(United States of America) : CS Historical Paper No. 208

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CS Historical Paper

No. 208





November 1952-August 1953

Date written : March 1954

Date published : October 1969
Written by : Dr. Donald N. Wilber

Restored and Maintained by:

Mohsen Banan –
http://mohsen.banan.1.byname.net/contact form
Hosted at:

Version 0.6
August 19. 2006




2 Drafting The Plan 11







9 Report to London 43

10 What Was Learned From the Operation* 47

11 APPENDIX A: Initial Operational Plan for TPAJAX as Cabled from Nicosia to

Headquarters on 1 June 1953 51
11.1 Preliminary Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
11.1.1 Interim Financing of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
11.1.2 Acquisition Shah Cooperation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
11.2 Arrangement With Zahedi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
11.3 Relations with Majlis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
11.4 Relations With Religious Leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
11.5 Relations with Bazzar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11.6 Tudeh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11.7 Press and Propaganda Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11.8 Relations with Tribes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
11.9 Mechanics of Quasi-Legal Overthrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


12.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
12.2 OPERATIONAL PLAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
12.2.1 Preliminary Support of Opposition to Mossadeq Government . . . . . 55
12.2.2 Role of the Shah as Focal Point of Opposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
12.2.3 Arrangement with Zahedi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
12.2.4 Organization to Mount Overthrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58



12.4 Annexes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

13 APPENDIX C: Foreign Office Memorandum 65

13.1 Secret Security Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

14 APPENDIX D: Report on Military Planning Aspect of TPAJAX 67

14.1 Military Aspects Operation TPAJAX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

15 APPENDIX E: Military Critique 73

15.1 I. The Problem of Personnel Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
15.2 II. Military Intelligence as a Basis for Action Intended to Overthrow Hostile
Governments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
15.3 III. Millitary Planning as a Basis of Coup d’etat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Restorer’S NOTES

On a recent trip to Iran, on a wall near Sharif University I read:

”28 Mordad Tekrar Nakhahd Shod”
which translates to:
”August 19 shall not be repeated”
On August 19, 1953 the American’s CIA and British’s MI6 executed a coup d’etat that
overthrew the democratically elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadeq.
Most Americans know little about their government’s atrocities and details of their crimes
against the Iranian people.
53 years later, when George W. Bush speaks on behalf of the American people about
spreading democracy in the Middle East, those familiar with August 19, 1953 become quite
Most Iranians know well about America’s track record and by now are fully familiar with
the American and British imperial and colonial methods.
Unfortunately, the ignorant, morally bankrupt and self absorbed American Joe Six-pack
knows little about his history of August 19, 1953.
By making readily available to Americans complete information about this CIA coup,
we’d like to further emphasize the American tax payer’s responsibility.
In 2000, the original CIA document titled:
IRAN November 1952-August 1953
CS Historical Paper No. 208
finally became publicly available.
Yet, NY Times the original publisher of the document – with agendas typical of main-
stream US media – attempted to even take advantage of this ugly document to demonize the
Iranian government and romanticize as cultured and sophisticated spies the criminals who
planned and executed the coup that smashed democracy in Iran.
The manner by which NY Times published the document seems to have had two goals:
1) To limit the availability of the document to the public in practice yet pretend that the
US has a free and responsible press.
2) Use the document to further demonize Iran.
Both of these goals of course are aligned with the general purpose of the US mainstream
media towards making Americans feel good about themselves and their country, creating the
illusion that America has a free press and demonizing de jour perceived enemies of America.
The NY Times published the document in one format only: as a series of images of
the original document. Availability of this original primary format of course is absolutely
essential. However, availability of the document in only this format poses many problems,
most importantly:
- The image format is very large in size and can not be easily read.
- The image format as currently published by NY Times can not even be printed.
- The image format has no textual information and can not be searched or indexed.


- The image format hinders ability to quote parts of the document.

- Most importantly, the image format makes it impractical for the document to be widely
distributed and available.
In other words, the NY Times made the document public in theory but not in practice.
The public could never read the original document in practice.
¿¿From NY Times perspective, it appears that making the document available in practice
had been left as an exercise to those interested in truth.
The goal of demonizing Iran was attempted by the excuses that the NY Times editor
provided for the redactions (which turned out to be readable).
Since 2000, ad-hoc groups such as Cryptome and Payk have been working on reproduc-
ing the document in other than images format. In prior years, typically on 28th of Mordad
(August 19th), I have been releasing my attempts at full restoration of the document. That
work is now nearly complete.
Current version in full is available in HTML, PDF, PS, and text at: http://web.payk.net/politics/cia-
docs/published/one-main/main.html http://web.payk.net/payk/politics/cia-docs/main.html http://mossadeq.payk.net
This has been a restoration effort where the goal is accuracy, completeness and convenient
public accessibility.
Overthrow of Mossadeq, the democratically elected Prime Minister of Iran, was fully
supported by the US government at all levels and it was financed by the American tax payer.
I dedicate this restoration effort to all tax payers to the American federal government who
recognize that by being a financier of such atrocities, they have blood on their hand and who
are doing something about preventing such atrocities in future.

Cryptome’s Note
On June 16, 2000, the New York Times published on its Web site PDF files of a secret CIA re-
OF IRAN, November 1952-August 1953,” an operation planned and executed by the CIA and
British SIS:
The Times wrote in an introductory note that names of participants in the overthrow
were digitally edited from the report ”after consultations with historians who believed there
might be serious risk that the families of some of those named as foreign agents would face
retribution in Iran.”
Cryptome discovered a flaw in the method used to conceal names of agents and tran-
scribed some of the PDF files into text; see: http://cryptome.org/cia-iran.htm.
After learning of this flaw the New York Times revised the security method in a subse-
quent offering of the files, though the files could only be viewed not printed.
In response to requests of researchers the original New York Times PDF files are offered

Current Affair Parallels

“the right to enrichment is equated with Mossadegh’s oil nationalisation and the same group
of imperialist countries is being seen as denying Iran control over its energy security.”

This paper, entitled Overthrow of Premier Mossadeq of Iran, was written in March 1954 by
Dr. Donald N. Wilber who had played an active role in the operation. The study was written
because it seemed desirable to have a record of a major operation prepared while documents
were readily at hand and while the memories of the personnel involved in the activity were
still fresh. In addition, It was felt advisable to stress certain conclusions reached after these
in the form of recommendations applicable to future, parallel operations.
Documents pertaining to the operation described in this paper are in the Project TPAJAX
files which are held by the Iran Branch of the Near East and South Asia Division.
All proper names mentioned in this paper have been checked for accuracy and complete-
ness. A serious effort has been made to supply the first name and middle initial of each
individual. The omission of any first names and middle initials indicates that such informa-
tion could not be located.

Dean L, Dodge
NE Division
Historical Officer
March 1969

summary - iii
By the end of 1952, it had become clear that the Mossadeq government in Iran was incapable
of reaching an oil settlement with interested Western countries; was reaching a dangerous
and advanced stage of illegal, deficit financing; was disregarding the Iranian constitution
in prolonging Premier Mohammed Mossadeq’s tenure of office; was motivated mainly by
Mossadeq’s desire for personal power; was governed by irresponsible policies based on emo-
tion; had weakened the Shah and the Iranian Army to a dangerous degree; and had cooperated
closely with the Tudeh (Communist) Party of Iran. In view of these factors, it was estimated
that Iran was in real danger of falling behind the Iron Curtain; if that happened it would mean
a victory for the Soviets in the Cold War and a major setback for the West in the Middle
East. No remedial action other than the covert action plan set forth below could be found to
improve the existing state of affairs.
It was the aim of the TPAJAX project to cause the fall of the Mossadeq government to
reestablish the prestige and power of the Shah; and to replace the Mossadeq government with
one which would govern Iran according to constructive policies. Specifically, the aim was to summary - iv
bring to power a government which would reach an equitable oil settlement, enabling Iran to
become economically sound and financially solvent, and which would vigorously prosecute
the dangerously strong Communist Party.
Once it had been determined definitely that it was not in American interests for the
Mossadeq government to remain in power and CIA had been so informed by the Secre-
tary of State in March 1953, CIA began drafting a plan whereby the aims stated above could
be realized through covert action. An estimate entitled ”Factors Involved in the Overthrow
of Mossadeq” was completed on 16 April 1953. It was here determined that an overthrow
of Mossadeq was possible through covert operations. In April it was determined that CIA
should conduct the envisioned operation jointly with the British Secret Intelligence Service
(SIS). By the end of April, it was decided that CIA and SIS officers would draw up a plan
on Cyprus which would be submitted to CIA and SIS Headquarters, and to the Department
of State and the Foreign Office for final approval. On 3 June 1953, US Ambassador Loy
Wesley Henderson arrived in the United States where he was fully consulted with regard to
the objective and aims, as stated above, as well as CIA’s intentions to design covert means of
achieving the objective and aims. summary - v
The plan was completed by 10 June 1953 at which time Mr. Kermit Roosevelt, Chief of
the Near East and Africa Division, CIA (who carried with him the views of the Department
of State, CIA, and Ambassador Henderson); Mr. Roger Goiran, CIA Chief of Station, Iran;
and two CIA planning officers met in Beirut to consider the plan. With minor changes the
operational proposal was submitted to the SIS in London on 14 June 1953.
On 19 June 1953, the final operational plan, agreed upon by Mr. Roosevelt for CIA
and by British Intelligence in London, was submitted in Washington to the Department of
State; to Mr. Allen W. Dulles, Director of CIA; and to Ambassador Henderson for approval.
Simultaneously, it was submitted to the British Foreign Office by SIS for approval. The
Department of State wanted to be assured of two things before it would grant approval of the



1. that the United States Government could provide adequate grant aid to a successor Ira-
nian Government so that such a government could be sustained until an oil settlement
was reached;
2. that the British Government would signify in writing, to the satisfaction of the Depart-
summary - vi ment of State, its intention to reach an early oil settlement with a successor Iranian
Government in a, spirit of good will and equity.

The Department of State satisfied itself on both of these scores.

In mid-July 1953, the Department of State and the British Foreign Office granted autho-
rization for the implementation of the TPAJAX project, and the Director of CIA obtained the
approval of the President of the United States. The SIS, with the concurrence of the CIA
Director and Ambassador Henderson, proposed that Mr. Roosevelt assume field command
in Tehran of the final phase of the operation. It was determined by the Department of State
that it would be advisable for Ambassador Henderson to postpone his return to Iran, from
Washington consultation, until the operation had been concluded. Arrangements were made
jointly with SIS whereby operational liaison would be conducted on Cyprus where a CIA
officer would be temporarily stationed, and support liaison could be conducted in Washing-
ton. Rapid three-way communications were arranged through CIA facilities between Tehran,
Cyprus, and Washington. The time set for the operation was mid-August,
summary - vii In Iran, CIA and SIS propaganda assets were to conduct an increasingly intensified pro-
paganda effort through the press, handbills, and the Tehran clergy in a campaign designed to
weaken the Mossadeq government in any way possible. In the United States, high-ranking
US officials were to make official statements which would shatter any hopes held by Pre-
mier Mossadeq that American economic aid would be forthcoming, and disabuse the Iranian
public of the Mossadeq myth that the United States supported his regime.
General Fazlollah Zahedi, former member of Mossadeq’s cabinet, was chosen as the most
suitable successor to the Premier since he stood out as the only person of stature who had con-
sistently been openly in opposition to Mossadeq and who claimed any significant following.
Zahedi was to be approached by CIA and be told of our operation and its aim of installing
him as the new prime minister. He was to name a military secretariat with which CIA would
conclude a detailed staff plan of action.
From the outset, the cooperation of the Shah was considered to be an essential part of
the plan. His cooperation was necessary to assure the action required of the Tehran military
garrisons, and to legalize the succession of a new prime minister. Since the Shah had shown
summary - viii himself to be a man of indecision, it was determined that pressure on him to cooperate would
take the following forms:

1. The Shah’s dynamic and forceful twin sister, Princess Ashraf Pahlavi, was to come
from Europe to urge the Shah to dismiss Mossadeq. She would say she had been in
contact with US and UK officials who had requested her to do so.
2. Arrangements were made for a visit to Iran by General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, for-
mer head of the US Gendarme Mission, whom the Shah liked and respected. Schwarzkopf
was to explain the proposed project and get from the Shah signed firmans (royal de-
crees) dismissing Mossadeq, appointing Zahedi, and calling on the Army to remain
loyal to the Crown.
3. The principal indigenous British agent, whose bona fides had been established with the
Shah, was to reinforce Schwarzkopf’s message and assure the Shah that this was a joint
US- UK action.

4. Failing results from the above, Mr. Roosevelt, representing the President of the United
States, would urge the Shah to sign the above mentioned firmans. When received, the
firmans would be released by CIA to Zahedi on the day called for in the plan. On D- summary - ix
Day, the Shah was to be at some location outside of Tehran so that Zahedi, armed with
the royal firmans and with military support, could take over the government without
danger of the Shah’s reversing his stand, and to avoid any attempt on the Shah’s life.

Through agents in the Tehran military, CIA was to ensure, to the degree possible, Tehran
Army cooperation in support of the Shah-appointed new prime minister.
The following public statements made in the United States had tremendous impact on
Iran and Mossadeq, and contributed greatly to Mossadeq’s downfall:

1. The publication, on 9 July 1953, of President Eisenhower’s 29 June 1953 letter to

Premier Mossadeq made it clear that increased aid would not be forthcoming to Iran.
2. The Secretary of State’s press conference of 28 July 1953 stated that ”.... The grow-
ing activities of the illegal Communist Party in Iran and the toleration of them by the
Iranian Government has caused our government concern. These developments make it
more difficult to grant aid to Iran.”
3. The President’s Seattle speech in the Governors’ convention, in which he stated that
the United States would not sit by and see Asian countries fall behind the Iron Curtain, summary - x
had definite effect.

In cooperation with the Department of State, CIA had several articles planted in major
American newspapers and magazines which, when reproduced in Iran, had the desired psy-
chological affect in Iran and contributed to the war of nerves against Mossadeq.
After considerable pressure from Princess Ashraf and General Schwarzkopf, and after
several meetings with Mr. Roosevelt, the Shah finally signed the required firmans on 15
August 1953. Action was set for 16 August. However, owing to a security leak in the Iranian
military, the chief of the Shah’s bodyguard, assigned to seize Mossadeq with the help of two
truckloads of pro-Shah soldiers, was overwhelmed by superior armed forces still loyal to
Mossadeq. The balance of the military plan was thus frustrated for that day. Upon hearing
that the plan had misfired, the Shah flew to Baghdad. This was a act of prudence and had
been at least partially foreseen in the plan. Zahedi remained in hiding in CIA custody. With
his key officers, he eluded Mossadeq’s security forces which were seeking to apprehend the
major opposition elements.
Early in the afternoon of 17 August 1953, Ambassador Henderson returned to Tehran. summary - xi
General Zahedi, through a CIA-arranged secret press conference and through CIA covert
printing facilities, announced to Iran that he was legally prime minister and that Mossadeq
had staged an illegal coup against him. CIA agent assets disseminated a large quantity of
photographs of the firmans, appointing Zahedi prime minister and dismissing Mossadeq. This
had tremendous impact on the people of Tehran who had already been shocked and angered
when they realized that the Shah had been forced to leave Iran because of Mossadeq’s actions.
US Ambassador Burton Y. Berry, in Baghdad, contacted the Shah and stated that he had
confidence that the Shah would return soon to Iran despite the apparent adverse situation
at that time. Contact was also established with the Shah in Rome after he had flown there
from Baghdad. Mr. Roosevelt and the station consistently reported that Mossadeq’s apparent
victory was misleading; that there were very concrete signs that the Army was still loyal to
the Shah, and that a favorable reversal of the situation was possible. The station further urged
both the British Foreign Office and the Department of State to make a maximum effort to
persuade the Shah to make public statements encouraging the Army and populace to reject
Mossadeq and to accept Zahedi as prime minister. summary - xii

On 19 August 1953, a pro-Shah demonstration, originating in the bazaar area, took on

overwhelming proportions. The demonstration appeared to start partially spontaneously, re-
vealing the fundamental prestige of the Shah and the public alarm at the undisguised repub-
lican move being started by the Communists as well as by certain National Frontists. Station
political action assets also contributed to the beginnings of the pro-Shah demonstrations. The
Army very soon joined the pro-Shah movement and by noon of that day it was clear that
Tehran, as well as certain provincial areas, were controlled by pro-Shah street groups and
Army units. The situation was such that the above-mentioned military plan could then be
implemented. At the station’s signal, Zahedi came out of hiding to lead the movement. He
first broadcast over Radio Tehran and announced that the government was his. The General
Staff offices were then seized, Mossadeq’s home was gutted, and pro-Mossadeq politicians
and officers arrested. By the end of 19 August, the country was in the hands of the new
Premier, Zahedi, and members of the Mossadeq government were either in hiding or were
The Shah returned shortly to Iran where he was given a rousing popular reception. The
summary - xiii Shah was deeply moved by the fact that his people and Army had revolted in the face of
adversity against a vindictive Mossadeq and a Communist Party riding the crest of temporary
victory and clearly planning to declare Iran a republic. The Shah felt for the first time that
he had the mandate of his people, and he returned determined to regain firm control of the
In order to give Zahedi badly needed immediate financial assistance so that month-end
payrolls could be met before the United States could provide large scale grant aid, CIA
begin page 1 covertly made available $5,000,000 within two days of Zahedi’s assumption of power.
Chapter 1


Representatives of British Intelligence met with Near East and Africa (NEA) Division rep-
resentatives in Washing- ton during November and December 1952 for the purpose of dis-
cussing joint war and staybehind plans in Iran. In attendance for British Intelligence were
Mr. Christopher Montague Woodhouse, recently Chief of Station for British Intelligence in
Tehran; Mr. Samuel Falle of the British Intelligence station in Tehran; and Mr. John Bruse
Lockhart, SIS Washington representative. In attendance for NEA Division were Mr. Ker-
mit Roosevelt, Chief of Division, Mr. John H. Leavitt, Chief of Iran Branch; Mr. John W.
Pendleton, Deputy Chief of Division; and Mr. James A. Darling, Chief of NEA Paramilitary
Although it was not on the previously agreed agenda of the meeting, British Intelligence
representatives brought up the proposition of a joint political action to remove Prime Min-
ister Mossadeq. The NEA Division had not intended to discuss this question at all and was
unprepared to do so. The meeting concluded without any decision being made and with the
NEA Division committing itself only to study in more detail the political action proposals
advanced by British Intelligence. body - 2
In March 1953 a telegram was received from the Tehran Station which stated that Gen-
eral [Blacked-Out] had contacted the assistant military attache and had requested Ambas-
sador Henderson’s views as to whether or nor the US Government was interested in covertly
supporting an Iranian military effort to oust Premier Mossadeq. A meeting was held in the
Embassy at which Headquarters personnel, then in the field, and station personnel were in at-
tendance. A cautiously worded reply was drafted at Headquarters and its substance delivered
to General [Blacked-Out] . The reply did not commit the United States in any way but was
mildly encouraging and revealed some US interest in the idea.
On the basis of the [Blacked-Out] overture and other clear signs that determined opposi-
tion to Mossadeq was taking shape, and in view of the totally destructive and reckless attitude
of the government of Prime Minister Mossadeq, General Walter Bedell Smith, Under Secre-
tary of State, determined that the US Government could no longer approve of the Mossadeq
government and would prefer a successor government in which there would be no National
Frontists. The change in policy was communicated to CIA, and the NEA Division was in-
formed that it was authorized to consider operations which would contribute to the fall of
the Mossadeq government. The Department of State and CIA jointly informed Ambassador body - 3
Henderson and the Chief of Station, Roger Goiran, of the new policy and of the operational
authorization. The Director, on 4 April 1953, approved a budget of $1,000,000 which could
be used by the Tehran Station in any way that would bring about the fall of Mossadeq. Full
authority was given to Ambassador Henderson and the Chief of Station enabling any part or
all of the $1,000,000 to be used without further authority, as long as the Ambassador and the


station concurred.
On 16 April 1953 a comprehensive study entitled: ”Factors Involved in the Overthrow
of Mossadeq” was completed. The Study indicated that a Shah-General Zahedi combination,
supported by CIA local assets and financial backing, would have a good chance of overthrow-
ing Mossadeq, particularly if this combination should be able to get the largest mobs in the
streets and if a sizable portion of the Tehran garrison refused to carry out Mossadeq’s orders.
Subsequent contact was made with General [Blacked-Out] . Although his motives appeared
serious, it soon became apparent that he had no concrete plan and was in fact in no position to
take action against Mossadeq. General Zahedi, who at one time was a member of Mossadeq’s
cabinet, stood out as the only major personality in undisguised opposition to Mossadeq. For
body - 4 this reason he attracted to himself a considerable following. The Tehran Station, in April
1953, reestablished covert contact with Zahedi through Commander Eric Pollard, the US
Naval Attache. In order to make the covert liaison with Zahedi more effective and reliable,
and also for security reasons, Zahedi’s son, Ardeshir Zahedi, was selected as the means of
contact with General Zahedi in June 1953. After 21 July 1953, contact with General Zahedi
body - 5 was made directly.
Chapter 2

Drafting The Plan

Near the end of April 1953 Dr. Donald N. Wilber, covert consultant to NEA, was selected
by the Division to go to Nicosia and, in close collaboration with SIS, draw up a plan for the
overthrow of Mossadeq. The assumption by Headquarters was that the planners would come
up with a project which they could conscientiously recommend.
The discussions were begun at Nicosia on 13 May 1953 between Wilber and SIS Officer
Norman Matthew Darbyshire. Occasionally Mr. H. John Collins, Chief of SIS station at
Nicosia, was also present. Mr. Darbyshire, who was in charge of SIS’s Iran branch, had been
in Iran for several years and was fluent in the language. Discussions were concluded on 30
May 1953, and the completed draft of a recommended operational plan was cabled by Dr.
Wilber to Headquarters on 1 June.
The opening meetings consisted of a review of all the important personalities on the politi-
cal scene in Iran with a view toward determining whether General Zahedi, the most prominent
politician in opposition to Mossadeq, was in fact the sole figure worthy of support and, if so,
what individuals and elements should be enlisted in his support. It soon became apparent
that Dr. Wilber and Mr. Darbyshire held quite similar views of Iranian personalities and had body - 6
made very similar estimates of the factors involved in the Iranian political scene. There was
no friction or marked difference of opinion during the discussions. It also quickly became
apparent that the SIS was perfectly content to follow whatever lead was taken by the Agency.
It seemed obvious to Wilber that the British were very pleased at having obtained the active
cooperation of the Agency and were determined to do nothing which might jeopardize US
participation. At the same time there was a faint note of envy expressed over the fact that the
Agency was better equipped in the way of funds, personnel, and facilities than was SIS.
Wilber reported the preliminary conversations concerning a threeway channel, set up for
this occasion, which was designed to insure immediate relay between Washington, Nicosia,
and Tehran. That is, a message originating at any one of these places would be sent by the
most expeditious route to the other two. This route was the Middle East Communications
Authority (MECA) link, the relay station a few miles outside of Nicosia.* *Unfortunately,
communications between Nicosia and Tehran were not as rapid as was hoped during this
period in which more than 45 cables were exchanged. body - 7
Discussions at Nicosia moved on to a disclosure of assets by both parties. Those by SIS
were centered upon the contacts of the Rashidian brothers in such fields as the armed forces,
the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), religious leaders, the press, street gangs, politicians, and
other influential figures. When this material was relayed from Nicosia, the Tehran Station
commented that it was their belief that these assets had been far overstated and oversold. In
reply it was pointed out that SIS was as aware as we of the weaknesses of the Rashidians,
but that one of the strongest points in their favor was their avowed willingness to risk their


possessions and their lives in an attempt against Mossadeq. In the critical days of August
1953 the Rashidians did display such a willingness. SIS disclosures were followed by those
of Dr. Wilber for CIA. Prior to Wilber’s departure a discussion was held at Headquarters to
determine which of the station assets should be disclosed to the SIS in return for promised
disclosures by the SIS of the assets which they were prepared to put into an operational plan.
It was agreed at Headquarters that the identities of the vitally important principal agents of
the Tehran Station, [Djalili] [and Keyvani] [Blacked-Out] would not be disclosed. Since the
body - 8 SIS had been informed during the November 1952 meetings referred to above that CIA had
two major principal agents in Iran, it was necessary to offer two such in place of [Djalili and]
[Keyvani] . This was done, naming a station agent and a sub-agent** of [Blacked-Out] to
these important posts. To the best of our knowledge [Djalili and Keyvani] were not uncovered
by the Rashidian brothers or any other SIS agents during the course of this operation.
The continuing conversations at Nicosia were reflected by outgoing cables requesting,
principally from the Tehran Station, information which would be helpful in drafting the op-
erational plan.
Discussions now narrowed down to a series of basic assumptions which were stressed
both in the draft plan and in its final form. It was determined that the details of the operational
plan should be included within a framework of such basic assumptions as these: that Zahedi
alone of potential candidates had the vigor and courage to make him worthy of support;
that the Shah must be brought into the operation; that the Shah would act only with great
body - 9 reluctance but that he could be forced to do so; that if the issue was clear-cut the armed forces
would follow the Shah rather than Mossadeq; that the operation must, if possible, be made
to appear legal or quasi-legal instead of an outright coup; that public opinion must be fanned
to fever pitch against Mossadeq in the period just preceding the execution of the overthrow
operation; that the military aspect would be successful only if the station were able to review
the plan with the Iranians chosen by Zahedi to execute it; that immediate precautions must
be taken by the new government to meet a strong reaction by the Tudeh Party. Some of
these assumptions were presented in cables sent off before the draft plan was completed.
The reactions from the Tehran Station and Headquarters did not always express agreement
with the ideas of the planners. The station expressed its feeling that the Shah would not act
decisively against Mossadeq, while Headquarters wondered whether we should not support
some other individual and whether the Persians themselves might not take the lead in action
designed to overthrow Mossadeq. It was, however, agreed that the station should begin at
once with its new policy of attacking the government of Mossadeq through grey propaganda.
The station relayed this line to its own agents and passed it on to the Rashidian brothers of
begin page 10 SIS. The CIA Art Group, a section of the PP Staff Advisory Panel, was asked to prepare a
considerable number of anti-Mossadeq cartoons.
The meetings were interrupted for several days when one of the Rashidian brothers man-
aged to get permission to leave Iran*–not at all an easy matter during the Mossadeq period–
and went to Geneva where he was met by SIS Officer Norman Darbyshire. He not only
briefed Darbyshire on the current situation but was able to give comprehensive answers to a
number of specific questions. It should be noted that the SIS station at Nicosia had been in
tri-weekly wireless contact with the Rashidian brothers at Tehran, employing the best of the
British trained staybehind operators. This contact, in Persian, was naturally limited in time,
and even more limited after we passed word to Darbyshire on his return from Geneva that the
Iranian armed forces were now in possession of directional finders supplied under MAAG.
*It is interesting to note that Rashidian obtained his CIA views that Fatemi was from time to
time susceptible to British overtures and was trying to keep a hand in with the opposition and
British in the event Mossadeq fell. He was certainly aware of Rashidian’s agent status with
the British.
Mr. George A. Carroll (FI Deputy Tehran, Designate) arrived at Nicosia on 29 May, in

time to pass along reactions and suggestions from Headquarters, prior to the completion of the begin page 10
draft plan. As stated, this draft was cabled to Headquarters on 1 June 1953. (See Appendix
A for a typed transcript of the cable.)
While Nicosia proved to be a hand point of contact with the British and a fairly good
communications intersection point, it did have certain disadvantages. It was remote from the
headquarters of either agency, and, even worse, the SIS station files were extremely inad-
equate so that any in- formation on personalities, especially members of the Iranian armed
forces, had to be obtained by querying the Tehran Station and Headquarters.
Once the draft plan had been cabled, it was agreed with SIS that their copy would be
hand-carried to London where the viewpoint of the SIS headquarters would be incorporated
prior to 15 June. In the meantime, as had been agreed with Headquarters, the Agency would
conduct a searching scrutiny of the plan at Beirut, and then bring these results to Lon- don
for amalgamation with the draft as reworked by SIS at London. Carroll remained a few days
after the completion of the draft to begin work on the military aspect of the plan. He also
returned to Nicosia for a few additional days after the close of the Beirut meetings for this
purpose. It must be noted that Miss Helen E. Morgan, CIA representative at Nicosia, gave
strong support to the CIA personnel who worked at Nicosia. begin page 12
Chapter 3


On the afternoon of 9 June all those who were to take part in the discussions arrived in
Beirut: Mr. Kermit Roosevelt, Chief NEA and project chief throughout the operation, came
in by plane from London; Carroll came from Cyprus by plane; Roger Goiran, Chief of Station
at Tehran, drove on from Damascus by car; and Wilber came in from Cairo by air.
On the morning of 10 June the talks got underway and continued for four days. The usual
schedule was to start quite early, carry through until about two o’clock, and then assemble
again in the late afternoon. The first order of business was a reexamination of all the factors
and elements of the political scene in Iran in the light of the current and comprehensive
information supplied by the Tehran chief of station. After all the basic principles of the
draft plan had been accepted, the attention of the conferees turned to a section by section
consideration of the plan. The object of the meetings was to determine how each section could
be given the maximum structure and impact. One switch in general outlook was made that
was most salutary for all later thinking. The draft plan had implied that definite counteraction
would have to be taken against some of the strongest elements supporting Mossadeq, such
as the Qashqai tribal leaders; but it was now decided that every effort should be devoted to body - 13
increasing the size and effectiveness of the anti-Mossadeq forces, the assumption being that
Mossadeq’s supporting elements would not react once their leader was out of the picture.
The Tehran chief of station suggested that an alternative plan to provide for the overthrow
of Mossadeq be developed. This was to become the Amini/Qashqai plan which the station
kept alive as a possible alternative until the successful conclusion of TPAJAX.
Saturday afternoon the group held its final meeting and on the next morning, 14 June,
departed by plane for its several destinations.
Roosevelt and Wilber arrived in London on 15 June and reported to the main offices of
the SIS at 54 Broadway. They turned over the Beirut revision of the plan. No copy of the
original Beirut draft exists, since it was reworked to form the final ”London” draft.
The London meetings were held in one of the conference rooms at 54 Broadway, notable
only for a large sign with the legend in red, ”Curb Your Guests.” For the SIS, Commander
Maurice M. Firth and Norman Darbyshire, who had come on from Nicosia by way of Geneva
(where he had seen Asadollah Rashidian a second time before the latter went back to Iran) body - 14
were always present. Upon occasion Major P.(Paddy) J. Keen, whose post seemed to be that
of desk officer for several Middle East countries, also participated. Montague Woodhouse,
clearly one of their most highly esteemed officers, attended a single meeting but had little to
From the moment the discussion began, it was clear that the SIS had no major comments


of their own on the draft plan. Nor did they have much to say on the Beirut version beyond a
certain close attention to phraseology. As at Nicosia it was apparent that the Americans were
to be placated and allowed to run things as they pleased. They did, however, seem to have
abundant confidence in the plan and in the successful outcome of the operation, and said that
the Rashidians would be ordered to follow completely the orders of CIA’s Tehran Station.
At the final meeting those present reviewed the future conduct of affairs. The SIS of-
ficers stated that they thought it would take some time to obtain a firm decision from their
government as to the approval or non-approval of the plan.
Roosevelt and Wilber left London on 17 June, and Roosevelt was back in his office by
body - 15 noon of the 18th. There the plan was immediately reconstructed and typed up. (It is given as
body - 16 Appendix B and it should be read at this point in the chronological accout of the operation.)
Chapter 4



Since the meetings at Beirut and London had taken such a relatively short time, there was not
too much that Headquarters could do in the interval from the time of Roosevelt’s departure
until his return. Progress had, however, been made in setting up a specific and close liaison
with the State Department. The fact that an operational plan was being prepared was already
known to a very restricted number of individuals in the State Department,* and it should be
noted that the security there seems to have been excellent up to the time of the event.
The Greece-Turkey-Iran (GTI) office of the Department of State presented its informed
opinion in two papers: one was a top secret paper of 6 June 1953 entitled, ”Proposal to Bring
about a Change of Government in Iran” and the other a top secret undated GTI memorandum
on the subject, ”Measures which the United States Government might take in support of a
successor government to Mossadeq.” body - 17
It was not the task of officers of the State Department to obtain high level decisions on
the plan. However, the State Department did assert that, prior to acceptance of the plan,
assurance must be forthcoming from the British that they would be flexible in their approach
to the government that succeeded Mossadeq as far as the oil question was concerned.
Mr. Leslie Herbert Mitchell, UK Embassy officer (SIS representative) charged with li-
aison with the Agency, concerned himself with this point and did expedite the required as-
surances from the British Government. These assurances took the form of a foreign office
memorandum presented by British Ambassador to the United States, Roger Mellor Makins,
to Under Secretary of State Smith on 23 July 1953. (Copy attached as Appendix C.) Also the
Department of State wanted to satisfy itself that an adequate amount of interim economic aid
would be forthcoming to the successor government before it would finally approve decisive
During this same period discussions between Agency officers and Ambassador Hender-
son (in Washington, having arrived on consultation 3 June) began 8 June. (This is recorded
in a memorandum of conversation contained in TPAJAX files.) The Ambassador appeared to
backtrack somewhat from his earlier opinion that the premise of the plan that the Shah would body - 18
cooperate was fallacious, and that the Shah would not issue a firman naming Zahedi unless in
response to a vote of inclination by the Majlis. The Ambassador, who was always thoroughly
cooperative, was absorbed in a search for constructive suggestions and willingly agreed to
delay his return to Tehran by arranging a prolonged visit in Europe. From the standpoint of
the plan it was not considered advisable to have the Ambassador in Tehran when the final
operation was undertaken. In addition, his continued absence was thought to be an important
factor in the war of nerves which was to be conducted against Mossadeq.


The following approvals of the operational plan were obtained on the dates indicated:

• Director CIA - 11 July 1953

• Secretary of State - 11 July 1953

• Prime Minister - 1 July 1953

• President - 11 July 1953

Pending final approval or disapproval of the operational plan, the station was carrying
forward activities already authorized toward the achievement of the goal. In addition to the
general authorization of April enabling the Tehran Station to spend up to $1,000,000 in covert
body - 19 activity in support of Zahedi, the station on 20 May was specifically authorized to spend
one million rials a week (rate of 90 rials to the US dollar) in purchasing the cooperation of
members of the Iranian Majlis.
On or about the end of June the station had established direct contact with the Rashidian
brothers and was prepared to instruct them as their role and those of their contacts in the
development of the operation.
At Headquarters two groups were organized within the NE/4 Branch on 22 June in support
of Tehran Station operational preparations. One group, headed by Carroll who had returned
from Nicosia in mid-June, was to make an exhaustive study of the military aspects of the
overthrow operation. (Carrol’s final report on the military aspect of TPAJAX planning is
attached as Appendix D.) The intent was to present Zahedi and his chosen military secretariat
with a concrete plan for their modification or improvement. It was felt that every effort
should be made to bring the rather long-winded and often illogical Persians into a position
where each one knew exactly what specific action was required of him. The soundness of
this feeling was demonstrated when the failure of the Persians to maintain security resulted
in the initial breakdown. The other group, headed by Wilber, assumed responsibility for the
body - 20 psychological warfare phases of the plan. Overall direction of these groups and of relations
with the field station were in the hands of Mr. John Henry Waller, head of NE/4 Branch.
Carroll left for Tehran in mid-July. He stopped over at London to discuss his military
plan with SIS Officer Norman Darbyshire and finally reached Tehran on 21 July. Wilber’s
group sent guidance cables and dispatches to the station, all intended to flesh up the skeleton
of psychological operations as presented in the plan itself. In the meantime a considerable
number of anti-Mossadeq articles were written or outlined by the group while the CIA Art
Group was given constant guidance in its preparation of a large number of anti-Mossadeq
cartoons and broadsheets. In addition, these artists did an effective drawing for a wall poster
showing Zahedi being presented to the Iranian people by the Shah. Written and illustrative
material piled up rapidly, and on 19 July a special courier took it all to Tehran. On 22 July
the station began to distribute the material to several agents. What happened to this material
will be described in later pages.
By the time that the go-ahead had been received from all parties involved, the NEA Divi-
sion had picked out qualified individuals for special assignments connected with the project:
body - 21 Mr. Roosevelt, Chief, NEA, was to be field commander in Tehran; John H. Leavitt, NEA/CPP,
was to go to Nicosia to be in contact and liaison with the SIS station and to maintain the three-
way wireless contact established earlier; while Colonel Stephen Johnson Meads drew the job
of representing the Agency in meetings in Paris with Princess Ashraf, energetic twin sister
of the Shah. Mr. Joseph C. Goodwin, Chief of Station in Tehran, was to act for purposes of
TPAJAX as chief of staff to the field commander, Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. George Carroll, Chief
FI Tehran, was given the military planning responsibility first in Washington, then in Tehran.
Dr. Donald Wilber was charged throughout the operation with the propaganda aspects of the
plan and worked closely with the CIA Art Group in the preparation of propaganda material.

Mr. John Waller, just having returned from service as Chief FI, Tehran, was charged with
the Headquarters support responsibilities during TPAJAX and maintained the required liai-
son with the Departments of State and Defense. Although not present in Tehran for the final
implementation of TPAJAX, Mr. Roger Goiran, previous Chief of Station Tehran, directed
the early stages and preliminaries of the operation in Tehran. It should be here noted that Mr.
Goiran, more than any other officer, was responsible for having developed, over a five-year
period, station assets which proved valuable and necessary to the operation. body - 22
Chapter 5


From the very beginning it had been recognized that the Shah must be forced to play a specific
role, however reluctant he might prove to be. Therefore, the plan presented a series of mea-
sures designed to rid him once and for all of his pathological fear of the ”hidden hand” of the
British, and to assure him that the United States and the United Kingdom would firmly sup-
port him and had both resolved that Mossadeq must go. The measures were also intended to
produce such pressure on the Shah that it would be easier for him to sign the papers required
of him than it would be to refuse.
On 23 June the timetable covering all the envoys to be sent to the Shah was drawn up at
Headquarters. In execution all these steps went off as planned.
The initial task was to brief Princess Ashraf, who was thought to be in Paris at that time. It
was planned to approach her about 10 July in Paris and have her back in Tehran to see the Shah
about 20 July. Asodollah Rashidian, still in Geneva, was to call upon her first and prepare her
for the joint visit of Darbyshire for SIS and Meade for CIA. (SIS had assured Headquarters
that this call could be made in Paris at any time.) Meade arrived in London by air on 10 July body - 23
and went at once to Paris with Darbyshire. Then an unanticipated delay occurred. Princess
Ashraf was not in Paris, and it was not until the 15th that she was located on the Riviera and
visited by Asodollah Rashidian. He reported that she had shown no enthusiasm at all with
regard to her proposed role. However, the next day the ”official” representatives had two
meetings with her and she agreed to do everything that was asked of her. She did say that
her arrival would arouse a strong reaction from the pro-Mossadeq press and hoped that we
would be able to put out effective counter blasts. Meade reported in London to Roosevelt and
Leavitt. He then returned to Paris and stayed close to Ashraf until her departure for Iran.*
Ashraf reached Tehran as a passenger on a commercial flight on 25 July. As expected, her
unauthorized return did create a real storm. Neither the Shah, himself, nor the government of
Mossadeq had been asked to permit her to return. Both were furious. The Shah refused to see
her but did accept a letter passed on through the medium of [Soleiman Behbudi] ,** head of
the Shah’s household, who was loyal and devoted in an effective way throughout this period. body - 24
This letter contained news that US General Schwarzkopf was coming to see the Shah on an
errand similar to that of Ashraf, herself. The Shah welcomed this news and received his sister
on the evening of 29 July. The session opened stormily but ended on a note of reconciliation.
On the next day she took a plane back to Europe. This was as had been planned, but it came
as a relief to know that she was out of the country in view of the pro-Mossadeq press reaction.
* Meade’s character study of Ashraf is in the TPAJAX file. **SIS agent within the palace.
[See identity in Section 7.]


The second emissary arrived on the scene in the person of Asadollah Rashidian, the prin-
cipal SIS agent. According to the plan, Asadollah Rashidian’s initial task with the Shah was
to convince the ruler that Rashidian was the official spokesman of the UK Government. The
advance plan, that of having the Shah select a key phrase which would then be broadcast on
the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) Persian language program on certain dates, was
followed. In London the necessary arrangements had been made by Darbyshire to send the
phrase over the BBC. On 30 July and again on the 31st the Shah saw Asadollah Rashidian. He
had heard the broadcast, but he requested time to assess the situation. Asadollah was, how-
body - 25 ever, able to prepare the Shah for the visit of the American emissary, General Schwarzkopf,
and to stress the point that this emissary would repeat the message and, hence, give an ad-
ditional guarantee of the close collaboration between the United Kingdom and the United
States in this undertaking.
Schwarzkopf had been chosen by the drafters of the operational plan because of the fact
that he had enjoyed the friendship and respect of the Shah in the period from 1942 until 1948
when he headed the US Military Mission to the Iranian Gendarmerie. Approached on 26
June 1953 by John Waller, Chief, NEA/4, briefed at Headquarters on 19 July, Schwarzkopf
took to his mission with relish. He said that he had a reputation with the Shah for telling him
unpleasant truths that others withheld from him, and he stated that he was sure he could get
the required cooperation from the Shah. Schwarzkopf was given a cover mission consisting
of a short tour to Lebanon, Pakistan, and Egypt so that his visit to Tehran would appear as a
brief stop en route to a principal destination. Schwarzkopf left by air for Beirut on 21 July.
Schwarzkopf’s mission was to obtain from the Shah the three papers which are described
more fully in the operational plan. They were: (1) a firman naming Zahedi as Chief of
Staff, (2) a letter indicating his faith in Zahedi which the latter could employ to recruit army
body - 26 officers for the plan in the name of the Shah, and (3) a firman calling on all ranks of the army
to support his legal Chief of Staff. It was felt that it would be easier to get the Shah to sign
such statements than to issure a firman dismissing Mossadeq. It was also believed that the
action of replacing Mossadeq would be initiated through the Majlis.
Certain events of 21 July at Tehran both shocked and aroused from their attitude of com-
placency the more conservative elements which had firmly supported Mossadeq. Demon-
strations marked the anniversary of rioting against the government of Qavam and of efforts
made at that time, two years earlier, to settle the oil issue. However, it was obvious to all
that the number of Tudeh participants far outnumbered those assembled by the National
Front, and it was this fact more than anything else which alerted the thinking public to the
strength acquired by the Tudeh under the Mossadeq government. At this time station per-
sonnel were active on several fronts. The propaganda campaign against Mossadeq was now
gaining momentum. [Blacked-Out] owner of [Blacked-Out] was granted a personal loan
of some $45,000 on signed notes in the belief that this would make his organ amenable to
body - 27 our purposes. Headqurters-prepared propaganda material was turned over by the station to
Asadollah Rashidian, and by the end of the month an entirely separate and especially planned
campaign in favor of the Shah as opposed to Mossadeq was under way in Azerbaijan. The
parallel and alternative plans of keeping in close touch with the [Blacked-Out] [Blacked-Out]
combination for the purposes of diverting their attention from TPAJAX and of discovering
the plans and strength of this group remained in effect. Talks with the [Blacked-Out] con-
tinued. At one point the station suggested sending one of the brothers to this country, and
Headquarters made an immediate investigation of the mechanics required for making such a
trip. The SIS was informed of these talks, and they suggested that their facilities might be
used to stir up tribal revolts in the homeland of the [Blacked-Out]
The station was now in direct contact with Zahedi, who had left his sanctuary in the
Majlis on 21 July. After several meetings Station Chief Goiran and Station Chief Designate
Goodwin reported that Zahedi appeared lacking in drive, energy, and concrete plans. They

con- cluded that he must be closely guided and that the necessary plans must be made for
By 26 July a number of key individuals had moved into position: Roosevelt and Schwarzkopf
were at Tehran, Leavitt had been at Nicosia for several days, and Ambassador Henderson had body - 27
come to rest at Salzburg, where he was to remain, anxious but cooperative, for the next two
weeks. At Nicosia, Leavitt did a most capable job of reassuring SIS officials who frequently
felt that they were not receiving enough current information. Concomi- tantly, these SIS offi-
cials passed on valuable suggestions coming from London, such as detailed plans for putting
the central telephone exchange out of operation.
With Roosevelt’s arrival in Tehran the situation was restudied. As a part of the war of
nerves against Mossadeq, it was considered advisable to cut down close contacts between
high-ranking US officilas and officials of Mossadeq’s government. Technical Cooperation in
Iran (TCI) Director William E. Warne was requested to reduce his normal government con-
tacts, and General Frank McClure, Chief of the US Military Mission in Iran, was requested
to appear less friendly with those general officers who were firmly supporting Mossadeq. At
this stage it was decided to alter the nature and number of documents which would have to
be signed by the Shah. These documents would be limited to one firman naming Zahedi as
Chief of Staff and one letter denouncing the government-staged referendum on the question
of the dissolution of the Majlis as an illegal proceeding. As the month of July ended, station body - 29
personnel in charge of the proganda campaign reported on the effective anti-Mossadeq activ-
ity of the formerly pro-Mossadeq politicians, [Blacked-Out] . It was stated that very effective
use had been made of the 28 July statemen by Secretary of State Dulles* (made at CIA’s
suggestion). A request was made that US papers reflect the Iranian press campaign against
Mossadeq and that inspired articles be placed in the US press.
On 1 August, two days after Princess Ashraf had left Iran and the Shah had heard the
BBC message designed to convince him that Asadollah Rashidian was the official spokesman
of the UK Government, Schwarzkopf had an extended meeting with the Shah. Fearful of
planted microphones, the Shah led the General into a grand ballroom, pulled a small table
to its exact center, and then both sat on the table. The Shah rejected the proposal that he
sign the required documents at once, asserting that he was not fully confident of the loyalty
of the army; that he must give advance approval for all members of a new cabinet; *This
statement, made at a press conference, was as follows: ”The growing activities of the illegal
Communist Party in Iran and the toleration of them by the Iranian Government has caused
our government concern. These developments make it more difficult to grant aid to Iran.” and body - 30
that he must have time to make his own estimate as to the probable success or failure of the
undertaking. On the other hand, he said that should Mossadeq carry through his referendum
and dissolve the Majlis then he, himself, would have full powers under the constitution to
dismiss Mossadeq and replace him by a prime minister of his own choice. This meeting
was to be followed by a series of additional ones, some between Roosevelt and the Shah and
some between Rashidian and the Shah, in which relentless pressure was exerted in frustrating
attempts to overcome an entrenched attitude of vacillation and indecision.
On 2 August Roger Goiran, for so long the exprienced and valuable chief of station, left
Tehran headed for Headquarters duty. While his knowledge had been of inestimable value
in the preparatory stages of TPAJAX, it was judged that his departure at just this time would
be an important factor in the war of nerves against Mossadeq, and in the planned efforts
to confuse and disturb the potential opposition. By this time the Counselor, Gordon Henry
Mattison, and the ranking political officer, Mr. Roy Malcolm Melbourne, had been briefed on
TPAJAX and were discreetly helpful. Mattison, in interviews with [Blacked-Out] [Blacked-
Out] , followed station direction in a successful effort to divert attention of the [Blacked-Out]
group from the real purpose of TPAJAX. body - 31
During this period Mossadeq, as always, had been on the alert to try to hold the initiative

and keep his growing opposition off balance. His attention turned toward the Majlis, where
opposition appeared to be hardening. On 14 July he directed the deputies supporting the
government to resign. Several of the neutral or timidly anti-Mossadeq deputies followed
suit until a total of 28 had resigned. Headquarters urged that the anti-Mossadeq deputies be
given every encouragement to keep their posts and to take up bast (political sanctuary) in the
Majlis. The theme to be built up was that those who had not resigned from the Majlis would
constitute the legitimate parliamentary body. This stand was at least partially responsible for
Mossadeq’s growing belief that the body must be dissolved. Such action would leave him
as the undisputed dictator of the country since his full-powers bill had several months more
to run. However, he still had to get around the provision of the constitution that only the
Shah had the authority to dissolve the Majlis. He did this by staging a national referendum
in which the people were to state ”yes” or ”no” to the question as to whether the Majlis
should be dissolved. The referendum was a clear and palpable fake. Held throughout the
body - 32 country beginning 4 August, some two million were said to have voted for dissolution and
only a few hundred against. As a maneuver the action was not as satisfactory as Mossadeq
anticipated since it clearly revealed abuse of the constitution. This provide an issue on which
Mossadeq could be relentlessly attacked by the CIA/SIS subsidized opposition press. The
action also did much to alarm the more stable and established elements of the populace, who
were nationalists along with everyone else, but who did not favor such a fraudulent breach of
the constitution.
During the days of the referendum the station reported in detail on the multiple efforts of
station agents to exploit the illegality of this referendum, both before and during the event.
Also every declaration made by a religious leader in these days stressed this point. The station
indicated that some 20 local newspapers were now in violent opposition to Mossadeq and that
some 15 Headquarters- prepared anti-Mossadeq cartoons had appeared in these papers during
the referendum week. On 4 August word reached the station that Mossadeq was aware of the
true purpose of the visit of Ashraf, and the personnel on the scene felt strongly that action
must be mounted very soon. On 4 August Ambassador Henerson per schedule set out from
body - 33 Salzburg for Tehran. He was to be met on 9 August at Beirut by Leavitt, who persuaded
him to put off his return in view of the delayed but imminent date for action. In these same
days, Henerson, officials of the State Department, and officials of the Foreign Office were
drafting proposed statements which their governments planned to issue upon the successful
conclusion of TPAJAX.
At Tehran the meetings with the Shah were continuing. On 2 August Asodollah Rashidian
had presented His Majesty with specific details concerning the manner in which the operation
would be carried out, and reported that the Shah had agreed to dismiss Mossadeq and to
appoint Zahedi as both Prime Minister and Deputy Commander-in-Chief. The Shah also
agreed to name General Vosua as Chief of Staff. On 3 August, Roosevelt had a long and
inconclusive session with the Shah. The latter stated that he was not an adventurer and, hence,
could not take the chances of one. Roosevelt pointed out that there was no other way by which
the government could be changed and the test was now between Mossadeq and his force and
the Shah and his army, which was still with him, but which would soon slip away. Roosevelt
finally said that he would remain at hand a few days longer in expectation of an affirmative
decision and then would leave the country; in the latter case the Shah should realize that
body - 34 failure to act could lead only to a Communist Iran or to a second Korea. He concluded
by saying that his government was not prepared to accept these possibilities and that some
other plan might be carried through. In a later meeting with the Shah, the latter requested
Mr. Roosevelt to solicit from President Eisen- hower assuracnes that it was advisable for the
Shah to take the initiative in removing Mossadeq. Mr. Roosevelt stated that he would pass
this request on to the President, but he was very confident that the latter would adopt the
attitude that the Shah had already had US desires made adequately clear to him. By complete

coincidence and good fortune, the President, while addressing the Governors’ Convention in
Seattle on 4 August, deviated from his script to state by implicaiton that the United States
would not sit idly by and see Iran fall behind the Iron Curtain. Mr. Roosevelt used the
President’s statements to good effect, by telling the Shah that Eisenhowere did indeed feel
further assurances of US attitude toward Mossadeq were unnecessary but that his reference to
Iran in the Governors’ Convention speech was made to satisfy the Shah. In the end the Shah
said he would again discuss the question with Rashidian. In the cable describing this meeting,
Roosevelt stated his belief that it was hopeless to attempt to proceed without the Shah, and
that it must be decided whether to exert ultimate pressure for the next two or three days or to body - 34
accept a delay of up to ten days in which the Shah might finally be won over. On 7 August
Rashidian met again with the Shah who agreeed that action should be taken on the night of
either the 10th or 11th. On 8 August Roosevelt again saw the Shah and struggled against a
mood of stubborn irresolution which broke down to the extent that the Shah agreed to give
oral encouragement to selected army officers who would participate in the action. Then, he
said, he would go to Ramsar* and let the army act without his official knowledge, adding that
if the action was successful he would name Zahedi as Prime Minister. On 9 August Rashidian
took over the struggle in his turn and reported that the Shah would leave for Ramsar on the
12th, and that prior to his departure he would see Zahedi and key officers and express orally
his choice of Zahedi as the new head of the government.
On 10 August Colonel [Hassan Akhavi] saw the Shah and informed him of the names of
the army officers who were ready to take action upon receipt of an order from the Shah. The
Shah again asserted that while he approved of the plan for action he would sign no papers.
[Akhavi] *Royal resort on the Caspian Sea, north of Tehran. registered a protest at this body - 36
decision, and the Shah again sent for Rashidian to discuss this all important point. Rashidian
carried a message from Roosevelt to the effect that the latter would leave in complete disgust
unless the Shah took action within a few days. At the conclusion of the audience the Shah
stated that he would sign the papers, would see Zahedi, and then would leave for Ramsar
on the Caspian. The next day he did see Zahedi and did leave for Ramsar, but the papers,
contrary to the promise of the Rashidians, were not ready for the signature of the Shah. The
Shah thus promised to sign the papers as soon as they were sent to him at Ramsar.
After discussion between Roosevelt and Rashidian, they reverted to a decision closer
to the original London draft of TPAJAX, deciding that there should be two firmans (royal
decrees), one dismissing Mossadeq and one naming Zahedi as Prime Minister. Rashidian and
[Behbudi] , the Shah’s [palace] [head] and an established UK agent, prepared the documents,
and on the evening of 12 August [Colonel Nematollah Nasiri], [Commander of the Imperial
Guard] took them by plane to Ramsar.
At this time the psychological campaign against Mossadeq was reaching its climax. The
controllable press was going all out against Mossadeq, while [Blacked-Out] [Blacked-Out] body - 37
under station direction was printing material which the station considered to be helpful. CIA
agents gave serious attention to alarming the religious leaders at Tehran by issuing black
propaganda in the name of the Tudeh Party, threatening these leaders with savage punishment
if they opposed Mossadeq. Threatening phone calls were made to some of them, in the name
of the Tudeh, and one of several planned sham bombings of the houses of these leaders was
carried out.
The word that the Shah would support direct action in his behalf spread rapidly through
the ”Colonels’ conspiracy” fostered by the station. Zahedi saw station principal agent, Colonel
[Aban Farzanegan], and named him as liaison officer with the Americans and as his choice to
supervise the staff planning for the action. Then [Farzanegan] took General [Batmangelich]
and Colonel [Zand-Karmini] to see Zahedi. CIA officer Carroll maintained close contact with
[Farzanegan] and members of the ”Colonels’ conspiracy,” and on 13 August was present at
the final meeting of those individuals to whom would fall the responsibility of carrying out

the operational staff plan. However, this meeting was the last one in which the station was
represented, and the fact that contact was broken proved to have serious results.
body - 37 Late on the evening of 13 August, Colonel [Nasiri] returned to Tehran with the firmans
signed by the Shah and delivered them to Zahedi; according to his story (which has never
been confirmed), it was Queen Soraya who finally convinced the Shah that he must sign. If
this is true, here was an ally form a totally unexpected quarter.
On 14 August the station cabled that upon the conclusion of TPAJAX the Zahedi govern-
ment, in view of the empty treasury of the country, would be in urgent need of funds. The
sum of $5,000,000 was suggested, and CIA was asked to produce this amount almost within
hours after the conclusion of the operation. No more news came in from Tehran on the 14th,
and there was nothing that either the station or Headquarters could do except wait for action
body - 39 to begin.
Chapter 6


The precise order of events of the night of 15 August 1953 has not yet been established
in all detail. The early accounts of various participants differed widely enough to make it
impossible to follow the slender thread of truth through the dark night. However, the main
outline of this first try is clear, as are two basic facts connected with it. These facts are: that
the plan was betrayed by the indiscretion of one of the Iranian Army officer participants–
primarily because of the protracted delay–and that it still might have succeeded in spite of
this advance warning had not most of the participants proved to be inept or lacking in decision
at the critical juncture.
Not until the evening of 14 August were Tehran Station personnel informed that ac-
tion had been postponed from that night until the next one. Station principal agent Colonel
[Farzanegan] was not longer in touch with events and the station was unable to guide General
[Batmangelich] , Zahedi’s Chief of Staff designate–if, indeed, it was he who had assumed the
main responsibility.
According to a statement by Mossadeq’s Chief of Staff, General Tahi Riahi, he was in-
formed of all the details of the ”plot” at five in the afternoon of 15 August. But curiously
enough–and according to his own account–he did not leave his house in Shimran, where Na- body - 40
tional Frontists Zirakzadeh and Haqshenas were staying, until 2000 hours and then drove to
staff headquarters in Tehran. Riahi did, however, order the commander of the 1st Armored
Brigade to have the brigade ready at 2300 hours. At 2300 hours Riahi sent his deputy, General
Kiani, to the Bagh-i-Shah, the army barracks on the western side of Tehran which included
the barracks of the Imperial Guard. Kiani was arrested there by Colonel [Namiri] who had
arrived at the Bagh-i-Shah sometime earlier with several officers who supported him.
In the meantime a number of truckloads of pro-Shah soldiers were making arrests. About
2330 hours they came to Riahi’s house in Shimran and, finding him out, arrested Zirakzadeh
and Haqshenas. Also about 2330 hours several officers and a considerable body of soldiers
rushed into the home of Hoseyn Fatemi, Mossadeq’s Foreign Minister, and took him away
before he had a chance to put on his shoes. This meager haul of prisoners was driven to the
guard house of the Imperial Palace (Saadabad) at Shimran.
Officers who were aware that Riahi had been alerted took no action, but others who were
not, carried out their tasks.
Sometime before 2330 hours a limited attack had been made against the telephone system.
Wires leading to the house of Fatemi and to the houses of others who were to be arrested were
cut; the wires between GHQ (staff headquarters) and the Bagh-i-Shah were cut; and Colonel body - 41
[Blacked-Out] with a small armed force, occupied the telephone exchange in the Tehran
When Riahi did not hear from General Kiani, who had gone to the Bagh-i-Shah, he


(according to his own account) phoned Colonel Momtaz of the 2nd Mountain Brigade and
Colonel Shahrokh of the 1st Armored Brigade and told them to take their forces to the Bagh-
i-Shah. At or before this time he also alerted other officers, including Colonel Parsa of the 1st
Mountain Brigade; Colonel Ashrafi, the Military Governor and Commanding Officer of the
3rd Mountain Brigade; and Colonel Novzari of the 2nd Armored Brigade. However, accord-
ing to the accounts of Zahedi men engaged in their operation, Momtaz and Shahrokh were
arrested at the Bagh-i-Shah and held there with Kiani for some time.
Government sources differ in their accounts as to what happened when Colonel [Namiri]
tried to deliver to Mossadeq the Shah’s firman dismissing him. According to General Riahi,
Colonel Momtaz was on his way to the Bagh-i-Shah when he ran into Colonel [Namiri] in the
street and thereupon arrested him. According to the official communique of the Mossadeq
government, [Namiri] showed up before Mossadeq’s house at 0100 hours on 16 August with
body - 42 four trucks full of soldiers, two jeeps, and an armored car. He claimed that he had a letter
to deliver to Mossadeq, but was at once arrested by the guards at the house of the Prime
Minister. Farzanegan [in clear] had still another version, claiming that [Namiri] was arrested
at 2350 hours at Mossadeq’s house. After his arrest, [Namiri] is alleged to have said that a
delay of two minutes in the arrival at Mossadeq’s house of Lt. Colonel [Zand-Karimi] with
two truckloads of soldiers caused the plan to fail.
It does seem fairly certain that Riahi had been able before midnight to get detachments of
soldiers to the strategic points most likely to be attacked. Just what incident or what reaction
on the part of Riahi and others loyal to Mossadeq caused the pro-Zahedi officers to falter in
their duties is not clearly known. It is known, however, that Zahedi’s Chief of Staff, Gen-
eral [Batmangelich] , lost heart and went into hiding. This undoubtedly did much to lower
morale at the crucial time, as did the rapidly circulated word of [Namiri’s] arrest. Colonel
[Farzanegan] went to the Chief of Staff’s office at 0100 hours on the 16th to meet [Batman-
gelich] and it is known that General [Batmangelich] did approach the GHQ with the intention
of taking it over but was frightened off when he saw tanks and troops in readiness. He then
rushed to Zahedi and told him to flee, but Zahedi only laughed at him. Even the trucks with
body - 43 the prisoners had come down from Saadabad to the GHQ but, finding it in hostile hands,
retreated to Sasdabad. Those in charge of the trucks released the prisoners at dawn. Zahedi
waited in vain for an escort to come and conduct him to the Officers’ Club. By about 0230
hours those Persians who were still willing to carry out the operation were convinced that
the cause was lost, as they saw strengthened detachments, more troops moving into the city,
and vehicles being stopped for questioning. [Farzanegan] and General [Batmangelich] them-
selves, toured the town about 0230 hours; then presumably separated, since [Batmangelich]
was soon picked up, while [Farzanegan] found sanctuary in station hands. At the Embassy
the station personnel had spent a nerve-racking period of hours. The army radio-equipped
jeep called for in the plan failed to arrive at the compound, and there was no way of knowing
body - 43 what was happening in the city.
Chapter 7


At 0545 hours on the morning of 16 August 1953, Radio Tehran came on the air with a special
government communique covering the so-called abortive coup of the night just ending, and
by 0600 hours Mossadeq was meeting with his cabinet to receive reports on the situation and
to take steps to strengthen the security forces at government buildings and other vital points.
Again at 0730 hours the communique was broadcast.
Station personnel had passed an anxious, sleepless night in their office. From the fact
that certain actions provided for in the military plan failed to materialize– no jeep with radio
arrived at the compound, and the telephone system continued to function–it was obvious that
something–or everything–had gone wrong. At 0500 hours, as soon as the curfew was lifted,
Carroll toured the town and reported there was a concentration of tanks and troops around
Mossadeq’s house, and other security forces on the move. Then Colonel [Farzanegan] called
the office to say that things had gone badly, and he, himself, was on the run toward the
Embassy in search of refuge. At 0600 hours he appeared, gave a summary of the situation,
which was like that of the government communique, and was rushed into hiding. The station body - 45
was now suddenly faced task of rescuing the operation from total failure, and decisions of
far-reaching effect were quickly taken. The first need was to establish contact with Ardeshir
Zahedi, son of General Zahedi. At 0800 hours he sent word to the station of his whereabouts,
and Roosevelt drove up to Shimran–the summer resort section north of Tehran–to hear that
Areshir and his father felt that there was still hope in the situation. It was immediately decided
that a strong effort must be made to convince the Iranian public that Zahedi was the legal
head of the government and that Mossadeq was the usurper who had staged a coup. (It
should be noted that all action taken from this time on corresponded to the basic estimate
of the operational plan that the army would respond to the Shah if they were forced to a
choice between the ruler and Mossadeq.) This action was initiated by employing station
communications facilities to relay a message to the New York Associated Press (AP) office
stating that: ”Unofficial reports are current to the effect that leaders of the plot are armed with
two decrees of the Shah, one dismissing Mossadeq and the other appointing General Zahedi
to replace him.” In order to get an authoritative statement that could be distributed for local
consumption, the station planned to send General McClure, head of the American Military body - 46
Mission, to see the Shah and ask him whether the alleged firmans were valid. Later in the day
it was learned that the Shah had fled.
By 0930 hours the city was calm, with shops opening and people going about their normal
business. However, tanks, extra soldiers, and police were stationed at key points, including
the royal palaces which were sealed off from outside contact. Rumors began to circulate. The
one that gained early attention was to the effect that the alleged coupt had been inspired by
the government in order to give Mossadeq an excuse to move against the Shah. At about this


time Roosevelt sent General McClure to see General Riahi, Chief of Staff, to ask whether
the US Military Mission was still accredited to Mossadeq or someone else, as the Embassy
had heard that an imperial firman had been issued naming Zahedi as Prime Minister. Riahi
denied that the firman had been ”authentically signed” and stated that: ”Iran and its people
are more important than the Shah or any particular government,” and that the army was ”of
the people and would support the people.” It was not until a number of hours later that Mc-
Clure reported to Roosevelt on this meeting, and from the time of the meeting on, McClure
seemed disposed to go along with Riahi in the hope that Riahi himself might eventually try
body - 47 to overthrow Mossadeq.
It was now well into the morning, after the papers had been out for some time. Shojat, the
substitute for the principal Tudeh paper, Besuye Ayandeh, had been predicting a coup since
13 August. It now stated that the plans for the alleged coup had been made after a meeting
between the Shah and General Shwarkkopf on 9 August, but that Mossadeq had been tipped
off on the 14th. It should be noted that the Tudeh appeared to be at least as well posted
on the coup plans as the government–how is not known. The station principal agent team
of [Djalili and Keyvani] working on their own and with singular shrewdness, had put out a
special broadsheet with documented the current rumor but twisted it to read that the alleged
coup was arranged to force out the Shah. The morning issue of Mellat-i-Ma told this same
story, while a first mention of the firman naming Zahedi was given on an inner page of the
large circulation daily Keyhan.
At 1000 hours another communique added a few details to the earlier one. By this time
the Tudeh party members, organized in small groups, were making speeches in many parts
of the city, while smaller groups of pro-Mossadeq nationalists were also out in the streets.
Then a fresh rumor made the rounds: that a plot had existed but that, when it had failed to
materialize, Mossadeq had staged a fake coup. At 1100 hours two correspondents of the
body - 48 New York Times were taken to Shimran, by station arrangement, to see Zahedi. Instead, they
say his sone, Ardeshir, who showed them the original of the imperial firman naming Zahedi
as Prime Minister and gave them photostatic copies. These photostats had been made by
Iranian participants in the plan. Following this meeting the station took charge of the firman,
had its own photostats made, and kep the original locked up in the station safe until final
victory. At noon Radio Tehran put out a very brief statement signed by Dr. Mohammed
Mossadeq (without his title of Prime Minister being used) stating that: ”According to the
will of the people, expressed by referendum, the 17th Majlis is dissolved. Elections for the
18th session will be held soon.” It was this statement, together with the following violently
anti-Shah remarks of Fatemi and the undisguised and freely-preached republican propaganda
of the Tudeh Party, that was instrumental in persuading the general public that Mossadeq was
on the verge of eliminating the monarchy.
At 1400 hours Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatemi held a press conference. He stated that
for some time past the government had received reports from several sources to the effect
that the Imperial Guards were planning a coup and, hence, measures were taken to counteract
body - 49 any such coup. He then went on to review the incidents of the coup, as already stated by the
government communiques. In reply to a question, he said that Abul Ghassem Amini, Acting
Minister of Court, had been arrested since it could not be considered that the court was not
a part of the conspriacy. He added that his own views would be found in his editorial in
Bakhtar Emruz: this editorial, as printed and as read in full, over Radio Tehran at 1730 hours,
was a save, lengthy, malicious attack upon the Shah and upon Reza Shah–a man for who the
general public still feels a large measure of respect and awe. It may be said that this editorial
did a great deal to arouse public resentment against the government of Mossadeq.
During the afternoon the station was at work preparing a public statement from General
Zahedi which was prepared with the direct advice of Ardeshir Zahedi, the Rashidian brothers,
and Colonel [Farzanegan.] When it was ready the agents were unable to find a press in town

which was not watched by the government. Therefore, one of the Rashidians did ten copies
on a Persian typewriter. These were rushed to General Zahedi for his signature and then given
out to the foreign correspondents, to local pressmen and to two key army officers. By the time
they were distributed, it was too late to catch the press for the morning of the 17th. However,
station agents, [(Djalili and Keyvani),] although not in touch with the station, the Rashidians, body - 50
or [Farzanegan,] went ahead on their own. They composed a fabricated interview with Zahedi
and had it printed on the 17th, along with a copy of the firman. In this instance, as in a
number of others, the high-level agents of the station demonstrated a most satisfying ability
to go ahead on their own and do just the right thing. During the day the station was securing
the persons of key individuals and sending them to safety. Some were concealed in the house
of a station clerk in the Embassy compound and some in the houses of US personnel of the
station outside the compound. Thus, Ardeshir Sahedi was in station hands from the morning
of the 16th on, General Zahedi from the morning of the 17th on, the Rashidian brothers from
the 16th on with the excep- tion of a venture out on the 18th, Colonel [Farzanegan] from
the morning of the 16th on, and General [Guilanshah] from the morning of the 16th. These
people had to be concealed by the station, both in order to secure them from arrest and also
to have them in places to which Americans could logically and easily go.
That evening about 1930 hours crowds massed in the Majlis Square to hear speeches, and
the proceedings were rebroadcast over Radio Tehran. The speakers included pro-Mossadeq
ex-Majlis deputies Mosavi, Dr. Szyyid Ali Shayegan, Engineer Zirakzadeh, Engineer Razavi,
and Foreign Minister Fatemi. All the speakers attacked the Shah and demanded that he ab- body - 51
dicate. During the course of these speeches, the public was informed for the first time that
the Shah had fled to Baghdad. The station had learned several hours earlier that the Shah had
left. By 1600 hours the two principal US Embassy political officers had given up hope, while
Roosevelt was insisting there was still a ”slight remaining chance of success” if the Shah
would use the Baghadad radio and if Zahedi took and aggressive stand. Additional station
messages to Headquarters contained the texts of the type of statements the Shah could make
over Baghdad radio.
Allowing for the seven hour difference in time, Head-quarters received the first message
from the station on the non-success of the coup at 0130 hours on the 16th, and a few hours
thereafter was working on the station’s request to get the Shah to broadcast from Baghdad.
As the working day ended, they had to report to the station that the State Department was
firmly opposed to any American effort to contact the Shah and suggested the British do it.
At Nicosia they responded enthusiastically to the station’s suggestion, and the SIS attempted
to get permission from London to have Leavitt and Darbyshire flown to Baghdad by RAF
jet fighter early in the morning of the 17th, for the purpose of exerting pressure on the Shah. body - 52
Londong refused permission.
As the station personnel entered on another day after a second sleepless night, some real
encouragement came from word that, in breaking up Tudeh groups late the night before, the
soldiers had beaten them with rifle butts and made them shout, ”Long live the Shah.” The
station continued to feel that the ”project was not quite dead” since General Zahedi General
[Guilanshah] , the Rashidian brothers, and Colonel [Farzanegan] were still determined to
press action.
Now, on the morning of 17 August, the press was again on the streets. Niruye Sevum
stated that Schwarzkopf engineered the plot with the Shah and that ”simple-minded Ameri-
cans thought the Shah was a trump card.” Dad and Shahed both blamed the so-called coup on
the government, and Keyhan carried the text of an alleged Radio London statement quoting
Zahedi to the effect that he had a firman from the Shah and that the Shah had left because his
life was threatened. Throughout the morning Iranians with good radios were able to get word
from foreign stations of statements that the Shah had made in Baghdad. He said: ”What has
taken place in Iran cannote be considered a coup d’etat in the real sense.” The Shah said he

had issued his orders for the dismissal of Dr. Mossadeq under the prerogatives given to him
body - 53 by the constitution, and had appointed General Zahedi in his place. He went on to say that he
had not abdicated and that he was confident of the loyalty of the Iranian people to him. This
line was what the station had in mind, if less strong than desired; and the Baghdad papers
hinted that painful, bloody events were still to come in Iran. The station suggested that Imam
Khalasi, religious divine at Baghdad, and the Agha Khan be enlisted to give the Shah moral
backing, while Headquarters, on State Department instructions, continued to refuse permis-
sion for direct US contact with the Shah. In the meantime the US Ambassador to Iraq, Burton
Berry, reported on his conversation with the Shah on the evening of the 16th. His statements,
made on his own initiative, were quite in line with suggestions reaching him after the event.
About 1000 hours a considerable body of the troops that had been dispersed through-
out the city were called back to their barracks, as the government was certain the situation
was well in hand. At 1030 hours Radio Tehran called up General Zahedi to surrender to
the authorities, and then began broadcasting lists of those arrested as having taken part in
the abortive coup or having had some connection with those events. The separate lists, in-
body - 54 cluding those of the next day, contained the following names (those underlined indicate the
individuals who were known to the station to be engaged in the coup attempt):

• Acting Minister of Court Abul Ghassem Amini

• Commander Poulad Daj of the Police

• Colonel Nematollah Nasiri, Commander of ImperialGuards

• Lt. Colonel Azamudeh, Reg. CO 1st Mountain Brigade

• Colonel Parvaresh, head of the Officers’ Club

• 1st Lieutenant Niahi

• Mr. Perron, Swiss subject

• ,General Nadr Batmangelich, retired

• Colonel Hadi Karayi, Commander of Imperial Guards at Namsar

• General Shaybani, retired

• Rahim Hirad, Chief of Shah’s private secretariat

• Soleiman Behbudi, Chief of Shah’s household

• Lt. Colonel Hamidi, Asst. Director of Police visa section

• Colonel Mansurpur, Squadron Leader (cavalry)

• Colonel Rowhani, Chief of Staff of 3rd Mountain Brigade

• Captain Baladi

• 1st Lieutenant Naraghi

• Captain Shaghaghi

• Captain Salimi

• 1st Lieutenant Eskandari


• 1st Lieutenant Jafarbey

• Mr. Ashtari
• Mr. Mohammed Jehandari
• 1st Lieutenant Rauhani
• Dr. Mozaffar Baqai]

Rumors circulated to the effect that the arrested officers were to be hanged on 20 August,
and throughout the unit commands of the Tehran garrison, the police, and the gendarmerie,
officers met to discuss the situation. Several of them resolved to risk all to attempt to rescue
their friends. body - 55
The station devoted a great deal of effort during the day to circulating photostatic copies
of the firman– particularly among the army–and in trying to arrange for more and more press
coverage. It was now obvious that public knowledge of the existence of the firmans was
having an effect. Everyone was asking questions: ”Was it true that the Shah had issued the
firmans? If so, why was Mossodeq lying about it? Wasn’t that a most reprehensible thing to
At 1325 hours Fatemi held a press conference at which he dealt with the flight of the Shah
to Iraq, read the abjectly pleading letter from arrested Acting Minister of Court Armini, and
stated that 14 officers had been arrested. His more detailed views on the current situation were
expressed in an editorial in Bakhtar Emruz and were in the main a repetition of his previous
scurrilou attacks against the Shah. He wrote such words as, ”O traitor Shah, you shameless
person, you have completed the criminal history of the Pahlevi reign. The people...want to
drag you from behind your desk to the gallows.”
Early in the afternoon, Ambassador Henderson arrived in Tehran from Beirut. On the way
out to the airport to meet him, members of the Embassy passed the site of the bronze statue
of Reza Shah at the end of the avenue of that name. Only the boots of the figure remained body - 56
on the pedestal. A passing truck was dragging behind it the horse from the equestrian statue
of the same ruler that had stood in Sepah Square. In the crowds engaged in this activity, the
Tudeh were obviously in the majority.
On behalf of the government, Henderson was welcomed by Dr. Gholam Hosein Mossadeq,
son of the Prime Minister, and by Dr. Alemi, Minister of Labor. At 1630 hours the station
sent off a cable giving a general survey of the local situation which, although it foresaw
Mossadeq’s position strengthened for the next few weeks, did insist that a policy of opposi-
tion to him be continued. Near the end of the afternoon, the government used the voice of a
religious leader, Sadr Balaghi, to attack the Shah over Radio Tehran.
The evening was a most active and trying time for the station. Principal agents [Keyvani
and Djalili] were reached and given instructions. Within the Embassy compound, Roosevelt
and Carroll held a prolonged council of war with the heads of their team: General Zahedi and
Ardeshir Zahedi, General [Guilanshah,] the three Rashidian brothers, and Colonel [Farzane-
gan] . These teammates were, when required, smuggled in and out of the compound in the
bottom of cars and in closed jeeps. A few hundred yards away Ambassador Henderson and body - 57
General McClure were out in the garden in front of the residency, and Roosevelt wore a path
back and forth to reassure them that no Persians were hidden out in the compound, so that
they could in all honesty so inform Mossadeq if the question were asked. The council of war
went on for about four hours, and in the end it was decided that some action would be taken
on Wednesday the 19th. As preparation for this effort, several specific activities were to be
undertaken. In the field of political action, it was planned to send the Tehran cleric [Ayatol-
lah Behbehani] to Qum to try to persuade the supreme cleric, Ayatollah Borujerdi, to issue
a fatwa (religious decree) calling for a holy war against Communism, and also to build up a

great demonstration on Wednesday on the theme that it was time for loyal army officers and
soldiers and the people to rally to the support of religion and the throne. In the field of mili-
tary action, support from outside of Tehran seemed essential. Colonel [Farzanegan] was sent
off in a car driven by a station agent (US national Gerald Towne) to [Kermanshah, a distance
of 400 miles,] to persuade Colonel [Timur Bakhtiar,] commanding officer of the [Kerman-
shah] garrison, to declare for the Shah. Zahedi, with Carroll, was sent to Brigadier General
body - 58 [Zargham] at [Isfahan] with a similar request. Through station facilities these messengers
were provided with identification papers and travel papers which stood up under inspection.
All those leaving the compound were also given station-prepared curfew passes.
Throughout the long hours of 17 August, there seemed little that Headquarters could
do to ease the pangs of despair. A wire sent to the station in the afternoon expressed the
strong feeling that Roosevelt, in the interest of safety, should leave at the earliest moment,
and it went on to express distress over the bad luck. At about the same time, an operational
immediate cable went out to Ambassador Beery in Baghdad with guidance concerning his
future meetings with the Shah. Propaganda guidance was sent to the stations in Karachi,
New Delhi, Cairo, Damascus, Istanbul, and Beirut to the effect that the Zahedi government
was the only legal one. Just after midnight Headquarters urged a Paris Station officer in
southern France to get in touch with the Agha Khan at once, in order to urge the latter to send
a wire to the Shah expressing his strongest moral support. Much later, Headquarters learned
that contact had been established, but there was not the hoped-for outcome. The Agha Khan
had at once stated that a ruler who left his throne and country would never return, and after
body - 59 his statement no effort was made to sell him on the idea of backing the Shah. Of course, he
was later delighted to hear that the Shah did get his throne back after all.
At Nicosia the SIS refused to give up hope, and bucked against their own office in Lon-
don and against the Foreign Office. Darbyshire continued to try to get permission to got to
Baghdad. While the persistence and apparent faith shown by the SIS station at Nicosia was
altogether admirable, it should be remembered that they had nothing to lose if the cause had
been pressed to ultimate failure and disclosure.
The 18th was to be the most trying day for every person in every country who was aware
of the project. At 0730 hours that morning the Shah left Baghdad for Rome on a regular
BOAC commercial flight. It would be some hours before this news reched Tehran. In Tehran
the day opened with small bands roaming the streets. The Tudeh managed to ransack the
Pan-Iranist Party headquarters ([Keyvani/Djalili] claim credit for this incident) located near
the Majlis Square, and then there were minor clashes between gangs of the Tudeh and the
Third Force (a Marxist, non-Tudeh opposition group).
Morning papers appeared about as usual, although very few opposition sheets were avail-
able since secret police were posted in all printing shops. Those papers supporting Mossadeq
body - 60 announced that the Pahlevi dynasty had come an end, while [Ettelaat (despite assurances from
its publisher to support the station’s line)] wrote that the nation expressed its violent disap-
proval of the coup which was in foreign interests. [Dad continued its really remarkable efforts
by reprinting the firman and an interview with Zahedi.] Shahed ran a copy of the firman, and
Keyhan ran two brief notes on Zahedi’s claims. Shojat, replacement for Besuye Ayandeh and,
hence, the leading organ of the Tudeh Party, printed a statement by the Central Committee of
the Tudeh Party–the first such statement to appear for some weeks. In this statement the party
blamed the recent events on Anglo-American intrigue, and added that the watch-word for the
day must be: ”...Down with the Monarchy! Long live the democratic republic!” During the
morning the AP correspondent wired out a story, destined to get considerable play abroad,
which included Zahedi’s statement to the officers of the Iranian Army: ”Be ready for sacrifice
and loss of your lives for the maintenance of independence and of the monarchy of Iran and
of the holy religion of Islam which is now being threatened by infidel Communists.”
Military communiques read over Radio Tehran indicated that continuing efforts were be-

ing made by the government to firm up its control. One announcement offered a reward of
100,000 rials for information as the whereabouts of General Zahedi, [a second demanded that body - 61
retired officer Colonel Abat Farzanegan appear before the military government] and a third
was a reminder that all demonstrations were forbidden by the government. At 1030 hours
General Riahi, Chief of Staff, met with the high ranking officers of the army in the lecture
hall of the Military School and read them the riot act, stressing that they must be faithful to
the government.
Personnel at the Tehran Station, while continuing to make every effort to carry out its
decision of the 16th, were also planning for eventualities. One message to Headquarters
asked that the means for a clandestine evacuation of up to 15 people from Iran be prepared.
Another cited local military opinion that officers would carry out instructions broadcast by
the Shah, and then went on to put it up to Headquarters as to whether the station should
continue with TPAJAX or withdraw. Nicosia commiserated over the initial failure and stated
that they, personally, were continuing to do all they could to induce London to continue to
support station efforts. This message was followed by a report on the Shah’s statements at
Baghdad, and by still another to the effect that SIS Nicosia was asking London’s assent to
urge the Shah’s return on pilgrimage to the holy shrines in Iraq where he would be in direct body - 62
contact with Iranian divines resident there.
During the afternoon most of the news was not of action but of statements from various
sources. At his press conference Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatemi asserted that there had
been serious anti-Shah riots in Baghdad–a complete lie. At 1500 hours the Shah arrived in
Rome, where he was to make statements to the press which followed a middle ground. These
statements did not dash the hopes of his supporters, but neither were they a call to action.
Also, in the afternoon, Radio Moscow carried the text of the appeal of the Central Committee
of the Tudeh Party as it had been printed that morning in Shojat.
In the evening, violence flared in the streets of Tehran. Just what was the major motivating
force is impossible to say, but it is possible to isolate the factors behind the distrubances. First,
the flight of the Shah brought home to the populace in a dramatic way how far Mossadeq had
gone, and galvanized the people into an irate pro-Shah force. Second, it seems clear that the
Tudey Party overestimated its strength in the situation. This fault may have been that of the
Soviet liaison people, of of the leaders of the Tudeh party, or of the rank and file. During
the day the Party not only had defiled statues of the monarchy, but also had erected their own
flags at certain points. Party members had also torn down street signs in which the Pahlevi body - 63
dynasty was mentioned or which commemorated events in the reign of Reza Shah, and had
replaced them with ”popular” names. The party seemed ready for an all-out effort to bring
in a peoples’ democracy, believing either that Mossadeq would not challenge them or that
they could outfight him in the streets. Third, the Mossadeq government was at last beginning
to feel very uneasy about is alliance with the Tudeh Party. The Pan-Iranists were infuriated
and the Third Force was most unhappy about the situation. Fourth, the climax was now
approaching of the [Keyvani/Djalili] campaign of alleged Tudeh terrorism. (Details of this
campaign have been given on earlier pages.) On this evening [Keyvani/Djalili] had gangs of
alleged Tudehites on the streets with orders to loot and smash shops on Lalezar and Amirieh
streets when- ever possible, and to make it clear that this was the Tudeh in action.
During the evening all these factors came together in ferment. Security forces were given
orders to clear the streets and serious fighting resulted. Friends of Colonel [Hamidi] in the
Police Department exceeded instructions in preventing Tudeh vandalism by beating up Tude-
hites and shouting for the Shah. body - 64
The Tudeh did seem to take rapid cognizance of the facts that a covert action was being
staged, and that their members were not strong enough to fight the police. They brought
people out who tried to argue demonstrators into going home.
Headquarters spend a day featured by depression and despair. The immediate direction

of the project moved from the Branch and Division to the highest level. At the end of the
morning a handful of people worked on the draft of a message which was to call off the
operation. As the message was finally sent, in the evening, it was based on the Department of
State’s tentative stand: ”that the operation has been tried and failed,” the position of the United
Kingdom that: ”we must regret that we cannot consider going on fighting” and Headquarters’
positon that, in the absence of strong recommendations to the contrary from Roosevelt and
body - 65 Henderson, operations against Mossadeq should be discontinued.
Chapter 8


While on the 18th only [Dr. Baghai’s paper Shahed] had published the imperial firman nam-
ing Zahedi as Prime Minister, on 19 August, as soon as the city was awake, early risers could
see photostats or type-set copies of the firman in the papers Setareh Islam, Asia Javanan,
Aram, Mard-i-Asia, Mellat-i-Ma, and the Journal de Tehran. The first four of these papers,
and Shahed and Dad in addition, ran an alleged interview with Zahedi which stressed that
his government was the only legal one in existence–an interview that had been fabricated by
[Djalili] . Somewhat later in the morning the first of many thousands of broadsheets which
carried a photostatic copy of the firman and the text of the Zahedi statement appeared in the
streets. Although each of these newspapers had a normal circulation of restricted size, the
news they carried was undoubtedly flashed through the city by word of mouth, for before
0900 hours pro-Shah groups were assembling in the bazaar area. Members of these groups
had not only made their personal choice between Mossadeq and the Shah, but they were
stirred up by the Tudeh activity of the preceding day and were ready to move. They needed
only leadership.
Even before the day had dawned [Keyvani and Djalili] having been informed that a pro-
Shah statement by the ranking religous leader, Ayatollah Borujerdi, might be forthcoming body - 66
during the day, had made definite preparations to utilize any such statement. [Djalili] and
two of their most enegetic sub-agents, [Mansur Afshar and Majidi] were down at the bazaar
section with a jeep and trucks ready to set out for Qazvin. Their plan was to print broadsheets
at this town some 85 miles west of Tehran should it appear that the Mossadeq government
had increased its attempted strangelhold on the urban press. As soon as they notice that the
pro-Shah groups were gathering, [Djalili, Majidi,] [and Rezali, another sub-agent] rushed to
supply the needed leadership. [Djalili] accompanied one group in its progress toward the
Majlis, and on the way incited them to set fire to the offices of Bakhtar-i-Emruz, the semi-
official paper owned by Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatemi, which on the 17th and 18th
had printed most bitter and scurrilous attacks on the person of the Shah. About the same
time [Afshar] led other elements toward the offices of the Tudeh papers Shahbaz, Besuye
Ayandeh, and Javanan-i-Democrat, all of which were thoroughly sacked.
The news that something quite startling was happening spread at great speed throughout
the city. Just when it reached Mossadeq, who was meeting with members of his cabinet,
is not known. By 0900 hours the station did have this news, and by 1000 hours word had body - 67
come in that both the Bakhtar-i-Emruz office and the headquarters of the Iran Party had been
ransacked. Also about 1000 hours contact was established with the Rashidian brothers who
seemed full of glee. Their instructions, as well as orders directed to [Keyvani and Djalili]
were now to attempt to swing security forces to the side of the demonstrators and to encourage
action for the capture of Radio Tehran. To what extent the resulting activity stemmed from


specific efforts of all our agents will never be known, although many more details of the
excitement of the day may slowly come to light.
Fairly early in the morning Colonel [Demavand] one of those involved in the staff plan-
ning, appeared in the square before the Majlis with a tank which he had secured from the
Second Battalion of the Second Armored Brigade, [a battalion originally committed to the
operation] Lt. Col.[Khosro-Panah] and Captain [Ali Zand] were on hand and were joined by
two trucks from the same battalion, while members of the disbanded Imperial Guard seized
trucks and drove through the streets. By 1015 hours there were pro-Shah truckloads of mili-
tary personnel at all the main squares.
While small groups had penetrated to the north of the city by 0930 hours, the really large
body - 68 groups, armed with sticks and stones, came from south Tehran and merged as they reached
Sepah Square in their progress north toward the center of the city. There the troops held in
readiness fired hundred of shots over the heads of the crowd, but apparently were not willing
to fire at these partisans of the Shah. As a result the crowds were able to fan out toward key
points. Just up Lalezar, a main shopping street, the Saadi theater, long sponsored by the Tudeh
Party, ws burned. The surging crowds of men, women, and children were shouting, ”Shah
piruz ast,” (The Shah is victorious). Determined as thye seemed, a gay holiday atmosphere
prevailed, and it was if exterior pressures had been released so that the true sentiments of the
people showed through. The crowds were not, as in earlier weeks, made up of hoodlums,
but included people of all classes–many well dressed–led or encouraged by other civilians.
Trucks and busloads of cheering civilians streamed by and when, about noon, five tanks and
20 truckloads of soldiers joined it, the movement took on a somewhat different aspect. As
usual, word spread like lightning and in other parts of the city pictures of the Shah were
eagerly display. Cars went by with headlights burning as a tangible indication of loyalty to
the ruler.
body - 69 At about 1030 hours, General Riahi informed Mossadeq that he no longer controlled the
army and asked for relief, but Mossadeq visited his office and told him to hold firm. Colonel
Momtaz was able to assemble only one battalion and disposed that force around Mossadeq’s
About noon separate elements composing the crowds began to receive direct leadership
from the military and police. Those army officers previously alerted to take part in the military
operations provided by TPAJAX were now taking separate but proper individual action. By
1300 hours the central headquarters of the telegraph office on Sepah Square had fallen into
royalist hands. The AP man filed a cable there shortly after 1300 hours giving a brief report
on the fighting. Then fighting moved a few hundred yars away to the police headquarters and
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building just across the wide avenue from it. Defenders of
the police station held out until nearly 1600 hours.
Also about noon, Roosevelt went to the houses where Generals Zahedi and [Guilanshah]
were in hiding. They were both fully informed of the events of the morning and told to wait
for instructions. An hour later Carroll and Persian-speaking Major William R. Keyser (Assis-
tant US Military Attache) reported on the military situation. By early afternoon more of the
body - 70 important objectives in the center of the city, such as the press and propaganda offices, had
been taken over by the royalists. With important facilities under control, it was possible to
begin dispatch of streams of telegrams to the provinces urging them to rise in support of the
Shah. Even during the greatest heat of the day there was no slacekening of activity. Station
agent [Djalili] was still on the streets and, finding a crowd on Firdausi Avenue, urge them to
go to military police headquarters and demand the release of Colonel [Nasiri] and General
[Batmanlegich] . This they did. The soldiers on guard put no resistance. Meanwhile agent
General [Nakhi (Qods Nakhai)] was touring the city in his car attempting to round up mem-
bers of the Imperial Guard, soldiers who later took part in the attack on Mossadeq’s house.
Early in the afternoon the crowds did collect around approaches to Mossadeq’s residence. By

this time he had probably already left.

Radio Tehran was a most important target, for its capture not only sealed the success
at the capital, but was effective in bringing the provincial cities quickly into line with the
new government. During the heat of activiy, it broadcast dull discussions of cotton prices,
and finally music only. Already at 1030 hours there had been an inerruption of its schedule,
but it was not until early afternoon that people began streaming up the borad avenue toward body - 71
their goal, some three miles to the north. Buses and trucks bore full loads of civilians, army
officers and policemen. Sheer weight of numbers seemed to have overwhelmed the defenders
of the radio station, and after a brief struggle in which three deaths were reported, at 1412
hours the station was in royalist hands. At 1420 hours it broadcast the first word of the
success of the royalist effort, including a reading of the firman. A stream of eager speakers
came to the microphone. Some represented elements upon whom reliance had been placed
in TPAJAX planning, while others were quite unknown to the station. Among the former
elements were opposition papers [Bakhtiar and Zelzeleh,] one of [Ayatollah Kashani’s sons,]
and [likeh Etozadi.] Among spontaneous supporters of the Shah to come to the microphone
were Colonel Ali Pahlevan and Major Husand Mirzadian; their presence was the proof– no
longer required–of the truth of the TPAJAX assumption that the army would rally to the Shah
under just such circumstnces. For some period of time, Radio Tehran was alternately on and
off the air. It may have been finally put into good operating condition by those engineers
who, as one speaker said, had come along for just such a purpose. Here, as in so many other
phases, chance served the cause very well, for, hd the original defenders of the radio station body - 72
managed to damage its facilities, the firm control of the capital might have been delayed.
At the Embassy, station personnel were following the broadcasts of Radio Tehran, and
were elated when it sudden- ly fell into royalist hands. Once again Roosevelt set off toward
the hiding place of his valuable charges, meeting them a little before 1600 hours. Told it was
time for them to play an active role, both promptly dressed for the occasion. It was agreed that
General Zahedi should meet General [Guilanshah] at 1630 hours on a certain street corner
with a tank, and should proceed wih this vehicle to Radio Tehran where Zahedi would speak
to the nation. General [Guilanshah] was taken from the house by Major [Keyser] in a jeep;
and then along the way, he spied two Air Force officers, he asked to be let out, saying he would
take care of everything. Right on the street these officers greeted him warmly and when he
said he would like a tank, they soon rounded one up. Asked if he knew where Zahedi was,
he said he did and that he had an appointment to meet him at 1630 hours. His comrades
pressured him to make an immediate rendezvous with Zahedi, so he directed the tank toward
the compound in which the house sheltering Zahedi was situated. Zahedi emerged and the
tank set off again. At 1725 hours Zahedi spoke over Radio Tehran, and this speech was body - 73
repeated a little after 2100 hours that evening.
Howevere, Zahedi had been preceded on the air by [station agent Farzanegan.] In the
dash back from [Karmenshah] [Farzanegan’s] car had broken down completely at about the
halfway mark, but he was able to get an uncomfortable ride the rest of the way in an oil
tank truck. He arrived in Tehran by morning and contacted the station. At the latter’s urgent
instructions, [Farzanegan] sent a telegram to Colonel [Bakhtiar] which message contained a
code phrase* signalling [Bakhtiar] to lead his division on forced march to Tehran. An interest-
ing sidelight concerning [Bakhtiar’s] march to Tehran** occurred en route to Hamadan. The
division entered Hamadan just as the local Tudeh Party was holding a large pro-Mossadeq
demonstration. [Bakhtiar] quelled the demon- stration in short order. The astonishment of
the Tudeh on seeing the [Kermanshah] division enter Hamadan was ex- ceeded only by that
of the town mayor.
Within Tehran proper the last nests of resistance were being subdued. The Chief of Staff
headquarters gave in at * ”Am coming today to see my sick sister.” the end of the afternoon, body - 74
and befofe 1900 hours Mossadeq’s house was taken and soon turned into a shambles. Its

belongings were dragged out into the street and sold to passersby. Reactions were also being
reported from the provinces. At 1450 hours the regional station at Sanandaj in Kurdestan
suddenly went off the air. At 1555 hours Radio Tabriz reported the capture of the station itself
by forces loyal to the Shah, and stated that ll of Azerbaijan was in the hands of the army. As
it continued broadcasting, it became apparent that one of the speakers, [Mohammad Deyhim,
head of the Fedakaran-i-Azerbaijan] and an effective sub-agent of station assets had played
an important role in events at Tabriz. By 1800 hours the station at Isfahan was on the air with
strong statements in favor of the Shah and Zahedi by such elements as local editors, a member
of Baghai’s Toiler’s Party, religious leaders, and staff officers–all groups which we had hoped
would react in this fashion. Not until 2000 hours did the radio station at Kerman proclaim
loyalty to the new government. Meshed Radio was not heard from at all, but the religious-
minded town turned Loyalist almost immediately after the news of the change had been sent
out over Radio Tehran. Known Tudehites were pursued and shops of Tudeh sympathizers
body - 75 looted.
Colonel [Farzanegan] following Zahedi’s instruction, and Carroll now closed up the op-
eration. While [Batmangelich] had [been named Chief of Staff, Farzanegan]–at that office–
kept in touch by phone and placed known supporters of TPAJAX in command of all units of
the Tehran garrison, seized key military targets, and executed the arrest lists.
As the afternoon drew to its close, Radio Tehran seemed to get down to a less haphazard
schedule. From 1800 hours on, it made short announcements of government appointees. At
1845 hours the Associated Press representative and the New York Times man made fairly
brief statements on the events of the day, intended for their home offices. Brief government
communiques dealt with curfew hours, contained warnings against demonstrations, etc. A
general news summary at 2100 hours was followed by a statement from Zahedi, installed in
the office of the Chief of Police, and before 2200 hours the station had signed off for the
night. The hectic day was over and curfew now in effect. Lives had been lost, but not nearly
as many as stated in the white heat of the actual events. The security forces were firmly in
control and well prepared to destroy any counter-effort.
How had other interested parties weathered the exciting day? One such must have felt
body - 76 real anguish. This was the behind the rest of the world and did not put out a summary of the
day’s events at Tehran until 2300 hours GMT. Its Persian program that reach Iran early in the
afternoon was built around the text of the earlier Pravda article entitled ”The Failure of the
American Adventure in Iran,” and this program was repeated early in the evening. The same
Pravda article was broadcast throughout the late afternoon and early evening from Moscow
in English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech and Slovak, German, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese,
and Turkish, although by that time nearly everyone of its listeners must have known that this
materila was no longer applicable.
The other parties to the original plan felt elated, and possibly self-satisfied. While the
reactions of the Shah at Rome are rather beyond the scope of this account, one or two of his
remarks are worth citin as they bear upon some of the original assumptions of the TPAJAX
plan. He said, ”It was my people who have shown me that they were faithful to the monarchy
and that two and a half years of false propaganda were not enough,” and again, ”My country
didn’t want the Communists and therefore have been faithful to me.”
body - 77 At Nicosia the earliest FBIS intercepts had not been translated and distributed until nearly
mid-afternoon local time. As word passed from Leavitt to Darbyshire, he latter became so
excited that he drove his friend right to his had always avoided doing in earlier weeks.
Headquarters had its first word of what the day was to bring just before 0900 hours when
someone burst in from the hall pouring out what at first seemed to be a bad joke– in view of
the depression that still hung on from the day before–the news that Mossadeq was on the way
out. Throughout the morning, the afternoon, and until late that night people hurried down the
corridors with fresh slips of ticker tape. During the entire day only two TPAJAX cables were

received from the station. However, it was a day that should never have ended for it carried
with it such a sense of excitement, of satisfaction, and of jubilation that it is doubtful whether
any other can come up to it. Our trump card had prevailed and the Shah was victorious. body - 78
Chapter 9

Report to London

Roosevelt arrived in London the afternoon of 25 August. He had been smuggled out of Tehran
in Naval Attache Eric Pollard’s plane and picked up by a Military Air Transport Service
(MATS) plane (the pilot and crew of which were not aware of his identity) at Bahrein. In
London Roosevelt was met by Firth and taken to see Maj. General J. Alexander Sinclair
and others in SIS that evening. From the very beginning it was made plain to him that SIS
was grateful not only because of the success of the operationper se, but because of the effect
its success had already had and would continue to have upon SIS’s reputation and relations
with its superiors. In turn he expressed gratitude for the fine support the station had received
and recognition of the fact that such weaknesses as had existed in the support given us were
attributable to the paucity of reporting from Tehran, which had resulted in a justifiable lack
of hope both in London and Washington. Roosevelt went to some pains to explain the reason
for the lack of reporting. He pointed out that if they had simply reported what they were
doing, London and Washington would have thought they were crazy and told then to stop
immediately; if they had reported the reasons why they felt justified in taking such action they body - 79
would have had no time to take action; accordingly they followed the third course which was
to act, and report practically nothing. This decision was initially made on the assumption that
they had very little more to lose by following up the last hopes, and everything to win. As the
hours passed, evidence that the action had great hopes of success increased rapidly, but they
still had no time or energy to prepare and present the evidence. Sinclair and members of his
staff said that they fully understood the situation and were glad that Roosevelt had taken what
was in their opinion the best and most constructive decision. We all recognized, however,
that if the outcome had been different, a substantially different attitude toward that action
might have been found in many quarters. Sinclair commented that it was recognition of the
probability that such grave decisions would have to be taken speedily and could only be taken
in the field that had led him to request the appointment of a combined theatre commander. He
also requested that in Roosevelt’s briefing of senior members of the British Foreign Office he
should emphasize this aspect of the story. The following days Roosevelt did so, and, without
exception, from Churchill through Lord Salisbury all down the line, the decision taken in
Tehran was enthusiastically endorsed. (Sir Winston made reference to Lord Nelson’s blind body - 80
On 26 August Roosevelt was shepherded through a round of appointments at the Foreign
Office by the Foreign Office representative attached to SIS. He first saw Sir (Reginald) James
Bowker (Byroade’s British opposite number–responsible for NEA) and two members of his
staff, and gave them an account of developments and the psychological climate in Iran, with-
out giving much in the way of operational detail. He got the impression that SIS was glad
to take advantage of any opportunity of selling themselves to this level of the Foreign Office.


It appeared that their relationships, at least in this area, were neither close nor cordial at this
level. Later in the morning he spent an hour alone with the Acting Foreign Secretary, Lord
Salisbury. As requested by Sinclair, Roosevelt gave Lord Salisbury the full treatment, and
he appeared to be absolutely fascinated. His attitude seemed to be very much more flexible
and progressive than that of Bowker. He seemed genuinely anxious to help the new Iranian
Government and very conscious of the problems which the relations with the United King-
dom presented to that government. He recognized the importance of immediate short term
economic aid which would produce quick and obvious results, but remarked that perhaps
body - 81 long-range aid could be worked out with an ”oil settlement in mind.”
Roosevelt reported fully to Salisbury, as he had to Bowker, on the assurances which he
had given on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) to the Shah and Zahedi. Salisbury
assured him, as did everyone else, that these statements were justified and properly presented,
that the British fully appreciated the necessity of reaching agreement on an oil settlement with
the Iran Government as rapidly as possible, and that they were fully prepared to do so.
At 1400 hours Roosevelt was received by the Prime Minister who was in bed at 10 Down-
ing Street. This was a most touching occasion. The Prime Minister seemed to be in bad shape
physically. He had great difficulty in hearing; occasional difficulty in articulating; and appar-
ent difficulty in seeing to his left. In spite of this he could not have been more kind personally
nor more enthusiastic about the operation. He was good enough to express envy of Roo-
sevelt’s role and a wish that he had been ”some years” younger and might have served under
his command. He repeated the statement that he had already made to Sinclair, that if the
success of this operation could be maintained it would be the finest operation since the end
of the war. He emphasized his strong feeling that everything possible to help the new gov-
body - 82 ernment should be done. Economic aid to Iran should not wait either for the restoration of
diplomatic relations with the British or for an oil settlement. He went so far as to proclaim
that if it were necessary he, himself, would provide economic aid to Iran before the restora-
tion of diplomatic relations, although he did not explain how this might be accomplished.
He commented that the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) had really ”fouled things up” in
the past few years and that he was determined that they should not be allowed to foul things
up any further. Our operation had given us a wonderful and unexpected opportunity which
might change the whole picture in the Middle East. In closing he asked Roosevelt to tell the
President that he was feeling much better and could ”hang on as long as may be necessary”.
He also asked that Roosevelt write to him after his meeting with the President, and that he
keep in touch with him in the future.
The Prime Minister made several references which indicated that he regarded SIS as his
service, and that it was very close to his heart. Perhaps due to his physical condition at the
time, however, he appeared a bit hazy as to its jurisdiction and the distinction between MI-5
and MI-6. He was definitely hazy on Sinclair and upon the American setup. The initials CIA
body - 83 meant nothing to him, but he had a vague idea that Roosevelt must be connected in some way
with his old friend Bedell Smith.
At the outset Sinclair had said that he thought it might make a better impression if neither
he nor any members of his service were present during Roosevelt’s reports to other members
of HMG, and although he knew that Roosevelt was to see the Prime Minister and the Acting
Foreign Secretary, he suggested only one exception to this procedure. He asked if Roosevelt
would have any objection to his sitting in on the discussions with Sir William Strang, the
Permanent Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs. He explained that Strang was the source of
his political guidance and such authorizations as were required from the Foreign Office, and
said that he was anxious to see the impact of certain portions of this briefing upon Strang.
In the course of the conversation it became apparent that the portion of particular interest to
Sinclair was the reason why the station had not reported more fully from Tehran between 15
and 19 August. Sinclair is not a demonstrative person, but there was a definite glow emanating

from him when Strang with apparent heartiness responded to the explanations, remarking
that Roosevelt had done the only possible thing and that in matters of that sort decisions
could only be made on the spot. As they came out of Strang’s office, one of Sinclair’s staff body - 84
came up to him in great glee with a folder covered with red ribbons, sealing wax, and other
objets d’art. Sinclair told Roosevelt that this represented approval of a project on which they
had previously been turned down by the Foreign Office and that this reversal of the Foreign
Office was due to the success in Iran. body - 85
Chapter 10

What Was Learned From the


* For a military critique of the operation, see Appendix E.

Two elements lending support to the operation seemed unable to meet the sudden demand
for utmost speed and accomplishment. These were Communications and the Psychologi-
cal Warfare (PW) Senior Staff. Many individual communications officers–at Headquarters,
Nicosia, and Tehran–worked many extra hours and displayed commendable zeal and initia-
tive in dealing with a great volume of traffic. Between 14 May and 1 September a total of
990 TPAJAX messages entered or left Headquarters. The unsatisfactory phase of communi-
cations was the three-way link between Headquarters, Nicosia, and Tehran by which MECA
facilities were made available for simultaneous transmission from any one of the three sta-
tions named to the other two. Until near the end of the period of the operation, there was
considerable delay in Tehran messages destined for Nicosia and for those in the opposite di-
rection. It may also be suggested that transmission time was not as rapid as had been hoped.
Very few ”operational immediate” messages were originated by any of the three stations, but
when Tehran sent such a message it took from three to four hours to get to Headquarters mea-
sured from the time the enciphered message was filed for transmission until the deciphered body - 86
message reached the branch desk.
In July support was sought from the PW Staff. Both the branch and higher levels were
anxious to have certain items, including the texts of news articles, commentaries and edito-
rials, appear in papers in this country. The texts themselves were prepared by NE/4 Branch
on themes agreed upon by Headquarters and the station. It was planned to cable summaries
of such planted material to the station for distribution to the friendly local press and, hence,
to backstop the active propaganda campaign against Mossadeq. This support was not forth-
coming. It appeared to the branch as if the staff lacked contacts capable of placing material
so that the American publisher was unwitting as to its source, as well as being able to see that
no changes in theme or emphasis are made. In contrast to this relatively ineffective venture,
the Iran desk of the State Department was able to place a CIA study in Newsweek, using
the normal channel of desk officer to journalist. Recognizing the fact that the Agency is not
able to employ such a channel as just described, it does appear that some improvement of
capabilities might be desirable. Either those contacts used to secure the unwitting publication
of material should be expanded and improved, or else there should be a provision made for
passing material directly to cleared editors and owners of press media. body - 87
Throughout the course of the operation, members of the Agency were in touch with mem-
bers of SIS in Washington, Nicosia, London, and–incidentally–Cairo. In all but one of these
places, we were on their home ground and, hence, in a position to penetrate their organiza-


tion, particularly with regard to building up personal histories of its personnel. The apparent
fact that this organization was quite ready to act as the junior partner in this operation has
been covered in an earlier paragraph, as has the indication that individual SIS officers made a
definite effort to win the friendship and confidence of their contacts. The existence of friction
between SIS headquarters and the station at Nicosia was also of interest to us. However, of
greatest interest from an operational point of view was the very limited number of personnel
engaged in Middle East operations. At Nicosia there were only two officers and two typ-
ists to deal both with Iran and with several other countries of the Middle East. At London
headquarters no individual was exclusively concerned with Iran, and the one specialist in the
field appeared to be spread out over the Middle and Far East. This shortage of personnel
body - 88 was directly reflected in a number of ways which seemed quite surprising at first glance. An
example of this is the fact that the representative in Washington had to spend a good part of
his time in enciphering and deciphering. The character of this limited personnel was also of
interest for we were informed that all the old colonial hands and all the veterans of the India
Office had been dispensed with. Certainly the two Nicosia officers who were dealing with
the Agency were both young and had a very sound foundation. The one in charge has had
six years in the country and is extremely fluent in the language, while the younger, still a
probationer, also knows the language well.
Other lessons learned from the operation relate to Headquarters and station capacities for
planning, and to the capabilities of the local agents to execute general and specific directives.
First, we may make a brief critique of Headquarters planning.
As had been pointed out in some detail in earlier pages, the operational plan grew directly
from a series of basic assumptions, established by CIA in collaboration with SIS. In briefest
review, the principal assumptions were:
1. The Shah could be persuaded to take desired action if all-out pressure were applied.
body - 89 2. Assurance that the Shah was behind him would both cause Zahedi to act and would
win him the support of many officers in key positions.
3. Forced with a choice between following the orders of the Shah and those of Mossadeq,
the rank and file of the army and its officers would obey the Shah.
These assumptions, whether presented as such within the operational plan, or discussed in
some unwitting survey of the current situation, were challenged. The American Ambassador
and the State Department desk officer for Iran, as well as the Chief of GTI office at State,
insisted that assumption number one above was completely unsound. Ambassador Headerson
stated that the premise that the Shah would cooperate actively was fallacious.
The station at one point expressed a similar opinion in these words: ”it (is) unrealistic (to)
expect Shah (to) sponsor a coup supported by army.” The Office of Intelligence and Research
of the State Department, in a special study, dated 29 July 1953 and entitled ”Estimate of the
likelihood and possible consequences of Mossadeq’s removal as Prime Minister,” indicated a
positive belief that the opposition to Mossadeq was weak, lacked a plan, and was composed
of heterogeneous elements incapable of unified action. How was it that the Headquarters
body - 90 planners could be so at odds with every other well informed opinion? This was because the
plan had of necessity to avoid acceptance of the status quo and could take a bolder stand
because it was based upon the principle of strong, positive action to make the assumptions
come true. It should be noted that during the conversations at Beirut and in the later exchange
of messages, representatives of the field station accepted the assumptions to which they had
objected earlier. Thus, as the time for action approached complete harmony prevailed.
Not only did the basic assumptions stand their test, but other factors of the plan which
had been determined by a detailed estimate of the psychology of the Persians, as discussed at
Nicosia and Beirut, worked out about as anticipated. Specifically, it had been realized that not

all the Persians involved in the plan would take the action required of them, that even those
who took it might not follow through exactly as required and, therefore, that the operational
aspect of the plan called for repetitive efforts on the targets. This analysis was correct. That
the initial military aspect went astray may be charged directly to the Persians who a the very
end refused to continue to accept the guidance which the station felt was so essential.
With regard to the fact that the military aspect of the plan was balanced, or complemented, body - 91
by action designed to result in publicly expressed hostility to the government of Mossadeq,
it was in this field that those in charge of executing the plan had to deviate the most from its
details. The plan placed emphasis upon a program for a massive bast, or political sanctuary
movement, against the government; but it was found impossible to bring this into being be-
cause of the dissolution of the Majlis and because the most influential religious leaders were
not willing to make the commitments required of them. This unwillingness of the leaders had
been foreseen by the planners, but they had been assured by the principal agents of SIS that
these leaders would take whatever action was required of them. Failing in this respect, public
hostility was fanned in a number of other ways, some suggested by the station to its agents
and others thought up by agents. This activity has been covered in the earlier pages dealing
with events in Tehran, and here it is necessary to repeat only one conclusion concerning what
was learned during the operation as to the influence of the press in Iran. It must be admitted
that in the years and months of working with a subsidized press and its venal (or patriotic)
journalists in Tehran, the station was still not sure whether it was achieving results compara-
ble to the sums so spent. In July and early August every segment of the press with which we body - 92
or the United Kingdom had working relations went all out against Mossadeq. As judged by
the public reactions on the days following 16 August, there can be no doubt whatsoever that
this campaign had reached a very large audience and had directly influenced their thinking in
a most positive way. A separate analysis of this press operation should be made to serve as
basic guidance in mounting future campaigns.
The operation was a time of testing for the US principal agents and for those of the station
agents who were committed to the effort. All these agents did a superb job. It is easy to say
that they did such a good job because they were not merely carrying out orders but were heart
and soul in favor of the operation. This is true, but the fact must not be overlooked that in
recruiting these individuals over a considerable period of time the station wittingly selected
people whose basic ideologies were in accord with US policy toward Iran and the USSR.
This factor should not be overlooked in future recruitment in Iran. A word should be said
about the fact that the high caliber of the agents was reflected in their performances. In one
of the most critical periods station principal agents [Blacked-Out] were out of touch with the
station, but on their own initiative took actions of just the type the station would have assigned body - 93
to them. The performance of the indigenous agents is just one factor in the demonstration of
the values received from long-term station planning. Another such factor of real importance
was the capability of the station to produce indigenous documents on short order, documents
which stood serious scrutiny shortly after they had been manufactured. This program had
been long under development.
The operation did reveal a need for the development of other long-term assets. Important
in this field is the procurement of safehouses, at least two of which should be kept completely
uncontaminated until time of real emergency. While the executors of the plan made brilliant
use of the grounds of the Embassy and of houses occupied by US personnel, this effort could
have been nullified by a careful watch of the Embassy by agents of the government.
Among the other long-term assets which the station feels should be developed are inde-
pendent printing and reproduction facilities. The station believes that these facilities should
be within the Embassy. This matter is now under discussion as it would appear that the move-
ment of supplies into the Embassy and the removal of the finished products for distribution
would create a serious security problem. body - 94

The major role in the execution of the operational plan was assumed by US assets. This
does not mean, however, that the operation could have been carried through without the
active cooperation of the United Kingdom and their assets. For one thing, it would have been
impossible to get the Shah to move had he not been finally convinced that both the US and
the UK were ready to support him. For another, had not the UK assets been cut in an the
operation, they would either have exposed whatever they learned about it to the government
or tried actively to see that it failed. The lesson here is clear. As in the larger world picture,
US-UK interests and activities must be coordinated. A great deal is to be gained by direct
coordination in special fields of activity once both parties have recognized that their aims are
really identical.
A final subject of interest concerns the security problem connected with such an opera-
tion. From the moment the project got underway, the NEA Division made a serious effort
to put special security measures :Into effect; within the NEA Division and even within the
NE/4 Branch the rule of ”need to know” came into effect. However, by the time the operation
had been concluded, a considerable number of people–British and Americans–were aware of
body - 95 what was going on. From the viewpoint of NE/4 Branch, which has listed all the individuals
whom it knows were aware of the project and its purpose, the number was excessive–it to-
taled 89. How many others were told by people without the NE/4 Branch being aware of this,
there is no way of knowing. It in true that the knowledge that there was direct US-UK collab-
oration on the project was kept to a more restricted number. It is, however, suggested that in
the future when an operation of similar magnitude and sensitivity is contemplated a special
security officer be brought into the operation at its inception and be given the responsibility
body - 96 for keeping track of exactly who knows what about the project.
Chapter 11

APPENDIX A: Initial Operational

Plan for TPAJAX as Cabled from
Nicosia to Headquarters on 1 June

11.1 Preliminary Action

11.1.1 Interim Financing of Operation
1. CIA will supply $35,000 to Zahedi.

2. SIS will supply $25,000 to Zahedi.

3. SIS indigenous channels Iran will be used to supply above funds to Zahedi.

4. CIA will attempt subsidize key military leaders if this necessary

11.1.2 Acquisition Shah Cooperation

1. Stage 1: Convince the Shah that UK and US have joint aim and remove pathological
fear of British intrigues against him.

(a) Ambassador Henderson call on the Shah to assure him of US-UK common aid
and British supporting him not Mossadeq.
(b) Henderson to say to the Shah that special US representative will soon be intro-
duced to him for presentation joint US-UK plan.

2. Stage 2: Special US representative will visist the Shah and present following: appendix-A - 2

(a) Presentation to the Shah

i. Both governments consider oil questions secondary.
ii. Major issue is to maintain independence Iran and keep from the Soviet orbit.
To do this Mossadeq must be removed
iii. Present dynasty best bulwark national sovereignty.


iv. While Mossadeq in power no aid for Iran from the United States.
v. Mossadeq must go
vi. US-UK financial aid will be forth comingto successor government.
vii. Acceptable oil settlement will be offered but successor government will not
be rushed into it.
(b) Demands on the Shah
You must take leadership in overthrow Mossadeq
appendix-A - 3 ii.
If not, you bear responsibility for collapse of country.
iii.If not, Shah’s dynasty will fall and US-UK backing of you will cease.
iv.Who do you want to head successor government (Try and maneuver Shah
into naming Zahedi.)
v. Warning not to discuss

11.2 Arrangement With Zahedi

1. After agreement with Shah per above, inform Zahedi he chosen to head successor
government with US-UK support.

2. Agree on specific plan for action and timetable for action. There are two ways to put
Zahedi in office.

(a) Quast-legally, whereby the Shah names Zahedi Prime Minister by royal firman.
(b) Military Coup
Quasi-legal method to be tried first. If successful at least part of machinery for
military coup will be brought into action. If it fails, military coup will follow in
appendix-A - 4 matter of hours.

11.3 Relations with Majlis

Important for quasi-legal effort. To prepare for such effort deputies must be purchased.

1. Basic aim is to secure 41 votes against Mossadeq and assure quorum for quasi-legal
move by being able to depend on 53 deputies in Majlis. (SIS considers 20 deputies
now not controlled must be purchased.)

2. Approach to deputies to be done by SIS indigenous agent group. CIA will backstop
where necessary by pressures on Majlis deputies and will provide part of the funds.

11.4 Relations With Religious Leaders

Religious leaders should:

1. Spread word of their disapproval Mossadeq.

2. As required, stage political demonstrations under religious cover.

3. Reinforce backbone of the Shah.


4. Make strong assurance over radio and in mosques after coup that new government faith-
appendix-A - 5 ful Moslem principles. Possibily as quid pro quo prominent cleric Borujerdi would be
offered ministry without portfolio or consider implementing neglected article constitu-
tion providing body five mullas (religious leaders) to pass on orthodoxy of legislation.
Blacked-Out Should be encouraged to threaten direct action against pro-Mossadeq deputies.

11.5 Relations with Bazzar

Bazzar contacts to be used to spread anti-government rumors and possibily close Bazzar as
anti-government expression

11.6 Tudeh
Zahedi must expect violent reaction from Tudeh and be prepared to meet with superior vio-

1. Arrest at least 100 party and Front Group Leaders.

2. Seal off South Tehran to prevent influx tudeh demonstrations. appendix-A - 6
3. Via black leaflets direct Tudeh members not to take any action.

11.7 Press and Propaganda Program

1. Prior coup intensify anti-Mossadeq propaganda.
2. Zahedi should quickly appoint effective chief of government press and propaganda who

(a) Brief all foreign correspondents.

(b) Release advance prepared US and UK official statements.
(c) Make maximum use Radio Tehran.

11.8 Relations with Tribes

1. Coup will provoke no action from Bakhtiari, Lurs, Kurds, Baluchi, Zolfaghari, Ma-
massani, Boer Ahmadi, and Khamseh tribal groups.
2. Major problem is neutralization of Qashqa’i tribal leaders.

11.9 Mechanics of Quasi-Legal Overthrow

1. At this moment the view with most favor is the so-called [Blacked-Out] plan - whereby
mass demonstrations seek religious refuge in Majlis grounds. Elements available to appendix-A - 7
religious leaders would be joined by those supplied by bazzar merchants, up to 4,000
supplied by SIS controlled group, and additional elements supplied through CIA.
2. Would be widely publicized that this refuge movement on basis two grounds popular
dissatisfaction with Mossadeq government as follows:

(a) Ground one that Mossadeq government basically anti-religious as most clearly
demonstrated ties between Mossadeq and Tudeh; and Mossadeq and USSR. Just
prior to movement CIA would give widest publicity to all fabricated documents
proving secretagreement between Mossadeq and Tudeh.
(b) Ground two that Mossadeq is leading the country into complete economic col-
lapse through his unsympathetic dictatorship. Just prior to movement CIA would
give widest publicity to the evidence of illegally issued paper money. CIA might
have capability to print masses excellent imitation currency which would be over-
appendix-A - 8 printed by this message.

3. Religious refuge to take place at the dawn of the coup day. Immediately followed by
effort have Majlis pass a motion to censure the government. This is to be followed by
the dismissal of Mossadeq and the appointment of Zahedi as successor. If successful,
the coup would be completed by early afternoon. Failing success, the coup would be
appendix-A - 1 mounted later that evening.
Chapter 12


The policy of both the US and UK governments requires replacement of mossadeq as the
alternative to certain economic collapse in Iran and the eventual lose of the area to the Soviet
orbit. Only through a planned and controlled replacement can the integrity and independence
of the country be ensured,
General Zahedi is the only figure in Iran currently capable of heading a new government
who could be relied upon to repress Soviet-Communist penetration and carry out basic re-
The plan which follows is comprised of three successive stages. The first two stages
precede action of a military nature. They include the present preliminary support period and
the mass propaganda campaign. (See paragraphs below.) These stages will be of real value to
the mutual interests of US and UK even if final military action is not carried out in that they
will make the position of Mossadeq increasingly vulnerable and unsteady.
The total estimated expenditure required to implement this plan will be the equivalent of
$285,000 of which $147,500 will be provided by the US Service and $137,500 by the UK
Service. appendix-B - 2


12.2.1 Preliminary Support of Opposition to Mossadeq Government
For a period of several months both the US field station and the British group (the Rashidian
brothers) have been in close touch with Zahedi. The British group has supplied the equivalent
of $50,000 (four to five million rials) for this support.
During this preliminary period beginning 1 June 1953, and for an estimated two months
maximum thereafter, the United States will provide $35,000 and the United Kingdom the
equivalent of $25,000. Initial payments under this allocation have already been made by the
US field station.British funds will continue to be paid through present channels for purposes
as directed by the UK or by the US field station on UK behalf.


US funds are to be distributed through direct US field station contacts for the specific
purpose of extending and strengthening military and political contacts of Zahedi. Early in
this period Zehedi will be made fully aware of this dual support and of the joint intention
that it should lead to even more concrete support. During this period the impression will
appendix-B - 3 continue to be given in the circle f Zehedi’s contacts that the Shah is supporting him by the
provision of funds. The coordination of UK-US field station activity on the developing plan
will be achieved through direct contact between US field personnel and the British group
with the former acting on behalf of the United Kingdom by relaying instructions and acting
as a secure communications link, to augment that already existing. Appropriate steps will be
taken to ensure that overt US policy will conform as closely as possible with the purpose of
this plan.

12.2.2 Role of the Shah as Focal Point of Opposition

This plan is based on the assumption that the cooperation of the Shah will be obtained. Such
cooperation will give a military coup the test chance of success. However, it also envisages
the game type of operation through the involuntary involvement of the Shah in this plan.
To play his role the Shah requires special preparation. By nature a creature of indecision,
beset by formless doubts and fears, he must be induced to play his role, and this role must
require a minimum of affirmative action and cover as brief a period as possible.
We consider Princess Ashraf his forceful and scheming twin sister, to be the person most
appendix-B - 4 likely to be able to induce the Shah to play his role. we are certain that Ashraf will eagerly’
Cooperate to bring about the fall of Mossadeq. Therefore, Ashraf must be approached at her
present location, briefed on the task and sent back to Iran, Contact will have to be maintained
between Ashraf and the US field station. The role of the Shah is to be played in three Stages
and Ashraf will be preparing him in advance for each successive stage. The first stage will be
to convince the Shah that the United States and the United Kingdom have a joint aim in Iran,
and at the same time to remove his pathological fear of the ”hidden UK hand”, the second
stage will be to inform him in specific terms of what the Immediate future holds for him. The
third stage will be to obtain specific items from him. These stages are detailed bllow:

First Stage:
With prior advice from Princess Ashraf,’the leader of the British group will visit the Shah to
assure him that the United States and the United Kingdom have common aims towards Iran,
and that both want to support him to the utmost in opposing Mossadeq. The leader of the
British group will say that he is in a position to prove that the British are supporting the Shah
appendix-B - 5 and that he, the leader, is authorized to speak for the United Kingdom by stating that any key
phrase Selected by the Shah out of several proposed will be given on successive dates in the
Persian language broadcasts over the BBC

Second Stage
With advance warning from Princess Ashraf, General Scftwarzkopf (former head of the US
Military Mission to the Iranian Gendirmerie) is introduced as the US special representative.
This representative Is already well known to and admired by the Shah as a result of his
successful tour of duty in Iran some years ago. His remarks to the Shah will comprise two
parts, The first part covers the following points:

1. Both governments consider the oil issue of secondary importance at this time, since
the major issue is the resolve of both governments to maintain the independence of
Iran. Both governments are now determined to help the Iranians to help themselves

to keep their country from falling into Soviet hands. If Mossadeq remains in power
economic collapse is certain, and since Mossadoq is permitting extensive Communist
penetration, the economic collapse would be followed by a Communist takeover of the
country. appendix-B - 6

2. Both governments feel that the continued existance of the Pahlevi dynasty should be
the best bulwark of national sovereignty.

3. As long as Mossadeq is in power the country will get no new financial aid fromx the
United States and indeed present aid may be slashed.

4. Mossadeq must go.

5. His successor will have the strong support of both governments through the same forces
that bring him into power.

6. An acceptable oil settlement will be offered, but there is no intention of either rushing
this issue or of forcing it on the country.

The second part will cover the following points:

1. The Shah is now, and inevitably will remain, the focal point of all forces opposing

2. If the Shah fails to go along with these forces he will be solely responsible for the
collapse of the country and its lose of independence.

3. If the Shah fails to go along his dynasty is bound to come to an end soon. In spite of
the Shah’s previous misconceptions, the United States and the United Kingdom have
been and are supporting him, but If the Shah fails now, this support will be withdrawn. appendix-B - 7
The representative will discuss the implications of this.

4. The Shah has stated that Zahedi is eleceptable to him as a successor to Moseadeq.
Furthermore, the Shah has asked that funds for Zahedile support given by the United
States and United Kingdom govern- ments should be given out in his name.

5. The US and UK governments agree fully that Zahedi is the only effective candidate.
Zahedi will be ready to take over in the near future, aided in every way to achieve suc-
cess by the United States and United Kingdom. The Shah will be kept fully Informed
of Zahadi’s plans and a minimum of action will be required from him. As soon as
possible after the visit of the US representative to the Shah, the leader of the British
group will make a visit of identical type to reinforce the above statements.

Third Stage:
This stage will be the sole responsibility of Princess Ashraf. immediately following the visits
as described above and while the Shah is still under their effects Princess Ashraf will obtain
his signature on three documents. The first of these documents will be dated, the second and appendix-B - 8
the third undated. They will be:

1. An open letter calling an all loyal officers to Cooperate with the bearer of the letter
in any, efforts he feels are necessary to reestablish the prestige of the Army, to restore
their own self respect and to show their devotion to the Shah and country.

2. A royal decree naming Zahadi as Chief of Staff.


3. A royal decree appealing to all ranks of the army to carry out faithfully the orders of
the Chief of Staff whom the Shah has named.

These documents will then be taken out of the palace at once the first to be delivered to
Zahedi and the other two to be held by the US station against time of need.
Following the effort required of him to produce these documents the Shah may be in a
period of elation for some time. Sooner or later he will begin to broad and to doubt, and
at this time he must be removed from the capital to make some kind of tour. Preferably he
would make a religious retreat to the Meshed shrine. He would remain at this shrine until
appendix-B - 9 after Zahedi obtains control and would return to the capital only to give his official approval
to the new prime Minister.

12.2.3 Arrangement with Zahedi

Continuing contacts by US personnel and British agents with Zahedi or his representatives
have helped to bring into increasingly clear focus the picture of his tentative plans and of those
elements from which he expects support. This material and related intelligence reports have
been used in the preparation ef later paragraphs which follow under the subtitle ”Organization
to mount Coup,” with its supporting material in the annexes.
Following the phased contacts with the Shah as given above, both the United States and
the United Kingdom will inform Zahedi directly that they have secured a firm commitment
from the Shah on his behalf and that the time has come to nove to a detailed plan of action.
General Zahedi will be given the letter signed by the Shah calling on all loyal officers to
cooperate with the bearer. He will be instructed to recruit, with the aid of this letter, military
aides. Zahedi will also be shown the US-UK proposal for action entitled ”Organization to
overthrow Moseadeq.” it will be discussed with Zahedi who will have the opportunity to
appendix-B - 10 amend or modify this proposal should this be necessary to meet his desires and capabilities. It
will be pointed out to Zahedi that the plan provides for full US-UK coordinated covert support
prior to the time of the coup. Every element of the potential Opposition to Mossadeq will be
mustered so that on coup day it may be possible to overthrow the Mossadeq government by
legal means. It will be pointed out to Zahedi that the future character and reputation of the
successor government would be better if military action could be limited to assuring control
of the city coincident with this legal success.
However, should the Shah fail to go along with the US representative or fail to produce
the documents for General Zahedi, Zahedi would be informed that the United States and
United Kingdom would be ready to go ahead without the Shah’s active cooperation it Zahedi
agrees. We would continue to make every effort to associate the Shah with the undertaking
involuntarily and so hope to achieve the same result as if be had actively participated.

12.2.4 Organization to Mount Overthrow

The material which follows under this heading is that which is to be presented to Zahedi by
the US field station for the purpose of discussion and modification.
appendix-B - 11 Under the headings which follow, elements of existing or potential strength are assigned
their specific roles. This approach omits any consideration of the strength of the pro-Moassadeq

Organization to Mount Coup

Military Secretariat
This secretariat headed by an officer named by Zahedi but acceptable to the United States and
United Kingdom will be composed of a very limited number of Cable senior officers. This
secretariat will be in contact with the US field station which will hand over a preliminary
stalff plan jointly prepared by the United States and the United Kingdom for securing Tehran.
A sum equivalent to $75,000 will be required for the military secretariat to carry out its

Duties of the secretariat.

Its most urgent duty will be the selection of key officers in Tehran who can be counted upon
or won over for action against the Mossadeq government. For security reasons, such officers
will be informed of their own actual role at the latest possible date.
This secretariat will make a detailed examination of the US and the UK staff plan with
special attention to every action to be carried out on coup day. Some of these actions will be
immediate seizure of general staff headquarters, army radio station, Radio Tehran, the houses appendix-B - 12
of Mosastdeq and his entourage, police and gandarmerie headquarters, post and telegraph
offices, telephone exchange, the Majlis and its printing press, and the National Bank and its
printing press. Arrests will include the key figures of the Mossadeq government, key army
officers cooperating with Mossadeq, and selected newspaper editors.
Special attention will also be given to preparing measures to be taken against the Tudeh
Party. Zahedi must expect a violent reaction from the Tudeh Party, and must be fully prepared
to moot it with superior violence. There is no possibility of neutralizing the party until after
the Mossadeq government has been replaced. However, there will be a breathing spell of
several hours after the change of government before the deh Party will be able to got out on
the streets In force. At the time of the coup at least loo party and front group leaders and
journalists must be arrested, these names will come from a list of approximately 80 such
leaders recently prepared by the United Kingdom, plus TIS station additions, plus Zahedi’s
own additions, Control of the Tehran streets will prevent the massiag of Tudeh or other mob
elements. Mass distribution of black Pamphlets, notionally issued by the Central Committee appendix-B - 13
of the Party, will be made with the purpose of confusing Tudeh members and of preventing
them from assembling in an effective manner. It may be possible for the United States to
supply by air in advance stocks of tear gas, indelible ink, or other materials suitable for the
control of mobs. Local air force planes may drop warnings to the public to stay off the streets
or take the consequences.

Action on coup day.

This action will follow basically similar lines although it may be carried out relative to as
many as three different situations. These three situations are:
• Situation A: The climax of a massive religious protest against the Mossadeg govern-
ment which is followed immediately by military action.
• Situation B: The moment when the Shah is being forced by Mosaadeq to leave the
country. This action by l(ossudeq will have resulted from either the growing strength
of the opposition as knowingly led by the Shah or because of its growing strength with
the Shah as its involuntary figurehead.
• Situation C: The moment when Mossadeq attempts to present his resignation. Such an
action might result from his real concern over the growing strength of the opposition appendix-B - 14

and might take the form, on past showing of calling on the Shah for personal support.
Failing to win the support of the Shah he might summon the mobs into the streets.

appendix-B - 15 Action to be taken with regard to Situation A will be as follows:

At the climax of Situation A, Zahedi will assume office as Chief of the Ceneral Staff by
a limited military action against the Headquarters of the general staff. He will at once name
the selected person as his deputy, and the arrests or Mossadeq and the others will be made at
once. The Majlis will be called into session and the opposition will attempt to pass a vote of
censure against Mossadeq, and will follow this with a vote of support for Zahedi. However,
with or without the possession of a royal decree naming him as prime minister, Zabedi will
take over the government and will execute the various requirements of coup day (see above).
Once he has firmly established his control, he will have no trouble in obtaining the formal
vote of support from the Majlis. Only then will the Shah return to Tehran.
Action to be taken with regard to Situations B and C will be as follows:
The only change in plan will be the necessary advancement of the timetable for coup day
to the day of actual crisis and the necessity of putting all the military aspects of the coup
machinery into operation at once,

Organization to Create a Maximum Public Opposition to Mossadeq Prior to Coup

General Program
The purpose will be to create, extend, and enhance public hostility and distrust and fear
of Mossadeq and his government. A sum equivalent to $150,000 will be budgeted for this
program. This will be a phased operation, with the phases as follows;
Phase 1. This is the current preliminary support stage wherein the receipt of US and UK
funds permits Zahedi to win additional friends and to influence key people.
Phase 2. A massive propaganda campaign against Moseadeq and his government but
with Mossadeq himself as the principal target. This will begin only a week or two before the
climax of Situation A so as not to offer too much time for a sharp reaction by Mosgadeq and
appendix-B - 16 so that the impact will not be dispersed by being long drawn out.
Phase 3- This Is Situation A which is described in full in a following paragraph.

Duties of Specific Elements

1. Press and Publicity. In the preliminary support period the British group will continue
to use its numerous smaller papers to push an anti-Mossadeq line. At Headquarters
and at the field station US personnel will draft and put into Persian the text for articles,
broadsheets and pamphlets, some pro-Shah and some anti-Mossadeq. The material
designed to discredit Mossadeq will hammer the following themes:

(a) Mossadeq favors the Tudeb Party and the USSR. (This will be supported by black
(b) Mossadeq is an enemy of Islam since he associates with the Tudeh and advances
their aims.
(c) Mossadeq is deliberately destroying the morale of the Army and its ability to
maintain order.
(d) Moosadeq is deliberately fostering the growth of regional separatist elements
appendix-B - 17 through his removal of Army control over tribal areas. One of the aims of the
removal of control by the Army is to make it easier for the Soviets to take over
the Northern Provinces,

(e) Mossadeq is deliberately leading the country into economic collapse.

(f) Mossadeq has been corrupted by power to such an extent that no trace is left of
the fine man of earlier years, and he now has all the repressive instincts of the
(g) Consistent with these themes will be the persistent slant that Moseadeq has been
the unwitting victim of his unscrupulous, personally ambitious advisers.

It is considered essential that Zahedi make an early choice of the man who will be his
director of press and propaganda and who may be deputy prime minister as well. The
US field station will obtain from Zahadi the name of the man he has in mind who must
be acceptable to the United States and the United Kingdom. One or two weeks before
the date set for Situation A, the intensive propaganda effort will begin. The details
relative to the execution of this campaign will be the primary responsibility of the US appendix-B - 18
field station.
Immediately after the change Of government, Zahedi’s director of press and propa-
ganda must be prepared to:

(a) Make maximum use of Radio Tehran.

(b) Through Radio Tehran, posters, special news sheets, etc. spread the program of
the new government, including elements of broadcast appeal presented in sim-
plest terms, such as immidiate slashes in living costs, increased pay for govern-
ment officials and Army personnel, etc.
(c) Give maximum local publicity to US and UK statements which will have been
prepared in advance.
(d) Brief all foreign correspondents.

2. The Majlis. If the Majlis is in session at the time of the coup, an effort will be made
to have the change of government formalized. If it is not in session it will be called
into session by one of its elected officers who will have to be a member of the anti-
Mossadeq opposition.
To prepare for the change of government, a number of the deputies will be approached appendix-B - 19
and purchased. It is yet to be decided whether the purchases are to be made by the
British group or directly by Zahedi himself who, as long as he enjoys the sanctuary of
the Majlis building, is in an excellent position to achieve such in aim. Following the
receipt from one or both of the above elements of a list of deputies with the amounts
required for the purchase of each one, a special funding operation will be established
within the framework of the joint authorization for the execution of this plan. The US
field station will also employ various agents and contacts to support this operation.
Its basic aim will be to secure a majority plus one vote against Mossadeq as required
In Situation A. At the present time it is estimated that at least 30 deputies are prepared
to vote against Mossadeq if they think there is a good chance that they will be in a
majority. It is to be noted that all Majlis elected members would not normally be
present at any one session. However, it will also be necessary to attempt to ensure
that a quorum can be maintained in the Majlis at the moment when the anti-Mossadeq appendix-B - 20
vote is to be taken. The minimum quorum requirement is that two-thirds of the deputies
present in Tehran must be in the Chamber before a vote can be taken. Thus an effort will
be made to purchase additional deputies solely to have them remain In the Chamber to
ensure the quorum and not for the more sensitive role of voting against Mossadeq.

3. Political elements other than the Tudeh. Political parties or groups now opposed to
Mossadeq will play only a very minor role in this campaign, Such parties as the Toilers
Party, the Sumka and sections of the Pan-Iranists could supply only limited and prob-
ably ineffectual street gangs. The Toilers Party will, however, play a fairly important
role In the publicity described above.
It is to be noted that while these parties command only ineffectual street gangs, the
British group can muster up to approximately 3,000 Street activists to be committed in
Situation A.
4. Religious leaders. It is our belief that nearly all the important religious leaders with
appendix-B - 21 large followings are firmly opposed to Mossadeq. Both the US field station and the
British group have firm contacts with such leaders. The pro-Zahadi capabilities in this
field are very grant.
These leaders include such assorted and some times inimical elements as the nonpo-
litical leaders [Blacked-Out] and [Blacked-Out] , as well as [ ] and [Blacked-Out] and
his terrorist gang, During the period of intensive anti-Mossadeq publicity before coup
day the leaders and their henchmen will:

(a) Spread word of their disapproval of Moseadeq.

(b) Give open support to the symbol of the throne and give moral backing to the Shah
through direct contact with him at the shrine.
(c) As required, stage small pro-rellgious anti-Mossadeq demonstrations in widely
scattered sections of Tehran,
(d) The terrorist group to threaten that they are ready to take direct action against
pro-Mossadeq deputies and members of Mossadeq’s entourage and government.
appendix-B - 22 (e) Ensure full participation of themselves and followers in Situation A.
(f) After the change of government, give the strongest assurances over Radio Tehran
and in the mosques that the now government is faithful to religious principles.

5. Bazaar Merchants. These are defined as a relatively small number of long established
pro=L- nent merchants with a semi-religious outlook and with strong Influence over
the lower social orders in the bazaar section. Contacts with these merchants exist both
through the Britirh group and through the US field station.
These merchants are anti-Mossideq boaause the government harms them directly through
the stag- nation of business, the cutting off of imports, the strenuous collection of taxes,
and the general tightness of money,
In the period of intensive publicity pre- ceding Situation A, these merchants will be
used to:

(a) Spread anti-Government rumors in the bazaar.

(b) Stage limited protests In the south of Tehran against the economic policies of the
appendix-B - 24 Mossadeq government. Then, at the time of Situation A, they will:
(c) Close all or part of the bazaar.

Final Action Immediately Preceding the Coup

Au noted above, the military actiorl can result from Situations A, B, or C. However, the pre-
coup activities of the organizntion as described above will be primarily for the purpose of
creating Situation A which is described below.

1. On the appointed day, staged attacks will be made against respected religious leaders.
in Tehran.
2. Other religious leaders will at once say that these attacks were ordered by Mossadeq as
his reaction to the disfavor in which his government is hold by the religious leaders of
the entire country.
3. A number of the more important leaders will at once take sanctuary In the Majlis
grounds. appendix-B - 24
4. At this time, these religious leaders wlll relemlso statements through their followers
denouncing in the strongest terms the anti- religious attitude and behavior of Moss-
5. At the same time as 2.b.(4) (d) Above, the fullest publicity will be given to the US sta-
tion fabricated documents which prove and record in detail a secret agreement between
Mossadeq and the Tudeh, with the latter promising to use all their force in support of
Mosssadeq and against the religious leaders, the Army, and the police.
6. Simultaneously, these leaders will call on their followers to take sanctuary all over
Tehran In mosques, telegraph and post offices, banks, etc. The British group and the US
station will supply all the demonstrators they can to swell their ranks, and at the same
time the merchants will attempt to close the bazaar. (This mass sanctuary is designed
to interrupt all normal life and activity in the city and to illustrate dramatically the
extent of popular dissatisfaction with the government. It is the local version of passive
resistance and by long established tradition the military and police-are unable to take appendix-B - 25
action against people who take sanctuary.)
7. In the presence of thin increasingly hostile and abnormal atmosphere, Zahedi will take
over as chief of staff and make those arrests which are an essential part of the military
phase of the coup.
8. Just after Zahedi moves, the Majlis will be called into session to formalize the change
of government and complete the coup. appendix-B - 26


The preceding material represents a Western-type plan offered for execution by Orientals.
However, it was drafted by authors with an intensive knowledge of the country and its people
who endeavored to examine and evaluate all the details from the Iranian point of View. given
the recognized incapacity of Iranians to plan or act in a thoroughly logical manner, we would
never expect such a plan to be restudied and executed in the local atmosphere like a Western
staff operation.
However, we feel that the plan is broad enough and sufficiently comprehonsive to offer a
reasonable chance of success even if not carried out 100 percent.
Security among all local elements involved is a serious weakness inherent in the Per-
sian character. We must be aware of the fact that security breaches might lead to repressive
measures by Mossadeq.
No precedent for this proposed operation exists in Iran in recent years. The Reza Shah
coup was of an entirely different nature. Recent coups in other Near Eastern countries were
far easier to carry out since they were not complicated by a large pro-Communist opposition
or hampered by the presence of a head of government having powerful popular following. appendix-B - 27

Prior to an estimate of the chances of success, the following points in connection with the
general concept of the coup are vital:

1. The failure of the coup would result in:

(a) A strong tide of government-directed hostility toward the United States and the
possibility of the United States being expelled from Iran.
(b) Lose to the United Kingdom only of operational machinery represented by the
group which is intended mainly for the overthrow of Mossadeq.

2. Should the coup be attempted and fail, but the United States is not expelled from Iran
and should Mossadeq then fall at a subsequent date, neither the United States or the
United Kingdom would be in a position to take advantage of that opportunity since the
British group and certain US assets may be destroyed by the failure of the coup.

3. If the coup is not undertaken; the United States still stands to be expelled from Iran as
the certain economic collapse under the present Mossadeq government would probably
be accompanied by internal chaos and a subsequent takeover by the Tudah under USSR
appendix-B - 28 direction.
4. If the coup plan is rejected at this time, then another plan should be prepared against
the time of economic collapse and internal chaos.

Conclusion: Subject to the Shah’s support, Zahedi’s acceptance of the basic features of
this plan, our approval of his modifications, and to our feeling certain that he will act accord-
appendix-B - 29 ing to an established timetable, the authors of this plan believe that the coup will succeed.

12.4 Annexes
These proposed annexes are not included in this draft as they must be cased upon a great mass
of intelligence and information which is still being specifically collected for this purpose.
Annexes would include very detailed listing of all support available or probably available
to Zahedi such as names and poition of Army officers backing him, critical examination of the
position of the Mahlis deputies, appraisal of size and cohesion of religious leaders supporting
appendix-B - 1 Zahedi, the proposed cabinet of Zahedi, etc.
Chapter 13

APPENDIX C: Foreign Office


13.1 Secret Security Information

”Her Majesty’s Government have noted the State Department’s views as got out in a report on
the conversation between Mr. Byroade and Mr. Bealey on 7 July, and have much sympathy
for them.
”The overriding consideration is that the whole question of compensation must be left
to the impartial arbitration of an international tribunal. Furthermore the terms of any future
arrangements must be such as not to appear to provide a reward for the tearing up of contra-
cutal obligations or to disturb the pattern of world oil prices. Subject to this Her Majesty’s
Goverment are prepared to go to the utmost to help... with the problem of presenting an
agreement to the public’ locally. They are also convinced that the Company, who have not
been consulted, will adopt a generous attitude as regards methods and duration of paymentss
as regards any compensation awarded to them.
”The answers therefore to the specific questions raised in the report from Washington
Embasay are as follows:
”(a) The United Kingdomm can do without this oil, although it would be an advantage to
have it flowing into its traditional markets [the UK] once more. Her Majesty’s Governuent appendix-C - 2
are, however, anxious to dispose of the dispute which poisons their relations with the country
concerned and is a disturbing element in the area as a hole. They would therefore ’be ready
to cooperate’ w ith a new government in trying to reach an agreement, provided that the
principles referred to in paragraph 2 above are safeguarded.
”(b) Her Majesty’s Government take the wording of the Plan to mean that the initiative
would be left to the future Prime Minister both as to the priority of an oil agreement in re-
lation to his general programme and as to the nature of it. They hope he would agree to
look at the February proposals, and they would of course help him in regard to the presenta-
tion of the agreement. If he had any alternative proposals, Her Majesty’s Goverment would
consider them with equal sympathy, subject always to the principles mentioned above being
safeguarded.” appendix-C - 1

Chapter 14

APPENDIX D: Report on Military

Planning Aspect of TPAJAX

14.1 Military Aspects Operation TPAJAX

In early summer 1953 Carroll was assigned the task of planning military aspects of TPAJAX.
Several assumptions first had to be taken into account:

1. Operation would be joint operation with SIS.

2. Operation would rely heavily upon military willingness to fight for Shah.
3. Armed forces in Iran under Mossadeq very strongly led by pro-Mossadeq officers.
4. Operational assets within armed forces controlled by SIS or CIA were not at the outset
capable of executing the military objectives of TPAJAX.

Planning tasks which had to be accomplished:

1. Detailed study of the leading military personalities in Iran.

2. Detailed study of order of battle of the Iranian Army with emphasis on the Tehran
3. Detailed military study of communications, supply dumps, ammunition depots, com-
mand structure Iranian armed forces, time and distance factors within Tehran and
throughout Iran, including road and rail nets.
4. Detailed study military assets possessed by SIS.
5. Operational assets to be developed by CIA; almost no military assets were then under
CIA control. appendix-D - 2

George Carroll in Washington began a staff study preliminary to drafting a military plan.
Persons who were particularly helpful in the preparation of this study were Jerome F. Begert,
Willima Fowlkes, Jr., Eugene E. Cilsdorf, Elizabeth E. McNeill, Betty J. Caldwell, and Arthur
W. Dubois. This group constituted a branch task force.
Throughout the summer cables were exchanged with the Tehran Station in an effort to
procure the latest information on the order of battle of Iranian armed forces. The Iranian
desk, G-2, Pentagon, was queried in an effort to obtain whatever information they could get


which might help accomplish the above tasks. Information available in G-2 was almost non-
existent. Biographical information on leading Army figures was extremely scanty. G-2 did
not possess a tactical map showing the military situation in the city of Tehran. It must also be
admitted that CIA too was unprepared for this type of operational plan and a heavy burden
had to be laid upon the field at a time when the Tehran Station was already occupied with the
opening phases of TPAJAX.
The primary difficulty in staff planning at this time was the fact that neither the field nor
headquarters pos- sessed detailed information on military figures in Iran. CIA had heretofore
appendix-D - 3 never placed particular emphasis on that type of operational reporting, and we learned as the
days went by how extremely important, indeed vital, that type of reporting is.
Throughout the month of June, the branch task force gradually was supplied information
from the field which made it possible to begin thinking about the use of the forces within
the Tehran garrison. The field reported that Tehran was garrisoned by five brigades, three
infan- try mountain brigades, and two armored brigades. In addition, four other military
forces existed: the Gen- darmerie, the police, the armed customs guard, and the forces under
the military governor. It was also learned that the young Chief of Staff, Brigadier General
Taghi Riahi, and his staff had been drawn primarily from members of the pro-Mossadeq Iran
Party. It had to be assumed that the chief of staff and officers within all sections of his staff
were under control of Mossadeq. I has also to be assumed that at least three out of five of
the brigade commanders in Tehran were completely under General Riahi’s control. Those
assumptions proved to be correct. SIS reported that Colonel [Ashrafi, military governor of
Tehran and commanding officer of the Third Mountain Brigade,] could be relied upon; this
later turned out to be incorrect but for staff planning purposes in June it had to be assumed
appendix-D - 4 correct. It was disappointing to learn that Major General Zahedi, Prime Minister designate
under TPAJAX, possessed almost no military assets. General Zahedi, therefore, could not be
relied upon to execute his own staff plan.
In the early part of July, the branch task force was able to draw up a plan designed to
neutralize the Tehran garrison and to isolate all other brigades in Iran. It appeared at that
time that only a very small force could be relied upon by CIA, primarily the Thrid Mountain
Brigade in Tehran. Therefore, our first staff plan was based upon the use of the Third Moun-
tain Brigade for the capture and arrest of the officers assigned to the Chief of Staff, as well as
the arrest and neutralization of all other forces in the city of Tehran.
Because of the fact that CIA did not possess any mili- tary assets capable at that time of
helping TPAJAX, it was suggested that Station agent Colonel [Aban Farzanegan] be given
special training. [Farzanegan] was trained in a safe- house in Washington with the assis-
tance of instructors from the training division. [Farzanegan] had no idea what lay before him.
He had never previously participated in any military action, although he had been superbly
trained [in] [logistics in the Command and General Staff School at Ft.] [Leavenworth. Fur-
appendix-D - 5 ther, he had been assistant military] [attache for Iran in Washington for several years, and]
before that had been the [Iranian liaison officer to the [United States Military Assistance Ad-
visory Group in Tehran.] [He, therefore, had a good grasp of American army methods.] [He
was a Signal Corps officer by profession.] Because of the extreme sensitivity of TPAJAX,
[Farzanegan] was given the lie detector test. In early July, [Farzanegan] was directed to go to
Tehran and to renew all of his old contacts within the Iranian Army.
In June, Carroll was assigned TDY to Cyprus to work with Donald Wilber, NEA Planning
Officer, and SIS. Carroll concentrated on military planning aspects with SIS, and ascertained
the extent to which SIS could control Iran military assets. Headquarters was extremely con-
cerned because the plan assumed that the Shah would sign a firman dismissing Mossadeq
without being certain that his Army officers and men were well organized enough to force
Mossadeq from office in the event Mossadeq did not obey the firman, since CIA and SIS did
not possess military assets capable of being organized into an effective fighting force and it

was feared that the development of new military assets adn their organization into a fighting
force could not be accomplished in time.
SIS in Cyprus stated that it did have several important friends among the military, but appendix-D - 6
the only officer among their friends then in a position to be of assistance to us was Colonel
[Ashrafi.] SIS agreed that our preliminary military plan must be based on the assumption that
Colonel [Ashrafi] would cooperate. Military Planner Carroll doubted whether one brigade
out of five would be sufficient to overthrow Mossadeq and stated frankly that our military
plan must be viewed as extremely tentative; he also stated that he hoped upon arrival in
Tehran to find other assets in addition to Colonel [Ashrafi.] From the military point of view
the discussions in Cyprus were extremely disappointing because they made it clear that we
wanted to accomplish much but had very little with which to accomplish it. It also made it
clear that Carroll and Colonel [Farzanegan] should arrive in Tehran as soon as possible where
the military plan would be necessity have to be completed.
On 15 July Carroll left for London where SIS studied the military plan for two days
and approved it with little comment. They agreed that, if TPAJAX were to succeed, CIA
must start from scratch adn work quickly to find powerful friends among Iranian Army troop
commanders. In London, Carroll with Major Keen and two other British Army officers on
duty with SIS, went over two military plans which had been drawn by the branch task force.
Both of our military plans used the same arrest lists for military and civilian persons in appendix-D - 7
Tehran. These lists were compiled as a result of a long study of pro-Mossadeq Iranians, and
later proved to be at least 90 percent correct. The British approved the arrest lists after their
CE expert and their biographical section studied them. A third arrest list, the Tudeh Arrest
List, was studied very carefully by SIS Tudeh Party experts and was approved without addi-
tion. It would seem that our appraisal of Iranians must have been based upon approximately
the same information.
While these arrest lists were farmed out to SIS experts Carroll sat down to study the two
military plans with Major Keen and with the British major. The first plan was based upon the
assumption that [Colonel Ashrafi] was a controlled British agent [and that his Third Mountain
Brigade would] [follow his commands.] After a detailed examination of the Target List for
Neutralization In the City of Tehran (machine gun factory, Ministry of Post and Telegraph,
Office of the Chief of Staff, etc.), SIS stated that the targets we had listed for neutralization
were the correct ones and that we had assigned duties for components of the Third Mountain
Brigade about as well as any other way they might suggest.
We next turned to an examination of our second military plan based upon the assumption
that Carroll might be able to develop assets in Tehran capable of controlling three bridgades.
We all agreed that it would be extremely hazardous to base all of our hopes upon one brigade appendix-D - 8
out of the five in Tehran and that, if possible, we should attempt to develop additional forces.
SIS approved this plan and they then passed both plans up to a brigadier who returned them
next day without comment.
During these discussions a cable arrived in London via Cryprus from Tehran in which
Tehran Station reported General Zahedi’s ”military assets.” This message con- firmed all of
our fears. For some time the Station had been attempting to persuade General Zahedi to list
his military assets and to indicate how he hope to use them. At last General Zahedi reported.
He claimed none of the five brigades in Tehran. His military plan assumed that he might
be able to use the Imperial Guard, some troops from the Department of Army Transport,
components from the De- partment of Police, and components of the Armed Customs Guard.
He also hoped that Colonel [Timur Bakhtiar] might be able to bring troops to Tehran from
[Kermanshah.] SIS asked Carroll to write for them an appreciation of Zahedi’s plan. In
that appraisal it was stated that he did not believe the Shah would sign a firman dismissing
Mossadeq until Zahedi could indicate to him how Chief of Staff Riahi’s control over the
Tehran garrison could be broken; further, he felt that if TPAJAX were to succeed military appendix-D - 9

assests must be developed within the five brigades in Tehran.

SIS agreed in London that military tasks should take the following priority:

1. Seizure and occupation of designated points.

2. Execution of arrest and detention lists.

3. Neutralization of pro-Mossadeq military forces in Tehran.

4. Neutralization of the city of Tehran.

5. Reinforcement of pro-Zahedi forces in Tehran by forces outside of the city.

These priorities were laid down because it was desired that communications be knocked
out as soon as possible in order to prevent pro-Mossadeq forces and personnel from commu-
nicating with each other.
Carroll left London on the first available aricraft following these conferences, arrived in
Tehran on 21 July, and got in touch with [Farzanegan.]
Sifting through [Farzanegan’s] operational contact reports covering all of his important
conversations in Tehran [after his arrival from the United States], two offi- cers were noted as
being of especial promise. These were contact reports of conversations with Major General
appendix-D - 10 [Nadr [Batmangelich] and with Colonel [Hassan Akhavi] , both of whom reflected the fear
of the Tudeh party that was becoming gen- eral after the Tudeh showing of 21 July. Goiran,
Goodwin, and Carroll agreed that it was imperative that Carroll meet as soon as possible with
an officer appointed by Zahedi to work on our military scheme. Zahedi never did designate a
military secretariat, and it was necessary for us to develop our own.
Because of General Zahedi’s manifestly weak position among the military then on ac-
tive duty, and because it be- came apparent that it would be necessary for CIA to seize
the initiative and to furnish him with a military plan and military forces, the development
of Colonel [Akhavi] was stepped up. [Farzanegan] was directed to determine what assets
Colonel [Akhavi] might be able to lead us to. Colonel [Akhavi] first offered a ”Plan A”
which called for a military coup d’etat without explaining how it was to be accomplished.
Then [Farzanegan] was pressed to persuade Colonel [Akhavi] to be more realistic, and on 30
July he received from Colonel [Akhavi] a plan which was more specific but still pitifully in-
adequate. Colonel [Akhavi] said he would execute arrests and target lists, neutralize military
installations and non-cooperating forces within two hours; this was nonsense. The most im-
portant thing Colonel [Akhavi] reported was that he was in touch with three young colonels
appendix-D - 11 who might possess important strength within the Tehran garrison. Colonel [Akhavi] also told
[Farzanegan] that General [Batmangelich] lacked courage but would stiffen his back should
the Shah appoint him Chief of Staff. Colonel [Akhavi] did not mention General Zahedi and
did not seem to be in touch with him. [Farzanegan] told Colonel Akhavi that he could put
Colonel [Akhavi] in touch with one or two Americans whom he had met in the United States.
At this time the Shah also indicated that he did not have control of important military
Carroll met [Akhavi] and [Farzanegan] on 2 and 3 August and begam [sic] staff planning.
Colonel [Akhavi] was full of desire to do something, but had no idea of how to go about it. He
said that he had friends who could control the Second and Third Mountain Brigades but did
not trust either Colonel [Ashrafi] , Commanding Officer of the Third Mountain Brigade [and
an alleged SIS asset] , or Colonel Momtaz, Commanding Officer of the Second Mountain
Brigade. Colonel [Akhavi] reported that General [Batmangelich] had told him the day before
that if the Shah acted he was ready to perform any service whatsoever and to die for the
Shah if necessary. After these early meetings with Colonel [Akhavi] , it became apparent that

he, himself, was not in a position to command anything and was only hoping that he might
appendix-D - 12 persuade his friends to do so.
Carroll then met directly with Colonel [Akhavi] and his friend. The latter turned out to be
Colonel [Zand-Karimi], [Colonel Komtaz’s deputy]. Colonel [Zand-Karimi] reported a long
list of assets within the Tehran garrison, principally among deputy commanders of brigades
and regimental com- manders. On 6, 7, and 8 August, Colonels [Akhavi, Zand- Karimi,
Farzanegan], and Mr. Carroll carried on staff plan- ning based upon the units commanded by
friends whom [Zand- Karimi] claimed. Colonel [Zand-Karimi] stated that his primary friends
were [Colonel Hamidi], of the Tehran police; [Colonel] [Ordubadi] , of the Tehran Gen-
darmerie District; and [Colonel] [Mansurpur, Commanding Officer Iranian Cavalry]. He felt
certain that ultimate victory would be ours through these friends, and through his friends who
were regimental and battalion commanders, among these were important unit commanders in
the Tehran garrison: [Colonel Rohani, Deputy] [Commander of the Third Mountain Brigade;
Lt. Colonel Khosro-] [Panah, Commanding Officer of the Second Mountain Brigade] [In-
fantry Regiment; Lt. Colonel Yusefi, who was soon to be named Commanding Officer of
the Third Mountain Brigade’s Infantry Regiment.] Through these officers Colonel [Zand-
[Karimi] was in touch with every infantry battalion commander in Tehran and with most of
the company commanders; however, those officers had not been formed into an organization appendix-D - 13
and were not ready to overthrow Chief of Staff General Riahi’s firm control of the Terhran
garrison which he ex- ercized through the Brigade Commanders in Tehran. For instance, if
we were to succeed we must arrest Colonel Sharokh, Commanding Officer First Armored
Brigade; Colonel Parsa, Commanding Officer First Mountain Brigade; and probably Colonel
Ashrafi, Military Governor and Commanding Officer of the Third Mountain Brigade. Colonel
Novzari, Commanding Officer of the Second Armore Brigade would probably remain neutral
but we felt it imperative that his deputy, Lt. Colonel Bahrami, be arrested.
It therefore became clear from the military point of view that success might depend upon
whether or not General Riahi succeeded in arresting our friends before we arrested his, and
that the test of strength would very largely rest upon the amount of security we were able to
maintain while attempting to knit all of our friends into a functioning team.
It also was clear that we had to devise a scheme capable of carrying our operations in
the event our first platoon of young officers was arrested. Carroll therefore worked for two
nights with Colonels [Farzanegan and Zand-Karimi] team was arrested. The danger signal we appendix-D - 14
adopted to alert battalion and company commanders to take independent action was the arrest
of Colonel [Zand-Karimi] and of his closest friends. The weakness in our plan lay in the fact
that the station would not be in a position to contact battalion and company commanders but
would have to depend upon Colonel [Zand-Karimi] to do the job. While discussing this sub-
ject, Colonel [Zand-Karimi] stated that he would be able to contact lower unit commanders
within 48 hours after receipt of the Shah’s firman.
The hesitation of the Shah in signing the firman worked to our advantage for it gave us
several more important days in which to discuss with Colonel [Zand-Karimi] the develop-
ment of our final staff plans which was based upon the use of the units which his friends
commanded. This problem was compli- cated by the fact that Colonel [Akhavi] became
violently ill and was later forced to retire to his bed. As the climax approached, tension
increased and it is not inconceivable that tension caused by fear had something to do with
Colonel [Akhavi’s] illness. Colonel [Akhavi] did remain on his feet long enough to speak to
the Shah on 9 August in an interview which later proved vital to the success of the military
phase of TPAJAX. Until Colonel [Akhavi] saw the Shah, he was not certain that our friends appendix-D - 15
in the Tehran garrison would act without the Shah’s approval. However, after talking with
the Shah, Colonel [Akhavi] was able to tell Colonel [Zand- Karimi] that the Shah did desire
military support in the event he should decide to sign the firman.

Colonel [Akhavi] was asked by the Shah whether or not the Army would back a firman
dismissing Mossadeq. Colonel [Akhavi] told the Shah that he had been meeting with Carroll
and that a reasonable staff plan was being prepared, one that assured victory if it were carried
out properly. The Shah then asked [Akhavi] for the names of the officers who would coop-
erate, and Colonel [Akhavi] reported the same names which we had earlier submitted to the
Shah through Asadollah Rashidian. He asked [Akhavi] to meet General Zahedi.
In reporting the substance of his audience with the Shah, Colonel [Akhavi] asked the
station if the United States would support General Zahedi. He was told that it would. Colonel
[Zand-Karimi] also accepted General Zahedi. Both officers stated that they had not been in
touch with General Zahedi for several months but believed him to be a very good leader.
During the nights of 11, 12 and 13 August, staff plan- ning continued based upon the use
appendix-D - 16 of forty line commanders within the Tehran garrison. Colonel [Akhavi] met General Zahedi
who agreed that General [Batmangelich] might be chief of staff. General [Batmangelich]
expressed the desire to meet Carroll and to discuss plans with him, Farzanegan [in clear] ,
Colonel [Akhavi] , and Colonel [Zand-Karimi]. This meeting was postponed until we felt our
staff plan was complete enough for General [Batmangelich] to act upon it.
On 11 August Zahedi asked [Akhavi] to have [Farzanegan] come to see him. General
Zahedi and [Farzanegan] talked for three hours. [Farzanegan] reported that General Zahedi
was extremely appreciative of American assistance and asked [Farzanegan] to act as liaison
officer between him- self and the Americans for military purposes; he also asked him to
become his officer in charge of the Military Bureau which had been meeting with Carroll
during the last week.
On 12 August Farzanegan [in clear] took General [Batmangelich] to see Zahedi, and Gen-
eral [Bamangelich] pledged General Zahedi all assistance. [Farzanegan] also took Colonel
[Zand-Karmini] to see Zahedi and the latter reported to General Zahedi progress of military
staff planning. In retrospect it would appear that under more favorable conditions we should
have spen more time going over the staff plan with Zahedi and General [Batmangelich] , for it
was at this moment that the military phase of TPAJAX passed into Zahedi’s hands, although
appendix-D - 17 Zahedi did not know any of the young officers involved and General [Batmangelich] knew
only a few of them.
During the afternoon of 15 August, Carroll met with General [Batmangelich] and the Mil-
itary Secretariat composed of [Farzanegan,] Colonel [Akhavi,] and Colonel [Zand-Karimi].
The firmans were expected momentarily and much of the conversation revolved around the
question of how long it would take Colonel [Zand-Karimi] to contact our friendly forty line
commanders. After a long discussion everyone agreed action should commence within 48
hours of the re- ceipt of the firmans. It was also agreed that Colonel [Namiri, Commanding
Officer of the Imperial Guard], would deliver the firmans to Mossadeq after he had sent the
station a radio set attuned to Colonel [Zand-Karimi’s] command net. Colonel [Namiri] flew
appendix-D - 18 to Ramsar with the unsigned firmans on 13 August.
Chapter 15

APPENDIX E: Military Critique

15.1 I. The Problem of Personnel Assessment

1. If CIA desires to overthrow a hostile government by employing armed forces against
that government, then CIA must identify friendly forces, make contact with them, and
successfully employ them.

2. The decision to attempt a military coup d’etat should only be made after it ties been
determined that poten- tially useful forces do exist. Distinction must be made in aktng
this estimate of the situation between ”grousers” and ”activists.” When attempting to
esti- mate potential assets, experience has shown that it is vital to have as detailed
biographical information as possible on all military personnel whose presence might
bear upon the problem, including possible enemies as well as friends.

3. Biographical information cannot be collected in a short period of time. It must be

reported on a basis of con- tinuity and must include everything known about indi- vid-
ual officers, no matter how trivial. Military attaches are the normal channels for these appendix-E - 2
reports, but Military Advisory Assistance Groups, where present, are the boot source
of this type of information because they work and take recreation side by side with
indig- enous officers. It has been our experience that too little emphasis is being placed
upon this requirement; too often the files of officers contain only short refer- ences to
an officer’s assignments, promotions, decorations, emitting all personalia which could
indicate who an officer really is, what makes him tick, who his friends are, etc.

4. Biographical files on CIA agents in the armed forces are more complete but often these
agents are found in C-2 sections and other staffs. and not among troop commanders.

5. Assuming that sufficient biographical information exists concerning military personnel

and their motivations, our next task is to asses the character of each military person
under review. The assessment of officers should be done with a clear appreciation
of the traditions of the indigenous service in mind. For instance, the Army in Iran
has a modern tradition of defeat. The Iraniant officer is usually indecisive and covers
his inferiority with bombast and cheat beating. Therefore the location of leaders who appendix-E - 3
are willing to lead and to die is a hazardous occupation. Perhaps the Shah is a good
example of the ”typical” Iranian officer; his weaknesses are reflected throughout his
Officer Corps.
On the other hand, a true leader the Army is worth his weight in gold for he truly will
count for far more in Iran than In other countries where valor is traditional.


6. After personal assessment of officers has been completed, CIA will find good and bad
officers within all factions or groups. Here political and patriotic motivations must be
assessed as well as possible. The political milieu will underlay assessment of officers,
and non-military operations (KUGOWN) might have to be prevailed upon to create
conditions capable of intensifying or weakening motivations in such a way as to create
potential assets which at the time if assessments do not yet exist.

7. Friendship toward ”the free world,” ”the United States,” ”the United Nations,” ”white
colonialism,” and many other political motivations will be found in all countries, In Iran
CIA found that officers are generally ”pro-Shah,” ”pro-Mossadeq,” or ”fence-sitters.”
appendix-E - 4 The intensity of individual political motivations was different in each case, and was
often less important than personal motivations such so ambition, jealousy, young offi-
cers’ resentments of old officers and vice versa. There is no tradition of military revo-
lutions, but Reza Shah did seize control of the government by using military position
as the springboard. Hence, the political motivation of officers and personal motivations
within the political milleu have been and are factors to be considered in assessment of
military personnel.

8. Of equal importance in Iran was the assessment of the Commander-in-Chief, the Shah,
who also is the head of State. From the military point of view, assessment had to be
made of the Shah as Commander-in-Chief, including his depth of influence, command
ability, and courage under fire. His use as a focal point or fusing point around which
military persons and groups might rally also had to be assessed.
Without stating reasons, our Assessment of his usefulness was positive in these fields:
1. Head of State to dismiss hostile government, 2. Commander-in-Chief as rallying
Our assessment was negative in these fields:
appendix-E - 5 1. Commander-in-Chief as planner and participant in military action.

9. Turning from our assessment of the Shah, we concluded that the Shah as a symbol
could be used to incite action an the part of important military personnel.

10. Our assesments of individual military persons led us to the conclusion that Major Gen-
eral Zahedi was the best suited officer available to lead forces for the Shah against the
hostile government for these reasons:

(a) He was the only man in Iran openly bidding for the prime ministership.
(b) He thus displayed unique courage in that action.
(c) He had displays courage in the past, for as a soldier of 25 years he had been made
a Brigadier General in recognition of combat leadership against the Bolsheviki.
(d) His life had been saved by an American doctor after four of Zahedi’s ribs had
been removed.
(e) He was known to be pro-American and had permitted his son, Ardeshir, to study
in the United States for six years. He was a senior Major General and had won
appendix-E - 6 the respect of many senior and junior officers.
(f) His negative qualifications were as follows:
a. He had been out of the Army for several years and did not know young junior

b. He was identified in some quarters as venal. His capacity for leading a coup
d’etat was unknown; he had never distinguished himself as a staff officer, but
primarily as a commander.
c. Most of his friends were drawn from among the civilian population–few were
Army officers. appendix-E - 7

11. Specific assessment of line commanders in the Tehran garrison could not go forward
in Washington until intelligence directives had been laid upon the field station. For
instance, Headquarters did not know the names of any of the Brigade Commanders appendix-E - 8
in Tehran, and to our surprise, neither did the G-2 Section, Pentagon. Headquarters
did not posess any idea of the order of battle in Iran nor did G-2, Pentagon. Before
specific assessment of line commanders could be made, therefore, Tehran Station had
to report to Headquarters military information which should have been collected by
military attaches on a day-to-day basis.
12. While assessment of individual officers was being made in Headquarters, the actual
decision had been taken by the Department of State to do everything possible to turn
out Mossadeq. This decision to proceed found us with no clear picture of the military
situation in Iran, without even a list of officers and their assignments, and with no
operational assets among those officers in command positions. It must be understood,
therefore, that swifter movement was required in all phases of our military action to
such an extent that assessments were made and decisions taken on a much less secure
basis than would otherwise have been the case.
13. Our assessment of Mossadoq’s Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Taghi Riahi, was done
with care. We studied him in the light of his total personal environment, including a
study of the persons with whom he lived, the persons he had removed from office, appendix-E - 9
the persons a appointed to office, persons he had gthered in his staff, the political
persons with whom he associated. From the political point of view, there is no doubt
that Mossadeq had chosen his chief of staff very well. (We felt certain that Riahi
would follow Mossadeq in showdown, and not the Shah.) But from the military point
of view, Brigadier General Riahi bad several weaknesses. We could not be sure, but
we had good ground to hope that Riahi’s lack of command and combat experience
would prove important if a test of military strength could be brought about. We did not
question his personal courage and itegrity. We found that he was residing with three
of the outstanding members of the pro-Mossadeq Iranian Party and that he actually
had led a pro-Mossadeq faction within the Army. He and most of his staff had been
French-trained and were very thorough in staff work and very green in the field.
14. As the field begn to report personalia concerning brigadier commanders, brigade deputy
commanders, regimental and battalion commanders in Tehran and in other parts of Iran,
we were able to assess the situation with much greater clarity. It became evident that it
would be necessary to arrest or remove most of the brigade commanders and to develop appendix-E - 10
operational assets, for the most part, beneath that echelon of command. This assess-
ment later proved to be correct and saved us much time and kept us from harm–from
the security point of view. Because of the all-pervading necessity of drum-tight se-
curity, we could see from the beginning the necessity for approaching and developing
only those persons with whom we stood a very good chance of success.
15. From all the above it can readily be seen that the session of all-inclusive biographical
information is vital to the success of any operation which includes large-scale use of
military personnel. Failure can easily depend upon a mistake in the assessment of one
officer and victory hinge upon it.

15.2 II. Military Intelligence as a Basis for Action Intended

to Overthrow Hostile Governments
1. Military Intelligence as a Basis for Action Intended to Overthrow Hostile Govern-
(a) A war map should be kept by paramilitary officers in each station where revo-
lutionary action may be required. Maps should be assembled of every scale of
possible use. The complete order of battle should be posted on a current ba-
sis. The supply sitution as regards ammunition, gasoline and petrol, clothing and
appendix-E - 11 equipment, etc., must be watched very carefully. There may be no use sending
a brigade into action against a hostile government when that brigade possesses
only six rounds of ammunition per man.
(b) Defensive measures taken by hostile governments should be watched very care-
fully. In Iran, Mossadeq’s goverment assembled most of the motor transport into
one motor pool; his government permitted only enough petrol for tanks to permit
them to operate for one hour; the issuance of ammunition was reduced to an abso-
lute minimum; and ammunition supply dumps were heavily reinforced (guarded).
The signal code for the Iranian Army was changed only three weeks prior to the
Mossadeq overthrow.
At two critical moments, Chief of Staff General Riahi assembled all officers in
the Tehran gurrison and made emotional appeals to their patriotism, equated by
him with support for Mossadeq. Lista of officers’ license plates on vehicles were
called for by General Riahi, and in some cases officers were followed. Also,
appendix-E - 12 spot telephone checks were made to officers’ homes in an attempt to learn which
officers were ending their evenings away from their homes.
(c) It is also necessary to study all military installations which must be seized or pro-
tected. For that purpose it is necesarry to have detailed drawings of important
headquarters, of important communication centers, etc. In the beginning of TPA-
JAX we possessed none of this information, except for a few excellent sabotage
studies made of civilian installations.
(d) In an action of this sort it must also be appreciated well in advance that key
civilian personnel and civilian installations must be seized. It should be possible
to call upon any sources of information for assessent of political figures, but the
collection of information concerning physical characteristics of telephone offices,
radio stations, airports, etc., is a matter that can greatly be assisted when collected
under the guidance of a paramilitary officer who understands what he is looking
for; that is not to say that an excellent intelligence officer could not do the same
but his intelligence directives should be carefully drawn.
(e) Weather conditions my be absolutely vital to success and should be noted at least
appendix-E - 13 well in advance. Should fog exist, for instance, time and distance factors in staff
planning may be thrown off entirely. Rain and storms might do the same. The
question of whether or act to begin action by daylight or at night is a vital decision.
and it must be made on the ground. In places where curfews exist, conditions may
be radically altered by that fact. In other locations the habits of the people may
be of extremely important military significance; for instance, the siesta habit,
including the closing of most of the shops in business areas, may be important.
Also, the day in the week observed as the religious day should be studied for
possible usefulness as well as important holidays. Day which neutralize or tend
to neutralize opposition groups should be studied with care; for instance, training

of military units in some locations is rotated and it might be found that a hostile
unit will be sent out of the area of action on a day upon which it may be possible
to act.
(f) Military information concerning G-1 Sections may prove extremely useful. In
some cases it is possible to arrange for the replacement or reassignment of officers
who are in the wrong position from our point of view. The placing of the right
man in the right spot at the right time is of course the most important factor
in all military operations and should under no circumstances be overlooked in appendix-E - 14
operations of this kind.
(g) Actions which might be taken against you should be studied very carefully and
you should receive well in advance notice of measures of this kind before they
are actually effected. It will also be under- stood that G-2 sections may be used
in various ways. The feeding by you of diversionary information concerning
the existence of military cabals to G-2 sections may possibly be used in places
where panic may result in the hostile camp. In Iran we were greatly assisted
by the fact that many groups of officers were suspected of planning a coup. As
tension increased, reports of this sort also increased. Although they served to
alert the hostile government, they also served to smokescreen our activities and
the activities of our friends. This whole matter is naturally a matter of study under
local conditions, but our experience may be of some assistance in places where
similar circumstances exist.
(h) It may also be entirely possible that other military groups are being formed to
combat the hostile government, and in that case we should know who they are
and what they intend to do. It may be necessary to split some of these groups, or
it may be necessary to fuse them with our forces. In both cases our action must appendix-E - 15
be delicately taken on the basis of very good informa- tion. Provocation must be
carefully watched for, and remedial steps planned for and taken in the event any
of our friends nibbles at the bait.
(i) Information concerning our own friends is perhaps the most important field for
collection. The appraisal of our own security situation on a continuous basis is
paramount consideration for current decision-making. In Iran we developed and
recruited young colonels after very quick assessment, fully understanding the risk
we were taking; at the same time, we attempted to probe and to delve in an effort
to find out as much about oar new recruits as possible.
(j) If it is at all possible to develop secretly assets which can check upon the actions
of our friends, Iit will be found extremely useful to have them, for it will be found
that the military situation can become extremely fluid and it in absolutely vital to
know who has been wounded, arrested, doubled, etc. Early warning of a security
break should be provided for and a warning then established capable of reaching
and warning other assets. This is particularly true during action phases. appendix-E - 16
(k) Security controls may change from day to day and we should have information
concerning that entire field. For instance, in the middle of an extremely fluid mil-
itary situation it was necessary for one of our officers and for one of our principal
agents to make hasty trips after curfew hours to cities eight and ten hours away
from the capital. We were able to provide them with forged documents which
proved absolutely necessary to the success of their missions.
(l) Information concerning the available radio and telegraphic note is extremely im-
portant. In Iran there is an Air Force radio net, gendarmeric radio net, Army
radio net, railroad net, and an oil company telegraphic net. The number and ex-
tent of telegraphic nets is often surprising in any country and they must be studied

very carefully for obvious reasons. At one stage in operation TPAJAX we used
the overt governmental telegraphic system, using simple phrases for operational
meaning (over-writing). Telephone systems are easy means for both hostile and
friendly forces to communicate with each other, and informatlon should be gath-
ered on the extent to which central tapping services exist and, if possible, targets
under tap should be identified. In Iran it was known that the Tudeh party had
appendix-E - 17 penetrated the governmental communication system and, despite that fact, we
relied upon that system because at one point all other means of communication
broke down. The insecurity of that practice was realized but had to be accepted
under the circumstances. In the signal center in the office of the chief of staff,
or the signal center used by the Army Chief of Staff, is the single most impor-
tant communication base available to a hostile opposition. If this center cannot
be penetrated it should be neutralized and alternate means of communications
established for friendly forces.
(m) Information gathering can sometimes be of use during occasions in which it is
necessary to fabricate ”excuses for action.” Good penetrations of the hostile gov-
ernment might possibly turn up actions taken by the hostile government which
have not been revealed to the public. In attempting to recruit personnel to your
cause, it will always be necessary to provoke them to action when their motivation
appendix-E - 18 is insufficient to cause them to act under their own steam.

15.3 III. Millitary Planning as a Basis of Coup d’etat

1. The science of military planning is too deep and well known to be covered in this paper.
Needless to say, those officers who are responsible for military planning should have
had qualified experience in the armed forces in preparation for this assignment.

2. In addition to a background in military planning, officers should also be experienced

in clandestine operations. The basis of a coup d’etat is security which permits us to
exercise operational surprise. The basis of security in good operational tradecraft which
can only come from experience.

3. It may be assumed that a military bureau composed of indigenous officers will be avail-
able for specific local planning, either from within the target country or from without.
This milita bureau can operate only when it possesses current and complete military

4. The military bureau may be designated by the leader-to-be of the new friendly gov-
ernment or may be composed independently of the leader-designee. In either case,
clandestine tradecraft is a vital necessity.

appendix-E - 19 5. Whether or not a CIA officer shall be exposed to this military bureau will depend upon
the local situation. In Iran we found it necessary to commit the CIA planner, who
later found it necessary to participate in the operation itself on an equal-basis with
indigenous officers. It is obvious that this practice is an additional security risk which
should be avoided if possible.

6. Political arrest lists should be furnished the CIA military planner, and it is his job to
designate forces to execute such lists. Military and civilian targets for neutralizing
and seizure by friendly forces should be drawn up by the CIA military officer and the
military bureau.

7. If possible, a CIA radio net should be created spectfically for the coup d’etat tying in
our CIA field officer with the military bureau which in turn should be tied in to the
headquarters and command units for friendly forces. Where this practice is not feasi-
ble, other means of communications should primarily be relied upon. But in all situ-
ations a primary and alternate means of communication among these elements should
be created.

8. Military planning should be based upon the principle that some elements within our
friendly forces will be exposed, and that our operation must not collapse on that ac-
count. Therefore, danger signals should be included which automatically call for move- appendix-E - 20
ment from one phase to the other depending upon who or what units have been exposed
to the hostile government. In Iran there was good reason to believe that danger signals
so noted prior to the change of government were instrumental in keeping alive an op-
eration which, to an outsider, appeared to have failed.

9. The possibility of civil war must be accepted by our military planners and measures
taken within the plan for that eventuality. Such an eventuality might pos- sibly include
the necessity for establishing a safebase for the now friendly government. Possibilities
and eventualities stemming from civil war can only be seen upon the analysis of each
local situation, but they are not difficult to foresee and should certainly be planned for.

10. The creation of safehouse bases for operational contacts may be planned for and ex-
ecuted well in advance of the commitment of our friendly forces. Several safehouses
or safebases should be found in order to maintain contact with friendly elements in appendix-E - 21
the event one or more of our safehouees are blown. In cases where CIA personnel are
all stationed within an embassy the operational situation demands that safehouses and
safebases be established. These safehouses should ideally include radio, independent
telephone, or other means of communications, depending upon the local situation. In
situations in which it is necessary to cache money, ammunition, arms, clothing, food,
and documents, safehouses should be found with secure keepers capable of securing
those items.

11. Support items such as automobiles, taxicabs, and other vehicles should be procured
and kept sterile well in advance of the operational situation.

12. Compartmentation of persons and units who compose our friendly forces should be
made wherever possible. In the event a part of our operation be exposed, it is vital that
interrogation not disclose our entire assets.

13. Members of the military bureau should under no circumstances actively participate in
the operation because under interrogation they would be in a position to disclose too

14. The military board should include both staff officers and line officers, and as many
functional specialists as may be necessary under local conditions. A communications
staff officer will be found very useful.

15. Possibilities of blowback against the United States should always be in the back of the
minds of all CIA officers involved in this type of operation. Few, if any, operations appendix-E - 22
are as explosive as this type. This fact makes it imperative that the best trained and
experienced officers who can be found be assigned.

16. Military planning should include the possibilities of complete failure and, therefore,
should include an evacu-ation scheme for CIA and indigenous personnel who might

be exposed. Aircraft of American military attaches, evasion and escape nets, and other
operational assets might have to be employed. If none of these assets exists then hiding
places should be created in advance of the operation which are kept sterile throughout.
17. Commitments to friendly persons should be kept well within our ability to make good.
In Iran we did not rely upon bribery because we felt that those officers who would
accept bribes would probably betray the operation in the event of extreme difficulty,
i.e., torture. In Iran we did not spend one cent in the purchase of officers.
18. Forethought should also be given to the problem of care and keep of wives and families
of friendly officers.
19. The possibility of using weapons of foreign make should be kept well in mind in cases
appendix-E - 23 where American arms are not indigenous to the local area.
-missing pages-
20. way as to neutralize entire cities through the use of road blocks, strong points, traffic
control, curfews, new documentation, etc.

21. Needless to say, a complete roster of officer assignments in the new army should be
drawn well in advance in order that there be no confusion.
22. Wherever possible it is much better to use the local army supply system than it is to
create a now clandestine one. It also follows that it is much better to conduct the
operation from within the country than it is to attempt a cross-border operation. It is
also much easier to execute the operation when CIA officers are present than it is when
CIA officers are outside the country. Deep cover personnel should be used in order to
appendix-E - 1 prevent severe blowback whenever it in possible to do so.

a battalion originally committed to the oper- Kermanshah, 34, 39

ation, 38 Keyser, 39
Aban Farzanegan, 68 Keyvani, 12
Afshar, 37 Keyvani and Djalili, 33, 37
Akhavi, 25, 70–72
Ali Zand, 38 Mansur Afshar and Majidi, 37
and an alleged SIS asset, 70
and Keyvani, 12 Namiri, 27, 28, 72
Ashrafi, 69, 70 Nasiri, 26, 38
Ayatollah Behbehani, 33
Ordubadi, 71
Bakhtiar, 39
palace, 25
Bamangelich, 72
Batmangelich, 25, 27, 28, 40, 70, 72 sic, 70
Batmanlegich, 38 Soleiman Behbudi, 21
Behbudi, 25
Blacked-Out, 9, 10, 12, 22, 23, 25, 27, 49, the UK, 65
53, 62 Timur Bakhtiar, 69
British Intelligence, 9
Zargham, 34
Colonel, 71
Colonel Ashrafi, 69
Commander of the Imperial Guard, 25

Demavand, 38
Djalili, 12, 37, 38
Djalili and, 12
Djalili and Keyvani, 12, 30

Farzanegan, 25, 27–29, 31, 33, 34, 39, 40,

68–70, 72

Guilanshah, 31, 38, 39

Hamidi, 35
Hassan Akhavi, 25, 70
head, 25

in, 68
in clear, 28, 72
Isfahan, 34

Karimi, 71
Karmenshah, 39


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