Instructions For Use of The Notice of Acceptance of Constitutions and of Oath of Office
Instructions For Use of The Notice of Acceptance of Constitutions and of Oath of Office
Instructions For Use of The Notice of Acceptance of Constitutions and of Oath of Office
The following is information and instructions, not legal advice, for your use and not to
be given to the public servant along with the 'Notice". If you do not read these
instructions at least five times and fully comprehend the proper use of the
'Notice" then do not use it! Not wise to do something legal that you are not familiar
Welcome to the world of fiction! The United States government and the state
government and all of their agencies and subdivisions such as the city, county,
boroughs and townships and banks are corporations. SEE, Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS)
heading for "government." All corporations are fictions or artificial persons created
under the authority of the law (SEE, Black's Law Dictionary, "corporations"), and all
such corporate fictions are established by a set of rules called by-laws. Public
(government) corporations use the term constitution as the name of their by-laws,
which are nothing more than an offer to the people of the forum the government
intends to use to govern. (Notice that their constitutions are generally amended
internally as opposed to genuine government constitutions which are externally
amended.) If you will recall the history of the formation of the United States
government, its by-laws, the Constitution and amendments thereto were offered to the
whole world, but only officially accepted and ratified by representatives of the state
corporation governments thus binding both corporate governments in a contract. The
American private sector, although included within the offer, were never given the offer
to officially vote for or against nor to make an official acceptance or rejection. Thus, no
contract involving private Americans as a party to the Constitution exists. A contract, in
the modern sense of the word, has been defined as an agreement containing a promise
enforceable in law. The term "agreement" implies that there are at least two parties
involved, since one party cannot agree to a proposition unless it is made to him by
another party. The term further implies that one party proposed a promise or offer to
which the other party agreed or accepted. Thus, an agreement is the result of an offer
by one party and an acceptance by the other patty which creates a binding contract.
A study of the law of contracts should be done by acquiring a copy of the law text book
called Farnsworth on Contracts, ©2004 by E. Allan Farnsworth, Third Edition, Aspen
Publishers, ISBN: 0-7355-4605-3 (Vol. 1). This book is the most comprehensive work on
the relation between the law of contracts and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), but
for now, the important part is the explanation of offer and acceptance at Section 3.3 on
pages 112 and 113. It explains that the offeror may withdraw the offer anytime until
the one it is offered to formally accepts the offer and then and only then does it become
a binding contract. (Re-read this till you get it!) If you've been to court over any kind of
issue, you have already seen that the Constitution is non-existent. A judge will tell you
that Constitution doesn't mean anything in his/her court. The judge may even threaten
you with a charge of 'contempt of court' when you even mention the Constitution. A
Attorney/lawyer will tell you that they don't use the Constitution and the same is said
by tax collectors and police officers. Well, they are just withdrawing the offer to you [the
American private people] simply because you, we, the private sector, have never
formally "accepted" their offer. Whether the offer is the United States Constitution or
the Constitution of the state government corporation (a/k/a, "...this state") near where
we live our private lives. Nor has the private sector ever formally accepted the oath of
any government worker to uphold and defend the Constitution, which is required by the
law [their law] upon taking office. It appears to be a "MUST" that we formally accept the
constitutions as well as the oath of office of any public servant, i.e. government worker,
that we may be forced to do business within their official capacity.
To look at it in another way -- Consider that the public official is often referred to as
"Honorable", i.e.: the Honorable Judge Johne Doe. If one thinks about this for a moment
and considers that perhaps 'we' have been looking at this in a way that has not been to
our benefit. If one is referred to as being 'honorable' may it not mean that it is up to
someone (like you and me) to honor them and should we choose not to honor their offer
of contract then why should they honor us? When we choose to honor someone's
offering do we not become the customer? And, is not the customer, "King"?
The major reasoning behind the concept of a Notice of Acceptance of the Constitutions
and of Oath of Office is the protection afforded by the constitutions of the private
sector's personal liberty and private property. In the history of the world there has never
been a better form of government other than what the constitutions provide for us here
in North America. We might add that never throughout the history of the world has
there ever been such corruption of the purpose of a government by a small group of
greedy, self-serving people misusing the power of office as we have experienced here in
North America. Our private property has been taken by forced registration and
recordation into [corporate] government records, which casts upon the private sector
an onslaught of [corporate] government regulations and taxation. If the state
government or any of its political subdivisions caused to be registered or recorded
anyone's private property and then invokes its powers to regulate and tax the private
property of one of the private sector, such action is a violation of the due process
clause of the Fourteenth Amendment . . ."nor shall any state deprive any person of life,
liberty, or property, without due process of the law."
But wait -- we are a party to the alleged constitution(s) - are we? What is the purpose of
a [or any] constitution? Answer: to serve as a operations manual, operational
guidelines, binds for those who choose to be "Public Servants." Remember your
sovereign status - your consumer status - and unless [emphasis on "unless"] you have
opted into being subject to something the something doesn't have [legitimate] control
over you. "Contracts make the law - all law is contract." Consider the 13th Amendment.
And here is the secret decoding - it really doesn't matter what Constitution we're talking
about -- the question to whomever -AFTER- duly [look up, "duly"] accepting their alleged
constitution and oath ["to preserve, protect, and defend ... so help me God"] is: "Is
there something by or through your alleged Constitution that compels My
performance?" -- If yes, "...then please enter it into the record of this matter." If no,
"...then what am I doing here? Is there some manner of contract that is controlling?"
Can they show that you knowingly, willingly and voluntarily after full disclosure signed
on to something that bears the other party's signature as well? (See, jurisdiction.)
But anywhere along the way during an offer and acceptance situation there can always
be a refusal and a refusal does not constitute a refusal for cause or a dishonor because
you can't dishonor an offer, you can only dishonor a demand.
You can't dishonor an offer. You may and you can choose to not honor an offer.
You can refuse an offer, but you can't dishonor it. However, you can dishonor a demand.
Once there's an offer and acceptance been made and then one of the parties demands
their consideration and you refuse to give it to them, now that's a dishonor.
You can refuse an offer and that's all you can do to it, or accept it. Now, if you accept it,
according to the law books, you assume the liability for having accepted the offer.
Whatever liability goes along with it, you've accepted it. One should decide whether or
not one wants to assume that liability. In some cases you may want to as it may be
beneficial to you. Remember that a constitution is a limiting, defining authority device.
(Now go back and re-read that a couple of times until you get just who it was written
...the issue of sovereignty is very powerful and anybody who is not using it,
is not using their most powerful tool.
In regards to protecting oneself from "abusive" public servants: check out the [your]
State laws on "stalking" and "exploitation" as well as "neglect to protect" provisions in
State law [upholding and enforcing the law by parties under Oath of Office] as well
as Title 18 USC §1621 concerning the "neglect to protect" by persons under Oath,
and Title 42 USC § 1986, wherein a person having "knowledge of the law", "the power to
stop a wrong" and the "duty to prevent a wrong from being done" is liable for any
failure to act. Should they fail to prevent a wrong, having knowledge of the law, the
power to prevent, and the legal or moral duty to prevent the wrong, which causes
deprivations of your religious and/or civil rights or Liberties, suit can be brought for
"Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our Fathers made it
inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to
overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." --Abraham Lincoln
"Bind down the Public officials with the chains of the Constitution" ---Thomas
Thought: Jurisdiction can always be challenged on the grounds that the constitution
states that ALL matters in LAW and EQUITY must be conducted in an Article III court. If
this court is not an Article III court then the accused requests that the matter be
transferred to an Article III court or dismissed with prejudice.
Ask the judge if he has taken an oath to uphold and defend the constitution - he has to
say yes. If you ask the judge if he intends to conduct his duties in compliance with that
oath, what can he possibly say but yes? The judge knows if the court is an Article III
court, but he is hoping you will not understand this or how to force him to comply with
his oath of office.
Constitutional Law Judicial Immunity Court Challenges
While People Sleep Cases concerning Constitutional Law
Statement and Oath of Office... You Don't Say, by Daniel Lee Schinzing
Actually used items - as examples - NOTICE: Examples applying to/in Texas only.
Copy of Notice delivery to Judge
Certified copy of Notice of constitution and oath acceptance - Judge
Certified copy of Notice of constitution and oath acceptance - County Attorney
Certified copy of Notice of constitution and oath acceptance - District Attorney
Fair Use Transcript - applies anywhere (Hint: print it and use it as is.)
Actually used relating items - examples - NOTICE: Examples applying to/in Texas
1462 Notice of constitution and oath acceptance - Judge
1462 Judicial Notice regarding foreign flag.
1462 Motion to demand Court read all pleadings
1462 Motion to claim and exercise Constitutional Rights
Here is an idea to obtain a bit of evidence that one may use should one choose to use the Judicial Notice regarding
foreign flag. Visit your local U.S. Congressperson and inquire if he or she has copy of a booklet titled, "OUR
FLAG" for you. It is 9" X 6" in size with 48 pages and a red, white & blue cover. Ask you congressperson to sign
it for you. Now you have a very nice piece of evidence that you can introduce as an offer of proof to substantiate
the Judicial Notice. "Hey, My Congressman signed it - it must be valid." (You can also visit your Senator for the
same item.)
Stay tuned - more to come! Send us yours and we may post it.
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less
formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly
whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government Itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in
the accents familiar to his victims and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the
hearts of all men.
He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic
So that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared."
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Constitutional Law
Cases concerning Constitutional Law
Shephard's Citations:
A group of reporters that go through and keep track of all court cases that have come
before the courts, especially the Supreme Court and they clarify, before the court, all
the cases. All cases which have cited Marbury v. Madison case, to the Supreme Court
has not ever been over turned. See Shephard's Citation of Marbury v. Madison.
American Jurisprudence Book 16: Constitution Law Section 16Am Jur 2d: