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laural wreath: vòng nguyệt quế


1. Have the children write on top of the page: I Am Special Because….

2. If I was a super hero what kind out super hero would I be and what
powers would I have (This can also be done using villains)? Nhan vat phan

3.What do I want to be when I grow up and why?

4. If you were given 3 wishes what would they be and why?

5. If I could invent a new animal what kind of animal would I make (i.e
sounds, diet, where the animal lives etc…)?

6. If I could invent a new toy what kind of toy would I create and why?

7. If I could make something disappear in my life what would it be and


8. All About me essay. Have children write about all their likes and dislikes.

9. What ways do I help my family? Have children write about the ways
they help their families (i.e chores, help mommy cook etc…).

10. How can I be a better friend? Have children write about things they
can do to be a nicer, kinder friend.

11. If you could be invisible what would you do and why?

12. What do you think about bullies and why? bat nat

13. Why is it important to be honest and not lie?

14. What would you do if you won a million dollars?

15. If you could change the world what would you do and why?

16. If you were a king/queen what would you do and why?

17. If you could invent a video game what kind of game would you create
and why?

18. Write about a time when you had to be brave, what did you do, how did
it feel?

19. Write about a trip to the moon, how did you get there, what did you see,
was it fun or scary?

20. Write about something you are really good at?

21. Write about 1 thing you want to learn about?

22. Write about a time when you worked really hard to get something.

23. Write about 5 things you could do better if you worked really hard and
gave more effort.

24. If you had to give away $1,000 what would you do with it, who would
you give it to?

25. What is the best thing someone has ever given to you?

26. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

27. Write about what you can teach others.

28. Did ever get into an argument with a friend for family member? How
did that make you feel?

29. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings? Explain what happened, how it
made you feel

30. Did someone ever hurt your feelings? How did it made you feel? Did
you talk to that person about it?
31. Is there anyone you would like to switch places with? who and why

32. What does it mean to be loyal?

33. When was a time you were loyal to a friend or a friend was loyal to you?

34. Has a friend ever betrayed you? How did it make you feel? What do
you think your friend should have done differently.

35. Have you ever been friends with someone who was unpopular or not
part of the group?

36. When was a time you felt you were treated unfairly? How did it make
you feel?

37. Is it fair to give someone a head start in a race? When is it fair? When
is it not fair?

38. Write about a time when you had a strong opinion about something?
Why did you feel so strongly about it?

39. Write about a time you made a big mistake. How did you fix it?

40. Write about a time when you were very angry. What happened?

41. If you heard a rumor about a friend that you new wasn’t true what
would you do? How would it make you feel?

42. Write about a time when you cheered someone up. What did you do,
how did if make you feel, how did it make that person feel?

43. Write about a time that you used your inner strength to get through a
tough situation.

44. Write about 3 things that are hard for you and why.

45. When was the last time you were afraid? What scared you, how did you

46. What is the bravest thing you have ever done?

47. Who is your hero and why?

48. What do you think risk taking is? Have you ever took a risk?
49. Write about your best friend. Who are they, how long have you known
them, why are they your best friend?

50. What does it mean to have good character? Do you think you have good
character, why?

51.Think about something you are not allowed to do but wish you could. Write
about why you want to do it and why you should be allowed to do it.

52. If you could be on a t.v show which one would it be any why?

53. If you had to choose to be one age for the rest of your life which age would
you want to be? Why?

54. If you could pick the perfect job what would it be?

55. You just found a treasure map, write about what you would do next. Do you
decide to look for the treasure? Who is going to help you? What supplies do
you need?

56. You just built a time machine. Where in time would you go? What did you
do? What did you see? Would you want to stay there or come back to present

57. You just discovered a new land. What are you going to call your land?
What kind of animals live there? What do you discover on your land? What
are you going to build on your new land?


58. Group writing project. Create a fairy tale. Have each member of the group
write one part of the story.

If you are working with younger children, instead of having them write, you can
have them draw and answer questions about their drawing. Try some of these

1 Create a monster. Your monster can be silly, scary, funny, big, little, colorful
etc.. What is your monster’s name? What does your monster eat? Where does
your monster live? Is your monster nice or mean? You can write the answers to
the questions on the paper for the child or have them come up and share their
drawing, while they are showing their picture ask them the questions about their

2. Create an animal. This is the same as the monster but just an animal instead.
Updated 4/18

Group Writing

I’ve been working with kids on group writing and art projects. The kids
enjoyed these topics the best.

59. Create an amusement park. Discuss as a group the name of the park.
Have each member of the group write about the parts of the park.

A. What is the theme of your park. Adventure, thrill rides, water rides, safari,

B. Write about the type of rides at the park. Are there shows at the park?

C. Describe places to eat at the park, what type of food do they serve.

D. Do they have a gift shop? What do they sell at your park.

Art Project: On a large poster board have each member of the group draw a
park map. List attractions, games, food, restrooms, gift shops, shows, etc..

60. Create planet – Your group has just discovered a new planet. Have a
group discussion about the planet. What is the name? Do anyone live on the
planet? Is there water on the planet? Did you find fossils, aliens, animals? Is
there oxygen? Is there plants, trees or water? Have each member of the group
write something about the planet.
1. Why join ROTC?
2. How can people concentrate better when studying?
3. What is the best way to ask a date to prom?
4. Is going on a study abroad worth it?
5. What is the best sport to join at our school? How did we get our school
6. What are the benefits of being in the FFA, BPA or other school
7. Is learning a foreign language in high school important?
8. Is prom worth the cost?
9. What makes a successful dating relationship?
10. Should more high schools have apprenticeships or technical programs so
people can get a job right out of school?
1. Why is junk food so addictive?
2. Is drinking bottled water a good idea?
3. Do fad diets actually work?
4. Does eating gluten-free really make people healthier?
5. Which fast food restaurant serves the best food?
6. Where are the best cheap eating spots in town?
7. Which is better, Starbucks or your local coffee shop?
8. How important is it to "eat the rainbow?"
9. What is the best diet for an athlete?
10. Is “all-natural” or “organic” worth paying more for?
1. s homework good or bad for student achievement?
2. Which is better, private school, public school or homeschooling?
3. Should vaccinations continue to be mandatory in public schools?
4. Should “gifted” students receive special educational treatment?
5. How do online high schools compare to traditional education?
6. Should schools move to having online classes in high school?
7. What is the best way to take notes in classes?
8. Is teaching suicide prevention in school helpful?
9. Should schools switch to e-books?
10. Why is math hard?
1. How can we prevent accidents caused by DUIs?
2. Should the death penalty be legal in all states?
3. How can we select better juries in high-profile cases?
4. Are after school programs a good way to reduce violence and gangs?
5. What should be the goal of putting someone in prison? Punishment,
rehabilitation or something else?
6. What is humane treatment of prisoners?
7. Do art, music, and drama help in rehabilitating prisoners?
8. Does legalization of marijuana reduce crime?
9. Can programs that create jobs prevent crime?
10. Do illegal immigrants commit a lot of crimes?
1. How can people best be encouraged to make healthier lifestyle choices?
2. How does lack of sleep hurt us?
3. What is an allergy?
4. Do T.V. shows about overweight people losing weight exploit or help?
5. What is the best possible treatment for Type 2 diabetes?
6. What is the best way to quit smoking? How can we best solve the
problem of antibiotic resistance?
7. Are drugs overused in treating mental illness?
8. What are the causes and best treatments of bi-polar disease?
9. What makes some people able to live to be over 100?
10. Does Internet medical information make people healthier?
1. Is “virtual reality” going to be important in entertainment?
2. Do violent images, music, and games cause people to act out violently?
3. Why do adults enjoy Disney movies?
4. Why are movies like “The Lion King” ones kids watch over and over?
5. Which shows are best for binge watching?
6. Why is “Fixer Upper” so popular?
7. How does Lego Batman compare to other versions of the Batman
8. Which video game has the best storyline?
9. Has Marvel changed the source material too much?
10. Which horror movie is really the scariest?
1. Should parents allow their kids to play football?
2. How can we make football safer?
3. Why is NASCAR losing fans?
4. Who is the best quarterback of all time?
5. What effect does moving and changing schools have on a high schooler?
6. Should college athletes get paid?
7. What kinds of sports should be added to the Olympics?
8. Can virtual reality help athletes train more effectively?
9. How does Rugby compare to American football?
10. How can overuse injuries be prevented in high school athletics?
1. What are the benefits of growing up in a large family?
2. What makes a successful marriage?
3. What are the health benefits of marriage?
4. What is the value of searching for your genealogy?
5. Is interracial marriage a good idea?
6. Does living together before marriage create better marriages?
7. What is the value of a family vacation?
8. How can parents get to know their teenagers better?
9. What causes the break-up of marriages?
10. What rules should parents have for their teenagers?

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