Eee Iepsamplenovember15th2012

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Essential Early Education

Vermont Department of Education

IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

School District: Some School District Annual Meeting Date: 05/19/2012
IEP Case Manager: Casey Manager Next Annual Review Date: 05/19/2013
Next 3-year Re-evaluation Date: 02-10-2014 Effective date of Revision : 09/01/2012

Child's Name: Amanda Date of Birth: May 29th 2009

Disability Category: Developmental Delay Child Count ID #: 123456
School or Program: Awesome Early Childhood Program Grade Assigned: EE
Parent/Guardian: Amanda’s Mom and Dad Telephone #: (802)555-5555
Address: Your town

Initiation and Duration of the IEP: Initiation and Duration of Extended Year Services:

05/29/2012 to 06/15/2012 07/10/2012 to 08/10/2012

09/01/2012 to 05/29/2013

IEP Team Members Printed Name/Position/Agency (check box if in attendance)

Name: Amanda’s Mom and Dad Parent(s)/Guardian/Educational Surrogate (circle one)

Name: Amanda Child (when appropriate)

Name: Al Covered Local Education Agency (LEA) Representative

Name: Olive Myjob Special Education Teacher or Service Provider

Name: Idu Tue Early Childhood Education Teacher

Individual who can interpret the instructional
Name: Tess Ting (SLP) implications of evaluation results
Other: Physical Therapist
Name: Latisha Dorsi

Others with knowledge of the child* Position/Agency/Community-based Childcare Setting

Name: Ima Smiley Lead Teacher-Community-based Childcare Program


*With parental consent, include individuals from CIS/Early Intervention if child is transitioning from EI services to EEE at age 3

Transition from Part C to Part B Data Collection

Only complete this section for children who have received Part C CIS/EI services and are eligible for Part B EEE services at age 3
Action Date written notification from Part C Transition Meeting Held Late Referral Notification Date IEP was Parental consent was
(CIS/EI)was received in district >90 days prior to 3rd B-day <90 days prior to 3rd B-day developed received (Form 6)
Date Completed 10/19/2011 02/19/2012 n/a 05/19/2012 05/19/2012

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Essential Early Education
Vermont Department of Education IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5

Individualized Education Program

Present Levels of Educational and Functional Performance
Child’s Name: Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012
This section should provide a concise overview of the child’s current skills and serve as the basis of the child’s program
planning and service delivery for the upcoming year. Describe the child’s present levels of development across each global
outcome area including functional performance, abilities, acquired skills and strengths relative to the Vermont Early Learning
Standards and/or developmentally appropriate expectations. As appropriate, address the following areas:
Briefly describe the child, his/her interests, and how the child's developmental delay or medical condition affects his/her
access to and participation in age appropriate activities.
As a toddler, Amanda received early intervention services for through the local Part C Children‟s Integrated Services/Early
Intervention agency to address communication and motor needs. She transitioned to school based services in May (2012). At
that time, Amanda received home-based services 2 x per week as well as itinerant special education services at a community-
based childcare 2 x per week. In June (2012), Amanda was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder-not otherwise
specified (PDD-NOS). She was 3.2 years of age at the time of diagnosis. Currently, Amanda attends and receives special
education and related services in the school district‟s early childhood classroom 3 days per week for 4 hours per day. She also
attends a community-based childcare program 2 full days per week.
 Amanda has limited eye contact yet tends to use her peripheral vision when attending
 She will observe her peers from a distance. She is just beginning to initiate interaction with her peers
 She has been observed imitating her peers actions along with some words (vocal imitation is increasing)
 Amanda demonstrates a limited range of emotions in play
 Playing in closer proximity of her peers, Amanda requires an adult to facilitate peer play opportunities such as sharing or
trading toys/materials.
 Amanda‟s receptive language skills are more age appropriate than her expressive language skills
 Amanda will use signs (more, help, stop, please) on occasion to help her communicate
 Adults and peers have increased their use of ASL in some routines/settings

MEDICAL History: (physical, hearing, vision, CDC report, etc.) Briefly describe how the child‟s disability or medical condition affects
his/her access to and participation in age appropriate activities.
 Diagnosed with PDD-NOS (June 2012)
 Amanda‟s hearing was tested in June of 2012 and results were within normal range
 Amanda has mild to moderate pronation in both feet. She recently has been fitted with orthotics (dafos) to support her
mobility, coordination, stability and balance.
 Amanda‟s most recent medical examination (July 2012) report stated that she was in good health for her age. No health
concerns at this time but physician will receive progress reports from physical therapist on a monthly basis

Child STRENGTHS: Consider child‟s strengths across the three early childhood outcome (ECO) areas:
A. Social emotional skills and relationship:
 She has been observed imitating her peers actions along with some sounds (vocal imitation is increasing)

B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills:

 She is a sweet and loving girl who smiles when she is drawing, using scissors to snip and actively engaged in art
activities-especially when she has the opportunity to use glue
 Amanda uses 1-word signs (ASL) such as „more‟, „help‟, „stop‟, „please‟.
 She is curious about but may perseverate on mechanical items (cd player, radio in car, wind-up toys, items with
an on/off switch)
 She is pointing to some of her favorite pictures in storybooks
 Amanda will attend to 1 or 2 books at a time given caregiver support at preschool and at home
C. Taking action to meet needs:
 Amanda seeks out books from the book basket in the classroom and at home and will retrieve a book, bring it to
an adult, and tug on the adults clothing to gain their attention
 Amanda is using picture cards at home to support transition times and meal times
 Amanda uses 1-word signs (ASL) such as „more‟, „help‟, „stop‟, „please‟.

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education
Child CONCERNS: Consider child‟s concerns across the three early childhood outcome (ECO) areas:

A. Social emotional skills and relationship:

If behavior is a concern, has a functional behavior assessment been considered and/or conducted?*
 Amanda has a difficult time maintaining engagement with adults, peers and objects for more than 2 minutes.
 Amanda uses gestures paired with vocalizations in 25% or less of her communications with adults and peers
 Amanda demonstrates a limited range of emotions in play

B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills:

 Amanda will respond to and follow a one-step direction e.g., “put cup here” but has difficulty with
responding and following through when given a two- step direction
 When asked to identify specific objects, people, symbols/pictures, Amanda may point to a few correctly but
not all. Her response is inconsistent across adults, settings, materials.

C. Taking action to meet needs:

 Limited mobility and communication affects Amanda‟s participation and engagement with peers across daily
routines and activities.
 Amanda uses one-word/action signs (ASL) e.g., „more‟, „help‟, „stop‟, „please‟ however, her use of signs is
inconsistent across daily routines and adults

Child NEEDS: (consider and prioritize the necessary supports that adults need to incorporate in order for the child to access and participate in age
appropriate activities within a regular early childhood setting with his/her same-age peers and/or within their home environment.)

A. Social emotional skills and relationship:

If behavior is a concern, is an FBA intervention plan needed?* not needed at this time
 Amanda‟s communication and engagement with peers and adults is limited. It is recommended that daily semi-
structured play sessions are developed and implemented to increase the number of opportunities Amanda has to
increase back n forth interactions to prolong her play and engagement with adults, peers, and toys across daily
routines and activities.

B. Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills:

 Increase use of ASL during activities and tasks is highly recommended.
 Amanda will benefit from embedded learning opportunities within the regular early childhood curriculum

C. Taking action to meet needs:

 Amanda has most recently been fitted with Dafos to improve her stability for successful standing, walking and
keeping up with her peers. Implement daily recommendations by physical therapist.
 Increase use of ASL throughout daily routines is highly recommended.

OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: (safety/health; school district partnerships with community-based early childhood programs (Act 62); functional
behavior assessment (FBA)*; private early childhood programs; home-visiting; community-based child and family resources (Children‟s Integrated Services;
transportation; disability awareness; advocacy needs, etc.)

 Interagency support for Amanda‟s childcare participation? It is recommended that childcare staff apply for a
specialized accommodations grant through AHS.
 Referral to CIS for family support
Early Childhood Outcomes Considering the child strengths, concerns and needs complete an ECO culminating statement for each of the
three Early Childhood Outcome areas. ECO reporting is required upon entry and exit of EEE services.

ECO A. Social-emotional skills and relationships:  ECO B. Acquisition & use of knowledge and skills:  ECO C. Take action to meet needs: 
*Foundations for Early Learning (FEL) Functional Behavior Assessment Forms can be located on-line at www._______

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Essential Early Education
IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5
Vermont Department of Education

IEP for Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Global Outcome Area:  Building Positive Social Emotional Skills and Relationships

Please check one or more of the domain areas that you are addressing within this outcome area:
 social/emotional  adaptive  communication  fine/gross motor  cognitive skills
Current developmental skill level: (information in this section is populated from child Concerns section located on present levels page)
o Amanda has a difficult time maintaining engagement with adults, peers and objects for more than 2 minutes.
o Amanda uses gestures paired with vocalizations in 25% or less of her communications with adults and peers
o Amanda demonstrates a limited range of emotions in play
Current functional ability: (Consider how the child uses discrete skills (as stated above) ‘in order to’ or ‘so that’ it is meaningful, intentional and functional within the context of everyday activities, routines and
transitions. Focus on the child‟s engagement, approaches to learning and independence in developmentally appropriate activities across a variety of settings.)
Amanda has learned to initiate interaction with an adult or peer, at home and at preschool, by pulling their hand or tugging their clothing in order to gain their attention. Amanda may
couple the gesture with sound approximations such mm for mommy, /n/ for no, /b/ for book, etc. Even though Amanda initiates contact with adults/peers, she has difficulty maintaining
engagement for more than 1-2 back n forth interactions.

Vermont Early Learning Standards:  VELS II. 4. Interactions with Others: Children develop successful relationships with other members Progress Review
of their learning community. VELS: II 1. Children use play as a vehicle to build relationships and to develop an appreciation for their own abilities and accomplishments Progress is reported as often as the school district conducts parent/teacher conferences (on at
least two occasions) or as determined necessary by the IEP team.
Goal: 1 Amanda will take turns with another child or adult (e.g., sharing books, ball,
paintbrush or a basket of crackers) during preschool so that she is engaged during small group
activities, snack, choice time or outdoor play, or at home when playing with her sister. She will
take turns for four back-and-forth interactions at least 10 a day times for five consecutive days by
May 2013.
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Goal 1
Objective a. By November, 2012, Amanda will take turns for two back-and-forth interactions Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted behavior:
Date: Date: Date: Date: 2 back n forth exchanges
with her classmates at school and her sibling at home five times a day for five consecutive days.
Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Essential Early Education
IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5
Vermont Department of Education

IEP for Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Global outcome cont’d: Building Positive Social Emotional Skills and Relationships
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible Progress Review cont’d
For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Goal 1
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted behavior:
Objective b. By January, 2013, Amanda will take turns for three back-and-forth interactions Date: Date: Date: Date: 3 back n forth exchanges
eight times a day for five consecutive days.
Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Goal 1
Objective c. By May, 2013, Amanda will take turns for four back-and-forth interactions 10 times
a day for five consecutive days. For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted behavior:
Date: Date: Date: Date: 4 back n forth exchanges

Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.

Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials


Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education

Global outcome cont’d: Building Positive Social Emotional Skills and Relationships

Vermont Early Learning Standards:  VELS II. 4. Interactions with Others: Children develop successful relationships with other members Progress Review
of their learning community. VELS: II 1. Children use play as a vehicle to build relationships and to develop an appreciation for their own abilities and accomplishments Progress is reported as often as the school district conducts parent/teacher conferences (on at
least two occasions) or as determined necessary by the IEP team.
Goal: 2 Given an array of 5 emotion picture cards/poster (happy, sad, angry, excited, tired),
Amanda will identify her own feelings and the feelings of others by pointing to corresponding
emotion cards so that she can communicate how she feels to others as well as recognize others‟
feelings. Amanda will identify at least 5 of her own feelings and 3 feelings of others by May 2013.
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Goal 2
Objective a. Given set-up (teacher facilitated) pretend play situation with dolls, animals or peers Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted emotions include:
Date: Date: Date: Date: Happy, sad, angry, excited, tired
and, when given a verbal prompt, (e.g., “Josie dropped her cookie and look how she‟s crying, she
must feel ____.”) Amanda will respond by pointing to the emotion picture card that best
Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
represents the targeted emotion. Amanda will identify 2 out of 3 emotions of others‟ within 6
separate set-up play sessions over of a 6 week period. Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Goal 2
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted emotions include:
Objective b. Given set-up (teacher facilitated) pretend play situation with adults and/or peers Date: Date: Date: Date: Happy, sad, angry, excited, tired
and or spontaneous learning opportunity, when given a verbal prompt, (e.g., “Amanda, you are
the helper of the day! You must feel ____.”) Amanda will indicate by pointing to the emotion Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
picture card that best represents her emotion. Amanda will identify 4 out of 5 of her own emotions Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
within 8 separate set-up play sessions over an 8 week period. demonstrated.
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education

IEP for Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Global Outcome Area:  Acquisition and use of new skills and knowledge

Please check one or more of the domain areas that you are addressing within this outcome area:
 social/emotional  adaptive  communication  fine/gross motor  cognitive skills

Current developmental skill level: (information in this section is populated from child Concerns section located on present levels page)
Amanda responds to and follows a one-step direction e.g., “put cup here” but has difficulty in responding to and following through given a two- step direction
When asked to identify specific objects, people, or symbols/pictures, Amanda may point to a few items correctly but not all. Her response is inconsistent across adults,
settings, materials.
Current functional ability: (Consider how the child uses discrete skills (as stated above) ‘in order to’ or ‘so that’ it is meaningful, intentional and functional within the context of everyday activities, routines and
transitions. Focus on the child‟s engagement, approaches to learning and independence in developmentally appropriate activities across a variety of settings.)
During preschool activities and at home, Amanda requires reminders from adults, a model or physical guidance to follow through with a 2 step direction. She tends to observe her peers
and uses their cues in order to know when to transition from activity to activity or steps within a task. Even though Amanda is highly motivated and interested in picture books she tends
to have a few favorite books. When asked to locate a certain picture/character on a page, if it is not one of her favorite pictures/characters she tends to turn the page quickly in order to
locate her favorites. In addition, if her favorite books are not readily available she becomes increasingly upset and is not able to make another choice.

Vermont Early Learning Standards:  VELS III Children develop skills in listening and in understanding language. Progress Review
Progress is reported as often as the school district conducts parent/teacher conferences (on at
Goal 1 Amanda will respond to and carry out simple two step verbal directions so that she can least two occasions) or as determined necessary by the IEP team.
follow individual as well as group instructions in the classroom and at home over the course of
her daily routines 4 out of 5 opportunities per day over a 6 week period of time by May 2013.
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Goal 1
Objective a. During routine activities, Amanda will respond and carry out a simple two step Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4
Date: Date: Date: Date:
direction given by an adult (e.g., “Amanda, pick out a book and sit on your carpet square”) with a
physical prompt (e.g., taking Amanda‟s hand or placing hand on Amanda‟s shoulder.) 3 out of 5
Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
times per day over a three week time period by Jan 2013. And without physical assist 4 out of 5
opportunities per day over a six week period by May 2013. Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education

Global outcome cont’d: Acquisition and use of new skills and knowledge
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible Progress Review cont’d
For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:

Goal 1
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted include:
Objective b. Given small group learning activities, Amanda will respond to and carry out 4 out Date: Date: Date: Date:
of 5 simple two step direction involving a specified sequence with different objects (e.g., “first take
a cracker and then pass the basket to your friend” or “turn the page and point to the big cow” or Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
“carry the crate of blocks with ___ and take it to the circle rug” or “find the „A‟ for Amanda and Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
then stick it on the magnet board”) 3 times a week for a six week period of time by___. demonstrated.
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education
IEP for Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Global Outcome Area:  Taking Action to Meet Needs

Please check one or more of the domain areas that you are addressing within this outcome area:
 social/emotional  adaptive  communication  fine/gross motor  cognitive skills
Current developmental skill level: (information in this section is populated from child Concerns section located on present levels page)
Limited mobility and communication affects Amanda‟s participation and engagement with peers across daily routines and activities.
Amanda uses one-word/action signs (ASL) e.g., „more‟, „help‟, „stop‟, „please‟ however, her use of signs is inconsistent across daily routines

Current functional ability: (Consider how the child uses discrete skills (as stated above) ‘in order to’ or ‘so that’ it is meaningful, intentional and functional within the context of everyday activities, routines and
transitions. Focus on the child‟s engagement, approaches to learning and independence in developmentally appropriate activities across a variety of settings.)
Amanda has a mild gross motor delay which tends to make her shy away from participating with her peers during group music/movement activities, accessing play structures and
equipment, and moving from one activity to another in the classroom as well as outdoors. Amanda uses some sign such as „more‟ to ask for crackers during snack or “help” to ask for
assistance when hanging her coat on her cubby hook. Some of her peers will help Amanda locate and put on her boots, hat and mittens so she can be ready to go outside to play with

Vermont Early Learning Standards:  viii Progress Review

Progress is reported as often as the school district conducts parent/teacher conferences (on at
Goal: 1 Amanda will independently maneuver in the classroom (avoiding obstacles such as least two occasions) or as determined necessary by the IEP team.
tables/chairs/bookshelves/toys/etc.), on play structures and across surface changes (indoors and
outdoors) in order to keep up with her peers in the classroom and during routines and activities
by May 2013.
Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Objective a. Amanda will independently walk across surface changes (carpet to floor, thresholds,
grass to pavement, pea stone to curbing, woodchips to sand, etc.) without stopping or falling on 8 Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Targeted activities/areas include:
out of 10 occasions over a 4 week period of time by January 2013. Date: Date: Date: Date: Classroom: carpet to floor, door threshold
Outdoors: grass to pavement, pea stone to curb

Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.

Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Vermont Department of Education
IEP for Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Global outcome cont’d: Taking Action to Meet Needs

Short-term Objectives, Benchmarks, Evaluation Procedures and Personnel Responsible Progress Review cont’d
For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
Goal 1
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Target play structures include:
Objective b. On the playground, classroom, or in the gym, Amanda will independently climb up Date: Date: Date: Date: Target behavior include:
and down on a variety of targeted play structures (classroom loft, set-up obstacle course, outdoor
jungle-gym, slide, etc.) on 8 separate occasions over a 6 week period by May 2013. Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials

Goal 1
Objective c. Amanda will combine two movements (marching, side-stepping, animal walk, walk For review of this outcome/goal and progress monitoring data,
we, the team, have evidence that demonstrates the:
backwards, tip-toes, jumping forward, balancing on one foot) during group time music, action
Review 1 Review 2 Review 3 Review 4 Target play structures include:
songs/games and movement activities on 8 out of 10 opportunities over a 6 week period of time by Date: Date: Date: Date: Target behavior include:
May 2013
Child’s skills in this area are not evidenced.
Child’s skills are emerging but inconsistently
Extra objective example--Amanda will avoid 3 obstacles/people in her path as she walks from demonstrated.
one area of the classroom to another or on the playground Child’s skills are progressing and being
maintained across some
Extra Goal example—Coupled with some vocalizations, Amanda will use sign language (more, The child has mastered this outcome/goal
across multiple settings/adults/peers/materials
help, stop, all done, go, etc.) to communicate her needs and wants more clearly when making
requests of adults and peers during meals, self-care routines, and when moving from one activity Comments:
to another at home and school 4 times a day on 5 separate days over a 6 week period of time by
May 2013.

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Essential Early Education
IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5

Individualized Education Program

Special Education Services, Related Services, Consent to Bill Medicaid
Child’s Name: Amanda IEP Meeting Date:05/19/2012
The IEP team determines the special education, related services, and supplementary aids and services based on peer reviewed research, to the
extent practical, that are needed for the child to receive FAPE.
Init End Group
Special Education Services Date Date Freq Time Location Provider Size
(Per each service row, please check one or more ECO area/s &
developmental domain/s being addressed )

ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 1x 45 EC Office ECSE N/A

Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 per minutes
Service: Case Management week
ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 2x 30 Out of ECSE Direct
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 per minute classroom 1:1
Service: Early Childhood Special Education week session
ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 5x 60 Early Ed ECSE Large
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 per minute Classroom group
Service: Early Childhood Special Education week session
ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 2x 45 Early Ed SLP Direct
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 Per minute Classroom 1:1
Service: Speech/Language Therapy week session

Init End Group

Related Services Date Date Freq Time Location Provider Size
ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 1x 60 Out of Physical Direct
Dev Domain/s:SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 per minutes classroom Therapist 1:1
Service: Physical Therapy month
ECO A ECO B ECO C 5-29 5-29 1x 180 ECSE Physical Consult
Dev Domain/s:SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 2012 2013 per minutes Office Therapist
Service: Physical Therapy month

Init End Group

Extended School Year Services Date Date Freq Time Location Provider Size
ECO A ECO B ECO C July August 2x 180 Early Ed ECSE group
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 10 10th per minutes Classroom
Service: Early Childhood Special Education 2012 2012 week
ECO A ECO B ECO C July August 2x 60 Early Ed SLP 1:1
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 10 10th per minutes Classroom
Service: Speech/Language Therapy 2012 2012 week
ECO A ECO B ECO C July August 1x 60 Early Ed PT 1:1
Dev Domain/s: SE Adapt Comm Cog F/G Motor 10 10th per minutes Classroom
Service: Physical Therapy 2012 2012 week

Parental Consent to Bill Medicaid

As the parent/guardian, I give permission  or do not give permission  to the school district to bill Medicaid for the eligible
services listed above. This permission also allows the release of necessary special education records to a physician or nurse
practitioner in order for him/her to reach a determination that the services are medically necessary; as well as to individuals
within the Department of Education and the Agency of Human Services charged with processing Medicaid bills for those
services above that are considered medical services under Vermont Medicaid rules. I understand that if I refuse to consent, my
refusal will not affect the school district’s responsibility to provide these services to my child at no cost to me. I understand that
I may revoke this consent at any time and, if I revoke this consent, it will apply to billing for services from that date forward.

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Essential Early Education
IEP ~ Ages 3 through 5

Individualized Education Program

Early Childhood Educational Environment/Placement
Child’s Name: Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

Describe the child’s early childhood educational environment/placement:

LEA placement and responsibility: Amanda participates in an inclusive school district early childhood education
classroom 3 days per week for 4 hours each day. Her services are provided within this setting.

Amanda‟s family needs full day childcare 2 days per week. The family receives childcare subsidy to offset tuition
costs. At this time, Amanda does not require special education or related services in this setting.

An explanation of the extent, if any, to which the preschooler will not participate with same age peers in a
regular early childhood setting: N/A

The general characteristics of the child’s early childhood education environment/placement (ages 3-5):
Child is attending a regular early childhood program 10 or more hours per week.
and receives at least 50% of their special education services in the regular early childhood program
□ and receives at least 50% of their special education services in some other location
Child is attending a regular early childhood program less than 10 hours per week
□ and receives at least 50% of their special education services in the regular early childhood program
□ and receives at least 50% of their special education services in some other location
Child is not attending a regular early childhood program and receives special education services in:
□ a separate special class
□ a separate school
□ a residential facility
□ their home
□ the service provider’s location or another location

Accommodations, Modifications, Assistive Technology and/or Supplementary Aids

Identify environmental accommodations, curriculum modifications, supplementary aids, assistive technology etc.
that will support the child’s access to and participation in a regular early childhood setting and/or in age appropriate
 Develop and implement a visual picture schedule, choice board and first/then board across prioritized
routines, tasks, settings
 Incorporate ASL into targeted daily routines/tasks
Program Modifications/Supports for the Child, Preschool Personnel and
Parents as well as Other Options Considered by the IEP Team

Identify the program modifications, supports and training that will be provided for preschool personnel and family
to implement the IEP:
 Team will meet on a monthly basis to discuss Amanda‟s progress and develop intervention plans with
classroom teacher for upcoming weeks.
 Team members and family members will participate in 6 week ASL training beginning October 10th 2012.

Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

Early Childhood Outcomes and PreK (Act 62) Assessment
Data Collection and Reporting

Child’s Name: Amanda IEP Meeting Date: 05/19/2012

PreK (Act 62) Assessment and Early Childhood Outcomes Reporting

(please check appropriate box or boxes)

For VT DOE reporting purposes, the IEP team has For VT DOE reporting purposes, the IEP team has
determined that the child’s annual progress will be assessed determined that the child’s annual progress will be assessed
using the GOLD (required statewide PreK assessment using an alternative assessment measure e.g., Battelle
measurement) Developmental Inventory (BDI); Trans-disciplinary Play-
based Assessment (TPBA); Assessment, Evaluation and
Programming System (AEPS), etc.

Early Childhood Outcomes Entry, Exit and Progress Data Collection

Outcome Area Entry Annual Annual Exit Progress

* Review Review * at exit?
*EEE Entry a. Positive Social Emotional Skills 2 
Date: 05-19-12
b. Acquisition and use of new 2 
*EEE Exit knowledge/skills
Date: c. Taking action to meet needs 3 

Amanda's Outcome Progress Summary






Form 5: VT DOE EEE IEP July 1, 2012

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