Linear Momentum Newtons Laws Ws

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Linear Momentum & Newtons Laws of Motion

Sample Examination Questions

Q1. (a) (i) Define linear momentum.

............................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Linear momentum is a vector quantity. Explain why.

............................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) The crumple zone of a car is a hollow structure at the front of the car designed to collapse during a

In a laboratory road-test, a car of mass 850 kg was driven into a concrete wall.

A video recording of the impact showed that the car, initially travelling at 7.5 m s–1, was brought to
rest in 0.28 s when it hit the wall.

(i) Calculate:

1. the deceleration of the car, assuming it to be uniform

deceleration = .................................................m.s–2 [1]

2. the average force exerted by the wall on the car.

force = ..................................................... N [2]

(ii) The crumple zone of the car is designed to absorb 0.45 MJ of energy before any distortion of the
passenger cabin occurs. For this design of crumple zone, calculate the maximum speed of the car at

speed = ................................................ m.s–1 [2]

(c) In a different test, another car of mass 850 kg is travelling at a speed of 7.5 m.s–1. It makes a
head-on collision with a stationary car of mass 1200 kg.
Immediately after the impact, both cars move off together with a common speed v.
Calculate this speed.

v = ................................................ m.s–1 [2]

[Total: 10]
2. (a) (i) State the principle of conservation of linear momentum.



..................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Explain what is meant by an inelastic collision.


..................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Fig. 1.1 shows the head-on-collision of two blocks on a frictionless surface.

Fig. 2.1

Before the collision, the 2.4 kg block is moving to the right with a speed of 3.0 m.s–1 and the 1.2 kg
block is moving to the left at a speed of 2.0 m.s–1. During the collision the blocks stick together.
Immediately after the collision the blocks have a common speed v.

1 Calculate the speed v.

v = ............................................... m.s–1 [2]

continued on next page

2. Show that this collision is inelastic.

[Total: 7]

3. (a) State Newton’s second and third laws of motion.

In your answer, you should use appropriate technical terms.

(i) Second Law:

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]
(ii) Third Law:
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [1]

(b) A golfer uses a golf club to hit a stationary golf ball off the ground. Fig. 3.1 shows how the
force F on the golf ball varies with time t when the club is in contact with the ball.

(i) Estimate the area under the graph.

area = ................................................... N.s [2]

(ii) Name the physical quantity represented by the area under the graph in (i).
In your answer, you should use appropriate terminology correctly.

............................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Show that the speed of a golf ball, of mass 0.046 kg, as it leaves the golf club is about 50 m.s–1.

speed = .......................................... m.s–1 [2]

(iv) The ground is level. The ball leaves the ground at a velocity of 50 m.s–1 at an angle of 42° to the
Determine the horizontal distance travelled by the ball before it hits the ground.
State one assumption that you make in your calculations.

distance = ................................. m
Assumption: ........................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................................... [5]
[Total: 12]

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