Amado Saraum Vs People

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G.R. No. 205472 January 25, 2016

On August 17, 2006, a telephone call was received by PO3 Larrobis regarding the illegal drug
activities in Sitio Camansi, Barangay Lorega, Cebu City. A buy-bust team was then formed in
coordination with the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) against a certain "Pata." During the
operation, "Pata" eluded arrest as he tried to run towards his shanty. The operatives entered the shanty
where Saraum and Esperanza were holding drug paraphernalia apparently in preparation to have a
"shabu" pot session(One (1) lighter; One (1) rolled tissue paper; One (1) aluminum tin foil). The
confiscated the items were placed in the plastic pack of misua wrapper, and made initial markings. At the
police station, the paraphernalia recovered from Saraum were also marked. After the case was filed, the
subject items were turned over to the property custodian of the Office of City Prosecutor. Saraum denied
the commission of the alleged offense. He testified that he was just passing when he was held by men
with firearms. He learned of the criminal charge only when he was brought to the court.
RTC find Saraum guilty of the charge. CA affirmed the decision of the RTC. On appeal, Saraum
questioned the decision of the lower court in finding him guilty of illegal possession of paraphernalia and
the chain of custody of the items seized.

ISSUE: 1. W/N Saraum is guilty of illegal possession of paraphernalia.

2. W/N the non-compliance with the chain of custody rule render the arrest illegal or the items
confiscated from the accused inadmissible.

HELD: 1. YES. The elements of illegal possession of equipment, instrument, apparatus and other
paraphernalia for dangerous drugs under Section 12, Article II of R.A. No. 9165 are: (1) possession or
control by the accused of any equipment, apparatus or other paraphernalia fit or intended for smoking,
consuming, administering, injecting, ingesting, or introducing any dangerous drug into the body; and (2)
such possession is not authorized by law. In this case, the prosecution has convincingly established that
Saraum was in possession of drug paraphernalia, particularly aluminum tin foil, rolled tissue paper, and
lighter, all of which were offered and admitted in evidence.

2. NO. Although Section 21(1) of R.A. No. 9165 mandates that the apprehending team must
immediately conduct a physical inventory of the seized items and photograph them, non-compliance
therewith is not fatal as long as there is a justifiable ground and as long as the integrity and the
evidentiary value of the confiscated/seized items are properly preserved by the apprehending team.
While the procedure on the chain of custody should be perfect and unbroken, in reality, it is
almost always impossible to obtain an unbroken chain. Thus, failure to strictly comply with Section 21(1),
Article II of R.A. No. 9165 does not necessarily render an accused person's arrest illegal or the items
seized or confiscated from him inadmissible.
The most important factor is the preservation of the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized
items. In this case, the prosecution was able to demonstrate that the integrity and evidentiary value of the
confiscated drug paraphernalia had not been compromised because it established the crucial link in the
chain of custody of the seized items from the time they were first discovered until they were brought to the
court for examination.

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