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The Future of Precast Concrete in Low-Rise Housing

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The future for

precast concrete
in low-rise housing

Dr. Jacqueline Glass

The Future for Precast Concrete
in Low-Rise Housing
Dr Jacqueline Glass

About the Author

Dr JacquelineGlass is the British CementAssociation Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture

at Oxford Brookes Universitywhere she has been carrying out research in concreteconstruction
since 1 994. Dr Glass is currently Project Manager of an EPSRC funded research project in
innovation in reinforced concrete and has previouslycontributed to Partners in Technology projects
on tilt-up and hybrid concreteconstruction.Dr Glass is Architectural Consultantto the British
CementAssociation and the Reinforced ConcreteCouncil and is an active participant on several
concrete industry trade associations. She has publishedwidely in both trade journals and scholarly
publicationsand has lectured in the UK and USA on a broad range of concrete related topics.

Dr JacquelineGlass
BA (Hons),Dip Arch, Dip BRS, Phd, CertHE.

ISBN: 0 95367730 3

British CementAssociation conrete
Aboutthis Report 6
Acknowledgements 7
Executive Summary 8

Part 1 - Precast Concrete in Housing 10

1 .1. Introduction 10
1.2. Scope of this report 10
1 .3. Historical review 11
1 .4. Current uses 13
1.4.1. Components 14
1 .4.2. Panelised construction(2D) 14
1.4.3. Volumetricconstruction(3D) 16
1 .5. The market for Precast 17
1 .6. Other markets' experiences - techniques, systems and products 17

1.6.1. Germany 18
1 .6.2. The Netherlands 20
1 .6.3. Scandinavia 20
1 .6.4. Japan 21
1 .6.5. USA 22
1.7. Summary 23

Part 2 - Design and Construction with Precast Concrete 24

2.1. Introduction 24
2.2. Generic benefitsof concreteconstruction 24
2.2.1. Fire resistance 24
2.2.2. Thermal performance 25
2.2.3. Sound insulation 26
2.2.4. Durability 26
2.3. Specific benefitsof precast 26
2.3.1. Speed 26
2.3.2. Quality 27
2.4. Key issues in concrete construction 28
2.5. Key issues in precast 29
2.5.1. Perceptions of cost and value 29
2.5.2. The image of precast 30
2.5.3. Structure 30
2.5.4. Flexibility and services 31
2.5.5. Service delivery (procurement) 32
2.6. Reviewof EuropeanBuilding Regulations 33
2.7. Summary 34

4 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

Part 3 - Current Drivers in the Housing Market 35
3.1. Introduction 35
3.2. The UK housing market 35
3.2.1. National trends 35
3.2.2. Design life and flexibiliiy 37
3.3. Market surveys 39
3.3.1. House buyers and the public 39
3.3.2. House builders and housing associations 40
3.4. Other market drivers 41
3.4.1. 'Rethinking Construction' 41
3.4.2. Sustainability 42
3.5. Use of other materials 43
3.5.1. Steel 43
3.5.2. Timber 44
3.6. Summary 44

Part 4 - The Future 45

4.1. Introduction 45
4.2. Key findings 45
4.3. Lookingto the future 47
4.4. Recommendations 49
4.4.1. Testing and demonstration 49
4.4.2. Benchmarking 49
4.4.3. Further research 50
4.4.4. Educationand Training 50
4.4.5. Awarenesscampaign 51

Appendix 1: Review of European Building Regulations 52

Bibliography 58

Precastconcretefor Iowrisehousing
About this report

Much has been written in the trade press and in research papers regarding the
potential for prefabricated and off-site methods of manufactureto bring both
increased speed and enhancedquality to UK constructionprojects. The Departmentof
the EnvironmentTransportand the Regions (DETR) and the precastconcrete industry
have noted this interestand have been pro-active in seeking to establish the true
extent of this trade and public interestin factory production techniques. These
techniques have been supported by Sir John Egan's 'RethinkingConstruction'report
as the way forward for improving quality and speed of construction.

House building in the UK is a major industry but much potential exists to further
develop the design, construction,procurementand aftercare of new build homes. The
basic constructiontechnology used relies mainly on traditional skills and materials;
these are still used in the majority of new housing projects.Although the construction
industry has previously been known for its tardiness in adopting new techniques, there
is renewed interestin assessing the scope for prefabrication and industrialised

It is with this background that the Precast Housing FeasibilityStudy Groupwas

establishedin March 1 999 to review the use of precastconcrete in the low-rise
domestichousing market, as individual components or as integrated modular forms of
construction. The findings of the Precast Housing FeasibilityStudy Group are
presentedin this publication which aims to assess the feasibility of using precast
concrete elements to build cost effective and aestheticallypleasing low-rise dwellings
that meet occupiers'expectationsand comply with the Building Regulations.

'Only manufacture in controlled factory conditions can achieve the defect free,
waste free quality production on budget, on time, that clients and consumers
deserve. And only factoryconditions are likely to provide the sort of safe, healthy,
pleasant working environment that will be acceptable to the young talented, skilled
workforce that the industry needs'.

Nick Raynsford, Minister for Construction and Housing October 1 999 opening the
Peabody Trust's volumetric housing projectat Murray Grove, Hackney.

6 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

This report has been produced with the generous help of the people and
organisationswho formed the Precast Housing FeasibilityStudy Group from the

Dr Satish Desai Departmentof the EnvironmentTransport& the Regions

Gerard MacKay Departmentof the EnvironmentTransport& the Regions
TonyMulcahy Departmentof the EnvironmentTransport& the Regions

Dr Howard Taylor (Chair) TarmacPrecast Concrete Ltd

Mark Biffen Westbury plc

Professor Neil Bowman De Montfort University
Clive Budge British Precast Concrete Federation
Simon Bullivant Roger BullivantLtd
Dr Pal Chana Building Research Establishment
Martin Clarke British CementAssociation

George Fordyce National House Building Council

Professor Stephen Gage UniversityCollege London
Chris Gaze Westbury plc
Dr JacquelineGlass Oxford Brookes University/BritishCementAssociation
Ian Harrison Marshalls Flooring
Brian Keyworth Brian Keyworth Architects
Alistair Lawton Babtie AlIott & Lomax Consulting Engineers
Kim Mathen PeabodyTrust
Isabel McAllister Building Research Establishment
ChristopherMills National House Building Council
Graham Paddock Bison Structures
Neil Smith National House Building Council

Thanks should be extendedto David Routledgeand the house builders and housing
associationsthat helped with the market survey undertaken by Oxford Brookes
UniversitySchool of Architecture.Also to those who attendedformative meetings and
presentations at the DETR in late 1998 and early 1999. Thanks also to overseas
organisations VDZ, BDZ, ENCI and VNC (in Germany and the Netherlands)for
providing useful market information. The considerable assistance of consulting
engineersAllott & Lomax,and consultantarchitect Brian Keyworth in supplying
summaries of historical and technical documentationis also gratefully acknowledged.

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 7

Executive Summary

This report is about the future use of precastconcrete in low-rise

housing in the UK. It
has been produced in response to a growing level of interestin prefabrication. The
report is in four parts.

Part One focuses on the use of precastconcrete,and considers the history of precast
concrete in housing, including the Ronan Point incident. Clearly there is an argument
that precast concrete has a (historical)reputation which to some extent continues to
prejudice its use in housing. Reference is made to the current market for precast
products. The portfolioof products available both in the UK and elsewhereare
outlined, and an explanation of the basic types of precastconcrete used in housing is
also given. The examples of precastconcrete from other EC countries show that there
is market potential for the product in housing provided manufacturerspromote
sensible options to a well-informed market. Thereare clearly lessons to be learned
from countries that use a higher proportion of industrialisedhousing than the UK.

Part Two examines the key featuresof concrete in general, and precast concrete
specifically. Fire resistance, thermal mass, acoustic insulation and durabilityare
included together with a discussion of cost and value issues. Indeed, take-up of
precastmay ultimately depend on the balance of constructioncosts and added value.
Thisdifficultequation may need to be resolved on an individual prolect basis, thereby
offering every house building client a bespokepackage. For precastconcrete to make
inroads in the housing market, contractorsand clients need to be made aware of the
speed and quality benefitsit offers, whileowners and occupiersneed to be made
aware of the performance benefitsover time such as thermal mass. Other
considerationssuch as services integration and adaptability are related to the future
needs of occupants,and procurementstrategies are noted.

Precast hollowcore panels

being installed onsite

(courtesyofTarmac Topfloor Ltd)

8 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

Part Three focuses on the broader issues that could affect the take-up of precastin
housing.The findings from recent surveys of the public, house builders and housing
associationsare presented. There is a bodyof opinion that supports the notion that
traditional materials are the most appropriate and popular for new housing in the UK,
but there is also a growing interestin different styles and ways of living, particular in
urban areas. The surveys presented here suggestthat the UK continuesto prefer
heavyweightconstruction.A discussion of the influenceof other market drivers is
given; the Egan report and sustainabilitycould have significant impact on the way in
which all housing is procured in the future. This Part of the report also contains an
accountof the current market success of other materials in the prefabricated housing
sector. Although steel and timber are being used, recent surveys indicate that the
public seems not to be particularly keen on prefabricated buildings in general.

Part Four includes conclusions and recommendations.The seven key findings from the
report are stated, together with brief case study accounts of a numberof future
precast housing projects. The findings are that:
1. The problemsof the past can be avoided
2. Low-rise is not high rise
3. Cultural and perceptualviews are critical
4. The market potential for precastconcreteexists
5. The balance of cost and value needs to be clear
6. Precast means innovation in delivery
7. People need to be convinced

A series of recommendationsare made which are relevantto the DETR, precast

manufacturers,designersand contractors in addition to the house buildingindustry at
large. These include the call for a series of seminars for the industry, a demonstration
building and a range of further R&D activities.

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing
Part 1 - Precast Concrete in Housing
1.1. Introduction
This first part of the report gives a general introduction to the subject and a historical
review of precastconcrete in housingwhich charts the progressof concrete through
the 'system' building era and beyond (1 .3). Current techniques and patternsof use
are described in section 1 .4, and can be read in conjunction with relevant market
statistics in 1 .5. Reference is also made to the use of precast in other countries such
as Germany, the Netherlandsand Japan (1 .6).

1.2. Scope of this Report

The scope of this publication is limited to the use of precastconcrete for low-rise
housing. In some instances, referenceis also made to related concrete technologies
and other markets for which this report may be also be useful. This report refers to a
wide range of precastconcrete products. However, the focus is on concrete
components,elements or modules that are manufacturedoff-site and then assembled
on-site at a later date (Russell, 1991). This includes mainly structuralelements such as
walls, beams, floors, columnsand panels. For the purposes of the report, othersmall-
scale precast products such as concrete blocks and lintels have not been included.
Reference is made to:
• Open systems (elements which are compatible with otherbuildingcomponents)
• Closed systems (elements which are compatible only with each other)
In particular, the text refers to components,panels (two-dimensional)and volumetric
(three-dimensional)applications for precastconcrete.

The term housingencompasses single homes,sheltered housing, student

accommodation, motels and hotels etc. This report, however, considersdwellings
ahead of commercialbuildings. The two key markets consideredare individual homes
and apartmentsin public and private sectordevelopments. The use of the term 'low-
rise' here is intended to cover dwelling types up to four storeys in height, including
private rented and sale sectors of both speculative builders and housing
associations/trusts.Clearly each of these markets is quite different and requires
different functionality, planning and aesthetic provision; where appropriate these
factors are taken into consideration. It should be noted that regional variations in
take-up, architectural style and uses are also relevant.

Contemporary Precastconcrete
homesin Germany
-The 'Icon House'

(courtesyo(VeitDennert KG)

1 0 Precastconcrete forIow.rise housing

.3. Historical Review of Precast Concretein Housing
The history of precastconcrete in UK housingdates from the mid 1 900's, when this
and other forms of industrialised(prefabricated)constructionwere used to address the
problem of widespread destructionof housing stock during the SecondWorld War.
More than 250 precastconcrete 'systems' have been acknowledged,but less than
1 00 were deemed to be sufficientlyrobust or durable to warrantfurther commercial

development.These included a tranche of 'closed' systems i.e. those constructed from

a set of integrated components designed to work together, such asAirey, Boot,
Dorran, Myton, Newland, Orlit, Parkinson, Reema, Shindler Hawkesley, Stent,
Tarran, Underdown, Unity, Wates, Whitson-Fairhurst,Winget and Woolaway.
Although by the 1 950's the high demand for new housing had reached a plateau, in
the early 1 960's another further, sudden increase in demand meantthat precast
concrete systems were used yet again as a replacementfor other unfeasibly labour-
intensive conventionalconstruction methods.

Past precast: The 'Woolaway'

bungalow UK, circa 7960

By 1 960, over 1 65,000 precastconcrete dwellings had been built, ranging from
small single storey bungalowsto large high rise (multi-storey) blocks. However, the
design and production facilities used in previousdecadeshad all but disappeared.
As a result, other systems were 'imported' from Europe and elsewhere, only some of
which were modified successfully to comply fully with UK construction practice and
environmentalconditions.These imported housing systems were used mainly for the
constructionof high-rise buildings and included Spectra, Camus and Tracoba from
France,and Jesperson from Denmark. Of these, the so-called LPS (large panel system)
construction, used mainly for high-rise buildings, suffereda major setback in the
Ronan Point collapse in 1 968 caused by a gasexplosion in a block of flats in East

It was discoveredat a subsequent enquiry that this type of building was susceptible to
progressive collapse, resulting from a lack of structuralcontinuity at the joints of the
various precastcomponents (it was not designed to resist disproportionate collapse).
In following years, a comprehensivereview of similar systems resulted in strengthening
and/ordemolition of vulnerable properties.

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 1 1

After the Ronan Pointincident, a Building Regulations documentwas introducedfor all
buildings with five or more storeys and guidance was given for reducing sensitivityof
the building to disproportionate collapse in the event of an accident. During the past
thirtyyears or so, the guidance has been improved, but not changed substantiallyin
principle, and it featuressuitably in codes of practice dealing with various materials.
The current guidance includes a hierarchy of recommended options:
• Provisionof vertical and horizontal ties as recommended in the British Standards.
• if vertical tying is not practicable, provision of alternative load path in the structure
to cope with the notional removal of the untied vertical member in each storey in
• if it is not possibleto bridgeover the missingmember, limit on the risk of collapse
to 1 5% of the area of the storey or 70m2, whichever is the less.
• if, on removal of a member, the risk of collapsecannot be limited, design of that
member to withstand an applied load of 34 kN/m2.

For most precastbuildings, the last option is rarely necessary. For the purposes of this
report, which concerns mainly low-rise buildings, the appropriate level of robustness
can be achieved by following the clause 3.1.4 of BS81 10: Part 1: 1997 and the
corresponding provision of vertical and horizontal ties.

Someexperts argue that precastconcrete became a scapegoatfor the problems that

arose from 'social engineering' resultingin ill-matched housing types and social
groupings. This took place in many inner urban areas in the 1 960's. For example, the
specificationof heating and ventilating systems that were too expensivefor the social
groups placed in the high-rise buildings resulted in cold, damp conditions, which of
course did not help the public's image of such developments. However, other reasons
also tarnished the image of all concrete 'systems'. Ronan Point's constructionwas a
result of over-speedyexecutionof the Larsen-Nielsen system where insufficient mortar
and missed out connectors were to blame. The criticism is that a housing industry in
desperate need of dwellings could be vulnerable to such shortcuts. Nonetheless, the
public image of precastconcrete did suffer significantly, and it has become closely
associatedwith the social malaise of high-rise dwellings.

So, in the public's perception, precastconcrete in housing has become unfortunately

associatedwith 1 960's social engineering, but it has been proven that actual
structuralfailures weredue principally to poor understandingof materials technology,
poor workmanshipand a lack of quality control on site. However, recent
developments mean that precast concrete can show a demonstrableimprovementin
all aspects of its design and constructionassociatedpreviously with these problems. it
should be emphasised that the problems of the past can be avoided.

In 1981, after over forty years in service, structuralcracks were discovered during the
renovation works on some Airey type houses (Martin, 1 999a; Martin, 1 999c). This
led to further investigationsby the Building Research Establishment (BRE) on 17
common precasthousetypes that revealed serviceability problems. in total, about
3,000 houses were inspected visually and 450 houses were inspected in detail; of this
number, none were found to be structurallyunsafe.The problemsdiscoveredas a
result of the BRE investigations,were mainly extensive cracking and spalling of the

12 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

concrete arising from corrosion of the steel reinforcementwithin the concrete.
The reports revealed that the corrosion of the reinforcementwas due mainly to:
• Carbonation of the concrete
• High levels of chloride present in the concrete
• Low cover to the reinforcement
• Poor quality of the concrete

These problemswere created through poor quality of manufacture,poor quality of

construction,and lack of concrete materials knowledge. The solutions to the problems
ranged from overcladding the existing houses with masonry, to replacing the defective
structural elements with traditional building forms. To ensure good quality repair and
rehabilitation, the National House building Council (NHBC)was also asked by the
governmentto set up a company to licence appropriate repairsystems for repairs to
concrete housing systems.

1.4. Current Uses for Precast in UK Housing

A recentsurvey of house builders and housing associations (see 3.3) indicatesthat a
range of precastconcrete products is in common use within UK house building. Some
companieshave a broad range of experienceof precastand some have also studied
the potential for panelisedor volumetric precastin their designs for houses. The most
popular use for precastconcrete,however, is in components. This includeswalls,
beams, floors, columns, panels, lintels, stairs and cills. The benefitsof such products
for housing are well known. Items such as lintels and cills are mainly stock items,
available in standard sizes, often concealedafterfirst/second fix and very economical
when procured in quantity. However, in many instances, other elements of the house
constructioncould also employ precastconcrete components,such as walls, ground
beams, structuralframes, foundations and roofs. The potential to widen the market for
precastinto these areas is significant, and is explored further in Part 4 The Future. In
general, there are three broad categoriesof use for precastconcrete,namely:
• components
• panels (2D construction)
• volumetric (3D construction)
At present, the house building market in the UK is only really taking advantage of just
the first of these options, and so the focus of this publication is on the latter two

Components:Placing aprecast
Tarmac Topfloor lid)

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 13

1.4.1. Components
As listed above, typicai precastcomponentsused in housing include walls, beams,
floors, staircases and lintels. The technology of such components is well understood
and so is covered only minimally by this report. Specification of precast components is
determinedusually by cost, speed and performance benefitsand so components that
offer significant advantageswill be able to compete against traditional materials.
However, greater use is being made of mini-systems of components,or integrated
elements. Recent developments in precastcomponents include the rise in popularity of
precastfoundation 'packages' that reduce trade interfacesand can be used on
contaminatedor weak soils.


RogerBullivant promote their foundation package on the basis that it will be used on
contaminatedsites and provide fastinstallation once on site. They design, produce
and supply and install every bespokescheme. RBL produces3,000 tons 0f precast
concrete every week, including 50 house foundation packages.

Left:Typicalwall units in
(courtesyofTarmac Precast

Right: Typicaluse ofbeam and

block floor system

1.4.2. Panelised Construction (2D)

Generic types of precast single-skin or flat-panel concrete construction are becoming
more popular in commercial applications such as hotels and studentaccommodation.
The use of such panels can result in a fast, simple construction process on site
followed quickly by finishing trades. This single advantage has been of great interest
to hoteliers and other similar clients with high demands on time and quality, but in the
somewhatless repetitive housing market, other criteria are relevant. The use of wall
panels within housing is currently minimal, but opportunities may arise in the multi-
storeyapartments market where precastconcrete can be used for wall and floor
panels. Loadbearing wall elements for instance can be used in either cross-wallor
spine wall arrangements;for low-rise housing, the most likely option is cross-wall
constructionwith party walls betweendwellings acting as the key structural elements.
For single or two storey dwellings, it would be typical to use single storey height wall
panels of between90-300mm thick concrete (depending on whether or not insulation
is included) for external walls and 70-100mm thick panels for internal walls.

1 4 Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing

Loadbearing cross walls combined with precast hollowcorefloors can provide up to
1 2m clear internal spans.

For internal walls and floors, precastconcrete offers added value; good sound
insulation,structural integrity and a direct finish, if specified.However,its use in an
external situation is made slightly more complicated by the need to satisfy thermal
insulation and external appearance requirements. Unless used as an insulated
sandwich panel (with a 'hardwall'finish on both sides), the precast panel may need
to be insulated externallyand faced with masonry or another cladding material or
dry-lined with insulation and an internal surfacefinish, e.g. plasterboard. Despite
offering speed and performance benefits, the possible need for overcladding can
make house builders questionthe use of panelised construction (Smit, 1 999c).

European manufacturers have developed methods of making twin-skinnedwall panels

that are suitable for direct application of decorative finishesby using fibre-reinforced
concrete in place of steel reinforcing bars. Recent versionsallow manufactureof fibre-
reinforced panels in which each leafof the wall is only 35mm thick and separated by
a 70mm lattice joist (Kahmer, 1 999). This system reduces the material volume, weight
for transportation and crane capacity on site and allows a greater net floor area.
Such production lines are also able to offersome variation in styling of the panels,
levels of insulation, electrical trunking, windows, doors and panel connectordetails,
and thus are able to respond better to the needsof their customers. However, in the
UK, the thermal and acoustic insulation requirements given in Building Regulations
may ultimatelydetermine the level of take-up of some of these solutions (see section
2.6 and Appendix 1).

Factory Engineered Concrete (FEC) marketed by CV Buchan uses flat-pack structures
that are assembled on site. CV Buchan offers design, suppiy and erection because
they wish to ensurequality throughoutthe whole process. Although FEC is aimed at
hotels, prisons and studentaccommodation rather than housing,there is no reason
why it could not be used in housing. For low-rise apartments, Buchan can supply
walls, staircases, floors and roof panels. The surfacefinish is ideal for painting direct
and ceilings can take artex direct. Loadbearingand non-loadbearing panels all use
ties to preventdisproportionate collapse. The typical speed of erection for 5 storeys is
10 weeks. The panels use a C50 concrete with PFA to reduce blowholes.

Marshall's 'Panablok' system uses lightweight storey height wall panels to reduce
constructiontime for the inner leaf by up to 75%, and for the overall construction
period by 40%. The prefabricated wall panels are a dry fix system with high thermal
values and good airtightness;up to 200m2 can be erected in a day. The reduction in
time is said to result in lower overheads. 'Panablok' can be used up to 3 storeys and
is BBA certified. It can be delivered from stock in three sizes. The product has been
used for the constructionof a wide range of developments including low-rise housing,
hotels, schools and commercial buildings.

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 15

Bison have a 'cross-wall' solution that offers contractors a way of erecting large-scale
developments in short programmes. It was used originally for studentaccommodation,
but is making progressin the hotel and housing markets. The panels are typically
3.4m high and up to 7.5m long, and weigh less than 10 tons. Bison work with their
clients using value engineering techniques to enhance speed, trade interfacesand
detailing. Advantages for the housing market include speed, minimum wet trades,
direct finish, early access and dry working areas. Bison predict that 80% of the
market for 'cross-wall' could soon be in apartment buildings rather than hotels. The
Bison system has been adopted by contractorsCarillion for a £20 million apartment
developmentat BaynardsGreen in London,and subsequently under a partnership is
developing a solution for a further 100 luxuryapartments in central Birmingham.

1.4.3 Volumetric construction (3D)

The casting of whole room modules(pods) or individually cast panels joined together
in the factory to make rooms is termed volumetric construction and is becoming more
prevalent in housingand other markets that use multi-cell structures. Three-
dimensional modules are used in hotels, motels, studentaccommodationand prisons.
Volumetricconstructionuses the benefitsof factory conditionsto create entire rooms
and is used frequently in service-intensive building elements such as 'pod' kitchens
and bathrooms in markets where a high degree of repetition and a need for rapid
assemblyon site make its use highly desirable. The units also offer improved
airtightness.In addition to these aspects, a further advantage for the housing market
in particular is the ability to create bespokeinteriors for the house buyersor
occupiers,which is a very important factor in their decision-making. Indeed, modules
using other materials have already been used for housing in the UK (see Part 3).
Despitetheseproven benefitsand added value, the potential constraints of
transportation costs, weight limitations and associationswith historical precast
concrete 'systems' are still in the minds of the house builders.

Left:Twin-roamprecast modules
(courtesyof Tarmac Precast

Right: Wall panels joined to

(courtesy ofCVBuchan Ltd)

16 Precastconcrete forIow.rise housing

Precast Cellular Structures Ltd is a JV of Tarmac Precast Concrete and Composite
Structures Ltd. PCSL offers the 'Quadblock' packagewhich includes design,
manufactureand erection of precastconcretevolumetric units for prisons. The 3D
modulescan incorporatewindows, grilles, doors and M&E services. The precast
concrete modules are cast in steel mouldsand use prefabricated reinforcementcages.
The fully-fitted 4m x 11 m double or quadruple room modulescan be delivered to site
on a low-loader.

1.5. The Market for Precast - Levels of Use in the UK

Precast concrete represents about 25% of the market for cementitious products in the
UK and includesa wide range of products used in the constructionindustry such as
blocks, paving, suspended floors, structuralframes, other structural elements, bridges,
cast stone and architectural cladding (Construction Markets, 1 998). However, in the
contextof this publication, only the use 0f structuralframes, walls and other elements
used in the construction of low-rise housing is considered.Of these products,
suspended floors are the biggest output in terms 0f tonnes of product sold per annum,
and of all the end uses for precast, private housing is its biggest single use. 45% of all
precastconcrete goes into housing already: 1 .5 million tonnes of precast are used in
new homes every year, although most of this tonnage is for concrete blocks.

For all ground floors in housing,at least60% of the market is taken up by precast. In
fact, precastconcrete flooring doubled its shareof the ground floor market between
1 994 and 1 999. According to recent industry figures, upper floors could be set for a
further increaseup to a level of 40% of new homes by 2001. The success of precast
concrete in the suspended/firstfloor market indicates that there is no market
resistance to the idea of using it in the housing context. However, given that over 90%
of walling in housing still uses traditional masonry construction, then this is a
demonstrablemarket opportunity for precastpanels as either 'flat-pack' (2D) or
volumetric (3D) precastconstruction.

1.6. Other markets' experiences - techniques, systems and products

In contrast to the UK, where the precastindustry has everything to gain, in Germany
and the Netherlands, the market is much more established and internal competition is
fierce. In these countries there are different economic, social and technical factors
influencing the specificationof materials in housing.As a result of their greater
experiencewith precastconcrete,there have been significant advancements in
materials and production, which have contributed to the greater use of precastfor
building elements such as external and internal walls, and even roof panels. Such is
the volume of production of thesevarious precastelements, that it has been
economicallyviable to build factories dedicated solely to the production of 2D and 3D
precastconcrete, as well as simpler componentslike floor slabs and lintels. Precast
concrete is also a popular choice for housing in the USA, Australia and New
Zealand. See also section 2.6 and Appendix 1 for a review of EC building

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 1 7

1.6.1. Germany
The market for precastconcrete products in Germany is very healthy.According to the
German cement industry body BDZ and the precast manufacturers institute, about
10%of the 250,000dwellings constructedin 1 998 used precastelements for 1 -2
storey homes. Furthermore,BDZclaim that the precast market is increasing following
the Unification, despite competition from timber frame and thin-skinnedplasterboard
walling. Indeed, 24% of homes built in 1 997 in the former East Germany were
prefabricated. Although the value of precastproducts has increasedby 10-15%,
profits are hard to come by due in part to added competition from plants based in the
former EastGermany. A particular feature of the German housing market is the level
of homeownership;it has one of the lowest of the EC countries (most people rent their

Industry commentatorsbelieve the market for prefabricated housing is ripe in

Germany. Demands of time, availabilityof technology,demand for quality, pressure
on cost and time plus quality and individuality all favoura greater use of
prefabricated components. Through the many precastmanufacturersin Germany, it
appears that there is scope for a variety of systems in the market. One of the key
developments is the use of thin-skinnedwall panels as part 0f an 'open' system 0f
components. Indeed, this product type has been promoted successfully under the name
of 'architectural concrete components'.The aim was to reinforcethe idea that
prefabrication does offer design freedom and flexibility. The Syspro Group markets
such product ranges throughout central Europe using a portfolioof brand names to
differentiate themselves from competitors (Kahmer, 1 999).

First flooroverview - Single

family housing with precast
concretein Germany
(courtesyof VeitDennert KG)

18 Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing

Schworer Bautechnik specialises in single family precasthomes built to order. The
units use lightweight concrete and include windows, doors and electrical recesses that
can be placed to a toleranceof +1-1mm. This is a benefit to the owner who avoids
paying out again for fitting out costs. The system uses 1 2m span, hollowcore floors to
allow both free use of floor space and a finish suitable for painting direct. The
company attributes its success to accurate and speedy batching and storage systems
and an investment in new plant.

!rtstollotionofbathroom pod

Rasseistein Baustoffwerke produces precastconcrete bathroom pods that can reduce
work-in-connectionlabour on site from 1 27 hours to 8 hours, and shorten the
constructionperiod of multi-occupancybuildings by up to 6 months. The walls and
roofare mm. 45mm thick reinforced concrete (lightweight concrete can also be used).
Sound reduction levels are between 37-52dB, and the pods offer 60 or 90 minute fire
resistance. Each modulecan be inserted in 1 5-20 minutesand clients are offered a
range 0f fittings and finishes.

Veit Dennert claims that its 1 04m2 precastconcrete homes can be erected and ready
for occupation in lust five days (Kromer, 1 999). In service, the 'Icon House' uses only
58 kWh/m2/pa,which is lowerthan current energy efficiency standardsin Germany.
Four 3m x 8.2m modules are used to create the houses, which can include a
prefabricated basement.The cost of the house is said to be 25% lower than the typical
costs of a similarly sized home built using conventionalmethods.

Precastconcrete for ow-risehousing 19

The 'Icon House' demonstrates

energy efficiency

1.6.2. The Netherlands

The tradition of brickwork and masonry constructionin the Netherlandsis still proving
to offer stiff competition for precastconcrete in the housing market. Precast now
commands10% of the total housing market and is steadily increasing its market
share. This success is due to being able to offer a significant 30% cost saving by using
standardisedcomponents,flexible manufacturing processes, industrialised building
techniques and 'streamlinedcontracting'. Indeed, the idea of a somewhatflexible
system of interchangeableconcretecomponentshas proved successful (Belton/Bevlon,
1997). This was confirmed during an expert missionto the Netherlandsand Finland
by the DII and the HousingCorporation (Gann, 1999). The visitfocusedon 'Open
Building', a design method developed by Dutch architectJohn Habraken in the
1 960's. Habraken argued that the 'coarse' and 'fine' activitiesof house building

should be differentiated. This separation would result in optimisedconstruction

methods and therefore enhancedopportunitiesfor greater flexibility and choice for
occupants.Within the Netherlands,the DII study team found that 'Open Building'
included applications in concrete housingdesigns (e.g. tunnel form). In these
structures, cables and conduits were sometimes cast within the concrete or concealed
in skirting trunking. The team commented that concrete was used in 45% of all new
dwellings and that both occupantsand legislators were keen to use new or innovative
building techniques.

1.6.3. Scandinavia
In Scandinavia, prefabricated methods for housing construction have a very large
share of the market and use considerable amounts of concrete,timber and steel. In
Finland, concrete is used in 54% of all new housing;42% of new homes are
constructed using precastconcrete (Gann, 1 999). Danish company Baderkabiner
have been making precastconcrete bathroom pods sincethe 1960's; these have been
used on many hotel and universityprojects in the UK.

20 Pr&ostconcrete forIow.rise housing

Thermonexin Sweden(also in the UK) produce a panelisedconcrete basement system
and ground floor that is completeon site in 2 days (Pearson, 1 999a; Stockerl, 1999).
300mm thick panels are factory-made to order, measureup to 1 2m x 2.4m and can
include electrics and door/windowframes. The foundation slab is placed first, then
panels are located and propped until the 250mm insulatedsuspended ground floor is
installed. Only the largest basements need 1 35mm cross-walls for stiffness, and a
typical basement can actually be built from just fourpanels. The combination of a
special joint detail and insulating 'X-concrete'(containing lightweight aggregates,
expanded clay and expanded polystyrenebeads) makes a watertight construction
without the need for land drains. Moisture penetrates the panels by only 2-10mm
compared to 50mm for normal structural concrete,and the panels also perform well
in fire. The cost studies are persuasive; a traditional basement for a detached house
can cost £50,000, but using Thermonexit costs about £28,000,and for semi-
detachedhouses just £15,000. Similar systems are available in Germany, under the
trade names 'SysproPartand 'Weberhaus'.

1.6.4. Japan
In Japan also, household name companiesToyota and Mitsubishi are known for house
building as well as the manufactureof cars. In this market too, the notion of factory-
made housing is popularand successful. One large house building contractor, Sekisui,
builds over 100,000flat-pack or modular homes per annum; it has been producing
homes like this since the 1 950's and has produced 1 .25 million homes since that time.
The market strengthof prefabricated housing in Japan attracted a UK expert
delegation in 1 996, which found that prefabrication was indeedvery popular, but
that the housing market there was reallyquite different to that of the UK (Bottom et al.,
1996). The expert mission to Japan found that the housing market was characterised
• Considering housing as a product in its own right
• The dominanceof new build (no second hand housing market)
• An establishedgovernment& industry framework for innovation
• Industrialisationas a means to choice, quality and flexibility as well as economy
• Useof electronicmodelling to improve process
• A willingness to exchange ideas

The Japanesemarket builds eight times more houses than the UK per annum,
although the population is only double. Timber and steel systems are used as well as
concrete panels, in-situ frames and concrete filled steel composites. Precast concrete
dominatesthe apartmentsmarket. House builders are much larger than those in the
UK, and survive on the profits from construction, not from the value of their land
banks. This is so much the case that the relationship between the house builder and
the buyer is much closer, and much more 'customer-focused'.

Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing 21

Sekisui sells through more than 2,700 licensed land and house dealersto a well-
informed customer base. Most housing companies invest substantiallyin R&D to define
the minimum number of individual components required to provide the widest range
of options for the customer(i.e. 'agile' production). 3D modelling of design options is
thought to be a major draw for potential customers. Indeed, the use of IT is also likely
to impact throughoutthe delivery cycle (Atkin, 1 999). Japanesecompanies such as
Shimizu are actively investigatingcomputer-integrateddesign, manufactureand
constructionin a bid to save costs and labour.

Housing is designed and made to the buyer's requirements and tends to make
maximum use of land available for development.Housing itself is thought of as a
consumerproduct, and has a design life of 20-40 years only. Thus, prefabricated
industrialisedhousing is perceived as a bespoke, high quality product and customers
are also shown evidenceof the manufacturing processes involved.

1.6.5 USA
In the USA, 30% of all housing is prefabricated. Although much low-rise housing is
timber-framed, concrete systems are being used increasingly, particularly in areas that
are vulnerable to environmentalhazards such as hurricanesand tornados.
Information from the PCA (Portland CementAssociation) suggests that panelised 2D
precastconcrete systems are used for low-rise housing in several states (VanderWerf
& Munsell, 1 995). Although the potential benefitsof quality, less labour costs and
reduced site time are accredited to precastconcrete,buyers had been discouraged by
the previously plain appearance of panels, risk of water penetration and difficulties of
installing insulation. However,recentdevelopmentsuch as improved moulds,
improved concrete mixing techniques, availability of rigid foams and a range of
surface finisheshave effectivelyreversedthis trend. In a series of interviewswith US
house builders, the PCA found that up to 70% chose house building 'systems' on the
basis of cost/value alone. Finishes, flexibility and thermal mass were perceivedas
incidental benefits. However,it is clearthat the traditional list of perceived benefitsof
concrete constructionhas been extendedto include these factors and others such as
speed and ease of construction;the idea of prefabrication is gaining value in the US
house building market.

22 Precastconcrete for low-rise housing

Two companies producing 2D precastconcrete panels are profiled in the PCA's
publication. Both use plain precastpanels stiffenedwith internal ribs that form the
support points for dry lining. The first(Royal) uses 1 40mm thick precastconcrete
panels with steel surroundsto obtain 'bolt-together' connectiondetails, steel studs for
internal finishing and rigid foam insulation.The panels are designed for single storey
dwellings and can incorporate brickties if a brick skin is specified. An alternative wall
system supplied by Superior is available in a range of heights from 1 200mm to
3000mm (approx.). This option uses concrete ribs with pressure-treated timber
'nailers'. Both companiesofferwarranties and costsare about £4060/m2 including

1.7. Summary
The history of precastconcrete in housing has featured a broad range of systems,
some of which have proved more successful then others. The highly-publicised Ronan
Point incident and 'social engineering' of the 1 960's has resulted in an unfortunate,
but in many instances, unnecessary stigma being attached to precastconcrete.The
current portfolio of products available both in the UK and elsewhereare
demonstratingthat there is a growing market interest in the generic benefitsof
prefabrication and in the specific benefitsof precastconcrete. Considering the success
with which precastconcrete has penetratedthe suspended flooring market, there is
certainly scope for a wider use of precastcomponents,panels and volumetric
construction in housing.

Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing 23

Part 2 - Design and Construction with Precast Concrete

2.1. Introduction
This part of the report presents an assessment of both the broad benefitsof using
concrete and the specific benefitsoffered by precastconcrete (2.2 and 2.3). Key
design and construction issues are also evaluated in section 2.4 and 2.5. A review of
EC Building Regulations is referred to in section 2.6, the full version of which can be
found in Appendix 1. The scope of this part of the report is not limited strictly to house
building; some aspects are equally applicable to other similar uses for precast

Precast concretecontributesto
on-site efficiency
(courtesyofVeit DennertKG)

2.2. Generic benefits of concrete construction

With referenceto structuraland non-structuraluse of concrete in buildings, there are
a number of key benefitsthat are inherentto concreteas a material, wherever it is
used. Clearly, such benefitscan complementthose offered specifically by precast
concretewhich are described in section 2.3. The advantages consideredrelevant to
house building are fire resistance, thermal performance and sound insulation.

2.2.1. Fire resistance

The performance of concrete in fire is well documented.The requirements for
protection and surfacespread of flame in low-rise housing are well within concrete's
capabilities in this aspect. For example, a 1 50mm thick concretewall can provide
over 90 minutes fire resistance, which is in excess of what is required for most
housing. Exposed concrete has a Class0 surfacespread of flame rating and the
relatively modestnature of the structural elements in housing mean that complying
with stability requirementsis straightforward. Thus, concrete has an established and
inherent advantage over both metal and timbersolutions in terms of fire performance.

24 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

2.2.2. Thermal performance
Normal density concrete is able to contribute usefullyto the thermal comfort conditions
within a building (other solid construction materials can perform a similar function).
Concrete's thermal capacity allows heat to be absorbed and stored in the building
structure and either re-radiated or 'purged' during cooler periods. This has the
potential to remove the need for air conditioning in many buildings, when used with
effective solar control and ventilation (Glass et al., 1 999). In housing,there is
currently a growing interestin providing 'comfort cooling' as a selling point. The
impact of such systems is well known, and so the opportunity to use concrete as a
more sustainable alternative to HVAC systems should be a tangible benefit to house
builders. Fabric thermal storage can provide considerable payback benefitsover time
to the occupier. In New Zealand, recent tests to compare the energy efficiencyof
concrete and timber homes found that a concrete housecontributesa cooling effect of
3-4°C during the summer months(Thomas, 1 999a; Thomas, 1 999b).

Moreover,concretecan provide a level of internal temperaturestability that is simply

not attainable with lightweight construction. The proposed revisions to the Building
Regulations Part could be advantageous for concrete (Cook, 1 999). The revisions
include the increasein insulation requirementsand mandatory airtightnesstesting for
both new and existing buildings. The new U value of 0.3W/m2C compared with the
previous0.45 could mean a doubling of insulationthickness but concrete's thermal
mass will also help keep the building cool. Indeed, several UK research projectshave
shown that buildings with exposed concrete internal surfaces can contributesignificant
degreesof cooling (>5°C in some instances) (Glass et al., 1999). Airtightnesstests
would favour precastbecause of the lower numberof joints and potential leakage
points (unlike frames or masonry).

However, in some high thermal mass buildings, during winter monthsthere may be a
slight penalty to pay in termsof space heating demands; to date this has been
analysed only for office buildings (Barnard, 1 999). The decision to utilise the thermal
capacity of concrete can affect a building's design, because the maximum effect is
achievedwhere the internal surfaces of concrete are exposed. To achieve satisfactory
thermal insulation (wall) values, consideration also needs to be given to the location of
the insulation materialswhich can be placed on the external face of the wall, the
internal face of the wall, or internally to the wall, as a sandwich construction. In all
cases, it is good practice in wall constructionto consider carefully the position 0f the
insulation relative to the dew point, which should prevent unwanted interstitial
condensationOccurring. For floors, there are several design alternativesto maximise
the use of concrete's thermal capacity. Exposed ceilings (soffits)offera 'passive' non-
mechanical solution whereas'active' systems such as Termodeck provide a greater
degree of control through use of air-driven ventilation in the slab.

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing 25
2.2.3. Sound insulation
Unlike steel or timbersystems, concrete offers the possibility 0f housing that is
intrinsically solid, with high acoustic performance. For all solid walls, the mass law for
sound reduction applies, where a doubling of mass improves the Sound Reduction
index by 4dB. Concrete can provide good sound reductionvalues provided joints and
openings are detailed properly. For example, a 150mm thick concretewall can
provide over 50dB reduction in sound transmissionbetweenrooms, dwellings and
from external noise sources such as traffic, Of course,precastconcrete houses also
benefit from having less joints or voids than traditional masonry construction,which
will also improve the sound reduction qualities of the dwelling.

2.2.4. Durability and robustness

Concrete can provide a dwelling with a solid and durable construction that will prove
resistant to impact damage and be easy to maintain provided all the normal
standards and regulationsare adhered to. BS81 10, Eurocode 2 and other standards
specific to precast concrete ensurethat concrete is used safely and appropriately
within buildings to provide a robust, durable and stable structure. The resulting
dwellings will be long lasting and simple to maintain.

2.3. Specific benefits of precast concrete

The idea of prefabrication of building elements in factory conditions brings with it
certain inherent advantages over purely site-based construction(Taylor, 1 999).
Whatever the product being manufactured,working in a factory offers weather-
independence,24 hour working capabilities and economies of scale and scope. In
terms of precastconcrete,and with referenceto the Oxford Brookes Universitymarket
survey of house builders (described in section 3), it is clear that people perceivethat
precastingoffers some veryparticular benefits in addition to those offered generally
by concrete. Speed,quality and efficiencywere all cited as specific attributesof
precast, and of all those speed was the most highly regarded. Although people's
experiencesof precastconcretevary considerably,those who took part in the Oxford
Brookes Universitysurvey cited speed, economy and quality as key advantages.

2.3.1. Speed
In parallel with initiatives arising from the 'Rethinking Construction'Report(see section
3.4.1), there is much market interestin the advantages of treating construction as 'on-
site assembly' of components manufacturedin a factory environment.This approach
can offer faster, cleaner and safer workingconditions on site and so be of benefit to
clients, contractorsand others involved in the process. Precast concreteelements can
be used in this way provided the manufacturerhas adequate notice of requirements

Speed oferectionon site


26 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

and is ableto pre-plan the design of the components in line with the sequencing of
on-site activity. Some people perceivethat factory made components require a long
lead-time (period 0f notice), but designersare advised to contact prospective
manufacturersas soon as possible to take advantage of their expertise in this aspect.

Fast constructionon site means the prolect reaches hand-over more quickly, and so
the client can occupy or let the building earlier. Consequently, there are savingsin
land, labour, rents, overheadsand financing costs, and a faster return on investment.
Furthermore, if less time is needed on site, then there is less pressure on the design
team to find a suitably lengthy 'weather window' for construction activities. According
to respondents in the Oxford Brookes Universitysurvey, there is also an advantage in
being able to construct with prefabricated components because this requires a less
skilled labour force than traditional constructionmethods. Hence, this de-skilled and
'dry' assembly processexpeditesthe programme even more as there are less 'wet'
trades (and less trade interfaces)to consider, so fitting out activities can start earlier.
Of course,this maywell be accompanied by a shift of tradespeoplefrom site-based
working to factory-basedworking, creating a multi-skilled work force in the factory
environment(Barry & Cronin, 1 999). The increaseduse of inter-operability, IT and
bar-coding technology is also likely to speed on-siteactivities associatedwith
assembly of precastcomponentparts.

2.3.2. Quality
One of the key perceptionsattributed to production in controlled environmentssuch as
precastconcrete factories is that the greater degree of control (and the lesser degree
of risk) will result in a higher quality product compared to its on-site equivalent. The
ability to work in a weather-independentand controllable environmentmeans that
strength,surfacequality and consistency, and detailed design featuresin precast
concrete components should be much easier to achieve. Indeed both the material and
dimensional properties of the product should benefit from such a production

I-fig/i quo!ityc/eon factory

(courtesy ofVeit DennertKG)

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 27

Most designers recognisethat prefabrication and factory production also result in
much finer levels of tolerance in the product itself; this is a key advantage for speedy
and accurate on-site assemblyoperations. Where appropriate, precastconcrete can
be designed to have a degree of flexibility. Once on site, Professor Stephen Gage of
UniversityCollege London considers that precastcomponents offer better 'line and
level' than traditional masonry walls for example, which is of benefit to subsequent fit-
out activities.The quality of surfacefinish attainable in a factory can be higher than
that achievable on site because specialistmould-makersare often employed and
because battery casting of repetitive components allows the manufacturerto invest in
high quality, high re-use formwork materials.

Although precastconcretecan be used for very high quality architectural surface

finishesthis should be consideredin the light of the destination of the product. In
housing, it may be appropriate to cast a high quality surfacefor internal applications
that can be painted or papered direct, but consideration can also be given to a more
decorative finish for external panels. Although the Oxford Brookes Universitymarket
survey indicates that brick/masonry finishesare not crucial to the house builder, there
is certainly evidencefrom another survey ('Kerb Appeal')that house buyersare keen
on traditional finishes(see 3.3). So, there may be a need to cast cut bricks into facing
precastwall panels to satisfy consumerdemands in this respect; this would produce a
high quality single leafwall, thus saving valuable floor area over a cavity wall
solution. Indeed, the addition 0f 'easy finish' wall panels would extend the precast
portfolioto a 'one-hit' site operation providing foundation, floor system, walls,
suspendedfloors, partitions, external walls and possible even roofs. Finally, value
could be added to the product range by offering pre-installationof doors and
windows, and a choice of finishesetc.

2.4. Key issues in concrete construction

As described in section 1 .3 of this report, there is a stigma surrounding the use of
concrete for housing, and this has influencedtake-up of the material in that market to
date. The concerns raised as a result of the use of concretesystems outlined the need
for designersto consider carefully the use of concrete in the context of housing.With
all reinforced concrete there is a need to provide sufficient cover to reinforcement;
achieving the level 0f cover recommended will prolong the life of the structureby
preventing corrosion of steel reinforcementand thus spalling of the material.
Adequate cover to reinforcementis also important in ensuring concreteelements
satisfy fire resistance requirements(where applicable). Prevention of excessive
moisture ingress intoconcrete and adequate ventilation of elements will assist in
reducing the adverse effects of condensation,chemical attack and mould growth. The
connectionsbetweenstructuralconcrete elements are key to providing stability, and so
these should be detailed with care by a structuralengineer. BS81 10 and Eurocode 2
provide further details on the design of structuralconcrete.Various general safety
standardsand codes of practice govern constructionof concrete buildings on site;
these are designed to protect workers from accidentsand other hazards associated
with cementand concrete handling and assembly.

In summary,concrete constructioncan provide both short and long term benefits

provided that designersand constructors adhere to the relevant standardsand codes
of practice.

28 Precastconcreteforlow-risehousing
2.5. Key issues in precast concrete
Although designersare aware of the typical benefits of precastconcrete,they
sometimes cite inflexibility, appearanceand service delivery issues as key barriers that
might preventfurther use. However,in the Oxford Brookes Universitysurvey (see
section 3.3), 60% of intervieweesstated that they could not thinkof any specific
disadvantagesof using precastconcrete.

2.5.1. Perceptions of cost and value

Perhaps the most difficult to assess of all the aspects of factory produced concrete is
the issue of cost. On one side there are the potential savingsoffered by mass
production and simpleassembly, but alternately,the cost of transport, erection and
attendantoverheadsof operating a production facility must also be borne.
Furthermore, the fact that detailed costs for precastconcrete are not readily available
in published sources such as Spon and Laxton etc. means that there is a natural
wariness on the part of the customer.
___________ ______ —

Off-site production ofstoircase

(courtesyofTarmac Topuloor Ltd)

if new products are to be offered to the housing market, then the capital investment
required on the partof the manufacturers may prove prohibitive. So, in terms of
supply and demand, this may be a 'Catch 22' situation. However, if existing facilities
can be adapted, and provided manufacturers can partner house builders, then there
is scope for carrying out small scale projects for which the cost penalty is minor,
negotiatedand agreed.

A further pointof interestis the balance of labour required for different types of
precastconcrete. Whereas components require less labour in the factory and more on
site, 2D and 3D precastconcrete requires more labour in the factory but less on site.
The costs associatedwith labourare complex, but it is clear that workers based in a
factory could enjoy arguably better conditions than their equivalentson site (see also
section 2.5.5).

Research in New Zealand suggests concrete housing may incur only 2% additional
construction costs over timber frame construction. Clearly this difference is minor and
could be recouped by the occupier in life-cycle benefitssuch as energy savingswithin
a short time. indeed for housing associations the publication of whole-life or even

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 29

part-life costs would be useful; their interest lies in the long-termvalue offered by
precast housing.With precastconcrete,there are potential savingsto be gained on
site from reductions in time-based factors such as:
• Finance costs (money needs to be borrowed for less time)
• Time-relatedpreliminaries(e.g. staff, plant, access, accommodation,power
and cleaning)
• Additional overheads(e.g. rent for storage of equipment)

NB: A comprehensivemethod for appraisal of savingsassociatedwith time can be

found in 'The Cost of Time' by the Universityof Reading's ProductionEngineering
Group (Gray & Green, 1999).

2.5.2. The image of precast

The 'KerbAppeal' research showed that housingoccupiersare not concernedwith the
structuralform of the house, as long as it appears solid and durable (see section 3.3).
In this respect, they have no particular preferencefor masonry or concrete. However,
concerns do arise when consideration is given to using non-traditional facing
materials, in say the external elevations;there is a strong preferencefor traditional
masonry appearance. Contrary to this however, there is widespread acceptanceof the
use of some visible non-traditional (precast) elements such as reconstitutedstonework.
This is seen as a high quality product adding value to a property. Thus preconceived
notions of how non-traditional materials such as precast concrete can be used in
housing need to be challenged. House builders claim that the public has a low
opinion of precastconcrete, but there is evidenceof a distinct lack of awarenessand
knowledgeof precastamongst house builders and the public alike. Raising the profile
of precastconcrete may be difficult. As explained in Part One, the historical
association of the material with system buildingmeans that precastconcrete may need
to re-invent itself to be able to compete in the housing market. In this respect, the
visual or architecturalappearance of concrete maybe indicative of a wider issue in
housing. Planners are increasinglydemanding in respectof houses, so the perception
from house builders and developersthat only certain styles will achieve success in the
marketplaceis well founded. However,although standard house types have often
commandedgood prices in the past, cultural socio-economic and demographic
changes in the UK mean that different house designs and types may be desirable.

2.5.3. Structure
With 2D precastconcretepanels, continuity and transfer of loads takes place between
elements through ties (requirementsfor theseare in BS81 10). For 3D systems,
continuity can be obtained at the corners of each module. Joint design for precast
concrete is no different from in-situ reinforced concrete in that the forces within joint
zones can be analysed in terms of internal struts and ties. The key difference is the
need to deal with toleranceswhether theseare design tolerancesor unintentional
dimensional variations. Manufacturersof precast concrete maintain that their products
can be designed and produced to very fine tolerances,but note that it may be difficult
to co-ordinate such accurately made components with other constructionactivities
when assemblyis taking place on-site.

30 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

There is a viewthat the use of structuralprecastconcrete results in members that,
because of their lack of continuity, are effectivelyoversizedfor their purpose.This is in
contrast to an in-situ concrete solution for examplewhich may be slimmer, or less
expressed,in section due to the continuity betweenelements. Nevertheless, for
housingthis is not likely to be an issue simply because the elements are 0f a relatively
modestsize. A further point is joint design. it is possible that the need to provide some
form of continuity and connectionbetweenprecastelements necessitates rather more
careful considerationof joint design than is the case for some other construction
methods. Joints must have sufficient strength and be able to avoid sudden failure
modes and deal with manufacturingand constructiontolerances(this is true of joints
in anyform of 'assembly' type construction). However, the need for slightly more effort
in joint design is not consideredto be a major reason to deter people from using

2.5.4. Flexibility and services

The Oxford Brookes Universitysurveyof house builders revealed that there was some
disagreementas to whether precastconcrete was a flexible enough construction
method for housing.Respondents criticised larger precastcomponents (panelsand
volumetric)for being too regimentedand said that they would have to be convinced
of such products' cost and quality effectiveness in practice.

A key factor in the debate about the level of flexibility offered by precastconcrete
appears to be the issue of services provision. The issue centres on to what extent
servicing should be integrated or incorporated into the concrete itself. Clearly there is
the example of systems like Termodeck in which the structure and heating system are
part of the same product, but some people argue that future flexibility of housing stock
relies on servicing being more readily adaptable. However, if services are not
concealedwithin the concrete, then these need to be accommodatedin trenches,
raised access floors, skirting, ducting or trunking.

Integrating andpre-planning of
(courtesyofVeitDennert KG)

Precastconcreteforlow.rise housing 31
Taking more highly serviced building types as a precedent, the main serviceto be
concealed is usually electrics and lighting, rather than HYAC etc. Nevertheless, the UK
predilection for hot water heating systems using radiators, rather than underfloor
systems, may also influencethe take-up of precast in housing. In essence, precast for
housing might have to offer well co-ordinated structure and servicing rather than
some sort of high-tech, wired-up wall or floor. For house buyers, the ability to nail,
drill and fix to walls and floors may be of far greater importance than any other
aspect of flexibility.

There are several options to address this problem, including; developing innovative
fixing or adhesivesystems, such as those designed for thin leaf dry-lined cavity walls
using lightweight or foam concrete panels, or casting a thin layer of softer material on
the inside face of wall panels. For tenantedhousing where significant changesto the
building fabric are likely, it may also be necessary to incorporate knock-outwall
panels. With precastconcrete it is feasible to provide both knock-out panels and
movable panels as required.

2.5.5. Service delivery (procurement)

From section 1 .6, it is clear that the level of service associatedwith precast
components varies betweencountries, with Japan being an exemplar in this respect.
Professor David Gann of Sussex Universitybelieves that UK house buyers should be
offered the same level of service and choice as buying a car for example (Bottomet
al., 1 996). This level of choice would elevate precastfrom a commodity to a value-
added product in the eyes of the consumer. Indeed, the service delivery approach
offered by manufacturers could be extended to reflect the changing nature of the UK
housing market. The client group for precast includesa wide range of bodies (house
builders, self-buildersand housing associations), so the EC approach of marketing a
portfolio of complementaryproducts might also be appropriate in the UK. Most house
builders tend to sub-contractmost site activity, so the opportunity to bring about
change is significant. Precast could be used in a sub-contract,rather than a supply-
only activity. For example, most precastflooring is already sold on a supply-and-fix
basis. The idea of manufacturers offering the supply, fix and completion service is
unlikely: they would need to partner a house builder to get this to work in practice.

In all, there are three options for precast housing:

• Design, manufacture& supply of plain components,panels, pods etc
• Design, manufactureand supply of complete integrated solutions including
services and finishes
• Both of the above to the pointof completion on site of a dry envelope

A further paradigm in which partnering may be a genuine alternative relates to

investment. Factory-basedproduction can require significant initial capital investment,
which is anathema to constructioncompaniessuch as house builders that have relied
traditionally on land banks for their assets.

32 Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing
So, unless the companiescan partner with another with fixed assets (e.g. an existing
precastfactory), then the potential benefit of reduced operating costs will simply not
be enough to make them invest in new production facilities. Ove Arup & Partners
argue that the added costs of factory production must be balanced by a reductionof
costs on-site.The only way they believe this can be done is to reduce site-based
labourto a minimum (materialscosts are at a minimum, and can only be reduced
marginally by cutting wastage).

The efficiencyof factory based

production methods
(courtesyof Tarmac Topfloor Ltd)

2.6. Review of European Building Regulations

In order to explain briefly the legislativecontextof using precastconcrete in housing
and to establish key differencesbetween the UK and other EC countries in this respect,
a review of the EC building regulationswas undertakenseparatelyby Brian Keyworth
0f Brian KeyworthArchitects.Appendix 1 contains a summaryof the Institute of
Building Control (IBCO) review of building controls, regulatory systems and technical
provisionsin the major member states of the EuropeanCommunityand EFTA
countries.The summary includes information from Germany and the Netherlandsand
• Mechanical resistance and structural stability
• Safety in case of fire
• Protection against noise
• Energy economy and heat retention

As noted in the Appendix, it would appear from this studythat buildingregulationsin

other European countries are generally similar to UK requirementsalthough there are
inevitably differencesin the way requirementsare expressed and the criteria by which
they are measured. It would be necessary to carry out a very detailed design
costing assessment to establish the effect of the differencesin requirementbut it seems
unlikely that these would radically influencethe method of construction selected.

PrecastconcreteforIowrise housing 33
A detailed investigationof Dutch and German regulationsdoes not bring to light any
specific requirement(or lack of requirement)which would be likely to make the use of
precastconcrete construction more advantageousor economicallyviable than would
be the case in the UK. However, thin-skin twin wall construction (i.e. two 35mm leaves
of fibre-reinforced concrete separated by 70mm lattice joists) is a popular application
for precastconcrete in Germany. To attain approval for this type of system with
referenceto sound insulation standards, the following guidance is given based on
current UK Building Regulations:

The Regulations for sound insulation in Englandand Wales are in functional form.
These are supported by technical guidance in Approved DocumentE. This
covers common constructions, but also makes provision for innovative systems by
offering a performancetest which allows for approval of constructions which are
similar to the one tested. Part E is currently under review.

The full report of the IBCO Review by Brian Keyworth is available on request from

2.7. Summary
The performance benefitsof concrete construction are well known. The material has
inherent advantagesin terms of fire resistance, thermal mass, acoustic insulationand
durability, and these can be optimised by working to acceptable 'best practice'
guidelines. Precast concrete shares these benefits,and in its own right can also offer
fast on-site assemblyof a range of high quality products. For housing in particular,
the future needs of the occupantsdemand considerationof other issues such as
services integration and adaptability of internal spaces. In combination with the
requirementsof regulationsetc, these factors may need to be addressedfurther to
promote the use of precast in low-rise housing projects.

34 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

Part 3 - Current Drivers in the Housing Market

3,1. Introduction
External factors that may also influencethe take-up of precastconcrete are described
in this part of the report. Trends within the UK housing market in general are covered
in section 3.2, and various market surveys are examined in section 3.3; this section
incorporatesfindings from a survey by Oxford Brookes University, undertaken
specifically for this report. Other market 'drivers' are noted in section 3.4. This is
followed by an overview of the use of other materials used for prefabrication in the

3.2. The UK housing market

This section illustrates how recent national and local changeswithin the UK housing
market could affect the take-up of both precastconcrete and other industrialised
construction methods.

Higher densityhousing in
traditional style on

3.2.1 National trends

Key statistics
• In 1 999, about 200,000 houses were built in the UK
• Almost half of the UK's housingstock is over 50 years old, 23% of it is over
80 years old
• The average dwelling density is now less than three persons per dwelling
• The number of people aged 65 and over will increaseto almost 20% by 2020
• 90% of new housing is built using traditional brickor masonry construction
• Although owner occupation is the dominant form of tenure currently,its growth
is slowing
• 80% of new homes are built speculatively(this figure is falling)
• 20% of new dwellings are built by housing associations and housing trusts (this
figure is rising)
• Housingassociationsexpect to start schemes for 30,000 homes per annum (just
60 associationsaccountfor halfof this number)which are worth £2bn
• UK governmentis insisting that 60% of all new housing should be built on
brownfield land
• Therewill soon be a shortageof dwellings suitable for the huge rise in one
person households
• Almost one third of housingassociationdwellings built are 1 or 2 bedroom flats

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 35

Predicted major changesin demography (population trends) in the UK could have a
significant effect on the nature of the new build and rehabilitation markets for
housing.The projected increasein demand for single or small family dwellings may
presage a rise in 'starter' size homes. However,coupled with the predicted reduction
in availabilityof suitable sites, then low to medium rise apartment buildings may also
be in demand. A reduction in the average size of UK homes is likely to mean that
house builders and housing associationswill look upon industrialisedand volumetric
forms of constructionmore favourably. The need to provide small size units on
confined urban and brownfield sites will encourage the use of modular, prefabricated
housingwhich can be assembled rapidlyand easily on site.

Urban intensification (including the utilisation of brownfield sites) is an issue somewhat

beyond the scope of this report, but it maywell influencethe patterns of house
buildingin the future. Currently, more than 50% of new dwellings are built at densities
of less than 20 per hectare. However,a recentrevision to Planning Policy Guidance
Note 3 states that 'although a minimum densityof 20-25 dwellings per hectarecan
be set, densities should be increasedwhere public transport provision is good'; this
favours developments of greater densities such as apartment buildings in urban areas.
In parallel, planners in the South East have also noted the idea that new housing stock
should not be approved unless accompanied by improvements in infrastructure.The
recently formed Urban Task Force intends to highlight the attractions of urban lifestyles
and relieve pressure on greenfield sites and road transport by developing new and
appropriate mixed tenure developments (Feilden, 1999; Long, 1999d; Ridout, 1998).
However,the House Builders Federationclaims that the current planning system is
restrictivein both procedure and its effective controlling of land prices. The HBF
suggests that the cautious lenders are also highly influential; '(the HBF wants) to
encourage innovation in housing but there could be problemsconvincing first, the
customer, and second,the financial institutions'.

Table 1: Housing Output Forecasts (%)

2000 2001
CFR 3.5 3.1

Hewes 6.0 4.7

BMP 4.5 1.5

Average 4.7 3.1

Table 2: Housing Starts Forecasts (%)

2000 2001
CFR 1.1 -1.6
Hewes 5.6 -0.5
BMP 3.8 -1.6

Average 3.5 -1.2

36 Precastconcrete forIow.rise housing

Tables 1 and 2 indicate that housing starts are predicted to peak in 2000, followed by

a continuation of completionsthroughout2001. In general, these figures reflect the

UK government's prediction of a 3.8 million increasein households (from 1 996 to
2021), but in reality this huge housing developmentprogramme is more likely to have
a staggeredstart over the next few years. However,there is no certainty that this
number of homes will be completed,and it is possible that the numberwill be reduced
and accompanied by a campaign for increased refurbishmentand rehabilitation of
existing housing stock. Thus, the housing market over the next few years will be
determinedby governmentinitiatives, changes in housingdensity and quangos such
as the Urban Task Force. This could mean that take-up of precastconcrete is set to be
influenced by a verybroad range of housing stakeholders.

3.2.2. Design life and flexibility

The issue of design life for new and existing homes is complex; guidance and attitudes
vary in different sectors of the housing market. Thereappear to be two key areas to
• Residents and their lifestyles
• Design life of the building itself (and its componentparts)

Typicalinferiorviewfrom the
precastconcrete'Icon House'
(courtesyofVeifDennert KG)

The problem of flexibility in use has been addressedto some extent by the Joseph
Rowntree Foundation's report 'LifetimeHomes' which sets out design guidance and is
being incorporated into planning legislation throughout the UK (Bright, 1 996). For the
Joseph Rowntree Foundation,rebuildability and rehabilitation are seen as important
indicatorsof sustainability. The rise in the elderly population means that people
staying in one dwelling for their lifetimes becomes more likely and so the issue of
future flexibility is vital in new housing design. The report includesdesign guidance
for both elderly and disabled residents.

The Scheme Development Standards publishedby the Housing Corporation guide

housing associations in their designs (HousingCorporation, 1 998). The Standard
includes access and mobility, minimum space requirements, sanitary provision, sound
and thermal insulation and number of socket outlets. Changes in design life standards
for homes are reflected in the Scheme DevelopmentStandards as recommended 'tests
of performance' for housing sustainability.Under this section, the Standards
recommendthat scope for future adaptation can be improved by facilitating internal
re-modellingand extension within the roofspace.

krlow-rise housing
Precastconcrete 37
Clearly, the nature of housing associations as registered social landlords (RSL)
effectively means that theseorganisations have a vested interestin constructing
dwellings with inherent longevity,flexibility for the future and ease of maintenance.
These factors are difficult to balance, and despite there now being a greater expertise
in life-cyclecosting of materials etc, it is very difficult for the associationsto predict
future demographic trends with anyaccuracy.So, the specificationof new build
homes to accountfor life-cyclechanges(rehabilitation) is not a straightforward
process; even speculative house builders are under pressureto extend design life. It is
feasible that housing associations will demand more price and time certainty from
their suppliers,which will allow them greater flexibility in other design issues. The key
difference between housingassociationsand house builders in this instance is that the
associationswill consciouslyinvestquite heavily in the design effort in order to
minimise rehabilitation and maintenancecosts in the future.

So, the housing associationsare 'knowing' customers that are likely to innovate to
achieve goals. It is feasible that they would demand testing of thermal and acoustic
performance as well as testing of lender approvability for precast products.They may
even requesta product guarantee for design life. This is a controversial issue;
associationsmay be responsiblefor 1 20 years worth of rehabilitation and
maintenance,but there is little point in designing for such a life span if significant
internal rearrangementsare likely in that time. Non-housing associationdwellings
might be deemed to satisfy with just 25 year life spans, but for PFI agreements, it
should be noted that the minimum design life is 60 years. Current estimates of 'design
life expectancy' for buildings suggestthat in a normal 50-60 year life span, elements
might be refurbishedor replaced at about the following intervals (after Duffy, Brand
and Habraken (Gann et al., 1 999)):
• Finishes 5 years
• Internal fittings 10
• Services 20 years
• Structure 50-60 years

Thus, everything apart from the main structureshould be designed to anticipate

refurbishment,modification, replacementand/or improvements during a home's
typical design life.

A DIl/HousingCorporation study visit to the Netherlandsand Finland (see also

1 .6.2.), analysed the notion of flexibility and choice in relation to prefabricated

constructionmethods for housing (Gann et al., 1 999). In particular, the study focused
on the relationshipof residents'choice versus life-cycleflexibility. The study concluded
that UK house builders had a limited understandingof how value and customerchoice
could be improved, indeed house builders interviewed felt constrained by economic,
procurementand cultural factors. Professor Gann et al. concluded that UK house
builders and RSL's were not likely to adopt the flexible 'Open Building' techniques
used in the Netherlandswhich offer long term internal flexibility for residents and
landlords until there were changes in attitudestowards tenure and whole life costing
(i.e. sustainabledesign). To achieve both flexibility and choice, the study team
recommendedthat house builders and RSL's should:
1. Surveythe likes and dislikesof occupants
2. Confirm what factors add cost and what factors add value
3. Establish more clearly exactly what parts of a dwelling need to change and
at what time

38 Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing

3.3. Market Surveys
In addition to impacts likely to arise from changes in planning legislation,
demographic shifts and design requirements, people's perceptionsof housing can also
play a significant role in defining the market directionsand design preferences
offered by house builders. This section outlines key findings from recent surveys
carried out in the UK housing market.

3.3.1. House buyers and the public

Comprehensivesurveys of the public's attitudetowards housing are unusual; more
often such surveys are carried out with a particular question in mind, due simply to
the scale of effortrequired to complete the task. The 1998 market survey 'Kerb
Appeal' involved about 1 ,000 participants and reported on public views towards new
build houses (it excludes apartments and all existing homes) (PopularHousing Forum,
1 998). The findings claim that the potential buyers felt that new houses were generally

'cramped, boxy and lacking in individuality', but there was a divergenceof opinion
about the relative importance of visual appearance. Other factors were thought to be
more persuasive to the potential buyer than aesthetics alone; size, shape and
traditional design featureswere thought much more influential on the decision to buy.
Although people enioyed architectural references to traditional building styles, they
did not like this as an 'add-on extra'.

One of the key findings of 'Kerb Appeal' was that idea that new houses in the same
area should be 'different but the same' which demands that the house builder
achieves a balance between conformity and individuality in design. Of all the possible
design criteria, the most popular with the public were 'shape/proportion', 'roof' and
'windows'. Potential house buyers rated ease of maintenanceand suitability for their
family highly. They also thought the image of the whole neighbourhoodwas more
important than individual houses. Density proved to be a more difficult issue; people
wanted space around houses and their own gardens, but not at the expenseof
greenfield sites. An ideal developmentwas said to be safe and quiet. In general, the
conclusions from the 'KerbAppeal' survey have proved to be influential and could
have far-reaching effectson the way housing is designed.

Thepreferred solution:
Traditional construction andhigh
performance hollowcore
(courtesyofBison Concrete
Products Ltd)

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing 39
A recentsurvey by MORI for the Traditional HousingBureau suggested that 94% of
people prefer traditional constructionto new lightweight steel or timber framed
versions (Fairs, 1 999a). People believed that a heavyweight construction would hold
its value better, last longer, was more suitable for shelving and was better thermally
and acoustically than the lightweight options. The 'traditional' package
overwhelmingly approved by the respondents included concrete floors. On a broader
level, the recentconversionand rehabilitation of several London tower blocks indicates
that house buyers attitudes towards housingare perhaps more flexible than surveys
like 'KerbAppeal' suggest. Both high-rise Keeling House in East London (by Sir Denys
Lasdun) and Erno Goldfinger's Trelick Tower offerspacious flats and good views (Smit,
1 999d). If current market prices are a good indicator, then the potential for new build

and rehabilitated prefabricated housing is considerable. However,this trend is

contradicted by a survey by MORI for the Alliance & Leicester building society which
found that the majority of people questionedwanted a new (spec-built)houseor
bungalow; only a few preferred the idea of a secondhandproperty or high-rise

According to Professor David Gann, cultural factors should not be ignored in matters
of technology transfer (Fairs, 1 998; Gann et al., 1 999). Although Gann suggests that
above all house building should be thought of as a total process and to 'use
innovative technologyto reduce costs, eliminate defects, minimisewaste and save
time', the needs of the consumermust also be addressed. Indeed, according to a
survey by '2000 Homes', 83% of people wanted some input intotheir house layout
and 79% wanted flexibility at a later stage (see also 3.2.2.).

3.3.2 House builders and housing associations

As part of the investigationsof the Precast Housing Feasibility Study Group, a market
research exercisewas undertaken by Oxford Brookes Universityto ascertain the
attitudesof a sample of the Top 50 UK house builders and Top 50 housing
associationstowards the use of precastconcrete in housing. Just over 20% of the
companieswere interviewed, but as the Top 50 house builders construct 1/3 of all
homes built in the UK, those interviewed representat least 1 5% of the market
(Birkbeck, 1 999; Bazlinton, 1 999). The survey focusedon housebuilder's views of
their own needs, their customers' needs, and of the perceived advantagesand
disadvantagesof using precastconcrete for housing. Findingsthat relate specifically
to precastconcreteare referred to in Part 2.

When asked about their own company's needs, respondentsstated clearly that
commercialvalue was of the highestpriority, However,it is worth noting that
architectural appeal was also important to the house builders and longevity was a
critical factor for the housing associations. For the latter, it was thought to be more
important to erect buildings that are cost and quality effective in both the short and
long terms. Several intervieweesalso mentioned the influenceof local planning
authoritiesin the decision-makingprocess. Some companiesargued that potential for
good communication,teamwork and quality would also be influential.

Interviewees in the Oxford Brookes Universitysurveywere also asked to estimate the

relative importanceof a series of issues from the perspective of the people who buy,
rent or occupy their homes. For some companies,this was a difficult question, and a

40 Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing
few respondents chose to answer the questionbased on their own personal
experienceof the housing market. The companiesresponded that cost, low
maintenanceand location were amongstwhat they thought to be the most important
factors for their customers. Clearly, this does not agree exactly with the findings of the
'Kerb Appeal' survey described previously.In the Oxford Brookes Universitysurvey,
brickexteriors and flexibility were not rated as highly. Other factors mentionedwere
security, privacy, parking, show homes and tenant involvement(for housing

The Market Survey confirmsanecdotal evidencethat house builders and housing

associations are driven both by commercialpressures and to some extent the desires
of their customers. Many of the interviewees were interested primarily in being able to
offera quality home to their customers which was speedyand cost effective to
construct, but they were flexible and adaptable in the methods and materials they
used to achieve theseobjectives.

The full report from the Oxford Brookes UniversityMarket Survey is available on
request from BPCF.

A further investigation carried out by John Tebbitas part of a DEIR-fundedresearch

project on prefabricated masonry systems revealed that professionalgroups are also
interested in speed of erection, a reduction in weather dependentactivities and
reliable delivery times (Tebbit, 1 999). He noted that factors like cost and efficiency
were being supplantedby the need for enhancedquality, improved predictability,
increasedsafety and ease of maintenance.

3.4. Other market drivers

This section outlines issues which will also either impel or impede the take-up of
precastconcrete and other industrialiseddesigns in housing.

3.4.1 'Rethinking Construction'

The report of the ConstructionTask Force, led by Sir John Egan, on improving the
quality and efficiency of constructionin the UK, identified five key drivers of change,
one of which is integrated processes and teams (Construction Task Force, 1 998). The
report also highlights performancetargets as noted:
• 10% reduction in construction cost
• 10% reduction in construction time
• 20% annual reduction in constructionproject defects
• 20% reduction in accidents
• 20% increasein predictability
• 10% increase in productivity

Clearly, the use of prefabrication should satisfy the above because it is said to offer
faster construction(assembly) times, more reliable production methods and safer
working conditions on site, but the Report also highlights the fact the house building
industry requires some specific initiatives to move it forward. The constraints of
planning and legislation on the housing sectorare noted, but the rise in quality of
social housing suggests that there is significant scope for the few big customers in this
area (housing associations). The DETR has issued a challenge to housing associations

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

to achieve the targets set out in the Egan report by 2004 in orderto lead change
amongst clients (Martin, 1999b). It is likely that this will result in greater use of
partnering arrangementsand post-occupancyevaluation to gauge customer
satisfaction.Indeed, the Egan Report emphasises the need for clients, suppliersand
contractorsto work more closely together to achieve improvements in innovation,
standardisation, quality and efficiency by implementing:
• Standardisedplans
• Newcomponent systems
• Trialling of Dutch and Japanesebuilding systems
• Customercare research

Working with Egan's emphasis on reductions in cost and time etc, Ove Arup &
Partners have suggested that there are potentially two areas in which the greatest
savingscan be made (which can both be optimised by using factory prefabrication
techniques). Of the costs to build housing, 40% is spent on land, 20% is split between
overheadsand profit which leaves 40% to spend on the structure(50% is labourand
50% is materials). As it is difficult to reduce material costs, greater savingsneed to be
made from labourand waste. Clearly, factory precastconcrete saves labour and
reduces waste. The health and safety themewithin the Egan Report 'Rethinking
Construction' is also relevant. Although the report focuses mainly on efficiency and
productivity, it also endorses safe working conditions, which is said to be achieved
more easily in a factory than on-site.

3.4.2. Sustainability
An increasing influenceon the way housing and all other buildings are procured is
sustainability.This term describes a need to undertaketo change our current ways of
working to conserve resources in such a way that the quality of life for future
generations is not leopardised. Currently, sustainabilityand its implications for energy,
materials, resources and social equity, is beginning to appear in both corporate and
legislativedocumentsrelating to construction. In the next few years it is likely that a
far greater importancewill be associatedwith sustainabilityand this will impact
significantly on how housing is procured. An early example is that the government
has sustainabilityas a priority pointon its agenda for the two 'Millennium Villages' at
Greenwich and Allerton (Leeds). It can be argued that precast concrete has several
advantagesin terms of sustainability including:
• Relativelylow initial energy costs for production
• High thermal mass
• Reinforcement and concrete can both be recycled
• Can be flat-packed for transport
• Can be designedto be rebuildable
• Can be used on contaminated land

42 Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing
3.5. Use of other materials
There is some evidenceto suggestthat the level of interestin prefabricated versionsof
other structural materialsas well as concrete indicate a growing awarenessand
greater willingnessto use factory style production techniques in the production of
housing.Although there are few examples in the housing market to date, schemes that
have been completed have been very newsworthyand volume house builders are
continuing to investigatethe potential benefitsof factory prefabrication.

3.5.1. Steel
Although steel frames' estimatedshare 0f the UK housing market is currently less than
2%, it is growing steadily. The UK is 20 years behind other countries in its adoption of
steel for housing; in the USA 1 5% of all new homes use steel. Steel is used in
lightweight C or Z sections created from cold-rolled coiled strips. This producescross-
sectional and length accuracy in 'stick', panelisedand volumetric constructions,
although some commentators suggest the use of sub-frames is particularly useful for
housing.Specific benefitsof steel frames are said to be improved thermal and
acoustic performance over timber or masonry alternatives(Birch, 1 999). Westbury
Homes maintain that the use of prefabricated steel frames could result in the erection
of roof, frame and main structural elements within a day compared to 5-6 weeks of
traditional construction(Anon, 1 999f; Anon, 1 999g). A demonstration 'Surebuild'
steel house at Oxford Brookes Universityhas proven instrumental in testing such

The PeabodyTrust Housing Associationhas employed volumetric steel construction to
combat rising construction costs and a fall in skill levels on site. Murray Grove is the
first multi-storey(five storey) modular apartmentsin the UK and uses Yorkon steel
modules with terracotta cladding (Blair, 1999; Dawson, 1 999; Long, 1 999e;
Partington, 1 999; Pickard, 1999; Spring, 1 999b). The first 35 moduleswereerected
in just five days. The fully-fitted out standard steel monocoquesare dry-lined with
sound absorbing plasterboard and injection insulated and are simply stacked together
on site on top of the foundations.Although the project cost 1 0-20% more than a
conventionalscheme, this newsworthydesign provoked substantialinterest in the
benefitsof prefabrication. Close site supervision was thought to be crucial to the
architectCartwright Pickard, which envisaged prefabrication as a design 'bonus'.
The PeabodyTrust intends to use prefabrication for future developments in London.

Britspace MBS has recentlycompleted two demonstrationhouses in Yorkshirewith the
GuinnessTrust and George Wimpey(Fairs, 1 999b; Smit, 1 999b). The 80m2 two
bedroom and 96m2 three bedroom houses use steel moduleswhich come from a
production line that can produce up to four houses a day. Although the costs are
similar to traditional construction, the system could reduce construction times
dramatically (the houses are built in the factory in three weeks and assembled in one
week by 12-16 workers). To all intents and purposes the houses look exactly like
'normal'UK homes;each uses 1 2mm thick brick slips and granite-faced rooftiles.
Britspace has also worked in other markets producing fast-trackprefabricated fast-
food restaurants.

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 43

3.5.2. Timber
Timber is another option for prefabricated housing as it is lightweight, flexible and
abundant. It has already been used for many motel and hotel buildings in the UK. 8%
of all new UK housing uses timber frame construction,including the majority of new
homes in Scotland (Gann et al., 1 999). Both in the factory and on-site,timber is
easily handled and fixed, but the sector has suffered in the past from adverse publicity
surrounding its longevity and durability as a building material in frame construction
techniques (Smit, 1 999a). In recentyears, prefabricated timber 'cassettes' for domestic
floors have been introduced in an effortto competewith the speed of erection and
long-span capability of precastconcrete floor units.

Volumetricclaims that its panels and modular timber(and light steel) buildings can be
used up to five storeys high, and can create a 40 bedroom hotel in just 15 weeks. It
has built 1 50 hotels so far in the UK alone, and is promoting its capabilities as far as
China (Menary, 1 998). Volumetricis currently diversifying into housing and has
teamed up with contractorsKajima in Leeds and Birmingham to build two CASPAR
(City CentreApartments for Single People at Affordable Rents) projectsfor the Joseph
Rowntree Foundation(Alexander, 2000; Smit, 1 999e). The 51 m2 one and two
bedroom modules rent for £85-i 15 per week, and cost £980/rn2 to construct. Kajima
maintain that the build costs will come down over time; that, and the residents'
satisfactionis indicative that further schemes will follow.

3.6. Summary
This section has focused on some of the broader issues that could affect the take-up of
precastin housing. Unfortunately,it is not entirely clear from surveys of the public
whether they would or would not prefer traditional constructionmaterials for their
homes, but what is clear is that they do associate heavyweight constructionwith
solidity and added value. Housebuilders and housingassociationsare mostly using
precastconcrete components,and have not yet fully explored its 2D and 3D potential.
However, this trend may reverse in time because the Egan report supports a greater
use of prefabricated building methods and sustainabilitywill impact on all
constructionmethods. The relative success of other materials in the prefabricated
housing sector is a further indicator of the potential market for precastconcrete.

44 Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing

4.1 Introduction
The findings of the report are presented in this section. Indicationsof future growth
areas for precastconcrete in housing are given in section 4.3, and a series of
recommendations are outlined in section 4.4 which will be of interestto anyone
involved in the procurementof low-rise housing.

Simpleprecast balcony units

add value to newapartments

4.2. Key findings

Parts 1 -3 of this report explain the use of precastconcrete in housing including the
issues that need to be consideredif its use is to be extended. From this, it is possible
to glean several key findings that could shape the future use of precastconcrete.

1. The problems of the pastcan be avoided

Clearly there is an argumentthat precastconcrete has a (historical) reputation which
to some extent continues to prejudice its use in housing.The factthat errors in design
and constructionwere made in the past cannot be denied, but the reasons for such
problemsshould not arise again. Many of the 'systems' used in thoseyears were
designed to address a short term housingdeficit. Design and construction methods
are now better understood,and so can be applied in this, very different, period in the
history of the use of precastconcrete in housing.

2. Low-rise is nothigh-rise
Indeed, the low-rise housing market should not be considered in the same way as
high-rise buildings, but the Egan Report has re-awakened interestin the benefitsof
factory production techniques, so efficiency and productivity gains from using
prefabrication will continueto be investigated and discussed for some time to come.
Therefore, there is a need to be clear about the differencesbetween low-rise and
high-rise applications for precast.

3. Cultural and perceptual views are critical

There is a significant body of opinion that supports the notion that traditional
materials are the most appropriate and popular for new housing in the UK, but there
is a growing interestin different styles and ways of living, particular in urban areas.
Furthermore, surveys of the public suggest that the UK continues to prefer the security
and sellable image of heavyweight construction, and although steel and timber
modules are being used, the public seems not to be particularly keen. Reference has
been made to European housingpractice in this Report;while there are undoubtedly
some cultural differencesbetween the UK and EC countries,these differencesseem
now to be diminishing.

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 45

4. The market potential for precast concrete exists
The examplesof precast concrete from other EC countries show that there is market
potential for the product in housingprovided manufacturers promote sensibleoptions
to a well-informed market. Although it is valid to seek precedents for widespread use
of precastconcrete constructionfrom international markets, there are cultural
differencesthat may hinder 'knowledge or technology transfer'. Nevertheless, there
are lessons to be learned from countries that use a higher proportion of industrialised
housing than the UK.

5. The balance of cost and value needs to be clear

Take-upof precast may ultimatelydepend on the balance of construction costs and
added value. This difficult equation may need to be resolved on an individual project
basis, thereby offering every housebuildingclient a bespokepackage. On the subject
of whole-life costing, the questionof flexibility (and services flexibility) will be a key
factor in satisfying each client's objectivesin this regard. With some experts predicting
that new homes will havean 'information room' for IT equipment in the nearfuture,
housing specificationscan be expected to change and reflect such trends. For precast
concrete to make inroads in the housing market, contractorsand clients need to be
made aware of the speed and quality benefitsit offers, while owners and occupiers
need to be made awareof the performance benefitsover time such as thermal mass.
It should be noted that a 'first-cost' dominated culture might overlook the potential
benefits of precast(e.g. all-weather workingand reduction in waste).

6. Precastmeans innovation in delivery

Clearly, house builders and housing associations have different requirements, so the
delivery of service to these groups may be critical. Furthermore,the developmentof
closer working relationshipswith them will be advisable as the housing market is
changing slowly to accommodatemore single and elderly people for longer lifetimes.
In essence, precastconcrete,whether it be components,2D or 3D volumetric
construction,uses principally the same materials in the same places as traditional
construction, but delivers them in a verydifferent way.

7. People need to be convinced

UK house buyers regard industrialisedconstructionwith some suspicion,but if they
were shown how it could fulfil their demands for homes that look 'different but the
same', then perhaps this perception would change. The single key activity that would
on its own most significantly influencethe take-up of precastconcrete in housing is at
leastone demonstrationbuilding. Thiscould promote alternative systems and options,
explain the design and constructionprocessand act as a referencepoint for technical,
structural, aesthetic, performance,marketing and cultural questionsabout precastin
general (see also section 4.4 for further recommendations).

46 Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing

4.3. Looking to the future
This section considersthe generic ways in which precastconcrete might be used in
low-rise housingand includes some particular examplesthat are being put into
practice in the UK. In Part 1, it was established that there were three basic categories
for precastconcrete:
• Components
• Panelised construction (2D)
• Volumetricconstruction (3D)

Although some companiessee componentisationas the bestoption because theseare

small-scale,easily manufactured,transported and assembled in site, others maintain
that volumetricconstructionenablesthe manufacturerto add value to the precast,
thereby transforming it from a commodity to a product. So, it appears that
manufacturers and house builders will approach the future with the view that flexibility
in product ranges will provide the bestopportunities in the housing market. Indeed,
the whole portfolioof precastconcrete is as follows:
• Incremental improvementon current components
• Simple, open system of panelisedconstruction
• Integrated(serviced) versionsof current components or panels
• More detailed, integrated (serviced) volumetric

Ove Arup & Partners recentlyput forward a proposal to construct a £3-5m+ semi-
automated factory to manufacturesingle storey housing modulesin precastconcrete
(Anon, 1 999d; Bolton et al., 1 999; Gordon, 1999; Long, 1 999a; Pawley, 1 999;
Spring, 1 999a). John Miles, the Head of Arup's Automotive Design Group (and a car
designer by training), believes the system of concrete panels will offer factory-built
houses at lower costs than traditionally built ones. Concrete has been chosen because
of its low material costs and thermal and acousticproperties as well as the ability to
stack modulesover five storeys high (unlike steel). The 5000m2, 1 00 staff factory
should be commerciallyviable if it produces 500 houses per annum; it is designed to
produce eight modules per day on a single-shiftbasis. Six flat concrete panelswould
be cast simultaneously, then tilted up and their edges joined together. The 8m x 4m
modules weighing 25t will be cast and fully fitted out inside the factory in about 33
days. Although transport costs would be an issue (becauseArup only envisage one
factory would be built in the UK), once on site the modulesfor two 2-bed houses and
a 'brick skin' could be erected in about five days, following installation 0f a mini-pile
and ground beam system. The cost of the completed house has been estimatedat
between£330380/m2 (excluding overheadsand profit). Arups claim that the
demands0f house builders and their customers mean that traditional brickwork is
currently the only feasible alternativefor the facade, despite their initiatives to use
cladding systems.

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing 47
A 1 2 house scheme in Manchesterwill be the first for an open precastconcrete
system from RogerBullivantcalled 'Quickhome'. Aimed at social housing clients, the
Rothwell Street project uses Bullivant's integrated foundation system, this is topped with
a precastshell using storey height wall panels that can be faced in brickor anyother
The envelope can be built in three days, and the system is said to offer thermal mass,
airtightness,soundtightness and low maintenancebenefits.The houses include an
open build skeleton, fixed stair and hollowcore floors. The 1 80mm thick composite
insulatedwall panels (of which the concrete skin is 50mm thick) are flat-packed onto
site. Cast-in sub-frames are used for openings and the wall panels are rebuildable. A
prefabricated timber system is used for the roof. Handover can take place within 1 5-
20 days of commencement.

'Quickhome' iypicalelevations
(courtesyofRoger Bullivont)

Aire 8100 - the 2nd Millennium Community.A proposal has been made by the Aire
Regeneration partnership to redevelopthis huge ex-mining community near Leeds
using precastconcrete houses made in an on-site factory (Anon, 1 999a). The idea is
that it will produce modular wall elements that cost less because the factory itself is
also on site, thus avoiding transport costs. The aim is to produce 3 homes per week,
which will result in a reduction in build costs by 19% in the first year, rising to 30%
after threeyears (the total programme is for 5 years). The Aire project will use precast
concrete homes on a plot module of 8100mm (hence the name). This will result in an
increase in dwelling space of 10% by area and 35% by volume. Homeswill have an
extendedwarrantyof 30 years. Precast concrete will be used in:
• Foundations- precastconcrete system on capping layer designed for future
• External walls - precastconcretewith recycledaggregates
• Party walls - precastpanels with recesses for wet services in kitchens/bathrooms
(sandwich panels between adjacent properties with 100mm insulation).

Proposed cladding options for the project include timber, stone, terracotta and render.
The thermal capacity of the concrete panels, high insulation levels and solar
orientation all mean that the houses should consume only 1/6th of the total energy
used by a conventionalhouse (i.e. <1 5kWh/m2 pa).

48 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

4.4. Recommendations
The broad remit of this report in bringingtogether information relevantto precast
concrete,the housing market, the construction industry and the public at large, means
that recommendationscould be also be broad in nature. The impact of the Egan
report, of the Urban Task Force, of new planning guidance and of the shifting
property marketswill all clearly influencethe patternsof take-up of new types of
housing. However,whilst there is scope to suggestwide-ranging changes, the focus of
this publication remains the future for precastconcrete in low-rise housing in the UK,
in which casethere are a numberof specific recommendationsthat can be made.

4.4.1. Testing and demonstration

Evidence that categorically establishes the structural,performance and cost benefitsof
precast concrete, is of significant value to an industry attempting to prove its worth
and compete in a difficult market such as housing. The opportunity to test and
demonstratethe application of precastconcrete should not be overlooked; a
demonstrationprolect can expound the benefitsof precastand display confidence. In
doing so, both technical and cultural aspects could be addressed. Funding might be
soughtfrom industry,manufacturersand the DETR. Such projectsmight incorporate:
• Component,panel or volumetric options
• Alternative methods of production
• Economies of scope (i.e. offering combinations)
• Partneringwith EC companiesto adapt standard ranges
• Process improvements

A demonstrationproject similar to either the European Concrete Building Project at

Cardington or the BRE's Integer House can be used to raise awarenessof a technique
or portfolioof products whilealso promoting generic solutions. These are good
examplesof R&D demonstrationprojects,but another, more public venue for such a
venturewould be the Ideal Home exhibition. Clearly this would be more likely to
reach the house buyers as a target group.

4.4.2. Benchmarking
The variety of products that could come under the mantle 0f 'precast for low-rise
housing' means that producing guidelinesor even setting standardscould be rather
difficult. The by-product of testing and monitoring a demonstrationbuilding, as
mentionedabove, is that generic design and constructionguidance may be more
feasible. The idea of having an Approved Documentfor precast is equally suitable:
previousones for timber floors and basements have proved popular. A design
standard is another possibility but this is a more long-term issue. Although such
benchmarkingwould obviously increase quality etc, a further result of any such
guidance would be to aid the education and awarenessprocess.

Precastconcrete forIow.rise housing 49

4.4.3. Further research
There is always potential to continueto researchnew, or innovative, solutions, but the
real value in further research lies in collaborative prolects. It seems that individual
manufacturers are keen to continuetheir own directions in R&D, but there may also
be scope to carry out more generic studieson aspects of structure, performance,
whole-life costing, rebuildability and processimprovement.Non-technical surveys
might also be carried out to continuethe work described in Part 3. A useful
comparison could be made of the views of the public, house buyers and tenantswith
the opinions of the users of new precasthomes,as they become available. A final
recommendation for research would be to focus specifically on developing strategies
for procurementand servicedelivery of precast in housing to best suit potential

4.4.4. Education and Training

In the first instance, an initiative could be taken to further educate decision-makersin
the benefitsof using precastconcrete for housing. However,considerationshould be
given to establishingexactly which stakeholdergroups are the key decision-makers,
and how best these should be targeted. In order that this effortis not seen simply as a
marketing exercise, the involvement of an impartial bodysuch as DEIR, the BRE or a
Universitycould be sought.The tools to facilitate this education process might include
workshops, publicationsand web pages. Precast manufacturersand the Construction
Industry Training Board (CITB) already provide suitable training for factory workers,
precasterectors, site operativesand managers.

Safe, efficient erection of

precast flooring
(courtesyofBirchwood Concrete
Products Ltd)

50 Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing
4.4.5. Awareness campaign
In essence, the key may be to raise awareness,to reassure, and to re-establish precast
concrete as a genuinely beneficial product for the UK housing market. This may focus
on a public relationsexercisebased on new evidence(provided by earlier
recommendations)and assurance of the precastconcrete industry'sabilityto provide
an economical,fast, quality product to its customers. There was evidencefrom the
Oxford Brookes Universitysurvey to suggest that the housing sectorwould welcome
approachesfrom precastconcrete manufacturersprovided they were ableto market
and supply good quality product that satisfies the demandsof flexibility, cost, speed,
and visual appearance. However, many were rather reticentabout how this could be
achieved.So, a refreshedmarketing initiative to highlight the potential benefits0f
precastcould be useful. This might include:
• Presenting a series of industry seminars around the UK
• On the road staff to visit house builders
• Developingcloser links with customers
• Using IT and electronicproduct models
• Developingproduct 'differentiation' e.g. an emphasison aftercare
• Developinga series of bespoke'packages'
• Producinggeneric promotional literature (similar to Belton/Bevionin the

Precastconcretefor low-rise housing 5

Appendix 1: Review of European Building Regulations
Precast concrete constructionis more commonly used for housing projects in some
Europeancountries than it is in the United Kingdom. In order to ascertain whether
building regulation requirementsin Europeare more favourable to concrete,(i.e.
making its use easier or rendering other forms of constructionless viable) a brief
survey of building regulationshas been made. This section is based on the Institute of
Building Control review of building controls, regulatory systems and technical
provisionsin the major Member States of the European Communityand EFTA
countries. The IBCO review was updated in 1998 and covered 15 countries:Austria,
Belgium,Denmark, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, The
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Swedenand the UK. In addition to a
documentfor each individual country, IBCO have produced a Summarydocument
covering all countries.The review providescomparative information on the Building
Control systems, including Building Control Law, Building Regulations, National
Standardsand their status and the Qualifications required for building work. It
providescomparative information on the following requirements:
1. Mechanical resistance and structural stability
2. Safety in case of fire
3. Hygiene, health and the environment
4. Safety in use
5. Protection against noise
6. Energy economyand heat retention
7. Access and facilities for the disabled
8. Other requirements

Topics 1, 2, 5 and 6 are of primary interestto precast concrete structures. Where

requirements exist for a topic, the specific requirement(i.e. the period of fire
resistance or the amount 0f heat resistance) can vary from country to country. In
addition to considering the IBCO Summary,the specific requirements of two countries
(Germany and The Netherlands)where precastconcreteconstructionis used regularly
have been examined (see also section 1 .6 in the main text).

TOPIC 1: Mechanical resistanceand structural stability

All fifteen countries have Legislation in the form of Codes of Practice and/or
Standards to control structuraldesign, to:
• Prevent actionswhich might cause stress, deformation or degradation of the works
during constructionand use
• Prevent collapse
• Prevent deformation or cracking
• Prevent disproportionate damage

52 Precastconcrete forlow-rise housing

TOPIC 2: Safety in case of fire
All fifteen countries havefire resistance stabilily requirements for walls and ceilings,
columns, beams,floors, roofs, stairs and suspended ceilings and criteria for means of
escape and fire fighting procedures.

Preventionof initial ignitionin installations and systems

There are requirements in respectof the design and installationof heating installations
including flues and chimneys in all fifteen countries.There are also flammablegas
detection requirementsin Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,Germany and Spain.
There are explosion suppression requirements in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France,
Italy, Norwayand Spain. Austrian, French,German and Spanish regulationsinclude
provisionsfor lightning protection

Limitations of spread of fire and smoke beyond room of origin

There are requirements for compartmentationand separating walls in all fifteen
countries.There are surfacespread of flame requirements in all fifteen countries and
limitation of fire spread on facade requirements in many countries including the UK.
There are requirements for fire stopping in all countries except Austria, Belgium and

Limitation of spread of fire to neighbouring constructionworks

There are space separation requirementsfor walls and roofs in all countries except
Italy and unprotectedareas requirementsin all countries except France,German,
Ireland, Italy and Sweden.

TOPIC 5: Protection againstnoise - Requirementsfor dwellings

Resistance to airborne noisefrom space outside: requirementsin all fifteen countries.
There are requirements for the limitation 0f airborne and impact sound noise between
enclosed spaces in all fifteen countries as well as requirementsto limit airborne sound
from space outside. In the UK, the latter is dealt with by PlanningControl rather than
by Building Regulations.

TOPIC 6: Energy economy and heat retention: requirements for dwellings

for resistance to heat transmissionin all fifteen countries.There
There are requirements
are requirements for resistance to water vapourtransmissionin Austria, Finland and
Spain and requirementsfor air permeability of the building fabric in all countries
except Belgium, France,Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing 53
The German Building Regulations are based on model regulationsthat are written
mainly in functional terms and issued by the FederalGovernment(the
Musterbauordnungor MBO). However,the country has 16 Landerwhich are allowed
to make regional variations. The Federal Building Code includes both building
regulationsand planning law so the building regulationsinclude requirementswhich
are mainly to ensure public health and safety but also include matters relating to the
design and layout of buildings and sites. The regulationsapply to all buildings and to
changeof use and to demolition.

The building regulationsare supplemented by technical regulationsfor building

products.Technical regulationsare set out in lists that differentiate between regulated
and non-regulatedproducts. Regulatedproducts generally comply with the technical
regulationsand suitability for purpose is checked either by the manufacturers
certificateof conformity or a certificate of conformity issued by an approved (in
accordance with the FederalBuilding Code or the EC ConstructionProducts Directive)
certification agency. Suitability of non-regulated products is confirmed by compliance
with general technical approvals, a certificate of inspection and approval or a special
agreementfor individual cases.

In Germany, the building control system operates through a plan submission, approval
and inspectionserviceby the local authority. In the case of Iowrise** residential
buildings, single storey buildings of limited floor area (maximum 200m2), agricultural
buildings (max two storeys and 250m2) and other non-habitable buildings (max
1 00m2and two storeys), a simplified regulatory system has been introduced which

relies to a greater extenton self certification. Proof of compliance must be submitted.

(** Low-rise is defined as a building in which the floor of any storeycontaining

habitable rooms is not more than 7 metres above the ground at any point.)

Mechanical resistanceand sfructural stabilily

Structural stability relies primarilyon the appropriate DIN Standards for construction
methods and the materials used in construction. Eurocodes may also be used; loads
liable to act on the works and limits of inadmissibledeformation and cracking are
given in the Codes.

Safely in fire
Buildings must be designed such that occurrence0f a fire and the propagation of fire
and smokeare preventedand, in the event of a fire, rescue and the performanceof
fire extinguishing proceduresis possible. Easily flammable building materials must not
be used exceptwhen they are used in conlunction with other materials that are not
easily flammable). The main parts of fire resistantbuilding components must consist of
non-combustiblebuilding materials except for fire resistantclosuresin openings. The
requirementsfor fire protection are set out in DIN 4102. Fire resistance requirements
are set out in tabular form in the regulationsand appear to be broadly similar to UK

54 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

Sound insulation
Buildings must be sound insulated in accordancewith their location and use. Technical
requirementsare contained in DIN 4019. The Standard deals with noise from
neighbours,from building services and industrial noise produced in the same building
or within a complex. It also deals with traffic noise and from industrial
premises which
do not form part of the same dwelling. Tables give sound insulation
figures for airborne sound insulation of walls and floors are the weighted apparent
sound reduction index, in decibels (dB) and for doors and windows, the
sound reduction index in dB. For floors and stairenclosures the
impact sound
insulation is the weighted normalised impact sound pressure level, in dB.
The method of sound transmission measurement is different to the UK but the
values are similar, e.g. separating walls 53dB for both countries and
separating floors
(between flats) 54dB airborne and 53dB impact for Germany and 52dB and 61 dB
respectively for the UK.

Energy economy and heat retention - requirements for dwellings

and residential buildings
More stringent provisionscame into force on April 1 sI, 1 995.
Although a different
method of calculation is used, the requirements to be similar to the levels of
thermal insulationthat came into force in England and Wales in 1 995. The
regulationshave four appendicesthat describe how the various calculations should be
made. Using specificationsfor heat transmissionand air heat losses set out in the
provisions,the annual heating requirement(i.e. the heat provided annually by the
heating system for the heated rooms of the building) must be within certain specified
limits. For small residential buildings, up to two floors and not
containing more than
three dwellings and for structuralalteration work, there are
satisfy' requirements. Allowable heat transmission values in Germany are sufficiently
similar to UK values not to have a great influenceon the construction method.

The Netherlands
The basis of Dutch law on
building work is the Housing Act. The Building Decree
(Bouwbesluit) which came into effect in October 1 992 contains
nationally uniform
technical legislation. The main points are;
a) It covers the essential requirementsof safety, health, usefulness and energy
b) Requirements are formulated as far as possible as performancerequirementsand
by referenceto Standards.
c) Relevant certificatesof conformity and Technical Approvals mayact as
proof of
meeting the requirementsof the Building Decree.
d) Municipalities cannot impose separatetechnical requirements.Planning legislation
is separatelycontrolled.

Precastconcreteforlow-rise housing 55
The Building Decree is publishedas 14 independentChapters covering the technical
regulationsfor constructionwork and the state of existing constructionworks. It
contains a collection of performance requirements, by which building plans can be
tested using measurements or calculationsand indicates,through a test value, whether
the requirementshave been complied with. The builder can decide how to construct
and which materials to use providing the performancerequirementsare met. The
Decree refers to Dutch Standards(NEN's) concerningbuildings and civil engineering
works (Category 'A' Standards). Provisionhas been made in the Building Decree for
Dutch Standards (NEN's) to be replaced by harmonisedEuropean Standards (NEN-
EN's) as these become available.

Mechanical resistanceand structural stability

Standard NEN 6702 refers to the ultimate limit state of the structure. Compliance
relating to the ultimate limit state is referred to in accordance with the relevant parts of
specific Standardsfor the type of construction,e.g. NEN 6720 and NEN 6790 for
brickor concrete materials.There are specific requirementsin respectof collapse in a
fire situationwhereby the limit state shall not be exceededwithin specified time

Safety in case of fire

Requirements for fire resistance, surface spread of flame and means of escapeare set
out in tabular form and appearto be broadly similar to UK requirements.

Sound insulation
There are requirementsfor the limitation of sound transmission betweenadioining
dwellings and for the external walls of the dwelling. Detailed requirementsare set out
in NEN 5077.

Energy economy and heat retention - requirements for dwellings

and residential buildings
External walls to habitable rooms, toilets and bathroomsmust have a thermal
resistance of 2.5m2K/W determinedin accordance with NEN1 068 (equivalentto a U
value of 0.4W/m2K). A maximum total area of 25% of a dwelling or residential
buildingcan consist of windows, doors and their frames, providing this area has a
thermal resistance0f at least 0.11 m2K/W (equivalentto a U value of 9.OW/m2K),
and an area of 4% which does not need to comply with anythermal insulation
requirement.These requirementsdo not apply if the dwelling or residential building
has a thermal insulation index of at least 14 as defined in NEN 1068. The external
and internal walls, floor and ceiling of a 'staying area' (similar to a habitable room in
UK regulations) must not have a greater air permeability flow rate (as referred to in
NEN 2686) than 0.2m/&

56 Precastconcretefor low-rise housing

It would appear from this study that building regulationsin other European countries
are generally similar to UK requirementsalthough there are inevitably differencesin
the way requirementsare expressed and the criteria by which they are measured. It
would be necessary to carry out a very detailed design and costing assessment to
establish the effect of the differencesin requirementbut it seems unlikely that these
would radically influencethe method of construction selected. The more detailed
investigationof Dutch and German regulationsdoes not bring to light anyspecific
requirement(or lack of requirement)which would be likely to make the use of precast
concrete construction more advantageousor economicallyviable than would be the
case in the UK.

Precast concreteforlow-rise housing 57

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62 Precast concreteforlow-rise housing






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