Cuerpos Sin Edad, Mentes Sin Tiempo - Deepak Chopra

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“At its essence, the generation of the electricity

that powers our progress is inextricably tied

to chemistry and physics. The creation of the
electron is fundamentally about the materials we
deploy in converting of one form of ‘raw’ energy
into finished electrons. How efficiently can we
burn fossil hydrocarbons, or convert both wind
currents and photons into electrons? And how
efficiently can we store and transport them? Much
of this ultimately boils down to the science of the
materials we use, and whether we can improve
the basic desired properties of those materials.”

— “How Supercomputers Will Help To Accelerate

The Emerging Energy Economy”, Forbes Magazine,
December 13, 2017
Materials Acceleration Platform
Accelerating Advanced Energy Materials Discovery
by Integrating High-Throughput Methods with
Artificial Intelligence

Report of the Clean Energy Materials Innovation

Challenge Expert Workshop


Alán Aspuru-Guzik, Harvard University

Kristin Persson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California – Berkeley

Executive Chair:

Hermann Tribukait-Vasconcelos, Mexico Energy R&D Innovation Funds

and Mission Innovation (Mexico)

This workshop, held in Mexico City, was co-led by the Mexican Ministry of Energy (SENER)
and the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE) in partnership with
the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR).

Mission Innovation

January 2018
Executive Summary....................................................................................i


1.1 About Mission Innovation and the Innovation Challenges....................... 3

1.2 Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge: Workshop Summary....... 5
1.3 Structure of the Report........................................................................ 7

State of the Art in Materials Discovery..........................................................9

2.1 Scaling Up Science Pays Off ................................................................ 9

2.2 Current Gaps in Materials Discovery................................................... 11
2.3 Materials Opportunities for Clean Energy Technologies....................... 12

The Urgent Need for a Materials Acceleration Platform................................19

Goal #1: Closing the Loop in Autonomous Discovery and Development.........23

4.1 Opportunities..................................................................................... 24
4.2 Benefits and Impact........................................................................... 25
4.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform........................................................................ 26
4.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches .................................. 27

Goal #2: Artificial Intelligence for Materials................................................37

5.1 Opportunities..................................................................................... 38
5.2 Benefits and Impact........................................................................... 39
5.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform........................................................................ 39
5.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches................................... 40

Goal #3: Modular Materials Robotics.........................................................49

6.1 Opportunities .................................................................................... 50

6.2 Benefits and Impact .......................................................................... 50
6.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform........................................................................ 51
6.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches .................................. 51
Goal #4: Inverse Design...........................................................................61

7.1 Opportunities..................................................................................... 61
7.2 Benefits and Impact .......................................................................... 63
7.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform........................................................................ 63
7.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches .................................. 64

Goal #5: Bridging Length and Time Scales.................................................69

8.1 Opportunities..................................................................................... 72
8.2 Benefits and Impact .......................................................................... 73
8.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform ....................................................................... 74
8.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches................................... 74

Goal #6: Data Infrastructure and Interchange.............................................79

9.1 Opportunities .................................................................................... 80

9.2 Benefits and Impact .......................................................................... 81
9.3 Relationship to the Other Goals of the Materials
Acceleration Platform ....................................................................... 81
9.4 Materials-Specific Challenges and Approaches................................... 82


10.1 The Integrated Materials Acceleration Platform................................ 88

10.2 Communicating the Benefits of Investing in Materials Discovery....... 89
10.3. Final Reflections............................................................................. 90


Workshop Participants..............................................................................95

Acronyms ...............................................................................................99
Executive Summary

aterials are an essential element of advanced energy
technologies. Accelerating the discovery of new materials,
and the associated research required for maturing these
technologies into deployment, will require a multidisciplinary and
international effort that brings together a wide variety of individuals
working effectively across their specialties, as well as across sector
and political boundaries. It will also require a radical departure from
traditional forms of discovery.

The materials discovery process involves several stages summarized as

conception, synthesis, and testing or characterization. Characterization
encompasses the measurement of key properties of the material,
followed by its incorporation into active devices to evaluate interactions
with other device components and assess overall performance metrics.
These steps have usually been carried out sequentially, and therefore,
only a few materials can be tested at a time. Furthermore, sophisticated
tools such as artificial intelligence (AI), large computational resources,
and automated robotic systems have not been widely employed yet.

Recognizing the challenges and opportunities associated with materials

discovery, Mission Innovation established the Clean Energy Materials
Innovation Challenge and hosted its first international expert deep-dive
workshop in Mexico City on Sept 11–14, 2017.1 Leading scientists from
throughout the world gathered to define the challenges, opportunities,
and fundamental research needs related to materials discovery.

The main recommendation coming from the workshop participants is

the need to develop the materials acceleration platform(s) (MAPs), which
integrate automated robotic machinery with rapid characterization and
AI to accelerate the pace of discovery. The deployment of the proposed

Mission Innovation is a global initiative comprising 22 countries and the European
Union that share the goal of accelerating clean energy innovation.

acceleration platforms will unleash a “Moore’s law for scientific discovery” that will
speed up the discovery of materials at least by a factor of ten—from 20 years to 1
to 2 years. This will catalyze a transition from an Edisonian approach to scientific
discovery to an era of inverse design, where the desired property drives the rapid
exploration, with the aid of advanced computing and AI, of materials space and
the synthesis of targeted materials. The inverse design of materials allows for their
accelerated scale-up into installed technologies, accelerating energy technology
innovation. This, in turn, will benefit all seven Innovation Challenges of Mission

Workshop participants identified six key priority research areas that comprise the
MAP elements. These scientific and engineering challenges require the expertise
of multidisciplinary, international teams for their successful implementation. These
research areas include the development of the following tools, research activities
and infrastructure:

1. “Self-driving laboratories” that design, perform and interpret experiments in

an automated way;

2. The development of specific forms of AI for materials discovery;

3. Modular materials robotics platforms that can be assemblies of modular building

blocks for synthesis and characterization;

4. Further research into computational methods for inverse design;

5. New methodologies for bridging the length and timescales associated with
materials simulation; and

6. Sophisticated data infrastructure and interchange platforms.

These six MAP areas can be incorporated in facilities and implemented by

collaborative teams. The resulting “autonomous materials discovery factories”
could serve multiple and diverse international research groups in academia and
industry in their materials discovery pipeline.

The workshop participants emphasized the need to develop multidisciplinary

international teams of scientists and engineers that collectively have expertise
in chemistry, materials science, advanced computing, robotics and AI, amongst
other disciplines. Deep international collaborations and long-term support are
also necessary to make MAPs a reality. The output of these platforms promises to
accelerate the development of novel disruptive technologies that will in turn further
the global transition to clean energy that can be deployed broadly in diverse settings.

1 Introduction

aterials discovery “There are many paths to cheap
and development zero CO2 free energy, what we need
crosscut the entire to do is fund the wild scientists
energy technology portfolio, who are looking at the early stages
from energy generation of these problems…I think we will
and storage to delivery and get increased investments from
end use. Materials are the government and private sector, I
foundation of every clean know that the scientific possibilities
energy innovation: advanced are pretty incredible.”
batteries, solar cells,
low-energy semiconductors, – Bill Gates [1]
thermal storage, coatings,
and catalysts for the conversion, capture, and use of CO2. In short, new
materials constitute one of the cornerstones for the global transition
to a low-carbon future.

The process of discovering and developing new materials currently

entails considerable time, effort, and expense. Each newly discovered

Figure 1.1 Virtuous cycle: Laboratory automation and data collection enable machine
learning algorithms and computational methods to be more effective at planning

molecule is run through simulation, synthesis, and characterization, with synthetic
procedures taking from 10 to 20 years at a very high cost. Materials discovery and
development, however, are at the cusp of a transformational change that could
reduce the time to design, optimize, and discover new materials by at least 10
times, cutting it down to one or two years. This enormous opportunity — and the
associated technical challenges of realizing it — inspired the members of the global
Mission Innovation (MI) initiative to launch the Clean Energy Materials Innovation
Challenge. As a first step, international experts attended a technical workshop in
Mexico City on September 11-14, 2017 to identify and explore the research and
development (R&D) challenges, and the most promising breakthrough opportunities
for accelerating the materials discovery process, with a long-term view towards
2030 and beyond.

The integrated materials innovation approach developed at this experts workshop,

the Materials Acceleration Platform, envisages a Moore’s law for research, where
the rate of research doubles every two years [2]. This acceleration would result
from leveraging emerging capabilities in next-generation computing, artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning, and robotics. The reduced timeline would
dramatically accelerate advances across the entire spectrum of clean energy
technologies and generate widespread social and economic benefits, transforming
industries beyond the energy sector. Major changes are already underway. The
paradigm shift in materials design through the automation of computations over
the last two decades has led to accelerated understanding and design of novel,
high-performance materials [3,4].

Workshop Participants
Workshop participants shared a common interest in accelerated materials innovation.
They represented a broad mix of expertise spanning advanced theory, applied physical
chemistry and materials sciences, advanced computing, machine learning, and robotics.
The workshop drew 133 attendees:

• 55 professors and scientists from top universities and research institutions;

• 6 keynote speakers and panellists, including Nobel Laureate Dr. Mario Molina
and CIFAR President and CEO Alan Bernstein;
• 16 MI member governments represented: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, European Union, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands,
Norway, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, and United States;
• affiliates of Mexico- and U.S.-based universities, groups, labs, and companies;
• graduate students and postdoctoral researchers; and

• observers from the public and private sectors.

Attendees came from 17 countries: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark,

Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway,
Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and United States.

Computation and design, however, are “Although each [Mission Innovation]
only the first step in bringing novel member will decide on priorities
materials to market. Materials synthesis for its own expenditure, each
and characterization have yet to benefit challenge will be promoted through
from automation and accelerated learning international conferences and
on a large scale. Integrating synthesis workshops, and it is anticipated that
and characterization with advanced many cross-country projects will be
computing, machine learning, and robotics funded. The creativity and ingenuity
would automate the entire materials that will flow from these projects
discovery process. Finally, closing the will produce market-facing solutions
loop to create a virtuous cycle by using AI through private finance and the
to direct experimentation and simulation engagement of private companies.
for optimal learning would result in an It is critically important that the
accelerated, comprehensive, end-to-end appropriate members of the research
materials innovation platform (Figure 1.1). community are fully involved in
these developments over the coming
1.1 ABOUT MISSION years.”
Transforming traditional materials discovery pipelines into an integrated platform
requires commitments from governments, academic research institutions, large
industries, and capital providers [5]. This ambitious effort fits well in the framework
of MI Innovation Challenges.

MI is a global initiative of 22 countries and the European Union with the goal of
accelerating clean energy innovation. Participating countries have committed to
seek to double their governments’ investments in clean energy R&D over five years.
They have also agreed to encourage greater levels of private-sector investment
in transformative clean energy technologies and participate in an information
sharing system to promote transparency, engage stakeholders, spur identification
of collaborative opportunities, and provide the private sector with actionable
information. These efforts will increase the availability of the advanced technologies
that will accelerate the transition to a global energy mix that is clean, affordable,
and reliable.

Figure 1.2 Workshop participants and observers.

MI was announced on November 30, 2015,
as world leaders came together at the
21st Conference of the Parties (COP21)
in Paris to undertake ambitious efforts
to combat climate change. Clean energy
innovations and disruptive technological
breakthroughs are an essential element
of broader efforts to significantly reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to
limit the increase of the global average
temperature to less than 2°C [6,7].
Figure 1.3 (Top) Workshop attendees at the
plenary session on the first day. (Bottom) (From
A year later, in November 2016 at COP22 left to right) Dr. Paul Durrant, Dr. Horst Simon, Dr.
Alan Bernstein, and Dr. Mario Molina participate
in Marrakech, MI members launched in a panel moderated by Dr. Hermann Tribukait.
seven Innovation Challenges, which are
global calls to action aimed at accelerating
research, development, and demonstration
in specific technology areas where increased
international attention would make a
significant contribution to meeting the
goals of the challenges. The following
Innovation Challenges were selected and
developed through a collaborative process
in which policy and technical experts from
all MI members presented proposals and Figure 1.4 Through interactive workshop sessions,
exchanged information about national participants identify and discuss critical R&D
priorities and gaps.
needs and priorities:

1. Smart Grids: To enable future grids that

are powered by affordable, reliable,
decentralized renewable electricity

2. Off-Grid Access to Electricity: To develop

systems that enable off-grid households
and communities to access affordable
and reliable renewable electricity.
Figure 1.5 The writers’ team discusses the findings
3. Carbon Capture: To enable near-zero and structure of the workshop report during a
writing session at UNAM.
CO2 emissions from power plants and
carbon intensive industries.

4. Sustainable Biofuels: To develop ways to produce, at scale, widely affordable,

advanced biofuels for transportation and industrial applications.

5. Converting Sunlight: To discover affordable ways to convert sunlight into storable

solar fuels.

6. Clean Energy Materials: To accelerate “Perhaps of greatest interest to
the exploration, discovery, and use the theoretical physics, physical
of new high-performance, low-cost chemistry, and materials science
clean energy materials. communities that are working
alongside the machine learning,
7. Affordable Heating and Cooling of
robotics, and next-generation
Buildings: To make low-carbon heating
computing communities is the
and cooling affordable for everyone.
challenge of developing clean energy
A voluntary coalition of participating MI materials. The goal is to provide
members, under the co-leadership of an integrated end-to-end materials
two to four countries, advances each innovation approach, or platform, to
Innovation Challenge through detailed deliver the mix of solutions…Mission
work programs. Innovation is intended to spur the
interest of the creative community in
Mexico proposed and now leads the Clean
what is now the most urgent series
Energy Materials Innovation Challenge, with
of demands facing humanity. The
the United States as co-lead. Participating
opportunities are, simply, immense.”
MI members include Australia, Canada,
Denmark, European Commission, Finland,
– Sir David King [9]
France, Germany, India, Italy, Republic
of Korea, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and
United Kingdom [8].


The Mexican Ministry of Energy (SENER) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), in
partnership with the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), sponsored
the Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge workshop. Professor Alán Aspuru-
Guzik of Harvard University and Professor Kristin Persson of University of California-
Berkeley co-chaired the workshop. Professor Carlos Amador-Bedolla of Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
was the local chair, and Dr. Hermann
Tribukait, Mexico’s Energy Innovation Funds
Ambassador, the workshop Executive Chair
and MI lead (Mexico).

The meeting followed a workshop methodology

based on the proven model of U.S. DOE
Basic Research Needs workshops. Adapted
for an international setting, MI expert
workshops help countries build robust Figure 1.6 Workshop report writers’ team meeting
domestic energy research portfolios by at UNAM. The team was joined by (front row)
SENER Deputy Minister Leonardo Beltran, UNAM
identifying and discussing high-priority basic Board Member Dr. Eduardo Barzana, UNAM Chief
research needs or other technical areas Research Officer Dr. William Lee, and SENER
Director General for Research and Technology
that are ripe for further investigation and Development Carlos Ortiz.

investments. The workshops also identify
prospects for bilateral or multilateral R&D
collaborations that would benefit from
cooperation on high-impact scientific
research. The workshops are multi-day,
carefully planned, and structured working

Deputy Minister Leonardo Beltran of

SENER, Deputy Office Director Maureen
Clapper of DOE, and Assistant Deputy
Minister Frank Des Rosiers of Natural
Resources Canada opened the workshop.
They were followed by a distinguished
panel: Dr. Mario Molina, Nobel Laureate;
Dr. Alan Bernstein, CIFAR President and
CEO; Dr. Horst Simon, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory Deputy Director
and Chief Research Officer; and Dr. Paul
Durrant, Head of Strategy and Engagement
at the U.K. Department for Business,
Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Figure 1.7 Workshop Co-Chairs Professor Kristin
Head-Designate of the MI Secretariat, Persson of University of California-Berkeley and
Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik of Harvard University.
Dr. Hermann Tribukait moderated the
panel in its discussions of the importance of scientific R&D collaborations to the
acceleration of energy innovation. Scientific thought leaders then delivered a series
of plenary talks and provided the context for follow-on panel discussions.

On the afternoon of the first day, attendees divided into three panels on:

• inorganic functional materials;

• organic functional materials; and

• nanomaterials and composites.

The panels began by identifying the critical R&D priorities and gaps in each area
of the energy materials innovation chain. They then explored opportunities for
combining individual research pathways, high-throughput synthesis, high-throughput
calculation, and high-throughput characterization into an integrated materials
innovation approach or “platform”. Participants engaged in technical discussions on
combining advanced theoretical and applied physical chemistry with next-generation
computing, machine learning, and robotics. Discussions continued through the
second day of the workshop.

On the third day, the panels presented their recommendations on opportunities

to be pursued. Panel co-chairs and workshop co-chairs then identified six priority

research areas — the Six Grand Goals for a materials innovation revolution — for
further discussion. Attendees reconvened in work groups according to their materials
focus areas to discuss how to leverage the cross-cutting themes of theory, synthesis,
and characterization.


This workshop report draws from three main activities or sources: the pre-workshop
report and reading materials prepared for the participating experts, workshop
plenary presentations and discussions, and the large body of documentation and
notes generated during the workshop panel sessions. A core writing team from the
workshop panels and the workshop co-chairs curated all documents and information.

The report is organized as follows. Chapter 2 covers the state of the art in materials
discovery. Chapter 3 presents the urgent need for a materials revolution and
introduces the Six Grand Goals of the Materials Acceleration Platform. Chapters 4
through 9 discuss each of the goals in turn, identifying promising opportunities,
the benefits and impact of achieving the goal, its relationship to the other five
goals, and materials-specific challenges and approaches for organic materials,
inorganic materials, and nanomaterials and composites. The conclusion and some
final reflections are provided in Chapter 10.

References for Chapter 1
1. Bill Gates, “Beating Nature at Its Own Game,” Gates Notes, March 14, 2017, www.gatesnotes.
2. George I. Seffers, “Scientists Pick AI for Lab Partner: Robotic research systems may foster a
boom in scientific knowledge,” Signal, September 1, 2017,
3. P. Raccuglia, K. C. Elbert, P. D. F. Adler, C. Falk, M. B. Wenny, A. Mollo, M. Zeller, S. A. Friedler, J.
Schrier and A. J. Norquist, “Machine-learning-assisted materials discovery using failed experiments,”
Nature 533 (2016): 73–77.
4. S. V. Kalinin, B. G. Sumpter and R. K. Archibald, “Big–deep–smart data in imaging for guiding
materials design,” Nature Materials 14 (2015), 973–980.
5. Jonathan D. Linton and Steven T. Walsh, “From bench to business,” Nature Materials 2 (2003):
287–289, DOI: 10.1038/nmat882.
6. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Adoption of the Paris
Agreement, Report No. FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1, 2015,
7. Eliza Northrop, Hana Biru, Sylvia Lima, Mathilde Bouyé and Ranping Song, “Examining the Alignment
between the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions and Sustainable Development Goals,”
World Resources Institute, September 2016,
8. Mission Innovation, “Innovation Challenges,” Mission Innovation (website), accessed 2017, mission-
9. David King, “Global clean energy in 2017,” Science 355 (6321), 111, DOI: 10.1126/science.aam7088.

2 State of the Art in Materials Discovery

his chapter briefly describes the successful implementation of
components of an autonomous platform in the biological and
medical sciences before identifying the key gaps preventing
the full-scale deployment of autonomous discovery to materials
science. It also summarizes the main materials-related approaches
and opportunities of a range of clean energy technologies, including
photovoltaics, batteries, and solar fuels.


From the dawn of the industrial revolution to the modern digital
revolution, automation has driven the expansion of the global economy
and improvements to average quality of life. In scientific research,
robotic technologies have spurred gains in speed and efficiency,
particularly in biology and medicine. In these fields, state-of-the-art
robotic platforms have evolved to offload repetitive tasks from human
researchers and execute experiments with greater precision, speed,
and accuracy than ever before.

Such advances in the biological sciences are well documented. For

example, the U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
has tracked the costs of DNA sequencing at its many sequencing
centres. Trends in these costs are an important metric for assessing
the impact of improvements in DNA sequencing technologies and for
benchmarking the capacity of the NHGRI Genome Sequencing Program
(GSP). Figure 2.1 shows the actual costs per genome over time along
with costs predicted by Moore’s law, which describes a long-term
trend in the computer hardware industry that involves the doubling
of “compute power” every two years. Technology improvements that
“keep up” with Moore’s law are widely regarded to be doing exceedingly
well, making it useful for comparison.

Driven by the mandate for an accelerated drug discovery process, the

pharmaceutical industry has similarly pioneered automation in medicinal
chemistry. Companies such as Eli Lilly, Merck & Co., and Aventis now

Figure 2.1 Annual trend in the “Cost per genome” determined by NHGRI. Data for cost estimates are
presented alongside those predicted by Moore’s law, which benchmarks performance based on a
yearly doubling of computational power. [Source: U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute]

use automated synthesis to exhaustively search for compounds suitable for a given
medicinal application [1,2,3]. These methods have yielded many successes in both
medicine and materials science [4,5].

In addition to automated synthesis procedures, some aspects of automated

characterization have been significantly advanced due to progress in flow chemistry
[6]. For example, high-throughput characterization methods using nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and other radiation methods can now be used to
monitor chemical reactions as they happen [7]. Determining a material’s mechanical
properties has also become increasingly automated. In recent years, Dow has
begun using robotic systems to perform such characterizations of coatings [8].
Structural characterization is also increasingly being performed in a high-throughput
and automated manner. There have been important advances in quality control
for organic solar cells, for example, using these methods to detect defects and
improve device performance [9,10].

Despite these advances, the automation of synthesis and characterization still has
substantial room for improvement [11] and most of automated chemistry is based
on a “trial and error’’ approach. We are now entering an age where integrated
systems using increasing computer power, machine learning, and AI could not only
enable exhaustive searching for new materials, but could also provide intermediate
decision-making capabilities to accelerate the discovery and development of
materials with specific, targeted properties. In principle, such AI-based algorithms
can be adaptive, using feedback from experimental characterization procedures and
enabling a more rational route to research objectives—either optimizing properties
or even directly verifying hypotheses. If realized, such an approach would markedly
increase research productivity, reduce its cost, and enable entirely new experimental
paradigms that are critical for innovation [12].

In the broader context of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, many start-up
business models that reflect the paradigm of integrating AI and robotics into the
discovery process have begun to appear [13, 14, 15]. For example, companies
such as Zymergen, Transcriptic, Gingko Bioworks, Emerald Cloud Lab, Citrine, and
BenevolentAI follow data-driven approaches and seek to maximally exploit existing
knowledge bases. These efforts often use sophisticated human language processing
methods to data mine existing literature. For example, ARES (Autonomous Research
System) was the first AI-driven experimentation system to demonstrate closed-loop,
iterative experimentation with in situ characterization for materials development
[16]. Despite this emerging paradigm, a generalized end-to-end platform has yet
to be developed. Moreover, decision science, the basic tool of discovery-enabling
AI, and data-driven approaches specifically for materials science have not been
sufficiently developed to support such an integrated platform.


Several shortcomings in the current modus operandi of the synthesis, characterization,
and theory communities must be addressed to develop the data-driven approaches
necessary to achieve a successful materials discovery platform. This section briefly
outlines key gaps in characterization, databases, and machine learning.

Characterization techniques, in particular, are often applied on a case-by-case basis

with specially designed instruments located in geographically dispersed facilities.
Coordination between facilities is limited by traditional methods of data dissemination
(e.g., journal articles, conferences), which are slow and highly selective about what
data are shared. In particular, negative results, crucial for machine learning, are
rarely shared or reported [17]. As samples have become more complex, the time
it takes to replicate them at, or transport them to, technique-specialized labs has
become a significant bottleneck. The inefficiency of this process is illustrated in
Figure 2.2 (left). In comparison, a sample-centric approach (Figure 2.2, right)

Figure 2.2 Comparison of (left) technique-centred and (right) sample-centred approaches. The
technique-centred approach involves replicating growth procedures or shipping samples among
geographically separated institutes. The sample-centred approach brings the people and techniques
to a central growth/characterization facility, saving time and allowing techniques to be applied to
the identical sample arrays. [Source: Dr. Eli Rotenberg, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory]

illustrates a central facility that concentrates efforts on preparing the best samples
(or arrays of samples) to be shared among many co-located techniques, such as
synchrotron beamlines or high-resolution electron microscopy, that cannot be
replicated easily in small lab settings.

Databases underlie all machine learning and data-driven approaches. In the course
of the Materials Genome Initiative, databases such as NOMAD (Novel Materials
Discovery), OQMD (Open Quantum Materials Database), AiiDA (Automated
Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science), and AFLOW,
have been developed [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. However, as with
characterization techniques, many of these databases are specialized to address
case-by-case issues; an international data ecosystem does not yet exist.

One significant gap in data-driven approaches to inorganic materials science is the

lack of meaningful descriptors and knowledge of structure-property relationships
to derive insights from abundant data. A number of efforts using motifs from both
crystal and electronic structures have already yielded some insights. However, further
investment and progress may be required to support an AI-integrated platform
for materials discovery. Databases also exist for organic materials. For example,
the Harvard Clean Energy Project has calculated more than 3 million organic
compounds in more than 300 million density functional theory calculations [28,
29, 30], although not yet at the scale of inorganic materials. The Reaxys database
contains the most complete collection of known organic reactions, setting an
important foundation for data-driven approaches for synthesis planning [31, 32].
It enables chemists to specify strategies for synthesizing small molecules selected
as potential candidates with specific desired properties.

A final gap is the lack of understanding of how to most effectively apply machine
learning to materials discovery. Most of the machine learning methods applied to
date, both theoretical and experimental, are relatively straightforward adaptations
of methods originally developed for other problems, such as image recognition,
text generation, and translation [33, 34, 35, 36]. These methods include deep
neural networks and Bayesian optimization. However, the development of new AI
methods tailored for materials could provide a breakthrough that greatly increases
the effectiveness of these techniques, thus accelerating the discovery process.
Currently, materials discovery is still a “trial and error” process; however, developing
new machine learning algorithms that generate candidate materials, rather than
only predicting properties, could lead to an environment where the inverse design
of materials is possible. Therefore, investing in this area would help derive new
machine learning algorithms and better tune existing ones specifically for materials
discovery [37].

Table 2.1 summarizes the current status of seven clean energy technologies and
the key opportunities associated with each from a materials perspective. Many
of the technologies need new materials to continue to grow because they are
fundamentally limited by their current materials. The table also lists important
targets published by governments and consortia.
Table 2.1: Current status and opportunities for major energy technologies

Current Status Materials Opportunities
Photovoltaics • PV module production is • Further reductions in cost of
dominated by a small number solar electricity require improved
of materials: polycrystalline and efficiency, longer module/
single crystalline Si and CdTe. electronics lifetimes, and reduced
efficiency degradation.
• Reducing capital and
manufacturing costs could • New materials and new
lower full levelized cost of solar mechanisms for solar energy
electricity to 0.03 US$/kWh (i.e., harvesting are required.
US DOE 2030 target).
• Hybrid perovskites are one of the
most promising classes of new
materials, with power conversion
efficiencies >22%, but suffer
from low long-term stability and
presence of toxic elements.
• New mechanisms for
boosting efficiency (e.g.,
photon up-conversion, carrier
multiplication, luminescence
concentrators) require new
materials, but performance of
current materials is lacking.

Batteries • Technology is dominated by • New materials architectures,
(for electric lithium-ion batteries. interfacial treatments, and cell
vehicles design are needed to improve
• While single electrode materials
and grid power density.
have demonstrated high-power
storage) capabilities, the current Li-ion cell • New materials with higher
suffers from power limitation due energy and power densities and
to interfacial reactions. improved chemical and structural
stability are required.
• Current materials have about half
the specific energy (200–250 Wh • Lower-cost, low supply-risk
kg–1) of the goal proposed by the element replacements for current
Battery500 Consortium: >10-year battery components are required
life and total mileage of ~150,000 to scale up battery storage.
• There have been rapid
• Current materials have problems developments in solid-state Li
of chemical and structural batteries, but interfacial reactions
stability. and cell design need further R&D.
• Grid storage applications require • Redox flow batteries show
performance stability, i.e., >6,000 promise for grid storage, but
cycles and >20-year lifetimes. solubility and stability of redox
molecules at any state of charge
must be improved.
• The cost of ion-exchange
membranes must decrease.

Solar fuels • Key reactions to produce fuels (by • More efficient catalysts based
light-induced or dark catalysis) on cheaper, earth-abundant
are limited in efficiency and elements are needed.
long-term cycling.
• Use of solar fuels (in fuel cells)
requires high temperatures, which
increase operating costs and
cause corrosion of cell materials.
Or, if run at low temperatures,
they rely on precious metal
catalysts, e.g., platinum.

Wind Power • Wind power is one of the fastest The following new materials are
growing renewable energy needed:
sources, currently providing
• erosion-resistant coatings and
2.8% of the world’s electricity
• hydrophobic, light-weight
• If growth continues, wind could
materials and coatings;
provide 20-30% of global power
generation, displacing 3 billion • impact-resistant materials for the
tons of CO2 per year. leading edge of wind blades; and
• To generate electricity, wind relies • high-performance permanent
on electric motors, which today magnet materials that do not
require permanent magnets. contain elements with supply risk
(critical materials).
• In cold and icy or sandy desert
climates, wind blades erode • Offshore installations (which
and foul, which can cause up to provide much more power
25-50% degradation in power than onshore) need improved
production. salt-water corrosion-resistant

Thermal • Harnessing waste heat would help • More efficient thermoelectric
energy mitigate global energy needs, materials are required to
conversion but most heat sources are not convert waste heat to electricity.
harnessed. Promising strategies include
nanostructures, heterostructures,
and alloying.
• More thermally stable
thermoelectric materials that do
not experience degradation under
severe thermal cycling conditions
are needed.
• New materials for smart-windows
using electro-, photo-, and
thermochromic mechanisms
are needed to control infrared
• Materials are needed to improve
building energy efficiency.

Gas • The petrochemical industry • Clearer structure-property

separation currently fractionally separates relationships are needed to
and storage hydrocarbons based on molecular optimize materials.
• Finding new materials and
• Recent developments in metal- processes that generate useful
organic frameworks have resulted products from captured CO2
in excellent storage capabilities would provide a financial incentive
for CH4 and CO2. for further development.

Power • High-voltage alternating current • High-voltage direct current (DC)

transmission (AC) transmission is widely is more efficient to transport
implemented due to its ability to large amounts of power over a
transform the voltage. However, long distance. However, improved
as lines get longer and the voltage materials for high-power
higher, the losses due to power electronics are needed for
dissipation increase dramatically. widespread implementation.
• Efficient power transmission • Discovery of superconducting
across long distances and materials at ambient
underwater would improve temperatures would revolutionize
offshore, high-power wind energy. electric power transmission by
effectively eliminating losses.

Refs for table: [38, 39].

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The Urgent Need for a Materials
3 Acceleration Platform

hroughout history, humans have developed energy technologies
to maximize the energy available for human consumption and
increase productivity. This drive has led to transitions from wood
burning to the use of coal, oil, and natural gas, whose extraction by
machinery became far more efficient than harvesting trees through
human innovation. The development of nuclear power required
scientific understanding to harness the high-energy content of nuclear
fuel, while tackling persistent challenges in safety, cost, and waste
handling. With GHG emission reductions in mind, the current shift to
clean energy is the most challenging and potentially most rewarding
energy transition to date.

Advanced materials represent today about 50% of the manufacturing

cost of clean energy and are expected to increase to 80% in the near
future, according to the Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative
(EMIRI) [1]. Thus, a successful transition to clean energy requires the
development of new, high-performance, low-cost materials that are
resilient, safe for humans and the environment, recyclable, and use
abundant elements so that they can be deployed globally. This challenge
is not merely an engineering problem; it requires fundamental new
scientific advances to design and organize matter from the atomic
scale to the systems scale. The scale of the research is on the order
of multiple Manhattan project efforts, i.e., enormous and requiring
more human effort than is currently plausible.

This transition can be accelerated by leveraging new ways of doing

science. The groundwork has already been completed due to the
creation of many simple materials with tremendous functionality, such
as silicon-based materials that, after 60 years of R&D, have led to
solar cells on roofs and billions of transistors in hand-held electronics.
Traditional, human researcher-centric methods, however, are now
insufficient for providing the materials innovations needed to deliver
ubiquitous clean energy. We have reached the limits of any one human

mind to assimilate the level of detail and magnitude of data that are now produced
by experiments and computational simulations. Computer simulations with current
computer power are approaching the limit to predict the properties of matter at the
relevant length and time scales. We have also reached the limit of any single research
group to own and operate the variety of synthetic and characterization equipment
needed to completely understand these materials. Moreover, we are approaching
the time limit for deploying worldwide ubiquitous clean energy technologies before
the environmental damage becomes irreversible.

Figure 3.1 Six Grand Goals of the Materials Acceleration Platform.

It is time for a materials innovation revolution that demands a fundamental change

in how materials research, scientific discovery, and technology development are
conducted. This is not unlike the transition in nuclear physics research: it began
in the 1920s and 1930s with small, tabletop, single-laboratory experiments, was
accelerated by massive mission-oriented public investments such as the Manhattan
project, and is now dominated by giant, internationally funded, collaborative particle
accelerators and supercolliders.

The Materials Acceleration Platform, or MAP, aims to reduce the materials development
cycle from 10 to 20 years to 1 or 2 years. It builds on recent scientific breakthroughs
and the ability to program machines to assist the design of materials, moving away
from the drudgery of Edisonian discovery methods. Such breakthroughs allow
scientists to order whole families of new materials based on desired properties

without tedious hours of trial and experiments in the lab. The ability of AI to sift
through vast quantities of data can deliver new scientific insights to humans. The
development of new AI-assisted theoretical methods can speed up the simulation
and design of new materials. Achieving this, however, requires development of
machine intelligence and materials synthesis capabilities beyond the scale of any
human team.

MAP features six integrated priority research areas, the Six Grand Goals, which can
be approached and achieved more effectively and faster through strong international
cooperation (Figure 3.1):

1. Closing the Loop in Autonomous Discovery and Development: “Self-driving

laboratories” that autonomously design, perform, and interpret experiments are
needed to discover new materials. Creating and deploying autonomous laboratories
that can perform this closed-feedback-loop discovery and development process
would be the culmination of all the other goals.

2. Artificial Intelligence for Materials: Autonomous research relies on reasoning,

decision making, and creativity. The particular scale and details of theoretical,
computational, synthetic, and characterization evidence in materials research
require the establishment of this new branch of AI. National and international
research organizations can facilitate an integrated computer and materials
science research effort to develop algorithms that mimic, and then supersede,
the intellect and intuition of expert materials scientists.

3. Modular Materials Robotics: To accommodate evolving materials demands

and the ever-expanding breadth of clean energy technologies, autonomous
laboratories must remain nimble and motivate a modular approach to the
development of materials science automation. The elegant representation of
techniques and materials as modular building blocks fosters human-machine
communication and simplifies the path to materials exploration beyond the
bounds of known materials.

4. Inverse Design: Materials innovation by an autonomous laboratory can be seeded

and accelerated by conceiving novel materials compositions or structures that
can meet specific requirements. Inverse design enables automated generation of
candidate materials designed to meet the performance, cost, and compatibility
requirements of a given clean energy technology.

5. Bridging Length and Time Scales: Materials consist of atoms, connected by

bonds and arranged at the nano, micro, and macro scales—a variation in length
scale akin to going from the width of a human hair to the diameter of Earth. Light
absorption occurs in femtoseconds, chemical bonds are broken and formed
in picoseconds, and syntheses and characterizations require microsecond- to
hour-long experiments. Materials that are stable for decades are needed, an equally
daunting breadth of scale. Although there are appropriate scientific theories

for each of these length and time scales, systematic methods of connecting
results and ideas across these scales would enable transformative discoveries.

6. Data Infrastructure and Interchange: Innovation relies on communication and

appropriate representation of both data and the knowledge obtained from data.
This poses a substantial challenge to the international research community to
join forces in establishing and populating a materials data infrastructure. The
resulting product, which would embody an understanding of materials beyond
that attainable by an individual scientist or even a team of scientists, would
enable and enhance autonomous laboratories.

References for Chapter 3

1. Fabrice Stassin, “The Role of Materials Research & Innovation for European Growth & Competitiveness,”
Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative (EMIRI), October 2017.
2. Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Roland Lindh and Markus Reiher, “The Matter Simulation (R)evolution,” Harvard
University, ChemRxiv, November 21, 2017,

Goal #1: Closing the Loop in
4 Autonomous Discovery and Development

n autonomous platform for materials discovery would exploit
the “feedback” from measurements and guide new synthesis
and characterization experiments or simulations, i.e., enable
closed-loop research or a self-driven laboratory. It would ultimately
converge to an optimal materials design for target functionality, while
autonomously generating and validating hypotheses of the underlying
physical and chemical phenomena. The overarching challenge of
autonomous materials research combines (i) AI-based predictive theory
of new materials and their properties, (ii) autonomous robotic systems
for synthesis and experimental data collection, (iii) data analytics such
as feature extraction, (iv) machine learning-based classification and
regression of the results, and (v) decision modules to drive optimal
experimental design for subsequent experimental iterations. For
autonomous discovery and development, these elements need to be
integrated into a closed-loop platform for designing and performing
experiments, which can ultimately create new materials to meet society’s
needs for clean energy.

Such an ambitious program cannot be accomplished all at once. Instead,

it requires incremental progress as materials-related AI algorithms and
robotic technologies are developed and integrated. These algorithms
should first be applied to simple closed-loop optimization and discovery
schemes. The experience built up by many such optimizations can inform
higher-level AI programs that can design experiments with progressively
greater autonomy. Autonomy refers to the ability to assimilate results to
make decisions in high-dimensional parameter space, which at this scale
can surpass human intuition. By contrast, automation of experimental
and computational tools does not require AI; it only follows commands
from autonomous control systems. Automation reduces the cycle-time,
but autonomy closes the loop.

When optimizing or discovering new materials, human intuition currently

drives experiment design. The resulting data sets tend to be clustered,
sparse, and incomplete, especially since humans favour inclusion of

“successful” data and do not report data of “failed” experiments. The comprehensive
incorporation of all data, successful or failed, is one of the strengths of machine
learning approaches to AI for materials. With sufficient data, an AI-driven machine
can choose the next step in experiments or simulations more efficiently than
humans, speeding up the optimization of a given property.

In closed-loop materials design and discovery, autonomy can emerge at multiple

levels. At the lowest level, AI decides the next step in an optimization loop. Such
optimization can be implemented in the theoretical domain (e.g., what is the best
composition of ternary oxide to simulate that is expected to yield a particular
functionality?) or in the experimental domain (e.g., what is the best reactor condition
to yield faster crystalline growth?). At a higher level, AI decides how to design
materials, such as selecting among hierarchical structures of disparate building
blocks. At the highest level, AI can develop chemical insights from raw data and
correlations, drawing information from vastly different types of properties, e.g.,
electrical, mechanical, optical, electrochemical, thermal, or structural. AI in the loop
can confirm or negate mooted hypotheses on the operative physical and chemical
phenomena more efficiently than conventional approaches.

A key challenge in materials discovery, particularly in the organic materials domain, is
the limited availability of automated or closed-loop synthetic tools. Synthetic organic
molecules are an important form of matter in a huge range of human activities.
Organic molecules are used as medicines, functional coatings, energy storage, and
energy harvesting materials, to name a few applications. Despite the widespread
applications, synthesizing novel organic molecules is an activity reserved for highly
trained specialists. The limited pool of experts trained in synthetic chemistry
creates a significant bottleneck for researchers in other fields interested in using
synthetic molecules to achieve their R&D aims. To drive discovery and development
of new materials for clean energy, materials researchers need access to synthetic
molecules much faster and on a much larger scale than currently possible.

Characterization of materials is critical to the discovery process and must be

integral to autonomous systems. Currently, a plethora of instrumental techniques,
data analysis software or models, and interpretation or visualization tools are used,
depending on several variables, such as sample type, instrument availability, and/
or user experience. Rarely are these processes automated or coupled between
different techniques. This presents practical limitations on the speed of the materials
development loop, but there is ample room for intense R&D efforts to solve these
issues with characterization.

To date, characterization has used a technique-centric approach, in which sample

surfaces are prepared and analyzed independently in individual, technique-specialized
laboratories. This approach has proven viable for research activities producing
limited amounts of samples. However, analyzing vast quantities of samples, such

as those produced by automated synthesis techniques, could be more challenging.
As such, a new characterization paradigm is needed in which sample analysis is
performed in an automated fashion driven by machine learning and AI. There are
two types of automation loops, broadly described as “optimization” and “discovery”
(Section 4.4.4). The distinction between them is not sharp, and many investigations
would include aspects of both. What is clear, however, is that both approaches need
similar growth and characterization tools, but their workflows could differ owing
to different time scales of the characterization techniques.


Achieving this goal could result in the creation of a shared international framework of
autonomous materials synthesis and characterization research systems available to
industry, academia, and national labs for rapid testing of hypotheses. Such systems
would manage data by internally adopting laboratory information management that
automatically harvests as-taken data and metadata into a community database
and provides tools for the dissemination of data, methods, and analysis results.
Samples would be created and transported around each facility, in a fully autonomous
manner with the machines suggesting the next measurement point to be taken
locally and globally through integration of data taken in a worldwide network.
Closing the loop could also result in Moore’s law-like behaviour, but in this case
the rate of discovery would be doubled every two years [1], which would enable
substantial developments in new materials for energy, where multiple competing
properties have to be optimized.

On the individual lab scale, success in this goal would ultimately lead to a bench-top
device that is capable of autonomous synthetic chemistry. Its first iteration would
integrate the process of designing the synthetic route to the target molecule,
validating the routes and optimization of the resulting synthetic steps using integrated
analytical technologies. The device would also purify and characterize the target
molecule against the molecular properties desired. It would be able to learn from
the results of each experiment to further refine the AI that designs the synthetic
routes and the algorithms that are used to optimize the individual chemical steps.

Going beyond this, the long-range impact could be the development of an autonomous
tool that designs for function instead of target molecule. The current paradigm for
materials discovery is to design a molecule, then make the molecule, and then test
the molecule to see if it has the target properties. The ultimate goal, however, is not
the specific structure of the molecule, but obtaining of a material with the target
properties. The ideal device would begin with a description of the target properties
and then iterate on molecular architectures until it achieves these properties.

Closing the loop would also result in a paradigm where samples are no longer
replicated or transferred between separate technique-oriented facilities, but
become the centre; the techniques would be merged in national-scale facilities
dedicated to creating carefully curated sample arrays or libraries that are shared

among co-located techniques. To ensure that the characterizations have the most
information, the robotics could transfer the sample in tailored environments, such
as controlled atmosphere, ultra-high vacuum, temperature, etc. It is unlikely that
one facility could encompass the three classes of materials that are the focus of this
document (i.e., organic, inorganic, composite) along with others. However, several
facilities with similar organization, but with tools and environments optimized for
each class, could be developed. Some common questions for all materials classes
could lead to overlap in the characterization methods.


While the techniques required for closing the loop must typically be tailored
for a particular class of materials or target technology, any establishment of an
autonomous laboratory must inevitably build upon the contributions of the other
five goals. A holistic ontology for materials data, as described in Goal 6 (Data
Infrastructure and Interchange), is necessary to enable facile and meaningful
communication between the feedback loop components. A key step is to connect
data and information from characterization and simulations to synthetic conditions.
This includes retaining metadata from the synthesis for the experimental sample, to
match with characterization and simulation, and to enable continuous optimization.
Furthermore, including experiments as an integral component requires setting of
tolerances for the uncertainty and quality of data. For example, samples of the same
material grown in different laboratories may differ due to variations in unavoidable
experimental conditions and may deviate from nominal compositions or differ in
the exact identification of the phases.

To integrate materials data in closed-loop discovery systems, the data stored must
go beyond the raw formats to include pipelines for feature extraction and automated
processing of characterization output. For example, extraction of domain sizes,
heterogeneity, microstructure, and other parameters from micrographs (e.g.,
scanning electron microscopy, SEM; transmission electron microscopy, TEM; atomic
force microscopy, AFM; scanning tunnelling, microscopy, STM) is often performed
on an ad hoc basis in a particular research group. However, tools are often not
shared or connected directly in machine-friendly data formats to calculated data
or experimental conditions. Therefore, along with the data, materials informatics
tools are expected to help accelerate the materials discovery process within an
integrated feedback loop.

Inverse design (Goal 4) could address a common roadblock in seeding an autonomous

experiment: assembling an initial list of target materials. On a practical level, the
adaptation of autonomous laboratories for a given problem would rely on the successful
development of modular materials robotics (Goal 3). To the extent that a quickly
executed single step of an autonomous loop covers a breadth of length and time
scales (Goal 5), advancements in Goal 2 would also be needed to effectively close
the loop. While this autonomous discovery goal involves substantial integration of the

other goals, the integration, management, and communication of the components
comprise a unique set of basic research challenges whose development would be
accelerated through shared resources and effective dissemination of know-how.

Decisions and research planning based on the data could initially be performed
with existing AI optimization algorithms. To further capitalize on the autonomous
infrastructure and enable autonomous laboratories to explore materials space
beyond the confines of previous research, the reasoning and intuitive decision
making of AI would be necessary.


4.4.1 Inorganic materials
Existing automation and high-throughput discovery platforms, both commercial
and single-lab “home-built’ systems, have been developed for high-throughput
experimental (HTE) synthesis of thin films, nanomaterials, metal-organic frameworks,
membranes [2,3,4], and more. Industry has widely adopted HTE methods for
inorganics, particularly with the cost-oriented objective to “fail fast” [5]. From this
work, new materials for medical stents, catalysts to reduce pollutant release, new
refrigerant materials, and novel alloys for next-generation jet engines have emerged.

For example, in the area of functional oxides, accelerated photocatalyst discovery

was recently demonstrated by combining high-throughput experiments with
computational screening for the discovery of solar fuels photoanodes [6]. These
multi-functional inorganic materials must simultaneously exhibit a broad set of
properties. The primary feedback loop demonstrated by this project was refining
theory and experiment techniques so that each helped inform the other and addressed
materials functionalities that were particularly difficult to screen by other methods.
With the refined screening pipeline in place, from a computational screening of
approximately 3,000 ternary oxides, 47 materials were identified as potentially
promising photoanodes, from which 17 were successfully synthesized, and 16
were identified as photoanodes that could enable fuel generation using sunlight.

This suite of discoveries represents a hallmark achievement that demonstrates the

importance of closing the loop. Its success, despite an incomplete closing of the
loop (screening was performed via serial filtering) and lack of automated feedback
between experiments and computations, highlights the transformative impact
of advancements in these areas and realization of a fully closed loop. In another
example, Balachandran et al. demonstrated the use of a feedback loop in finding
materials with desired elastic properties, with minimal iterations in optimization [7].

The current state of the art tends towards non-interchangeable, non-standardized,

and application-specific approaches [8]. While there are examples of active-learning
integration into autonomous systems [9], most implementations need further
development of automation and integration with synthesis, AI, and data collection. Of
the few existing inorganic materials knowledge extraction platforms (CombiView, Oak

Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) group, Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis
(JCAP) [10,11]), even fewer are open access/open source. Ideally, data taken and
analyzed on the fly are referenced against open databases, both experimental
(e.g., ICSD) and theoretical (e.g., OQMD [12], NOMAD [13], AiiDA [14], Materials
Project [15], AFLOW [16]). Potential contradictions are also automatically flagged
for deeper experimental investigation and theoretical validation. Developing this
type of software requires databases to expose public application programming
interfaces (APIs) that are structured to facilitate use by software engineers from a
variety of backgrounds and development environments.

For future improved, modular, automated implementations, it is important to

recognize that the discovery and optimization of target functional inorganic materials
span a multi-dimensional space, covering functionality, stability, interface, and
morphology metrics. A key decision for any autonomous research paradigm is
translating hypothesis and design into metrics for measuring success. For example,
in an effort to discover new Heusler compounds, Oliynyk et al. [17] parametrized
the chemical formula for over 50 different real-valued and categorical features that
could be calculated directly from the formula.

HTE characterization techniques have been developed for a broad range of inorganic
materials functionalities including ferroelectric, magnetic, energy storage, catalysis,
and corrosion resistance. However, existing platforms tend to be application specific
and expensive. Making decisions about which techniques to include (e.g., Raman;
x-ray diffraction, XRD; x-ray absorption spectroscopy, XAS), depending on the
design metrics space, is a clear challenge of high-throughput characterization [18].
Another challenge for all inorganic materials is the automated investigation of a
given material’s microstructure, a key need in understanding performance. Nano
and atomic structure is confirmed only by electron microscopy, which is difficult
to automate. Advances in modular robotics would enable on-site, on-the-fly sample
transfer between synthesis and characterization, accelerating an already accelerated
process for materials discovery. Advances in on-the-fly machine learning during
synthesis and characterization are required to maximize the amount of knowledge
gained per experimental point and reduce instrument “dead time.”

4.4.2 Organic materials

Synthetic chemistry is a series of discrete steps: identify the target molecule,
determine the available building blocks, design the synthesis of the target from
the available building blocks, carry out the synthetic experiments, analyze the
results, and iterate until the synthesis of the target molecule is achieved. Once
the target is synthesized, it must be purified and characterized against the target
properties sought. The cycle then repeats with the identification of the next target
and the process iterates until the target properties are achieved. Each step can be
automated to accelerate the process and, critically, make it available to non-experts.
See Section 6.4.2 for an expanded discussion of issues related to the scope and
modularity of an automated synthesis machine.

Technologies enabling autonomous organic synthesis are rapidly advancing towards
the goal of a truly autonomous discovery machine. Although many of the pieces
required for such a machine exist today, they are not yet fully connected. Initiatives,
such as DARPA’s Make-It program [19] and European effort Dial-a-Molecule [20],
have made advances in this area.

The automation of synthetic design has a long history of efforts to leverage

computers to design synthetic routes, from LHASA in the 1960s to programs such
as ChemPlanner [21] and Chematica today [22]. Although the utility of these tools
has greatly improved over the years, they are still tools for experts and disconnected
from experimental outcomes. None has yet been integrated into an automated
synthesis platform where the AI can receive feedback from experiments to enhance
the training set for the AI with real data [23].

The automation of the mechanics of chemical synthesis has been accomplished

as well. For a few structural classes, this automation has existed for decades. See
Section 6.4.2 for specific examples, but, for the most part, they involve biological
molecules. The pharmaceutical industry has invested heavily in this area with
companies such as Eli Lilly creating
fully automated robotic platforms
for rapid synthesis of drug-like
molecules [24]. While these parallel
efforts are impressive, their capital
costs are cost prohibitive and
they largely operate in a parallel
synthesis mode that may not
be the ideal platform for a truly
autonomous synthesis machine.
More recently, there have been
efforts to develop an automated
synthesis machine that can perform
a broad range of reactions to
assemble pharmaceutical drugs
through a multi-step synthetic
process carried out in small footprint
Figure 4.1 A reconfigurable system for continuous production
flow chemical platforms (Figure and reformulation of APIs. [Source: ref 25]
4.1) [25,26,27].

Automation of the optimization of synthetic processes has also seen significant

advances in the past decade. For some automated reaction optimization technologies,
computer algorithms are used to optimize multiple reaction parameters to
achieve a target goal, typically the yield or purity profile of a specific molecule. An
important application is the ability to use an inline analytical technology coupled
to an automated flow chemistry synthesis platform to allow for real-time iterative
optimization of a synthetic reaction (Figure 4.2) [28,29].

Figure 4.2 Workflow for automated feedback optimization. [Source: ref 28]
An important component of self-optimizing systems is the online and inline analysis
tools available to characterize the results of the automated reactions. Spectroscopic
tools, such as NMR, infrared (IR), and Raman, along with high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC), have been successfully applied to enable automated
optimization, particularly in flow chemical systems [30,31]. Relatively simple and
static algorithms are used in all these automated optimization examples; enabling
learning algorithms would yield improvements.

4.3.3 Nanomaterials and composites

Synthesis of nanomaterials has a vast array of potential processing conditions, such
as temperature, pressure, pH, and composition, which complicates the potential
applications of AI and informatics methods. Descriptors capturing synthesis
and processing steps are essential for autonomous research in these systems.
Nanocomposites also lack structural characterization tools that fully capture the
relevant structure/property/processing relationships. Development of these tools
would benefit the autonomous discovery of such materials. Additionally, the goals of
synthesis for nanomaterials and nanocomposites cover multiple property dimensions,
processability, process robustness, and cost-effectiveness. The vastness of the
parameter space makes the challenge overwhelming for the current, human-driven
research processes.

Chan et al. have built WANDA, a robot for high-throughput nanocrystal synthesis,
which pioneered automated nanoparticle synthesis [32]. As mentioned in Chapter 2,
the state of the art in closed-loop autonomous synthesis is ARES, which uses AI and
closed-loop, iterative experimentation to learn to grow carbon nanotubes at targeted
rates [33]. It is the first autonomous research robot for materials development.

Closed-loop autonomous research systems for nanomaterials and nanocomposites

synthesis are especially useful because of the vast experimental parameter space
and large number of potential operative physical and chemical phenomena. Going
forward, the approach would be to build upon the state of the art to encompass
more nanomaterials and nanocomposites, as well as to achieve fundamental
understanding resulting from the closed-loop research systems. For example, the

transition from carbon nanotubes to scaled production would directly affect the
clean energy materials goals because applying carbon nanotubes to lightweighting
transportation vehicles would improve power transmission efficiency, greatly
reducing energy consumption. Additionally, the transformation of hydrocarbons
(e.g., from conversion of captured CO2) to carbon nanomaterials would effectively
sequester the carbon indefinitely.

For nanocomposites, developing closed-loop autonomous research systems would

create the ability to understand and control their synthesis at unprecedented levels,
paving the way for multi-functional, holistic property suites at scaled, cost-effective
rates. Investing in the synthesis of nanomaterials and composites would result in
the building of more autonomous synthesis robotics, and eventually generalize the
method to a wide range of nanomaterials.

4.4.4 Universal approaches to characterization

Two kinds of loops must be considered for closed-loop platforms: optimization
loops and discovery loops. Optimization loops typically focus on a functionality
(e.g., oxygen evolution rate of a catalyst [34], band gap of a photovoltaic material,
electronic conductivity for thermoelectric materials, ionic conductivity of electrolyte
materials), which is closely tied to a direct characterization. It is beneficial if the
characterization tool can be coupled directly to the synthesis process as both aim
to narrow the composition/structure degrees of freedom.

Discovery loops focus on complex systems whose structure-function relationships are

difficult to predict and attempt to explain what these relationships are in a meaningful
way. In such complex systems, there are many internal degrees of freedom that
can lead to emergent properties and phenomena. Because each internal degree is
probed separately, there may not be clear ties between individual measurements
and the ultimate functionality. Therefore, multiple measurements are needed at
each sample preparation stage. Discovery algorithms need as much guidance as
possible to narrow the phase space for sample growth. Machine learning with both
theoretical and experimental inputs is expected to play a leading role.

There are universal characterization techniques associated with all classes of materials:
scanning probe microscopies for atomic-scale information, x-ray nanoprobes for
spatially resolved chemical and electronic information, lasers and x-ray lasers for
time-resolved response, and tools integrated with the sample growth environments
to characterize growth dynamics.

To take advantage of these and other characterization techniques on a large scale,

robotic tools need to be developed and new algorithms need to be created. These
algorithms need to incorporate machine learning and AI.

The historical approach to characterize materials is optimized for nominally

homogeneous materials. However, when dealing with heterogeneous samples, the

value of this approach is diminished because it is by nature statistical. If the probes
lack sufficient spatial resolution, or are not applied to the same region of the same
samples, the information available from direct correlations is lost. Furthermore,
the samples are no longer in the same environment or in the same stage of their
lifetimes. Nominally identical, but distinct, samples may have been prepared under
similar, but not identical, conditions and therefore further weaken the statistical
strength of the enterprise. This greatly weakens the correlations between techniques,
and wastes a great deal of time (Figure 2.2).

Even more important is the fact that future discoveries are likely to be found in the
morphological and combinatorial modifications of materials. These would surely
require side-by-side comparison of tailored samples with identical and known
provenance. Creation and understanding of such sample arrays would create a
future bottleneck, and replicating these arrays in multiple laboratories would not
be generally possible or practical. This is especially true because many valuable
techniques are surface-sensitive, or the samples themselves are dominated by
surface effects.

A principal challenge in autonomous characterization is the diverse time scales and

information quantities available from the disparate characterization techniques,
which can vary from ultra-fast (femtosecond lasers) [35], to over seconds simple
measurements (conductivity, reflectivity), to a substantial part of a day (scanning
probe microscopies). While the more time-consuming characterization techniques
may inhibit a high-throughput approach, they may offer a tremendously rich data
set that can be leveraged in integrating AI-based predictive systems in autonomous
discovery. Establishing hierarchical measurement workflows based on the time and
complexity of techniques would therefore be useful.

Figure 4.3 shows such a workflow, where first, a large quantity of samples is analyzed
in an automatic manner for a specific functionality that is faster to measure, after
which a reduced number of highly contrasting samples is subjected to more detailed
analysis (middle section of the graph) to investigate the relationship between preparation
conditions and composition. This information is used to zoom in on the promising
samples that are subsequently subjected to in-depth and more time-consuming
analysis to understand the material with tools that yield the most important atomic,
energy, momentum, spin, and/or time resolution. Theoreticians can then use this
knowledge to refine predictive models. The left side of the workflow focuses on the
optimization process, which can be optimized for high-speed machine-controlled
operation. The right side focuses on the “why”, which, on its slower time scale, is
better suited to the human side of the process.

Centralization is both a significant challenge and an opportunity in the characterization

of materials in the automated discovery process. How can we establish and promote
an intermutual environment to foster international collaboration? How can we
avoid duplication of effort to design uniform hardware and software standards for

Figure 4.3 A typical progressive pathway to both optimization and understanding of material
functionality begins with left, a high-throughput screening of promising material families (theoretical
and/or experimental) to narrow down the phase space, followed by a more in-depth, narrower search
of phase space to optimize structural/functional characteristics. The final step (right) is focused
on gaining understanding through the slowest, most information-rich techniques with spatial,
energy, momentum, and spin resolution. [Source: ref 36, and based on original works presented
in refs 37,38,39,40]

exchanging samples between characterization tools, data archiving, etc.? These

challenges can be addressed by establishing international-scale user facilities
focused on automated materials characterization. Establishing centralized facilities
of this nature, however, raises new challenges:

• Where should such facilities be located?

• What are the access modes for centralized facilities?

• How can we manage the optimum use of the individual growth/characterization


• Are there intellectual property (IP) concerns?

The emergence of a portfolio of centralized and decentralized organizations of

different scales is expected to address these questions. Investment in centralized
institutions such as existing national labs would not only integrate specialized
probes (e.g., synchrotron x-rays or high-resolution TEM), but also leverage the vast
engineering resources for development of uniform software and hardware tools for
managing the characterization. These include the engineering of complex robotics,
the modular components, algorithms, etc. An example of a nascent effort in this
direction is the HTE materials collaboratory, a centre without walls, which combines
access to world-class HTE and AI tools across multiple institutions to accelerate
materials discovery [41]. Private-sector organizations would also participate and
invest, in the same way that organizations such as Transcriptic and Emerald Cloud Lab
provide services in synthetic biology, biochemistry, and pharmaceutical chemistry.
Once this approach is fully developed through a concerted and centralized effort,
these same tools can then be deployed in dispersed laboratories.

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Goal #2: Artificial Intelligence for
5 Materials

I is a broad field of computer science with the general goal of
making machines intelligent. Within the past decade, AI has
achieved breakthroughs in computer vision, speech, language
translation, and natural language understanding. AI-based computer
systems have surpassed humans for complex tasks such as image
recognition, cancer detection, and games (e.g., Chess, Go, Poker,
Jeopardy, video games). Active areas of AI research include self-driving
cars and the understanding of human speech. This chapter introduces
Artificial Intelligence for Materials (AI4M) as a Grand Goal at the
intersection of AI and materials research.

Machine learning, a subfield of AI that has exploded in recent years,

involves statistical algorithms that improve with experience. Support
vector machines, kernel methods, and neural networks are among the
methods used for machine learning. Deep neural networks are perhaps
the largest active research area due to the applications that they enable.
These types of algorithms benefit from and enhance automation. As
robotics transforms design, manufacturing, and transportation —
constituting a modern industrial revolution — achieving the analogous
materials discovery revolution requires AI and, in particular, the emulation
of human scientific intuition, reasoning, and decision making.

Humans have traditionally enjoyed reasoning and intuition capabilities

that far exceed those of machines. As AI erodes these barriers, materials
science must not only adopt the state of art in AI, but also push the
frontier of AI to mimic, and then supersede, the scientific intuition and
decision making of an expert materials scientist. The AI4M goal exemplifies
the need to advance beyond available machine learning algorithms in
two primary ways: (i) elevating machine learning from generating data
models to generating human-understandable explanations, inferences,
and conclusions; and (ii) enabling autonomous reasoning about these
outcomes and prior data to generate an actionable research plan.
These accomplishments are critical for conducting basic science where

knowledge and understanding take precedence over quantitative results, rather
than an optimization or an image recognition task for which a data model can be
sufficiently scored by its goodness-of-fit or convergence rate.

The current challenges in realizing AI4M range from technical to organizational.
The necessary AI algorithms cannot be derived or adapted from the present AI
field, largely because development of these algorithms did not consider materials
science. Algorithm inputs for materials science still look less like big data and more
like sparse, heterogeneous data that can only be understood in the context of the
chemical and physical laws that constrain the accessible portions of the vast, multi-
dimensional materials parameter space. AI for materials must be enlightened by
these chemical and physical laws. This constitutes an entirely new field of research
that can only be pioneered at the intersection of the AI and materials communities,
with top researchers from both working side by side. The need for collaboration
requires an evolution of the organizational and funding mechanisms of stakeholders
and research institutions. New mechanisms for cross-discipline education are also
needed to enable an informed research community to develop multidisciplinary
research programs that can simultaneously advance the materials and AI fields.

Machine learning provides an opportunity to blend together two broad classes of

models. First, discriminative models are powerful ways of representing correlations
in the data. For example, the chemistry and materials community has a long history
of success in developing quantitative structure-property prediction models. More
recently, advanced kernel methods and neural networks have allowed for advances
in the field.

Second, generative models allow for the generation of samples from probability
distributions. Traditional methods, such as the Monte Carlo method, have been
used for some time. Other methods, specifically autoencoders and generative
adversarial networks, have rapidly advanced other areas of machine learning for the
generation of artificial data. Examples include computer-generated art and video.
These methods are relevant to AI4M as they employ a latent-space representation,
i.e., a relatively low dimensional vector space to represent the problem of interest.
The points in this space can be clustered according to properties of interest, and can
lead to the understanding and generalization of concepts from the materials data.

Generating models that not only give the correct predictions, but also lead to new
understandings of materials chemistry and physics is an important challenge in
machine learning. The overall problem of generating human-interpretable machine
learning results is an active area in computer science research (e.g., Fairness,
Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning (FAT/ML) initiative [1], DARPA’s
Explainable AI program [2]). Attaining “understanding” of materials phenomena
requires translation of knowledge across different physical models and types of
computational and experimental data; therein lie not only the initial barriers to

development of materials-specific AI algorithms, but also the opportunities for
these algorithms to supersede human capabilities of deriving understanding from
data. Moreover, the many external constraints, such as experimental cost, hazards,
desirability, and regulatory concerns, must be appropriately incorporated into
material-specific AI. In the short term, human-machine cooperation may be the
most effective way to capture the tacit knowledge, as demonstrated in a recent
application to the optimization of nuclear fusion experiments [3]. Materials-specific
software platforms that facilitate rapid and broad collection of human expertise,
e.g., via crowdsourcing, are required for building the datasets needed to train AI4M
to reproduce scientific expertise [4].


AI4M can enable breakthroughs and materials solutions for clean energy technologies
that are unimaginable/unattainable using current approaches on any time scale.
Although the materials science community’s achievements to date are laudable,
human creativity and intellect may be limiting our communal progress in providing
materials that enable clean energy technologies — allowing AI4M to disrupt cost and
performance learning curves. Materials-specific advancements in AI would make
automated research “better” as well as “faster”. That is, autonomous laboratories
would not only exceed human capabilities in speed and efficiency, but also in
creativity and problem solving, which hinge upon successful development of AI4M.
In the same way that a brainstorming session of a team of scientists generates
more creative ideas than from an individual alone, a community of enlightened
AI algorithms could provide a suite of complementary research paths that follow
different lines of reasoning to accelerate innovation.

As this field develops, progress can be tracked analogously to other implementations

of AI, where landmark achievements in game playing become achievements in
clean energy as AI4M-conceived materials outperform those proposed by human
scientists to advance clean energy technology. For example, IBM’s Watson defeated
Jeopardy! Champions, and Google’s AlphaGo defeated the world’s best Go players
only later to lose to DeepMind, which has never received any human training [5].
To extend the analogy, in the wake of AlphaGo’s dominance, artificially conceived
strategies have inspired top Go players, demonstrating how AI can expand the
collective mindset of a human community. In this way, AI4M would not only
identify new high-performance clean energy materials, but also educate humans
by demonstrating new innovation strategies and new understanding of materials
chemistry and physics.


Achieving this goal both depends upon and enables the success of the other five
goals. In many ways, it focuses on developing the “central brain” that learns from
a variety of data streams to make informed decisions. Therefore, success in this
area would provide immediate tangible results and solutions in the other goal areas.

Reasoning and AI model interpretation offer a direct insight into and facilitate
inverse design (Goal 4). AI also provides a necessary technology to facilitate a
dramatic breakthrough in modular materials robotics (Goal 3) and bridging length
and time scales (Goal 5).

AI reasoning capabilities are required to fully capitalize on the infrastructure

described in the chapters on autonomous discovery and development (Goal 1) and
data infrastructure and interchange (Goal 6). In some ways, AI4M complements these
goals because it is ultimately tasked with solving problems not readily addressable
by robotics and data-driven approaches.


5.4.1 Inorganic materials
For solid-state materials, a good example of the need for AI4M to overcome a current
research barrier is the automated generation of phase diagrams from characterization
data, particularly XRD patterns [6,7]. Machine learning algorithms developed in
other fields have been effectively adapted and deployed for data reduction and
providing phase diagram-like information for simple materials systems [8,9,10,11].
In addition to the wealth of unexplored materials space, some existing datasets are
resistant to interpretation and understanding by both state-of-the-art algorithms
and expert scientists, the latter struggling to conceptualize the full dataset due to
the inability of 2D and 3D visualization to sufficiently capture the data structure in
multi-dimensional composition spaces. While computers are less intimidated by
the dimensionality of the problem, the algorithms do not hold the prior knowledge
and reasoning skills of the scientists. Integrating human and machine intelligence
can overcome the barriers in this field to accelerate identification of new inorganic
materials. This is particularly important for clean energy technologies that require
new multi-functional materials.

The design of synthesis and characterization experiments is particularly challenging

for inorganic materials due to the breadth of complementary synthesis techniques,
the expansive parameter space within each technique, and the need to tailor choice
and parameterization of characterization experiments based on the synthesis. Since
these decisions are made using reasoning based on the deep experience of experts,
autonomous laboratories will be limited in their efficiency and ability to explore
materials space until AI4M is integrated with the experiment automation. Beyond
the ability to choose an appropriate synthesis method for a desired material, AI4M
must in the long run also be able to propose previously unexplored approaches,
such as the ingenious 2010 Nobel Prize-winning realization that exfoliation provides
single-layer graphene. To the extent that machine learning is a box, it will be
challenging to teach a machine to think outside of the box; however, the greatest
opportunities lie in overcoming this challenge.

One example of the state of the art in this area is the use of machine learning to
predict previously unknown similarities between inorganic materials (Figure 5.1),

then to use these similarities to rapidly predict the properties of materials. For
example, AFLOW consortium data make it possible to find similarities that can
predict important properties relating to light absorption and mechanical strength
(e.g., metal/insulator classification, band gap energy, bulk/shear moduli, Debye
temperature, heat expansion coefficient, heat capacities), which can be used to
predict these properties for virtually any new inorganic crystalline solid [12]. In
turn, this prediction can be used to extract simple heuristic rules that explain “why”
a particular material has these properties, in terms of thermodynamic properties
of the atoms and chemical bonds comprising the material. These simple rules
not only reduce the time for estimating properties from >1000 hours/material to
<0.1 second/material, but also provide human-interpretable insight and facilitate
inverse design (Goal 4, Chapter 7).

Figure 5.1 A screenshot of user-friendly machine learning web app at to

predict properties of inorganic materials.

A second example is the discovery of new materials for catalysis. Starting from a
set of detailed density functional theory simulations of catalyst surfaces and their
interaction with the substrates, it was possible to use machine learning methods
to extract the key quantities that predict the catalytic activity. To date, these key
quantities are generalizations of existing theoretical models of catalysis, such
as finding a relationship to the d-band centre [13] and d-band width [14] of the
material, coordination number of the surface catalytic atoms [15], and atomic-orbital
specific coordination numbers of those surface atoms [16]. These relationships
“explain” the detailed simulation results in terms of existing theories, and also
serve as simple rules-of-thumb for the design of new materials. Moving forward,
the challenges in this field include (i) using developing AI methods that can use this
type of information to plan the most promising “next move” in unexplored chemical
space that will yield enhanced performance, and (ii) developing machine learning
methods that can go beyond existing catalysis concepts.

5.4.2 Organic materials
Quantum mechanics computation, combined with the advent of supercomputing, has
drastically increased our ability to understand and identify materials computationally.
AI4M offers a new revolution in computational efficiency and efficacy with two main
high-impact avenues: (i) enhancing the speed and accuracy of calculations for a
family of materials, and (ii) using data and understanding of different methods to
design and automatically execute computation campaigns.

In the first area, phenomenal success has been recently demonstrated in the
computational modelling of organic molecules through adoption of machine learning
methods. Instead of performing expensive quantum mechanics calculations on large
molecular screening libraries, calculations for a subset of the library were used to
train a more efficient machine learning model for discovering organic light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) [17]. Neural networks have also been used to learn an appropriate
quantum mechanical model of organic molecules that, when incorporated into mass
computation, offered a million-fold increase in computational efficiency (Figure
5.2) [18]. For fast calculations to generate scientific knowledge, the calculation
accuracy must be optimized and quantified. Machine learning methods such as
Bayesian statistics have also enabled rapid progress in this area, by identifying
when fast calculations can retain the accuracy of more time-consuming methods
and by learning how to identify and correct systematic errors in the calculations
[19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24].

Figure 5.2 Comparison between speed and accuracy of neural network versus DFT in energy
prediction for organic molecules.

With these improvements in place, human decisions on which calculations to

perform and what we have learned from the results will increasingly become a
bottleneck, requiring advancement in the second area noted above where AI emulates
human decision making. A model called ORGAN (Objective-Reinforced Generative
Adversarial Networks) is capable of generating organic molecules as SMILES (a
text representation) from scratch by employing a generative adversarial network

[25]. ORGAN can be trained to produce more diverse molecules through a reward
mechanism that highly resembles classical conditioning in psychology, which can
be good at producing outliers. Variational autoencoder representations are another
recent development widely applied to sentence and image generation [26]. These
methods attempt to map discrete molecules to a continuous space. Once in this
continuous space, it is possible to move around in the chemical space and find
new molecules outside of the training set. In the example above, the authors found
two molecules that scored better than any of the molecules in their training set.

Another key pillar of AI in organic functional materials is determining how to

synthesize the promising molecules generated by theory. Similar to Google Maps
that help humans navigate possible directions to a destination, novel AI algorithms
can provide routes for organic synthesis planning (Figure 5.3). Recent work has
addressed this problem for the exploration of the reaction space [27], as well as
for targeting specific molecular structures [28, 29, 30].

Figure 5.3 (a) Finding the shortest path between cities connected by a set of roads is a challenging
computer science problem, although efficient algorithms exist for finding nearly optimal solutions.
(b) Optimizing the series of chemical reactions needed to synthesize a new organic molecule is
an analogous problem. Individual types of molecules correspond to “cities” and the reactions that
interconvert them correspond to “roads”; often these are “one-way streets” because the reactions
are irreversible. [Source: adapted from ref 31]

AI algorithms can potentially discover unknown chemical reactions and build a

large network of reaction as well as navigate a chemist through the known set of
potential pathways, from reactant to product, in an optimal way. Further algorithm
development can take this one step further. Using the generative methods described

above, machines can suggest completely new reactions, opening new pathways in
the synthesis network or, in the language of Google Maps, create new roads and
highways to reach new destinations, i.e., novel materials.

5.4.3 Nanomaterials and composites

An early proof of principle that AIs can learn from data and generate human-
understandable scientific hypotheses has been shown for the synthesis mechanisms
of organic-inorganic hybrid materials with applications to catalysis and non-linear
optical mechanisms [32]. After demonstrating that the machine learning model
“knew” more than human experts (as measured by its success in predicting the
conditions needed to make new materials), the model was used to generate artificial
data that could be used to make a surrogate model — a “model of the model” —
that expresses the machine’s decision-making process in terms of human-readable
descriptions of the reactant properties and reaction conditions (see Figure 5.4).

This process revealed three previously unknown hypotheses, which have subsequently
been verified in the laboratory, about the experimental conditions and properties
needed to produce these materials. Future work should focus on (i) extending these
types of explanations to include more general types of experimental descriptions and
use various forms of characterization and computational results as justifications,
and (ii) closing the loop by allowing AIs to plan future experiments that optimally test
these hypotheses under the direction of human experts. Both of these require the
development of materials-specific AI methods that can present evidence convincingly
to materials scientists and chemists.

Machine learning has already been used for microstructure [33] and thermal
properties optimization of stanene nanostructures [34]. While exciting developments
are taking place in this field, the key challenges remain unresolved. Algorithms must
be developed to make autonomous decisions to discover new materials rather than
optimize properties out of known ones. Most of the studies so far have shown the
importance of machine learning for specific properties and materials systems.
Standardized methods and best practices for using AI tools for nanocomposite
design and optimization are still lacking. Furthermore, the reliability of developed
methods for new applications, properties, and materials systems has not been
assessed properly. A limited set of machine learning tools cater to the prediction
of morphologies and kinetic behaviour such as phase transformation. Addressing
this challenge requires better theoretical methods to resolve time-scale issues
in atomistic modelling (Goal 5, Chapter 8) of polymers and composite materials.
Machine learning tools do not yet utilize sophisticated multi-scale methods that
could resolve the kinetics challenge. Finally, since current tools are not open source
or integrated into open source packages, they are not easily accessible. As Goal
6 (Chapter 9) envisions open data access, open access to AI4M algorithms and
concepts is critical for meeting MAP’s ambitious vision.

Figure 5.4 Teaching humans what AIs know about the conditions needed to synthesize new materials.
Although the AI uses a model that is too complicated to be interpreted by humans, it can be used to
create a “model of a model” that represents its knowledge as a tree of “if-then” decisions in terms
of chemical properties and reaction conditions. (Left Inset) Human experts can read the colour-
coded path of decisions that lead to successfully making a new material, and from this obtain new,
previously unknown hypotheses about the reaction formation conditions (shown schematically in
the right inset). [Source: ref 32]

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6 Goal #3: Modular Materials Robotics

oday, synthesizing materials is an activity reserved for highly
trained specialists. Identifying synthetic pathways is intellectually
different from producing material variations in an effort to develop
critical structure-property relationships and create new materials.
Even among experts, the level of methodological specialization for
synthesis and characterization limits a researcher’s ability to explore
all possible materials for satisfying an application-specific functionality.
Thus, large portions of materials systems remain unexplored, not
due to an inability to imagine islands of promising functionality, but
rather to an inability to apply the appropriate tools to scale these
lofty barriers. Decoupling methodological expertise from materials
discovery would enable researchers to fully explore materials space
to target functionality. Even if this were achieved, the lack of scale in
synthesis and characterization would prevent rapid discovery in novel
materials spaces. Therefore, a flexible and scalable infrastructure is
necessary to translate the understandings developed in the other five
goals into systems that design, synthesize, characterize, and iterate
until discovery.

This third goal envisions a modular robotic system composed of building

blocks with standardized interfaces for source management, synthesis,
and characterization. In effect, these building blocks would serve as
the basis for a hypothesis testing facility that could rapidly retool for
new problems in the same vein as modern factories. The modular
nature of these building blocks would enable the flexibility necessary
to couple the most appropriate synthesis methodologies with the most
appropriate characterization capabilities. Standardizing interfaces,
which is key to decoupling methodological expertise from discovery,
would ensure that an application-specific researcher could traverse
the full landscape of materials structure and chemistry. Decoupling
of methodological expertise from discovery would not invalidate
domain specialists, but rather refocus their efforts on codifying and
embedding their intuition into the modular blocks, which would in turn
enable application researchers to rapidly converge on the appropriate
parameters to fully leverage each technique.
The current generation of synthesis and characterization is not suited for modularity
or flexibility. While certain industries, such as semiconductors, have managed to
develop large-scale production systems with several heterogeneous interleaved steps,
these have been the result of decades of development and billions in investment.
Further, the proliferation of vendor-specific interfaces creates a myriad of technical
specifications that must be supported for every new capability. This generates a
large overhead for breakthroughs in fundamental synthesis technologies due to
the need for large development efforts to enable broad interest and support. The
same complications are compounded in characterization where proprietary formats
and interfaces limit or even deter interoperability. These R&D issues need to be
addressed by creating new tools that do not have these systematic limitations.

Many of the general challenges surrounding synthesis revolve around the development
of new technologies that can provide the necessary flexibility and modularity for an
adaptive system. This requires an earnest effort to develop generic interfaces and
protocols that many groups can use to develop tools and techniques. Data formats
used for characterization are often proprietary or cryptic, making integration a
near impossibility. While standards are not required, incentives are needed to
motivate industry to work together on the components of a modular robotic system.
Although significant resources are poured into robotics and automation in other
fields, their development focuses on orthogonal necessities such as bipedal motion
or large-scale stabilization. These, however, are not the most pressing needs for
well-structured research settings that are at the limits of technologies, such as
manipulators or precision and reproducibility in position.


Similar fields that have successfully deployed modular and flexible architectures for
synthesis have experienced explosive growth in discovery, development, and interest.
For example, flexible and modular synthesis and characterization infrastructures in
the manufacturing of integrated circuits have led to a scalable platform for discovery
and production that enables our modern technological world. In fact, modular and
flexible production systems are a cornerstone of developing a technology from a
lab scale into an industry, ranging from simple products such as chemicals and
source materials to complex devices such as pharmaceuticals, cars, airplanes, and
even rockets. The fields that now support modern society depend on the ability
to make this transition. Recently, the development of automated production tools
in proteomics and genomics has made synthetic proteins and polynucleotides
widely available and created tremendous impact in biology and medicine. Similarly,
modular materials robotics would enable the new generation of materials scientists
to rapidly and efficiently develop materials for targeted applications.

A successful modular robotic system would also democratize materials synthesis

and characterization, enabling a broader community of non-experts to participate in

the discovery process. In many ways, it would mirror the rapid explosion of interest
and activity in additive manufacturing with the proliferation of three-dimensional
(3D) printing via the maker movement. This type of organic growth naturally lends
itself to self-directed ecosystems that enable all users to leverage not only the
infrastructure, but also the expertise of participants. It could potentially lead to an
exponential increase in materials discovery and deployment for clean energy goals.


This goal focuses on the most interdisciplinary and crucial step to translate theoretical
materials exploration into actual discovery. Development of modular materials robotics
would test hypotheses from AI (Goal 2), develop the understanding necessary to
successfully apply inverse design (Goal 4), and bridge length and time scales (Goal
5) into tangible results. Over time, it would evolve into the autonomous discovery
loop (Goal 1) described in Chapter 4. Appropriate selection of the building blocks
that are inputs to the automated synthesis device would be a critical issue. From
the characterization, MAP would enable intelligent selection of pathways based on
optimization (based on AI or other methods) to achieve the precise synthesis of the
target compounds. Such a development would then allow autonomous materials
selection and optimization for a particular application (Goal 4).


6.4.1 Inorganic materials
One of the largest and most successful efforts in modular materials robotics is
the design and optimization of semiconductor deposition clusters that enabled the
onset of the silicon age. The semiconductor industry has maintained the trend of
Moore’s law for more than 50 years through targeted capital investment driven by
industry-agreed milestones. The requirements of device density, complexity, and
low-defect density have long dictated that humans cannot possibly produce wafers
with sufficient yield to make the technologies competitive. To ameliorate this, the
semiconductor industry developed automated deposition tools in which a wafer is
inserted into the cluster and, several hours later, millions of semiconductor gate
stacks are ejected. These systems are modular and interoperable so that they can
be repurposed based on the needs of the overarching industry (e.g., photovoltaics
versus power electronics) and tailored to the needs of each stakeholder (e.g., Intel
versus Micron). In fact, most post-processing steps that lead to the eventual device
are also automated for similar reasons. The pioneering efforts and investments of the
semiconductor industry in automating the assembly and testing of heteromaterial
systems provide a strong basis for automated materials discovery used by the
materials community over the last 20 years [1]. (See Figure 6.4.1 for an example
with inorganic thin films.)

This bedrock of experience is both a valuable resource for understanding how to

automate synthesis and a significant barrier to generating a general paradigm for

Figure 6.1 Cluster tools for high-throughput synthesis of inorganic thin films. [Source: refs 2,3]

automating synthesis. The wafer geometry dictates much of the design criteria
from manipulators to synthesis chambers to characterization methodologies.
Moving away from this one overarching constraint is difficult because much of
the available sample manipulation technology in research also depends on wafer
geometry. General manipulator systems that provide the precision necessary for
extremely precise and reproducible characterization would enable other technologies
to rapidly automate and bring down the cost of auxiliary technologies for further
development in synthesis automation.

A key goal for automated synthesis infrastructure is a capability to self-optimize

based on targeted characterization metrics. One example is if deposition clusters
could detect errors, create actionable information, and provide autonomous
corrections to changes in device quality during the deposition. Triaging anomalous
device/synthesis failure during production represents large expenditures for both
the semiconducting device and tool fabrication industries. Creating the capability
for autonomous on-the-fly deposition optimization would be a game-changing

Just as the development of new materials can improve the performance of existing
technologies, a range of transformational new technologies is possible if materials
can be developed with properties that make them economically viable. Thermoelectric
materials could make it possible to harvest electricity from heat-flow or move
heat from the flow of electricity. Magnetocaloric materials could enable super-
efficient heating and cooling of buildings, if materials with the right combination of
properties were identified [4]. Both these classes of materials lack effective scale-up
mechanisms for synthesis and characterization. Scaling is a key challenge to the
employment of any new material, but particularly so if industry lacks experience
with that specific class, chemistry, geometry, etc. Automated facilities could be a
key de-risking technology to industry adoption.

Many opportunities exist for new materials to contribute to energy efficiency and,
correspondingly, many approaches to developing the necessary materials. However,
the approaches and labs that pursue them are largely unconnected today. An
enormous range of synthesis methods is applied to inorganic materials, including
techniques that take place in the solid, liquid, vapour, and plasma phases. In some
cases, the methods are necessarily batch processes and not easily automated. While
it is possible, for example, to contemplate the creation of robotics to undertake
mass-customized tasks such as glass-blowing for the encapsulation of materials to
make single crystal specimens for detailed characterization, it is more profitable to
address processes that are immediately amenable to automation. New paradigms
for solving the same synthesis problems may be the only way to automate a task
such as glass-blowing.

6.4.2 Organic materials
Organic molecules are used as medicines, functional coatings, energy storage, and
energy harvesting, to name but a few applications. To design a universal organic
materials synthesis machine is a massive undertaking due to the huge number of
possible molecular structures. An important research question is to determine the
minimal space of molecular architecture that can address the broadest range of
properties, i.e., the functional degeneracy of organic molecules. If a high degree
of functional diversity can be achieved with a small set of structural diversity or
from a set of molecules that can all be obtained using a small set of reactions, the
complexity of the design of an automated device is greatly reduced. Research is
needed to determine the structural space that would enable the broadest functional

The automation of chemical synthesis has been accomplished for a few structural
classes. Peptide synthesis was first automated in the 1960s through the development
of solid-phase peptide synthesis technology. More recently, the synthesis of
polynucleotides and oligosaccharides has been automated. New methods are
being developed to automate the synthesis of polyketide-type products. For all
these methods, the products produced are built up from the iterative use of a
single reaction with structurally related starting materials. There have been efforts
to develop an automated synthesis machine that can perform a broad range of
reactions to assemble pharmaceutical drugs through a multi-step synthetic process
[5]. The ability to automate the mechanics of synthesis has been even extended to
the synthesis of biological molecules such as DNA and proteins [6].

Any high-throughput research pipeline that takes new functional organic compounds
to a fully optimized and tested device integration must incorporate automated
materials characterization tools to achieve a time-efficient feedback loop.
Advanced characterization tools integrated with modular materials robotics, such
as spectroscopies (e.g., NMR, infrared, ultra-fast spectroscopy), are essential to
close the loop of materials design and automated synthesis.

6.4.3 Nanomaterials and composites

Nanomaterials, such as nanoparticles and nanowires, are an intriguing class of
organic or inorganic materials with dimensions of between 1 and 100 nanometres
(nm). The nanometre is a critical length scale because it lies between the typical
dimensions of molecules (0.1 nm) and those of bulk materials (>100 nm). Consequently,
physical properties such as color, melting point, chemical reactivity, and magnetism
often vary as the size of nanometre-scale materials decreases. Furthermore, new
properties can emerge by tailoring not only nanoparticle size and morphology,
but also by positioning chemically diverse atoms, domains, and functional groups
at precise locations within such materials. For example, the specific location of
individual dopant atoms within inorganic nanocrystals directly leads to novel
physical properties, enabling new energy-saving smart window technologies [7], new

materials for hydrogen storage [8], and catalysts for generating fuel from sunlight
[9]. Nanostructured materials of this sophistication must be programmed by multi-
step chemical synthesis, where heterogeneous components are assembled in a
particular order, each under specific conditions. Much like the modular synthesis
of peptides and organic molecules, the atomic structure of inorganic nanomaterials
can be controlled by the regulation of a few key synthesis variables in sequence.

To design next-generation, multi-functional nanomaterials and nanocomposites with

an impact on energy applications, it is essential to establish modular, precision-
tunable, and robust protocols for their synthesis. The major challenge in designing
and fabricating such complex nanomaterials is that many different synthetic
methods exist for a given nanomaterial, and synthetic parameters such as reagent
concentration and growth temperature are numerous and highly interdependent.
Understanding these dependencies and optimizing synthetic pathways is difficult
because the chemical mechanisms for nanomaterial growth are not well defined.
When nanoparticles are combined with disparate materials into nanocomposites
(e.g., metal nanoparticles in a polymer matrix), fabrication methods become even
more complex and time- and resource-intensive. Typical approaches to produce
bulk nanocomposites (e.g., precipitation of secondary phases from metastable
solid solutions) lack precision control over the distribution of phases and/or are
limited in compositional versatility. Therefore, new low-cost and simple strategies
to produce bulk nanocomposites must be developed [10].

Modular robotics has the potential to enable high-throughput synthesis and evaluation
of these materials to gather and trend data. These automated workflows can potentially
find the limits of a given synthetic method in producing a nanomaterial with a given
chemical or physical property. The ability to “fail fast” using high-throughput,
automated synthesis would enable rapid evaluation of different synthesis recipes
for achieving a target material. Convergence on a single and robust protocol
would discourage proprietary recipes and allow faster entry of newly discovered
nanomaterials into technology space.

Early automation of nanoparticle synthesis has been achieved in continuous flow

reactors often in millifluidic or microfluidic volumes [11,12]. In flow reactors, reagent
concentrations are controlled digitally by varying the flow rates of intersecting
streams of precursor solutions. Reaction times are controlled by varying the flow
rates through known lengths of tubing, which are heated across programmed
temperature profiles. The reactions are monitored spectroscopically by placing
optical probes along or at the end of the tubing. Rapid optimization of nanoparticle
properties, such as luminescence color and color purity of CdSe nanoparticles,
has been demonstrated using feedback between online spectroscopy, reagent
flow rates, and reactor temperatures. The advantage of flow reactors is that they
can be fabricated modularly and inexpensively. However, their use is restricted to
well-behaved, homogeneous reactions in which a limited number of reagents are
used. This precludes their use for screening a large number of parameters.

The batch synthesis of nanoparticles in parallel arrays offers a more flexible platform
for automated nanocrystal synthesis. However, due to the more extreme reaction
conditions, only a few custom-developed robots have been used to automate
the synthesis, characterization, and high-throughput screening of nanoparticles.
The Molecular Foundry, a U.S. DOE nanoscience user facility, pioneered the
automated, high-throughput synthesis of inorganic nanocrystals, introducing its
first-generation robot, WANDA, in 2008 [13]. (See Figure 6.2 for a photograph
of HERMAN, WANDA’s successor.) WANDA and other synthesis robots perform
typical chemistry operations such as dispensing reagents, heating and stirring
reactions, and sampling aliquots into arrays of 8 to 96 reactor wells. Modular
characterization tools such as high-throughput microplate readers measure the
absorption, luminescence, x-ray diffraction, Raman scattering, and dynamic light
scattering of products synthesized by upstream robots.

Figure 6.2 HERMAN. Robotic deck of HERMAN, the High-through Experimentation Robot for
Multiplexed Automation of Nanochemistry. HERMAN, the successor of WANDA, is used to synthesize
colloidal inorganic nanomaterials and nanocomposites at the Molecular Foundry (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, USA). Each module of HERMAN (horizontally distributed deck elements)
performs fundamental operations such as weighing solid reagents, dispensing liquid solutions,
heating and stirring chemical reactions, sampling products over time, and purifying products, all
inside an inert glovebox atmosphere.

Automated nanoparticle synthesis workflows provide researchers with a set of

robust protocols to rapidly test multiple theory-guided hypotheses via systematic
variation of nanocrystal properties or reaction conditions. Users of WANDA, drawn
from an international base of researchers, have generated significant insights
into the mechanisms of nanocrystal growth [14, 15] and identified new materials
for thermoelectric [16], sensing [11], and electronic [18] applications. These
automated synthesis workflows have increased the reproducibility and throughput
of nanocrystal syntheses by an order of magnitude [19], facilitating the high-quality
production of semiconductors (CdSe), metals (Ag), and oxides (ZnO) (Figure 6.3).
Rapid iteration with robots has allowed the realization of precise control over
nanomaterial parameters such as size [20], shape [21], color [22,23], emission
intensity [24], and thermal conductivity [25].

Despite the successes of automating nanomaterials synthesis with robotics, these

approaches still require significant human interaction and have not yet integrated AI
into autonomous, closed-loop workflows. Specifically, the examples referenced above

Figure 6.3 Microplate. Photoluminescence micrograph of robotically synthesized cadmium selenide
and cadmium telluride nanoparticle solutions in a 96-well microplate under ultraviolet illumination.
The color of each nanoparticle reaction (each well) varies with their size and growth conditions.
[Credit: Emory Chan, Molecular Foundry]

largely harness combinatorial strategies that inefficiently test every combination

of parameters, resulting in only a small fraction of optimized “hits.” Despite the
accelerated iteration cycles provided by high-throughput methods, the permutations
of synthesis variables number in the billions or trillions — far too many to test with
even the most efficient robot. While several approaches have leveraged physical
models to narrow the number of required experiments, physical models are often
sparse in the early stages of the development of a new nanomaterial. Consequently,
robotic nanomaterials synthesis would benefit significantly from integration with
feedback from AI algorithms that rely on statistical models early in research
campaigns, while evolving into physically insightful models at later stages.

Practically, the main obstacle to the autonomous discovery of nanomaterials is

the inability to verify 3D structure and internal composition at the same rate that
the products can be synthesized in high-throughput robotics. Electron microscopy
is a critical characterization tool because the properties of nanomaterials are
inherently linked to their size and shape, which can only be resolved by electron
microscopes. However, standard electron microscopes are only able to characterize
1 to 5% of the samples currently synthesized by high-throughput robotics because
the repetitive act of loading, focusing, and imaging large numbers of nanoparticle
samples is prohibitively time-consuming (ca. 5 samples/h, 200 nanoparticles/
sample). Additionally, while traditional TEM imaging gives a wealth of information
(e.g., size, shape, faceting), the resulting micrographs are 2D projections that
mask 3D morphology and spatial variations in composition, which are critical to
understanding of multi-component heterostructures. Although automated “critical-
dimension” scanning electron microscopes are available for the semiconductor

industry and a handful of automated transmission electron microscopes have been
custom built for biomedical research, these rare and expensive tools have not been
integrated modularly into a robotic synthesis and screening workflow. Ultimately, the
automation of 2D and 3D TEM characterization modules to match the production
rate of automated synthesis workflows would dramatically accelerate the discovery
of atomically engineered nanomaterials for clean energy and catalysis.

References for Chapter 6
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Jonathan W. Lehmann, Greg F. Morehouse and Martin D. Burke, “Synthesis of many different
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6. Craig Venter in Nature Biotechnology 35, 672–675 (2017) doi:10.1038/nbt.3859
7. Anna Llordés, Guillermo Garcia, Jaume Gazquez and Delia J. Milliron, “Tunable near-infrared and
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8. Ki-Joon Jeon, Hoi Ri Moon, Anne M. Ruminski, Bin Jiang, Christian Kisielowski, Rizia Bardhan
and Jeffrey J. Urban, “Air-stable magnesium nanocomposites provide rapid and high-capacity
hydrogen storage without using heavy-metal catalysts,” Nature Materials 10 (2011): 286–290,
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9. Vismadeb Mazumder, Youngmin Lee and Shouheng Sun, “Recent Development of Active Nanoparticle
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10. Maria Ibáñez, Zhishan Luo, Aziz Genç, Laura Piveteau, Silvia Ortega, Doris Cadavid, Oleksandr
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11. Emory M. Chan, Richard A. Mathies, and A. Paul Alivisatos, “Size-Controlled Growth of CdSe
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12. Samuel Marre and Klavs F. Jensen, “Synthesis of micro and nanostructures in microfluidic systems,”
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13. Emory M. Chan, Chenxu Xu, Alvin W. Mao, Gang Han, Jonathan S. Owen, Bruce E. Cohen and Delia
J. Milliron, “Reproducible, High-Throughput Synthesis of Colloidal Nanocrystals for Optimization in
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14. Jonathan S. Owen, Emory M. Chan, Haitao Liu and A. Paul Alivisatos, “Precursor Conversion
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Society 132, Issue 51 (2010): 18206–18213, DOI: 10.1021/ja106777j.
15. Michael D. Clark, Sanat K. Kumar, Jonathan S. Owen and Emory M. Chan, “Focusing Nanocrystal
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16. Joseph P. Feser, Emory M. Chan, Arun Majumdar, Rachel A. Segalman and Jeffrey J. Urban,
“Ultralow Thermal Conductivity in Polycrystalline CdSe Thin Films with Controlled Grain Size,”
Nano Letters 13, Issue 5 (2013): 2122–2127, DOI: 10.1021/nl400531f.
17. Jacob D. Kilbane, Emory M. Chan, Christian Monachon, Nicholas J. Borys, Elizabeth S. Levy, Andrea
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18. Saahil Mehra, Amy Bergerud, Delia J. Milliron, Emory M. Chan, and Alberto Salleo, “Core/Shell
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of Materials 28, Issue 10 (2016): 3454–3461, DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00981.
19. Chan et al. 2010, op. cit.
20. Chan et al. 2010, op. cit.
21. Mehra et al., op. cit.
22. Chan et al. 2010, op. cit.
23. Emory M. Chan, Gang Han, Joshua D. Goldberg, Daniel J. Gargas, Alexis D. Ostrowski, P. James
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24. Daniel J. Gargas, Emory M. Chan, Alexis D. Ostrowski, Shaul Aloni, M. Virginia P. Altoe, Edward
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25. Feser et al., op. cit.

7 Goal #4: Inverse Design

he current approach to materials discovery centres on the use
of human intuition as the starting point and driver for desired
functionality. That intuition is the basis for a search on structure,
composition, and properties, which, in a linear fashion, reduce into
hypotheses, testing methodologies, and iterative processes that update
the initial intuition until the desired target functionality is achieved.
Computational screening has accelerated the “guess and check” process,
but it will always be hampered by the limits of this Edisonian paradigm.

Inverse design, as the name implies, inverts the paradigm by starting

with the final goal and searches for an ideal materials solution to a
particular clean energy challenge. It is closely related to the generative
models described in Chapter 5. Inverse design represents the “Holy
Grail” for autonomous materials discovery, as it connects the desired
properties to specific compositions, structures, and materials as
targets to synthesize, characterize, and test. This requires the design
process to incorporate the necessary physics that describes the desired
functionality. In this case, the researcher creates the machinery for
discovery. Once enacted, it can self-optimize to identify the pathway to
the desired goal. The inverse design process (see Figure 7.1) is currently
not autonomous or automated, except for special instances in specific
systems. Moreover, it has not been integrated across disciplines.

The fundamental challenges in realizing generic inverse design strategies
emanate from the strong correlation of steps involved in conventional
design processes. Several paradigm changes are required to ensure
that this ideology does not become a wrapper around a still inefficient
Edisonian process, but rather disrupts the perceptions of materials

Defining appropriate building blocks is the most important capability

that is still lacking. This describes a wide array of efforts from
developing appropriate fingerprints for structure-property relationships

Figure 7.1 Schematic representation of a computational inverse materials design process. After
devising design principles and generating a set of candidates that satisfy them, theory and experiment
are employed in a high-throughput manner to rapidly screen the candidates down to a short list.
Subsequent advanced characterization is conducted and all aspects of the approach are integrated
to aid in further rational inverse design. [Source: Based on ref 1]

to appropriate building blocks for synthesis and characterization. These efforts

are all disparate, resulting in little to no crossover, which is critical to take a single
concept and describe its functionality, synthesizability, and characterizability — the
cornerstone of inverse design. Much of this is due to a lack of appropriate paradigms
for many of the processes currently utilized in synthesis and characterization.
Simple reaction models are often used to understand dynamic processes that
involve many variables. This oversimplification in order to create tractable models
for human brains has resulted in a dearth of complex data necessary for machines
to develop the same character of understanding.

Even if all the data and models actually existed, there is very little understanding
on how researchers should mix structured and unstructured data. Methods of
incorporating the unknown are necessary to have a “built-in” ability to discover
transformational materials that do not exist in the current models of understanding,
e.g., the discovery of quasi-crystals. There is an opportunity to expand the inverse
design process to take materials discovery into new regions of understanding,
opening up all possible functionality, rather than only what we currently grasp.

Existing computational methods rely on a limited palette of building blocks (e.g., a

few different types of atoms) that can only be placed into a limited grid of spaces.
One method of sidestepping this limitation is to develop methods to intelligently
select these building blocks at different levels of complexity to suit the targeted
goal. This idea also extends into synthesis and characterization. Often in synthesis,
notions of stability are used to filter down candidate materials, while many

breakthrough materials are non-equilibrium in a global sense. Key to surmounting
this challenge is incorporating fingerprints that represent synthesis to serve as
proxies for complex dynamical considerations that could alleviate complexity and
make the inverse design process tractable. These fingerprints would be synthesis,
chemistry, structural, and domain specific to ensure that a variety of dynamical
considerations, from kinetics of atomic motion to macroscopic degradation such
as corrosion and fatigue, could be adequately incorporated into the search.


Inverse design assists in properly defining the problem space for many areas
of clean energy research. Currently, targeted functionality focuses on individual
properties or processes believed to be problematic or promising for overall
functionality. Focusing on final goals allows complex problems, such as finding
optimal non-platinum group metal catalysts [2], to be fully modelled and optimized
before initial testing. Once automated, the machinery begins testing possible
materials, compositions, and structures. The resulting iterative process is Pareto-
optimal given the amount of existing data already present and the ability to glean
as much information as possible from characterization. This same methodology
can accelerate discovery in a variety of functionalities key to energy production
and use, ranging from thermoelectrics for better waste heat recovery to novel
solar cells for improved light collection efficiencies and better dielectrics for more
efficient power conversion [3,4,5].

More generally, inverse design processes can improve the efficiency of existing
infrastructure for synthesis and characterization. Fingerprints are not limited to
fundamental materials building blocks, but rather any combination of variables that
define the search space for an outcome. Thus, an inverse design process can be
used to direct the most appropriate characterization conditions instead of searching
for optimal parameters via brute force. Similarly, in synthesis, the best parameters
would be directed rather than randomly searching for them, reducing the waste
and ensuring that the global optimum is achieved rather than local optima, as is
often the case when a human is directly optimizing a process. This would enable
crucial scaling necessary for a materials breakthrough to translate from a lab-scale
curiosity to an industrially made and applied breakthrough.


Inverse design is key to developing not only novel materials, but also to materials
understanding in general. While AI4M (Goal 2) would develop the techniques necessary
to translate data into models and accelerate sub-processes within discovery, inverse
design would build the “why” of connecting structure, environment, processing
parameters, and any fundamental building block for targeted functionality and
outcomes. This would be done by ingesting the trove of data generated by modular
materials robotic (Goal 3) to synthesize and characterize materials as directed by
inverse design. Understanding length and time scales (Goal 5) is key to bounding

building blocks to the appropriate scope and ensuring consideration of all aspects
of materials parameters, from atomic to engineering scale.


7.4.1 Inorganic materials
The relatively underdeveloped description of inorganic materials structures
represents one of the foundational challenges for inverse design in this space. In
contrast to organic materials, in which the fundamental building units (molecules)
have well-defined placements of the atoms, many functional inorganic materials are
intrinsically disordered or partially inhomogeneous alloys at a variety of length scales.
Thus, inorganic-specific inverse design methods must be capable of evaluating and
optimizing acceptable distributions of possible microscopic atomic configurations
and structures. Some efforts to tackle this challenge focus on understanding the
effects of disorder or deconvoluting the disorder into its own set of building blocks
such as describing disorder as a macroscopic solid solution of defects that can
be uniquely defined. This relies on conventional intuition as to the limits of these
models. Accessing these text-based models is currently outside the realm of
automated design models. However, it could be a valuable source of structure and
data for future inorganic inverse design efforts and alleviate the issue that these
data are not machine encoded as they often are interspersed in literature as text.

Basic inverse design methodology has already been applied to several challenges
in inorganic semiconductor materials [5]. For example, silicon and germanium are
the most widely used materials for producing solar cells, but they are inherently
inefficient at absorbing light due to their indirect band gaps. In principle, specially
designed alternating layers of silicon and germanium (Si/Ge heterostructures) can
have a direct band gap that more efficiently absorbs light, thus reducing the amount
of material — and hence the cost — of solar cells. Here, the modular building blocks
are Si and Ge atoms, which can be arranged in an astronomical number of possible
stoichiometries and configurations, e.g., solid solutions, mixtures, layers, varying
layer thicknesses. Zunger and co-workers demonstrated that low-computational-
cost proxy models could be used to assess the stability of the arrangements and
light absorption properties, and genetic algorithms used to direct the search for
spatial arrangements with this property [6]. A similar approach can be used to
design layers in Si/Ge nanowires with optimal solar light-absorbing properties [7],
and even Si/Ge materials with optimal performance for quantum computers [8].

Similarly, the performance of dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) devices is critically

dependent on the electronic structure of electrode materials. Moot et al. recently used
the current best known electrode, NiO, as a proxy for all the target functionalities
of effective DSSC electrodes [9]. The authors used a similarity search to find the
closest neighbour to the nickel oxide in a numeric vector space that encoded
band structure diagram. The fabricated PbTiO3 DSSC devices exhibited the best
performance in an aqueous solution, showing remarkably high fill factors compared

Figure 7.2 A schematic illustration of an informatics-driven loop enabling design of novel DSSC
material. [Source: ref 9]

with typical photocathode systems. Such integration of informatics driving method

and experiment allowed the creation of a full circle feedback loop (Figure 7.2).

In both these examples, human intuition still played a key role in inverse design.
Fully automated inverse design would require minimal definition from humans on
structure-property relationships and find the most appropriate connections based
on the available data. Nevertheless, these examples showcase paradigms that can
be templated with simple substitutions, reducing the human involvement in decision
making, and expanding scope from simple structural and property models to fully
integrated atomistic- to engineering-scale descriptions.

7.4.2 Organic materials

Inverse design strategies have also been used for organic materials challenges
including designing organic LED materials [10] and photovoltaic materials (Figure
7.3) [11]. New machine learning techniques, such as variational autoencoder
representations [12] and generative adversarial networks (Chapter 5) [13], allow
for the direct generation of molecular structures from optimizations in an abstract
property space, without the need to enumerate explicit atom positions.

A key challenge is the ability to handle more than the structure of single molecules
and encompass the full spatial-scale, non-equilibrium arrangements of the molecules

Figure 7.3 Example of inverse design for improved power output in organic photovoltaic materials
by increased interfacial roughness. [Source: Dr. Geoffrey Hutchison, University of Pittsburgh]

that emerge from the intermolecular interactions between the molecules. At

present, the fundamental theory of the self-assembly processes that give rise to
non-equilibrium/metastable arrangements in organic materials and organic block
co-polymers is not developed [14]. The need for further basic research efforts in
this field is pressing. One promising area of impact is the design of morphologies
for improved charge transport [15] or inverse design to optimize combined ion and
charge transport in supercapacitors and polymer-based batteries.

7.4.3 Nanomaterials and composites

Inverse design of nanomaterials and composites for clean energy applications has yet
to reach the same level of maturity as the inorganic and molecular fields described
above, in part due to the large structural phase space. Examples of inverse design
of nanomaterials can be found in related areas, e.g., nanophotonics, where general
inverse design algorithms that directly incorporate fabrication constraints have
been developed and applied successfully [16]. Generic macroscopic descriptors
are also scarce because simple concepts such as particle size, which are useful to
describe some nanomaterials, fail to encompass the true complexity of structures
and to fully describe their functionality, e.g., surface termination and chemical
ordering, faceting, compositional heterogeneity, etc.

Nanoalloy catalysis provides an illustrative example of predicting structure and

composition of nanomaterials for clean energy applications. Atomic-scale simulations,
machine learning, and genetic algorithms are now being used to accelerate the
prediction of structure and chemical ordering of nanoparticles. However, this is
typically constrained to analyzing only a fixed size and stoichiometry. Figure 7.4
shows the prediction of global optimum configuration for 2 nm CuNi nanoalloys,
i.e., an icosahedral NiCu core-shell structure [17]. Generalizing this process
towards true inverse design is currently underway, e.g., identification of optimal
stoichiometries to generate surface compositions predicted to yield high catalytic

Figure 7.4 Generic algorithms for prediction of the global optimum icosahedral Ni@Cu core-shell
configuration for 2 nm CuNi nanoalloys. [Source: ref 17]

activity and selectivity, such as nanoalloys for electrochemical reduction of CO2

[18] or larger Au nanoparticles on carbon supports [19].

The next step towards inverse nanocatalyst design is identifying the specific particle
size, composition, and structure that yield the highest total particle activity. This is
already within reach through use of materials descriptors and scaling relations as a
fingerprint of the catalytic activity. Using a Gaussian process surrogate model trained
on adsorption energies and group additivity fingerprints, Nørskov et al. recently
demonstrated that it is possible to predict the most important reaction step on a
simple metal surface to be calculated explicitly without computationally demanding
electronic structure theory [20]. An inverse design scenario for nanoparticle catalysts
would also need to include the ability to assess, differentiate, and generate multiple
possible reaction pathways on a wide distribution of ill-defined, under-coordinated,
and strained sites, which remains beyond existing techniques.

References for Chapter 7
1. Center for Inverse Design (website), accessed 2017,
2. Sang Moon Kim, Chi-Yeong Ahn, Yong-Hun Cho, Sungjun Kim, Wonchan Hwang, Segeun Jang,
Sungsoo Shin, Gunhee Lee, Yung-Eun Sung and Mansoo Choi, “High-performance Fuel Cell with
Stretched Catalyst-Coated Membrane: One-step Formation of Cracked Electrode,” Scientific Reports
6, Number 26503 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/srep26503.
3. Millicent B. Smith and Josef Michl, “Singlet Fission,” Chemical Reviews 110, Issue 11 (2010):
6891–6936, DOI: 10.1021/cr1002613.
4. Chun-Te Wu, Wen-Pin Liao and Jih-Jen Wu, “Three-dimensional ZnO nanodendrite/nanoparticle
composite solar cells,” Journal of Materials Chemistry 21, Issue 9 (2011): 2871–2876, DOI: 10.1039/
5. I. E. Castelli and K. W. Jacobsen, “Designing rules and probabilistic weighting for fast materials
discovery in the Perovskite structure,” Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
22, Number 055007 (2014), DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/22/5/055007.
6. Mayeul d’Avezac, Jun-Wei Luo, Thomas Chanier and Alex Zunger, “Genetic-Algorithm Discovery of
a Direct-Gap and Optically Allowed Superstructure from Indirect-Gap Si and Ge Semiconductors,”
Physical Review Letters 108, Number 027401 (2012), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.027401.
7. Lijun Zhang, Mayeul d’Avezac, Jun-Wei Luo and Alex Zunger, “Genomic Design of Strong Direct-Gap
Optical Transition in Si/Ge Core/Multishell Nanowires,” Nano Letters 12, Issue 2 (2012): 984–991,
DOI: 10.1021/nl2040892.
8. Lijun Zhang, Jun-Wei Luo, Andre Saraiva, Belita Koiller and Alex Zunger, “Genetic design of enhanced
valley splitting towards a spin qubit in silicon,” Nature Communications 4, Number 2396 (2013),
DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3396.
9. Taylor Moot, Olexandr Isayev, Robert W. Call, Shannon M. McCullough, Morgan Zemaitis, Rene Lopez,
James F. Cahoon and Alexander Tropsha, “Material informatics driven design and experimental
validation of lead titanate as an aqueous solar photocathode,” Materials Discovery 6, Issue C
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10. Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Timothy D. Hirzel, David Duvenaud, Dougal
Maclaurin, Martin A. Blood-Forsythe, Hyun Sik Chae, Markus Einzinger, Dong-Gwang Ha, Tony Wu,
Georgios Markopoulos, Soonok Jeon, Hosuk Kang, Hiroshi Miyazaki, Masaki Numata, Sunghan
Kim, Wenliang Huang, Seong Ik Hong, Marc Baldo, Ryan P. Adams and Alán Aspuru-Guzik, “Design
of efficient molecular organic light-emitting diodes by a high-throughput virtual screening and
experimental approach,” Nature Materials 15 (2016): 1120–1127, DOI:10.1038/nmat4717.
11. Johannes Hachmann, Roberto Olivares-Amaya, Adrian Jinich, Anthony L. Appleton, Martin A. Blood-
Forsythe, László R. Seress, Carolina Román-Salgado, Kai Trepte, Sule Atahan-Evrenk, Süleyman
Er, Supriya Shrestha, Rajib Mondal, Anatoliy Sokolov, Zhenan Baod and Alán Aspuru-Guzik, “Lead
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– the Harvard Clean Energy Project,” Energy & Environmental Science 7, Issue 2 (2014): 698, DOI:
12. Rafael Gómez-Bombarelli, Jennifer N. Wei, David Duvenaud, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato,
Benjamín Sánchez-Lengeling, Dennis Sheberla, Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Timothy D. Hirzel,
Ryan P. Adams and Alán Aspuru-Guzik, “Automatic chemical design using a data-driven continuous
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13. Benjamin Sanchez-Lengeling, Carlos Outeiral, Gabriel L. Guimaraes and Alan Aspuru-Guzik, “Optimizing
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14. Marcus Müller and De-Wen Sun, “Process-directed self-assembly of block copolymers: a computer
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16. Alexander Y. Piggott, Jan Petykiewicz, Logan Su and Jelena Vučković, “Fabrication-constrained
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18. Steen Lysgaard, Jón S. G. Mýrdal, Heine A. Hansen and Tejs Vegge, “A DFT-based genetic algorithm
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19. Tao Cheng, Yufeng Huang, Hai Xiao and William A. Goddard III, “Predicted Structures of the Active
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20. Zachary W. Ulissi, Andrew J. Medford, Thomas Bligaard and Jens K. Nørskov, “To address surface
reaction network complexity using scaling relations machine learning and DFT calculations,” Nature
Communications 8, Number 14621 (2017), DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14621.

Goal #5: Bridging Length and Time
8 Scales

aterials systems frequently demand understanding and
control of properties that span wide ranges of length and
time scales. For example, mechanical properties of materials
depend on atom-atom adhesion at the nanoscale, crack formation
and grain-boundary interactions at the mesoscale, and stress/strain
relations at the macroscopic scale. In addition to determining bulk
material properties, a range of different length scales dominate the
function of complete devices (Figures 8.1-8.3), and complex interfacial
interactions between combinations of materials are crucial to the
design and function of most devices, such as solar cells, batteries,
organic light-emitting devices, and others. Such length scales can
range over 10 orders of magnitude, from sub-nanometre to multiple
metres or larger. Similarly, event time scales for materials can range
from femtoseconds, e.g., in the case of photoexcitation in solar cells,
to years and decades in the case of long-term photodegradation and
fatigue. Since important phenomena at vastly different scales are
frequently interrelated, methods that can bridge all relevant scales
consistently are needed to achieve a comprehensive and predictive
understanding of material properties.

Figure 8.1 Range of length scales that must be considered to understand the
performance characteristics of a device (left), down to its material components
(right). [Source: ref 1]

Figure 8.2 The importance of interfacial interactions between materials for a device. [Source: ref 2]

A powerful toolbox of experimental and computational techniques currently exists

with each providing a view of a small range of length scales over a small range of
time scales, for perhaps one set of properties of a single class of materials. These
techniques, however, are generally not integrated into a single platform. Instead,
the current approach is to manually patch together different methods and data
from different scales using human intuition.

Computationally, techniques for specific length and time scales include atomic-
level quantum mechanical calculations, nanoscale classical molecular dynamics
simulations, and mesoscale and macroscopic continuum field methods (Figure
8.4). Such techniques are usually implemented in separate software programs
and written in different programming languages, which are not easily integrated.
Parameterization and validation of theoretical models and methods are often
narrowly scoped and unautomated. Model development to bridge scales is usually

Figure 8.3 The performance of a flexible organic solar cell depends on electronic processes that
occur on a wide range of length scales, down to the atomic level.

undertaken on a case-by-case basis, such as in the development of multi-scale
coarse-grained (MS-CG) molecular dynamics models from atomistic models [3].
Hybrid-resolution methods, such as quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/
MM) [4], and particle/continuum [5] approaches that can bridge some scales have
been developed, but current implementations do not allow for general application
or automation. Different computational methods are adapted for different scales,
but no general method exists for partitioning space or time between different
scales to be treated by different techniques. Some progress, however, has been
made, such as in the mapping of atomistic to coarse-grained molecular models
[6]. General-purpose software for some methods/scales does not exist or is still
in the early stages of development, as in the case of field-theoretic or dynamical
(classical) density functional theory simulations of mesoscale to macroscopic
properties [7]. A general, integrated theoretical framework and computational
platform for treating all relevant length and time scales to simulate and predict
material properties does not exist, nor do data or software standards for interfacing
software and experiments designed to treat different scales.

To date, most theory and simulation have been devoted to calculating equilibrium
properties, whereas materials and devices in energy applications often operate
out-of-equilibrium. Basic theories of non-equilibrium processes are much less

Figure 8.4 Breadth of different time and length scales encompassing various levels of theory and
interactions. Multi-scale theoretical and computational methods used for materials model development
and computer simulations. [Source: ref 14]

developed, and fewer computational algorithms for addressing non-equilibrium,
time-dependent, or excited-state behaviour are available compared with equilibrium
properties, particularly for phenomena that span many scales [8].

As in theory, the few examples of multi-scale characterization in recent literature

focus on single systems and single techniques that may have sufficient resolution
to bridge one set of length scales [9,10,11]. Similarly, tools for chemical and
structural mapping of surfaces and interfaces are beginning to emerge, but still lack
standards for use and interpretation of results [12,13]. Finally, very few examples
of general experimental approaches to characterize non-equilibrium processes and
metastability in materials exist in the current literature, which is in part likely due
to gaps in theoretical approaches to the same problem.

The development of new, automated experimental and computational bridging
tools that give a holistic view of a material is critical to accelerating the design of
better functional materials and devices. Improved data standards and software
interfaces between simulation codes and between experimental instruments
would enable the integration of tools adapted to different scales. A combination
of fundamental theoretical basic research, software development, and advances
in machine learning could allow time and length scales to be systematically and
reliably partitioned between models of different resolution, making possible more
efficient, accurate, and automated multi-scale or hybrid-resolution simulations of
materials. AI tools could also help to bridge both spatial and time scales, e.g., in
the sampling of rare events [15].

Simulation methods could be made more computationally tractable by using AI

techniques, such as machine-learned surrogate models for computationally expensive
density functional calculations, which can be trained on accurate atomistic dynamics
and then applied to longer length and time scales relevant to mesoscale or bulk
properties [16]. Integrated experimental and computational tools would enable
a feedback loop between experimental characterization/analysis and theoretical
refinement and prediction across length and time scales, facilitated by AI tools for
decision making. New AI approaches to feedback, decision making, and prediction
could enable autonomous analysis and rapid identification of gaps in understanding
and necessary further feedback. Computational methods combined with AI
techniques could help determine the proper scale, morphology, or formulation for
a device once an optimal (“Goldilocks”) material is known.

Many important functionalities depend on many-body interactions, which govern the

lifetime of excitations in materials, and also energy transfer between the electronic
and vibrational excitations. For example, since electron-phonon coupling affects
both the electronic conductivity and the phonon spectrum of materials, it is a key
underlying property of thermoelectric materials [17,18]. The fundamental electronic
and vibrational excitations interact because they have similar energy scales, but

the wavelengths can be quite different since they are typically long for acoustic
phonons and short for electrons in metals. Thus, the different excited states interact
differently with their surroundings, suggesting new schemes to tailor the electron-
phonon coupling by hierarchically structuring the materials on the nanoscale.

Synchrotron x-ray probes provide an ideal way to characterize these effects

because the x-ray wavelengths available at synchrotron sources cover phenomena
occurring from the atomic to the mesoscopic scale. Available techniques include
scattering, which is sensitive to short- and long-range structures, and photoelectron
spectroscopy, which is sensitive to electronic structure, chemical composition, and
electronic lifetimes due to many-body interactions. Furthermore, x-rays can be
tuned to atomic energy levels, making these techniques simultaneously sensitive
to chemical state. Finally, synchrotron beams can now be focused to nanoscale
dimensions for probing individual structures.

In the next 10 years, synchrotrons are expected to evolve towards fully coherent x-ray
sources, opening up new approaches. When coherent x-rays scatter from samples,
the inhomogeneity is encoded in the scattered wavefronts, and this information
can be analyzed with spatial, chemical, magnetic, and temporal resolution.

From the temporal point of view, chemical processes bridge spatial scales from
the atomic/ultra-fast (bond breaking and formation) to the mesoscale (diffusion)
to the higher-level structures on the microscale. Coherent soft x-ray wavelengths
cover the entire range of length scales, provide chemical sensitivity, and scale from
seconds to nanoseconds. These tools will revolutionize the information that can be
obtained from heterogeneous, multi-step chemical processes.

It may be possible to develop a system that uses synchrotron x-rays as the critical
characterization tool in an optimization loop that explores the morphology of materials.
Such a system could be used to optimize new materials for various applications.
However, to maximally leverage available knowledge of chemical characterization,
advanced characterization techniques should be more closely integrated. Schemes
for sharing, storing, and relating data collecting for characterization at the many
length and time scales are critical for the success of such a program. In addition,
surface and interfacially sensitive characterization techniques are not well developed
enough to integrate cleanly in such a system and fundamental research into their
development is needed. Finally, the framework for integrated characterization
must be adaptable to understanding the impact of defects and impurities, since
these are critical to the performance of many energy materials, e.g., catalysts and


Improving multi-scale modelling and characterization across both length and time
scales would dramatically benefit materials design for a wide range of clean energy
applications, including energy storage (from electron-transfer events to materials

fatigue and decay) and solar energy conversion (from individual photo-excitations to
photodegradation). Such tools would accelerate discovery and improve predictions
for inverse design. Rather than waiting for years to determine if a new material will
be stable, predicting this long-term behaviour during short experiments would be
possible. The deeper and broader fundamental understanding of materials (including
heterogeneous, disordered, and non-equilibrium phases, interfaces, and defects),
and of how properties on different length and time scales relate would enable new,
emergent structure-processing-property relationships to be predicted, would lead
to new physics and chemistry (e.g., multi-functional or active materials) that could
be exploited for energy applications. New in situ approaches for characterization of
materials and devices across scales would enable more appropriate characterization
of critical properties relevant to performance under operation conditions. The
development of an integrated multi-scale platform for modelling and characterization
would also create a more multidisciplinary community and foster relationships and
collaboration schemes, enabling and accelerating complementary work.


Achieving this goal requires advances in several other goals. Modular materials
robotics (Goal 3) must be able to perform experiments that provide information
across many length and time scales as raw input for validating the new theoretical
methods required. Interfacing experimental and computational tools seamlessly
across scales requires new standards and protocols for data infrastructure (Goal
6) to store and exchange information. Developing AI for materials (Goal 2) supports
the advancement of the necessary conceptual developments.

Achieving this goal would provide an essential building block for many of the other
goals. More efficient experimental and computational tools for bridging scales
would accelerate materials characterization and prediction, thereby speeding up
the design cycles needed for autonomous discovery and development (Goal 1). AI
for materials (Goal 2) needs to make inferences and provide explanations that span
length and time scales. A better fundamental understanding of how interactions
on small length and time scales influence large-scale behaviour would enable more
accurate predictions of functional material properties, such as device performance,
stability, and durability needed for inverse design (Goal 4). Finally, advances in
knowledge of relationships across scales could lead to improvements in how data
infrastructure (Goal 6) is organized.


8.4.1 Inorganic materials
The weakest link in our ability to relate nanoscale properties to macroscale device
performance is in the understanding of how defects and interfacial phenomena
relate to the final outcome. Understanding specifically where, how, and when
defects in materials form is a second question directly related to multi-scale

phenomena, with applications ranging from the design of more durable aircraft
alloys to semiconductor chips in modern computers. For example, the length of
solid-electrolyte interface is critically related to both the lifetime and performance
of lithium-ion batteries. Understanding the formation of this layer at multiple
length scales and understanding the time scales of its nucleation and longer-term
consequences is critical to designing more efficient energy storage materials
[19,20]. In another example, perovskites Ba1-xNdxCuO2 and CaCuO2 are both
insulating, but they can only be combined to form a high temperature (high Tc)
superconductor in super lattice form [21].

Understanding how to interface materials to optimize device performance, or

whether it is necessary to do so, is also important. For example, significant effort
has been invested in discovering new photoelectrocatalysts, but many of the most
successful materials for solar fuel conversion are multi-component systems that
combine the functionalities of their components [22,23,24]. Databases and AI
could aid the design and optimization of such multi-component materials and
interfaces. For example, a systematic understanding of how electrons, holes, or
substrates migrate in and out of materials is necessary to a more effective design
in photovoltaics and photocatalysts. The time scales relevant to these applications
range from femtoseconds (e.g., light absorption) to seconds (e.g., substrate flux).

8.4.2 Organic materials

Understanding molecular shape and packing and how these scale to nanoscale
and microscale materials partitioning and morphology, and the resulting effects
on electronic structure and transport properties, presents an important challenge
[25]. It is unclear how to translate microscopic intermolecular interactions to predict
and design bulk properties. What is the overlap of organic structural degeneracy
with macroscopic observable properties? This relates to the fundamental question
raised in Section 6.4.2: what is the minimal set of organic chemical space that
can be exploited to understand and predict all possible physical properties? To
address this question, integrated analytical tools are needed to characterize the
organic material both during synthesis and for under load, i.e., when being utilized.
This helps address the synthesis of a novel material with a targeted property, and
to ensure that life-cycle and material robustness are tested early in the discovery
phase. Integration and correlative analysis of multiple analytical data sets present
a multifaceted challenge that may be intractable using conventional analysis.
AI-enabled machine learning provides a method of delineation and identification
of data trends [26].

8.4.3 Nanomaterials and composites
Nanomaterials and composites are inherently heterogeneous both in composition
and organization. Functional properties are typically sensitive to interactions between
molecular components, as well as to material interfaces, defects, and disorder on
a range of length scales. For example, organic molecules affixed to quantum dots
suspended in a liquid crystal environment modify the interfacial properties between
the solid and the liquid medium, modulating dispersion and driving self-assembly
(Figure 8.5) [27]. Ultimately, this governs how individual components of the liquid
crystal organize themselves and, therefore, controls function. The heterogeneous
nature of nanomaterials (ligand/particle) or composites requires theoretical
understanding and characterization data covering both molecular components and
nanoscale domains and interfaces. Time-dependent phenomena (e.g., nucleation and
aging) that span a huge range of scales are crucial to understanding and controlling
the synthesis of nanomaterials and composites, as well as to ensuring long-term
stability in applications. Understanding time-dependent behaviour is also important
for designing novel active materials. Understanding of heterogeneity, disorder,
and interfaces inherent to nanomaterials and composites would be enhanced by
the development of new, automated tools to study buried, multi-phase interfaces
(e.g., organic-inorganic, solid-liquid, solid-gas, triple-phase), i.e., translating 2D
to 3D imaging and translating local to ensemble properties. Currently, no tools
exist for chemically mapping surfaces. Heterogeneity and disorder also present a
challenge for the reliable and reproducible synthesis of nanomaterials. Methods
for characterizing and controlling heterogeneity and disorder on a range of scales
are important for designing specific materials for specific applications.

Figure 8.5 Nanoparticle quantum dot (QD) “shells” arranged around a liquid crystal (LC) core. The
arrangement and functionality of the QDs in the shell are dictated by interactions between nanoparticle
surfaces, which may be functionalized by ligand adsorption, and the LC phase. [Source: ref 28]

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Solid Biomass Fuels Using Artificial Intelligence Formalisms,” BioEnergy Research 7, Issue 2 (2014):
681–692, DOI: 10.1007/s12155-013-9393-5.
27. Andrea L. Rodarte, Blessing H. Cao, Harmanpreet Panesar, Ronald J. Pandolfi, Makiko Quint,
Lauren Edwards, Sayantani Ghosh, Jason E. Hein and Linda S. Hirst, “Self-assembled nanoparticle
micro-shells templated by liquid crystal sorting,” Soft Matter 11, Issue 9 (2015): 1701–1707, DOI:
28. Ibid.

Goal #6: Data Infrastructure and
9 Interchange

utonomous materials discovery requires the involvement of
many disparate communities ranging from materials science,
chemistry, physics, and engineering to AI and robotics. Each
community has a unique terminology and set of standards. Further, the
rich and rapidly growing data on materials and their property, synthesis,
and characterization remain largely uncurated, unintegrated, and
unexplored due to the compartmentalization of this information, e.g.,
such data remain in the primary research lab. The full potential of the
effective exploitation of both textual data and published chemical data
often is untapped, mostly due to the lack of tools and focused methods
to curate, integrate, and transform the data into new, experimentally
testable hypotheses.

Integration of these communities, as well as of databases, hardware,

and software, is critical to an efficient materials design ecosystem
where tools developed in one discipline or geographical region are easily
understood and integrated with another. Similar to the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in the chemistry
community, or the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards groups
for HTML, a centralized stakeholder group is needed to set common
languages, categories, and standards in which data are captured and
retained, software and hardware are developed, and components
communicate with each other. This group must be connected to both
funding agencies and publishing bodies to ensure uniform application
of standards, deposition of data, and maintenance of repositories. A
2017 report funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)
highlights these issues [1].

This final goal of MAP aims to capitalize on the timely opportunity to

standardize and collect the community’s increasing amount of digital
materials data on synthesis and characterization of materials for clean
energy generation and conversion. The vision is of an open source,
online, international knowledge base that contains computational
data, characterization, and synthetic procedures and outcomes. Data

on poor or failed experiments or samples would be deposited along with data on
successful experiments.

As the essential input to AI and machine learning, data directly influence the predictive
capability envisioned for MAP. Integrating existing and future materials data,
originating from theory, synthesis, and characterization, could therefore accelerate
the materials discovery process. Given the depth, breadth, and heterogeneity of
materials property and process data, standardized data formats, data exchange
protocols, and workflows are needed. Building schema conversion and migration
tools could also leverage these protocols to facilitate an open data infrastructure
accessible both to users and machine learning algorithms. This section identifies
some of the opportunities that could help close the gap in data integration and
knowledge sharing.

A major challenge in this area is to develop protocols for communication between

robotic hardware and software for automating synthesis and characterization.
Synthesis and characterization workflows should be codified and stored. These
protocols also need to preserve metadata and provenance of all datasets. A new
control mechanism for data quality and integrity could include, for example,
benchmarking calculations when using large calculated data sets as a main input
to machine learning. This should preferably be done using high-quality experimental
data. Enabling image data contributions to the platform, for example, from optical
or electron microscopy, would create an opportunity to implement image processing
machine techniques in materials discovery processes. An ambitious vision for
research transparency, enabled by this data storage and referencing infrastructure,
would be to include navigable links for individual data points contained within
the figures in journal articles so that readers can see the particular synthesis,
processing, characterization, and/or computational process leading to that
assigned value. This would require a “sample-oriented” archiving scheme rather
than the “compound-oriented” archiving schemes used by most existing databases.
Emerging standards, such as the Allotrope initiative [2], are beginning to address
these points and deserve continued support and extension.

Incentivizing data contribution and participation could help facilitate the data
infrastructure described above. In particular, contributions from individual groups,
analogous to crowdsourcing, would drive expansion and large-scale use of integrated
materials datasets. Participation could be achieved by requiring compliance with
the mandates of funding agencies or journals or by giving researchers easy-to-use
data tools to help them store, analyze, visualize, and share data while, at the same
time, providing credit attribution. A number of efforts are attempting to do this, e.g.,
MPContribs [3], Citrination [4,5], Materials Data Curation System (MDCS) [6,7,8,9],
Materials Data Facility (MDF) [10,11], Materials Commons [12,13]. Some of these
platforms currently cater more to using machine learning and AI (Citrination), while
others focus on data management (MPContribus, MCDS, MDF, Materials Commons),
particularly large data (MDF).

Searchability tools that provide end-to-end tracking of individual contributions
to synthesis, characterization, and workflow development could also encourage
contributions. Industrial researchers should be encouraged to form pre-competitive
data sharing collaborations, similar to existing initiatives for pharmaceutical
development. In short, to grow data infrastructure, incentives to participate should be
offered for all types of research. Beyond capturing future contributions of research
groups, a large corpus of experimental and characterization data, particularly in
areas such as synthesis, is embedded in publications and awaits conversion to
machine-readable, standardized knowledge, for example, via language processing
as demonstrated recently [14].


Integration across systems, databases, and communities is necessary to achieve the
accelerations discussed in the previous section. Improving access to existing results
would significantly decrease duplicate experiments, saving time and resources. A
shared, integrated data platform would transform the science of materials, enabling
greater productivity, less repetition of failed experiments or calculations, rapid
identification of new areas of “design space”, and better informed research decisions.
Building a large repository of materials and their properties would allow known
materials to be used for new applications. Combining this with machine-readable
descriptions of the experimental plans that successfully lead to these materials
would suggest new directions for both human- and AI-directed experimentation. It
is important that these databases also include unsuccessful reactions. Knowledge
of “failures” can both limit redundant attempts and support efforts to redesign
experiments and techniques to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Furthermore, their inclusion in data enables training of more accurate predictive AI
models [15]. Thus, this type of database has a central role in fostering constructive
collaboration and can be a data resource for the other five goals.

Simultaneously, this data infrastructure would increase reproducibility and traceability

of new results. Well-documented, more universally standardized characterization
methods would lead to increased confidence (or uncertainty quantification). Finding
relevant information about techniques, applications, and tools would become less
time-intensive. For example, improved data interchange would improve interoperability
of instruments between vendors and techniques. Common standards would facilitate
communication between distinct disciplines, including synthesis, characterization,
and simulation. Finally, increasing the amount and quality of data available would
advance machine learning and AI approaches.


The creation of a robust data infrastructure containing common language, categories,
and standards provides opportunities that bridge all the goals. From an inverse
design (Goal 4) perspective, which starts with the final property goal to find a target

material structure, the first step is access to materials’ characteristics, or property
sets, with interchange of data formats across fields. A major component of bridging
length and time scales (Goal 5) is uniting data across different computational tools,
which would benefit from standardized data storage, availability, and exchange
protocols. Similarly, autonomous discovery and development (Goal 1) require retaining
and interconverting data and metadata at all stages of the research progress to
match characterization and simulation, enabling continuous optimization. For
synthetic production from modular materials robotics (Goal 3), retaining data and
metadata related to particular samples, including starting materials, processing
conditions, purification, quality, and time of production, is needed for integrated
end-to-end autonomous research. Similarly, the development of AI for materials
(Goal 2) requires reliable data, including both positive and negative results.


9.4.1 Inorganic materials
Current inorganic material databases have different focus areas, including
computational ones, such as the Materials Project (Figure 9.1), OQMD, NOMAD,
AiiDA, and AFLOW, and experimental ones, such as ICSD, NIST, NIMS, and others. At
the scale of narrowly describing a material via its structure and composition, some
databases offer importing and exporting. However, generalization of standardized
formats to other properties (e.g., morphology, mechanical properties, electronic
structure, synthesis) is essential for more effective integration and use of available
inorganic material data. Functional properties of inorganic materials derive from
their internal hierarchical structures. These structures rely on the development and
understanding of bulk properties and interfaces. The interfaces can be treated as
building blocks for higher order heterostructures. The prerequisite for a machine
learning-guided search of the space of heterostructures is a centralized catalogue
of recipes to create these interfaces, and knowledge of their properties, to enable
higher-level optimization loops.

Figure 9.1 Example of Materials Project repository for inorganic materials, including visualization
of structure and properties. [Source:]

9.4.2 Organic materials
Currently, many open repositories (see Figure 9.2 for two examples), often in the
organic computational quantum chemical space, have little connection to synthesis
or characterization data, or to pharmaceutical compounds. Some proprietary and
commercial repositories (e.g., internal industrial data) do not allow interconversion
or automated queries. Data types include reactions (Reaxys, SciFinder); molecular
geometries (e.g., crystallography through CCSD, Crystallographic Open Database);
spectroscopy (IR, NMR, Mass Spec); and density functional calculations. While
standard molecular identifiers, such as the IUPAC International Chemical Identifier
(InChI) strings, can connect molecular data, more connections are needed, even
between open databases. A large quantity of proprietary data in organic molecules
and polymers (e.g., solubilities, melting points, spectra) could be contributed in a
pre-competitive manner if proper incentives were designed.

Figure 9.2 Examples of molecular repositories including (top) Pitt Quantum Repository [Source:] and (bottom) Harvard Clean Energy Project (Molecular Space) [Source: http://].

In contrast to other areas of materials science, for organic materials some protocols
and methods have been established in the cheminformatics community for data
quality, consistency, and interoperability [16,17,18]. Although there are some barriers
to polymer applications, standardization tools could be adapted from other organic
material applications [19].

9.4.3 Nanomaterials and composites

Nanomaterials and composites have unique challenges for representation and
description of structures, properties, and processing. By definition, they incorporate
a broad set of materials. Quantitative metrics for heterogeneity and order at multiple
length scales are inherently difficult to define. The metrics of nanomaterials and
composites have their own domain-specific problems, methods of capture, and
current methodologies, which do not necessarily translate to compilation in current
databases. However, it is crucial that researchers can draw on property descriptions
and new insights to realize their ultimate performance. Currently, ad hoc approaches
are used to compile and analyze the data and insights obtained from research
studies to design promising new materials. Human researchers access separate
publications, databases, and communities, and new materials targets are guided by
intuition. Success in this field requires a framework for describing and quantifying
order and lack of order. The nanoinformatics community has developed a roadmap
towards this goal [20].

The incompatibility of data types with current repositories has led to limited
integration of the results of research studies. The creation of a set of standards
would allow the seamless drawing of insights across components and result in a
massive acceleration in discovery and understanding of energy materials. Further, the
integration of data would permit autonomous systems and AI programs to identify
trends, understand behaviours, and predict materials targets, thus enabling complex
multi-dimensional research decisions for human-robot research teams (Figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3 Example of integrated autonomous research, enabled by data interchange across
synthesis/processing, characterization, and analysis.

References for Chapter 9
1. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), “Building a Materials Data Infrastructure: Opening
New Pathways to Discovery and Innovation in Science and Engineering,”
2. Allotrope Foundation, “Solution,” Allotrope Foundation (website), accessed 2017, www.allotrope.
3. Patrick Huck, Dan Gunter, Shreyas Cholia, Donald Winston, Alpha N’Diaye and Kristin Persson,
“User Applications Driven by the Community Contribution Framework MPContribs in the Materials
Project,” Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 28, Issue 7 (2015): 1982–1993,
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.3698.
4. Citrine, “Citrine’s public platform for data-driven materials and chemistry research,” accessed
5. Jordan O’Mara, Bryce Meredig and Kyle Michel, “Materials Data Infrastructure: A Case Study of
the Citrination Platform to Examine Data Import, Storage, and Access,” JOM 68, Issue 8 (2016):
2031–2034, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-1984-0.
6. Alden Dima, Sunil Bhaskarla, Chandler Becker, Mary Brady, Carelyn Campbell, Philippe Dessauw,
Robert Hanisch, Ursula Kattner, Kenneth Kroenlein, Marcus Newrock, Adele Peskin, Raymond
Plante, Sheng-Yen Li, Pierre-François Rigodiat, Guillaume Sousa Amaral, Zachary Trautt, Xavier
Schmitt, James Warren and Sharief Youssef, “Informatics Infrastructure for the Materials Genome
Initiative,” JOM 68, Issue 8 (2016): 2053–2064, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-2000-4.
7. NIST GMI, “Materials Data Curation System,” NIST MGI: Gateway to Materials Genome Information
(website), last updated February 18, 2015,
8. NIST GMI, “Facilitating the Development of Modular Data Models in Materials Science,” NIST MGI:
Gateway to Materials Genome Information (website), last updated February 18, 2015,
9. Mark D. Wilkinson et al., “The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and
stewardship,” Scientific Data 3, Number 160018 (2016), DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18.
10. Materials Data Facility (MDF) (website), accessed 2017,
11. B. Blaiszik, K. Chard, J. Pruyne, R. Ananthakrishnan, S. Tuecke and I. Foster, “The Materials
Data Facility: Data Services to Advance Materials Science Research,” JOM 68, Issue 8 (2016):
2045–2052, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-016-2001-3.
12. Brian Puchala, Glenn Tarcea, Emmanuelle. A. Marquis, Margaret Hedstrom, H. V. Jagadish and
John E. Allison, “The Materials Commons: A Collaboration Platform and Information Repository
for the Global Materials Community,” JOM 68, Issue 8 (2016): 2035–2044, DOI: 10.1007/s11837-
13. Materials Commons: Projects, Published Data (website), accessed 2017,
14. Edward Kim, Kevin Huang, Alex Tomala, Sara Matthews, Emma Strubell, Adam Saunders, Andrew
McCallum and Elsa Olivetti, “Machine-learned and codified synthesis parameters of oxide materials,”
Scientific Data 4 (2017), DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.127.
15. Paul Raccuglia, Katherine C. Elbert, Philip D. F. Adler, Casey Falk, Malia B. Wenny, Aurelio Mollo,
Matthias Zeller, Sorelle A. Friedler, Joshua Schrier and Alexander J. Norquist, “Machine-learning-
assisted materials discovery using failed experiments,” Nature 533 (2016): 73–76, DOI: 10.1038/
16. Noel M O’Boyle, Michael Banck, Craig A. James, Chris Morley, Tim Vandermeersch and Geoffrey
R. Hutchison, “Open Babel: An open chemical toolbox,” Journal of Cheminformatics 3: 33 (2011),
DOI: 10.1186/1758-2946-3-33.
17. Denis Fourches, Eugene Muratov and Alexander Tropsha, “Curation of chemogenomics data,”
Nature Chemical Biology 11, Issue 8 (2015): 535, DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.1881.
18. Denis Fourches, Eugene Muratov and Alexander Tropsha, “Trust, But Verify: On the Importance of
Chemical Structure Curation in Cheminformatics and QSAR Modeling Research,” Journal of Chemical
Information and Modeling 50, Issue 7 (2010): 1189–1204, DOI: 10.1021/ci100176x.
19. Ibid.
20. Diana de la Iglesia, Stacey Harper, Mark D. Hoover, Fred Klaessig, Phil Lippell, Bettye Maddux, Jeffrey
Morse, Andre Nel, Krishna Rajan, Rebecca Reznik-Zellen and Mark T. Tuominen, “Nanoinformatics
2020 Roadmap,” InterNano (website) (2011),

10 Conclusion

chieving the urgent “As the discovery processes for
transition to a advanced materials accelerate,
low-carbon economy the potential economic benefits
requires the development will grow. Thus, private-sector
of new, high-performance, stakeholders that enter early will
low-cost materials that are presumably have a first-mover
safe for humans and the advantage: the know-how to adjust
environment, recyclable, and and gain a larger share of these
use abundant elements so growing benefits.”
that they can be deployed
globally. Today, advanced – Dr. Hermann Tribukait
materials represent about
50% of the manufacturing cost of clean energy, and this is expected
to increase to 80% in the near future. This challenge is not merely an
engineering problem. New fundamental scientific advances are required
to design and organize matter from the atomic scale to the systems
scale. Therefore, the cross-cutting goal of the Clean Energy Materials
Innovation Challenge is crucial: to accelerate the pace of materials
discovery and develop new high-performance, low-cost clean energy
technology solutions.

This report, and the integrated materials acceleration approach it

proposes, is intended to provide policy-makers and other stakeholders
with direction and ideas for research investments and for soliciting
and supporting projects that take advantage of these opportunities
(see sidebar quote). For example, MI members and stakeholders
may choose to draw on the R&D opportunities presented to launch
collaborative research and technology development initiatives, align,
or even refocus their national programs to incorporate these research
directions. They may also invest in these R&D opportunities on their
own, perhaps by launching Requests for Applications, or pursue these
efforts collaboratively with other MI members via bilateral or even
multilateral agreements. These collaborations may be in consortia
with the private sector and other stakeholders.

The report may also inform the development of a multidisciplinary workforce for the
discovery, production, and integration of advanced materials. The ultimate success
of these efforts would depend on the support and leadership of all stakeholders,
including academia, governments, industry, non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), foundations, and multilateral organizations. The continuous support of
R&D initiatives, such as the Materials Genome Initiative, can aid the development
and deployment of a discovery workforce that is ready for the challenges ahead
[1,2]. Undoubtedly, international coalitions built around particular topics would
advance the proposed agenda and produce results more effectively.

This final chapter briefly presents the report’s conclusions, beginning with the
opportunities and near-term advances in the six priority areas of the Materials
Acceleration Platform. It then emphasizes the importance of communicating the
benefits of investing in materials science and of educating tomorrow’s students in
multidisciplinary materials design. The chapter closes with some final reflections.


Chapters 4 through 9 outlined the Six Grand Goals of the Materials Acceleration
Platform (MAP) and the opportunities, challenges, and promising research
approaches related to each. To make the proposed integrated platform a reality by
2030, significant advances must be made in the short term in each of the priority
areas. The following approaches can provide tangible benefits and improvements
in the near future.

• Artificial Intelligence for Materials: AI models for materials that include constraints,
including constraints dictated by physics for theoretical predictions of properties
as well as experimental constraints, should continue to be developed. Development
and increased usage of novel machine learning algorithms and architectures,
specifically built to accelerate materials discovery, can result in much better
performing models for materials, especially in “low-data” scenarios. Purpose-built
AI tailored for materials discovery is needed to provide breakthroughs.

Engaging Students
• Embedding multidisciplinary
Modular Materials experiences
Robotics: Work at should
in this area all levels at universities
focus would
on the development of
educate students and
more generalized promote
interfaces andprograms
protocolsthat supportsystems
for robotic interdisciplinary
in both synthesis
research, spanning climate
and characterization. On theand energy
robotics policy,
front, science (e.g.
the processes thatmaterials
are most science,
computer science),
to automation needtechnology, engineering,
to be identified. andefforts
Additional mathematics (STEM).
dedicated to identifying
the best ways to characterize the “building blocks” of materials will accelerate
One mechanism
development in to boost
this theThe
area. engagement of both
development of high school and undergraduate
robotic/automation hardware
students to the field of materials discovery would be to implement a transformative
capable of executing research workflows for the synthesis and testing of materials
program similar
is crucial for to the
broader International Genetic Engineered Machines (IGEM)
competition in synthetic biology. This initiative engages students from a wide
• range of scientific disciplines and backgrounds. Students could be further

• engaged throughFurther
Inverse Design: studentdevelopment
exchange programs and international
and refinement competitions
of generative machine
with recognized prizes.
learning models will continue to help advance the theoretical side of inverse

design. Continued development of discriminative models will also be key due to
the accelerated rate for which properties can be predicted.

• Bridging Length and Time Scales: Automating the current state of the art in multi-
scale simulation will make simulations more accessible to general users. Machine
learning methods must be integrated into all aspects of multi-scale simulation;
integrating characterization tools that bridge length and time scales must also
be developed.

• Data Infrastructure and Interchange: An important step is to make decisions on data

standards and begin developing user-friendly tools for existing data repositories
that naturally incentivize user participation. Continued development of methods
that deal well with heterogeneous data is also essential.

• Closing the Loop: Designing and developing automated platforms that integrate in
situ analysis of a material, either during synthesis and/or after fabrication, into
a single unit will solve some of the current analytical bottlenecks.

Ultimately, all six areas of MAP can be contained in a single facility, housing
“well-to-wheel” materials discovery operations similar to the operational structure
of Tesla’s manufacturing facilities, including the Gigafactory. Autonomous facilities
(or “materials factories”) will accelerate the discovery process by increasing the
pace of experiments performed, harnessing and storing controlled data sets, and
seamlessly integrating these with computational predictions and machine learning
algorithms with robotic and automation tools. Thus, traditionally siloed competence
areas, such as simulation, characterization, and synthesis, can be integrated by
emerging computer science, machine learning, data infrastructure, and robotic
tools. Operations can be tightly tied together, enabling researchers to quickly
receive and incorporate feedback from adjacent processes to make both high-level
decisions and necessary adjustments to optimize design and development. The
proposed platform could also quantify uncertainty in materials discovery to help
decide whether a particular set of experiments is likely to yield promising results.
It could also elevate human creativity away from the details of materials synthesis
and calculation, towards a higher-level control of goals-driven design of theoretical
and experimental studies, where it is most needed.


The importance of materials research and its critical role in the global engineering
challenges ahead of us need to be communicated clearly and effectively, to students,
policy-makers, global leaders, investors, and the general public. A high-profile
communications program that engages the public would help ensure long-term
support and funding for this mission-oriented initiative by motivating the general
public and stakeholders to act decisively and promote and support this R&D initiative.

Public engagement efforts could be enhanced by creating strong awareness of
past successes and exciting breakthroughs enabled by public funding of materials
research and development. Telling relatable “stories” about how new materials
discoveries have improved living standards and produced substantial societal
benefits would increase awareness and support, including for efforts dedicated to
training future generations in the quest for better technologies.

One example is the benefits health research to which the general public and
stakeholders can personally relate. In this context, the priority would be to highlight the
advances in areas that connect directly to societal improvements, such as medicine,
information technologies, and transportation—advances that would not have been
possible without crucial contributions from the fundamental sciences: physics,
chemistry, and materials. For example, MRI (materials resonance imaging) relies
on the inventions of NMR and superconductivity, and their practical implementation
on highly functional materials such as magnets and superconductors. Although
these materials are probably best known for their benefits to medicine, they could
also enable a breakthrough in the energy sector. Today, superconductors only
operate at a very low temperature, which incurs tremendous cost. If materials with
high-temperature superconductivity were designed and discovered, the resulting
cables would radically improve efficiency in power transmission and distribution.
Developing new materials with these properties would revolutionize the electric
grid, facilitate wider use of renewable energy resources and result in significant
cost-savings from lower transmission losses.

From solar cells, to lithium-ion batteries and electric vehicles to microchips and the
shale gas revolution, there are many more examples of scientific breakthroughs and
new materials that can help communicate the relevance and impact of materials
discovery. The benefits of developing an integrated, end-to-end materials platform,
such as MAP, can be the subject of many more success stories.


The need to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy is a global challenge
that requires a global response. Moreover, this challenge also represents a tremendous
opportunity to create wealth and improve the quality of life by making clean energy
widely affordable and accessible. The proposed integrated Materials Acceleration
Platform (MAP) represents a major opportunity to drive innovations that crosscut
all clean energy technologies.

MAP integrates materials science with supercomputers, machine learning, and

robotics to identify and develop new high-performance, low-cost materials that
can be used to develop better and clean breakthrough energy technologies. This,
in turn, will accelerate the transformation of the energy sector, decarbonizing the
global economy. Eventually, MAP would include encoding of the physical properties
of materials, along with more complex data such as manufacturing-related data,
allowing for rapid inquiries. As the computers themselves become faster and more
powerful, incorporating them in the development of clean energy technologies
could drive an “acceleration of acceleration” phase.
The immense challenge of developing MAP requires deep international collaboration
and long-term support and investment. This involves an evolution of the organizational
and funding mechanisms of stakeholders and research institutions. Many of the
scientific challenges associated with discovering novel materials are pre-competitive,
i.e., they historically and naturally belong in the open scientific literature. As
such, they could become the foundation for fruitful international multidisciplinary
collaborations and research programs, bringing together leading scientists in
academia and industry, engineers, and thought leaders, and inspiring the best and
brightest students from around the world. The resulting dramatic acceleration in
materials discovery and development, and the effect on clean energy technologies,
would generate widespread social and economic benefits, transforming industries
beyond the energy sector.

References for Chapter 10

1. Materials Genome Initiative, “The First Five Years of the Materials Genome Initiative: Accomplishments
and Technical Highlights,” Materials Genome Initiative (website), August 2, 2016,
2. M. L. Green, C. L. Choi, J. R. Hattrick-Simpers, A. M. Joshi, I. Takeuchi, S. C. Barron, E. Campo, T.
Chiang, S. Empedocles, J. M. Gregoire, A. G. Kusne, J. Martin, A. Mehta, K. Persson, Z. Trautt1,
J. Van Duren, and A. Zakutayev, “Fulfilling the promise of the materials genome initiative with
high-throughput experimental methodologies,” Applied Physics Reviews 4, Issue 1, 011105 (2017),
DOI: 10.1063/1.4977487.

We would like to acknowledge the support and leadership of Mexico’s Energy Secretariat
(Secretaría de Energía, SENER) and the United States Department of Energy (U.S.
DOE), as the lead and co-lead of the Clean Energy Materials Innovation Challenge,
as well as the 16 additional Mission Innovation members that are participating in
this initiative. Sincere appreciation goes to Deputy Secretary Leonardo Beltrán and
Carlos Ortiz of SENER, as well as to Dr. Robert Marlay and Maureen Clapper of the
U.S. DOE, for their valuable leadership and support. As the lead for the Clean Energy
Materials Challenge of Mission Innovation, Dr. Hermann Tribukait of Mexico’s Energy
R&D Innovation Funds served as Executive Chair of the workshop. The Canadian
Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) supported numerous fellows and other
experts who contributed to the workshop and this report, and we are thankful for
their committed partnership and the leadership of CIFAR’s CEO and President,
Dr. Alan Bernstein. Dr. Cherry Murray, formerly of the U.S. DOE, presented the
Basic Research Needs (BRN) model at a Mission Innovation meeting in London
and offered her support to this Innovation Challenge, and Dr. Linda Horton of the
U.S. DOE provided valuable guidance, advice and support that were instrumental
to adapt the BRN workshop model of the U.S. DOE to this international effort.

We also want to thank Dr. Mark Kozdraz of CanmetMATERIALS, Natural Resource

Canada, for his valuable participation and contributions. Special thanks to our
distinguished panellists: Dr. Alan Bernstein, CIFAR; Dr. Paul Durrant, U.K. Department
for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and Head-designate of the Mission
Innovation Secretariat; Dr. Mario Molina of Centro Mario Molina, Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and UC San Diego; and Dr. Horst Simon
of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).

Professor Carlos Amador of UNAM led on-site coordination efforts in Mexico

City. Workshop chair Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik of Harvard University provided
thought leadership and overall direction for this initiative and this report. Professor
Aspuru-Guzik and his Co-chair, Professor Kristin Persson of the University of
California-Berkeley and LBNL, oversaw the design and planning of the workshop
and the development of this report. Dr. Daniel Tabor of Harvard University provided
outstanding leadership coordinating the efforts to complete this report. We are
grateful for the diligent efforts and outstanding workshop coordination, report

production, and support throughout the process provided by Matt Antes, Anna
Mosby, and Julie Chappell of Energetics and Charlotte Franchuk of Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. The team received outstanding support from Elli Saldaña leading the
workshop logistics efforts together with Sostener’s team (Oscar González, Cristian
Dávila, Jorge Hinojosa, Alejandra Villegas, Maritza Soto, and Alonso Ortega). Clare
Walker and Kurt Kleiner of CIFAR edited the report and greatly improved its flow
and readability.

The workshop and report would not have been possible without the expertise
and tireless efforts of the rapporteurs and panel co-chairs, who are also report
co-authors (named below). The report was led by Professors Aspuru-Guzik and
Persson and co-authored by Dr. Alfredo Alexander-Katz of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology; Dr. Carlos Amador and Dr. Diego Solis-Ibarra of UNAM; Matt Antes
and Anna Mosby of Energetics; Dr. Murat Aykol of Toyota Research Institute; Dr.
Emory Chan, Dr. Shyam Dwaraknath, Dr. Joseph Montoya, and Dr. Eli Rotenberg
of LBNL; Dr. John Gregoire of California Institute of Technology; Dr. Jason Hattrick-
Simpers of National Institute of Standards and Technology; Dr. David M. Huang of
University of Adelaide; Dr. Jason Hein of University of British Columbia; Dr. Geoffrey
Hutchison of University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Olexandr Isayev of University of North
Carolina; Dr. Yousung Jung of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology;
Dr. Jari Kiviaho of VTT Technical Research Center of Finland; Dr. Christoph Kreisbeck,
Dr. Loïc Roch, Dr. Semion Saikin, and Dr. Daniel Tabor of Harvard University; Dr.
Juliette Lambert of Centro de Innovación Aplicada en Tecnologías Competitivas;
Dr. Susan Odom of University of Kentucky; Dr. Joep Pijpers of Instituto Nacional
de Electricidad y Energías Limpias; Dr. Michael Ross of University of California-
Berkeley; Dr. Joshua Schrier of Haverford College; Dr. Rachel Segalman of University
of California-Santa Barbara; Dr. Matthew Sfeir of Brookhaven National Laboratory;
Dr. Hermann Tribukait; and Dr. Tejs Vegge of Technical University of Denmark. The
authors are deeply appreciative of the time commitment and insights provided by
the expert workshop participants from around the world.

The content of this report reflects the views and opinions of the participating
workshop experts and report authors and do not necessarily state or reflect those
of their respective government, institution, or any agency thereof or of Mission
Innovation members.

Workshop Participants
Name Affiliation Role
Aburto Anell, Jorge Arturo Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo Observer
Alexander-Katz, Alfredo Massachusetts Institute of Technology Panel Chair
Alvarez, Gerardo Observer
Alvarez-Franyutti, Gerardo Mexichem Observer
Alyamani, Ahmed King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology MI Representative
Amador-Bedolla, Carlos Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Local Chair
Andrade, Arturo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Antes, Matt Energetics Staff
Arjona, Diego Observer
Aspuru-Guzik, Alán Harvard University and CIFAR Workshop Co-Chair
Aykol, Muratahan Toyota Research Institute Panel Chair
Barrueta, Nancy Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Bárzana, Eduardo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Becker, Jill S. 02139 Inc Participant
Beltrán, Leonardo Secretaría de Energía Invited Speaker
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Beltrán Zarza, Norma Angélica Observer
Bentley, Stephen Cardiff University Observer
Berlinguette, Curtis University of British Columbia and CIFAR Participant
Bernstein, Alan CIFAR Invited Speaker
Bio, Matthew Snapdragon Chemistry Participant
Burke, Marty University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign Invited Speaker
Calva, Nacx Energía Mx Observer
Camacho, Emilio California Energy Commission Observer
Carrillo, Arturo Sostener Observer
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Castañón, Tatiana Romero Observer
Ceder, Gerbrand University of California, Berkeley Invited Speaker
Cernuschi, Federico Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico MI Representative
Chan, Emory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Panel Chair
Clapper, Maureen U.S. Department of Energy MI Representative
Cogdell, Richard Glasgow University Participant
Contreras, César Observer
Contreras, Rafael Observer
Cruz, Rosalba Observer
de Pablo, Juan University of Chicago Invited Speaker
Des Rosiers, Frank Natural Resources Canada Invited Speaker
U.K. Department of Business, Energy and
Dodson, Jennie MI Representative
Industrial Strategy
Domenella, Sergio Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
U.K. Department of Business, Energy and
Durrant, Paul MI Representative
Industrial Strategy
Dwaraknath, Shyam Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Participant

E. Heinonen, Jarmo Tekes Observer
Early, Bryan California Energy Commission Observer
Fabrizio, Monica CNR ICMATE Participant
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Fernández Rodríguez, Daniel Observer
Fischer, Peter Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Participant
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Flores, Jose Roberto Observer
Flores-Leonar, Martha Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Participant
Flores-Moreno, Roberto Universidad de Guadalajara Observer
Garcia, Karl Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Gieb, Martin European Commission MI Representative
Golden, Ariel Student Energy Summit Observer
Gómez, Fernando World Economic Forum Participant
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
González, Francisco Arturo López Observer
González, Abelardo ITAER Observer
Grageda, Federico A. Centro de Desarrollo y Estrategia Empresarial S.C. Observer
Gregoire, John California Institute of Technology Panel Chair
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Guillén, Mario Román Díaz Observer
Hasmath, Reza CIFAR Observer
Hattrick-Simpers, Jason National Institute of Standards and Technology Panel Chair
Hein, Jason University of British Columbia Panel Chair
Holst Jørgensen, Birte Technical University of Denmark MI Representative
Huang, David M. University of Adelaide Participant
Hutchison, Geoffrey University of Pittsburgh Panel Chair
Isayev, Olexandr University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Participant
Jaffer, Shaffiq TOTAL SA Participant
Juaristi, Eusebio CINVESTAV Participant
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Jung, Yousung Panel Chair
Kanellis, Pamela CIFAR Staff
Kendall, Michaela Adelan Observer
Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation
KIM, Bong Gyun Observer
and Planning
King, Alex Critical Materials Institute Participant
Kiviaho, Jari VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Participant
Kozdras, Mark Natural Resources Canada MI Representative
Kreisbeck, Christoph Harvard University Participant
Laguna, Humberto Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Participant
Centro de Innovación Aplicada en Tecnologías
Lambert, Juliette Participant
Lindh, Roland Uppsala University Participant
Løvvik, Ole Martin SINTEF Materials and Chemistry Participant
Magadán, Jose Manuel Martínez Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo Observer

Maldonado, José-Luis Centro de Investigaciones en Óptica Observer
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Malo Tamayo, José María Observer
Maruyama, Benji U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory Participant
Molina, Mario Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Invited Speaker
Montone, Amelia ENEA MI Representative
Montoya, Joseph Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Participant
Morales, José Luis Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Mosby, Anna Energetics Staff
Noguez, Cecilia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Participant
Odom, Susan University of Kentucky Participant
Olmedo, Jose Observer
Ortiz, Carlos Secretaría de Energía Invited Speaker
Pai, Ranjith Krishna Indian Ministry of Science and Technology MI Representative
Palma, Julio Pennsylvania State University Participant
Peón Peralta, Jorge Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Persson, Kristin University of California, Berkeley, LBNL Workshop Co-Chair
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Pijpers, Joep Participant
Pulido, Natalia Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey Observer
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Rejón, Leonardo Observer
Roberts, Jeff Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Participant
Roch, Loïc Harvard University Participant
Rocha Rinza, Tomás Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Observer
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Rodas Grapain, Arturo Observer
Ross, Michael University of California, Berkeley Participant
Rotenberg, Eli Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Participant
Ruiz-Morales, Yosadara Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo Observer
Saikin, Semion Harvard University Participant

Saldaña Talvitie, Elli Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Staff
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Salinas Bravo, Víctor Manuel Observer
Sanchez, Rafael Observer
Sánchez, Mariano Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Participant
Sargent, Edward University of Toronto and CIFAR Participant
Schrier, Joshua Haverford College Panel Chair
Schuster, Frédéric Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique Observer
Segalman, Rachel University of California, Santa Barbara Panel Chair
Serrano, Siria Harvard University Staff
Sfeir, Matthew Brookhaven National Laboratory Participant
Simon, Horst Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Invited Speaker
Singh, Chandra Veer University of Toronto Observer
Solis-Ibarra, Diego Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Panel Chair
Soto, Maritza Sostener Staff
Spadaccini, Christopher Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Participant
Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative/
Stassin, Fabrice Observer
Subramaniam, Velumani CINVESTAV Participant
Tabor, Daniel Harvard University Participant
Tao, Andrea University of California, San Diego Participant
Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energías
Torres, Ramon Carlos Observer
Tribukait-Vasconcelos, Hermann Mexico Energy R&D Innovation Funds Executive Chair
van Grondelle, Rienk Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and CIFAR Participant
Vegge, Tejs Technical University of Denmark Participant
Villegas, Alejandro Sostener Staff
Warren, Jeff Simon Fraser University Participant
Wilhelm, Martin Geopolis Energy Partners Observer
Williams, Daryl Imperial College Participant
Zeron, Paulino Observer

2D Two-Dimensional
3D Three-Dimensional
AC Alternating Current
AFLOW Automatic Flow (database)
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
Ag Silver
AI Artificial Intelligence
AI4M Artificial Intelligence for Materials
AiiDA Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science
ANI Accurate NeurAl networK engINe for Molecular Energies (ANAKIN-ME or ANI)
API Application Programming Interface
ARES Autonomous Research System
ARPES Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
Ba Barium
BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (United Kingdom)
C Carbon
Ca Calcium
CCSD Cambridge Crystallographic Structural Database
Cd Cadmium
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CH4 Methane
CIFAR Canadian Institute for Advanced Research
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COP21 21st Conference of the Parties
COP22 22nd Conference of the Parties
Cu Copper
DARPA U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DC Direct Current
DFT Density Functional Theory
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
DSSC Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
EMIRI Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative
eV Electron-Volt(s)
FAT/ML Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning
g Gram(s)
Ge Germanium
GHG Greenhouse Gas
GSP Genome Sequencing Program (NHGRI)
H Hydrogen
h Hour(s)
HERMAN High-throughput Experimentation Robot for the Multiplexed Automation of
high Tc High-Temperature (superconductivity)
HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
HTE High-Throughput Experimental
ICSD Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
iGEM The International Genetically Engineered Machine
InChI International Chemical Identifier
IP Intellectual Property
IR Infrared
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
JCAP Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis

kg Kilogram(s)
kJ Kilojoule(s)
kWh Kilowatt-Hour(s)
LBNL Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LC Liquid Crystal
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LHASA Logic and Heuristics Applied to Synthetic Analysis (computer program)
Li Lithium
MAP Materials Acceleration Platform
MDCS Materials Data Curation System
MDF Materials Data Facility
MI Mission Innovation
mol Mole(s)
MP Materials Project
MRI Materials Resonance Imaging
MS-CG Multi-Scale Coarse-Grained
N Nitrogen
Natl. Lab National Laboratory
Nd Neodymium
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
NHGRI U.S. National Human Genome Research Institute
Ni Nickel
NIMS National Institute for Materials Science
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
nm Nanometer(s)
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NOMAD Novel Materials Discovery
NSF National Science Foundation (United States)
O Oxygen
OQMD Open Quantum Materials Database
ORGAN Objective-Reinforced Generative Adversarial Networks
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Pb Lead
PEEM Photoemission Electron Microscopy
PL Photoluminescence
PV Photovoltaic(s)
QD Quantum Dot
QM/MM Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics
R&D Research and Development
RIXS Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering
Se Selenium
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
SENER Mexican Ministry of Energy (Secretaría de Energía)
Si Silicon
SMILES Simplified Molecular-Input Line-Entry System
STM Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy
STXM Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy
Te Tellurium
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
Ti Titanium
UNAM Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
W3C World Wide Web Consortium
WANDA Workstation for Automated Nanomaterials Discovery and Analysis
Wh Watt-Hour(s)
XAS X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
XRD X-ray Diffraction
Zn Zinc


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