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Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)

SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur

JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
Pandhre Ganesh Ca Bhakare Rohan Ab Ravikiran. V. Adat,
Gaikwad Vishwajit Ac Shinde Akshay Md Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
a,b,c,d UG Scholors S.M.S.M.P.I.T.R.Akluj-413118, MH, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mayur D. Jagtap
SMSMPITR, Akluj, Pin-413118, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Maharashtra, India. S.B.P.C.O.E Indapur-413106, MH, India.

Abstract—The hybrids composite has emerged and the composite are strongly influenced by the fiber length.
have the potential reinforcement material for [5]
composites and thus gain attraction by many
researchers. Nature continues to provide mankind Table 1 Comparison between natural and Carbon fiber
generously with all kinds of rich resources in plentiful Natural fibres carbon fibres
abundance, such woven fiber carbon hybrid
Density Low Twice that of natural
composites. In this composite laminates Kevlar and fibres
carbon fiber exhibit higher mechanical properties. So, Cost Low Low, but higher than
the composite material shows the highest mechanical NF
properties. This High-performance hybrid composite Renewability Yes No
material has extensive engineering applications such Recyclability Yes No
as transport industry, aeronautics, naval, automotive Energy consumption Low High
industries. This is mainly due to their applicable Distribution Wide wide
benefits have they offer low density, low cost, CO2 neutral Yes No
renewable, biodegradability and environmentally Abrasion to machines No Yes
Health risk when No Yes
harmlessness and also comparable mechanical
properties with synthetic fiber composites. Kevlar Disposal Biodegradable Not biodegradable
fiber and carbon fiber composites were fabricated by
using epoxy resin combination of hand lay-up method
and cold press method. Specimen is cut from the II. TYPES OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS
fabricated laminate according to the ASTM standard Broadly, composite materials can
for different experiments for tensile test, flexural text, be classified into three groups on the basis of
and impact test. matrix material. They are
i. Metal Matrix Composites (MMC)
Keywords: composites, Synthetic Fiber, mechanical ii. Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMC)
properties, epoxy, hand layup. iii. Polymer Matrix Composites (PMC)

I. INTRODUCTION A. Metal matrix composites

In recent years, polymeric based composites Higher specific modulus, higher specific strength, better
materials are being used in many applications such as properties at elevated temperatures and lower
automotive, sporting goods, marine, electrical, industrial, coefficient of thermal expansion are the advantages of
construction, household appliances, etc. metal Matrix Composites over monolithic metals.
Polymeric composites have high strength and stiffness, Because of these attributes metal matrix composites are
light weight, and high corrosion resistance. Natural fibers under chamber nozzle (in rocket, space shuttle),
are available in abundance in nature and can be used to housings, tubing, cables, heat exchangers, structural
reinforce polymers to obtain light and strong material. members etc.
The natural fiber present important advantages B. Ceramic matrix Composites
such as low density, appropriate stiffness, mechanical One of the main objectives in producing ceramic matrix
properties with high disposability and renewability. In this composites is to increase the toughness. Naturally it is
project are used the natural fiber of banana and coconut. hoped and indeed often found that there is a
Moreover, these banana and coconut fiber are recycle and concomitant improvement in strength and stiffness of
biodegradable. Banana fiber, a lignocellulosic fiber, ceramic matrix composites.
obtained from the pseudo-stem of banana plant (Musa
sepientum), is a bast fiber with relatively good mechanical C. Polymer Matrix Composites
properties. In tropical countries like India, fibrous plants Polymeric matrix composites are the most commonly used
are available in abundance and some of them like banana matrix materials. The reasons for this are two-fold. In
are agricultural crops. Banana fiber at present is a waste general, the mechanical properties of polymers are
product of banana cultivation. Hence, without any inadequate for many structural purposes. In particular
additional cost input, banana fiber can be obtained for their strength and stiffness are low compared to metals
industrial purposes. Banana fiber is found to be good and ceramics. By reinforcing other materials with
reinforcement in polypropylene resin. The properties of polymers these difficulties can be overcome. Secondly high
147 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
pressure and high temperature are not required in the C. Kevlar Fibers
processing of polymer matrix composites. For this reason, Kevlar fibers are made up of aromatic polyamides which
polymer composites developed rapidly and became are long polymeric .chains and aromatic rings. They are
popular for structural applications with no time. Polymer structured in six carbon atoms are bonded to each other of
composites are used because overall properties of the hydrogen atoms. In Kevlar fibers, these rings occur and
composites are superior to those of the individual reoccur to form the fibers. They were initially used to
polymers. [5] reinforce automobile tires also used in bullet proof vests;
power boats. Kevlar have high tensile strength, high
III. MATERIAL FOR POLYMER modulus and low weight. Impact- resistant structures can
A. Epoxy resin be produced from Kevlar. The density of Kevlar fibers is
Epoxy resins are available in liquid and solid forms and less than that of glass and graphite fibers.
are cured into the finished plastics by a catalyst. They are
cured at room temperatures as well as elevated
temperatures of about 2750C. The erosion resin of grade
LY-556 was used of density 1.1-1.2gm/cc at 298K. It
having the following outstanding properties has been used
as the matrix material. [5].
a) Excellent adhesion to different materials.
b) High resistance to chemical and atmospheric
attack. High dimensional stability.
c) Free from internal stresses.
d) Excellent mechanical and electrical properties.
Odorless, tasteless and completely nontoxic. Fig.2 Kevlar Fiber
Negligible shrinkage.
Carbon fiber reinforced polymer, carbon fiber reinforced Resins: Epoxy, polyester, vinyl ester, phenolic and any
plastic or carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic (CFRP, other resin.
CRP, CFRTP or often simply carbon fiber, carbon composite Synthetic Fibers: Glass, Carbon, Aramid and any other
or even carbon), is an extremely strong and light fiber- reinforcement, although heavy aramid fabrics can be
reinforced plastic which contains carbon fibers. The difficult to wet-out by hand.
spelling 'fiber' is common in British Commonwealth Natural fiber: Banana, Coconut.
countries. CFRPs can be expensive to produce but are Cores: Any core materials can be used provided that
commonly used wherever high strength-to-weight ratio should be compatible with resin system, i.e. polystyrene
and rigidity are required, such as aerospace, automotive, core cannot be used with polyester or vinyl ester resin
civil engineering, sports goods and an increasing number system.
of other consumer and technical applications.
1. High Strength to weight ratio 5. Material Composition
2. Rigidity A releasing agent is used on the mould release sheets to
3. Corrosion resistance facilitate easy removal of the composite from the mould
4. Electrical Conductivity after curing. The entrapped air bubbles (if any) are
5. Fatigue Resistance removed carefully with a sliding roller and the mould is
6. Good tensile strength but Brittle closed for curing at a temperature of 30°C for 24 h at a
7. Fire Resistance/Not flammable constant load of 50 kg. After curing, the specimens of
8. High Thermal Conductivity in some forms suitable dimension are cut using a diamond cutter for
9. Low coefficient of thermal expansion mechanical tests as per the ASTM standards. The
10. Non-poisonous composition and designation of the composites prepared
11. Biologically inert for this study are listed in the following table. The samples
12. X-Ray Permeable have been prepared by varying the fiber length and fiber
13. Self-Lubricating loading for the two fibers.
14. Excellent EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) On addition to hardener the resin will begin to
Shielding Property become more viscous until it’s not at all liquid and has lost
15. Relatively Expensive its ability to flow. This is ‘Gel Point’ the resin will continue
to hardened after it has gelled, until, at some time later. It
has obtained maximum hardness and all its properties.
This reaction itself is accompanied by the generation of
exothermic heat, which, in turn speed up the reaction. This
whole process is known as ‘Curing’ of the resins.
Curing at high temperature has the added advantage
that it actually increases the end mechanical properties of
the material. And many resin systems will not reach their
ultimate mechanical properties unless the resin is given
Fig.2 Carbon Fiber this ‘Postcure’. This posture process involves increasing
148 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
the laminate temperature after the initial room
temperature cure, which increase the amount of cross
linking of the molecules that can take place. To some
degree this posture will occur naturally at warm room
temperatures, but higher properties and shorter posture
times will be obtained if elevated temperatures are used.

Fig.6 vacuum bagging technique

The ability to resist breaking under tensile stress is one
of the most important and widely measured properties of
materials used in structural applications.
The force per unit area (MPa or psi) required to break
Fig.4 Fiber and Resin Layers a material in such a manner is the ultimate tensile
strength or tensile strength at break. Tensile properties
IV. METHODS OF MANUFACTURING indicate how the material will react to forces being applied
A. Description of hand layup technique in tension. A tensile test is a fundamental mechanical test
Matrixes/Resins are impregnated by hand into fibers where a carefully prepared specimen is loaded in a very
which are in the form of chopped strand mat woven, controlled manner while measuring the applied load and
knitted, stitched or bonded fabrics. This is usually the elongation of the specimen over some distance.
accomplished by rollers or brushes, with an increasing use Tensile tests are used to determine the modulus of
of nip-roller type impregnators for forcing resin into the elasticity, elastic limit, elongation, proportional limit, and
fabrics by means of rotating rollers and a bath of resin. reduction in area, tensile strength, yield point, yield
Laminates are left to cure under standard atmospheric strength and other tensile properties. [2]
conditions. [5]
Table 2. Tensile strength of Synthetic fibers
Synthetic Strength Reference
1 E-glass 2000-3500 7
2 S-glass 4570 7
3 Aramid 3000-3150 7
4 Carbon 4000 7

Fig.5 Hand Layup technique

B. Vacuum bagging technique

Vacuum bagging uses atmospheric pressure as a clamp to
hold laminate plies together. The laminate is sealed within
an airtight envelope. The envelope may be an airtight mold
on one side and an airtight bag on the other. When the bag
is sealed to the mold, pressure on the outside and inside of
this envelope is equal to atmospheric pressure:
approximately 29 inches of mercury (Hg), or 14.7 psi. As a
vacuum pump evacuates air from the inside of the
envelope, air pressure inside of the envelope is reduced
while air pressure outside of the envelope remains at 14.7
psi. Atmospheric pressure forces the sides of the envelope Fig.5 Comparative evaluation of tensile property of Fiber
and everything within the envelope together, putting equal Reinforced Composites
and even pressure over the surface of the envelope. The
pressure differential between the inside and outside of the B. FLEXURAL STRENGTH
envelope determines the amount of Flexural strength, also known as modulus of rupture, bend
Clamping force on the laminate.[8] strength, or fracture strength a mechanical parameter for

149 | P a g e
Proceedings of National Conference on Technological Developments in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (NCTDCME-18)
SPVP,S.B. Patil College of Engineering, Indapur
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal (ISSN No: 2581-4230)
15th -16th March- 2018
brittle material, is defined as a material's ability to resist mechanical properties of banana reinforced LDPE
deformation under load. The transverse bending test is composites, J. Comp. Matter, 31: pp 509-526.
most frequently employed, in which a rod specimen having 3) Chawla K. K. (1998) Composite Materials: Science
either a circular or rectangular cross-section is bent until and Engineering: Springer.
fracture using a three point flexural test technique. 4) M. Thiruchitrambalam, A. Alavudeen, A.
The flexural strength represents the highest stress Athijayamani N. Venkateshwaran And A. Elaya
experienced within the material at its moment of rupture. (2009) Perumal.Improving mechanical properties of
It is measured in terms of stress, here given the banana/kenaf polyester hybrid composites using
symbol .When an object formed of a single material, like a sodium laulryl sulfate treatment. Materials
wooden beam or a steel rod, is bending, it experiences a a. Physics and Mechanics 8 165-173.
range of stresses across its depth. At the edge of the object 5) R. Shakthval, D. Rajenadarn, (2014), Experimental
on the inside of the bend (concave face) the stress will be investigation and Analysis of mechanical properties
at its maximum compressive stress value. At the outside of of hybrid polymer composite plat. pp 407-412.
the bend (convex face) the stress will be at its maximum 6) R. Udhayasankar and B. Karthikeyan (2015), A
tensile value. These inner and outer edges of the beam or review on coconut shell Reinforced composition,
rod are known as the 'extreme fibers'. Most materials fail international journal of chemtech research, pp 625-
under tensile stress before they fail under compressive 628.
stress, so the maximum tensile stress value that can be 7) Hajnalka, H, Racz, I and Anandjiwala, R D,
sustained before the beam or rod fails is its flexural Development of HEMP Fibre Reinforced
strength. [5] Polypropylene Composites, Journal of Thermoplastic
Composite Materials, 2008, Vol. 21, pp.165-174.
C. CHARPY IMPACT 8) M. Jawaid, H.P.S. Abdul Khalil (2011)
The Charpy impact test, also known as the Charpy v-notch Cellulosic/synthetic fiber reinforced polymer hybrid
test, is a standardized high strain-rate test which composites: A review Carbohydrate Polymers 86 1–
determines the amount of energy absorbed by a material 18
during fracture. This absorbed energy is a measure of a 9) Saheb D.N. and Jog J.P. (1999), Natural Fiber Polymer
given material's toughness and acts as a tool to study Composites: A Review, Adv. Polym. Technol., 18(4)
temperature-dependent ductile-brittle transition. It is 351- 363
widely applied in industry, since it is easy to prepare and
conduct and results can be obtained quickly and cheaply. A
major disadvantage is that all results are only comparative.
The apparatus consists of a pendulum axe swinging at a
notched sample of material.[1]

The mechanical properties of coir fiber have a strong
association with the dynamic characteristics. Both of the
properties are greatly dependent on the volume
percentage of fibers. The composite having a coir fibers
volume of 5% showed a significant result compared to high
fiber loading composites due to the effect of material
Carbon fiber is an extremely strong and lightweight
fiber reinforced polymer. It is usually expensive to
manufacture but used wherever a high strength-weight
ratio is needed.
Banana fiber is a natural fiber with relatively good
mechanic properties. It can withstand stone strikes and
exposure to the environment, such as ultraviolet from the
sun, water, some chemicals.
The study shows that hybrid composite has
composites, emphasizes both mechanical and physical
properfar better properties than single fiber reinforced
compo- ties and their chemical composition.

1) Yang G. C, Zeng H. M, Jian, N. B and Li, J. J. (1996)
Properties of banana/ glass fiber reinforced PVC
hybrid composites. Plastics Industry, 1: pp 79-81.
2) Kalaprasad G, Joseph K. and Thomas S. (1997)
Influence of short glass fiber addition on the

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