Integrated Effects of Pore Volume Compaction and Connectivity Loss On Intrinsic Permeability of Shale Samples
Integrated Effects of Pore Volume Compaction and Connectivity Loss On Intrinsic Permeability of Shale Samples
Integrated Effects of Pore Volume Compaction and Connectivity Loss On Intrinsic Permeability of Shale Samples
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference held in Houston, Texas, USA, 23-25 July 2018.
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This study presents a novel approach to describe permeability reduction of shale samples through combination of
three main phenomena: (1) micro crack closure (2) pore shrinkage and (3) connectivity loss due to the bond
breakage between interconnected pores. Shale resources have distinct characteristics than conventional reservoir
rocks, such as micro-scale pores, ultra-low permeability, and complex pore network system. In addition,
experimental results indicate that permeability reduction owing to the increased effective pressure can be as large as
two orders of magnitude. However, it is customary to explain this severe permeability reduction as a consequence of
micro-fracture closure only and often ignore the impact of pore compressibility and connectivity loss.
We present a novel approach to describe permeability reduction with the increased effective stress that takes into
account all important mechanisms. The developed mathematical expression is a function of pore radius, porosity,
and average coordination number. Effects of pore shrinkage and connectivity loss are evaluated through the
predicted permeability values as a function of the effective stress. Using Walsh model, the crack-dominated
permeability region is identified and isolated in experimental data obtained from sandstone and shale samples. Next,
the interplay between connectivity reduction and effective stress are studied for the remainder part of the data.
Our results indicate that when combined effects of both pore shrinkage and connectivity loss are considered,
connectivity loss (as expected) is insignificant in sandstone samples and thus observed permeability reduction can be
explained through pore compressibility. However, for the shale samples, impact of bond breakage and connectivity
loss on the permeability reduction is dominant. The results suggest that average coordination number can
significantly decrease to 44 % of the original value.
The result of this study suggests that in shale formations, permeability reduction should be corrected to account for
micro-crack closure at early stage and for both pore compressibility and connectivity loss at the later stage. The
outcome may change the industry’s predictions of the reservoir performance in unconventional shale plays.
Improved understanding of connectivity loss leads to better production prediction and much accurate economic
As shale plays maintains its role as one of the main energy resources in North America, prediction of formation
deliverability during the production life becomes a decision-making factor for future investments. The complexity of
shale gas reservoirs can, in part, be attributed to the geological and petrophysical heterogeneity as well as to the very
low pore and hydraulic connectivity of the reservoir rocks. Hu et al (2012) have reported very low connectivity for
Barnett samples based on three experimental approaches (imbibition, tracer concentration profiles, and imaging)
they have conducted. Davudov and Moghanloo (2016; 2017) also studied connectivity in shale formations based on
mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) data, which they have reported that the percentage of accessible pores
in Barnett and Haynesville shale fields is around 30%.
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Another challenge for low-permeability shale formations is that the permeability and porosity reduction under
effective stress is also complex process. Various experimental studies have shown a nonlinear reduction in
permeability with increasing effective stress, where this reduction might be as much as two orders of magnitude.
(Tinni et al. 2012, Metwally and Sondergeld 2011, Dong et al. 2010). This severe reduction in permeability is often
explained with micro-crack closure and pore volume shrinkage, whereas pore/hydraulic connectivity loss is often
To describe permeability reduction under effective stress several empirical models have been proposed. Shi and
Wang (1986) suggested that the relationship between effective stress and rock permeability should follow a power
law, where David et al. (1994) and Evans et al. (1997) suggested an exponential relationship to model permeability
change as a function of effective stress. Later, Kwon et al. (2001) suggested modified version of Gangi (1978)
permeability model (Cubic law) to model crack permeability reduction of fractured rocks with increasing effective
stress. Alternatively, Walsh (1981) suggested to express fractured permeability reduction as:
kf 2h Pe
1 ln ,
k fo ao Po (1)
where ℎ is the root mean square of the surface roughness and 𝑎𝑜 is the half width of fracture aperture, 𝑃𝑒 is effective
stress and 𝑃𝑜 is the reference effective stress. Eq. 1 predicts that the plot of (𝐾𝑓 ⁄𝐾𝑓𝑜 ) as function of 𝑙𝑛(𝑃𝑒 ⁄𝑃𝑜 ) will
be straight line with the slope of √2 ℎ⁄𝑎𝑜 if the permeability reduction is due to crack closure. However, if the
permeability is not controlled by fractures, then a deviation from the straight line will be observed (Tinni et al.
Although many empirical models have been proposed to fit permeability reduction from experimental data, in most
cases these models do not account for connectivity loss. To be able to evaluate connectivity loss in porous media it
is essential to have permeability model explicitly function of hydraulic/pore connectivity. In this study, we analyze
permeability models explicitly function of pore connectivity and investigate impact of connectivity loss on
permeability reduction under effective stress in shale formations based on these models. Main purpose of this study
is to show that pore connectivity might be one of most dominant factors is shale formations and connectivity
reduction under effective stress is significant high when compared to conventional reservoirs. The paper is
organized as follow: (1) permeability models accounting for pore connectivity are discussed; (2) permeability
reduction under effective stress is formulized; (3) permeability under effective stress is evaluated for several
sandstone and shale core samples
Permeability Models
One of the fundamental permeability models is Kozeny-Carmen (KC) equation that considers porous medium as a
bundle of cylindrical tubes. The rock permeability is then related to porosity (φ), tortuosity (τ), and hydraulic pore
radius (𝑟ℎ ) as follows:
k (2)
When effective hydraulic pore radius, 𝑟ℎ is substituted by the surface area per unit of grain volume(𝑆𝑔𝑣 ), Eq. 2 can
be rewritten as:
1 1
k (3)
c S gv 1
However, KC equation cannot properly address the gate or valve effect (pore/hydraulic interconnectivity) of porous
media (Civan 2001; Bernabe et al. 2010). In order to capture and include connectivity effect in their permeability
models several equations have been proposed. Civan (2001) modified KC permeability model and proposed the
following equation for porous media:
k , (4)
URTeC 2902660 3
where β is constant usually considered as 1 and Γ is interconnectivity parameter which represents the valve effect of
the pore throats controlling the pore connectivity. The interconnectivity parameter is strong function of average
coordination number and it diminishes as the pore throats are blocked due to mechanisms like fine migration,
deposition of precipitates, and collapse of pore throats under mechanical stresses (Civan, 2001).
Similarly, Pape et al. (2000) proposed permeability model based on fractal theory as follow:
2/( D 1)
rg2 2
k , (5)
8 T 3T (1 )
where 𝑟𝑔 is grain radius, 𝐷 is fractal dimension and 𝑇 is the tortuosity parameter. Eq. 5 can be rewritten as follow:
2/( D 1)
k (D 1)/( D 1) , (6)
c T (1 )
where 𝑐 is 𝑟𝑔2 (2⁄3)2⁄(𝐷−1) ⁄8. Comparing Eq. 4 with Eq. 6 it is clear that, (1⁄𝑇 )(𝐷+1)/(𝐷−1) corresponds to
interconnectivity term Γ.
Alternatively, based on pore network modeling Bernabe et al. (2010) suggested that normalized permeability in
porous media obeys power law function as 𝑘⁄𝑘𝑜 (𝑧 − 1.5)𝜂 and thus giving the definition of 𝑘𝑜 , permeability can
be expressed as:
kw rH2 H ( z 1.5) , (7)
8 l
where 𝑟𝐻 is hydraulic pore radius, 𝑙 is pore length, 𝑧 is average coordination number and coefficient 𝑤 and exponent
𝜂 are constants as a function of pore size distribution.
Critical Path Analysis Based Models: Although models developed based on the premise of bundle of capillary tubes
are widely-used, they are not sophisticated enough to represent complicated structure of porous media. Thus,
percolation-based models were developed to address issues associated with bundle of capillary tube hypothesis.
Sahimi (1994), Hunt (2001), and Hunt and Gee (2002) reported that pore size in naturally occurring porous media
complies with fractal geometry/scaling and that implementing fractal geometry yields successful prediction of
permeability. Two different approaches of percolation theory are often used: 1) critical path analysis (CPA) and 2)
percolation scaling analysis (PSA). Katz and Thompson (1986, 1987) model was one of the earliest attempts to
implement CPA. They have hypothesized that fluid flow and electrical conductance through porous media are
percolation dominated processes and thus permeability can be related to electrical conductivity and critical pore
diameter as:
rc2 b ,
c w (8)
where 𝜎𝑏 is bulk electrical conductivity, 𝜎𝑤 is saturating fluid electrical conductivity, 𝑟𝑐 is critical pore radius, and c
is a constant which is function of pore shape. Here, 𝑟𝑐 is the critical pore radius defined as the largest value of radius
for which an interconnected path may exist across the system length from one side toward the other side; 𝑟𝑐 can be
identified as the inflection point of the mercury intrusion curve.
Later, Daigle (2016) combined fractal theory based critical pore throat expression with electrical conductivity model
originally developed by Ghanbarian et al (2014) and expressed permeability as:
r 2 1 pc
k c (9)
c 1 pc
where 𝑝𝑐 is critical percolation threshold and m is universal exponent usually equal to 2. Davudov and Moghanloo
(2018) modified Daigle’s model for shale formations as:
URTeC 2902660 4
rc2 m
k 1 pc
Based on pore solid fractal theory, an expression for the critical pore radius, 𝑟𝑐 can be expressed as a function of
maximum pore size, 𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑥 , percolation threshold, 𝑝𝑐 and fractal dimension, 𝐷 (Hunt 2001; Daigle 2016; and
Ghanbarian et al. 2017):
1 pc 3 D (11)
Combining with Eq. 11, permeability model from Eq. 10 can be expressed as (Davudov and Moghanloo 2018):
2 2
m 1 pc 3 D
k (12)
Hori and Yonezawa, (1977) expressed critical percolation threshold, 𝑝𝑐 as a function of average coordination
number as 𝑝𝑐 = 1 − exp(−2/𝑧). Alternatively, critical percolation threshold, 𝑝𝑐 can be expressed as 𝑝𝑐 = 1.5/𝑧
(Vyssotsky et al 1961; Hunt et al 2014), which in that case Eq. 12 can be expressed as:
r2 z 1.5 3 D
k max m (13)
c z
From Eq. 13, it is clear that 𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝜙 2 ⁄8 is maximum achievable permeability and ((𝑧 − 1.5)⁄𝑧)3−𝐷+𝑚 represents
pore/hydraulic interconnectivity. As coordination number, z gets close to 1.5, permeability will approximate to zero,
representing closing valve effect.
More recently, Ghanbarian et al. (2017) modified electrical conductance originally defined by KT and formulated
permeability as:
rc2 rc
3 D
k 1 (14)
c 3 3rmax
Similarly combined with Eq. 10, permeability from Ghanbarian’s model can be rewritten as:
r 2 z 1.5 3 D 1 3 D z 1.5
k max 1 (15)
c 3 z 3 z
where β is usually considered as 1. In case connectivity loss is negligible, then last term in Eq. 16 will be equal to 1
and permeability reduction can be estimated as a function of pore volume shrinkage only:
2 1
ko o
Similarly, based on pape et al. (200) model, permeability reduction can be formulated as follow:
D 1 /( D 1) D 1 /( D 1)
k To
ko o T
Alternatively, connectivity loss from Bernabe et al. (2010) model (Eq. 7) can be expressed as:
( z 1.5)
o ( zo 1.5) (19)
2 ⁄ 2
Assuming pores to be cylindrical (𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑟max _𝑜 = 𝜙⁄𝜙𝑜 ), permeability reduction from Eq. 13 can be expressed as:
z 1.5 3 D
m 1
ko o 2
m (20)
zo 1.5 3 D
where first and second terms on the right side of Eq. 20 express permeability reduction due to pore volume
shrinkage/pore compressibility and connectivity loss, respectively. Comparing with Civan’s model (Eq. 4),
interconnectivity reduction (𝛤 ⁄𝛤𝑜 ) can be expressed as:
z 1.5 3 D K
z Ko
m 1
o 2
zo 1.5 3 D
zo o
Following the same methodology, interconnectivity reduction from Ghanbarian et al. (2017) model (Eq. 15) can be
expressed as:
z 1.5 3 D 1 3 D z 1.5 K
z 3 z Ko
o 2
2 (22)
zo 1.5
3 D
zo 1.5 3 D
zo 3 zo o
It should be noted that, exponent β from Eq. 4 is usually considered as 1, which 2𝛽 + 1 equals to 3 consistent with
KC permeability model. Similarly, 𝑚 from Eq. 13 typically is considered as a universal exponent equal to 2 (Clerc
et al. 2000; Stauffer and Aharony, 1992; Daigle 2016), which again 𝑚 + 1 = 3. However, from Ghanbarian et al.
(2017) model (Eq. 15) exponent of porosity ratio is 2, which will result in more pronounced effect of connectivity
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To evaluate impact of pore shrinkage and connectivity loss on the permeability reduction, we analyze experimental
data available in the literature for 1 sandstone sample (Dong et al. 2010), and 3 shale samples (Reyes and Osisanya
Sandstone sample: To measure porosity and intrinsic permeability under effective stress, Dong et al. (2010)
conducted experiments by gradually increasing the confining pressure from 435 to 725 psi, then to 1450, and finally
(in 1450 psi increments) up to 17,000 psi, while keeping pore pressure constant between 29 and 290 psi. Figure 1
illustrates experimentally measured permeability and porosity reduction rate for sandstone sample. Additionally, to
compare with experimental data permeability reduction due to only pore volume shrinkage (Eq. 17) is calculated.
As shown in the graph, the measured and calculated values are consistent indicating that pore shrinkage is the main
mechanism of permeability reduction for sandstone sample.
Permeability Reduction (Exp.) Porosity Reduction (Exp.) Permeability Reduction (Eq. 17)
to pore shrinkage
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000
Effective Stress, psi
For further evaluation of connectivity loss, interconnectivity reduction is calculated based on Civan (2001), Pape et
al. (2000) and Ghanbarian et al. (2017) models (Eq. 4, 6 and 22). For the calculations fractal dimension is
considered as 2.5. Results indicate that, connectivity reduction is around 20% based on Civan (2001) model, 27%
based on Pape et al. (2000) model and 30% based on Ghanbarian et al. (2017) model when effective stress reaches
to 17,000 psi as shown in Figure 2a.
Moreover, reduction of the coordination number is calculated based on percolation theory-based models discussed in
the previous section (Eq. 19, 21 and 22). In all calculations, fractal dimension is assumed to be 2.5, exponent for
Eq. 19 is considered is 2, and initial average coordination number is 8. Results show that when pressure reaches to
17,000 psi, there is around 10% reduction in average coordination number based on Eq. 19 and 22, where this value
is around 20% based on Eq. 21. It can be concluded that for the sandstone sample studied, effect of connectivity
loss on permeability reduction is insignificant and pore volume shrinkage is the dominant mechanism.
URTeC 2902660 7
Civan Model - Eq. 4 Ghanbarian et al. Model - Eq. 21 Pape et al. Model - Eq. 6
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000
Effective Stress, psi
0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000 18000
Effective Stress, psi
Figure 2: a) Interconnectivity reduction b) Average coordination number reduction for sandstone sample
Shale samples: As shown in Figure 3 slightly change in porosity results in severe permeability reduction in all
three shale samples studied here. For the sample #1, when pressure reaches to 7253 psi, the porosity reduction is
around 32% where permeability reduction is close to 99.8%. Similarly, for sample #2, although porosity reduction is
only 6% at 6405 effective stress, permeability reduction is close to 84%. Finally, for sample #3, porosity reduction is
6%, where permeability reduction is around 99.6%. Clearly, this drastic permeability reduction cannot be explained
solely due to pore volume shrinkage (Eq. 17), as can be seen from Figure 3, rather this is usually explained with
micro fracture closure. However, connectivity loss generally is often ignored in these calculations.
URTeC 2902660 8
Permeability Reduction (Exp.) Porosity Reduction (Exp.) Permeability Reduction (Eq. 17)
𝜙/𝜙o or k/ko
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Effective Stress, psi
Permeability Reduction (Exp.) Porosity Reduction (Exp.) Permeability Reduction (Eq. 17)
𝜙/𝜙o or k/ko
500 1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500
Effective Stress, psi
URTeC 2902660 9
Permeability Reduction (Exp.) Porosity Reduction (Exp.) Permeability Reduction (Eq. 17)
𝜙/𝜙o or k/ko
600 1100 1600 2100 2600 3100 3600
Effective Stress, psi
To identify and differentiate fracture closure region, Walsh model (Eq. 1) is used as shown in Figure 4 for shale
sample #1. According to Walsh model, if permeability reduction is dominated by fracture closure, then the plot of
(𝐾 ⁄𝐾𝑜 )1⁄3 as function of 𝑙𝑛(𝑃𝑒 ⁄𝑃𝑜 ) will be straight line. A deviation from the straight line at later stage is attributed
to pore volume shrinkage and connectivity loss (Tinni et al. 2012). Thus, for three samples first fracture dominated
region is identified and then pore volume shrinkage and connectivity loss effect are evaluated for the rest of data.
Micro fracture closure
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Figure 4: Plot of (𝐾 ⁄𝐾𝑜 )1⁄3 as a function of 𝑙𝑛(𝑃𝑒 ⁄𝑃𝑜 ) for shale sample #1
URTeC 2902660 10
Results indicate that, interconnectivity reduction for shale sample #1 is around 98%, when effective pressure is 7253
psi. This corresponds to more than 30-40% average coordination number reduction as shown in Figure 5. For
sample #2, connectivity reduction is around 80% which corresponds to 25-32 % reduction of coordination number
(Figure 6). Finally, for sample #3, connectivity loss is around 90% where the average coordination number
reduction is between 35-44% (Figure 7). When impact of pore shrinkage and connectivity loss are compared for
shale samples, it is clear that the effect of pore bond breakage (coordination number reduction) is dominant.
Civan Model - Eq. 4 Ghanbarian et al. Model - Eq. 21 Pape et al. Model - Eq. 6
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Effective Stress, psi
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Effective Stress, psi
Figure 5: a) Interconnectivity reduction b) Average coordination number reduction for shale sample #1
URTeC 2902660 11
Civan Model - Eq. 4 Ghanbarian et al. Model - Eq. 21 Pape et al. Model - Eq. 6
1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500
Effective Stress, psi
1500 2500 3500 4500 5500 6500
Effective Stress, psi
Figure 6: a) Interconnectivity reduction b) Average coordination number reduction for shale sample #2
URTeC 2902660 12
Civan Model - Eq. 4 Ghanbarian et al. Model - Eq. 21 Pape et al. Model - Eq. 6
2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
Effective Stress, psi
2000 2400 2800 3200 3600
Effective Stress, psi
Figure 7: a) Interconnectivity reduction b) Average coordination number reduction for shale sample #3
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In this study, we use percolation-based permeability models to evaluate severe permeability reduction under
effective stress in shale formations. We discussed permeability models based on percolation theories as a function of
average coordination number. The impact of pore volume shrinkage and connectivity loss on permeability reduction
was analyzed. Major outcomes of this study are as follows:
Permeability reduction in shale plays can be explained with a combination of micro-crack closure at early
stage and pore shrinkage and connectivity loss at later stage. As observed in shale samples studied, if
significant permeability reduction is accompanied by limited porosity change, then connectivity loss can be
considered as the main cause.
While connectivity loss can be insignificant in the sandstone samples we discussed here, it is identified as
the dominant mechanism controlling permeability reduction in shale formations.
For the shale samples studied here, average coordination number has significantly reduced to 44% of the
original value.
The authors greatly acknowledge the support provided through American Chemical Society (PRF#56929-DN19).
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