1 Useful Life

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The document discusses performing structural life assessments of container cranes to determine their remaining safe operational lifetime and identify maintenance needed to extend their service. Fatigue analysis and non-destructive testing are used to evaluate crack growth and estimate remaining life.

The purpose of a structural life assessment is to determine the remaining time a crane can safely operate with an acceptable risk of failure and identify actions needed to reduce failure risk to an acceptable level in a cost-effective manner.

The main steps involved in a structural life assessment are: performing a condition survey, fatigue analysis to determine inspection intervals, initial useful life estimate, developing a maintenance program, final useful life estimate after maintenance, and evaluating options like refurbishment.



Kenton Lee, SE
Associate, Liftech Consultants Inc.

Feroze R. Vazifdar, SE
Vice President, Liftech Consultants Inc.

Simon L. H. Wong
Engineering Manager, Hongkong International Terminals

Reprinted from Ports ’01

Proceedings of the Conference
American Society of Civil Engineers
Held April 29–May 2, 2001
Norfolk, VA

Kenton Lee, ASCE Member, Associate, Liftech Consultants Inc., 3666 Grand
Ave., Oakland, CA 94610, [email protected]
Feroze R. Vazifdar, ASCE Member, Vice President, Liftech Consultants Inc.,
3666 Grand Ave., Oakland, CA 94610, [email protected]
Simon L. H. Wong, Engineering Manager, Hongkong International Terminals,
Kwai Chung Container Port Container Port Road South, Kwai Chung,
New Territories, Hong Kong

What is to be gained by a useful structural life assessment of older cranes? What is “useful
The useful structural life is the remaining time the crane can be operated with an acceptable risk
of failure. When first asked to consider acceptable risk, the usual response is an acceptable risk
is no risk. Unfortunately, all structures have a reliability of less than 1.00.
For cranes, the most common acceptable risk of a single structural detail failing is about 1 in 50,
using the damage tolerant design philosophy. The consequences of the failure of one detail
may be limited with periodic inspection.
This paper presents the methods used to develop a structural inspection program and to evaluate
the useful structural life using statistical analysis and the principles of fracture mechanics.


The prediction of fatigue crack growth is based on statistical data and the principles of fracture
mechanics. Cracks grow from initial discontinuities, usually at welded joints. The crack size
increases with each cycle of loading, until the crack reaches a critical size and the member fails
suddenly without warning. The study determines the actions needed to reduce the risk of such
failures to acceptable levels and if such actions are economic.
Crack prediction based on the statistical approach is not perfect. It provides a method of
improving the reliability of the structure.
The reliability can be estimated once the current condition of the structure and the operational
demands are known. The useful life may be extended by improving details and increasing the
intensity and frequency of the structural inspection. However, the cost of the improvements
may not be justified, in which case other options need to be considered. Other options range
from changing the use or refurbishing the structure to scrapping the cranes.

A structural life assessment of a container crane follows the steps listed below.

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1. Perform a condition survey.
2. Perform a fatigue cumulative damage analysis of the cranes and determine the non-
destructive testing (NDT) inspection intervals.
3. Make an initial estimate of the useful life of the cranes based on current maintenance
4. Develop a structural maintenance program and provide procedures for the repair of
structural defects.
5. Develop the final estimate of the useful life of the cranes based on new maintenance
6. Explore options to refurbish, scrap, sell, or relocate the cranes based on economics.
1. Condition Survey
The engineer’s visual assessment provides valuable information regarding the crane’s
operations and the present crane condition. The condition survey provides a comparison
between the “as-built” condition of the crane and that shown on the manufacturer’s drawings.
The survey also provides a means for the engineer to assess the condition of fracture critical
members (FCMs) and determine whether they have any welded attachments that could
accelerate fatigue crack growth.
Fracture critical members are tension members or tension components of members whose
failure could lead to collapse of the crane, collapse of the trolley, or dropping the load. Welded
attachments to FCMs can severely accelerate fatigue growth in an otherwise acceptable design.
Of special significance is the elimination of wrap-around weld details on the fracture critical
members and connections. Wrap-around welds are prohibited by AWS.
The fatigue life can be shortened by 2.5 times if a fillet weld is too near an edge of a member.
See BS 7608; 1993. The edge weld changes the detail from class F to G. A crack may initiate
at a poor weld detail and grow into the parent metal of a fracture critical member. Since fatigue
cracks grow perpendicular to the principal stress, the crack will grow across the member. A
simple weld connecting a walkway or electrical box can lead to a serious failure.
During the condition survey, the engineer takes extensive photographs of each joint. The
photographs will be included in the structural inspection manual that will be used by the NDT
inspector to understand what to inspect and to report his findings.
2. Cumulative Damage Analysis and Estimating Inspection Intervals
Current specifications for cyclically loaded structures adopt a damage tolerant design
philosophy. This means that if fatigue cracks were to occur in any given member, the
remaining structure should be able to safely carry the load until a routine periodic inspection
detects the crack. Therefore, the periodic inspection interval should be long enough to make the
inspection economically feasible, but short enough to detect the crack before it reaches an
unstable state. The cumulative damage analysis provides a method to estimate the inspection
For the HIT cranes, Liftech used BS 7608 (BSI 1993) for the cumulative damage assessment.

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A computer model was generated for each crane based on data provided on the structural
drawings and on field information gathered during the condition survey. The fatigue and load
spectrums were generated based on the theoretical vessel operation, the trolley loading, and the
number of cycles of operation. The fatigue spectrum describes the vessel loading and
unloading operation for the trolley. The load spectrum describes the trolley loading and the
number of cycles of operation during the life of the crane.
Miner’s rule is used to calculate the cumulative fatigue damage produced by the spectrum. The
cumulative fatigue damage is defined as:
CD = Σni x ∆σ3
CD = Cumulative Fatigue damage
N = The number of cycles
∆σ = The calculated stress range
The computed cumulative damage is compared to the cumulative damage that the detail can
withstand reliably as determined from tests.
K2 = N x ∆σTestm
m = 3 for most details
N = The number of cycles that the test sample withstood at two standard deviations
below the mean, or a design reliability of 0.9773, when subjected to a constant stress
range of
∆σ Test. Α reliability of 0.9773 means there is a 2.27% chance of failure.
The ratio between the calculated and allowable cumulative damage is the relative cumulative
damage, R.
R = CD/K2
Liftech’s statistical method uses principles of fracture mechanics to determine inspection
intervals for cranes.
Using the relative cumulative damage, R, the desired reliability factor, d, and an importance factor, I, the
inspection interval in cycles is determined.
n = ( ∆(d-2))N/(RxI) in number of cycles
∆ = Reciprocal of the antilog of the standard deviation of log N.
d = reliability factor; d = 2 provides a reliability of 0.9773 and is commonly used for
N = Design no. of cycles. N = 2,000,000 cycles is commonly used for older cranes.
I = Importance factor as shown in the chart below.
I Description

4.0 Non-redundant, tension (FCM)

2.0 Redundant, tension; non-redundant, compression (FCM)
1.0 Redundant, compression (non FCM)

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Typically, Liftech recommends inspecting the crane when the relative cumulative damage
reaches 0.6. This provides a reliability of 0.999, a significant improvement over 0.9773.
Liftech’s inspection program concentrates the inspection effort where it is most important.
Only a few fracture critical members with high relative cumulative damage may require more
frequent inspection, while all other joints could be inspected less frequently. Through cost-
effective inspections, reliabilities can be greatly increased, and the life of a crane can be
extended well beyond its original planned life.
3. Initial Assessment of Useful Life
The initial estimate of the useful life, prior to a NDT inspection of the cranes, is based on the
current condition of the cranes and on predicting the number of fatigue cracks in a crane. First,
the relative cumulative damage is calculated as discussed above.
R = CDact /CDdes
CD act = calculated cumulative damage due to the actual operation to date. CD act is proportional
to Σnactx MLFact3
CDdes = K2, the allowable cumulative damage. CDdes is proportional to Σni x MLFdes3
Knowing R, and assuming a Gaussian distribution for the test data, calculate the reliability
factor d.
d = Ln(R)/Ln(∆+2) in number of standard deviations below the mean
∆ = Reciprocal of the antilog of the standard deviation of log N from test data.
Most connections on a crane are classified according to BS 7608 as class F/F2 details. For these
details, ∆ = 0.6.
Finally knowing d, the reliability, r, is calculated.
The predicted number of cracks is as follows:
Predicted fatigue cracks = (1-r) x Nj
r = reliability of the joint at d standard deviations below the mean.
Nj = no. of joints in the crane subjected to fluctuating stresses.
The estimated remaining structural life, prior to NDT inspection, is based on the relative
cumulative damage, the crane’s design life, and the number of years in operation.
Estimate of remaining useful life = (1/R-1) x Yop
Yop = years in operation
Typically, the estimate of remaining useful life will increase after the crane is inspected and
cracks are repaired. So, the initial assessment provides the useful life of the crane, at its current
maintenance levels, prior to repairing the cracks.
The initial estimate of the useful life provides options to the owner. If the predicted number of
cracks is excessive, the owner may scrap the cranes and forego a costly NDT inspection. If the
estimate of the useful life is between eight to ten years, he may decide to proceed with the NDT
inspection, crack repairs, and refurbishment of the cranes.

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For HIT’s cranes, the two Paceco cranes had an initial useful life assessment of one to two
years. However, HIT decided to proceed with the remaining investigation.
4. Structural Maintenance Program
Liftech’s structural maintenance includes preparation of a NDT inspection manual for each
crane. The manual addresses the structural details to be inspected: whether the detail is fracture
critical or non-fracture critical; the method of locating each detail; the required method of
inspection – Visual, Magnetic Particle, Ultrasonic, or Radiographic; the inspection interval for
each weld detail; the inspector’s qualifications; the required reporting procedure for the defect
findings; and the repair procedure. An NDT inspector inspects the crane; the Engineer prepares
a repair procedure or redesigns the connections, and the cracks are repaired.
If a crack is detected in time and repaired before it becomes unstable, the metal in the vicinity
of the repaired crack is rejuvenated, and the reliability of the repaired joint would be the same
as new. However, as the cranes age, the cracking pattern becomes more unpredictable, and the
frequency of cracking increases nonlinearly. Thus, closer inspection intervals are required as
the crane ages. If properly maintained, the cranes mechanical and electrical components should
reach obsolescence long before the structure.
5. Final Assessment of the Useful Life of the Crane
The NDT inspection of the crane provides the actual number of fatigue cracks that have
developed in the crane.
Based on the actual number of cracks, the revised reliability, r, and the revised relative
cumulative damage, R, are computed. The remaining life at current maintenance levels is then
When the cracks in the crane structure are repaired, the life typically improves by at least one
inspection cycle, between three and six years.
6. Determination of Economic Benefits by the Owner
Once the useful life data is determined, the crane owner can make an economic assessment of
the cranes. Refurbishment could include new drives, outreach extension, and crane raise. If the
remaining useful life is low, the owner may decide to scrap the cranes, relocate them to a lighter
duty port, or sell the cranes.


In 1999, Liftech Consultants Inc. was retained by Hong Kong International Terminals to assess
the structural useful life of eight dockside cranes manufactured by Paceco/MES, IHI, and
Hitachi. The cranes had been operating for 14 to 28 years. HIT wished to operate the cranes
for an additional 10 years if the structures have low risks of catastrophic failure.
Quay Crane Data
The cranes had trolleys with the trolley travel drive machinery on the trolley frame. The
Paceco/MES cranes had truss type booms. The IHI cranes had twin plate girder booms, with
the trolley rails on the outside of the plate girders. The Hitachi cranes had twin rectangular box
girder booms with the trolley rails on the inside of the girders. See below.

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Crane I.D. Yr Com- SWL under Outreach/Back- No. of lifts based
missioned spreader reach/Gage on Twistlock Count
Paceco 63 1972 32.7 LT (revised 36m/ 2,600,000
Paceco 71 from 35 LT) 9.14m/
IHI 41 1976 40 LT 36.6m/ 2,100,000
IHI 43 9.14m/ 2,200,000
IHI 61 24.38m 2,300,000
IHI 64 2,400,000
Hitachi 42 1985 35 LT 36.6m/ 1,500,000
Hitachi 62 9.14m/ 1,450,000

Condition Survey
In general, the cranes were found to be in good condition. Hitachi 62 was in the best condition.
Some corrosion and other non-fatigue related problems were found and will not be discussed in
this paper.
Indications of cracks were on all cranes and were noted in the NDT inspection manuals.
Cumulative Damage Analysis and Inspection Interval Estimates
Liftech performed cumulative damage analysis of the three different types of cranes based on
the crane operating data provided by HIT and the assumed fatigue design criteria.
In addition to an annual visual inspection of the cranes, the following table shows the
recommended inspection interval for a few sample components of the Paceco/MES cranes.
Similar tables were also generated for the other cranes. The table identifies non-fracture critical
and fracture critical components. The inspection interval is either the number of container
moves or the number of years from the latest inspection, whichever occurs first.
Landside Trolley Girder Connection FCM 300,000 3
Landside Trolley Girder Support Beams FCM 600,000 6
Waterside Trolley Girder Support Beams FCM 1,200,000 12
Portal Beam NFCM 2,400,000 24
Diagonal @ Upper chord NFCM 300,000 3
Forestay FCM 600,000 6
Braces @ Upper Chord NFCM 1,200,000 24

Only a few of the crane structural components require inspection once every three years. The
remaining components need to be inspected at 6, 12 or 24-year inspection intervals. This is

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economic. A three-year inspection interval for all joints is excessive and a six-year inspection
interval is probably excessive for some joints and inadequate for others. Using the inspection
intervals shown above, the required down time to inspect the cranes is also significantly
Estimated Fatigue Crack Frequency vs. Actual Fatigue Cracks Documented in NDT
Based on the crane operating data provided by HIT and the assumed fatigue design criteria for
the MES, IHI, and Hitachi cranes, the expected frequency of detectable fatigue cracks was
calculated at current maintenance levels, prior to an NDT inspection.
An NDT inspection was then performed. The inspection provided data on the actual cracking
pattern for the cranes. The table below compares the predicted number of fatigue cracks for
each set of cranes at current maintenance levels vs. the actual fatigue cracks detected during the
NDT inspection. Fatigue cracks are those cracks that originated at FCM weldments as a result
of cyclical container loading of the crane structure.
Crane I.D. Predicted no. of fatigue cracks Fatigue cracks detected during NDT inspection
Paceco 63 33 to 36 13
Paceco 71 35 to 38 7
IHI 41 3 to 5 2 to 3
IHI 43 3 to 5 5
IHI 61 4 to 6 12
IHI 64 6 to 8 11
Hitachi 42 0 to 1 2
Hitachi 62 0 to 1 3

The actual fatigue cracking pattern for IHI 41 and 43, Hitachi 42 and 62 mimics the predicted
pattern quite closely. There is a significant variation in the other cranes.
Since the relative cumulative damage varies as the cube of the stress range, a small variation in
the stress range magnifies the relative cumulative damage significantly. For the Paceco/MES
and the Hitachi cranes, the average moving loads used in the analysis are 74 kips and 70 kips,
respectively. A 10% reduction in this weight would account for most of the variation in the
cracking pattern. The test data had a large scatter which accounts for some of the statistical
variations. The combination of both effects probably accounts for the sharp difference in the
cracking patterns.
Useful Structural Life Assessment
The table below compares the estimated future structural life for each crane at reliabilities of
97.73%, prior to NDT inspection, after NDT inspection, and after all repairs are completed.
Structural Life Expectancy
Prior to NDT Based on NDT After all repairs are
inspection inspection results completed
Crane I.D. Years Years Years
Paceco 63 0 to 1 6 to 7 11 to 12

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Paceco 71 0 to 1 10 to 11 15 to 16
IHI 41 12 to 13 16 to 18 20
IHI 43 12 to 13 10 to 12 15 to 17
IHI 61 10 to 11 5 to 7 10 to 12
IHI 64 8 to 9 6 to 7 11 to 12
Hitachi 42 15 to 16 10 to 11 15 to 16
Hitachi 62 16 to 17 8 to 10 13 to 14

In the case of the structural life expectancy of the cranes after repairs are complete, we have
increased the life by approximately one inspection period, except for IHI 41, where the
structural life expectancy is limited to the twenty-year design life. This is reasonable, since the
repaired areas are now rejuvenated and the metal in the vicinity of the repairs has an improved
When all recommended repairs are complete, we estimate the useful structural life of the cranes
at between 10 and 20 years as shown in the table above. We expect the useful structural life
will significantly exceed the mechanical and electrical obsolescence of the cranes.
Of special significance are repairs to eliminate all wrap-around weld details on the fracture
critical members and their connections. The fracture critical members are the forestay,
backstay, landside A-frame brace, trolley girder, boom, both trolley girder support beams, and
portions of the trolley structure.
Other areas that need attention are welded attachments to the trolley girders and other FCMs on
the Paceco/MES, IHI, and Hitachi cranes. These connections need to be modified so the weld
detail is transformed from a fatigue class G to a fatigue class F2, or better. Modifications were
provided in our report to HIT.

Liftech has demonstrated that the results of the statistical approach compares well with actual
findings. The NDT inspection program generated by them concentrates on the FCM members.
It provides an economic and time saving alternative to inspecting all joints at the minimum
inspection interval. At the same time, it addresses the critical joints whose failure could result in
catastrophic consequences.
At the time of preparing this paper, the recommended structural repairs are 90% complete. A
structural maintenance program for the cranes is now in place, that will extend the life of all
eight QCs by an additional ten years.
With the forecast of increasing throughput, HIT wants to improve the berthing facility where
five panamax QCs operate to handle post-panamax vessels. Two IHI cranes, which have the
largest number of weld defects, are being considered for transfer to other operationally less
demanding terminals within the HPH group. For the remaining six QCs, HIT is considering
retrofitting the electrical controls and drive systems at a rate of two cranes per year.

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British Standards Institution, BS 5400: Part 10: 1980, Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridges,
Code of Practice for Fatigue, 1980.
British Standards Institution, BS 7608: 1993, Code of Practice for Fatigue Design and
Assessment of Steel Structures, 1993.
American Welding Society, ANSI/AWS D1.1:2000, Structural Welding Code-Steel.
Jordan, M.A., Nondestructive Evaluation of Crane Structures, American Association of Port
Authorities, 1989.
Jordan, M.A., Structural Maintenance of Dockside Container Cranes, American Association of
Port Authorities, 1999. Recommendations
Maddox, S.J., Fatigue Strength of Welded Structures, Abington Publishing, Cambridge, 1991.

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