Early Alzheimer's Disease: Clinical Practice

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

clinical practice

Early Alzheimer’s Disease

Richard Mayeux, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem.
Evidence supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines,
when they exist. The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 72-year-old man who is still managing investments at a brokerage firm seeks consul-
tation at the urging of his wife for increasing difficulty with memory over the past
2 years. Clients have expressed concern about his occasional lapses in memory. His
wife reports that he frequently repeats questions about social appointments and be-
comes angry when she points this out. The physical examination is normal, but the
patient has difficulty remembering elements of a brief story and adding a small
amount of change. He has a score of 28 out of 30 on the Mini–Mental State Examina-
tion, indicating slightly impaired cognitive function.1 Early Alzheimer’s disease is
suspected. How should the patient be further evaluated and treated?

The Cl inic a l Probl em

From the Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s disease is the most frequent cause of dementia in Western societies,
Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain affecting an estimated 5 million people in the United States and 17 million world-
and the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center,
Columbia University, New York. Address wide.2 The annual incidence worldwide increases from 1% between the ages of 60
reprint requests to Dr. Mayeux at the and 70 years to 6 to 8% at the age of 85 years or older.3 In countries in which sur-
Taub Institute for Research on Alzhei­mer’s vival to the age of 80 years or older is not uncommon, the proportion of persons in
Disease and the Aging Brain and the Ger-
trude H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia this age group with Alzheimer’s disease now approaches 30% and is expected to
University, 630 W. 168th St., New York, continue to increase substantially.4 The disease onset is insidious, and manifesta-
NY 10032, or at [email protected]. tions evolve over a period of years from mildly impaired memory to severe cognitive
This article (10.1056/NEJMcp0910236) was loss. A transitional state, referred to as mild cognitive impairment, often precedes
updated on September 15, 2010, at NEJM the earliest manifestations of Alzheimer’s disease.5 The course of Alzheimer’s dis-
.org. ease is inevitably progressive and terminates in mental and functional incapacity
N Engl J Med 2010;362:2194-201. and death. Plateaus sometimes occur in which the degree of cognitive impairment
Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. is stable for 1 or 2 years, but progression usually resumes thereafter.
An inability to retain recently acquired information is typically the initial symp-
tom, whereas memory for remote events is relatively spared until later. With disease
progression, impairment in other areas of cognition (e.g., language, abstract rea-
soning, and executive function or decision making) occurs to varying degrees and
typically coincides with difficulty at work or in social situations or household ac-
tivities. Changes in mood and affect often accompany the decline in memory.6 Delu-
An audio version sions and psychotic behavior are not typically presenting signs but can occur at any
of this article
is available at time during the disease course.7 The occurrence of psychosis during the initial
NEJM.org stages of dementia suggests other diagnoses, such as dementia with Lewy bodies.
At autopsy, the most frequent pathological features in the brains of patients with
Alzheimer’s disease include extracellular beta-amyloid protein in diffuse plaques
and in plaques containing elements of degenerating neurons, termed neuritic
plaques.8 Intracellular changes include deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau pro-
tein, a microtubule assembly protein, in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. These
pathological lesions first appear in the entorhinal regions of the hippocampus and

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then become widespread. Over time, there is wide- Alzheimer’s disease. Mild cognitive impairment is
spread loss of neurons and synapses. The patho- an intermediate state in which persons have more
genic mechanisms that are responsible for the memory problems than would be considered nor-
development of these changes are unknown. mal for their age, but their symptoms are not as
A family history of dementia is one of the most severe as the symptoms of Alzheimer disease and
consistently reported risk factors for Alzheimer’s they do not have functional impairment.5 Alz­
disease.3 There are rare cases of families with heimer’s disease develops at a much higher fre-
autosomal dominant inheritance of Alzheimer’s quency among persons with mild cognitive im-
disease that develops between the ages of 30 and pairment than among those with normal aging.
50 years; about half these cases result from mu- Determining when patients have reached the very
tations in genes encoding amyloid precursor pro- early stage of Alzheimer’s disease is not easy, par-
tein, presenilin 1, or presenilin 2.9 Studies of these ticularly because it is likely that a preclinical stage
mutated genes have led to the assertion that Alz­ of Alzheimer’s disease exists in which senile
heimer’s disease is caused by the generation and plaques, neuritic plaques, and neurofibrillary tan-
aggregation of beta-amyloid peptide, which then gles occur in sufficient numbers to meet standard
forms neuritic plaques. Although several hundred neuropathological criteria for Alzheimer’s disease
families carry these mutations, they account for in the absence of overt symptoms or signs of de-
less than 1% of cases. mentia.15 Other causes of memory impairment
First-degree relatives of patients with late-onset must also be considered, such as cerebrovascular
disease have approximately twice the expected disease, hydrocephalus, hypothyroidism, vitamin
lifetime risk of the disease. The disease is also B12 deficiency, central nervous system infection,
more often concordant among monozygotic twins a cognitive disorder related to human immuno-
than among dizygotic twins.10 Individuals from deficiency virus infection, adverse effects of pre-
families that have many members with late-onset scribed medications, substance abuse, and cancer.
Alzheimer’s disease are at increased risk for de- A substantial decline in verbal memory and
mentia, but the distribution of cases is rarely con- executive function (e.g., the ability to perform se-
sistent with mendelian inheritance. quential tasks) typically occurs at the onset of Alz­
The genetic variant encoding apolipoprotein heimer’s disease but may be difficult to document
(APOE) ε4 is the only well-established mutation without formal neuropsychological testing (Fig. 1).
associated with the late-onset form of Alzhei­ Reduced independence in daily activities (often
mer’s disease.11 Risks that are associated with recognized by the patient’s family) is one of the
the APOE ε4 allele peak between the ages of 60 strongest predictors of disease.16 Functional sta-
and 80 years. As compared with the absence of tus can be measured by the Clinical Dementia
the APOE ε4 allele, the presence of one such al- Rating (CDR) scale, which evaluates cognitive and
lele is associated with a doubling or tripling of the functional performance on a scale ranging from
lifetime risk of disease, and the presence of two 0 to 3, with higher scores indicating a greater se-
copies is associated with an increase in risk by a verity of impairment.17 This assessment requires
factor of five or more. Associations between Alz­ a collateral source of information gathering con-
heimer’s disease and variants in sortilin-related cerning the patient’s ability to function indepen-
receptor 1 (SORL1),12 clusterin, phosphatidylinos- dently but can be performed in the primary care
itol-binding clathrin assembly protein, and a com- setting and is particularly useful for clinicians who
plement component (3b/4b) receptor have been do not have ready access to formal neuropsycho-
reported,13,14 but mechanisms underlying these logical testing. The assessment requires 30 to 45
associations remain uncertain. minutes to administer, and training is provided
online. (Additional details are available in the
S t r ategie s a nd E v idence Supplementary Appendix, available with the full
text of this article at NEJM.org.) The CDR score
Impaired memory is typically one of the first signs was the strongest predictor of Alzheimer’s disease
of Alzheimer’s disease, but difficulty recalling the in a study involving community volunteers without
names of friends or recent events is also common dementia, and scores on a functional rating scale
among normal elderly persons. The clinician is that is based on the CDR effectively identified
thus faced with the difficulty of distinguishing patients in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease
between normal aging and the early stages of in a clinical setting.18 Formal neuro­psychological

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

CDR = 0 CDR = 0.5 CDR = 1.0

Normal Aging Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Early Alzheimer’s Disease

MIld Cognitive Impairment

CSF tau and

phosphorylated tau
Increases with time

Dependence on
assistance in
daily activities

FDG-PET parietal
CSF beta-amyloid
Decreases with time peptide
amyloid plaques and Hippocampal size
on MRI
neurofibrillary tangles
test performance


Figure 1. Sequence of Pathological, Clinical, Physiological, and Radiologic Changes from Normal Aging to Early
Alzheimer’s Disease.
Changes from normal aging to preclinical Alzheimer’s disease to early Alzheimer’s disease (yellow to green) are
shown. The most frequent pathological feature of Alzheimer’s disease is the presence of extracellular beta-amyloid
protein in diffuse plaques, along with intracellular changes that include deposits of hyperphosphorylated tau protein
in the form of neurofibrillary tangles. These changes correspond to scores on the Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
scale, which ranges from 0 to 3, with 0 indicating no impairment, 0.5 very mild impairment, 1.0 mild impairment,
2.0 moderate impairment, and 3.0 severe impairment. CSF denotes cerebrospinal fluid, FDG-PET 18F-fluorodeoxy-
glucose–positron-emission tomography, and MRI magnetic resonance imaging.

testing that shows a substantial decline in verbal drive.22 Many state motor vehicle agencies have
memory and executive function supports the di- simulated driving laboratories or are willing to
agnosis of Alzheimer’s disease18,19 but requires a assess driving ability for a nominal fee. Informa-
trained professional for administration and inter- tion regarding resources for evaluating poten-
pretation. tially impaired drivers is available through the
Occasionally, patients with early Alzheimer’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
disease present with impaired language or per- (www.nhtsa.dot.gov).
ceptual dysfunction rather than memory loss.20
Over time, both memory impairment and func- T r e atmen t Op t ions
tional decline become apparent in such patients.
Patients with early disease are at increased risk Drug Therapies
for motor vehicle accidents. The American Acad- Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine,
emy of Neurology21 recommends that clinicians and galantamine) and the N-methyl-d-aspartate
perform a careful assessment of driving ability, receptor antagonist memantine are the only treat-
including asking the caregiver to rate the patient’s ments for Alzheimer’s disease that have been ap-
driving ability and reviewing any traffic citations proved by the Food and Drug Administration23
and accidents. Cognitive assessments that include (Table 1). Randomized, placebo-controlled clini-
visual perception and sequential-task performance cal trials of cholinesterase inhibitors have includ-
may also be helpful in assessing the capacity to ed patients with mainly mild-to-moderate Alz-

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clinical pr actice

Table 1. Drug Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease.

Common Adverse
Medication Dose Side Effects Comments
Donepezil (Aricept) 5 mg/day at bedtime with or without Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, Available in a single daily dose
food for 4 to 6 weeks; 10 mg/day weight loss, diarrhea, dizziness,
there-after, if tolerated muscle cramps, insomnia and
vivid dreams

Rivastigmine (Exelon) 3 mg daily, split into morning and Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, Available as a patch
evening doses with meals; dose weight loss, diarrhea, indiges-
increased by 3 mg/day every tion, dizziness, drowsiness,
4 weeks as tolerated, with a max- headache, diaphoresis,
imum daily dose of 12 mg weakness

Galantamine (Razadyne) 8 mg daily, split into morning and Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, Available as an extended-
evening doses with meals; dose weight loss, diarrhea, dizziness, release capsule
increased by 4 mg every 4 weeks, headache, fatigue
as tolerated, with a maximum
daily dose of 16 to 24 mg

Memantine (Namenda) 5 mg/day with or without food; dose Constipation, dizziness, headache, Often used as an adjunct to
increased by 5 mg every week, pain (nonspecific) cholinesterase inhibitors;
with a maximum daily dose of not recommended alone
20 mg for treatment of early

heimer’s disease and have shown significant but ventory (on a scale ranging from 1 to 144, with
clinically marginal benefits with respect to cog- higher scores indicating a greater severity of dis-
nition, daily function, and behavior.24-26 The con- ease). Patients receiving donepezil had a mean
dition of patients who are taking these drugs re- reduction of 4.3 points in the baseline score, as
mains stable for a year or more and then may compared with a reduction of 1.4 for those re-
decline, though at a rate that is slower than that ceiving the other agents. The likelihood of an
among untreated patients. overall improvement in score was 1.9 times as
Although there are few studies directly compar- great with donepezil as with placebo, 1.2 times
ing the three cholinesterase inhibitors, a system- as great with rivastigmine as with placebo, and
atic review and meta-analysis of data from 27 1.6 times as great with galantamine as with pla-
randomized trials concluded that there were no cebo. Adverse effects (including nausea, vomiting,
significant differences in effects on cognitive per- diarrhea, dizziness, and weight loss) were frequent
formance among these medications.27 During the with all three medications, although slightly less
study period (usually, 3 to 6 months), the use of frequent with donepezil than with the other medi-
each of these drugs as prescribed at a standard cations.
dose resulted in a mean improvement of 2 to Initial randomized trials of memantine in-
3 points on the Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment volving patients with moderate-to-severe disease
Scale for cognition (a scale ranging from 0 to 70, showed a small but significant reduction in cog-
with higher scores indicating worse cognition) nitive deterioration.28 Subsequent randomized tri-
or a decreased rate of decline, as compared with als involving patients with mild-to-moderate dis-
the placebo group (approximately a 3-point differ- ease showed that memantine resulted in marginal
ence, with a minimal clinically important differ- benefits over a period of 6 months, with absolute
ence of 4 points). changes in cognitive and functional measures of
On the basis of 14 studies that measured daily 1 percentage point.29 However, studies that were
function, donepezil was modestly but significantly limited to patients with mild or early-stage dis-
more effective than rivastigmine. Donepezil was ease have shown no significant benefit of meman-
likewise modestly but significantly better than tine therapy.30 Memantine has also been used in
rivastigmine and galantamine with regard to be- patients with late-stage disease in combination
havior, as measured by the Neuropsychiatric In- with cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil,

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

with modest improvements (a relative change in stage of Alzheimer’s disease. In one study, 25% of
score of 2 to 5%) on the Severe Impairment Bat- patients with Alzheimer’s disease were reported
tery and the activities of daily living inventory of to have received the diagnosis of depression at
the Alzheimer’s Disease Cooperative Study.31 the time of or just before the onset of symptoms
More data are needed to guide the optimal of the disease.40 In patients in whom pharmaco-
timing of treatment of early Alzheimer’s disease. therapy is considered appropriate, selective sero-
In a small, randomized, placebo-controlled trial tonin-reuptake inhibitors are commonly used; tri-
of donepezil, patients in whom Alzheimer’s dis- cyclic antidepressants are generally avoided, since
ease had been diagnosed within the preceding their anticholinergic effects can cause or exacer-
year showed improvement in cognitive perfor- bate confusion.41
mance over a period of 24 weeks.32 In an open- Psychosis that is characterized by hallucina-
label study, patients who were treated early in the tions and delusions may occur infrequently in pa-
disease course had improvement that was only tients with early Alzheimer’s disease. The occur-
slightly greater than that of patients who began rence of agitation, delusions, hallucinations, and
treatment later.26 In another observational study, irritability early in the disease course also raises
a duration of treatment with cholinesterase inhibi- the possibility of an alternative diagnosis, such as
tors or memantine of at least 3 years was associ- dementia with Lewy bodies. Treatment with con-
ated with a significantly slower rate of decline in ventional or atypical antipsychotic agents may be
cognitive ability and daily function.33 helpful, but such drugs should be used with cau-
In practice, subjective reports of improvement tion because of the potential adverse effects (e.g.,
in patients receiving cholinesterase inhibitors or parkinsonism, extrapyramidal signs, sedation, and
memantine are common, but objective improve- confusion).42
ments are modest, if detectable at all. A rational
approach is to try a cholinesterase inhibitor first, Caregiver Support
switching to another agent in the same class if Persons who live with and provide care for pa-
the initial agent is ineffective or if intolerable side
tients with Alzheimer’s disease, even in the early
effects emerge.23 Memantine may be added to any phases of the disease, often report emotional
of the cholinesterase inhibitors in patients who stress, in part related to the need to give up vaca-
have little or no improvement with cholinesterase tions, hobbies, or even work to care for the pa-
inhibitor monotherapy. tient. Caregivers should routinely be offered coun-
seling and support. Resources for caregivers and
Other Strategies patients are available through the Alzheimer’s As-
The use of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, sociation (www.alz.org).
estrogen therapy, antioxidant vitamins, or statins
has been proposed for the prevention of Alzhei­ A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
mer’s disease, but the results of randomized trials
have been inconsistent or negative.34-37 Similarly, Further study of brain-imaging methods and bio-
the efficacy of commonly used complementary markers that may facilitate the identification of
therapies (e.g., ginkgo biloba, acetyl-L-carnitine, patients with early Alzheimer’s disease is needed.
lecithin, huperzine A, piracetam, curcumin, peri- Focal atrophy on magnetic resonance imaging
winkle, and phosphatidylserine) has not been (MRI) of the inferior temporal region, particularly
shown in randomized trials.38 A review of nine the hippocampus, has been shown to predict the
randomized clinical trials of cognitive training conversion from mild cognitive impairment to
and rehabilitation therapies that were used to ad- Alzheimer’s disease.43 However, there is no stan-
dress loss of memory and other intellectual func- dard technique to quantify atrophy in the clinical
tions showed no significant effects.39 setting, and the diagnostic sensitivity and speci-
ficity of MRI are unclear.
Management of Psychiatric Symptoms Studies have shown that evidence of decreased
Behavioral and psychiatric symptoms typically in- metabolism and perfusion in the parietal lobes
crease with disease progression. However, depres- on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose–positron-emission to-
sion and anxiety are frequent even in the early mography (FDG–PET) is as accurate as evidence

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clinical pr actice

of focal atrophy on MRI in predicting progression practice recommendations that also emphasize
from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s treatment with approved medications for cogni-
disease.43,44 However, PET scanning is costly and tive symptoms, as well as symptomatic treatment
not widely available at present, and its role in di- for neuropsychiatric manifestations, such as de-
agnosis remains uncertain. PET imaging with the pression and psychosis, and attention to issues
use of amyloid-binding compounds, such as car- related to safety, such as driving, living alone, and
bon 11–labeled Pittsburgh compound B (PIB),45 medication administration.55
has been reported to identify patients with early
Alzheimer’s disease.46 Some normal elderly per- C onclusions a nd
sons without dementia have PIB retention simi- R ec om mendat ions
lar to that observed in patients with Alzheimer’s
disease, but progression to Alzheimer’s disease The 72-year-old patient who is described in the
occurs more rapidly in persons with mild cogni- vignette has a history of memory and functional
tive impairment who have PIB retention than in impairment, with a relatively high Mini–Mental
those without retention, indicating that amyloid State Examination1 score and a normal neurologic
deposition may be an early biomarker of incipi- examination. Basic blood chemical analysis and
ent disease.47,48 measures of thyrotropin should be performed,
Measurement of markers in cerebrospinal fluid along with additional laboratory studies as deemed
has also been proposed to identify early Alzheim- clinically relevant. Brain MRI to rule out other
er’s disease. Among persons with mild cognitive brain diseases and assess atrophy and a detailed
impairment, reduced levels of beta-amyloid pep- neuropsychological assessment are warranted to
tide and increased levels of total tau and tau make a preliminary diagnosis. If the diagnosis of
phosphorylated at threonine 181 have predicted Alzheimer’s disease is established, I would discuss
the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.49,50 Assess- with the patient and caregiver potential safety is-
ment requires lumbar puncture, and the thresh- sues, including the current living situation and
old diagnostic levels of these markers have var- driving, and I would initiate treatment with one
ied across studies.51,52 These measures are now of the cholinesterase inhibitors, probably donepe-
commercially available with clinical interpreta- zil (starting at 5 mg each night at bedtime). I would
tion, but their role in practice remains unclear. plan a follow-up visit in 4 to 6 weeks to assess the
side effects and efficacy of the medication (both
Guidel ine s subjective and objective) by repeating the Mini–
Mental State Examination. At that time, the dose
The European Federation of Neurological Socie­ of the cholinesterase inhibitor could be increased
ties has published recommendations for the di- to 10 mg daily if the drug has been well toler-
agnosis and management of Alzheimer’s disease.53 ated. The patient should be closely followed clin-
On the basis of available randomized trials, treat- ically, with repeated neuropsychological assess-
ment with cholinesterase inhibitors is recom- ment within 2 years.
mended even for mild or early disease; no spe- Dr. Mayeux reports receiving an honorarium from Quintiles
cific cholinesterase inhibitor is recommended over for serving on a data and safety monitoring board for a trial of a
another. The American Academy of Neurology pub- product manufactured by Eli Lilly. No other potential conflict of
interest relevant to this article was reported.
lished practice recommendations in 200154 that Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
have not yet been updated. In 2006, the American full text of this article at NEJM.org.
Association for Geriatric Psychiatry published

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