WBCS Prelims 2000 (Eng Ver) Question Paper
WBCS Prelims 2000 (Eng Ver) Question Paper
WBCS Prelims 2000 (Eng Ver) Question Paper
9. In deep thought
(A) Ponderous (B) Pensive
(C) Philosophical (D) Perturbad
13. ‘Gravity’ can mean ‘the pull of the earth’ and also
(A) Fear (B) Thickness
(C) Seriousness (D) Fame
14. ‘Lay off can mean ‘to stop from working’ and also
(A) To go on strike (B) To leave alone
(C) To spread out (D) To go to sleep
16. The two boys fell ____ but soon became friends again.
(A) away (B) Down
(C) In (D) Out
19. Friendly
(A) Thick (B) Thick and thin
(C) At Loggerheads (D) Conjoint
20. Tightly
(A) Highly (B) Thickly
(C) Fast (D) Heaped
21. In the process of vulcanisation which two of the following are heated
(A) Rubber and Sulphur (B) Latex and Sulphur
(C) Rubber and Steel (D) Rubber and Lead
22. The weight of an iron ball on earth is 12Kg. Its weight on moon will be
(A) 18kg. (B) 9 kg.
(C) 12 kg. (D) 2 kg.
25. The closest distance at which a normal person can see an object clearly is
(A) 10 cm. (B) 50 cm.
(C) 80 cm. (D) 25 cm.
28. A ballon filled with hydrogen bursts on reaching high altitude because.
(A) Presure inside ballon becomes less
(B) Presure inside ballon becomes more
(C) Surface of the ballon gets melte
(D) It is a natural phenonmenon
34. In 1775 a scientist experimentally showed that air consists of two gases. The
name of the scientist is
(A) Preistley (B) Laboisier
(C) Darwin (D) Davy
46. Which one of the following is not a fundamental right under the Indian
(A) The right to equality (B) Theright to liberty
(C) The right to property (D) The right against exploitation
47. In the aftermath of Pokhran-II, economic sanctions were imposed on India and
Pakistan by the Government of
(A) The United kingdom
(B) The United States of America
(C) The Republic France
(D) The Russian Republic
49. For developing its missile programme, Pakistan has been assisted by
(A) China (B) The USA
(C) Iran (D) Saudi Arabia
55. In the 13th election of the lok Sabha, the contest on the Amethi parliamentary
constituency was between Mrs. Sonia Gandhi arid
(A) Mr. Mulayam Singh Jadav
(B) Mrs. Sushma Swaraj
(C) Mr. Sanjay Singh
(D) Mr. Arun Nehru .
57. Kapil Dev has been appointed the Coach of the Indan Cricket Team as a
successor to
58. During the World Cup (1999). the highest runs were seored by
(A) Steve Waugh (B) Sourav Ganguly
(C) Rahul Dravid (D) Mark Wqugh
59. Which one of the following Countries did not join the Euro?
60. The almatti Dam issue has brought Karnataka on a collision course with.
(A) Kerala (B) Andllrapradcsh
(C) Timil Nadu (D) Goa
63. The international boundary between India and Pakistan passes through.
(A) Gujarat, Rajasthan, Panjab and J & K
(B) Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujarat
(C) Punjab and Rajasthan
(D) Punjab and J & K
65. Wich one of the following countries has a presidential form of Government?
(A) India (B) Bangladesh
(C) France (D) The United Kingdom
66. The KOSOVO Liberation Army was set up to figth the forces of
(A) Russia (B) Yugoslavia
(C) The UN (D) NATO
68. Identify one of the following countries that has a monarchical form of
(A) Egypt (B) Jordoh
80. The medieval Indian Brahmin spiritual leader who had Hindus & Muslims as
his disciples was
(A) Ramdas (B) Chaitanyadeva
(C) Tulsidas (D) Kabira
82. The Muslim sant of medieval India worshipped by Hindus & Muslims was
(A) Kabira (B) Nijamuddin Aulia
(C) Salim Chisti (D) Shaik Qutubaddin
84. Who said, “Hindus & Muslims are pots of the same clay”?
(A) Nanak (B) Kabir
(C) Chaitaanya (D) Tulsidas
99. Lines Joining places with same total transport cost are called
(A) Isotims (B) Isodapane
(C) Isochrones (D) Isopheths
106. Lowest point of the Earth’s land surface lies ___ below sea level,
(A) 396 m. (B) 282 m.
(C) 1200 m. (D) 120 m.
111. The largest permanent migration,of the Indians outside the country in the last
century was associated with
(A) Brain drain (B) Petro dollar revolution
(C) Sugarcane plantation (D) Robber and plantations
122. The Voting age was redued from 21 years to 18 years by the________
Constitution Amendment Bill.
(A) 45th (B) 59th
(C) 61 (D) 56th
125. From the point of view of dignity, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha is equivalent
(A) Central Minister
(B) State Minister
(C) Chief Justice of a High Court
(D) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
126. Taxes on income other than agricultural income shall be levied and collected
by the Government of India under Article of the India.
(A) 268 (B) 269
(C) 270 (D) 275
128. Member of the Union Public Service Commision retire at the age of
(A) 60 years (B) 62 years
(C) 64 years (D) 65 years
131. The powers and responsibilites of the Panchayati Raj can be reviseed by the
(A) President (B) state Government
(C) Governor (D) Central Government
135. Under the chairmanship of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Planing Commission was
formed in the year.
(A) 1949 (B) 1950
(C) 1951 (D) 1952
141. Who, among the following was elected President of the Congress in 1907?
(A) Dadabhia Nauroji (B) Rashbehari Ghosh
(C) Motilal Nehru (D) S. N. Banerjee
145. who, among the following did first unfurl the flag of revolt of 1857?
(A) Nana Sahed (B) Tantia Topee
(C) Rani Lakshimi (D) Mangal Pande
149. The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was established in.
(A) 1951 (B) 1920
(C) 1925 (D) 1930
150. Rani Gaidiiu, a revel leader against the British was from
(A) Manipur (B) Tripura
(C) Nagaland (D) Assam
152. Who, among the following was never a leader of the Swarajya Party?
(A) C.R.Das (B) Motialal Nehru
(C) Lala Lajpat Raj (D) C. Rajagopalachari
153. The tribal revolt against the British Known as ‘Ulgulan’ was organised by
(A) Korra Mallya (B) Ranade
(C) Birsa Mumda (D) Konda Dora
154. The Congress President who conducted negotiation with Cripps in 1942 and
Wavell at the Simla Conference was
(A) Jawaharlal Nehru (B) Abul Kalam Azad
(C) J. B. Kripalani (D) C. Rajagopalachari
155. The Partition of Bengal was revoked by the British Government in.
(A) 1911 (B) 1941
(C) 1971 (D) 1919
159. Who, among the following, was the protagonist of India National Conference
in 1876?
(A) Surendranath Banerjee (B) Dwarkanath Tagore
(C) Dadabhai Nauroji (D) Ram Gopal Ghosh
160. The first Newspaper which was published in India was titled
(A) The Bengal Gazette (B) The Calcutta Chronicle
(C) Bombay Heral (D) Madrass Courier
165. There is number series with a missing term shown by?. Select the missing
term from among the given alternatives.
336, 210,? 60,, 24
(A) 200 (B) 120
(C) 180 (D) 90
166. A number series is given with one wrong term. Identify the wrong term from
among the alternatives given.
1, 2, 6, 15, 32, 56, 92.
(A) 1 (B) 16
(C) 32 (D) 92
168. In a code, every letter of the alphabet is replaced by some other letter. A
possible code for the word TITANIC is
169. A set of Venu diagrams is given along with a group of words. Identify the
correct diagram to represent the group. Books, Bengali. Books, Novels.
173. There are four problem figures drawn in a particular sequence. Select the
answer figure that should come after the problem figures
(A) 4 (B) 5
(C) 6 (D) 8
181. A and B together have Rs. 79 C has Rs. 49 less than what A and B together
have and B has Rs. 9 more than C The amount a has is
(A) Ks. 40 (B) Rs. 30
(C) Rs. 28 (D) Rs.20
182. A man, after selling oranges to three purchasers, found that he had a rupee
worth left; if he had sold 5 more oranges to each purchaser he would have
only 3 left. The rate of his selling is
183. After measuring 80 Hsstrfes , f rape it was discovered that the measuring
metre was 2 centimetres too long. The true length measured is
(A) 81 m 60 cm (B) 80m 60 m
(C) 82 m (D) 82m 40 cm
184. The sum of two numbers is 45. If their difference is 5, their G.CM is
(A) 10 (B) 15
(C) 5 (D) 2
185. 8 horses and 20 sheep eat the grass of 7 hectares in a certain time and a house
eats as much as 4 sheep. The area of grass which will feed 10 houses and 24
sheep for the same time is
(A) 8rr hectares (B) 8 hectares
(C) 8 TT hectares (D) 9 hectares
187. The area of the square which has-the same perimeter as rectangle, whose
length is 48m and iss 3 times its breadth is
(A) 1000 sq. m (B) 1024 sq. m
(C) 1200 sq. m (D) 1600 sq. m.
188. The area of a room is 273 sq. metres. Hd the length of the room been longer
by 5 metres the area would have been 338 sq. metres.The length of the room
(A) 11 m. (B) 31 m.
(C) 41 m. (D) 21 m.
189. A garrison of 1200 men is provisioned for 60 days. After 15 days, 300 men
leave the garrision. The remaining provisions will last for
(A) 45 days (B) 60 days
(C) 75 days (D) 30 days
191. A cistern can be filled by a pipe in 3 hours, and it can be emptied by a waste-
pipe in 2 hours; if both the pipes are opened when the cistern is full, the time
in which it will be emptied is
(A) 5 hrs. (B) 5 hrs.
(C) 5 hrs. (D) 6 hrs.
192. If 28 men do i of a piece of work in a week and then leave it, the number of
then leave it, the number of men who must be engaged to finish the work in
another week, is
(A) 6 (B) 5
(C) 10 (D) 4
193. A and B can do a piece of work in 10 days; A alone can do it is 20 days. The
time in which B alone can do it, is
(A) 20 days (B) 10 days
(C) 15 days (D) 25 days
194. A labourer, who works on six days and takes rest on Sunday, earns Rs. 2.62 a
day; supposing that the 1st of January 1927 was a Sunday, the amount of his
earnings during the year is
(A) Rs. 817.44 (B) Rs. 850.48
(C) Rs. 890 (D) Rs. 812.50
196. Certain number of barrels of same size are to be filled with 720 liters of
coconut oil and 450 liters of mustard oil without mixing the two oils together.
The least number of barrels required is.
(A) 13 (B) 18
(C) 15 (D) 20
198. A man buys a certain number of oranges at 20 per rupee and an equal number
at 30 per rupee. He mixes them and sells them at 25 per rupee. His loss per
cent is
(A) 5 (B) 4
(C) (D) 4
199. A man sells an article at a loss of 20%. If he had sold it for Rs. 50 more he
would have gained 5%. The cost price of the article is
(A) Rs. 250 (B) Rs. 300
(C) Rs. 200 (D) Rs. 180