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pISSN: 2093-940X, eISSN: 2233-4718

Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2018

https://doi.org/10.4078/jrd.2018.25.1.28 Original Article

Characteristics of Uveitis in Patients with Ankylosing

Spondylitis in Korea: A Single-center Survey
Bon San Koo *, Jung Wook Lim *, Ji Hui Shin , Tae-Hwan Kim
1, 2, 3 3

Department of Internal Medicine, Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University College of Medicine, Seoul, 2Department of Internal
Medicine, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Ansan, 3Department of Rheumatology, Hanyang University Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, Seoul,

Objective. Uveitis is the most common extra-articular manifestation occurring in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). This
study examined the characteristics of uveitis in patients with AS using a questionnaire survey.
Methods. A questionnaire-based survey was given to patients enrolled in an AS registry at a rheumatology clinic in a tertiary
hospital between September 2015 and December 2015. The patients responded to several questions and sub-questions related
to uveitis.
Results. A total of 750 patients participated in the survey. The number of patients diagnosed with uveitis in the ophthalmology
department was 218 (29%). The most common symptoms in patients with uveitis were ocular injection (61%), eye pain (54%),
and decreased visual acuity (51%). Interestingly, 91 of the 532 patients (17%) who had not been diagnosed with uveitis before
also experienced similar symptoms, such as tearing, ocular injection, and eye pain. The number of patients who experienced
a flare of uveitis more than once a year was 109 (50%), and 124 patients with uveitis responded that the treatment of AS had
no significant effect on the prevention of uveitis recurrence.
Conclusion. The clinical characteristics of uveitis that patients experience was investigated through surveys. Because uveitis in
patients with AS is not well diagnosed and treated, active screening for suspected symptoms and the prevention of a recurrence
is needed. (J Rheum Dis 2018;25:28-33)

Key Words. Uveitis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Surveys and questionnaires

INTRODUCTION servational survey of spondyloarthritis patients in France,

recurrence and complications of uveitis occurred in
Uveitis is a common extra-articular manifestation in pa- 52.3% and 11.7% of patients, respectively [2]. Although
tients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) [1]. It is charac- the pathological mechanisms are unknown, uveitis is
terized by intraocular inflammation of the iris, ciliary known to be closely associated with AS. Nevertheless, di-
body, and/or choroid. Acute anterior uveitis is the most agnosis of both diseases may be delayed because rheuma-
common form seen in patients with AS, and those who tologists and ophthalmologists tend to focus only on the
are affected generally present with redness and pain of the diseases of their disciplines [3,4]. For this reason, eye dis-
eye, photophobia, blepharospasm, miosis, and reduced eases in some patients with diagnosed AS can progress
vision. further, and may result in serious and/or permanent
The prevalence of uveitis in patients with AS is approx- complications.
imately 33%, and increases with disease duration and hu- Although tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitors have
man leukocyte antigen-B27 positivity [1]. In an ob- been found to be an effective treatment for controlling ex-

Received:August 9, 2017, Revised:October 13, 2017, Accepted:October 16, 2017

Corresponding to:Tae-Hwan Kim, Department of Rheumatology, Hanyang University Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases, 222 Wangsimni-ro,
Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Korea. E-mail:[email protected]
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

Copyright ⓒ 2018 by The Korean College of Rheumatology. All rights reserved.

This is a Open Access article, which permits unrestricted non-commerical use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Uveitis in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

tra-articular manifestations, including uveitis [5-7], records. The number of patients using each biologic was
many patients still experience the discomfort and compli- determined, including all agents used prior to the
cations associated with recurrent uveitis. Recurrences investigation.
can vary in severity between patients and in the same pa-
tient, with the time between recurrences also differing Questionnaire content
greatly. The questionnaire in Korean was presented to patients
We conducted a survey to better understand the pre- who visited the hospital for rheumatology outpatient
sentations of uveitis as experienced by the patients. The treatment. The survey included 750 patients who were
survey was also considered helpful for investigation of asked to fill out the questionnaire. The questionnaire
the pathogenesis and progression of extra-articular mani- consisted of items for uveitis with a few minor items pre-
festations in AS. Thus, the aim of this study was to inves- pared with the approval of an ophthalmologist. The pri-
tigate the characteristics of patients with eye diseases in- mary content of the questionnaire was about the presence
cluding uveitis using a questionnaire for patients with AS. of uveitis that was diagnosed in the ophthalmology de-
partment and symptoms related to uveitis. Other ques-
MATERIALS AND METHODS tions included: “How often do the uveitis symptoms oc-
cur?”, “Has uveitis occurred in both eyes at the same
Patients and clinical data time?”, “What treatment for uveitis did you receive at the
Patients with AS were surveyed at a rheumatology clinic time of diagnosis?”, “Have there been any changes in the
in a tertiary hospital between September 2015 and frequency of uveitis after treatment of AS?”, “Were you
December 2015. All patients were previously diagnosed diagnosed with uveitis before you were diagnosed with
with AS according to the modified New York criteria [8]. AS?”, “Have you been advised to undergo tests for auto-
The institutional review boards of all involved in- immune diseases, including AS, for your uveitis?”, “Do
stitutions approved this study (HYUH 2015-05-016). you know that frequent recurrent uveitis can be accom-
Informed consent was not obtained because this study panied by complications such as cataract, glaucoma, and
was noninvasive and questionnaire-based. retinal vascular inflammation?”. In addition, we asked if
Clinical data including patient age, sex, disease dura- there were any other eye diseases in patients without
tion, history of hypertension and diabetes, and the use of uveitis.
disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroids, Statistics
and/or biologics were collected using electronic medical Patients who had been diagnosed with uveitis in the

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of patients with AS (total) and differences between patients with and without uveitis
Variable Total (n=750) Uveitis (n=218) Non-uveitis (n=532) p-value
Men 645 (86) 190 (87) 455 (86) 0.559
Age (y) 38.67±10.80 40.93±9.87 37.73±11.04 <0.001
Disease duration of AS (y) 8.23±7.40 10.44±7.58 7.33±7.13 <0.001
Hypertension 104 (14) 42 (19) 62 (12) 0.008
Diabetes mellitus 29 (4) 12 (6) 17 (3) 0.144
DMARDs* 354 (47) 103 (47) 281 (53) 0.987
NSAIDs* 742 (99) 215 (99) 527 (99) 0.597
Steroids* 488 (65) 64 (29) 334 (62) 0.040
Biologics* 385 (51) 133 (61) 252 (47) 0.001
Etanercept 134 (35) 63 (47) 71 (28) <0.001
Adalimumab 132 (34) 36 (27) 96 (38) 0.030
Infliximab 69 (18) 33 (25) 36 (14) 0.010
Infliximab biosimilar 49 (13) 16 (12) 33 (13) 0.766
Golimumab 67 (17) 21 (16) 46 (18) 0.544
Values are presented as number (%) or mean±standard deviation. AS: ankylosing spondylitis, DMARDs: disease modifying
antirheumatic drugs, NSAIDs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. *Medication used for AS treatment.

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Bon San Koo et al.

ophthalmology department were classified as the uveitis The clinical characteristics of the patients diagnosed with
group and patients without uveitis were classified as the uveitis are described in Table 1. The patients in the uveitis
non-uveitis group. Mann-Whitney and chi-square tests group were predominantly older and had longer disease
were used for comparisons between groups. P-val- duration than those in the non-uveitis group. Hyperten-
ues<0.05 were considered statistically significant. All sion was also more prevalent in the uveitis group.
statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Statistics Steroids were used more in the non-uveitis group, and bi-
17.0.1 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). ologics were used more in the uveitis group. Among bio-
logics, etanercept was used significantly more in the uvei-
RESULTS tis group, whereas adalimumab and infliximab were used
significantly more in the non-uveitis group.
Clinical characteristics of patients with AS
A total of 750 patients were included in this study. Table
1 summarizes baseline characteristics. Of the 750 pa-
tients, 645 (86%) were men, and the mean age was
38.7±10.8 years. The mean symptom duration was
8.2±7.4 years. A total of 104 (14%) patients had hyper-
tension and 29 (4%) had diabetes. The number of pa-
tients who received a prescription for a DMARD, an
NSAID, a steroid, or a biologic was 354 (47%), 742
(99%), 488 (65%), and 385 (51%), respectively.

Difference between patients with and without

Among the 750 patients with AS, 218 (29%) had been Figure 1. Eye symptoms among patients with and without
diagnosed with uveitis in the ophthalmology department. uveitis.

Table 2. Questions about diagnosis and treatment asked among 218 patients with uveitis
Question Yes No No answer
1. How often do the uveitis symptoms occur? 182 (83) - 36 (17)
Once every two years or less 34 (16) - -
Once a year 54 (25) - -
Twice a year 33 (15) - -
More than twice a year 22 (10) - -
Right (%, mean frequency±standard deviation) 147 (67, 2.00±2.53) -
Left (%, mean frequency±standard deviation) 147 (67, 1.95±2.44) -
2. Has uveitis occurred in both eyes at the same time? 62 (28) 146 (67) 10 (5)
3. What treatment for uveitis did you receive at the time of diagnosis? 213 (98) - 5 (2)
Eye drops 58 (27) - -
Steroids 3 (1) - -
Eye drops and steroids 144 (66) - -
Other medications 6 (3) - -
No treatment 2 (1) - -
4. Have there been any changes in the frequency of uveitis after treatment of 65 (30) 124 (57) 29 (13)
5. Were you diagnosed with uveitis before you were diagnosed with AS? 69 (32) 132 (61) 17 (8)
6. Have you been advised to undergo tests for autoimmune diseases, including 53 (24) 145 (67) 20 (9)
AS, for your uveitis?
7. Do you know that frequent recurrent uveitis can be accompanied by 115 (53) 103 (43) -
complications such as cataract, glaucoma, and retinal vascular inflammation?
Values are presented as number (%). AS: ankylosing spondylitis.

30 J Rheum Dis Vol. 25, No. 1, January, 2018

Uveitis in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis

Symptoms of uveitis that treatment for AS did not affect the incidence of
Patients diagnosed with uveitis were asked about eye uveitis.
symptoms (Figure 1). The most common eye symptom Considering that 69 patients (32%) were diagnosed
was ocular injection (126 patients, 61%) followed by eye with uveitis before being diagnosed with AS, only 25 of
pain (113 patients, 54%), decreased visual acuity (107 pa- the 69 (36%) were advised to have screening for uvei-
tients, 51%), photophobia (87 patients, 42%), tearing tis-related diseases. During the presentation of uveitis
(48 patients, 23%), and headache or nausea (24 patients, symptoms, only 53 patients (24%) were advised to have
12%). Among 532 patients without uveitis, 91 (17%) had tests or were tested for autoimmune or autoinflammatory
more than one eye symptom: specifically, tearing (29 pa- diseases, including AS.
tients, 6%), ocular injection (28 patients, 5%), decreased Of the 750 patients, 350 (47%) knew about the compli-
visual acuity (27 patients, 5%), photophobia (21 patients, cations of uveitis. Among patients with uveitis, 115 of
4%), headache or nausea (14 patients, 3%), and eye pain 218 (53%) answered that they knew about the complica-
(11 patients, 2%). tions of uveitis. These results indicate that the level of ed-
Patients diagnosed with uveitis were asked additional ucation for complications of uveitis is still deficient.
questions about development and recurrence of the con-
dition (Table 2). The number of uveitis recurrences Eye diseases other than uveitis in patients with AS
ranged from 1 to 12. Patients with flares of uveitis occur- Of the 750 patients with AS, 95 (13%) answered that
ring more than once a year represented 50% of the total they had an eye disease other than uveitis. We further
number. Fifty-four (25%), 33 (15%), and 22 (10%) pa- asked those who answered that they had a disease to de-
tients had uveitis once a year, twice a year, and more than scribe the exact name of the disease (Table 3).
twice a year, respectively. The number of patients with re- Conjunctivitis (21%) was the most common, followed by
current uveitis once every 2 years or less was 34 (16%). dry eye (16%), iritis (13%), glaucoma (7%), floater (6%),
The mean recurrence rate of uveitis was 2.00±2.53 in the retinopathy (5%), viral conjunctivitis (4%), cataract (3%),
right eye and 1.95±2.44 in the left. Interestingly, 62 of the keratitis (3%), nasolacrimal duct obstruction (1%), and
patients (28%) had uveitis involving both eyes at the tonic pupil (1%).
same time.
Most of the patients with uveitis answered that they DISCUSSION
were treated with both eye drops and steroids (144 pa-
tients, 66%). Other patients were treated with only eye The most common ophthalmic manifestation is acute
drops (58 patients, 27%). Very few patients were treated anterior uveitis, which occurs in 40% of patients with AS
with steroids alone (3 patients, 1%). Regarding the re- [9,10]. Men are more commonly affected, and the con-
currence of uveitis, 146 of the patients (67%) answered dition occurs typically in young adults between the ages
of 20 and 40 years. Among our patients with AS, 41% an-
swered that they had an eye disease. Uveitis, which oc-
Table 3. Other eye diseases among 95 patients curred in 29% of patients, accounted for the majority of
Disease Patient the ocular diseases observed in our study. In addition,
there were various other diseases, which were not defini-
Conjunctivitis 20 (21)
Dry eye 15 (16) tively identified regarding their association with AS.
Iritis 12 (13) We observed that age, hypertension, and use of biologics
Glaucoma 7 (7) were more prevalent in the uveitis group than in the
Floater 6 (6) non-uveitis group. Older patients had a higher prevalence
Retinopathy 5 (5) of hypertension, and associations between uveitis and hy-
Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis 4 (4)
pertension in AS have been reported [11]. Considering
Cataract 3 (3)
Keratitis 3 (3) that there was not much difference in age between the
Nasolacrimal obstruction 1 (1) uveitis and non-uveitis groups, it seems that there is an
Tonic pupil 1 (1) association between uveitis and hypertension. In addi-
Other diseases 18 (19) tion, since etanercept was used significantly more in the
Values are presented as number (%). uveitis group, it was possible that etanercept also affected

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Bon San Koo et al.

the recurrence of uveitis [12-14]. CONCLUSION

Uveitis includes symptoms such as red, painful, and
photophobic eyes and blurred vision. The symptoms in Various eye symptoms, treatment responses, and man-
our patients with uveitis varied. Furthermore, in our agement of uveitis were investigated using a ques-
study, 91 (17%) non-uveitis patients also complained of tionnaire in patients with AS. Based on these data, it is
eye symptoms similar to those of uveitis patients, such as necessary to identify patients who remain undiagnosed
ocular injection and decreased visual acuity, although 19 and to be more active in managing eye diseases including
patients with an eye disease other than uveitis were uveitis.
included. Our results indicate that there might be some
patients with eye diseases including uveitis. CONFLICT OF INTEREST
Interestingly, 50% of the patients reported recurrence of
uveitis more than once a year. Moreover, 57% of the pa- No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article
tients answered that there was no change in recurrence of was reported.
uveitis, even after treatment of AS. Although approx-
imately 50% patients with AS had used DMARDs or bio- REFERENCES
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