Lawyering As The Public Duty
Lawyering As The Public Duty
Lawyering As The Public Duty
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
lawyer.1 In nut shell, what lawyers do in daily basis include; drafting and signing
clients, tendering legal advice and educating clients and the general public in legal
Lawyering is the public duty due to its nature and essence. Ordinarily, lawyering is
remains, nonetheless, very much public profession.2 That is why lawyers have
His excellence, the former president of the United Republic of Tanzania, Ndg.
Google Search; ttp:// 27th/Jan/2014
C.f Luchham. R, (1981) as quoted by Fauz P 93 Supra.
T. Fauz (1997) The Legal Profession in Tanzania, Law and Practice, p 93
See his speech at a dinner Hosted in his Honour by the Tanganyika Law
Society, Sheraton Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, 10th January, 1997
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
In this paper, an assessment as to how lawyering is a public duty has been clearly
performed. Looking at the nature and essence of legal profession in relation to the
public, a general reference has been drawn on the obligations of lawyers to ensure
that the public maintain confidence to the legal professional at the uppermost regard.
It is pompously said, of course by lawyers, that when a person is isolated from the
society, it is the God and a Lawyer that will stand and say such a person still has
some rights.
Lawyers are the fruits of the society. They are part of it too. It is important to note
therefore that there is no how justifiable that a lawyer will isolate from his society.
Firstly, lawyers are human beings. The intrinsic connection within lawyers and the
rest human beings gives an automatic duty to any ethical lawyer, to act on behalf of
his fellows without whom no any lawyer would become so. Thus, by considering this
moral duty lawyering s a part of a public duty and not of an individual sole business.
Secondly, there should be no lawyer if there was no law. Any law in that note is the
representatively to enact laws which are to govern the conducts among or between
them. Laws safeguard the interest and existing public policy at a material time. That
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
when lawyering, lawyers are doing nothing but effecting what the public intended
Thirdly and lastly in this regard, the process of one becoming a lawyer involves
several things one of it being public initiatives in matters like building schools and
institutions, providing other human and material resources towards molding a person
into a lawyer. Now, the concern is what a lawyer should do than honoring the public
as the consideration and therefore be loyal to it. Thus, therefore, any lawyer is duty
bound to use his knowledge and skills not only for the benefit of himself, or /and his
client but of the society as a whole. That is, he must be something more than a man,
he must be in the fullest sense, a part of the society in which he lives and he must
In the course of lawyering, lawyers are officers of the court5, whether acting for or
against the government, they are demanded not to act violently to defeat the existing
public policy. They are required to be condour with court, act with civility and
integrity. In Rondel v. Worsley6 it was held that “ Every counsel has a duty to his
See s.66 of the Advocates Act, [ Cap.341 R.E. 2002]
[1967] AllER 993
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
In that sense, lawyers are required to avoid sharp practices and other means bad
enough to inculcate injustices. What is expected from the public is to see justice is
being manifestly done. Thus, the respect that the public honors the court and its
officials need to be maintained and respected, where the vice verse is to tarnish our
legal profession and consequently social unrest to take the scene. The legal profession
therefore, has an obligation that is more than simply performing the call of their
Moreover, lawyering is seen to be a public duty and indeed it is in the sense that it
involves education to the public. Indeed, it the duty of the lawyers to disseminate
legal education to the society so that to expand justification on several legal issues
that a layman may be unable to appreciate and understand. Judge Fauz8 in his writing
has this to say; “Law provide the procedures on how the country should be run and
also assist in the maintenance of the rule of law and constitutionality, justice and
equality before the law as legal profession is obliged to educate the public on issues
Lawyering more to say is spirited with maintainace of peace and tranquility within
the society. This is observed in the duty of confidentiality. Non disclosure10 of the
C.P Maina & H. K. Bisimba , Justice and Rule of Law in Tanzania pg 583
Currently the judge of the High Court of Tanzania
T. Fauz (1997) The Legal Profession in Tanzania, Law and Practice,pg 103
See Rule 22(b)(ii) of the Rules of Proffessional Conduct and Ettiquette of Tangayika Law Society.
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
client’s information has more to do with peace among the people. If it happens that
lawyers abandon this ethical duty the society can never be peaceful as some of
information may lead into fighting, isolation even inter societal wars. Confidentiality
that a lawyer is required to maintain has more to do with the public interest than, even
In expanding the scope of lawyering to be the public duty, one should consider the
extinguished role of lawyers in preparing and drafting laws and other legal
documents. And here the words of the fore said former president are quoted with
Legal aid. leaving aside an ordinary legal representation to the clients, lawyers are
owed a duty of providing a legal aid to the individuals who cannot afford to pay for
advocates and those who qualify in that category according to the law. Thus, the law
See footnote 4 Ibid.
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
requires a lawyer to accept a professional obligation the duty to represent the indigent
and persons assisted under Legal Aid and, where he does not must use the same degree
of skill and case on their behalf as he uses on the case of other client12 as a matter of
emphasis Samatta, J in Almas Kalumbeta v. R13 held inter alia that the legal
Lastly but not least, lawyering is said not to be a business in its nature. Lawyers are
discoursed by law from advising14 and touting.15 Lawyers are unethical if engage in
In the world of business under free market economy the practices above make the order
of the day. Thus, normal businessmen distinguished from lawyers are monopolizing the
For a lawyer such practices are said to be unprofessional, unethical and punishable. The
rationale for this, still lays on the want of legal service for the public service and not for
duties that are ethically and legally required, lawyring becomes a public duty.
See Rule 37(3)(c) supra
(1982) TLR. 329
Rule 4 Ibid.
S. 47 of Advocates Act Cap. 341.
See. Mkono & Co. Advocates v. J. W. Ladwa [2002] EA 145 where Kalegeya J. Held such arrangements as
invalid and unenforceable
Written by,
Sylvester Sebastian
University of Dar es Salaam, School of Law. (Student)
However, one cannot deny private gains that lawyers are exposed to through lawying
but for the large extent the service of a lawyer is done for the public good. Hence gives
a courage to vehemently say that lawyers training and tasks they perform places them
in a unique position in the society, perhaps more than any other profession in modern
history as lawyers have been more influential group. Thus, an ordinary person looks
upon the lawyer not only for guidance on the law but also for many other social