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Standard Operating Procedure

SOP of Alkyd Resin Plant

Prepared By

Hasan Tariq Sahi

Assistant Manager Production
Standard Operating Procedure of Alkyd Resin

1. Raw Materials:
i. Soya Been Oil
ii. Pentaerythritol ﴾ C5H12O4 )
iii. LiOH used as Catalyst
iv. Phthalic Anhydride ﴾C8H4O3)
v. OX ﴾ C8H10 )
vi. White Spirit

2. Batch Charging and Processing :

1) Pre- Conditions :

a. SBO and MTT charging vessels are filled as per batch

b. Penta ,PA ,glycerine and OX is available at plant.
c. Condenser CW inlet and outlet valves are fully opened.
d. N2 and HTO is available for alkyd resin plant.
e. Filter press is ready.
f. Empty drums are available for filling.
g. Lift is in normal condition.
h. Temp. indicators are Ok.
i. Alkyd Plant power breakers are ON.
Sr. Description Remarks/Precautions
1. Mono Esterification Procedure: i. Ensure sample and
 Open SBO charging valve and charge bottom valve of reactor
SBO as per recipe. are closed
 Start Agitation and N2 purging at ii. Ensure vent valve of
controlled rate (oil bubbling). condenser is open before
 Charge penta through main hole. charging.
 Charge LiOH and NaOH catalysts iii. N2 purging prevents
through main hole. oxidation of oil.
 Box up main hole and open HTO inlet iv. Make sure drain valve of
valves slowly to increase temperature. cooling coil is open to
 Increase reactor temperature to 255 0C. avoid pressure build up in
 Hold this temp. for ½ hr. coil.
 Perform clarity test to check completion v. Take methanol and
of mono stage. sample in 1: 2.
 Wait for ½ hour more if sample is hazy.
 Stop heating at Mono Esterification

2. Cooling Procedure :
 Open cooling coil reactor out let valve i. Cooling water can be
and close cooling water supply line drain used if Raw water is not
valve available.
 Now open Raw water for cooling process
and continue cooling to achieve 180 oC.
 At 180 oC stop cooling and open drain
valve of cooling coil.
3. Charging of PA and OX : i. Stop N2 purging before
 Open main hole Charge PA and complete opening main hole.
this activity in shortest possible time. ii. Close vapour line
 Box up main hole ,open butterfly valve butterfly valve and stop
and start agitation. agitation before PA
 Charge 200 kg OX and start heating. charging.
iii. Maintain water and OX
level in separator to
ensure continuous reflux.

4. Further Processing: i. Check Color at 200 oC .

 Increase reactor temperature to 230-240 ii. Apply N2 blanket to
C. maintain color.
 Ensure normal reflux and maintain temp. iii. Take sample every hour.
 Add OX to maintain reflux and to control
 After 1 hr of 240 oC start sampling for
viscosity and Acid value analysis.
 At viscosity 3.5 seconds bubble tube and
Acid value 10gm KOH/gm of sample
stop heating and apply cooling as
mentioned above.
 During cooling viscosity must be above 4
seconds bubble tube.
 Add 1000 kg MTT in reactor at 190 oC to
stop further polymerization .

5. MTT Charging and shifting in F-101: i. Close vent valve of

 At 150 C stop cooling thinning vessel and open
 Now material is ready for shifting. N2 valve.
 Add remaining MTT in thinning vessel ii. Open vent valve of T.V.
and start shifting. before shifting.
 Start Agitation of T.V. and took sample iii. Ensure bottom valve of
after 1 hr of mixing. T.V. is closed.
 Add remaining MTT to adjust viscosity
7-9 seconds body tube .
6. Filtration and Filling : i. Ensure filter is empty and
 Make ready the filter as per its SOP. recirculation valve and
 Start filtration by using pump G-04. drain valves of filter are
 Fill the resin in drums. close.

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