies were included if they fulfilled the
symptoms of bvFTD, including approximately 2000 healthy following criteria: (1) peer-reviewed, (2) diagnosis according to
subjects (Adenzato, Cavallo, & Enrici, 2010; Rascovsky et al., internationally recognized diagnostic criteria (Clinical and
2011). neuropathological criteria for bvFTD by the Lund and Manchester
The three meta-analysis methods validate the concept and Groups, 1994; McKhann et al., 2001; Neary et al., 1998), (3)
revised clinical criteria for bvFTD (Rascovsky et al., 2011) with original studies, (4) comparison with age matched healthy
a high reliability by including large numbers of subjects and control group, and (5) results normalized to a stereotactic
plenty of cognitive dimensions/categories. The first two meta- space such as the Talairach or the Montreal Neurological
analytic approaches (AnLE and behavioral domain profiles) Institute (MNI) reference system, and respective coordinates
guaranteed a data-driven design. Based on previous studies available. If adequate information was not available authors
and the literature, we hypothesized an involvement of mainly were contacted to provide more details.
frontomedian, insular and thalamic regions in bvFTD that are Studies that were based solely on region-of-interest anal-
related to executive functions, emotion processing and social ysis or case studies were excluded to prevent any a priori as-
cognition (Rascovsky et al., 2011; Schroeter et al., 2007, 2008). sumptions with regard to the involved neural networks and
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 25

enable a data-driven approach. The contrast between patients map is thresholded at p < .05 (corrected for multiple com-
and control groups was included, reporting either atrophy parisons by false discovery rate, FDR). Statistically significant
(MRI) or decreases in glucose utilization (FDG-PET) in the pa- voxels represent the convergence of the investigated effect
tient group. Since we did not find enough imaging studies across the several studies. In our previous meta-analysis we
applying single photon emission computed tomography pooled MRI and FDG-PET studies, because only a small num-
(SPECT) (perfusion) or diffusion tensor imaging that reported ber of studies was available for each method alone (Schroeter
coordinates in stereotactic space, studies were limited to MRI et al., 2007, 2008). Now, as a higher number of studies were
and FDG-PET. We limited our present meta-analysis to studies available, we calculated the AnLE map for each imaging
published between January 2005 and September 2010 and method separately, which allows the assessment of com-
combined the relevant studies with studies already identified monalities and differences between imaging modalities.
in our previous meta-analysis applying the same search
strategy, the same inclusion/exclusion criteria, and covering 2.1.3. Potential bias in individual studies or across studies
imaging studies published between January 1980 and October Several methods were applied reducing the risk of bias of in-
2005 (Schroeter et al., 2007, 2008). dividual studies and across studies that may affect cumulative
evidence. Generally, imaging meta-analyses are likely to be
2.1.2. Data synthesis e anatomical likelihood estimate meta- biased toward particular cortical areas, a problem referred to
analysis method previously as literature or publication bias. We avoided this
To extract the prototypical neural networks, we applied the problem by including only studies that used quantitative
AnLE meta-analysis method (Fox et al., 2005; Laird et al., 2005, automated whole brain analysis, whereas region-of-interest
2011; Turkeltaub et al., 2002). Originally, the method was studies were excluded. Consistently, we selected the
developed for meta-analyses of functional imaging studies contrast bvFTD vs healthy control subjects and expelled
including psychological stimulation of subjects (calculation of comparisons of bvFTD with other dementia syndromes to
so-called “AcLE”). Later on, the method has been extended to beware selective reporting within studies. To ensure high
imaging studies during rest investigating atrophy, changes in reliability the literature search, selection of studies according
metabolism or perfusion (“AnLE”) (Glahn et al., 2008; Sacher to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and compilation of
et al., 2012; Schroeter et al., 2007, 2008, 2009; Schroeter & coordinates for the contrasts were performed independently
Neumann, 2011). The general idea behind this method is to by two investigators (CC and CD). For data synthesis we took
determine brain regions that exhibit a higher density of peak into account the number of subjects involved in each indi-
coordinates reported across studies than would arise by vidual study enabling a balanced analysis (Eickhoff et al.,
chance. Based on peaks of activation, atrophy, hypo- 2009). Although studies with negative findings might theo-
metabolism or hypoperfusion in comparison with control retically have been omitted (missing studies), this publication
subjects as reported in the single studies, the algorithm cal- bias is unlikely, because the published bvFTD studies reported
culates a map that represents the likelihood for each voxel strong effects for atrophy or hypometabolism. Some patients
that at least one of the reported peaks is located there. Finally, present with clinical bvFTD symptoms without positive im-
the analysis reveals brain regions that are most consistently aging findings and no further deterioration (Kipps, Nestor,
activated during experimental paradigms (AcLE map) or Acosta-Cabronero, Arnold, & Hodges, 2009). Because the eti-
involved in brain diseases (AnLE map). ology of such ‘phenocopy’ cases is still a matter of debate
Recently, an improved version of this method has been (Piguet et al., 2011), we have excluded these patients if
published by Eickhoff et al. (2009). The improvements include explicitly mentioned in the studies (for instance one subject
the adaptive estimation of the width of the Gaussian for each group in Kipps et al., 2009).
included study and the possibility to perform a random-
effects analysis. We used the software GingerALE (http://
brainmap.org/ale/index.html) for calculation of AnLE maps, 2.2. Extracting the behavioral correlates of bvFTD e
and, where necessary, for the transformation of reported co- analysis of behavioral domain profiles
ordinates from Talairach and Tournoux space into stereotac-
tic standard MNI space. The software models each reported The second systematic and quantitative meta-analysis aimed
maximum by a 3-dimensional Gaussian probability distribu- at identifying the behavioral, psychological or mental corre-
tion centered at the given coordinate. The width of the lates of the networks affected by bvFTD that were character-
Gaussian probability distribution is determined individually ized in the first AnLE meta-analysis (Laird, Eickhoff, Li et al.,
for each study based on empirical estimates of between- 2009). We conducted this meta-analysis in the BrainMap
subject variability taking into account the number of sub- database (Laird et al., 2005; Laird, Eickhoff, Kurth et al., 2009;
jects in each study. Probabilities of all maxima are then Laird, Eickhoff, Li et al., 2009, Laird et al., 2011), which ar-
combined for each voxel, yielding a modeled atrophy or chives peak coordinates of activations and their correspond-
hypometabolism map. ing meta-data (e.g., number of subjects, analysis technique,
In a random-effects analysis, AnLE values in the modeled paradigm, cognitive domain, etc.) for whole brain functional
atrophy/hypometabolism maps are subsequently combined imaging studies from the literature. At the time of the anal-
across studies and tested against the null hypothesis of a ysis, BrainMap contained 2114 neuroimaging publications
random spatial association between modeled maps thereby that described analyses from 2994 experiments with 39,672
identifying those regions where empirical AnLE values are subjects using 83 unique paradigm classes, yielding 79,577
higher than could be expected by chance. The resulting AnLE locations (12th May 2011).
26 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

Neural clusters of bvFTD as characterized in the AnLE gives details for the imaging studies of bvFTD that were
meta-analysis were defined as regions of interest. Thereafter, included. The present search identified 12 new studies since
we identified behavioral or mental processes the regions play 2005 that measured atrophy (7) or reductions in glucose uti-
a role in executing (for details see Laird, Eickhoff, Li et al., lization (5) in bvFTD. Note that one study (Kanda et al., 2008,
2009). In BrainMap, meta-data are included on the cognitive, Supplemental information) applied both MRI and FDG-PET in
perceptual, or motor process isolated by the statistical their cohort and was counted as one MRI and one FDG-PET
contrast in functional imaging studies. The domain is classi- study. Together with our previous meta-analysis that identi-
fied according to five main categories e action, cognition, fied 2/6 studies published between 1980 and 2005 (Schroeter
emotion, interoception, and perception e and their related et al., 2007, 2008), the final AnLE meta-analysis included 20
subcategories. The categories contain the following sub- studies applying MRI (9) or FDG-PET (11) and published be-
categories: action: execution, imagination, inhibition, motor tween 1980 and 2010. In sum, 417 patients with bvFTD were
learning, observation, preparation, rest; cognition: attention, included (MRI 185/FDG-PET 232) and 406 control subjects.
language, memory, music, reasoning, social cognition, soma, The bvFTD patient cohort was characterized by a mean age
space, time; emotion: anger, anxiety, disgust, fear, happiness, of 61.6  2.6 years, a disease duration of 3.5  1.5 years and a
sadness; interoception: air hunger, baroregulation, bladder, mean value of the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) of
hunger, osmoregulation, sexuality, sleep, thermoregulation, 21.5  4.0. Whereas mean age and MMSE as a measure for
thirst; and perception: audition, gestation, olfaction, somes- disease severity did not differ between MRI studies and FDG-
thesis, vision. Moreover, 83 paradigm classes are systemati- PET studies (T ¼ .4, ¼.4, df ¼ 18, ¼15, p ¼.69, ¼.70), the
cally tested (for a complete list of BrainMap’s behavioral MRI cohort was characterized by a significantly longer disease
domains and paradigm classes see http://brainmap.org/ duration than the FDG-PET cohort (4.6  1.3 vs 2.5  .9 years,
scribe/). T ¼ 3.6, df ¼ 13, p ¼ .003, two-tailed unpaired Student’s t test).
We analyzed the behavioral domain meta-data associated Fig. 3 and Table 2 illustrate the results of the AnLE meta-
with each cluster from the bvFTD AnLE results to determine analysis identifying the neural correlates of bvFTD. The
the frequency of domain “hits” relative to its distribution analysis across MRI studies revealed regional atrophy mainly
across the whole brain (i.e., the entire database). This analysis in the frontomedian cortex, the anterior insulae and the basal
was conducted for each imaging method separately (MRI and ganglia. More specifically, the disease affected bilaterally the
FDG-PET). For each region, a c2 test was performed to evaluate subcallosal area, pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior mid-
the regional distribution as compared to the overall database cingulate and paracingulate gyri, the anterior frontomedian
distribution. If the region’s distribution was significantly cortex, the caudate head & body, the nucleus accumbens, both
different, a binomial test was performed to determine which anterior insulae and the right putamen. Glucose metabolism
individual domains were over- or underrepresented. When a as measured by FDG-PET was reduced in bvFTD in frontal
significant domain was observed, the test was repeated on the brain regions and the basal ganglia, namely the subcallosal
corresponding subcategories of that domain, yielding a hier- area, caudate head & body, nucleus accumbens, nucleus len-
archical analysis of behavioral domain profiles that identifies tiformis and the left anterior insula. Exceeding atrophy, bvFTD
the functional processes associated with the regions affected reduced glucose metabolism bilaterally in the gyrus rectus,
by bvFTD. the middle thalamus and the left posterior inferior frontal
sulcus/inferior frontal junction area. Comparing results for
2.3. Validating the behavioral correlates of bvFTD e both imaging methods revealed only two small overlapping
conjunction with AcLE meta-analyses affected brain regions e one in the left ventral striatum and
another in the left caudate nucleus (see Figs. 3 and 6).
Diagnostic criteria and literature data suggest that empathy Repeating the AnLE meta-analysis with all relevant studies
and ToM are specifically impaired in bvFTD (Adenzato et al., published until April 2012 (04-15-2012) confirmed these
2010; American Psychiatric Association, 2013; Rankin et al., disease-specific neural networks involved in bvFTD. The new
2006; Rascovsky et al., 2011; Schroeter, 2012). Accordingly, meta-analysis included only four additionally relevant orig-
we investigated in a conjunction analysis whether the neural inal studies. Note that the new studies investigated aspects of
correlates of bvFTD as identified in the first AnLE meta- imaging data in bvFTD cohorts of whom imaging studies with
analysis coincide with the neural correlates of empathy and the same methods had already been published in recent years
ToM or mentalizing as investigated in a recent AcLE meta- and have been included in the meta-analysis ranging from
analysis across whole brain functional imaging studies in 1980 to 2010. Accordingly, one might assume substantial
healthy subjects (Bzdok et al., 2012). overlaps in cohorts with former studies already included in
our meta-analysis here, leading to potential bias. The new
meta-analysis in 2012 did not identify any other brain region,
3. Results and, consequently, guaranteed a stable and reliable effect
with high validity. For SPECT we identified only one addi-
3.1. Identifying neural correlates of bvFTD with AnLE tionally published study between 2010 and 2012, making
meta-analyses meta-analyses still not possible. We report meta-analytic re-
sults ranging from 1980 to 2010 (i) to avoid the aforementioned
The first (AnLE) meta-analysis aimed at identifying the neural bias by ruling out overlapping patient samples, (ii) because the
correlates of bvFTD. Fig. 2 illustrates the flow of information effects were stable and replicated in the 2012 meta-analysis,
through the different phases of this systematic review. Table 1 and (iii) because the following meta-analyses (calculation of
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 27

Fig. 2 e Flow of information through the different phases of the systematic review identifying the neural correlates of
behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) according to the PRISMA statement (Moher et al., 2009). DTI diffusion
tensor imaging, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, PET 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, SPECT
single photon emission computed tomography.

behavioral domain profiles and conjunction with AcLE maps) body, nucleus accumbens, gyrus rectus, subcallosal area,
were based on this meta-analysis. pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior midcingulate and par-
acingulate gyrus, and anterior frontomedian cortex (F1, F3,
3.2. Extracting behavioral correlates of bvFTD e M1eM3; codes for clusters see Table 2). One cluster (F6), the
analysis of behavioral domain profiles left inferior frontal junction, was significantly related to
cognition according to BrainMap meta-data. Finally, inter-
The second meta-analysis characterized the behavioral, psy- oception was related to one atrophic cluster in the caudate
chological or mental correlates of networks affected by bvFTD. nucleus, nucleus accumbens and subcallosal area (M1).
It was conducted in the BrainMap database, which archives Although some regions were less likely involved in cognitive/
peak coordinates of statistical contrasts of functional imaging behavioral/emotional processes (Fig. 4), we do not describe
studies across a wide range of cognitive paradigms from the and discuss these results, because ‘less likely involvement’
literature. We defined clusters from the anatomical meta- does not predict any positive involvement and functional
analysis (AnLE) as regions of interest and identified behav- deficits if the region is affected by the disease.
ioral or mental processes the regions play a role in executing. Another analysis investigated the association between the
Results are illustrated in Fig. 4 and Table 3. various bvFTD clusters and the subcategories of action,
Firstly, the analysis was conducted for the five main cate- cognition, emotion, interoception, perception and the 83
gories action, cognition, emotion, interoception, and percep- paradigm classes from the BrainMap database separately for
tion for each of the bvFTD clusters, separately for MRI and MRI and FDG-PET (Table 3). Results showed only higher
FDG-PET. Fig. 4 shows histograms of the behavioral domains probable association with domains/paradigms. Most consis-
associated with each hypometabolic or atrophic region in tently, meta-analytic data of functional imaging studies in the
bvFTD. Data are expressed as percentage of specific studies in BrainMap database were related to reward processing in five
the region of interest in comparison with the whole brain. hypometabolic and atrophic clusters, in particular the caudate
Most consistent results were obtained for emotion processing head & body, nucleus lentiformis, nucleus accumbens, gyrus
for both MRI and FDG-PET. Five clusters were associated with rectus, subcallosal area, pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior
higher involvement in emotion processing based on func- midcingulate and paracingulate gyrus, and anterior fronto-
tional studies. These clusters included the caudate head & median cortex (F1 and F2, M1eM3). Additionally, bvFTD’s
28 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

Table 1 e Studies included in the meta-analysis identifying bvFTD’s neural correlates.

Study Subjects (N) Patients’ Age Disease duration MMSE Remarks

bvFTD/Co sex (f/m) (years) (years)
Boccardi et al., 2005 9/26 2/7 62  5 21 14  8
Grossman et al., 2004 14/12 NS 63  12 43 18  6
Kanda et al., 2008 13/20 NS 65 NS 18
Kipps et al., 2009 11/12 NS 62  7 54 25  3
Pardini et al., 2009 22/14 NS 60  8 53 NS
Pereira et al., 2009 4/25 1/3 60  8 55 23  4
Seeley et al., 2008 45/45 19/26 64  9 64 22  6
Whitwell et al., 2005 5/20 2/3 55  2 51 27  1
Zamboni et al., 2008 62/14 33/29 61  1 NS NS
Total 185/188 61.3  2.9 4.6  1.3 21.0  4.5

Diehl et al., 2004 25/15 13/12 62  8 22 24  4
Franceschi et al., 2005 18/24 6/12 66 2 25
Grimmer et al., 2004 10/15 3/7 60  8 NS 25  3
Jeong et al., 2005a 29/11 19/10 59  11 21 15  10
Jeong et al., 2005b 8/11 6/2 58  7 11 18  8
Kanda et al., 2008 13/20 NS 65 NS 18
Laws et al., 2007 41/16 9/32 62  11 42 22  5
Perneczky et al., 2007 29/16 9/20 62  11 32 22  5
Peters et al., 2006 23/23 10/13 64  8 32 NS
Raczka et al., 2010 7/9 2/5 60  8 NS 27  3
Salmon et al., 2003 29/58 14/15 62  9 32 22  5
Total 232/218 61.8  2.5 2.5  .9 21.8  3.8
Total MRI/FDG-PET 417/406 61.6  2.6 3.5  1.5 21.5  4.0

Age, disease duration and MMSE scores (MMSE) are specified for patients (mean  standard deviation). bvFTD behavioral variant frontotemporal
dementia, Co controls, f female, FDG-PET 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, m male, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute
template, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, NS not specified. Values on clinical dementia rating (CDR) scale only reported in six studies.
References for the included studies are available in the Supplemental information. All MRI studies used 1.5 T, except Kipps et al. (2009), who did
not specify field strength.
Correction for multiple comparisons.

neural networks were associated with the processes of inhi- cingulate, midcingulate and paracingulate cortices, whereas
bition (pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior midcingulate ToM networks and bvFTD networks coincided only in a tiny
and paracingulate gyrus, anterior frontomedian cortex; M2), area in the anterior frontomedian cortex. Quantifying results
cued explicit recognition (inferior frontal junction; F6), covert we calculated absolute (in voxels) and relative (percentage)
word generation (left superior anterior insula; F5), overt reci- overlap. Networks for bvFTD and empathy overlapped in 253
tation/repetition and pain monitoring/discrimination (right voxels for MRI and 96 voxels for FDG-PET, whereas for bvFTD
anterior superior insula, putamen; M5), chewing/swallowing and ToM only in 47 voxels for MRI and 0 voxels for FDG-PET. If
(anterior frontomedian cortex; M3), olfaction and action related to the whole bvFTD network, overlapping regions with
imagination (subcallosal area, caudate head & body, nucleus empathy networks were much greater for MRI (14.5%) and
accumbens; M1). FDG-PET (9.9%) than with ToM networks (MRI 2.7%, FDG-PET

3.3. Validating behavioral correlates of bvFTD e

conjunction with AcLE meta-analyses
4. Discussion
Because diagnostic criteria and literature data suggest that
empathy and ToM are specifically impaired in bvFTD Our study has created a novel conceptual framework to un-
(Adenzato et al., 2010; Rascovsky et al., 2011), we investigated derstand neuropsychiatric diseases by powerful data-driven
in a conjunction analysis whether the neural correlates of meta-analytic approaches. We chose bvFTD as a model dis-
bvFTD as identified in the first AnLE meta-analysis coincide ease. We combined new systematic and quantitative meta-
regionally with the neural correlates of empathy and ToM or analytic approaches to contribute to the understanding of
mentalizing. We used data from Bzdok et al. (2012) that bvFTD in the framework of cognitive neuropsychiatry aiming
applied AcLE meta-analyses across whole brain functional at a scientific cognitive psychopathology of this disease
imaging studies for empathy, ToM and moral cognition in (Halligan & David, 2001), to explore the ‘social brain’ with
1790 healthy subjects. Fig. 5 illustrates the results. We detec- bvFTD as a highly relevant ‘nexopathy’ (Adolphs, 2010;
ted a large overlap between the neural correlates of bvFTD and Warren et al., 2012), and to validate diagnostic clinical and
empathy networks in both anterior insulae, anterior imaging markers for bvFTD as suggested recently by an
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 29

Fig. 3 e Impaired brain regions in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia in comparison with healthy control subjects
e anatomical likelihood estimates. Atrophy as measured by MRI red, hypometabolism as measured by FDG-PET blue,
overlap pink. Nine MRI and 11 FDG-PET studies including 417 patients and 406 control subjects. Left is left. MNI coordinates.
Acc. accumbens, ACC/AMC anterior cingulate and midcingulate cortex, AFMC/PCC anterior frontomedian/paracingulate
cortex, Ant. anterior, FDG-PET 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, G. gyrus, IFJ inferior frontal junction,
MNI Montreal Neurological Institute, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, Ncl. nucleus, Subcall. subcallosal.

Table 2 e Results of the meta-analysis identifying bvFTD’s neural correlates with anatomical likelihood estimates.

Region Cluster BA Lat. x y z AnLE Volume

L. subcallosal area, posterior gyrus rectus, F1 11e14/25 L. 8 10 14 .0186 2631
caudate head, nucleus accumbens 8 20 24 .0164
L. caudate head & body, nucleus lentiformis F2 L. 10 10 2 .0155 1480
18 8 4 .0139
Bl. middle gyrus rectus F3 11/13/14 Bl. 2 42 24 .0165 1192
Bl. middle thalamus F4 Bl. 2 18 4 .0152 1096
10 20 6 .0123
L. superior anterior insula F5 15 L. 42 12 0 .0152 816
L. posterior inferior frontal sulcus/inferior F6 6/9/44 L. 46 18 32 .0127 568
frontal junction

Bl. subcallosal area, caudate head & body, M1 25 Bl. 2 8 6 .0292 4832
nucleus accumbens 8 12 10 .0289
8 14 6 .0257
Bl. pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior midcingulate M2 9/32/33 Bl. 2 36 14 .0291 4744
and paracingulate gyrus, anterior frontomedian cortex 0 46 26 .0271
0 36 38 .0156
Bl. anterior frontomedian cortex M3 10/12 Bl. 0 54 4 .0348 1552
L. anterior inferior insula M4 16 L. 40 18 12 .0279 1488
44 8 8 .0107
R. anterior superior insula, putamen M5 15 R. 28 6 8 .0194 1264
36 18 6 .0166

Clusters above an anatomical likelihood estimate (AnLE) threshold p < .05, false discovery rate (FDR) corrected for multiple comparisons, are
listed. Coordinates are in MNI space. BA Brodmann area, Bl. bilateral, bvFTD behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, FDG-PET 18F-fluo-
rodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, L. left, Lat. lateralization, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute, MRI magnetic resonance im-
aging, R. right.
30 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

Fig. 4 e Behavioral domain profiles associated with each hypometabolic (blue) or atrophic (red) brain region in behavioral
variant frontotemporal dementia. Data are expressed as percentage of specific studies in the region of interest in
comparison with the whole brain. Probability higher than expected ###p < .001, ##p < .01, #p < .05; lower than expected
***p < .001, **p < .01, *p < .05. ACC/AMC anterior cingulate and midcingulate cortex, AFMC/PCC anterior frontomedian/
paracingulate cortex, ncl. nucleus, post. Posterior, ROI region of interest.

Table 3 e Results of the meta-analysis extracting bvFTD’s behavioral correlates by analyzing behavioral domain profiles.

Region Cluster BA Behavioral domain Paradigm class

profile subcategory
L. subcallosal area, posterior gyrus rectus, F1 11e14/25 n.s. Reward taska
caudate head, nucleus accumbens
L. caudate head & body, nucleus lentiformis F2 n.s. Reward taska
Bl. middle gyrus rectus F3 11/13/14 n.s. n.s.
Bl. middle thalamus F4 n.s. n.s.
L. superior anterior insula F5 15 n.s. Word generation (covert)c
L. posterior inferior frontal sulcus/inferior F6 6/9/44 n.s. Cued explicit recognitionb
frontal junction

Bl. subcallosal area, caudate head & body, M1 25 Action: imaginationb Reward taska
nucleus accumbens Perception: olfactiona
Bl. pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior M2 9/32/33 Action: inhibitionb Reward taska
midcingulate and paracingulate gyrus,
anterior frontomedian cortex
Bl. anterior frontomedian cortex M3 10/12 n.s. Reward taska; chewing/swallowinga
L. anterior inferior insula M4 16 n.s. n.s.
R. anterior superior insula, putamen M5 15 n.s. Pain monitor/discriminationa;
recitation/repetition (overt)c
p < .001, bp < .01, cp < .05 higher than expected. BA Brodmann area, Bl. bilateral, bvFTD behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, FDG-PET
F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, L. left, Lat. lateralization, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, n.s. not significant, R. right.
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 31

Fig. 5 e Conjunction between impaired brain regions in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (FDG-PET blue, MRI red)
and neural correlates of empathy (green) and theory of mind (cyan). Anatomical and functional activation likelihood
estimate meta-analyses. Left is left. MNI coordinates. Overlap yellow and light blue for empathy and white for theory of
mind. ACC/AMC/PCC anterior cingulate and midcingulate cortex/paracingulate cortex, AFMC anterior frontomedian cortex,
Ant. anterior, FDG-PET 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute, MRI
magnetic resonance imaging.

international consortium (Rascovsky et al., 2011). The design that pooled MRI and FDG-PET data due to small numbers of
enabled a very high validity by including approximately 400 studies (Schroeter et al., 2008). A selective decrease in the
patients with bvFTD e the largest cohort in the literature to density of von Economo neurons has been reported in bvFTD
our knowledge e and functional imaging data mainly from the in these areas (Kim et al., 2012; Seeley et al., 2006) e neurons
BrainMap database including approximately 42,000 healthy that are related to socio-emotional functions and conscious-
subjects. Note that disease and healthy cohorts are indepen- ness (Critchley & Seth, 2012; Evrard, Forro, & Logothetis, 2012).
dent, going far beyond traditional circular approaches inves- Additionally, our study identified lateral prefrontal areas, the
tigating the neural correlates of mental/behavioral deficits in left inferior frontal junction area, and, most interestingly,
disease groups (Seeley, Zhou, & Kim, 2012). Additionally, the subcortical regions to be involved in bvFTD, in particular the
inclusion criterion of whole brain imaging studies for all meta- basal ganglia including the caudate nuclei, the nucleus
analyses guaranteed a data-driven approach. In the following, accumbens (‘ventral striatum’), the putamen and globus pal-
we discuss results in more detail. lidus (lentiform nucleus) extending results of one recent MRI
effect size signed differential mapping meta-analysis on
4.1. Neural correlates of bvFTD bvFTD (Pan et al., 2012).
Our results suggest that diagnostic imaging criteria for
The first meta-analysis identified the neural correlates of bvFTD (Rascovsky et al., 2011) shall be specified for each
bvFTD separately for both imaging approaches, MRI and FDG- imaging approach separately, measuring atrophy, hypo-
PET, measuring either atrophy or reduction of glucose utili- metabolism or hypoperfusion as it has already been sug-
zation in comparison with healthy control subjects. Most gested for Alzheimer’s disease (Dubois et al., 2007).
interestingly, this approach dissociated regionally the atro- Generally, we assume the same regions to be involved for
phic and hypometabolic regions in bvFTD with only two partly hypometabolism of glucose and hypoperfusion as already
overlapping regions in the left ventral striatum and caudate shown for Alzheimer’s disease (Schroeter & Neumann,
nucleus. Fig. 6 gives an overview of the regions involved in 2011). Interestingly, disease duration differed between sub-
bvFTD and its functional correlates. The overall network jects involved in atrophy (MRI) and metabolism (FDG-PET)
included mainly the frontomedian cortex, anterior insulae studies in our meta-analysis with shorter (almost half) dis-
and thalamus, regions that were already identified as specific ease duration in metabolism studies in comparison with
for bvFTD in a previous meta-analysis with the same method atrophy studies, and without differences for mean age and
32 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

Fig. 6 e Conceptualizing behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia with combined meta-analyses. The figure illustrates
brain regions involved in the disease (light blue), their related cognitive and behavioral correlates (orange, purple and red)
and clinical symptoms (dark blue). ACC/AMC anterior cingulate and midcingulate cortex, Ant. anterior, IFJ inferior frontal
junction, PCC paracingulate cortex.

disease severity. Although this fact might suggest a chro- 4.2. Behavioral correlates of bvFTD e emotion
nological process in bvFTD, this could not be confirmed with processing and empathy
our data sample, as the investigated MRI and FDG-PET co-
horts did only partly overlap. Accordingly, further longitu- The identified neural correlates of bvFTD have been related to
dinal studies have to explore whether the different imaging various emotional and cognitive functions in the literature
approaches mirror a topographical and chronological hier- (Schroeter et al., 2007, 2008). The anterior cingulate cortex is
archical ‘nexopathic’ model as suggested for Alzheimer’s well known to be related to the perception of emotion and
disease previously, where regional hypometabolism, pre- pain (Frith & Frith, 2003; Vogt, 2005), the midline and intra-
sumably due to diaschisis/disconnection effects, is followed laminar thalamic nuclei (particularly the parafascicular nu-
by regional atrophy (Chételat et al., 2008; Dukart, Mueller, cleus) are involved in pain processing (Vogt, 2005). Indeed, our
Villringer et al., 2013; Jack et al., 2010; Villain et al., 2008; second data-driven meta-analytic approach (behavioral
Woost et al., 2013). The (meta-analytically) identified proto- domain profiles) confirmed that bvFTD affects mainly and
typical networks might be used as ‘hubs or networks of in- most consistently the emotional network including the
terest’ to increase individual diagnostic accuracy based on caudate head & body, nucleus accumbens, gyrus rectus, sub-
multimodal imaging and machine learning algorithms such callosal area, pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior mid-
as support vector machine classification (Dukart et al., 2011; cingulate and paracingulate gyrus, and anterior frontomedian
Dukart, Mueller, Barthel et al., 2013), and to further the cortex. All of these regions were highly associated with
disease’s understanding with connectivity analyses (Farb functional activations during emotional paradigms in healthy
et al., 2013; Filippi et al., 2013; Jech, Mueller, Schroeter, & subjects. Moreover, the second meta-analysis showed with
Ruzicka, 2013; Mueller, Jech, & Schroeter, 2013; Seeley, behavioral domain profiles that the right anterior superior
Crawford, Zhou, Miller, & Greicius, 2009; Warren et al., insula and putamen are associated with pain monitoring/
2012; Zhou et al., 2012). discrimination. These findings are mirrored in the clinical
Our data support the idea that bvFTD is a mainly (medio) deficits of subjects with bvFTD showing an inappropriate
frontal and basal ganglia disease, where the core network of emotional shallowness with unconcern, a loss of emotional
the disease does not include temporal regions (Schroeter, warmth, an indifference to others, impairments in recog-
2012). As imaging criteria for bvFTD seem to be regionally nizing both facial and vocal expressions of emotions and a
‘underspecified’ to date (Rascovsky et al., 2011; Schroeter, loss of pain awareness (reviewed in Schroeter et al., 2007,
2012) one might define its anatomical correlates more in 2008).
detail such as already suggested for language subtypes of Proper emotional abilities are a prerequisite to empathy,
FTLD (Gorno-Tempini et al., 2011). the ability to share another’s emotional state. It is well known
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 33

that patients with bvFTD are impaired in empathy (Rankin 4.5. Behavioral correlates of bvFTD e ToM or
et al., 2006), which is even contained in the new revised mentalizing abilities
bvFTD criteria (Rascovsky et al., 2011). Indeed, the compre-
hensive AcLE meta-analysis on empathy across functional Based on literature and meta-analytic data, we expected a
imaging studies revealed a close overlap with the impaired strong association between bvFTD’s alterations in the anterior
networks of bvFTD in both anterior insulae, anterior cingulate, medial frontal cortex (Brodmann area 9/32) and ToM or
midcingulate and paracingulate cortices. The negative finding ‘mentalizing’ abilities, where mental states have to be attrib-
in the BrainMap database is just related to the fact that uted to self and other people and which constitutes one aspect
empathy is not contained as a category there. of social cognition (Amodio & Frith, 2006; Frith & Frith, 2003).
Although empathy is another prerequisite for social cognition
4.3. Behavioral correlates of bvFTD e executive it follows another concept. Whereas empathy represents an
functions emotional sharing of another’s state, ToM affords only an
understanding of this state (Bzdok et al., 2012; Hein & Singer,
Deficits in executive functions are a well known feature of 2008).
bvFTD and already included in the old and revised criteria Surprisingly, behavioral domain profiles did not confirm
(Neary et al., 1998; Raczka et al., 2010; Rascovsky et al., 2011; our hypothesis for mentalizing abilities. On the one hand, this
Schroeter et al., 2012). Based on literature data and compre- missing finding might be related to a small number of such
hensive AcLE meta-analyses in healthy subjects, executive or studies in the BrainMap database. On the other hand, one
control functions depend mainly on the left lateral prefrontal might assume that the well known clinical impairments in
cortex, in particular the inferior frontal junction (IFJ), and on ToM tasks in bvFTD are epiphenomena and are caused by
the anterior cingulate cortex (Derrfuss, Brass, Neumann, & deficits in other cognitive domains (Adenzato et al., 2010;
von Cramon, 2005; Niendam et al., 2012; Ridderinkhof, Gregory et al., 2002; Rankin et al., 2006; Schroeter et al., 2007,
Ullsperger, Crone, & Nieuwenhuis, 2004; Vogt, 2005). Our 2008). This assumption is supported by a generally more
second data-driven meta-analysis confirmed this assumption anterior frontomedian localization of ToM networks accord-
as the left inferior frontal junction was significantly related to ing to AcLE meta-analyses than regions affected by bvFTD
the domain ‘cognition’ and another cluster containing the according to our study (beside one tiny regional overlap).
pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior midcingulate/para-
cingulate gyrus, and anterior frontomedian cortex to ‘inhibi- 4.6. Towards a concept of bvFTD
tion’ according to the functional BrainMap meta-data.
Fig. 6 summarizes the results of our multimodal meta-analytic
4.4. Behavioral correlates of bvFTD e reward processing approach by suggesting a concept for bvFTD. Frontomedian
structures, containing the anterior cingulate and mid-
Reward is a central component for driving incentive-based cingulate cortex, the paracingulate and anterior frontomedian
learning, appropriate responses to stimuli and the develop- cortex, are obviously the core hubs affected by bvFTD, because
ment of goal-directed behaviors (Haber & Knutson, 2010). all clinical core dimensions (emotion and reward processing,
Adaptive behaviors as essential for human beings require a empathy and executive functions, in particular inhibition) are
combination of reward evaluation, associative learning, associated with these structures. The impairment of fronto-
developing appropriate action plans and inhibiting inappro- median areas might further lead to a loss of self-awareness,
priate choices on the basis of earlier experience. Hence, inte- self-knowledge and, finally, the ‘self’ in bvFTD as discussed
grating reward processing and cognition is essential for recently (Miller et al., 2001; Schroeter et al., 2007, 2008). One
successful behavior. might consider, accordingly, bvFTD as a prototypical fronto-
According to our first AnLE meta-analysis bvFTD affects median disease (Schroeter, 2012). Whether frontomedian
the most important and highly interconnected regions for structures are the first impaired in bvFTD has to be explored in
reward processing in the ‘reward circuit’ (Haber & Knutson, longitudinal studies (Seeley et al., 2012).
2010) e the anterior cingulate cortex, the orbitofrontal/ Beside the more general cognitive/emotional involvement
ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the ventral striatum, con- of frontomedian brain areas, other hubs are related to specific
taining the nucleus accumbens and one subcomponent, the dysfunctions in bvFTD e the left inferior frontal junction to
shell of the ventral striatum, and the midline thalamus. These executive deficits, the basal ganglia, subcallosal area and
areas have been discussed as relevant for both primary gyrus rectus to changes in emotion and reward processing,
(pleasant tastes, food and sexual stimuli, drugs) and second- and the anterior insula to a loss of empathy/sympathy and
ary rewards (monetary gains, gambling) (Haber & Knutson, changes in pain monitoring and discrimination.
2010). Recently, a functional AcLE meta-analysis added the How can the other specific clinical symptoms be integrated
anterior insula to the reward circuit (Liu, Hairston, Schrier, & in this concept of bvFTD? Here, apathy, disinhibition and
Fan, 2011). The behavioral domain profile meta-analysis hyperorality/dietary changes are the most important clinical
confirmed this assumption by identifying five relevant phenomena of interest (Rascovsky et al., 2011). All of them
reward clusters that contained the caudate head & body, nu- have been related to atrophy or hypometabolism in fronto-
cleus lentiformis, nucleus accumbens, gyrus rectus, sub- median regions (Rosen et al., 2005; Schroeter et al., 2011).
callosal area, pregenual anterior cingulate, anterior Although still an issue of debate, one might hypothesize that
midcingulate and paracingulate gyrus, and anterior fronto- frontomedian alterations might disturb the interplay and
median cortex. integration between reward and cognitive control functions,
34 c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7

finally leading to disinhibition and hyperorality/dietary characteristic neural networks representing the brain regions
changes (Schroeter et al., 2011). that are consistently involved in specific dementia syndromes
Of note, inhibitory control, one of the three core executive or paradigms. Accordingly, single studies might have shown
abilities beside working memory and task switching (Miyake that dementia diseases may affect and functional imaging
et al., 2000), was the only specific executive function related studies might involve other brain structures and may be
to the neural (frontomedian) networks of bvFTD in our second regionally more unspecific than the present meta-analyses
meta-analysis with behavioral domain profiles. This result is suggest. This argument is particularly relevant for the
in agreement with AcLE meta-analyses of functional imaging regional dissociation between the neural correlates of bvFTD
studies in healthy subjects that identified the frontomedian and ToM. One might even argue that temporal clusters have
cortex and inferior frontal junction area as central for these been missed in bvFTD due to our meta-analytic method that
executive core components (Christ, Van Essen, Watson, considered only coordinates of maxima of atrophy/hypo-
Brubaker, & McDermott, 2009; Derrfuss et al., 2005). Accord- metabolism and not respective cluster sizes. However, one
ingly, inhibitory malfunction seems to support disinhibition would expect also maxima of alterations in temporal regions
and hyperorality/dietary changes, beside perseverative, ste- in the original studies if highly relevant for this disease.
reotyped, compulsive and ritualistic behaviors in bvFTD. Although for diagnostic and interpretative purposes, the most
Interestingly, failure of inhibitory control is an early and consistent prototypical or ‘essential’ brain networks are of
specific feature in bvFTD (O’Callaghan, Hodges, & Hornberger, highest interest, our results and hypotheses have generally to
2013). Beyond that, impairments in inhibition might represent be validated in original patient studies.
the ‘missing link’ to ToM deficits (‘mind blindness’) that occur Beyond FDG-PET and structural MRI, a plethora of new
very early in bvFTD (Pardini et al., 2013). Our meta-analyses imaging studies have been published in recent years that
did not find a substantial overlap between networks focus on connectivity changes in bvFTD, including diffusion
involved in bvFTD and in ToM or mentalizing processes. Most tensor imaging and resting-state fMRI. Although highly rele-
interestingly, a recent study (Le Bouc et al., 2012) showed that vant for the field, methodological problems make conducting
bvFTD patients are selectively impaired in inhibiting their quantitative likelihood estimate meta-analyses across such
own mental perspective leading to ToM deficits. This kind of studies impossible to date. Diffusion tensor imaging studies
inhibition was closely correlated with inhibition abilities in a do not report coordinates of the changes’ maxima, rather they
classical Stroop task. show regional maps for fractional anisotropy or radial/axial
Apathy or inertia, a syndrome of diminished motivation, is diffusivity. Resting-state fMRI studies, on the other hand, use
frequently observed in bvFTD. This syndrome might be dis- a wide range of methods including seed based and data-driven
cussed in the context of generally diminished reward abilities approaches, such as (fractional) amplitude of low-frequency
as it has been related to a dopaminergic neural network con- fluctuations (FALFF and ALFF), independent or principal
sisting of the ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens, component analysis (PCA and ICA), or Eigenvector centrality
ventral pallidum, and the anterior cingulate/prefrontal cortex mapping (ECM), each addressing different aspects of func-
(Der-Avakian & Markou, 2012; Huey, Putnam, & Grafman, tional connectivity. Results of these different analysis ap-
2006; Schroeter et al., 2011). Our results for the reward sys- proaches are thus not directly comparable, and so far no
tem might support the idea that dopaminergic agents may standard analysis technique for functional connectivity data
improve behavioral symptoms in bvFTD (Huey et al., 2006) as has been established. These issues hamper likelihood esti-
shown also for decision-making behavior in this disease, mate meta-analysis approaches for these imaging methods to
namely less risk taking (Rahman et al., 2006). date.
Another limitation might be related to the ‘ontology’ of the
4.7. Validation of diagnostic criteria for bvFTD BrainMap database. This database contains specific paradigm
classes depending on the studies conducted in the literature
Our meta-analytic findings support the new clinical diag- and their classification into behavioral domains. Accordingly,
nostic criteria for bvFTD as developed by Rascovsky et al. negative findings might be just related to the fact that cate-
(2011) and the American Psychiatric Association (2013) in the gories are not represented here as shown for empathy.
new DSM-5. The exclusion of ToM deficits in Rascovsky et al.’s Furthermore, one might generally criticize validating diag-
criteria (2011) seems to be justified, because impairments in nostic imaging criteria with studies that used imaging data for
social cognition, as suggested solely in the DSM-5 criteria, diagnosis. Here, we avoided such a circular argumentation by
might be related mainly to changes in empathy, emotional including only studies applying old diagnostic criteria and not
processing and inhibition in this disease. The new diagnostic revised criteria as suggested by Rascovsky et al. (2011). How-
imaging criteria, on the other hand, might be specified for ever, if enough studies are available a meta-analysis with the
region ((medio)frontal lobe and basal ganglia) and parameter new criteria seems to be recommendable, because these
(atrophy and glucose metabolism). criteria have a much higher sensitivity for bvFTD, and because
they are based on histopathologically confirmed cases. Hence,
4.8. Study’s limitations this future analysis might yield neural networks more spe-
cifically related to bvFTD.
Finally, one has to discuss the study’s limitations. Because To further characterize the sample of bvFTD studies
AnLE/AcLE meta-analyses and behavioral domain profiles involved in our meta-analysis we checked how many subjects
generally include maxima and not cluster sizes of the various suffered from histopathologically or genetically confirmed
imaging studies, they extract the prototypical, most bvFTD. Only two MRI (atrophy) studies fulfilled these criteria.
c o r t e x 5 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 2 2 e3 7 35

From Whitwell et al. (2005, Supplemental information) we secondary phenomena. Results suggest specifying diagnostic
included five cases with a positive family history and tau exon imaging criteria for the disease.
10 þ 16 C-to-T (cytosine-to-thymine) splice site mutations
(microtubule-associated protein tau). All of these five subjects
presented clinically with bvFTD, justifying an inclusion in our
meta-analysis. We excluded the other patients reported by Acknowledgments
Whitwell et al. (2005, Supplemental information) with histo-
pathologically proven ubiquitin-positive (tau- and alpha- This work was supported by the Parkinson’s Disease Foun-
synuclein-negative) inclusions or with Pick disease, because dation (Grant No. PDF-IRG-1307), and by LIFE e Leipzig
these patients presented clinically with different subtypes of Research Center for Civilization Diseases at the University of
FTLD (bvFTD and language variants, in particular semantic Leipzig to Matthias L. Schroeter. LIFE is funded by means of
dementia and progressive non-fluent aphasia). The other the European Union, by the European Regional Development
relevant study by Pereira et al. (2009, Supplemental Fund (ERFD) and by means of the Free State of Saxony within
information) included only histopathologically confirmed the framework of the excellence initiative. Furthermore,
cases with FTLD. Of the four bvFTD patients, which were Matthias L. Schroeter and Jane Neumann are supported by the
involved in our study, three had ubiquitin inclusions, and one German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF;
had tau inclusions. In sum, just nine (9) cases of bvFTD in our German FTLD Consortium e Grant Nos. FKZ 01GI1007A & FKZ
study had either a genetically or histopathologically 01EO1001). Jane Neumann further acknowledges funding by
confirmed bvFTD, which is 2.16% of the whole (417) patients the German Research Foundation (SFB 1052). Angela Laird has
sample. Consequently, a sub-meta-analysis was not possible been supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant No.
due to the very small number of histopathologically or R01-MH074457). Simon B. Eickhoff acknowledges funding by
genetically proven bvFTD patients and even their high histo- the Human Brain Project (Grant No. R01-MH074457-01A1) and
pathological/genetic variability. One can assume that these the Helmholtz Initiative on Systems Biology (Human Brain
data had no impact on the overall results of our meta- Model).
analyses. However, one cannot rule out that further geneti-
cally positive or possibly not histopathologically verifiable
cases were involved in our sample. Supplemental information
More clinical information on patients involved in the
single studies would further have helped to interpret the Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
results of the current meta-analysis. In particular, rating of http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2014.02.022.
clinical impairment with the MMSE seems to be not optimal
as it represents an instrument developed primarily for Alz-
heimer’s disease and not bvFTD. Accordingly, the MMSE
might rather be unimpaired in early bvFTD. Although clinical
instruments more appropriate for bvFTD exist, such as the
Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), the Clinical Dementia Rat-
Adenzato, M., Cavallo, M., & Enrici, I. (2010). Theory of mind
ing Scale for FTLD (CDR FTLD) or the Frontal Systems
ability in the behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia:
Behavior Scale (FrSBe), no consensus has been achieved for an analysis of the neural, cognitive, and social levels.
the most valid instrument yet. Hence, these instruments Neuropsychologia, 48, 2e12.
have not been applied consistently in the original studies, Adolphs, R. (2010). Conceptual challenges and directions for
and we could not include more clinical information for the social neuroscience. Neuron, 65, 752e767.
analysis. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical
manual of mental disorders. DSM-5 (5th ed.). Washington, DC:
American Psychiatric Publishing.
Amodio, D. M., & Frith, C. D. (2006). Meeting of minds: the medial
5. Conclusions frontal cortex and social cognition. Nature Reviews
Neuroscience, 7, 268e277.
Our study has created a novel conceptual framework to un- Bzdok, D., Schilbach, L., Vogeley, K., Schneider, K., Laird, A. R.,
derstand neuropsychiatric diseases by powerful data-driven Langner, R., et al. (2012). Parsing the neural correlates of moral
meta-analytic approaches. We combined three new system- cognition: ALE meta-analysis on morality, theory of mind, and
empathy. Brain Structure and Function, 217, 783e796.
atic and quantitative meta-analytic methods to understand
Chételat, G., Desgranges, B., Landeau, B., Mézenge, F., Poline, J. B.,
bvFTD in the framework of cognitive neuropsychiatry, and to de la Sayette, V., et al. (2008). Direct voxel-based comparison
validate its diagnostic clinical and imaging markers as sug- between grey matter hypometabolism and atrophy in
gested recently by an international consortium. The study Alzheimer’s disease. Brain, 131, 60e71.
identified the frontomedian cortex as the central hub beside Christ, S. E., Van Essen, D. C., Watson, J. M., Brubaker, L. E., &
the basal ganglia, anterior insulae and thalamus e with a McDermott, K. B. (2009). The contributions of prefrontal cortex
and executive control to deception: evidence from activation
regional dissociation between atrophy and hypometabolism.
likelihood estimate meta-analyses. Cerebral Cortex, 19,
These neural networks were related to emotion processing,
empathy, executive functions and reward processing sug- Clinical and neuropathological criteria for frontotemporal
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