Returning To Light... Expand Your Consciousness by Akahi 75 Page - 8 Days

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Akahi Ricardo Salas

Returning to Light - The 8 Day Consciousness Transformation

Copyrights©Ricardo Salas. 2017

All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a re-
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photo copying, recording or otherwise without the author's prior written permis-
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For those ready for human and spiritual evolution; for those
who want to empower and illuminate others with the flame
of their hearts,

For those who have the courage to go beyond the limits of the
mind and society, and discover within themselves the divine
energy that sustain them.

For those who trust in the intelligent miracle of life.


This book will help you find your Superconscious Self

Disclaimer: reader is recommended to discern this information in the
most beneficial way possible for the individual.

This book is not intended to substitute the medical advice of

physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in
matters relating to his/her health and particularly with re-
spect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical

Before beginning any new exercise program it is recom-

mended that you seek medical advice from your personal phy-

The information in this book is not intended to encourage the

reader to stop eating or drinking, or fast and any changes in
diet should be conversed with professional nutritionist and
physician. Techniques of Energy nourishment are not in-
tended to substitute the nutritional value of food.

With this disclaimer the author of this book, is released from

liability due to misuse of the information it contains. The

Introduction: cial media platforms he is now the world authority on Pranic
Nourishment and Breatharian with fifteen years of personal
food-free experience.

He has traveled and taught more than five thousand people in

20+ countries around the world. His Energy Feeding work-
shops and 8 Day Pranic Breatharian Method will open your
understanding to a newly developed and comprehensive way
of energetic nourishment. It is a platform to bring together
logical and spiritual minded people from all over the world to
experience the evolution of consciousness and the complete
regeneration of their bodies and bio-energy systems.

Akahi Salas is revolutionizing the concept of consciousness

This book contains the amazing story of Akahi’s spiritual evo- across the world, transforming perceptions and changing lives
lution. From the early stages in which he was initiated as a for the better. This guide will take you across the groundbreak-
spiritual guide by a Shaman of the Bolivian Andes in South ing state of food-freedom and energetic nourishment through
America, to the years after when he found enlightenment the world famous Akahi 8 Day Pranic Breatharian Method.
through the breatharian process of energetic nourishment,
and how he began to teach all over the world.

This fascinating book explains Akahi’s exciting approach to

Pranic Living Practices and Initiations. The teachings and en-
ergies embedded on this book open and clear our energy fields
and energy channels, and induce greater currents and higher
frequencies of subtle energy in our light bodies.

Akahi Ricardo has been sharing Pranic Nourishment work-

shops and leading retreats since 2009 since then the work has
been published in a variety of media outlets including CNN,
Yahoo news, The Sun, as well interviewed in television and so-
C HAPTER ONE she was a devoted member. with them I learned that there’s a
creative energy that originated all things. She also had an in-
Returning to Light tuitive awareness of each person’s energy. We’d run into
friends or someone in the street and stop to chat; later, she’d
say, did you feel that person’s energy? At first I didn’t but
gradually I became aware of how people transmit energy.

As a child, I began to discover the creative energy, I’d write po-

etry. I felt Gods love and my heart was filled with a fresh and
playful devotion. It was effortless. At one point they asked me
to share some of it in church. I was very nervous but managed
to do it. The loving response, the applause and smiles from
Since my childhood in Ecuador, before moving to the United the other devotes, charged me with more faith and believe on
States, I recognized that we all come with gifts. We all have tal- a divine and intelligent source of energy that was manifesting
ents that we are here to develop. And when I was kid, some- on me in a artistic way.
how the knowingness of creative energy flowing through me
was very present. I knew that I, like every being, have my own After having lived in Guayaquil from the age of six until
gifts and talents, and if I continue through my life exploring eleven, with my family we returned to my birth city, Quito, the
my gifts, I will experience the life that I want and that I was capital of Ecuador.
born to live.
At 15, I really wanted to continue as artist and encouraged my
How did I come to have this awareness at such an early age? parents to homeschool me and pursue my learning and artis-
My mother recognized even before I was born that I was un- tic career independently. This was difficult for them to accept,
usual and when I was a child she treated me differently. She especially my dad. It took some time and months before they
was more free with me. She had trust in me. She gave me accepted my decision. But my dad saw my determination. He
more space to be myself. saw me pursuing my talents, painting, writing music, and play-
ing electronic instruments, every single day. When I finally
My dad was by religion Christian while a student of Metaphys- got their permission, I felt a huge relief. I had permission to
ics and Hermetic Teachings ,while my mother was also Chris- be myself. I knew I’d be a better human being if I followed my
tian. I’d accompany my mother to her Christian church, where true path.

I wanted to be an artist, to be a conduit of Art and Creative En- son from her. Yes, I was ready. I realized that Art is infinite
ergy and I trusted to allow for this energy to guide me and and multidimensional. I can have a life as a painter!. It
shape my destiny and life, I believed on art as a way to con- changed my life entirely. She was the gate keeper to gave me
nect with the inspiration and intelligence of my soul. immense confidence.

I began writing reggae and rap music, at 17 created my first I continued to paint at home and outdoors. He taught me how
band, of which I was the vocalist. My friends were from the to exhibit and sell. I like to paint in front of people, they would
States and we came together through music. stand around and watch me paint. Groups of people at a time
would watch, finding it fascinating. Someone would buy the
We recorded our first cassette—remember those?—in 1996.
painting at the end. I was making good money, selling lots of
One of the guys had set up a studio in a bedroom of his home
paintings every day as well connecting with people for custom-
and that’s where we recorded. I started managing bands, find-
ized painting and jobs.
ing locations for their concerts, and make money to live inde-
pendently. I felt I was living my path. I also realized I could do this any-
where. I started traveling throughout my country and exhibit-
I was living in an artists’ neighborhood of Quito, which is a
ing in galleries, restaurants, farmers’ markets and literally any-
very multi-cultural city. There I met a Chilean painter and
where possible. Then I realized I could go anywhere in the
traveler who used spray paint cans to create extraordinary
world. At this point I had a thriving business, painting murals
paintings. He invited me to watch him and learn from him—
and decorating hotels and restaurants.
how he used color and planes. He was inspiring and I decided
to try it. I bought supplies and started to practice. Since then I Suddenly the spiritual call happened! I was ready for the next
fell in love with painting, and practiced every day, first at level of awakening.
home and then in the park. People would watch me and ask
I began to question myself and the world around me, Who I
am really?, What is my true purpose of life?, What I have to
I had no intention of selling my paintings then. I saw myself offer to the world?,
as a beginner, still learning. A lady wanted to buy a painting
The Power of Giving
and I said, no, I’m not a professional. I’m just practicing. She
said, it’s beautiful. How do you know you’re not a profes-
sional? Please sell it to me. I had no idea how to price it. I was
so happy to receive her money, and I learned an important les-
I felt the call to use my art for something greater then making Go paint! and from the art something extraordinary will hap-
money, to discover my true purpose not only as an artist but pen!. So I started painting on the tourist beaches and selling
as an human being, the connection with my spiritual force. my work as well decorating with murals all sorts of commer-
cial business. I kept repeating to myself: “I have power. The
I knew there was something amazing awaiting, I decided to
power is the art, the talent, the creative energy.
embark in a new and long travel and to free myself from the
exhausting rules and limitations of society and the embedded I kept traveling and had many magical experiences.
attachment to money. I became aware of my believe system
I was drawn to visit the historic Inca sanctuary at Machu Pic-
and patterns that where unhealthy and negative, and under-
chu, in Peru, to experience this sacred space and its fabled
stand that in order to become the best human being possible,
beauty. I took a bus to Cusco, high in the mountains. There
I have to use the experiences of the travel to learn new things
was a moment when we were above the clouds, so far up in
and reinvented myself.
the highlands of Peru that it seemed I could see the sun face to
In the next weeks I gave away all my possessions, said good- face. It was so exciting, I saw the indescribable beauty of na-
bye to my parents, and set out to travel. I took a bus to the Pe- ture and the immense power of Mother Earth, it was majes-
ruvian border. I had money in the bank, a debit card in my tic!.
pocket, and lots of confidence.
The faces of the local people fascinated me. Strong sun dark-
The next morning, the bus rolled into Peru. A new adventure ened skin with Inca like facial features. Different from any I
had begun. I stayed in a small town of withe sand combined had ever seen. People conscious of the energies of the Cosmos
with golden sunsets and surf called Mancora, Two days later, I and the Earth.
ran out of cash and headed to the ATM. I was stunned to dis-
Cusco is in an ancient, hidden valley, sacred to the Andean cul-
cover that my debit card didn’t work outside my country.
ture. It’s in the Peruvian Andes, and is the historic capital of
What to do now? I had less then $10 in my pocket including the Inca Empire. It’s a bright, beautiful city which draws trav-
coins. The first thought, Should I go back to Ecuador? As I elers and tourists from all corners of the world.
tuned in to my inner self to comprehend that I needed to be
Walking barefoot in hidden ruins, breathing the clear air, bath-
stronger, there will be challenges as well joys in the path, eve-
ing in the river, I felt nature was inviting me to receive her im-
rything that was happening was perfect and accepted as part
mense power. I was being baptized in the waters of nature. I
of the journey, I reject the idea of going back to Ecuador only
for money and instead a strong inner voice told me. Go do art,
felt cleansed and pure and healed just by being in these tourists. All sought to discover the Sacred Inca Temple and
places, walking from one to the next. power of Pacha Mama. Pacha Mama, the Earth Mother, is a
goddess revered by the indigenous people of the Andes.
My next adventure took me to Lake Titi Kaka, the biggest and
highest lake in South America by volume, on the border be- I could see deep into the water, it was so clear. We landed on
tween Peru and Bolivia. I had heard many stories about this the Island of the Sun, on the Peruvian side. The island had no
lake, within which are the Island of the Sun and the Island of electricity, no cars, no streets, no machines.
the Moon, each with its own ancient temple for the Inca’s. All
I felt as though I was in an elf town. The stone houses were
my travels seemed like preparation for getting to know this sa-
very small, with straw roofs. The doors were tiny and so were
cred lake.
the rooms. The paths were made of island stone. There were
The bus arrived in the very early, freezing cold morning. We certainly no hotels. The only way to stay there was to be
slept on the bus, which was the only warm place, and waited hosted by a local family. They cooked over a fire, simple foods,
for the sun. It was so cold that the edge of the lake was frozen. potatoes, corn, fava beans.
At 5 am the sun rose out of the lake. We were so high up, it
My hosts were an old family with one son. The elder of the
seemed as though I could touch the clouds just above my
family piloted the boat and carried my very heavy backpack.
He was incredibly strong. He led us down a stone path to his
The lake was so vast, it seemed like an ocean. The local people tiny Hobbit house made of rock and adobe. The straw roof con-
seemed very small to me. They had dark skin, strong faces, sisted of many layers of mud and straw.
and strong bodies. They were Inca people, the original Andean
It was freezing on the island at night. We’d gather in the tiny
kitchen and sit by the fire in silence. It was calm and peaceful
Until now I had traveled to countries where they spoke Span- and we listened to the water. They spoke a language unknown
ish, and I had felt right at home. Here they spoke a different to me, but we managed to communicate the essentials. Theirs
language I didn’t understand. I was treated as a foreigner and is the language of contemplation.
sometimes as a gringo for the first time ever, because I looked
They lived by the guidance of nature, waking and going to
sleep, planting and harvesting according to what nature com-
The twin-engine boat traveled four hours into the lake. It was municated to them. They read nature the way we read books.
packed with people and animals, food and plants, locals and
I’d watch the kids running around and playing, healthy and When you see the Island of the Sun from an special angle, you
free. They were amazed to see a foreigner, someone who see its shape as a dragon resting over the water. It made me
looked and dressed differently. I found myself observing think of stories I had read and heard as a child, stories of
rather than interacting. Mount Olympus and the Greek gods. It was as if this place was
the repository of all the mystic histories of the world, includ-
In addition to my martial arts practice, I had been doing tai
ing the story of the Inca ruler Wuaina Capac emerging from a
chi and chi gong. I would run on the island, climb the rocks,
rock on the island.
then sit there and breathe deeply, feeling tremendous energy
coming into my body. I was receiving the power of the lake To walk in that place and feel the power of Pacha was transfor-
and feeling its sacredness. The air was different, holding an an- mative. Pacha refers to nature, to the power of the cosmos.
cient message. It was pure bliss to feel the power of nature
I climbed the steep stairs carved in the rock, part of the ruins
with each breath—an indescribable experience.
the island is famous for. There were channels for water. Fresh
I heard Pacha Mama’s voice in the air, whispering, calling me spring water flowed from the rocks at the top of the ruins, re-
to go deeper into discovery of the sacred water of the lake, in- freshing those who made the climb. It was a two-hour hike up-
viting me to bathe and be baptized. hill.

The next leg of my journey took me to the Bolivian side, to the Instead of heading back where I had come from, I went down
city of Puno. From there I took the bus to Copacabana, a multi- the other side, where few tourists ventured. The people there
cultural port city which drew many tourists who had heard the spoke some Spanish. I met a local who told me the history of
history and legends of these ancient civilizations, Lemurians, the place. He rented me a room in his traditional home. It had
Atlantis, Tiawanakus, Incas. a beautiful garden and was 20 meters from the lake. This was
my dream.
I continued to exhibit and sell my paintings, but my focus had
changed. I became more aware of my mission, which was to My body started to adjust to the rhythms of nature. I woke at
apply what I had learned on the sacred island and discover the sunrise and went to bed when I felt the evening chill. We
mysteries of natures’s intelligence and spirit. cooked over a fire. Some nights we’d make a fire and sit out-
side and watch the stars. They were unbelievably bright and
To that end, I soon headed back to the lake in the early morn-
so close it was like if I could touch them. This was partly be-
ing, this time on the Bolivian side. After a four-hour ride, I
cause of the high elevation and partly because the lack of elec-
saw the dragon. First only the tail, and then the whole dragon.
tric lights in the island made them more visible.
I was lucky to meet a Chilean archeologist who had come to Peru, and Ecuador. Following the call of Pacha Mama, I
the island to study the rocks. He took me to see what he had learned about sacred plants, and how to use them as medi-
found on previous trips: huge rocks, four feet in diameter. cine.
They were like puzzle pieces that formed a dragon shape. One
In a small Bolivian town, I camped by the river, writing music.
was the head, with what looked like a carved dragon face. You
There I met a shaman, called Waira or Viento an Amauta or
can see platforms and pillars of rock under the clear water,
Priest of the Andean Culture and Cosmo Vision, who sold all
which recall the lost Atlantis civilization.
kinds of medicinal plants and fruit in the market. He was the
I enjoyed taking my mattress outside and falling asleep on the Shaman of spiritual plants. From him I learned about the cac-
shore of the lake. My body got used to swimming in the freez- tus of San Pedro or Agua Colla. I asked him the best way to re-
ing cold lake. I felt so free, at one with nature. I no longer ceive healing and positive insights from the spiritul plants, as
needed a hot shower to enjoy what was in front of me. I they called them with respect, thinking he’d tell me to do so
learned to enjoy hard nature. I felt more deeply connected to under the guidance of a shaman. Instead, he said, just go and
prana, to nature’s tangible energy. connect. Talk to the earth. Talk to the plant. Ask it for what
you want to experience. The plant will respond when you expe-
My diet was changing. Eating the island’s simple vegetarian
rience it. Connect with it in your own way.
fare cooked over a fire, I found my connection to food chang-
ing as my consciousness grew. It seemed to me that for the He empowered me to stay close to my true self and not de-
first time I could tap and appreciate the magnificent beauty of pend on other people. On the Altiplano, the Bolivian high-
nature and not feel separated from it. Being in the sacred air lands, I walked the hills and forests. They were full of the cac-
and water showed me how people of the earth live and commu- tus.
nicate and receive the message of nature.
One cactus captured my attention. I felt that was the cactus I
Leaving the island was like leaving a piece of my heart behind. was supposed to prepare the medicine with. I spent the rest of
But I also took something new with me. I knew I had to con- the day with it, and camped by its side that night.
tinue on; this was only a step of my journey, only the begin-
The next day, to experience the medicine of this sacred plant,
I offered a prayer and cut off a two-foot branch. I rolled it in
At the lake, my spirit awakened to the call of nature, and I my jacket, put it in my backpack, and brought it to my little
wanted to know more about the wisdom it holds. After my is- garden apartment in town. I asked the Amauta in the market
land experience, I traveled through Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, the best way to cook it and prepared the medicine, then
cooked it over a fire all night. I slept soundly by the fire, in the humanity to make of my life a tool to catalyze other people
innocence of discovering something new and not knowing awakening, inspiration or Art.
how it will end.
So "From now on, I'm going to stop taking and I'm going to
At sunrise I went back to the forest and drank the medicine , start only giving." And that is when I decided to completely
there I prayed, felt connected to the earth. I felt safe, immerse surrender to the flow of creative energy and to sharing my art
in a kind of a subtle energy that relaxing me, it opened my and my talents with kids.
eyes to begin to see the good things of life and the present mo-
While working with kids, my consciousness was evolving.
ment that I was in. Walking in the forest with no expectations,
Sharing the gift of art and seeing the kids’ talents being awak-
my senses and perceptions sharpened and lifted. I could see
ened gave me playfulness, great joy and love. It was so uplift-
energy in all things. I saw the earth breathing and everything
ing and so rich for my spirit. At the same time, I was getting
energetically alive. That’s what the plant wanted to show me.
more deeply in tune with myself.
There seemed to be a translucent glow around my hands. The
plant expanded my senses and consciousness very gently, as if While I was in Ecuador in 2005, I discovered the Shamanic
knowing who I was. Ceremony of the Sweat Lodge, which is also called Temazcal.
For this ceremony, we go inside the womb of the mother earth
I was in love with what I saw, in love with nature, in love with
to sweat, to sing, to pray for healing and for helping the planet
being alive in a different country and culture. The plant
and all the things that we want and wish for humanity. The
opened me to the newness of life.
first time I participated in a Temazcal, it made me aware of
While traveling in Bolivia, I learned the beautiful and ancient my own fears. I was in this closed dome like cabin, sweating a
culture indigenous to that country, their living codes, the abun- lot. Everything was extremely hot and dark. A lot of feelings
dance, the grace of giving instead of taking. It is so connected surfaced as well my mind began to to create all kinds of
with the earth, connected with the cosmos, connected with the thought and excuses. “I'm going to die.” “What am I doing
simplicity of living. The beautiful people I met along the way, here? This is so hot.” I just wanted to escape! By feeling those
in tune with nature, were the key to my awakening. They had emotions within me, I became aware that there was some kind
come to me for a reason. of fear within me. And I realized within, " I see the fear now."
And instead of hiding from the fear, I reached that strength
They had come to awaken in me the will to become a giver in-
within me to face it, to face the fear. So being in this hot space,
stead of a taker. I felt so inspired to give something valuable to
I was able to calm down all this fear, and just breathe slowly,

breathe consciously. I prayed for healing within the womb of lifting their spirit with a smile, with the energy we radiate. It’s
mother earth. At the end of the ceremony, I felt very powerful, an art that makes you humble, because you can’t exhibit it.
very strong within myself, physically and spiritually. And
By traveling with the sweat lodge through Peru, Bolivia, and
somehow I felt that this was my next step, that this was what
Ecuador, sharing with many groups, I was able to see people
life was inviting me to participate in now.
healing, their eyes becoming so bright, their skin glowing with
So I stayed in Ecuador in this beautiful town called Vilca- the empowerment they received. And for me it was empower-
bamba or The Sacred Valley of Longevity. I had a beautiful ing, uplifting, and rich to see that and to be the person who
friend who was a shaman from Chile his name is Miguel. He was helping it happen.
used to lead the sweat lodges. Because I was there and I
I continued traveling. In addition to offering art workshops
wanted to experience and continue growing, he invited me to
for kids, I was teaching and guiding the sweat lodge ceremony
participate and help him in the creation of the ceremony. So I
for adults. So every full moon, we would share a run a lodge.
became the guardian of the fire, taking care of the fire for the
While holding space for other people to heal, and putting a lot
sweat lodge. Being in this environment with people who come
of passion and love into that, I felt that I was experiencing the
to heal and to pray and to be connected with the earth, helped
evolution of my consciousness.
me get ready to take the next step and become somebody who
could create healing for groups. Meeting My Wife
I stayed in this town for two years, practicing constantly, be- After more travels, girlfriends, painting, and learning, I
ing in the sweat lodge, and learning the little details and what headed back to my home country, Ecuador. By day I was an
it means to be somebody who holds a space for other people artist with a booth in the touristic market, and by night I did
to heal. After receiving this gift and this knowledge, I decided fire dancing performances at a restaurant that catered to tour-
to travel again through South America, this time sharing the ists. Fire dancing was a form of meditation for me, a way to
sweat lodge ceremony and the art of healing. connect with the element of fire. It was powerful and magical
to feel fire’s powerful energy spinning around my body, the
I became a Medicine Man*
concentration on the fire and the synchronic of the flame with
It seemed that, for me, the physical art of music and painting my body movement, after every show I ended feeling like a
was transformed into a non-physical art, the art of healing, an- warrior of Light and Fire, vibrating, it was more than perfect
other realm of spirituality. There is art that you see and touch, and fun work out.
and art of another realm, the art of empowering people, of up-
The night I met Camila, I was so focused on my performance happy she would be. She accepted me. We connected very
that for a while I didn’t know she was there, right up front, deeply, and quickly became very close. We were in love.
watching me. When I turned and saw her eyes, I immediately
After coming together and exploring love in ways that where
felt an electric current in my skin. That two-second eye con-
unedited. We traveled on teaching art to kids and did sweat
tact was powerful and electrifying.
lodges and explored the world of spiritual plants together and
In that moment, my whole life changed. ultimately did the 21-day Process together. We met in 2005
and got married in 2008.
Beautiful! Camila was pure light, innocence, and perfection.
After the performance I approached her, and we interacted I believe that because I was ready, because I was in a specific
very briefly. The next day, I was walking along the ocean as state of consciousness, from which I could receive this new
usual when I saw her coming. Once again, I felt the electricity. state of living in light, the Pranic Breath Airian Process came
We didn’t speak, but I sensed that we were on the same path. knocking at my door.

I had planned to go to Quito and see my mom. I packed my

stuff, said goodbye to my friends, and got on the bus. After we
had traveled ten blocks, a voice within my hearth told me not
to go. I got off the bus and went back to my hotel. My friends
laughed to see me come back. I was confused. Should I follow
my feelings? What was my destiny?

So I went back to the beach in a state of unknowingness, and

looked up at the sky. Two beautiful birds were coming from
the right. Another bird was flying along from the left. The two
met the one. One of the two joined the one. The remaining
one went on alone. That was the message that came to me
from nature. My separateness was leaving me so that I could
connect with a new person. This was my path.

I went looking for Camila to tell her what I felt, to ask for the
opportunity to show her how much I could love her and how
C HAPTER TWO At the beginning, it took me two days to understand the con-
cept and to actually allow my feelings to arise. The Concept of
The Light Process Came Looking For Me
feeding the physical body from cosmic energy instead of food
could be a revolutionary idea at the beginning, but as much as
I though it it seems logical that human beings can absorb en-
ergy greater quantities of photonics light from the Sun and
natural sources like plants and other living thing in the Uni-

It was in accordance with what I have learned when practicing

Taekwondo, Tai Chi and Chi Kung, one of the practices with
my sensei was to breathe consciously and expand my senses
I was in Sorata Bolivia, Renting a riverside house with a farm to perceive the energy around me.
that contained peaches, chirimoyas, corn, tomatoes, potatoes
fava beens and more, at the same time Camila and I where It’s not enough for the mind to understand, I started to feel
building an ecological house intended to be given as a commu- what that might mean for me. And also to realize that it was in
nity center for the children of the town it was a round house front of me, having come unexpectedly to my door.
made of adobe and natural resources of the same area.
So this lady rented a room very close to where I was living.
One day of the summer 2007, Hari, a woman from Argentina And she invited another person who had already completed
came knocking on the door, and she told us she was looking the Process to come and take care of her while she was doing
for a place to undergo or to do her 21-day Process of living on her 21-day Process.
light. I was intrigued and asked about it. Basically, She told
me that it was a Process to purify the body and its energy as
well to learn how to nourish the body on Prana, the possibility Victor Truviano, the man who doesn’t eat or drink at
for the body to recalibrate and take advantage of another all.
source of energy that can enhance its overall health and spiri-
tual growth. And by taking in this energy, the need for food de- I was very curios to meet Victor, Hari told me extraordinary
creases. stories of him and that he was not eating and drinking for one

The day they arrived I felt as an amazing pure energy has six months of preparation, I ate only fruits and drank only
landed on the town and property we were staying, Hari was so juices. And when the time came for the Process in March of
exited and wanted me to meet Victor. 2008, I was completely ready for it.

After I meet Victor over flowing energy we had many uplifting For the first seven days I did not eat or drink anything. And
conversations, as well I was able to see them, to see her doing then for the next 14 days I drank only water diluted fruit
her 21 Day Process that includes seven days of dry fast, to pu- juices. During the Process, somehow the hunger disappeared.
rify the deep toxins of the body, drinking nothing at all and The hunger started to fade away. What this Process did to me
eating nothing at all, and after it fourteen days of drinking was very transformative. For example, I experienced a lot of
very thin juices. From my home nearby, I was able to feel the emotional healing, because I was able to face my fears very
field of energy within them, through them, through that Proc- clearly, including the fear of death; because in those seven
ess. I was in such a respect for this being to come and share days of not drinking, I feel like, "I'm not going to make it.” I
the existence of the process with me. And I said to myself, experienced many fears and was able to face them.
"This has landed in front of me. I'm going to take the opportu-
In the fifth day of this dry week, I was feeling very uncomfort-
nity and try it for myself." I decided to experiment by doing a
able with my body. There was a lot of deep detoxification. I
four-day experimental Process on my own. That was one day
was mentally, emotionally, and physically detoxing. I was very
of dry fast not drinking or eating anything and three days of
weak and uncomfortable. My breath was shallow. My heart-
drinking juices as well I went on giving permission to myself
beat was very intense. I felt that I was dying. I literally felt my
to feel something new and different, I practiced meditation,
body dying. And I didn't know how to stop the feeling. I didn't
breathing, Chi kung and movements that can help me feel the
know what I could do to reverse it because I was so deep into
My own process to connect with Prana Energy
I went to my bed to try to sleep, but I couldn't. My heartbeat
I did this experiment with myself, and I felt so good during was so fast, pumping through my chest very intensely. My
and after. I felt so free, so clean and healed, so pure, so up- breathing was so shallow. I thought to myself, "Oh my god.
lifted, that I just fell in love with that sensation of being em- I'm actually dying." And somehow, while I was experiencing
braced by energy. I realize that the 21-day Process would be this kind of momentary death, a part of me said, "Okay. Just
my next step. I decided to do the Process after six months, to let yourself die. Don’t be afraid. You have shared your gift.
give me enough time to prepare my physical body. So in those

You have had a beautiful life. It's fine to die. Just die." And like, "Yeah, I have to breath if I want to be alive." All through
when I accepted that possibility, I physically died. that night I spent breathing and just being fully focused on
breathing, because I realized that if I wasn't breathing, I
So I felt my body slowly dying. And somehow, my conscious-
would die. So I just kept saying to myself, "Just breathe. Let
ness was still present. I was conscious that my body was dead
the energy flow trough the breath, I’m gonna be fine? Just
but I was still alive. My spiritual body was breathing and my
breathe." I just kept observing my breathing, observing that
consciousness was still alive. I had this realization that life is
something had changed, because before this, my breathing
eternal, that only our physical bodies die if we want them to
was very shallow and afterwards it was deep. It was like my
die. And then, while I was experiencing this very beautiful
breath was now connected with the universe. It wasn’t just me
state of death in which everything was light, down below me
breathing. I was breathing in synchronicity with all that
was light, above me was light, all around me was light. And
breathes. And at the same time, I felt connected with every-
there was this deep and beautiful state of comfort and safety.
thing, because I realized that everything is breathing in this
It was like feeling at home. And while I was there, I was just
universe. And as we breathe, we are connected to all that ex-
enjoying that state, and remembering that that was me, that
that was me as a soul merging with the soul of the universe. In
a moment, I received a message from this Light Source that So the next day, the sixth day of the dry week, I was feeling bet-
told me, "Just breathe." My consciousness received that mes- ter. And by the seventh day I was feeling much better. The
sage and it was transmitted to my physical body. hunger disappeared. I didn't feel hungry nor sick at all. And I
was like, " What is happening to my body?” I was surprised to
My whole being took a deep breath and my consciousness, my
feel that dramatic change in me. And somehow I didn't have
soul spirit returned to my physical body and in that moment I
any more fear. There was no fear at all in me. To me, every-
began breathing again, but it was a different breathing pat-
thing was good. I felt I just needed to continue with the Proc-
tern, relaxed, deep, It was like I reverted to something more
ess, because everything was good. And with that confidence,
basic but it was a conscious reversion into an awareness of the
that safety, and that assurance that I was a spiritual and eter-
breath. And when I was alive again, I felt my blood circulating
nal being and was, through this body, breathing that divine
through my body again. I was still cold, but I felt that some-
source of energy, I was safe.
how my physical life was starting again.
So I continued with the Process over the course of the next 14
And because the message was to breathe, and the realization
days. The hunger disappeared and a there was a lot of healing
that my actual being was made of pure divine energy I was
in my body. It was very deep healing, like a completed re-
creation and regeneration of the body. I even lost weight but I
later regained it.

And I was feeling perfect. After that Process, I felt that my life
was new, that all the past information, the past karma, the
past illnesses that my body was holding were not present
within me anymore. I felt very free, very happy. And I contin-
ued in that state.

Because I was an artist, I didn't have the responsibility of go-

ing to an office to work or following a specific routine. I had
all the free time to do what was most important for me. I de-
cided to go to another town in Ecuador where nobody knew
anything about what I had just experienced. I went to this
other town with my wife, who did the Process with me. And
the two of us were able to allow the Process to integrate com-
pletely within us.

C HAPTER THREE me what I just did, because I looked very young, fresh, and
healthy. They told me my eyes were bright. This kind of feed-
After my Light Initiation back was new to me because before this Process people used
to tell me that I looked older, which I didn’t like. But after this
Process, people started telling me that I was glowing. I, too,
saw myself as a new being, very fresh, very clean. While inte-
grating this Process through the practice of breathing, I devel-
oped an awareness that there are other realms of energy that
we can interact with.

It’s surprising how extraordinary energizing the power of the

breath is. This knowledge has been shared by the masters of
spiritual traditions in many parts of the world through the cen-
turies, in different forms. The better-known ones are the vari-
ous practices of Yoga, Tai Chi and Qi Gong.

After this first experience, my wife and I would sit facing each
other every evening with a candle between us, and practice
breathing. While doing this very short practice of breathing, I
would start to feel my hands tingling. It felt like a current of
electricity was passing through my skin and spine. It was like
pumping pulsations of energy which passed through to my

That was a very new sensation that I hadn’t explored before. I

continued to experience no hunger. Instead, I felt a lot of en-
ergy in my body. People used to see me in the street and ask

C HAPTER FOUR temperature of my body dramatically changed to cold and
then hot, small involuntary movement of muscles, bones and
Initial Contact with the Source neck like readjusting their structure, at the same time the
whole experience was pleasant, after it I felt a new kindness to
myself and everything on the planet. The next morning when I
woke up I was so happy, so blissful. My wife was beside me
and she said "Wow! You look so happy this morning, like
you're glowing. What happened to you?" And I said, "You
know, I had this dream that was so powerful." And she started
to ask me about the dream so I explained very clearly from the
beginning of the dream how it was, the moment in which
One day I was lying in bed after doing my breathing practice. I these beings came to me, what I felt in my body, and how I
was relaxing my body with the intent of going to sleep, and I saw them changing my organs, and the different sensations
felt a sort of loving energy presence. Again the electricity bub- that I felt. I also told her about the clarity I gained in my mind
bling on my skin; I felt as if it was trying to communicate with and emotions. As I explained this dream to her, she was able
me. to feel the same healing, to feel the same process in her body.
And she was also uplifted, just by hearing the story of the
When this happened I mentally said, "All of these new sensa- dream.
tions are coming to me to make me feel good. I accept these
new changes in my life. I am ready. Tell me what I need to And she told me, "You know? Maybe this is what some people
know.” I opened myself to this realm. call channeling. Maybe this is the way it’s starting to manifest
in you." For me, all of this was very weird. I had never been
Once I did this, I immediately started having different into this kind of thing. I was an artist who just wanted to
dreams, spiritual dreams in which light beings came to me. share the gift of my art. Yet, because I was accepting these
The first dream was very profound. It was like a blueprint new things, I said, "Okay, maybe that is what’s happening. I
within me. In the first dream, light beings came to me to do accept this possibility. If this is a channeling process that is
what I call etheric surgery. happening through me, I accept it." And by my accepting it,
the dreams and information became sharper, more consistent,
While drifting off into my dream, I experienced very clearly
more refined; like ideas and inspiration to create a formula, a
and energetic healing, my whole being was vibrating and the
new method, that requires less time, less danger, and body
friendly that anybody that wishes to get to know it can prac-
tice, and with comprehensive tools to take home and integrate
into peoples everyday life.

For the next months, I practiced conscious breathing as well

gazing to the Sun at sunrise everyday, while meditating on my
breathing, gradually my body learn to breathe and step-by-
step create it its own formula, when I was focus on my breath
with intensity, inhaling deeply in full lungs expansion, noticed
my body wanting to take more air oxygen and energy and my
breathing started to change from deep and slow breathing to
rapid and circular respiration pattern, became used to feel the
strong vibration and current of electricity.

At the same time that I was doing all this practices, decoding
how Prana works in the body, the ideas and inspiration kept
pouring to my mind, To finally convey in the Pranic Nourish-
ment Techniques and Pranic Fasting formula that you will
learn in the next chapters of this book, this techniques are
part of the now world famous 8 Day Process.

C HAPTER FIVE breathing sessions we did together. I could see that her eyes
were so bright and her skin was glowing. As a result of these
I received a unmeasurable gift first sessions with Camila, the techniques and teachings be-
for humanity came a part of me. That is, I integrated the ability to share
them with others. When I ran into people I knew, they would
ask me what it was that I was doing and how it felt to be living
on light. They started inviting me to give sessions, sometimes
individually, sometimes in groups. This led me to become a
teacher and guide of the science and technology of the Prana.

I came to travel the world, sharing the tools of living on light

to those who are ready to receive it.
With practice and dedication I developed very precise breath-
ing techniques that contained the steps to teach the body to
nourish on Prana.

At the beginning I didn't know how to share these breathing

techniques, The idea of living on Prana was all new at the
time. But the idea of sharing a process with groups of people
was not totally unfamiliar, since I used to share the process of
the sweat lodge.

During this time, my wife was seeing all this transformation

that was happening in both of us. She told me, "She wanted to
be the first person to receive and learn these breathing ses-
sions and techniques. “I was so ready, Yes! Let's see what hap-

So it was that with Camila I first shared these breathing ses-

sions. I asked her how she felt after each session. She shared
with me how she was in a blissful state as a result of the
C HAPTER SIX not need to depend only on food. Most of us have learned that
we get our energy from food sources. Now we can add one
Why I do this work - accepting my life more source of energy into our lives. By adding this source,
mission naturally, you will feel more balanced. Sometimes we get sick,
we get emotionally unbalanced, or we get mentally unbal-
anced, all because we don't take advantage of the spiritual
nourishment available to every living thing on the planet. We
are just so focused on the human experience that we some-
times forget the field of prana that surrounds us. We all know
what it’s like to feel lonely or to feel that something is missing
from our lives. I am certain that the missing piece is this inten-
I have been living the last nine years consciously nourishing tional connection with spiritual energy. And as we reconnect
my body with Prana, as what some call a breatharian. I also fa- with this spiritual energy, it satisfies us at a deeper level.
cilitate the Process of how to transition to being a breatharian, When we do so it always brings balance back to our human ex-
that is, a person, aware of the energy available in all elements istence, because we know, at a deep level, that we are this en-
of nature, who can intentionally increase it’s energy and nour- ergy.
ish its body and spirit off Light or Prana. My mission and vision for sharing this work is for every hu-
In this book, I want to share this Process with you. I call this man being to reconnect with this fundamental source of en-
Process the 8-Day Pranic Process and its goal is to give you ergy in a more intentional and conscious way. Those who do
the tools and experiential knowledge needed to nourish the so can bring harmony, balance, and order into their lives and
body and the soul by tapping into the cosmic energy that we the lives of those around them.
are always already immersed in every day of our lives. My vision is big. I want to actively help society reduce the
I offer these sessions to share with others the benefits I have amount of resources that we take from the earth. We are tak-
gained by using prana as a source of nourishment, healing, ing so much from the earth, because we mistakenly feel that
and opening to new possibilities. there is a lack of energy, a finite amount of resources. Most of
this activity is driven by the need to survive as humans on this
What I am sharing is the possibility of having an extra source planet.
of energy that can sustain and feed you indefinitely. You do
We search for and take energy from so many places because, it limitless energy. As you read this book, I can tell you that we
is true, humanity does needs energy. But if we access the hu- are co-creating our realities with prana. I have learned that
man free energy, an energy that is infinite, there will not be a this is an interaction, an interchange of energy. And when we
need to take too much from the earth, to use so much land, wa- are conscious of this energy, when we can see it, when we can
ter, and labor just to provide food for the world. If we found feel it, we are automatically taking advantage of it.
the tools for perfect balance to sustain ourselves more
What else is available in the air we breathe? Air holds all the
through prana and gradually less through food and water, the
thoughts of each and every being, it is like a infinitely mega
planet will be more sustainable and healthy. Over consump-
cloud that stores information. For example, the thoughts of Je-
tion of foods and excessive waist, production of GMO foods
sus, of Buddha, of Tesla. Those thoughts are still available.
among many other activities extremely damaging for the earth
Those thoughts are in the Air, that is, the energy field of the
will stop their outreach.
planet. And as we evolve to expand our senses to that informa-
Living off light or prana is a solution for the food, the health tion, we receive those thoughts, and we find the best way to ap-
and future survival issues facing the entire planet. ply them in this very moment.

The Pranic Nourishment Movement is growing fast, in 20 In our sessions, we transform that information into some-
years, a remarkable number of beings on the planet will be liv- thing very practical and easy to take home and apply indefi-
ing off the Pranic Energy. And as that happens, there will be a nitely. This practice becomes permanent over time. It is like
ripple effect, what some call the butterfly effect or a tipping riding a bicycle: Once awakened, it never fades away.
point. As more people access the light body, others will be in-
spired, because they will see the joy, the health, the brightness
in their neighbors. They will say "How are you doing that?"
And this is when we will see a tipping point and a new con-
sciousness arising across the globe.

For me, to be a Pranic Breatharian means that all the en-

ergy I receive comes from the natural world, and from within

Energy is in everything. It is everything. Right now, right here

in this moment, we are actually immersed in abundant and
C HAPTER SEVEN your own way to clean that issue with the support of the
breathing sessions, the support of the energy of the Process,
The 8 Days of Pranic Consciousness Evo- and the whole group. We support each other in continuing to
lution go deep within ourselves and recognizing what our priorities
are. Sometimes we have a cloud of thoughts and sometimes
we lose sight of what our priorities are.

We work on releasing a lot of these layers of toxic energy such

as toxic emotions. Sadness, fear, confusion, and anxiety are ex-
amples of toxic energy. Most of our emotions are physically lo-
cated in our chest because when we are living the experience,
for example, when we get scared or somebody dies or when
For every person, this Process brings a completely new aware- we experience something that is strong in our life, we are
ness of the self in which we see ourselves as beings that are ca- breathing that emotion and we feel scared. We are breathing
pable of achieving any goal, anything that we want. We can ac- that fear of something bad happening. We are breathing in the
tually slow our aging process. We can regenerate the body and moment. Our breathing changes. It's because we are receiving
keep it in that state of cell regeneration. As these amazing tech- the information of that experience through our breathing.
niques become natural to you, your body will continue in the
flow of prana, so you are always fully energized. All the emotions that we experience become part of our breath-
ing and if we don't learn the techniques to release that toxic
Even though some people have decided to eat after the Proc- energy that life brings, it can build up. Sometimes we feel
ess, they do so because they want to be free to choose what heaviness in the back, like we are holding some kind of heavy
they want. Even though they go back to eating, their energy energy. Sometimes it can close the chest so our breathing
doesn't go down. It stays high because the breathing is a dy- changes because the space for air is occupied with emotions.
namo. Honor it. Treasure it because there's only one time in With these breathing sessions that are precisely designed to
your life and the time for you is the 8 days. Only 8 days to dive detoxify the energy field and the energy body, we detoxify
within yourself. those emotions.
While diving within yourself you will encounter something When we let go of those emotions, we feel lighter. We feel hap-
that you have to purify. By diving within yourself, you will find pier. We feel connected with ourselves. We find the door of

love within ourselves. The possibility to love ourselves starts This Process helps you to let go of all those layers and pat-
to come to us. It's possible for you to love yourself. To love terns. When we do this, we can see the thought pattern and
yourself you have to let go of those layers that are covering face it. We can confront the thought pattern. Just by facing it,
your own beauty and your true nature. Layers of thoughts we start healing, because any healing starts from awareness.
sometimes cover our mind and do not allow us to see our- When you have an illness, the only way to heal it is by being
selves with respect or value. We're going to let go of all of that. aware of it. The same thing happens with our mind. We be-
We let go of all those layers that are blinding us and don't let come more conscious of ourselves. We become conscious of
us see our true potential. how we interact with the light and the kind of information we
project into the world. When we do this we are evolving our
It is also for the evolution of our consciousness. It's about liv-
ing life utilizing the most advanced technology in the world.
This is the future of humanity. We are bringing the future to The same is true with our emotions. When we engage in this
these times. By doing so, we are shrinking the time it takes for Process we become aware of our emotions. What kinds of emo-
humanity to evolve. tions are we holding? What kinds of feelings are we holding
within us that are attracting certain experiences to our life? By
The information I give you in the 8-day process is beyond
releasing layers that are blinding us to other potentials, we
books and beyond reading. All that I tell you, I have learned
can start the healing. We're going to break through this, and
and experienced on my own and through traveling around the
let the prana float with those emotions and naturally relax and
world, sharing the Process. 

let the layers fade away. You'll become conscious of what
kinds of emotions you carry within you. By becoming con-
For example, we have awakened to be able to see how our scious of your emotions, you gain the freedom to choose what
mind processes thoughts. We learn to be observers of our emotions you really want to have in your heart. That is the evo-
thoughts. Sometimes when you are aware of your mind, you lution of consciousness. You have become conscious of the
will find out why your life is not going the way you want. way you process your emotions and what emotions you pro-
Maybe you will have found a thought pattern that is attracting ject into the world to attract people and experiences to your
things to your life that you do not want. Sometimes we are not life.
conscious of the thought pattern, or we are conscious but we
The same is true in regard to spirituality. Many people think
don't know how to stop it.
spirituality is based in illusion. In reality, experiencing the evo-
lution of consciousness in a spiritual way means letting go of
those layers that do not let us see our own light, happiness, or How is it possible that a human system can go eight days with-
consciousness. By letting go of those layers we can see our- out eating and have more energy than it did before? It goes
selves as energy bodies and as energy beings. We recognize against all predicted medical findings. It breaks all the rules.
our soul as an energetic aspect of ourselves and we become That's the beauty of the Process. It is not about starvation like
aware that we are energy beings. That is the evolution of con- the 21- day Process or others that focus on fasting. There is no
sciousness in a spiritual sense. fasting in the 8-Day Pranic Breathing Process.

When you see yourself as a spiritual being you can also see Those three days in which we don't drink is not a fast. It is an
every being in the world as a spiritual being. As a result, you opportunity for us to be fully immersed in prana. In those
become more compassionate. You become more connected three days we can feel how prana is able to nourish us through
with everyone else. You become someone who wants to help conscious breathing. The breathing that we do energizes us.
and give to the world. You have awakened your consciousness People realize, "Okay, I'm not eating, I'm not drinking, but the
to see that each being has the same potential that you have breathing is actually energizing me and I can finish my day
and to learn to accept everybody the way they are and to without drinking, just by breathing." That's a new awakening
honor each person the way they and to honor the planet the and a change of the whole mindset. That's the empowerment.
way it is. We learn to see spirit in everything. The spirit of all That's the transformation that this Process brings in three
things we can see because we have recognized our own spiri- days.
tual aspect as energy bodies. That is the evolution of conscious-
This Process recharges your internal battery. Imagine that you
ness. We become conscious of our true potential.
have a battery. Your battery is getting a little bit low because
The same is true of the physical body. By being conscious of it’s been working hard for years. The breathing sessions bring
the body we learn what kind of information and memory our so much prana into the energy body that it recharges the bat-
body holds. We learn to love our body, to take care of our tery to its full capacity again. A fully charged battery means a
body in a more refined way. We can learn to appreciate this long life. Your life becomes longer because you have more life
vessel, this vehicle of energy that is our body. We can learn to force in your body. After the Process, when you take the
see our body not only as a human body, but as a tool, as the ve- breathing techniques into your life, you are constantly re-
hicle of our spiritual knowledge. We can learn to see our physi- energizing yourself and recharging your battery.

cal body as an opportunity for us to discover the diversity of
life. Opportunity abounds for us to experience joy in the diver-
sity of life and to grow in that joy.
As you open your mind to understand the Process, you realize and thoughts connected with eating calm down and are re-
it’s a lot more than what it seems to be. It goes far beyond the leased through the breathing that we do at the same time.
aspect of not eating. It goes beyond Breatharianism. The 8-
There is also something very interesting that happens to the
day Process uses breatharian techniques to take it to the
physical body in those three days. In the Process you are re-
Pranic State. The pranic state is the state in which you have
leasing a lot of toxic energy from the body, mind, emotions.
merged with prana in all aspect of your existence. You are not
That toxic energy has some weight, so you will lose some
focused on eating or not eating, because of a sense of been
weight. You will not only lose physical weight because there is
nourished by Prana all the time. That's irrelevant. You have
the weight of your emotions, held in your cells, that are being
passed that phase to the state of oneness with prana.
One thing I now share in the Process that wasn’t part of it
The standard overall amount of weight that you can lose is be-
years ago is what I call the Pranic Frequencies. I have learned
tween three and ten kilos, depending on each persons body
how to feel prana in my hands. Something similar to Reiki, for
and muscle mass and fats. After the 8-day Process you will
me, the air becomes tangible to our hands and we can feel the
gain it again but what you gain is healthy weight. Healthy emo-
energy of the air in our hands. We can use it to heal our own
tions. Healthy thoughts. The interesting transformation of the
bodies and others’.
body to become a body that lives on light happens in day
This as another form of nourishment. It is an amazing addi- three, four and five of the 8 day Process; it's because while we
tion to the Process because we can learn to control prana this are eating and drinking very little food or none, and are just
way. We learn how to use prana, how to share it, how to pro- allowing our body to feel prana, our body intelligence is awak-
ject it and heal with it. This is a tool that will always tell us ened. The body feels that there is no carbs energy and it starts
that we are connected with prana. to use its own energy because the body has stored some en-
ergy in its cells.
It's beautiful to be with like-minded people who are seeking
similar objectives and going in the same direction. Sometimes In these three days the body starts using that energy that has
by talking about it and sharing how our journey is through the been stored away. There is a moment in which the body starts
eight days, we support and empower each other to continue. feeling that the energy that is in storage starts to get depleted.
Before you run out of energy, the intelligence of the body
Most of the peoples emotions and thoughts are based in the
starts looking for other sources. The body starts looking for
foods we eat and are connected with the food activity. When
where it can take energy. It's the survival mode of the body.
we stop the activity of eating for a few days, a lot of emotions
The body wants to be alive and it starts looking for sources of that it can use. The body starts taking energy from all over the
energy. That is when, through breathing and the practices of body, it starts using its own internal liquids. The body takes
the 8 day Process, the body connects with prana. The body from those liquids only what is good for it. Given that the
takes advantage of natures energy-prana and it starts living on body holds liquids that contain toxins, the body creates a fil-
prana. That's how the body transforms to live on light. ter. It's like the most advanced filter ever. The body creates
this filter to process these toxic liquids. The body processes
The other interesting thing that happens in those three days is
them, and just takes the good things like the little amount of
that the body cleans its fluids. For example, you know that
water that is healthy, that can be filtered. The body takes it
you have a lot of liquid in your body. You are sixty to eighty
and uses it to continue being alive.
percent water. A lot of the liquid in the body contains informa-
tion. All the toxins that are being filtered are evacuated through the
urinary system. You will pee those toxic liquids. Maybe you
Researcher Masaru Emoto completed fascinating studies on
will notice that it has a stronger smell, a stronger color be-
water. Emoto photographed water crystals and showed how
cause it's actually the super-concentrated toxins of your body
the mind and intention and energy all influence the water.
being released. After this, the body is empty of most of those
Imagine your body, full of water, and all these years you have
toxic liquids. The body holds the good liquid it can use and the
been influencing your own water through your thoughts, your
rest is eliminated.
emotions, and what you radiate to yourself. If you have been
feeling unhappy with yourself, or sick, or uncomfortable, that Then the body has space to receive new liquids. It's like a
information is in your liquids. In many cases this is a reason sponge that you squeeze to release all the dirt and then you
people cannot heal. Cells are constantly healing and rebirth- bring clean water and the sponge again opens. When we start
ing and multiplying. There is no space for the cell to heal be- drinking again, the body takes the new, clean liquid and ab-
cause after the cell separates, or after the cell recreates itself, sorbs it through every cell and that is why people feel rejuve-
the environment around the cell is toxic because the cell will nated. That is why amazing healing manifests, because the
be swimming in this liquid that contains toxic information. body now has fresh, healthy fluids and all the cells are swim-
The cell cannot heal because it doesn't have the environment ming in clean fluids that create an environment for the cells to
to support healing. regenerate. Among the many amazing things that happen in
this Process, this is one of the most interesting.
In these three days that we are in absolute prana, the body in-
telligence that is not drinking starts looking for internal liquid

This has many ripple effects because body liquids contain emo-
tions and thoughts. I tell you this so you become aware of how
• You will be able to see yourself as an important piece of
you put information into your body. For example, imagine peo-
work and begin to appreciate your existence. You will learn to
ple who have stressful work. They go to the office every day.
embrace yourself and gain a deeper understanding of your be-
They have a lot of work waiting for them at the office. They
ing. You will learn to see the best of yourself and enjoy all that
have all the stress of a busy life. They eat their lunch under
you are and have. You will bypass feelings of comparison and
stress, in a hurry to get back to work, thinking unhappy
obtain spiritual satisfaction that will evolve you into a better
human being and best version of yourself.
When you're thinking, you're processing information. The
stress is part of your energy field when you are chewing and
that stress becomes part of the fluids in your body. When you • You will activate your body's ability to self-heal and put
release these liquids, you release a lot of negative emotions into practice its incredible power to enhance the neurological
and thoughts. system. You will soothe your body's systems from the core, cre-
ating an informational network that communicates freely love
and joy, inspiring lasting physical, mental, emotional, and
The 8 Day Process will benefit you in the following spiritual health.

• You will understand the true meaning of love and joy

• It will help you get rid of memories that haunt your exis- and will embrace them openly. These sensations will have a
tence and hinder the proper functioning of your everyday life. newfound appreciation for your body, mind, emotions, and
It will teach you the art of letting go of anything that hurts you soul and your entire being will reflect the positive energy with
and equally let go of anything not deserving of your attention an aura that establishes you as a clearer human being who is
anymore. We may refuse to confront the actual situation, but well in aware of the happenings of their life.
at a cellular level such incidents do bother us and cause us dis-
comfort. This program will help you heal any such emotion in
your life. • The possibility of living on light and focusing on whole-
some improvement and nourishment through the consistent
practice of breathing exercises especially the Pranic Breathing 1st day, Aligning the Body:  You eat your favorite fruits and
process. drink fresh juices of the same fruits in the quantity that you
The benefits of the program are documented by users from
across the world who have found peace and happiness in the 2nd day, Aligning the Mind:  Start the day by drinking very
teachings and practices of the program. It has transformed smooth fresh fruit juices; by afternoon you are drinking only
them immensely in identifiable ways, and they have been able water in the quantity you choose.
to take more defined and refined choices in life that have ulti- days 3, 4 and 5. These are the days of transformation of the
mately enabled them to improve their understanding of the body. Depending on factors like, your body weight, your
self and acceptance of a greater level of consciousness within. health condition as well the strength and age, you will go on
dry fast, no food no water, as far as you feel safe and comfort-
able and for not more then 72 hours.
How does the process work?
day 6: On this days, you will begin to slowly drink liquids, be-
ginning with water in the morning and fresh fruit juice in the
During the eight days, the conjunction of the Breathing Ses-
sions, Pranic Frequencies, Light diet, and the energetic tem- 7th day, Be Mind: Expanding your perception and senses,
plate, one connects with a higher, cleaner, more precise form drink juices made from your favorite fruits, with the colors
of ever-nourishing energy, leading you to the Pranic Breath and flavors that your body resonates with at that moment,
Airian state. The practices inspire Super Sensorial Activation teaching your body to create a new and healthy relationship
and the channeling of Light information. The 8DP syncs your with food and to ingest from the space of non-necessity, play-
mind, body, emotions and soul into authentic Mastery by fulness, enjoyment, and pleasure.
keeping the body light, balanced and focused.
8th day: On this day, Observing the benefits of your Process,
contemplating the expansion of your consciousness and un-
derstanding and living it physically from your cellular struc-
Here is an overview of the 8-day Process: ture. On this day you are food-free to drink or eat, will drink
fresh fruit juices made from your favorite fruits, also if you
1st to 8th day: 2 breathing sessions each day, in the morning
want to feel the flavor of the food, eat fruits veggies or any
and in the afternoon. These include: Pranic Self-
kind of fresh natural food.

Superconscious Breathing Sessions of the 8 Day Proc- Instructions:

In the almost ten years nourishing my body on Pranic Energy

1: When ready you will start taking 10 deep conscious breath-
alone, I have developed a series of very precise breathing
ings, and apply the visualization technique.
techniques that help in the reprograming of the body to ab-
sorb light energy. - Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the
mouth, focusing in the air reaching all parts of your body and
In the this book I share the practical essence and the instruc-
the expansion of your chest and lungs.
tions to use the Pranic Breathing Techniques while undergo-
ing the 8 Day Process, in a new fits all version or format that - While finishing the 10th breathe you will notice your mind
makes it very easy and effortless for the body to nourish on getting quieter, now apply the Relaxation
light energy, and receive their amazing and proven benefits.

2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed, Imagine or

Morning Session 1: Akahi* Self Reprogramming pretend that your your mind or your brain is breathing, as you
Breatharian Technique inhale you feel the air and its power entering and energizing
your mind, and as you exhale every breathe continue clearing
out the overload of thoughts and toxic energy that is not
This breathing consist in a total of 40 deep and conscious longer needed, creating new space for healthy and positive
breathings that are divided in four segments of 10 breathes. information in your mind.

Before start this practice, sit or lay in a comfortable place and

body position. 3: Relaxation: 
-4 segments of 10 conscious breathings. -After finished the 10th breath, you will let your mind rest for
Segment 1: Reprogramming the Mind: in this first segment a time lapse of 30 sec to 2min.
of 10 breathes, we focus in releasing toxic energy from the
-While in the relaxation, breathe in and out naturally through 2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed, imagine that,
the nose as you inhale the air is entering into your chest and lungs,
imagine the air, oxygen, energizing and been stored in all the
-When you feel ready to finish your relaxation, then continue cells, tissues and organs of your body, as you inhale you feel
with segment 2. the air and its power entering and energizing every cell of
your body, and as you exhale every breath continues clearing
out the overload of toxic or sick energy that is not longer
Segment 2_: Reprogramming the Body: in this second seg- needed, and create new space for healthy and positive infor-
ment of 10 breathes, we focus in releasing toxic and un- mation in your physical body.
healthy energy from the physical body. 

3: Relaxation: 

-After finishing the 10th breath, you will let your physical
1: When ready you will continue taking 10 deep conscious body rest for a time lapse of 30 sec to 2min.
breathings, and apply the visualization technique.
-While in the relaxation breathe in and out naturally through
- Breathing in through the nose and breathing out through the the nose at your own pase.
mouth, focusing in the air reaching all parts of your body and
the expansion of your chest and lungs. -When you feel ready to finish your relaxation, continue with
segment 3.

- While finishing the 10th breath you will notice your body get-
ting extremely relaxed, [this is when the body releases the
overload of stress hormones from the autonomous nervous Segment 3: Reprogramming the Emotional Body: Another
system and heals by itself ] segment of 10 breaths, in which we focus in releasing toxic
and unhealthy energy from the emotional body. 

Instructions: -After finished the 10th breathe, you will let your physical
body to rest for a lapse time of 1 to 5min.

-While in the relaxation breathe in and out naturally through

1: When ready you will continue taking 10 deep conscious the nose at you own phase.
breaths, and apply the visualization technique.
-When you feel ready to finish your relaxation, then continue
- Breathing deeply in through the nose and breathing out with segment 4.
through the mouth, focusing on the air now more easily flow-
ing through your body and the expansion of your chest and

- While finishing the 10th breathe you will notice your emo-
tional state getting extremely relaxed, [ is when the emotional Segment 4: Reprogramming the Energy Body: Another seg-
body releases the overload of toxic energy caused by stress- ment of 10 breaths, in which we focus in releasing toxic en-
ful emotions and stressful life situations] ergy from the Energetic body. 

2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed,  imagine the Instructions:

Air refreshing your emotions, making you feel good now, re-
lieving you with every breath, and as you exhale, imagine
that, every breathe continue clearing out the overload of toxic 1: When ready you will continue taking 10 deep conscious
emotional energies that are not longer need it, as the breath- breaths, and apply the visualization technique.
ing continues you feel more and more empty, and when you
feel in the emptiness, then apply the relaxation and rest .  - Breathing deeply in through the nose and breathing out
through the mouth, Breathing focusing on the air through
your body and the full expansion of your chest and lungs.

3: Relaxation: 

- While finishing the 10th breath you will notice a silent ener- This breathing consists of a total of 50 deep and conscious
getic state, deeply relaxed and in this state apply the relaxa- breaths that are divided into two segments of 10 breaths and
tion. [this is when the energetic or spiritual body releases the 40 breaths, each segment will connect to the next and the
overload of toxic energy including Karmic contracts, from rhythm of your breathing will be gradually and steadily faster.
past lives or parallel lives] 
Infinite Pranic Breathing is a very powerful session to ener-
gize the body with Prana. Please go as slowly as you feel to
advance; the gradual acceleration and rapid breathing can
2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed, imagine your- take a few seconds to catch up. When done, you can control
self as a body of energy…or a human shaped battery ... and the intensity of the energy and guide it effortlessly through
as you inhale imagine your energy levels increasing, and your your body to feel the amazing enlightening energy circulating
light brighter, stronger, imagine yourself breathing an ever in- in the entire being.
creasing energy that is, and will be, permanently boosting
your battery. As you exhale every breath continue clearing Please follow the precise instructions. Only do this breathing
out the overload of toxic energy that is not longer needed. practices if you feel strong and followed all training days of
the previous days. This exercise can be dangerous, so pre-
pare well. Drink something light before you start. Don’t force
3: Relaxation:  anything. If you feeling dizzy, stop directly and try again when
you feel ready.
-After finishing the 10th breathe, you will let your energetic
body to rest for a l time lapse of 1 to 5min.

-While in the relaxation breathe in and out naturally through

the nose at your own pase.
Segment 1: Expansion of our Breathing Range: Breathe in
-When you feel ready to finish your relaxation, prepare to fin- through the nose and out through the mouth.
ish and incorporate into your natural state.
Before start this practice, sit or lay in a comfortable place and
position for as long as you practice this breathing technique.

Afternoon Session 2: Infinite Energy Breathing - Prac- in this first segment of 10 breathes, we focus in taking deep
tice Everyday and fuller inhalation and exhalations, bringing in all the maxi-
mum amount of oxygen and energy possible for your body,

and integarting and understanding a new and balanced Instructions:
breathing pattern. 
-Relax and open your mouth and throat, and breathe in and
out through the mouth 40 times, every breath deeper and
faster, do it at your own phase and rhythm and focus in to ac-
Instructions: celerate and consciously increase the flow and amount of en-
ergy though the body,

1: When ready you will start taking 10 deep conscious breath- - Breathing in and breathing out through the mouth, focusing
ings, and apply the visualization technique. in the air reaching all parts of your body and the expansion of
your chest and lungs.
-Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the
mouth, focusing in the air reaching all parts of your body and
the full expansion of your chest and lungs. 2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed, imagine that,
as you inhale the air is entering into your chest and lungs,
imagine the air, oxygen, energizing and been stored in all the
2: Visualization: With your eyes open or closed, Imagine or cells, tissues and organs of your body, as you inhale you feel
draw in your mind the symbol of the infinite “8“or the number the air and its power entering and energizing every cell of
eight, continue breathing and now visualize that one circle of yours.
the infinite symbol is the inhalation and the other circle is the
exhalation, allow for your breathing rhythm to naturally found - While finishing the 40th breathe you will have a feeling of
its own and natural pattern. your body incredibly expanded, connected with the universe
with sensations of energy circulating through your body, in-
cluding the sensation of tingling, vibration in the hands or
other parts of the body. [ is when the body has awaken to
-While finishing your 10 breathe, prepare to continue with seg-
prana and is using it for its betterment.. ] then continue with
ment 2.
the relaxation.

Segment 2: 40 Rapid and Connected Breathings in and 3: Relaxation:  The Breathlessness

out through the mouth. [ Repeat this segment two times.]

-Take one last deep breathe hold the air for 3 seconds, ex- • Better and effortless breathing
hale all the air slowly and then stop breathing, and experi-
ence the state of complete breathlessness and feel the en- • Deep Peace of mind, body, emotions and soul.
ergy circulating through your body, be with it, learn from it,
rest into it, for as long as you feel and want between 30 sec-
onds to 4 minutes. At the beginning the amazing power of the boosted energy in
the body feels incredible connection and inner peace, and be-
-When you feel ready to breathe again then you will take a yond anything experienced before, let your understanding
deep inhalation, enjoy the air in your longs and exhale, then dive into the energy sensation at its own time and naturally
continue breathing naturally at you own way and phase. your body will get comfortable to be vibrating in high frequen-
- When you feel ready prepare to finish and re incorporate to cies and completely energized.
your natural state. Energy Perception Technique - Initiation into The
- Repeat this segment one more time. Pranic Frequencies

Some of the possible symptoms of the energy flow In this energy channeling session we will activate the chakras
are: and senses in the palms of both hands to perceive what I
called the Pranic Frequencies, I will precisely guide you to a
• Amazing and strong flow of energy. estate of subtle energy awareness which you will be able to
feel the Pranic Field of Energy, this activation will make the
• Happiness, excitement non-physical energy tangible.
• Awakening, glimpse of enlightenment When the energy becomes tangible, any longer exist doubts
• Connection with the Universe and ideas of failure, the electric current that circulates
through our palms into our physical body is so powerful that
• Energy vibration in the body we immediately feel it at the beginning a gentle self still vibra-
tion, our temperature changing and organic relaxation of old
• Visions
contractions in your energy systems, magnetism, are the part
• Light and colors in the third eye area ( forehead ). of the first sensations of the the Pranic Frequencies and Parti-
cles of Light flowing in through your hands and occupying
• Light head for few seconds every cell of the body.

1: Activation_ this activation will take only a few minutes and will relax and let the energy flow trough your hands into your
will be done forever. body.

When you are ready, stand up, take 3 deep breathes, then ele- The Pranic Breathing Sessions and The Energy Pranic Fre-
vate the palm of your fully open hands to the altitude of your quencies in your hands will energize you through the 8 Days
shoulders facing forward, like holding a ball of energy, con- of the Process.
centrate your focus in your hands, like searching for a feeling.

2: Verify_ Begin to make slow motion circles with your right

palm, like cleaning a window in circular movements, and
while doing this keep your focus in your left hand fingers and
palm and perceive any different sensation caused by the cir-
cular movement of your right hand, continue for one or two
minutes, and then switch hands, and begin to do slow mo-
tion circles with the left hand and feel what happen in your
right hand.

The sensation that we are looking for is very subtle, and

lighter energy feeling in the hands, heat, cold, tingling, vibra-
tion, magnetism.

Stay with the feeling, stay with the intelligent light energy and
receive it into your being.

3: Receive_ Relax, expand your senses and perception and

rest in the energy for as long as you want.

Then prepare to finish and reincorporate.

Very often while making the circles with the palms, we can
feel also how the circular movement of the energy it mirrors in
the other hand, like if the energy that you are manipulating
with one hand is been identified by the other hand, then you
C HAPTER EIGHT together the mind, body, and soul in perfect alignment such
that all three are benefitted mutually from each other.
Understanding the terms Physical healing, Self-
love, Happiness and Consciousness Evolution Physical healing is also a lot more about the development of
consciousness and understanding the energy of the universe
and embracing it in its most refined forms thus allowing one-
self to experience what is beyond the understanding of the
human mind. It is more about maintaining mental, emotional
and spiritual well-being and achieving the highest state of
consciousness. Prayers, meditation, and embracing silence
will only help you in achieving physical healing faster. At the
cellular level, the transformation will be tremendous and will
Physical healing leave you rejuvenated. The impact is so much so that the en-
tire DNA structure also undergoes healing and repair and
Physical healing is the healing of every part of the body. It is makes you the better version of yourself.
the absorption of nutrients in the depths of the cellular struc-
ture of the body. It is where one is aware of the true state of Physical healing is often unachievable in cases when a per-
well-being and where the face can reflect perfect health and son is too negligent about himself or is surrounded by nega-
happiness. Physical healing comes with a lot of thought to tivity and not so appreciated thoughts. Physical healing also
the nutrition we subject ourselves to. The need for nutrition cannot happen when a person is not mentally strong enough
from heavy foods has been generated by out surroundings to guide himself on the right path and decide what works the
and nowhere does it reflect in our practices of awakening best for him. It is more about making the right choices for
deeper consciousness. Physical healing is also the preven- your betterment. If you refuse to see the good in yourself, no
tion of surroundings that hamper our physical and mental one else would. Only when physically you are sound, can you
state of being and the ones where the mind and body have think of embracing the higher order that controls the mind
the difference in alignment. Physical healing is the attainment and directs the soul. To put it in simple words, physical heal-
of divinity in the body and the process of treating the body ing is nothing but attaining atonement in the mortal state of
right in all ways possible. Physical healing is being aware of our existence. It is looking beyond our general life to delve in
your existence and appreciating your body that houses your a new universe of self-learning, self-love, and self-
mind. For effective physical healing, one is supposed to bring appreciation. Achieving atonement can be the major reason

why people strive to attain physical healing in its purest thoughts and fins deeper meaning of life, far beyond the one
forms. you are leading right now. You are so much more than you
can imagine. You are the hidden pool of consciousness. You
were made to be a larger human who is enlightened and has
Self-love achieved true meaning life. Understand that each person has
a different reason and purpose of existence. No one same
Self-love is the greatest kind of love. It is the first and fore- and all our stories are different. It is only when we truly learn
most understanding of self. It is where we truly become of to appreciate our differences and our uniqueness amidst oth-
ourselves and give back the same respect to our mind, body ers, that we can reach complete attainment of self-love and
and soul that they have given us since the very beginning of self-appreciation.
our existence. It is in the power of understanding the self
when you can actually the outside world. All solutions to well-
being begin from treating oneself right. One should be thank- Happiness
ful for whatever one has and must not be apprehensive of
what more could be. One must appreciate the wholesome ex- Happiness is a highly subjective term. The parameters of hap-
perience a human is in totality and must not indulge in what piness may be different for different people. It is quite under-
could be better. You have to be your own benchmark. You standable since no two people can have the same priorities,
have to understand what ignites you mind, body and soul. choices and opinions so will their happiness differ. You as a
You have to find your true calling. This is where true love be- person have to find your own source of happiness. No one
gins. True love is elf-actualization and realizing why you are can buy it for you. You have to look around and see what
important to yourself and your surroundings. There is nothing makes you happy and leads you to overall contentment with
in the world that will appreciate your existence as much as the surroundings. Find what makes your heart really de-
you yourself do. lighted. What is it that you will never compromise for anything
in life? There must be something. We all have that one thing
For no one can understand your emotions, thoughts, beliefs that makes us go content and delighted and takes us to a
and mental understanding as much as you do for yourself. place where everything appears achievable and where there
You have to clear you brains of any thoughts that hamper are no fears of losing out on anything. Our happiness is a re-
your personal growth, let of people who do not believe in you sult of positivity mixed with appreciation of whatever has
and your actions, surround yourself with friends and family been bestowed on us. Happiness can come from the very ba-
who are truly interested in your well-being and are not just su- sic sight of a puppy stealthily sleeping under the blanket of
perficially connected to you. Try to collaborate with your the mud trying to safeguard itself from the cold, happiness
can be sitting in silence for a few minutes all by yourself sand consciousness is letting go of any unwanted emotion, work-
any worries and tensions and it can also be the process of ing the best to sync all your energy to develop positivity and
generating appreciation for others improvement and being a aligning your desires with finding your true self. Conscious-
part of their happiness. ness evolution is a subtle process that requires slow and
steady inputs from our ends that club to reflect a changed
Happiness is of core importance and it cannot be neglected self. A self that is more aware, conscious and appreciative!
in any case. Happiness comes only when you are truly appre- With consciousness, evolution comes the deep understand-
ciative of your existence in whatever form it has been be- ing of the life around us and we learn to distinguish different
stowed on you. It is detaching oneself from the unnecessary elements in the surroundings and their significance to us. It is
and forming close bonds with minimalism. You do not require the state where we do not see undesirable in anything, but
fancy stuff to drive you to happiness. Happiness comes in realize that maybe that thing is not meant for us.
small things around us. For those who look for happiness in
materialistic things are sooner or later likely to lose track of One tends to develop a whole new perspective on life and
their real purpose in life and are quite likely to remain trapped does not give into judgments or opinions. It is the highest
in their incessant search for true happiness. True happiness form of calling where we are driven towards the higher pur-
is your door to achieving divine consciousness. It all begins pose in life and not just the one to merely exist and waste our
from here and it will all end with you attaining peace, calm lives. We are so much more than mechanical systems run-
and the true state of happiness. You will be able to see aston- ning on fuel and water doing daily activities in the most mun-
ishing changes in the way you perceive things and soon you dane way possible.Consciousness development calls for
will be able to differentiate the good from the bad and keep dedication, willingness to be out there and realizing that it will
only those things that help you develop as a person. Do not take way more than just a few exercises, diets, and mediation
delay your happiness. Find it now and under no circum- to get there. These will definitely bring you closer to them,
stances let it go from your reach. Your happiness will guide but it is your own choice and dedication to attain the heights
you home and will ignite your soul. of consciousness development in your system. Nothing will
come to you easy. It is time intensive and requires utmost pa-
tience. But you what? When you come closer to achieving
Consciousness Evolution your goal, you will be filled with sudden understanding of
yourself and nothing will entice you more than the new found
Consciousness evolution is the last stage of real enlighten- purpose and the new found confidence. Self-consciousness
ment. Enlightenment refers to find the true purpose of exis- in no way relates to being selfish and becoming unaware of
tence and resonation with the energies of the universe. True others in the surrounding.It is merely paying more attention to

your awakening for the purpose of finding you true self. It is
way to observe oneself in the closest forms possible thus
generating understanding of oneself like no other. You are
your own savior and your own guiding light. Do not be afraid
to find out what lies beyond the ordinary. You will be amazed
on how exciting finding the self can be.

C HAPTER NINE • Eases the mind

Major elements of Akahi Breathing is a natural stress buster and relieves the mind of
unnecessary tension and helps in regaining composure and
mental balance.

• Improves the thought process

Breathing immensely helps in attaining the state of clarity and

focuses our mind on the important things rather than wasting
our energy on the unnecessary. Constant and rhythmical
breathing brings in loads of oxygen in the body. We are all
Benefits of breathing
aware that oxygen is our major source of existence and a
• Helps in detoxification plentiful of it will serve the better purpose to the mind, body,
and soul. The process of oxygenation that happens through
Breathing exercises that function on controlled forms of inha- inhalation brings life to the different body cells and rejuve-
lation and exhalation help in removing the various toxins in nates them to function with their best possible ability.
the body and assists in detoxifying the body as a whole. The
human body is highly dependent on breathing as a toxin re-
lease mechanism, and as much as around seventy percent of
• Keeps you young
it happens through the breathing process. These toxins must
necessarily be exited from the body from time to time else Breathing exercises are your ticket to being forever young.
they could be the cause of illness and ailments in the various Since inhalation brings in oxygen to the body and the cells
body organs. The chief toxin removed from the body through are replenished, the aging process slows down significantly,
the breathing is carbon dioxide which if remains in the blood and the production of anti-oxidants also reduces considera-
stream can cause serious troubles. Co2, as it is commonly bly. These anti-oxidants are primarily responsible for the de-
called, is the most common toxic that finds its way outside generation of the body cells and causing aging. Once, this is
the body through the process of exhalation. put under control; you are far from worrying about the effects
of aging. More so, increased breathing regulates the blood cir-
culation in the body owing to which the skin is always youth-

ful and radiant. Plus imagine the savings you made by not The increased supply of oxygen to the brain through the proc-
opting for expensive beauty products that do more harm than ess of oxygenation accentuates the muscle-building activity
good. Breathing exercises bring beauty to your doorstep in in the body.
the most natural and efficient way without the use of any
chemicals or artificial substances thus helping to maintain
beauty in its natural form. • The blood quality improves

Inhalation makes the blood rich in oxygen thus making it

• Helps in controlling emotions healthy and allowing better functioning of the organs in the
Breathing brings you closer to your understanding of self and
makes you aware of the senses working in your body. With
regular breathing, you are better able to differentiate between • Improves the digestion system
the right and wrong emotion, and this is where you become
careful enough to let go of unwanted and disturbing emo- Breathing exercises improve the digestion system as a whole
tions. You learn to be in control of your emotions and act out and allow better absorption of nutrients in the body. You be-
only when necessary. You eventually learn not to let small come aware of the kind of food you eat and are more con-
things affect you, and you develop better judgment of situa- scious of taking in enough quality nutrients that help your
tions. body replenish and flourish.

• The functionality of your organs increases • Helps in cell repair

As discussed previously, the process of inhalation brings in Subjecting the body to high-quality oxygen helps in cell re-
oxygen to the body which acts as fuel for the cells to ensure pair which again reflects good health of the body and slows
proper functioning. down aging.

• Helps in muscle building • Keeps depression at bay

Breathing practices are also utilized to make a person con-
scious of his thought processes and helps him in keeping
bad thoughts away. • Helps in removal of trans fatty acids, chemicals and dis-
eased cells from the body

• Improves mood fluctuations and generates general in-

terests • Helps in removal of damaging drugs and pesticides
from the body that enters the body stream through atmos-
Breathing exercises are largely capable of controlling fluctuat- phere and food
ing mood swings and helping people to keep peace with one-
self and the surroundings. The nervous system comes in
sync because of consistent breathing patterns thus allowing • Helps in controlling the calorie intake in the body
better consciousness and improved concentration levels.

• Assist in controlling the levels of cholesterol in the body

Juice Fasting thus preventing significant heart disease
Juices are the best way to absorb concentrated nutrients in
the body at a spur of the moment. There is no other way you
can take up so many nutrients so quickly in the body. A juic- • Clears the spleen, lungs and kidneys and ensures their
ing diet is combined with juice fasts where the aim is to clear proper functioning
the body of toxins and replenish it with essential nutrients to
ensure the best health of the body. Mentioned below are
some benefits of a juicing diet that help in maintaining nutri- • Gives the digestive system a much-needed rest mode
ent balance in the body. for it constantly keeps working to digest food
• Helps in removing dead cells from the body

• Improves self-awareness and the sense of differentiat-

ing between the right and wrong kinds of foods and also en-
• Helps in bringing in nutrient balance
couraging the body to adopt the proper kinds

Fruit juices have nutrients that are capable of keeping away
diseases and also curing some of the chronic diseases which
• Increased physical and emotional sensitivity are otherwise undetectable. The nutrients in the fruit juices
A low-calorie diet like juice diet is aimed at compelling you to flush out the bacteria and viruses causing the illness and help
go beyond your comfort zones and challenge your mental, in curing the disease at the earliest sometimes with a combi-
emotional and physical strength. You hence tend to become nation of specific medication.
increasingly aware of your mental, emotional and physical ca-
pabilities and act accordingly.
• Helps in naturally reducing weight

Juice diets are very low-calorie diets, and when practiced on

• Improved energy levels regular intervals with a combination light exercises, breathing
With carefully managed juice diets one can observe in- exercises and yoga, they result in substantial weight loss.
creased strength and activity levels in the body. You tend to
become confident about your body, and hence energy levels
reflect the noticeable change in your everyday life. • Help in revitalizing organs

Juice diets are the best way to revitalize the organs and main-
tain their functionality in the best forms
• Reduces water retention

Juices bring in a lot of water content with them hence they

reduce the problem of water retention in the body. A constant • Help in reducing inflammation in the body and different
supply of fluid in the body ensures timely excretion of water body organs
from the body through urine and sweat and hence problems
of water retention, and subsequent swelling of organs is not Juices of fruits have anti-inflammatory properties that cure
noticed. and keep away the occurrence of inflammation in the body.
Hence, they should be taken up on a regular basis.

• Heals chronic diseases

Benefits of water Fasting

• It controls the fluid balance in the body. Our body
is about 70 percent water and hence it is necessary to make
sure we give it back its major constituent. Along with main- • Keeps depression away
taining proper fluidity in the body, it also helps to transport es- Like breathing exercises, proper intake of water is crucial to
sential nutrients to different body organs enabling them to keep anxiety and depression at bay. It maintains adequate
function properly. Water is the only source that can ensure supply of blood in all parts of the body, thus keeping off any
that all essential nutrients are transported well in place allow- possibility of abnormalities in the body.
ing the body to work without any discrepancies.

• Flushes off the toxins

• Calorie control
Water is the best medium through which toxins are flushed
Intake of enough water satiates your thirst as well as keeps from the system through sweat and urine. Flushing off the tox-
you off from eating extra food that amount to unrequired calo- ins also makes the skin clearer and the complexion uniform
ries. Calorie control comes automatically with large intakes of thus adding grace to your natural beauty. Just make sure add
water. You also begin to appreciate the good quality foods about eight glasses of water in your daily diet.
and keep yourself off junk.

• Increases your productivity

• Replenishes the minerals in the body
Proper intake of water will ensure overall increase in your pro-
Water is a natural source of essential minerals and hence ductivity and will help you to concentrate better on your
good intake of it maintains the levels of the nutrients coming tasks.
in from variety of minerals.

• Increases focus
• Aids digestion
Water intake also increases focus in everyday activities and
Water is very essential to support the digestion process in makes a person feel good about him-self. When your mind,
the body and also for absorption of nutrients in our systems.

body and soul are in sync is when you can truly call yourself • Dry fasting aims at making you realize the true en-
to be in a perfect state of mind. ergy hidden in yourself and utilizing it to make your existence
Hence, it is vital to understand the importance of adequate
water intake in the body and also how it improves our day to
day activities at a physical and mental level.
• It is also responsible to take you far ahead of the
idea on necessities and focus only on the important aspects
of life.
Benefits of Dry Fasting

Along with obvious health benefits, dry fasting is primarily as-

sociated with gaining spiritual and mental strength. Here is • Dry fasting teaches you to appreciate even the
how dry fasting helps you evolve as a better and self- smallest things in life since here, even less is more, as a per-
controlled person. son is constantly moving towards self-actualization and awak-
ening of the mind body and soul.
• Dry fasting is the ultimate test of your mental
strength, endurance and self-control.

• It instills the spirit of determination and allows you

to push yourself beyond your boundaries.
• Dry fasting helps you to focus on your goals apart
from the normal goals of eating, sleeping and merely existing.

• It reinstates your faith in yourself and your surround-

ings and is the true test of your spiritually conscious awaken-
• Dry fasting challenges you to give up your comfort ing.
zone and look for something greater beyond those bounda-

Thus, you saw how a combination breathing exercises,

juices, dry fasting and plentiful of water intake can help you
gain the balance in your body. This balance is does not come
in a day or few weeks but needs constant practice and obser-

vation and repetition exercise and diet patterns to achieve
the maximum benefit out of these. The combination of these
is the true form of endurance test and will push you out of
your boundaries to find the better you. When done with the
complete heart and mind, this process can be a life changing
one, this is where you can knock the doorstep of attaining
true consciousness of self and be appreciative of your sur-
roundings and be in sync with your mind, body and soul. This
will often be a soul stirring incidence in which you will com-
pletely transformed and where you will be amazed to find out
your own capability and how far you can go with all the men-
tal, emotional and spiritual strength. This is where comes in
the true calling. This is time where you connect with the ever
expanding universe and find true meaning of your existence
and the element of consciousness associated with it.

C HAPTER TEN a creator of your reality. Be aware that the transition is differ-
ent for everyone and just allow the Process to continue devel-
Integration into daily life oping in the way that is best for you at your own pace. Trust in
the intelligence of your body and it will guide you.

If in the period of full integration into your daily life and activi-
ties, a different or unpleasant situation arises, then is a perfect
time to use the 21 breaths of joy to relax you and calm your
mind and emotions, to be able to think with clarity and make

The Breath is the Most Powerful Tool You Have

Everyday Practices
To allow the permanent integration of pranic consciousness, it
In terms of integration into your daily life and activities, recog- is fundamental that you continue practicing the breathing
nize that you have taken a huge step in your human evolution. techniques.
Recognize that not everyone will understand your new percep-
Create a time during your day to put into practice the breath-
tion of reality so be patient with those who may not compre-
ing techniques you have learned.
hend the expansion of your consciousness. That is, don’t judge
them. Understand that they are in their own Process and that
you are in yours. Remember that you don’t need to take care
of your Process because the Process takes care of itself. 

Feel free to live your life in creation, remembering that you

are always in communication with the Universe with every
breath you take, with every thought you create, with every in-
tention you have.

Utilize your creative power by aligning your intention and

mind. You can have, do, or be, anything you want. Put your en-
ergy in movement. Embrace and completely accept yourself as
C HAPTER ELEVEN saw so much energy in any person, let alone one who barely
eats, and only for pleasure.
Scientific experiments with Akahi and
participants of the 8DP

Scientific experiments with Akahi and participants of the 8DP

When I was teaching in Holland in 2013, one participant was

a professional Healer and Spiritual Psychologist. He had been
using the GDV technology in his practice; he would take meas-
urements of people’s energy as part of his treatment and as a
way to measure changes before and after treatment.

He asked me if I wanted to do an experiment to measure my

vital force energy. I did. He explained to me that the normal
area of an energy field was between 17,000 to 22,000 points.
(You can learn more about this fascinating field at

When he measured my energy field through my fingertips, my

energy field area was 25,159 points, with 94% symmetry.

That was beyond the norm for a very healthy and fit person.
He was very impressed because it was the first time he ever

After my energy field readings, I did research about the ori-
gins of Dr. Konstantin Korotkov’s powerful technology. After
confirming the high reputation and wide range of uses for it, I
decided to continue learning the science while using this tech-
nique with the participants of the Process. I invited my new
friend and GDV practitioner Frank Laros to come and travel
with me to my events and to do measurements on other peo-
ple to see what happens to their energy field and physical
body while they are evolving consciousness in the Process.

We conducted the experiments in Israel and San Francisco;

participants were measured before and after the training. Be-
fore the Process, people were in a standard range between
14,000 points of energy to 20,000 points. No surprises there.

What was astonishing was that after we finished the Process,

all participants had a remarkable increase of life force energy.

What happens when we add energy to the body? The body it-
self regenerates and we live not only longer but better. We
have more years of life and better quality of life, because now
we have more life force within ourselves. Everybody who has
done the 8-Day Process has experienced this rejuvenation.

The life force is the amount of energy held by the body to

thrive. When we increase our energy, the body organs regener-
ate and our being becomes physically and spiritually stronger.
Imagine the aging Process slowing its tempo, thereby extend-
ing the life span of the body. One of the benefits of this Proc-
ess is that one does not eat food during the designated days On another note, people who experienced the 8-Day Program
and hence the energy involved in digestion is also utilized for confessed that they felt a lot of admiration and appreciation
the rejuvenation of the body, helping organs release tension for their surroundings besides the feeling of positivity that
and stress. emanated from within their very being. The love that is felt af-
ter this Process feels like an unconditional love that is not co-
People also noticed their lung capacity, which is the ability to
dependent on people. There is a sense of empowerment with
increase air inhaled and stored, had developed tremendously.
this and it changes people. It helps people to let go and not
They claimed that they could inhale more and this made them
control situations the way most people tend to do in matters
feel more energetic. Some people claimed that the stiffness
big and small. Breathing in the right manner also teaches one
due to stress, especially in the back and spine area, was also
the compassion to accept idiosyncrasies and to embrace the
reduced drastically. An intimate relationship with breathing
differences in people.
was expressed. This exciting inner science is a new way to un-
derstand the body’s interaction with the natural elements of

It’s important to realize that breathing properly brings in not

only air, but also photon energy that is taken into the red
blood cells and distributed everywhere. It is a new physiology
that is only now being studied.

Photons are elementary particles of light. They have unique

properties of refraction and diffusion. They are carriers of elec-
tromagnetic force.

If you have any illness that is troubling you, then it is quite

possible that you may be distressed and distracted. However,
it does not bode well to worry unnecessarily. By practicing my
powerful breathing techniques you will overcome your fears
and help your body and mind grow.
Figure 6: Shows participant energy field after the 8 Day Process, The
increase of life force shown also represents the evolution of the senses
and perception (of the consciousness) from 18600 28,238. It’s an in-
crease from 9600.

Figure 8: Shows Chakra Alignment before and after one day in the 8
Day Process

According to the sages and ancient Yoga practitioners of lore,

there exist various chakras in the body that help us track the
internal bodily movements and they are basically the energy
centers within. On another note, the chakras also seemed to
be enlarged after the 8 day process and interestingly, all the
chakras developed and aligned correctly. Technically, this in-
creases the energy and is a result of breathing more.

The Method I created is a practice wherein an individual

trains his or her perception and senses as well its mind, body,
emotion, soul to feel, perceive and utilize its own energy field.
When a person focus on its own energy for a prolonged time it
Figure 7: Shows compared analysis statistics of participants before and gradually trains the sixth senses of the body to become subtle
after two days in the process
energy aware. The ever increasing amount of energy produced
by breathing feels at the beginning very powerful, is an ineffa-
ble experience of bliss, awakening, wholeness, safety, recon-
nection with the Inner Power and the Universe, a sensation of
relieving love and light energy that resets the energetic blue-
Evaluation of Brain Wave Measurements while Medi-
print and the firing of light energy in the Meridians and Chak-
ras, the increase of life force energy is also healing energy that
is absorbed or distributed through all the organs of the body After the first experiment I became more interested in science
for their regeneration and health. and in what was actually scientifically real and confirmed. At
this point I knew that whatever was happening inside my
It will help you to relax in life. It is a technique that enables
mind and spirit was amazing, and like every good scientist I
the powerful internal energy to flow in a multi directional
wanted to know more about the miraculous healing occurring
manner thereby helping one develop a general outlook of love,
in so many people by practicing these techniques for eight
patience, forgiveness and generosity.
By practicing the breathings regularly 5 to 10 minutes, one
My practice and higher states of consciousness became deeper
can harness the brain power of thought in an efficient man-
and I learned to be able to go higher and higher in energy and
ner. It also enables you to cultivate the feeling of peace, happi-
wholeness with the Universe. I began an inner Process of re-
ness and clarity. By increasing the strength of your spiritual
finement of my breathing practices to be able to share with
energy, you can empower yourself to improve all aspects of
the world the ancient techniques of energy nourishment in a
your life.
modern method that guarantees proven benefits for its practi-
In retrospect, the 8 Day Process has been known to show im- tioners.
mediate healing for chronic diseases and regeneration of the
A few months later in France, I was contacted by a wonderful
body function. The process reactivates the firing in the central
couple in their 90s who wanted to do the Process for a second
and autonomic nervous system, thereby bringing an increased
time. They owned a retreat center in the south of France, and
level of activity to dormant functions and muscles of the or-
invited me to teach the Process there.
gans. By breathing clean air in a deep manner, one tends to or-
ganically balance the toxicity of the body and this liberates the At this retreat I met Guusje Roozemond, MSc. She was partici-
stress hormones which in turn relaxes the body and mind. pating in the 8-Day Process. Roozemond was an engineer in
When there is more energy in the various organs of the body, Neuro-Feedback Therapy. She invited me to volunteer in a
then it generates an extension of the life cycle, rejuvenating QEEG experiment on measuring the changes in my brain
and slowing the aging process.

waves while practicing different breathings that I have devel-

We carried out four 5-minute experiments using QEEG (Quan-

titative Electro-EncephaloGram) measurements while I was
meditating and consciously breathing prana into my brain
and body.

In the brain wave study conducted by Roozemond, the electri-

cal activity of the brain was monitored using electroencephalo-
graphy. Electrodes were placed in fourteen standard locations
of my scalp.

The results were so remarkable and unique that once again

they showed us that the Breathings of the 8-Day Process can
signal a whole new relationship with your own mind and self.

Understanding Our Brain Waves

Studying various types of brain waves indicates that there are

five major categories of brain waves and each corresponds to
different frequency.

With the Breathings that I will be sharing every day of the

Process, I will enable you to move from the higher-frequency • Gamma (Between 30-100 Hz)
brain waves to the lower ones and from lower frequencies to
higher ones. This activates the different parts and centers of Insights, peak focus, expanded consciousness are characteris-
the brain. Restoring the wavelength of the brain frees your tics of Gamma, the state of enhanced learning; it is the best
mind to access higher states of consciousness. state in which to retain information. It helps in the permanent
assimilation of energy and information.
To understand this concept better, we shall look at the types
of brain waves and what they stand for. • Beta (13-30 Hz)
This state indicates the awakened mind that leads the hypo- of relaxation. In theta, our senses are withdrawn from the ex-
thalamus and the brain to secrete regenerative hormones. ternal world and focused on signals originating from within.

The daily functioning of the brain uses this state and it initi- • Delta (1-3 Hz)
ates the working or thinking mind, which helps us make plans
This stage is usually reached when we are in a dreamless sleep
and use an analytical approach to solving problems. Beta
that is deep and undisturbed. It is the resting mode of the
waves occur when the brain is working on goal-oriented tasks,
brain that allows listening to the inner voice.
or reflecting actively over a particular issue. EEGs showed a
remarkable increase of beta waves during Akahi Breathings.

• Alpha (9-13 Hz) By practicing the basics of this method correctly, you will
learn to control and change your brain waves pattern at will
Alpha waves aid overall mental coordination, calmness, alert-
and experience the extraordinary capabilities of the mind.
ness, mind/body integration, and learning. During this time,
This happens gradually as you focus on your breathing and
our perceptions are slightly lucid and we are more reflective
the variety of sensations of energy flowing through the body,
and prone to thinking of the philosophical aspects of life.
and take your mind away from unnecessary thoughts. As the
There is a sense of balance between the hemispheres of the
consciousness dawns on you from within, your breathing and
brain and this calls for neural integration.
thinking begin to work in tandem. Your breath begins to
Another interesting observation that came out of the experi- lengthen and will naturally synchronize and tune with your
ments was that during my breathing, my alpha waves were brain waves and heartbeat.
more prominent in all locations of the brain. See images 3, 4.
The results of these experiments show our capacity to increase
the energy of the brain to heal our mind by using the 8 Day
Process breathing techniques.
• Theta (4-8 Hz)
The official document I received after the experi-
The state of transition, when the verbal and thinking func-
tions merge, is also the time when there is an intermingling of
the meditative and the visual mind. There is a sense of whole-
ness of being associated with this state. The theta state of the
brain is associated with visualization. It indicates a deep level
C HAPTER TWELVE usual cloud of thoughts. There is just one thought and this
thought goes straight to the source.
Extraordinary Superpowers
I want to create that. I want to experience that. The message is
very clear. And also the feedback, the response of the uni-
verse, returns very clear and very fast. The manifestation of
our dreams and goals comes very quickly and beyond what we
can imagine. Sometimes, when we want to create something
from the mind, we want to control the process. We want to do
it our way. And we think about how to do it and who's going to
help us. We want to get the money and all the resources. So
we put limitations on the creative process by adding all of
Applying the laws of the universe these thoughts. However, when we just trust the source, and
There are many superhuman capacities that I have received send the message—holding a beautiful intention of well-
since learning how to feed my body and spirit on Prana. being—we trust in that well-being to attract more well-being.
If we allow the universe to surprise us in the way it will mani-
After months of drinking only fresh fruits juices diluted with fest, it happens faster than if we try do it using our mind.
water, sustaining my life 100% on meditations and breathing
practices, and to feel completely satisfied and nourished all Expand my energy at will.
the time. After that, I started to develop the capacity to use my Another thing I have discovered is the ability to influence my
mind consciously, to use my mind as a tool to create my real- body, to influence how much my body processes the informa-
ity. And by doing that, I consciously accessed the laws of the tion that it receives. For example, I used to be overwhelmed
universe, the law of creation, and the law of attraction. by the influence of society, television, computers, all these dif-
After doing the 21-day Process, my mind became very clear fering energies coming from the planet and the people. But af-
and sharp. For me, there is no overthinking. It is always a ter I became aware of prana and how to use it, I discovered
slow-thinking Process that is very refined. As our thoughts be- that if I increased my energy field with love, art, and compas-
come refined, the message that we transmit to the universe is sion, I would become the one who influences the environment
also clearer because there is no overthinking through the that I lived in, instead of the environment influencing me.

Miraculous Healing lightened. It doesn’t have to be enlightenment on a mountain-
top or in a Himalayan monastery. This is a way to bring en-
Incredible healing starts to happen within and after the Proc-
lightenment into our society, into our reality as human beings,
ess. I have seen it. People who cannot walk, start walking. Peo-
and walk in the streets and share with our community as en-
ple who have such intense arthritis that it prevents them from
lightened beings, knowing and interacting with the pure intelli-
walking or moving freely, start moving about, walking, and us-
gence of the universe.
ing their bodies again. People who have HIV have come to the
Process because they are just desperate, and through this intel- This came to me because I was ready. Because if I learned
ligent energy have healed themselves. Many cancer cases have from somebody else before I was ready, the experience would
been completely reversed, surprising the doctors involved in not be so powerful, so real, so simple, or so easy. The Process I
those cases. am presenting to the world now is very easy.

I was invited to participate and collaborate at a clinic in Cali- The Immortality of the Spirit: Slowing and Stopping the
fornia’s Silicon Valley. There, I worked with people who were Aging Process.
very sick and urgently needed help. And after just one session,
As of this writing, I am 35 years old. I have learned that the
I saw that as they were finishing the session, their skin began
maintenance of youth in the body through the pranic
to glow. Their eyes glowed. And they felt happy. They felt that
breatharian state is a very real possibility.
they were not sick anymore. They felt the illness just disap-
pear. How is it possible that our body can stay young for as
long as we want? As we gain confidence in this field of energy
At the beginning, I couldn't even believe it. For me, everything
and we access it on a deep level, we learn that this intelligent
has been a huge surprise. But now that it has happened so
energy is immortal. This energy never gets old. This energy
many times and people are experiencing these amazing heal-
never dies and is without beginning or end. As we connect, as
ings, it has started to feel natural for me to be a conduit of all
we synch with it, our body responds to that immortality inher-
kinds of miraculous healings.

ent in the energy. So it stays young and it stays healthy, as
long as you choose to stay embodied.
What is enlightenment?
It is the freedom that we have to control our aging process,
I was becoming an enlightened yogi without trying. This is the the freedom that we have to control our vital cycle, the free-
way a human body in this age, in this modern time, can be en-
dom to control our mind and how our mind processes the in- with prana, which is an interaction, an interchange of energy.
formation about age and physical symptoms. And when we are conscious of this energy, when we can see it,
when we can feel it, we are right away taking advantage of it.
When we access this intelligence, we recognize this immortal-
ity. And this immortality becomes part of our mind. Our mind I have also learned to receive food through smell, because for
sees life as eternal. me, I have come to discover that food smells better than it
tastes. So a lot of times, just by being around people who are
My mind sees life as something that is beautiful to experience;
eating, and just smelling what is coming from their dishes, for
I can choose to be here, alive, as long as I want.
me, it's like eating. I enjoy it a lot. My mouth wakes up to the
Hunger and Freedom memory of that taste because my tongue still holds the mem-
ory of those flavors. Just by smelling it, it kind of reactivates
We are talking about the freedom to choose from the diversity those memories, and I feel like I am eating. I feel like I am ac-
of life and how to enjoy that diversity with balance. tually enjoying the flavor of the food.

You are taking spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional nour- For me, the desire to eat is not present. It's like there is no rela-
ishment from prana. That is normal and beautiful. It creates tionship with food. Food is part of the diversity of life. That's
balance in the body, and the whole being feels comfortable. how I see food, as part of the diversity, and that we are here to
enjoy this diversity with balance. That's what I want to trans-
If we access this intelligent energy that is nourishing us, we
mit to the world and to people: that this is not about eating or
naturally feel less hungry. We feel a decrease in the need for

food. If we create a balance that is, for example, 70% prana,
30% fruit, that is perfect, because you are enjoying your physi-
cal body experience with the tastes and the flavors of nature. In the 8-Day Process, we work directly with the consciousness
of our electromagnetic bodies/fields (some may know this as
For me, to be a Pranic Breatharian means that all the energy
Merkaba, Aura, Body of Light) in breath, silence, and stillness,
that I receive comes from the cosmos, from nature, and also
activating harmonious sensational states through the con-
from within myself. The way I feed myself is through con-
scious Breath, working with our neurocellular systems, free-
scious pranic/energy breathing.
ing the body-mind-emotions-spirit, emptying our being of old
Energy is in everything. Right here in this moment we are in fears and conditioning that may be blocking our evolution to-
abundant energy. As you read this book, we are co-creating

wards Universal Love as the permanent expression of our be-

As a consequence of this state of peace, love, and harmony, a

great evolution of consciousness occurs naturally. The feelings
of necessity created by the illusion of separation naturally fade
away, including the necessity of eating, drinking, sleeping, get-
ting sick, aging, and dying.

We obtain control over our vital cycles, as internal codes are

activated, magnifying atomic structures. With conscious self-
reprogramming of the DNA, we have the opportunity to acti-
vate profound healing on all levels, with ripple effects reach-
ing our families and children, benefiting all the new genera-
tions. We can dissolve old thought patterns and emotional con-
ditioning, letting go of uncomfortable experiences held within
our memory on a cellular level. By doing so we are birthing
our whole being and embodying all aspects of who we are. We
can experience the body’s self-healing capacities through vis-
ual activation and open new neurological pathways. We allow
our innate wisdom to guide us, re-creating ourselves in the ex-
perience of happiness, joy, and love. We can bring in the possi-
bility of living on light and nourishing the body through
Pranic Breathing.

Michelles’ Karen astrological reading on Michelle Karen - Astrological Reading of the 8DP-
the 8 day process Recording- Sept 2013

The chart for this Pranic breathing retreat is really interesting

in that it has Libra rising. That means that it's going to bring
balance to the participants. There's going to be really a sense
of tremendous inner love and bridging the old consciousness
with the new consciousness. It's very much a chart that talks
about mastery and that talks about the importance of being
responsible and being very much at cause in life and that
there is really going to be access to some very deep meta-
In the days before the 8 day Process in Bolinas, California in
physical truth that is going to come through that retreat.
2013, the organizer of the event and I had the wonderful op-
portunity to talk with Michelle Karen who is a worldwide re- There is also a very great sense of a complete shift at
nowned Astrologist and ask her to read the cosmic chart of the DNA level, and it's a complete cellular regeneration of the
the 8 Day Process, while we where listening to Michelle’s body that is actually going to open new species and that is
channelling the chart, the energy that came through was so actually going to create some new pathways, almost like neu-
powerful and intelligent, it was like if Michelle was able to ac- rological pathways for inter-dimensional information to come
cess the Akashic Records of the 8 Day Process, and finally through the cells at the cellular level. It's quite an extraordi-
decode the meaning of the process for humanity, a tremen- nary process, and it's something that I've never seen quite as
dous vibration in my skin, a very wise energy that went right clearly written as that, and there's really essential [soul
through the core of my hearth, of my spine and my brain, It 00:01:42] of touching the spiritual inter-dimensional, interga-
was if like the Cosmos was explaining me the process. lactic elements that it's almost like going through the veil and
a capacity to become even more ... each participant will be
Although this astrological reading was done in this time and
able to become even more who they are in their divinity and
year, I have come to the conclusion that it is not limited to
in their creativity and in their uniqueness and their spiritual
one event or group, the amazing transformation continues to
happen with every person and group that I share the process
with. There's really going to be also a sense of being rainbow
bridges and going very deep within in terms of conscious-
ness, in terms of understanding, in terms of communication, and in terms of being able to access some very ancient wisdom and
some very ancient knowledge that has been buried for a very long time that is now ready to emerge from the depths of the be-
ings who are going to be in that retreat.

There's really a sense that ... First of all, it feels like a family coming together. It feels like really people who have known each
other in the past even if it's the first time that they meet. It feels like a spiritual family going back to the source and going back to
... I want to say the [inaudible 00:03:16] and I want to say something that's related to the ancient, a very pure source of knowl-
edge that understood the body as ... It's almost like going back to creation. It's almost going back to an understanding of how
the body emerged out of nothing in a way and how creation happens out of thin air and how to, again, be able to tap into this
very high frequency information that comes in such a way that through experiencing pranic breathing, it's going to be even more
than that because it's going to be about experiencing the ability to manifest and create in practical reality.

There's really going to be a sense of creating an incredible bridge, inter-dimensional bridge, and linking together all sorts of
dimensions that have an incredibly pure resonance with each other in such a way that they are enabling the body to not only get
purified, detoxified, but regenerate and create, within itself, another grid.

It's actually an incredibly extraordinary process that is beginning this Saturday. It really has its source in civilizations that
were very much in connection with the earth, with nature, and with an understanding of the plants and an understanding of the
trees and ability to connect with the messages of the plants, the trees, and the flowers and to now bring that into an even deeper
connection that has to do with the laws of the universe, that has to do with the laws of creation, has to do with the laws of mani-

There is really a sense of incredible balance. It's not going to be any extreme reaction or any extreme ... It's nothing ex-
treme, and even though it seems revolutionary, it is really not because it is about reconnecting with the primordial wisdom and be-
ing able to really understand and manifest in a conscious way the ability to completely recreate the body from a crystalline grid
and being able to absolutely manifest a metaphysical truth through physicality that connects with inter-dimensionality.

It's a very beautiful process of love, and so love is very prominent in this chart. It's really a sense of understanding the
deeper dimensions of love, the deeper consciousness associated with love, and really understanding through unconditional love
and really through the retreat and the experience that you're all going to go through. There's really going to be an incredible
sense of oneness, not just among yourselves and with each person with themselves.

Really this sense of connecting the sacred marriage in-
side and the balance of the masculine and the feminine
within, but there's also going to be a sense of oneness with
the world. This retreat is actually creating incredible ... I want
to say incredible magic in the world and incredible conscious-
ness that's going to spread everywhere. It's not just going to
be an isolated event. It's really going to be an event that con-
nects the world to a very pure source of understanding and
knowledge out of which a new beginning is going to occur
for the participants and for everybody who is going to be
touched by the people who attended this retreat. The ripple
effects are going to be enormous on a vibrational and a fre-
quency level.

by Astrologist Michelle Karen

After listening to Michelle’s reading and while sharing the 8

Day Process wait a group of 20 people, my being was lead-
ing me to link the dots, and to build all the pieces of the puz-
zle together, Michelle was talking about a shift in the DNA
level, about a process with ancient wisdom that is creating
new species, and inter-dimensional communication, a proc-
ess that is here to create magic and freedom in the world and
that every being that will be touched by the energy of this
process will be transformed and energetically upgraded to Its
higher State of Light and Consciousness.

C HAPTER FOURTEEN I felt energy throughout my body. We have so much power. I
continued to work with Ricardo while I did chemo. Every
Testimonials month my numbers came down. Our sessions really helped
my body handle the chemo much better than normal.

When my number got down to 128, I was a candidate for sur-

gery. In our sessions, I envisioned all the cancer cells being
pushed to the middle and being very visible to the doctors.

After surgery, my doctor said that everything was in perfect

alignment for him to get the cancer out. I owe my life to these
sessions with Ricardo.

I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. The oncologist told me

I was not a candidate for surgery, which is a death sentence.
The “number” (presence of tumor markers) for a normal,
healthy person is under 35. When diagnosed, my number was

I looked at the oncologist and said: “I’m not going to die from
this.” I knew I was in control.

A friend put me in touch with Ricardo, and the very next day,
a Saturday, we had our first session. He gave me hope. I de-
layed medical treatment for four weeks, and worked with Ri-
cardo two to three times a week for those four weeks. Just be-
fore I started chemo, my number was 590. Something was

C HAPTER FIVE TEEN process as well the grumpiness and anxieties will fade away
for an experience of grace and evolution..
Frequent Questions Q: I’m concerned about losing weight. I’m worried that I
might lose too much on this program.

A: During the 8-Day Process, People lose emotional as well as

physical weight, the weight of toxins and emotions and over-
loaded thoughts. The amount of weight to loose will vary on
each person. After the process, when they resume eating a diet
of living foods, healthy greens, fruit and salad, poeple gain
healthy weight in the amount that fits them.
Q: Why do you travel the world to offer these workshops in
Q: Why all the stress on dry fasting, anyway?
conscious breathing?
A: While there are benefits to be derived from a juice fast, the
A: I’m excited about teaching people how to nourish from na-
main point of the Process is to activate the body’s capacity to
tures and cosmic energy because it has the potential to end
self-nourish. The abundant energy we gain through the Proc-
the hunger in the world as well can diminish the political ex-
ess triggers our body’s healing mechanisms.
cuses to create war based in energetic demands, its proven to
help to prevent illnesses, liberates people from the unneces- Q: In your background story, you talk about not drinking at all
sary suffering of the demanding society. for a week. Is that safe? It sounds scary.

Q: If I only drink juice for a week, I know I’ll be tired and A: I don't recommend to do what I did, I have created a better
grumpy all the time. Even if I just skip breakfast, I’m tired and process and I only recommend the 8-Day Process to my par-
grumpy. ticipants, because if has proven to be safer, easier and life last-
A: Tiredness and grumpiness are detox symptoms. The 8-Day
Process is very different than a fast. The difference is that we It involves only one to three days of dry fasting, this is op-
use powerful techniques that energize the body, this will main- tional which is safe. And you don’t have to do even that if you
tain the overall wellbeing of the body while going trough the have concerns, you can keep drinking abundant water or
juices instead. The Process is not about forcing or pressuring
people to do anything they don’t feel safe doing. We create a
gentle, loving, non-coercive atmosphere.

Q: What about people with illnesses? Can they do the 8-Day

Process safely?

A: People who need medications should continue taking their

pills. Diabetics will be aware of managing their sugar and will
drink green juice rather than fruit juice. There is no problem
with taking pills during the process, especially if they make
you feel safe.

Q: I don’t think I’m well enough to fast.

A: You don’t have to fast if you don’t feel strong enough. No

one will make you do anything you don’t feel is safe for you.
The emphasis is on the breathing techniques.

C HAPTER SIXTEEN verse, a sensation of releasing love and light energy that resets
the energetic blueprint and the firing of light energy in the Me-
Conclusion ridians and Chakras. The increase of life force energy also pro-
duces healing energy that is absorbed or distributed through
all the organs of the body for their regeneration and health.

It will help you to relax in life. It is a technique that enables

the powerful internal energy to flow in a multi-directional
manner, thereby helping one develop a general outlook of
love, patience, forgiveness, and generosity.

By practicing the Breathings regularly for five to ten minutes,

After years of spiritual growth in 2008 Akahi took the ulti- you can harness the brain power of thought in an efficient
mate step of human evolution by undergoing the 21 day no manner. It also enables you to cultivate a feeling of peace, hap-
food or water process to learn to feed his body on Light. piness, and clarity. By increasing the strength of your spiritual
energy, you can empower yourself to improve all aspects of
After three years nourishing is body on Prana instead of solid your life.
food Akahi began to teach the Breatharian Method on more
then twenty countries all over the world. The 8-Day Process has been known to bring immediate heal-
ing of chronic diseases and regeneration of body function. The
Akahi shares the Breatharian Method wherein an individual Process reactivates the firing in the central and autonomic
trains his or her perception and senses as well the mind, body, nervous system, thereby bringing an increased level of activity
emotion, and soul to feel, perceive, attune and utilize its own to dormant functions and muscles around the organs. By
energy field. breathing clean air in a deep manner, one tends to organically
When you focus on your own energy for a prolonged time, you balance the toxicity of the body and this liberates the stress
are gradually training the sixth sense of the body to become hormones, which in turn relaxes the body and mind. When
subtly energy-aware. The ever-increasing amount of energy there is more energy in the various organs of the body, it gen-
produced by breathing feels at the beginning very powerful; it erates an extension of the life cycle, rejuvenating the person
is an ineffable experience of bliss, awakening, wholeness, and slowing the aging Process.
safety, and reconnection with the Inner Power and the Uni-
Consciousness - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Representation of consciousness from the seventeenth century by Robert Fludd, an

English Paracelsian physician

Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external ob-
ject or something within oneself.[1][2] It has been defined variously in terms of sen-
tience, awareness, qualia, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness,
having a sense of selfhood or soul, the fact that there is something "that it is like" to
"have" or "be" it, and the executive control system of the mind.[3] In contemporary phi-
losophy its definition is often hinted at via the logical possibility of its absence, the
philosophical zombie, which is defined as a being whose behavior and function are
identical to one's own yet there is "no-one in there" experiencing it.

Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly
shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is.[4] As Max Velmans and Su-
san Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: "Anything that we
are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious ex-
perience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives."[5]

Western philosophers, since the time of Descartes and Locke, have struggled to com-
prehend the nature of consciousness and identify its essential properties. Issues of con-
cern in the philosophy of consciousness include whether the concept is fundamentally
coherent; whether consciousness can ever be explained mechanistically; whether non-
human consciousness exists and if so how can it be recognized; how consciousness re-
lates to language; whether consciousness can be understood in a way that does not re-
quire a dualistic distinction between mental and physical states or properties; and
whether it may ever be possible for computing machines like computers or robots to be
conscious, a topic studied in the field of artificial intelligence.

Thanks to developments in technology over the past few decades, consciousness has be-
come a significant topic of interdisciplinary research in cognitive science, with signifi-
cant contributions from fields such as psychology, anthropology,[6][7] neuropsychol-
ogy and neuroscience. The primary focus is on understanding what it means biologi-
cally and psychologically for information to be present in consciousness—that is, on de-
termining the neural and psychological correlates of consciousness. The majority of ex-
perimental studies assess consciousness in humans by asking subjects for a verbal re-
port of their experiences (e.g., "tell me if you notice anything when I do this"). Issues of
interest include phenomena such as subliminal perception, blindsight, denial of impair-
ment, and altered states of consciousness produced by alcohol and other drugs, or spiri-
tual or meditative techniques.

In medicine, consciousness is assessed by observing a patient's arousal and responsive-

ness, and can be seen as a continuum of states ranging from full alertness and compre-
hension, through disorientation, delirium, loss of meaningful communication, and fi-
nally loss of movement in response to painful stimuli.[8] Issues of practical concern in-
clude how the presence of consciousness can be assessed in severely ill, comatose, or
anesthetized people, and how to treat conditions in which consciousness is impaired or
disrupted.[9] The degree of consciousness is then measured by the Glasgow Coma

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Prana - Source: Wikipedia

In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine, and martial arts, Prana (प्राण,
prāṇa; the Sanskrit word for "life force" or "vital principle")[1] comprises all cosmic en-
ergy, permeating the Universe on all levels. Prana is often referred to as the "life force"
or "life energy".[not verified in body] It also includes energies present in inanimate
objects.[not verified in body] In the Hindu literature, prana is sometimes described as
originating from the Sun and connecting the elements of the Universe.[2] This life en-
ergy has been vividly invoked and described in the ancient Vedas and Upanishads.[not
verified in body]

In living beings, this universal energy is considered responsible for all bodily functions
through five types of prana, collectively known as the five vāyus. Ayurveda, tantra and
Tibetan medicine all describe praṇā vāyu as the basic vāyu from which all the other
vāyus arise. Indologist Georg Feuerstein explains, "The Chinese call it chi, the Polyne-
sians mana, the Amerindians orenda, and the ancient Germans od. It is an all-
pervasive 'organic' energy."

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