GI-700 Brochure en HRE-2883A
GI-700 Brochure en HRE-2883A
GI-700 Brochure en HRE-2883A
GI-700 Series
Increase your CEMS Capabilities
with a HORIBA Multi-gas Analyzer
Experience HORIBA, the Global Single Source Solutions Provider with over 50 years of technological
advancements and unparalleled reliability, dependability and operability.
The GI-700 stack gas analyzer is designed to continuously measure the concentrations of nitrogen
oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2) and
ammonia (NH3) in stack flue gas streams.
GI-700 Series
1 Ultimate Dependability
NDIR Analyzer
Continuous base line validation Detector
Measurement cell
2 Ultimate Low cost ownership
Up to 6 gases can be measured using a single analyzer with multiple detectors.. Outlet
Works with a simple sampling unit having less tubing, fewer power cables.
(Sample gas and
Minimum function for the operation. Any additional functions can be added Light source Reference gas)
3 Ultimate Sensitivity
5 ppm High-Precision measurement (NOx, SO2, and CO) is available.
[Others] SO22
Multi component
measurement O22
An external converter provides for separate measurements of NO and NO2.
All component modules can be easily installed with in a single 19 inch case. The compact design
Power consumption is reduced by approximately 50% as compared to systems using individual
analyzers (NH3 analyzer).
User Friendly
LCD color touch panel
All operations, including calibration and
measurement can be performed on the touch
screen. The high visibility 5.7 inch color display
makes it easy to check the status.
USB Port
enables easy data management on PCs.
(Measured value, Alarm, Calibration history)
HORIBA recommended USB is available.
CLA Exhaust
Reference Air Inlet
CLA Air Inlet Serial communications
ModbusTM, Ethernet (Modbus address will be disclosed)
*Modbus is a trademark of Schneider Electric Inc.
Back Panel
Sample Inlet (NH3)
MPA Reference Inlet (N2) REGULATOR
MPA Reference Inlet (Air)
Sample Inlet (NH 3) CLA Exhaust
CLA Air Inlet OGU
Various Applications
Applications include:
Stack emmision monitor, SCR control,
Desulfulization control, Green house gas
monitor, Boiler emission, Gas separation,
Model GI-700
Component NOx SO2 CO CO2 O2 NH3*2
methods (High sensitivity) (Standard) (High sensitivity) (Standard) (High sensitivity 1) (High sensitivity 2) (Standard) (High concentration) (Standard) (High concentration) (N2 carrier) (Air carrier) (diferential method)
Standard 10-5000 ppm 200-5000 ppm 10-1000 ppm 200-5000 ppm 50-500 ppm 200-5000 ppm 5-25 vol% 5-25 vol% 10-25 vol% 10-100 ppm
Optional 5 ppm 5 ppm 5 ppm 10-100 ppm 100 ppm 1-5 vol% 10-50 vol%
Standard 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:10 1:5 1:5 1:5 1:10
Range Ratio
Optional 1:20 1:20 1:20 1:20 1:1 1:10 1:20*1 1:5 1:5
Indicated error ± 1.0% of full-scale value for each component and range (Standard range ratio)
(Linearity) ± 2.0% of full-scale value for each component and range (Optinonal range ratio)
Zero drift
± 2.0%/week of full scale (optional range and O 2JHYYPLYZWLJPÄJH[PVU6 2HUHS`aLYPM[OLHTIPLU[[LTWLYH[\YLJOHUNLPZ*
Response time T90=45 s from the analyzer inlet
Interference ±2.0% of full scale
Environment Temperature 0° to 40°C (No direct sun light or no radiation heat)
Condition Humidity
Measuring Gas Temperature: Ambient temperature, NO: Up to 5000 ppm, NO2: None, SO2: Up to 5000 ppm, SO3: None, CO: Up to 5000 ppm,
Condition CO2: 3 vol% to 15 vol%, O2: 0.2 vol% to 15 vol%, HCl: None, H2O: Saturated at 5°C, Dust: None
Sample inlet tube 7VS`[L[YHÅ\VYVL[O`SLUL[\ILTT6+TT0+
Sample gas pressure Atmospheric pressure ± 4 in. W.C.
Pressure control Not including (Vacuum regulator (-9.8 kPa))
Calibration Zero gas Nitrogen
gas Span gas Gas to be measured
Carrier gas for (oxygen analyzer) Nitrogen (for N 2JHYYPLYZWLJPÄJH[PVU(PYMVYHPYJHYYPLYZWLJPÄJH[PVU
Air for ozone generation +Y`HPYZH[\YH[LKH[*
Power supply 100 - 240 VAC (Depends on components)
Power frequency /aMVYJVTTVU\ZL
Power consumption 240 VA
Materials in contract with sample gas 7;-,5`SVU77-24::::
*1: A range ratio of 1: 40 is also possible for special applications.
*2: A range ratio of CLA NH3 and CLA NOx should be 1: 5 or less.
B D BD B D BD 100 mm additional space is
required behind the analyzer
BD BD to allow for tubing and cables.
Please read the operation manual before using this product to assure safe and proper handling of the product.
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All brand names, product names and service names in this catalog are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
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HORIBA Instruments HORIBA UK Limited HORIBA (Austria) GmbH HORIBA Europe GmbH HORIBA France Sarl
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