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Firefighting Foam Concentrates 2017

Protecting what matters

Protecting lives, the environment and critical assets

Firefighting Foam Concentrates
Continue to Evolve
Firefighters face an unprecedented,
and often unpredictable, range of
risks and must be able to rely on
their firefighting foams to perform
efficiently. Today more emphasis
than ever before is placed on
limiting the environmental impact
of using foam in firefighting.
At Angus Fire our commitment to
developing technology leading
firefighting foam concentrates
has continued into 2017. The key
focus is lowering the environmental
impact of foam concentrates
without compromising their
firefighting performance.

In 2006 the USA’s, Environmental Angus Fire has recently developed two JetFoam is the world’s first ever film
Protection Agency initiated a voluntary fluorine free foams, which are superior forming fluorine free foam designed
programme whereby the eight main to any other fluorine free foams on the specifically for use on aviation risks such as
manufacturers of fluorosurfactants were market. Respondol ATF for municipal Jet-A1. It is completely Newtonian ensuring
tasked with the challenge of reducing firefighters and JetFoam for aviation. there are no issues associated with
biproduct content and emissions from inducing the foam into fire truck systems.
Respondol ATF is a high performance
their facilities on a global basis of PFOA JetFoam also exceeds the performance
fluorine free foam to meet the unique mix
and PFOA related products. Before the requirements of ICAO Level B. It flows and
of challenges that Fire & Rescue Services
conclusion of the Stewardship Programme behaves just like water. The majority of
face. It is a superior quality, multipurpose
in 2015, Angus Fire had launched a full other fluorine free foams have viscosities
foam with reduced environmental impact.
range of short-chain (C6) telomer based between 1,220 – 3,200 mm/sec2, the limit
Respondol ATF offers these key benefits:
foam concentrates, which are now in set by ICAO is 200mm/sec2. JetFoam’ s
use globally. Since the 1990s we have z F ast knockdown and extinguishment viscosity is just 2mm/sec2.
continued to develop this chemistry in exceeding the requirements of EN1568
order to offer you increased firefighting part 3&4 on all fuels and water types. Award Winning
performance and where possible, to
reduce surfactant content. Increased
z L ow viscosity, low corrosion for easy Environmental Performance
induction and storage.
performance reduces the amount of In 2016, JetFoam was awarded gold for
foam you need to use, thereby reducing Environmental Best Practice at the Green
your incident costs and reducing Apple Awards.
firewater runoff.
The gold award, in the
Science and Technology
What Lies Ahead?
category, recognises the
Recent changes in legislation have in qualities of JetFoam
many parts of the world led to a growing and Angus Fire’s
demand for foams that contain no fluorine ongoing programme
at all. Today many foam manufacturers of research and
aim to create environmentally friendly development to
foams. However most fluorine free provide high performing innovative
foams face a number of issues such as Respondol ATF is the first fluorine free products with reduced environmental
lower performance levels in terms of foam to achieve 1A/1A approval using impact.
extinguishment and burnback, no film both sea and fresh water on all fuels
forming ability and being too viscous, within the demanding EN1568 part 3&4
causing induction problems. testing regime.
Firefighting Foam Concentrates 2017
Protecting what matters

Petro-chemical Processing Storage Tank Farms

High-risk facilities such as refineries, Crude oil contains every oil derived product from bitumen to butane and as a result any fire
pharmaceutical plants, process areas, is a very complex scenario. Open top floating roof tanks can reach diameters in excess of
warehouses and rail/loading racks require 110m (360ft) and require significant fixed protection systems (as supplied by the Angus Fire
very specific solutions depending on Engineering division) as well as high capacity mobile firefighting solutions. Lightning strikes
the chemicals on site. As UL and EN1568 within a tank farm which contains processed or blended products such as petrol or gasoline,
are the most applicable standards in this can result in catastrophic consequences. Boil-overs in a crude oil storage tank can develop
sector, AlcosealC6 (AR-FFFP) or TridolC6 rapidly into multi-tank fires. The protection of bunds is especially important as their capacity
ATF (AR-AFFF) or Respondol ATF (AR-FF) is much larger than that of the tank. Medium expansion foam systems to protect the bund
are often the preferred choice to protect will provide both vapour suppression and firefighting without the need for firefighters to
these critical areas. For a specific chemical put themselves at risk. EN, LASTFIRE and UL162 approved foams and devices deliver the best
risk, Angus Fire’s staff can advise on the protection for this type of risk (not just fire, but also vapour suppression). TridolC6 Ultra 1-3%,
most applicable foam type. FP70C6 and TankmasterC6 are used world-wide in these high risk environments.

Municipal Fire and Rescue & Civil Defence Off-shore & FPSO
Local fire and rescue services face a broad range of risks such as road traffic collisions Many off-shore installations are found in
involving small amounts of petrol and diesel as well as tanker loads of highly flammable hostile environments where equipment
chemicals in transit. Complex and unpredictable structural firefighting in schools, hospitals, must operate at extremely low
shopping centres, stadia, farms and high-rise residential blocks present a diverse range of temperatures, foam concentrates must be
challenges. Therefore there is a need for a high performance foam, that not only rapidly able to perform under these conditions
extinguishes a fire but also prevents re-ignition to enable firefighters to rescue lives as well. In addition space and weight
or secure the scene. Angus Fire’s Integrity foam concentrates offer firefighters reliable are always at a premium on off-shore
performance each time they are deployed. Angus Fire recommends the use of Respondol facilities which makes the need for a
ATF for a varied risk or NiagaraC6 which is Newtonian, EN1568 and UL162 approved to foam concentrate that induces at a low
-18°C (O°F) and is widely used by UK Fire and Rescue Services for these reasons. Training induction rate essential to minimise
is an important part of any municipal fire service’s role to ensure firefighters possess the storage space. Angus Fire offers TridolC6 S1
essential skills required to tackle a wide range of complex emergencies. Angus Fire’s Trainol for use on helidecks and NiagaraC6 3-3 for
foams (synthetic) and TF (protein based) are ideal for live fire training scenarios. all the other risks on board.
z F irefighter safety – putting the fire out,
and keeping it out.

z L owering the environmental impact,

whilst maximising firefighting capability.

 ommitted partnership with firefighting

z C



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FF & AR-FF - Fluorine Free (for Class A & B fires)
Where the environmental considerations are paramount JetFoam -  - - - - - -
fluorine free foams are the first choice. Syndura -  - - - -  
Respondol ATF  - - - - -  
AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Rapid flame knockdown on hydrocarbon spill fires. Tridol M -  - - - - - -
Tridol S    -    -
Tridol C    -    -
AR-AFFF - Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam
Fast flame knockdown and extinguishment with superior Tridol ATF Ultra    -    -
burnback resistance and post-fire security. Tridol ATF S    -    -
Tridol ATF C    -    -
FP - Fluoroprotein
Specially developed to extinguish large hydrocarbon storage Tankmaster  - - -   - -
tank fires at oil refineries and fuel storage depots. FP70  - - -   - -
FP350  - - -   - -
FP600  - - -   - -
FFFP - Film Forming Fluoroprotein
The world's leading foam for airport fire services, combining Petroseal    -   - -
the speed of AFFF with the post-fire security of FP.
AR-FFFP - Alcohol Resistant Film Forming Fluoroprotein
Highly versatile Alcohol-Resistant foams that are suitable for Niagara    -    -
use on hydrocarbon and polar solvent flammable liquids. Alcoseal    -    -
Class A
Specially formulated for applications such as forestry and Forexpan - - - - - -  
wildland fire control, structural fires and tyre and paper fires Hi-Combat A - - - - - -  
Hi-Ex - High Expansion
Ideal for total flooding and LNG applications. Expandol  -   - -  
TF - Training Foam
The latest FF technology ideal for training exercises and fire Trainol        
vehicle testing with minimal environmental impact. TF    -    
Power Generation & Industrial Aviation
Industrial process and the production of The preservation of life is paramount at any aviation emergency, considering the likelihood
power have developed in recent years, of rapid escalation into a major incident. So much so that aerodrome firefighters are
so too have the risks in and around tasked with creating a survivable environment within, or around, any aircraft to enable self
these facilities. Angus Fire recommends evacuation or rescue of passengers. Fuels used in this industry are highly combustible and
foam concentrates with EN approval release tremendous amounts of heat when they are burnt (due to their high calorific value).
and UL listings such as TridolC6 Ultra Jet-A and Jet-A1 aviation fuel is stored in large quantities in tanks, tankers and aeroplanes
for mixed risks, FP70C6 for hydrocarbon themselves at various locations around the airport. Film forming foams such as Angus Fire’s
only situations or Respondol ATF where PetrosealC6 and TridolC6 are ideally suited for this application achieving Level B or C passes
reduced environmental impact is a against the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) performance test criteria. (ICAO
priority. High expansion generators are sets three levels of performance, A, B and C with C being the most demanding). When
used in industrial applications to flood fluorinated performance cannot be utilised due to environmental consideration’s, Angus
enclosed spaces. Angus Fire recommends Fire’s award winning foam concentrate JetfFoam FF is the best alternative with ICAO level B
Expandol for these risks. certification. For training purposes Angus Fire recommends Trainol or TF foams.

Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Forestry & Class A

With the production of LNG expected to reach 10% of the global crude production by Class A fires (wood, paper, timber, etc) are
2020, storage and processing facilities are growing in their size and complexity. With most extinguished by wetting the combustible
processed LNG being transported by sea, these large storage tanks are most commonly material. This also prevents re-ignition.
located next to loading jetties which require specialised equipment to protect them. Foams that reduce the surface tension of
Accidental release into collecting ponds presents a serious risk of violent ignition as LNG water to increase penetrating power are
expands 620 times moving from the liquid to vapour phase. As LNG has a boiling point of best suited for Class A fires. Angus Fire
-161°C operating temperatures can range from -161 to +1300°C. Angus Fire’s slow recommends Forexpan and Hi-Combat A.
draining Hi-Expansion foam, Expandol is the preferred choice by many installations to Hi-Combat A is certified to USDA forestry
control a fire should ignition occur. Angus Fire’s series of LNG Turbex foam generators specification for use with helicopter and
ensures the most economical amount of water is used, to reduce the rate of LNG fixed wing aircraft, also ground appliances
evaporation. This combination of foam and generator has been installed at many LNG for wildfires. Forexpan and Hi-Combat A
facilities around the world. can be used through CAFS systems.
Services from Angus Fire
Supporting firefighting professionals every day

Firefighting Foam School

Angus Fire organises the hands on, theory packed Firefighting Foam
and Emergency Planning School in Centro Jovellanos, Asturias, Spain.
The school is run in partnership with CFB Risk Management.
The 5 day training covers a blend of theory and practice and is heavily focussed on the
overall implications of tank firefighting. It includes an in-depth understanding of the risk
and its manifestation, the importance of foam selection, designing and specifying foam
fire systems, including tank systems. The practical training includes real fires with real fuels,
across a number of training modules. To find out more about the school visit our website,

Foam Testing Service

Angus Fire’s independent foam testing service includes a suite of tests and delivers a
comprehensive, unbiased and reliable test result. For many flammable liquid risks, fire fighting
foam is the preferred extinguishing medium; therefore it is vital that it performs when called
upon during any stage of its operational life. Regardless of how thoroughly they were
developed and tested, foam concentrates can be subjected to harsh climatic conditions
outside their intended design criteria or be accidentally spoiled due to contamination or
by dilution with water. That is why annual testing is vital and is recommended by many
international standards. To find out more about testing service visit our website,

Emergency Foam Service +44 (0)1524 261166

Angus Fire has a long-standing history of providing a global emergency service for the
dispatch of firefighting foam concentrates. The emergency foam service provides exceptional
support in the event of an emergency. The service operates 24 hours a day, every day. When
an emergency call is received, Angus Fire directs its complete foam plant at the incident –
foam stocks, orders awaiting dispatch and work in progress are assessed. At the same time,
the logistics to deliver the foam are actioned. This may involve a fleet of road tankers and/or
aircraft depending on the severity and location of the fire. Angus Fire can mobilise foam from
7 countries, and 4 factories.

Angus Fire Profile

Angus Fire is a global leader in firefighting technology. In more than
100 countries Angus Fire supplies fire safety products and services
to customers operating in a wide range of industries such as oil
FM 595473
companies, international airports, harbours, ports, to military bases,
power stations, and of course to fire and rescue services. Angus is
a global name with an impressive history of over 220 years in the
firefighting industry. It is this rich heritage and associated expertise, EMS 576644
which put Angus Fire at the forefront of the fire industry and makes the
company the preferred partner with firefighters worldwide.

Angus Fire Ltd, Angus House, Pegasus Way, Haddenham, HP17 8LB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1844 293600 • Fax: +44 (0)1844 293664 © Angus Fire
Email: [email protected] • Web: 6821/4 03.17

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