Satya Algebraic
Satya Algebraic
Satya Algebraic
Algebraic Topology
A Primer
Second Edition
Satya Deo
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
This work is a co-publication with Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi, licensed for sale in all countries
in electronic form only. Sold and distributed in print across the world by Hindustan Book Agency, P-19
Green Park Extension, New Delhi 110016, India. ISBN: 978-93-86279-67-5 © Hindustan Book Agency
2nd edition: © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2018 and Hindustan Book Agency 2018
The final topic dealing with the singular homology and cohomology has
been discussed in Chapter 6. We have presented the important properties of
singular homology including proofs of the homotopy axiom and the excision
axiom. All of this is done in a way so that singular homology gets established
as a ‘homology theory’ on the category of all topological pairs in the sense
of Eilenberg-Steenrod. Then we go on to formally explain the definitions
of an abstract homology as well as an abstract cohomology theory. Apart
from the singular homology, we show that simplicial homology is also a
homology theory on the category of all compact polyhedral pairs. Related
topics such as homology and cohomology with coefficients, the Universal
Coefficient Theorem, the Künneth Formula, the Mayer-Vietoris Sequence and
the cohomology algebra of a space etc., have been discussed and adequately
illustrated by examples. The student can test his understanding of the subject
by working out the exercises given in every chapter. All of the basic material
covered in this book should make the subject fascinating for beginners and
should enable them to pursue advanced courses in any branch of algebraic
Except for a few remarks, we have refrained from giving a detailed history
of the subject which is, of course, always very enlightening and interesting.
However, we feel that it can be appreciated adequately when the student has
learnt the subject at a more advanced level than what is presented here. The
material presented here is contained in most of the books on algebraic topology.
My contribution is basically in organizing and presenting it afresh. Definitions,
propositions, corollaries etc. are numbered by 3 digits, i.e., Theorem 4.5.1
means Theorem 1 of Section 5 of Chapter 4. A suggested guideline for teaching
a two-semester (or one academic year) course from this book is as follows:
in the first semester one can cover Fundamental Group (Sections 2.1 to 2.6),
Simplicial Complexes (Sections 3.1 to 3.4), Simplicial Homology (Sections 4.1
to 4.8) and Covering Projection (Sections 5.1 to 5.6). The chapter on Covering
Projection can be taught immediately after the chapter on Fundamental
Group. Proofs of some of the technical theorems given in Chapters 4 and 5
can be omitted. The remaining section of Chapter 4 on Simplicial Homology,
viz. Section 4.9 and the whole of Chapter 6 on Singular Homology can be
easily covered in the second semester. It is hoped that the material prescribed
for the first semester is quite adequate for acquainting the student with the
basic concepts of algebraic topology. The material for the second semester, on
the other hand, will allow him to take a deeper plunge in any of the advanced
topics of modern algebraic topology.
The author would like to express his thanks to many of his friends
and colleagues, specially to G.A. Swarup, A.R. Shastri, Ravi Kulkarni and
K. Varadarajan, all of whom have read the manuscript and made important
suggestions for improvement of the book. The author appreciates the facil-
ities made available to him by the Department of Mathematics, University
of Arkansas, where the first draft of the whole book was completed. Rajendra
Bhatia, the Managing Editor of the series ‘Texts and Readings in Mathematics’
of the Hindustan Book Agency is thanked for his keen interest in the edito-
rial work. I thank my wife Prema Tripathi for her insistence that the job of
completing the book should get preference over administrative duties. Finally,
J.K. Maitra, one of my students and a colleague, deserves special thanks for
his constant assistance in typesetting the book on LATEX.
Satya Deo
July 1, 2003 Jabalpur
Preface to the Second Edition
Many colleagues and students have pointed out typos and even a few
mathematical errors in the original edition. The author is thankful to all of
those, especially to H.K. Mukherjee, Krishnendu Gangopadhyay and Snigdha
Bharati Choudhury, who read the book carefully and made many comments.
All the corrections have now been made to the best of my knowledge. The
numbering of definitions, theorems, corollaries, propositions, lemmas, examples
and remarks have now been made in one sequence, i.e., Proposition 3.2 will
follow Lemma 3.1 and Theorem 6.4 will follow Proposition 6.3 etc. Some
exercises have been changed and the remaining ones have been properly
ordered. The author is thankful to all those who followed this book as a text
for a course on the subject and offered their valuable suggestions for improving
the book. The ‘Primer Character’ of the book, however, has not been changed.
My student Dr V.V. Awasthi of VNIT, Nagpur deserves thanks for helping me
in the typesetting of the text. Finally, the author expresses his sincere thanks
to the authorities of the Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad for
the wonderful facilities and to the National Academy of Sciences, India for the
Platinum Jubilee Senior Scientist Fellowship.
Satya Deo
Harish-Chandra Research Institute
May 29, 2017
Preface v
3 Simplicial Complexes 83
3.1 Finite Simplicial Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.2 Polyhedra and Triangulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
3.3 Simplicial Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
3.4 Barycentric Subdivision – Simplicial Approximation Theorem 106
3.5 General Simplicial Complexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
4.6 Induced Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
4.7 Some Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
4.8 Degree of a Map and its Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
4.9 Invariance of Homology Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
4.9.1 Subdivision Chain Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
4.9.2 Homomorphism Induced by a Continuous Map . . . . . 179
4.9.3 Homotopy Invariance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
4.9.4 Lefschetz Fixed-Point Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
4.9.5 The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
4.10 Homology of General Simplicial Complexes . . . . . . . . . . 192
7 Appendix 295
7.1 Basic Algebra – a Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
7.1.1 Groups and Homomorphisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
7.1.2 Direct Product and Direct Sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
7.1.3 The Structure of a Finite Abelian Group . . . . . . . . 298
7.1.4 Free Groups and Free Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
7.1.5 Modules and their Direct Sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
7.2 Categories and Functors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
7.2.1 The Hom(M, N ) Functor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
7.2.2 Exact Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
7.2.3 The Tensor Product of Modules and Homomorphisms . 314
7.2.4 Chain Complexes and Homology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
7.2.5 Tensor Product of two Chain Complexes . . . . . . . . . 327
7.2.6 Exact Homology Sequence Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . 329
7.3 Topological Transformation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
7.3.1 Topological Transformation Groups . . . . . . . . . . . 333
References 339
Index 341
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we briefly recall and collect some of the basic definitions
and results of point set topology which will be needed later for explaining the
concepts of algebraic topology. Important definitions are followed by some quick
examples and, if necessary, by some comments. The results are mostly stated
without proofs, but occasionally well-known proofs are indicated merely to
highlight some important routine arguments. Emphasis has been laid mostly
on those topics of set topology which appear necessary for a correct under-
standing of subsequent chapters. We assume that the student is somewhat
already familiar with the basic notions of set topology, particularly with quo-
tient spaces, connectedness and compactness, etc., which are used here freely
regardless of the order in which they occur in these preliminaries. Definitions
and results can be referred back in the book while reading the material of
algebraic topology as and when they are required.
Let Rn denote the n-fold cartesian product of the real line R. Then an ar-
bitrary point x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) of Rn will have n real components x1 , x2 , . . . , xn .
The set Rn has several kinds of interesting and useful mathematical structures.
It is an n-dimensional vector space over the field R of reals; it has the Euclidean
inner product with respect to which it is a Hilbert space. The set of all n × n
matrices over reals corresponds to the set of all linear transformations on the
vector space Rn . In this section, we recall the usual topology on Rn . By Eu-
clidean metric on Rn , we mean the distance function d defined by the following
formula for any pair of points x = (x1 , . . . , xn ), y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) in Rn :
d(x, y) = { i=1 (xi − yi )2 }1/2 .
2 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
Note that the subset Z of integers gets the discrete topology from R. On
the other hand, the set Q of rational numbers gets a topology from R which
is totally disconnected but is not discrete. The unit interval I = [0, 1] gets the
induced topology, which is compact as well as connected. The subspace
Sn = {x ∈ Rn+1 | |x| = 1}
is called the standard n-sphere.
Fig. 1.1: The torus in Euclidean 3-space
S n−1
. In the 3-dimensional Euclidean space, let us consider the surface S ob-
tained by rotating the circle {(y − 3)2 + z 2 = 1, x = 0} about the z-axis. This
surface, which is a compact, connected subset of R3 , is homeomorphic to the
2-dimensional torus S1 × S1 mentioned earlier. To see why these are homeomor-
phic one has to observe that both of these spaces are compact Hausdorff spaces
and there is a continuous bijection (Exercise) from S onto S1 × S1 . Further-
more, we will prove later (see the Section 1.7) that any continuous bijection
from a compact space onto a Hausdorff space is always a homeomorphism. Our
assertion now follows immediately from these facts. We will frequently use this
type of argument in the sequel.
Let v0 , v1 , . . . , vn be n + 1 points of Rn , n ≥ 1, so that the set of vectors
{v1 − v0 , v2 − v0 , . . . , vn − v0 } is linearly independent. Then the subset σ n of
Rn defined by
n n
σ n = {x ∈ Rn | x = 0 αi vi , 0 ≤ αi ≤ 1 and 0 αi = 1},
is called an n-simplex.
v1 v3
number of real lines is a space which contains Rn as a subspace for all n and so
it contains R∞ . This means R∞ has the subspace topology induced from Rω .
We can also topologize the set R∞ by taking the weak topology (see later at
the end of Section 1.5) induced by the inclusion maps Rn → R∞ , n ≥ 1. Here
we remark that the two topologies on R∞ are not the same (Exercises later
on). It now follows that either of the two spaces Rω or R∞ (with subspace
topology) can be taken as a universal space for n-simplices for all n ≥ 0.
A nice result, which is used frequently in showing that a map going into
a product space is continuous, and can be easily proved, is the following:
A map f : Y → Xα is continuous if and only if the composites pα ◦ f
are continuous for each projection map pα : X α → Xα .
One can easily generalize the above Lemma when X = ∪ni=1 Fi is a finite
union of closed sets. We must point out that if the sets F1 , F2 are not closed,
then the lemma is false. For example, consider the characteristic function
χQ : R → I of rationals Q defined by χQ (x) = 1, x ∈ Q, and 0 otherwise; being
constant on rationals as well as on irrationals, its restriction on each one of
them is continuous, but the function χQ itself is discontinuous as a function
from R → I.
1.4. Homeomorphisms and Examples 7
Example 1.4.2. Any two open intervals (finite or infinite) of the real line R
are homeomorphic. To see this, note that the map f : (a, b) → (0, 1), a < b,
defined by f (x) = (x − a)/(b − a) is a homeomorphism. Moreover, the map
g : R → (−1, 1) defined by g(x) = x/(1 + |x|) is a homeomorphism, whereas the
map h : (0, π/2) → (0, ∞) defined by h(x) = tan x is also a homeomorphism.
Combining all these homeomorphisms one can easily prove the result stated
above. One can, similarly, show that any two closed intervals are homeomorphic.
v1 v2
2 IxI
Fig. 1.3
Again, take a point P inside the simplex and consider the radial map
emanating from P . In this case, every ray defines a unique line segment P Q of
the simplex and a unique line segment P R of the square. We map the segment
P Q to the segment P R by a linear homeomorphism. It is now plain to see that
when these linear homeomorphisms along all possible directions are combined
together, we get a homeomorphism mapping the 2-simplex to the square con-
taining the simplex. The argument is clearly valid for all dimensions. The same
argument applies to the case of an n-disk and an n-cube. It may be noted that
the above homeomorphism restricted to the boundary of a disk, a simplex or
a cube gives us the radial map of the previous example.
Now, one can see something more: Consider S2 punctured at two points,
say, at the north pole and at the south pole (they don’t make any difference
though). Then the resulting space is homeomorphic to the hyperboloid of one
sheet as well as to a right circular cylinder having infinite length on both
sides. Again, here the length is not important – just as a finite open interval is
1.4. Homeomorphisms and Examples 9
1. Prove that if we remove a point from the ellipse 4x2 + 9y 2 = 1, then the
remaining space is homeomorphic to the open interval (0, 1).
2. Use the (, δ)-definition of a continuous map to show that the map f : R →
R defined by
sin x1 x
= 0
f (x) =
0 x=0
is continuous.
3. Give a continuous map from the interval [−1, 1] onto the boundary of
the sqare I × I, which makes exactly five rounds of the boundary of the
4. A family {Aα } of subsets of a space X is called locally finite if each point x
of X has a neighbourhood N which meets only finitely many members of
{Aα }. Let {Fα } be a locally finite family of closed sets such that X = ∪Fα .
If f : X → Y is a map such that f |Fα is continuous for each α, then show
that f is continuous.
5. Show, by an example, that an injective continuous map from the half-open
interval [0, 1) into the Euclidean plane need not be a homeomorphism.
6. Show that the surface of a cone (end-circle included) is homeomorphic
to the closed 2-disk D2 , and the solid cone itself is homeomorphic to the
closed 3-disk D3 .
7. Prove that the ascending union R∞ of Euclidean spaces Rn , n ≥ 1 with
weak topology is not homeomorphic to the infinite product Rω of real
lines. (Hint: Look at the metrizability property)
Take the unit interval I = [0, 1] and consider the equivalence relation R
on I for which the equivalence classes are: C0 = {0, 1} and Cx = {x} for all
x, 0 < x < 1. Then the quotient space I/R can be easily seen to be homeo-
morphic to the circle S1 . In such a case, we normally say that S1 is obtained
from the unit interval by identifying the two end points 0 and 1 of the interval I.
1.5. Quotient Spaces 11
0 1 S
I x I
In the same square I×I, let us identify the points (0, t) with (1, t) for all t ∈
I and also identify (t, 0) with (t, 1) for every t ∈ I. Then the resulting quotient
space, this time, is homeomorphic to the torus embedded in the Euclidean
space R3 (Fig.1.8).
Fig. 1.8: Torus as the quotient space of unit square
As yet another example, let us again start with the square I × I and
identify the point (0, t) with (1, 1 − t) for each t ∈ I. Then the resulting quo-
tient space is homeomorphic to the Möbius band M (or strip) contained in R3
The following procedure of the same kind yields a totally different topo-
logical space: Start with I × I and for each t ∈ I, identify (t, 0) with (t, 1)
and (0, t) with (1, 1 − t). Then the resulting quotient space, being continuous
image of I × I, is a compact, connected space. It is called the Klein bottle.
Unfortunately, this space is not homeomorphic to any subspace of R3 , i.e., the
Klein bottle K cannot be embedded in R3 (Why?). However, it is an interesting
topological space which we will consider again later (Fig. 1.9a).
The following result is quite useful in showing that the maps from the
quotient spaces are continuous.
Let us have some more examples of quotient spaces generalizing the idea
of projective plane RP2 , which are very important in topology as well as in
Example 1.5.2. (Real Projective Space) Let us consider the standard n-sphere
Sn , n ≥ 1. For any x ∈ Sn , let us identify x with its antipodal point −x ∈ Sn .
Then the resulting quotient space Sn / ∼, denoted by RPn , is called the n-
dimensional real projective space. It’s easily seen that the real projective space
is a compact, connected, Hausdorff space. To see the Hausdorff property, let
us remark that the quotient map Sn → RPn is closed. This is so because
if F is a closed subset of Sn and f : Sn → Sn is the antipodal map, then
f −1 f (F ) = F ∪ f (F ). Since f is a homeomorphism, this saturation of F is
closed in S n .
There is another way to define the same real projective space RPn , n ≥ 1.
If we consider the upper hemi-sphere Dn+ ⊂ Sn , and define an equivalence re-
lation ∼ in the hemi-sphere by identifying the antipodal points lying on the
boundary of the hemi-sphere. Then there is a continuous canonical bijection
1.5. Quotient Spaces 13
from the resulting quotient space Dn+ / ∼ and the preceding quotient space
Sn / ∼ . Since the first space is compact and the latter is Hausdorff, the canon-
ical map is a homeomorphism.
There is yet another way of defining the real projective space in practice.
Consider the set Rn − {0}, identify all points on a line passing through the
origin and let X be the quotient space. Note that every such line intersects
Sn ⊂ Rn+1 − {0} in exactly two points, which are antipodal. Now it is obvious
that there is again a canonical bijection from the space X onto Sn / ∼, which
is bicontinuous and hence a homeomorphism.
The above projective spaces are not only compact, connected, Hausdorff
spaces, but they have additional properties viz. these are n-dimensional mani-
folds having very nice cellular structures, and it is essentially these properties
which make projective spaces extremely useful in algebraic topology.
the other as the “subspace topology“ coming from X/R. In general, the two
topologies may be different from each other. To see an example of this situation,
consider the square X = I × I ⊂ R2 . Take the subspace Y = {(t, 0) : 0 ≤ t < 1}
of X and let R be the equivalence relation in X which produces the cylinder,
i.e., identify each (0, t) with the point (1, t), t ∈ I. Note that Y , as a subspace of
X, is homeomorphic to the half-open interval [0, 1) and the induced equivalence
relation S on Y is the identity relation. This means the quotient space Y /S is
again homeomorphic to [0, 1). However, if we consider the image of Y under
the quotient map X → X/R and take the subspace topology on Y /S (bottom
circle) induced from the cylinder X/R, then the induced subspace topology on
Y /S is homeomorphic to the Euclidean circle S1 . The assertion made earlier
now follows because the two spaces [0, 1) and S1 are clearly not homeomorphic.
It may be mentioned that, in general, the quotient topology on Y /S is stronger
than the subspace topology induced from X/R because the following square is
j -X
q q
? ?
Y /S - X/R
X × {1} and bottom copy X × {−1} to two different points, then the quotient
space, denoted by S(X), is called suspension of X. It must be noticed that
constructions of cone and suspension are natural in X, i.e., any continuous
map f : X → Y induces continuous maps from C(X) to C(Y ) as well as from
S(X) to S(Y ).
X x {1}
X x I
1. If X is a regular space and A is a closed subset of X, then show that the
quotient space X/A is Hausdorff.
2. In the real line R, let us identify all rational numbers to a single point.
Then show that the quotient space is an indiscrete space.
3. Let X = [−1, 1] × {0} ∪ {(0, 1)} be the subset of the plane R2 . Define
neighbourhoods of points (x, 0), −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 to be those induced from R2 ,
but the neighbourhoods of the point (0, 1) are sets of the type [(−, ) ×
{0} − (0, 0)] ∪ (0, 1). Show hat X is locally homeomorphic to real line,
but is not Hausdorff (this is an example of a 1-manifold, which is not
16 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
Separation Axioms
Recall that a space X is said to be Hausdorff or a T2 -space if given any
two distinct points x1 , x2 ∈ X, we can find two disjoint open sets U1 and U2
of X such that x1 ∈ U1 and x2 ∈ U2 . This is usually expressed by saying
that x1 , x2 can be separated in X by disjoint open sets. A condition weaker
than T2 -axiom is T1 -axiom, viz., a space X is said to be a T1 -space if given
any two distinct points x1 , x2 of X, we can find two open sets U1 and U2
(not necessarily disjoint) such that one open set contains one point but not
the other. It is easy to see that a space X is a T1 -space if and only if every
point of X is closed in X. A T1 -space X is said to be T3 -space (or regular) if
a point x ∈ X and a closed set F of X, not containing x, can be separated
by disjoint open sets. A stronger property than T3 -property is T3 12 -property
(or completely regular) which says that a point x and a closed set F , not
containing x, can be separated by real-valued continuous functions, i.e., there
exists a continuous function f : X → [0, 1] such that f (x) = 0 and f (F ) = 1.
Finally, a T1 -space X is said to be a T4 -space (or normal) if any two disjoint
closed sets of X can be separated by disjoint open sets, i.e., if F1 , F2 are two
disjoint closed subsets of X, then there exist disjoint open sets U1 , U2 of X
such that F1 ⊆ U1 and F2 ⊆ U2 . It is well known that for each i = 2, 3, 4, a
Ti -space is a Ti−1 -space, but there are examples to show that the converse of
none of these is true. There is an example (this one is not easy) of a T3 -space
which is not T3 12 . One of the most important results regarding these separation
axioms is the famous Urysohn Lemma (see Dugundji [5], for all the results on
separation axioms), which asserts that in a normal space X, any pair of disjoint
closed sets can be separated by real-valued continuous functions. This lemma,
in particular, implies that a normal space is completely regular, i.e., a T4 -space
is also a T3 12 -space whereas a T3 12 -space is easily seen to be a T3 -space. It may
also be mentioned here that on a T3 12 -space X, there exists a large family of
1.6. Connected and Path-Connected Spaces 17
Weak Topology
It follows that a discrete space having more than one point is disconnected.
The space Q of rationals is disconnected; the real line R (with Euclidean topol-
ogy) is connected. In fact, the following result identifies all connected subsets
of the real line:
on the left as well as right of p. This means (−∞, p) ∩ A, (p, ∞) ∩ A are two
nonempty disjoint open sets of A whose union is A and so A is disconnected.
Conversely, suppose A = [a, b], a < b is an interval. If A is not connected, then
= A). Let x0 ∈ A−U . Then there are points
there is a clopen set U of A (∅ =
of U which are either on the left of x0 or on the right of x0 . Suppose there are
points of U on the left of x0 and consider the set L = {x ∈ U | x < x0 }. Let
p = sup L. Then p ∈ A, since L̄ ⊂ Ū , and since U is closed, p ∈ U . But U is
also open means there is an > 0 such that [p, p + ) ⊂ U . This contradicts
the supremum property of p and so A is connected. We can similarly verify the
result for other intervals.
We have mentioned the above result just because it answers the question
“what subsets of real line are connected?”, in a most simple way. Any result
which classifies a class of mathematical objects in easily detectable terms is
considered a beautiful theorem and there are very few results of this kind.
Heine-Borel Theorem is a result of this type because it identifies all compact
subsets of the Euclidean space Rn simply as “closed and bounded” subsets
of Rn . There is yet another result of this kind which has been termed as
a “theorem par excellence”. That theorem classifies all compact, connected
2-manifolds (viz., surfaces) in terms of a 2-sphere, a connected sum of tori or
a connected sum of projective planes (see W.Massey [13] p.10 and p.33 for
It follows from the latter result that the infinite cubeI ∞ , where I is the
unit interval, is connected and so is the product Rω = 1 R of real lines.
Evidently, a subset of a connected space is hardly connected. But the following
is a useful result:
Example 1.6.5 (Topologist’s Sine Curve). This example shows that certain sub-
sets of plane which visually do not appear to be connected, may indeed be
connected (see Fig.1.12).
Proposition 1.6.6.
Let {Aα | α ∈ I} be afamily of connected subsets of a space
X such that Aα
= ∅. Then the union α∈I Aα is connected.
The above result shows, in particular, that the plane R2 (or, more gen-
erally, even Rn , n ≥ 2) is connected. In fact, the plane R2 is the union of all
straight lines in R2 passing through origin and every line is evidently connected.
Indeed, the union of any number (finite or infinite) of lines passing through a
fixed point of the plane is connected; in particular, a star-shaped subset of the
Euclidean space Rn (n ≥ 2) is connected. It seems appropriate to ask: what are
the connected subsets of the plane R2 ? Unfortunately, there is no good answer
to this question.
Example 1.6.7. Deleting a single point p from the real line R makes the re-
maining space R − {p} disconnected. However, if we remove one point from
the plane R2 or even higher dimensional space Rn , the remaining space is
still connected. In fact, we can delete even a countable number of points
A = {p1 , p2 , . . . , pn , . . .} and yet the remaining set Rn − A is connected. To
20 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
Fig. 1.13
Non-homeomorphic Spaces
Example 1.6.8. We have already seen that any two open (or closed) intervals are
homeomorphic. However, an open interval (a, b), a < b is not homeomorphic to
a closed interval [c, d], c < d. The question is: How to prove this? The answer is
very easy: The closed interval is compact, but the open interval is not compact.
Hence, they cannot be homeomorphic because compactness is a topological
property and so if they were homeomorphic, then one being compact will imply
that the other must be compact, which is not the case. Now, how to prove
that the open interval (a, b) is not homeomorphic to the half-open interval
(c,d]? As both are noncompact, the argument involving compactness will not
work. Here, however, we can use connectedness as follows: Let f : X → Y
be a homeomorphism. If a subset A of X is removed from X and its image
f (A) is removed from Y , then the remaining spaces X − A and Y − f (A)
must be homeomorphic (Just consider restrictions of f and f −1 to X − A
and Y − f (A), respectively). Now, it is straight to see that (c, d] cannot be
homeomorphic to (a, b) simply because removing the single point d from (c, d]
leaves it connected, whereas removing any one point from the open interval
(a, b) leaves the remaining space disconnected. The connectedness argument
can also be applied to show that (a, b) is not homeomorphic to [c, d]: removing
the two end points c and d from [c, d] leaves it connected whereas removing any
two points from (a, b) renders it disconnected.
The above argument can be applied to prove that the real line R is not
homeomorphic to the plane R2 : removal of one point from R makes it discon-
nected whereas R2 remains connected even after removing hundreds of points
1.6. Connected and Path-Connected Spaces 21
(Recall the earlier example). Now, here is an interesting problem: Can we apply
connectedness argument or some other argument involving a topological prop-
erty to prove that the Euclidean spaces Rm , Rn (m
= n) are not homeomorphic?
An answer (affirmative or negative) will provide an answer to the same problem
for spheres Sm and Sn (m
= n) since these are one-point compactifications of
Rm and Rn , respectively. We can ask other questions in the same spirit: With
any of these methods, can we decide whether or not (i) The projective plane P2
is homeomorphic to the torus T 2 = S1 × S1 ?, (ii) Klein bottle is homeomorphic
to the torus? Results of algebraic topology, as we will see in due course of time,
can quickly answer these and numerous other questions of this type. These and
a few others were historically the first applications of algebraic topology.
If X is a disconnected space, then the maximal connected subsets of X,
called components, are occasionally quite useful. For any point x of such a space
X, consider the union Cx of all connected subsets of X which contain the point
x. Then, since union of any family of connected subsets having a nonempty
intersection is connected, Cx is obviously connected and is a maximal connected
subset of X containing the point x. The set of all components of X forms a
partition of the set X. Since closure of a connected set is connected, every
component Cx must be closed in X. The components of a discrete space are
singleton subsets. A space X is said to be totally disconnected if the components
of X are singleton sets. In the space Q of rationals also, the components are
singleton sets and so Q is totally disconnected but, as we know, Q is not discrete.
It may be mentioned that such spaces are not of much use in algebraic topology
except for constructing pathological examples.
The concept of a path is of basic importance in algebraic topology. By a
path ω in a space X, we mean a continuous map ω : I → X, where I = [0, 1] is
the unit interval. The point ω(0) is called the initial point and ω(1) is called
the terminal point of the path ω. Sometimes, we identify the path ω with its
image set ω(I), though the two things are quite different. Since I is compact
as well as connected, the image set ω(I) is a compact and connected subset of
the space X. It must be pointed out that strange things can happen with the
image of a general path – even if ω is a 1-1 map, the image set ω(I) need not
be homeomorphic to I as, for example, when the space X is indiscrete. If X is
the Euclidean space Rn (or, more generally, any Hausdorff space), then a 1-1
path ω is indeed a homeomorphism from I to ω(I) (why?). It all depends on
the space X where the path is defined. Peano gave an example of a path ω in
R2 where the image ω(I) filled the whole square I × I (the space-filling curve)
– of course, this path cannot be 1-1.
22 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
connected space, the components are not only closed but are open also. The
following is an interesting result.
Note that the unit interval I = [0, 1] is compact whereas the real line R
itself is not compact. Any n-sphere Sn , n ≥ 0, is a compact subset of Rn+1 .
The famous Heine-Borel Theorem asserts that a subset A of the Euclidean
space Rn is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded – this yields a
very easy way of verifying whether or not a subset of Rn is compact. Thus,
for instance, the ellipsoid, viz., {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 + z 2 /c2 = 1},
where a, b, c are any three given positive constants, being closed as well
as bounded subset of R3 , is compact. On the other hand, the hyperboloid
{(x, y, z) ∈ R3 | x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 − z 2 /c2 = 1}, being unbounded, is not a
compact space. The graph G of the sine curve y = sin x1 , 0 < x ≤ π, in the
plane R2 is not compact since it is not closed – the point (0, a) ∈ R2 , |a| ≤ 1
are limit points of G, but do not belong to the graph. But the topologist’s sine
24 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
One of the most important theorems of set topology, which has beautiful
consequences in other branches of mathematics also, is the following:
A locally compact space X is also completely regular. For, just take the
one-point compactification X̂ of X. Then, being compact Hausdorff, X̂ is nor-
mal, which means, X̂ is completely regular and so, X being a subspace of X̂,
must be completely regular. Indeed, given a compact set K and a closed subset
F of a locally compact space (F is disjoint from K), there exists a continuous
map f : X → R such that f (F ) = 0 and f (K) = 1. Again, this can be proved
by going to the one-point compactification of X.
Example 1.7.7 (Long Line). A locally compact space X need not be a metric
space. An interesting example of such a space is the long line L. The space L is
defined by considering the set Ω = {0, 1, 2, . . . , ω, ω + 1, . . .} of ordinals which
are less than the first uncountable ordinal ω1 . Between any two consecutive
ordinals α and α + 1, we insert a copy of the open interval (0, 1) so that α
1.8. Compact Surfaces 27
and α + 1 become the end points. The resulting set L+ is linearly ordered and,
therefore, we can give it the order topology. Take another copy L− of L+ by
giving it the opposite linear order. Then their union L = L+ ∪ L− , where the
ordinal 0 of the two spaces L+ and L− are identical, i.e., L+ ∩ L− = {0},
equipped with order topology, is called the long line. It is nonmetrizable and
locally compact. It is also countably compact. In fact, L is a nonmetrizable
one-dimensional manifold.
Definition 1.8.1 (connected sum). Let us take two tori T1 , T2 (see Fig.1.15 )
and choose small closed disks D1 , D2 in T1 and T2 , respectively. Note that the
boundary of each of these disks is homeomorphic to the circle S1 . Let us remove
the interiors of the two disks from T1 and T2 and choose a homeomorphism h
from the boundary of the first disk to the boundary of the second. Let T1 and
T2 be the remaining portions of the two tori when the interiors of the disks
have been removed. Now, consider the disjoint union X = T1 ∪ T2 and identify
the boundary point x ∈ T1 with the boundary point h(x) ∈ T2 for all x in the
boundary of D1 . The identification space or quotient space X/R so obtained,
denoted by T1 #T2 , is called the connected sum of T1 and T2 .
at the moment). A Hausdorff topological space X, which has the property that
each point of X has an open neighbourhood homeomorphic to the Euclidean
space Rn or to an open ball Bn , is called a topological n-manifold. The 2-
dimensional manifolds are called surfaces. To avoid pathological situations, we
consider only those n-manifolds which are embedded in some Euclidean space
Rn . This is equivalent to saying that they have a countable basis. It is a deep
result of low-dimensional topology that every 2-manifold is triangulable. Here,
our objective is to know all possible compact surfaces. The ones like a 2-sphere,
etc., mentioned earlier, are all compact surfaces. The question is that besides
these, what else do we have? The answer is known and it is very interesting:
They are either a connected sum of a finite number of tori (Ti ) or they are the
connected sum of a finite number of projective planes (Pi )! This result, called
the Classification Theorem for compact surfaces, is one of the most exciting
theorems of the whole of topology. It says that any compact surface is homeo-
morphic to a 2-sphere or to a connected sum T1 #T2 · · · #Tn or to a connected
sum P1 #P2 · · · #Pn for some n ≥ 1. The theorem also asserts that each of the
above surfaces is distinct, i.e., no two of them are homeomorphic to each other.
The other fascinating result regarding these compact surfaces is that each one
of these surfaces can be obtained as a quotient of an ordinary polygon. To be
specific, let us recall how a torus was obtained from a polygon having four
sides by identifying the opposite sides of the square or how the Klein bottle
was obtained from the same 4-gon by identifying sides somewhat differently. In
the general case, we start with a n-gon and then identify various edges of this
polygon, without disturbing the interior of the polygon, in a suitable manner so
as to obtain any given compact surface (the detailed statements as well as the
proofs of these results with enough geometric insight can be found in W.Massey
Paracompact Spaces
1. Let X be a Hausdorff space. Show that any two disjoint compact subsets
of X can be separated by two disjoint open sets of X.
2. Let us consider the following subspace X of the Euclidean plane: X consists
of all closed line segments joining the origin and the points (1, 1/n), n ∈ N
and the line segment {(x, 0) : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1}. Prove that the weak topology
on X defined by these line segments is strictly finer than the topology of
3. Let p : X × Y → X be the projection on the first factor and Y be a
compact space. Show that p is a closed map, i.e., the projection parallel
to a compact factor is a closed map.
4. Let A be any subset of X and Y be a compact space. Prove that any
neighbourhood U of the subset A × Y contains a tubular neighbourhood,
i.e., there exists a neighbourhood V of A in Y such that V × Y ⊂ U .
5. Show that an arbitrary product of path-connected spaces is again path-
6. (Hawaiian earring) For each n ≥ 1, let
Cn be the circle in plane of radius
1/n with center (1/n, 0). Let X = n≥1 Cn and consider the following
two topologies on X: one, the subspace topology from R2 , and the other,
the weak topology defined by the family of circles Cn . Show that the two
topologies on X are distinct. (The space X with subspace topology is
called the Hawaiian earring.)
30 Chapter 1. Basic Topology: a review
7. Consider the ascending union R∞ = ∪n≥1 Rn . This set has two topologies
∞R , n ≥ 1, and the
on it: one, the weak topology defined by the spaces
other is the subspace topology coming from R = 1 R. Prove that the
only the methods of point-set topology, it is not easy to give a proof of these
facts except in the case of a 2-sphere and torus. In this case, one can argue
that there is a nontrivial circle on torus, which when removed, leaves the torus
connected, whereas removing any circle from S2 leaves it disconnected. The
general question whether or not two given spaces X and Y are homeomorphic
is known as the “Homeomorphism Problem”. Methods of algebraic topology
using the concepts of homology groups and homotopy groups of the spaces
X and Y, as we will see later, are frequently very powerful for resolving the
homeomorphism problems stated above.
The French mathematician C. Jordan (1858-1922) was the first to ask for
a proof of the following somewhat obvious statement:
- Y
? F
* X̃
Y - X
The strategy for solving the Extension Problem is now quite straightfor-
ward. Let f : A → Y be a continuous map and A ⊂ X be a subspace. If this f
can be extended to a continuous map F : X → Y, then the triangle
- Y
? F
must be commutative, where i : A → X is the inclusion map. Let us consider
the following diagram of associated groups and induced homomorphisms.
H(f )
H(A) H(Y )
H(F )
is valid, we cannot assert that the map f can be extended. Thus, the solution
of the Extension Problem using the above method is also one way. A similar
strategy is also used to solve the Lifting Problem. This will be discussed in
detail in the chapter on covering spaces because, for Lifting Problem, the
technique of algebraic topology is surprisingly successful both ways rather
than only one way as was the case with the Homeomorphism Problem or the
Extension Problem. In fact, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition in
terms of the associated fundamental groups and induced homomorphism for
the existence of a map g : Y → X̃ lifting the given map f : Y → X.
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we show how to each pointed space (X, x), we can associate
a group π1 (X, x), called the fundamental group of the space X at x. Each map
f : (X, x) → (Y, y) between pointed spaces (X, x) and (Y, y) then induces a
homomorphism (denoted by f# also)
f∗ : π1 (X, x) → π1 (Y, y)
between groups π1 (X, x) and π1 (Y, y) such that the following two conditions
are satisfied:
(i) If f : (X, x) → (Y, y) and g : (Y, y) → (Z, z) are two maps of pointed
spaces, then
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : π1 (X, x) → π1 (Z, z).
(ii) If I(X,x) : (X, x) → (X, x) is the identity map, then the induced group
I(X,x)∗ : π1 (X, x) → π1 (X, x)
is also the identity map.
36 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
Proposition 2.1.1. If (X, x) and (Y, y) are two pointed spaces which are homeo-
morphic, then their fundamental groups π1 (X, x) and π1 (Y, y) are isomorphic.
Proof. Suppose f : (X, x) → (Y, y) is a homeomorphism of pointed spaces. Then
the inverse map f −1 : (Y, y) → (X, x) is evidently a map of pointed spaces and
has the property that
f −1 ◦ f = I(X,x) , f ◦ f −1 = I(Y,y) .
Let us consider the induced homomorphisms
f∗ : π1 (X, x) → π1 (Y, y), f∗−1 : π1 (Y, y) → π1 (X, x)
in the fundamental groups. By functorial property (i), we find that
(f −1 ◦ f )∗ = f∗−1 ◦ f∗ ,
and, by (ii), we see that I(X,x)∗ is the identity map on π1 (X, x). Thus, we
conclude that f∗−1 ◦ f∗ is the identity map on π1 (X, x). Similarly, we can
see that f∗ ◦ f∗−1 is the identity map on π1 (Y, y). Therefore, f∗ and f∗−1 are
inverses of each other, i.e., f∗ : π1 (X, x) → π1 (Y, y) is an isomorphism.
The fact that the fundamental group π1 (X, x) of a pointed space (X, x)
is a topological invariant is an interesting and a very useful result. It says
that if X and Y are two spaces such that for some x0 ∈ X, π1 (X, x0 )
is not isomorphic to any of π1 (Y, y), y ∈ Y , then the spaces X and Y
cannot be homeomorphic. For, suppose X and Y are homeomorphic and let
f : (X, x) → (Y, y) be a homeomorphism. Then f : (X, x0 ) → (Y, f (x0 ) is
a homeomorphism of pointed spaces and so, by the above proposition, the
induced group homomorphism f∗ : π1 (X, x0 ) → π1 (Y, f (x0 )) must be an
isomorphism, i.e., π1 (X, x0 ) is isomorphic to π1 (Y, f (x0 )), a contradiction.
S2 T
Fig. 2.1: A 2-sphere and a 2-torus
The reader is invited to discover some method of point-set topology to
show that they are not homeomorphic (they are really not homeomorphic!)
and see for himself that this can be extremely difficult. In such a case, however,
the methods of algebraic topology sometimes work very well. We will, later on,
prove that if X is a path-connected space then the fundamental group π1 (X, x)
is independent of the base point (up to isomorphism), and we denote it simply
by π1 (X). This fact, combined with the previous proposition, will say that if
X and Y are two path-connected spaces such that π1 (X) is not isomorphic
to π1 (Y ) then X and Y cannot be homeomorphic. By popular belief based
on experience, it is normally much easier to decide that two groups are not
isomorphic than to decide that two given spaces are not homeomorphic. Now,
granting that π1 (S3 ) = 0 and π1 (S1 × S1 × S1 ) ∼
= Z × Z × Z (we shall prove these
facts later), we immediately conclude that S3 cannot be homeomorphic to the
torus S1 × S1 × S1 as their fundamental groups are evidently not isomorphic.
This is just one of the several methods of algebraic topology in proving that
two spaces are not homeomorphic. The crucial point is the result that the
fundamental group π1 (X) is a topological invariant of pathr-connected spaces.
Several objects such as homology groups, Euler characteristics, etc., are other
important invariants of topological spaces. We shall come to them later.
38 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
2.2 Homotopy
X x I Y
where the second map is multiplication of complex numbers. Note that in this
example, the family of maps {ft : S1 → S1 } is just the family of rotations by
the angle tπ, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1.
The next result implies that the set of all maps from a space X to a space
Y can be decomposed into disjoint equivalence classes.
Theorem 2.2.5. Let X, Y be fixed topological spaces and C(X, Y ) denote the
set of all continuous maps from X to Y . Then the relation of “being homotopic
to” is an equivalence relation in the set C(X, Y ).
Proof. Note that each continuous map f : X → Y is homotopic to itself because
H : X × I → Y defined by H(x, t) = f (x) is a homotopy from f to itself. Next,
suppose H : f ∼
= g. Then the map H : X × I → Y defined by
H (x, t) = H(x, (1 − t))
40 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
is a homotopy from g to f ; to see this, note that H (x, 0) = H(x, 1) = g(x) and
H (x, 1) = H(x, 0) = f (x) for all x ∈ X. Moreover, H is continuous because
H is simply the composite of continuous maps
X ×I →X ×I →Y,
where the first map is the map (x, t)
→ (x, 1 − t) and the second is H. The
first map itself is continuous because its composite with the two projection
maps, viz., (x, t) → x and (x, t) → (1 − t) is continuous. Thus, the relation is
symmetric. Finally, suppose H1 : f ∼ = g and H2 : g ∼
= h. Define a map H : X ×
I → Y by
H1 (x, 2t), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1/2,
H(x, t) =
H2 (x, 2t − 1), 1/2 ≤ t ≤ 1.
Then H is continuous by the continuity lemma and H(x, 0) = f and
H(x, 1) = h. Hence H : f ∼
= h, proving the relation to be transitive.
Then one can easily see that X is contractible to the point x0 and the same
contraction, as defined above, works in this case also. Now, we ask the following
question: Determine whether or not the n-sphere Sn , n ≥ 1 is contractible? It
is obviously not star-shaped. That does not mean, however, that X is not
contractible (see Example 2.3.10). The answer to this question is “No”; it will
take quite sometime before we can prove it. The following concept is again
extremely basic.
We must observe that two homeomorphic spaces are of the same homotopy
type. For, suppose X and Y are homeomorphic and let f : X → Y be a home-
omorphism. Then the inverse map f −1 : Y → X is continuous and satisfies the
condition that f −1 ◦ f ∼
= IX and f ◦ f −1 ∼= IY . This means f is a homotopy
equivalence, i.e., X and Y are of the same homotopy type. The converse is not
true. We have
Example 2.3.3. Consider the unit disk D2 (open or closed) and a point
x0 ∈ D2 . Let i : P = {x0 } → D2 be the inclusion map and Cx0 : D2 → P
be the constant map. Then evidently Cx0 ◦ i = IP . On the other hand, the map
H : D2 × I → D2 defined by
H(x, t) = (1 − t)x + tx0
is a homotopy from ID2 to i ◦ Cx0 . Thus, D2 is of the same homotopy type as
a point space P and these are clearly not homeomorphic.
One can easily verify that the relation of “homotopy equivalence” in the
class of all topological spaces is an equivalence relation. Also, in view of the
above example, the relation of homotopy equivalence is strictly weaker than
the relation of “homeomorphism”. It is also clear from the above example that
2.3. Contractible Spaces and Homotopy Type 43
Thus, the contractible spaces are precisely those spaces which are homo-
topically equivalent to a point space. The intuitive picture of a contractible
space X is quite interesting. A homotopy H which starts from the identity
map on X and terminates into a constant map Cx0 , x0 ∈ X, should be thought
of as a continuous deformation of the space X which finally shrinks the whole
space X into the point x0 . In other words, if we imagine the unit interval I as a
time interval then at the time t = 0, every point x ∈ X is at its original place;
as t varies from 0 to 1 continuously, x moves continuously and approaches the
point x0 ; even x0 moves accordingly and comes back to itself. Furthermore, all
of these points move simultaneously in such a way that their relative positions
do not change abruptly. Thus, if we follow the movement of an arbitrary point
x ∈ X, we note that it describes a path in X starting from x which terminates
at x0 . In particular, we intuitively see that X is path connected. We make this
statement precise:
44 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
a x0 a x
X x I X
It now follows from above that if X is a contractible space, then any map
f : X → X is homotopic to a constant map Cx0 : X → X. In particular, for
any x ∈ X, the constant map Cx and the identity map IX : X → X both are
homotopic to Cx0 , i.e., Cx is homotopic to IX for all x ∈ X.
Note that if we take A to be null set ∅, then the concept of relative ho-
motopy reduces to that of homotopy. It is also to be noted that if f, g : X → Y
are to be homotopic relative to some subset A of X, then f and g must agree
on A to start with. The map f will change into the map g by a family of
continuous maps ht : X → Y , t ∈ I, but the points of A will remain unchanged
under ht when t varies from 0 to 1.
X x I X
Fig. 2.5: Strongly contractible at a is semi-locally path connected at a.
F (Vti (a) × W (ti )) ⊂ U , for all i = 1, . . . , n. Therefore, V (a) = i=1 Vti (a) is a
neighbourhood of a in X such that F (V (a) × I) ⊂ U . Now, if b ∈ V (a), then
considering the image F (V (a) × I) in U , we find that b can be joined to a by
a path which lies in U . This completes the proof of the following:
Example 2.3.10. (Comb Space). We consider the following subset C (Fig. 2.6)
of the plane (shown only partly).
It consists of the horizontal line segment joining (0,0) to (1,0) and vertical unit
closed line segments standing on points (1/n, 0) for each n = 1, 2, . . . together
with the line segment joining (0,0) with (0,1).
The comb space C is contractible. The projection map p : C → L, where L
is the line segment joining (0,0) with (1,0), is a homotopy equivalence. For, if
i : L → C is the inclusion map, then p ◦ i = IL and the map F : C × I → C
defined by
F ((x, y), t) = (x, (1 − t)y).
is a homotopy between IC and i ◦ p. We already know that L is homeomorphic
to the unit interval which is of the same homotopy type as a point space and
so by Theorem 2.3.1, C is contractible.
C is not contractible relative to {(0,1)}. Note that any small neighbourhood V
of (0,1) has infinite number of path components. So, if we take the neighbour-
hood U = D ∩ C of (0,1) in C, where D is the open disk around (0,1) of radius
1/2, then U cannot have any neighbourhood V each of whose points can be
joined to (0,1) by a path lying in U . This observation combined with Theorem
2.3.9, shows that C is not contractible relative to {(0,1)}.
Remark 2.3.11. Note that if f, g : X → Y are two continuous maps which are
homotopic relative to some subset A of X, then obviously f is homotopic to g.
The converse, however, is not true, i.e., there are maps f, g : X → Y which are
2.3. Contractible Spaces and Homotopy Type 47
homotopic, and even agree on a subset A of X, yet they need not be homotopic
relative to A. For example, consider the identity map IX : X → X of the comb
space X = C and the constant map C(0,1) : X → X. Then, obviously, IX and
C(0,1) agree on (0,1) and are also homotopic by Corollary 2.3.1, since X is
contractible. However, we have just seen in the above example that IX and
C(0,1) are not homotopic relative to (0,1). This means the concept of relative
homotopy is definitely stronger than that of homotopy.
Fig. 2.7
Each infinite line segment L starting from its origin intersects the circle S1 at
exactly one point, say, l. Since origin is not a point of R2 −{(0, 0)}, these lines are
disjoint and their union is R2 − {(0, 0)}. We define a map r : R2 − {(0, 0)} → S1
by r(x) = l for all points x ∈ L. Then, clearly r is continuous and S1 becomes
a retract of R2 − {(0, 0)}. Let us define a deformation D : (R2 − {(0, 0)} × I →
R2 − {(0, 0)} by
2.3. Contractible Spaces and Homotopy Type 49
1. Let A ⊂ X be a retract of X where X is Hausdorff. Then prove that A
must be closed in X. (This implies that an open interval (0,1) can never
be a retract of any closed subset of the real line.)
2. Let X be a connected space and x0 , x1 ∈ X be two points of X which have
disjoint open neighbourhoods in X. Show that A = {x0 , x1 } can never be
a retract of X.
3. Prove that a space X is contractible if and only if every map f : X → T
to any space T is null-homotopic.
4. Show that if A is a strong deformation retract of X and B is a strong
deformation retract of A, then B is a strong deformation retract of X.
5. Prove that an arbitrary product of contractible space is again contractible.
6. Prove that a retract of a contractible space is contractible.
7. For any space X consider the cylinder X × I over X and collapse the
top X × 1 of this cylinder to a point. The resulting quotient space, called
cone over X, is denoted by C(X). Prove that C(X) is contractible for any
space X.
8. Let I 2 = [0, 1] × [0, 1] be the unit square and C ⊂ I 2 be the comb space
(Example 2.3.10). Prove that C is not a retract of I 2 . (Hint: Given any
open neighbourhood U = B((0, 12 ), 14 ) ∩ C in C, there exist a connected
neighbourhood V ⊂ U of (0, 12 ) in I × I such that r(V ) ⊂ U , but r(V ) is
9. Determine which of the following spaces are contractible:
(i) Unit interval I = [0, 1].
(ii) S2 − {p}, where S2 is a 2-sphere and p is any point of S2 .
(iii) Any solid or hollow cone in R3 .
(iv) The subspace {0} ∪ {1/n : n ∈ N } of real line.
10. Consider the following subspace X of plane R2 ; X consist of all closed line
segments joining origin with points (1, n1 ), n ≥ 1 and the line {(x, 0) | 0 ≤
x ≤ 1}. Prove that X is contractible, but none of the points (x, 0), x ≥ 0,
is a strong deformation retract of X.
11. Let I be the unit interval and X be any path connected space. Prove that
the sets [I, X] and [X, I] each has only one element. (Hint: The space I
is contractible)
50 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
I β
One can verify that if α, β, γ are three paths in X such that α(1) = β(0),
β(1) = γ(0), then (α ∗ β) ∗ γ and α ∗ (β ∗ γ) are paths in X which are not
necessarily the same paths. To see this, just apply definition (2.4.1) and look
at the image of the point t = 1/2 under both the paths. Therefore, the product
of paths is not an associative operation. Let us now fix a point x0 ∈ X and
consider the set of all closed paths at x0 , i.e., those paths whose initial and
terminal points are x0 ; such a path is also known as loop in X based at x0 . It is
clear that the product of two loops based at x0 is always defined. The difficulty
that the product of loops based at x0 need not be associative is still there. To
surmount this difficulty and to finally get a group structure, we will introduce
an equivalence relation in the set of all loops in X based at x0 ∈ X. First, we
have an important as well as general
2.4. Fundamental Group and its Properties 51
Definition 2.4.1. Let α, β be two paths in X with the same initial and terminal
points, i.e., α(0) = β(0) = x0 , α(1) = β(1) = x1 . We will say that α is
equivalent to β, and write it as α ∼(x0 ,x1 ) β, if there exists a homotopy between
α and β relative to the subset {0, 1} of I. In other words, the homotopy keeps
the end points fixed.
H x1
(0,0) IXI (1,0)
The relative homotopy H, which keeps the end points fixed, is sometimes
called a path homotopy, just for convenience. The next result, which is in fact
true, more generally, for homotopy relative to any subset A of the domain space
(cf. Definition 2.3.8), shows that the above relation is an equivalence relation.
H (0, t) = x0 , H (1, t) = x1 , ∀t ∈ I.
Thus, α ∼ β relative to {0,1} implies β ∼ α relative to {0,1}, i.e., the relation
is symmetric. To prove the transitivity of the relation, suppose α ∼ β relative
to {0,1}, β ∼ γ relative to {0,1}. Let H1 and H2 be two homotopies such that
H1 (s, 0) = α(s), H1 (s, 1) = β(s), ∀s ∈ I
H1 (0, t) = x0 , H1 (1, t) = x1 , ∀t ∈ I
H2 (s, 0) = β(s), H2 (s, 1) = γ(s), ∀s ∈ I
H2 (0, t) = x0 , H2 (1.t) = x1 , ∀t ∈ I.
Define a map H : I × I → X by
H1 (s, 2t) 0 ≤ t ≤ 1/2
H(s, t) =
H2 (s, 2t − 1) 1/2 ≤ t ≤ 1
Then H is continuous by the continuity lemma and is indeed a homotopy
relative to {0,1} from α to γ. This completes the proof of the theorem.
Corollary 2.4.3. The relation “being equivalent” in the set of all loops in X
based at x0 ∈ X is an equivalence relation.
Next, we are going to deal with only loops in X based at given point
x0 ∈ X. If α, β are two loops based at x0 which are equivalent, then we will
write this as α ∼x0 β. Also, the equivalence class of a loop α based at x0 will
be denoted by the symbol [α] and called the homotopy class of the loop α.
It must be emphasized at this point that if α is treated as a map α : I → X
with α(0) = α(1) = x0 , then the homotopy class of the map α, according to
Theorem 2.2.5 is different from the path homotopy class of loop α specified by
Theorem 2.4.2. In fact, the former homotopy class is, in general, larger than
the latter path-homotopy class. Let π1 (X, x0 ) denote the set of all homotopy
classes of loops in X based at x0 , i.e.,
π1 (X, x0 ) = {[α] : α is a loop in X based at x0 }.
The next proposition implies that the product of loops induces a product in
the set π1 (X, x0 ) of all homotopy classes of loops based at x0 . Recall that if
α, β are two loops at x0 , then their product α ∗ β is also a loop at x0 ∈ X.
One can easily observe that the above proof yields the following general
result, viz.,
Corollary 2.4.5. Let α, α be two path homotopic paths joining x0 with x1 and
β, β be two path homotopic paths joining x1 to x2 . Then α∗β is path-homotopic
to α ∗ β joining x0 to x2 , and the path homotopy can be chosen so that the
point x1 remains fixed.
Definition 2.4.6. Let [α], [β] be any two elements of π1 (X, x0 ). Then we define
their product [α] ◦ [β] by
Theorem 2.4.7. The set π1 (X, x0 ) of all path homotopy classes of loops based
at x0 is a group with respect to the binary operation “ ◦” defined above.
Proof. We must prove that the operation ◦ is associative, there exists identity
element in π1 (X, x0 ) and each element of π1 (X, x0 ) has an inverse in π1 (X, x0 ).
The proof of each of these statements is achieved by constructing a suitable
path homotopy relative to {0,1} between appropriate paths and we discuss
them below one by one:
The operation is associative: Let [α], [β], [γ] be three elements of π1 (X, x0 ).
(0,1) (1,1)
α β γ
α β γ
(0,0) (1,0)
Fig. 2.10
Define a map H : I × I → X by
x0 0 ≤ s ≤ (1 − t)/2
H(s, t) =
α((2s + t − 1)/(t + 1)) (1 − t)/2 ≤ s ≤ 1
Note that the equation of the line joining (1/2,0) and (0,1) is 2s = 1−t. H maps
the whole triangle below this line to the point x0 and the two definitions of H
on the line 2s = 1 − t match. The continuity of H follows from the continuity
lemma. Furthermore,
x0 0 ≤ s ≤ 1/2
H(s, 0) =
α(2s − 1) 1/2 ≤ s ≤ 1
= (Cx0 ∗ α)(s)
H(s, 1) = α(s),
and H(0, t) = x0 = H(1, t). This shows that Cx0 ∗ α ∼x0 α. To prove that [Cx0 ]
is also right identity, we can write a suitable path homotopy by looking at Fig.
t6 (1,1)
α Cx0 s-
(0,0) (1,0)
Fig. 2.12
This would be
α(2s/(1 + t)) 0 ≤ s ≤ (t + 1)/2
H(s, t) =
x0 (1 + t)/2 ≤ s ≤ 1
More generally, we have
Remark 2.4.9. Let α be any path joining x0 with x1 . Then the above proof
(1) [Cx0 ] ◦ [α] = [Cx0 ∗ α] = [α],
(2) [α] ◦ [Cx1 ] = [α ∗ Cx1 ] = [α].
In other words, Cx0 serves as the left identity and Cx1 serves as the right
identity for any [α].
Each element of π1 (X, x0 ) has an inverse: Let [α] ∈ π1 (X, x0 ). We choose a
representative, say α, of the homotopy class [α]. For this α, we define a loop
α : I → X by
α (t) = α(1 − t).
Geometrically, α simply describes the same path as α, but in reverse direction.
We claim that the homotopy class [α ] ∈ π1 (X, x0 ) does not depend on the
choice of α from the class [α]. For, suppose β ∼x0 α by a homotopy H. Then
we can define a homotopy H : I × I → X by
2.4. Fundamental Group and its Properties 57
t6 Cx0 (1,1)
α α−1 @ s-
(0,0) (1/2,0) (1,0)
Fig. 2.13
Remark 2.4.10. The same proof says that, more generally, if α is a path joining
x0 with x1 , then its inverse path α−1 has the following properties:
[α] ◦ [α−1 ] = [Cx0 ],
[α−1 ] ◦ [α] = [Cx1 ].
Remark 2.4.11. In the proof of the preceding theorem, it was enough to show
that π1 (X, x0 ) has a left identity and each element of π1 (X, x0 ) has a left inverse
– this is a result from elementary group theory. However, we have shown the
existence of two-sided identity and two-sided inverse only to give more practice
of writing path homotopies.
and so the generalized associative law is valid in the sense that placing of
parentheses does not make any difference in the homotopy class. Therefore, we
can just ignore the parentheses and write the above loop only as [α ∗ β ∗ γ ∗ δ].
Remark 2.4.14. At this stage one would like to see examples of fundamental
groups of some spaces. We will give several examples somewhat later, but before
that it would be helpful to prove a few results on the behaviour of fundamental
groups so that one can have some idea about the possibilities of the nature of
fundamental group of a given space. We should also point out here that it is
in the very nature of algebraic topology that computing associated algebraic
objects is normally a long process and sometime can also be extremely difficult.
α w
Fig. 2.14
Theorem 2.4.15. Let X be a path connected space and x0 , x1 be any two points
of X. Then π1 (X, x0 ) and π1 (X, x1 ) are isomorphic. In fact, each path joining
x0 to x1 defines an isomorphism from π1 (X, x0 ) to π1 (X, x1 ).
Proof. Consider Fig. 2.14. Let ω : I → X be a path joining x0 to x1 and suppose
ω −1 is the inverse path of ω, i.e., ω −1 (t) = ω(1 − t) for each t ∈ I. If α is any
loop based at x0 , then it is clear that ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω is a loop based at x1 . Thus,
we can define a map
Pω : π1 (X, x0 ) → π1 (X, x1 )
2.4. Fundamental Group and its Properties 59
Pω [α] = [ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω].
First, we check that Pω is well defined. Suppose α ∼x0 β and let H : I × I →
X be a homotopy relative to {0,1} from α to β. Then by Corollary 2.4.2,
ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω ∼x0 ω −1 ∗ β ∗ ω, which means Pω [α] = Pω [β]. Now, let us see the
following computation:
Pω ([α] ◦ [β]) = Pω [α ∗ β]
= [ω −1 ∗ (α ∗ β) ∗ ω]
= [ω −1 ∗ α] ◦ [β ∗ ω]
= [ω −1 ∗ α ∗ Cx0 ] ◦ [β ∗ ω]
= [ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω ∗ ω −1 ] ◦ [β ∗ ω]
= [ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω] ◦ [ω −1 ∗ β ∗ ω]
= Pω [α] ◦ Pω [β].
If we use ω −1 instead of ω, then we get a homomorphism
Pω−1 : π1 (X, x1 ) → π1 (X, x0 ).
Now, for each [α] ∈ π1 (X, x0 ), we have
Pω−1 ◦ Pω [α] = Pω−1 [ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω]
= [ω ∗ ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω ∗ ω −1 ]
= [α],
which means Pω−1 ◦ Pω is identity on π1 (X, x0 ). By a similar argument,
we see that Pω ◦ Pω−1 is identity on π1 (X, x1 ). It follows that Pω is an
Remark 2.4.16. It follows from the above theorem that for a path connected
space X, the fundamental group π1 (X, x) is independent of the base point x
up to isomorphism of groups. Therefore, for a path connected space X, we can
denote π1 (X, x) simply by π1 (X) ignoring the mention of the base point x, and
call it the fundamental group of the space X.
Proposition 2.4.17. If ω, ω are two paths joining x0 to x1 which are path ho-
motopic, then the induced isomorphisms Pω and Pω are identical.
Proof. If ω, ω are path homotopic, then it is easily seen that ω −1 and (ω )−1
are also path homotopic. It follows that for any loop α based at x0 , ω −1 ∗ α is
path homotopic to (ω )−1 ∗ α and therefore ω −1 ∗ α ∗ ω is path homotopic to
(ω )−1 ∗ α ∗ ω . This means Pω [α] = Pω [α].
60 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
Note that to each pointed topological space (X, x), we have associated
its fundamental group π1 (X, x). Next, we show that for every continuous map
f : (X, x) → (Y, y) of pointed spaces, there is an induced group homomorphism
f# between their fundamental groups.
Proof. (i) If f is the identity map on X, then for each loop α based at x,
f ◦ α = α and so f# [α] = [f ◦ α] = [α]. Hence f# is also identity on π1 (X, x).
(ii) For any loop α based at x, we have
(g ◦ f )# [α] = [(g ◦ f ) ◦ α]
= [g ◦ (f ◦ α)]
= g# [f ◦ α]
= g# (f# [α])
= g# ◦ f# [α].
Hence, (g ◦ f )# = g# ◦ f# .
Just before stating the above theorem, we pointed out that the above two
properties of the induced homomorphisms are basic. The reason as to why they
are important is that they imply a deep result, viz., the fundamental group of
a path connected topological space is a topological invariant. In other words,
the above properties yield the fact that if X and Y are two path connected
topological spaces which are homeomorphic, then their fundamental groups
must be isomorphic. We have already explained the proof in the introduction.
However, we present the proof once more:
Theorem 2.4.21. If X and Y are path connected spaces which are homeomor-
phic, then their fundamental groups are isomorphic.
Proof. We have already proved in Theorem 2.4.15 that for path connected
spaces, the fundamental group is independent of the base point. Let f : X → Y
be a homeomorphism and x ∈ X. Then f : (X, x) → (Y, f (x)) is a homeomor-
phism of pointed spaces and its inverse f −1 : (Y, f (x)) → (X, x) is a continuous
map which has the property that
f −1 ◦ f = IX , f ◦ f −1 = IY .
62 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
(f −1 ◦ f )# = (IX )# .
However, by (i) of Theorem 2.4.20, (IX )# = Iπ1 (X,x) and by (ii) of the same
(f −1 ◦ f )# = (f −1 )# ◦ f# .
(f# )−1 ◦ f# = Iπ1 (X,x).
By a similar argument, we find that
Combining the last two identities, we conclude that f# : π1 (X, x) → π1 (Y, f (x))
is an isomorphism.
We now proceed to prove our final result, viz., if two path-connected spaces
X and Y have the same homotopy type, then their fundamental groups are
isomorphic. In particular, we show that the fundamental group of a contractible
space X is trivial. First, we have
σ σ H
fo α
Fig. 2.15
Then (Fig. 2.15) for each s ∈ I, t ∈ I, we have
G(s, 0) = F (α(s), 0) = f ◦ α(s),
G(s, 1) = F (α(s), 1) = g ◦ α(s),
G(0, t) = F (α(0), t) = F (x0 , t) = σ(t),
G(1, t) = F (α(1), t) = F (x0 , t) = σ(t).
Our objective is now to construct a homotopy H : I × I → Y which starts with
the loop σ −1 ∗ (f ◦ α) ∗ σ, terminates with the loop g ◦ α and keeps the end
points fixed.
The required homotopy H is defined by
⎧ −1
⎨ σ (2s) 0 ≤ s ≤ (1 − t)/2
H(s, t) = G((4s + 2t − 2)/(3t + 1), t) (1 − t)/2 ≤ s ≤ (t + 3)/4
σ(4s − 3) (t + 3)/4 ≤ s ≤ 1.
2.4. Fundamental Group and its Properties 65
g(x0) g(x0) H
σ fo α σ
Fig. 2.16
In case f (x0 ) = g(x0 ), the path σ is just a loop at g(x0 ) = f (x0 ) and the
automorphism Pσ : π1 (Y, f (x0 )) → π1 (Y, f (x0 )) is simply the inner automor-
[α] → [σ −1 ∗ α ∗ σ] = [σ]−1 ◦ [α] ◦ [σ].
Moreover, if the homotopy F is relative to the point subspace {x0 }, then σ is
just the constant loop Cf (x0 ) and so Pσ is the identity map, i.e., f# = g# and
our result reduces to Theorem 2.4.23.
Corollary 2.4.30. Let X be a contractible space. Then each loop α based at any
point x0 ∈ X is equivalent to the constant loop Cx0 at x0 , i.e., π1 (X, x0 ) = 0.
Proof. Since X is contractible, the identity map IX is homotopic to the constant
map Cx0 by a homotopy F . Hence, if σ is the loop at x0 defined by
σ(t) = F (x0 , t),
66 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
(IX )#
π1 (X, x0 ) - π1 (X, x0 )
(Cx )H
# H
H ?
π1 (X, x0 )
is commutative, i.e.,
Pσ ◦ (IX )# [α] = (Cx0 )# [α],
for each [α] ∈ π1 (X, x0 ). But this means [σ −1 ∗α∗σ] = [Cx0 ], i.e., σ −1 ∗α∗σ ∼x0
Cx0 . This implies at once that
Theorem 2.4.31. Let X, Y be two path-connected spaces which are of the same
homotopy type. Then their fundamental groups are isomorphic.
Proof. The fundamental groups of both the spaces X and Y are independent
of the base points because each of them is path connected. Since X and Y
are of the same homotopy type, there exist continuous maps f : X → Y and
g : Y → X such that g ◦ f ∼ IX by a homotopy, say, F and f ◦ g ∼ IY by some
homotopy, say G. Let x0 ∈ X be a base point. Let
f# : π1 (X, x0 ) → π1 (Y, f (x0 ))
g# : π1 (Y, f (x0 )) → π1 (X, g(f (x0 )))
be the induced homomorphisms. It is evidently enough to prove that f# is a
bijective map. Let σ be the path joining x0 to gf (x0 ) defined by the homotopy
F . Then by Theorem 2.4.27, the triangle
(IX )#
π1 (X, x0 ) - π1 (X, x0 )
(g◦f )H
# H
j ?
π1 (X, gf (x0 ))
(IY )#
π1 (Y, f (x0 )) - π1 (Y, f (x0 ))
(f ◦g)H
# H
j ?
π1 (Y, (f ◦ g)(f (x0 )))
3 3 p
x0 p
1 1
Let α : I → X be a loop based at x0 . We will show that [α] is the zero element
of π1 (X, x0 ). Note that {α−1 (Vi )} is an open cover of I. Since I is a compact
metric space, this open cover will have a Lebesgue number, say, > 0. This
means there will be a partition
0 = t0 < t 1 < t 2 < · · · < t n = 1
of I such that for 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1, α([tj , tj+1 ]) will be contained in some Vi .
For convenience, let us rename the open sets Vi so that α([tj , tj+1 ]) ⊂ Vj ,
0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. For each j, we can define a path αj in X by
αj (s) = α((1 − s)tj + stj+1 ).
Then, αj (I) is contained in the simply-connected open set Vj for each j, and
[α] = [α0 ∗ α1 ∗ · · · ∗ αn−1 ].
Look at the Fig. 2.17. Notice that α(t1 ) ∈ V0 ∩ V1 and V0 ∩ V1 is path connected
containing the base point x0 . Hence we can find a path ρ1 : I → X from x0 to
α(t1 ) such that ρ1 (I) ⊂ V0 ∩ V1 . By a similar argument, we can find a path ρj
from x0 to α(tj ) lying completely in Vj−1 ∩ Vj for j = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. If ρ−1
denotes the reverse path of ρj , then we have
2.5. Simply-Connected Spaces 69
Note that ρ−11 ∗ ρ1 is path homotopic to the constant loop based at α(t1 ), etc.
It follows that
[α] = [α0 ∗ ρ−1 −1
1 ] ◦ [ρ1 ∗ α1 ∗ ρ2 ] ◦ · · · ◦ [ρn−1 ∗ αn−1 ].
The first term in the right hand side above is a loop based at x0 and lying
completely in the simply-connected space V0 . Similarly, the second term is a
loop lying completely in the simply connected space V1 , and so on. Conse-
quently, each term is actually null homotopic in Vj for some j and hence in X.
Therefore, [α] represents the zero element of π1 (X, x0 ).
We will see later on that the 1-sphere S1 is not simply connected. In fact,
we will prove that π1 (S1 ) ∼
= Z, the additive group of integers.
i# : π1 (P, x0 ) → π1 (X, x0 )
is an isomorphism.
3. Prove that a cone C(X) over a topological space X is simply connected.
If vi is the vertex of a cone C(Xi ), i ∈ Λ, then show that their one-point
union, viz., their disjoint union with all vertices vi identified to one point,
is simply connected.
70 Chapter 2. The Fundamental Group
i# : π1 (A, a) → π1 (X, a)
for each a ∈ A.
6. Consider two spheres Sm and Sn , m, n ≥ 2 imbedded in some Euclidean
space Rk , k sufficiently large. If Sm intersects Sn tangentially in a single
point, then show that their union is simply connected.
Each of the steps outlined in the above sketch will be an interesting result
in its own right and we now proceed to furnish their complete details. The
exponential map p : R → S1 defined by p(t) = e2πit , t ∈ R is in fact a continuous
onto map which simply wraps the real line R onto the circle S1 infinite number
of times (Fig. 2.18).
2 `6 '$
6 S1
p- -
-1 `
eiπ p0 =(1,0)
-2 ` &%
Fig. 2.18
In fact, the interval [0,1] gets wrapped counterclockwise around the circle once
with p(0) = p(1) = p0 and the interval [−1, 0] also gets wrapped once but
clockwise, and so on. The map, p|(−1/2,1/2) is a homeomorphism from the open
interval (−1/2, 1/2) onto S1 − {eiπ }. We let ln : S1 − {eiπ } → (−1/2, 1/2) be
the inverse of this homeomorphism. Also, note that p(t1 + t2 ) = p(t1 ) · p(t2 ),
t1 , t2 ∈ R and p(t1 ) = p(t2 ) if and only if t1 − t2 is an integer. It follows that
p−1 (p0 ) = Z.
* R
- S1
X f
The following lemma says that any two lifts of a given map f : X → S1 ,
which agree at a single point of the connected space X, agree everywhere.
p ◦ g(x) = e2πig(x)
(x)−f (x)
= e2πi(f
= e2πif (x) /e2πif (x)
= p ◦ f (x)/p ◦ f (x)
= 1.
This means g(x) ∈ p−1 (1) = Z. Since X is connected and g is continuous, the
image set g(X) must be a singleton. But g(x0 ) = 0 implies that g(x) = 0, for
all x ∈ X, i.e., f (x) = f (x), for all x ∈ X.
Proof. Note that a convex subset of Rn is always connected and so, if f , f are
two lifts of f which agree at the point x0 ∈ X, then it follows from Lemma 2.6.4
that f = f . This proves the uniqueness of the lift f satisfying the condition
that f (x0 ) = t0 .
To prove the existence of a lift f of f satisfying the condition that
f (x0 ) = t0 , we point out that the point x0 can be taken to be the origin of Rn
without any loss of generality. For, if x0 is not the origin, then we consider the
subspace L(X) of Rn where L : Rn → Rn is the translation map y → y − x0
which is clearly a homeomorphism preserving compactness and convexity of X.
The subspace L(X) now contains the origin of Rn . If the existence of a lift for
L(X) is now assumed, then let k : L(X) → R be a lift of f ◦ L−1 such that
k(0) = t0 . Here, we are treating L as a map from X onto L(X) only.
PP f k1
? q ?
L(X) - S1
f ◦L−1
gj (x) = f ( (j+1)x
n )/f ( jx
n ).
Remark 2.6.8. When we consider X in the above theorem to be the unit interval
I = [0, 1] ⊂ R, we obtain the Path Lifting Property (Theorem 2.6.5) for the
exponential map p : R → S1 . On the other hand, if we take the unit square
I × I ⊂ R2 as X, we obtain the Homotopy Lifting Property for the exponential
map recorded as Theorem 2.6.6.
`0 R
I ×I ?
PP '$
F q
P ` p0
(0,0) &%
Fig. 2.19
The degree map is 1-1: Suppose [α], [β] ∈ π1 (S1 , p0 ) such that deg([α]) =
deg([β]). This means if α : I → R, β : I → R are lifts of α, β respectively
starting from origin, then α (1) = β (1). Define a homotopy H : I × I → R by
γ(t) = e2πint
2.6. Results for Computing Fundamental Groups 77
The path γ : I → R defined by γ (t) = nt, starts at the origin of R and lifts
the path γ. Therefore, deg([γ]) = γ (1) = n. Thus, we have proved that the
degree map is an isomorphism.
The above theorem is the first nice result giving a nontrivial example of
the fundamental group, viz., the fundamental group of the circle is isomorphic
to the additive group Z of integers. As we shall see next, all other examples of
fundamental groups that we discuss at this stage are based upon this example
and the results proved earlier.
Remark 2.6.11. We have already proved (Theorem 2.4.21) that the fundamental
groups of two homeomorphic spaces are isomorphic. Consequently, any space
which is homeomorphic to the unit circle S1 will have its fundamental group
as the additive group Z of integers. For example all closed curves which have
the subspace topology induced from R2 and, as shown above (Fig. 2.20), have
Z as their fundamental groups. In fact, take a pencil, put it at a point p in the
plane R2 , move your hand tracing some curve in any manner you like, but do
not lift your hand and do not cross the curve already traced anywhere, finally
come back to the point p. Then the curve so described is homeomorphic to the
circle S1 and will have its fundamental group isomorphic to the additive group
Z of integers.
One must take time and be convinced as to why, each of these spaces
is homeomorphic to the unit circle S1 . We also note that if we remove
just one point from any of the closed curves, then the remaining space is
homeomorphic to the open interval (0,1) and so is contractible. In other words,
the fundamental group of the remaining space is trivial. Each of this fact is
interesting, but far more interesting is the following: if two path-connected
spaces are not homeomorphic but, more generally, are of the same homotopy
type, even then they will have isomorphic fundamental groups (Theorem
2.4.31). We now consider results of this kind.
that the unit circle S1 ⊂ R2 − {(0, 0)} is a strong deformation retract of Y . The
homotopy F : Y × I → Y defined by
F (x, t) = (1 − t)x + t x
* -x
Fig. 2.21
Y = {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 : x2 + y 2 = 1, −k ≤ z ≤ k, k ∈ R}.
The next question is about the fundamental groups of other compact sur-
faces such as the Möbius band, the projective plane, the Klein bottle, etc., which
we have not discussed so far. More generally, if we take an arbitrary compact
surface X, then it is well-known that X is homeomorphic to a connected sum
of tori or a connected sum of projective planes (see Section 1.1.7). Therefore,
the general problem is to determine the fundamental groups of all compact
surfaces, and this can be done. In order to answer these questions, however,
we first need to determine the fundamental groups of connected graphs, which
are 1-dimensional simplicial polyhedra. The solution is provided, among other
things, by the following powerful result (see W.Massey [13] for a proof and other
details), which gives the fundamental group of the union of two subspaces if we
know the fundamental groups of individual subspaces. This result also extends
Theorem 2.5.3.
The fundamental groups of projective planes, Klein bottle etc. are deter-
mined using Van Kampen theorem (see amongst the exercises given below).
Putting β = γ = constant loop e, we find that [α] ◦ [δ] = [α] · [δ]. Now put
α = δ = e.)
Chapter 3
Simplicial Complexes
The word “simplicial” is derived from the word “simplex”, and the notion
of a simplex is fundamental not only to the subject of topology, but to several
other branches of mathematics, like graph theory, approximation theory, real
analysis, etc. We will, therefore, first proceed to recall (see Section 1.1.1) the
meaning and definition of a simplex.
Let Rn denote the Euclidean space with its Euclidean topology, and recall
its properties as an n-dimensional vector space over the field of real numbers. A
subset S = {x1 , . . . , xk } of Rn is said to be linearly independent if for arbitrary
scalars α1 , α2 , . . . , αk ,
αi xi = 0 ⇒ αi = 0 ∀ i = 1, . . . , k.
From this notion of linear independence, we now introduce the derived notion
of geometric independence of a set of points {a0 , a1 , . . . , ak } lying in Rn as
6 p
a2 6 ar
p ar
a0 0
- -
Fig. 3.1(a) Fig. 3.1(b)
Thus, in Rn , for n sufficiently large, a set having two points will be geometrically
independent if and only if the two points are distinct; a set having three points
will be geometrically independent if and only if they do not lie on a line; a set
having four points will be geometrically independent if and only if all the four
points do not lie on a plane (2-dimensional). The four points a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , as
shown in Fig. 3.1(c), are geometrically independent, but the ones in Fig. 3.1(d)
are geometrically dependent.
6 6
@ p @
@ p @
- a0 a2-
HH @ a3 @ p
H @ @
Fig. 3.1(c) Fig. 3.1(d)
H = x + V k.
The next result, which generalizes the observations made earlier explains
the reason as to why we use the term “geometrically independent”.
3.1. Finite Simplicial Complexes 85
Remark 3.1.4. It follows from the above proposition that if the set
{a0 , a1 , . . . , ak } of points of Rn is geometrically independent, then there is a
hyperplane which contains all these points – it is just the hyperplane a0 + V k ,
where V k is the vector subspace of Rn generated by the linearly independent
set {a1 − a0 , a2 − a0 , . . . , ak − a0 }.
(−α1 − α2 − . . . − αk )a0 + αi ai = 0.
86 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
This means
αi (ai − a0 ) = 0,
which implies αi = 0, for all i = 1, 2, . . . , k. But, then it also follows from (ii)
that α0 = 0.
Conversely, suppose the given condition is satisfied, and assume
βi (ai − a0 ) = 0,
Proof. We know that the hyperplane passing through the set A is given by the
set of all vectors h satisfying the condition
h = a0 + αi (ai − a0 ),
where αi ’s are real numbers which are unique. This means h can be expressed
uniquely as
h = 1− αi a 0 + αi ai
i=1 i=1
= α0 a0 + αi ai
= α i ai ,
where i=0 αi = 1.
Note that barycentric coordinates of a point are real numbers which could
be positive, zero or negative. In the Euclidean space R3 , for example, let a0 =
(2, 0, 0), a1 = (0, 3, 0). Then the one-dimensional hyperplane of R3 containing
a0 , a1 is the straight line passing through a0 and a1 (Fig. 3.2(a)). All the points
h on the line, lying strictly between the two points a0 and a1 , will have positive
barycentric coordinates. The barycentric coordinates of a0 are (1, 0) whereas
that of a1 are (0, 1). If h = α0 a0 + α1 a1 , where α0 + α1 = 1, lies on the left of
a0 , then the barycentric coordinates of h are α0 , α1 where α0 > 0 but α1 < 0.
But if h lies on the right of the point a1 , then α0 < 0 and α1 > 0.
a -
α0 ,α1 >0
Fig. 3.2(a)
α0 , α1 , α2 > 0 J
a0 a1J
spanned by the set A, and denoted by σ k , is the set of all those points x ∈ Rn
such that
k k
x= αi ai where αi = 1 and αi ≥ 0
i=0 i=0
for each i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , k.
In other words, the k-simplex σ k consists of all those points of the hyper-
plane passing through a0 , a1 , . . . , ak whose barycentric coordinates with respect
to a0 , a1 , . . . , ak are nonnegative. The points a0 , a1 , . . . , ak are called the ver-
tices of the simplex σ k . We usually write σ k = a0 , a1 , . . . , ak just to indicate
that σ k is the k-simplex with vertices a0 , a1 , . . . , ak .
a0 a1
Let a0 , a1 , a2 be any three distinct points in Rn not lying on a line. Then
the 2-simplex a0 , a1 , a2 determined by {a0 , a1 , a2 } is simply the triangle (in-
side as well as the sides) joining a0 , a1 and a2 .
Similarly, if a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 are four points which are non coplanar, then they
determine a 3-simplex a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , which is simply the solid tetrahedron with
a0 , a1 , a2 and a3 as its vertices. It has four faces (triangles) and six edges.
HH @
For example, the open interval joining the points a0 and a1 of Rn will
be an open 1-simplex, the interior of the triangle joining a0 , a1 , a2 will be an
open 2-simplex, and so on. An important observation is that an open 0-simplex,
determined by a 0-simplex a0 , will be the simplex a0 itself.
Example 3.1.17. Consider the collection K of all simplexes shown in Fig. 3.3
(both pieces taken together) where shaded triangles indicate the 2-simplexes.
Fig. 3.3: The simplicial complex K
the definition of a simplicial complex says that all the simplexes of K must
be properly joined. In Fig. 3.4, the intersection of v0 , v1 , v2 and v3 , v4 , v5
is a point, which is a face of the latter simplex but not the former. Similarly,
the 2-simplexes a1 , a4 , a5 and a1 , a2 , a3 of the same figure are not properly
joined. The definition of a simplicial complex can be stated more intuitively
as follows: A finite collection K of properly joined simplexes is said to be a
simplicial complex (or geometric complex or complex ) if each face of a member
of K is again a member of K.
By the very definition, |K| is a polyhedron for any K and the geometric
shape of the rectilinear polyhedron |K| consists of points, edges, plane triangles,
tetrahedra, etc. Curved lines or surfaces will not be parts of |K| unless these
are contained in some higher dimensional simplexes of |K|. On the other hand,
the geometric shape of an arbitrary polyhedron could be anything from nice
tetrahedra to spheres, ellipsoids and much more curved surfaces. Let us consider
some examples for further illustrations.
Example 3.2.3. Consider the curved portion X of the unit circle defined by
X = {(cos θ, sin θ) ∈ R2 | 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2}.
a1 = (0, 1) a
@ a
@ `
@a -
a0 = (1, 0)
Fig. 3.5
K = {a0 , a1 , a2 , b0 , b1 , b2 , a0 , a1 , a1 , a2 , a0 , a2 ,
b0 , b1 , b1 , b2 , b0 , b2 , a0 , b2 , a1 , b2 , a0 , b1 , a0 , b0 ,
a1 , b1 , a2 , b2 , a0 , b1 , b0 , a0 , a1 , b1 , a1 , b1 , b2 ,
a1 , a2 , b2 , a0 , a2 , b2 , a0 , b0 , b2 }
is a triangulation of the cylinder.
3.2. Polyhedra and Triangulations 95
b2 b2
b0 b1 b0 b1
a2 a2
a0 a1
a0 a1
Fig. 3.5(a)
{w + t · p : t ∈ [0, a)},
where p is the unit vector along L. Then, obviously, L intersects the closure U
of U in the point x = w + a · p, say. To prove the uniqueness of the point x,
suppose y is another such point. Then y = w + b.p for some b > a and x lies
between w and y on the line L, i.e., x = (1 − t)w + ty, where t = a/b. Solving
w for this t, we have w = (x − ty)/(1 − t). Now, we can choose a sequence {yn }
of points in U which converges to y. Then putting wn = (x − tyn )/(1 − t), we
find that wn converges to w. Hence we have an n such that wn ∈ U . But this
is a contradiction because U being convex means x = (1 − t)wn + tyn must be
in U .
(ii) Without loss of generality, we can assume that w is the origin. The map
f : Rn − {0} → Sn−1 defined by f (x) = x/x is onto and continuous. By
(i) above, the restriction of f to the boundary Bd(U ) defines a bijection from
Bd(U ) to Sn−1 , which must be a homeomorphism since Bd(U ) is compact. Let
g : Sn−1 → Bd(U ) be its inverse. Now, extend g to G : Dn → U by defining
96 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
g(x/x) · x x
= 0
G(x) =
0 x = 0.
In fact, G maps the line segment lying in Dn joining origin to a point u in Sn−1
to the line segment in U joining origin to the point g(u). Then G is a bijective
continuous map, and so it is a homeomorphism whose restriction on Sn−1 is
the map g.
D2 = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}.
Sn = {(x0 , x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn+1 | 0 x2i = 1},
this Sn is the standard unit sphere in Rn+1 . In topology, two spaces are not
distinguished if they are homeomorphic. Now, if X is a topological space which
is homeomorphic to Sn , it is a common practice to say that “X is a topological
n-sphere”. This space X may appear geometrically very different from a gen-
uine sphere allowing lot of flexibility but is still called an n-sphere. A similar
practice is also prevalent regarding an n-disc Dn . It will be very helpful if we
look at a polyhedron X with a similar meaning, i.e., a polyhedron to a recti-
linear polyhedron is the same thing as a topological sphere to a genuine sphere.
Using the above definition it is now easy to see that the following diagram
defines a simplicial complex K where the vertices are a, b, c, d, e and
f and the simplexes are a, b, d, b, c, d, c, d, e, a, c, e, a, e, f and a, f, d
along with their nonempty subsets. We also notice that K is a triangulation of
a cylinder, since |K| is just a hollow prism. This triangulation of the cylinder
is easier to describe as compared to Fig. 3.5(a).
f d e f
@ @
@ @
@ @
@ @
@ @
a b c a
Fig. 3.5(b)
In the above definition of an abstract simplicial complex K the singletons
are called vertices of K, and in this terminology, the set of vertices of an abstract
simplicial complex K may be finite or infinite. We note that each n-simplex
σ = v0 , v1 , . . . , vn can be identified with
a simplex of R . Since each∞ R is
n n
embedded in R , we find that |K| = {σ | σ ∈ K} is a subset of R . The
topology on |K| is defined to be the weak topology induced by simplexes of K
(see Section 3.5 for details).
a3 a4 a5 a0
a0 a1 a2 a3
Fig. 3.6
Note that the edge a0 , a3 on the left of the rectangle R is identified with the
edge a0 , a3 (order reversed) on the right, and the resulting quotient space
M , the Möbius band, is homeomorphic to the geometric carrier of the simpli-
cial complex K which consists of six triangles and all of their faces as in Fig. 3.6.
K = {v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v5 , v0 , v3 , v0 , v4 , v0 , v5 ,
v1 , v3 , v1 , v4 , v1 , v5 , v2 , v3 , v2 , v4 , v2 , v5 }.
3.2. Polyhedra and Triangulations 99
v0 v1 v2
v3 v4 v5
Fig. 3.7
Once again, we start with a triangulation L of the rectangle itself (see Fig. 3.8)
in which each side of the rectangle is broken as the union of three 1-simplexes.
The identification of opposite sides (identical labeling) collapses several pairs of
1-simplexes of L into 1-simplexes of a new complex K, and several 0-simplexes
of L collapse to 0-simplexes of K yielding a triangulation K of the torus T .
It is easily seen that conditions defining the simplicial complex L continue to
hold for K also. Thus, the following diagram with indicated labeling gives a
triangulation K of T :
a0 a1 a2 a0
! ! !
!!! ! !! !!!
a4 ! ! !
!! a8 !!! a7 !!!
!! ! !
a3 ! !! !! !!
! ! a5
!! a6
!! !! !!
a0 a1 a2 a0
Fig. 3.8
It has 9 vertices, 27 edges and 18 triangles which are joined properly as shown
in Fig. 3.8. Again note that |K| lies in R3 , not in R2 (why?), though K is
100 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
2-dimensional. We also point out that besides the above, several other trian-
gulations of T can be given and it is a good question to ask: what will be the
minimum number of vertices, edges and triangles in a triangulation of T ? This
question will be answered in Chapter 4 (see Chapter 4, pseudomanifolds) for a
large number of polyhedra.
The Klein bottle and the projective plane (see Section 1.1.4) are also
good examples of polyhedra and the reader should give a triangulation of each
of these too (see exercises at the end). These triangulations will be needed in
understanding the simplicial homology discussed in the next chapter.
Next we have
Remark 3.2.18. If we look at |K| and |L| as topological spaces, then a con-
tinuous map f : |K| → |L| may or may not be induced by some simplicial
map g : K → L. In case the map f is induced by some simplicial map, then
sometimes we abuse the language and refer f to be a “simplicial map”. In
102 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
this terminology, the set of all continuous maps from |K| to |L| is divided into
two classes, viz., the “simplicial” maps and the “non-simplicial” maps. Since
we are dealing with only finite simplicial complexes, the number of simplicial
maps from K to L is always finite, whereas the number of non-simplicial maps
is always infinite, unless, of course, |L| consists of only 0-simplexes (Why?)
(0,0) (1,0)
Fig. 3.9
3.3. Simplicial Approximation 103
Fig. 3.10
st(v0 ) = {v0 , v0 , v1 },
st(v1 ) = K − {v0 , v2 , v3 , v4 , v2 , v3 , v3 , v4 }.
It is very important to point out that the open star ost(v) of a vertex
v of a simplicial complex K is not only a subset of |K|, but also is an open
set in |K|. This follows from the fact that for any vertex v of K, the function
fv : |K| → [0, 1] given by fv (x) = the v th barycentric coordinate of x, is
continuous, and fv−1 (0, 1] = ost(v).
104 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
In this section, we are going to show that if h : |K| → |L| is any given
continuous map, then there exists a representation |K | of |K|, (i.e., there is a
simplicial complex K such that |K | = |K|) and a simplicial map g : K → L
such that for each vertex v of K , h(ost(v)) ⊂ ost(g(v)), in particular |g| :
|K | = |K| → |L| is homotopic to h. Such a result is known as a simplicial
approximation theorem. We have the following
Definition 3.3.3. Let h : |K| → |L| be a continuous map. Then a simplicial map
g : K → L is said to be a simplicial approximation of h if for each vertex v of
K, h(ost(v)) ⊂ ost(g(v)).
Definition 3.3.6. Let K and L be two simplicial complexes and f : |K| → |L|
be a continuous map. Then we say that K is star-related to L with respect to
f , if for each vertex v of K, there is a vertex v of L such that
f (ost(v)) ⊂ ost(v ).
We now start by first proving a basic special case of the Simplicial Ap-
proximation Theorem as follows:
n n n
= f ( i=0 ost(vi )) ⊂ i=0 f (ost(vi )) ⊂ i=0 ost(g(vi )),
i.e., i=0 ost(g(vi )) is nonempty, and therefore g(v0 ), . . . , g(vn ) are vertices of
some simplex of L. This proves that g : K → L is a simplicial map, and so g is
a simplicial approximation of f .
Next, we want to show that |g| : |K| → |L| is homotopic to f . Let x ∈
|K| and let σ = v0 , v1 , . . . , vk be the simplex of smallest dimension which
contains x. Let vi be any vertex of σ. Note that x ∈ ost(vi ) which means
f (x) ∈ f (ost(vi )) ⊂ ost(g(vi )). Thus f (x) ∈ intg(v0 ), . . . , g(vk ). On the other
hand if we write
x = α0 v0 + . . . + αk vk , αi > 0, ∀i,
then |g|(x) = α0 g(v0 ) + . . . + αk g(vk ), in which some of the g(vi ) s may
be equal. In any case the coefficient of g(vi ) will be strictly positive, i.e.,
|g|(x) ∈ intg(v0 ), . . . , g(vk ). This means for each x ∈ |K|, both f (x) and
|g|(x) are in the same simplex of L. Since a simplex is a convex set, we can
106 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
* 3
` v2
Fig. 3.11
3.4. Barycentric Subdivision – Simplicial Approximation Theorem 107
In fact, K has four vertices, six edges and three triangles and is entirely dif-
ferent from K because K had only three vertices, three edges and one triangle.
Imagine what will be K when the newly introduced vertex v3 lies on one of
the edges of the simplex σ 2 . If K is a simplicial complex and we subdivide each
simplex in the same manner as indicated above, then we get a new simplicial
complex K which is called a subdivision of K. Among infinitely many possibil-
ities of subdividing a simplicial complex, there is one type of subdivision, which
is iterative, and is called the barycentric subdivision. This subdivision stands
out as the most useful, highly regular and conveniently describable subdivision.
v0 (v0 )
` `
@ @
@ @
@ (v0 v1 )` @ ` (v0 v2 )
@ P PP @
@ -P
` @
(v0 v1 v2 )
@ PP
` @` ` ` @`
v1 v2 (v1 ) (v1 v2 ) (v2 )
K = Cl(σ 2 ) K
Fig. 3.12
108 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
K = {v0 , v1 , v2 , v0 , v1 , v1 , v2 , v0 , v2 , v0 , v1 , v2 },
Note that |K (n) | = |K| for each n ≥ 0. We also observe that when we
take the first barycentric subdivision K (1) of a positive-dimensional complex,
the simplexes of K (1) become strictly smaller in size than those in K. In fact,
their sizes approach towards zero when we go on making further and further
subdivisions. We now make these observations precise.
diam(A) = sup{d(x, y) : x, y ∈ A}
is called the diameter of A; here d(x, y) = x − y = ( i=1 (xi − yi )2 )1/2 , where
x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) and y = (y1 , . . . , yn ).
Proof. Let σ = v0 , v1 , . . . , vq and x, y ∈ σ. Let y = i=0 bi vi , where bi are
barycentric coordinates of y. Then
q q
x − y = ( i=0 bi )x − i=0 bi vi
= i=0 bi (x − vi )
≤ i=0 bi x − vi
≤ bi · max{x − vi : 0 ≤ i ≤ q}
≤ max(x − vi : 0 ≤ i ≤ q).
x − vi ≤ max{vj − vi : 0 ≤ j ≤ q}.
x − y ≤ max{vj − vi : 0 ≤ j, i ≤ q}.
This evidently implies that diam (σ) = vr − vs for some vertices vr and vs
of the simplex σ.
Now, we can prove the fact which was intuitively mentioned earlier.
Proof. Let us assume that dim(K) = m. First, we compare the mesh (K (1) ) with
the mesh of K. Since mesh (K (1) ) is determined by the length of its largest 1-
simplex, we consider any 1-simplex σ̇, τ̇ of K (1) where σ, τ are simplexes of
K and σ is a proper face of τ = v0 , v1 , . . . , vp . We know that
1 p
τ̇ = vi ,
(p + 1) i=0
and so, because σ̇, τ̇ both are points of τ , by the earlier lemma, there is a vertex
v of τ such that
= (vi − v)
p + 1 i=0
≤ vi − v
p + 1 i=0
≤ (p · mesh(K))
≤ · mesh(K),
lim = 0,
n→∞ m + 1
f - S1
h h
? ?
|K| - |K|
h◦f ◦h−1
We also note that there is a bijection between π1 (S1 ) and the set [S1 , S1 ]
of all homotopy classes of maps from S1 to S1 . Since π1 (S1 ) ∼ = Z, we see
that there are infinite number of mutually non-homotopic maps from |K| to
itself, while for any k there are only finite number of simplicial maps from
|K (k) | to itself. The Simplicial Approximation Theorem says that for any
given map f : |K| → |K|, there is a k (depending on f ) and a simplicial map
g : K (k) → K which will approximate f ; it does not say that there is a fixed
k such that every f : |K| → |K| can be approximated by some simplicial map
g : K (k) → K. One may have to go to a higher order barycentric subdivision
of K for finding out a simplicial approximation to a given continuous map
f : |K| → |K|. This fact can also be expressed by asserting that for any
given k, there exists a continuous map f : |K| → |K| which does not have a
simplicial approximation from K (k) to K.
|K| - |L|
h h
? ?
f - Sn
We have already proved (see Example 2.5.1) the next result, but it follows
from the above theorem also.
Concluding Remarks: The basic topological spaces dealt with in this chapter
are the compact polyhedra (finite simplicial complexes) which form the most
accessible class of topological spaces. They include all graphs, compact surfaces
and compact 3-manifolds. The real projective space RPn , and the complex pro-
jective space CPn , n ≥ 2 are classical examples of polyhedra. This restricted
class of topological spaces (polyhedra) has two beautiful generalizations: the
first one is to allow a simplicial complex to have infinite number of simplexes,
in which case the topology of its geometric carrier (still called a polyhedra)
is no longer compact (see Section 3.5). However, these are paracompact and
most of the results proved in this chapter are true for them also. The second
generalization, resulting in a more powerful and appropriate class of topological
spaces from the viewpoint of algebraic topology, is known as CW -complexes.
They carry the CW -structure which is a far-reaching generalization of the sim-
plicial structure discussed here, and they encompass a remarkably large class of
nice spaces. The simplicial approximation theorem remains valid for them also.
These CW-complexes are also paracompact and become compact if the CW -
structure is finite. Chapter 2 of James Munkres [16] (for simplicial complexes)
3.4. Barycentric Subdivision – Simplicial Approximation Theorem 113
and the book of A.T. Lundell and S. Weingram [12](for CW -complexes) are
excellent references for a study of these spaces and their extensive applications.
the side AD with the corresponding points of the side BC, and also iden-
tify all the points of the side AB of the type (x, 0) with the points (1−x, 1)
of the side DC, then the resulting space is called the Klein bottle K (see
Section 1.1.4). Give a triangulation of the Klein bottle. (Hint: Modify the
triangulation of torus).
6. Take a disc D2 = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : x2 + y 2 ≤ 1}. Identify a point (cos θ, sin θ)
of the boundary of D2 with the point (− cos θ, − sin θ). Then the resulting
114 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
Prove that the set F (S) is in one-to-one correspondence with the points
of an n-simplex σ n = v0 , v1 , . . . , vn in Rn+1 . (This exercise tells that an
abstract simplex can be given a topology from a simplex of Rn via the
above one-to-one correspondence).
14. Prove that the following compact subspace X (Topologist’s Sine Curve)
of R2 cannot be a polyhedron:
⎛ ⎞
a11 a21 . an1 1
⎜ a12 a22 . an2 1 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ . . . . . ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ . . . . . ⎠
a1n+1 a2n+1 . ann+1 1
is nonsingular.
Then, clearly RJ is a vector space over R, and it is the direct sum of as many
copies of R as the cardinality of J. There is a natural basis {α | α ∈ J} of this
vector space defined by
1 if β = α
α (β) =
0 if β
= α.
which makes RJ a metric space. Note that corresponding to each finite sub-
set {α1 , . . . , αk } of basis elements, RJ has Rk as a subspace with Euclidean
116 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
f (vαi ) = 1, 0 ≤ f (vαi ) ≤ 1 ∀i.
This is indeed the closed simplex of the Euclidean space generated by the
vertices (α0 , α1 , . . . , αk ). Now, let K be the set of all geometric simplexes in
RJ defined by all simplexes of K, and let |K| be their union in RJ . Then, |K|
is called the geometric realization of the abstract simplicial complex K. Note
that K has arbitrary number of vertices and simplexes of any finite dimension.
Also, K is now a general simplicial complex satisfying both the conditions of
a simplicial complex. Since |K| ⊂ RJ , it has the subspace topology, which is a
metric topology. We denote the resulting space by |K|d .
Topology of a Polyhedron
There is yet another and more important topology on |K|. To see this,
note that the geometric realization (α0 , α1 , . . . , αk ) of each simplex s of K
is a compact subspace of the Euclidean subspace Rk and, therefore, it has a
unique topology of its own. Hence, we can consider the weak topology on |K|
defined by these closed simplexes. We call this topolgy on |K| as the coherent
topology on |K|. The resulting space, denoted by just |K|, is called a general
simplicial complex or a polyhderon. Thus, the topology of a polyhedron |K| is
the largest topology on |K| which makes all inclusions i : (α0 , α1 , . . . , αk ) →
|K| continuous. In other words, a subset F of |K| is closed iff F ∩ σ is closed
in every geometric simplex σ of |K|.
Example 3.5.4. By a similar argument, one can easily see that the following
figure gives a triangulation of R2 :
Y 6
(0,0) -
From this latter example, one can observe that any partially ordered set
(P, ≤) always defines a simplicial complex in a natural way as described above.
Remark 3.5.5. Suppose |K| ⊂ Rn for some n. Then, |K| has two topologies:
one, the subspace topology induced from Rn which is a metric topology, and
the other is the coherent topology defined by all simplices of K. We observe
that in this case the coherent topology on |K| is always finer than the subspace
topology since F is closed in Rn means F ∩ σ will be closed in σ for all sim-
plexes σ of K, i.e., F ∩ |K| will be closed in the coherent topology of |K|. The
following example shows that the coherent topology can be strictly finer than
the subspace topology.
118 Chapter 3. Simplicial Complexes
(1, 1)
(1, 12 )
(0, 0) (1, 0)
Fig. 3.14
Then, note that the set F = {(1, 1), (1, 12 ), . . . , (1, n1 ), . . .} is closed in |K| since
its intersection with each simplex is either empty or just a point and so is closed
in that simplex. However, F is not closed in the subspace topology on |K| in-
duced from the plane R2 because (1, 0) is the limit point of F which is not in F .
The above example also shows that a polyhedron |K| need not be metriz-
able. Suppose, on the contrary, the above |K| is metrizable. Then, |K| must be
first countable at the vertex v = (0, 0). Let {U1 , U2 , . . . , Un , . . .} be a countable
base for |K| at the point v. We can clearly assume that
U1 ⊇ U2 ⊇ . . . ⊇ Un ⊇ . . .
Note that v is a limit point of the open simplex ((0, 0), (1, n1 )) for each n ≥ 1.
Hence, we can choose a point an ∈ Un ∩ ((0, 0), (1, n1 )) ∀ n ∈ N. Then, we
get a sequence {a1 , a2 , . . . , an , . . .} in |K| which converges to v since in any
neighbourhood V of v there is a Un ⊆ V such that ai ∈ Un ∀ i ≥ n. But, the
sequence B = {a1 , a2 , . . . , an , . . .} is a closed set in |K| since its intersection
with each simplex of K is just a point and so is closed in that simplex. Thus, B
contains all of its limit points, a contradiction to the fact that B converges to v.
A very useful result about the coherent topology on |K| is the following:
( f |σ )−1 (F ) = f −1 (F ) ∩ σ
Now, consider the open stars {ost(v )} of all the vertices v of Sd(K) in
|K|d . These open stars are also open in |Sd(K)|d since the coordinate functions
fv : |Sd(K)|d = |K|d → [0, 1] are continuous functions. Since |Sd(K)|d is
paracompact, this covering has a locally finite open refinement, say V = {V }
in |K|d . Then, clearly, {i−1 (V )} is a locally finite open refinement of U in |K|.
1. Prove that the subspace (0, 1] of the real line R is a triangulable space.
2. Let v be a vertex of any simplicial complex K. Show that ost(v) and ost(v)
are path-connected in |K|.
3. Let s be a simplex. Prove that the closed simplex |s| is homeomorphic to
the cone with base |Bd(s)|, i.e., |s| is homeomorphic to |Bd(s)| ∗ w.
4. Let U be a bounded open subset of Rn and suppose U is star-convex with
respect to the origin. Show that
(a) a ray from origin may intersect Bd(U ) in more than one point.
(b) there is an example of a U such that (U ) need not be homeomorphic
to the disc Dn .
5. A simplicial complex K is said to be locally finite if each vertex of K
is the vertex of only finitely many simplexes of K. If K is locally finite,
prove that every point of |K| has a nbd of the form |L|d where L is a finite
subcomplex of K.
6. Let K be a simplicial complex. Show that the following conditions are
(a) K is locally finite.
(b) |K| is locally compact.
(c) |K| → |K|d is a homeomorphism.
(d) |K| is metrizable.
(e) |K| satisfies the first axiom of countability.
7. Prove that every polyhedron |K| is a perfectly normal space.
8. Suppose K is a countable simplicial complex which is locally finite and
dim(K) ≤ n. Then prove that |K| can be linearly embedded in R2n+1 .
9. Show that the assignment K → |K| is a covariant functor from the
category of simplicial complexes and simplicial maps to the category
of topological spaces and continuous maps. More generally, show that
(K, L) → (|K|, |L|) is a covariant functor from the category of simpli-
cial pairs and simplicial maps to the category of topological pairs and
continuous maps of pairs.
10. Let (X, A) be a polyhedral pair. Prove that A is a strong deformation
retract of some nbd of A in X.
Chapter 4
Simplicial Homology
4.1 Introduction
(ii) If IK : K → K is the identity map, then for each n ≥ 0, the induced map
((IK )∗ )n is the identity map on Hn (K).
These two functorial properties, which are usual for any kind of homology
groups, yield the result that any simplicial isomorphism from K to L induces
isomorphisms between their homology groups Hn (K) and Hn (L) for each
n ≥ 0. Therefore, the homology groups Hn (K) of the simplicial complex
K are invariants of the simplicial structure of the complex K. This is a
typical phenomenon with most of the algebraic invariants which an algebraic
topologist tends to define and study. The simplicial homology groups happen
to be one of the first classical algebraic objects to be invented and studied.
The most important and interesting feature of these groups is that they lend
themselves to easy computations.
q +σ 1
- q q −σ
v0 v1 v0 v1
4.2. Orientation of Simplicial Complexes 125
v0 v0
v1 v2 v1 v2
Fig. 4.1
Let K be a simplicial complex with a fixed orientation. Let S̃q denote the
set of all oriented q-simplexes of K. Since each q-simplex, q ≥ 1, can be oriented
in exactly two distinct ways, the number of elements in the set S̃q is twice the
number of q-simplexes in K, whereas the number of oriented 0-simplexes is the
same as the number of vertices of K because 0-simplexes are assumed to be
always positively oriented.
It is easy to see that the set Cq (K) of all q-chains is an abelian group with
point-wise operations, viz.,
(f + g)(σ q ) = f (σ q ) + g(σ q )
for all σ q ∈ S̃q . The zero map 0 : S̃q → Z defined by 0(σ q ) = 0 for all q-simplexes
σ q is the additive identity, and the inverse −f of f is defined by
(−f )(σ q ) = −f (σ q ).
f (σ q ) = f (−(−σ q ))
= −f (−σ q ), by definition
= −( nq σ̄ q )(−σ q ), by what we proved earlier
= ( nq σ̄ q )(σ q ).
proves ourclaim. To prove the uniqueness, suppose
f = nq σ̄ q =
mq σ̄ . Then (nq − mq )σ̄ = 0 in Cq (K) and so ( (nq − mq )σ̄ )(σ q ) = 0
q q q
The elementary q-chains σ̄ q are functions from the set of all oriented
q-simplexes of K to the additive group Z of integers. We could as well consider
q-chains as functions from the set of all oriented q-simplexes to any abelian
group G. In that case, the chain groups, denoted by Cq (K; G), would be
4.3. Simplicial Chain Complex and Homology 129
One might ask at this stage the following question: The q-dimensional
chain group Cq (K) associated to the oriented complex K is indeed isomorphic
to the direct sum of as many copies of Z as there are q-simplexes in K regardless
of what orientation we give to K. Then, why to introduce an orientation in K
and make the definition of Cq (K) so lengthy and complicated? The answer to
this question will become clear as we proceed to define the boundary map and
realize the geometrical interpretation of the same. In what follows, whenever
we write a q-simplex as σ q , we mean σ q is positively oriented.
We note that in the summation (∗), σiq−1 runs over all (q − 1)-faces of
σ q . If we allow σiq−1 to run over all (q − 1)-simplexes of K, the summation will
remain unchanged since [σ q , σiq−1 ] = 0 if σiq−1 is not a face of σ q . Thus, we can
write (∗) as
∂q (σ q ) = [σ q , σiq−1 ]σiq−1 .
σiq−1 ∈K
130 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
There are, however, two points which we must answer before ∂q becomes
a well-defined map by (∗∗). One, a generator v0 , v1 , . . . , vq of Cq (K) can be
written in several ways as, for example,
v0 , v1 , . . . , vq = vπ(0) , vπ(1) , . . . , vπ(q) ,
where π is any even permutation on the symbols (0, 1, 2, . . . , q). Therefore,
we must ensure that ∂q v0 , v1 , . . . , vq is independent of these representations.
Second, if π is an odd permutation, then vπ(0) , vπ(1) , . . . , vπ(q) is also a gener-
ator of Cq (K), and the relation vπ(0) , vπ(1) , . . . , vπ(q) = −v0 , v1 , . . . , vq holds
among such generators. Hence we must show that for an odd permutation π,
∂q vπ(0) , vπ(1) , . . . , vπ(q) = −∂q v0 , v1 , . . . , vq .
Since any permutation can be written as a product of transpositions, both the
points raised earlier follow from the next result.
Changing the order of summation and collecting the coefficients of each (q − 2)-
simplex σjq−2 shows that the above term is equal to
[σ q , σiq−1 ][σiq−1 , σjq−2 ] σjq−2 .
σjq−2 ∈K σiq−1 ∈K
By Theorem 4.2.4,
[σ q , σiq−1 ][σiq−1 , σjq−2 ] = 0,
σiq−1 ∈K
Observe that for q < 0 or q > dim K, all q-dimensional chain groups
Cq (K) are evidently zero groups and, therefore, Hq (K) = 0 for all such
q. Possible nontrivial homology group Hq (K) of K can occur only when
0 ≤ q ≤ dim K. Moreover, note that Bn (K) = 0 and Z0 (K) = C0 (K). Let
us also point out that for an oriented simplicial complex K, we have now
defined four kinds of groups, viz., Cq (K), Zq (K), Bq (K) and Hq (K) for each
q, 0 ≤ q ≤ dim K. It turns out, however, that it is the homology groups
Hq (K) which are of fundamental importance rather than other three groups.
Later on we will see that the homology groups are indeed invariants of the
topology of |K|, and they really detect some kind of “holes” in the space |K|
whereas other groups mentioned above do not represent anything of |K| like
this – they are only the means to define the homology groups. An element of
Hq (K) is a coset of Bq (K) in Zq (K) and is called a homology class. If this
homology class is zq + Bq (K), we normally denote it by {zq }. We note that a
q-cycle zq will represent a nontrivial element of Hq (K) if and only if it is not
a boundary. Two q-cycles zq and zq are said to be homologous if they yield
the same homology class, i.e., zq − zq is a boundary. A q-cycle is homologous
to zero if and only if it is a boundary.
homology groups Hn (K), which have been defined with respect to a given ori-
entation of K, depend on the orientation of K? We prove below that the answer
to this question is “no”. Note that a q-simplex σ q has exactly two orientations,
and that a simplicial complex K is oriented by assigning an arbitrary orien-
tation to each of the simplexes of K. Therefore, a simplicial complex can be
oriented in several different ways. We have
Theorem 4.3.8. Let K1 and K2 denote the same simplicial complex K equipped
with different orientations. Then Hq (K1 ) ∼
= Hq (K2 ), ∀q ≥ 0.
Proof. If σ q is an arbitrary simplex of K, then it has one orientation as a
simplex of K1 and has same or different orientation with respect to K2 . If
i q
σ denotes the simplex σ q having positive orientation from Ki , i = 1, 2, then,
clearly, 1 σ q = φ(σ) · 2 σ q , where φ(σ) = +1 or −1 depending on whether σ q
has the same or different orientation received from K1 and K2 . Thus, we get
a map φ : K → {1, −1}. Now, we define a sequence fq : Cq (K1 ) → Cq (K2 ) of
homomorphisms by
fq ( gi · 1 σiq ) = gi · φ(σ q ) · 2 σiq ,
where c = gi · 1 σiq is a chain in Cq (K1 ). Next, we claim that the above
sequence of homomorphisms is a chain map. We will prove that f ∂ = ∂f by
showing that both of these maps agree on elementary chains 1 σ q . We have
fq−1 ∂(1 σ q ) = fq−1 ( [1 σ q , 1 σ q−1 ] · 1 σ q−1 )
σ q−1 ∈K
= φ(σ q−1 )[1 σ q , 1 σ q−1 ] · 2 σ q−1 )
= φ(σ q−1 )[φ(σ q ) · 2 σ q , φ(σ q−1 ) · 2 σ q−1 ] · 2 σ q−1 )
= φ(σ q−1 )φ(σ q )φ(σ q−1 )[2 σ q , 2 σ q−1 ] · 2 σ q−1 )
σ q−1 ∈K
= φ(σ q ) [2 σ q , 2 σ q−1 ] · 2 σ q−1
σ q−1 ∈K
= ∂(φ(σ ) · σ )
q 2 q
= ∂fq (1 σ q ).
gq (2 σ q ) = φ(σ q ) · 1 σ q
Let us now have some examples to illustrate how these homology groups
can be computed in some simple cases with Z as the coefficient group. These
simple cases are not just typical illustrations of computations, but also present
interesting hints of some general results and concepts to be identified and stud-
ied later on. The reader is advised to carry out every detail of these examples
Example 4.4.1. Consider the simplicial complex K having only one vertex v,
i.e., K = {v}. There is only one possible orientation on K and with that
orientation, we have Cq (K) = 0 for all q
= 0 and C0 (K) = Z · v is the free
abelian group on the single generator v. Hence we see that for q
= 0, Hq (K) = 0
H0 (K) = ker ∂0 /Im ∂1 ∼
= Z.
In fact, in this case, C0 (K) = Z0 (K) = H0 (K) ∼
= Z.
Fig. 4.2
Let us orient K by the ordering v0 < v1 < v2 (it has two distinct orientations).
We will first compute the non trivial chain groups, viz., C0 (K), C1 (K), C2 (K)
and see how the boundary homomorphisms act on these groups. Since there
are three vertices in K, C0 (K) is the free abelian group on the three vertices,
C0 (K) = Z · v0 ⊕ Z · v1 ⊕ Z · v2 .
C1 (K) = Z · v0 , v1 ⊕ Z · v1 , v2 ⊕ Z · v0 , v2
C2 (K) = Z · v0 , v1 , v2 .
The nontrivial part of our simplicial chain complex now looks like
∂ ∂
0 → C2 (K) →2 C1 (K) →1 C0 (K) → 0.
4.4. Some Examples 135
Note. The reader should compute the homology groups of the above simplicial
complex K, if it is given some other orientation and see whether or not the
final result is different.
v1 v2
Fig. 4.3
0 → C1 (K ) →1 C0 (K ) → 0,
C1 (K ) = Z · v0 , v1 ⊕ Z · v1 , v2 ⊕ Z · v0 , v2
C0 (K ) = Z · v0 ⊕ Z · v1 ⊕ Z · v2 .
It follows, exactly as in the previous example, that H0 (K ) ∼ = Z. Moreover,
a 1-chain c1 = n0 v0 , v1 + n1 v1 , v2 + n2 v0 , v2 is a 1-cycle if and only if
n0 = n1 = −n2 (as in the previous example). This means elements of the form
n[v0 , v1 + v1 , v2 − v0 , v2 ], n ∈ Z, generate Z1 (K ), i.e., Z1 (K ) ∼
= Z. Since
B1 (K ) = 0, H1 (K ) ∼ = Z. Therefore, we conclude that
⎨ Z, if q = 0
Hq (K ) = Z, if q = 1
0, otherwise.
Remark. We must point out that with the orientation given by the ordering
v0 < v1 < v2 , the 1-cycle v0 , v1 +v1 , v2 −v0 , v2 = v0 , v1 +v1 , v2 +v2 , v0
is indeed a “closed circuit” or cycle of K which is not a boundary, i.e., this
cycle represents a “hole” in K . The same 1-cycle in the earlier example was
not a “hole” in that complex K = Cl(σ 2 ) because there it was the boundary
of the 2-simplex v0 , v1 , v2 of that complex.
v1 v3
Fig. 4.4
In this case, observe that the nontrivial part of our oriented simplicial chain
complex is
∂ ∂
0 → C2 (L) →2 C1 (L) →1 C0 (L) → 0,
C0 (L) = Z · v0 ⊕ Z · v1 ⊕ Z · v2 ⊕ Z · v3
C1 (L) = Z · v0 v1 ⊕ Z · v0 v2 ⊕ Z · v0 v3 ⊕ Z · v1 v2
⊕Z · v1 v3 ⊕ Z · v2 v3
C2 (L) = Z · v0 v1 v2 ⊕ Z · v1 v2 v3 ⊕ Z · v0 v1 v3 ⊕ Z · v0 v2 v3 .
To compute H0 (L), note that every 0-chain is a zero cycle. For each i =
1, 2, 3, since ∂(vi , v0 ) = v0 − vi , we find that the difference v0 − vi
is a boundary, i.e., vi is homologous to v0 for each i. Thus, any 0-cycle
c0 = n0 v0 +n1 v1 +n2 v2 +n3 v3 is homologous to (n0 +n1 +n2 +n3 )v0 . In
other words, each 0-cycle is homologous to an integral multiple of v0 . Also, it
can be seen, as in Example 4.4.2, that a 0-cycle n0 v0 +n1 v1 +n2 v2 +n3 v3
is a boundary if and only if n0 + n1 + n2 + n3 = 0. This means that the two
integral multiples mv0 and nv0 of v0 are not homologous unless m = n.
From these observations it follows at once that the map H0 (L) → Z defined by
{nv0 } → n is an isomorphism.
To compute H2 (L), observe that H2 (L) = ∼ Z2 (L). Now, if z =
av0 , v1 , v2 +bv0 , v1 , v3 +cv1 , v2 , v3 +dv0 , v2 , v3 is a 2-cycle, then ∂2 (z) = 0
i.e., a[v1 , v2 − v0 , v2 + v0 , v1 ] + b[v1 , v3 − v0 , v3 + v0 , v1 ] + c[v2 , v3 −
v1 , v3 + v1 , v2 ] + d[v2 , v3 − v0 , v3 + v0 , v2 ] = 0. Equating the coeffi-
cients of various 1-simplexes to zero, we get a = −b = −c = d. This means
z = a[v0 , v1 , v2 +v1 , v3 , v2 +v0 , v3 , v1 +v0 , v2 , v3 ]. Since a ∈ Z is arbitrary,
we conclude that H2 (L) ∼ = Z2 (L) ∼ = Z.
Finally, to prove that H1 (L) = 0, we shall show that every 1-cycle is a
boundary. Let z = a0 v0 , v1 + a1 v0 , v2 + a2 v0 , v3 + a3 v1 , v2 + a4 v1 , v3 +
a5 v2 , v3 be a 1-cycle. Note that ∂2 v1 , v2 , v3 = v2 , v3 − v1 , v3 + v1 , v2 ,
which means v2 , v3 is homologous to v1 , v3 − v1 , v2 , and so the cycle z is
homologous to a cycle in which the term v2 , v3 is replaced by v1 , v3 −v1 , v2 .
138 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
v v1 v2 v0
v3 v v3
8 v7
v4 v v4
5 v6
v v1 v2 v0
Fig. 4.5
where Ci (K) is a free abelian group of rank equal to the number of i-simplexes
in K. Evidently, Hq (K) = 0 if q > 2.
Note that each 1-simplex of K is an edge of exactly two 2-simplexes of K
and the orientation of the edge induced by one of the 2-simplexes is opposite to
that of the other 2-simplex. Now, we consider the 2-chain P which is the sum
of all positively oriented 2-simplexes of K. We claim that it is a 2-cycle. For,
the boundary ∂2 (P ) would be the sum of various 1-simplexes σ 1 of K. Any
1-simplex σ 1 will occur in the boundary of exactly two 2-simplexes, say, σ12 and
σ22 of the sum P . Since the incidence numbers [σ12 , σ 1 ] and [σ22 , σ 1 ] are opposite
to each other, the coefficient of σ 1 in ∂2 (P ) is zero. Consequently, ∂2 (P ) = 0.
On the other hand, if z ∈ C2 (K) is an arbitrary 2-cycle, then write z as a linear
combination of all 2-simplexes of K and consider the equation ∂2 (z) = 0. Since
∂2 (z) is a linear combination of various 1-simplexes of K and each 1-simplex
4.4. Some Examples 139
We observe, once again, that every 1-simplex is a face of exactly two 2-simplexes
of K. Moreover, each 1-simplex v3 , v4 and v4 , v5 or v5 , v3 receives the same
140 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
v4 v5
v0 v1
v5 v4
Fig. 4.6
orientation from both the 2-simplexes of which it is a common face whereas all
other 1-simplexes receive opposite orientations from their corresponding pairs
of 2-simplexes. Here, the simplicial chain complex is
2 ∂ 1 ∂
0 → C2 (K) −→ C1 (K) −→ C0 (K) → 0,
each Ci (K) being the free abelian group on as many generators as there are
i-simplexes of K.
Let z be a 2-cycle of K. Write z as an integral linear combination of all
2-simplexes of K and put ∂2 (z) = 0. Then we claim that the coefficients of
various 2-simplexes in z must be equal. This follows from the fact that any
2-simplex has at least a 1-face lying in the interior of the disk, which receives
opposite orientations from the other 10 2-simplexes having that 1-simplex as a
common face. This yields z = n( i=0 σi2 ), n ∈ Z and so ∂2 (z) = 2n[v3 , v4 +
v4 , v5 + v5 , v3 ] because the coefficients of all other 1-simplexes receiving
opposite orientations from the 2-simplexes must be zero. Now, ∂2 (z) = 0 means
n = 0 and so z = 0. Therefore, H2 (K) = 0.
Note that z = v3 , v4 + v4 , v5 + v5 , v3 , making a complete circuit, is a
1-cycle of K lying on the boundary of the disk. Moreover, earlier considerations
show that 2z, and so, any even multiple of z is a boundary. We use intuition and
geometry of K to assert that any 1-cycle is homologous to an integral multiple
of z. Let us see how. As an example, note that z = v3 , v2 +v2 , v0 +v0 , v3 is
also a 1-cycle. However, we can replace v3 , v2 by v3 , v4 + v4 , v2 , v2 , v0 by
v2 , v4 + v4 , v0 , v4 , v0 by v4 , v5 + v5 , v0 , v0 , v3 by v0 , v5 + v5 , v3 and
see that z is homologous to z. This tells us that H1 (K) = Z1 (K)/B1 (K) ∼ =
Z/2Z. Finally, as in the earlier examples, one can easily see that H0 (K) ∼ = Z.
This proves our claim.
4.4. Some Examples 141
Remark. In all of the above examples, the coefficient group for the simplicial
homology H∗ (K) has been the additive group Z of integers.Let G be any
abelian group. Then by defining Cq (K, G) to be the direct sum G of as many
copies of G as there are q-simplexes in K, we could have used the abelian group
G instead of Z to compute the above groups. In that case the answer would
have been different. The abelian group Z2 is frequently used as the coefficient
group and the resulting homology groups of K are known as (mod 2) homology
groups of K. We will also have occasion to use the additive group of rationals
(Q, +) as the coefficient group.
From the foregoing examples, one might observe that, in each case, the
simplicial complex is connected and the zero-dimensional homology group is
isomorphic to Z. In fact, this is a special case of the general result to be proved
below. Recall that, by definition, our simplicial complexes have finite number
of simplexes.
Proof. We note that all 0-chains vi are 0-cycles. Let w ∈ Ki be any other
vertex. Since Ki is a combinatorial component of K, there is a sequence
ai , ai+1 is a 1-simplex for each
a0 , a1 , . . . , an such that w = a0 , vi = an and
i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. Then the boundary is ∂( ai , ai+1 ) = vi − w, which means
w is homologous to vi . This says that any 0-cycle nj wj lying in the com-
ponent Ki is homologous to ( nj )vi . More generally, this implies that any
0-chain (which is a 0-cycle) in K is homologous to a linear combination of the
elementary 0-chains vi .
is onto while
r the second para shows that it is 1-1. It follows that
H0 (K) ∼
= 1 Z · {vi }.
The following version of homology groups will be quite useful in the sequel:
1. Consider X as the union of two line segments AB and AC in Rn , n ≥ 2
having the point A common. Write down a triangulation K for X and
compute the homology groups Hq (K) for all q ≥ 0.
2. Consider the following simplicial complexes (vertices and edges are shown
below, and with no triangles) K1 and K2 . Compute their homology groups.
K1 : A A K2 : A
3. Give a triangulation K of the Möbius band M and compute all the ho-
mology groups Hq (K), q ≥ 0.
4. Give a triangulation of cylinder and compute all of its homology groups.
5. Give a triangulation L of the Klein bottle K and compute all of its ho-
mology groups.
6. Work out Examples 4.4.4, 4.4.5, and 4.4.6 using the coefficient group
G = Z2 , G = Q instead of Z.
7. Construct a simplicial complex K such that H0 (K) ∼
= Z, H1 (K) ∼
= Z/3Z
and Hq (K) = 0 ∀ q ≥ 2. Generalize this result, i.e., for any n find a
simplicial complex Kn such that
H0 (Kn ) ∼
= Z, H1 (Kn ) ∼
= Z/nZ, Hq (Kn ) = 0 for all q ≥ 2.
This question can be readily answered: note that, a finite simplicial complex
K has only finite number of simplexes. If dim K = n, then there are no
q-simplexes for q > n and so Hq (K) = 0 for all q > n. For each q ≤ n, there
are only finite number of q-simplexes in K and, consequently, the qth chain
group Cq (K) is a finitely generated free abelian group of rank equal to the
number of q-simplexes in K. Because Zq (K) and Bq (K) are subgroups of
Cq (K) and a subgroup of a free group is always free, the group of cycles and
boundaries are also finitely generated free abelian groups. The factor group
Hq (K) = Zq (K)/Bq (K), therefore, must be a finitely generated abelian group
which may or may not be free. In any case we conclude that the qth homology
group Hq (K) of a simplicial complex K is a finitely generated abelian group
for all q ≥ 0.
order cohomology operations”, etc., to name a few, thus emerged and gave
a lot more information about arbitrary topological spaces than what could
be deduced from the knowledge of Betti numbers and torsion coefficients alone.
Fig. 4.7: The two 1-holes of torus
and the torsion part indicates that there are “twistings” around other holes
in |K|. The 0-dimensional homology group H0 (K) of K, as we have already
seen, reflects a nice topological property of |K|, viz., the rank of H0 (K) is the
number of combinatorial components of K, which is equal to the number of
connected components of |K|.
Let us have
Theorem 4.5.3. Let K be any complex. Then the reduced homology groups of
the cone w ∗ K are trivial in all dimensions, and hence
Z, q = 0
Hq (w ∗ K) =
0, otherwise.
4.5. Properties of Integral Homology Groups 147
Proof. It suffices to show that the reduced homology groups H̃q (w∗K) vanish in
all dimensions. Since the complex w∗K is connected, the 0-dimensional reduced
homology group is evidently trivial. Now, let q > 0. Let zq be a q-cycle of w ∗K.
We will show that zq is a boundary. For any oriented simplex σ = v0 , . . . , vq of
K, let [w, σ] denote the oriented simplex w, v0 , . . . , vq of w ∗ K. Note that this
operation, called bracket operation, is well defined
and gives a homomorphism
from Cp (K) → Cp+1 (w ∗ K) by putting [w, ni σi ] = ni [w, σi ]. Also, we
note that for a simplex σ,
σ−w if dim σ = 0
∂[w, σ] =
σ − [w, ∂σ] if dim σ > 0
and so, more generally, for a chain cq ,
cq − (c0 )w, q = 0
∂[w, cq ] =
cq − [w, ∂cq ], q > 0.
Let us write zq = cq + [w, dq−1 ] where cq consists of those terms of zq which
are in the complex K and dq−1 is a chain of K. By direct calculation using the
above formulae, we get
zq − ∂[w, cq ] = cq + [w, dq−1 ] − cq + [w, ∂cq ]
= [w, cq−1 ]
where cq−1 = dq−1 + ∂cq is a chain in K. Applying the boundary operator ∂
on both sides above, and noting that zq is a cycle, we have
cq−1 − (cq−1 )w q = 1
cq−1 − [w, ∂cq−1 ] q > 1.
Note that cq−1 is a chain with all its simplices in K. However, (cq−1 )w and
[w, ∂q−1 ] are chains whose all simplices, having w as a vertex, are not in K.
This is possible only when cq−1 and the latter chains are themselves 0-chains,
i.e., cq−1 = 0. But that implies
zq − ∂[w, cq ] = [w, cq−1 ] = 0
i.e., zq is a boundary. This completes the proof.
The next result determines the homology groups of the n-sphere Sn com-
148 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
= =
Hn (K(n)) ∼
= Zn (K(n))
= ker ∂n
= Im ∂n+1 ,
since Hn (K) = 0. Now, Cn+1 (K) is infinite cyclic generated by σ n+1 and ∂n+1
is a nonzero homomorphism. Hence Im ∂n+1 is infinite cyclic because Cn (K)
has no torsion, i.e., Hn (K(n)) ∼
= Z.
Proof. This follows at once from the above theorem since K(n) in the above
theorem is a triangulation of Sn .
(−1)q αq = (−1)q Rq (K).
0 0
Proof. Note that the right hand side of the relation to be proved is in terms
of rank of homology groups Hq (K) of K, q ≥ 0. As pointed out earlier,
rank Hq (K; Z) = dimQ Hq (K; Q) and hence, we can assume that all the
150 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
homology groups are with coefficients in Q. It follows that all the groups
Cq (K), Zq (K), Bq (K) and Hq (K) associated to the complex K are vector
spaces over Q. In what follows, we will suppress the complex K as well as
the coefficient Q while using above groups. Now, consider the following chain
0 → Cn (K) → . . . → Cq+1 (K) −→ Cq (K) → . . . → C0 (K).
Note that αq = dim Cq (K), q ≥ 0. Also, observe that
Bq = Im (∂q+1 ) ∼
= Cq+1 / ker ∂q+1 = Cq+1 /Zq+1 .
Therefore, for all q ≥ 0, we have
Now, we are going to derive the classical theorem due to L. Euler indicated
earlier from the Euler-Poincaré Theorem. We need the following:
In the above triangulation of τ , one new vertex and n0 new edges have
been added. Also, the face τ has been now replaced by n0 triangles. Hence
the contribution of τ in the computation of (vertices − edges + faces) =
(n0 + 1) − (n1 + n0 ) + n0 = n0 − n1 + 1. This shows that the sum V − E + F
is not changed when we triangulate every face of K. In other words, we can
assume that K is a simplicial complex. Now, the theorem follows directly from
the Euler-Poincaré Theorem because V − E + F = α0 − α1 + α2 which is equal
to the Euler characteristic of S2 , viz., 2. Therefore, V − E + F = 2 for any
simple polyhedron.
which at once implies that m < 6. Geometrically, this says that in S not more
than 5 edges can meet at a vertex. Next, the relation
The last condition says that K is connected. One can easily verify
that if K is the 2-skeleton of Cl(σ 3 ), where σ 3 = v0 , v1 , v2 , v3 , then K is
a 2-pseudomanifold. Similarly, the triangulation K of the projective plane
P2 (see Fig. 4.6) is a 2-pseudomanifold. Likewise, one can easily verify
that the triangulations of torus T and Klein Bottle given by Fig. 4.5 and
Exercise 4 are also 2-pseudomanifolds. An example of an n-dimensional
pseudomanifold K is obtained by letting K be the n-skeleton of Cl(σ n+1 ),
where σ n+1 = v0 , . . . , vn+1 is an (n + 1)-simplex.
pseudomanifold. This fact is some times very useful in computing the homology
groups of a triangulable n-manifold. We are going to illustrate this somewhat
in detail. First, let us have the following result concerning compact surfaces,
every triangulation of which is a 2-pseudomanifold.
α0 − α1 + α2 = χ(K).
This means α0 − α1 + (2/3)α1 = χ(K), i.e., α1 = 3(α0 − χ(K)), which proves
To prove the part (iii), note that α0 ≥ 4. Obviously, the maximal number of
possible edges in K is α0 (α0 −1)/2. Hence, α1 ≤ α0 (α0 −1)/2. Now, 6α2 = 4α1 ,
i.e., 2α1 = 6α1 − 6α2 or α0 (α0 − 1) ≥ 6α1 − 6α2 . This means
(2α0 − 7)2 ≥ 49 − 24χ(K)
and so
α0 ≥ (1/2)(7 + 49 − 24χ(K)).
Example 4.5.14. Consider the 2-sphere S2 and note that χ(S2 ) = 2. Hence, by
the above theorem, we see that in any triangulation of S2 we must have
α0 ≥ 1/2(7 + 49 − 24χ(K)) = 4
α0 ≥ 6, α1 ≥ 15, α2 ≥ 10.
We can similarly try and find out possible triangulations of torus, Klein
bottle which are also minimal. Note that the lower bound for the number of
vertices α0 in the case of T #T is an irrational number. Thus, lower bounds
α0 , α1 , α2 may not actually be always attained.
for each pair of n-simplexes σi , σj and their common face σij . Hence K has a
coherent orientation.
The above result, which should be visually verified in the case of S2 , also
follows from the next theorem which determines the orientability of a compact
n-manifold in terms of its n-th integral homology and shows that orientability
of manifolds is a topological concept.
and also the fact that |K| is connected, it follows that mi = ±m0 , ∀ i
= 0
where m0 is a fixed coefficient. By changing the orientation of σin for which
mi = −m0 , we find that
mi σin = m0 ( σin )
σin ∈K σin ∈K
The above theorem tells us that the projective plane P2 and Klein bottle,
which have trivial homology in dimension 2 with coefficients in Z, are nonori-
entable. Here, the integer coefficients are important because even though P2
is nonorientable, H2 (P2 ; Z2 ) ∼
= Z2 , which is nonzero. We should also mention
here that none of the even-dimensional projective spaces P2n , n ≥ 1, is ori-
entable, but all odd-dimensional ones P2n+1 are orientable. This follows from
their homology groups and the above theorem (Exercises Section 4.7).
1. Determine which of the following surfaces is orientable:
(a) {(x, y, z) ∈ R3 : x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 + z 2 /c2 = 1, a > b > c}
(b) Torus (c) Projective plane (d) Klein bottle (e) Möbius band M
(f) Double torus (Connected sum of two tori.)
2. Use Euler-Poincaré theorem to compute the Euler characterstic of the
spaces given in Exercise 1.
3. Show that for a simplicial complex K the Euler characterstic of K com-
puted using homology with integer coefficients is the same as that com-
puted using homology with coefficients in Q.
4. Show that torus and Klein bottle are 2-pseudomanifolds. Draw minimal
triangulations of torus and Klein bottle, and justify your answer.
5. If K is a 2-pseudomanifold then show that χ(K) ≤ 2.
6. Give an example of a 3-pseudomanifold K so that |K| is not a 3-manifold.
7. Triangulate the Möbius band in a simple way so that its centre circle is
a subcomplex. Orient the boundary circle and the central circle. Let the
resulting cycles be denoted by z1 and z. Prove that z1 is homologous to
2z or −2z.
8. Compute the homology groups of the following simplicial complexes:
(a) Three copies of the boundary of a triangle all joined at a vertex.
(b) Two hollow tetrahedra glued together along an edge.
158 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
10. Using the classification theorem for compact surfaces compute the Euler
characterstic of all compact 2-manifolds.
11. Let us define a rectilinear polyhedron to be topologically regular if the
number of edges meeting at each vertex is same, e.g., a tetrahedron whose
faces are triangles, not necessarily equilateral triangles; a solid lamina
whose faces are rectangles, not necessarily squares, are examples of topo-
logical regular polyhedra. Prove that there are exactly five classes of simple
topologically regular polyhedra.
Now, we have
f# f#
? ?
- Cq (L) - Cq−1 (L) -
We must show that f# ∂ = ∂f# , i.e.,
Since f (v0 ) = f (v1 ) these terms also cancel each other and the left side is also
Finally, to prove that for each q ≥ 0, f# induces a homomor-
phism f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (L), we note that Hq (K) = Zq (K)/Bq (K) and
Hq (L) = Zq (L)/Bq (L). It is easily verified that f# (Zq (K)) ⊆ Zq (L) and
f# (Bq (K)) ⊆ Bq (L), i.e., f# maps cycles into cycles and boundaries
into boundaries. It follows, therefore, that f# induces homomorphism
f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (L) defined by f∗ ({zq }) = {f# (zq )}.
The next result now follows from the definitions of induced homomor-
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (M ).
Hq (K)
h∗ - Hq (L)
? g∗
Hq (K (k) )
i.e., we define h∗ = g∗ ◦ μ.
Later, in Sections 4.9.1 and 4.9.2, we will show that (i) and (ii) above
can actually be proved. Hence presently we assume that any continuous map
h : |K| → |L| induces a homomorphism h∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (L) for all q ≥ 0 as
defined above. We will also assume the following in which part (i) is, of course,
Theorem 4.6.4. (i) The identity map I|K| : |K| → |K| induces the identity
homomorphism IHq (K) : Hq (K) → Hq (K) in each dimension q.
(ii) If f : |K| → |L| and g : |L| → |M | are any two continuous maps, then
the induced homomorphism (g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (M ) in each
dimension q ≥ 0.
The most important result which we should mention here and which fol-
lows from the preceding theorem is that the homology groups of a polyhedron
are its topological invariants. We have
Homology of a polyhedron
⎨ Z, q=0
Hq (P2 ) ∼
= Z/2Z, q = 1
0, otherwise,
Z, q = 0, 1
Hq (M ) ∼ =
0, otherwise,
⎨ Z, q=0
Hq (K) ∼
= Z ⊕ Z/2Z, q =1
0, otherwise.
Induced homomorphism
(k−1 f h)∗
|K| - |L|
1 h)∗ (k1−1 k)∗
? ?
|K1 | - |L1 |
(k1−1 f h1 )∗
is identity on Z by theorem 4.6.4. But this last map factors through the zero
group Hn−1 (K) = 0, which is a contradiction.
164 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
Dn Sn-1
1. If a space X has the fixed-point property, then show that any space Y
which is homeomorphic to X also has the fixed-point property.
2. If A is a retract of X and if X has the fixed-point property, then show
that A also has the fixed point property.
3. Let X be a compact metric space and f : X → X be a fixed-point free
map. Prove that there is an > 0 such that d(x, f (x)) > for all x ∈ X.
4. By giving concrete examples prove that the 2-sphere, the torus and the
Klein bottle do not have the fixed-point property.
5. Prove that the projective plane P2 has the fixed-point property (this may
be bit difficult at this stage!).
6. If a polyhedron A ⊂ X is a retract of a polyhedron X, then show that for
q ≥ 0, Hq (A) is a direct summand of Hq (X).
7. Prove that an injective map between two polyhedra does not necessarily
induce an injective map between their homology groups.
8. Show that the following conditions are equivalent:
(a) Sn−1 is not a retract of Dn .
(b) Dn has the fixed-point property.
(c) The n-simplex δn has the fixed-point property.
9. Show that the map g : RP3 → RP3 defined by the linear transformation
T : R4 → R4 given by T (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) = (−x2 , x1 , −x4 , x3 ) does not have
the fixed-point property. More generally, show that RP2k+1 does not have
the fixed-point property.
10. Prove that the homology groups of the real projective spaces RPn , n ≥ 2,
and that of the complex projective spaces CPn , n ≥ 1 are given by the
following (See Examples 1.1.4 (a) and 1.1.4 (b). The cases n ≥ 3 need
concepts not covered so far.)
(i) n is odd:
⎨ Z, q = 0, n
Hq (RP n ) ∼
= Z2 , 0 < q < n, q odd
0, otherwise,
(ii) n is even:
⎨ Z, q=0
Hq (RP n ) ∼
= Z2 , 0 < q < n, q odd
0, otherwise,
4.8. Degree of a Map and its Applications 167
12. Prove that any compact locally contractible space has the fixed-point
We must prove that the integer d does not depend on the chosen
triangulation h : |K| → Sn . For this, let k : |L| → Sn be another triangulation
of Sn . Note that φ = k −1 h : |K| → |L| and φ−1 = h−1 k : |L| → |K| are
homeomorphisms. Therefore, (k −1 f k)∗ (α) = (k −1 h)∗ (h−1 f h)∗ (h−1 k)∗ (α) =
φ∗ (h−1 f h)∗ φ−1
∗ (α) = φ∗ (d · (φ
)∗ (α)) = φ∗ (φ−1 )∗ (d · α) = d · α, which says
that (k f k)∗ is again multiplication by d. This proves the claim.
Proposition 4.8.2. (a) The identity map ISn : Sn → Sn has degree +1.
Proof. (a) This follows from the fact that the identity map ISn induces the
identity map in homology.
168 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
It is true that the two definitions of the degree of a map are equivalent,
but we will not prove this fact here. The curious reader may like to see
(Hocking and Young [10]) for a detailed discussion and proofs of all the
“independent statements” made above.
We must point out here that the converse of the above theorem was also
studied by Brouwer. In fact, he had proved that if f, g : S2 → S2 are two
continuous maps such that deg f = deg g, then f and g are homotopic. It was
H. Hopf (1894-1971) who proved the converse in full generality in the year
1927. We are not including the proof of the converse here, but give only the
statement of this beautiful theorem:
Theorem 4.8.6. Two closed surfaces are homeomorphic if and only if they have
the same Betti numbers in all dimensions.
The above theorem says that any two closed 2-manifolds X and Y
are homeomorphic if and only if Hq (X) ∼ = Hq (Y ), ∀q ≥ 0. This is one in-
stance where the homology groups provide complete classification of closed
2-manifolds. Note that we have defined homology groups only for those com-
pact topological spaces which are triangulable, i.e., are polyhedra. Hence it
is natural to ask as to which manifolds are triangulable? Poincaré had asked
this question for any n-manifold, n ≥ 2, not necessarily compact – there is a
suitable definition of simplicial complexes which are not necessarily finite. It
is now well known through the works of several mathematicians that every 2-
manifold, as well as every 3-manifold, is triangulable. Hence a surface is always
triangulable whether it is compact or not. This is the reason that in the above
theorem triangulability of the surfaces is not a part of the hypothesis. We must
also mention here that the above theorem really shows the power of homology
groups. In fact, this theorem was known as early as 1890 through the works of
C. Jordan (1858–1922) and A.F. Möbius (1790–1860). As we know, C. Jordan
is known for his “Jordan Curve” Theorem, and A.F. Möbius is known for his
“Möbius band” through which he introduced the idea of “orientability”. The
modern definition of orientability in terms of homology groups was introduced
by J.W. Alexander (1888–1971). A complete proof of the above theorem in a
more precise form can be found in W.H. Massey [13].
Definition 4.8.7. Let Sn be the unit n-sphere embedded in Rn+1 . Then the map
A : Sn → Sn defined by A(x) = −x, x ∈ Sn is called the antipodal map.
which interchanges the vertices w0 and w1 and keeps all other vertices fixed. Let
h : |K| → Sn−1 be a triangulating homeomorphism. We define k : |S(K)| → Sn
by the following formula: If y = (1 − t)x + tw0 for some x ∈ |K|, then define
|S(K)| k - Sn
g r
? ?
|S(K)| - Sn
z = [w0 , cm ] + [w1 , dm ],
0 = cm + dm .
z = [w0 , cm ] − [w1 , cm ].
Since g simply exchanges w0 , w1 , we find that
Now, we have the following question: Given any sphere Sn , does there
always exist a nonzero tangent vector field on Sn ? The following result gives a
complete answer to this question.
{(x1 , x2 , . . . , x2m+1 , x2m+2 ) ∈ R2m+2 | x2i = 1}.
Then, evidently, f is a continuous map and has the property that for each
x ∈ Sn the scalar product x · f (x) = 0. Thus, Sn has a nonzero tangent vector
Conversely, suppose n is even and let g : Sn → Sn be a nonzero tangent
vector field. Let us define a homotopy F : Sn × I → Sn by
The above theorem has an amusing description for the case n = 2. Suppose
one takes a ball in which there is a nonzero vector emanating from each point of
the ball. Now, think of each vector as a hair on the ball. The word “nonzero”
means there are hairs everywhere. Finding a tangent vector field means one
can “comb the hairs” on the ball in such a way that each hair is tangent
to the 2-sphere, which is the boundary of the ball, and their directions vary
continuously. The above theorem asserts that such a “hairstyle” is impossible,
unless there is a discontinuity.
1. Prove that the union of two nonintersecting circles in the torus T cannot
be a retract of T. (Hint. Use set topology.)
2. Prove that the central circle in the Möbius band M is a retract of M.
3. Show that a 2-sphere S2 cannot be homeomorphic to the torus T or pro-
jective plane P2 .
4. Prove that an orientable surface cannot be homeomorphic to a nonori-
entable surface.
5. Prove that an orientable surface of genus m cannot be homeomorphic to
an orientable surface of genus n, m
= n.
6. Prove that a nonorintable surface of genus m cannot be homeomorphic to
a nonorintable surface of genus n, m
= n.
7. Let A be a nonsingular n × n matrix. Then A defines a linear homeo-
morphism from Rn → Rn , which can be extended to a map f : Sn → Sn .
Prove that deg(f) = sign Det(A) (This generalizes Theorem 4.8.4).
8. Show that the long line (Example 1.7.7) has the fixed-point property.
(This is difficult, see [18] p. 56.)
maps. The first chain map μq : Cq (K) → Cq (K (1) ), called the subdivision chain
map, will be defined using the definition of barycentric subdivision K (1) of K.
It will not arise from any simplicial map from K to K (1) which is normally the
case. The other chain map θq : Cq (K (1) ) → Cq (K), in the opposite direction,
will be defined using a simplicial map θ : K (1) → K called standard simplicial
map. Then we show that these two chain maps induce homomorphisms in the
homology which are inverse of each other, and thus we find that homology
groups of K and K (1) are isomorphic. We have
Theorem 4.9.1. Let K (1) denote the first barycentric subdivision of a simplicial
complex K. Then Hq (K) ∼ = Hq (K (1) ) for all q ≥ 0.
Proof. Recall that the vertices of K (1) are just the barycentres σ˙q of all sim-
plexes σ q of K, q ≥ 0, and σ q = σ˙0 , σ˙1 , . . . , σ˙q is a q-simplex of K (1) if there
is a permutation t of {0, 1, . . . , q} so that σt(0) is a face of σt(1) , . . . , σt(q−1) is a
face of σt(q) . It would be helpful to have the case of a 2-simplex σ 2 = v0 , v1 , v2
of K in mind (Fig. 4.11).
v0 v˙r0
@ @
@ @ b(v0 , v1 , v2 )
@ b(v0 , v1 )r @b(v0 , v2 )
@ P r
PP +
@ P
rP @
@ PP @
q @r r r PP @r
v1 v2 v˙1 b(v1 , v2 ) v˙2
Fig. 4.11
We have denoted, just for convenience, the barycentre of a vertex vi by v˙i , and
shown the barycentre of vi , vj by b(vi , vj ), etc., in the figure.
This means ∂μ1 = μ0 ∂ and so μ0 , μ1 both satisfy the condition of a chain map.
Now we assume that μq has been defined for all q < p, (p > 1), satisfying the
condition ∂μq = μq−1 ∂ for all q-chains of Cq (K). Now, let σ p be a p-simplex
of K and define μ(σ p ) = σ̇ p μp−1 ∂(σ p ), where the right hand side, as explained
before, means the sum of all p-simplexes of K (1) which are faces of the cone
over the complex μp−1 ∂(σ p ). Then we find that
r r r r r
v0 σ˙1 v1 v0 σ1 v1
then, under the map θ, σ̇ 1 goes to a vertex, say, v0 , of σ 1 , and v˙0 goes to v0 , v˙1
goes to v1 . In other words, the simplex σ̇ 1 , v1 goes to the 1-simplex v0 , v1 ,
but the 1-simplex v0 , σ̇ 1 goes to 0-simplex v0 , i.e., v0 , σ̇ 1 collapses to a
vertex v0 . Next, if σ 2 = v0 , v1 , v2 is a 2-simplex, and we put θ(σ̇ 2 ) = v0 , then
assuming that b(v1 , v2 ) goes to v2 we find that the 2-simplex v1 , b(v1 , v2 ), σ̇ 2
goes to v1 , v2 , v0 whereas the 2-simplex v2 , b(v1 , v2 ), σ̇ 2 goes to a 1-simplex
v2 , v0 , i.e., it collapses to a lower-dimensional simplex. Now, we can check that
rest of 2-simplices in σ 2 also collapse to either a 1-simplex or to a 0-simplex of
σ 2 . Now, it is clear what would be θ(1σ q ), where 1σ q is a q-simplex of K (1) .
Thus, we have defined a simplicial map θ : K (1) → K. It is, of course, evident
that θ is not uniquely defined because there are choices involved. But once
we fix our choice for each q-simplex of K (1) , q ≥ 0, then θ is a well defined
simplicial map. Hence, θ induces a chain map θ : Cq (K (1) ) → Cq (K), q ≥ 0.
4.9. Invariance of Homology Groups 177
for all q-simplexes σ of K (1) . Now, note that 1σ p − μθ(1σ p ) − Dp−1 ∂(1σ p ) is
a chain on the cone μ(σ k ) = σ̇ k · μ(∂σ k ) for some σ k ∈ K which is well known
to be acyclic. Hence any cycle of this cone will be a boundary. We compute
Note that if K = K (0) , K (1) , K (2) , . . . , K (m) are the successive barycentric
subdivisions of K and μi : C(K (i) ) → C(K (i+1) ) are the subdivision chain
maps, then the composite μm−1 ◦ . . . ◦ μ1 ◦ μ0 is again a chain map which
also is denoted by the same symbol μ : C(K) → C(K (m) ) and will be called
subdivision chain map. Each of these chain maps μi has a chain homotopy
178 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
inverse θi : C(K (i+1) ) → C(K (i) ) induced by a simplicial map and so their
composite θ = θ0 ◦ θ1 ◦ . . . ◦ θm−1 : C(K (m) ) → C(K) will be a chain homotopy
inverse of μ. The composite simplicial map θ : K (m) → K will be called the
standard simplicial map. The same notation for the simplicial map θ and the
induced chain map θ should cause no confusion. Combining these results, the
following is now immediate:
Corollary 4.9.2. Let K (m) denote the mth order barycentric subdivision of the
complex K. Then Hq (K) ∼ = Hq (K (m) ), ∀ q ≥ 0.
Contiguity Classes
From now onwards, st(v) will stand for ost(v) for convenience. We recall
that a simplicial map φ : K1 → K2 is a simplicial approximation of f : |K1 | →
|K2 | if and only if for every vertex v of K1 , f (st v) ⊂ st φ(v).
Proposition 4.9.4. Let f, f : |K| → |L| be homotopic maps. Then there exists
an integer n such that f, f have simplicial approximations φ, φ : K (n) → L
and there are finite number of simplicial maps φ1 , φ2 , . . . , φk such that φ = φ1
is contiguous to φ2 , φ2 is contiguous to φ3 , . . ., φk−1 is contiguous to φk = φ .
Proof. Let F : |K| × I → |L| be a homotopy from f to f . Since |K| is compact,
there exists a sequence 0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tk = 1 of points of I such that for
α ∈ |K|, and i = 1, 2, . . . , k there is a vertex v ∈ L such that F (α, ti−1 ) and
F (α, ti ) both belong to st v. Let fi : |K| → |L| be defined by fi (α) = F (α, ti ).
Then f = f0 , f = fk and for i = 1, 2, . . . , k, the set
∂q+1 Dq (σ q ) + Dq−1 ∂q (σ q )
= φ(v0 ), . . . , φ(vq ) − φ (v0 ), . . . , φ (vq )
= (φ# − φ# )(σ q ).
(sθ)∗ ◦ (μ μ)∗ = t∗ ◦ (μ μ)∗ , i.e., s∗ μ∗ = t∗ μ∗ μ∗ since θ∗ μ∗ = Id . The last
equation says that f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (L) is indeed well-defined.
We can now prove the desired functorial properties of the induced homomor-
phisms and much more. We have
Theorem 4.9.6. (i) If f : |K| → |K| is the identity map, then the induced
homomorphism f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (K) is also identity for q ≥ 0.
(ii) If f : |K| → |L|, g : |L| → |M | are two continuous maps, then for all q ≥ 0,
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (M ).
Proof. (i) This follows at once from the definition of induced homomorphism.
(ii) Choose a simplicial approximation t : |L(n) | → |M | to g : |L| → |M |. Then
find a simplicial approximation s : |K (m) | → |L(n) | to the map f : |K| → |L| =
|L(n) |. Let μ1 : C(K) → C(K (m) ), μ2 : C(L) → C(L(n) ) be the subdivision
chain maps and let θ : |L(n) | → |L| be the standard simplicial map. Consider
the following diagram
Hq (K (m) ) Hq (L(n) )
μ1∗ μ2∗ θ∗ t∗
Hq (K) Hq (L) Hq (M ).
f∗ g∗
Note that θs is a simplicial approximation to f : |K| → |L| and ts is a simplicial
approximation to gf : |K| → |M |. Hence,
g ∗ ◦ f∗ = t∗ μ2∗ θ∗ s∗ μ1∗
= t∗ s∗ μ1∗ = (ts)∗ μ1∗
= (gf )∗ .
The above theorem has remarkable consequences. The first and foremost
says that if two polyhedra |K| and |L| are homotopically equivalent (in partic-
ular, if K and L are triangulations of the same polyhedron X), then they have
isomorphic simplicial homology, i.e., Hq (K) ∼
= Hq (L), ∀ q ≥ 0. To see this, let
f : |K| → |L| and g : |L| → |K| be two maps such that g ◦f is homotopic to I|K|
and f ◦ g is homotopic to the identity map I|L| . By the functorial properties of
induced homomorphisms, we find that the composites
f∗ g∗
Hq (K) −→ Hq (L) −→ Hq (K),
g∗ f∗
Hq (L) −→ Hq (K) −→ Hq (L)
are identity maps on Hq (K) and Hq (L), respectively, and, therefore, Hq (K) ∼ =
Hq (L) for all q ≥ 0. In particular, this says that simplicial homology groups of
a compact polyhedron X are not only topological invariants, but also they are
homotopy invariants. For instance, it follows from this result that the simplicial
homology groups of an n-disc Dn are the same as those of a point-space.
4. For any simplicial complex K, let C(K) denote the simplicial chain com-
plex of K. Then prove that C(K, G) = C(K) ⊗ G is a chain complex for
any coefficient group G and Hq (X, G) = Hq (C(K) ⊗ G), q ≥ 0. Using
this, show that for any short exact sequence 0 → G → G → G → 0 of
coefficient modules, there is a long exact sequence
Here, (h−1 f h)∗ really means (h−1 f h)∗,q : Hq (K; Q) → Hq (K; Q) and n
denotes the dimension of the complex K, which means the sum is finite as
Hq (K) = 0 ∀ q > n.
In order that λ(f ) is well defined, we must show that λ(f ) is inde-
pendent of any triangulation h : |K| → X. For this, let k : |L| → X be
yet another triangulation of X. It suffices to show that the two linear maps
(h−1 f h)∗ : Hq (K; Q) → Hq (K; Q) and (k −1 f k)∗ : Hq (L; Q) → Hq (L; Q) have
identical traces for all q ≥ 0. Note that
k −1 f k = (k −1 h)(h−1 f h)(h−1 k)
and hence, at the homology level,
(k −1 f k)∗ = (k −1 h)∗ (h−1 f h)∗ (k −1 h)−1
∗ ,
C: 0 → Cn → Cn−1 → . . . → C1 → C0 → 0
Proof. We choose a suitable basis for the vector space Cq . We have sub-
space Bq ⊂ Zq ⊂ Cq of q-boundaries, q-cycles and q-chains. Start with a
basis ∂cq+1 1 , . . . , ∂cq+1
rq+1 of Bq , then extend it to a basis of Zq by adding cy-
cles z1 , . . . , zβq q , and finally extend this to a basis of Cq by adding q-chains
B = {∂cq+1
q q q
rq+1 , z1 , . . . , zβq , c1 , . . . , crq }.
, . . . , ∂cq+1 q
The diagonal elements of the matrix of φq with respect to above basis are
obtained by taking any element w of the above basis and expressing φq (w) as a
linear combination of elements of B, and finding the coefficients of w in φq (w).
Let us denote this coefficient by λ(w). Then, clearly, the trace of φq is
j )+ λ(zjq ) + λ(cqj ).
(−1) Tr (φq ) = (−1) q
λ(zjq ),
q=0 q=o j=1
since the other terms cancel away in pairs. Because {z1q }, . . . , {zβq q } is a basis
of Hq (C), we have
λ(zjq ) = trace of φq∗ .
Next, let y ∈ σ, then d(x, y) < δ/3, and by what we proved just now,
This means s(x) and y do not lie in the same simplex of K and, therefore,
s(τ ) ∩ σ = φ for each face τ ⊂ σ. Hence, in the chain sq ◦ μq (σ), the coefficient
of σ is zero. In other words, we have proved that trace sq ◦ μq = 0. This
completes the proof.
It may be pointed out that the Hopf’s Trace Formula stated earlier for a
simplicial map f : K → K is a generalization of the Euler-Poincaré Theorem
4.5.8 when f = IK . We also observe that for a simplicial map g : |K| → |K|,
which has the property that for each simplex σ ∈ K, σ ∩ g(σ) = ∅, clearly,
the Hopf Trace Formula will say that λ(g) = 0. Thus, the whole point of the
Lefschetz Fixed-Point Theorem was to prove that under the given conditions,
if f has no fixed points, then f can be approximated by a simplicial map g
which has the property stated above.
f∗ : Hn (Sn ; Q) → Hn (Sn ; Q) has trace equal to the deg f , the result is now
We now come to another very interesting result about the maps from spheres
Sm to spheres Sn , where m and n are arbitrary nonnegative integers. Here, we
consider the n-sphere Sn as a subspace of Rn+1 defined by
Sn = (x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) | x2i = 1 .
Remark 4.9.16. In the proof of the above theorem we used the fact that out of
n + 1 sets only n are closed.
Note that the antipodal map A : Sn → Sn is a homeomorphism of Sn of
order 2. This says that the group G = {1, −1} of order two acts on Sn for each n
via the antipodal maps. Now, if f : Sm → Sn is a continuous map preserving the
antipodal points then, in terms of group action, this means the map f preserves
the above G-action. Such a map induces a continuous map f¯: Sm /G → Sn /G
on orbit spaces, i.e., f¯ is a continuous map from the real projective space RPm
to RPn . Thus, the Borsuk-Ulam Theorem says that if m > n, then there cannot
be a continuous map from RPm to RPn induced by any equivariant map from
Sm to Sn .
Qn = (x1 , . . . , xn+1 ) ∈ Rn+1 | |xi | = 1 .
@ - x1
@ v1
Note that the set of all n-simplexes described above, along with all of their
faces, gives a triangulation Σn of Sn – the homeomorphism h : |Σn | → Sn is
just the “radial projection” from the origin of Rn+1 : any ray starting from
origin meets Qn = |Σn | and Sn in exactly one point, say, x and y, respectively,
and we define h(x) = y. This triangulation is specially suited for dealing with
antipodal map A because both Sn and Qn are invariant under A. The simplicial
complex Σn can also be regarded as invariant with respect to the antipodal map
because A maps an n-simplex σan of Σn to σ−a n
. Thus, the antipodal map A is
also a simplicial map from Σ to itself and, therefore, induces a chain map in
the simplicial chain complex C(Σn ) of Σn . First, we have
oriented like σjq if ij = +1 and is unlike σjq if ij = −1. We may orient Σ(k) so
that whenever αiq is contained in σjq , then αiq is oriented like σjq if and only if
A(αjq ) is oriented like A(σjq ). The purpose of this particular orientation is to
ensure that μ commutes with A# . This is easily verified since for each simplex
190 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
σjq of Σn , we have
A# μ(σjq ) = A# ( ij αiq ) = ij A(αiq ) = μA# (αjq ).
Next, we consider the Lefschetz number λ(π −1 f π) = (−1)i tr (τ# μ). Let
us consider the tr (τ# μ) in a particular dimension, say, q. Let M = (mij ) be
the matrix representing τ# μ with respect to the basis of Cq (Σn ) consisting of
elementary integral q-chains σjq ∈ B and Aσjq ∈ A(B). Then the integer mjj is
the coefficient of σjq in the chain τ# μ(σjq ) and the sum of all these numbers is
the trace (τ# μ) in dimension q. Now, we will prove that such a coefficient in
this sum appears twice. Let us denote the coefficient of σjq in τ# μ(σjq ) by the
symbol g(σjq ), i.e., mjj = g(σjq ). It is enough to show that g(A(σjq )) = g(σjq ).
We have,
τ# μ(σjq ) = g(σjq )σjq + i=j mij σiq ,
so that
Now, we have
is the identity map. Hence, by the preceding theorem, λ(f ) = 1 + (−1)n deg f
is even, which implies that deg f must be odd.
Proof. If f (x)
= 0, ∀ x ∈ Sn , then we can define a map g : Sn → Sn−1 by
the formula g(x) = ff (x)
. Then g is a continuous map preserving antipodal
points, a contradiction to Borsuk-Ulam Theorem.
ker ∂q
Hq (K) = , q ≥ 0.
Im ∂q+1
We observe that, in contrast with finite simplicial complexes, now Hq (K) may
be nonzero for infinitely many values of q and each of these groups could be
finitely generated or infinitely generated.
Definition 4.10.2. Let f : |K| → |L| be a continuous map and let g : |K | → |L|
be a generalized simplicial approximation of f . Suppose λ : C∗ (K) → C∗ (K ) is
194 Chapter 4. Simplicial Homology
Theorem 4.10.3. (i) Let I : |K| → |K| be the identity map. Then the induced
homomorphism I∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (K) is also the identity map ∀ q ≥ 0.
(ii) Let f : |K| → |L| and g : |L| → |M | be two continuous maps. Then, ∀q ≥ 0
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (M ).
h k
|K| |L|
Here the maps h and k are homeomorphism and the map g is being
defined as g = k −1 f h : |K| → |L|. Now we define f∗ to be simply
g∗ : Hq (K) → Hq (L) ∀q ≥ 0. The definition of f∗ depends not only on
the map f and topology of |K|, |L|, but it also depends on the simplicial
complexes K and L. If we identify Hq (X) with Hq (K) and Hq (Y ) with Hq (L)
where K and L are triangulations of X and Y , then we can as well identify f∗
with g∗ . This means f∗ is also uniquely defined up to the isomorphism.
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (X) → Hq (Z).
Example 4.10.7. Let us compute the homology groups of the real line R. We
know that K = {n, n, n + 1 : n ∈ N } is a triangulation of R. Hence the
simplicial chain complex C∗ (R) is given by
C∗ (R) : 0 ⊕Zn, n + 1 ⊕Z · n 0
C1 (R) C0 (R)
Proof of Theorem 4.10.8: In fact, one can prove the following sharper result: For
any polyhedron |K|, we can always find a triangulation M of |K| × I such that
for each simplex σ ∈ K, σ ×{0} and σ ×{1} are both simplexes of M . Moreover
the subset σ × I is an acyclic subcomplex of M . Now let F : |K| × I → |L|
be a homotopy from a continuous map f : |K| → |L| to the continuous map
g : |K| → |L|. Suppose f∗ : Hq (|K|) → Hq (|L|) and g∗ : Hq (|K|) → Hq (|L|) are
the induced homomorphisms in homology. We now have the following diagram
of continuous maps and polyhedra.
CC i2
|M |
F / |L|
{{ i1
4.10. Homology of General Simplicial Complexes 197
where i1 (σ) = σ × {0} and i2 (σ) = σ × {1} are the canonical injections. Then
F ◦ i1 = f and F ◦ i2 = g. Using the ‘acyclic model’ theorem, one can prove
that the induced chain maps i1# , i2# : C∗ (|K|) → C∗ (|L|) are chain homotopic.
This means that the induced maps in homology
f∗ = F∗ ◦ i1∗ = F∗ ◦ i2∗ = g∗ .
The above result now can be used to define the simplicial homology theory
on the category of polyhedral pairs and their morphisms (see the chapter on
singular homology). One can now easily prove the following general homotopy
theorem for pairs:
1. Let (X, A) be a polyhedral pair. Show that there is a long exact sequence
in simplicial homology:
∗ j∗ ∂
. . . → Hq (A) → Hq (X) → Hq (X, A) →∗ Hq−1 (A) → . . . ,
Covering Projections
5.1 Introduction
(−1, 0) ` ` (1, 0)
&% `
−i S
Fig. 5.1
&% ` S1 &% S1
Fig. 5.2: q4 wraps first circle four times onto second
circle into four equal arcs (Fig. 5.2), then q4 maps each arc [Ai , Ai+1 ], i =
1, 2, 3, 4 and A5 = A1 onto the whole of range circle S1 , so that the open arc
(Ai , Ai+1 ) gets mapped to S1 −{A1 } homeomorphically under the map q4 . This
means that each point of the range circle S1 −{A1 } has an open neighbourhood
which is evenly covered by q4 . If we consider mid-points Bi of arcs [Ai , Ai+1 ],
B5 = B1 , then each open arc (Bi , Bi+1 ) gets mapped homeomorphically under
q4 onto the open set S1 − {A3 } of the range circle. Thus it follows that each
point of the range circle has an open neighbourhood which is evenly covered
by qn : S1 → S1 . We may also observe here that qn wraps the domain S1 onto
the range circle exactly n times either clockwise or anticlockwise depending on
whether n is negative or positive.
Example 5.1.6. Let X = [0, 4], Y = S1 and p = exp|X , i.e., p is the restriction of
the usual exponential map to the space X. Then p wraps X four times on Y , but
is not a covering projection. To see this, note that each point of S1 −{(1, 0)} = U
has an open neighbourhood, viz., U itself, which is evenly covered but the point
(1,0) does not have any small neighbourhood in S1 which is evenly covered by
p, since the inverse image of any small open neighbourhood N around (1,0)
in S1 will have five pieces out of which three will be homeomorphic to N and
the remaining two, being semi-closed intervals, will not be homeomorphic to N
under any map and so, in particular, under p.
Example 5.1.7. Note that if X̃ → X is any covering map, then it follows from
definitions that there must be an open set Ũ of X̃ and an open set U of X
which are homeomorphic. Now, let I = [0, 1] denote the closed unit interval and
p : I ×I → I be the projection on one of the factors. Then p cannot be a covering
projection because no open set of I × I can be homeomorphic to any open set
of I; this last fact is clear since if that was the case then an open rectangle in
R2 must be homeomorphic to an open interval of R, a contradiction. The same
argument proves that no map from I × I to I can be a covering projection.
Example 5.1.8. Let C denote the complex plane. We claim that the exponential
∞ n
map exp : C → C − {0} defined by exp(z) = ez = 0 zn! is a covering map.
To show this, we begin by observing that the map k : C → R × R defined by
k(x + iy) = (x, y) is a homeomorphism. Next, we see that any element w of
C − {0} can be uniquely written (in terms of polar coordinates) as w = reiθ ,
0 < r and 0 ≤ θ < 2π. Since the map exp : R → R+ = {x ∈ R | x > 0} is a
homeomorphism, we can write w = ex · eiy , where x is uniquely determined by
r and y = θ. Hence it is clear that the map h : C − {0} → R+ × S1 defined by
h(w) = (ex , eiy ) is a homeomorphism. Since p : R → R+ defined by p(x) = ex is
a homeomorphism and q : R → S1 defined by q(y) = eiy is a covering projection,
it follows from Example 5.1.5 that the product map p × q : R × R → R+ × S1 is
a covering projection. Now, one can easily see that ez = h−1 ◦ (p × q) ◦ k and
hence is a covering projection from C to C − {0}. We must point out here that
in this example, we have used the obvious fact that if X̃ → X is a covering
map and X̃ is replaced by a homeomorphic space Ỹ or X is replaced by a
homeomorphic space Y , then Ỹ is a covering space of Y through a suitable
Example 5.1.10 (Figure Eight). Consider the following subset X of the product
space S1 × S1 :
X = {(z, w) ∈ S1 × S1 | z = (1, 0) or w = (1, 0)}.
Here, S1 should be thought of as the standard unit circle in the complex plane.
The space X can be thought of as two circles which are touching each other at
one point - this is the space usually known as the figure of eight. Now consider
the following subspace X̃ of the plane R2 (see Fig. 5.3);
X̃ = {(x, y) ∈ R2 | x or y is an integer}.
Define p : X̃ → X by
p(x, y) = (e2πix , e2πiy ).
` - p -
Fig. 5.3
For each integer x, p is the usual covering map; similarly, for each integer y,
the map p is the same exponential covering map. Hence it is not difficult to see
that p is indeed a covering projection.
A mapping p : E → B from a space E to a space B is said to be a local
homeomorphism if each point e ∈ E has an open neighbourhood U such that
p(U ) is open in B, and the map p|U : U → p(U ) is a homeomorphism. If
p : X̃ → X is a covering projection, then clearly it is a local homeomorphism:
For any x̃ ∈ X̃, let U be an admissible open neighbourhood of p(x̃) and Ũ be
the component of p−1 (U ) which contains x̃ and is homeomorphic to U . Then
Ũ is the required open neighbourhood of x̃. The converse, however, need not
be true. Let us consider the following
map. Recall that a space X is locally path connected if and only if each path
component of an open subset of X is open.
Note that the above result combines two facts together, viz., a covering
projection is a local homeomorphism and a local homeomorphism is an open
A -X
The following gives the uniqueness result for the lifts of a map f : A → X
when A is a connected space.
The following theorem shows that any path in the base space X of a
covering projection p : X̃ → X can always be lifted to a path in X̃, and is
unique if the initial point is already prescribed.
p ◦ α̃ = p ◦ ( p|V )−1 ◦ α = α.
Hence the path α has been lifted to a path α̃. If α(I) is not contained in a single
admissible neighbourhood of X, choose an open cover {Vi } of X consisting of
admissible open neighbourhoods. Let > 0 be a Lebesgue number for the open
covering {α−1 (Vi )} of I. We can now select a partition
F |Vα ×[0,t1 ] . Next, we prove that for every pair α, β for which Vα ∩ Vβ
= 0,
208 Chapter 5. Covering Projections
Gα1 , G1 will match on the common domain (Vα ∩ Vβ ) × [0, t1 ]. For this, note
that on (Vα ∩ Vβ ) × {0}, Gα 1 = f = G1 . Moreover, for any t, 0 ≤ t ≤ t1 and any
a ∈ Vα ∩ Vβ , the point (a, t) can be joined to (a, 0) by an obvious path lying in
(Vα ∩ Vβ ) × [0, t1 ]. This implies that Gα
1 will map (Vα ∩ Vβ ) × [0, t1 ] into Wβ
also and so into Wα ∩ Wβ . Similarly Gβ1 will also map it into Wα ∩ Wβ . Thus,
on (Vα ∩ Vβ ) × [0, t1 ],
1 = ( p|Wα ∩Wβ ) ◦ F = Gβ1 .
Since {Vα × [0, t1 ]} is an open cover of A × [0, t1 ], all the Gα
1 combine to give
a continuous map G1 : A × [0, t1 ] → X̃ such that G1 (a, 0) = f (a) for all a ∈ A
and p ◦ G1 = F |A×[0,t1 ] . Now, using the map Gi |A×{t1 } in place of f , we can
construct a continuous map G2 : A×[t1 , t2 ] → X̃ such that G2 (a, t1 ) = G1 (a, t1 )
for all a ∈ A and p ◦ G2 = F |A×[t1 ,t2 ] . Proceeding inductively, we can now
construct continuous functions Gi : A × [ti−1 , ti ] → X̃, i = 2, 3, . . . , k − 1,
such that for all a ∈ A, Gi (a, ti ) = Gi+1 (a, ti ) and p ◦ Gi = F |A×[ti−1 ,ti ] .
Applying continuity lemma for functions Gi on closed sets A × [ti−1 , ti ], we
have a continuous function F̃ : A × I → X̃ such that p ◦ F̃ = F and F̃ (a, 0) =
f (a) ∀ a ∈ A. This completes the proof of the existence of F̃ satisfying the
stated conditions.
Finally, it is clear from the construction of Gi ’s that if for any a ∈ A,
F (a, t) remains constant for all t ∈ I, then so are Gi ’s. Therefore, if the
homotopy F is relative to a subset S of A, then so is the homotopy F̃ .
We may remark that the above result remains true even when A is not
compact, but the proof would be different.
Remark. By definition, two paths in the space are equivalent means they have
the same initial and terminal points. Thus, if pα̃ and pβ̃ are equivalent, then
by above theorem α̃, β̃ are equivalent. We are given that they have the same
initial point. Hence it is a consequence (not a hypothesis) of the above theorem
that α̃, β̃ must have the same terminal point.
p−1 {x}, x ∈ X once again; the earlier proof used only set topology whereas
the next one uses the concept of algebraic topology with a little gain, viz., a
specific bijection can be given between any two fibres.
Proposition 5.3.4. Let p : X̃ → X be a covering map. Then for any two points
a, b ∈ X, the fibres p−1 {a} and p−1 {b} have the same cardinality.
Proof. It is enough to produce a bijection from p−1 {a} to p−1 {b}: Fix a path
w in X with w(0) = a and w(1) = b, and let x ∈ p−1 {a}. Using the unique
path lifting property, we can find a path w̃x in X̃ such that w̃x (0) = x and
pw̃x = w. Then w̃x (1) ∈ p−1 {b} is uniquely determined by x. We define a
map f : p−1 {a} → p−1 {b} by putting f (x) = w̃x (1). We assert that f is one-
one because f (x1 ) = f (x2 ) implies w̃x1 (1) = w̃x2 (1), which means w̃x1 and
w̃x2 both agree at a point of I and hence, by uniqueness of the lifted paths,
w̃x1 = w̃x2 . Therefore, x1 = w̃x1 (0) = w̃x2 (0) = x2 . Next, we claim that f
is onto. For that, let z ∈ p−1 {b} and consider the path w−1 in X defined by
w−1 (t) = w(1−t). Let w̃z be the path in X̃ such that w̃z (0) = z and pw̃z = w−1 .
and (w̃z )−1 (0) = w̃z (1). Hence (w̃z )−1 is a lift of w starting at w̃z (1). Putting
w̃z (1) = x, we see that x ∈ p−1 {a}, since both (w̃z )−1 and w̃x start at x
and both lift w, wx = (w̃z )−1 . It follows that w̃x (1) = (w̃z )−1 (1) = w̃z (0) = z.
From the above result, we see that for any covering projection p : X̃ → X,
all the fibres have same cardinality. This common cardinal number is called
the number of sheets of X̃ over X. If this number is a natural number n,
then we also express this fact by saying that X̃ is a n-sheeted covering of X.
For example, the covering projection p : S1 → S1 defined by p(z) = z 4 is a
four-sheeted covering of S1 by itself. Similarly, the quotient map q : S2 → P2
identifying the antipodal points of S2 is a two-sheeted covering of the projective
plane P2 .
We must show that the point α̃x (1) depends on the path class [α], not on
any representative of [α]. For that, choose another loop β in X based at x
so that [α] = [β]. Let β̃x be a path in X̃ which starts at x̃ and lifts β. Since
the paths α, β are homotopic and α̃x , β̃x , respectively, are paths in X̃ lifting
them and each starting at the same point x̃, we can apply the Monodromy
Theorem to conclude that α̃x and β̃x must have the same terminal points, i.e,
α̃x (1) = β̃x (1).
To prove that (5.3.1) defines an action, let x be the constant loop in X
based at x. Then, for any x ∈ X, the constant loop ˜x will be a path in X̃
which lifts x and starts at x̃. It follows that
Next, let [α], [β] ∈ π1 (X, x). For any x̃ ∈ p−1 {x}, first choose a path α̃x
in X̃ starting at x̃ and lifting α and then choose a path β̃x in X̃ which lifts β
and starts at α̃x (1). Then, by definition,
On the other hand, α̃x ∗ β̃x is a path in X̃ starting at x̃ and lifting α ∗ β. This
x̃ · ([α] · [β]) = x̃ · [α ∗ β] = (α̃x ∗ β̃x )(1) = β̃x (1).
Consequently, for each x̃ ∈ p−1 {x},
Thus, in view of (1) and (2), the group π1 (X, x) acts on right on the set p−1 {x}.
Finally, we prove that the above action is also transitive. For that, let
x̃0 , x̃1 be any two points of p−1 {x}. Since X̃ is path connected, there is a path
w̃ in X̃ such that w̃(0) = x̃0 and w̃(1) = x̃1 . Evidently, then pw̃ = w is a loop
in X based at x, i.e, [w] ∈ π1 (X, x), and by definition, x0 ·[w] = w̃(1) = x1 . The
isotropy group of the above action at any x̃ is obviously p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃)) because
x̃ · [α] = x̃ if and only if there is a closed loop α̃ in X̃ which lifts α and starts
at the point x̃, i.e., [α] = p∗ ([α̃]), which means [α] ∈ p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃)). Hence it
follows from the property of the isotropy groups and the orbits that p−1 {x}
will be in 1-1 correspondence with the set π1 (X, x)/p∗ (π(X̃, x̃)).
In view of the above example, the lifting problem for covering projections
now amounts to asking for a necessary and sufficient condition so that any
5.4. Lifting of an arbitrary map 213
~ ~α(1)
f(~α )
~f ~
p X
α a f f α x=f(a)
a0 x0
Fig. 5.5
Conversely, suppose the given algebraic condition is satisfied. We define
f˜: A → X̃ as follows: Let a ∈ A and choose a path α in A such that α(0) = a0
and α(1) = a. Then f α is a path in X starting at x0 . By the Path Lifting
Property, there exists a path α̃ in X̃ starting at x̃0 which projects to f α. We
214 Chapter 5. Covering Projections
define f˜(a) = α̃(1). In order that f˜ is well-defined, we must show that f˜(a) is
independent of the path α that joins a0 to a. So, let β be any other path in A
joining a0 to a and suppose β̃ is a path in X̃ starting from x̃0 such that pβ̃ = f β.
It suffices to show that α̃(1) = β̃(1). Now, observe that α ∗ β −1 is a loop in A
based at a0 . Hence, by the given algebraic condition, there exists a loop δ in X̃
based at x̃0 such that the loop pδ is homotopic to f (α ∗ β −1 ) = f α ∗ (f β)−1 .
But then by the Homotopy Lifting Theorem, there is a loop w based at x̃0 such
that pw = f α ∗ (f β)−1 . We now break the loop w into the product w1 ∗ w2−1 of
paths w1 , w2 in X̃ by defining w1 (t) = w(t/2), w2 (t) = w(1 + t/2), t ∈ I. Then
for each t ∈ I, pw1 (t) = pw(t/2) = (f α) ∗ (f β)−1 (t/2) = f α(t) and, similarly,
pw2 (t) = f β(t). Since w1 and α̃ agree at x̃0 and pw1 = f α = pα̃, we can apply
the Monodromy Theorem to conclude that w1 (1) = α̃(1) and w2 (1) = β̃(1).
However, since w1 (1) = w2 (1) = w( 12 ), we find that α̃(1) = β̃(1). It is clear
from the definition that pf˜ = f .
Finally, we prove that f˜ is continuous. Let a ∈ A and U be an open
neighbourhood of f˜(a). Choose an admissible neighbourhood U of pf˜(a) =
f (a) such that U ⊂ p(U ). Let W be the path component of p−1 (U ) which
contains the point f˜(a), and let U be an admissible neighbourhood of f (a)
such that U ⊂ p(U ∩W ). Then the path component of p−1 (U ) containing f˜(a)
must be contained in U . Since f is continuous and A is locally path connected,
we can find a path connected neighbourhood V of a such that f (V ) ⊂ U . Then
one can readily verify that f˜(V ) ⊂ U .
h - X̃
p1 p2
is commutative. If, in addition, the map h is a homeomorphism, then h is called
an isomorphism of the two covering projections.
and h as lifts of the map p1 : X̃1 → X with respect to the covering projection
p2 : X̃2 → X.
* X̃2
X̃ - X
1 p1
Corollary 5.5.6. Let p : X̃ → X be a covering projection and x̃1 , x̃2 ∈ p−1 {x}.
Then there exists an automorphism h of X̃ such that h(x̃1 ) = x̃2 if and only
if p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃1 )) = p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃2 )). In particular, the group G = A(X̃, p) acts
transitively on the fibre p−1 {x} if p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃1 )) = p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃2 )) for every
x̃1 , x̃2 ∈ p−1 {x}.
π1 (X̃1 , x̃1 ) π1 (X̃1 , x̃2 )
p∗ p∗
π1 (X, x) π1 (X, x)
p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃2 )) = p∗ fw (π1 (X̃, x̃1 )) = fpw (p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃1 ))).
218 Chapter 5. Covering Projections
Let δ̃ be a lift of δ starting from x̃0 and put x̃1 = δ̃(1). Then we assert that
H = p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃1 )). To see this, let β be any loop in X̃ based at x̃0 . Then
δ −1 ∗ pβ ∗ δ is a loop in X based at x. Since p(δ̃ −1 β δ̃) = δ −1 pβδ and δ̃ −1 β δ̃ is
a loop based at x̃1 in X̃,
Corollary 5.5.8. The group G = A(X̃, p) acts transitively on a fibre p−1 {x}
if and only if the subgroup p∗ (π1 (X̃, x̃)) is normal in π1 (X, x) for every x̃ ∈
p−1 {x}.
By the previous proposition, since the subgroup p2 ∗ (π1 (X̃2 , h(x̃1 ))) is conjugate
to p2 ∗ (π1 (X̃2 , x̃2 )) in π1 (X, x), it follows that p1 ∗ (π1 (X̃1 , x̃1 )) is conjugate to a
subgroup p2 ∗ (π1 (X̃2 , x̃2 )).
Conversely, if
Since h−1 : X̃2 → X̃1 is also an isomorphism and maps h(x̃) to x̃, we have, by
the same theorem,
p2 hw1 = p1 w1 = p2 w2 .
Next, we prove that each point of X̃2 has an open admissible neighbour-
hood. Let z ∈ X̃2 . Observe that there is an open admissible neighbourhood U1
of p2 (z) for the covering p1 , and an open admissible neighbourhood U2 for the
covering p2 . Hence, if we take U to be the path component of U1 ∩ U2 which
contains p2 (z), then U is an admissible neighbourhood for p1 and p2 both. Now,
let V be the path component of p−1 2 (U ) which contains z. We claim that V is
an admissible neighbourhood for h : X̃1 → X̃2 . To see this, let x1 be any point
in X̃1 such that h(x1 ) = z. Then x1 ∈ p−11 (p2 (z)). Since p1 is a covering projec-
tion, the path component V of p−1 1 (U ), which contains x1 , is homeomorphic
to U under p1 . But this means h|V : V → V is a homeomorphism because
h|V = ( p2 |U )−1 ◦ ( p1 |V ).
Now, we have
T (f ) = [qα].
If β is any other path joining u0 with f (u0 ) then, since U is simply connected,
α is equivalent to β which means [qα] = [qβ]. Then the map T is well defined.
To prove that T is a homomorphism, let f, g ∈ A(U, q) and suppose α, β
are paths in U joining u0 to f (u0 ) and to g(u0 ), respectively. Then T (f ) = [qα]
and T (g) = [qβ]. Observe that f β is a path joining f (u0 ) to f (g(u0 )) and so
α ∗ f β is a path in U joining u0 with f (g(u0 )). Therefore,
* U
U -X
Example 5.6.5. The above result immediately yields the fundamental group
π1 (RPn ) of the projective space RPn for each n ≥ 2. For this, consider the
universal covering q : Sn → RPn , where Sn is the standard n-sphere and the map
q identifies the antipodal points of Sn . Since q is a 2-sheeted covering projection,
we can apply the above proposition to assert that the group π1 (RPn ) must be of
order two. Hence, π1 (RPn ) ∼
= Z/2Z. The other alternative is to verify directly
that the group of automorphisms of q : Sn → RPn has only two elements.
For covering projections which arise, as above, from a free and properly
discontinuous action of a group G on a simply connected space X, it is
5.6. Universal Covering Space – Applications 223
Example 5.6.9. (Fundamental Group of lens spaces). Recall (see Appendix 7.3)
that if p, q are any two positive integers, which are relatively prime, then we
have defined an action of the finite group Zp on the space S3 . The quotient
space S3 /Zp is called the lens space L(p, q). Since the action of Zp on S3 is
free and properly discontinuous, and S3 is simply connected, it follows from
the above observation that π1 (L(p, q)) ∼
= Zp for each q.
S2 S1
q1 q2
P2 g P1
224 Chapter 5. Covering Projections
We know that both q1 and q2 are two sheeted covering projections. Note
that π1 (P2 ) ∼= Z/2Z and π1 (P1 ) ∼ = Z and the latter group has no ele-
ments of finite order other than the identity. Hence the induced homomophism
g∗ : π1 (P2 ) → π1 (P1 ) must be a trivial homomorphism. Next, we show that g∗
is indeed nontrivial. Let α be a path in S2 joining a pair of antipodal points,
say, x0 and −x0 . Then q1 ◦ α is a closed path in P2 and f ◦ α is a path joining
the pair of antipodal points f (x0 ), f (−x0 ). Therefore, q2 ◦(f ◦α) is also a closed
path in P1 , and we assert that this is not null-homotopic. To see this, suppose
it is null-homotopic and let Cf (x0 ) be the constant path in S1 based at f (x0 ).
q2 ∗ [Cf (x0 ) ] = [q2 ◦ (f ◦ α)] = q2 ∗ [f ◦ α].
Hence, by the Monodromy Theorem, f ◦ α must have the same terminal point
as Cf (x0 ) , i.e, f ◦ α(1) = f (−x0 ) = f (x0 ), a contradiction. Now, since
Singular Homology
6.1 Introduction
isomorphic, gave the same result for any compact polyhedron. This was indeed
their important uniqueness theorem. The compact polyhedra, whose geometry
and topology we studied in Chapter 3, therefore, gained even better status
than before.
Note that since Δq is a compact connected space, the image set σ(Δq ) in
X must be compact and connected. Thus, a singular 1-simplex in X is simply
a path in X, whereas a singular 0-simplex in X is just a point in X; a singular
2-simplex in X will be a curved triangle or region (see Fig. 6.1) with its interior.
0 ≤ i ≤ q, be the unique affine maps which map the vertices (e0 , e1 , . . . , eq−1 ) to
the set of points (e0 , e1 , . . . , êi , . . . , eq ), where êi means the point ei is omitted.
In other words, let
ej , j<i
Fqi (ej ) =
ej+1 , j ≥ i
The map Fqi is called the ith face operator of the q-simplex Δq , and it simply
maps the (q − 1)-simplex Δq−1 into the ith face of the q-simplex Δq , i.e., to the
face of Δq opposite to the vertex ei . Thus, F2i will map the standard 1-simplex
e0 , e1 to e1 , e2 , e0 , e2 and e0 , e1 under the face operators F20 , F21 , F22 ,
respectively. For a given singular q-simplex σ, the composite σ (i) = σ ◦ Fqi is
called the ith face of σ, i = 0, 1, . . . , q. Now, we can define the boundary ∂(σ)
of a singular q-simplex σ by the formula
∂(σ) = (−1)i σ (i) .
The right hand side is the sum of (q+1) singular (q−1)- simplexes. Since Sq (X)
is the free R-module generated by the set of all singular q-simplexes in X, we
can extend ∂ by linearity to an R-homomorphism
∂q : Sq (X) → Sq−1 (X), for
all q ≥ 1, i.e., for any singular chain c = rσ σ, we define
∂q (c) = rσ ∂(σ), rσ ∈ R.
Lemma 6.2.2. The face operators Fqi , Fq−1 , 0 ≤ j < i ≤ q, satisfy the following
Fqi ◦ Fq−1 = Fqj ◦ Fq−1
∂∂(σ) = (−1)i ∂(σ (i) )
= (−1)i ( (−1)j ((σ ◦ Fqi ) ◦ Fq−1 )
= (−1)i+j σ ◦ (Fqi Fq−1 )+ (−1)i+j σ ◦ (Fqi Fq−1 )
j<i=1 0≤i≤j
= (−1)i+j σ ◦ (Fqj Fq−1 ) + (−1)i+j σ ◦ (Fqi Fq−1 )
j<i=1 0≤i≤j
= (−1)k+l+1 σ ◦ (Fqk Fq−1
)+ (−1)i+j σ ◦ (Fqi Fq−1 )
0≤k≤l 0≤i≤j
= 0,
since, by the foregoing lemma, everything cancels: we simply applied the lemma
in the last but two step and replaced j by k, i − 1 by l in the last but one step,
which shows that the two expressions are identical except for signs.
Remark 6.2.4. Whenever one has to prove a result of the above kind, it is always
helpful to verify the first few cases when σ is a 2-simplex, and a 3-simplex, and
notice the result how the terms cancel with each other. Then one can take up
the general case to prove it carefully.
It follows from the above proposition that S∗ (X) = {Sq (X), ∂q }q≥0 is a
chain complex of free R-modules. This chain complex is called the singular
chain complex of the space X. Its homology {Hq (S∗ (X))}q≥0 is called the
singular homology of X; each of these groups is an R-module. If we take Z for
R, the resulting homology groups are called integral singular homology groups
of the space X.
Next, we are going to prove some basic properties of the singular homol-
ogy. We begin by computing the singular homology of a point-space.
I 0 I 0
· · · −→ Rσ3 −→ Rσ2 −→ Rσ1 −→ Rσ0 −→ 0 · · · ,
where 0 denotes the zero map and I denotes the identity map. It follows that
H0 (X) ∼ = R/R = 0. H2 (X) ∼
= R under the map r · σ0
→ r. H1 (X) = Z1 /B1 ∼ =
0/0 = 0, . . . Thus, we conclude that
∼ R, if q = 0
Hq (X) =
0, otherwise.
Zero-Dimensional Homology
Next, we compute the zero-dimensional homology module of a space X
with coefficients in R itself. The results are true with coefficients in any general
R-module G, and will also be suppressed unless we state it otherwise. The
zero-dimensional homology is obtained in terms of its path-components. First,
we have
by putting ( ri xi ) = ri . The map is clearly onto and its kernel is B0 (X).
This says that
Z0 (X) S0 (X) ∼
H0 (X) = = = R.
B0 (X) ker
Hq (X) ∼
= ⊕i∈I Hq (Xi ).
Corollary 6.2.9. For any space X, H0 (X) is the free R-module consisting of as
many copies of R as there are path-components of X.
Proof. Let xi ∈ Xi , i ∈ I, be a fixed point of the path component Xi of X.
Define a singular 0-simplex cxi : Δ0 → X by putting cxi (e0 ) = xi . We claim
that the 0-cycles {xi }, i ∈ I, form a basis for H0 (X). Note that any singular
0-simplex cx , x ∈ X is homologous to cxi for some i. This is because if x lies
in the path component Xi , we have a path ωx : I → X such that ωx (0) = xi
and ωx (1) = x. Then, clearly ∂(ωx ) = cx − cxi is a boundary. It follows that
any singular 0-chain will be homologous to a linear combinationof cxi , i ∈ I.
To see that these are also linearly independent, let us suppose ri cxi is a 0-
it is a boundary. Then there exists a singular 1-chain d such that
∂( d) = ri cxi . Note that any singular 1-simplex lies in a path component
of X. Collecting all
1-chains di which are in the path component Xi , we find
that for all i, ∂( di ) = ri cxi . Applying the augumentation map on both
sides we find that 0 = ri .
Remark 6.2.10. It may be mentioned here, just for information, that all of
the foregoing results about zero-dimensional homology modules are valid for
singular homology only. In general, this need not be true for other homologies.
234 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
e0 e1
Now, let us define a map from π1 (X, x0 ) to H1 (X) just by sending a loop
w based at x0 to the homology class {w} of the singular 1-cycle w in X. First,
we prove that such a map is well-defined. We have
∂(σ) = w + wx0 − w .
∂(σ) = w + w − (w ∗ w ).
We have only to show that the map φ is onto and has the kernel equal to
[π1 , π1 ]. We will prove both these results by producing a homomorphism from
H1 (X) to [π1π,π1
which will be the inverse of φ̄. For this, let σ : Δ1 → X be a
singular 1-simplex in X. Putting σ(e0 ) = σ(0) and σ(e1 ) = σ(1), we get a loop
σ̂ = wσ(0) ∗ σ ∗ wσ(1) based at x0 . Recall that wx is a path joining x0 to x and
there are several choices for wx . If μ is another path joining x0 to σ(0), then
wσ(0) ∗ σ ∗ wσ(1) and μσ(0) ∗ σ ∗ μ−1
σ(1) are conjugate. This means the loop σ̂ is not
uniquely defined by σ, but note that its coset in [π1π,π 1
is uniquely determined.
This follows from the fact that two conjugate elements in a group G determine
the same elements of [G,G] . We define ψ(σ) = [σ̂], where [σ̂] is a well-defined
element of [π1 ,π1 ] . Since S1 (X) is the free abelian group generated by all such
1-simplexes σ in X, we get a homomorphism
ψ : S1 (X) → .
[π1 , π1 ]
The next result shows that ψ maps the group B1 (X) of 1-boundaries of X into
the trivial element of [π1π,π
. We have
Proof. Since B1 (X) is generated by all elements of the type ∂(σ) where σ : Δ2 →
X is a singular 2-simplex, it suffices to prove that for any such σ, ψ∂(σ) is the
identity element. Let us put σ(ei ) = yi ; i = 0, 1, 2 and f = σ (2) , g = σ (0) , h =
(σ (1) )−1 denote the ith face of σ (see Fig.6.2).
wy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx h
x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
0 wy yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
1 1
We have
We need one more notation. The map x → wx is, in fact, a map from
the generators of S0 (X) into S1 (X) and so it can be extended to a ho-
momorphismw : S0 (X) → S1 (X). We use the following notation to write
w( ni xi ) = ni wxi . We have
φ̄ψ(σ) = φ̄[wσ(0) ∗ σ ∗ wσ(1) ]
= {wσ(0) } + {σ} + {wσ(1) }
= {wσ(0) + σ − wσ(1) }
= {σ − w∂(σ) }.
The next part is obvious from the definition whereas the last part follows from
the fact that a constant path is a boundary.
ψ̄ φ̄[[α]] = ψ̄({α})
= [[wx0 ∗ α ∗ wx−1
= [[α]]
238 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
in π1
[π1 ,π1 ] . Conversely, for each {z} ∈ H1 (X), the last proposition shows that
Example 6.3.7. Since the fundamental groups of several spaces are already
determined (see Chapter 2), using Poincaré-Hurewicz Theorem, we can quickly
tell their one-dimensional singular homology with integer coefficients. As an
illustration of this approach, we get the following results where symbols have
their usual meaning:
H1 (S1 ) ∼
= Z
H1 (S ) = 0 for all n ≥ 2
H1 (T ) ∼
= Z⊕Z
H1 (RP n ) ∼
= Z/2Z, n ≥ 2
H1 (L(p, q))) ∼
= Zp .
If X denotes the figure of eight (see Example 5.1.10), then we know that its
fundamental group is the free group on two generators (nonabelian). Hence,
abelianizing this free group, we conclude that H1 (X) ∼
= Z ⊕ Z.
Proof. We must prove that for all q ≥ 1, the following squares are commutative:
- Sq (X) ∂ - S (X)
f# f#
? ?
- Sq (Y ) ∂ - S (Y )
Remark 6.3.12. The above corollary says that the singular homology modules
are topological invariants. At this point, we must recall what we presented
earlier in Chapter 4 (Theorem 4.9.6), viz., the proof of the topological invariance
of the simplicial homology. That proof was indeed quite long and surprisingly
difficult. Even the proof of the functorial property for simplicial homology,
analogous to the composition axiom for singular homology proved above, took
considerable effort. This is in great contrast with the corresponding results for
the singular homology where they have simple and obvious proofs.
S0 (Y ) R
Let X
= ∅ and let S∗ (X) denote the singular chain complex of the space
X. We consider an abstract chain complex Cq such that C0 = R, the R-module
R, andCq = 0 forall q
= 0. Then there is a chain map : S∗ (X) → C∗ defined
by ( ri xi ) = ri at the zero level and = 0 in positive dimensions. This
chain map is clearly an onto map. The ker , which is a sub chain complex of
S∗ (X), is denoted by S̃∗ (X) and is called the reduced singular chain complex
of X. Since S∗ (X) is a chain complex of free R-modules, the augmentation map
splits, and we find that S0 (X) = S̃0 (X) ⊕ R and Sq (X) = S̃q (X) for all q > 0.
We define the reduced singular homology modules of X, denoted by H̃q (X),
to be the homology of the chain complex S̃∗ (X). Since (Im ∂1 ) = 0, we find
that Im ∂1 ⊆ ker = S̃0 (X). Therefore,
and Hq (X) = H̃q (X) for all q > 0. This last result says that the reduced
singular homology modules are completely determined in terms of the usual
singular homology modules of X and vice-versa. The reduced groups are very
useful in computations of homology groups.
What is a basis for the reduced group H̃0 (X) with integer coefficients?
By definition, all the elements of S˜0 (X)
are reduced 0-cycles, and any element
of S˜0 (X)
is a singular 0-chain c = ni xi in X which satisfies the condition
that ( ni xi ) = 0. Here we are identifying a singular 0-simplex Δ0 → {xi }
by the point xi of X.
shows that the set {xi − x} generates the group H̃0 (X). Also, this set is linearly
independent, since
ni (xi − x0 ) = 0
242 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
in H̃0 (X)
means ni (xi − x0 ) is a boundary, i.e., there is a chain d such
that ∂( d) = ni (xi − x0 ). Since a singular 1-simplex is simply a path and
hence it lies in a single
path component, say Xi of X. Collecting all paths in
Xi , we find that ∂( di ) = (xi − x0 ) for each i. Applying on both sides, we
get 0 = ni . Hence, the set {xi − x} is also linearly independent. Thus, these
elements of H̃0 (X) form a basis for H̃0 (X).
For example, a disc Dn is star convex with respect to any of its points.
The following subspace of the plane R2 is not convex, but is star convex with
respect to x0 ∈ X.
σ(x) to x0 . Then we extend this map linearly, i.e., if c ∈ Sq (X) and c = ri σ i ,
then we put
[c, x0 ] = ri [σi , x0 ].
Note that the map [c, x0 ] when restricted to the face Δq of Δq+1 gives the
chain c itself. Also, notice that if σ is a linear map
σ(e0 , . . . , eq ) → (y0 , . . . , yq )
then [σ, x0 ] is also the linear map taking (e0 , . . . , eq , eq+1 ) to (y0 , . . . , yq , x0 ).
We can now prove the following
The map F q+1 is simply the inclusion map Δq → Δq+1 . Since restriction of
[σ, x0 ] to Δq equals σ itself, the last term in above summation is (−1)q+1 σ.
244 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
To complete the proof, let us consider [σ, x0 ]◦F i where i < q +1. The map
F carries Δq homeomorphically onto the ith face of Δq+1 , it carries (e0 , . . . , eq )
to (e0 , . . . , ei−1 , ei+1 , . . . , eq+1 ) respectively. Therefore, the restriction of F i to
Δq−1 = (e0 , . . . , eq−1 ) carries this simplex by a linear map onto the simplex
spanned by (e0 , . . . , ei−1 , ei+1 , . . . , eq ) since i < q + 1. Thus
F i Δq−1 = F i (e0 , . . . eˆi , . . . , eq )
∂[σ, x0 ] = (−1)i [σ0 F (e0 , . . . , eˆi , . . . , eq ), x0 ] + (−1)q+1 σ
= [∂σ, x0 ] + (−1)q+1 σ.
Theorem 6.3.20. Let X be a star convex subset of Rn with respect to some point
x0 ∈ X. Then X is acyclic in singular homology.
Proof. First we prove that H̃0 (X) = 0. Recall that a singular 0-chain in X
is a 0-cycle in reduced singular homology H̃0 (X) iff the augumentation map
carries it to zero. Let c be a singular 0-chain such that (c) = 0. Then by
previous proposition
∂[c, x0 ] = (c)σx0 − c = −c.
Hence c is a boundary, i.e., H̃0 (X) = 0. To show that Hq (X) = 0 for q > 0, let
z be a singular q-cycle in X. By the previous proposition again
which is a boundary.
should prove some general results or theorems which could be effectively used to
make the actual computation a pleasant task. It is very similar to computing the
differential coefficients of various differentiable functions in differential calculus.
With this objective in our mind, we will now prove some basic theorems about
singular homology – in fact these theorems will later become basic axioms of
‘a homology theory’ so that we can compute the singular homology using only
these axioms and avoid the definition completely. We call these theorems as
axioms so that their importance is indicated right in the beginning.
Here, we first prove a special case (the absolute version) of the homotopy
axiom. The general case (the relative version) will be proved later. Note that
if f : X → Y , g : Z → W are two continuous maps, then the product map
f × g : X × Z → Y × W defined by (f × g)(x, z) = (f (x), g(z)), is continuous.
- S1 (X) - S0 (X) - 0
i0# , i1# i0# , i1#
+ ?
- S1 (X × I) - S0 (X × I) - 0
S0 (X) S1 (X × I)
h (h × I)#
S0 (Y ) S1 (Y × I)
(h × I)# ◦ D0 (σ) = (h × I) ◦ (σ × I)
= (h ◦ σ) × I
= D0 (hσ)
= D0 h# (σ).
This means
∂q (i1# − i0# − Dq−1 ∂q ) = 0
for all spaces X.
To construct Dq for all spaces X, let us assume that δq : Δq → Δq denotes
the identity map. Then taking X = Δq , we find that
(i1# − i0# − Dq−1 ∂q )(δq )
is a q-cycle in Sq (Δq × I). Since the space Δq × I is acyclic, there is a w ∈
Sq+1 (Δq × I) such that
∂q+1 (w) = (i1# − i0# − Dq−1 ∂q )(δq ).
We define Dq (δq ) = w. This yields
∂q+1 Dq (δq ) + Dq−1 ∂q (δq ) = (i1# − i0# )(δq ).
Then, for a singular q-simplex σ in Sq (X), we define
Dq (σ) = (σ × I)# (Dq (δq )),
and extend it by linearity to Sq (X) → Sq+1 (X × I). Now, we will show that
Dq also satisfies both (a) and (b). Condition (b) follows at once because
Dq h# (σ) = Dq (hσ)
= (hσ × I)# Dq (δq )
= (h × I)# (σ × I)# (Dq (δq ))
= (h × I)# Dq (σ).
To verify (a), we compute
(i) ∂q+1 Dq (σ) = ∂q+1 (σ × I)# Dq (δq )
= (σ × I)# ∂q+1 Dq (δq ).
Writing σ = σ# (δq ) and applying ∂q yields
∂q σ = σ# ∂q (δq ).
(ii) Dq−1 ∂q σ = Dq−1 σ# ∂q (δq )
= (σ × I)# Dq−1 ∂q (δq ), by (b).
Combining (i) and (ii) together, we have
(∂q+1 Dq + Dq−1 ∂q )(σ)
= (σ × I)# (∂q+1 Dq + Dq−1 ∂q )(δq )
= (σ × I)# (i1# − i0# )(δq )
= (i1# − i0# )σ# (δq ), because (σ × I)ij = ij σ; j = 0, 1.
= (i1# − i0# )(σ).
248 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
We will now define the singular homology of a pair (X, A). Note that
the singular chain complex S∗ (A) of the space A is a subcomplex of the
singular chain complex S∗ (X). Hence we get the quotient chain complex
S∗ (X)/S∗ (A), which we denote by S∗ (X, A). This chain-complex is called the
singular-chain complex of the pair (X, A) and its homology modules, denoted
by Hq (X, A), q ≥ 0, are called the relative singular homology modules of
the pair (X, A). In the case A = φ, the relative homology modules are called
absolute homology modules, distinguishing it from the relative case when
= φ.
Let us consider the relative chain complex S∗ (X, A) a bit further. The
, denoted by Zq (X, A), is the
S (X) S (X)
kernel of the homomorphism Sqq (A) → Sq−1 q−1 (A)
Sq+1 (X)
module of all relative q-cycles. The image under the homomorphism Sq+1 (A) →
Bq (X, A),
Sq (X)
Sq (A) ,
denoted by is the module of all relative q-boundaries of the
pair (X, A). Each of these is a submodule of the quotient module Sq (X)/Sq (A)
and so their elements are cosets c + Sq (A), where c ∈ Sq (X). The relative
homology modules Hq (X, A) = Zq (X, A)/Bq (X, A) are, therefore, quotients of
the quotient modules. We make these simpler by defining
Next, we want to show that homotopic maps from (X, A) to (Y, B) induce
identical maps in relative homology. To see this, recall that the two continuous
maps f, g : (X, A) → (Y, B) are said to be homotopic if there exists a map
F : (X × I, A × I) → (Y, B) of pairs such that F (x, 0) = f (x), F (x, 1) = g(x)
for all x ∈ X. With this definition, we have
Dq Dq D̄q
By the naturality of the chain homotopy {Dq }, the first square is com-
mutative for all q ≥ 0. Therefore, we get induced homomorphisms
D̄q : Sq (X, A) → Sq+1 (X × I, A × I) for all q ≥ 0. This gives us the
chain homotopy between the chain maps i0 # , i1 # induced in the relative
chain complexes S∗ (X, A) → S∗ (X × I, A × I). Since f = F ◦ i0 , g = F ◦ i1 , we
have f∗ = F∗ ◦ i0 ∗ and g∗ = F∗ ◦ i1 ∗ , by the functorial properties of induced
homomorphisms in homology. Now the theorem follows because i0∗ = i1∗ .
Next, let us consider a pair (X, A). Let i : A → X and j : (X, φ) → (X, A)
denote the inclusion maps. These maps induce homomorphisms i∗ : Hq (A) →
Hq (X) and j∗ : Hq (X) → Hq (X, A) for all q ≥ 0. With these in mind, we have
the following important result:
6.5. Relative Homology and the Axioms 251
Theorem 6.5.3. (Exactness Axiom). For any pair (X, A), there is the following
long exact sequence in homology:
∗i j∗ ∗ ∂ i
(∗) · · · −→ Hq (A) −→ Hq (X) −→ Hq (X, A) −→ Hq−1 (A) −→ ··· ,
where ∂ : Hq (X, A) → Hq−1 (A) is the connecting homomorphism and other
homomorphisms are induced by inclusion maps.
Proof. The proof follows from the fundamental theorem of homological algebra
(Theorem 7.2.22). Note that, for the given pair (X, A), the two inclusion maps
i : A → X and j : X → (X, A) give rise to the following exact sequence of
singular chain complexes
i# j#
0 −→ S∗ (A) −→ S∗ (X) −→ S∗ (X, A) −→ 0.
Therefore, by the fundamental theorem mentioned above, we get the long
exact sequence (∗) in homology, where ∂ is the connecting homomorphism.
( f | A )# f# f#
0 S∗ (B) S∗ (Y ) S∗ (Y, B) 0
i# j#
Now, if we write the two long exact homology sequences for pairs (X, A) and
(Y, B) then, because the connecting homomorphism is natural in short exact
sequences of chain complexes, the following diagram must be commutative for
all q ≥ 0:
j∗ ∂ i∗
Hq (X) Hq (X, A) Hq−1 (A) Hq−1 (X)
f∗ f∗ ( f | A )∗ f∗
Hq (X) ∼
= Hq (A) ⊕ Hq (X, A),
Before we proceed any further, let us show that the foregoing hypothesis
on the set U , which is to be excised from the pair (X, A), is really needed.
We give an example to show that, in general, an excision map need not induce
isomorphism in singular homology. We have
Example 6.6.1. Let us take the 2-sphere S2 and let A = {(x, y, 0) ∈ S2 | x ≥ 0},
U = P = (1, 0, 0). We will later show that H2 (S2 ) ∼= Z for singular homology
also, though we already know that this is true for the simplicial homology. Note
that A is a part of the great circle of S2 lying in the (x, y)-plane and so it is
homeomorphic to the closed interval [0,1]. Since the sequence
· · · → H2 (S2 − U ) → H2 (S2 − U, A − U ) → H1 (A − U ) → · · ·
sub chain complex of the singular chain complex {Sq (X)}q≥0 . The interesting
result that we will prove is that the inclusion chain map S∗ (X, U) ⊂ S∗ (X)
induces isomorphism in homology Hq (X, U ) → Hq (X) for all q ≥ 0. We
also observe that both the chain complexes S∗ (X, U ) and S∗ (X) consist of
free abelian groups, it follows from a result in homological algebra (see E.H.
Spanier [18] Theorem 10 on p. 192) that the inclusion map S∗ (X, U) → S∗ (X)
is a chain homotopy equivalence.
by the formula
βn (x0 , . . . , xq ) = (bn , x0 , . . . , xq ).
Then, as we have seen in the case of simplicial homology, βn gives a chain
contraction of the chain complex S (Δn ). An epimorphism : C0 → Z, such
1 ∂
that the composite C1 −→ C0 −→ Z is trivial, is called an augmentation for
a chain complex C. A nonnegative chain complex C with an augmentation is
called an augmented chain complex.
Now, if τ : Z → S0 (Δn ) is defined by τ (1) = (bn ), then one can easily
see by direct computation that βn : IS (Δn ) ∼= τ ◦ is a chain homotopy
equivalence, i.e., ∂βn + βn ∂ = Id on S∗ (Δn ). In particular, ∂βn = Id on all
f# f# f# f#
Sq (Y ) Sq (Y ) Sq (Y ) Sq+1 (Y )
Sd D
Sd(σ) = σ# (Sd(ξn ))
Note that the above properties of the chain homotopy have been estab-
lished using the already known similar properties for affine simplexes. Yet
another point which must be observed is that image of any σ under the maps
Sd and D lie in σ(Δn ).
Now, if X is a metric space and c = ni σi is a singular q-chain in X,
then we can define
With this definition one can easily prove the following by induction on q:
Theorem 6.6.4. Let {z} ∈ Hn (X, A). Then, given any open covering V of X,
we can find an r > 0 such that Sdr (z) is a linear combination of singular
n-simplexes in X which are small of the order of V.
Proof. Let σ be a singular n-simplex occurring in the relative cycle z. It
suffices to show that there exists an r > 0 such that each singular simplex
occurring in Sdr (σ) is contained in V for some V ∈ V. Note that σ : Δn → X
is continuous and Δn is a compact metric space. Therefore, the open cover
{σ −1 (V ) | V ∈ V} will have a Lebesgue number, say, λ. Now, we choose r so
q r
large that ( q+1 ) diam(Δn ) < λ, which means mesh (Sdr (ξn )) < λ, i.e., each
singular simplex occurring in σ# (Sdr (ξn )) = Sdr (σ) will be contained in V
for some V ∈ V.
Theorem 6.6.5. Let U be any open covering of X. Then the inclusion map
S(X, U) → S(X) induces isomorphism HqU (X) → Hq (X) for all q ≥ 0.
Proof. To show that the above map is a monomorphism, let {z} ∈ HqU (X)
which goes to zero under the above homomorphism. This means z = ∂(e) for
some e ∈ Sq+1 (X). It suffices to show that z = ∂(e ) for some e ∈ Sq+1 (X, U ).
Note that we can find an integer k such that Sdk (e) ∈ Sq+1 (X, U) and
which means
∂Sdk (e) − ∂(e) = ∂Dk (z)
and, therefore,
This means Sdk (z), being a cycle in Sq (X, U), is homologous to z in Sq (X),
i.e., the class {Sdk (z)} goes to the class {z} under the above homomorphism.
Theorem 6.6.6. (Excision Theorem). Let (X, A) be any pair and U ⊆ X such
that Ū ⊆ int A. Then the excision map ρ : (X − U, A − U ) → (X, A) induces
an isomorphism
Proof. Let {z} ∈ Hq (X, A), where z is a q-cycle in X mod A. Note that {X −
Ū , int A} is an open covering of X (see Fig. 6.3).
Hence we can write z = 1 ni σi , where each σi is small of the order of
the covering {X − Ū , int A}. This means any σi which is not in int A will
lie in X − Ū ⊆ X − U . Dropping all those σi ’s which lie in int A, we find
that z = i=1 ni σi , where m ≤ n, is a q-cycle in X − U mod A − U . Since
the inclusion map takes z to itself and {z} = {z } in Hq (X, A), we find that
ρ∗ {z } = {z}. This shows ρ∗ is onto.
Since the left hand side is a chain in X − U , the right hand side is a chain
in A, we find that each is a chain in A − U . This shows that Sdr (z) ∼ 0 in
(X − U ) mod (A − U ). But this means z ∼ 0 in X − U mod A − U , i.e., ρ∗ is a
1-1 map.
Let us now summarize what we have done so far. Our ground ring R
is a commutative principal ideal domain. For every pair (X, A), we defined
a sequence Hq (X, A), q ≥ 0, of R-modules called relative homology mod-
ule of the pair (X, A); the topological space X is identified with the pair
(X, ∅) in which case the relative homology modules Hq (X, ∅) = Hq (X) are
called absolute homology modules of X. Given a map f : (X, A) → (Y, B) of
pairs, we showed that this induces a sequence f∗ : Hq (X, A) → Hq (Y, B) of
R-homomorphisms. Finally, we showed that for each pair (X, A) there exists
a sequence ∂ : Hq (X, A) → Hq−1 (A) of R-homomorphisms, called connecting
homomorphisms. Among other things, we proved that all of the above satisfy
the following properties:
2. If f : (X, A) → (Y, B) and g : (Y, B) → (Z, C) are maps of pairs then, for
all q ≥ 0,
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hq (X, A) → Hq (Z, C).
Hq (X, A) Hq−1 (A)
f∗ ( f | A )∗
is commutative for all q ≥ 1. This says that for each pair (X, A), the con-
necting homomorphism ∂(X,A) : Hq (X, A) → Hq−1 (A) is a natural trans-
formation from the functor Hq (X, A) to the functor Hq−1 (A) for all q ≥ 1.
4. For each pair (X, A), there is a long exact sequence of homology modules,
i∗ j∗ ∂(X,A)
· · · −→ Hq (A) −→ Hq (X) −→ Hq (X, A) −→ Hq−1 (A) −→ · · · .
6. Given a pair (X, A), let U ⊂ X be such that Ū ⊆ int A. Then the excision
map ρ : (X − U, A − U ) → (X, A) induces isomorphism ρ∗ : Hq (X − U, A −
U ) → Hq (X, A) for all q ≥ 0.
7. If X = {p} is a point-space then Hq (X) = 0 for all q
= 0. The R-module
H0 (X) = G is the coefficient module.
All the results summarized above express the deep fact that the singular
homology, defined for all pairs (X, A) of topological spaces, is a “homology
theory” in the sense of Eilenberg and Steenrod. The seven properties, proved
earlier and stated above, simply say that singular homology satisfies all the
seven axioms of Eilenberg and Steenrod on the category of all topological pairs
with morphisms as maps of these pairs. In fact, Eilenberg and Steenrod defined
a homology theory, more generally, on a suitable admissible category. Accord-
ing to them, a Homology Theory (H, ∂) on an admissible category C of pairs
consists of the following:
• A sequence Hq (X, A), q ∈ Z, of R-modules for each pair (X, A) in cate-
gory C.
• For each morphism f : (X, A) → (Y, B) in C, there is a sequence of R-
homomorphisms f∗ : Hq (X, A) → Hq (Y, B), q ∈ Z.
• For each pair (X, A), there is a natural transformation
∂(X,A) : Hq (X, A) → Hq−1 (A), q ∈ Z.
260 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
In addition, these are required to satisfy the seven axioms stated above.
Similarly, a Cohomology Theory (H, δ) on an admissible category C consists of
the following:
• A sequence H q (X, A), q ∈ Z, of R-modules for each pair (X, A) in cate-
gory C.
• For each morphism f : (X, A) → (Y, B) in C, there is a sequence of R-
homomorphisms f ∗ : H q (Y, B) → H q (X, A), q ∈ Z.
• For each pair (X, A), there is a natural transformation δ(X,A) : H q (A) →
H q+1 (X, A), q ∈ Z.
And these are required to satisfy the seven analogous axioms of Eilenberg and
Steenrod (see [6] for details) for a cohomology, viz., they satisfy the identity
axiom, composition axiom, exactness axiom, commutativity axiom, homotopy
axiom, excision axiom and the dimension axiom.
First, let us prove the following version of the excision property for a
homology theory.
Homology of Spheres
Proposition 6.7.2. Let En+ and En− denote the northern and southern hemi-
spheres of the n-spheres Sn , n ≥ 1, so that Sn−1 = En+ ∩ En− is their common
6.7. Homology and Cohomology Theories 261
boundary. Then the excision map (En+ , Sn−1 ) → (Sn , En− ) induces an isomor-
phism Hq (En+ , Sn−1 ) → Hq (Sn , En− ) for all q ≥ 0.
Proof. Note that if we could excise the open set U = Int(En− ) from the pair
(Sn , En− ), then the result would be obvious (see Fig. 6.4).
En S n−1
Fig. 6.4
Since Ū is not contained in Int(En− ), the excision property cannot be
applied directly. Let us define V = {x ∈ Sn | xn+1 < −1/2}. Then V satisfies
the hypothesis of the excision axiom. On the other hand one can readily verify
that (Sn − U, En− − U ) is a deformation retract of (Sn − V, En− − V ) and so, by
the preceding proposition, U can be excised proving the assertion.
Remark 6.7.5. The above consideration also yields the result that if a space
X = X1 ∪ X2 is the disjoint union of two clopen sets then, for all q ≥ 0,
Hq (X) ∼
= Hq (X1 ) ⊕ Hq (X2 )
for any homology theory (Hq , ∂).
Definition 6.7.6. If X
= ∅ then we can define the reduced homology groups
H̃q (X) for any homology theory as follows: Let : X → P be the constant map,
where P is a point-space. Then, if i : P → X is any map, we find that ◦ i = IP
so that the induced homomorphism ∗ : Hq (X) → Hq (P ) is onto. We define
H̃q (X) = ker ∗ and call it the reduced homology group of the space X.
It follows from the above definition that the following sequence is exact:
0 → H̃0 (X) → H0 (X) → H0 (P ) → 0.
Since the group H0 (P ) ∼ = Z is just the coefficient group of the homology
theory, we find that H0 (X) ∼ = H̃0 (X) ⊕ Z. We also have H̃q (X) = Hq (X) for
all q
= 0. Moreover, if A
= ∅, we define H̃q (X, A) = Hq (X, A) for all q ≥ 0.
Now, it can be verified that the reduced homology groups of a nonempty pair
(X, A) also satisfies the exactness axiom. This last fact is of frequent occurrence.
Theorem 6.7.7. If X is a nonempty contractible space then H̃q (X) = 0 for all
q ≥ 0.
Now we have:
for the pair (En+ , Sn−1 ), we find that H̃q (En+ , Sn−1 ) ∼
= H̃q−1 (Sn−1 ). Combining
the two results, we see that, for all q ≥ 0, H̃q (Sn ) ∼
= H̃q−1 (Sn−1 ). Taking q = n,
we find that
H̃n (Sn ) ∼
= H̃n−1 (Sn−1 ) ∼
= ··· ∼
= H̃0 (S0 ) = Z,
and taking q
= n, we find that
H̃q (Sn ) ∼
= H̃n−q (S0 ) = 0.
1. Use the axioms of the homology theory to show that the relative homology
of the pair (Rn , Sn−1 ), n ≥ 2, is given by
Z, q = n
Hq (Rn , Sn−1 ) =
0, otherwise.
For a pair (X, A), recall that there is the following short exact sequence
of singular chain complexes of free R-modules, where chain maps are induced
by the inclusion maps i : A → X, j : X → (X, A):
i# j#
0 −→ S∗ (A) −→ S∗ (X) −→ S∗ (X, A) −→ 0.
If we take the tensor product of the above exact sequence by the R-module G
(on left or right, it makes no difference since tensor product is commutative),
then since the chain complexes are free, we get the new short sequence of chain
complexes and chain maps
i# ⊗1 j# ⊗1
0 −→ S∗ (A) ⊗ G −→ S∗ (X) ⊗ G −→ S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G −→ 0 (∗)
which remains exact. The chain complex S∗ (X, A)⊗G, denoted by S∗ (X, A; G),
is called the singular chain complex of the pair (X, A) with coefficients in the
R-module G. Its homology modules Hq (S∗ (X, A; G)), denoted by Hq (X, A; G),
q ≥ 0, are called the singular homology modules of (X, A) with coefficients
in G. The case, when G is the R-module R, is the original case of singular
homology modules Hq (X, A) of the pair (X, A). The special case, when R = Z
and the group G ∼ = Z/2Z, is known as the (mod 2) homology of the pair
(X, A) and it has been historically very important.
that the result of taking tensor product could become different, e.g., ki fi may
be nonzero while (ai .ki )fi could very well be zero, depending on the abelian
group G. Furthermore, if G is an R-module, then G is an abelian group with
a ring R of endomorphisms of G acting on G. Each of these endomorphisms
induces an abelian group endomorphism of G ⊗ Sq (X), and so the R-module
S∗ (X, G) is simply the abelian group G ⊗ S∗ (X) with R acting on it as a ring of
endomorphisms. Thus, a typical element of the R-module G ⊗ S∗ (X) is again
of the type c1 f1 + · · · + cn fn , where ci ∈ G for all i.
Bockstein Homomorphism
Homology with coefficients has several interesting properties. First of all, let us
note that if
f g
0 −→ G −→ G −→ G −→ 0
is an exact sequence of R-modules then, since S∗ (X, A) is a free chain complex,
the following sequence of chain complexes with different coefficients remains
1⊗f 1⊗g
0 −→ S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G −→ S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G −→ S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G −→ 0.
We may recall that homology groups (with integer coefficients) are the
simplest tools for distinguishing between two non-homeomorphic spaces. In
this context, we will see later that by varying the coefficients, we will not be
able to distinguish between those spaces which are not already distinguished
by their integral homologies and yet the homology with coefficients is very
interesting – the main reason for this is the fact that very often homology with
particular coefficients arises very naturally. Properties of tensor products are
crucial to the study of homology with coefficients. We have
Proof. The proof consists of easy verifications. Let f : (X, A) → (Y, B) be a map
of pairs. Suppose f# : S∗ (X, A) → S∗ (Y, B) denote the induced chain map in
singular chain complexes. Then the tensor product f# ⊗ 1 : S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G →
S∗ (Y, B) ⊗ G, where 1 : G → G is the identity map on the R-module G, induces
homomorphism f∗ : Hq (X, A; G) → Hq (Y, B; G) for all q ≥ 0. The verifica-
tion of the identity axiom and the composition axiom now is plain from the
properties of tensor product. The exactness axiom follows from the short exact
sequence (∗) defining the singular homology of the pair (X, A) with coefficients
in G. The commutativity axiom follows from the following commutative dia-
gram of chain complexes and chain maps in which the rows are exact:
i# j#
0 S∗ (A) ⊗ G S∗ (X) ⊗ G S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G 0
( f | A )# ⊗ 1 f# ⊗ 1 f# ⊗ 1
0 S∗ (B) ⊗ G S∗ (Y ) ⊗ G S∗ (Y, B) ⊗ G 0
i# j#
ρ# ⊗ 1 : S∗ (X − U, A − U ) ⊗ G → S∗ (X, A) ⊗ G
Proof. Recall that a topological pair (X, A) is a polyhedral pair if there exists
a pair (K, L) of polyhedra and a homeomorphism h : (|K|, |L|) → (X, A) of
topological pairs giving a triangulation of (X, A). We define the simplicial ho-
mology Hq (X, A) of the pair (X, A) by putting Hq (X, A) := Hq (C∗ (K, L)) for
all q ≥ 0; here, C∗ (K, L) is the quotient chain complex C∗ (K)/C∗ (L) defined
by the following exact sequence of simplicial chain-complexes:
0 → C∗ (L) → C∗ (K) → C∗ (K, L) → 0.
We have already proved in Chapter 4 that the groups Hq (X, A) defined
above are independent of the choice of a triangulation (K, L) of the pair
(X, A). Now, let f : (X, A) → (Y, B) be a map of polyhedral pairs. Suppose
h : (|K|, |L|) → (X, A) and k : (|K1 |, |L1 |) → (Y, B) are triangulations of (X, A)
and (Y, B). Let s : (K (m) , L(m) ) → (|K1 |, |L1 |) be a simplicial approximation
of the map k −1 f h : (|K|, |L|) → (|K1 |, |L1 |). Then we define the induced ho-
momorphism f∗ : Hq (X, A) → Hq (Y, B) for all q ≥ 0 to be the composite ho-
momorphism (k −1 f h)∗ ◦ μ : Hq (K, L) → Hq (K (m) , L(m) ) → Hq (K1 , L1 ), where
μ : Hq (K, L) → Hq (K (m) , L(m) ) is the subdivision homomorphism. Following
Proposition 4.10.6, one can prove that these induced homomorphisms in homol-
ogy satisfy the functorial properties. For any pair (K, L) of simplicial complexes,
the exact sequence
0 → C∗ (L) → C∗ (K) → C∗ (K, L) → 0
of simplicial chain-complexes yields the exactness axiom for a polyhedral pair
(X, A) ≈ (|K|, |L|). The commutativity axiom follows easily from the Simplicial
Approximation Theorem and the results about chain complexes of R-modules.
The homotopy axiom follows from Section 4.10.10. For excision, let (X, A) be
a polyhedral pair and U ⊂ A such that Ū ⊂ int A and that the inclusion map
(X − U, A − U ) → (X, A) is a map of polyhedral pairs. Then we must show that
this inclusion induces isomorphism in simplicial homology. Then we must show
that this inclusion induces isomorphism in simplicial homology. Let (K1 , L1 )
be a triangulation of the pair (X − U, A − U ) and (K, L) be a triangulation
of (X, A). There is a subtle point involved here. The simplicial pair (K1 , L1 )
need not be a subcomplex of the pair (K, L). First we assume that this is the
case. Then consider the chain map C∗ (K1 ) → C∗ (K) → C∗ (K)/C∗ (L) which
is the composite of the inclusion and the quotient maps. This is clearly an
onto map since U ⊂ |L|. Its kernel is obviously C∗ (L1 ). Therefore we have the
following isomorphism of chain complexes: C∗ (K)/C∗ (L) ∼ = C∗ (K1 )/C∗ (L1 ).
This implies that
C∗ (|K| − U, |L| − U ) = C∗ (K1 , L1 ) ∼
= C∗ (K, L) = C∗ (|K|, |L|).
Since chain maps commute with the boundary maps, we find that the excision
map induces isomorphism in homology Hq (X −U, A−U ) → Hq (X, A), ∀q ≥ 0.
In case the simplicial pair (K1 , L1 ) is not a subpair of (K, L), we refer to [16]
for details.
268 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
Remark 6.8.3. Note that when we excise the subset M from the simplicial
pair (K, L), we really excise, geometrically speaking, not only |M | but also the
open cones over simplexes of M whose vertices may be in L. Thus, in terms of
geometric carriers, we may be excising more than what is permitted in singular
homology - this is an advantage of simplicial homology over singular homology.
For example, from the double cone (S2 , D2− ) over the boundary of a triangle,
when we excise the lower vertex v4 (see Fig. 6.5) from the pair (S2 , D2 ), we
really excise the open lower hemisphere, viz., Int(D2− ) to get the pair (D2+ , S1 ).
v v2
For a pair (X, A), we consider the singular chain complex S∗ (X, A) defined
earlier. This is a chain complex of free R-modules. Let Zq (X, A) and Bq (X, A)
denote the submodules of Sq (X, A) consisting of relative q-cycles and relative
q-boundaries. Now, note that if z ∈ Zq (X, A) is a q-cycle then for any g ∈ G,
6.8. Singular Homology with Coefficients 269
Theorem 6.8.4. For a topological pair (X, A) and for any R-module G, there is
the following split exact sequence of R-modules for all q ≥ 0:
0 −→ Hq (X, A) ⊗ G −→ Hq (X, A; G) −→ T or(Hq−1 (X, A); G) −→ 0.
The exact sequence is natural in (X, A) and in the coefficient module G, but
the splitting is not natural.
The splitting of the above sequence implies that Hq (X, A; G) is the direct
sum of Hq (X, A) ⊗ G and Tor(Hq−1 (X, A); G). Note that the naturality of the
sequence in (X, A) implies, in particular, that if f : (X, A) → (Y, B) is a map
which induces isomorphism in integral singular homology, then it induces iso-
morphism in singular homology with coefficients in an arbitrary abelian group
G. This follows from the Five Lemma because, by naturality, the following
diagram is commutative:
Example 6.8.5. We already know the integral singular homology groups of the
projective plane P2 as follows: H0 (P2 ) ∼
= Z, H1 (P2 ) ∼
= Z2 and Hq (P2 ) = 0 for all
other values of q. Hence, by the Universal Coefficient Theorem, the nontrivial
(mod 2) homology of P2 is given by:
H0 (P2 ; Z2 ) ∼
= Z ⊗ Z2 ∼
= Z2 ,
H1 (P2 ; Z2 ) ∼
= Z2 ⊗ Z2 ⊕ Tor(Z, Z2 ) ∼
= Z2 ,
H2 (P2 ; Z2 ) = 0 ⊕ Tor(Z2 , Z2 ) ∼
= Z2 .
270 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
Example 6.8.6. If K is the Klein bottle then we know the integral singular
homology as H0 (K) ∼ = Z, H1 (K) ∼= Z ⊕ Z2 and Hq (K) = 0 for all other values
of q. Hence, by the Universal Coefficient Theorem, the (mod 2) homology is
given by H0 (K; Z2 ) ∼
= Z2 , H1 (K; Z2 ) ∼
= (Z ⊕ Z2 ) ⊗ Z2 ∼
= Z2 ⊕ Z2 , H2 (K; Z2 ) =
Tor(Z ⊕ Z2 , Z2 ) ∼ Z
= 2 .
Example 6.8.7. Let L(p, q) denote the lens space, where (p, q) = 1. Then the
integral homology is given by H0 (L(p, q)) ∼= Z, H1 (L(p, q)) ∼ = Zp , H3 (L(p, q)) =
Z, Hi (L(p, q)) = 0 for other values of i. Hence, by the Universal Coefficient
Theorem, H0 (L(p, q); Zq ) ∼
= Zq , H1 (L(p, q); Zq ) = 0 and H3 (L(p, q); Zq ) ∼ = Zq
whereas H0 (L(p, q); Zp ) ∼
= pZ , H 1 (L(p, q); Z )
p =
∼ Z p , H 3 (L(p, q); Z ) ∼
p = Zp .
Thus, with coefficients in Zq , L(p, q) has the same homology as 3-sphere, but
with respect to Zp -coefficients, the two are different.
Let S∗ (X) and S∗ (Y ) denote the integral singular chain complexes of the
spaces X and Y, respectively. First of all, let us state the important theorem
due to Eilenberg-Zilber (see Spanier [18] p. 232), which asserts that the singular
chain complex S∗ (X ×Y ) of the product space X ×Y is indeed chain equivalent
to the tensor product S∗ (X) ⊗ S∗ (Y ) of the singular chain complexes of X and
Y . In fact, this result of Eilenberg-Zilber shows how the geometric situation
of the cartesian product has a nice algebraic representation in terms of the
tensor product of singular chain complexes of factor spaces. As a result, we
immediately see that for all q ≥ 0, Hq (X ×Y ) ∼= Hq (S∗ (X)⊗S∗ (Y )). Thus, the
problem of computing the homology groups of the product space X ×Y is really
the problem of computing the homology of the tensor product of two free chain
complexes. However, we have discussed this question for two abstract chain
complexes in Appendix, and the same can be applied to obtain the following
basic result:
6.8. Singular Homology with Coefficients 271
Theorem 6.8.8. (Künneth). Let X, Y be any two spaces. Then, for all n ≥ 0,
there is the following split short exact sequence of abelian groups:
0→ Hp (X) ⊗ Hq (Y ) → Hn (X × Y ) →
Tor(Hp (X), Hq (Y )) → 0.
The above sequence is natural in X, Y but the splitting is not natural.
Example 6.8.10. The integral singular homology of the n-sphere Sn is given by:
H0 (Sn ) ∼
=Z∼= Hn (Sn ), and Hq (Sn ) = 0 for other values of q. Hence, by the
Künneth Theorem, we get for m
= n,
Z, q = 0, m, n or m + n
Hq (S × S ) =
m n
0, otherwise.
But, for m = n, we have
⎨ Z, q = 0, 2n
Hq (Sn × Sn ) = Z ⊕ Z, q=n
0, otherwise.
272 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
Hq−1 (X1 ∩ X2 ) → · · · .
In the above sequence we wish to replace Hq (S∗ (X1 )+S∗ (X2 )) by Hq (X1 ∪
X2 ) for each q ≥ 0. To achieve this let us say that a pair (X1 , X2 ) of subspaces
of a space X is excisive if the inclusion map S∗ (X1 ) + S∗ (X2 ) ⊂ S∗ (X1 ∪ X2 )
induces isomorphisms in homology. In view of Theorem 6.6.2, we know that
the above inclusion map is a chain homotopy equivalence if X = X1 ∪ X2 =
int X1 ∪ int X2 . Thus, if we assume that X = X1 ∪ X2 = int X1 ∪ int X2 ,
then the pair (X1 , X2 ) will be excisive and the long exact homology sequence
mentioned above gives us the following long exact sequence in singular homol-
(i1∗ , i2∗ ) j1∗ − j2∗
(∗) ··· Hq (X1 ∩ X2 ) Hq (X1 ) ⊕ Hq (X2 )
Hq (X1 ∪ X2 ) Hq−1 (X1 ∩ X2 ) ···
Note that all the singular chain complexes involved in the preceding
short exact sequence of chain complexes are free and hence the sequence will
remain exact even after we tensor it by an R-module G. Thus, the resulting
short exact sequence of chain complexes gives us a similar Mayer-Vietoris
exact sequence for singular homology with coefficients.
0 Z Z⊕Z Z 0
i j
It follows from the above diagram that the kernel sequence of the augmentation
homomorphisms is also exact, viz., the sequence
is exact. Then, as in the proof of the unreduced case, this last exact sequence
of chain complexes and chain maps gives us the following Mayer-Vietoris exact
sequence in reduced singular homology under the conditions stated above:
→ H̃q (X1 ∩ X2 ) → H̃q (X1 ) ⊕ H̃q (X2 ) → H̃q (X1 ∪ X2 ) → H̃q−1 (X1 ∩ X2 ) →
Remark 6.9.2. We may mention here that in the above example, the Mayer-
Vietoris sequence for singular homology does not apply directly – one has to
extend the triangles at the vertices by a small amount, use homotopy axiom,
etc., before applying the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence. The above compu-
tation using simplicial homology is quite convenient; since X is a compact
polyhedron, the final result is valid for any homology.
The above result also holds for the one-point union of a finite number of
n-spheres for any n ≥ 1. As a matter of fact, a close examination of the above
example tells us that if we take a space X as the one-point union of n connected
polyhedra K1 , K2 , . . . , Kn , then the simplicial homology of X is clear: it is Z
in dimension zero and is isomorphic to the direct sum Hq (K1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Hq (Kn )
in dimension q > 0.
Remark 6.9.3. There is also a Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence for pairs of sub-
spaces {(X1 , A1 ), (X2 , A2 )} of a topological pair (X, A) under suitable hypoth-
esis on X1 , X2 and A1 , A2 . The formulation of the statement, etc., is left as an
Remark 6.9.4. One can also compute the homology groups of the n-sphere
Sn using Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence. For this, let N be the north pole
and S be the south pole of Sn (see Fig. 6.7). Then X1 = Sn − {N },
X2 = Sn − {S} are two contractible subspaces of Sn such that Sn = X1 ∪ X2 ,
int X1 ∪ int X2 is of the same homotopy type as Sn−1 . Hence, applying the
reduced Mayer-Vietoris sequence for X1 , X2 for singular homology, we find that
H̃q (Sn ) ∼
= H̃q−1 (Sn−1 ) ∼
= H̃q−n (S0 ) ∼
= Z if q = n, and 0 otherwise. For simpli-
cial homology, we can imagine Sn as the union of two cones X1 , X2 over Sn−1 ,
i.e., X1 ∪ X2 = Sn , X1 ∩ X2 = Sn−1 . Since cones are acyclic, we can apply
276 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
S n−1
Fig. 6.7
- Hq (A) i1 ∗- j1 ∗- ∂ - H (A) -
Hq (X1 ) Hq (X1 , A) q−1
k1 ∗ k1 ∗ k1 ∗ k1 ∗
? i1∗- ?
j1∗ ? ?
- Hq (X2 ) Hq (X) - Hq (X, X2 ) ∂ - H (X ) -
q−1 2
ηq - - ··· .
Hq (X) Hq−1 (A)
Then a diagram chase shows that the above sequence is exact (this is left as an
exercise). The above sequence is, in fact, the Mayer-Vietoris exact sequence of
the proper triad (X, X1 , X2 ). We emphasize again that the sequence has been
derived using only the axioms of a homology theory.
We have seen (see the chapter on Simplicial Homology) that using the
simplicial homology of polyhedra, we could prove that Sm is not homeomorphic
to Sn , (m
= n); Rm is not homeomorphic to Rn , (m
= n); the discs Dn have
the fixed point property (Brouwer’s fixed point theorem); the spheres Sn , n ≥ 2
do not have nonzero tangent vector fields, etc. All these results can also be
proved, rather more easily, using the singular homology in place of simplicial
homology. In this section we are going to present a few deeper applications of
singular homology, proved by Brouwer as early as in 1911.
The classical Jordan Curve theorem says that if we take any simple closed
curve C (homeomorphic copy of the unit circle) in the plane R2 , then C de-
composes the plane into two components, one inside of the curve and the other
outside of the curve, whose common boundary is the curve C itself.
Fig. 6.5
In this section, we will prove this theorem and much more. We emphasize
that we need a proof even in the case of plane since the shape of a simple
closed curve in the plane could be very complicated, and beyond imagination;
it need not look like the one in Fig. 6.5. Note also that if we take the one-point
compactification R2 ∪ {∞} (homeomorphic to S2 ) of R2 , then the Jordan curve
theorem says that any simple closed curve C in S2 decomposes the sphere into
two components, whose common boundary is the curve C itself. We will prove
a more general result: Let n ≥ 1 be a positive integer and C be a subset of Sn
which is homeomorphic to the sphere Sn−1 . Then Sn − C has two components
and C is the common boundary of both the components. Here again, C need
not look like Sn−1 embedded in Sn in the canonical fashion; it could be visually
Fig. 6.6
H̃q+1 (X) → H̃q (A) → H̃q (X1 ) ⊕ H̃q (X2 ) → H̃q (X).
280 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
h(Sk ) h(D+
h(Sk−1 ) h(D−
Fig. 6.7
6.10. Some Classical Applications 281
H̃q+1 (X1 ) ⊕ H̃q+1 (X2 ) → H̃q+1 (X) → H̃q (A) → H̃q (X1 ) ⊕ H̃q (X2 ).
Both X1 , X2 are acyclic by the previous theorem, and therefore H̃q+1 (X) →
H̃q (A) is an isomorphism, i.e., ∀ q
x U
C1 a y S2
W1 C
Fig. 6.8
The Jordan Curve Theorem is classically stated for simple closed curves in
the plane R2 , rather than for simple closed curves in S2 . The same is also true
for the more general Jordan Brouwer separation theorem. This can be proved
as follows.
U W1 W2
B f
x y
f(S )
Fig. 6.9
Let us take an open ball B of radius around x whose closure lies in U . Put
S = B − B and note that S is a (n − 1)-sphere. Since f : S → f (S ) is a
continuous bijection from a compact space to a Hausdorff space, f (S ) is also
an (n − 1)-sphere. Since f : S → f (S ) is an embedding, by Jordan-Brouwer
separation theorem f (S ) decomposes Rn into two components say W1 and W2
which have f (S ) as the common boundary. Note that the set f (B ) is connected
and is disjoint from f (S ). Hence it lies either in W1 or in W2 . Suppose f (B ) ⊆
W1 . We claim that f (B ) = W1 because otherwise f (B ) = f (B )∪f (S ), being
a disc, will separate Sn − f (B ) into two components viz., W1 − f (B ) and W2 .
This will give a contradiction to the fact that when a disc is removed from
Sn , the remaining space remains connected. Hence f (B ) = W1 and f (U ) is
an open neighbourhood of y in Rn . Now f is an embedding because the map
f : U → f (U ) is easily seen to be an open map, and it is already bijective.
Hom(∂q , R)
- Hom(∂q+1 , R)
Hom(Sq (X), R) Hom(Sq+1 (X), R) -
If, for all q ≥ 0, we put Hom(Sq (X), R) = S q (X) and Hom(∂q , R) = δ q , then
the above sequence of R-modules may be written as
δq δ q+1
S ∗ (X) : 0 −→ S 0 (X) −→ · · · −→ S q−1 (X) −→ S q (X) −→ S q+1 (X) −→
284 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
(g ◦ f )∗ = f ∗ ◦ g ∗ : H q (Z) → H q (X).
The above proposition tells us, in particular, that the singular cohomology
in dimension zero of a discrete space X will be isomorphic to the direct product
of as many copies of R as there are points in X and will be zero for higher
Reduced Cohomology
If X
= φ, then we can define an augmentation map η : R →
Hom(S0 (X), R) as thedual of the augmentation
: S0 (X) → R by putting
η(k)( ni xi ) = k · ( ni xi ) = k · ( ni ). Using this, we define the reduced
singular cohomology H̃ q (X) of the space X as the homology of the cochain
η δ0 δ1 δq
0 −→ R −→ S 0 (X) −→ S 1 (X) −→ · · · −→ S q (X) −→ S q+1 (X) −→ · · · ,
H̃ 0 (X) ⊕ R ∼
= H 0 (X), H̃ q (X) = H q (X), for all q > 0.
This proves the Exactness Axiom for singular cohomology. The Commutativity
Axiom for a map f : (X, A) → (Y, B) also follows by writing the long exact
cohomology sequences for pairs (X, A) and (Y, B) arising from the following
commutative diagram of singular cochain complexes and cochain maps:
286 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
0 - S ∗ (Y, B) - S ∗ (Y ) - S ∗ (B) - 0
By a similar argument, one can easily prove the Excision Axiom for sin-
gular cohomology. The Dimension Axiom being evidently true, we have the
following result:
Theorem 6.11.3. The singular cohomology defined on the category of all topo-
logical pairs is a cohomology theory in the sense of Eilenberg-Steenrod.
→ H q (X, A; G ) → H q (X, A; G) → H q (X, A; G ) → H q+1 (X, A; G ) →
The proof of the above theorem follows from the corresponding result of
abstract chain and cochain complexes because here the singular chain com-
plexes are free (see Spanier [18] p. 243). Note that, because the above se-
quence splits, we find that for all q ≥ 0, H q (X, A; G) ∼
= Hom(Hq (X, A), G) ⊕
Ext(Hq−1 (X, A), G). This result is quite nice, at least for computational pur-
poses. We must keep the two special cases of the above theorem in mind: first,
when we take R = Z and secondly, when R is a field. When R is a field, the
Ext-term above vanishes and we see that cohomology is simply the dual of
homology. The following interesting result, which we state only for R = Z, is
also true for any PID.
f∗ : Hq (X; G) → Hq (Y ; G)
f ∗ : H q (Y ; G) → Hq (X; G),
in homology and cohomology with coefficients in G, are isomorphisms for any
abelian group G and every q ≥ 0.
Proof. Let S∗ (X), S∗ (Y ) denote the integral singular chain complexes of X
and Y and let f# : S∗ (X) → S∗ (Y ) denote the induced chain map. Since these
are chain complexes of free abelian groups and the induced homomorphism
f∗ : Hq (X) → Hq (Y ) in homology by the chain map f# is an isomorphism,
a well-known result of homological algebra (see Ex. 4, Section 7.2) says that
288 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
Note that the above result says that if two spaces cannot be distinguished
by integral homology groups then they cannot be distinguished by homology
or cohomology groups with any coefficient.
H q (Sn ; G) ∼
= Hom(Hq (Sn ), G) ⊕ Ext(Hq−1 (Sn ), G).
Since Hq (Sn ) ∼
= Z for q = 0 or n, and is zero otherwise, we find
G, q = 0, n
H q (Sn ; G) =
0, otherwise.
q ≥ 3.
For coefficients in Z2 , we have H 0 (P2 ; Z2 ) ∼ = Z2 , H 1 (P2 ; Z2 ) =
Hom(Z2 , Z2 ) = Z2 , H (P ; Z2 ) = Hom(0, Z2 ) ⊕ Ext(Z2 , Z2 ) ∼
∼ 2 2
= Z2 ,, H q (P2 ) = 0
for all q ≥ 3.
is not orientable, yet its second integral cohomology is nonzero. This says that
orientability, which is related to the nonvanishing of nth integral homology of
a n-manifold, is not related to its cohomology in the same way.
δ q−1
-H q (X1 ∪ X2 ) (j1∗ , j2∗-
) i∗1 − i∗2-
H q (X1 ) ⊕ H q (X2 ) H q (X1 ∩ X2 )
δ q - H q+1 (X ∪ X ) -
1 2
Theorem 6.11.9. (Künneth). Let X, Y be any two spaces. Then, for all n ≥ 0,
there is the following split short exact sequence for any coefficient groups G and
G satisfying the condition that Tor(G, G ) = 0, and (a) both H ∗ (X), H ∗ (Y )
are of finite type or, (b) H ∗ (Y ) is finite type and G is finitely generated,
0→ H p (X; G) ⊗ H q (Y ; G ) → H n (X × Y, G ⊗ G )
→ Tor(H p (X; G), H q (Y ; G )) → 0.
Cohomology Algebra
of the ring R. The cohomology cross product H p (X) × H q (X) → H p+q (X)
of the Künneth formula can be used qto define a product in the graded
cohomology module H ∗ (X) := q≥0 H (X) as follows: Let d : X → X × X
denote the diagonal map given by d(x) = (x, x). Clearly, d induces a ho-
momorphism d∗ : H n (X × X) → H n (X), n ≥ 0, of cohomology modules.
Observe that for any u ∈ H p (X), v ∈ H q (X), the cohomology product
u × v ∈ H p+q (X × X, R ⊗ R) and the multiplication isomorphism m de-
fines an element m∗ (u × v) ∈ H p+q (X × X, R). Therefore, the element
d∗ (m∗ (u × v)) ∈ H p+q (X, R). We define the cup product of elements
u ∈ H p (X), v ∈ H q (X), denoted by u ∪ v or just by the juxtaposition uv,
by putting u ∪ v = d∗ (m∗ (u × v)). Then, using the bilinearity, it is extended
to define the cup product in the whole graded cohomology module H ∗ (X)
of X. This product has several interesting properties; it is associative, it
has an identity element, viz., 1 ∈ H 0 (X, R), where 1 is represented by the
singular 0-cochain of X which maps all points of X (singular 0-chains) to
the unity element 1 ∈ R. The cup product is also commutative up-to a sign,
i.e., uv = (−1)deg(u)·deg(v) vu for all u, v ∈ H ∗ (X). Thus, H ∗ (X) becomes
an R-algebra with respect to this cup product. This algebra is called the
cohomology algebra of the space X. The cup product has one more striking
property, viz., it is natural in X, i.e., if f : X → Y is a map then the induced
homomorphism f ∗ : H ∗ (Y ) → H ∗ (X) in cohomology preserves the cup
product. In other words, f ∗ (u ∪ v) = f ∗ (u) ∪ f ∗ (v) for all u, v ∈ H ∗ (Y ). This
says, in particular, that the cohomology algebra H ∗ (X) of X is a topological
invariant of the space X.
For any field F , let F [x] denote the polynomial ring over F in one indeter-
minate x. Let (xn+1 ) denote the ideal of the polynomial ring generated by the
element xn+1 . Then the quotient ring F [x]/(xn+1 ), which is an algebra over F ,
consists of polynomials in x of degree at most n. Such an algebra is called a
truncated polynomial algebra of height n. Furthermore, if F [x] is regarded as
a graded ring with indeterminate x of degree k, then F [x]/(xn+1 ) is called a
6.11. Singular Cohomology and Cohomology Algebra 291
Example 6.11.11. Let RPn denote the real projective space of dimension n. This
space is a compact, connected topological manifold of dimension n which is
triangulable. Its cohomology with coefficients in Z2 is given by H q (RPn , Z2 ) ∼ =
Z2 for q = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n and is trivial for other values of q. It can be shown that
the nonzero element w ∈ H 1 (RPn , Z2 ) has the property that w, w2 , w3 , . . . , wn
are all nonzero and wn+i = 0 for all i ≥ 1. Thus, the cohomology algebra of
RPn is a truncated polynomial algebra over Z2 of degree 1 and height n.
Example 6.11.12. Let CPn denote the complex projective space. It is a simply
connected, compact, triangulable manifold of real dimension 2n. The integral
cohomology of CPn is given by H q (CPn ) ∼ = Z, q = 0, 2, . . . , 2n and is trivial in
other dimensions. If w ∈ H 2 (CPn , Z) is a generator then it can be proved that
w2 , w3 , . . . , wn are all nonzero, and they generate the corresponding cohomol-
ogy groups and wn+1 = 0. It follows that the cohomology algebra of CPn over
Z is the truncated polynomial algebra over Z of degree 2 and height n.
It must be remarked here that the cup product can sometimes distinguish
between two nonhomeomorphic spaces when they cannot be distinguished by
homology or cohomology groups. We have
1. Prove that the Euler characteristic χ(X) = (−1)i rkHi (X, F ) of a
space X is independent of the coefficient field F used in defining the Eu-
characteristic. Show, in particular, that χ(X) = (−1)i rkHi (X) =
(−1) rkHi (X, Q).
2. Let (X, A) be a pair. If any two of the groups H∗ (A), H∗ (X) and H∗ (X, A)
are finitely generated, then show that the third group is also finitely gen-
erated, and furthermore χ(X) = χ(A) + χ(X, A).
3. Let X1 , X2 be a pair of excisive couple of subspaces in a space X such
that H∗ (X1 ), H∗ (X2 ) are finitely generated. Prove that H∗ (X1 ∪ X2 ) is
finitely generated if and only if H∗ (X1 ∩ X2 ) is finitely generated, and if
that happens, show that χ(X1 ∪ X2 ) = χ(X1 ) + χ(X2 ) − χ(X1 ∩ X2 ).
4. Let X be the space obtained by puncturing a 2-sphere at two distinct
points. Prove that H0 (X) ∼
= Z, H1 (X) ∼ = Z and Hq (X) = 0 for all q ≥ 2.
(Hint: X is homotopy type of a circle.)
5. Consider the torus T as the quotient of the square I × I by identifying
the opposite edges AB with DC and AD with BC respectively (Fig. 6.8).
Let q : I × I → T denote the quotient map. Prove that
(i) The sets q(AB) and q(AD) are singular 1-simplexes in T which are
(ii) The sets q(ADB) and q(ACD) are singular 2-simplexes whose dif-
ference is a boundary.
(iii) If X is a circle lying in the interior of I × I, then show that q(X) is
a singular one simplex in T which is a boundary.
A D q (AD)
B C q(AB)
Fig. 6.8: The two nonzero cycles in torus T .
6. Compute the singular homology of the following spaces:
(a) The Topologist’s Sine Curve, i.e., X = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : y =
sin 1/x, x > 0} ∪ {(0, y) : |y| ≤ 1}. (Hint: Proposition 6.2.4).
(b) The Warsaw Circle Y = {(x, y) ∈ R2 : y = sin 1/x, 0 < x < 3π 1
A ∪ B, where A is an arc joining ( 3π , 0) to (0, 0) lying in the lower
13. Compute the singular homology of a two-holed torus, i.e., a 2-sphere with
two handles (see Fig. 6.11) or the connected sum of two tori.
14. Prove that for any k with 0 < k < n:
294 Chapter 6. Singular Homology
Here we present some basic definitions and a few results from elemen-
tary algebra and homological algebra which are required in introducing and
discussing the concepts of algebraic topology. We assume that the reader is
familiar with the fundamentals of groups and modules from where we recall
only essential portions for completeness.
We point out that when the group G is abelian, the above expression for
a ∈ G is usually written as a = n1 gσ(1) + n2 gσ(2) + . . . + nk gσ(k) . If S generates
G, we write G = [g1 , . . . , gk ]. A group G generated by a single element is said
to be a cyclic group. In other words, a group G is cyclic if there exists a g ∈ G
such that G = [g]. It is well-known that a cyclic group G is isomorphic to
either the additive group Z of integers or to the additive group Zm of residue
classes modulo m for some m ∈ N.
= P1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ Pr .
The notion of a free group is basic to the study of fundamental groups discussed
in Chapter 2. We prefer to introduce a free group by its universal property.
Defining a concept using the universal property is not only quicker but is also
efficient in proving other results about the concept itself. However, it has the
disadvantage that nothing is clear about the inner structure of the object being
defined: in fact, all of that insight is relegated to the existence theorem of the
object itself. We have
isomorphism and so F ∼
= F .
Theorem 7.1.4. Given any collection {Gi | i ∈ I} of groups, their free product
that given any set S, there always exists a free group on S and S is a set of
generators for F . As an example, let S = {x1 , x2 } have just two elements. Then
the free group F [S] on S will have elements of the type
xn1 1 xn2 2 xn1 3 xn2 4 . . . xn1 k x2nk +1 or, xm 1 m2 m3 m4 ml ml +1
2 x 1 x 2 x 1 . . . x 2 x1 ,
where ni and mi are nonzero integers (compare with the preceding example).
These elements are called reduced “words” in symbols x1 and x2 . The crucial
point is that there are no relations among the powers of x1 and x2 , i.e.,
none of the elements written above ever equals identity element. Also, note
that the free group on a set S having just one element is abelian whereas
the free group on a set S having more than one element is never abelian.
Furthermore, it follows from the universal property that two free groups on the
sets S1 and S2 are isomorphic if and only if S1 and S2 have the same cardinality.
Definition 7.1.7. Let S be a set. By a free abelian group F on the set S we mean
an abelian group F together with a map φ : S → F which has the following
universal property: For any abelian group A and for any map ψ : S → A, there
exists a unique homomorphism f : F → A such that the triangle
φ -F
ψ H f
j ?
is commutative, i.e., f ◦ φ = ψ.
as a finite sum. This explains the easy structure of a free abelian group on a
set S of generators of F .
3. Show that a subgroup of a free group is free (This is the important Nielsen-
Schreier Theorem).
4. Show that a subgroup H of a free abelian group F is free abelian. Also,
prove that rank H ≤ rank F (This result need not be true in the case of
free group, Ex 3).
5. Let G = Zm and G = Zn (m, n > 1). Show that the free product G ∗ G is
not finite and the only elements of finite order in G ∗ G are the elements
of G, G or their conjugates.
Mα coincides with the direct product Mα . A module M is said to
be free if M ∼ = ⊕α∈I Mα , where for each α ∈ I, Mα ∼ = R as R-module. It
is not difficult to prove that any R-module M is the quotient of a free R-module.
n copies
A = Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z ⊕Zr1 ⊕ Zr2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Zrk ,
h ◦ (g ◦ f ) = (h ◦ g) ◦ f,
A covariant functor F from a category C to a category D is a pair of func-
tions (both denoted by the same letter F ) which maps objects of C to the
objects of D and, for any pair (A, B) of C, it maps the set Mor(A, B) to the
set Mor(F (A), F (B)) and is required to satisfy the following two conditions:
(i) F (IA ) = IF (A) for every A ∈ C.
(ii) F (g ◦ f ) = F (g) ◦ F (f ) : F (A) → F (C) for any two morphisms f : A → B
and g : B → C in the category C.
Example 7.2.1. Let C be the category of finite sets and maps between them as
morphisms. Let D be the category of free abelian groups having a finite bases
and morphisms as group homomorphisms between them. For each object X
in C, let F (X) be the free abelian group with X as a basis and, for any map
f : X → Y in the category C, let F (f ) : F (X) → F (Y ) be the abelian group
homomorphism defined by the map f (any set theoretic map f from a basis of
a free abelian group G defines a unique homomorphism from the free abelian
group G). Then it can be easily verified that F is a covariant functor from the
category C to the category D.
Example 7.2.2. For each topological space X, let C(X) denote the ring of con-
tinuous real-valued functions on X with point-wise operations. For any contin-
uous map f : X → Y, we get a ring homomorphism f ∗ : C(Y ) → C(X) defined
by f ∗ (α) = α ◦ f. Then one readily verifies that we get a contravariant functor
from the category of topological spaces and continuous maps to the category
of rings and homomorphisms.
7.2. Categories and Functors 309
Natural Transformations
Let F and G be two covariant functors from a category C to the category
D. Then a map η, which assigns to each object A ∈ C a unique morphism
ηA : F (A) → G(A), is called a natural transformation from F to G, if for each
f : A → B in C, the diagram
F (f )
F (A) F (B)
ηA ηB
G(A) G(B)
G(f )
Example 7.2.3. Let C be the category of all vector spaces (over a field F ) and
linear transformations as morphisms. Let S and T be two functors from C to
C defined by
S = IC and T (V ) = V ∗∗ ,
where V ∗∗ is the double dual of V. For each linear map f : V → W in V, let
T (f ) = f ∗∗ : V ∗∗ → W ∗∗
be the homomorphism induced in the double dual, i.e.,
f ∗∗ (φ)(α) = φ(α ◦ f ) for all α ∈ W ∗ and φ ∈ V ∗∗ .
Now, if for any V ∈ C, we define ηV : V → V ∗∗ by
ηV (x)(α) = α(x),
where x ∈ V and α ∈ V , then we get a natural transformation from the
functor S to the functor T. This follows since, for any linear map f : V → W,
the diagram
ηV ηW
V ∗∗ W ∗∗
f ∗∗
is easily seen to be commutative. If we take the subcategory C of C having
only finite-dimensional vector spaces, then ηV : V → V ∗∗ is a vector space
isomorphism and hence η is, in fact, a natural equivalence from the identity
functor S to the double dual functor T on C .
310 Chapter 7. Appendix
Here, we begin with the remark that the material being discussed from this
point onward is indeed a portion of elementary Homological Algebra. Let M, N
be R-modules and let HomR (M, N ) be the set of all R-homomorphisms from
M to N . Then we can define an addition f + g and a scalar multiplication r · f
in the set HomR (M, N ) as follows:
(f + g)(m) = f (m) + g(m)
(rf )(m) = r · f (m)
for all m ∈ M and for all r ∈ R. It is easy to verify that the set HomR (M, N )
becomes an R-module w.r.t. the above operations. This module will be
denoted by just Hom(M, N ) whenever there is no confusion. Note that if
α : M → M is any R-module homomorphism, then this induces an R-module
homomorphism α∗ : Hom(M , N ) → Hom(M, N ), in a direction opposite to α,
by the formula α∗ (f ) = f ◦ α. Similarly, a homomorphism β : N → N induces
an R-homomorphism β∗ : Hom(M, N ) → Hom(M, N ), in the direction of β,
by the formula β∗ (f ) = β ◦ f .
With above definitions, one can easily verify the following properties of
induced homomorphisms:
(i) If α1 : M → M and α2 : M → M are any two homomorphisms, then
(α2 ◦ α1 )∗ = α1∗ ◦ α2∗ .
(ii) If IM : M → M is the identity homomorphism, then the induced map
IM : Hom(M, N ) → Hom(M, N ) is also the identity map.
α β
An exact sequence 0 → M → M → M → 0 is said to be split exact
if there exists a map γ : M → M such that βγ = IM . In such a case
M ∼ = M ⊕ M . This, of course, already implies that M ∼
= M/α(M ) and is
indeed stronger than (iii). A sequence of the kind (iii) above, consisting of five
terms is called a short exact sequence.
A similar result stated below is also true for the covariant functor
Hom(M, .). A proof analogous to the above is left as an exercise.
is exact.
The basic fact contained in the above two propositions is frequently ex-
pressed by saying that the functor HomR (., .) is left exact in each variable. The
following example shows that the functor Hom(., N ) is not exact on the right,
i.e., we have examples of injective homomorphisms of modules α : M → M
but the corresponding map α∗ : Hom(M, N ) → Hom(M , N ) are not injective.
It is the important fact which gives rise to the functors Ext1 (., .), Ext2 (., .)
-M α - β - - 0
0 M M
f g h
? γ - ? ?
0 -N N
δ -
N - 0
is also a direct sum diagram. State and prove a similar result for the
functor Hom(P, ) also.
5. Let
314 Chapter 7. Appendix
f1 - f2 - f3 - f4 -
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
α β γ δ
? g1 ? g2 ? g ? g4 ?
B1 -B2 - B3 3 -
B4 - B5
Let M and N be two R-modules. Consider the free R-module C on the set
M × N . Thus, the elements of this free module are finite linear combinations
of elements of M × N with coefficients in R, i.e., the elements are of the form
i=1 ri (xi , yi ), where ri ∈ R and (xi , yi ) ∈ M × N . Let D be the submodule
of C generated by all elements of C of the type:
(x + x , y) − (x, y) − (x , y),
(x, y + y ) − (x, y) − (x, y ),
7.2. Categories and Functors 315
(x + x ) ⊗ y = x ⊗ y + x ⊗ y,
x ⊗ (y + y ) = x ⊗ y + x ⊗ y ,
(rx) ⊗ y = r(x ⊗ y) = x ⊗ (ry).
Furthermore, the set {x ⊗ y | (x, y) ∈ M × N } is, clearly, a set of generators
for the tensor product M ⊗R N .
From the above two properties, we find that the tensor product M ⊗R N
of two R-modules M and N satisfies the following universal property:
construction used in defining tensor product was needed to show the existence
of tensor product: Once that is done, one will hardly use the construction again
and the universal property will suffice. A few basic results illustrating the point
just made are included in the following proposition:
f (x + x , y) = y ⊗ (x + x )
= y ⊗ x + y ⊗ x
= f (x, y) + f (x , y).
gf (r ⊗ x) = g(r · x) = 1 ⊗ rx = r ⊗ x,
7.2. Categories and Functors 317
Example 7.2.9. It will follow from the next proposition that tensor product of
two epimorphisms is an epimorphism. It is, however, not true that the tensor
product of two monomorphisms is again a monomorphism. To see an example
of this, consider the map f : Z → Z defined by f (x) = 2x. If we tensor by
Z2 , we get the induced map f ⊗ 1 : Z ⊗ Z2 → Z ⊗ Z2 , and this map is not
1-1 because 1 ⊗ 1 ∈ Z ⊗ Z2 is a generator of Z ⊗ Z2 ∼ = Z2 which goes to
(f ⊗ 1)(1 ⊗ 1) = 2 ⊗ 1 = 2(1 ⊗ 1) = 1 ⊗ 2 = 0.
Proposition 7.2.10. If
f g
M −→ M −→ M −→ 0
is an exact sequence of R-modules then, for any R-module N, the induced se-
f ⊗1 g⊗1
M ⊗ N −→ M ⊗ N −→ M ⊗ N −→ 0
is exact.
Proof. Clearly, g ⊗ 1 is onto. For, if m ⊗ n is a generator of M ⊗ N then, since
g is onto, we can find an m ∈ M such that (g ⊗ 1)(m ⊗ n) = g(m) ⊗ n = m ⊗ n.
Next, since g ◦ f = 0, we find that (g ⊗ 1) ◦ (f ⊗ 1) = (g ◦ f ) ⊗ 1 = 0 which
means Im (f ⊗ 1) ⊆ ker(g ⊗ 1).
For converse, let ν : M ⊗ N → (M ⊗ N )/Im (f ⊗ 1) = L, say, be the
quotient map. By the inclusion just stated, we have an obvious homomorphism
μ : L → M ⊗ N . On the other hand, for each (m , n) ∈ M ⊗ N , we
can choose an element m ∈ M such that g(m) = m . Then the element
ν(m ⊗ n) ∈ L is independent of the choice of m and this defines a bilinear map
(m , n) → ν(m ⊗ n). Therefore, we have a homomorphism ω : M ⊗ N → L
which is just the inverse of μ. Hence M ⊗N ∼
= L and we find that Im (f ⊗1) =
ker(g ⊗ 1).
The fact that tensoring is not exact on the left is very important because
it is this observation which gives rise to the functors Tor1 (., .), Tor2 (., .) etc.
We must remark that if the sequence (∗) above is split exact, then tensoring
by a module will make (∗∗) exact on the left also. For example, if M is free,
then (∗∗) will be exact everywhere. It is interesting to observe that the two
functors, viz., Hom and Tensor product are closely related to one another. We
Similarly, frx = r·fx . Thus, the map φ is indeed a linear map. Conversely, given
a linear map φ : M → Hom(N, P ), we can define a bilinear map g : M × N → P
by g(x, y) = φ(x)(y). This establishes a 1-1 correspondence between the set of
7.2. Categories and Functors 319
all bilinear maps M × N → P and the set Hom(M, Hom(N, P )). Combin-
ing the two 1-1 correspondences, we find that there is 1-1 correspondence be-
tween the two sets Hom(M × N, P ) and Hom(M, Hom(N, P )). To conclude the
proof, we just observe that the above 1-1 correspondence η : Hom(M ⊗N, P ) →
Hom(M, Hom(N, P )) is defined by the formula
[(ηf )(x)](y) = f (x ⊗ y)
0 G G’
h’ h
G q
G’’ 0
320 Chapter 7. Appendix
Now let us define Ext(A, B) for any two abelian groups A and B (i.e., for
Z-modules) as follows:
of abelian groups. Apply the covariant functor Hom(A, .) on the above exact
sequence to get an exact sequence
∗ i q∗
0 −→ Hom(A, B) −→ Hom(A, I0 ) −→ Hom(A, I1 ).
Ext(A, B) = Coker q∗
exact. It can be proved that Ext(A, B), defined as above, is really independent
of the choice of the injective group I0 . In case, P is a projective group (a free
abelian group is always projective), then the induced sequence
0 q∗ 1 q∗
0 −→ Hom(A, B) −→ Hom(P0 , B) −→ Hom(P1 , B)
7.2. Categories and Functors 321
In other words, Ext(A, B) is the abelian group which makes the following
sequence exact :
0 q∗ 1 q∗
0 −→ Hom(A, B) −→ Hom(P0 , B) −→ Hom(P1 , B) −→ Ext(A, B) −→ 0.
0 0 0
↓ ↓ ↓
0 → Hom(A , B) → Hom(A, B) → Hom(A , B) → 0
↓ ↓ ↓
0 → Hom(A , I0 ) → Hom(A, I0 ) → Hom(A , I0 ) → 0
↓ ↓ ↓
0 → Hom(A , I1 ) → Hom(A, I1 ) → Hom(A , I1 ) → 0
↓ ↓ ↓
0 0 0
Using projective resolution of the first variable in Ext(A, B), one can easily
derive the following analogous result for the second variable:
(i) Ext(Z, A)=0 for each abelian group A. This follows since Z is free (and
hence projective).
∼ B/nB. In particular Ext(Zn , Z) ∼
(ii) Ext(Zn , B) = = Zn .
Observe that 0 → Z → Z → Z/nZ → 0 is a free resolution of Z/nZ.
Hence the following sequence is exact
0 → Hom(Z/nZ, B) → Hom(Z, B) → Hom(Z, B) → Ext(Z/nZ, B) → 0.
Since Hom(Z, B) ∼
= B and the middle map is just multiplication by n,
Ext(Z/nZ, B) ∼
= B/nB.
(iii) Ext(Zn , Zm ) = Zd , where d =gcd(n, m).
Consider the exact sequence
0 → Zm → Q/Z −→ Q/Z → 0,
where the map on the right is the multiplication by m. Then we get the
following exact sequence
∗ m
0 → Hom(Zn , Zm ) → Hom(Zn , Q/Z) −→
Hom(Zn , Q/Z) → Ext(Zn , Zm ) → 0
in which one checks easily that m∗ is also multiplication by m.
Since Hom(Zn , Q/Z) ∼= Zn , we see that the groups at both ends should be
cyclic. Exactness of the sequence yields that both end groups must also be of
the same order, say d. Now we claim that ker m∗ = d =gcd(n, m). Let n = dp
and m = dq where p, q are relatively prime. Then
r ∈ ker m∗ ⇔ n|rm ⇔ dp|rdq ⇔ p|rq ⇔ p|r.
Therefore r = p works and is the smallest such positive integer. This proves
our assertion. Hence Ext(Zn , Zm ) ∼
= Zd ∼
= Ext(Zm , Zn ), where d =gcd(n, m).
7.2. Categories and Functors 323
Tor Functor
To define Tor(A, B) for any two abelian groups A, B, let 0 → P1 −→
P0 → A → 0 be a projective resolution of A. Then the sequence
0 → P1 ⊗ B −→ P0 ⊗ B → A ⊗ B → 0
0 → A ∗ B → P1 ⊗ B → P0 ⊗ B → A ⊗ B → 0.
0 → A ∗ B → A ∗ B → A ∗ B → A ⊗ B → A ⊗ B → A ⊗ B → 0.
Now one can easily verify the following facts using the same techniques
which were adopted earlier for computing the Ext(A, B).
Z ⊗ Zm → Z ⊗ Zm → Zn ⊗ Zm → 0.
Since Z is free, this reduces to
∗ n
0 → Tor(Zn , Zm ) → Zm −→ Zm → Zn ⊗ Zm → 0
δ n−1 δn
M : . . . −→ M n−1 −→ M n −→ M n+1 −→ . . .
-Mn ∂n - -
fn fn−1
? ∂ ?
-Nn n -
Nn−1 -
(g ◦ f )∗ = g∗ ◦ f∗ : Hn (M ) → Hn (P ).
We now observe that if we consider the set of all chain maps from M to
N , then the relation of chain-homotopy is an equivalence relation in that set.
The following result is noteworthy:
Let us recall the Hom and Tensor functors discussed earlier. Note that if
M∗ : . . . → Mn+1 → Mn → Mn−1 → . . .
is a chain complex, and if for any R-module N we apply the Hom( , N ) functor
to this chain complex, then we get the induced sequence Hom(M∗ , N ):
Let (K, ∂ ) and (L, ∂ ) be two chain complexes of R-modules which are positive,
i.e., Kn = 0 = Ln for all negative integers n. The tensor product of K and L
is a new chain complex, denoted by K ⊗ L, whose nth term is given by the
module (K ⊗ L)n = p+q=n Kp ⊗ Lq and the boundary operator
∂n : (K ⊗ L)n → (K ⊗ L)n−1
is defined using ∂ , ∂ as follows: for any generating element a ⊗ b ∈ Kp ⊗ Lq ,
∂n (a ⊗ b) = ∂ a ⊗ b + (−1)deg a a ⊗ ∂ b.
Here, deg a means degree of the element a, where deg a = p if a ∈ Kp . We have
since deg a and deg(∂ a) differ by 1, and this proves the assertion.
One can similarly define the tensor product of two positive cochain com-
plexes. Once again, it may now be asked as to how the homology groups of the
new chain complex K ⊗ L are related to the homologies of K and L. There is
a well-known answer to this question. It is known as the “Künneth Formula”,
which provides an exact sequence connecting the homology of K ⊗ L in terms
of the tensor product and torsion product of homology groups of K and L.
The Künneth formula is extremely useful in computing the homology (respec-
tively, cohomology) of the product topological space in terms of the homology
(respectively, cohomology) groups of the individual spaces (see E.H. Spanier
Theorem 7.2.20. (Künneth Formula for Homology). Let K and L be two chain
complexes of R-modules, at least one of which is a chain complex of free modules
and R is a PID. Then there exists a split exact sequence
0→ Hi (K) ⊗ Hj (L) → Hn (K ⊗ L)
→ Tor1 (Hi (K), Hj (L)) → 0.
The homomorphisms α and β are natural with respect to the chain maps, but
the splitting is not natural.
The next result, called Exact Homology Sequence Theorem, which we are
going to state and discuss, is sometimes known as the Fundamental Theo-
rem of Homological Algebra. It is indeed a very powerful result which has
numerous applications in the development of all kinds of homology groups
and is of frequent occurrence elsewhere also. We will not prove the result
as the proof is not only technical but also requires lengthy verifications. We
will, however, explain the crucial steps involved in the statement of the theorem.
for each n ∈ Z. The Exact Homology Sequence Theorem asserts the existence
of a sequence of homomorphisms δ : Hn (C ) → Hn−1 (C ), n ∈ Z, such that
the resulting long sequence
f∗ g∗
→ Hn (C ) → Hn (C) → Hn (C ) → Hn−1 (C )
f∗ g∗
→ Hn−1 (C) → Hn−1 (C ) →,
connecting the homology groups of C , C and C , is exact. The homomorphism
δ : Hn (C ) → Hn−1 (C ) which connects the nth level to the (n − 1)th level of
homology groups is called the connecting homomorphism. The crucial aspect
of this homomorphism is that it is natural in the given short exact sequence of
chain complexes, i.e., if we have two short exact sequences
E: 0 → C → C → C → 0
F : 0 → D → D → D → 0
which are related by chain maps α : C → D , β : C → D, γ : C → D
making various squares commutative, then the connecting homomorphism
330 Chapter 7. Appendix
- Hn (C ) δE - -
Hn−1 (C )
γ∗ α∗
? δF - ?
- Hn (D ) Hn−1 (D ) -
g∗ f∗
· · · → Hn (C) → Hn (C ) → Hn−1 (C ) → Hn−1 (C) → · · ·
details are needed to show that δ is well defined in the sense that the definition
is independent of all the choices which we have made in going from z ∈ Cn to
z ∈ Cn−1
. Once it is proved that δ is a well-defined homomorphism, then the
exactness of the long sequence is proved by “diagram chase”. That completes
the proof of the long exact homology sequence theorem – the fundamental
theorem of homological algebra (see G.E. Bredon [2] p. 178–180 for details).
0 - C - C - C - 0
? ? ?
0 - D - D - D - 0
where |X| denotes the number of elements in the set X. It may also be noted
that if x, y are in the same orbit, then the isotropy subgroups Gx and Gy are
conjugate in G, i.e., Gx = gGy g −1 for some g ∈ G. The converse of this is also
true, viz., if H is conjugate to an isotropy subgroup G(x), say, H = gGx g −1 ,
then there exists a point y ∈ G(x), viz., y = gx such that Gy = H.
Example 7.3.1. Let us consider the group G acting on the set G which is the
underlying set of the group itself defined by g.x = gxg −1 , where the right-hand
side is the conjugate of x by the element g.
Example 7.3.2. Let us consider the set L(G) of all subgroups of G. Consider
the group G acting on the set L(G) under the action defined by g.H := gHg −1 .
Here, we should note that the point H of L(G) is a fixed point under the
above action if and only if H is normal in G. The orbit of H is just the set
of all subgroups of G which are conjugate to H, i.e., the conjugacy class of
H. The isotropy subgroup of a subgroup H of G is simply the normalizer
N (H) of H in G. Hence it follows from the general facts about group actions
that |G/N (H)| must be equal to the number of distinct conjugacy classes of
H in G. This concept of conjugacy classes of subgroups of a group G plays a
fundamental role in the classification of covering projections.
7.3. Topological Transformation Groups 333
The pair (G, X) along with the given action is called a topological
transformation group. If we change any one of the three items, viz., G, X or
the action, then we get a different transformation group. If, in the definition of
a transformation group, we forget the topologies from the space X, the group
G and the action, then we revert back to the notion of “a group G acting on a
set X” discussed earlier.
Recall the definitions of isotropy group and orbit given earlier. Note
that if the group G is compact and the space X is Hausdorff, then the orbits
will be closed sets of X. In fact, in this case, the coset space G/Gx will be
homeomorphic to the orbit G(x). The action of G on X is said to be free
if the isotropy group of each point is trivial, i.e., Gx = {e} for all x ∈ X.
The set F (G, X) = {x ∈ X | Gx = G} is called the fixed-point set of the
transformation group (G, X) and is also denoted by X G . We have already
noted that any two orbits in X are either identical or disjoint. The set of all
distinct orbits of X, denoted by X/G, with the quotient topology induced
from X, is called the orbit space of the transformation group. We will come
across many spaces which are simply the orbit spaces of a space X under a
suitable action of a topological group G.
fg : X → X
by setting
fg (x) = g.x.
One can, using conditions (i) and (ii) above, easily verify that for any pair
g1 , g2 ∈ G, fg1 .g2 = fg1 ◦ fg2 and fe = IX , where e ∈ G is the identity element
of G. We also note that, since the action is continuous, each fg : X → X is a
continuous map. Now, taking g1 = g and g2 = g −1 , we find that
334 Chapter 7. Appendix
fg ◦ fg−1 = fg.g−1 = fe = IX .
Similarly, we have
fg−1 ◦ fg = IX .
This shows that each of the maps fg : X → X is indeed a homeomorphism.
Furthermore, the map η : G → Homeo(X) defined by η(g) = fg is a homomor-
phism of groups. We say that the given action of G on X is effective if η is 1-1,
i.e., each g(
= e) yields a nonidentity homeomorphism of X. In case the action
is effective, we can clearly identify every element g ∈ G with a homeomorphism
→ g.x of X and thus, G can be viewed as a group of homeomorphism of the
space of X. With this viewpoint, the definitions of isotropy groups, orbits, free
actions, etc., have nice geometric flavour, e.g., the action of G on X is free if
and only if each g(
= e) ∈ G moves every point of X.
S2n+1 = {(z0 , z1 , . . . , zn ) ∈ Cn : |zi |2 = 1},
7.3. Topological Transformation Groups 335
This again is a free action. The orbit space S2n+1 /S1 , denoted by CPn , is called
the complex projective space. This space is a compact, Hausdorff, connected
manifold of real dimension 2n.
Example 7.3.5 (Torus). Let R be the real line and define a map h : R → R by
h(x) = x+1. Then h is a homeomorphism and for each integer n, hn : R → R is
also a homeomorphism. These are just translations by integer amounts. Thus,
we get the infinite cyclic group Z = [h] generated by the homeomorphism
h of R. Giving Z the discrete topology, we find that Z acts as a group of
homeomorphisms on R. Again, the action is free and the orbit space, denoted
by R/Z, can be seen to be homeomorphic to the circle group S1 .
We can take the product action of the discrete group Z × Z on R × R by
considering two homeomorphisms h and k of R and defining the action of (h, k)
on R × R by putting
(h, k)(x, y) = (x + 1, y + 1).
(hm , k n )(x, y) = (x + m, y + n)
for every pair of integers (m, n). Again, the action is free and the orbit space
is S1 × S1 , which is the 2-torus. One can similarly obtain n-torus as an orbit
space of Rn for all n ≥ 2 under the action of Zn .
Example 7.3.6 (Klein bottle). A group may act on a space in many different
ways. To see a simple example of this situation, consider the torus T as a
subspace of R3 given by rotating the circle (x − 3)2 + z 2 = 1 about z-axis.
Define maps f, g and h as follows:
S3 = {(x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) ∈ R4 | xi 2 = 1}.
Let us take two positive integers p and q which are relatively prime. Now, we
consider the complex number e p , whose modulus is clearly 1. Let us define
a map h : S3 → S3 by
2πι 2πιq
h(z1 , z2 ) = (z1 .e p , z2 .e p ).
f : G/Gx → G(x)
simply by putting
f (gGx ) = g.x.
This is well defined since g1 Gx = g2 Gx implies that (g1 )−1 .g2 ∈ Gx , i.e.,
((g1 )−1 .g2 ).x = x, i.e., g1 .x = g2 .x. Clearly, the map f is continuous and
7.3. Topological Transformation Groups 337
One can easily verify that any action of a finite group on a Hausdorff space
is properly discontinuous. Thus, except for the linear actions (see following ex-
ercises) of GL(n, R), O(n) and the irrational flow mentioned later in Exercises,
the rest of the examples are properly discontinuous.
(Hint: Imagine S1 as the quotient space R/Z so that the torus T = S1 ×S1
can be thought of as the unit square I × I in the plane R × R, where the
opposite sides of the square have been identified. Now, chase the orbit
of the point (1/2, 0) in the square to conclude that the orbit cannot be
locally connected whereas R is locally connected).
4. An n × n real matrix can be thought of as a point in the Euclidean space
Rn . Prove that the set GL(n, R) of all nonsingular n × n real matrices
with the Euclidean subspace topology from Rn forms a topological group
with respect to multiplication of matrices. Show that this group acts on
the Euclidean space Rn by multiplication, i.e., A · X is the product of
n × n matrix A ∈ GL(n, R) with the n × 1 column vector X ∈ Rn .
5. Prove that the group O(n) of all n × n orthogonal real matrices acts on
the unit disk Dn as well as on the unit sphere Sn under the action of
preceding exercise. Show that this action is transitive on Sn . Hence or
otherwise, deduce that O(n)/O(n − 1) ∼= Sn−1 .
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