2drag Coefficient

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3. To analyze the phenomena of free-falling body in any


4. To determine the terminal velocity. 

5. To measure the drag coefficient of spheres over several

decades of particle 
 Reynolds number. 

There are various shortcomings in the measurements taken for this

experiment. Due to human error, the time measurements for this
experiment are not exact. An observer must “eyeball” the entirety of
the sphere’s travel across the displacement. Introducing automation to
this experiment for the purposes of timing would increase its

A measurement technique was developed enabling time measurement of spheres falling in

fluids with great accuracy. A proposed mathematical model that includes a new drag coefficient

correction factor enables more precise evaluation of drag coefficients.

From this study which to determine the drag coefficient or the resistance of an object in a sphere
shape that move in a fluid environment and to determine the relationship between the drag
coefficient and the Reynold’s numbers, the graph of drag coefficient versus Reynold’s Number
was obtained. The graph showed that when the velocity of the object increased, the Reynold’s
Number also increase but the drag coefficient showed a fluctuated line. Whereas, the velocity
is depends on the mass and the diameter of the sphere. The velocity of the sphere was increased
when the mass and the diameter increased. The increasing of the diameter also caused the
Reynold’s number to increase and thus decreases the drag coefficient. It showed that the drag
coefficient itself is a function of the Reynolds number.

1. Discuss whether the liquids used are Newtonian or Non-Newtonian

The liquids that have been used is water and oil. Both water and oil are classified as Newtonian

2. What is the factor that might be cause error to the calculation of the viscosity?

The greatest source of error for calculating viscosity from the ball drop experiment is the
application of Stokes formula without taking into account the confinement of the ball in a thin
capillary. The factor that might be a cause to an error in the calculation of the viscosity is in the
recording of the time. The timing device must have an accuracy of within +/- 0.07 percent of
the reading.

3. What is the relationship between CD and the Reynolds number?

Drag coefficient depends on the Reynolds number. When particle Reynolds number
increases, the drag coefficient of particle will decrease.

4. Briefly describe the following terms:

a) Terminal Velocity
Drag increases with the square of the speed. So as an object falls through a fluid, eventually it
will reach terminal velocity where the drag becomes equal to the weight, if the weight is small.
When drag is equal to weight, there is no net external force on the object and the vertical
acceleration goes to zero. With no acceleration, the object falls at a constant velocity as
described by Newton's first law of motion. The constant vertical velocity is called the terminal

b) Drag coefficient
A drag coefficient is a measure of the force which a particular fluid exerts on a particular
object. This equation is simply a rearrangement of the drag equation where we solve for the
drag coefficient in terms of the other variables. The drag coefficient Cd is equal to the
drag D divided by the quantity: density r times half the velocity V squared times the reference
area A. The drag coefficient then expresses the ratio of the drag force to the force produced by
the dynamic pressure times the area.

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