Unified Curriculum Semester III

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Required Course MATH-241 Vector Calculus and PDE

Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3 - 0.

Concept of vector and Vector field, Vector differentiation, Space curves, Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Vector
Integration, Spherical Cylindrical coordinates systems and Partial differential equation and its different methods
with applications in the field of engineering.
Prerequisite: College Level Knowledge of Mathematics.
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: 1.Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyszig
2. Vector Analysis by Murray R. Spiegel

Reference Books: 1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by D. G. Zill & M. R. Cullen
Course Objectives: At the end of the course students should be able to:
1. Recognize the appropriate Mathematical tools and techniques of Vector Calculus with which to
approach a wide variety of engineering problems.
2. Specify a Mathematical representation of a problem.
3. Carry out appropriate Mathematical manipulations by using techniques of Vector Calculus to
solve the engineering problems.
4. Interpret the significance of the Mathematical result.
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:
 Instill fluency with the basic Mathematical techniques of Vector Calculus which are
needed as tools for engineers.
 Introduce new topics of vector calculus with engineering applications which are
necessary for these courses.
 Place emphasis throughout upon the grasp of essentials and competency in
Topics: Week

1. Vectors and scalars. Vectors,Scalars,vector algebra, Laws of Vector Algebra, Unit Vectors, 1-2
rectangular unit vectors, Components of a vector, scalar fields, vector fields, dot or scalar
products, Cross or vector products, Triple products.
2. Vector Differentiation. Ordinary derivatives of vectors, space curves, continuity and 3-5
differentiability, Differentiation formulas, partial derivatives of vectors. Differentials of vectors.
Directional derivative
3. Gradient, divergence and Curl. The vector differential operator del, Divergence, Curl, Formulas 6-8
involving del.
4. Vector Integration. Ordinary integrals of vectors, Line integrals, surface integrals, Volume integrals. 9-10
5. The Divergence Theorem, Stoke’s Theorem, and Green’s Theorem. Gauss divergence theorem, 11-13
Green’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem in the plane,
6. Partial Differential Equations. Introduction, Formation and solution of Partial Differential Equations 14-16
Linear and non-linear first order Partial Differential Equations and their solutions, Separation of
variables, Application: One dimensional Wave equation and its solution by separation of variable
method, One dimensional heat flow, Two dimensional heat flow, Two dimensional Wave equation.
Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, three sessional exams, and one final exam.
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Test 30%
Final 50%
Required Course HU-109 Communication Skills
Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 2-0.
Listening Skill, Speaking Skill, reading Skill and Writing Skill
Prerequisite: Nil
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: Nil
Reference Books:
1. College Writing Skills by John Langan
2. Read Better, Write Better-Readers Digest Compilation
3. Mastering Communication by Nicky Stanton
4. Business Communication by Mary Ellen Guffey,
5. Principles and Types of Speech Communication (Twelfth Edition) by
Bruce E. Gronbeck, Raymie E. McKerrow and others
6. Communication—Making Connection by William J Seiler & Melissa L Beall

Course Objectives: This course covers different aspects of communication skills:

1. Making the students realize that effective communication is a skill which can be improved with training and practice
2. Highlighting the barriers to effective communication and the way to overcome them
3. Providing the student a forum to practice their public speaking and positive feedback and techniques to polish the
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:
1. Understand the importance and requirement of communication skills in life
2. Speak more effectively in front of public
3. Read more effectively employing the techniques of skimming, scanning and SQ3R

Topics: Weeks

1. Introduction, Process, objectives. Importance of English as means of communication. Verbal and non-verbal communication.
Barriers to effective communication 1
2. Introduction to phonetics 2
3. Importance of listening. Barriers to effective listening. Strategies for effective listening. Practice test 3
4. Importance of public speaking. Stage Fright. (Definition, Causes and Remedies. Positive
Workplace Communication
Skill application:
a. Group discussions
b. Short individual speeches by students
c. Role plays
d. Formal presentations by students 4 - 12
4. Effective Reading. Identifying barriers to effective reading. Introduction to skimming, scanning, fast
reading, SQ3R 13 - 14
5. Requirement of writing skill for Engineers. Effective Technical writing. Writing Process. Accurate
Use of Punctuation Marks 15 - 16
Basic writing errors:
i. Fragments
ii. Run-on sentences
iii. Faulty parallelism
iv. Problems with modifiers
v. Problems in subject-verb agreement
Close reading followed by practical exercise

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments (three oral assignments i.e presentations, speeches, role plays etc and one written ), two
class tests , and one final exam.

Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%

Required Course ME-112 Engineering Statics

Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3-0.

Revision of basic concepts, Vector description of forces and moments, Classification and equivalence of force systems, Two and three-

dimensional equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, Elements of structures – trusses, frames, Friction, Virtual Work.

Prerequisite: Applied Physics PHY -101

Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: Engineering Mechanics – Statics by R. C. Hibbler

Reference Books: 1.Engineering Mechanics – Statics by W.F.Riley & L.D.Sturges

2.Engineering Mechanics - Statics & Dynamics by Ferdinand L. Singer

Course Objectives: It is expected that this course will develop a strong platform for an engineering student to absorb all upcoming
engineering applications related to force application and their response in solid bodies in daily life, being at rest or in motion with no
acceleration. The student will become able enough to consult another engineer using standard engineering terminology employed all over
the world.
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:

6. Gain sufficient knowledge of Force applications and its analysis.

7. Analyse Force Interactions by using free body diagrams
8. Understand Force Vectors and Resolution of Vectors. Learn to use Parallelogram Law.
9. Use Coplanar Force Systems using Scalar notation. Resolve Three dimensional Force Systems and develop Equations of
10. Understand Elements of Structure and their usage.
Topics: Week
1. Revision of Basic concepts: Statics and Dynamics. Concepts of Force, Particle, Rigid Body, Concentrated Force,
Laws of Motion, Newton’s law of Gravitational Attraction. Classification of Forces. Principle of Transmissibility. 1
2. Vector Description of Forces and Moments: Force Vectors: Revision of basic vector operations
e.g. vectors addition, subtraction, multiplication & division of vectors by scalar. Resolution of Vectors,
Parallelogram Law. 2-3
3. Classification and equivalence of force system: Addition of a system of Coplanar Forces.
Cartesian Vectors. Concepts of Cartesian vectors applied to Concurrent force systems. Position vectors.
Force vector directed along a line. Dot and Cross products, Resultant of a Force and Couple System.
Reduction of a Force and Couple System, simplifications to a single resultant force, concurrent force,
coplanar and parallel force systems. Reduction of forces and couple moment systems to a Wrench. Reduction of a
simple distributed loading. 4-6
4. Two and three- dimensional equilibrium of particles: Condition for the equilibrium of a Particle,
The Free Body diagram. Coplanar Force Systems using Scalar notation. Three dimensional Force
Systems, Equations of Equilibrium. Two and Three-force members and free body diagrams. 7-8
1. Two and three-dimensional equilibrium of rigid bodies: Conditions for Rigid Body equilibrium.
Equilibrium in two dimensions, free body diagram, support reactions, Equations of Equilibrium.
Two and Three-force members, free body diagrams, Equilibrium in three dimensions, scalar and
vector equations of equilibrium, and constraints for a Rigid Body. 9-10
2. Elements of Structure: Simple Trusses-basic definition, assumption for design. The Method of Joints,
Zero-Force Members. Method of Sections. Space Trusses, Frames, Machines, Beams. 11-12
3. Friction: Theory of Friction. Classifications of Friction. Friction Laws. Static and Kinetic coefficients
of friction. Angle of Repose. Friction applications-Wedges. 13-14
4. Virtual Work: Definition of work and virtual work, Principle of virtual work for Particles, rigid
bodies and systems of connected rigid bodies, Conservative forces, Potential energy and criterion for
equilibrium, Stability of equilibrium. 15-16

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, three sessional exams, and one final exam.
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%
Required Course ME-220 Engineering Materials
Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3 - 0.

Introduction to engineering materials, structure of metals, mechanical properties of materials, phase diagram, composite materials,
crystalline imperfections, heat treatment, fracture analysis, corrosion and degradation of materials.

Prerequisite: Nil
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: 1. Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction by William D. Callister Jr.
2. Foundation of Materials Science & Engineering by William F. Smith.

Reference Books: Nil

Course Objectives: This course covers the basics of engineering materials and help students to learn:
1. To familiarize with different categories of engineering materials and their possible applications.
2. To acquire knowledge related to the microstructure of engineering materials.
3. To understand atomic and micro level structure of materials and properties associated with it.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:
11. Understand correlation between processing, structure and properties of materials, and its affect on performance.
12. Differentiate between different categories and groups of engineering materials.
13. Understand physical change in materials for given external effects.

Topics: Week

3. Introduction to engineering materials and classification. 1

4. Structure of metals, unit cell, crystallographic directions and planes, polymorphism and allotropy and
X-ray diffraction techniques
5. Mechanical properties of metals: elastic and plastic deformation, ductility, resilience, toughness, recovery,
hardness and hardness tests, ductile to brittle transformation. 4-5
6. Phase diagram: solid solution, microstructure, binary isomorphous and binary-eutectic systems, Iron-carbon system 6-7
7. Composite materials.
8. Crystallographic imperfections: point defects, line defects, dislocation and plastic deformation, slip systems and
planer defects
9 - 10
9. Heat-treatment: critical temperature, transformation on heating/cooling, annealing, normalizing, tempering,
quenching, austempering, hardening, spheroidizing, stress-relief, diffusion mechanism. 11- 12
10. Materials failure analysis
11. Corrosion and degradation of materials. 14
12. Materials testing: destructive and non-destructive testing, testing standards. 15-16

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, Three mid-semester Test, and One final exam.
Quizzes 10%
Assignments 10%
Test 30%
Final 50%

Prepared by: Dr Sohaib Zia Khan, Panel-I,PNEC

Required Course ME-230 Fluid Mechanics-I
Catalog Description: Credit Hours:3 - 0.

Fluid statics, Elementry fluid dynamics-The Bwrnoulli Equation, Fluid Kinematics, Finite control volume analysis, Similitude,
Dimensional analysis, and Modeling,.

Prerequisite: Differential Equations, Physics

Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: 1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okishi (JW)
2. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Cengel, Cimbala. (Mc Graw Hill)

Reference Books: 1. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox & Mc Donald (JW)

Course Objectives: To cover the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics
To present numerous engineering examples to give students a feel for how fluid mechanics is applied
in engineering practices.

Course Outcomes: After completing this course the students will be able to:

Recognize the real life problems involving fluid.

Simplify the problem in to mathematical models, and solve for the unknowns.

Topic Week

1 Some characteristics of fluids ,Dimensions, Dimensional homogeneity, and units- systems of unit, Analysis of fluid behavior, Measure of 1
fluid mass and weight- density, specific weight, specific gravity, Ideal gas law, Viscosity, Compressibility of fluid- Bulk modulus,
compression and expansion of gas, speed of sound. Vapor pressure, Surface tension.
2 Pressure at a point, Basic equation of pressure field, Pressure variation in a fluid at rest-Incompressible fluid, compressible fluid., 2-4
Standard atmosphere, Measurement of pressure, Manometry-Piezometer tube, U-Tube manometer, Hydrostatic force on a plane surface,
Pressure prism, Hydrostatic force on a curved surfaces, Buoyancy, Flotation, and stability- Archimedes principle. Stability. Pressure
variation in fluid with rigid body motion, rigid body rotation.
3 Newton second law, F=ma along streamline, F=ma normal to streamline, Physical interpretation, Static, stagnation, dynamic and total 5-8
pressure, examples of use of the Bernoulli’s equation-Free jet, confined flow, flow rate measurement, The energy line and hydraulic grade
line, Restriction on use of the Bernoulli equation-compressibility, unsteady, rotational, other effects.
4 The velocity field-Eulerian and Lagrangian flow description, One, two, three dimensional flows, steady and unsteady flows, streamline, 9-11
streakline, and pathlines. The acceleration field-The material derivative, unsteady effect, convective effect, streamline coordinate, Control
volume and system representation. The Reynolds transportation theorem-derivation of Reynolds transportation theorem, physical
interpretation, relationship to material derivative. Steady effect, Unsteady effect, Moving control volumes, Selection of a control volume.
5 Conservation of mass- derivation of continuity equation, Fixed non-deforming control volume, Moving non-deforming control volume 12-14
Newton’s second law- The linear momentum and moment of momentum- Derivation and application, First law of thermodynamic-
derivation and application, Second law of thermodynamics- Derivation and application.
6 Dimensional analysis, Buckingham Pi theorem, Determination of pi term, Some additional comments about dimensional analysis- 15-16
selection of variable, determination of reference dimension, uniqueness of pi term. Determination of Pi term by inspection, Common
dimensionless groups in fluid mechanics, Correlation of experimental data-Problem with one Pi term, Problem with two or more Pi
terms, Modeling and similitude-Theory of models, model scales, practical aspect of using models, Some typical model studies- Flow
through closed conduits, Flow around immersed bodies, Flow with free surface.

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, two sessional exams, and one final exam.
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%

Required Course ME-231 Thermodynamics II

Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 3-0.

Basic concepts of Energy and Exergy Relationships , Use of Thermodynamic Property Relations, Understand Vapor Power and Vapor
Compression cycles, and analyse Non-Reactive Gas Mixtures, Chemical Reactions and Equilibrium, and High Speed Flow
Prerequisite: Thermodynamics I ME-130
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: Thermodynamics by Y A Cengel and M A Boles

Reference Books: 1. Engineering Thermodynamics by G. F. C. Rogers and Y. R. Mayhew

2. Engineering Thermodynamics by T. D. Eastop and A. M. McConkey.
Course Objectives: To prepare students for pursuing advanced Thermodynamics and Applied Thermodynamics Subjects like IC Engines
and Gas Turbines at PNEC, so as to satisfy requirements for an Engineering Degree.

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:

14. Gain an insight to Exergy and loss of Exergy due to Irreversibilities.

15. Understand the use of Thermodynamics Relations and the JT Effect.
16. Understand the basics of Vapor Power cycles and Vapor Compression cycles.
17. Learn to analyse Ideal and Real Gas Mixtures and the use of Enthalpy and Entropy Departure charts.
18. Get an Insight to the mechanism of Combustion and Combustion Equilibrium.
Topics: Week
1. Exergy: The concept of Exergy and relations for calculating loss of Exergy for open and closed systems.
Relation between Exergy loss and Irreversibility 1-3
2. Vapor and combined power cycles: Carnot vapour and Ideal cycle for Vapour power cycles, Energy
Analysis of ideal cycle, Deviation of Actual cycle from ideal cycle, Means of improving Rankine cycle
efficiency-Lowering condenser pressure, Superheating and increasing boiler pressure. Reheat Rankine cycle,
Regenerative cycles, Open and closed feedwater heaters, Cogeneration, Binary vapour and Combined
Gas-Vapour Power cycles. 4-6
3. Vapor Compression cycles. Refrigerators and Heat Pumps. The reversed Carnot cycle.The Ideal Vapor-Compression
refrigeration cycle and Actual Vapour Compression cycles.Selection of Refrigerant. Cascade, Multi stage and Multi purpose Compression
Refrigeration systems. Liquification of Gases.Gas Refrigeration cycles, Absorption Refrigeration
and Thermoelectric refrigeration systems. 7-8
4. Thermodynamic Property Relations: Maxwell Relations, Clapeyron equation and their importance in thermodynamics. Relationships
for changes in Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Entropy and Specific Heats. Joule-Thompson Coefficient
and its significance. Changes in Enthalpy, Internal Energy and Entropy of Real Gases.
Use of generalized compressibility charts. 9-10
5. Mixtures: Introduction to gas mixtures. Composition of a Gas mixture, Concepts of molar and gravimetric analysis.
Dalton’ Law. P-v-T Behavior of Ideal and Real Gas Mixtures, Amagat’s or Leduc’s Law. Specific Heat Capacities
of a Gas Mixture. Properties of Ideal and Real Gas Mixtures. Enthalpy and Entropy Departure concepts and applications. 11-13
6. Chemical Reactions and Equilibrium: Basic concepts of reacting and non-reacting systems, Fuels and combustion,
ignition temperature, conservation of mass during combustion process, Stoichiometric and Actual combustion, Limitations
and requirements of theoretical air, Combustion Equations, Weak and Rich mixtures, Exhaust and Flue gas analysis,
Dissociation, Enthalpy of combustion and Enthalpy of Formation, First law analysis of reacting systems, Adiabatic
flame temperature, Entropy change of reacting systems, Second-law analysis of reacting systems, Criteria for chemical
equilibrium, The Equilibrium Constant for ideal gas mixtures. 14-16

Evaluation Methods: Quizzes, assignments, three sessional exams, and one final exam.
Quiz 10%
Assignment 10%
Tests 30%
Final 50%

Required Course ME-232 Thermodynamics Lab

Catalog Description: Credit Hours: 0-1.
Experiments on Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics to supplement the theoretical knowledge
Prerequisite: Thermodynamics II (ME-231) and Fluid Mechanics I ( ME-230)
Co-requisite: Nil
Text Books: Lab Manuals associated with Equipment

Reference Books: Nil

Course Objectives: To supplement the theoretical knowledge of Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics I , with Laboratory
Course Outcomes: After completion of this course students should be able to:
 Understand Fluid Mechanics Principles
 Understand the application of Thermodynamics Devices.
Topics: Lab Periods
1. Identification of various systems of a steam generating system including their
functions and locations within the generating system and brief description of
boiler safeties.
2. Familiarization with the operation of various types of steam separators and
steam traps.
3. Familiarization with the operation of steam turbines. Determination of ideal
power developed by the turbine and comparison with the useful power
4. developed by the turbine.
5. Determination of mechanical, thermal efficiencies and pressure losses in the 48
piping and components along the steam line between boiler and the turbine.
Determine the efficiency of the generator set.
6. Determination of useful and total thermal efficiencies of the steam plant along
with total heat produced for the Rankine cycle
Comparison between ideal and real steam cycles and calculations without
7. adiabatic expansion.
Identification of components of refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment
8. and determination of refrigerating effect, compressor work, mass flow rate and
9. coefficient of performance.
Trouble shooting of faults in refrigeration and air-conditioning system.

Evaluation Methods: Lab Reports and Viva in each discipline of experiments

Lab Reports 70 %
Viva 30%

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