Research Log Serena Hong

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Research Log #1

Name: Serena Hong

Date: September 12 2017
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Three Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: There is a need to understand the different types of homelessness.
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):
“Chronic Homeless: Someone (particularly individuals with mental illness or addictions) who has been homeless for one year or
longer or who has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years.”
“Advocates for the homeless argue that housing is a basic right, as part of the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" mentioned in the
Declaration of Independence.”
“Often, poorhouses also served as jails and mental institutions. There was particular concern for the children of the poor, who were
usually "bound out" to local families as indentured servants until they were seventeen years old, to keep them away from the
potentially unsafe poorhouses. Orphanages also sprang up to provide care for poor children.”
“In 2004, a reported 2 million Americans were homeless. Of these, about 40 percent were families with children. Another 53 percent
were substance abusers or mentally ill and 10 percent were veterans.”
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):
This website provided me with the types of homelessness out there in the world. Chronic homeless is someone that has been
homeless for a long time and has at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years. Not only do these homeless types apply
to Hawaii but also the mainland. The author of this article, Ellen Bailey also talked about the history and background of the
homelessness population. The first quote was from one of the understanding the discussion. From under that topic, there was a list of
terms that defined each type of homelessness. For example (except chronic homeless), “pauper: someone who is able to work but
refuses to, or cannot find work. In the past, paupers were sometimes provided for in poorhouses.” With these terms for types of
homelessness, it can help people understand the difference between the real homelessness out there and the homelessness that
everyone thinks (homeless people are all the same: rude, drunk, on drugs and only want money).
There are specific evidence that tells us that homelessness is a big problem in the world. For example from what I know,
there are people from the mainland that flies people for free to Hawaii because it’s a warmer climate and since the mainland is cold
they want them to come here. Another example is that people usually go out on the streets not because they’re forced to but because
they want to. This article was able to provide information with in-depth details of the homelessness. The second quote sort of explains
the amount of kids that are being affected of homelessness because of their parents. The third quote talks about how children are sent
out to orphanages so that they can have better care rather than being out on the streets with their homeless parents. Kids shouldn’t
have to live a bad life because of what their parents went through. There should be a system in the world where children can live a
healthy life and not having to suffer. Parents should be making an effort to get a job for their children's tuition instead of using money
that they begged for drugs.
This source was also able to prove that homelessness is a choice. Whether you want to actually live out in the streets or to
live in a comfortable home. People usually force themselves out because they don’t want to work and pay taxes, but instead hideout on
the streets and have people provide them the food for FREE. There are a lot of greedy homeless people who make themselves look
weak and hungry making victims (the people walking by) have no choice but to give them food and money. These kind of homeless
people should consider that instead of taking money and food from people, they should instead be looking for a job that can help
provide for themselves. It can start off small but in the end it can end up big. Homeless people need to understand that they need to
work their butt off to live and survive in a world like this. They can even try go to IHS for help and support.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Bailey, Ellen and Alexander Stingl. "Homelessness: An Overview."
Points of View: Homelessness, 3/1/2016, p. 1. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it is an article from EBSCO host's point of view.
Research Log #2
Name: Serena Hong
Date: September 21 2017
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Three Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“However, a small number stay homeless for long periods of time. Estimated to be only about ten to twenty percent of the total
number of people living in shelters and on the street, the chronically homeless usually fight debilitating mental illness. They also use
up as much as fifty percent of the resources allocated to shelters and health programs.”
“The Bush administration has taken a new tack to homeless solutions by at least accepting some cogent analysis of the problem.
Studies have noted that the homeless problem is a revolving door for most. People become homeless briefly, and when they use up
government assistance programs or get tired of living in shelters, they find work and housing.”
“It remains to be seen whether politicians and the public will support future efforts to the extent required to provide sufficient services
to meet the needs of the mentally ill.”
“One response has been to examine giveaway programs and acceptance of begging on the streets. In San Francisco, Proposition N cut
cash payouts to the homeless from $395 per month down to $59. Passed by a huge margin in 2003, the measure offered additional
food and shelter relief in place of handouts.”
“In at least 35 cities as of 2000, mainly in Sun Belt states such as Florida, Texas, Georgia and Arizona, laws were being enforced to
keep homeless people off streets ("nice" streets, anyway) and out of public view.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website provided me with information about the actions the government is trying to do to help the homelessness.
Homelessness is increasing slowly each year and the systems that the government is providing for those with no home, no jobs, and no
food isn’t working. The homeless people are taking advantage of the food and shelter that they’re getting for free and aren’t trying to
find a job. Supporting their family isn’t a problem since people take pity on those who are poor. From the first quote it explains how
most of the homeless people out there are the mentally ill. Out on the streets, you would see people talking to themselves or shouting
at no one and people would try their best to avoid them. The author used logics to inform the audience with details about shelters and
health programs.
Continuing on with the mentally ill, the article had a section where it talked about the new mental institutions. It talked about
how it’s still a decision whether politicians and the public should continue with efforts to provide services for the mentally ill. Not
only are the mentally ill a problem, but so are the beggars out on the streets asking for money, weed, food etc. The fourth quote is a
logical quote from the author, John Pearson, explaining how in San Francisco, cut cash payouts decreased from $395/month to $59.
“But they offered additional food and shelter relief in place of handouts.” Something needs to be done to help those who are in need
because leaving them out on the streets, begging and stealing, can annoy the public and cause the area to be full of homelessness. For
example when you’re on the way to highway, you would usually see homeless people under the bridges with tents and umbrellas as
their house. Whenever I see them, I feel super bad because I’m living in a nice house with my family, wearing nice clothes and driving
around in a nice car. We all need to be thankful for what we have.
Another point to help the homelessness is to direct them in a right direction. Don’t let them stay out on the streets begging,
but help them up and bring them to homeless shelters or encourage them to find a job. One thing not to do is to give money, since
homeless people would take advantage of them and keep asking for money. Instead, what you can do is lead them towards homeless
shelters, IHS. In the fifth quote, the author provided information saying that some states in the U.S. are removing homeless people
from clean and nice neighborhoods. I would understand why they would do that, to attract more residents to live there and to live in a
nice environment but instead of removing the homeless people, they should try and help them find jobs. Removing homeless people in
a nice neighborhood would ease the residents since they don’t feel as threatened when living near a homeless drunk person. In my
point of view, homeless people are trying to gather around the nice places hoping to get more money and food.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Pearson, John. "Counterpoint: U.S. Homeless Policy Does Not Work."
Points of View: Homelessness, 3/1/2016, p. 6. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it is an article from EBSCO host's point of view.

Research Log #3
Name: Serena Hong
Date: September 22 2017
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Three Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: There is a huge need for city and local governments to provide affordable housing, basic
social services and financial assistance to the homeless
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):
“Despite the fact that the number of homeless people across the country has not fallen in the past two decades, the proportion of
federal spending on housing assistance in relation to the total budget has decreased by 13 percent since 1995, and virtually no
investments are being made to ensure the development of new affordable housing. In the past five years, Congress has failed to issue
any new Section 8 vouchers to help very low-income families, the disabled, and the elderly, even though the demand for these
vouchers is high and there are long waiting periods for those who are eligible. In his proposed budget for 2008, President Bush even
called for an 8 percent decrease in the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)'s allocations for emergency housing.”
“Homelessness hits some segments of the population harder than others. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports
that about 50 percent of all the homeless women and children across the country have been victims of physical abuse in their homes, a
factor which served as the immediate cause of their homelessness.”
“Several clear policy changes are required in order for U.S. cities to begin seriously addressing homelessness and attempting to alter
the systemic economic patterns that result in so many millions of Americans being left out in the cold each year. There needs to be a
greater emphasis on investing in the production of new affordable housing units at a local level, wherever the need is greatest.
However, the creation of new housing should not be allowed to take away from funding for programs like employment, health care,
legal assistance, and other social services that help at-risk individuals and families emerge from bad situations and prevent them from
falling into homelessness.”
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):
This website provided me with information on the homelessness demand local solutions. Many of our taxes and other money
are used to create a better environment in our community and in order to make it better we should be able to help the homeless too.
I’m not saying that we should use all of our money just for the homeless, but to at least be able to help them continue on with their
lives. Of course our money should focus mainly on our community’s area and also those whose homes have been destroyed due to
natural disasters etc. The first quote informs the reader about a decreasing budget that is happening since 1995. It also included a fact
about how President Bush’s proposed budget for 2008 called for an 8 percent decrease for emergency housing. This quote is an
important part of my research log because not only does it give logics based on my research but it also informs us about the federal
failures that happened in the past and maybe can happen in the future.
There is specific evidence that tells us that homeless needs local solutions. Without the help of our neighbors or residents, we
wouldn’t be able to assist those that really need help. For example, when our neighbors help provide stuff like clothes and food for
those in need, it can ease the homeless to know that there are people out there for them. But also this be a bad thing as well. If we keep
providing for them, they will take advantage of it and keep relying on people for food. The best way to help guide them to a better
path is to lead them towards the direction of IHS. A shelter for the homeless and the poor.
Homeless people aren’t born as homeless people. They are provided with food and shelter from birth but as they grow up
they slowly lose what they have. Most are in debt, some are drug addicts, some are just poor and some are wanting to be free. In my
opinion, I would just be grateful for what I have. I have my wonderful parents, yummy food, amazing technologies (phones, laptops,
tv’s etc) and also I have a family who loves me and would provide for me whenever. Being grateful is important.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Lee, M. and Laura Finley. "Counterpoint: Homelessness Demands Local Solutions."
Points of View: Homelessness, 3/1/2016, p. 3. EBSCOhost,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it is an article from EBSCO host's point of view.
Research Log #4
Name: Serena Hong
Date: September 22 2017
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their
Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):
“Nothing was natural anymore: ‘Do we talk this way?’ ‘Do we laugh at this moment?’ ‘ Do we even have a right to laugh?’ But I still
thought we were doing OK.”
“Things weren’t like they used to be,” he explains. “But I still thought things were OK. We rented a hotel room for our thirtieth
anniversary. I was supposed to meet her there after work. She overdosed on pills before I got there. I don’t know why she did it that
way. She said in her note that she wasn’t angry, but I don’t know why she did it that way.”
“He explains that he fell apart after his wife’s suicide and starting doing drugs to cope. He lost his job when he began hallucinating in
a presentation. He gave his severance package to his kids eight years ago and has been on the street ever since.”
“Victim-blaming is so often about separating ourselves from a victim so that we feel that we are immune to the forces which impacted
their lives.”
Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):
One of the many reasons people go homeless is maybe because sometimes people are too depressed to do anything and starts
hallucinating. This interview with a man who is homeless is very touching and heartfelt. People really need to hear the voices of the
homeless people who want to be open about their life. From this interview, the man talked about how he slowly became a homeless
person because of depression. Before he turned homeless, his oldest daughter died due to leukemia and his wife took it hard. Both of
them didn’t know what to do and slowly drifted apart. But later on when he thought things were okay, they rented a hotel room for
their 13th anniversary but the wife committed suicide by overdosing of pills after writing a note that she wasn’t angry about anything.
With depression, the man started hallucinating when presenting at work and left his severance package to his kids before officially
living out on the streets.
This story is one of the many ways to shout out the homeless people on the street. With a interview like this, people will
understand why and how homeless people live the way they live. Other ways that homelessness can be heard is through documentaries
like “dark days,” “homelessness in America,” etc. The documentary “dark days” was about a homeless population that live under a
bridge in New York City. When filming this documentary, Marc Singer, the director, interviewed a homeless family and asked their
story. The homeless family talked about how some of them went to jail, lost their children, got high etc. While filming their life story,
the cast also filmed the area of where they lived. They lived in the dark with nothing except a bucket for their bathroom. With these
documentaries that show how poor people in the world are living, people need to understand the things people do to survive. To help,
they can donate things for those who actually want to live out on the streets or help them find a job for those who want to have a
chance at living a good life.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“Humans Of New York Shares One Homeless Man’s Heartbreaking Story.” Scary Mommy,
2 Aug. 2016,

“Dark Days (2000).”


I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it is an article from an interview with a homeless man on the
website ‘’ and a short summary of a documentary.

Research Log #5
Name: Serena Hong
Date: October 6 2017
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“A majority of the homelessness staying in emergency shelters, transitional housing programs or safe havens and the rest in
unsheltered locations.”
“The national alliance to end homelessness estimates nearly 700,000 Americans experiencing homelessness on any given night in the
“In the last week of January 2016, when cities around the country took a tally of their street populations, they counted a total of
549,928 people living in some form of homelessness. 60% of people experiencing homelessness were men while 40% were women.
More than 90% of homeless women are victims of severe physical and sexual abuse. On the other hand, 15% of the homeless
population are considered chronically homeless, those with a disability who have experienced homelessness for a year or longer for at
least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

In this documentary, “10 Minutes: Homelessness in America,” they talked about the problem of homelessness in America
today. There are many homeless people lying around on the streets waiting for people walking by to either give them food or money.
Most of the homeless people out there are mentally ill or alcoholic/drunk. But it’s also dangerous for them to stay out on the streets
since when night comes, the temperature goes down and it gets cold at night, having the homelessness struggle to look for warm
shelters. When interviewing a few of the homeless people, many of them were saying that it was hard to look for places to sleep and
that it’s easier to avoid eye-contact with anyone rather than feeling embarrassed.
Both sexes, male and female, out on the streets are both from different points of homelessness. Men are sometimes homeless
because of their job loss, depression etc. While women are out because of being sexually and physically abused. Most of the homeless
people that are individual are usually 24 years old. But 50% of the homeless population are over the age of 50. But from all of them, at
least over half of the population of homelessness have diabetes and/or suffers from cognitive impairment vision or hearing loss and
major depression. Many of them also were the ones who have fought for their freedom in America but ended up having to struggle for
With this information from the documentary, it can help the audience understand the struggles of being a homeless person
and having to understand their life. There are some people in the world who are related to homelessness and is not even trying to help
their family. We need to be able to figure out a way for people to understand that homeless people are human beings too and that they
deserve a life that they once had, being able to be provided with food and shelter.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“10 Minutes: Homelessness in America.”

YouTube, YouTube, 4 Dec. 2016,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it is a documentary.

Research Log #6
Name: Serena Hong
Date: January 4 2018
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Author states, “their results were alarming: One in 10 people ages 18 to 25 had experienced homelessness. For adolescents, the
number was 1 in 30. They concluded that nearly 3.5 million young adults and 660,000 adolescents had been homeless within the
previous year.”
Dee Baillet, a fit stereotype of homelessness, was “broke and unsure of where to go, he first considered staying in a shelter, but it felt
unsafe. So he slept in his car.”
Author states, “Children who run away are more likely to face homelessness as adults, Morton said, and many of the young people
who researchers spoke to were forced out of family homes after they came out as gay.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website provided me with the statistics of homelessness around the world. 1 in 10 young adults have experienced
homelessness. But for adolescents, the number was 1 in 30. Not only does this problem apply to America but also to the whole world.
The author of this article, Moriah Balingit included different people who researches homeless problems. With these people, they are
able to provide evidence that homelessness is spreading fast and getting worse. The first quote explains the alarming statistics based
on what I previously said about homeless rates being bad. With this evidence and statistics, it can help people understand how serious
this issue is and what we can do now to stop it from spreading.
There are specific evidence that tells us why homelessness is happening in the world. Usually teenage homelessness happens
because of an abusive family, coming out as gay or being kicked out. In the article, there was a story from Kera Pingree, former
homeless person who left her house because she had a child at age 15. She was separated from her kid and so she bounced from her
friend’s to other shelters to settle in but she never did because there were bed bugs and drugs. But after she was able to get space in a
family shelter and stayed there until she could provide for herself and the baby. Another example was a guy who came out gay to his
mother at the age of 17. She didn’t approve and told him to leave so he packed and left unsure where to go. But coming out gay and
being homeless didn’t stop him from graduating high school and going to college. In the end he got a teaching job in Indianapolis but
with not enough money he turned to the shelter which he felt unsafe at so ended up sleeping in his car. There are lots of people who
think shelters are unsafe so they turn to other places like friends places, cars, parks, streets, etc.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Balingit, Moriah. “1 In 10 Young Adults Has Been Homeless over the Past Year, Survey Finds.” The
Washington Post, WP Company, 31 Dec. 2017,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it’s a trustworthy website (washington post) and not fake news.

Research Log #7
Name: Serena Hong
Date: January 7 2018
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic
social services and financial assistance to the homeless.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Author states, “the yearly homeless count in Los Angeles County rose to 58,000 in 2017, up from 46,874 in 2016.”
Author states, “Young people - aged 18-24 - are the fastest growing group of homeless people, up 64%. And children without a home
increased 41%.”
“Tourists are shocked to find themselves stepping over people draped in filthy blankets and begging on Hollywood's Walk of Fame.
Shop owners routinely swill the pavements to wash away urine and the accompanying stench.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

This website provided me with the statistics of homelessness that’s happening in Los Angeles. Referring to the first quote,
the author states that the homeless count in LA rose to about 11,000. That’s crazy! Not only does this fact start to alert the readers it’s
getting worse but it also states that we need to take action in order for the count to stop rising. The author of this article, Peter Bowes,
appeals to the readers’ sense of pathos to get readers emotionally prepared for the information he has provided. He includes mini
startling facts like how young people are the fastest growing group of homeless people. This engages the audience because it alerts
them. Who would’ve thought that young people would be the fastest growing homeless group? When thinking of homelessness, you
would usually think of the stinky smell that fills the air. The author included imagery (in the third quote) to explain that that is what
tourists are seeing more of than the beautiful tourist spots. This information highlights the problems that tourists are facing in the
countries they visit.
While tourists are facing problems with homelessness, there are also homeless people who are facing problems with their
own lives. “Kitty and her 34-year-old daughter, Sura, saw California as a respite from difficult times.” They both lost their jobs and
are originally from Idaho. Sura, who is transgender, chose to move to Hollywood, California hoping to ‘start over’ and because the
local LGBT centre is great. “But living on the streets was never part of the plan.” This is a problem that’s common in the Los Angeles
County. Because of tough times like not getting a job or being able to pay rent, the rate of homelessness is growing more and more
everyday. Another fact that homeless people are facing is not being able to live up to their dreams. Kay, a 20-year-old, wants to be
famous by making music and dance but can’t because “life on the streets is stressful.” Just like the guy who came out gay to his
mother and got kicked out in the previous research log, Kay doesn’t trust the shelters because of hygiene issues. Including mini stories
of homeless people appeals to the readers’ sense of pathos because it helps understand what homeless people are going through and
what they’re feeling.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Bowes, Peter. “Los Angeles' Homeless Crisis Goes from Bad to Worse.” BBC News, BBC, 19 July 2017,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it’s from BBC News.

Research Log #8
Name: Serena Hong
Date: January 7 2018
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

Author quotes from a homeless person, “I became homeless when my marriage broke up. I had taken on a big mortgage and the
interest rate went up. I became overstretched when my marriage ended. I had lost an income and then I also lost my job.”
Author quotes from a homeless person, “I have been homeless twice – once when I was 23 and again at 30. Both times it was due to
mental health problems.”
Author quotes from a homeless person, “I ended up being homeless on the streets on and off. I would sleep rough for a few weeks or a
month. I served a few spells in prison but I would usually end up on the streets again as when I got out I had nowhere to live.”

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

In order to help the homeless people and make a difference in their lives, it’s important to understand what they’re going
through and how they got there in the first place. Paul Curtis, a 68-year-old man, became homeless after his marriage broke up. He
lost an income and his job and couldn’t pay his debt repayments. To survive he moved from one friends place to another, and was
lucky enough not to live out on the streets. Putting this story out to the world to know can actually help some people feel at ease
because they know that homeless isn’t forever. Also, this isn’t a common story like ‘I got kicked out of my house and was homeless
for a long time and now I’m used to it now so I’m fine but I hope that my life can get better soon.’ This is more like a ‘I went
homeless but was able to figure out a solution and now I’m living happily.’ This mini story that Marsh has put out gives hope to the
readers and can let people know that anything is possible.
Another story that Marsh put on theGuardian was about a woman, age 44, who was mentally ill and needed help. She’s been
homeless twice but both had the same situation. Unlike the previous guy, she wasn’t able to survive couch-surfing from a friends place
to another. The first time was when she left her job and wasn’t well. Her parents and friends both asked her to leave so she had
nowhere to go but to wander the streets. She then went to her psychiatrist and was admitted at the local mental health hospital for a
few weeks. They helped her get on medication and after she got out she was able to rebuild her life. But sometime later she went back
to homelessness because she left her job again and had no money to pay rent. Although she paid for benefits, the money was sent to
the wrong account leaving her with nothing. Again, she was taken to the local mental health hospital and thankfully didn’t have to go
to a shelter, streets or the park. Lastly she survived as a homeless person once again and is now with a good job. Putting this story out
is another hope for homelessness. It doesn’t last forever if you really try to change your life around.
Last but no least, Marsh added a homeless story about a 57-year-old guy (whose name wasn’t mentioned). When he was
young he got a short prison sentence for smoking dope and after that decided to leave his hometown. He first stayed with his friends
but fell out after a while so in the end just moved around. He started taking drugs again and ended up being homeless on the streets on
and off. After a while he went into rehab and was good for four to five years but crumbled again after hearing about his son’s death he
went back to heroin. After another rehab he got involved with a local homelessness charity and is now a full-time support worker.
Adding this story to theGuardian helps the audience know that all of these stories are in a way similar. None of them went to the
shelter and all survived being homeless. Some may have couchsurfed or spent time in prison but overall they were able to get back up
to their feet and tell the world their story. This engages the readers because it will make them feel better about homelessness being
able to clear up and not last forever. If we take action and help all the homeless people back on their feet and into rehab (for those who
takes drugs), we can decrease the homeless population.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

Marsh, Sarah, and Guardian readers. “How I Became Homeless: Three People's Stories.”The Guardian, Guardian
News and Media, 15 Aug. 2017,

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it’s from theguardian.
Research Log #9
Name: Serena Hong
Date: January 8 2018
EQ: How can we create a more compassionate society toward homelessness?
Points to Prove:
1. People are homeless for many different reasons, not just because they had substance problems.
2. There is a huge need for city and local governments provide affordable housing, basic social services and financial assistance
to the homeless.
3. Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.
4. Society must listen to the stories of those who are homeless so we can understand their experiences.
Point that this Source/Information Proves: Society needs to pay attention to successful and unsuccessful policies to the homeless.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

“Of course everybody wants to move the homeless, but they gotta be somewhere don't they.”
“The economic crisis may be over but nearly three and a half million Americans were homeless this year (2015) a number remained
constant for more than a decade despite programs designed to get homeless people back on their feet.”
“Cities are responding to growing public frustration with a new tactic: legislation designed to hide the homeless rather than to help
“Boise, Idaho is one of the growing number of cities across the country, passing laws designed to get homeless people off the streets
by criminalizing basic human behaviors like sitting down too long, sleeping, or even sharing food in public.

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

In the documentary, “Hiding the Homeless,” Vice News talks about how american cities are ticketing or arresting homeless
people for being homeless out on the streets. A lot of people are trying to get rid of homeless people off the streets and although that
may seem like a good idea we can’t force them out. By arresting or ticketing the homeless people, it won’t make a difference or
change their minds of wanting to get back onto their feet. One of the places that are facing scrutiny for the homelessness is Boise,
Idaho. A lot of people in the homeless group sued the city government saying that the laws are cruel and unusual. In order to stop
fights or even protests, we need to act in a way where both sides get a fair deal. By fair deal, I mean where both can be happy without
having to fight anymore in the future. It may be hard to keep homeless people off the streets and into shelters because of health issues
and/or felt unsafe.
Janet Bell, homeless person for 10 years, lost her arm and nearly her life to an infection she got off the streets. She was one of
the victims that got a ticket by the police officers for sleeping outside. Just for being outside and being homeless she got a total of two
tickets. A lot of homeless people are getting tickets for just being out on the streets and think it’s unfair. Another victim who was sick
and tired of the police kicking people off the streets was Richard Morgan. He eventually moved into the woods where the police
wouldn’t be able to find him. But he had to do it secretly meaning not to leave footprints when entering and leaving his “house” in the
woods. He wasn’t alone in the woods and there are other homeless people who stay in there “to avoid the citations the police gives for
public camping.” Some people who aren’t living in the woods and out on the streets keep getting ticketed and when they go to jail,
they won’t be able to get housing. Lydia Blackwell, a social worker, explains that even after getting out of jail, homeless people would
go right back out on the streets but with an additional barrier. These facts and stories behind the life of homelessness can help the
audience how big of a deal this is since the police are involved with tickets and jail cards for the homeless people. Society needs to
understand that we must take action now otherwise innocent lives will be forced to live behind bars and back out on the dirty streets
for the rest of their lives. And if the homeless people have a record of being in jail, they won’t be able to live properly or get a good

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

vicenews. “What Happens When Cities Make Homelessness a Crime: Hiding The Homeless.” YouTube, YouTube, 23 Nov.

I am assuming that this is a reputable and reliable article because… it’s a homeless documentary with videos as evidence to prove that
it’s not fake.

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