Central Tendency

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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Measures of Central Tendency
1.2.1 Arithmetic mean
1.2.2 Median
1.2.3 Mode
1.2.4 Empirical relation among mode, median and mode
1.2.5 Geometric mean
1.2.6 Harmonic mean
1.3 Partition values
1.3.1 Quartiles
1.3.2 Deciles
1.3.3 Percentiles
1.4 Measures of dispersion
1.4.1 Range
1.4.2 Semi-interquartile range
1.4.3 Mean deviation
1.4.4 Standard deviation
1.2.5 Geometric mean
1.5 Absolute and relative measure of dispersion
1.6 Moments
1.7 Karl Pearson’s β and γ coefficients
1.8 Skewness
1.9 Kurtosis
1.10 Let us sum up
1.11 Check your progress : The key.

According to Simpson and Kafka a measure of central tendency is typical
value around which other figures aggregate‘.
According to Croxton and Cowden ‗An average is a single value within the
range of the data that is used to represent all the values in the series. Since an
average is somewhere within the range of data, it is sometimes called a measure of
central value‘.


The main aim of this unit is to study the frequency distribution. After going through this unit you
should be able to :

 describe measures of central tendency ;

 calculate mean, mode, median, G.M., H.M. ;

 find out partition values like quartiles, deciles, percentiles etc;

 know about measures of dispersion like range, semi-inter-quartile range, mean deviation,
standard deviation;

 calculate moments, Karls Pearsion’s β and γ coefficients, skewness, kurtosis.


The following are the five measures of average or central tendency that are in
common use :
(i) Arithmetic average or arithmetic mean or simple mean
(ii) Median
(iii) Mode
(iv) Geometric mean
(v) Harmonic mean
Arithmetic mean, Geometric mean and Harmonic means are usually called
Mathematical averages while Mode and Median are called Positional averages.


To find the arithmetic mean, add the values of all terms and them divide sum by the
number of terms, the quotient is the arithmetic mean. There are three methods to find
the mean :
(i) Direct method: In individual series of observations x1, x2,… xn the arithmetic mean is
obtained by following formula.
x  x  x  x .............xn1  xn
A.M .  1 2 3 4
(ii) Short-cut method: This method is used to make the calculations simpler.
Let A be any assumed mean (or any assumed number), d the deviation of the
arithmetic mean, then we have

M.  A
 fd ( d=(x-A))
(iii)Step deviation method: If in a frequency table the class intervals have equal width,
say i than it is convenient to use the following formula.

M  A
 fu  i
where u=(x-A)/ i ,and i is length of the interval, A is the assumed mean.

Example 1. Compute the arithmetic mean of the following by direct and short -cut methods

Class 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70

Freqyebcy 8 26 30 20 16


Class Mid Value f fx d= x-A fd

x A = 45
20-30 25 8 200 -20 -160
30-40 35 26 910 -10 -260
40-50 45 30 1350 0 0
50-60 55 20 1100 10 200
6070 65 16 1040 20 320
Total N = 100 ∑ fx = 4600 ∑f d = 100
By direct method

M = (∑fx)/N = 4600/100 = 46.

By short cut method.

Let assumed mean A= 45.


M = A + (∑ fd )/N = 45+100/100 = 46.

Example 2 Compute the mean of the following frequency distribution using step deviation
method. :

Class 0-11 11-22 22-33 33-44 44-55 55-66

Frequency 9 17 28 26 15 8


Class Mid-Value f d=x-A u = (x-A)/i fu

(A=38.5) i=11
0-11 5.5 9 -33 -3 -27
11-22 16.5 17 -22 -2 -34
22-33 27.5 28 -11 -1 -28
33-44 38.5 26 0 0 0
44-55 49.5 15 11 1 15
55-66 60.5 8 22 2 16
Total N = 103 ∑fu = -58

Let the assumed mean A= 38.5, then

M = A + i(∑fu )/N = 38.5 + 11(-58)/103

= 38.5 - 638/103 = 38.5 - 6.194 = 32.306


Property 1 The algebraic sum of the deviations of all the variates from their arithmetic
mean is zero.

Proof . Let X1, X2,… Xn be the values of the variates and their corresponding frequencies be
f1, f2, …, fn respectively.

Let xi be the deviation of the variate Xi from the mean M, where i = 1,2, …, n. Then

Xi = Xi –M, i = 1,2,…, n.
n n

 fixi   f ( X  M )
i 1 i 1
i i

n n
=M 
i 1
fi  M  f i
i 1


Exercise 1(a)

Q.1) Marks obtained by 9 students in statistics are given below.

52 75 40 70 43 65 40 35 48

calculate the arithmetic mean.

Q.2) Calculate the arithmetic mean of the following distribution

Variate : 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Frequency: 20 43 57 61 72 45 39

Q.3) Find the mean of the following distribution

Variate : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency: 31 44 39 58 12

1.2.2 MEDIAN

The median is defined as the measure of the central term, when the given terms (i.e.,
values of the variate) are arranged in the ascending or descending order of magnitudes. In
other words the median is value of the variate for which total of the frequencies above this
value is equal to the total of the frequencies below this value.

Due to Corner, ―The median is the value of the variable which divides the group into two
equal parts one part comprising all values greater, and the other all values less then the

For example. The marks obtained, by seven students in a paper of Statistics are 15, 20, 23,
32, 34, 39, 48 the maximum marks being 50, then the median is 32 since it is the value of the
4th term, which is situated such that the marks of 1st, 2nd and 3rd students are less than this
value and those of 5th, 6th and 7th students are greater then this value.


(a)Median in individual series.

Let n be the number of values of a variate (i.e. total of all frequencies). First of all
we write the values of the variate (i.e., the terms) in ascending or descending order of

Here two cases arise:


Case 1. If n is odd then value of (n+1)/2th term gives the median.

 n 1
Case2. If n is even then there are two central terms i.e., n/2 and   The mean of
 2 
these two values gives the median.

(b) Median in continuous series (or grouped series). In this case, the median (Md) is
computed by the following formula

 cf
Md  l  2 i

Where Md = median

l = lower limit of median class

cf = total of all frequencies before median class

f = frequency of median class

i = class width of median class.

Example 1 – According to the census of 1991, following are the population figure, in
thousands, of 10 cities :

1400, 1250, 1670, 1800, 700, 650, 570, 488, 2100, 1700.

Find the median.

Solution. Arranging the terms in ascending order.

488, 570, 650, 700, 1250, 1400, 1670, 1800, 2100.

Here n=10, therefore the median is the mean of the measure of the 5th and 6th terms.

Here 5th term is 1250 and 6th term is 1400.

Median (Md) = (1250+14000)/2 Thousands

= 1325 Thousands

Examples 2. Find the median for the following distribution:

Wages in Rs. 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No. of workers 22 38 46 35 20

Solution . We shall calculate the cumulative frequencies.


Wages in Rs. No. of Workers f Cumulative Frequencies (c.f.)

0-10 22 22
10-20 38 60
20-30 46 106
30-40 35 141
40-50 20 161

Here N = 161. Therefore median is the measure of (N + 1)/2th term i.e 81st term. Clearly 81st
term is situated in the class 20-30. Thus 20-30 is the median class. Consequently.

 cf
Median M d  l  2 i

= 20 + (½  161 – 60) / 46  10

= 20 + 205/46 = 20 + 4.46 = 24.46.

Example 3. Find the median of the following frequency distribution:

Marks No. of students Marks No. of students

Less than 10 15 Less than 50 106
Less than 20 35 Less than 60 120
Less than 30 60 Less than 70 125
Less than 40 84

Solution . The cumulative frequency distribution table :

Class (Marks) Frequency f Cumulative

(No. of students) Frequency (C. F.)
0-10 15 15
10-20 20 35
20-30 25 60
30-40 24 84
40-50 22 106
50-60 14 120
60-70 5 125
Total N = 125

 125  1 

Median = measure of   term

 2 

= 63rd term.

Clearly 63rd term is situated in the class 30-40.

Thus median class = 30 - 40

 cf
Median M d  l  2 i

=30 + (125/2 – 60) / 24  10

= 30 + 25/24

= 30+1.04 = 31.04

1.2.3 MODE

The word ‗mode is formed from the French word ‗La mode‘ which means ‗in
fashion‘. According to Dr. A. L. Bowle ‗the value of the graded quantity in a statistical
group at which the numbers registered are most numerous, is called the mode or the
position of greatest density or the predominant value.‘


According to other statisticians, ‗The value of the variable which occurs most
frequently in the distribution is called the mode.‘
―The mode of a distribution is the value around the items tends to be most heavily
concentrated. It may be regarded at the most typical value of the series‖.

Definition. The mode is that value (or size) of the variate for which the frequency is
maximum or the point of maximum frequency or the point of maximum density. In other
words, the mode is the maximum ordinate of the ideal curve which gives the closest fit to
the actual distribution.

Method to Compute the mode:

(a) When the values (or measures) of all the terms (or items) are given. In this case the
mode is the value (or size) of the term (or item) which occurs most frequently.

Example 1. Find the mode from the following size of shoes

Size of shoes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Frequency 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 1

Here maximum frequency is 3 whose term value is 6. Hence the mode is modal size number

(b) In continuous frequency distribution the computation of mode is done by the following

f1  f 0
Mode M 0  l  i … (i)
2 f1  f 0  f 2

l = lower limit of class,

f1 = frequency of modal class,

f 0 =frequency of the class just preceding to the modal class,

f 2 =frequency of the class just following of the modal class,

i =class interval

Example 2.Compute the mode of the following distribution:

Class : 0-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-35 35-42 42-49
Frequency :19 25 36 72 51 43 28
Solution. Here maximum frequency 72 lies in the class-interval 21-28. Therefore 21-28 is
the modal class.
l = 21, f1 = 72, f 0 = 36, f 2 = 51, i = 7

f1  f 0
Mode M 0  l  i
2 f1  f 0  f 2
72  36
= 21  10
(2  72  36  51)
= 21 + 357 / 87
= 21 + 4.103
= 25.103.

(c) Method of determining mode by the method of grouping frequencies. This method is
usually applied in the cases when there are two maximum frequencies against two different
size of items. This method is also applied in the cases when it is possible that the effect of
neighboring frequencies on the size of item (of maximum frequency) may be greater. The
method is as follows :

Firstly the items are arranged in ascending or descending order and corresponding
frequencies are written against them.The frequencies are then grouped in two and then in
threes and then is fours (if necessary). In the first stage of grouping, they are grouped (i.e.,
frequencies are added) by taking, first and second, third and fourth, …, . After it, the
frequencies are added in threes. The frequencies are added in the following two ways :

1. (i) First and second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, seventh and eighth, …
(ii) Second and third, fourth and fifth, …
2. (i) First, second and third; fourth, fifth and sixth, …
(ii) Second, third and fourth; fifth, sixth and seventh, …
(iii) Third, fourth and fifth; sixth seventh and eighth, …
Now the items with maximum frequencies are selected and the item which
contains the maximum is called the mode. For illustration see following example 1.

Example 3. Compute the mode from the following distribution :

Size of Item 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Frequency 2 5 8 9 12 14 14 15 11 13
Solution. From the given date we observe that size 11 has the maximum
frequency 15, but it is possible that the effect of neighboring frequencies on the size
of the item may be greater. Thus it may happen that the frequencies of size 10 or 12
may be greater and 11 may not remain mode. We shall apply the method of

Size of I II III IV V VI
4 2
5 5
6 8
17 15
7 9
21 22
8 12
26 35 29
9 14

28 40
10 14
29 40 43
11 15
26 39
12 11
13 13

We have used brackets against the frequencies which have been grouped. Now we
shall find the size of the item containing maximum frequency :
Column Size of item having maximum frequency
I 11
II 10,11
III 9,10
IV 10,11,12
V 8,9,10
VI 9,10,11

Here size 8 occurs 1 time, 9 occurs 3 times, 10 occurs 5 times, 11 occurs 4 times, 12
occurs 1 time.
Since 10 occurs maximum number of times (5 times).
Hence the required mode is size 10.


For moderately asymmetrical distribution (or for asymmetrical curve), the relation
Mean – Mode = 3 (Mean - Median),
approximately holds. In such a case, first evaluate mean and median and then mode
is determined by
Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean.
If in the asymmetrical curve the area on the left of mode is greater than area on the
right then
Mean < median < mode, i. e., (M < Md < M0)

Median Mode

M < Md < M0 M0 < Md < M

If in the asymmetrical curve, the area on the left of mode is less than the area on the
right then in this case

Mode < median , mean, i.e. (M0 < Md < M).

Exercise 1(c)
Q.1) Find the Mode of the following model size number of shoes.
Model size no. of shoes : 3,4,2,1,7,6,6,7,5,6,8,9,5.

Q.2) Compute the Mode of the following distribution.

Class : 0-7 7-14 14-21 21-28 28-35 35-42 42-49
Frequency :19 25 36 72 51 43 28


If x1,x2, … ,xn. are n values of the variate x, none of which is zero . Then their
geometric mean G is defined by
G = (x1, x2, … xn)1/n (1)

If f1, f2, … , fn are the frequencies of x1,x2,…, xn respectively, then geometric mean G
is given by

G = {x1f1 x2f2 … xnfn} 1/N

N = f1 + f2 + …. + fn
Taking log of (1), we get
Log G = 1/N [f1 log x1 + f2 log x2 + … + fn log xn]
1 n
Log G =  fi log xi
N i 1
1 n
Log G =  f log x.
N 1
Example 2. Compute the geometric mean of the following distribution:

Marks 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40

No. of students 5 8 3 4
Solution . Here
Class Mid-value Frequency Log Product
Log10 x F log x
0-10 5 5 0.6990 3.4950
10-20 15 8 1.1761 9.4088
20-30 25 3 1.3979 4.1937
30-40 35 4 1.5441 6.1764
N = ∑f = 20 ∑flogx =

Log G = (∑log x)/N = 23.2739/20 = 1.1637

G = anti-log (1.1637) = 12.58 marks.


The Harmonic mean of a series of values is the reciprocal of the arithmetic means of
their reciprocals. Thus if x1,x2,…, xn (none of them being zero) is a series and H is its
harmonic mean then
1 1 1 1 1
 [   ....  ]
H N x1 x 2 xn
If f1, f2, …, fn be the frequencies of x1,x2, … , xn (none of them being zero) then harmonic
mean H is given by

H .M . 
Example 1. Find the harmonic mean of the marks obtained in a class test, given below

Marks : 11 12 13 14 15
No. of students: 3 7 8 5 2

Marks Frequency 1/x f  1/x
X f
11 3 0.0909 0.2727
12 7 0.0833 0.5831
13 8 0.0769 0.6152
14 5 0.0714 0.3570
15 2 0.0667 0.1334

N = ∑f = 25 ∑f/x = 1.9614

Required harmonic mean is given by

H .M . 
= 25 / 1.9614
= 25/1.9614
= 250000/19614
= 12.746 marks.
Property . For two observations x1 and x2, we have
AH = G2
Where A = arithmetic mean, H = harmonic mean and G = geometric mean.


If the values of the variate are arranged in ascending or descending order of

magnitudes then we have seen above that median is that value of the variate which divides
the total frequencies in two equal parts. Similarly the given series can be divided into four,
ten and hundred equal pars. The values of the variate dividing into four equal parts are
called Quartile, into ten equal parts are called Decile and into hundred equal parts are
called Percentile.


Definition. The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into four equal
parts, are called quartiles. That value of the variate which divides the total frequency into
two equal parts is called median. The lower quartile or first quartile denoted by Q1 divides
the frequency between the lowest value and the median into two equal parts and similarly
the upper quartile (or third quartile) denoted by Q3 divides the frequency between the
median and the greatest value into two equal parts. The formulas for computation of
quartiles are given by

n 3n
 cf  cf
Q1  l  4 i , Q3  l  4 i
f f

where l, cf , n, f, i. have the same meaning as in the formula for median.

1.3.2 DECILES :

Definition,. The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into ten equal
parts are called deciles. The formulas for computation are given by

n 2n
 cf  cf
D1  l  10  i , D2  l  10 i etc…
f f


Definition. The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into hundred
equal parts, arte called percentiles. The formulas for computation are :

n 70n
 cf  cf
P1  l  100  i , P70  l  100  i etc.…..
f f

Example 1. Compute the lower and upper quartiles, fourth decile and 70th percentile for
the following distribution:

Marks group No. of students Marks group No. of students

5-10 5 25-30 5
10-15 6 30-35 4
15-20 15 35-40 2
20-25 10 40-45 2

Solution. First we make the cumulative frequency table :

Class Frequency Cumulative Class Frequency Cumulative

Frequency Frequency
5-10 5 5 25-30 5 41
10-15 6 11 30-35 4 45
15-20 15 26 35-40 2 47
20-25 10 36 40-45 2 49

(i) To compute Q1. Here N = 49, ¼ N = ¼  9 = 12.25 which clearly lies in 15-20
Thus 15-20 is lower quartile class.
l = 15, cf = 11, f = 15, i = 20-15 = 5
 cf
Q1  l  4 i
= 15 + (12.25 – 11) / 15  5 = 15 + 0.417 = 15.417.
(ii) To Compute Q3 . Here ¾ N = ¾  49 = 36.75 which clearly lies in the class 25-30.

Thus l = 25,cf = 36, f = 5, i = 30-25 = 5


 cf
Q3  l  4 i

= 25 + (36.75 – 36 )/ 5  5 = 25 + 0.75 = 25.75

(iii)To compute D4 Here 4/10 N = 4/10 x 49 = 19.6, which clearly lies in the class 15-20.
Thus l = 15, cf = 11, f = 15, i = 5
 cf
D4  l  10 i
= 15 + 19.6 – 11 / 15  5 = 15 + 2.87 = 17.87
(iv) To compute P70. Here 70N/100 = 7/10 x 49 = 34.3 which clearly lies in the class 20-
25. Thus l = 20, cf = 26, f = 10, i = 5
 cf
P70  l  100 i
= 20 + (34.3 – 26) / 10  5 = 20 + 4.15 = 24.15

Exercise 1(b)
Q.1) Find the meadian of the following.
20 18 22 27 25 12 15
Q.2) Calculate the meadian, lower and upper quartiles, third decile and 60th percentile for the
following distribution.
Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
Frequency :5 8 7 12 28 20 10 10



An averages gives an idea of central tendency of the given distribution but it is

necessary to know how the variates are clustered around or scattered away from the
average. To explain it more clearly consider the works of two typists who typed the
following number of pages in 6 working days of a week :

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thus. Fri. Sat. Total pages

1 typist : 15 20 25 25 30 35 150

2 typist : 10 20 25 25 30 40 150

We see that each of the typist 1 and 2 typed 150 pages in 6 working days and so the
average in both the cases is 25. Thus there is no difference in the average, but we know that
in the first case the number of pages varies from 15 to 35 while in the second case the
number of pages varies from 10 to 40. This denotes that the greatest deviation from the
mean in the first case is 10 and in the second case it is 15 i.e., there is a difference between
the two series., The variation of this type is termed scatter or dispersion or spread.

Definition. The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average
value is called variation or dispersion or spread of the data.

Various measures of dispersion or variation are available, the most common are the


It is the simplest possible measure of dispersion. The range of a set of numbers

(data) is the difference between the largest and the least numbers in the set i.e. values of the
variable. If this difference is small then the series of numbers is supposed regular and if
this difference is large then the series is supposed to be irregular.

Example : Compute the range for the following observation

15 20 25 25 30 35

Solution: Range = Largest – Smallest

i.e., 35-15=20


Definition. The inter quartile range of a set of data is defined by

Inter-quartile range = Q3-Q1

where Q1 and Q3 are respectively the first and third quartiles for the data.

Semi-inter quartile range (or quartile deviation) is denoted by Q and is defined by

Q =(Q3 – Q1)/2

where Q1 and Q3 have the same meaning as given above.

The semi-inter-quartile range is a better measure of dispersion than the range and is easily
computed. Its drawback is that it does not take into account all the items.


Definition. The average (or mean) deviation about any point M, of a set of N
numbers x1, x2, …, xN is defined by
Mean Deviation (M. D.) = δm =
x M
i 1

where M is the mean or median or mode according as the mean deviation from the
mean or median or mode is to be computed, l xi – M l represents the absolute (or
numerical) value. Thus l-5l = 5.

If x1,x2,…, xk occur with frequencies f1,f2,…,fk respectively, then the mean

deviation (δm) is defined by

1 k 1
δm = 
N j 1
fj ( xj  M )   f ( x  M )

Mean deviation depends on all the values of the variables and therefore it is a better
measure of dispersion than the range or the quartile deviation. Since signs of the deviations
are ignored (because all deviations are taken positive), some artificiality is created.

In case of grouped frequency distribution the mid-values are taken as x.

Example 1. Find the mean deviation from the arithmetic mean of the following
distribution :

Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

No. of students : 5 8 15 16 6

Solution. Let assumed mean A = 25 and i=10

Class Mid value Frequency x A fu x-M f lx-Ml

X f u
0-10 5 5 -2 -10 -22 110
10-20 15 8 -1 -8 -12 96
20-30 25 15 0 0 -2 30
30-40 35 16 1 16 8 128
40-50 45 6 2 12 18 108
Total ∑f =50 ∑fu = 10 ∑f l x – M l
= 472

Arithmetic mean M= u
 fu  i = 25 + 10/50  10 = 27.

The required mean deviation from arithmetic mean

δm =
 f (x  M ) = 472 / 50 = 9.44

Example 2. Compute the semi-inter-quartile range of the marks of 63 students in

Mathematics given below :

Marks Group No. of Students Marks Group No. of students

0-10 5 50-60 7
10-20 7 60-70 3
20-30 10 70-80 2
30-40 16 80-90 2
40-50 11 90-100 0


Marks Group Frequency f Cumulative Frequency c.f.

0-10 5 5
10-20 7 12
20-30 10 22
30-40 16 38
40-50 11 49
50-60 7 56
60-70 3 59
70-80 2 61
80-90 2 63
90-100 0 63
∑f = 63

To calculate lower Quartile Q1. Here N = 60. So ¼ (N+1)th i.e., 16th students lies in the
marks group 20-30. Thus lower quartile class is 20-30.

N F
15.75  12
Q1 = l  4  i = 20   10 = 23.75.
f 10

47.25  38
Similarly Q3 = 40   10 = 48.4.

Semi-inter quartile range = (Q3  Q1)

= ½ (48.4-23.75) = 12.32 Marks


Root – mean square Deviation :

Definition. It is defined as the positive square root of the mean of the squares of
the deviations from an origin A and denoted by s

s {
 f ( x  A) 2 }

Mean square deviation. It is defined as the mean of the squares of the deviations from an
origin A. Thus

 f x  A

s2 =

Remark. The origin A may be taken at any arbitrary point A.

Standard Deviation :

Definition. Standard deviation (or S.D.) is the positive square root of the
arithmetic mean of the square deviations of various values from their arithmetic mean M.
It is usually denoted by σ. Thus

σ= s {
 f ( x  M )2 }


1. When the deviations is calculated from the arithmetic mean M, then root mean
square deviation becomes standard deviation.

2. The square of the standard deviation σ2 is called variance.

3. The quantity s2 is said to be second moment about the value A and is denoted by µ2‘.
4. The variance σ2 is called the second moment about the mean M and is denoted by µ2.

Consider a frequency distribution (discrete series)

x: x1 x2 … xn

f: f1 f2 … fn

Let A be the assumed mean and M the arithmetic mean. Also suppose M-A = d. Then

1 1
σ2 
 f ( x  M )2   f ( x  A  M  A)2


 f ( x  d )2 whereX  x  A, d  M  A
1 1 1

 fx 2  2d .  fX  d 2 .  f

1 1

 f ( x  A)2  2d .  f ( x  A)  d 2

1 1 1

 f ( x  A)2  2d (  fx   fA)  d 2


 f ( x  A)2  2d (M  A)  d 2

 f ( x  A)2 d 2  s 2  d 2

Hence s2 = σ2 + d2 … (1)

Relation (1) shows that s is least when d = 0 i.e., A = M and the least value of s is equal to σ.

In other words the standard deviation is the least possible root mean square deviation.

Remark. Since d2>0, always, therefore, from (1), we have

S2> σ2

i.e., mean square deviation about any point A is greater than variance.


We know that

 f  )}
σ   {  f (


Where ξ = (x-A) and A = assumed mean


If u = (x-A)/h = ξ/h, then ξ = uh.

By short cut method

 fu ) }
σ  h {  fu 2  (
2 2


 fu ) }]
σ =  h [{
 fu 2


The measure of dispersions namely ranger, quartile deviations, inter-quartile

deviation. Mean deviation, standard deviation, root mean square deviation (these have
been discussed above) are said to be absolute measure of dispersion, since they are
expressed in terms of units of observations (Cm., Km., Rs., degree etc.). We know that
different units can not be compared; for example a centimeter can not be compared with a
rupee. Therefore, the dispersions in different units can not be compared. Also the measures
of dispersion depend on the measures of central tendency. Therefore, it is needed to define
some measures which are independent of the units of measurement and can be adjusted for
measures of central tendency. Such type of measures are called relation measures of
dispersion or coefficients of dispersion. These relative measures are pure numbers and are
usually expressed as percentages.

They are useful to compare two series in different units and also to compare
variations of two series having different magnitudes.

Some of the relative measures of dispersion (or coefficient of dispersion) which are
in common use are given below :

(i) Quartile coefficient of dispersion. It is usually denoted by Q.D. and is defined by


Q3  Q1
Q.D.= 
Q3  Q1

(ii) Coefficient of mean dispersion = Mean deviation about any point ‘a‘ / a .

Here any point ‗a‘ can be replaced by mean, median, mode etc.

(iii) Coefficient of variation or coefficient of dispersion. It is defined by the ration σ/M,

where σ is standard deviation and M is the arithmetic mean. It is denoted by C.V. or V.

C.V. or V = σ / M

Sometimes, we define

C.V. or V = σ / M  100

Example1. Calculate the S.D. and coefficient of variation (C.V.) for the following table :

Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80

Frequency : 5 10 20 40 30 20 10 5

Solution. We prepare the following table for the computation of S.D.

Class Mid-value x f x  35 fu fu2

0-10 5 5 -3 -15 45
10-20 15 10 -2 -20 40
20-30 25 20 -1 -20 20
30-40 35 40 0 0 0
40-50 45 30 1 30 30
50-60 55 20 2 40 80
60-70 65 10 3 30 90
70-80 75 5 4 20 80
N=∑f = 140 ∑fu = 65 ∑fu2 = 385

Let assumed mean = 35 = A (say) and h = 10

A.M. , M = A + h (∑fu)/N = 35 + 10 (65/140)

= 35 + 4.64 = 39.64

S.D., σ = h [
 fu 2

 fu ) ]


= 10 [  (.464)2 ]

= 10 [2.75  .215] = 10 (2.535) = 10 x 1.59 = 15.9

C.V. = σ/M x100 = 15.9/39.64 x 100 = 40.11%.


For any frequency distribution, the rth moment about any point A is defined as the
arithmetic mean of rth powers of deviations from the point A.

1.7.1 Moments about mean (or Central Moments) :

(i) For an individual series. Let x1,x2,…,xn be the n values of the variable x,
then the rth moment about the mean (arithmetic mean) x is denoted by µr
and is defined by

 ( xi  x) r

, for r = 0,1,2,3,….
µr = i 1

(ii) For a frequency distribution. Let

x: x1 x2 … xn

f: f1 f2 … fn

be a discrete frequency distribution. Then the rth moment µ r about the mean
x is defined by

 ( xi  x ) r
µr = i 1

, for r = 0,1,2,3,…. Where  fi  N
i 1

 ( xi  x ) r

µr =
, for r = 0,1,2,3,…. Where  fi  N
Particular Cases.
For r = 0,
n n

 fi ( xi  x )0  fi N
µ0 = i 1
 i 1
 1
Hence for all distributions,

µ0 = 1

 f (x  x )
i i
1 x xN
For r = 1, µ1 =

 f x  N  fi  x 
i i
 0.

Hence for all distributions,

µ1 = 0

For r=2, µ2 =
 fi ( xi  x )2 = σ2 = variance.

Hence for all distributions, we have

µ2 = (standard deviation)2 = Variance

 fi  x i  x  3
For r=3, µ3 = , and so on.


For any frequency distribution the rth moment about any point x = A, is defined as
the arithmetic mean of the rth powers of the deviations from the point x=A and is denoted
by µr ‗.


X: x1 x2 … xn

F: f1 f2 … fn

Be discrete frequency distribution, then

1 n n
µr‫= ׳‬ 
N i 1
fi ( xi  A) r, r = 0,1,2,3,…, and  f  N.
i 1

In case of individual series


 ( x  A)

µr‫= ׳‬ i 1
, r  0,1, 2,3,....

Particular cases.

For r = 0,

1 n 1 n N
µ0 ‫= ׳‬ 
N i 1
fi ( xi  A) 0
 
N i 1
fi   1

For r=1

1 n 1 n 1 n
µ1 ‫= ׳‬ 
N i 0
fi ( xi  A)1
 
N i 0
fi xi  A fi
N i 1

= x – A/N x N = x – A = d (say)

Where x = Arithmetic mean of given data.

For r=2

 fi{( xi  x )  ( x  A)}
1 n 1 n
µ2 ‫= ׳‬ 
N i 1
fi ( xi  A) 2

N i 1

( x  A)2
  fi( xi  x ) 
1 n n

N i 1

i 1

= σ2 + (x-A)2 = σ2 + d2.

For r=3

 fi( xi  x )3 , and so on.

1 n
µ3 ‫ = ׳‬
N i 1


We have:

µr  r  rC11r1  rC2 (1)2 r2 .......................  ( 1) r ( 1) r



x: x1 x2 … xn

f: f1 f2 … fn

be a discrete frequency distribution, then the rth moment about the origin is denoted by
Vr, (say) and is defined by
n n
Vr = 

i 1
fi xir, r=0,1,2,3,… and 
fi = N

Putting r= 0,1,2, …, we get

1 N
V0 

i 1
fi =

V1 

i 1



i 1
fi {(xi – x) + x}r



i 1
fi {(xi-x)r + rC1 (xi-x)r-1 x + rC2 (xi - x)r-2 (x)2 + … + (x)r}

Vr = µr  r C1µr 1x  r C2 µr 2  x     x 
2 r


Karl Pearson gave the following four coefficients. Calculated from the central
moments, which are defined as

Beta coeficients Gamma coefficients

γ1 =   1
β1 = µ32/µ23

β2 = µ4/µ22  4  3 2 2
γ2 = β2 – 3 =
 22

The sign of γ1 depends upon µ3 is positive then γ1 is positive. If µ3 is negative then γ1

is negative. The above four coefficients are pure numbers and thus do not have any unit.
The β and γ coefficients give some idea about the shape of the curve obtained from the
frequency distribution. This we shall discuss in the topic Kurtosis and Skew ness.

Example 1. Calculate the first four central moments from the following data

Class : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50

Frequency : 1 3 5 7 4

Solution. Let A=25. Here h=10. To facilitate the calculations, let

x  A x  25
u= 
h 10

Class Frequency Mid- x  25 fu fu2 fu3 fu4

f value x U=
0-10 1 5 -2 -2 4 -8 16
10-20 3 15 -1 -3 3 -3 3
20-30 5 25 0 0 0 0 0
30-40 7 35 1 7 7 7 7
40-50 4 45 2 8 16 32 64
N = ∑f = ∑fu = 10 ∑fu2 = 30 ∑fu3 = 28 ∑fu4 = 90

The rth moment about any point x=A=25 is given by

h r  fu r
µ r‘ =

h1  fu1
µ1‘ = = 10x10/20 = 5

h 2  fu 2
µ2‘ = = 100x30/20 = 150

h 3  fu 3
µ3‘ = = 1000x28/20 = 1400

h 4  fu 4
µ4‘ = = 10000x90/20 = 45000.

To Calculate Central Moments.

µ1 = 0 (always)

µ2 = µ2‘ – (µ1‘)2 = 150 – (5)2 = 125

µ3 = µ3‘ - 3 µ2‘ µ1‘ + 2 (µ1‘)3 = 1400 - 3 x 150 x 5 + 2 (5)3 = -600

µ4 = µ4‘ - 4 µ3‘ µ1‘ + 6 µ2‘(µ1‘)2 – 3 (µ1‘)4

= 45000 – 4 x 1400 x 5 + 6 x 150 x (5)2 – 3 (5)4 = 37625



By skewness in some frequency distribution, we mean the lack in symmetry. [If the
frequencies are symmetrically distributed about the mean, then the distribution is called
symmetrical, in other words, a distribution is called symmetrical when the values
equidistant from the mean have equal frequencies.] Skewness is also termed as asymmetry.

Skewness denotes the tendency of distribution to depart from symmetry. According

to Simpson, ―Skewness or asymmetry is the attribute of a frequency distribution that
extends further on one side of the class with the highest frequency that on the other‖.


We know that for a symmetrical distribution the mean, median and mode coincide.
Therefore, skewness in a distribution is shown when these three averages do not coincide.
Skewness indicates that the frequency curve has a longer tail on one side for the average.
When the frequency curve has a longer tail on right side, the skewness is called positive.
When the frequency curve has a longer tail on left side, the skewness is called negative. In
other words, the skewness is positive if M0<Md<M and negative if M<Md<M0, where M,
Md and M0 are mean, median and mode respectively.


We shall give following three measures to measure the skewness :

(i) First coefficient of skewness. It is also known as Bowley‘s coefficient of skewness and
is defined as
Q  Q1  2M d (Q3  M d )  ( M d  Q1 )
Coefficient of skewness = 3   JQ .
Q3  Q1 (Q3  M d )  ( M d  Q1 )
Where Q1 and Q3 are lower and upper quartiles respectively and Md is median.
Clearly this measure is based on the fact that in a skew curve, the median does
not lie half way between Q1 and Q3. This formula for coefficient of skewness is
used when mode is well defined

Second coefficient of skewness. It is also called Karl Pearson‘s coefficient of

skewness and is defined as
Mean  Mode M M0
Coefficient of skewness= = J
S tan dardDeviation 
If mode is not well defined, then
3( M  M d )
Coeff. Of skewness =

Clearly this measure is based on the fact that mean and mode are not coincident.

Note that both of the above coefficients are pure numbers since both the
numerator and denominator have the same dimensions.

(ii) Coefficients of Skewness Based on Moments. When there is symmetrical distribution,

all the moments of odd order about the arithmetic mean (i.e., µ1,µ3,µ5 etc.
)vanish. If the values of these coefficients do not vanish then there is skewness in
the frequency distribution.
According to Karls Pearson the coefficients of skewness are exactly given by the
following formulae :
First Coefficient of Skewness =  1   1
 32
1 (  2  3)
Second Coefficient of Skewness =
2(5 2  61  9)

If skewness in the series is very small then second coefficient of skewness should
be used.
Coefficients of skewness based on moments are also called Moment Coefficient
of skewness.

Examples 1. Compute the Bowley‘s coefficient of skewness for the following

frequency distribution :
Marks : 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50
No. of students : 2 7 10 5 3
Marks Frequency C.F.
0-10 2 2
10-20 7 9
20-30 10 19

30-40 5 24
40-50 3 27

Lower quartile, Q1 = N/4th term = 27/4th term = 6.75th term.

N F
4 6.75  2
Q1 = l  x i = 10  x10
f 7
Q1 = 10  x 10 = 10+6.79 = 16.79 marks.Median,
Md = (N/2)th term = 13.5th term
N F
13.5  9
Md = l  4 x I = 20  x 10 = 20 + 4.5 = 24.5 marks.
f 10
Q3 = 3 (N/4)th term = 20.25th term.
N F
Q3 = l  4 xi
20.25  19
Q3 = 30  x 10 = 30 + 2.5 = 32.5 marks.
Bowley‘s coefficient of skewness
Q  Q1  2M d
JQ = 3
Q3  Q1
32.5  16.79  2 x24.5 0.29
=   0.02.
32.5  16.79 15.79


In Greek language kurtosis means ‗bulgines.‘. kurtosis indicates the nature of the
vertex of the curve. Several statisticians defined kurtosis. Some of these definitions are :

―In statistics, kurtosis reefers to the degree of flatness of peaked ness in the region
about the mode of frequency curve. The degree of kurtosis of a distribution is measured
relative to the peaked ness of normal curve.‖

―A measure of kurtosis indicates the degree to which a curve of the frequency

distribution is peaked or flat-topped.‖

Karl Pearson in 1905 defined following three types of curves :

1. Normal Curve or Measokurtic Curve. A curve which is neither flat nor peaked is
called a normal curve or meso-kurtic curve. For such type of curve we have β2 = 3
and γ2=0.

2. Leptokurtic Curve. A curve which is more peaked than the normal curve is called
leptokurtic curve. For such type of curve, we have β2>3 and γ2>0.
3. Platykurtic Curve. A curve which is more flatter than the normal curve is called
platykurtic curve. For such type of curve, we have β2<3 and γ2<0.

Measure of Kurtosis

Second and fourth moments are used to measure kurtosis. Karl Pearson gave the
following formula to measure kurtosis :

Kurtosis or 2  µ4 / µ2 2 .

To measure kurtosis, γ2 is used and it is given by the following formula:

4  322
γ2 = β2 – 3 =


(1) If γ2 = 0, the curve is normal.

(2) If γ2>0, the curve is leprokurtic.
(3) If γ2<0, the curve is platykurtic.

Example 2. The fourth moment about mean of frequency distribution is 768. What must
be value of its standard deviation in order that the distribution be

(i) Leptokurtic
(ii) Mesokurtic

Given µ4 = 768.

Kurtosis =  2 = µ4/ µ22 = µ4 / σ4 = 768 / σ4

Now the distribution will be

1. Leptokurtic if  2 >3 => 768/ σ4>3 => σ4 <768/3

=> σ4 < 256 => σ4 < (4)4 => σ < 4

2. Mesokurtic if  2 = 3 => 768 / σ4 = 3 => σ = 4


3. Platykurtic if  2 <3 => 768/ σ4 <3 => σ >4

1.10 Let us sum up

After going through this unit , you would achieved the objectives stated earlier in
the unit. Let us recall what we have discussed so far –

* An average is a single value within the range of the data that is used to represent
all the values in the series.

* To find the arithmetic mean, add the values of all terms and them divide sum by
the number of terms, the quotient is the arithmetic mean.

* The median is the value of the variable which divides the group into two equal
parts one part comprising all values greater, and the other all values less then the

* The mode is that value (or size) of the variate for which the frequency is maximum
or the point of maximum frequency or the point of maximum density. In other
words, the mode is the maximum ordinate of the ideal curve which gives the closest
fit to the actual distribution.

* For moderately asymmetrical distribution (or for asymmetrical curve), the

Mean – Mode = 3 (Mean - Median),
approximately holds. In such a case, first evaluate mean and median and then mode
is determined by
Mode = 3 Median – 2 Mean.
If in the asymmetrical curve the area on the left of mode is greater than area on the
right then
Mean < median < mode, i. e., (M < Md < M0)

* If f1, f2, … , fn are the frequencies of x1,x2,…, xn respectively, then geometric mean
G is given by

G = {x1f1 x2f2 … xnfn} 1/N

N = f1 + f2 + …. + fn

* If f1, f2, …, fn be the frequencies of x1,x2, … , xn (none of them being zero) then harmonic
mean H is given by

H .M . 

* The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into four equal parts, are called

* The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into ten equal parts are called

* The values of the variate which divide the total frequency into hundred equal parts, arte
called percentiles.

* The range of a set of numbers (data) is the difference between the largest and the least
numbers in the set

* Semi-inter quartile range (or quartile deviation) is denoted by Q and is defined by

Q =(Q3 – Q1)/2

* If x1,x2,…, xk occur with frequencies f1,f2,…,fk respectively, then the mean

deviation (δm) is defined by

1 k 1
δm = 
N j 1
fj ( xj  M )   f ( x  M )

* Standard deviation (or S.D.) is the positive square root of the arithmetic mean of the
square deviations of various values from their arithmetic mean M. It is usually denoted by

σ= s {
 f ( x  M )2 }

* For any frequency distribution, the rth moment about any point A is defined as the
arithmetic mean of rth powers of deviations from the point A.

* Skewness denotes the tendency of distribution to depart from symmetry.


* measure of kurtosis indicates the degree to which a curve of the frequency distribution is
peaked or flat-topped.

1.11 Check your progress : The key

Q.1)Calcutate the measure of Kurtosis for the following distribution.

Marks :3-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55

No. of candidate :1 3 5 7 4

Q.2)The first four moments of the distribution about the value 5 of a variable are 2,20,40 and

50 . Find the central moment.




2.0 Introduction

2.1 Objectives

2.2 Random experiment

2.3 Sample space


2.4 Event

2.5 Additional law of probability

2.6 Conditional probability

2.7 Multiplicative law of probability

2.8 Independent and dependent event

2.9 Bay’s theorem

2.10 Random variable

2.11 Probability density function

2.12 Continuous probability distribution

2.13 Cummulative distribution function

2.14 Mean, Median, Mode and Moments for a continuous distribution function

2.15 Mathematical expectation

2.16 Covariance

2.17 Let us sum up

2.18 Check your progress : The key



If a coin is tossed repeatedly under essentially homogeneous and similar

conditions, then one is not sure if a ‗head‘ or a ‗tail‘ will be obtained. Such
types of phenomena (i.e. phenomena which do not lend itself to deterministic
approach) are called unpredictable or ‗probabilistic’ phenomena.

In 1993 A. N. Komogrov, a Russian mathematician, tried successfully to

relate the theory of probability with the set theory by axiomatic approach. The
axiomatic definition of probability includes both the classical and the statistical
definitions as particular cases and overcomes the definitions of each of them.


The main aim of this unit is to study the probability. After going through this unit you should
be able to :

 describe random experiments, sample space, additive law and multiplicative law of
probability, dependent and independent events etc ;

 calculate mean, mode, median, and moments for a continuous distribution function,
mathematical expectation;

 find out covariance;

 know Bay’s theorem, random variables, probability density function, continuous

probability distribution, cumulative distributive function,etc.


Consider a bag containing 4 white and 5 black balls. Suppose 2 balls are
drawn at random. Here the natural phenomenon is that ‗both balls may be
white‘ or ‗one white and one black‘ or ‗both black‘. Thus there is a
probabilistic situation.

We feel intuitively in the following statements.

(i) The probability of getting a ‗tail‘ in one toss of an unbiased coin is

(ii) The probability of getting an ‗ace‘ in a single of an unbiased die is
Similarly the probability of getting a 2 or 3 in a single throw of an unbiased
die should be the sum of probabilities of getting a 2 or 3 i.e. 1/6 + 1/6 = 1/3. In
other words, there should be the sum of probabilistic situations, we need
mathematical models.

Any probabilistic situation is called a random experiment and is denoted by E.

Each performance in random experiment is called a trial and the result of a
trial is called an ‗outcome‘ or a ‗sample point‘ or an ‗elementary event‘.



A sample space of a random experiment is the set of all possible outcomes of that
experiment and is denoted by S

Finite sample space. A sample space containing finite number of sample

points, is called a finite sample space.

2.4 EVENT.

Of all the possible outcomes in the sample space of an experiment some

outcomes satisfy a specified description, it is called an event .In other words ‗
every non-empty subset of a sample space is called an event of the sample space’.
It is denoted by E. Several events are denoted by E1, E2, etc.

Certain and impossible events. If S is a sample space, then S and  are

both subsets of S and so S and  both are events. S is called certain event
and  is called impossible event.

Equally likely events. Two events are considered equally likely if one of
them cannot be expected in preference to the other.

For example, if an unbiased coin is tossed then we may get any of head (H) or
tail (T), thus the two different events are equally likely.

Exhaustive Events. All possible outcomes in a trial , are called exhaustive


For example, if an unbiased die is rolled, then we may obtain any one of the six
numbers1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Hence there are six exhaustive events in this trial.

Favorable events. The total number of favorable outcomes (or ways) in a

trail, to happen an event, are called favorable events.

For example, If a pair of fair dice is tossed then the favorable events to get the
sum 7 are six :

(1,6), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (5,2), (6,1,).

Mutually Exhaustive or Incompatible Events. Two or more than two

events are called mutually exclusive events if there is no element (or outcome
or result) common to these events. In other words, events are called mutually
exclusive if the happening of one of them prevents or precludes the happening
of the other events.

If E1 , E2 are two mutually exclusive events then E1 E2    E1 and E2

are mutually exclusive.



Example 1. In a single toss of a fair die, find (a) sample space (b) event
of getting an even number (c) event of getting an odd number (d) event of getting
numbers greater than 3, (e) event of getting numbers less than 4.

Solution. (a). When we toss a die, then we may get any of the six
numbers, 1,2,3,4,5and 6. hence the set of these six numbers is the sample space
S for this experiment, i.e.,


In the above experiment, to get an even number is an event, say E1 ; to

get an odd number is an event, say E2 ; to get numbers greater than 3 is an
event, say E3 ; and to get numbers less than 4 is an event, say E4 . Thus

(b) E1 ={2,4,6}

(c) E2 ={1,3,5}

(d) E3 ={4,5,6}

(e) E4 ={1,2,3}

Example2. Consider an experiment in which two coins are tossed

together. Find the sample space. Find also the following events:

(a)Heads on the upper faces of coins, (b)head on one and tail on other, (c)Tails on
both,(d) at least one head.
Solution. If H denotes ‗head‘ and T denotes ‗tail‘ then the toss of two coins can
lead to four cases (H,H),(T,T),(H,T),(T,H) all equally likely. Hence the sample
space S is the set of all these four ordered pairs, thus


In this experiment let E1 , E2 , E3 and E4 be the events of getting both heads, one
head and one tail, both tails and at least on head respectively, then

(a) E1 ={(H,H)}

(b) E2 ={(H,T),(T,H)}

(c) E3 ={(T,T)}

(d) E4 ={(H,H),(H,T),(T,H)}

Simple And Compound Events

Consider a random experiment and let e1 , e2 ,........., en be the outcomes or

sample points so that the sample space S for this experiment is given by
X={ e1 , e2 ,........., en }.

Let E be an event related to this experiment then E  S . The set E

representing the event, may have only one or more elements of S. Based upon
this fact, every event can be divided into following two types of events:

Simple event. If E contains only one element of the sample space S, then E, is
called simple event. Thus

E  ei 

where ei  S , is a simple event since it contains only one element of S.

Composition of events

Following are three fundamental rules to composite two or more events

by the help of set notations.

Let S be a sample space and A and B be its any two events:

(i) The event represented by A B or A+B. If the event E happens when A

happens or B happens then E is denoted by A B i.e., the event E
represented by A B includes all those elements (or outcomes or
results) which A or B contain.



(ii) The event represented by A B or AB. If the event E happens when

the events A and B both happen then the event E is represented by
A B i.e., the event E denoted by A B includes elements (or
outcomes ) common to both A and B. The shaded area in figure
represents the event E = A B .

A B.

(iii) Complement of event A or the event A or A . If the event E happens

when the event A does not happen then E is denoted by A .



Theorem. If E1 and E2 are any two events then

P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 )  P( E2 )  P( E1 E2 ) .

Proof. Let S be the sample space and n be the number of elements in S.

Let l be the number of elements in E1 and m the number of elements in the
event E2 , i.e.,

n(S )  n, n( E1 )  l , n( E2 )  m.

if the events E1 and E2 are not mutually exclusive then E1 E2  .

Let n( E1 E2 )  r

Clearly n( E1 E2 )  l  m  r .

Now the probability of E1 or E2 happening

n( E1 E2 ) l  m  r l m r
P( E1 E2 )     
n( S ) n n n n
n( E1 ) n( E1 ) n( E1 E2 )
  
n( S ) n( S ) n( S )

or P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 )  P( E2 )  P( E1 E2 ) (1)

cor. If E1 and E2 be mutually exclusive events then.

E1 E2   and n( E1 E2 )  0

Now from (1), we have

P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 )  P( E2 )

1 1
Example 1. If is the probability of winning a race by the horse A and be
4 3
the probability of winning the same race by the horse B. Find the probability that
one of these horse will win.

Solution . Let E1 and E2 be the events that the horse A and B wins the race
respectively. Then
1 1
P( E1 )  , P( E2 ) 
4 3

We know that if the horse A wins the race then the horse B cannot
win the race and if B wins the race then A can not win. Hence the events E1
and E2 are mutually exclusive events. Therefore, the probability that any one
of A or B ins the race is given by

1 1 7
P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 )  P( E2 ) = + =
4 3 12

Example 2. Discuss and criticize the following:

1 1 2
P( A)  , P( B)  , P(C ) 
6 4 3

for the probabilities of three mutually exclusive events A,B,C.

Solution. Since A,B, C are mutually exclusive events, therefore:

1 1 2 13
P( A B C )  P( A)  P( B)  P(C )     >1
6 4 3 12

which is impossible


When the happening of an event E1 depends upon the happening of

an another event E2 then the probability of E1 is called conditional probability
and is denoted by P( E1 E ) . Thus P( E1 E ) denotes the conditional probability
2 2

for the event E1 when the E2 has already happened.


Theorem . If E1 and E2 are two events, the respective probabilities of which are
known, then the probability that both will happen simultaneously is the prduct of
probability of E1 and the conditional probability of E2 when E1 has already
occurred i.e.,
P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 ) P( ).

Proof. Let S be the sample space for an experiment and E1 and E2 be its two

Suppose the event E1 has occurred and E1   . Since E1  S and the

event E1 has occurred, therefore all elements of S cannot occur and only those
elements of S which belong to E1 can occur. In this case the reduced sample
space will be E1 . Now if the event E2 occurs, then all elements of E2 cannot
occur but only those elements of E2 which belong to E1 can occur. The set of
common elements is E1 E2 . Hence the probability of E2 when E1 has occurred
i.e., P( E2 E ) [i.e., conditional probability of E2 when E1 has occurred] is given by

E2 n( E1 E2 )
P( )=
E1 n( E1 )

n( E1 E2 )
n( S )

n( E1 )
n( S )

P( E1 E2 )

P( E1 )

 P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 ) P( ).

Similarly we can prove that

P( E1 E2 )  P( E2 ) P( )


Definition . Let E1 and E2 be any two events of a sample space. If the

occurrence of E1 does not depend on the occurrence of E2 and the occurrence
of E2 does not depend on the occurrence of E1 or in other words the
occurrence of any one does not depend on the occurrence of other then E1 and
E2 are called independent events otherwise they are called dependent events.

Example1. if A and B are two events, where

1 1 1
P( A)  , P( B)  , and P( A B)  ,then evaluate the following:
2 3 4

a. P( A B)

b. P( B A)

c. P( A B)


a. P( A B)  P( B).P( A / B)

P( A ) 
P ( A B )
= 43
B P( B) 1 4

P ( B A) P ( A B ) 2 1
b. P( B )   4 
A P( A) P( A) 1 4 2

1 1 1 7
c. P( A B)  P( A)  P( B)  P( A  B)    
2 3 4 12


An event B can be explained by a set of exhaustive and mutually exclusive

hypothesis A1,A2,….,An. Given ‗a priori‘ probabilities P(A1),P(A2),…,P(An)
corresponding to a total absence of knowledge regarding the occurrence of B
and conditional probabilities


1. the ‗a posterior‘ probability P(A j / B) of some event Aj is given by

P(A j ).P( B / Aj )
P(A j / B)  n

 P(A ) P( B / A )
i 1
i i

2. the probability P(C/B) of materialization of another event C is given by

 P(A ).P( B / A )P(C / A B)

i i i
P(A j / B)  i 1

 P(A ) P( B / A )
i 1
i i

Proof: (a) since the event B can occur when either A1 occurs, or A2 occurs,
or,…,An occurs i.e , B can occur in composition with either A1 or A2

B  BA1  BA2  BA3  ............BAn

P( B)  P( BA1  BA2  BA3  ............BAn )

Since A1,A2…An are mutually exclusive, hence BA1,BA2,…BAn are mutually

exclusive forms, therefore by total probability theorem , we have

P( B)  P( BA1 )  P( BA2 )  P( BA3 )  ............  P( BA n )

n n
  P( BAi )   P(Ai )P( B / Ai )
i 1 i 1

Where P(B/Ai) is the conditional probability of B when Ai has already

occurred .

Now from the theorem of compound probability , we have

P(A j B)  P(A j ) P(A j / B)

P(A j B) P(A j ) P(A j / B)

P(A j / B)   …(2)
P( B) P( B)

From(1)and (2) we get

P(Ai ) P( B / Ai )
P(A j / B)  n
 P(A )P( B / A )
i 1
i i

(b) the further event C can occur in n mutually exclusive cases namely A1
C/B,…,AnC/B. hence the conditional probability of C is given by

P(C / B)  P(A1C / B)  P(A2C / B)  ............  P(A nC / B)

n n
=  P(AiC / B)   P(Ai / B) P(C / Ai B)
i 1 i 1

 P(A ) P( B / A ) P(C / A B)
i i i
 i 1

 P(A )P( B / A )
i 1
i i

Example1. A bag contains 3 white and 2 black balls, an another bag contain 5
white and 3 black balls. If a bag is selected at random and a ball is drawn
from it , find the probability that it is white.

Solution. Let B be the event of getting one white ball, and A1,A2 be the events
of choosing first bag and second bag respectively

P(A1)= the probability of selecting the first bag out of two bags =

similarly , P(A2) = the probability of selecting second bag =

P(B/Ai)=the conditional probability of drawing one white ball while first bag
has been selected
C1 3
=5 
C1 5

Similarly P( B / A2 )  5 / 8

 P(B)= The probability that a white ball is drawn


=  P(Ai )P( B / Ai )
i 1

= P(A1 ) P( B / A1 )  P(A2 ) P( B / A2 )

1 3 1 5 49
= .  .  Ans.
2 5 2 8 80


Definition. A real valued function defined on a sample-space is called a

random-variable(or a discrete random variable).

A random variable can assume only a set of real values and the values
which the variable takes depends on the chance. Random variable is also
called stochastic variable or simply a variate. For example.

Suppose a perfect die is thrown then x, the number of points on the die
is random variable since x has the following two properties:

(i) x takes only a set of discrete values 1,2,3,4,5,6;

(ii) the values which x takes depends on the chance.

Actually x takes values 1,2,3,4,5,6 each with probability 1/6.

The set of values 1,2,3,4,5,6 with their probabilities 1/6 is called the
Probability Distribution of variate x.

In general suppose that corresponding to x exhaustive and mutually

exclusive cases obtained from a trail, a variate x takes n values x1 , x2 ,.........., xn
with their probabilities p1 , p2 ,.........., pn .

The set of values xi (for i=1,2…n) with their probabilities pi (for i=1,2…n) is
called the Probability Distribution of the variable of that trial. It is to be noted
that most of the properties of frequency distribution will be equally applicable
to probability distribution.

Continuous Variate

So far we have discussed with discrete variate which takes a finite set of

When we deal with variates like weights and temperature then we know
that these variates can take an infinite number of values in a given interval.
Such type of vriates are known as continuous variates.

Definition. A variate which is not discrete, i.e., which can take infinte number
of values in a given interval a  x  b , is called a continuous variate.


Let X be a continuous random variable and let the probability of X

1 1
falling in the infinitesimal interval ( x  dx, x  dx ) be expressed by f(x)dx i.e.
2 2

1 1
P( x  dx  X  x  dx)  f ( x)dx ,
2 2

where f(x) is a continuous function of X and satisfies the following two


(i) f ( x)  0

(ii) 
f ( x)dx  1, if a  X  b

f ( x)dx  1, if   X  

then the function f(x) is called the probability density function(or in brief p.d.f.)
of the continuous random variable X.

The continuous curve Y=f(x) is called the Probability density curve( or in

1 1
brief probability curve). The length of infinitesimal interval ( x  dx, x  dx ) is
2 2
dx and its mid point is x.


(1) If the range of X be finite, then also it can be expressed as infinite range.
For example,

.f(x)=0, for x<a

.f(x)=ф(x), for a X b

f(x)=0 for x>b.

(2) The probability that a value of continuous variable X lies within the
interval(c,d) is given by

P(c  X  d )   f ( x)dx

(3) The continuous variable always takes values within a given interval
howsoever small the interval may be.
(4) If X be a continuous random variable, then

where k is a constant quantity.



The probability distribution of continuous random variate is called the

continuous probability distribution and it is expressed in terms of probability
density function.


The probability that the value of a random variate X is ‗x or less than ‘

is called the cumulative distribution functions of X and is usually denoted by
F(x). In symbolic notation, the cumulative distribution function of discrete
random variate X is given by

F ( x)  P( X  x)   p( xi )
x  xi

The cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variate is

given by
F ( x)  P( X  x)  
f ( x)dx



(1) Mean M  X  E( X )
=  if   x  

Also mean= 6  x 2  x3   M d if a  x  b
1 1 1
2 3 0 2

(2) Geometric Mean. If Gis geometric mean, then

log G =  log xf ( x)dx  E (log x) if   x  

= a log xf ( x)dx  E (log x) if a  x  b

(3) Harmonic Mean. Let H be the harmonic mean, then

1  1 1
 f ( x)dx  E   if   x  
H  x x

1 b1 1
 f ( x)dx  E   if a  x  b
H a x

(4) Median. The median M d is given by

Md  1  1
f ( x)dx  
f ( x)dx  
2 
f ( x)dx 

(5) The lower quartile Q1 and upper quartile Q3 are given by

Q1 1  1
f ( x)dx = 
and  Q3
f ( x)dx 

Q3 3  3

f ( x)dx = 
and Q1
f ( x)dx 

(6) Mode. The mode is the value of the variant for which
d d 2 f ( x)
f ( x)  0 and 0
dx dx 2

[In other words, the mode is the value of the variant for which
probability f(x) is maximum]. The condition for which is that the
values obtained from (d/dx)f(x)=0 lies within the given range of x.

(7) Moment. The rth moment about any given arbitrary value A is given

 ( x  m) f ( x)dx, if   x  

 X   ( x  A)r f ( x)dx, if a  x  b

(8) The Mean deviation about the mean m. it is given by

 | x  m | f ( x)dx, if   x  
  | x  m | f ( x)dx, if a  x  b

(9) Variance. For a continuous distribution the variance  2 is given by

( x  m)2 f ( x)dx, if   x  

= a ( x  m)2 f ( x)dx, if a  x  b

(10) Standard deviation(S.D.). The positive square root of variance is called

S.D. and is denoted by  .

Example: For the distribution dF  6( x  x2 )dx,0  x  1, find arithmetic mean,

harmonic mean, median and mode. Is it a symmetrical distribution?

Solution. For the given distribution we have

  1 2 1 3 

0 6( x  x )dx  6  2 x  3 x  0  1


f(x)= 6( x  x2 ) is a p.d.f.

(1) Arithmetic Mean.

M   x. f ( x)dx

1 1
M   x.6( x  x 2 )dx  6 ( x 2  x3 )dx
0 0

= 6  x 2  x3   6    
1 1 1 1 1
3 4 0 3 4 2

(2) Harmonic Mean. It is give by

1 11
  .6( x  x 2 )dx
H 0 x

1  x2 
 6 x    3
H  2 0


(3) Median. M d is given by:

Md 1
f ( x)dx 

Md 1
6( x  x 2 )dx 
1 1  d 1
6  x 2  x3  
2 3 0 2

4M d 3  6M d 2  1  0

(2M d  1)(2M d 2  2M d  1)  0

1 1
Md  or M d  (1  3)
2 2

since M d lies between 0 and 1.

Md 

(4) Mode. It is that value of variate x for which

dy / dx  0 and 0
dx 2

y  6( x  x 2 ) .

dy / dx  6(1  2 x) and  12
dx 2

dy / dx  0  6(1  2 x)  0  x 

Since mean, median and mode coincide, therefore the distribution is



Definition. Let x be the discrete random variable and let its frequency
distribution be as follos :

Variate : x1 x2 x3 ….. xn

Probability : p1 p2 p3 ….. pn

where  p1  p2  p3  ...........  pn   p  1 , then the mathematical expectation of x

(or simply expectation of x) is denoted by E(x) and is defined by
E ( x)  p1 x1  p2 x2  p3 x3  ...........  pn xn   pi xi   px
i 1

if ( x) is a probability density function corresponding to the variate x,


E ( x)   ( x)dx

If ( x) is such function of x that it takes values

P(A1 )( P( B / A1 )  P(A2 )( P( B / A2 ) when x takes the values of x1 , x2 .................

Let p1 , p2 ................. be their respective probabilities, then the

mathematical expectation of ( x) , denoted by E[ ( x) ], is defined as

E[( x)]  p1( x)1  p2( x)2  ..............  pn( x)n

where ∑p=1.


The relation 2  E[{x  E( x)}2 ]  E( x2 )  E[( x)]2 denoted by Var(x) , V(x) is

defined as the variance of the distribution of x. r and r have the same
relation as for the frequency distribution. But here the expected value of the
deviation of the variate x from its mean vanishes i.e.,

E[ x  E ( x)]  0 .

Mathematical Expectation for Continuous Random Variable

Suppose X is continuous random variable with probability density
function f(x), then mathematical expectation E(x) of x with certain
restrictions is given by

E ( x)   xf ( x)dx

Expectation of a Sum
Theorem. The expectation of the sum of two variates is equal to the sum of their
expectations, i.e., if x and y are two variates then

E( x  y)  E( x)  E( y)

Product of Expectations

Theorem. The expectation of the product of two independent variates is

equal to the product of their expectations

E( xy)  E( x).E( y)


Definition. Let x and y be two random variables and x and y be their

expected values (or means) respectively. The co-variance between x and y,
denoted by cov(x,y), is defined as

cov( x, y)  E[( x  x)( y  y)].

Example 1. what is the expected value of the number dof points that will be
obtained in a single throw with an ordinary die? Find variance also.
Solution. The variate i.e., number showing on a die assumes the values
1,2,3,4,5,6 and probability in each case is 1/6 .

 given probability distribution is as follows:

x: 1 2 3 4 5 6

p: 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6

 E ( x)   pi xi
i 1

= p1 x1  p2 x2  p3 x3  ...........  p6 x6

1 1 1 1 1 1
= .1  .2  .3  .4  .5  .6
6 6 6 6 6 6

1 1
 [1  2  3  4  5  6]   21
6 6

Also var(x)= E ( x2 )  E[( x)]2

=  [12  22  32  42  52  62 ]  (7 / 2)2  35 / 82.

 P(A )( P( B / A )P(C / A B)
i i i
Example 2. Find  i 1
for the following probability
 P(A )( P( B / A )
i 1
i i


.x : 8 12 16 20 24

p(x) : 1/8 1/6 3/8 ¼ 1/12

Solution. The mean of probability distribution is

1 1 3 1 1
=  8.  12.  16.  20.  24.  16
8 6 8 4 12

E ( x 2 )   x 2 p( x)

1 1 3 1 1
 82.  122.  162.  202.  242.  276
8 6 8 4 12

= The second moment about the origin

E{( x  x 2 )}  E ( x  x 2 ) p( x)

1 1 3 1 1
 (8  16)2 .  (12  16)2 .  (16  16)2 .  (20  16) 2 .  (24  16) 2 .  20
8 6 8 4 12

=variance of the distribution.


After going through this unit , you would achieved the objectives
stated earlier in the unit. Let us recall what we have discussed so far –

 Any probabilistic situation is called a random experiment.

 A sample space of a random experiment is the set of all possible
outcomes of that experiment and is denoted by S

 Of all the possible outcomes in the sample space of an experiment some

outcomes satisfy a specified description, it is called an event
 Two events are considered equally likely if one of them cannot be
expected in preference to the other.

 events are called mutually exclusive if the happening of one of them

prevents or precludes the happening of the other events.

 If E1 and E2 are any two events then

P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 )  P( E2 )  P( E1 E2 ) .

 When the happening of an event E1 depends upon the happening of an

another event E2 then the probability of E1 is called conditional
probability and is denoted by P( E1 E ) .

 If E1 and E2 are two events, the respective probabilities of which are

known, then the probability that both will happen simultaneously is the
prduct of probability of E1 and the conditional probability of E2 when E1
has already occurred i.e.,
P( E1 E2 )  P( E1 ) P( 2 ) .
E 1

 If the occurrence of E1 does not depend on the occurrence of E2 and the

occurrence of E2 does not depend on the occurrence of E1 then E1 and
E2 are called independent events otherwise they are called dependent
 An event B can be explained by a set of exhaustive and mutually
exclusive hypothesis A1,A2,….,An. Given ‗a priori‘ probabilities
P(A1),P(A2),…,P(An) corresponding to a total absence of knowledge
regarding the occurrence of B and conditional probabilities

the ‗a posterior‘ probability P(A j / B) of some event Aj is given by

P(A j ).P( B / Aj )
P(A j / B)  n

 P(A ) P( B / A )
i 1
i i

the probability P(C/B) of materialization of another event C is given


 P(A ).P( B / A )P(C / A B)

i i i
P(A j / B)  i 1

 P(A ) P( B / A )
i 1
i i

 A real valued function defined on a sample-space is called a random-

variable. A random variable can assume only a set of real values and
the values which the variable takes ,depends on the chance. Random
variable is also called stochastic variable or simply a variate.
 When we deal with variates like weights and temperature then we
know that these variates can take an infinite number of values in a
given interval. Such type of vriates are known as continuous variates.
 Let X be a continuous random variable and let the probability of X
1 1
falling in the infinitesimal interval ( x  dx, x  dx ) be expressed by
2 2
f(x)dx i.e.
1 1
P( x  dx  X  x  dx)  f ( x)dx ,
2 2

where f(x) is a continuous function of X and satisfies the following two


(i) f ( x)  0

(ii) a
f ( x)dx  1, if a  X  b

f ( x)dx  1, if   X  

then the function f(x) is called the probability density function

 The probability distribution of continuous random variate is called the

continuous probability distribution and it is expressed in terms of
probability density function.

 The probability that the value of a random variate X is ‗x or less than ‘

is called the cumulative distribution functions of X

 Let x be the discrete random variable and let its frequency distribution
be as follows :
Variate : x1 x2 x3 ….. xn

Probability : p1 p2 p3 ….. pn

where  p1  p2  p3  ...........  pn   p  1 , then the mathematical

expectation of x (or simply expectation of x) is denoted by E(x) and is
defined by
E ( x)  p1 x1  p2 x2  p3 x3  ...........  pn xn   pi xi   px
i 1

 The expectation of the sum of two variates is equal to the sum of their
expectations, i.e., if x and y are two variates then
E( x  y)  E( x)  E( y)

 The expectation of the product of two independent variates is equal to the

product of their expectations
E( xy)  E( x).E( y)

 Let x and y be two random variables and x and y be their expected

values (or means) respectively. The co-variance between x and y,
denoted by cov(x,y), is defined as
cov( x, y)  E[( x  x)( y  y)].



Q.1) A coin is tossed twice. What is the probability that at least one head occurs.

Q.2 )A card is drawn from an ordinary deck. Find the probability that it is a heart.

Q.3) What is the probability of getting a total of 7 or 11 when a pair of dice is tossed?

Q.4) A coin is tossed 6 time sin succession. When is the probability that at least one head


Q.5) A card is drawn from an ordinary deck and we are told that it is red. What is the

probability that the card is greater than 2 but less than 9.

Q.6) Find a formula for the probability distribution of the random variable X

representing the outcome when a single die is rolled once.




3.1. Introduction

3.2. Objectives

3.3. Theoretical Distributions

3.4. Binomial Distribution

3.4.1. Constants of the Binomial Distribution

3.4.2. Renovsky Formula:

(Recurrence relation for the moment of Binomial distribution).

3.4.3. Moment Generating Function of Binomial Distribution

3.4.4. Mode of Binomial Distribution

3.4.5. Illustrative Examples

3.5. Poisson‘s Distribution

3.5.1. Constants of the Poisson‘s Distribution

3.5.2. Recurrence relation for the moment of Poisson‘s distribution.

3.5.3. Moment Generating Function of Poisson‘s Distribution

3.5.4. Mode of Poisson‘s Distribution

3.5.5. Illustrative Examples

3.6. Normal Distribution


3.6.1. Constants and recurrence relation of the Normal Distribution.

3.6.2. Moment Generating Function of Normal Distribution

3.6.3. Illustrative Examples

3.7. Rectangular Distribution

3.7.1. Constants of the Rectangular Distribution

3.7.2. Moment Generating Function of Rectangular Distribution

3.7.3. Illustrative Examples

3.8. Exponential Distribution

3.8.1. Constants of the Exponential Distribution

3.8.2. Moment Generating Function of Exponential Distribution

3.8.3. Illustrative Examples

3.9. Summary of Unit

3.10. Assignment

3.11. Check your progress

3.12. Point of Discussion

3.13. Suggested Study Material

3.1. Introduction: We are already familiar to the concepts of frequency distribution,

measure of central tendency measure of dispersion mean deviation, standard deviation,
moment, skewness, kurtosis, theory of probability, mathematical expectation and moment
generating functions. In this unit we shall confine over selves to the study of theoretical
distribution – Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Rectangular and Exponential distributions.
Further we deal with the properties and applications of these distributions. These

distributions are divided into two parts – Discrete Theoretical Distributions and
Continuous Theoretical Distributions. Binomial and Poisson distributions are Discrete
Theoretical Distributions while Normal, Rectangular and Exponential are Continuous
Theoretical Distributions. If certain hypothesis is assumed, it is sometimes possible to
derive mathematically what the frequency distributions of certain universes should be.
Such distributions are called ‘Theoretical Distributions’. The Binomial Distribution was
discovered by James Bernoulli in 1700 and therefore it is also called the Bernoulli
Distribution. The Poisson distribution is a particular limiting form of the Binomial
distribution; it was first discovered by a French Mathematician S.D. Poisson in 1837. In
1733 Demoivre made the discovery of Normal (or Gaussian) distribution as a limiting form
of Binomial distribution, it is defined by the probability density function. Rectangular (or
Uniform) and Exponentials distributions are also defined by different probability density
functions. These distributions serve as the guiding instrument in researchers in the
physical, social sciences and in medicine, agriculture and engineering. These are
indispensable tool for the analysis and the interpretation of the basic data obtained by
observation Experiment.

3.2: Objectives: After the end of the unit the student will be able to understand/know the

1. Concepts of Theoretical Distributions

2. Difference between the Discrete and Continuous Theoretical distributions

3. Binomial and Poisson Distributions – Properties, constants and applications

4. Normal, Rectangular and Exponential Distributions – Properties, constants and


5. Abel to solve the problems based on above distributions

6. Able to use of these distributions in every day life calculations

7. Merits and De-merits of these distributions

3.3. Theoretical Distributions: When the frequency distributions are made by collecting the
data in direct form. Then such distributions are called observed frequency distributions.

When the frequency distributions are made by obtaining probable (or expected)
frequency by using mathematical methods on the basis of definite hypothesis (or
assumptions) then such distributions are said to be theoretical frequency distributions.
Theoretical distributions are obtained by probability distributions. If the probabilities are

assumed to the relative frequencies then the probability distributions are said to be
theoretical frequency distributions. Theoretical distributions are divided into two following

1. Discrete theoretical frequency distributions

(a) Binomial distribution

(b) Poisson distribution

2. Continuous theoretical frequency distributions

(a) Normal distribution

(b) Rectangular distribution

(c) Exponential distribution

Other synonyms of theoretical frequency distributions are mathematical frequency

distributions, ideal distributions, and expected frequency distributions.

We can understand the theoretical distribution by following example:

Example: If we throw four coins 80 times then by the theory of probability the theoretical
distribution is given as :

No of tails Probability Expected frequencies

0 1 1
80  =5
16 16

1 4 4
80  = 20
16 16

2 6 6
80  = 30
16 16

3 4 4
80  = 20
16 16

4 1 1
80  =5
16 16

Total 1 80

3.4. Binomial Distribution: Let there be an event, the probability of its being success is p
and the probability of its failure is q in one trial, so that p + q = 1. Let the event be tried n
times and suppose that the trials are

(i) Independent

(ii) Number of trials are finite and

(iii) The probability p of success is the same in every trial.

The number of successes in n trials may be 0, 1, 2, ..., r, … , n.

The probability that the first r trials are successes and the remaining n – r are
failures is pr qn-r . But we are to consider all the cases where any r trials are successes,
since out of n , r can be chose nCr ways, then the probability p(r) [or b(n, p, r) of r
successes out of n independent trials is given by p(r) = nCr pr qn-r.

Thus the number success , can take the values 0, 1, 2, … , r, … , n with

corresponding probabilities qn , nC1 p qn-1 , nC2 p2 qn-2 , … , nCr pr qn-r , … , pn . The
probability of the number of successes so obtained is called the binomial probability
distribution for the obvious reason that the probabilities are the varies terms in the
binomial expansion of (q + p)n. The sum of the probabilities
n n
=  b(n, p, r )   nCr p r q nr  (q  p) n  1.
r 0 r 0

Definition: The probability distribution of random variable x is called Binomial

distribution if only take non-negative values and its distribution is given by,
Cr p r q n  r ;r 0,1, 2, 3,...,n
P(r) = p(X = r) = 

0;r  0,1, 2, 3,...,n

The binomial distribution contains two independent constants viz, n and p (or q), these are
called the parameter of the binomial distribution. If p = q = ½, the binomial distribution is
called symmetric and when p  q it is called skew symmetric distribution.

Let the n independent trials constitute one experiment and let this experiment repeated N
times where N is very large. In these N sets there will be few sets in which there is no
success, a few sets of one success, a few sets of two successes, and so on. Hence in all the N
sets, the number of sets with r successes is N nCr pr qn-r. Therefore the number of sets
corresponding to the number of successes 0,1, 2, … , r , … , n , are respectively N qn , N
C1 p qn-1 , N nC2 p2 qn-2 , … , N nCr pr qn-r , … , N pn .Hence for N sets of n trials the
Theoretical frequency distribution or Expected frequencies distribution of 0, 1, 2, … , r,
… , n successes are given by the successive terms in the expression

N[ qn + nC1 p qn-1 + n
C2 p2 qn-2 + … + n
Cr pr qn-r + … + pn ]

which is the binomial expansion of N(q + p)n . This is called the Binomial Theoretical
Frequency Distribution or simply Binomial Distribution.

3.4.1. Constants of the Binomial Distribution:

n n
Moments about origin: k = E(Xk) =  r k . p(r ) =
r 0
r 0
. C r p r q n r , q + p = 1,
k n

(k = 1, 2, 3, 4, …).

First moment
1 = E(X) =  r.n C r p r q n r , q + p = 1.
r 0

n n
=  r.n1 Cr 1 p r q nr = np  r.n1 Cr 1 p r 1q (n1)( r 1)
r 1 r 1

= np[qn-1 + n-1
C1 qn-2p + n-1
C2 qn-3p2 + n-1
C3 qn-4p3 + . . . + pn-1 ]

= np(q + p)n-1 = np. (Since q + p = 1)

Hence 1 = Mean = np.

Second moment
2 = E(X ) =  r 2 .n C r p r q n r , q + p = 1.

r 0

=  r r  1  r . C
r 0
r p r q nr

n n
=  r r  1 . C
r 0
r p r q nr +  r. C
r 0
r p r q nr

= n (n-1)p2  .n2 C r 2 p r 2 q ( n 2)( r 2) + np
r 2

= n (n-1)p2(q + p)n-2 + np ( since q + p = 1 )

= np{np + (1 – p)} = np{np + q} = npq + n2 p2.


Similarly third and fourth moment about origin are

n n
3 = E(X3) =  r 3 .n C r p r q n  r =
r 0
 r (r  1)(r  2)  3r (r  1) r}. C
r 0
r p r q nr ,

= n(n - 1)(n - 2 ) p3 + 3n(n - 1)p2 + np and

4 = E(X4) = r
r 0
. C r p r q nr
4 n

=  r (r  1)(r  2)(r  3)  6r (r  1)(r  2)  7r (r  1)  r}. C
r 0
r p r q nr ,

= n(n - 1)(n - 2 )(n - 3) p4 + 6n(n - 1)(n - 2)p3 + 7n(n - 1)p2 + np

Moments about mean: n (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …)

1 = 0 always, 2 = 2 - (1)2 = npq + n2 p2 - n2 p2 = npq or, variance 2 = npq and

standard deviation (S.D.) = (npq),

3 = 3 - 3 21 + 2 (1)3

= n(n - 1)(n - 2 ) p3 + 3n(n - 1)p2 + np - 3 (npq + n2 p2 ) np + 2 (n p)3 ,

= np{(n - 1)(n - 2 ) p2 + 3(n - 1)p + 1 - 3 npq - 3 n2 p2 + 2 (n p)2} ,

= np{n2 p2 – 3np2 + 2p2 + 3np - 3p + 1 - 3 np(1 – p) - n2 p2 } ,

= np{ – 3np2 + 2p2 + 3np - 3p + 1 - 3 np + 3n p2 } ,

= np{ 2p2 - 3p + 1 } = np (1 – p) ( 1 – 2p) ,

= npq { 1 – 2(1 – q)} = npq(2q – 1) = npq(q – p) ,

4 = 4 - 4 31 + 6 21 2 - 3 1 4

= n(n - 1)(n - 2 )(n - 3) p4 + 6n(n - 1)(n - 2)p3 + 7n(n - 1)p2 + np

- 4[n(n - 1)(n - 2 ) p3 + 3n(n - 1)p2 + np]np + 6 [n(n – 1)p2 + n p ) n2 p2 - 3 (n p)4 ,

= p4 [n(n - 1)(n - 2 )(n - 3) – 4n2 (n - 1)(n - 2 ) + 6n3 (n – 1) – 3n4]

+ p3 [6n(n - 1)(n - 2) - 12 n2 (n -1) + 6n2 ] + p2 [6n(n - 1) - 4 n2 ] + np ,

= p4 [3n2 – 6n ] + p3 [12 n – 6n2 ] + p2 [3n2 – 7n ] + np ,

= 3n2 (p4 – 2p3 + p2 ) – n( 6p4 – 12p3 + 6p2 ) - np2 + np ,


= 3n2 p2 (p2 – 2p + 1 ) – 6np2 ( p2 – 2p + p2 ) + np(1 - p) ,

= 3n2 p2 (1 – p)2 – 6np2 (1 - p)2 + np(1 - p) ,

= 3n2 p2 q2 – 6np2 q2 + npq = npq[1 + 3(n – 2)pq].

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1, 2 , 1 , 2

32 [npq(q  p)]2 (1  2 p) 2

1 = = = ,
23 (npq) 3 npq

4 3n 2 p 2 q 2  npq(1  6 pq) (1  6 pq)

2 = = = 3+ ,
2 2
(npq) 2

1 2p (1  6 pq)
1 = 1 = , 2 = 2 -3 = .
npq npq

3.4.2. Renovsky Formula:

(Recurrence relation for the moments of Binomial Distribution). For Binomial distribution (q
+ p)n ,

 d k 
 k 1  pq nk k 1  , where k is the kth moment about mean.
 dp 
 
 n
Proof : Since k =  (r  1 ) k . p(r ) =
r 0
 (r  np)
r 0
. C r p r q nr , q + p = 1,
k n

On differentiating with respect to p, we get

d k n n
  (1)kn(r  np) k 1 C r p r (1  p) nr [(r  np) k C r {rp r 1 (1  p) nr (n  r ) p r (1  p) nr 1
n n

dp r 0 r 0
 nk k 1  
pq r 1
C r p r q nr .(r  np) k (rq  np  rp),

 d  n n
Therefore pq nk k 1  k    C r p r q n r (r  np) k 1   k 1 .
 dp  r 0
 

If we put k = 1, 2, 3, … we have

 d1 
 2  pq n 0    pq(0  n)  npq, sin ce 0  1and1  0,
 dp 
 
 d 
3  pq n 2 1  2   pq(nq  np  2n0)  npq(q  p),
 dp 
 

 d3 
 4  pq n 3  2    pq[3n.np(1  p)  n(6 p 2  6 p  1)],
 dp 
 

 3(npq) 2  npq(1  6 pq), etc.

3.4.3. Moment Generating Function of Binomial Distribution:

Let r have a Binomial Distribution with probability function

p(r)= nCr prqn-r ; r = 0,1,2, ..., n, where r = number of successes in n trials and p =
probability of success in a single trial, q = 1 - p.
n n
Then m.g.f. about origin: M0(t) = E(e tr ) =  e tr .n Cr p r q nr =
r 0

r 0
C r ( pe t ) r q n r

= (q+ pet)n

m.g.f. about mean np : Mnp(t) = E[e t(r - np) ] = E[e t(r - np) ] = e- npt E(e tr ) = e- npt M0(t )

= e- npt E(e tr ) = e- npt (q+ pet)n = (qe- pt + pet e- pt.)n

= (qe- pt + pe qt.)n .

Generation of moments of Binomial Distribution from m.g.f.: Since

M0(t) = (q+ pet)n =  q  p 1  t  t   ...  n
2! 3!

pt 2 pt 3
=  1  pt    ... n
2! 3!

pt 2 pt 3 pt 2 pt 3
= 1 + C1  pt    ...  + C2  pt    ... n
n n n
+ … … (i)
2! 3! 2! 3!

From (i), we get 1' = coefficient of t = np ,

n(n  1)
2' = coefficient of t2 /2! = np + n C2 2 !p2 = np + .2 p 2 ,

= np + n(n - 1)p2 = np + n2 p2 - n p2 = np(1 – p) + n2 p2 .

Also, 2 = 2' - (1')2 = npq + (np)2– (np)2 = variance and S.D.  = (npq).

Similarly 3' , 4' , … and 3 , 4 , … etc may be obtained.

 d  dr 
 
Alternative Method:  r   r M 0 (t ) =  r (q  pe t ) n 
 dt  t 0  dt  t 0

On putting r = 1, 2, 3, … , we get

1   (q  pe t ) n  = npet (q  pet ) n1 t 0 = np(q + p)n – 1 = np.
 dt  t 0

d2  d 
 2   2 (q  pe t ) n  =  npe t (q  pe t ) n1 
 dt  t 0  dt  t 0

= npe t (n  1) pe t (q  pe t ) n2  npe t (q  pe t ) n1 
t 0

= np[(n – 1)p + 1] = np[np + (1 – p)] = np(np + q) = n2 p 2+ npq , and so on .

3.4.4. Mode of Binomial Distribution: (The most probable number of success in a series of n
independent trials; the probability of success in each trials being p).

Here we are to find the number of successes which has a greater probability than any
other. Let the probability of r successes is greater than or equal to that of r - 1 or r + 1
successes, i. e., p( r - 1) ≤ p(r)  p(r + 1).

If n
Cr-1 pr-1 qn-r+1 ≤ n
Cr pr qn-r  n
Cr+1 pr+1 qn-r-1 .

Simplifying we get

r q nr p
 1   rq ≤ np – rp + p and rq + q  np – rp.
n  r 1 p r 1 q

 np – q ≤ r ≤ np + p  (n + 1) p – 1 ≤ r ≤ np + p.

Case l. If (n + 1)p = k (an integer), then probability will increase till r = k and it will be the
same for r = k - 1 and after that it will begin to decrease.

Case 2. If np = an integer + a fraction, then probability is maximum when r = the integral

part of (np + p).

Here we note that


(i) If np is a whole number, the mean of the Binomial distribution coincides with the
greatest term. Since frequency of r successes is greater than that of r – 1 successes if Cr-
r-1 n-r+1 n r n-r
1p q < Cr p q

p q
i.e.,  or r  np  p . Similarly the frequency of r successes is greater than that
r n  r 1
of r + 1 successes if Cr+1 pr+1 qn-r-1 > nCr pr qn-r implies that r > np – q. Thus if np is
a whole number r = np gives the greatest term and also the mean of the Binomial.

(ii) The difference of mean and mode of the Binomial distribution is not greater than unity.
Since the mean of Binomial distribution = np, also there are three cases for ode are:

(a) If np is positive integer then mode and mean are equal, therefore

|mean – mode| = 0 < 1.

(b) If np + p is positive integer then mode is np + p, therefore

|mean – mode| = |np + p – np| = p < 1.

(c) If np + p is not positive integer then mode say r is given by np + p -1 ≤ r ≤ np + p

implies that p – 1 ≤ r – np ≤ p or - p ≤ r – np ≤ p or - p ≤ mode – mean ≤ p, therefore
|mean – mode| ≤ 1.

3.4.5. Illustrative Examples.

Example 1. Criticize the statement: For any Binomial distribution mean is 5 and standard
deviation is 3.

Solution. For Binomial distribution, we have given that, mean = np = 5 and standard
deviation = (npq) = 3,

npq 9
   q = 1.8 > 1. Hence the given statement is not correct.
np 5

Example 2. The probability of a head in a single tossing of a biased coin is 3/5. Find the
most probable number of heads and the mean of number of heads in 99 tossing of a coin.

Solution: Let on tossing 99 times the number of getting heads are = 0, 1, 2, 3, … , 99. We
have given that and here p = 0.6 , q = 0.4. Therefore the probability, distribution is

P(X = r) = nCr pr qn-r = 99Cr (.6)r(.4)99-r ; r = 0, 1, 2, 3, … , 99 and mean = 99  0.6 = 59.4

(not an integer), therefore two modes are, np + p = 59.4 + 0.6 = 60 and np + p -1 = 59,
where P(X = 59) = 99C59 (.6)59(.4)40 and P(X = 60) = 99C60 (.6)60(.4)39 are same.

Example 3. A variate assumes values 0, 1, 2, … ,n whose frequencies are proportional to

the binomial coefficients 1, nC1 , nC2 , … , nCn . Show that variance is half of the mean.

Solution : Given:

x 0 1 2 … n Total
n n n
f 1 C1 C2 … Cn (1 + 1)n = 2n

This distribution is a Binomial distribution in which p = q = 1/2

Now since mean = np = n  ½ = n/2 and Variance = npq = n  ½  ½ = n/4.

Comparing (1) and (2), we get Variance = ½ mean.

Example 4. If the m.g.f of a random variable X is  5

1 2 t
 e , find P(X = 2).
3 3

Solution: We have given that M0(t) = (q + pet) =

1 2 t 5

 e  , implies that p = 2/3, q=
3 3
1/3 and n = 5. Therefore P(X = 2) = 5C2 (2/3)2(1/3)3 = 40/243.

Example 5. Assuming that half the population are consumers of chocolate, so that the
chance of an individual being a consumer is ½, and assuming that 100 investigators each
take 10 individuals to see whether they are consumers, how many investigators would you
expect to report that three people or less were consumers?

Solution : Here, p = ½ , n = 10, N = 100. Binomial distribution is 100  10

1 1

2 2

Number of investigators to report that no person is consumer, one person is consumer, 2

persons are consumers, 3 are consumers =

100   10 10 C1  10  10 C2  10 10 C3  10 

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2

1  10  45  120   17600  17appr.
2 1024

Example 6. Determine the Binomial distribution for which the mean is 4 and variance is 3
and find its mode.

Solution: Let P(X =r)= nCr pr qn-r , r = 0, 1, 2 , ...., n. It is given that mean = np = 4 and
variance = npq = 3 implies that q = ¾ , p = 1/4 and n = 16.

Thus the Binomial distribution is, P(X =r)= 16Cr (1/4)r (3/4)n-r , r = 0, 1, 2, 3 , …, 16.

Now, np + p = 4 + ¼ = 4. 25 is not an integer. Hence there is one mode = integral part of

np + p = 4.

Alternatively: Since np = an integer, mode = mean = np = 4.

Example 7. The following results are obtained when 100 batches of seeds were allowed to
1 89
germinate on damp filter paper in a laboratory: 1  ,  2  . Determine the Binomial
5 30
distribution. Calculate the expected frequency for x = 8 assuming p > q.
Solution: For Binomial distribution we have given that

1 
1  2 p 2 
and  2  3 
1  6 pq 89

npq 15 npq 30

1  2 p 2 
1  6 pq 89
 3  
npq 15 npq 30 30

1  2 p 2 
1 / 15
 2
1  6 pq  1 / 30

 (1 – 2p)2 = -2[1 – 6p(1 – p)],

 1 – 4p + 4p2 = -2 – 12p – 12 p2,

 16p2 + 16p + 3 = 0,

 (4p – 1)( 4p – 3) = 0,

 p = ¼ or p = ¾ and so q = 3/4 or q = ¼.

Since it is given that p > q, hence we take p = ¾ and q = ¼ is valid. Further

 3
1  2  
1  2 p 2 
 

 n = 20. Thus the required Binomial Distribution
npq 15 3 1 15
n 
4 4
1 3
is (q  p)     where P(X =r)=
n 20
Cr (3/4)r (1/4)n-r . For x = 8, the expected
4 4
frequency = 10  20C8 (3/4)8 (1/4)12 .

Example 8. Is the sum of two independent Binomial variates a Binomial ?

Solution : Let x1 and x2 be two independent Binomial variates with parameters n1 , p1

and n2 , p2 respectively. Then

M(t) of x1 = (q1  p1e t ) n1 and M(t) of x2 = (q2  p2 e t ) n2 . Let x = x1 + x2 . Then

moment generation function of x = (q1  p1e t ) n1 (q2  p2 e t ) n2 which is not of the form
(q  pe t ) n . Hence x is not a Binomial variate. But if p1 = p2 = p and q1 = q2 = q, then
moment generation function of x = (q  p e t ) n1 n2 which is the Binomial variate with
parameters (n1 + n2) and p.

Example 9. The following data are the number of seeds germinating out of 10 on damp
filter for 80 sets of seeds. Fit a Binomial distribution to these data :

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

f 6 20 28 12 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 80

Here n = 10, N = 80 and total frequency = 80. Then

A.M. =
 fx  1 20  2  28  3 12  4  8  5  6  174 .Now, mean = np implies that p =
f 80 80
0.2175 and q = .7825. Hence the required Binomial distribution of the given data is 80
(.7825 + .2175)10. From this expansion the successive frequencies of 0, 1, 2, ..., 10 successes
are 6.9, 19.1, 24.0, 17.8, 8.6, 2.9, 0.7, 0.1, 0, 0, 0 respectively.

Example 10. If in a Binomial distribution ( q + p)n , n = 5, P(X = 1) = 0.4096 and P(X =

1) = 0.2048, then find p.

Solution: We have given that P(X = 1)= 5C1 p1 q4 = 0.4096 and P(X = 2)= 5C2 p2 q3 implies
P( X  1) 5 pq 4 (1  p) 0.4096
that     2  p  0.2
P( X  2) 10( pq) 2
2p 0.2048

Example 11. 6 dices are thrown 729 times. Find the probability of obtaining five or six at
least three dices.

Solution: We know that the probability of getting five or six on a throw of a die = 2/6 = 1/3 =
p. Then q = 1 – p =2/3. Therefore the probability of getting five or six on least at least three
dices out of six = P(3) + P(4) + P(5) + P(6),

= 6C3 p3 q3 + 6C4 p4 q2 + 6C5 p5 q + p6

= 6C3 (1/3)3 (2/3)3 + 6C4 (1/3)4 (2/3)2 + 6C5 (1/3)5 (2/3) + (1/3)6

= (1/3)6[ 6C3 23 + 6C4 22 + 6C5 2 + 1] = 233/729 = P(say).


Hence the required probability = np = 729  (233/729) = 233.

3.5. Poisson’s Distribution (Limiting form of Binomial Distribution): Poisson Distribution is a

particular limiting form of the Binomial distribution when p (or q) is very small and n is
large enough such that np (or nq) is a finite constant say np = m.

We know that under the conditions, p(r) the probability of r successes in the Bino-
mial distribution is given by,

p(r) = p(X = r) = nCr pr qn-r = nCr pr (1 – p)n-r

n(n  1)(n  2)...(n  r  1) r np

= p (1  ) nr
r! n

1 2 r 1
(1  )(1  )...(1  )
n n n (np) r np
=   (1  ) n .
r! np n
(1  ) r

Now the probability of r success in Poisson‘s distribution,

1 2 r 1
(1  )(1  )...(1  ) r
p(r) = b(n, p; r ) = lim n n n  m m
 (1  ) n
p 0 n r! m n
n  (1  ) r
np m n

m r m
= e .

It is called the Poisson’s distribution with parameter m. Therefore the chances of 0, 1, 2, 3,

m r m m 2 m
m m r m
…, r successes are e , e , e ,…, e respectively.
1! 2! r!

Definition : The probability distribution of random variable x is called Poisson‘s

distribution if x can assume non-negative integral values only and its distribution is given
mr  m
e ;r 0 ,1, 2 , 3,...,n
by, P(r) = p(X = r) =  r!
0;r  0 ,1, 2 , 3,...,n

Note: (i) m is said to be parameter of Poisson‘s distribution.

(ii) This distribution is useful in solving the problems of following types (some examples) (a)
The number of cars passing through a certain street in lime t.

(b) The number of defective screws per box of 100 screws.

(c) The number of deaths in a district in one year by a rare disease.


(d) The number of suicides or deaths by heart attack in time t.

(e) The number of pieces of certain merchandise sold by a store in time t.

(f) The number of printing mistakes at each page of the book.

(g) The number of calls of telephone from a particular switch board.

(i) Number of accidents per unit time.

3.5.1. Constants of the Poisson Distribution:

mr em  
Moments about origin: k = E(X ) =  r . p(r ) =  r . k
, k k

r 0 r 0 r!

(k = 1, 2, 3, 4, …).

First moment

mr em 
mr em m 2 m3
1 = E(X) =  r . = = em  m    ... 
r 0 r! r 0 ( r  1)! 1! 2!

m m2
= mem  1    ... = mem e  m = m.
1! 2!

Hence 1 = Mean = m.

Second moment

mr em
 
mr em
2 = E(X ) =  r .
= 2
 r r  1  r .
r 0 r! r 0 r!

mr em 
mr em
= r 0 (r  2)!
+ 
r 0 (r  1)!

= m2 e-mem + m = m2 + m.

Similarly third and fourth moments about origin are

mr em  r m

r (r  1)(r  2)  3r (r  1) r}.

3 = E(X3) =  r 3.
r 0 r!
r 0 r!

= m3 + m2 + m and

mr em
4 = E(X4) =  r 2.
r 0 r!

mr em
= r (r 1)(r  2)(r  3)  6r (r  1)(r  2)  7r (r  1)  r}.
r 0 r!

= m4 + 6m3 + 7m2 + m

Moments about mean : n (n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …)

1 = 0 always,

2 = 2 - (1)2 = m2 + m - m2 = m

Or, variance 2 = m , standard deviation (S.D.) = m and mean = (S.D.)2 .

3 = 3 - 3 21 + 2 (1)3 = m3 + 3m2 + m - 3 (m2 + m )m + 2 m3

= m3 + 3m2 + m – 3m3 - 3m2 + 2m3 = m.

4 = 4 - 4 31 + 6 21 2 - 3 1 4

= m4 + 6m3 + 7m2 + m - 4[m3 + m2 + m]m + 6 [m2 + m ) m2 - 3 m4 ,

= 3m2 + m.

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1, 2 , 1 , 2

32 m2 1  3m 2  m 1 1 1
1 = 3 = 3  ,  2 = 4 2 =  3  , 1 = 1 = , 2 = 2 -3 = .
2 2
m m m m m m

Note: (i) For Poisson‘s distribution mean = variance m > 0 always, so the distribution is
always positive skew. (ii) Both 1, 2 tends to 0 as m tends to infinity.

3.5.2. Recurrence Relation for the Moments of Binomial Distribution. For Poisson‘s
distribution with mean m ,

d r
 k 1  mr r 1  m , where k is the kth moment about mean.
 
mr e m
Proof : Since k =  (r  m) k . p(r ) =
r 0
 (r  m)k .
r 0 r!

On differentiating with respect to m, we get


d k 
mr em   rmr 1e  m  m r e  m
 r  (r  m) k 1  (r  m) k  
dm r 0 r! r 0  r!

 r k 1  

r m k e m m r 1 r  m 
r 1 r!

d k 
(r  m) k 1 e  m m r
Therefore m  mr k 1     k 1.
dm r 0 r!

If we put k = 1, 2, 3, … we have

d1 d d
 2  m 0  m  m, 3  2m1  m 2  m,  4  3m 2  m 3  3m 2  m,
dm dm dm


3.5.3. Moment Generating Function of Poisson Distribution.

m r m
Let p(X = r) = e ; r = 0, 1, 2, ... ,  be a Poisson distribution. Then m.g.f. about

mr 
met 

e e m
=e 
= e  m  e  me  e m(e 1)
t t
tr tr
origin : M0(t) = E(e ) =
r 0 r! r 0 r!

m.g.f. about mean m :

Mm(t) = E(e t(r-m) ) = e-tm E(e tr ) = e-tm M0(t) = e tm  e  m(1e )  e me mt m .
t t

Generation of moments of Poisson’s Distribution from m.g.f. : Since

m2 t m3 t m4 t
M0(t) = 1 + m(e t  1)  (e  1) 2  (e  1) 3  (e  1) 4  ...
2! 3! 4!

t2 t3 m2 t2 m3 t2 m4 t2
= 1+ m(t    ...)  (t   ...) 2  (t   ...) 3  (t   ...) 4  ...
2! 3! 2 2! 6 2! 24 2!

Here 1' = coefficient of t =m, 2' = coefficient of t2 /2! = m + m2,

3' = coefficient of t3 /3! = m +3 m2+ m3 ,

4' = coefficient of t4 /4! = m + (3m2+ 4m2)+ 6m3 + m4 .

Also, 2 = 2' - (1')2 = m+ m2 – m2 = variance and S.D.  = m.

Similarly 3 , 4 , … etc may be obtained. Also the moment about mean can be obtained by
expanding Mm(t).

 d   dr 
Alternative Method:  r   r M 0 (t ) =  r e m ( e 1) 

 dt  t 0  dt  t 0

On putting r = 1, 2, 3, … , we get

d 
1   e m ( e 1)  = [e  m e me met ]t 0 = m.
t t

 dt  t 0

2   d 2 m ( et 1) 
  2e m met t 2  m met
 = e  e  (me )  e e  me

t 0
 dt  t 0

= [e  m  e me  et (m 2 et  m) 2 ]t 0 = m2 + m, etc

3.5.4. Mode of Poisson Distribution. (The most probable number of success).

The value of r which has a greater probability than any other value is the mode of the
Poisson‘s distribution. Let the probability of r successes is greater than or equal to that of
r - 1 or r + 1 successes, i. e., p( r - 1) ≤ p(r)  p(r + 1).

m r 1 m m r m m r 1 m
i.e., e ≤ e  e .
(r  1)! r! (r  1)!

Simplifying we get, m  r and r + 1 m  r ≤ m and m – 1 ≤ r  m - 1 ≤ r ≤ m.

Case l. If m is positive integer, then there are two modes (m – 1) and m.

Case 2. If m is not positive integer, then there is one mode is the integral value between (m
– 1) and m.

3.5.5. Illustrative Examples.

Example 1. For Poisson‘s distribution show that

(i) M 1 2 = 1 and (ii) 1(2 – 3)m = 1.

Solution. Since we know that for a Poisson‘s distribution,

Mean = M = m,  = m, 1 = 1/m, 2 = 1/m , 1 = 1/m and 2 = 3 + (1/m)

 M 1 2 = m m (1/m )(1/m) = 1 and  1( 2 – 3)m = (1/m){3 + (1/m) -3}mm = 1.

Example 2. Criticize the statement: For Poisson‘s distribution mean is 7 and SD is 6.

Solution. Since for a Poisson‘s distribution

mean = SD  7 = 6. So the statement is not correct.


Example 3. Find the probability that almost 5 defective fuses will be found in a box of 200
fuses if experience shows that 2 percent of such fuses are defective.

Solution: Here we use Poisson‘s distribution, here m = np = 200  (2/200) = 4 and

1 1 1
e-4 = 1  4   4 2   43   4 4  ...  0.0183. Hence
2 6 24
4r 4 2 43 4 4 45
P(r ≤5) = e
r 0

 e (1  4    
2 6 24 120
 0.7845.

Example 4. 6 coins are tossed 6400 tunes. Using Poisson distribution, find the approximate
probability of getting six heads x times and 2 times.

Solution: Let the coins be unbiased so the probability of getting a head = the probability of
getting a tail for each coin = (1/2)6 = 1/64 = p (say). Then m = np = 6400(1/64) = 100.
m r m 100 r 100
Now the Poisson‘s distribution p(X = r) = e = e .
r! r!

100 2 100
Therefore the required probability is p(X = 2) = e  5000e 100. .

Example 5. If P(X= 0) = P (X = 1) = a in a Poisson‘s distribution, show that a = 1/e.

m r m
Solution: The Poisson‘s distribution is, p(X = r) = e , r = 0, 1, 2, … , . Then

P(X= 0) = P (X = 1)  e-m = me-m  m = 1. Therefore P(X= 0) = e-1 = a.

Example 6. In a Poisson‘s distribution with unity mean, show that the mean deviation from
mean is 2/e times the standard deviation. i.e., E|X -1| = 2/e.

m r m
Solution: The Poisson‘s distribution is, p(X = r) = e , r = 0, 1, 2, … , . Here mean =
e 1
m = 1 , so SD = 1. Therefore p(X = r) = . Now mean deviation from mean
 
e 1 1  | r  1 | 1 1 2 3 4
=  | r  m | p ( r )  | r  1 |    [1      ...
r 0 r 0 r! e r 0 r! e 2! 3! 4! 5!

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
= [1  (  )  (  )  (  )  ...  (1  1)  2 / e.
e 1! 2! 2! 3! 3! 4! e

Example 7. A Poisson‘s distribution has a double mode at r = 3 and at r = 4, what is the

probability that r will have one or the other of these values.

m r m
Solution: The Poisson‘s distribution is, e , r = 0, 1, 2, … , . Here two
p(X = r) =
modes are given then the mean should be an integer and modes are m – 1 and m.
Therefore, m – 1= 3, i.e., m = 4. Now

4 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 4
p(X = r = 3) = e and p(X = r = 4) = e  e . Hence the required probability is
3! 4! 3!

4 3 4 4 3 4 64 4
p(X = 3 or 4) = p(X = 3) + p(X = 4) = e + e = e .
3! 3! 3

Example 8. Is the sum of two independent Poisson‘s variates a Poisson‘s ?

Solution: Let x1 and x2 be two independent Poisson‘s variates with parameters m1 , m2

respectively. Then the moment generating functions for x1 and x2 are

Mx1(t) = e m1 ( e 1) , Mx2(t) = e m2 ( e 1) . Therefore the m.g.f for (x1 + x2 ) is

t t

M(x1 + x2 )(t) = E (et ( x1  x2 ) )  E (etx1  etx2 )  E (etx1 )  E (etx2 ) = Mx1(t)  Mx2(t)

= e m1 ( e 1)  e m2 ( e 1) = e ( m1 m2 ) e ( m1 m2 ) .This is the m.g.f. of a Poisson distribution

t t t

with parameter m1 + m2. Hence x1 + x2 has a Poisson‘s distribution with mean m1 + m2.

Example 9. In a certain factory turning razor blades, there is a small chance 1/500 for any
blade to be defective. The blades are in packets of 10. Use Poisson‘s distribution to
calculate the approximate number of packets containing no defective, one defective and
two defective blades in a consignment of 10,000 packets.

m r m
Solution: Since the probability distribution is p(X = r) = e , r = 0, 1, 2, … , . Then
m r m
expected frequency = Np(X = r) = N e , r = 0, 1, 2, 3, … , . Here N = 1000, m = np =
10(1/500) = 0.02. So that e-0.02 = 0.9802. Then the respective expected frequencies for
number of packets containing no defective, one defective and two defective blades are (i)
Ne-m = 100000.9802 = 9802,

(ii) mNe-m ,= 0.02100000.9802 = 196,

(iii) (1/2)m2 Ne-m = (1/2) 0.004100000.9802 = 2.

Example 10. Fit a Poisson‘s distribution to the following and calculate theoretical

Deaths 0 1 2 3 4

Frequencies 22 60 15 2 1

Solution :

x 0 1 2 3 4 Total

f 22 60 15 2 1 200

fx 0 60 30 6 4 100

fx2 0 60 60 18 16 154

Here mean = 100/200 = ½ = 0.5 and SD = [(154/200) – (0.5)2] = 0.72.

Therefore e-m = e-0.5 = 0.61 and the theoretical frequency of r deaths is given by N
m r m (0.5) r
e = 200 0.61 . Therefore the Poisson‘s distribution will be
r! r!

r P(X = r) Expected frequency N.P(X = r)

0 e-m = 0.61 2000.61 = 122

1 me-m = 0.305 2000.305 = 61

2 (m2/2!)e-m = 0.0762 2000.0762 = 15

3 (m3/3!)e-m = 0.0127 2000.0127 = 2

4 (m4/4!)e-m = 0.0016 2000.0016 = 0

Total 1.0055 = 1, nearly 200

Example 11. In a book of 300 pages, a proof reader finds no error in 200 pages, in 75 pages
one error on each page, in 20 pages two errors on each page and in 5 pages 3 errors on each
page. Use Poisson distribution to these data calculate theoretical frequency

[e-0.43 = 0.6505]

Solution: The observed frequency distribution is

No. of errors per page x 0 1 2 3 Total

No. of pages f 200 75 20 5 300

fx 0 75 40 15 130

Then Mean m = 130/300 = 0.43 and e-0.43 = 0.6505, so the theoretical frequency of r deaths is
m r m (0.43) r
given by N e = 300 0.6505 . Therefore the Poisson‘s distribution will be
r! r!
according to the table shown below:

R P(X = r) Expected frequency N.P(X = r)

0 e-m = 0.6505 3000.6505 = 195.15

1 me-m = 0.2797 3000.2797 = 83.91

2 (m2/2!)e-m = 0.0601 3000.0601 = 18.03

3 (m3/3!)e-m = 0.0086 3000.0086 = 2.58

Total 0.9989 = 1, nearly 299.67 = 300, nearly

3.6. Normal Distribution:

(A) Normal distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution when p  q but p  q:

(General Case). Let N(q + p)n be the binomial distribution where p  q but p  q or |p
– q| is small. Now the ratio of the frequencies f(r) and f(r + 1) of r and r + 1 successes
f (r  1) n Cr 1 p r 1q nr 1 n  r p
respectively is  n   . Now The frequency of r successes is
f (r ) Cr p r q nr r 1 q
greater than the frequency of (r + 1) successes, i.e. f(r) > f(r +1).

f (r  1) n  r p
If   1 or if np – rp < rq + q or if rq + rp > nq – q. Similarly
f (r ) r 1 q
the frequency of r successes is also greater than that of (r - 1) successes if r>
np — q or if (p + q)r > nq – q or if r < np + q.

Since r = np is a possible value and we assume that np is an integer. There is no loss of

generality as n is to become large ultimately. If y0 be the maximum frequency, then

y0 = f(np) = N n Cnp p npq nnp  N  p np q nq . Then the frequency of np + x successes is
yx = f(np + x) = N p np x q nq x . Therefore
(np  x)!(nq  x)!

yx (np)!(nq)! n
 p x q  x . Now for large n , by James Stirling formula n! e n n 2 2 ,
y0 (np  x)!(nq  x)!
we have
1 1
np nq
yx e np (np) 2
2 e nq (nq) 2
2 1
 1 1
 1 1
y0 np x  nq x  x np x  x nq x 2
e ( np x ) (np  x) 2
2 e ( nq x ) (nq  x)) 2
2 (1  ) 2
(1  )
np nq
yx 1 x 1 x
 log  (np  x  ) log(1  )  (nq  x  ) log(1  )
y0 2 np 2 nq

1 x x2 x3 1 x x2 x3
 (np  x  )(  2 2  3 3  ...)  (nq  x  )(  2 2  3 3  ...)
2 np 2n p 3n p 2 nq 2n q 3n q

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
 x(1  1 )  x2 (   2 2   2 2)
2np 2nq 2np np 4n p 2nq nq 4n q

1 1 1 1 1
 x3 ( 2 2
 3 3  2 2  2 2  2 2 )  ...
3n q 6n q 2n p 3n p 6n p

pq p2  q2 x2
x  x2 2 2 2   ... terms of higher order.
2npq 4n p q 2npq

yx q p x2
Neglecting terms containing 1/n2, we get log  x .
y0 2npq 2npq

Since p <1, q < 1, q — p is very small in comparison to n and therefore the first term can be
y x2
neglected. Hence log x   y x  y0 e  x / 2npq  y0 e  x / 2 .
2 2 2
. Therefore
y0 2npq

(B) Normal distribution as a limiting case of binomial distribution when p = q:

(Particular Case). Let N(q + p)n be the binomial distribution where p = q. If p = q then p = q
=1/2 and consequently the binomial distribution is symmetric. Now the frequency of r
successes is f(r) =N nCr pr qn-r = N nCr (1/2)n . Without loss of generality, we assume that n is
an even integer, say n = 2k. Since n  , the frequency f(r) = N 2kCr (1/2)2k Now the
ratio of the frequencies f(r) and f(r + 1) of r and r + 1 successes respectively is

f (r  1) 2k
Cr 1 2k  r
  . Now The frequency of r successes is greater than the frequency
f (r ) 2k
Cr r 1
of (r + 1) successes, i.e. f(r) > f(r +1).

f (r  1) 2k  r
If  1 or if 2k – r < r + 1 or if r > k – 1/2. Similarly the
f (r ) r 1
frequency of r successes is also greater than that of (r - 1) successes if r<k+
½. Thus we observed that if k – ½ < r < k + ½ , the frequency corresponding to r
successes will be greatest. Clearly r = k is the value of success corresponding to which the
frequency is maximum. Suppose y0 be the maximum frequency, then

(2k )!
y0 = N 2 k Ck (1/ 2) 2 k  N  (1/ 2) 2 k . Then the frequency of k + x successes is yx =
(k )!(k )!
(2k )!
N (1/ 2) 2k . Therefore
(k  x)!(k  x)!

1 2 x 1
(1  )(1  )...(1  )
yx (k )!(k )! k (k  1)(k  2)...(k  x  1) k k k
   . Then
y0 (k  x)!(k  x)! (k  x)(k  x  1)...(k  1) 1 2 x
(1  )(1  )...(1  )
k k k

x 1
  log(1  )  log(1  )  ...  log(1  )    log(1  )  log(1  )  ...  log(1  ) 
yx 1 2 1 2 x
y0 k k k k k k
On expanding each logarithmic terms and neglecting the higher powers of x/k, we get (as
k  )

yx 1 1
log   {1  2  3  ...  ( x  1)}  {1  2  3  ...  ( x  1)  x}.
y0 k k

2 x 2 ( x  1)( x  1  1) x x x x2
  {1  2  3  ...  ( x  1)}  =     ( x  1)    .
k k k k k k k k

Implies that, y x  y0 e  x . But in the case of binomial distribution 2 = npq

/ 2 2
 ½  ½ = n/4 = k/2. Hence y x  y0 e  x  y0 e  x
2 2

(c) Determination of y0 . Suppose that y0 be such that the total probability may be 1,
 

 dx  1  2 y0  e  x
/ 2 2 / 2 2
y0 e  x dx  1. x /  2  t , dx  2dt ,
2 2
then Put we get
 0

1 1  x 2 / 2 2
2 2y0  e t dt  1  2 2 y0 (1/ 2)   1  y0  Hence y 
. e is the
0  2 2

standard form of normal distribution. If the total frequency is N, the corresponding normal
N  x2 / 2 2
distribution is y  e .

If the origin is changed to the point (m = np = mean, 0), where x – m is the excess of the
mean over the value chosen as origin, then the corresponding normal distribution is
y e ( xm) / 2 .
2 2

 2

(D) Definition. If the probability density function of a continuous random variable X is

defined by y  e ( xm) / 2 ,  x  . Then it is called Normal variable and its
2 2

 2
distribution is called Normal (or Gaussian) Distribution, here m and  are called the
/ 2 2
parameter of the distribution. A curve is given by y x  y0 e ( xm)
is said to be a normal
/ 2
curve, where origin is taken at mean then y x  y0 e  x
2 2

(E) Properties of Normal distribution.

(1) The curve is symmetrical about the y-axis.

/ 2 2
Since if we replace x by –x in the equation of normal curve y x  y0 e  x
, then the
equation remains unchanged. Hence the normal curve is symmetric about x-axis.

(2) The mean, median and mode coincide at the origin.

/ 2 2
Mean = m = 1  y0 e  x
xdx = 0, since the integrand is an odd function. Now if

/ 2 2 dy y d2y y0  x 2   x2 / 2 2
y  y0 e  x    02 xe  x / 2 and     e
2 2 2
1 .
dx  dx 2  2   2 

dy d2y
Then  0  x  0 and  0. Hence at x = 0 y is maximum, i.e., x = 0 is the mode of
dx dx 2
normal distribution.

Also, If Md is the median of the normal distribution then

 
1 1 1 1
M  2 
 x 2 / 2 2
dx   2 e t  2dt  , where x /  2  t , dx  2dt ,
2  2 Md / 2

 
1 M
    e t dt  d  0  M d  0. Hence the mean, median and mode
t 2
e dt 

Md / 2
2 0  2
coincide at the origin.

(3) The points of inflexion of the normal curve are given by x = .

/ 2 2 dy y d2y y0  x 2   x 2 / 2 2
Since if y  y0 e  x    02 xe  x / 2 ,     e
2 2 2
dx  dx 2  2   2 

d2y x2 d3y xy 0  x 2   x 2 / 2 2
Then  0  1   0  x   . Now    3  e  0 at x = .
dx 2 2 dx 3  4   2 

3.6.1. Constants and recurrence relation of the Normal Distribution.

1 / 2 2
Let y  e ( x  m)
. Then
 2
 
1 
Mean = m = E(x) = 1   xf ( x)dx =  xe
( x  m ) 2 / 2 2
  2 

 (m  2 )e
z2 / 2
= dz , where z = (x - m)/.
2 

  
m 2m
e dz    e  z / 2 dz =  e dz ,
z 2
/2 2
z / 2 2
2   2 0

(since the integrand is even in first term and odd in second term)

=  t (1/ 2) dt , , where t = z2/2, dt = z dz.
 0

 1/ 2
 
= e  t (1 / 2)1dt  m  m.
0 

 ( x  m)
/ 2 2
e ( x  m )
Variance: Var(X) = E(X – m)2 = 2
 2 

z e
2 z2 / 2
= dz , where z = (x - m)/.
2 

2 2
 z e dz ,
2 z / 2 2
= (since the integrand is even)
 0

2 2
1 / 2 t
= e dt , where t = z2/2, dt = z dz.
 0

2 2
 2 2 3 / 2
e   2.
t ( 3 / 2 ) 1
= t dt 
 0 

Hence 2 is the variance and  is the SD of normal distribution.

With mean m and variance  normal distribution is denoted by N(m, ).

Median: If Md is the median of the normal distribution then

Md ( M d m ) / 
1 1 1 1
  2 
( x m ) 2 / 2 2
dx   e  z / 2 dz 
e , where . But since
2 2 

0 
1 1 1
  e  z / 2 dz 
z2 / 2 2
e dz = . On comparing, we get (Md – m)/ = 0, implies that
2  2 0
Md = m.

Mode: Now if
1 dy 1  x  m  ( xm)2 / 2 2
y  f ( x)  e ( xm) / 2     0  x  m. Also
2 2

2 
 2 dx  2   
d2y 1 1 2 
 2 e ( xm) / 2  e ( xm ) / 2   2   0 at x = m.
2 2 2

 2  2   

Hence at x = m, y is maximum, i.e., x = m is the mode of normal distribution and max y =


Quartiles: The first quartile Q1 is given by

1 1
 e ( xm ) / 2 dx  . On solving this equation with the help of Normal Probability
2 2

 2 4
Integral Table, we have Q1 =  - 0.6745. The third quartile Q3 is given by
1 3
 e ( xm ) / 2 dx  . On solving the equation with the help of 'Normal Probability
2 2

 2 4
Integral Table' we have Q3 =  + 0.6745.

Moments about the Origin: Odd moments.

2 n 1  x 2 / 2 2
2n+1 = E(X) 2n+1
= e dx  0 , [Since the integrand is an odd function].
 2 

Hence the odd moments about origin are zero. i.e., 1 = 3 = 5 = …= 2n+1 = 0.

2 n  x 2 / 2 2
Even moments. 2n = E(X)2n = e dx
 2 

2 n  x 2 / 2 2
= e dx , [Since the integrand is an even function].
 2 0

x2 dt
Put  t , dx  , we get
2 2
2 2

 
2 n n t dt 2 n  2 n n 2 1 t 2n  2n
2 1
 2  t e  n .
2n = = t e dt =
 2 0 2t  0  2

2 n1 2 n2 1
Similarly, 2n-2 = n 1  . Then
 2

 2 n 2 1
 2 2  2 2 (n  )   2 (2n  1)   2 n   2 (2n  1)  2 n2 .
 2 n2 1 2

This is the recurrence formula for even moments. On putting n = n–1, n–2, n-3, …, 3,2,1 ,
we have

 2 n2   2 (2n  3) 2 n4 ,  2 n4   2 (2n  5) 2 n6 , …,  4  3 2  2 ,  2   2 0   2 .

Substituting the values one by one, we get

2 n  (2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2n .

Moments about the mean: Odd moments.

 ( x  m)
2 n 1 / 2 2
2n+1 = E(X – m) e ( x  m )
= dx
 2 

 2 n1  2 n1  z / 2
 z e dz [where z = (x - m)/] = 0.[Since the integrand is an odd function].
2 

Hence the odd moments about mean are zero. i.e., 1 = 3 = 5 =…= 2n+1 = 0.

 ( x  m)
/ 2 2
Even moments. 2n = E(X – m)2n = e ( x  m )
 2 

 2n
2n z2 / 2
= e dz [where z = (x - m)/]
2 

2 2 n
2n z2 / 2
= e dz [Since the integrand is an even function]
2 0

 
2 2 n 2 2 n
1 1
n 2
n t dt
  2 2 t 2 e t dt
= ( 2t ) e , where t = z /2 =
2 0 2t 2 0

2n  2n 2n  2n
n  1 1
= 2
e dt = n .
 0  2

2 n1 2 n2 1
Similarly, 2n-2 = n 1  . Then
 2

2n 2 1
 2 2  2 2 (n  )   2 (2n  1)   2 n   2 (2n  1)  2 n2 .
 2 n2 1 2

This is the recurrence formula for even moments. On putting n = n–1, n–2, n-3, …, 3,2,1 ,
we have

2n2   2 (2n  3)2n4 , 2n4   2 (2n  5)2n6 , …,  4  3 2  2 , 2   2 0   2 .

Substituting the values one by one, we get

2n  (2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2n . In Particular 1  0, 2   2 , 3  0, 4  3 4 .

Note: Since the mean of the normal distribution is zero so 2n = 2n and 2n+1 = 2n+1.

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1, 2 , 1 , 2

32 4 3 4
1 = = 0,  2 = =  3 , 1 = 1 = 0 , 2 = 2 -3 = 0 .
23 22 ( 2 ) 2

Hence the normal distribution is symmetrical i.e. there is no skewness in normal

distribution and it is mesokurtic i.e., Kurtosis of a normal distribution vanish; it is neither
platykurtic nor leptokurtic.

Mean Deviation about Mean.


 
1 
| x  m | e | z | e
( x  m ) 2
/ 2 2 z2 / 2
E(|X – m|) = dx = dz , where z = (x - m)/.
 2  2 

 
 2
0 1
  ( z)e  z / 2 dz +  ze z / 2 dz  =
 z2
 ze
2 2
= dz ,
2  0 2 0

2 2 4
e dt (where t = z2/2, dt = z dz) =   0.7979 
= appr.
2 0
 5

Q3  Q1 (   0.6745 )  (   0.6745 ) 2
Quartile Deviation: Q.D. =   0.6745   ,
2 2 3

which is also called the probable error.

3.6.2. Moment Generating Function of Normal Distribution.

1 / 2 2
Let y  e ( x  m)
 2

Then m.g.f. About origin:

tx ( x  m ) 2 / 2 2
M0(t) = E(etx) = e dx
 2 

t ( m z )  z 2 / 2
= e dz , where z = (x - m)/.
2 

  1 1
e tm e tm  ( z 2  2tz t 2 2 )  t 2 2
e 
tz z2 / 2
= e dz  e 2 2
2  2 

mt  t 2 2  1
e 2  ( z t ) 2
= 2 e 2
dz , (since the integrand is even)
2 0

1  1
mt  t 2 2 1 1
=e 2

 0
e  y y 2 dy , where (1/2)(z - t)2 = y, (z - t)dz = dy.

1 1
mt  t 2 2 1 1 mt  t 2 2
=e =e 2 .
 2

Then m.g.f. About mean:


zt / 2 2
e t ( x  m ) e ( x  m )
Mm(t) = E(et(x-m)) = dx
 2 

e  z / 2 dz , where z = (x - m)/.
2 

 1 1
1  ( z 2  2tz t 2 2 )  t 2 2
2 
e 2 2

1 2 2
t   1 1 2 2
e 2  u2 t 

e 2
du , where u = z - t = e 2

Generation of moments by m.g.f.:

2 3
 1  1   1  1 
1 2 2
t  1
Mm(t) = e 2
= 1  t 2 2    t 2 2     t 2 2   ... . Now
2  2!  2   3!  2 

 t 2 n1 
2n+1 = coefficients of   in Mm(t) = 0 and
 (2n  1)! 

 t 2n    2 n (2n)!  2n(2n  1)(2n  2)...3.2.1 2 n

2n = coefficients of   in Mm(t) =   
 (2n)! 
 2 n!  n(n  1)(n  2)... n

2 n n(n  1)(n  2)...3.2.1/( 2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2 n

(2n)!  1 2 
  (2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2 n     . 3.6.
n(n  1)(n  2)... n
n!  2 
3. Illustrative Examples.

Example 1. Two normal universe have the same total frequency but the standard deviation
of one is k-time that of the other, show that the maximum frequency of the first is 1/k that
of the other.

Solution: Let the total number of frequencies be N and  and k be the standard deviations
of the two universes. Hence the equations to the two normal curves are

/ 2 2 / 2 k 2 2
y  y0 e  x and y  y0 e  x
2 2
. According the question if the total frequencies for both
 

 
 x 2 / 2 2 / 2 k 2 2
dx  y0 ex
are the same, then y0 e dx
 

 
Or, y0  e  x / 2 2
dx  y0  e  x / 2 k 2 2
2 2
0 0

Put x/2 = u in left side and x/k2 = v in right side we have

 
y0  e u 2 2
du  y0 k  e v 2
dv  y0  ky0 .

0 0

But y0 or y0' are the frequencies corresponding to the mean or median or mode (as all the
three averages coincide). Hence the maximum frequency of first is 1/k that of the other.

d 2 n
Example 2. In case of normal distribution, prove that  2 n2   2  2 n   3 .

 ( x  m) e
2 n ( x  m ) / 2 2
Proof: Since 2n = E(X – m)2n =
 2 

On differentiating with respect to , we get

d 2 n 1
 ( x  m) e
2 n ( x  m ) / 2 2
 2
d  2 

1  1 2 2 
 ( x  m)
/ 2 2
e ( x  m )  ( x  m)   3 dx.
 2   2   

 
d 2 n 1 1
 ( x  m) e  ( x  m)
2 n ( x  m ) / 2 2 2 n 2 / 2 2
  2 e ( x  m )
2 2
dx + dx.
d  2   4
2 

d 2 n 1 1 d 2 n
    2 n  3  2 n2  3   2  2 n   2 n2 .
d   d

d 2 n
  2 n 2   2  2 n   3 .

Example 3. Prove that for the normal distribution, the quartile deviation, the mean
deviation from mean and the standard deviation are approximately in the ratio 10: 12: 15.

Solution: Since we know that for a normal distribution

2 4
S.D. =  , Q.D. =  , M.D.= 
3 5

2 4
 Q.D.: M.D. : S.D. =  :  :  = 10 : 12: 15 = 10 : 12: 15.
3 5

Example 4. For a certain normal distribution the first moment about 10 is 40 and the fourth
moment about 50 is 48. What is the arithmetic mean and variance of the normal

Solution: Since the mean and standard deviation of normal distribution are m and 
respectively. Given that first moment about 10 is given by

1(10) = E(X – 10) = E(X) – 10 = m – 10 = 40  m = 40 + 10 = 50

Again, since mean = 50, then we have the fourth moment about 50 = fourth moment about
mean = 4(50) = 4 = 48 (given) = 34  2 = 4 = Variance.

Example 5. For a normal distribution with mean 2 and standard deviation 3, find the value
of a variate such that the probability of the intervals from the mean to that value is 0.4114.
Given that t = 1.35.

Solution. Let the random variable X has the p.d.f.

y  f ( x)  e ( xm) / 2 . Let the required value be x, then
2 2

 2

/ 2 2
e ( x  m ) dx (Since given that mean m = 2 and  =3).
P(2 < X < x) =
 2 2

xm x2
On putting t   , we get
 3
 e t dt = 0.4114 (given). Hence x = 3t + 2 = 3  1.35 + 2 = 6.05.
P(2 < X < x) =
2 0

Example 6. In an intelligence test administered to 1000 children, the average score is 42 and
standard deviation is 24. Find (i) the number of children whose score exceeds 60 (ii) the
number of children with score lying between 20 and 40. It is given that if
f (t )   e t
dt , then f(0.75) = 0.2734, f(0.91) = 0.3184, f(0.08) = 0.0319.
2 0

xm 60  42
Solution: Let, t    0.75 , then P(t >0.75) = 0.5 – 0.2734 = 0.2266,
 24

P(x > 60) = 0.2266. Therefore,

Required number of children = NP (X > 60) = 1000  0.2266 = 226.6.


xm 20  42 x  m 40  42
for x = 20, t    0.91 and for x = 40, t    0.08 . Then
 24  24
P[20 < X < 40] = P(- 0.91 < t < - 0.08) = P(0.08 < t < 0.91)

= P(0 < t < 0.91) - P(0 < t < 0.08) = 0.3184 – 0.0319 = 0.2865. Therefore
required no. of children = 0.2865 x 1000 = 286.5.

Example 7. For a normal variate X, mean = 12 and standard deviation = 2. find P(9.6 <
x < 13.8). Given that for x/ = 0.9, A = 0.3159 and for x/ = 1.2, A = 0.3849.

xm 9.6  12
Solution: It is given that m = 12 and  = 2, therefore when x = 9.6 t    1.2
 2
xm 13.8  12
and when x = 13.8, t    0.9 . Therefore the required probability
 2
13.8 0.9
1 1
 e (1 / 2)( x12) / 4 dx =  e (1 / 2)t dt , where t = (x – 12)/2
2 2
P(9.6 < X < 13.8) =
2 2 9.6 2 1.2

0 0.9
1 1
 e (1/ 2)t dt +  e (1/ 2)t dt ,
2 2
2 1.2 2 0

1.2 0.9
1 1
 e (1 / 2)t dt +  e (1/ 2)t dt ,
2 2
2 0 2 0

= 0.3849 + 0.3159. = 0.7008.

Example 8. Assume the mean height of soldiers to be 68.22 inches with a variance 108(in)2 .
How many soldiers in a regiment of 1000 would you expect to be over 6feet tall? Given that
the area under the standard normal curve between t = 0 and t = 0.35 is 0.1368 and
between t = 0 and t = 1.15 is 0.3746.

Solution: It is given that m = 68.22 inches and 2 = 10.8 (in)2, i.e.,  = 3.28 inches. Therefore
x  m 72  68.22
t   1.15 (where x = 6 = 72). Since it is given that the area under the
 3.28
standard normal curve between t = 0 and t = 1.15 is 0.3746. So the area under the standard
normal curve between t = 1.5 and t =  is 0.5 - 0.3746 = 0.1254.

Hence number of soldiers who are over 6feet tall = 10000.1254 = 125.4.

Example 9. In a normal distribution 31% of the items are under 45 and 8& items are over
64. Find the mean and standard deviation. Given that if f (t )   e  x / 2 dx , then f(0.5) =

2 0
0.19, f(1.4) = 0.42.

Solution: Let m and 2 are the mean and variance of normal distribution. It is given that
P(X < 45) = 31% = 0.31 and P(X < 64) = 8% = 0.08.

X m 45  m X m 64  m
Therefore P    0.31 and P    0.08 or
   
45  m 64  m
Pt    0.31 and P t   0.08 , where t  X  m .
  
0.5 0
1 1
  e t
t 2 / 2 2
Since it is given that 0.19 = f(0.5) = e dt = dt ,
2 0 2 0.5

0 0.5
1 1
 e (1 / 2)t dt +  e (1 / 2)t dt . Therefore
2 2
2  2 

 e (1 / 2)t dt = 0.5 – 0.19 = 0.31, i.e., P(t ≤ -0.5) = 0.31. Again given that

2 

1.4  
1 1 1
  
t 2 / 2 t 2 / 2
e (1 / 2)t dt . Therefore
0.42 = f(1.4) = e dt = e dt -
2 0 2 0 2 1.4

 e (1/ 2)t dt = 0.5 – 0.42 = 0.08, i.e. P(t  1.4) = 0.08. On comparing we have

2 1.4

45  m 64  m
 0.5 and  1.4 , which implies that m = 50 and  = 10.
 

Example 10. Fit a normal curve from the following data:

Length(cm) 8.60 8.59 8.58 8.57 8.56 8.55 8.54 8.53 8.52

Frequency 2 3 4 9 10 8 4 1 1


x f  = x – A, A = 8.56 2 f f2

8.60 2 0.04 0.0016 0.08 0.0032

8.59 3 0.03 0.0009 0.09 0.0027

8.58 4 0.02 0.0004 0.08 0.0016

8.57 9 0.01 0.0001 0.09 0.0009

8.56 10 0.00 0.0000 0 0


8.55 8 -0.01 0.0001 -0.08 0.0008

8.54 4 -0.02 0.0004 -0.08 0.0016

8.53 1 -0.03 0.0009 -0.03 0.0009

8.52 1 -0.04 0.0016 -0.04 0.0016

Total 42 0.0060 0.11 0.0133

Then mean m = A 
 f  8.56  0.11  8.5626 and standard deviation =
f 42

 f   f 
2 2 2
  0.0133  0.11 
     0.0175 cm(appr.)
f  f 
  42  42 

Hence the required normal curve is: y  e ( xm ) / 2 = 9.8e 0.163( x8.563) .
2 2 2

 2

3.7. Rectangular Distribution or Uniform distribution.

A probability distribution function in which the probability density function f(x) is

constant over the entire range of variable X, say a ≤ x ≤ b and zero elsewhere is said to be
rectangular distribution or uniform distribution.

This distribution is so called since the curve y = f(x) describes a rectangle over the
X-axis between the ordinates at x = a and x = b. This implies that X is a continuous
variable. Let X be a random variable in the range a to b with p.d.f. f(x) which is constant
in a ≤ x ≤ b and zero elsewhere. Then
 b b

f ( x)dx  1   f ( x)dx  1  f ( x)  dx  1  f ( x) 
a a

Definition. A rectangular distribution with parameter a and b (a < b) if given by p.d.f.

f ( x)  ,a≤x≤b

=0, elsewhere

Distribution Function of Rectangular Distribution. The distribution function F (x) of

x x
rectangular distribution is given by F (x) = P (X ≤ x) = 
f ( x)dx  
b  a
dx . Hence

0, x  a
F (x) = ,a  x  b .
1, x  b

3.7.1. Constants of the Rectangular Distribution

Moments about origin :


1  x2 
b2  a2 a  b
Mean = 1  E ( X )   xf ( x)dx   x dx      .
a a
ba  2(b  a)  a 2(b  a) 2


 x3  b 3  a 3 a 2  ab  b 2
 2  E ( X )   x f ( x)dx   x
2 2
dx  2
   , and so o on
a a
ba  3(b  a)  a 3(b  a) 3

 x r 1  b r 1  a r 1
 r  E ( X )   x f ( x)dx   x
r r
dx  r
  . Moments about a :
a a
ba  (r  1)(b  a)  a (r  1)(b  a)
 ( x  a) r
 ( x  a) r 1  (b  a) r 1 (b  a) r
 r (a)  E ( X  a)  r
dx      .
ba  (r  1)(b  a)  a (r  1)(b  a) r 1

 ba  (b  a) 2  (b  a) 3  (b  a) 4
In particular, 1 (a)  ,  2 (a)  ,  3 (a)  ,  4 (a)  .
2 3 4 5

Moments about mean: 1 = 0 always,

2 = variance

a 2  ab  b2  b  a  4b 2  4ab 2  4a 2  3b 2  3a 2  6ab (b  a) 2

= 2 - (1) =
    .
3  2  12 12

Standard deviation,  = .

(b  a) 2  b  a  (b  a) 2

Also, 2 = 2(a) – [1(a)] = 2

   .
3  2  12

(b  a) 3 (b  a) 2 ba ba

3 = 3(a) - 32(a)1(a) + 2[1(a)]3 = 3    2  0 .

4 3  2   2 

(b  a) 4
4 = 4(a) - 43(a)1(a) + 62(a)[1(a)]2 – 3[1(a)]4 = .

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1, 2 , 1 , 2


32 4 (b  a) 4 / 80
1 = = 0,  2 = =  1.8 , 1 = 1 = 0 , 2 = 2 -3 = -1.2 .
23 22 [(b  a) 2 / 12]2

Thus rectangular distribution is symmetrical and platykurtic.

Quartile: The first quartile Q1 is given by

Q1 Q
 x 
1 1 1 1
a b  adx  4   b  a  a  4  Q1  a  4 (b  a) . The second quartile (median) Q2 (Md) is
Q2 Q
1 1  x  2 1 1
given by  dx       Q2  a  (b  a) . The third quartile Q3 is given
ba 2 b  a a 2 2
Q3 Q
1 3  x  3 3 3
by a b  a 4   b  a  a  4  Q3  a  4 (b  a) .
dx 

3.7.2. Moment Generating Function of Rectangular Distribution.

 1 a , a  x b
Let f ( x)   0b,otherwise . Then m.g.f. About origin:

1  e tx  e bt  e at
e tx
M0(t) = E(e ) = 
dx  
ba b  a  t  a t (b  a)

 b 2t 2 brt r   a 2t 2 art r 
1  bt   ...   ...  1  at   ...   ...
=   ,
2! r! 2! r!
t (b  a)

(b 2  a 2 )t 2 (b r  a r )t r
(b  a)t   ...   ...
= 2! r! ,
t (b  a)

t r (b r  a r )
Hence r = coefficient of  , for r = 0, 1, 2, 3, … .
r! t (b  a)

3.7.3. Illustrative Examples.

Example 1. Find interquartile range, quartile deviation and its coefficient for the
rectangular distribution f ( x)  , a ≤ x ≤ b.

1 3
Solution. Since, we have Q1  a  (b  a) , Q3  a  (b  a) , therefore
4 4

Q3  Q1 1
Interquartile Range = Q3 – Q1 = (1/2)(b – a), Q.D. =  (b  a) and
2 4

Q3  Q1 (b  a) / 2 (b  a)
coefficient of Q.D. =   .
Q3  Q1 2a  (b  a) 2(b  a)

Example 2. For the rectangular distribution, where f ( x)  , a ≤ x ≤ b.

Find the mean deviation with respect to mean.

Solution: We know that for given rectangular distribution mean = (a + b)/2, therefore

ab ab
b b
Mean deviation from mean =  | x  | f ( x)dx   |x | dx , a ≤ x ≤ b
2 ba a 2

( b a ) / 2
1 ba ab
 
b  a ( b  a ) / 2
| y | dy 
, where y = x 

Example 3. For the rectangular distribution f(x) = 1/2a, -a ≤ x ≤ a. Find the m.g.f., even
and odd moments.
1  e tx  e at  e  at 1
e tx
Solution. M0(t) = E(e ) =  dx 
    sinh at
2a 2a  t   a 2a at

1 a 3t 3 a 5 t 5 a 7 t 7  a 2t 2 a 4t 4 a 6t 6
=  at     ...  1     ... .
at  3! 5! 7!  3! 5! 7!

Clearly all odd order moments 2n+1 = 0 and even order moments are given by

a 2n
2n = . Since here mean = 1  = 0, therefore n = n .
(2n  1)

3.8. Exponential Distribution.

The probability distribution having the probability density function f(x), defined by

f ( x)   0 , x 0

ex , x 0, 0

is called exponential distribution with parameter .


  
 

Here 
f ( x)dx   f ( x)dx   f ( x)dx  0   ex dx   e x
 0 0
0  1 and the distribution function

of Exponential Distribution is given by

 0, x  0

x x

 f ( x)dx   e dx  1  e x , x  0 .
F(x) = P(X ≤ x) =
 a  1, x  

3.8.1. Constants of the Exponential Distribution

Moments about origin:

  2 1

Mean = 1  E ( X )   xf ( x)dx   xe x dx   2  .
0 0
 

  3
 2  E ( X 2 )   x 2 f ( x)dx   x 2e x dx  
 , and so on
0 0
 3

  r 1 r 1
 r  E ( X )   x f ( x)dx   x re x dx  
r r
 .
0 0
 r 1 r

2 1 1
Moments about mean: 1 = 0 always, 2 = variance = 2 - (1)2 =    2 .
 2
  
1 1 2 6 2 1
Standard deviation,  = . 3 = 3 - 321 + 2[1] = 3  3 2   2   3 3
      

4 = 4 - 431 + 62[1]2 – 3[1]4 = .

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1, 2 , 1 , 2

 3 2 2 /  3  4 9 / 4

1 = 4 2  9. , 1 = 1 = 2 , 2 = 2 -3 = 6 .
 2 3 1 /  
= , = =
22 1/  4

Quartiles: The first quartile Q1 is given by


 
1 1 1
  e x
dx    Q1   (log e 3  log e 4) . The second quartile (median) Q2

4 4

 
1 1 1
  e x
(Md) is given by dx    Q2  log e 2 . The third quartile Q3 is given

2 2

 
3 3 1
by  e x dx    e x
  Q3  log e 4 .

4 4

Interquartile Range = Q3 – Q1 = (1/)loge 4 + (1/)( loge 3 – loge 4) = (1/) loge 3 and Q.D.
Q  Q1
= 3 = (1/2) loge 3. Also coefficient of quartile deviation is

Q3  Q1 (1/  ) log e 3 log e 3

Q.D. =   .
Q3  Q1 (1/  ) log e 4  (1/  )[log e 3  log e 4] log e 16  log e 3

  
1 1
Mean deviation from mean =  | x  | e x dx   | x  1 | e x dx   | y 1| e
dy , (y = x)
 0
 0

e 
1 1 1 2
 y  1 | e dy  
y y 1
= | y 1| e dy   e 1  .
 0 1
 e

3.8.2. Moment Generating Function of Exponential Distribution.

Let f ( x)  e x , x  0. Then m.g.f. About origin:

  1
 
M0(t) = E(e ) =  e e dx    e
tx tx x ( t ) x
dx  
 t
e 
( t ) x 
0 
 t
 1  
 t   
0 0

t t2 t3
=1     ... .
 2 3

tr r!
Hence r = coefficient of  r , for r = 0, 1, 2, 3, … .
r! 

3.8.3. Illustrative Examples

Example 1. A random variable has an exponential distribution with probability density

3e 3 x , x  0
function given by f ( x)   What is the probability, that X is not less than 4 ? Find
 0 , x  0.
the mean and standard deviation. Show that C.V.= mean/S.D. = 1.

Solution: We have to find out that P(X  4) =  3e 3 x dx   e 3 x  
4  e 12 .

  2
1 2 1 2 3 x 1 3 1 1
Mean = E(X) =  3xe 3 x
dx  3 2  , Variance = 4 3( x  ) e dx     3   and
3 3 3  3 33 9 9
Standard Deviation = 1/3. Hence C.V. = 1.

Example2. The income tax of a man is exponentially distributed with the Probability
 1  13 x

density function given by f ( x)   3 e , x  0 What is the probability that his income will

 0, x  0.
exceed Rs. 17,000 assuming that the income tax is lived at the rate of 15% on the income
above Rs. 15,000?

Solution. If the income exceeds Rs. 17,000 then income tax will exceed by 15% of 17000-
15000), i.e. exceeds by Rs. (15x2000)/100 = 300. Hence the required probability is P(X >

 1
1  x  13x 
300) =  e 3 dx   e 3   e 100 .
3   300

3.9. Summary of Unit

(i) Binomial Distribution: The probability distribution of random variable x is called

Binomial distribution if only take non-negative values and its distribution is given by,
Cr p r q n  r ;r 0,1, 2, 3,...,n
P(r) = p(X = r) = 

0;r  0,1, 2, 3,...,n

Constants of the Binomial Distribution:

Moments about origin:

1 = Mean = np, 2 = npq + n2 p2, 3 = n(n - 1)(n - 2 ) p3 + 3n(n - 1)p2 + np and

4 = n(n - 1)(n - 2 )(n - 3) p4 + 6n(n - 1)(n - 2)p3 + 7n(n - 1)p2 + np

Moments about mean : 1 = 0 always, 2 = npq = variance 2 = npq and S.D. = (npq), 3 =
npq(2q – 1) = npq(q – p) , 4 = npq[1 + 3(n – 2)pq].

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients:

(1  2 p) 2 (1  6 pq) 1 2p (1  6 pq)
1 = , 2 = 3 + , 1 = , 2 = .
npq npq npq npq

Renovsky Formula:(Recurrence Relation)


 d k 
 k 1  pq nk k 1  , where k is the kth moment about mean.
 dp 
 

Moment Generating Function of Binomial Distribution:

Then m.g.f. about origin: M0(t) = (q+ pet)n

m.g.f. about mean np : Mnp(t) = (qe- pt + pe qt.)n .

(ii) Poisson’s Distribution : The probability distribution of random variable x is called

Poisson‘s distribution if x can assume non-negative integral values only and its
mr  m
e ;r 0 ,1, 2 , 3,...,n
distribution is given by, P(r) = p(X = r) =  r! .
0;r  0 ,1, 2 , 3,...,n

Constants of the Poisson Distribution:

Moments about origin:

1 = mean = m, 2 = m2 + m, 3 = m3 + m2 + m, 4 = m4 + 6m3 + 7m2 + m

Moments about mean: 1 = 0 always, 2 = m = variance 2, S.D.= m, mean = (S.D.)2 .

3 = m, 4 = 3m2 + m.

1 1
Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1= 1/m, 2 = 3 +1/m, 1 = , 2 = .
m m

Recurrence Relation: For Poisson‘s distribution with mean m ,

d r
 k 1  mr r 1  m , where k is the kth moment about mean.

Moment Generating Function of Poisson Distribution.

Then m.g.f. about origin : M0(t) = e m ( e 1) and m.g.f. about mean m : Mm(t) = e me mt m .
t t

(iii) Normal Distribution: If the probability density function of a continuous random

variable X is defined by y  e ( xm) / 2 ,  x  . Then it is called Normal variable
2 2

 2
and its distribution is called Normal (or Gaussian) Distribution, here m and  are called
the parameter of the distribution.

(1) Normal curve is symmetrical about the y-axis.

(2) The mean, median and mode coincide at the origin.


(3) The points of inflexion of the normal curve are given by x = .

Constants and recurrence relation of the Normal Distribution.

Mean = 1= m, 2 = variance = 2 and S.D. = .

Median = Md = m, Mode = m, Quartiles : Q1 =  - 0.6745, Q3 =  + 0.6745.

Moments about the Origin : 2n+1 = 0,  2 n  (2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2n .

Moments about the mean : 2n+1 = 0, 2n  (2n  1)(2n  3)...3.1 2n . Also n = n . Karl
Pearson’s Coefficients: 1 = 0, 2 = 3 , 1 = 0 , 2 = 0 .

4 2
Mean Deviation about Mean = appr. Quartile Deviation =  ,
5 3

Moment Generating Function of Normal Distribution. m.g.f. About origin:

1 1 2 2
mt  t 2 2 t 
2 2
M0(t) = e and m.g.f. About mean: Mm(t) = e .

(iii) Rectangular Distribution : A rectangular distribution with parameter a and b (a < b) if

given by p.d.f. f ( x)  ,a≤x≤b

=0, elsewhere

Constants of the Rectangular Distribution

Moments about origin : Mean = 1 = (a + b)/ 2, 2 = (a2 +ab + b2)/ 3 etc.

Moments about mean: 1 = 0 always, 2 = variance = (b – a)2 /12, S.D. = .

(b  a) 4
3 = 0, 4 . Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1 = 0, 2 = 1.8, 1 = 0 , 2 = -1.2 .

1 1 3
Quartiles : Q1  a  (b  a) , Q2  a  (b  a) , Q3  a  (b  a) .
4 2 4

Moment Generating Function of Rectangular Distribution. m.g.f. About origin:

e bt  e at
M0(t) =
t (b  a)

(iv) Exponential Distribution : The probability distribution having the probability density
function f(x), defined by f ( x)   0 , x 0

ex , x 0, 0
is called exponential distribution with parameter


Constants of the Exponential Distribution: Moments about origin:

 
Mean = 1  1/  ,  2  2 /  2 . Moments about mean: 1 = 0 always, 2 = variance = 1/2 and
1 9
S. D. = , 3 = 2/3 , 4 = .
 4

Karl Pearson’s Coefficients: 1 = 4, 2 = 9 , 1 = 2 , 2 = 6 .

1 1 1
Quartiles : Q1   (log e 3  log e 4) , Q2  log e 2 , Q3  log e 4 .
  

Q3  Q1
Interquartile Range = Q3 – Q1 = (1/) loge 3 and Q.D. = = (1/2) loge 3, Q.D.
log e 3
= . Mean deviation from mean =2/e.
log e 16  log e 3

Moment Generating Function of Exponential Distribution.

 t
m.g.f. About origin: M0(t) = 1  
 

3.10. Assignment

Q.1. In case of binomial Distribution, write an expression for (i) the probability of at most
r successes (ii) the probability of at least r successes.

Q 2. The mean and variance of a Binomial distribution are 4 and 4/3 respectively. Find (i)
the probability of 2 successes, (ii) the probability of more than two successes, (iii) the
probability of 3 or more than three successes.

Q 3. A perfect cubical die is thrown a large number of times in sets of 8. The occurrence of
5 or 6 is called a success. In what proportion of the sets you expect 3 successes.

Q 4. An irregular six-faced die is thrown and the expectation that in 10 throws it will give
five even numbers is twice the expectation that it will give four even numbers. How many
times in 10,000 sets of 10 throws would you expect it to give no even numbers ?

Q 5. In a precision bombing attack there is a 50% chance that any one bomb will strike the
target. Two direct hits are required to destroy the target completely. How many bombs
must be dropped to give a 99% chance or better of completely destroying the target ?

Q 6. Show that if two symmetrical Binomial distributions of degree n (the same number of
observations) are so superposed that the first term of the one coincides with the (r + l)th
term of the other, the distribution formed by adding superposed terms is a symmetrical
Binomial distribution of degree (n + 1).

Q 7. In a Poisson distribution probability for x = 0 is 10%. Find the mean, given that loge10
= 2.3O26.

Q 8. A car-hire-firm has two cars, which it hires, out day by day. The number of demands
for a car on each day is distributed as Poisson distribution with mean 1.5. Calculate the
proportion of days on which neither car is used and the proportion of days on which some
demand is refused. [e-1.5 = 0.2231|.

Q 9. A telephone switch board handles 600 calls on the average during a rush hour. The
board can make a maximum of 20 connections per minute. Use Poisson distribution to
estimate the probability that the board will be over taxed during any given minute. [e -1 =

Q 10. If p(X = 2) = 9p(X = 4) + 90p(X = 6) in the Poisson distribution, then find E(X).

Q 11. If X is a normal variate with mean 8 and standard deviation 4, find (i)P(X ≤ 5) and
(ii) P(5 ≤ X ≤ 10).

Q 12. Fit a normal curve from the following data:

X 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45

Frequency 0 1 3 2 7 12 10 9 5 3 2 0

Q 13. Fit a normal curve from the following data:

Interval 60-62 63-65 66-68 69-71 72-74

Frequency 5 18 42 27 8

Q 14. For the rectangular distribution f(x) = 1, 1 ≤ x ≤ 2. Find arithmetic mean, geometric
mean, harmonic mean and standard deviation and verify that AM > GM > HM.

Q 15. If families are selected at random in a certain thickly populated area and their
annual income in excess of Rs. 4000 is treated as a random variable having an exponential

1  2000x
distribution f ( x)  e , x  0 . What is the probability that 3 out of 4 families
selected in the area have income in excess of Rs. 5000 ?

3.11. Check your progress

Q 1. By differentiating the identity  n Cr p r q nr  (q  p) n ; q  1  p with respect to p and
r 0

then multiplying by p, show that 1 = np.

Q 2. The number of males in each 106 eight pig litters was found and they are given by the
following frequency distribution :

Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
of Male
per litter

Frequency 0 5 9 22 25 26 14 4 1 106

Assuming that the probability of an animal being male or female is even i.e., p = q = ½ and
frequency distribution follows the Binomial law, calculate the expected frequencies.

Q 3. In litters of 4 mice the number of litters which contained 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 females were

noted. The figures are given in the table below :

Number 0 1 2 3 4 Total
of female

Number 8 32 34 24 5 103
of litters

If the chance of obtaining a female in a single trial is assumed constant, estimate this
constant of unknown probability. Find also expected frequencies.

1 35
Q 4. Find Binomial distribution if 1  , 2  .
36 12

Q 5. Compute mode of a Binomial distribution with p = ¼ and n = 7.

q p
Q 6. Show that a measure of skewness of the Binomial distribution is given by
(npq)1/ 2
1  6 pq
and its kurtosis is 3  .

Q 7. Let X be a Binomially distributed random variable with mean 10 and variance 5.

Show that
20 11
(a) P( X  6)  (1 / 2) 20  20 Cr and (b) P(3  X  12)  (1/ 2) 20  20 Cr .
r 7 r 4

Q 8. The mean of a Binomial distribution is 20 and standard deviation is 4. Determine the


Q 9. If x and y are two independent Poisson‘s variates where P(X =1) = P (X =2) and P(Y =
2) = P(Y = 3), find the variance of (X - 2Y).

Q 10. Find the mean and standard deviation for the table of deaths of women over 85 year
old recorded in a three year period.

No. of death recorded in a day 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

No. of days 364 376 218 89 33 13 2 1

Q 11. In 1,000 extensive sets of trials for an event of small probability the frequencies f of
the number x of successes are found to be:

x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

f 305 365 210 80 28 9 2 1

Assuming it to be a Poisson‘s distribution calculate its mean, variance and expected


Q 12. If X is a Poisson variate and P(X = 1) = (PX = 2), find P(X = 4) and P(X ≤ 4).

Q 13. If a Poisson distribution has a double mode x = 1 and x = 2, find P(X = 1).

Q 14. If a Poisson distribution has a double mode x = 4 and x = 5, find probability that x
will have either of these values.

Q 15. In a distribution exactly normal. 7% of the items are under 35 and 89% are under
63. What are the mean and s.d. of the distribution.

Q 16. For a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 3, find the probability
that 3.43 ≤ x ≤ 6.19.

Q 17. The quartiles of a normal distribution are 8 and 14 respectively. Show that the mean
and standard deviations are respectively 11 and 4.4.

Q 18. In a sample of 1000 cases, the mean of certain test is 14 and standard deviation is 2.5.
Assuming the normality of the distribution find (i) how many candidates score between 12

and 15 (ii) how many score below 8 and (iii) the probability that a candidate selected at
random will score above 15 ?

Q 19. Show that for the rectangular distribution dF(x) = dx, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 the m.g.f is (et – 1)/t.
Hence or otherwise show that k = 1/(k + 1), 2 = 1/12. Also prove that mean deviation
about mean is ¼.

Q 20. The sales tax of a shopkeeper has an exponential distribution with p.d.f.

 1  14 x

f ( x)   4 e , x  0 If sales tax is levied at the rate of 5%, what is the probability that his

 0, x  0.
sales exceed Rs. 10,000 ?

3.12. Point of Discussion

At the end of the unit student discuss or seek clarification on some points, if so mention the

A: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



B: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



C: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



3.13. Suggested Study Materials

[1] Mathematical Statistics by – J. N. Kapur & H. C. Saxena

[2] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray & H. S. Sharma

[3] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray, H. S. Sharma & S. Chaudhary

[4] Statistical Methods by – G. C. Sharma & S. S. Choudhary

[5] Statistical Methods by – H. K. Pathak & D. C. Agrawal




4.1. Introduction

4.2. Objectives

4.3. Curve Fitting


4.3.1. Most Plausible

4.3.2. Value Method of Least Square

4.3.3. Change of Origin

4.3.4. Curve of type y = abx and y = axb.

4.3.5. Illustrative Examples

4.4. Correlation and Regression

4.4.1. Correlation: Karl Pearson‘s Coefficients of Correlation

4.4.2. Coefficients of Correlation for Bivariate frequency Distribution

4.4.3. Correlation of Ranks

4.4.4. Illustrative Examples

4.4.5. Regression: Line of Regression

4.4.6. Covariance

4.4.7. Illustrative Examples

4.5. Partial and Multiple Correlation

4.5.1. Distribution of Variables.

4.5.2. Properties of Residuals.

4.5.3. Multiple and Partial correlation Coefficients:

4.5.4. Illustrative Examples

4.6. Summary of Unit

4.7. Assignment

4.8. Check your progress

4.9. Point of Discussion

4.10. Suggested Study Material

4.1. Introduction: After the study of frequency distribution, measure of central tendencies,
mean deviation, standard deviation, moment, skewness, kurtosis, theory of probability,
mathematical expectation and moment generating functions ad theoretical distribution. In
this unit we shall confine over selves to the study of method of least square, curve fitting,
concepts of correlation and regression, coefficient of correlation, rank correlation, multiple
and partial correlation. The fitting of curve to a given data is very important both from the
point of view of theoretical and practical statistics. In theoretical statistics, the study of
correlation and regression can be regarded as fitting of linear curves to be given bivariate
or multi-variate frequency distributions. In practical statistics it enable us to get a close
functional relation between x and y. These relations expressed by a polynomial, exponential
or logarithmic and be fitted by using the principle of least square. We know that if (i) if,
number of equations are equal to number of unknowns then such equations has unique
solution (ii) if number of equations are less than number of unknowns then such equations
has infinitely many solutions, but (iii) if number of equations are more than number of
unknowns then the solution of such equations is not possible. To solve such equations
perhaps Gauss used the method of least square in 1975 but it was named and first
published in 1805 by Legendre and so this method is also known by principle of Legendre.

4.2: Objectives: After the end of the unit the student will be able to understand/know the

1. Method of least square

2. Concepts of curve fitting and their applications

3. Concepts of correlation between two variates and their applications

4. Rank correlation and applications

5. Concept of Regression and their applications


6. Abel to solve the problems based on above concepts

4.3: Curve Fitting. Curve Fitting means an expression of the relationship between two
variables by algebraic equations on the basis of observed data. It is considered very
important both from the point of view of theoretical and practical Statistics. In theoretical
Statistics the lines of regression can be regarded as fitting of linear curves to the given
bivariate values. In practical Statistics we are required to find a functional relation
between x and y where the dependent variable y is expressed as a function of the
independent variable x, which may involve integral powers.

The general problem of finding equations of approximating curves which fit given
sets of data is called curve fitting. The simplest curve that can be fitted to a number of
points is the straight line. But no straight line passes exactly through all the points although
a great many lines may be drawn which nearly do so. Similarly we can find curves of
second degree, third degree etc., which may give the best representation of the points.

4.3.1. Most Plausible Value. Suppose we have a number of independent linear equations in n
unknowns say x, y, z, ...

a1x + b1y + c1z + ...= A1 , a2 x + b2 y + c2 z + …= A2 , … , am x + bm y + cm z + ...= Am ,

where ar , br , cr , … and Ar are constants. For m = n , we can find a unique set of values of
x, y, z, ... to satisfy all these equations. However if m > n, i.e., the number of equations is
greater than the number of unknowns, there may exist no such solution. In such cases we
try to find out those values of x, y, z, ... which will satisfy the given system of equations as
nearly as possible. The principle of least square asserts that these values are those which
make U a minimum where U=  (a x  b y  c z  ...  A )
r 1
r r r r
. Applying the conditions of

U U U
minimum i.e.,    ...  0 , we will get n equations called as normal equations.
x y z
When these equations are solved simultaneously, they give the values of x, y, z, ... .These are
called the best or most plausible values. On calculating the second order partial derivatives
and substituting the values of x, y, z, ... thus obtained, we will see that the expression will
become positive. Hence U is minimum.

4.3.2. Method of Least Square: Suppose that we have m observations are (x1, y1), (x2, y2),
(x3, y3), … , (xm, ym) of two variables x and y and we are required to fit a curve of the type
y = a + bx + bx2 + cx3 + ...+ kxn … … … (1)

from these values. Now we have to determine the constants a, b, c,...k, such that it
represents The curve of best fit of that degree. If m = n, we can in general find a unique set
of values satisfying the given system of equations. But when m > n, we get m equations by
substituting the different values of x and y in equation (1) and we are required to find only
n constants. Therefore no such solution may exist to satisfy all m equations. We therefore
try to find those values of a, b, ... , k which may give the best fit i.e., which may satisfy all
the equations as nearly as possible. The principle of least squares asserts suitable method in
such cases.

Substituting x1 x2, ... ,xm for x in equation (1), we get

Y1 = a + bx1 + bx12 + cx13 + ...+ kx1n

Y2 = a + bx2 + bx22 + cx23 + ...+ kx2n

… … … …

Ym = a + bxm + bxm2 + cxm3 + ...+ kxmn

Here the quantities Y1, Y2, … , Ym and y1, y2, … , ym are called the expected values and
observed values of y corresponding to the values of x1, x2, … , xm of x. The difference Rr =
yr – Yr for different values of r are called residuals. A measure of the "goodness of fit" of
the curve to the given data is provided by the quantity R12 + R22 + … + Rm2, if this is
small, the fit is good, if it is large the fit is bad.

―Of all curves approximating a given set of points, the curve having the property that R12 +
R22 + … + Rm2 is minimum is called best fitting curve‖ and a curve having this property is said
to fit the data in the least square sense and is called a least square curve.

Define a quantity U such that

m m
U = R12 + R22 + … + Rm2 =  ( yr  Yr ) 2   ( yr  a  bxr  cxr  ...)2 .
r 1 r 1

Here U is said to be sum of squares of residues. The principle of least square asserts that
the constant a, b, c, …, k are chosen in such a way so that sum of squares of residues is
minimum. The conditions that U is maximum or minimum of is
U U U U
   ...   0. Which implies that
a b c k

 y  ma  b x  ...  k  x n

 xy  a x  b x 2
 ...  k  x n1

x 2
y  a x 2  b x 3  ...  k  x n2

… … … …

x n
y  a x n  b x n1  ...  k  x 2n ,

here we removed the subscripts. These equations are called the normal equations and are (n
+ 1) in number and on solving these equation we have the values of (n + 1) unknowns a, b,
c, ... , k. On calculating the second order partial derivatives and on putting these values,
they give a positive value of the function. Hence U is minimum.

Particular cases. When n = 1 and n = 2 in these cases the curve to be fitted is a straight line y
= a + bx and second degree parabola respectively the corresponding normal equations are

 y  ma  b x ,  xy  a x  b x 2
and  y  ma  b x  c x 2 ,

 xy  a x  b x  c x ,  x y  a x
2 3 2 2
 b x 3  c x 4 respectively.

The values of  y,  x,  xy, x y, x ...

2 2
etc. are calculated by means of a table as is
used in the calculation of standard deviation or coefficient of correlation. Then the values
of a, b, … can be obtained.

4.3.2. Change of Origin. When the values of x are of equal interval i.e., x, x + h, x + 2h, …
and m is odd say 2n + 1, the normal equations can be simplified by taking the origin of x
at the middle of the values and the interval h may be taken as unit of measurement. Thus
if a be the middle value, then u = (x – a)/h takes the values -n, ...,-1, 0, 1, ..., n and we get
 u   u 3   u 5  0 and if m is even, say 2n we take the origin of x at the mean of the
middle pair of values and h/2 as the new unit. The values of m then become -(2n – 1), -
(2n – 3) , …,-3, -1, 1, 3, ... , (2n – 3), (2n – 1) and we get  u   u 3   u 5  0 .

4.3.4. Curve of type y = abx and y = axb. To fit the curves of these types we follow the
following method. Let the curve to be fitted be y = abx or log y = log a + x log b. The
normal equations are  log y  m log a  log b x ,  x log y  log a x  log b x 2 .

These equations are solved for log a and log b and then a and b are found by taking
antilog. Similarly if the curve to be fitted be y = axb or log y = log a + b log x. The
normal equations are

 log y  m log a  b log x ,  log x log y  log a log x  b (log x) 2


These equations are solved for log a and b and then a is found by taking antilog.

4.3.5. Illustrative Examples.

Example 1. Find the most plausible values of x, y and z from the following equations :

x – y + 2z = 3, 3x + 2y – 5z = 5, 4x + y + 4z = 21, -x + 3y + 3z = 14.

Solution. U = (x – y + 2z – 3)2 + (3x + 2y – 5z – 5)2 + (4x + y + 4z – 21)2 + (-x + 3y + 3z – 14)2 The

U U U
most plausible values will be given by    0 . On differentiating U partially
x y z
with respect to x, we get

= 2(x – y + 2z – 3) + 6(3x + 2y – 5z – 5) + 8(4x + y + 4z – 21) - (-x + 3y + 3z – 14) = 0

 27x + 6y = 88.

Similarly on differentiating U partially with respect to y and z, we get

6x + 15y + z = 70 and y + 54z = 107 respectively. On solving these equations the most
plausible values of x, y and z ar x = 2.47, y = 3.55 and z = 1.92.

Example 2. Fit a straight line to the following data regarding x as the independent variable

X: 0 1 2 3 4

y: 1.0 1.8 3.3 4.5 6.3

Solution. Let the straight line to be fitted to the data be y = a + bx ,then the normal
equations are

 y  ma  b x ,  xy  a x  b x 2
. Now

x y xy x2

0 1.0 0 0

1 1.8 1.8 1

2 3.3 6.6 4

3 4.5 13.5 9

4 6.3 25.2 16

10 16.9 47.1 30

Here m = 5,  y  16.9,  x  10,  xy  47.1, x 2

 30 .Then by normal equations, we
have 16.9 = 5a + 10b, 47.l = 10a + 30b. On solving these equations , we get a = 0.72,
b = 1.33. Hence the required line is y = 0.72 + 1.33x.

Example 3. Fit a second degree parabola to the following data :

x: 0 1 2 3 4

y: 1 5 10 22 38

Solution. Let the second degree parabola to be fitted to the data be y = a + bx +cx2 , then
the normal equations are  y  ma  b x  c x 2 ,

 xy  a x  b x 2
 c x 3 and x 2
y  a x 2  b x 3  c x 4 . Now

X Y x2 x3 x4 xy x2y

0 1 0 0 0 0 0

1 5 1 1 1 5 5

2 10 4 8 16 20 40

3 22 9 27 81 66 198

4 38 16 64 256 152 608

10 76 30 100 354 243 851


m = 5,  y  76,  x  10,  x 2
 30, x3  100, x 4  354, xy  243, x 2 y  851 . Then
by normal equations, we have

76 = 5a + 10b + 30c, 243 = 10a + 30b + 100c, 851 = 30a + 100b + 354c. On solving these
equations, we get a = 1.43, b = 0.24, c = 2.21. Hence the required parabola is

y = 1.43 + 0.24x + 2.21x2.

Example 4. Fit a straight line to the following data regarding x as the independent variable

x: 0 5 10 15 20 25

y : 12 15 17 22 24 30

Solution. Here m = 6 even and the values of x are equally spaced h = 5.Therefore we take
u = (x – 12.5)/2.5 and v = y – 20. Let the straight line to be fitted to the data be v=a+
bu, then the normal equations are

 v  ma  b u ,  uv  a u  b u 2
. Now

X Y u v uv u2

0 12 -5 -8 40 25

5 15 -3 -5 15 9

10 17 -1 -3 3 1

15 22 1 2 2 1

20 24 3 4 12 9

25 30 5 10 50 25

Total 0 0 122 70

Now by normal equations, we have 0 = 6a, 122 = 70b implies that a = 0, b = 1.74. Hence
the required line is v = 1.74u or y – 20 = 1.74[(x – 12.5)/2.5] or y = 0.7x + 11.28.

Example 5. Fit a second degree parabola to the following :

x: 0 1 2 3 4

y: 1 1.8 1.3 2.5 6.3.

Solution. Since m is odd and the values of x are equi-distant we take the origin for the x
series at the middle value 2. Now let us put X = x — 2 and Y = y, so that the curve of fit is
Y = a + bX + cX2 .

x Y X Y XY X2 X2Y X3 X4

0 1 -2 1 -2 4 4 -8 16
1 1.8 -1 1.8 -1.8 1 1.8 -1 1

2 1.3 0 1.3 0 0 0 0 0

3 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 1 2.5 1 1


4 6.3 2 6.3 12.6 4 25.2 8 16

Total 0 12.9 11.3 10 33.5 0 34

Now the normal equations are Y  ma  b X  c X , 2

 XY  a X  b X 2
 c  X ,  X Y  a  X  b X
3 2 2 3
 c X 4 . On substituting the
values in these equations, we get

12.9 = 5a + 10c, 11.3 = 10a + 10b, 33.5 = 10a + 34c. On solving these equations, we get a =
1.48, b = 1.13, c = 0.55. Hence the required parabola is Y = 1.48 + 1.13X + 0.55X2 or, y =
1.48 + 1.13(x - 2) + 0.55(x – 2)2 , or y = 1.42 – 1.07x + 0.55x2.

Example 6. Fit a curve y = abx to the following data :

x: 2 3 4 5 6

y: 144 172.8 207.4 248.8 298.5

Solution. We have to fit the curve y = abx , taking log both sides we have

logy = loga + x logb. So the normal equations are

 log y  m log a  log b x ,  x log y  log a x  log b x 2



X y x2 Logy x log y

2 144.0 4 2.1584 4.3168

3 172.8 9 2.2375 6.7125

4 207.4 16 2.3168 9.2672

5 248.8 25 2.3959 11.9795

6 298.5 36 2.4749 14.8494

20 90 11.5835 47.1254

Then by the normal equations we, get

11.5835 = 5 loga + 20 1og b, 47.1254 = 20 log a + 90 log b.


Solving these equations and taking anti-logarithms, we get a = 100, 6 = 1.2 approximately.
Hence the equation of the required curve is y = 100(l.2)x.

4.4. Correlation and Regression: In earlier units we have been mainly concerned with uni-
variate universes only. In this section we shall discuss bivariate universes and in particular
study the simultaneous variation of two variables for examples: height and weight of
students in a class, ages of husband and wives, rainfall and crops etc. Let us consider the
heights of the husbands and the wives at the time of marriage. If the height of the
bridegroom is represented by x in general and that of bride by y, then to each marriage
there corresponds a pair of values (x1, y1) of the variables x and y. Now our object is to
discover whether there is any connection between stature of husband (x) and stature of wife
(y). Do tall men tend on the average to wed tall women, or do we find tall men choosing
short women for wives just about as often as they choose tall women ? Then we try to find
out a relation between x and y. Whenever two variables x and y are so related that a change
in one is accompanied by change in the other in such a way that an increase in the one is
accompanied by an increase or decrease in the other, then variables are said to be correlated.
When the relation relationship is of quantitative nature, the approximate statistical tool for
discovering and measuring the relationship and expressing it in brief formula is know as

Let the points (xr, yr), r = 1, 2, 3, … are the values of two variables x and y be plotted
on a xy-plane and be represented by points P1, P2, P3, … .The values in the brackets are
being taken the corresponding values of two variables. One of the variable is taken along
the x-axis and the other along y-axis. Such a graphical representation is called a Scatter or

A universe every number of which bears one of the values of each of two variates is
said to be bivariate. If the pair (x1, y1) occurs f1 times then f1 is called the frequency of that
pair. If the values are grouped according to class-intervals, we have a bivariate frequency

When the number of measurements becomes large, some class-interval is adopted

for the measurement of such variables. A table can be obtained from the scatter-diagram
by sub-dividing the coordinate area into equal rectangular compartments and then writing
within each compartment is called the correlation table. For example if we take intervals 25-
30, 30-35, 35-40, 40-45, 45-50 for x and the same for y, then the correlation table is given

y / x 25-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50

25-30 1

30-35 2 1

35-40 1 2 4

40-45 3 1

45-50 3

When an increase (or decrease) in one variate corresponds to an increase (or

decrease) in the other, the correlation is said to be positive. It is negative when increase in
one corresponds to decrease in the other or vice versa.

4.4.1. Correlation: Karl Pearson’s Coefficients of Correlation: The coefficients of correlation r

between two variables X and Y is defined by the relation

 xy
 xy  n 
. Where x and y are the deviations measured
x y
2 2
 x  y  x y
2 2

from their respective means and x , y being the standard deviations of these series. This
is also called the product moment correlation coefficient. In many cases it is easier to work
out after taking assumed means and in that case the formula of correlation coefficient
becomes a different one. Let x and y be the deviations measured from the true means Mx
and My of the two series and  and  be the deviations measured from the assumed means
Ax and Ay respectively. Then  = X – Ax = X - Mx + Mx - Ax = x + dx , where dx = Mx - Ax =
  , similarly  = Y – Ay = Y – My + My – Ay = y + dy , where dy = My – Ay =
 . Then
n n
   ( x  d x )( y  d y )   ( xy  xd y  yd x  d x d y )

=  xy  d  x  d  y   d d
y y x y

=  xy   d d x y , since x = 0 = y.

Hence  xy     nd d    
   .
x y

       
2 2 2 2

Also,  x     and  y 
    . Then the formula of coefficient is

n  n  n  n 

    n
 
reduced to r 
 xy  . This is known the short cut
n x y  
   
  
   
   2 2

 
2 2

  
n n

method of correlation coefficient. If we suppose that u = /h and v = /h, where h and h
are the scales of x and y series. Then

    n  uv   n
  u v
r  is the step-
         
   
2 2
  u    v 
 u    v   
2 2

2 2 2 2

 
     
n n n n

deviation method of correlation coefficient.

4.4.2. Coefficients of Correlation for Bivariate frequency Distribution: For a bivariate

frequency distribution the coefficient of correlation is given by

 fuv   f
fu fv

 , where f is the frequency in the frequency
 fu 2
 fu   fv   fv  
  2
 2

 

  f   f 

Degree of correlation. When we calculate correlation coefficient r, te following table shows

the results of correlation.

S.No. Result of correlation Positive Negative

1 Perfect +1 -1

2 High degree + 0.75 - 0.75

3 Mediate Degree b/w +0.5 to +0.75 b/w -0.5 to -0.75

4 Low Degree b/w 0 to +0.5 b/w 0 to - 0.5

5 No correlation 0 0

Standard error and Probable error: If r is the correlation coefficient then

1 r2 1 r2
S.D. = and P.E. = 0.6745 . The P.E. error is used for testing the reliability of
n n
a particular value of r. The formula r  P.E. gives two limits within which the coefficient of
correlation always lies. If r < P.E., there is a correlation and if r < 6P.E. the correlation is

Correlation coefficient lies between –1 to +1: If x and y denotes the deviations of the
variates X and Y from their respective means, then by Schwarz‘s Inequality

[E(xy)]2 ≤ E(x2)E(y2). On dividing both sides by E(x2)E(y2), we get r2 ≤ 1 or -1 ≤ r ≤ +1. (see

section 4.4.6)

4.4.3. Correlation of Ranks: An easier method than that of Karl Pearson‘s method of
calculation of correlation coefficient is given by Charls Spearman, which known as
Spearman’s Rank Difference Method. In this method a group of n individuals are arranged
in order of merit in the possession of a certain characteristic. The same group would in
general give different orders for different characteristics. In this method the only ranks are
considered and so we call it the rank correlation coefficient in the characteristics for those
group individuals. Assuming that no two individuals X and Y are equal in either
classification, each of the individual takes the values 1, 2, 3, ... , n and hence their
1  2  3  ...  n n  1
arithmetic means are equal and each being X    Y . Let d = X – Y
n 2
= ( X  X )  (Y  Y )  x  y , where x and y are deviation from the mean. Therefore

n(n  1)(2n  1)  n  1 n(n  1)


 x   ( X  X )   X   X  2 X X 
2 2 2
 n   (n  1)
6  2  2
n(n 2  1)
=   y 2 . Now

 x   y   d   12  n(n 6  1)   d 
 d 2   ( x  y) 2   x 2   y 2  2 xy   xy  2 2 2 2
2  
1 1
n(n 2  1)   d 2
Hence r 
 xy
 12 2  1 
6 d 2
   
2 2
x 2
y 2 n ( n 1) n ( n 1)

In this formula is called Spearman‘s coefficient of Rank Correlation.


Rank Correlation Coefficient lies between -1 and + 1 including both the values. Since we know
that r is a positive number and r is maximum if d2 is minimum. Now d2 is minimum if
each d is zero i.e., so that d2 = 0. Hence maximum value of r is 1. Now r is minimum if d2
is maximum i.e., each of d is maximum, d will be maximum if the ranks of the n
individuals are in opposite party as shown below :

x: 1 2 3 ... n-1 n

y: n n-1 n-1 ... 2 1

Now two cases arise: When n is odd and when n is even.

Case I. Let n be odd and equal to 2r + 1. Then different d‘s are

(2r + l - l), (2r + l – l - 2), ... , 4, 2, 0, -2, -4, ... , -(2r - 2), -2r

or 2r, (2r - 2), ... , 2, 0, -2, … , -(2r - 2), -2r. Therefore

d2 = 2[(2r)2 +(2r - 2)2 + 42 + 22] = 8[r2 +(r - 1)2 + 22 + 12] = (8/6)[r(r + 1)(2r + 1).

6 d 2 8r (r  1)(2r  1)
 r  1  1  1  2  1.
n(n  1)
(2r  1)(4r 2  4r  1  1)

Case II. When n is even say 2r. Then the values of d are

(2r- 1), (2r - 3), ... , 3, 1, -1, -3, … , -(2r - 3), -(2r – 1). Therefore

d2 = 2[(2r - 1)2 +(2r - 3)2 + 32 + 12]

= 2[(2r)2 + (2r - 1)2 + (2r - 2)2 + 32 + 22 + 12 – {(2r)2 + (2r - 2)2 +…+ 42 + 22}]

= 2[(1/6)2r(2r + 1)(4r + 1) - (4/6)r(r + 1)(2r + 1)] = (2/3)r(4r2 -1).

6 d 2 4r (4r 2  1)
 r  1  1  1  2  1 .
n(n 2  1) 2r (4r 2  1)

Thus we get - 1 ≤ r ≤ 1, which are the required limits.

4.4.4. Illustrative Examples.

Example.1. The students got the following percentage of marks in Economics and Statistics

Roll Nos. : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Marks in Economics : 78 36 98 24 75 82 90 62 65

Marks in Statistics : 84 51 91 60 68 62 86 58 53

Calculate the coefficient of correlation.

Solution. Let the marks of two subjects be denoted by X and Y respectively. Then the mean
for X-series = Mx = 650/10 = 65 and the mean for Y-series = My = 660/10 = 66. If x and y
are the deviations of X's and Y's from their respective means, then the data may be
arranged in the following form:

X Y x y x2 y2 xy

78 84 13 18 159 324 234

36 51 -29 -15 841 225 435

98 91 33 25 1089 625 825

24 60 -40 -6 1600 36 240

75 68 10 2 100 4 20

82 62 17 -4 289 16 -68

90 86 25 20 625 400 500

62 58 -3 -8 9 64 24

65 53 0 -13 0 169 0

40 47 -26 -19 676 361 494

650 660 0 0 5398 2224 2704

Therefore r 
 xy 
 0.78appr.
x y 2 2
5398  2224

Example 2. A computer while calculating the correlation coefficient between two variates x
and y from 25 pairs of observations obtained the following constants :

n = 25, X = 125, X2 = 650, y = 100, y2 = 960, xy =508. It was however, later
discovered at the time of checking that he had copied down two pairs as

x y While the x y Obtained the correct value of the correlation

correct values coefficient.
6 14 were 8 12

8 6 6 8

Solution. On account of the mistake, there will be no change in x, y and x2. But there
will be change in y2 and xy . Instead of old value in y2, 142 + 62 = 232 the new value
l22 + 82 = 208 is to be substituted. Hence correct value of y2 = 960 - 232 + 208 = 936. Also
instead of old value in xy, 614 + 86 = 132, the new value 8 x 12 + 6 x 8 = 144 is to be
substituted. Hence the correct value of xy = 508 – 132 + 144 = 520.

Hence r 
 xy 
 0.666.
x y
2 2
650  936

Example 3. Find the coefficient of correlation between the values of X and Y: (short cut

X: 1 3 5 7 8 10

Y: 8 12 15 17 18 20

Solution. Let the assumed mean for X be 7 and for Y be 15. Then

X Y    2 2

1 8 -6 -7 42 36 49

3 12 -4 -3 12 16 9

5 15 -2 0 0 4 0

7 17 0 2 0 0 4

8 18 1 3 3 1 9

10 20 3 5 15 9 25

Total -8 0 72 66 96

    n
 
92  0
Hence r    0.6 .
     170  0150  10
     
 
 
 2

 
2 2

  
n n

Example 4. Find the coefficient of correlation for the following table: (step deviation

x 10 14 81 22 62 30

y 18 12 24 6 30 36

Solution. Here u = (x – 22)/4, v = (y – 24)/6, therefore

x y u v uv u2 v2

10 18 -3 -1 3 9 1

14 12 -2 -2 4 4 4

18 24 -1 0 0 1 0

22 6 0 -3 0 0 9

26 30 1 1 1 1 1

30 36 2 2 4 4 4

Total -3 -3 12 19 19

 uv   n
u v (3)(3)
12 
Therefore r   6  0.6 .
  u
 v
 u    v   
  
19 
(3) 

19 
(3) 2 
   6  6 
  
n n

Example 5. Calculate the coefficient of correlation for the following table :

x/y 0-5 5 - 10 10 -15 15 - 20 20 – 25


0-4 1 2

4–8 4 5 8

8 – 12 3 4

12 – 16 2 1

Solution. Let Ax = 10 and Ay = 12.5 be the assumed values of x and y series h = 4, h = 5

are their scales. Then

= y -- Ay class 0-5 5 - 10 10-15 15-20 20-25 Arrows shows the cell value

 = x -- Ax Mid 2.5 7.5 12.5 17.5 22.5

value y

= -10 -5 0 5 10


class Mid = v= /5 -2 -1 0 1 2 Total(f) fu fu2 fuv

x x - 10

u= /4

0–4 2 -8 -2 4 2 -6 12

1 2 3

4 4 8

4–8 6 -4 -1 1 0 -1 -17 17

4 5 8 17

4 -8 -4

8–12 10 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 4 7

0 0

12-16 14 4 1 1 2 3 3

2 1 3

2 4

Total(f) 1 6 8 14 1 30 -20 32 8

fv -2 -6 0 14 2 8

fv2 4 6 0 14 4 28

fuv 4 8 0 -6 2 8

Therefore the required correlation coefficient is

 fuv   f
fu fv (20)  8
  30
 fu 2
 fu   fv   fv  
  2

(20) 2 

82 
  32  28 

  f   f   30  30 

8  5.333 13.333
=   0.6065 .
32  13.3328  2.13 21.977
Example 6. Find the coefficient of correlation for the following table:

X 67 72 77 82 87 92 97


92 1 2 3 1

87 1 3 8 1 5

82 4 4 6 4 9 1

77 3 3 7 6 4

72 2 3 5 6 1 1

67 3 2

62 1

Solution. Let u = (x – 82)/5 and v = (y – 77)/5 .Then

67 72 77 82 87 92 97

y u -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Total fv fv2 fuv


92 3 0 3 6 9 21 63

1 2 3 1 7

0 6 18 9 33

87 2 -2 0 2 4 6 36 72

1 3 8 1 5 18

-2 0 16 4 30 48

82 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 28 28

4 4 6 4 9 1 28

-12 -8 -6 0 9 2 -15

77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 3 7 6 4 23

0 0 0 0 0 0

72 -1 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -18 18

2 3 5 6 1 1 18

6 6 5 0 -1 -2 15

67 -2 6 4 -10 20

3 2 5

18 8 25

62 -3 9 -3 9

1 1

9 9

Total(f) 13 12 19 20 24 6 6 100 54 210 115

fu -39 -24 -19 0 24 12 18 -28

fu2 117 48 19 0 24 24 54 286

fuv 21 6 -3 0 30 22 39 115

Therefore the required correlation coefficient is

 fuv   f
fu fv (28)  54
115 
  100
 fu 2
 fu   fv   fv  

   2

(28) 

54 2 
   286  210 

  f   f   100  100 

115  15.12 130.12

=   0.58 .
286  7.84210  29.16 224.28

Example 7.(a) If di stands for the difference in ranks of the ith individual and and if di
= 0 for all values of i, then prove that r = l.

(b) If di stands for the difference in ranks, then show that

(i) min di2 = 0 (ii) maxdi2 = (1/3)(n3 – n)

(c) Show that in a ranked bivariate distribution in which no ties occurs and in which the
variable are independent (i)  di2 is always even

(ii) There are not more than (1/6)(n3 - n) + 1 possible values of r.

(d) If xi + yi = n + 1 , then show that r = -1.

Solution. (a) Since di = 0 for all i , therefore  di2 = 0. Hence

6 d 2
r 1  1 0  1.
n(n 2  1)

6 d 2
(b) Since the formula of rank correlation is r 1 . In case of perfect positive
n(n 2  1)
6 d 2
correlation r = 1, so that 1 = 1    di2 = 0, which is possible only when di2 = 0
n(n  1)

for each i or if the ranks of both the variables are same. Similarly, in case of perfect
6 d 2 6 d 2
negative correlation r = - 1, so that -1 = 1   =2   di2 =
n(n 2  1) n(n 2  1)
6 d 2 6 d 2
n(n – 1)/3 = (n - )/3. But since r  -1 so that 1 
2 3
 -1 which gives  2.
n(n 2  1) n(n 2  1)
Hence mindi2 = 0 and maxdi2 = (1/3)(n3 – n).

(c) Let the ranks of two characteristics A and B of n individuals are x 1, x2, x3, … , xn and
y1, y2, y3, … , yn respectively. Then

n 1
xi = 1 + 2 + 3 + … + n = n(n + 1)/2 = yi  x   y and

xi2 = 12+22+32 + … + n2 = n(n +1)(2n +1)/6 = yi2  xi2/n = (n + 1)(2n + 1)/6 = yi2/n.

1 1 (n  1)(2n  1) (n  1) 2 n 2  1
 i   i    
2 2 2
Var(x) = ( x x ) x x = Var(y)
n n 6 4 12

Now, di  xi  yi  ( xi  x )  ( yi  y )

  di   ( xi  x ) 2  ( yi  y ) 2  2 ( xi  x )( yi  y )

n2  1
= nVar(x) + nVar(y) – 2n Cov(x, y) = 2n  2nCov( x, y)

 n2  1 
= 2n  2nCov( x, y ) , yields that  di2 is always even. Further since
 12 

maxdi2 = (1/3)(n3 – n) which should be even, so the values of di2 should be 0, 2, 4, … ,

(1/3)(n3 – n) these are (1/6)(n3 - n) + 1 values.

(d) Sine di = xi - yi and xi + yi = n + 1, then di = 2xi – (n + 1). Hence


n(n  1)(2n  1) n(n  1)

d  4 xi   (n  1) 2  4(n  1) xi  4  n(n  1) 2  4(n  1)
2 2
6 2
6 d 2 6 n(n 2  1)
= n(n 2  1) . Hence r 1 1 3 2  1  2  1 .
3 n(n 2  1) n(n  1)

Example 8. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the data given below by the
method of differences :

X: 78 89 97 69 59 79 68 57

Y: 125 137 156 112 107 136 123 108


X Y Rank in X Rank in Y Rank diff. d2


78 125 4 4 0 0

89 137 2 2 0 0

97 156 1 1 0 0

69 112 5 6 -1 1

59 107 7 8 -1 1

79 136 3 3 0 0

68 123 6 5 1 1

57 108 8 7 1 1

Total d = 0 d2 = 4

Hence the required rank correlation coefficient is

6 d 2 6 4 3 20
r  1  1  1   0.95 .
n(n  1)
8(64  1) 63 21

Example 9. The ranking of ten students in two subjects A and B are as follows:

A: 3 5 8 4 7 10 2 1 6 9

B: 6 4 9 8 1 2 3 10 7 5

What is the coefficient of rank correlation?


Rank in A Rank in B Rank diff. d2


3 6 -3 9

5 4 1 1

8 9 -1 1

4 8 -4 16 d = 0
d2 =214
7 1 6 36

10 2 8 64

2 3 -1 1

1 10 -9 81

6 5 1 1

9 7 2 4

Hence the required rank correlation coefficient is

6 d 2 6  214 147
r  1  1   0.3 .
n(n  1)
10(100  1) 495

Example 10. Ten competitors in a beauty contest got marks by three judges in the
following orders :

First Judge : 1 6 5 10 3 2 4 9 7 8

Second Judge : 3 5 8 4 7 10 2 1 6 9

Third Judge : 6 4 9 8 1 2 3 10 5 7

Use the rank correlation coefficient to discuss which pair of judges have the nearest
approach to common tastes in beauty.


First Judge Second Third judge Rank Rank Rank d122 d132 d232
Judge diff. diff. diff.

marks rank Marks ran marks rank d12 d13 d23


1 10 3 8 6 5 2 5 3 4 25 9

6 5 5 6 4 7 -1 -2 -1 1 4 1

5 6 8 3 9 2 3 4 1 9 16 1

10 1 4 7 8 3 -6 -2 4 36 4 16

3 8 7 4 1 10 4 -2 -6 16 4 36

2 9 10 1 2 9 8 0 -8 64 0 64

4 7 2 9 3 8 -2 -1 1 4 1 1

9 2 1 10 10 1 -8 1 9 64 1 81

7 4 6 5 5 6 -1 -2 -1 1 4 1

8 3 9 2 2 4 1 -1 -2 1 1 4

Total d122 d132 d232

=200 =60 =214

Hence the required rank correlation coefficients is

6 d12 6 d13
2 2
6  200 7 6  60 7
r12  1   1   , r13  1   1  ,
n(n  1)
10(100  1) 33 n(n  1)
10(100  1) 11

6 d 23
6  214 49
r23  1   1  . Here we conclude that firs and third judges
n(n  1) 2
10(100  1) 165
approach are nearest.

4.4.5. Regression: Line of Regression


Regression: By regression we mean that an association or relation between two variates x,

and y. In case there exists association or relationship between two variates x and y, and the
points (xi, yi) are values of x and y can be represented in xy-plane to give what is called a
scatter or dot diagram. This diagram are useful in giving intuitive idea of the relationship
between x and y. Suppose that the scatter diagram indicates some relationship between the
two variates x and y, the dots of the scatter diagram will be more or less concentrated
round a curve. This curve is called the curve of regression and the relationship is called
curvilinear regression. In particular case when the curve is a straight line then it is called
the line of regression and the regression is called linear. A line of

regression is the straight line which gives the best fit in the least square sense to the given
frequency. The method of least squares can be used to fit a straight line to the set of

points given on the scatter diagram Transfer the origin to the point
(Mx , My), where Mx and My are the means of x-series y-series
respectively. Let x, y be the deviations from the respective means Mx
and My i.e., x = X - Mx and y = Y – My . Let Y = aX + b be the
equation of the line of best fit of x. Changing the origin to (Mx , My )
it will have the form y = ax + b, where y = Y — Mv and x = X – Mx .
Consider a dot (xr , yr ), then the difference between this point and the line is yr – axr – b.
If U, the sum of the squares of such distances i.e., U = ( y – ax – b)2 for all r. Now the
principle of least squares, we choose a and b so that U is minimum by

U U
= -2x( y – ax – b) = 0 = = -2( y – ax – b), implies that xy - ax2 - bx = 0 and y
a x

– ax – nb = 0. Since x = 0 = y, we get a 

 xy  r y and b = 0. Hence the line of fit is
 x2  x
r y r y
y x or (Y  M y )  ( X  M x ) . This is called the regression line of Y on X. Thus if
x x
the straight line is so chosen that the sum and squares of deviations parallel to the axis of y
is minimum, it is called the line of regression of y on x. Similarly if X is taken to be
dependent variable another regression line s ( X  M x )  x (Y  M y )

r y r x
This is called regression line of X on Y. Here and are called the regression
x y
coefficients of y on x and x on y, denote by byx and bxy respectively and byxbxy

r y r x
=  = r2 or the coefficient of correlation is the G. M. of the coefficients of
x y

Note : (i) If r = +1 or -1, the two regression lines will coincide. The variables are perfectly
correlated. If r = -1, the variables are perfectly negatively correlated, low values of one
corresponding to high values of the other. If r = +1, variables are perfectly positively
correlated, high values of one corresponding to high values of the other.

(ii) If r = 0, the two lines of regression become X = Mx and Y = My , which are two lines
parallel to Y and X axes respectively, passing through their means Mx and Mv. They are
perpendicular to each other. It means that mean values of X and Y do not change with y
and X respectively i.e., X and Y are independent.

4.4.6. Covariance : If x  y be the expected values (or means) of two variates x and y, then
the covariance between x and y is defined by the relation

Cov( x, y)  E( x  x )( y  y)  E[{x  E( x)}{y  E( y)}]  E[ xy  xE ( x)  yE ( y)  E( x) E( y)]

 E( xy)  E( x) E( y)  E( y) E( x)  E( x) E( y)  E( xy)  E( x) E( y)

Note: The covariance of two independent variates is equal to zero. Since if x and y are
independent, then Cov( x, y)  E( x  x )( y  y )  E( x  x ) E( y  y )  0 , since here
E( x  x )  E( x)  x  0  E( y  y ) .

Correlation coefficient: With the above notation the correlation coefficient r is defined by
E ( x  x )( y  y ) Cov( x, y) Cov( x, y)
the formula: r    . If x and y are
E( x  x ) E( y  y)
2 2
Var ( x).Var ( y)  x y
independent variates then we have cov (x, y) = 0, then r = 0 i.e., they are uncorrelated.

Theorem 1(Schwarz’s Inequality): For any stochastic variates x and y

[ E ( xy )]2  E ( x 2 ) E ( y 2 ) .

Proof. For any real constant a, (ax – y)2  0, therefore E(ax – y)2  0,

E ( xy )
i.e., a2E(x2) + E(y2) – aE(xy)  0. Since a being arbitrary so put a = , then
E(x2 )

 E ( xy )  E ( xy )
 E ( x 2 )  E(x ) + E(y ) – E ( x 2 ) E(xy)  0  [ E( xy )]  E( x ) E( y )  2[ E( xy )]  0
2 2 2 2 2 2

 

i.e., [ E ( xy )]2  E ( x 2 ) E ( y 2 ) .

Theorem 2: Sign of correlation coefficient and regression coefficients are same.

 y cov( x, y)  y cov( x, y) cov( x, y )

Proof. Since byx = ryx    . Similarly, bxy = and r =
x  x y  x x 2
 y2
cov( x, y )
, since x , y are always positive . Hence sign of byx , bxy and r depend on the
 x y
sign of Cov(x, y).

Theorem 3: If a regression coefficient is greater than 1 then the other is less than 1.

Proof. Since if byx  1 then 1/byx ≤ 1. Now since byx bxy = r2 ≤ 1 implies that bxy ≤ 1.

4.4.7. Illustrative Examples

Example 1. Prove that the Pearson's coefficient of correlation r lies between -1 and +1.

Solution. Let U = (y – ax – b)2 ,then U is minimum if

U U
= -2x( y – ax – b) = 0 = = -2( y – ax – b), implies that xy - ax2 - bx = 0 and y
a x

– ax – nb = 0. Since x = 0 = y, we get a 

 xy  r y and b = 0. Therefore
 x2  x
 xy x2 - 2  xy xy +   xy 

U = (y – ax) = y –2axy + a x = y -

2 2 2 2 2
x 2
x 2
  x 

 xy  = y 2
  xy  

= y  2
 2
1   = y 2
(1  r 2 )  0, because U is the sum of the
x 2
  x  y 
2 2

squares will not be negative. Also y 2

will not be negative. Hence 1 – r2  1, implies
that limit of r as - 1 and +1.

Example 2. Prove that A. M. of the coefficient of regression is greater than the coefficient of

r y r x

x y
Solution. Here we are to prove that r

or  x   y  2 x y or ( x   y ) 2  0 , which is true.
2 2

Example 3. If  is the acute angle between the two regression lines, in the case of two
variables x and y, show that

1 r2 
tan    2 x y 2 , where r, x , y have their usual meanings. Moreover Explain the
r x  y
significance of the formula when r = 0 and r = ± 1.

Solution. If 1, 2 are the angles which the two regression lines make with the x-axis, then
y y
tan 1  r , tan  2  . So
x r x

 y r y

r x  x 1 r2 
tan   tan(1   2 )  =  2x y 2 .
 r y r x  y
1 y
r x  x

When r = 0 then  = /2 i.e., the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other.
The estimated value of y is the same for all values of x or vice-versa. Also if r = ± 1 then  =
0, hence the lines of regression coincide and there is a perfect correlation between the two
variates x and y.

Example 4. The following marks have been obtained by a class of students in Statistics .

Paper I : 45 55 56 58 60 65 68 70 75 80 85

Paper II : 56 50 48 60 62 64 65 70 74 82 90

Compute the coefficient of correlation for the above data. Find also the equation of the
lines of regression.

Solution. Taking assume means 65 and 70 respectively of first paper(x) and second paper
(y) respectively, we get the following table:

Paper I Paper II 

x = x – 65 2 y  = y – 70 2

45 -20 400 56 -14 196 280

55 -10 100 50 -20 400 200

56 -9 81 48 -22 484 198

58 -7 49 60 -10 100 70

60 -5 25 62 -8 64 40

65 0 0 64 -6 36 0

68 3 9 65 -5 25 -15

70 5 25 70 0 0 0

75 10 100 74 4 16 40

80 15 225 82 12 144 180

85 20 400 90 20 400 400

Total 2 1414 11 1865 1393

    n
  2(49)
1393 
Then r   11  0.918
         
   
 2
 2
 4 
1414  1865 
49 2 
 
2 2

  11 11 
  
n n

  2   2    2   2 
Here n = 11, now  x  
  
   , y        
 n   n  
  n    n
   

1414  2  2  1865   49  2 
 x        11.336,  y       12.235
 11  11    11  11  

r y 0.919  12.235
Therefore regression coefficient of y on x, byx =   0.992 and regression
x 11.336
r x 0.919  11.336
coefficient of x on y, bxy =   0.851 . Also means of x-series, Mx =
y 12.235

Assumed mean 
   65  2  65.2 and
n 11

y –series, My = Assumed mean 

  70   49  65.55
n 11

Hence the required equations of regression lines:

y on x is y – 65.55 = 0.99(x – 65.2) and x on y is (x – 65.2) = 0.85(y – 65.55).

Example 5. Heights of fathers and sons are given in inches :


Height of father : 65 66 67 67 68 69 71 73

Height of Son : 67 68 64 68 72 70 69 70

Form the two lines of regression and calculate the expected average height of the son when
the height of the father is 67.5 inches.

Solution. Here the table of calculation is

x y  = x - 69  = y - 69 2 2 

65 67 -4 -2 16 4 8

66 68 -3 -1 9 1 3

67 64 -2 -5 4 25 10

67 68 -2 -1 4 1 2

68 72 -1 3 1 9 -3

69 70 0 1 0 1 0

71 69 2 0 4 0 0

73 70 4 1 16 1 4

-6 -4 54 42 24

Here n = 8, means of x-series, Mx = Assumed mean 

   69   6  68.25 and
n 8

y –series, My = Assumed mean 

  69   4  68.5 . Further,
n 8

  2   2    2   2 
x     
   , y        
 n   n  
  n    n
   

 54   6  2   42   4  2 
 x       2.49,  y        2.23 and
 8  8    8  8  

    n
 
24  3
r   0.47 .
 
   
  
 
 
   2
 9
54  2 42  2
 
2 2

  
  
n n

r y 0.47  2.23
Therefore regression coefficient of y on x, byx =   0.421 and regression
x 2.49
r x 0.47  2.49
coefficient of x on y, bxy =   0.52 . Hence the lines of regression are :
y 2.23

y on x is y – 68.5 =0. 421(x – 68.25) and x on y is (x – 68.25) = 0.52(y – 68.5).

Now for the height of son x = 67.5, the corresponding height of father is given by y–
68.5 = 0.421(x – 68.25) = 0.421(67.5 – 68.25)  y = 68.19.

Example 6. The following data are available in a factory: Variance of x = 9, Regression

equations: 8x – 10y + 66 = 0, 40x – 18y = 214. Calculate (a) the mean values of x and y
(b) the standard deviation of y, and (c) the coefficient of correlation between x and y.

Solution. On solving the given regression equation, we get the means of x and y are: x=
13, y = 17. Also the given regression equations can be put as:

y = 0.8x + 6.6; x = 0.45y + 5.35, we obtain the regression coefficients:

y on x is byx = 0.8 and x on y is bxy = 0.25 and the correlation coefficient is given by

r2 = byx bxy = 0.80.45 = 0.360 gives r = 0.6. Further variance of x, x2 = 9, hence x = 3.
Therefore b yx = ry /x = 0.6 y/3 = 0.8 gives y = 4.

Example 7. If x and y are two uncorrelated variables and if u = x + y, v = x – y, find the

correlation between u and v in terms of x and y the s.d‘s of x and y respectively.

Solution. In terms of u and v, r the coefficient of correlation is given by

Cov(u, v)
r . Here u = x + y and v = x – y so that u  x  y, v  x  y . Then
Var (u ).Var (v)

Co(u, v)  E(u  u )(v  v )  E ( x  x  y  y )( x  x  y  y )  E[( x  x ) 2  ( y  y ) 2 ]

= E ( x  x ) 2  E ( y  y ) 2   x   y . Also
2 2

Var (u)  Var ( x  y)  E( x  y) 2  E ( x 2 )  E ( y 2 )  2E ( xy )  Var ( x)  Var ( y)  2Cov( x, y) Simil

arly, Var (v)  Var ( x  y)  Var ( x)  Var ( y)  2Cov( x, y) . Now Cov(x, y) = 0 as x and y are
uncorrelated. Hence

Var (u)  Var ( x)  Var ( y)  Var (v)   u   x   y   y .

2 2


cov(u, v)  x  y 2 2

r=  2 .
var(u ) var(v)  x   y

Example 8. Two independent variables x and y have means 5 and 10, variances 4 and 9
respectively. Obtain in the coefficient of correlation between u and v where

u = 3x + 4y and v = 3x - y.

Solution. Here E(u)=3E(x) + 4E(y), E(v) =3E(x) - E(y).

Hence u - E(u)=3[x - E{x)] + 4[y - E(y)} and v - E(v) = 3[x - E(x)] – [y - E(y)]. Therefore
Cov(u, v)  E(u  u)(v  v)  9E[( x  x) 2 ]  4E[( y  y) 2 ]  9E[( x  x)( y  y)]

cov(u, v)
Cov(u, v)  9 var( x)  4 var( y)  9 cov( x, y)  9  4  4  9  0  r   0.
 u v

Example 9. Show that the coefficient of correlation between two variables x and y is given
 x 2   y 2   x y 2
by r = .
2 x y

Solution. Since  x y  E ( x  y) 2  E ( x 2 )  E ( y 2 )  2E ( x, y)   x   y  2 cov( x, y)

2 2 2

cov( x, y)  x   y   x y
2 2 2
 cov( x, y)  ( x   y   x y )  r  
2 2 2
2  x y 2 x y

Example 10. Find the correlation coefficient between x and a - x.

Solution. Let u = a – x then u  a  x  var(u)  E (u  u) 2  E ( x  x) 2   u

Cov( x, u )  E{( x  x)(u  u )}   E ( x  x) 2   u  r   1.

 u u

Example 11. If x1, x2, x3 are three uncorrelated variates having standard deviations 1, 2,
3 respectively. Obtain the coefficients of correlation between (x1:+ x2) and (x2 + x3).

Solution. Let u = x1 + x2 and v = x2 + x3 , then E(u) =E( x1)+E( x2) and

E(v) =E( x2) + E(x3) implies that u – E(u) = x1 – E(x1) + x2 – E(x2).

Squaring both sides and taking expected values, we get

E{u – E(u)}2 =E{ x1 – E(x1)}2 +E{ x2 – E(x2)}2 + 2E[{ x1 – E(x1)}{ x2 – E(x2)}]

 var(u) = var(x1) + var(x2) + 2cov(x1 , x2) = 12 + 22 as cov(x1 ,x2) = 0.

Similarly, var(v) =22 + 32 . Again

Cov(u, v)  E{(u  u )(v  v )}  E{( x1  x1  x2  x2 )( x2  x3  x3  x3 )}

 E{( x1  x1 )( x2  x2 )  ( x2  x2 )( x3  x3 )  ( x2  x3 ) 2 }

 E( x2  x2 ) 2  cov( x1 , x2 )  cov( x2 , x3 ) = 22 . Hence

cov(u, v) 2 2
r=  .
{( 1   2 )( 2   3 )}
2 2 2 2
var(u ) var(v)

Example 12. Correlation coefficient between two variables x and y is 0.32, covariance is 7.86
and variance of x is 10. Find the variance of y.

Solution. We have given that r = 0.32 , Cov(x, y) = 7.86 and x = 10. Now
Cov( x, y) Cov( x, y) 7.86
r y    2.45625 . Therefore Var(y) = 6 appr.
 x y r x 0.32  10

4.5. Partial and Multiple Correlation: In our previous sections we have discussed the
correlation between two variates only. When the values of one variable are influenced by
those of another, the coefficient of correlation provides a useful measure of the degree of
association between them. But it often happens that the values of a variable are influenced
by those of several others. Therefore it becomes necessary to find correlation between three
or more variates. For examples

(i) Number of children (x1) per family depending on income (x2) of the family and age (x3)
at marriage.

(ii) Agricultural production (x1) depends on rainfall (x2) and on fertilizers(x3).

(iii) Crimes (x1) depending upon illiteracy (x2) and increased population (x3).

Here we shall consider the case of three mutually correlated variables only.

When we consider the combined influence of two or more variates (x1, x2, x3, …,)
upon a variate not included in the above variates our study is of multiple correlation. The
degree of relationship existing between three or more variables is called multiple
correlation. The correlation between two variates (x1, x2) when the linear effect of the third
variate (x3) in them has been eliminated from both is called partial correlation. For example
if we study the effects of both rainfall (x2) and fertilizers (x3) on the production of whets
then it leads an example of multiple correlation, but if we eliminate the effect of any one of
(x2) or (x3) then the correlation between (x3, x1) or (x2, x1) is an example of partial

4.5.1. Distribution of Variables.

Two variables. Let 1 and 2 be the standard deviations of two variables x1 and x2
measured from their means (i.e., x1 = X1 – X 1 and x2 = X2 - X 2 ), where E(x1)= 0 = E(x2). Let
the lines of regression of x1 on x2 and of x2 on x1 be denoted by the symbols:

x1 = b12x2 and x2 = b21x1 , here b12 and b21 are the regression coefficient of the line of
regressions x1 on x2 and x2 on x1 respectively.

Denote x1.2 = x1 - b12x2 and x2.1 = x2 - b21x1. … … … (i)

Here x1.2 and x2.1 are called residuals which are the deviations of the representatives
points from the corresponding line of regression. The values of b12 and b21 are obtained
by the principle of least squares which leads to normal equations:

(x1 - b12x2) = 0 = x2(x1 – b12x2) and (x2 - b21x1) = 0 = x1(x2 - b21x1).

In another notation these normal equations can be expressed as:

x1.2 = 0 = x2 x1.2 and x2.1 = 0 = x1x2.1 .

These equations yields that: b12 

x x 1 2
and b21 
x x
1 2
. Let the coefficients of
x 2
x 1

correlation between x1 and x2 be denoted by r12 or r21. Then

1 
r122 = b12b21 and b12  r12 , b21  r21 2 .
2 1

If we denote the mean squares of deviations of (i) by 1.22 and 2.12 , then

1 1
1.22 = x = 12(1 – r122) and 2.12 = x = 22(1 – r212).
2 2
1.2 2.1

Three variables. Let 1, 2 and 3 be the standard deviations of three variables x1, x2 and x3
measured from their means (i.e., x1 = X1 – X 1 , x2 = X2 - X 2 and x3 = X3 - X 3 ), where E(x1)=
0 = E(x2). Let the plane of regression of x1 depending on x2 and x3 is:

x1 = a + b12.3x2 + b13.2x3 , here b12.3 and b13.2 are the slopes of straight lines in the graph of x1,
x2 keeping x3 as constant and x1, x3 keeping x2 as constant respectively. These are known
as the partial regression coefficients. Here the first subscript attached to the b‘s is the
subscript of the dependent variable for which estimate is being found, the second subscript
is that of variable x which the coefficient multiplies. These are called the primary subscripts.
After the primary subscripts, and separated from them by a dot, are placed the subscripts
of the other variables that enter into that equation. These are called the secondary
subscripts and their number determines the order of the regression coefficients. The values
of a‘s and b‘s are obtained by the principle of least squares.

Let U = (x1 - a - b12.3x2 - b13.2x3)2 = x1.232 . Here x1.23 called residuals which are the
deviations of the representatives points from the corresponding plane regression.

U U U
Now    0 , gives the normal equations are:
a b12.3 b13.2

(x1 - a - b12.3x2 - b13.2x3) = 0 =  x1.23 … … … (i)

x2(x1 - a - b12.3x2 - b13.2x3) = 0 = x2 x1.23 … … … (ii)

x3(x1 - a - b12.3x2 - b13.2x3) = 0 = x3 x1.23 … … … (iii).

Now since x1 = x2 = x3 = 0, then by (i) a = 0 and (ii), (iii) reduced to

b12.3 x22 + b13.2 x2x3 - x1x2 = 0 … … … (iv)

b12.3 x2x3 + b13.2 x32 - x1x3 = 0 … … … (v).

Since x22 = N22, x32 = N32 , x2x3 = Nr2323 etc., where rij is coefficient of correlation
between variables xi and xj , therefore from equations (iv) and (v), we get

b12.3 22 + b13.2 (r23 23) – r1212 = 0 or b12.3 2 + b13.2 r23 3 = r121 … (vi)

b12.3 (r23 23) + b13.2 32 – r13 13 = 0 or b12.3 r23 2 + b13.2 3 = r131 … (vii).

On solving equations (vi) and (vii) for b12.3 and b13.2 , we have

r12 r23 r13 r23

 1  r12  r13r23   1 r13 1  1  r13  r12r23   1 r12 1
b12.3   , b13.2   etc.
 2  1  r232   2 1 r23  3  1  r232   3 1 r23
r23 1 r23 1

4.5.2. Properties of Residuals.

Property 1. The sum of the products of corresponding values of a variate and a residual is
zero provided the subscript of the variate occurs among the secondary subscripts of the

Proof. Let the regression equation of x1 on x2 and x3 is x1 = b12.3x2 + b13.2x3 then the
normal equations are x2 x12.3 = 0 = x3x1.23 etc.

Property 2. The sum of the products of two residuals is unaltered by omitting from the
residual any or all of the secondary subscripts which are common to both.

Proof. Let x1.2 = x1 - b12x2 , then with the help of the normal equations

x1.23x1.2 = x1.23 (x1 - b12x2) = x1.23x1 , x1.23x1.23 = x1.23 (x1 - b12.3x2 – b13.2x3) = x1.23x1

Property 3. The sum of the products of two residuals is zero provided all the subscripts of
one residual occur among the secondary subscripts of the second.

Proof. From normal equations, we get

x3.2x1.23 = (x3 – b32x2)x1.23 = 0 , similarly x2.3x1.23 = 0.

4.5.3. Multiple and Partial correlation Coefficients:

Standard Deviation of the Residuals. The standard deviation of x1 and x2, keeping x3
constant is denoted by 1.23 , since a = 0, we have

1 1
 1.232  x   (x b12.3 x2  b13.2 x3 ) 2
1.23 1

1 1
 (x 1 b12.3 x2  b13.2 x3 )( x1  b12.3 x2  b13.2 x3 ) 
 x (x 1 1  b12.3 x2  b13.2 x3 )

r12  r13r23 2 r r r
=  1  b12.3 1 2 r12  b13.2 1 3r13 =  1   1 r12  12 12223  12 r13
2 2

1  r23 1  r23

 2

(1  r23  r12  r13  2r12r13r23 )

1 2 2 2
1 r

=  1 (1  r12 )(1  r13.2 )   1 (1  r13 )(1  r12.3 ) .

2 2 2 2 2 2

Multiple Correlation coefficient. Let R1(23) denote the multiple correlation of the variable x1
on x2 and x3. Then it is defined as the correlation between x1 and its estimate

X1 = b12.3x2 + b13.2x3 = x1 – x1.23 . Then

R1( 23) 
x X 1 1

 x (b x  b x ) 1 12.3 2 13.2 3

 x (x  x ) 1 1 1.23

x X  x  (b x  b x )  x  (x  x
2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 12.3 2 13.2 3 1 1 1.23 )2

x x x x
2 2 2 2

= 1 1.23
 1 1.23

 x ( x  2 x x 1.23   x1.23 )  x ( x   x
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1.23 )

1/ 2
N 1  N 1.23
2 2
  1.232   12   1.232
=   1   .
2 
N 1 ( N 1  N 1.23 )
2 2 2
 1 ( 1   1.23 ) 
2 2 2
 1 

This is the required coefficient of multiple correlation. This result may be expressed as

1  R1( 23)   1.23 /  1 . Another notations of R1(23) are R1.23 and note that R1(23) > 0 since
2 2 2

1.232 < 12 and if R1(23) = 1 then 1.232 = 0.

Partial Correlation Coefficient. The partial correlation coefficient of x1 and x2, keeping x3
constant is denoted by r12.3 is the square root of the product of b12.3 and b21.3 i.e.,

r12  r13r23 r21  r23r13

r12.3  b12.3  b21.3   = 1  r23  r12  r13  2r12r13r23 .
2 2 2

1  r23 1  r13
2 2

4.5.4. Illustrative Examples:

Example 1. From the following table, find

(a) the least square regression equation of x1 on x2 and x3 .

(b) Determine x1 when x2 = 54 and x3 = 9.
x1 : 64 71 53 67 55 58 77 57 56 51 76 68

x2 : 57 59 49 26 51 50 55 48 52 42 61 57

x3 : 8 10 6 11 8 7 10 9 6 6 12 -9

Solution. (a) The linear regression equation of x1 on x2 and x3 is

x1 = b1.23 + b12.3x2 + b13.2x3 and normal equations are x1 = n b1.23 + b12.3 x2 + b13.2 x3 ,
x1x2 = b1.23 x2 + b12.3 x22 + b13.2 x2 x3 and x1x3 = b1.23 x3 + b12.3 x2x3 + b13.2 x32 .

x1 x2 X3 x22 x32 x1x2 x1x3 x2x3

64 57 8 3249 64 3648 512 456

71 59 10 3481 100 4189 710 590

53 49 6 2401 36 2597 318 294

67 62 11 3844 121 4154 737 682

55 51 8 2601 64 2805 440 408

58 50 7 2500 49 2900 406 350

77 55 10 3025 100 4235 770 550

57 48 9 2304 81 2736 513 432

56 52 10 2704 100 2912 560 520

51 42 6 1764 36 2142 306 252

76 61 12 3721 144 4638 912 732

68 57 9 3249 81 3876 612 513

753 643 106 38,843 976 40,830 6,796 5,779

Then the normal equations are (here n = 12)


12 b1.23 + 643 b12.3 + 106 b13.2 = 753, 643 b1.23 + 34843 b12.3 + 5779 b13.2 = 40830 and 106
b1.23 + 5779 b12.3 + 976 b13.2 = 6796. Solving these equations, we get

b1.23 = 3.6512, b12.3 = 0.8546, b13.2 = 1.5063, hence x1 = 3.6512 + 0.8546 x2 + 1.5063 x3.

(b) Substituting x2 = 54 and x3 = 9 in the equation of regression, we obtain x1 = 63.356.

r12  r13  2r12r13r23 )

2 2
Example 2. Prove that R1( 23) 
1  r23

  2
Solution. We know that R1( 23)  1  1.232  , where

 1 
 2

 2
 (1  r23  r12  r13  2r12r13r23 ) , therefore
2 2 2

1 r
1.23 2

 2

(1  r23  r12  r13  2r12r13r23 )

1 2 2 2

1 r (1  r23  r12  r13  2r12r13r23 )

2 2 2 2
R1( 23)  1  
2 23
 12 1  r23

r12  r13  2r12r13r23 )

2 2
 R1( 23) 
1  r23

Example 3. Prove that b12.3 b23.1 b31.2 = r12.3 r23.1 r31.2 .

Solution. From the normal equations

x2 x1.23 = x2.3 x1.23 = x2.3(x1 - b12.3x2 - b13.2x3) = x1x2.3 - b12.3x2 x2.3 (since x2.3 x3 = 0)

= x1x2.3 - b12.3 x2.32 = 0, which gives b12.3 

x x 1.3 2.3

r12.3 1.3
. Similarly
x  2.3

r23.1 2.1 r31.2 3.2

b23.1  , b31.2  . Therefore
 3.1  1.2

r12.3 1.3 r23.1 2.1 r31.2 3.2

b12.3 b23.1 b31.2 =   = r12.3 r23.1 r31.2 .
 2.3  3.1  1.2

Example 4. For a trivariate distribution, show that 1  R1( 23)  (1  r12 )(1  r13.2 ) .
2 2 2

Solution. We know that 1  R1( 23)   1.23 /  1 , where  1.23   1 (1  r12 )(1  r13.2 ) . Hence
2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1  R1( 23)  (1  r12 )(1  r13.2 ) .

2 2 2

Example 5. If r12 = 0.86, r13 = 0.65, r23 = 0.72, then find r12.3 .

Solution. Since
r12  r13r23 r21  r23r13 r12  r13r23 0.86  (0.65)(0.72)
r12.3      0.744 .
1  r23 1  r13
2 2
(1  r23 )(1  r13 )
2 2
(1  ( 0.65) 2
(1  ( 0.72) 2

1  r23
Example 6. If r12.3 = 0 then show that r13.2  r13 .
1  r12

r12  r13r23
Solution. Since r12.3   0  r12  r13r23 , therefore
(1  r23 )(1  r13 )
2 2

r13  r12r23 r13  (r13r23 )r23 r13 (1  r23 ) 1  r23

2 2
r13.2     r13 .
1  r12
(1  r12 )(1  r23 ) (1  r12 )(1  r23 ) (1  r12 )(1  r23 )
2 2 2 2 2 2

4.6. Summary of Unit:

(1) Curve Fitting means an expression of the relationship between two variables by
algebraic equations on the basis of observed data.

(2) Whenever two variables x and y are so related that a change in one is accompanied by
change in the other in such a way that an increase in the one is accompanied by an increase
or decrease in the other, then variables are said to be correlated. When an increase (or
decrease) in one variate corresponds to an increase (or decrease) in the other, the
correlation is said to be positive. It is negative when increase in one corresponds to decrease
in the other or vice versa.

(3) Karl Pearson’s Coefficients of Correlation : The coefficients of correlation r between two
variables X and Y is defined by the relation

 xy
 xy  n 
. Where x and y are the deviations measured
x y2 2
 x  y  x y
2 2

from their respective means and x , y being the standard deviations of these series.

(4) Correlation coefficient and rank correlation coefficients lies between –1 to +1.

(5) By regression we mean that an association or relation between two variates x, and y. If r
= +1 or -1, the two regression lines will coincide. The variables are perfectly correlated. If r
= -1, the variables are perfectly negatively correlated, low values of one corresponding to

high values of the other. If r = +1, variables are perfectly positively correlated, high values
of one corresponding to high values of the other. If r = 0, the two lines of regression
become X = Mx and Y = My , which are two lines parallel to Y and X axes respectively,
passing through their means Mx and Mv. They are perpendicular to each other. It means
that mean values of X and Y do not change with y and X respectively i.e., X and Y are

(6) The covariance of two independent variates is equal to zero.

(7) (Schwarz’s Inequality): For any stochastic variates x and y

[ E ( xy )]2  E ( x 2 ) E ( y 2 ) .

(8) Sign of correlation coefficient and regression coefficients are same.

(9) The sum of the products of corresponding values of a variate and a residual is zero
provided the subscript of the variate occurs among the secondary subscripts of the

(10) The sum of the products of two residuals is unaltered by omitting from the residual
any or all of the secondary subscripts which are common to both.

(11) The sum of the products of two residuals is zero provided all the subscripts of one
residual occur among the secondary subscripts of the second.

4.7. Assignments

1. Form normal equations and hence find the most plausible values of x and y from the
following x+ y = 3.01, 2x – y = 0.03, x + 3y = 7.03, 3x + y = 4.97. Ans x = 0.999, y =

2. Fit a second degree parabola to the following data, x is the independent variable.

X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Y 2 6 7 8 10 11 11 10 9

Ans. y = -1 + 3.55x – 0.27x2 .

3. Fit a parabolic curve of regression of y on x to the seven pairs of values


X 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0

Y 1.1 1.3 1.6 2.0 3.7 3.4 4.1

Ans. y = 1.04 – 0.193x + 0.243x2

4. Fit a second degree parabola to the following data :

x 1 2 3 4 5

y 1090 1220 1390 1625 1915

Ans. y = 1024 + 40.5x + 27.5x2.

5. Derive the least square equations for fitting a curve of the type y = ax2 + (b/x) to a set of
n points. Hence fit a curve of this type to the data:

X 1 2 3 4

Y -1.51 0.99 3.88 7.66

Ans. y = 0.509x2 – (2.04/x)

6. Calculate the value of Pearson's coefficient of correlation for the following series A and

A : 105 104 102 101 100 99 98 96 93 92

B : 101 103 100 98 95 96 104 92 97 94

Ans. 0.6

7.Calculate the value of r between X and Y for the values given below :

A: 1 5 7 9 19 17

B : 25 27 26 29 34 35

Ans. 0.967

8. Calculate the correlation coefficient from the following data :

n = 10, X = -71, X2 = 555, y = 70, y2 = 526, xy =527.

9. Calculate the coefficient of correlation for the following table :

y/x 0-4 4-8 8 -12 12 - 16

0–5 7

5 – 10 6 8

10 – 15 5 3

15 – 20 7 2

20 – 25 9

Ans. 0.8666

10. Find the coefficient of correlation for the following table :

x 94.5 96.5 98.5 100.5 102.5 104.5 106.5 108.5 110.5


29.5 4 3 4 1 1

59.5 1 3 6 18 6 9 2 3 1

89.5 7 3 16 16 4 4 1 1

119.5 5 9 10 9 2 1 2

149.5 3 5 8 1

179.5 4 2 3 1

209.5 4 4

239.5 1 1

Ans. -0.49

11. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the data given below by the method of
differences :

X: 45 56 39 54 45 40 56 60 30 36

Y: 50 36 30 44 36 32 45 42 20 36


12. Two judges in beauty contest rank the ten competitors as follows:

A: 6 4 3 1 2 7 9 8 10 5

B: 4 1 6 7 5 8 10 9 3 2

What is the coefficient of rank correlation? Ans.0.224

13. Illustrate the methodology of computing the correlation coefficient and the equation of
the line of regressions by using the following data:

x: 2 6 4 7 5

y: 8 8 5 6 2

14. Calculate the regression equation from the following data:

Age of Husband : 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Age of wife : 17 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 22

Ans. y – 18.9 = 1.42(x – 22.5), x – 22.5 = 1.74(y – 18.9)

15. The following data are given for marks in English and Mathematics of a certain
examination: Mean marks in English = 39.5, Mean marks in Maths.= 47.6, r = 0.42,
Standard deviation of marks in English = 10.8, Standard deviation of marks in
Maths.= 16.9. Form the two lines of regression and calculate the expected average marks
in Maths of candidates who received 50 marks in English.

Ans. y = 0.657x + 21.64, y – 47.6 = 0.657(x – 39.5),y = 0.268x + 26.73, y -39.5 = 0.268(y –
47.60; y = 54.5

16. Two lines of regression are given by x + 2y - 5 = 0, 2x +3y - 8 = 0 and x2 = 12. Calculate
the mean values of x and y, variance of y and the coefficient of correlation between x and y.
Ans. 1, 2, 0.86, 4

17. The following regression equations have been obtained from a correlation table:

y = 0.516x + 33.73, x = 0.512y + 32.52. Find the mean of x's and also of y's as well as the
correlation coefficient between x and y. What is the ratio of the standard deviation of x to
that of y.

18. For bivariate data: n = 18, x2 = 60, y2 =96, x = 12, y = 18, xy = 48. Find the
equation of regression lines. Ans. y = -0.18x – 1.12, x = -0.12y + 0.89.

19. If x and y are two correlated variances with the same standard deviation and the
coefficient of correlation r, show that the correlation coefficient between x and x + y is
(1  r ) .

20. The variates x and y have variances 12 and 22 respectively and are correlated with
coefficient of correlation ,  and  defined by  = x cos + y sin and  = y cos - x
2  
sin. Show that  and  will be uncorrelated if tan 2  2 1 22 .
1   2

21. If x, y, z be independent variates each having the same standard deviation. If u = x + y

and v= y + z, prove that the coefficient of correlation between u and v is ½.

22. For any two variates x and y u = 2x + 7y and v = 3x + ky. Then find for what value of k,
u ad v will be un-correlated.

23. Show that correlation coefficient between the residuals x1.23 and x2.l3 is equal and
opposite to that between xl.3 and x2.3.

24. In a distribution 1 = 2, 2 = 3 = 3, r12 = 0.7, r23 = 0.5 = r31 , evaluate r23.1 , R1.23 , b12..3
,b13.2 ,1.23.

Ans. 0.2425, 0.7211, 0.4, 0.1333 , 1.3064

b12  b13b23
24. Show that b12..3  .
1  b23b32

25. Find partial correlation coefficients, where r12 = 0.70, r13 = 0.61, r23 = 0.4.

4.8. Check your progress

1. Find the most plausible values of x and y from the four equations :

(i) x + y = 3, x – y = 2, x + 2y = 4, x – 2y = 1. Ans. x = 2.5, y = 0.7.

(ii) x + 2y + z = 1, 2x + y + z = 4, -x + y + 2z = 3, 4x + 2y - 5z = -7. Ans. x = 1.16, y = - 0.76,

z = 2.08.

(iii) x – y +2z = 3, 3x + 2y + 5z = 5, 4x + y + 4z = 51, - x + 3y + 3z = 14. Ans. x = 6.9, y = 3.6,

z = 4.14.

2. Find the line of fit to the following data :

X 1 2 3 4 5

Y 4 6 3 5 7

Ans. y = 3.5 + 0.5x.

3. Find the line of fit to the following data :

X 1 2 3 4 5

Y 5 7 9 10 11

Ans. y = 3.9 + 1.5x.

4. Fit a second degree parabola to the following data:

X 1 2 3 4 5

Y 25 28 33 39 46

Ans. y = 22.8 + 1.442x + 0.643x2 .

5. Taking 1913 as origin for x-series fit a straight line to the following data showing the
production of a commodity in different years in Punjab:

Year x: 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915

Production y : 10 12 8 10 14.

Ans. y = 10.8 + 0.6x.

6. The profits £100y, of certain company in the xtk year of its life are given by

x: 1 2 3 4 5

y: 25 28 33 39 46

Taking u= x -3 and v = y - 33, find the parabolic regression of v on u in the form v = a +

bu + cu2 .

Ans. y = -0.086 + 5.3u + 0.643u2 .

7. The profit of a certain company in the xth year of its life are given by

x: 1 2 3 4 5

y: 1250 1400 1650 1950 2300

Taking u = x – 3 and v = (y -1650)/50. Fit a second degree parabola to these data.

8. Fit a straight line using the method of least squares, and calculate the average rate of
growth per week

Age : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Weight : 52.5 58.7 65.0 70.2 75.4 81.1 87.2 95.5 102.2 108.4

Ans. y = 6.162x + 45.729.

9. A manurial experiment on paddy gave the following results :

Dose of measure (in lbs) .x : 0 200 300 600

Yield per acre (in lbs.) . y : 1544 1898 2133 2327

Fit a Parabola of the second degree to represent the data. Ans. y = 1547.9 + 378.4x – 40x2

10. Fit the curve y = aebx to the following data, e being Napierian base, 2.71828 :

x: 0 2 4

y: 5.012 10 31.62

Ans. y = 4.642e0.46x

11. Fit the curve y = axb to the following data :

x: 1 2 3 4 5 6

y: 2.98 4.25 5.21 6.10 6.80 7.60

Ans. y = 2.978x-5.444

12. Calculate the coefficient of correlation between the values of X and Y given below :

X: 78 89 97 69 59 79 68 61

Y: 125 137 156 112 107 136 123 108

Ans. 0.957

13. Calculate the coefficient of correlation for the following data :

x: -10 -5 0 5 10

y: 5 9 7 11 13

Ans. 0.9

14. Find Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation from the following index numbers :

Wages : 100 101 103 102 100 99 97 98 96 95

Cost of Living : 98 99 99 97 95 92 95 94 90 91


15. Calculate the coefficient of correlation for the following table :

x/y 16 - 18 18 - 20 20 -22 22 – 24

10 – 20 2 1 1

20 – 30 3 2 3 2

30 – 40 3 4 5 6

40 – 50 2 2 3 4

50 – 60 1 2 2

60 – 70 1 2 1

Ans. 0.28

16. Calculate the coefficient of correlation from the data given below:

X: 76 90 98 69 54 82 67 52

Y: 25 37 56 12 7 36 23 11

Ans. 0.952

17. Find the correlation coefficient and the equations of regression lines for the following
values of x and y.

x: 1 2 3 4 5

y: 2 5 3 8 7

Ans. 0.81, x = 0.5y + 0.5, y = 1.3x + 1.1

17. Find the correlation coefficient and the equations of regression lines for the following
values of x and y.

x : 23 27 28 28 29 30 31 33 35 36

y : 18 20 22 27 21 29 27 29 28 29

Ans. x - 141 = 0.034(y - 144.45), y – 144.45 = 3.575(x - 141)

18. You are given the following results for the heights (x) and weights (y) of 100 policemen.
Mx = 68 inches, My= 150 lbs., x = 2.5 inches, y = 20 lbs., r = 0.6. From these data estimate
(a) he height of a particular policeman whose weight it 200 lbs. (b) the weight of particular
policeman who is 5 feet tall.

Ans. 71.75 inches, 111.6 lbs.

19. Two random variables have the least square regression lines with equations 3x + 2y =
26 and 6x + y = 31. Find the mean values and the correlation coefficient between x
and y. Ans, 4, 7, -0.5

20. Given x = 4y + 5, y = kx + 4 are the regression lines of x on y and y on x respectively,

show that 0  4k  1. If k = 1/16 ,find the means of the two variables and the
coefficient of correlation between them.

21. Two variates x and y have zero means, the same variance 2 and zero correlation. Show
that u = x cos + y sin and v = x cos - y sin have the same variance 2 and
zero correlation.

22. If x and y be two independent variates with x , y standard deviation respectively,

prove that variance of ax+ by is a2x2 + b2y2 .

23. If  is the angle between the regression lines of two variates with correlation coefficient
r, prove that sin ≤ 1 – r2.

24. If R1.23 = 1, prove that R2.13 = 1, R3.12 = 1.

25. Find partial correlation coefficients, where r12 = 0.80, r13 = -0.40, r23 = -0.56.

26. Show that the values r12 = 0.60, r13 = -0.40, r23 = 0.7 are inconsistent.

4.9. Point of Discussion:

At the end of the unit student discuss or seek clarification on some points, if so mention the

A: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



B: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



C: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



4.10. Suggested Study Materials:

[1] Mathematical Statistics by – J. N. Kapur & H. C. Saxena

[2] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray & H. S. Sharma

[3] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray, H. S. Sharma & S. Chaudhary

[4] Statistical Methods by – G. C. Sharma & S. S. Choudhary

[5] Statistical Methods by – H. K. Pathak & D. C. Agrawal




5.1 Introduction

5.2 Objectives

5.3 Sampling of Large samples.

5.4 Null and Alternate Hypothesis.

5.5 Errors of First and Second Kinds.

5.6 Level of Significance.


5.7 Critical Region.

5.8 Test of Significance Based on χ2, t, F and z- static.

5.9 Assignment

5.10 Check your progress

5.11 Point for discussion/clarification

5.12 Suggested Study material

5.1 Introduction
In practical problems the statistician is often confronted with the necessity of discussing
universe (or population) of which he can not examine every member. We are thus led
naturally to the question. What can be said about a universe of which we can examine only
a limited number of sample members? This question is the origin of the theory of sampling.
Any collection of individuals under study is said to be population (or universe). The
individuals often called the members or the units of the population may be physical objects
or measurements expressed numerically or otherwise. A part or small section selected from
the population is called sample and the process of such selection is called sampling.

5.2 Objectives

The fundamental object of sampling is to gel as much information as possible of the whole
universe by examining only a part of it. An attempt is thus made through sampling to give
the maximum information about the parent universe with the minimum effort.

Another object of sampling is to determine the reliability of the estimates when they are
obtained. This can be done by drawing successive samples from the same parent universe
and comparing the results obtained from different samples.

The population of concrete objects is called an existent population while a hypothetical

population may be defined as the collection of all possible ways in which a specified event
can happen. The Population of heads and tails obtained by tossing a coin an infinite
number of times is a hypothetical one (provided that it does not wear out).

5.3 Sampling of Large samples.

Simple Sampling: By simple sampling we mean random sampling in which each event has
the same chance of success and in which the chances of success of each event are
independent of the success or failure of events in the preceding trials.

Example5.3.1: from a pack of cards, the chance to draw a king is 4/54;

If we do not replace it, the chance of drawing the king second time is 3/54 and so on

This sampling though random is not simple.

However if the card drawn at the first trial was put back in the pack before the next trial,
the random sampling would become simple sampling.

Definition5.3.1: The drawing of samples from a universe whose members possess the
attribute A or a (not-.A).

Example5.3.2: From a universe of persons we may have smokers and non-smokers.

The drawing of a member may be called an 'event' or 'trial'.

The possession of a particular attribute A by the individual selected may be called a


Mean and Standard Deviation in Simple Sampling of Attributes.

Suppose we take N samples each having n members.


Let, p be the probability of success of each member and q of failure so that p + q = 1 We

know that the frequencies of samples with 0, I, 2…n success are the terms of the binomial
expansion of. N (q + p) n called the sampling distribution of the number of successes in the

The expected value, or mean value of the number of success is np.

The variance is npq, and

The standard deviation is npq

The mean of the proportion of successes = np/n = p and

npq pq
The standard deviation of the proportion of successes- 
n n

5.4 Null and Alternate Hypothesis.

Tests of Significance for Large Samples: Suppose a large number of sample is classified
according to the frequencies of an attribute,

If the number of successes in a large sample of size n differs from the expected value np, by
more than 3 npq we call the difference highly significant and the truth of the hypothesis is
very improbable.

Definition5.4.1: The testing of a statistical hypothesis is meant a procedure for deciding

whether to accept or reject the hypothesis.

Generally we accept the hypothesis as correct and then we calculate np, npq , and apply
the above test.

Example5.4.1: A coin is tossed 400 times and it turns up head 216 times. Discuss whether
the coin may be unbiased one.

Suppose that the coin is unbiased.

Expected number of heads in 400 tosses = np = 400 x ½ = 200

The deviation of the actual number of head from expected = 216 – 200 = 16.

1 1
The standard deviation = npq = 400   = 10.
2 2

The deviation is only 1.6 times the standard deviation and hence it is likely to appear as a
result of fluctuations of simple sampling. We conclude that the coin may be taken as
unbiased one.

5.5 Errors of First and Second Kinds.

Standard Error: The standard deviation of a sampling distribution of a statistics also called
the Standard error.

Therefore frequencies differing from the expected frequency by more than 3 times the
standard error are almost certainly not due to fluctuation of samples. It is some times
written as S. E.

Probable Error: Instead of standard error some authors have used a quantity called
probable error which is .67449 times the standard error. It is more easily understood than
the standard error by the layman and the business men and universally used in past.

Some Standard Errors

Following are the standard errors of some important parameters when the Parent universe
is assumed normal-

Mean  Coefficient of correlation 1 r 2

n n

Standard deviation  µ3 6 6
2n n

Median  µ4 96 8

2n n

Semi inter quartile range .7867 Coeff. of variation(V) V2

n 2n

varience 2

Example5.5.1: Out of a simple sample of 1000 individuals from the inhabitants of a country
we find that 36% of them have blue eyes and the remainder has eyes of some other colors.
What can we infer about the proportion of blue eyed individuals in the whole population?

Solution: p = proportion of individuals having blue eyes

= 36/100 = .36 so that,

q = 1 - .36 = .64

Assume that the conditions of this problem will give a simple sample.

S.E. of the proportion of individuals having blue eyes

0.36  0.64
= = 0.015

Since 3 times the error = .045

Hence taking .36 to be estimate of proportion of families having blue eyes the limit are .36
( 3 x 0.015) = .405 and .319 i.e. 40.5% and 31.9%

Example5.5.2: A sample of 900 days is taken from meteorological records of a certain

district and 100 of them are found to be foggy. What are the probable limits to the
percentage of foggy days in the district?

Example5.5.3: A random sample of 500 pineapples was taken from a large consignment and
65 were found to be bad. Show that the S. E. of the proportion of bad ones in a sample of
this size is 0.015 and deduce that the percentage of bad pineapples in the consignment
almost certainly lies between 8.5 and 17.5.

5.6 Level of significance

Test of Significance in case of attributes:

Procedure for test of significance is as follows:

1- Assume Null hypothesis H0 and alternate hypothesis H1.

x  np
2- Define a test statistic Z = ~ N (0,1) and calculate value of Z.

3- Decide the the level of significant.

(i) For α = 5% we reject H0 if |Z| > 1.96 two sided.

(ii) For α = 1% we reject H0 if |Z| > 2.58 two sided.


(iii) For α = .27% we reject H0 if |Z| > 3 two sided.

Example5.6.1: A coin is, tossed 1000 times and the head comes out 516 times. Discuss
whether the coin is unbiased one?

Suppose that the coin is unbiased H0. p =1/2

Expected number of heads in 1000 tosses = np = 1000 x ½ = 500

The deviation of the actual number of head from expected = 550 – 500 = 50

1 1
The standard deviation = npq = 1000   = 25.
2 2

The deviation (50) is only 2 times the standard deviation (25) and hence it is likely to
appear as a result of fluctuations of simple sampling. We conclude that the coin may be
taken as unbiased one.

Example 5.6.2: In some dice throwing experiment, Weldon throw a die 49152 times, and of
these 25145, yielded 4, 5 or 6. Is this consistent with the hypothesis that the die was-

Solution: The probability of throwing 4, 5 or 6 with one die, p = 3/6 = ½.

So q = 1 – ½ = ½.

n = 49152, x = 25145.

Expected value of number of successes, E(x) = np = 49152 x ½ = 24576

i ---------------

1 1
Standard deviation = npq = 49152   = 110.9
2 2

x  np 25145  24576 569

Test statistic Z = = = = 5.1373
npq 110.9 110.9

Since |Z| > 3, hence hypothesis H0 at .27% rejected. The difference is not due to sampling
fluctuations. Hence the data is not consistent with the hypothesis that the die was unbiased.

5.7 Critical region

Confidence Limits for Unknown P

Let x = number of successes, n = sample size. P = probability of success or proportion in the

population, Q = 1 - P, p = = sample proportion. Then

x  np pP
Z= ~ N (0,1) = ~ N (0,1)
npq PQ / n

Now, |Z|  3

 3
pq / n

pq pq
p – 3  P  p3
n n

These are called confidence limits for P at α= 0.27%.

However, the limits of np are np - 3 npq  np + 3 npq

Or, x - 3 npq  np  x + 3 npq

Comparison of two Large Samples

Let two large simple samples of n1 and n2 members be taken from two universes. Let these
samples give proportion of the attribute A‘s as p1 and p2 respectively.
We have to find:

Is the difference p1 ~ p2 due to fluctuation of simple sampling, the two populations being
similar as regards the given attribute A is concerned?

On the hypothesis that the populations are similar us regards the giver, attribute, we can
combine that two samples to give an estimate.

p1n1  p2 n2
If p0 be this estimate then it is given by p0 
n1  n2

If e1 and e2 be standard errors in the proportion of successes in the two samples then

p0 q0 2 p0 q0
e12  , e2 
n1 n2

If e be the standard error in the proportion of successes in the parent universe, it is given
by, e2  e12  e22

If p1 ~ p2 < 3e it may be due to fluctuations of sampling but if p1 ~ p2 > 3e, it may be taken a
real difference in the population proportions.

Illustrative Examples

Example5.7.1: In a simple sample of 600 men from a certain large city400 are found to be
smokers. In one of' 900 from another large city, 450 are smoker. Do of data indicate that
cities are significantly different with respect to prevalence of smoking among men?

x1 400 2 x2 450 1
Solution Here n1 = 600, n2 = 900 , p1    p2   
n1 600 3 n2 900 2

2 1
 600   900
p n  p2 n2 17 17 13
p0  1 1  p0  3 2  so, q0  1  
n1  n2 600  900 30 30 30

e2  e12  e22

 1 1  17 13  1 1 
= p0 q0          0.000682  e = .026
 1
n n2  30 30  600 900 

Now p1 ~ p2 < 3e

Therefore it is highly significant. Our hypothesis that the populations are similar is almost
certainly wrong.

Example5.7.2:.A machine puts out 16 imperfect articles in a sample of 500. After machine
overhauled, puts out 3 imperfect articles in a batch of 100. Has the machine been

Solution- Do as above.

Sampling Distribution of Mean

Suppose that all possible samples of size n are drawn without replacement from a finite
population of size N. If x and  be the mean and s.d. of the sampling distribution and M
and σ be the mean and s.d. of the population respectively then,

 N n
x = M,  =
n N 1

If the population is finite or if sampling is with replacement, we get

x = M,  =

Example5.7.3: population consists of the five numbers 2, 3, 6, 8, 11. We are to take all
possible samples of size two which can be drawn from this population with replacement.

(a) The mean of population,

(b) The standard deviation of the population,

(c) The mean of the sampling distribution of means,

(d) The standard deviation of the sampling distribution.


2  3  6  8  11 30
(a) Mean of population x = M =  6
5 5

(b) The standard deviation of the population,

(2  6) 2  (3  6) 2  (6  6) 2  (8  6) 2  (11  6) 2 54
2    10.8
5 5

σ = 3.29.

(c) The mean of the sampling distribution of means,

The number of samples k: = 52 = 25. The following are the samples of size two

(2,2), (3,2), (6,2), (8,2), (11,2),

(2,3), (3,3), (6,3), (8,3), (11,3),

(2,6), (3,6), (6,6), (8,6), (11,6),

(2,8), (3,8), (6,8), (8,8), (11,8),

(2,11) (3,11) (6,11), (8,11), (11,11).

Their respective means are

2.0 2.5 4.0 5.0 6.5

2.5 3.0 4.5 5.5 7.0


4.0 4.5 6.0 7.0 8.4

5.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 9.5

6.5 7.0 8.5 9.5 11.0

The mean of the sampling distribution is

Sum of all sample means 150

  6.0
25 25

(d) The variance of the sampling distribution of means is obtained by subtracting the mean
6 from each number in (1), squaring the result, adding all 25 numbers thus obtained and
dividing by 25. :.

Sum of all sample means 135

Variance of the sampling distribution =   5.40
25 25

s.d. of the sampling distribution = 5.40  2.32

Note : If replacement of numbers is not done, there will be C1. samples i.e.,

(2, 3). (2, 6), (2, 8), (2, 11), (3. 6), (3. 8), (3, 11), (6, 8), (6, 11), (8, 11).

Here (2, 3) and (3, 2) are the same samples etc.

The sample mean of these samples are respectively

2.5 4.0 5.0 6.5 4.5 5.5 7.0 7.0 8.5 9.5

2.5  4.0  ...  9.5

and mean of sampling distribution =  6.0

(2.5  6.0) 2  (4.0  6) 2  ...  (9.5  6) 2

Variance of sampling distribution =  4.05

5.8 Tests of Significance Based on χ2 t, F and Z

Tests of Significance Based on χ2

χ2Statistic The χ distribution was discovered by Helmert in 1875 and was rediscovered
independently by Karl Pearson in 1900.

Definition5.8.1: Let x1, x2,… xn, be a random sample size n from a normal distribution with
mean µ and variance  2 Then

xi ~ N (µ,  2 ) I = 1,2,3…,n

xi  
zi = ~ N (0,1), i  1,2,..., n

and z
i 1
i denoted by χ2 (read as ki square) χ2 Statistic with (n - 1) degrees of freedom.

Application of χ2 distribution

1- To test significance of sample variance.

2- To test independence of the attributes in contingency table.

3- To compare a number of frequency.

4- To test the goodness of fit.

1- χ2 Test for testing the significance of sample variance (sample size n  30)

Example5.8.1: The standard deviation of a certain dimension of articles produced by a

machine is 7.5 over a long period. A random sample of 25 articles gave a standard
deviation of 10.0. Is it justifiable to conclude that the variability has increased? Use 5%
level of significance.

Solution: H0 =  2 = 7.5

H1 =  2 > 7.5 (variability has increased)

Test statistic:  2

 (x  x)

~  2 with (n - 1) d.f.
 2

ns 2
Computation:  2  , under H0

25  102
2   44

Conclusion: Since the value of χ2 calculated is greater than tabular value at 5% d.f. which is
36.415 So H0 is rejected. This means there is justification for believing that the variability
has increased.

2- Test independence of the attributes in contingency table: Procedure and terminology for
this test is as given below.

(a) Contingency table – A table consisting t rows and s columns i.e. s x t frequency cells is
called contingency table. The grand total N gives the number of individuals.

(b) Expected frequencies – Assuming that a and B are independent then expected
frequencies corresponding to cell (I, j) to the observed frequency is given by

( Ai )( B j )
eij =

(c) Test-Statistic:    2
 N with (t – 1)(s – 1) degree of freedom
i i eij

(d) Degrees of Freedom: To obtain the number of degrees of freed for t x s contingency
table we proceed as follows —

Suppose there are p columns and q rows. The sum of the cell frequencies in each row is
determined as being the border frequency in that row, and similarly for the columns.
Hence each of the p columns and q rows imposes a constraint. Thus there are (p + q)
constraints. From (p + q) subtract 1, because they are not algebraically independent, as the
sum of the border column equals the sum of the border row i.e., the total frequency. Hence
there are p + q — 1 independent linear constraints. The total number of cells is p x q.

Hence v = n – k = pq- (p + q- 1) = (p - l)(q - 1)

Linear Constraints: Constraints which involve linear equations m cell frequencies are
called linear constraints.

(e) Conditions for the application of X2: Following are the condition which should be
satisfied before χ2 -test can be applied—

(1) In first place N, the total number of frequencies must be Otherwise χ's are not normally
distributed. N should reasonably be at least 50, however few the number of cells.

(2) No theoretical cell frequency should be small less than five.

(3) The constraints on the cell frequencies, if any should be linear.

(4) The members of the sample should be independent.

(f) Conclusion: χ2 (calculated) is less than χ2 table, then hypothesis of independence is


Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.2: Show that in a 2x2 contingency table

a b

c d

χ2 = (a + b + c + d)(ad - bc)2

(a + b)(c + d)(b + d)(a +c)

Solution: A 2 x 2 contingency table may be arranged as follows—

Attribute B ß Total

A a b a+b

α c d c+d

Total a+c b+d a + b+ c+ d=N

Here observed frequencies are a, b, c, d and the corresponding expected frequencies under
the assumption that the two attributes A and B are independent are as follows

(a + b)(a + c) (a + b)(b + d) (c + d)(a + c) (c + d)(b + d)

N ' N ' N ' N

respectively. Now χ2

(Oij  eij ) 2
(ad  bc) 2  1 
a  b  c  d  (a  b)(a  c) 
 After solving

(ad  bc) 2 (a  b  c  d )

(a  b)(c  d )(b  d )(a  c)

Example5.8.3: From the following table, test the hypothesis that the flower colour is
independent of flatness of leaf.

Flat Leaves Curled Total


White Flowers 99 36 135

Red Flowers 20 5 25

Use the following table giving the values of χ2 for one degree of freedom for different values
of P—

P 5 1 05

X2 .455 2.706 3.841

Solution: On the hypothesis that the flower colour is independent of flatness of leaves, the
theoretical frequencies are:

Flat Leaves Curled Total


White Flowers 100.41 34.59 135

Red Flowers 18.59 6.41 25

Total 119 41 160

1 1 1 1
 2  (1.4) 2[   
100.41 34.59 18.59 6.41

=1.9881{.0099 + .0289 +.0537 + .1560]


= 1.9881 x .2485 = .494

The number of degrees of freedom is

= (2 – 1) (2 – 1) = 1

The 5% value of χ2 for one degree of freedom is 3 841. The calculated value is much less
than this. This comparison leads us to the conclusion that there is no cause to suspect the
hypothesis that the flower color is independent of the flatness of the leaf.

Example5.8.4: The following table shows the result of inoculation against cholera.

Non attacked attacked Total

Inoculated 431 5 436

Non 291 9 300


Is there any significant association between inoculation and attack? Given that,

v = 1, P = .047 for χ2 = 3.2 and P = .069 for χ2 = 3.3

Solution: Let us find theoretical frequencies and arrange in the following

Non attacked attacked Total

Inoculated 431(427.7) 5(8.5) 436

Non 291(294.3) 9(5.7) 300


Total 722 14 736

The theoretical frequencies have been shown in brackets. The first theoretical frequency
has been obtained

 722  427.7 Similarly other can be obtain.

1 1 1 1
 2  (3.3)2[     3.28
427.7 8.3 294.3 5.7

No. of degrees of freedom = (2 - 1)(2 - l) = 1.

Since χ2= 3.2 corresponds, to P= .047

χ2= 3.3corresponds, to P= .069

Hence by interpolation χ2= 3.28 corresponds, to P = .0706 approximately

Thus if the hypothesis is true, our data gives results which would be obtained about 7 times
in hundred trials. We may be unjustified in rejection the hypothesis. So we have to believe
that inoculation and attack are associated.

Example5.8.5: The following table shows the result of hybrids of Dhatura

Flowers Flowers white Total


Fruits prickly 47 21 68

Fruits smooth 12 3 15

Using chi-square test, find the association between colour of flowers and character of fruits,
given that,

v = 1, P = .402 for χ2 = .7 and P = .399 for χ2 = .71


Flowers Flowers white Total


Fruits prickly 47(48.34) 21(19.66) 68


Fruits smooth 12(10.66) 3(4.34) 15

Total 59 24 83

 59  48.34 Similarly other can be obtaining.

1 1 1 1
 2  (1.34)2[     .7105
48.34 19.66 10.66 4.84

No. of degrees of freedom v = (2 - 1)(2 - l) = 1.

Since χ2= .7 corresponds, to P= .402

χ2= .71 corresponds, to P= .399


P = .39885 for χ2 = .7105 by extrapolation.

Since P > . 05, the value is not significant Le,, the hypothesis is correct.

Hence colour of flowers and character of fruits are not associated and the divergence might
have happened on account of fluctuation of sampling.

4- χ2-Test of Goodness of Fit

Example5.8.6: Five dice were thrown 192 times and the number of tunes 4,5 or 6

were as follows—

No. of dice throwing 5 4 3 2 1 0

4, 5,6

f 6 46 70 48 20 2

Calculate χ2.

Solution: Probability of throwing 4, 5 or 6 is 3/6 = ½. Therefore the theoretical frequencies

getting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 successes with 5 dice are respectively the successive terms of

1 1
192(  )5
2 2

Which are as follows-


6, 30, 60, 60, 30, 6, respectively.

Since for the application of χ2-test number of frequency should be less than 5, hence

No. of dice 5 4 3 2 1 or 0
throwing 4, 5,6

f 6 46 70 48 22

fi 6 30 60 60 36

( f  fi )2
2  

(6  6)2 (46  30)2 (22  36)2

2    ... 
6 30 36

= 0 + 8.53+ 1.66 + 2.4 + 5.44 = 18.03.

Example5.8.7: Five dice were thrown 96 times and the number of tunes 4,5 or 6

were as follows—

No. of dice throwing 5 4 3 2 1 0

4, 5,6

f 7 19 35 24 8 3

Calculate χ2. Find the probability of getting the result.

Solution: Probability of throwing 4, 5 or 6 is 3/6 = ½. Therefore the theoretical frequencies

getting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 successes with 5 dice are respectively the successive terms of

1 1
96(  )5
2 2

Which are as 3, 15, 30, 30, 15, 3, respectively.

Since for the application of χ2-test number of frequency should be less than 5, hence on

No. of dice 5 or 4 3 2 1 or 0
throwing 4, 5,6

f 7+19=26 35 24 8+3=11

fi 3+15=18 30 30 15+3=18

( f  fi )2
2  

(26  18)2 (35  30)2 (11  18)2

2    ... 
18 30 18

= 3.555 + 0.833+ 1.200 + 2.722 = 8.31.

To find the probability of this result here d.f. v = 4 – 1 = 3

Since χ2= 7.815 corresponds, to P= .05

χ2= 9.837 corresponds, to P= .02 (from table)

Difference in χ2 is 2.022 and P is – 0.03

Also difference in χ2 from calculated and table value is 8.31 – 7.815 = 0.495

Since for χ2=2.022 difference in P is – 0.03.

 0.03  0.495
So for χ2=0.495 difference in P is =  0.007

Corresponding to χ2 = 8.31 value of P = .05 - .007 = 0.043.

43 4.3 1
Required probability = .043    about 1 in 25
1000 100 25

Tests of Significance Based on t:

t-statistic: The static t was introduced by W S.Gosset in 1908 who wrote under the name
“Student”. That is why it is called student's t Later on its distribution was rigorously
established by Prof. R.A. Fisher in 1926.

Definition: Let x1, x2,… xn, be a random sample size n from a normal distribution with
mean µ and variance  2

1 n
Let s2 =  ( xi  X )2
n  1 i 1

1 n
where X   xi
n i 1


x   (x  ) n
t= or
s s

Denoted by t (read as t-test) is called t- Statistic with (n - 1) degrees of freedom.

When n < 30. For large n, t-statistic tends to standard normal variant.

Application of t- distribution: The t- distribution is used

1- To test significance of the mean of sample.

2- To test the difference between two means or to compare two samples.

3- Sample coefficient of correlation.

4- Sample coefficient of regression

Procedure to test significance of the mean of sample:

Hypothesis: H0 = µ = µ0. H1 = µ > µ0

x   (x  ) n
Test static: t = or
s s

Conclusion: If p < .05, we regard that the value of t is significant. If p < .01, we regard it as
highly significant. A significant value of t throws doubt on the truth of hypothesis.

Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.8: A machine which produces mica insulating washers of use in electric devices is
set to turn out washers having a thickness of 10 mils (l mil = 0 001 inch). A sample of 10
washers has an average thickness of 9.52 mils with a standard deviation of 0 .60 mil. Find out

Solution : Here X = 9.52, M = 10, s = .60

x 9.52  10 10 48 4
Test static: t = n  10    3.16  2.528
s .60 .60 3

Example5.8.9: Find the Student's t for following variable values in a sample of

eight: -4, -2, - 2, 0, 2, 2, 3.3 taking the mean of the universe to be zero.

Solution :

Serial no x xx ( x  x )2

1 -4 -4.25 18.0625

2 -2 -2.25 5.0625

3 -2 -2.25 5.0625

4 0 -0.25 0.0625

5 2 1.75 3.0625

6 2 1.75 3.0625

7 3 2.75 7.5625

8 3 2.75 7.5625

Total 2 49.5000

x  Mean 
 x  2  .25
n 8

 (x  x) 2

 7.071428  2.659
n 7

Hypothesis H0 = The mean of universe M = 0, we get

xM (0.25  0) 8
t= n  .27
s 2.659

Example 5.8.10: Ten individuals are chosen at random from a population and their heights
are found to be in inches 63,63,64,65,66,69,69,70,70,71 discuss the suggestion that the mean
height in the universe is 65 inches given that for 9 degrees of freedom the value of Student's t
and 5 percent level of significance is 2.262.

x   (x  ) n
Solution : Test static: t = or
s s

Where, x and s are to be calculated from the sample values.

For the calculation table is given on next page

xM (67  65) 10

t= n  2.02
s 3.13

Serial no x xx ( x  x )2

1 63 -4 16

2 63 -4 16

3 64 -3 9

4 65 -2 4

5 66 -1 1

6 69 2 4

7 69 2 4

8 70 3 9

9 70 3 9

10 71 4 16

n = 10 x = 670 -  ( x  x ) 2 = 88

Sample mean, x 
 x  670  67
n 10

Sample standard deviation

 (x  x) 2

 3.13inches
n 9

Ho: the mean of the universe is 65 inches. 1CSL Statistic:

The number of degrees of freedom = v = 10 - 1 = 9.

Tabulated value for 9 d.f. at 5% level of significance is 2.262.


Since calculated value of t is less than tabulated value for 9 d.f. (2.02 < 2.262). This error
could have arisen due to fluctuations and we may conclude that the data are consistent with
the assumption of mean height in the universe of 65 inches.

Example5.8.11: The nine items of a sample had the following values

45, 47, 50, 52, 48, 47, 49, 53, 51.

Does the mean of the nine items differ significantly from the assumed population mean of
47.5? Given that

v = 8, P = .945 for t = 1.8 and P = .953 for t = 1.9

Solution : It can easily be found with simple calculation that

s (x  x) 2

(45  49.11) 2  ...  (49.11  51) 2
 2.62
n 9 1

xM (49.11  47.5) 9

T= n  1.84
s 2.62

Degree of freedom = 9 - 1= 8. Given

P = .945 for t = 1.8 and P = .953 for t = 1.9

Hence by interpolation p = .95 for t = 1.84.

Thus the change of getting value of t greater than observed is 1 - .95 = .05. The probability
of getting t greater in absolute value is 2 x .05 .10 which is greater than .05. This shows that
the value of t is not significant. Hence the same may be a ransom sample from a normal
population of mean 47.5

Procedure, to test the difference between two means or to compare two samples.

Example5.8.12: The heights of six randomly chosen red roses are in cm 63, 65, 68, 69, 71 and
72 Those at 10 randomly chosen yellow roses are 61, 62, 65, 66, 69. 69, 70. 71, 72, 73. Discuss
the light that these data throw on the suggestion that yellow roses are on the average taller
than red roses; given that

v = 14, P = .539 for t = .10 and P = .527 for t = .08

Red Roses Yellow Roses


x xx ( x  x )2 y y y ( y  y )2

63 -5 25 61 -6.8 46.24

65 -3 9 62 -5.8 33.64

68 0 0 65 -2.8 7.84

69 1 1 66 -1.8 3.24

71 3 9 69 1.2 1.44

72 4 16 69 1.2 1.44

70 1.2 4.84

71 3.2 10.24

72 4.2 17.64

73 5.2 27.04

408 0 60 678 0 153.60

Mean height of red roses is x   68

Mean height of yellow roses is y   67.8

{ ( x  x )2   ( y  y )2}
s2 
n1  n2  2

{60  153.6} 213.6

 
6  10  2 14

= 15.257

s = 3.906.


xy n1n2 68  67.8 60

t   .0994
s n1  n2 3.906 16

and degrees of freedom = 10 + 6 - 2 = 14.


v = 14, P = .539 for t = .10 and P = .527 for t = .08

Hence for t = .0994, by interpolation P =.538.

Therefore Fisher's P = 2(1 - 538)= .924 which is much greater than .05 I Hence the value of
t is not significant. 'Thus there is nothing to suggest that the universes are unlike as regards
height i.e., the suggestion that ―red rose", are on the average taller than yellow roses is

Example 5.8.13: In a rat feeding experiment, the following results were obtained:

Diet Gain in Weight in gm

High 13 14 10 11 12 16 10 8 11 12 9 12

Low Protein 7 11 10 8 10 13 9

Investigate if there is any evidence of superiority of one diet over the other The value of t for
17 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance =2.11.

Solution: Do as above. Hint is given below.

High Protein Low Protein

x xx ( x  x )2 y y y ( y  y )2

13 1.5 2.25 7 15 361

7 49
14 2. 5 6.25
12 81
7 49
10 -1.5 2.25 11

11 -.5 .25 2 4
7 49
12 .5 .25 10 144
1 5 49
16 4.5 20.25
2 4
10 -1.5 2.25 8 7 49

8 -3.5 12.25 10 32 529

7 49
11 -.5 .25 25
12 .5 .25 13

9 -2.5 6.25

12 .5 .25 9

138 0 53 00 68 0 1148

Mean gain in weight on High Protein = 11.5 Mean gain in weight of Low Protein = 9 5

Substituting these values, we get

25 68

xy n1n2 7 12  7
t  2
s n1  n2 535 11  7

Paired Samples: When the size of two samples is the same, ‗t‘ can be obtained using

d  d  50  5S 2

 (d  d ) 2 t 
d 0
n 1
n 10 sd n

Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.14: Ten school boys were given a test in Mathematics. They were given a month's further
tuition and a second test of equal difficulty was held at the end of it. Do the marks give evidence, that
the students have from benefited by the extra coaching?

Boys : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Marks in Test 68 25 58 56 64 55 57 69 34 44

Marks in Test 71 39 59 59 57 68 69 76 43 39


Boys Test I Test II d = y - x d  d (d  d )2

x y

1 68 71 3 -2 4

2 25 39 14 9 81

3 58 59 1 -4 16

4 56 59 3 -2 4

5 64 57 -7 -12 144

6 55 68 13 8 64

7 57 69 -12 7 49

8 69 76 7 2 4

9 34 43 9 4 16

10 44 39 -5 -10 100

— — ∑d = 50 — ∑ (d  d )2 = 482

Here n = 10.

d   d  50  5
n 10
Sd   (d  d ) 2

n 1

= 53.56

Sd = (53 56) ½

= 7. 3

Ho: Students have not been benefited by the extra coaching i.e. µd = 0.

H1: µd > 0 (one sided, upper tail of the t- distribution is the critical region)

d 0 (5  0) 10
Test static t   = 2.17
sd n 7.3

Degrees of freedom = 10 - 1 = 9.

For 9 degrees of freedom P (t> 1.833) = .05.

Conclusion: Since the calculated value of t is greater than tabulated value of t, the
hypothesis H0 is rejected. Consequently the coaching may be beneficial to the school boys.

Remark: If we take H0 : µd = 0.and H1: µd  0, i.e., there is difference in the marks of two
tests. Then two sided critical region.

Here tcal < ttable

This gives no evidence against the hypothesis Ho.

Example5.8.15: The yield of two 'Type 17'and 'Type 51' of grains in pounds per acre in 6
replications are given below. What comments woold you make on the difference in the mean
yields? You may assume that if there be 5 degrees of freedom and P = 0.2, it is approximately

Replication Yield in Pounds Yield in Pounds

'types 17' 'Types 51'

1 20.50 24.86

2 24.60 26.39

3 23.06 28.19

4 29.98 30.75

5 30.37 29.97

6 23.83 22.04

Replicati Yield in Pounds Difference Deviation Square of

on from Mean Deviation

Type 17 Type 51 d d- d* (d- d*)2

1 20.50 24.86 4.36 + 2.717 7.38

2 24.60 26.39 1.79 + 0.147 0.02

3 23.06 28.19 5.13 +3.487 12.15

4 29.98 30.75 0.77 - 0.873 0.76

5 30.37 29.97 - 0.40 - 2.043 4.17

6 23.83 22.04 - 1.79 - 3.433 11.79

9.86 36.27

d*= mean of difference of the yields =  d  9.86  1.634 pounds

n n

Sd = S.D. of the difference of the yields =

 (d  d * 2

 2.69 pounds
n 1 5

let us lake the null hypothesis that the difference in types has no effect on yields i.e., the
population mean of the difference is zero, then this

d *  0 (1.634  0) 6
t  = 1.489
sd n 2.69

The value of t is less than t0.05 for 5 d.f. and therefore the difference is not significant at 5%
level but is significant at 20 % level.

Example5.8.16. The sleep of 10 patients was measured for the effect of the soporific drugs
referred to in the following table as Drug A and Drug B. From the data given below snow that
there is significant difference between the effects of two drugs, on the assumption that
different random samples of patients were used to test the two drugs A and B. You may
assume that if there be 9 degrees of freedom and P =.05, t= 2.26.

Patient Drug A Drug B Patient Drug A DrugB

1 +0.7 1.9 6 3.4 4.4

2 - 1.6 0.8 7 3.7 5.5

3 - 0.2 1.1 8 0.8 1.6

4 - 1.2 0.1 9 0 4.6

5 - 0.1 - 0.1 10 2.0 3.6


Solution: same as above. Table is given for hint.

Patient Drug A Drug B d d d (d  d ) 2

1 +0.7 1.9 1.2 -.4 .16

2 - 1.6 0.8 2.4 .8 .64


3 - 0.2 1.1 1.3 -.3 .09

4 - 1.2 0.1 1.3 -.3 .09

5 - 0.1 - 0.1 0 -1.6 2.56

6 3.4 4.4 1.0 -.6 .36

7 3.7 5.5 1.8 -.2 .04

8 0.8 1.6 0.8 -.8 6.4

9 0 4.6 4.6 3.0 9.00

10 2.0 3.6 1.6 0 0.00

Total 16.0 13.58

Test of Significance of Correlation Coefficient (Small Sample)

Let the joint distribution of X and Y two variables be bivariate normal distribution with
mean µ1, µ2, standard deviations σ1, σ2 and correlation coefficient ρ. Let a random sample
(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...,, (xn, yn) be drawn from this bivariate normal population. The t-test H0: ρ
= 0, the population correlation coefficient is zero, we have

r n2
Test statistic, t = with (n - 2) degree of freedom
1 r2

n = sample size (i.e. number of pairs),

r = sample correlation coefficient.

Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.17. A random sample of size 15 from a bivariate normal populatio gave a

correlation coefficient r = 0 5. Is this indicating the existence of correlation in the population?

Solution: Test statistic, with (n - 2) degree of freedom

r n2 0.5 15  2

1 r 2
1  (0.5) 2
0.5 13 1.803
 
1  25 .866
 2.082

The tabulated value of t0.05 for 13 degrees of freedom is 2.16 which are more than calculated
value of t at 5% level of significant. So sample correlation does not warrant the existence of
correlation in the population.

Example5.8.18: Find the least value of r the sample of 18 pairs from a bivariate normal
population, significant at 5 % level, r being ihe coefficient of correlation of the sample.

Snedecore’s F- Distribution

To avoid the logarithmic computations in calculating a value of z, G.W. Snedecore defined

another statistic F by the relation

F= , where S12 > S22
S 22


 
2 (x  x) 2
2 (x  x) 2

S ,S
n1  1 n2  1
1 2

v1F (n1  1) S12 /  2

Here [ where v1 = n1 – 1, v2 = n2 – 1
v2 (n2  1) S22 /  2

The numerator and denominator of the second member arc independent of χ2 variates with
v1 and v2 degrees of freedom respectively.

Critical region at 5% level of significance is shown by shaded region.


Critical region at 10% level of significance is shown by shaded region.

Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.19: Two samples of size 9 and 8 give the sum of squares of deviations from their
respective means equal to 160 square and 91 squares respectively. Can they be regarded as
drawn from the two normal populations with same variance? Given that F0.05 for 8 and 7 d.f.
is 3.73

Solution: Here

S 2

 (x  x) 2

 20
n1  1 9 1

S22 
 (x  x) 2

 13
n2  1 7

S12 20
F= = = 1.54
S 22 13

This calculated value of F is less than F0.05 for 8 and 7 degrees of freedom i.e., 3 .73.
Therefore the calculated value of F is not at all significant. Hence the two samples can be
regarded as drawn from two normal populations with the same variance.

Example5.8.20: Two independent samples of 8 and 7 items respectively had the following
values of the variable:

Sample I 9 11 13 11 15 9 12 14

Sample II 10 12 10 14 9 8 10

Does the estimate of Population variance differ significantly? Given that for 7 degrees of
freedom the value of F at 5 % level of significance is 4.20 nearly


Sample I Sample II

x x2 y y2

9 81 10 100

11 121 12 144

13 169 10 100

11 121 14 196

15 225 9 81

9 81 8 64

12 144 10 100

14 196 — —

94 1138 73 785

94 73
x = 11.75, y  = 10.43
8 7

 (x  x) 2

 2 x  2 x  x   x
2 2

94  94 
 1138  2   94  8   
8  8 
 1138 
 33.5

Similarly,  ( y  y) 2
 23.7

S12  (x  x) 2

n1  1 7

(x  x) 2
S 2

n2  1

S12 33.5  6
F= =  1.21
7  23.7

This calculated value is less than the value of F at 5% level of significance.

Hence differences are not significant. Therefore the samples may well be drawn from the
population with same variance.

Example 5.8.21: Two random samples drawn from two normal populations are:

Sample I 20 16 26 27 23 22 18 24 25 19

Sample II 27 33 42 35 32 34 38 28 41 43 30 37

Obtain the estimates of the variances of the populations and test whether the two populations
having the same variance.

Solution: Do as above

Hint: This calculated value of F (=2.14) is less than F.05 (=3.112) at 11 and 9 degrees of
freedom. Hence, the hypothesis H0 : σ12 = σ22 may be accepted. Therefore the samples may
be regarded as drawn from the populations which have same variance.

Example5.8.22: For a random sample of 10 pigs, fed on diet A, the increases in weight in
pounds in a certain period were

10, 6, 16, 17, 3, 12, 8, 14, 15, 9 lbs.

For another random sample of 12 pigs, fed on diet B, the increases in the same period were

7, 13, 22, 15, 12, 14, 18, 8, 21, 23, 10, 17 lbs.

Show that the estimate of population variance in the two samples was not significantly
different (for v1 = 11, v2 = 9, the 5% value of F = 3.112)

Solution: Same as above

Hint: Since FCal =2.14 < F.05 = 3.112 at (11, 9) H0 : σ12 = σ22 accepted.

The estimates of population variance in the two samples are not significantly different.

Example5.8.23: Show how you would use Student's t-test and Snedecor's F-test to decide
whether the following two samples have been drawn from the same normal population. Which
of the two tests would you apply first and why?

Size Mean Sum of Squares of

Deviate from the

Sample I 9 68 36

Sample II 10 69 42

Given that t17 (.05) = 2 11, F9,7, (.05) = 3.4.

Hint-1- Since FCal =1.04 < F9,7, (.05) = 3.4. Hence H0 : σ12 = σ22 is accepted.

2- Since t calculated is less than t tabulated hence H0 : σ1 = σ2 is accepted.

Thus from (1) and (2) we may conclude that the two samples have been drawn from the
same normal populations.

Fisher's z-Distribution

Let x1, x2,… xn, and Let y1, y2,… yn, be the values of two independent random samples with
esitmated variances S12 and S22 . Suppose we are required to test significance for the
difference between two sample variance To do so Fisher has defined a statistic z by the

1 1 S2 1 S
z  log e F  log e 12  log 1
2 2 S2 2 S2

If we write v1 = n1 - 1 and v2 = n2 - 1 then v1 and v2 are the degrees of the estimates S12 and

A. Fisher has shown that if the samples came from the same universe, and that the universe
is normal, z is distributed according to the law

ev1 z
y  y0 1 ( v1  v 2 )
(v1e2 z  v2 ) 2

This distribution is called Fisher's z-distribution.


Significance Test: The hypothesis to be tested in that S12 and S22 are the estimates of the
same population variance. The divergence of the value of z from 0 is the basis of this


For Pz = 0.05 a value of z > z0 refuses the hypothesis and we conclude that the sample have
been taken from populations with different variances.

If z < z0 we say that our hypothesis is correct.

Illustrative Examples

Example5.8.24: Two gauge operators are tested for precision in making measurements. One
operator completes a set of 26 readings with a standard deviation of 1.34 and the other does 34
readings with a standard deviation of 0.98 what is the level of significance of this difference?

You are given that for v1 = 25 and v2= 33, z0.05 = 0.306, z0.01=0.432

Solution; n1 = 26, SD1 =1.34, n2 = 34, SD2 = 0.98

n1SD12 26  (1.34)2
S12    1.8674
n1  1 26  1

n2 SD22 34  (.98) 2
S22    0.9895
n2  1 34  1

S12 1.8674
F=   1.8770
S22 0.9895

z log e F
1 S2
 log e 12
2 S2
 log e (1.877)
 log10 (1.877)  log e 10
 0.2735  2.3026
 0.3149

Since zcal > z0.05 (0.305) and zcal > z0.01 (0.432)

Hence the difference between variances is significant at 5% level of significance.

Example5.8.25: Show how you would use Student's t-test and Fisher's z-test to use whether the
two sets of observations:

17 27 18 25 27 29 27 23 17

and 16 16 20 16 20 17 15 21

Indicate samples drawn from the same universe,

[The value of z at 5% points for 8 and 7 degrees of freedom is .6575 and the value of z at 1 %
points for 8 and 7 degrees of freedom is 0.9614]

Solution: Method is same as 5.8.24. Table and hint is as given below.

1st Observation 2nd Observationή

x ξ=(x-23) ξ2=(x-23)2 y ή =(y -16) ή 2=(y-16)2

17 -6 36 16 0 0

27 4 16 16 0 0

18 -5 25 20 4 16

25 2 4 16 0 0

27 4 16 20 4 16

29 6 36 17 1 1

27 4 16 15 -1 1

23 0 0 21 5 25

17 -6 36

Total 3 185 33 59

Hint: Since calculated value of z. is more than table value of Z at 5% level of

Significance with 8 and 7 degrees of freedom and hence

H0 : σ12 = σ22 is rejected at 5%.

Since the calculated value of Z is less than table value of Z at 1% level of significance for 8
and 7 degrees of freedom. H0 : σ12 = σ22 is accepted at 1 % level. The two population
variances are same at 1% level of significance.

So we can apply Student's t statistics to test H0 : σ1 = σ2 at 1% level of significance.

5.9 Assignment
1. The following is the distribution of 106 nine pig-litters according to the numbers of
males in the litters-

No.of Males 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total

No.of Litters 6 5 8 22 23 25 12 1 4 106

Fit a Binomial distribution under the hypothesis that the sex ratio is 1:1.Test the goodness
of fit. Given that χ2 for 4 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance=9.488.

2. The following table gives the number of aircraft accident that occurred during the
various days of the week. Find whether the accident is uniformly distributed over the week.

Days Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Total

No. of 14 16 12 19 9 14 84

[Given that χ2 for 5 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance=11.07].

3. Records taken of the number of male and female birth in 800 families having four
children are as follows-

No.of Male Births No.of Female Births No.of Families

0 4 32

1 3 178

2 2 290

3 1 236

4 0 64

Test whether the data are consistent with the hypothesis that the binomial law holds and
that the chance of a male birth is equal to that of a female birth, that is q=p=1/2.You may
use the table given below-

Degrees of 1 2 3 4 5

5%Value of χ2 3.84 5.99 7.82 9.49 11.07

4. The following data shows the suicides of women in eight German states during fourteen

No. of suicides in a 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tota

state per year l

ObservedFrequen 9 19 7 20 15 11 8 2 3 5 3 112

Fit a Poisson distribution and test its goodness of fit. The value of χ2 for 6d.f. at 5% level of

5. Genetic theory states that children having one parent of blood type M and the other of
blood type N will always be one of the three types M,MN,N and that the proportions of
three type s will be on average as 1:2:1.A report states that oout of 300 childern having one
M parent and N parent 30% were found to be type M,45%type MN and remainder type N
Test the hypothesis by χ2 for 2 degrees of freedom at 5% level 5.991.

6. The following table occurs in a memoir of karl pearson:

Eye colour in Eye colour in sons


Not Light

Not light 230 148

Light 300 471

Test whether the colour of the son‘s eyes is associated with that of the father‘s (χ2=3.84,v=1)

7.In an experiment on the immunization of goats from anthrax the following results were
obtained. Derive your inference on the efficiency of the vaccine-

Died of Anthrax Survived Total

Inoculated withVaccine 2 10 12

Not Inoculated 6 6 12

Total 8 16 24

The value of χ2 for 1 degree of freedom at 5% is 3.481.

8. The following table gives the series of controlled experiment. Discuss whether the
treatment may be considered to have any positive effect-

Positive No effect Negative Total

Treatment 9 2 1 12

Control 3 6 3 12

Total 12 8 4 24

The value of χ2for2 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 5.99.

9. In an experiment on immunization of cattle from tuberculosis, the following results were


Affected Unaffected

Inoculated 12 26

Not inoculated 16 6

Examine the effect of vaccine in controlled susceptibility to tuberculosis.

10. Find the value of χ2 for the following table-

Diet Males Females Total

A 123 153 276

B 145 150 295

Total 268 303 571

11. Five‘s computed for four fold tables is independent replications of an experiment are
0.50,4.10,1.20,2.79 and 5.41. Does the aggregate of these tests yield a significant? Given-

χ0.05 2 9.488 11.070 12.592 14.067

Degrees of freedom 4 5 6 7

12. Write a short note on application of χ2 in tests of significance.

13. What is the use of chi-square distribution in tests of goodness of fit?

14. Explain briefly the uses and limitations of χ2–test.

15.. Write a short note on tests based on χ2–distribution.

16. Explain any two applications of χ2–test.

17. Discuss conditions for applications of χ2–test.

18. Write down an expression for testing the independence of two attributes.


1.fe: 0.4,3.3,11.6,23.2,29,23.2,11.6,3.3,0.4; χ2=2.52,v=4.fit is good

2. Accidents appears to be uniformly distributed over all days of the week.

3. χ2 =19.63> χ0.052 (4).

4.theoretical frequencies are:4,12,21,24,21,15,8,4,2,1,0, . χ2 =18.35,v=6.

5. fe:75,150,75; . χ2 =4.5. 6. Appears to be associated.

7. Survival is not associated with in occulation of vaccine.9.Vaccine is effective.

5.10 Check your progress

1. Describe how to test the significance of an observed correlation coefficient when (he
corresponding population value is 0.

2. A random sample of 11 observations from a bivariate population gave a correlation

coefficient 0.239. Could the observed value have arisen from an uncorrelated population

Ans. T= 0.74, t0.05 (9) =2.262, H0 is accepted

3. A random sample of size 15 from a bivariate normal population gave a correlation

coefficient of – 0.5. Is this an indication of the existence of correlation in the population?

Ans. T = -2.082 is not significant

4. Show that in the random sample of size 25 from an uncorrelated normal population the
chance is 1 in 100 that r is greater than about 0.43.

5. Find the least value of r in a sample of 27 paired observations from a bivariate normal
population that is significant at 5% level of significance.

Ans. | r | > 0.38

6. Discuss any two tests of significance based on t-distribution

7. Calculate the value of t in the case of two characters A and B whose corresponding value:
are given below:

A 16 10 8 9 9 8

B 8 4 5 9 12 4

Ans. t = 1.66.

8. The figures below are for protein tests of the same variety of wheat grown in two
districts. The average in District I is 12.74 and in District II is 13.03. Calculate r for testing
the significance between the means of the two districts:

Protein results

District 1 12.6 13.4 11.9 12.8 13

District II 13.1 13.4 12.8 13.5 13.3 12.7 12.4

Ans. t = 0.85

9. In a Test Examination given to two groups of students the marks obtained were as

First 18 20 36 50 49 36 34 49 41

Second 29 28 26 35 30 44 46

Examine the significance of difference between the arithmetic averages of the marks

secured by the students of the above two groups.

(The value of t for 14 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance = 2 .14.

Ans. Not significant

10. For a random sample of 12 boys fed on diet A, the increases in weight in pounds in a

certain period were


25, 32, 30, 34, 24, 25,14, 32,24, 30, 31, 35.

For another random sample of 15 boys fed on diet B, the increase weight in pounds in

the same period were

44, 34, 22,10,47, 31,40, 30, 32, 35,18, 21, 35, 29, 22.

Find whether diet B is superior to diet A.

Given that the value of t for 25 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 2 06.

Ans. Diet B is superior to dit A

11. The means of two random samples of sizes 9 and 7 respectively, are 196.4 and 198.82

respectively. The sum of the squares of the deviations from the means are 26.94 and

18.73 respectively. Can the samples be considered to have been drawn from the same
normal population?

It being given that the value of t for 14 d.f. at 5% level of significance is 2.145 and at 1%
level of significance is 2.977.

Ans. t = 2.65

12. Two types of batteries-A and B are tested for their length of life and following results

are obtained :

No of Samples Mean Variance

A 10 500 hours 100

B 10 560 hours 121

Is their a significant difference in the two means?

The value of t for 18 degrees of freedom at 5% level of significance is 2.1.

Ans. Not significant

5.11 Point for discussion/clarification

At the end of the unit student discuss or seek clarification on some points, if so mention the

A: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



B: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



C: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



5.12 Suggested Study material

[1] Mathematical Statistics by – J. N. Kapur & H. C. Saxena

[2] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray & H. S. Sharma

[3] Mathematical Statistics by – M. Ray, H. S. Sharma & S. Chaudhary

[4] Statistical Methods by – G. C. Sharma & S. S. Choudhary

[5] Statistical Methods by – H. K. Pathak & D. C. Agrawal


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