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PO Box 2199

QUEENSLAND Sunnybank Hills

QLD 4109
BUSHWALKERS Email [email protected]
CLUB Inc. Phone No 0478 239384
Newsletter August 2018

QBW on the Warrie Circuit (see report p.3) Photo: Patricia K

Club News
From the editor To vote at the Annual General Meeting you must be a
Welcome to the August newsletter. financial member of the club. You may sign up on
the night prior to the commencement of the meeting.
In the lead up to the club AGM, there are a number of Proxy votes are allowed if you are unable to attend.
reports available for pre-reading included in this
newsletter. It's also an opportune time to remind The nine management committee positions which will
members to attend the AGM on Tuesday to wrap up be up for election are:
the club year and celebrate the start of a new one. President Vice President Secretary
We have walk reports from club walks at Springbrook Treasurer Membership Officer Training Officer
and the less well known Mt Blaine. There are also Editor Social Secretary Outings Officer
items of interest from the wider world of bushwalking, If you would like to nominate yourself or another
including training opportunities with FMR and a person for a position, please fill in the nomination form
Pilgrimage update from BWQ. (see page 5) and provide it at the AGM.
Enjoy your reading and see you on the trail. The other important positions to be filled but which do
Michael H not have a vote on the management committee are:
Supper Convenor, Equipment Officer and two
delegates for Bushwalking Queensland Inc.
Annual General Meeting No nominations are necessary for these four positions.
The club's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held Membership
on Tuesday 7th August 2018. The venue is the Little
Kings Hall on the corner of Carl and O'Keefe Streets, We welcome Dell Maxwell and John Ellwood to the
Buranda. The AGM will immediately follow the usual club and welcome back David Sullivan. We hope you
monthly club meeting which starts at 7:30 pm. enjoy your walks and outings with us.

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Membership fees are due for 2018/19. The annual fee Pilgrimage 2018
remains at $30. Send your payment to Helen McAllister Pilgrimage 2018 details have been released and can
or by direct transfer into the club bank account. be seen on the BWQ website at:
Payment details are on page 6 of this newsletter.
The same membership form is used whether you are a In summary:
new member signing up or a current member wishing Dates: 28 September – 1 October
to renew – it is on the club website. Please complete
the form, sign it and either post, email a scanned copy Venue: Jimna Base Camp, old school oval grounds
or hand it to Helen. The club meeting is a good time to Cost: Pay by 17 August = $50. Afterwards = $70
do this. The club email is [email protected]. Walks: Saturday & Sunday around Jimna / Kenilworth
Saturday night dinner dance in Jimna Hall.
General News Catered meals available.
FMR Training Days 12 & 18 August
Federation Mountain Rescue is arranging two training Access to Jimna Sports Club available for meals/drinks
days. Bushwalking club members are invited to join in. and large screen TV for football finals.
12 August – GPS Navigation Training Facilities: Toilet blocks with showers.
White's Hill Reserve - meet at 7.54am at Jade Street. BBW Magazines Go Digital
Pack for an easy day walk with water, lunch and GPS if A special effort by staff and volunteers at the State
you have one. The training is aimed at beginner / Library of Queensland means that back issues of the
intermediate level. The day should finish around 2pm. Brisbane Bushwalker magazine to 1982 are now
18 August – Psychological First Aid available in digital form via the library website. Details
and a link to the site are available in an email flier – if
Meet at 189 Coronation Drive (access via Cribb St) interested, ask a committee member to forward it.
Milton at 8.15am. Training is delivered by Australian
Red Cross. It aims to help people assisting those The Great Noosa Trail Walk
affected by a disaster or traumatic event. A $5 The Great Noosa Trail Walk is on from 29 September
donation is appreciated. Parking and access will be to 1 October. Cost is $240 per walker. Ask a committee
advised to successful nominees by email. member to forward a promotional email that contains
more details and a link to the booking site or see the
To nominate for these events send an email to website at: .
[email protected] and specify which event you are
applying for. Fliers can be forwarded by email if you Oxley Creek Transformation
require more information – just send the club an email. The latest version of the Oxley Creek Transformation
Lamington NP News Master Plan is available for viewing online at:
1. Sadly recently the remains of a walker who went
missing during ex-TC Debbie were recently located in OYAT Tramping and Cycling tours in NZ
the park by rangers and BBW members. The Otago Youth Adventure Trust has released it's
2. Funding received for walking track reconstruction 2019 offering of trips in New Zealand. To read more or
means that the Gwongorool and West Canungra Creek book for a memorable experience see the website at:
tracks may be restored by Christmas 2018.
3. Rangers will work on the Illinbah Circuit track in
October/November and may seek assistance from
clubs for this effort. Coming Walks
4. Leaf fall following a planned burn has resulted in Any person wishing to come on a club walk must
slippery conditions requiring extreme care around contact the walk leader first. The leader will organise
Castle Crag and Balancing Rock. the meeting place and car pooling and has full
discretion on who can come on the walk. If possible
5. On 1 September an event with 400+ runners will be
provide leaders with plenty of forward notice if you wish
held on tracks at Binna Burra and the Gold Coast
to nominate for a walk or if you change your plans.
Hinterland Great Walk.
Nominations close 9:00pm on the Wednesday prior to
6. 70+ runners will be using the Border Track on 27 &
a weekend trip or by 9.00pm on the Monday before
28 October in the Lamington Classic event.
Wednesday trips, at the leader's discretion.
Fraser Island 'Bio-blitz' 25-26 August
More details are available in the club calendar.
Fraser Island Defenders Organisation (FIDO) and
Cooloola Bioblitz are joining forces to conduct a two August 2018
day event to identify and record aspects of the natural 5 Sun Northbrook Gorge & Eagles Nest D/W
environment at Rainbow Beach on 24-26 August. Gerry Burton 0408 793 715
Highly credentialled leaders in their field are assigned 7 Tues AGM/Club meeting (Buranda) 7.30pm
to each team and it is a valuable learning experience. Sandy Thomas 0403 821 525
More information is available from an email flier or see: 11 Sat The Caves Mt Maroon (Rathdowney) D/W is essential. Aileen Elliott 0457 144 012
12 Sun Araucaria Lookout (Binna Burra) D/W
Ron Owen 0490 762 414

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12 Sun GPS Navigation (White's Hill Reserve) We had morning tea, took photos and chattered
(FMR) Patricia Kolarski 0448 526 618 enjoying the sun, and then started down the southern
15 Wed Ekka Show holiday side which was a bit of a scramble, the track dry and
18-19 Sat-Sun Wyaralong (Beaudesert) KYK/CYC/T/W crumbly making it slippery. We also had to slide down a
Aileen Elliott 0457 144 012 rock face and over scree, but we made it.
18 Sat Mt Cordeaux & Bare Rock (Aratula) D/W
Gerry Burton 0408 793 715
18 Sat Basic psychological first aid TNG
(FMR) Patricia Kolarski 0448 526 618
19 Sun Coochie Mudlo Island SOC
Lynn Sawtell 0419 686 559
21 Tue Woody Point to Redcliffe D/W
Patricia Kolarski 0448 526 618
26 Sun Long Creek Falls (Richmond Gap) D/W
Aileen Elliott 0457 144 012

September 2018
1 Sat Mt Edwards (Aratula) D/W
Ron Owen 0490 762 414
2 Sun Father's Day
2 Sun Daisy Hill walk & BBQ D/W
Patricia Kolarski 0448 526 618 Mt Blaine viewed from Mt Catherine
4 Tues Club meeting (Buranda) 7.30pm
From the bottom of Mt Blaine we followed the fire trail
to Mt Catherine which is very small mountain and on
Past Walks down to the car park for lunch.
Mt Blaine 3 June 2018
Thanks everyone for an enjoyable day. Mary
On the 3rd of June Sandy, Richard, Julie, Nicholas and
me met at Flinders Plum Picnic area about 0830 to
commence our walk up Mt Blaine, which is a Warrie Circuit Daywalk Sunday 8 July 2018
challenging track about 2.5 kilometers in distance.
A perfect winter’s day to be out and about. But,
There is a sign just as you go to the western side of the shorts?? Should have stuck my head out the front
park that says Mt Blaine, but Richard said there was door first.
another way up and that we could do a circuit starting
Not many people out and about when we began
on the northern side and come back down the southern
walking at 8am from Canyon Lookout but more
appeared later in the day. We even had to find a
different coffee place after the walk the usual one
was so crowded.
The track was in good condition, the waterfalls were
flowing well, sun shining and good company made
this a delightful day’s outing. (See photo on page 1)
Illness had reduced our
numbers to six. So, out
on the trail we moved
fairly quickly and didn’t
stop at the usual places
for morning tea and
But it meant we had
On top of Mt Blaine Photo: Mary S
plenty of time for a slow
We followed the Skyline Ridge track for 1.6 kms to the trek back up the hill to
turn off and another 600metres to the start of the track Canyon Lookout and
and then it was all up along a well marked track with the car.
big boulders to clamber over near the top. There were Thanks to David, Gail,
360 degree views at the top looking across at Flinders A pause on Warrie Circuit Lynn N., Mary, and
Peak, The Scenic Rim, Brisbane’s tall buildings and Photo: Patricia K Richard for joining me
Ipswich. The weather was good and the views clear but on this lovely walk.
hazy in the distance.

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QBW Annual Reports 2017-2018

Presidents Report

I would like to thank all members of the Management Committee for their work over the last year.
A special thanks to the leaders who keep the Club active even though we have had many members away
doing overseas trips.
A highlight for me over the year was the Pilgrimage held at Killarney in September last year. It was very well
attended and opened up an area of bushwalking not often visited.
Another special event was the introduction of midweek walks which has turned out to be quite popular.
On a less happy note was that one of our members had their place broken into and besides many of his
possessions being stolen some Club equipment was also taken. Fortunately insurance has covered the
From July 2017 to end June 2018 we had 72 Day Walks, 11 Socials, 9 Through Walks, 7 Base Camps, 2
Kayaking trips, 2 Training sessions, 2 Extended Trips and 1 Bike Ride. 16 members stepped up to lead
walks and they are listed below.

Leader and number of walks led.

Richard Kolarski 33
Patricia Kolarski 24
Helen McAllister 15
Gerry Burton 7
Aileen Elliott 6
Lynn Sawtell 6
Margie Rae 4
Dave Kenrick 2
Julie Woodyatt 2
Michael Hoopmann 2
John & Lyn Daly 1
John Brunott 1
Mary Sherlock 1
Neil Douglas 1
Sandy Thomas 1

Again many thanks to all members for their contributions to the Club.

Richard Kolarski

Outings Officer Return

Walks in 2017/2018
D/w T/w B/c Kayak
Richard Kolarski 27 7 1
Patricia Kolarski 15 1 1
Margie Rae 2 1
Aileen Elliott 3 3
Julie Woodyatt 2
Lynn Sawtell 2 1
Dave Kenrick 1
Gerry Burton 5 1
John Brunott 1
John & Lyn Daly 1
Mary Sherlock 1
Helen McAllister 14
Neil Douglas 1
Michael Hoopmann 1
71 13 5 3

Patricia Kolarski

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2017/2018 Treasurer Summary Report
1/7/2017 - 30/6/2018
Opening Balance 5395.95
Income Bank Interest 8.07
Membership 1350.00
Christmas Party 540.00
Supper Donations 0.00
Sundry Income 130.00
TOTAL Income 2028.07
Equipment 127.00
Post, Stationery, Copying, Misc 0.00
Christmas Party 683.60
Donations 0.00
Government Charges 73.70
Insurance 468.00
Training 680.00
Hall Hire Donation 500.00
Sundry Expenses 0.00

Total Expenditure 2532.30

Surplus/Deficit -504.23
Closing Balance 4891.72
Less to be banked 0.00
Plus : Unpresented cheques 0.00
Bank Balance $4,891.72
The Association keeps financial records in a way which properly records the association's
income and expenditure and dealings with its assets and liabilities.

Aileen Elliot

Editor Report 2017-18

11 editions of the QBW newsletter were produced during the last year. Contributions of walk reports have
been gratefully received. I have actively encouraged members who aren't regular contributors to write walk
reports as their perspectives are unique and provide refreshing insight. Their reports are excellent too.
Members feedback on the quality of the newsletter presentation and content has been uniformly positive.
My hope, as always, is to find more time and resources to commit towards a review of the club's online
Respectfully submitted
Michael Hoopmann

Nomination Form For Committee Position

I wish to nominate …..........................................................……………………………….

For the position of …………...........................................................……………..……….

Nominator ……………………………….........................................................….

Seconder ………………………………........................................................….

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General Information Club Equipment
QBW Management Committee Compasses Topo Maps
Garmin GPS First Aid Kits
President Richard Kolarski 0455 879 785
Vice President Sandy Thomas 0403 821 525
5 GPSs which have a 20 metre contour topo map of the whole
Secretary Lynn Nicol 0400 705 041
of Australia included.
Treasurer Aileen Elliott 0457 144 012
PLBs with inbuilt GPS
Outings Officer Patricia Kolarski 0448 526 618
5 PLBs with inbuilt GPS. The PLBs will be made available at
Membership Officer Helen McAllister 0419 684 319 each club meeting and will need to be returned at the following
Media Officer Michael Hoopmann 0401 527 017 club meeting.
Training Officer Vacant Contact Gerry Burton on 0408 793 715 to book these items.
Social Secretary Lynn Sawtell 0419 686 559
Reciprocal Walks with Other Clubs
Other Voluntary Positions
Equipment Officer Gerry Burton 0408 793 715 Redland Bushwalkers Club
Supper Convenor Mary Sherlock 0457 990 067 The only stipulation is that Redland club members have priority
Librarian Noelene McCay 0407 658 023 over visitors. Calendar is available at:
BWQ Rep Gerry Burton 0408 793 715
BWQ Rep Richard Kolarski 0455 879 785
Bushwalkers of Southern Queensland (BOSQ)
BOSQ allows financial members from other bushwalking clubs
Insurance Hotline 1300 574 980 affiliated with Bushwalking Queensland to join in BOSQ
Meeting Place activities without having to become members of BOSQ or pay
visitor fees. This will be with the agreement of the activity leader.
Club meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month starting at
Members of BOSQ will have priority for nominations.
7.30pm. There is no club meeting in January.
Calendar is available at
Meetings are held at the Little King's Hall on the corner of Carl
and O'Keefe Streets, Buranda. Entry is via the gate on Carl St. YHA Bushwalkers
There is parking within the grounds and in Carl Street. Members of other BWQ affiliated clubs can join up to three
Tea/coffee and cake/biscuits are provided after the meeting. walks per calendar year. Calendar is available at:
A coin donation is appreciated.

Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers

Probationary Membership Gold Coast Bushwalkers may admit as honorary members
financial members of bushwalking clubs affiliated with BWQ.
A non-member automatically becomes a Probationary Member This dispensation will be at the discretion of the Management
on his/her first walk after signing the Acknowledgement of Risk Committee.
form. No fee is payable to become a Probationary Member.
Ipswich Bushwalkers Inc
A Probationary Member must become an Ordinary Member on
his/her second walk by filling out a membership form and paying Intending walkers must contact the leader in advance. The
the membership fee. newsletter also contains a full description of the grading system
and a list of Committee members and their contact numbers.
Ordinary Membership Calendar available at
A person may become an Ordinary Member by filling out and
signing a membership form, having a proposer sign the form
and handing the form with the membership fee to a committee Feature Pic
member or walk leader.
The proposer may be any current member of the club.
An Ordinary Member has the right to vote at an AGM or be
elected to a committee position.
Members of Another Bushwalking Club
Members of another bushwalking club which is affiliated with
Bushwalking Queensland Inc. (or an interstate Federation) and
who are covered by the same insurance do not need to become
a member of our club to go on our walks. However QBW
members will have priority if there is a limit on numbers.
Pay fees or other items direct to the QBW club account at:
BSB: 124-057
Account No: 20421276
Account Name: Queensland Bushwalkers Club
Reference: Include your name and what the payment is for –
eg “RSmith member fee”.
Website Photo: Bert D
Additional information is available on the club website at URL: 'A cup of tea makes everything better' South Coast Track, Tasmania, March 2018

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