(Ricardo v. Lloyd) Morphology Methods Cell and Mo (B-Ok - Xyz)

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Cell and Molecular Biology

Edited by

Morphology Methods
Cell and Molecular
Biology Techniques

Edited by

Ricardo V. Lloyd, MD, PhD

Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

Foreword by

Ronald A. DeLellis, MD
Weill Medical College of Cornell University and
New York Presbyterian Hospital, New York, NY

Humana P ress
Totowa, New Jersey
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Morphology methods : cell and molecular biology techniques / edited by Ricardo V. Lloyd.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISGN 0-89603-955-2 (alk. paper)
1. Cytology--Technique. 2. Molecular biology--Technique. 3. Fluorescence in situ hybridization. 4. Polymerase
chain reacion. 5. Immuniohitochemistry. I. Lloyd, Ricardo V.

QH585 .M67 2001


The past several decades have witnessed an impressive array of conceptual and techno-
logical advances in the biomedical sciences. Much of the progress in this area has
developed directly as a result of new morphology-based methods that have permitted
the assessment of chemical, enzymatic, immunological, and molecular parameters at
the cellular and tissue levels. Additional novel approaches including laser capture
microdissection have also emerged for the acquisition of homogeneous cell popula-
tions for molecular analyses. These methodologies have literally reshaped the
approaches to fundamental biological questions and have also had a major impact in
the area of diagnostic pathology.
Much of the groundwork for the development of morphological methods was estab-
lished in the early part of the 19th century by Francois-Vincent Raspail, generally
acknowledged as the founder of the science of histochemistry. The earliest work in the
field was primarily in the hands of botanists and many of the approaches to the under-
standing of the chemical composition of cells and tissues involved techniques such as
microincineration, which destroyed structural integrity. The development of aniline
dyes in the early 20th century served as a major impetus to studies of the structural
rather than chemical composition of tissue. Later in the century, however, the focus
returned to the identification of chemical constituents in the context of intact cell and
tissue structure. Ultimately, it became possible to localize with great precision major
classes of nucleic acids, proteins, and individual amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates
on the basis of specific chemical reactions that had been adapted for histological and
cytological preparations.
The development of the immunofluorescence technique for the localization of pneu-
mococcal antigens in 1942 by Albert Coons and his colleagues provided the foundation
for the subsequent development of enzyme-based immunohistochemical procedures.
The advantages of these methods were related to the facts that the reaction products
could be visualized directly in the light microscope and that the multistep staining
procedures possessed sufficient sensitivity to localize even the small amounts of antigen
that survived formalin fixation and paraffin embedding. The subsequent development
of increasingly more sensitive immunohistochemical staining sequences and the avail-
ability of increasing numbers of monoclonal antibodies together with the development
of antigen retrieval technology has made immunohistochemistry clearly one of the most
important research and diagnostic tools in the armamentarium of the investigator.

vi Foreward

The development of molecular technologies has had an equally profound impact on

approaches to the analysis of basic biological questions directly in tissue sections and
single cells. In situ hybridization techniques, including FISH, have emerged as powerful
techniques for the localization of DNA and RNA sequences at the cellular and subcel-
lular levels. Increased sensitivity of in situ hybridization has been made possible both
by amplification of target sequences through the use of the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) and in situ reverse transcriptase (RT)—PCR methods, as well as by approaches
to enhance signal amplification, including the use of increasingly more sensitive non-
radioactive techniques. Tissue and cDNA microarrays have provided a particularly
useful approach for large scale analyses of DNA, RNA, or protein and for studies of
gene expression.
The major objective of Dr. Lloyd’s book is to present an overview of the major areas
relevant to the current practice of molecular morphology. Both he and his distinguished
group of contributors have been particularly successful in achieving this goal and in
providing succinct overviews of specific methodologies, their major applications and
detailed protocols for their performance.
Dr. Lloyd’s monograph will undoubtedly find an important place on the bookshelves
of basic scientists and clinical investigators who have an interest in correlating mor-
phological and molecular parameters.
Ronald A. DeLellis, MD
Professor of Pathology
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Vice Chair for Anatomic Pathology
New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY

Molecular morphologic methods—defined as molecular and cell biologic analyses

of tissues in which the architectural integrity and spatial interrelationship of the cells
being studied are preserved—have increased rapidly in number and versatility during
the past few years. These changes have occurred both in diagnostic pathology and in
basic scientific research. Several ongoing developments affecting the pathology and
the scientific communities should make this book a valuable resource. First, it is usually
difficult for pathologists and investigators interested in molecular morphology to learn
rapidly from a single source about methods suitable to specific diagnostic and experi-
mental questions. Second, the completion of the human genome project in the near
future will provide the foundation to learn about the functions of myriad of genes with
unique roles in specific cells and tissues, so a morphologic basis for the study of human
genes and understanding human diseases will be in greater demand. There is no good
single source available that discusses in detail the most significant aspects of recent
cell biologic techniques by outstanding experts in their fields. Such a book is needed to
keep up with scientific research in morphology and recent pathologic diagnostic techniques
relevant in the twenty-first century.
Our objective was to produce a book addressing the major areas relevant to molecular
morphology today. Many of the chapters include detailed protocols for setting up or
performing techniques now in use. Potential pitfalls and anticipated problems are also
discussed. Practicing pathologists interested in recent developments and researchers
interested in molecular morphology for designing experiments, for teaching under-
graduate, graduate, and professional students, or simply for keeping up with the
literature detailing molecular morphologic approaches—all will find here the technical
and scientific background to accomplish their objectives.
The publication of Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques
would not have been possible without the enthusiastic support and contributions of Mr.
Thomas Lanigan, President, and Mr. John Morgan of Humana Press.
Ricardo V. Lloyd, MD, PhD


Foreword ................................................................................................................. v
Preface .................................................................................................................. vii
Contributors ........................................................................................................ xiii
Color Plates .......................................................................................................... xv
1 Introduction to Molecular Methods
Ricardo V. Lloyd .................................................................................................... 1
2 Laser Capture Microdissection: Principles and Applications
Ricardo V. Lloyd .................................................................................................. 11
PROTOCOL: H&E Staining 23
PROTOCOL: Operating the PIX Cell System 24
PROTOCOL: DNA Extraction from Collected Cells 24
PROTOCOL: RNA Extraction from Collected Cells 25

3 In Situ Hybridization: Detection of DNA and RNA

Long Jin, Xiang Qian, and Ricardo V. Lloyd ................................................... 27
PROTOCOL: In Situ Hybridization 45

4 In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents

Gary W. Procop and Randall Hayden ............................................................... 47
PROTOCOL: Detecting Adenovirus 61
PROTOCOL: Epstein-Barr Virus (Eber I/II) 63

5 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)

Susan Sheldon ..................................................................................................... 67
PROTOCOL: FISH Materials 84

6 Practical Applications of the FISH Technique

George Kontogeorgos, Nikiforos Kapranos, and Eleni Thodou ..................... 91
PROTOCOL: Metaphase Analysis from Whole Blood Culture 102
PROTOCOL: Metaphase Analysis from Solid Tumors 106
PROTOCOL: Interphase Analysis on Cell Imprints—Cytology Specimens 108
PROTOCOL: Interphase Analysis of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissues 110

x Contents

7 Tyramide Amplification Methods for In Situ Hybridization

John L. Frater and Raymond R. Tubbs .......................................................... 113
PROTOCOL: TSA by Rapp et al., 1995 125
PROTOCOL: CARD/TSA with Nanogold 126
PROTOCOL: Tyramide-enhanced FISH with Peroxidase-labeled Oligonucleotides 127

8 PROTOCOLS: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization

Akira Matsuno, Tadashi Nagashima, R. Yoshiyuki Osamura,
and Keiichi Watanabe................................................................................... 129
9 Quantitation of In Situ Hybridization Analysis
Lars-Inge Larsson ............................................................................................. 145
10 PROTOCOLS: Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy
Akira Matsuno, Johbu Itoh, Tadashi Nagashima,
R. Yoshiyuki Osamura, and Keiichi Watanabe .......................................... 165
11 PROTOCOLS: Polymerase Chain Reaction
Yuri E. Nikiforov and Philip N. Howles.......................................................... 181
12 PROTOCOLS: Detection of Nucleic Acids in Cells and Tissues
by In Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction
Omar Bagasra, Lisa E. Bobroski, and Muhammad Amjad ........................... 209

13 Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice

Patrick C. Roche and Eric D. Hsi .................................................................... 229
14 Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry:
Principles, Protocols, and Further Development
Clive R. Taylor and Shan-Rong Shi ................................................................ 239
PROTOCOL: Antigen Retrieval (AR) Technique 260

15 Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry

Naoko Sanno, Akira Teramoto, and R. Yoshiyuki Osamura ........................ 267
PROTOCOL: CARD Immunohistochemistry 276

16 Application of Immunohistochemistry
in the Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions
Paul J. Kurtin .................................................................................................... 277
17 Applications of Immunohistochemistry
in the Diagnosis of Undifferentiated Tumors
Mark R. Wick and Lisa A. Cerilli .................................................................... 323
Contents xi

18 Applications of Immunohistochemistry
in the Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions
Ricardo V. Lloyd ................................................................................................ 361
19 Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry
Sergio Vidal, Eva Horvath, and Kalman Kovacs ........................................... 375
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 399

20 PROTOCOLS: Clonality Analysis

Aurel Perren and Paul Komminoth ................................................................. 403
Index ........................................................................................................................... 413

MUHAMMAD AMJAD, PhD • Laboratories of Transgenic and Recombinant Vaccine,

Department of Biology, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
OMAR BAGASRA, MD, PhD • Laboratories of Transgenic and Recombinant Vaccine,
Department of Biology, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
LISA E. BOBROSKI, MS • Laboratories of Transgenic and Recombinant Vaccine,
Department of Biology, Lincoln University, Lincoln University, PA
LISA A. CERILLI, MD • Fechner Laboratory of Surgical Pathology, University
of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA
JOHN L. FRATER, MD • Department of Clinical Pathology, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, OH
RANDALL HAYDEN, MD • Clinical and Molecular Microbiology, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Cleveland, OH
EVA HORVATH, PhD • Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital,
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PHILIP N. HOWLES, PhD• Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University
of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
ERIC D. HSI, MD • Departments of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Cleveland
Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH
JOHBU ITOH, MD, PhD • Laboratories for Structure and Function Research, Tokai
University School of Medicine, Boseidai, Isehara City, Kanagawa, Japan
NIKIFOROS KAPRANOS, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, Molecular Division,
Amalia Fleming Hospital, Athens, Greece
PAUL KOMMINOTH, MD • Department of Pathology, Hospital Baden, Baden,
GEORGE KONTOGEORGOS, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, G. Gennimatas General
Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece
KALMAN KOVACS, MD, PhD • Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s
Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
PAUL J. KURTIN, MD • Divisions of Anatomic Pathology and Hematopathology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
LARS-INGE LARSSON, DSc • Division of Cell Biology, Department of Anatomy and
Physiology, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Frederiksberg,
RICARDO V. LLOYD, MD, PhD • Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN

xiv Contributors

LONG JIN • Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN

AKIRA MATSUNO, MD, PhD • Department of Neurosurgery, Teikyo University Ichihara
Hospital, Ichihara City, Chiba, Japan
TADASHI NAGASHIMA, MD, PhD • Department of Neurosurgery, Teikyo University
Ichihara Hospital, Ichihara City, Chiba, Japan
YURI E. NIKIFOROV, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
Univeristy of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, OH
R. YOSHIYUKI OSAMURA, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, Tokai University School
of Medicine, Boseidai, Isehara City, Kanagawa, Japan
AUREL PERREN, MD • Department of Pathology, University Hospital Zürich, Zürich,
GARY W. PROCOP, MD • Clinical Microbiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
Cleveland, OH
XIANG QIAN • Mayo Clinic and Foundation, Rochester, MN
PATRICK C. ROCHE, PhD • Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
NAOKO SANNO, MD, PhD • Department of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School,
Tokyo, Japan
SUSAN SHELDON, PhD • Department of Pathology, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI
SHAN-RONG SHI, MD • Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
CLIVE R. TAYLOR, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
AKIRA TERAMOTO, MD, DMSc • Department of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School,
Tokyo, Japan
ELENI THODOU, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, G. Gennimatas General Hospital
of Athens, Athens, Greece
RAYMOND R. TUBBS, DO • Department of Clinical Pathology, Cleveland Clinic
Foundation, Cleveland, OH
SERGIO VIDAL, DVM, PhD • Department of Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s
Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Laboratory
of Histology, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
KEIICHI WATANABE, MD, PhD • Department of Pathology, Tokai University School
of Medicine, Boseidai, Isehara City, Kanagawa, Japan
MARK R. WICK, MD • Fechner Laboratory of Surgical Pathology, University
of Virginia Medical Center, Charlottesville, VA
Color Plates

Color Plates 1–8 follow page 208.

Color Plate 1 Fig. 1, Chapter 3. (A) In situ hybridization detects EBV in a posttransplant
lymphoproliferative disorder. (B) In situ hybridization to detect EBV in a nasopharyngeal car-
cinoma metastatic to a cervical lymph node. (C) Detection of κ (left) and λ (right) in a
plasmacytic lymphoma. (D) In situ hybridization for albumin to diagnose a hepatocellular carci-
noma metastatic to the scapula. (E) Chromogranin A and B expression in the adrenal cortex.
(F) Pro-insulin mRNA expression in the normal pancreatic islets. See discussion on pages 36,
39 and full caption on page 37.
Color Plate 2 Figs. 1–19, Chapter 4. See pages 47–55. • Fig. 1. Lymph noted with EBV,
ISH. • Fig. 2. Pharyngeal biopsy with HPV, ISH. • Fig. 3. Placenta, involved by CMV, ISH.
• Fig. 4. Oral cavity (palate) biopsy with HSV, H&E. • Fig. 5. Palate biopsy with HSV (Fig. 4)
confirmed by ISH. • Fig. 6. Lung tissue with adenovirus, H&E. • Fig. 7. Adenovirus in lung
tissue (Fig. 6) confirmed by ISH. • Fig. 8. Brain biopsy showing JC viral inclusion in oligoden-
drocytes, H&E. • Fig. 9. JC virus in brain biopsy (Fig. 8) confirmed by ISH. • Fig. 10. Crypto-
coccus neoformans in an open lung biopsy, GMS. • Fig. 11. Identification of the yeast forms in
Fig. 10 as C. neoformans using ISH. • Fig. 12. Histoplasma capsulatum in an open lung biopsy,
GMS. • Fig. 13. Confirmation of the yeast forms in Fig. 12 as H. capsulatum using ISH.
• Fig. 14. Open lung biopsy with Blastomyces dermatiditis, GMS. • Fig. 15. Confirmation of the
yeast forms in Fig. 14 with ISH. • Fig. 16. Endospores and immature spherules of Coccidiodes
immitis in a lung biopsy, GMS. • Fig. 17. Confirmation of C. immitis in Fig. 16 by ISH.
• Fig. 18. Open lung biopsy showing Legionella pneumophila, Warthin-Starry stain. • Fig. 19.
Identification of L. pneumophila in Fig. 18 by ISH.
Color Plate 3 Figs. 5, 6, and 7, Chapter 5. See pages 74–79 for discussion and additional
details. • Fig. 5. Two-color microdeletion probe. • Fig. 6. A two-color probe for BCR and ABL
genes on a touch preparation from a spleen. • Fig. 7. Painting probe for chromosome 9.
Color Plate 4 Fig. 3, Chapter 6. See pages 94–95. (A) Examples of numerical chromo-
some aberrations using an α-satellite, centromere-specific DNA probe. (B) Monosomy of
chromosome 11 as the dominant abnormality in a mixed somatotrophlactotroph, mostly
prolactin-producing pituitary adenoma (FITC/PI). (C) Chromosome 1 in ductal carcinoma of
the breast. (D) Chromosome 2 breast carcinoma of the ductal type. (E) Localization of the
DiGeorge gene on a chromosome in the 22q11 region in normal metaphase spreads. (F) Dual-
color FISH in metaphases of normal lymphocytes demonstrates the bcr gene on chromosome
22 (green) and the abl gene on chromosome 9 (red) (FITC/TR/DAPI). (G) Mixture of whole
paint (coatsome) DNA probe for chromosome 11 (red) and α-satellite centromere-specific
probe or chromosome 2 (green) in normal metaphase spreads (FITC/TR/DAPI). (H) All human
telomeres demonstrate all chromosomes in metaphase spreads (FITC/PI).

xvi Color Plates

Color Plate 5 Figs. 9 and 10, Chapter 10. • Fig. 9. Three-dimensional projection images of
ACTH and GH cells in normal rat pituitary. (A) ACTH cells are closely associated with the
microvessel networks. (B) ACTH signals show a granular pattern in the cytoplasm. (C) GH
cells are clearly visible three-dimensionally by CLSM reflectance mode. (D) GH signals
appear granular in the cytoplasm three-dimensionally by CLSM reflectance mode. See discus-
sion on page 174 and full caption on page 176. • Fig. 10. Three-dimensional reconstructed
images of bilaterally adrenalectomized and ACTH administered rat pituitary glands. See
discussion on pages 174–175 and full caption on page 177.
Color Plate 6 Figs. 1–5, Chapter 16. • Fig. 1. Immunoperoxidase stains for κ (A) and λ
(B) immunoglobulin light chains on frozen section of a case of B-cell small lymphocytic lym-
phoma. See discussion and full caption on pages 280, 281. • Fig. 2. Immunoperoxidase stains
for κ (A) and λ (B) immunoglobulin light chains on paraffin sections of a case of mantle cell
lymphoma. See discussion on page 280 and full caption on page 282.• Fig. 3. B-cell small
lymphocytic lymphoma. H&E section demonstrating the typical cytologic features (A). Frozen
section immunoperoxidase stains for CD20 (B), CD5 (C), CD3 (D), and CD23 (E). See discus-
sion on page 283 and full caption on page 284. • Fig. 4. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
stained in frozen sections for CD2 (A) and for CD7 (B). See discussion on page 286 and full
caption on page 287. • Fig. 5. Follicular lymphoma stained for bcl-2 paraffin sections. See
discussion on page 288 and full caption on page 289.
Color Plate 7 Figs. 6–13, Chapter 16. • Fig. 6. Mantle cell lymphoma stained for cyclin D1 in
paraffin sections. See discussion and full caption on pages 289, 290. • Fig. 7. CD30-positive ana-
plastic large cell lymphoma stained for p80 paraffin sections. See discussion and full caption on
pages 290, 291. • Fig. 8. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving a lymph node. H&E section (A)
and immunoperoxidase stain (B). See discussion and full caption on pages 292, 293. • Fig. 9.
Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma involving a lymph node. H&E section (A) and immuno-
peroxidase stain (B) for CD3 performed on a paraffin section of the tumor. See discussion and full
caption on pages 294, 295. • Fig. 10. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD10 performed on a paraffin
section of a follicular lymphoma. See discussion and full caption on pages 296, 297.
• Fig. 11. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD23 performed on a paraffin section of an angio-
immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. Same case as Fig. 9. See discussion and full caption on pages 298,
299. • Fig. 12. Immunoperoxidase stain performed on a paraffin section for the cytolytic granule
protein Tia-1 in a case of NK/T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type. See discussion and full caption on
pages 298, 299. • Fig. 13. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD30 performed on a CD30-positive ana-
plastic large cell lymphoma. See full caption and discussion on pages 300, 301.
Color Plate 8 Figs. 14–19, Chapter 16 • Fig. 14. Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodular sclerosis
type involving a lymph node. H&E section demonstrating the large neoplastic cells admixed
with small lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages (A). Immunoperoxidase
stains for CD15 (B), CD30 (C), and fascin (D) performed on paraffin sections. See discussion
and full caption on pages 301–303. • Fig. 15. Hodgkin's lymphoma, nodular lymphocyte
predominance type, involving a lymph node. See discussion on pages 302, 304, and full caption
on page 305. • Fig. 16. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-lymphocyte precursor type. See
discussion and full caption on pages 305, 306. • Fig. 17. Acute myelogenous leukemia, FAB
subtype M1. See discussion and full caption on pages 306, 307. • Fig. 18. Langerhans' cell
histiocytosis involving the parotid gland. H&E (A) exhibits the typical cytologic features of
this disorder. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD1a (B) performed in paraffin sections. See discus-
sion and full caption on pages 307, 308. • Fig. 19. Histiocytic sarcoma. Immunoperoxidase
stains for CD45 (A) and CD68 (B), in paraffin sections, and for CD13 on frozen sections of the
tumor (C). See discussion on page 308 and full caption on page 309.
Introduction to Molecular Methods

Ricardo V. Lloyd, MD, PHD

The human genome contains 23 pairs of chromosomes with 3.5 × 109 nucleotide
base pairs (bp) in length. With the near completion of the sequencing of the human
gene, the best estimate of functional genes appears to be between 30,000 and 40,000
(1–3). Approximately 90% of the human DNA has no known coding function, but a
significant amount of DNA, especially in regions close to functional genes, has regula-
tory roles in cells. However, most of the functions of much of the DNA remain unknown.
Specific restriction enzymes derived from prokaryotes are used to cleave DNA at
specific sequences, which helps in the analysis of the large amount of genomic DNA.
For example, EcoRI, which is derived from Escherichia coli, cleaves DNA at the G↓
AATTC sequence. Because of the specificity of restriction endonucleases, the DNA
can be manipulated by genetic engineering, since DNA from any source cut by EcoRI
will produce identical ends that hybridize to any other source of DNA produced by
digestion with these restriction enzyme (4,5).


DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides, sugars, and phosphate groups (Figs. 1–3).
DNA has four bases, the purines adenine and guanine and the pyrimidines cytosine
and thymine. In RNA molecules, uracil is substituted for cytosine. The bases are linked
to sugar groups (nucleoside), which are in turn linked to phosphates (nucleotides).
DNA and RNA are polynucleotide molecules with alternating series of sugar and
phosphate groups (Fig. 1). The nucleotide sequences of a polynucleotide is usually
written in the 5′ to 3′ order. The nucleotide sequence of DNA contains the genetic infor-
The four DNA polynucleotide structures are base-paired in a complementary and
parallel manner (Fig. 2). One strand runs from 3′ to 5′, and the other strand runs from
5′ to 3′. The DNA structure is twisted in a helix with one complete turn every three
base pairs. During hybridization, which is one of the basic tools in molecular analyses,
the two strands anneal or come together by base-pairing.
Humans somatic cells contain 46 chromosomes, which are made up of 23 pairs. The
23 pairs represent the haploid number of chromosomes, and the 46 chromosomes

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

2 Lloyd

Fig. 1. Structure of molecules making up DNA and RNA. The bases (cytosine, guanine,
thymine, adenine, and unacil) are linked via hydrogen bonds. (A) The purines are linked by
three pairs of hydrogen bonds. (B) The pyrimidines are linked by two pairs of hydrogen bonds.
(C) The structure of unacil, present in RNA in place of thymine. (D) and (E) Structures of the
pentose sugars in DNA and RNA.

represent the diploid number, which represents the two homologous sites of each chro-
The sex chromosomes are different in males and females; females have two X
chromosomes, and males have a Y and an X chromosome. The karyotype represents
the complete chromosomal complement of a cell. These karyotypes are usually analyzed
by cytogeneticists. Chromosomes are linked by a centromere with two sister chromatid
portions. Chromosome maps are based on the position of the banding pattern (easily
visualized after staining with specific dyes) and the position of the centromeres. Chromo-
somes are numbered as 1–22 plus the sex chromosomes. The short arm of the chromo-
somes is designated as a p and the long arm as q. The p and q arms are divided into various
sections. Thus a designation of 5q21 would represent the long arm of chromosome 5,
section 2, and band 1 (Fig. 4).


Transcription is the process by which RNA is synthesized from DNA (Fig. 5). The
RNA is complementary to the original DNA strand. RNA is synthesized 5′–3′ by RNA
polymerases. There are different forms of RNA. For example, transfer RNA, small
nuclear RNA, and ribosomal RNA are end products of transcription. In contrast, messen-
ger RNA (mRNA) constitutes most of the RNA that encodes specific protein products
Introduction to Molecular Methods 3

Fig. 2. Structure of double-stranded DNA. The deoxyribonucleotide residues (black areas)

of each single strand of DNA are linked by phosphodiester bonds between the 3′ carbon of the
first deoxyribose residue and the 5′ carbon of the next residue. The purines and pyrimidines
are linked by hydrogen bonds. The two DNA strands are on antiparallel orientations.

Fig. 3. Structure of the double helix, showing the three-dimensional relationship among the
bases, sugars, and phosphodiester moieties.
4 Lloyd

Fig. 4. Physical map of chromosome 7 after Giemsa staining and G-banding. Giemsa staining
highlights the dark and light bands. The centromere and sister chromatids are shown.

Fig. 5. Diagrammatic representation of transcription and translation processes leading to

specific protein synthesis. The regulatory sequence with the enhancer and promoter sequences
are located in the 5′ upstream region. Enhancers bind protein factors and help to determine the
rate of transcription. The coding sequences downstream include exons and introns. Introns are
spliced out of the mature RNA. AUG is the start codon for protein coding, and there are three
stop codons to terminate protein synthesis (UAA, UAG, and UGA). The 5′ CAP site is at the
5′ end, and the poly(A) tail is present at the 3′ end. These sites help to increase the stability of
the mature mRNA and optimize protein synthesis.
Introduction to Molecular Methods 5

Fig. 6. The genetic code, with the amino acid symbols at the top and codons with the amino
acids they specify at the bottom.

by translation. The RNA in the nucleus is processed by excision of the intron regions
and addition of the 5′CAP site and a 3′ poly(A) tail, which increases the stability of
the mature mRNA. The introns that do not encode proteins are also removed from the
mRNA. The small nuclear RNA assists in the processing of mRNA. The mature mRNA
is transported to the cytoplasm, where it is then translated to protein. The nucleotide
sequence of the RNA (and parent DNA) determines the amino acid sequence of the
newly synthesized proteins.
The genetic code (Fig. 6) which consists of specific codons, specifies one or more
amino acids that are essential for protein synthesis. Because there are four bases in
RNA and 43 (or 64) possible base triplets or codons, the 20 naturally occurring amino
acids can be specified by different codons (Fig. 6). The methionine codon (AUG) is
the start codon for protein synthesis, and UAA, UAG, and UGA are the stop codons.
mRNA translation begins at the 5′ to 3′ end and is carried out on the ribosomes
with the assistance of transfer RNA (tRNA). Codons are recognized by tRNA that
have an anticodon triplet complement. The tRNA molecules associate with specific
amino acids determined by the anticodon sequence. The tRNA then interacts with the
complimentary codon on a message that is being translated, and the ribosome catalyzes
the addition of the amino acid to the protein during chain elongation.

Hybridization or annealing involves pairing of complementary strands of nucleic
acids. Hybrids can be formed between complementary strands of nucleic acids (DNA
6 Lloyd

Fig. 7. Schematic of Southern hybridization. After the genomic DNA is digested by specific
restriction endonucleases, the DNA fragments are separated by gel electrophoresis and then
transferred to a nylon membrane and denatured with alkali. The single-stranded DNA is hybrid-
ized with a labeled probe. Hybrids are formed between the probe and complementary DNA
fragments and can be detected with a radioactive or nonradioactive reporter system. Et br,
ethidium bromide.

and RNA). These hybrid strands can be reversibly separated by heat treatment or
alkaline treatment to disrupt the hydrogen bonds between complementary bases.
Hybridization is one of the more powerful tools in molecular analysis. If a tag or
label is placed on one strand of the nucleic acid, it can be used as a probe in the
analysis of the nucleic acids. These types of analyses are designated as Southern
and Northern hybridization for DNA and RNA analyses, respectively, and in situ
hybridization for RNA or DNA tissue analysis (Figs. 7–9). In the typical Southern or
Northern hybridization, the nucleic acids are separated on a gel by electrophoresis.
Because nucleic acids are negatively charged, they move to the positive electrode.
After denaturation and/or transfer to a solid matrix, they can be hybridized with a
known probe to detect the DNA or RNA of interest.
The specificity of the hybridization can be readily controlled by the stringency of
the conditions, i.e., pH, temperature, and salt concentration. High stringency can lead
to detection of small differences or changes such as a change in a single base, as in a
genetic mutation.
Hybridization analyses are used in molecular diagnostics to detect gene mutations
or infectious agents in body fluids or tissues or to study gene expression in tumors or
other diseased tissues.


The single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique is a useful method
for detecting gene mutations using fresh tissues or paraffin sections (6–8). One can
Introduction to Molecular Methods 7

Fig. 8. Northern hybridization. Total or poly(A)+RNA is separated into fragments of different

sizes by gel electrophoresis. Ethidium bromide (Et br) staining allows visualization of the
fragments (S) as well as the 28s and 18s ribosomal RNA bands under fluorescence. After it is
transferred to a nylon membrane and hybridized with a labeled probe, the mRNA of interest
can be detected by autoradiography or with nonradioactive methods. A−A, amino acids.

Fig. 9. In situ hybridization. The probe (DNA or RNA) is labeled with a radioactive or nonradio-
active detection system. The DNA probe is hybridized with the messenger RNA associated with
the rough endoplasmic reticulum. After hybridization, the target cells or tissues of interest can be
detected by autoradiography or with nonisotopic methods such as with a digoxigenin-labeled probe.
Advantages of in situ hybridization include more precise intracellular localization of the target and
direct visualization of the positive cell relative to the adjacent cells or tissues.
8 Lloyd

Fig. 10. Strategy for performing single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis
and sequence analysis from paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) products can be visualized on a gel and then used for sequencing. SSCP also can be
performed with labeled probes and then analyzed on a polyacrylamide gel to detect differences
in migration of the single-stranded DNA compared with a known wild-type DNA. The gene
fragments with a shift in the migration pattern can be analyzed by sequencing to detect the
gene mutation or other genetic changes.

readily detect sequence changes in a single-stranded DNA fragment. Single-stranded

DNA fragments with a unique polyacrylamide gel in a manner dependent on the folded
conformation, which is in turn dependent on ionic strength and temperature. The
fragments are usually between 50 and 400 bp in length. The SSCP techniques are
highly sensitive when combined with polymerase chain reaction. After amplification
followed by electrophoresis, mutations in DNA appear as shifts in one or more of the
single-stranded DNA bands compared with the wild-type sequence (Fig. 10). Samples
are usually run at several temperatures with and without glycerol.


DNA microarrays consist of thousands of individual gene sequences bound to regions
on the surface of a microscopic glass slide or other support surface (9–13). Arrays are
usually a few square centimeters in area and may contain 2000–40,000 or more DNA
spots. The complete transcription program of an organism or large segments of the
transcription program of normal and physiologically altered or abnormal cells can be
Introduction to Molecular Methods 9

analyzed rapidly by microarray analysis (9–11). The use of fluorescent labeled cDNA
preparations in DNA microarrays allows one to analyze gene expression patterns on
a genomic scale. This procedure uses the basic principles of hybridization. A probe
hybridizes to multiple defined cDNAs or expressed sequence tags. The probe usually
consists of a complex mixture of cDNA fragments derived from mRNA. The probe
fragments are usually fluorescent labeled, and they hybridize to the targets on the glass
slide. A positive sign is detected by a laser system such as an argon-ion laser and then
quantified. Global gene expression can be readily detected with this technique.
Another approach is to use oligonucleotide arrays or DNA chips with synthetic
oligonucleotides, which represent thousand of gene sequences synthesized on the surface
of small areas of a glass slide.
DNA array technology for gene expression profiling has been applied to many areas
of biomedical sciences. A recent dramatic application is the report by Alizadeh et al.
(14), who used gene expression profiling in B-cell lymphomas to identify two molecu-
larly distinct forms of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas that had gene expression patterns
indicative of different stages of B-cell differentiation. Another study of gene-expression
profiles in hereditary breast cancers found functional differences between breast tumors
with BRCA1 mutations and those with BRCA2 mutations (15).
Tissue microarrays for high-throughput molecular profiling of normal and tumor
specimens have been adopted for rapid screening of many tissues (16,17). This new
approach to identify clinically relevant molecular changes uses microarrays from differ-
ent cases of the same type of tissue or tumor, which can range from 50 to a few hundred
sections of tissues on one slide, to check for protein or gene expression in these
microsamples. In the near future, a combination of tissue microarray technology with
pattern recognition software should greatly advance the discovery of new and potentially
useful markers with clinical and diagnostic applications.

1. International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium (2001) Initial sequencing and analysis
of the human genome. Nature 409, 860–921.
2. Venter, J.C., Adams, M.D., Myers, E.W., et al. (2001) The sequence of the human genome.
Science 291, 1305–1351.
3. Claverie, J.-M. (2001) Gene number. What if there are only 30,000 human genes? Science
291, 1255–1257.
4. Watson, J. D., Hopkins, N. H., Roberts, J. W., Argetsinger Steitz, J., Weiner, A. M. (1987)
Molecular Biology of the Gene, 4th ed. Benjamin/Cumming, San Francisco 1987.
5. Lodish, H., Berk, A., Zipinsky, S. L., Matsudaira, P., Baltimore, D., Darnell, J. (2000)
Molecular Cell Biology. W. H. Freeman, New York.
6. Hensel, C. H., Xiang, R. H., Sakaguchi, A. Y., Naylor, S. L. (1991) Use of single strand
conformation polymorphism technique and PCR to detect p53 gene mutations in small cell
lung cancer. Oncogene 6, 1067–1071.
7. Orita, M., Iwahana, H., Kanazawa, H., Hayaski, K., Sekiya, T. (1989) Detection of polymor-
phisms of human DNA by gel electrophoresis as single-strand conformation polymorphisms.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86, 2766–2770.
8. Orita, M., Suzuki, Y., Sekiya, T., Hayashi, K. (1989) Rapid and sensitive detection of
point mutations and DNA polymorphisms using the polymerase chain reaction. Genomics
5, 874–879.
10 Lloyd

9. Schena, M., Shalon, D., Heller, R., Chai, A., Brown, P. O., Davis, R. W. (1996) Parallel
human genome analysis: microarray-based expression monitoring of 1000 genes. Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 10614–10619.
10. De Risi, J. L., Iyer, V. R., Brown, P. O. (1997) Exploring the metabolic and genetic control
of gene expression on a genomic scale. Science 278, 680–686.
11. Moch, H., Schraml, P., Bubendorf, L., et al. (1999) High-throughput tissue microarray
analysis to evaluate genes uncovered by cDNA microarray screening in renal cell carcinoma.
Am. J. Pathol. 154, 981–986.
12. Xu, J., Stolk, J. A., Zhang, X., et al. (2000) Identification of differentially expressed genes
in human prostate cancer using subtraction and microarray. Cancer Res. 60, 1677–1682.
13. Kurian, K. M., Watson, C. J., Wyllie, A. H. (1999) DNA chip technology. J. Pathol.
187, 267–271.
14. Alizadeh, A. A., Eisen, M. B., Davis, R. E., et al. (2000) Distinct types of diffuse large B-
cell lymphoma identified by gene expression profiling. Nature 403, 503–511.
15. Hedenfalk, I., Duggan, D., Chen, Y., et al. (2001) Gene-expression profiles in hereditary
breast cancer. N. Engl. J. Med. 344, 539–548.
16. Kononen, J., Bubendorf, L., Kallioniemi, A., et al. (1998) Tissue microarrays for high-
throughput molecular profiling of tumor specimens. Nature Med. 4, 844–847.
17. Moch, H., Schraml, P., Bubendorf, L., et al. (1999) High-throughput tissue microarray
analysis to evaluate genes uncovered by cDNA microarray screening in renal cell carcinoma.
Am. J. Pathol. 154, 981–986.
Laser Capture Microdissection
Principles and Applications

Ricardo V. Lloyd, MD, PHD

The acquisition of homogeneous or pure cell populations for cell biologic and
molecular analyses has been a difficult challenge for many decades. A variety of
approaches have been tried, including macroscopic dissection of tissues from frozen
tissue blocks to increase the population of specific cell types (1,2). Some investigators
have used irradiation of manually ink-stained sections to destroy cells that were not
of interest (3,4). Microdissection with the aid of a microscope and needles has been
used by many other investigators (5,6). This latter approach can provide a great deal
of precision in collecting homogenous cells, but it is slow and labor-intensive and
requires a high degree of manual dexterity. Most of these approaches have not provided
the speed, precision, and efficiency needed for research or routine clinical molecular
diagnostic use.
The recent development of a laser capture microdissection (LCM) unit by the National
Cancer Institute (NCI) group led by Liotta and his colleagues (7,8) and by other groups,
mainly in Europe (9,10), has provided a rapid and efficient method to capture pure
cell populations for molecular and other studies.

Principles of LCM
Liotta’s group at the NCI first reported on the development of a rapid and reliable
method of obtaining homogenous population of cells from complex tissues (7,8). The
availability of commercial instruments resulted from a joint venture by the NCI and
Arcturus Engineering (Mountain View, CA).
With LMC, a complex section of tissues or heterogeneous cell populations on a
glass slide is placed on the stage of a specially designed microscope. After the areas
or cells of interest are selected, an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) transparent film is
apposed to the section, and an infrared laser beam is directed at the cell of interest.
When the focused laser beam coaxial with the microscope optics is activated, the EVA
film above the targeted area melts, surrounds, and holds the cells of interest, which
are kept in the film after removal from the glass slide. The film can be placed directly

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

12 Lloyd

Fig. 1. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) with the Pix Cell instrument. The laser beam
is focused on the cut section of cells on the glass slide. The transport arm carries the plastic
cap over to align it with the specimen and laser beam. The focused laser beam captures the
cells of interest, which adhere to the ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) film that binds to the captured
target cells. After collecting the cells of interest, the transport arm carries the cells back to the side.

into DNA or RNA extraction buffers for nucleic acid extraction and analysis or into
other buffers for protein analysis. While in the buffer, the cellular material becomes
detached from the film and can be used for cellular or molecular analyses after extraction
(see Protocols).
Based on numerous reported studies in the literature and our own observations, the
LCM procedure does not lead to significant alterations in the morphologic or apparent
molecular features of the cells of interest.

Technical Aspects
The prototypic instrument used for LCM is the Pix Cell developed by Arcturus
Engineering and the NCI group (Figs. 1 and 2). The instrument consists of a laser
optics deck and illumination tower with a halogen bulb housing, a microscope, and a
slide stage with a vacuum chuck. A joystick with XY control and video camera
attachment are attached to the microscope. The XY control is for fine positioning of
the sample. The laser can be controlled by amplitude and pulse width adjustments
using digital controls on the front panel of the electronic box. When the laser fires, an
emission indicator is lit, and the power supply emits a beeping sound. Typical operating
parameters for the laser for a 30-µm spot is an amplitude of 30 mW and a pulse width
of 5 ms; for a 60-µm spot, an amplitude of 50 mW and a pulse width of 5 ms is used.
When the operator is ready to capture the cells of interest, a plastic cap is transported
with the film carrier and placed on the desired position of the tissue or cells. The laser
Laser Capture Microdissection 13

Fig. 2. The cells on the EVA film are placed in the microfuge tube and immersed in the
appropriate buffer for DNA, RNA, or protein extraction and analysis.

is then activated, and the EVA film binds to the captured target on the tissue. The laser
can be activated as often as is needed to capture the desired numbers of cells. Multiple
clusters of homogenous cells can be accumulated into the same polymer EVA film,
and individual single laser shots can be used to procure specific cell clusters or individual
cells (Fig. 3). In addition, multiple shots can be combined to procure complex but
homogenous tissue structures. Up to 3000 shots can be captured on one transfer film
cap, which may include up to 6000 cells. Since each shot takes less than 1 s to perform,
a large number of cells can be captured in a relatively short period.
Technical Variables
Technical variables with LCM include the types of analyses that will be done with
the tissues relative to fixation and processing, use of frozen versus paraffin tissue
sections, and combination of LCM with other techniques such as immunohistochemistry
Tissues fixed in buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin can be used for routine
analysis of DNA and in some cases mRNA as well. Tissues are routinely stained with
hematoxylin and eosin for optimum visualization of cellular details during LCM. These
stains do not affect the integrity of the DNA or RNA. For optimum RNA analysis,
frozen tissue sections are preferred. Surprisingly, the nucleic acids are not adversely
affected by exposing the tissues to xylene for a short period. RNAse-free conditions
are important for obtaining high-quality RNA samples.
The section for frozen tissue should be cut at 10 µm or less for optimum transfer,
because with thicker sections it is more difficult to visualize single cells. Sections have
to be completely dry and not cover-slipped for effective LCM transfer so the final
xylene rinse facilitates efficient LCM transfer. After the frozen sections are cut, the
slides can be used immediately or stained at −80°C until use. We have observed that
14 Lloyd

Fig. 3. LCM capture of cells from normal breast tissue. (A) Groups of normal epithelial
cells were selected for LCM (arrowheads). (B) Arrowheads indicate the space from which the
cells were captured. (C) Captured cells on the cap with the transfer EVA film. (Reproduced
with permission from ref. 13.)

starting with fresh alcohols and xylene for each set of experiments avoids many of the
technical problems associated with difficult transfers during LCM.
The procedure of combining LCM with immunophenotyping for RNA analysis
(immuno-LCM) was first reported from the NCI (11) and subsequently by our groups
and others for analyzing single cells (12) and tissues (13–15) (Fig. 4). The critical
requirements include using RNAse-free condition and using RNAse inhibitors during
the immunostaining procedures. A rapid immunostaining procedure minimizes the time
of tissue exposure to RNAse.
Various studies have shown that precipitating fixatives such as ethanol and acetone
produced better quality reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) prod-
uct amplification compared with crosslinking fixatives such as formaldehyde and glutar-
aldehyde (11,12,14). However, precipitating fixatives are less effective in some immuno-
staining procedures compared with crosslinking fixatives (12).

Other Laser-Based Microdissection Systems

Although LCM is the principal system used, other systems have been developed,
mainly in Europe, that are somewhat similar to LCM (16–21). Schutze and Lahr (16)
Laser Capture Microdissection 15

Fig. 4. Immuno-laser capture microdissection (LCM). Combined immunohistochemistry and

LCM to capture immunophenotyped cells. After ethanol fixing, the tissues are exposed to the
specific antibody for about 15 min followed by a streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase reaction and
diaminobenzidine (DAB). The immunostained cells (black circles) can be used for LCM and
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and the products analyzed by gel
electrophoresis and Southern hybridization.

used a low-power laser to create a gap between the cells of interest and adjacent cells;
with an increase in the laser power, they were able to “catapult” the microdissected
cells into the cap of a microfuge tube for further analysis without requiring any direct
contact with the cells of interest. Using this approach, they could amplify simple cells
from archival tissues in the analysis of Ki-ras mutations (16).
Fink and colleagues (17) used an ultraviolet light laser to ablate cells that were not
of interest and subsequently collected the cells of interest with a stent needle under
the control of a micromanipulator (17), which is a modification of the original method of
Shibata et al. (3,4). Other investigators have utilized this approach to study microsatellite
instability in breast cancer at the single cell level (18). A combination of ultraviolet
microbeam microdissection with laser pressure catapulting for the isolation of single
chromosomes for development of chromosome-specific paint probes has been reported
(19). Becker et al. (20) used a combination of ultraviolet laser microbeams with microdis-
section and molecular characterization of individual cells to detect a novel mutation
in the E cadherin gene in single tumor cells (20). A recent study used the PALM Laser-
Microbeam System, which allows the contact-free isolation of single cells or groups
of cells using the laser pressure catapulting technique and real-time PCR to study the
Her-2/Neu gene and topoisomerase IIα gene in breast cancer specimens (21).

Disadvantages of LCM and Related Techniques

Although LCM is faster and easier to perform than manual microdissection, there
are a few disadvantages. The principal one is that the tissue is not cover-slipped during
LCM, so the refractive indices of the dry sections have a refractile quality that obscures
16 Lloyd

cellular details at higher magnifications. This can be partially overcome with a diffusion
filter on the instrument or by using a drop of xylene on the tissues, which provides
wetting and refractive-index matching; the xylene usually evaporates rapidly before
microdissection (22). Another disadvantage for investigators with a tight budget is the
costs of the instrument. Finally, although LCM is faster than manual methods, a great
deal of time is still required to collect cells for an experiment compared with biochemical
analysis, especially when thousands of cells are collected (23).


General Applications
The first reports of the development of LCM illustrated the wide applicability of
the technique (7,8). The NCI investigators used this technique to analyze loss of
heterozygosity (LOH) of the BRCA1 gene in familial breast cancer, chromosome 8p
in prostate cancer, the p16 gene in invasive esophageal cancer, and the MEN1 tumor
suppressor gene on chromosome 11q13 in gastrinomas (7). Other reported applications
using the original carbon dioxide laser included detection of a single base mutation in
exon 2 of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene in hemangioblastoma RT-PCR amplifica-
tion of actin, prostate-specific antigen, and matrix metalloproteinase-2 in frozen prostate
cancer samples and analysis by gelatin zymography, showing the applicability of the
LCM technique for enzyme assays (7).
Suarea-Quian et al. (24) used an LCM technique with 1-ms laser pulses focus of 6
µm to demonstrated rapid capture of single cells from different types of tissues including
immunostained cells (24).
Glasow and colleagues (25) utilized LCM to study the leptin receptor in the adrenal
by RT-PCR and were able to identify the cell types producing the leptin receptor. In
a subsequent study of prolactin receptor (PRL-R) in the adrenal, LCM was used to
demonstrate that PRL-R was produced by cortical, but not medullary, cells in the
adrenal gland (26).
In a detailed analysis of B-cell lymphomas, Fend et al. (27) used LCM to isolate
cell populations with different antigen expression patterns. They combined this with
PCR and sequencing of clonal immunoglobulin heavy chain rearrangements and clonal
rearrangement to show that low-grade B-cell lymphomas with two distinct morphologic
and immunophenotypic patterns in the same anatomic site were frequently biclonal
(27). This study demonstrates the power of LCM to detect molecular microheterogeneity
in complex neoplasms.
Our laboratory has used LCM from dissociated cells to study gene expression in
individual pituitary cells (12). We have also analyzed normal and tumorous breast
tissue by LCM and RT-PCR to show that PRL-R was expressed not only in the epithelial
component of normal and tumorous breast tissues but also by stromal cells (13),
suggesting modulation of mammary stromal cells by PRL (Figs. 5 and 6). In more
recent studies, our laboratory has for the first time obtained pure populations of pituitary
folliculo-stellate cells and used these for molecular and cell biologic studies that have
provided new insights into the role of these cells in pituitary function (28).
Laser Capture Microdissection 17

Fig. 5. RT-PCR and Southern hybridization examination of transforming growth factor-β1

(TGF-β1) and TGF-β-RII with RNA obtained by LCM for normal and neoplastic breast tissues
showing representative examples of the analyses. Lanes 1, 3, and 5 are normal breast tissues.
Lanes 2, 4, and 6 are invasive carcinoma. Lane 7 represents a positive control breast tissue,
and lane 8 is a negative control without reverse transcriptase. Lanes 1–3 and 4–6 represent
matching normal and tumor tissues, respectively. Lane 7 is a positive breast tissue control, and
lane 8 is a negative control without reverse transcriptase. M, molecular size marker. The top
part of each panel represents the RT-PCR results on the gel after ethidium bromide staining.
The bottom part is the Southern hybridization with the internal probes. (Reproduced with
permission from ref. 13.)

In a recent study of synovial sarcoma, Kasai et al. (29) used LCM and RT-PCR
with paraffin wax-embedded tissues to show that the SYT-SSX fusion transcript was
present in both the spindle cell and epithelial areas of biphasic synovial sarcomas. This
study also reinforced the idea that RT-PCR can be performed on RNA obtained from
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. In a related study, Shibutani et al.
18 Lloyd

Fig. 6. RT-PCR and Southern hybridization examination of prolactin (PRL), prolactin receptor
(PRL-R), and GAPDH RNA obtained by LCM showing representative examples of the analyses.
Lanes 1, 3, and 5 are normal breast tissues. Lanes 2, 4, and 6 are invasive ductal carcinoma.
Lane 7 represents a positive pituitary tissue control, and lane 8 is a negative control without
reverse transcriptase. Lanes 1–3 and 4–6 represent matching normal and tumor tissues, respec-
tively. M, molecular size marker. The top part of each panel represents the RT-PCR results on
the gel after ethidium bromide staining. The bottom part of each panel is the Southern hybridiza-
tion with the internal probes. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 13.)

(30) demonstrated that methacarn-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue could be used for

RNA analysis by RT-PCR and for protein analysis by Western blotting after LCM
using rat liver as an experimental model.
In a study of renal glomerular cells, Kohda et al. (31) used LCM with RT-PCR to
detect podoplanin in renal glomerular cells harvested by LCM. They were also able
to use LCM to capture pure cell populations from different portions of the tubules, but
they could not do this from the collecting ducts.
Laser Capture Microdissection 19

In a study of papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma Gillespie et al. (32) used
LCM and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis of highly polymorphic chromosomes
to show that LOH was more common in follicular than papillary carcinoma. In a related
study on practical clinical applications of LCM, a group of investigators analyzed a
primary duodenal carcinoid as well as tumors in the scalp and cervical lymph nodes
from the same patient by LCM with 22 markers. The 3p12 marker showed loss in all
three tumors, and the 3pl4.2 marker showed an identical shift in the three tumors
indicative of a common microsatellite alteration and supporting the notion that the
shared molecular abnormalities indicated a common clonal origin with the duodenal
carcinoid as the primary tumor (33).

Combining LCM with Other Techniques

A combination of other techniques with LCM has been reported by various investiga-
tors. Jones et al. (34) used LCM and comparative genomic hybridization to study
myoepithelial cell carcinomas of the breast and found common alterations such as loss
at 16q (3/10 cases) and 17 p (3/10 cases), but they also reported fewer genetic alterations
compared with ductal carcinomas of the breast. Shen et al. (35) used LCM and genome-
wide searching in a study of breast cancers to show that LOH was seen only in ductal
carcinoma in situ but not in the invasive component of ductal carcinoma in situ. LCM
was advantageous in reducing the heterogeneity within tumors (35). A combination of
LCM with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and flow cytometry was used in
a study of normal breast and breast carcinoma from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
tissues in which the nuclei were microdissected by LCM (36). Using probes for cyclin-
D1 and RB1, this group showed amplification of cyclin-D1 of the two cases studied
when the results were compared with touch preparations of nuclei from the same fresh
tumor specimens. Unfortunately, the numbers of samples analyzed were too small to
evaluate, but the preliminary results are promising.

DNA Libraries and Arrays

Various studies have used LCM to obtain cells as the starting material to clone
cDNAs and to analyze genes by cDNA arrays. Several laboratories have used LCM
in the initial phase of generating cDNA libraries. The principal leader in this area is
the NCI Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP) (37,38), under which cDNA libraries
from human cancers of prostate, ovary, breast, lung, and the gastrointestinal tract will
be produced and sequenced.
cDNA array technology has been combined with LCM in various studies (39–41).
Segroi et al. (40) used LCM and high-density cDNA arrays to study gene expression
in purified normal, invasive, and metastatic breast cell populations from a single patient
and combined this approach with real-time quantitative PCR and immunohistochemistry
to study tumor progression in this tumor model. Leethanakul et al. (41) used LCM and
cDNA arrays in studies of squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck using 5000
cells from normal and tumor tissues. They observed a consistent decrease in cytokeratins
and an increase in expression of signal-transducing, cell cycle regulatory proteins, and
angiogenic factors, as well as tissue-degrading proteases. Unexpected findings included
20 Lloyd

overexpression of the wnt and notch growth and differentiation regulatory systems by
these squamous cell carcinomas (41).

Proteomic Analysis
The use of LCM for protein analysis had been reported in the original descriptions
of LCM (7) in which gelatin zymography was used to study gelatinase A (MMP-2) in
frozen sections of prostate cancer. In a more recent study, Banks et al. (42) used LCM
and two-dimensional electrophoresis to examine protein profiles of selected tissue areas.
In the cervix they were able to show enrichment of some proteins compared with the
whole tissue using these combined techniques. Emmert-Buck et al. (43) used normal
and neoplastic esophageal squamous mucosa as a model to study proteins captured by
LCM followed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE).
They were able to use 50,000 cells to resolve 675 distinct proteins or isoforms with
molecular weights between 10 and 200 kDa and isoelectric points between pH 3 and
10. Although 98% of the proteins in normal and tumor samples were identical, 17 of
the tumors showed tumor-specific alterations. Seven of these proteins were present
only in normal tissues, and 10 of the proteins were present only in the tumors. Cytokeratin
I and annexin I were identified as two of the altered proteins.
In a study of LCM-captured prostate tissue analyzed with a quantitative chemilumi-
nescent assay, Simone et al. (44) studied prostate-specific antigen (PSA) distribution
in normal prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and carcinoma and found a range of 2 ×
104 to 6.3 × 106 PSA molecules per microdissected tissue cells. These observations
were concordant with the immunohistochemical staining intensity of tissue sections
from these different tissue areas (44). Ornstein et al. (45) used LCM and PAGE (1D
and 2D) to analyze PSA α1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) by Western blotting studies and
showed a 30-kDa band that was the expected molecular weight of unbound PSA.
Binding studies revealed that PSA recovered from LCM-procured cells had the full
ability to bind ACT as in the normal prostate. Electrophoretic studies also showed that
the PSA/ACT complex was stable, indicating that the complex was similar in normal
and tumorous tissues.

Future advances in LCM will include technologic advances in instrumentation and
application of LCM to solve difficult and/or challenging problems in cell biology and
biomedical sciences. The further development of laser fields small enough to capture
single cells or specific parts of cells such as the nucleus are currently under way.
Automation of the LCM system for automatic performance of cell capture is also being
developed. A major challenge for the technology is to develop methods to capture live
cells that can be used for cell culture and other in vitro studies with living cells.
Major advances can be anticipated in combining LCM with other techniques such
as flow cytometry, FISH and comparative genomic hybridization. Significant advances
can be anticipated in gene expression studies with microarrays to profile specific human
diseases starting from clearly defined histopathologic cell populations. The technique
of “molecular fingerprinting” of entire organs such as the prostate has been initiated
by one group (38). Cole et al. (38) have proposed a model for integrating in three
Laser Capture Microdissection 21

dimensions the data obtained by LCM and microarrays for the in vivo molecular
anatomy analysis of normal and neoplastic cells. These types of approaches will rely
heavily on LCM for further advances in understanding the molecular aspects of diseases
as they relate to tissue structure and function.

1. Fearon, E. R., Hamilton, S. R., and Vogelstein, B. (1987) Clonal analysis of human colorectal
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22 Lloyd

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Laser Capture Microdissection 23

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H&E Staining

For paraffin sections, start with step 1. For frozen sections that have been previously
fixed, start with step 5.
1. Xylenes to deparaffinize the slides 2 × 5 min each.
2. 100% ethanol 30 s.
3. 100% ethanol 30 s.
4. 95% ethanol 30 s.
5. Purified water rinse.
6. Mayer’s hematoxylin 30 s.
7. Purified water rinse.
8. Eosin Y 30 s.
9. 95% ethanol 30 s.
10. 95% ethanol 30 s.
11. 100% ethanol 30 s.
12. Xylene 2 × 3 min.
13. Shake off excess, wipe the slide carefully, and air-dry for at least 2 min.
24 Protocols

NOTE: Chain reagents (xylenes and alcohols) each day that LCM staining is done
and filter hematoxylin before use.

Operating the PIX Cell System

1. If entire instrument is shut off, turn on power strip located behind the computer monitor.
Also, turn on power for the TV monitor.
2. On computer screen, click mouse on “shortcut to Arc 100.”
3. When instrument serial # is given, click “continue.”
4. Select name or enter new name and click “acquire data.”
5. Highlight study or enter new study and click “select.”
6. Enter slide #, spot size, cap lot, and thickness (usually 10 µm, but this may vary depending
on slides cut), and click “continue.”
7. Enter laser power of approx. 45 and pulse of approx. 55 (to start) length needed (see
procedures for RNA and DNA extractions for this information).
8. Place slide on microscope, and, using TV monitor, find an appropriate starting area that
will be easy to find after finishing the microdissection.
9. Click on “before” to obtain a picture of the area selected.
10. Insert a row of arcturus caps with transfer film into slot on the right side of the microscope.
11. If the laser power chosen is below 60, place the optic beam adjust piece without the filter
in the indentation on the end of the placement “arm.” If laser power chosen is above 60,
place the beam adjust piece with the filter on the arm.
12. Using the placement arm, pick up a cap, move the arm all the way over to the left (this
will put it directly above the slide), and gently release it so that the cap slowly drops onto
the slide.
13. Pick up the white cord with the red button on the end and press the button to get a laser
pulse. A dark circle will appear around the area if it “melted.” (However, just because an
area melts does not necessarily mean that it transferred to the cap.)
14. Use the joystick located to the bottom left of the microscope to move the slide around
and get pulses in different areas.
15. After finishing the microdissection, use the arm to pick up the cap very gently (so as not
to pick up any other tissue), move it over to the right, and place it on a sterile 0.5-mL
microcentrifuge tube.
16. Find the original starting area and clock on “after” to get an image of the completed
microdissection. Then look at the slide under a microscope to make sure that most of the
areas transferred.
17. Click “done” and then “exit” or “continue.”

DNA Extraction From Collected Cells

1. Strain slides with hematoxylin and eosin according to the written procedure for staining.
2. Aliquot 100 µl 0.05 M Trizma buffer, pH 8.3, and 4 µL proteinase K (10 mg/mL) into sterile
0.5-mL Eppendorf microfuge tubes (see Digestion Buffer below).
3. Use LCM to capture the desired number of cells from the slide.
4. Place the film cap containing the captured cells on the top of the microfuge tube and use
the black cap tool to snap the cap in. (It is critical to place the bottom of the film cap just
DNA Extraction 25

inside the lip of the microfuge tube, leaving about a 1-cm gap. Using the black cap tool
ensures the correct spacing needed to prevent leakage during incubation.)
5. Invert the tubes and incubate in a 55°C water bath for 48 h.
6. Remove tubes from water bath and spin down in microcentrifuge. Discard the film cap and
transfer the solution to a new sterile 0.5-mL tube.
7. Boil samples for 8 min at 95°C in a hot block and place on ice. Store DNA at 4°C until
ready to use.

Digestion Buffer
1. 3.03 g Trizma base.
2. 500 mL water.
3. Adjust pH to 8.3.

RNA Extraction From Collected Cells

1. Obtain samples in cap with transfer film using LCM.

2. Aliquot 200 µL TRIzol reagent into a sterile 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tube, then place cap
with film on top, and invert tube.
3. Leave samples with TRIzol inverted at room temperature for more than 1 h. (At this point,
samples may be stored at −70°C for up to 1 month).
4. Take off cap, add 1 µL glycogen and 40 µL chloroform to each tube, and shake vigorously
for 15 s.
5. Incubate samples for 3 min at room temperature.
6. Using Eppendorf centrifuge in cold room, spin for 15 min at 10,000 rpm.
7. Transfer aqueous phase to a new 0.5-mL tube, add 100 µL isopropanol, and vortex.
8. Incubate at room temperature for 10 min.
9. Place in a −70°C freezer for 1 h or longer. Take out and allow to thaw.
10. Centrifuge for 10 min at 10,000 rpm in Eppendorf centrifuge.
11. Very carefully discard the supernatant, as you will probably not see a pellet.
12. Add 200 µL 75% ethanol and vortex.
13. Centrifuge at 8,000 rpm for 5 min in Eppendorf centrifuge.
14. Carefully pour off the supernatant, invert the tube, and air-dry for approximately 5 min.
15. Resuspend the pellet in 10 µL diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC) water and use this directly
for the RT reaction.
In Situ Hybridization:
Detection of DNA and RNA

Long Jin, Xiang Qian, and Ricardo V. Lloyd

Recent developments in molecular biology are rapidly expanding the technologic
advances used to study disease processes. In situ hybridization (ISH) represents a unique
technique in which molecular biologic and histochemical techniques are combined to
study gene expression in tissue sections and cytologic preparations. DNA and RNA
can be readily localized in specific cells with this method. The method involves a
hybridization reaction between a labeled nucleotide probe and complementary target
DNA or RNA. Those hybrids can be detected either by autoradiographic emulsion for
radioactively labeled probes or by histochemical chromogen development for nonisoto-
pically labeled probes. ISH localizes gene sequences in situ and visualizes the product
of gene expression while preserving cell integrity within the heterogeneous tissue,
permitting anatomically meaningful interpretations.
ISH analysis of nucleic acids was first described in 1969 (1,2). Since the mid-1980s,
ISH techniques have developed rapidly and have become important tools in basic
scientific research and clinical diagnosis (3–8). The introduction of nonradioactive
probe labeling and detection systems in the late 1970s has made ISH analysis feasible
in the diagnostic pathology laboratory as a molecular diagnostic tool and in microbiology
for the tissue localization of infectious agents. Other recent developments in the applica-
tions of ISH techniques involve localization of multiple target DNA and RNA sequences
and increasing the assay sensitivity by in situ amplification for both the target nucleic
acid and signal detection system.
This chapter discusses the basic principles and approaches of the ISH technique,
new advances in the ISH method, and some application of ISH methods for the study
of specific diseases.


DNA is a double-stranded nucleic acid chain consisting of two complementary
nucleic acid strands made up of four basic deoxynucleotides linked to one another by

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

28 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

phosphodiester linkage. Each of the four nucleotides has a base, including adenine (A),
cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymidine (T). A is bound to T with two hydrogen
bonds, and C is bound to G with three hydrogen bonds. RNA is a single-stranded
nucleotide with the base uridine (U) substituted for T. ISH is the process by which
there is specific annealing of a labeled nucleic acid probe to a target complementary
sequence in fixed tissue or cells. This is followed by visualization of the hybridized
signals with isotopic or colorimetric detection methods. One can have DNA-DNA, DNA-
RNA, and RNA-RNA ISH, depending on various types of probes and targets concerned.
The main advantages of the ISH method are in its specificity for individual cells in a
heterogeneous tissue or cell population, as well as in its sensitivity in detecting low-copy
gene expression in cells or chromosomal gene mapping. ISH consists of multiple steps
including probe preparation and labeling, tissue preparation, hybridization, and signal
detection. Each of these steps must be systematically optimized for each probe and tissue
preparation. When applied appropriately, the methods can also be semiquantitative.

Probe Synthesis and Labeling

Three principal types of probes can be used for ISH, including double-stranded
complementary DNA probes, single-stranded antisense RNA probes, and synthetic
oligonucleotide probes. Like other hybridization techniques such as Northern or South-
ern hybridization, probe design, synthesis, and labeling play a key role for ISH with
respect to specificity and sensitivity. Probes that work for Northern and Southern
hybridization may work as well for tissue hybridization (such as ISH). The choice of
probe for ISH must take into account specificity and sensitivity, ease of tissue penetra-
tion, stability of hybrids, and reproducibility of the technique. DNA probes can be labeled
by nick translation or random primer methods, RNA probes are usually synthesized and
labeled by in vitro transcription method, and the 3′ or 5′ end labeling methods are
mainly used for oligonucleotide probes. For each method, the labeled nucleotides with
reporter can be incorporated into DNA or RNA probe sequences and visualized with
the appropriate detection system.
Double-Stranded DNA Probes
Double-stranded DNA probes can be generated by reverse transcription of mRNA
and by amplification of specific sequences of DNA or from cDNA using cloning vectors
(9). If probes are labeled using a random primer, the template DNA is linearized,
denatured, and annealed to a primer. Starting from the 3′-OH end of the annealed
primer, Klenow enzyme synthesizes new DNA along the single-stranded substrate. The
size of the probe is between 200 and 1000 bp. In the nick translation labeling reaction,
however, the DNA template can be supercoiled or linear. After the DNA is nicked
with DNAse I, the 5′-3′ exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase I extends the nick
to gaps; then the polymerase replaces the excised nucleotides with labeled ones. The
size of the probe after reaction should be about 200–500 bp for optimal hybridization.
DNA probes can also be prepared by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a DNA
template and appropriate primers (10). The probes can be directly labeled during
synthesis by the incorporation of nucleotides conjugated to a reporter molecule. Large
amounts of labeled probe can be produced by PCR from small amounts (10–100 pg)
of linearized plasmid or even from nanogram amounts of genomic DNA. The length
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 29

of the amplified probe is precisely defined by the 5′ ends of the PCR primers. All three
DNA labeling methods allow great flexibility with regard to length of the labeled
fragments. In the nick translation reaction, changing the DNAse concentration alters
the fragment length. In the random primed labeling reaction, changing the primer
concentration affects fragment length. In the PCR procedure, the sequence of the PCR
primers controls fragment length. The probes prepared by these three labeling methods
require denaturation to produce single-stranded DNA before hybridization.
Antisense RNA Riboprobes
Antisense RNA riboprobes are generated by in vitro transcription from a linearized
DNA template, incorporating labeled nucleotides. A promoter for RNA polymerases must
be present on the vector DNA containing the template. SP6, T3, or T7 RNA polymerase
is commonly used to synthesize RNA complementary to the DNA substrate (11). The
synthesized transcripts are an exact copy of the sequence (about 300–800 bp) from the
promoter site to the restriction site used for linearization. The size of the probe can be
adjusted by selection of the linearizing restriction enzyme so that the antisense and sense
probes both have the same length. RNA riboprobes are single-stranded and are susceptible
to degradation by RNAses. However, cRNA probes have the advantage that RNA-RNA
hybrids are more stable than DNA-DNA or DNA-RNA hybrids.
Oligonucleotide (Oligo) Probes
Oligonucleotide (oligo) probes consisting of 30–50 bases can be generated with an
automated DNA synthesizer. The oligo-probes probably penetrate cells more readily
and can produce excellent hybridization signals. With the increasing numbers of cloned
genes, oligonucleotide probes can be generated from published cDNA sequences or
gene banks and synthesized rapidly and inexpensively. Labeling oligo-probes for ISH is
commonly done with 3′ end labeling, or “tailing” with relatively few labeled nucleotides
incorporated into each probe. The oligo-probes are relatively less sensitive than longer
cDNA or cRNA probes (4,12), so they are generally considered the most suitable for
detection of relatively abundant gene expression such as hormone mRNAs (13–15).
This disadvantage can be overcome by using a “cocktail” of multiple oligonucleotide
probes that are complementary to different regions of the target molecules (8,16).
Careful selection of oligo-probes with low or no homology with other nucleotide
sequences is most important to ascertain the specificity of ISH (17). By using 3′ end
labeling with deoxydinucleotides, about 10–20 labeled nucleotides are incorporated
into end of probe sequence with extension after incubation at 37°C for 30–45 min.
Oligo-probes may also be generated in the same way as standard riboprobes using a
short DNA template or by combining single-strand oligonucleotides with a bacterio-
phage promoter.

Tissue Preparation
Tissue processing including storage and fixation should be optimized to detect
intracellular nucleic acids. ISH has been applied to cells (smears, cytospins, or cell
pellets), tissue sections (frozen, paraffin, semithin, and ultrathin plastic section), or
whole-mount embryos. Nucleic acids are better preserved in frozen tissue than in
paraffin-embedded tissues. Intact cells are ideal for ISH, as they have less damaged
30 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

nucleotide sequences. Both fresh frozen tissues (stored at −70°C) and formalin-fixed
archival tissues can be used for ISH after storage for several years. Ideal fixation for
ISH should preserve both RNA/DNA and tissue morphology but still allow penetration
of probes. Crosslinking fixatives such as 4% paraformaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde, and
1% glutaraldehyde, are most commonly used. Generally, fixation for 20 min to 1 h is
sufficient for frozen sections on glass slides. After a brief wash in 2× standard saline
citrate (SSC) to remove residual fixative and dehydration of the slides through a graded
ethanol series, the slides can be stored at −70°C until hybridized. The slides used for
ISH should be pretreated with a suitable coating solution, such as 3-aminoprpyltrime-
thoxysilane or poly-L-lysine.
A series of pretreatment steps before hybridization increases the efficiency of hybrid-
ization and reduce nonspecific background staining. Some steps are routinely used in
most ISH protocols.
Protease treatment (e.g., proteinase K) is considered one of the most important steps
to increase the accessibility of the target nucleic acid, especially for paraffin sections
with nonisotopic probes. The concentrations of proteinase K (1–2 µg/mL for frozen
sections and 20–50 µg/mL for paraffin sections) and the length of treatment (5–30
min) depend on tissue type and length of fixation. Prolonged incubation results in
overdigestion, resulting in loss of signal and morphologic integrity (18). A brief post-
fixation in paraformaldehyde is commonly recommended.
Pretreatment of slides with microwaving to increase ISH sensitivity, especially for
old paraffin-embedded tissues, has been reported (18). For microwaving, sections are
immersed in 10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0, and microwaved at full power in an 800-W
microwave for 5–10-min periods. It should be noted that if microwaving treatment is
added, the length of proteinase K treatment should be reduced.
Acetylation of sections using 0.25% acetic anhydride/0.1 M triethanolamine can
reduce charged probe binding to tissues and nonspecific binding. Some investigators
have noted that acetic anhydride prevents the nonspecific binding of unrelated digoxi-
genin-labeled probes to neuroendocrine cells (15). Adding fresh dithiothreitol (DTT)
to the hybridization solution containing 35S-labeled probes can protect the sulfur from
oxidation. The background artifacts with 35S-labeled probes can be dramatically reduced
by increasing the DTT concentration (19). Incubation of sections with prehybridization
buffer, normally containing 50% formamide, is generally considered useful for mainte-
nance of the hybridization stringency, even though some investigators prefer to perform
ISH in a formamide-free condition (20,21). The presence of endogenous biotin or
alkaline phosphatase should be anticipated in some tissues when nonisotopic probes
are used. Endogenous alkaline phosphatase can be inhibited by treatment of sections
with 0.2 N HCL and levamisole, and endogenous biotin can be inhibited by biotin-
blocking agents.

Hybridization between the labeled probe and target DNA or RNA is defined by
hydrogen bonding and the hydrophobic interactions in equilibrium. Annealing and
separation of the two hybrid strands depend on various factors, including temperature,
salt concentrations, pH, the nature of the probes and target molecules, and the composi-
tion of the hybridization and washing solution. The “melting” temperature (Tm) of
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 31

hybrids is the point at which 50% of the double-stranded nucleic acid chains are
separated. The optimal temperature for hybridization is 15–25°C below the Tm. There
are various formulas for calculating Tm, depending on probe length and type of hybrids
(5). For a DNA-DNA hybrid with probes longer than 22 bases, the following formula
can be used:
Tm = 81.5 + 16.5 log(Na) + 0.41 (%GC) − 0.62 (% formamide)
− 500/length of base pairs of probe

where Na = sodium concentration and GC = guanine and cytosine content of the probe.
RNA-RNA hybrids are generally 10–15°C more stable than DNA-DNA or DNA-
RNA and therefore require more stringent conditions for hybridization and posthybrid-
ization washing.
Hybridization buffer contain reagents to maximize nucleic acid duplex and inhibit
nonspecific binding of probe to tissues. Generally, 20–30 µL of hybridization buffer
containing labeled probe is enough for each slide. The concentration of probe must be
optimized for each probe and for each tissue. Hybridization is done on a cover-slipped
slide in a humidified chamber in an oven at 42–45°C for oligo-probes or 50–55°C for
cDNA or RNA riboprobes.
After an overnight incubation, careful removal of the cover slips using 2X SSC is
followed by posthybridization washing with 2X, 1X, and 0.5X SSC for 10–30 min
each. The final washing can be done at 42–45°C (for oligo-probes) or 50–55°C (for
DNA or RNA probes) to increase the stringency. If riboprobes are used, treatment with
ribonuclease A (RNAse) after hybridization (generally 0.1–1 ng/mL for paraffin sections
or 0.1–1 µg/mL for frozen sections) will reduce nonspecific background signal, since the
enzyme digests single-stranded, but not double-stranded, RNA hybrids. After additional
washing in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 15–30 min, the slides are ready for
signal detection.

Reporter Molecules and Signal Detection

Two major types of reporters for signal detection are used: 1) radioisotope labeling,
such as 3H, 35S, 125I, 32P, and recently 33P, which is detected with X-ray film and/or
emulsion autoradiography; and 2) nonisotope labeling, such as biotin, digoxigenin,
fluorescein, hapten, alkaline phosphatase, or bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), which is visu-
alized by histochemistry or immunohistochemistry (IHC) detection systems.
Radioisotope labeling is the more traditional way to perform ISH. This is still
regarded as the most sensitive method of labeling, although under certain conditions
nonisotopic methods can be equally sensitive (22). The choice of isotope usually reflects
a compromise between the signal strength and resolution. The 35S-labeled probe is most
commonly used, because it gives a reasonable resolution and exposure time (typical
exposure about 1 week) compared with other isotopic labeling. The half-life of 35S is
87 days, and labeled probes should be used within 1 month or so for optimum results.
Other isotopes are less commonly used. After counterstaining with hematoxylin and
eosin and coverslipping, the silver grains, which represent the hybridization signal, can
be easily visualized with a bright-field or a dark-field microscope. Radioactive labeling
may be used to detect low-copy sequences, to quantify the ISH signal, and to detect
multiple nucleotide sequences for combined studies with immunocytochemistry. These
32 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

applications are uncommon in diagnostic practice. The disadvantages of isotopic probes

include biohazards and a short half-life, as well as the fact that it takes a long time to
obtain the final results.
Nonisotopic ISH methods are being used with increasing frequency. The advantages
of nonisotopic labeling include greater stability of labeled probes, rapid results, and
better resolution. These advantages make nonisotopic labeling probes very attractive
in the clinical laboratory. Biotin and digoxigenin are the most commonly used reporters
at present because they are readily detectable in tissues.
Biotinylated probes were first used a few decades ago and have been widely used for
detection of viral DNA or relative abundance of mRNA at both the light (LM) and electron
microscopic (EM) levels. The hybridization signals with biotinylated probes can be
detected by anti-biotin antibodies. However, streptavidin or avidin conjugated to alkaline
phosphatase (AP), horseradish peroxidase (HPO), fluorochromes, or colloidal gold parti-
cles are more frequently used because these molecules have a high binding capacity for
biotin. The disadvantages of biotinylated probes include the widespread presence of
endogenous biotin in tissues such as liver and kidney, which can result in false-positive
results, and the limited success of blocking endogenous biotin in some tissues.
Digoxigenin-labeled probes were introduced a few years ago and are rapidly becom-
ing more widely used compared to biotinylated probes. Digoxigenin probes have higher
sensitivity and less background staining than biotinylated probes (12). The fact that
digoxigenin is not present in mammalian cells and that anti-digoxigenin antibody does
not bind to other biologic material is a particular advantage when studying tissues
such as liver or kidney, which may contain endogenous biotin, but not digoxigenin.
Digoxigenin is a derivative of the cardiac glycoside digoxin, and the digoxigenin-
labeled nucleotides may be incorporated, at a defined density, into nucleic acid probes
by DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases, or terminal transferase. Since the digoxigenin
label may be added by random primed labeling, nick translation, PCR, 3′-end labeling/
tailing, or in vitro transcription, it has been widely used in labeling cDNA, cRNA, or
oligonucleotide DNA probes. The signals can be visualized by using an anti-digoxigenin
antibody fragment conjugated to AP or HPO with respective substrates that yield
insoluble-colored products. Alternatively, unconjugated anti-digoxigenin antibodies and
conjugated secondary antibodies may be used. Nonisotopic probes are generally consid-
ered less sensitive than the corresponding radioactive probes, and the hybridization
results are difficult to quantify.
Fluorescein is a newer nonradioactive labeling alternative. Fluorescein-labeled probes
can be used for direct as well as indirect in situ hybridization experiments. Fluorescein-
dUTP/UTP/ddUTP can be incorporated enzymatically into nucleic acids by different
labeling methods. Fluorescein-labeled probes can be visualized directly with a fluorescent
microscope after hybridization, and the background is usually low. Alternatively, fluo-
rescein-labeled probes can be detected with an anti-fluorescein antibody-enzyme conju-
gate or with an unconjugated antibody and a fluorescein-labeled secondary antibody.

It is important to use various controls to verify the specificity of the ISH signal. A
variety of controls can be used: 1) pretreatment of tissues with RNAse or DNAse,
depending on the target being tested; 2) omission of the specific probes in hybridization
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 33

reaction; 3) using an unrelated or sense probe; 4) competitive studies with unlabeled

probes before adding labeled probes for hybridization; 5) Northern or Southern hybrid-
ization to characterize the nuclei acid species of the hybrids; and 6) combining ISH
with immunostaining to localize the translated protein product in the same cells.
It is important to assess the integrity of target RNA during ISH. Loss of RNA or
failure of probes to detect target RNA may result in false-negative results, particularly
for retrospective studies of paraffin-embedded tissues. To evaluate the preservation of
mRNA, control probes including b-actin (23), poly(dT) (24), and ribosomal RNA (25)
can be used.
Most RNA ISH protocols emphasize that the procedure must be performed under
RNAse-free conditions, especially for fresh tissue sections. Riboprobe or target mRNA
degradation by residual endogenous RNAse activity or by accidental RNAse contamina-
tion is considered one of the major potential causes of experimental failure. RNA
degradation may occur mainly during pretreatment, since the degradation can be inhib-
ited by formamide, generally at 50% volume in the hybridization buffer during the
hybridization step (26). The endogenous RNAse activity might be readily neutralized
through paraformaldehyde fixation (26). It is recommended that the labeled probes be
in aliquots and stored at −70°C in the presence of RNAse inhibitor. There is usually
a detectable degradation of the riboprobes after 1 week (4,7).
The experimental results of ISH with radioactive probes can be readily quantitated
or semiquantitated by densitometry counting on film or by silver grain counting, com-
pared with nonisotopic ISH methods. The reliability and accuracy of this type of mRNA
quantification are still to be determined, and comparable data can only be gained under
very strict conditions, such as different cases in the same set of experiments, or different
tissue areas on the same section. Recently, improvements in ISH quantitation have
been achieved by using densitometric computer-assisted image analysis (27). Using
these new methods, ISH quantification may soon be comparable to that of Northern
blot (27).

Recent Advances
A variety of new ISH techniques have been developed over the past few years. These
advances can be divided two categories: 1) combined use of various ISH approaches for
simultaneous detection of multiple target nucleic acids at the light microscope (LM)
and electron microscope (EM) levels; and 2) increasing the sensitivity of ISH signals
by in situ amplification for target DNA or RNA or by signal detecting systems.

Multiple-Target Localization
Double-labeling ISH methods involve the simultaneous detection of multiple-target
nucleic acids such as two mRNAs, DNA, and mRNA, or nucleic acids and proteins
for combination ISH with IHC techniques (28–32). In performing double ISH, the two
probes may be hybridized simultaneously or sequentially. For combined ISH/IHC,
ISH is generally performed before IHC because it reduces the chances of RNAse
contamination. A variety of combinations of ISH methods have been reported, as
discussed below.
A combination of nonradioactive and radioactive ISH methods is mainly used for
detection of two mRNAs in the same tissue sections (19,29,30). After histochemical
34 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

detection for nonisotopic signals, the slides are subject to an autoradiographic approach
for radioactive signals. Some investigators have reported that the use of Ilford emulsion,
rather than Kodak NTB2 emulsion, can reduce silver grain background by chemographic
artifact when digoxigenin and 35S-labeled oligonucleotide probes for double ISH detec-
tion are used simultaneously (31).
Several investigators have successfully used a combination of two nonisotopic labeled
probes, mainly biotin and digoxigenin, conjugated to different enzymes (AP or HPO)
or fluorescence followed by respective detective systems for a simultaneous localization
of multiple mRNA and genomic DNA in the same tissue section, or even in the same
cells (3,32–34). Using probes labeled with different fluorochrome molecules and with
different excitation and emission characteristics allows simultaneous analysis of differ-
ent probe signals on chromosomal and cytogenic preparations (5,33). An alternate
method is the combination of nonisotopic ISH with fluorescence (F)ISH: the two signals
can be visualized by using brightfield and darkfield microscopy (32).
Ultrastructural ISH is used mainly for investigations attempting to correlate molecular
function and ultrastructural morphology. Nonradioactive ISH methods with colloidal
gold are most commonly used for pre- and/or postembedding EM techniques (35–37).
Colloidal gold with different nonoverlapping particle sizes (5–30 nm) greatly facilitates
multiple labeling for ISH analysis at the EM level. Bienz and Egger (35) reported the
simultaneous localization of P1 and P2 virus genome regions in poliovirus-infected cells
by double-EM ISH: a digoxenin labeled P1 probe and a biotin-labeled P2 probe were
detected through simultaneous direct immunodetection with 10-nm gold-labeled anti-
digoxigenin and 6-nm gold-labeled antibiotin antibodies. A combination of ISH with
the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end-labeling technique on pre-
embedded free-floating sections has been used to analyze specific gene expression and
apoptosis at both LM and EM levels (38).

In Situ Amplification
An example of in situ target amplification is in situ PCR, a relatively new molecular
technique that combines the high sensitivity of PCR with anatomic localization by ISH
(39–41). ISH localizes gene sequences at the cellular level, but it generally requires
at least 10–20 or more copies of the mRNA of interest in a cell to make the signals
visible. A combination of PCR with ISH can amplify DNA or RNA sequences inside
single cells and increase the copy numbers to levels readily detectable by ISH methods.
There are two main approaches: direct and indirect. In the direct approach a labeled
nucleotide is incorporated into the PCR products (42); in the indirect method ISH is
performed after in situ amplification using a labeled oligonucleotide probe.
Over the past few years, in situ PCR has been mainly applied to detect DNA
sequences that are not easily detected by conventional ISH. In situ PCR to detect low
copy numbers of viral genes, especially the human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis
C, has led to significant discoveries about viral diseases (43). In situ RT-PCR is the
process of detecting mRNA in which mRNA is reverse transcribed to single strands
of DNA followed by PCR amplification. Application of in situ RT-PCR to detect gene
expression is still limited primarily to cell preparations and frozen sections. Only a few
applications of this procedure in paraffin sections have been reported (44). Successful
amplification of mRNA by in situ RT-PCR includes hormone, receptor, and oncogenes
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 35

(41,45–47). Direct comparison of in situ RT-PCR with radioactive or nonradioactive

conventional ISH for mRNA analysis shows 2–20-fold increases in hybridization
signals (45,46). In situ RT-PCR has many potential applications, since many genes
are known to be expressed in low abundance, and their functions have not been
elucidated. In situ PCR in EM and a combination of in situ PCR with IHC have
also been described (45,48).
In situ self-sustained sequence replication (3SR) is based on the use of primers with
attached RNA polymerase initiation sites and the combination of three different enzymes
in the same reaction mixture (DNA polymerase, RNAse H, and RNA polymerase),
resulting in accumulation of target mRNA through the combination of RT, DNA
synthesis, and in vitro transcription (49). This method has been applied to cytocentrifuge
preparation, and much less amplification efficiency compared with liquid-phase 3SR
Primed in situ labeling (PRINS) is a rapid, one-step target amplification technique
based on the Taq DNA polymerase-mediated incorporation of labeled nucleotides
into newly synthesized DNA by a single primer elongation. This newly described
technique is used primarily for chromosomal analysis on both metaphase spreads
and interphase nuclei, as well as detection of karyotype changes in diagnostic
pathology (50). The potential problems with the PRINS method include false-
positive results due to mispriming and artifacts related to the incorporation of
labeled nucleotide into damaged DNA.
Another strategy to improve ISH sensitivity is to use in situ amplification with a
signal detection system. The tyramide signal amplification method with catalyzed
reported deposition (CARD) has been used most frequently in recent years (51). This
CARD amplification technique allows a 500–1000-fold increase in sensitivity of immu-
nohistochemical signals compared with the conventional avidin-biotin complex method
without production of increased background (52). This approach to signal amplification
has been adapted to ISH in cytocentrifuged material and tissue sections. Wiedorn et
al. (53) found that CARD ISH can be used as an alternative to in situ PCR on routinely
processed tissue specimens and that it was superior to in situ PCR in reproducibility.


ISH methods have found many applications in clinical research and diagnostic
pathology. The technique is used in diagnostic practice in the areas of gene expression,
infection, and interphase cytogenetics. The ISH technique can be applied to routinely
fixed and processed tissues such as biopsy and autopsy material.

Infectious Diseases
In the field of infectious diseases, ISH has been used mainly to detect viral infections,
such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) by the presence
of small nuclear RNAs (EBERs). (See also Chapter 4.)
Viral Infections
Viral infections have been more widely investigated, and the technique has proved
useful both in the identification of specific viral infection and in defining the extent of
36 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

systemic infection. The combined use of broad-spectrum probes and those identifying
specific virus subtypes has confirmed a strong positive association between HPV and
high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia or progressive disease, with evidence that
types 16 and 18 are more likely to be associated with malignant progression (54,55).
The test has given some insight into the epidemiology, in that similar patterns of
infections were identified in two cohorts separated by 25 years (56). ISH may be a
useful adjunct in the investigation of HPV infection of the male genitalia (57). However,
the role played by HPV in other lesions, including Bowen’s disease and squamous cell
papilloma of the bronchus and larynx, is unclear. EBV has been implicated in the
pathogenesis of a wide range of human lymphoid and epithelial tumors (58) (Figs. 1A,
B). It is difficult to detect viral DNA by ISH in latent infection because of the low
copy number per cell. However, EBERs encoded by the virus are highly expressed
and detectable by nonradioactive ISH. EBV has been detected in some cases of
Hodgkin’s disease, in a variety of lymphomas, including T-cell lymphomas, and in
oral hairy leukoplakia (59–61). The presence of EBV in undifferentiated nasopharyngeal
carcinoma has been studied extensively (62). ISH is useful in confirmation of infectious
mononucleosis in atypical cases and of renal disease associated with EBV patients who
have a negative serology (63,64).
Hybridization to viral DNA and mRNAs in the liver has aided our understanding
of the complexity of hepatitis B infection (65). However, these studies have provided
conflicting data about the correlation between viral replication and disease activity.
More recently, ISH has been used to detect hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. However,
negative results were found in a significant proportion of HCV-seropositive cases (66).
This could be due to the low level of replication of the virus, and amplification techniques
may increase the sensitivity. Most studies applied these techniques to formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded tissue due to its availability and the good preservation of morphology.
Very few studies have applied this technique to frozen tissue. However, most groups
showed that HCV-positive cells were usually isolated, with occasional clustering, and
that usually <20% of cells were positive (67,68). In a few reports, the proportion of
HCV RNA-positive cells was found to be very high (69). Most studies showed the
localization of HCV in hepatocytes, but some studies showed ISH signals in mononu-
clear cells, bile duct epithelium, and sinusoidal cells (70,71). HCV may be directly
involved in the biliary epithelial damage seen in a proportion of patients with chronic
HCV infection (70,71). The level of HCV positivity appeared to correlate with serum
aminotransferase, suggesting that HCV might cause damage to the liver cells directly
in the absence of overt morphologic changes.
ISH has been used for the identification of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in viral encephali-
tis associated with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and chronic
encephalitis associated with AIDS or epilepsy. Pulmonary involvement has been
detected in cytologic specimens and the extent of systemic disease documented when
the presentation was that of isolated oophoritis (72). CMV infection has been detected
in gastrointestinal biopsies in cardiac transplant recipients (73). However, with CMV,
there may not be a significantly greater sensitivity with ISH than with histology and
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 37

Fig. 1. (A) In situ hybridization detects EBV in a posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder.

There is diffuse staining of all lymphoid cells for the EBV probe. In situ hybridization with
digoxigenin-labeled probes and detection by alkaline phosphatase/nitroblue tetrazolium-
bromochloroindolyl phosphate (NBT-BCIP) for all figures. (B) In situ hybridization to detect
EBV in a nasopharyngeal carcinoma metastatic to a cervical lymph node. The presence of EBV
in this clinical setting is diagnostic of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (C) Detection of κ (left)
and λ (right) light chains in a plasmacytic lymphoma. The tumor shows λ light chain restriction
with all the tumor cells expressing this light chain. A few residual normal plasma cells stained
positively for κ light chain. (D) In situ hybridization for albumin to diagnose a hepatocellular
carcinoma metastatic to the scapula. Albumin expression is relatively specific for normal and
neoplastic liver cells. (E) Chromogranin A and B expression in the adrenal cortex. The adrenal
cortex in the lower portion of the figure is negative for chromogranin A and B cocktail probe.
(F) Pro-insulin mRNA expression in the normal pancreatic islets. Most of the islet cells (60–80%)
express the pro-insulin mRNA (original magnification ×250 for A, B, D, and E; ×200 for F).
(See Color Plate 1, following page 208.)
38 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

Herpesviruses (HHVs) may also be detectable, including herpes simplex in lymphade-

nitis and endometritis and HHV-6 in erythroderma associated with an infectious mono-
nucleosis-like syndrome and lymphoproliferative states (74–76). The presence of HHV-
8 in Kaposi’s sarcoma has been demonstrated using PCR-ISH (77). There is some
evidence to suggest that ISH may not be as sensitive as IHC in the detection of HSV,
but proper validation should be performed with the newer amplification techniques. It
may have an advantage over IHC in early infection.
Identification of Bacteria and Fungi
ISH can provide a useful tool for identification of fungi and bacteria (78). Yeast
and yeast-like organism identification in tissue sections can be very difficult, with only
occasional organisms seen. Several common species have overlapping morpho-
logic features. Aspergillosis results in significant mortality in immunosuppressed
patients. Rapid diagnosis is often required to initiate appropriate therapy. The histology
of Aspergillus species may overlap with a variety of fungi, so diagnosis often relies
on fungal cultures that can take weeks to complete. ISH targeting Aspergillus 5S
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) identified 41 cases of localized aspergillomas in the lung,
brain, sinonasal tract, and ear, as well as 2 cases of invasive aspergillosis involving
pleura and soft tissue of the scapular region (79–81). Allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS)
is a serious form of sinonasal disease that is commonly associated with Aspergillus or
dematiacious fungi. ISH has identified Aspergillus/Penicillium organisms in many
AFS patients.
The diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii by ISH can be performed on paraffin sections.
The reactions were positive in all 12 cases of P. carinii pneumonia, but in none of the
infections with other pathogenic agents, including virus, mycobacteria, protozoa, and
fungi. The reactivity and specificity of this method was comparable to that of immunohis-
tochemistry using a monoclonal anti-human P. carinii antibody (82,83).
Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common causes
of medical device-associated infections. The microbiologic diagnosis of these infections
remains ambiguous. The detection and identification of S. aureus and S. epidermidis
by an ISH method with fluorescence-labeled oligonucleotide probes specific for staphy-
lococcal 16S rRNA have been reported (84). Helicobacter pylori is the causative
agent of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers and is also associated with gastric cancer.
Eradication of H. pylori infection has proved to be difficult to confirm. ISH results
were compared with those of culture and conventional histology, with agreement in
most cases (85).
DNA probes have been used to detect both the 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA sequences
of various fungal organisms with a high degree of specificity for each fungus, including
Blastomyces dermatitis, Coccidiodes immitis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Histoplasma
capsulatum, and Sporothrix schenckii (86). Probes were tested against 98 paraffin-
embedded tissue specimens, each of which had culture-proved involvement by one of
these organisms. ISH with oligonucleotide DNA probes was uniformly present with
all species-specific probes yielding 100% specificity, including four cases of Grocott
methenamine-silver stain (GMS)-negative staining (86). These results show that ISH,
directed against ribosomal RNA, provides a rapid and accurate technique for the identi-
fication of yeast-like organisms in histologic tissue sections.
Detection of DNA and RNA by ISH 39

Cell Proliferation Analysis

The cell cycle consists of four distinct phases, G1, S, G2, and M. The expression
of histone genes is an important step in the process of cell proliferation. Histone H3
mRNA accumulates in the cytoplasm during the S-phase, and then decreases as cells
approach the G2-phase. H3 transcription rates increase 10-fold at the onset of the S-
phase and are downregulated at the cessation of cell proliferation and during quiescence
(87). The mRNA can be detected by ISH. The principal advantage of H3 mRNA
determination is that the results are tightly coupled with de novo DNA synthesis.
Moreover, its short half-life (20 min to 6 h) results in a more accurate reflection of S-
phase activity. The proliferative activity of 71 cases of astrocytomas was studied by
histone ISH and by immunohistochemistry with an antibody to proliferating cell nuclear
antigen, Ki67, and mitoses (88). A significant correlation (with reproducible results)
was found among the labeling indices of histone mRNA, proliferation marker labeling
indices, and mitotic indices (88).

Gene Expression
ISH methods are powerful tools for the analysis of gene expression and regulation
in normal and pathologic tissues (89). A major advantage of ISH is its ability to
localize mRNA at the cellular level in heterogeneous tissues, thus expanding the
results of other molecular techniques, such as Northern blot hybridization, for
specific gene analysis.
ISH has been used to detect mRNA as a marker of gene expression when levels of
protein storage are low, for example, to confirm an endocrine tumor as the source of
excess hormone production (13,90). ISH methods have been widely used for the study of
mRNA-encoding oncogenes, growth factors and their receptors, hormones and hormone
receptors, cytokines, structural proteins, enzymes, collagenase, and others.
There are many practical applications of ISH methods in tumor pathology (Fig.
1C–F). The correlation of oncogene expression with prognosis is being investigated
in neuroblastomas and epithelial neoplasms such as colon, lung, prostate, and breast
carcinomas. Detection of genes encoding cell structural proteins, including tumor-
associated markers, represents a potential area of application of ISH methods in patho-
logic diagnosis. For example, nonisotopic ISH methods for localization of immunoglob-
ulin light chain in mRNAs in hyperplastic and neoplastic lymphoproliferative disorders
(16) (Fig. 1C), albumin mRNA to distinguish between hepatocellular and metastatic
carcinomas in the liver (Fig. 1D), and chromogranin/secretogranin mRNAs in the
classification of neuroendocrine tumors (8) (Fig. 1E) are used in some diagnostic
pathology laboratories. ISH methods used to identify cells or tumors on the basis of
their specific mRNA content are different from IHC, which is dependent on the protein
content of cells. Thus, ISH identifies the gene products from de novo synthesis, rather
than nonspecific uptake of proteins by cells, which may result in false-positive immuno-
staining results. ISH analysis has also been used extensively in studies of endocrine
cells and tumors (Fig. 1F). For example, a significant number of small cell lung
carcinomas with few secretory granules are commonly negative for chromogranin
proteins, but the mRNAs may be detected by ISH methods (8,14). ISH studies of gene
expression in endocrine tumors (including parathyroid hormones and calcitonin gene-
40 Jin, Qian, and Lloyd

related peptide) have contributed to our understanding of the biology and pathophysiol-
ogy of various endocrine disorders.

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In Situ Hybridization 45


In Situ Hybridization


Day 1
1. Deparaffinize with xylene for 5 min, ×2.
2. 100% ethyl alcohol (ETOH) for 3 min, ×2.
3. 95% ETOH for 3 min, ×2.
4. Wash in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) for 3 min.
5. Incubated in 10 mM citric acid buffer (pH 6.0) in plastic jars for 3 min, then treat with
microwave for 3 min, ×3 (2 jars each time), and add diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)-H2O
after each boiling.
6. Keep in citric acid buffer at room temperature for 20 min.
7. Wash in PBS for 3 min.
8. Incubate in proteinase K (25 µg/mL) at 37°C for 10 min.
9. Wash in PBS for 3 min, ×2.
10. Incubate in 0.2 N HCl for 10 min.
11. Wash in PBS for 3 min, ×2.
12. Incubate in 0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 M triethanolamine for 10 min.
13. Wash in 2× standard saline citrate (SSC) for 3 min.
14. Incubate in prehybridization buffer for 30 min.
15. Prepare riboprobe mix: dilute probe in prehybridization buffer, heat it at 85°C for 5 min,
and then keep in ice.
16. Hybridization: add 20–50 µL riboprobe mix to slide, cover-slip and incubate in a moisture
chamber at 50–55°C for 16 h.

Day 2
1. Dip slides in 2× SSC to remove cover slips for 5 min.
2. Wash in PBS for 3 min.
3. Incubate in RNAse A solution (0.1–1 ng/mL in PBS) at 37°C for 30 min.
4. Wash in PBS for 5 min.
5. Wash in 2× SSC at 50°C for 10 min.
6. Wash in 1× SSC at 50°C for 10 min.
7. Wash in 0.5× SSC at 50°C for 10 min.
8. Incubate in buffer A for 1 min.
9. Incubate in buffer A with 1% sheep serum and 0.03% Triton X-100 for 20 min.
10. Add anti-Dig antibody (1/200 in above buffer, from Boehringer Mannheim) and incubate
for 3 h.
11. Wash in buffer A for 5 min, ×2.
12. Wash in buffer B for 5 min, ×2.
13. Develop in nitroblue tetrazolium/bromochloroindolyl phosplate (NBT/BCIP) in the dark
for 30–60 min, monitoring under the microscope.
14. Stop the reaction in buffer B and wash briefly in H2O.
15. Counterstain nucleus with fast red, dehydrate, and coverslip.
46 Protocols

For Frozen Section

1. Omit steps 1 and 2 of day 1.
2. Treat with proteinase K at 1–2 µg/mL for 10 min.
3. Digest with RNAse A at 0.1–1 µg/mL at 37°C for 30 min.


Day 1
1. Deparaffinize with xylene for 5 min, ×2.
2. 100% ETOH for 3 min, ×2.
3. 95% ETOH for 3 min, ×2.
4. Wash in PBS for 3 min.
5. Incubate in 10 mM citric acid buffer (pH 6.0) in plastic jars for 3 min, then treat with
microwave for 3 min, ×3 (2 jars each time), and add DEPC-H2O after each boiling.
6. Keep in citric acid buffer at room temperature for 20 min.
7. Wash in PBS for 3 min.
8. Incubate in proteinase K (25 µg/mL) at 37°C for 10 min.
9. Wash in PBS for 3 min, ×2.
10. Incubate in 0.2 N HCl for 10 min.
11. Wash in PBS for 3 min, ×2.
12. Incubate in 0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 M triethanolamine for 10 min.
13. Wash in 2× SSC for 3 min.
14. Incubate in prehybridization buffer for 30 min.
15. Prepare oligo-probe mix: dilute probe in prehybridization buffer (0.5–2 ng/µL).
16. Hybridization: add 20–50 µL oligo-probe mix to slide, cover-slip, and incubate in a moisture
chamber at 42–44°C for 16 h.

Day 2
1. Dip slides in 2× SSC to remove cover slips.
2. Wash in 2× SSC at 42–44°C for 10 min.
3. Wash in 1× SSC at 42–44°C for 10 min.
4. Wash in 0.5 × SSC at 42–44°C for 10 min.
5. Incubate in buffer A for 1 min.
6. Incubate in buffer A with 1% sheep serum and 0.03% Triton X-100 for 20 min.
7. Add anti-Dig antibody (1/200 in above buffer, from Boehringer Mannheim) and incubate
for 3 h.
8. Wash in buffer A (1 M NaCl, 0.1 M Tris-HCl, 2 mM MgCl2, pH 7.5) for 5 min, ×2.
9. Wash in buffer B (0.1 M NaCl, 0.1 M Tris base, 5 mM MgCl2, pH 9.5) for 5 min, ×2.
10. Develop in NBT/BCIP in the dark for 30–60 min, monitoring under the microscope.
11. Stop the reaction in buffer B and wash briefly in H2O.
12. Counterstain nucleus with fast red, dehydrate, and cover-slip.

For Frozen Section

1. Omit steps 1 and 2 of day 1.
2. Treat with proteinase K at 1–2 µg/mL for 10 min.
In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents

Gary W. Procop, MD and Randall Hayden, MD

In situ hybridization (ISH) has a wide variety of uses in diagnostic pathology (1–4).
ISH for the detection and differentiation of microorganisms is a science that in many
respects is still in its infancy. Early in the development of these technologies, viruses
in tissue sections were the natural targets for identification. These methods have proved
useful for such identification, especially for viruses that are difficult to culture or
when infection was not suspected and tissues were not submitted for culture (5–7).
Unfortunately, many of the early ISH methods were complicated, required a high level
of technical expertise, and may have been viewed as a detection method for the anatomic
pathology laboratories alone (i.e., direct competition for clinical virology). These factors
may have discouraged some from using this technology. Furthermore, microorganisms,
which may be detected by ISH, have been successfully found through alternate techno-
logies. The greatest competing technologies for ISH are immunohistochemistry (IHC),
solution hybridization, and nucleic acid amplification (NAA). In many instances, these
alternate technologies have proved equally effective, possibly more sensitive, and
sometimes more user friendly and/or cost effective than ISH (8). ISH, however, remains
a useful and important tool for the identification of microorganisms in histologic sections,
and its uses are expanding to include the direct identification of microorganisms in
clinical specimens and rapid culture confirmation.
There has been a dramatic evolution of the molecular biology industry over the past
10 years, which has provided a variety of tools to the molecular pathologist and
microbiologist. The relative ease of nucleic acid synthesis to produce high-quality ISH
probes has made this method of microbial detection highly versatile. Nucleic acid
probes directed against ribosomal RNA targets can provide a definitive genus and
species identification for a variety of organisms in a fraction of the time of culture.
These probes may be labeled with fluorescent reporter molecules, or secondary signal
amplification methods may be employed to enhance assay sensitivity. Incredibly, with
ISH and advanced signal amplification methods, it is possible to detect genes present
in only a single copy (9–11). This method holds great potential for detection of the
genes responsible for antimicrobial resistance in bacteria and fungi and could conceiv-
ably replace conventional susceptibility testing.

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

48 Procop and Hayden
In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents 49

With the passage of time, the concept of ISH has become less foreign to the clinical
microbiologist, probably because of the influx of other diagnostic molecular methods
such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with Southern blot or solution hybridization.
ISH applications for microorganisms have also expanded from viruses to include bacteria,
fungi, and parasites. These methods have recently been shown to be particularly useful
for the detection of fastidious microbes that are difficult to culture and for rapid culture
confirmation. (5–7,12,13). For example, ISH methods have been used to identify Legio-
nella and Histoplasma definitely in histologic sections and to identify bacteria in blood
culture rapidly, without the delay of subculture and subsequent biochemical testing
(12,13) (Figs. 12, 13, 18 and 19). Furthermore, some have employed ISH directly on the
patient specimen on a rapid basis and substantially improved the time to identification for
Aspergillus species when only hyphae are seen (14). The maintenance of tissue morphol-
ogy afforded by ISH may provide an additional benefit, by helping to discriminate contam-
inants from true infectious pathogens. This could be of particular import in the cases
of organisms such as Aspergillus that may be either saprophytic or pathogenic. These
expanded applications of ISH, as well as the standardization of more user-friendly meth-
ods and the use of automation, are likely to establish ISH as a rapid and effective means
of organism identification in the modern microbiology and pathology laboratory (3,15).

Early in the development ISH techniques, viruses were the most common infectious
agents detected. The presence of these viruses was often suspected because of the cyto-
pathic effect seen in histologic sections or cytologic preparations. The most common
human pathogenic viruses that ISH is used to detect are cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes

䉳 Fig. 1. Lymph node with EBV, ISH.

Fig. 2. Pharyngeal biopsy with HPV, ISH.
Fig. 3. Placenta, involved by CMV, ISH.
Fig. 4. Oral cavity (palate) biopsy with HSV, H&E.
Fig. 5. Palate biopsy with HSV (Fig. 4) confirmed by ISH.
Fig. 6. Lung tissue with adenovirus, H&E.
Fig. 7. Adenovirus in lung tissue (Fig. 6) confirmed by ISH.
Fig. 8. Brain biopsy showing JC viral inclusion in oligodendrocytes, H&E.
Fig. 9. JC virus in brain biopsy (Fig. 8) confirmed by ISH.
Fig. 10. Cryptococcus neoformans in an open lung biopsy, GMS.
Fig. 11. Identification of the yeast forms in Fig. 10 as C. neoformans using ISH.
Fig. 12. Histoplasma capsulatum in an open lung biopsy, GMS.
Fig. 13. Confirmation of the yeast forms in Fig. 12 as H. capsulatum using ISH.
Fig. 14. Open lung biopsy with Blastomyces dermatidis, GMS.
Fig. 15. Confirmation of the yeast forms in Fig. 14 with ISH.
Fig. 16. Endospores and immature spherules of Coccidiodes immitis in a lung biopsy, GMS.
Fig. 17. Confirmation of C. immitis in Fig. 16 by ISH.
Fig. 18. Open lung biopsy showing Legionella pneumophila, Warthin-Starry stain.
Fig. 19. Identification of L. pneumophila in Fig. 18 by ISH.
(Original magnification ×200 for Figs. 1–17; ×400 for Figs. 18 and 19. See Color Plate 2
following page 208.)
50 Procop and Hayden

simplex virus (HSV), human papillomavirus (HPV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), adenovi-
rus, and the JC polyoma virus (Figs. 1–9; see Protocols 8, 16–28). In addition to the
detection of viruses and the confirmation of cause of a cytopathic effect, ISH has also
been used differentiate the high- and low-risk subtypes of HPV, to type herpes simplex
viruses, and to assess the effects of treatment (29–33,17). The presence of a virus in tissue
culture is often confirmed by using specific antibody stains, but ISH may also be used
(34). ISH has also helped to demonstrate associations and possible associations between
particular viruses and specific neoplastic conditions (35–37). HPV, which is associated
with dysplasia/squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix, EBV, which is associated
with posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder and other malignancies, and human her-
pes virus 8 (HHV8), which is associated with Kaposi’s sarcoma, have all been successfully
detected in the respective neoplastic conditions by ISH (35,36,38–48).
This technology has come into direct competition with immunohistochemistry and
other molecular techniques. In many institutions, immunohistochemistry, which has a
wide variety of applications in anatomic pathology, has replaced ISH or prevented the
institution of ISH for the detection of these agents. This may, in part, be secondary to
efforts to reduce duplication of like technologies and streamline laboratory operations
to lower operating costs. Additionally, the high-quality commercial availability of
antibodies directed against many of these viruses, the use of semiautomated techniques,
and the rapid turn-around time for IHC stains also contributed to the use of IHC rather
than ISH for detection of these agents (26–28,48). More recently, ISH has had to
compete with the accurate, rapid and cost-effective solution hybridization technology
(i.e., Hybrid-Capture, Digene, Beltsville, MD) for the detection and differentiation
of HPV subtypes. Although these issues may have limited the widespread routine use
of ISH techniques, the recent availability of semiautomated platforms and the increasing
number of commercially available probes promise to put these methods within the
reach of many more laboratories.
Interestingly, the use of ISH for the detection of viruses in histologic sections may
come full circle. Many pathologists, particularly those skilled in infectious disease
pathology, may choose not to order additional confirmatory tests such as immunohisto-
chemistry or ISH, particularly if viral cytopathic effects and the histopathologic features
of the disease are characteristic. Furthermore, the rapid direct immunofluorescent testing
now performed in many clinical virology laboratories provides same-day confirmation
of many viral infections, making ISH and IHC unnecessary. For these reasons and
possibly others, some laboratories have experienced a decline in requests for IHC or
ISH testing for viruses. A recent review of IHC antibody use for the detection of viruses
at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation disclosed that orders for HSV, CMV, and HPV
stains were among the most underused. These expensive commercial antibody stains
were expiring prior to use and had to be discarded, resulting in a monetary loss for
that section. In this regard, ISH offers an attractive alternative to IHC. Probes for ISH
generally offer an equal or even greater degree of specificity when compared with IHC,
but they may be ordered in small volumes, frozen, and validated in-house, to help
avoid expiration and monetary loss. Additionally, since any nucleic acid sequence may
be synthesized, ISH probes may be designed for a wide variety of viruses, including
those for which IHC stains are unavailable. Perhaps it is time once again to examine
which method is best for the detection of viruses in histologic sections.
In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents 51

Although ISH has been shown to be useful for the diagnosis and study of viral
diseases in histologic sections, its utility in the routine clinical virology laboratory
remains unclear. ISH has been used to confirm positive viral cultures, but, as with
IHC in histologic sections, in clinical virology ISH has to compete with high-quality
commercially available antibody stains that are used for culture confirmation. The
detection of other viruses, such as CMV and HPV, has been successfully accomplished
using solution hybridization, which is less labor intensive and more cost effective than
ISH. Finally, ISH has to compete with NAA, including quantitative methods, for the
detection of viruses such as HIV, HCV, and EBV. With the variety of molecular
methods currently being used in clinical virology and numerous new applications on
the horizon, the role of ISH in the clinical virology laboratory remains unclear.


Fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes have been used for the rapid detection
of bacteria, and the technical parameters of hybridization have been explored (49)
(Braun-Howland). These techniques have been used by microbiologists to study bacterial
physiology, enumerate viable bacteria, and examine biofilms (50–54). Such methods
have been used to study Legionella and Escherichia coli in water (55,56) and have
been employed by the food industry to study the bacterium that causes necrotizing
hepatopancreatitis of farm-raised shrimp (57). Applications also exist in veterinary
medicine. ISH has been used to study Sepulina and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
infections in pigs, which cause enterocolitis and respiratory infections, respectively
(58,59). It has been used to investigate the role of Haemobartonella felis in
infectious feline anemia and to study Chlamydia trachomatis infections in swine
and mice (60–62).
These techniques have also been used to examine a variety of agents of human
infections. In formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded specimens ISH has been used to detect
fastidious bacteria. Several researchers have examined ISH for the detection of Helico-
bacter pylori in gastric biopsies and concur that this method is sensitive, specific and
useful (63–65). Recently, ISH has been shown to be comparable to rapid PCR (i.e.,
Light-Cycler, Roche Diagnostics, Indianapolis, IN) for the detection of Legionella
pneumophila and was found to be superior to the traditional Warthin-Starry stain (Figs.
18 and 19). The use of ISH has been explored for the diagnosis of Chlamydia, given
the difficulty of identifying inclusions during cytologic or histopathologic examination.
The role of Chlamydia trachomatis in chronic prostatitis, coronary artery atherosclerosis,
reactive arthritis, and stillbirth has been examined using ISH (66–69). The presence
of bacteria, undetectable by conventional Gram stain but identifiable by ISH, has been
demonstrated in the sinus-nasal mucosa and mucus of a few patients with chronic
sinusitis (70). The distribution of bacteria in the intestinal mucus layer in patients with
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has also been studied by ISH and compared with
patients without IBD, in an effort to describe differences in the protective capacity of
the intestinal mucus in this population (71).
Although it is clear that these techniques are capable of accurately identifying bacteria,
they have not become commonplace in the microbiology laboratory. In the clinical
microbiology laboratory, ISH, like Gram stain, but more highly specific, may be useful
52 Procop and Hayden

for the direct identification of bacteria in clinical specimens (72,73). Such technologies
are clearly important if the agent under investigation is uncultivable. In this regard,
ISH has been used to study the epidemiology of oral treponemes associated with
periodontal disease (74). A careful choice of specific ISH probes may be used to rapid-
ly identify particular organisms that are likely to be associated with particular diseases.
For example, Matsuhisa et al. (72) used ISH for the rapid identification of bacteria
in phagocyte smears from patients with septicemia. This methodology, however, has
not been confirmed in a large cohort of patients with septicemia. Furthermore, consider-
ing that many patients with bacteremia often have few circulating bacteria per milliliter
of blood, the sensitivity of such methods would have to compete with the highly
sensitive automated blood culture instruments used today. Similarly, Krimmer et al.
(73) used ISH to detect Staphylococcus species in specimens associated with prosthetic
orthopedic devices. Although useful for the direct identification of bacteria in clinical
specimens, another, possibly more practical use of ISH in the microbiology laboratory
may be the rapid identification and differentiation of common microorganisms in cul-
ISH has been used in the clinical microbiology laboratory for the rapid identification of
bacteria in positive blood cultures. Jansen et al. (12) and Kempf et al. (13) simultaneously
published articles examining the ability of ISH to detect and differentiate bacteria in
positive blood culture bottles using probes directed against specific target sequences
present in bacterial rRNA. Both genus-inclusive probes (i.e., all staphylococci or all
Enterobacteriaceae) and species-specific probes (i.e., Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli)
were used. For the identification of S. aureus in blood cultures, Jansen et al. (12)
showed a sensitivity of 66.7%, whereas Kempf et al. (13) demonstrated a sensitivity
of 100%, even though overlapping, nearly identical probe sequences were used. In
both studies, the specificity for the identification of S. aureus was 100%. This ability
to provide rapid speciation of staphylococci in blood cultures would probably have a
significant clinical impact by rapidly identifying S. aureus, the organism more likely
to be associated with serious disease. Furthermore, the rapid identification of S. aureus
by ISH allows for the judicial use of other rapid molecular methods for detecting the
mecA gene, the gene responsible for methicillin resistance. In these blood culture/ISH
studies, the accurate and rapid identification of other Gram-positive cocci (streptococci
and enterococci) and a variety of Gram-negative bacilli (12,13) was also achieved.
Possibly the most attractive feature of this technology is the greatly enhanced time to
identification for ISH compared with conventional methods. Kempf et al. (13) demon-
strated that with a limited number of ISH probes, the cause of 96.5% of positive blood
cultures could be identified by ISH within 2.5 h, whereas conventional culture took
between 1 and 3 days.
This construction of ISH batteries directed against common pathogens of particular
diseases may prove useful in areas other than blood culture. This approach has been
studied for the simultaneous detection and identification of common respiratory patho-
gens in cultures from patients with cystic fibrosis (75). Although it is slightly less
sensitive than culture, Hogardt et al. (75) used ISH to detect and identify Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, Burkholderia cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Haemophilus
influenzae, and S. aureus and demonstrated 90% sensitivity and 100% specificity of
ISH compared with culture.
In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents 53

Mycobacteriology is another area in which ISH may be useful for organism identifica-
tion in direct specimens and in culture. The utility of the direct identification of mycobac-
teria has obvious clinical importance, considering the slow growth of these organisms
and the fastidious nature of some mycobacteria, such as M. leprae, M. genevense, and
M. haemophilum. ISH with peptide nucleic acid probes has been used to distinguish
tuberculous and nontuberculous mycobacteria rapidly in smears from mycobacterial
cultures (76,77). This technology has also been used for rapid identification of M.
tuberculosis and nontuberculous mycobacteria species directly in sputa that contained
acid-fast bacilli (78). ISH applications have also been used in histologic sections to
identify definitely M. leprae, an organism that cannot be cultured in vitro (79).


The identification of fungi in histologic sections and cytologic preparations relies

primarily on the morphologic features of the organism present (6). Unfortunately, in
daily practice yeast forms are often routinely characterized as “consistent with Candida,”
and hyaline septate hyphae are often subsumed under the diagnosis of “consistent with
Aspergillus.” In most instances these diagnoses are correct, given the prevalence of
disease caused by these organisms. Important differences, however, do exist in the
severity and treatment of fungal disease based on the type of infecting organism. For
example, some Candida species, such as C. glabrata and C. krusei, are more likely to
be resistant to fluconazole, one of the most common drugs used to treat C. albicans
infections. Similarly, there are differences in antifungal fungal susceptibility profiles
between Aspergillus species and other hyaline septate molds, such as Fusarium and
Pseudallesheria boydii. Advances in drug development for the treatment of systemic
fungal disease have broadened the armamentarium of the infectious disease clinician,
which in the past was essentially limited to amphotericin B; now a more accurate
description of the fungal pathogen present is required for optimal therapy.
Although certain morphologic features may suggest that a hyaline septate mold
belongs to a genus other than Aspergillus, these differences are subtle, require mycologic
expertise, and may call for more time than a busy surgical pathologist may be willing
to allot (80,81). Furthermore, these morphologic differences are not infallible (81).
Fungi have not traditionally been considered a target for identification by ISH. However,
ISH methods have been developed for fungi and used both in the research setting
(82,83) and for the histopathologic and microbiologic diagnosis of fungal infections
(13,84). There is now substantial evidence that ISH can be used to differentiate morpho-
logically similar fungi accurately. Several researchers have shown that ISH methods
may be used to identify Aspergillus species in histologic sections (85–87). Two groups
accomplished this by targeting the fungal rRNA for hybridization while the third group
targetted the proteinase gene (85–87). Recently, an ISH method has been adapted for
the rapid identification of Aspergillus species in pulmonary cytology specimens (14).
Such methods afford specific organism identification, which is usually not available from
routine direct examination, and provides useful information that may guide antifungal
therapy. If, in the future, pressures are brought to bear on surgical pathologists to identify
fungi more accurately in histologic sections, the tools now available to accomplish this
task include IHC, ISH, and NAA.
54 Procop and Hayden

As with other organism groups, ISH is particularly useful for uncultivable agents.
Several researchers have used ISH to detect the uncultivable fungus, Pneumocystis
carinii (88–90). Unlike most conventional histochemical stains, but like IHC, ISH
detects the trophozoite form of the organism, as well as the cyst forms (88). Immunohis-
tochemical or ISH staining methods for P. carinii may be particularly useful when few
organisms are present or when confusion exists between Pneumocystis and small yeast
forms wherein buds cannot be identified.
ISH has also been applied to the difficult histologic differential diagnosis of morpho-
logically similar yeast and yeast-like forms in human tissues. The nature of disease
and therapeutic options also differ for this group of organisms, which bespeaks the
need for accurate organism identification. ISH methods have been used successfully
to identify accurately Cryptococcus neoformans and the parasitic forms of the dimorphic
fungal pathogens Histoplasma capsulatum, Blastomyces dermatitidis, and Coccidioides
immitis in human tissue sections (84) (Figs. 10–17). The yeast cells of Candida albicans,
Candida tropicalis, and the agent of South American blastomycosis, Paracoccidioides
brasiliensis, have been identified using ISH methods (91–93). The laboratory diagnosis
of systemic fungal disease is often first made by the histopathologist. Therefore, accurate
ISH methods for detection of fungi in histologic sections would represent a significant
advance in diagnosis, especially for organisms like H. capsulatum that produce sugges-
tive, but not diagnostic, forms in tissue and require extended culture incubation for
As with bacteria, ISH may prove useful for the identification of fungi in the clinical
mycology laboratory. These methods have been used for the direct identification of
common yeast in blood cultures with 100% specificity (13). Additionally, because
saprophytic, nonpathogenic molds exist that demonstrate conidiation in culture similar
to that of the systemic dimorphic pathogens, molecular probes or other techniques are
necessary for confirmation of these fungi. It follows then that the same ISH probes
used to differentiate fungi in tissue sections may be useful for culture confirmation. In
this manner, in situ methods may compete with traditional assimilation and morphologic
methods of yeast and mold identification, especially as automation of ISH methods
becomes more widely available.


Many parasites are efficiently and accurately identified in histologic sections or

microbiologic preparations of specimens. Therefore, ISH methods have not been used
extensively in clinical or anatomic pathology for the identification of parasites. There
are some parasites, however, such as the microsporidia, that are difficult to detect in
both histologic sections and in the stool preparations in the microbiology laboratory.
If detected, electron microscopy is needed for speciation. ISH has been used for the
diagnosis of the most common microsporidia, Enterocytozoon bieneusi, which causes
gastroenteritis in patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (94). Apart
from the detection of parasites in clinical specimens, ISH has been used as a research
tool to study the pathophysiology of a wide variety of parasitic diseases including
trypanosomes, plasmodia, helminths, and trematodes (95–98).
In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents 55


The ISH detection of microorganisms in clinical specimens began as a method of

detecting and differentiating viruses in histologic sections. Although it is still useful
in this regard, alternative technologies such as IHC, PCR, and solution hybridization
can also serve as primary diagnostic modalities in this setting. Given the availability
of a wide variety of genetic sequences, and therefore a wide variety of targets, ISH is
a useful method for detecting emerging viral pathogens and possibly genes that confer
resistance. This technology, however, has been shown to be useful for the detection
of more than just viruses. ISH has been used to identify or study bacteria, fungi,
and parasites. The use of these probes in histologic sections affords pathologists the
opportunity to render a more highly specific organism identification than has ever
before been possible, while at the same time viewing infective agents in a maintained
morphologic background (i.e., in situ). This is possible without the delays of culture
and is particularly useful for organisms that cannot be cultured in vitro. The recent
identification of bacteria, mycobacteria, and fungi in direct specimens and culture has
revealed new uses for ISH. The application of ISH to positive blood cultures could
dramatically decrease the time to definitive identification of infectious agents and
obviate the need for subculture and biochemical testing. It appears that the Golden
Age of ISH for the detection of microorganisms is on the horizon.

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In Situ Detection of Infectious Agents 59

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60 Procop and Hayden

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hybridization of an eggshell protein gene from Fasciola hepatica. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol.
37, 11–17.
Detecting Adenovirus 61


Detecting Adenovirus

ISH with biotinylated probes is used to detect adenovirus DNA in paraffin sections.
Slides required for the above test include patient slides labeled for positive probe,
negative probe, and DNA probe, (use DNA procedure) and a known positive quality
control slide.

1. Dry paraffin slides in 70°C oven 30 min
2. Deparaffinize in xylene, two changes. 7 min each
3. 100% ethanol, two changes. 2 min or 15 dips each
4. 95% ethanol, two changes. 2 min or 15 dips each
5. 2× standard saline citrate (SSC) rinse, two changes. 2 min each
6. 0.2 N HCl (0.2 N hydrochloric acid). 20 min
7. 2× SSC rinse, two changes. 2 min each
Delete steps 8–11 if tissue is not B-5 fixed.
8. Weigert’s iodine (remove mercury deposits). 5 min
9. 0.02% diethyl pyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated water rinse. 1 min
10. 5% sodium thiosulfate. 1 min
11. 2× SSC rinse, two changes. 2 min each


1. Preheat microwave oven (high power) with deionized water in a
beaker for 1 min. Use 400 mL of water in beaker for 1 Coplin
jar of slides. Use 50 mL less of water for each additional Coplin
jar. Example: 300 mL water for 3 Coplin jars.
2. Place slides into white plastic (9 count) RNAse-free Coplin jar(s) and
cover with 10 mM citric acid (pH 6.0).
3. Microwave (high power) stopping every 3–5 min, to bring solution
volume up to original level by adding 0.02% DEPC-treated
water to Coplin jar(s). 10 min total
4. Remove Coplin jars from microwave oven, keeping slides in
citric acid solution. 15 min
5. 2× SSC rinse, two changes. 2 min each


1. Apply 300 µL (0.3 mL) proteinase K, diluted with phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS) 1/20 dilution of 500 µg/mL stock diluted
to 25 µg/mL) to each slide and incubate within humid tray in 50°C oven. 5 min
2. Rinse with 2× SSC, two changes. 3 min each
3. Mix 50 mL of 0.1 M triethanolamine and 0.3 mL of acetic anhydride
(add just before use) and place slides in solution. 15 min
4. 2× SSC rinse, two changes. 5 min total
62 Protocols


1. Apply
a. 30–40 µL Hepatitis A virus (HAV) biotin probe (Enzo, original
concentration of 20 µL diluted to 0.2 ng/µl, using prehybridization
buffer) to each appropriately labeled negative probe slide.
b. ADV-biotin probe (Enzo, original concentration of 20 ng/µL diluted to
2.0 ng/µL, using prehybridization buffer) to each appropriately labeled
positive probe slide.
c. DNA probe (Enzo Blur 8 Human alu repeat, original concentration
of 20 ng/µL diluted to 2.0 ng/µL, using prehybridization buffer) to
each DNA probe slide.
Working dilution may vary with different lot numbers.
2. Cover-slip, after application of each probe type, with glass RNAse-free
Sigmacote-treated cover slip.
3. Place slides on metal tray and put in 95°C oven (denature). 5 min
Caution: Use appropriate protection when removing tray and slides
from oven—very hot!
4. Place slides into humid tray and hybridize in 50°C oven. 2h

Stringency washes are performed in shaking waterbath using prewarmed solutions.
Place each probe type into a separate rinse container for stringency washing.
1. Wash in 2× SSC (room temperature), two changes. 3 min each
2. Wash in prewarmed 0.5× SSC (37°C) rinse, and place in 37°C shaking
waterbath. (DNA probe slide requires (37°C) 0.5× SSC rinse and
37°C shaking waterbath.) 20 min

1. Buffer A (pH 7.5) rinse on orbital shaker. 3 min
2. Apply 300 µL of streptavidin-AP (BRL, 1/100; dilute with buffer
A + 1% normal swine serum and 0.3% Triton X-100) to each slide
and incubate within humid tray in 37°C oven. 20 min
3. Buffer A rinse on orbital shaker, two changes. 3 min each
4. Buffer C (pH 9.5) rinse on orbital shaker. 3 min
5. Prepare NBT/BCIP + levamisole solution by mixing the following
in order (300 µL per slide):
Buffer C (pH 9.5) 1.0 mL 2.0 mL 3.0 mL 4.0 mL 5.0 mL
Add: nitroblue tetrazolium 4.4 µL 8.8 µL 13.2 µL 17.6 µL 22.0 µL
(invert to mix)
Add: bromochloroindolyl 3.3 µL 6.6 µL 9.9 µL 13.2 µL 16.5 µL
(invert to mix)
Add: levamisole 8.0 µL 16.0 µL 24.0 µL 32.0 µL 40.0 µL
(invert to mix)
Total 1.0 mL 2.0 mL 3.0 mL 4.0 mL 5.0 mL
Detecting Adenovirus 63

6. Wipe around section and apply NBT/BCIP + levamisole solution to slides.

Wrap tray with aluminum foil and develop the reaction for up to 1 h.
Monitor slides closely the first 10 min and then every 5–10 min until
a strong signal free of background (nonspecific staining) is reached
(approximately 60 min). Keep slides wrapped in aluminum foil during
development. Less time may be needed for some cases to prevent
background staining. 30–60 min
7. Buffer C rinse, using some agitation. 1 min


1. 0.1% Nuclear Fast Red. 3 min
2. Buffer C rinse, using agitation. 1 min
3. 95% ethanol, two changes. 15 dips each
4. 100% ethanol, two changes. 15 dips each
5. Xylene, three changes. 15 dips each
6. Cover-slip using a xylene-based synthetic mountant
(i.e., Cytoseal, Stephens Scientific).

Epstein-Barr Virus (Eber I/II)

ISH with digoxigenin probes is used to detect Epstein-Barr virus in paraffin sections.
Slides required for the above test are: patient slides labeled for positive probe, negative
probe, and RNA probe (use RNA procedure) and a known positive quality control slide.

1. Dry paraffin slides in 70°C oven (minimum 30 min). 30 min
2. Deparaffinize in xylene, two changes. 7 min each
3. 100% ethanol, two changes. 2 min or 15 dips each
4. 95% ethanol, two changes. 2 min or 15 dips each
5. 0.02% DEPC-treated water rinse, two changes. 2 min each
6. Weigert’s iodine (remove mercury deposits). 5 min
7. 0.02% DEPC-treated water rinse. 1 min
8. 5% sodium thiosulfate. 1 min
9. 0.02% DEPC-treated water rinse, two changes. 2 min each


1. Apply 300 µL (0.3 mL) of proteinase K, diluted with PBS
(1/20 dilution of 500 µg/mL) stock diluted to 25 µg/mL)
to each slide and incubate within humid tray in 50°C oven. 10 min
2. 0.02% DEPC-treated water rinse, two changes. 3 min each
3. Mix 50 mL of 0.1 M triethanolamine and 0.3 mL of acetic
anhydride (add just before use) and place slides in solution. 15 min
4. 0.02% DEPC-treated water rinse, two changes. 5 min total
64 Protocols


1. Apply 30–40 µL calcitonin digoxigenin (Mayo source, original
concentration of 8 ng/µL diluted to 0.5 ng/µL (working dilution),
using prehybridization buffer) to each appropriately labeled negative probe slide.
EBER I/II-digoxigenin probe (Mayo source, original concentration
of 8 ng/µL diluted to working dilution using prehybridization buffer)
to each appropriately labeled positive probe slide. Working dilution
may vary with different lot numbers.
Cover-slip, after each probe type, with glass RNAse-free Sigmacote-
treated cover slip.
Place slides on metal tray and put in 95°C oven (denature). 5 min
Caution: Use appropriate protection when removing tray and slides
from oven—very hot!
2. Place slides into humid tray and hybridize in 50°C oven. 2h


Stringency washes are performed in a shaking waterbath using prewarmed solutions.

Place each probe type in a separate rinse container for stringency washing.
1. Wash in 2× SSC (room temperature), two changes. 3 min each
2. Wash in prewarmed 0.5× SSC (37°C) rinse and place in 37°C
shaking waterbath. 20 min

1. Buffer A (pH 7.5) rinse on orbital shaker. 3 min
2. Apply 300 µL of sheep anti-digoxigenin-AP (BM, 1/100; dilute
with buffer A + 1% normal swine serum and 0.3% Triton X-100)
to each slide and incubate within humid tray in 37°C oven. 20 min
3. Buffer A rinse on orbital shaker, two changes. 3 min each
4. Buffer C (pH 9.5) rinse on orbital shaker. 3 min
5. Prepare NBT/BCIP + levamisole solution by mixing the following
in order (300 µL per slide):
Buffer C (pH 9.5) 1.0 mL 2.0 mL 3.0 mL 4.0 mL 5.0 mL
Add: NBT (BRL) 4.4 µL 8.8 µL 13.2 µL 17.6 µL 22.0 µL
(invert to mix)
Add: BCIP (BRL) 3.3 µL 6.6 µL 9.9 µL 13.2 µL 16.5 µL
(invert to mix)
Add: Levamisole (Vector) 8.0 µL 16.0 µL 24.0 µL 32.0 µL 40.0 µL
(invert to mix)
Total: 1.0 mL 2.0 mL 3.0 mL 4.0 mL 5.0 mL
6. Wipe around section and apply NBT/BCIP + levamisole solution to slides.
Wrap tray with aluminum foil and develop the reaction. Monitor slides
closely the first 5–10 min and then every 5–10 min until a strong signal
free of background (nonspecific staining) is reached. Keep slides wrapped
in aluminum foil during development. Less time may be needed for some
patient cases to prevent background staining. 20–40 min
7. Buffer C rinse, using some agitation. 1 min
Epstein-Barr Virus (Eber I/II) 65


1. 0.1% Nuclear Fast Red. 3 min
2. Buffer C rinse, using agitation. 1 min
3. 95% ethanol, two changes. 15 dips each
4. 100% ethanol, two changes. 15 dips each
5. Xylene, three changes. 15 dips each
6. Cover-slip using a xylene-based synthetic mountant
(i.e., Cytoseal, Stephens Scientific).
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization

Susan Sheldon, PHD

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) arose from a marriage of classical DNA
hybridization in solution to modern molecular biologic techniques, most notably the
use of restriction endonucleases and, later, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The
former has made identification of both genes and relevant interspersed sequences
possible, whereas without the latter, many widely used probes would not be available.
FISH allows one to localize a specific DNA sequence to a specific chromosome, region
of a chromosome, or cell type. Generally, the morphology of the chromosome, cell,
or tissue of interest is preserved to permit unambiguous identification of the target
(1–3). Consequently, the technique has been widely used in a variety of venues. Gene
mapping (4), chromosome identification (5), demonstration of gene amplification in
some solid tumors (6,7), identification of chimeric populations, minimal residual disease,
and tumor cells admixed in normal tissue (8,9) are just a few examples. The advantages
of modern FISH techniques include:
1. Simple, straightforward, standardized techniques
2. Wide assortment of probes available commercially
3. Double labeling and use of multiple probes on a single cell
4. Rapid turnaround times (anywhere from 4 h to a maximum of 48 h).
Comparing modern FISH technology with the original experiments described by
Pardue and Gall (10), which entailed the generation of tritium-labeled DNA or RNA
probes by providing cell cultures with either tritiated thymidine or labeled nucleotide
triphosphates, it is clear that FISH is simpler. The relative ease is emphasized as
additional complex procedures follow labeling of the nucleic acids, i.e., the so-called
satellite sequences (so-called because they floated above the main band DNA in a
sucrose or CsCl gradient) were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and annealed
to chromosome spreads on slides. The radioactive signal was localized using autoradiog-
raphy, which involves coating the slide carrying the specimen with a photographic
emulsion (literally gelatin containing silver halide crystals); the emulsion must be
handled in the dark. Once dry, the coated slides are exposed in the dark, usually at
4°C for days to weeks, before development, drying, and counterstaining. Double-
labeling experiments were possible (11) using isotopes with different path lengths, such

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

68 Sheldon

as tritium and P32 and detecting them by using two coatings of emulsion separated by
a layer of cellophane.
FISH was developed in part due to the technical difficulties and limitations imposed
by autoradiography, in part because of pressure from various regulatory agencies to
reduce the use of radioisotopes, and in part because molecular biology was evolving.
Investigators seeking ways of avoiding labor-intensive classical cytogenetic analysis
by automation propelled the field of molecular cytogenetics. For example, various
combinations of fluorescent dyes with affinity for nucleotides and/or DNA were used
to stain suspensions of isolated chromosomes. The chromosome suspensions were then
analyzed by flow cytometry or fluorescence-activated cell sorting (12). Although flow
cytometry had limited success in completing a karyotype, some of the fluorochromes
and dyes were later used for FISH.


Prior to the advent of modern molecular biology, numerous studies were undertaken
to insert substituents into nucleotides or their precursors. The main obstacles were uptake
of the modified nucleotide through both the cell and nuclear membrane, appropriate
incorporation into DNA or RNA, and visualization of the labeled product.
One of the earliest solutions to the isotope problem was to use mercurated, rather
than tritiated nucleotides (13,14). Pyrimidines were mercurated either chemically or
enzymatically and incorporated into DNA or RNA. Following a hybridization reaction,
the signal was localized by its electron density, or by indirect immunofluorescence
using a hapten-sulfhydral conjugate, in which the sulfur ligand reacted with the mercury.
In other studies, fluorescent derivatives of nucleotides or polynucleotides of interest
were produced (15–17) with varying degrees of success; the adducts could then be
visualized. Later, the thymidine analog bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), which was widely
used by cytogeneticists during the 1970s to demonstrate sister chromatid exchanges,
was incorporated into some probes; its presence is visualized with an antibody directed
against the BrdU.
In situ hybridization changed dramatically when, in 1981, Langer et al. (18) revolu-
tionized probe technology by synthesizing biotin-labeled polynucleotides that could be
detected with avidin conjugated to either a fluorochrome or peroxidase. DNA technology
became accessible to any reasonably sophisticated immunohistochemistry laboratory.
Early FISH publications demonstrated the localization of unique-sequence human
genes (19–21), but the first probes for human genes to become commercially available
were the α-satellite, or centromere probes. Three types of FISH probes are commonly
used and commercially available: α-satellites, which bind to the pericentromeric region
of a chromosome, unique-sequence probes, which recognize DNA sequences associated
with disease genes, and painting probes, which bind to a series of sequences on a
specific chromosome (summarized in Table 1). The availability of some probes was
markedly curtailed following the patenting of “blocking DNA” and subsequent legal
action by the patent holder, a scenario becoming all too common in modern molecular
biology. The remainder of this discussion describes in more detail the three types of
probes (their use and interpretation of the results), followed by a methods section, using
examples of commonly used probes.
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 69

Table 1
Common Types of FISH Probes
Class Size (Kb) Chromosomal location
Repeated sequence
—α-Satellite 150–900 Centromeres of each chromosome
—β-Satellite 150–900 Centromeres of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16
—Classic satellite 150–900 Centromeres of chromosomes 1, 9, 16 and Yq
—Telomere 10 Telomere of each chromosome

—Painting 80–500 Covers entire chromosome
—Gene-specific 80–500 Specific locus on chromosomea
—Subtelomere 20–100 Chromosome-specific unique sequenceb
Most of these probes are a solution with a marker to identify the specific chromosome.
These sequences are located just proximal to the telomere and may be associated with specific syn-

Fig. 1. Diagram of the cell cycle. In cycling or dividing cells, the time between mitoses is
about 24 h. The initial phase, G1, is approximately 12 h. DNA synthesis takes 6–8 h, followed
by a second gap, or G2, which lasts about 4 h. Mitosis requires about 20 min.


To make some sense of FISH signals, a brief review of chromosome function and
structure is useful. This discussion is relevant to the interpretation of results.
Conventional cytogenetic analysis (sometimes referred to as chromosomal cytology)
can only be performed on cycling cells, as chromosomes can only be visualized during
mitosis. The phases of the cell cycle are summarized in Fig. 1, with the caveat that
most cells in adults are not cycling and will not divide under ordinary circumstances;
these cells are in a phase called G0, the G standing for gap. Normal cellular functions
such as protein synthesis are occurring. This generalization applies to most neoplastic
entities as well, which often precludes their cytogenetic evaluation. When cells enter
70 Sheldon

Fig. 2. (A) Chromosome structure. Chromosomes condense sufficiently for analysis after
completion of DNA synthesis. The chromosomes are composed of four strands of DNA or two
double helices. Two copies of any DNA probe, shown as small boxes, will bind to each
chromosome. (B) Each sister chromatid (arrows) is composed of a DNA double helix. The
sister chromatids are attached at the centromere, which appears as a constriction at metaphase.
The terminal (distal from the centromere) ends of the chromosomes are called telomeres.

into a proliferative cycle, which in normal cells lasts on average 24 h, they move from
G0 to G1; G1 lasts about 12 h. The DNA synthetic or S-phase lasts for 6–8 h. A
second gap, or G2, phase takes about 4 h, although it may last from 2 to 6 h in normal
cells. This is followed by mitosis, which is completed in 20 min. Interphase cytogenetic
analysis is actually an in situ hybridization analysis, as it is performed on cells in
interphase, in other words, on cells that are not dividing.
Once a given chromosome has completed DNA synthesis, that chromosome is
composed of four DNA strands or two DNA double helices, as seen in Fig. 2A. At
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 71

metaphase, each double helix forms a sister chromatid; sister chromatids remain associ-
ated at the centromere (Fig. 2B). Whereas one chromosome may have completed DNA
synthesis, the other chromosome of that pair may not complete DNA synthesis at the
same time, e.g., the maternally derived chromosome 2 may go through DNA synthesis
before the paternally derived chromosome 2 does. The former fact explains why in
FISH on chromosome spreads, two closely juxtaposed signals are seen on a single
chromosome; the latter fact explains why in FISH on nuclei, two, three, or four signals
are seen in cells that are diploid. Although chromosome banding techniques are a great
advance in the accurate identification of chromosomes and in gene mapping, it should be
noted that a single chromosome band may encompass 5–10 million bp, or 10–50 genes.
Mitosis itself is composed of four phases. Prophase is when the chromosomes
condense and the nuclear membrane and the nucleoli dissolve. So-called high-resolution
chromosome analysis is done during mid to late prophase; although it may seem that
only a single chromatid is present, the chromosomes are extremely elongated, making
resolution of the chromatids, as well as the centromere, difficult. During metaphase
the chromosomes line up, forming the metaphase plate in preparation for the sister
chromatids to segregate to the two poles during anaphase. Conventional cytogenetic
analysis is done during metaphase, when the condensing chromosomes are shorter and
less likely to overlap than they are at prophase. The sister chromatids and centromere
are easily resolved as the cell moves towards anaphase. During anaphase the sister
chromatids separate and begin to move to opposite poles; the cell membrane begins
to invaginate in order to form two daughter cells. Telophase is signaled by the condensa-
tion of the chromosomes into nuclei, reformation of the nuclear membrane and nuclei,
and pulling apart of the daughter cells.


␣-Satellite Probes
The work of Pardue and Gall (10) was with mouse satellite DNA, which appears
uniformly in the centromeric region of each chromosome; the structure of the human
chromosome is different. In humans, the degree of repetitiveness of the centromeric
sequences and the concomitant heterochromatization is not as pronounced, with some
exceptions that are now termed classical satellites. This is relevant to FISH because
a repeated sequence called an α-satellite has been described in human chromosomes.
α-Satellite sequences are composed of 171-bp A-T-rich “alphoid monomers” arranged
in tandem repeats that range from 150 to 9000 kb; with few exceptions, each human
chromosome has a specific α-satellite sequence, which is localized to the centromere
of the chromosome (22,23). Consequently, α-satellite probes can identify a given
chromosome, provided that its centromere is present. As the number of repeats varies
between chromosomes, so will the size of the FISH signal; in other words, the relative
size of the signal from a given chromosome, chromosome 3, for instance, will generally
be larger than the signal from chromosome 5 and may be smaller than that from
chromosome 7 in any given individual. As suggested earlier, in addition to α-satellite
DNA, there are β and classic satellite DNA, with probes available for each. The latter
binds to constituitive (A-T-rich) heterochromatin present around the centromeres of
chromosomes 1, 9, and 16 and on distal Yq. The classic satellite is further broken
72 Sheldon

down into satellites I, II, and III, based on buoyant density. β-Satellites are also located
in the pericentromeric region (24).
The chromosomes that do not have specific α-satellite probes are the so-called D-
and G-group chromosomes, chromosomes 13–15, 21, and 22, which are acrocentric
and carry the ribosomal RNA genes on a “stalk” just above their short arms. To confuse
the issue further, the D and G chromosomes are topped by a structure referred to as
a “satellite,” which is unrelated to satellite sequences in either mouse or human. The
α-satellite sequences are located near the centromere, and not near the structure called
the satellite in these acrocentric chromosomes. There is sufficient sequence homology
between the α-satellite region of chromosomes 13 and 21, and 14 and 22 (25,26) to
preclude the use of conventional α-satellite probes to distinguish these chromosomes.
This becomes relevant when selecting probes for evaluation of cells for trisomy or
confirming that the chromosome of interest is present when using FISH to evaluate
chromosomes for structural abnormalities. For instance, an α-satellite probe is not a
good choice to distinguish trisomy 13 from trisomy 21, an issue that often arises in
prenatal diagnosis. Similarly, if one were evaluating a highly aneuploid cell line for
the presence of translocations involving genes near the retinoblastoma locus on chromo-
some 13, it would be prudent to use a probe for another gene on chromosome 13, but
not an α-satellite probe, to confirm that the cell had two copies of chromosome 13.
α-Satellites are often thought of as chromosome enumeration probes. They are easy
to use, and in general will give a large, bright signal with little background. They are
used in a variety of settings including demonstration of changes of ploidy in tumors,
distinguishing diploid from triploid populations in hydropic pregnancies, identifying
numerical abnormalities in leukemia and lymphoma, sex determination, and for prenatal
diagnosis of trisomy and of sex chromosome anomalies. In Fig. 3, an α-satellite probe
for the X chromosome was used; a single signal from the fluorescein is noted in both
a single chromosome and the interphase nuclei. The result is clear: one X centromere
is present; the interpretation, however, could be a female with Turner’s syndrome, a
normal male, or a person with an intact X centromere, in an otherwise structurally
abnormal X chromosome. α-Satellite probes are not informative for demonstrating
most structural abnormalities, such as a translocations or deletions, unless they involve
the centromere.
As FISH techniques came into increased use for both investigations and research,
it became obvious that standard cytogenetic nomenclature was not adequate to report
a result. Interphase cytogenetic analyses were particularly problematic. Consequently,
the International Standing Committee on Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature (ISCN)
met and issued a revision of the standard nomenclature in 1995 (27). To summarize
for α-satellite or chromosome enumeration probes, there are three general ways to
report a result. If both a standard karyotype and in situ hybridization have been done,
the results of the karyotype are reported, followed by a period and “ish,” followed by
the in situ hybridization result and the probe used. For example, if there were some
question about the identity of an extra chromosome 22 that was resolved using FISH,
the result would be reported as 47,XX,+22.ish 22(D22Z1×3). If, on the other hand, no
karyotype was performed, and three signals were noted with a probe for chromosome
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 73

Fig. 3. FISH performed on cultured human lymphocytes, prepared for conventional cytoge-
netic analysis. The probe used is DXZ1, an alpha satellite directed against the X chromosome’s
centromere. A single bright signal (arrow) is seen on a chromosome and in the interphase nuclei.
Counterstain is ethidium bromide.

18, the result would be written as nuc ish 18cen (D18Z1×3). Although the shorthand
appears nightmarishly complex, clinical cytogenetics reports must still include an inter-
pretation or explanation of the nomenclature.
Telomere Probes
Before leaving the topic of repeated sequences, another type of repeat probe should
be noted, the TTAGGGn repeat at the terminus of the chromosome arm or telomere
(Fig. 2B); this is the signal for DNA polymerase that it has reached the end of the
chromosome. This sequence is repeated over and over to a total size of about 10 kb
(28). Although this is a repeated sequence, the signal generated by a FISH study is
generally quite small. Some of the more interesting work done with these probes is to
utilize them to evaluate whether an apparently terminal translocation is actually recipro-
cal (29), as cytogenetic dogma maintains, or is indeed terminal.

Unique-Sequence Probes
Unique-sequence probes recognize DNA sequences or portions of genes that are
associated with a phenotype of interest. They are associated with either constitutional
disorders or acquired disorders. In the former an abnormal sequence is present or a
normal sequence is absent in all cells in the affected individual. With acquired disorders,
such as malignancies, only those cells involved in the malignant process either will
have an abnormal sequence, generally arising from a translocation, or will have lost a
normal sequence.
74 Sheldon

Table 2
Some Common FISH Probes for Genetic Disorders and Microdeletion Syndromes
Disorder Chromosomal locus Gene or genes involved
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 3q26.3 CDLa
Wolf-Hirschorn syndrome 4p16 WHSCR
Cri du chat syndrome 5p15.2 Two genes: cry and facies
Williams syndrome 7q11.2 Elastin
Retinoblastoma syndrome 13q14 RB1
Angelman’s syndrome 15q11.2 GABRB3
Prader-Willi syndrome 15q11.2 SNRPN
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 16p13.3 CREB binding proteina
Smith-Magenis syndrome 17p11.2 FL11
Miller-Diecker syndrome 17p13.3 LIS
DiGeorge syndrome (velocardiofacial) 22q11.2 D22S75 or Tuple1
Kallmann syndrome Xp22
Steroid sulfatase deficiency Xp22 Steroid sulfatase
Although FISH is diagnostic, these probes are not commercially available.

Constitutional Disorders and Microdeletion Syndromes

The term microdeletion syndromes refers to disorders in which a gene is disrupted,
but the aberration is too small to be seen by conventional cytogenetic analysis. Although
they are occasionally seen in high-resolution analysis, these syndromes are most often
diagnosed by molecular means. Examples of constitutional microdeletions include
DiGeorge, Williams, Prader-Willi, and Angelman syndromes (Table 2). In genetic
evaluation of these patients, such as one suspected of having DiGeorge syndrome, one
might begin by reviewing a karyotype, concentrating on the DiGeorge critical region,
which is the region proximal to the centromere on chromosome 22 at band q11.2. This
may or may not demonstrate a cytogenetically apparent deletion. Further evaluation is
done using a FISH probe called D22S75 that binds to a portion of the region that
is often deleted in patients with the syndrome; the probe is visualized by indirect
immunofluorescence. The probe, like most microdeletion probes, consists of a cocktail
containing the sequence of interest as well as a probe for the chromosome on which
the gene is located, in this case distal 22q (Fig. 4). If the gene is deleted, the signal
proximal to the centromere will be absent on one chromosome 22, whereas both the
proximal and distal signals will be present on the other chromosome 22. Closely paired
signals at each locus, corresponding to each of the sister chromatids, are seen in this
figure. Interpretation of the interphase nuclei in the figure is not as straightforward; if
four signals are present, there is no deletion, whereas three signals suggest a deletion.
Depending on the cell cycle, however, it may become difficult to distinguish neighboring
signals on different chromosomes from paired signals on sister chromatids. Propidium
iodide, a red fluorescent DNA dye, is used as a counterstain, so the nuclei or chromo-
somes appear red.
Two-color fluorescence has made interpretation of microdeletion studies easier.
Directly conjugated probe cocktails are available in which the gene of interest and the
chromosome identifier are labeled with fluorochromes of different colors, such as
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 75

Fig. 4. Microdeletion associated with DiGeorge or velocardiofacial syndrome demonstrated

by FISH. Note that the chromosomes 22 have a probe binding distal from the centromere that
identifies the chromosome as well as a probe for TUPLE1, which is often deleted in this
collection of syndromes.

Fig. 5. A two-color microdeletion probe. The green signal is a marker for chromosome 15,
in this case the PML gene; the red signal shows the Prader-Willi region on proximal 15q.

fluorescein and Texas Red or rhodamine. In this illustration, chromosome 15 is identified

by a fluorescein-labeled probe for the PML gene; SNRPN, often deleted in patients
with Prader-Willi syndrome, is labeled with rhodamine (Fig. 5 and Color Plate 3,
following page 208). With a two-color system, there is generally no question of whether
one is seeing loss of the gene of interest or loss of a whole chromosome, as the
chromosome label is one color and the gene is another color.
Acquired Disorders and Malignancies
Ever increasing numbers of probes for evaluation of acquired disorders such as solid
tumors and leukemia are available. The simplest approach is to examine cells for gains
76 Sheldon

Table 3
Common FISH Probes for Malignancies
Disordera Chromosomal locus Gene or genes involved
Neuroblastoma 2p23 N-myc
Prostate 8p22 Lipoprotein lipase
Carcinoma or lymphoma 8q24 C-myc
Breast (prostate, other) 17q12 Her2/neu
Carcinoma 17p13 p53
Breast 20q13 Amplified in breast cancer
Ki-1 lymphoma 2p23;5q35 ALK;NPM
MDS/AML 5q33-q34 5q- critical region
MDS/AML 7q31 7q- critical region
AML-M2 8q22;21q22.1 AML1;ETO
CML/AML/ALL 9q34;22q11.2 BCR;ABL
ALL 12p13;22q22.3 ETV6 (TEL);AML1
CLL 13q14 D13S25
Lymphoma (follicular) 14q32;18q21 IgH;BCL2
AML-M4eo 16p13q22 CBFP
Promyelocytic leukemia 15q2217q21 PML;RARα
MDS or Polycythemia vera 20q12 20q critical region
MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; AML, acute myelogenous leukemia; CML, chronic myelogenous
leukemia; ALL, acute lymphocytic leukemia; CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

or losses of entire chromosomes, such as trisomy 8 in myeloid disorders, trisomy 12

in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, or trisomy 1 in melanoma using α-satellite probes.
Unique sequence probes for genes such as N-myc in neuroblastoma or HER-2/neu in
breast and other malignancies can be used to demonstrate the degree of amplification
of the normal cellular genes. Neoplastic tissues can also be examined for relevant
translocations using specific unique-sequence probes (Table 3). The most widely used
example of this is a BCR/ABL probe for evaluation of chromosomes or cells for a
BCR/ABL fusion gene. This probe is available in a variety of configurations, although
generally probes for a portion of the BCR sequence on chromosome 22 and for a
portion of the ABL sequence on chromosome 9 are contained in a single solution.
The probes either have biotinylated and digoxigenin-labeled nucleotides, which can
then be detected separately by fluorochrome-labeled antibodies, or are directly labeled
with different fluorochromes. These sequences will be identified by their respective
fluorochromes: a normal cell will have two signals from chromosome 9 and two from
chromosome 22. Cells in which a translocation has occurred will display either two
closely juxtaposed signals of different colors, or a fusion signal of an intermediate
color, i.e., if BCR is labeled with fluorescein, and ABL is labeled with rhodamine, a
yellow signal is generated by a fusion signal (Fig. 6 and Color Plate 3 following page
208). A blue fluorescent DNA dye, 4,6-diamino-2-phenyl-indole (DAPI), is used as a
counterstain so that the nucleus or chromosomes can be seen as well. A recent advance
is D-FISH, in which both the Philadelphia chromosome and the reciprocal translocation
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 77

Fig. 6. A two-color probe for BCR and ABL genes on a touch preparation from a spleen.
Note occasional fusion signals (arrows), which are suggestive of a translocation.

on chromosome 9 appear as fusion signals, eliminating some of the ambiguity generated

by chromosomes that are merely juxtaposed and not actually translocated (30).
Reporting results for unique-sequence probes (ISCN) again makes the distinction
between observations from a classical cytogenetic analysis and for the probe. As with
α-satellites, if a karyotype is performed, that result is reported first, i.e., 46,XY, followed
by “.ish”. If a deletion at a given locus is noted, it is reported as .ish del(7), followed
by the breakpoints of the deletion and the name of the probe used, such as .ish
del(7)(q11.2q11.2)(ELN−); in this case, only one copy of the elastin probe is seen,
ELN−. Because this is an interstitial deletion, albeit a microdeletion, it has by definition
starting and stopping points, hence the naming of two breakpoints. If the probe were
used, but a deletion was not seen, it would be reported as .ish 7(q11.2)(ELN×2), i.e.,
two copies of the probe were seen at an appropriate locus. As with α-satellite probes,
if only an interphase analysis is performed, then the result is reported as nuc
Reporting results for probes that yield a fusion signal is different, because the term
con is used. For example, if one were doing in situ hybridization for a translocation
between chromosomes 9 and 22 on a smear from a patient with chronic myeloid
leukemia, it might be reported as nuc ish 9q34(ABL×2),22q11.2(BCR×2)(ABL con
BCR×1). This means that there are two signals from chromosome 9 and two from
chromosome 22, but one of the signals from each has been fused.

Painting Probes
Painting probes, or whole chromosome paints (wcp), are constructed from a collection
of unique DNA sequences that cover or are specific for a single chromosome. A good
painting probe covers the entire chromosome, with little or no crossreactivity with
the other chromosomes, with the following caveat. Because the painting probes are
constructed to bind to unique-sequence DNA, the more highly repetitive DNA sequences
78 Sheldon

Fig. 7. Painting probe for chromosome 9. Note that the centromeres, which contain repeated
sequences, do not paint. Often a faint banding pattern can be seen with paints because the
distribution of unique sequences is not even. (See Color Plate 3 following page 208.)

at the centromeres and telomeres may be spared (Fig. 7). The original painting probes
were made by lysing mitotic cells and sorting out individual chromosomes using a
flow cytometer (31–33). One would wind up with, for example, a tube of intact
chromosome 17. The chromosomes would then be cut with a restriction endonuclease
and the unique sequences on chromosome 17 amplified by so-called Alu PCR or,
more correctly, interspersed repetitive sequence (IRS) PCR (34,35). Alu and other
intermediate repetitive sequences are interspersed through the human genome; conse-
quently, these sequences can be used to create primers for PCR amplification of the
unique sequences between the Alu sites. Because the exact nature of the unique
sequences is not known, this is considered an anonymous DNA library: the genes for
p53, BRCA-1, and the retinoic acid receptor may be included in this mixture, but it
would be both impossible and unnecessary to identify them as individual bands. Then,
either the PCR products are cloned into plasmids or cosmids, or further PCR reactions
are run, this time in the presence of a compound such as biotin or digoxigenin attached
to one or more of the bases in order to label the resulting probe.
Some of the commercial painting probes are available directly conjugated with a
fluorochrome, whereas others use an indirect method and require incubation with
an antibody or binding protein, such as an avidin-fluorochrome or anti-dogoxigenin-
fluorochrome for their detection. Each method has its advantages. The indirect method
allows for amplification of a weak signal; the direct method is faster and easier to use
when more than one chromosome is being probed on the same slide. The specificity
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 79

of the binding of a probe to its target sequence is in part obtained by adjusting the
stringency of the hybridization conditions.
Painting probes are useful for identification of chromosomes carrying complex trans-
locations that do not include the centromere, i.e., pieces of chromosomes attached to
the ends of or inserted into other chromosomes. They are also useful for interphase
analysis of translocations for which a specific probe is not available. For instance, if
a patient’s tumor carried an unusual translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22, not
involving the usual breakpoints in a Philadelphia chromosome, using a painting probe
for chromosome 22, the analysis would proceed as follows.
Normal cells will have two copies of chromosome 22; mitotic cells will have two
brightly staining signals. Cells with a translocation, however, will have three signals:
a small chromosome 22, a normal chromosome 22, and a chromosome 9 with a small
piece of chromosome 22 translocated on to it. Only the end of chromosome 9 with the
fluorescein-tagged probe for chromosome 22 would be seen. Chromosomes other than
22 will be stained red with a propidium iodide counterstain, as will the nuclei of cells
that are not in mitosis. A more sophisticated approach might involve a probe for
chromosome 9 labeled with a second fluorochrome, such as rhodamine, as well as the
probe for chromosome 22. This type of analysis has been taken one step further with
the marketing of slides impregnated with combinations of three different painting probes
in a series of eight squares, making it possible to analyze a cell suspension for the
presence of common tumor translocations with a single hybridization reaction.
Spectral Karyotyping and M-FISH
M-FISH and spectral karyotyping (SKY) are specialized methods for using painting
probes so that each pair of chromosomes is visualized as a different color (reviewed
in ref. 36). Each uses a set of five fluorochromes in combination to generate the
colored probes; the former uses combinations of filter sets to visualize the fluorescent
chromosomes (37,38), whereas the latter uses interference spectroscopy or interferome-
try (39). These methods are useful for analysis of complex cytogenetic changes.
Nomenclature for Whole Chromosome Paints
The most common settings in which these probes are used are identification of a
supernumerary unidentified marker chromosome (mar) or when additional chromosomal
material is present on the terminus of a chromosome. In the former case, a result might
be reported as 47,XX,+mar.ish der(15)(wcp15+). In the case of additional material
present on a chromosome 17, which is demonstrated to be part of chromosome 18 by
FISH, the result might be written as 46,XX,add(17)(p13).ish der(17)t(17;18)(p13;p or
q)(wcp18+). The ISCN text (27) should be referred to for more detailed information.


FISH procedures rely on the fact that nucleic acid sequences will bind to one another
if sufficient sequence homology is present. All FISH procedures involve denaturation
of the probe, denaturation of the target sequence, placing the probe and target in contact
and allowing them to reanneal, all of which may be done simultaneously. As outlined
80 Sheldon

above, the probe and the target must be visualized, either by direct or indirect fluores-
cence of the probe. Nonspecific binding of the probe to the cellular DNA is reduced
or eliminated by a wash following the reannealing or hybridization step.
Unlike Southern and PCR-based analyses, much of the specificity of FISH probes
is derived from the posthybridization wash. The concept of stringency has been men-
tioned. This refers to the ability of DNA sequences to bind to one another when the
sequence homology is not exact, for instance, sequences that are rich in adenine and
thymine (A-T) and highly repeated will often hybridize to one another. To eliminate
this nonspecific binding, one would use a high-stringency wash. Factors that increase
the stringency, and make it more difficult for inexactly matched hybrids to remain bound,
include increasing the temperature (from 37°C to 43°C), increasing the formamide
concentration (from 50 to 70%), decreasing the salt concentration (from 0.4X standard
saline citrate [SSC] to 0.25X SSC). α-satellite probes contain the most repeated
sequences and will require a higher stringency posthybridization wash than will either
unique-sequence probes or whole chromosome paints.

Some Comments on Selection of Probes and Controls

The American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) has developed standards for
use of FISH probes in clinical practice (40). Even in the absence of the intent to use
FISH clinically, it is probably wise to follow some of the guidelines to validate new
probes and new lots of probes on cells that are known to be normal as well as those
known to be carrying the deletion that the probe is supposed to demonstrate. Appropriate
positive and negative controls should be run with a FISH study; often the normal
homologous chromosome will serve as a control. However, in interphase studies,
particularly those looking for numerical abnormalities, it is useful to evaluate results
from a FISH probe not thought to be involved in the process. This allows one to
confirm that the cells in question have a trisomy 8, for example, and are not triploid.
Probes generated in the user’s laboratory (“home brews”) should also be validated
and used with both positive and negative controls. Guidelines for validation and use are
outlined by the ACMG (section G) in its Guidelines for Molecular Genetics Laboratories.
Methodologies for unique sequence probes and whole chromosome paints are similar,
with the caveat that paints are difficult to interpret on sections. This is because in the
average 4-µm tissue section the DNA sequence of interest may not be in the plane of
the section, or a single chromosome may be snaking in and out of the section, generating
multiple signals.

The examples given in the Protocols section will serve to illustrate the specifics of
using FISH probes (see pp. 84–88). In the first example, the specimen is a lymph node
from a patient suspected of having involvement by a tumor that has a trisomy for
chromosome 3. The lymph node was processed for routine histology. An α-satellite
probe can be used on a paraffin section of the lymph node to evaluate it for metastatic
disease. The second example is a touch preparation from the spleen of a patient who
had been treated for chronic myelogenous leukemia, but who is experiencing a new
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization 81

leukocytosis but no basophilia. Massive splenomegaly was noted, prompting splenec-

tomy. A BCR/ABL probe is used on the alcohol-fixed smear to determine whether the
leukocytes represent recurrent disease or a reactive process.
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue can be used in FISH studies; a few steps
are added to the general procedure to remove the paraffin and the protein-DNA crosslinks
(41–45). FISH can be done on standard sections, allowing retention of tissue morphol-
ogy, although some authors disaggregate thick sections to make a cell suspension
(46,47). FISH can also be done on specimens prepared by routine methods in the
cytopathology laboratory, although an acid-alcohol postfix is useful on air-dried and
hair-sprayed slides.

The author would like to thank Nanci Lefebvre and Beth Cox at the University of
Michigan Cytogenetics Laboratory, Ann Arbor, MI, for assistance with the FISH studies.
The staff of Diagnostic Cytogenetics, Seattle, WA, contributed some of the slides for
two-color FISH.

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36. Jalal, S. M. and Law, M. E. (1999) Utility of multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization
in clinical cytogenetics. Genet. Med. 1, 181–186.
37. Spiecher, M. R., Ballard, S. G., and Ward, D. C. (1996) Karyotyping human chromosomes
by combinatorial multi-fluor FISH. Nat. Genet. 12, 368–375.
38. Eils, R., Uhrig, S., Saracoglu, K., et al. (1998) An optimized, fully automated system for
fast and accurate identification of chromosome rearrangements by multiplex-FISH (M-
FISH). Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 82, 160–171.
39. Schrock, E., duManoir, S., Veldman, T., et al. (1996) Multicolor spectral karyotyping of
human chromosomes. Science 273, 494–497.
40. American College of Medical Genetics. (1999) Standards and Guidelines for Clinical
Genetics Laboratories, 2nd ed., Rockville, MD.
41. Wolfe, K. and Herrington, C. (1997) Interphase cytogenetics and pathology: a tool for
diagnosis and research. J. Pathol. 181, 359–361.
42. van de Kaa, C., Nelson, K., Ramaekers, F., Vooijs, P., and Hopman, A. (1991) Interphase
cytogenetics in paraffin sections of routinely processed hydatidiform moles and hydropic
abortions. J. Pathol. 165, 281–287.
43. Poddighe, P., Ramaekers, F., and Hopman, A. (1992) Interphase cytogenetics of tumors.
J. Pathol. 166, 215–224.
44. Hopman, A., van Hooren, E., van de Kaa, C., Vooijs, P., and Ramaekers, F. (1991) Detection
of numerical chromosome aberrations using in situ hybridization in paraffin sections of
routinely processed bladder cancers. Mod. Pathol. 4, 503–513.
45. Long, A., Mueller, J., Schwartz, J., Barrett, K., Schwartz, R., and Wolfe, H. (1992) High
specificity in situ hybridization. Diagn. Mol. Pathol. 1, 45–57.
46. Arnoldus, E. P. J., Dreef, E., Noodermeer, I. A., et al. (1991) Feasibility of in situ hybridiza-
tion with chromosome specific DNA probes on paraffin wax embedded tissue. J. Clin.
Pathol. 44, 900–904.
47. Seto, E. and Yen, TSB. (1987) Detection of cytomegalovirus infection by means of DNA
isolated from paraffin-embedded tissues and dot hybridization. Am. J. Pathol. 127, 409–413.
84 Protocols



The sample for the lymph node is a routine 4-µm paraffin section cut on positively
charged slides (PLUS or silane-coated) and then heated in a 60°C oven for no more
than 15 min. The control, both positive and negative, is blood cells present in the
specimen, which should have a diploid number of signals. For the evaluation of BCR/
ABL, a series of touch or imprint preparations were made of a spleen removed from
a patient with possible chronic myelogenous leukemia. One slide was fixed and stained
with Wright-Giemsa to confirm the presence of tumor, and the rest were processed as
described below. Internal controls include the presence of two signals in the majority
of cells (corresponding to the normal cellular genes) and the absence of multiple signals
in stroma and blood cells.

Fixing Smears and Imprints
1. Methanol.
2. Glacial acetic acid.

A mixture of three parts methanol to one part acetic acid is prepared within 1 h of
use. This fixative is referred to as acid-alcohol, or sometimes as modified Carnoy’s.

Dewaxing Paraffin Sections

1. Xylene
2. Absolute ethanol, 95% ethanol, 80% ethanol, 70% ethanol.
3. Deionized water.

Thiocyanate Pretreatment of Paraffin Sections

1. 1 M sodium thiocyanate solution; store protected from light.

Enzymatic Digestion of Paraffin Sections

1. Pepsin 4 mg/mL in 0.2 M HCl (store stock at −20°C)
2. Proteinase K 25 µg/mL in PBS (store stock at −20°C).

Prepare these solutions using sterile reagents and containers; thaw at 37°C and
use immediately.

Prepare all the following solutions using sterile water and containers.
1. 20× SSC: 3 M NaCl (175.32 g/L), 0.3 M NaCitrate (88.23 g/L), 1 L deionized water. Dissolve
the two salts separately and mix. This is a stock solution. The pH will need to be adjusted
to 6.8–7.0 upon dilution.
2. 70% formamide, pH 7.0, in 2× SSC (see Note 1).

The probes used are commercially available and are provided with a suitable hybrid-
ization buffer. The exact ingredients of the hybridization buffers are proprietary, but
they generally contain 50% formamide, 10% dextran sulfate, 0.01% sheared salmon
sperm DNA in 2× SSC. The BCR/ABL (Oncor, Gaithersburg, MD) does not require
dilution. The α-satellite or chromosome enumeration probe (CytoCell, Oxfordshire,
UK) is supplied affixed to a plastic cover slip and comes with hybridization buffer, as
described above.
1. Hybridization chamber: these are available commercially, or use a plastic box with a lid, or
a glass baking dish covered with plastic wrap; place one or two damp paper towels in the
bottom to maintain the humidity.
2. Rubber cement.
3. 37°C incubator, without CO2, or 37°C oven, or slide warmer.

Posthybridization Wash
1. 50% formamide in 2× SSC, pH 7.0, or 0.4× SSC, pH 7.0.
2. Phosphate-buffered detergent (PBD): phosphate-buffered saline, pH 6.8 (1 L), 130 mM
sodium chloride (FW = 58.4) 7.59 g, 7 mM dibasic sodium phosphate (FW = 142) 0.99 g,
3 mM monobasic sodium phosphate (FW = 138) 0.41 g. Dissolve in deionized water in
order given and then add Triton X-100, 0.05% (0.05 mL/L).

Localization of Probe
Anti-digoxigenin antibody labeled with appropriate fluorochrome or avidin labeled
with appropriate fluorochrome; counterstains include DAPI or propidium iodide in
Antifade (Sigma, St. Louis, MO).

Preparing the Target
In working with paraffin-embedded tissue, one must remove 1) the paraffin (deparaf-
finization or dewaxing), 2) the protein that has been crosslinked to the DNA, and 3)
DNA crosslinks. Many manufacturers of DNA probes recommend that the sections not
be baked at 60°C; this depends on the probe. It may be helpful to bake for 15 min or
so to improve adhesion of the section to the slide. Slides should be positively charged,
such as silane-treated slides, to improve adhesion.
Fix smears and imprints, such as the spleen in this example, by laying the slides on
a horizontal surface; cover the surface of the specimen with acid-alcohol for 2 min.
The excess fix is tilted off, and the slide is allowed to air-dry for at least 1 h. Skip to
the Denaturation section below. Paraffin sections, such as the section of lymph node
in this example, require dewaxing and several additional steps (steps 1–3) to permit
binding of the probe.
1. Dewaxing. Slides are incubated in a series of Coplin jars at room temperature as follows:
xylene, two changes, 10 min each; xylene/ethanol (50:50) 5 min; ethanol, two changes, 5
min each; air-dry at least 5 min.
2. Thiocyanate pretreatment. 1 M sodium thiocyanate in deionized water; heat to 80°C and
incubate slides for 10 min. This can be done on a slide warmer. Flood the slide with about
86 Protocols

2 mL of the reagent to avoid evaporation. Following incubation, rinse the slide with deionized
water, two changes, 2 min. Briefly drain slides to remove excess water.
3. Enzymatic pretreatment. Several methods are described. This laboratory uses pepsin; some
of the commercial kits use proteinase K. Pepsin 4 mg/mL in 0.2 M HCl (store stock at
−20°C). Incubate at 37°C for 5–15 min (may require up to 45 min; see Note 2). The lymph
node was treated for 20 min. Rinse with deionized water, two changes, 2 min. Dehydrate
through graded alcohols, 70%, 80%, 95%, 100%, and allow to air-dry. This is critical to
avoid diluting the formamide in the following, denaturation step.

Generally, both the probe and the target DNA will require denaturation, but this
depends on the manufacturer’s instructions. Some probes require no denaturation, and
some will tolerate co-denaturation, in which the probe solution is placed on the target
area of the slide, a cover slip is sealed in place with rubber cement, and then the slide
is heated to between 70° and 100°C for 2 : 10 min. To denature the cells or sections
on a slide in 70% formamide.
1. 70% formamide in 2× SSC, pH 7.0 (the pH is critical; see Note 1) is heated in a water bath
in a Coplin jar, with times and temperatures as follows (see Note 3):
a. Paraffin-embedded sections: 8–12 min, 85°C; the section of lymph node was denatured
for 10 min, although this step is not in the probe manufacturer’s directions.
b. Touch preps, smears, chromosome spreads: 2 min, 72°C; the touch prep of spleen was
denatured for 2 min.
2. Immediately place the slide in cold (−20°C) 70% ethanol to stop the denaturation and prevent
renaturation; after 2 min, (see Note 4), transfer to 90, 95, and 100% ethanol, 2 min each,
and allow to air-dry. Serial dehydration is crucial for paraffin sections; 70% followed by
absolute ethanol is adequate for thin smears, chromosome preparations, and so on.

Both the paraffin section of lymph node and the touch prep of spleen were denatured
and dehydrated as outlined above. For the BCR/ABL probe, skip to step 3; for the
chromosome enumeration probe, skip to step 4.
1. Some probes require dilution into hybridization buffer. This buffer contains 70% formamide,
some kind of carrier DNA, buffers, and dextran sulfate (to keep the solution in place on the
slide). The last ingredient makes it difficult to pipet when cold. Bring the stock solution of
the probe to room temperature, briefly vortex, and centrifuge in a microcentrifuge for 2–3
s to collect the contents at the bottom of the tube. If the probe is labeled with a fluorochrome,
it may be useful to work in subdued light at this point (see Note 5). If the probe has passed
its expiration date, altering the dilution is often useful (see Note 6).
2. Some probes require pre-denaturation and/or preannealing; the manufacturer will state this
in the package insert. An aliquot is removed to a microcentrifuge tube and heated to 72°C
for 5–10 min. It is then placed on ice for a few minutes (for α-satellites, to prevent reannealing)
or at 37°C for 30 min (for paints, to allow the repeated sequences to preanneal and prevent
their nonspecific binding to all chromosomes).
3. The BCR/ABL probe does not require dilution but must be denatured. Using a micropipet,
approximately 10 µL of probe per slide is pipetted into a microcentrifuge tube and denatured
in a water bath at 72°C for 5 min. Place the probe on the surface of the section or smear
and cover with a 22-mm2 cover slip. Seal the edges of the cover slip with rubber cement.
Do not try to be neat: you have to peel the cement off again.

4. The α-satellite probe used on the section of lymph node is usually denatured by a co-
denaturation step, per the manufacturer’s instructions. Co-denaturation is a procedure by
which the probe is placed on the slide, and it and the target DNA are denatured simultaneously
and then allowed to hybridize. This technique can be employed for many probes but must
be used with a very nice collection of probes supplied affixed to cover slips (CytoCell, UK).
Notes 5–7 are applicable. For paraffin sections, place 10 µL of hybridization buffer on the
section, place the cover slip with the attached probe on the slide, and seal with rubber cement.
Allow the rubber cement to dry for 5 min, and then place the slide on a 75°C hotplate for
5 min to denature the section.
5. Place the slides in the hybridization chamber, and incubate at 37°C for 30 min to overnight.
For paraffin sections and new probes, it is useful to start with the longer incubation and
decrease the time on subsequent trials. In these examples, the probe is incubated for 16 h.

Posthybridization Wash
1. Peel the rubber cement from the cover slip; often the cover slip comes off, too. If it does
not, “swish” the slide in a beaker of PBD to float the cover slip off.
2. Immediately place slide in one of the following solutions:
a. 50% formamide, 37°C, 15 min (paraffin sections, irrespective of probe, paints, unique-
sequence probes).
b. 65% formamide, 43°C, 15 minutes (alpha and beta satellite probes) or
c. 0.4× SSC, 72°C, 2 minutes, for directly labeled probes; this is the rapid wash technique,
see Note 8.
For both BCR/ABL and the α-satellite used in this example, the rapid wash was used.
3. Following a formamide wash, place slides in 2× SSC, 37°C, 5 min; for the rapid SSC wash,
follow with 30 s in PBD. Hybridized slides can be held in PBD at 4°C overnight prior to
the next step.

Localization of the Probe

1. Directly conjugated probes require only a rinse with PBD and mounting with a glass coverslip
(step 5 below).
2. Rinse the slides with PBD to remove the SSC. At this point, the placenta section is counter-
stained (step 5).
3. Apply 15–20 µL of anti-digoxigenin/fluorochrome conjugate or avidin/fluorochrome conju-
gate, cover with a plastic cover slip (see Note 9), and incubate at 37°C for 15–30 min. The
BCR/ABL probe required a fluorescein-conjugated avidin incubation for 30 min followed
by rhodamine-conjugated anti-digoxigenin, but it is now available directly conjugated (see
Note 10).
4. Working in subdued light, remove the cover slip, and rinse the slide with PBD, three times
for 2 min each rinse.
5. Apply a counterstain, such as propidium iodide for fluorescein-labeled probes, or DAPI for
probes labeled with a red fluorochrome, in “antifade”; apply a glass cover slip (22 × 40 or
24 × 50 mm).

Visualizing the Probe

1. A 100-W mercury vapor light source is recommended, particularly for unique sequence
probes (see Note 11).
2. Locate the sections or cells under low power; air bubbles are in the same focal plane as
the cells.
3. The presence of label is scored under high power, either a 100× or 60× oil objective. For
some larger probes, such as some α-satellites, a 40× or 60× water objective may be adequate.
88 Protocols

4. Score a minimum of 250–500 nuclei for so-called interphase cytogenetics. This is particularly
necessary for tissue sections, as the entire nucleus may not be in the section.
5. Cells labeled with a two-color probe should have at least one signal present in the nucleus
in each color to demonstrate that the probes worked and contained the appropriate labels.
6. Slides may be stored either before or after viewing (see Note 11).
7. If results are unsatisfactory, many specimens can successfully be destained (see Notes 12
and 13) and/or rehybridized (see Note 14).

1. Formamide becomes basic as it degrades; adjust the pH of the solution with HCl. Deionizing
the formamide and freezing it in polypropylene tubes will increase the stability. Ultra-pure
formamide (BRL, Bethesda, MD), stored frozen, will maintain its pH for years.
2. To determine whether the digestion is adequate, cover-slip the wet slide and view with a
fluorescent microscope with a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) filter. If there is green
fluorescence, more digestion time is needed. If distinct nuclei are not seen, the tissue
is overdigested.
3. For specimens to be denatured in formamide, it is useful to prewarm the slides on a slide
warmer prior to placing them in the formamide. Denature no more than four slides at a
time to maintain the temperature of the formamide, and recheck the temperature between
batches of slides.
4. For most specimens, there is a tradeoff between denaturation sufficient to allow the probe
to bind and over-denaturation so that morphology is lost. In general, do not exceed 2 min
unless the specimen is paraffin embedded. The exception is older specimens, which can be
denatured for 21⁄2–3 min.
5. For most commercial probes, subdued light is more than adequate. When you are working
with only a few slides, and the fluorochrome is not directly conjugated, the relatively brief
exposure to room light does not appear to be a problem.
6. Probes that are 6 months to a year or more past their stated expiration date have been used
successfully by using a higher ratio of probe to diluent (twice the recommended amount
of probe works well). If the probe does not require dilution, a larger volume (20 µL rather
than 10 for a 22-mm2 area) is often successful.
7. At least one vendor (CytoCell, UK) supplies their probes bound to cover slips. These can
be used quite successfully. After placing the cover slip over the hybridization solution on
the target area of the slide and sealing with rubber cement, it is important to wait at least
5 min before doing the denaturation step, as the probe requires this time to dissolve off
the cover slip.
8. A variety of posthybridization washes are described. For probes that are conjugated to a
fluorochrome, a “quick wash” is preferable.
9. Some manufacturers of fluorochrome conjugates sell kits that include a variety of “blocking
reagents,” designed to reduce nonspecific binding of avidin to the tissue, buffers for washing,
and polypropylene cover slips for use during incubation of the conjugate. “Plastic” cover
slips can be cut from Parafilm, which will reduce the scratching of the specimen during
this incubation. A 22 × 50-mm2 surface area is preferable for this step.
10. Two-color indirect immunofluorescence can be completed by adding both fluorochrome-
labeled antibodies simultaneously. In some cases, adding separate aliquots of the fluoro-
chromes effectively dilutes each in half; in other cases it may be necessary to do separate
incubations, add marked excess of antibody solution, and increase the incubation time or
increase the concentration of each one.
11. Most commercial probes are designed for viewing with a 100-W rather than a 50-W mercury
vapor lamp or equivalent. Signals may not be visible at 50 W. A 100-W bulb cannot be
put in a 50-W lamp socket.

12. Slides can be stored in the dark in the refrigerator for 3–7 days. Some slides may be usable
for several months if stored in a freezer. In either case, wipe the oil off the cover slip
before storing, as it may be necessary to remount the cover slip prior to further viewing.
13. If the signal from a probe is faint, sometimes it can be improved by removing some of the
counterstain. Propidium iodide is readily removed by a brief rinse in PBD. DAPI is much
more difficult to remove; the slides will have to be processed through two or three 5-min
washes in PBD, preferably in the dark.
14. Most specimens can be rehybridized or reprobed at least once. Wipe any oil from the cover
slip, and then remove the cover slip, either by gently prying it off with a razor blade or
by soaking in PBD. Rinse in fresh PBD and dehydrate. Any probe bound to the slide will
be removed during denaturation.
Practical Applications of the FISH Technique

George Kontogeorgos, MD, PHD, Nikiforos Kapranos, MD, PHD,

and Eleni Thodou, MD, PHD

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), often referred to as molecular cytogenetics,
is currently recognized as a reliable technique and an alternative to classic cytogenetics
(karyotyping), with many applications for detecting chromosomal abnormalities. The
technique can analyze interphase nuclei of resting cells or metaphase spreads of mitotic
cells. In addition, specific protocols for karyotyping analysis combine FISH with clas-
sic cytogenetics.
FISH was introduced in 1988 by Pinkel et al. (1), who utilized a nonisotopic,
fluorescence technique for cytogenetics. However, the credit for initial application of
interphase cytogenetics is given to Lichter et al. (2), who in 1988 applied a radioactive
DNA probe to demonstrate chromosomal aberrations in nonmitotic human nuclei.

The main principle of FISH is the formation of the hybridization product of a DNA
probe with the target chromosomal DNA (Fig. 1). Briefly, a denatured fluorescent-
labeled DNA probe is added to the denatured specimen DNA and used to perform
hybridization. Posthybridization washings, under specific stringency conditions, remove
the unbound probe. After nuclear counterstaining, the specimen is ready for study with
a fluorescent microscope equipped with appropriate excitation filters and a photographic
camera. Digital image analysis systems equipped with appropriate software can enhance
the fluorescent signals.
Metaphase FISH is ideal for detecting locus-specific gene rearrangements and for
generating high-resolution physical genetic maps (3). However, it is often difficult to
obtain metaphase spreads from solid tumors. Selective cell growth of nontumorous
cells (lymphocytes, fibroblasts), which may result in loss of overall genetic information
and lead to false results, represents the main disadvantage of this technique (4,5). In
addition, metaphase FISH requires specific equipment and expertise in tissue cultures.
Interphase FISH is useful in detecting normal and defective genes such as deletions
or gains. The technique is ideal for analyzing solid tumors, particularly those with a
low proliferation rate. Nuclei from touch imprints, specimens of fine needle aspiration

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

92 Kontogeorgos, Kapranos, and Thodou

Fig. 1. Principles of the FISH technique.

biopsies, preparations of centrifuged biologic fluids, and nuclei isolated from frozen
or paraffin-embedded tissues are appropriate for interphase FISH analysis (6–11). The
technique can also be applied directly to frozen or paraffin sections; however, cautious
interpretation of the results is required due to partial loss of nuclear DNA mass during
tissue sectioning (7–14).

Tissue Preparation and Fixation

Several fixatives including formalin are suitable; however, in our hands, fixation in
methanol/acetic acid or chilled acetone gives excellent results. Careful digestion with
proteinase K before application of the technique is often crucial, particularly for tissue
sections (15). Overdigested tissues show loss of nuclear borders; the cells appear
“ghostly” or lost. These preparations should be discarded, and the experiment should
start again with less proteinase K digestion time, depending on the degree of overdiges-
tion (16). By examining tissue sections under the fluorescence microscope, underdi-
gested tissue produces persistent autofluorescence of the background, often associated
with poor propidium iodide staining. In that case, additional digestion, depending on
the amount of background fluorescence, is required.

Utility of Fluorescent Microscope

FISH analysis requires high-quality standards of fluorescent microscopy for optimal
visualization of the results. An epiilluminated microscope is preferable. A 100-W high-
pressure mercury lamp is required, particularly for evaluation of dual- or triple-color
analysis (17). It is optimal for detecting the weak fluorescent signals of sequence-
specific probes. Evaluation and recording of fluorescent signals requires high-power,
dry, or oil objective lenses. Only nonfluorescing immersion oil should be used. Filters
are specifically designed for certain fluorochromes used for probe labeling and counter-
stain. A wide range of filters and combinations, which allow only certain wavelengths
Practical Applications of FISH 93

Table 1
Selection of Filters for Optimal Fluorescent Microscopy, According to Detection
Systems, Fluorochromes, and Counterstains
Filter needed to Filter needed to
visualize counter- visualize probe
stain excitation/ signal excitation/
Probe label Detection reagent Counterstain emission (nm) emission
Digoxigenin FITC/anti-digoxigenin Propidium iodide (PI) 520/610 490/525 (long-pass)
Rhodamine/ DAPI 365/480 540/550
Biotin FITC-avidin PI 520/610 490/525 (long pass)
Texas Red-avidin DAPI 365/480 540/525
Digoxigenin Dual-color detection DAPI 365/480 Triple-bandpass
and biotin
From: Workshop Manual. Introduction to Molecular Cytogenetics: Tissue in situ hybridization. Oncor,
Gaithersburg, MD, pp. 18, 1995.

of light to pass through, are used for single or simultaneous dual-signal fluorescence
detection (Table 1). Optimal use of filters can subject the fluorescent signal to the
lowest amount of excitation light to retain fluorescence as much as possible. The
microscope should be equipped with a photographic camera. A 400-ASA film is appro-
priate, although 100-ASA films provide higher resolution. Alternatively, a digital,
preferably cool, camera allows direct transfer of the digitized signals to a computer
for storage and further processing using proper software (16).


Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a sophisticated molecular technique
that provides overall genomic information in a single experiment. This technique was
introduced by Kallioniemi et al. in 1992 (18), and it is considered today as the state
of the art of fluorescence technology in the analysis of human chromosomes. Given
that CGH is applied in uncultured cells, it is ideal for screening of solid tumors,
particularly those that have a low growth rate for tumor-specific, nonbalanced numerical
and structural aberrations (18,19).
Briefly, DNA extracts from tumor and blood lymphocytes are separately labeled
with two-color different fluorochromes (fluorescein isothiocyanate [FITC] and Texas
Red) (Fig. 2). Equal quantities of the two DNAs, mixed with unlabeled Cot-1 DNA,
to suppress cross-hybridization of repetitive sequences, are denatured and hybridized
to already prepared denatured metaphase spreads from normal lymphocytes. Posthybrid-
ization washings follow to remove the excessive, unbound probe, and then air-dried
slides are counterstained. Digitized three-color images taken from hybridized metaphase
spreads with a fluorescent microscope are then processed with an image analysis system
using specific software for karyotyping analysis. The system (based on estimation of
the fluorescence intensity ratio between green and red signals, comparing them with that
of simultaneously hybridized normal DNA in the same metaphase spreads) automatically
reports losses and gains. The system displays all colorized chromosomes and generates
ideograms with vertical bars indicating losses and gains of the corresponding chromo-
somal regions for each individual chromosome (20,21).
94 Kontogeorgos, Kapranos, and Thodou

Fig. 2. Principles of the CGH technique.

Detection of Numerical Aberrations
α-Satellite centromeric, β-satellite pericentromeric, or classical satellite probes, spe-
cific for tandem repeats of DNA sequences of individual chromosomes, are widely
used, mostly with interphase FISH, to detect copy number aberrations of chromosomes
(3,22) (Fig. 3). Alternatively, paint (coatsome) probes, complementary to hundreds of

(See Color Plate 4 following page 208.)
Fig. 3. (A) Examples of numerical chromosome aberrations using an α-satellite, centromere-
specific DNA probe. The nucleus in the left panel shows two fluorescent signals corresponding
to a pair of normal chromosome 11, whereas more than two signals, as shown in the nucleus
of the right panel are characteristic for polysomies (FITC/PI, 400×). (B) Monosomy of chromo-
some 11 as the dominant abnormality in a mixed somatotroph-lactotroph, mostly prolactin-
producing pituitary adenoma (FITC/PI). (C) Chromosome 1 in ductal carcinoma of the breast.
Most cell exhibit three or more fluorescent signals (FITC/PI). (D) Chromosome 1 breast carci-
noma of the ductal type. All cells display aberrant fluorescent signals (FITC/PI). (E) Localization
of the DiGeorge gene on a chromosome in the 22q11 region in normal metaphase spreads. A
pair of fluorescent signals corresponds to the alleles of the DiGeorge gene. The third signal
marks the centromeric region of chromosome 22 (FITC/PI). (F) Dual-color FISH in metaphases
of normal lymphocytes demonstrates the bcr gene on chromosome 22 (green) and the abl gene
on chromosome 9 (red) (FITC/TR/DAPI). (G) Mixture of whole paint (coatsome) DNA probe
for chromosome 11 (red) and α-satellite centromere-specific probe for chromosome 2 (green)
in normal metaphase spreads (FITC/TR/DAPI). (H) All human telomeres demonstrate all chro-
mosomes in metaphase spreads (FITC/PI, original magnification ×400 for A and B; ×160 for
C and D; ×600 for E–G; ×720 for H.) E–H: from personal experiments (G.K., H.T.) in the
Appligene Oncor Labs, Illkirch, France.
Practical Applications of FISH 95
96 Kontogeorgos, Kapranos, and Thodou

Fig. 4. (A) Uses of centromeric and locus-specific probes. (B) Use of locus-specific probes
to detect structural aberrations.

unique DNA sequences specific to part or the entire length of the chromosome, can
be used for metaphase FISH analysis (3,5) (Fig. 4). Probes to the total human genome
can hybridize the entire chromosome and distinguish it from somatic cell hybrids
(18). Lastly, probes complementary to the highly conserved repetitive telomeric DNA
sequence (TTAGGG)n can also demonstrate all human chromosomes in metaphase
spreads and differentiate them from other species (23) (Fig. 4).
Aneuploidy in Solid Tumors
Interphase FISH utilizing centromere-specific DNA probes discloses numerical aber-
rations and thus provides information on tumor DNA ploidy. Normal diploid cells
display two centromeres for each pair of chromosome. The presence of one centromere,
corresponding to loss of one chromosome copy, is characteristic for monosomy, whereas
aneuploid cells with polysomies display more than two centromeres, corresponding to
extra chromosome copies (Fig. 3).
Numerical aberrations in some solid tumors (such as of chromosomes 1 and 17 in
breast cancer, 7 and 12 in follicular thyroid tumors, and of chromosome 8 in prostate
carcinomas and 11 in pituitary adenomas) are frequent and in most cases are correlated
with the DNA index. Thus, FISH is useful to estimate aneuploidy in these tumors (14,24–
Aneuploidy in Prenatal Diagnosis
FISH has many applications for prenatal, and postnatal diagnosis and for the detection
of preimplantation genetic abnormalities. Specific DNA probes can rapidly detect
Practical Applications of FISH 97

numerical aberrations, such as trisomies of chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 in Patau’s,

Edwards’, and Down’s syndromes, respectively, and other aberrations of X and Y sex
chromosomes in other syndromes such as Klinefelter’s and Turner’s (28). Aneuploidy
of these chromosomes includes the most common chromosomal aberrations leading to
birth defects. Interphase FISH in uncultured fetal cells can rapidly detect with high
accuracy approximately 95% of aneuploidies in high-risk pregnancies (29). However,
prenatal diagnosis of chorionic villous sampling or amniotic fluid by interphase FISH
analysis should be considered together with classic karyotyping. It has therefore been
suggested that interphase FISH can be used for diagnosis as an alternative to classic
cytogenetics, when abnormalities are found on ultrasound scan or by maternal serum
biochemical screening (30).

Detection of Structural Abnormalities

Sequence-specific cosmid probes can detect a single gene copy in both interphase
and metaphase preparations. They can localize a single gene on its chromosome region
in metaphase spreads and thus are used for generating high-resolution genetic maps
(Fig. 4). These specific unique-sequence DNA probes can identify marker chromosomes,
other structural aberrations, balanced or unbalanced translocations, and complex
rearrangements (Fig. 4). They are also useful in detecting gene amplifications, gains,
or deletions. However, interphase FISH is not always appropriate in identifying translo-
cations, unless the defective gene is translocated to the close proximity of another
known reference gene or if there is a gene fusion. In both instances, the utility of two
probes labeled with different fluorescent dyes is necessary (Fig. 4). A typical example
of gene fusion is the bcr/abl gene rearrangement in leukemias (31,32).
Locus- or sequence-specific probes can be used in combination with centromeric or
paint chromosome-specific probes for simultaneous demonstration of numerical and
structural abnormalities on a defective chromosome.
bcr-abl Rearrangement
bcr-abl rearrangement, also known as Philadelphia chromosome, is the result of
the reciprocal translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11), which juxtaposes the abl oncogene on
chromosome 9 with the breakpoint cluster region (bcr) of the gene on chromosome
22. This rearrangement is typical of chronic myeloid leukemia, serving as a diagnostic
marker and for estimation of an abnormal clone, which is of major importance in
monitoring the patient’s response to treatment with interferon or bone marrow transplant-
ation (33). In addition, this defect occurs in some cases of acute myeloid and lymphoblas-
tic leukemia. The FISH technique requires two- or three-color analysis to detect with
accuracy the bicolor fluorescent signal of the fused bcr/abl genes (17) (Fig. 4).
c-erbB-2 (Her2-neu)
The c-erbB-2 gene is a transmembrane receptor located on chromosome 17q11.
Gene amplification results in overexpression of the encoded p185 protein in approxi-
mately one-third of breast cancers (34,35). The presence of the functionally activated
c-erbB-2 receptor seems to be responsible for reduced patient survival and for alterations
to chemotherapy response (36). Recently, herceptin, a monoclonal antibody against
98 Kontogeorgos, Kapranos, and Thodou

c-erbB-2, was introduced for clinical use, particularly for metastatic breast cancer
refractory to chemotherapy (37). Therefore, c-erbB-2 analysis became of great impor-
tance for prognosis and treatment. Interphase FISH is ideal for detection and enumeration
of gene amplification (35). A commercially provided kit for FISH analysis approved
by the Food and Drug Administration is now available. A centromeric probe specific
for chromosome 17 and a sequence-specific probe for c-erbB-2 are necessary for FISH
analysis. A scoring system utilized with FISH is based on the ratio of gene copy to
centromeric copy number. Controls from cell lines showing a normal and amplified
c-erbB-2 gene should be used for testing the technique and for counting the fluorescent
signals. The expected normal ratio is 1.0; when the ratio grater than 2.0, the gene is
considered amplified. Although overexpression of c-erbB-2 protein can be detected by
immunohistochemistry, FISH analysis is preferable, particularly for tumors showing a
moderate degree of typical membranous immunostaining (38).
Androgen Receptor Gene Amplification
Amplification of the androgen receptor (AR) gene located on chromosome Xq11-
q13 may occur during androgen deprivation therapy of recurrent carcinomas from
patients who failed androgen endocrine treatment (39). Untreated prostate cancers show
no AR gene amplification (40). High levels of AR amplification are demonstrated in
specimens from recurrent tumors, but in none of those taken from the same patients
before therapy (41). Clinicopathologic studies indicate that AR amplification occurs
mostly in tumors that initially showed good response for more than 12 months following
endocrine therapy (39).
DiGeorge’s Syndrome
DiGeorge’s syndrome represents a developmental defect of the third and fourth
pharyngeal pouches associated with and characteristic of facial dysmorphism, congenital
heart defect, and hypoplasia or aplasia of the thymus and parathyroids. The DiGeorge
gene is located on chromosome 22q11. FISH and DNA dosage analysis showed deletion
of the DiGeorge gene region in all 16 cases studied (42). In another investigation of
23 patients with DiGeorge’s syndrome by prometaphase chromosome analysis and/or
by FISH, four patients displayed an interstitial deletion in band 22q11.2, whereas in
18 patients, the deletion was disclosed only by the FISH technique (43). Detection of the
DiGeorge defect gene is very important in diagnosis, prognosis, and genetic counseling.
Kallmann’s Syndrome
Kallmann’s syndrome is an inherent disorder characterized by hypogonadotropic
eunuchoidism, anosmia, and hyposomia. The affected individuals may also have border-
line normal intelligence, cleft lip and palate, deafness, and renal and cardiac anomalies.
Males are predominately affected. The patients show microdeletion of the KAL gene
located in the Xp22.3 region. FISH is a reliable technique for detecting the KAL-1
deletion in people with normal karyotypes but features consistent with Kallmann’s
syndrome (44).
Ewing’s Sarcoma/Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors
The balanced translocation t(11;22)(q24;q12) is specific for Ewing’s sarcoma/primi-
tive neuroectodermal tumors. This translocation results in the fusion of the EWS gene
Practical Applications of FISH 99

on chromosome 22q12 to the 3′ portion of the FLI-1 gene on chromosome 11q24.

Recent reports have shown detection of EWS/FLI-1 fusion using dual-color interphase
FISH analysis in frozen and paraffin sections (45,46).

This work was supported in part by the E-52/96 Award of the Medical Council of
Greece (to Dr. Kontogeorgos).

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Practical Applications of FISH 101

and monitoring of Philadelphia chromosome-positive cells in chronic myeloid leukemia by

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for primary cultures of human pituitary adenomas. Endocr. Pathol. 6, 289–299.
102 Protocols


1. Metaphase Analysis from Whole Blood Culture (47)


1. Sodium heparin (green-top) tube for peripheral blood collection.
2. Incubator 5% CO2 37°C.
3. Low-speed centrifuge.
4. Tissue culture flasks T25.
5. Pasteur pipets.
6. Plastic conical tubes 15 mL.
7. RPMI-1640 with HEPES.
8. Fetal bovine serum.
9. L-glutamine (200 mM or 29.2 mg/mL).
10. Penicillin/streptomycin solution (10,000 U/mL and 10 mg/mL, respectively).
11. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA), lyophilized.
12. Colcemid, lyophilized, or colcemid solution 10 µg/mL.
13. Potassium chloride (KCl).
14. Absolute methanol.
15. Glacial acetic acid.
16. Vortex mixer.


All manipulations must be done in a sterile environment using sterilized equipment.
1. Culture medium.
a. Supplement RPMI-1640 with fetal bovine serum and L-glutamine:
For every 100 mL RPMI-1640, add
10 mL fetal bovine serum.
1 mL L-glutamine.
1 mL penicillin/streptomycin solution.
b. Store at 4°C (fridge) for up to 1 month after the addition of L-glutamine in tightly closed
glass bottle.
c. Instead of RPMI-1640, other medium can be used such as minimum essential medium
(MEM) with nonessential amino acids, McCoy 5A, TC199.
2. Hypotonic solution
a. For 100 mL of deionized water, add 0.56 g KCl (final concentration 0.075 M KCl).
b. Sterilize with 0.45-µm pore size Nalgene Filter Flask.
c. Store at room temperature in small quantities for up to 1 month.
3. Fixative
a. 3 parts absolute methanol, 75 mL.
1 part glacial acetic acid, 25 mL.
b. Prepare fresh for every experiment.
4. Colcemid solution (if colcemid is in lyophilized form).
a. Dilute with the suggested quantity of sterile deionized water for a final concentration
of 10 µg/mL.
b. Store at 2–5°C for several months.
Whole Blood 103

Caution: Colcemid is a toxic chemical and should be handled with care. Avoid skin or
eye contact and inspiration.
5. PHA solution
a. Phytohemagglutinin is supplied lyophilized; it should be dissolved in the appropriate
amount of sterile distilled water according to the supplier.
b. The solution can be kept in frozen aliquots for several weeks. Defrost an aliquot just
before use.
c. Do not leave it at room temperature for long.


1. Obtain 10 mL of peripheral blood. Put directly in a heparin green-top tube and mix gently
to avoid clotting.
2. Hemolyzed or clotted blood is unsuitable.


1. Mix:
a. 113 mL supplemented medium.
b. 10 mL whole blood.
c. 1 mL PHA.
2. Aliquot 10 mL per T25 flask.
3. Leave flasks in vertical position for 72 h in incubator (5% CO2 37°C) with lids left loose.
4. Agitate by hand once or twice a day.


1. Add 100 µL colcemid to each flask. Leave in the incubator for 20 min.
2. Transfer the contents of each flask into a 15-mL conical tube and centrifuge for 10 min
at 400g.
3. Discard the supernatant with a Pasteur pipet.
4. Resuspend the pellet in the few drops of remaining fluid by flicking the bottom of the tube
with a finger.
5. Add 10 mL of hypotonic solution 0.075 M KCl (room temperature), the first 1.5 mL drop
by drop. Mix by flicking the tube to ensure that the pellet is well suspended. Leave it at
room temperature for 5–10 min. Observe a drop of the cell suspension under a phase contrast
microscope for swelling (lymphocytes getting larger and rounder, nucleoli more prominent).
6. Centrifuge cells at 400g for 10 min. Discard the supernatant except for a few drops.
7. Resuspend the pellet in the remaining fluid by tapping the tube with a finger. Add fresh
fixative dropwise in the beginning with constant gentle agitation of the tube. Vortex for a
while at the lowest speed. Add more fixative to a total volume of 10 mL and let the tubes
sit at room temperature for at least 10 min.*
8. Centrifuge at 400g for 10 min.
9. Discard the supernatant and resuspend the pellet in 10 mL of fixative
10. Perform steps 8 and 9 another three times.
11. Store cell pellets in fixative at −20°C if not used immediately.

*It is important to get the cell pellet completely broken up. However, any harsh treatment
of the cells at this stage may rupture them, resulting in incomplete metaphases on the
slides. It is better to avoid passing cell suspension through narrow spaces such as pipets.
104 Protocols


1. Acetone.
2. Concentrated HCl.
3. 95% ethanol.
4. Absolute methanol.
5. Glacial acetic acid.
6. Glass staining dishes.
7. Pasteur pipets.
8. Glass Pasteur pipet.
9. Glass slides, precleaned, Superfrost.
10. Distilled water.
11. Phase microscope.


1. Slide cleaning:
a. Acetone: use as it is.
b. Acid/alcohol: equal parts of concentrated HCl and ethanol
c. Tap water.
2. Fixative: mixture of 3:1 methanol/glacial acetic acid.


1. Clean slides by immersing for 5 min in the following series of solutions: acetone, HCl/
ethanol, running tap water.*
2. The slides should be stored in a staining dish with distilled water in the refrigerator until use.

*Alternatively, slide cleaning can be done by passing through a series of 100, 95, 70,
and 50% ethanol and then in running tap water for 1 h. Air-dry in the hood before use.


1. If cell pellet is stored at −20°C, remove and allow to reach room temperature.
2. Remove the supernatant and add 5 mL of fresh fixative. Break up the pellet by bubbling
air in the solution with a Pasteur pipet, taking care not to scrape the sides of the conical
tube with the pipet.
3. Centrifuge at 400g, discard the supernatant, and add drops of fresh fixative with a Pasteur
pipet, agitating gently each time until the solution becomes slightly hazy.*
4. Remove the staining dish with the stored slides from the refrigerator and keep slides in
cold water before dropping cells on them.
5. With a glass Pasteur pipet (53⁄4 inch), draw some drops of chromosome solution. (Alterna-
tively, a P-1000 pipetman can be used arranged at 80 µL.)
6. Remove a slide from the staining dish and let excess water drain by touching the edge of
it on a paper towel. Leave only a very thin coat of water on it.
7. Hold the slide frosted end up. Touch the tip of the pipet to the left edge of the slide besides
the frosted edge. Let the fluid go onto the slide by drawing the pipet tip along the slide,
and slowly changing the angle of the slide toward a vertical position, to distribute the
spread evenly.**
8. Let the slide dry at a vertical position (45° angle). Note the drying time. (See critical points.)
9. Examine the slide under a phase microscope (×10 objective) to judge number and quality
Whole Blood 105

of mitoses present. If cell density is too high, add a few drops of the fixative. If cell density
is too low, centrifuge and resuspend in less fixative.
10. If pleased with the result, make more slides in the same way, and let them air-dry.
11. Dehydrate slides in a series of 70, 95, and 100% ethanol, 5 min in each, at room temperature.
Allow them to air-dry.
12. Store slides in a slide box for 2 weeks at room temperature before hybridization.***

*The final volume of fixative will depend on the size of the cell pellet and may need
to be adjusted if metaphases are too sparse or many. It is advisable to try a volume
of no more than 1 mL.
**Alternatively, using the same glass Pasteur pipet, drop 1–3 drops of the chromo-
some preparation on different points across the slide from above. Good results are
obtained when breathing on the slide until condensation forms and then dropping the
cell suspension from a distance of at least 50 cm.
***If slides are to be used for hybridization at a time shorter than 2 weeks they
have to be pretreated in 2× SSC before dehydration in ethanols. This pretreatment
artificially ages the chromosomes, making them less sensitive to over-denaturation.
Prewarm 40 mL of 2× SSC, pH 7.0, in a Coplin jar to 37°C in a water bath. Place
prepared metaphase slides in the jar and incubate for 30 min.


Good mitotic index and mitotic quality is very important for successful hybridization.
Some parameters during the whole procedure affect dramatically the final metaphase
Colcemid, a mitotic spindle inhibitor, is the first parameter. Longer exposure to
colcemid will result in a larger number but more condensed chromosomes. This is not
desirable in all cases, in gene mapping, for example.
The second critical point is the hypotonic treatment using a KCl solution. Longer
exposure will result in nucleus eruption with metaphase breakdown to individual chro-
mosomes; shorter time will leave cytoplasmic remnants around metaphases, which will
prevent chromosomes from spreading and will interfere with hybridization.
For all these reasons it is important to microscope the first prepared chromosome
spreads in each experiment to adjust factors to the optimal.
Good preparations should have at least three complete well-spread metaphases per
field at 100× magnification. Chromosomes should appear dark gray in color. If they
are light gray or very black and refractile, they will not hybridize well. Also, no
cytoplasmic debris should be visible around chromosomes. Chromosome quality also
depends greatly on spreading technique. Temperature and humidity affect the prepara-
tion significantly, since they influence drying time of the fixative. If drying time is too
long, metaphases will not spread completely, and chromosomes look refractile and
may not retain good morphology after denaturation. If drying is too quick, chromosomes
are difficult to see under the microscope due to low contrast and tend to come off the
slide during denaturation.
Since making good chromosome spreads is somewhat of an art, it is advisable to
practice both methods provided in the previous protocol and select from them. If using
106 Protocols

the first method, adjust the temperature of water in the staining dish with the slides,
to warmer if drying time is too long or colder if drying time is very short.

2. Metaphase Analysis from Solid Tumors (48, 49)


1. RPMI-1640.
2. Fetal bovine serum.
3. L-glutamine (200 mM).
4. Penicillin/streptomycin solution (10,000 U/mL and 10 mg/mL, respectively).
5. Colcemid lyophilized or colcemid solution 10 µg/mL.
6. T25 type culture flasks.
7. Collagenase II solution (1%).
8. Trypsin.
9. EDTA.
10. Insulin solution (5 µg/mL; optional).
11. Glutathione solution (10 µg/mL; optional).
12. Potassium chloride (KCl).
13. Absolute methanol.
14. Glacial acetic acid.
15. Sterile plastic centrifuge tubes, 15 mL with screw cup.
16. Sterile Pasteur pipets.
17. Inverted microscope.
18. Neubauer plaque for cell counting.


1. Culture medium.
a. Supplement RPMI-1640 with fetal bovine serum and L-glutamine:
For every 100 ML RPMI-1640, add
20 mL fetal bovine serum.
1.3 mL L-glutamine.
1.3 mL penicillin/streptomycin solution.
2. Trypsin-EDTA solution:
a. Trypsin (1:250) 0.25 g, EDTA 0.038 g, PBS-CMF 100 mL*
b. Sterilize with 0.45 µm pore Nalgene filter flask. Store frozen.
*PBS-CMF, phosphate buffered saline, calcium and magnesium free.
3. Hypotonic solution (KCl) prepared as in Protocol 1.2.
4. Fixative (methanol/acetic acid) prepared as in Protocol 1.2.
5. Collagenase solution (1%)
a. Collagenase II, 10 mg; culture medium, 10 mL.
b. Sterilize by filtering through a syringe, with a disposable 0.2-µm pore size Nalgene Filter,
and store frozen in small aliquots for up to 3 months.
6. Insulin solution*: 5 µg/mL insulin in culture medium or phosphate-buffered saline [PBS].
a. Sterilize by filtering through a syringe, with a disposable 0.2-µm pore size Nalgene Filter,
and store at 5°C. (To keep for a long time, prepare the solution in PBS and store frozen
after sterilization.)
b. Add 1 mL of the prepared insulin solution (5 µg/mL) per 100 mL of medium.
Solid Tumors 107

7. Glutathione solution: culture medium or PBS.

a. Sterilize by filtering through a syringe, with a disposable 0.2-µm pore size Nalgene Filter,
and store at 5°C. (To keep for a long time, prepare the solution in PBS and store frozen
after sterilization.)
b. Add 1 mL of the prepared glutathione solution (10 µg/mL) per 100 mL of medium.

*Insulin and glutathione use is optional. They are believed to propagate cell growth.


Piece of tumor tissue is obtained and placed aseptically in 5–10 mL of culture

medium, or sterile saline, or PBS in a well-sealed sterile container. The specimen
should be brought to the lab as soon as possible and should be kept on ice if transportation
takes long.


1. Wash the tissue sample two to three times using sterile PBS in a sterile container.
2. Place tissue sample in a sterile Petri dish without any liquid. Dissociate and discard with
a sterile blade and forceps any blood clots or necrotic or normal tissue. Cut a small piece
(of no more than 0.5 g) of healthy tumor tissue and mince it in tiny pieces (1–2 mm).
Avoid tissue drying up by using drops of PBS.
3. Place the minced tissue in a centrifuge tube with at least 5 mL of collagenase solution
(1%). Triturate the specimen by pipetting several times (at least 30) in sterile conditions
using a sterile Pasteur pipet.
4. Add another 5 mL of fresh collagenase solution (1%) to the medium in the tube and
incubate with the tube cup loosened, for 2–3 h. (Hard tissues may need longer incubation,
up to 16 h).
5. Triturate the specimen again.
6. Centrifuge at 400g (800 rpm) for 10 min. Discard the supernatant. Wash cell pellet with
medium and centrifuge again.
7. Discard the supernatant. Add 1 mL of medium enriched with insulin and glutathione and
resuspend again well.
8. Expose a small sample of the cell solution to Trypan blue stain, to count cell number and
viability using the Neubauer plaque (approximate cell density 2.5–3 × 106 cell/mL).
9. Make up the cell suspension to 10 mL and distribute equally into 2–3 T25 flasks
10. Incubate horizontally, with cups loosened for 24 h.
11. Discard medium with unattached cells the next day and put fresh medium (no more than
5 mL per flask.)
12. Observe for cell growth (inverted microscope) after the fourth day and change culture
medium three times a week.
13. Cultures are usually ready for harvest (large proliferating colonies) after 7–10 days.


1. Expose the selected flask to colcemid (0.01 µg/mL) for 15 h (overnight). Discard the medium,
leaving the cell layer undisturbed.
2. Follow steps 2–7 in Protocol 1.5.
108 Protocols

3. Interphase Analysis on Cell Imprints—

Cytology Specimens


3.1.1. Disaggregation of Nuclei from Fresh and Frozen Tissues
For discussion, see ref. 9.
1. Cut small slices (2 × 5 × 5 mm) of fresh or frozen tissue using a scalpel blade and mince
finely in a Petri dish.
2. Add 1 mL of 0.5% pepsin in 0.9% NaCl (pH 1.5) to the dish, transfer the mix to a 15 mL
centrifuge tube, and incubate in a 37°C water bath for 15–30 min, with vortexing every 5 min.
3. Subsequently add 14 mL PBS and collect the nuclei by centrifugation.
4. Discard the supernatant and resuspend the nuclear pellet in the residual supernatant.
5. Apply a small drop (approx 25 µL) of the cell suspension to a glass slide and leave to air-dry.
6. Fix the specimens in methanol/acetic acid (3:1) for 20 min, dry, and store at −20°C until
the hybridization procedure.

3.1.2. Touch Preparations of Fresh and Frozen Tissues

1. Touch a small slice of fresh or frozen tissue several times against a siliconized (Superfrost
+) glass slide.
2. Fix in methanol/acetic acid (3:1) for 20 min or chilled acetone for 15 min and leave to air-dry.
3. Store slides at −20°C until the hybridization procedure.

3.1.3. Fine Needle Aspirates

1. Prepare smears from fine needle aspirates on siliconized or charged glass slides and leave
them to air-dry.
2. Fix specimens in methanol/acetic acid (3:1) for 20 min or chilled acetone for 15 min and
leave them to air-dry.
3. Store slides at −20°C until processing.

3.1.4. Cytologic Specimens (Pleural Fluid, Peritoneal Fluid, and others)

1. Collect cytologic specimens from pleural, peritoneal, or other biologic fluids in tubes and cen-
2. Resuspend the cell pellet in PBS and centrifuge again.
3. Apply a drop of the cell suspension to a glass slide and leave to air-dry.
4. Fix the specimens in methanol/acetic acid (3:1) for 20 min, air-dry, and store at −20°C
until hybridization.


3.2.1. Specimen Pretreatment
1. Prewarm 40 mL of 2× SSC/0.5% NP-40 in a Coplin jar in a 37°C water bath.
2. Place the slides in a Coplin jar and incubate for 30 min. Instead of NP-40, igepal may be used.
3. Dehydrate slides in 70, 80, and 95% ethanol at room temperature for 2 min each. Air-dry slides.
Cell Imprints 109

3.2.2. Specimen Denaturation

1. Prewarm 40 mL of denaturation solution (2× SSC/70% formamide), pH 7.0, in a glass Coplin
jar at a 72°–74°C water bath.
2. Immerse slides in prewarmed denaturation solution for 2 min. Do not agitate. Temperature
must be verified by placing a clear thermometer into the Coplin jar. Overdenaturated slides
may not hybridize or counterstain well.
3. Dehydrate slides in cold (−20°C) 70, 80, and 95% ethanol for 2 min each. The slides must
be used the same day they are denatured.

3.2.3. Probe Preparation

1. Prewarm DNA probe at 37°C for 5 min. Vortex gently and centrifuge briefly to collect
contents in the bottom of the tube.
2. Dilute probe in the hybridization mixture. For satellite probes, the suggested hybridization
mixture is composed of 2× SSC/65% formamide and 10% dextran sulfate, whereas for
unique-sequence probes, it is composed of 2× SSC/50% formamide and 10% dextran sulfate.
The probe is diluted at a final concentration 1–3 ng/µL.
3. Denature DNA probe-hybridization solution at 72°–74°C for 5 min in a water bath.
4. Centrifuge the probe briefly and keep in an ice bath until hybridization.

3.2.4. Hybridization
1. Apply probe-hybridization mixture on each specimen (20 µL is adequate for an area under
a 22 × 22-mm cover slip).
2. Cover with a glass cover slip. Seal the edges with cover slip sealant if necessary.
3. Place slides within a prewarmed humidified chamber and incubate specimens at 37°C. Thirty
minutes of hybridization time is adequate for satellite probes, but overnight hybridization is
preferred for all other probes.
Hybridization temperature should be kept strictly at 37°C to avoid cross-hybridization to
other satellite sequences (<37°C) or decline of signal intensity (>37°C).

3.2.5. Posthybridization Washing

1. Prewarm 40 mL of 0.5× SSC, pH 7.0, in a glass Coplin jar in a 72°–74°C water bath.
2. Carefully remove the cover slip with forceps and immerse slides in the prewarmed 0.5×
SSC for 5 min.
Wash solution temperature and time are crucial. Low temperature (<72°C) and/or shorter
wash time will result in nonspecific hybridization signal. Higher temperature (>74°C) and/
or longer washing time will result in reduction of signal intensity.
3. Transfer specimens to PBST (PBS/0.1% Tween) and wash for 2× 3 min.

3.2.6. Detection of the Hybridization Reaction

Detection of the hybridization reaction depends on the type of probe labeling. Fluoro-
chrome-labeled DNA probes do not require further processing except for nuclear coun-
terstaining (proceed to Protocol 3.2.9.) Fluorescence detection of biotin- or digoxigenin-
labeled DNA probes is performed as follows:

3.2.7. Biotin-Labeled Probes

1. Incubate slides with streptavidin-FITC or streptavidin-TR 5 µg/mL in PBST at 37°C for 20
min in a humidified incubation chamber.
2. Wash slides in PBST 3× 3 min.
110 Protocols

Table 2
FISH Nuclear Counterstain According to Probe Labeling (Oncor)
Probe label Counterstain (␮g/mL)
Fluorescein Propidium iodide (0.3)
Texas red DAPI (0.1)
Fluorescein and Texas red DAPI (0.1)

3.2.8. Digoxigenin-Labeled Probes

1. Incubate slides with FITC-labeled anti-digoxigenin or TR-labeled anti-digoxigenin at 37°C
for 20 min in a humidified incubation chamber (Oncor, ready to use).
2. Wash slides in PBST 3× 3 min.

3.2.9. Counterstain
Apply to the specimen 10–15 µL of the appropriate counterstain (Table 2), and
cover with a glass cover slip.

3.2.10. Evaluation of FISH Signals

1. Score only single nonoverlapping nuclei. Avoid large clusters of cells, as it is difficult to
assign the signals.
DNA denaturation and probe penetration is hampered in the cell clusters.
2. Count only signals completely separated from each other (numerical abnormalities)

4. Interphase Analysis of Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-

Embedded Tissues


1. Cut 4–5-µm sections from paraffin blocks and place them on a siliconized (or superfrost +)
glass slide.
2. Place the slides in an oven at 37°C for 2–3 h to dry.
3. Bake slides at 65°–70°C for 1–2 h.
4. Deparaffinize slides in xylene for 2× 15 min.
5. Rehydrate slides in graded ethanols (100, 95, 70%) 5 min each and allow them to air-dry.


1. Incubate slides in tissue pretreatment solution (provided by Oncor and prepared according
to manufacturer’s suggestions) preheated to 45°C for 15–20 min.
2. Wash slides twice in 2× SSC, 5 min each.
3. Incubate slides in proteinase K (250 µg/mL, preheated to 45°C) at 45°C for 15–20 min,
depending on tissue type.
4. Wash slides three times in 2× SSC, for 5 min each.
5. Dehydrate slides in 70, 80, and 95% ethanol, 1 min each. Allow slides to air-dry.
Embedded Tissues 111

After this step, it is possible to evaluate the adequacy of pretreatment, by staining

nuclei with propidium iodide/antifade, cover-slipping, and examining slides by a fluo-
rescence microscope. In adequately digested tissue, the nuclei show bright orange/
red fluorescence with clearly defined nuclear borders and little or no background
fluorescence. Underdigested tissue shows persistent green autofluorescence and poor
propidium iodide staining; the proteinase K step should be repeated. Tissue slides
showing overdigestion, that is, cells displaying loss of nuclear borders, should be dis-


4.3.1. Probe Preparation
See Protocols subheading 3.2.3.

4.3.2. Hybridization
Place 10–20 µL of probe on each slide (depending on tissue size) and cover with
a glass cover slip.
1. Denature probe and tissue DNA simultaneously by placing the slides on a hot plate or oven
at 67–69°C for 5 min.
2. Incubate slides in a humidified chamber at 37°C for 2–16 h (satellite probes) or 16 h (unique-
sequence probes).

4.3.3. Posthybridization Wash

See Protocols subheading 3.2.5.

4.3.4. Detection of the Hybridization Reaction and Counterstaining

See Protocols subheadings 3.2.6. and 3.2.9.
Tyramide Amplification Methods
for In Situ Hybridization

John L. Frater, MD and Raymond R. Tubbs, DO

The relative insensitivity of in situ hybridization (ISH) has been cited as an important
limiting factor in the potential applications of this technique (1). Therefore, a major
initiative on the part of researchers who use molecular biologic techniques is the
improvement of sensitivity of ISH. There are two means of achieving this: the amplifica-
tion of target sequences and the amplification of signal (2). The former encompasses
such techniques as in situ polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ reverse transcript-
ase (RT)-PCR, and is not discussed in this review. The latter includes catalyzed reporter
deposition, a major component of which is the use of labeled tyramide as a means of
signal amplification. This technique, which has subsequently been adapted for use in
ISH from its initial immunohistochemical applications, is a powerful tool for increasing
sensitivity in molecular biologic testing. Through the use of tyramide signal amplifica-
tionTM (TSATM), the theoretical limits of ISH can be approached.
As is the case with other highly sensitive assay techniques, the increased sensitivity
of TSA has inherent problems and limitations. With increased signal comes increased
noise, which creates inherent difficulties. Furthermore, the technique is in a continuing
state of evolution, so any review of the topic finds itself almost immediately behind
the times as new protocols are continuously developed. Because of the rapid and
ongoing development in this exciting area, the dissemination of new protocols via
electronic means, e.g., the Internet, plays an important role. It is highly recommended
that the interested reader consult the website maintained by Dr. Gerhard Hacker,
http://www.sbg.ac.at/kgg/protocols, for information on new protocols as they arise.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss TSA as applied to ISH. After a brief
discussion of the historical development of TSA, a summary of the theoretical basis
of TSA and a partial description of protocols are given. The limitations of TSA, as
well as a discussion of practical troubleshooting techniques, follows.

TSA (NEN Life Science, Boston, MA) is a proprietary term protected by U.S. patents
5,731,158, 5,583,001, and 5,196,306 and foreign equivalents for catalyzed reporter

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

114 Frater and Tubbs

deposition (CARD) used to amplify an ISH signal. CARD was originally described in
1989 by Bobrow et al. (3) as a novel amplification method for solid phase immunoassays.
Amplification is achieved by the deposition of biotin-labeled phenols at the site of
interest in a reaction catalyzed by the analyte-dependent reporter enzyme horseradish
peroxidase. Bobrow et al. (4–6) subsequently modified this technique for use in other
bioassays. Although the term CARD strictly refers to the technique using any source
of biotin-labeled phenols, this particular CARD technique uses tyramide as the source
of the phenol moiety. Therefore, for practical purposes, all CARD techniques currently
use TSA.
The subsequent modification of TSA for use in fluorescence in situ hybridization
(FISH) was reported by Raap et al. in 1995 (7). TSA was described by Raap as a two-
layered antibody technique, the first layer being a peroxidase-conjugated anti-hapten
immunoglobulin/streptavidin. The peroxidase substrate was tyramide. The second layer
consisted of (strept)avidin conjugates and was used to detect the biotin molecules
deposited in the first layer. The authors used several different tyramide conjugates, which
reacted with the peroxidase, resulting in the creation of a highly reactive intermediate
substance that aided and enhanced the localization of fluorochromes. Modifications of
this original protocol provide the basis for all CARD methods using TSA. Other authors
have described ELISA-based (4–6) and immunohistochemical methods (8) using TSA.


All protocols currently use the CARD method initially proposed by Bobrow and the
TSATM modification described by Raap et al. in 1995 (3,7). The exact mechanism of
TSA is not entirely known, but it appears to involve the following general principles,
described in significant detail in a number of cogent reviews (2,9,10). The object of
TSA is to increase the sensitivity of ISH by an increase in detectable signal.
As mentioned in the previous section, TSA is a modification of Bobrow’s CARD
technique. Briefly, the TSA process consists of the addition of a fluorochrome- or
hapten-conjugated tyramide to a region of RNA or DNA altered by a horseradish
peroxidase-catalyzed chemical reaction. The tyramide intermediate compound is highly
reactive and binds to certain amino acids lying in close proximity to the horseradish
peroxidase. A basic understanding of the chemistry of the amino acid tyramine and its
derivatives is helpful to understand this pivotal step in the TSA process. From the
standpoint of TSA, the most important part of the tyramine ([4-(2-aminoethyl) phenol])
molecule is its phenol group (Fig. 1). It is thought that horseradish peroxidase acts on
this site to create an unstable, highly reactive intermediate that binds the amino acid
binding sites. The tyramides deposited in this fashion are then detected using fluores-
cence or a chromogenic method if a hapten-conjugated tyramide has been used (Fig. 2).
The end result of this process is an improvement in signal detection and hence
increased sensitivity using TSA. Macechko et al. (11) demonstrated this, comparing
immunologic amplification and TSA using a 40-kb cosmid probe and a 15-kb phage
probe. A single fluorochrome-conjugated antibody layer was only weakly detected,
whereas subsequent use of a second unlabeled secondary antibody and a third layer
consisting of an antibody conjugated to the same fluorochrome resulted in a significantly
enhanced signal. However, after a 1:10 dilution of the probes, the immunologically
Tyramide Amplification Methods 115

Fig. 1. The tyramine ([4-(2-aminoethyl) phenol]) molecule. It is postulated that the highly
reactive phenol moiety (shaded region) of tyramide intermediates generated by the tyramide
signal amplification process binds to amino acids in close proximity to the horseradish peroxidase
molecules (see text).

amplified signal was lost, whereas it was still detectable using TSA. Thus it is possible to
detect smaller targets and use less probe reagent using TSA compared with immunologic
amplification methods (11).
In addition to comparing the sensitivities of ISH with and without TSA, several
authors have shown that different tyramide conjugates confer different sensitivities
using ISH. The original TSA report of Raap et al. (7) described the use of four different
tyramine conjugates: biotin, fluorescein, tetramethylrhodamine, and aminomethylcou-
marin acetic acid. In 1997 van Gijlswijk et al. (12) compared the performance of several
different tyramide conjugates using a middle repetitive specific probe (28S rRNA) and
a single-copy gene-specific cosmid probe with a 30–40 kb target size. Nearly all
conjugates examined using these probes were easily visualized. The best performing
conjugates used BODIPY FL and rhodamine, although nearly all conjugates could be
visualized. Only two conjugates had suboptimal results (defined as decreased signal
compared with nonconjugated ISH), X-rhodamine and Texas Red. They noted that
these two compounds differed from the other conjugates in having an additional sulfonic
acid moiety, which conveyed an additional negative charge to these conjugates, possibly
impacting performance. Additionally, the authors demonstrated that TSA could be
adapted for multicolor FISH. The best results using multiple rounds of hybridization
alternating with tyramide detection were obtained using 7-hydroxycoumarin-, fluores-
cein-, and rhodamine-tyramide conjugates sequentially. Using this approach, intermit-
tent hydrogen peroxidase inactivation was unnecessary (12).
Current estimates of the limits of detection sensitivity with ISH using tissue sections
are approximately 10–20 mRNA/viral DNA copies per cell (13). TSA markedly
increases sensitivity, allowing detection of single RNA or DNA copies. However, the
technical limitations, including the need for relatively large probes and background
tissues, may impose practical constraints on the sensitivity of the method. However,
TSA does appear to improve ISH sensitivity substantially, and when performed by
individuals familiar with molecular techniques, it can approximate the theoretical claims
regarding improved sensitivity, including single-copy gene detection.
116 Frater and Tubbs
Tyramide Amplification Methods 117


The practical limitations of TSA are due to a number of factors, including issues
regarding visual resolution and practical considerations common to many molecular
biologic techniques. A number of authors have commented on the decreased resolution
of this method compared with conventional ISH. This appears to be a result of the
diffusion of highly reactive intermediate substances during the course of the reaction.
To minimize the loss of resolution, they recommend shortening the tyramide reaction
time or tapering probe and antibody concentrations (7,9,14). Others recommend adding
normal horse serum, unlabeled tyramide, or polymeric substances to improve resolu-
tion (11,15,16).
Because of its high sensitivity, TSA has the potential to amplify nonspecific back-
ground signal, which may result in an unfavorable signal/noise ratio. To minimize this
problem, one author has recommended that routine optimization be performed for each
experiment using kits that are commercially available from a number of sources,
including NEN Life Science Products and Dako (Glostrup, Denmark) (17). Alterna-
tively, Speel et al. (18,19) have proposed a method of signal optimization with CARD
signal amplification using labeled tyramides in an appropriate buffer.
The issue of endogenous peroxidase and the elimination of its interference with the
TSA reaction is analogous to the problem of endogenous peroxidases in immunohisto-
chemistry. Endogenous peroxidases in human tissue are potent enough to catalyze the
TSA reaction. To avoid this unwanted reaction, the endogenous peroxidases must be
blocked or quenched. Because TSA is performed after the ISH procedure, one author
has stated that TSA itself needs no treatment for endogenous peroxidases in addition
to that used for ISH (17). This point is not unanimously agreed on, and two other
authors recommend pretreatment of the sample with a solution of 3% H2O2 in methanol
prior to performing the TSA (9,20).
Other issues involving the use of TSA apply to all molecular biologic techniques.
For instance, the use of appropriate positive and negative controls is obligatory (9).
When attempting to detect multiple signals simultaneously, a related problem must
be overcome. In the detection of multiple targets using TSA, a sequential application
of two or three rounds of labeling and TSA are performed. It is important to inactivate

䉳 Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of TSA and related techniques. (A) Hybridization of an

FITC-labeled probe to the DNA or RNA analyte strand is followed (B) by the addition of biotin-
labeled anti-FITC antibody. (C) Then, the avidin-biotinylated peroxidase complex is added.
(D) The peroxidase associated with this complex is the catalyst for the addition of tyramide,
resulting in the production of a biotinylated tyramide that is closely associated with the original
probe. Despite the lack of a distinct antigen-antibody reaction, this can result in a fairly localized
signal if performed properly. This biotinylated reporter can act as the catalyzed reporter; at this
point, one may proceed to the various detection techniques or, alternatively, perform additional
manipulation of the site of interest using autometallographic techniques. (E) As a refinement
of CARD, autometallography is performed in the following fashion. After the addition of the
biotinylated tyramide conjugate, the biotin is bound to streptavidin molecules that have covalently
bound nanogold moieties. (F) Following this step, the nanogold acts as a nidus for the deposition
of metallic silver, the detection of which may result in improved sensitivity.
118 Frater and Tubbs

the remaining peroxidase completely between steps. To achieve this, mild acid treatment
with 0.01 N HCl may be used (18,21,22). If this step is not performed, repeated
deposition of the tyramide conjugate at the prior target site could result.
Despite the limitations of TSA, it appears to be superior to techniques such as in
situ PCR, which has considerably greater practical limitations compared with TSA. In
situ PCR is an example of a target amplification procedure in which pretreated cells
are permeabilized to allow entrance of primers, nucleotides, and polymerase enzymes.
The amplified products are detected using ISH techniques. This technique has been
plagued with difficulties, including low amplification efficiency and poor reproducibility.
Because of these serious limitations, this technique has been of only limited use in
diagnostic pathology (9,17). Additionally, the TSA product can be detected using
techniques such as FISH and brightfield ISH (BRISH) (17).

A recent review (17) has summarized the potential uses of TSA. Because of the
markedly increased sensitivity that can be achieved using this technique, there are
numerous possibilities for TSA combined with ISH, including those listed below.

Detection of Repetitive and Single-Copy (Limit 1–5 kb) DNA Sequences in

Cell Preparations
Kerstens et al. (14) first demonstrated this use for TSA in preparations of normal
human peripheral blood smears with labeling of chromosomes 3 (pα3.5) and 12
(pα 12H8) with centromeric DNA probes. HuαC on chromosome 14q32 and Bcl-2 on
chromosome 18q21 were labeled with biotin-14-dATP. The size range of the probes
varied from 2.8 (Bcl-2) to 16 kb (Huαc). After TSH, detection of the resultant signals
with both FISH and BRISH was successfully performed. Notably, the increased signal
obviated the need for a CCD camera or signal enhancement. TSA was also successfully
performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded bladder carcinoma cases using the
same probes and detection techniques (14).

Detection of up to Three Different DNA Sequences Simultaneously in

Cell Preparations
Initially, the use of TSA in the simultaneous evaluation of multiple signals was
limited by the relatively small number of labeled tyramides described in the literature.
This situation was alleviated by Hopman et al. (10), who described synthesis techniques
for the synthesis of numerous tyramide conjugates, including conjugates of biotin,
digoxigenin, trinitropenyl, and fluorochrome. These authors compared the performance
of these conjugates with a preparation of human transitional cell carcinoma cells and
methanol/acetic acid-fixed lymphocyte metaphase spreads. DNA probes for chromo-
somes 1q12, 1q36, 1q42-43, and 4p16 labeled with biotin-11-dUTP, digoxigenin-11-
dUTP, or fluorescein-12-dUTP were used. After TSA with amino coumarine acid-
tyramide, rhodamine-tyramide, and fluorescein-tyramide, FISH could successfully dis-
cern three discrete signals for the three chromosome 1 probes using the TCC cell
line (10,17).
Tyramide Amplification Methods 119

Detection of Low- or Single-Copy DNA sequences of Intracellular

Organisms or Viruses such as Human Papillomavirus in Tissue and
Cell Preparations
Using TSA with a streptavidin-Nanogold and silver autometallography detection
system. Zehbe et al. (20) were able to detect single human papillomavirus (HPV)-16
DNA copies in the SiHa cell line. Cheung et al. (23) reported the results of a comparison
of three different methods for the detection of HPV in 61 formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded cervical carcinoma specimens. Using a biotinylated probe for HPV serotypes
16/18, 65.6% of cases were positive by TSA, compared with 39.3% by conventional
streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase ISH and 44.3% by streptavidin-Nanogold-silver ISH.
Moreover, in examining the staining pattern of the TSA method, it was apparent that
TSA was capable of detecting single copies of HPV-16/18 DNA (23–25). This was
first reported for FISH by Adler et al. (26), compared TSA methodologies for the
detection of HPV-16 in two different cell lines. He noted high sensitivity after optimiza-
tion of TSA. Probe size appeared to be a factor: the number of positive cells was
approximately proportional to the size of the probe used. A 293-bp probe appeared
suboptimal, whereas probes ≥619 bp gave better results. The sensitivity of the test was
excellent: detection of two copies of HPV-16 DNA was possible in one cell line (SiHa).
Use of the cyanine 3 tyramide was recommended for maximization of sensitivity and
best signal resolution and was particularly useful in detection of HPV DNA in the
SiHa cell line, which had a low copy number (26) (Fig. 3).

Detection of rRNA and mRNA Within Cells

TSA has been of proven use in detection of rRNA and mRNA in systems. Reed et
al. (27) developed a probe directed against a gene encoding a cyclin D-1 analog in
human herpes virus 8 (HHV8). Because the HHV8 levels in cases of Kaposi’s sarcoma
are presumably quite low, highly sensitive molecular methods such as PCR-ISH and
PCR were necessary to detect the virus in biopsy specimens. As discussed previously,
PCR-ISH is a problematic system, and the infected cell type cannot be localized using
PCR. Using TSA with a biotin-conjugated tyramide and the aforementioned probe,
Reed et al. (27) were able to localize HHV8 successfully to a specific KS cell type.
Since the detected signal diminished markedly after treatment with RNAse, the probe
appears to be directed toward the gene mRNA.

Other Uses
Although this chapter is limited to a discussion of ISH methods using TSA, it
should be noted that there are several other uses for TSA in diagnostic and
experimental pathology. Adapting biotinylated tyramides for use in immunohistochem-
istry, Adams (8) reported a 1000-fold increase in sensitivity in tissue compared
with specimens prepared by the conventional avidin-biotinylated complex technique.
Others have reported much more modest increases in sensitivity using TSA and
immunohistochemistry, on the order of 5–50% compared with conventionally treated
specimens (26,28–30). The interested reader is directed to a recent review of these
subjects (17).
120 Frater and Tubbs
Tyramide Amplification Methods 121

Fig. 3. Signal amplification achieved with CARD. (A) SiHa cells, known to contain 1–2
copies of HPV-16 per cell, conventional chromogenic ISH. HPV is undetected (DAPI/H2O2
detection). (B) SiHa cells, CARD ISH procedure; 1–2 copies of HPV identified (DAPI/H2O2
detection). (C) CaSki cells, conventional chromogenic ISH (DAPI/H2O2 detection). (D) CaSki
cells, CARD ISH. Numerous and in part confluent signals are identified (DAPI/H2O2 detection).

An interesting new development that may further increase TSA sensitivity involves
its use in conjunction with branched DNA (bDNA) ISH. bDNA, (also called oligodeoxy-
ribonucleotide) is another method whereby signal amplification may be improved.
bDNA has been tested most extensively in quantitative measurement of viral load in
chronic hepatitis in the solution phase. After nucleic acid denaturation and hybridization
of probes to target and solid phase performed in the usual fashion, the bDNA multimer
is then hybridized to the probe. After the incorporation of alkaline phosphatase molecules
into the bDNA, the system acts as a signal amplifier. This method has been successful
in detection of viral nuclei acid with a detection limit of 1–3 plaque-forming units
(pfu). This method has been reported to be highly reproducible and easy for experienced
lab personnel to perform (31–33). In combination with TSA, further increases in
sensitivity are theoretically possible. Because of the reported reproducibility and ease
of handling of bDNA, this may be feasible with no appreciable loss of specificity.
Flow cytometry is another modality that has been reported to benefit from TSA
technology. Kaplan and Smith (34) compared fluorescence intensity of conventionally
and TSA-treated samples from the Jurkat malignant T-cell line. They reported a 10–100-
fold increase in amplification using TSA for a number of antibodies (MHC class I, CD5,
CD3, CD4, CD6, CD7, CD34, CD45, MHC class II, Fas ligand, and phosphatidylserine).
TSA has been adapted for a number of sophisticated clinical and research uses,
including high-resolution mapping of DNA sequences, multiple color techniques for
simultaneous detection of multiple probes, and comparative genomic hybridization
(34a). Combined FISH/immunohistochemistry with TSA has been described, which
allows simultaneous detection of glial cell line-derived neurotropic factor 2 mRNA
and localization of its co-receptor Ret (35). Comparative genomic hybridization may
be particularly useful in the assessment of tumors. Another study, looking at the
122 Frater and Tubbs

assessment of numerical chromosomal aberrations in pituitary adenomas, reveals another

advantage of TSA. Results of FISH and TSA of a group of these tumors were not
significantly different. However, unlike FISH, cases treated by TSA could be stored
for long periods, a particularly useful property when assessing clinical specimens (35a).
TSA was adapted for ultrastructural studies by Schöfer et al. in 1997 (36). Using a
gold-conjugated antibody similar to that described by Hainfeld (37) to detect the
tyramide-conjugated complex, the technique was used for electron microscopic detection
of spermatid DNA, skeletal muscle actin, and rDNA after ISH.

1. Tubbs, R. R., Pettay, J., Grogan, T., et al. (2000) Super sensitive in situ hybridization
by tyramide signal amplification (TSA) and nanogold-silver staining: the contribution
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3. Bobrow, M. N., Harris, T. D., Shaughnessy, K. J., and Litt, G. J. (1989) Catalyzed reporter
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6. Bobrow, M. N., Litt, G. J. (1993) Method for the detection or quantitation of an analyte using
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7. Raap, A. K., van de Corput, M. P. C., Vervenne, R. A. W., van Gijlswijk, R. P. M., Tanke,
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9. Totos, G., Tbakhi, A., Hauser-Kronberger, C., Tubbs, R. R. (1997) Catalyzed reporter
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11. Macechko, P. T., Krueger, L., Hirsch, B., Erlandsen, S. R. (1997) Comparison of immuno-
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14. Kerstens, H. M. J., Poddighe, P. J., Hanselaar, G. J. M. (1995) A novel in situ hybridization
Tyramide Amplification Methods 123

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(1996a) Horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligonucleotides and fluorescent tyramides for rapid
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16. Van Gijlswijk, Wiegant, J., Raap, A. K., and Tanke, H. J. (1996b) Improved localization
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17. Speel, E. J. M., Hopman, A. H. N., and Komminoth, P. (1999) Amplification methods to
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20. Zehbe, I., Hacker, G. W., Su, H., Hauser-Kronberger, C., Hainfeld, J. F., and Tubbs,
R. (1997) Sensitive in situ hybridization with catalyzed reporter deposition, streptavidin-
nanogold, and silver acetate autometallography: detection of single-copy human papilloma-
virus. Am. J. Pathol. 150, 1553–1561.
21. Speel, E. J. M. (1999) Detection and amplification systems for sensitive, multiple-target
DNA and RNA in situ hybridization: looking inside cells with a spectrum of colors.
Histochem. Cell Biol. 112, 89–113.
22. Teramato, N., Szekaly, L., Pokrovskaja, K., et al. (1998) Simultaneous detection of two
independent antigens by double staining with two mouse monoclonal antibodies. J. Virol.
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23. Cheung, A. L. M., Graf, A-H., Hauser-Kronberger, C. H., Dietze, O., Tubbs, R. R., and
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of peroxidase, nanogold, and catylized reporter deposition (CARD)-nanogold in situ hybrid-
ization. Mod. Pathol. 12, 689–696.
24. Sano, T., Hikino, T., Niwa, M. T. Y., et al. (1998) In situ hybridization with biotinylated
tyramide amplification: detection of human papillomavirus DNA in cervical neoplastic
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26. Adler, K., Erickson, T., and Bobrow, M. High sensitivity detection of HPV-16 in SiHa and
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(1998) Demonstration of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpes virus cyclin D homolog in
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28. De Haas, R. R., Verwoerd, N. P., Van Der Corput, M. P., Van Gijlswijk, R. P., Siitari, H.,
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29. Kressel, M. (1997) Tyramide amplification allows anterograde tracing by horseradish peroxi-
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38. Van de Corput, M. P. C., Dirks, R. W., van Gijlswijk, R. P. M., and van de Rijke, F. M.
(1998) Fluorescence in situ hybridization using horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligodeoxy-
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TSA 125


TSA by Rapp et al., 1995


This is the first TSA protocol reported in the literature, described by Raap et al. in
1995 (7). It was subsequently refined and reported in greater detail by other authors
but is provided here to illustrate further the basic principles common to all TSA protocols.


The authors performed the following procedure: a 1 mg/mL biotin-tyramide stock

solution (NEN-duPont) was diluted 1:1000 in 0.2 M Tris-HCl, 10 mM imidazole at
pH 8.8. H2O2 was then added to achieve a final concentration of 0.01%.


Tyramides were synthesized using 25 µL of 150 mM tyramine (Aldrich) in dimethyl

sulfoxide (DMSO) with 50 µL of 160 mM N-hydroxysuccinimide esters of the fluoro-
chromes (Boehringer Mannheim). Tyramine stock solutions (1 mg/mL) were prepared.
The peroxidase reaction with the fluorochrome-labeled tyramides was 10 min at room
temperature with a 1:1000 dilution of the stock solution in 0.2 M Tris-HCl, 10 mM
imidazole, 0.1% H2O2 at pH 8.8.


ISH was performed by the usual method. Experiments were performed using DNA
with biotin- or digoxigenin-dUTP DNA ISH, using human chromosome spreads, and
RNA ISH with HeLa rat-9G cells and Plasmodium berghei.


Slides were incubated with either streptavidin-peroxidase or anti-digoxin-peroxidase.

The former was provided by Vector in the original report and the latter by Boehringer
Mannheim. After the washing stage, the biotin-tyramide solution was incubated for
15 min.


The slides were then washed, incubated in streptavidin-FITC, washed, and mounted
in Vectashield (Vector), a commercially available antifading agent.
126 Protocols

CARD/TSA with Nanogold

The following protocol is adapted from a recent review of the subject (1); it uses
CARD/TSA in combination with Nanogold, a technique successfully employed to detect
such minute targets as single human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA copies. Nanogold was
first reported by Hainfeld for use in electron microscopy and subsequently adapted for
this current use (9,23,37). An advantage of this technique is that it can be successfully
employed in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections as well as formalin-
fixed cytologic specimens. As is true with the other protocols, the extreme sensitivity
of this method can cause problems with excessive background staining when issues
with fixation and probes arise.

Specimens are deparaffinized with fresh xylene washes (2 × 15 min each) followed
by rinsing in absolute EtOH (2 × 5 min). The specimens are then treated with a solution
of 3% hydrogen peroxide in methanol at room temperature for 30 min, followed by
rinsing in double-distilled (ultrapure) water for 10 s and phosphate-buffered saline
(PBS) for 3 min. After this, the specimens are incubated with 0.1 mg/mL proteinase
K (Boehringer Mannheim) in PBS at 37°C for approx 8 min. This last time may be
variable, and optimization is necessary. Microwave treatment at this point may be
helpful. The specimen is then washed twice with PBS, 3 min each, and then with
ultrapure water for 10 s. The specimens are then hydrated with graded EtOH (50, 70,
100%) for 5 min each, followed by air-drying.

Specimens are first prehybridized with a 1:1 solution of deionized formamide and
20% dextran sulfate in 2× standard saline citrate (SSC) at 50°C for 5 min. After careful
shaking of the prehybridization block, 1 drop of biotinylated DNA probe is added on
the section, which is then covered with a cover slip. Entrapment of air bubbles under
the cover slip is to be carefully avoided. The DNA is then denatured by heating the
sections on heating blocks at 92–94°C for 8–10 min. The sections should then be
incubated in a moist chamber for at least 2 h. The sections are then washed with two
changes of 2× SSC for 5 min each, followed by washes with 0.5× SSC, 0.2× SSC,
and then distilled water, which should remove the cover slips and prepare the sections
for the next step.


Place the slides in Lugol’s iodine solution (Merck) for 5 min. Then wash them with
tap water, followed by double-distilled water. Wash with 2.5% sodium thiosulfate until
the sections are colorless (this should take a few seconds). Wash the sections in distilled

water for 2 min. Drain the sections, wipe the parts of the slide around the section, and
apply PAP-pen (Dako) to the area of the slide adjacent to the sections. Then incubate
the sections with blocking solution (4× SSC containing 5% casein sodium salt or 0.5%
blocking powder [NEN Life Science]). Wash the sections in 4× SSC containing Tween-
20 (Boehringer Mannheim) for 2 min.

Incubate sections with streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (Dako) at room tem-
perature for 30 min. Wash with three changer of 4× SSC containing 0.05% Tween-20
for 2 min each, followed by two changes of PBS for 2 min each. Then incubate the
sections with biotinylated tyramide at room temperature for 10 min (NEN kit) or 15 min
(Dako). Follow manufacturers’ recommendations for appropriate use of these products.

Immerse the sections in PBS containing 0.1% fish-gelatin for 5 min. Then incubate
the sections with streptavidin-Nanogold (Nanoprobes) diluted 1:750 in PBS containing
1% bovine serum albumin at room temperature for 60 min. Then wash in three changes
of PBS-gelatin for 5 min each. After this, wash the specimens in ultrapure (EM
grade) water.

Perform silver acetate autometallography or GoldEnhance development (Nano-
probes) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

After performing autometallography, counterstain sections with hematoxylin and
eosin or nuclear fast red, dehydrate, and mount using Permount or DPX. Avoid the
use of Eukitt for this purpose.

Tyramide-enhanced FISH with Peroxidase-labeled


Detection of cellular mRNA can be difficult for a number of reasons. First, compared
with DNA, RNA degrades much more rapidly, requiring prompt specimen treatment
for detection by FISH. Also, mRNA is present in relatively small quantities within the
cell compared with DNA. For this reason, low sensitivity has plagued many attempts
at RNA detection. Because of its greater sensitivity, FISH with radioactive probes has
been successful. However, the current attempts to minimize the use of radioisotopes
in the clinical laboratory setting has made this method problematic. An additional
128 Protocols

problem encountered when using small probes is an unacceptable signal/noise ratio,

resulting in decreased sensitivity. The noise appears to result from nonspecific probe
binding and nonspecific binding of immunologic detection layers (38,39).
To alleviate these problems, a method of mRNA detection using horseradish peroxi-
dase-labeled oligodeoxynucleotides in conjunction with TSA has been developed. To
reduce noise, the nonspecific deposition of immunoreactive horseradish peroxidase
moieties is avoided. Instead, oligodeoxynucleotides are directly conjugated to the horse-
radish peroxidase molecules, resulting in greater signal localization.
A number of protocols for mRNA detection by TSA have been described (14,38–42).
The following protocol for mRNA detection by horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligo-
deoxynucleotides and TSA has been described by Van de Corput (38,39).

Two experimental protocols were described. In the first, cells from human urothelial
carcinoma and osteosarcoma cell lines were cultured on uncovered glass slides.

The target RNA was denatured prior to hybridization with 70% deionized formamide/
2× SCC. Following this, 10 µL of hybridization mixture was added, and a cover slip
was placed on each slide. Hybridization was performed in a moist chamber and lasted
30 min. Next, the cover slips were removed, and the cells were washed with 2× SSC
and 40% formamide (5 min) and 2× SSC. Then the cells were again washed three
times at 2 min each with 2× SSC and rinsed with TBS (100 mM Tris-HCl, 150 mM
NaCl) with 0.05% Tween-20. The hybridization product was detected using TSA with
reagent (NEN Life Science Products) with a 30-min incubation.


A 40-mer 28S ribosomal RNA-specific ODN probe labeled with Texas Red was
used for staining. Hybridization for 20 min was performed. The slides were then washed
with 2× SSC, dehydrated, air-dried, and embedded in Vectashield (Vector, Burlingame,
CA). 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol · 2HCl (DAPI) was used as the nuclear counterstain.

The slides were examined using a standard microscope with a single-bandpass filter
for fluorescein and Texas Red.

Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization

Akira Matsuno, MD, PHD, Tadashi Nagashima, MD, PHD,

R. Yoshiyuki Osamura, MD, PHD,
and Keiichi Watanabe, MD, PHD

In 1969, the in situ hybridization (ISH) technique was introduced for the detection
of ribosomal RNA gene products (1,2). Many investigators have since improved this
technique to identify specific genes or gene products in cells. The development of
synthetic oligonucleotide probes, which could be easily designed and produced, contrib-
uted greatly to the refinement of ISH (3). Nonradioactive synthesized oligonucleotide
probes labeled with biotin or digoxigenin were introduced for the detection of ISH
signals (4,10). ISH under a brightfield light microscope (LM-ISH) has since become
a widely used method for examining the tissue distribution and expression of mRNA.
The LM-ISH method is lacking in the resolution required for studies on the spatial
relationship between mRNA and the protein product. This type of information can only
be provided by ultrastructural studies.
Ultrastructural ISH with an electron microscope (EM-ISH) is a recently developed
technique and is essential for the intracellular identification of mRNA and to study the
role of mRNA in protein synthesis. Ultrastructural ISH for RNA was first described
by Jacob et al. (11). This method has been further developed by several investigators
(12–26). Three different approaches have been applied by investigators to EM-ISH
studies: the preembedding method (13,17,21–26), the nonembedding method using
ultrathin frozen sections (14,15), and the postembedding method (18–20,24,26).
Recently, we developed a nonradioisotopic EM-ISH method using biotinylated synthe-
sized oligonucleotide probes and applied it to the ultrastructural visualization of growth
hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) mRNAs and pathophysiological studies in rat
pituitary cells (24–26). In addition, we developed a combined EM-ISH and immunohis-
tochemistry method for the purpose of simultaneous identification of pituitary hormone
and its message in the same cell (27–33). In this chapter, the previously reported EM-
ISH techniques including our nonradioisotopic EM-ISH method are reviewed, along
with our combined immunohistochemistry and nonradioisotopic preembedding ISH
methods. We also present an overview on the methods reported in the literature.

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

130 Matsuno et al.


Preparation of Biotinylated Synthesized Oligonucleotide Probes
We have utilized biotinylated synthesized oligonucleotide probes for the detection
of pituitary hormone, GH, and PRL mRNA in pituitary cells. The sequences of the
oligonucleotide probes for rat GH and PRL mRNAs are 5′-dATC GCT GCG CAT
GTT GGC GTC and 5′-dGGC TTG CTC CTT GTC TTC AGG, respectively (34).
Both the antisense and sense oligonucleotide probes were synthesized with a DNA
synthesizer (model 392, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and biotinylated by a
3′-end labeling method using ENZO’s terminal labeling kit (ENZO, Farmingdale, NY),
according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The specificities of the biotinylated probes
for both hormone mRNAs were confirmed with Northern blot hybridization, using total
RNA extracted from normal male Wistar-Imamichi rat pituitary glands (24,25).
As stated above, three different approaches have been applied for this EM-ISH study:
the preembedding method, the nonembedding method using ultrathin frozen sections,
and the postembedding method. The major concerns of EM-ISH are to maintain tissue
morphology and to retain the messages. As Le Guellec et al. (21) have noted, ultrastruc-
tural preservation in EM-ISH using ultrathin frozen sections is poor, and specimens
embedded in Lowicryl K4M exhibit poorer ultrastructural preservation than those
embedded in Epon resin. To obtain satisfactory morphologic preservation, we routine-
ly utilize 6-µm-thick frozen sections fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for the pre-
embedding method and tissues embedded in LR White resin for the postembedding

Preembedding EM-ISH Method

1. Tissues are fixed at 4°C overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde dissolved in 0.01 M phosphate-
buffered saline (PBS), pH 7.4.
2. After immersion in graded concentrations of sucrose dissolved in PBS at 4°C (10% for 1
h, 15% for 2 h, 20% for 4 h), tissues are embedded in Optimal Cutting Temperature (OCT)
compound (Tissue-Tek, Miles Laboratories, Elkhart, IN).
3. Tissue specimens (6 µm thick) are mounted on 3-aminopropylmethoxysilane-coated slides.
4. After air-drying for 1 h, tissue sections are washed in PBS for 15 min.
5. Tissue sections are treated with 0.1 µg/mL proteinase K at 37°C for 30 min, followed by
treatment for 10 min with 0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 M triethanolamine.
6. The slides are washed in 2× sodium chloride, sodium citrate (SSC) at room temperature
for 3 min and then prehybridized at 37°C for 30 min. The prehybridization solution consists
of 10% dextran sulfate, 3× SSC, 1× Denhardt’s solution (0.02% Ficoll/0.02% bovine serum
albumin [BSA]/0.02% polyvinylpyrrolidone), 100 µg/mL salmon sperm DNA, 125 µg/mL
yeast tRNA, 10 µg/mL polyadenylic-cytidylic acid, 1 mg/mL sodium pyrophosphate, pH
7.4, and 50% formamide.
7. The biotinylated probe with the concentration of 0.1 ng/µL is diluted with this prehybridiza-
tion solution and hybridization is carried out at 37°C overnight.
8. The slides are washed at room temperature with 2× SSC, 1× SSC, and then 0.5× SSC for
15 min, respectively.
9. After washing in PBS for 5 min, the slides are dipped in diaminobenzidine (DAB) solution
(incomplete Graham-Karnovsky’s solution) for 1 h.
10. The hybridization signals are detected with streptavidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 131

Fig. 1. Photograph of preembedding EM-ISH for rat GH mRNA. Rat GH mRNA is localized
diffusely on the polysomes of the entire rough endoplasmic reticula (RER). Bar = 200 nm.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

(ABC-HRP), using Vectastain’s ABC kit (Vector, Burlingame, CA), and thereafter hybrid-
ization signals are developed with 0.017% H2O2 in DAB solution (complete Graham-
Karnovsky’s solution) for 7 min. At this stage, hybridization signals are confirmed light
11. 2% osmium tetroxide is applied to the sections for 1 h. After dehydration with graded
ethanol (50, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100%), tissue sections are embedded in Epon resin by the
inverted beam capsule method.
12. Polymerization of Epon resin at 60°C for 2 days. Ultrathin sections are inspected under
electron microscopy.
13. The negative control experiments should include hybridization with probes of sense or
scrambled sequences and without probes, as well as pretreatment with ribonuclease A (100
µg/mL) at 37°C for 45 min before hybridization.

This preembedding EM-ISH study with an antisense biotinylated oligonucleotide
probe localized rat GH mRNA diffusely on the polysomes of the entire rough endoplas-
mic reticulum (RER) (Fig. 1). The preembedding EM-ISH study with a sense probe
for rat GH mRNA showed negative signals (Fig. 2).
132 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 2. Control study with a sense probe for rat GH mRNA. Rat GH mRNA is not localized
on the RER. Bar = 200 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

In the preembedding method, both ultrastructure and mRNA are sufficiently pre-
served. The preembedding method is valuable in that hybridization signals can be
confirmed light microscopically. The only drawback of this preembedding method is
failure of quantification of hybridization signals that are detected enzymatically.
1. Prolonged fixation of the tissues will decrease the messages.
2. Excessive treatment with proteinase K will destroy the morphology.

Postembedding EM-ISH Method

1. Tissues are fixed at 4°C overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde dissolved in PBS and embedded
in LR White resin (Polyscience, Warrington, PA). Tissues are carefully placed at the bottom
of 00 gelatin capsules (Lilly Pharmaceuticals, Indianapolis, IN), which are filled with LR
White resin and sealed.
2. After polymerization at 50°C for 24 h in a vacuum oven, ultrathin sections are retrieved on
nickel grids.
3. After prehybridization at 37°C for 30 min, hybridization is carried out on the grids at 37°C
overnight. The hybridization solution is the same as that used for preembedding method.
The concentration of the oligonucleotide probe is 1 ng/mL.
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 133

Fig. 3. Hybridization signals for rat GH mRNA are localized on the polysomes of the RER
using 20 nm streptavidin gold. Bar = 100 nm. The hybridization signal intensity is lower than
that for the preembedding method. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

4. After hybridization, the grids are dipped in 2× SSC, 1× SSC, and then 0.5× SSC for 5
min, respectively.
5. The hybridization signals are developed for 30 min with 20 nm streptavidin gold (British
Biocell, Cardiff, UK) diluted 1:50 in 1% BSA-PBS. After being dipped in PBS and distilled
water and dried at room temperature, the grids are inspected under electron microscopy.
6. The control experiments are hybridizations with probes of sense or scrambled sequences
and without probes.
The postembedding EM-ISH study localized hybridization signals for rat GH mRNA
on the polysomes of the RER using 20 nm streptavidin gold (Fig. 3). The EM-ISH
study with a sense probe for rat GH mRNA showed no hybridization signals (Fig. 4).
The hybridization signal intensity is lower than that for the preembedding method.
In the postembedding method using tissues embedded in LR White resin, the ultra-
structure is also sufficiently preserved. Compared with the preembedding method, the
postembedding method has several drawbacks: 1) message preservation is difficult
during polymerization of LR White resin at relatively high temperatures for extended
periods, which leads to mRNA degradation; and 2) nonspecific signals may be seen
134 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 4. EM-ISH with a sense probe for rat GH mRNA shows no hybridization signals. Bar =
100 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

due to the nonspecific affinity of gold particles. Quantification of hybridization signals

can be obtained through counting the number of gold particles. Nevertheless, we should
note that the signals may be decreased in the postembedding method.
1. Prolonged fixation of the tissues will decrease the messages.

Nonembedding EM-ISH Method Using Ultrathin Frozen Sections

Morel et al. (14) applied this nonembedding method for the detection of atrial
natriuretic peptide synthesis in pituitary gonadotroph cells. They utilized ultrathin frozen
sections of rat pituitary glands, which were cut at −120°C and mounted on collodion-
coated nickel grids. Ultrathin frozen sections were incubated for 3 h at 40°C with a
2.5 µmol antisense biotinylated oligonucleotide probe. Grids were then washed twice
in 2× SSC at room temperature. Hybridization signals were detected with rabbit anti-
biotin serum and anti-rabbit immunoglobulin G-colloidal gold.
In general, as Le Guellec et al. (21) stated, the nonembedding EM-ISH method using
ultrathin frozen sections may be highly sensitive; however, this method has the drawback
of poor morphologic preservation.
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 135

Fig. 5. Photograph of pituitary cells from female rats given estrogen for 7 weeks subjected
to preembedding electron microscopic ISH. Rat PRL mRNA is localized frequently on the
polysomes of the whirling RER. Bar = 200 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 31.)

Pathophysiologic Studies on Changes in Ultrastructural Expression of Rat

PRL mRNA Induced by Estrogen and Bromocriptine: Preembedding Method
Female Wistar-Imamichi rats treated intramuscularly with 5 mg estradiol dipropionate
(E2 depot: Ovahormon Depot; Teikoku Zoki, Tokyo, Japan) every 4 weeks are sacrificed
3, 5, and 7 weeks after injection, with or without subcutaneous injection of 1 mg
bromocriptine (Novartis, Basel, Switzerland) for 4 days. The anterior lobes removed
from their pituitary glands are immediately fixed at 4°C overnight in 4% paraformalde-
hyde dissolved in PBS and serve for ultrastructural ISH studies. The protocol has been
described above.
Preembedding EM-ISH studies revealed the whirling changes of the RER in the
specimens of female rats given estrogen for 7 weeks and also frequent but focally
localized hybridization signals of rat PRL mRNA on the polysomes of the whirling
RER (Fig. 5). After bromocriptine administration, rat PRL mRNA expression at the
light microscopic level decreased markedly, and electron microscopic examination
revealed diffuse localization of rat PRL mRNA hybridization signals on the distorted,
136 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 6. Electron microscopic observation of pituitary cells after bromocriptine administration

reveals rat PRL mRNA hybridization signals localized on the distorted, vesiculated, and partly
dilated RER, and also increased number of accumulated secretory granules. Bar = 200 nm.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

vesiculated, and partly dilated RER (Fig. 6). There were also increased numbers of
secretory granules, which resulted in increased PRL immunoreactivity induced by
For quantitative analyses of PRL mRNA expression, other experiments including
Northern blot hybridization and LM-ISH studies are required. Using the 32P-labeled
oligonucleotide probe for rat PRL mRNA, a 1.0-kb transcript was detected on the
nitrocellulose membrane, and the PRL mRNA and β-actin mRNA hybridization signal
density ratios for the pituitary glands of untreated, control female rats, those treated
with estrogen alone for 3 and 7 weeks, and those treated with estrogen plus bromocriptine
were evaluated densitometrically (26). As shown in our previous report, the hybridization
signal density of PRL mRNA was enhanced as the duration of estrogen treatment
increased, and it decreased markedly after bromocriptine adminsitration (26). Our
previous LM-ISH studies revealed that the hybridization signals of PRL mRNA from
estrogen-treated rats were more intense than those from normal rats without estrogen
administration; the hybridization signal frequency increased as the duration of estrogen
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 137

treatment increased. After bromocriptine treatment, PRL mRNA expression decreased

considerably (26).
In this study we found a difference in localization of GH and PRL synthesis on the
polysomes of the RER. Hybridization signals of GH mRNA are distributed diffusely
on the entire RER, whereas those of PRL mRNA are scattered and distributed focally on
the RER even after stimulation by estrogen. After bromocriptine treatment, hybridization
signals of PRL mRNA are shown to be distributed diffusely on the RER. These
differences and alterations of mRNA distribution on the RER may be difficult to explain;
however, these phenomena are possibly evoked by the dynamics of signal recognition
particles and their receptors on the RER. EM-ISH is an important technique for clarifying
the intracellular localization of mRNA and the exact site of specific hormone synthesis
on the surface of the RER. As shown in the studies on changes in ultrastructural
expression of PRL mRNA induced by estrogen and bromocriptine, EM-ISH can serve
for morphologic and pathophysiologic investigation on mRNA expression induced by
some stimulatory factors.


As for mRNA preservation, the preembedding EM-ISH method using frozen sections
fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde has more advantages over the postembedding EM-
ISH method using tissues embedded in LR White resin. Frozen sections fixed in
4% paraformaldehyde have better morphologic preservation than immediately frozen
sections. Based on this assessment à propos of maintaining tissue morphology and
retaining the messages, we utilize the preembedding EM-ISH method using 6-µm-thick
frozen sections fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for the simultaneous detection of mRNA
and encoded protein.

Steps 1–11 are the same as described in the section on the preembedding EM-
ISH method.

12. Polymerization of Epon resin at 60°C for 2 days.

13. The ultrathin sections are attached to nickel grids.
14. To retrieve the immunoreactivity of the targeted protein, the ultrathin sections embedded
in Epon resin are etched with 10% H2O2 for 30 min or with 4% sodium periodate for 10
min, followed by washing with distilled water.
15. Immunohistochemical staining is carried out at room temperature for 1 h using the appro-
priate antibody.
16. The grids are washed with 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB), and the immunoreaction is visualized
at room temperature for 1 h with 20 nm protein A colloidal gold (E. Y. Laboratories, San
Mateo, CA) diluted 1:40 in 0.1 M PB.
17. After being washed with 0.1 M PB and distilled water, the grids are dried at room temperature
and observed under an electron microscopy.
18. The immunohistochemical negative control experiment is substitution of normal serum for
the antibody.
138 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 7. Combined immunohistochemistry and preembedding EM-ISH at the ultrastructural

level. Positive signals for rat GH mRNA are localized as osmium black on the polysomes of the
RER using biotinylated antisense oligonucleotide probe. Rat GH protein is identified mainly on
the secretory granules with 20 nm protein A colloidal gold particle (arrow) is also identified in the
cisternae of the RER (arrowhead). Bar = 200 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

As shown in the previous section, EM-ISH with an antisense probe for rat GH
mRNA revealed diffuse localization on the polysomes of the entire RER. Subsequent
immunohistochemical staining using anti-rat GH antibody (monkey, diluted 1:100 with
PBS), supplied by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(NIDDK, Bethesda, MD), and 20 nm protein A colloidal gold identified rat GH on the
secretory granules (Fig. 7). Colloidal gold signals for GH were distributed mainly on
the secretory granules and were also identified in the cisternae of the RER (Fig. 7).
The immunoreactivity retrieved after the etching process with 10% H2O2 was similar
and comparable to that with 4% sodium periodate. Immunohistochemical control experi-
ments substituting normal monkey serum for anti-GH antibody combined with the
preembedding EM-ISH method revealed no reactions of protein A colloidal gold parti-
cles on the secretory granules (Fig. 8).
The only flaw with this combined method is the deosmification and degradation
of the signals of mRNA caused by the etching process using H2O2 or sodium
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 139

Fig. 8. Immunohistochemical control experiments at the ultrastructural level with the substitu-
tion of normal monkey serum for anti-rat GH antibody. No positive reactions of protein A
colloidal gold particles are observed on the secretory granules, whereas positive signals for rat
GH mRNA are identified as osmium black on the polysomes of the RER. Bar = 200 nm.
(Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.)

periodate. To solve this problem, we have recently used LR White resin for tissue
embedment (29).
1. Prolonged fixation of the tissues will decrease the messages.
2. Excessive treatment with proteinase K will destroy the morphology.
3. Excessive etching will shade off the reaction products (osmium black) of mRNA.

Modified Method Using LR White resin

Steps 1–10 are the same as described in the section on the preembedding EM-
ISH method.
11. 2% osmium tetroxide is applied to the sections. After dehydration with graded ethanol (50,
70, 80, 90, 95, 100%), tissue sections are embedded in LR White resin using the inverted
beam capsule method.
12. Polymerization at 50°C for 2 days in a vacuum oven.
13. The ultrathin sections are attached to nickel grids.
14. Immunohistochemical staining is carried out at room temperature for 1 h using the appro-
priate antibody.
140 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 9. Using LR White resin for tissue embedment, rat GH mRNA is also localized on the
polysomes of the entire RER. Subsequent immunohistochemical staining identifies rat GH
protein both on the secretory granules (arrow) and in the cisternae of the RER (arrowhead).
Bar = 200 nm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 31.)

15. The grids are washed with 0.1 M PB, and the immunoreaction is visualized at room
temperature for 1 h with 20 nm protein A colloidal gold diluted 1:40 in 0.1 M PB.
16. After being washed with 0.1 M PB and distilled water, the grids are dried at room temperature
and observed under an electron microscopy.
17. The immunohistochemical negative control experiment is substitution of normal serum for
the antibody.
EM-ISH using LR White resin for tissue embedding also localized rat GH mRNA
on the polysomes of the entire RER (Fig. 9). Subsequent immunohistochemical staining
identified rat GH protein both on the secretory granules and in the cisternae of the
RER (Fig. 9).
As shown in our previous reports (24,25,27,28), GH mRNA is distributed diffusely on
the RER. In these reports using tissues embedded in Epon resin, somewhat heterogeneous
electron density was observed in GH mRNA expression. In LR White resin-embedded
tissues, GH mRNA was also distributed diffusely on the RER, its electron density
PROTOCOL: Ultrastructural In Situ Hybridization 141

being homogeneous. The cause of this difference in electron density of heterogeneity

and homogeneity cannot be determined, but it may be attributed to the characteristic
difference of both resins. As the manufacturer stated, the hydrophilic and low lipid
solvent character of LR White resin is known to promote excellent visualization of
membrane and cytosol structures and thus may be helpful for preservation of the reaction
products in LR White resin-embedded tissues.
1. Prolonged fixation of the tissues will decrease the messages.
2. Excessive treatment with proteinase K will destroy the morphology.
3. Embedding in LR White resin using the inverted beam capsule method may be difficult techni-

There are two major problems to be resolved in the ultrastructural double-staining
method to visualize mRNA and encoded protein simultaneously in the same cell. One
is to retain the messages and the other is to maintain the immunoreactivity of the
encoded protein in the same cell. Based on the aforementioned assessment à propos
of maintaining tissue morphology and retaining the messages, we employ the preembed-
ding EM-ISH method using 6-µm-thick frozen sections fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde
for the simultaneous detection of mRNA and encoded protein. The immunoreactivity
can be retrieved by the etching process with H2O2 or sodium periodate even after
modification such as osmification and embedding in Epon resin, and tissues embedded
in Epon resin can serve for simultaneous ultrastructural detection of messages and
encoded proteins. The only problem is the deosmification and degradation of the mRNA
signals, which are caused by etching with H2O2 or sodium periodate. To solve this
problem, we have recently used LR White resin for tissue embedding (29). In LR
White resin-embedded tissues, retrieval of immunoreactivity with H2O2 or sodium
periodate is not required, and therefore degradation of mRNA signals can be avoided.
To our knowledge, only five reports, except for our previous ones (27–33), describing
the simultaneous ultrastructural detection of mRNA and encoded protein have been
published, in each of which the postembedding EM-ISH method using colloidal gold
particle was utilized (16,35–38). However, in these postembedding EM-ISH studies,
the relatively frequent nonspecific reactions of colloidal gold particles used for the
detection of mRNA were observed in the cisternae of the RER. The EM-ISH method
for Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissues is generally supposed to be faulty in morphologic
preservation. Decreased message preservation was observed in postembedding EM-
ISH studies using LR White-embedded tissues (24,38). From the viewpoint of specific
hybridization signal detection and morphologic preservation, the combined immunohis-
tochemistry and preembedding EM-ISH method is considered superior to the previously
reported postembedding EM-ISH method and is successful and satisfactory for simulta-
neous ultrastructural identification of mRNA and encoded protein.
Translation of mRNA for secreted proteins is initiated on free ribosomes and then
translocated to the polysomes on the RER with the aid of signal recognition particles
once the signal peptide is produced. Synthesized proteins are secreted into the luminal
space of the RER and subsequently transported to secretory granules via the Golgi
142 Matsuno et al.

apparatus. This ultrastructural double-staining method for mRNA and encoded protein
can provide an important clue for elucidating the intracellular correlation of mRNA
translation and secretion of translated protein.

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Quantitation of In Situ Hybridization Analysis

Lars-Inge Larsson, DSC

In situ hybridization is a powerful method for detecting specific DNA and RNA
sequences in cells and tissue sections. Major areas of applications include cytogenetics,
microbiology, and studies of gene expression and regulation. The methods are based
on the fact that the purine and pyrimidine bases that make up DNA (adenine, A;
guanine, G; thymine, T; and cytosine, C) or RNA (A, G, C, and uracil, U) can form
specific base pairs (A-T, A-U, C-G) that link two complementary strands of DNA or
RNA to each other. Thus, provided the sequence of interest (target) is available or
known, it is possible to synthesize and label the complementary sequence and use it
as a probe for in situ hybridization detection of the target. Since the reaction will
contain only four (DNA-DNA, RNA-RNA) or, at most, five (DNA-RNA) bases as
reactants, it is possible to define conditions mathematically under which only totally
complementary sequences will hybridize. The strength of the hybridization is tempera-
ture dependent, and the melting point Tm defines the temperature at which half the hybrids
formed will dissociate or “melt.” The Tm depends on the degree of complementarity (lack
of mismatches), the number of bases (length of the probe), the frequency of GC base
pairs (which bind more strongly than A-T or A-U), and the ionic strength. Addition
of formamide is often used to lower the Tm.
Formulas incorporating all these factors make it possible to define the experimental
conditions needed for a highly specific (stringent) detection of the target with little or
no risk of cross-hybridization to related sequences (1). However, in practice, factors
other than the mathematically definable base-pairing will contribute to nonspecific
staining, and one should be aware that this method is also not without its caveats
and pitfalls. These sources of error can, however, be reasonably well identified and
circumvented by the use of appropriate controls and supportive biochemical procedures.
Thus, in situ techniques have a great appeal and impact on many basic scientific as
well as diagnostic disciplines.
Every examination of an object involves a comparison with other objects and, hence,
a quantitation. Descriptions of cytochemical reactions usually involve expressions like
strong, medium, and weak reactivity, implying a visual quantitation that is unsubstanti-
ated by real measurements. This can be problematic because humans are ill-equipped

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

146 Larsson

Fig. 1. A demonstration of the imperfection in our perception of intensities. The four larger
squares are of different intensities; the centrally placed smaller squares are of exactly the same
intensity. However, depending on whether the small squares are placed against a darker or
lighter background, we perceive them as being either lighter or darker, respectively.

to handle visual evaluation of intensities or gray values. As illustrated in Fig. 1, our

eyes are much better at judging differences in contrast than differences in absolute
intensity. This may have an evolutionary background. Thus, if we encounter a bear in
the forest it is more valuable to observe its movements (= changes in contrast) than
its absolute gray value. The latter is best left to computer-based image analysis, as is
the quantitative evaluation of in situ hybridization results. In addition, such analyses
may contribute additional valuable information including the number, size, form factor,
perimeter, and so forth of bears and cells.
Quantitative in situ hybridization is often the only way to study changes in defined
cell populations. Thus, it is not always possible to microdissect tissue regions or cells
for chemical analysis. Accordingly, the literature abounds with examples of quantitation
by in situ hybridization techniques. The vast majority of such studies report on relative
quantitations only. As we discuss further on, many factors cause the efficiency of
hybridization to be relatively small, and this may prevent calculations of the true
numbers of target sequences that were present in the living cell. Thus, quantitations
are usually relative and refer either to relative intensities or to numbers of hybridizable
copies. Such relative comparisons have proved to yield highly useful information,
which, if needed, can be supplemented with chemical quantitations. In the following,
I discuss different aspects of quantitation as illustrated in the chart depicted in Fig. 2.
These considerations primarily apply to detection of RNA expression, since this is the
area in which almost all quantitative work has been done.

In situ hybridizations require that cells and tissues be fixed as soon as possible.
Thus, RNA in particular is very vulnerable to degradation. For quantitative studies,
standardized tissue handling and rapid fixation is of utmost importance.
The purpose of the fixation for in situ hybridization is threefold: 1) to inhibit
nucleases that may degrade the target, 2) to immobilize the target, and 3) to preserve
the morphology. To obtain a rapid and uniform fixation of the tissue, we prefer to use
perfusion fixation. If this is not possible, thin slices (1 mm thick) of tissue are cut and
immersed in fixative. Handling of clinical material is problematic as it is often difficult
to standardize. To correct for variations in tissue quality, reference hybridizations to
ubiquitous RNAs like ribosomal RNAs have been suggested (2). A problem inherent
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 147

Fig. 2. Flow chart summarizing essential steps in quantitation of in situ hybridization as

discussed in the text. At the lower right corner is a simplified cartoon of a cell that is digitized,
thresholded into a binary image, and measured as described in the Image Analysis section.
148 Larsson

in the use of reference RNAs is that housekeeping and ribosomal RNAs may also
change under experimental and pathologic conditions (3).
Although in the past many different fixatives have been used for in situ hybridization,
there is now general consensus that formaldehyde-based fixatives are preferable. At
the conditions of temperature, concentration, and pH commonly used, formaldehyde
does not react chemically with nucleotides but acts by trapping target sequences in a
crosslinked protein network.
The fixed tissue may be embedded either in paraffin or in plastic, cut on a Vibratome,
or be frozen for cryostat sectioning. Formaldehyde-fixed cultured or isolated cells may
be stored dry or in 70% ethanol. In addition, methods for freezing unfixed tissues
directly for cryostat sectioning or for freeze-drying have been used (4–10). Whatever
method is chosen, the ensuing sectioning must meticulously avoid contaminating the
tissue with RNases. Use of contaminated microtome knives is one obvious risk. A
second risk is connected with the use of proteins like albumin, gelatin, or egg white
for attaching sections to slides. Many of these adhesives are contaminated with RNases
and should be avoided. The use of silane-coated slides, which are expensive to buy
but may be inexpensively manufactured in the laboratory (9), circumvents this problem.
Needless to say, close attention should be paid to the potential contamination of
laboratory equipment and water with RNases. In our experience, water quality may
represent a considerable problem and many workers prefer to add diethylpyrocarbonate
(DEPC) to their distilled water, to inhibit RNases. One should be aware that handling
of this chemical poses a certain health hazard and that appropriate routines for destroying
it by autoclaving are necessary (11). If tissue sections are used for hybridization, due
attention should be paid to the reproducibility of the section thickness, as this parameter
influences both background and signal (12).
The next step of the procedure usually involves permeabilization. Thus, depending
on the tissue and the conditions of fixation and embedding, target sequences may
become more or less inaccessible to the probes. Fixation in conventional 10% buffered
formalin combined with paraffin embedding may totally mask target sequences, whereas
the same fixation combined with cryostat sectioning causes much less masking (7).
Moreover, in certain cell types like keratinocytes, masking will be more severe than
in other cells, due to the content of keratins and other cell-specific proteins.
Accordingly, it is not possible to establish one single permeabilization protocol that
will work for all tissues and pretreatment procedures. Popular methods for permeabiliza-
tion include the use of proteolytic enzymes like proteinase K or pepsin. Digestion with
these enzymes must be carefully optimized since underdigestion produces a suboptimal
signal, and overdigestion may lead to extraction of target. Thus, use of these methods
often results in a compromise between unmasking and loss of target sequences. This
is one of the reasons why accurate enumeration of endogenous target copies is difficult
or impossible. A further problem rests with the use of proteinase K. Being a natural
product, this enzyme is contaminated with RNases, and it is therefore recommended
to let it autodigest (and thus proteolytically to destroy nucleases) before use. This is
not necessary with pepsin, which is used in 0.2 M hydrochloric acid, where nucleases
are inactive. However, pepsin performs best in certain tissues, and proteinase K is best
in others (11). This may reflect differences between cellular proteins and restricts our
options for permeabilization. Despite their shortcomings, proteases are needed for
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 149

Fig. 3. Effectiveness of different permeabilization methods (pepsin, proteinase K [PK], HCl,

saponin, and sodium dodecyl sulphate [SDS]) on detectability of somatostatin mRNA-positive
cells in formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded rat gastric mucosa. Note that in this type of tissue
only the proteases yield effective permeabilization.

obtaining optimal results in most tissues (Fig. 3). After protease digestion, many workers
postfix sections briefly in formaldehyde to prevent losses of target molecules. In cases
of weakly fixed cells and tissues, no or weaker permeabilizing agents like hydrochloric
acid or sodium dodecyl sulfate may be used (8).
Different methods are used after permeabilization to minimize nonspecific binding
of the probe. These include acetylation of positively charged tissue amino groups,
which otherwise may bind the probe ionically. In addition, prehybridization with inert
DNA and/or RNA are often used. In many cases, these procedures are needed, but it
may be worthwhile to check whether they really are helpful. Sometimes prehybridization
may in fact increase background.


After the pretreatments discussed above, sections are hybridized with labeled probes.
The choice of probe and labeling method is dictated by availability, expertise, and
purpose. Certain rules apply, however. Thus, with double-stranded targets (genomic
DNA), double-stranded probes are preferred, whereas single-stranded probes should
be used for single-stranded targets. In the case of double-stranded probes and targets,
it is necessary first to denature them (melt the complementary strands apart) and
then to prevent both target and probe from reannealing before hybridization occurs.
Hybridization to both strands of the target will produce a stronger signal. Conversely,
in the case of single-stranded targets like mRNA, only the antisense strand of a double-
stranded probe will be able to hybridize, whereas the other (sense) strand will merely
contribute to the background. Moreover, in sections and cells, the probe molecules
have to diffuse for a considerable distance before hybridizing to their target. This carries
the risk that double-stranded probes may reanneal before hybridizing. For all these
150 Larsson

reasons, single-stranded probes are preferred for mRNA hybridizations. Three types
of probes are used for this purpose: 1) synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide (oligo) probes,
2) RNA probes, and 3) single-stranded polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-generated
DNA probes.
Oligo-probes are synthesized on DNA synthesis machines and may be labeled either
during or after synthesis. Radioactive labeling is performed after synthesis either by
enzyme-catalyzed incorporation of radioactive phosphor in the 5′-end or of radioactive
nucleotides in the 3′-end (13). The latter reaction is catalyzed by terminal deoxynucleoti-
dyl transferase (terminal transferase) and is the most common approach for labeling
oligoprobes. The nucleotides may be labeled with several different isotopes, including
H, 35S, 32P, or 33P. Of these, 35S and 33P are preferred. 3H is seldom used since the
energy of its radiation is so low that much of it is absorbed within the tissue before
reaching the autoradiographic emulsion. Consequently, 3H produces a very precise, but
insensitive, localization. The opposite applies to 32P, which produces radiation of such
high energy that the precision of localization suffers. Thus, 32P may be used for low-
resolution work for which cellular precision is not needed but high sensitivity is required.
A further concern relates to the shelf life of these probes. Thus, whereas 3H has a very
long shelf life, 32P-labeled probes can at most be stored for a week. 35S and 33P have
better precision and longer shelf life than 32P and possess a higher sensitivity than 3H.
Accordingly, these two isotopes are the ones usually employed for radioactive in situ
hybridization and quantitation (14).
These isotopes have been extensively used for quantitative in situ hybridizations in
the central nervous system. In the gastrointestinal tract, 35S-labeled probes have caused
problems by binding nonspecifically to a population of connective tissue cells (15,16).
Although this source of error can be detected by appropriate controls, it is nevertheless
disturbing. Interestingly, the nonspecific binding is 35S-specific and is not seen with
nonradioactively labeled probes (15). It may reflect reactions with disulphide-rich pro-
Nonradioactive, chemical labeling of oligo-probes may be carried out either during
or after synthesis. Our studies have demonstrated that such nonenzymatic labeling can
be highly advantageous (7,17). It results in sizeable quantities of probes that contain
only the specified number of reporter molecules and, accordingly, produce highly
reproducible results. In contrast, incorporation of nonradioactively labeled nucleotides
in the 3′-end by terminal transferase produces a highly heterogeneous mixture of probes
that may vary severalfold in tail length (7). This reduces the sensitivity of detection
(7). Moreover, the quality of different batches of terminal transferase may vary, leading
to problems with reproducibility that are not encountered with chemically labeled probes.
In our routine, oligo-probes averaging 30 nucleotides in length (30-mers) are labeled
with three or four biotin or digoxigenin molecules in the 3′-end (5). Addition of more
markers per oligoprobe does not seem to improve sensitivity. Although biotin is often
an excellent nonradioactive marker for in situ hybridization, it produces problems in
tissues that are rich in biotin, like the pancreas. Problems may also occur with cells
cultured in biotin-rich media. Although methods and commercial kits for blocking
endogenous biotin exists, they have not been entirely satisfactory. Therefore, use of
digoxigenin as a marker is preferred when biotin background is a problem. Alternatively,
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 151

other markers like fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) may be used alone or in combina-
tions with biotin or digoxigenin for multiple hybridizations. Digoxigenin has stood
the test of time as a reporter yielding very low background even after prolonged
People buying oligo-probes from commercial vendors should take care to specify
that the oligos are intended for use as probes and not as PCR primers. The reason for
this is that PCR primers can be fabricated cheaply with dilute chemistry in the DNA
synthesis machines, whereas oligo-probes need to be of better quality. Methods for
selecting oligonucleotide probes have been discussed elsewhere (5,18,19).
RNA probes are usually produced by in vitro transcription. They can be generated
from sequences cloned into suitable vectors or may be generated by PCR using primers
that incorporate short synthetic RNA polymerase promoter sequences (20,21). Needless
to say, they are more vulnerable to degradation than DNA probes. However, this is not
a major issue since RNase-free conditions are needed anyway for mRNA hybridization.
During in vitro transcription, the probes may be labeled with either radioactively (usually
S) or nonradioactively (usually digoxigenin) tagged nucleotides (22,23). Subsequently,
they are usually hydrolyzed to fragments of 100–200 bp, as this may improve penetration
into tissues (23). The hybrids that form in the tissue are resistant to RNase (cf. RNase
protection assays), and nonhybridized probes that are trapped nonspecifically in the
tissue can be removed by RNase A digestion after hybridization (21,22). This may
dramatically reduce background.
PCR-generated single-stranded DNA probes may be produced by assymetrical PCR
but are more efficiently produced by the λ exonuclease method (24). They may be
labeled with radioactively or nonradioactively tagged nucleotides during PCR. Apart
from better stability, they have no specific advantages over RNA probes and are less
commonly used.
The selection between labels and probes is dictated by personal experience and by
specific requirements. For instance, a molecular biologist who wants to have a quick
look at the expression pattern of a newly cloned gene would probably reach that goal
most easily by producing a 35S-labeled RNA probe. At the other extreme, clinical
analyses of chromosome abberations will need the better resolution and faster results
provided by nonradioactive hybridization. For quantitative work, the resolution needed
may also vary. Thus, studies of the central nervous system frequently employ low-
resolution analyses of variations of gene expression in macroscopically defined nuclei.
These studies do not require the high resolution offered by the nonradioactive approach.
In contrast, studies at the cellular level generally benefit from nonradioactive methods
that also permit the use of determinations of cell size and number.
Quantitative in situ hybridization results may be misleading if analyses of cell
numbers and sizes are not undertaken (25). In the past, many authors have claimed
that radioactive methods possess a higher sensitivity than nonradioactive techniques.
With the recent demonstration by the Singer laboratory (26) of single-copy detection
by nonradioactive hybridization, this objection no longer seems to hold. Although,
admittedly, single-copy detection is not routinely attainable by either radioactive or
nonradioactive techniques, advances in nonradioactive methods including the use of
catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) techniques (27) in conjunction with sensitive
152 Larsson

digitized image acquisition promises that ultrasensitive detection of hybridization signals

may become routine (28–30). For detection of low copy numbers, it is, however,
imperative that not only the sensitivity of the detection system, but also the preservation
and presentation of target be highly optimized.
Short oligonucleotide probes carry less label than the longer RNA probes and are
therefore less sensitive. However, they are better at detecting small mismatches in
sequences than longer probes. Thus, the presence of mismatches (particularly in the
middle of the sequence) has a much greater impact on the Tm of an oligonucleotide
than of a longer probe (31). Moreover, oligos can be conveniently fabricated and labeled
in quantity. The relative lack of sensitivity of oligo-probes can to some extent be
countered by producing multiple oligos complementary to different regions of the target
to be investigated (5,26,32,33). There are, however, certain constraints imposed on this
approach. Thus, particularly for quantitative purposes, the multiple oligos need to be
carefully matched with respect to Tm. With short target sequences this may be difficult
to achieve. An alternative to conventional oligos is the use of synthetic peptide nucleic
acids (PNA), which bind very avidly to target sequences. So far, PNA probes have
been used mostly for DNA hybridization; with respect to quantitation, they have been
used for estimating telomere lengths in chromosomes (34–37).


For quantitation, probes must usually be added at saturating concentrations (Fig. 4).
This is determined by titrating the amount of probe added until the hybridization signal
reaches a plateau, whereafter further addition of probe produces no further increase in
signal (12). If hybridizations are carried out at low to medium stringency followed by
washing procedures at high stringency, a paradoxic decrease in the hybridization signal
is sometimes observed on addition of surplus amounts of probe (38). This may be
because under low stringency conditions, two or more probe molecules simultaneously
hybridize to the same target and subsequently are washed off at high stringency. To
avoid this pitfall, we both hybridize and wash at high stringency. As discussed in the
following section, saturating probe concentrations may not always be possible. In such
cases, kinetic measurements have to be performed (39,40).

In situ hybridization signals revealed by either autoradiographic or nonautoradio-
graphic techniques can be quantitated. In the neurosciences, a low-resolution approach
for autoradiographic detection is often employed. This method makes use of film sheets
that are placed in contact with the hybridized sections. Following a suitable exposure
time (days to weeks), the sheets are processed for development under standardized
conditions and used for densitometry. The density obtained will be proportional to the
degree of blackening of the film. Measurements should be referred to as density since
the autoradiographic silver grains do not absorb light but block its transmission. In this
type of approach, cellular resolution is not obtained. However, different groups of nerve
cells can be identified and average changes in them recorded. In addition, automatic
imagers can be used for this approach (41,42). For obtaining a higher resolution,
conventional autoradiography using liquid emulsion is employed.
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 153

Fig. 4. Left: Effects of increasing probe concentrations (biotin-labeled 24-mer oligodeoxy-

nucleotide probe complementary to rat proopiomelanocortin mRNA) on the signal (CPV, cor-
rected pixel values; see ref. 12) in rat pituitary melanotrophic cells. Note that probe saturation
occurs at concentrations above 20 ng. Detection was achieved with the ASAP method and
development in BCIP-NBT. Right: Timed development of rat melanotrophic cells hybridized
under the same conditions. Note the clear linear kinetics that prevail initially during development
and that are followed later by a plateau phase.

Both approaches have been carefully evaluated (14,41,43–45). After conventional

autoradiography, the signal can be quantitated by automated or manual grain counting.
Alternatively, density measurements can be employed. Although grain counting proce-
dures can be carried out in either brightfield or darkfield, it has been suggested that
density measurements are best carried out in brightfield (43). Importantly, the autoradio-
graphic signal can be expressed in terms of radioactivity by using commercial or home-
made radioactive standards that are exposed and developed in parallel with the test
sections. Analyses of the standards often reveal nonlinear relationships between the
amount of radioactive standards and the signal (grain number/density), which necessi-
tates use of curve-fitting programs (14). Provided the specific activity of the probe is
known, it is possible to express the radioactivity as number of hybridized probe mole-
cules. Although this is attractive, one should remember that this figure need not reflect
the true number of target molecules that was originally present in the living cell, but
only reflects the number of “hybridizable copies”!
There are also some limitations to the determination of probe-specific activity.
Thus, probes labeled using terminal transferase will, as discussed above, exhibit great
heterogeneity in tail lengths, and the specific activity will represent an average of this
value. Since overlabeled probes hybridize less efficiently to tissues (7), there is a risk
that the overall specific activity does not reflect the specific activity of the population
of probe molecules that actually hybridize. Although this concern does not detract from
the validity of relative quantitations and comparisons, it represents one more obstacle
to calculations of the true number of endogenous target sequences. An alternative
154 Larsson

Fig. 5. Determination of gastrin and somatostatin (SRIF) hybridization intensities (left) and
cell numbers in antrophyloric mucosa of freely fed (FF) rats and in rats that have starved (S)
for 20 and 72 h. The data are expressed as percent changes ± SEM relative to the levels in
freely fed animals. Note that both the hybridization intensity and numbers of gastrin mRNA-
positive cells decrease with starvation, whereas the reverse applies to somatostatin mRNA-
positive cells. The magnitude of these changes would be grossly underestimated were only the
hybridization intensities measured.

method for calculating how many probe molecules have hybridized to the section is
to hybridize with different mixtures of labeled and unlabeled probes (46).
Many studies have documented that it is also possible to quantitate nonradioactive
hybridization using enzymes or fluorescent reporter molecules as markers (3,4,12,34,
35,37,39,47–51). As in conventional hybridization cytochemistry, the nonautoradio-
graphic approach is more complicated. However, in addition to advantages already
mentioned, it also yields superior morphologic definition that allows determinations of
cell sizes and cell numbers. The importance of this aspect is often overlooked in
autoradiographic applications (Fig. 5) (25).
Many studies have employed quantitations using alkaline phosphatase as a marker.
The reason for this is that the pioneering work by Butcher (52,53) on quantitation of
this enzyme made it possible to apply his principles directly to the hybridization
analysis (12). Moreover, several popular in situ hybridization methods employ alkaline
phosphatase as a reporter enzyme for nonradioactive hybridization detection. The devel-
oper mostly used for alkaline phosphatase detection is bromochloroindolyl phosphate-
nitroblue tetrazolium (BCIP-NBT). This developer yields formazan reaction products
that exist in a red-absorbing and a blue-absorbing form. The red product forms first
during development and is responsible for the reddish coloration of weakly reactive
sites, whereas the blue product forms later and imparts a deep blue color to strongly
reactive sites. The mixture of the two produces a purple color of sites of intermediate
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 155

reactivity. To quantitate both forms accurately, it is necessary to measure at the isobestic

wavelength (585 nm) (52,53). Developed sections should not be dehydrated but mounted
in glycerin buffer, since the red product is soluble in ethanol.
Detection of nonradioactive probes may involve either direct methods encompassing,
e.g., alkaline phosphatase-conjugated streptavidin or anti-digoxigenin or more sensitive
multilayered immunocytochemical methods. More recently, CARD methods leading
to peroxidase-catalyzed precipitation of biotin- or fluorescence-labeled tyramides have
been adapted to in situ hybridization (5,28–30).
From the quantitative viewpoint, it is advantageous to use as simple a protocol as
possible since every single step of multilayer methods needs to be carefully controlled.
In practice, this must be balanced against the sensitivity required, and quantitations in
our laboratory are routinely made using a three-step APAAP (alkaline phosphatase-
anti-alkaline phosphatase) (54) or a more sensitive ASAP (as-soon-as-possible or anti-
biotin-streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase method; 17), modified from the method of
Guerin-Reverchon et al. (55). Hopefully, advances in fluorescence-based detection will
make these multilayer methods obsolete.
The detection system needs to be carefully titrated with respect to concentration and
time of application of the reagents so that reagent concentrations are not limiting and
do not contribute to unnecessary background (12). It is also important to control the
development time carefully. Thus, development in alkaline phosphatase initially follows
linear kinetics, leading to a steadily increasing signal. Eventually, a plateau is reached
(Fig. 4). This plateau is first reached by cells containing high target concentrations and
later by cells containing lower concentrations. It is therefore important to perform pilot
experiments to time the development so that all reactive cells are in the linear phase.
This can be done by placing a drop of developer on top of the section, covering with
a cover slip, using a spacer, and measuring intensities at specified intervals. No cover-
slipping is needed if a water immersion objective is used. We have used a Nikon 20×
water immersion objective for this for over 6 years without experiencing any deteriora-
tion in its performance. Following every development cycle, the front lens of the
objective is rinsed with redistilled water. The BCIP-NBT developer is light sensitive,
and care must be taken to expose it to light only when measurements are done. This
can be accomplished by blocking the light from the lamp with, e.g., a black disk.
Shutting the microscope lamp on and off should be avoided, as this may destabilize
the light source.
In a more elegant approach, a mechanical stage on the microscope can be preset to
defined positions, which are automatically recalled at defined intervals. This approach
has been used to measure the initial kinetics of development for in situ hybridizations
(39). Such measurements may be better than end-point measurements of development,
particularly if saturating probe concentrations have not been reached (40). However,
they do tend to make the analysis rather cumbersome since measurements have to be
done during development. Consequently, this limits the number of samples that can
be analyzed. Fortunately, in our experience, end-point measurements are sufficient
under saturating probe conditions and can be made on stored specimens (12).
When the optimal development time has been established (usually leading to much
paler specimens than would be considered optimal for conventional microscopy),
batches of experimental slides are developed together in Coplin jars that are protected
156 Larsson

from light by aluminum foil. Visual inspection of these slides during development
should be avoided. Development is stopped in a buffer containing EDTA for chelating
the divalent cations needed for alkaline phosphatase activity, and the sections are
mounted in a water-miscible medium.


As illustrated in Fig. 2, the image analysis system consists of a microscope, a CCD

camera, and a frame grabber (image digitizer) connected to a computer equipped with
software for image acquisition and analysis. Ready-made, turnkey systems may be
bought from commercial vendors. However, prices may be high. It is also important
to realize that many firms supplying the hardware have little or no background for
knowing the specific requirements for, e.g., in situ hybridization analysis. The advan-
tages of building the system oneself are, first, that it will be cheaper, and second, that
obsolete parts (like the computer) may be exchanged without the need for upgrading
the entire system. This is certainly an important money saver, as requirements may
change with the evolution of new detection systems. It is a cause of considerable
concern that some commercial vendors make it a practice to manufacture new systems
that are totally incompatible with existing versions. Finally, building the system oneself
is arguably the best introduction to image analysis. In the following, I try to cover
several points that are important to both home-made and commercial systems. The
points discussed are pertinent to in situ hybridization and immunocytochemical analysis
but do not take other image-processing requirements into account.
The microscope to be used should include a stabilized (or otherwise stable) light
source. The stability of the light source should be checked by repeated measurements
(using, e.g., sets of neutral density filters from Kodak-Eastman, Rochester, NY) over
time. An infrared filter should be placed in front of the light source. Although it is not
registered by the eye, infrared radiation may considerably disturb the image, as seen
by the CCD camera. Additional filters required include monochrome, bandpass filters
at the optimal wavelength required (e.g., 585 ± 10 nm, for work with BCIP-NBT).
The neutral density filters referred to above are also used for checking the camera
readout and for calibrating the system in OD units. As already emphasized, the 585-
nm bandpass filter is required due to the two peaks of absorbances exhibited by the
BCIP-NBT reaction product. However, to obey Lambert-Beer’s law (56), even reaction
products having a single absorption peak must be measured in monochromatic light
using appropriate bandpass filters. Thus, before measurements are commenced, at least
three sets of filters need to be available.
Additional minor, but necessary, equipment includes a micrometer scale engraved
on a microscope slide for spatially calibrating the system so that measurements can be
expressed in micrometers rather than in pixels.
The microscope is fitted with a mount (usually a C-mount) for connecting the CCD
camera. In cases of microscopes with only one camera exit, a discussion tube may be
used for obtaining an extra exit, e.g., for conventional photomicrography. The CCD
camera should be carefully fitted in the mount. It is not advisable to mount and unmount
the camera repeatedly, as this may result in considerable contamination with dust, in
the worst case on the chip itself. The CCD camera may be either monochrome or color.
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 157

However, as already pointed out, measurements should be carried out in monochromatic

light, so the acquisition of a color camera would have to be motivated by requirements
other than quantitation of in situ hybridizations. If a color CCD camera is selected, we
would recommend a three-chip camera. Thus, one-chip cameras interpret the color
information on only one chip, which leads to poorer image results. For measurements
in brightfield, ordinary CCD cameras can be used. However, such cameras have been
developed for purposes other than image analysis such as surveillance work. Therefore,
they are often equipped with an automatic gain function, which comes into play during
conditions of low light and increases the signal. This, of course, is disastrous to image
analysis work, and the automatic gain of such a camera must be disabled. If the camera
possesses manual gain, this should be set to linear. Moreover, the gamma function of
the camera should also be linear. All these functions can and should be evaluated by
the neutral density filters referred to above, to prove that the system provides a linear
readout over the relevant densities.
A number of more expensive cameras have been developed especially for image analy-
sis and fluorescence work. These cameras often possess the ability to cool the CCD chips,
which reduces noise under low light conditions. While this is not strictly necessary for
the applications discussed here, such cameras may be worth considering due to their
greater versatility and potential for ultrasensitive fluorescence applications. Good discus-
sions of the uses and pitfalls of digitized image acquisition are given in refs. 56–58.
The camera signal is led into a frame grabber or image digitizer. The function of
the latter is to break down the image into a mosaic of small fields, pixels, which are
associated with a gray value and positional coordinates. In this way the original image
is broken down to something reminscent of a spreadsheet with numbers, indicating
gray values in positions corresponding to the original image elements (Fig. 2). This
digital image is interpreted by the computer and displayed as a gray scale image to
the user. Obviously, the more pixels available, the better the original image will be
represented. This is determined by the resolution of the system and is expressed as
pixels per µm. The resolution can be directly calibrated by a micrometer scale and
depends on the quality of the camera. With modern CCD cameras, very high resolutions
can be obtained. This is not always desirable since large images take up many megabytes
of memory and are correspondingly slower to process and analyze. In practice, therefore,
one often works with images of around 512 × 512 pixels, which are convenient to
store and process rapidly.
During image acquisition, it is usually necessary to correct for unevenness of illumina-
tion. This is done by acquiring a blank field, which then is used for shade correction
using one of several possible algorithms. Acquisition of low light levels, e.g., of
fluorescent objects, may result in the appearance of electronic noise in the image. This
is minimized by using cooled CCD cameras and the use of image averaging. Averaging
is achieved by adding a number of images to each other and dividing by their number.
Since the objects of interest will remain in place, while the noise will occur in haphazard
positions, averaging of a sufficient number of images will considerably reduce the
noise. Additional problems with blooming, glare, and so forth may occur during image
acquisition (56).
Once the image has been digitized, a number of different programs can be used for
analyzing it. Typically, these analyses will include measurements of the area (number
158 Larsson

of pixels or µm2) and integrated and mean density of defined objects. Objects (often
referred to as regions of interest [ROIs] can be defined manually by tracing with the
mouse or automatically with a “magic wand” that selects contiguous pixels within a
user-definable tolerance zone of gray values. Most common, however, is the use of
thresholding operations. These usually work through sliders that will define a certain
zone of the grayscale (e.g., 27–81 on a scale from 0 to 255). Pixels with gray values
falling within this user-defined zone will become highlighted (e.g., in red) during the
thresholding. As a consequence, it may be difficult to decide whether the highlighted
pixels correspond exactly to the desired ROI. This is made much easier by simultane-
ously displaying the original grayscale image on the monitor. Regrettably, several image
analysis programs do not offer this valuable option.
In addition to manual or interactive thresholding, it is, under certain circumstances,
possible to define automatic, and thus, objective conditions for thresholding. Under most
circumstances, including in situ hybridization measurements, automatic thresholding is,
however, not possible. To avoid the observer bias that may occur during manual
thresholding (59), coded specimens should be analyzed by one single trained operator.
The conditions for thresholding can be made easier by filtering the grayscale image to
enhance its contrast and definition. Several such filters are standard components of
image analysis programs.
Once thresholding is completed, the positional information (x-y coordinates) of the
ROI pixels can be stored in a bitmap image. This is a binary image in which the pixels
of interest are given the value of 1 and the rest are given the value of 0. Several image
analysis programs provide a set of operators that work on binary images through dilation
and erosion of the pixels. In this way, holes in the original binary image can be closed,
edge-bound objects removed, and shapes defined through masked propagation (dilation
of a seed [eroded] image using another image as a mask, behind the contours of which
the seed image cannot be propagated).
Elegant use of these simple operators can achieve a very precise definition of the
objects to be measured. In their simplest form, measurements can be returned by
multiplying the pixels of the binary image with the pixels of the original (unperturbed)
gray level image. Thus, pixels with the same x-y coordinates will be multiplied with
each other. Since the ROI pixels have the value of 1 (and the rest the value of 0) in
the binary image, only the corresponding gray values will remain in the gray value
image. The histogram of this image can be used for obtaining the density of the ROI
in pixel values (Fig. 2). This represents a simplified account of image measurement
routines, and most commercial image analysis software programs include far more
sophisticated procedures that also return positional information and other parameters.
In addition, background readings should be done and subtracted from the measurements
of the hybridized cells. In many cases, background measurements can be made on
nearby negative cells or section areas. This may not be possible with ubiquitous RNAs,
studies of which may necessitate background readings from control sections (e.g.,
pretreated with RNases before hybridization or hybridized with labeled non-sense or
scrambled probes). For studies of the linearity of the hybridization system, cytochemical
models can be used (12,60) (Fig. 6). If the system is calibrated, the pixel values can
be recalculated to numbers of hybridizable copies of target, OD, or radioactivity units.
Quantitation of ISH Analysis 159

Fig. 6. Cytochemical models using sense sequences of MSH or gastrin immobilized on glass
slides as described (60) and subsequently hybridized with complementary biotinylated probes
followed by alkaline phosphatase-based detection. Note that the signal increases in parallel with
increasing concentrations of target.

The number of ROI pixels will also be known and can be used to calculate mean
density, area, perimeter, form factor, and so on.
Different image analysis packages are available for different needs. One excellent,
introductory possibility is the shareware program NIH Image (available from http://
zippy.nimh.nih.gov or http://rsb.info.nih.gov/NIH-Image/download.html). Unfortu-
nately, this program is only available for use on Macintosh computers. It can be used
alone or in combination with more heavyweight programs like TCL (now SCIL) Image
(TNO Institute of Applied Physics, Delft, The Netherlands). We have used these
programs together on the Macintosh platform for well over 10 years. The NIH Image
program has been used for controlling the frame grabber with respect to shade correction
and frame averaging, whereas most measurements have been performed using the TCL
Image package, which permits some very sophisticated filtering routines on the gray
level as well as on binary images. The TCL/SCIL Image program (61) is available on
many platforms including DOS/Windows.
Another program that is available on both Macintosh and PCs is IP Lab, which we
have had excellent experiences with on the Macintosh platform (IPLab Spectrum, Signal
Analytics, Vienna, Virginia). This program can be used for analysis of both color and
grayscale images. Many of the larger image analysis programs take some time to learn.
This is not the case with the free NIH Image program, which constitutes the main
image analysis package in many laboratories. As an alternative, some workers use the
Adobe Photoshop program for image analysis (62,63). This program is available for
both PCs and Macintoshes. A very worthwhile alternative is the Image-Pro Plus program
(Media Cybernetics, Silver Spring, MD). Compared with other heavyweight image
analysis packages, this program seems to be extremely easy to use. Needless to say,
the above concerns relate only to image analysis programs that we have tested personally,
and many more are available on the market. Fortunately, many demo versions are now
available so one can test the program for free before buying it.
160 Larsson

I thank the Danish Medical Research Council and the Danish Cancer Society for

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Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy

Akira Matsuno, MD, PHD, Johbu Itoh, MD, PHD,

Tadashi Nagashima, MD, PHD, R. Yoshiyuki Osamura, MD, PHD,
and Keiichi Watanabe, MD, PHD

Immunoelectron microscopy and electron microscopic in situ hybridization are
undoubtedly the best methods for following the dynamic changes of subcellular organ-
elles; however, these techniques require specific tissue preparation and equipment.
More recent developments include a more refined and sophisticated technique, confocal
laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), which was originally described by Minsky in 1957
(1) and has since been applied to the field of medical biology. In early experiments,
only fluorescent signals were detectable by CLSM (2–9); however, recent innovations
have made possible the visualization of nonfluorescent signals such as horseradish
peroxidase (HRP) and diaminobenzidine (DAB) signals by CLSM (10,11). Moreover,
the combination of CLSM and the image analysis system (IAS) (12) has allowed us
to visualize subcellular organelles three-dimensionally in routinely processed light
microscopic specimens. We applied CLSM to specimens prepared for light microscopy
(12) and demonstrated the intracellular identification of subcellular organelles and
pituitary hormone mRNA, comparable to that of electron microscopy (13,14). We also
applied CLSM to the study of tumor angiogenesis (15) and the microvessel environment
of hormone-secreting cells (16). The visualization of subcellular organelles, mRNA
and protein products, as well as three-dimensional images of microvessel environment
of hormone-secreting cells is discussed in this chapter.

The fundamentals of CLSM date back to 1957, when Minsky (1) described this new
type of microscopy. As commonly applied, CLSM has a viable pinhole, and its modify-
ing scan angles allow the adjustment of magnification. A schematic example of the
pinhole of CLSM is given in Fig. 1 The laser light is focused via the scanner through
the tube lens and the objective, illuminating a small spot in the specimen. Emitted light
emanating from the focal plane and the planes above and below is directed via the
scanner to the dichroic beam splitter (dichroic mirror), where it is decoupled and

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

166 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of ray path in CLSM. PMT, photomultiplier.

directed onto a detector (photomultiplier [PMT]. A pinhole in front of the photomultiplier

is positioned at the crossover of the light beams emerging from the focal point.
Image Analyzing System
The CLSM system we have utilized is composed of LSM-410 and LSM operating
software, version 3.95 (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). For example, DAB reaction products
are illuminated by a 488-nm wavelength helium-neon laser ray. Optical reflectance
signals labeled by DAB are observed using a dichroic beam splitter (NT 80/20/543,
Carl Zeiss), without an emission filter. Optical tomographic images (Z-images) for
three-dimensional reconstruction are acquired by plan-apochromat (×63, oil, N.A. 1.4;
Carl Zeiss) and plan-neofluar (×10, N.A. 0.30; ×20, N.A. 0.50; Carl Zeiss) objective
lenses. Z-directional movement for optical sectioning of entire specimens is controlled
by stepping the motor unit for an axial scanning at 0.3–0.5 µm focus steps. CLSM
image resolutions are 512 × 512 and/or 1024 × 1024 pixels (8 bits, 256 gray levels).
Image processing is accomplished with LSM software, version 3.98, through various
processes such as contrast normalization, line enhancement, edge enhancement, noise
reduction, and image combination. After computer-assisted three-dimensional imaging
by LSM systems, these depicted images are stored in the hard disk memory and/or
magnetic optical disk EDM-230C (Sony, Tokyo, Japan). Final processed data for
digitized and reconstructed images are printed with a Pictrostat digital 400, a digital
printer (Fuji, Tokyo, Japan) and also recorded on color reversal 35-mm film (Ektachrome
64 Professional, Eastman Kodak, Rochester).
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 167

Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of transmittance and confocal images. The reflectance confocal
image is an individual dimensional image obtained at any optional cross section, whereas the
transmittance image is a projected or integrated two-dimensional image from three-dimen-
sional images.

Transmittance Images and Reflectance Confocal Images

With the CLSM system, one can observe transmittance images, reflectance confocal
images, and combined images, as well as phase contrast and differential interference
contrast (DIC) images. The reflectance confocal image is an individual dimensional
image obtained at any optional cross-section, whereas the transmittance image is a
projected or integrated two-dimensional image from three-dimensional images (Fig.
2). One of the important advantages of CLSM is the enhancement of weakly positive
images, barely observed under conventional light microscopy. The combination of
CLSM and IAS (12) allows us to visualize subcellular organelles.

Nonfluorescent as well as fluorescent signals are detectable under CLSM (2–9).
The non-fluorescent signals, including HRP, DAB, osmium black, azo dye, nitroblue
tetrazolium (NBT), and heavy metals, have valuable advantages over fluorescent signals
168 Matsuno et al.

since these nonfluorescent signals are permanently preserved and allow repeated or
retrospective examination.


Subcellular organelles and intracellular distribution of mRNA and protein products
can be observed under electron microscopy, which has been described in Chapter 8.
Another tool is CLSM, which we applied to the specimens prepared for light microscopy
and by which we demonstrate intracellular identification of subcellular organelles and
pituitary hormone mRNA (13,14).

Observation of Subcellular Organelles and Protein Products

Materials and Protocols
The immunohistochemically stained paraffin sections can be used for CLSM observa-
tion of subcellular organelles and protein products that are developed with HRP-DAB.
The following is the protocol for the detection of pituitary hormones and subcellular
1. Pituitary tissue specimens were immunostained by the indirect peroxidase method with
antibodies against human pituitary hormones, such as anti-growth hormone (GH) antibody
(rabbit, polyclonal, 1:400 diluted in bovine serum albumin [BSA]/0.01 M phosphate-buffered
saline, pH 7.4 [PBS]; from DAKO, Carpinteria, CA).
2. A secondary antibody, anti-rabbit immunoglobulin labeled with HRP, was applied to the
sections, and positive immunoreactions were visualized with HRP and DAB.
3. CLSM observation of the immunostained tissue specimens was as described above.

CLSM observation of a paraffin section of a human somatotroph adenoma immuno-
stained with anti-GH antibody revealed secretory granules positively immunostained
for GH (Fig. 3).

Observation of Subcellular Organelles and mRNA

Materials and Protocols
In this section, we describe the identification of prolactin (PRL) mRNA and subcellu-
lar organelles in rat pituitary cells treated with estrogen. The following is the protocol
for this experiment.
1. Female Wistar-Imamichi rats treated intramuscularly with 5 mg estradiol dipropionate (E2
depot: Ovahormon Depot; Teikoku Zoki, Tokyo, Japan) every 4 weeks were sacrificed after
7 weeks.
2. The anterior lobes removed from the pituitary glands were immediately fixed at 4°C
overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde dissolved in PBS.
3. After immersion in graded concentrations of sucrose dissolved in PBS at 4°C (10% for 1
h, 15% for 2 h, 20% for 4 h), tissues were embedded in Optimal Cutting Temperature
(OCT) compound (Tissue-Tek, Miles, Elkhart, IN).
4. Tissue specimens (6 µm thick) were mounted on 3-aminopropylmethoxysilane-coated slides.
5. After air drying for 1 h, tissue sections were washed in PBS for 15 min.
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 169

Fig. 3. CLSM observation of a paraffin section of a human somatotroph adenoma immuno-

stained with anti-GH antibody revealed secretory granules positively immunostained for GH.
Nu, nucleus. Bar = 5 µm.

6. Tissue sections were treated with 0.1 µg/mL proteinase K at 37°C for 30 min, followed
by treatment for 10 min with 0.25% acetic anhydride in 0.1 M triethanolamine.
7. The slides were washed in 2× sodium chloride sodium citrate (SSC) at room temperature
for 3 min and then prehybridized at 37°C for 30 min. The prehybridization solution consisted
of 10% dextran sulfate, 3× SSC, 1× Denhardt’s solution (0.02% Ficoll/0.02% BSA/0.02%
polyvinylpyrrolidone), 100 µg/mL salmon sperm DNA, 125 µg/mL yeast tRNA, 10 µg/mL
polyadenylic-cytidylic acid, 1 mg/mL sodium pyrophosphate, pH 7.4, and 50% formamide.
8. The biotinylated oligonucleotide probe at a concentration of 0.1 ng/µL was diluted with
this prehybridization solution, and hybridization was carried out at 37°C overnight. The
sequence of antisense synthesized oligonucleotide probe for rat PRL mRNA and the details
of biotinylation were described in our previous reports (14,17–22).
9. The slides were washed at room temperature with 2× SSC, 1× SSC, and then 0.5× SSC
for 15 min.
10. After washing in PBS for 5 min, the slides were dipped in DAB solution (incomplete
Graham-Karnovsky’s solution) for 1 h.
11. The hybridization signals were detected with streptavidin-biotin-horseradish peroxidase
(ABC-HRP), using Vectastain’s ABC kit (Vector, Burlingame, CA), and thereafter hybrid-
ization signals were developed with 0.017% H2O2 in DAB solution (complete Graham-
Karnovsky’s solution) for 7 min. At this stage, hybridization signals were confirmed light
12. CLSM observation of the immunostained tissue specimens was as described above.
With the CLSM transmittance mode, diffuse positive signals of PRL mRNA were
observed, evidently in the cytoplasm, and the whirling structure of the rough endoplasmic
170 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 4. With CLSM transmittance mode, diffuse positive signals of PRL mRNA were
observed, evidently in the cytoplasm, and the whirling structure of RER (arrow) was also noted.
Nu, nucleus. Bar = 1 µm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 14.).

reticulum (RER) was also noted (Fig. 4). With the CLSM reflectance confocal mode
combined with IAS, positive signals of PRL mRNA were observed (Fig. 5). With
combined transmittance and reflectance confocal images, positive signals of PRL mRNA
and granular polysome-like structures were noted on the whirling RER in the cytoplasm
(Fig. 6). Under high-power magnification, these signals were interpreted to be similar
and comparable to ISH signals of PRL mRNA on the whirling RER observed under
EM (Fig. 7) (14).

The ultrastructural resolution of CLSM may be insufficient compared with that
of electron microscopy. Nevertheless, a reflectance confocal image combined with a
transmittance image has merit in that it can provide an individual dimensional image
at any optional cross-sections of a routinely processed light microscopic specimen.
Another merit of CLSM is the large number of cells that can be observed, whereas
only a limited number of cells can be observed under electron microscopy. CLSM can
identify, at the ultrastructural level, ISH signals of mRNA, or immunohistochemical
signals of protein together with subcellular organelles; these are similar and comparable
to those observed under electron microscopy (13,14). CLSM is available for the study
of the spatial relationship of mRNA and encoded protein and may be another useful
tool for the ultrastructural ISH study of mRNA.
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 171

Fig. 5. With CLSM reflectance confocal mode combined with IAS (LSM software version
3.98), positive signals of PRL mRNA (arrow) were observed. Nu, nucleus. Bar = 1 µm (Repro-
duced with permission from ref. 14.)

Fig. 6. With a combination of transmittance images and reflectance confocal images, positive
signals of PRL mRNA and granular polysome-like structures were noted on the whirling RER
in the cytoplasm (arrow). Nu, nucleus. Bar = 1 µm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 14.)
172 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 7. Under high-power magnification, these signals were interpreted as being similar and
comparable to ISH signals of PRL mRNA on the whirling RER observed under EM (arrow).
Bar = 1 µm. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 14.)


Three-Dimensional Analysis
Much research has focused on the relationship between hormone-secreting endocrine
cells and their microvessels (23,24), as analyzed two-dimensionally in light or electron
microscopic thin sections. Several techniques for identifying the vasculature have been
reported (25–42). However, these methods are not satisfactory for three-dimensional
analysis of the microvascular environment of the endocrine cells. CLSM can reconstruct
the microcirculation three-dimensionally and can serve for study of the relationship
between hormone-secreting endocrine cells and the microvessel environment. We
describe the techniques for visualizing this relationship in the simultaneous and three-
dimensional form under CLSM using the fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC)-conju-
gated gelatin injection method and immunofluorescence-labeled antibody. The following
is the protocol for three-dimensional analysis of hormone-secreting endocrine cells and
the microvessel environment.
Materials and Methods
Injection of FITC-Gelatin Conjugate
1. We combined and modified the fluorescent dye conjugated-polypeptide method (43) and the
high molecular weight fluorescein-labeled dextran method (44). FITC was obtained from
Dojindo (Kumamoto, Japan) and gelatin from Sigma (St. Louis, MO).
2. FITC was conjugated to gelatin by a brief reaction at 37°C and pH 11.0. Typically, 10–50
mg of FITC was dissolved in 1 mL dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO; Sigma), pH 11.0.
3. A 20% gelatin solution made with distilled water, pH 11, and DMSO containing FITC were
mixed for conjugation at 37°C overnight.
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 173

4. Then FITC-conjugated gelatin was dialyzed in 0.01 M PBS, pH 7.4, at 37°C in the dark for
1 week.
5. Aliquots of the dialyzed FITC-conjugated gelatin in a total volume of 200 mL were injected
into rats.
Tissue Preparation
1. Female adult Wistar rats were used after bilateral adrenalectomy or adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) intramuscular administration (0.5 mg/day) for 2 weeks. Nontreated rats
served as control.
2. The abdominal and chest walls of the animals were opened under diethyl ether inhalation
anesthesia. To demonstrate microvessels, 200 mL of dialyzed FITC (30 mg/mL) conjugated
gelatin solution was injected into the left ventricle of the heart, cutting off the right atrium.
3. After complete perfusion over approximately 3–5 min, the animals were fixed in cold 4%
paraformaldehyde (PFA; Wako Pure Chemical, Osaka, Japan) added to 15% picric acid
(Wako) solution (0°C) over approximately 25–30 min.
4. Then wet pituitary glands were resected and immediately fixed overnight in graded cold
PFA (0.5–8%) containing 15% picric acid overnight at 4°C.
5. For simultaneous visualization of microvessel networks and immunohistochemical localiza-
tion of ACTH and GH, the pituitary tissues were cut into 2–3-mm-thick blocks, placed on
50 × 70-mm coverslips (Matsunami Glass, Osaka, Japan), and mounted in 0.05 M Tris-HCl
buffer, 1,4-diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane (DABCO; Wako).
6. The pituitary tissue specimens were used for frozen sections. These frozen sections were
obtained from tissues that had been fixed overnight in 4% PFA dissolved in 0.01 M PBS,
pH 7.4, immersed in graded concentrations of sucrose in PBS (10% for 1 h, 15% for 2 h,
and 20% for 4 h), embedded in OCT compound, and stored at −80°C until use.
7. Frozen sections (30 µm thick) were mounted on 3-aminopropylmethoxysilane-coated slides.
An immunohistochemical analysis of hormone-secreting endothelial cells was per-
formed by the use of indirect immunofluorescent and an immunoperoxidase labeled
antibody, as described by Nakane in 1975 (45).
1. The first antibody employed was a rabbit polyclonal anti-ACTH antibody (1:200; DAKO,
Santa Barbara, CA) or a rabbit polyclonal anti-GH antibody (1:200; DAKO).
2. The second antibody employed was tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC)-conju-
gated anti-rabbit IgG (swine, 1:10; DAKO) or HRP-conjugated anti-mouse IgG (sheep, 1:50;
Amersham, Poole, UK).
3. The peroxidase coloring reaction was performed with DAB. The nuclei were then counter-
stained with 5% methyl green (MG) buffered by 0.1 mol/L Veronal acetate at pH 4.0
(Chroma, Kögen, Norway).
Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy System
CLSM was employed on thick sections (1–2 mm) to elucidate the relationship
between hormone-secreting endothelial cells and the microvessel network by stereo
pair, colored depth focus, projection, and three-dimensional cutting at reconstruction
models. The system included a 488-nm argon laser (for FITC) and/or a 543-nm helium-
neon laser (for TRITC and DAB). Optical fluorescence signals of microvessel network
patterns labeled by FITC were observed using a dichroic beam splitter (NT 80/20/543;
Carl Zeiss) and emission filter (BP510-525; Carl Zeiss). Optical fluorescence signals
of ACTH-secreting cells labeled with TRITC were observed using a dichroic beam
splitter (NT 80/20/543; Carl Zeiss) and emission filter (LP570; Carl Zeiss). Optical
174 Matsuno et al.

reflectance signals of GH cells labeled by HRP were observed using a dichroic beam
splitter (NT 80/20/543; Carl Zeiss) and no emission filter. Double- or triple-labeled
volumetric data sets of these images taken with CLSM can be digitized and made
susceptible to image analysis manipulation and computer-assisted three-dimensional
reconstructions using LSM software.
Optical tomographic imaging (Z-images) for three-dimensional reconstruction of
the hormone-secreting endocrine cells and their microvessels was done with a plan-
apochromat (×63, oil immersion, NA 1.4; Carl Zeiss) and a plan-neofluar (×10, NA
0.30; ×20, NA 0.50; Carl Zeiss) objective lens. Z-directional movement for optical
sectioning of entire specimens was controlled by a stepping motor unit for axial scanning
at 0.5–20-µm focus steps. The image resolution was 512 × 512 and/or 1024 × 1024
pixels (8 bits, 256 gray levels).

Distribution of Three-Dimensional Microvessels as Determined by Fluorescent CLSM
By CLSM, FITC fluorescence-conjugated gelatin injected into the left ventricle of
the heart was observed to enter the capillaries of the control rat pituitary glands (Fig.
8). The CLSM images in the fluorescence confocal mode identified straight vessels,
arcs, branches, loops, and well-developed networks of capillaries in the anterior pituitary
gland three dimensionally.
Immunohistochemical Localization of ACTH and GH in Nontreated Control Rats
by CLSM (See Color Plate 5 following page 208.)
Double three-dimensional imaging with the visualization of hormone-producing cells
by TRITC- and/or HRP-labeled antibodies demonstrated the shape of ACTH and GH
cells and their relationship to the surrounding capillaries (Fig. 9). The lumina of the
capillaries were labeled yellowish green by FITC. ACTH (Fig. 9a,b) and GH cells
(Fig. 9c,d) fluoresced red. Many stellate cells were positive for ACTH, and microvessels
were clearly visible in the pituitary glands. In ACTH cells, cells were frequently attached
to the capillaries, and long cytoplasmic processes terminated at the capillaries (Fig.
9a). A high-power view of the image in Fig. 9a reveals more clearly the relationship
between microvessel networks and ACTH-positive cells (Fig. 9b). The terminals of
the ACTH processes and the capillary lumina are separated by approximately 600 nm.
This suggests endothelial cells and basement membranes. The reaction products of
ACTH appeared granular (Fig. 9b). In contrast, GH cells were generally rounded and
frequently lay in free spaces among the FITC fluorescence-labeled capillaries (Fig. 9c).
GH also appeared granular in the cytoplasm (Fig. 9d).
DAB (osmium black) also gave reflectance signals at a wavelength of 543 nm. DAB
labeling for GH was applied to the double three-dimensional imaging with FITC
fluorescence. CLSM detected fluorescence of FITC at a depth of focus of 2000 µm (Fig.
8) and fluorescence of TRITC and reflectance signals for DAB at 300 µm (Fig. 9a,c).
Immunohistochemical Localization of ACTH in Adrenalectomy and ACTH
Administration Rat Anterior Pituitary Gland by CLSM
In the adrenalectomized rats, the anterior pituitary gland showed markedly increased
numbers of ACTH-immunoreactive cells (Fig. 10a). The positive cells revealed that
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 175

Fig. 8. Three-dimensional depth projection reconstructed image of microvessels in normal

rat pituitary glands. The microvessel networks are clearly visible at the maximal focus depth
of 2000 µm. Bar = 0.5 cm. Upper right corner: high-power magnification, bar = 100 µm.

ACTH immunoreactivity was closely associated with the microvasculature. At high

power, the ACTH-positive cells appeared stellate and showed frequent slender cyto-
plasmic processes (Fig. 10b). On the other hand, if the rats were given ACTH daily
for 2 weeks, the ACTH-immunoreactive cells decreased in number and became atrophic
(Fig. 10c,d).

Three-dimensional imaging by CLSM has clearly demonstrated well-developed capil-
lary networks and a relationship with the hormone-secreting endocrine cells. In addition
to normal pituitary vessels that form morphologic patterns, straight vessels that parallel
each other, parallel vessels that crosslink, arcs (incompletely closed loops), arcs with
branching, closed loops, and networks of closed loops (Fig. 8) have been identified.
The presence of networks of closed loops has been found to have the strongest association
with hormone-secreting endocrine cells of any parameter, including cell shape, cell
176 Matsuno et al.

Fig. 9. Three-dimensional projection images of ACTH and GH cells and combined signals
of fluorescent (FITC) and nonfluorescent (DAB) probe in normal rat pituitary glands. Red:
ACTH cells (anti-ACTH-TRITC), fluorescence mode (A, B); GH cells (anti-GH-HRP-DAB)
reflectance mode (C, D). Green: microvessels (FITC-conjugated gelatin), fluorescence mode.
(A) ACTH cells are closely related to the microvessel networks. Low power. (B) ACTH signals
show a granular pattern in the cytoplasm. High power. (C) GH cells are clearly visible three-
dimensionally by CLSM reflectance mode. Low power. (D) GH signals appear granular in the
cytoplasm three-dimensionally by CLSM reflectance mode. High power. Nu, nucleus. Bars =
25 µm in A and C; 5 µm in B and D. (See Color Plate 5 following page 208.)

size, and cell type. The presence of parallel vessels with crosslinking is also strongly
associated with the development or processing of hormone-secreting endocrine cells
(Fig. 9).
Our technique, which combined FITC-gelatin injection with immunohistochemistry
using HRP- and/or fluorescence-labeled antibody as described here, was designed to
visualize the microcirculatory patterns in three dimensions and to provide a simultaneous
three-dimensional visualization of the microcirculation and hormone-secreting endo-
crine cells processing ACTH or GH by an FITC-conjugated gelatin injection method.
The critical points for the demonstration of the capillaries seemed to lie in 1) warming
of the FITC fluorescence-conjugated gelatin and 2) peristaltic infusion of the solution
to prevent thrombotic occlusion of the capillaries. For demonstration of ACTH and
GH, effusion fixation by picric acid paraformaldehyde solution (Zamboni) preserved
antigenicity as well as cell shape and cytoplasmic structures.
The technique of combined double immunolabeling and/or histochemical labeling,
CLSM, and computer-assisted three-dimensionally reconstructed analysis does have
advantages. First, as mentioned above, each of the labels used was detectable in deeper
PROTOCOL: CLSM Observations 177

Fig. 10. Three-dimensional reconstructed images of bilaterally adrenalectomized and ACTH-

treated rat pituitary glands. (A) Three-dimensional projection image of ACTH cells in the rat
pituitary gland from a bilaterally adrenalectomized rat. ACTH-immunoreactive cells are mark-
edly increased in number. The ACTH-positive cells are closely associated with microvessels.
Red: ACTH cells (anti-ACTH-TRITC). Green: microvessels (FITC-conjugated gelatin). (B)
Three-dimensional depth colored focus image of ACTH cells in bilaterally adrenalectomized
rat pituitary gland. ACTH-positive cells show frequent slender cytoplasmic processes. (C) Three-
dimensional projection image of ACTH cells in ACTH-administered rat pituitary gland. The
ACTH-immunoreactive cells were decreased in number and became atrophic. Red: ACTH cells
(anti-ACTH-TRITC). Green: microvessels (FITC-conjugated gelatin). (D) Three-dimensional
depth colored focus image of ACTH cells in ACTH-administered rat pituitary gland. The ACTH-
immunoreactive cells were decreased in number with a decrease in their cell volumes and
contained condensed and increase numbers of cytoplasmic and enlarged secretory granules.
Bars = 25 µm in a and c; 10 µm in b and d. (See Color Plate 5 following page 208.)

levels and was able to reveal the relationship between vessels and tissues in the pituitary
gland. Second, unlike scanning electron microscopy by cast corrosion methods, which
make it impossible to observe the relationship between casts and tissues, this technique
permits the three-dimensional study of samples from low- to high-power magnification.
The technique described here is most suitable for the study of small lateral areas. To
create a three-dimensionally reconstructed image, one must overlap data not only along
the x- and y-axes but also along the z-axis, a procedure that is tedious and requires
extensive computer resources.
By this three-dimensional method, ACTH cells were clearly depicted as polygonal
cells with long cytoplasmic processes, which terminated on the capillaries. This shape
of ACTH cells has frequently been described as unique and characteristic. GH cells
178 Matsuno et al.

were round and were located among the capillaries. It should be emphasized that this
method not only elucidates the shape and relationship to the capillaries but also depicts
a granular localization on CLSM, suggestive of secretory granules.
Our experimental study to visualize simultaneously the immunohistochemical local-
ization of ACTH and GH and the microvessel network using CLSM with the fluorescence
probes FITC, TRITC, and DAB revealed a clear characteristic intracellular localization
of ACTH and GH in the rat anterior pituitary glands on thick specimens. These images
showed both the immunohistochemical localization of ACTH and GH and the pattern
of the microvessel network. With this technique, FITC injection combined with immuno-
histochemistry simultaneously revealed differences in the localization or distribution.
Permanently preserved sections allow repeated or retrospective examinations as well
as observation of organs in vivo.
This method clearly showed the relationship between the microvasculature and the
hormone-secreting endocrine cells on thick light microscopic specimens. It also permit-
ted recognition of subcellular sites of the microvasculature and hormone-secreting
endocrine cells, obviating most of the cumbersome procedures associated with patho-
logic diagnosis in tissues containing tumor microvessels.

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Polymerase Chain Reaction

Yuri E. Nikiforov, MD, PHD and Philip N. Howles, PHD

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was introduced in 1985 by Saiki et al. (1),
who recognized that sequence-specific oligonucleotides could be used to prime synthesis
of complementary DNA strands by any of several DNA polymerases and that these
primers could be chosen so as to replicate both strands of the DNA positioned between
their cognate sequences in the template (1,2). Initial studies with the technique were
laborious and thus limited in scope. Thermostable DNA polymerases were not yet
commercially available, so the experimenter had to add fresh polymerase after the
DNA denaturing step of each cycle (1,2). The process was not automated, so a student
or technician was needed to transfer the reactions between water baths or heating blocks
set for each temperature of the cycle. The original report was largely a “proof of
principle” study in which a portion of the human β-globin gene was amplified and
then analyzed for the presence of normal versus sickle cell coding sequences (1,3). In
1988, the use of a thermostable DNA polymerase, isolated from Thermus aquaticus,
was used in this procedure instead of the Escherichia coli Klenow fragment (4,5). This
modification constituted the major advance needed to make the technique practical and
commercially viable. Various preparations of heat-stable polymerases from T. aquaticus,
as well as other thermophilic bacteria, were soon commercially available, as were
several models of programmable instruments for rapid and reliable heating and cooling
of samples. The utility of PCR was immediately recognized by molecular biologists,
geneticists, and scientists developing diagnostic procedures for human genetic diseases
and forensic investigations. The ability to amplify directly and analyze specific portions
of individual genes from only a few cells or from archival tissue has revolutionized
the field of pathology as well as other clinical disciplines that involve genetic analysis.
The importance of PCR was acknowledged by the scientific community at large when
Kary Mullis was awarded the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contribution to
its development.
This chapter describes the methodology of designing and executing PCR assays,
including typical protocols of nucleic acid extractions from fresh and paraffin-embedded
tissue, as well as various controls that are necessary and problems that are typically
encountered. Examples of typical protocols of specific applications of PCR to diagnose

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

182 Nikiforov and Howles

disease and to investigate pathogenic mechanisms are included. The information is by

no means comprehensive, and the reader is referred to several books and reviews that
are more detailed.

The main principal of PCR is an exponential amplification of a target DNA sequence
that results in the generation of millions of identical copies of a DNA fragment starting
from just a few copies. With the addition of a reverse transcription step, PCR can also
be applied to amplify RNA fragments. The assay is simple in general design and is
summarized in Fig. 1. Short, unique segments of DNA that are positioned on either
side of the sequence of interest are chosen. These pieces of DNA, the primers, are
typically 20–25 nucleotides long. The length of DNA to be amplified, the template,
varies from as little as 100 to a few thousand nucleotides. The primers are synthesized
such that when the pair forms hybrids with their cognate sequences in the template,
their 3′ ends are oriented toward each other. As the reaction proceeds, the DNA
polymerase elongates the primers, with the result that an exact copy is made of the
template DNA between the two primers. The DNA fragments are denatured (made
single-stranded) by heating the reactions to 94°C. Upon cooling to the appropriate
temperature (see below), primers anneal to the appropriate sequence, either the original
template or one of the copies. The temperature is raised to 72°C (the optimum tempera-
ture for the common thermostable polymerases) to allow DNA synthesis, and the process
is repeated. In an ideal reaction, a sequence of 30 cycles of polymerization results in
approx 1 × 109 copies of the original template.

Template DNA: Source, Preparation, and Amount

The source of DNA for amplification and methods of isolation may vary according
to the specific application. In general, adequate template DNA can be prepared from
almost any source, provided that degradation has not been excessive. The amount of
degradation tolerated increases as the length of the segment to be amplified decreases,
reflecting the decreasing probability of having a double-stranded break between the
primers in every copy of template as the distance between the primers decreases. The
amount of DNA used per reaction varies according to the application. When the tem-
plate is high-quality genomic DNA, only 1000–10,000 copies are needed per reaction.
For DNA isolated from mammalian cells (3.3 × 109 bp/genome), 10,000 copies will
require 35 ng of DNA. If the template is from partially degraded DNA, as prepared
from fixed tissue, the amount of DNA may need to be increased up to 100–200 ng for
each reaction.
DNA Extraction from Fresh or Snap Frozen Tissue
DNA extracted from fresh or snap frozen tissue is an ideal source of template DNA
for PCR amplification. Therefore, an attempt to freeze at least a small piece of tissue
should always be undertaken when subsequent PCR analysis is anticipated. Isolation
of high molecular weight genomic DNA from fresh or frozen tissue involves digestion
by proteases followed by phenol-chloroform extraction and precipitation of genomic

Fig. 1. Principle of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

DNA in high salt buffers with isopropanol. A number of commercial kits offer conve-
nient alternatives, minimizing handling and exposure to chemicals, offset by a
higher cost.
1. Harvest fresh tissue using sterile scissors or disposable blade and immediately freeze in
liquid nitrogen. Store at −70°C until use.
2. Transfer 100 µg of tissue to a sterile 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube and homogenize with a
184 Nikiforov and Howles

plastic micropestle in 500 µL of extraction buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 100 mM

EDTA, pH 8.0, 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate [SDS]). Larger amounts of tissue may require
a power homogenizer (Polytron or equivalent).
3. Add proteinase K (Boehringer Mannheim, Indianapolis, IN) to 100 µg/mL, mix, and incubate
at 52°C overnight. There should be no obvious tissue debris remaining after incubation.
Otherwise, add an additional 50 µg/mL of proteinase K, invert tube 10 times, and incubate
for 2–3 h more.
4. Add 500 µL buffered phenol, invert 20 times, and centrifuge at 13,000g for 5 min. Transfer
the supernatant aqueous phase without interface to a new microcentrifuge tube.
5. Add 500 µL phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1), invert 20 times, and centrifuge
at 13,000g for 5 min. Transfer the supernatant aqueous phase without interface to a new tube.
6. Repeat step 5 once.
7. Add 500 µL chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (24:1) and repeat extraction. Transfer the superna-
tant to a new tube.
8. Add 0.2 vol (final) of 10 M ammonium acetate. Precipitate the DNA by adding an equal
volume of isopropanol and incubating at −20°C for 10 min. The DNA can be collected by
either “hooking” it with a glass Pasteur pipet or centrifugation at 10,000g for 10 min. After
centrifugation, a translucent DNA pellet should be faintly visible.
9. Discard the supernatant and wash the pellet with 500 µL cold 70% ethanol. Spin at 10,000g
for 1 min and discard the ethanol.
10. Air-dry the pellet and resuspend the dried pellet in 100 µL TE buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl,
pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) by passing the solution a few times through a pipet tip.
Solubilize the DNA at 4°C overnight or at 37°C for 2 h.
11. Quantitate the DNA concentration by spectrophotometry (in a 1-cm-long light path, [DNA] =
A260 × 50 µg/mL × dilution factor), and keep at 4°C for short-term or at −20°C for long-
term storage.

DNA Preparation from Paraffin-Embedded Tissue

In most cases, the DNA isolated from fixed tissues, although degraded in size, can
be analyzed by PCR. The success of extraction and amplification of DNA from paraffin-
embedded tissues is determined by several factors, the most important of which are
the type of fixative and duration of fixation. Most tissues routinely processed in pathology
laboratories are fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 12–24 h before embedding in
paraffin. These provide a reliable source of DNA for PCR amplification. However, it
is important to know the factors that dramatically affect the yield of PCR templates.
Type of Fixative
Fixative type has a direct bearing on the quality of extracted DNA. The fixatives
that produce good-quality of DNA or those that, on the contrary, lead to rapid degradation
of DNA are shown in Table 1 (6,7).
Duration of Fixation
Generally, extended fixation time is detrimental to PCR analysis of the materials.
In the case of formalin, the optimal fixation time is less than 24 h. Longer fixation
leads to a progressive reduction in the yield of DNA that can be extracted from the
tissue (8). This is especially the case for long amplicons, although DNA fragments
100–200 bp long can be amplified after as much as a 30-day formalin fixation (9). If
prolonged fixation cannot be avoided, 95% ethanol should be used to preserve the high
quality of DNA (6).

Table 1
Effect of Fixatives on Nucleic Acid Preservation in Paraffin Blocks
Good fixatives Poor fixatives
10% buffered formalin B-5
Ethanol Bouin’s
Acetone Zenker’s
Omnifix Glutaraldehyde

Duration of Storage of Paraffin Blocks

As a general rule, the older the specimen age, the less amenable it is to PCR
amplification. Again, it mostly affects long DNA sequences, whereas DNA segments
on the order of 100 bp can be amplified from paraffin blocks embedded 40 years ago
(10) and even from much older specimens.
It is important to stress that even after a short time in formalin, much of the DNA
is partially degraded, and mostly low molecular weight DNA can be isolated. Although
DNA sequences of more than 1000 bp can potentially be amplified after 24-h fixation
in formalin (6), for reproducible results the PCR target should be <400 bp, with the
optimal size varying between 100 and 200 bp.
The procedure of DNA extraction from paraffin-embedded tissue starts with dewaxing
to remove paraffin from the tissue samples. This is followed by steps to liberate the
DNA from the tissue. This can be done by proteinase K digestion or by using a variety
of other techniques such as boiling for 10–15 min (11), sonication (12), or treatment
with a polyvalent chelating agent, Chelex 100 (13). In many situations, complete DNA
isolation is unnecessary and even undesirable because additional steps may increase
the risk of contamination but do not improve the yield of DNA (14).
1. Using a fresh blade cut five paraffin sections, 10 µm thick, using a microtome and avoiding
cross-contamination between samples. Push the cut sections into a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge
tube using a sterile disposable tip. (To avoid cross-contamination between samples, use
disposable microtome blades or a clean cutting surface after each sample; discard the first
slice from a paraffin block.)
2. To deparaffinize sections, add 1 mL of xylene, vortex for 30 s, and spin down for 5 min at
13,000g. Pipet off the xylene.
3. Repeat step 2 once.
4. Add 1 mL of 100% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min, and pipet off the ethanol.
5. Add 1 mL of 80% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min, and pipet off the ethanol.
6. Add 1 mL of 50% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min, pipet off the ethanol,
and air-dry briefly.
7. Add 100 µL of digestion buffer (50 mM Tric-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA) and proteinase K
to 100 µg/mL, and incubate at 52°C for 4 h or overnight. There should be no obvious tissue
debris remaining after incubation. Otherwise add an additional 50 µg/mL of proteinase K,
invert the tube 10 times, and incubate for 2–3 h more.
8. Spin the tube briefly and heat at 94°C for 20 min to inactivate the proteinase K. Use 10 µL
for PCR.
186 Nikiforov and Howles

If a stock of DNA is required for multiple PCR reactions, the extraction can be started
with 10 sections, 40 µm thick; after deparaffinization (steps 1–6), the digestion and phenol-
chloroform extraction can be performed as described above for DNA isolation from fresh
or frozen tissue (steps 3–12).

Primer Design
The choice of primer sequences is a complex process and depends partly on the
specific application. A major factor is the constraints imposed by the nature of the
target sequence (the segment to be amplified) and the purpose of the assay. If the goal
is to detect a polymorphism that consists of a short (≤50 nucleotides) insertion or
deletion, the segment to be amplified should be relatively short, 10 times the difference
in length, at most. If point mutations are to be detected by sequence analysis or restriction
enzyme analysis, the primers need to be positioned to optimize these assays. If mRNA
is being assayed, amplifying across an intron/exon junction ensures that the assay will
not generate a false-positive from contaminating genomic DNA.
The standard primer length is 20 nucleotides, although much longer ones are used
successfully. Twenty nucleotides provide enough sequence complexity to prevent ran-
dom priming but not so much as to permit formation of stable hybrids with partial
homology. When possible, the cytosine + guanine (GC) content in each primer should
be similar and between 45% and 65%, so that melting temperatures (Tm, see formula
below) are moderate and similar for the pair of primers. Since the annealing temperature
for a primer is approx 5°C below its Tm, if the GC contents of a primer pair differ
markedly, the annealing temperature needed for the more AT-rich primer may permit
significant mispairing of the GC-rich primer, resulting in nonspecific amplification.
Conversely, the temperature needed for the GC-rich primer may preclude annealing
of the AT-rich primer. For example:
Tm (in °C) = 81.5 + 16.6 × log[cation] + 0.41 × %(GC) − 500/length
Tm for 20-mer, 50% GC, 0.1 M cation = 60°C
Tm for 20-mer, 65% GC, 0.1 M cation = 67°C
Primer sequences should be free of intra- and intermolecular homology that could
result in stable stem-loop structures or interstrand hybrids forming between two strands
of the same primer or between one strand from each primer of the pair. The presence
of such structures decreases the efficiency of the reaction in each cycle since the
effective primer concentration is decreased. Such hybrids can be especially troublesome
if they result in a recessed 3′ end since it will be extended by the polymerase, corrupting
the primer(s). This corruption is amplified with each cycle, resulting in failure of the
PCR assay. Other motifs to be avoided are simple sequences such as long mononucleo-
tides (e.g., GGGGG) or dinucleotide repeats (e.g., ATATATAT) that are not flanked
by a more complex sequence. It is desirable for the 3′ terminal nucleotide to be a G
or C. The extra hydrogen bond helps stabilize the end of the hybrid, resulting in more
efficient initiation of DNA synthesis by the polymerase. This is especially true if the
primer is AT rich (≥50%).
These factors constitute a useful set of guidelines for primer design. Currently, a
number of computer programs are available to assist in primer design. However, each
primer and each primer pair must be tested empirically. It is not uncommon for primers

to appear satisfactory on paper but to fail in amplification reactions. Below are examples
of successful primer pairs. (All Tms are calculated based on a 0.1 M cation concentration.)


Other Primer Pairs

5′-TCACTATTCCCGGTGTTACAGTC-3′ 23 nt, 48% GC, Tm = 63°C
5′-CCCTTTCAGTGTCCCACAACCT-3′ 22 nt, 55% GC, Tm = 65°C
Template constraints largely defined this pair. To match lengths and melting temperatures better,
the upper primer was extended to include TC to increase its %GC, and the lower primer was
extended to include the terminal T to reduce its %GC.
5′-ACAGGGACACAGGTACACCG-3′ 20 nt, 60% GC, Tm = 65°C
5′-TGGTCCGAAGTGACCTCAGC-3′ 20 nt, 60% GC, Tm = 65°C
These primers were constrained by the need to amplify, differentially, one of three related
genes. The extra nucleotide of the upper primer largely compensates for its lower GC content.

Some laboratories have access to a central oligonucleotide synthesis facility, whereas

others will rely on the vast number of companies that synthesize primers. Prices are
generally less than $3 per base for purified oligonucleotides, making 20-base primers
very affordable. Dissolve oligonucleotides in freshly autoclaved water or TE to a
concentration of 100 µM, aliquot, and store at −20°C.

Time, Temperature, and Number of Cycles

The denaturing step is almost always 30 s at 94°C. The effective denaturing time
is actually longer than 30 s since denaturing begins at or below 90°C. Only sequences
very rich in GC (70%) will remain double-stranded after 30 s at 94°C. In these rare
cases, the denaturing step can be increased to 1 min. In exceptional cases, it may be
necessary to denature at ≥95°C. The Taq polymerases remain active even after 30–40
cycles of 30 s at 95°C, but enzyme activity will wane more quickly when the denaturing
time or temperature is increased. Test experiments should be performed to determine
whether more enzyme should be added before all the cycles have been completed.
188 Nikiforov and Howles

Annealing is typically for 30 s to 1 min at a temperature 5–10°C below the Tm of

the primers. At the ideal annealing temperature, stable primer-template hybrids will
form, with minimal formation of mismatched, partial hybrids. The polymerase is active
at annealing temperatures (50–60°C), so stable hybrids are quickly elongated by several
nucleotides, further stabilizing them. The temperature can then be increased without
denaturing the nascent strands. Optimizing the time and temperature can be laborious,
but is important. If the temperature is too high or the time too short, fewer templates
are copied per cycle, reducing sensitivity. Conversely, annealing for too long or below
the ideal temperature leads to mispriming, which results in amplification of spurious
bands, confounding interpretation of the results. The annealing process begins as the
reactions reach the primer Tm, so, as for the denaturing step, the effective annealing
time is greater than the nominal time given in protocols.
DNA synthesis (often called the elongation step) is typically carried out for 45 s to
2 min at 72°C, which is close to the optimum temperature for most commercially
available thermostable polymerases. As with the other steps, the appropriate time needs
to be empirically determined. An extension time of 1 min is generally enough for
products up to 2 kb in length. Longer target sequences require more time. Minimizing
the length of this step reduces the time to complete all the cycles, but care should be
taken to avoid the accumulation of incomplete products, which will decrease sensitivity.
Longer synthesis times than necessary are less problematic, although there may be
some loss of enzyme activity in later cycles.
An initial step, called the hot start, is usually included in PCR protocols. In hot-
start PCR, one key reagent (e.g., Taq polymerase, dNTPs, or template) is withheld
either physically or functionally from the reaction mixture until the temperature in the
tube is ≥80°C. The temperature is then raised to 94°C for 2–4 min, after which the
program proceeds to the first denaturation step. The hot start serves two important
functions. First, it melts any nonspecific hybrids that may form between primers and
single-strand template during preparation of the reactions; second, it ensures that all
template DNA is completely single-stranded as the first cycle begins. The result is
increased specificity and sensitivity of the PCR. This is because during preparation of
the reactions, the primers will anneal nonspecifically to single-strand DNA fragments.
Because Taq polymerase has a small amount of activity at room temperature, these
hybrids are extended by Taq polymerase, thus forming nonspecific products that not
only show up as extraneous bands upon electrophoresis, but also reduce the yield of the
intended product through competition for reagents. The production of these nonspecific
products will be prevented if an essential component for DNA synthesis becomes
available only at the elevated temperature.
A very effective hot start can be achieved by using a polymerase/inhibitor complex
that denatures to release active enzyme only at high temperatures (15) (Life Technolog-
ies, Bethesda, MD; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). Simply preparing the reac-
tions on ice and placing them quickly in the preheated (≥80°C) thermocycler block is
not as effective but will significantly reduce background from mispriming.
The number of cycles needed for amplification varies with the copy number of the
target DNA and nature of the starting material. Thirty cycles amplifies the starting
template approx 1 × 109 fold. Thus, 105 or 104 initial copies of high-quality template
will require 25 or 30 cycles, respectively, to provide enough material for visualization

on an ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel. More cycles may be needed (35 cycles
for 105 initial copies) to achieve a visible band when the template is from partially
degraded DNA isolated from fixed tissues. More cycles may also be needed when
trying to detect rare events or ones of unknown frequency, such as mutations in a
subset of cells from a tissue. However, as a general rule, the number of cycles in
one PCR should not exceed 35 to avoid problems with background and nonspecific

Reaction Components
Reactions should be assembled on ice. Several recipes exist for PCR reactions, but
all consist of basic components (see below) that are readily available and easily prepared
in any laboratory. A volume of reaction mix sufficient for all samples, and consisting
of all components except template DNA, is prepared and then aliquoted into the reaction
tubes. The DNA is added just before the tubes are placed in the thermocycler. The
final volume of reactions varies from 20 to 100 µL and should not be changed once
successful conditions are established.
1. Buffer and salt consist of 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3, and 50 mM KCl. Tris is used as the
pH buffer, and KCl is important for optimal enzyme activity; however, it is inhibitory at
concentrations above 50 mM. Many companies supply a 10× or 5× stock of reaction buffer
containing these components, which is further optimized for their enzyme preparation or
which contains a proprietary PCR-enhancing component. Typically, they offer either magne-
sium-free buffer or one that yields 1.5 mM final of MgCl2 concentration.
2. Magnesium (MgCl2) is added at a final concentration of 1.5–6 mM. The optimum [Mg+2]
must be determined for each primer set. Control reactions are performed with [Mg+2] varying
in 1- or 2-mM increments followed by 0.5-mM steps above and below the concentration(s)
giving a positive result.
3. Primer concentrations are usually 1–5 µM each. This concentration ensures that primers will
always be at least 10-fold in excess relative to template, even at the end of the PCR. The
best concentration must be determined empirically, as for MgCl2. Since divalent cations
complex with DNA readily, the primer (and template) concentration can change the effective
Mg+2 concentration. Thus, it is often necessary to retitrate Mg+2 requirements if the primer
concentrations are changed dramatically.
4. Nucleotide concentrations (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) vary from 50 to 200 µM each. As
for primers, the goal is that nucleotides not become a limiting reagent. Too great an excess
will effect the Mg+2 requirement as above, however.
5. Taq DNA polymerase is available from many suppliers of biotechnology reagents. It is
usually supplied at 5 U/µL and is used at 1–2.5 U per reaction. One unit is defined as the
incorporation of 10 ηmol of deoxynucleotide into acid-precipitable DNA in 30 min at 74°C.
6. Template DNA is added last. The amount varies according to the quality of the template
and purpose of the assay. A typical amount is 20–50 ng of high-quality genomic DNA or
100 ng of DNA isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue.
7. Mineral oil (only enough to cover the reaction mix) is added on top to prevent evaporation
in some thermocyclers. However, most newer models have a heated lid, which prevents
condensation and obviates the need for oil.
8. Optional components include glycerol or dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) used at 5–10% to
reduce background and lower the Tm of GC-rich primers. These agents change the dielectric
properties of aqueous solutions and so affect base pairing of DNA. However, DMSO partially
inhibits the polymerase and should be used at the minimum concentration needed. The
amount of enzyme or the elongation time is increased when DMSO is used.
190 Nikiforov and Howles

Below is an example of a typical reaction mix for 20 samples (18 samples plus a
positive and negative control) based on a 30 µL reaction volume. Note that you should
prepare enough mix for 21 tubes to accommodate pipetting losses.

Final concentration Add to reaction mix

10× buffer 1× 63 µL
(100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.3,
500 mM KCl)
25 mM MgCl2 2 mM 50.4 µL
(assuming 2 mM is optimum)
100 µM upstream primer 1.5 µM 9.45 µL
100 µM downstream primer 1.5 µM 9.45 µL
dNTPs mixed, each 10 mM 150 µM each 9.45 µL
Taq polymerase (5U/µl) 1.0 U/tube 1.8 µL
dd autoclaved water 444.45 µL

Mix and put 28 µL into each reaction tube. Add 50 ng of template DNA to each tube
in a total volume of 2 µL and proceed with the assay.

Tubes and Trays for Reaction Vessels

Reaction vessels have to be chosen to be compatible with the thermocycler. Most
older machines accept individual 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes. Although standard 0.5-
or 0.6-mL microcentrifuge tubes may work adequately, thin-walled tubes, available
from most suppliers, are preferred because they allow more efficient heat transfer so
that the temperature/time profile of the reactions more closely matches that programmed.
Increasingly popular is the format patterned after 96-well microtiter plates. Several
options are available for these thermocyclers. Thin-walled 0.25-mL tubes are available
that come individually or as strips of eight linked tubes for easier handling. Caps are
similarly supplied. The 96-well trays are easily cut to the number of wells needed, to
reduce waste. A variety of lid arrangements for the trays is also available. For high
through-put laboratories, thermocyclers that are configured to accept 96 samples are pre-


Fractionation by Gel Electrophoresis
Standard 1.5% agarose gels are adequate for analysis of PCR products from 150 to
1000 bp (Fig. 2). For fragments <500 bp, gels of 1.5–2% are best. Specially purified
fractions of agarose may improve resolution, but standard products are adequate. For
fragments >500 bp, the agarose concentration can be reduced to 1.0–1.2%; those larger
than 1000 bp resolve well in 0.8–1.0% agarose. For fragments <1000 bp, the best
resolution is obtained when TBE (45 mM Tris-borate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.3) is the
electrophoresis buffer as opposed to TAE (40 mM Tris-acetate, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.8).
Fragments <250 bp diffuse noticeably in agarose gels. This problem is minimized if
the rate of electrophoresis is increased. Thus, it is important to run these gels at high
voltage (approx 10 V/cm of gel length) and to minimize staining time. At least one

Fig. 2. Analysis of a 236-bp PCR product by electrophoresis in a standard 1.5% TBE agarose
gel. Ten microliters of each product (30 cycles of amplification starting from 50 ng high-quality
genomic DNA) were loaded into the wells. The gel was run at 10 V/cm for 60 min and washed
in 0.5 µg EthBr/mL for 20 min. L, 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder (Gibco BRL); lanes 1–6, PCR
products; N, “no template” negative control.

lane per gel must be reserved for size standards, typically a 100-bp ladder, which are
available from most biotech supply companies.
Polyacrylamide gels may be used to resolve and detect small fragments (≤200 bp).
These gels are typically 10% acrylamide (plus 0.3% bis-acrylamide) and are run in
TBE. In this system, diffusion of small fragments is minimal, so resolution is greater
and smaller amounts of DNA can be detected. Using an acrylamide gel, differences
of as little as 10 bp are easily distinguished. Thus, they must be used for detecting
restriction site polymorphisms and microsatellite length polymorphisms in amplified
sequences where size differences are often small.

Stains for Detecting Amplified Products

1. Ethidium bromide (EthBr) intercalcates between the stacked bases of double-stranded DNA.
When it does, its fluorescence under ultraviolet illumination is greatly increased. This dye
has been the standard for staining DNA gels for decades. Gels are stained in a solution of
0.5 µg EthBr/ml solution for about 20 min, rinsed, and photographed. The limits of detection
are about 10 ng per DNA fragment in a 3–5-mm-thick gel (sensitivity is less with thicker gels).
2. SYBR Green dyes (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) provide greater sensitivity (about 1 ng
detection limit) and less background than EthBr. They are also much less toxic. These dyes
can be detected with phosphorimager lasers and thus are preferred for quantitation of PCR
products. They are diluted 1/10,000 from the stock supplied by the manufacturer using water
or TE. Staining procedures are essentially the same as for EthBr. The main drawback to
these dyes is their comparatively high cost.
3. With silver staining, as little as 10 pg of DNA can be detected (16). This method also allows
the stained gel to be used as a permanent record. The staining procedure is more complicated
and generates waste requiring special disposal, however. Although more commonly used
with acrylamide gels, it is also applicable to agarose gels (17).
4. Although fraught with problems related to radioactive contamination and containment, much
greater sensitivity can be achieved by radiolabeling amplified products. Isotopically labeled
nucleotides are added to the reactions for the last one or two cycles of amplification.
The reactions are then fractionated on acrylamide gels and exposed to X-ray film or to a
phosphorimager screen (usually after drying the gels) for detection of amplified products.
This technique requires the preparation of labeled marker fragments so the size of amplified
fragments can be correctly determined. The labeled nucleotides need to be added only during
192 Nikiforov and Howles

the last few cycles, since 50% of the strands can be labeled per cycle (50% labeled after
one cycle, 75% labeled after two cycles, and so forth).

Positive Identification of Amplification Products and

Detection of Mutations
Several methods exist to verify that the amplified DNA contains the desired sequence
and to screen the product for mutations or polymorphism.
Sequence Analysis
Sequence analysis of the amplified DNA provides direct confirmation of the identity
of the product and allows detection of any possible mutations, but it is offset by a
higher cost and time consumption. A portion of the PCR product can be precipitated
with ethanol or purified from the agarose or acrylamide gel and sequenced directly
using radiolabeled primers internal to the amplification primers and standard didexoy-
nucleotide chain termination method. Alternatively, it can be cloned into a vector
and sequenced using vector-specific primers. To facilitate cloning of PCR products,
restriction sites can be incorporated into the primer sequences. Digestion of the PCR
product with the appropriate restriction enzymes will facilitate “sticky end” ligation
into similarly restricted vector DNA.
Restriction Endonuclease Mapping
Another technique applicable to many but not all situations is restriction endonuclease
mapping of the amplified DNA. If the recognition sequence for a particular restriction
enzyme should be present in the amplified fragment, DNA from the PCR reaction can
be precipitated with ethanol and resuspended in about 20 µL of TE. The appropriate
buffers and enzyme are added to half the sample, and digestion is allowed to proceed.
Electrophoretic fractionation of the digested and undigested samples should reveal two
fragments of predicted size for the digested sample and one fragment that is the sum
of the smaller two fragments in the undigested sample.
Restriction mapping also allows rapid detection of mutations that are associated with
the creation or elimination of restriction sites in the amplified DNA. As an example,
a G→A mutation at nucleotide 1691 of the coagulation factor V mRNA changes an
arginine to a glutamine and also eliminates an MnlI restriction site. This mutation is
the most common cause of inherited predisposition to thrombosis, and a clinical diagnos-
tic test has been developed that utilizes PCR and this restriction site polymorphism
(18). The PCR product from normal individuals yields three fragments of 163, 67, and
37 bp after digestion with the MnlI enzyme, whereas the DNA from a patient carrying
the mutation yields only two products, an abnormal fragment of 200 bp and a normal
fragment of 67 bp.
Southern Blot Analysis
Positive identification of the amplified DNA can be performed using Southern blot
analysis if an oligonucleotide probe for the sequence between the primers is available.
The PCR products are electrophoresed through 1.2% agarose gel, transferred to a nylon
membrane, and hybridized with the labeled, sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe.
It is important that the probe be internal and have no overlap with either of the
amplification primers. The technique increases specificity and resolution of the PCR.

Allele-Specific Oligonucleotide Hybridization

Point mutations in the amplified DNA can be detected using allele-specific oligonucle-
otide (ASO) hybridization. This method is based on the fact that an oligonucleotide
with one mismatch binds more weakly to its complement than does a perfectly matched
oligonucleotide. Short oligonucleotides corresponding to the wild-type sequence and
to one of the expected point mutations are synthesized, labeled, allowed to hybridize
to dot blots of the DNA products, and washed under conditions that allow the discrimina-
tion of a single nucleotide mismatch between the probe and the target PCR product.
Hybridization of the wild-type oligonucleotide detects the presence of the wild-type
allele, whereas hybridization of a mutation-specific oligonucleotide shows the presence
of the corresponding point mutation. The hybridization can also be performed “in
reverse,” with oligonucleotides immobilized on the filter and labeled PCR product
hybridized to the filter. This approach allows the simultaneous testing for several
anticipated point mutations with a single hybridization reaction. ASO hybridization of
the PCR products can be used for detection of genetic diseases caused by a single
mutation or by a limited number of specific point mutations in a target gene, such as
a single point mutation of the β-globin gene in sickle cell disease (19) or several specific
mutations in the cystic fibrosis gene (20).
Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism
The PCR product can be screened for unknown or random mutations using single-
strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) (21). The method is based on the fact
that single-stranded DNA in nondenaturing condition has a folded conformation that
determines its electrophoretic mobility. The conformation is determined by the base
sequence, so that a mutation or polymorphism in the sequence will lead to a different
mobility in the gel. First, the target sequence is amplified and simultaneously labeled
using radioactively labeled PCR primers or dNTPs. Then, the PCR product is denatured
and analyzed by electrophoresis through a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel. Any
differences in the base sequence will be detected as a mobility shift and will produce
a different band pattern relative to the strands of the normal, wild-type PCR product
(see below). A nonradioactive SSCP has been introduced with detection of PCR products
by silver staining (22). SSCP is a convenient and relatively rapid method to screen for
samples that are likely to possess a mutation. The selected samples can then be sequenced
to determine the exact nature of each sequence variation. This can be facilitated by cutting
out the aberrant band from the gel, followed by DNA purification and amplification by
a second PCR.


Quality Control of Reagents
The need for sensitivity and reproducibility requires that reagents, especially primers
and nucleotides, be of the highest quality and that they be handled and stored to
minimize degradation. Primers should be purified by high-performance liquid chroma-
tography when possible to eliminate incomplete oligonucleotides as well as residue
from synthesis reagents. Primers are lyophilized for delivery and should be reconstituted
in freshly autoclaved water or TE (10 mM Tris-HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5). Stocks
194 Nikiforov and Howles

should be made to 100 µM, divided into small aliquots of 20–50 µL each, and stored
at −20°C. Multiple freeze/thaw cycles degrade primers, and it is best to discard any
remainder after five uses of an aliquot. A similar approach of freezing aliquots is needed
for deoxynucleotides, which are available in very pure form as 100-mM stocks. Although
simple chemicals like KCl and Tris need not be aliquotted and frozen, their purity and
sterility must be ensured. Water used to make reagents and reaction mixes should also
be the highest quality available and unopened since being autoclaved. It is a good
practice to make a 5× or 10× buffer mix that is then divided and frozen as above.
These preparations, although tedious at first, allow one to use fresh reagents that are
identical in composition.

Positive and Negative Controls

Optimizing reaction conditions, as described above, is usually done with a source
of high-purity target/template DNA. Once conditions have been established, they need
to be tested using DNA prepared by the same method as will be used in actual analyses.
To test for the presence of inhibitory material in a DNA prep, a known number of
copies of previously tested template should be amplified alone and as a “spike” of the
test mix. The sensitivity of the test needs to be established as well, that is, how many
copies of target sequence must be present before the PCR will amplify them to a
detectable level. This determination is critical for knowing how much test sample will
be needed.
Every amplification assay—that is, every time a mix is made and a set of tubes
processed—must include a positive and negative control. The positive control must
amplify known positive DNA that has been prepared like the test samples. The negative
control must derive from the same reaction mix as the other samples but with only
template omitted (“no template” control). It is most valid if this tube is the last one
prepared so that any contamination that may occur will be present when the mix is
sampled for the negative control. A positive result for the assay can be concluded only
if the negative control is clean. Conversely, negative results can be interpreted as
absence of target sequence only if amplification is detected in the positive control at
the expected level. All other results must be interpreted as questionable and should be
repeated for confirmation. If the negative control yields a fragment, contamination has
entered the system, and all positive results are considered unreliable (even if not all
samples are positive). The test must be repeated using fresh reagents after the source
and extent of the contamination have been determined and eliminated (see below).

Contamination Control
Preventing contamination of reagents and equipment is necessarily an obsession in
laboratories engaged in extensive use of PCR. The capacity to amplify a single copy
of DNA to a routinely detectable level is a serious matter. The best prevention protocol
begins by identifying for the technologist the most likely sources and modes of transfer
of contaminating DNA so that their diligence is appropriately focused. Make sure they
understand how small an amount of DNA is needed to generate serious contamination.
Provide careful instruction for pipettor, tip, and tube handling to prevent generation of
aerosols and transfer of DNA residue.

1. Have one complete set of pipettors, tube racks, and solutions, as well as microcentrifuge,
that are used only for preparing the PCR reactions and another set that is used only for
manipulating samples after amplification and/or for manipulating cloned DNA of the target
sequence. Most contamination comes from using a pipettor to prepare PCR reactions after
it has been used to handle amplified or cloned DNA.
2. Have one lab bench or area designated as the PCR bench. This bench should be isolated
from areas where amplified products are manipulated. Many labs designate a fume hood or
laminar flow hood as the PCR bench or have a separate small room for the purpose. This
certainly isolates and defines the area but is probably overkill. If a hood is used, it must be
configured so all manipulations can be performed comfortably. A tired worker makes mis-
3. Regularly clean pipettors. There are a variety of procedures used for this purpose, some
probably more extreme than needed. The simplest cleaning method, and one that is fully
effective, is to disassemble the instrument and wash the barrel, plunger, Teflon parts, and O-
rings in mild detergent. Soap and water is the best cleaning agent. There are also commercially
available solutions marketed specifically for this purpose that are effective. Ethanol (70%)
is often used to sterilize surfaces but is not the best cleaning agent for this purpose. Ethanol
will precipitate DNA but not necessarily flush it away and can actually be counterproductive
in this case. Dilute bleach can be used, but it is harsh and will shorten the life of some parts
of the instrument. After cleaning, rinse the parts well in distilled water and then rinse with
70% ethanol to enhance drying. Avoid 100% ethanol. It removes plasticizers and reduces
the life of the instrument.
4. Aerosol-resistant tips are widely used and greatly reduce the risk of contaminating pipettor
barrels. Although they add significantly to the cost of each assay, they may be advisable for
the laboratory using PCR extensively as a research or diagnostic tool.
5. PCR workstations can be purchased or constructed as an alternative to a separate bench or
room. Essentially, an area is enclosed in Plexiglas with doors that open toward the user.
Racks, pipettors, and other equipment designated for PCR are kept inside, and all reactions
are assembled inside the enclosure. When not in use, ultraviolet lights are turned on to
decontaminate exposed surfaces. Pipetters still require attention, however, since only one
side can be exposed and the insides of the barrels are not exposed at all.
6. When preparing and aliquotting reagent stocks such as buffers, primers, and nucleotides,
use freshly autoclaved solutions and tubes and freshly cleaned pipettors.
7. To minimize losses due to contamination and to minimize its spread, it is important to divide
all reagents into small aliquots. By doing so, if a contamination occurs, it is a simple and
inexpensive matter to discard all current reagents and open fresh aliquots.

The size of the fragment that can be amplified by PCR is limited in two ways.
Although it is theoretically possible to amplify several thousand base pairs, factors
intrinsic to the DNA sequence may reduce this length by an order of magnitude. Such
factors could be secondary structure—such as direct or inverted repeats—high GC
content, or regions of high AT content. These limitations may be overcome by using
modified buffers and reaction conditions.
A limitation more likely to be encountered by pathologists is that due to sample
integrity. The amount of tissue degradation that occurs before a sample is fixed as well
as chemical degradation that occurs during fixation and tissue processing can reduce
the average length of the fragments into which the genome has been broken. As
discussed above, shorter target sequences (≤200 bp) are more likely to be successfully
amplified than longer ones. Longer amplifications may be successful, but the amount
196 Nikiforov and Howles

of template DNA will have to be increased to increase the likelihood of having enough
genome copies with the desired region intact.
The error rate of Taq polymerase is about 2/105 nucleotides (23). Although very
low, this level of infidelity is enough to introduce several mutations during the course
of an amplification. Such mutations do not adversely effect most applications since
only a small proportion of the copies will be affected. Obviously, mutations introduced
in early cycles will be represented at a greater frequency than those introduced in later
cycles. If amplified fragments are to be cloned and sequenced, however, it is important
to analyze several isolates to be sure that the reported sequence is accurate.
The fidelity of amplification by PCR can be increased by maximizing the annealing
temperature, minimizing the MgCl2 and dNTP concentrations, minimizing the annealing
and extension times, and using DNA polymerase with proofreading activity (24).
Other Considerations
Importance of Initial Cycles
The fidelity and efficiency of the first 5–10 cycles critically affect the outcome of
the PCR. Any mispriming or mispairing that occurs in these cycles will be amplified
throughout the reaction. Errors occurring in later cycles affect a comparatively small
number of copies. Thus, if the annealing temperature is too permissive or if mispairing
with some extension has occurred during sample preparation, aberrant bands or a general
background smear of DNA may be produced.
Time Extensions for Later Cycles
During later cycles of the PCR, the concentrations of primers and nucleotides
decrease, and there may be some loss of enzyme integrity. The combined result is that
copying may not be completed in the designated period of time, resulting in decreased
yield and a lower signal-to-noise ratio in the final product. This problem can be overcome
by lengthening the synthesis step of later cycles. Most thermocyclers have options for
incremental extension of individual steps (e.g., 2 a cycle) to overcome this problem.
Often, a final synthesis step of 5 min is added to extend any incomplete strands to
full length.
Special Reaction Buffers and Amplification Kits
Kits are available from various biotech supply companies. Often they tout a “one
mix fits all” buffer system to which you need only add your primers and template
DNA. Many of these kits work well. Their main drawback is that if they quit working
or fail to work for a particular application, the user has difficulty trouble-shooting the
PCR because a description of the components of the kit and their concentrations is
rarely provided by the manufacturer. In the end, the investigator may have to develop
the assay from the basics anyway.


The addition of a reverse transcription (RT) step allows PCR to amplify RNA
fragments. RT-PCR is essential for detection of viral RNA and chimeric transcripts of
rearranged genes in hematopoetic and soft tissue tumors and for the broad area of gene
expression studies. The major steps of the RT-PCR assay are as follows: 1) isolation

of RNA, 2) reverse transcription of RNA into cDNA, and 3) amplification of cDNA

by PCR.

RNA Extraction
It is important to note that RNA is less stable than DNA and is susceptible to rapid
degradation by RNAases that are present in cells, tissue, and the environment. Therefore,
all steps of RNA handling should be performed using appropriate precautions. Clean
gloves should be worn at all times to avoid introduction of RNAases from hands.
Sterile, disposable nuclease-free plasticware should be used whenever possible. A set
of solutions should be reserved for RNA work only. Water and most solutions should
be treated with diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) to inhibit RNAase activity. (Add 0.1 mL
DEPC/100 mL, leave overnight, and autoclave.) Autoclaving inactivates the DEPC, so
avoid subsequent contamination by RNAases. Tris solution should not be treated with
DEPC; instead it should be prepared using DEPC water and powder that is certified
as nuclease free.
RNA Extraction from Fresh or Frozen Tissue
Fresh tissue represents the best source of good-quality RNA. If tissue samples or
cells from which RNA is to be extracted cannot be processed immediately, they should
be snap frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored in liquid nitrogen or at −70°C.
RNA can be isolated by many methods. Many commonly used methods use the
guanidine thiocyanate/acid phenol method as described by Chomczynski and Sacchi
(25). In this isolation procedure, tissue is lysed in the presence of guanidine thiocyanate,
a strong protein denaturant, and a mild detergent. Under acidic conditions (pH 4), in
the presence of 4 M guanidine thiocyanate and phenol, RNA remains soluble, whereas
most proteins and small fragments of DNA will be found in the organic (phenol) phase
and larger DNA fragments and some proteins remain in the interface. The method
provides nearly total recovery of RNA from small quantities of cells or tissue. Several
commercial kits offer a ready-to-use phenol-guanidine thiocyanate solution for the
single-step method. Some of them are TRIzol Reagent (Life Technologies), TRI reagent
(Molecular Research Center), RNAzol B (Cinna Scientific), or Tri-Pure Isolation
Reagent (Boehringer Mannheim).
1. Homogenize tissue sample in 1 mL of TRIzol reagent per 100 mg of tissue in a glass Teflon
homogenizer or in a Falcon 2063 tube using a power homogenizer.
2. Incubate for 5 min at room temperature. Remove insoluble materials by centrifugation at
12,000g for 10 min at 4°C. Transfer the supernatant into a new tube.
3. Add 0.2 mL of chloroform per 1 mL of TRIzol reagent, shake the tube vigorously by hand
for 15 s and incubate at room temperature for 3 min.
4. Centrifuge the sample at no more than 12,000g for 10 min at 4°C. The mixture should be
separated into a lower phenol-chloroform phase (red), an interphase, and an upper aqueous
phase (colorless). RNA remains exclusively in the aqueous phase.
5. Transfer the upper aqueous phase to a 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tube and precipitate with
an equal volume of isopropanol for 10 min at room temperature.
6. Centrifuge at no more than 12,000g for 10 min at 4°C. Discard the supernate.
7. Wash the RNA pellet once with cold 70% ethanol. Mix pellets with ethanol by vortexing,
and spin at no more than 7500g for 5 min at 4°C.
198 Nikiforov and Howles

8. Pipet off the ethanol, and briefly dry the RNA pellet (air-dry or vacuum-dry) for 5–10 min.
Avoid overdrying the pellet.
9. Dissolve RNA in 50 mL of DEPC water by passing the solution a few times through a
pipet tip and incubating for 10 min at 55°C.
10. Quantitate the RNA concentration by spectrophotometry (in a 1-cm-long light path, [RNA] =
A260 × 40 µg/mL × dilution factor) and store at −70°C. Use 1–5 µg for the RT reaction.

RNA Extraction from Paraffin-Embedded Tissue

Although RNA purified from fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue is substantially
degraded, in many cases it can provide a substrate for amplification of small-size
fragments by the PCR. The success of extraction and amplification of RNA from
paraffin-embedded tissues depends on several factors, including the type of fixative
and duration of fixation, as well as the duration of paraffin block storage. The effects
of fixative type and duration of fixation on RNA yield are similar to those on DNA
(8,26) and are discussed earlier in the chapter. However, it is important to note that
RNA is more susceptible to degradation so that even after fixation in buffered formalin
for less than 24 h, usable RNA can be extracted only from approximately 50% of
paraffin blocks (27). Duration of storage of paraffin blocks is also important. In our
experience, RNA extracted from paraffin blocks stored for more than 20 years allows
amplification of 120–150-bp fragments in <10% of cases.
1. Cut 5–10 sections, 20 µm thick, using a microtome with a fresh blade and avoiding cross-
contamination between samples. Push the cut sections into a microcentrifuge tube using a
sterile disposable tip.
2. Deparaffinize sections by adding 1 mL of xylene, vortexing for 1 min, and spinning down
at 13,000g for 5 min in a microcentrifuge. Pipet off the xylene.
3. Repeat step 2 once.
4. Add 1 mL of 100% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min and pipet off
the ethanol.
5. Add 1 mL of 80% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min, and pipet off the ethanol.
6. Add 1 mL of 50% ethanol. Vortex for 30 s, spin at 13,000g for 5 min, and pipet off the
ethanol. Air-dry or vacuum-dry for 3 min.
7. Add 450 µL of digestion buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, 20 mM EDTA, 1% SDS, pH 8.0) and
proteinase K to 100 µg/mL and incubate at 55° overnight. If not completely digested, add
an additional 50 µg/mL of proteinase K and incubate for 3–4 h more. (After this step, the
alternative protocol can be used.*)
8. Spin at 15,000g for 5 min at room temperature. Retain supernatant and discard pellet.
Acidify supernatant with 0.1 vol of 3 M sodium acetate (pH 4.8).
9. Add 500 µL water-saturated phenol, invert 20 times, and centrifuge at 15,000g for 5
min. Transfer the supernatant aqueous phase without disturbing the interphase to a new
microcentrifuge tube.
10. Add 500 µL of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1), invert 20 times, and centrifuge
at 15,000g for 5 min. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube.
11. Add 500 µL of chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (24:1), invert 20 times, and centrifuge at 15,000g
for 5 min. Transfer the supernatant to a new tube.
12. Add 2 µL of glycogen (20 µg/µL) in each tube. Precipitate RNA with 0.8 vol of isopropanol
at −20°C overnight or at −70°C for 2 h.
13. Spin at 12,000g for 15 min at 4°C, wash pellet with 70% ethanol, and air-dry or vacuum-
dry pellet (avoid overdrying).
14. Dissolve pellets in 15 µL of DEPC water. Store at −70°C. Use 5 µL for each RT reaction.

Fig. 3. Schematic representation of the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-

PCR) using different priming methods.

*Alternatively, after digesetion with proteinase K (step 7), isolation of RNA can be
performed in a single step using TRIzol reagent or equivalent as follows:
8. Divide the contents of each tube into two separate 1.5-mL microcentrifuge tubes. Add to
each tube 1 mL of TRIzol reagent and 200 µL of chloroform; shake tubes vigorously by
hand for 15 s and incubate at room temperature for 3 min.
9. Spin at no more than 12,000g for 10 min at 4°C. Transfer the upper aqueous phase to a
new tube.
10. Add 2 µL of glycogen to each tube. Precipitate RNA with 0.1 vol of 3 M sodium acetate
and 0.8 vol of isopropanol at −20°C overnight or at −70°C for 2 h.
11. Spin at 12,000g for 15 min at 4°C, wash pellet with 70% ethanol, and air-dry or vacuum-
dry pellet (avoid overdrying).
12. Dissolve pellets in 15 µL of DEPC water. Store at −70°C. Use 5 µL for each RT reaction.

Reverse Transcription of RNA into cDNA (First-Strand cDNA Synthesis)

Reverse transcription of the RNA molecule into the first cDNA strand is usually
performed as a separate reaction from PCR, or it can be coupled with PCR in the same
tube by using the Tth DNA polymerase that acts both as a thermostable RT and DNA
polymerase. The former approach gives the advantage of producing a stock of cDNA
that can be used for multiple PCR assays.
The basic components of the RT reaction are RNA template, RT enzyme, and primers
to initiate the transcription to a complementary DNA strand. Three types of primers
can be used: random hexanucleotides (hexamers), an oligo(dT) primer that binds to
the poly(A) tail of mRNA, and gene-specific primers (Fig. 3).
1. Random hexamers bind randomly at complementary sites in the RNA molecules to prime
cDNA synthesis. This is the most nonspecific priming, and it ensures that all RNA fragments
200 Nikiforov and Howles

in the extracts are templates for first-strand cDNA synthesis. This is particularly important
when the integrity of RNA is compromised or unknown. This is the only method to prime
RNA isolated from fixed tissues.
2. Oligo(dT) primers (12–18 nucleotides) bind to 3′ polyA tails of mRNA to prime synthesis
of full-length cDNAs. This is a more specific priming method to prime selectively mRNA
that constitutes only 1–2% of total RNA. The amount of cDNA is considerably less, but the
complexity is greater (ribosomal RNA is not copied) than when random hexamers are used.
This method may give an RT-PCR product more consistently.
3. Gene-specific primer (GSP) contains a sequence of the target cDNA and therefore primes
selective transcription of the RNA of interest. This is the most specific priming method;
however, some GCPs fail to prime first-strand cDNA synthesis even though they function
in PCR of a DNA template.

The protocol for reverse transcription of RNA with random hexamer primers using the
Gibco-BRL kit is as follows:
1. Prepare RNA/primer mixtures in a sterile, nuclease-free 0.5-mL microcentrifuge tube as
1–5 µg total RNA (or 5 µL of RNA isolated from paraffin-embedded tissue)
random hexamers (50 ng/µL) 4 µL
10 mM dNTP mix 1 µL
DEPC water to 10 µL
2. Incubate at 65°C for 5 min and place on ice for at least 1 min.
3. Prepare the reaction mixture for each sample as follows:
10× RT buffer 2 µL
25 mM MgCl2 4 µL
0.1 M DTT 2 µL
RNAase Inhibitor 1 µL
4. Add 9 µL of reaction mixture to each RNA/primer mixture, mix, centrifuge briefly, and
incubate at 25°C for 10 min.
5. Add 1 µL (50 U) of SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Gibco-BRL), mix, and incubate at
25°C for 10 min.
6. Transfer to 42°C and incubate for 50 min.
7. Terminate the reaction at 70°C for 15 min. Chill on ice. Store cDNA at −20°C. Use 2 µL
for PCR.

PCR Step
After the reverse transcription reaction is complete, the amplification of cDNA by
PCR is not different from amplification of double-strand DNA templates. All the general
and technical considerations for PCR apply to RT-PCR as well. However, it is important
to note that RT-PCR is a method that detects the expression of a gene, not its presence
in the genome. Therefore, in some situations it may be important to ensure that PCR
is amplifying cDNA and not genomic DNA molecules that can be present in RNA
preparations. This can be achieved by designing primers for cDNA amplification that
are complementary to different exons; the amplification will be cDNA specific because
many introns are too long to be amplified by standard PCR, or it will result in a much
larger size of PCR product. The risk of amplification of contaminant DNA can be
eliminated by treating RNA extracts with DNAase I prior to the RT reaction.
To increase chances for successful amplification of RNA targets extracted from
paraffin-embedded tissue, the smallest possible target size should be selected—typically

in a range of 80–200 bp. Sensitivity of the PCR can be enhanced by Southern blotting
of the product and hybridization with a radiolabeled internal oligonucleotide probe
(28). However, the use of a second round of PCR amplification or nested RT-PCR
should be discouraged because of a high risk of cross-contamination or nonspecific
amplification that would lead to false-positive results.
The important controls for each RT-PCR reaction are as follows: a negative control
at the reverse transcription step in which the RT enzyme is omitted (a control for the
cDNA specificity of the reaction); a standard PCR “no template” negative control; and
a positive control in which RNA extracted from tissue with known expression of the
target gene is added to the RT reaction. In addition, for each sample studied by RT-
PCR for expression of a particular mRNA target, an amplification control is necessary
to ensure that the template RNA is of sufficient integrity to allow the amplification of
the target product. Usually, a portion of an ubiquitously expressed gene of a similar
or larger size should be amplified by PCR using the same cDNA template to ensure
that amplification is possible. Examples of such control reactions are amplification of
phosphoglycerate kinase cDNA (29) or N-RAS cDNA (see below).
A positive result can be concluded only if the negative controls are clean. A negative
result can be interpreted as absence of a target mRNA fragment in a specimen only
when both conditions are met: 1) the expected level of amplification is detected in the
positive control, and 2) the template mRNA showed successful amplification of another
similar-size RNA fragment (positive amplification control). All other results must be
interpreted as inconclusive and should be repeated.


One of the most exciting applications of PCR for the molecular biologist has been
its use to quantitate the amount of starting DNA and, especially, RNA in a reaction.
The important areas of clinical application of quantitative PCR are the assessment of
residual disease after treatment of leukemia or lymphoma, the detection of viral load,
and the assay for gene amplification or for loss of heterozygosity.
The principle behind quantitative PCR is simple. Reactions are “spiked” with a
known amount of standard DNA of some definition. The standard is amplified at the
same time as the test sequence, the PCR products are fractionated by the usual methods,
the amount of amplified test DNA is compared with the amount of amplified standard
DNA, and the number of initial test copies is calculated based on the relative signal
intensities. Typically, a standard curve is generated using different initial numbers of
standard DNA molecules to correct for nonlinear standard curves due to decreasing
efficiency with increasing cycle number. Initial experiments are required to establish
the number of cycles through which amplification remains logarithmic as well as the
lower limit of sensitivity.
Choice of standards is a complicated process. It is best to use the same primer set
so the PCR conditions are optimal for both test and standard. This requires that the
standard curve be generated in separate reaction tubes (30). If, however, there are
factors in the test samples that inhibit PCR or if there is tube-to-tube variation, the
standard curve will not adequately represent the test reactions. Standards can be ampli-
fied in the same tubes as the samples by constructing a sequence that is slightly different
202 Nikiforov and Howles

in size (50–100 bp) than the test sequence when amplified. Engineering a restriction
site polymorphism (31), an insertion (32), or a deletion into a clone of the test sequence
is used in a variation termed competitive PCR (31,32). A clever variation of this
principle whereby the same standard DNA can be used for a set of genes (primer pairs)
of interest has also been described (33).
The most accurate method—and the most expensive—is real-time PCR. With spe-
cially designed thermocyclers, attached optical systems, and fluorescently labeled prim-
ers or intercalating dyes, the amplification process is monitored in each tube as it
occurs. A complete description of this method is presented in another chapter of
this book.

The versatility of PCR has resulted in multiple PCR-based applications, the number
of which continues to increase rapidly. Many clinical diagnostic and research fields
take advantage of the high sensitivity and specificity of PCR to generate millions of
identical copies of specific portions of individual genes from only a few cells or from
archival tissue.
The PCR amplification followed by direct sequencing or another analytic method
is a common method to diagnose point mutations in genes associated with inherited
diseases or in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes associated with different types
of human neoplasms. The RT-PCR, on the other hand, has become a standard method
for detection of specific chromosomal rearrangements that are common in soft tissue
sarcomas, hematopoetic malignancies, and some epithelial cancers. Another important
area of PCR application is in the detection of infections by amplification of a defined
region of DNA or reverse-transcribed RNA using primers unique for the pathogen.
Some of the practical applications of PCR were briefly discussed throughout this
chapter. Here, we describe in detail two protocols of the PCR-based screening and
detection of point mutations in a gene of interest and of detection of chromosomal
rearrangement using RT-PCR.

Detection of p53 Mutations in DNA Extracted from

Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
When a large number of paraffin-embedded tumor samples needs to be screened for
mutations, this can be done using PCR amplification followed by SSCP and sequencing
of the selected specimens. The following protocol describes the detection of mutations
in exon 5 of the p53 tumor suppressor gene.
1. Review hematoxylin and eosin-stained slides and select from each case a paraffin block
containing tumor tissue only or tumor with a minimal amount of adjacent normal tissue.
From each block, cut 5 of 10-µm-thick sections. Alternatively, microdissect tumor away
from surrounding normal tissue.
2. Perform partial DNA extraction using the protocol described above for paraffin-embedded
tissue: deparaffinize with xylene, hydrate through graded ethanol solutions, digest with
proteinase K overnight, and heat-inactivate proteinase K.
3. Obtain the following oligonucleotide primers for p53 exon 5:
downstream primer 5′-ACCCTGGGCAACCAGCCCTGTC-3′

Fig. 4. SSCP analysis of PCR-amplified tumor DNA for mutations in exon 5 of the p53
gene. N, normal DNA (negative control); J6, tumor sample with known point mutation in p53
exon 5 (positive control); lanes 3–18, tumor samples. Samples C9 and C2 show abnormal
pattern of migration in the polyacrylamide gel, suggesting the presence of mutations.

4. Assemble the following radioactive PCR in a final volume of 30 µL to amplify 18 tumor

samples, one normal DNA (e.g., placental DNA) control, and one positive control (DNA
from a tumor or cell line with known mutation of p53 exon 5). (Reaction mix should be
prepared for 22 samples)
Final concentration Add to reaction mix
10× PCR buffer 1× 66 µL
25 mM MgCl2 1.5 mM 39.6 µL
100 µM upstream primer 5 mM 33 µL
100 µM downstream primer 5 mM 33 µL
dNTPs mixed, each 10 mM 200 µM each 13.2 µL
Taq polymerase (5 U/µL) 1.5 U/tube 6.6 µL
1 µCi of [α−32P]dCTP (3000 Ci/mmol) 0.2 µL
autoclaved distilled water 424.4 µL
Mix and put 28 µL into each reaction tube. Heat the thermocycler to 80°C, insert tubes,
add 100 µg of template DNA to each tube in a total volume of 2 µL (hot start), and
begin the program with the following cycling profile:

initial denaturation 4 min at 94°C

cycle × 35
denaturation 30 s at 94°C
annealing 30 s at 59°C
elongation 1 min at 72°C
final elongation 5 min at 72°C
5. When the PCR is finished, perform the SSCP analysis. Dilute 2 µL of each PCR product
1:10 in a loading dye (96% formamide, 20 mM EDTA, 0.05% bromphenol blue, and 0.05%
xylene cyanol). Denature samples by heating at 90°C for 4 min and immediately place on
ice; load 4 µL onto freshly prepared 0.5% MDE vertical gel (J. T. Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ)
in 1× TBE. Run the gel at 600 V for 16 h at room temperature. Remove the gel from glass
plates, place onto Whatman paper, and dry on a gel dryer. Put dried gel into an X-ray
cassette, load Kodak X-OMAT film, and expose at −70°C for 5 h. Develop and analyze for
the shifted bands (Fig. 4). All bands that demonstrate a pattern of migration different from
normal DNA suggest the presence of mutations.
204 Nikiforov and Howles

Fig. 5. Sequence analysis of tumor sample C9, suspected to harbor a mutation by SSCP
analysis, reveals a heterozygous somatic mutation A→G in codon 160 of p53. N, normal
DNA sequence.

6. Detect the nature of the shifted band by sequencing. Precipitate with ethanol the PCR product
from samples that displayed a band shift by SSCP analysis and sequence using the fmol
sequencing kit (Promega, Madison, WI) by following the manufacturer’s instruction. The
sequence analysis of two positive samples from the example SSCP gel shown above revealed
a heterozygous somatic mutation of A→G in codon 160 of p53 in sample C9 (Fig. 5) and
C→T mutation in the third position of codon 182 in sample C2.

Detection of Chromosomal Rearrangements Using RT-PCR

The presence of a chromosomal rearrangement can be detected by PCR with primers
designed to amplify a sequence flanking the fusion point between two genes participating
in a rearrangement. In most cases, RNA needs to be isolated from tumor cells, and the
detection is done by RT-PCR, because in most rearrangements the breakpoints in two
genes occur within introns, some of them very long, with breakpoint locations along
the intron varying in each tumor. However, after intronic sequences are spliced out to
make mRNA, the same chimeric mRNA is generated from the fusion gene transcript,
allowing for standardization of the diagnostic procedure.
Here, we describe a protocol for detection of the RET/ELE1 rearrangement in thyroid
papillary carcinomas by RT-PCR.
1. Use 100 µg of fresh or snap frozen tumor tissue to extract RNA according to the protocol
supplied earlier in the chapter.
2. Use 3 µg of total RNA for the RT reaction using random hexamer priming as described earlier.
3. Synthesize two oligonucleotide primers that correspond to the RET and ELE1 genes and
flank the ELE1/RET fusion point:
The expected size of the amplicon is 242 bp.
4. Assemble the following PCR reaction in a final volume of 30 µL to amplify seven tumor
samples, one RT negative control, one PCR negative control, and one positive control (cDNA
from a sample known to have ELE1/RET rearrangement). Reaction mix should be prepared
for 11 samples:

Fig. 6. Detection of ELE1/RET rearrangement by RT-PCR. Samples 2, 3, and 6 show the

amplification of a 242-bp fragment of the chimeric mRNA and are considered positive for the
rearrangement. Samples 1, 4, 5, and 7 are considered negative since they show no ELE1/RET
amplification but contain RNA of sufficient quality as detected by amplification of a 236-bp
fragment of N-RAS cDNA. The samples were electrophoresed in 1.5% agarose gel. L, 123-bp
DNA ladder; N1, RT reaction negative control (no RT enzyme); N2, PCR “no template” negative
control; PC, positive control.

Final concentration Add to reaction mix

10× PCR buffer 1× 33 µL
25 mM MgCl2 1.5 mM 19.8 µL
100 µM upstream primer 5 mM 16.5 µL
100 µM downstream primer 5 mM 16.5 µL
dNTPs mixed, each 10 mM 200 µM each 6.6 µL
autoclaved distilled water 212.3 µL
Mix and put 27.7 µL into each reaction tube. Add to each tube 2 µL of cDNA,
insert tubes in thermocycler, and start the program. Approximately 2 min after beginning
of the initial denaturation step (4 min at 94°C), add 0.3 µL of Taq polymerase (5 U/
µL) to each tube (hot start) and run 30 cycles using the following cycling profile:

denaturation 30 s at 94°C
annealing 0 s at 59°C
elongation 1 min at 72°C (with final elongation for 5 min at 72°C)
5. Assemble another PCR to test the integrity of the RNA template. For this purpose, use the
same cDNA samples to amplify a 236-bp sequence of the c-N-RAS using a pair of primers
spanning intron 1 of the gene:
upstream primer 5′-ATGACTGAGTACAAACTGGT-3′
downstream primer 5′-AGGAAGCCTTCGCCTGTCCT-3′
The conditions of the assay, including optimal MgCl2 concentration and annealing tempera-
ture, are identical to those used for the ELE1/H4 amplification.
6. Load 10 µL of each PCR product onto a 1.5% agarose gel. Samples that show a 242-bp
band are considered to have the rearrangement (Fig. 6). Samples that show no amplification
for ELE1/RET, but successfully amplify N-RAS cDNA, are considered negative for the
rearrangement. Positive cases can be selectively sequenced to confirm the presence of a
chimeric transcript.
206 Nikiforov and Howles

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Detection of Nucleic Acids in Cells and Tissues
by In Situ Polymerase Chain Reaction

Omar Bagasra, MD, PHD Lisa E. Bobroski, MS,

and Muhammad Amjad, PHD

The solution-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for amplification of
defined gene sequences has proved a valuable tool not only for basic researchers but
also for clinical scientists. Using even a minute amount of DNA or RNA and choosing
a thermostable enzyme from a large variety of sources, one can enlarge the amount of
the gene of interest, which can be analyzed and/or sequenced. Thus genes or segments
of gene sequences present only in a small sample of cells or small fraction of mixed
cellular populations can be examined. However, one of the major drawbacks of the
solution-based PCR technique is that the procedure does not allow the association of
amplified signals of a specific gene segment with the histologic cell type(s) (1–24).
For example, it would be advantageous to determine what types of cells in the peripheral
blood circulation or in a pathologic specimens carry the human immunodeficiency virus
type 1 (HIV-1) gene or a vector used for gene therapy or an aberrant gene in a
leukemia patient and what percent of leukemia cells is present after various forms of
antitumor therapies.
The ability to identify under the microscope individual cells expressing or carrying
specific genes of interest in a latent form in a tissue section provides a great advantage
in determining various aspects of normal, as opposed to pathologic, conditions. For
example, this technique could be used in determination of viral burden (11), degree of
gene expression (13,21,22), or tumor burden (25,26), before and after therapy (24,27,32),
in lymphomas or leukemias, in which specific aberrant gene translocations are associated
with certain types of malignancy (28). In the case of HIV-1 or other viral infections,
one can determine the effects of therapy or putative antiviral vaccination by evaluating
the number of cells still infected with viral agent post chemotherapy or vaccination
(2,5,6,20). Similarly, one can potentially determine the preneoplastic lesions by examin-
ing tumor suppresser genes (i.e., p53 mutations associated with certain tumors or
oncogenes or other aberrant gene sequences known to be associated with certain types
of tumors) (26,28,29). In the area of diagnostic pathology, determination of origin of
metastatic tumors is a perplexing problem. By utilizing the proper primers for genes

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

210 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

expressed by certain histologic cell types, one can potentially determine the origin of
metastatic tumors by performing reverse transcriptase (RI)-initiated in situ PCR (26).
One can also determine the subcellular localization of a gene or virus inside the
cytoplasmic or nuclear compartments (2–7,12,14,18,27,30–32). Both RNA and DNA
signal can be detected simultaneously by utilizing primers that anneal to the splicing
junctions of exons of mRNA (8,10,13,16,17,21,22,25,33,34).
Our laboratories have been utilizing in situ PCR techniques for several years, and
we have developed simple, sensitive protocols for both RNA and DNA in situ PCR
that have proved reproducible in multiple double-blinded studies (2–7,10,17,18,22).
One can use this method for amplification of both DNA or RNA gene sequences. By
use of multiple labeled probes, one can detect various signals in a single cell (14,22).
In addition, under special circumstances, one can perform immunohistochemistry and
RNA and DNA amplification at a single cell level (so-called triple labeling) (10,23).
To date, we have successfully amplified and detected HIV, simian immunodeficiency
virus (SIV), human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), cytomegalovirus
(CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), human herpes virus (HHV)-6, HHV-8, herpes sim-
plex virus (HSV), and p53 and its mutations, as well as mRNA for surfactant protein
A, estrogen receptors, and inducible nitrous oxide synthesis (iNOS) gene sequences
associated with multiple sclerosis, by DNA and/or RNA (RT in-situ PCR). We have
used various tissues, including peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), lymph
node, spleen, skin, breast, lungs, placenta, sperm, cytologic specimens, Kaposi’s sarcoma
(KS), cultured cells, numerous others formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues and
various cellular populations in the frozen sections of AIDS brains, infected with HIV-
1 (1–14,17,18,22,23,25,30). In the following pages, we present a detailed protocol
currently being utilized in our laboratory. For more details, the readers are referred to
ref. 33.


Before one can perform in situ reactions by this protocol, the proper sort of glass
slide with a Teflon appliqué must be obtained. Then the glass surface must be treated
with the proper sort of silicon compound. Both of these factors are very important,
and the following discussion explains why.

Glass Slides with Teflon-Bordered Wells

First, one should always use glass slides that are partially covered by a Teflon
coating. Not only does the glass withstand well the stress of repeated heat denaturations,
but it also presents the right chemical surface—silicon oxide—needed for proper silani-
Furthermore, slides with special Teflon coatings that form individual “wells” are
useful because vapor-tight reaction chambers can be formed on the surface of the slides
when cover slips are attached with coatings of nail polish around the periphery. These
reaction chambers are necessary because within them, proper tonicity and ion concentra-
tions can be maintained in aqueous solutions during thermal cycling—conditions that
are vital for proper DNA amplification. The Teflon coating serves a dual purpose in
this regard. First, the Teflon helps keep the two glass surfaces slightly separated,

allowing for reaction chambers about 20 µm in height to form between. Second, the
Teflon border helps keep the nail polish from entering the reaction chambers when the
polish is being applied. This is important, because any leakage of nail polish into a
reaction chamber can compromise the results in that chamber. Even if one is using an
advanced thermal cycler with humidification, use of the Teflon-coated slides is still
recommended, as the hydrophobicity of the Teflon combined with the pressure applied
by a cover slip helps spread small volumes of reaction cocktail over the entire sample
region, without forcing much fluid out the periphery.
To prepare glass slides properly, follow this procedure:
1. Prepare the following 2% AES solution just prior to use: 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (AES;
Sigma A-3648) 5 mL and acetone 250 mL.
2. Put solution into a Coplin jar or glass staining dish and dip glass slides in 2% AES for 60
s. Allow to dry for 1–2 h at room temperature or overnight, if not in a hurry.
3. Dip slides five times into a different vessel filled with 1000 mL of distilled water.
4. Repeat step 3 three to four times, changing the water each time.
5. Air-dry in a laminar flow hood from a few hours to overnight, and then store slides in a
sealed container at room temperature. Try to use slides within 15 days of silanization; 250
mL of AES solution is sufficient to treat 200 glass slides.

Cell Suspensions
To use peripheral blood leukocytes, first isolate cells on a Ficoll-Hypaque density
gradient. Tissue culture cells or other single-cell suspensions can also be used. Prepare
all cell suspensions with the following procedure:
1. Wash cells with 1× phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) twice.
2. Resuspend cells in PBS at 2 × 106 cells/mL.
3. Add at least 10 µL of cell suspension to each well of the slide using a P20 micropipet, and
spread across surface of slides.
4. Air-dry slide in a laminar flow hood.

Adherent Cultured Cells

Several types of slides are designed to support in situ PCR after they are attached
on the glass slides. We favor the FALCON CultureSlide setup. The cells are grown
on this type of slides. If certain primary cell cultures require attachment factors or
growth media, these could be used in conjunction with this cell culture system. After
appropriate confluency (usually >60%), cells are washed with 1× PBS, gently, then
heat-fixed, and fixed with 2% paraformaldehyde (PFA), overnight.

Paraffin-Fixed Tissue
Routinely fixed paraffin tissue sections can be amplified quite successfully. This
permits the evaluation of individual cells in the tissue for the presence of a specific
RNA or DNA sequence. For this purpose, tissue sections are placed on specially
designed slides that have single wells (described further in the Materials and Methods
section, page 224). In our laboratory, we routinely use placental tissues, central nervous
system (CNS) tissues, cardiac tissues, and so on, which are sliced to a 5–6 µm thickness.
212 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

Other laboratories prefer to use sections up to 10-µm thickness, but in our experience,
amplification is often less successful with the thicker sections, and multiple cell layers
can often lead to difficult interpretation due to superposition of cells. However, if one
is using tissues that contain particularly large cells—such as ovarian follicles—then
thicker sections may be appropriate.
1. Place tissue section on the glass surface of the slide.
2. Incubate the slides in an oven at 60–80°C (depending on type of paraffin used to embed the
tissue) for 1 h, to melt the paraffin.
3. Dip the slides in EM grade xylene solution for 5 min, and then in EM grade 100% ethanol
for 5 min. (EM grade reagents are benzene-free.) Repeat these washes two or three times,
to rid the tissue of paraffin completely.
4. Dry the slides in an oven at 80°C for 1 h.

Frozen Sections
It is possible to use frozen sections for in situ amplification; however, the morphology
of the tissue following the amplification process is generally not as good as with paraffin
sections. It seems that the cryogenic freezing of the tissue, combined with the lack of
paraffin substrate during slicing, compromises the integrity of the tissue. Usually, thicker
slices must be made, and the tissue “chatters” in the microtome. As any clinical
pathologist will relate, definitive diagnoses are made from paraffin sections, and this
rule of thumb seems to extend to the amplification procedure as well.
It is very important to use tissues that were frozen in liquid nitrogen or placed on
dry ice immediately after they were harvested before autolysis began to take place. If
tissues were frozen slowly by placing them at −70°C, then eventually ice crystals will
form inside the tissues, creating a gap that will distort the morphology.
To use frozen sections, use as thin a slice as possible (down to 4–6 µm), apply to
the slide, dehydrate for 10 min in 100% methanol (the exception to methanol is when
surface antigens are lipoprotein, which will denature in methanol; then use 2% PFA
or other reagent), and air-dry in a laminar flow hood. Then proceed with the heat
treatment described below.


Basic Preparation, All Protocols
For all sample types, the following steps comprise the basic preparatory work that
must be done before any amplification-hybridization procedure. The flowchart is
depicted in Fig. 1.

Heat Treatment
Place the slides with attached tissue or cells on a heat block at 105°C for 0.5–2
min, to stabilize the cells or tissue on the glass surface of the slide. This step is absolutely
critical, and one may need to experiment with different periods to optimize the heat
treatment for specific tissues. Our laboratory routinely uses 90 s for DNA target
sequences and 30–45 s for RNA sequences.

Fig. 1. Overview of in situ PCR protocol: amplification and hybridization of DNA target
sequence. See text for details and modifications.

Fixation and Washes

1. Place the slides in a solution of 2% PFA in PBS (pH 7.4) for 2 h at room temperature. Use
of the recommended Coplin jars or staining dishes facilitates these steps.
2. Wash the slides once with 3× PBS for 10 min, agitating periodically with an up and
down motion.
3. Wash the slides with 1× PBS for 10 min, agitating periodically with an up and down motion.
Repeat once with fresh 1× PBS.
214 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

4. At this point, slides with attached tissue can be stored at −80°C until use. Before storage,
dehydrate with 100% ethanol.
If biotinylated probes or peroxidase-based color development are to be used, the
samples should further be treated with a 0.3% solution of hydrogen peroxide in PBS,
to inactivate any endogenous peroxidase activity. Once again, incubate the slides over-
night—either at 37°C or at room temperature. Then, wash the slides once with PBS.
If other probes are to be used, proceed directly to the following proteinase K digestion,
which is perhaps the most critical step in the protocol.
Proteinase K Treatment (The Most Rate-Limiting Step)
1. Treat samples with 6 µg/mL proteinase K in PBS for 5–60 min at room temperature or at
55°C. To make a proper solution, dilute 1.0 mL of proteinase K (1 mg/mL) in 150 mL of
1× PBS.
2. After 5 min, look at the cells under the microscope at 400×. If the majority of the cells of
interest exhibit uniform-appearing, small, round “salt and pepper” dots on the cytoplasmic
membrane, then stop the treatment immediately with step 3. Otherwise, continue treatment
for another 5 min, and reexamine.
3. After proper digestion, heat slides on a block at 95°C for 2 min to inactive the proteinase K.
4. Rinse slides in 1× PBS for 10 s.
5. Rinse slides in distilled water for 10 s.
6. Air-dry.
Optimizing Digestion
The time and temperature of incubation should be optimized carefully for each cell
line or tissue section type. Too little digestion, and the cytoplasmic and nuclear mem-
branes will not be sufficiently permeable to primers and enzyme, and amplification
will be inconsistent. Too much digestion, and the membranes will either deteriorate
during repeated denaturation or worse, signals will leak out. In the first case cells will
not contain the signal, and high background will result. In the last case, many cells
will show pericytoplasmic staining or “rim staining” representing the leaked signals
going into the cells not containing the signals. Attention to detail here can often mean
the difference between success and failure, and this procedure should be practiced
rigorously with extra sections before continuing on to the amplification steps.
In our laboratory, proper digestion parameters vary considerably with tissue type.
Typically, lymphocytes will require 5–10 min at 25°C or room temperature, CNS tissue
will require 12–18 min at room temperature, and paraffin-fixed tissue will require
15–30 min at room temperature. However, these periods can vary widely, and the
appearance of the “salt and pepper dots” is the important factor. Unfortunately, the
appearance of the “salt and pepper dots” is less prominent in paraffin sections.
The critical importance of these dots should not be underestimated, since a extra
2–3 min of treatment after the appearance of dots will result in leakage of signals.
An alternative to the observation of “dots” method is to select a constant time and
treat slides in varying amounts of proteinase K. For example, treat slides for 15 min
in 1–6 µg/mL of proteinase K.
RT Variation: In Situ RNA Amplification
One has two choices in order to detect an RNA signal. The first and more elegant
method is simply to use primer pairs that flank spliced sequences of mRNA, as these

particular sequences will be found only in RNA will be split into sections in the DNA
(see Fig. 3). Thus, by using these RNA-specific primers, one can skip the following
DNase step and proceed directly to reverse transcription.
The second, more brutal, yet often necessary approach is to treat the cells or tissue
with a DNase solution subsequent to the proteinase K digestion. This step destroys all
of the endogenous DNA in the cells so that only RNA survives to provide signals for

Note: All reagents for RT in situ amplification should be prepared with RNase-free
water (i.e., diethylpyrocarbonate [DEPC]-treated water). In addition, the silanized glass
slides and all glassware should be RNase-free, which we ensure by baking the glassware
overnight in an oven before use in the RT amplification procedure.
DNase Treatment
Prepare an RNase-free DNase solution:
40 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.4.
6 mM MgCl2.
2 mM CaCl2.
100 U/µL final vol. of DNase (use RNase-free DNase, such as 1000 U/µL RQ1 DNase
cat. no. 776785 from Boehringer).
1. Add 10–15 µL of solution to each well.
2. Incubate the slides at 37°C in a humidified chamber for 1 h. If one is using liver tissue, this
incubation should be extended for an additional hour.
3. After incubation, rinse the slides with a similar solution that was prepared without the
DNase enzyme.
4. Wash the slides twice with DEPC-treated water.
Note: Some cells are particularly rich in ribonuclease; in this circumstance, add the
following ribonuclease inhibitor to the DNase solution: 1000 U/mL placental ribo-
nuclease inhibitor (e.g., RNAsin) plus 1 mM dithiotheitol (DTT). Also, some investiga-
tors prefer to use a long incubation period with a lower concentration of DNase (1 U/
mL for 18 h).
Reverse Transcriptase Reaction
Next, one wishes to make DNA copies of the targeted RNA sequence so that the
signal can be amplified. The following are typical cocktails for the RT reaction:
1. If using AMVRT or MMLVRT enzyme:
10× reaction buffer* 4.0 µL
10 mM dATP 2.0 µL
10 mM dCTP 2.0 µL
10 mM dGTP 2.0 µL
10 mM dTTP 2.0 µL
RNasin at 40 U/µL (Promega)** 0.5 µL
20 µM downstream primer 1.0 µL
AMVRT 20 U/µL 0.5 µL
DEPC water 6.0 µL
Total volume 20.0 µL
*5× reaction buffer: 250 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.3, 375 mM KCl, 15 mM MgCl2.
216 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

2. If using Superscript II enzyme from BRL:

5× reaction buffer (as supplied with enzyme) 4.0 µL
10 mM dATP 2.0 mL
10 mM dCTP 2.0 mL
10 mM dGTP 2.0 mL
10 mM dTTP 2.0 µL
RNasin at 40 U/µL (Promega)** 0.5 µL
20 µM downstream primer 1.0 µL
Superscript II, 200 U/µL 0.5 µL
0.1 M dTT 2.0 µL
DEPC water 4.0 µL
Total volume 20.0 mL
a. Add 10–15 µL of either cocktail to each well. Carefully place the cover slip on top of
the slide.
b. Incubate at 42°C or 37°C for 1 h in a humidified atmosphere.
c. Incubate slides at 92°C for 2 min.
d. Remove cover slip and wash twice with distilled water. Proceed with the amplification
procedure, which is the same for both DNA- and RNA-based protocols.
**RNAsin inhibits ribosomal RNases—use for optimal yields.

RT Enzymes
Avian myoblastosis virus reverse transcriptase (AMVRT) and Moloney murine leuke-
mia virus reverse transcriptase (MMLVRT) give comparable results in our laboratory.
Other RT enzymes will probably work also. However, it is important to read the
manufacturer’s descriptions of the RT enzyme and to make certain that the proper
buffer is used.
An alternative RT enzyme is available that lacks RNase activity. Called Superscript
II, it is available from BRL Lifesciences, and it is suitable for RT of long mRNAs. It
is also suitable for routine RT amplification, and in our laboratory it has proved to be
more efficient than the two enzymes described above.
Primers and Target Sequences
In our laboratory, we simply use antisense downstream primers for our gene of
interest, as we already know the sequence of most genes we study. However, one can
alternatively use oligo (dT) primers first to convert all mRNA populations into cDNA
and then to perform the in situ amplification for a specific cDNA. This technique may
be useful when one is performing amplification of several different gene transcripts at
the same time in a single cell. For example, if one is attempting to detect various
cytokine expressions, one can use an oligo (dT) primer to reverse transcribe all the
mRNA copies in a cell or tissue section. Then one can amplify more than one type of
cytokine and detect the various types with different probes that develop into different
colors (see Multiple Signals and Multiple Labels in Individual Cells, page 220.)
In all RT reactions, it is advantageous to reverse-transcribe only relatively small
fragments of mRNA (<1500 bp). Larger fragments may not completely reverse-
transcribe due to the presence of secondary structures. Furthermore, the RT enzymes—
AMVRT and MMLVRT, at least—are not very efficient in transcribing large mRNA
fragments. However, this size restriction does not apply to amplification reactions that

are exclusively DNA, for the polymerase enzyme copies nucleotides better. In in situ
DNA reactions, we routinely amplify genes up to 300 bp.
The following are several additional points one should keep in mind:
1. The length for both sense and antisense primers should be 14–22 bp.
2. At the 3′ ends, primers should contain GC-type base pairs (e.g., GG, CC, GC, or CG) to
facilitate complementary strand formation.
3. The preferred GC content of the primers is 45–55%.
4. Try to design primers so they do not form intra- or interstrand base pairs. Furthermore, the
3′-ends should not be complementary to each other, or they will form primer dimers.
5. One can design an RT primer so that it does not contain secondary structures.
Annealing Temperatures
Annealing temperatures for RT and for DNA amplification can be chosen according
to the following formula:
Tm of the primers = 81.5°C + 16.6 (log M) + 0.41 (G + C%) − 500/n
where n = length of primers and M = molarity of the salt in the buffer, usually 0.047
M for DNA reactions and 0.070 M for RT reactions (see below).
If using AMVRT, the value will be lower, according to the following formula:
Tm of the primers = 62.3°C + 0.41 (G + C%) − 500/n
A simpler version could be used for primers of 18 bp or less:
Tm = 4°C (no. of GC pairs) + 2°C (no. of AT pairs)
Usually, primer annealing is optimal at 2°C above its Tm. However, this formula
provides only an approximate temperature for annealing, since base stacking, near-
neighbor effect, and buffering capacity may play a significant role for a particular primer.
Optimization of the annealing temperature should be carried out first with solution-
based reactions. It is important to know the optimal temperature before attempting to
conduct in situ amplification, as in situ reactions are simply not as robust as solution-
based ones. We hypothesize that this is because primers do not have easy access to
DNA templates inside cells and tissues, as numerous membranes, folds, and other small
structures can keep primers from binding homologous sites as readily as they do in
solution-based reactions.
There are two addition ways to determine the real annealing temperatures:
1. To utilize a recently developed thermocycler designed for determination of actual annealing
temperature called the Robocycler (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA).
2. To utilize so-called touchdown PCR (22).
The logic for determining the correct annealing temperature for in situ PCR is as follows:
Recently, M.J. Research (Watertown, MA) have devised a thermocycler that has the
capacity to perform in situ gene amplification both in slides and in solution (tubes)
simultaneously, in the same block. Also, their DNA-Engine Twin-Tower MS 16×2 can
perform multiple functions, and in situ hybridization could be carried out if one inserts
a wet Kimwipe paper in one of the slide slots. In addition, Perkin-Elmer also has
recently introduced an excellent thermocycler. These kinds of thermocyclers can be
very useful in the in situ amplification of a gene of interest.
218 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

Amplification Protocol, All Types

Prepare an amplification cocktail containing the following: 1.25 µM of each primer,
200 µM (each) dNTP, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.001%
gelatin, and 0.05 U/µL Taq polymerase. The following is a convenient recipe that we
use in our laboratory:
25 µM forward primer (i.e., SK 38 for HIV-1) 5.0 µL
25 µM reverse primer (i.e., SK 39 for HIV-1) 5.0 µL
10 mM each dNTP 2.5 µL
Taq pol (Ampli-Taq 5 U/µL)* 1.0µL
10× PCR buffer 10.0 µL
H2O 76.5 µL
Total volume 100.0 µL
*Note: Other thermostable polymerase enzymes have also been used quite successfully.
1. Layer 10–15 µL of amplification solution onto each well with a P20 micropipet so that the
whole surface of the well is covered with the solution. Be careful—do not touch the surface
of the slide with the tip of the pipet.
2. Add a glass cover slip (22 × 60 mm) and carefully seal the edge of the coverslip to the slide
with two coats of clear nail polish. If using tissue sections, use a second slide instead of a
cover slip (see discussions below on attaching cover slips and hot start).
3. Allow nail polish to dry completely until not sticky to the touch. (An alternative to nail
polish is a self-seal, which, when mixed directly into the amplification cocktail, seals the
slides at its edges, limiting evaporation of the cocktail. We have used this self-seal in our
laboratory extensively, and it has given excellent results. It is available from M.J. Research.)
4. Place slides in a thermocycling instrument.
5. Run 30 cycles of the following amplification protocol:
Optimal annealing temperature
(see below)
94°C 30 s
45°C 1 min
72°C 1 min
These times/temperatures will probably require optimization for the specific thermocy-
cler being used. Furthermore, the annealing temperature should be optimized, as described
below. These particular incubation parameters work well with SK38 and SK39 primers
for the HIV-1 gag sequence, when amplified in an M.J. Research PTC-100-60 or PTC-
100-16MS thermal cycler.
6. After the thermal cycling is complete, dip slides in 100% ethyl alcohol (EtOH) for at least
5 min, to dissolve the nail polish. Pry off the cover slip using a razor or other fine blade—
the cover slip generally pops off quite easily. Scratch off any remaining nail polish on the
outer edges of the slide so that fresh cover slips will lie evenly in the subsequent hybridization/
detection steps.
7. Place slides on a heat block at 92°C for 1 min—this treatment helps immobilize the intracellu-
lar signals.
8. Wash slides with 2× standard saline citrate (SSC) (see Materials and Methods, page 224)
at room temperature for 5 min.
The amplification protocol is now complete and one can proceed to the labeling/hybridiza-
tion procedures.
Notes on attaching cover slip/top slide: Be certain to paint the polish carefully around
the entire periphery of the cover slip or the edges of the dual slide, as the polish must

completely seal the cover slip-slide assembly in order to form a small reaction “chamber”
that can contain the water vapor during thermal cycling. For effective sealing, do not
use colored polish or any other nail polish that is especially “runny”—our laboratory
prefers to use Wet & Wild Clear nail polish. Proper sealing is very important, for this
keeps reaction concentrations consistent through the thermal cycling procedure, and
concentrations are critical to proper amplification. However, be certain to apply the
nail polish very carefully so that none of the polish gets into the actual chamber where
the cells or tissues reside. If any nail polish does enter the chamber, discard that slide—
the results will be questionable. Please bear in mind that the painting of nail polish is
truly a learned skill; therefore, it is strongly recommended that researchers practice
this procedure several times with mock slides before attempting an experiment.
In the case of thick tissue sections, it is best to use another identical blank slide for
the cover instead of a cover slip. Apply the amplification cocktail to the appropriate
well of the blank slide, place an inverted tissue-containing slide atop the blank slide,
and seal the edges as described. Invert the slide once again so that the tissue-containing
slide is on the bottom. This technique can be modified to accommodate a hot start
(see below).
Hot Start Technique
There is much debate as to whether a hot start helps to improve the specificity and
sensitivity of amplification reactions. In our laboratory, we find the hot start adds no
advantage in this regard, rather, it adds only technical difficulty to the practice of the
in situ technique. However, recently a variation of the hot start has been reported
(42,75). In this procedure, one simply uses anti-Taq antibody in the PCR cocktail
(containing Taq), which keeps the Taq enzyme in the cocktail “blocked” until the first
cycle of 92°C when anti-Taq antibody is denatured and restores the full Taq activity.
This modification essentially serves the same function as the hot start procedure but
without its difficulties (15).
Thermal Cyclers
Various thermocycler technologies will work in this application; however, some
instruments work much better than others. In our laboratory, we use two types: a
standard, block-type thermocycler that normally holds 60 0.5-mL tubes but that can
be adapted with aluminum foil, paper towels, and a weight to hold four to six slides.
We also use dedicated thermocyclers that are specifically designed to hold 12 or 16
slides. We understand that other labs have used stirred-air, oven-type thermocyclers
quite successfully; however, we have also heard that there are sometimes problems
with the cracking of glass slides during cycling. Thermocyclers dedicated to glass slides
are now available from several vendors, including Barnstead Thermolyne of Iowa, Coy
Corporation of Minnesota, Hybaid of England, Perkin-Elmer of California, and M.J.
Research of Massachusetts. Our laboratory has used an M.J. Research PTC-100-16MS,
PTC-100-16MS, and DNA-Engine Twin-Tower 16×2 quite successfully. Recently, this
company has combined the slide and tubes into a single block, allowing the simultaneous
confirmation of in situ amplification in a tube. Furthermore, newer designs of thermal
cycler incorporate humidification chambers. However, we do not yet have sufficient
experience with this technology to verify whether they can eliminate the need for
220 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

sealing the slides with nail polish during thermal cycling. Nonetheless, the humidified
instruments are especially useful in the RT and hybridization steps, for which a humidi-
fied incubator is otherwise needed.
We suggest that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the use of your own
thermocycler, bearing in mind the following points:
1. Glass does not easily make good thermal contact with the surface on which it rests. Therefore,
a weight to press down the slides and/or a thin layer of mineral oil to fill in the interstices
will help thermal conduction. If using mineral oil, make certain that the oil is well smeared
over the glass surface so that the slide is not merely floating on air bubbles beneath it.
2. The top surfaces of slides lose heat quite rapidly through radiation and convection; therefore,
use a thermocycler that envelopes the slide in an enclosed chamber (as in some dedicated
instruments), or insulate the tops of the slides in some manner. Insulation is particularly
critical when using a weight on top of the slides, for the weight can serve as an unwanted
heat sink if it is in direct contact with the slides.
3. Good thermal uniformity is imperative for good results—poor uniformity or irregular thermal
change can result in cracked slides, uneven amplification, or completely failed reactions. If
adapting a thermocycler that normally holds plastic tubes, use a layer of aluminum foil to
spread out the heat.


Several nonradioactive labeled nucleotides are available from various sources (i.e.,
dCTP-biotin, digoxin II-dUTP, and so on). These nucleotides can be used to label
amplification products directly, and then the proper secondary agents and chromogens
can be used to detect the directly labeled in situ amplification products (see below).
However, in our opinion—as well as in the opinion of several other laboratory groups—
the greatest specificity is only achieved by conducting amplification followed by subse-
quent in situ hybridization. In the direct labeling protocols, nonspecific incorporation
can be significant, and even if this incorporation is minor, it still leads to false-positive
signals similar to nonspecific bands in gel electrophoresis following solution-based
DNA or RT amplification. Therefore, we strongly discourage the direct incorporation
of labeled nucleotides as part of an in situ amplification protocol.
The only exception to this recommendation is when one is screening a large number
of primer pairs for optimization of a specific assay—then direct incorporation may be
useful. To perform such screenings, add to the amplification cocktail detailed earlier
the following: 4.3 µM labeled nucleotide—either 14-biotin dCTP or 14-biotin dATP
or 11-digoxigenin dUTP—along with cold nucleotide to achieve a 0.14 mM final
concentration. Also, if one has worked out the perfect annealing system, using either
the Robocycler or an equivalent system, then one can use direct incorporation without
fear of nonspecific labeling, which we have discussed elsewhere in detail (8).


DNA, mRNA, and protein can all be detected simultaneously in individual cells
(14,22). One can label proteins by rhodamine-labeled antibodies. Then, one can perform
both RNA and DNA in situ amplification in the cells. If one is using primers for spliced
mRNA and if these primers are not going to bind any sequences in DNA, then both

DNA and RT amplification can be carried out simultaneously; of course one still needs
to perform the RT step but this time without pre-DNAse treatment. Subsequently,
products can be labeled with different kinds of probes, resulting in different colors of
signal. For example, proteins can have a rhodamine-labeled probe, mRNA can show
a fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) signal (FITC-conjugated probe, >20 different fluo-
rochromes are available), and DNA can be labeled with a biotin-peroxidase probe or
a fluorochrome with different color emissions. Each will show a different signal within
an individual cell (14,22).


The in situ hybridization (ISH) technique has been successfully applied in both the
research and clinical settings. However, one single, easy to use universal procedure
has not been developed. Therefore, specific needs of the diagnostic or research goals
must be considered in choosing a suitable protocol.
In comparing ISH with other methods, one has to realize what is being detected.
For example, the immunocytochemical method localizes protein within a cell or on a
cell surface and therefore identifies gene expression. However, these assays cannot yield
useful information on posttranslational processing of the gene product or differentiate
between the uptake and storage of the protein and the site of synthesis of the protein.
In addition, one needs several hundred copies of the proteins to be able to identify an
expression signal. Also, most of the protein is destroyed by formalin fixation methods,
making it difficult to identify the protein in most of the pathologic specimens. In the
mRNA extraction methods that utilize the isolation of nucleic acids from cells (filter
hybridization assays), there can be a dilution of the target found in only a few cells
by many cells with little or no target. These methods provide no distribution information.
They provide only an average measurement of the nucleic acid target present in the
mixed cell population. Therefore ISH is a very powerful technique when the target is
focally distributed within a single cell or a certain histologic cell type within a tissue.
Consequently, ISH has greater sensitivity than filter assays if the gene expression is
taking place in a small subpopulation of cells. The major limitation of ISH is relative
insensitivity, compared with in situ PCR. By utilizing ISH, one can detect as few as
20 copies of mRNA. However, success to that degree of sensitivity is limited to only
few highly specialized laboratories and to a few specific genes. More realistically,
detection of >100 copies/cell would be an achievable goal for a laboratory not specialized
in ISH. To detect a single copy of an integrated gene or to detect a very low level of
gene expression (few copies of mRNA), one can amplify the gene sequences in situ
by DNA or RNA (RT) in situ PCR and then utilize ISH to detect the amplicans.
Analyzing gene expression by ISH after RT can provide information on the site of
mRNA synthesis, which provides information about the cellular origin of protein
synthesis and demonstrates the amounts of synthesis (level of gene expression). This
permits an understanding of the cell types involved in the synthesis of certain proteins
in certain gene regulation and cell types infected by various viral or other infectious
agents. In addition, by combining immunohistochemistry and RT, differential expression
of a gene in different cell types or different stages of development can be analyzed at
the microscopic level.
222 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad

Choice of Probes for ISH

Many ISH protocols employ 3H- or 35S-labeled nucleic acid probes, followed by
autoradiographic detection. Although this method can be very sensitive and 3H-labeled
probes generate well-resolved autoradiographic signals, it is time consuming and techni-
cally difficult. Other high radiation emitting isotopes can be used, but they give nonspe-
cific background.
Nonisotopic methods for ISH offer the advantages of probe stability, sensitivity,
spatial resolution, and great time saving. The nonisotopic adaptations are generally
simpler and faster than autoradiography, and the sensitivity of nonradioactive methods
has increased over the years as the parameters influencing the hybridization efficiency
and signal specificity have become more optimized.
Factors contributing to increased use of nonisotopic methods include faster color
development time, chemically stable probes with no special disposal requirements, and
different labeling and detection systems that can be used to facilitate the analysis of
several probes simultaneously.

ISH Procedure
Prepare a solution containing: 20–50 pM/µL of the appropriate probe, 50% deionized
formamide, 2× SSC buffer, 10× Denhardt’s solution, 0.1% sonicated salmon sperm
DNA, and 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The following is a convenient recipe:
probe (biotinylated, or digoxigenin) 2 µL
deionized formamide 50 µL
20× SSC* 10 µL
50× Denhardt’s solution 20 µL
10 mg/ml ssDNA* 10 µL
10% SDS 1 µL
H2O 7 µL
Total volume 100 µL

*See Materials and Methods, page 224, for preparation of 20× SSC buffer; the
salmon sperm should be denatured at 94°C for 10 min, before it is added to the
hybridization buffer.

Note: 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA) can be added if one is observing nonspecific
binding. For this purpose, one can add 10 µL of 20% BSA solution and reduce the
amount of water.
1. Add 10 µL of hybridization mixture to each well and add cover slips.
2. Heat slides on a block at 95°C for 5 min to denature the double-stranded DNA.
3. Incubate slides at 48°C for 2–4 h in a humidified atmosphere.
Note: The optimal hybridization temperature is a function of the Tm (melting temperature)
of the probe. This must be calculated for each probe, as described earlier. However, the
hybridization temperatures used should not be too high. If that circumstance occurs, then
the formula for the hybridization solution should be modified and instead of 50% formamide,
40% formamide should be substituted (described further in the in situ hybridization section
of ref. 15.)

Posthybridization for Peroxidase-Based Color Development

1. Wash slides in 1× PBS twice for 5 min each time.
2. Add 10–15 µL of streptavidin-peroxidase complex (1 mg/mL stock diluted 1:30 in 1× PBS,
pH 7.2). Gently apply the cover slips.
3. Incubate slides at 37°C for 1 h.
4. Remove cover slip, and wash slides with 1× PBS twice for 5 min each time. Mix chromogen:
5 mL 50 mM acetate buffer, 25 µL 30% H2O2 250 µL 3′-amino-9-ethylene carbazole (AEC).
5. Add to each well 100 µL of AEC in the presence of 0.03% hydrogen peroxide in 50 mM
acetate buffer (pH 5.0).
6. Incubate slides at 37°C for 10 min to develop the color—this step should be carried out in
the dark. After this period, observe slides under a microscope. If color is not strong, develop
for another 10 min.
7. Rinse slides with tap water and allow to dry.
8. Add 1 drop of 50% glycerol in PBS and apply the cover slips.
9. Analyze with optical microscope—positive cells will be stained a brownish red.


The validity of in situ amplification-hybridization should be examined in every run.

Attention here is especially necessary in laboratories first using the technique, because
occasional technical pitfalls lie on the path to mastery. In an experienced laboratory,
it is still necessary to validate the procedure continuously and to confirm the efficiency
of amplification. To do this, we routinely run two or three sets of experiments in
multiwell slides simultaneously, for we must not only validate amplification, but we
must also confirm the subsequent hybridization/detection steps as well.
In our lab, we frequently work with HIV. A common validation procedure we will
conduct is to mix HIV-1-infected cells plus HIV-1-uninfected cells in a known propor-
tion (i.e., 1:10, 1:100 and so on); then we confirm that the results are appropriately
proportionate. To examine the efficiency of amplification, we use a cell line that carries
a single copy or two copies of cloned HIV-1 (1–14), and then look to see that proper
amplification and hybridization has occurred.
In all amplification procedures, we use one slide as a control for nonspecific binding
of the probe. Here we hybridize the amplified cells with an unrelated probe. We also
use HLA-DQα and β-actin probes and primers with human PBMCs and other tissue
sections as positive controls, to check various parameters of our system.
In case one is using tissue sections, a cell suspension lacking the gene of interest
can be used as a control. These cells can be added on top of the tissue section and
then retrieved after the amplification procedure. The cell suspension can then be analyzed
with the specific probe to see whether the signal from the tissue leaked out and entered
the cells floating above.
We suggest that researchers carefully design and employ appropriate positive and
negative controls for their specific experiments. In the case of RT in situ amplification,
one can use β-actin, β-globulin, HLA-DQα, and other endogenous-abundant RNAs as
the positive markers. Of course, one should always have an RT-negative control for
RT in situ amplificaiton, as well as DNAse and non-DNAse controls. Controls without
Taq polymerase plus primers and without primers should always be included.
224 Bagasra, Bobroski, and Amjad


Heavy, Teflon-coated glass slides with three 10-, 12-, or 14-mm diameter wells for
cell suspensions, or single oval wells for tissue sections, are available from Cel-line
Associates of New Field, New Jersey (1-800-662-0973), or Erie Scientific of Portsmouth,
New Hampshire (1-800-258-0834). These specific slide designs are particularly useful,
for the Teflon coating serves to form distinct wells, each of which serves as a small
reaction “chamber” when the cover slip is attached. Furthermore, the Teflon coating
helps to keep the nail polish from entering the reaction chamber, and multiple wells
allow for both a positive and negative control on the same slide.

Coplin Jars, Glass-Staining Dishes, and Solutions

Suitable vessels for washing, fixing, and staining 4–20 glass slides simultaneously
are available from several vendors, including Fischer Scientific, Sigma, and many others.
2% Paraformaldehyde
1. Take 12 g paraformaldehyde (Merck ultra pure art. no. 4005) and add to 600 mL 1× PBS.
2. Heat at 65°C for 10 min.
3. When the solution starts to clear, add 4 drops 10 N NaOH and stir.
4. Adjust to neutral pH and cool to room temperature.
5. Filter on Whatman’s no. 1 filter paper.

10× PBS Stock Solution, pH 7.2–7.4.

Dissolve 20.5 g NaH2PO4 H2O and 179.9 g Na2HPO4 7H2O (or 95.5 g Na2 HPO4)
in about 4 L of double-distilled water. Adjust to the required pH (7.2–7.4). Add 701.3
g NaCl, and make up to a total volume of 8 L.
1× PBS
Dilute the stock 10× PBS at 1:10 ratio (i.e., 100 mL 10× PBS and 900 mL of water
for 1 L). Final concentration of buffer should be 0.01 M phosphate and 0.15 M NaCl.
0.3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O) in PBS
Dilute stock 30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) at a 1:100 ratio in 1× PBS for a final
concentration of 0.3% H2O2.

Proteinase K
Dissolve powder from Sigma in water to obtain 1 mg/mL concentration. Aliquot
and store at −20°C.
Working Solution
Dilute 1 mL of stock (1 mg/mL) into 150 mL of 1× PBS.
20× SSC
Dissolve 175.3 g of NaCl and 88.2 g of sodium citrate in 800 mL of water. Adjust
the pH to 7.0 with a few drops of 10N solution of NaOH. Adjust the volume to 1 L
with water. Sterilize by autoclaving.

2× SSC
Dilute 20× SSC; 100 mL of 20× SSC and 900 mL of water.
Streptavidin Peroxidase
Dissolve powder from Sigma in PBS to make a stock of 1 mg/mL. Just before use,
dilute stock solution in sterile PBS at a 1:30 ratio.
Color Solution
Dissolve one AEC (Sigma) tablet in 2.5 mL of N,N,-dimethyl formamide. Store at
4°C in the dark.
Working solution:
50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.0 5 mL
AEC solution 250 µL
30% H2O2 25 µL

Make fresh before each use, keeping solution in the dark.

Preparation of 50 mM Acetate Buffer, pH 5.0
Add 74 mL of 0.2 N acetic acid (11.55 mL glacial acid/L) and 176 mL of 0.2 M
sodium acetate (27.2 g sodium acetate trihydrate in 1 L) to 1 L of deionized water
and mix.
In Situ Hybridization Buffer (for 5 mL)
formamide 2500 mL
salmon sperm DNA (ssDNA) (10 mg/mL) 500 µL
20× SSC 500 µL
50× Denhardt’s solution 1.00 mL
10% SDS 50 µL
water 450 µL
Total volume 5 mL

*Heat-denature ssDNA at 94°C for 10 min before adding to the solution.

1. Bagasra, O. (1990) Polymerase chain reaction in situ. Amplifications March, 20–21.
2. Bagasra, O., Hauptman, S. P., Lischner, H. W., Sachs, M., and Pomerantz, R. J. (1992)
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(1995) One step amplification of HIV-1 mRNA and DNA at a single cell level by in situ
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14. Bagasra, O., Seshamma, T., Pastanar, J. P., and Pomerantz, R. (1995) Detection of HIV-1
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15. Bagasra, O., Seshamma, T., Hansen, J., and Pomerantz, R. (1995) In situ polymerase chain
reaction and hybridization to detect low abundance nucleic acid targets, in Current Protocols
in Molecular Biology (Ausubel, et al.), Chapter 14, pp. 1–49.
16. Bagasra, O., Michaels, F., Zheng, Y. M., et al. (1995) Activation of the inducible form of
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(1996) Cellular reservoirs of HIV-1 in the central nervous system of infected individuals:
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18. Bagasra, O. and Amjad, M. (2000) Protection against retroviruses are owing to a different
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19. Bobroski, L., Alexander, U., Bagasra, O., et al. (1999) Mechanism of vertical transmission
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Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice

Patrick C. Roche, PHD and Eric D. Hsi, MD

In the daily practice of surgical pathology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) is essential
for the diagnosis and classification of neoplasms. The technique is no longer limited
to large university-based or reference laboratories and has become widespread in com-
munity hospital laboratories. The propagation of commercially available, automated
immunostainers has played a major role in increasing the capability to perform IHC
and has enabled smaller laboratories to produce quality immunostains without prior
technical expertise and without significant increases in personnel. The availability of
a large selection of primary antibodies that can be used on formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded tissue sections has also contributed to increased use and sensitivity of the
The ruling of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on the classification of
immunohistochemical reagents and kits (1) is a recent and very significant event familiar
to most who deal with IHC on a daily basis. Implementation of the ruling resulted in
the classification of the majority of immunohistochemical reagents as Analyte Specific
Reagents” (ASRs) (2,3) and class I medical devices, thus exempting them from premar-
ket notification. The rationale for this decision is based on the fact that IHC staining
results are incorporated into a surgical pathology report as one part of the entire
diagnostic evaluation. The immunostains are not usually “stand-alone” results. Estrogen
receptor and progesterone receptor, however, are considered class II devices. These
immunostains do not have routine morphologic correlates but do have substantial and
widely accepted scientific validation. Class III devices include those immunostains that
are not part of the surgical pathology diagnostic process and may result in an independent
report to a physician. These stains require premarket notification and specific FDA
approval. The HercepTest for determination of Her2 protein overexpression as an
indication for Herceptin (trastuzumab) therapy is an example.
The FDA ruling allows IHC laboratories to continue operating essentially as they
have in the past. Reagent manufacturers must now label the antibodies they sell for
diagnostic use (and which do not have FDA clearance) as ASRs. The onus is on the
manufacturers to follow “good manufacturing practices” and to make certain that
antibody reagents have consistent high quality and the specificity that is claimed.

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

230 Roche and Hsi

Surgical pathology reports incorporating IHC results, however, are now obligated to
include a statement indicating that responsibility for assuring quality of the immunostains
rests with the individual laboratory and not the manufacturer of the reagent (4). The
laboratory director therefore has the ultimate responsibility to generate high-quality
immunostains and to document their performance.
In this chapter, current and practical procedures essential for performing quality
immunostains in the modern automated IHC laboratory are discussed.



Tissue must be frozen rapidly in a relatively cryoprotected fashion to prevent ice

crystal formation and to preserve antigens and cellular morphology optimally. Properly
snap frozen specimens can also be used for molecular genetic studies and for mRNA
extraction and analysis. All fresh tissue should be considered infectious and should be
handled with gloves using universal precautions. Tissue specimens can be collected
and transported in 4°C balanced salt solution or tissue culture media such as minimal
essential media (MEM) or RPMI-1640 prior to freezing. Specimens in liquid media
should be handled and transported at 4°C to slow autolysis and should be delivered to
the laboratory for freezing within 1 h of surgical excision. Tissues for freezing should
be trimmed of excess adipose and connective tissue and divided with a scalpel or
scissors into portions that are no larger than 1.5 cm2 in surface area and 0.5 cm
in thickness.
In preparation for freezing and storage, all containers and slides (i.e., imprints) need
to be labeled with patient name, ID #, date, and tissue source. A 24 × 24-mm disposable
base mold (Allegiance Healthcare Corporation, McGaw Park, IL) is a convenient
receptacle for the actual tissue freezing, and PolyCons (4 cm diameter × 1.5 cm height;
Madan Plastics, Cranford, NJ) are convenient and useful plastic containers for efficient
storage of frozen specimens. Snap freezing is performed by immersion of the specimen
in an isopentane (2-methylbutane) bath that has been precooled with either liquid
nitrogen (−135°C to −140°C) or dry ice (−30°C). A convenient alternative to liquid
nitrogen or dry ice is a refrigerated (lowest temperature −52°C) tissue freezing bath
(Histobath, Shandon, Pittsburgh, PA) containing isopentane. The Histobath is also
designed for constant operation and therefore is always ready for freezing samples.
Before freezing, quickly rinse the tissue in saline or culture medium and then blot
on a fresh absorbent towel (do not use gauze) to remove excessive liquid. Dispense a
small amount of Tissue-Tek OCT compound (Sakura Finetek U.S.A., Torrance, CA)
into the bottom of a disposable base mold, carefully position and orient the tissue in
the OCT layer, and then cover completely with OCT until the base mold’s lower
chamber has been filled. Grip the edge of the base mold with a surgical clamp or
forceps, and slowly submerge the base mold into the precooled isopentane bath until
it is completely submerged. Allow the sample to freeze for 20–30 s and then remove
from the isopentane bath. The frozen OCT/tissue block is then extruded from the base
mold using a twisting action at the ends of the base mold, and excess freezing compound
is trimmed away with a scalpel or razor blade. The frozen OCT/tissue block is then
placed in a labeled PolyCon and stored in a −70°C to −80°C ultracold freezer.
Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice 231

In preparation for cutting frozen tissue sections, specimens stored in an ultracold

freezer should be placed in the cryostat approximately 20–30 min before sectioning to
equilibrate to the cryostat’s temperature (approx −20°C). To retain sections on the
slides throughout the immunostaining process, it is necessary to use glass slides that
have been treated to increase their adhesiveness. Erie Scientific Company (Portsmouth,
NH) manufactures slides that are treated with aminoalkyl silane and known as Super-
Frost Plus. The slides are generically referred to as “charged” or “silanized” slides,
and they bind tissue sections through a combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic
interactions (5). Glass slides can also be treated with poly-L-lysine to increase their
adhesive properties (6), but such slides are not as commonly used. Frozen sections are
cut on a cryostat at 4–5 µm thickness and immediately placed on appropriately labeled
slides. Sections are dried in a 37°C oven for 15 min, and briefly fixed by immersion
in 4°C high-performance liquid chromatography grade acetone (in a refrigerator or
cooler) for 10 min. Slides are then removed from the acetone and dried with a fan for
10 min. Dried sections can be placed in a storage box and kept at room temperature
in an electronic dessicator for up to 7 days if staining is not to be performed immediately.
If longer storage of sections is required, slides should be tightly wrapped tightly in
aluminum foil and stored in an ultracold freezer at −70°C to −80°C. When ready for
staining, slides that have been stored in the freezer must be equilibrated to room
temperature before they are unwrapped. Equilibration with room temperature prior to
unwrapping prevents moisture from condensing or actually freezing on the section,
both of which can destroy morphology and compromise immunoreactivity.
Immediately before immunostaining, sections are fixed again in a freshly prepared
1% paraformaldehyde phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution for 10 min. The 1%
paraformaldehyde solution is made by dilution of the 10% stock with PBS. (Do not
use Tris-buffered saline or any other buffers containing free amino groups.) All sections
for immunohistochemistry, except the ones that are to be stained for κ and λ light
chains, are immersed for 10 min at room temperature in the 1% paraformaldehyde
solution. Slides are then rinsed in several changes of tap water and placed in a Tris-
buffered saline solution for 5 min. Sections destined to be immunostained for κ and
λ light chains are fixed a second time in 4°C acetone for 5 min, fan-dried for 10 min,
and then hydrated for 1.5 min in PBS. The κ/λ sections are then briefly fixed in 1%
paraformaldehyde for 1 min, rinsed in tap water, and subsequently placed in Tris-
buffered saline for 5 min. The shorter fixation time in 1% paraformaldehyde for slides
that are to be immunostained for κ and λ light chains is essential for optimal detection
of cell surface-associated immunoglobin. Manual and automated IHC can both be
performed on frozen sections, but the dilution and rinsing buffers should contain only
a minimal amount (0.025%) of nonionic detergent (e.g., Tween 20) to preserve nuclear
and cellular detail.



Tissue fixation is perhaps the single most important variable influencing the outcome
of paraffin section immunostains, and its influence can not be overstated. The routine
fixative of choice in most pathology laboratories is neutral-buffered formalin. It is
232 Roche and Hsi

relatively inexpensive, easy to prepare, and produces excellent morphologic preservation

without shrinkage artifacts. The mechanism by which formaldehyde fixes and preserves
tissues is not completely understood but does involve formation of crosslinks both
within and between protein molecules via hydroxymethylene bridges (7). Calcium ions
have also been implicated in crosslink formation (8). Crosslink formation is considered
to be responsible for masking antibody-binding epitopes and to be a major contributor
to the lack of sensitivity for some immunostains in paraffin sections. Alcohol fixatives
are reported to be less damaging to tissue antigens and have been promoted as substitutes
for formalin (9). There has, however, been little movement away from neutral-buffered
formalin as the routine fixative in the daily practice of pathology. Instead, research and
development have increasingly focused on methods for antigen recovery in formalin-
fixed tissues as means to improve immunostaining.
Despite the inherent detrimental effects on antigen preservation, strict adherence to
a proper and consistent protocol for fixation with neutral-buffered formalin is crucial
for producing high-quality immunostains. Formaldehyde can be obtained commercially
as a concentrated (37–40%) solution, and 10% neutral-buffered formalin is made by
a 1:10 dilution of the concentrate with PBS (50 mM phosphate, 0.9% NaCl, pH 7.2–7.4),
resulting in a final formaldehyde concentration of 3.7–4.0%. Ideally, tissue samples
that are approximately 1.0 × 1.0 × 0.3 cm are placed in a cassette and immersed in
freshly prepared formalin for a minimum of 12 h and a maximum of 24 h. In reality,
larger pieces of tissue are usually put up, but the tissue should not be crammed into
the cassette, and the volume of formalin should be 20 times the volume of tissue. The
smaller the size, the better and more thorough the fixation. If the specimens cannot be
processed to paraffin blocks after 24 h in formalin, transfer them to 70% ethanol for
holding until the samples can be put on the processor. Prolonged contact with formalin
causes excessive crosslink formation and increasing loss of antigenicity (10–12). Once
tissues are properly fixed and embedded in a paraffin block, they appear to retain
antigenicity for decades (13).
Paraffin tissue sections for IHC are routinely cut on a microtome at 4–6 µm, floated
out on a 42–48°C water bath, and picked up on “charged” slides. The water bath should
not contain any additives when charged slides are used, as they will compromise the
adhesive properties of the slides. Storage of cut paraffin sections for later use in IHC
is still a subject of debate. The issue is the reported loss of reactivity of certain antigens,
including p53 and Her2, when cut paraffin sections are stored at room temperature
(14,15). This phenomenon may be more pronounced and exacerbated when tissue is
fixed in alcohol-supplemented formalin instead of routine neutral-buffered formalin
(13). For many laboratories, positive control sections or sections for research studies
must be cut in advance and stored for subsequent use. If for practical reasons this is
the case, sections should not be heated or “melted down” prior to storage. Sections
should be stored in a closed slide box in a cool location, or if possible at 4°C. Immediately
prior to staining, the sections can be placed in a 60°C oven for 60 min to melt down
the excess paraffin and promote stronger adherence to the slide. Sections are then ready
for deparaffinization, hydration through graded ethanols, and blocking of endogenous
peroxidase activity.
Perhaps the most significant advance in paraffin section IHC in the past decade has
been the development and refinement of heat-induced epitope retrieval, also referred
Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice 233

to as antigen retrieval. The impact of this innovative and revolutionary technique has
been profound, and the reader is referred to Chapter 14 for an in-depth discussion of
antigen retrieval methods in immunohistochemistry.


Numerous methods and reagents are commercially available for detection of bound
primary antibodies by IHC, but enzyme-based techniques using either horseradish
peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase predominate. For most automated stainers in clinical
laboratories, peroxidase methods are favored. Examples of peroxidase-based immuno-
histochemistry include the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method, the enzyme-
labeled streptavidin-biotin (LSAB) technique, and the avidin-biotin complex (ABC)
method. These are all three-layer procedures involving a primary antibody, a secondary
antibody with appropriate specificity for the primary, and the enzyme-containing tertiary
reagent. In the case of the PAP method, the secondary antibody is unlabeled and added
in excess so that it binds both the primary antibody and the soluble enzyme-antibody
(PAP) complex that comprises the third layer. Consequently, with the PAP technique
the antibody species in PAP complex must match the primary antibody. For the LSAB
and ABC techniques, the secondary antibody is covalently conjugated with biotin
(biotinylated) and need only recognize and bind the primary antibody. The third layer
of enzyme-labeled streptavidin or avidin-biotin complex then binds tightly to the biotin.
The long-established “indirect method” utilizes a secondary antibody that is directly
conjugated with peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase to bind to the primary antibody.
This two-step method is simple and quick but also considerably less sensitive than the
three-step detection systems described above. More recently, secondary antibodies
conjugated with a dextran polymer backbone containing a large number of enzyme
molecules (about 100) have been introduced (EnVision Systems, Dako, Carpinteria,
CA). With this new generation of secondary antibody conjugates, it is possible to
generate two-layer immunostaining protocols that have sensitivities approaching the
three-layer methods (16). An added advantage is that the system is biotin free and
therefore does not display the nonspecific staining associated with biotin-binding pro-
teins or endogenous biotin.
There are also catalyzed signal amplification or catalyzed reporter deposition detec-
tion methods that generate extreme sensitivity and to which most clinical immunohi-
stochemists are not accustomed (17). Typically these are peroxidase- and tyramide-
based amplification techniques; they are discussed in detail in Chapter 15.
Selection of a chromogen is also an important factor to consider in immunohisto-
chemistry. Peroxidase systems routinely use 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) (brown) or
3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole (AEC) (red) as chromogens. For alkaline phosphatase sys-
tems, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate/nitroblue tetrazolium (BCIP/NBT) may
be used to yield a blue-purple product or fast red/naphthol AS-TR phosphate to produce
a red/pink product. Chromogen choice can be influenced by personal preference (red
vs blue vs brown) and degree of contrast with the counterstain (hematoxylin vs methyl
green). Other considerations include incubation time and sensitivity (peroxidase/DAB
reacts faster, with a shorter incubation time, than phosphatase/FAST red), safety issues
(DAB is a carcinogen), or technical issues (AEC is soluble in organic solvents and
234 Roche and Hsi

cannot be used with organic solvent-based permanent mounting medium). DAB is a

reliable chromogen that produces crisp, well-localized reactions that are permanent. At
the Mayo Clinic, DAB is used for nuclear antigens in paraffin sections and for all
antigens in frozen section immunostains related to lymphoma phenotyping. AEC (red)
has traditionally been the chromogen of choice at the Mayo Clinic for membrane and
cytoplasmic antigens in paraffin sections because of the excellent color contrast with
a light hematoxylin counterstain. However, a drawback to the use of AEC is its solu-
bility in organic solvents and therefore its requirement for aqueous mounting


Selecting a primary antibody for IHC use can be a difficult task. Frequently, different
antibodies from several different sources are available against a particular antigen;
often all of them claim to work for IHC. Frequently, though, there are assessments in
the literature that can provide guidance in this decision. For example, different antibodies
directed against p53 have been compared for their reactivity in formalin-fixed tissues
and have demonstrated differences in reactivity that impact the prognostic significance
of p53 antigen expression in breast cancer (18). The polyclonal antibody pAb1801 and
the monoclonal antibody DO7 were reported to be more effective than others tested.
A comprehensive review of differences in antibody reactivity to particular antigens
is beyond the scope of this discussion. However, it is critically important that the
immunohistochemist be familiar with the recent literature specific to an individual
antibody clone to avoid, or at least be informed of, potential problems.
Most antibodies used in a clinical immunohistochemistry laboratory are commercially
available, and their specificity is well characterized. As ASRs, which most IHC reagents
are, good manufacturing practices are assumed to have been followed, and most antibod-
ies will perform “as advertised.” Usually, peer-reviewed literature also exists and can
be used to gather a realistic review of antibody performance. Such information will
usually also provide a good reference point from which to start primary antibody
dilutions and antigen retrieval methods. Many manufacturers now offer their ASR
antibodies as prediluted reagents “optimized” for paraffin section IHC. Predilutes are
becoming a common practice but can limit flexibility when developing a new stain in
a particular laboratory. The main concern is that the antibody dilution will be such
that it only works on optimally fixed tissues with the manufacturer’s own detection
system. For cases in which suboptimally processed tissue is evaluated or a less sensitive
detection system is used, the preset dilution can be too great. Whenever possible,
undiluted primary antibody is preferable.
The immunohistochemist should also pay attention to whether the primary antibody is
polyclonal or monoclonal and note the species and immunoglobulin isotype. Polyclonal
antibodies generally have high-affinity clones within them and can be significantly
diluted (often >1:1000). On the other hand, polyclonals are also more likely to generate
background staining and can require extra or prolonged blocking steps. Knowing the
species and isotype of monoclonals will avoid problems in which an inappropriate
secondary antibody is used. An example in which isotype makes a difference is the
Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice 235

LeuM1 clone (anti-CD15), an IgM mouse monoclonal antibody that has been shown
to have superior performance when an anti-IgM secondary antibody is used.


Numerous factors can be manipulated and adjusted in the process of optimizing an

IHC stain. The most commonly adjusted factors are antibody dilution, duration of
primary antibody incubation, choice and concentration of secondary reagent, antigen
retrieval buffer, incubation temperature, choice of detection system, and addition of
amplification steps. “Checkerboard” approaches for optimizing stains in which each
variable is systematically altered while all others remain constant have been advocated
(19). However, the large number of factors just listed would require an unrealistic
number of slides to be stained and evaluated. Since most automated immunostainers
have limited temperature control and usually have recommended secondary reagents
and detection chemistries, the immunohistochemist is left primarily with adjustments
of primary antibody dilution, primary antibody incubation times, and choice of antigen
retrieval method. Given these limitations, the number of test slides required to evaluate
a particular antibody is more manageable and readily accomplished.
Although it is usually true that the lower the dilution the more intense the staining
for a given incubation time, the use of highly concentrated antibodies may result in a
prozone effect that actually decreases staining intensity. Background or nonspecific
staining can also become a problem when too high a concentration of primary antibody
is used. Longer incubation times (1 h to overnight) can be incorporated to permit
greater dilutions of primary antibodies, but some automated immunostainers limit the
adjustment (<30 min) that can be made to incubation times. If prolonged incubations
are required, they are best performed “off-line.”
As mentioned previously, the most significant advance in IHC in the last 10 years
has been the development of heat-induced antigen retrieval methods (20,21). Antigen
retrieval allows antibodies that previously performed only in frozen tissues to be reactive
in formalin-fixed tissues; it has greatly expanded the number of antibodies that can
now be applied to paraffin-embedded tissue (22). The increase in sensitivity afforded
by antigen retrieval can also result in cost savings for the laboratory since higher
dilutions of primary antibodies can be used, and therefore more tests per vial can be
performed. Most antibodies will show an increase in staining intensity when antigen
retrieval is used. Many antibodies perform better in alkaline (EDTA or Tris-based)
buffer, but some antibodies prefer an acidic (citrate-based) buffer (23). Conditions must
be determined empirically, as there is no way to predict the behavior of a particular
antibody. There are, however, several published studies that have looked at a broad range
of antibodies, and these can be a valuable resource for the immunohistochemist (22–25).
The increased sensitivity for detecting antigens that is afforded by antigen retrieval
techniques or signal amplification methods is also associated with increased nonspecific
staining. In particular, endogenous biotin or biotin-binding activity can be retrieved or
detected and will result in false-positive granular cytoplasmic staining (26). Biotin or
biotin-binding activity can be eliminated by blocking steps that involve application of
free avidin after the primary antibody step, followed by application of free biotin
236 Roche and Hsi

(26,27). Blocking kits are commercially available from several vendors, including
Dako and Vector Laboratories (Burlingame, CA). Endogenous peroxidase activity in
horseradish peroxidase-based systems and endogenous phosphatase in alkaline phospha-
tase-based systems are other potential causes of false-positive staining. Both activities
can be eliminated by blocking steps that incorporate incubation with hydrogen peroxide
or levamisole, respectively (28,29).

This chapter has presented practical methods and considerations that are essential
for the production of quality immunohistochemical stains. Protocols for tissue freezing
and formalin fixation have been discussed since consistent and proper execution of
these basic procedures is critical for maintaining tissue morphology and antigenicity.
The increasing acceptance and utilization of automated immunostainers is promoting
standardization of IHC, both within an individual laboratory and among laboratories
using similar reagents and equipment. National proficiency testing programs, such as
those conducted by the College of American Pathologists, also encourage and support
standardization of staining procedures (including issues such as specimen processing,
antigen retrieval, detection systems, and antibody selection) and interpretation. Immuno-
histochemistry laboratories can only benefit from participation in these programs and

1. Food and Drug Administration. (1998) Medical devices; classification/reclassification of
immunohistochemistry reagents and kits—FDA. Final rule. Fed. Reg. 63, 30132–30142.
2. Taylor, C. R. (1999) FDA issues final rule for classification and reclassification of immuno-
histochemistry reagents and kits [Editorial]. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 111, 443–444.
3. Taylor, C.R. (1998) Report from the Biological Stain Commission: FDA issues final rule
for classification/reclassification of immunohistochemistry (IHC) reagents and kits. Biotech.
Histochem. 73, 175–177.
4. Swanson, P. E. (1999) Labels, disclaimers, and rules (oh, my!). Analyte-specific reagents
and practice of immunohistochemistry [editorial]. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 111, 445–448.
5. Rentrop, M., Knapp, B., Winter, H., and Schweizer. (1986) Aminoalkylsilane-treated glass
slides as support for in situ hybridization of keratin cDNAs to frozen tissue sections under
varying fixation and pretreatment conditions. Histochem. J. 18, 271–276.
6. Jacobson, B. S. and Branton, D. (1977) Plasma membrane: rapid isolation and exposure
of the cytoplasmic surface by use of positively charged beads. Science 195, 302–304.
7. Werner, M., Von Wasielewski, R., and Komminoth, P. (1996) Antigen retrieval, signal
amplification and intensification in immunohistochemistry. Histochem. Cell Biol. 105, 253–
8. Morgan, J. M., Navabi, H., Schmnid, K. W., and Jasani, B. (1994) Possible role of tissue-
bound calcium ions in citrate-mediated high-temperature antigen retrieval. J. Pathol.
174, 301–307.
9. Bostwick, D. G., al Annouf, N., and Choi, C. (1994) Establishment of the formalin-free
surgical pathology laboratory. Utility of an alcohol-based fixative. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med.
118, 298–302.
10. Battifora, H. (1991) Assessment of antigen damage in immunohistochemistry. The vimentin
internal control. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 96, 669–671.
Immunohistochemistry: Theory and Practice 237

11. Battifora, H., and Kopinski, M. (1986) The influence of protease digestion and duration of
fixation on the immunostaining of keratins. A comparison of formalin and ethanol fixation.
J. Histochem. Cytochem. 34, 1095–100.
12. Fox, C. H., Johnson, F. B., Whiting, J., and Roller, P. P. (1985) Formaldehyde fixation. J.
Histochem. Cytochem. 33, 845–853.
13. Roche, P. C. (1998) Antigen stability in stored paraffin sections. CAP Today 12, 59–61.
14. Prioleau, J. E., and Schmitt, S. J. (1995) p53 antigen loss in stored paraffin slides. N. Engl.
J. Med. 332, 1521–1522.
15. Jacobs, T. W., Prioleau, J. E., Stillman, I. E., and Schmitt, S. J. (1996) Loss of tumor
marker-immunostaining intensity on stored paraffin slides of breast cancer. J. Natl. Cancer
Inst. 88, 1054–1059.
16. Sabattini, E., Bisgaard, K., Ascani, S., et al. (1998) The EnVision++ system: a new immuno-
histochemical method for diagnostics and research. Critical comparison with the APAAP,
ChemMate, CSA, LABC, and SABC techniques. J. Clin. Pathol. 51, 506–511.
17. King, G., Payne, S., Walker, F., and Murray, G. I. (1997) A highly sensitive detection
method for immunohistochemistry using biotinylated tyramine. J. Pathol. 183, 237–241.
18. Horne, G. M., Anderson, J. J., Tiniakos, D. G., et al. (1996) p53 protein as a prognostic
indicator in breast carcinoma: a comparison of four antibodies for immunohistochemistry.
Br. J. Cancer 73, 29–35.
19. Shi, S. R., Cote, R. J., Yang, C., et al. (1997) Development of an optimal protocol for
antigen retrieval: a ‘test battery’ approach exemplified with reference to the staining of
retinoblastoma protein (pRB) in formalin-fixed paraffin sections. Histopathology 31, 400–
20. Shi, S. R., Cote, R. J., and Taylor, C. R. (1996) Antigen retrieval immunohistochemistry:
past, present, and future. Biotech. Histochem. 71, 190–196.
21. Shi, S. R., Key, M. E., and Kalra, K. L. (1991) Antigen retrieval in formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded tissues: an enhancement method for immunohistochemical staining based on
microwave oven heating of tissue sections. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 39, 741–748.
22. Cuevas, E. C., Bateman, A. C., Wilkins, B. S., et al. (1994) Microwave antigen retrieval
in immunohistochemistry: a study of 80 antibodies. J. Clin. Pathol. 47, 448–452.
23. Pileri, S. A., Roncador, G., Ceccarelli, C., et al. (1997) Antigen retrieval techniques in
immunohistochemistry: comparison of different methods. J. Pathol. 183, 116–123.
24. Cattoretti, G., Pileri, S., Parravicini, C., et al. (1993) Antigen unmasking on formalin-fixed,
paraffin-embedded tissue sections. J. Pathol. 171, 83–98.
25. von Wasielewski, R., Werner, M., Nolte, M., Wilkens, L., and Georgii, A. (1994) Effects
of antigen retrieval by microwave heating in formalin-fixed tissue sections on a broad panel
of antibodies. Histochemistry 102, 165–172.
26. Bussolati, G., Gugliotta, P., Volante, M., Pace, M., and Papotti, M. (1997) Retrieved
endogenous biotin: a novel marker and a potential pitfall in diagnostic immunohistochemis-
try. Histopathology 31, 400–407.
27. Wood, G. S. and Warnke, R. (1981) Suppression of endogenous avidin-binding activity
in tissues and its relevance to biotin-avidin detection systems. J. Histochem. Cytochem.
29, 1196–1204.
28. Li, C. Y., Ziesmer, S. C., and Lazcano-Villareal, O. (1987) Use of azide and hydrogen
peroxide as an inhibitor for endogenous peroxidase in the immunoperoxidase method.
J. Histochem. Cytochem. 35, 1457–1460.
29. Ponder, B. A., and Wilkinson, M. M. (1981) Inhibition of endogenous tissue alkaline
phosphatase with the use of alkaline phosphatase conjugates in immunohistochemistry.
J. Histochem. Cytochem. 29, 981–984.
Antigen Retrieval Technique for
Principles, Protocols, and Further Development

Clive R. Taylor, MD, PHD and Shan-Rong Shi, MD

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) has a long history stemming from the work of Coons
and colleagues in 1941 (1), who developed an immunofluorescence technique to detect
bacteria. In the early 1970s, extensive efforts were made to render immunoperoxidase
methods more widely available to routine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues
through a series of technical developments, including increasingly sensitive detection
systems, and various pretreatment methods prior to the immunostaining procedure
(2–9). The basic philosophy of applying IHC for routine formalin-fixed tissues was
set forth by Taylor and Kledzik (2) in 1981.
However, IHC methods that included unmasking procedures such as enzymatic
digestion, although widely applied, did not improve IHC staining of the majority of
antigens, as pointed out by Leong et al. (10). A major drawback of enzymatic digestion
was that it proved difficult to control the optimal digestion conditions for individual
tissue sections when they were stained with different antibodies. Difficulties in standard-
izing this method provided a powerful incentive to the development of a new technique,
with the requirements that it should be more effective, more widely applicable, and
easier to use than enzymatic digestion. In addition, to be acceptable, any new method
should enhance immunohistochemical staining of routine paraffin sections in a reproduc-
ible and reliable manner.
In this context, the early experience of one of the authors (3–5), led to the realization
that the application of IHC to “routine formalin paraffin sections” would represent a
new era for the demonstration of antigens in the types of “routinely” processed tissues
that abound in university pathology laboratories. Indeed, the method opened a new
vista of research and diagnostic possibilities, yielding a level of morphologic detail
that allowed pathologists to correlate immunologic findings directly with traditional
cytologic and histologic criteria. This advance, in turn, provided Shi with the impetus for
development of an antigen retrieval (AR) technique. The first seeds in the development of
a retrieval approach for routinely processed celloidin-embedded human temporal bone

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

240 Taylor and Shi

sections sprouted in the early 1980s when Shi studied under Dr. Schuknecht’s guidance
at the Eastern National Temporal Bone Bank in Boston. Attempts to perform IHC study
on archival formalin-fixed tissue sections were actively supported by Dr. Shuknecht.
Subsequently the work involved BioGenex for a period and then extended into a broader
range of applications, culminating in our studies at the University of Southern California
in the early 1990s, which provide much of the basis of this chapter.
A key point that we considered in developing the AR technique was whether the
crosslinkages of protein caused by formalin fixation are reversible or irreversible. The
answer was, in essence, already available in the serial studies of Fraenkel-Conrat and
co-workers published in 1940s (11–13); we had only to rediscover it! Their work
indicated that hydrolysis of crosslinkages between formalin and protein may be limited
by certain amino acid side chains, such as imidazol and indol. However, these crosslink-
ages could be disrupted by high-temperature heating (120°C) or strong alkaline treat-
ment. These observations formed the basis for the development of AR in both heating
and nonheating methods. A dramatic enhancement of immunostaining on archival
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections could be achieved either by boiling
the tissue sections in water solution, or by employing sodium hydroxide-methanol
solutions for immersing celloidin-embedded human temporal bone sections prior to
immunostasining (14,15).
The high-temperature heating AR technique has been widely adopted as a simple,
effective, and reliable pretreatment for routine IHC in surgical pathology as well as
analytical morphology (16–27). Various modifications in terms of heating method and
AR solution have been proposed since 1991. In addition to microwave and conventional
heating methods (14), Shin et al. (28) described a hydrated autoclaving method to
enhance the immunoreactivity of tau protein in brain tissue fixed in formalin. This
work was followed by other studies (29–32) with good results. Subsequently, domestic
pressure cookers and steamers were applied for the high-temperature heating procedure
(33–37). Metal salt solutions and distilled water were used as the earliest AR solutions
(14). The increase of immunostaining intensity resulting from the use of metal salt AR
solutions has subsequently been demonstrated by several studies (16,22,24,38–49). A
single article (50) that reported a poor result using a metal salt solution for AR-IHC
appears to have been based on inappropriate comparisons, as analyzed in detail elsewhere
(51). However, a major drawback of metal salts, particularly lead salts, is the potentially
toxic effect, as emphasized by Suurmeijer and Boon (16). It is, therefore, preferable
to avoid using lead or other toxic metal salts, if other kinds of solution may serve with
equal effect in AR-IHC staining.
The use of citrate buffer solution for the AR heating method was documented by
Cattoretti et al. (52), followed by Gown et al. (18), Suurmeijer and Boon (16), Leong
and Milios (19), Taylor et al. (22), Swanson (53), Cuevas et al. (23), and others
(51,54–64). Cattoretti et al. (17) extended their investigation to 256 antibodies using
a citrate buffer of pH 6.0 as the AR solution, with a microwave heating protocol as
previously documented (14). Meanwhile, other chemicals, such as urea, glycine-HCl
buffer, Tris-HCl, phosphate buffer (PBS), periodic acid, aluminum chloride, and other
metal salts, as well as detergent solutions, have subsequently been essayed as AR
solutions (17,22,42,44,65–71). In addition, commercial AR solutions such as target
unmasking fluid (TUF) have also been proposed (72). The chemical nature of the
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 241

solution has been credited by some as a major factor that influences the effect of AR-
IHC. This idea is a particularly interesting issue for commercial products, for which
key ingredients are kept secret. Confronted with this form of limited “anarchy” (73),
a critical question must be addressed in any effort to achieve greater uniformity of the
AR technique, namely, what are the major factors that influence the effectiveness of
AR-IHC? The following discussion of major factors that influence the effectiveness of
AR-IHC is presented to promote a better understanding of effects, in order to standardize
and further develop the AR technique using a more scientific approach.
Since the AR technique was developed in 1991, the heating AR technique has been
widely applied as a simple and extremely effective pretreatment for IHC on routinely
formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues (14). During this period, hundreds of original
articles and more than a dozen comprehensive reviews have been published worldwide.
An international symposium on AR-IHC was held on July 25th, 1998 at the Fifth
Joint Meeting of The Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry and The
Histochemical Society in San Diego, California. At this symposium, speakers and
audiences from Japan, Europe, and the United States reviewed the major issues concern-
ing the development, clinical application, and factors that influence the effectiveness
of AR-IHC.
Studies of the major factors that influence the effect of AR-IHC provide a basis for
establishing a “test battery” approach, by which various factors may be rapidly evaluated
in order to identify the optimal protocols for “maximal retrieval” level. This simple
approach may allow some standardization of AR-IHC on routinely processed tissues,
as discussed below.

Currently, the high-temperature heating AR method is the predominant technique
for enhancement of IHC staining, particularly for routinely formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded tissue sections. Extensive use of the method has, however, raised a number
of interesting issues. The major factors that influence the effects of AR-IHC are summa-
rized below.

Heating, the Most Important Factor

As previously emphasized in the literature (14,30,43,51,55,56,58–64,74,75), the
heating conditions appear to be the most important factor based on the following evi-
1. A significant enhancement of immunohistochemical staining can be achieved by using high-
temperature heating of routinely processed paraffin-embedded tissue sections in pure distilled
water (14,76,77);
2. Higher temperatures in general yield superior results (37,55,56,59–62). One of our recent
studies demonstrated that an optimal result for AR-IHC is correlated with the product of the
heating temperature (T) and the time (t) of AR heating treatment (T × t) (78); a similar
strong intensity of AR-IHC staining was generated by the following heating conditions (T ×
t): 100°C × 20 min, 90°C × 30 min, 80°C × 50 min, and 70°C × 10 h (37,78). In general,
the lower the temperature of heating used for AR, the longer the time required to reach an
equivalent intensity of AR-IHC. That the same intensity of AR-IHC can be achieved by
adjusted different heating conditions, as well as by several different heating devices, may
242 Taylor and Shi

provide some flexibility in reaching a satisfactory result, according to the characteristics of

the specimen (embedding material, thickness of the tissue section, different kind of tissue,
and so on) and the equipment available.
3. An equivalent intensity of AR-IHC can be obtained using different buffers as AR solutions,
if the pH values of AR solutions are monitored in a comparable manner, demonstrating that
individual specific chemical constituents are not necessary factors in yielding a satisfactory
result (37,79).
4. Our early experience that even prolonged exposure of paraffin sections in citrate buffer
solution (or indeed any buffer) without heating gave no noticeable AR effect has subsequently
been confirmed by numerous studies (37,51,60–62,74).

pH of the AR Solution
The advocacy of various investigators for a variety of buffer solutions as AR solutions
has nevertheless provided food for thought. One hypothesis proposed by our group in
1993 stated that the effectiveness of AR-IHC may be influenced by the pH value of
the AR solution; in essence, the pH value may be more critical than the chemical
composition of the AR solution. We tested the hypothesis that the pH of the AR solution
may influence the quality of immunostaining by using seven different AR buffer
solutions at a series of different pH values ranging from 1 to 10. We evaluated the
staining of monoclonal antibodies to cytoplasmic antigens (AE1, HMB45, neuron-
specific enolase [NSE]), nuclear antigens (MIB1, proliferating cell nuclear antigen
[PCNA], estrogen receptor [ER]), and cell surface antigens (MT1, L26, epithelial
membrane antigen [EMA] on routinely formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections
under different pH conditions with microwave AR heating for 10 min. The pH value
of the AR buffer solution was carefully measured before, immediately after, and 15
min after the AR procedure. From this study, we drew the following conclusions:
1. There were three types of patterns reflecting the influence of pH. First, several antigens
showed no significant variation utilizing AR solutions with pH values ranging from 1.0 to
10.0 (L26, PCNA, AE1, EMA, and NSE); second, other antigens (MIB1, ER) showed a
dramatic decrease in the intensity of the AR-IHC at middle-range pH values (pH 3.0–6.0)
but strong AR-IHC results above and below these critical zones; and third, still other antigens
(MT1, HMB45) showed negative or very weak focally positive immunostaining with a low
pH (1.0–2.0) but excellent results in the high-pH range.
2. Among the seven buffer solutions at any given pH value, the intensity of AR-IHC staining
was very similar, with the single exception that Tris-HCl buffer tended to produce better
results at higher pH, compared with other buffers.
3. Optimization of the AR system should include optimization of the pH of the AR solution.
4. A high-pH AR solution, such as Tris-HCl or sodium acetate buffer at pH 8.0–9.0, may be
suitable for most antigens.
5. Low-pH AR solutions are most useful for nuclear antigens such as retinoblastoma protein
(RB), ER, and androgen receptor.
6. Focal weak false-positive nuclear staining may be found when using low pH AR solution;
the use of negative control slides is important to exclude this possibility (79).

Evers and Uylings (80) also found that AR-IHC is pH and temperature dependent.
They tested two antibodies, microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) and SMI-32,
and indicated that the optimal pH values were pH 4.5 for MAP-2 and pH 2.5 for SMI-
32. In addition, they demonstrated that the use of 4% AlCl3 as the AR solution for
SMI-32 could achieve a similar result to that obtained by using citrate buffer of pH
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 243

2.5, from which they concluded that it is not important what kind of solution is used
as long as the pH is at an appropriate level. They subsequently demonstrated that
microwave AR in Tris-HCl buffer of pH 9.0 at full-power heating yielded the best
results for most antibodies tested in neuroscience research (81), a finding that supported
our previous conclusion (58,60,65). Unfortunately, the issue is complicated by the
observation that not all antigen/antibody pairings in IHC are affected optimally for the
same pH value; indeed, as noted above, we have reported three separate groupings,
with nuclear antigens, for example, showing greatest recovery at low pH (58,79,82).

Chemical Composition of the AR Solution

Metal salts (lead, zinc, and so on) were used in the first reported AR solution. Based
on earlier studies concerning zinc formalin fixation of tissue sections (83), we speculated
that the metal salt solution might effectively influence the structure of protein by playing
a role in refixation of the retrieved antigens. Another possible effect of metal salt
solution may be molarity of the salt AR solution, as pointed out by Suurmeijer and
Boon (16). They investigated the effect of molarity using aluminum chloride solution
with concentrations of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, and 4% for AR-IHC staining of vimentin on
routinely processed paraffin tissue sections. They found that the optimal staining for
vimentin in 10 different tissue components was achieved with 4% aluminum chloride.
Suurmeijer (39) compared AR results with the use of 0.01 and 0.3 M aluminum chloride
and found that different antigens showed significantly different responses to changes
in molarity.
From our more recent studies regarding AR-IHC under the influence of pH (79,82),
we found that although the pH is critical, the chemical composition of the AR solution
is less important but may also play a role as a cofactor in AR-IHC in some circumstances.
For example, utilizing antibodies to RB, including a polyclonal antibody (RB-WL-1)
and a monoclonal antibody (PMG3-245), we found that a better staining result was
obtained using acetate buffer solution of pH 1.0–2.0 with microwave heating at 100°C
for 10 min, compared with citrate buffer at the same pH value. Imam et al. (68) reported
that the use of glycine-HCl solution at pH 3.6 as the AR solution yielded stronger
immunostaining with antibodies to some antigens such as androgen receptor, ER, Ki-
67, MIB1, EMA, MT-1, actin, and so forth, compared with the staining obtained by
using citrate buffer pH 6.0, raising the possibility that the chemical composition of
glycine-HCl may play a role in AR treatment. One example of the possible influence
of chemical component in the AR solution was provided by the work of Hazelbag et
al. (69), who demonstrated that a simple detergent solution could yield results similar
to those obtained by using the commercial AR solution TUF for a variety of antibodies
to keratin: however, as noted previously, the composition of TUF is a trade secret. On
the other hand, Katoh and Breier (76) demonstrated that equally good immunostaining
of p53 by AR-IHC could be obtained with normal saline, citrate buffer, or distilled water.
In conclusion, although the chemical components of the AR solution may be cofactors
that influence the effectiveness of AR-IHC, so far we have not identified any particular
component essential to achieve satisfactory positive staining. The potential functions
of chemical components in the AR solution include 1) secondary fixation after “unfixa-
tion” by high-temperature heating, 2) stabilization of antigens during heating or strong
alkaline hydrolysis, 3) maintenance of optimal molarity, and 4) unknown effects in
244 Taylor and Shi

Fig. 1. One of the factors that influence the effect of non-heating AR-IHC used for celloidin-
embedded human tissues: correlation among immunostaining reactivity, the concentration of
NaOH-methanol solution, and the immersion time of celloidin sections. The stronger the concen-
tration, the shorter the immersion time. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 62.)

reconfiguring the “unfixed” protein, thereby recovering antigenicity. Analysis of these

separate factors may allow for development of new AR solutions applicable to those
cell surface antigens that do not respond well to current retrieval methods. Most recently,
Pileri et al. (71) compared three AR solutions using a pressure cooker and found that
EDTA-NaOH (pH 8.0) was the best, Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) was intermediate, and
citrate buffer (pH 6.0) produced the poorest results. It seems that under certain heating
and pH conditions, chemical components may influence the effect of AR-IHC for some
antibodies, in ways that are still not understood.

Penido, Tseng, and Kao (unpublished data) conducted a study of standardization
and development of AR-IHC using routinely celloidin-embedded tissues of human
temporal bone, kidney, liver, spleen, adenoids, lung, skin, and intestine and baboon
temporal bone. A total of 603 celloidin sections were used. Factors that influenced the
results of the nonheating AR method may be summarized as follows:
1. Concentration of AR solution (NaOH-methanol) and immersion time. A series of concentra-
tions of NaOH-methanol solutions ranging from 1:3 to 1:160 diluted by 100% methanol was
carefully analyzed. The results are summarized in Fig. 1. In general, the immunostaining
reactivity was correlated with both the concentration and the immersion time in NaOH-
methanol solution. Since the stronger concentration of NaOH-methanol may damage the fine
structure of inner ear tissue, more diluted AR solution with elongated immersion time may
be preferable. In addition, the stronger NaOH-methanol solution may result in detachment
of the sections from the slides.
2. Methanol is the preferred solvent. One comparative study of AR-IHC on celloidin tissue
sections employed three solutions; NaOH-methanol, NaOH-ethanol, and NaOH-water at the
same ratio of 1:5. After immersing the slides in each AR solution for 30 min, the slides
were rinsed for 20 min in two changes of methanol, ethanol, or distilled water, respectively.
The immunostaining reactivity obtained by using the NaOH-methanol solution showed the
strongest intensity, and the reactivity obtained by ethanol showed a moderate intensity.
Immunostaining reactivity was not detected for the celloidin tissue sections treated by the
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 245

Fig. 2. Comparison of immunostaining intensity between different incubation times of primary

antibody, link, and label moiety. An elongated incubation time is required for each step of the
incubation to achieve the best result. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 62.)

NaOH-water solution. However, a similar strong intensity was achieved by rinsing the slides
in methanol with the three different AR solutions.
Methanol plays an important role in removing celloidin from the celloidin-embedded
tissue, an important factor in improving access of antibody to antigen.
3. Optimal incubation time of immunostaining on celloidin tissue section after AR. A comparison
of AR-IHC for celloidin tissue sections using different incubation times is summarized in
Fig. 2. The study demonstrated that an elongated time of incubation is necessary to achieve
satisfactory results, a finding similar to that incorporated in our protocol documented pre-
viously (15,74,84,85), i.e., overnight incubation for primary antibody and 60 min for link
and label reagents, respectively. One reason why a longer incubation time is necessary may
relate to the thickness of the celloidin section (20 µm).

Test Battery Approach

A preliminary test of the AR protocol, examining two major factors, heating condition
(T × t) and pH value, is performed to establish an optimal protocol for the antibody/
antigen combination.
Typically, three levels of heating conditions and 3 pH values, low, moderate, and
high, may be applied to screen for a potential optimal protocol. The test battery can
also be performed in two sequential steps. In the first step, we test three AR solutions
at different pH value as listed above, with one standard temperature (100°C for 10
min), to find the optimal pH value of the AR solution. In the second step, we test for
the optimal heating conditions based on the established pH value.
We have demonstrated that different heating methods (including microwave, pressure
cooker, steam, and autoclave heating) (37) can be evaluated in a similar fashion and
adjusted to yield equivalent intensity of staining by AR-IHC. Nevertheless, there may
be some unpredictable correlations between heating condition and certain pH values.
In our preliminary studies, when using middle- or high-range pH solutions, the higher
246 Taylor and Shi

the temperature, the better the staining for most nuclear and cytoplasmic antibodies
that are tested. In contrast, when using a low-pH solution, overly intense heating (such
as in a pressure cooker) may yield a poor result. For example, the strongest intensity
of staining for MIB1 or pRB on archival paraffin sections was achieved either with
regular microwave heating and low-pH solution or high-pH solution with intense heating
(pressure cooker or elongated regular microwave heating method). Low pH with intense
heating gave poor results (86).
The test battery thus serves as a rapid screening approach to identify an optimal
protocol for each antibody/antigen to be tested. The goal is to establish the “maximal
retrieval” level for formalin-masked antigens with a variety of fixation times, in order
to standardize immunostaining results. In one study of 14 antibodies using the test
battery method, we demonstrated that the strongest intensity of AR-IHC for most
antibodies tested was achieved by using either a low-pH buffer solution with regular
microwave heating conditions or a high pH buffer with intense heating conditions (such
as autoclave heating or microwave heating for elongated heating time) (86). In addition,
the use of a test battery may identify some previously “false-negative” AR-IHC staining,
as demonstrated by a special AR protocol for thrombospondin-IHC staining (60,87).


Application of AR-IHC in Special Fields
Flow Cytometry of Archival Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
The microwave heating AR method has been successfully applied for archival paraf-
fin-embedded tissues to enhance the detection efficiency of flow cytometry (88–91).
Two different protocols have been documented:
1. Heating treatment prior to an enzyme digestion method was recommended by Leers et al.
(89). They demonstrated that this method allows high-resolution DNA analysis of routinely
processed paraffin-embedded tissues with twice the efficiency of recovery of single cells
compared with the standard method without heating. In addition, the keratin-positive fraction
and the fluorescence intensity were increased.
2. Enzyme digestion followed by heating treatment was adopted to achieve enhancement of
flow cytometry on paraffin-embedded tissue sections, as exemplified by Redkar and Krishan
(91). They demonstrated a successful result for flow cytometric analysis of estrogen and
progesterone receptors in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast cancers. However,
the heating time must be adjusted to obtain reasonable DNA histograms when using their pro-
Diagnostic Cytology
Boon et al. (92) demonstrated that the microwave AR technique could be applied
to cervical smears initially stained by the Papanicolaou method, with satisfactory results
for MIB1 nuclear staining, in order to screen the positive diagnostic cells using the
PAPNET computer system.
Plastic (Epoxy, Epon, or Methyl Methacrylate Resin)-Embedded Tissue Thin Sections
Numerous articles have been published since Suurmeijer and Boon (16) documented
the application of AR in plastic tissue sections in 1993. AR-IHC is readily adapted to
bone marrow samples, with the advantages of clear background and intense signal for
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 247

reliable, high-quality IHC. This improved quality of staining is particularly desirable

for the demonstration of neoplastic cells in regenerative marrow after chemotherapy,
as well as the detection of residual disease after treatment. Brorson (93) described a
comparative study to demonstrate how AR affects the yield of immunogold labeling
on epoxy sections embedded with different amounts of accelerator, leading to the
conclusion that the combination of an increased amount of accelerator during tissue
processing for epoxy embedding, together with the AR heating method, provides
enhancement of IHC staining on epoxy sections. In our experience, epon-embedded
tissue sections benefit from a “de-epon” procedure using NaOH-ethanol or methanol
after AR heating treatment. Under these conditions, a shorter heating time and/or lower
heating temperature may be possible for some antibodies tested, resulting in superior
morphologic detail (62).
Recently, Hand and Church (94) documented a successful AR protocol using a
pressure cooker for 3 min at 121°C for methyl methacrylate-embedded semithin sections
(2 µm) of tonsil. For better immunostaining of CD3, they pretreated slides with 0.1%
trypsin at 37°C for 20 min, followed by a heating AR protocol in the pressure cooker.
Formalin-Fixed, Acid-decalcified Tissues
AR-IHC is also suitable for formalin-fixed, acid decalcified tissues (95–98).
D’Ambra-Cabry et al. (99) reported the use of AR as a potential option in retrospective
studies of skin diseases such as bullous pemphigoid and eosinophilic dermatitis by
direct immunofluorescence, based on a comparative study of fresh frozen tissue and
archival paraffin-embedded tissue. Fariss et al. (100) reported excellent immunolocaliza-
tion of the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-3 (TIMP-3) in formalin-paraffin sections
of retina/choroid of adult human eyes using AR with sodium phosphate/citrate buffer,
pH 3.5, and immunofluorescence. However, in spite of these successes, two major
issues must be solved before AR immunofluorescence can be performed routinely on
archival tissues: 1) the sensitivity obtained by AR immunofluorescence on fixed paraffin
sections is lower than that of frozen section; and 2) possible altered AR immunofluores-
cence staining patterns may be found. For example, Al-Rifai et al. (101) demonstrated
spurious intercellular staining within the epidermis, which was not found in frozen
section, when combining heating AR and 0.3% trypsin digestion. There are preliminary
indications that improved results may be obtained by combining AR with low antibody
concentration and a signal amplification system (102).
In Situ Hybridization
Following earlier studies concerning application of high-temperature pretreatment
for in situ hybridization (ISH) (103–105), Oliver et al. (106) conducted a quantitative
comparison of several pretreatment regimens, including microwave heating, autoclave
heating at 100°C or above, conventional heating at 90°C, and proteinase K treatment
for ISH. The sensitivity of these pretreatments was evaluated by densitometric analysis
of the ISH signal on autoradiographs, based on the same experimental conditions. The
strongest ISH signal was achieved by the microwave heating RNA retrieval procedure,
which showed identical results for frozen and paraffin sections. Enzymatic digestion
yielded 50% intensity compared with frozen sections. Both the autoclave and heating
248 Taylor and Shi

at 90°C yielded a weaker signal, around 10% compared with the frozen section. In
this study the protocol of microwave heating pretreatment involved immersing sections
in 10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0, and microwaving at full power in an 800-W microwave
oven for three 5-min periods, with washes in diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC)-treated
Extraction of Protein
Ikeda et al. (107) developed a protocol for extraction of diagnostically useful proteins
from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. By heating the deparaffinized
tissue sections at 100°C for 20 min before incubation at 60°C for 2 h, in RIPA solution,
121.5 µg of protein may be extracted from 5 mm2 × 50 µm-thick tissue. They have
successfully detected a variety of membrane-bound, cytosolic and nuclear proteins in
archival paraffin-embedded tissues to obtain valuable information for molecular biology.


Most studies have reported satisfactory results without false positivity for the majority
of antibodies tested (14,16–19,21,25,51,55,58,60–62,75). Recently, Baas et al. (108)
reported that a potential false-positive result might be obtained after extreme AR
treatment when using the monoclonal antibody DO7 (anti-p53), and there have been
sporadic reports of unexpected staining problems with other antibodies. However,
further investigation is needed, correlating AR findings with both frozen section studies
and molecular assays. The current consensus is that the immunolocalization of p53 in
paraffin sections after AR treatment is comparable with the pattern obtained in frozen
sections, as evidenced by a number of studies demonstrating that AR pretreatment
significantly increased the intensity of immunostaining using the antibody DO-7 but
did not alter the pattern of immunoreactivity for p53 (109–111). Binks et al. (109)
compared the staining of DO-7 obtained with and without AR, comparing paraffin
sections and direct smears of specimens from pulmonary non-small cell carcinomas;
they were not able to find evidence of false positivity.
Nevertheless, some studies have reported spurious nonspecific staining using a broad
panel of antibodies, particularly with different heating conditions and/or different AR
solutions or pH values. For example, weak positive nuclear staining was found when
using a low-pH AR solution for monoclonal antibody to MIB1 (79). Sebenik and
Wieczorek (112) attributed nonspecific nuclear staining after AR to the secondary
antibody, suggesting that retitration of the second antibody may be necessary if nonspe-
cific staining occurs when using AR-IHC. By contrast, Wieczorek et al. (113) concluded
that the problem resides with the primary antibody, based on a study employing three
AR solutions, 1% zinc sulfate (pH 4.9), 0.01 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0), and 0.01 M
Tris buffer (pH 9.0), with careful control groups to exclude potential false-positive
staining caused by endogenous biotin or electrostatic binding of immunoglobulins.
These authors concluded that nuclear positivity is “nonspecific” and is easily eliminated
by retitration of primary antibody to a higher dilution. In another study, focal keratin
staining was observed in archival paraffin sections of malignant melanoma and plasma
cell tumors when using heating AR, possibly resulting from detection of low levels of
keratins in these tumors (114).
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 249

One potential cause of increased background after AR heating may be the unmasking
of endogenous biotin, which does account for some positive staining in frozen tissue
sections, particularly for liver, kidney, adrenal cortex, and thyroid tissues (115,116).
In this instance, the cytoplasmic biotin reaction appears as a fine granular staining
pattern in the cytoplasm. Kashima et al. (116) found a high incidence (93/208) of this
form of positive cytoplasmic biotin staining in thyroid lesions, especially in papillary
carcinoma. This effect can be avoided by using a routine blocking procedure or using
a detection system free of avidin-biotin complex. It is important to keep in mind that
any background staining that may be observed in frozen tissue sections may also be
found in microwave heated archival paraffin sections; the use of appropriate controls
is helpful in identifying this problem.
Care must be taken when testing new antibodies using different AR protocols, as
emphasized recently by Swanson (73). Indeed variable patterns of immunostaining
have been reported when using different AR protocols (117). The incorporation of
frozen sections into a test battery, employed to select an optimal AR protocol, is
extremely helpful in identifying any false positivity or unexpected change of staining
pattern, as exemplified by the monoclonal antibody to thrombospondin (TSP) immuno-
localization in prostate and bladder mentioned above.


Pretreated slides, either commercially charged or poly-l-lysine coated, are recom-

mended prior to heating treatment in order to protect tissue sections from detachment.
We found that thinner tissue sections adhere more firmly than thicker sections but that
different types of tissue vary in adhesiveness to glass slides. In our experience, tissues
with more fat detach more readily. Baking the paraffin sections in a 60°C oven overnight
appears to increase adhesion. In a few difficult cases, the use of heating at lower
temperature (90°C) for extended heating times may reduce tissue damage and detach-
ment, while achieving a similar AR result.
To improve adhesion, a postadhesive method was designed by Pateraki and Konto-
georgos (118), for stored paraffin sections that were already mounted on regular plain
slides (without treatment for adhesion), but required heating by AR pretreatment. The
reported protocol is as follows: place paraffin sections in an oven at 58°C for 3 h.
After two to three dips in acetone, immerse the slides in a Coplin jar containing
Vectabond glue (Vector, Burlingame, CA) for 30 min, cover the jar, follow with three
washes in distilled water, and dry in oven overnight. To ensure safety, the process of
using acetone and Vectabond glue should be done under a hood. We tried this postadhe-
sion method in our laboratory recently and achieved satisfactory results. In our experi-
ence, for some difficult cases, commercially charged slides may be additionally coated
with chemicals such as poly-l-lysine, 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APES), or albumin
with gelatin in order to enhance adhesion of tissue sections. Mote et al. (119) summarized
their experience for maximal tissue retention by using positively charged slides coated
with Mayer’s albumin adhesive. To reduce background staining due to APES-coated
slides when using the immunogold-silver staining method, Krenacs and Krenacs (120)
found that washing slides in a buffer containing 0.1% detergent after heating treatment
250 Taylor and Shi

may yield clean background and sharp contrast for both paraffin- or resin-embedded
tissue sections.


Hematoxylin used for counterstaining after AR-IHC staining is satisfactory in most
situations, except when an AR solution at low pH is used. After heating of the tissue
section in low-pH solution, nuclear staining for hematoxylin may be compromised.
Since a low-pH AR solution is preferable for some antigens, it is necessary to find a
way to correct this acid-induced defect of counterstaining. Recently, we found that
dropping 1N NaOH solution on slides for 10 min may improve hematoxylin counterstain-
ing following low-pH AR: otherwise, other nuclear stains should be employed.


Although inconsistency is becoming less of a problem in larger laboratories, where
many slides are processed routinely every day, irregular results may be expected in
both clinical and research laboratories, when technicians or research staff are not familiar
with the AR process. Possible causes include the following factors:
1. The AR treatment itself is inconsistent, due to such factors as variable heating temperatures
resulting from using different microwave ovens, nonuniform Coplin jars or other containers
of different sizes, variability in the total numbers of containers placed in the oven, location
of Coplin jars at different sites in the oven, or allowing drying of the slides during the
heating process due to loss of AR solution during boiling.
2. The AR solution contains a mixture of chemicals that may undergo unanticipated reactions,
a problem that occurs when heating different buffer solutions together at high temperature,
or combining various metal salt solutions, particularly calcium salts.
3. The immunohistochemical staining procedure is performed incorrectly. One particular pitfall
is that following successful AR, it is frequently necessary to retitrate primary and secondary
antibodies to higher dilutions reflective of the greater availability of antigen (effectively gives
increased sensitivity). Sections that previously were “negative” may now stain positively.
4. A decrease in the intensity of IHC may occur in cut sections on slides stored for protracted
periods. This phenomenon is not well understood and is not uniform or predictable for
different antigens or different storage tissues or conditions. We have compared our own
experience for common antibodies such as p53, and p27 with that in the literature (121–124).
We performed IHC staining of 23 cases of bladder cancer showing demonstrable p53 gene
mutations by molecular analysis, using stored slides and freshly cut paraffin sections. Of
the 23 cases, p53-positive immunostaining was found in 9/23 (39%) and 18/23 (78%) of
stored and nonstored slides, respectively, when AR was not used. When AR was employed
on additional slides from these cases, p53-positive staining was significantly increased, to
18/23 (78%) and 19/23 (83%) of stored and nonstored slides, respectively (Stein et al.,
unpublished data).
In short, AR “levels the playing field” for storage conditions, just as it does for fixation
conditions. Similar conclusions have been documented in the literature (121,123). For exam-
ple, Grabau et al. (121) carefully compared the influence of tumor tissue paraffin sections
stored at −80°C, 4°C, or 20°C, or unmounted at 4°C for 3 years using eight antibodies for
IHC staining. They concluded that the intensity of IHC was decreased with increasing storage
temperature but that the immunoreactivity may be restored by an efficient AR protocol. In
our hands, monoclonal antibody to p27 (clone DCS-72.F6; Neomarkers, Fremont, CA)
requires fresh-cut tissue sections to achieve the strongest intensity of staining even with our
Antigen Retrieval Technique for Immunohistochemistry 251

regular AR protocol (125). Preliminary studies suggest that a combination of a heating AR

protocol with signal amplification may be needed to reach a satisfactory intensity of staining
for p27.
5. Fixatives are different. Several formalin substitutes have been used in pathology, in attempts
to preserve antigenicity better for IHC. An AR protocol that is optimal for routinely formalin-
fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections may be invalid for tissues exposed to other fixatives.
Prento and Lyon (126) compared the preformance of six commercial fixatives, proposed as
formalin substitutes, with that of formalin and concluded that the best immunostaining was
achieved by combining formalin fixation with AR, and further, that none of the six commercial
formalin substitutes was adequate for preservation of morphology and antigenicity in a broad
sense. Zhang et al. (127) compared the efficiency of AR-IHC between tissues fixed in
formalin or in Lillie’s fixative (formalin-alcohol-acetic acid). They demonstrated that 14 of
the 15 antibodies tested showed decreased immunoreactivity in Lillie-fixed tissue, particularly
for nuclear immunostaining. Multitissue blocks made of alcohol-stored tissues should not
be expected to perform in a similar fashion to formalin-fixed tissues and may yield different
IHC results from those previously documented for routine formalin-paraffin sections (50,51).
Immunostaining for p53 following microwave heating of alcohol-fixed tissue sections has
been reported to produce false-positive or unexpected staining patterns in some tissue compo-
nents (128). Note that improperly fixed tissues, partially exposed to formalin, due to large
size or inadequate formalin solution, are in essence “fixed” in alcohol during later stages of
processing; not surprisingly, such tissues show irregular results by AR.


As previously described, the heating condition is the most important factor that
influences the effectiveness of the AR technique. Studies in our laboratories with
multiple antigen/antibody combinations repeatedly confirmed the existence of a reverse
correlation between heating temperature (T) and heating time (t), or, to state it another
way, the effectiveness of AR heating treatment equals the product of T × t. In our
laboratory, very few antigens, such as p16 (unpublished data), collagen type III, yield
optimal results at lower temperatures. This also is the experience of others (129–132).
Igarashi et al. (30) found that overnight heating at a lower temperature (60°C) was
better for muscle actin (HHF35) and smooth-muscle actin (CCG 7). Elias and Margiotta
(130) reported on a low-temperature AR method using a water bath at 80°C for 2 h
in citrate buffer pH 6.0, claiming an effectiveness equivalent to the standard method
for antibodies to steroid hormone receptor. Recently, Koopal and colleagues (131)
reported that low-temperature (80°C) overnight heating using Tris-HCl buffer, pH 9,
with 16 antibodies produced satisfactory results. Other investigators have reported that,
for ER, superior results are achieved by low-temperature heating (60°C overnight) with
acetic acid at pH 7–8, or 0.2 M boric acid at pH 7 (132). It has been proposed, and
is generally agreed, that lower temperatures may have advantages for better preservation
of morphology and may reduce the risk of detachment of sections from the slides
(129–132). In any event, if temperatures are reduced, then the heating time must equally
be extended to achieve satisfactory results, based on the principle of T × t.


Although the heating AR technique enhances the staining of many antibodies for
routinely processed paraffin sections, some antigens, particularly cell surface markers,
252 Taylor and Shi

are still not readily demonstrable in archival tissues. If successful immunostaining is

not obtained using regular heating methods, lower or higher temperatures and extended
heating periods may be employed, or AR may be combined with enzymatic digestion
or signal amplification methods. Malisius et al. (133) reported combining the use of
heating AR and a tyramide amplification method for immunostaining of CD2, CD3,
CD4, and CD5 in archival paraffin sections. Subsequently, Butmarc et al. (134) adopted
a combined AR-IHC protocol with biotinylated tyramine enhancement for monoclonal
antibody to CD5 (Leu-1, clone L17F12; Becton Dickinson, San Jose, CA) and obtained
satisfactory results in 75% of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), 86% of
mantle cell lymphomas, and 100% of T-cell lymphomas. Successful staining of paraffin
sections for CD5 has now been repeated by several authors (61,135).
Kawai and Osamura (136) studied the efficiency of AR and tyramide signal amplifica-
tion on archival praffin sections and demonstrated that although amplification alone
may enhance the intensity for some antibodies, it may also be significantly improved
by the AR heating method. For some antibodies, such as MIB1, amplification alone
will not suffice but must be preceded by AR. Other strategies remain to be explored,
exemplified by the sequential use of reducing agents (mercaptoethanol or sodium
hydrosulfite) followed by the AR heating procedure, an approach that restored vimentin
reactivity in some spindle cell tumors that otherwise were falsely negative (137).

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260 Protocols

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22, 177–192.


Antigen Retrieval (AR) Technique


1. Microwave oven. Various kinds of domestic cooking microwave oven with an output power
around 1000 W have been widely applied. In our hands, the use of a Sharp model R-4A46
(900 W, 2450 MHz) with a multiple-sequence power setting may provide a satisfactory way
to run some of the protocols discussed below. Also available are laboratory microwave ovens
that have been designed with controlled temperature regulators that can measure temperature
accurately during the heating process, such as the H2550 Laboratory Microwave Processor
(EBS, Agawam, MA).
2. Other heating equipment. Autoclaves used for sterilization allow superheating at 120°C. A
domestic pressure cooker with an operating pressure of 103 kPa/15 psi can also be used for
superheating. A plastic steamer designed by Ventana Biotek Systems (Newport Beach, CA)
may be applied for convenient use with the autostainer from the same manufacturer. Hotplates
and water baths are available for conventional heating methods at boiling or other desired
temperatures. BioGenex (San Ramon, CA) have recently made available a range of automated
AR instruments and immunostainers that incorporate their own heating devices and computer-
controlled protocols. In our experience these new devices are simple and effective.
3. Slide container. Coplin jars made of plastic material are commonly used for AR heating
sections. Any other larger plastic container may be employed for slides and the AR solution.
Notice that a loose cover is important to avoid increased pressure during boiling.
4. A plastic pressure cooker (Nordicware, MN) is available that can be set in a microwave
oven to reach a “superheating” condition.
5. AR solutions. See below.
AR Technique 261

Requirements for Routinely Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
Sections Prior to AR Treatment
1. Mount the tissue sections on slides coated with either poly-l-lysine or APES, or charged
slides provided by Fisher Scientific (Pittsburgh, PA), dry the slides at 60°C for at least 1 h
in order to make the tissue sections adhere to the slides. Overnight incubation of the slides
produces optimal adhesion.
2. Deparaffinize by using the routine procedure: histoclear or xyline, rehydration by graded
alcohols, and blocking of endogenous peroxidase by an H2O2-methanol solution.
3. Rinse the slides in distilled water, 3 changes for 15 min.

Microwave Heating Method

1. For more details, see ref. 14. Place slides in plastic Coplin jars containing an AR solution,
such as distilled water, buffer solution, metal salt solution, urea, pH 3.5 glycine-HCl, and
so forth.
2. Cover the jars with loose-fitting screw caps and heat in the microwave oven for either 5 or
10 min. The 10-min heating time is divided into two 5-min cycles with an interval of 1 min
between cycles to check on the fluid level in the jars. If necessary, add more AR solution
after the first 5 min to avoid drying the tissue sections.
3. After heating, remove the Coplin jars from the oven and allow them to cool for 15 min.
4. Then rinse the slides in distilled water twice and in PBS for 5 min, ready for IHC staining.

Laboratory Microwave Processor

For more details on this device (model H2550, EBS), see ref. 138.
1. This microwave processor displays temperature readouts. Its power output is regulated by
a temperature feedback mechanism and a timer, and it is capable of monitoring both tempera-
ture and heating time.
2. Fix a Coplin jar on a thick capboard or plastic plate and set it in the center portion of the
turntable, filling the jar with distilled water or tap water. Set the temperature probe into the
Coplin jar through a hole of the cap, to measure the temperature.
3. Set all test jars around the central probe jar, as close as possible.
4. Turn on the microwave processor. Set the temperature and the time at temperature as required.
5. Turn on the turntable, making sure that the jars are not moved by the probe and the table.
6. Start the microwave heating; the timer is automatically controlled.
7. For heating at 100°C, the heating time should be divided into 5-min cycles as mentioned above.
8. This processor is particularly useful for the test battery approach (see below).

Calibration Technique for Microwave Oven

For details, see ref. 139.
1. Microwave at high power (800 W) for 2–3 min until the solution comes to a rapid boil;
then turn off the oven. Note the exact time it took for the solution to boil.
2. Set oven power on 3–4 (30–40% power or 250 + 50 W) or on defrost (low power). Heat
for 7–10 min. (If using a 500-W oven, set power level at 5–6 or 50–60%, i.e., 250 W).
Adjust the setting so oven cycles on and off every 20–30 s and the solution boils about
5–10 s each cycle.
3. The following formula can be used to determine the power setting: S = 250/P × 10, where
S is the microwave power setting for AR, and P is the output power of the individual
microwave oven. For example, if a microwave oven output power is 800 W, then the power
262 Protocols

setting for AR (S) is: S = 250/800 × 10 = 3.1. Therefore, it should be set at 3 and heated
for 7–10 min.

Autoclave Heating Method

For details, see refs. 28 and 29.
1. Set the slides in Coplin jars or other kinds of containers filled with AR solutions. Fix the
covers in place with a special tape designed for the autoclave.
2. Set the jars with slides in the center portion of the autoclave.
3. Tightly close the door of the autoclave as required by the instructions.
4. Set the temperature at 120°C for 10 min.
5. Allow a cool-down period of 20–30 min, after heating.
6. For IHC staining, follow the same procedure as with microwave heating.

Pressure Cooking Method

For details, see ref. 33.
1. Fill domestic cooker with an operating pressure of 103 kPa/15 psi one-third with AR solution
and heat by a hotplate to boiling.
2. Suspend slides in metal slide racks, place quickly into the AR solution, and tightly replace
the pressure lid.
3. Start the timer when the pressure indicator valve reaches the maximum (around 4 min). The
optimal period of pressurized boiling is 1–2 min.
4. After heating, depressurize the cooker and cool under running water; then remove the lid.
Add cold tap water to replace the hot AR solution. A 15–20 min cooling time may be
required, as in the microwave heating method.

Microwave + Plastic Pressure Cooker

For details, see refs. 36 and 37.
1. Fill three plastic staining jars, containing as many as 25 slides, with AR solution and place
in a plastic pressure cooker (Nordicware, MN). Add about 600 mL of distilled water to the
pressure cooker to reach one-half of the volume, making sure that all three jars stand in the
water at a stable position.
2. Place the plastic pressure cooker containing three staining jars with tissue slides, as described
above, in the microwave oven (a Sharp carousel oven, model R-4A46 with multiple-sequence
cooking, which can switch from one power level setting to another automatically). Set the
oven, at maximum power (900 W, 2450 MHz) for 15 min to boil the water, followed by a
40% power setting for another 15 min (simmer) to maintain boiling.
3. Cool down for 15–20 min, followed by the procedure as for the regular microwave AR method.

Steam Heating AR
For details, see refs. 35 and 37.
1. Use Steam HIER (Heat-Induced Epitope Retrieval) provided by BioTek (Ventura, CA) for
convenient use with the BioTek autostainer.
2. Set the slides in the TechMate slide holder in the regular face-to-face orientation, maintaining
the capillary gap.
3. Fill the steamer with distilled water to the top line, and heat it to boiling point. Then turn
the dial to 30 min for the next step.
4. Add 10 mL to each of the 10-well trays in the gray tile provided by BioTek, and place the
slide holder on the gray tile with the tips of the slide pairs in the AR solution located in
AR Technique 263

the 10-well trays. Then place the gray tile with the slide holder into the center of the
steam chamber.
5. Place the whole steam chamber base on the steamer, while boiling vigorously for 20 min.
6. After cooling the heated slides for 15 min, follow the remaining procedure for IHC as in
the microwave heating method.

Test Battery to Develop an Optimal AR Protocol for

Certain Antibodies Tested
For details, see refs. 58, 60, 86, and 138.
1. Number 10 slides 1–10 and use them for three pH values of the AR solution and three
different heating conditions, as follows:
AR solution pH 1–2 pH 6–7 pH 8–10
Super-high temperature #1 #4 #7
High temperature #2 #5 #8
Mid-high temperature #3 #6 #9
A tenth slide stands as a non-AR control. For convenience of practice, we use citrate
buffer at pH 6 to represent the middle-pH range, Tris-HCl buffer of pH 1.5 to represent
low-pH range, and Tris-HCl buffer of pH 10 or EDTA-NaOH solution of pH 8 to represent
the higher range of pH.
2. Super-high temperature: place slides in the microwave oven at 100°C for 5 min × 4, or heat
in an autoclave at 120°C for 10 min. High temperature: microwave at 100°C for 10 min as
in the original protocol. Mid-high temperature: place in a temperature-controlled microwave
oven or water bath at 90°C for 10 min. If possible, a H2550 microwave processor may be
used to maintain the heating conditions accurately, as noted above.
3. The use of an autostainer is recommended to perform IHC staining.
4. Evaluate the intensity for all 10 slides to identify the optimal protocol for the antibody
under test.
5. Additional studies, including different AR solutions, or different heating methods may be
used if necessary.
6. The test battery method can also be performed in two steps: first step, testing three AR
solutions at different pH values as listed above, with one regular temperature (100°C for 10
min) to find the optimal pH value of AR solution; second step, testing optimal heating
condition based on the established pH value.

AR Multiple Immunoenzyme Staining

This method is used on PLP- or formalin-fixed tissue sections (140).
1. Preincubate with 10% fetal calf serum and 10% normal goat serum for 10 min.
2. Drain the sections and then incubate with the primary antibody, for the required time,
followed by a PBS wash.
3. Incubate with secondary antibody, followed by another PBS wash.
4. Incubate with label (such as APAAP, or others) for 30 min and develop with the Fast Blue
BB base (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) substrate in the presence of 2 mM levamisole (for APAAP).
5. Then microwave the sections in citrate buffer, pH 6.0, for 5 min, twice, as routine AR
treatment in order to block antibody crossreactivity completely between two rounds of
immunostaining procedure.
6. Then wash the sections in PBS, prior to adding a second different primary antibody and
repeating steps 1–4. If using peroxidase label, a blocking step of incubation in 0.3% H2O2
in methanol for 20 min may be added after step 1.
264 Protocols

7. If a third or fourth primary antibody is required for multiple immunolabeling, step 5 (micro-
wave heating procedure) should be repeated between each of the immunostaining procedures.

For paraffin sections, the same procedure (i.e., step 5 microwave heating) is used
between each immunostaining sequence, except that: 1) microwave heating is used
prior to the first primary antibody staining as in AR (i.e., before step 1); and 2) as
some surface antigens may not tolerate the two 5-min microwave heating periods, this
method may be limited to nuclear and cytoplasmic antigens.

AR Immunoelectron Microscopy
For details, see ref. 141.
1. Cut routinely processed epoxy resin-embedded tissue block, flatten with chloroform vapor,
and collect on Formvar-coated nickel grids.
2. Etch the grids with either a saturated aqueous solution of sodium metaperiodate for 1 h or
10% fresh saturated solution of sodium ethoxide (prepared overnight) diluted with anhydrous
ethanol for 2 min.
3. Heat the grids in a preheated microwave oven to the boiling point; heat the sections at
95–100°C by a hotplate for 10 min. (Citrate buffer pH 6.0 is recommended as the AR solution.)
4. After heating, allow the grids to cool for 15 min before immunostaining.

Recently, Wilson et al. (142) studied AR-immunoelectron microscopy (IEM) based

on a comparison between routinely processed TAAB resin- and LR White (LRW)
resin-embedded ultrathin sections of both human and rat tissues with the use of antibodies
to collagen types I, III, IV, and VI, lamin, and pan-cytokeratin. They found that AR
enhanced the detection of types III, IV, and VI collagens and pan-cytokeratin for LRW
resin and the detection of type IV collagen for routine TAAB resin-embedded sections.
Their protocol was as follows:
1. Each grid bearing an ultrathin section was inverted onto a 0.5-mL solution of 0.01 M citrate
buffer in a small plastic vial cap. Three such caps, each containing one grid, were placed
in a glass Petri dish and heated in an 700-W Sharp domestic microwave oven for 5 min at
high power (70–80°C at the end of the cycle).
2. After heating, the grids were washed in PBS for 5 min. For TAAB resin-embedded sections,
an additional wash in PBS containing 50 mM NH4Cl and 3% sucrose for 1 h is important
to reduce the background staining.
3. The immunogold staining procedure is then performed, using 1% BSA and 1% Tween 20
and PBS for wash and diluent of reagents. To develop more effective protocols for AR-
IEM, Wilson’s group is examining the pH of the buffer and the use of Tris-HCl buffer based
on the test battery concept.

Microwave Heating for Enhancement of mRNA In Situ Hybridization

For details, see refs. 103 and 105.
1. After deparaffinization as described above, rinse the sections in 0.85% NaCl for 5 min.
2. Then immerse the slides in 600 mL sodium citrate buffer (0.01 M) at pH 6.0 and heat at
full power in the microwave oven for 7 min to reach the boiling point and another 5 min
with a short interruption to check the liquid level. If necessary, add more distilled water to
restore the initial level of buffer solution, as in the microwave AR method. After heating,
allow the sections to remain in the same solution for 20 min to cool.
3. Follow with the in situ hybridization (ISH) procedure.
AR Technique 265

Microwave Heating for the TdT-Mediated Nick End-Labeling Technique

For details, see ref. 143.
1. For paraffin sections for enhancement of TUNEL.
2. Tissue sections that are immersed in 10 mM citrate buffer, pH 6.0, and heated by microwave
for 1 min at 750 W show enhanced sensitivity with the TUNEL method.
Recent studies demonstrated that the microwave heating method plays a key role
in enhancement of TUNEL outcome for various tissues fixed in formalin, when an
optimal protocol is developed based on the test battery principle (144). Generally
speaking, a citrate buffer of pH 3.0 may achieve good TUNEL results for archival
formalin-fixed tissue sections of brain and thyroid tissues. However, each individual
tissue should be tested to establish an optimal protocol, since a variety of factors such
as different kinds and sizes of tissues, autolysis prior to fixation, conditions of fixation,
and so on, may influence the optimal pretreatment protocol as well as the concentration
of reagents for the TUNEL method (144).

Nonheating AR Method for Routinely Formalin-Fixed, Acid-Decalcified,

Celloidin-Embedded Tissue Sections
For details, see refs. 15, 84, and 85.
1. Preparation of AR solution. Saturated sodium hydroxide (NaOH)-methanol solution is made
of 50–100 g of NaOH mixed with 500 mL methanol in a brown-colored bottle by vigorous
shaking. After standing for 1–2 weeks, the supernant can be used diluted 1:3 in methanol.
(This is the NaOH-methanol solution.)
2. Wash the celloidin-embedded tissue sections in distilled water for 10 min and mount on
either 0.1% poly-l-lysine (Sigma) or aqueous mounting media-coated slides by pressing the
section down with filter paper, and trimming the tissue along the edges of the slides.
3. Place a few drops of 0.1% Poly-l-lysine on the slide to cover the whole section and dry
briefly in an oven. Pay attention to controlling the optimal drying time of the sections in the
oven. Do not dry excessively.
4. Immerse the slides in a freshly prepared AR solution of NaOH-methanol, diluted in 1:3, for
30 min. Rinse the slides in 100% methanol for 15 min × 2, 70% methanol 15 min × 2, PBS
15 min × 2, 0.3% Triton X-100, for 10 min, and PBS 15 min. The slides are then ready for
immunohistochemical staining.
5. For thicker (50 µm) celloidin tissue sections, a floating method may be used to avoid mounting
the sections on the glass slides.
The NaOH-methanol AR solution has also been used for enhancement of immunostaining
on acid-decalcified, formalin-fixed paraffin sections for antibodies such as keratin AE1, AE3,
vimentin, glial fibrillery acidic protein, desmin, muscle-specific actin, S-100, NSE, κ, λ, bcl-
2, L-26, and T-cell (UCHL) (145).
6. A combined AR heating and nonheating method may be used to improve some antibodies
that give poor results using the nonheating method alone. In this combined method, the
heating-induced AR is performed before immersing the slides in the NaOH-methanol solu-
tion (146).
Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry

Naoko Sanno, MD, PHD, Akira Teramoto, MD, DMSC,

and R. Yoshiyuki Osamura, MD, PHD

Immunohistochemistry is an important technique in both investigative and diagnostic
pathology, for correlating the localization of antigens and tissue morphology. Since
the advent of immunocytochemistry in the late 1940s, significant progress has been made
in methods for labeling, visualizing, and detecting cell constituents. Two techniques have
been widely accepted for the demonstration of protein: the peroxidase anti-peroxidase
(PAP) (1) technique and the avidin-biotin-complex (ABC) (2) method. The PAP tech-
nique uses peroxidase as the labeling agent, and ABC is based on the noncovalent
binding between avidin and biotin. The production of highly specific polyclonal and
monoclonal antibodies improves sensitivity as well as specificity of immunocytochemi-
cal reactions and allows visualization of specific proteins. More recently, heat-induced
epitope retrieval (3,4) has become one of the most effective techniques for enhancing
the sensitivity of immunohistochemistry. This method significantly improves the number
of antigens that can be demonstrated in routine formalin-fixed paraffin sections.
Another amplification system called catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) or the
tyramide amplification technique (TAT) has been reported recently. In 1989, Bobrow
et al. (5) described a novel application of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as an analyte-
dependent reporter enzyme to catalyze the deposition of additional peroxidase molecules
on the surface in a solid phase immunoassay. With the use of a biotinylated tyramide
amplification step, this technique produced about a 200-fold increase in sensitivity in
solid phase assay (5). CARD has been successfully incorporated into immunohistochem-
ical and in situ hybridization techniques in many fields of investigation.

This method relies on the ability of HRP to catalyze the dimerization of biotinylated
tyramine (tyramide), followed by the deposition of a large number of avidin-biotin-
peroxidase complexes or peroxidase-labeled streptoavidin molecules on the complex
(Fig. 1). The deposition of immune complex oxidizes biotinylated tyramine in the
presence of hydrogen peroxide to produce radical species that react with electron

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

268 Sanno et al.
Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry 269

moieties (e.g., tyrosine, tryptophans, and others) of protein molecules present in the
vicinity of the HRP label (5). The net effect is that many peroxidase molecules surround
a single HRP label.


Biotinylated tyramine is produced by adding 100 mg of sulphosuccinimidyl 6-
(biotinamido) hexanoate (sulpho-NHS-LC Biotin; Pierce & Warriner, Chester, UK) to
40 mL of 50 mM borate buffer (pH 8.0). Subsequently, 30 mg of tyramine hydrochloride
is added (Sigma), following the method of Kerstens et al. (6). The solution is stirred
overnight at room temperature, filtered and then diluted in 0.05 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH
7.6) containing 0.03% hydrogen peroxide. Biotinylated tyramide is available as part
of a catalyzed signal amplification (CSA) system from DAKO (Carpinteria, CA) (7).


In general, 10% formalin or 4% paraformaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues
are suitable for CARD. Thin sections (4–6 µm) are cut and mounted on silane-coated
slides or poly-L-lysine-coated slides. Prior to staining, the tissue slides must be deparaf-
finized to remove embedding media and then rehydrated.
A potential problem with the increased sensitivity afforded by this system is the
possibility of increased background staining due to endogenous avidin binding activity
or endogenous peroxidase activity. Adequate blocking of endogenous biotin is necessary.
Incubation with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 5 min is used for this purpose. Then
specimens are incubated for 5 min with a protein block to suppress nonspecific binding
of subsequent reagents, followed by incubation with an appropriately characterized and
diluted primary antibody. This is followed by sequential 15-min incubations with
biotinylated antibody, streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase complex, biotinyl tyramide (ampli-
fication reagent), and streptavidin-peroxidase. Staining is completed by a 1–5-minute
incubation with 3,3′-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB), which results in a
brown-colored precipitate at the antigen site (see Protocol).
Appropriate control experiments are required for proper interpretation of specific
staining. The specificity of the method is assessed by several controls:
1. Replacement of the polyclonal primary antibodies with normal rabbit serum.
2. Replacement of the monoclonal primary antibody with mouse immunoglobulin.
3. Omission of the streptoavidin-HRP.
4. Omission of the biotinyl tyramide.
5. Preincubation of the primary antibody with excess specific antigen (immunohistochemical
absorption test).


This technique has been recognized to be effective, and many studies have been
published showing its advantage for scientific investigations. The technique is especially

䉳 Fig. 1. Principle of catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) system. Biotinylated secondary

antibody against primary antibody is reacted to the streptavidin-biotin-complex, biotinyl tyramide
(amplification reagent), and then streptavidin peroxidase.
270 Sanno et al.

Table 1
Comparison of the Immunohistochemical Sensitivities for Detecting Follicle-
Stimulating Hormone-␤ (FSH-␤) by the CARD System, the Indirect Immuno-
peroxidase Method, and the ABC Method Using Graded Dilution of Primary
Dilution of anti-FSH-β mouse monoclonal antibody 1
Method 1 × 107 1 × 106 5 × 105 1 × 105 5 × 104 1 × 104 5 × 103 1 × 103 5 × 102 1 × 102
CSA − ++ + +++ +++ HBG HBG HBG HBG HBT
ID − − − − − − − + + ++
ABC − − − − − ++ ++ ++ ++ ++
CARD, catalyzed reporter deposition; ID, indirect immunoperoxidase method; ABC, avidin-biotin
complex method; HBG, high background. Grading: +, weakly positive; ++, positive, +++, strongly positive.

applicable to endocrine tissues, to demonstrate hormones and peptides and to correlate

morphology with function for understanding mechanisms regulating hormonal produc-
tion. CARD has become very useful to increase sensitivity for immunodetection in
endocrine and other areas of pathology.
The authors have previously applied this method to tissues from 50 cases of clinically
nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas without evidence of endocrinologic signs of hormone
secretion (8). The primary antibodies used were the β subunit of anti-follicle-stimulating
hormone (FSH-β), the β-subunit of luteinizing hormone (LH-β), and the α subunit of
LH (αSU) mouse monoclonal antibodies (UCB-Bioproducts, France). When CARD
was applied to normal human pituitary gland, each of the gonadotropin subunits was
positive even when the antibodies were diluted 1:107, which is 1000-fold more than
the standard indirect immunoperoxidase method and 100-fold more than the standard
avidin-biotin complex method (Table 1; Fig. 2). Using CARD, 35 of 50 cases of
nonfunctioning adenomas were immunopositive for FSH-β and/or LH-β. In contrast,
all were negative using the regular indirect immunohistochemical method (Figs. 3 and
4). Although these subunits detected by CARD may not result in known biologic effects,
this highly sensitive detection system may provide new information about the nature
of hormone production in these tumors as well as insight into their histogenetic origin.
The advantage of CARD in investigative immunohistochemistry has been clearly
shown. Studies are currently being done on its utility in a diagnostic setting. von
Wasielwski et al. (9) used this technique with 85 different antibodies on routinely fixed,
paraffin-embedded tissues using a simple protocol. They found a 5–50-fold (maximum
500-fold) increase in sensitivity compared with conventional immunohistochemistry
with most of the antibodies tested. In their study, it was pointed out that the optimal
dilution of antibodies varied with the different antibodies. Although this mechanism
is obscure, the differences in tissue and composition of the surrounding tissue may
partly affect the results. Thus, detailed studies are necessary to determine the optimal
concentration of antibody for each.
The concentration of tyramide probably influences the final results (3,10). Mengel
et al. (11) tested the relationship of tyramide concentration and primary antibodies in
133 different dilution combinations. They reported that the highest concentrations of
both tyramide and antibody paradoxically resulted in a weaker staining with nonspecific
Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry 271

Fig. 2. (A,B) The catalyzed reporter deposition system for normal pituitary gland using anti-
FSH-β antibody diluted 1:100,000. Immunoreactivity for FSH-β is clearly demonstrated. (C,D)
Avidin-biotin complex (ABC) method using anti-FSH-β antibody diluted 1:100,000. Immuno-
reactivity for FSH-β was not detected. (E,F) Indirect immunoperoxidase method and original
magnification ×400. The sensitivity of CARD revealed a 1000-fold increase compared with the
indirect immunoperoxidase method and a 100-fold increase over the standard ABC method.

coloring. In routine laboratory work, commercially available antibody and biotinylated

tyramine are used. With these commercial reagents, it is recommended to start with a
10–50-fold higher dilution of the antibody than used regularly.
A paradoxic effect in which the positive cells decrease in intensity compared with
standard staining is sometimes observed. It has been reported that at rather high antibody
dilutions, some of the markers show a decrease in the proportion of positive cells,
although the signal was stronger compared with standard staining (10). One must
consider this effect when quantitation of positive cells is important in the evaluation
of proliferation markers, for example.
272 Sanno et al.

Fig. 3. Results of the catalyzed signal amplification system in the analysis of nonfunctioning
adenomas. (A) By standard ABC method on the same adenoma tissue, immunoreactivity for
FSH-β is observed only in scattered cells (case #28). (B) Using catalyzed signal amplification,
immunoreactivity for FSH-β is seen in the cytoplasm of the adenoma cells.

Fig. 4. (A) Immunohistochemical staining for the α-subunit in a nonfunctioning pituitary

adenoma. Immunoreactivity for the α-subunit is not observed by the ABC method. (B) Positive
immunoreactivity is clearly observed in the cytoplasm of the adenoma cells after catalyzed
signal amplification. Original magnification ×600.
Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry 273

The fixation and preservation of tissues may also influence the results. Four percent
paraformaldehyde or 10% paraffin-embedded tissues usually work well (9,10).
Another advantage of CARD for immunohistochemistry is that lower concentrations
of antibodies can be used. In studies with antibodies available in limited amounts, this
may be beneficial.


It is possible to use CARD in combination with other techniques for signal amplifica-
tion. Heat-induced antigen retrieval has been increasingly used for immunostaining
with many primary antibodies (4,12). This target retrieval can be done using a pressure
cooker or microwave. The tissue section is heated prior to staining in 0.01 M citrate
buffer, pH 6.0. Charged slides should be used with target retrieval to avoid detachment
of tissues from slides. The combination of heat-induced retrieval and CARD has been
successfully used in the detection of many antigens, including estrogen receptor and
adrenomedulin (13).
Kohler et al. (14) described the combination of the CARD protocol with the use of
the small Nanogold probes, followed by silver intensification. Sections are processed
as for the CARD-DAB method up to the rinsing steps after incubation with biotinylated
tyramide. Then sections are incubated with streptavidin conjugated with 1.4 nm Nano-
gold diluted 1:60 in TMGS buffer for 60 min at 20°C. Then sections are treated with
secondary antibody. They noted that this combination has provided improved, highly
sensitive, and intense immunolabeling by both light and electron microscopy.


The application of CARD in double immunostaining of two different antigens has
been described. Hunyady et al. (15) demonstrated amplified fluorescent staining for
the first antigen using CARD and subsequent conventional staining for a second antigen
in the same host species, i.e., pairs of mouse monoclonal antibodies. Teramoto et al.
(16) also recently described double staining with two mouse monoclonal antibodies
on paraffin sections. The first antibody was visualized with DAB (brown) or 3-amino-
9-ethylcarbazole (AEC; brownish red) using the CARD method, and then the second
antibody was visualized with 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate/nitroblue tetrazo-
lium (BCIP/NBT; purple blue) using the alkaline-phosphatase anti-alkaline phosphatase
(APAAP) method. Cross reactivity was not detected between the first and second
reactions. It has been suggested that the first primary antibody is covered with deposit
and is not detectable by a secondary antibody without amplification.


Applications of CARD to immunoelectron microscopic studies have been described
(17–19). It has been successfully applied for the evaluation of amylase, heat-shock
protein 70, and insulin in rat pancreatic tissues.


The CARD technique when applied to in situ hybridization increases the sensitivity
of nonradioactive in situ hybridization. Several authors have reported the use of CARD
274 Sanno et al.

for detection of DNA sequences and mRNA (20–23). Although recent advances in
evaluation of nonradioactive ISH led to greater detection sensitivity, sometimes a more
sensitive detection method for low copy number of gene products may be required.
In this procedure we use antisense and sense probes that are also employed for
conventional ISH. The probes are labeled with biotin 11dUTP (Boehringer Mannheim)
by the terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase reaction. Target retrieval can be per-
formed by heating the frozen tissue sections in 10 mmol/L citric acid (pH 6.0) in a
microwave oven for 5 min (up to 95°C) and digested with 1 mg/mL proteinase K at
23°C for 10 min. The retrieval and digestion differ from tissues and expected signals.
Sections are then treated with 0.2 N HCl for 20 min followed by incubation with
0.25% (vol/vol) acetic anhydride in triethanolamine for 10 min. To reduce endogenous
peroxidase background, slides are immersed in 3% H2O2 in methanol for 30 min and
covered with prehybridization buffer for 1 h at room temperature. Thereafter, the
sections can be hybridized with the probe at 42°C for 18 h. After stringent washing
for 10 min at 42°C, slides are subject to amplification with reagents including primary
streptoavidin HRP (1:400) for 15 min, biotinyl-tyramide solution for 15 min, and
secondary streptavidin HRP for 15 min, with fresh 1× Tris-buffered saline/Tween
(TBST) washing after each step. The reaction product is visualized by developing the
slides in DAB chromogen/H2O2 solution for 3–5 min.

Using this amplification method, a positive reaction has been seen with antibodies
previously described as unsuitable for paraffin section immunostaining. Although the
CARD method involves multiple steps and is time consuming, it is a more sensitive
and specific method for the detection of proteins by immunostaining in many laboratory
investigations. The CARD system is one of the most powerful amplification methods
in immunochemistry developed to date.

1. Sternberger, L. A., Hardy, P. H. Jr., Cuculis, J. J., and Meyer, H. G. (1970) The unlabeled
antibody enzyme method of immunocytochemistry. Preparation and properties of soluble
antigen-antibody complex (horseradish peroxidase-antiperoxidase) and its use in identifica-
tion of spirochetes. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 18, 315–333.
2. Hsu, S. M., Raine, L., and Fanger, H. (1981) Use of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC)
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procedures. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 29, 577–581.
3. Merz, H., Malisius, R., Mannweiler, S., et al. (1995) ImmunoMax. A maximized immunohis-
tochemical method for the retrieval and enhancement of hidden antigens. Lab. Invest.
73, 149–156.
4. Shi, S. R., Key, M. E., and Kalra, K. L. (1991) Antigen retrieval in formalin-fixed, paraffin-
embedded tissues: an enhancement method for immunohistochemical staining based on
microwave oven heating of tissue sections. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 39, 741–748.
5. Bobrow, M. N., Harris, T. D., Shaughnessy, K. K., and Litt, G. J. (1989) Catalyzed
reporter deposition, a novel method of signal amplification. Application to immunoassays.
J. Immunol. Methods 125, 279–285.
6. Kerstens, M. J., Poddighe, P. J., and Hanselaar, A. G. J. M. (1995) A novel in situ
hybridization amplification method based on the deposition of biotinylated tyramine. J.
Histochem. Cytochem. 43, 347–352.
Tyramide Amplification in Immunohistochemistry 275

7. Dako Corporation. (1998) Instructions for DAKO catalyzed signal amplification (CSA)
system, peroxidase for mouse primary antibodies. Dako Corporation, Carpinteria, CA.
8. Sanno, N., Teramoto, A., Sugiyama, M., Itoh, Y., and Osamura, R. Y. (1996) Application
of catalyzed signal amplification in immunodetection of gonadotropin subunits in clinically
nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 106, 16–21.
9. von Wasielewski, R., Mengel, M., Gignac, S., Wilkens, L., Werner, M., and Georgii A.
(1997) Tyramine amplification technique in routine immunohistochemistry J. Histochem.
Cytochem. 45, 1455–1459.
10. King, G., Payne, S., Walker, F., and Murray, G. I. (1997) A highly sensitive detection
method for immunohistochemistry using biotinylated tyramine. J. Pathol. 183, 237–241.
11. Mengel, M., Werner, M., and von Wasielewski. (1999) Concentration dependent and adverse
effects in immunohistochemistry using the tyramine amplification technique. Histochem.
J. 31, 195–200.
12. Kaufmann, O., Baume, H., and Dietel, H. (1998) Detection of oestrogen receptors in
non-invasive and invasive transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder using both
conventional immunohistochemistry and the thyramide staining amplification (TSA) tech-
nique. J. Pathol. 186, 165–168.
13. Tajima, A., Osamura, R. Y., Takekoshi, S., et al. (1999) Distribution of adrenomedullin
(AM), proadrenomedullin N-terminal 20 peptide, and AM mRNA in the rat gastric mucosa
by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization. Histochem. Cell Biol. 112, 139–146.
14. Kohler, A., Lauritzen, B., and Van Noorden, J. F. C. (2000) Signal amplification in immuno-
histochemistry at the light microscopic level using biotinylated tyramide and nanogold-
silver staining. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 48, 933–942.
15. Hunyady, B., Krempels, K., Harta, G., and Meqey, E. (1996) Immunohistochemical signal
amplification by catalyzed reporter deposition and its application in double immunostaining.
J. Histochem. Cytochem. 44, 1353–1362.
16. Teramoto, N., Szekely, L., Pokrovskaja, K., et al. (1998) Simultaneous detection of two
independent antigens by double staining with two mouse monoclonal antibodies. J. Virol.
Methods 73, 89–97.
17. Mayer, G. and Bendayan, M. (1997) Biotinyl-tyramide: a novel approach for electron
microscopic immunocytochemistry. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 45, 1449–1454.
18. Schmidt, B. F., Chao, J., Zhu, Z., DeBiasio, R. L., and Fisher, G. (1997) Signal amplification
in the detection of single-copy DNA and RNA by enzyme-catalyzed deposition (CARD)
of the novel fluorescent reporter substrate tyramide. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 45, 365–373.
19. Matsuno, A., Sanno, N., Tahara, S., et al. (1999) Silent somatotroph adenoma, detected by
catalyzed signal amplification and non-radioisotopic in situ hybridization. Endocr. J. 46
(suppl.), S81–84.
20. Sanno, N. and Osamura, R. Y. (1998) Catalyzed reporter deposition method for amplifying
endocrine products. Endocr. Pathol. 9, 195–199.
21. von Gijlswijk, R. P. and Zijlmans, H. J. (1997) Fluorochrome-labeled tyramides: use in
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45, 375–382.
22. Koji, T., Kanemitsu, Y., Hoshino, A., and Nakane, P. K. (1997) A novel amplification
method of nonradioactive in situ hybridization signal for specific RNA with biotinylated
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23. Oka, H., Jin, L., Scheithauer, B. W., et al. (1999) Growth hormone-releasing hormone
receptor (GHRH-R) mRNA expression in human pituitary adenomas: a study by catalyzed
reporter deposition in situ hybridization (CARD-ISH). Endocr. Pathol. 10, 27–36.
276 Protocols


CARD Immunohistochemistry

1. Place 3% hydrogen peroxide on the tissue specimen. Incubate for 5 min and rinse with
buffer (0.05 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, containing 0.3 M NaCl and 0.1% Tween 20).
2. Protein block: serum-free protein in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 0.015 M sodium
azide. Incubate for 5 min. Do not rinse off protein block.
3. Primary antibody: mouse monoclonal or rabbit polyclonal. Incubate for 15 min and rinse
with buffer.
4. Link antibody: biotinylated rabbit anti-mouse (for mouse monoclonal primary antibody) or
mouse anti-rabbit (for rabbit polyclonal primary antibody) immunoglobulins in Tris-HCl
buffer containing carrier protein and 0.015 M sodium azide. Incubate for 15 min and rinse
with buffer.
5. Streptoavidin-biotin complex: horseradish peroxidase labeled. Incubate for 15 min and rinse
with buffer.
6. Amplification reagent: biotinyl tyramide and hydrogen peroxide. Incubate for 15 min and
rinse with buffer.
7. Streptoavidin-peroxidase. Incubate for 15 min and rinse with buffer.
8. Substrate-chromogen solution: DAB. Incubate for 1–5 min and rinse with DW.
9. Hematoxylin counterstain. Rinse with DW.
10. Mounting: use aqueous-based mounting medium.
Application of Immunohistochemistry in the
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions

Paul J. Kurtin, MD

The value of phenotypic studies to aid in the diagnosis and classification of reactive
and neoplastic disorders of lymphocytes and myeloid cells has been established. In
general, immunophenotyping has five main goals. First, it can be used to distinguish
reactive from neoplastic lymphoid proliferations in lymph nodes and in extranodal
sites. Second, it can help to determine that a poorly differentiated malignant neoplasm
is a lymphoma. Third, once a neoplasm has been determined to be a lymphoma or
leukemia, the marker studies can establish the lineage: B-cell, T-cell, NK cell, myeloid,
or histiocytic. These distinctions are clinically important and form the basis for lym-
phoma classification by the World Health Organization classification of neoplastic
diseases of lymphoid tissues (1). Fourth, phenotypic data can be used to help classify
lymphomas because some lymphomas express a characteristic constellation of antigens.
Finally, phenotypic data can be used to help distinguish Hodgkin’s disease from non-
Hodgkin’s lymphomas. Because many different phenotypic modalities are available
(flow cytometry, paraffin section immunohistochemistry, frozen section immunohisto-
chemistry, molecular genetics studies) there is often confusion about the best modality
to employ to solve specific differential diagnostic problems. The techniques are comple-
mentary, and none is perfect for every application. In this chapter, the phenotypic
characterization of malignant lymphomas and leukemias by immunohistochemistry
is discussed.


Optimal utilization of the available phenotypic modalities starts with ensuring that
the tissue is preserved in the proper form to maximize the data that can be obtained
from the sample. Not every case will require every possible ancillary study for an
adequate evaluation, but one cannot always predict which study will be necessary in
an individual case at the time that tissue is submitted to the pathology laboratory.

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

278 Kurtin

Therefore, development of a protocol for tissue handling when hematolymphoid disor-

ders are suspected is suggested. In general, coordination among the clinician, the
surgeon, and the pathologist should occur so that all tissue is received unfixed. Because
the first priority is always excellent morphology, at least one piece of tissue should be
fixed in B5 or another mercury-based fixative. If mercury disposal consideratons make
this impossible, zinc formalin is an alternative to B5. B5 not only produces excellent
morphology, it is also a superior fixative for preserving antigenicity of many surface
and cytoplasmic proteins that can be detected by immunohistochemistry (2). The next
priority is to freeze a portion of the sample. A sample protocol can be found in Chapter
13. The snap frozen tissue can be used for both frozen section immunoperoxidase stains
and molecular genetics studies. Using frozen section immunohistochemistry, one can
test for every marker that can be tested for by flow cytometry and the immunoarchitecture
of the process is preserved, a decided advantage of immunohistochemistry over flow
cytometry. Although a piece of tissue approximately 5 × 5 × 2 mm is usually optimal
for frozen section immunohistochemistry, the cells in even the tiniest of endoscopic
biopsy specimens or needle biopsy specimens can be successfully phenotyped by this
technique. In selected cases, particularly those in which the diagnosis of acute leukemia
or other blastic neoplasms is suspected, a specimen should be submitted for cyto-
genetic testing.
The immunohistochemical techniques that are applied in general surgical pathology
are applicable to hematopathology as well. Good fixation, utilization of antigen retrieval
strategies optimized for each antigen that is tested for, selection of optimal primary
antibodies, utilization of a sensitive immunohistochemical method, proper titering of
all primary and secondary antibodies, using diluents containing a detergent to inhibit
nonspecific antibody binding, proper buffer pH, appropriate utilization of positive and
negative controls, and establishing a quality control program are all necessary for
successful phenotyping of hematolymphoid cells by immunohistochemistry. The princi-
ples of immunohistochemistry technique are discussed in Chapter 13.
From this point on, the approach to an individual case (including the phenotyping
studies to be performed) is based on the clinical history and the morphology of the
process. Because diagnosis and classification of hematolymphoid neoplasms is primarily
based on morphology, diagnostic accuracy and efficiency and the most cost effective
application of immunohistochemistry hinge on morphology to drive the choice of
phenotyping modality and the panel of antibodies utilized in each case. In some cases
paraffin section immunohistochemistry is the best tool to resolve the differential diagno-
sis (e.g., separating Hodgkin’s lymphoma from non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, distinguish-
ing large cell lymphoma from other malignancies, and determining B-cell or T-cell
lineage on morphologically typical large cell lymphomas). In other cases (e.g., separating
interfollicular lymphoid hyperplasia from T-cell lymphoma or using a panel of T-cell
and B-cell lineage-associated antigens to classify a low-grade B-cell lymphoma), frozen
section immunohistochemistry is the optimal phenotyping modality. The panels of
antibodies are selected to solve specific differential diagnostic problems as discussed
in the remainder of the chapter. Comprehensive lists of antigens to which antibodies
are readily available and that are useful for phenotyping lymphomas and leukemias
are presented in Tables 1 and 2.
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 279

Table 1
Frozen Section Immunohistochemistry: Useful Markers of Hematolymphoid Cells
Routine B-cell-associated antigens Routine T-cell-associated antigens
CD20 CD2
CD23 CD3
CD10 CD5
κ light chains CD7
λ light chains
Other B-cell-associated antigens Other T-cell-associated antigens
CD19 CD1
CD21 CD4
CD22 CD8
IgG TCR-αβ
IgA TCR-γδ
IgM CD56
IgD CD103
CD103 (hairy cell leukemia)
Myeloid lineage-associated antigens Antigens for special applications
CD15 CD45
CD33 CD30
CD13 bcl-2
CD14 Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
c-kit CD34


Malignant Lymphoma vs Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia
The usual morphologic patterns that raise the differential diagnosis of lymphoma vs
reactive lymphoid hyperplasia include the following: 1) the distinction of follicular
lymphoid hyperplasia from follicular lymphoma; 2) the distinction between prominent
mantle zones and mantle cell lymphoma growing in a mantle zone pattern; and 3) the
distinction between paracortical hyperplasia and T-cell lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma,
and Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Three types of phenotypic criteria can be used to distinguish
malignant lymphoma from reactive lymphoid hyperplasia: clonality, expression of an
aberrant phenotype, and expression of proteins that reflect a lymphoma-associated
genetic abnormality.
Immunoglobulin Light Chain Restriction
With few exceptions, morphologically atypical lymphoid infiltrates that can be dem-
onstrated to be clonal by immunohistochemistry can be safely considered to be malignant
lymphoma (3–5). By immunohistochemistry, clonality is established by demonstrating
κ or λ immunoglobulin light chain restriction in a cell population. Therefore, the
criterion of clonality as an indicator of malignancy can only be applied to B-cell
lymphomas. Using immunoperoxidase studies on frozen sections, 80–85% of all B-
cell lymphomas can be shown to be clonal by demonstrating light chain restriction
280 Kurtin

Table 2
Paraffin Section Immunohistochemistry: Useful Markers of
Hematolymphoid Cellsa
B-cell-associated antigens T-cell associated antigens
CD20 (L-26) CD3 (polyclonal anti-ε chain)
CD79a CD5
CD10 CD45R0 (UCHL-1)
CD23 CD43
CD45RA (4KB5) CD4
κ light chains CD8
λ light chains βF1
Immunoglobulin heavy chains CD1a
Myeloid lineage antigens Special application antigens
CD34 (blasts) CD45
Myeloperoxidase CD15
Lysozyme CD30
CD68 (KP-1 and PGM-1) Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
CD15 bcl-2
Factor VIII Cyclin D1 (bcl-1)
CD61 p80/ALK-1
Hemoglobin Fascin
NK and cytotoxic lymphocyte antigens Dendritic cell antigens
CD56 CD21
CD57 CD35
Tia-1 CD1a
Granzyme B S-100
Antigens listed in bold face type are the first line markers used to distinguish B- and T-cell phenotype
in non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas. All others are selectively applied on a case-by-case basis based on the
morphologic differential diagnosis.

(Fig. 1) (3,6–9). The remaining 15–20% lack sufficient surface or cytoplasmic immuno-
globulin to be detected by frozen section immunohistochemistry. Using the immunoper-
oxidase technique in paraffin sections of well-fixed tissue with antigen retrieval or
protease digestion, properly titered primary antibodies, and a sensitive detection system,
κ or λ immunoglobulin light chain restriction can be demonstrated in approximately
70% of B-cell lymphomas (Fig. 2) (2,10).
There are several pitfalls in staining frozen or paraffin sections for immunoglobulin.
Here are a few of which to be aware. Because immunoglobulin is ubiquitous in serum
and plasma, background staining of interstitial immunoglobulin can obscure cell-related
immunoglobulin. Certain extranodal sites, such as skin and tissues in which the lymphoid
infiltrates are associated with collagen sclerosis, also present a consistent problem with
background staining because the antiimmunoglobulin antibodies have a tendency to
bind to collagen. These problems are unavoidable but can be minimized by optimally
titered antisera and by using detergents such as Tween 20 in the immunohistochemistry
buffers and antibody diluents.
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 281

Fig. 1. Immunoperoxidase stains for κ (A) and λ (B) immunoglobulin light chains on frozen
sections of a case of B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma. Note the distinct membrane staining
for κ light chains in the small lymphocytes and only hazy background staining for λ light chains
within the intermixed histiocytes. This is a monoclonal staining pattern for κ and supports a
diagnosis of malignant lymphoma of B-cell lineage. (See Color Plate 6 following page 208.)
282 Kurtin

Fig. 2. Immunoperoxidase stains for κ (A) and λ (B) immunoglobulin light chains on paraffin
sections of a case of mantle cell lymphoma. Note the distinct, perinuclear cytoplasmic staining
for κ, but not for λ light chains. (See Color Plate 6 following page 208.)
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 283

To determine light chain restriction reliably, κ and λ antisera must be “matched”

to one another to ensure equal sensitivity in detecting immunoglobulin. This does not
mean equal dilutions of the anti-κ and anti-λ antisera, rather, the dilutions of the anti-
κ and anti-λ antisera should be adjusted so that adjacent sections of positive control
tissue stain with equal intensity for κ and λ immunoglobulin light chains. For paraffin
sections, properly titered κ and λ antisera will demonstrate polyclonal staining of mantle
zone lymphocytes, not just plasma cells.
Similar areas of κ- and λ-stained histologic sections must be compared with each
other. In assessing light chain restriction, demonstrating that the cell population in
question lacks staining for one light chain is as important as demonstrating positivity
for the other light chain. It is also important to pay attention to the quality of the
staining. In frozen sections, lymphocytes will have membrane immunoglobulin staining.
By contrast, in a properly stained paraffin sections, the most reliable staining pattern
for κ and λ light chains is cytoplasmic (often perinuclear) staining. “Membrane” staining
of lymphocytes in paraffin sections should be suspected as representing artifactual
background positivity even if it looks “monoclonal.”
Plasma cells and neoplasms with abundant plasma cells often do not stain well for
immunoglobulin in frozen sections. Paraffin section immunoperoxidase stains are usu-
ally better for showing abundant cytoplasmic immunoglobulin in these instances.
Absence of immunoglobulin from a population of cells thought to be a B-cell
lymphoma is nondiagnostic. It does not denote a neoplastic process nor does it
exclude one.
Aberrant Phenotypes
The second way by which the diagnosis of malignant lymphoma can be supported
in a morphologically difficult case is to demonstrate that the atypical lymphocytes have
an “aberrant” phenotype. Phenotypic aberrancy is a characteristic of cell populations,
not individual cells. It refers to expression of a constellation of antigens by the cells
that is not expected to be present in large populations of normal reactive lymphocytes.
Usually, this can mean either loss of an expected antigen or gain of an unexpected
antigen by the cells. It should be stressed that small populations of normal lymphocytes
can express unusual constellations of antigens, particularly in very young children, in
immune-deficient individuals, and in individuals with autoimmune disorders. This does
not constitute phenotypic aberrancy but is a reflection of immune system immaturity
or dysfunction rather than neoplasia.
The most common example of phenotypic “aberrancy” is expression of CD5 by
the neoplastic B-lymphocytes of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small lymphocytic
lymphoma, or mantle cell lymphoma (3,11–13). Most cases of these types of B-cell
neoplasms will show coexpression of CD5 with pan B-cell markers such as CD19,
CD20, or CD22 (Fig. 3). This property of these lymphomas can be demonstrated most
reliably in frozen section immunoperoxidase stains or by flow cytometry (14). Recently,
a monoclonal antibody to CD5 that identifies the antigen in paraffin sections has become
commercially available (15–18). Optimal fixation and immunohistochemistry technique
are critical if the paraffin-reactive anti-CD5 antibody is to be used reliably because the
intensity of CD5 expression by neoplastic B-cells is considerably weaker than the
intensity of CD5 expression by normal T-cells. Because large numbers of CD5-positive
284 Kurtin

Fig. 3. B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin-stained section
demonstrating the typical cytologic features of this neoplasm. Frozen section immunoperoxidase
stains for (B) CD20, (C) CD5, (D) CD3, and (E) CD23 are also illustrated here. The neoplastic
cells are CD20-positive B-cells that express the T-cell lineage-associated antigen CD5 but that
are negative for CD3. Thus they exhibit an “aberrant phenotype.” In addition, they are positive
for CD23. Thus, they have a CD20, CD5, and CD23 positive phenotype that is characteristic
for B-cell small lymphocytic lymphoma (see also Table 7). (See Color Plate 6 following
page 208.)
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 285

Fig. 3. Continued

B-cells are not observed in reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, demonstration of CD5 by

a large population of B-cells supports the diagnosis of a B-cell lineage malignant
Another example of an “aberrant” phenotype in B-cell lymphomas is CD43 coexpres-
sion with B-cell antigens (2,3,19–22). Most normal reactive populations of B-lympho-
cytes do not express CD43. Conversely, many cases of B-cell small lymphocytic
lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and mantle cell lymphoma and a subset of
286 Kurtin

Fig. 3. Continued

other B-cell lymphomas will express CD43. CD43 can be demonstrated in both frozen
sections and in paraffin sections. In paraffin sections, CD43 is best preserved with B5
fixation, but can be unmasked in paraffin sections by using EDTA antigen retrieval.
Its expression is weaker on neoplastic B-lymphocytes than on normal T-cells.
Because there is no phenotypically demonstrable clonal marker for T-lymphocytes,
one of the most useful applications of immunophenotyping is to demonstrate an aberrant
phenotype in morphologically atypical proliferations of T-lymphocytes (3,23–27). An
aberrant phenotype will support a diagnosis of T-cell lymphoma, but a normal phenotype
does not exclude lymphoma. More than 70% of peripheral T-cell lymphomas have
aberrant phenotypes, and the presence of an aberrant phenotype correlates closely with
the ability to demonstrate clonal T-cell antigen receptor gene rearrangements using
molecular genetics techniques (28,29). In T-cell lymphomas, phenotypic aberrancy
usually manifests by loss of one of the pan-T-cell antigens that is expected to be present
on post-thymic T-lymphocytes: CD2, CD3, CD5, and/or CD7 (Fig. 4). The antigen
most frequently lost from neoplastic T-cells is CD7, followed in decreasing frequency
by CD5, CD3, and CD2. Other less common manifestations of phenotypic aberrancy
in T-cell populations are either absence of staining for both CD4 and CD8 or presence
of staining for both CD4 and CD8.
There are anatomic site- and disease-specific exceptions to the criteria for phenotypic
aberrancy. Reactive T-cell populations in the skin, such as those that occur in chronic
dermatitis and lichen planus as well as in other conditions, will frequently lack expression
of CD7 (30–32). Therefore, absence of CD7 from a T-cell population in the skin does
not constitute evidence in favor of the diagnosis of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma even
though most cases of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma lack CD7 expression (33–35). The
normal thymus (36) and the T-cell infiltrates in thymomas (37,38) contain substantial
numbers of normal dual-expressing CD4- and CD8-positive T-cells and T-cells that
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 287

Fig. 4. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma stained in frozen sections for (A) CD2 and
(B) CD7. The neoplastic T-cells are positive for CD2 (as well as for CD3 and CD5; not
illustrated), but they are negative for CD7. This is an “aberrant phenotype” because the T-cells
are negative for an antigen (CD7) that is normally expressed on nonneoplastic T-cells. These
findings would support a diagnosis of a peripheral T-cell lymphoma. (See Color Plate 6
following page 208.)
288 Kurtin

are negative for both CD4 and CD8. Therefore, dual CD4 and CD8 positivity or double
CD4 and CD8 negativity should not be used as a criterion for lymphoma in the thymus
or in lymphocytes within mediastinal masses until normal thymus and thymoma are
considered in the differential diagnosis. As more blood and tissue specimens are studied
from patients with viral infections and immunodeficiencies (particularly the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]), it has become clear that phenotypically unusual
peripheral blood- and tissue-based T-cell populations can be expanded in these condi-
tions. Finally, almost all the published data on phenotypic aberrancy in peripheral T-
cell lymphomas come from immunoperoxidase studies performed on frozen tissue
sections in which the immunoarchitecture of the process can be assessed. It is not clear
that flow cytometry gives similar results and it is not clear what the criteria for T-cell
phenotypic aberrancy should be when flow cytometry is employed as the phenotyping
modality. Therefore, supporting the diagnosis of a T-cell lymphoma on the basis of
phenotypic aberrancy is only valid in frozen tissue sections where direct correlation
between phenotype and morphology can be made and should be done only after carefully
considering the clinical situation, the anatomic site from which the specimen is obtained,
and the morphology of the process.
Demonstrating Protein Products of Oncogenes or Abnormally Expressed Genes
One final approach to supporting a diagnosis of malignant lymphoma appears to be
evolving with the advent of antibodies that recognize protein products of oncogenes
or abnormally translocated genes in certain malignant lymphomas. Three types of
malignant lymphoma have characteristic chromosomal translocations that result in the
overexpression of genes with the production of protein products that are characteristi-
cally not expressed in the normal cell counterparts of the neoplasm. These include bcl-
2 overexpression as the result of the t(14;18) in follicular lymphomas, cyclin D1 (bcl-
1) overexpression as the result of the t(11;14) in mantle cell lymphomas, and p80/
ALK-1 expression as the result of the t(2;5) in CD30-positive anaplastic large cell
lymphomas. bcl-2, cyclin D1, and p80/ALK-1 can all be recognized by paraffin section
immunohistochemistry using commercially available antibodies.
The best established application of immunohistologic demonstration of an oncogene
product to support a diagnosis of malignant lymphoma is showing bcl-2 protein expres-
sion in the intrafollicular lymphocytes of follicular lymphomas (39–43). In normal and
reactive lymph nodes stained with antibodies to bcl-2, the germinal center B-lympho-
cytes are negative for bcl-2. There is positivity for bcl-2 in mantle zone B-cells and a
subset of inter- and intrafollicular T-cells. By contrast, 80% of follicular lymphomas
show bcl-2 expression in the neoplastic follicular center cells (Fig. 5). Thus, faced with
the morphologic differential diagnosis of follicular lymphoma vs follicular hyperplasia,
demonstrating bcl-2 positivity in the intrafollicular B-cells strongly supports a diagnosis
of follicular lymphoma. On the other hand, absence of bcl-2 staining of intrafollicular
lymphocytes, although characteristic of follicular hyperplasia, does not exclude follicular
lymphoma because 20% of follicular lymphomas are bcl-2 negative. Recently, it has
been suggested that normal monocytoid B-lymphocytes in reactive lymph nodes do
not express bcl-2. By contrast, neoplastic monocytoid B-cells in nodal marginal zone
B-cell lymphomas are bcl-2 positive. Therefore, demonstrating bcl-2 expression by
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 289

Fig. 5. Follicular lymphoma stained for bcl-2 in paraffin sections. Note that the intrafollicular
lymphocytes strongly express bcl-2. This finding supports the diagnosis of follicular lymphoma.
(See Color Plate 6 following page 208.)

monocytoid B-lymphocytes should suggest the possibility of nodal marginal zone B-

cell lymphoma. Finally, cells from many other types of lymphomas will express bcl-
2 in the absence of the t(14;18). Therefore, the diagnostic utility of bcl-2 immunohisto-
chemistry is specifically restricted to distinguishing follicular lymphoma from follicular
hyperplasia and monocytoid B-cell hyperplasia from nodal marginal zone B-cell lymph-
oma. It has no utility in distinguishing diffusely growing lymphomas from reactive
processes or from one another (44).
Antibodies to cyclin D1 that react in routinely fixed and processed paraffin sections
can be very useful reagents for the evaluation of mantle cell lymphomas (45–49). In
a number of studies of normal tissues, there are few to no normal nodal, splenic, bone
marrow, or gastrointestinal lymphocytes that are cyclin D1 positive. In contrast, cells
from a very high percentage of cases of mantle cell lymphomas of all types (mantle
zone pattern, diffuse pattern, monocytoid cytology, pleomorphic cytology, and blastic
cytology) will exhibit nuclear cyclin D1 positivity as a result of the t(11;14) (Fig. 6).
This translocation moves the cyclin D1 gene from chromosome 11 into the regulatory
control of the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene locus on chromosome 14 and causes
overexpression of cyclin D1. Successful staining for cyclin D1 in paraffin sections of
mantle cell lymphoma can be quite a technical challenge. Utilization of various antigen
retrieval strategies (particularly EDTA pretreatment), a cocktail of two or more different
monoclonal anti-cyclin D1 antibody preparations, overnight incubation of the tissue
sections with primary antibody at 4°C, and a sensitive detection system will all help
to ensure successful staining. With an optimized method, one can expect to demonstrate
cyclin D1 immunoreactivity in 80–90% of mantle cell lymphomas (2,49). Practically
290 Kurtin

Fig. 6. Mantle cell lymphoma stained for cyclin D1 in paraffin sections. The neoplastic
lymphocytes exhibit nuclear cyclin D1 positivity. (See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)

speaking, if one finds a substantial number of small lymphocytes in any tissue site that
has nuclear staining for cyclin D1, one can support a diagnosis of malignant lymphoma,
specifically mantle cell type. Cyclin D1 overexpression also occurs in a subset of cases
of multiple myeloma (50,51) and is also observed in some adenocarcinomas and
squamous cell carcinomas.
Finally, there is no normal lymphoid cell population expressing the p80 protein that
can be demonstrated in some cases of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma
(52–58). p80 is an 80-kDa chimeric protein that is produced as a result of the t(2;5)
as portions of the nucleophosmin gene from chromosome 5 and the anaplastic lymphoma
kinase gene (ALK-1) from chromosome 2 are deleted, and the remaining portions are
fused. The protein is antigenically distinct and is recognized by antibodies to p80.
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase can also be detected immunohistochemically. Because
the protein recognized by the anti-p80 antibodies is only present in the presence of the
t(2;5), demonstrating nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for p80 (Fig. 7 and Color Plate
7 following page 208) is tantamount to recognizing the t(2;5) and is strong supporting
evidence in favor of a diagnosis of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma or one
of its variants (small cell, monomorphous, lymphohistiocytic, and so forth). Likewise,
anaplastic lymphoma kinase is not identifiable in normal lymphocytes, and demonstra-
ting nuclear and cytoplasmic staining for this protein can also be used to support a
diagnosis of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Other chromosome partners
can be translocated to the anaplastic lymphoma kinase locus on chromosome 2p and
can result in overexpression of anaplastic lymphoma kinase. In these cases, cytoplasmic,
but not nuclear, ALK-1 positivity is observed.
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 291

Fig. 7 (Color Plate 7). CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma stained for p80 in
paraffin sections. The neoplastic cells exhibit both cytoplasmic and nuclear staining for p80.

Distinguishing Malignant Lymphomas from Other Neoplasms

One of the most useful applications of immunophenotyping is to determine the nature
of high-grade undifferentiated malignant neoplasms. Usually, the differential diagnosis
of these tumors revolves around large cell processes (malignant lymphoma, high-
grade carcinoma, malignant melanoma, seminoma), small blue cell tumors in children
(lymphoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma), and blastic neo-
plasms (B- and T-lymphocyte precursor lymphoblastic lymphomas/leukemias, granulo-
cytic sarcomas, blastoid variants of mantle cell lymphoma, and Burkitt’s lymphoma).
By using a panel of monoclonal and/or polyclonal antibodies, one can generally identify
the tumor type by paraffin section immunohistochemistry (Table 3–5), but in some
cases, the lymphoid and myeloid lineage malignancies may require snap frozen tissue
or flow cytometry for optimal analysis. Other chapters of this book focus on neoplasms
other than lymphomas and leukemias. Because alveolar rhabdomyosarcomas, Ewing’s
sarcomas, and peripheral neuroectodermal tumors can have characteristic chromosomal
translocations, routine cytogenetics or molecular genetics techniques (polymerase chain
reaction in particular) can supplement the analysis of these neoplasms.

Phenotyping Malignant Lymphomas

Assessing Lymphocyte Lineage
Once a neoplasm has been determined to be malignant lymphoma by histologic
criteria or by using the panel of antibodies described above, precise classification of
the lymphoma in many instances requires determining T-cell, B-cell, or natural killer
(NK) cell lineage. In most cases this can be readily accomplished using paraffin or
292 Kurtin

Table 3
Paraffin Section Immunoperoxidase Approach to Undifferentiated
Large Cell Neoplasms
Tumor Type CD45 Keratin S-100/HMB45 PLAPa
Lymphoma +b − − −
Carcinoma − + ± ±
Melanoma − − + −
Seminoma − ±c − +
PLAP, placental alkaline phosphatase.
Some cases of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma are CD45 negative. Utilization of T-
and B-cell lineage-specific antibodies, and antibodies to CD30 can help to identify these cases.
Some seminomas are positive for keratin using antibodies to low molecular weight keratin, such as
Cam 5.2. in a dot-like or wispy-appearing filamentous pattern.

Table 4
Paraffin Section Immunoperoxidase Approach to Small Blue Cell Tumors
Tumor type CD45 CD99 Neurofilaments Synaptophysin Desmin Keratin
Lymphoma + +a − − − −
Ewing sarcoma − + − ± − −
PNETb − + − + − −
Neuroblastoma − − + + − −
Rhabdomyosarcoma − − − − + −
Small cell carcinoma − − − ± − +
T-precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma in particular.
Peripheral neuroectodermal tumor.

Table 5
Paraffin Section Immunoperoxidase Approach to Blastic
Hematolymphoid Neoplasms
Disorder TdT CD34 CD43 MPO/Lys CD3 CD79a CD20 Cyclin D1
T-lymphoblastic + − + − + − − −
B-lymphoblastic + + ± − − + ± −
Myeloid/monocytic ± + + + − − − −
Burkitt’s lymphoma − − + − − + + −
Blastoid mantle cell − − + − − + + +

frozen section immunohistochemistry. Because many B-cell, T-cell, and NK-cell lineage
antigens can now be reliably detected in paraffin sections, a very small panel of
antibodies employed in paraffin sections will give accurate information about cell
lineage in >95% of cases of malignant lymphomas. The most useful B-cell lineage
antigens are CD20 (L-26) (59–63) and CD79a (64). CD20 is expressed by a high
percentage of cases of B-cell lymphomas (Fig. 8) and almost all of the remainder
will be positive for CD79a. Notable exceptions are the rare lymphomas that express
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 293

Fig. 8. Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma involving a lymph node. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin-
stained section and (B) immunoperoxidase stain for CD20 performed on a paraffin section of
the tumor. The morphologic features including effacement of the lymph node architecture and
the monomorphous population of large atypical lymphoid cells are diagnostic of malignant
lymphoma. The strong staining of the tumor cells for CD20 indicates that the lymphoma is of
the B-cell lineage. (See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)
294 Kurtin

immunoglobulin light or heavy chains as the only markers of B-cell lineage. They
usually arise in immunosuppressed hosts. T-cell lymphomas can almost all (75%) be
reliably identified by antibodies to CD3 (polyclonal) (62,63,65–67) (Fig. 9), and the
remainder will be positive for CD45RO (UCHL-1) (62,65,68). Because antibodies to
CD45RO lack absolute T-cell lineage specificity, and because NK lymphocytes can
express the CD3ε epitope recognized by the paraffin-reactive polyclonal CD3 antibodies,
βF1 is another excellent marker for T-cell lineage in paraffin sections (69–72). Therefore,
by using antibodies to CD20, CD79a, CD3, CD45RO, and the T-cell receptor β chain
(βF1), almost all cases of lymphoma can be reliably determined to be of the B- or T-
cell type in paraffin sections.
If frozen section immunoperoxidase stains are used to determine cell lineage, a
limited panel will also accurately help to determine phenotype. A typical frozen section
immunohistochemistry panel might include antibodies to the B-cell lineage-associated
antigens CD19, CD20, CD22, CD10, CD23, and κ and λ light chains and to the T-
cell lineage-associated antigens CD2, CD3, CD5, and CD7. This panel will successfully
determine B- or T-cell lineage in almost all lymphoma cases.
Recognizing NK cells by phenotypic characteristics can be problematic because they
have phenotypes that overlap with cytotoxic T-cells and granulocytes. They are separable
by immunophenotype using frozen tissue, as illustrated in Table 6. NK cell and cytotoxic
T-cell antigens that can be assessed in paraffin sections include CD3ε (polyclonal anti-
CD3 recognizes the CD3ε chain, which is expressed in both NK and T-cells) (73–75),
CD56 (76,77), CD8, Tia-1 (78), and granzyme B (79). In addition, some NK cell
neoplasms (e.g., nasal type NK/T cell lymphoma) exhibit strong, uniform Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV) expression using in situ hybridization techniques with probes that recognize
small EBV-encoded RNAs (EBER) (80). Because NK cells do not rearrange T-cell
receptor genes, an additional diagnostic criterion for NK cell malignancies is to demon-
strate absence of clonal T-cell receptor gene rearrangements (76).
Classifying Lymphomas Based on Phenotypic Characteristics
A detailed discussion of the diagnostic criteria for lymphoma classification is beyond
the scope of this chapter. An excellent synopsis of the morphologic and phenotypic
criteria by which lymphomas are classified can be found in the description of the
Revised European American Lymphoma Classification (81). Although lymphomas
should be classified by a combined morphologic and phenotypic approach, certain
lymphomas of B-cell lineage express characteristic constellations of antigens.
As a neoplasm of immature B-cells, the cells of B-lymphocyte precursor lymphoblas-
tic lymphoma/leukemia virtually always express terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
and are usually positive for CD34. Most cases express CD19 and CD10, and there is
variable expression of CD20 and CD22 (cytoplasmic and/or surface) (82–86). Examples
of B-precursor lymphoblastic lymphomas are almost always surface immunoglobulin
light chain negative. A subset of cases formerly referred to as “pre-B-cell phenotype”
is positive for cytoplasmic µ-immunoglobulin heavy chain and does not express surface
immunoglobulin heavy or light chains (87).
The phenotypic “fingerprints” of B cell small lymphocytic lymphoma/chronic lymph-
ocytic leukemia (3,13,81,88–91) (Fig. 3), mantle cell lymphoma (11,12,45,46,48,81,88,
92–94), splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma (81,95–99), marginal zone B-cell
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 295

Fig. 9. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma involving a lymph node. (A) Hematoxylin

and eosin-stained section and (B) immunoperoxidase stain for CD3 performed on a paraffin
section of the tumor. The morphologic features including architectural effacement of the lymph
node and the clustered atypical cells with clear cytoplasm are diagnostic of malignant lymphoma.
The strong cytoplasmic staining of the cells for CD3 indicates that the lymphoma is of the T-
cell lineage. (See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)
296 Kurtin

Table 6
Phenotypic Characteristics of NK Cells and Cytotoxic T-Cells
Antigen NK Cells Cytotoxic T-cells
CD2 + +
CD3 − +
CD5 − +
CD7 + +
CD8 − +
CD16 + −
Tia-1/granzyme B + +
Antigen recognition receptor KIRa αβ or γδ
MHC restriction Class I Class II
Function Kill target cells TCR and ADCCb
Killing inhibitory receptor.
T-cell receptor and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity.

Table 7
Immunophenotypic Features of Small B-Cell Lymphoproliferative Disorders:
Frozen Section and Paraffin Section Approach
SIg Cyclin D1 CD20 CD23 CD10 CD5 CD3
Small lymphocytic/chronic Monoclonal − + + − + −
lymphocytic leukemia
Lymphoplasmacytic Monoclonal ± ± ± ± −
cIg in
Mantle cella Monoclonal + + − − + −
Marginal zone: splenic, Monoclonal − + − − − −
nodal, and extranodal
Hairy cell leukemiab Monoclonal − + − − − −
Follicular lymphoma Monoclonal − + ± + − −
Cells in most cases of mantle cell lymphoma (>80%) exhibit nuclear cyclin D1 staining.
In addition to the above, the cells of hairy cell leukemia characteristically and brightly co-express
CD22 and CD11c and are positive for CD103 (frozen sections). By paraffin section immunohistochemistry,
hairy cells are also positive for tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and DBA.44.

lymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) type (2,11,81,100), and

follicular lymphomas (2,3,12,13, 81,91,101) are presented in Table 7. In the past, frozen
section immunohistochemistry or flow cytometry was necessary to make these distinc-
tions (102). Using frozen section immunoperoxidase stains and antibodies to CD19,
CD20, CD10, CD23, CD5, and CD3, these low-grade lymphomas can be separated from
one another. Recently, antibodies to CD5 (15,16,18,20), CD23 (2,103–105), CD10
(2,20,106–109) (Fig. 10), and cyclin D1 (2,45–49) (Fig. 6) that perform well in fixed,
paraffin sections have become available, and they can also be used to resolve the differen-
tial diagnosis of the small B-cell lymphomas. Lymphoplasmacytic lymphomas do not
have a consistent phenotype (110–114). Some express CD5 and CD23, similar to B-cell
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 297

Fig. 10. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD10 performed on a paraffin section of a follicular
lymphoma. Note the strong cytoplasmic staining for CD10 in the neoplastic follicular center
cells. (See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)

small lymphocytic lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Some express CD5
without CD23, similar to mantle cell lymphoma, some are positive for CD10, and some
cases express neither CD5 nor CD23. However, a consistent defining feature of lymph-
oplasmacytic lymphoma is plasma cells within the lesion that have a monoclonal staining
pattern for κ or λ immunoglobulin light chains. Paraffin section immunohistochemistry
is best suited for this application.
Large B-cell lymphomas are almost always positive for CD19 and CD20
(13,91,106,115) (Fig. 8), a sizable subset expresses CD10 (13,91,106,108,115–118) and/
or bcl-2 (44,108,117–119), and rare examples are positive for CD5 (117,120). Surface
immunoglobulin expression occurs at a lower frequency in large B-cell lymphomas than
in the lower grade B-cell lymphomas, particularly those that arise in the mediastinum
(121). Up to 40% are immunoglobulin negative. Practically speaking, large B-cell lymph-
omas are sufficiently phenotyped in paraffin sections utilizing antibodies to CD20.
The high-grade histologic features of Burkitt’s lymphoma (intermediate cell size,
high mitotic rate, and intermixed tingible body macrophages) can render cases of
Burkitt’s lymphoma difficult to distinguish from B-precursor or T-precursor lymphob-
lastic lymphoma/leukemia by morphology alone. However, Burkitt’s lymphomas are
uniformly terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and CD34 negative, and they almost
always express surface immunoglobulin. In addition, they are usually positive for CD10
together with pan-B antigens, including CD19, CD20, and CD22 (13,81,91,122).
In rare cases, it is difficult by morphology alone to make the clinically important
distinction between multiple myeloma and either low-grade lymphomas with extensive
plasmacytic differentiation (lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma, MALT-type lymphoma) or
large B-cell lymphomas with plasmacytoid features (formerly termed immunoblastic
298 Kurtin

Table 8
Immunophenotypic Differences Between Multiple Myeloma and Non-Hodgkin’s
Lymphomas with Plasmacytic Differentiation: Paraffin Sectionsa
Marker Multiple myeloma Lymphoma
CD45 Negative to weak Strong positive
CD79a Positive Positive
CD20 Negative to weak Strong positive
CD138 (Syndecan) Positive Negative
Immunoglobulin heavy chain isotype Any except IgM IgM
Epithelial membrane antigen Positive Negative to weak
This distinction cannot always be made based solely on morphologic and phenotypic criteria; see text.

lymphoma). This problem can sometimes be resolved by immunophenotype, as illus-

trated in Table 8 (123). However, there is phenotypic overlap between plasma cell
neoplasms and B-cell lymphomas, so in difficult cases it is prudent to defer to the
clinical presentation rather than to rely solely on morphology and phenotype. Serum
or urine paraproteins, particularly of the IgA or IgG isotype, lytic bone lesions, renal
failure, and hypercalcemia strongly favor multiple myeloma over lymphoma.
The phenotypes of the different T-cell lymphoma types are not nearly as homogeneous
as those seen in specific B-cell lymphomas. In general, the neoplastic cells in cutaneous
T-cell lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) (33–35), peripheral T-cell lymphoma not other-
wise characterized (3,23–27), and angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (81,124–127)
are phenotypically indistinguishable. In each there is usually an aberrant T-cell pheno-
type, as discussed above, and most examples are tumors of CD4-positive helper lympho-
cytes that express the αβ form of the T-cell antigen receptor. In addition, angioimmu-
noblastic T-cell lymphomas often contain EBV-positive, nonneoplastic T- or B-
lymphocytes (128) and disorganized meshworks of CD23-positive follicular dendritic
cells admixed with the neoplastic T-cells (129,130) (Fig. 11).
A subset of unusual extranodal T-cell lymphomas has phenotypic characteristics
of cytolytic T-cells (78). These cases include subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell
lymphomas (131,132), hepatosplenic γδ and αβ T-cell lymphomas (78,133), and enter-
opathy-type T-cell lymphomas (78,79,134). They are recognized as neoplasms of cyto-
lytic T-cells because they express CD3 (membrane CD3, not only cytoplasmic epsilon
chain), the common framework antigens of the αβ or γδ T-cell receptors and cytolytic
granule proteins, such as Tia-1 (Fig. 12) and granzyme B. In addition, most cases of
subcutaneous panniculitis like T-cell lymphoma are CD8 positive, and most cases of
enteropathy-type T-cell lymphomas are CD4 and CD8 negative. Normal T-cells that
express the γδ form of the T-cell antigen receptor are negative for CD5, CD4, and
CD8, and the hepatosplenic γδ-T-cell lymphomas usually recapitulate this phenotype.
Cases of T-cell precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia are characterized by
an immature phenotype corresponding to stages in intrathymic T-cell development
(Table 9) (36,135–137). They uniformly express terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase,
an enzyme that can be detected by paraffin section immunohistochemistry. Unlike B-
lymphocyte precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia, they are usually negative for
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 299

Fig. 11. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD23 performed on a paraffin section of an angioimmu-
noblastic T-cell lymphoma. Same case as Fig. 9. Note the strong CD23-positive follicular
dendritic cell meshworks that are characteristically observed in this type of T-cell lymphoma.
(See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)

Fig. 12. Immunoperoxidase stain performed on a paraffin section for the cytolytic granule
protein Tia-1 in a case of NK/T-cell lymphoma of the nasal type. The neoplastic cells exhibit
coarse granular cytoplasmic positivity, characteristic of the pattern of staining that is observed
for this antigen. (See Color Plate 7 following page 208.)
300 Kurtin

Table 9
Phenotypes of T-Lymphoblastic Lymphoma/Leukemia
Normal Counterpart CD1 CD2 CD7 CD3 CD4 CD8 TdT
Immature thymocyte a
− + + − − − +
Cortical thymocyte + + + +c + + +
Medullary thymocyte − + + +s ±b ±b ±
cCytoplasmic CD3 expression.
sSurface CD3 expression.
CD2, CD7, CD4, and TdT can all be expressed by myeloid lineage acute leukemias.
At the medullary thymocyte stage, CD4 and CD8 expression are mutually exclusive.

Fig. 13. Immunoperoxidase stain for CD30 performed on a paraffin section of a CD30-
positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma. Note the strong, uniform staining of the neoplastic
cells. The membrane and dot-like cytoplasmic staining pattern is characteristic for this marker.

CD34. The other T-cell lineage antigens expressed by lymphoblastic lymphoma/leuke-

mia are best demonstrated in frozen sections.
CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma deserves special mention because of
its unique morphology and phenotypic features (138–144). Immunohistochemistry is
required for the diagnosis of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma, because
the expression of CD30 by the neoplastic cells in part defines the entity. Furthermore,
CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas share morphologic features with both
Hodgkin’s lymphoma and metastatic malignancies, and these must be distinguished
from one another. Typically, the cells of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma
are strongly and uniformly positive for CD30 (Fig. 13 and Color Plate 7 following
page 208), CD45 (in 70% of cases), epithelial membrane antigen (in up to 70% of
cases), and HLA-DR. In paraffin sections, T-cell lineage-associated markers such as
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 301

Table 10
Distinction of CD30-Positive Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma from Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma Based on Immunophenotype and Genetic Studies
CD30-positive anaplastic Classical Hodgkin’s
Marker large cell lymphoma (%) lymphoma (%)
CD30 + (strong, all cells) + (variable, cell subset)
CD45 + −
CD15 ± (15%) + (80%)
CD43 + (70%) −
CD45RO + (50%) −
CD3 (paraffin) + (50%) −
EMA + −
p80/ALK-1 + −
Clonal T-cell receptor + (70%) −
gene rearrangements

CD3, CD45RO, and CD43 are expressed in at least 70% of cases. Frozen section
immunohistochemistry can be used to assess the tumor for other T-cell lineage antigens
such as CD2, CD5, and CD7 in cases that fail to exhibit a T-cell phenotype by paraffin
section immunohistochemistry. Recently, it has been shown that a substantial subset
of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphomas expresses cytolytic granule proteins
such as Tia-1, granzyme B, and perforin (141). The remainder of the cases expresses
neither T-cell nor B-cell lineage markers. The recent World Health Organization classi-
fication of hematolymphoid malignancies does not recognize B-cell lineage CD30-
positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma as a distinct disorder. The characteristic pheno-
type of CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma and its distinction from Hodgkin’s
disease based on immunohistochemistry are listed in Table 10.

Distinguishing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas

The more the phenotype and molecular characteristics of Hodgkin’s lymphomas
are studied, the closer the resemblance of Hodgkin’s lymphoma to non-Hodgkin’s
lymphomas becomes. Nonetheless, Hodgkin’s lymphoma is morphologically and clini-
cally distinctive, and its separation from non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas remains critical
to patient management. Although morphology remains the premier criterion by which
Hodgkin’s lymphoma is distinguished from non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, phenotypic
data can be a useful supplement to the morphology (Table 11).
As Hodgkin’s lymphoma is currently understood, it can be broadly separated into
the nodular lymphocyte predominance type and all other types, now generically termed
classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma (1). This distinction is based on traditional morphologic
criteria and on the phenotypic differences between the L and H variants of Reed-
Sternberg cells of lymphocyte predominance type and the Hodgkin cells of classical
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
CD15 and CD30 are frequently expressed by the Hodgkin’s cells in classical types
of Hodgkin’s disease (Fig. 14), whereas leukocyte common antigen (CD45) is only
rarely expressed in paraffin section immunohistochemical studies (145–152). A highly
302 Kurtin

Table 11
Distinction of Classical Hodgkin’s Lymphoma from Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
(NHL) Based on the Phenotype of the Large Cells
Marker Hodgkin’s lymphoma (classical) Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
CD45 Negative Positive
CD15 Positive (80%) Negative (90%)
CD30 Positive (90+%) Variable
CD20 Often negative if positive, Positive in most B-cell lineage NHL:
cell subset, variable intensity strong, uniform staining
CD3 Usually negative Positive in most T-cell lineage NHLs
Fascin Positive Negative to weak

sensitive marker for Reed-Sternberg cells and variants from cases of classical Hodgkin’s
lymphoma is fascin (Fig. 14), an actin bundling protein (153). Hodgkin’s cells are also
positive for activation antigens, including HLA-DR, interleukin-2 receptors (CD25),
the transferrin receptor (CD71) (150,154), and CD95 (APO-1/Fas) (155).
Reed-Sternberg cells of the classical types of Hodgkin’s lymphoma exhibit variable
expression from case to case of pan-B- and pan-T-cell markers. There have been
consistent reports of subpopulations of Reed-Sternberg cells positive for CD19, CD20,
CD22, and CD75 in up to 80% of the classical types of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (156–161).
T-cell and cytolytic lymphocyte granule-associated antigens are expressed by a small
percentage of cases of Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the nodular sclerosis and mixed cellular-
ity types (157,162–165). CD2, CD3, CD4, and the T-cell antigen receptor framework
antigens are the markers that have been most frequently studied in this regard. CD45RO
and CD43 are almost never expressed by Hodgkin’s cells. Finally, Reed-Sternberg cells
have only rarely been considered positive for antigens expressed on histiocytic or
myelomonocytic cells, except for CD15.
These observations can be exploited diagnostically to separate cases of classical
Hodgkin’s lymphoma from non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (152). Paraffin section immuno-
histochemistry is preferred for this application. In general, if the large cells of a
lymphoma express CD15 and CD30 and are negative for CD45 (this is a critical negative
result), the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma of one of the classical types is supported.
On the other hand, if the large cells of a lymphoma are positive for CD45 (95% of
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas express CD45) and positive or negative for either CD15
or CD30, the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is supported. Expression of CD20
in cells of classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma, when observed, tends to be variable; some
cells are strongly positive, others are negative, and still others exhibit weak stain-
ing. Conversely, the cells of non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of a B-cell lineage, including
T-cell-rich B-cell lymphomas, generally show strong and uniform staining for CD20.
T-cell lineage antigen expression by Hodgkin’s cells (CD3, CD45R0, or CD43) is
distinctly uncommon in paraffin sections and usually can be taken as evidence against
the diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
In cases of nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the L and H
variants of Reed-Sternberg cells have a distinctive and consistent phenotype, indicative
of B-cell lineage. They are positive for pan B-cell markers, such as CD20 and CD22 in
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 303

Fig. 14. Hodgkin’s lymphoma, nodular sclerosis type involving a lymph node. (A) Hematoxy-
lin and eosin-stained section demonstrating the large neoplastic cells admixed with small lympho-
cytes, eosinophils, plasma cells, and macrophages. Immunoperoxidase stains for (B) CD15, (C)
CD30, and (D) fascin performed on paraffin sections. The neoplastic cells are positive for all
three antigens. Note that the stains for CD15 and CD30 decorate the tumor cells in a membrane
and punctate perinuclear staining pattern, whereas fascin positivity is diffusely present in the
cytoplasm. (See Color Plate 8 following page 208.)
304 Kurtin

Fig. 14. Continued

frozen sections and CD20 in paraffin sections (166–173) (Fig. 15 and Color Plate 8
following page 208). L and H variants of Reed-Sternberg cells consistently stain for J-
chain, a polypeptide synthesized exclusively by B-lymphocytes (174,175), and it has been
demonstrated (159,160), that L and H variants express CD79a, a component of the B-
cell-specific phosphoprotein heterodimer associated with the B-cell antigen receptor com-
plex. In contrast to other types of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the L and H variants of Reed-
Sternberg cells are frequently positive for CD45; they lack staining for CD15, and they
have variable staining for CD30. In a subset of cases, they express epithelial membrane
antigen (166,169).
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 305

Fig. 15 (Color Plate 8). Hodgkin’s lymphoma, nodular lymphocyte predominance type,
involving a lymph node. Immunoperoxidase stain performed on paraffin sections for CD20.
The large L and H variants of Reed-Sternberg cells, characteristically observed in this type of
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, are positive for CD20. They are admixed with numerous CD20-positive
nonneoplastic small lymphocytes, but the cells in the immediate vicinity of the large cells are
negative for CD20. They are CD3- and CD57-positive T-cells (not illustrated).

In most cases of nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin’s lymphoma, most of

the small lymphocytes accompanying the Reed-Sternberg variants are polyclonal B-
lymphocytes. Most express membrane IgM and IgD similar to mantle zone lymphocytes,
and they are mixed with numerous follicular dendritic reticulum cells positive for CD21
and CD35 (173–175). Characteristically, the small lymphocytes that are immediately
adjacent to the L and H variants (“rosetting” around the L and H variants) have a
distinctive phenotype. They are CD2, CD3, CD4, and CD57 positive and contain
strong nuclear bcl-6 positivity, a feature unique to lymphocyte perdominance Hodgkin’s
lymphoma (176–178).

Myeloid and Histiocytic Lineage Malignancies

Diagnosis, classification, selection of therapy, and assessment of prognosis of the
acute myeloid leukemias is optimally accomplished by a combination of morphology
of Wright-Giemsa-stained blood and bone marrow aspirate smears, cytochemistry, flow
cytometry, cytogenetics, and in some instances, molecular genetic testing (1,83,102,
179–185). However, there are times when fresh tissue is not available for these ancillary
studies; in these instances immunohistochemistry performed on frozen or paraffin
sections can at least aid in the distinction between myeloid and lymphoid cell lineages
and distinguish T-precursor from B-precursor types of lymphoblastic leukemia (186–
193). The phenotypic characteristics of T and B-lymphocyte precursor lymphoblastic
lymphoma/leukemia are presented in Tables 5 and 9 (Fig. 16). A strategy employing
306 Kurtin

Fig. 16. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, B-lymphocyte precursor type. Immunoperoxidase

stain for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) performed in paraffin sections. The leuke-
mic blasts exhibit strong nuclear staining for TdT. This result is observed in almost all cases
of T-lymphocyte precursor and B-lymphocyte precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In this
case the neoplastic cells expressed the B-cell lineage-associated antigens CD19 and CD10 (not
illustrated). (See Color Plate 8 following page 208.)

Table 12
Paraffin Section Immunoperoxidase Characterization of Acute Myelogenous
Leukemia by FAB Typea
FAB type MPO Lysozyme CD68 FVIII/CD61 Hemoglobin CD34/TdT
M1/M0 + + − − − +
M2 + + − − − ±
M3 + + − − − −
M4 ± + ± − − ±
M5 − + + − − ±
M6 − − − − + −
M7 − − − + − −
FAB, French-American-British classification; MPO, myeloperoxidase; CD68, PG-M1; FVIII, factor
VIII-related antigen (von Willebrand factor); TdT, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase.

paraffin section immunohistochemistry to distinguish among the types of acute myeloge-

nous leukemia defined by the French-American-British (FAB) classification scheme is
presented in Table 12 (Fig. 17). Although most cases of acute myelogenous leukemia
will have a pattern of antigen expression that is characteristic for each FAB type,
overlap in antigen expression between the different acute myelogenous leukemia types
occurs. In addition, proper recognition of myeloblastic leukemia without differentiation
(M0), promyelocytic leukemia (M3), myelomonoblastic leukemia with (M4eo) and
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 307

Fig. 17. Acute myelogenous leukemia, FAB subtype M1. Immunoperoxidase stain for myelo-
peroxidase. The blasts are variably positive for myeloperoxidase (see also Table 12). (See Color
Plate 8 following page 208.)

without eosinophils (M4), and monoblastic leukemia (M5) requires evaluation of

Wright-Giemsa-strained blood and bone marrow aspirates, cytochemical stains, particu-
larly peroxidase and α-naphthyl butyrate esterase, and cytogenetic analysis (181).
Finally, therapeutic strategies employing monoclonal antibodies directed against CD33
and other myeloid lineage antigens now require phenotypic analysis of acute leukemias
by flow cytometry. Therefore, phenotyping by immunohistochemistry has limited use-
fulness in the assessment of acute leukemias.
Neoplasms of differentiated monocytic/macrophage lineage are a complex group of
tumors of phagocytic histiocytes and antigen presenting cells. They are distinguished
from one another on the basis of clinical, morphologic, and phenotypic criteria. In general,
benign and malignant cells of a monocyte-macrophage lineage are positive for CD14,
CD68 (194–196), and lysozyme (197). They also often express HLA-DR antigens.
Tumors of the antigen-presenting cells include Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis, follicu-
lar dendritic cell sarcoma, interdigitating reticulum cell sarcoma, and unspecified
dendritic cell neoplasms (198). Except for Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis, these neo-
plasms are very rare. Most tumors of the antigen-presenting cells will express fascin
(153), and then they can be distinguished from one another by their pattern of expression
of other antigens as illustrated in Table 13 and by morphology. CD1a expression by
neoplastic cells is unusual outside of Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis (Fig. 18) and
T-lymphocyte precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma (199). Therefore, CD1a has very
restricted diagnostic specificity. Cells in follicular dendritic reticulum cell sarcomas
will usually express CD21, CD23, and/or CD35 (200–203). Interdigitating reticulum
cells are often positive for S-100 protein but have few other distinguishing phenotypic
characteristics (198,203–205). Because the dentritic cell tumors usually have a spindle
cell morphology and because the antigens expressed by these tumors are not strictly
308 Kurtin

Fig. 18. Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis involving the parotid gland. (A) Hematoxylin and
eosin stain exhibits the typical cytologic features of this disorder. The architecture of the salivary
gland is effaced by a monomorphous population of large cells with grooved and irregular nuclei
and abundant pale eosinophilic cytoplasm. (B) Immunoperoxidase stain for CD1a performed
in paraffin sections. The tumor cells are positive. (See Color Plate 8 following page 208.)

Table 13
Phenotypic Characteristics of Antigen-Presenting Cell Tumors
Tumor type Fascin CD1a S-100 CD21 CD23 CD35
Langerhans’ cell histiocytosis + + + − − −
Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma + − − + + +
Interdigitating reticulum cell sarcoma + − + − − −

lineage specific, care must be taken to exclude other spindle cell sarcomas and sarcoma-
toid carcinomas when considering the diagnosis of a dendritic cell tumor.
Most cases formerly diagnosed as malignant histiocytosis have been shown to be
neoplasms of other cell lineages (e.g., CD30-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma
and others) (206,207) or reactive processes characterized by prominent hemophago-
cytosis (198). The criteria for diagnosis of a true histiocytic malignancy (now termed
histiocytic sarcoma) include demonstrating expression of histiocytic lineage antigens
by the neoplastic cells and demonstrating absence of antigens expressed by T-cells, B-
cells, melanocytes, and epithelial cells (207–210). Because histiocytes do not rearrange
the T-cell antigen receptor genes or the immunoglobulin heavy and light chain genes,
sometimes this also requires application of molecular genetics techniques to demonstrate
absence of clonal rearrangements of these genes. In general, neoplastic histiocytes will
express CD45, CD45RO, CD45RA, CD43, lysozyme, CD68, and CD14 in varying
combinations (Fig. 19).
Diagnosis of Lymphoid Lesions 309

Fig. 18. Continued

Fig. 19. Histiocytic sarcoma. Immunoperoxidase stains for (A) CD45 and (B) CD68 performed
in paraffin sections and for (C) CD13 performed on frozen sections of the tumor. The neoplastic
cells are positive for all three of these antigens and negative for a large number of T-cell and
B-cell lineage-associated antigens. In conjunction with the morphology (not illustrated), the
findings indicate that the neoplastic cells are of a histiocytic lineage. (See Color Plate 8 following
page 208.)
310 Kurtin

Fig. 19. Continued

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Applications of Immunohistochemistry in the
Diagnosis of Undifferentiated Tumors

Mark R. Wick, MD and Lisa A. Cerilli, MD

Not uncommonly, pathologists are confronted with neoplasms that have few distin-
guishing microscopic characteristics and, therefore, appear to be “undifferentiated.”
The differential diagnostic considerations in such cases are many, and special studies
are almost always necessary to reach a definite conclusion. Determining the probable
site of origin for a metastatic carcinoma and making a diagnostic separation between
two differentiated but histologically similar neoplasms represent additional challenges
in surgical pathology that require ancillary laboratory analyses. This presentation will
address approaches to these and other dilemmas that are particularly suited to resolution
by immunodiagnosis. The following discussion is not intended to be exhaustive or all-
inclusive, rather, the authors’ aim is to provide a framework for the contemporary use
of immunohistochemistry in the interpretation of solid tumors.


An extensive array of antibodies is available to the surgical pathologist to facilitate
characterization of tumors without histologically specific features. A highly select panel
of immunostains, based on the histopathologic impression of the tumor, can be extremely
useful to narrow the diagnostic considerations, if not definitively identify the tumor.
The antibodies utilized for this purpose in our laboratory are described briefly below.

Immunohistologic Detection Techniques

The basic substrates of surgical pathology are still formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded
tissue specimens, and this situation is likely to continue over the foreseeable future.
Alternative fixatives have been recommended for use in certain contexts in this field
(1) but are generally unnecessary if proper attention is given to routine processing
procedures. Formalin exerts negative effects on tissue antigens by causing aldehyde-
linkage “masking” of protein determinants, and oxidation in the fixative itself amplifies
this problem (2). Although such difficulties were serious a decade ago, the recent

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

324 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 1. Spindle and pleomorphic cells showing strong keratin labeling that facilitates recogni-
tion of sarcomatoid carcinomas. Evaluation of this case disclosed a corresponding renal cell
carcinoma with sarcomatoid features.

availability of “epitope retrieval” procedures has done much to lessen the impact that
formalin has on the innumoreactivity of clinical specimens (3).
These new techniques, and currently available antibody-enzyme bridge methods,
have been reviewed extensively in other reference sources and will not be recounted here
(3–6). Nonetheless, it is worthwhile reiterating that select procedures lend themselves to
the detection of some antigens and not others (7,8). Moreover, tissues with a high
endogenous level of peroxidase (e.g., bone marrow sections) may require a different
chromogenic enzyme (alkaline phosphatase, glucose oxidase) to obtain high-quality
results (9,10). Each laboratory is encouraged to make such determinations individually,
since nuances in techniques at different institutions are well known to affect the outcome.

Immunohistochemical Reagents
Intermediate Filaments
Cytokeratins are constituents of the intermediate filaments (IFs) of epithelial cells
expressed in various combinations depending on the epithelial type and the degree of
differentiation. This class of IFs remains among the most commonly studied determi-
nants in immunohistochemistry. Cytokeratin positivity helps corroborate a diagnosis
of sarcomatoid carcinoma (Fig. 1) and usually excludes the possibility of sarcoma,
malignant lymphoma, or melanoma (16,17). Notable exceptions include synovial sar-
coma (Fig. 2), chordoma (Fig. 3), Ewing’s sarcoma, and epithelioid sarcoma; some
smooth muscle cells may also react.
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 325

Fig. 2. Monophasic spindle cell synovial sarcoma shows unequivocal staining for keratin.

Fig. 3. Chordoma stains strongly for cytokeratin.

Monoclonal antibodies are now available to a wide range of keratin proteins (40–67
kDa) (11). To maximize cytokeratin detection, proteolysis (0.4% ficin in phosphate-
buffered saline [pH 7.4] for 20 min at room temperature [12]) or microwave-mediated
epitope retrieval in citrate buffer (7,8) is mandatory before application of primary
antibodies to rehydrated paraffin sections. Since, in most cases, the question is whether
or not any cytokeratin is present in a given neoplasm, combinations or “cocktails” of
monoclonal antibodies may be prepared to evaluate the widest range of kilodalton
326 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 4. Histologically, Merkel cell carcinoma can easily be misdiagnosed as lymphoma,

melanoma, or metastatic small cell carcinoma of the lung. Dot-like cytoplasmic positivity for
cytokeratin 20 helps to exclude lymphoma and melanoma. Only rare cases of small cell carcinoma
show this pattern of staining.

weights. Keratin “cocktails” are the most useful in the diagnosis of poorly differentiated
epithelial tumors (13), but monospecific keratin antibodies also have distinct advantages
in selected circumstances. For example, Merkel cell carcinoma of the skin—an example
of a small round cell undifferentiated malignancy—regularly expresses keratin 20 (Fig.
4), whereas its differential diagnostic simulators generally do not (14). To prepare
keratin antibody “cocktails,” each of several monoclonal anticytokeratins is added to
the same tube of diluent, in a quantity yielding the optimal titer of that particular
antibody. For example, if two antibodies are selected to prepare 4 mL of “cocktail,”
one with an optimal titer of 1:200 and the other 1:400, 20 µL of the first antibody and
10 µL of the second would be added to the same 4 mL of solution.
Of course, one must be assured that the anticytokeratin preparations being utilized
are specific. This point is particularly important with respect to the immunodetection
of IFs as a group (cytokeratin, vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillary acidic protein [GFAP],
and neurofilament protein), since all share a common peptide sequence (15).
Vimentin is an IF that is present in most mesenchymal neoplasms and a variety of
other classes of neoplasms (e.g., endometrial carcinoma) (16–18). It is highly valuable
as a marker of adequate tissue fixation and processing, in which positive and appropriate
vimentin staining provides certainty of the ability of the tissue to react with antibodies
in general (19). Desmin is another IF present in mesenchymal lesions, found principally
in myogenous tumors such as rhabdomyosarcoma and leiomyosarcoma (20) (Fig. 5).
The neural IFs include neurofilament protein and GFAP. The first of these is restricted
to neuronal and neuroendocrine cellular proliferations (21); however, it is suboptimally
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 327

Fig. 5. Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcomas frequently stain for desmin, allowing separation

from other pleomorphic sarcomas in adults.

preserved in formalin-fixed specimens. GFAP immunoreactivity characterizes glial

neoplasms such as astrocytomas and ependymomas (22). Expression of this reactant
appears to be maintained even in poorly differentiated tumors of the nervous system.
CD45 is a surface antigen expressed by viturally all hematolymphoid proliferations,
and monoclonal antibodies for this marker are reliably specific (23). However, not all
anti-CD45 preparations are identical. Some, such as T29/33, necessitate the use of
frozen tissue, whereas others (PD7/26-2B11) are applicable to paraffinized specimens
as well (24). The utility of CD45 is enhanced by concomitant staining with panels of
antibodies to cytokeratin and S-100 protein. These reagents are helpful in the resolution
of such problems as whether or not a polygonal or small cell undifferentiated lesion
is a carcinoma, lymphoma, or melanoma.
Epithelial Membrane Antigen
Since its description in 1979 (25), epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) has become a
widely used determinant in diagnostic immunocytochemistry. EMA represents complex
membrane glycoprotein originally isolated from milk fat globules and is unrelated to
the keratin family (25–27). EMA reactivity is relatively resistant to the effects of various
fixatives and is well preserved in paraffinized specimens.
Providing that only membrane-based immunoreactivity is regarded as valid (Fig.
6), monoclonal antibodies to this discriminant are useful in determining the epithelial
nature of undifferentiated tumors (28). The tissue distribution is largely similar to that
328 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 6. Soft tissue rhabdoid tumor shows common coexpression of vimentin and epithelial
markers. This tumor shows membranous straining for epithelial membrane antigen (EMA).

of keratin, with some caveats; in particular, not all epithelia are positive—hepatocellular
carcinomas, adrenocortical carcinomas, and malignant germ cell neoplasms are EMA
negative (26,29). Also, EMA may be seen outside of nonepithelial lesions, including
large cell anaplastic lymphoma, plasmacytoma (Fig. 7), some T-cell lymphomas (30,31),
epithelioid sarcoma, and synovial sarcoma; meningioma may also show EMA reactivity
(32). The use of supplementary antibody panels that include other epithelial markers
obviates potential misclassification.
MOC-31 is a 41-kDa glycoprotein that is cell membrane based; it is widely distributed
in epithelial cells and tumors in many tissue sites (33,34). Monoclonal antibodies to
this determinant have most often been used in the diagnostic distinction between serosal
adenocarcinoma and mesothelioma (which typically lacks MOC-31) (35), but they also
fail to label a selected group of carcinomas that includes hepatocellular carcinoma,
germ cell malignancies, and renal cell carcinoma (36).
Tumor-Associated Glycoprotein (B72.3)
The monoclonal antibody known as B72.3 labels a plasmalemmal glycoprotein
designated tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72) (37). It was isolated from a
human breast carcinoma cell line and appears to be virtually pan-carcinomatous in
distribution (37,38). In likeness to MOC-31, however, TAG-72 is characteristically
absent in mesotheliomas, adrenocortical carcinomas, hepatocellular carcinomas, renal
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 329

Fig. 7. Plasmacytomas frequently show epithelial membrane antigen (EMA; shown) and
vimentin positivity, which may lead to misclassification as a carcinoma or sarcoma.

cell carcinoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, thyroid carcinomas, and malignant germ

cell tumors (36,38).
Placental Alkaline Phosphatase
The isoenzyme of alkaline phosphatase that is expressed by the normal placenta
(PLAP) is also evident as an oncofetal antigen in some genitourinary, gastrointestinal,
and pulmonary carcinomas (29). Moreover, it is nearly universally seen in germ cell
tumors (39–41). Immunostains for PLAP therefore have their greatest application in
separating germ cell neoplasms from somatic tumors. We have found anti-PLAP to
be an extremely useful screening reagent for possible germ cell differentiation in
undifferentiated tumors. When positive, stains for more specific oncofetal determinants,
e.g., α-fetoprotein (AFP) and human chorionic gonadotrophin, as well keratin sub-
classes, EMA, and such markers as CD30, should be performed (41).
Anti-PLAP consistently identifies both seminoma (Fig. 8) and embryonal carcinoma
(39,40). Both of these differ from most other epithelial malignancies in that they
generally lack EMA reactivity. Seminoma also lacks keratin reactivity in 80% of cases,
whereas embryonal carcinoma is keratin positive. CD30 is helpful in this distinction,
as it is present in embryonal carcinoma (Fig. 9) and is only rarely if ever seen in
seminoma (40,41a). In contrast to germ cell tumors, most PLAP-positive somatic
tumors uniformly express EMA and lack CD30 (29). Therefore, a panel that includes
cytokeratin, EMA, CD30, and PLAP may be useful in distinguishing among these
pleomorphic neoplasms.
330 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 8. Placental alkaline phosphatase labels this seminoma.

Fig. 9. CD30 is frequently positive in embryonal carcinoma (shown) and absent in seminoma,
a helpful distinction in keratin-positive germ cell tumors lacking specific features on routine his-
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 331

Fig. 10. Strong α-fetoprotein reactivity in mixed embryonal-yolk sac carcinoma.

AFP is another oncofetal antigen that is relatively restricted in its expression to
nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (Fig. 10), hepatocellular carcinomas, and rare
examples of somatic malignancies (42–44). Hence, it has its greatest use in immunohisto-
chemistry in the characterization of polygonal large cell undifferentiated neoplasms.
In an AFP-positive polygonal cell tumor, PLAP positivity is desirable before favoring
the diagnosis of germ cell tumor over hepatocellular carcinoma, which is devoid of
alkaline phosphatase immunoreactivity (29).
Carcinoembryonic Antigen
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has enjoyed its greatest recognition in clinical
medicine as a serologic indicator of the growth of colorectal cancer. Immunohistochemi-
cally, CEA is strongly expressed in colorectal adenocarcinoma (Fig. 11), but it may
be found in other epithelial tumors (45–47). Monoclonal antibodies to CEA represent
prototypic epitope-specific probes, which recognize a small portion of a large antigen
(45,47). Different carcinomas express a common portion of the CEA molecule but may
also produce mutually exclusive epitopes that are tissue restricted. If the latter are
“mapped” by immunohistochemical surveys of primary carcinomas, the corresponding
antibody reagents can be employed to yield diagnostic information on the possible
sources of lesions that present with metastasis. For example, adenocarcinomas of the
lung, breast, and gastrointestinal (GI) tract show uniform reactivity with certain epitope-
specific anti-CEAs and thereby may narrow the potential anatomic sites for metastatic
glandular neoplasms (45–47). In general, monoclonal anti-CEA preparations are prefera-
ble to polyclonal heteroantisera, because most of the latter are inferior in specificity
and require adsorption with crossreacting antigens.
332 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 11. Adenocarcinoma of the colon shows uniform strong carcinoembryonic antigen
(CEA) expression.

Fig. 12. The immunohistochemical demonstration of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in a

bony metastasis is accepted as a reliable marker for adenocarcinoma of prostatic origin.

Prostate-Specific Antigen
As its name suggests, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is largely restricted in its tissue
distribution to epithelial cells of the prostate and prostatic adenocarcinomas (Fig. 12)
(48–50). This cytoplasmic determinant appears to be expressed at an early stage of
embryonic development, inasmuch as even poorly differentiated prostatic malignancies
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 333

Fig. 13. The presence of thyroglobulin reactivity in a metastatic tumor showing a nested
pattern helps establish the diagnosis of poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma.

display its presence. Hence, PSA represents one of exceedingly few tissue-specific
markers available in diagnostic immunohistochemistry and has been widely utilized in
the recognition of metastatic prostate cancer.
Some reports have impugned the exclusivity of this association and have documented
apparent PSA reactivity in selected adenocarcinomas of the bladder (51) or in neuroendo-
crine tumors (52). In our experience, however, such problems are likely to be related
to the heteroantiserum reagents that were used in these studies. We have employed a
monoclonal anti-PSA in analyses of over 3000 carcinomas from diverse locations; to
date, it has demonstrated absolute specificity for prostatic neoplasms in these cases.
However, extraprostatic expression of PSA has also been noted in periurethral gland
adenocarcinoma in women, rectal carcinoid, and extramammary Paget’s disease (52a).
These entities can generally be easily addressed using a panel of immunostains that
includes PSA, as well as neuroendocrine markers and CEA.
Thyroglobulin is likewise restricted in its expression to the follicular thyroid
epithelium and related neoplasms (53,54). The greatest utility of this marker is to
confirm a thyroid origin for metastatic carcinomas in lymph nodes, lung, or bone.
Thyroglobulin reactivity is also helpful in the diagnosis of struma ovarii. Unfortu-
nately, “anaplastic” thyroid cancer seldom demonstrates this determinant immunohis-
tochemically (55), limiting its usefulness in the evaluation of undifferentiated tumors
to “solid” follicular carcinomas, including “insular” thyroid carcinoma and insular
carcinoma (Fig. 13) (56).
334 Wick and Cerilli

Thyroid Transcription Factor-1

Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) is a DNA-binding transcriptional regulator
protein present in normal thyroid follicular cells, subsets of respiratory and alveolar
epithelium, and the diencephalon (57–61); TTF-1 binds preferentially to thyroglobulin
and thyroperoxidase promoters (62). It is commonly present in the malignant counter-
parts of these cells, namely, adenocarcinomas of the lung and thyroid (60,61); most
anaplastic thyroid carcinomas lack this marker; some authors have found it in 25% of
such cases (62), whereas thyroglobulin reactivity is virtually never detected (55). We
believe more studies need to be performed to determine the usefulness of this marker
in the identification of anaplastic thyroid tumors.
The uniform lack of TTF-1 in adenocarcinoma of the breast, however, is quite useful
to discriminate primary lung tumors from metastases of a breast tumor. In addition,
small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of the lung and selected extrapulmonary sites
label for TTF-1 (63,64). Because of mutually exclusive staining patterns in this group
of tumors, it has been touted as a differential diagnostic discriminant in the separation
of Merkel cell carcinoma of the skin and metastatic small cell carcinoma of the lung
(65). The initial results using TTF-1 seem promising, although more data are needed
before we can advocate the use of this antibody for routine clinical use.
Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15
Over the past 20 years, progress has been made in characterizing several proteins
manufactured by mammary epithelial cells; in particular, one such soluble product that
is found in the fluid contents of “fibrocystic” breasts has been studied extensively
(66,67). This determinant is known as gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-
15) and is strongly expressed by cells with apocrine characteristics. GCDFP-15 is
present in the tumor cells of approximately 55–70% of breast carcinomas, regardless
of histologic subtype (66,67) (Fig. 14). Indeed, catalog studies of various metastatic
carcinomas indicate that GCDFP-15 is restricted to breast tumors, making it a valuable
indicator of anatomic origin in the evaluation of metastases of unknown origin. The
only caveat is salivary duct carcinoma, with its morphologic similarity to high-grade
ductal carcinoma, which also strongly expresses this marker (Fig. 15). GCDFP-15 is
much more specific than lactalbumin, BCA225, or CA15-3, proteins that may be
observed in a diverse group of unrelated carcinomas in extramammary locations (68–71).
Estrogen Receptor Protein
Intuitively, one would expect that estrogen receptor protein (ERP) would be restricted
to carcinomas of the breast and mullerian tract. Although those sites certainly account
for most ERP-positive tumors, lesions such as thyroid carcinoma, transitional cell
carcinoma of the bladder, prostatic carcinoma, aggressive angiomyxoma (71a), and
even rare examples of gastric, pulmonary, and hepatocellular carcinoma may express
ERP (72–74).
CA-125 is a glycoproteinaceous membrane constituent first identified nearly 20 years
ago in ovarian cell lines (75). Early on, it was recognized that a closely similar or
identical moiety was expressed by mesothelial cells and mesotheliomas as well (76).
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 335

Fig. 14. The cells of metastatic lobular carcinoma are readily detected in a lymph node using
an antibody to GCDFP-15.

Fig. 15. This metastatic adenocarcinoma shows strong GCDFP-15 reactivity. Although typi-
cally regarded as a marker for breast cancer, salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) also shows strong
reactivity. SDC lacks estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor staining, which may be useful
in differential diagnosis.
336 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 16. Adenocarcinoma of the ovary frequently shows strong reactivity for CA-125.

Today it is recognized as the marker most strongly associated with epithelial gynecologic
tumors (Fig. 16). CA-125 has been detected immunohistochemically, most often in
neoplasms of the müllerian tract, but roughly one-half of tumors of the biliary tree and
pancreas may also react (77,78). Carcinomas in other sites are uncommonly CA-125
positive. In diagnostic pathology CA-125 plays a role in identifying the primary locations
of metastatic carcinoma of unknown origin. The use of CA-125 antibodies is recom-
mended not in a solitary setting but in combination with CEA, GCDF5-15, and vimentin
to discriminate among the sites of origin of metastatic carcinoma.
CA19-9 is a glycoprotein that is related to the Lea blood group antigen, and it is
labeled by the monoclonal antibody known as 1116NS19-9 (79). The latter reagent
was raised against a human colon carcinoma cell line. Most carcinomas of the GI tract,
pancreas, biliary tree, urinary bladder, ovaries, and endometrium manifest CA19-9
reactivity (80) (Fig. 17), whereas tumors of other anatomic locations are only sporadi-
cally positive. In particular, hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma are
consistently negative for this marker (71,80).
CD15 is a hematopoietic differentiation antigen shared by granulocytes, monocytes,
Reed-Stemberg cells, and subsets of neoplastic B-cells and T-lymphocytes (81,82).
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 337

Fig. 17. CA19-9 highlights the malignant cells of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. This marker
may also be positive in tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary tree, urinary bladder, ovaries,
and endometrium.

Several epithelial cell lines (most of which are glandular or neuroendocrine) also
expresses CD15 (81), and it may be detected immunohistochemically in their malignant
counterparts (Fig. 18). Reactivity for CD15 is applicable to the separation of metastatic
adenocarcinomas from histologically similar lesions such as malignant mesotheliomas,
since it is lacking in the latter tumors (83). When used in combination with leukocyte
common antigen (CD45), CD15 also provides information on the cell lineage of lympho-
reticular neoplasms; CD15-reactive tumors in this class predominantly include
Hodgkin’s disease (Fig. 19) and T-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (82).
Calretinin is a calcium-binding protein that is virtually universally expressed by
mesothelial cells and malignant mesotheliomas (84). Calretinin is a recognized useful
marker for discriminating mesothelioma of the epithelial type from adenocarcinoma
in both paraffin sections and serous effusions (85,85a–c). A limited number of cases
of sarcomatoid mesothelioma may also show calretinin expression, separating these
lesions from a spectrum of other spindle cell neoplasms of the pleura (85d).
S-100 Protein
S-100 protein is a calcium flux determinant, expressed by normal melanocytes,
Langerhans’ histiocytes, cartilaginous cells, adipocytes, Schwann cells, astrocytes, oli-
godendroglia, ependyma, eccrine sweat glands, reticulum cells, salivary glands, and
myoepithelial cells (86–89). It has its greatest use in the diagnosis of solid tumors in
338 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 18. Positive CD15 (Leu-M1) staining is diagnostically useful to distinguish carcinoma
from epithelial mesothelioma. It is not useful, however, in sarcomatoid tumors.

Fig. 19. CD15 (Leu-M1) highlights the Reed-Sternberg cells in Hodgkin’s disease.
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 339

Fig. 20. The presence of S-100 protein reactivity is useful to corroborate a diagnosis of
metastatic adenocarcinoma of the breast.

the identification of malignant melanoma, clear-cell sarcoma (melanoma of soft parts),

glioma, and malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor.
Both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to this protein are available and have
been used widely. One caution when interpreting diagnostic immunostains for S-100
protein is the diversity of potentially reactive cell types, as listed above. Hence, such
stains should not be used alone in the characterization of any given neoplasm. For
example, we have found that a surprisingly large number of carcinomas are invested
with a reactive, intratumoral, Langerhans’ histiocyte population. The S100 protein
reactivity that the latter displays may be misinterpreted as tumor cell positivity, resulting
in an erroneous diagnosis of malignant melanoma.
Also, it has become evident that certain poorly differentiated epithelial malignancies
have the ability to express S-100 protein. Carcinomas of the breast (Fig. 20), genitouri-
nary tract, pancreas, salivary glands, and sweat glands are most notable for this antigenic
expression (86–88). Again, failure to include antibodies to cytokeratin and EMA in
assessments of such lesions may well result in diagnostic misadventure.
Other Melanocyte Markers
Several other monoclonal antibody reagents with selectivity for melanocytic determi-
nants have entered general practice as well. These include HMB-45 (90,91), anti-
tyrosinase, MART-1 (Melan-A), and KBA62 (92). Such markers exhibit excellent
labeling of formalin-fixed tissues and show absolute or nearly absolute specificity for
melanocytes and melanocytic neoplasms (Fig. 21). In our experience and that of others
(90–92), HMB-45 and anti-tyrosinase do not label carcinomas or lymphomas; on the
340 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 21. The presence of HMB-45 reactivity in the spindle cell variant of malignant melanoma
is rare but helps distinguish this tumor from other spindle cell tumors.

other hand, MART-1 reactivity is seen in most adrenocortical carcinomas, and KBA62
may decorate occasional poorly differentiated squamous and renal cell carcinomas as
well as rare rhabdomyosarcomas (92). However, the overall utility of those two antibod-
ies as melanocytic markers is still high.
Chromogranin A
Chromogranin A (CgA) is a protein that is indigenous to the matrices of neurosecre-
tory granules. It has a relatively ubiquitous distribution in neuroendocrine tissues,
e.g., those of the anterior pituitary gland, thyroid C-cell system, parathyroid glands,
paraganglion system, adrenal medulla, and pancreatic islets (93,94). Accordingly, anti-
bodies to CgA are exceedingly specific in the delineation of neuroendocrine differentia-
tion in epithelial tumors. However, because CgA reactivity is directly related to the
relative number of cytoplasmic endocrine granules in any given neoplasm, this marker
is somewhat insensitive. For example, roughly 30% of small cell neuroendocrine carci-
nomas and neuroblastomas will exhibit labeling with anti-CgA, and it is distinctly
unusual for primitive neuroectodermal tumors to do so (95).
Synaptophysin is an integral membrane glycoprotein of presynaptic vesicles that is
detectable in a wide range of normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine cells (Fig. 22)
(95–99). Monoclonal antibodies to this marker are widely used in diagnostic surgical
pathology and cytopathology with good success. In light of its subcellular associations,
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 341

Fig. 22. Desmoplastic small cell tumors show a diverse array of differentiation, which often
includes strong synaptophysin reactivity.

one might assume that synaptophysin would have a tissue distribution synonymous to
that of the chromogranins; however, in practicality, that is not true (99). The vesicles
that contain synaptophysin can colocalize with neurofilaments or epithelial filaments,
showing expression independent of other neuronal differentiation markers. A sizable
proportion of neuroendocrine neoplasms will label for CGA, but not synaptophysin,
and the converse of that relationship also applies. Thus, anti-synaptophysin and anti-
chromogranin should be conceptualized as complementary reagents.
CD57 is recognized by the monoclonal antibody HNK-1 and was initially described
as a membrane antigen of hematopoietic cells, namely, natural killer lymphocytes. (100).
Subsequent analyses have demonstrated a relative rarity of CD57-positive malignant
lymphomas (101), relegating this marker to a minor role in hematopathology; it is most
often seen in “large granular cell” lymphoproliferative disorders, and in the Reed-
Sternberg-like cells of lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin’s disease (which is probably,
in actuality, a B-cell lymphoma) (101). Unexpectedly, HNK-1 was shown to recognize
an epitope of myelin-associated glycoprotein and a glycoproteinaceous determinant in
neurosecretory granule matrices (100,102,103). Hence, it is most often used today
in solid tumor pathology, to label schwannian, neuroectodermal, and neuroendocrine
proliferations. Because of the variety of cell lineages involved in this group, it should
be apparent that results of other immunostains are required to put the significance of
CD57 reactivity into proper perspective, in any given case.
342 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 23. Among small round cell tumors, CD99 shows a characteristic membranous pattern
in acute lymphoblastic lymphoma (shown) as well as Ewing’s sarcoma.

CD99 (MIC-2; p30/32 Protein)

The membranocytoplasmic protein known as CD99 in the hematopoietic antigen
cluster designation is the same molecule that has been called “MIC-2” or “p30/32
protein” (101). The function of this moiety remains uncertain but is known to be
expressed in virtually all primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs) and Ewing’s
sarcomas (104). The specificity of CD99 antibodies for a neuroectodermal lineage is
not absolute, however, because they may also label a minority (<15%) of alveolar
rhabdomyosarcomas as well as the overwhelming majority (90%) of lymphoblastic
lymphomas (Fig. 23) (101). CD99 is observed in up to 20% of neuroendocrine carcino-
mas in some body sites as well (105). This is an important fact, because it may obscure
the difference between NEC and PNET in selected instances; this is particularly true
in light of the potential for keratin reactivity that both of these lesions have.
Muscle-Specific Actin
The molecular family of actin proteins includes some moieties that are confined to
cells with muscular differentiation, whereas others are seen in epithelia as well. In the
diagnosis of mesenchymal neoplasms, monospecific antibodies to the former are highly
desirable. One such reagent, HHF-35, demonstrates an excellent level of specificity and
sensitivity for smooth and striated muscular proliferations, including leiomyosarcomas,
hemangiopericytomas, and rhabdomyosarcomas (106,107). As such, it is a valuable
adjunct to anti-desmin antibodies in the immunohistologic detection of myogenic
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 343

CD34, or the human hematopoietic progenitor cell antigen, is recognized by several
monoclonal antibodies including My10, QBEND10, and BI-3C5 (108). It is a 110 kDa
protein that, as its name suggests, is expressed by embryonic cells of the hematopoietic
system. These include lymphoid and myelogenous elements and also endothelial cells
(109). Correspondingly, again in the setting of soft tissue tumors, CD34 is a potential
indicator of vascular differentiation. It is highly sensitive for endothelial differentiation,
regardless of tumor grade, and recognizes >85% of angiosarcomas and Kaposi’s sarco-
mas (108,109). Nevertheless, the specificity of CD34 is a problem, inasmuchas it has
been reported in some leiomyosarcomas, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, and epithelioid
sarcomas, which could potentially simulate variants of angiosarcoma or hemangioendo-
thelioma (109). In addition, CD34 is so commonly present in dermatofibrosarcoma
protuberans (and its variants), spindle cell lipoma, and solitary fibrous tumor that it is
regularly used as an adjunct for the diagnosis of those tumors (110,111). Thus, as
endothelial markers, antibodies to CD34 are best used in a panel of reagents that is
designed to account for these other diagnostic possibilities.
The platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (PECAM-1) is also known as
CD31. It is a 130-kDa transmembrane glycoprotein shared by vascular lining cells,
megakaryocytes, platelets, and selected other hematopoietic elements and is recognized
by the monoclonal antibody JC/70A (108,111). This marker is highly restricted to
endothelial neoplasms among all tumors of the soft tissue, and its sensitivity is also
excellent. In our hands, virtually 100% of angiosarcomas are CD31 positive, regardless
of grade or histotype (112) (Fig. 17), and the same statement applies to hemangioma
and hemangioendothelioma variants. It must be acknowledged, however, that Kaposi’s
sarcoma is labeled more consistently for CD34 than CD31, for unknown reasons.
Thrombomodulin (TMN) is a 75-kDa membrano-cytoplasmic glycoprotein that is dis-
tributed among endothelial cells, mesothelial cells, osteoblasts, mononuclear phagocytic
cells, and selected epithelia (113). Its physiologic role is to convert thrombin from a
coagulant protein to an anticoagulant. TMN may be present in some metastatic carcinomas
and most mesotheliomas (114), both of which may be confused with epithelioid angio-
sarcomas; therefore, it should be interpreted with this caveat in mind and in the context
of the results of other vascular markers. Nevertheless, TMN has proved to be a highly
sensitive indicator of endothelial differentiation, particularly in poorly differentiated vas-
cular malignancies. Kaposi’s sarcoma is likewise consistently immunoreactive for this
determinant (115). Thus, its inclusion in antibody panels is certainly worthwhile.
Ulex europaeus I Agglutinin
Ulex europaeus I (UEAI) agglutinin is not an antibody reagent but instead represents a
lectin produced by the gorse plant. It recognizes the Fuc-α-1-2-Gal linkage in fucosylated
oligosaccharides, which comprise portions of various glycoproteins (116). In particular,
the H blood group antigen and carcinoembryonic antigen regularly bind to UEAI, as
does a separate fucosylated protein that is expressed by endothelial cells. Biotinylated
344 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 24. Algorithmic approach to the immunohistochemical diagnosis of small cell tumors.

Ulex may be used an a histochemical reagent in surgical pathology, or, alternatively,

unlabeled lectin can be employed, with its binding to tissue subsequently detected by
application of biotinylated anti-Ulex and avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex. Because of
the nonspecificity of UEAI for endothelial differentiation, as mentioned, it is absolutely
necessary to utilize this lectin as part of a histochemical-immunohistochemical panel
(117). For example, epithelioid sarcoma and various metastatic carcinomas may also
bind Ulex, in addition to vascular neoplasms. However, the extremely high sensitivity
of UEAI justifies its continued use as a potential endothelial determinant.


Small Round Cell Neoplasms
Small cell neoplasms that cause potential diagnostic confusion include embryonal
rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, neuroblastoma, PNET (peripheral neuroepitheli-
oma), malignant lymphoma, and small cell carcinomas (Fig. 24). The anatomic locations
and microscopic details of these tumors and other aspects of their clinical presentations
have a strong bearing on the relative likelihood of respective diagnoses, and immunohis-
tochemical analyses may be tailored according to such considerations.
Small Cell Tumors of Soft Tissue
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcomas are typified by their immunoreactivity for desmin
and muscle-specific actin. When used in combination, antibodies to these determinants
yield virtually absolute sensitivity for myogenic sarcomas and allow for exclusion of
other diagnostic possibilities (18,20,106). Similarly, small cell lymphomas exhibit CD45
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 345

in a uniform manner, whereas other neoplasms in this category are devoid of reactivity
(23), with extremely rare exceptions (117a). Neuroblastomas and neuroepitheliomas
express synaptophysin and CD57 (118). Rhabdomyosarcomas also share potential reac-
tivity for CD57, but, excluding rare examples of PNET with divergent differentiation
(119), primitive striated muscle sarcomas are distinguished from small cell neurogenic
neoplasms by their desmin or actin positivity, as mentioned above.
A particularly diagnostically challenging member of this tumor group is, in fact,
Ewing’s sarcoma/PNET. Our approach is to make this unqualified diagnosis when a
small cell neoplasm of soft tissue is reactive for CD99, with or without vimentin,
synaptophysin, and CD57, and in the absence of desmin, actin, S100 protein, and CD45.
Some PNETs may also synthesize keratin in an “aberrant” fashion (118).
Small Cell Carcinomas
Small cell carcinomas may exhibit neuroendocrine, squamous, or glandular differenti-
ation. However, a determination of cell lineage is often difficult on conventional micros-
copy of these lesions, prompting the use of discriminating immunostains. CD57, synap-
tophysin, and CGA are restricted to neuroendocrine neoplasms in this morphologic
class of lesions; nevertheless, it should be reemphasized that they are seen in only
30–50% of cases (120). Thus, most of the time, immunohistologic studies will not
successfully corroborate a neuroendocrine lineage for small cell carcinoma, even though
it is really present, and one could seriously question whether or not such analyses are
cost effective. On the other hand, small cell adenocarcinomas usually dislay MOC-31
or TAG-72, whereas small cell squamous tumors do not. All three forms of small cell
carcinoma express cytokeratin reactivity, separating them from most small cell sarcomas
of soft tissue. This fact is more important than one would assume at first glance, because
Eusebi et al. (120a) have described small cell carcinomas that were aberrantly labeled
for myogenic markers as well as keratin. One should also keep in mind the potential
overlap between PNET and small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, in regard to the
possibility of conjoint staining for CD99 and keratin in those neoplasms.
Spindle Cell Neoplasms
Spindle cell (“sarcomatoid”) carcinomas have been described in a diversity of organs,
including the skin, aerodigestive tract, kidney, bladder, female genital tract, lung, and
other sites, and must be distinguished from melanomas and true sarcomas in such
locations (121) (Fig. 25). In addition, spindle cell mesenchymal malignancies of soft
tissue can be difficult to separate from one another diagnostically.
Spindle Cell Carcinomas
In mucosal or organ-based locations, any spindle cell tumor that displays reactivity
for cytokeratin or EMA can be defined as carcinomatous (121). Most sarcomatoid
carcinomas also coexpress vimentin, but the latter protein should be regarded as nonspe-
cific when seen in conjunction with other intermediate filaments.
Spindle Cell Amelanotic Malignant Melanomas
Melanomas that are composed exclusively of fusiform cells retain the general immu-
nohistochemical attributes of other malignant melanocytic neoplasms, with one excep-
tion. For unknown reasons, spindle cell melanomas react poorly or not at all with
346 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 25. Algorithmic approach to the immunohistochemical diagnosis of malignant spindle

cell tumors.

HMB-45, KBA62, MART-1, and antityrosinase, making the conjoint use of antibodies
to S100, vimentin, EMA, and cytokeratin paramount in this diagnostic context (92,122).
Positivity for either of the last two of these determinants excludes the possibility of
malignant melanoma.
Spindle Cell Sarcomas of Soft Tissue
The malignant spindle cell neoplasms of soft tissue include fibrosarcoma, leiomyo-
sarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, monophasic synovial sarcoma,
malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), and Kaposi’s sarcoma (18,111). Among these,
fibrosarcoma is characterized by its reactivity for vimentin, to the exclusion of desmin,
actin, S-100 protein, CD57, cytokeratin, and EMA. In addition, it lacks endothelial
markers. Leiomyosarcomas are unique in their diffuse reactivity for desmin and muscle-
specific actin but may also express S-100 protein and CD57. Malignant peripheral
nerve sheath tumors generally demonstrate only the last two of these four determinants.
Synovial sarcoma represents the sole lesion in this category that is capable of cytokeratin
and EMA synthesis; it may also express CD57 and CD99 (18). The immunohistologic
features of Kaposi’s sarcomas are controversial. Some investigators have obtained
consistent labeling of such neoplasms with UEAI, CD34, or CD31 (108), whereas
others (117) (including ourselves) have observed this finding to be less than universal.
Fortunately, conventional histologic analysis and clinical correlation usually allow for
confident identification of this lesion.
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 347

Epithelioid (Large Polygonal Cell) Neoplasms

Metastatic carcinoma and melanoma, large cell malignant lymphoma, “syncytial”
Hodgkin’s disease, epithelioid sarcoma, clear cell sarcoma, epithelioid angiosarcoma,
epithelioid leiomyosarcoma, and epithelioid malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor are
the differential diagnostic possibilities when dealing with polygonal cell malignancies in
lymph nodes and soft tissues. The detailed characterization of metastatic carcinomas
is addressed in a subsequent section.
Lymph Nodal Lesions
In lymph nodes, epithelioid neoplasms most commonly represent large cell lympho-
mas or metastases of visceral carcinomas and malignant melanomas. The separation
of these differential diagnostic possibilities principally involves the use of antibodies
to CD45, cytokeratin, EMA, and S-100 protein. Carcinomas are reactive for cytokeratin,
with or without EMA, whereas only lymphomas exhibit CD45 (23). It is essential to
avoid equating CD15 reactivity with the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells, to the
exclusion of other immunophenotypic results, since anaplastic carcinomas may also
display this determinant (81,82). Similarly, EMA is rarely present in some Hodgkin’s and
non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, making it unreliable as an exclusive marker for carcinomas
(123). Malignant melanomas and some poorly differentiated carcinomas exhibit S100
protein, but only the latter tumors generally express cytokeratin (86).
Soft Tissue Lesions
An epithelioid malignancy of soft tissue is relatively unlikely to represent metastatic
carcinoma or melanoma, unless widespread dissemination by these neoplasms is clini-
cally obvious. Primary non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of soft tissues do exist, but they
are quite rare. Indeed, in this tissue compartment, epithelioid sarcoma, epithelioid
angiosarcoma, epithelioid malignant Schwannoma, epithelioid leiomyosarcoma, and
clear cell sarcoma are the principal differential diagnostic considerations (18).
Epithelioid sarcoma is a polyphenotypic neoplasm that may express vimentin, S-
100 protein, and even desmin and UEL affinity, overlapping with the immunohistologic
attributes of other mesenchymal tumors (124–126). However, it is unique among
polygonal cell sarcomas in its consistent expression of cytokeratin; EMA reactivity is
also observed in 75% of epithelioid sarcomas (124). Epithelioid angiosarcoma exhibits
vimentin positivity, reactivity for CD31, thrombomodulin, and CD34, and UEA1 binding
(109,111,112,115,117). This profile usually includes a lack of keratin positivity, but rare
examples of epithelioid angiosarcoma have demonstrated aberrant keratin expression, a
potential pitfall in interpretation (127). B72.3 may also unexpectedly label such tumors
(128). Clear cell sarcoma is the only one of these lesions that binds HMB-45, KBA62,
and anti-tyrosinase; it displays S-100 protein and vimentin as well but lacks cytokeratin,
EMA, desmin, CD31, CD34, and UEL affinity (18,126). HMB-45, anti-tyrosinase, and
KBA62 are important in distinguishing between clear cell sarcoma and epithelioid
malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, which are typically S-100 protein positive
but nonreactive for more melanocyte-selective markers (129). Lastly, only epithelioid
leiomyosarcoma expresses desmin and muscle-specific actin.
Another possible diagnostic entity in this category is the “gastrointestinal stromal
tumor,” which may assume the form of an undifferentiated polyhedral-cell neoplasm.
348 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 26. Algorithmic approach to the immunohistochemical diagnosis of malignant pleomor-

phic tumors.

It is distinctive in its immunoreactivity for vimentin and CD117 (C-kit protein). with
or without CD34, desmin, muscle-specific actin, or S-100 protein (130).

Pleomorphic Neoplasms
Tumors that are capable of assuming extremely bizarre, pleomorphic cellular shapes
include MFH, pleomorphic liposarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, “dedifferen-
tiated” leiomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, and metastatic carci-
noma or melanoma (Fig. 26).
Metastatic Carcinomas and Melanomas
Metastases of carcinomas and melanomas with a pleomorphic microscopic appear-
ance are delineated by their reactivity with anticytokeratin or with melanocyte-selective
markers, respectively. These immunophenotypes are not shared by any other pleomor-
phic malignancy.
Pleomorphic Soft Tissue Tumors
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors are unique among pleomorphic soft tissue
sarcomas, because they are the only lesions in this class that are capable of diffuse
expression of S100 protein, with or without CD57 (18). Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarco-
mas are globally positive for desmin and muscle-specific actin; in addition, they express
myoglobin, Myo-D1, or myogenin, all of which are proteins that are restricted to striated
muscle (18,111,118). Of the latter, Myo-D1 and myogenin are strictly limited to the
nuclei. Although it is a relatively insensitive marker in other forms of rhabdomyo-
sarcoma, myoglobin assumes some importance among pleomorphic neoplasms, because
“dedifferentiated” leiomyosarcomas also exhibit desmin and actin reactivity but are
devoid of myoglobin (18). Pleomorphic MFH lacks all antigens except vimentin;
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 349

pleomorphic liposarcoma differs from this profile in showing focal S100 protein positiv-
ity in signet ring or multivacuolated tumor lipoblasts.



In the present climate of medical cost consciousness and corresponding limitations

on the scope of radiographic procedures, the pathologist is often called on to aid in
predicting the sources of metastatic non-small cell carcinomas of unknown origin. It
is in this realm of inquiry that permutations in the expression of several tissue-restricted
determinants achieve their greatest importance.
As mentioned previously, PLAP, CEA, S-100 protein, AFP, EMA, and other tissue-
specific determinants are useful in this context. Among the latter, for example, anti-
PSA can be employed to detect metastatic prostatic carcinomas, anti-GCDFP-15 is
specific for metastatic breast cancers, and anti-thyroglobulin is effective in the recogni-
tion of metastatic carcinomas of the thyroid.
Other discriminants listed in the introductory sections of this chapter are found in
carcinomas originating in more than one tissue location. Nevertheless, because their
distributions are not identical, combinations of reactivity can be used to generate
probability tables that reflect the likelihood of anatomic origins (131). These, in turn,
can be used to construct interpretative algorithms, such as that provided in Fig. 27.
The “entry” point for interpretation is the box labeled “keratin mixture” at the left
center of the figure, with arrows proceeding from that point representing the relative
results obtained for each respective marker. As one would expect, “first-tier” immuno-
reactants (those with a high degree of individual specificity and predictive value) yield
a definitive interpretation early in the algorithm, such as those attending positivity for
PSA or thyroglobulin. A seemingly paradoxical “early” entry in the algorithm is that
associated with seminoma and adrenocortical carcinoma, because although they are
undeniably epithelial in character (as determined by their conventional morphologic
features), both fail typically to label with the specified mixture of antikeratin antibodies.
The highly unusual nature of that phenomenon among epithelial malignancies in general
allows for the “early” segregation of seminoma and adrenocortical carcinoma, which,
in turn, can be distinguished from one another by their relative frequencies of reactivity
for vimentin and PLAP.
The midportion (“second tier”) of the algorithm is devoted to separating two singular
epithelial malignancies (mesothelioma and germ cell tumors) from somatic carcinomas
that typically do not express specialized differentiation markers. The latter principally
include nasopharyngeal carcinoma, renal cell carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and
rare keratin-positive variants of adrenocortical carcinoma. Entry into this segment of
the interpretative sequence is determined by positivity or negativity for TAG-72 and
MOC-31, both of which label the vast majority of other epithelial malignancies.
Finally, the largest and most complex part of the algorithm (the “third tier”) is
that seen at the far right of Fig. 27, where several different combinations of eight
immunodeterminants (GCDFP-15, CEA, S-100 protein, PLAP, CA-125, CA19-9,
CK20, and ERP) are listed. This portion of the analysis deals with markers that are
relatively nonspecific in and of themselves, and that are therefore shared by tumors of
Wick and Cerilli
Fig. 27. Algorithmic approach to the immunohistochemical diagnosis of malignant epithelial tumors of unknown origin.
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 351

several topographic origins. The proffered listings attempt to account for most, if not
all, of the combinations of immunoreactivity that may be encountered. In addition,
they cite the primary sites that are most likely for each combination of results, in order
of frequency. For example, the combination of CEA+/CA19-9+ (lower midportion of
tier 3) would suggest a tumor origin in the GI tract, pancreas, bladder, endocervix, and
lung, in relative order of likelihood. Although such lists may seem unsatisfying at first
glance (because they do not provide only one anatomic choice), integration of clinical
information and morphologic details will usually allow for a single diagnostic choice
to be made with confidence.
Because the information presented here has been accumulated over a long period, the
authors have had the opportunity to undertake validation studies of the algorithm for
metastatic carcinoma of unknown origin (MCUO). In those cases in which primary sites
were found after initial biopsy of the tumor, either by clinical evaluations or by autopsy,
overall correspondence with the pathologic prediction for the site of origin has been 67%.
Others have had similar rates of success with immunohistochemical evaluations. This
figure may not seem overly impressive, but it should be compared with the accuracy
and efficiency of radiographic and other nonmorphologic methods, as outlined in the
introduction of this presentation. Moreover, when mistaken predictions occurred in our
experience, they most often involved tumors in the same general immunophenotypic class;
for example, a tumor felt to be most consistent with a pancreatic carcinoma actually proved
to be a lung cancer with a largely superimposable set of immunoreactivity patterns.
Another practical aspect of our algorithmic approach is still early in its evolution
but is mentioned her for interest. Oncologists are well aware that only a minority of
MCUO cases have definable primary tumors that can be found during life. Accordingly,
most patients in this group have been treated with a standard consensus panel of
chemotherapeutic agents designed to have activity against a broad spectrum of malignan-
cies. Nevertheless, that approach is probably not an optimal one compared with specific
available treatments aimed at specific organ sites, judging by the dismal survival
results that are realized. Thus, some oncologist colleagues have elected to administer
chemotherapy regimens that are dictated by the predictive result of the MCUO algorithm.
In other words, if lung carcinoma is the favored interpretation by the pathologist, a set
of drugs tailored to that diagnosis would be given to the patient even if no pulmonary
mass were evident by clinical evaluation. Very preliminary results of such a process
have been promising, showing outcomes that are comparable to those of patients with
high-stage tumors of known anatomic derivation and somewhat better than those treated
with generic MCUO therapy. Obviously, considerable work will be required to decide
whether this is ultimately the optimal means of treating MCUO cases.


The tenets that have just been discussed are most applicable to the diagnosis of
poorly differentiated carcinomas that lack neuroendocrine differentiation. Neuroendo-
crine tumors are more homogeneous, regardless of their anatomic origins; all of them
share the potential to express CD57, CGA, synaptophysin, and various neuropeptides
and amines. Therefore, immunohistology is not useful in predicting where such tumors
arose. (See also Chapter 18.)
352 Wick and Cerilli

Fig. 28. Calretinin shows strong cytoplasmic staining in epithelial mesothelioma.


Aside from the diagnostic dilemmas that have been addressed up to this point,
immunohistochemical analyses may add significant information in the evaluation of
other problems in surgical pathology. These are considered briefly in the following sec-

Malignant Mesothelioma vs Metastatic Carcinoma

For medicolegal and epidemiologic reasons, it is desirable to render a specific and
confident diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. This neoplasm may be mimicked
closely by metastatic adenocarcinomas from the breast, lung, ovary, and other sites,
which are capable of seeding the pleural or peritoneal surfaces. Determinants that are
often seen in these microscopic stimulants are absent in mesothelioma. These include
CEA, CD15, CA19-9, MOC-31, TAG-72, PLAP, S-100 protein, TTF-1, BG8 (a blood
group antigen-related marker), and GCDFP-15, at least two of which are seen in >95%
of adenocarcinomas (132). Conversely, one expects keratin 5/6 and calretinin expression
by mesotheliomas (Fig. 28) but, with rare exceptions, not in carcinomas. Using this panel
approach, one can closely approach absolute specificity in the immunohistochemical
diagnosis of mesothelioma, as validated by correlation with ultrastructural characteris-
tics (133).

Metastatic Carcinoma vs Second Primary Tumor

The tendency for individuals with a one malignancy to develop a second is a well-
known phenomenon. Under such circumstances, the surgical pathologist is required to
Undifferentiated and Morphologically Ambiguous Neoplasms 353

make a decision on the probability of this eventuality, as opposed to recurrence or

metastasis of the primary neoplasm. The same tenets that were outlined in an earlier
section on metastatic neoplasms can be employed effectively in this context. Whenever
possible, the immunophenotypes of both tumors should be studied appropriately; if
significant differences are detected, it is virtually certain that two separate primary
neoplasms have arisen in the patient under consideration.

Throughout this chapter, an integrated multiparametric approach to the immunohisto-
logic diagnosis of poorly differentiated and morphologically ambiguous malignant
tumors has been emphasized. This is indeed an effective process, as reflected by its
beneficial results in many medical centers. Nonetheless, one should not lose sight of
the fact that surgical pathology is still based on skill in morphologic interpretation;
one cannot achieve success as a diagnostic immunohistochemist without having a sound
foundation in histopathologic analysis. Also, we do not mean to imply that another
method of detailed pathologic assessment—electron microscopy—has been relegated
to a historical perspective. It is still invaluable in the evaluation of selected neoplasms
and often supplies information that is “synergistic” with that of immunohistology.
Also, immunohistochemistry is not itself being outmoded by more “molecular”
techniques, which are being increasingly integrated currently into surgical pathology.
It is rather anticipated that all these methods will be employed selectively in the future,
at the discretion of the pathologist, to provide rapid and comprehensive solutions for
problem cases in anatomic pathology.

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Applications of Immunohistochemistry in the
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions

Ricardo V. Lloyd, MD, PHD

Endocrine cells and tumors can be divided into neuroendocrine and nonneuroendo-
crine depending on their immunophenotypic and ultrastructural features. Neuroendo-
crine cells and tumors are members of the diffuse or dispersed neuroendocrine system
(DNES), all of which have secretory granules demonstrated by ultrastructural studies.
They can also be recognized with broad-spectrum neuroendocrine markers such as
chromogranin and synaptophysin. Members of the DNES also produce specific peptides
that can serve as target markers for cell and tumor identification.
Nonneuroendocrine cells and tumors include adrenal cortical cells, thyroid follicular
cells, and steroid-producing cells of the ovary and testes. Markers such as inhibins are
useful for detecting adrenocortical cells and tumors and gonadal tumors, whereas
thyroglobulin is relatively specific for thyroid follicular cells.
The use of specific antibodies, also referred to as markers, has provided a great deal
of specificity for the characterization of endocrine cells and tumors.

Endocrine System
The endocrine system can be divided into neuroendocrine and nonneuroendocrine
cells and tumors. Most endocrine cells belong to the neuroendocrine category (Table 1).
The neuroendocrine system is also referred to as the diffuse or dispersed neuroendocrine
system (DNES), which consists of endocrine cells that are present in most areas of the
body. Although DNES cells are not all derived from the neural crest, as originally
proposed, they all share common features, including expression of chromogranin and
synaptophysin, and have dense-core granules detected by ultrastructural examination
(1–4). The nonneuroendocrine cells consist of the steroid-producing cells of the adrenal
cortex, ovary, and testes and the thyroglobulin-producing follicular cells of the thyroid.
There are many broad-spectrum and specific immunohistochemical markers that can
be used to characterize cells and tumors of the DNES (Tables 1 and 2). Many of these,
such as the chromogranin PGP 9.5 and synaptophysin, have been in use for over a
decade. Others, such as synaptic proteins and neuroendocrine-specific protein reticulons,
have been recently described in the past few years. To determine whether a tumor is

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

362 Lloyd

Table 1
Specific Peptide and Other Markers for Neuroendocrine Cells and Tumors
Cell type Neoplasm(s) Markersa
Adrenal medulla Pheochromocytoma, Catecholamines, erkephalin, VIP,
and neuroblastoma, somatostatin, S-100 protein
paraganglia ganglioneuroblastoma,
Gastrointestinal Benign and malignant Gastrin, somatostatin, VIP,
tract neuroendocrine tumors secretin, insulin, glucagons,
pancreatic polypeptide,
Lung Benign and malignant ACTH, endorphin, calcitonin,
neuroendocrine tumors, secretin, gastrin-releasing
including carcinoids peptide
Pancreas Benign and malignant pancreatic Insulin, glucagon pancreatic
endocrine tumors polypeptide, somatostatin, VIP,
gastrin, serotonin
Parathyroid Hyperplasia, adenoma, carcinoma Parathyroid hormone, parathyroid
hormone, related peptide
Pituitary Adenoma and carcinoma ACTH, growth hormone,
prolactin, follicle-stimulating
hormone, luteinizing hormone,
thyroid-stimulating hormone,
Thyroid C-cell Medullary thyroid carcinoma Calcitonin, somatostatin, ACTH
VIP, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone.

Table 2
Broad-Spectrum Neuroendocrine Markers
Synaptic proteins
Neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) CD57
Peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase
Neuroendocrine-specific proteins (NSP)-reticulons
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions 363

Fig. 1. Chromogranin A expression in the adrenal gland. The medullary cells are positive,
and the cortical cells are negative. Immunoperoxidase-diaminobenzidine (DAB), original magni-
fication ×200.

neuroendocrine, broad-spectrum markers are used first, followed by more specific

markers for specific neuroendocrine organs. This approach is very useful in the character-
ization of normal endocrine cells and in the diagnosis of endocrine tumors.


The chromogranin/secretogranin (Cg/Sg) family is composed of several acidic pro-
teins present in the secretory granules of neuroendocrine cells (Table 2). The three
major Cg/Sg proteins are currently designated CgA, CgB, and SgII. Others include
SgIII, SgIV, and SgV (also known as 7β2). The distribution of CgA has been studied
extensively in human tumors (4–7). It is present in most neuroendocrine cells and
neoplasms. However, most neoplasms with only a few endocrine secretory granules,
such as small cell carcinomas of the lung and Merkel’s cell carcinomas, do not react
strongly with CgA antibodies (4–7). Because of their widespread distribution and
high degree of specificity, Cg/Sgs are excellent markers for neuroendocrine cells and
neoplasms (8,9) (Figs. 1 and 2).
Although CgA is a highly specific neuroendocrine marker, it may have limited
sensitivity with some tumors. For example, hindgut carcinoids have limited immuno-
reactivity for CgA, with only 60% of cases positive in a recent series (10). Similarly,
pituitary prolactinomas are often negative for CgA. Because hindgut carcinoids and
prolactinomas often express CgB, using antibodies against CgB or a cocktail of CgA
364 Lloyd

Fig. 2. The neuroendocrine cells in the colonic crypts are strongly positive for chromogranin
A. Immunoperoxidase-DAB, original magnification ×200.

and -B usually increase the sensitivity for detecting neuroendocrine cells with Cg/
Sg antibodies.

Synaptophysin, a 38-kDa protein molecule, is a component of the membrane of
presynaptic vesicles. Gould et al. (11) first reported that it was widely distributed in
neurons and neuroendocrine cells and their neoplasms. It is another good broad-spectrum
neuroendocrine marker. Unlike the Cg/Sg proteins, which are well preserved in formalin-
fixed tissues, ethanol fixation provides optimal preservation of the synaptophysin anti-
gen. However, most of the anti-synaptophysin monoclonal antibodies work well in
formalin-fixed sections. Synaptophysin is present in vesicles in neuroendocrine cells
of the tumors, but immunostaining is present diffusely in the cytoplasm (Figs. 3 and 4).

The proconvertases (PCs) are enzymes that process propeptides into active peptides
within cells (12,13). Some of these, including PC1/PC3 and PC2, are highly specific
for neuroendocrine cells and tumors and can be used as specific neuroendocrine markers.
Others, such as PC4, are present in the testes; PC5/6 is more prevalent in the gastrointesti-
nal tract and adrenal.

Neuron-Specific Enolase
Neuron-specific enolase (NSE), an enzyme also known as γ-enolase, is a highly
sensitive but not very specific marker for neuroendocrine cells and tumors. It is
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions 365

Fig. 3. Pancreatic islet showing diffuse staining for the broad-spectrum neuroendocrine
marker synaptophysin. Immunoperoxidase-DAB, original magnification ×200.

Fig. 4. Laryngeal neuroendocrine tumor staining positively for the broad-spectrum neuroendo-
crine marker synaptophysin. Immunoperoxidase-DAB, original magnification ×300.
366 Lloyd

commonly found in neurons, peripheral nerves, and neuroendocrine cells (14,15). Some
nonneuroendocrine cells and neoplasms also react with antisera against NSE. NSE
should be used only with other broad-spectrum markers of neuroendocrine cells in the
diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors because of its relative lack of specificity. It is used
only infrequently in our laboratory.

Bombesin/Gastrin-Releasing Peptide and Leu7 (HNK-1)

Bombesin is a tetradecapeptide originally isolated from amphibian skin. It is present
in many endocrine cells as well as in central and peripheral neurons (16). Gastrin-
releasing peptide (GRP), the proposed mammalian analog of bombesin, has been found
in many lung and gastrointestinal endocrine tumors and can be used as a broad-spectrum
marker for many endocrine neoplasms (17).
Leu7 (HNK-1), a monoclonal antibody that was produced against a T-cell leukemia
cell line, recognizes natural killer cells in blood and lymphoid tissues. It also reacts
with small cell carcinomas of the lung as well as with pheochromocytomas and other
neuroendocrine neoplasms (18,19).

PGP9.5 is a soluble protein that was originally isolated from brain. It is a good
general marker for neuronal and neuroendocrine tissues (20,21). Interestingly, about
half of melanomas stain for PGP9.5, whereas these melanocytic tumors are usually
negative for Cg/Sg and for synaptophysin. PGP is a cytoplasmic soluble protein that
frequently colocalizes in normal and neoplastic neuroendocrine tissues.

Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule

Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) is a member of the family of membrane-
bound glycoproteins present in brain and muscle and other tissues (22,23). It is involved
in neuron-neuron and nerve-muscle interactions. The distribution of NCAM in neuro-
endocrine tissues and tumors was first reported by Jin et al. (23). They found a widespread
distribution of NCAM. NCAM is present in about 20% of non-small cell lung carcinomas
and is often associated with a poor prognosis (24). Small cell lung carcinomas frequently
stain with NCAM antibodies (25,26).

Peptidylglycine ␣-Amidating Monooxygenase

Amidation is an important step in the maturation of some neuropeptides (27–30).
The enzyme peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) catalyzes the post-
translational modification of many neuropeptides. It consists of two enzymes that
convert peptidylglycine substrates into α-amidating products and glyoxylate. The PAM
proteins are usually released along with their peptide products during exocytosis,
whereas membrane-bound PAM remains associated with the cell (27). Several studies
have examined PAM expression in neuroendocrine cells (30–33). A recent study found
PAM in all neuroendocrine cell types (34). They found close correlation between PAM
expression and at least one of the three principal granin proteins (CgA, CgB, or SgII) (30).
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions 367

Synaptic Proteins
A series of proteins involved in neurotransmitter secretion have also been associated
with neuroendocrine cells and tumors. These synaptic proteins include SNAP-25 nd
Rab3A (35–42).
SNAP-25 was identified as a neuron-specific protein associated with the plasma
membrane of the presynaptic nerve terminal in early studies. It was shown to be part
of the putative docking complex that is implicated in membrane fusion. A homologous
protein, SNAP-23, is expressed ubiquitously in human nonneuronal tissues, including
endocrine organs.
Rab3A, a small GTP-binding protein of the rab family, is expressed mainly in
neurons and neuroendocrine cells (39–42). Rab3A is thought to be an important control
system for exocytosis in neuron and neuroendocrine cells. A recent study showed
increased SNAP-25 immunoreactivity in most pituitary prolactin-cell adenomas and in
growth hormone-cell adenomas, suggesting that this protein is involved in the mecha-
nism of exocytosis in neoplasms derived from these cell types (42).

Neuroendocrine-Specific Protein Reticulons

Neuroendocrine-specific protein (NSP)-reticulons are endoplasmic reticulum-
associated protein complexes consisting of two closely related protein constituents,
NSP-A and NSP-C (43–46). In a recent report, the expression of the NSP-reticulons
NSP-A and NSP-C was examined in lung carcinomas. NSP-A and NSP-C were reactive
with most carcinoid tumor and small cell lung carcinomas. There was a high concordance
between expression of NSP-A and NSP-C in neuroendocrine tumors. These investigators
noted that NSP-A was more sensitive than synaptophysin, CgA, Leu7, and neurofilament
proteins in detecting neuroendocrine differentiation in non-small cell lung carcinomas
(46). They also observed that NSP-A expression showed a stronger correlation with
conventional neuroendocrine markers than NCAM (46).

Neuroendocrine Cells and Tumors
Once a neoplasm has been characterized as neuroendocrine by use of the broad-
spectrum endocrine markers, antibodies to specific peptide hormones can be used to
characterize the lesion better. A summary of the most common peptides and other
markers is shown in Table 2 (Figs. 5 and 6). General approaches in the use of these
markers should include the following considerations.
1. Very few peptides are restricted to one neuroendocrine cell type or organ. For
example, although calcitonin is more commonly produced by the thyroid C-cells, other
normal neuroendocrine tissues, including the anterior pituitary gland, also produce calci-
2. Ectopic production of hormones by neoplasms is the rule rather than the exception.
Although medullary thyroid carcinomas usually produce calcitonin, hypercalcitonemia
may be associated with other tumors such as atypical laryngeal carcinoids, lung carci-
noids, or small cell lung carcinomas and others.
368 Lloyd

Fig. 5. Pancreatic islet staining positively for insulin with anti-insulin antibody. Immunoperox-
idase-DAB, original magnification ×300.

Fig. 6. Medullary thyroid carcinoma of the thyroid staining positively for calcitonin. This
marker helps to classify this tumor as a thyroid carcinoma derived from the C-cells. Immunoper-
oxidase-DAB, original magnification ×300.
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions 369

Table 3
Peptides and Other Markers for Nonneuroendocrine Cells and Tumors
Cell type Neoplasm(s) Marker
Thyroid Adenomas and carcinomas Thyroglobulin, keratin
follicular cell Thyroid transcription factor-1
Adrenal cortex Adenomas and carcinomas Inhibin, synaptophysin, keratin,
Ad4BP/SF1, vimentin, steroid-
metabolizing enzymes
Steroid- Benign and malignant neoplasms Inhibin, vimentin, steroid-
producing metabolizing enzymes
cells of gonads

3. Although the production of a hormone may be associated with specific signs and
symptoms, some other substances such as growth factors or related peptides may lead
to similar symptoms. For example, although hypoglycemia is commonly associated
with excess insulin production, insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) may also be the
cause of the hypoglycemia. IGF-II is produced by some neuroendocrine tumors as well
as by mesenchymal and other neoplasms (47,48).
4. Failure to detect specific peptides in neuroendocrine tumors does not necessarily
mean that the substance is not being produced by the cells. It is possible that the peptide
may be rapidly secreted and not stored in the cells. The use of in situ hybridization to
detect mRNA usually helps to answer this question (see Chapter 3).
Additional markers such as S-100 acidic protein are helpful in characterizing normal
adrenal medulla and pheochromocytomas, whereas cytokeratin 20 is useful in separating
Merkel’s cell carcinoma from other neuroendocrine carcinomas.

Nonneuroendocrine Cells and Tumors

Members of the endocrine system that are not neuroendocrine (i.e., do not contain
secretory granules and are not immunoreactive with chromogranin and antibodies)
include the adrenal cortical cells, thyroid follicular cells, and steroid-producing cells
of the testes and ovaries. A different set of endocrine markers is used to characterize
these lesions, as summarized in Table 3 (Figs. 7–9). Thyroglobulin is relatively specific
for the thyroid follicular cells (Fig. 7), but other types of tumors may occasionally
react with thyroglobulin antibody (49). Antibodies against enzymes in the steroid
biosynthesis pathway are also used to characterize adrenal cortical cells (50–52). The
adrenal transcription factor Ad4BP/SF1 is a good relatively specific marker for adrenal
cortical cells (Fig. 8). Markers such as the inhibins are useful in the diagnosis of adrenal
cortical tumors but are not specific for these lesions (53) (Fig. 9).

Immunohistochemistry has contributed greatly to the characterization and diagnosis
of endocrine cells and tumors. Many more advances can be anticipated in the near
future with the development of new antibodies for the study of gene expression.
370 Lloyd

Fig. 7. The thyroid follicular cells are nonneuroendocrine cells. These cells express thyroglob-
ulin, which is a relatively specific marker of thyroid follicular cell differentiation. Immunoperoxi-
dase-DAB, original magnification ×300.

Fig. 8. The transcription factor Ad4BP/SF1 is relatively specific for adrenal cortical cells.
Positive staining is present in the nucleus of an adrenal cortical carcinoma. Nuclear localization is
typically seen with transcription factors. Immunoperoxidase-DAB, original magnification ×200.
Diagnosis of Endocrine Lesions 371

Fig. 9. Inhibin A is a polypeptide produced by steroid-producing cells such as those in the

adrenal cortex. The cells of this cortical tumor are positive for inhibin A. However, other steroid-
producing cells such as those in the ovary and testes also produce inhibin. Immunoperoxidase-
DAB, original magnification ×300.

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Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry

Sergio Vidal, DVM, PHD, Eva Horvath, PHD,

and Kalman Kovacs, MD, PHD

He would need practice if he was going to see the things above. First he would most
easily see shadows and then the images of men and other things reflected in water, and
then those things themselves, and the things in the heavens and the heavens themselves.
(Plato 428–348 BC: The Republic)

Plato could not imagine the important role that transmission electron microscopy, “the
world of shadows,” would play in the progress of science. Its crucial role in diagnostic
pathology and cell type identification is undisputed. By allowing recognition of subcellu-
lar structural features not discernible by light microscopy, electron microscopy has
contributed significantly to the better understanding of derivation and function of various
cell types in health and disease.
Although transmission electron microscopy has been largely replaced lately by
immunocytochemical and nucleic acid hybridization techniques at the light microscopic
level, the combination of ultrastructural investigation and immunocytochemistry (immu-
noelectron microscopy) plays a key role in the accurate localization of immunoreactive
substances. This method, by allowing colocalization of two different antigenic epitopes,
combines the resolution of ultrastructural features with immunocytochemical specificity.
Although immunoelectron microscopy is not the first method of choice in routine study
of tissues, it is very useful when ultrastructural and immunocytochemical findings are
not pathognomonic and are subject to diverse interpretations.
From their inception in the 1960s, light microscopic immunocytochemical techniques
underwent several modifications, and the variants are widely and successfully used.
The stringent criterion of optimal preservation of subcellular structures makes electron
microscopy much less adaptable and renders immunoelectron microscopy a somewhat
tedious technique used chiefly in research.
Preembedding immunoelectron microscopy on vibratome or cryostat sections is a
technique not much different from light microscopic immunocytochemistry and can
be applied easily. However, the inaccessibility of antigenic sites to antibodies creates
serious problems. Postembedding immunolabeling and ultrathin cryosection techniques
have solved the problem of inaccessibility. However, these methods are sometimes

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

376 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

associated with insufficient labeling or other technical difficulties. It should be empha-

sized that, in immunoelectron microscopy, virtually every step of the procedure affects
the quality of the final result; thus the method of tissue preparation should be determined
by the aim of the investigation.
In this chapter we attempt to present an overview of the current methodologies of
ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, giving emphasis to tissue preparation methods
that provide reliable results at the electron microscopic level.


After the introduction of immunocytochemistry at the light microscopic level several
approaches have been applied to the processing of tissues for the ultrastructural localiza-
tion of specific antigens in intact cells. All these approaches attempted to achieve
compromise between structural preservation and reliable visible labeling. Three methods
were developed: preembedding methods, postembedding methods, and cryotechniques.
These three methods are reviewed in this chapter.

Preembedding Methods
In preembedding methods, the antibody is applied to relatively thick tissue slices
before or after any fixation procedure. Following the immunocytochemical procedure,
the tissue is fixed, postosmicated, and routinely processed for ultrastructural examina-
tion. Preembedding techniques are difficult and time-consuming procedures requiring
immediate tissue handling. For diagnostic purposes, utilization of such techniques
in laboratories involved primarily in diagnostic work is extremely cumbersome and
unrealistic. The use of preembedding immunocytochemistry remains limited to demon-
stration of antigens that cannot withstand exposure to fixatives and/or processing.
Alternatively, tissue cryofixation can be applied before postembedding labeling, thereby
maintaining antigenic properties.
The major disadvantage of preembedding immunoelectron microscopy is the poor
morphologic preservation of ultrastructural details. Another significant problem is poor
antibody penetration. In addition, a large amount of tissue is needed, since each antigenic
determinant has to be tested on individual tissue slices. The need for fresh unfixed
tissue precludes the use of preembeding techniques in retrospective studies utilizing
archival material.
These disadvantages notwithstanding, preembedding techniques are of subtantial
value, allowing rapid scan of large tissue portions on thick sections (vibratome or
cryosections) and selection of specific areas for electron microscopy. This technique
is particularly useful to find cells/tissue structures that are rare and difficult to locate.
Another notable advantage of the preembedding method is the visualization of mem-
brane-bound antigens, such as synaptophysin (1). In postembedding methods, immuno-
reactivity is limited to the availability of epitopes exposed on the surface of the ultrathin
sections. Membranes usually appear as “lines” in ultrathin sections, and the chance of
exposing membrane-bound epitopes is understandably low. In the preembedding proto-
col, antibodies can reach the antigenic sites in the tissue before embedding, and the
immunocytochemical chromogen product formed can be visualized on the ultrathin
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 377

sections even if the antigenic sites themselves are not exposed on the surface of
the section.
The success of preembedding immunocytochemistry, expressed as efficient labeling
as well as good tissue preservation, depends on a number of variables such as fixation
and tissue permeability.
Fixation Procedures
Accurate identification of antigens is profoundly dependent on tissue preparation.
Rapid fixation is essential to render tissue components insoluble, in order to preserve
tissue morphology and prevent diffusion or loss of tissue antigens from their original
site. Thus the rate of penetration of the fixative will play an important role in the
precise localization of soluble antigens (2,3). If the fixative fails to reach and stabilize
the antigens before they diffuse from their natural sites, diffused antigens may subse-
quently be fixed at some other sites, resulting in erroneous localization. This is particu-
larly significant when the antigens are small and/or highly soluble such as some peptide
hormones. Thus diffuse immunocytochemical staining was observed in adrenocortico-
tropic (ACTH) cells of the anterior pituitary and in C-cells of thyroid (3,4).
The ideal fixative should completely preserve all spatial relationships of tissue constit-
uents without affecting the specific binding of antibodies to tissue antigens. However,
fixatives that achieve satisfactory preservation of cytologic details typically reduce the
number of immunoreactive sites on the antigens, in turn decreasing the number of sites
available for antibody binding. This may not prevent the visualization of antigens that are
present in high concentration, but antigens present only in trace amounts may be rendered
undetectable. The fixation process will be influenced not only by the type of fixative but
also by the type of antigen and by its state and/or concentration. For instance, hormones
may be more easily denatured while being synthesized than during the process of secretion.
Such differences could explain the frequent absence of immunoreactivity within the sac-
culi of the Golgi complex. However, it is also possible that the lack of immunopositivity
is because the antigens have relatively low concentration in the synthetic machinery and
are more vulnerable to the effects of fixatives. It has been demonstrated that in pituitary
lactotrophs, prolactin is 200 times more concentrated in the secretory granules than within
the endoplasmic reticulum (5).
Different strategies have been used to prevent the loss of antigenicity during the
immunocytochemical procedures. Excluding fixation would not solve the problem.
Antigen immunoreactivity is theoretically maximal in unfixed tissue, but so are the
loss of cytologic details and diffusion of antigens. The strategy most successfully used
is to match the fixative to the nature of the antigen. If the antigen is a polypeptide,
aldehyde fixative should be used. If the antigen is a glycoprotein, a fixative directed toward
its carbohydrate moiety would be superior to an aldehyde fixative since the antigenicity
of the peptide portion would not be significantly altered. Furthermore, the fixative should
preferably react with the antigen molecule at a site distant from the antigenic determinant.
For example, if an aldehyde fixative was used to stabilize ACTH, the anti-ACTH should
be directed against the C-terminal of the hormone rather than the midportion, since the
aldehyde is expected to attach to the lysine residues on the 11th, 15th, 16th, and 21st
portions of the molecule (6).
378 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

Crosslinking fixatives such as paraformaldehyde and glutaraldehyde have become

the most commonly used agents for preembedding electron microscopy. The concen-
tration of fixatives should be sufficient for the preservation of subcellular details
but should not significantly affect the immunoreactivity of antigens. If not used in
adequate concentration, crosslinking fixatives can induce severe denaturation, espe-
cially in large protein antigens, whose reactivity depends not only on primary structure
but also on conformational features. This is particularly true for glutaraldehyde, the
high concentration of which drastically alters the immunologic properties of proteins
and severely limits the penetration of antibodies into tissues. In preembedding
electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, there is an inverse relationship between
optimal tissue preservation and good antibody penetration, often requiring a compro-
mise between these two variables. To achieve an acceptable middle ground, blockage
of excess aldehyde groups after glutaraldehyde fixation was attempted with sodium
borohydride (7,8). However, the process is often incomplete and does not prevent
nonspecific binding to immunoglobulins, leading to increased background; thus
fixatives containing low concentrations of glutaraldehyde are preferable. Fixation of
tissues with low concentrations of glutaraldehyde (<1%) in combination with
paraformaldehyde not only yielded better tissue fixation than paraformaldehyde alone
but considerably reduced nonspecific staining.
It is of note that many tissue antigens cannot withstand even the mildest exposure
to glutaraldehyde fixation. In such situations, different fixatives are required to obtain
adequate immunocytochemical localization and achieve satisfactory preservation of
cellular structure. One option is conventional paraformaldehyde fixation, which does
not significantly reduce antigenicity. However, tissue preservation is often not
adequate for electron microscopic studies. If glutaraldehyde is to be avoided, a
mixture of periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde (PLP) frequently gives satisfactory
results. This mixture was developed by Mclean and Nakane (9) to improve fixation
by crosslinking carbohydrate moieties that have been oxidized to aldehyde groups
by the periodate. Paraformaldehyde mixed with picric acid and/or acetic acid has
also been used as a fixative for immunocytochemical staining, although this provide
better results for light microscopy than for electron microscopy. These three fixatives
are devoid of the harmful effects of glutaraldehyde on protein structure and
antigenicity, but ultrastructural preservation is inferior to that obtained with glutaral-
As has been alluded to, low concentrations of glutaraldehyde are often used to ensure
good tissue preservation in preembedding techniques. If tissue blocks are employed,
the slow immersion fixation may not be able to prevent substantial antigen loss due
to degradation. To achieve rapid and uniform penetration, perfusion of the fixative
through vascular channels is the alternative in experimental studies. Using this proce-
dure, even highly diffusible antigens such as serotonin can be accurately preserved and
visualized. It is of note that the method of fixation (perfusion vs immersion) may induce
structural artifacts, leading to displacement of certain antigens. External pressure during
fixation, particularly during perfusion, can introduce major artifactual changes, predomi-
nantly in the fine structure of blood vessels and organization of the connective tissue.
Therefore perfusion fixation should be limited to situations in which the tissue sample
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 379

is not easily exposed to the fixative, it is difficult to dissect, or it is inaccessible, as

happens in the central nervous system.
Permeabilization Methods
Fixed tissue is often treated to enhance antibody penetration. Different methods can
be applied for permeabilization, such as cryostat or vibratome sectioning, freezing and
thawing, and/or exposure to detergents or ethanol.
The first strategy used to increase antibody permeability in unembedded tissue is to
reduce the thickness of sections. Sections of fixed, unembedded tissue may be cut from
frozen as well as from unfrozen tissue blocks. Unless special precautions are taken,
freezing of tissues will inevitably be accompanied by the appearance of freezing artifacts
caused by the formation of ice crystals. Depending on their size, ice crystals can
extensively damage tissue morphology and distort localization of immunoreactivity.
Unfrozen sections of uniform thickness may be cut on the Vibratome. Free-floating
sections of 20–200 µm thickness of high morphologic quality can be collected and
processed for immunocytochemistry. The use of Vibratome sections is indicated when
high resolution of cytologic details is required.
Even if one is using relatively thin sections, class IgG immunoglobulins (primary
and bridge antisera are for the most part IgGs), peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) com-
plexes with molecular weights of approximately 150 and 500 kDa, respectively, and
other molecules of this size do not pass readily through extracellular spaces of mem-
branes, especially following fixation. Different strategies have been used to allow
antibodies to gain access to intracellular antigens, but the treatments must result in a
controlled type and degree of tissue damage.
Nonionic detergents, such as NP-40, Triton X-100, and Tween 20, are commonly
used to permeabilize cells after fixation (10,11). These relatively mild detergents are
not likely to cause appreciable denaturation of proteins. However, they can interact
not only with unfixed lipids to affect permeabilization but also with amphophilic
membrane proteins, compromising ultrastructural preservation.
In contrast, use of saponin, a plant glycoside that interacts with cholesterol, allows
penetration of immunocytochemical markers into the cells and permits better preserva-
tion of membrane ultrastructure than nonionic detergents (12,13). Shortcomings of
saponin as a detergent are related to its ability to permeabilize only cholesterol-contain-
ing membranes. Saponin proved to be unable to permeabilize mitochondria and the
nucleus owing to the low cholesterol content (0 and 5%) of the inner mitochondrial
membrane and nuclear membrane, respectively.
Different studies also reported that either freezing after careful cryoprotection or
buffered ethanol treatment offers the desired results without major disruption of tissue
integrity and loss of antigenicity (8,14). After the tissue has been cryoprotected and
frozen, small holes (<400 nm) resembling ice crystal damage can occasionally be seen
in the membranes. These holes are secondary to freezing and probably aid the penetration
of reagents. The mechanism by which ethanol allows for reagent penetration is not
easily discernible under the electron microscope. Ethanol treatment may exert its effect
by extracting substances from the membranes or cytoplasm of fixed cells, thereby
enhancing the diffusion of antibodies into fixed tissue. However, ethanol washing may
380 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

also exert its effect by rapidly removing free aldehyde from the tissue. Thus, when the
tissue is sufficiently crosslinked after fixation to retain its ultrastructure, treatment with
50% ethanol may wash out free aldehydes. If they are left in the tissue, additional
crosslinks could be produced, hindering either antibody penetration or antibody binding.
In contrast to freezing procedures, ethanol treatment has the advantage that the severity
of tissue damage can easily be reduced by varying the length of exposure and ethanol
concentration to adapt to the characteristics of different tissues. Thus membranes appear
fragmented if the tissue is washed with too high concentrations of ethanol or with 50%
ethanol for too long.
Although it is possible to vary the degree of cryoprotection, freezing procedures are
less flexible in terms of controlling the severity of cell damage. However, freezing
procedures do have the advantage that the tissue can be sliced at any desired thickness
on a sliding microtome while still frozen. In contrast to this advantage, ethanol treatment
has been successfully used for locating structures to be examined with the electron
microscope in whole-mount preparations. This method has been applied to study periph-
eral nerves for more than a century and can be adapted to other tissues of small size
that can be stained immunocytochemically in whole mounts.
Microwave irradiation of free-floating sections during the incubation with primary
antibodies can also be considered for enhancing the penetration of antisera in vibratome
and cryostat sections (15). Using microwave technology, incubation time with the
primary antibody can be drastically shortened; at the same time the ultrastructural
details remain well preserved. This is in contrast to the moderate to severe damage of
the ultrastructure observed in tissues fixed by means of microwave irradiation. The
question of whether incubation under microwave conditions results in enhanced penetra-
tion of the antisera into the sections is still unanswered. The direct and indirect effects
of microwave irradiation could account for the acceleration of the immunocytochemical
procedure. The direct effect may be the vigorous motion of electrically charged mole-
cules present in the incubating medium and tissue components. The indirect effect, the
stimulation of the movement of the bipolar water molecules by the electromagnetic
waves, results in an increase of the temperature.
Permeabilization methods permitted increased application of immunocytochemical
preembedding procedures. Visualization of antigen-antibody binding in situ requires a
reporter system. The most frequently applied reporters in preembedding immunocyto-
chemistry for electron microscopy are enzymes, mainly horseradish peroxidase. In this
technique, peroxidase is conjugated to a secondary antibody or other immunoreagent
(e.g., protein A) that is used to detect the primary antibody directed against the antigen
of interest. Variations include labeling the primary antibody directly or labeling a
tertiary antibody. The chromogen chosen to visualize the immunocytochemical reaction
depends on the requirements of a given procedure or experiment. In this regard, for
preembedding immunoelectron the peroxidase-diaminobenzidine (DAB) procedure is
favored by many authors, mainly because this technique provides consistent results
and allows good visualization of the labeled structures (16). A significant disadvantage
of the peroxidase-DAB procedure is that the label is too large for precise antigen
localization and that the reaction product tends to diffuse and may bind nonspecific-
ally to other cell structures. Furthermore, it does not allow quantification of the
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 381

In contrast to enzyme-based immunocytochemical methods with DAB as the chromo-

gen, colloidal gold techniques (using gold particles ≥5 nm) provide excellent labeling
without diffusion artifacts and a clear recognition of the ultrastructure, allowing visual-
ization of antigenic sites with high resolution. It also permits morphometric evaluation
of labeling. Presently, in postembedding techniques the gold particles are usually
attached to a secondary antibody, that is associated with poor penetration of gold
particles in preembedding techniques. Secondary antibodies labeled with gold particles
of about 1 nm diameter (ultrasmall colloidal gold particles prepared in the 1–3-nm size
range or gold cluster immunoprobes, Nanogold compounds of 0.8 or 1.4 nm in size)
should alleviate many of the penetration problems associated with the use of ≥5 nm
colloidal gold and provide the opportunity to localize antigens in permeabilized tissue
sections. There is evidence that ultrasmall and Nanogold probes label with greater
efficiency than large 5-, 10-, and 15-nm particles. Gold particles of about 1 nm diameter
penetrate cells or tissues even under conditions that preclude penetration of 5 nm
colloidal gold (17).
The major drawback using ultrasmall or Nanogold probes relates to the difficulty
of detection in sections by conventional transmission electron microscopy. This problem
can be overcome to a large extent by applying procedures to increase the particle size
of the final product. This is usually accomplished by a silver enhancement reaction in
which metallic silver is deposited on the surface of the gold particles. One of the first
silver enhancement solutions used for electron microscopy was originally designed for
light microscopy by Danscher (18). The Danscher solution, although permitting good
particle enhancement at the light microscope level, has a very low pH (pH 3.4), and
when is used for electron microscopy it causes widespread damage to subcellular
structures. The pH of the enhancing solutions can be increased by the use of 10 mM
HEPES buffer to pH 6.8 with a noticeable improvement in morphologic preservation.
It should be noted that prolonged silver enhancement may result in increased background
level. It was also demonstrated that the silver shell may not be stable enough to withstand
osmium tetroxide postfixation, which is necessary for adequate preservation and visual-
ization of structures.
To achieve a compromise between structural preservation and visible labeling, gold
toning can be successfully applied to stabilize the silver shell around the ultrasmall
gold particles. In this technique, silver enhancement with silver acetate, followed by
gold toning with chloroauric acid, is used to replace the silver shell with a more stable
label, in order to observe immunocytochemical signal after osmium fixation and Epon
embedding (19). Gold toning is based on the fact that ultrasmall gold particles can be
rendered larger with gold chloride. The method can also be successfully used at the
light microscopic level with silver impregnation or with gold colloid enhancement.
Another disadvantage associated with ultrasmall immunogold toning is that the resul-
tant particles are of variable sizes. This fact makes it difficult to combine preembedding
labeling with ultrasmall immunogold and postembedding immunogold labeling.
Other experimental variables that markedly influence labeling efficiency in the preem-
bedding protocols (quality of the immunoreagents, temperature, dilutions of reagents,
and so on) can be controlled fairly well within one experiment.
This overview of preembedding methods would not be complete without mention-
ing the different embedding media that can be used. In contrast to postembedding
382 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

procedures, in preembedding methods the embedding medium does not influence label-
ing efficiency. However, the use of appropriate media is fundamental to obtain optimal
preservation of ultrastructure. The ideal embedding medium permits the necessary
dehydration steps, infiltration, and embedding under the mildest possible conditions
within a reasonably short time (20,21). The consistency of the embedded material
should allow semithin sectioning and possibly ultrathin sectioning for studies to be
performed at both the light and electron microscopic levels. It is sometimes also
convenient to use water-miscible polymers for conventional enzyme histochemistry.
Finally, it is desirable to use polymers of sufficient hardness without britleness for
proper sectioning of a variety of tissues. Presently both hydrophobic epoxy (Epon,
Araldite) and hydrophilic acrylic (LR white, LR gold) resins are successfully employed
for preembedding immunocytochemistry. Because of their physicochemical properties,
acrylic resins have an advantage: they can be used following both full and partial
dehydration protocols at room temperature or low temperature. Their hydrophilic proper-
ties also permit a combination of preembedding immunocytochemistry with postembed-
ding immunostaining or performance of enzyme histochemical methods using semi-
thin sections.
The detailed protocol for preembedding immunocytochemistry given at the end of
the chapter provides information on the detection of many different antigens, including
some at relatively inaccessible locations.

Postembedding Methods
Postembedding electron microscopic immunocytochemical techniques require the
fixation and embedding appropriate for the cells/tissues under study as well as the
preparation of semithin or ultrathin sections thereby exposing the antigens to reagents
and antibodies. Some advantages of this approach are immediately obvious. Penetration
of antibodies into tissue sections is not necessary. Also, localization of two different
antigens can be accomplished by staining adjacent sections from the same blocks.
Multiple-labeling immunohistochemistry may be used for demonstration of different
antigens in the same cell at the electron microscopic level. Despite the advantages,
postembedding electron microscopic immunocytochemistry carries its own limitations
in terms of labeling efficiency. Attempts have been made to amplify the end result
by using low-temperature tissue embedding in hydrophilic resins, antigen retrieval
techniques, introduction of ultrasmall gold markers, and other techniques.
Currently postembedding methods are the most frequently used procedures to study
localization of hormones, peptides, and proteins in different cells and tissues at the
electron microscopic level. In postembedding immunocytochemistry, the careful plan-
ning of a protocol is pivotal to accomplish reliable and reproducible results. The strategic
approach should consider the variables that influence labeling efficiency such as fixation,
methods available for processing and embedding, or applicability of the preferred
immunocytochemical procedure to localize antigenic sites in the tissue. In the last
decade there has been an explosion in the number of publications that have employed
the various techniques, reviewed the theoretical aspects of their applications, and exam-
ined the role of variables. Here we summarize recent advances in these fields and
present the current methodology available to yield the highest specificity and signal to
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 383

When selecting a method for investigation, the aspects to consider are tissue type,
appropriate fixation, method of dehydration, type of resin, mode of resin polymerization,
and immunocytochemical detection method.
Fixation Strategies
Optimal fixation is crucial for ultrastructural immunocytochemistry. At present there
are no firm rules, and one must explore the options best for the tissues/antigens to be
studied. Tissue fixation for postembedding immunocytochemistry can follow one of two
paths: the tissue can either be stabilized by chemical crosslinking and/or precipitation,
involving the use of chemical fixatives (discussed in the previous section), or it can
be physically immobilized by using cryotechniques (discussed in the next section).
Chemical fixation is used most frequently in tissue preparation for postembedding
immunocytochemistry. What was previously mentioned for preembedding protocols is
also valid for postembedding methods. However, it is important to note that the use
of glutaraldehyde is less limited, since inaccessibility of antigenic sites to antibodies
is not an issue when using semithin and ultrathin sections. For this reason retrospective
immunocytochemical studies of many tissue antigens can be conducted on routinely
processed material. Earlier there was little enthusiasm for glutaraldehyde fixation
because of its adverse effects on antigen immunoreactivity. At present glutaraldehyde
is an integral part of tissue preparation for postembedding immunocytochemistry at the
electron microscopic level. However, one has to consider that tissue antigen sensitivity is
inversely proportional to the concentration of the glutaraldehyde and the time period
for which it is used (22). Minimizing duration of glutaraldehyde fixation without
compromising ultrastructural preservation is a constant challenge. Using a high concen-
tration of glutaraldehyde (>1%) for periods of time exceeding 15 min has been shown
to be deleterious to antigene preservation. Antigenicity is often lost as a result of
conventional postfixation with osmium tetroxide used in diagnostic electron microscopy.
Osmium tetroxide is a very strong fixative reacting with and crosslinking unsaturated
fatty acids as well as stabilizing and contrasting cellular membranes. It also cross links
protein and polypeptide chains, as well as proteins and unsaturated lipids. However,
by reacting with membranes, it slows down the fixation process, impeding its own
penetration into the cell. For these reasons it should only be used as a postfixation
step. Since omission of osmic acid results in poor membrane contrast and thereby
compromises fine structural details, several treatments of the semithin and ultrathin
sections have been developed to localize different cellular antigens in tissues postfixed
in osmium tetroxide.
Most of these treatments use oxidizing agents such as H2O2 or sodium metaperiodate,
the effects of which on immunocytochemical staining are unclear at present (23,24).
Their role is probably related to the removal of osmium by reoxidizing and solubilizing
reduced osmium molecules, thereby unmasking antigens. Alternatively, various reagents
can be added to the fixative to replace osmium postfixation and prevent its negative
effect. These compounds, such as acrolein, en bloc uranyl acetate, dimethylsulfoxide
(DMSO), or carboiimides, have been advocated to preserve membrane structure without
seriously damaging antigenicity.
Cell suspensions and bacterial and cell cultures are much easier to handle when the
appropriate method has been selected. They can be fixed briefly in low concentrations
384 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

of aldehyde, for example, 0.1% neutral buffered glutaraldehyde for 10 min. Subsequently
cell suspensions can be harvested or concentrated by centrifugation or filtration. The
cells are then resuspended in agar or in a low-melting-point agarose or gelatin mixture.
After cooling, the solid mixture can be cut into small blocks, which can be processed
similarly to tissue pieces (25).
Dehydration and Resin Embedding
The type of tissue and the method of fixation are important factors in deciding which
processing method and resin system should be employed. The application of resin
embedding, introduced by Newman and Borysko in 1949 (26), led to the most spectacular
advance in electron microscopic studies.
Since embedding media are usually not soluble in water, tissue samples have to be
dehydrated in series of solutions that are miscible with the embedding medium. The
use of organic solvents can be deleterious to both ultrastructure and antigenicity of
tissues. Alcohols, in particular ethanol, are the most popular dehydrating agents, but
sometimes an intermediary (to facilitate resin infiltration) is necessary. The process of
solvent exchange should be carried out at low temperatures to minimize disruption of
protein molecular structure. Processing duration should be as short as possible to
minimize extraction of cellular components. To avoid osmotic shock, dehydration has
to be carried out in a series of solutions with ascending concentrations of the dehydrating
agent. Acetone can also be applied to dehydrate small tissue pieces. It is less used than
ethanol since it causes more protein extraction. Acetone may be advantageous in
retaining lipid components and mixing with epoxy resins.
Dehydration protocols should be compatible with the embedding procedures. Resins
for electron microscopy are subdivided into two major groups, the epoxys and the
acrylics. Most of the resins also provide excellent semithin sections for light microscopy.
The opposite is not true, since the resins used for light microscopy (methacrylates) lack
stability under the electron beam and cannot provide sufficiently thin sections (20,21).
As alternatives to methacrylate, epoxy resins have been successfully employed for
ultrastructural investigation for many years. The most frequently used types for electron
microscopic immunocytochemistry are Araldite, Epon, and Spurr. The composition of
these epoxides is the same; they consist of a mixture of base resin, hardener, and
accelerator. Flexibilizers and plasticizers may be added to facilitate sectioning. All
these epoxy resins give uniform curing, and when cured they are resistant to the heat
and static electricity generated by the electron beam. They are also hydrophobic; thus
full tissue dehydration should be carried out before resin infiltration. Alcohols and
epoxy resin do not mix; thus an intermediary compound, to assist resin infiltration, is
necessary. Propylene oxide is satisfactory for this purpose. It is of note that propylene
oxide can bind to the resin during polymerization; if too much of it remains in the
tissue, it will change the characteristics of the resin, often making it too soft for
sectioning. Although dehydration and infiltration procedures can be carried out at room
temperature, the progressive lowering of temperature proposed by Kellenberger, et al.
(27) can improve preservation of antigenicity. The high viscosity of most epoxy resins
would necessitate prolonged room-temperature infiltration; thus the only practical way
of curing epoxides to sectionable blocks is heat (60°C).
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 385

Although epoxy resins are the embedding medium of choice in conventional electron
microscopy, some of their attributes (tough, hydrophobic character, need for heat
polymerization, and their stabilizing effect on three-dimensional crosslinking between
antigenic determinants and the epoxy groups) constitute major drawbacks in their
application in postembedding immunocytochemistry. The resulting loss of sensitivity
led to progressive substitution of epoxy with acrylic resins.
The only hydrophilic epoxy resin available presently is Durcupan. Because of its
poor sectioning properties, this resin is used only as a dehydration medium, obviating
the use of solvents. Unfortunately, this advantage is offset by a fixation effect of the
resin, rendering the tissue unsuitable for immunocytochemistry.
Many problems associated with the three-dimensional bonding and hydrophobia of
epoxides can be avoided by using acrylic resins. Their favorable properties led to the
development of several acrylic resins such as LR white, LR gold, Bioacryl, and the
Lowicryls K4M, HM20, K11M, and HM 23. Acrylic resins can be used following both
full and partial dehydration protocols, since they are versatile, and some are more
miscible with water or 70% organic solvent than others. Also, dehydration can be
performed at room temperature, or at low temperature following progressive decrease
of temperature or cryoprocedures. LR white is more convenient to handle at room
temperature, whereas Lowicryls are more suitable for low-temperature protocols. In
addition to their hydrophilic properties and versatility, these resins have several advan-
tages. They are also hydrophilic when polymerized; thus the sections do not require
etching to remove the resin before immunolabeling or other staining procedures. Most
of them show no nonspecific binding to immunoreagents. Some have very low viscosity,
allowing rapid infiltration into tissues; they remain fluid even at −80°C, making them
invaluable for low- and very-low-temperature embedding methods.
All acrylics can be polymerized in a variety of ways: heat, chemical catalysis, UV
light, or a cool energy source. Acrylic resins preserve antigenicity much better than
the conventional epoxy resins. For instance, conventional embedding usually preserves
antigenicity only in secretory granules, whereas acrylic resins can demonstrate a variety
of substances in various cell organelles such as the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi
saccules, and secretory granules and on secretory vesicles.
The most important drawback of acrylic resins is the storage of blocks once polymer-
ization is finished. In contrast to the stability of epoxy resin blocks, acrylic resin blocks
can lose immunocytochemical reactivity with time. It seems likely that polymerization
continues at a slow rate in blocks if left at ambient temperature, particularly in hot
climates. The loss of immunoreactivity can be prevented by storing the blocks at
temperatures below −20°C or in a deep freeze. If it is not possible to store blocks at
low temperature, storage at room temperature can be conveniently accomplished by
the removal of the gelatin capsules. Exposure of the resin blocks to the inhibitory
action of atmospheric oxygen prevents further polymerization. Another storage problem
is the hygroscopic character of Lowicryl blocks, requiring storage in a dessicator.
Sectioning of the tissue blocks should be carried out with care, avoiding any artifact
that may interfere with the labeling process. Semithin sections, cut with glass or diamond
386 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

knives, should be transferred to a droplet of water on a glass slide. It is easier if the

slides are coated with chromo-albumin gelatin, which creates round water droplets with
a high meniscus. Ultrathin sections should be mounted on nickel grids. The application
of nickel or gold grids is strongly recommended for general use and is absolutely
required when dealing with tissues that have been postfixed with osmium tetroxide.
Indeed, oxidation of the copper grids during various incubations results in the formation
and deposition of contaminants. Gold grids have no magnetic attraction for forceps
like nickel grids, but they are expensive.
The precise immunolocalization of proteins requires the preservation of both antigenic
and morphologic structures in specimens prepared for electron microscopy. Thus local-
ization of antigen in postembedding immunocytochemical methods may depend on the
handling of tissue specimen.
One important limiting factor in postembedding electron microscopy is the nature
of the antibody used. Some antibodies are so potent that they can be employed on
routinely fixed and embedded specimens. Others are sensitive and will not perform after
any type of electron microscopic processing. Antigen concentration and preservation is
another factor determining the success or failure of postembedding electron microscopic
immunolabeling. Some antigens are concentrated within specific loci in cells, and they
can be disclosed with low-affinity purified antibodies. The alterations in antigens during
electron microscopic processing explain why some antibodies appear to be inappropriate
for postembedding immunocytochemical electron microscopy, whereas they yield excel-
lent results in Western blotting and on paraffin or frozen sections at the light micros-
copy level.
Indeed, polyclonal antibodies are usually preferred to monoclonal antibodies to
perform postembedding immunoelectron microscopy. Polyclonal sera contain a diverse
set of antibodies directed to a wide variety of determinants in a single antigen molecule.
It is unlikely that all epitopes are modified to the same extent by the tissue processing
protocol. On the other hand, monoclonal antibodies are directed toward a single, well-
identified epitope in a macromolecule, which makes their use more restrictive. Any
positive labeling obtained with a monoclonal antibody, on the other hand, carries a
much higher specificity than the one obtained with polyclonal antibodies. However,
being restricted to a single epitope, any slight conformational change of the antigen
or in its steric hindrance will prevent its recognition by the antibody. The resolution
of this problem is the application of a cocktail of various monoclonal antibodies
directed toward the same antigen, which greatly improves the chances of obtaining
specific labeling.
The procedures required to maximize postembedding labeling on tissue sections can
be divided into two groups: those that prepare the sections for staining, collectively
called the section pretreatment, and the staining procedures themselves.
Resin Section Pretreatment
The requirement for section pretreatment depends on the extent of fixation and the
type of resin used. The most commonly applied section pretreatments include resin
removal, osmium removal, and, in case of the immunoperoxidase technique, inhibition
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 387

of endogenous peroxidase. Unmasking of antigen with pepsin, protease, or trypsin is

not recommended since they may be ineffective and can also damage sections.
Resin Removal. Removal of resin, or etching, is unnecessary if acrylic resin is used.
However, it may be essential to improve immunolabeling and staining of epoxy resin
semithin sections. Postembedding immunocytochemical staining of semithin sections
combines the advantages of high morphologic resolution with the opportunity to stain
adjacent sections with different antibodies. An additional application of this procedure
is the use of semithin sections for immunocytochemical superimposition techniques
(28). This method involves ultrastructural examination of ultrathin sections adjacent
to immunostained semithin sections. The bonds linking an epoxide to tissue can be
broken, and the resin can be removed by etching. Potential etching agents should be
capable of enhancing antigen-antibody interactions and facilitating infiltration of the
immunologic reagents by means of partial to complete removal of plastic without
damaging tissues and antigenic determinants. Saturated solutions of sodium hydroxide
in absolute methanol or ethanol (sodium methoxide or ethoxide) have been widely
used for this purpose (29,30).
Other etching agents (31,32) providing excellent results for immunocytochemistry
on semithin sections have also been described. The extent of etching required is variable
from epoxide to epoxide, and even from batch to batch of the same epoxide. The required
time for etching for optimal antigen preservation has to be empirically determined. If
possible, the resin should only be partially removed by brief (1–5 min) exposure of
the section to the etching agent. The etching solution has to be washed away thoroughly
with several changes of ethanol/methanol and distilled water.
The procedures described above are not suitable for ultrathin sections. Ultrathin
epoxy sections are usually etched with a weak oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide,
sodium metaperiodate) to remove osmium from osmicated embedded tissue. Although
these oxidants are not true etching agents, since they do not remove the plastic, it may
well be that weak oxidation breaks surface ester bonds in the resin, thereby inducing
superficial hydrophilia.
Osmium Removal. As has been alluded to, oxidizing agents are capable of removing
osmium from tissue sections, thereby unmasking some antigens. Hydrogen peroxide
is used most frequently for semithin sections, whereas saturated aqueous sodium meta-
periodate (60 min at room temperature) has been recommended for removing osmium
from ultrathin sections. The latter procedure is considered superior for unmasking
osmium-sensitive tissue antigens. The use of both hydrogen peroxide and sodium
metaperiodate can damage the ultrastructure and contrast of tissue sections; thus they
should be used with precaution (23,24). Following osmium removal, sections must be
washed thoroughly in several changes of distilled water and then PBS or Tris-buffered
saline (TBS). It is important to note that acrylic sections cannot withstand this mode
of osmium removal.
Inhibition of Endogenous Peroxidase. Blocking of endogenous peroxidase activity
is a mandatory step in immunoperoxidase techniques for semithin or ultrathin sections.
Since in epoxy-embedded tissues high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide (3–10%)
may be harmful to both structure and antigen preservation, a gentler and more specific
method employing 0.005% hydrogen peroxide in methanol can be employed to suppress
388 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

peroxidase activity (33). However, this method can not be used on acrylic sections,
which are soluble in methanol. For such sections, gentle methods also suitable for
frozen sections or whole-cells preparations can be applied. Several chemicals can be
used, such as phenylhydrazine, sodium-azide, or cyclopropanone (34).
Resin Section Immunolabeling
Immunoperoxidase and immunogold postembedding methods are the procedures
most frequently used to localize peptides, proteins, and glycoproteins on fixed semithin
or ultrathin plastic sections. The successful application of both protocols depends in
part on correct specific blocking. The incorrect or gratuitous use of this step can actually
contribute to high background, causing serious reduction or even complete abolition
of immunolabeling. The problem of background is especially important in immunogold
methods since it occurs in every case, but its level has to be kept as low as possible.
The nonspecific absorption of the gold probe by the tissue sections could be due to
surface charges related to fixation and/or stickiness of the resin or nonspecific adhesion
of the antibody molecules.
Specific blockings are of two types. In inhibitive blocking (preblocking), the agent
is applied on the section prior to incubation with the primary or secondary antibodies.
Competitive blocking takes place when reagents containing the primary or secondary
reagents are diluted with the blocking substance. Different blocking solutions have
been used such as ovoalbumin, bovine serum albumin (when anti-goat, anti-sheep, or
anti-bovine secondary antibodies or gold conjugate are not used), fish cold water gelatin,
and skim milk. Because of their wetting capacity, in some cases Triton and Tween-20
may also improve results. Normal serum (goat, rabbit, horse, and so on) is the most
common blocking agent in immunoperoxidase protocols. However, it should be avoided
in immunogold techniques, particularly when protein A, G-gold complexes are used,
since IgG molecules present in normal serum will adhere to the section and be visualized
by the probe, causing increased background levels.
Because of their high sensitivity, the immunoperoxidase techniques, the PAP tech-
nique, and the ABC technique are widely applied in light microscopic immunocytochem-
istry using DAB as the chromogen (35,36). These multistep methods are also used for
resin section immunolabeling, mainly on semithin sections. These procedures do not sig-
nificantly differ from those used on paraffin or frozen sections at the light microscopic level
and preembedding immunocytochemistry protocols (previously described). According to
the principles of the indirect immunocytochemical approach, the labeling protocol in both
techniques involves three main incubation steps. The primary antibody is localized using
a secondary antibody linked to peroxidase or biotin. Subsequently, in the third step, com-
plexes of antiperoxidase antibody with peroxidase enzyme (PAP) or peroxidase-conju-
gated avidin (ABC) are used to localize the secondary antibody linked to peroxidase or
biotin, respectively. After DAB detection of the reaction product, resin semithin sections
are usually treated with osmium tetroxide to enhance the color of the precipitated DAB
and obtain better localization. Sodium gold chloride can also be used for the same purpose,
providing even more accurate localization. Although both immunoperoxidase techniques
have been successfully applied to etched epoxy resin semithin sections, the ABC technique
is not recommended for acrylic sections because the very large complex does not penetrate
well, leading to less sensitive, uneven surface staining.
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 389

Immunoperoxidase protocols have also been used for ultrastructural immunocyto-

chemistry, although they carry several limitations in terms of resolution, diffusion
artifacts, and quantitative evaluation of labeling. At present, for immunoelectron micros-
copy, the enzyme-based immunocytochemical method with DAB as the chromogen
has been largely substituted by a more refined protocol using a complex of antibodies
or different macromolecules and colloidal particles.
Colloidal gold has a long history as a staining reagent unrelated to microscopy. The
first documented application took place in ancient China, and the alchemists of the
seventeenth century made use of it as well. Faraday (1791–1867) was the first to
perform a scientific study of its properties (37). The first application of colloidal
gold as a specific transmission electron microscopic marker for direct preembedding
immunolabeling of cell surface antigens, described by Faulk and Taylor, dates back
to 1971 (38). The technique was later applied for preembedding indirect labeling of
cell surface antigens and for the postembedding labeling of intracellular antigens on
tissue sections. Due to its advantages and versatility, the colloidal gold marker found
many intriguing applications for transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron
microscopy, and light microscopy.
Gold particles can be labeled with a variety of macromolecules (e.g., lectins, glycopro-
teins, proteins such as protein A, immunoglobulins), which subsequently maintain their
bioactivities (39). The various preparations of monodisperse colloidal gold particles,
ranging in size from 5–150 nm, make them eminently suitable for multiple labeling.
The gold method is also easily amenable to quantification.
In spite of all these advantages, colloidal gold immunocytochemical techniques carry
their own limitations in terms of labeling efficiency. Recently these techniques have
been the subject of several modifications to improve resolution and to render the
approach more versatile. They have been introduced into various areas of molecular
biology and pathology, providing novel information contributing to a better understand-
ing of both normal and neoplastic cell functioning. One of the first contributions of
immunogold electron microscopy was the demonstration that selective secretion of a
hormone can be associated with structural characteristics of the cell type and/or size
and shape of its secretory granules. Accordingly, in human and rodent pituitaries,
different subtypes of growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL) cells have been
described. Immunogold electron microscopy also played a important role in revealing
the distribution and exact subcellular localization of different hormones, peptides, and
other substances related to the functional activity of the cell. Such findings disclosed
important functional implications related to regulation of hormone synthesis and release.
The high electron density of gold particles and the employment of gold particles of
different diameters made colloidal gold labeling the preferred technique when simultane-
ous ultrastructural detection of several antigens is required.
Several double-staining immunocytochemical methods, based on the use of gold
particles of different sizes, have been recommended for electron microscopic study.
The emergence of the technique for multiple staining is especially valuable in the study
of normal and abnormal endocrine organs. For instance, immunoelectron microscopic
studies provided conclusive evidence that endocrine cells are frequently plurihormonal,
producing more than one hormone; plurihormonal cells may even store more than one
different product within the same secretory granules (40–42).
390 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

Optimal immunogold labeling depends in part on the choice of colloidal gold probe
used. There is no general agreement on whether the direct or indirect immunogold
methods give more reliable results. Direct labeling requires large amounts of highly
purified specific immunoglobulins, which are usually difficult to obtain, but they provide
a high level of resolution. On the other hand, application of the indirect technique with
an IgG-gold or protein-gold complex is easier and more versatile, since these probes
can be used with a large variety of primary antibodies. The indirect approach also
provides greater intensity of labeling.
In this regard, different procedures have been used for amplification of the signal
when the labeling is limited to a few gold particles. This may be due to low levels of
antigen in the tissue or to loss of antigenicity during tissue processing. Most of the
amplification techniques are based on multistep reactions using different proteins or
antibody-gold complex. One of the first approaches, introduced by Bendayan and Duhr
(43), is based on multistep reactions with an anti-protein A antibody and protein A
complexes. Subsequently, other amplification protocols such as the biotin-antibiotin
gold technique or the biotin-streptavidin gold technique were successfully introduced.
The amplification factor in these techniques varies according to the dilution of the
primary antibody, but it is not less than five times the original signal. Recently Mayer
and Bendayan (44) adapted the catalyzed reporter deposition approach (CARD) for
electron microscopy. This technique, originally applied in cell biology for membrane
assays, Western blotting, in situ hybridization, and light microscopic immunocytochem-
istry, achieves in the majority of studies greater sensitivity, with reduced background
and enhancement of antigen detection of 8–10,000-fold (45). The procedure is based
on the ability of horseradish peroxidase to catalyze the deposition of substrate reporter
molecules by a short half-life free radical mechanism. It permitted the direct accumula-
tion of colloidal gold or Nanogold particles on target sites by enzymatic activity of
horseradish peroxidase, thus improving the efficiency of the immunogold labeling
compared with other amplification protocols. Moreover, the introduction of Nanogold
particles allowed a combination of the amplification potential of CARD with the
ultrasmall gold probe and the silver intensification method. Bendayan and co-workers
(46) reported that the immunolabeling obtained by the latter amplification strategy
appeared specific and highly sensitive, with enhanced intensity.
The size of the gold label has to be carefully selected (47). Smaller sizes provide
higher resolution and more intense labeling, but the small gold particles are difficult
to visualize at low magnification, and their use requires examination of small areas at
very high magnifications. The use of small gold particles also yields higher background
labeling because the exposed surface areas of gold particles initiate negative charges,
which interact with cationic structures on the tissue section.
A few specific gold complexes have been developed for studies of the extracellular
matrix: collagenase-gold complexes, elastase-gold complexes, and amylase–gold com-
plexes have been applied to localize collagen, elastin, and glycogen, respectively.
Immunogold protocols have been widely used for double-labeling immunocytochem-
istry for the demonstration of different antigens at the electron microscopic level.
Several techniques and protocols are available. The immunogold protocol at the end
of the chapter was designed to localize mamosomatotrophs (bihormonal pituitary cells
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 391

containing GH and PRL in their cytoplasm) in a patient with acromegaly and hyperpro-
Quantitative Evaluation
Quantitative evaluation became an important part of modern immunocytochemical
studies, allowing better assessment of the results as well as comparing levels of labeling
in different cellular compartments or between control and experimental groups. In
comparative studies, all conditions, such as steps of tissue preparation and labeling
protocols, should be identical. It is of note that no correlation can be made between
levels of labeling for two different antigens since they may react differently to conditions
of tissue processing. In addition, the two different antibodies utilized may display
different affinities and different titers.
Compared with other electron microscopic methods, postembedding immunogold
protocols have a great advantage in quantitative evaluation of the immunolabeling
(47,49,50). When compared with preembedding methods, accessibility of binding sites,
diffusion of marker, or thickness of sections are of no concern in postembedding gold
techniques. In the latter, only the binding sites at the surface of the section will be
revealed, and when gold particles of uniform size are used for labeling, the binding
capacity of each particle is assumed to be the same. Although surface labeling may
represent a limitation of the technique, it becomes a major advantage for quantitative
evaluation. Indeed, regardless of their localization within the tissue, cell, or subcellular
compartment, all antigenic sites exposed by sectioning have the same probability to
be labeled, because neither the thickness of the section or the diffusion of markers
interferes with the labeling.
Since the exact number of molecules per gold particles cannot be determined, absolute
amounts of antigen cannot be measured by immunoelectron microscopy. However,
information regarding the antigen can still be obtained by relating the quantity of gold
particles to structural parameters. Densities of labeling can easily and accurately be
related to surface areas of structures and expressed in number of gold particles per
unit surface. Thus, to evaluate labeling densities in tissues, cells, or a particular cellular
compartment, the surface (Sa) of the structure studied should be estimated using an
adequate morphometric approach. Upon determination of the area, the number of gold
particles (Ni) present over this area should be counted and the labeling density (Ns)
calculated accordingly: Ns = Ni/Sa (number of gold particles per surface unit). Labeling
densities can also be evaluated per length of membrane or any linear structure and
even in relation to volume using complex stereologic equation.
Quantitative evaluation of labeling densities also has to take into account the nonspe-
cific adherence of gold label, commonly referred to as background. It should be kept
as low and even as possible. In the case of high and variable background, controls for
the specificity of gold labeling have to be performed before any quantitative study.
Another factor to be considered is that gold particles are not simply points, but that
they have a certain size (5–30 nm). If only gold particles lying exclusively within the
confines of the subject of study were counted, the labeling density could be underesti-
mated if particles were lying over the boundaries of the structure. Increasing the gold
size increases the error because large profiles have less chance of lying completely
392 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

within the compartment studied. To minimize this problem, different unbiased counting
rules have been introduced.
Fixatives affect tissues by chemical crosslinking of cellular components, which can
reduce or destroy antigenic reactivity as well as by altering membrane permeability
and inducing ionic leakage. These changes can led to rearrangements in cellular structure
and subcellular organization. Rapid freezing techniques and cryofixation avoid chemical
prefixation and offer the opportunity to preserve both structures and antigenic sites that
are sensitive even to low concentrations of fixative (20,51).
In cryofixation, tissue is not fixed by chemical crosslinking but by physical immuno-
bilization in ice. The advantage of rapid freezing for preserving both structure and
antigenic reactivity is offset by the size of the samples that can be frozen successfully.
Tissue specimens have to be much smaller and thinner than those required for chemical
fixation. This limitation, as well as the difficulties found in cutting ultrathin frozen
sections and mounting them on grids, made this technique impractical for use in
diagnostic pathology. Currently it is used only for research.
Fernandez-Moran (52) was the first to apply cryofixation techniques for electron
microscopy. The principle of the technique is rapid freezing in order to immunobilize
the cellular structures physically. The temperatures as well as the speed of the procedure
are major factors. The objective is to freeze the water present in the specimen in an
amorphous state, avoiding crystallization, which would disrupt the structure and intro-
duce major artifacts. The formation of vitreous ice depends on the rapidity of the
thermal exchange between the cryogen and the tissue. Several methods developed to
perform an optimal cryofixation are listed below.
There are many descriptions of methods for cryofixation by plunging. Liquid nitrogen
itself is a very good quenchant liquid, although it is used chiefly to cool and maintain
the temperature of more efficient coolant liquids such as the hydrocarbons ethane and
propane and the halocarbons, of which freon 22 is the most efficient. Plunging methods
are most appropriate for small blocks of tissue (<1 mm thick) in which the cells of
interest are not on an accessible surface.
This technique is applicable only to specimens in the form of emulsions, suspensions,
or solutions. For these types of specimens the method is advantageous since micro-
droplets are formed and cooled extremely rapidly when sprayed into propane or ethane.
This technique is a variant of the plunging technique, although the thermodynamic
efficiency of the method can exceed that of plunging. The technique is only applicable
to small specimens.
Hyperbaric Cryofixation
This technique depends on the high degree of subcooling that water undergoes when
subjected to a pressure of 2000–2100 bar. The advantage of this variant is that relatively
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 393

large tissue samples can be cryofixed free of visible ice crystals. Its drawback is the
extremely high pressure to which tissues are subjected, inducing changes in the structure
and composition of tissues.
Metal Mirror Freezing
This is the technique most frequently used for tissue samples. The mirror metal
block is usually made of pure copper, which is precooled by liquid nitrogen (−195°C)
or liquid helium (−260°C) under vacuum. By breaking the vaccum, the specimen
is projected onto the copper block, inducing an immediate freezing of the sample.
However, in this procedure only the face of the specimen making contact with the
metal block is frozen rapidly enough to permit the vitrification of tissue water. In
this 5–40-µm layer of the sample, ultrastructural preservation is good. Deeper in
the specimen, ice crystals are formed, increasing progressively with the thickness
of the tissue, leading to artifacts such as breakage of membranes and alterations
of the nuclear chromatin pattern.
Following cryofixation, the tissue can be processed using various routes as listed

In this process the ice in the tissue is replaced at very low temperature by an organic
solvent miscible with the embedding medium. Infiltration and embedding follows at
any temperature between 60°C and −80°C. Although Lowicryls are the most frequently
used resins, embedding in epoxides is also feasible. Cryosubstitution is favored when
dealing with fixation/dehydration sensitive structures.

In this process the ice sublimates, leaving the tissue completely dry. Subsequently
it can be infiltrated with resin; embedding may take place again at any temperature
from 60°C to −80°C. This technique may be applied to tissue that is subsequently
embedded in epoxide resins. Lowicryls can also be used; however, they are not as
favorable for immunocytochemistry as chemical fixation and dehydration in the progres-
sive lowering of temperature technique (27).
Freeze-drying avoids the use of organic solvents, although collapse or aggregation
of tissue substances can occur during drying procedures.
Alternatively, tissues following cryofixation can be cryosectioned using cryo-

Cryoultramicrotomy is a rapid technique providing blocks for sectioning at 30–60
min following fixation. Cryoultramicrotomy was first introduced for immunocytochem-
istry by Tokuyasu (53). His method utilizes and relies on prefixed tissue infiltrated
with sucrose, frozen, and sectioned at low temperatures. The sections are allowed to thaw
out before immunolabeling. The advantage of the technique is that neither dehydration in
organic solvents nor plastic embedding is required. Thus both antigens and membranes
are optimally preserved. In addition, the epitopes that are otherwise masked by embed-
ding remain accessible to the probes. A disadvantage of the method is the fragility of
394 Vidal, Horvath, and Kovacs

cryosections, possibly leading to structural distortion and material extraction during

the handling process.
Since its introduction in the 1950s (54), ultramicrotomy posed technical challenges
(55). At one time the wet sectioning method, similar to that used in conventional plastic
ultramicrotomy, was adopted. In this method, the knife trough is filled with a flotation
liquid, dimethylsulfoxide, which has a high surface tension yet a low melting point.
The fluid facilitates the spreading of the sections before placing them on grids or small
plastic rings. The dimethylsulfoxide was replaced by the sucrose drop pick-up method
of Tokuyasu (53). The technique is challenging, requiring considerable skills, but it
provides high levels of immunolabeling. However, ultrastructure of the specimens is
often disappointing, especially when compared with that seen after cryosubstitution.
Improvements of this technique are being actively sought to achieve better ultrastructural
preservation, while maintaining the level of immunolabeling.
Although it is expensive and a difficult technique to master, cryosectioning yields
excellent immunohistochemical results. Some investigators assume that cryosections
are permeable to antibody probes, accounting for a high level of immunoreactivity, as
opposed to resin sections, on which only surface labeling takes places. Although Stierhof
et al. (56) provided evidence that antibody binding occurs exclusively on the surface
of cryosections as well, we believe that the reasons for the differences in immunolabeling
are still debatable.
One of the most exciting recent applications of cryosections is the possibility of
correlating light and electron microscopy findings using the fluorescent ultrasmall
immunogold probe Fluoro-Nanogold (57,58). Fluoro-Nanogold has the properties of
both a fluorescent dye-conjugated antibody for fluorescence microscopy and a gold
particle-conjugated antibody for electron microscopy. Therefore, this bifunctional
immunoprobe permits correlative fluorescent microscopic and electron microscopic
observations of the same cell structures labeled in a single-labeling procedure. Thus,
in these techniques there is a one-to-one relationship between fluorescent structures
labeled with Fluoro-Nanogold and the organelle profiles labeled with the same silver-
enhanced Fluoro-Nanogold in ultrathin cryosections. The methodology carries its own
caveats: 1) the quality of ultrathin cryosections for immunocytochemistry is crucial,
2) the use of nickel grids allows for the localization of a given cell/structure by both
the fluorescence and electron microscope, 3) anti-photobleaching reagents used as the
mounting medium for fluorescence microscopy should be chosen carefully, and 4) the
time-course for the silver enhancement reaction is also essential to achieve optimal
particle enhancement while minimizing the background signal.


Control for Immunogold Labeling
As in other immunocytochemical techniques, immunogold procedures require con-
trols to establish specificity.
Stirling (59) defined the main control methods that should be performed each time
a new antibody or new tissue is used to confirm epitope specificity and exclude false-
negative results. They can be summarized as follows.
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 395

Omission of the Primary Antibody

The primary antibody is omitted from the test protocol, and the sections are incubated
with the antibody diluent only, followed by the gold probe. This identifies nonspecific
binding of the gold probe.
Substitution of Primary Antibody
This test should be included to show that the immunocytochemical reaction is
genuine. In this control the primary antibody under investigation is substituted by a
primary antiserum of the same animal, class, and concentration but that has no expected
immunocytochemical affinity with the tissue. This control should replicate the test
conditions as closely as possible.
Absorption of the Primary Antibody with Target Antigen
The primary antibody is absorbed with purified target antigen, and the resulting
solution is used as a substitute for the primary antibody. This negative control is
intended to detect contaminating antibodies that might bind to epitopes other than the
target, thus indicating specificity of reaction. When the target antigen is not available,
the specificity of the immunocytochemical reaction can also be verified by immunobolt
analysis. For the immunobolt analysis, protein homogenates of the test tissue and
of a positive control undergo gel electrophoresis separately and are transferred to
nitrocellulose papers. Subsequently immunobolt must detect bands with similar molecu-
lar masses in both samples.
Removal of Antigen
In certain situations it is possible to remove the epitope of interest from the tissue
by enzymatic digestion or other means. This provides a negative control, which helps
to confirm antibody specificity.
Positive Controls
A known positive is tested by the same technique to avoid the possibility of a
false negative.

This work was supported in part by the generous donation of Mr. and Mrs. Jarislowski
and the Lloyd Carr-Harris Foundation. Dr. Sergio Vidal was supported by a research
grant from the Conselleria de Educacion (Xunta de Galicia), Spain. The authors are
indebted to Ms. Sandy Briggs, Ms. Sandy Cohen, and Mr. Mark Moreland for technical
assistance and the staff of St. Michael’s Health Sciences Library for their contribution
to the study.

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PHT 399


Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry

The following protocol has been extensively used in the central nervous system to
localize neurons expressing specific antigens exemplified here by demonstration of
tyrosine hydroxylase within dopaminergic neurons in the caudate nucleus of the medulla
oblongata of the rat.

Tissue Preparation and Fixation

Tissues are collected from adult female Sprague-Dawley rats of 200–250 g body
weight. Under pentobarbital anesthesia, the animals are perfused through the left ventri-
cle of the heart, first with 50 mL of 0.9% saline as a vascular rinse and subsequently with
500 mL of fixative solution containing 4% paraformaldehyde and 0.1% glutaraldehyde in
0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) at pH 7.4. The brains are removed and postfixed for an
additional 2 h in the same fixative solution at 4°C.

Penetration Enhancement
After several washes in 0.1 M PB, the medulla oblongata of the rat brain is serially
sliced with a Vibratome, and free-floating sections of 100 µm are brought up to room
temperature in PB. Subsequently the sections are washed with 50% ethanol in distilled
water for 30 min to improve antibody penetration.

Immunocytochemical and Electron Microscopic Processing

Free-floating sections are processed according to the avidin-biotin peroxidase com-
plex (ABC) procedure, omitting Triton X-100. Processing for immunocytochemistry
is carried out as follows.
1. Sections are sequentially incubated in:
a. 3% bovine serum albumin (BSA) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) to minimize nonspe-
cific staining.
b. Primary antiserum, monoclonal tyrosine hydroxylase diluted 1:1000 in PBS, at room
temperature overnight.
c. Biotinylated anti-mouse IgG diluted 1:100 in PBS, at room temperature for 1 h.
d. ABC solution for 90 min.
2. Sections are washed at least three times for 10 min in PBS after each incubation.
3. Peroxidase activity is demonstrated with 0.06% DAB in the presence of 0.003% hydrogen
peroxide in PBS.
4. Sections are then washed in PBS for 5 min and in PB for a further 5 min.
5. Sections are then postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M PB for 1 h.
6. Sections are dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol solutions and propylene oxide.
7. Sections are finally embedded in a mixture of Epon-Araldite, mounted on slides, covered
with a plastic cover slip, and cured for 24 h in the oven at 60°C.
400 Protocols

8. Neurons positive for tyrosine hydroxylase staining in the caudate nucleus are identified
and photographed.
9. Subsequently, a dissecting needle is used to etch a rectangle around the areas of interest
to be popped off.
10. To perform the pop-off method, a plastic capsule is filled with liquid resin until the surface
is slightly concave. The capsule is inverted, placed over the etched, marked area, and
polymerized according to the plastic used.
11. Polymerized capsules are popped off the glass slides by dipping them quickly in and out
of a Dewar containing liquid nitrogen.
12. Semithin and ultrathin sections are then cut with a ultramicrotome.
13. Ultrathin sections are mounted on grids stained with lead citrate and examined in a transmis-
sion electron microscope.


A 41-year-old man with long-standing acromegaly and elevated blood GH and PRL
levels had a pituitary tumor, which was removed by the transsphenoidal approach. Part
of the specimen was processed for transmission electron microscopy. It was fixed
overnight at 4°C in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in Sorensen’s phosphate buffer (pH 7.4),
osmicated for 1 h at room temperature with 1% OsO4 in Millonig’s buffer (pH 7.4),
dehydrated in a graded ethanol series, processed through propylene oxide, and embedded
in an Epon-Araldite mixture. After staining with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, the
sections were examined in a Philips 410LS electron microscope.
Electron microscopy demonstrated that the tumor was bimorphous, consisting of
cells with ultrastructural features of either lactotrophs or somatotrophs. To assess the
existence of these two different cell types, immunocytochemical staining was performed
on semithin plastic sections using anti-human GH (Dako, Carpinteria, CA) and anti-
human PRL (donated by Dr. H. Friesen, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MAN,
Canada) (dilutions: human anti-GH 1:500 and human anti-PRL 1:1000).
Pretreatment of Sections
1. Semithin sections were etched for 15 min in a saturated solution of potassium
hydroxide in ethanol and then washed several times in ethanol and in distilled water.
2. Subsequently, sections were incubated in 4% hydrogen peroxide in methanol for
30 min to remove osmium tetroxide and to block endogenous peroxidase activity.
Immunocytochemical Labeling
3. Before the immunocytochemical procedure, sections were washed in TBS and
preblocked in 3% BSA in TBS for 30 min.
4. Next, they were immunolabeled by the ABC technique (36). First, consecutive
semithin plastic sections were incubated with GH or PRL antibodies diluted in TBS
with 0.5% BSA at 37°C overnight.
5. Following incubation with the primary antiserum, section were washed in TBS
and incubated for 1 h in the biotinylated secondary antibody (dilution 1:100).
6. Subsequently the sections were washed again in TBS and incubated for 1 h in
streptavidin-peroxidase complex (dilution 1:100).
7. The final reaction was achieved by incubating the sections for 5 min in a solution
of 5 mg DAB and 1% hydrogen peroxide in 100 mL Tris buffer (pH 7.6).
Ultrastructural Immunohistochemistry 401

8. Sections were then washed in TBS for 5 min and treated with 1% osmium
tetroxide to increase the density of the precipitated DAB and improve localization of
DAB deposits.
Study of consecutive sections stained with GH or PRL antibodies showed immuno-
labeling for both hormones in the cytoplasm of the same cells, indicating the presence
of bihormonal mammosomatotrophs in this pituitary tumor.
To confirm the presence of bihormonal cells and assess subcellular localization of
GH and PRL in mammosomatotrophs, immunoelectron microscopy was performed
using the double immunogold method of Bendayan (48). In this protocol, it is essential
to carry out all incubations by floating. It is important that the reagents should not
reach the other face of the grid, to avoid excessive background. The incubations should
also be undertaken in a humidified chamber to prevent drying of the immunoreagents.
To localize two different antigens on the same ultrathin section by the immunogold
method, each reaction must be performed on opposite surfaces of the section. However,
when the double staining is carried out using primary antibodies raised in different
species, the two reactions to detect different antigens can be done on the same surface
of the ultrathin section. The gold-labeled secondary antibody is specific against different
species, and crosslinking does not occur. It is also important to consider that in double
immunostaining, the gold particles for the second antigen must be smaller than those
used for the first antigen.

Pretreatment of Sections
1. Before labeling, ultrathin sections are pretreated for 1 h in a saturated aqueous
solution of sodium metaperiodate.
2. Subsequently sections are washed several times in distilled water for 20 min.

Immunocytochemical Labeling
3. One side of the nickel grids are preblocked in 0.2 M PBS (pH 7.5) admixed with
0.2% cold water fish gelatin.
4. Next they are incubated at 37°C for 12 h with specific antisera directed toward
either GH or PRL.
5. Grids are washed at least four times in 0.2 M PBS (pH 7.5) admixed with 0.2%
cold water fish gelatin.
6. Subsequently, the grids are treated at 37°C for 1 h with gold-labeled, goat anti-
rabbit IgG (Biocell Research Laboratories, Cardiff, UK); particle diameters should be
either 10 or 20 nm.
7. Grids are washed again in 0.2 M PBS (pH 7.5) admixed with 0.2% cold water
fish gelatin.
For double immunostaining, the procedure is repeated on the other side of the grid
using another specific antibody and a colloidal gold conjugate of a different size. After
immunolabeling is completed, sections are stained with uranyl acetate and examined
on a Philips 410 LS electron microscope.
Electron microscopy demonstrates colocalization of GH and PRL in the same ade-
noma cells. The two different hormones can be localized within the same secretory
granules (Figs. 1 and 2).
402 Protocols

Fig. 1. Immunogold labeling in a GH- and PRL-producing human pituitary adenoma com-
posed of mammosomatotrophs demonstrating that adenoma cells with different granule sizes
are immunopositive for GH. Gold particles are 10 nm. Original magnification ×19,170.

Fig. 2. Double immunogold labeling

shows mammosomatotrophs in nontu-
morous human pituitary containing
bihormonal granules storing growth
hormone and prolactin. Growth hor-
mone 10 nm; prolactin 20 nm. Original
magnification ×139,500.

Clonality Analysis

Aurel Perren, MD, and Paul Komminoth, MD

Assessment of clonality is an important factor in differentiating reactive from neoplas-
tic lesions. In tumors with a known genetic defect, clonal expansion can be analyzed
by the identification of the genetic changes such as translocations in soft tissue tumors
or malignant lymphomas. For examining tumors without known genetic changes, a
more general approach is needed.
To compensate for the double amount of X-chromosomal genes in females, either
the maternally or paternally derived X chromosome has to be inactivated. This occurs
during embryogenesis by random methylation of one X chromosome in each cell (1,2).
This process is stable during subsequent cell divisions (3). Normal tissues in adult
females are therefore cellular mosaics differing by which of the two X chromosomes
is methylated. In contrast, neoplasms derived from a single somatic cell show a uniform
pattern of X chromosome inactivation, indicating cellular monoclonality.
The first approach toward analysis of tissue clonality by X chromosome inactivation
was based on isoenzymes of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) (4). The low
frequency of heterozygosity (2%) for the G6PD isoenzymes and the need for fresh
frozen tissue, however, made this approach impractical. All the following approaches
take advantage of methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes that selectively cleave
nonmethylated DNA, thus permitting discrimination between the active (unmethylated)
and inactive (methylated) X chromosome.
First, Southern blotting of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs)
in the phosphoglycerate-kinase 1 gene (PGK-1) and the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl
transferase (HPRT) gene was applied (5). The variable repeat sequence in the Dx255
locus identified by the M27 β probe made clonality analysis more practical because
of a high heterozygosity rate of approx 90%, but still all these Southern blotting
approaches required high quantities of DNA and hence fresh tissue. The identification
of a trinucleotide repeat (CAGn in exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene (HUMARA)
(6) with nearby methylation-sensitive restriction endonuclease sites for HpaII and HhaI
(7) made a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach possible. These enzymes
are sensitive to methylation of the cytosine residues in their recognition sequence; they
only cut the DNA strand if their recognition sequence is not methylated (8,9). Exon

From: Morphology Methods: Cell and Molecular Biology Techniques

Edited by: R. V. Lloyd  Humana Press, Totowa, NJ

404 Perren and Komminoth

Fig. 1. Exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene. The vicinity of the short tandem repeat
(STR) to the differentially methylated restriction sites for HhaI and HpaII permits a specific
amplification of the methylated (inactive) allele by restriction enzyme digestion prior to PCR.

Fig. 2. Flow diagram showing expected PCR results in a monoclonal (left) and polyclonal
(right) cell population. The active allele (white) of exon 1 of the androgen receptor gene is
cleaved because the enzyme restriction sites are not methylated. Thus the methylated inactive
allele is selectively amplified (hatched). The different sizes permit discrimination of the two
alleles after gel electrophoresis. (Disappearance of one band after restriction enzyme digestion
indicates monoclonality).
PROTOCOL: Clonality Analysis 405

Fig. 3. Example of a HUMARA assay. +, PCR products of the HpaII-digested samples; −,

PCR products of undigested samples; 씹, digestion control using male DNA (PCR after digestion
yields a negative result); C, monoclonal control tissue (lymphoma) exhibiting a monoclonal
pattern; M, monoclonal samples. The left sample shows a clear monoclonal result, and the right
one can only be recognized as monoclonal after direct comparison with the PCR products of
nondigested DNA. The remaining upper band is explained by an admixture of “contaminating”
normal tissue. P, Polyclonal tissue: note the stronger intensity of the lower band (preferential

1 of the androgen receptor gene is shown schematically in Fig. 1. Approximately 90%

of females are heterozygous with respect to the number of CAG repeats in this region.
Restriction enzyme digestion by HhaI or HpaII permits a specific amplification of the
methylated (inactive) allele. Since the CAG repeats result in PCR products of different
sizes from the two alleles, a second restriction enzyme digestion is not necessary. The
PCR products can be analyzed directly by electrophoresis. The principle of PCR-based
clonality analysis using this CAG repeat is shown in Fig. 2.
The critical step of this approach is the restriction enzyme digestion. Incomplete
digestion will result in a pseudo-polyclonal pattern of a monoclonal neoplasm. Therefore
extra care must be taken in performing this step, and appropriate controls must be
used. We recommend a set of different controls: DNA of the same tissue type from a
male patient must yield complete absence of PCR products after digestion (Fig. 3).
Identically fixed tissue with known monoclonality of a female patient (for example, a
lymphoma with monoclonal immunoglobulin rearrangement) must yield a monoclonal
banding pattern (Fig. 3). Another critical issue is the “contamination” of a tumorous
lesion with nonneoplastic tissues (connective tissue, blood vessels, inflammatory infil-
trate, and so on). This can be solved by careful microdissection of tumor cell groups
out of a given tissue. “Contamination” with up to 30–50% of normal tissue still leads
to a recognizable monoclonal pattern (10).
For interpretation of the polyacrylamide gels, direct comparison of PCR products
of nondigested and digested sample DNA of the same patient is needed. In nondigested
DNA, a difference in the intensity of bands can sometimes be observed. Preferential
amplification of the smaller allele is the most likely explanation for this phenome-
non (11).
Skewing of X-chromosomal inactivation, leading to a monoclonal pattern in nonneo-
plastic tissues, is known to occur in females carrying X-linked diseases by nonrandom
406 Perren and Komminoth

X inactivation. This phenomenon has also been observed in granulocytes of healthy

females, with increasing frequency with aging (12).
Recently a different approach for examining the X-inactivation status has been
described. To avoid the critical step of restriction enzyme digestion, a different methyla-
tion-sensitive PCR approach has been developed. In short, the DNA is treated with
sodium bisulfite prior to PCR, to convert unmethylated, but not methylated cytosines
to uracil. Then PCR amplification with primers specifically designed for methylated
vs nonmethylated DNA is performed. For details, see refs. 13 and 14.

1. Lyon, M. (1961) Gene action in the X-chromosome of the mouse (Mus musculus L.).
Nature 190, 372–373.
2. Gartler, S. M. and Riggs, A. D. (1983) Mammalian X-chromosome inactivation. Annu.
Rev. Genet. 17, 155–190.
3. Tsukada, M., Wade, Y., Hamade, N, et al. (1991) Stable Lyonization of X-linked pgk-1
gene during aging in normal tissues and tumors of mice carrying Searle’s translocation. J.
Gerontol. 46, B213–B216.
4. Fialkow, P. J. (1977) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) markers in Burkitt
lymphoma and other malignancies. Haematol. Bluttransfus. 20, 297–305.
5. Vogelstein, B., Fearon, E. R., Hamilton, S. R, and Feinberg, A. P. (1985) Use of restriction
fragment length polymorphisms to determine the clonal origin of human tumors. Science
227, 642–645.
6. Tilley, W. D., Marcelli, M., Wilson, J. D., and McPhaul, M. J. (1989) Characterization and
expression of a cDNA encoding the human androgen receptor. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
86, 327–331.
7. Allen, R. C., Zoghbi, H. Y., Moseley, H. B., et al. (1992) Methylation of HpaII and HhaI
sites near the polymorphic CAG repeat in the human androgen-receptor gene correlates
with X chromosome inactivation. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 51, 1229–1239.
8. Makula, R. A. and Meagher, R. B. (1980) A new restriction endonuclease from the anaerobic
bacterium, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans, Norway. Nucleic Acids Res. 8, 3125–3131.
9. Garfin, D. E. and Goodman, H. M. (1974) Nucleotide sequences at the cleavage sites of
two restriction endonucleases from Hemophilus parainfluenzae. Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Commun. 59, 108–116.
10. Enomoto, T., Fujita, M., Inove, M., et al. (1994) Analysis of clonality by amplification of
short tandem repeats. Carcinomas of the female reproductive tract. Diagn. Mol. Pathol.
3, 292–297.
11. Gale, R. E., Mein, C. A., and Linch, D. C. (1996) Quantification of X-chromosome inactiva-
tion patterns in haematological samples using the DNA PCR-based HUMARA assay.
Leukemia 10, 362–367.
12. Tonon, L., Bergamaschi, G., Dellavecchia, C., et al. (1998) Unbalanced X-chromosome
inactivation in haemopoietic cells from normal women. Br. J. Haematol. 102, 996–1003.
13. Uchida, T., Ohashi, H., Aoki, F., et al. (2000) Clonality analysis by methylation-specific
PCR for the human androgen-receptor gene (HUMARA-MSP). Leukemia 14, 207–212.
14. Kubota, T., Nonovarna, S., Tonoki, H., et al. (1999) A new assay for the analysis of X-
chromosome inactivation based on methylation-specific PCR. Hum. Genet. 104, 49–55.
15. Volante, M., Papotti, M., Roth, J., et al. (1999) Mixed medullary-follicular carcinoma.
(1999) Molecular evidence for a dual origin of tumor components. Am. J. Pathol.
155, 1499–1509.
PROTOCOL: Clonality Analysis 407

DNA Extraction of Paraffin Tissue
1. Extraction buffer
a. 100 mM Tris buffer, pH 8.0 (Trizma-Base, Sigma, St. Louis, MO).
b. 5 mM EDTA (Triplex III, Merck, Dietikon, Switzerland).
c. 0.5% NP 40 (Nonidet + P40, BDH, Poole, UK).
d. 0.5% Tween 20 (Merck).
2. Phenol (Fluka, Buchs, Switzerland).
3. Isoamylalcohol/chloroform 1:24 (Merck).
4. 100% ethanol (Merck).
5. 70% ethanol (Merck).
6. 3 M Na-acetate, pH 5.2 (Fluka).
7. Glycogen, 20 mg/mL (Roche, Rotkreuz, Switzerland).
8. Proteinase K, 50 mg/mL (Roche).
9. Tris buffer, 10 mM, pH 8.3 (Sigma).
10. Freezer at −20°C.
11. Freezer at −80°C.
12. Centrifuge.
13. Cold room at 4°C.
14. Spectrophotometer at 260λ and 280λ.

DNA Extraction of Fresh Frozen Tissue

1. Cell lysis solution (Purgene-Kit, Gentra Systems, Minneapolis, MN).
2. Proteinase K, 50 mg/mL (Roche).
3. RNase, 4 mg/mL (Purgene-Kit).
4. Protein precipitation solution (Purgene-Kit).
5. Isopropanol, 100% (Fluka).
6. Ethanol, 70% (BDH).
7. DNA hydration solution (Purgene-Kit).

Restriction Enzyme Digestion

1. Restriction enzymes (see Note 1).
a. HpaII (Roche).
b. HhaI/CfoI (Roche).
2. Incubation buffer, 10× (Roche).
3. Ethanol, 100% (BDH).
4. Ethanol, 70% (BDH).
5. Na acetate, 3 M pH 5.2 (Fluka).
6. Glycogen, 20 mg/mL (Roche).
7. Tris-buffer, 10 mM, pH 8.3 (Sigma).
8. Freezer −80°C.
9. Incubator 37°C.

PCR Amplification
1. Oligonucleotide primers, 20–50 pmol/µm (Table 1).
2. dNTP, 2 mM (Roche).
3. MgCl2, 25 mM (Perkin-Elmer, Rotkreuz, Switzerland)
4. PCR buffer II, 10× (without MgCl2, Perkin-Elmer).
5. Taq DNA polymerase (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) (see Note 2).
408 Perren and Komminoth

Table 1
Oligonucleotide Primers
Primer Position Orientation Sequence
AR 1R 454–439 Antisense 5′ GATGGGCTTGGGGAGA 3′

6. 50 µL PCR tubes (Gene Amp thin-walled reaction tubes, Perkin-Elmer).

7. Thermo Cycler (Gene Amp PCR System 9600, Perkin-Elmer).

Gel Electrophoresis
1. TBE 10×: 0.89 M Trizma base (Sigma), 0.89 M boric acid (Sigma), 0.02 M EDTA Tritriplex
III (Merck).
2. Acrylamide, 40% (Bio-Rad, Glattbrugg, Switzerland).
3. Bisacrylamide, 2% (Bio-Rad).
4. Urea (Merck).
5. APS, 10% (Sigma).
6. Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED; Sigma).
7. Blue stop loading buffer:
a. 95% formamide (Sigma).
b. 20 mM EDTA (Merck).
c. 0.05% bromphenol-blue (Sigma).
d. 0.05% xylencyanol (Sigma).

Silver Staining
1. Glass well.
2. Rain-X anti-Fog (Unelka, Belgium).
3. Saran wrap foil (Dow).
4. Ethanol, 10% (BDH).
5. HNO3, 1% (Merck).
6. AgNO3, 0.2% (Merck) (dissolve 2.02 g AgNO3 in 11 dH2O and filter).
7. Filter (Nalgene, Nalge Nuc, Rochester, NY).
8. Developer:
a. 0.28 M Na2CO3, 0.02% formaldehyde
b. 29.6 g Na2CO3 (Merck) in 800 mL dH2O
c. 540 µL formaldehyde (Merck).
d. dH2O to get 11.
9. CH3COOH, 10% (Merck).
10. EDTA, 50 mM pH 8.0 (Merck).
11. dH2O.

DNA Extraction of Paraffin Tissue
Tissue Preparation
Identify tumor and normal tissue on hematoxylin and eosin-stained section
1. Prepare 10-µm serial sections.
2. Use 3–10 sections (according to size of the area) to scrape off the desired area and transfer
the tissue to an 1.5-mL Eppendorf tube.
PROTOCOL: Clonality Analysis 409

To examine small areas it is possible to use eosin (see Note 3) or immunostained

deparaffinized sections: cover the tissue with 1 drop of mineral oil (Sigma) and scrape
the tissue off under microscopic assistance using an injection needle (24 gauge, Terumo,
Leuven, Belgium) (see Note 4).
Paraffin Removal
1. Add 500 µL xylene.
2. Dissolve paraffin for 10 min with gentle agitation.
3. Spin down for 10 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) and then carefully remove xylene.
4. Repeat steps 5 and 6 twice.
5. Add 500 µL 100% ethanol.
6. Shake gently for 10 min and remove ethanol.
7. Add 500 µL 70% ethanol.
8. Shake gently for 10 min and remove ethanol.
9. Speed Vac for 5 min to dry the tissue.

Proteinase K Digestion
1. Add 500 µL extraction buffer.
2. Add 5 µL proteinase K.
3. Incubate at 54°C overnight in a shaker.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice to achieve complete digestion.
5. Heat at 95°C for 10 min to inactivate proteinase K.

Phenol/Isoamylalcohol/Chloroform Purification
1. Add 500 µL phenol and vortex well.
2. Spin for 2 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm).
3. Pipet supernatant in new Eppendorf tube (only take the aqueous phase)
4. Add 250 µL phenol and 250 µL isoamylalcohol/chloroform and vortex.
5. Spin for 2 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) and pipet supernatant in a new tube.
6. Add 500 µL chloroform and vortex.
7. Spin for 2 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) and pipet supernatant in a new tube.

DNA Precipitation
1. Add 1000 µL cold (−20°C) ethanol 100%, 50 µL Na-acetate, and 1 µL glycogen.
2. Vortex well and incubate at −20°C overnight.
3. Spin for 10 min at 14,000 rpm in a cold centrifuge (4°C).
4. Gently drain off the ethanol (DNA is visible as small pellet).
5. Add 500 µL cold ethanol 70%; vortex briefly.
6. Spin for 10 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) in a cold centrifuge (4°C).
7. Gently drain off the ethanol.
8. Air-dry pellet for 15 min; alternatively, Speed Vac for 5 min.
9. Add 20–50 µL Tris buffer (according to expected amounts of DNA).
10. Dissolve DNA at 65°C for 10 min.

DNA Concentration
1. Pipet 5 µL of DNA and 495 µL ddH2O in a new Eppendorf tube.
2. Measure O/D at λ260 nm and λ280 nm.
3. DNA quantity of the stock solution equals λ260 × 5 (in µg/µL).
4. Ratio of λ260:λ280 is a measure of DNA purity and should be between 1.8 and 2.
5. Prepare DNA working solutions by adding ddH2O to get a concentration of 0.1 µg/µL.
410 Perren and Komminoth

DNA Extraction of Fresh Frozen Tissue

Tissue Preparation
1. Put 1 mm3 of fresh frozen tissue in Eppendorf tube.
2. Homogenize tissue.
3. Add 600 µL cell lysis solution.
Proteinase K Digestion
1. Add 5 µL of proteinase K.
2. Incubate at 54°C overnight in a shaker.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 twice to achieve complete digestion.
DNA Purification
1. Add 3 µL of RNase.
2. Incubate at 37°C for 15 min.
3. Add 200 µL protein precipitation solution and vortex immediately.
4. Spin at 13,000g (14,000 rpm) for 3 min.
5. Pipet supernatant in new Eppendorf tube.
DNA Precipitation
1. Add 600 µL of isopropanol and immediately mix by gentle inversion until you can see a
white precipitate of DNA.
2. Spin down at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) for 1 min and discard supernatant.
3. Add 600 µL cold (−20°C) ethanol 70% and vortex.
4. Spin down at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) for 1 min and discard supernatant.
5. Air-dry pellet for 15 min; alternatively, Speed Vac for 5 min.
6. Add 100 µL of DNA hydration solution.
7. Dissolve DNA at 37°C for 15 min.
DNA Concentration
1. Pipet 5 µL of DNA and 495 µL ddH2O in a new Eppendorf tube.
2. Measure O/D at λ260 nm and λ280 nm.
3. DNA quantity of the stock solution equals λ260 × 5 (in µg/µL).
4. Ratio of λ260:λ280 is a measure of DNA purity and should be between 1.8 and 2.
5. Prepare DNA working solutions by adding ddH2O to get a concentration of 0.2 µg/µL.

Restriction Enzyme Digestion of the Active Allele

This is the most critical step; therefore it is very important to use appropriate controls.
Restriction Enzyme Digestion
The following steps are done on ice.
1. Pipet 1 µg of sample DNA (5 µL of DNA working solution) in Eppenorf tube.
2. Add 40 µL of ddH2O.
3. Add 5 µL of incubation buffer 10×.
4. Add 10 U (0.25 µL) of HpaII; alternatively, use HhaI (see note 1).
5. Vortex and incubate at 37°C overnight. Be careful that no water condensation forms in the
cap of the tube.
6. Heat to 94°C for 10 min to inactivate the enzyme.
DNA Precipitation
1. Add 125 µL cold ethanol 100% (−20°C).
2. Add 5 µL Na-acetate.
PROTOCOL: Clonality Analysis 411

3. Add 1 µL glycogen.
4. Vortex well and precipitate at −80°C for 1 h.
5. Spin for 10 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) in a cold centrifuge (4°C).
6. Gently drain off the ethanol (DNA is visible as small pellet).
7. Add 55 µL cold ethanol 70%; vortex briefly.
8. Spin for 10 min at 13,100g (14,000 rpm) in a cold centrifuge (4°C).
9. Gently drain off the ethanol.
10. Air-dry pellet for 15 min; alternatively, Speed Vac for 5 min.
11. Add 10 µL Tris buffer (giving an approximate DNA concentration of 0.07 µg/µL).
12. Dissolve DNA at 65°C for 10 min.

PCR Amplification
PCR Preparation
1. Use 3 µL of digested DNA (approx 0.2 µg).
2. Add 5 µL PCR buffer 10×.
3. Add 3 µL MgCl2.
4. Add 5 µL dNTP.
5. Add 33.8 µL ddH2O.
6. Add 1 µL of each primer.
7. Add 0.2 µL of Taq polymerase.
Cycling Conditions
1. Initial denaturation and activation of Taq polymerase at 94°C for 300 s.
2. 35 cycles of 3–5 min.
3. Denaturation at 94°C for 45 s.
4. Annealing at 59°C for 45 s.
5. Extension at 72°C for 45 s.
6. Final extension at 72°C for 300 s.

Gel Electrophoresis
1. For 150 mL of gel use 15 mL of TBE 10×.
2. Add 20 mL acrylamide 40%.
3. Add 20 mL bisacrylamide 2%.
4. Add 63 g urea.
5. Add 150 mL dH2O and stir till urea is dissolved.
6. Add 1 mL ammonium persulfate (APS) 10%.
7. Add 70 µL tetraethylenediamine (TEMED).
8. Pour gel between glass plates.
9. Let polymerize at room temperature for 1 h.
10. Preheat gel at 80 W for 30 min.
11. Mix 20 µL of PCR product with 2 µL blue stop.
12. Load probes.
13. Run at 80 W for 2 h.

Silver Staining
1. Wipe glass well with Rain-X to get a hydrophobic film.
2. Pour ethanol 10% in glass well. Use enough solution to have the gel immersed at all times;
after incubation, remove the solution using a vacuum pump.
3. Transfer gel to glass well with ethanol using foil; incubate for 5 min with gentle agitation.
4. Wash 2× in dH2O for 10 min each to remove urea.
5. Incubate in HNO3 for 3 min.
412 Perren and Komminoth

6. Wash 2× in dH2O.
7. Incubate in AgNO3 for 30 min.
8. Wash 2× in dH2O.
9. Rinse with developer; immediately remove precipitate.
10. Add developer again and incubate until the bands are visible.
11. Incubate in CH3COOH 10% for 10 min to stop development.
12. Incubate in EDTA for 5 min.
13. Wash 2× in dH2O.
14. The stained gel can be archived in sealed plastic foil.

1. HhaI and CfoI are isoschizomeres. In our settings, the most consistent results were obtained
with HpaII alone compared with HhaI and a mixture of both enzymes.
2. The use of a Taq polymerase of a different company requires adaptation of annealing tempera-
3. Use alcoholic eosin; exposure to acid will cause DNA damage.
4. For analysis of very small tissue areas, laser-based microdissection can be used (PALM Laser-
Microbeam Systems, Germany) with modified protocols for DNA extraction and restriction
enzyme digestion (15).

A Antigen retrieval (cont.),

heating method,
ACTH, see Adrenocorticotropic hormone
autoclave heating, 262
Actin, tumor immunohistochemistry, 342
buffers, 240, 241
Adenovirus, in situ hybridization,
detachment of sections, prevention, 249, 250
biotinylated probe hybridization, 62
factors affecting,
counterstaining, 63
heating conditions, 241, 242, 251
cover-slipping, 63
pH, 2442, 243
deparaffinization of samples, 61
solution composition, 241, 243, 244
detection, 62, 63
low-temperature method, 251
microwave treatment, 61
microwave heating,
overview, 49
calibration of oven, 261, 262
proteinase treatment, 61
Coplin jars, 261
washing, 62
processor, 261
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH),
overview of heating sources, 240, 260
immunoelectron microscopy, 377
pressure cooking heating, 262
microvessel immunohistochemistry, 174, 175,
steam heating, 262, 263
177, 178
historical perspective, 239, 240
AFP, see α-Fetoprotein
inconsistency troubleshooting, 250, 251
Allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO) hybridiza-
materials, 260
tion, polymerase chain reaction products,
nonheating method, factors affecting,
incubation time, 245
Androgen receptor (AR),
solution concentration, 244
clonality analysis, 403, 405
solvent, 244, 245
fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis of
nonspecific staining following treatment, 248,
amplification, 98
Angelman syndrome, fluorescent in situ hybrid-
test battery approach for optimization, 245, 246,
ization probes, 74
Antigen retrieval,
tyramide signal amplification combination, 252
AR, see Androgen receptor
diagnostic cytology, 246
ASO hybridization, see Allele-specific oligo-
flow cytomery, 246
nucleotide hybridization
formalin-fixed, acid decalcified tissues, 247,
Aspergillus, in situ hybridization, 38, 49, 53
immunoelectron microscopy, 264
immunofluorescence, 247 B
in situ hybridization, 247, 248, 264 Bcl-2, lymphoma expression and immunohis-
multiple immunoenzyme staining, 263, 264 tochemistry, 288, 289
paraffin sections, 232, 233, 261 BCR/ABL fusion, fluorescent in situ hybridization,
plastic-embedded sections, 246, 247 denaturation, 84, 86, 88
protein extraction, 248 detection, 85, 87–89
Tdt-mediated nick end-labeling, 265 dewaxing, 84, 85
counterstaining after immunostaining, 250 fixation, 84, 85

414 Index

BCR/ABL fusion, fluorescent in situ hybridization Chlamydia trachomatis, in situ hybridization, 51

(cont.), Chromogranin A (CgA),
hybridization, 85–88 neuroendocrine cell immunohistochemistry, 363
materials, 84, 85 tumor immunohistochemistry, 340
probes, 76, 81, 97 Chromogranin B (CgB), neuroendocrine cell
protease treatment, 84, 86 immunohistochemistry, 363, 364
washes, 85, 87, 88 Chromosome,
Bombesin, neuroendocrine cell immunohis- fluorescent in situ hybridization, see Fluores-
tochemistry, 366 cent in situ hybridization
human features, 1, 2
C α-satellite features, 71, 72
CA19-9, tumor immunohistochemistry, 336 structure, 70, 71
CA-125, tumor immunohistochemistry, 334, 336 Clonality analysis,
Calretinin, tumor immunohistochemistry, 337 DNA extraction,
Candida, in situ hybridization, 53, 54 fresh frozen tissue, 410
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), tumor immu- materials, 407
nohistochemistry, 331, 351 paraffin tissue, 409
CARD, see Catalyzed reporter deposition polymerase chain reaction,
Catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD), amplification reaction, 411
overview, 35, 113, 114, 267 gel electrophoresis and silver staining of
tyramide signal amplification, see Tyramide products, 408, 411, 412
signal amplification materials, 407, 408
CD5, lymphoma immunohistochemistry, 283, 285 overview, 403, 405, 406
CD15, tumor immunohistochemistry, 336, 337, 347 restriction enzyme digestion,
CD31, tumor immunohistochemistry, 343, 346, 347 digestion reaction, 410
CD34, tumor immunohistochemistry, 343, 346, 347 DNA precipitation, 410, 411
CD43, lymphoma immunohistochemistry, 285, 286 materials, 407
CD45, tumor immunohistochemistry, 327, 347 restriction fragment length polymorphisms,
CD57, tumor immunohistochemistry, 341, 345, androgen receptor gene, 403, 405
346, 348, 351 hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase, 403
CD99, tumor immunohistochemistry, 342, 345, 346 phosphoglycerate-kinase 1 gene, 403
CEA, see Carcinoembryonic antigen X chromosome inactivation, 403, 405, 406
Cell cycle, CLSM, see Confocal laser scanning microscopy
fluorescent in situ hybridization, metaphase CMV, see Cytomegalovirus
analysis, Codon, table, 5
solid tumors, Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH),
culture, 107 principles, 93
harvesting of cells, 107 Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM),
materials, 106, 107 instrumentation, 166
specimen, 107 messenger RNA visualization,
whole blood culture, advantages, 170
blood collection and culture, 103 materials, 168
chromosome spread preparation, 104, 105 prolactin transcript, 168–170
harvesting of cells, 103, 104 microvessel analysis,
materials, 102–104 advantages, 176–178
tips, 105, 106 FITC-gelatin conjugate injection, 172, 173, 176
in situ hybridization analysis, 39 immunohistochemistry, 172
mitotic phases, 71 adrenocorticotropic hormone, 174, 175, 177,
phases, 69, 70 178
c-erbB-2, fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis, antibodies, 173
97, 98 growth hormone, 174, 178
CgA, see Chromogranin A microscopy, 173, 174
CgB, see Chromogranin B projection imaging, 175, 176
CGH, see Comparative genomic hybridization tissue preparation, 173
Index 415

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) Electron microscopy in situ hybridization (EM-
(cont.), ISH) (cont.),
organelle visualization, 168 preembedding method (cont.),
overview, 165, 166 light microscopy, 130, 131
probe detection, 167, 168 prolactin transcripts, 135–137
reflectance confocal images, 167 protease treatment, 130
transmittance images, 167 EM-ISH, see Electron microscopy in situ hybrid-
Cryofixation, see Immunoelectron microscopy ization
Cyclin D1, lymphoma expression and immunohis- EMA, see Epithelial membrane antigen
tochemistry, 289, 290 Endocrine cell immunohistochemistry,
Cytokeratin, tumor immunohistochemistry, 324– broad-spectrum neuroendocrine markers,
326, 369 bombesin, 366
Cytomegalovirus (CMV), in situ hybridization, 36, chromogranin A, 363
49 chromogranin B, 363, 364
gastrin-releasing peptide, 366
D Leu7, 366
DiGeorge syndrome, fluorescent in situ hybridiza- neural cell adhesion molecule, 366
tion, 74, 98 neuroendocrine-specific protein reticulons,
DNA, 367
hybridization analysis principles, 5, 6 neuron-specific enolase, 364, 366
laser capture microdissection sample extraction, peptidylglycine a-amidating monooxygenase,
24, 25 366
structure, 1 PGP9.5, 366
DNA microarray, proconvertases, 364
laser capture microdissection, 19, 20 Rab3A, 367
principles of analysis, 8, 9 SNAP-25, 367
synaptophysin, 364
E neuroendocrine cells,
EBV, see Epstein-Barr virus dispersed neuroendocrine system, 361
Electron microscopy, see Electron microscopy in situ markers, overview, 361–363, 367, 369
hybridization; Immunoelectron microscopy versus nonneuroendocrine cells, 361
Electron microscopy in situ hybridization (EM- nonneuroendocrine markers, 369
ISH), Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), tumor
approaches, overview, 129 immunohistochemistry, 327–329, 345,
biotinylated probe preparation, 130 347
nonembedding method using ultrathin frozen Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), in situ hybridization,
sections, 134 63–65
postembedding method, overview, 35, 36, 49
advantages and limitations, 133, 134 ERP, see Estrogen receptor protein
electron microscopy, 133 Estrogen receptor protein (ERP), tumor immuno-
fixation, 132 histochemistry, 334
hybridization and washes, 132, 133 Ewing’s sarcoma, fluorescent in situ hybridiza-
preembedding method, tion, 98, 99
advantages and limitations, 132
electron microscopy, 131
fixation, 130 α-Fetoprotein (AFP), tumor immunohistochemis-
growth hormone transcripts, 131 try, 331
hybridization and washes, 130 FISH, see Fluorescent in situ hybridization
immunohistochemistry combination, Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH),
advantages and limitations, 138, 141, 142 advantages, 67
growth hormone, 138 controls, 80, 84
LR White resin utilization, 139–141 fixation effects, 81, 92
sectioning, 137 fluorescence microscopy, 92, 93
staining, 137 historical perspective, 67, 68, 91
416 Index

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) (cont.), Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) (cont.),
interphase analysis, probes (cont.),
cytology specimens, telomere probes, 73
counterstaining, 110 types, overview, 68, 69
cytologic specimens, 108 unique-sequence probes,
denaturation, 109 definition, 73
detection, 109, 110 malignancies, 75–77, 96
fine needle aspirates, 108 microdeletion syndromes, 74, 75
hybridization, 109 nomenclature, 77
nuclei disaggregation, 108 protease treatment, 92
pretreatment, 108 tyramide signal amplification, see Tyramide
probe preparation, 109 signal amplification
touch preparations, 108 Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), immunohis-
washes, 109 tochemistry and tyramide signal amplifica-
formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues, tion, 270
110, 111 FSH, see Follicle-stimulating hormone
overview, 91, 92, 94, 96, 97
malignancy analysis, G
denaturation, 84, 86, 88 Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP), neuroendocrine
detection, 85, 87–89 cell immunohistochemistry, 366
dewaxing, 84, 85 GCDFP-15, see Gross cystic disease fluid pro-
fixation, 84, 85 tein-15
hybridization, 85–88 Gene, number in humans, 1
materials, 84, 85 GFAP, see Glial fibrillary acidic protein
protease treatment, 84, 86 GH, see Growth hormone
washes, 85, 87, 88 Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), tumor
metaphase FISH, immunohistochemistry, 326, 327
overview, 79, 91, 94, 96 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isoforms
solid tumors, and clonality analysis, 403
culture, 107 Gold labeling, see Immunoelectron microscopy;
harvesting of cells, 107 Tyramide signal amplification
materials, 106, 107 Gross cystic disease fluid protein-15 (GCDFP-
specimen, 107 15), tumor immunohistochemistry, 334,
whole blood culture, 349
blood collection and culture, 103 Growth hormone (GH),
chromosome spread preparation, 104, 105 double labeling with prolactin using
harvesting of cells, 103, 104 immunogold,
materials, 102–104 labeling, 400, 401
tips, 105, 106 pretreatment of sections, 400, 401
nuclear counterstaining, 99 specimen preparation, 400
prenatal diagnosis, 96, 97 electron microscopy in situ hybridization of
principles, 79, 80, 91 transcripts, 131, 138, 140
probes, microvessel immunohistochemistry, 174, 178
painting probes, GRP, see Gastrin-releasing peptide
chromosomal translocation identification, 79
historical perspective, 77, 78 H
indirect versus direct detection, 78, 79 HCV, see Hepatitis C virus
metaphase FISH, 79, 94, 96 Helicobacter pylori, in situ hybridization, 38, 51
nomenclature, 79 Hepatitis C virus (HCV), in situ hybridization, 36
spectral karyotyping, 79 Herpes simplex virus (HSV), in situ hybridiza-
α-satellite probes, tion, 49, 50
chromosome identification, 71, 72 HHF-35, tumor immunohistochemistry, 342
nomenclature, 72, 73 HHV, see Human herpesvirus
selection, 80 Histiocytosis, immunohistochemistry, 307, 308
Index 417

Histoplasma, in situ hybridization, 38, 49, 54 Immunoelectron microscopy (cont.),

HIV, see Human immunodeficiency virus postembedding methods (cont.),
HMB-45, tumor immunohistochemistry, 339, chemical fixation,
346, 347 cell suspensions, 383, 384
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, see Lymphoma immuno- glutaraldehyde, 383, 384
histochemistry membrane structure preservation, 383
HPRT, see Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl trans- osmium tetroxide, 383
ferase dehydration, 384
HPV, see Human papillomavirus endogenous peroxidase inhibition, 387, 388
HSV, see Herpes simplex virus nanogold immunolabeling,
Human herpesvirus (HHV), advantages and limitations, 389
in situ hybridization, 38, 50, 119 amplification of signal, 390
tyramide signal amplification, 119 direct versus indirect labeling, 390
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), in situ double staining, 389–391
polymerase chain reaction, 210, 223 historical perspective, 389
Human papillomavirus (HPV), quantitative analysis, 391, 392
in situ hybridization typing, 35, 36, 49, 50, 119 osmium removal, 387
tyramide signal amplification, 119 peroxidase immunolabeling, 388, 389
Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase resin embedding, 384, 385
(HPRT), clonality analysis, 403 resin removal, 387
sectioning, 385, 386
I preembedding methods,
IHC, see Immunohistochemistry advantages and disadvantages, 375–377
Imaging, fixation,
confocal microscopy, see Confocal laser scan- glutaraldehyde, 377, 378
ning microscopy ideal fixatives, 377
in situ hybridization quantitative analysis, paraformaldehyde, 378
averaging of images, 157 perfusion fixation, 378, 379
calibration, 158, 159 protocol, 399
CCD camera, 156, 157 gold toning, 381
frame grabber, 157 media, 381, 382
histograms, 158 nanogold staining, 380, 381
microscope, 156 permeabilization,
regions of interest, 158 detergents, 379
software, 159 ethanol treatment, 379, 380
thresholding, 158 freezing, 379, 380
Immunoelectron microscopy, microwave treatment, 380
adrenocorticotropic hormone, 377 peroxidase reporter, 380
antigen retrieval, 264 processing for avidin-biotin peroxidase com-
controls for immunogold labeling, 394, 395 plex, 399, 400
cryofixation, 392, 393 section thickness, 379
cryosubstitution, 393 tissue preparation, 399
cryoultramicrotomy, 393, 394 tyramide signal amplification, 273
double labeling for growth hormone and prolac- Immunohistochemistry (IHC),
tin with immunogold, antigen retrieval, see Antigen retrieval
labeling, 400, 401 commercial systems, 229
pretreatment of sections, 400, 401 detection systems,
specimen preparation, 400 alkaline phosphatase, 233
freeze-drying, 393 peroxidase, 233, 234
historical perspective, 375 electron microscopy in situ hybridization com-
postembedding methods, bination,
advantages and disadvantages, 382 advantages and limitations, 138, 141, 142
antibody types, 386 growth hormone, 138
blocking agents, 388 LR White resin utilization, 139–141
418 Index

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (cont.), Immunohistochemistry (IHC) (cont.),

electron microscopy in situ hybridization com- tyramide signal amplification, see Tyramide
bination (cont.), signal amplification
sectioning, 137 ultrastructural studies, see Immunoelectron mi-
staining, 137 croscopy
endocrine lesions, see Endocrine cell immuno- In situ hybridization (ISH), see also Fluorescent
histochemistry in situ hybridization,
Food and Drug Administration classification antigen retrieval, 247, 248, 264
and implications, 229, 230 branched DNA hybridization, 121
frozen sections, cell cycle analysis, 39
fixation, 231 controls, 32, 33
freezing, 230 electron microscopy, see Electron microscopy
sectioning, 230, 231 in situ hybridization
storage, 230 gene expression in tumors, 39, 40
historical perspective, 239 historical perspective, 27
in situ hybridization combination, 33 hybridization conditions, 31
microvessel studies in combination with confo- in situ amplification techniques,
cal laser scanning microscopy, 173, 174, 175, catalyzed reporter deposition, 35, 113, 114
177, 178 polymerase chain reaction, 34
optimization, 235, 236 primed in situ labeling, 35
paraffin sections, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction,
antigen retrieval, 232, 233 34, 35
fixation, 231, 232 self-sustained sequence replication, 35
sectioning, 232 labels, 32
primary antibodies, 234, 235 biotinylation, 32, 68
tumors, bromodeoxyuridine, 68
epithelioid neoplasms, digoxigenin
lymph nodal lesions, 347 melting temperature, 31, 145
soft tissue lesions, 347, 348 microorganism identification,
fixation of solid tumor samples, 323, 324 advantages, 55
lymphoid lesions, see Lymphoma immunohis- Aspergillus, 38, 49, 53
tochemistry Candida, 53, 54
markers, see specific markers Chlamydia trachomatis, 51
metastasis differential diagnosis, comparison with other techniques, 47, 51, 52
algorithm, 349–351 Helicobacter pylori, 38, 51
malignant mesothelioma, 352 Histoplasma, 38, 49, 54
second primary tumors, 352, 353 mycobacteria, 53
unknown origin cases, 351 Pneumocystis carinii, 38, 54
neuroendocrine carcinomas, 351 sensitivity and specificity, 52
pleomorphic neoplasms, Staphylococcus, 38, 52
algorithm for diagnosis, 348 multiple-target localization,
metastasis, 348 immunohistochemistry, 33
soft tissue, 348, 349 probe combinations, 33, 34
prospects, 353 ultrastructural studies, 34
small round cell neoplasms, parasite detection, 54
algorithm for diagnosis, 344 principles, 27, 28, 145
carcinomas, 345 probe preparation,
soft tissue, 344, 345 antisense RNA probes, 29
spindle cell neoplasms, double-stranded DNA probes, 28, 29
algorithm for diagnosis, 345 oligonucleotide probes, 29
amelanotic malignant melanomas, 345, types of probes, 28
346 quantitative analysis,
carcinomas, 345 detection systems,
soft tissue, 346 alkaline phosphatase, 154–156
Index 419

In situ hybridization (ISH) (cont.), In situ hybridization (ISH) (cont.),

quantitative analysis (cont.), virus detection (cont.),
detection systems (cont.), comparison with other techniques, 50, 51, 55
autoradiography, 152, 153 cytomegalovirus, 36, 49
peroxidase, 155 Epstein-Barr virus,
titration, 155 counterstaining, 65
fixation, 146, 148 cover-slipping, 65
flow chart, 147 deparaffinization of samples, 63
human eye limitations, 145, 146 detection, 64
hybridization and washing, 152 oligonucleotide probe hybridization, 64
image analysis, overview, 35, 36, 49
averaging of images, 157 proteinase treatment, 63
calibration, 158, 159 washing, 64
CCD camera, 156, 157 hepatitis C virus, 36
frame grabber, 157 herpes simplex virus, 49, 50
histograms, 158 human herpesviruses, 38, 50
microscope, 156 human papillomavirus typing, 35, 36, 49, 50
regions of interest, 158 JC polyoma virus, 49
software, 159 In situ polymerase chain reaction,
thresholding, 158 application potential, 209, 210
prehybridization treatments, 149 controls, 223
probes, fixation and washes, 213, 214
chemical labeling, 150, 151 glass slide,
polymerase chain reaction, 151 preparation with Teflon-bordered wells, 210,
radiolabeling, 150 211, 224
RNA probe synthesis, 151 processing, 218, 219
sensitivity, 151–153 heat treatment, 212
single- versus double-stranded, 149, 150 hot start, 219
protease treatment, 148, 149 in situ hybridization,
ribonuclease inhibition, 33 advantages, 221
RNA localization protocols, hybridization, 222, 225
digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide probes, 46 peroxidase-based color development, 223, 225
digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes, 45, 46 probes, 222
tissue preparation, sensitivity, 221
acetylation of sections, 30 materials, 223, 224
fixation, 30 multiple labeling, 220, 221
microwave treatment, 30 nonradioactive labeled nucleotide incorporation,
protease treatment, 30 220
storage, 29, 30 proteinase K treatment, 214, 224
tyramide signal amplification, see Tyramide reaction components, 218
signal amplification reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction,
ultrastructural in situ hybridization, see Electron annealing temperatures, 217
microscopy in situ hybridization DNase treatment, 215
virus detection, primer design, 216, 217
adenovirus, reverse transcriptases, 216
biotinylated probe hybridization, 62 reverse transcription, 215, 216
counterstaining, 63 sample preparation,
cover-slipping, 63 adherent cells, 211
deparaffinization of samples, 61 frozen sections, 212
detection, 62, 63 paraffin-fixed tissues, 211, 212
microwave treatment, 61 suspended cells, 211
overview, 49 thermal cycling, 218–220
proteinase treatment, 61 validation, 223
washing, 62 viruses, 210, 223
420 Index

Intermediate filaments, tumor immunohistochem- Lymphoma immunohistochemistry (cont.),

istry, 324–327 lymphoid hyperplasia versus malignancy differ-
ISH, see In situ hybridization ential diagnosis (cont.),
CD43, 285, 286
J, K, L immunoglobulin light chain restriction, 279, 280,
JC polyoma virus, in situ hybridization, 49 283
Kallmann syndrome, fluorescent in situ hybrid- morphologic patterns, 279
ization, 98 oncogene product detection, 288–290
KBA62, tumor immunohistochemistry, 339, 340, T-cell markers, 286, 288
346, 347 markers for leukemia and lymphoma,
Laser capture microdissection (LCM), frozen sections, 279
applications, paraffin sections, 280
B-cell lymphomas, 16 overview of applications, 277
combination with other techniques, 19 phenotyping,
DNA libraries and arrays, 19, 20 B-precursor lymphoblastic lymphoma, 294
loss of heterozygosity analysis, 16, 19 large B lymphomas, 297, 298
pituitary cell gene expression, 16 lymphocyte lineage, 291, 292, 294, 296
proteomics, 20 multiple myeloma, 297, 298
receptor expression, 16 small B lymphomas, 294, 296, 297
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reac- T-cell lymphomas, 298, 300, 301
tion combination studies, 17, 18 sample requirements, 278
disadvantages, 15, 16 tissue handling, 277, 278
fixation and staining effects, 13, 14
immuno-laser capture microdissection, 14 M
nucleic acid extraction from collected cells, MART-1, tumor immunohistochemistry, 339,
DNA, 24, 25 340, 346
RNA, 26 Melting temperature (Tm),
Pix Cell instrument and operation, 12, 13, 24 calculation for nucleic acid hybridization, 31
principles, 11, 12 modification, 145
prospects, 20, 21 polymerase chain reaction primers, 186, 217
related techniques, 14, 15 MOC-31, tumor immunohistochemistry, 328,
sectioning of frozen tissue, 13, 14 345, 349
staining of sections, 23, 24 Mycobacteria, in situ hybridization, 53
LCM, see Laser capture microdissection
Leu7, neuroendocrine cell immunohistochemis- N
try, 366
Leukemia, see Lymphoma immunohistochemistry NCAM, see Neural cell adhesion molecule
LH, see Luteinizing hormone Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), neu-
Luteinizing hormone (LH), immunohistochemis- roendocrine cell immunohistochemistry,
try and tyramide signal amplification, 270 366
Lymphoma immunohistochemistry, Neuroblastoma, fluorescent in situ hybridization
acute myeloid leukemias, 305–307 probes, 76
antigen-presenting cell tumors, 307, 308 Neuron-specific enolase (NSE), neuroendocrine
differential diagnosis, 291, 292 cell immunohistochemistry, 364, 366
histiocytic tumors, 307, 308 NSE, see Neuron-specific enolase
Hodgkin’s versus non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
differential diagnosis,
classical Hodgkin’s lymphoma, 301, 302 p53, mutation detection with polymerase chain
markers, 301, 302, 304, 305 reaction, 202–204
nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin’s p80, lymphoma expression and immunohis-
lymphoma, 302, 304, 305 tochemistry, 290
lymphoid hyperplasia versus malignancy differ- PAM, see Peptidylglycine α-amidating
ential diagnosis, monooxygenase
CD5 expression, 283, 285 PCR, see Polymerase chain reaction
Index 421

Peptidylglycine α-amidating monooxygenase Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (cont.),

(PAM), neuroendocrine cell immunohis- size limitations for amplification, 195
tochemistry, 366 template DNA,
PGP9.5, neuroendocrine cell immunohistochemis- paraffin-embedded samples,
try, 366 extraction, 184–186
Phosphoglycerate-kinase 1, clonality analysis, fixative effects, 184, 185
403 storage, 185
Pix Cell, see Laser capture microdissection requirements, 182
Placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP), tumor tissue extraction, 182–184
immunohistochemistry, 329, 349 vessels for reaction, 190
PLAP, see Placental alkaline phosphatase Prader-Willi syndrome, fluorescent In situ hy-
Pneumocystis carinii, in situ hybridization, 38, 54 bridization probes, 74
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), see also In situ PRL, see Prolactin
polymerase chain reaction; Reverse tran- Proconvertases, neuroendocrine cell immunohis-
scriptase-polymerase chain reaction, tochemistry, 364
annealing step, 187 Prolactin (PRL),
clonality analysis, confocal laser scanning microscopy of tran-
amplification reaction, 411 scripts, 168–170
gel electrophoresis and silver staining of double labeling with growth hormone using
products, 408, 411, 412 immunogold,
materials, 407, 408 labeling, 400, 401
overview, 403, 405, 406 pretreatment of sections, 400, 401
components of reaction, 189, 190 specimen preparation, 400
contamination prevention, 194–195 electron microscopy in situ hybridization of
controls, 194 transcripts, 135–137
cycle number, 188, 189, 196 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA), tumor immuno-
denaturing time and temperature, 187 histochemistry, 332, 333
elongation, 188, 196 Proteomics, laser capture microdissection utiliza-
error rates, 196 tion, 20
gel electrophoresis of products, PSA, see Prostate-specific antigen
agarose gels, 190, 191
polyacrylamide, 191 R
radiolabel detection, 191, 192 Rab3A, neuroendocrine cell immunohistochem-
stains, 191 istry, 367
historical perspective, 181 RET/ELE1 rearrangement, detection in thyroid
in situ amplification, 34 papillary carcinoma with reverse tran-
in situ hybridization probe synthesis, 151 scriptase-polymerase chain reaction, 204,
kits, 196 205
p53 mutation detection, 202–204 Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction
primer, (RT-PCR), see also In situ polymerase chain
design, 186, 187 reaction,
quality, 193, 194 amplification reaction, 200, 201
principles, 181, 182 controls, 201
product characterization, first-strand complementary DNA synthesis,
allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization, 199, 200
193 in situ amplification, 34, 35
restriction endonuclease mapping, 192 laser capture microdissection, 17, 18
sequencing, 192 principle, 196
single-strand conformation polymorphism, RET/ELE1 rearrangement detection in thyroid
193 papillary carcinoma, 204, 205
Southern blotting, 192 RNA extraction,
quantitative polymerase chain reaction, 201, fresh or frozen tissue, 197–198
202 paraffin-embedded tissue, 198, 199
reagent quality, 194 ribonuclease inhibition, 197
422 Index

RNA, 1, 5 TUNEL, see Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl

amplification, see Reverse transcriptase-poly- transferase-mediated nick end-labeling
merase chain reaction Tyramide signal amplification (TSA),
hybridization analysis principles, 5, 6 antigen retrieval combination, 252, 273
laser capture microdissection sample extraction, application potential,
25 branched DNA hybridization, 121
messenger RNA synthesis, 2, 5 flow cytometry, 121
RT-PCR, see Reverse transcriptase-polymerase immunoelectron microscopy, 273
chain reaction multiple sequence targeting, 118
repetitive and single-copy DNA detection in
S cell preparations, 118
S-100 protein, tumor immunohistochemistry, RNA detection, 119
337, 339, 345, 346, 348, 349, 369 ultrastructure studes, 122
Single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP), virus detection, 119
p53 mutation detection, 202, 203 biotin-tyramide solution preparation, 125
polymerase chain reaction products, 193, 202, fluorochrome-labeled tyramide synthesis, 125
203 historical background, 113, 114
principles, 6, 8 immunohistochemistry applications,
SNAP-25, neuroendocrine cell immunohis- advantages, 271, 273
tochemistry, 367 biotinylated tyramine preparation, 269
Southern blot, polymerase chain reaction prod- controls, 269
ucts, 192, 403 double immunostaining, 273
SSCP, see Single-strand conformation polymor- endocrine pathology, 269–271, 273
phism overview, 119, 121, 267
Staphylococcus, in situ hybridization, 38, 52 principle, 267, 269
Synaptophysin, protocol, 276
neuroendocrine cell immunohistochemistry, 364 specificity, 269
tumor immunohistochemistry, 340, 341 Internet resources, 113
limitations and caveats, 117, 118
T messenger RNA detection with fluorescent in
TAG-72, see Tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 situ hybridization and radioactive probes,
Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated 127, 128
nick end-labeling (TUNEL), antigen re- nanogold combination technique, 126, 127
trieval, 265 incubation conditions, 126, 127, 273
Thrombomodulin (TMN), tumor immunohis- principles, 114, 115
tochemistry, 343 sensitivity enhancement, in situ hybridization,
Thyroglobulin, tumor immunohistochemistry, 333 115, 273–274
Thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), tumor
U, V, W
immunohistochemistry, 334
Tissue microarray, principles of analysis, 9 UEAI, see Ulex europaeus I agglutinin
Tm, see Melting temperature Ulex europaeus I agglutinin (UEAI), tumor im-
TMN, see Thrombomodulin munohistochemistry, 343, 344, 346
TSA, see Tyramide signal amplification Vimentin, tumor immunohistochemistry, 326,
TTF-1, see Thyroid transcription factor-1 349
Tumor-associated glycoprotein-72 (TAG-72), tumor Williams syndrome, fluorescent in situ hybridiza-
immunohistochemistry, 328, 329, 345, 349 tion probes, 74

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