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DK 621.833: 681: 001.


May 1972

spur gears of precision engineering Scope, definitions, determinants,


DIN 58 405

Sheet 1

spur gear drives for fine mechanics; scope, definitions, principal design data,
classification Engrenage cylindriques pour la mécanique de précision;
domaine d'application, définitions, valeurs déterminatives, classification

This standard is largely based on the gearing standards of mechanical

engineering DIN 3960 ff., unless other specifications are necessary because
of the special needs of precision engineering. For better understanding, in
some cases repetitions from DIN 3960 ff. Have been made in this standard.
Basic racks to the other pages of this standard refer to the May 1972

Reproduction, in whole or in part, only with the approval of the German

Standards Committee, Berlin 30, designed.

Content and overview

Page 1 Scope, terms, determinants, classification

1. Introduction

1.1. General basic concepts

1.2. Signs and terms

1.3. Terms

1.3.1. Gear fit adjustment shift

1.3.2. Top-cut spur gears

1.4. Structure of the gear fit system

2. Scope

2.1. Basic rack profile for the toothing

2.2 Module m

2.3. Profile shift factor x

2.4. Helix angle βo

2.5.teeth z

Number of

2.6. Pitch diameter do

2.7. Base tangent length b

3. Definitions

3.1 Tip circle, tip circle dia dk

3.1.1. tip easing k.m

3.2. position of basic rack profile in relation to pitch circle

3.2.1. addendum modification, addendum modification factor x

3.2.2. Undercut

3.2.3. Avoiding the undercut by addendum modification

3.2.4. Permissible pairings with undercut with unmodified gears

3.3. Contact ratio ε

3.3.1. Profile contact ratio (duration of contact) εp

3.3.2. face contact ratio ε sp

3.3.3. Total contact ratio ε ges

3.4. base tangent length W

3.5.dual cone width N

3.5.1. Dual cones width unmodified gear

3.5.2. Dual cones width for V-gears

3.6. Backlash Sd

3.6.1. For absolute tolerance addition

3.6.2. For statistical tolerance addition

3.6.3. Conversion of the backlash from microns to angular seconds

sheet 2. Gearfit selection, tolerances, allowances

1. Gear fit selection

1.1. Guidelines for selecting a gear fit .

1.2. General requirements for a gear fit

2. Tolerances for the gear blank

2.1. Tolerances for the diameter of the tip circle(tip cylinder)

2.1.1. Gear blank for non topped spur gears

2.1.2. Gear blank for topped spur gears

2.2. Permissible radial eccentricity tip circle deviation of the tip(cylinder)

2.3. Permissible axial runout of the end faces

3. Tolerances for the diameter of the top circle on topped spur gears

3.1. Required tolerancing for indirect base tangent length (tooth

thickness) measurement

3.2. tolerances araising for direct base tangent length measurement

(tooth thickness) measurement

4. Classification

4. Tolerances and alllowance for the toothing

4.1. allowance for base tangent length Aw

4.2. Double cone with r alllowance An

4.3. total composite error Fi”

4.4. tooth to tooth composite error fi”

4.5. Face alignmenterror fe

5. Tolerances and alllowance for the housing

5.1. center distance alllowance Aa

5.2. error in axial parallelism error fp.

6. Tolerances for gearassemblies

6.1. Tolerances for gear assemblies of quality 5

6.2. Tolerances for gears of quality 6

6.3. Tolerances for gear assemblies of quality 7

6.4. Tolerances for gears of quality 8

6.5. Tolerances for gears of quality 9

6.6. Tolerances for gears of quality 10

Continuation Page 2 to 10

Technical Committee on Precision Mechanics and Optics in the German

Committee for Standardization (DNA)

Committeein DNA

GearingSole sale of standard sheets by Beuth-Vertrieb GmbH, Berlin 30 and

Cologne 5.72

DIN 58 405 Sheet 1 May 1972 Price gr. 7

ropes 2 DIN 58 405 sheets 1

sheet 3. Information in drawings, calculation examples

1. Information in the drawing for the spur gear

1.1. Information for the gear blank

1.2. Information for gear cutting

1.2.1. Tool basic rack profile according to DIN 58 412

1.2.2. Number of teeth z

1.2.3. Module m

1.2.4. Pitch diameter do

1.2.5. Basic rack profile

1.2.6. Profile shift factor x

1.2.7. Helix angle Bo

1.2.8. Face alignment

1.2.9. Gear fit to DIN 58 405 sheet 2

1.2.10. Permissible total error range F!

1.2.11. Permissible tooth tooth composite error fi’

1.2.12. Permissible face alignment error.fB

2.13. Double cone N

1.2.14. center distance a "in dual flank rolling tester with master gear

1.2.15 Number of the mating gear

1.2.16 center distance in the housing a

1.2.17 base tangent length W

2. Information in the drawing for the housing

2.1 Center distance a

2.2 Quality and tolerance field according to DIN 58 405 Sheet 2 and center

2.3 Permitted parallelism error to

3. Information in the drawing for the gear shaft

4. individual error

5. Calculation

Sheet 4. Tables


1. Base tangent length w '

2. Factor for determining the center distancefor profile displacement

3. Radial infeed R of the tool at base tangent length differences AW between

nominal and actual alllowance

Supplement 1. Calculation form

Supplement 2. Explanations to DIN 58 405

The explanations in preparation contain information that must be taken into

account if the scope of application stated in Sheet 1, Section 2 is exceeded
the boundary conditions that have been taken into account in the preparation
of this standard A basic rack has been made to the relevant points of this
standard. The explanations are not required for the application of this
standard within its scope.

1. Introduction

1.1. General basic terms

Lower dimension The lower

dimension defined in DIN 7182, page 1 and page 4 (pre-standard) is the
difference between the basic concepts to be used and the nominal size of a
measured variable. gears, additional required terms are minimum dimension
minus nominal size. listed here.

Tolerance In particular, the terms apply:

The tolerance is the difference between the permissible nominal dimension

of the largest dimension and the permissible minimum dimension of a
measured variable. The nominal dimension is the measure which serves for
the size indication Rundhoufahweichun and to which the alllowance of a
measured quantity are referred.

The runout is the one revolution of the center dimension workpiece about a
basic rack center in an agreed measurement. The center dimension is the
measure that corresponds to the arithmetic mean level measured difference
between the smallest and the largest and smallest.

greatest distance of the surface from the center of rotation. The runout
includes the out-of-roundness. Actual dimension The actual dimension is
theby measurement on a workpiece run-out

number numerically

The axial runout is theat one revolution of the

difference measured workpiece about an agreed center in a unitary

distance from the center of

rotation. The actual deviation is the difference between the actual dimension
and between the smallest and largest distance of the face of the nominal
dimension of a measurand. Actual size minus nominal size. surface from a
basic rack plane perpendicular to the center of rotation. Upper dimension


The upper dimension is the difference between the height and the height.
The non-parallelism is the deviation from the error-free, permissible
maximum dimension and the nominal dimension of a measured variable.
parallel position of two planes or two straight lines to large dimension minus
nominal size.

each other in a basic rack plane and on a basic rack path.

DIN 58 405 page 1

page 3
page 4


58405 sheet1,


Terms The terms defined in DIN 3960 shall apply mutatis mutandis to spur
gear units of precision engineering, unless otherwise specified below.

1.3.1. Gear fit A geared version (eg 7 J / 7 dc) is the pairing of two tolerated
gear gears (eg 7 dc) within a tolerated gearbase (eg 73).

1.3.2. overcut spur gears Top spur gears are gears in which the tooth gaps
and the head cylinder are produced by the same tool in one operation. The
diameter of the head cylinder can be used to control tooth thickness.

1.4. Transmission Assembly System Similar to other types of fits (for

example, roundings), gear assemblies must be used when:

(a) proper running, conformal transmission and the formation of a proper

lubricating filmensured must be;

b) the assembly of independently manufactured parts of a transmission

secured without reworking must be;

c) Spare gears must be interchangeable without reworking. For the

purposes of this standard, the gear assemblies are based on the single-
center distance fitting system, similar to the ISO round-hole system
standard bore. In the comparison, the center distance of the hole, the tooth
thickness or base tangent length or Zweikegelweite of the shaft. The gear
assemblies are clearance fits. The torsional backlash in the gear fit fits
corresponds to the play with the ISO round fits. In order to be able to achieve
different sized backlashes, tolerance zones are created for the base tangent
lengths or biconical widths whose position is indicated by small letters as in
the case of the ISOR fits (see Figures 1 and 2).

Center distance
Number ofbase tangent lengths -bzw.
Tooth Thickness Alllowance Figure 1. Location of Tolerance Fields for
GradeGear Fit7

Fields h and g according to DIN 3961 ff. Would result in a negative backlash
in replacement design, they are therefore not permitted for gear assemblies
according to this standard. See Note to Supplement 2 on page 2

since a perfect running of the gears in the transmission is ensured not only
by maintaining the center distance and tangent lengths- or Double conical
alllowance, but also by the additional errors the individual determinants of
the transmission elements is dependent, they are determined according to
the alllowance of the center distance and the base tangent lengths or Double
conical alllowance. in cases where the circumferential backlash can be large
without adversely affecting the function, the base tangent length or double
taper widths of several tolerance fields may be allowed while maintaining
the quality. Although the base tangent lengths of a toothed gear may deviate
within only one tolerance field, the fields of the series may deviate within the
specified tolerance ranges. To avoid confusion with the round fits, the figure
for the quality is set before the letters for the tolerance field (eg 7); 7f; 9ED).
The ranges and tolerances are defined in accordance with the education
laws in DIN 3961, unless deviating specifications had to be made because of
the special requirements of the precision engineering of DIN 3961.

2. Scope This standard applies to rolling contact (hereinafter briefly called

Transmission) with straight or helical gears with or without profile
displacement and the following restrictions:
2.1. Basic rack profile for the toothing

up to module 1. according to DIN 58 400

Above module 1 according to DIN 867

During the transitional period and for certain special cases, DIN 867 with SK
>0,2.m until module 1 may also be used.

2.2. Module m

m - 0.2 to 3 mm

graduation according to DIN 780

2.3.ProfileIIIIII shift

xx = - 0.5 to + 0.5)




2.4. Helix angle Bo

Bo = (50), 100, 150, (170), 20 ° (avoid bracketed values if possible)

2.5.teeth z

z = 12 to 140

2.6. Pitch circle diameter de

do <400 mm


Base tangent length b for spur gears b = 10 m for helical spur gears b = 16.m
Gear gears outside this area of application must be specially recalculated
(see Note to Supplement 2 on page 2).

7 Ago

to I


1) This does not include the possible enlargement or Ver

kleinerung the Verdrehflankenspieles by the runout of the waves and the

bearing clearances.

See DIN 58 405 Part 2, page 2, footnote 3. 2) For topped spur gears, the
practically resulting

negative profile shift due to the tooth thickness alllowance will not fall under
this section 2.3.


Figure 2. Location of the tolerancein the gear fit fit

fields7 J7f
DIN 58 405 page 1 page 5

3. Definitions and parameters

The determinants specified in DIN 3960 are meaningful. to be applied to the

spur gears of the precision engineering, unless otherwise specified by DIN
3960 because of the special concerns of precision engineering.

3.1. Tip circle, tip diameter dk

The tip circle is the imaginary outer (in the case of an inner gear the inner)
limiting line of the toothing of a spur gear in a plane perpendicular to the
gear center . Its diameter is with basic rack profile according to DIN 58 400
and DIN 867 at the outer gear:

dk = do + 2m(x + y) -

for the inner gear:

dk = do + 2m, (x - y) + 2k.m,

For DIN 58 400 y = 1,1, for DIN 867 y = 1

3.1.1. Head reduction k.m

A head reduction kom is required so that a V gear with non-topped spur

gears has the defined head clearance Sk.

For an external gear:

K*m = a0 + (x1 + x2) m -a

For an internal gear fit is:

k • m, = a - a0 - (x2 – x1) m,

If the head reduction calculated hereafter is so small that the smaller

head play in the transmission is sufficient by the amount k*m, then the
original head height generally needs not to be reduced.

It is (see DIN 3960, section 3.34)


m. 21 + zz cos O 8 cos po 2 cos abs

7GT =

sino aos

The angle abs concerns

2tan Won (X

evahe = 2 tan con (* 2 + xz) ..

For spur gears without profile displacement with basic rack profile according
to DIN 58 400 (yw = 1,1, A yw = 0,1),

2,4 cos Bo

For an internal gear unit,

min 22 - 71 cos & os cos ßo 2 cos abs

For straight and helical gears, the tolerance-dependent limit number zęt can
be found in Table 1 or in Figure 3. Table 1.


The angle (bs results from

| 0o | 150 | 10 ° 15 ° | (179) 20 °

21 21 20 19 19 18

2 tan con (x2 - * 1) + ev at

ev & bs =


22 - 21

with serration

according to DIN 58 400 l * gT

with serration 19 19 18 17 | 17 | 16

. To DIN 867 Bracketed sizes should be avoided asas possible

accfarSprockets with abs = ab = and og =

3.2 , Location of the basic rack profiles for subcircle

3.2.1. Profile shift; Profile displacement factor x The profile displacement on

a V-gear is the distance of the profile basic rack line of the basic rack profile
from the pitch circle. With a V plus gear, the profile shift is positive (profile
basic rack line radially outward - away from the gear axle - shifted); with a V
minus gear, the profile shift is negative (profile basic rack line radially inward
- shifted towards the gear center ). The value of the profile shift is the
product of the profile shift factor x and the normal modulus. Profile
displacement = * • mn or x • m profile is displaced(10)

Thus, for external and internal teeth: x is positive if the basic rack away
from the gear center , x negative if the basic rack profile is shifted towards
the gear center .

3.2.2. Undercut In the case of unmodified gears, the undercut of the tooth
flanks begins by a rack-and-pinion tool (tooth comb, hob, grinding gear) at a
calculatory limit number zg (theoretical limiting no. of teeths) corresponding
to an pressure angle αos and a addendum modification tool factor y wat the
basic rack profile of the tool

(11 ) is.

In the case of spur gears, Zg is 19 (for yw = 1.1) for gears DIN 58

400 and 17 (for yw = 1) for gears to DIN 867. Due to the deviation of the end
point of the usable edge on the tool ( Transition of the head rounding into the
flank (see DIN 58 412) from the nominal position of this point (yw = 1.1 at DIN
58 400, yw = 1 at DIN 867) results in a tolerance-dependent limit number of


For the basic rack profile according to DIN 867 (yw = 1; delta delt yw = 0,1) is

Page 6 DIN 58 405 Sheet 1

For basic rack profile #nach DIN 58400

For basic rack profile Anach DIN 867
image 3. influence of the helix angle Bo of spur gears with basic rack profile
according to DIN 58 400 and DIN 867 on the tolerance dependent boundary
numbers of teeth zgt
Sk= 0.2 m
HelixPeak limitUTUULILLProfile shiftfactor x

Number of teeth z
Figure 4. Influence of the profile shift on the tolerance-dependent limit
number of teeth Zgt for spur gears with basic rack profile according to DIN
58 400
Figure 5. Influence of the profile shift on the tolerance-dependent limit
number of teeth Zot on spur gears with basic rack profile according to DIN

Sk= 0.2 m
HelixPeak limitUTUULILLProfile shiftfactor x

Number of teeth z
DIN 58 405 Sheet 1 Page 7



3.2.3. Avoiding the undercut avoid

due to profile displacement If you want to the undercut by a rack and

pinion tool for z teeth, so that the tooth curve starts at the base circle, the
profile factor


is required. For spur gears with z teeth applies to basic rack profile
according to DIN 58 400

x = 1.2 (21 – z)/21

for basic rackto DIN 867

x = 1.1 (19 – z)/19

profile19 The relationship of the profile displacement factor x with the

undercut limits for spur gears with basic rack profile according to DIN 58 400
in Figure 4 and DIN 867 in Picture 5 shown. x must be positive for z <zgt and
negative for z> zgt, ie displacement values above the oblique boundary lines
are always permissible. The peak limit line indicates the permissible profile
shift up to a minimum tooth thickness at the tip circle of sk = 0.2.m. It results
without head reduction from Figure 4 as the smallest usable number of teeth
of a spur gear basic rack profile according to DIN 58 400 z = 13

and from Figure 5 as the smallest usable number of teeth of a spur gear
basic rack profile according to DIN 867 z = 10

The basic rack profile according to DIN 58 400 allows in use certain
minimum head reductions k min. m and certain profile displacements x.m
Numbers of teeth smaller than z = 13, see DIN 58 400.

2.57 are to be determined. The base tangent length is z. B. measured directly
by Zahnweitenschieblehre or Zahnweitenmeßschraube or indirectly in the
two-flank rolling test.

3.2.4. Admissible pairings

with undercut unmodified gears Profile displacement with x according

to equation (14) can be avoided despite falling below the tolerance-
dependent limit number of teeth, if the number of teeth of the counter-gear is
kept within certain limits. The existing at one or both unmodified gears
undercut then causes no shortening of the engagement path and is not
harmful in this regard. See Note to Supplement 2 on page 2.

3.3. Contact ratio degree & The contact ratio ratio is the ratio of the
engagement distance to the base pitch in the frontal section, the ratio of the
smaller base tangent length b to the center pitch in the axial section. In the
face section one speaks of profile contact ratio, in the axial section of error
contact ratio. With spur gears, only profile contact occurs, with helical gears
profile and error contact ratio.

3.3.1. Profile contact (duration of action) Ep It is for gear assemblies without

damaging undercut

3.3.2. face contact ratio εsp

It is


3.3.3. Total contact ratio εges

Εges = εp + εsp

Here, εp should not be smaller than a 1.1

See Note to Supplement 2 on page 2.

3.4. base tangent length W The base tangent length W (auxiliary size for
measuring the tooth thickness, see DIN 3960 Figure 12) is the distance
between two parallel planes measured over z 'teeth, each of which touches a
right and a left flank in the vicinity of the circle. The base tangent lengths w
'for spur gears without profile displacement as a function of the modules and
helix angles listed in Section 2 can be found in the tables in DIN 58 405 Part
4, Section 1. The base tangent length W is then

W = w '+ ΔW where

ΔW = 2 x. m. sinαon (20 a)

For unmodified gears W = w '. The number of teeth z 'is the tables in DIN 58
405 Sheet 4, Section 1, refer to the assigned base tangent lengths. For the
nominal sizes of the spur gears which are outside the scope of application of
Section 2, the base tangent lengths according to DIN 3960 Section

3.5. Double taper N The double taper N for external gear teeth (auxiliary for
measuring tooth thicknesses, Figures 6 and 7) is the distance between the
faces of two truncated cones (one standard is in preparation), each touching
a right and left flank above the base circle. Thus, the contact of the two
Meßkegel with the tooth flanks is safe in the usable range of the tooth flanks,
it should take place outside of the pressure angle «= 0 to 50. If the number of
teeth is even, the measuring cones lie in opposite tooth gaps, and the
measuring center (common center of the measuring cones) passes through
the toothed gear blank(Figure 7). If the number of teeth is odd, the measuring
cones lie in the tooth spaces that are closest to each other, but the
measuring center does not pass through the center of the tooth (Figure 6).

cos from
page 8

DIN 58 405 page 1

Measuring cone 3)
Figure 7. Two-conical measurement with straight number of teeth

The nominal dimension N of the double-conical distance refers to the

nominal dimension of the tooth thickness for the spur gear and son for the
helical gear.

3.5.1. Double helix for unmodified gears For a helical gear with values
according to Section 2 and a head height of the measuring cone, the nominal
dimension N of the double helix is

N = do -2h M
(21) or in relation to the width bm of
the taper of the measuring cone

3.5.2. Double helix for V-gears The nominal dimension N of the double helix
of a helical gear with values according to section 1 of a head height of the
measuring cone hkm and profile displacement is

N = do + 2x.m - 2 hkM


or related to the width bM of the blunting of the measuring cones

N = do + 2 xom12ao (24)

2 = 21


3.6. Torsional backlash Sd

3.6.1. With absolute tolerance addition The backlash Sd, is the arc of the
pitch circle, by which each of the two gears can be rotated while holding the
mating gear from the system of the right flanks to the plant of the left flanks.
Without taking into account the statistical tolerancing - when using the
alllowance for base tangent length and center distance - it is composed of
the proportions of both alllowance. For zero, V-zero and V-transmission, the
following applies to slant

For spur gears, tanαbs = tanαb and cos Bo = 1. To determine the largest and
smallest circumferential backlash with 100% tolerance addition, the
influence of the bearing clearance as well as the permissible eccentricity
deviation of the shafts must be taken into account. To the shaft belong, apart
from the gear, all rotating parts, z. B. intermediate bushes, inner rings of
rolling bearings, etc. (see DIN 58 405 sheet 2, footnote 14). For zero, V-zero
and V-gears,:

helical gears are1

For spur gears tan abs = tan ab and cos Bo = 1. If the two-conical
size alllowance are used instead of the base tangent length alllowance, the
factor 1.064 changes to 2.747.

If the actual dimension of Sd of a gear fit fitting is determined, then the

actual alllowance must be inserted for the individual alllowance

to be into the equations. The angle αbs’ is given by:

DIN 58 405 Blatt 1

Page 9

The angle αbs’’, is given by:

3.6.2. In the case of statistical tolerance addition The tolerance of the mean
circumferential backlash Sdm, which is to be expected according to
statistical principles, and which is not exceeded in virtually all cases, results
from the use of statistical tolerancing. (See DIN 7186 in conjunction with the
Explanatory Notes to this standard). In simple terms, the mean
circumferential backlash can be calculated with sufficient accuracy by
determining Sdmax and Sdmin from equations (25) and (26) and inserting
them in the following equation.

If Sdmax and Sd min are determined from Equations (27) and (28), equation
(29 c) applies.

3.6.3. Conversion of the backlash from pm to angle-seconds

(29 d)

where do is the pitch circle diameter of the playing spur gear of a pairing

4. Division

The gears commonly used in precision engineering can be classified

according to the following table:

Table 2.

transmission Distinguishing characteristics Basic rack

types applications profile

clockwork Torque watches with

gear transmission mechanical
Transmission oscillation
Low friction system
losses, large
derived from
cycloids and
circular arcs

measuring Transmission Mech Partial Basic rack 5J / 5f 6J / 6f

gear Transmission head Dial profile 7376 (8J / 8f)
Lowest gauge Variable according to
Nevertheless speed gear fit DIN 58 400 or
and smooth Variable speed DIN 867 (see
running gear fit section 2)

gear for Low backlash. Microscope (/ 5f) 6J / 6f

adjustment Fast and drive, fine 7J / 7 dc 8J /
steady adjustments 8f

Power gear Backlash not Electric hand according to 6J / 6e 7J /

greater than drill, DIN 58 400 or 7dc 8J / 8dc
required for windscreen DIN 867 (see 93 / 9ed
low noise and wiper, sewing section 2)
low wear machine,
standard load

drive Large Drive gear Preferably 9J / 9ed 10J

backlash with drives for reference / 10e profile
a large tooth photo shutter, profile
head play, to counters, according to
avoid running recording DIN 58 400
inhibitions devices
due to ---
also special
contamination gears

Page 10

DIN 58 405 page 1

Information on other standards DIN 620 Sheet 1 Tolerances of rolling

bearings; Measuring method

sheet 2 -; Normal tolerance (tolerance class 0) page 3 -; restricted tolerances

(tolerance class 6.5 and 4)

page 4 -; radial internal clearance DIN 3141 (pre-standard) Surface

symbols in drawings; Allocation of the roughness depth DIN 5425 fits for the
installation of rolling bearings; General Guidelines DIN 7182 Sheet 1
Tolerances and fits; Terms for dimensional tolerances

sheet 4 (pre-standard) -; Terms for deviations in shape and position

General gearing standards DIN 780 Modular series for gears DIN 867 Basic
rack profile for spur gears with involute gearing for general engineering DIN
3960 Determination variables and errors on spur gears; Basic Terms (August
1960 edition) DIN 3967 Tolerances for spur gear toothing according to DIN
867; Explanations

Gear standards of precision engineering DIN 58 400 Basic rack profile for
helical gears with involute toothing for precision engineering DIN 58 405
page 2 Helical gears of precision engineering; Getriebepassungsauswahl;
tolerances; Alllowance

sheet 3 -; Information in drawings, calculation examples Sheet 4 -; Tabellen

Beiblatt 1 -; Rechenvordruck DIN 58 411 Wälzfräser für Stirnräder

der Feinwerktechnik mit Modul 0,1 bis 1 mm DIN 58 412 Bezugsprofile für
Verzahnwerkzeuge der Feinwerktechnik; Evolventenverzahnungen nach DIN
58 400 und

DIN 867 DIN 58 413 Toleranzen für Wälzfräser der Feinwerktechnik

Verzahnungsnormen des Maschinenbaus DIN 3962 Blatt 1 Toleranzen für

Stirnradverzahnungen nach DIN 867; zulässige Einzelfehler, Modul bis 0,6

Blatt 2 ---; -, Modul über 0,6 bis 1,6 Blatt 3 -; -, Modul über 1,6 bis 4

Blatt 4 -; -, Modul über 4 bis 10 DIN 3964 Verzahnungen;

Achsabstands-Abmaße DIN 3967 Toleranzen für Stirnradverzahnungen nach
DIN 867; zulässige Flankenrichtungsfehler, zulässige Sammelfehler,

Ausländische Normen BS 978: Part 1: 1962 Fine Pitch Gears, Involute Spur
and Helical Gears AGMA 236.04 Inspection of Fine Pitch Gears AGMA 390.01
Manuel for Spur, Helical and Herringbone Gears

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