Acca Afm s18 Notes

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Examiner’s report
F8 Audit and Assurance
June 2018
General comments
The F8 Audit and Assurance exam is offered in both computer-based (CBE) and paper-based
formats. The structure is the same in both formats but our model of delivery for the CBE exam
means that candidates do not always receive the same set of questions. In this report, the
examining team share their observations from the marking process to highlight strengths and
weaknesses in candidates’ performance, and to offer constructive advice for future candidates.
 Section A objective test case questions – here we look at the key challenge areas for this
section in the exam.
 Section B constructed response questions - here we provide commentary around some of
the main themes that have affected candidates’ performance in this section of the exam,
identifying common knowledge gaps and offering guidance on where exam technique could
be improved, including in the use of the CBE functionality in answering these questions.

There were two sections to the examination and all the questions were compulsory. Section A
consisted of three OT cases each comprising five OT questions for a total of 30 marks, which
covered a broad range of syllabus topics. In Section B candidates were presented with one
constructive response question worth 30 marks and two constructive response questions worth 20
marks each; testing the candidates’ understanding and application of audit and assurance in more

In order to pass this examination, candidates should ensure they devote adequate time to obtain
the required level of knowledge and application. Candidates who do not spend sufficient time
practicing questions are unlikely to be successful as the written questions in particular aim to test
candidate’s application skills

Section A

It was very pleasing to see that once again almost all candidates attempted all 15 questions,
across the three OT cases. Candidates preparing for future sessions are advised to work through
the past exams which are available and to carefully review how each of the correct answers were
derived. Section A questions aim to provide a broad coverage of the syllabus, and future
candidates should aim to revise all areas of the F8 syllabus, rather than attempting to question
spot. Section A in the June 2018 examination included, but was not limited to, questions on the
following areas:

 Professional ethics and application of ACCA’s Code of Ethics and Conduct

 The level of assurance provided by review engagements
 Substantive testing including testing on revenue, trade receivables and tangible assets
 Going concern
 Audit finalisation and the final review; and
 Auditor’s reports

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018

Sample questions for Discussion

The following questions are reviewed with the aim of giving future candidates an indication of the
types of questions asked, guidance on dealing with exam questions and to provide a technical
debrief on the topics covered by the specific questions selected. Candidates are reminded that
there will be a mix of application and knowledge questions in Section A and it is imperative that
they ensure their knowledge of the International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), and important areas
of the syllabus such as audit procedures and going concern is at an appropriate level.

Example 1

Which of the following statements summarise the auditor’s responsibilities in relation to

going concern?

(1) Evaluate management’s assessment of the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern
(2) Determine whether or not an entity can prepare its financial statements using the going
concern basis of accounting
(3) Remain alert throughout the audit for events or conditions which may cast significant doubt
on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern
(4) Obtain evidence to determine whether a material uncertainty exists if events are identified
which may cast doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern

A 1, 3 and 4 only
B 1, 2 and 4 only
C 2 and 3 only
D 1, 2 3 and 4

The correct answer is A.

Candidates are reminded to ensure that they understand the different between the auditor’s and
management responsibilities in relation to going concern and to ensure that they understand the
requirements set out in ISA 570 Going Concern. Statement 2, which relates to determining the
basis on which the financial statements should be prepared, is a management responsibility.

Example 2

Which of the following describes the level of assurance, which will be provided by Red & Co
following the review of the five-year profit forecast?

A Limited assurance, positive conclusion

B Reasonable assurance, negative conclusion
C Limited assurance, negative conclusion
D No assurance

The correct answer is C.

Candidates should ensure that they understand the difference between reasonable and limited
assurance and the circumstances in which each will be offered. Reasonable assurance is a high

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 2

level of assurance and should only be provided when sufficient and appropriate evidence can be
gathered. In the circumstances, which were described, the most appropriate level is assurance
was limited assurance provided through a negative conclusion.

Section B

The constructed response questions in Section B tested candidates understanding of the audit and
assurance syllabus:

- Audit framework and regulation

- Planning and risk assessment
- Internal control
- Audit evidence
- Review and reporting

Audit framework and regulation

This area of the syllabus requires; an understanding of the functions of an audit, being able to
distinguish between the scope of internal and external audit, and, an understanding of both
corporate governance and professional ethics.

Questions in this area may present candidates with a scenario-based ethics or corporate
governance question. Candidates are generally asked to identify and explain a set number of
issues from a given scenario and give relevant recommendations to address the issues identified.
An important point to note when making recommendations for ethics and corporate governance
questions is that the recommendation must be an action. Often candidates provide objectives
rather than actions. For example, for a corporate governance weakness of more executive than
non-executive directors, some candidates stated ‘the number of executive and non-executive
directors should be equal’ rather than suggesting that ‘an additional independent non-executive
director be appointed’. ‘Hurling Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2017 Questions’ is a good
scenario based question to practice the skill of explaining ethical issues and making relevant

In addition questions in this area can be stand-alone knowledge based, such as internal audit or
assurance, and do not need to be applied to the scenario provided in the question. In answering
knowledge questions it is important to ensure that an adequate level of detail is provided, as often
these questions are answered too briefly, almost in a note format. It is also important to identify the
requirement verb, as ‘describe’ or ‘state’ require completely different levels of detail to be provided.
A good question to practice internal audit is ‘Raspberry Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2018

As in all other areas of the syllabus, it is important that the candidate carefully reads the specific
requirement of the question. For example if a question asks to describe the responsibilities of the
auditor following ISA 250: ‘Consideration of laws and regulations in an audit of financial
statements’, no credit will be awarded for explaining the responsibilities of management.

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Planning and risk assessment

This area of the syllabus requires an understanding of how the auditor obtains and accepts audit
engagements, obtains an understanding of the entity and its environment, assesses the risk of
material misstatement and plans an audit of the financial statements.

Questions on assessing audit risks tend to be scenario based; the candidates having to identify
and explain the risks from a scenario and give an auditor’s response to address the risks. Other
questions in this area of the syllabus tend to be more factual knowledge based questions and
hence depend on the ability of students to recall their knowledge in the exam.

As noted in previous Examiner’s reports a fundamental factor in planning and assessing the risks
of an audit of an entity is an assessment of audit risk, and this remains a highly examinable area.
Audit risk questions typically require a number of audit risks to be identified (½ marks each),
explained (½ marks each) and an auditor’s response to each risk (1 mark each). Typically
candidates can be required to identify and explain in the region of six to eight risks and responses.

The scenarios usually contain more issues than are required to be discussed. It is pleasing that
candidates planned their time carefully and generally only attempted to list the required number of
issues. A point to note is there may be risk factors at the beginning of the scenario in the opening
paragraph, and candidates are missing these. In this session the opening paragraph of some risk
questions stated that the company being audited was a new client, which gives rise to a detection
risk. However many candidates failed to spot this.

As stressed in previous exam sessions, a significant number of candidates did not explain how
each issue could impact on the audit risk and therefore were not awarded the second ½ mark. To
explain audit risk candidates MUST state the area of the accounts impacted with an assertion (e.g.
cut off, valuation etc.), or, a reference to under/over/misstated, or, a reference to inherent, control
or detection risk. Misstated was only awarded if it was clear that the balance could be either over
or understated. Candidates who stated under and over stated when it is clearly one or the other
were not awarded credit and this scattergun approach is not recommended.

An auditor’s response does not have to be a detailed audit procedure; rather an approach the audit
team will take to address the identified risk. In common with previous sessions, auditor responses
were sometimes too weak e.g. “discuss with management”. Responses also sometimes focussed
on what management should do rather than the auditor, and/or, were inappropriate to the scenario.
Also some candidates suggested the acceptable accounting treatment such as ‘inventory should
be valued at the lower of cost and NRV’ as an auditor response. This would have gained no
marks, as it is not an approach for the auditor to adopt in auditing the risks.

‘Blackberry Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2018 Questions’ is a good scenario based question
on audit risks and responses to practice.

Audit risks and response questions can also be linked with a factual knowledge question; ‘Cupid &
Co’ from the ‘Sample September/December 2017 Questions’ or ‘Blackberry Co’ from the ‘Sample
March/June 2018 Questions’

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 4

being good questions to practice. In recent sessions candidates have not performed as well as
they could have in these factual questions. Future candidates are reminded that they must revise
all areas of the syllabus and spend adequate time learning knowledge areas in preparation for the

Audit risk questions can also be combined with a requirement to calculate ratios, these ratios then
link into the risk and responses requirement. ‘Centipede Co’ from the December 2016 exam is a
good question to practice the skill of calculating ratios and applying these to a risk and response

In addition candidates should read the F8 Technical Articles on ‘Audit Risk’ and ‘ISA 240 - Auditors
and Fraud’.

Internal control

This area of the syllabus requires both an ability to describe and evaluate internal controls
techniques and audit tests, and, also an ability to make appropriate recommendations.

Internal control questions typically require internal control deficiencies to be identified (½ marks
each), explained (½ marks each), a relevant recommendation to address the control (1 mark), and,
often a test of control the external auditor would perform to assess whether each of these controls,
if implemented, is operating correctly (1 mark). Internal control questions can also include the
identification (½ marks each) and explanation (½ marks each) of key controls as well as tests of
controls (1 mark) to assess if the key controls are operating effectively. Further, these applied
internal controls may be required to be presented in the form of a report to management, in which
case a covering letter (2 marks) is required.

Internal control questions often include a knowledge or factual requirement. In common with
planning and risk questions, these are relatively straightforward marks and candidates should be
attempting to score maximum marks. However it was disappointing to see once again in this
session that many candidates failed to score many marks in knowledge requirements. It is
imperative that future candidates ensure that they devote adequate time to learning the knowledge
areas of the syllabus as well as practicing this style of question. A good example question is
‘Heraklion Co’ from the September 2016 exam.

Internal controls questions remain a highly examinable area and performance in June 2018 was
mixed. The scenarios included in exam questions contain more issues than are required to be
discussed. In this sitting it was pleasing to see that candidates on the whole were able to identify
(for ½ marks each) an adequate number of control deficiencies from the scenario.

In common with previous sittings many candidates did not clearly explain the implication of the
deficiency. It is important the explanation fully details the impact to the company. As an example,
for a deficiency of “capital expenditure under $20,000 is being written off to profit or loss” a
suitable, well explained implication could be “the limit is too high and could result in capital
expenditure being incorrectly written off to profit or loss, resulting in understated profits and
property, plant and equipment”. Many candidates did not go on to explain the impact on the
company, in this example, that profits and assets would be understated.

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 5

Most candidates were able to provide good recommendations to address the deficiencies they
identified. However some of the recommendations were either poorly described, did not clearly
address the specific control weakness identified or were impractical suggestions. Additionally as
with ethics and corporate governance questions, recommendations must be actions rather than
just objectives.

‘Equestrian Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2017 Questions’ is a good internal control
deficiencies and recommendations question to practice.

As in previous sessions it was disappointing that candidates’ descriptions of tests of controls that
an auditor should perform were often not well explained (e.g. repeated use of the word “check”),
did not address the controls identified, or, described substantive audit procedures rather than tests
of control. In addition in awarding credit for tests of controls weak tests such as ‘observe’ do not
score as well as inspection or enquiry type procedures. For some controls it is perfectly acceptable
for observation to be used as an audit procedure, such as attendance at an inventory count.
However, for testing authorisation controls, the focus should be on inspecting for evidence of
authorisation of previous documents rather than observing an individual authorising a document
during the audit.

Tests of controls are a key requirement in internal control questions and future candidates must
ensure they practice these types of questions in advance of their exam. ‘Raspberry Co’ from the
‘Sample March/June 2018 Questions’ is a good internal control deficiencies and recommendations
and control strengths and test of controls question to practice.

Audit Evidence

This area of the syllabus requires a description of the work and evidence obtained by the auditor
required to meet the objectives of audit engagements and the application of International
Standards on Auditing.

A key requirement of this part of the syllabus is an ability to describe relevant audit procedures for
a particular class of transactions or event. Overall performance in this key syllabus area in this
exam session was once again very disappointing.

The June 2018 exam session contained a number of questions in this syllabus area covering a
variety of areas across both the statement of profit or loss and statement of financial position,
illustrating that candidates must be prepared to tailor their knowledge of substantive testing to any
area of the financial statements. In most cases candidates remain unable to tailor their knowledge
of general substantive procedures to the specific issues in the question requirements, with many
providing tests of controls rather than substantive procedures, providing incorrect procedures, or
concentrating on one type of test e.g. multiple examples of analytical review procedures. In
addition care must be taken of the type of company described in the scenario, companies providing
services will not have goods dispatch notes (GDNs) and therefore tests focusing on GDNs would
have scored no marks.

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 6

In particular care must be taken to address the specifics of the question; often the requirement is to
describe substantive procedures to address specific financial statement assertions, such as
valuation, any tests provided which did not test this assertion would not have scored any marks. A
good example to practice is ‘Dashing & Co’ from the ‘Sample September/December 2017

In addition candidates should read the F8 Technical Articles ‘The Audit of Financial Statement
Assertions’ and ‘Audit Procedures’.

As addressed in previous Examiner’s reports candidates must strive to understand substantive

procedures. Learning a generic list of tests will not translate to exam success – procedures must
be tailored to the specific requirements of the question. Additionally tests must be sufficiently
detailed noting clearly which source document should be used. A significant number of candidates
suggest tests such as ‘review disclosures’ however this would only have scored ½ marks as did
not go on to say ‘in accordance with accounting standards’. Also recommending ‘obtain a written
representation from management’ without explaining what for, e.g. to ensure
completeness/reasonableness of say a provision will not generate any marks.

A good example of a substantive procedures question to practice is ‘Gooseberry Co’ from the
‘Sample March/June 2018 Questions’.

There are many resources available on the ACCA’s website which will help you prepare and these
questions, along with other past exam questions, are one of the best ways to help you cover the
syllabus and get used to the style of the questions.

Review and reporting

This area of the syllabus requires an understanding of how consideration of subsequent events
and going concern can inform the conclusions from audit work and are reflected in different types
of auditor’s report, written representations and the final review and report.

Questions in this area of the syllabus tend to be scenario based and may require candidates to
describe audit procedures in relation to going concern or subsequent events and one mark is
available for each well-described procedure. Alternatively they can require an assessment of the
impact on the auditor’s report due to an unresolved accounting issue.

Overall the performance in auditor’s report questions this session was satisfactory with an
improvement over the previous session. Candidates are often required to discuss an accounting
issue, assess whether the error is material, consider the type of modification, if any, and lastly to
discuss the impact on the auditor’s report. Candidates are advised to ensure that they are as
knowledgeable on modifications caused by insufficient evidence as they are for material

Once again this session many candidates seemed to omit the discussion of the issue, which would
score 1 mark. In order to be awarded marks for discussing the issue candidates should not just re-
write the issue from the question. Candidates need to explain the effect of the item being
incorrectly recorded, e.g. if this results in assets/liabilities/profit being over/understated.

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 7

In calculating materiality for auditor’s report questions it is not necessary to show the workings of
how materiality was calculated as there is only ½ marks available for this. In this session mistakes
were commonly made in calculating materiality, one question required an adjustment for
amortisation to be made prior to calculating the materiality of the revised error. Very few
candidates made this adjustment resulting in an incorrect calculation. Additionally another question
had two different companies in the scenario and the auditor’s report issue related to one, however
in calculating materiality many candidates based their assessment of revenue on the wrong
company. Candidates are reminded to read the question carefully.

Unless stated otherwise in the question requirement, candidates should only include the type of
modification required if the company does not adjust for the issue in the financial statements.
Weaker candidates continue to discuss what the report will look like if the error is adjusted for and
if it is not. This is not an efficient use of time and only answers relating to if the error is not adjusted
for will generate marks.

Auditor’s reports are a core area of the syllabus and knowledge of the ISAs in this area is
imperative. Good questions to practice are ‘Airsoft Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2017
Questions’ and ‘Gooseberry Co’ from the ‘Sample March/June 2018 Questions’

Exam technique

Good exam technique is vital for success in F8. It was pleasing to see many candidates followed
the instructions in audit risk and internal control questions and structured their answer in columns.
Not only does this make it easier to mark, it makes it easier for a candidate to review their answer
and ensure they have covered all of the relevant areas, for example. it is clearer to see if a test of
control has been omitted. A minority of candidates are writing out the questions in their answer
booklet, this is not necessary as it is not marked and it wastes time.

Additionally, it was pleasing that where a question asked for a specific number of issues to be
addressed, such as risk and internal control questions, most candidates attempted to identify the
required number demonstrating appropriate exam technique and time management.

Once again it was disappointing to see that some question requirements were not attempted. This
tended to be in knowledge areas, substantive testing questions and some auditor’s report
questions. This could have been down to a lack of knowledge or exam preparation.

Candidates need to ensure that their answers relate to the scenario given. In questions requiring a
description of substantive procedures these were often too generic. Candidates need to particularly
ensure that substantive procedures and tests of control are clearly described as to exactly ‘how’
the procedure should be performed. Also an adequate number of procedures must be provided; a
four-mark question should have at least four well-described procedures to maximise the
candidate’s mark.

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 8

Word processing technique

Candidates sitting CBE questions used the word processing tools available adequately. It was
pleasing to see that the length and depth of many CBE answers was significantly expanded on
previous sessions. However please note that when answering into a pre-formatted table, providing
bullet points are acceptable, however answers must be sufficiently detailed and not note like in
order to maximise marks.

Very occasionally, the typed words in some candidates’ answers were difficult to understand as the
words were misspelt. Candidates are reminded that there is no automatic spelling checker tool
available and to try and manage their time appropriately to allow for a review of their answers
before submission. Also when reviewing answers look out for omission of key words, for e.g. the
omission of the word NOT can completely change an answer.

There are resources on ACCA’s website giving more guidance on how to use the word processing
tools. A video introducing the main functionality and how to make best use of these in F8 can be
accessed via the video an introduction to F8 CBEs.

Guidance and Learning Support resources to help you succeed in your exam

Preparing for the F8 exam can appear challenging but there are many resources available to help
you. You should refer to these throughout your studies.

You should make sure you have made use of all of the resources found under technical articles for
F8 – these include technical articles, study support videos and exam technique resources – all
developed with you in mind.

Additionally Examiner’s Reports are available after each exam session. These are a valuable tool
for understanding the exam, avoiding common pitfalls and developing exam technique. Work
through the F8 resource ‘A guide to using the examiner’s report’ if you are sitting the exam for the
first time or ‘A guide to reflection’ if you are retaking your exam. Both of these interactive tools can
be found under the technical articles page for F8. These have been developed to sit alongside the
self-study guide and the retake guide respectively, and provide you with further pointers for using
the examiner’s reports for previous sittings.

It is essential to practise as many exam standard questions as you can in the lead up to your
exam; this is critical for F8 as 70% of the marks are written. We strongly recommend that you use
an up to date question and answer bank from one of our Approved Content Providers but if this is
not possible then work through the most recent past exams on our website. However, please note
if you are using the past exams that these are not updated for syllabus changes or changes to the
exam format since September 2016 and so should be used with caution – so check the latest
syllabus and study guide for changes.

It is essential that you have a good understanding of the verbs typically used in ACCA F8 exam
questions. Take a look at the article What is the examiner asking? which sets out some of the most
commonly used verbs, and ensure that you understand how these are used in the F8 questions.

Examiner’s report – F8 June 2018 9

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