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PART.I. Preliminary
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
PART11. Offences
3. Unauthorized access to computer program or data.
4. Access with intent to commit or facilitate commission of offence.
5. Unauthorized modification of computer program.or data.
6. Unauthorized interception of computer function or service.
7. Unauthorized obstruction of operation of computer.
8. Unlawfully making available devices or data for commission of
9. Offences relating to protected computers.
10. Inciting, etc.
1 I . Offences by bodies .corporate.
12. Compensation.
PARTI I I. Investigations
13. Interpretation for .Part 111.
14. Preservation of data.
15. Search and seizure warrants.
16. Record of seized material.
17. Production orders.
PART 1V. General
18. Jurisdiction.
19. Regulations.
20. Power to amend monetary penalties by order.
.21. Review of Act after two years.
. .-

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[I7th March, 2010.1

PARTI. Preliminary
1. This Act may be cited as the Cybercrimes Act. short title.
2 . 4 1 ) In this Act- Inter-
"computer" means any device or group of interconnected
or related devices, one or more of which, pursuant to a
program, performs automatic processing of data and-
(a) includes any data storage facility or electronic
communications system directly connected to
or operating in conjunction with such device
or group of such interconnected or related
(b) does not include such devices as the Minister

may prescribe by order published in the

"computer service" includes provision of access to any
computer or to any h c t i o n of a computer, computer
output, data processing and the storage or retrieval of
any program or data;
"damage", for the purposes of sections 3(3), 5(3), 6(5),
7(2) and 8(2), means any impairment to a computer, or
to the integrity or availability of data, that-
(a) causes economic loss;
(b) modifies or impairs or potentially modifies or
impairs the medical examination, diagnosis,
treatment or care of one or more persons;
(c) causes or threatens physical injury or death to
any person;
(d) threatens public health or public safety; or

[The ,inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92c120121


( e ) causes or threatens physical damage to a

"data" includes-
(a) material in whatever form stored electronically;
( b ) the whole or part of a computer program; and
( c ) any representation of information or of con-
cepts in a form suitable for use in a computer,
including a program suitable to cause a com-
puter to pefform a function; . . ,

"electronic" means relating to technology' having elec-


trical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromag-

netic .or similar capabilities; and the word "electron-
. ically" shall -be similarly construed;
"electronic communications system" means a system for
creating, generating, sending; receiving, storing, dis-
playing or otherwise processing electronic documents
or data; I

"function" includes logic, control, arithmetic, command,

deletion, storage, retrieval, and communication to,
from or within a computer;
"output", in relation to a computer, data or program, means
a statement or representation, whether in written,
printed, pictorial, graphical or other form, purporting to
be a statement or representation of fact-
( a ) pr0duced.b~a computer; or.. ..

( b ) accurately translated from a statement or rep-

resentation so produced;
"program" or "computer program" means data represent-
ing instructions or statements that, when executed in a
computer, .causes the computer to perform a function,
and a reference to a program includes any part of that

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92d20121

(2) For the purposes of this Act, a person obtains access
to any program or data held in a computer if he causes a
computer to perform any function that-
;(a) alters pr erases the program or data;
(b) copies or moves the program or data to kystorage
medium other than that in which the programor
- -
data is
held or .to a different location in the storage medium in
which the program or data is held;
.. . (c) .causes the program or data to be executed;
(4 is itself a function of the program or data; or
. ( e ) causes the program or data to be output from the
computer in which it is held, whether by having the
program or data displayed or in any other manner,
and references to accessing, or to an intent to obtain access to, a
computer shall be construed accordingly.
- 3

(3) For the .p&posesof subsection,( 2 ) ( 4 -

(a) a program is ,output if the data of which it consists is
output; and it'is immaterial whkther the data is capable -
of being executed;
(b) in (he case of data, it is immaterial whether the data is
. . capable of being processed by a computer.

(4) For the purposes of this ~ c ta, person who accesses,

modifies, or uses, any program or data held in a computer, or
causes the computer to perform any function, does .so without
authorization if-
(a) he is not himself entitled to control the access, modifi-
cation; use or function of the kind in question;
(b) he does not have consent for the access, modification,
use or function of the kind in question from any person
who is so entitled; and
(c) he is not acting pursuant to a power or function given
to ,him under this Act or the Interception of

[The inclusion of this .page is authorized by L.N. 92c120121


and the word "unauthorized" shall be construed accordingly.

(5) A reference in this Act to any "program or data held
in a computer" includes a reference to any program or data held
in any removable data storage medium which is for the time
being in the computer.
(6) For the purposes of this Act, a modification of the
contents of any computer takes place if, by the operation of any
function of the computer concerned or any other computer-
(a) any program or data held in the computer concerned is
altered or erased;
(b) any program or data is added to the contents of the
computer concerned; or
(c) any act occurs which impairs the normal operation of
any computer,
and any act which contributes toward causing such a modifica-
tion shall be regarded as causing it.
(7) A modification referred to in subsection (6) is
unauthorized if-
(a) the person whose act causes the modification is not him-
self entitled to determine whether the modification
should be made; and
( b ) that person does not have consent for the modification
from any person who is so entitled.
PART 11. Offences
Unauthorized 3.-(1) A person who knowingly obtains, for himself or
access to
,,pu,r another person, any unauthorized access to any program or data
program or held in a computer commits an offence.
(2) The intent required for the commission of an offence
under subsection (1) need not be directed at-
(a) any specifically identifiable program or data;
(b) a program or data of any specifically identifiable kind;

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(c) a program or data held in any specifically identifiable

(3) Subject to subsection (4), a person who commits an
offence under subsection (1) is liable upon-
(a) summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to-
(i) a fine not exceeding,two million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine not exceeding
three million dollars or to imprisohment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
(b) conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court to-
(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing five years or to both such fine and imprison-
ment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine or imprisonment
for a term not exceeding seven years or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
4 . 4 1 ) A person commits an offence if that person accesses ~ c c e s with
intent to
any program or data held in a computer with the intent to- commit or
(a) commit any offence punishable by imprisonment for a commissi,
term not exceeding one year; or of offence.

(b) facilitate the commission of an offence referred to in

paragraph (a), whether by himself or by any other per-
(2) A person may commit an offence under subsection
(1) even if the facts are such that the commission of the offence
referred to in subsection (l)(a) is impossible.


[The inclusion of this page is authorized by ' L.N." 92c/2012]

(3) For the purposes of this section, it is immaterial
(a) the access referred to in subsection (1) is with or with-
out authorizatinn;
(b) the offence referred to in subsection (l)(a) is committed
at the same time when the access is secured or at any
other time.
(4) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) is liable upon-
(a) summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to-
(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any dimage is caused as a result of the
commission of the offence, a fine not exceed-
ing three million dollars or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three years or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
(b) conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court to-
(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the
commission of the offence, a fine or imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding seven years or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
Unauthorized 5.-41) A person who does any act which that person
of computer knows is likely to.cause any unauthorized modification of the
program or contents of any computer, commits an offence.
(2) For the purposes of subsection 1(-)
' (a) the act in question need not be directed at-

' . ..
(i) &specifically identifiable program or data or

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92cI20121

type of program or data;
(ii) any program - or data held in a specifically
identifiable computer; and
(b). it is immaterial whether the modification is, or is intend-
ed to be; permanent or temporary.
. (3) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(I) is liable upon-
(a) summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate to-
(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine not exceeding
three million dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both such
I ,
fine and imprisonment;
(b) conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court to-
(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not
, t
exceeding five years or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or
.. (ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine or imprisonment
I ,., for a term not exceeding seven years or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
6.-(1), A person commits an offence if that person know- Unauthorized
ingly- of computer

a .
1 I
(d.) secures unauthorized access to any computer for the
purpose: of obtaining, directly or indirectly, any com-
puter service; or
. 1

(b) '$thout a'uthorizition, directly or indirectly intercepts or

., . ca&ei .to be
, i&ercepted any functioi of a computer.
-. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1J- the access or

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interception referred to need not be directed at-

(a) any specifically identifiable program or data or type of
program or data; or
(b) any program or data held in a specifically identifiable
(3) Subsection (1) shall not apply to any interception
permitted under the provisions of the Interception of Commun-
ications Act.
(4) For the purposes of this section, intercepting includes
listening to or viewing, by use of technical means, or recording,
a function of a computer or acquiring the substance, meaning
or purport of any such function.
(5) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(1) is liable upon-
(a) summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate
(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the
commission of the offence, a fine not exceed-
ing three million dollars or imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
(b) conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court, t o -
(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a t e m not ex-
ceeding five years or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or '

(ii) if any damage is caused as a result. of the

commission of the offence, a fine or imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding seven years or to
both such fine and imprisonment.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~120121


7.-41) A person commits an offence if that person, without Unauthorized

authorization or without lawful justification or excuse, wilfully operation
causes, directly or indirectly- of computer.

(a) a degradation, failure, interruption or obstruction of the

operation of a computer; or
(b) a denial of access to, or impairment of, any program or
data stored in a computer.
0 (2) A person who commits an offence under subsection
(I) is liable upon-
(a) summary conviction before a Resident Magistrate, to-
(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
, , imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine not exceeding
three million dollars or to imprisonment for a
- term not exceeding three years or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
,.. ' ,

(b) conviction on indictment

' .
. .
ii Circuit Court, to-

(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not

exceeding five years or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine or imprisonment
for a term not exceeding seven years or to both
such fine and imprisonment.
8.--(I) A person commits an offence who, for the purpose untawfuliy

0 of "committing, or facilitating the commission of, an offence

under any of sections 3 to 7, possesses, receives, manufactures,
devices or
data for
sells, imports, distributes, discloses or otherwise n i b avail-
able- of offence.

(a) a computer;

' .. -[The inclusion of this authorized by L.N. 92~/2012]


(b) any access code or password; or

(c) any other data or device designed or adapted primarily
for the purpose of committing an offence under any of
sections 3 to 7. '

(2) A person who commits an offence under subsection

(1) is liable upon-
(a) simmary conviction before a ~esidentMagistrate, t o -
(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding two
years or to both such fine and imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine not exceeding
three million dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both such
fine and imprisonment.
(b) conviction before a Circuit Court, t o -
(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding five years or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine o r imprisonment
for a term not exceeding seven years or to both
. such fine and imprisonment.
9.-31) Where a computer in respect of which an offence
under any of sections 3 to 8 is committed is a protected com-
puter, the offender shall, instead of the penalty specified in that
section, be liable upon conviction on indictment before a Circuit
Court to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten
years, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (I), "protected com-
puter" means a computer which, at the time of the commission
of the offence, the offender knows, or ought reasonably to
know, is necessary for, or used directly in connection with-

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(a) the security,, defence or international relations, of

. Jamaica;
(b) the existence or identity of a confidential source of
information relating to the enforcement of the criminal
law of Jamaica;
(c) confidential educational material, such as examination

(6)the provision of services directly related to communi-
cations infrastructure, banking and financial services,
public utilities, public transportation or essential public
infrastructure such as hospitals, courts, toll roads, traffic
lights, bridges, airports and seaports; or
(e) the protection df public safety, including systems related
to essential emergency services such as police, fire
. brigade services, civil defence and medical services.
(3) The Minister may; by order published in the Gazette
'and subject to negative reso1ution;amend subsection (2) so as
to add, vary or exclude any use.
10. A person who intentionally incites, attempts, aids or abets Inciting etc.
the c'ommission of any offence under any of sections 3 to 8
- commits an offence'and.shal1be liable-

(a) upon summary conviction,before a Resident Magistrate

'(i) a fine not exceeding two million dollars or to
imprisoiunent for a term not exceeding two
years, or to both such fine and impkonment;
or .
(ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence, a fine not exceeding
three million dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three years or to both such
" 9 ; fine and imprisonment.
(b) upon convictiorl on' indictment before a Circuit Court
. to-

--. [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L:N. 92cI2012)


(i) a fine or to imprisonment for a term not ex-

ceeding five years, or to both such fine and
imprisonment; or
' (ii) if any damage is caused as a result of the com-
mission of the offence; fine br imprisonment
for a term not exceeding seven years or both
such fine and imprisonment.
Offences 11. Where a body corporate commits an offence under this
by bodies
corporate. Act,and the court is satisfied that a director, manager, secretary,
or other similar officer, of that body corporate-

(a) connived in the commission of the' offence; or

. (b) failed, to exercise due diligence to prevent the com-
, mission of the offence,

such director, manager, secretary, or other similar officer shall

be liable on conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court to a
fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or
to both such fine and imprisonment.
Compensa- 1 2 4 1 ) Where a person is convicted of an offence under
tGs Part, the court may, in addition to any penalty imposed
under this Part, order the person convicted to pay a fixed .sum as
compensation to any person who has suffered loss as a result of
'the commission of the offence.
(2) An order under subsection ,(I) shall be without
prejudice to any other remedy which the person who has
suffered loss may have under any other law.
(3) The court may make an order under subsection (1)
of its own motion or upon the application of any person in
accordance with subsection (4). ,

(4) A person who has suffered loss as a result of the

commission of ah offence under this Part may apply in accord-
ance with rules of court for an order under subsection (I), at any
time before sentence is passed on the person against whom the
order is sought.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92cJ20121


@PART.III. Investigations
13.-(1) In this Part- tion for Part

(a) "computer material" includes- 111.

(i) data; L

(ii) a computer (computer A) or -anypart thereof;

(iii) any other computer (computer B) or any part
thereof, if-
(A) data from computer A is available to
computer B; and
(B) there are reasonable grounds for belie-
ving that, such. data is stored in
computer B; and
(iv) any data storage medium;
(b) the power to seize includes the power to-
(i) make and retain a copy of data, including by
. .. using onsite
, equipment.;
(ii) render inaccessible, or remove, data in a
computer; and
(iii) take a printout of, or otherwise reproduce or
capture, the output of any computer or data.
14.-(1) Where a constable is satisfied that- Preservation
of data.
(a) data stored in a computer or any data storage medium is
reasonably required for the purposes of a ,criminal
investigation; and
(b) there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that the data
may be destroyed or rendered inaccessible,
the constable may by notice in accordance with subsection (Z),
t given to the peison in possession or control of the computer or
data storage medium (as the case may be), require the person to
ensure that the data be preserved.
.. . . . .. :.,,:(2)' .The notice in subsecti0.n (1) shall be in
. ,

Giitingand.shall:specify-. * t . . * .. . . ,

.. ... , . . ,

" '
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92c/2012]

(a) the computer or any data storage medium to which it

(b) the data to which it applies; and
(c) the period for which the data is required to be pre-
served, being a period not exceeding thirty days.
(3) The period specified under subsection (2) may be
extended, upon the order of a Resident Magistrate on an appli-
cation without notice, to such further period as may be specified
by the Resident Magistrate in:the order.
(4) A person commits ah offence if thegerson fails,
without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement im-
posed on him by a notice or order under this section.
( 5 ) A person commits an offence if, in purported com-
pliance with a requirement imposed on him under a notice or
order made under this section, he-
(a) makes a statement that he knows to be false or
misleading in a material particular; or
(b) recklessly makes a statement that is false or misleading
in a material particular.
(6) A person who commits an offence under sub-
section (4) or ( 5 ) is liable-
(a) upon conviction before a Resident Magistrate, to a fine
not exceeding one million dollars or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding twelve months or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
(b) upon conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court,
to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding

five years or to both such fine and imprisonment.

Search and 15.-41) A Resident Magistrate may issue a warrant under
I warrants. this subsection, if satisfied by information on oath that there are
reasonable grounds to suspect 'that there may be in any place
any computer material'that-
, #
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by LN. 92cJ20121

(a) may be relevant as evidence in proving an offence; or

(b) has been acquired by a person for, or in, the com-
mission of an offence or as a result of the commission
' of an offence.' 1

(2) A warrant under subsection (1) shall authorize a

constable, with such assistance as may be necessary, to enter the
place specified in the warrant to searth for and seize the
computer material.
16.-(1) If any computer material is seized or rendered Recordof
inaccessible in the execution of a warrant under section 15(1),
the person who executed the warrant shall, during the execution,
or as soon as possible thereafter-
(a) make a list of what has been seized or rendered in-
accessible; and
(b), give a copy of tlie 'list to the person to whom the war-
rant is addressed or the occupier of the premises on
which the .warrant is executed.
(2) A person who, immediately before the execution of
a warrant, had possession or control of data seized in the
execution, may request'a copy of the data from the constable
' who executed the warrant, and the constable shall, as soon as is

reasonably practicable: comply with the request if the conciitions

under subsection (3) are satisfied.
(3) The conditions referred to in subsection (2) are that
providing the copy would not-
(a) constitute a criminal offence; or
(b) prejudice-
(i) the investigation in relation to which the
warrant was issued;
a .

(ii) another ongoing investigation; or

(iii) any criminal proceedings that may be brought
in relation to any investigation mentioned in
subparagraph (i) or (ii).

. [The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92d2012]

17.-41) A Resident Magistrate, if satisfied on the basis of orders.
an application made by a constable, that any- data or other
computer output specified i n . the application is reasonably
required for the purpose of a criminal investigation or
criminal proceedings, may make an order under subsection
(2). .
(2) An order under this subsection may require a
person in possession or control of the data or other output to
produce it in intelligible form to the constable.
. .
(3) Where a production .order requires the person to
whom it is addressed to produce any data or other computer out-
put in intelligible form, that person- ..

(a) .shall be entitled to use .any his possession to

obtain access to the data or output; ..
, (b) shall be taken to have produced the data or output in
intelligible form if-
(i) he makes, instead, a disclosure of any key to
. .the data or output; and
' '?, (ii) the data or output is produced in accordance
wjth the order, with respect to the person to
whom, and the time in which, he was ordered
to p;oduce the data or output.
(4) Where a constable has reasonable grounds to
believe that-'
(a) a key to any .data or other c-omputer,output is in the
possession of any person;'and.
(b) the production of the key is necessary f i i the purposes
of the investigation in relation to which-
(i) the, constable makes, or intends to make, an
application for a production order; or
. . . , ,. . -- I " . 7 . .~
. ..
(ii) a p'roduction order has
... been issued to the con-
ctahlp ,
, . . . .-
: <.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized'by L.N. 92~12012)


the constable may apply to the Resident Magistrate for an

ancillary order to be included in the production order.
\ .
(5) An application under subsection (4) may be
, (a) in any case referred to in subsection (4)(b)(i), at the
time of the application for the production order;
(b) in any case referred to in subsection (4)(b)(ii), at any
time after the making of the production order.
(6) Where the Resident Magistrate grants an appli-
cation under subsection (4), the Resident Magistrate shall-
(a) in the case of an application under subsection (5)(a),
include the ancillary order in the production order;
(b) in the case of an application made under subsection
(5)(b), vary the production'order to inclbde the ancillary
(7) An ancillary order shall-
(a) describe the data or other computer output to which it
relates; ..
(b) specify the time by which the order is to be complied
with, being a reasonable time in all the circumstances;
. (c) set out the prod~ctionthat is required by the order and
the form and m k e r in which the production is to be
made, .
. and any such order may require the person to whom it is
+ addressed to keep secret the contents and existence of the
. . order, the Resident Magi-
(8) In granting,an ancillary
strate shall-
(a) take into account-
(i) the extent and nature of any other information,
in addition to the data or output in question, to
which the key is also a key;
. ,

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92M2012]


(ii) any adverse effect that complying with the

order might have on any business carried on
by the person to whom the order is addressed;
(b) require only such production as is proportionate to what
is sought to be achieved, allowing, where appropriate,
for production in such manner as'would result in the
putting of the information in intelligible form other than
by disclosure of the key itself. •
(9). An ancillary order shall not require-
(a) the production of any key which-
(i) is intended to be used for the purpose only of
generating electronic signatures; and
(ii) has not in fact been used for any other pur-
pose; or
(b) the production of any data or other computer output to a
person other than the constable or such other person as
5 may be specified in the order.
(10) Where an ancillary order is addressd to a person
(a) is not in possession of the data or other computer out-
put to which the order relates; or
(b) is incapable, without the use of a key that is not in his
possession, of obtaining access to the data or other
computer output or producing it in intelligible form,
he shall be taken to have complied with the order if he produces
any key, to the data or other computer output (as the case may
be), that is in his possession.
(1 1) It shall be suficient 'for the purpose of complying
with an ancillary order for the person to whom it is addressed to

produce only those keys the production of which is sufficient to
enable the person to whom they are produced to obtain access to
the data or other computer output concerned and to put it into ,

intelligible form.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~/2012] -

( 1 2 ) Where-
(a) the production required by an ancillary order allows the
person to whom it is addressed to comply with the order
without producing all of the keys in his possession; and
, (b)&thereare different keys or combinations of keys in the
possession of that person the production of which would
constitute compliance with the order,
the person may select which of the keys, or combination of keys,
to produce for the purpose of complying with the oider.
- ( 1 3 ) Where an ancillary order is addressed to a
, person who-
(a) was in possession of the key but' is no longer in
possession of it;
' (b) if he had continued to have the key in his possession,
would be required by virtue of the order to produce it;
(c) is in possession of information that would facilitate the
obtaining or discovery of the key or the putting of the
data or other computer output concerned into intelligible
! form, that person shall produce to the person to whom
he would have been required to produce the key, all
such information as is mentioned in paragraph (c).
(14) A constable who obtains an ancillky order shall
ensure that such arrangements are made as are necessary for
securing that-
(a) a key produced in pursuance of the order is used to
obtain access to, or put into intelligible form, only data
0 or other computer output in relation to which the order
was made;
(b) every key produced in pursuance of the order is stored,
for so long as it is retained, in a secure manner, and any
. records of such key are destroyed as soon as no longer
needed to access the data or other computer output
concerned or put it into'intelligible form; and
*. -
[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92~120121
(c) the number of-
(i) persons to whom the key is produced or
otherwise made available; and
(ii) copies made ofthe key,
is limited to the minimum that is necessary for the
purpose of enabling the data or other computer output
concerned to be accessed or put into intelligible form.
(15) A constable who knowingly, contravenes subsection
(14) commits an offence and, upon conviction before a Resident
Magistrate, is liable to a fine not exceeding one million dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve months or to
both such fine and imprisonment.
(16) A person commits an offence if the person fails,
without reasonable excuse, to comply with a requirement im-
posed o n him by an order made under this section..
(17) A person who commits an offence under subsection
. .l i a b l e .
(16) is .. . .

(a). upon conviction before a Resident Magistrate to a fine

not exceeding one mi.llion dollars or to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding twelve months or to both such
fine and imprisonment;
(b) upon conviction on indictment before a Circuit Court, to
a fine or to imprisonment.for a term not exceeding five
years or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(18) In this section-
"ancillary order" means an,orderunder subsection (4);
"electronic signature" means anything in electronic form
(a) is incorporated into, or otherwise -logically asso-
ciated with, any electronic information;
(b) is generated by the'signatory o r other source of .,.,
the information; and ' ' 2 . '

. [The inclusion of this' page is authorized by ~ . ~ : , 9 2 c / 2 0 1 2 1

(c) is used for the purpose of facilitating, by means of
-a link between the signatory or other source of the
information, the establishment of the authenticity
of the information, the establishment of its in-
tegrity, or both;
"information" includes data, text, images, sounds, codes,
computer programs, software and databases;
"key" in relation to any data or other computer output
means any key, code, password, algorithm or other data
the use of which (with or without other keys)-
(a) allows access to the data or output; or
(b) facilitates the putting of the data or output into
intelligible form;
bbproductiondrder" means an order under subsection (2).
, PART IV. General
18.-41) This Act applies in respect of conduct occurring- Jurisdiction.

(a) wholly or pardyin Jamaica;

(b) wholly or partly on board a Jamaican ship or Jamaican
aircraft; ,

(c) wholly outside of Jamaica and attributable to a Jamaican

national; or
(4 wholly outside of Jamaica, if the conduct affects a com-
puter or data-
(i) wholly or partly in Jamaica; or
(ii) wholly or partly on board a Jamaican ship or
Jamaican aircraft.
(2) In this section-
"Jamaican aircraft" has the meaning assigned to it by sec-
tion 2 of the Civil Aviation Act;
"Jamaican national" means a person w h o -
(a) is a citizen of Jamaica;

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92ch0121


(b) has a connection with Jamaica of a kind which

entitles that person to be regarded as belonging
to, or as being a native or resident of, Jamaica for
the purposes of the laws of Jamaica relating to
immigration; or
(c) is a company or other legal entity constituted in
Jamaica in accordance with the laws of Jamaica;
"Jamaican ship" has the meaning assigned to it by section 2
of the Shipping Act.
Regulations. 19.-41) The Minister may make regulations in order to give
effect to the purposes of this Act.
(2) Subject to affirmative resolution, regulations made
under this Act may provide for penalties,. on summary con-
viction or conviction on indictment for contravention of the
regulations, in excess of the penaltie's specified in section 29(b)
.of the Interpretation Act.
power to 20. The Minister may, by order subject to affirmative resolu-
tion and published in the Gazette, amend any monetary penalty
pendtiesby imposed by this Act.
Re~iewofAct 2 1 4 1 ) The provisions of this Act shall be reviewed by a
after two
Y-. joint select committee of the Houses of Parliament after the
expiration of two years from the 17th of March, 20 10.
(2) The validity of any proceedings taken, or any order
in force, under this Act i&ediately before the expiration of the
time specified in subsection (I) shall not be affected by any
amendment or repeal of any of the provisions of this Act made
pursuant to a review conducted under subsection (1) and any
such proceedings shall be continued and determined, and any
such order shall continue in force for such duration, as if such
amendment or repeal had not been made.

[The inclusion of this page is authorized by L.N. 92d20121

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