Ecur 325 Assignment3 Kimmy

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Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit Grade Level
Creative of DANCE Regular class
Subject Time Frame
Developed By

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning
How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?

LIFELONG LEARNERS: observation and simulation

SELF AND COMMUNITY: self promotion and performance in front of other
ENGAGED CITIZENS:better their socal skill

Cross curricular Competencies

How will this unit promote the CCC?


-For music: By dance study, it can help kids build up their the sense of rhythm via learning variety of beats.;Arouse their interest of
learning musical instruments.
-For physical movement: Help kids how to keep balance; Develop their bigger muscle groups.
-For socializing: It can give kids more opportunities to have communication and physical contact with other kids.

Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)

1.Use movement to respond to stimuli from diverse sources such as stories, poems, observations, visual images, music, sounds, or
2.Express ideas in dance.
3.Share with other children.
4.Move to external beats and rhythms.
5.Investigate what own body can do by exploring a variety of whole body and body part movements to express ideas.
6.Repeat expressive movements and patterns created by self and others.
7.Use different kinds of locomotor (travelling) and non-locomotor (non-travelling) actions.
8.Use a variety of dynamic qualities.
9.Understand the different of movement relationships.

Enduring Understandings Essential Questions

What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-
students to understand & be able to use several years from now) ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
What misunderstandings are predictable? of the enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific….


Related misconceptions… FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…

--Dance is a random movement to music.

Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre-requisite and/or behaviours that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
knowledge that students will need for this unit. work in this unit. These will come from the indicators.

Students will know... Students will be able to…

1. Different movement relationships (e.g., leading, following, near,
far, over, under, in front, behind) with the teacher and other dancers. -LISTENING TO MUSIC & FOLLOWING THE BEAT
2. Conception of dancing -CONTROL THEIR BODIES
3. Different beats/rhythm(e.g., softly, quickly, loud, low) -SIMULATE
4. Dance compositions(e.g., softly, quickly, locomoter, non-locomoter)

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the learning activity in
“story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding
in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G – Goal G:1) Improve children's physical coordination;
What should students accomplish by 2) Increase children's sensitivity to music beat;
completing this task? 3) Perform dance moves;
R – Role 4) Express emotions by completing actions;
What role (perspective) will your students R: Imitators, performers and creators
be taking? A:1) Students: When the teacher demonstrates the action;
A – Audience 2) Other students and teachers: When the students show the action in groups
Who is the relevant audience?
S:1) After the students get used to the beat of one song, change to another with the same beat;
2) Speed up the music play after the students get used to the beat
S – Situation
3) From one action to more
The context or challenge provided to the
student. 4) From a single action to a continuous action
P – Product, Performance 5) From requiring the teacher to lead the dance to completing the dance movements independently
What product/performance will the P:1) Students can perform dance moves;
student 2) Be able to follow the beat to complete the action
1) Degree of action completion
2) Fluency of movement
S – Standards & Criteria for Success
3) Does the action fit the beat
Create the rubric for the Performance Task
4) Mental state

Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment

Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the
desired results? Formative and summative assessments used throughout
the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
1. In the beginning of each lesson, teacher should give them a easy test, 1.Do I enjoy the process of stimulating creating and dancing
just like give them a chance to review what they did last lesson. Meanwhile, 2.Can I improve the ability of thinking
this is also a good chance for teacher to get a feedback from students. If 3.Teahcer makes a video for them to record their action in each lesson,
the students can make quick response and concentrate on the class, which which they can be clear about their changes from the beginning.
means what they studied was good for them and the lesson can move on.
2. After they had all of classes, teachers can hold a prformance for them to
give them a chance to dancing in front of people. This is an assessment as
learning for teacher to evaluate them and be clear about what levels they
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the learners been
part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged to enhance learning?
1.We want children to be able to achieve physical coordination through our lessons and have a sense of rhythm and creativity.
2.At the beginning of the course, short films, instruments and performance props are adopted to guide and discover children's
interests. Dance activities are carried out on the basis of children's interests. The movements of dance are not fixed, which can be
created and played by children themselves.
3.Before starting the dance course, a music rhythm course is needed to children to feel the rhythm and facilitate the dance
course.4.Dance classes are best done in spacious spaces, giving young children plenty of space to move around. On the layout of
classroom environment, dancing pictures can be posted, some dancing and music decorations can be made (such as notes, small
people wearing dance skirts).

How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)

Use a part of Disney movie with music and dance to arouse their interest of dancing.
Show them a veriaty of musical instruments which they can use in the following classes.
Put some dancing costumes in the acting area where kids can dress them up in spare time.
Expose some pictures about dancing on the wall.
Download some music in the player for them to improvisation.

What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you
equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources

1 Beginning for Disney Movie clips, carriage rhythm with the movie music, game with the drum beat Music Video, drum
the beginner

2 Drum Following the drum beats make their own movement----clapping hands, stamping foot, nodding... PE Drum
Simple Beat Using all body parts as much as they can

3 Music+Dance A new music with some scene in it---<SPRING>: rain, farmer, fish swimming, birds, flash, 2-3 times Music Some stuff
Rhythm FLow Different roles for each students helps for the
4 Music+Dance Different music, more complicated rhythm and beats Music Some stuff
Rhythm FLow Challenges for the advanced children helps for the

5 Dance+Drama Story time and a relevent movie about the story Drama Story book
Give them a scenario base on the story and do some imitation Video
Improvisation--about a part of the story which they have great interest on. Role play
6 Rhythm Imitation---teacher’s action Music Video
practice Choose a suitable music and try to teach them how to follow the rhythm and make movements music

7 *There are a variety of dancing lessons for different levels of students maily base on where the class
headed. Teacher needs to update their lesson plan to adopt students development degree, which
means the plans should always be flexiable.

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: Alignment between outcomes, performance assessment and learning experiences.
Is there alignment between outcomes, performance
assessment and learning experiences?

Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:

Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum
content (not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or -For the less concentrated children, individual remingding, asking for attention by
the learning environment to meet the learning needs and questions or body-touching.
diversities of all my students? -For the poor balance children, encourage them, individual help, partners help, teacher
assistants involved for their safty.
-For the children who doesn’t following the teacher’s directions, teacher assistants help, let
them come closer and make sure them won’t distrub others, let them be a nice audience.

For students who need a challenge:

-Physical challenges, more complicated movement

-Help others who need help.
-Gifted children, hit a preformance

Instructional Approaches: -More time ,more space and more creative opportunities for them, have fun, do not
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student critisize their motion.
centered instructional approaches? -Be a nice audience and get them praise for them innovation.

Resource Based Learning: -Using some daily stuff to dance, like scraf, towel, golves.... close to their daily life.
Do the students have access to various resources on an -Special clothing for different kinds of dancing
ongoing basis? -Role Play
FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender -Disabled children, doing some body rhythmic activity as posible, Tap Beats Dubstep
Equity/Multicultural Education:
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring
each child’s identity?

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)

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