2002 Amc 8

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The Mathematical Association of America

American Mathematics Competitions

Presented by the Akamai Foundation

18th Annual

(American Mathematics Contest 8)

Solutions Pamphlet
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 19, 2002

This Solutions Pamphlet gives at least one solution for each problem on this year’s
exam and shows that all the problems can be solved using material normally associ-
ated with the mathematics curriculum for students in eighth grade or below. These
solutions are by no means the only ones possible, nor are they necessarily superior
to others the reader may devise.
We hope that teachers will share these solutions with their students. However, the
publication, reproduction, or communication of the problems or solutions of the
AMC 8 during the period when students are eligible to participate seriously jeopardizes
the integrity of the results. Duplication at any time via copier, telephone, e-mail,
World Wide Web or media of any type is a violation of the copyright law.
Correspondence about the problems and solutions should be addressed to:
Ms. Bonnie Leitch, AMC 8 Chair / [email protected]
548 Hill Avenue, New Braunfels, TX 78130
Orders for prior year Exam questions and Solutions Pamphlets should be addressed to:
Titu Andreescu, AMC Director / [email protected]
American Mathematics Competitions, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 81606
Lincoln, NE 68501-1606
Copyright © 2002, Committee on the American Mathematics Competitions
Mathematical Association of America
Solutions AMC 8 2002 2

1. (D) Two distinct lines can intersect in one point

whereas a line can intersect a circle in two points.
The maximum number 5 can be achieved if the
lines and circle are arranged as shown. Note that
the lines could also meet outside the circle for the
same result. (Other arrangements of the lines
and circle can produce 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 points of intersection.)
2. (A) Since the total $17 is odd, there must be an odd number of $5 bills. One
$5 bill plus six $2 bills is a solution, as is three $5 bills plus one $2 bill. Five
$5 bills exceeds $17, so these are the only two combinations that work.
3. (C) The smallest average will occur when the numbers are as small as pos-
sible. The four smallest distinct positive even integers are 2, 4, 6, and 8 and
their average is 5.
Note: These numbers form an arithmetic sequence. The average of the num-
bers in any arithmetic sequence is the average of the first and last terms.
4. (B) The next palindrome is 2112. The product of its digits is 2 · 1 · 1 · 2 = 4.
5. (C) Since 706 days is 700 plus 6 days, it is 100 weeks plus 6 days. Friday is
6 days after Saturday.
6. (A) Initially, volume increases with time as shown by graphs A, C, and E.
But once the birdbath is full, the volume remains constant as the birdbath
overflows. Only graph A shows both features.
7. (E) There are 6 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 5 = 25 students. Of the 25 students 5 prefer
5 20
candy E and 25 = 100 = 20%.
8. (D) There are 15 French stamps and 9 Spanish stamps issued in the ‘80s. So
there are 15 + 9 = 24 European stamps listed in the table in the ‘80s.
9. (B) His South American stamps issued before the ‘70s include 4 + 7 = 11
from Brazil that cost 11 × $0.06 = $0.66 and 6 + 4 = 10 from Peru that cost
10 × $0.04 = $0.40. Their total cost is $0.66 + $0.40 = $1.06.
10. (E) The ‘70s stamps cost: Brazil, 12($0.06) = $0.72; Peru, 6($0.04) = $0.24;
France, 12($0.06) = $0.72; Spain, 13($0.05) = $0.65. The total is $2.33 for
the 43 stamps and the average price is $2.33
43 ≈ $0.054 ≈ 5.5c|.

11. (C) To build the second square from the first, add 3 tiles. To build the third
from the second, add 5 tiles. The pattern of adding an odd number of tiles
continues. For the fourth square, add 7; for the fifth, add 9; for the sixth, add
11 and for the seventh, add 13.


The number of additional tiles needed is 72 − 62 = 49 − 36 = 13.

Solutions AMC 8 2002 3


To build the second square from the first, add 2 + 1 = 3 tiles. To build
the third from the second, add 3 + 2 = 5 tiles. The pattern continues and
7 + 6 = 13.
12. (B) Since the sum of the three probabilities is 1, the probability of stopping
on region C is 1 − 13 − 12 = 66 − 62 − 36 = 61 .

13. (E) Since the exact dimensions of Bert’s box do not

matter, assume the box is 1×2×3. Its volume is 6. Carrie’s
box is 2 × 4 × 6, so its volume is 48 or 8 times the volume
of Bert’s box. Carrie has approximately 8(125) = 1000
Note: Other examples may help to see that the ratio is
always 8 to 1.

14. (B) The first discount means that the customer will pay 70% of the original
price. The second discount means a selling price of 80% of the discounted
price. Because 0.80(0.70) = 0.56 = 56%, the customer pays 56% of the
original price and thus receives a 44% discount.
15. (E) Areas may be found by dividing each polygon into triangles and squares
as shown.

5 5 4 12
5 21


Note: Pick’s Theorem may be used to find areas of geoboard polygons. If

I is the number of dots inside the figure, B is the number of dots on the
boundary and A is the area, then A = I + B2 − 1. Geoboard figures in this
problem have no interior points, so the formula simplifies to A = B2 − 1. For
example, in polygon D the number of boundary points is 11 and 11 2 −1 = 42.
Solutions AMC 8 2002 4

16. (E) The areas are W = 12 (3)(4) = 6, X = 12 (3)(3) = 4 21 , Y = 12 (4)(4) = 8 and

Z = 12 (5)(5) = 12 12 . Therefore, (E) is correct. X + Y = 4 21 + 8 = 12 12 = Z.
The other choices are incorrect.


By the Pythagorean Theorem, if squares are constructed on each side of any

right triangle, the sum of the areas of the squares on the legs equal the area
of the square on the hypotenuse. So 2X + 2Y = 2Z, and X + Y = Z.
17. (C) Olivia solved at least 6 correctly to have scored over 25. Her score for
six correct would be 6(+5) + 4(−2) = 22, which is too low. If she answered
7 correctly, her score would be 7(+5) + 3(−2) = 29, and this was her score.
The correct choice is (C).


Right + score Wrong - score Total

9 45 1 −2 43
Make a table:
8 40 2 −4 36
7 35 3 −6 29


If Olivia answers x problems correctly, then she answered 10 − x incorrectly

and her score was

5x − 2(10 − x) = 29
5x − 20 + 2x = 29
7x = 49

18. (E) In 5 days, Gage skated for 5 × 75 = 375 minutes, and in 3 days he skated
for 3 × 90 = 270 minutes. So, in 8 days he skated for 375 + 270 = 645 minutes.
To average 85 minutes per day for 9 days he must skate 9 × 85 = 765 minutes,
so he must skate 765 − 645 = 120 minutes = 2 hours the ninth day.


For 5 days Gage skated 10 minutes under his desired average, and for 3 days
he skated 5 minutes over his desired average. So, on the ninth day he needs
to make up 5 × 10 − 3 × 5 = 50 − 15 = 35 minutes. To do this, on the ninth
day he must skate for 85 + 35 = 120 minutes = 2 hours.
Solutions AMC 8 2002 5

19. (D) Numbers with exactly one zero have the form 0 or 0, where the blanks
are not zeros. There are (9 · 1 · 9) + (9 · 9 · 1) = 81 + 81 = 162 such numbers.

20. (D) Segments AD and BE are drawn perpendicular to Y Z. Segments AB,

AC and BC divide 4XY Z into four congruent triangles. Vertical line seg-
ments AD, XC and BE divide each of these in half. Three of the eight small
triangles are shaded, or 83 of 4XY Z. The shaded area is 38 (8) = 3.




Segments AB, AC and BC divide 4XY Z into four congruent triangles, so

the area of 4XAB is one-fourth the area of 4XY Z. That makes the area
of trapezoid ABZY three-fourths the area of 4XY Z. The shaded area is
one-half the area of trapezoid ABZY , or three-eighths the area of 4XY Z,
and 83 (8) = 3.

21. (E) There are 16 possible outcomes: HHHH, HHHT , HHT H, HT HH,
T HHH, HHT T , HT HT , HT T H, T HT H, T HHT , T T HH and HT T T ,
T HT T , T T HT , T T T H, T T T T . The first eleven have at least as many heads
as tails. The probability is 11
16 .

22. (C) When viewed from the top and bottom, there are 4 faces exposed; from
the left and right sides, there are 4 faces exposed and from the front and back,
there are 5 faces exposed. The total is 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 5 + 5 = 26 exposed


Before the cubes were glued together, there were 6 × 6 = 36 faces exposed.
Five pairs of faces were glued together, so 5 × 2 = 10 faces were no longer
exposed. This leaves 36 − 10 = 26 exposed faces.
Solutions AMC 8 2002 6

23. (B) The 6 × 6 square in the upper left-hand region is tessellated, so finding
the proportion of darker tiles in this region will answer the question.
¡ ¢ The top
left-hand corner of this region is a 3 × 3 square that has 3 + 2 12 = 4 darker
tiles. So 49 of the total area will be made of darker tiles.

24. (B) Use 6 pears to make 16 oz of pear juice and 6 oranges to make 24 oz
of orange juice for a total of 40 oz of juice. The percent of pear juice is
16 4
40 = 10 = 40%.


Miki can make 8 oz of orange juice with 2 oranges, so she can make 4 oz of
orange juice with 1 orange. She can make 8 oz of pear juice from 3 pears,
so she can make 83 oz of pear juice from 1 pear. With 1 orange and 1 pear,
she can make 4 + 83 = 20 8
3 oz of the blend, of which 3 oz is pear juice. As a
8 4
percent, 3
20 = 20 = 10 = 40% of the blend is pear juice.

25. (B) Only the fraction of each friend’s money is important, so we can assume
any convenient amount is given to Ott. Suppose that each friend gave Ott
$1. If this is so, then Moe had $5 orignally and now has $4, Loki had $ 4 and
now has $3, and Nick had $3, and now has $2. The four friends now have
$4 + $3 + $2 + $3 = $12, so Ott has 12 = 14 of the group’s money. This same
reasoning applies to any amount of money.
American Mathematics Contest 8 (AMC 8)
Sponsored by
The Mathematical Association of America
The Akamai Foundation
University of Nebraska – Lincoln
American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges
American Mathematical Society
American Society of Pension Actuaries
American Statistical Association
Canada/USA Mathcamp and Mathpath
Casualty Actuarial Society
Clay Mathematics Institute
Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Kappa Mu Epsilon
Mu Alpha Theta
National Association of Mathematicians
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Pi Mu Epsilon
School Science and Mathematics Association
Society of Actuaries

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