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© trophy INTRA-ORAL X-RAY UNIT IRIX 70 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL Trophy constantly strives to improve its products and, therefore, reserves the right to deliver, without prior notice, machines whose characteristics differ from those described here; nonethe- less, these machines are still guaranteed to comply with regulations in force. All rights reserved. Trophy Installation and maintenance CAUTION |... PROTECTION AGAINST X-RAYS X-rays are not innocuous and can be dangerous if used badly. You must, therefore, take precautions even when following the instructions in this manual. X-ray units manufactured by TROPHY comply with the strictest safety standards in force throughout the world (Europe, USA, Japan). They guarantee optimum protection against radiation risks. Nonetheless, you are handling a unit specifically designed to generate X-rays to allow medical diagnosis on a film or using RVG (a dental digital imaging system). Consequently, despite the inherent safety of our equipment, we recommend using conventional commercially-avallable ‘equipment to protect yourself and your patient against scattered radiation risks. During installation, it is necessary to emit X-rays to check the operation of the X-ray unit. Any operation which involves the X-ray emission is preceeded by this sign, to remind you to apply all the normal precautions required in your country. aa 4 Inthe same spirit, the room which houses your X-ray unit must comply with all official regulations applicable to protection against radiation. Itis mandatory to use this X-ray unit with its beam limiting device. Your dental dealer will be pleased to help you with the initial use of your unit and to answer any subsequent questions you may have. ‘sLo59/09-98 Pagei Installation and maintenance Trophy NOTE TO THE USER You have just purchased a TROPHY intra-oral X-ray unit IRIX 70. We congratulate you on your choice, and are sure you willbe fully satisfied with its use and diagnostic capabilities. TROPHY X-ray units offer high quality and advanced technology. We recommend reading this manual carefully before using your unit, to become familiar with its operation and make the most of its performance. Keep this manual in a safe place so that you can easily refer toit in the future. Thank you for placing your confidence in TROPHY. NOTE TO THE INSTALLER The installer must: + follow the installation procedure described in this manual when installing the TROPHY X-ray unit. + provide all explanations required on use of the TROPHY X-ray unit, following the instructions given in the user's manual. + retum a correctly completed guarantee slip to TROPHY so that the TROPHY 2-year guarantee on the complete unit and 10-year pro rata-temporis guarantee on the generator are vali otherwise the guarantee will start at the date of manufacture. Page il ‘sLosg/00-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance WARRANTY CONDITIONS Itis the responsibility of the user to comply with current legislation concerning installation and operation of the equipment. In the event of incorrect use or defective maintenance not complying with the recommended scheme, TROPHY or its representative shall not be liable for any deficiencies, physical damage, personal injuries or non conformity that may occur as a result. The equipment must not be used if electrical, mechanical or radiation protection components are defective, or if the operations stipulated by the maintenance program have not been carried out. Only TROPHY or third parties duly authorized by TROPHY may carry out modifications or add extensions to the installation and equipment. ‘Such modifications shall always be carried out in compliance with the regulations in force in the ‘country of operation, and in compliance with normal trade practice. If the power supply characteristics do not comply with the recommendations given in the Installation and Maintenance Manual section 4 Chapter II "Prior to Installation", the IRIX 70 unit will not be able to provide maximum performance, and it will not be possible to guarantee normal operation. You can obtain a complete technical file about the IRIX 70 unit by simply requesting it from TROPHY. TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONS The goods are transported at the consignee's risk. Any disputes as to losses or damage occurring during transportation must be stated in the presence of the haulier upon delivery, and must be noted on the delivery slip. Under no circumstances shall packaging materials manufactured by TROPHY be used for any other purposes than transportation. SL059/09-98 Page iii Installation and maintenance Trophy Page iv SL059/09-08 Trophy » Paae im 1. ‘sL05@/09-98 « BEFORE INSTALLATION Installation and maintenance CONTENTS « GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS . sees TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ACCORDING TO IEC STANDARD 601-2-7 . 2 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE X-RAY GENERATOR according to EN 60601-2-28 standard GENERATOR SCISSOR ARM CCOXDIGITALTIMER 6.0... eee cee eee eee 6 PACKING OPTION: INSTALLATION OF THE TIMER IN A SEPARATE BOX OR DUALTUBE OPTION .. 2... eee eee eee eens 1 TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION (not included with the unit)... . .. "1 WARNING LIGHTS «2.2.20... e eee ee eee ee see -. 12 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS . 12 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS . 13 INSTALLATION .........-05 15 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION OF THE X-RAY UNIT . . . . 16 1.1, WALL BRACKET . . 16 1.2. EXTENSION ARM . 7 1.3, SCISSOR ARM 18 1.4, GENERATOR . 19 15. EXTENSION ARM'S HORIZONTALITY 19 1.6, EXTENSION ARM END OF MOUNTING .. 20 1.7. BRAKE . - 20 118. OPTION: TIMER WITH A SEPARATE BOX OR DUAL TUBE (Separate timer for remote control) . : = 21 1.9. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT - SCISSOR ARM BALANCE. 224 1.9.1. Adjustment at the wall-end ofthe am... . . 224 1.9.2. Adjustment of the generator-end . . . . 2-24 1.9.3. Adjustment of arm horizontal motion ererer rere 22) JAO.FINALSTEPS ©0022. e eee cence eee eee 22 Pagev Installation and maintenance Trophy 2. ELECTRICALINSTALLATION .... 00.0.0 0c eevee eee eee 2. CCX DIGITAL TIMER CONFIGURATION . . 2.2. ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 224. Standard wiring . 2.22. Wiring with the ‘timer in Separate box option 22, ‘ning winnie al tbo option 2.2.4. Wiring the RVG link 3. ELECTRICAL CALIBRATION IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE... 2... 0... e eee eee eee 2 1. CLEANING 2, FIRST LEVEL MAINTENANCE - YEARLY . . . 2.1. GENERATOR . s 2.2. SUPPORT AND SCISSOR ARM . 23. TIMER 24, SELF-TEST . 25, ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION |... 31 3. SECOND LEVEL MAINTENANCE - EVERY TWO YEARS . 92 3.1. CENTRAL AXIS WEAR CHECK ...... . . 32 3.2. ARMBALANCE AND SPRING TENSION . . ~~ 82 33, GENERATOR ROTATING CONTACT .. . + +93 3.4. GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY CABLE . 34 3.5. EXTENSION ARM'S HORIZONTALITY . 34 3.6, WALL BRACKET MOUNTING 34 V_ . CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE... eee e eeu 35 1. SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION OF OPERATION . - 37 2. DIAGNOSTIC... - 38 2.1, TIMER SELF-TEST . . . 38 2.2. CLEARANCE OF ALARMS. . . 38 23, ALARMRECORDS...... 39 3. TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . a) 4, FUSES EXCHANGE 43 5. PROCEDURE TO CHANGE THE GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY CABLE .. 44 VI. LISTOFSPAREPARTS. 6... eee eee eee ee eee we & VIL. APPENDICES... 0.0... 0c eee cece eee eee 53 1. CCX DIGITAL TIMER CONFIGURATION... 0002 eee eee 55 Vill NOTES . 56 Original language of document: FRENCH Page vi ‘sLose09-98, Trophy Installation and maintenance |. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS IMPORTANT NOTE ‘The instructions given in this manual apply to a wall-mounted TROPHY X-ray unit. If the unit is to be mounted on a mobile stand, on the floor, on unit or from the ceiling, refer to the supplements included in the packing. 8L059/09-98 Page 1 Installation and maintenance Trophy 1, TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ACCORDING TO IEC STANDARD 601-2-7 Manufacturer TROPHY 4, rue F. Pelloutier - Croissy-Beaubourg 77437 MARNE-LA-VALLEE CEDEX2 - FRANCE Models Dental X-ray diagnosis devices, class 1, type B, intermittent use with protection against radiation risks according to IEC standard 601-1-3 (1994). IRIX 70 Electric power supply Power absorbed 900 VA 230 - 240 V AC (+ 10%), 50 He. 4 A epperent resistance 0.5.2 Permanent current 0.05 Current during X-ray emission 4A 110- 130 V AC ( + 10%), 50/60 Hz, 8 A, apparent resistance 0,2 0 Permanent current 0.1 Current during X-ray emission 8 A Rated high voltage and maximum corresponding current 70 KV/8 mA Currentivoltage combinations for a maximum output power of 414 W = with a form factor of .74 70 KV/8 mA. Rated power for exposure time of 0.1 s with 70 k/8 mA a4aw Reference time/voltage product Rate of use ‘At70 KV, 8 mA and 0.1 s and at the maximum tank temperature: one exposure every 13 seconds. Minimum value of the current/time product in the range of conformity: 0.48 mAs at mA Applicable range of load parameters Due to the mains frequency and for exposure times lower than 0.063 s, some values of the F'10 series do not exist. Mains variation compensation for these values is not correct. Page 2 SL059/09-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance Area of conformity to the IEC standard 601-2-7 - Reproducibility of the emitted radiation conform ~ Linearity of the emitted radiation conform ~ Precision in radiography conform Measurement conditions kV: direct measurement using a peak kilovoltmeter ~mAsidirect measurement in the circuit using a mAsmeter - Exposure time:measurement of the number of peak higher than 20% of the ‘maximum dose current using a dosemeter Dimensions and weight Timer unit 4-5/16 x5-19/16x 11-5/8 in. | 5.95 Ib 110 x 145 x 295 mm 2.7 kg X-ray emitting unit | 5-1/2 x 7-7/8 x 15-9/16 in. 17.63 Ib 140 x 200 x 395 mm 8kg Scissor arm 2-3/8 x 5-5/8 x 34 in.) 26.445 Ib 60 x 135 x 865 mm 12kg 2. MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE X-RAY GENERATOR according to EN 60601-2-28 standard Manufacturer and type of X-ray tube rua reeae Type a 165-6 Rated high voltage 7OKV 7OKV Rated anodic power 490 W 490 W Maximum heat accumulated in the anode 8700J 10 000 Rated value of focal spot (IEC 336/1982) 0.7 mm (027*) | 0.7 mm(027") Target materials Tungsten Tungsten Target slope 19° 19° Filtration due to fixed materials 0.6 mm (.023") | 0.6 mm (.023") eq. Al eq. Al os 115 2 25 3 a5 4 48 om or ree ee TROPHY tube type TRX 708 CEI tube type OCX / 65-G sL059100-98 Page 3 Installation and maintenance Trophy Equipped X-ray generator IEC standard 601-2-28 conform Type of protection against electric shocks Class | Degree of protection against electric shocks ‘Type B Rated value of inherent fitration at 70 kV 1.0 mm (.059") eq, Al Rated value of additional filtration at 70 kV. 1.5 mm (.039 ") eq. Al Rated value of total filtration at 70 KV 2.5 mm (.098*) eq, Al Beam limiting cone, focal spolskin distance 20 om (7-7/8 in.) Maximum accumulated heat 13,000 J Maximum continuous thermal dissipation 30W Leaking radiation for a maximum rate of use at 414 W for one hour <0.25mGy Maximum field of symmetrical radiation 2-8 in. (6 cm) diameter ‘Safety thermal switch temperature 66°C kd (kWs) 20; 16) MAX| 12 0 1 2 3 Heating and cooling curves of the X-ray tank Page 4 S1059/09-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 3. GENERATOR The generator includes: + anoil-bath transformer and an X-ray tube with grid to, limit secondary radiation + an aluminum filter to improve the beam quality and reduce the dose received by the patient + acone which restricts the radiation to a 6 om diameter atthe patient's skin and maintains a distance of 20cm between the X-ray focal point and the skin. 4. SCISSOR ARM ‘The scissor arm consists of two compensated-spring arms which allow easy, accurate positioning of the generator. ‘A three-core cable runs through the arm, connecting the generator to the timer. ‘sL059/00-08 Page 5 Installation and maintenance Trophy 5. CCX DIGITAL TIMER “Power ort light ‘Alarm indicator light ccorracoma vege X-ray emission indicator light To program adult maxiliary arch Operator error eenoates) indicator light | Exposure time display To program child maxiiary arch Generator selector exposures To program child Bitewing programs mandible exposures Occlusal programs | | To program adult | mandible exposures Selection of fim L__—____] sensitivity Power supplyfuse | rvg rm. a RVG function | X-ray remote control — — | connector Main switch | The main characteristics of the timer are: + anatomic selection and digital display of the exposure time + automatic compensation for variation in mains voltage (+ 20%) * automatic built-in test of the microprocessor each time the unit is switched on + an alam triggered in the event of an incorrect manipulation + an“RVG" button which automatically adjusts the exposure time if a RVG (RadioVisioGraphy) is used + an internal diagnostic function + atemperature safety Pageé Lose/08-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance ‘Once a tooth and a type of film have been selected on the timer, its microprocessor automatically calculates the optimum exposure time, based on the density of the zone to be examined. The timer includes a “dead man* safety system which stops X-ray emission as soon as the handswitch button is released. X-rays are emitted as soon as the handswitch button is pressed; emission is indicated by a yellow light and an audible signal. Emission stops as soon as the handswitch button is released or once the exposure time determined by the timer has elapsed; the yellow indicator light then goes out and the audible signal stops. 81059/00-08 Page7 Installation and maintenance Page 8 Trophy S1L059/00-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance Il. BEFORE INSTALLATION SL059/09-08, Page 9 Installation and maintenance 1. PACKING Box dimensions (Lx W x H): 38" x 20" x 11" (980 mm x 500 mm x 290 mm) Trophy The TROPHY X-ray unit comprises the following components arranged in special expanded polystyrene packing to guarantee complete protection during transport, as shown on the above diagram. DESCRIPTION Generator Cone ‘Scissor arm with generator cable Plastic bags containing: = scissor arm plastic covers - extension arm plastic covers - the scissor arm brake kit ‘Scissor arm extension arm length: 12", 24" or 32" (30, 60 or 80 cm) as specified with the order cover Page 10 6 Wall bracket and CCX digital timer in its housing 7 CCX digital timer handswitch inthe polystyrene | Scissor arm tension adjustment tool SL059/00-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 2. OPTION: INSTALLATION OF THE TIMER IN A SEPARATE BOX OR DUALTUBE OPTION Al installation configurations, with the exception of the model for a mobile stand, can include the “timer in separate box” op- tion which allows the timerto be mounted separate from the amgenerator assembly. In this case, the X-ray unit wall bracket is accompanied by a cover. ‘The CCX digital timer is delivered complete with its housing and a plastic wall-mounted back for the housing which allows the timer to be mounted on a wall, separate from the X-ray unit. It is then possible to control exposure remotely but stil visually check the parameters selected. 3, TOOLS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION (not supplied) = ananalog multimeter = atape meter 0.51" (13 mm) open-end wrench 0.22" (5.5 mm) screwdriver wrench a set of Allen keys a spirit level a plastic mallet percussion dril with a set of drils from 3 to 13. mm (.12 to 51 in.) a fine electrician’s screwdriver a medium-sized screwdriver Themains line must be made of athree-core {phase + neutral + earth electric cable. Recommended core cross-section: 1.5 mm* (14AWG) and the wire colours and characteristics correspond to each country's electricity regulation. The maximum length are 8 meters (8.75 yd.) in 100/130 V and 16 m (17.5 yd.) in 230/240 V. For longer runs, use heavier-gauge cable complying with standards in force in the country. Attachment of the wall bracket: = Use mounting accessories suitable to the type of wall (see “Mechanical require- ments", page 10, § 4). sLosa/os-08 Page 11 Installation and maintenance Trophy With the “timer in separate box” option or dualtube option: = Use mounting accessories suitable to the type of wall. - Use the necessary length of cables to connect the timer to the wall bracket 3-core (phase + neutral + earth) cable cross-section 1.5, mm? (14 AWG) and an additionnal earth cable cross-section 2.5 mm* (12 AWG). The length must not exceed 8.75 yd (8 meters). For longer runs, use heavier-gauge cable complying with the standards in force in the country. 4. WARNING LIGHTS The ready status enabling X-ray emission (preparation time) can be indicated in places far from the X-ray unit DAFT] To do that, connect a light with the corresponding voltage, 40 W maximum, NL between terminals N and L of connector J4 of the C251 PCB. | 1 Forthe duattube option, itis possible to indicate in place far from the X-ray unit which tube is in use. = Hee To do that, connect a LED between the relevant terminal of connector J3 we of C251 PCB. am 5. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS "© CAUTION: The TROPHY X-ray unit must be installed such that itis impossible to rotate the scissor arm through 360°. Otherwise, the power supply cable can fail and cause electrical damage. ‘The wall bracket which carries the X-ray unit must be strongly attached to the wall. Choose an attachment system suitable for the type of wall and capable of withstanding a tear-off force of ‘930 Ibs (150 kg) per anchor point. For an extension arm of 39-1/8 in. (100 cm) the tear-off force is 375 Ibs (170 kg) per anchor point. ‘Check that the wall is plumb to avoid any drift in the arm position. Use spacers ifthe wall surface is far from plumb. "= If the wall cannot withstand these tear-off forces, a stiffening plate is available from TROPHY, code number: HN436 Page 12 ‘SL059/09-98, Trophy Installation and maintenance 6. ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS The unit must be fed by a special electrical line originating at the meter and protected by a 10A circuit-breaker (curve D) and a differential of 30 mA.. ‘The mains line must be made of a three-core (phase + neutral + earth) electric cable. Recommended core cross-section: 1.5 mm? (14AWG) and the wire colours and characteristics correspond to each country's electricity regulation. The maximum length is 8 meters (8.75 yd.) in 100/130 V or 16 m (17.5 yd.) in 230/240 V. For longer runs, use heavier-gauge cable complying with standards in force in the country, e;g; 3 mm2 (12 AWG) for a length of 32 m (35 yd.) in 240 V. The line’s apparent resistance must be less than or equal to 0,2 9 for 110/130 V and 0,5 2 for 230/240 V. The X-ray unit must be permanently connected to the mains supply. A plug/socket connection is only acceptable for mobile units. The X-ray unit must have a fixed connection to the mains. oe eoreee Maximum Max line current 110V 90V 130V 10A 130V 104, 156V 10A 220V 184V 276V 63A 240V eae IMPORTANT The maximum line current is obtained when the power supply cable between the generator and the timer is correctly connected (see § 2 pages 23 and followings). Max line voltage variation: 3% on load. "= CAUTION: If other equipment Is connected to the same line, interference and voltage variations may cause incorrect operation of your X-ray unit. sLoss/es-98 Page 13 Installation and maintenance Trophy Page 14 SL059/00-08 Ill. INSTALLATION Installation of the extension arm © s (0) Timer wiring Installation of the wall bracket ‘SL059/09-98 Installation and maintenance <> = Installation of the generator Page 15 Installation and maintenance Trophy ‘TROPHY X-ray units must only be installed by a qualified technician and then only in compliance with the mechanical and electrical installation instructions given below. Regardless of the type of installation, the timer must always be installed so that the patient and the parameters are clearly visible from the control position. "© CAUTION: Before going any further, check that the voltage indicated on the generator label Is the correct value for your mains system. 1. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION OF THE X-RAY UNIT 11. WALL BRACKET Unpack the timer. Use a3 mm Allen key to remove the two socket- head screws which hold the timer and its housing on the wall bracket. At the wall bracket end: = disconnect the timer earth wire — disconnect the 4 timer wires from the wall bracket terminal strip. ‘The timer remains in its housing. {ithe “timer with separate box’ option is used, remove the cover. Place the wall bracket in the required position and check it Is horizontal with a spirit level. Mark the three points at which itis attached to the wall. It is recommendedto position the top of the bracket ‘approx 47" (1.20 m) above floor level. Drill the holes in the wall and insert the mounting accessories to suit the type of wall ‘Thread the power supply cable through the hole in the wall bracket and mount the wall bracket. If the wall is not perfectly plumb, use correcting spacers. Check that the wall bracket is plumb and horizon- tal and then firmly tighten the screws. Page 16 ‘S1059/09-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 1.2. EXTENSION ARM + Check that the extension arm pivots include: = ametal washer at the wall bracket end ~ a fine nylon ring at the scissor arm end. "© CAUTION: Its essential to mount the extension arm this way round, ie. with the metal washer on the wall bracket and the nylon ring at the scissor arm end, or the assembly will be unbalanced. + DONOT GREASE PIVOTS: the scissor arm and wall bracket include self-lubricating bushes. + Check that the metal washer is in position. + Place the timerhousingplastic cover ‘on the extension arm pivot. + Insert the extension arm pivot in the top hole on the wall bracket. + Using a spirit level, check that the arm slopes slightly upwards (approx 1%), Ifnot, the arm has been installed the ‘wrong way round: install it correctty. SL059/09-98 Page 17 Installation and maintenance Trophy ‘SCISSOR ARM "= CAUTION: Do not loosen the scissor arm retaining strap until the generator is in position and fixed. Otherwise, the am may extend suddenly, possibly causing damage or injury. The scissor arm isnotdesignedto be used without the generator. + DO NOT GREASE the extension arm pivot: the bush in the scissor arm is self-lubricating. + Check that the nylon bush is in position and then insert the generator cable from the scissor arm pivot into the extension am pivot, ensuring it exits below the extension arm, + Install the scissor arm on the extension arm, sliding in the electric cable. + Next feed the cable into the extension arm via the opening under the arm, so that it exits at the wall end via the opening atthe top of the extension arm. Ifthe cable jamsin the sheath inside the extension arm, move it back and forth, tuming it slightly, unti it passes correctly. + Slide the cable into the wall bracket via the extension arm pivot. Page 18 SL059/09-08 Trophy 1.4, GENERATOR Remove the black plastic locking col- lar from the end of the scissor arm using a 0.08" (2 mm) Allen key. Place the generator firmly in position, from beneath the arm, with the plug Pointing upwards. Check for grease on the pivot. Insert the plug into the socket in the scissor arm and push firmly upwards until the plastic parts of the scissor am and generator are in contact. Hold the generator in this position and insert the locking collar in ts slot. Fit and firmly tighten the attachment screw using a 0.08" (2 mm) Allen key. ‘Screw the cone onto the generator. Remove the arm retaining strap. 1.5.EXTENSION ARM'S HORIZONTALITY ‘+ Set the scissor arm in the position shown aside. + thearm, half extended, must remainin the same position during its horizontal rotation movement + Inthe same starting position, using a spirit level placed on the extension arm, check the arm's horizontality luring its horizontal rotation. 'SL059/00-98 Installation and maintenance Page 19 Installation and maintenance 1.6.EXTENSION ARM END OF MOUNTING + Fit the two plastic covers, which conceal the cable, to the extension am. Todo this, position the cover inline with its housing and drive the two plastic pins into the holes provided using a plastic mallet. This locks the cover in position. Do the same at the scissor arm end. 1.7. BRAKE Install the scissor arm brake kit; this prevents the arm moving Under its own weight ifthe wall is not perfectly plumb. Always ensure brake components are mounted the right way round, or the system will not be fully effective. Initially, tighten the screw only moderately. Page 20 Trophy SL059/09-08 Trophy (Separate timer for remote control) Installation and maintenance OPTION: TIMER WITH A SEPARATE BOX OR DUAL TUBE + Atthree-core cable is required to connect the X-ray unit tothe mer. 3-core (phase + neutral + earth) cable cross-section 1.5 mm (14 AWG) and an additionnal earth cable cross-section 2.5 mm? (12 AWG). The length must not exceed 8.75 yd (8 meters). For longer runs, use heavier-gauge cable complying with the standards in force in the country. + In addition to the above assembly operations, the timer must be installed: Unpack the timer. ~ Using an Allen key, remove the two socket-head screws which attach the timer to the plastic housing back and disconnect it. The timer remains attached to its housing. ~ Drill the three holes in the wall, at the required height, pass the timer power supply cable and the cable from the X-ray unit through the hole provided and then install the housing back on the wall. 1.9. MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT - SCISSOR ARM BALANCE Ifthe scissor arm is not stable in its position, carry out one of the following adjustments: 1.9.1, Adjustment at the wall-end of the arm + Set the arm at 45° (see figure opposite). + Usingthe special tool supplied, adjust the scissor arm spring tension, Increase the tension (turn clockwise) if the arm tends to drop. Reduce the tension (tum anti-clockwise) ift tends to rise. 1.9.2. Adjustment of the generator-end + Set the arm at 45° (see figure opposite) + Using the special tool supplied, adjust the scissor arm spring tension. Increase the tension (tum clockwise) if the arm tends to drop. Reduce the tension (tum anti-clockwise) ifit tends to rise. 'S1059/09-08, Page 21 Installation and maintenance 1.9.3. Adjustment of arm horizontal motion + Remove the brake cover. + Adjust the brake so that the arm does not move horizontally under its own weight regardless of its position, but can still be freely moved by hand. Tighten the brake (turn clockwise) to prevent drift. Slacken it to allow easier movement. Refit the cover. 1.10. FINAL STEPS + Fit the 2 brackets on either side of the scissor arm hinge (1 screw). + Fitthe central plastic coverto the 2 brackets as shown opposite (2 screws). Page 22 Trophy ‘SL059/00-98, Trophy 2. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION 2.1. CCX DIGITAL TIMER CONFIGURATION Installation and maintenance + Place the voltage selector jumper on the power board opposite the value of your mains power supply: Jumper on Minimum 110V 90V 193 190V 104V 230V 184V 240 "= By defaul (factory setting), generator n° 2 is always inhibited in CCX digital timers. If you need to connect 2 generators to the same timer, solder jumper SW12 in Position. Refer to the complete description of all jumpers given in the table in the appendices (pages 54-55). MINUTERIE.......... TIMER MARRON....... BROWN JOPTION FILTRE . FILTEROPTION | BLEU... . BLUE JAPPLIQUE MURALE . .... WALLBRACKET | VERT-JAUNE . GREEN-YELLOW JALIMENTATION GENERATEURGENERATOR JAUNE YELLOW betes - - POWER SUPPLY JALIMENTATION SECTEUR . MAINS POWER eee : ‘SUPPLY BOITIER DE LAMINUTERIE . TIMER HOUSING SL059/09-98 Page 23 Installation and maintenance Trophy 2.2, ELECTRICAL CONNECTION 221, Standard wiring + Connect the mains power supply (1) on the screw connector of the wall bracket:: . blue wire to N + brown wire to L . green-yellow earth wire to one of the earth terminals. + Connect the generator power supply (2) on the screw connector of the wall bracket: - blue wire (ring marked 6) to 6 - brown wire (ring marked 1) to 1 - green-yellow earth wire to one of the earth terminals. Attach the above two wires (Land N) by passing them under the strap onthe wall bracket. On the timer: - connect the green-yellow earth wire to one of the spare earth terminals . connect the power supply wires (4) on thescrew connector of the wall bracket ‘or on the filter (*): = blue wire to N - brown wire to L . connect the generator control (8): 0 CH - wire with ring marked 1 to 1 soci sossr 4 = wire with ring marked 6 to 6. The timer is then connected to its wall bracket; install itat a heightsuch that the wires are not taut. After making the connections, bind all L and N power supply wires (on the wall bracket and timer) together with a plastic clip as close as possible to the connector. "= It is mandatory to respect the power supply cable polarities 1 and 6 on both the wall bracket and the timer. "= Carefully connect the earth and check the continuity using an ohmmeter. "© THE UNIT MUST BE CONNECTED TO EARTH (*) :the filter is present or not according to the country. Page 24 L059/00-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 2.2.2, Wiring with the “timer in separate box” option + Connect the mains power supply (1) to the con- Rector of the timer housing: . blue wire to N - brown wire to L + green-yellow wire to one of the earth terminals. + Connect the timer to the connecteur of the hou- sing: - Power supply (2): - green-yellow earth wire to one of the spare earth terminals - blue wire to N of the connector or on the filter (*) - brown wire to L of the connector or on the filter (*) « Generator control (3): + wire with ring marked 1 to 1 - wire with ring marked 6 to 6 + Having connected the timer to the wall bracket, install it at a height such that the wires are not taut. SSeS « + Connectthe link cable (4) between the timer and the wall bracket, wire by wire. + Connect the generator power supply (5) on the screw connector of the wall bracket: « blue wire (ring marked 6) to 6 « brown wire (ring marked 1) to 1 + green-yellow earth wire to one of the earth terminals. + Attach the above wires by passing them under the straps on the wall bracket and in the timer housing. + After making the connections, bind the LandN OC) power supply wires (on the wall bracket and “oeare 403465 A timer) together with a plastic clip placed as close as possible to the connector. == Itis mandatory to respect the power supply cable polarities 1 and 6 on both the wall bracket and the timer. *= Carefully connect the earth and check the continuity using an ohmmeter. "= THE UNIT MUST BE CONNECTED TO EARTH (*) : the filter is present or not according to the country. SL059/00-98 Page 25 Installation and maintenance Trophy 2.2.3.Wiring with the dual tube option ~ Kat 0, = KO 5 al | | + Connect the mains power supply (1) to the connector of the timer housing: + blue wire toN » brown wire to L + green-yellow wire to one of the earth terminals. + Connect the timer to the connecteur of the housing: - Power supply (2): ~ green-yellow earth wire to one of the spare earth terminals - blue wire to N of the connector or on the filter (*) = brown wire to L of the connector or on the filter (*) - Generator N°t control (3): ~ wire with ring marked 1 to 1 + wire with ring marked 6 to 6 Page 26 ‘s105909-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance + Generator N°2 control (4): + wire with ring marked 1 to 1 - wire with ring marked 6 to 6 + Having connected the timer to the wall bracket, install it at a height such that the wires are not taut. + Connect the link cable (5) between the timer and the wall bracket N°1, wire by wire. + Connect the generator N°1 power supply (6) on the screw connector of the wall bracket N°1: - blue wire (ring marked 6) to 6 + brown wire (ring marked 1) to 1 - greer-yellow earth wire to one of the earth terminals. + Connect the link cable (7) between the timer and the wall bracket N°2, wire by wire. + Connect the generator N°2 power supply (8) on the screw connector of the wall bracket N°2: « blue wire (ring marked 6) to 6 + brown wire (ring marked 1) to 1 + green-yellow earth wire to one of the earth terminals. + Attach the above wires by passing them under the straps on the wall bracket and in the timer housing. + After making the connections, bind the L and N power supply wires (on the wall bracket and timer) together with a plastic clip placed as close as possible to the connector. ®= itis mandatory to respect the power supply cable polarities 1 and 6 on both the wall bracket and the timer. "= Carefully connect the earth and check the continuity using an ohmmeter. "= THE UNIT MUST BE CONNECTED TO EARTH : the filter is present or not according to the country. 2.2.4.Wiring the RVG link _——————— MINUTERIE CCX Connect the synchronisation cable of the RVG on the connector of the timer. ‘205360 SLoss/09-98, Page 27 Installation and maintenance Trophy 3, ELECTRICAL CALIBRATION + Measure the line voltage: = Use an AC voltmeter with a range of 0 to 300 Volts and accurate to within 1.5 Volts. — Connect the voltmeter across the timer connector terminals L and N. + Switch the timer on and note the voltmeter reading (off-load voltage). Set the film selector to position 9 and the program exposure on tooth 27-28. + Move behind the generator. sion of the X-rays. Vott-load = Von-load Von-load exceeded, a heavier-gauge power supply cable must be used. The ratio: + Trigger the exposure. Note the voltmeter reading (on-load voltage) during emis a a . e x100 must not exceed 3%. If this value is a + Fix the timer, with its housing, on the wall bracket using the two socket-head screws and taking care not to jam the cables under the housing. Connect the handswitch. + Reinitialize the microprocessor: — Tum the timer off = Press keys 11/12 and 21/22 and simultaneously tum the timer on — Keep the keys pressed until you hear the relay trip. Release the keys. — Program a tooth and generator no. 1 + Complete installation by cleaning the unit and carrying-out the checks described in “Preventive Maintenance”. Page 28 SL059/09-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 'S1059/09-08 Page 29 Installation and maintenance Trophy This unit has been designed to be easy to use and to provide maximum diagnostic capabilities. To guarantee a correct and safety working of this unit, preventive maintenance has to be done on a first level every year and on a second level every two years. Itis the responsability of the user to control the maintenance schedule. Contact your authorized Trophy dental representative who will give you a maintenance certifi cate, dated and signed, with the detailled controls and repairs done. 1. CLEANING + Use an alcohol-based non-corrosive product. 2. FIRST LEVEL MAINTENANCE - YEARLY 2.1.GENERATOR check that the certification label is intact, check that there is no oil leakage check that the beam limiting device is correctly attached to the generator and maintains a distance of at least 0.8" (20 cm) between focal spot and skin check that the black plastic locking collar which attaches the generator to the arm is correctly positioned and the screw is tight (if incorrectly attached, the generator could fall and cause injury). 2.2.SUPPORT AND SCISSOR ARM Page 30 check that the wall bracket is securely attached to the wall (or ceiling, floor or unit as appropriate). Alternatively, check that the mobile stand on which itis mounted is stable. check the scissor arm in all positions and adjust i if necessary it your scissor arm is making any noise, call your TROPHY representative for a quick intervention if the rotation of your generator is difficult, call your TROPHY representative for a quick intervention For an installation with an extension arm of 31-1/2 in., check that the 360 ° rotation of the scissoris retricted by the stops mounted on the extension arm to prevent the cables being ripped out. 'S1059/09-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance 2.3.TIMER + make sure the label is clearly visible + check the condition of the handswitch and its cord + Switch the timer on. + Check that the green ‘power’ light comes on, + Select tooth 27-28 and type 5 film and then trigger exposure. Check that the “X-ray” light comes on during exposure, the counter automat- ically decrements to zero and the audible signal stops at the end of X-ray emission. + Trigger an exposure and check that the red “operator error’ light comes on and that an audible signal, different to the previous signal, sounds when the handswitch button is released before the end of exposure since. In normal Use, the handswitch button must be kept pressed until the end of the exposure, 2.4.SELF-TEST + Switch the timer off. + Press RVG button and simultaneously switch the timer on. Wait for tooth 41-42 to lit before releasing the RVG button. Al the timer functions and lights will automatically be tested (except the “X-ray’ indicator light and alarm light no. 3 which indicates a microprocessor alarm; these functions are tested but the lights do not come on). A short audible signal is generated at the end of the test cycle. If any of the lights or the audible signal does not work, contact your TROPHY representative. 2.5.ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION + check that all grounding points are correctly connected + check that the main voltage is within the limits given in the installation manual "= After completing this preventive procedure, check that your user’s manual is available close to the unit. "= If the results of any of these checks are unsatisfactory, call a qualified technician from your TROPHY representative for corrective action. In the meantime, it is strongly recommended to not use the unit. SL059/09-98, Page 31 Installation and maintenance Trophy 3. SECOND LEVEL MAINTENANCE - EVERY TWO YEARS == This maintenance must be done by a qualified technician from your authorized TROPHY distributor. "= If the results of any of these checks are unsatisfactory, call a qualified technician from your TROPHY representative for corrective action. In the meantime, it is strongly recommended to not use the unit. 3.1.CENTRAL AXIS WEAR CHECK & + Remove the central plastic cover. + Check that the axis does not roll when moving the arm as shown aside. + Ifthe axis rolls or the movement is noisy, this is an indication of a wear which can cause the genetor to fall down. "= An exchange of the complete arm has to be done as soon as possible. 3.2.ARM BALANCE AND SPRING TENSION + Check that the arm is flexible in all positions and that it remains immobile when no longer handled. + Incase of problem, adjust the spring tension as requested. Page 32 'SL059/09-98 Trophy 3.3.GENERATOR ROTATING CONTACT Installation and maintenance —~ciavete Set the arm as shown aside. F — "= Never use an other arm position. Remove the plastic key HY 133 fixing the gener- ator on the arm, Remove the generator. "== If there is a problem when removing the generator, exchange the complete assembly arm and generator. sLose09-98 Using alcohol clean the contacts of the generator and its pivot. Check carefully the following: NOTE: the black parts on the drawings indicate the concerned parts. + Black marks on the contact at + Seizing marks on the pivot In case of seizing, + Clean carefully using emery cloth, 180 grain, until the marks desappear. Slightly grease the pivot using high quality mechanical grease, WYNN's HP type. Slightly grease the contacts using a special 1,000 V grease, This grease is available from TROPHY. =a Using alcohol clean carefully the inner part of the arm. Remount the generator, Carefully set the key. Check if the generator moves smoothly. Page 33 Installation and maintenance Trophy 3.4.GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY CABLE + Ckeck the cable for wears and tears, overall at the articulation points of the arm. + Incase of problem, change the cable. 3.5.EXTENSION ARM'S HORIZONTALITY + Setthe scissor arm in the position shown aside. ‘Thearm half extended must remainin the ‘same position during its horizontal rota- tion movement In the same starting position, using a spirit level placed on the extension arm, check the arm's horizontality during its horizontal rotation, "= Incase of problem, remove the generator and verify all the mounting procedure, see Installation and maintenance manual, 3.6.WALL BRACKET MOUNTING + Placing and moving the arm in the worse conditions, fully extended and complete rotation, check that the wall bracket remains stable on the wall. *= In case of problem, remove the generator and verify all the mounting procedure, see Installation and maintenance manual. Page 34 SL059/09-98 Trophy Installation and maintenance V. CORRECTIVE MAINTENANCE sLosaie-9e Page 35 Installation and maintenance Trophy “Xray emission "© You can obtain a complete technical file, diagrams and data, about the IRIX 70 unit by simply requesting it from TROPHY. Page 36 ‘svosane-s8 Trophy Installation and maintenance 1, SIMPLIFIED EXPLANATION OF OPERATION These paragraphs briefly describe the operation of the TROPHY X-ray unit and give a general understanding of the system. Exposure sequence: 1 - Switch the X-ray unit on +The “power’ light comes on + Thegeneratorno. 1 light and the lights indicating the last teeth and type of film selected also come on 2- Select your program + Select a tooth + Select a type of film 3 - Press the handswitch button Safety relay is energized Circuit (1) is energized to warm-up the filament Circuit (2) is energized to start the exposure time and circuit (1) Is de-energized X-ray emission begins 4- End of exposure Circuit (2) is de-energized X-ray emission stops and the "X-ray" light goes out; the audible signal also stops Release the handswitch Safety relay is de-energized ‘SL059/09-98, Page 37 Installation and maintenance Trophy 2. DIAGNOSTIC 2.1, TIMER SELF-TEST + Switch the timer off. + Press button RVG and simultaneously switch the timer on. + Walt for tooth 41-42 to light before releasing the RVG button. Al the timer functions and lights are automatically tested (except the “X-ray’ light and alarm light no. 3 which indicates a microprocessor alarm; these are tested but do not come on). The relays which control selection of generator no. 1 or no. 2, the audible signal and the digital displays are also tested. As part of the automatic light test, the total number of exposures since the timer was installed is displayed (in increments of 10). The format is as follows: ~ exposure time display: thousands, hundreds and tens ~ film type display: tens of thousands ~ For example: = | indicates between 1 | 60a | | 40 and 60 exposu- 1 | res, 1 1 1 i 1 ------J — The limit is 99999 exposures. + Asshort audible signal sounds at the end of the test cycle. Indicates between 12040 and 12050 exposures. If any of the lights or the audible warning does not operate correctly, contact your approved TROPHY agent. 2.2, CLEARANCE OF ALARMS + The operator error alarm and the corresponding audible signal are cleared by pressing any of the keys on the dental arch: ~ Operator error: handswitch bulb released too soon. + Alarms 1, 2 oF 3 and the corresponding audible signal are cleared by switching the timer off. ~ Alarm 1: generator primary current too high — Alarm 2: mains voltage outside limits or mains synchronisation problem ~ Alarm 3: microprocessor problem Page 38 SLose09-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 2.3. ALARM RECORDS This procedure allows a technician to determine the number of alarms since the last reinitiali- zation. The timer cannot be used normally so long as this program is active. + Switch the timer off. + Press the two film type selector buttons and simultaneously switch the timer on. + Walt for the display to come on again before releasing the film type buttons. ‘The following information is then cyclically displayed on the exposure time displays. Press MEANING “Cur’is alternately displayed with a number which indicates the number of n° 1 alarms (current) that have occurred since the last timer reinitialization Message “Alh” alternates with a number which indicates the number of Button RVG n° 2 alamns (line overvoltage) that have occurred since the last timer reinitialization Message “Err” is displayed alternately with a number which indicates Button RVG the number of “operator error” alarms which have occurred since the last timer reinitialization Message “Alb” alternates with a number which indicates the number of Button RVG n° 2 alarms (line undervoltage) that have occurred since the last. reinitialization Message “Sho” alternates with a number which indicates the number of Button RVG synchronisation problem alarms that have occurred since the last reinitialization Button RVG Message “Ett” altemates with a number which indicates the number of tens of Joules accumulated in tube N°1 Button RVG Message “Et2” alternates with a number which indicates the number of tens of Joules accumulated in tube N°2 Button RVG Message “Un’ alternates with a number which indicates the ratio between the measured voltage and the nominal voltage Button RVG ‘The cycle continues and the “Cur” message reappears ‘Any key on the arch] To retum to normal operation’ "= CAUTION: The CCX digital timer memorizes the last set of parameters selected before the unit was switched off. Consequently, if one of the timer buttons is not pressed to quit the internal diagnostic program before switching off the timer, this mode will automatically be selected when the timer is switched on again. sL0sa0s-98 Page 39 Installation and maintenance Trophy ®= CAUTION: Re-initializing the microprocessor resets all the alarm counters to zero. This must only be done by TROPHY or by an approved TROPHY technician. You are strongly advised not to re-initialize the microprocessor unnecessarily since the diagnostic will no longer be possible. 3. TROUBLESHOOTING POSSIBLE CAUSES CORRECTIVE ACTION No voltage across L and N in the wall bracket electrical connector The line circuit-breaker is open No power supply to the line Power supply cables connected incorrectly ‘The timer switch is set to “O” (OFF) Set the switch to “I” One or several keys do not work (no indicator light or audible signal) Replace the fuse by an The fuse on the timer front equivalent one: panel has blown = 220V:6:3./250V Oe = 10V:10A/125V the unit is switched on Flemove the timer from the wall bracket and replace the fuse by an equivalent one: The fuse F2 on the timer : power board has blown sea to taba = 110 V: 250 mA delayed- blow 250 V No voltage across the two Switch faulty: change it contacts on the right of the switch Voltage selector jumper J4-J6 | Place the jumper opposite the con the power supply board required voltage missing The flat cable between the Reposition it or change the front panel and the micro- processor board is badly ‘connected or crushed front panel Alarm rn? 3 lights and the audible signal sounds The microprocessor has failed Change the timer ‘Alam nr? 2 lights, the audible signal sounds Voltage selector jumper J4-J6 on the power supply board is wrongly positioned Setiitto the appropriate position for the mains supply on the site and “Alh’ is displayed Page 40 ‘The mains voltage is briefly too high ‘Check the electrical installation] 'SL059/09-98 Trophy SYMPTOMS ‘Alarm r? 2 lights, the audible signal sounds and “Alb” is displayed No X-ray emission and no alarm when the handswitch is pressed Installation and maintenance POSSIBLE CAUSES ‘CORRECTIVE ACTION Power selector jumper J4-J6 | Setitto the appropriate on the power supply board is | position for the voltage on the wrongly positioned site ‘The mains voltage is briefly Check the electrical too low installation Handswitch incorrectly Plug the handswitch back into ‘connected to the timer the DIN connector There is a fault in the line Check the cable connections between the handswitch DIN. | and continuity. Change the socket and the terminal strip | cable if necessary ‘on the power board (three- wire flat cable) The flat cable between the Reposition it or change the front panel and the front panel mircroprocessor board is incorrectly connected or crushed If the light for the tooth selected flashes, the generator is still cooling down Wait for the light to stop flashing (a few seconds) ‘The “operator error’ light comes on and the ‘The handswitch button has Repeat the exposure been released before the end of the X-ray emission ‘The flat cable between the Reposition it or change the audible signal sounds front panel and the front panel microprocessor board is incorrectly connected or crushed No power supply to the ‘Check generator connections generator taking care to correctly tighten the key Cables 1 and 6 wrongly ‘Check the continulty of the connected to the generator or | generator power supply cable - timer and the connections (1 and 6) ‘Alarm n° 1 lights, the audible signal sounds ne and “Cur is displayed Voltage droptoo high when | _ installa direct line, using X-rays are emitted, because the line cable gauge is too small correctty sized wire, between the X-ray unit and the meter Generator faulty. Generally, a “clacking’ noise can be heard SL059/09-08 ‘Change the generator Page 41 Installation and maintenance SYMPTOMS, POSSIBLE CAUSES Trophy CORRECTIVE ACTION Alarm n° 4 lights, the audible signal sounds and *Cur' is displayed Generator power supply cable open-circuit Lock the scissor arm closed using the strap. Remove the locking collar which attaches the generator to the scissor arm, firmly support the generator from below and remove it. After removing the generator, use an ohmmeter to check: = there is no short-circuit between wires 1 and 6 = the continuity between wire 1 and the central conductor in the connector at the end of the scissor arm - electrical continuity between wire 6 and the outer conduc- tor in the connector at the end of the scissor arm. Ifa short or open-circuit is found, change the generator power supply cable: see procedure in § 4, page 35, onwards. Alarm n° 2 lights, the audible signal sounds and “Sho” is displayed ‘Synchronisation problem between the timer and the mains Check the timer wiring and the mains wiring Change the timer Digital display illegible The timer has received electrical interference from the mains line Reinitialize the timer. Ifthe fautt occurs frequently, install a direct line, “RVG" has been selected on the timer, automatically reducing the exposure time by 80% Repeatedly press the RVG button until the RVG light goes out: this selects the “film* mode Film underexposed ‘Wrong film type selected Select the type of fim used Developer and fixer temperature incorrect or spent ‘Check solution temperatures or replace solutions solutions Generator faulty Change the generator Page 42 SL059/09-08 Trophy Installation and maintenance 4, FUSES EXCHANGE + Switch off the timer and remove the main plug or switch off the main circuit breaker. Timer front panel fuse F1 Power circuits fuse 110-130 V:10A; 63x 32 230 - 240 V:6.3A; 5x20 Using a screwdriver, remove the fuse cap. + Remove the defective fuse. Insert a new fuse, exactly the same type. ‘Screw again the fuse cap. (CJ251 PCB fuse F2 Control circuits fuse 110- 190 V: 250 mA ; 5 x20 230 - 240 V: 130 mA; 5x20 + Remove the cover of the wall bracket using an Allen key 3 mm (.12in.) The fuse is located on the board. Using a screwdriver, remove the fuse cap. Remove the defective fuse. Insert a new fuse, exactly the same type. ‘Screw again the fuse cap. Remount the wall bracket cover sL058/08-08 Page 43 Installation and maintenance Trophy 5. PROCEDURE TO CHANGE THE GENERATOR POWER SUPPLY CABLE 1 Switch the timer off. 2° Usinga 0.12" (3mm) Allen key, remove the two socket-head screws which attach the timer to the wall bracket. Disconnect the earth wire and the 4 con- necting wires from the timer. Remove the timer. On the wall bracket, disconnect the scissor arm wires 1 and 6. am, 4 Remove the screws from the central plastic cover and remove the two end plastic covers from the scissor Push the plastic pins at the ends of each Cover from inside the extension arm and remove the two plastic cable covers, The power supply cable is then visible.

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