Another Hundred People

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67 No.8 Another Hundred People cue: After applause 1] Dolce e leggiero (J=112) (last time) [Play two times Piano xm i oth-er hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the train_ And came up through the ground_While an - a . ae other hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the bus And are look-ing a-round_ At an- 68 @ oth-er hun-dred peo-ple who got off of the plane_ And are look-ing at us—_ Who got PRL sO * f off of the train_ And the plane and the bua May - be yes-ter - day. "et Roop) et oR moe I's a cit-y of stran - gers, opto —— Some come to work, some to play, A cit-y of stran - gers, a ns - Me OF a 69 Some come to stare, some_to stay, And Te _ 2 er Ss Tees Ga) ving & & each oth - er in the crowd- ed streets and the guard-ed parks, a 4 mp ‘Tpes(Harmons) ‘Hak, Cello, piza. (cont & By the rust - y foun - tains and the ot trees with the dust - y 70 bat-tered barks,—__ And they walk to-geth-er past the post-ered walls with the | 1 I— 2 crude re-marks, 3 od par - ties through the friends of friends who they nev-er know, SF ceimitey 8s, basa Will you pick me up. or do I meet you there— or shall we d _— a ae SF Fm a get my mes - sage ‘cause I . d Sty 10 Vv —T ns a (ey) 2 looked in vain? Canwe see each other Tues-day, if it does-n't rain? Look, I'll J | he morasing op my SPT vice will ex - plain J —, 2 oth-er hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the train, re . HP “—______f “—___# (a) APRIL: I didn't come right to [DIALOGUE] GB [aprit enters] New York". Cele at cue: hot ent [FADE UNTIL CUT-OFF) roe FF MARTA: ‘And they mg find each oth - er in the crowded streets andthe guarded parks, ot i" £ 1 e Cello, ize. 13 rust - y foun -tainsand the dust - y trees with the a I~) bat-tered barks, ‘And they walk to-geth-er past the post-ered walls with the y a Pl ‘rude ro~ marks, 4 meet at par - ties through the friends of friends who they nev-er know. kw ad I~, nf a (@bama) Laimitey = 4 Will you pick me up__ or do I meet you there_ or shall we ) J ws looked in vain? Can we see each oth-er Tues-day, if it does-n't rain? Look, I'll you in the morn-ing or my service will ex - plain,- a — . 6 (Vins, 15a) wor ‘out | y ane f Pr mF b~, =. F =. - {Tagy Kathy enters JKATHY: See, Bobby, some people have to Continue at cus: KATHY: Se, ats, some people ve © Coxazocue] ‘An some sft ret Wat en Se Ry ta ce, (2UALOGUE] “ae sop FADE_UNTIL CUT-OFF Pe Fe (MARTA:) (Wolce ¢ leggiero) FF cut | a=? 16 oth-er hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the train_ And came up through the ground__ While an- ~ r other hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the bus And are look-ing a-round_ At an- me eee (zz) oth-er hun-dred people who got off of the plane_ And are look-ing at us__ Who got re off of the train_ And the plane and the bus_May - be yes-ter- day. Some come to work, some to _ play. a — = Some come to stare, some_to stay, Abd ev - "ry day - - 4 FL oting ibe sor roe OF ‘Tpe—4 some goa = way, 8 A tempo PRE acy SS ae b find each oth- er in the crowd-ed streets and the guard-ed parks, ™P (held back) “sTpegting ‘Cello, Bs. pizz.{8basa) rust - y foun - tains and the dust - y trees withthe bat-tered barks. ‘e. poco a poco ace ‘And they walk to geth - er pastthe post - ered walls with the a im) crude re marks.. (Vocal grp.tacet) Su (Octaves) =< meet, ‘at par - ties through the friends of friends who they nev-er know, ___ 2. pte Fos, Tr A (s, pizz.) wa a tf & Will you pick me up_— or do I meet you there— or shall we 1d —— Voeat rp. e (a) Didyou get my mes - sage ‘cause T —.S——.. ~~ looked in vain? Can we see each oth-er Tues-day if it does-n't rain? Look, I'l Ir, sd. 80 a7 call you in the morn-ing or my service will ex - plain, I~ _—, (Woeal arp. ace) — ®) =F ? oth-er hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the train Andan - oth-er hun-dred peo- ple just got we P Rat : = P = a1 off of the train And an - oth-er hun-dred peo-ple just got off of the train! (su,cont) : 5 6, pes cont) sm

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