Evaluation of Multivariate Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks in Prediction of Water Quality Parameters

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Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40

http://www.ijehse.com/content/12/1/40 JOURNAL OF


Evaluation of multivariate linear regression and

artificial neural networks in prediction of water
quality parameters
Hamid Zare Abyaneh

This paper examined the efficiency of multivariate linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN)
models in prediction of two major water quality parameters in a wastewater treatment plant. Biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) as well as indirect indicators of organic matters are
representative parameters for sewer water quality. Performance of the ANN models was evaluated using coefficient
of correlation (r), root mean square error (RMSE) and bias values. The computed values of BOD and COD by model,
ANN method and regression analysis were in close agreement with their respective measured values. Results
showed that the ANN performance model was better than the MLR model. Comparative indices of the optimized
ANN with input values of temperature (T), pH, total suspended solid (TSS) and total suspended (TS) for prediction of
BOD was RMSE = 25.1 mg/L, r = 0.83 and for prediction of COD was RMSE = 49.4 mg/L, r = 0.81. It was found that
the ANN model could be employed successfully in estimating the BOD and COD in the inlet of wastewater
biochemical treatment plants. Moreover, sensitive examination results showed that pH parameter have more effect
on BOD and COD predicting to another parameters. Also, both implemented models have predicted BOD better
than COD.
Keywords: ANN, MLR, BOD, COD, Wastewater treatment plant

Introduction wastewater. However, it is very difficult to obtain continu-

Water is a vital matter for all aspects of human and eco- ous water quality data due to the scarcity of accessible
system survival and health. Thus, its quality is also space within the sewer systems and the necessity of separ-
important. Evaluation of water quality parameters is ate laboratory experiments. Currently available method for
necessary to enhance the performance of an assessment BOD and COD determination is very tedious and prone to
operation and develop better management and planning measurement errors. Presence of toxic substances in a
for water resources. The quality of wastewater generated sample may also affect microbial activity leading to a
in any process industry is generally indicated by perform- reduction in the measured BOD and COD values [3].
ance indices namely biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) Due to the correlations and interactions between water
and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The BOD and COD quality parameters, it is interesting to investigate whether
are representative parameters for sewer water quality [1]. a domain-specific mechanism governing observed patterns
The BOD is an approximate measure of the amount of exists to prove the predictability of these variables [4]. Sev-
biochemical degradable organic matter present in a water eral water quality models such as traditional mechanistic
sample and is for domestic wastewater. COD values are approaches have been developed in order to manage the
always greater than BOD values, but COD measure- best practices for conserving the quality of water [5]. Most
ments can be made in a few hours while BOD measure- of these models need several different input data which
ments take five days [2]. Also, COD is more for industrial are not easily accessible and make it a very expensive and
time consuming process [6].
Correspondence: [email protected] In recent years, Artificial Neural Network (ANN)
Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, method has become increasingly popular for prediction
Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

© 2014 Zare Abyaneh; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 2 of 8

and forecasting in a number of disciplines, including water subsurface flow constructed wetlands [14]. Results of the
resources and environmental science. The ANN using var- ANNs and the model design equation were close to ex-
ied input combinations of quality parameters were trained perimental data from the literature. Results showed that
using various training algorithms. The ANN performance a rather satisfactory correlation was obtained using ANN
was compared with multivariate linear regression (MLR) method. COD removal was found to be strongly corre-
approach. The ANNs are able to find and identify com- lated to BOD removal. An equation for COD removal
plex patterns in datasets which may not be well described prediction was also produced.
by a set of known processes or simple mathematical Due to numerous problems in the registration and
formula [7]. measurement of water quality such as BOD and COD,
Dogan et al. studied the abilities of ANN model to im- the main aim of the present study was: 1) to find the op-
prove the accuracy of the biological oxygen demand timized topology of the ANN and new regression models
(BOD) estimation [5]. In this study the potential of an for prediction of complex water quality data; 2) to select
ANN technique in BOD estimation in the Melen river the best method in prediction of the water quality data,
was examined by comparing the results with observed and 3) to evaluates the results of the multilayer percep-
BOD. From the obtained results, an ANN model appears tron type ANN in prediction of BOD and COD removals
to be a useful tool for prediction of the BOD in Melen and selecting the optimized topology.
river. In study of Guclu and Dursun [8] three independent
ANN models trained with back-propagation algorithm Material and methods
were developed to predict effluent COD, suspended Study area
solids (SS) and aeration tank mixed liquor suspended The data set used in this study was gathered through
solids (MLSS) concentrations of the Ankara central continuous monitoring of samples from Ekbatan waste-
wastewater treatment plant. Elmolla et al. examined the water treatment plant, Tehran, Iran (51° 15′ 45′ E, 35°
implementation of ANN for the prediction and simula- 42′ 10′ N). Figure 1 shows the location of the study
tion of COD removal from antibiotic aqueous solution by area. The water quality parameters were measured in
the Fenton process and is very close to the experimental water quality laboratory of refinery from 1998 to 2002.
results with correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.997 and Based on measured values of different variables and their
mean square error (MSE) of 0.000376 [9]. Estimation of correlative analysis, factors (variables) including pH,
oxygen demand levels using UV–vis spectroscopy and re- total suspended solid (TSS), total suspended (TS) and
sults showed that in most cases the proposed technique water temperature (T) were identified which affect the
of UV-ANN has the best performance. The predicted water quality (BOD and COD) and finally selected for
values of BOD and COD using UV-ANN method were the model development. BOD is determined by incubat-
very close to values obtained by using the standard [10]. ing a sealed sample of water for five days and measuring
Dogan et al. developed an ANN model to estimate daily the loss of oxygen from the beginning to the end of the
BOD in the inlet of wastewater biochemical treatment test. Samples often must be diluted prior to incuba-
plants [5]. In this study, The ANN technique with COD, tion or the bacteria will deplete all of the oxygen in the
water discharge, suspended solid, total nitrogen, and total bottle before the test is complete. The COD value was
phosphorus presented MSE of 708.01, average absolute
relative errors of 10.03%, and a coefficient of determin-
ation of 0.919. Onkal-Engin et al. used ANN for deter-
mination of the relationship between sewage odor and
BOD [11]. Their results showed that ANNs can be used
to classify the sewage samples collected from different
locations of a wastewater treatment plant. Rene and
Saidutta applied ANNs to predict the concentrations of
BOD and COD by using some easily measurable water
quality indices [12]. Their results showed that the ANN
ability in prediction of BOD was better than COD.
Oliveira-Esquerre et al. developed multilayer perceptron
(MLP) and functional-link neural networks (FLN) to pre-
dict inlet and outlet BOD of an aerated lagoon operated
by International Paper of Brazil [13]. They reported MLP
networks are the best choice for the prediction of BOD.
Akratos et al. applied ANN model and design equations
Figure 1 Location of the study area.
for BOD and COD removal prediction in horizontal
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 3 of 8

determined by the procedures described in the Standard capable of handling a large number of inputs (independent
Methods of APHA [15]. The monthly measuring of six variables) to determine one or more outputs (dependent
water quality parameters was conducted during 7 years variables) [10]. There are many types of neural networks
(2003–2009). for various applications available in researches. The multi-
Boundary of the water quality parameter values in the layer perceptron (MLP) is a widely used ANN configur-
model domain is given in Table 1. In this table, Xmean, ation and has been frequently applied in the field of
Xmax, Xmin, SDx and CV indicate the mean, maximum, hydrological modeling [16]. This study evaluates the utility
minimum, standard deviation and deviation coefficient of MLP neural networks for estimating BOD and COD.
of the data set, respectively. The MLP is the simplest and therefore most commonly
As can be seen in Table 1, the variation coefficient used neural network architectures [17]. Figure 2 provides
(CV) of BOD and COD are 0.28 and 0.35. The CV is a an overview of the structure of this network. The MLP
statistical dispersion index of data set, which is defined consists of three layers of neurons: (1) an input layer;
as mean normalized standard deviation of data set. The (2) an output layer, and (3) intermediate (hidden) layer or
CV formula is as follows: layers. Each neuron has a number of inputs (from outside
the network or the previous layer) and a number of out-
SDx puts (leading to the subsequent layer or out of the net-
CV ¼ ð1Þ
X mean work). A neuron computes its output response based on
the weighted sum of all its inputs according to an activa-
Variation coefficient values of BOD and COD in this tion function [18].
study are lower than other studies. In the study of Singh A simple MLP was used in this study. It is a network
et al. concentration of both water quality parameters with four input variables, a hidden layer with four to a
showed large variations between the samples, with a maximum of ten processing neurons and two output
high variation coefficient (0.48 for COD and 0.83 for variables (BOD and COD). For a simple regression ana-
BOD) [3]. Such differences may be attributed to the lysis the units in the input layer introduce normalized or
large geographical variations in climate, number of sam- filtered values of each input variable into the network,
ples and water quality in the study region. The CV of then these values are transferred to all units of the
pH compared with other parameters is very low (0.01). hidden layer multiplied by a “weight” factor that is, in
Different variation coefficient returns to the nature of general, different for every connection, and its magni-
parameters. Similar to Singh et al. the computed vari- tude characterizes the importance of some connections
ables of anthropogenic origin showed larger variations (Figure 2).
as compared to the natural origin variables. This may be In the present study, two training algorithms (i.e.
attributed to the fact that the geogenic processes are al- Levenberg–Marquardt and Momentum) were applied to
most in equilibrium state, whereas, the anthropogenic train the network. Two different transfer functions (i.e.
processes are time dependent in nature [3]. Sigmoid and Tanh) were also used to obtain the best re-
sults with respect to non-linearity of this phenomenon.
Artificial neural network (ANN)
The ANN models are increasingly being used for fore-
casting or simulating water resources variables because
they are often capable to model complex systems with 1
unknown or difficult behavioral rules or underlying phys-
ical processes. The ANN is a non-linear modeling tool
Table 1 Water quality properties in the ANN and MLR
model domain measured during period 2003–2009 in
Ekbatan wastewater treatment plant PH COD
CV SDx Xmin Xmax Xmean Unit Data set
0.04 0.3 7.2 8.7 7.9 —— pH
0.10 2.4 18.5 27.3 23.7 0
T 9
0.14 93.2 400 944 646.4 mg/L TS
0.43 106.5 75 568 245.9 mg/L TSS 10
0.28 45 50 249.0 159.1 mg/L BOD Figure 2 Architecture of the neural network model used in
0.35 89.8 80 502 257.6 mg/L COD this study.
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 4 of 8

Finally, the best learning algorithm, activation function ð X i −X  ÞðY i −Y Þ
and architecture of the network (the number of neurons r ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
X ð4Þ
in hidden layers) were determined by trial and error. ðX i −X  Þ2 ðY i −Y Þ2
For ANN modeling, the experimental data set were di-
vided into a training set (80% of the data) and validation where Xi and Yi are the ith observed and estimated
values, respectively; X and Y are the average of Xi and
set (20% of the data set). The training set is used to fit
ANN model weights (for a number of different network Yi, and n is the total numbers of data.
configurations and training cycles). The validation set is
used to evaluate the optimized model against unknown Resuls and discussion
data set. Measured BOD removals are depicted against the corre-
Training and testing of the network were accom- sponding measured COD removals in Figure 3. A simple
plished on NeuroSolutions version 5. In NeuroSolutions, linear model (y = ax + b) is fitted to data. Akratos et al.
the criteria used to evaluate the fitness of each potential [14] obtained a similar model between COD and BOD
solution are the lowest cost achieved during the training as follows:
run [19]. To avoid over training, early stopping technique BOD ¼ 0:4259COD þ 50:991 r ¼ 0:81 ð5Þ
was used in training [20]. This method is done automatic-
ally in NeuroSolution software. So that, as soon as over This result showed that the BOD removal could be
training of ANN, ANN training stops. predicted by applying the correlation between BOD and
COD removal to the predictions of COD removal. There-
Multivariate linear regression (MLR) fore COD was found to be strongly correlated to BOD.
Statistical methods, such as regression models, are the Study of Akratos et al. proved that a strong correlation
best tools for investigating any relationship between exists between BOD and COD values [14]. This finding
dependent and independent variables of small sample confirms the results of this study.
size [21]. The MLR is a method used to model the lin- The statistical criteria of RMSE and r for each ANN
ear relationship between a dependent variable and one structure in validation phase are given in Figure 4.
or more independent variables. MLR is based on least Figure 4 shows RMSE of the structure of sigmoid transfer
squares. In the best model, sum of square error between function and four neurons with momentum learning
observed and predicted parameters should be minimum algorithm is the lowest value. Moreover correlation coef-
value. ficient value of this structure is low. Comparing RMSE
BOD and COD estimation also can be performing and r values for all neural network structures, an opti-
using linear models which explain linear relationship mized structure with neurons in middle layer with mo-
between parameters. Furthermore, the same input vari- mentum algorithm and tanh function was selected. The
ables for MLR models are considered for linear models momentum algorithm adds inertia to the training pro-
(Eq. 2): cedure, and helps avoid oscillatory entrapment in local
minima [22]. This structure has the highest correlation
Y ¼ aTSS þ bTS þ cPH þ dT þ e ð2Þ value (r = 0.74) and the least error (RMSE = 0.26 mg/L

Where, Y: BOD or COD values, a, b, c, d and e: constant

coefficients of linear regression model, TSS, T, TS and pH
are input parameters.

Evaluation criteria for ANN and MLR prediction

Two statistical criteria were applied to evaluate the per-
formance of ANN and MLR methods. These criteria
were coefficient of correlation (r) and root mean square
error (RMSE).
Correlation of coefficient (r) is a common criterion for
goodness of fit for regression models [21]. Two additional
criteria were used to compare the output values of the
models. These criteria are as follow:

1X n
RMSE ¼ ðX i −Y i Þ2 ð3Þ
n i¼1 Figure 3 Correlation between measured BOD and COD.
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 5 of 8

Cross validation phase
Cross validation phase 0.8

RMSE (mgL-1)

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

T-M 0.87 0.72 0.74 0.69 0.47 0.51 0.60 T-M 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.29 0.56 0.55 0.53
T-LM 0.56 0.55 0.63 0.45 0.21 0.11 0.33 T-LM 0.35 0.58 0.62 0.72 0.78 0.87 0.84
S-M 0.50 0.16 0.24 0.15 0.08 0.32 0.29 S-M 0.23 0.32 0.31 0.35 0.32 0.32 0.31
S-LM 0.62 0.34 0.59 0.22 0.36 0.05 0.41 S-LM 0.29 0.39 0.28 0.41 0.39 0.42 0.41

Num ber of neuron Num ber of neuron

Figure 4 Comparison of convergence speeds for the momentum (M) and Levenberg-Marqurdt (LM) algorithms with sigmoid function (s)
and tanh function (T), as measured by number of neurons during validation phase; by Correlation Coefficient (r), root mean squared
error (RMSE).

for normal data). Thus it can be stated with 74% confi- measured and calculated values in some parts is due to
dence, ANN results is acceptable. The remaining 26% the influence of other factors (except 4 input parame-
can be caused by environmental and climate factors af- ters) on the output parameters. As is known, affecting
fects on the value of BOD and COD. Also, in the choice factors on BOD and COD values are not only 4 input
structure, the both BOD and COD parameters can be es- parameters used in this study, but other quality factors
timated simultaneously. This method reduced the time and climate could be involved that in this research isn’t
cost and is recommended. used. Because, the purpose of investigation was to estimate
With regard to the optimized ANN structure, esti- BOD and COD with using simple minimum parameters.
mated and observed values of BOD and COD as well as Therefore, although the use of more parameters, it can
time series and linear model fitted to the data were pre- reduce the difference between the estimated values and
sented in Figure 5. observations, but the cost must be justified. While the re-
A comparison of the observed and estimated BOD and sults of this study in compared to other studies is better.
COD concentrations as hydrograph and scatter plot In study of Guclu and Dursun, correlation coefficient was
form is shown in Figure 5. It can be seen from the calculated as 0.85 for COD modeling [8]. They used 8 in-
hydrographs that the ANN BOD estimates closely follow put parameters include flow rate, return activated sludge
the observed values. This is also confirmed by the scatter and waste activated sludge, DO, COD, SS, total kjeldahl
plots (Figure 5). It can be clearly seen from the scatter nitrogen (TKN) and COD load in modeling process but in
plots that the BOD has a higher r value (0.83) than the present study four parameters were used. These re-
COD. This may be due to the fact that the optimized sults indicate that the ANN model has the best perform-
ANN can estimate the BOD with higher precision than ance. Pai et al. found the prediction accuracy at 48.22%
COD, due to the higher variation coefficient for COD in for COD [23]. Other studies applied the ANN modeling
relation to the BOD (Table 1). method to estimate the full-scale wastewater treatment
The low variation coefficient of a parameter is indica- plant [24]. In this study, correlation coefficient (R-square)
tive of the high uniformity, which can enhance the ac- values were ranging from 0.63 to 0.81 for BOD. Another
curacy of prediction parameter. As can be seen in study showed that the coefficient of correlation values of
Table 1, the variation coefficient of BOD parameter and selected ANN (11 nodes in input layer inclute: water pH,
COD are 0.28 and 0.35, respectively that is high prob- total alkalinity, total hardness, total solids, COD, ammoni-
ability indicative of BOD estimating to COD. Also, there cal nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, Cl, PO4, K, Na) for forecast-
exists a better relationship between the BOD and quali- ing of BOD was 0.87 [3]. Prediction of dissolved oxygen
tative parameters. Moreover, the accuracy of the COD using ANN method indicated that ANN structure with 10
prediction is acceptable. Figure 5 proved that artificial input parameters (pH value, BOD, COD, SS, TKN, ammo-
neural network is suitable for estimating BOD and COD. nia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phos-
Furthermore there is a good correlation between esti- phorous and total coliform provides accurate results
mated and measured values. The difference between the with r = 0.84 [7]. In the present study, only four input
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 6 of 8

Measured Predicted

BOD (mgL -1)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Measured Predicted
COD (mgL -1) 400




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 5 ANN predictions of concentrations of BOD and COD for all of data set.

parameters which are easy to measure were successfully models [25]. Moreover, the ease of regression models run
used for BOD and COD estimation. is no secret for anyone. However in most studies, ANN
Comparison of the observed and estimated BOD and results were better than another models in prediction of
COD concentrations by MLR in hydrograph and scat- water quality parameters [3,5,8,10,14].
tered forms is shown in Figure 6. In order to show which one of input parameters is
From the root mean square errors and correlation co- more sensitive, sensitivity of ANN input parameters in
efficients presented in Figure 6 the observed BOD values BOD and COD forecasting is presented in Figure 7.
are more strongly correlated to the predictions than the Figure 7 shows that ANN results in predicted of BOD
observed COD values. Values of r and RMSE for BOD and COD have more sensitive to pH parameter. The
were 0.53 and 37.8 mg/L respectively. Also, for COD value of sensitive to pH for BOD and COD are 79.4% and
r = 0.3 and RMSE = 79.6 mg/L. The optimal results for 45.9%, respectively. These values indicates BOD sensitive
ANN and MLR models are r = 0.83 versus r = 0.53 for to pH is more than COD. So, in order to access to better
BOD and r = 0.3 versus r = 0.81 for COD, respectively. ANN results should measure pH parameter with high
Comparison between MLR and ANN results in forecast- careful in compared to another parameters. Importance of
ing of the quality parameters showed that the ANN pH parameter on BOD and COD, have been reported in
model has less error value than MLR (for example, study of Verma and Singh [26]. In contrast, the both BOD
RMSE = 37.8 mg/L and RMSE = 25.1 mg/L). So the ANN and COD have lowest sensitive to TSS parameter.
model has better performance than the MLR model. Al-
though study results of May and Sivakumar indicated Conclusions
that multiple linear regression models were more applic- In the present study, the efficiency of MLR and ANN
able for predicting urban storm water quality than ANN models were investigated in prediction of two major
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 7 of 8


Measured Predicted


BOD (mgL -1)




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80


Measured Predicted
COD (mgL-1)





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 6 MLR predictions of BOD and COD concentrations for the total data.

water quality parameters, BOD and COD, in Ekbatan minimum input parameters, temperature (T), pH, total
wastewater treatment plant, Tehran, Iran. Perform- suspended solid and total suspended could be success-
ance of the models was evaluated using coefficient of fully used for predicting BOD and COD concentrations.
correlation (r) and root mean square error statistics It was found in the present study that ANN model
(RMSE). The results indicated that the ANN model with trained with momentum algorithm is an effective adsorb-
ent for the prediction of COD and BOD concentrations.
The choice structure had the highest correlation value
(r = 0.74) and the least error (RMSE = 0.26 mg/L for nor-
79.4 mal data). Comparison of the ANN and MLR models
80 COD BOD showed that the ANN model performed much better
than the MLR (for example, RMSE = 37.8 mg/L in con-
Sensitive (%)

trast RMSE = 25.1 mg/L). In both models, predictions of
50 45.9
the BOD concentrations with ANN and MLR models
were found to be better than COD. Comparing these re-
sults with other studies showed that although the mini-
20 16.1
12.3 14.6 mum easy parameters used in this study, but expected
10 5.3
0.5 0.8 results were better than previous studies. This result
0 suggests that the use of more input parameters will
not necessarily lead to improvements of predicted results,
Figure 7 Sensitivity of ANN input parameters in BOD and
but type of input parameters is more important than it’s
COD forecasting.
Zare Abyaneh Journal of Environmental Health Science & Engineering 2014, 12:40 Page 8 of 8

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19. Tabari H, Marofi S, Zare Abyaneh H, Sharifi MR: Comparison of artificial • Research which is freely available for redistribution
neural network and combined models in estimating spatial distribution
of snow depth and snow water equivalent in Samsami basin of Iran.
Neural Comput & Applic 2010, 19(4):625–635. Submit your manuscript at

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