Airotor and Connections

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Handpiece Connections/

Connections pour pièces

à main
Handpiece Connections/ Connections pour pièces à main

Table of Contents
Dalhousie University ................................................................................................................1

McGill University .....................................................................................................................2

Université de Montréal ............................................................................................................3

University of Alberta ................................................................................................................4

University of British Columbia ..................................................................................................5

University of Manitoba .............................................................................................................8

University of Toronto ............................................................................................................. 11

Western University ................................................................................................................ 12

Dalhousie University

 5-hole configuration
 Bulb located in the handpiece tubing
 Voltage output at the handpiece is a fixed 5.5Vdc


 Standard 4-hole connection

 Non-lighted
 No coolant spray

Note that although use of fibre optics is recommended, a 4-hole handpiece will function on the 5-hole

McGill University


Although use of fibre optics is recommended, a 4-hole (non-bayonet style) handpiece will function on the
6-hole connection.

Université de Montréal
The highspeed handpiece and lowspeed handpiece have the same connector. It is a 6-pin fiber optic

Les connections pour pièces à main à haute vitesse (turbine) et pièces à main à basse vitesse (tours
lents) ont la même configuration. Il s’agit d’un coupleur à fibre optique de 6 trous (6-pins fiber optic

University of Alberta
This clinic has been designed to primarily support electric handpieces but does have one 6-hole tubing for
air turbine handpieces. It is not equipped with 2 air turbine tubings and therefore cannot have both
slowspeed and highspeed air turbine handpieces attached at the same time. In order to change between
a slowspeed and a high speed air turbine handpiece, it is necessary to physically detach the first
handpiece and install the second handpiece.

It is recommended that all participants use electric handpieces that have an ‘e’ style connection.
Arrangements can be made with the University of Alberta to use 2 electric handpieces. No rental fee will
be charged but the University of Alberta will require a deposit.

University of British Columbia

Universal connector of the handpiece hose from our Planmeca dental unit. Two piece hoses that can
connect to highspeed and slowspeed handpieces, one at each chair.

Either 4-pin slowspeed or 6-pin highspeed handpiece can be connected to the hose. Most 4-hole hand
pieces will connect to the 6-hole connector.

The picture below shows a typical 4-pin gasket The picture below shows a typical 6-pin gasket
(or connector if you want to) for the slowspeed for the highspeed handpiece.


Each UBC dental unit has one integrated foot control that operates the instruments:
 To operate the instrument, just push the pedal to the right or left. Pushing the pedal will increase
the speed or power of the instrument.
 The power output will appear on the console display and the normal range is 5-100%.
 To stop the instrument, just release the pedal and let it return to the central position.
 The button on the top of the foot controller is not in use.

University of Manitoba
Although use of fibre optics is recommended, a 4-hole (non-bayonet style) handpiece will function on the
6-hole connection.

University of Toronto
University of Toronto has Kavo Environment dental units. Each unit has two high-speed (HS) fiber optic
6-hole handpiece connections and one slow-speed (SS) non-fiber optic Midwest style handpiece

The slow-speed handpiece connection has no water and cannot be used with a high-speed handpiece.

Although use of fibre optics is recommended, a 4-hole (non-bayonet style) handpiece will function on the
6-hole connection.

Western University



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