Release and Waiver of Liability

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College of Architecture


I, Aileen M. Javines, with Student No: 201412576, FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT:

That I am enrolled to course/subject Architectural Design 09 (Thesis Writing) and as part of the program
requirements for the degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture on the said course/subject, I am required to
conduct research based on my areas of interests;

That the output of this course/subject are Design of Architectural Projects (areas of interests), that demonstrates
the development of the student’s knowledge and skills over the course of studies in architecture, that the conduct
of research require site visits for data gathering and investigations outside the campus premises in order to acquire
additional supporting information and documents for thesis writing;

That there is an inherent risk or harm or injury in the conduct of research based on my areas of interests, I
understand and appreciate the risks inherent to the conduct of research, and I voluntarily and knowingly assume
those risks;

These risk and danger may be caused by my own actions or inaction, the actions or inaction of others participating
in the conduct of research activity, or the condition in which the research activity takes place;

I understand that I will be responsible for my own welfare and safety during the conduct of research;

There may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I FULLY ACCEPT AND
ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS I may come across as a result of my participation in the said research activity;

I hereby assume all risk and release, in advance, and to waive discharge and hold harmless COLLEGE OF
ARCHITECTURE, ADAMSON UNIVERSITY and its officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims for injury
or damages which I may have or which may hereafter accrue to me as a result of my conduct of research;

I understand that the terms and provisions of this document are severable. If, for any reason, one or more terms
of this document are unenforceable, illegal or in conflict with any law governing this document, the validity of the
remaining portions of this document shall not be affected.

Signature of student over printed name Date

Signature over printed name of Parent/Guardian Date

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this _____________ day _______________________20_____

at_________________________ Affiant exhibited to me his Community Tax Certificate No. ______________
Issued at __________________on ________________________.

Notary Public

Doc. No. ___________________

Page No. ___________________
Book No. ___________________
Series of ___________________

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