High Explosives and Propellants by Fordham

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The document appears to be a list of publications from the Structure and Bonding series, which focuses on topics related to chemical structure and bonding.

The series publishes critical reviews on research related to chemical structure and bonding, covering the entire periodic table. It focuses on new and developing areas in structural and theoretical chemistry.

Some topics covered include nanostructures, molecular electronics, designed molecular solids, surfaces, metal clusters, and supramolecular structures.


Structure and Bonding

Series Editor: D. M. P. Mingos

Editorial Board:
P. Day · X. Duan · T. J. Meyer
G. Parkin · H. W. Roesky · J.-P. Sauvage
Structure and Bonding
Series Editor: D. M. P. Mingos
Recently Published and Forthcoming Volumes

High Energy Density Materials Intermolecular Forces and Clusters I

Volume Editor: Klapötke, T. H. Volume Editor: Wales, D. J.
Vol. 125, 2007 Vol. 115, 2005

Ferro- and Antiferroelectricity Superconductivity in Complex Systems

Volume Editors: Dalal, N. S., Volume Editors: Müller, K. A.,
Bussmann-Holder, A. Bussmann-Holder, A.
Vol. 124, 2007 Vol. 114, 2005

Photofunctional Transition Metal Complexes Principles and Applications

Volume Editor: V. W. W. Yam of Density Functional Theory
Vol. 123, 2007 in Inorganic Chemistry II
Volume Editors:
Single-Molecule Magnets Kaltsoyannis, N., McGrady, J. E.
and Related Phenomena Vol. 113, 2004
Volume Editor: Winpenny, R.
Vol. 122, 2006 Principles and Applications
of Density Functional Theory
Non-Covalent Multi-Porphyrin Assemblies in Inorganic Chemistry I
Synthesis and Properties Volume Editors:
Volume Editor: Alessio, E. Kaltsoyannis, N., McGrady, J. E.
Vol. 121, 2006 Vol. 112, 2004

Recent Developments in Mercury Sience Supramolecular Assembly

Volume Editor: Atwood, David A. via Hydrogen Bonds II
Vol. 120, 2006 Volume Editor: Mingos, D. M. P.
Vol. 111, 2004
Layered Double Hydroxides
Volume Editors: Duan, X., Evans, D. G. Applications of Evolutionary Computation
Vol. 119, 2005 in Chemistry
Volume Editors: Johnston, R. L.
Semiconductor Nanocrystals Vol. 110, 2004
and Silicate Nanoparticles
Volume Editors: Peng, X., Mingos, D. M. P. Fullerene-Based Materials
Vol. 118, 2005 Structures and Properties
Volume Editor: Prassides, K.
Magnetic Functions Beyond Vol. 109, 2004
the Spin-Hamiltonian
Volume Editor: Mingos, D. M. P. Supramolecular Assembly
Vol. 117, 2005 via Hydrogen Bonds I
Volume Editor: Mingos, D. M. P.
Intermolecular Forces and Clusters II Vol. 108, 2004
Volume Editor: Wales, D. J.
Vol. 116, 2005
High Energy Density Materials

Volume Editor: T. M. Klapötke

With contributions by
A. J. Bellamy · E. F. C. Byrd · R. D. Chapman · H. Gao
T. M. Klapötke · W. D. Mattson · D. T. Meshri · B. M. Rice
J. M. Shreeve · R. P. Singh · S. Zeman

The series Structure and Bonding publishes critical reviews on topics of research concerned with
chemical structure and bonding. The scope of the series spans the entire Periodic Table. It focuses
attention on new and developing areas of modern structural and theoretical chemistry such as na-
nostructures, molecular electronics, designed molecular solids, surfaces, metal clusters and supra-
molecular structures. Physical and spectroscopic techniques used to determine, examine and model
structures fall within the purview of Structure and Bonding to the extent that the focus is on the
scientific results obtained and not on specialist information concerning the techniques themselves.
Issues associated with the development of bonding models and generalizations that illuminate the
reactivity pathways and rates of chemical processes are also relevant.
As a rule, contributions are specially commissioned. The editors and publishers will, however, always
be pleased to receive suggestions and supplementary information. Papers are accepted for Structure
and Bonding in English.
In references Structure and Bonding is abbeviated Struct Bond and is cited as a journal.

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Library of Congress Control Number: 2007926253

ISSN 0081-5993
ISBN 978-3-540-72201-4 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-72202-1

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Series Editor
Prof. D. Michael P. Mingos
St. Edmund Hall
Oxford OX1 4AR, UK
[email protected]

Volume Editor
Thomas M. Klapötke
Dept. Chemie und Biochemie
Universität München
Butenandstr. 5–13
81377 München, Germany
[email protected]

Editorial Board
Prof. Peter Day Prof. Gerard Parkin
Director and Fullerian Professor Department of Chemistry (Box 3115)
of Chemistry Columbia University
The Royal Institution of Great Britain 3000 Broadway
21 Albermarle Street New York, New York 10027, USA
London W1X 4BS, UK [email protected]
[email protected]
Prof. Herbert W. Roesky
Prof. Xue Duan
Institut for Anorganic Chemistry
Director University of Göttingen
State Key Laboratory Tammannstr. 4
of Chemical Resource Engineering 37077 Göttingen, Germany
Beijing University of Chemical Technology [email protected]
15 Bei San Huan Dong Lu
Beijing 100029, P.R. China Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage
[email protected]
Faculté de Chimie
Prof. Thomas J. Meyer Laboratoires de Chimie
Department of Chemistry Université Louis Pasteur
Campus Box 3290 4, rue Blaise Pascal
Venable and Kenan Laboratories 67070 Strasbourg Cedex, France
The University of North Carolina [email protected]
and Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3290, USA
[email protected]
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This book summarizes some recent developments in the area of high-energy

high-density (HEDM) materials. Rather than being comprehensive in scope,
emphasis is given to structural and bonding features of highly energetic ma-
terials with possible applications as high explosives (secondary explosives)
or propellants. In this book we do not focus on primary explosives (e.g. lead
azide replacements) since by definition the explosive performance (detonation
velocity and detonation pressure) of such materials – although very sensitive
– are much less energetic than secondary (high) explosives.
Modern HEDMs derive most of their energy (i) from oxidation of the car-
bon backbone, as in traditional energetic materials, (ii) from ring or cage
strain, or (iii) from their very high positive heat of formation. Examples of
the first class are traditional explosives, such as TNT, RDX and HMX. Modern
nitro-compounds, such as CL-20 or the recently reported hepta- and octani-
trocubanes, belong to the second group of explosives and possess very high
densities and enhance the energies utilizing substantial cage strain. Members
of the third class of compounds are high-nitrogen compounds (up to 85% ni-
trogen content), such as aminotetrazole and nitrotetrazole derivatives, which
show the desired remarkable insensitivity to electrostatic discharge, friction
and impact, while having very high positive heats of formation and therefore
very high explosive powers.
The synthesis of energetic, non-nuclear materials for military application
has been a long-term goal in various academic and military research groups
worldwide. Some of the current challenges that face HEDM scientists are:
• Demand for environmentally compatible and toxicologically acceptable ex-
plosives and propellants. Examples are replacements for TNT, RDX and
HMX since nitro-explosives per se, as well as their environmental transfor-
mation products, are toxic.
• Demand of all the services for more destructive energy delivered to the
• Minimization of unwanted effects: low collateral damage munitions, i.e.
munitions that cause little damage aside from damage to the intended target,
have become more important as sites of military interest are increasingly
co-located with civilian population centers.
X Preface

• Continuing interest in insensitivity: insensitive munitions for reduced vul-

nerability of munitions stores and increased survivability of munitions that
are subjected to very stressful conditions under their normal usage.
• Continuing interest in low observable plumes (no signature of a missile,
smokeless combustion) and erosion-reduced gun propellants.
The six chapters in this book all focus on various aspects of the structure and
bonding of modern HEDMs. While the first four chapters (Bellamy, Shreeve,
Klapötke, Chapman) discuss synthetic aspects of energetic materials, chapter
five (Rice) gives emphasis to computational aspects of nitrogen-rich HEDMs,
while the last chapter (Zeman) is devoted to the sensitivities of high energy
compounds. In the synthetic part of this book, the first chapter (Bellamy)
describes the most recent aspects of the chemistry of Fox-7, a remarkably
insensitive high-nitro explosive. The following two chapters concentrate on
modern high-nitrogen compounds: nitrogen-rich heterocycles (Shreeve) and
new nitrogen-rich high explosives (Klapötke). The last preparative chapter
(Chapman) summarizes the work on the synthesis and structures of cyclic
nitramines, new (difluoramino)alkanes and non-nitramines. In the theoretical
chapter (Rice), emphasis is given to a variety of computational procedures
to predict the properties of energetic nitrogen-rich HEDMs. Finally, the last
chapter (Zeman) presents a survey of studies into the sensitivity of HEDMs,
focusing mainly on impact and shock sensitivities.
It is no coincidence that three out of six chapters are directed towards the
synthesis and computation of high-nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen is unique
amongst all other elements of the periodic table insofar that the bond energy
per two-electron bond increases from a single over a double to a triple bond.
For carbon the situation is the opposite and one might expect acetylene to poly-
merize in an exothermic reaction whereas dinitrogen is more stable than any
other polynitrogen species. Therefore, high-nitrogen HEDMs with N–N bond
orders of less than two may provide some solutions to the above-mentioned
challenges: very high explosive energy, low toxicity reaction products (N2 ), no
observable plumes or signatures and reduced gun erosion. It is still too early in
the development of such materials to assess whether they will live up to their
potential, but they nonetheless represent a very exciting and challenging new
area of chemistry.

Thomas M. Klapötke

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene)
A. J. Bellamy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles
R. P. Singh · H. Gao · D. T. Meshri · J. M. Shreeve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives

T. M. Klapötke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Organic Difluoramine Derivatives

R. D. Chapman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs

B. M. Rice · E. F. C. Byrd · W. D. Mattson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds

S. Zeman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195

Author Index Volumes 101–125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry
Series Editor: R. R. Gupta
Recently Published and Forthcoming Volumes

Bioactive Heterocycles I QSAR and Molecular Modeling Studies

Volume Editor: S. Eguchi in Heterocyclic Drugs I
Volume 6, 2006 Volume Editor: S. P. Gupta
Volume 3, 2006
Marine Natural Products
Volume Editor: H. Kiyota Heterocyclic Antitumor Antibiotics
Volume 5, 2006 Volume Editor: M. Lee
Volume 2, 2006
QSAR and Molecular Modeling Studies
in Heterocyclic Drugs II Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Heterocycles
Volume Editor: S. P. Gupta Volume Editors: E. Van der Eycken, C. O. Kappe
Volume 4, 2006 Volume 1, 2006
Struct Bond (2007) 125: 1–33
DOI 10.1007/430_2006_054
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 25 January 2007

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene)
Anthony J. Bellamy
Cranfield University, Defence Academy of the United Kingdom, Shrivenham,
Swindon SN6 8LA, UK

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Historical Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

3 Structural Properties of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Thermal Decomposition of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

5 Spectroscopic Properties of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

6 Explosive Properties of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

7 Chemical Reactions of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

8 Alternative Attempts to Synthesize FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

9 Isomers of FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

10 Compounds Structurally Related to FOX-7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Abstract In this paper, the discovery and synthesis of the explosive 1,1-diamino-2,2-
dinitroethene (FOX-7) are described, together with an account of its structural, spectro-
scopic, and explosive properties. The chemical reactivity of FOX-7 towards nucleophilic
substitution (transamination), electrophilic substitution, and acid-base properties is ex-
plored, as is its thermal behavior (phase transformations and thermal decomposition).
The molecular structure and physical properties of FOX-7 are compared with those of its
three isomers (as yet unsynthesized), as derived by theoretical calculations. Finally, the
physical properties of FOX-7 are compared to those of various energetic molecules that
are structurally related to FOX-7.

Keywords 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene · FOX-7 · Synthesis · Properties · Reactions ·

Isomers · Related molecules


For more than half a century, the main explosive component of artillery
shells and other explosive devices has been RDX (1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-
2 A.J. Bellamy

triazacyclohexane, 1). While RDX was not the most energetic material avail-
able during most of this period, it was relatively easy to produce, in a single
step, from commonly available reagents, namely hexamethylenetetramine
(hexamine), nitric acid, and, in most processes, acetic anhydride. However,
RDX exhibits several unsatisfactory properties when used as a high explo-
sive. It is sensitive to impact, friction, electrostatic discharge and heat, and
it is this sensitivity that has been the cause of many very serious accidents
where ordnance has either suffered direct impact by enemy fire or been sub-
jected to heating in fires. Consequently, during the past 25 years there has
been a search for replacement explosive materials that are at least as en-
ergetic as RDX but at the same time are much less sensitive to external
stimuli. One such potential replacement is the simple molecule 1,1-diamino-
2,2-dinitroethene, also known as FOX-7 (2).

1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is structurally similar to several other

known energetic molecules. For example, 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitroben-
zene (TATB, 3) possesses a similar juxtaposition of amino and nitro
groups, as do 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine (DADNP, 4), 2,4,6-triamino-
3,5-dinitropyridine (TADNP, 5), 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine (6) and
2,5-diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazine (7). TATB in particular is known to be
extremely insensitive to external stimuli. These relatives of 1,1-diamino-2,2-
dinitroethene are however not easily manufactured and involve multi-step
processes. What makes 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene particularly attractive
as a replacement for RDX is the relative ease with which it can be synthesized
in what is basically a single-step process.
Although 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene appears to have been originally
isolated by Russian workers, its first reported synthesis in the scientific liter-
ature was by workers at the Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI, formerly
FOA). Indeed, the name FOX-7 derives from the acronym FOA, with X corres-
ponding to explosive, as in RDX, etc.
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 3

Historical Development

An initial attempt to synthesize 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene was made

by Baum et al. [1] during their study of the reaction of 1,1-diiodo-2,2-
dinitroethene with various amines. Many amines were found to react to give
replacement of both iodine atoms by amine functions, the final product be-
ing the corresponding 1,1-bis(alkylamino)-2,2-dinitroethene (Scheme 1). It
was therefore logical to expect ammonia itself would react in the same man-
ner to give 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene. However, the product from treat-
ment of 1,1-diiodo-2,2-dinitroethene with ammonia was not 1,1-diamino-2,2-
dinitroethene, but the ammonium salt of cyanodinitromethane (8).

Scheme 1 Reactions of 1,1-di-iodo-2,2-dinitroethene

The first successful synthesis of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene was re-

ported in 1998 [2] by the group from FOI. It was initially isolated in low
yield after hydrolysis of the product mixture obtained from the mixed acid
(nitric and sulphuric acid) nitration of 2-methylimidazole (9). The choice
of reaction conditions is rather critical. Nitration with nitric acid in 101–
105% sulphuric acid gave a mixture of parabanic acid (10) and 2-methyl-4-

Scheme 2 Nitration of 2-methylimidazole (9)

4 A.J. Bellamy

nitroimidazole (11), but when 80–100% sulphuric acid was used, the prod-
ucts were parabanic acid and 2-dinitromethylene-4,4-dinitroimidazolidin-
5-one (12). The latter separated from the reaction medium and was fil-
tered off. It was found to be thermally unstable and lost the elements of
N2 O3 to form 2-dinitromethyleneimidazolidine-4,5-dione (13). The dione
was subsequently hydrolyzed with aqueous ammonia to give 1,1-diamino-
2,2-dinitroethene and oxalate (Scheme 2). A number of control experiments
showed that 2-methyl-4-nitroimidazole was not an intermediate in the forma-
tion of 2-dinitromethylene-4,4-dinitroimidazolidin-5-one, but that 2-methyl-
4,5-dihydro(1H)imidazol-4-one (14) probably was.
A more direct (but related) route to 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene was
also reported in the same paper [2]. This involved nitration of the methanol
adduct of 2-methylimidazolidine-4,5-dione (15, synthesized from acetami-
dine hydrochloride and diethyl oxalate, followed by recrystallization from
methanol). This gave 2-dinitromethyleneimidazolidine-4,5-dione (13, 67%
yield), which, on hydrolysis with aqueous ammonia, gave 1,1-diamino-2,2-
dinitroethene (87%; 37% overall from acetamidine hydrochloride, Scheme 3).

Scheme 3 Synthesis and nitration of 2-methylimidazolidine-4,5-dione (15)

Further development work [3, 4] has shown that nitration of the analogous
4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine [16 ≡ 2-methylpyrimidine-4,6(1H,5H)-
dione], which is commercially available, gives a better overall yield of 1,1-di-
amino-2,2-dinitroethene than 2-methylimidazolidine-4,5-dione (Scheme 4).
In this case, the nitrated intermediate that separates is 2-dinitromethylene-
5,5-dinitrodihydropyrimidine-4,6(1H,5H)-dione (17). To effect hydrolysis to
1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene, the unfiltered slurry may be simply added to
water and left for several hours. The product separates out as it is formed
and is finally filtered off and washed. However, in view of the need to re-
cycle the nitrating acids, it is preferable to filter off the solid intermediate,
leaving a controlled amount of sulfuric acid on the solid, and adding the acid-
damp solid to water for hydrolysis [5]. Using this modification and optimized
conditions, the yield of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is over 90%.
The C-5 fragment of the nitrated intermediate (when 4,6-dihydroxy-2-
methylpyrimidine is the starting material) is released during the hydrolysis as
dinitromethane. If desired, this may be extracted into diethyl ether from the
filtrate and precipitated as its potassium salt, or alternatively it may be left to
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 5

Scheme 4 Nitration of 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine (16)

decompose in the filtrate. However, on a large scale, there may be unaccept-

able risks involved in either procedure; in theory, there are ∼ 7 kg (in practice
∼ 5.5 kg) of dinitromethane generated for every 10 kg of 1,1-diamino-2,2-
dinitroethene produced. At present, this is probably the major disadvantage
in using 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine as the starting material.
The course of the nitration of 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine has been
shown [6] to involve rapid nitration at C-5 to form 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methyl-
5-nitropyrimidine (18), followed by slow further nitration, probably initially
also at C-5. Further nitration is then rapid, no intermediates other than 4,6-
dihydroxy-2-methyl-5-nitropyrimidine being detected.

Structural Properties of FOX-7

FOX-7 exists as a canary-yellow solid and may be recrystallized from a var-

iety of solvents, dimethylsulphoxide-water, N-methylpyrrolidin-2-one-water
and dilute HCl being commonly employed. Scanning Electron Micrograph
(SEM) images of FOX-7 crystals, both before and after recrystallization from
0.5 M HCl, are presented in a DSTO report by Lochert [7]. The single-crystal
X-ray structure was determined on material that had crystallized from N,N-
dimethylformamide in the monoclinic form [8, 9]. The molecular structure
(Fig. 1 [10]) exhibits bond lengths and angles that are typical for a so-called
“push-pull” alkene [1]. Specifically, the C = C bond length is 1.456 Å, inter-
mediate between that of a C – C single bond (1.54 Å) and that of a normal
C = C double bond (1.34 Å). Other changes resulting from the effect of the
electron-donating amino groups on C-1 and the electron-withdrawing nitro
groups on C-2, are the shorter-than-normal C – NH2 bonds (1.31 and 1.32 Å)
6 A.J. Bellamy

Fig. 1 FOX-7

and C – NO2 bonds (1.42 and 1.39 Å) and the essentially planar structure of
the molecule as a whole (average C – C torsion angle 4.8◦ ). Two strong hydro-
gen bonds exist between NH and NO on both sides of the molecule. There
are four molecules per unit cell whose dimensions are: a 6.941 Å, b 6.569 Å,
c 11.315 Å, β 90.55◦ , V 515.9 Å3 , Dx 1.907 Mg m–3 .
The supramolecular arrangement of molecules within the crystal is in the
form of wave-shaped infinite layers (Fig. 2 [10]), akin to that observed for
graphite and triaminotrinitrobenzene (TATB), with intra-layer N – H...O – N
hydrogen bonding and inter-layer van der Waals interactions. The distance
between layers is ∼ 3 Å cf. the layer separation in graphite is ∼ 3.5 Å, while
that in TATB is ∼ 6 Å. The extensive network of hydrogen bonding is probably
the reason why 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is only slightly soluble in many
common solvents (acetone, acetic acid, ethyl acetate, nitromethane, acetoni-
trile – all < 0.5 g/100ml at 20 ◦ C), the greatest solubility being exhibited in
N,N-dimethylformamide, N-methylpyrrolidin-2-one and dimethylsulphox-

Fig. 2 Crystal structure of FOX-7

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 7

ide (21, 32 and ∼ 45 g/100ml at 20 ◦ C respectively). It is essentially insoluble

in water.
An X-ray diffraction (XRD) study, combined with a range of thermal
analysis techniques [differential scanning calorimtery (DSC), thermogravim-
etry (TG) and thermomechanical analysis (TMA)] [11, 12], has been applied
to powdered 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene [recrystallized from N-methyl-
pyrrolidinone (NMP)-water]. This has shown that several other crystalline
phases exist which are formed on heating the normal α-polymorph. The first
phase transition (α → β) is completely reversible (as observed by DSC) and
occurs at 113 ◦ C. A second transition (β → γ ) occurs at 173 ◦ C, but this is
only partially reversible (no reverse transition is observed by DSC until the
region for the β → α transition). Above 200 ◦ C the material begins to decom-
pose (Sect. 4 below). This study also reported the crystallographic parameters
for both the α- and the β-polymorphs. The data for the former agreed closely
with those reported earlier [8, 9]. The β-polymorph is of the orthorhom-
bic type and there are four molecules per unit cell whose dimensions are:
a 6.978 Å, b 6.638 Å, c 11.660 Å, β 90◦ , V 540.1 Å3 . The supramolecular ar-
rangement of molecules within the crystal of the β-polymorph is also in the
form of wave-shaped infinite layers. The two polymorphs are thus very simi-
lar in internal structure. The α → β transition is accompanied by a volume
increase (≡ density decrease) of 1.9%. This might be of significance dur-
ing the storage of munitions containing FOX-7, although the temperature
required to effect this change is rather high.
Thermogravimetry (TG) indicated a 2% mass loss at around 160 ◦ C on the
first heating cycle, with no mass loss on repeated temperature cycling. This
was attributed to a possible loss of solvent. NMP is known [13] to become
occluded when FOX-7 is recrystallized from NMP-water.
A more detailed crystallographic study of the α → β transition has re-
cently been published [14]. This gives full crystallographic data for a single
crystal (recrystallized from N,N-dimethylformamide or dimethylsulphoxide)
of FOX-7 at 5 temperatures in the range – 73 to + 120 ◦ C, the α (monoclinic)
→ β (orthorhombic) transition being observed between 100 and 120 ◦ C.
Powdered FOX-7 was also studied at 130 and 150 ◦ C. Below the transition
temperature the thermal expansion of the unit cell is mainly along the b
axis i.e. between the layers, but during the transition it is the c axis which
changes most. The volume change at this point is 1.8 cm–3 mol–1 (∼ 2%).
After the transition it is again the b axis which is most responsible for the
volume change in the unit cell. The crystallographic parameters were un-
changed after the α → β → α transitions; after cooling to 20 ◦ C the crystal
was still clear and transparent demonstrating that the volume change at the
transition had not caused sufficient strain to fracture the crystal. Signifi-
cantly for the results reported by other workers (see below), no discontinuous
changes were observed in the a, b and c cell parameters at temperatures below
100 ◦ C.
8 A.J. Bellamy

In the layered structure (a–c plane) of both polymorphs, the molecular

units are held head-to-tail by hydrogen bonds. For the α-polymorph, there
are two N – H...O – N hydrogen bonds to each nitro group oxygen (8 in total,
of which 6 are intermolecular and 2 intramolecular). For the β-polymorph,
one oxygen of each nitro group is involved in 2 hydrogen bonds while the
other oxygen is involved in 3 hydrogen bonds (10 in total, of which 8 are inter-
molecular and 2 intramolecular). Within each FOX-7 molecule both C atoms
and both amino N atoms lie within a plane. The two nitro N atoms are slightly
out of the plane, while the four oxygen atoms deviate more significantly from
the plane.
The α → β transition is clearly observed by DSC as an endothermic peak
at 116.3 ◦ C (onset 114.2 ◦ C, ∆H = 18.0 ± 1.5 J g–1 ). The general picture of
phase changes for FOX-7 therefore appears to be:

α –→ β –→◦ γ .
113 – 116 ◦ C 173 C

Three other studies, two of them being chronologically earlier than the above
work [15–18], report somewhat different observations. Here the tempera-
tures given for the first two transitions are markedly lower, and one further
transition is observed. The first phase transition (designated α → β) is here
reported to occur at 90 ◦ C and was only detected by X-ray diffraction; it is not
visible by DSC. Again a small decrease in density (1.885 → 1.803 ≡ increase
in volume) is observed. The second transition (designated β → γ ) occurs
at 115 ◦ C (DSC endotherm at 117 ◦ C), and a further transition (designated
γ → δ) occurs at 155 ◦ C (DSC endotherm around 155 ◦ C). The reverse tran-
sitions (γ → β and β → α) occur on cooling, but while the β → α transition
is instantaneous, the γ → β (and hence α) transition may take days or even
weeks. The second of these studies [16] also demonstrated how particle size
can affect the temperature and the rate at which phase transitions occur. For
example it was reported that the first transition temperature can vary between
∼ 78 ◦ C (for very fine particles) and ∼ 95 ◦ C (for coarse particles), but the
rate (∼ 3 h for the complete transition) is unaffected by particle size, while
the reverse is true for the second transition temperature (116 ◦ C) i.e. the tran-
sition temperature is not affected by particle size, but the rate is (10 h and
14 h for fine and coarse particles respectively). The average enthalpy changes
involved in the second and third transitions (those visible by DSC) were re-
ported as 21.6 and 17.1 J g–1 respectively [17, 18].
Although the FOX-7 samples used in the first two of these three stud-
ies [15, 16] were stated to have been recrystallized from dimethylsulphoxide,
the behavior described is similar to that of unrecrystallized FOX-7. A broad
DSC endotherm at 90–110 ◦ C is the normal observation for unprocessed
FOX-7 (Latypov, personal communication), and this is replaced by an en-
dotherm at 113 ◦ C on recrystallization. The TG analysis reproduced in one of
the studies [16] shows no mass loss i.e. loss of solvent, in the region of 160 ◦ C,
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 9

which would have been expected if the material had been recrystallized, again
suggesting that unrecrystallized material might have been used. The origin,
but not the history of the sample used in the more recent study [17, 18] is
reported. It may or may not have been recrystallized at source.
In the absence of more definite information on the pre-treatment of the
samples used in the earlier work [15, 16], one is tempted to conclude that
the differences in the results reported stem from the differences between the
crystallographic nature of unrecrystallized and recrystallized material. Un-
recrystallized material will have separated from a rather different medium
(acidic aqueous medium) to that used in a recrystallized sample, and at a dif-
ferent rate. Its internal structure may therefore be somewhat different. At the
present time (2006) some confusion exists regarding which phase change, if
any, occurs below 100 ◦ C, but the transition observed at around 115 ◦ C in all
studies [11, 12, 14–18] appears to be the α → β change (but designated β → γ
in [15–18]).

Thermal Decomposition of FOX-7

The thermal behavior of FOX-7 at temperatures below 200 ◦ C has already

been described above. As the temperature is increased above 200 ◦ C, decom-
position, without melting, begins to occur. The appearance of the DSC curve
in this region is rather variable and appears to depend upon the history of
the sample. Even samples from the same batch may give different DSC curves.
For example it has been reported [16] that a sample (1.5 mg) of fine crys-
tals (10 K min–1 ) exhibited two exotherms, one at ∼ 235 ◦ C and another at
∼ 275 ◦ C, while another sample from the same batch consisting of a single
large crystal (1.5 mg) exhibited a single exotherm at ∼ 240 ◦ C. Decomposition
is normally complete by 300 ◦ C.
The results from several other groups [17–21] support the general picture
of two exothermic DSC peaks (Fig. 3, 10 K min–1 , recrystallized sample), with
the peak positions and relative size being dependent upon the history of the
sample. TG and differential thermal analysis (DTA) results indicate that the
mass loss and energy evolution associated with the two DSC exotherms are
∼ 38% and 909 J g–1 for the low temperature peak, and ∼ 45% and 518 J g–1
for the high temperature peak [21]. However from what has already been
reported above, the figures would probably differ for other FOX-7 samples.
In order to examine the processes causing the two DSC peaks, Tiemanis
et al. [21] heated a 1 g sample of FOX-7 for 3 days at 185 ◦ C, after which
the mass loss was 37%. This sample was then examined thermoanalytically
and spectroscopically. By DTA it exhibited a single exotherm at approxi-
mately the same temperature as the second exotherm of FOX-7, but no lower
temperature phase changes were observed. By TG the mass loss associated
10 A.J. Bellamy

Fig. 3 DSC (10 K min–1 ) of recrystallized FOX-7

with the exotherm was ∼ 70%. Spectroscopic examination (by 1 H, 13 C and

15 N NMR and FTIR) indicated that the material was essentially FOX-7. This

was confirmed by HPLC and powder X-ray diffraction. The authors’ sug-
gested explanation for these somewhat surprising results is that the original
sample of FOX-7 may have consisted of two phases, part crystalline (detected
by XRD) and part amorphous (not detected by XRD), and it is the amorph-
ous phase that decomposes during the first DSC peak leaving the original
crystalline part. They point out that the relative amounts of these two phases
should vary with the previous processing conditions. Their explanation is
supported by the observation that recrystallization of the heat treated mate-
rial gave FOX-7 which exhibited the normal phase changes on DTA analysis,
and the double step mass loss at 200–300 ◦ C on TG analysis.
The actual products formed during decomposition in both decomposition
steps have been identified [17, 18] by FTIR as CO2 , HCN, N2 O, NO2 , HOCN,
H2 O and NO, while HNO2 and HCOOH are produced in the second decom-
position only. The apparent activation energies for the two steps are reported
as 238.3 and 322.4 kJ mol–1 , respectively.
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 11

Spectroscopic Properties of FOX-7

Most of the common spectroscopic data for FOX-7 were reported in the ori-
ginal FOI publication [2]. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopic
data were obtained in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO–d6 ). The 1 H spectrum
(Fig. 4a) shows a single broad peak (at 8.77ppm) for all 4 NH nuclei, while
the 13 C spectrum (Fig. 4b) exhibits 2 peaks at 128.5 [C(NO2 )2 ] and 158.8 ppm

Fig. 4 a 1 H NMR spectrum of FOX-7, b 13 C NMR spectrum of FOX-7

12 A.J. Bellamy

[C(NH2 )2 ] [2], the former being significantly less intense (can be as low as
10–15% relative intensity) than the latter. Carbon atoms with nitro groups
attached normally give low intensity peaks. The relative peak positions re-
flect the strong polarization of the electrons of the C = C bond towards the
carbon with nitro groups attached, causing greater shielding of that carbon

Fig. 5 FTIR spectrum of FOX-7

Fig. 6 Raman spectrum of FOX-7

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 13

relative to that of the carbon bearing the amino groups. In the 15 N spectrum
absorptions occur at – 24.0 (NO2 ) and – 276.6 ppm (NH2 ) [21].
The infrared spectrum of solid FOX-7 (KBr disc, Fig. 5) exhibits [2] peaks
at 3417 (NH2 ), 3315 (NH2 ), 3200 (NH2 ), 1638 (NH2 ), 1524 (NO2 ), 1471, 1400,
1356 (NO2 ), 1234, 1176, 1143, 1027, 752, 652, 521, 462 cm–1 . The Raman spec-
trum of solid FOX-7 (neat) is shown in Fig. 6 [10].
FOX-7’s ultraviolet spectrum (in water) exhibits three maxima, 210
(ε9500), 278 (ε5000) and 346 nm (ε11 300) (Latypov, unpublished results).
The mass spectrum (70 eV) exhibits a very strong molecular peak at
m/z 148 (M+ ). A more detailed study [16] reported that the intensity of the
parent ion peak indicated that this species was more stable than those en-
countered with other energetic molecules e.g. RDX, TNT. At both 20 and
70 eV there were peaks at m/z 148, 130 and 18, indicative of loss of H2 O, as
also observed with TATB.

Explosive Properties of FOX-7

As mentioned in an earlier section, the main international interest in FOX-7

has been as a replacement for the secondary explosive RDX [22]. This section
will therefore compare the explosive properties and performance of FOX-7
against that of RDX. Table 1 lists some of the relevant explosive properties
for FOX-7 and RDX, and these should help to demonstrate why FOX-7 is an
attractive alternative to RDX.
The main reason for requiring a replacement for RDX is that it is a rather
vulnerable explosive material with relatively high sensitivity to both impact
and friction. By contrast, FOX-7 is much less sensitive to impact and very in-
sensitive to friction. But it is not just sufficient for a replacement explosive
to be less sensitive. It must also be capable of performance comparable to
that of RDX. In this regard, FOX-7 is a good candidate. While the detonation
velocity and detonation pressure are slightly below those of RDX, the max-
imum density is greater (1.88 versus 1.82 g cm–3 ), which means that a greater
mass (∼ 3%) of explosive material, and potentially more energy, can be con-
tained within a given volume. However, this must be set against the enthalpy
of formation of FOX-7 which is negative, while that of RDX is positive. Since
both FOX-7 and RDX have the same oxygen balance (– 21.6%), having the
atom ratios [Cn H2n N2n O2n ; n = 2 → FOX-7, n = 3 → RDX], it appears that
FOX-7 contains less energy than RDX. So how large is this difference and in
practice is it significant? An attempt to estimate this is made below, but it
should be remembered that the actual ∆Hf◦ values used for FOX-7 and RDX
in these calculations may be critical. The values of ∆Hf◦ that have been re-
ported [25] are surprisingly variable [∆Hf◦ (FOX-7) – 53 to – 134 kJ mol–1 and
∆Hf◦ (RDX) + 60 to + 79 kJ mol–1 ]. The values selected for use below [– 130
14 A.J. Bellamy

Table 1 Some relevant explosive properties of FOX-7 and RDX

Property FOX-7 RDX

Molecular formula C2 H4 N4 O4 C3 H6 N6 O6
Molecular mass 148 222
Density (g cm–3 ) 1.88 1.82
Enthalpy of formation – 130 [23] + 67 [23]
(kJ mol–1 )
Oxygen balance (to CO2 , %) – 21.6 – 21.6
Decomposition temperature 219–223 [24] 195–199 [24]
(ARC onset, ◦ C)
Detonation velocity 8870 [22] 8930 [22]
(experimental, m s–1 )
Detonation pressure 33.96 [22] 34.63 [22]
(calculated, GPa)
Impact sensitivity
Dropweight test (BAM, 2 kg, cm) 126 [16] 38 [16]
Rotter Impact (F of I) 110–140 [7] 80 [7]
Friction sensitivity
(Julius–Petri, > 35 kp) > 350 [16] 120 [16]
Electrostatic Discharge Test 4.5 J ignition, 4.5 J ignition,
0.45 J no ignition [7] 0.45 J no ignition [7]

FOX-7: 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene
RDX: 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane

and + 67 kJ mol–1, respectively] were selected because they were both from
the same reference [23].
In order to estimate the amount of energy available for release on detona-
tion, we need to apply the Wilson–Kistiakowsky rules [26], which state that
(for an explosive with an oxygen balance not below – 40%; FOX-7 and RDX,
with oxygen balances of – 21.6%, both fall within this group):
(i) carbon atoms are converted to CO
(ii) any remaining oxygen is used to convert hydrogen atoms to H2 O
(iii) any oxygen remaining after (ii) is satisfied is used to convert CO to CO2
(iv) all nitrogen atoms are converted to N2 .
Thus, applying these rules to FOX-7 and RDX, the following ratios of detona-
tion products are predicted:

FOX-7: C2 H4 N4 O4 → 2CO + 2H2 O + 2N2

RDX: C3 H6 N6 O6 → 3CO + 3H2 O + 3N2 .

The energy released in these two processes is then calculated by subtracting

the enthalpy of formation of the explosive from the sum of the enthalpies of
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 15

formation of the detonation products (all in units kJ mol–1 ):

∆Hdet (FOX-7) = 2∆Hf◦ (CO) + 2∆Hf◦ (H2 O) – ∆Hf◦ (FOX-7)
= 2 × (– 110) + 2 × (– 242) – (– 130)
= – 574 kJ mol–1 = – 3.88 MJ kg–1 = – 7.29 MJ dm–3

∆Hdet (RDX) = 3∆Hf◦ (CO) + 3∆Hf◦ (H2 O) – ∆Hf◦ (RDX)
= 3 × (– 110) + 3 × (– 242) – (+ 67)
= – 1123 kJ mol–1 = – 5.06 MJ kg–1 = – 9.21 MJ dm–3 .

An experimental value for ∆Hdet ◦ (FOX-7) is – 4.86 ± 0.06 MJ kg–1 [27], signifi-

cantly larger than the above calculated value. Selection of a less negative value
for ∆Hf◦ (FOX-7) in the above calculation would have resulted in a calcu-
lated ∆Hdet◦ (FOX-7) closer to the experimental value. An experimental value

for ∆Hdet (RDX-wax 94/6), using the same technique, is – 5.28 MJ kg–1 [28].
The calculated value for ∆Hdet ◦ (RDX) would have been closer to the experi-

mental value if a more positive value for ∆Hf◦ (RDX) had been chosen. As
already stated, the values of ∆Hf◦ chosen for the calculations were selected
because they were both from the same reference and were therefore assumed
to be mutually consistent. The experimental values for ∆Hdet ◦ suggest that this

assumption may be incorrect.

Using the calculated rather than the experimental values for ∆Hdet ◦ , it is

clear that on a mole basis only about half the amount of energy is released
by FOX-7 compared to RDX. However, it is volume that limits the mass of
energetic material that can be contained within a piece of ordnance, and on
the basis of volume (via mass and then density) ∼ 21% less energy is re-
leased by FOX-7 relative to an equal volume of RDX. [Using the experimental
values for ∆Hdet ◦ instead, FOX-7 would release only 5% less energy than an

equal volume of RDX]. Thus, although it looked initially as though FOX-7

might be greatly inferior to RDX regarding energy output, from an energy
density viewpoint, the position of FOX-7 looks significantly closer to that of
RDX. And, as has already been stated, the detonation velocity and detona-
tion pressure are only slightly below those of RDX. It is also worth noting that
the volume of gas generated on detonation (per mole of explosive) is greater
for RDX (9 mol versus 6 mol ≡ 202 dm3 versus 134 dm3 at STP), but per unit
mass they are the same (0.91 dm3 g–1 ), and per unit volume of explosive,
FOX-7 generates slightly more gas (1.66 dm3 cm–3 versus 1.71 dm3 cm–3 ).
Of course these calculations are based on rather idealized behavior. In
reality, other factors, such as actual density of the charge (which may be sig-
nificantly lower than the crystal density, the latter being the maximum value
attainable) and non-ideal detonation behavior, have a bearing on the compar-
ison. Some actual performance testing has been reported ( [29, 30], Sect. 10)
and indicates that FOX-7 is comparable with RDX in its explosive output.
16 A.J. Bellamy

Other reported testing has included the range of tests that are normally con-
ducted in order to ascertain the suitability of an energetic material for service.
This includes production of crystals of the desired size and shape, large-scale
sensitivity and thermal stability tests, and compatibility with other compo-
nents in an explosive formulation. The overall picture from these tests is that
the future for FOX-7 as a replacement for RDX seems very promising.

Chemical Reactions of FOX-7

The location of two electron-donating, amino groups on one carbon, and two
electron-withdrawing, nitro groups on the other carbon should make 1,1-
diamino-2,2-dinitroethene a good example of a push-pull alkene [31], with
strong polarization of the double bond (Scheme 5).

Scheme 5 FOX-7 as a “push-pull” alkene

The main consequences of this polarization are (i) the carbon bearing the
amino groups (C-1) should be relatively electron deficient and susceptible to
attack by nucleophiles, (ii) the H atoms should be more acidic than those of
simple amines, and (iii) the amine N atoms should be poor nucleophiles. All
of these aspects have been demonstrated to be present in the chemistry of 1,1-
Simple nitro-enamines have been reported to undergo transamina-
tion reactions via an addition-elimination mechanism. For example, 1-di-
methylamino-2-nitroethene reacts with amines to release dimethylamine,
accompanied by the formation of a new nitro-enamine (Scheme 6 where
R1 R2 NH = piperidine, morpholine and pyrrolidine) [32, 33].
1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene, which is a double nitro-enamine, reacts
with primary alkylamines in N-methylpyrrolidin-2-one (NMP) at 90 ◦ C to
give both single and double substitution products [34–36], with loss of am-
monia. 3-Aminopentane reacts quantitatively to give the mono-substituted
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 17

Scheme 6 Transamination of a nitro-enamine

product 1-amino-1-(pent-3-ylamino)-2,2-dinitroethene, while less hindered

primary amines, e.g., 1-aminobutane, 2-aminoethanol, 3-aminopropanol,
give mixtures of both mono- and bis-substitution (Scheme 7), the ω-
aminoalkan-1-ols affording water-soluble products.

Scheme 7 Transamination of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene with a primary alkylamine

The di-amines 1,2-diaminoethane and 1,3-diaminopropane react at both

amine functions to give the same cyclic products (Scheme 8) that Baum
et al. [1] had obtained by reacting the same di-amines with 1,1-diiodo-2,2-

Scheme 8 Transamination of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene with α,ω-diamines

In the absence of solvent, 1,2-diaminoethane reacts further to effect dis-

placement of both nitro groups (Scheme 9).

Scheme 9 Further reaction of 2-dinitromethyleneimidazolidine

A similar transamination reaction occurs with hydrazine, but in this case

only mono-substitution is achieved. Reaction with excess hydrazine only
serves to form the hydrazinium salt of the conjugate base of the mono-
substituted product (Scheme 10).
Reaction with guanidine, instead of effecting transamination, causes de-
protonation of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene to give its guanidinium salt
18 A.J. Bellamy

Scheme 10 Transamination of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene with hydrazine

(Scheme 11), and thus exhibits another aspect of the reactions of 1,1-

Scheme 11 Reaction of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene with guanidine

Indeed, this is a general reaction with common bases like KOH. The
potassium salt of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene may be isolated as a white,
crystalline solid on treatment with cold aqueous KOH, and the free 1,1-
diamino-2,2-dinitroethene may be regenerated on acidification. The pKa of
1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene was found [36, 37] to be approximately 10.6,
the conjugate base existing in the pH range 11–13 (Scheme 12). Both 1,1-
diamino-2,2-dinitroethene and its conjugate base may be detected by UV and
13 C NMR spectroscopy.

Scheme 12 Acid-base equilibria of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene

The corresponding pKa of the mono-hydrazino derivative (see above)

is lower (value ∼ 6.7) than that of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene and ex-
plains why excess hydrazine causes deprotonation of the initial mono-
transamination product. At pH < 2 the protonated form appears to be gen-
erated (Scheme 13). Again UV and 13 C NMR spectroscopy may be used to
detect the interconverting species [36, 37].
Heating 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene in the presence of aqueous KOH
(70 ◦ C) causes hydrolytic cleavage of the C = C bond, presumably via nucleo-
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 19

Scheme 13 Acid-base equilibria of 1-amino-1-hydrazino-2,2-dinitroethene

philic attack by HO– at C-1, and generates the potassium salt of dini-
tromethane (Scheme 14).

Scheme 14 Base hydrolysis of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene

The observation by Baum et al. [1] that the ammonium salt of cyano-
dinitromethane (8) and not 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is formed when
1,1-diiodo-2,2-dinitroethene is treated with ammonia (Scheme 1), prompted
a study of the behavior of ammonium cyanodinitromethanide (8) and 1,1-
diamino-2,2-dinitroethene in liquid ammonia, in the hope that ammonium
cyanodinitromethanide might isomerize to 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene
(Scheme 15) (Bellamy et al., unpublished results).

Scheme 15 Hypothetical isomerization of ammonium cyanodinitromethanide (8) to 1,1-


It was found that 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene reacts with liquid am-

monia, albeit under more extreme conditions (100 ◦ C/110 bar) than used by
Baum et al. [1], to give a mixture of ammonium cyanodinitromethanide
(8) and the guanidinium salt of dinitromethane (19), the latter predomi-
nating (ratio 1 : 20, t1/2 ∼ 6 h). Furthermore, treatment of ammonium cyan-
odinitromethanide under the same conditions gave back starting material
containing only a small amount of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (0.25%),
and no guanidinium dinitromethanide. Thus conditions which would ap-
pear to offer the possibility for 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene to be formed
from ammonium cyanodinitromethanide, appear to favor the latter. More-
over, since no guanidinium dinitromethanide was formed when ammonium
20 A.J. Bellamy

cyanodinitromethanide was subjected to pressure and heat, it must be formed

from 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene alone. One has to conclude therefore that
the desired isomerization to 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is both unfavor-
able and slow. The formation of ammonium cyanodinitromethanide from
1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene presumably results from the reverse of the in-
tended reaction (Scheme 16), while guanidinium dinitromethanide is formed
by conjugate addition of ammonia to 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene (the ini-
tial step in a transamination reaction), followed by C – C bond cleavage
(Scheme 17), reflecting both the basic and the nucleophilic properties of am-
monia, respectively.

Scheme 16 Isomerization of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene to ammonium cyanodinitro-

methanide (8)

Scheme 17 Isomerization of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene to guanidinium dinitrometha-

nide (19)

An indication of the low reactivity of the amino nitrogen atoms in 1,1-

diamino-2,2-dinitroethene was evident from the original FOI publication [2].
It was reported that 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene would not react with 1,2-
dibromoethane, even in hot N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), without prior
activation to the conjugate base with sodium hydride (2 equivalents). There-
after reaction at 115 ◦ C gave 2-dinitromethyleneimidazolidine, the same
product that was prepared by Baum et al. [1] by reacting 1,1-diiodo-2,2-
dinitroethene with 1,2-diaminoethane (Scheme 18). However, 1,1-diamino-
2,2-dinitroethene was found to react more readily (without NaH activation)
with oxalyl chloride to give 2-dinitromethyleneimidazolidine-4,5-dione, the
intermediate isolated from the nitrations of 2-methylimidazole and 2-me-
thylimidazolidine-4,5-dione (Scheme 19).

Scheme 18 Alkylation of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 21

Scheme 19 Acylation of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene with oxalyl chloride

The chemical reactivity of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene has been further

explored in a joint investigation by FOI (Sweden) and SNPE (France) [38].
No evidence was found for the participation of the C = C bond of 1,1-
diamino-2,2-dinitroethene in [2 + 1] cycloadditions (with Cl2 C:) or [3 + 2]
cycloadditions (with benzyl azide, ethyl diazoacetate and benzonitrile oxide).
Furthermore, acetylation on the amino groups with acetyl chloride only suc-
ceeded if a catalyst was present, the mono-N-acetyl derivative being produced
(Scheme 20).

Scheme 20 Acetylation of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene

More successful reactions involved treatment with (i) N-chlorosuccinimide

(CBS), (ii) N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) and (iii) nitric acid in trifluo-
roacetic anhydride/trifluoroacetic acid (HNO3 /TFAA/TFA). All three reagents
gave products in which the electrophilic species (Cl, Br and NO2 re-
spectively) had added at both an amino N-atom and C-2 to produce
respectively (Scheme 21). In the case of the nitration, this product is analo-
gous to those obtained on nitration of 1,1-bis(alkylamino)-2,2-dinitroethenes
by K. Baum and N.V. Nguyen [39].

Scheme 21 Halogenation and nitration of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene

22 A.J. Bellamy

Alternative Attempts to Synthesize FOX-7

At the present time (2006) the preferred starting material for the manu-
facture of FOX-7 is 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine, despite the fact that
for every 10 kg of FOX-7 there is > 5 kg of unwanted dinitromethane pro-
duced as a by-product and two equivalents of nitric acid are wasted. It would
obviously be preferable if these disadvantages could be avoided and con-
sequently the nitration of a number of other, closely related heterocyclic
systems has been studied as potential alternative precursors [40–42]. These
were chosen because they were unable or unlikely to nitrate at position 5. Per-
haps the most obvious candidate to investigate was 6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-
2,4(1H,3H)-dione (20), since this molecule has nitrogen instead of carbon
between the carbonyl groups.
When 6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione (20) was nitrated under
the conditions normally used for the 2-methylpyrimidine derivative (mixed
acid, 25 ◦ C), there was no evidence for nitration even after several days.
When the temperature was raised to 80 ◦ C, nitration did occur, but not to
give the anticipated product. After 20 h at 80 ◦ C, a quantitative yield of 2,4,6-
trihydroxy-1,3,5-triazine (21, cyanuric acid) was obtained, accompanied by
tetranitromethane (Scheme 22). Thus it appears that nitration has occurred
initially as anticipated, but then the nitration has progressed further with
cleavage of the original C – CH3 bond and full nitration of the methyl car-
bon. This cleavage is analogous to that which occurs in the nitration of
2-methylimidazole (9, Scheme 2), where parabanic acid (10) is a major prod-
uct. It is likely that cleavage to parabanic acid also occurs to some extent
in the nitration of 2-methylimidazolidine-4,5-dione (15, Scheme 3) since the
yield of the intermediate 13 is only 67%. It is possible that cleavage does not
occur in the methylpyrimidine case because the tetra-nitrated derivative 17
(Scheme 4) separates from the nitration medium. When the methyltriazine 20
was nitrated with nitric acid alone at 20 ◦ C, cyanuric acid was still the product

Scheme 22 Nitration of 6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4(1H,3H)-dione (20)

A second triazine system that was also investigated was 2,4-dimethoxy-6-

methyl-1,3,5-triazine [22, the synthetic precursor of 6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-
2,4(1H,3H)-dione]. Mixed acid nitration of this at 20 ◦ C again gave over
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 23

nitration at the methyl carbon, but in this case the product, 2,4-dimethoxy-
6-trinitromethyl-1,3,5-triazine (23), had not undergone C – C bond cleavage.
Reductive removal of one of the nitro groups (KI/MeOH) did produce the
potassium salt of 2,4-dimethoxy-6-dinitromethyl-1,3,5-triazine (24) but this
could not be hydrolyzed to FOX-7, cyanuric acid again being the final product
(Scheme 23).

Scheme 23 Mixed acid nitration of 4,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-1,3,5-triazine (22)

Finally, when 2,4-dimethoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazine was nitrated with

nitric acid alone at 20 ◦ C, the product was 3,4-bis(3 ,5 -dimethoxy-1,3,5-
triazinyl)-1,2,5-oxadiazole 2-oxide (27). This product was presumably formed
by the normal dimerisation of a nitrile oxide to a furazan N-oxide, the ni-
trile oxide in this case being 3,5-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazinonitrile oxide (26).
The latter would be formed by tautomerism and elimination of water from
the mono-nitration product 3,5-dimethoxy-2-nitromethyl-1,3,5-triazine (25)
before it could be further nitrated to the product formed under mixed acid
conditions (Scheme 24).

Scheme 24 Alternative modes of nitration of 4,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-1,3,5-triazine (22)

Two other 2-methylpyrimidine systems have been studied, 5,5-dimethyl-

and 5,5-diethyl-2-methylpyrimidine-4,6-dione (28 and 29 respectively) [42].
These systems are more closely similar to the parent system, but here
24 A.J. Bellamy

nitration at C-5 is blocked by the alkyl groups. Unfortunately, neither

system gave FOX-7 on nitration. Interestingly, nitration of 4,6-dihydroxy-
2,5-dimethylpyrimidine (30), a system which is structurally even closer
to 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine (16) was reported [42] to give trini-
tromethane, plus presumably 2-methylbarbituric acid, instead of the ex-
pected 2-dinitromethylene-5-methyl-5-nitrodihydropyrimidine-4,6(1H,5H)-
dione (31) (Scheme 25).

Scheme 25 Nitration of 4,6-dihydroxy-2,5-dimethylpyrimidine (30)

Thus, 4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine (16) still remains the preferred

precursor of FOX-7, and its success probably hinges on the insolubility of its
tetranitro derivative, this preventing further nitration at the methyl carbon.

Isomers of FOX-7

While FOX-7 (2) shows great promise as a secondary explosive, it is not ideal
and it is interesting to compare its properties with other, structurally related
molecules. How does it compare for example with its isomers, trans- (32) and
cis-(33) 1,2-diamino-1,2-dinitroethene and 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazacyclobutane
(34)? Would they be more or less energetic than FOX-7? Would they have
more desirable physical properties, e.g., higher density, greater thermal sta-
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 25

bility, lower sensitivity to impact etc? Unfortunately, despite various attempts,

none of these has, as yet, been synthesized. Therefore the best that can be
done is to compare their theoretically calculated properties.
Several groups have attempted to address this problem and although this
approach may have limitations, it can be used as a pointer for future synthetic
targets. Politzer et al. [43] were the first to compute the relative energies of
the three isomeric diaminodinitroethenes. In fact, their seminal paper was
accepted for publication three months before the first successful report [2] of
the synthesis of FOX-7 was submitted. They concluded that the relative sta-
bilities and molecular geometries of all three molecules are largely dictated
by the available “push-pull” electronic delocalizations and intramolecular hy-
drogen bonds. Their computed structures are shown in Fig. 7 [44].

Fig. 7 Computed structures of the isomeric diaminodinitroethenes

In the gas phase, the heats of formation are – 4, + 4 and + 63 kJ mol–1 for
FOX-7, trans- and cis-diaminodinitroethene, respectively, which, by means of
the calculated heats of sublimation, translates to – 113, – 80 and – 29 kJ mol–1
respectively for the solids. FOX-7 is thus calculated to be the solid of lowest
energy. Conversely, since all three molecules are isomeric, FOX-7 would lib-
erate the least amount of energy on decomposition (detonation) to CO, H2 O
and N2 . The heats of such a reaction are calculated to be – 592, – 630 and
– 680 kJ mol–1 , respectively, roughly half that emitted by RDX (experimental
value – 1134 kJ mol–1). However, on a kJ g–1 basis, which is the more import-
ant parameter for energetic performance, cis-diaminodinitroethene is much
closer to RDX (– 4.59 vs – 5.11 kJ g–1 ).
Regarding the molecular geometries, all of the bonds attached to each car-
bon are essentially coplanar in all three diaminodinitroethenes. The bonds
to the oxygen-bearing nitrogen atoms are also coplanar, but those to the
hydrogen-bearing nitrogen atoms are somewhat pyramidal. For FOX-7 and
the trans-isomer, the molecules are almost planar, but the cis-isomer has one
nitro group and one amino group which are rotated out of the plane in order
to facilitate weak hydrogen bonding and to avoid steric interactions between
neighboring syn nitro groups. FOX-7 has two relatively strong (short, both
1.77 Å) intramolecular hydrogen bonds, the trans-isomer has four weaker
(longer, two each at 1.90 and 2.08 Å) ones, while the cis-isomer also has four
26 A.J. Bellamy

hydrogen bonds but these are very weak (2.38–2.94 Å). The “push-pull” effect
exerted by the electron donating amino groups and the electron withdrawing
nitro groups, is, as expected, strongest in FOX-7 and least in the cis-isomer,
where non-planarity of one nitro group and one amino group reduces the
orbital overlap.
Two further theoretical studies of the isomers of diaminodinitroethene [45,
46] gave similar results to those found by the Politzer group. The study by
Sorescu et al. [45] was particularly detailed and gave good agreement with the
parameters calculated by Politzer et al. for molecules in vacuo. In the case of
FOX-7, the study was also extended to the crystalline state and these results
were in accord with the previously reported crystallographic data [8, 9]. This
agreement adds confidence to the results obtained for the other two isomers.
However, calculation of the lattice parameters for FOX-7 at 25 K intervals over
the temperature range 25–450 K failed to detect the experimentally observed
phase change (α → β) in the region of 373–393 K.
A comparison of the various bond lengths, bond angles and crystallo-
graphic data for FOX-7 as calculated by the studies of Politzer et al. [43]
and Sorescu et al. [45], and those found experimentally [8, 9, 14] is given in
Table 2. The largest error appears to be in the estimation of the length, and
hence strength, of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds. The more recent study
is somewhat better in this respect, but still underestimates the length. How-
ever there is some divergence on the crystallographically determined length
One further theoretical study [30] on FOX-7 alone, in addition to using
CHEETAH to calculate the detonation velocity and detonation pressure for
FOX-7, also reported the experimentally determined performance of both
FOX-7 [velocity of detonation 8870 m s–1 , detonation pressure 34.0 GPa, 91%
performance compared to RDX] and RDX [8930 m s–1 and 35.64 GPa, respec-
Returning to the third, un-synthesized isomer of FOX-7, 1,3-dinitro-1,3-
diazacyclobutane (34), the four-membered ring analogue of RDX, its mo-
lecular geometry and heat of formation have been calculated by the Politzer
group [47]. The bond lengths were computed to be: C – C 1.466 Å, N – N
1.355 Å, N – O 1.191 Å; the bond angles were: N – C – N 87.3◦ , C – N – C
92.7◦ , C – N – N 119.9◦ , N – N – O 116.4◦ , O – N – O 127.2◦ ; and the dihedral
angles were: N – C – N – N 127.1◦ , C – N – N – O 34.6◦ and 147.7◦ . The heat
of formation at 25 ◦ C was calculated to be + 218 kJ mol–1, 26 kJ mol–1 greater
than that for RDX. 1,3-Dinitro-1,3-diazacyclobutane therefore contains con-
siderably more energy than FOX-7 (– 113 kJ mol–1 ) and its other isomers
(trans – 80 kJ mol–1, cis – 29 kJ mol–1 ). These data enable one to estimate the
heat of reaction to form CO, H2 O and N2 (detonation) as about – 922 kJ mol–1
[≡ – 6.23 kJ g–1 vs – 5.28 kJ g–1 (experimental) for RDX]. Thus, from an en-
ergy release viewpoint 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazacyclobutane would appear to be
a worthwhile target molecule for synthesis. However it is most probable that
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 27

Table 2 Measured and computed bond lengths, bond angles and crystallographic data of

Bemm Evers Gilardi Politzer Sorescu

et al. [8] et al. [14] [9] et al. [43] et al. [45]
173 K 200 K 294 K 0K

distances (Å)
C2 – N3 1.399 1.389 1.400 1.424 1.410
C2 – N4 1.426 1.417 1.418 1.424 1.423
C1 – C2 1.456 1.460 1.446 1.426 1.465
C1 – N1 1.319 1.309 1.310 1.339 1.331
C1 – N2 1.325 1.320 1.324 1.339 1.336
N3 – O2 1.249 1.243 1.247 1.251 1.271
N3 – O1 1.252 1.254 1.239 1.219 1.262
N4 – O4 1.242 1.237 1.237 1.251 1.262
N4 – O3 1.242 1.238 1.231 1.219 1.264
O2. . .H2 1.97 1.87 1.96 1.77 1.88
O4. . .H3 2.03 2.04 1.98 1.77 1.92
Bond angles (◦ )
N3 – C2 – N4 116.3 116.5 115.9 – 116.7
N3 – C2 – C1 123.9 124.1 123.7 – 123.5
N4 – C2 – C1 119.8 119.4 120.3 – 119.9
N1 – C1 – N2 118.4 118.2 118.2 – 118.2
N1 – C1 – C2 120.8 120.7 121.3 – 121.0
N2 – C1 – C2 120.7 121.1 120.4 – 120.7
O1 – N3 – O2 120.9 120.3 121.0 – 120.7
O2 – N3 – C2 118.9 119.1 118.6 – 119.0
O1 – N3 – C2 120.1 120.5 120.4 – 120.7
O3 – N4 – O4 121.0 121.7 120.7 – 120.6
O4 – N4 – C2 118.6 118.4 118.3 – 118.8
O3 – N4 – C2 120.4 119.9 121.0 – 120.6
Crystallographic data
a (Å) 6.941 6.921 6.940 – 6.978
b (Å) 6.569 6.552 6.637 – 6.776
c (Å) 11.315 11.274 11.341 – 11.336
β (◦ ) 90.55 90.06 90.61 – 90.80
Z 4 4 4 – 4
V (Å3 ) 515.9 511.2 522.3 – 536.0

it would be less thermally and chemically stable than either its other isomers
or RDX. Nevertheless one must never allow tentative theoretical arguments to
persuade one not to attempt to synthesize a promising molecule.
Other properties of 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazacyclobutane (34) have been pre-
dicted in a series of publications by Zeman et al. [48–52]. By using data
collected for a wide range of energetic nitramines and other polynitro com-
28 A.J. Bellamy

pounds, and by seeking trends in various properties as a function of different

structural parameters, it was possible to predict the same properties for the
un-synthesized 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazacyclobutane (34). For example, the DSC
melting point was predicted to have an onset of 161 ◦ C and a peak at 163 ◦ C,
with a heat of fusion of 26.32 kJ mol–1 [48]. Other predicted properties in-
cluded heat of sublimation (94.2 kJ mol–1), Arrhenius parameters for thermal
decomposition (Ea 153.10 kJ mol–1 , log A 14.1), impact sensitivity, detona-
tion characteristics (detonation velocity 8.46 km s–1 ), and 15 N NMR chemical
shifts (nitro – 27.83 ppm, amino – 203.62 ppm).

Compounds Structurally Related to FOX-7

It was stated in Sect. 1 that 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene is structurally

similar to several other known energetic molecules viz. 1,3,5-triamino-
2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB, 3), 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine (DADNP,
4), 2,4,6-triamino-3,5-dinitropyridine (TADNP, 5), 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitro-
pyrazine (6) and 2,5-diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazine (7). All of these molecules
possess a similar juxtaposition of amino and nitro groups, and it is the in-
terplay, predominantly through hydrogen bonding, of these two groups that
is believed to be responsible for decreased sensitivity towards external stim-
uli e.g. impact and friction, high melting points and high thermal stability.
TATB (3) in particular is known to be extremely insensitive to impact and has
a high decomposition temperature. One could think of these related struc-
tures as FOX-7 with extra carbon and/or nitrogen atoms inserted between
the carbon atoms bearing the amino and nitro groups. In some cases, there
are extra nitro and/or amino groups present. That these molecules are struc-
turally related to FOX-7 is reflected in their crystal structures, most, if not all,
existing as sheets of molecules with strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
In addition, there is strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding between vicinal
N – H and N – O groups.
FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 29

Since one of the objectives in designing a new energetic molecule is

to incorporate as much oxygen as possible into the molecule, so that
a maximum number of the carbon atoms are converted to CO2 , rather
than CO or even C, during detonation, it is the N-oxide derivatives of
the above listed N-heterocycles that are greater interest as explosives.
Thus it is 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine 1-oxide (DADNP-O, 35) rather
than 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine (DADNP, 4) [53, 54], 2,4,6-triamino-
3,5-dinitropyridine 1-oxide (TADNP-O, 36) rather than 2,4,6-triamino-3,5-
dinitropyridine (TADNP, 5) [54], 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine 1-oxide
(37) [55–57] rather than 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine (6), and 2,5-
diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazine 1,4-dioxide (38) rather than 2,5-diamino-3,6-
dinitropyrazine (7) [58] that are of greater interest as explosives. In all of
these cases the un-oxidized form is an intermediate in the synthesis of the
N-oxide. However, it is the un-oxidized forms that are closer structurally to
Apart from FOX-7, only one of the energetic molecules in this list, 1,3,5-
triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB, 3), is already established as an im-
portant, widely used explosive. Two of the others, 2,6-diamino- (35) and
2,4,6-triamino-3,5-dinitropyridine N-oxide (36), and have been around for
10–15 years and have yet to become widely used. This is in part because they
are not much better than TATB in terms of explosive properties and ther-
mal stability. One molecule which does promise to be significantly better than
TATB is 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine 1-oxide (37). This has only relatively
recently appeared on the scene and has yet to be fully investigated.
So how does FOX-7 compare, in terms of its explosive performance, phys-
ical properties and ease of manufacture, with these related molecules (see
Table 3)? Only 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine 1-oxide (37) has potential ex-
plosive performance comparable with FOX-7, and it also has a higher density
than FOX-7, but its production involves, at present, four synthetic steps. The
other molecules show inferior explosive performance, partly due to their poor
30 A.J. Bellamy

Table 3 Comparison of the physical properties of FOX-7 and structurally related energetic

Compound Melting or Density Detonation Detonation

decomposition (g cm–3 ) velocity pressure
temperature obs (calc) (m s–1 ) (kbar)
(◦ C) calc∗ (obs) calc∗ (obs)

235 1.88 8740 360

(8870) (340)

350 1.93 7870 278

(7620 at 96% (285)
max density)

345 1.75 7480 242

(6800 at 97%
max density)
> 340 1.84 7840 276
(7030 at 94%
max density)

353 1.82 7670 260

308 1.88 8010 291

357 – 8465 334

343 1.91 8730 358

288 (1.88) 8465 334

– (1.91) 8930 397

∗ Calculated according to Rothstein and Petersen’s method [59–61]

FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 31

oxygen balance, a consequence of which is that the oxygen which is avail-

able in the molecule, is insufficient to oxidize the carbon atoms beyond the
CO stage. A considerable amount of the potential energy (if sufficient oxygen
were present to oxidize all carbon atoms to CO2 ) is thus not released. Perhaps
the only deficiency which FOX-7 has is its lower thermal stability. All of the
N-oxides in this list have decomposition temperatures well in excess of 300 ◦ C
and are potential high temperature explosives. However none can be manu-
factured, in high yield, in a single step from a readily available precursor and
for a general purpose explosive that is a great advantage.

Acknowledgements I wish to thank Professor Thomas Klapötke (Ludwig-Maximilian Uni-

versity, Munich, Germany), Dr. Nikolaj Latypov and Dr. Patrick Goede (FOI, Sweden), and
Dr. Alessandro Contini (Cranfield University, UK) for their help.

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Struct Bond (2007) 125: 35–83
DOI 10.1007/430_2006_055
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 25 January 2007

Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles
Rajendra P. Singh1 · Haixiang Gao2 · Dayal T. Meshri1 ·
Jean’ne M. Shreeve2 (u)
1 Advance Research Chemicals, Inc., 1110 W. Keystone Avenue, Catoosa, OK 74015, USA
2 Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-2343, USA
[email protected]

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

2 Triazolium-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.1 1,2,3- and 1,2,4-Triazolium Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Amino Substituents . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.3 Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Azido Substituents . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.4 Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Fluoroalkyl Substituents . . . . . . . . 45
2.5 1,2,4-Triazoliun Azolate Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

3 Tetrazolium-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.1 Tetrazolium Heterocycles Containing Amino and Azido Substituents . . . . 52
3.2 Tetrazolium Heterocycles Containing 5,5 -Azotetrazolate Anions . . . . . . 56
3.3 Bistetrazolate Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4 Urotropinium-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5 Tetrazine-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

6 Azetidinium-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

7 Picrate-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

8 Imidazolium-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

9 Nitrocubane-Based Heterocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

10 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

11 Summary and Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Abstract Many advantages accrue from nitrogen-rich heterocyclic compounds compared

to traditional molecular energetic compounds. Utilization of heterocyclic nitrogen-
containing cations and anions in energetic salts gives rise to lower vapor pressures, higher
heats of formation and higher densities. Additionally, smaller amounts of hydrogen and
carbon contribute to a better oxygen balance than normally is found with their carbo-
cyclic analogues. Nitrogen-rich compounds are promising high energetic materials that
may be more acceptable than their alternatives for both industrial and military uses since
a higher percentage of their decomposition products will be dinitrogen.
36 R.P. Singh et al.

Keywords Nitrogen rich · Energetic · Heterocycles · Heat of formation · Density ·



Energetic materials store relatively large amounts of available energy that is

compact and readily deliverable. Explosives are employed when very rapid
rates of energy application and high pressures are essential, for example to
produce high intensity shock waves in air, water, rock, and water such as in
mining, road construction, and other civil engineering purposes; in shaped
charges and many specialty devices requiring high rates of energy trans-
mission; and for initiation of detonation phenomena. However, wherever
a readily controllable source of energy is required for periods of time rang-
ing from milliseconds in guns to seconds in rockets, propellants which evolve
gases are employed as a working fluid for propelling projectiles and rock-
ets, driving turbines, operating pumps, and starting engines. For industrial
purposes, more than 90% of the energetic compositions used are based on
ammonium nitrate [1, 2]. The single-component explosives most commonly
employed for military compositions are RDX, HMX, TNT, nitrocellulose, and
nitroglycerin [1–16].
Research programs worldwide endeavor to discover high-energy density
materials (HEDM) with high performance and/or enhanced insensitivity with
respect to thermal shock, friction, and electrostatic discharge. These modern
HEDMs derive most of their energy either from: (i) their very high positive
heats of formation; or (ii) oxidation of the carbon backbone, as with tra-
ditional energetic materials [17, 18]. The first group of energetic materials
is exemplified by modern nitro-compounds, such as: CL-20 (2,4,6,8,10,12-
(hexanitro-hexaaza) cyclododecane), TNAZ (1,3,3-trinitroazetidine), FOX-7
(1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene), hepta- and octanitrocubanes (having high
densities and energies utilizing substantial cage strain), 3,3 -azobis (6-
amino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine), and tetrazole azide. TNT (trinitrotoluene), RDX
(1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane), and HMX (1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7
tetraazacyclooctane) are found in the second group [19–23].
High-nitrogen compounds form a unique class of energetic materials
whose energy is derived from their very high heats of formation directly
attributable to the large number of inherently energetic N – N and C – N
bonds rather than from the overall heats of combustion [24]. Heterocyclic-
based molecular compounds have most often been utilized in energetic roles
due to higher heats of formation, density, and oxygen balance than those of
their carbocyclic analogues. In the cases where heterocyclic rings (contain-
ing amino, nitro, or azide substituents) are paired with nitrate, perchlorate,
dinitramide, or picrate anions, highly energetic salts are formed. With the ex-
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 37

ception of perchlorate, these salts are more environmentally acceptable since

a higher percentage of their decomposition products is dinitrogen. Another
area of expanding interest is based on high energy salts in which both the
cation and the anion are high-nitrogen species. All of these energetic salts
possess advantages over non-ionic molecules due to lower vapor pressures
and higher densities. While the use of high nitrogen compounds is likely to be
limited because of cost, the main advantages of such compounds would be for
low flame temperature (low gun barrel corrosion), tactical missiles, and low
signature among others.
Over the past several years a relatively large number of publications de-
scribing energetic nitrogen-rich salts have appeared. This review which cov-
ers this chemistry from January 1999 through late 2006 is timely and arises
because of our continuing involvement in this subject. By covering the current
advances in this rapidly growing field, the review should be of great interest to
the scientific community.

Triazolium-Based Heterocycles

Triazoles are five-membered aromatic heterocycles that contain three nitro-

gen atoms located at the 1,2,3 or 1,2,4 positions in the ring. A large number of
ionic compounds that contain a triazole derivative are described as energetic

1,2,3- and 1,2,4-Triazolium Heterocycles

1,2,3-triazole and 1,2,4-triazole have positive heats of formation of 272 kJ/mol

and 109 kJ/mol, respectively [25, 26]. The salts comprised of the protonated
heterocyclic cations paired with perchlorate, nitrate, or dinitramide anions
were initially synthesized [27–29]. Reactions of 1,2,4-triazole or its 1,2,3-
isomer with concentrated nitric, perchloric, or dinitramidic acid gave excel-
lent yields of 1,2,4- or 1,2,3-triazolium nitrate (1a) or (2a), perchlorate (1b) or
(2b), and dinitramide (1c) or (2c), respectively (Scheme 1). All the salts were
characterized by Raman, IR, and NMR spectroscopy, density determination,
elemental analysis, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry), TGA (thermo-
gravimetric analysis), and initial safety testing. The melting points of 1,2,3-
triazolium salts are lower than their 1,2,4-triazolium analogues (Table 1).
Some of these salts (1b–c, 2a–c) have melting points < 100 ◦ C and thus fall
into the ionic liquid class.
These salts are energetic and are stable at moderate temperatures, with
the two perchlorate salts the most thermally stable, followed by the nitrates,
and the dinitramides the least. A single crystal X-ray diffraction study of 1b
38 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 1

Table 1 Yields, thermal characteristics, and densities of 1,2,4- and 1,2,3-triazolium salts

Compound Yield Anion Tm Td Density ∆Hf◦

(%) ◦C ◦C (calc.) kJ/mol

1a 99 NO3 – 137 182 1.64 (1.55) – 42.7

1b 93 ClO4 – 89 285 1.96 (1.75) – 1.3
1c 93 N(NO2 )2 – 75 120 1.66 (1.64) 149.9
2a 99 NO3 – 68 125 1.57 (1.55) 42.9
2b 85 ClO4 – 73 200 1.79 (1.77) 90.4
2c 99 N(NO2 )2 – 61 80 1.66 (1.64) 228.2

Tm, melting point, Td, thermal degradation temperature, ∆Hf◦ standard heat of formation
(calculated by Gaussian 03)

showed that significant hydrogen bonding exists between the perchlorate an-
ion and the protonated 1,2,4-triazolium ring, which likely contributes to its
relatively high density. Interestingly, the 1,2,3-triazolium salts are in general
less dense, which suggests less efficient packing in the crystal.

Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Amino Substituents

Incorporation of amino groups into a heterocyclic triazole ring is one of

the simplest routes to enhance thermal stability [8]. The N-amino group
behaves as an electron-withdrawing group in these high-nitrogen heterocy-
cles that, when paired with perchlorate, nitrate, or dinitramide anions, form
energetic salts. 4-Amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (3a), perchlorate (3b), and
dinitramide (3c) are formed by the reaction of 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole with the
concentrated acids, HNO3 , HClO4 , and HN(NO2 )2 , respectively, under reac-
tion conditions analogous to those utilized for (1a–c) and (2a–c) [27–29].
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 39

1-Amino-1,2,4-triazole with concentrated HNO3 and HClO4 led to the

formation of the corresponding salts (4a) and (4b) in excellent yields
(Scheme 2) [30]. Iodomethane with 1-amino-1,2,4-triazole gave a quater-
nary salt (5) that underwent metathesis with AgNO3 and AgClO4 to give
high yields of the corresponding nitrate (6a) and perchlorate (6b) salts, re-
spectively. Similarly when 1-methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium iodide (7) was
metathesized with AgNO3 and AgClO4 , the salts, 1-methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-
triazolium nitrate (8a) and 1-methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium perchlorate
(8b), were formed [31]. The syntheses of 1,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate
(9a) and 1,5-diamino-1,2,4-triazolium perchlorate (9b) were also reported
(Scheme 2) [30]. Characterization by elemental analysis, and vibrational,
multinuclear NMR, and mass spectra confirmed these structures. Single
crystal X-ray structural analysis of 1-methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium per-

Scheme 2
40 R.P. Singh et al.

chlorate (8b) showed the existence of significant hydrogen bonding between

the perchlorate anion and the amino group, and that methylation had in-
deed occurred at N-1. Physical and thermal characteristics of these salts are
tabulated in Table 2 [31].
In Table 2 certain interesting facts regarding thermal characteristics of
the compounds are shown. For example, the position of the methyl group
on the ring does not impact the melting points of 1-amino-4-methyl-1,2,4-
triazolium nitrate (6a) (Tg – 62 ◦ C) and 1-methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium
nitrate (8a) (Tg – 60 ◦ C). The analogous perchlorate salts (6b) and (8b) melt
at 91 ◦ C and 86 ◦ C, respectively. However, the nitrate salts, 1-amino-1,2,4-
triazolium nitrate (3a) (m.p. 69 ◦ C) and 4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (4a)
(m.p. 121 ◦ C), are considerably higher melting than their methyl-substituted
analogs. Apparently the opportunity for hydrogen bonding, as well as modi-
fied packing effects and reduced lattice energies, is markedly reduced in the
methylated salts. Thermal degradation temperatures for both perchlorate and
nitrate salts are increased when a methyl group is present in the ring. Intro-
duction of a second amino functionality causes the melting point (4b vs. 9b)
to increase and the enthalpy of formation to become more positive, but ap-
pears to have essentially little impact on other properties. The standard molar
enthalpies of formation for perchlorate salts are invariably higher than those
of nitrates (Table 2).
The synthesis and characterization of a series of nitrate salts, 10a–d, based
on 1-alkyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium cations (alkyl = methyldecyl, isopropyl,

Table 2 Density and thermal characteristics of amino-1,2,4-triazolium salts

Compound Anion Tm a Td a Density ∆Hf◦ c

◦C ◦C (calc.) kJ/mol

3a NO3 – 69 180 1.60 (1.58) 77.1

3b ClO4 – 84 210 1.81 (1.78) 117.2
3c N(NO2 )2 – 20 146 – (1.66) 273.6
4a NO3 – 121 149 1.69 (1.75) 72.8
4b ClO4 – 91 235 1.80 (1.92) 126.6
6a NO3 – – 62 217 1.51 (1.60) 45.7
6b ClO4 – 91 235 1.66 (1.77) 91.3
8a NO3 – – 60 221 1.55 (1.60) 57.6
8b ClO4 – 86 259 1.80 (1.92) 106.9
9a NO3 – 159 149 1.65 (1.76) 196.2
9b ClO4 – 138 – 1.83 (1.93) 240.9
a melting point
b thermal degradation temperature
c standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 41

Fig. 1 1-Alkyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrates

allyl, and methylcyclopropyl) have been reported (Fig. 1) [32–34]. Single

crystal X-ray diffraction studies of 1-isopropyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium ni-
trate (10b) (triclinic, P-1 symmetry) and 1-methylcyclohexyl-4-amino-1,2,4-
triazolium nitrate (10d) (monoclinic, P21 /n symmetry) indicated that in both
cations, the amino group is twisted and does not saddle the triazole ring
in a symmetric fashion. This most likely arises from the extensive hydro-
gen bonding within the crystal structure which, however, does not affect the
bond distances in the structures in a significant manner [32–34]. 1-Amino-3-
substituted-1,2,3-triazolium salts have been examined [34].

Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Azido Substituents

Substitution of the hydrogen atoms of azoles by various nitrogen-containing

energetic functional groups occurs in a straightforward manner. When en-
dothermic moieties, such as the azido group, are incorporated into azoles,
the heats of formation of the azoles are increased [31, 35, 36]. For ex-
ample, the standard enthalpy of formation for 3-azido-1,2,4-triazole (∆Hf =
+ 458 kJ/mol) is approximately four times larger than that of 1-H-1,2,4-
triazole [36]. These azido-substituted azoles, when paired with nitrate, per-
chlorate, or azolate, e.g., 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate or 5-nitrotetrazolate anions,
formed energetic salts [31, 37].
Quaternization of various nitrogen-containing energetic salts based on
azido-1,2,4-triazoles (Scheme 3) [31] occurred readily in good yields with
concentrated nitric or perchloric acid in methanol to give 3-azido-1,2,4-
triazolium nitrate (11a), 3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium perchlorate (11b), 5-methyl-
3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (11c), and 3,5-diazido-1,2,4-triazolium ni-
trate (11d). Under similar reaction conditions, 1-methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-
triazole reacted with concentrated nitric and perchloric acids to give
1-methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (12a), and 1-methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-
triazolium perchlorate (12b), respectively. A quaternary salt (13) formed
when iodomethane was reacted with 1-methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-triazole. Subse-
quent metathetical reactions with AgNO3 and AgClO4 led to 1,4-dimethyl-
3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (14a) and 1,4-dimethyl-3-azido-1,2,4-triazol-
ium perchlorate (14b), respectively.
42 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 3

These azido triazolium salts were characterized by elemental analysis, IR,

1H and 13 C NMR, and mass spectra, and DSC studies. Examination of the
crystal structures of 11a and 14a illustrated the influence of significant hydro-
gen bonding between the nitrate anion and the protonated 1,2,4-triazole ring
for 11a. This accounts for its higher density, 1.76 g/cm3 and m.p. 147 ◦ C, com-
pared with that of 14a (d = 1.58 g/cm3 , m.p. 98 ◦ C), in which the presence of
the methyl group on the triazole ring reduced the opportunity for hydrogen
bonding (Table 3).
The chemistry of energetic salts and ionic liquids containing azidoethyl-
substituted triazolium rings was examined [37]. Reaction of 1-(2-azidoethyl)-
1,2,4-triazole with nitric acid, perchloric acid, 4,5-dinitroimidazole, and
5-nitrotetrazole gave 1-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (15a), 1-(2-
azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium perchlorate (15b), 1-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazol-
ium 4,5-dinitroimidazolate (15c), and 1-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium 5-ni-
trotetrazolate (15d) salts in > 97% yield (Scheme 4). 1-(2-Azidoethyl)-1,2,4-
triazole was also reacted with iodomethane to form 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-
methyl-1,2,4-triazolium iodide (16), which upon metathesis with the silver
salts of nitric and perchloric acids formed 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-methyl-1,2-4-
triazolium nitrate (17a), and 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-methyl-1,2-4-triazolium per-
chlorate (17b), respectively, in very good yields. The melting points of all
these salts were found to be lower than 100 ◦ C, and most of them are liquids
at room temperature. The standard heats of formation for the perchlorate
salts are more positive than those of the nitrate analogues. Most of these salts
showed good thermal stability, moderate densities, and positive heats of for-
mation (Table 3).
Reactions of 1-(2-azidoethyl)-3-azido-1,2,4-triazole with concentrated ni-
tric acid and 5-nitrotetrazole gave 1-(2-azidoethyl)-3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 43

Table 3 Density and thermal data of azido and azidoethyl-1,2,4-triazolium salts

Com- Anion Tm a Td b Density ∆Hf◦ c

pound ◦C ◦C (calc.) kJ/mol

11a NO3 – 147 174 1.76 (1.80) 326.3

11b ClO4 – 123 154 – –
11c NO3 – 118 136 1.61 (1.68) 301.4
11d NO3 – 97 136 – 712.5
12a NO3 – 66 139 1.63 (1.66) 301.4
12b ClO4 – 55 187 1.66 (1.80) 353.2
14a NO3 – 98 129 – (1.58) 279.2
14b ClO4 – 68 147 –
15a NO3 – 99 170 1.60 (–) 287.5
15b ClO4 – – 56 150 1.61 (–) 338.7
15c 4,5-dinitro imidazolate 85 140 1.62 (–) 538.6
15d 5-nitro tetrazolate – 42 164 1.51 (–) 744.4
17a NO3 – – 57 119 1.49 (–) 274.4
17b ClO4 – – 52 192 1.60 (–) 315.5
18a NO3 – – 54 142 1.58 (–) 651.5
18b 5-nitro tetrazolate – 46 141 1.52 (–) 1098.9
19a NO3 – 70 153 1.57 (–) 405.2
19b ClO4 – – 46 218 1.63 (–) 450.6
20a NO3 – – 56 143 1.45 (–) 283.3
20b ClO4 – 63 152 1.59 (–) 321.8
a melting point
b thermal degradation temperature
c standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)

Scheme 4
44 R.P. Singh et al.

nitrate (18a) and 1-(2-azidoethyl)-3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium 5-nitro tetrazolate

(18b). Metathesis of 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium bromide and
1-methyl-4-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium bromide with AgNO3 and AgClO4
gave good yields of 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (19a),
1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium perchlorate (19b), 1-methyl-4-(2-
azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (20a), and 1-ethyl-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-
triazolium perchlorate (20b) (Scheme 5) [37].

Scheme 5

Density and thermal characteristics of azido- and azidoethyl-containing

triazolium derivatives are summarized in Table 3. The data show that the pos-
ition of a substituent group on the triazolium ring played an important role,
e.g., Tg (– 57 ◦ C) for 1-(2-azidoethyl)-4-methyl-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (17a)
and 1-methyl-4-(2-azidoethyl)-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate (20a) (Tg – 56 ◦ C) are
essentially the same, but their decomposition temperatures (17a, Td , 119 ◦ C;
20a, Td 143 ◦ C) differ markedly [37]. For the analogous perchlorate salts, the
melting points and thermal degradation temperatures are Tg , – 52 ◦ C and Td
192 ◦ C for 17b, and Tm , 63 ◦ C and Td 152 ◦ C for 20b, respectively.
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 45

Density and enthalpy of formation are important characteristics of ener-

getic salts and are governed by their molecular structures. As is shown in
Table 3, in general, the densities for the salts having perchlorate as anions are
higher than those of the analogous nitrates. Comparing the standard molar
enthalpy (∆Hf◦ ) of the salts, when perchlorate is used as an anion, the pos-
itive heats of formation are higher than those of the corresponding nitrates.
Considering 15a to 15d, the impact of the anion on heat of formation of 1-(2-
azidoethyl) 1,2,4-triazolium salts decreases in the order 5-nitro-tetrazolate >
4,5-dinitro-imidazolate > perchlorate > nitrate.

Triazolium Heterocycles Containing Fluoroalkyl Substituents

Substituents at carbon atoms of 1,2,4-triazoles was efficiently achieved by de-

signing triazoles with the required substituents in place [38, 39]. Through
this process various fluoroalkyl-substituted 1,2,4-triazolium salts were ob-
tained [40], first via reaction of 1,3,5-substituted triazoles (21a–c) with
iodomethane to form quaternary salts (22a–c), which when metathesized
with various metal salts resulted in ionic liquids and energetic salts (23a–h)
(Scheme 6). The yields of products are usually excellent.

Scheme 6
46 R.P. Singh et al.

Characterization of these salts was achieved by elemental analyses, IR,

multinuclear NMR, and GC mass spectra. The bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)-
amide salts (23a,e,f) are insoluble in water, which helped in purification.
The solubilities of these salts in organic solvents increase with increasing di-
electric constant of the solvent. Their melting points decrease in the order
SO3 CF3 – > BF4 – > ClO4 – > N(SO2 CF3 )2 – [40], which is attributable to the na-
ture of the diffuse charge on the latter anion. Salts with larger cations have
lower melting points due to less efficient packing in the solid phase.
Reactions of 1-alkyl-1,2,4-triazoles with polyfluoroalkyl halides resulted in
quaternization of the triazole ring at N-4 to yield 24a–n (Scheme 7). Metathe-

Scheme 7
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 47

sis of 24a–n with various metal salts gave excellent yields of salts which
include the bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide salts of 1-methyl-4-(3,3,3-
trifluoropropyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25a), 1-butyl-4-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-1,2,
4-triazolium (25b), 1-heptyl-4-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25c),
1-decyl-4-(3,3,3-trifluoropropyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25d), 1-butyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,
2H-perfluorohexyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25e), 1-heptyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perflu-
orohexyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25f), 1-decyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexyl)-1,
2,4-triazolium (25g), 1-methyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)-1,2,4-triazol-
ium (25h), 1-butyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25i),
1-heptyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25j); the hex-
afluorophosphate salts of 1-butyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexyl)-1,2,4-
triazolium (25k), 1-heptyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorohexyl)-1,2,4-triazolium
(25l), 1-butyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H- perfluorooctyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25m); and
the trifluoromethane-sulfonate salt of 1-butyl-4-(1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluoro-
hexyl)-1,2,4-triazolium (25n) (Scheme 7) [41, 42]. Salts containing longer
alkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substituents have lower melting points because of
the less efficient packing in the solid. The densities were found to be higher
with elongation of the fluoroalkyl substituent and with higher fluorine con-
centration. Cations with bulkier alkyl groups resulted in salts of lower density.
A high-yield, efficient procedure to synthesize functionalized alkyl/fluoro-
alkyl-containing triazolium quaternary salts and triazolium ionic liquids led
to triazolium cations that contained covalently bound anionic sites, such as,
fluorocarboxy, sulfonate, fluorohomoallylic, and fluoroalkanol groups [43,
44]. These were converted by metathetical reactions with fluorine-containing
anions to low-melting salts (26a,b, 27, 28a,b, 29c,d, 30) (Scheme 8) [43]. These
functionalized triazolium salts exhibit many characteristics associated with
excellent ionic liquids with respect to stability in air and water, and when
heated. All are liquids at 25 ◦ C.
A synthetic route to 1-alkyl-1,2,4-triazolium 4-nitroimides was developed
based on alkylation of the metal salts of 4-nitramino-1,2,4-triazole with
halo- and dihaloalkanes (Scheme 9) [44]. These salts are 1-methyl-1,2,4-
triazolum 4-nitroimide (31a), 1-ethyl-1,2,4-triazolum 4-nitroimide (31b),
1-(2-oxapropyl)-1,2,4-triazolium 4-nitroimide (32a), 1-ethoxycarbonylme-
thyl-1,2,4-triazolium 4-nitroimide (32b), 1-methoxymethyl-1,2,4-triazolium
4-nitroimide (33a), 1-(4-fluoro-4,4-dinitro-2-oxabutyl)-1,2,4-triazolium 4-ni-
troimide (33b), 1-(2,3-dihydroxypropyl)-1,2,4-triazolium 4-nitroimide (34),
bis(nitroimido-1,2,4-triazolium-1-yl)ethane (35), 1,3-bis(4-nitroimido-1,2,4-
triazolium-1-yl)-2-oxapropane (36), and 1,3-bis(4-nitroimido-1,2,4-triazol-
ium-1-yl)-3-oxapentane (37).
These salts are solid and were characterized by IR, NMR and elemen-
tal analysis. In the IR spectra the characteristic absorption bands due to
an N-nitroimido group bonded to a heterocycle are observed at 1280–1300
and 1390–1415 cm–1 . The nitramino group that would have shown absorp-
tion bands at 1550–1620 cm–1 is absent. In the 1 H NMR spectra, the signals
48 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 8

for the protons of the triazole ring are nonequivalent and are shifted down-
field relative to the signals for the protons in the starting material which
is evidence that supports the imide structure. This conclusion is supported
by the 13 C NMR data. However, no thermal or physical properties were
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 49

Scheme 9
50 R.P. Singh et al.

1,2,4-Triazoliun Azolate Heterocycles

Lithium dicyano-1,2,3-triazolate was reported as a useful electrolyte (38) [45].

1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolate (39) (Fig. 2) (m.p.
32 ◦ C, Td 239 ◦ C) resulted from the metathesis of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium
halide with potassium 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolate [46–49]. However, no en-
ergetic characterization was carried out for this material. Some novel ionic
liquids made up of azolium cations and anions were also reported. These salts
are: 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium 1,2,4-triazolate (40) (Tg – 76 ◦ C, Td 207 ◦ C,
η 60.2 cP at 25 ◦ C) and tetrazolate (41) (Tg – 89 ◦ C, η 42.5 cP at 25 ◦ C)
(Fig. 2). Both 40 and 41 were prepared by the coupling reactions of 1-ethyl-3-
methylimidazolium hydroxide with triazole or tetrazole, respectively [50].
On the basis of the fact that both 4,5-dinitro-imidazole and 5-nitro-
tetrazole are strong NH acids (pKa = 0.8 for 5-nitro-tetrazole) [51], energetic
salts with various 1,2,4 triazolium derivatives as cations and 4,5-dinitro-
imidazolate and 5-nitrotetrazolate anions were obtained [52]. 4,5-Dinitro-
imidazole and 5-nitro-tetrazole were reacted with various N-4-substituted
derivatives of 1,2,4-triazoles to produce energetic ionic salts including:
1,2,4-triazolium 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate (42a), 1-methyl-1,2,4-triazolium 4,5-
dinitro-imidazolate (42b), 3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate
(42c), 1-methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate (42d), 1,2,4-
triazolium 5-nitro-tetrazolate (43a), 1-methyl-1,2,4-triazolium 5-nitrotetra-
zolate (43b), 3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium 5-nitro-tetrazolate (43c), and 1-methyl-
3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium 5-nitro-tetrazolate (43d) (Scheme 10), as well as
4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate (42e) and 4-amino-1,2,4-
triazolium 5-nitro-tetrazolate (43e).
Densities and thermochemical characteristics of the azolium azolates are
given in Table 4. When 5-nitro-tetrazolate was used as the anion, the melt-
ing points of the compounds were lower than those of the corresponding

Fig. 2 Ionic salts containing azole ions

Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 51

Scheme 10

Table 4 Density and thermal characteristics of triazolium azolate salts

Com- Anion Tm a Td b αc Density ∆Hf◦ c

pound ◦C ◦C % (calc.) kJ/mol

42a 4,5-dinitroimidazolate 156 165 32 1.73 232.1

42b 4,5-dinitroimidazolate 102 150 25 1.66 200.6
42c 4,5-dinitroimidazolate 92 158 33 1.70 593.5
42d 4,5-dinitroimidazolate 80 145 26 1.60 560.5
42e 4,5-dinitroimidazolate 137 149 30 1.65 348.7
43a 5-nitrotetrazolate 137 183 25 1.53 436.2
43b 5-nitrotetrazolate 62 163 18 1.52 402.7
43c 5-nitrotetrazolate – 35 161 26 1.53 800.9
43d 5-nitrotetrazolate – 38 141 19 1.45 768.5
43e 5-nitrotetrazolate 102 190 23 1.58 545.2
a melting point
b thermal degradation temperature
c oxygen coefficient
d standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
52 R.P. Singh et al.

4,5-dinitro-imidazolates, while the thermal decomposition temperatures were

higher. The opportunity for hydrogen bonding, in addition to modified pack-
ing effects and reduced lattice energies, with the anion is reduced in methyl-
substituted compounds, resulting in lower melting points. The densities ex-
ceed 1.45 g/cm3 for all the compounds. Energetic salts that incorporate the
nitro group substantially improve the oxygen balance of the corresponding
compounds and eventually result in higher heats of combustion and detona-
tion processes. The oxygen coefficients (α) [53] for the new salts are between
0.18 and 0.33 (Table 4) and are within the range reported for known energetic
compounds [54].

Tetrazolium-Based Heterocycles

Tetrazoles are unsaturated five-membered heterocycles that contain four ni-

trogen atoms in the ring. The enthalpies of energetic chemical systems
are governed by their molecular structure. Moving from imidazole (∆Hf ◦ ,
+ 58.5 kJ/mol) to 1,2,4-triazole (∆Hf ◦ , + 109.0 kJ/mol) to tetrazole (∆Hf ◦
+ 237.2 kJ/mol) [35], there is an increasing positive trend in heats of for-
mation. Since the generation of molecular nitrogen as an end-product of
propulsion or explosion is highly desired in order to avoid environmental
pollution and health risks, as well as to reduce detectible plume signatures,
compounds containing a backbone of directly linked nitrogen atoms (cate-
nated nitrogen) are of great interest.

Tetrazolium Heterocycles Containing Amino and Azido Substituents

Aminotetrazoles have a high nitrogen content and, despite their large posi-
tive enthalpies of formation [55], are thermally stable [56]. They are, there-
fore, prospective high energy materials. The synthesis of various tetrazolium
salts containing amino substituents on the ring via reactions of 1-amino-5-
methyl tetrazole, and 2-amino-5-methyl tetrazole with iodomethane resulted
in quaternary salts (44) and (46). Metathesis with AgNO3 or AgClO4 formed
1-amino-4,5-dimethyltetrazolium nitrate (45a) or perchlorate (45b), and 2-
amino-4,5-dimethyltetrazolium nitrate (47a) or perchlorate (47b) in high
yields (Scheme 11) [30, 31]. Elemental analyses, and IR, multinuclear NMR,
and mass spectral analyses support the syntheses (Table 5).
A high yield synthesis of 5-amino-tetrazolium nitrate (48) is obtained from
the reaction of 5-amino-tetrazole with nitric acid (Scheme 12) [57]. Its char-
acterization was accomplished through IR, Raman, and multinuclear (1 H,
13 C, 15 N) NMR spectroscopy, and DSC. Bomb calorimetry, sensitivity meas-

urements, and ab initio calculations were also performed. From the combined
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 53

Scheme 11

Table 5 Densities and thermal characteristics of substituted amino, aminomethyl, and

polymethyl tetrazolium salts

Com- Anion Tm a Td b Density ∆Hf◦ c

pound ◦C ◦C (calc.) kJ/mol

45a NO3 – – 59 170 1.50 (1.55) 141.1

45b ClO4 – 51 182 1.81 (1.78) 183.8
47a NO3 – 94 173 – (1.55) 132.0
47b ClO4 – 140 238 1.65 (1.71) 179.5
50a NO3 – 121 181 1.51 d 174.6 e
50b N(NO2 )2 – 85 184 1.72 d 385.6 e
50c N3 – 135 137 1.42 d 676.6 e
a melting point
b thermal degradation temperature
c standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
d X-ray (calc)
e [59]

experimental and theoretical calculations, 48 is predicted to be a powerful

and promising explosive with a good oxygen balance and low sensitivity.
The syntheses of 1,5-diamino-4-methyltetrazolium salts via quaterniza-
tion, e.g., of 1,5-diamino-1H-tetrazole with iodomethane, gave 1,5-diamino-
4-methyl-tetrazolium iodide (49) in 86% yield [58–63]. Subsequent metathe-
sis of 49 with silver nitrate, silver dinitramide, or silver azide led to 1,5-
diamino-4-methyl-tetrazolium nitrate (50a), 1,5,-diamino-4-methyltetrazol-
ium dinitramide (50b), or 1,5-diamino-4-methyltetrazolium azide (50c) in
good yields. Most of these salts exhibited good thermal stability. Salt 50b as
54 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 12

well as 45a, 45b, and 47a melt at < 100 ◦ C which qualifies them as energetic
ionic liquids.
These salts were characterized by IR, Raman and NMR spectroscopy, mass
spectrometry, elemental analysis, X-ray, and initial safety testing (impact and
friction sensitivity). Low impact sensitivities were demonstrated. Densities
and thermochemical characteristics of substituted amino, amino-methyl, and
polymethyl tetrazolium salts are summarized in Table 5. All of these new
salts exhibit thermal stabilities > 170 ◦ C based on DSC/TGA studies (except
the azide). The densities of 1-amino-4,5-dimethyl tetrazolium perchlorate
(45b) and 1-methyl-4,5-diamino tetrazolium dinitramide (50b) are markedly
higher than the others.
Synthesis and characterization of 1-nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane
(52) and 1,4-dimethyl-5-aminotetrazolium 5-nitrotetrazolate (53) are re-
ported in high yields (Scheme 13). Compounds 52 and 53 are white powders
and were characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis. Compound 52 ex-
plodes when thrown in a flame. Both 52 and 53 have low impact sensitiv-
ity [64, 65].
Nitrogen-rich energetic heterocycles, N-nitroso- (57a,c) and N-nitramino-
tetrazole (58a–c) were synthesized from the corresponding aminotetrazoles
(56a–c) by the direct nitration with acetic anhydride/HNO3 (Scheme 14).
The conversion of 57a,c with peroxytrifluoroacetic acid yielded the corres-
ponding nitraamines in high yields (58a: 82%, 58c: 80%). Compounds 56a,c,
57a,c, 58a–c were characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis. The calcu-
lated heats of formation for 58a and 58c were found to be positive (11.7
and 357.0 kJ mol–1 , respectively) and the calculated detonation velocity of
5988 ms–1 (58a) is similar to the values of TNT and nitroglycerin [66].
The chemistry of 5-azidotetrazole, 5-azido-1-phenyltetrazole, and tetra-
zolylpentazole has been reported. The 5-pentazolyl and 5-azido derivatives
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 55

Scheme 13

Scheme 14

(60a,b) of tetrazole include large amounts of nitrogen at 90.6 and 88.3 weight
percent. While the pentazole compound decomposes at low temperature,
5-azido tetrazole is stable at room temperature but extremely sensitive (and
should be synthesized in only small amounts). 5-Azido-1-phenyl tetrazole
(60b) is found to be stable and characterized by single crystal X-ray analysis
(Scheme 15) [63, 67].

Scheme 15
56 R.P. Singh et al.

Tetrazolium Heterocycles Containing 5,5 -Azotetrazolate Anions

In the 1890s, Thiele first prepared sodium 5,5 -azotetrazolate (61) from oxi-
dation of 5-amino-tetrazole with potassium permanganate [68–71]. Reaction
of strontium and barium chlorides with an aqueous solution of 61 gave
strontium 5,5 -azotetrazolate (62a) and barium 5,5 -azotetrazolate (62b), re-
spectively [72]. Both salts were insoluble in water. Barium 5,5 -azotetrazolate
(62b), was used with various metal sulfates to produce the corresponding
5,5 -azotetrazolate salts (63a–d, 64a,b, and 65a–f), in water (Scheme 16).
These metal salts often contain water of crystallization, and loss of wa-
ter has been observed during storage. Upon loss of water, the sensitivity

Scheme 16
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 57

of the compounds to shock and friction increased drastically. The salts

were characterized by IR, Raman, and NMR spectroscopy, and their ther-
mal properties were studied by DSC and TGA. X-ray crystal studies on
sodium 5,5 -azotetrazolate pentahydrate (61), barium 5,5 -azotetrazolate pen-
tahydrate (62b), lithium 5,5 -azotetrazolate hexahydrate (63a), rubidium 5,5 -
azotetrazolate dihydrate (63c), calcium 5,5 -azotetrazolate octahydrate (64b),
yttrium 5,5 -azotetrazolate docosahydrate (65b), and gadolinium 5,5 -azo-
tetrazolate hydrate (65f) show that the water molecules were either in the
coordination sphere of the cation or bound by hydrogen bonds. The azotetra-
zolate ion is not connected to the harder cations such as calcium or yttrium,
and the salt decomposed in water, due to its acidity, to form tetrazolhydrazine
with concomitant evolution of nitrogen. The free acid 5,5 -azotetrazolate, syn-
thesized from the sodium salt with HBF4 , was decomposed within seconds at
room temperature but could be retained at – 30 ◦ C.
Salts of 5,5 -azotetrazolate with protonated nitrogen bases (e.g., ammo-
nium guanidinium and triaminoguanidinium) are unique gas-generating
agents producing little smoke or residue, which may lead to a variety of
applications, including gas generators and explosives [73, 74]. Salts of the
5,5 -azotetrazolate dianion with various methylated ammonium (66a–e) and
hydrazinium (67a–d,f) cations were obtained from the reactions of bar-
ium 5,5-azotetrazolate (62b) with appropriate ammonium and hydrazinium
sulfates [73–78]. However, N,N,N-trimethylhydrazinium 5,5 -azotetrazolate,
[(CH3 )3 N-NH2 ]+2 [N4 C – N = N – CN4 ]2– (67e) was obtained by the metathe-
sis of trimethylhydrazinium iodide and silver 5,5-azotetrazolate (Scheme 17).
Other 5,5 azotetrazolates reported include salts that contain cations
such as: bis(hexahydropyridazinium) (67g), bis[N-amino-1-azonia-cyclohex-
ane] (67h), bis[ethylene-dihydrazinium (+1)] (67i), ethylenedihydrazinium
(+2) (67j), bis[N-amino-N  ,N  -dimethyl-guanidinium] (67k), diguanidinium
(67l), bis(triaminoguanidinium) (67m), and bis(azidoformamidinium) (67n)
(Fig. 3) [76, 79]. These salts were characterized by IR, Raman, and NMR spec-
troscopy, and elemental analyses; X-ray crystal structures of 66a,c,e, 67a,e,j,
and 67l were determined.
The salts were insensitive to shock, friction, or electric discharge (∼ 20 kV).
Detonation was not observed in either the drop hammer test (5 kg, 50 cm)
or when the salts were ground forcefully in a mortar. None of these salts
melts, but rather decomposes at specific temperatures with rapid gas evolu-
tion. Above the decomposition point, explosion occurred upon rapid heating
to give nitrogen gas as the main product, especially if the compound was
compressed before heating. The decomposition temperature decreased for
salts with NH+ functions as the number of methyl groups increased. The hy-
drazine salts also produced large amounts of hydrogen, which decreased with
the increasing number of methyl groups. The ammonium compounds (66a–
c) produced only small amounts of hydrogen, whereas none was detected for
66d,e [76]. The formation of methane was observed for all salts.
58 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 17

Fig. 3 Salts of 5,5 -azotetrazolate dianions with hydrazinium derivative cations

Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 59

Heats of formation of hydrazinium [75], ammonium 5,5 -azotetrazola-

tes [79], and guanidinium [24, 80], were measured as ∆Hf◦ = + 858, + 443,
and + 410 kJ mol–1 , respectively. In order to compare these properties
with azotetrazolates that contain heterocyclic cations, imidazolium, tria-
zolium, and tetrazolium derivatives were synthesized and characterized
(Scheme 18) [81]. Surprisingly, while most azotetrazolates exhibit melting
points in excess of 160 ◦ C, [bis(1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium)] 5,5 -azo-
tetrazolate (68a) was a liquid at 25 ◦ C with a melting point of 3 ◦ C, similar to
its 3,5-dinitrotetrazolate analog [46].

Scheme 18

Although the quaternized salts of 1,4 dimethyl-3-azido triazolium (68d),

bis(1,4-diamino-1,2,4-triazolium) (69b), and 1,4,5-trimethyl tetrazolium (70)
5,5 -azotetrazolate have lower nitrogen content than the bis(triaminoguanidi-
nium) derivative, their heats of formation are much higher at + 1852.4,
+ 1620.0, and + 1334.8 kJ/mol, respectively, with densities of ∼ 1.46–
1.59 g cm–3 (Table 6). The structure of 69a, determined by single crystal X-ray
analysis, shows that the unit cell was packed as a layered structure with hy-
drogen bonds and an interlayer distance of 3.04 Å [82–87]. In contrast to
the metal azotetrazolates [72], none of these salts (except 70) was solvated.
Compounds (68b–70) decomposed violently upon melting. Microwave of 69a
60 R.P. Singh et al.

Table 6 Densities and thermal characteristics of azotetrazolate derivatives

Compound Tm a Density ∆Hf◦ b

◦C (calc.) kJ/mol

67l 262 1.54 486.5

67m 209 c 1.60 1171.2
67n 142 c 1.62 –
68a 3 1.26 896.9
68b 145 1.54 1094.2
68c 182 1.42 1136.2
68d 155 1.55 1852.4
69a 180 1.57 1129.5
69b – 1.59 1620.0
70 189 1.46 1334.8
a melting point
b standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
c thermal decomposition temperature

at 200 ◦ C caused a violent decomposition leading to the formation of a car-

bon black powder. With the exception of 69b, which spontaneously evolved
nitrogen gas, most of the salts were stable at room temperature for at least
two months.

Bistetrazolate Heterocycles

Although there are several reports of 5,5 -bistetrazolate [82–87] and imino-
bis(5-tetrazolate) [88–90] salts, most are described in the patent literature.
Some processes have been developed for preparing various 5,5 -tetrazolate
salts, which were very useful as slightly toxic and easy to handle gas-
generating agents for air bags and as high molecular weight foaming
agents. In methanol at reflux, bistriazole or iminobis(5-tetrazole) read-
ily quaternized 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole to prepare [bis(4-amino-triazolium)]
5,5 -bistetrazolate (71a) or [bis(4-amino-triazolium)] iminobis(5-tetrazolate)
(71b) (Scheme 19) [81].

Scheme 19
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 61

Fig. 4 5,5 -bistetrazolate salts

Scheme 20
62 R.P. Singh et al.

The diammonium (72), disodium (73), disilver (74), and manganese(II)

(75) 5,5 bistetrazolates are also known (Fig. 4) [82–87]. Chemistry of copper
complexes with bis(tetrazolyl)amine has been also studied and some of them
are of interest as additives in pyrotechnics and ammonium perchlorate-based
propellants [86].
The chemistry of various nitrogen-rich energetic bicyclic azolium salts
has been described. The thermally stable bicyclic azolium salts (78a–d, 81a–
b, 84a–d, 85a,b, 86a,b) with densities ranging between 1.52–1.67 g/cm3 ,
were prepared by quaternization with nitric acid or perchloric acid or

Table 7 The structures and properties of bicyclic azolium salts

Compound Y No Tm a Td b d ∆ f Hm c
◦C ◦C g/cm3 kJ/mol

NO3 78a 79 175 1.519(1.531) –

ClO4 78b 110 283 1.631(1.653) –

NO3 78c 151 151 1.515(1.574) 310.8

ClO4 78d 141 293 1.639(1.695) 357.7

ClO4 81a 159 295 1.648(1.653) –

ClO4 81b 152 240 1.645(1.695) 412.3

NO3 84a 125 190 1.581(1.574) –

ClO4 84b 169 289 1.641(1.678) –

NO3 84c – 145 1.566(1.612) –

ClO4 84d 227 282 1.652(1.716) –

NO3 85a 154 166 1.565(1.644) 341.8

ClO4 85b 128 229 1.648(1.773) 385.5

NO3 86a 153 165 1.617(1.676) 209.9

ClO4 86b – 175 1.674(1.784) 345.6

a melting point
b thermal decomposition temperature
c standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 63

iodomethane followed by metathesis reactions with silver nitrate and silver

perchlorate (Scheme 20, Table 7). The structures of 81b and 86b were con-
firmed by single-crystal X-ray analysis [91].

Urotropinium-Based Heterocycles

The chemistry of high-energy density materials (HEDM) containing only

C, H, N, and O atoms is of great interest. Urotropine, a nitrogen-rich cage
molecule, when paired with energetic anions, formed energetic salts. The
initial preparation of urotropinium salts was carried out in the 1950s [92],
and subsequently the syntheses of a variety of them were reported [93].
Urotropinium nitrate (87) [colorless crystals, m.p. 157–161 ◦ C (dec.), dens-
ity (from X-ray) 1.47 g/cm3 ] was prepared by the reaction of urotropine
with nitric acid. N-methylurotropinium azide (88a) [white solid, m.p.
165–170 ◦ C (dec.), density 1.4 g/cm3 ], N-methylurotropinium dinitramide
(88b) [white solid, m.p. 121–124 ◦ C (dec.), density 1.46 g/cm3 ], and N-me-
thylurotropinium azotetrazolate (88c) [yellow crystals, m.p. 181–184 ◦ C
(dec.), density 1.46 g/cm3 ] were prepared from either the corresponding io-
dide or sulfate (Scheme 21). Because of the high sensitivity and explosive
nature of anhydrous silver azide, an alternative route for 88a using sodium
azide with N,N-dimethylurotropinium diiodide was utilized [94]. All the salts

Scheme 21
64 R.P. Singh et al.

were handled easily, were insensitive to air or light, and were soluble in po-
lar organic solvents. They were characterized by analytical and spectroscopic
(IR, Raman, 1 H, 13 C, 14 N NMR) methods, and X-ray diffraction techniques.
The X-ray crystal structure of 87 (monoclinic, space group P21 /C) con-
sisted of a urotropinium cation linked to a planar nitrate group via hydrogen
bridges. The structures of 88a–c showed separation of anions and cations
without contact. The azide ion in 88a (monoclinic, space group P21 /m) is
linear; the dinitramide ion in 88b (monoclinic, space group P21 ) is asymmet-
ric; and the azotetrazolate anion in 88c (monoclinic, space group C2 /m) is
planar [93].
The syntheses of urotropinium and N-methylurotropinium salts were ex-
tended to include several other energetic organic and inorganic anions, such
as 3,5-dinitro-pyrazolate, 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate, 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolate,
5-nitro-tetrazolate, perchlorate, nitrate, and azide [94]. In methanol solu-
tion, urotropine was found to react readily with 3,5-dinitro-pyrazole, 4,5-
dinitro-imidazole, 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazole, and 5-nitro-tetrazole to form
urotropinium 3,5-dinitro-pyrazolate (89a), 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate (89b), 3,5-
dinitro-1,2,4-triazolate (89c), and 5-nitro-tetrazolate (89d). Reaction of sil-
ver salts of 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazole, nitric, perchloric, and hydrofluoric acid
with N-methylurotropinium iodide led to N-methylurotropinium 3,5-dinitro-
1,2,-triazolate (90a), nitrate (90b), perchlorate (90c), and fluoride (90d)

Scheme 22
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 65

Table 8 Phase transition, decomposition temperature, density, nitrogen content (N), oxy-
gen coefficient (α), and thermochemical results for urotropinium salts at 298.2 K

Compound Tm a Td b Density Nc α ∆Hf◦ e

◦C ◦C (calc) % % kJ/mol

89a 180 184 1.56 37.6 16 299.0

89b 183 183 1.41 37.6 16 254.6
89c 177 182 1.72 42.1 18 268.7
89d 166 169 1.48 49.4 10 435.3
90a 170 202 1.45 40.2 16 250.7
90b 194 196 1.42 32.2 14 – 30.6
90c 200 205 1.47 22.0 – 14.5
91 165 176 1.35 49.7 0 468.8
a melting point;
b thermal decomposition temperature;
c nitrogen content;
d oxygen coefficient;
e standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)

salts. N-methylurotropinium azide (91) is made by the reaction of 90d with

(CH3 )3 SiN3 (Scheme 22, Table 8) [94]. The structure of 90b was confirmed by
single crystal X-ray analysis.

Tetrazine-Based Heterocycles

There has been considerable interest in the study of the reactivity and prop-
erties of various tetrazine derivatives. The 1,2,4,5-tetrazine ring system is
electroactive and has a high electron affinity. Tetrazines possess high posi-
tive heats of formation and large crystal densities—properties important in
energetic materials applications. Additionally, they seem to be insensitive to
destructive stimuli such as friction, impact, and electrostatic discharge.
The synthesis and properties of various ionic 1,2,4,5-tetrazine explo-
sives and energetic materials including 3,6-diguanidino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine
diperchlorate (92a), 3,6-diguanidino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine dinitrate (92b), 3,6-di-
guanidino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-1,4-di-N-oxide diperchlorate (93a), 3,6-diguanid-
ino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-1,4-di-N-oxide dinitrate (93b), disilver 3,6-bis-nitrogua-
nyl tetrazine (94), bistriamino-guanidinium 3,6-bis-nitro-guanyl tetrazine
(95), 3,6-dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine diperchlorate (96a), 3,6-dihydrazino-
1,2,4,5-tetrazine dinitrate (96b), 3,6-dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine bis-(di-
nitramide) (96c), and 3,6-dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine bis-dinitroimidazolate
(97) were reported (Fig. 5) [95–98].
66 R.P. Singh et al.

Fig. 5 Tetrazine-based energetic salts

Energetic salts 92a,b, 93a,b, and 96a,b were synthesized by the reaction of
nitric acid and perchloric acid with 3,6-diguanidino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine, 3,6-di-
guanidino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine-1,4-di-N-oxide, and 3,6-dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-te-
trazine, respectively, whereas 96c was made by the reaction of dinitramide
with 3,6-dihydrazino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine.
Synthesis of 94 and 95 involved the reaction of the disodium salt of 3,6-bis-
nitroguanyl tetrazine with AgNO3 and triaminoguanidinium hydrochloride,
Poly-rho tests, which are single shot experiments to determine detona-
tion velocity as a function of density, were performed on 92a,b. When 92a
is formulated with 5 weight percent of Kel-F 800 binder, a maximum pellet
density of 1.79 g/cm3 was obtained. At this density, the detonation velocity
measured was 8.07 km/s. The dinitrate derivative (92b) was formulated with
3 weight percent Estane binder and 3 weight percent nitro-plasticizer. At
a maximum pellet density of 1.60 g/cm3 , a detonation velocity of 7.31 km/s
was obtained. Salt 93b was found to be unstable based on DSC analysis,
whereas salt 93a showed improved thermal stability but less than 93a [95].
The crystal density of 95 was reported to be 1.61 g/cm3 , and the heat of for-
mation was 300 ± 2 kcal/mol [97]. The densities of 96a–c, 97 are reported
to be in the range of 1.80 to 1.96 g/cm3 [96]. When these salts were heated
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 67

over the temperature range 40–500 ◦ C at a scan rate of 20 ◦ C/min, 96a–c left
no residue, whereas 97 left an orange powder. In DSC studies, 96a, 96c ex-
hibited their major exotherm between 152 and 164 ◦ C, respectively. Salt 96b
exhibited an exotherm at 190 ◦ C, which is about 30 ◦ C higher than 96a, 96c.
Salt 97 showed the highest exotherm at 220 ◦ C [96]. All tetrazine-based salts
seem to have interesting explosive performance and extraordinary combus-
tion properties [95–98].
The synthesis and properties of several high-nitrogen materials with 3-
amino-6-nitroamino-tetrazine (ANAT) as the anion are reported (Scheme 23).
These salts (99, 100, 103a,b) provide a new and easy approach to highly en-
ergetic salts. All these salts are relatively dense (> 1.55 g/cm3 ) and exhibit
good thermal stability (Td > 148 ◦ C). The calculated detonation velocities and
detonation pressures are comparable to those of explosives such as Tetryl,
PETN, TATB, and RDX. A combination of theoretical and empirical calcu-
lations shows that all these salts have high molar enthalpies of formation
(Table 9) [99].

Scheme 23

The synthesis of 3,3 -azobis(6-amino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine) (DAAT) (104) is re-

ported in a 20% yield after six reaction steps (Scheme 24). DAAT is a high
nitrogen energetic material with remarkable thermal stability and insen-
sitivity against friction and impact. DAAT decomposes at relatively high
temperatures (> 250 ◦ C) releasing a very large amount of heat. A high
nitrogen content of 70% in combustion with a low oxygen balance of
– 72.67% and a high heat of formation of + 1035 kJ/mol measured by com-
bustion calorimetry are some of the promising properties of DAAT which
68 R.P. Singh et al.

Table 9 Structure and properties of energetic salts with ANAT anion

Compound Td a Density ∆Hm ◦ b

◦C g/cm3 kJ/mol

98 164.0 1.82 441.0 c

99 232.3 1.56 1088.8
100 248.1 1.62 340.7
101 205.4 1.71 443.2
102 174.0 1.63 370.0
103a 147.7 1.56 564.2
103b 163.5 1.59 671.5
a thermal degradation temperature
b standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)
c calculated heat of formation in the gas phase

Scheme 24

make it interesting as a new energetic component. The density of DAAT is

1.76 g/cm3 [100, 101].
The synthesis, characterization, and energetic properties of various het-
erocycles containing azide groups are reported. Compound 105 is prepared
by the reaction of cyanuric chloride with sodium azide. The preparation
of 106 utilizes the conversion of a pyrazole derivative by reaction with
hydrazine to form the hydrazo intermediate which is subsequently re-
acted with NaNO2 . 2,5,8-Trichloro-s-heptazine is converted quantitatively
into 2,5,8-triazido-s-heptazine (107) with trimethylsilyl azide. The nucleo-
philic reaction of hydrazine with 4,4 ,6,6 -tetra(chloro)hydrazo-1,3,5-triazine
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 69

gave 4,4 ,6,6 -tetra(hydrazine)hydrazo-1,3,5-triazine which when diazotized

gave 108. Reaction of 108 with CHCl3 /Cl2 in acetonitrile led to the forma-
tion of 109 (Scheme 25) [102–106]. The novel heterocyclic system with the
phenanthrene-type skeleton 111, in which the benzene ring is annulated with
1,2,3,4-tetrazene-1,3-di-N-oxide rings, is of considerable interest in the con-
text of the high-nitrogen system stability and from a heteroaromaticity stand
point. The step-by-step synthetic approach to this system involves treatment
of 110 with N2 O5 resulting in the first 1,2,3,4-tetrazene 1,3-dioxane ring.
Subsequent repeated treatment with N2 O5 led to the formation of the sec-
ond 1,2,3,4-tetrazene 1,3-dioxane ring (Scheme 26). The structure of 111 was
confirmed by 13 C and 14 NMR spectral studies. Compound 111 was also con-
verted to 112 by the reaction with methylamine. Compound 111 begins to
melt with decomposition at 140 ◦ C, and above 210 ◦ C; compound 112 begins
to decompose without melting [107].

Scheme 25
70 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 26

Azetidinium-Based Heterocycles

Azetidine-based explosives, such as 1, 3, 3-trinitroazetidine [108, 109] demon-

strate excellent performance partly because of the high strain associated with
the four-membered ring. The basicity (pKb = 6.5) of 3,3-dinitroazetidine [110]
allowed the preparation of a variety of solid energetic 3,3-dinitroazetidinium
salts with high oxygen-balance [107], including 3,3 -dinitro-azetidinium
nitrate (113a), 3,3 -dinitro-azetidinium 2,4-dinitroimidazolate (113b), 3,3 -
dinitroazetidinium dinitramide (113c), 3,3 -dinitro-azetidinium 5-nitro-
1,2,4-triazol-3-onate (113d), 3,3 -dinitro-azetidinium 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-tri-
azolate (113e), and 3,3 -dinitro-1-isopropylazedinium dinitramide (114)
(Fig. 6). These salts were synthesized in 82–95% yields, either by mixing the
free base 3,3 -dinitroazetidine with the appropriate acid or by metathesis
of 3,3 -dinitroazetidinium trifluoromethanesulfonate [110] with ammonium
salts of the acid. They were characterized by elemental analyses, IR, and
13 C NMR. Densities and thermal characteristics are tabulated in Table 10. All

the salts were subjected to small-scale thermal and sensitivity tests [111].

Fig. 6 Azetidinium-based energetic salts

The single crystal X-ray structures of 3,3 -dinitroazetidinium dinitramide

(113c) (orthorhombic, space group Cmc 21 ) and 1-isopropyl-3,3-dinitro-
azetidinium dinitramide (114) (orthorhombic, space group Pbca) were also
reported [112]. The latter was formed when an attempt to crystallize 3,3-di-
nitroazetidinium nitrate from acetone was being made. X-ray structures
have confirmed that the conformation adopted by the dinitramide ions in
113c is quite different from the bend, twist, and torsion angles for the
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 71

Table 10 Densities and thermochemical properties of azetidinium salts

Compound Density Tm a ∆Hf◦ b

g/cm3 ◦C kJ/mol

113a 1.76 142 – 260 ± 8

113b 1.65 151 – 75 ± 50
113c 1.79 139 – 34 ± 16
113d 1.76 161 – 201 ± 4
113e 1.70 148 + 84 ± 8
114 1.78 154 + 21 ± 63 c
a melting point
b [111] c [112]

dinitramide ion in 114. The possible reason for these dramatic differences
in the conformations observed for 113c and 114 is claimed to be due to the
different symmetries for this ion found in the two structures, as well as the
absence of hydrogen bonding interaction in 114 [112]. Dehydration of 3,3-di-
nitroazetidinium nitrate with acetic anhydride provided an alternate route
for the synthesis of 1,3,3-trinitroazetidine [111]. The synthesis and charac-
terization of 15 N-labeled isomers of 3,3-dinitroazetidinium nitrate were also
reported [113].

Picrate-Based Heterocycles

While anhydrous picric acid is unstable, and its impact and friction sensi-
tivities are higher than those of trinitrotoluene, many organic and inorganic
picrates have been reported [9]. The picrate anion, when combined with high-
nitrogen azolium cations, formed energetic salts with rather high positive
heats of formation. By taking advantage of the acidic properties of picric
acid, energetic salts containing picrate and dipicrate anions have been pre-
pared [114]. Scheme 27 depicts synthetic routes to salts composed of azolium
cations with monopictrate as the anion, including the following picrate
salts: 1,2,4-triazolium (115a), 1-methyl-1,2,4-triazolium (115b), 4-amino-
1,2,4-triazolium (116a), and 5-amino-tetrazolium (116b); and 1,2,4-triazolyl-
3-ammonium (117), 1,4-dimethyl-1,2,4-triazolium (118a), and 1,4-dimethyl-
3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium (118b). In Scheme 28 are shown the synthetic routes
to the energetic bisazolium dipicrate salts. These dipicrate salts are 1,1 -
methylenebisimidazolium (119), 1,1 -methylene bis(3-methylimidazolium)
(120a), and 1,1 -methylene bis(4-methyltriazolium) (120b) [114].
Triazolium or substituted triazolium picrates were first prepared via direct
reaction of the triazole with picric acid in methanol or with silver picrate after
72 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 27

quaternization with methyl iodide (Scheme 27). Bridged bis(imidazolium) or

bis(tetrazolium)methane compounds were reacted with picric acid to form
dipicrates, or they were quaternized and then metathesized to yield the de-
sired salts. All of these salts were well-characterized, and X-ray crystal struc-
tures of 116a and 116b were also determined. Their physical characteristics
and thermal properties along with those of other energetic materials which
are included for comparison, are tabulated in Table 11.
Most of the picrates have good thermal stabilities and relatively high den-
sities and oxygen balance. The bridged azolium picrates are thermally more
stable than their monocationic picrate analogues. In general, the majority
of these picrates were found to be more stable thermally than their ni-
trate analogues and less than the perchlorates. 5-Aminotetrazolium picrate
(116b) was the densest of the picrate salts at 1.85 g/cm3 (calc. X-ray), which
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 73

Scheme 28

Table 11 Physical characteristics and thermochemical data of picrate and dipicrate salts

Compound Tm a Td b Density c OB d ∆Hf◦ e

◦C ◦C g/cm3 % kJ/mol

115a 169 196 1.77 – 67 259.0

115b 91 185 1.72 – 79 222.3
116a 197 228 1.64 f – 66 375.0
116b 147 214 1.85 f – 53 400.6
117 235 244 1.60 – 66 275.2
118a 141 271 1.80 – 91 189.5
118b 106 176 1.48 – 78 557.1
119 215 283 1.52 – 36 237.1
120a 184 313 1.63 – 93 147.4
120b 216 242 1.67 – 81 357.1
TAG-AT g – – 1.60 – 73 1075
HMX – – 1.90 – 21 75
Picric acid – – 1.77 – 42 – 213.6
RDX – – – 22 83.8
a melting point;
b thermal decomposition temperature;
c gas pycnometer;
d oxygen balance = 1600 [(a+b/2-d)/FW for a compound with molecular formula CaHb-

e standard enthalpy of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03);
f X-ray (calc);
g triaminoguanidinium azotetrazolate
74 R.P. Singh et al.

places it between picric acid (1.77 cm/g3 ) and HMX (1.90 g/cm3 ). Unexpect-
edly protonation in 116a occurred at one of the ring-nitrogen atoms rather
than on the N-amino group. However, in contrast, in the reaction of picric
acid with the C-amino triazole, a high-melting ammonium salt (117) was

Imidazolium-Based Heterocycles

Nitro- and azido-substituted imidazoles, when paired with nitrate or per-

chlorates, form solid energetic salts in excellent yields [31]. These salts
are 1,3-dimethyl-5-nitroimidazolium perchlorate (121a), 1,3-dimethyl-5-
nitroimidazolium nitrate (121b), 1,2,3-trimethyl-5-nitroimidazolium per-
chlorate (121c), 1,2,3-trimethyl-5-nitro-imidazolium nitrate (121d), 1-ethyl-
2,3-dimethyl-5-nitro-imidazolium perchlorate (121e), 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethyl-
5-nitroimidazolium nitrate (121f), 2-azido-imidazolium perchlorate (121g),
and 2-azidoimidazolium nitrate (121h) (Fig. 7). Salts (121a–f) were made by
the metathesis of the corresponding iodide salt with AgClO4 and AgNO3 ,
whereas 121g–h are formed by the reactions of 2-azidoimidazole with HClO4
and HNO3 , respectively.

Fig. 7 Imidazolium-based energetic ionic salts

All these compounds are well-characterized solids. In general, the nitrate

salts have lower melting points and thermal stabilities than the corresponding
perchlorates. Energetic salts containing imidazolium triazolate or tetrazolate,
and tetrazolium imidazolate are described in Sect. 2.5.
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 75

Nitrocubane-Based Heterocycles

Highly nitrated cubanes were predicted to be shock-insensitive, very dense,

high-energy compounds with great potential as explosives and propellants.
Various nitrocubanes, such as penta, hexa, hepta, and octa are reported in
the literature. Applying Kamlett–Jacobs equations to octanitrocubane using
predicted values for density (1.9–2.2 g cm–3 ) and ∆Hf (81–144 Kcal mol–1 )
led to calculated detonation velocities and pressures higher than that of

Scheme 29
76 R.P. Singh et al.

trinitrotoluene (TNT), 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7 tetraazacyclooctane (HMX),

and 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane (CL-20). The chemistry of
mono- to tetranitrocubanes had been reported earlier. Eaton et al. showed
that the reaction of tetranitrocubane under different reaction conditions pro-
duced penta (123), hexa (124), and hepta (125) nitrocubanes in variable yields
(Scheme 29). Alkali metal salts of 125 were prepared at low temperature in
dichloromethane by reacting with NaN(TMS)2 . When reacted with power-
ful electrophiles such as methyl triflate and iodine, methylheptanitrocubane
(126) and iodoheptanitrocubane (127) were obtained in high yields. Octan-
itrocubane (128) is prepared by reacting 125 with LiN(TMS)2 and excess
nitrosyl chloride at – 78 ◦ C followed by ozonation.
Heptanitrocubane (125) is easily soluble in polar solvents, such as acetone,
THF, and dichloromethane. Single crystal X-ray analysis of 125 has provided
an accurate density at 21 ◦ C of 2.028 g cm–3 and showed many intermolecular
contacts around each molecule. A solution of 125 in methanol turned yel-
low which may be due to the anion. Octanitrocubane (128) is a stable, white
solid and somewhat soluble in hexane but readily soluble in polar organics.
Characterization of 128 was based on single crystal X-ray analysis [115].


When 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidino-boron diazide was reacted with HN3 ,

the salt 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinium tetraazido-borate 129 resulted
(Scheme 30) [116–119].

Scheme 30

Recently, the synthesis of a highly energetic, oxygen-balanced tetrazolium

polynitratoaluminate (130) was reported (Fig. 8) [120]. The material is hy-
drolytically unstable. A microwave-assisted synthesis of an organic heterocy-
cle azide (131) was reported in 88% yield (Scheme 31) [121].
Increasing the number of nitrogen atoms in heterocycles results in consid-
erable gain in the standard enthalpy of formation in the resulting compounds.
On the basis of this idea the synthesis and properties of cyclophosphazenes-
containing azido and amino substituents on the phosphorus atoms were
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 77

Fig. 8 Tetrazolium polynitratoaluminate (30)

Scheme 31

Scheme 32

studied. Reaction of 132a–c with sodium azide in acetonitrile led to the for-
mation of 133a–c in very good yields (Scheme 32) [122, 123].
Compounds 133a and 133b are liquids, while 133c is a solid at room
temperature. Each was characterized by NMR, HRMS and IR spectroscopy.
Compound 133a is highly friction sensitive and is known to detonate. How-
ever, 133b and 133c are substantially more stable. The densities of 133b and
133c are 1.67 and 1.79 g/cm3 , respectively [122, 123]. Compound 133a has
been recently fully characterized and its single crystal X-ray structure deter-
mined [123].
Energetic heterocyclic salts containing SF5 -propyl substituents on im-
idazole, 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole (134a–c, 135a–d) and pyridine (136) moi-
eties were synthesized (Scheme 33). These salts have moderate densities
(> 1.4 g/cm3 ). The calculated heats of formation for dinitramide-containing
salts are higher than perchlorate and nitrate salts (Table 12) [124].
Reduction of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane
(137) with stannous chloride dihydrate is reported to give a mixture of
isomeric 2,4,6,8,10- and 2,4,6,8,12-pentanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurt-
78 R.P. Singh et al.

Scheme 33

Table 12 Structure and properties of SF5 -containing salts

Cation Anion No Tm a Td b dd ∆f Hm ◦ d
◦C ◦C g/cm3 kJ/mol

NO3 134a – 33.7 172.3 1.54 – 1030.9

ClO4 134b – 68.0 247.1 1.46 – 982.4
[N(NO2 )2 ] 134c – 50.7 201.7 1.52 864.0

NO3 135a 58.6 145.8 1.43 – 883.7

ClO4 135b 50.7 242.7 1.41 – 840.1
[N(NO2 )2 ] 135c 84.8 160.9 1.44 718.8
[SF5 NNO2 ] 135d – 20.6 188.2 1.82 – 1755.2

[N(NO2 )2 ] 136 11.0 182.3 1.47 – 865.3

a melting point
b thermal degradation temperature
c density, gas pycnometer
d standard heat of formation (calculated by Gaussian 03)

zitanes (138a,b). The ratio of products depends on the solvents used.

Treatment of 138a,b with NOBF4 gave isomeric pentanitroso-2,4,6,8,10,12-
hexaazaisowurtzitanes (139a,b) which can be converted into the starting
NH materials by treating with HCl (Scheme 34) [125]. Isomeric pentani-
Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles 79

Scheme 34

trohexaazaisowurtzitanes (138a,b) are white powders which decompose at

temperatures above 150 ◦ C without melting. The nitroso derivatives (139a,b)
are slightly yellowish powders, which decompose at temperatures below their
melting points. Compound 138b and 139b are characterized by IR, NMR, and
elemental analysis.
A nitroimidazole explosive molecule (141) has been synthesized by treat-
ing 2,2 -bi-1H-imidazole (140) with an excess of sodium nitrate (Scheme 35).
This compound may serve as an energetic filler for high explosive formula-
tions. The sensitivity results of 141 varied from “more sensitive than RDX” to
substantially “less sensitive than RDX” according to the purity and condition
of the test sample [126].

Scheme 35

Summary and Outlook

Many advantages accrue from nitrogen-rich heterocyclic compounds com-

pared to traditional molecular energetic compounds. Utilization of hetero-
cyclic nitrogen-containing cations and anions in energetic salts gives rise
to lower vapor pressures, higher heats of formation, and higher densities.
Additionally, smaller amounts of hydrogen and carbon contribute to a bet-
ter oxygen balance than normally is found with their carbocyclic analogues.
Nitrogen-rich compounds are promising high energetic materials that may
be more acceptable than their alternatives for both industrial and mili-
tary uses since a higher percentage of their decomposition products will be
80 R.P. Singh et al.

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DOI 10.1007/430_2007_057
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 12 May 2007

New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives

Thomas M. Klapötke
Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, Chair of Inorganic Chemistry,
Energetic Materials Research, Butenandtstrasse 5–13 (D), 81377 Munich, Germany
[email protected]

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

2 Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

3 Neutral Tetrazole Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

3.1 1,5-Diaminotetrazole (DAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
3.2 1-Nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane (NTNAP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.3 N-Trinitroethyl Derivatives of Nitrogen Containing Compounds . . . . . . 95
3.4 Nitrated Aminotetrazoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.5 1,6-Dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

4 Neutral Nitramine Compounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

4.1 Dinitrobiuret (DNB) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Abstract The possibility of new high explosives based on nitrogen-rich tetrazole build-
ing blocks is discussed. The expected advantages include gaseous products, high heats of
formation, high propulsive/expolosive power, high specific impulse, and high flame tem-
peratures. In addition, these new explosives do not have the toxicity and environmental
activity of currently used organo-nitro explosives. The synthesis and characteristics of
a series of neutral tetrazole compounds are looked at as well as the neutral nitramine,

Keywords Dinitrobiuret · High energy density materials · Nitrogen-rich · Polynitrogen ·


BTNA Bistrinitroethylamine
DAT 1,5-Diaminotetrazole
DNB Dinitrobiuret
EI energetic ingredient
NTNAP 1-Nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane
TNE Trinitroethanol
MMTHT 1-Methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)hydrazinyl)-1H-tetrazole
MTHTE 2-(5-(1-methyl-2-(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)hydrazinyl)-1H-tetrazol-1-yl)ethanol
86 T.M. Klapötke


Environmental contamination by nitro compounds is associated principally

with the explosives industry and military testing of explosives [1, 2]. The cur-
rent widely used nitro-explosives are TNT (trinitrotoluene), RDX (Royal de-
molition explosive), and HMX (high melting explosive). The nitro-explosives
per se as well as their environmental transformation products are toxic, with
symptoms of exposure that include methemoglobinemia, kidney trouble,
jaundice etc. For HMX, anaerobic or anoxic degradations have been described
in many studies [3]. Explosives released into the environment at production
and processing facilities, as well as through field use, may be toxic at relatively
low concentrations to a number of ecological receptors [4]. Toxicity stud-
ies on soil organisms using endpoints such as microbial processes (potential
nitrification activity, dehydrogenase activity, substrate-induced respiration,
basal respiration), plant and seedling growth (Lactuca sativa and Hordeum
vulgare), and earthworm (Eisenia andrei) growth and reproduction were car-
ried out at contaminated sites. Results showed that HMX was the principal
polynitro-organic contaminant measured in soils. Soils from the contami-
nated site showed decreased microbial processes and earthworm reproduc-
tion. However, plant growth was not significantly reduced [4]. Monocyclic
nitramine explosives such as RDX and HMX are toxic to a number of eco-
logical receptors, including earthworms [5–7]. The results of recent investi-
gations suggest that organisms exposed to explosives at contaminated sites
show hormetic growth enhancement at concentrations less than 25 mg kg–1
and at higher concentrations through increased mortality [8]. Factors effect-
ing leaching and transport, microbial degradation, phytotoxicity and plant
uptake, and toxicity to invertebrates and vertebrates will determine the ulti-
mate environmental fate and hazard potential [9]. It is clear that the release
of explosives into the environment at production and processing facilities, as
well as through field use, is a major point of concern.
Since the toxicity and environmental activity of organo-nitro explosives
(TNT, RDX, HMX, see Fig. 1) are usually related to the presence of organo-
nitro (C – NO2 ), organo-nitroso (C – NO), or organo-nitrito (C – ONO)
groups either in the explosive itself or its degradation products [10], the
development of novel energetic ingredients (EIs) that lack the environmen-
tal hazards of the organo-nitro explosives is of great interest. The presently
used EIs with the highest performance (RDX, HMX) as well as new, even
more powerful EIs that are still under investigation (CL-20, hepta- and octa-
cubane, see Fig. 1) all belong to the class of typical organic ring and cage
In this chapter we want to discuss the possibility of new high explosives
that are neutral compounds and are based on nitrogen-rich tetrazole building
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 87

Fig. 1 Structures of TNT, RDX, HMX, CL-20, hepta-, and octa-cubane

The expected advantages of nitrogen-rich compounds include:

• Only gaseous products
• High heats of formation
• High propulsive/explosive power
• High specific impulse
• High flame temperatures
Also, recent modeling has shown that the presence of high concentrations of
nitrogen species in the combustion products of propellants can reduce gun
barrel erosion by promoting the formation of iron nitride rather than iron
carbide on the interior surface of the barrel [11].


Modern high-energy-density materials (HEDM) derive most of their energy

from either:
1. Oxidation of the carbon backbone, as with traditional energetic materials
2. Ring or cage strain
3. Their very high positive heat of formation
Examples for the first class are traditional explosives such as TNT, RDX,
HMX, and the recently reported 1,4-diformyl-2,3,5,6-tetranitropiperazine
(Fig. 2). Modern nitro compounds such as CL-20 or the recently reported
88 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 2 Examples for EM that (i) show oxidation of the carbon backbone (left) [12], (ii)
possess ring or cage strain (center) [13], or (iii) have very high positive heats of formation
(right) [14]

hepta- and octanitrocubanes possess very high densities and enhance the
energies utilizing substantial cage strain and therefore belong to the sec-
ond class of explosives. Members of the third class of compounds are
5,5 -azotetrazolate salts, which show the desired remarkable insensitivity to
electrostatic discharge, friction, and impact while having a very high (posi-
tive) heat of formation.
Nitrogen is unique amongst all other elements of the periodic table in
so far that the bond energy per two-electron bond increases from a sin-
gle over a double to a triple bond (Fig. 3). For carbon the situation is the
opposite and one might expect acetylene (H – C ≡ C – H) to polymerize in
an exothermic reaction whereas N2 (N ≡ N) is more stable than any other
polynitrogen species [15–18]. One may ask what the difference between for-
mally sp-hybridized nitrogen in N2 and sp-hybridized carbon in HCCH is.
Indeed the bond situation is very similar and only an NBO analysis can help
to explain the difference:
N≡N σ(N – N) 64% s 36% p
σ– LP(N) 34% s 66% p
H–C≡C–H σ(C – C) 49% s 51% p
σ(C – H)C 45% s 55% p
H 100% s
Whereas in acetylene the C – C σ bond is indeed essentially made up of sp-
hybrid orbitals, in N2 the σ bond orbitals have two-third s and only one-third
p character and form therefore a much stronger bond than the carbon atoms
do in HCCH.
With respect to all-nitrogen species (Nx ), there are only a very few species
known that have been isolated and characterized (Table 1).
Quite recently, researchers from the Max Plank Institute for Chemistry
and the Geophysical Laboratory at the Carnegie Institution of Washington re-
ported the polymerization of nitrogen in sodium azide [16–18]. With increas-
ing pressure on sodium azide, the sample became completely opaque above
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 89

Fig. 3 Bond energies (in kcal mol–1 ) for single, double and triple bonds (left) and per two-
electron bond (right) [15]

Table 1 Isolated all-nitrogen species

All-nitrogen Name Comment Refs.


Neutral compounds
N2 Dinitrogen Thermodynamic stable form of nitrogen, [15]
not energetic
cg-Nx Cubic polynitrogen Prepared from N2 in diamond anvil [16–18]
cell at 200 K and 110 GPa; metastable only
above 42 GPa
Ionic species
N3 – Azide anion Suitable energetic anion (or covalent azide [15]
group R-NNN)
N5 + Pentanitrogen cation Metastable salts only with large counter [19–21]
anions (Sb2 F11 – etc.)
N5 – Pentanitrogen anion Only detected in the gas phase (mass [22, 23]

120 GPa, evidencing completion of the transformation to a non-molecular ni-

trogen state with amorphous-like structure that crystallized after laser heat-
ing to 3300 K. This change was interpreted in terms of a transformation of
azide ions to larger nitrogen clusters and subsequent formation of a polyni-
trogen network. The polymeric form was preserved on decompression in the
diamond anvil cell, but transformed back to the starting azide form under
ambient conditions.
In an another publication [17], Eremets et al. reported a single-bonded
cubic form of nitrogen. This material was synthesized directly from molecu-
lar nitrogen at temperatures above 2000 K and pressures above 110 GPa, again
in a laser-heated diamond-cell. From X-ray and Raman scattering the sub-
stance was identified as the long-sought-after polymeric nitrogen with the
90 T.M. Klapötke

theoretically predicted cubic gauche structure (cg-N). In this compound, each

nitrogen atom is connected to three neighbors by three single covalent bonds
(Fig. 4). This is a new member of a class of single-bonded nitrogen materials
with unique properties such as an energy capacity more than five times that
of most powerful non-nuclear energetic materials.

Fig. 4 cg-N structure. Each N atom is connected to three neighbors by three single co-
valent bonds. The primitive cell is shown on the left, and an extended structure of the
polymeric N is shown on the right

The authors confirmed calculations that predicted that the cg-structure is

the most energetically favorable. Their findings confirm the existence of a new
allotrope of nitrogen where atoms are connected with single covalent bonds
(cf. Fig. 4). The predicted wide band-gap of 8.1 eV (or 3.75 eV at 240 GPa)
correlates well with the observed colorless transparent phase. Although the-
ory also predicts that the cg-N could be metastable at atmospheric pressures,
Eremets et al. found that at room temperature cg-N is metastable at pressures
above 42 GPa. At this pressure, it transforms to a molecular phase under weak
laser illumination. If cg-N is not metastable at ambient pressure, the authors
hope it can be stabilized in compounds with other elements or by introducing
Only further experiments can show whether this new form of polynitrogen
may ever be suitable for use as a high energy density material (HEDM), due
to (i) its very high expected specific impulse (for propulsion) or, less likely,
(ii) expected high explosive power (for use as a secondary explosive or high
explosive). Whether polynitrogen finds application or not, the authors ought
to be congratulated on their outstanding and break-through discovery.
In addition, there are numerous polynitrogen species that have been com-
puted in the gas phase (Fig. 5) [24–30], however, none of these compounds
has yet been prepared in the laboratory, not even on a milligram scale.
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 91

Fig. 5 Structure of N5 – and some computationally known (but not yet synthesized) neu-
tral polynitrogen species [24–30]

In the opinion of the author of this chapter high-nitrogen compounds

(in contrast to all-nitrogen compounds) clearly have great potential as new
energetic materials. Whereas high-nitrogen compounds without additional
oxidizing groups may be good candidates for use as propellant charges for
high explosives, the combination of high-nitrogen compounds with strongly
oxidizing nitro, nitrato, nitramino, or nitrimino groups should be advanta-
geous in delivering the explosive energy required (Fig. 6).
In order to stabilize nitrogen-rich molecules, π aromatic delocalization
may be used. In this context five-membered heterocycles with three N atoms
– triazoles –, four N atoms – tetrazoles –, and five N atoms – pentazoles – play
an important role (Fig. 7). While triazoles often do not possess enough intrin-
sic energy to be suitable candidates for high explosives, pentazole derivatives
are usually either far too sensitive and unstable for any application or need
to be kinetically stabilized by bulky groups, which reduce the nitrogen con-
92 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 6 Nitro (A), nitrato (B), nitramino (C), and nitrimino (D) groups

Fig. 7 Neutral triazole, tetrazole, and pentazole

tent substantially. Therefore, tetrazole compounds seem to be a good choice

for combining high-nitrogen content with reasonable kinetic stability.
Energetic salts are important systems for the development of high energy
density materials since salts are intrinsically non-volatile, are typically ther-
mally stable under normal conditions, and are more dense [31, 32]. However,
due to the fact that salts tend to have undesirable octanol/water partition
coefficients and may therefore find their way into the groundwater, in this
review we therefore want to focus on neutral species.

Neutral Tetrazole Compounds

1,5-Diaminotetrazole (DAT)

Because of the difficult accessibility of 1,5-diaminotetrazole (DAT, Fig. 8), only

few synthetic methods for its preparation have been described in the lit-
erature. This compound, as all aminotetrazoles, has the highest content of
nitrogen among organic substances (about 84%) and due to the aromaticity,
it exhibits a relatively high thermal stability.
In addition, DAT presents a high energy of formation; for this reason it can
be used as a valuable intermediate in the preparation of high-energy-density
materials [33–35].
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 93

Fig. 8 Structure of 1,5-DAT

A milestone in the synthesis of DAT was described by Raap [36] who

reacted the sodium salt of 5-aminotetrazole with hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic
acid and obtained a mixture of 1,5-diaminotetrazole (1,5-DAT) and 2,5-di-
aminotetrazole (2,5-DAT), where the first constitutes 8.5% of the reaction
yield (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Synthesis of 1,5-DAT and 2,5-DAT according to Raap [36]

Before Raap, Gaponik et al. [37] improved the synthesis reported by Stolle
et al. [38]. By reacting thiosemicarbazide with lead oxide and sodium azide in
a CO2 atmosphere, a carbodiimide intermediate is formed and reacts in situ
with HN3 to lead to 1,5-DAT (Fig. 10). Unfortunately, this reaction leads to
large amounts of lead azide as the side-product, which makes this synthesis
problematic for an industrial scale.

Fig. 10 Synthesis of 1,5-DAT using PbO [37, 38]

The most recent approach to the synthesis of DAT was made at LMU
Munich [39, 40] and eliminates the formation of highly explosive lead azide
94 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 11 Improved synthesis of 1,5-DAT without using PbO [39–41]

and produces a substantially greater yield. After diazotation of diaminoguan-

odinium chloride, the reaction mixture is brought to pH 8 to deproto-
nate the intermediate formed, which cyclizes yielding 1,5-DAT in 58% yield
(Fig. 11). Nevertheless, the synthesis conditions must be perfectly controlled
because the reaction of nitrous acid with aminoguanidinium is strongly
dependent on the pH value as well as on the amounts of reactants, oth-
erwise it might lead to the azide derivative, which is a very explosive by-
product [41].

1-Nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane (NTNAP)

The reaction of 1-chloro-2-nitro-2-azapropane with silver nitrotetrazolate

yielded 1-nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane (NTNAP) as a white solid in
over 90% yield (Fig. 12) [42].

Fig. 12 Synthesis of NTNAP

The molecular structures of NTNAP in the crystalline state was deter-

mined by low-temperature X-ray crystallography (Fig. 13). The aromatic
tetrazolium ring is, as expected, planar with the following torsion angles:
C1 – N1 – N2 – N3 0.2(2)◦ , N2 – N1 – C1 – N4 – 0.4(2)◦ , N1 – N2 – N3 – N4
0.0(2)◦ . The crystalline density was determined to be 1.735 g cm–3 .
NTNAP was fully characterized by IR and Raman spectroscopy and mult-
inuclear NMR spectroscopy (1 H, 13 C, 14 N). The nitrotetrazolium compound
shows a rather complex 14 N NMR spectrum, however, the two nitro (– NO2 )
resonances are well resolved at – 26.2 and – 28.7 ppm. In the 13 C NMR spec-
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 95

Fig. 13 Molecular structure of NTNAP in the crystalline state. Displacement ellipsoids are
shown at the 50% probability level

Fig. 14 DSC plot of NTNAP, heating rate 2 ◦ C min–1

trum the methyl (– CH3 , 3.55 ppm) and methylene (– CH2 –, 6.85 ppm) pro-
tons show singlet resonances clearly shifted, as expected, to low field.
The DSC plot of NTNAP was recorded with a heating rate of 2 ◦ C min–1
(Fig. 14). The covalent compound is thermally reasonably stable, melts with-
out decomposition at 100 ◦ C, and shows decomposition with an onset of
about 180 ◦ C. Therefore, the compound possesses properties that may make
it suitable for melt-casting processes.
The sensitivity and detonation parameters of NTNAP are summarized in
Table 2.
96 T.M. Klapötke

Table 2 Energetic properties of NTNAP


Appearance White powder

Stability Hydrolytically stable
Deflagration Explodes when thrown in a flame
Oxygen balance [%] – 35.5
Impact sensitivity [J] [18, 19] 6
Friction sensitivity [N] 60

N-Trinitroethyl Derivatives of Nitrogen Containing Compounds

Although compounds carrying the N-trinitroethyl fragment have been re-

ported, relevant data were published mainly in the patent literature, often
without giving information about synthetic procedures or specifying the
physicochemical characteristics of the compounds obtained. In the course of
investigations into high energy density materials (HEDM) at LMU Munich,
we recently focused our attention on new derivatives of energetic materials
that combine both the advantages of the tetrazole, as well as the trinitroethyl,
moiety. The tetrazole unit with its high nitrogen content together with its
endothermic character is remarkably thermodynamically stable and the trini-
troethyl fragment contributes to a positive oxygen balance.
Trinitroethanol (TNE) and bistrinitroethylamine (BTNA) can easily be
synthesized according to the literature [43, 44]. The best synthetic approach
for the synthesis of 1-methyl-5-(1-methyl-2-(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)hydrazinyl)-
1H-tetrazole (MMTHT) and 2-(5-(1-methyl-2-(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)hydrazinyl)-
1H-tetrazol-1-yl)ethanol (MTHTE) utilizes a condensation of the starting
amino derivative with 2,2,2-trinitroethanole (Fig. 15) [45].

Fig. 15 Synthesis of MMTHT and MTHTE

All compounds were characterized using vibrational spectroscopy. In add-

ition, TNE, MMTHT, and MTHTE were characterized using 1 H, 13 C, and
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 97

Table 3 Properties of MMTHT

Sum formula C5 H9 N9 O6
Formula weight [g mol–1 ] 291.21
TMD [g cm–3 ] 1.63
Tdecomposition, onset (DSC, 2 K min–1 ) [◦ C] 82.5
– ∆c U [cal g–1 ] 2936
Impact sensitivity [J] > 30
Friction sensitivity [N] 108 (visible flame)
Oxygen balance [%] – 46.7
– ∆f U [kJ kg–1 ] + 1889
QV [kJ kg–1 ] – 6368
Tex [K] 4404
P [kbar] 277
D [m s–1 ] 8307
V0 [L kg–1 ] 783

Table 4 Selected structural data of TNE, BTNA, MMTHT, and MTHTE


Formula C2 H3 N3 O7 C4 H5 N7 O12 C5 H9 N9 O6 C6 H11 N9 O7

Formula weight [g mol–1 ] 181.07 343.12 291.21 321.208
Temperature [K] 200 200 100 100
Crystal system Monoclinic Orthorhombic Triclinic Monoclinic
Space group P21 /c (no. 14) P bca (no. 61) P-1 P21 /n (no. 14)
a [Å] 6.1218(4) 12.8996(6) 7.2651(13) 13.0419(4)
b [Å] 18.8120(12) 11.7753(5) 7.5773(16) 7.3020(2)
c [Å] 11.7391(8) 16.1577(7) 11.695(7) 14.8002(5)
α [◦ ] 90 90 102.89(3) 90
β [◦ ] 104.997(4) 90 103.82(3) 112.118(4)
γ [◦ ] 90 90 99.387(17) 90
Volume [Å3 ] 1305.87(15) 2454.30(19) 593.3(4) 1305.73(7)
Z 8 8 2 4
Absorption 0.191 0.188 0.146 0.147
coefficient [mm–1 ]
Density exptl. [g cm–3 ] 1.842 1.857 1.630 1.634
F(000) 736 1392 300 664
2θ [◦ ] 51.0 51.5 52.0 54.0
Reflections collected 12556 22836 5227 9034
Reflections unique 2424 2330 2308 2831
Rint 0.0631 0.0494 0.0225 0.0237
Parameters 237 228 217 243
GOOF 1.223 1.294 0.979 1.061
R1 /wR2 [I > 2σ(I)] 0.0651/0.1048 0.0802/0.1766 0.0300/0.0730 0.0297/0.0740
R1 /wR2 (all data) 0.0825/0.1135 0.0831/0.1787 0.0432/0.0772 0.0438/0.0806
98 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 16 ORTEP representation of the molecular structure of TNE in the crystalline state.
The thermal ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level

Fig. 17 ORTEP representation of the molecular structure of BTNA in the crystalline state.
The thermal ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level

14/15 N NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and elemental analysis. Their

impact, friction, and electrostatic sensitivity data were measured in order to
establish safe handling procedures for these compounds (Table 3). Further-
more, all compounds have been structurally fully characterized using single
crystal X-ray diffraction methods (Table 4, Figs. 16–19).
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 99

Fig. 18 ORTEP representation of the molecular structure of MMTHT in the crystalline

state. The thermal ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level

Fig. 19 ORTEP representation of the molecular structure of MMTHT in the crystalline

state. The thermal ellipsoids are shown at the 50% probability level

Nitrated Aminotetrazoles

The combination of a tetrazole ring with energetic groups containing oxy-

gen such as nitro groups (R – NO2 ) [46], nitrate esters (R – O – NO2 ) [47],
100 T.M. Klapötke

or nitramines (R2 N – NO2 ) [48] is of particular interest. Energetic mate-

rials based on tetrazoles show the desirable properties of high nitrogen
contents on the one hand, and astonishing kinetic and thermal stabilities
due to aromaticity on the other. Compounds with a high nitrogen contend
are potential candidates for replacing common secondary explosives like
RDX [49] (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-S-triazine) and HMX [50] (octahydro-
1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazine), or in high-tech propellants when com-
bined with a suitable oxidizer [51]. Nitroaminotetrazoles are of special inter-
est because they combine both the oxidizer and the energetic nitrogen-rich
backbone in one molecule.
The nomenclature of nitroaminotetrazoles (also referred to as nitramino-
or nitriminotetrazoles) is usually inconsistent in literature [52] as a re-
sult of incomplete characterization of the previously reported compounds.
Therefore, a complete characterization of three well-known nitroaminote-
trazoles is given in this chapter (see also [53]). The crystal structures show
the first examples of neutral 5-aminotetrazoles that have been nitrated at
the primary NH2 group. For 5-nitroaminotetrazole only the cell parameters
have been previously published [54], while several examples of 5-methyl-
nitraminotetrazoles have been structurally characterized and reported in the
literature [55]. On the basis of the crystal structures obtained, the nitration
product of 5-aminotetrazole (1) is now referred to as 5-nitriminotetrazole (2).
Nitriminotetrazoles and the corresponding metal nitramino-tetrazolates
salts [56–58] have been known for a long time since they are cheap and easy
to manufacture via various routes. However there are two main methods.
The first synthesis uses protonation of 5-aminotetrazole (1) [59] using warm
concentrated HNO3 to form 5-aminotetrazole nitrate, followed by dehydra-
tion with concentrated sulfuric acid [60, 61] to form 2. Another synthetic
route is based on the cyclization of nitroguanylazide [62–64] (also known as
nitroazidoformamidine). A further method is the N-nitration of aminotetra-
zoles using tetranitromethane [65, 66].
The investigated compounds 2, 5, and 6 are prepared starting from the
corresponding 5-amino-1H-tetrazoles. 5-Aminotetrazole (1, 5-AT), first de-
scribed by Thiele in 1892 [67], can be easily alkylated forming the methyl
derivatives [68, 69]. The investigated and probably simplest way for preparing
5-nitriminotetrazole is the treatment of 5-aminotetrazole with fuming HNO3
(Fig. 20).
The single crystal X-ray diffraction data were collected using an Oxford
Xcalibur3 diffractometer with a Spellman generator (voltage 50 kV, current
40 mA) and a KappaCCD detector. The data collections were undertaken
using the CrysAlis CCD software [70] and the data reductions were per-
formed with the CrysAlis RED software [71]. The structures were solved with
SIR-92 [72] and refined with SHELXL-97 [73] and finally checked using PLA-
TON [74]. In all structures the hydrogen atoms were found and refined. The
absorptions of 5 and 6 were corrected using the SCALE3 ABSPACK multiscan
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 101

Fig. 20 The reaction of 5-aminotetrazole (1), 1-methyl-5-aminotetrazole (3), and 2-me-

thyl-5-aminotetrazole (4) with 100% HNO3

method [75]. In the chiral space group P21 21 21 the Friedel pairs were merged.
Selected data from the X-ray data collection and refinements are given in
Table 5. Further information regarding the crystal structure determinations
has been deposited with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre [76] as
supplementary publication numbers 635164 (2), 635163 (5), and 635160 (6).
Compound 2 was characterized as a dibasic acid with pKa values of 2.5 and
6.1 [60]. Previously it was not possible to locate the hydrogen atoms and it was
assumed that the more acid hydrogen is located at the nitramino group [77].
However, using single crystal diffraction both hydrogen atoms were located
on the tetrazole ring at nitrogen atoms N1 and N4. The 15 N NMR spectra
shows only four signals, which suggests the same connectivity present in so-
lution. DFT calculations show that this isomer is the one calculated lowest in
energy even in the gas phase. The molecular unit can be seen in Fig. 21.
The geometry of the tetrazole ring in 2 can be compared with that of
5-aminotetrazole monohydrate (5-AT) [78]. The bond lengths in 2 are about
1.0 Å shorter than in 5-AT, with the shortest distance in 2 between the
atoms N2 and N3 with 1.278(1) Å and the longest between N1 and N2
with 1.358(1) Å. The C1 – N5 bond length is 1.341(1) Å, which is closer to
a C = N double bond (1.28 Å) than a C – N single bond (1.46 Å), whereas
the nitramine bond N5 – N6 is considerably longer (1.363(1) Å). The angles
in 2 differ from those in 5-AT. The N4 – C1 – N1 angle in 2 (103.9(1)◦ ) is
smaller than in 5-AT (107.9(1)◦ ), which can be explained using the VSEPR
102 T.M. Klapötke

Table 5 Crystallographic data for compounds 2, 5, and 6

2 5 6

Formula CH2 N6 O2 C2 H4 N6 O2 C2 H4 N6 O2
Form. weight [g mol–1 ] 130.09 144.11 144.11
Crystal system Monoclinic Orthorhombic Monoclinic
Space Group P21 /c (14) P21 21 21 (19) P21 /c (14)
Color/habit Colorless cuboids Colorless rods Colorless blocks
Size [mm] 0.18 × 0.13 × 0.08 0.19 × 0.16 × 0.08 0.24 × 0.18 × 0.15
a [Å] 9.4010(3) 6.6140(1) 9.5278(9)
b [Å] 5.4918(1) 8.5672(2) 7.7308(7)
c [Å] 9.3150(3) 19.2473(4) 8.4598(9)
α [◦ ] 90.0 90.0 90.0
β [◦ ] 105.762(3) 90.0 112.875(9)
γ [◦ ] 90.0 90.0 90.0
V [Å3 ] 462.84(2) 1090.62(4) 574.1(1)
Z 4 8 4
ρcalc [g cm–3 ] 1.867 1.755 1.667
µ [mm–1 ] 0.169 0.153 0.145
F(000) 264 592 296
λMoKα [Å] 0.71073 0.71073 0.71073
T [K] 100 100 200
θ min, max [◦ ] 4.3, 32.1 3.7, 32.1 4.6, 26.0
Dataset – 13 : 13; – 8 : 8; – 9 : 9; – 12 : 12; – 11 : 11; – 9 : 9;
– 13 : 13 – 28 : 27 – 10 : 10
Reflections collected 6375 15881 5625
Independent reflections 1537 2104 1128
Rint 0.037 0.034 0.034
Observed reflections 1050 1616 1087
No. parameters 90 213 107
R1 (obs) 0.0343 0.0297 0.0440
wR2 (all data) 0.0960 0.0696 0.0950
GooF 1.00 0.99 1.21
Weighting scheme 0.05710 0.04220 0.03930 0.16880
Resd. Density [e/ Å3 ] – 0.23, 0.31 – 0.32, 0.21 – 0.22, 0.17
Device type Oxford Oxford Oxford
Xcalibur3 CCD Xcalibur3 CCD Xcalibur3 CCD
Solution SIR-92 SIR-92 SIR-92
Refinement SHELXL-97 SHELXL-97 SHELXL-97
Absorption correction None Multiscan Multiscan
CCDC 635164 635163 635160

model [79] in which a double bond requires more space. A condition

of the 6π-Hückel-aromaticity is a planar ring system, which can be seen
at the torsion angle between N1 – N2 – N3 – N4 of 0.5(1)◦ . The nitramine
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 103

Fig. 21 Left: View of the molecular structure of 2 with thermal ellipsoid drawn at
the 50% probability level. Hydrogen atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary
radii. Right: H-bonding in 2 (N1 – H1 – N2i : D – H 0.89(2) Å, H – A 2.11(2) Å, D – A
2.948(1) Å, D – H – A 156 (1)◦ ; N4 – H4 – N5ii : 0.98(2) Å, 1.83(2) Å, 2.850(2) Å, 175 (2)◦ ;
N4 – H4 – O2ii : 0.98(2) Å, 2.48(2) Å, 3.146(1) Å, 125 (1)◦ ; N4 – H4 – N6ii : 0.98(2) Å,
2.58(2) Å, 3.4748(14) Å, 153 (1)◦ ; ((i) 1 – x, 0.5 + y, 1.5 – z (ii) 2 – x, – 0.5 + y, 1.5 – z))

group also shows only slight derivations from the planarity (torsion angle
C1 – N5 – N5 – O1 1.8(1)◦ ), and is stabilized via a intramolecular hydrogen
bond between N1 – H1 – O1. Bond lengths for the non-hydrogen atoms in 2
are given in Table 6. Each 5-nitriminotetrazole molecule participates in two
strong intermolecular hydrogen bonds, as is illustrated in Fig. 21. The strong
hydrogen bonds appear to be the most important reason for the high density
of 1.867 g cm–3 .
Accordingly, the densities of 5 and 6 decrease because of the presence of
the methyl groups. The molecular unit of 5 (Fig. 22) shows a similar con-
104 T.M. Klapötke

Table 6 Bond lengths of 2, 5, and 6

Atoms Bond length d(1–2) [Å]

2 5 6

O2 – N6 1.234(1) 1.234(2) 1.224(2)

O1 – N6 1.237(1) 1.266(2) 1.217(2)
N1 – N2 1.358(1) 1.355(2) 1.327(2)
N1 – C1 1.341(1) 1.345(2) 1.325(2)
N4 – C1 1.336(1) 1.338(2) 1.339(2)
N4 – N3 1.352(1) 1.364(2) 1.321(2)
N2 – N3 1.278(1) 1.284(2) 1.318(2)
N5 – N6 1.363(1) 1.338(2) 1.379(2)
N5 – C1 1.341(1) 1.346(2) 1.397(2)
N1(2) – C2 1.455(2) 1.459(2)

nectivity to that of 2, whereby the N1 – H group in 2 has been substituted

by a methyl group at atom N1. Again, in 5 the nitro group is tilted sideways
where the hydrogen atom is located, forming an intramolecular hydrogen
bond. In 5, the nitrimine unit is also found to lie in the plane of the tetra-
zole ring (torsion angle O1 – N6 – N5 – C1 of 4.3(2)◦ ), whereby the tetrazole
ring in 5 shows comparable bond lengths with those observed in 2. The most
significant difference is the nitramine bond between N5 and N6, which is
shorter in compound 5 (d (N5 – N6) = 1.338(2) Å). Finally, there is no signifi-
cant differences for the angles observed in compounds 2 and 5. The structure
observed for 5 in the crystalline state is again influenced by several strong
intermolecular hydrogen bonds, which are illustrated in Fig. 22.
The structure of 6 is considerably different to the structures of 2 and 5
discussed previously. The methyl group at the nitrogen atom N2 directs the
remaining proton to the nitrogen atom N5, building a nitraminotetrazole
(Fig. 23). In 6, the C1 – N5 bond length is crucially longer with a distance of
1.397(2) Å and the nitramine unit does not lie in the plane of the tetrazole
ring, as is clearly shown by the C1 – N5 – N6 – O1 torsion angle of – 19.2(2)◦ .
The N6 – N5 – C1 angle (117.9(1)◦ ) is larger than is observed in 2 and 5, and
the N5 – N6 nitramine bond of 1.379(2) Å is the longest in this series of com-
pounds and can be seen as contributing to the low density of 1.667 g cm–3 ,
which is the lowest among the three structures discussed in this work. Further
reasons for the lower observed density of 6 are the absence of strong in-
tramolecular hydrogen bonds and the presence of only two moderately strong
hydrogen bonds, as illustrated in Fig. 23. Relevant structural parameters are
listed in Tables 6 and 7.
Vibrational spectroscopy is a suitable method for identifying nitraminote-
trazoles. The IR and Raman (Fig. 24) spectra of compounds 2, 5, and 6 show
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 105

Fig. 22 Left: View of the molecular structure of 5, representing the half of the
asymmetric unit. Thermal ellipsoid are drawn at the 50% probability level and hy-
drogen atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary radii. Right: H-bonding in 5
(N4 – H4 – N11i : D – H 0.93(2) Å, H – A 1.96(2) Å, D – A 2.848(2) Å, D – H – A 158 (2)◦ ;
N4 – H4 – O4: 0.93(19) Å, 2.59(2) Å, 3.098(2) Å, 115.3(15)◦ ; N10 – H10 – O1i : 0.80(2) Å,
2.10(2) Å, 2.874(2) Å, 163 (2)◦ ; ((i) – x, 0.5 + y, 0.5 – z))

the vibrations expected from comparison with similar compounds in the lit-
erature [80, 81]. The N – NO2 groups result in the strong absorptions in the
1280–1300 (νsym (NO2 )) and 1560–1620 (νasym (NO2 )) cm–1 regions as well as
to a weak band at 945–970 (ν(N – N)) cm–1 [82]. The IR and Raman spec-
tra of compounds 2, 5, and 6 show further characteristic absorption bands
in the regions listed below: 3250–3100 cm–1 [ν(N – H)], 3000–2850 [ν(C – H)
5, 6], 1680–1550 [ν(N – H)], 1550–1350 [ν, tetrazole ring, νas (CH3 )], ∼ 1380
[ν(CH3 )], 1350–700 [ν(N1 – C1 – N4), ν(N – N), ν(N – H), ν, tetrazole ring],
< 700 [νδoop (N – H)].
106 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 23 Left: View of the molecular structure of 6. Thermal ellipsoid are drawn at the
50% probability level and hydrogen atoms are shown as small spheres of arbitrary radii.
Right: H-bonding in 6 (N5 – H1 – N4i : D – H 0.86(2) Å, H – A 2.13(2) Å, D – A 2.965(2) Å,
D – H – A 163 (2)◦ ; N5 – H1 – O1ii : 0,86(2), 2.66(2), 3.070(2), 111.0(18) ((i) – x, – y, 2 – z;
(ii) x, 0.5 – y, 0.5 + z))

The 13 C and 15 N NMR chemical shifts and the 15 N – 1 H coupling constants

are presented in Table 8. For all compounds the proton coupled as well as the
proton decoupled 15 N NMR spectra (with full NOE) were recorded. The as-
signments are given based on the values of the 15 N – 1 H coupling constants
and on comparison with the literature [55]. The chemical shifts are given with
respect to CH3 NO2 (15 N) and TMS (13 C) as external standards. In the case of
15 N NMR, negative shifts are upfield from CH NO . In all cases d -DMSO was
3 2 6
used as the solvent.
DSC measurements to determine the decomposition temperatures of 2,
5, and 6 were performed in covered Al-containers with a nitrogen flow of
20 mL min–1 on a PerkinElmer Pyris 6 DSC [83], calibrated by standard pure
indium and zinc at a heating rate of 5 ◦ C min–1 . The DSC plots in Fig. 25
show the thermal behavior of 1.0 mg of 2, 5, and 6 in the 50–300 ◦ C tem-
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 107

Table 7 Bond angles of 2, 5, and 6

Atoms Bond angles (1–2–3) [◦ ]

2 5 6

N2 – N1 – C1 109.87(9) 110.4(1) 101.0(1)

C1 – N4 – N3 110.5(1) 110.2(1) 105.8(1)
N1 – N2 – N3 107.97(9) 107.8(1) 114.1(1)
N6 – N5 – C1 115.43(9) 115.7(1) 117.9(1)
N2 – N3 – N4 107.73(9) 107.7(1) 106.0(1)
N1 – N2 – C2 122.0(1)
C1 – N1 – C2 127.3(1)
N2 – N3 – C2 122.1(1)
N1 – N2 – C2 123.8(1)
O1 – N6 – O2 123.5(1) 121.6(1) 126.1(2)
O1 – N6 – N5 122.07(9) 121.9(1) 118.2(1)
O2 – N6 – N5 114.44(9) 116.5(1) 115.6(2)
N4 – C1 – N1 103.9(1) 103.9(1) 113.2(2)
N4 – C1 – N5 121.4(1) 136.9(1) 122.3(1)
N1 – C1 – N5 134.6(1) 119.2(1) 124.5(2)

Fig. 24 Solid state Raman spectra of compounds 2 (bottom), 5 (middle), and 6 (top)

perature range. Compound 2 shows the lowest decomposition point at 122 ◦ C,

whereby compounds 5 and 6 decompose during melting at 125 ◦ C and 123 ◦ C,
as shown by the curve of Fig. 5.
108 T.M. Klapötke

Table 8 15 N NMR and 13 C NMR chemical shifts and 15 N–1 H coupling constants

Compound NMR chemical shift [ppm]

δ(N1) δ(N2) δ(N3) δ(N4) δ(N4) δ(N6) δ(C1)

2 – 144.6 – 24.6 – 24.6 – 144.6 – 174.9 – 24.6 152.6

5 – 177.4a – 26.8b – 29.8 – 159.2 – 159.3 – 18.8 150.3
6 – 83.4b – 103.6c – 0.3b – 58.3 – 209.3 – 35.0 157.6
a 2J
N–H =2.1 Hz
b 3J
N–H =1.9 Hz
c 2J
N–H =2.2 Hz

Fig. 25 DSC plot (endo up) of compounds 2, 5, and 6 (5 ◦ C min–1 ). Tonset : 2 122 ◦ C;
5 125 ◦ C; 6 123 ◦ C

To determine the heats of decomposition, a Linseis DSC PT10 [84] was

used. Three samples (ca. 1 mg) were heated with a heating rate of 2 ◦ C min–1
and a fixed nitrogen flow of 5 L h–1 over the decomposition peaks. The surface
was integrated using the Linseis software and the average of three measure-
ments was calculated to yield heats of decomposition ∆dec Hm ◦ of 2638 J g–1
–1 –1
(2), 1685 J g (5), and 2158 J g (6).
For initial safety testing, the impact and friction sensitivities were tested
according to BAM methods [85, 86] with the “BAM Fallhammer” and “BAM
friction tester”. Compound 2 is very sensitive towards impact (< 1.5 J) and
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 109

friction (< 8 N) and since the value is comparable with lead azide, it should be
considered to be a primary explosive, and should therefore only be handled
with appropriate precautions. Compound 5 is moderately sensitive towards
impact (< 12.5 J) and friction (< 160 N). However, 6 shows increased sensitiv-
ities comparing to 5 (impact: < 3.0 J, friction: < 145 N). Accordingly, 5 and 6
fall into the group of compounds described as “sensitive”.
The heats of combustion for the compounds 2, 5, and 6 were determined
experimentally, using a Parr 1356 bomb calorimeter (static jacket) equipped
with a Parr 1108CL oxygen bomb [87]. To ensure better combustion, the
samples (ca. 200 mg) were pressed with a defined amount of benzoic acid
(ca. 800 mg) to form a tablet and a Parr 45C10 alloy fuse wire was used
for ignition. In all measurements, a correction of 2.3 cal cm–1 wire burned
has been applied, and the bomb was examined for evidence of noncom-
busted carbon after each run. A Parr 1755 printer was furnished with the
Parr 1356 calorimeter to produce a permanent record of all activities within
the calorimeter. The reported values are the average of three separate meas-
urements. The calorimeter was calibrated by combustion of certified benzoic
acid (SRM, 39i, NIST) in an oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 3.05 MPa. The
experimental results of the constant volume combustion energy (∆c U) of the
salts are summarized in Table 9. The standard molar enthalpy of combustion
(∆c H ◦ ) was derived from ∆c H ◦ = ∆c U + ∆nRT (∆n = ∆ni (products, g) –
∆ni (reactants, g);∆ni is the total molar amount of gases in the products or re-
actants). The enthalpy of formation, ∆f H ◦ , for each of the salts was calculated
at 298.15 K using Hess’ law and the following combustion reactions:

2: CH2 N6 O2 + 1/2O2 → CO2 + H2 O + 3N2 (1)

5,6 : C2 H4 N6 O2 + 2O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2 O + 3N2 . (2)

Table 9 shows that 2, 5, and 6 are strongly endothermic compounds (∆f H ◦

2: + 264 kJ mol–1 , 5: + 260 kJ mol–1 , 6: + 380 kJ mol–1 ). The enthalpies of en-
ergetic materials are governed by the molecular structure of the compounds,
and therefore, heterocycles with a higher nitrogen content (e.g., imidazole

∆f Hcryst ◦
= 14.0 kcal mol–1 [88]; 1,2,4-triazole ∆f Hcryst = 26.1 kcal mol–1 ; tetra-

zole ∆f Hcryst = 56.7 kcal mol [89, 90]) show higher heats of formation. From

the experimentally determined heats of formation and densities obtained

from single crystal structure X-ray diffraction, various thermochemical prop-
erties have been calculated using the EXPLO5 software and are summarized
in Table 9.
The detonation parameters were calculated using the program EXPLO5
V5.02 [91, 92] and are summarized in Table 9. The program is based on the
steady-state model of equilibrium detonation and uses BKW E.O.S [93] for
gaseous detonation products and Cowan–Fickett E.O.S. for solid carbon. The
calculations were performed using the maximum densities according to the
crystal structures and the BKWN set of constants was used. 2 shows a very
110 T.M. Klapötke

Table 9 Physico-chemical properties of 2, 5, and 6

2 5 6

Formula CH2 N6 O2 C2 H4 N6 O2 C2 H4 N6 O2
Molecular mass 130.09 144.11 144.11
Impact sensitivity [J]a 1.5 12.5 3.0
Friction sensitivity [N]b 8 160 145
Electrical discharge No reaction No reaction No reaction
N [%]c 64.61 58.32 58.32
Ω [%]d – 12.30 – 44.41 – 44.41
Combustion Yes Yes Yes
Tdec [◦ C]e 122 125 122
Density [g cm–3 ]f 1.87 1.76 1.67
– ∆c U [cal g–1 ]g 1750 2700 2902
– ∆c H ◦ [kJ mol–1 ]h 944 1619 1740
◦ [kJ mol–1 ]i
∆ f Hm 264 260 380
∆dec Hm◦ [J g–1 ]j 2638 1685 2158
– ∆E Um◦ [J g–1 ]k 5326 5235 5998
TE [K] l 4309 3824 4283
P [kbar]m 363 295 289
D [m s–1 ]n 9173 8433 8434
Gas volume [mL g–1 ]o 404 395 413
a BAM methods, insensitive > 40 J, less sensitive ≥ 35 J, sensitive ≥ 4 J,
very sensitive ≤ 3 J [85, 86];
b BAM methods, insensitive > 360 N, less sensitive = 360 N, sensitive < 360 N to > 80 N,
very sensitive ≤ 80 N, extremely sensitive ≤ 10 N [85, 86];
c Nitrogen content;
d Oxygen balance;
e Decomposition temperature from DSC (β = 5 ◦ C);
f Estimated from X-ray diffraction;
g Experimental (constant volume) combustion energy;
h Experimental molar enthalpy of combustion;
i Molar enthalpy of formation;
j Experimental enthalpy of decomposition using DSC;
k Energy of explosion, EXPLO5 V5.02;
l Explosion temperature, EXPLO5 V5.02;
m Detonation pressure, EXPLO5 V5.02;
n Detonation velocity, EXPLO5 V5.02;
o Assuming only gaseous products, EXPLO5 V5.02

high calculated detonation pressure of 363 kbar and a detonation velocity of

9173 m s–1 higher than TNT (P = 202 kbar, D = 7150 m s–1 ) [91]. Even com-
pound 5 also shows promising values for the detonation pressures (295 kbar)
and explosion velocity (8433 m s–1 ). The influence of the density on the prop-
erties of energetic materials is clearly shown by 6, which shows the lowest
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 111

detonation pressure of 289 kbar in spite of the highest positive heat of forma-
tion due to its low density.
In order to determine the thermal decomposition products, the com-
pounds were heated in a evacuated steel tube for ca. 30 s at a temperature
of 250 ◦ C and the gaseous products were transferred into an evacuated gas
IR cell. Figure Fig. 26 shows the gas phase IR spectra of the decomposition
products of 2, 5, and 6.
The thermal decomposition of 2 results in the formation of only two main
products, which could be identified using IR spectroscopy, namely CO2 [94]
and CO [95]. In addition trace amounts of HCN and CH4 were visible in
the gas-phase IR spectrum, however, no evidence for the formation of water
vapor was found. In the methylated compounds, many more decomposition
products were observed using gas-phase IR spectroscopy. Besides CO2 and
CO, larger amounts of CH4 [96] and HCN were found in the decomposition of
5 and 6, in comparison with 2. In contrast to 5, where bigger amounts of ex-
pected NH3 were detected, the thermal decomposition of 6 shows only traces
of NH3 but moderate amounts of N2 O [97].
The electrostatic potentials were illustrated after computing a optimal
geometry at the B3LYP/6-31G∗ level of theory using the program package
HyperChem 7.52 [98]. Figure 27 shows the 0.001 electron bohr–3 3D isosur-
face of electron density for 2, 5, and 6. In these diagrams a Jorgensen–Salem

Fig. 26 IR spectra showing the gas-phase decomposition products of 2 (top), 5 (middle),

and 6 (bottom)
112 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 27 Calculated (B3LYP /6-31G*) electrostatic potential of 2 (left), 5 (middle), and

6 (right). The dark regions represent electron-rich regions, the light regions electron-
deficient regions

representation was chosen with an electrostatic potential contour value of

0.07 hartree. The dark regions represent extremely electron-rich regions (V(r)
< 0.07 hartree) and the light regions extremely electron-deficient regions
(V(r) > 0.071 hartree). In general, the patterns of the calculated electrostatic
potentials of the surface of molecules can be related to the impact sensi-
tivities [99–106]. In contrast to non-energetic organic molecules where the
positive potential is larger but weaker in strength, in nitro and azo compounds
usually more extensive regions with larger and stronger positive potentials are
observed, which can be related to the increased impact sensitivities.
Long-term stability tests were performed using a Systag FlexyTSC [107]
(thermal safety calorimetry) in combination with a RADEX V5 oven and the
SysGraph software. The tests were undertaken as long-term isoperibolic eval-
uations in glass test vessels at atmospheric pressure with ca. 200 mg of the
compounds. It was shown that tempering a substance for 48 h at 40 ◦ C under
the decomposition point results in a storage period of 58 years at room tem-
perature. In our cases we chose a temperature of 80 ◦ C and investigated the
possible occurrence of exo- or endothermic behavior over a period of 48 h
(Fig. 28). 2 and 5 were completely stable for 48 h, while 6 showed negligible
minimal exothermic steps in the first 6 h. It can therefore be reasoned, that all

Fig. 28 Long-term stability screen of 2, 5, and 6 using a FlexyTSC (80 ◦ C, 48 h)

New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 113

three compounds show long-term stability, which is a basic requirement for

possible applications.
From the combined experimental and computational study discussed in
this chapter the following conclusions can be drawn:

• 5-Nitriminotetrazole (2), 1-methyl-5-nitriminotetrazole (5), and 2-methyl-

5-nitraminotetrazole (6) can be synthesized in high yields and purity
from aminotetrazole and 1- and 2-methyl-5-aminotetrazole, respectively,
in simple one-step syntheses by reaction with fuming HNO3 .
• The crystal structures of 2, 5, 6 were determined using low-temperature
single crystal X-ray diffraction. In the structure of 2 both hydrogen
atoms could be located at the tetrazole ring forming a nitriminotetra-
zole. A similar structure can be observed for 5, whereas 6 corresponds to
a nitraminotetrazole, where the hydrogen atom is located at the nitrogen
atom of the nitramine group. All of the compounds are stabilized in the
crystalline state because of the presence of strong hydrogen bonds.
• Thorough characterization of the chemical, thermochemical, and ener-
getic properties of 2, 5 and 6 is reported. All compounds presented are
energetic materials, showing increased sensitivities towards friction and
impact and have long-term stability at room temperature. In the case of 2,
increased precautions should be undertaken when the compound is pre-
pared on a larger scale.


In an early publication [108] our research group inadvertently published

a wrong value for the heat of formation determined from bomb-calorimetric
In the publication we described several nitroso- and nitraminotetra-
zoles, including 1,6-dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole (Fig. 29), as products of
the nitration of 1,6-dimethyl-5-aminotetrazole using a mixture of nitric acid
(100%) and trifluoroacetic anhydride (Fig. 30).
In the thermochemistry part of the earlier publication [108] a heat of
formation of + 2.8 kcal mol–1 was reported. According to recent calculations
by Rice et al. (see chapter in this volume), however, the heat of forma-

Fig. 29 1,6-Dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole
114 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 30 Synthesis of 1,6-dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole

tion was expected to be 70 kcal mol–1 . This prompted us to synthesize 1,6-

dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole again and to re-investigate the heat of com-
bustion (Table 10). From the re-determined experimental heat of combustion
of 564 kcal mol–1 , a heat of formation of 75 kcal mol–1 was then calculated,
which is in much better agreement with the predicted value of 70 kcal mol–1 .
The calorimetric measurements were performed using a Parr 1356 bomb
calorimeter (static jacket) equipped with a Parr 1108CL oxygen bomb for
the combustion of highly energetic materials [87]. The samples (ca. 200 mg)
were pressed with a well-defined amount of benzoic acid (ca. 800 mg) form-
ing a tablet and a Parr 45C10 alloy fuse wire was used for ignition. In all
measurements a correction of 2.3 (IT) cal cm–1 wire burned has been applied,
and the bomb was examined for evidence of noncombusted carbon after
each run. A Parr 1755 printer was furnished with the Parr 1356 calorime-
ter to produce a permanent record of all activities within the calorime-
ter. The reported values are the average of three single measurements. The
calorimeter was calibrated by combustion of certified benzoic acid (SRM, 39i,
NIST) in an oxygen atmosphere at a pressure of 3.05 MPa. The standard mo-
lar enthalpy of combustion (∆c H ◦ ) was derived from ∆c H ◦ = ∆c U + ∆nRT
(∆n = ∆ni (products, g) – ∆ni (reactants, g); ∆ni is the total molar amount of
gases in the products or reactants). The enthalpy of formation, ∆f H ◦ , for each
of the salts was calculated at 298.15 K using the Hess’ law and the following
combustion reaction:
C3 H6 N6 O2 + 3.5O2 → 3CO2 (g) + 3H2 O(l) + 3N2 (g) ∆n = 2.5 .
The heats of formation of the combustion products were obtained from the
literature (NIST) [96].

Table 10 Thermodynamic values of 1,6-dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole

Correct values Wrong published values

∆c U [cal g–1 ] 3565 3119

∆c U [kcal mol–1 ] 564 490
∆f H ◦ [kcal mol–1 ] 75 2.8
Calculated ∆f H ◦ 70
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 115

Neutral Nitramine Compounds

Dinitrobiuret (DNB)

The LMU Munich research group has also been looking at tetrazole-free
nitrogen-rich compounds that contain oxidizing groups such as nitramine
functionalities. In this context, the preparation and structural characteriza-
tion of dinitrobiuret (DNB) (Fig. 31) was carried out [109, 110]. The high
chemical and thermal stability of DNB and the determined critical diameter
of 6 mm for DNB (Figs. 32, 33) in the Koenen test (steel shell test) is compa-
rable to the values reported for HMX (8 mm), RDX (8 mm), or PETN (6 mm)
and prompted us to obtain the thermodynamic data and detonation pressures
and velocities for DNB in a combined experimental and theoretical study.

Fig. 31 Molecular structure of DNB in the crystalline state

The heat of combustion (∆c H) of dinitrobiuret (DNB) was deter-

mined experimentally using oxygen bomb calorimetry: ∆c H(DNB) = 5195 ±
200 kJ kg–1 . The standard heat of formation (∆f H ◦ ) of DNB was obtained
on the basis of quantum chemical computations at the electron-correlated
ab initio MP2 (second order Møller–Plesset perturbation theory) level of
theory using a correlation consistent double-zeta basis set (cc-pV-DZ):
∆f H ◦ (DNB) =– 353 kJ mol–1 , – 1829 kJ kg–1 (Fig. 34). The detonation velocity
(D) and detonation pressure (P) of DNB was calculated using the empirical
equations by Kamlet and Jacobs: D(DNB) = 8.66 mm µs–1 , P(DNB) = 33.9 GPa.
From this combined experimental and theoretical study the following con-
clusions could be drawn:
1. Dinitrobiuret (DNB) is a very powerful and promising new explosive
116 T.M. Klapötke

Fig. 32 Steel sleeve test of DNB (10 g, 6 mm)

2. DNB has an almost neutral, even slightly positive oxygen balance of

+ 4.1%
3. DNB shows a detonation velocity and detonation pressure similar to well-
established energetic materials such as PETN, RDX, or HMX
New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives 117

Fig. 33 Steel sleeve test of DNB (10 g, 6 mm) before (left) and after test (right)

Fig. 34 Ab initio (MP2/cc-pVDZ) computed molecular structure of DNB

Acknowledgements Financial support of this work by the University of Munich (LMU),

the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI) and the European Research Office (ERO) of
the US Army Research Laboratory (ARL) under contract nos. 9939-AN-01 & N 62558-
118 T.M. Klapötke

05-C-0027 and the Bundeswehr Research Institute for Materials, Explosives, Fuels and
Lubricants (WIWEB) under contract nos. E/E210/4D004/X5143 and E/E210/7D002/4F088
is gratefully acknowledged. The work presented in this chapter would not have been pos-
sible without the help of several outstanding coworkers in the LMU research group. The
author especially thanks Prof. Konstantin Karaghiosoff, Dr. habil. Margaret-Jane Craw-
ford, Dr. Jan J. Weigand, Dipl.-Chem. Michael Göbel and Dipl.-Chem. Jörg Stierstorfer
for their help and support. Ms. Carmen Nowak is thanked for drawing all structures and
preparing the figures and Ms. Irene Scheckenbach for her help with a difficult manuscript.

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DOI 10.1007/430_2007_058
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 12 May 2007

Organic Difluoramine Derivatives

Robert D. Chapman
Chemistry Branch (Code 498200D),
Research Division, Research & Engineering Sciences Department,
Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, Naval Air Systems Command,
China Lake, CA 93555-6106, USA
[email protected]

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
2 Historical Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3 A New Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
3.1 Cyclic Difluoramino-nitramines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
3.1.1 HNFX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
3.1.2 4,4-Bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.1.3 RNFX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
3.1.4 TNFX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
3.1.5 Properties and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
3.2 Electrophilic Difluoramination and Its Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.2.1 Syntheses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3.2.2 Thermochemical and Other Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
3.3 Other Organic Difluoramines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3.3.1 Polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
3.3.2 Plasticizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
3.3.3 Miscellaneous Organic Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
4 New Synthetic Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
5 Theoretical Treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

Abstract This article reviews recent developments in synthesis and characterizations of or-
ganic difluoramine (NF2 ) derivatives since the 1980s. Specific classes of chemical compounds
are covered: cyclic difluoramino-nitramines, especially gem-bis(difluoramino)-substituted
analogs of conventional nitramines; products from the relatively new transformation of elec-
trophilic difluoramination; other classes of difluoramines such as polymers, plasticizers,
and compounds not otherwise categorized. Also covered are aspects of other recently de-
veloped synthetic methodology to prepare compounds in this general class, as well as purely
theoretical treatments of the chemistry and properties of this class.

Keywords Difluoramine · Difluoroamine · Difluoramination · HNFX · Nitramines

BNMO 3,3-Bis(nitratomethyl)oxetane
HMX Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine
124 R.D. Chapman

HNFX 3,3,7,7-Tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5-dinitro-1,5-diazocine
NMMO 3-Methyl-3-(nitratomethyl)oxetane
PETN Pentaerythrityl tetranitrate
RDX Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine
RNFX 5,5-Bis(difluoramino)hexahydro-1,3-dinitropyrimidine
TNFX 3,3-Bis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5,7,7-tetranitro-1,5-diazocine


This review will emphasize recent developments in synthesis and charac-

terizations of organic difluoramine (NF2 ) derivatives1 . Organic monofluor-
amines have been recently reviewed [1–3], as many of them tend to be suit-
able as electrophilic fluorinating reagents. Early [4–7] and recent [8] reviews
of inorganic N–F derivatives have appeared.
Interest in organic difluoramines has been predominantly due to their
potential as energetic materials in rocket propellant and explosives formula-
tions. This potential derives from the intrinsically high energy of the difluor-
amino (NF2 ) group relative to other substituents of oxidizing capability in
energetic ingredients, such as nitro (NO2 ). While this difference in energy
content is not conspicuously apparent in thermodynamic properties such as
the heats (enthalpies) of formation, which tend to be more negative than
those of analogous nitro derivatives [9], the energetics of processes of interest
(e.g., combustion) manifest this difference distinctly, as will be seen in discus-
sions of these properties for certain compounds of interest. Thus, quantitative
measures of realistic chemical processes (such as specific impulse of rocket
propellant combustion) offer a more valid comparison of the energetics of
difluoramino derivatives.
An attractive feature of fluorinated oxidizers is that their combination
with metal fuel ingredients (e.g., aluminum or boron) offers a propellant
performance advantage of producing more moles of more-volatile, lower-
molecular-weight combustion products, such as BOF (O=B–F) rather than
simple oxides (B2 O3 ) produced by solely oxygenated oxidizers [10, 11]. Di-
fluoramino derivatives should also offer a kinetically more available form
of fluorine (to achieve higher combustion or explosion efficiency) than the
“stabler” fluoroalkyl (C–F) derivatives that have been employed in energetic
The difluoramino (NF2 ) substituent is also more dense than NO2 ,
contributing favorably to explosive performance and to the propellant
property density×(specific impulse). According to Ammon’s linear vol-

1 This review will use the colloquial American English term “difluoramino” rather than the (admit-
tedly more systematic) equivalent “difluoroamino”, which is more commonly used in non-English
publications and English translations of non-English (especially Russian) publications.
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 125

ume additivity method [12], NF2 has a substituent density of 2.303 g cm–3
(52.0035 amu/37.504 Å3 ) vs. an NO2 density of 2.166 g cm–3 (46.005 amu/
35.265 Å3 ).

Historical Development

Although an organic difluoramine derivative (CF3 NF2 by-product formed by

direct fluorination of silver cyanide) had been reported as early as 1936 [13],
the impetus for the major development of this class of compound was the
recognition by the US Advanced Research Projects Agency and Department
of Defense that various N–F compounds, especially organic difluoramines, of-
fered the prospect of being superior propellant oxidizers, for reasons alluded
to above. Thus, Project Principia was carried out over the period 1958–1965
to explore the possibilities offered by these materials [14]. While research
projects funded by this program ended in 1964–1965, open-literature pub-
lications of their results appeared for several years afterward. Hundreds of
organic difluoramines (even hundreds with the gem-bis(difluoramino) link-
age, C(NF2 )2 ) were prepared under the aegis of Project Principia and of
foreign efforts along the same lines. Several good reviews [15–25] over sub-
sequent years have described the early organic difluoramine chemistry of
this era.
Project Principia failed to produce a difluoramine-based oxidizer candi-
date sufficiently superior to replace nitro derivatives that were the techno-
logical standards. Almost all difluoramine derivatives at that time had inad-
equate stability, insensitivity, or physical properties to serve as such replace-
ments. Organic difluoramine research languished for a couple of decades
afterward, though results were published throughout the 1970s and 1980s by
a few researchers, especially Fokin and coworkers at the Nesmeyanov Insti-
tute of Heteroorganic Compounds (Moscow).

A New Hope

A resurgence in interest in organic difluoramines occurred in the USA in

the late 1980s, based on support by the Office of Naval Research [26], with
additional support soon received from the Ballistic Missile Defense Organi-
zation (manager of the Strategic Defense Initiative program). Efforts were
made to pursue a specific new class of compounds proposed by Baum
and Archibald of Fluorochem [27]: cyclic difluoramino-nitramines that were
analogs of conventional nitramines (e.g., HMX and RDX) but with gem-
bis(difluoramino) groupings replacing some of the nitramine groups. Also
126 R.D. Chapman

in the late 1980s, Zheng et al. (Xi’an Modern Chemistry Institute, China) al-
luded, in a conference proceeding, to preparing at least one member of this
class [28]: “For example, the difluoramination of cyclic derivatives of 1,3-
diaminoacetone (the substituents on the nitrogen atoms were –NO2 ... etc.)
is easier to be carried out than that of the chain derivatives.” However, no
specific example was described, and subsequent journal reports [29, 30] of
other chemistry from this conference proceeding made no mention of cyclic
This section will review a variety of experimental results arising from this
renaissance period in difluoramine chemistry.

Cyclic Difluoramino-nitramines

Although nitramines containing (difluoramino)alkyl substituents had been

prepared as early as 1963 and published by 1972 [31, 32], they were vic-
bis(difluoramino)-substituted primary nitramines and N-alkyl-N-(difluor-
aminomethyl)nitramines with insufficient stability and difluoramine content
to constitute attractive candidates for formulations. In contrast, the newly
proposed gem-bis(difluoramino)-substituted cyclic nitramines would have
high difluoramine content and should exhibit high densities compared to the
analogous conventional nitramines. The favorable effect of cyclic (or even
cage) structures in imparting desirable higher density and better oxygen
balance was better appreciated by this time. It would also be expected that
difluoramine derivatives with a nitramine component would exhibit better
physical properties (e.g., melting point) than the earlier simple (difluor-
amino)alkanes. However, cyclic nitramines with β,β-bis(difluoramino) sub-
stituents relative to nitramine components posed a likely synthetic challenge:
conventional methodology for preparation of gem-bis(difluoramino)alkanes
required strongly acidic conditions (such as anhydrous sulfuric acid, fum-
ing sulfuric acid, difluorosulfamic acid, or fluorosulfonic acid) with which
most nitramines are incompatible. Alternatively, conventional nitrolyzably
protected heterocyclic nitrogens tended not to survive such difluoramina-
tion conditions either. So, finding methodology to efficiently prepare this new
class of organic difluoramine would be a daunting task.


On the basis of estimations (personal communications from Baroody E of the

Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, MD; Ammon HL of the University of
Maryland, College Park; and Adolph HG, Koppes WM, and Lawrence GW of
the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Silver Spring, MD, cited in [33]) of physi-
cal and performance properties of several gem-bis(difluoramino)-substituted
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 127

analogs of known cyclic nitramines, 3,3,7,7-tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-

1,5-dinitro-1,5-diazocine (HNFX, 1) was seriously pursued early on as the
most attractive candidate member of this class. (The acronym HNFX [26]
signifies the HMX analog of the class of NF2 -modified cyclic nitramine explo-

In the first synthesis of HNFX, the use of a nitramine reactant, 5-(difluor-
amino)-3,7-dinitro-9-oxa-3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-1-ol (2), in a typi-
cal difluoramination reaction (difluoramine–difluorosulfamic acid–sulfuric
acid) produced HNFX in only ∼ 1% yield [34] (Scheme 1).

Scheme 1 The first preparation of HNFX (1)

Therefore, the N-nitro component was preferably incorporated after di-

fluoramination to produce gem-bis(difluoramino)alkyl components. A di-
lemma encountered in the preparation of a β,β-bis(difluoramino)-substituted
heterocycle, such as a 3,3,7,7-tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5-diazocine,
is that the nitrogen in most aminoacetone derivatives would be more ba-
sic than the ketone carbonyl (and oxygen in hemiaminal intermediates).
This would deactivate difluoramination via difluoramino-carbocations unless
the nitrogen is protected with a sufficiently electronegative protecting group
to favorably affect this basicity. The dilemma was resolved by employment
of a strong-acid-stable N-protecting group, 4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl, allowing
acceptably efficient difluoramination of the ketone reactant tetrahydro-1,5-
bis(4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl)-1,5-diazocine-3,7(2H,6H)-dione (3) while keep-
ing the N-nosyl group intact [35] (Scheme 2). Also, trichlorofluoromethane
(CFCl3 ) was utilized as an inert cosolvent for difluoramine in order to alle-
viate the known hazards of condensed-phase neat HNF2 . The next dilemma
128 R.D. Chapman

Scheme 2 An improved preparation of HNFX (1): p-nosyl N-protection during difluoram-

ination plus nitrolysis with protonitronium ion

encountered in this approach, however, was the known reluctance of more-

electronegatively substituted amides and of sterically hindered amides to
undergo direct nitrolysis. The N-nosyl protecting group could be directly
nitrolyzed by use of the protonitronium (NO2 H2+ ) reagent formed from a ni-
tronium source in the presence of a superacid, such as the system nitric
acid–trifluoromethanesulfonic acid [36].
Although this transformation worked well enough in small reactions,
it proved inefficient upon scale-up. A superior, scalable one-pot process
(Scheme 3) from diazocinedione to HNFX was developed more recently [37].
Here, efficient protolytic N-denosylation is effected by trifluoromethanesul-
fonic acid added to the crude 3,3,7,7-tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5-
bis(4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl)-1,5-diazocine intermediate (4), still contained in
the acid system used for difluoramination after expulsion of volatiles such
as excess difluoramine and trichlorofluoromethane. The denosylated inter-
mediate, a 3,3,7,7-tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5-diazocinium salt (5),
is straightforwardly nitrated to HNFX by added nitric acid.

Scheme 3 Scalable preparation of HNFX (1): protolytic N-denosylation plus simple nitra-

Chapman et al. [36] had suggested that solvents with less ozone-depleting
potential than CFCl3 could be used, and a preliminary demonstration of
difluoramination with dichloromethane solvent was described. Adolph and
Stern more recently chose n-pentane as an example of an alternative cosolvent
(with CFCl3 ) for this purpose [38].
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 129

X-ray crystallographic analysis of HNFX recrystallized from a variety of
solvent systems showed an interesting, unpredicted feature (Fig. 1): chan-
nels, with a threefold axis of symmetry surrounded by HNFX molecules,
passing through each unit cell [36]. Analysis sometimes showed the pres-
ence of disordered mass due to recrystallization solvent(s), though solvent-
free crystals can be prepared by driving out solvent (e.g., by heating under

Fig. 1 Crystal packing of HNFX in the trigonal crystal form; empty channels occur along
threefold axes

The Manifest Density of HNFX

The crystal density of the initial form is 1.807 g cm–3 (21 ◦ C), assuming
a vacuum (i.e., zero mass) in the channels. This contrasts significantly with
130 R.D. Chapman

a density of 2.027 g cm–3 recently predicted by Ammon [39] from its pos-
sible crystal packings. However, cyclic nitramines, especially those incorpo-
rating eight-membered rings, are well known to exhibit polymorphism [40,
41]: HMX has four known polymorphs of different densities. The phe-
nomenon of solvent inclusion observed in HNFX crystals is also qualitatively
similar to that found in the first polymorph of hexanitrohexaazaisowurtz-
itane (α-CL-20) [42], which is the lowest-density form. With the promise
of preparing a higher-density polymorph of HNFX, which would dramat-
ically improve its attractiveness as a munitions ingredient, several tech-
nical approaches have been undertaken to effect such a phase transition.
Peiris monitored HNFX for phase transitions during compression in a di-
amond anvil cell at pressures up to 5 GPa but observed none [43]. Nicol
and coworkers subjected HNFX to pressures up to 30 GPa in a diamond
anvil cell and studied it by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and Ra-
man and infrared spectroscopy at ambient temperature, also without ob-
serving evidence of a polymorphic transition [44]. More recently, a com-
bined experimental and modeling study of the vibrational spectra of solid
HNFX was reported [45]. Kalyon and coworkers have performed a system-
atic study of recrystallizations of HNFX with several different solvent sys-
tems [46], similarly without evidence of a new polymorph, though they
independently computationally corroborate the feasible existence of a higher-
density form [47]. While these failures to achieve formation of a new poly-
morph of HNFX might indicate that its manifest density is that observed
in the crystals prepared to date, they may instead reflect the recognized
poor understanding, in general, of how to predict and prepare new stable
polymorphs [48].

Hazard Properties
Sensitivity measurements on HNFX (the “polymorph” tentatively called α-
HNFX) show it to be comparable to CL-20 and PETN on impact but more
sensitive by friction and electrostatic discharge [49]. Impact sensitivity (Ex-
plosives Research Laboratory impact tester, modified Type 12 tooling, 2.5-
kg weight): HNFX h50 = 8 cm; CL-20 ∼ 8 cm; PETN = 10–13 cm; RDX =
16–17 cm. Friction sensitivity (Allegany Ballistics Laboratory test, per MIL-
STD-1751, threshold initiation value): HNFX fired at 72 lbf; PETN low-fires
ranged 159–316 lbf. Electrostatic sensitivity: HNFX fired at 0.05 J; PETN
showed 10/10 no-fires at 0.25 J. DSC (2 ◦ C min–1 per ASTM E537) onset/peak:
221/231 ◦ C.
However, it is also well known that sensitivities of the polymorphs of an-
other eight-membered-ring nitramine, HMX, correlate inversely with dens-
ity [50–52]: the lowest-density δ form exhibits the highest sensitivity. If this
correlation transfers to HNFX, a higher-density “β-HNFX” would exhibit
lower sensitivity than “α-HNFX”.
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 131


Although HNFX was expected to be the most attractive target difluoramino-

nitramine in terms of performance, other examples of the class were de-
sired in order to characterize the behavior of the mixed functionalities
present in the compounds. For this reason, a synthetically more straight-
forward example was prepared [53]: 4,4-bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine
(6). As an N-protected γ-aminoketone, the starting material, 1-acetyl-4-
piperidinone, would have fewer complications in undergoing difluorami-
nation than β-aminoketones used for more-energy-dense heterocycles. The
acetyl N-protecting group would also undergo nitrolysis more readily than
N-nosyl-protected precursors, such as for HNFX.

Mass spectral fragmentation pathways of several cyclic nitro and difluor-

amino compounds, including HNFX and 4,4-bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiper-
idine, were studied by Smith and coworkers [53], and their thermal decom-
position behavior was reported by Oxley et al. [54]. Kuo and Young studied
the burning behavior of formulated propellants (including boronized and alu-
minized compositions) containing 4,4-bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine
in comparison to simple nitro derivatives 1,4-dinitropiperazine and 1,4,4-
trinitropiperidine [55]. They determined that a non-metallized propellant
based on 4,4-bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine offered an enhancement
of specific impulse by 7.5% over that of a formulation based on 1,4-
dinitropiperazine. The difluoramine-containing propellants had burning
rates significantly higher than those of the nitramines. However, they ex-
hibited a drastic and uncontrollable increase in burning rate at an initial
temperature of 50 ◦ C. This was believed to be caused by melting of the 4,4-
bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine at 40 ∼ 50 ◦ C in the formulations (even
though the pure ingredient melts at 71–72 ◦ C), producing a burn rate as high
as 508 cm s–1 .


Another attractive example of the class of difluoramino-nitramines was pur-

sued by Chapman and Nguyen [56]: RNFX, 5,5-bis(difluoramino)hexahydro-
132 R.D. Chapman

1,3-dinitropyrimidine (7). (RNFX is an RDX analog in the series of NF2 -

modified cyclic nitramine explosives.) A key step of the synthesis (Scheme 4)
was mechanistically similar to that of HNFX: tetrahydro-1,3-bis(4-nitro-
benzenesulfonyl)pyrimidin-5(4H)-one (8) served as an N-nosyl-protected
reactant for difluoramination of the carbonyl group. However, subsequent
conversion to a heterocyclic nitramine product differed significantly from
the route used to prepare HNFX. Rather than nitrolytic or protolytic deno-
sylation of the hexahydropyrimidine intermediate with protonitronium ion
or superacid, the hexahydropyrimidine ring was intentionally cleaved at the
methylene bridge by treatment with ∼ 98% nitric acid. The resulting ini-
tial product, 2,2-bis(difluoramino)-N-(nitratomethyl)-N  -nitro-N,N  -bis(4-
nitrobenzenesulfonyl)-1,3-propanediamine (9), underwent further nitrolysis
to 2,2-bis(difluoramino)-N,N  -dinitro-N,N  -bis(4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl)-1,3-
propanediamine (10), which was adventitiously N-denosylated by water
contained in the nitric acid, forming 2,2-bis(difluoramino)-N,N  -dinitro-1,3-
propanediamine (11). This did not accumulate but combined spontaneously
with the formaldehyde equivalent generated in the nitrolysis, methylene dini-
trate, which recyclized the primary nitramine termini to form RNFX.

Scheme 4 The first preparation of RNFX (7)

Nucleophilic N-desulfonation of N-nitrosulfonamides is a well docu-

mented transformation [57–60], and N-denosylation of the 2,2-bis(difluor-
amino)-N,N  -dinitro-N,N  -bis(4-nitrobenzenesulfonyl)-1,3-propanediamine
intermediate (10) was relatively facile, employing only the minor wa-
ter content of the nitric acid medium. Beyond definitive identification of
its preparation, properties of RNFX have not been experimentally well
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 133


Another early conceptual target member of this class was one in which one
each of two nitramine groups of HMX was replaced by a gem-bis(difluor-
amino) grouping and a gem-dinitro grouping. This would provide a prod-
uct of better oxygen balance than HNFX but still some NF2 content. The
introduction of asymmetric components into a 1,5-diazocine substrate suit-
able for the incorporation of three different energetic functionalities was
a formidable challenge, which was undertaken by Axenrod et al. [61]; the suc-
cessful synthetic sequence is shown below (Scheme 5). The ultimate nitrolysis
step proved inordinately difficult because of steric and electronic deactivating
effects of C(NF2 )2 and C(NO2 )2 . Thus, the reaction required not only a su-
peracid (trifluoromethanesulfonic acid) as a medium for nitric acid in order
to generate protonitronium reagent, but also the addition of a strong Lewis
acid, antimony pentafluoride, in order to increase the superacid strength to
generate a higher concentration of NO2 H2+ . Upon its successful preparation,
the new product (12) was named TNFX (a tetranitro derivative in the series of
NF2 -modified cyclic nitramine explosives).

Scheme 5 The first preparation of TNFX (12). Reagents and conditions: a o- or p-

nitrobenzenesulfonyl chloride, THF–H2 O, K2 CO3 , r.t.; b CrO3 , H2 SO4 , acetone, r.t.;
c ethylene glycol, p-TsOH, toluene; d CH2 =C(CH2 Br)2 , K2 CO3 , acetone, reflux; e(i) O3 ,
CH2 Cl2 , – 78 ◦ C, e(ii) Me2 S; f NH2 OH·HCl, NaOAc, EtOH, reflux; g HNO3 , NH4 NO3 , urea;
h conc. H2 SO4 , r.t.; i HNF2 –F2 NSO3 H–H2 SO4 –CFCl3 , – 15 ◦ C; j HNO3 –CF3 SO3 H–SbF5
134 R.D. Chapman

Yoon and coworkers have explored alternative preparations (Scheme 6) of

the asymmetric precursors to TNFX [62].

Scheme 6 An alternative preparation of precursors to TNFX or HNFX

TNFX proved structurally interesting in forming two crystallographically

distinct polymorphs [63] upon crystallization from its first preparation (as
HNFX was hoped to do): a low-density trigonal form of ρ = 1.712 g cm–3 and
a high-density orthorhombic form of ρ = 1.904 g cm–3 . Thus, the low-density
trigonal form of HNFX (ρ = 1.807 g cm–3 ) has an experimentally observed
density enhancement of 0.095 g cm–3 imparted by replacement of C(NO2 )2 in
TNFX with C(NF2 )2 in HNFX. A similar enhancement in a previously unob-
served orthorhombic form of HNFX would provide an experimental density
of ρ = 1.999 g cm–3 , coincidentally identical to the (still attractive) value ini-
tially estimated for HNFX by Ammon [26].
Beyond synthetic and structural elucidation, properties of TNFX have not
been experimentally well characterized.

Properties and Applications

Solid-state heats of formation of some cyclic difluoramino-nitramines

have been computationally estimated by Politzer and Lane [9]: HNFX,
– 67 kcal mol–1 ; TNFX, – 39 kcal mol–1 ; RNFX, – 21 kcal mol–1 . Application of
these values to rocket engine specific impulse (Isp ) calculations (performed
with a code such as the Air Force Specific Impulse Program [64]) allows rank-
ing of the cyclic difluoramino-nitramines (as monopropellants) relative to
state-of-the-art nitramines: β-HMX < ε-CL-20 < TNFX < RNFX < HNFX. The
Isp of CL-20 has been reported by Hong et al. as 272.6 s [65, 66]. An early esti-
mate of the Isp of RNFX was reported by Politzer et al. as being 108% of that
of HMX, which is 265.1 s [67].
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 135

As reports of preparations of this new class of energetic material started

appearing, their potential in ordnance applications started receiving notice
overseas. Feng reviewed recent examples of renewed interest in organic di-
fluoramine derivatives in Western research [68, 69], including early reports on
the pursuit of HNFX. Tan reported the new preparation of HNFX [36] to the
Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute [70]; and Li et al. cited Tan’s re-
port in an outlook on the prospects of this and other classes of ingredients in
advanced solid propellants [71, 72]. This new class of ingredient has received
interest in Korea as well [73].

Electrophilic Difluoramination and Its Products

In the 1990s, researchers throughout the Russian Academy of Sciences re-

ported syntheses and characterizations of a variety of compounds derived
from a new transformation, electrophilic difluoramination, particularly of
some compounds derived from difluoramination of various nitroalkyl reac-
tants. Examples of such new products were first described by Pepekin and
coworkers in terms of thermodynamic properties [74, 75] and physical prop-
erties [76, 77], which will be mentioned below.


Synthetic routes involving the new transformation started appearing in 1996.

Shevelev and coworkers [78] prepared a variety of N-(difluoramino)azoles
(Scheme 7) by reactions of electronegatively substituted azole anions with
N,N-difluorohydroxylamine-O-sulfonyl fluoride (“O-fluorosulfonyl-N,N-di-
fluorohydroxylamine”), F2 NOSO2 F, preferably in water–ethylene glycol–
dichloroethane mixtures with a phase transfer catalyst such as polyethylene
glycol (PEG-400). If the pKa of an azole was < 5, there was no interference
by formation of N-fluorosulfonylazoles. They later offered computational
predictions of molecular and crystal parameters and of detonation and com-
bustion parameters of five examples of this class of compound [79].
Fokin et al. used N,N-difluorohydroxylamine-O-sulfonyl fluoride for elec-
trophilic difluoramination of anions of α,α-dinitroalkyl derivatives, such as

Scheme 7 Electrophilic difluoramination of azole (pyrazole, imidazole, triazole) anion [78]

136 R.D. Chapman

1,1-dinitroethane and dinitroacetonitrile. Sodium dinitroacetonitrile under-

went difluoramination in 70.8% yield, but the other compounds formed in
18.8–29.3% yields at the time of this report [80, 81]. However, yields of dini-
troacetate esters were later improved to 50–52%, and other α-mononitro
derivatives were prepared in 67–91% yields [82, 83] (Scheme 8).

Scheme 8 Electrophilic difluoramination of nitroalkyl anion [82, 83]

The chemistry of (difluoramino)dinitroacetonitrile was further explored

as well [84, 85]: it underwent common transformations such as hydrolysis to
(difluoramino)dinitroacetamide; reaction with HCl in anhydrous methanol to
form the O-methyl imidate hydrochloride; trimerization to 2,4,6-tris[(difluor-
amino)dinitromethyl]-1,3,5-triazine; and reaction with azides (NaN3 , HN3 )
to make 5-[(difluoramino)dinitromethyl]tetrazoles.
Electrophilic difluoramination of certain (especially tertiary) alkoxide salts
and N-hydroxyimide salts with F2 NOSO2 F produced new difluoraminoxy
derivatives [86, 87].
Khisamutdinov et al. showed that the difluoramino group in various (di-
fluoramino)dinitromethane derivatives could be displaced by azide anion to
make azidodinitromethyl derivatives [88, 89]. In contrast, a nitro group in (di-
fluoramino)trinitromethane was displaced by nucleophiles such as fluoride
and nitrite [90, 91]. The nitrite by-product keeps yields low by competitive re-
action with the starting material, resulting in (difluoramino)dinitromethane
anion side product. With bromide nucleophile, the course of reaction was un-
expectedly complex, as the initial bromo(difluoramino)dinitromethane un-

Scheme 9 Nucleophilic displacement reactions in (difluoramino)trinitromethane

Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 137

derwent further reactions (bromide additions and fluoride elimination) to

produce bromo(N-fluoro)nitromethanimine (Scheme 9).

Thermochemical and Other Properties

Pepekin’s first report [74, 75] of products in this class gave experimen-
tal values of thermodynamic properties such as heats of formation. Also
prior to the synthetic methodology descriptions [80, 81], Litvinov et al. [76,
77] reported various physical properties (melting point and/or boiling
point, density) of several members of this class, including a particularly
dense and energetic one: bis[2-(difluoramino)-2,2-dinitroethyl]nitramine,
[NF2 C(NO2 )2 CH2 ]2 N–NO2 (13). This compound had an attractive dens-
ity of 2.045 g cm–3 , a melting point of 103 ◦ C, and thermal stability bet-
ter than bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)nitramine. However, the authors made an
assessment of these members of this new class: “Nevertheless, it should
be noted that the considered compounds exhibit a rather high sensitiv-
ity to the action of external factors, and thus have no practical appli-
cation” [76, 77]. Indeed, Shchetinin [92, 93] later reported that bis[2-(di-
fluoramino)-2,2-dinitroethyl]nitramine (13) had a sensitivity comparable to
the primary explosive lead azide: the critical pressure of explosion excita-
tion measured by the disintegrating shell method was pDS cr = 0.42 ± 0.02 for
[NF2 C(NO2 )2 CH2 ]2 N–NO2 (13) compared to pcr = 0.38 ± 0.03 for lead azide;
cr = 0.93 ± 0.03 for PETN; and pcr = 1.15 ± 0.03 for RDX.
Nazin and coworkers measured thermal decomposition of α-(difluor-
amino)polynitroalkanes and concluded that (difluoramino)dinitroalkanes
differ little in their stability from their nitro analogs, trinitroalkanes [94, 95].
Bis[2-(difluoramino)-2,2-dinitroethyl]nitramine (13) was not one of the ex-
amples in this study, however.
Pepekin [96] measured and reported experimental detonation parameters
and the metal acceleration ability of bis[2-(difluoramino)-2,2-dinitroethyl]-
nitramine (13), as well as compositions of it with HMX and with aluminum,
and compared them to these parameters for HMX as well as formulations of
bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)nitramine. The highest metal acceleration ability was
offered by a 60 : 40 composition of 13 with HMX, which performed at 110.8%
of HMX. Pure 13 also exhibited a higher detonation velocity than HMX. Lit-
erature involving this class of compound has mostly subsided in recent years,
though there is another report by Pepekin and Gubin [97, 98] that 13 ex-
hibits propellant performance that is 105.2% of that of HMX, measured by the
“M-40 technique” (acceleration of steel plates 40 mm in diameter and 4 mm
thick accelerated from the end of a cylindrical 40 × 40 mm charge placed in
a thick-walled steel shell). Hexanitrobenzene is reported as having a perform-
ance 106% of that of HMX.
138 R.D. Chapman

Other Organic Difluoramines

The compounds mentioned in this subsection are examples of specific classes

not otherwise reviewed above, and specifically examples that have a struc-
tural feature not commonly encountered in the conventional chemistry of
difluoramines or compounds that show prospective new applicability.


Although its difluoramination chemistry is straightforward, a relatively re-

cent preparation of an NF2 -substituted polymer (a binder ingredient can-
didate) was reported by Jiang et al. (Hubei Redstar Chemical Institute,
China) [99]. 4,4-Bis(difluoramino)pentyl glycidyl ether polymer was pre-
pared by reaction of 4,4-bis(difluoramino)pentanol with epichlorohydrin
followed by homopolymerization of the resulting oxirane ether monomer
(Scheme 10) or copolymerization with THF.

Scheme 10 Preparations of a gem-bis(difluoramino)-substituted monomer and poly-

mer [99]

Archibald, Manser, and coworkers developed a series of analogs of

nitratoalkyl polymers (e.g., poly-NMMO and poly-BNMO). 3-(Difluor-
aminomethyl)-3-methyloxetane (14) and 3,3-bis(difluoraminomethyl)oxetane
(15) [100] monomers were prepared by direct fluorination of correspond-
ing carbamate ester derivatives [101, 102]. The monomers were polymer-
ized (Scheme 11) to form homopolymers and copolymers with load-bearing
polyether backbones as well as energetic NF2 groups.
Solomun et al. [103] have demonstrated that it is feasible to produce large
concentrations of NF2 constituency embedded in a polyamide matrix by brief
exposure to elemental fluorine (1 mbar of 1–10% F2 in N2 ) of bulk and thin-
film samples of polycaprolactam (PA6) and polylauryllactam (PA12). The
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 139

Scheme 11 Preparations of a difluoramino-substituted oxetane monomer and polymer

resulting fluorinated films were characterized by reflection–absorption FTIR,

X-ray photoelectron, and NMR spectroscopies. The process utilizes the same
transformation that small-molecule amides undergo in producing (difluor-
amino)alkanes by direct fluorination [104].


Archibald and Manser prepared NF2 -substituted analogs of pentaerythrityl

esters (such as PETN). Specifically, 3-(difluoraminomethyl)-3-methyloxetane
(14) and 3,3-bis(difluoraminomethyl)oxetane (15) [101] were subjected to
ring-opening nitration by nitric acid (Scheme 12), giving corresponding 1,3-
propanediyl dinitrate esters in quantitative yield [105, 106]. As neopentyl
difluoramines, the products had superior stability compared to many other
mono(difluoramino)alkyl-substituted compounds. 2,2-Bis(difluoraminome-
thyl)-1,3-propanediyl dinitrate (16) showed a melting point of 58 ◦ C and DSC
onset/peak of 177/188 ◦ C.

Scheme 12 Preparations of difluoramino-substituted nitrate plasticizers

Rice and Russell (US Naval Research Laboratory) conducted a high-

pressure study of the thermal interaction between elemental boron and Aero-
jet’s 2,2-bis(difluoraminomethyl)-1,3-propanediyl dinitrate (16), as well as
140 R.D. Chapman

with PETN [107]. The mixture compressed in a cubic zirconia anvil cell was
heated by absorption of a single laser pulse (Nd : YAG frequency-doubled
laser at 532 nm), followed by recooling of the sample. Products observed at
1.7 GPa and 50 K included O=B–F, identified by infrared absorptions.
3,3-Bis(difluoramino)-1,5-dinitratopentane (17), as a potentially useful
plasticizer, was prepared by Adolph and Trivedi [108] by conventional di-
fluoramination of 1,5-bis(trifluoroacetoxy)-3-pentanone followed by transes-
terification with methanol, and then nitration with mixed acid (Scheme 13).

Scheme 13 Preparation of a gem-bis(difluoramino)-substituted nitrate plasticizer [108]

Miscellaneous Organic Derivatives

Fokin et al. directly fluorinated several aminofurazans (Scheme 14) to pre-
pare 3-(difluoramino)furazans [109, 110]. Similarly, certain N-alkyl-5-amino-
tetrazoles were amenable to direct fluorination to 5-(difluoramino)tetrazole
derivatives [111, 112]. NF2 -containing 1,2,4-oxadiazoles were prepared by
Shreeve and coworkers by reactions of sodium 5-[(difluoraminomethyl)di-
fluoromethyl]tetrazolate with oxalyl chloride [113].
1,1,2,2-Tetrakis[N-(difluoraminomethyl)nitramino]ethane (18) was first
reported by Zheng et al. in a 1985 conference [114], and its chemistry
(Scheme 15) was described further in later publications [28–30].
An interesting example of a unique product of difluoramination of
a heterocyclic imide carbonyl group appeared in the context of a report
by Gilardi and coworkers of structural features among a group of gem-
bis(difluoramino)-substituted organics [115]: 1-{3-[5,5-bis(difluoramino)-
2-oxopyrrolidinyl]-2-oxopropyl}pyrrolidine-2,5-dione (19). Imide carbonyls
are usually not subject to difluoramination under typical reaction conditions.
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 141

Scheme 14 Direct fluorination of various aminoazoles to (difluoramino)azoles

Scheme 15 Preparation of 1,1,2,2-tetrakis[N-(difluoraminomethyl)nitramino]ethane (18)

Other examples of typical reaction products, N-[gem-bis(difluoramino)-

alkyl]imides, from ketone-substituted imides are provided in the same paper
as well as in an earlier work by Fokin et al. [116, 117].
142 R.D. Chapman

Many examples of addition of tetrafluorohydrazine (N2 F4 ) to unsatur-

ated organics had been discovered in the course of early work on difluo-
ramines [20, 21]. A new example (Scheme 16) of this general transformation
was the addition of N2 F4 to 1,3-dehydroadamantane to prepare 1,3-bis(di-
fluoramino)adamantane [118].

Scheme 16 Addition of tetrafluorohydrazine to 1,3-dehydroadamantane [118]

Though more accurately an organic silazane than a simple “organic di-

fluoramine”, the first stable trialkyl(difluoramino)silane was prepared by
Shreeve, Williams, and coworkers by two stepwise fluorinations (Scheme 17)
of tris(tert-butyl)silazane by Selectfluor (20) fluorinating agent [119].

Scheme 17 Preparation of tris(tert-butyl)(difluoramino)silane using Selectfluor (20)

Thermochemical characterizations of several organic difluoramines prepared
during the Project Principia era were reported throughout the 1960s and
1970s and will not be reviewed here. Studies of the specific class of products
of electrophilic difluoramination were reviewed above (Sect. 3.2.2).
More recently, two significant papers by Fokin, Grebennikov, Manelis, and
Nazin [120–123] reported kinetic studies of thermal decomposition of a good
number of organic difluoramine derivatives. The structures were chosen in
order to ascertain inductive and steric effects on thermal decomposition, as
well as effects of conjugation within the reactant and the presence of an α-
hydrogen (relative to NF2 ). The authors report that internal alkyl-substituted
difluoramines (i.e., those lacking α-hydrogen) are more stable than analogous
nitro compounds, owing to higher activation energies and somewhat smaller
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 143

preexponential factors. The presence of α-hydrogen (e.g., in benzyldifluo-

ramine) fundamentally changes the decomposition rate, and decomposition
probably occurs by cleavage of HF. Otherwise, the decomposition rate does
not depend on electronic effects of substituents but is decreased by steric
shielding of the NF2 group. (These results were also recently reviewed by
Manelis et al. [124].) One of the specific systems studied, 2,2-bis(difluor-
amino)propane, was recently reinvestigated by Lin and coworkers [125]. In
agreement with Fokin et al. [120, 121], it was concluded that the primary
fragmentation process in this system, similarly to other internal gem-bis(di-
fluoramino)alkanes, is homolytic cleavage of a C–NF2 bond.
Pepekin’s study of the thermodynamic properties of difluoramino and
nitro compounds [74, 75] included many organic difluoramines besides
the products of electrophilic difluoramination cited above. Properties re-
ported include heats of combustion, formation, and atomization, Clausius–
Clapeyron equation parameters, and the enthalpies and entropies of evap-
oration and sublimation. This collection of properties allowed estimation
of group additivity parameters for general calculations of thermodynamic
properties of organic difluoramines, which were compared to those of corre-
sponding nitro groups.
Organic difluoramines were among the many classes of high-energy com-
pounds analyzed by Nazin et al. in assessing the influence of molecular struc-
ture on their thermal stability [126, 127]. The sites of primary breakdown
were discussed, as was the mutual influence of different functional groups.
Several difluoramines (along with nitro compounds) were also among the
collection of energetic materials in a study by Matveev, Nazin, and cowor-
kers [128, 129] of polyfunctional compounds with several of the same type of
reactive substituent, to determine the stepwise character of successive ther-
mal degradation steps. It was found that the degradation of most of the
studied classes occurred stepwise via long-lived intermediate products.

New Synthetic Methodology

The technique of electrophilic difluoramination [80, 81], reviewed above, has

produced the greatest variety of new products in the class of organic diflu-
oramines. Otherwise, most recent results have employed the conventional
methodology that was devised in the era of Project Principia, as reviewed
elsewhere [16–25]. Process improvements in conventional difluoramination
of ketones by HNF2 [35, 37] have made the transformation more scalable,
particularly by employing an inert cosolvent to alleviate hazards of difluor-
amine, but employ the same fundamental chemical reactions as in the 1960s.
However, the recognition of a requisite nitrogen-protection strategy made the
transformation applicable to heterocycles with proximate nitrogens.
144 R.D. Chapman

The feasibility of isolating relatively stable salts of difluorosulfamic acid

and their utility in performing difluoraminations of model ketones was
demonstrated by Chapman et al. [130, 131], offering the prospect of allevi-
ating many of the problems inherent in the use of hazardous difluoramine
(HNF2 ) in conventional difluoraminations. Sodium difluorosulfamate was
prepared by direct fluorination of aqueous sodium sulfamate; it could be
isolated by separation from sodium fluoride by-product and water after
neutralization; and it could be safely stored cold. Difluoramination of 1,3-
dibromoacetone by sodium difluorosulfamate in sulfuric acid (1% SO3 ) pro-
duced 1,3-dibromo-2,2-bis(difluoramino)propane in 38% crude yield, com-
parable to conventional difluoramination. Later, Christe and coworkers [132]
better characterized sodium difluorosulfamate (Raman and IR spectra) and
other difluorosulfamate salts (X-ray crystallography).
A direct fluorination of nucleophilic primary (as well as secondary) amines
with Selectfluor fluorinating agent (20), rather than elemental fluorine, has
been reported by Singh and Shreeve [133], making small-scale preparations
of (non-geminal) organic difluoramines more convenient.
The utility of trityldifluoramine (Ph3 CNF2 ), a known source of difluo-
ramine via acidic hydrolysis [134], for effecting in-situ difluoramination of
ketones [22, 23, 135, 136] has been recently rediscovered [137]. The latter sys-
tem invokes the mechanism of difluoramine alkylation by carbenium ions
generated in strong acids, as traditionally employed in conventional difluo-
raminations of ketones with added difluoramine [138, 139].
A fundamentally new preparation of internal and terminal gem-bis(difluor-
amino)alkanes was demonstrated by Chapman et al. [140] via the direct fluo-
rination of the corresponding gem-bisacetamides, with 1,1-bisacetamidocyclo-
hexane and 1,1-bisacetamidopropane used as examples, leading to 1,1-
bis(difluoramino)cyclohexane and 1,1-bis(difluoramino)propane, respec-
tively (Scheme 18). 1,1-Bis(difluoramino)cyclohexane behaved less than ide-
ally as a model system: its yield by conventional difluoramination is atypically

Scheme 18 Preparations of gem-bis(difluoramino)alkanes via direct fluorination of gem-

bisacetamides [140]
Organic Difluoramine Derivatives 145

low (31%) for ketone difluoramination, and its yield by the new transform-
ation maximized at about 10%. 1,1-Bis(difluoramino)propane’s yield (∼ 40%)
was more typical of conventional difluoraminations.

Theoretical Treatments

An early report on computational estimation of the thermodynamic prop-

erties of (difluoramino)alkanes, outside of the context of the American and
Russian research programs, was by İnel (Boǧaziçi University, Turkey), who
estimated heats of formation, entropies, and bond dissociation energies of
several simple difluoramines [141, 142], derived from published experimental
data on perfluorinated amines and thermochemical relationships.
Heats of formation of known and hypothetical difluoramino (and nitro)
compounds were estimated by Leroy, Bourasseau, and coworkers [143], ini-
tially by a semiempirical computational procedure (of Pople et al.). Calcula-
tion was based on the concept of isodesmic reactions, which conserves, as
far as possible, the number and nature of chemical bonds. A reaction energy
change, calculated at the SCF level, approximates the experimental heat of
reaction by incorporating experimental heats of formation of reference com-
pounds. The new compounds had been studied at ab initio level using a 6-31G
basis set for geometry optimization and total energy determination. These
authors also developed group additivity parameters for calculating heats of
formation of new energetic compounds (nitro and difluoramino) by Benson’s
method [144].
The most significant contributions to computational studies of organic di-
fluoramines, which have also directed synthetic research efforts, have been
by Politzer and coworkers. (Difluoramino)aromatics were among the first
systems studied by calculations of average local ionization energies [145]
and electrostatic potentials [146] for predicting chemical reactivity and sub-
stituent effects. Politzer et al. also developed the application of density func-
tional theory (DFT) and electrostatic potentials to estimation of thermo-
dynamic properties (especially dissociation energies and solid-state heats of
formation) of many new hypothetical NF2 -containing structures [147–150],
including predictions of thermochemical processes undergone by difluor-
amine derivatives [151]. This approach led to early estimations [9, 26] of
important thermodynamic properties of the difluoramino-nitramines that
were being synthetically pursued. Politzer’s computational methodology has
been presented in recent overviews [152, 153].
Thermochemical properties of difluoramino-substituted cage hydrocar-
bons, specifically, poly(difluoramino)cubanes [154] and poly(difluoramino)-
adamantanes [155], have been estimated by Ju et al. in order to compare
results from a variety of computational methods: density functional the-
146 R.D. Chapman

ory, Hartree–Fock, and MP2 methods (6-31G∗ and 6-311G∗∗ basis sets), as
well as semiempirical MO methods MNDO, AM1, and PM3 for the former
chemical system. The semiempirical methods did not produce accurate and
reliable results for heats of formation. Interactions between difluoramino
substituents were determined. Ju and coworkers also calculated (using DFT
and semiempirical methods) heats of formation of a variety of difluoramino
pentaerythrityl derivatives [156], including some that had been considered
by Archibald and Manser [106] as prospective plasticizers, for example,
a tetrakis(difluoramino) analog of PETN, C(CH2 NF2 )4 , as a theoretical struc-
ture of interest.

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DOI 10.1007/430_2006_053
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 18 January 2007

Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs

Betsy M. Rice (u) · Edward F. C. Byrd · William D. Mattson
U.S. Army Research Laboratory, AMSRD-ARL-WM-BD, Aberdeen Proving Ground,
Aberdeen, MD 21005-5069, USA
[email protected]

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

2 Computational Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

3 Prediction of Properties of High-Nitrogen Solids (Neutrals, Ionics) . . . . 157

3.1 Performance Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
3.1.1 Crystal Densities: Neutral Molecular Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
3.1.2 Crystal Densities: Ionic Molecular Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
3.1.3 Solid Phase Heats of Formation: Neutrals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
3.1.4 Solid Phase Heats of Formation: Ionic Crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
3.2 Prediction of Vulnerability and Environmental Hazard . . . . . . . . . . . 176

4 Novel Polynitrogen Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

5 Novel High Pressure Phases of Nitrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

6 Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Abstract A variety of computational procedures used to predict properties of ener-

getic materials is presented. These procedures, based on standard atomistic simulation
methods, demonstrate the ability to predict key properties of these materials related to
performance or hazard. Several applications of the various methods for nitrogen-rich ma-
terials are provided to illustrate capabilities. Also, an overview of theoretical efforts in
computational design of novel all-nitrogen materials is given.

Keywords Computational chemistry · Crystal density · Energetic materials · Heats of

formation · Quantum mechanics

A7 Strukturbericht designation for α-arsenic crystal lattice structure
B3LYP Becke 3-parameter hybrid density functional using non-local correla-
tion provided by Lee, Yang and Parr
BP Black phosphorus crystal lattice structure. Strukturbericht designation
is A17
CCSD(T) Coupled cluster with single, double and perturbative triple excitations
CG Cubic gauche
CHNO Carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen-oxygenal
154 B.M. Rice et al.

CSD Cambridge Structural Database

DFT Density functional theory
EM Energetic material
ESP Electrostatic potential
G2 Gaussian-2 theory for calculating total molecular energies
G3 Gaussian-3 theory for calculating total molecular energies
G3(MP2) Variant of Gaussian-3 theory for calculating total molecular energies
in which the basis set extensions are obtained at the second-order
Møller–Plesset level
G3(MP2)//B3LYP Variant of Gaussian-3 theory for calculating total molecular energies
in which the geometries and zero-point energies are obtained from
B3LYP density functional theory instead of those used in conventional
G3 calculations
GGA Generalized gradient approximation
GIPF General interaction properties function
Gx Variant of the G2 or G3 method
HEDM High energy density materials
HF Hartree–Fock
HPC Hexagonally packed chain
MC Monte Carlo
MD Molecular dynamics
MM Molecular modeling
MOLPAK MOLecular PAcKing crystal structure prediction software
MP Molecular packing
MP2 Second order Møller–Plesset theory
NVE Microcanonical
NVT Canonical
PES Potential energy surface
QCISD(T) Quadratic configuration interaction with single double and perturba-
tive triple excitations
QM Quantum mechanics
QMD Quantum molecular dynamics
QSAR Quantitative structure activity relationship
QSPR Quantitative structure property relationship
RMS Root mean square
WMIN Lattice energy minimization software

The development of accurate models and simulations of energetic materi-
als (EM) has been aggressively pursued within the EM research community
since the advent of computational capabilities. Numerous analytic and com-
putational models that predict the performance of an EM in a variety of
applications exist, but most have a significant dependence on empirical data
that previously could be obtained only through measurement. Due to the
cost and time associated with collection of such empirical data (i.e., synthesis
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 155

and testing), the EM community has recognized that for purposes of screen-
ing new materials, its dependence on such information must be reduced.
Therefore, great attention has been given towards developing physics-based
atomistic models for use in EM research and has resulted in a dramatic evo-
lution of methods and applications of these to EM.
A variety of models based on atomistic simulation methods have been de-
veloped to predict key properties of an EM that are used to assess potential
performance in a weapon or its sensitivity to impact [1, 2]. While showing
a measure of success, these models still include some empiricism and have
been developed for conventional explosives, most of which are composed
of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen (CHNO). Therefore, one cannot
immediately conclude that the same models and methods will be applica-
ble to the new class of high-nitrogen molecular and ionic crystals that are
showing great promise as high energy density materials (HEDMs), and thus
are limited in their use as screening tools. Also, concern for potential en-
vironmental hazards associated with the use and synthesis of EMs calls for
the development of methods that will predict the environmental impact of
any new material being considered for synthesis. Unfortunately, there are
only a few methods that exist for such a purpose, both for CHNO and high-
nitrogen materials, and significant efforts in development and assessment of
such methods are still required. Efforts are being made to address all of these
limitations, and will be discussed herein.
Atomistic methods in EM research are not limited to use as tools
for screening purposes only. There are several examples where quantum
mechanical characterizations of isolated molecules or elementary reac-
tions are used to augment experimental information of newly synthesized
high-nitrogen condensed phase materials [3–13]. Quantum mechanical ap-
proaches are also used to identify novel forms of nitrogen in which structural
energy is stored, such as exotic all-nitrogen molecular species and high pres-
sure polymorphic phases of solid nitrogen. Several examples will be discussed
in this chapter. Atomistic simulation methods can also be used to predict
probable reaction mechanisms and for exploring the dynamic response of
a material to an initiating event. Simulations for the latter process using mo-
lecular dynamics (MD) methods, however, have been limited to conventional
CHNO explosives and to our knowledge, only two have been performed for
triazolium-based compounds, with a focus on predicting physical proper-
ties [14, 15]. Since there are no widespread applications of this methodology
to high-nitrogen systems, these types of simulations will not be discussed in
this chapter.
Section 2 will describe the various computational approaches used to de-
velop predictive procedures for high-nitrogen solids. Section 3 will describe
applications of these procedures to existing high-nitrogen HEDMs (both
molecular and ionic crystals). Section 4 will be devoted to a discussion of
predictions of novel all- or high-nitrogen species, followed by Sect. 5, in
156 B.M. Rice et al.

which predicted non-molecular high pressure phases of solid nitrogen are

presented. Section 6 will contain concluding remarks, including identification
of needs for further advancement of predictive capabilities for this emerging
class of EMs.

Computational Methods

Atomistic simulation approaches encompass a wide variety of methods that

can be loosely categorized into three areas: methods based on 1) classical
physics, 2) quantum physics, and 3) empirical models that use atomistic
simulation results. The methods based on classical physics used in EM re-
search include molecular modeling/molecular packing (MM/MP), molecular
dynamics (MD), and Monte Carlo (MC). MM/MP applications in EM re-
search are used mainly for ab initio crystal prediction, a method in which
the most probable packing of a molecule in the crystalline state is predicted
using information about a single molecule. The ab initio crystal prediction
of densities of EM will be discussed in the next section. MC methods are
used to predict thermodynamic properties, while MD simulations predict
the time-dependent behavior of a material (although the results can also be
used to predict thermochemical properties). The accuracy of results using
any of these methods is almost completely dependent on the quality of the
description of interatomic interactions within a system. While some promis-
ing interaction potentials have been developed and successfully used in MC
or MD simulations of conventional CHNO EMs [16–19], we are unaware of
similar simulations for high-nitrogen HEDMs. Therefore, our discussion of
simulation methods based on classical physics will be limited in this chapter.
Quantum mechanical methods are widely used in research of high-
nitrogen energetic materials; applications include the evaluation of elemen-
tary reactions, establishing stability rankings among possible conformers
or the generation of molecular properties, such as equilibrium structures,
vibrational spectra, electrostatic potentials (ESP), electron densities, and
thermodynamic information. Various QM theories ranging from the highly
accurate CCSD(T) method to more computationally tractable approaches
[such as density functional theory (DFT) or second-order perturbation the-
ory (MP2)] have been applied to prediction of various molecular properties,
many of which will be discussed in the next section. Most calculations using
the extremely accurate quantum mechanical methods are performed to char-
acterize all nitrogen molecules (Sect. 4), determine stability, and, in the case
of species that are not stable, computationally design derivatives that will
generate a stable species. Many of these studies have been limited to a small
number of atoms, due to prohibitive computational requirements associated
with high levels of quantum mechanical theory. Less accurate approaches
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 157

(i.e., DFT using modest basis sets) have been used for predicting molecular
properties associated with screening since these can be calculated for large
molecules rapidly yet provide sufficiently accurate results. Atomistic simula-
tion of novel high pressure phases of nitrogen has been dominated by solid
state DFT treatments, the only computationally tractable quantum mechan-
ical method for the condensed phase. These calculations will be reviewed
in Sect. 5. Although there are numerous classical molecular simulations of
highly compressed nitrogen, none of the interaction potentials used in those
simulations correctly model phase transitions occurring in the nitrogen sys-
tem and will not be discussed herein.
QM methods are also used in the third category of atomistic simula-
tion methods we will include in this discussion. We focus on quantitative
structure activity relationship/quantitative structure property relationship
(QSAR/QSPR), a computational chemistry methodology that is extremely
popular within the pharmaceutical community for new drug design. This ap-
proach establishes mathematical correlations between molecular descriptors
(an inherent property of the chemical system) and various physico-chemical
properties and behavior for various classes of compounds. An extensive
compilation and description of over two thousand molecular descriptors
are provided by Todeschini and Consonni [20]. While many of the descrip-
tors are empirically derived or obtained from experimental information,
many of them can be generated using quantum mechanical methods [21].
QSPR/QSAR methods using conventional and quantum-mechanical molecu-
lar descriptors have been used successfully to predict certain key properties of
EMs for conventional CHNO materials [1] and applications will be described
in the next section. Drawbacks to this method are its empiricism and reliance
on experimental information; predictive capability of this method is not en-
sured for systems that are outside of the data set to which the QSPRs were
parameterized. As with all empirical models, there is a possibility that a QSPR
will perform poorly for dissimilar chemical systems. To our knowledge, this
approach has not been widely applied to high-nitrogen materials.
The theoretical methods that will be discussed in this chapter represent
only a subset of the various atomistic simulation methods used in compu-
tational materials research, and we refer the interested reader to the various
comprehensive reviews on each method [22–30]. For the purposes of this
chapter, however, we will highlight important points associated with various
theories in application to the high nitrogen materials.

Prediction of Properties of High-Nitrogen Solids (Neutrals, Ionics)

The majority of efforts in developing predictive capabilities have focused on

calculating properties that are indicative of the performance of a material. In
158 B.M. Rice et al.

recent years, however, vulnerability requirements and environmental restric-

tions have demanded that these factors be given equal or greater weight in
the development and design of new materials, thus facilitating development
of predictive models to address these aspects. In this section, we will describe
the various models and methods used to predict these properties, and various
applications to high-nitrogen HEDMs.

Performance Properties

Special attention has been given to the prediction of two properties that are
used to provide an initial assessment of the potential performance of a mate-
rial in a gun or warhead: the heat of formation and the density of the material.
A variety of computational chemistry methods to accurately predict such per-
formance properties [1, 31] exists, but applications to EM have been limited
almost exclusively to conventional CHNO explosives. Unfortunately, there has
been no similar wide-scale application of these computational methods to
high nitrogen compounds. Additionally, there have not been extensive ap-
plications to ionic crystals (either high-nitrogen or CHNO salts), since the
majority of EMs are neutral molecular organic crystals. Previous tools that
have been developed to predict either of these properties for CHNO energetic
neutral crystals are not suited for ionic materials, as will be described here-
after. Further, applications of existing tools that work well for CHNO neutral
molecular crystals have shown inconsistent (and sometimes poor) behavior
when applied to high nitrogen materials. Thus, the existing methods must be
reassessed and modified to accommodate the high nitrogen systems, and al-
ternative methods should also be explored. In this section, we will present
some of these alternatives.

Crystal Densities: Neutral Molecular Crystals

We will begin this section with a discussion of the prediction of crystal den-
sities for neutral molecular crystals. Several approaches have been used to
predict crystal densities without a priori knowledge of the system. The first,
and most sophisticated, is that of ab initio crystal prediction, in which the
crystal microstructure is determined using information about a single, iso-
lated molecule. While a number of procedures have been developed and
assessed [32], all methods generally follow a three-step computational ap-
proach. The first step corresponds to generating a three-dimensional model
of the molecule (the packing moiety) that will be used to construct candidate
crystals of different symmetries. In the next step hypothetical crystal struc-
tures using the molecular models are created; the contents of the structures
are dependent upon the crystal symmetry being explored and the orienta-
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 159

tion of the packing moiety. In the third step the energy of each hypothetical
crystal is minimized with respect to lattice and molecular orientation pa-
rameters. After generating a large series of candidate crystal structures, the
crystals can then be ranked (usually by energy or density). Although it has
been shown to be a very useful predictive methodology, it suffers from certain
limitations. The majority of computational methods assume that the crystal
structure with the lowest lattice energy corresponds to the thermodynamic-
ally favored structure rather than the structure with the lowest free energy.
This assumption effectively ignores entropic and vibrational enthalpic con-
tributions to the free energy and does not consider kinetic factors associated
with crystal growth, such as solvent effects and crystallization conditions.
Another of the major limitations of this method of crystal density predic-
tion is its reliance on a description of interatomic interactions. As in any
atomistic modeling procedure, the quality of the result is dependent on the
accuracy of the description of the interatomic forces. Finally, current methods
require significant improvement in their search methods used to generate the
candidate crystals, particularly for systems in which the asymmetric unit of
a crystal (Z ) is greater than one [32]. However, the utility of the proced-
ure in EM research has been demonstrated, in spite of the aforementioned
assumptions and limitations [33, 34]. A survey study [34] was performed in
which 174 CHNO molecular crystals whose molecules contained functional
groups common to CHNO explosives (i.e., nitramines, nitroaliphatics, ni-
trate esters, and nitroaromatics) were subjected to the method of ab initio
crystal prediction using a transferable CHNO interaction potential [19] and
the method developed by Ammon and co-workers(MOLPAK/WMIN) [33].
The systems chosen were restricted to crystalline space groups and systems
that could be treated by MOLPAK/WMIN (i.e., Z ≤ 1). The study showed
that for 85% of the chemical systems simulated, the method and model pro-
duced a crystal structure whose lattice parameters and contents of the crystal
(i.e., molecular positions and orientations) matched the experimental crys-
tal. Additionally, approximately 75% of these were the low energy structures
of all possible candidates generated in the crystal prediction process. Pre-
dicted densities (calculated at 0 K) had a root-mean-square (rms) deviation
from experiment of 3%. Inclusion of thermal effects is expected to bring these
results more in line with the experimental values. This study showed that
the method of ab initio crystal prediction is suitable to predict crystal den-
sities of a new EM (provided the description of the interatomic interactions
are reasonably accurate). However, because it utilizes an empirically derived
interatomic model that was parameterized to CHNO systems, it cannot be as-
sumed that the model will adequately predict structures of systems that are
dissimilar from the original set to which it was parameterized. We demon-
strate this in an application of the same interaction potential [19] and the
method of ab initio crystal prediction to six high-nitrogen neutral molecu-
lar crystals synthesized by Klapötke [35]. The results were unsatisfactory; in
160 B.M. Rice et al.

three cases the experimental crystal was not found among the various poly-
morphs that were generated in the calculations. For the remaining three,
two of the structures identified as matching the experimental crystals were
significantly higher in energy than those of other polymorphs generated in
the calculations. Furthermore, the contents of the unit cells and the cell di-
mensions had unacceptably large deviations from the measured values. This
exercise clearly demonstrated a need for an interaction potential to treat such
high-nitrogen compounds. Ammon has recently refined the default inter-
atomic interaction potential used in the MOLPAK/WMIN suite of programs
to describe high-nitrogen systems [36]. Application of the MOLPAK/WMIN
methods and this newly refined interatomic potential produces densities of
eight high nitrogen crystals within a few percent. These results are given in
Table 1. Further assessments of this model and method for high-nitrogen sys-
tems are being performed as experimental information is being collected.
Ab initio crystal prediction provides a density value and important in-
formation about the positions of the atoms in the unit cell, invaluable in-
formation that can be used to construct molecular models for use in other
simulations or might be useful in analysis of experimental results of dynamic
response (e.g., directional shock sensitivity). Unfortunately, the methods are
computationally intensive and analysis of the results is not trivial. For assess-
ment of potential performance, often the user only needs the value of the
crystal density at room conditions. For such calculations, QSAR/QPSR ap-
proaches are extremely attractive due to their ease of use and speed. Several
QSPR-type approaches have been used to predict condensed phase densities
of molecular organic systems [37–45]; some of which are included in EM re-
search. In some of the QSPR-type approaches, a property called “molecular

Table 1 Crystal densities predicted using molecular volumes within the 0.001 a.u. isosur-
face of electron density

System Expt MOLPAK/ 6-31G∗∗ 6-311+G(2df,2p)

WMIN [36] 0K Temperature 0K Temperature
corrected corrected

g088 [35] 1.473 1.44 1.462 1.436 1.423 1.398

gn085 [35] 1.381 1.33 1.335 1.313 1.290 1.269
Mincob [224] 1.515 1.484 1.524 1.500 1.473 1.449
weig1a [35] 1.444 1.491 1.488 1.453 1.440 1.406
g098 [35] 1.515 1.479 1.489 1.462 1.441 1.415
g096 [35] 1.522 1.495 1.555 1.527 1.504 1.476
Jahxog [225] 1.719 1.766 1.686 1.646 1.635 1.596
Iceduq [226] 1.384 1.423 1.382 1.349 1.345 1.314
Average % deviation – 0.4 – 0.3 – 2.2 – 3.3 – 5.2
Rms % deviation 2.7 2.0 2.9 3.9 5.6
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 161

volume” is used in the development of the QSPR. The concept of molecular

volume is ambiguous and can be defined in a variety of ways. For example,
the experimental molecular volume in the Cambridge Structural Database
(CSD) [46] is defined as the ratio of the volume of a unit cell to the num-
ber of molecules within the cell. Molecular volume can also be approximated
assuming group or atom additivity,

VVA = ni Vi , (1)

where VVA is the molecular volume assuming additivity, Vi is the volume of

the ith constituent atom or functional group, and ni is the number of the
ith atoms or functional groups contained within the molecule. The atomic
or group volumes can be defined by parameterizing to a large set of experi-
mental crystal data [41, 43, 47, 48], or can be derived using accepted standard
values, such as van der Waals radii [45]. Density predictions [39, 40, 44] have
also been made using the general interaction properties function (GIPF)
methodology [49–51], developed by Politzer for quantum-mechanical-based
QSPR-like applications to predict macroscopic properties of a variety of ma-
terials. In this methodology, a GIPF is a function that uses statistical descrip-
tors of the electrostatic potential (ESP) mapped onto a molecular surface to
describe some macroscopic property. The parameters of the GIPF are de-
termined by fitting to experimental information. In all of these calculations,
the molecular surface is defined to be the 0.001 electrons/bohr3 isosurface of
electron density [52]. In addition to the statistical descriptors of features of
the surface ESP, Politzer frequently uses the area of the molecular surface in
his GIPFs [49–51]. Politzer and co-workers developed GIPFs to predict liquid
and crystal densities for numerous compounds [44]; the crystal density GIPF
was a function of the area of the molecular surface and the variance of the sur-
face ESP, where the electron density ESPs were calculated at the HF/STO-3G
level. These authors indicated that this GIPF could be modified to use mo-
lecular volume rather than surface area, but that the resulting GIPF was suffi-
ciently accurate to render such a calculation unnecessary. Subsequent studies
using the GIPF approach for crystal density prediction [39, 40, 45] showed
improvement upon replacing the surface area term with molecular volume,
defined as either the volume contained within the molecular surface used in
the Politzer approach [39, 40] or the van der Waals volume [45]. Pan and Lee
showed that the original Politzer GIPF for crystal density prediction was not
transferable to cyclic and caged compounds (many of which included EMs),
and required reparameterization to produce acceptable results [40]. Addition-
ally, Bouhmaida and Ghermani, who used experimental electron densities in
generating the surface ESPs, found that the volume within the molecular sur-
face was adequate for predicting crystal density, and that the surface variance
was a poor descriptor in establishing this correlation [39]. They concluded
that the differences between the results generated by Politzer [44] and their
162 B.M. Rice et al.

application might be due to alterations of the ESPs of the molecules when in

the solid state.
We have undertaken a study in which molecular volume is used to predict
crystal densities for 181 CHNO species for which experimental crystallo-
graphic information exists. In this study, we defined our molecular volume
to be that contained within the 0.001 a.u. isosurface of electron density of
a molecule calculated at the B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ level. This level of QM theory is
somewhat of an improvement over that used by Politzer and Murray [44] and
Pan and Lee [40]. Two sets of molecular volumes were generated: one set was
composed of volumes corresponding to the molecules in configurations con-
sistent with those of the experimental crystals (denoted VExpt ), and the other
(Vopt ) was composed of molecules in equilibrium gas phase configurations
(optimized at the B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ level). Since the geometry optimizations
produce a 0 K result, we imposed a thermal correction to each system. This
correction assumes isotropic expansion and has the form
Vopt,Corrected = Vopt (1 + αT) , (2)
where T denotes the temperature at which the crystal structure was meas-
ured and α was determined by fitting the right-hand side of Eq. 2 to the
experimental molecular volumes (as defined earlier in [46]). For the set of
molecules whose configurations correspond to the experimental structure,
thermal and crystal field effects are already included; therefore, no thermal
correction was imposed on molecular volumes or densities calculated using
these structures.
VExpt and Vopt were then compared with experimental values; molecular
volumes calculated using experimental structures had average and rms de-
viations from experiment of – 4.2 and 5.8%, respectively. This corresponds
to 6.3% rms deviation in crystal density. Average and rms deviation of Vopt
from experiment are – 0.9 and 3.7%, respectively. Application of the ther-
mal correction to Vopt produced average and rms deviations from experiment
of 1.3 and 3.8%, indicating thermal effects are minimal. These Vopt corres-
pond to a 3.6% rms deviation from experiment in crystal density, indicating
far better agreement with experiment than results using the molecular con-
figuration corresponding to the measured crystal structure. The maximum
deviations of molecular volume and density from experimental results from
this set are 42.8 Å3 and 0.166 g/cc, respectively. We note that this method of
crystal density prediction produced statistical agreement with experiment as
good as those generated in the study of 174 CHNO systems using ab initio
crystal prediction [34], at a substantially reduced computational cost. How-
ever, we emphasize that this method does not provide any information about
the arrangement of the atoms within the unit cell.
We next calculated molecular volumes for eight high-nitrogen neutrals
using two different basis sets [6-31G∗∗ and 6-311+G(2df,2p)] and the B3LYP
density functional to explore the effect of basis set size on the molecular vol-
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 163

Fig. 1 Comparison of densities of high-nitrogen EM crystals (g/cc) using experimental

crystal densities, MOLPAK/WMIN predictions, direct evaluation of 0 K and temperature-
corrected molecular volumes using the 6-31G∗∗ basis set, direct evaluation of 0 K and
temperature corrected molecular volumes using the 6-311+G(2df,2p) basis set

ume. In this study, geometries were optimized at the B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ level.

Densities calculated using molecular volumes within the 0.001 a.u. isosur-
face of electron density with and without the temperature correction de-
scribed above are listed in Table 1; a visual comparison with experimental
values is given in Fig. 1. Additionally, results generated by Ammon using
the recently modified force field (described earlier) and the MOLPAK/WMIN
procedure [36] are also shown in Fig. 1. Temperature-corrected and 0 K crys-
tal densities calculated using the larger basis set both have larger percent
deviations from experiment than the other theoretical treatments. The MOL-
PAK/WMIN predictions (temperature corrected using factor recommended
by Hoffman [41]) and the temperature-corrected 6-31G∗∗ calculations have
approximately the same rms % deviation from experiment, while the uncor-
rected 6-31G∗∗ results have the smallest rms % deviation from experiment of
all theoretical treatments.

Crystal Densities: Ionic Molecular Crystals

In principle, the various methods used for crystal density prediction of neu-
tral molecular crystals should be applicable to ionic systems. Indeed, group
additivity schemes have been developed for ionic crystals [53, 54]. Unfortu-
nately, the ionic partners that make up the formula unit in the ionic crystal
introduce complications in implementing some of the other methods. The
main challenge is properly defining the arrangement of the ionic partners
164 B.M. Rice et al.

relative to one another. For several implementations of ab initio crystal pre-

diction, the search algorithms cannot independently position or orient mul-
tiple ions that make up the formula unit during the generation of candidate
crystals [32]. However, efforts are being made to extend this capability and
initial results are promising [32, 55].
Attempting to energetically rank various arrangements of isolated ionic
partners using quantum mechanical calculations might not be useful in all
cases, since the most probable relative positions and orientations corres-
ponding to the solid phase will be strongly influenced by the crystalline
field, a property that cannot captured in these calculations. Further, quan-
tum mechanical geometry optimizations of isolated ionic partners can result
in spontaneous reactions, e.g., proton transfer [56, 57]; the preservation of
charge separation between the ionic partners in such a calculation is difficult
to maintain.
However, quantum-mechanically calculated ionic volumes can be used to
predict crystal densities of ionic crystals, where the ionic volume is defined to
be that contained within a selected isosurface of electron density. Following
Jenkins et al. [58], the volume of the formula unit Mp Xq of an ionic crystal is
simply the sum of the volumes of the ions contained in the formula unit:

Volume = pV+ + qV– , (3)

where M denotes the cation and X denotes the anion. This method of formula
unit volume prediction was applied to 34 high-nitrogen ionic salts provided
by Klapötke [35]. In this application, the ionic volume is assumed to be that
contained within the 0.001 a.u. isosurface of electron density of the ion calcu-
lated at the B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ level. Two sets of ionic volumes were generated.
The first set were calculated using molecular structures consistent with the
experimental crystal and the second used equilibrium geometries resulting
from a B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ geometry optimization. Unlike what we observed in
our earlier application of this method to neutral CHNO molecular crystals,
the formula unit volumes calculated using the experimental structures were
in closer agreement with experimental values than those using the optimized
structures. Upon examination of the optimized geometries of the cationic and
anionic components of the ionic volumes, we found the following: for those
ions that had no hydrogen atoms, the differences between the volumes of ions
assuming the experimental structures with those using the optimized struc-
tures were very small (fractions of Å3 ). The largest differences were for ions
that contained hydrogen atoms. Also, the magnitude of the difference in vol-
ume is directly proportional to the number of hydrogen atoms in the ion.
This difference appears to be due to differences in the X – H (X = C, N) bond
distances in the optimized and experimental structures. The B3LYP/6-31G∗∗
X – H bond distances are ∼ 0.1 Å larger than those reported for the experi-
mental structures.
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 165

In order to establish a correction factor to be used for calculations using

optimized geometries of hydrogen-containing high-nitrogen ions, we first av-
eraged experimental ionic volumes for each ion that is present in different
ionic crystals. This averaged experimental ionic volume is then compared
with the volume of the optimized ion. The difference between the averaged
experimental and optimized ionic volumes scales almost linearly with the
number of hydrogen atoms within the ion. This relationship allowed us to
generate a correction factor for the high-nitrogen ionic crystals.
To calculate a “corrected” ionic volume using structures optimized at the
B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ level, the formula is:
V(corrected)=V(uncorrected) – 0.976(No. of Hydrogen Atoms in the ion).
We did not attempt to define a thermal correction for these crystals. Cal-
culated formula unit volumes using the experimental structures from the
34 high-nitrogen ionic crystals synthesized by T. Klapötke [35] had a rms
deviation from experimental values of 4.6%. Formula unit volumes calcu-
lated using optimized geometries and corrected for the number of hydrogens
had a 4.2% rms deviation from experimental values, whereas the uncor-
rected values had a 6.7% rms deviation from experiment. The rms deviation

Fig. 2 Comparison of formula unit volumes of 34 high-nitrogen ionic crystals (g/cc) using
experimental volume, predicted volumes using the experimental structures, predicted un-
corrected volumes using optimized structures, and predicted volumes using optimized
structures, corrected for the number of hydrogens (see text)
166 B.M. Rice et al.

Fig. 3 Same as Fig. 2, except this provides a comparison of crystal densities

from experimental crystal densities using the volumes corresponding to the

experimental structures is 4.7%, whereas the corresponding values using un-
corrected and corrected formula unit volumes generated from optimized
structures are 6.1 and 4.2%, respectively. Visual comparisons of the predicted
and experimental molecules volumes and crystal densities are given in Figs. 2
and 3.

Solid Phase Heats of Formation: Neutrals

It can be argued that the solid phase heats of formation of a crystal can be cal-
culated using highly accurate solid state quantum mechanical methods. How-
ever, computational obstacles rule out this approach. First, the only computa-
tionally feasible quantum mechanical approach to calculate the lattice energy
of molecular crystals at this time is density functional theory. DFT does not
adequately describe dispersion interactions, which are the main components
of the binding energy in such crystals at ambient conditions [59, 60]. Sec-
ondly, this approach requires knowledge of the crystalline environment, and
thus requires empirical information, which works against the overall goal to
reduce dependence on such information through modeling. Solid phase heats
of formation can be predicted using QSPR approaches [61–64], but their pre-
dictive capability might be limited to the chemical systems to which they were
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 167

parameterized. To our knowledge, there are no QSPR methods for predicting

the solid phase heats of formation for high-nitrogen compounds.
The solid phase heats of formation of weakly bound molecular crystals can
also be obtained using predictions of gas phase heats of formation and heats
of sublimation through the following relation [65]:
◦ ◦
∆Hf(s) = ∆Hf(g) – ∆Hsub . (5)
There are a variety of quantum-mechanically based methods to predict the
gas phase heats of formation for neutral species. Politzer et al. have provided
a detailed review of the various methods and their use in EM research [1],
and we refer the interested reader to these. However, we will point out salient
points from this review to illustrate applications of some of these methods to
high-nitrogen compounds.
The numerous quantum-mechanically based schemes that exist for pre-
dicting the gas phase heats of formation include semi-empirical approaches
that use atom or group equivalents. In this method, the gas phase heat of
the formation is the difference in the energy of the molecule and empir-
ically corrected energies of the molecule’s component atoms or functional
groups. The corrected energies, denoted as atom equivalent or group equiva-
lent energies, are determined by fitting to experimentally measured values
of heats of formation for representative systems. Several groups, including
ours, have used this approach to develop a computational procedure for pre-
dicting the gas phase heats of formation of CHNO species [66–71]. Other
more general methodologies that have a lesser degree of empiricism exist
(e.g., the Gx methods [72]), although they require substantially more compu-
tational resources. As described by Politzer et al. [1], many of these methods
predict gas phase heats of formation with a remarkable degree of accuracy.
Calculations of heats of sublimation are almost exclusively performed using
QSPR-like methods [66–68, 73–76]. The GIPF approach developed by Politzer
for predicting this quantity has been particularly successful in applications to
molecular crystals [66–71, 73–76]. Standard QSPRs using conventional mo-
lecular descriptors contained within commercial QSPR software [67] have
also been developed for CHNO systems; however, these did not perform as
well as the GIPF-based QSPRs when applied to a test set of molecules that
were not included in the parameterization.
It cannot be assumed that any of the aforementioned computational
methods that were parameterized using experimental information for CHNO
systems would be transferable to high-nitrogen systems. In fact, application
of the Byrd and Rice method [67] to a newly synthesized high-nitrogen com-
pound (1-Methyl-5-(methylnitramino)-1H-tetrazole [4]) produced a solid
phase heat of formation of 70.1 kcal/mol, far larger than the measured value
(2.8 kcal/mol). Such a large discrepancy suggests that the method might not
transferable, and since there are so few (if any) data for gas phase heats
of formation or heats of sublimation for high-nitrogen molecular crystals,
168 B.M. Rice et al.

reparameterization of the equations used in Eq. 5 would be difficult. Thus,

alternative approaches must be explored to treat high-nitrogen compounds.
The values for heats of sublimation of the CHNO crystals we surveyed typ-
ically ranged between 10–30 kcal/mol, with very few systems falling outside
this range. Additionally, the heat of sublimation must always be a positive
number. Conversely, the experimental gas phase heats of formation for the
CHNO systems we have surveyed fall within a much larger range (from
– 70 to + 100 kcal/mol [67]). In considering the disagreement of our ap-
proach to predicting solid phase heats of formation with the measured results
for 1-Methyl-5-(methylnitramino)-1H-tetrazole, we concluded that the ma-
jor source of the difference in our calculations and the measured value might
be in the value of the gas phase heat of formation. We therefore undertook
other quantum-mechanically based methods for predictions of the gas phase
heat of formation of high-nitrogen compounds. In all calculations reported
hereafter, the heats of sublimation used in Eq. 5 were calculated using the
GIPF-methodology reported in [67].
The alternative methods used for predicting gas phase heats of formation
are variants of the popular G3 methods [77] specifically the G3(MP2) [78] and
G3(MP2)//B3LYP [79] approaches. The overall procedure involves multiple
calculations at the HF/B3LYP, MP2, and QCISD(T) levels. The G3 method also
attempts to correct for basis set size effects, zero point energy, and includes
a general empirical correction. Therefore, like the atom/group equivalent ap-
proaches described above, this method includes some empiricism. However,
G3 parameters are fitted to widely different chemical systems and a larger
number of thermodynamic properties than those in our atom/group equiva-
lent method [67, 68]. Additionally, the empiricism is not dependent on atom
or group type, as are the atom/group-equivalent methods [1]. Further the
G3 and atom/group-equivalent approaches use completely different method-
ologies for computing the energies. While the G3 and atom/group-equivalent
approaches for predicting as phase heats of formation rely on empirical
fits, more accurate quantum mechanical approaches (such as CCSD(T) using
a complete basis set) cannot be applied to any of the systems under consid-
eration in this project (i.e., EMs) due to computational constraints. In fact,
the G3(MP2) and G3(MP2)//B3LYP methods were developed to reduce com-
putational cost compared to the original G3 [80] method at a small cost in
accuracy. However, we found even these modified G3 calculations to be com-
putationally infeasible for high-nitrogen systems larger than C12 H14 N8 . For
this system, the G3(MP2) and G3(MP2)//B3LYP methods require excessive
computational resources are not readily available outside of supercomputer
clusters at this time.
The G3(MP2), G3(MP2)//B3LYP and our atom/group equivalent method
were used to calculate the gas phase heats of formation of a set of neutral high
nitrogen crystals; the values were added to the predicted heats of sublima-
tion (using the GIPF method as described in Ref. [67]) to produce solid phase
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 169

heats of formation. The results and experimental values for the resulting solid
phase heats of formation are shown in Fig. 4.
As evident in Fig. 4, the theoretical results are in reasonable agreement
with each other for all compounds. Additionally, all calculated values are
in agreement with the experiment except for Compound 2 (1-Methyl-5-
(methylnitramino)-1H-tetrazole [4]). This suggests that either re-measure-
ment of the heat of formation of Compound 2 should be performed or that
there is some aspect of this system that is not captured by the quantum
mechanical calculations. We emphasize that the two quantum mechanical ap-
proaches (atom/group equivalents versus G3 methods) for prediction of the
gas phase heats of formation are sufficiently dissimilar that it is extremely
unlikely that the error is within this portion of Eq. 1. There is a possibility,
of course, that the heat of sublimation is poorly predicted for this system.
That would not, however, explain the large discrepancy between the theoret-
ical values and the measured result for Compound 2. Average and rms percent
deviations were calculated using the seven other high-nitrogen compounds.
Average percent deviations of the predictions from experiment are approxi-
mately the same for the group-equivalent and G3(MP2) approaches (these
overestimate, on average, the experimental value by 5.3 and 5.6%, respec-
tively). The average percent deviation of the G3(MP2)//B3LYP approach is

Fig. 4 Solid phase heats of formation for high-nitrogen crystals. Experimental values are
taken from [4] and [223]. “1999 Atom Equiv” denotes calculations using the atom equiva-
lent method described in [68]. “2006 Group Equiv” denotes calculations using the group
equivalent method described in [67]. G3(MP2) and G3(MP2)//B3LYP denote calculations
using variants of the G3 method [78, 79], respectively
170 B.M. Rice et al.

larger (– 7.9 kcal/mol) and underestimates the experimental value. The rms
percent deviations from experiment are comparable for the group equivalent
and G3 approaches, with the group equivalent and G3(MP2) having the best
overall agreement with experiment (rms % deviation is ∼ 9.5%).
Of particular interest to us are the consistently close agreement between
the group-equivalent method [67] and the G3(MP2) values. We remind the
reader that the group-equivalent method was fitted to a smaller and more
chemically specific set of experimental data (CHNO compounds with func-
tional groups common to explosives) whereas the G3 parameters were fitted
to a more general and substantially larger set of chemical compounds. Ad-
ditionally, the group-equivalent approach requires considerably less compu-
tational resources. Since this good agreement between the two approaches
has only been demonstrated for eight compounds, further investigation is
required to determine whether this trend holds for a larger number of high-
nitrogen compounds.

Solid Phase Heats of Formation: Ionic Crystals

As for the neutral crystals, we are not aware of any QSPRs developed to pre-
dict the solid phase heats of formation of high nitrogen salts, probably due
to the relative scarcity of such experimental data required for establishing the
Since the crystalline binding energy in an ionic crystal is dominated by
electrostatic interactions that are orders of magnitude larger than those in
a neutral molecular crystal, the same scheme used for predicting the solid
phase heat of formation for a neutral molecular crystal (Eq. 5) cannot be
applied to ionics. Rather, the heat of formation of ionic compounds is deter-
mined using Born–Haber cycles [65] in which a series of reactions involving
the ionic components are employed to produce the overall final result. Unfor-
tunately, error is always introduced when quantum mechanical calculations
are used in evaluating the reactions. Therefore, care must be taken in the
choice of reactions used in the cycle.
The simplest of cycles might consist of three steps in which formation en-
ergies for each of the components can be calculated.
M(g) + X(g) → M+(g) + X–(g) → M+ X–(solid) . (6)
In this simple scheme, the first step requires the evaluation of the heats of for-
mation of the neutral form of the charged components. The formation ener-
gies for the ionic components are then determined by evaluating the electron
affinity or ionization energy and adding these to the heats of formation of
the neutral moieties. The third step of the cycle requires the evaluation of the
lattice enthalpy. Chemical reactions that generate the gas phase ionic compo-
nents in Step 2 can also be used. Also, an alternative procedure for generating
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 171

the gas phase formation energies of the ions directly is presented by Beau-
camp et al. [81]. In this work, gas phase heats of formation for the ions were
determined using the method of atom equivalents. The atom equivalents were
derived for a series of neutral compounds [82] and applied to five ammonium
salts. These values and cohesive energies for these systems were used to gen-
erate solid phase heats of formation. The results are in reasonable agreement
with the experiment, and further study on a larger number of high-nitrogen
salts should be performed to determine the suitability of this method.
Unfortunately, there are limited (if any) experimental data that can be used
to assess the quality of the calculations associated with each individual step in
the aforementioned cycle. We are limited to comparing the overall final result
with the experimental value of the heat of formation of the ionic crystal. This
makes establishing the sources of errors in this cycle complicated.
It is possible to introduce significant error in the first step of this cycle.
The magnitude of the error introduced in a quantum mechanical prediction
of any reaction (including atomization) is dependent on the choice of reaction
(i.e., the types and number of bonds that are broken or formed). The most
accurate quantum mechanical approach for predicting the gas phase heat of
formation of a new compound is to use isodesmic reactions [83]. This ap-
proach works very well if there are reliable heat of formation values for the
products of the isodesmic reaction. If there is more than one possible reaction
that will lead to the gas-phase ions in the cycle, it is possible that the quan-
tum mechanical predictions will produce different results that are dependent
on which reaction is chosen [84]. Also, generation of the gas-phase ions in
Step 2 might require a sequence of reactions rather than a single reaction;
this would introduce further error. Also, while there might be many different
possible reactions leading to the charged moieties of interest, corresponding
experimental data of the reaction products must be available. In lieu of that,
Gx procedures [72] (or atom/group equivalent methods, if applicable to the
system) can be used to predict the heats of formation of the various reaction
products, but again, error is introduced.
To avoid the complications associated with identifying reaction sequences
that can be used to produce gas phase formation energies of the ionic species,
we will illustrate predictions of the solid phase heats of formation of a few
high-nitrogen salts using the Born–Haber cycle given in Eq. 6. In this, gas
phase heats of formation of the neutral forms of the charged species are first
calculated (Step 1), and are followed by calculations of the electron affinity or
ionization energy (Step 2) to generate the heats of formation of the charged
moieties in the gas phase. The main drawback to this approach is the require-
ment that the neutral form of the charged species must be a minimum on the
potential energy surface (PES). If it is not, then the Born–Haber cycle would
require inclusion of reactions leading to the ionic moieties in Step 2.
We were encouraged by the good agreement between experimental and
predicted values (using the G3 method) of gas phase heats of formation for
172 B.M. Rice et al.

molecules contained in the eight high-nitrogen neutral crystals as described

in the previous section. Therefore, we had a measure of confidence in using
the G3 methods to predict gas phase formation energies of the neutral form
of the charged species (Step 1). Unfortunately, there were many cases in which
the optimized structure that is generated in the first step of the G3 calcu-
lations did not have the same chemical connectivity as that of the charged
moiety in Step 2, indicating that the neutral form of the ion is not a minimum
on the PES. The subsequent steps in the G3 calculations are all dependent
on the molecular structure resulting from this optimization; therefore, it is
essential that the molecular structure have the same chemical connectivity
as that of the charged moiety. For the 26 ions corresponding to the various
high-nitrogen salts provided to us by Klapötke [35], the most common result
of a problematic geometry optimization was the dissociation of a hydrogen
atom from the molecule. Since the geometry optimization performed in the
first step of both of the two G3 approaches use a small basis set (6-31G∗ ) and
either the Hartree–Fock (HF) or B3LYP approach, it is possible that the prob-
lems are due to the application of an inadequate level of theory to treat these
species. Tests of this hypothesis were performed by simply increasing the ba-
sis set size in the geometry optimization to include additional polarization
and a diffuse function (6-31+G∗∗ ). For all but four compounds a stable struc-
ture was found using B3LYP (we did not test HF). Applying the remainder of
the G3(MP2) or G3(MP2)//B3LYP methodologies using these structures and
the corresponding B3LYP/6-31+G∗∗ vibrational frequencies (scaled appropri-
ately) produced gas phase formation energies. These revised G3 methods are
denoted hereafter as modG3. The G3(MP2) and G3(MP2)//B3LYP empirical
corrections will be applied accordingly, as modG3 has not been fitted for
the correct empirical factor. Performances of the modG3 approaches were
then evaluated through application to the original 8 neutral high-nitrogen
compounds described in the previous section. The modG3 values track
closely the G3 method from which the empirical correction is taken. For the
G3(MP2) method, the average and maximum differences between the ori-
ginal and modified methods are 1.4 and 2.2 kcal/mol, respectively. For the
G3(MP2)//B3LYP method, the average and maximum differences between the
original and modified methods are 0.0 and 0.4 kcal/mol, respectively.
When determining the heats of formation of the ionic components begin-
ning with the neutral forms of the species (Step 2), it is incorrect to use the
vertical ionization energy, i.e., the energy required to add or subtract an elec-
tron without allowing structural relaxation upon ionization. In many of the
cases we have examined, the neutral form of the ionic component has a sub-
stantially different structural conformation than that of the charged species;
in such cases, the ionization energies or electron affinities must include the
effects due to structural relaxation upon ionization. The energies resulting
from such calculations will be referred to as “relaxed ionization energies”.
Figure 5 provides a visual example of the structural relaxation upon ioniza-
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 173

Fig. 5 Molecular structures of CH9 N6 before (upper half of the figure) and after (lower
half of the figure) ionization. Structures depicted in the left-most portion of the figure
are top-down views of the moieties; structures in the right-most portions are side views
of the moieties

tion for the CH9 N6 moiety calculated at the B3LYP/6-31+G∗∗ level; it is clear
that in some cases, structural relaxation would be a significant contributor to
the final value of the ionization energy.
To determine the effect of structural relaxation on the ionization en-
ergy, we have calculated the relaxed and vertical ionization energies for
the 20 high-nitrogen cations and 6 anions contained within various high-
nitrogen salts synthesized by Klapötke [35]. The results are shown in Fig. 6.
We found the effect to be particularly pronounced for the ionization ener-
gies; half of the compounds had structural relaxation energies on the order of
50 kcal/mol.
The final step in the evaluation of the Born–Haber cycle given in Eq. 6 is
the determination of the lattice enthalpy, a measure of the energy required to
dissociate the ionic crystal into its gaseous ions. The magnitude of this energy
is quite large compared to the weaker intermolecular cohesive energies asso-
ciated with organic molecular crystals (which are due mainly to van der Waals
interactions), since it is a result of numerous long-range electrostatic interac-
tions of ionic partners within the crystal. This value can be directly calculated
by adding up all interatomic interactions within the crystal lattice if the pos-
itions of all atoms in the crystal are known and a reasonable description
174 B.M. Rice et al.

Fig. 6 Vertical and relaxed ionization energies for 20 cations and 6 anions used in high-
nitrogen ionic crystals synthesized by Klapötke [35]

of the interatomic interactions is available (see, for example [58, 81, 85, 86]).
Unfortunately, these two conditions cannot always be met. Therefore, numer-
ous empirical schemes have been introduced to predict this quantity without
knowledge of the crystal structure. One of the most widely used methods
was developed by Kapustinskii, in which the lattice energy of a salt is esti-
mated using values of the ionic radii [87]. Extensions to this approach have
been made to better predict lattice energies of complex ionic crystals [88, 89].
Another method uses lattice energies calculated using point charges and ex-
perimentally crystallographic structures for a larger number of systems to
generate a QSPR for cohesion energies in salts [85]. Politzer and Murray ap-
plied the GIPF approach to generate GIPF relations between lattice energies of
ammonium, sodium and potassium cations with various anions [90]. A dif-
ferent QSPR-type method developed by Jenkins et al. has been applied to
several high-nitrogen ionic crystals [58, 91]. This approach correlates the in-
verse cube root of the volume of the formula unit of an ionic crystal Mp Xq
with its lattice potential energy Upot (Mp Xq ). The lattice potential energy is
related to the lattice enthalpy as follows:
∆HL = Upot (Mp Xq ) + [p(nM /2 – 2) + q(nX /2 – 2)]RT , (7)
where the values of nM and nX are dependent on whether the ions are
monatomic, linear polyatomic, or non-linear polyatomic. Jenkins et al. [58,
91] parameterized the functional form for Upot using lattice potential ener-
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 175

gies from [92]. These data consist of values derived from thermochemical
cycles using experimental information and those from full scale calculations
of the lattice potential energy of a crystal. In these calculations, crystal struc-
tural data (atomic positions) are specified, and an interatomic interaction
potential (van der Waals terms plus Coulombic interactions, with partial
charges assigned to nuclei) are used to produce the lattice energies. The in-
formation used in the parameterization was limited to salts containing alkali
metal and alkaline earth cations (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba). Gold-
schmidt radii of the cations (r+ ) were used to define the cation volumes
(V+ = 4/3πr+3 ). Anion volumes were determined first by calculating the mo-
lecular volume of the alkaline earth/alkali metal salts (using experimental
values, Vunit cell /Nunit ) and subtracting the volumes of the cations.
A possible source of error associated with this approach might be due to
the variable reliability of the fitting data [92]. Another source of error asso-
ciated with this approach when applied to high-nitrogen salts is the types
of salts used in the parameterization. In this parameterization of the QSPR,
the cations of the salts were limited to alkaline metal or alkaline earth atoms
(small and spherical volumes). The anion volumes were derived from experi-
mental information about the salts and the values assigned to the alkali metal
or alkaline earth cations. It is not known whether this method is transferable
to salts that have significantly different chemical compositions, and for which
the cations are substantially different in shape and size (such as some of the
new high-nitrogen salts).
A rough assessment of the Jenkins approach for predicting lattice energy
for high-nitrogen salts can be performed through direct calculations assum-
ing the experimental structure and reasonable interaction potentials (such as
that developed by Ammon, described earlier). At this time, we have not at-
tempted nor are we aware of such an assessment. We will, however, use the
Jenkins approach for purposes of illustrating prediction of the heat of for-
mation of ionic crystals, specifically, three recently synthesized high-nitrogen
salts [10]. These are presented and compared with experimental and other
theoretical predictions in Table 2. The theoretical result generated by Gálvez–
Ruiz et al. [10] invoked a Born–Haber cycle using reactions along with proton
affinities, whereas we utilize the procedure outlined above. Additionally, the

Table 2 Heats of formation of tetrazolium salts

Species ∆Hf , MX(s) (kcal/mol)

Expt. [10] G2 [10] modG3(MP2)

1-5-Diamino-4-methyl-tetrazolium nitrate 8.4 41.7 47.5

1-5-Diamino-4-methyl-tetrazolium azide 138.1 161.6 165.4
1-5-Diamino-4-methyl-tetrazolium dinitramide 45.3 92.1 94.9
176 B.M. Rice et al.

Gálvez–Ruiz et al. calculations used the G2 method [93], which has differ-
ent empirical corrections and approaches than the G3 methods we used.
Note that the two theoretical approaches, which would have distinctly differ-
ent sources of error, are very close in value for the three compounds. They
both, however, overshoot the experimental values by 30–40 kcal/mol. Since
the common element between the two theoretical methods is the Jenkins ap-
proach [58, 91] for predicting lattice energies, it is possible that the major
discrepancy between experiment and theory is within this step. However, be-
fore this conclusion can be made, the Jenkins method should be evaluated as
suggested above.

Prediction of Vulnerability and Environmental Hazard

The performance potential of a new EM is not the only factor considered

when determining whether to pursue synthesis or full-scale development.
Of equal concern are the environmental impact of the material and its vul-
nerability to accidental initiation. Unfortunately, both categories of potential
hazard encompass wide ranging phenomena. Environmental hazards include
effects of the material on aquatic and mammalian life, ground water and
atmospheric fate and transport, human toxicity or carcinogenicity. Vulner-
ability of an EM refers to different ways in which accidental initiation can
occur, including electrostatic discharge, friction, shock, or impact, the results
of which differ depending on the type of initiation. Both types of hazard rep-
resent diverse sets of extremely complex and interrelated physical-chemical
properties and phenomena that have not been extricated or identified. Conse-
quently, little progress has been made in developing a fundamental, detailed
characterization of either type of hazard. Rather, most efforts have been
directed to developing QSAR/QSPRs to predict potential hazards. This ap-
proach has been used to a small extent for predicting environmental hazards
of conventional EM due to limited empirical information [94–101]. To our
knowledge, there have been no published reports of predictions of environ-
mental hazards of high-nitrogen EMs.
There exists a large body of empirical vulnerability data for conventional
EM for which numerous researchers have correlated molecular or material
properties [102–156]. Of these, a large number of the molecular properties
used in the correlations were predicted using semi-empirical or quantum
mechanical methods. While many of these are quite useful in identifying
potential vulnerability of an EM, they should not be used to justify mecha-
nistic arguments [157, 158]. Additionally, as with all QSPR approaches, the
predictive capability is strongly dependent on the quality of the empirical
information used in the parameterization. Unreliable empirical information
used in the parameterization could result in a highly inaccurate tool. For
vulnerability, the majority of the empirical data consists of results of drop-
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 177

weight impact tests, a crude and rapid method used to qualitatively assess
the sensitivity of a material to impact. This test is notoriously inaccurate
and its results are strongly dependent on the conditions under which the
experiments are performed. Therefore, correlations made with the results
could incorporate flawed measurements. Further, it is well established that
the sensitivity of a material to accidental initiation is influenced by material
morphology, something that cannot be captured with such simple correla-
tions. Finally, there is never a guarantee that a QSPR developed for one series
of compounds is transferable to a different chemical family. Since several
correlations developed for conventional CHNO explosives are not transfer-
able across chemical families, it is not expected that such correlations would
be maintained for high-nitrogen HEDMs. We note, however, that two stud-
ies [5, 6] applied a QSPR-type method to assess impact sensitivity using
quantum mechanically calculated electrostatic potentials [102, 159] to sev-
eral high-nitrogen solids and showed that the correlations were maintained.
However, since these methods were developed for CHNO explosives, similar
applications to a larger number of high-nitrogen systems must be performed
before it is concluded that such a correlation is indicative of sensitivity to
impact for these systems. Clearly, advances in development of predictive
methodologies in this area are needed.

Novel Polynitrogen Species

The earlier portions of this chapter have focused on computational methods

of high-nitrogen compounds that are produced using conventional concepts
of inorganic and organic chemical synthesis and known functionality [160].
This portion of the chapter will examine recent efforts to predict exotic forms
of all-nitrogen molecules using quantum mechanical theories. Earlier predic-
tions have been described in previous reviews of such compounds [161–163]
and will not be repeated here. Since then, many larger all-nitrogen com-
pounds in a variety of cyclic, acyclic or caged conformations have been
explored using theoretical chemistry. The species investigated include ionic
clusters [164–166], cylinders [167], cages [168–176], nanoneedles and nano-
tubes [177] and helices [178]. Isomers of smaller systems (N7 [179], N10 [180]
and N12 [181]) have also recently been reported. While the majority of these
studies have focused on the evaluation of these novel forms of molecular
nitrogen, at least one study uses theory to provide guidance in developing
synthesis routes for an all-nitrogen system [182].
As shown in the earlier studies on smaller systems [161–163], stability
of these compounds is perhaps the overriding issue that must be addressed.
Thus, all of these calculations have several common goals: To establish
a) whether the structure is a local minimum on the potential energy surface
178 B.M. Rice et al.

(PES); b) its degree of stability with respect to unimolecular decomposition;

and c) the structural features that stabilize the species. A successful demon-
stration of the ability of theory to predict stability of such compounds is given
by Dixon et al. [183], in which high-level quantum mechanical calculations
[CCSD(T)] indicated that N5 + N3 – and N5 + N5 – salts are not stable; these re-
sults were subsequently confirmed by experiment. Theory has also been used
to computationally engineer structures to enhance stability through the add-
ition of non-nitrogen atoms [184–191]. All of these studies have the potential
to aide in the selection of the most promising all nitrogen molecular system
for synthesis. The only caveat is that in most of these studies, only mod-
est levels of quantum mechanical theory (mainly DFT and MP2) have been
applied due to the system sizes, thus precluding the application of more ac-
curate quantum mechanical methods. DFT and MP2 methods are adequate
to identify local minima on the PES and provide estimates of stability to uni-
molecular decomposition. However, the extreme complexity of the electronic
structure of these exotic forms of nitrogen requires higher levels of QM the-
ory in order to quantify the degree of stability. This is illustrated by recent
conflicting theoretical calculations on N7 clusters using DFT and MP2 and
a variety of basis sets [179, 192]. Using the G3 method, Wang et al. [192] pre-
dicted that the most stable of N7 conformers is an N5 ring with an N2 side
chain, but Zhao et al. found that the stability of the conformer was depen-
dent on level of theory and basis set [179]. For such a case, only a higher
level quantum mechanical treatment could resolve the discrepancies. It is un-
fortunate that at this time, the sizes of systems being explored exceed the
computational bounds required for the necessary high-level treatments. But
as history has shown, advances in computational power will allow for in-
creasingly larger systems to be investigated using more accurate quantum
mechanical treatments.

Novel High Pressure Phases of Nitrogen

Interest in high and all-nitrogen materials is not exclusive to the energetic

materials community; the high-pressure physics community has been search-
ing for novel, high-pressure forms of nitrogen for years [193–203]. As for all
molecular systems, it is presumed that sufficient application of pressure will
lead to the destruction of covalent bonds. For nitrogen, whose triple bond in-
troduces extra complexity over singly bonded molecular solids, it is expected
that any pressure-induced transformation will proceed first through forma-
tion of an intermediate polymeric network of singly or doubly bonded atoms,
similar to that of other group V elements (phosphorus and arsenic) before
losing covalency completely at higher pressures. Thus, experimental verifica-
tion of such high-pressure non-molecular phases of nitrogen has long been
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 179

sought, but it has only been recently that such was achieved [199–203]. In
addition to these non-molecular phases of nitrogen, several molecular phases
over wide temperature and pressure ranges have been experimentally deter-
mined [193–198, 204, 205].
Theoretical studies, on the other hand, have predicted a variety of non-
molecular structures at pressures for which only molecular phases have been
observed. These include a monatomic simple-cubic phase [206–208], a semi-
metallic arsenic structure A7 [206], a metallic, simple-tetragonal phase [206,
209], and the cubic gauche (CG) structure [205, 207, 210–213], for which re-
cent experimental evidence has been given [203]. Results from theoretical
calculations also predict other polymeric forms of nitrogen, as will be de-
scribed hereafter.
The disparity between the theoretical predictions and experimental veri-
fications can be attributed to several factors, including large energy barriers
that might inhibit any transition leading to the polymeric forms upon com-
pression of the molecular crystals. These can be explored using theoretical
methods, as will be shown here. This section will describe detailed, ab initio
descriptions of the electronic structure of high-pressure phases of nitrogen,
and ab initio quantum molecular dynamics (QMD) calculations, in which
integration of the classical equations of motion using quantum mechanical
forces produce time-dependent atomic positions and velocities. The latter cal-
culations have been used to identify stable structures through quenching of
materials simulated at high temperatures and pressures. QMD calculations
are also used to establish ranges of metastability. This section will be limited
to discussions of quantum mechanical calculations, with a focus on density
functional theory treatments of these systems, and will not include discus-
sions of classical molecular simulations of high-pressure phases of molecular
It was generally assumed that pressure-induced transformation of molecu-
lar nitrogen would progress first to a chain-like structure, then to a layered
structure and finally to an bulk, or extended solid, structure. Early theoret-
ical work, therefore, focused on establishing the simple chain, layered, and
bulk structures known from other Group V elements, including A7 [206], and
black phosphorus (BP) [207]. Early calculations of the various forms of non-
molecular nitrogen predicted that the layered A7 and BP structures are lower
in energy than the chain and bulk structures [206]. Later calculations pre-
dicted that the transition from molecular nitrogen would progress directly
to the bulk CG structure, which is unique to nitrogen, bypassing formation
of layered and chain structures [207, 210–213]. The CG form of nitrogen is
a fully coordinated three-dimension structure, and is an analog to the dia-
mond structure of carbon. Calculations predict it to be substantially lower in
energy than the other non-molecular phases A7 and BP. Another chain struc-
ture was recently predicted that is energetically competitive with CG and will
be detailed hereafter.
180 B.M. Rice et al.

The majority of the early calculations in which new structures of nitro-

gen were identified resulted from deformations of a simple cubic lattice of
nitrogen. One of us pursued a series of DFT studies to identify structures re-
sulting from compression of the highest pressure known phase of nitrogen,
the non-cubic molecular ε phase [214]. These results will be presented here.
Some of these calculations were performed for systems that had been pre-
viously identified through other theoretical calculations using a lower level
of quantum mechanical theory [207]. These calculations were redone at the
higher level [using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA)] to verify
relative energies.
We first confirmed the CG form (Fig. 7), and also found that CG can exist
in either a left or right-handed form. These two forms are degenerate in
energy and suggest that equilibration to one form or the other might be dif-
ficult. Instead, these features on the potential energy surface suggest that an
amorphous mix of these two forms might result upon compression.
Although Barbee [211] has shown the CG structure to be stable at low
temperature and zero pressure, we performed QMD simulations for various
temperatures and pressures ranging from 0 and 50 GPa to test for instability.
NVE simulations with an initial temperature of 300 K and a volume con-
sistent with the low-pressure form of CG resulted in the dissociation of the
structure into molecular nitrogen and a large energy release. The same re-
sult was observed for an NVE simulation with an initial temperature of 400 K
and a volume corresponding to 50 GPa at 0 K. When these structures desta-
bilized, the transition was extremely rapid and the temperature increased to
over 10 000 Kelvin in a few time steps.

Fig. 7 Diagrams of various forms of compressed nitrogen. The structures are, from left to
right, cubic gauche (CG), the hexagonally packed chain (HPC), ε-nitrogen, and Hexagonal
N6 rings
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 181

Calculations performed by us and others produced an assortment of chain

structures [207, 210, 212, 213], all but one of which are not energetically com-
petitive with CG. The only energetically competitive chain structure was
found in DFT optimizations of a forty-eight atom cell initially arranged in
the high pressure molecular ε phase of nitrogen. Minimization of this cell at
220 GPa produced a series of hexagonally packed chains (HPC). At pressures
above 400 GPa, this structure transforms into a fully connected structure
with each atom being bonded to three others. With only a small increase
in energy, this chain structure can be idealized as a deformed simple hex-
agonal lattice and a two-atom basis. The chains zig-zags, with the major axis
of the chain parallel with the c-axis. The minor axes of all the chains are
parallel to each other and perpendicular to one of the hexagonal lattice vec-
tors. The idealized unit cell √ with a simple hexagonal lattice is given by the
lattice vectors: (a, 0, 0), (a/2, 3a/2, 0), (0, 0, c); the Cartesian atomic coordi-
nates: ±(0, b, c/4), where b = d2 – c2 /4, and d is the bond length of 1.32 Å,
and the a/c ratio is 0.9 with a lattice constant of 2.555 Å. The chains have
bond angles of about 114◦ at low pressure. The HPC structure is shown in
Fig. 7.
Two tests of stability were performed for this phase at pressures near am-
bient. For the first test, each atom in a sixty-four atom cell was randomly
displaced by a maximum of 1% of the bond length in each Cartesian di-
rection. A subsequent geometry optimization was performed, with a target
pressure near that of the initial structure (∼ 100 bar) in which atoms were
not displaced. The system converged to the undisturbed state. This test was
repeated, except all of the atoms were displaced by 5% of the bond lengths;
the results did not change. For the second test, atoms were displaced along
the line connecting atom pairs within the chain. This test was designed to fa-
cilitate transformation to a molecular nitrogen phase. Alternating bonds in
the chain were contracted by 2% (resulting in an approximate two-percent ex-
pansion of the remaining bonds), after which a geometry optimization was
performed. The system again converged to the undisturbed state. The same
test was repeated except the bonds were contracted or expanded by 10%. The
energies of the states in which the atoms are randomly displaced or displaced
along bonds were higher than the HPC state by as much as 0.6 eV/atom.
This indicates that there are substantial barriers to transition along these
two paths. The HPC chain structure is distinguished from the other chain
structures we investigated since it is energetically competitive with the CG
phase, whereas the other chain structures were substantially higher in energy.
The rapid increase in energy upon perturbation of atoms within the HPC
from the equilibrium position and the higher energy of very similar chains
suggest that the specific packing in the HPC phase is the basis for its low en-
ergy and stability. It is interesting that theoretical predictions of all-nitrogen
molecules include molecular structures that resemble the hexagonally packed
chains [163]. In these structures, the intramolecular bond lengths and angles
182 B.M. Rice et al.

are very similar to those of the chain. It is conceivable that such molecules
could be packed into the crystalline state, perhaps at near ambient conditions.
Figure 8 shows the energy curves for the HPC and CG structures. The
energy for the chain structure is slightly lower than CG at pressures well
above the transition pressure (i.e., V < 5 Å3 ), but is approximately the same
or slightly higher than CG for the pressure range near the transition pressure.
The difference in the energies of these structures is within the error of the
GGA approximations, making the HPC structure practically degenerate in en-
ergy with the CG structure between approximately 5 and 6.5 Å3 . At pressures
less than the transition pressure the HPC is lower in energy than CG.
In the HPC phase, each atom has valence electrons symmetrically bonded
to two other atoms. For such a case, it is expected that the bands at the Fermi
energy would be π-bands, similar to those in graphite. However, the nearly
one-dimensional nature of the HPC chain structure should lead to a large,
metallic, nearly flat Fermi surface unlike the semi-metallic Fermi surface in
graphite. Indeed, the chain structure is metallic in nature as evidenced by the
band structure in Fig. 9. The band structure of an identical single isolated
chain is provided for comparison. Only the bands along the major axis of the
chain are shown, as directions normal to the major axis are uninteresting, as
expected for chains. We explored the possibility of a Peierls distortion leading
to an insulator [215], but this is not found in the tests on distorted structures

Fig. 8 Energy versus volume curves for the HPC, CG, ε, amorphous molecular and
amorphous nonmolecular phases of nitrogen
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 183

Fig. 9 Band structure of the HPC structure (left-hand side) and a single isolated chain
(right-hand side). The Fermi energy is represented by the solid dark line

reported above. Presumably the stability of the metallic nature of the HPC
phase is due to the fact that the system is not truly one-dimensional.
A metallic form of nitrogen is of great interest because of the possibil-
ity of superconductivity at a high transition temperature in such a phase.
This possibility is suggested both by the small mass and by the large valence
of nitrogen. Indeed, one the highest temperature elemental superconductor
known is sulfur at high pressure [216–218], first predicted by theory [219].
The small mass of nitrogen implies a large Debye temperature, and the large
number of valence electrons of nitrogen implies a large carrier density in
a metallic phase. Both of these properties will tend to enhance the transition
temperature. The electron–phonon interactions should be large for this elem-
ent, as for other first row elements. On the one hand, the electron–phonon
interaction is responsible for the instability of structures like the simple cubic;
on the other hand, if the stable structure is metallic, then the electron-phonon
interaction could lead to a high superconducting transition temperature Tc .
Thus nitrogen can be an example of the competition between high Tc and
structural instabilities [206]. Such a question invites further study.
An interesting molecular phase that was identified during the exploration
of the conformational space of nitrogen was that of hexagonal N6 , shown
184 B.M. Rice et al.

on the right side of Fig. 7. While this is a molecular phase, it is not a di-
atomic molecular phase, and thus has the potential for large energy release
upon transition to the lower-energy diatomic molecular phase. When the
ε structure is minimized at ∼ 60 GPa, this non-diatomic molecular phase ap-
pears. The ε structure transitions into a hexagonal-close-packed structure
that consists of a unit cell containing one N6 and one N2 molecule, with
the N2 molecule centered coaxially between the N6 molecules on alternating
levels. The transition to this phase creates hexagonal N6 from the disk-like
molecules forming columns. The sphere-like molecules remain molecular
and are centered between two coaxial N6 molecules. These columns of N6
are packed hexagonally, with adjacent columns offset along the axis of the
column by a third the distance between N6 in the column. This offset al-
ternates direction going clockwise for each of the six neighboring columns.
This structure has an energy that is equivalent to the molecular ε struc-
ture at the same volume and is a local energy minimum between 18 and
145 GPa. Since this is a relatively high-energy structure, no further stability
testing was performed. At the lower end of the pressure range, the hexagonal
structure transforms back into the ε molecular structure. Interestingly, as
the pressure on this structure is increased beyond 145 GPa, the N6 molecules
begin to bond to each other at adjacent corners of the hexagons, forming
a three dimensional structure not entirely dissimilar to the cubic gauche
structure while maintaining the encapsulated N2 molecules. While the en-
ergy of this structure is clearly above the other structures shown, it may
still be physically observable if the transition barriers are large enough. It
may be possible to obtain this phase by heating then cooling the ε phase
at pressures below 100 GPa. Thus, this structure may be a candidate for
the θ phase [202]. In addition, N6 rings have been observed by Vogler
et al. [220].
A second series of calculations were performed that were different in
spirit than those described heretofore, in which the ε-form of molecular ni-
trogen was compressed to generate new structures. In this series, atomic
nitrogen gas at high temperature and pressure was rapidly cooled at con-
stant pressure. These calculations used QMD to produce the quench. The
quenches of the hot atomic nitrogen gas produced, as expected, amorph-
ous final states, but the final pressure at the end of the quench determined
whether the final state would be molecular or a connected network of ni-
trogen. The molecular phase was only found below 100 GPa. At 100 GPa and
above, the quenched configurations were interconnected networks, some of
these would have a few diatomic nitrogen molecules, but all other nitrogen
atoms are connected by a path of bonds to the other atom in the structure.
The transition pressure of 100 GPa agrees well with that obtained from analy-
sis of experimental results [200] (∼ 100 GPa). In addition Raman studies of
nitrogen have found evidence for the nitrogen diatomic bond destabilization
at about 100 GPa [197, 220].
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 185

One of our major findings is that quenches to higher pressures yield

amorphous networks of singly, doubly and triply connected atoms. The num-
ber of singly connected atoms is small, but the ratio of doubly to triply
connected atoms is close to one. This may be interpreted in one of two ways,
one being that the doubly connected atoms are either stacking faults or an ar-
tifact of the unphysical nature of the quench, but not energetically favored.
Alternatively, and in light of the predictions of the HPC chain, these dou-
bly connected atoms may actually be small examples of such chains and thus
energetically competitive with the triply bonded form.
A typical amorphous structure is shown in Fig. 10. Bonds that cross the pe-
riodic boundary are not shown, thus giving the appearance or more singly
and doubly connected atoms than are in the structure. For the structure
represented in Fig. 10, there are eight singly connected atoms, twenty-eight
doubly connected atoms, and twenty-eight triply connected atoms. All of the
nitrogen networks produced in our simulations had several common charac-
teristics. First, all atoms are bonded to one, two, or three other atoms. The
number of singly bonded atoms ranged from four to ten, but the number of
atoms bonded to two atoms or to three atoms was the same in each of the
networks tested (∼ 27–30). Secondly, the dihedral angles for pairs of triply
connected atoms in the amorphous structure were similar to those in the CG
structure. Thirdly, the amorphous networks transition to a liquid with in-
creasing temperature. The atoms do not move freely, but bonded pairs will
swap neighbors.
To test the stability of the amorphous networks, the pressure on the simu-
lation cell was slowly released until the structure began to break apart. Even

Fig. 10 Left-hand side: A typical amorphous structure, quenched to 200 GPa. The bonds
that cross the periodic boundaries are not shown. Right-hand side: Passivated amorphous
nitrogen structure. The hydrogen atoms are shown in dark gray and the nitrogen in light
186 B.M. Rice et al.

at low temperature the amorphous structure became unstable between 80

and 100 GPa, the same pressure range where the quenches of the hot reactive
nitrogen switched from producing molecular to non-molecular structures.
For the amorphous configurations, the transition from the non-molecular
to molecular phase begins with a dangling nitrogen atom breaking away
with its single nearest neighbor forming a diatomic molecule. In all cases
we observed, this dangling nitrogen was bound to only one other atom. We
concluded that these singly bonded, dangling nitrogen atoms are the seeds
of instability in the amorphous structure. The formation of the diatomic
molecule completely destabilizes the system and the transformation from the
polymeric phase proceeds rapidly. At higher temperatures the transformation
occurs in the same pressure range, indicating that it is not a temperature-
driven transition. The transition pressure of the quenches and the back
transition pressure agree with the experimentally predicted equilibrium tran-
sition pressure of 100 GPa [201].
We were able to stabilize the amorphous network at pressures greater
than 80 GPa by passivating all singly connected atoms. A passivated structure
(Fig. 10) was constructed from an amorphous structure (used in the stability
tests) by adding hydrogen atoms in the following manner. For a singly con-
nected nitrogen (denoted N ), two hydrogen atoms were added such that all
X – N – X angles are 120◦ , (X = N, H). The X – N bond lengths were set to
1 Å. Doubly connected nitrogen atoms had a single hydrogen atom added so
that both H – N – N angles are the same and are obtuse. Therefore, the passi-
vated structure is one in which all nitrogen atoms are bonded to three other
atoms. The coordination of this structure is consistent with the experimental
material, which estimates a coordination of 2.5 at pressures of 180 GPa [199].
This passivated amorphous nitrogen structure was minimized with respect
to energy at constant pressure. The stability of the passivated amorphous
structure was examined in the same way as the amorphous structure. The
passivated structure became unstable between 60 and 80 GPa irrespective of
the temperature of the simulation. These theoretical studies clearly demon-
strate that passivating the amorphous structure with hydrogen has a sta-
bilizing effect; experiments are currently being performed to explore these
ideas [221].
Given the number of energetically competing structures and the exper-
imentally implied large barrier to transition, formation of an amorphous
structure upon compression of nitrogen is not surprising. However, new
crystallographic data [222] show that there might be some regularity to the
experimental structure. Upon examination of the amorphous structures pro-
duced by the quench, we find evidence of both the cubic gauche and chain
structures. The triply connected atoms have dihedral angles that are consis-
tent with cubic gauche structure. The doubly connected atoms are chain-like.
The fact that they occur with roughly equal probability in the amorphous
structures implies that neither is strongly favored over the other and thus,
Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs 187

this amorphous phase might contain an equimolar mixture of such doubly

and triply connected atoms. NVT QMD simulations of the amorphous li-
quid did not produce a change in the number of bonds an individual atom
has but shows that bonded atoms swap neighbors. This suggests that trans-
forming between doubly and triply connected bonding may be energetically
improbable. These theoretical results suggest that the observed experimental
structure could be composed of an amorphous collection of small clusters of
the different competing structures.
Although the results described in this section have not completely elu-
cidated all of the complexities associated with pressure-induced structural
phase transitions of nitrogen, the calculations have demonstrated how care-
fully designed theoretical simulations can be used to predict novel and inter-
esting high pressure phases of nitrogen.

Concluding Remarks

The design and synthesis of novel high-energy, high-nitrogen materials is

of great importance in advancing the field of energetic materials. Develop-
ments in computational chemistry and physics-based modeling such as those
described herein are crucial in producing rapid breakthroughs in the develop-
ment of these new materials. Computational exploration of notional materials
allows for screening among potential candidates, assessing possible synthe-
sis routes, or identifying conditions under which the materials exist. This, in
turn, leads to a substantial reduction of time, money and waste streams asso-
ciated with synthesis and testing of inferior materials or exploring materials
under inappropriate experimental conditions. While progress is being made
to develop accurate computational tools that are applicable to this emerging
class of EMs, there are still significant challenges to overcome, particularly
in the development of methods to assess environmental and vulnerability
hazard. However, the potentially large cost and time savings compel further
investment in developing theoretical procedures to complement experimen-
tation leading to the synthesis and design of these new materials.

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DOI 10.1007/430_2006_052
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Published online: 18 January 2007

Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds

Svatopluk Zeman
Institute of Energetic Materials,
University of Pardubice, 532 10 Pardubice, Czech Republic
[email protected]

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

2 Primary Splitting of EM Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

2.1 Low-Temperature Thermal Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
2.1.1 Quantum Chemical Simulations of the Thermal Decomposition . . . . . . 201
2.2 High-Temperature Thermal Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
2.3 Laser Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
2.4 Electrostatic Discharge Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
2.5 Effect of the Hydrostatic Compression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
2.6 Effects of Crystal Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

3 Impact and Shock Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211

3.1 Model of the Multiphonon Up-pumping in Energetic Materials . . . . . . . 211
3.2 Impact Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.2.1 Low Velocity Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.2.2 Aspects of the Characteristics of Molecular Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
3.2.3 Specification of Centres of Initiation Reactivity in a Molecule . . . . . . . . 214
3.2.4 Effect of Desensitizing Admixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
3.2.5 Methods of Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
3.3 Initiation by Shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.3.1 Physical Kinetics Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.3.2 “Accumulation Mechanism” Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
3.3.3 The Multidimensional Reactive Flow Models (NEZND) . . . . . . . . . . . 217
3.3.4 Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
3.3.5 The Excitonic Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
3.3.6 Influence of Crystal Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.3.7 Effect of Desensitizing Admixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
3.3.8 Some Types of Chemical Behaviour of Energetic Materials
Under Shock Wave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
3.3.9 Problems of Nitromethane Initiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
3.4 Relation Between Performance and Sensitivity of EMs . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

4 Sensitivity of EMs from the Standpoint of Physical Organic Chemistry

(POC Model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
4.1 Approach to Solution of the Initiation Reactivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
4.1.1 Methods of Specification of the Reaction Centre in Molecule . . . . . . . . 226
4.1.2 Selection of Sensitivity (Reaction) Characteristics of EMs . . . . . . . . . . 227
4.2 Initiation by Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
4.3 Impact Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
4.3.1 Impact Sensitivity as the First Reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
196 S. Zeman

4.3.2 Impact Sensitivity Detected by Sound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

4.3.3 Allocation of Polynitro Compounds
on the Basis of their Impact Sensitivities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
4.4 Initiation by Shock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
4.5 Relationship Between Sensitivity and Heat of Explosion . . . . . . . . . . . 242
4.6 Electric Spark Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
4.7 Application of Polarography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
4.8 Inequality of Nitramine and Nitro Groupings in Molecules of EMs . . . . . 253
4.9 Several Reaction Centres in a Molecule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
4.10 Comparison of Splitting of Polynitro Arenes by Heat and by Shock . . . . 256
4.11 Survey of Results from Application of Physical Organic Chemistry
(Outputs of POC Model) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

5 Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

Abstract The article presents a survey of the development trends in studies of sensitiv-
ity (initiation reactivity) of energetic materials (EMs) over the last nine years, focusing
mainly on impact and shock sensitivities. Attention is given to the initiation by heat,
laser, electrostatic discharge, impact and shock, including the influence of hydrostatic
compression, crystal defects, molecular structure and desensitizing admixtures on the
initiation reactivity. Problems of the initiation of nitromethane are examined with a spe-
cial accent. It is stated that one of the best-developed theories for such studies is
Dlott’s Model of the Multiphonon Up-Pumping. Also significant is the model based on
Non-Equilibrium Zeldovich–von Neuman–Döring theory. Very important are approaches
devised by Politzer and Murray, updated by Price et al. as a hybrid model of prediction
of the impact sensitivity of CHNO explosives. The physical organic chemistry approach
to the sensitivity problem (POC model) is discussed with special emphasis. In this way it
has been found that the electron structure and close neighborhood of the primarily leav-
ing nitro group are dominant factors in the initiation by shock, electric spark and heat of
polynitro compounds.

Keywords Detonation · Energetic materials · Electric spark · Impact · Shock ·

Sensitivity · Thermal decomposition

1,3-DNB 1,3-dinitrobenzene
1,5-DNN 1,5-dinitronaphthalene
1,8-DNN 1,8-dinitronaphthalene
AcAn 1,9-diacetoxy-2,4,6,8-tetranitro-2,4,6,8-tetraazanonane
BITNT 3,3 -dimethyl-2,2 ,4,4 ,6,6 -hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl
BTX 5,7-dinitro-1-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-benzotriazole
CPX 1,3-dinitroimidazolidine
CTB 2-chloro-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
DADN 1,5-diacetyl-3,7-dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocane
DATB 2,4-diamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
DCTB 2,4-dichloro-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 197

Decagen 1,3,5,7,9-pentanitro-1,3,5,7,9-pentazecane1
Digen 1-nitro-1-azaethylene2
DIPAM 3,3 -diamino-2,2 ,4,4 ,6,6 -hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl
DIPS 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)thio]benzene
DIPSO 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)sulfonyl]benzene
DMDIPS 2,4,6-trinitro-3-[(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)thio]toluene
DMEDNA 2,5-dinitro-2,5-diazahexane
DMNA 2-nitro-2-azapropane
DMNO 2,5-dinitro-2,5-diazahexane-3,4-dione
DNAt 4,6-dinitro-2,1-benzoisoxazole (4,6-dinitroanthranil)
DNBF 4,6-dinitro-2,1,3-benyoxadiayol-1-ium-1-olate (4,6-dinitrobezofuroxane)
DNDAH 3,5-dinitro-3,5-diazaheptane
DNDC 1,4-dinitropiperazine
DODECA 2,2 ,2 ,2 ,4,4 ,4 ,4 ,6,6 ,6 ,6 -dodecanitro-[1,3 ,1 ,1 ]quaterphenyl
DPE 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[2-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)ethyl]benzene
DPM 1,3,5-trinitro-2-(2,4,6-trinitrobenzyl)benzene
DPT 3,7-dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetraazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane
HMX 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocane (octogen)
HNB 2,2 ,4,4 ,6,6 -hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl
HNIW 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaisowurtzitane
HNO N,N  - bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)ethanediamide
HNS 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[(E)-2-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)vinyl]benzene
HOMO 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazepane
MADNBF 7-amino-4,6-dinitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-1-ium-1-olate
MDN 1,1-dinitro-1-azaethane
NONA 2,2 ,2 ,4,4 ,4 ,6,6 ,6 -nonanitro[1,1 ,3 ,1 ]-terpheny
NTFA N,N-bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-2,4,6-trinitroaniline
OHMX 2,4,6,8-tetranitro-2,4,6,8-tetraazanonane
ONT 2,4,6,4 ,6 ,2 ,4 ,6 -octanitro[1,1 ,3 ,1 ]-terphenyl
ORDX 2,4,6-trinitro-2,4,6-triazaheptane
PA 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
PAM 2,4,6-trinitroaniline
PDNBTO 4,6-dinitro-2-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-2H-1,2,3-benzotriazol-1-ium-1-olate
PETN penterythritol tetranitrate
PYX N,N  -bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-3,5-dinitropyridine-2,6-diamine
RDX 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazinane (hexogen)
TACOT-Z 1,3,7,9-tetranitro[1,2,3]benzotriazolo[2,1-a]-[1,2,3]benzotriazole-5,11-diium-
TATB 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TCTB 2,4,6-trichloro-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TENN 1,4,5,8-tetranitronaphthalene
TENPO 1,3,7,9-tetranitrophenoxazine
Tetrogen 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazetidine3
TETRYL N-methyl-N,2,4,6-tetranitroaniline
TEX 4,10-dinitro-2,6,8,12-tetraoxa-4,10-diazaisowurtzitane
TMPM N,N  ,N  -tris(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4,6-triamine

1 It has not been synthesized yet, for a prediction of some its properties see [16, 98, 148, 176].
2 It has not been synthesized yet, for a prediction of some of its properties see [16, 98, 148, 176].
3 It has not been synthesized yet, for a prediction of some of its properties see [16, 98, 148, 176].
198 S. Zeman

TNA 2-methoxy-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TNAD trans-1,4,5,8-tetranitrodecahydro-pyrazino[2,3-b]pyrazine
TNADEC 2,4,7,9-tetranitro-2,4,7,9-tetraazadecane
TNAZ 1,3,3-trinitroazetidine
TNB 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TNBA 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid
TNCr 3-hydroxi-2,4,6-trinitrotoluene
TNMs 2,4,6-trimethyl-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TNN 1,4,5-trinitronaphthalene
TNPMO 1,3,7,9-tetranitrophenothiazine-5-oxide
TNPTD 1,3,7,9-tetranitrophenothiazine-5,5-dioxide
TNR 2,4-dihydroxi-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TNT 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene
TNX 2,4-dimethyl-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
TPM N,N  ,N  -tris(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4,6-triamine
TPT 2,4,6-tris(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-[1,3,5]triazine


Sensitivity of high energy materials (EMs) is primarily due to the chemical

character of the materials; this means it is possible to use the term “initia-
tion reactivity of EMs” in this case. However, the means of transfer of the
initiation impulse to the reaction centre of the EM molecule or the molecule
of the most reactive component of the explosive mixture is also of great im-
portance. Therefore, according to Dlott a complex solution to the problem
of initiation must involve the areas of continuum mechanics, chemistry and
quantum mechanics (quantum chemistry) [1]. The main interest has been
focused on studies of shock and impact sensitivities of EMs. In the last 16
years the preferred tools for the solution of these sensitivities have involved
quantum chemistry [1–5]. The application of chemistry to these problems
is relatively reluctant and mostly without any broader contexts. Neverthe-
less, the approach of physical organic chemistry has been applied not only
to studies of impact and shock reactivity [6, 7], but also sensitivity to electric
spark [6, 8], and in part to thermal reactivity of EMs [7] as well. This survey
presents development trends of studies of initiation reactivity of EMs over the
last nine years with emphasis on the contribution of physical organic chem-
istry to these studies. Research results presented at conferences and seminars
are quoted here only as the exception.
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 199

Primary Splitting of EM Molecules

Study of EM sensitivity has become an implicit aspect of understanding the

primary chemical processes of their initiation. In this respect, initiation by
heat (low-temperature thermal decomposition) is the most frequently studied
to date. With regard to the above-mentioned dominant interest in the study of
impact and shock sensitivities within the mentioned period of nine years, and
also with regard to the importance of these sensitivities in technical practice,
the topic of splitting of EM molecules by the said stimuli have been included
in Sect. 3 on Impact and Shock Sensitivities.

Low-Temperature Thermal Decomposition

The basic problem of defining the kinetics and mechanism of thermal decom-
position of energetic materials lies in the strong dependence of the cor-
responding kinetic parameters on temperature, pressure, and construction
materials in contact with the sample decomposed [9]. Hence the mutual com-
patibility of results obtained from thermal analyses of energetic materials
using different methods and/or different types of apparatus of different ori-
gin is very rare [9, 10]. So far the most reliable results in this area have
included both theoretical and practical findings obtained by Russian scien-
tists on the basis of their manometric method (see [10, 11] and citations
herein). The data obtained by this method are known to correspond to the
non-autocatalyzed stage of thermal decomposition of the given material (i.e.
to molecular structure [10]), and also to the absolute values of the corres-
ponding Arrhenius parameters. The mechanisms of primary unimolecular
fragmentation in low-temperature thermal decomposition (up to 600 K) of
technologically attractive organic polynitro and polynitroso compounds in
condensed state, specified mostly by the Russian authors, can be divided into
the following basic classes:

• Homolysis of C – NO2 , N – NO2 , O – NO2 , N – NO and C – NF2 bonds. The

homolytic fission of the first C – NO2 bond, particularly that connect-
ing a sterically hindered nitro group, is characteristic of the decompos-
ition of polynitro paraffins [11] and unsubstituted polynitro arenes [12,
13]. Homolytic splitting of the N – NO2 bond is typical of secondary
nitramines [11–18, 20] (Scheme 1), that of the O – NO2 bond is typical of
nitric esters [11], that of the N – NO bond is typical of nitrosamines [19],
and that of the C – NF2 bond is typical of gem-bis-difluoroamino paraf-
fins [11, 20, 21]. The relationship between molecular structure and thermal
stability of aliphatic, azaaliphatic and some heterocyclic high energy com-
pounds containing the above-given types of bonds is presented in [20].
200 S. Zeman

Scheme 1 Mechanism of high- and low-temperature primary thermolysis of RDX

• Homolysis via a five-, six- or seven-membered transition state or aci-form.

A six-membered transition state (or aci form) is connected with the
presence of a hydrogen atom at the γ -position with respect to the ni-
tro group (Scheme 2) [7, 11] in derivatives of polynitro arenes exhibiting
the so-called trinitrotoluene mechanism of thermal decomposition [7, 11].
The five-membered transition state might have significance in a group
of polychlorinated derivatives of TNB—the primary step of the thermal
decomposition of these derivatives could perhaps be connected with the
chemical interaction between the chlorine atom and oxygen of the ortho-
standing nitro group ([6] and references therein).

Scheme 2 Trinitrotoluene mechanism of thermal decomposition of polynitro arenes with

a hydrogen atom in the γ -position towards the nitro group – here X can be CH, CH2 ,
O, N, or S; in the case of TNT, the last fragment forms 4,6-dinitro-2,1-benzoisoxazole
and other decomposition products [11]; in the case of amino derivatives (X = NH2 )
derivatives of 4,6-dinitrobenzofurazans and furoxans result

• Homolytic fragmentation of another bond in a molecule (see [6] and the

references therein). In the case of HNAB it was assumed that its thermal
decomposition is started by primary fission of the bond between the car-
bon atom and azo-bridge [13]. Similarly, DIPSO and DIPS (Scheme 3b in
Sect. 4.3.1) should be liable to C – S bond homolysis [13].

The findings concerning mechanism and kinetics of thermal decomposition

of nitric and perchloric acids and their salts (ammonium, hydrazinium, hy-
droxylammonium and metal salts) are presented in the monograph [11].
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 201

Sorescu et al. have published theoretical and computational studies of en-

ergetic salts [22]. Opinions concerning the mechanism of thermal decom-
position of nitrates are approximately the same in both monographs. The
decomposition mechanism of the best-known oxidizer, ammonium nitrate
(AN), is given below. In the solid state, AN is dissociated according to the
following equilibrium [11, 22]:
NH4 NO3(S)  NH3(g) + HNO3(g,l) . (1a)
Another decomposition of AN takes place through nitration of ammonia [11,
NH3(g) + HNO3(g,l) H+ → H2 O + NH3 NO2 + → H2 O + H3 O+ + N2 O , (1b)
and the main decomposition can be accompanied by side reactions [11]:
NH4 NO3 → N2 + 0.5O2 + 2H2 O (1c)
NH4 NO3 → 0.8N2 + 1.8O2 + 0.4HNO3 . (1d)
A relatively new problem is the study of the decomposition mechanism of
extremely nitrogen-rich EMs. The mechanism of thermal decomposition of
s-tetrazine derivatives has been outlined by Oxley et al. [23]. The authors of
paper [24], dealing with thermal decomposition of 3,6-bis(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-
1,2,4,5-tetrazine (BTT) and 3,3 -azobis(6-amino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine) (DAAT),
are somewhat more specific. In their opinion, the tetrazole derivatives de-
polymerize to azoimide and nitrile, and tetrazine derivatives decompose via
a cyclic mechanism to give nitriles and nitrogen [24]. The data obtained from
study of chemical kinetics and mechanism of thermal decomposition of fu-
razanes, furoxanes, 5-monosubstituted tetrazoles, 1,5- and 2,5-disubstituted
tetrazoles are presented in an accessible monograph by Manelis et al. [11].
The mechanistic ideas of thermal decomposition of tetrazoles in [24] agree
with the data given in this monograph [11].

Quantum Chemical Simulations of the Thermal Decomposition

On the basis of UHF-SCF-AM1 MO calculation, studies on pyrolysis and

sensitivity of nitro derivatives of aminobenzenes [28] and nitro derivatives
of phenols [29] were carried out. Accounts of the thermal decomposition
in the first study [28] do not agree with practical experimental findings
(Scheme 2), while in the second case [29] they are in full accordance with
experiment. The authors mention the sensitizing effect of the nitro group
in nitro derivatives of aminobenzenes and the sensitizing effect of the hy-
droxyl group in polynitrophenols. The same MO calculation method was
used for investigation of the decomposition of the azido derivatives of 1,2,3-,
1,2,4- and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzenes via breaking of C – NO2 , C – N3 and CN – N2
202 S. Zeman

bonds [25]; it was shown that these compounds may be initiated by the
cleavage of both C – NO2 and N – N2 bonds. The given conclusion does
not agree with reality, because derivatives of ortho-nitroazidobenzenes pri-
marily give derivatives of benzofuroxanes by thermal decomposition [11],
therefore, only cleavage of the N – N2 bond in the azido group might be
important here. The same methodology was used to obtain the decom-
position activation energies, Ea , of 1,2,3-, 1,2,4-, and 1,3,5-trinitrobenzenes
(TNB) and their chloro derivatives [26]. The authors did not compare these
results with experimental data. The same is true of analogous theoret-
ical study of polymethyl derivatives of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene and dinitro-
toluene [27]. In this case, the authors calculated the Ea values for homolysis
of the weakest bond C – NO2 and for hydrogen transfer from the methyl
group to the oxygen atom of the ortho-nitro group [26]. The splitting dis-
cussed does not correspond with the real course of the process, while the
hydrogen transfer partially corresponds with Scheme 2. Energy of this trans-
fer correlates to the impact sensitivity of studied polymethyl derivatives of
TNB [27].
By using the B3LYP level of density functional theory, possible reaction
pathways of 2,4,6,8,10,12-hexanitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazawurtzitane (HNIW)
in the gas phase have been investigated [32]. In accordance with the findings
presented in [11–18], the homolysis primarily concerns the N – NO2 bond in
the 2-position of the molecule. The same result was obtained by UHF-SCF-
PM3 MO calculation [33].
Research based on quantum-chemical simulation of thermal decompos-
ition of solid-state RDX using the Hartree–Fock method (combined with
the cluster and periodic models) [15] showed that the dissociation energy
of the N – NO2 bond strongly depends on the environment of the molecule.
The equatorial bond of the molecules inside a crystal is sensitive to the
crystal field and is characterized by a notable increase in energy compared
to the gas-phase dissociation energy. A significantly lowered energy bar-
rier (by 8–15 kcal mol–1 ) is obtained for a molecule placed near the sur-
face [15].
Methods of quantum mechanics (quantum chemistry) were utilized to
predict the products of thermal decomposition of triacetone triperoxide
(TATP) [30], i.e. oxygen, acetone and unstable acetone monoperoxide. By
means of a ReaxFF monomolecular molecular-dynamic cookoff simulation
it was found [31] that the initiation of TATP decomposition in the con-
densed phase is dominated by a monomolecular process [31]. This simulation
demonstrates that this initiation is entropy-driven, since the initial reaction is
almost energy-neutral [31].
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 203

High-Temperature Thermal Decomposition

The authors of a large majority of papers published in the field of detonation

initiation micro-mechanism of EMs presume that the primary fragmentation
of molecules of these materials takes place only after adiabatic compression
of EM by the front of the detonation wave, i.e. under conditions close to the
Chapman–Jouget state (e.g., see [1, 3, 4, 6, 33]). This defines the conditions
for molecular-dynamics simulations of decomposition of EM molecules. Such
a simulation performed for decomposition of HMX at 3500 K showed that
the primary splitting involves depolymerization of the molecule giving Di-
gen [33, 34] (in principle, as in Scheme 1) or its dimers [34]. For RDX at
1505 and 1540 K it was found [36] that the depolymerization and homoly-
sis of the N – NO2 bond are processes of equal probability, while at 2685 K
the depolymerization is dominant (Scheme 1). Analogously, it was found for
2,4,6-trinitroaniline [38] that at 2500 K the primary splitting process con-
cerns the C – NH2 bond, while in the temperature range of 2800–5000 K the
N – H bond is primarily split. A favoured nitrocompound in such simulations
is nitromethane (NM): allegedly, at 30 GPa and 2000 K, the primary process
consists of the formation of the aci-form of NM via a bimolecular mechan-
ism [5, 34, 35]:

CH3 NO2 + CH3 NO2 → CH3 NO2 H + CH2 NO2 (2)

→ CH3 NO2 + CH2 NO2 H .

It turns out that the primary fragmentation mechanism under these condi-
tions is entirely different from that of the low-temperature variant. However,
the results of molecular-dynamic simulations depend considerably on the
starting conditions set for a given simulation [39].

Laser Initiation

In the past nine years, two review articles have been published about laser
ignition and initiation [40, 41]. In this section, facts are presented that are
connected with studies of initiation reactivity of explosives.
The energy density threshold of a beam in laser ignition is 1 kW cm–2 with
a laser pulse over 1 µs. The majority of research work in the field of EMs
studies using lasers utilizes the quantum generators based on neodymium
glass or ruby, which operate in the mono-pulse regime [42]. The applied pulse
times vary from fractions of a second to several tens of nanoseconds [42].
The intensity of laser irradiation can be high (up to 109 W cm–2 or even
higher) [42]. The distribution of density of absorbed energy in irradiated EM
is determined by its optical characteristics. The chemical changes in a laser-
204 S. Zeman

irradiated EM start in hot spots [42, 43]. The hot spots can be represented
by structural non-homogeneities in the given EM (point defects, clusters of
vacancies, interfacial boundaries), chemical admixtures etc. [42, 43]. Crystal
defects can also be formed by action of a massive light wave. With sufficiently
high energy of the initiation impulse, the number of hot spots can increase
to such an extent that the reaction appears as quasi-homogeneous [43]. If
the supplied energy fails to exceed the critical value needed to produce det-
onation, then pre-explosion phenomena (such as luminescence, formation of
caverns) can be observed.
Luminescence and conductivity of crystals of heavy metal azides after their
irradiation were successfully used in studies of their pre-explosion state [43–
50, 52]. The authors of [49] summarized their results in the following way:
The explosive decomposition of these azides is composed of two stages: a pre-
explosive stage and the stage of the explosion products dispersion. The role
of the initiating pulse is to create the necessary density of free electrons.
At the pre-explosive stage the actual processes are of chain nature and pro-
vide a smaller portion of energy-release (up to 20%), which is connected
with the non-radiative trapping and the recombination of electrons and holes,
multiplying by chain mechanism. The objective of this stage is to provide
the primary heating (up to 600 K) and the dispergation of the model, that
means to set conditions for the second stage of the product dispersion. At
this stage the majority of the energy connected with the exothermic reac-
tion 2N3 → 3N2 is released. The reaction is more preferable on the surface
or in the gas phase than inside a crystal. This model of the process of chain
multiplication of holes due to their intraband transitions into various energy
states [49] was also supported by quantum-chemical calculations using the
Hartree–Fock method [45]. The said model, which is consistent with cur-
rently available experimental evidence, can be presented by the following
quasi-chemical reaction [49]:

h + A → N3 0 + A (3a)
N3 0 + N3 – → N6 – (3b)
N6 – + Ag + → N6 0 + Ag 0 (3c)
N6 0 → N6 – + h∗ (3d)
h∗ → h + h + e (3e)
h + A + N3 – + Ag + → 2h + e + N6 – + Ag 0 , (3f)

where h and h∗ are thermal and hot holes, respectively. Here Eq. 3a repre-
sents hole trapping by a cation vacancy, Eq. 3b reconstruction of the centre
as a result of the chemical reaction with the formation of a quasi-local hole
state in the valence band, Eq. 3c hole detrapping from the reconstructed
centre, Eq. 3d bearer multiplication as a result of impact ionization by hot
holes and Eq. 3e reconstruction of a local state in the band gap. Accord-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 205

ing to final Eq. 3f, an extra electron-hole pair is generated at the expense of
the decomposition of lattice fragments next to A (the formation of N6 – and
Ag0 ) [49].
According to the authors of paper [50], however, within the framework of
the above-mentioned model it is difficult to explain the dependence of the
ignition energy threshold on the excitation pulse parameters and excitation
type as well as the occurrence of the induction period. They suppose [50]
that the kinetics of initial processes of heavy metal azide decomposition
upon exposure to laser pulses, pulsed electron beams, and individual mi-
croparticles have demonstrated that they possess some features in common.
Severe local deformation of the lattice initiate reactions between lattice an-
ions, and energy of ∼ 10 eV is liberated as a result of each individual reaction
act. When a high density of such reactions is observed simultaneously in
a small volume, the resultant heat liberation in this region can be sufficient for
the avalanche process development culminating in the formation of a shock
wave with a pressure > 1010 Pa and explosive decomposition of the given
sample [50].
One of the ways of initiation by a laser beam consists of its action on
EM placed in a metal foil sheath. The authors of [52] point out that wrap-
ping of silver azide crystals in aluminium foil of 10 µm thickness results in
disappearance of cathode luminescence, but has virtually no effect on the
kinetics of explosion fluorescence (that corresponds with the kinetics of ex-
plosive decomposition in that part of the sample in which this decomposition
is initiated). The authors of paper [53] have found that surface roughness and
a thin metal layer are very effective at enhancing absorption of laser energy
and produce a very strong shock wave in ambient media. They have suc-
ceeded in the detonation of a very slender PETN powder column almost in the
steady propagation mode. A calculation of the laser initiation of thin PETN
(density 1.0 g cm–3 ), using one-dimensional hydrodynamic code to study of
the effect of the initiation methods on the initiation process, is a topic of
paper [54]. Three types of the initiation are modelled: utilizing direct absorp-
tion of laser energy, impact of the laser driven-flyer plate, and ablation of
the aluminium film. In the last case the initial pressure in aluminium is ex-
tremely high, after 0.05 mm propagation of shock wave, the pressure at the
shock front falls to 4 GPa. During propagation to intermediate particles, the
decomposition of PETN can not affect the shock front, so the pressure de-
crease continues [54].
A presentation of direct experimental evidence for the initial fast decom-
positions of the more powerful military explosives, HMX, RDX and TNAZ, as
well as of a non-explosive molecule, dimethyl nitramine (DMNA), is a topic
of paper [55]. Experimental data indicate that electronic excitation, in the
gas phase, of all the nitramines studied, with 248 nm, 15 nanosecond pulses
from the excimer laser leads to the formation of electronically excited NO2
(2 B2 ), resulting from the primary N – N bond scission in the electronically
206 S. Zeman

excited nitramine molecule. Furthermore, electronically excited OH (A2 Σ) is

also formed biphotonically, possibly through the intermediate formation of
vibrationally excited nitrous acid (HONO). The acid is believed to be pro-
duced through a five-member ring formation in the electronically excited
nitramine, and eventually HONO elimination. A subsequent absorption of
a 248 nm photon by the vibrationally exited HONO leads to OH (A2 Σ) and
NO [55].
As for the laser impulse sensitivity proper, it is generally accepted [42]
that the initiation energy threshold of a given EM depends on wavelength
and impulse action time. This threshold also depends on the size of EM
crystals: decreasing of size of single crystals of metal azides is connected
with increase in critical initiation energy density. There exists a limit size
of crystals—samples with fine crystals decompose without explosion after
laser mono-impulse of any force. The initiation process is the easier, the
smaller escape of gaseous products is from the initiation zone. Very sen-
sitive to initiation by laser mono-impulse are heavy metal azides (critical
impulse density 15–100 µJcm–2 ; for α-modification of lead(II) azide this value
is 4–6 µJcm–2 [37]). The technologically most attractive light-sensitive EMs
are complexes of d-metals, such as [Co(NH3 )4 (Tz)n ](ClO4 )m , where Tz is 5-
substituted tetrazolyl [42, 51].
A relatively new problem in science and technology is the study of nano-
structured EMs. Dlott et al. have developed several methods for fabricating
and rapidly initiating these materials ([56] and the references herein). Pulses
of near-IR laser are used to suitably flash-heat the sample at a high repetition
rate about 100 Hz. Each laser pulse ignites a region about 100 µm in diameter,
so a single sample provides more than 105 spots that can be independently
ignited and studied. The laser pulses flash-heat only the metal fuel particles.
The authors demonstrate the application of this laser with two types of sam-
ples [56]: one of them consists of Al nanoparticles in the 30–100 nm diameter
range, suspended in continuing oxidizing medium (NC or Teflon oxidizers).
The Al particles have a native oxide coating and were used as provided. The
second sample consists of a vacuum-evaporated manometric film of Al ap-
proximately 30 nm thick with a native oxide, covered with a much thicker slab
of NC or Teflon oxidizer. In the first type of the EM, energetic reactions occur
at the interface between the nanoparticles and the oxidizer, and each sample
has a high surface area. In the second case, reactions occur at a well-defined
planar interface between Al and oxidizer [56].

Electrostatic Discharge Initiation

This initiation has not attracted much attention in the past. Nevertheless, the
electric spark sensitivity is an important characteristic of explosives, espe-
cially primers and propellants. Important results were published by Skiner
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 207

et al. [61]. The authors adopted a needle-to-plate electrode for a capacitive

discharge, electrostatic discharge sensitivity test procedure. With the EMs
investigated, they determined the critical temperatures Tc according to the
Frank–Kamenetskii relationship, and, furthermore, the temperatures T3 , for
which the rate constant is equal to 103 s–1 . The electric spark energy values
for 50 percent probability of ignition of the EMs investigated are in excel-
lent correlation with theTc and T3 values [61]. From this fact, the authors
deduce a conclusion that the electric spark initiation is primarily of thermal
nature [61], i.e. it represents a thermal decomposition. This means that the
mechanism of primary splitting of EMs molecules by action of electric spark
should be identical with their primary splitting induced by heat. The centre of
the problem of this initiation continues to be a focus of interest today and it
will be commented on further in Sect. 4.

Effect of the Hydrostatic Compression

Sorescu et al. have investigated [58] the hydrostatic compression effect on

RDX, HMX, HNIW and PETN through crystal packing and isothermal-
isobaric molecular dynamic simulations (assuming the rigid-molecule ap-
proximation). In the case of RDX, HMX and HNIW crystals, the results
indicate that the proposed potential model is able to reproduce accurately
the changes in the structural crystallographic parameters as a function of
pressure for the entire range of pressures that has been investigated ex-
perimentally. Kuklja and Kunz have studied [59] the effect of a hydrostatic
compression (up to 71% of equilibrium volume) on the electronic struc-
ture of RDX by means of the ab initio Hartree–Fock method for a periodic
system combined with the many-body perturbation theory. An external pres-
sure causes a significant decrease in the optical gap for both the perfect
material and the crystal with dislocations. Edge dislocations produce local
electronic states in the optical gap, whereas the external pressure moves these
states deep within the band gap. This creates favourable conditions for the
N – NO2 bond rupture due to exciton formation [59]. However, according
to Manaa’s study [60], the applied uniform and uniaxial compression to the
nitromethane crystal, with and without molecular vacancies, demonstrated
only a slight reduction of the HOMO-LUMO gap for hydrostatic pressure up
to 150 GPa or higher. This small reduction essentially prohibits any consid-
erations of electron excitations, and hence of non-radiative transitions due
to the crossing of adjacent energy surfaces of molecules. The band-gap drop
is most likely attributed to the relatively weak intermolecular interactions, as
the molecules tend to maintain positions that yield the lowest possible pres-
sure in the crystal. Accordingly, no appreciable bending of the nitro group is
observed for this range of volume strains [60]. Manaa calls attention to dis-
tinct differences between his results [59] and those of Kuklja and Kunz [59].
208 S. Zeman

Manaa’s conclusions, however, have a connection with the dynamic pressure

A study of RDX behaviour under static ultrahigh pressure (up to 65 GPa),
generated by using diamond anvil cells (DACs) using FT-IR spectroscopy and
UV-VIS absorption spectroscopy, is a topic of paper [61]. RDX changed its
colour into dark red when compressed up to 20 GPa with caesium iodide
(CsI), filled as a pressure medium. In this case the intensities of character-
istics of IR absorption peaks of RDX decreased as the pressure increased,
and did not return to the intensities measured at ambient pressure, after
the pressure was unloaded. However, when RDX was compressed alone, its
colour changed into yellow at a pressure above 60 GPa. In its UV-VIS absorp-
tion spectra the peak shifted from 243.5 nm at ambient pressure to 410 nm
at 65.5 GPa. The authors assume that the HOMO-LUMO band gap of this
nitramine decreases with increasing pressure [61] which is in line with the
opinion of Kuklja and Kunz [59].
Rice et al. [62] used quantum-chemical calculations to treat the experi-
mental data about unit cell dimensions for nitromethane (NM) in a pressure
range from 0.3 to 15.3 GPa. These calculations generated the electronic band
structures, from which the energy gap between the valence and conduction
bands of the crystalline NM is found. Metallization (loss of covalency) re-
sults when this energy gap is closed. By analysis of data, the authors arrived
at a conclusion that the metallization of explosive due to compression can-
not be dismissed as the initiating step in the sequence of reactions leading to
detonation [62].

Effects of Crystal Defects

Crystal lattice defects (vacancies, impurities, voids, pores, dislocations) play

an important part in all types of initiation of crystalline EMs (generally, they
increase the sensitivity of these materials to stimuli). The most significant
types of defects in thermal decomposition [11, 63] and initiation of thermal
explosion [63] are dislocations. Manelis et al. [11] documented the effect of
dislocations in thermal decomposition using ammonium perchlorate (AP) as
an example: the decomposition of AP is initiated and proceeds predomin-
antly in the dislocations of its crystal. The liberated decomposition products
produce strain and deformations around the increasing reaction centre. This
leads to movement of dislocations by sliding along the surface (plastic flow),
their mutual interactions as well as interactions with other crystal lattice de-
fects. The result is a generation of further dislocations and an increase in
decomposition rate. The rate of this type of reaction is to a considerable
extent determined by the factors that are connected with the rate of prolif-
eration of dislocations [11]. The value of the real rate constant then depends
slightly on the rate of chemical change. The same is true of the temperature
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 209

dependence of the rate of process, which follows the Arrhenius law in the
limit. However, among the parameters of the Arrhenius equation also values,
that determine the temperature dependence of generating of dislocations, are
predominant. The concentration of dislocations and degree of transformation
depend exponentially on the distance from the front of reaction propaga-
tion. This means that the width of the zone of chemical reaction increases
with temperature more weakly as the velocity of propagation of the reaction
front [11]. In this light a paper by Kunz et al. [59, 65] can be mentioned: on
the basis of their study of laser pulse initiation of azides [54] they suggest
that chemical decomposition in crystals with a low density of dislocations
develops noticeably more slowly than that in the highly defective samples,
showing a strong correlation between density of dislocations in the crystal
and chemical reactivity [59, 65]. Kuklja and Kunz [66] have experimentally
determined configurations for edge-type dislocations with the Burgers vector
(001) in crystalline cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX) and pentaetythri-
tol tetranitrate (PETN), and theoretically simulated them. It is shown that
a shear stress, induced by the dislocations, produces local electronic states
in the fundamental band gap of the crystal. These states are mainly formed
by molecular orbitals of critical bonds (which are the N – NO2 group in RDX
and the O – NO2 group in PETN) responsible for the stability of the materi-
als. Kuklja et al. [67] also studied structural and electronic features of shear
strain in the molecular crystal of 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (FOX-7)
and investigated its effect on decomposition of the material. The authors
demonstrate that shear strain lowers the decomposition barrier and narrows
the band gap of the solid and thus facilitates thermal chemistry in molecular
materials. The dynamic behaviour of the band gap contains a rich variety of
information about the details of the decomposition processes at the initiation
It is generally known that if the thermal effect of exothermic decompos-
ition of a given EM exceeds the thermal losses of this process, then the given
material will explode. In this context, Armstrong’s review article [64] presents
linear relationships between the size of the above-mentioned centres of ini-
tiation of reaction (generally, defects of crystal lattice that are also called
“hot spots”) in RDX and PETN crystals and reciprocal critical temperature
of these explosives. Armstrong also states [63] that local concentration of
strain energy within the relatively more stable energetic crystals is required to
induce intramolecular decomposition, relating to (intermolecular-type) hy-
drogen and (intermolecular) nitrogen/oxygen bond breakages. Dislocation
pile-ups provide an explanation of crystal size effects in energetic crystal
decomposition. Such molecular crystals give enhancement of local heating
from plastic work because of their insulating character [63].
According to Coffey [68, 69] an initiation of chemical reaction in explosive
crystals occurs due to the local energy dissipated in the crystals during plastic
flow arising from shock or impact. The dislocations created during the flow
210 S. Zeman

are held responsible for producing lattice and molecular distortions within
the crystals. A distorted lattice potential is developed through which the dis-
locations move by quantum tunnelling [69]. These processes together with
energy localization are likely to be responsible for detonation. If somehow the
plastic flow in the explosive crystals is stopped, even during full detonation,
the energy dissipation due to plastic flow and the chemical energy release also
stop regardless of the applied pressure (this is Dead Pressing) [68]. Coffey
developed the theory of plastic flow in detail and summarized his results in
a chapter [68] of monograph [2].
A significant role during initiation is ascribed to dislocations also in the
theory of electronic initiation developed by Kuklja et al [15, 45, 59, 65, 70–72].
The authors used ab initio simulation (Hartree–Fock level) [15, 45, 59, 65, 70–
72]. They found [70] that low formation energy characterizes defects in the
solid RDX. This indicates that a significant number of vacancies should be
present in the crystal even at low temperatures. Narrowing of the funda-
mental gap (about 1 eV) is caused by the presence of vacancies in the ma-
terial. This fact demonstrates anisotropy of the RDX crystal with respect to
the vacancy distribution [70]. In another paper [72], Kuklja et al. deal with
structure and properties of molecular vacancy dimers in the RDX crystal.
The three nearest-neighbour vacancy dimers have positive binding energies,
i.e. vacancy interactions are attractive. Higher vacancy association may also
be energetically favoured. High RDX anisotropy manifests in the different
binding energies and optical gap narrowing for the different mutual orien-
tations of vacancy dimers [72]. These authors also stated [71] that a key
role belongs to the edges of dislocations, which promote dramatic changes
in the electronic structure, primarily a reduction of the optical gap due to
the splitting off local electronic states from both valence and conduction
The crystal lattice defects also include cracks, either present in the EM
crystal or produced in it during initiation of ongoing decomposition. Holmes
et al. [73] presented a model for time and spatial dependences of the “heating
of molecular vibrations” and the possible initiation of chemical reaction from
heat dissipated in the vicinity of a propagating crack in a molecular crys-
tal. Energy from a moving crack tip is released as phonons in proximity to
the crack. Initially, the phonons and the molecular vibrations are not in ther-
mal equilibrium. Subsequently, there is a competition between excitation of
molecular vibrations by multiphonon up-pumping and diffusion of phonons
from the crack region. If the coupling between the locally hot phonon bath
and the molecular vibrations is sufficiently large, a transitory high vibrational
temperature will be achieved prior to eventual thermal equilibration with the
bulk of the crystal. The authors found that the peak vibrational temperature
can be sufficiently high for a significant time period for chemical reaction to
occur. This temperature change is connected with a production of chemical
reaction in EM [73].
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 211

Impact and Shock Sensitivities

Model of the Multiphonon Up-pumping in Energetic Materials

Some authors approach the study of impact and shock sensitivities as if it

were a single type of initiation. However, from the standpoint of the way the
impulse energy is transferred to the reaction centre of the molecule there are
two different initiation processes (Sect. 4). On the basis of his multi-phonon
up-pumping model of initiation of EMs, Dlott considers the impact initiation
to be a kind of low velocity initiation (LVI) [1, 74].
The above-mentioned model by Dlott [1, 74] for both the types of initiation
represents the best at developed theory so far trying to unify the approaches
to the solution of the problem of initiation of detonation, namely (as already
mentioned in the Introduction) the approaches of continuum mechanics,
chemistry and quantum chemistry. Like most authors of papers in this sci-
entific field, he relates his model to the processes taking place in the layer
of EM molecules compressed by impact or shock wave, i.e. to decomposition
under extreme conditions. This is understandable, and he consults a number
of specialists (supporters of this idea—see [1, 74]) about his clearly and in-
telligibly formulated considerations. The introductory reasoning of the model
starts from the idea [1, 74] that mechanical perturbation of intramolecular vi-
brations and intramolecular stretching (the latter gives rise to collective delo-
calized excitations—phonons) here leads either to energy transfer vibrations
to phonons (vibrational relaxation), or energy transfer from the phonons
to vibrations (multiphonon up-pumping) [1, 74]. This consideration is com-
plemented by an extensive set of data and discussions mainly obtained by
analysis of outputs of molecular dynamics simulations of the decomposition
of EMs, mostly under extreme conditions, and spectroscopic methods. Dlott
submits two scenarios where up-pumping could have a significant effect on
chemical reactivity other than a brief delay between phonon generation and
chemical reaction [74]. The first (connected with a crack surface or edge mov-
ing dislocations) involves the non-linear thermal conductivity catastrophe.
The catastrophic nature results from the combination of more phonons and
less thermal conductivity, so that at a presumably rather sharp threshold rate
for phonon generation, the ignition temperature will abruptly be exceeded
at the surface. The second involves non-equilibrium vibrational populations
caused by ultra-fast up-pumping that is faster than the intramolecular vi-
brational redistribution (IVR). In this case, if the point is either coherent or
incoherent phonon pumping, the mechano-initiation consists either of pri-
mary splitting of the weakest bond or of splitting of stronger bonds in the
molecule of a given EM, respectively [74]. However, missing experimental
verification is a shortcoming of this model.
212 S. Zeman

Impact Sensitivity

Low Velocity Initiation

In the case of low velocity initiation Dlott [74] arrived at a preliminary con-
clusion that the sensitivity to this impulse might increase in materials charac-
terized by fast up-pumping (a connection between fast up-pumping and poor
thermal conductivity was suggested in this case). In Dlott’s opinion [1] the
phonon generation and up-pumping under conditions of LVI could be inves-
tigated, where one obstacle is accurately describing the localized generation
of phonons under LVI conditions. McNesby and Coffey developed a simple
theory [75] for predicting impact sensitivities in crystalline explosives from
Raman vibrational spectra measured at room temperature. They suggest that
the initial rate of energy transfer, from states within a low-energy phonon and
near-phonon to a state within higher vibrational levels, plays a role in deter-
mining impact sensitivities of the explosives examined in their paper [75].
Shuji Ye et al. [76] estimated frequencies of the normal mode of 12 differ-
ent individual explosives by means of density functional theory calculations
at the B3LYP/6-31G(d) level of theory and evaluated the number of doorway
modes (i.e. the lower frequency vibrations with significant bandwidths) in
the three doorway regions. They compared the number of doorway modes
with the impact sensitivities (from the hammer test). A qualitative correlation
found indicates that the number of vibrational states in the doorway region
can be an important parameter for the intrinsic impact sensitivity of solid
molecular explosives.

Aspects of the Characteristics of Molecular Structure

Important papers are those studies of relationships between molecular struc-

ture and impact sensitivity. Politzer and co-workers [77–82] established cor-
relations between the features of the quantum chemically determined elec-
trostatic potential (ESP) surrounding an isolated molecule and many of its
condensed-phase properties. The molecular EPS reveals a striking distinction
between energetic organic polynitro compounds and the great majority of
other organic molecules [81]. Especially the surface ESPs of the two classes
are distinctly different. In contrast to the second class of compounds, in en-
ergetic molecules the positive surface potentials still cover the larger areas
but now tend to be much stronger then the negative one. Politzer and Murray
have proposed that the metastabilities of energetic compounds are associ-
ated with an anomalous imbalance between positive and negative surface
potentials and that it can serve as a basis for correlating and predicting sensi-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 213

tivity [80, 81]. It is fully understandable that the above-mentioned imbalance

depends on mutual effects of electron-withdrawing and electron-donating
functional groups present in the energetic molecule. From the standpoint
of organic chemistry, mesomeric effects in aromatic systems will stabilize
the molecule (i.e. will act in opposition to this imbalance), while in aza-
aromatic systems this stabilization could be weaker, and in aliphatic and/or
aza-aliphatic compounds such stabilization is virtually missing. Therefore,
the correlations found by Politzer and Murray [81] are restricted to specific
classes, i.e. nitroaromatics, nitroheterocycles and nitramines.
Rice et al. [83], using density functional theory, calculated the dissocia-
tion energies for rupture of the weakest C – NO2 bond in some nitroaromatic
molecules. They tried to find a relationship between these energies and im-
pact sensitivity of the nitro arenes studied. They state that the results indicate
the said relationship. The polynitro arenes studied represent either “genuine”
non-substituted polynitro derivatives of benzene (the primary splitting is the
homolysis of the C – NO2 bond [12, 13]) or substituted polynitro benzenes
with a hydrogen atom at the γ -position to the nitro group (Scheme 2). In this
way, however, the authors mix two different primary splitting mechanisms
into one, their approach being justified only in the case of the first class of
benzene derivatives. Fried et al. [84] made an attempt at inter-correlating the
dissociation energies of C – NO2 , N – NO2 , O – NO2 bonds and logarithm of
drop heights log h50% of the respective classes of polynitro compounds with
the same result. The said authors, using Cheetah 2.0 code, calculated “energy
for decomposition” (perhaps heat of explosion) for these compounds, and
correlated the values with log h50% with the same result as in the previous
case. However, a linear dependence resulted from the relationship of ratios of
“energy of decomposition” and dissociation energy with log h50% .
Rice and Hare [85] continued the above-mentioned findings of Politzer
et al. and developed a hybrid model of prediction (four models) of im-
pact sensitivity of CHNO explosives. They adopted the approximation to the
electrostatic potentials and bond midpoints, statistical parameters of these
surface potentials, and generalized interaction properties function or calcu-
lated heats of detonation. The authors showed that patterns of charge on the
electrostatic potentials for iso-surfaces of electron densities surrounding en-
ergetic molecules are useful guides in assessing the degree of sensitivity of
explosive to impact. The most sensitive molecules have regions of very pos-
itive ESPs localized over covalent bonds. This localized region of electron
deficiency is not apparent in the insensitive explosives. The approach given
should not depend upon chemical classification of the 54 individual energetic
materials of various chemical structures. However, the diagram of depen-
dence between heat of explosion and drop height h50% , which is presented
by Rice and Hare as an exponential function [85], can be specified by a par-
tial linear dependence associating the EMs studied according to the primary
chemical mechanism of splitting (see also Sect. 4). A linear dependence be-
214 S. Zeman

tween log h50% and the heat of detonation, obtained by B3LYP/6-31G∗ level
of theory (no carbon monoxide path), was published by Edwards et al. [86].
These authors also published relationships between drop height h50% and
the lowest unoccupied orbital molecular energy (B3LYP/6-31G∗ ), between
the said height and the highest occupied molecular orbital energy (B3LYP/6-
31G∗ ), and between the said height and other quantities, all that without any
substantiation or other interpretation.
The PM3-SCF-MO calculation was used to study the impact sensitivity
of 5-substituted tetrazoles and their salts [87]. The authors found a parallel
relationship between the activation energy and the sensitivity and a good lin-
ear relationship between the experimental impact sensitivity of metal salts
and the reaction activation energy. However, no parallel relationship was
found between activation energies and the bond orders between nitrogen
atoms in positions 1 and 2 [87]. This bond should be primarily split during
thermal decomposition of the said heterocycles [11]. The relative magni-
tude of sensitivity for most tetrazole compounds is determined mainly by the
activation energy of the opening ring in the thermal decomposition. The sen-
sitivity found order for 5-substituted tetrazoles was as follows (order of sub-
stituents): CH3 ≈ Ph < NH2 < NHNO2 < Tz < Cl < NO2 < N3 < N2 – [87]. From
the same workplace also comes UHF MO PM3 and PM1 calculation of pyrol-
ysis mechanism of nitromethane, methyl nitrate, nitroguanidine, nitramine,
methylnitramine and dimethylnitramine [89]. The mechanisms of primary
homolysis of the given compounds stand in accordance with experimen-
tal findings [11]. The found activation energies of this process are consis-
tent with the experimental values of impact sensitivity [89]. The authors
found a parallel linear relationship between the bond orders of N – NO2
bonds in the molecules of studied nitramines and the activation energies
of their initiation reactions breaking these bonds [89]. Türker investigated
structure-impact sensitivity of some substituted 1,3,5-trinitrobenzenes by
using a topological approach [88]. He found that the sensitivity increases with
decreasing of a defined upper bound of the deepest lying molecular orbital
energy, or the fourth coefficient of the secular polynomial of the molecular
graph of the iso-conjugate hydrocarbon system within the Hückel MO frame-
work [88].

Specification of Centres of Initiation Reactivity in a Molecule

Recent trends in research focus on the finding of centres of initiation reactiv-

ity in molecules of energetic materials (see also Sect. 4). Chaoang et al. [90,
91] calculated the Mulliken net charges, QNO2 , of the nitro group by means
of a new DFT BLYP/DNP method. The authors found that the charges can be
regarded as structural parameters to estimate the impact sensitivity. A depen-
dence is indicated between this sensitivity and the QNO2 values with the most
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 215

negative QNO2 being connected with the lowest sensitivity [90, 91]. Accord-
ing to the authors’ opinion the compound may be sensitive (h50% ≤ 0.4 m for
a hammer weight of 2.5 kg) when its nitro group has a lower negative charge
than about 0.23 e. The method is applicable to almost all nitro compounds in
contrast to the methods of length of the C – NO2 , N – NO2 , or O – NO2 , mo-
lecular electrostatic potential, and oxygen balance [90, 91]. However, in some
cases the selection of the most reactive groups in a molecule differs from ex-
perimental findings: especially in the cases of TNT and 2,4,6-trinitroaniline,
the authors choose for the correlation the most negative QNO2 values, i.e. the
nitro groups at the 4-position of the given polynitro arenes, which contradicts
experimental findings (Scheme 2). Nevertheless, these are seminal papers in-
spiring further activities in this area of specific chemical (initiation) reactivity
of EMs.

Effect of Desensitizing Admixtures

Xiao et al. studied the intermolecular interaction of 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-

trinitrobenzene (TATB) with HMX and RDX using the PM3 method [92]. This
interaction can strengthen the N – NO2 bond. The binding energies of TATB
with HMX or RDX are much larger than those between graphite and HMX
or RDX. Therefore, TATB can wet and desensitize both nitramines more ef-
fectively than graphite can [92]. Technologically, this is an important piece of
knowledge. An experimental investigation of effect of desensitizers (phlegma-
tization agents) upon sensitivity of phlegmatized EMs to mechanical stimuli
was realized by Loginov and Surkova [93]. The model EM used was HMX de-
sensitized by addition of N-phenylaniline (DFA). Samples of this HMX after
exposure to impact, friction or vibration were investigated by means of thin-
layer chromatography, IR and UV spectroscopy and X-ray-phase analysis. In
this way, they proved the presence of chemical interaction between DFA and
active particles from decomposition of HMX by action of short-term me-
chanical strains. The authors point out [93] that the efficiency of action of
a desensitizing agent upon the sensitivity of EMs to mechanical stimuli is
connected with not only the change in physical and mechanical properties of
desensitized EMs (as compared with the original ones) but also the ability of
a desensitizing agent to trap active products of decomposition of the given
EM and inhibit this decomposition.

Methods of Prediction

From among the prediction methods of impact sensitivity, three methods can
be mentioned here. Vaullerin and Espagnacq discuss a criterion that aids in
such screening for all families of EMs [94]. This criterion is based on the
216 S. Zeman

maximum heat of reaction (perhaps heat of explosion) calculated by means

of thermochemical calculation code CHETAH. The authors have introduced
a sensitivity criterion (the product of square of heat of explosion and molecu-
lar weight divided by the number of atoms in 1 gram) which correlates with
experimental drop energies. On the basis of this relationship, the set of EMs
studied by them falls into three subsets, namely sensitive, fairly sensitive and
insensitive explosives [94]. Cho et al. [95] have performed neural networks
(NN) studies to predict the impact sensitivity of energetic molecules. A set of
234 individual EMs has been taken from a single database, and 39 molecule
descriptors were computed for each energetic molecule. Optimization of NN
architecture was carried out by examining seven different sets of molecular
descriptors and varying the number of hidden neurons. The best result was
obtained from 17(S5)-2-1 architecture (r2 = 0.8148, and SEP is 0.190) [95]. Ke-
shavarsz and Jaafari published a method of prediction of impact sensitivity
using an artificial network [96]. As compared with the previous method, the
outputs of their calculations are loaded with very large error (RMS deviation
of 56 cm of the h50% quantity [96]).

Initiation by Shock

Physical Kinetics Model

In 1998 one of Wolker’s most recent papers [97] argues for his theory of phys-
ical kinetics of detonation. The theory is described as a non-equilibrium,
non-thermal process elicited by the exceedingly high kinetic energy of shock
and/or in the detonation front. This process leads to massive mechanical frac-
ture of covalent bonds at and near to the detonation front. According to this
theory, the reaction rate is determined by the medium vibrational energy
of free electron pairs (radicals) formed by the fracture of a molecule within
a time period of 10–14 to 10–12 s [40]. This theory can be considered as an ex-
ample of views of some physicists on chemical reactions, but in its time it was
a considerable contribution to development of detonation theory.

“Accumulation Mechanism” Application

In 1999 Zeman [98] summarized the published significant views on initiation

of detonation (except for the model of physical kinetics) as follows: the influ-
ence of shock on energetic materials results in adiabatic compression of the
molecular layer struck. According to Klimenko’s and Dremin’s “accumulation
mechanism” [99–101], the kinetic energy of the shock in this compression is
accumulated through translational-vibrational relaxation processes by trans-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 217

lational and vibrational modes of molecular crystals of the material within

10–13 to 10–12 second. This causes a considerable quasi-overheating (20 000 to
40 000 K [99, 100]) especially of vibration modes. A non-equilibrium state is
established with concomitant primary splitting of the energetic material into
ions and radicals [99–101]. These active particles, by chemically interacting
with each other, evoke a process of spontaneous spreading of the shock front
in the starting substance, i.e. evoke a second equilibrium stage of detonation
behind the front. Zeman wrote [98] that this or similar ideas of transform-
ation of low-frequency vibrations of crystal lattice (acoustic phonons) into
high-frequency vibrations (vibrons), with subsequent spontaneous localiza-
tion of vibrational energy in the explosophore groupings [74, 102], had been
applied by a number of authors in their studies of shock reactivity of ener-
getic materials.

The Multidimensional Reactive Flow Models (NEZND)

The multidimensional reactive flow models of shock initiation and deto-

nation of solid explosives was developed by Tarver et al. [5, 103, 104] for
the large, fast, tetraflop computers currently available. This Non-Equilibrium
Zeldovich–von Neuman–Döring (NEZND) theory was developed to identify
the non-equilibrium chemical processes that precede and follow exothermic
chemical energy release within the reaction zones of self-sustaining deto-
nation waves in explosives. The model has been developed in the ALE3D
and LS-DYNA2D/3D hydrodynamic codes, in which heat transfer and de-
tailed chemical kinetics are directly coupled into hydrodynamic equations.
This model creates hot spots by various mechanisms (void, collapse, fric-
tion, shear), determines whether these hot spots are large and hot enough to
react and grow, and then calculates the spreading rates of the growing reac-
tion sites. The reactions in the model are propagated as they are in nature:
by heat transfer using the Arrhenius kinetics. The chemical decomposition
mechanisms are based on thermal explosion experimental data [5, 103, 104].
Tarver starts from the multiphonon up-pumping, induced by action of the
shock front, and predicts the subsequent reaction course as follows [103]:
Early unimolecular reactions are endothermic or weakly exothermic, but they
channel most of the available energy into excited vibrational states of inter-
mediate product species. The intermediate products transfer some of their
vibrational energy back into the transition states, accelerating the overall re-
action rates. As the decomposition progresses, the highly vibrationally excited
diatomic and triatomic molecules formed in very exothermic chain reac-
tions are rapidly vibrationally equilibrated by “supercollisions”, which trans-
fer large amounts of vibrational energy between these molecules. Along with
vibrational-rotational and vibrational-translational energy transfer, these ex-
cited vibrational modes relax to thermal equilibrium by amplifying pressure
218 S. Zeman

wavelets of certain frequencies. These wavelets then propagate to the lead-

ing shock front and reinforce it. This is the physical mechanism by which
the leading shock front is sustained by the chemical energy release [103].
The induction period for the initial endothermic bond breaking reaction
can be calculated using the high-pressure, high-temperature transition state
theory [5]. Experimental unimolecular gas-phase reaction rate at the low tem-
perature (< 1000 K) shock conditions obey the usual Arrhenius law [5]. The
authors in their papers present a scheme of NENZD theory of detonation that
demonstrates their view of the processes following the adiabatic compres-
sion of a tiny layer of EM by a shock wave [5, 103, 104]. However, it must be
remembered that appearance of the induction period of the EM decompos-
ition in the front of detonation wave makes the front kinetically unstable and
pulsating [101]. In this case the CJ pressure influences the kinetic of the EM
decomposition rather than the chemical spike [101].

Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Study

Like McNesby and Coffey in the case of impact sensitivity [75], Koshi
et al. [105] have also used Raman spectra (but only for very low temperatures)
in the characterization of relationships between the shock/impact sensitivi-
ties and molecular structure. The authors start from Dlott’s ideas (see above)
of the transition of energy of excited lattice vibrations (phonons) to molecu-
lar vibrations before bond breaking can occur. This energy transfer process
is expected to be the rate-determining step for the explosion. The rate of this
transfer has been evaluated by the authors on the basis of a simple theory
coupled with experimental measurements of line width of Raman spectra at
0 K (the line was obtained by extrapolation of the spectra recorded within
the temperature interval of 3.8–300.0 K). A good correlation was found be-
tween the sensitivities derived from drop-hammer tests and the rate of energy
transfer. However, no correlation was obtained for the data of TNT (for its pri-
mary splitting see Scheme 2) [105]. This is understandable since the authors
did not include it among those EMs whose primary step of initiation consists
of homolysis of C – NO2 bonds (1,3-dinitrobenzene), N – NO2 bonds (HMX,
RDX, NQ) and O – NO2 bonds (PETN and propyl nitrate). The authors have
compared also the rates of energy transfer with wedge test results (as a meas-
ure of the shock sensitivity) [105]. In this case, loading pressures were very
high, and the effect of pressure on this transfer has to be considered. Taking
the increase of anharmonic coupling into account, the rates of energy trans-
fer behind the shock can be compared with the induction distance in wedge
tests [105]. Apart from the above-mentioned effect of chemical mechanism of
primary fragmentation, there is a clear difference between the initiation by
impact and that by shock in this case; the authors [105] do not point out these
two important facts.
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 219

The Excitonic Model

Also significant are the already-mentioned results of the work by Kuklja

et al. [15, 45, 59, 65–67, 70–72, 106]. Ab initio studies were performed on the
initiation chemistry in high explosive crystals from a solid-state physics
viewpoint. Specifically, they were looking for the relationship between the
defect-induced deformation of the electronic structure of solids, electronic
excitations and chemical reactions under shock conditions. Band structure
calculations by means of the Hartree–Fock method with correlation cor-
rections were done to model an effect of a strong compression induced
by a shock/impact wave on the crystals with and without edge disloca-
tions (using the example of RDX, the authors point out the strong depen-
dence of dissociation energy of the N – NO2 bond on the environment of
molecule [15]). On the basis of the results obtained, an excitonic mechanism
of the earliest stages for initiation of high explosive solids was discussed as
follows [106]: The necessary condition for the chemical reaction to occur in
liquids and gases is known to be the real migration of reactants towards each
other. In solids, a completely different situation is possible. Here electronic
excitations migrate across the crystal. Localization of these excitations at def-
inite sites of the crystalline lattice (structure of impurity defect) leads to the
appearance of actual radicals at the necessary site. Thus, a sufficiently slow
process of migration of real heavy particles (usually a diffusion process) is
replaced by much faster migration of electronic excitations (see Sect. 3.1—
pre-explosion processes in heavy metal azides [49, 71]). Experimental verifi-
cation of the validity of the proposed model is reported for RDX and heavy
metal azides. Thus, the key role of electronic excitations facilitated by edge
dislocations in explosive solids was established [15, 45, 59, 65–67, 70–72, 106].
A paper by Mathieu et al. [107] focuses on another mechanism involving
shock-induced excitations, with the idea that the nuclear dynamics on ex-
cited potential energy surfaces might favour molecular decomposition. The
relevance of non-adiabatic electronic effects to shock initiation of EMs is
discussed by the authors on the basis of simulation results. The latter is
obtained using a classic path approach to the electron dynamics in shock
waves. The time-dependent electron wave-function is propagated coherently,
and attempts are made to introduce environment effect. The results are ana-
lyzed in terms of a parameter η defined as the fraction of electrons pro-
moted into virtual orbitals as a result of non-adiabatic transition. The authors
have mentioned [107] that current investigations of pressure-induced chem-
ical changes suggest further mechanisms that could make the early decom-
position processes easier [108]. It is also alleged [109] that when chemical
decomposition occurs, excited states may eventually play a more significant
role as the system goes through transition states associated with avoided
220 S. Zeman

Influence of Crystal Characteristics

White et al. [109] report that crystalline structure has little effect on the initi-
ation of EMs by a shock wave. van der Heijden et al. [110], using the example
of RDX, HMX and HNIW, state that the following crystal parameters play
a role in determining the sensitivity towards a shock stimulus: (a) internal
product quality, (b) mean particle size, (c) surface smoothness/shape of the
explosive particle. Like the impact sensitivity, also the shock sensitivity is af-
fected by the density defect content (dislocations, grain boundaries, voids,
impurities, inclusions). The shock initiation tests with HMX, for example,
have clearly demonstrated a relationship between the average crystal density
and shock initiation pressure. The findings from this area are very important
for practice, because a modification of quality and crystal shape of, for ex-
ample, RDX can give a product with increased resistance to impact and shock
(I-RDX [110]).
The initiation depends on crystal orientation in energetic materials such
as PETN [109, 111, 112]. Using the anharmonic potentials [74], Jindal and
Dlott have calculated the directional compressibility, the mode Grüneisen pa-
rameters, and the bulk Grüneisen parameters along different crystallographic
directions for naphthalene [111]. They show that the temperature increase is
quite a bit greater for a shock of given pressure along the a or b axes than
along the c axis, mainly because the compressibility along the c axis is smaller.
With the use of thermochemical data for EMs it is shown that the temperature
increase anisotropy is large enough to lead to reaction rates which differ by
several orders of magnitude, when typical initiating shocks are incident along
different crystallographic directions [111]. PETN is sensitive along the shock
propagation perpendicular to the (113) plane, but highly insensitive along the
shock propagation perpendicular to the (102) plane [112].

Effect of Desensitizing Admixtures

From the point-of-view of technological practice it is important to study

the effects of inert admixtures added to EMs upon the sensitivity of result-
ing mixtures (see also Sect. 3.1, papers [92, 93]). Desensitization of detonable
materials by diluent was studied by Rice et al. [113] on the basis of molecular-
dynamics investigation. An inert diluent, a heavy material, was inserted into
a crystalline explosive in two ways. The first series of simulations investigates
the attenuation of the energy of a detonation wave in a pure explosive after
it encounters a small layer of crystalline diluent that has been inserted into
the lattice of the pure explosive. After the shock wave has passed through the
diluent layer, it re-enters the pure explosive. Unsupported detonation is not
re-established unless the energy of the detonation wave exceeds a threshold
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 221

value. The second series of simulations investigates detonation of solid solu-

tion of different concentrations of the explosive and diluent. For both types
of simulations, the key to re-establishing or reaching unsupported detona-
tion is the attainment of a critical number density behind the shock front.
Once this critical density is reached, the explosive molecules make a transi-
tion to an atomic phase. This is the first step in the reaction mechanism that
leads to the heat release that sustains the detonation. The reaction fragments
formed from the atomization of the heteronuclear reactants subsequently
combine with new partners, with homonuclear products formation exother-
mally favoured [113].

Some Types of Chemical Behaviour of Energetic Materials
Under Shock Wave

The effect of a shock wave upon initiation of self-sustaining chemical decom-

position (detonation) of EMs has already been mentioned. However, several
specific cases call for separate comment. Engelke et al. [114], using time-of-
flight (TOF) mass spectroscopy, observed formation of TNT dimer result-
ing from the action of high-pressure shock waves on this polynitro arene.
The dimer is thought to arise from a Diels–Adler cross-linking of two TNT
molecules. It is noteworthy that the cross-lining processes are strongly pres-
sure enhanced [114].
Andreev studied decomposition of benzotrifuroxane brought about by
mechanical and shock-wave stimuli [115]. This compound is a high-energy
heterocycle with relative low impact sensitivity but high shock sensitivity.
Andreev tries to explain this strange behaviour within the framework of
existing theories of hot spots and the difference in the course of kinetic
processes depending both on physical state of the compound and on the in-
tensity of intermolecular interactions in its crystal. The author presumes that
the specific chemical capability of benzotrifuroxane results from the possi-
bility of decomposition of various bonds in furoxane cycles. According to
monograph [11], the decomposition of furoxanes proceeds via a diradical
transition state formed by homolysis of one of the N – O – N bonds of the
furazane cycle.
Wu et al. [116] have carried out semi-empirical quantum mechanical
molecular dynamic simulation involving collisions of two PETN molecules
at different molecular orientations and at several intermolecular separa-
tions. The common features of reactive scattering among all molecular
orientations are: the dissociation mechanism of PETN remains unimolec-
ular, and the dominant reaction channel is the breaking of an O – NO2
bond. These findings fully agree with those about primary splitting of these
bonds in thermal decomposition of nitrate esters [11]. The probability of
collision-induced decomposition of this nitric ester depends strongly on ini-
222 S. Zeman

tial conditions, in agreement with the experimentally observed sensitivity of

shock-initiated detonation in bulk PETN along different crystalline orienta-
tions [116].
Dreger et al. [117] investigated the decomposition mechanism in shocked
PETN using time-resolved emission spectroscopy. PETN single crystals were
subject to stepwise loading along (100) and (110) planes to peak stresses
between 2 and 13 GPa. Because of concurrent changes in the optical trans-
mission of this nitric ester, emission spectra were analyzed using the ab-
sorption data acquired separately under the same loading conditions. The
emission was identified as chemiluminescence from the nitronium ion, NO2 + .
Although the authors state that this ion is an intermediate observed experi-
mentally, their suggested mechanism of PETN decomposition consists of the
primary splitting off of the nitrate anion, NO3 – , which by subsequent reac-
tions with the organic moiety should produce the nitronium cation. It need
not be stressed that this idea diametrically differs from the knowledge of
splitting of nitric esters [11, 116].
Raikova and Likholatov [118] studied the chemical kinetics of detonation
reactions in some liquid nitric ester mixtures (nitroglycerine, nitroglycol, di-
ethylene glycol dinitrate). The main sources of information on the chemical
kinetics were the experimental dependence of failure diameter on composi-
tion of mixtures. Calculations were carried out in terms of classic theory of
Dremin [101]. The authors have found [118] that the obtained rate constants
for nitric ester mixtures differed slightly from each other. The corresponding
values of activation energies, Ea , and pre-exponent A (i.e. Arrhenius pa-
rameters) were about 140–150 kJ mol–1 , and 1014 s–1 , respectively. It may be
assumed that the decomposition of this ester mixture in the detonation wave
includes only one monomolecular reaction. Values of these Arrhenius param-
eters correspond to those from low-temperature thermal decomposition of
the said liquid esters in general (see in [11]). This is an important finding.

Problems of Nitromethane Initiation

It has already been mentioned that nitromethane (NM) is very frequently

used as a model EM for MO calculations and simulations of various processes
connected with initiation reactivity of EMs. Therefore, from the point-of-view
of initiation by shock wave, it is given separate attention here.
The problems of unimolecular isomerization and dissociation of NM
were probed theoretically by means of different MO calculations in two pa-
pers [119, 120]. In both cases, the isomerization to methyl nitrite seems to
be improbable, the homolysis of the C – NO2 bond being dominant. The
isomerization of NM during gas-phase decomposition is also discussed in
monograph [11] and labelled as little probable. The dominant primary split-
ting is the above-mentioned homolysis. Photolytic decomposition of NM also
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 223

starts by homolysis of the C – NO2 bond [121]. Studies of electronic exci-

tations in shocked crystals of NM showed [122] that dynamic actions have
a more significant effect on the band gap than static actions, but relative mo-
lecular velocities in excess of 6 km s–1 are required to produce a significant
thermal population of excited states. Some authors [5, 34–36] consider the
hydrogen transfer in the sense of Eq. 2 to be the primary process in shocked
NM. Applying the DFT-binding method to crystalline NM at 0 K [123], the
authors arrived at the conclusion (surprising—in their opinion) that uniax-
ial compression of about 25–40 GPa along the b lattice vector causes the C – H
bond to be highly stretched and leads to proton dissociation.
Zhang and Bauer studied decomposition of nitromethane in the gas phase
over a temperature range of 1000–1100 K in reflected shock waves (shock
heating) and they gravitate to homolysis of the C – N bond as the first fis-
sion process [124]. The authors state that this pyrolysis is found to be a chain
process—about 40% of the nitromethane is lost through secondary reactions.
This paper was continued by Glarborg et al. [125], who found out that at high
temperatures and pressures the methyl radical reacts with the nitro radical
to give a methoxy radical and NO (secondary reactions), this reaction be-
ing more than one order faster than the recombination of these two radicals
giving the starting NM.
Monitoring of the shock exposure of nitromethane by means of Raman
spectroscopy [126] or detonation of nitromethane by means of the MS spec-
troscopy [126] led to the conclusion that condensation reactions of two or
more nitromethane molecules are a part of its initiation (see schemes, for ex-
ample, in [126]). However, arrangement of both the experiments had to detect
extinguishing detonation (in the first case explosive decomposition in a very
thin layer—0.20 to 0.35 mm [126], in the second case an expansion of the ex-
plosive decomposition of the very small sample into high vacuum [127]). The
critical diameter of NM is in the range of 10–20 mm [101, 129], which also
supports the idea of extinguishing detonation at the conditions used in the
two experiments. That means the secondary termination reactions should be
detected in both the cases. By means of time-resolved emission spectroscopy
measurements a shock-to-detonation transition of NM was studied [128].
Corresponding radiant spectra show that the detonation front and detonation
products are semitransparent. Shocked NM reaches at least 2500 K, showing
the existence of local chemical reaction after shock entrance. This last finding
corresponds to Klimenko’s model of multi-process detonation [100] (a combi-
nation of focal and frontal mechanisms of detonation).
In primary and secondary nitroparaffins, hydrogen transfer reactions take
place involving a 1,3-H shift [11, 130]. This produces aci-forms of these com-
pounds, which are also called nitronic acids. According to Manelis et al. [11],
the existence of the aci-form of NM represents a more probable cause of
lowering of activation energy of thermal decomposition of liquid NM as
compared with the gas-phase thermolysis (i.e. in relation to the theories of bi-
224 S. Zeman

molecular course of this decomposition [11]). Paper [130] discusses both pos-
sible ways and intermolecular mechanisms of formation of the said acids. The
mentioned transfer of hydrogen atom can also be evoked by amines [130],
whose presence sensitizes both primary and secondary nitroparaffins to stim-
uli [129, 131]. In the case of nitromethane sensitized with amines, Gruzdkov
and Gupta suggested the following mechanism of initiation [132]:

H3 C – NO2 + RNH2 → [H2 C = NO2 ]– + RNH3 +

[H2 C = NO2 ]– + H3 C – NO2 → H3 C – NO2 · – + H2 C = NO2 · (4)
H3 C – NO2 · – → CH3 · + NO2 – .

As shown, the first stage should be, according to the authors’ opinion, an
acid-base equilibrium. This conclusion was made on the basis of applica-
tion of time-resolved optical spectroscopic techniques and action of shock
(12–17 GP) upon an NM layer of 0.2 mm thickness. Similar conclusion was
arrived at by Woods et al. [133] on the basis of laser-initiated decompos-
ition of single aerosol particles of NM and NM-diethyl amine mixture in the
source region of a time-of-flight spectrometer, followed by vacuum UV laser
ionization (products identification by mass spectroscopy). In comparison to
the above-mentioned enhancement of detonation parameters, an influence of
amines on the failure diameter of nitromethane [129] is better known and
more studied [127, 136]. Also this effect is connected with the increase in re-
action rate in the reaction zone of detonation (i.e. with reduction of the zone
length) due to influence of amines on nitromethane [136]. This fact might
indicate that the primary fragments entering the reaction zone of detona-
tion wave in the case of neat NM are different from those in the case of NM
sensitized by addition of amines. It has been known for quite a long time
that the concentration of the nitromethyl aci-anion (CH2 NO2 – ) in the NM
is increased not only with the addition of bases [130] but also by applica-
tion of static high pressure [134] (see also the above-mentioned paper [123]).
However, evidence for an increase in concentration of the anion in neat ni-
tromethane under shock conditions (dynamic high pressure) has been found
lacking [135].
Sensitivity of NM is also increased by additives that are inert to it and
which can represent active EMs (RDX, ammonium nitrate) [137], or by
non-active hard powders (aluminium, copper, fumed silica, boron carbide
etc.) [131, 137]. The amounts of the additives are 3 and 40% w/w in [131]
and [136], respectively. The sensitivity of the mixtures is higher than that of
neat NM [131, 137]; however, for example, the sensitivity increase achieved
by addition of 3% w/w of boron carbide is less efficient than the effect of
the same amount of added diethylenetriamine [131]. The increase can be
due [131] to difference in the number density of each in the mixture (dif-
ference in the number of available hot spots) or to an impedance mismatch
difference, or to a function of both variables.
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 225

Relation Between Performance and Sensitivity of EMs

Performance of explosives can be defined on the basis of heat of explosion, Q,

by equation [138]:
V1 γ –1
A = Q· 1 – , (5)
where V1 is the initial volume of gaseous products of detonation and V2 is
their final volume, or also by equation
   γ –1 
p2 γ
A = Q· 1 – , (6)
where p1 is the initial pressure of detonation products and p2 is their pressure
after fulfilment of work [138]. This means that if a relationship exists between
the Q values and the sensitivity characteristics, then these two equations in-
directly relate the sensitivity with performance. The relationships mentioned
have so far been presented in this text as the results of work done by Rice and
Hare [85] and Edwards et al. [86] (Sect. 3.2.2). These results are in accordance
with a result of Licht’s analysis [139] which showed that high performance is
usually accompanied by an enhanced sensitivity and that an insensitive ex-
plosive will not exhibit a top performance. The author has stated that this
result cannot be proved by theory. Therefore, also exceptions are possible,
i.e. explosives which approach the ideal high explosive (high performance
combined with high security), which is exemplified in [139].

Sensitivity of EMs from the Standpoint of Physical Organic Chemistry
(POC Model)

Explosive decomposition of conventional EMs is based on chemical pro-

cesses. In spite of this fact, very few authors in the past dealt with, and
today are dealing with, the initiation mechanisms from the point-of-view
of chemistry. As follows from Sect. 3, most authors of papers published in
this field try to solve the problem of micro-initiation by means of quantum
chemistry [1, 3–5, 39, 56, 60, 74, 81, 85, 105, 106, 109]. The simulations are pre-
dominantly restricted to a few selected molecules of energetic substances
(NM, RDX, HMX and TATB are the dominating ones) and their crystals [1, 3,
5, 56, 60, 74], or in some cases only to hypothetical two-atom molecules [109].
Hence, from the standpoint of sensitivity to stimuli (i.e. the micro-
mechanism of initiation) attention is predominantly focused on organic
polynitro compounds [1–4, 6, 37, 39, 60], and more recently of heavy metal
226 S. Zeman

azides [43–50]. Also the development in the area of new individual EMs
mostly advances with orientation to organic polynitro compounds [51, 84,
140–143], and more recently it is intensively directed also to organic high ni-
trogen EMs (see, e.g., [142–144]). Thus, this special area of organic chemistry
plays a highly significant part in the study and development of EMs. In this
sense, studies of sensitivity of EMs, mainly organic polynitro and polynitroso
compounds, are also conducted at the workplace of the author of this review

Approach to Solution of the Initiation Reactivity

It is a generally accepted idea that nitro groups represent the primary cause
of sensitivity (initiation reactivity) of polynitro compounds (see, e.g., [6–
20, 59, 90, 91]). Sensitivity of a given polynitro compound to stimuli results
from the type of bonds to nitro groups in the molecule, their number, the type
and intensity of their interaction with the rest of the molecule, and intermole-
cular interactions. Recently relationships have been found between outputs of
non-isothermal differential thermal analysis (DTA, i.e. low-temperature ther-
molysis) and characteristics of detonation of polynitro arenes [145, 146] and
also nitramines, nitrosamines and nitrate esters [146]. A more detailed an-
alysis of these results for polynitro arenes shows that their classification in
the sense of the relationships found is given primarily by (a) steric conditions
and (b) electron configuration in the ground state of the reaction centre of
the molecule [145, 146]. In this context, the term reaction centre means the
grouping of atoms and/or functional groups in the molecule whose primary
chemical changes initiate decomposition of this molecule (e.g., see Schemes 2,
3a, 3b, 7 and 8). At the same time, the said facts represent one of the basic
principles of approach of organic chemistry to dealing with reactivity prob-
lems in general.

Methods of Specification of the Reaction Centre in Molecule

Both the electron configuration and steric situation in the reaction centre of
the molecule can be characterized from the standpoint of organic chemistry
on the basis of:

• NMR chemical shifts of key atoms of the reaction centre of the molecule
(semi-empirical determination of the nitro groups that are first to react in
the initiation) [6, 7, 10, 16, 98, 148],
• direct correlation of reaction characteristics with electron charges at the
nitrogen atoms of these first-reacting nitro groups [7, 12, 152, 160, 161] or
with net charges of these nitro groups [90, 91, 160].
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 227

For the first time, the approach given was demonstrated on a group of sec-
ondary nitramines [7, 10, 98], because these compounds have relatively sim-
ple molecular structures, and the mechanism of their primary homolysis
is well known [11, 14] (see also Scheme 1). On the basis of these findings,
the approach was extended to the application of 13 C NMR [6, 16, 148] and
15 N NMR [150] chemical shifts in polynitro arenes. It can be argued that in

this approach, an NMR study in solution, neglects important crystal-lattice

effects that are vital to the determination of explosive properties [149]. From
our several recent papers [6, 7, 10, 16, 98, 148] and the following text it will be
seen that this objection has no fundamental significance for studies of chem-
ical micro-mechanism of initiation of energetic materials.
The calculation of electronic charges, qN , at nitrogen atoms and net
charges, QNO2 , of nitro groups of the individual EMs investigated was car-
ried out by means of the Mulliken population analysis of electron densities
obtained by the ab initio DFT B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ method, under total geometry
optimization and without subsequent frequency analysis [158].

Selection of Sensitivity (Reaction) Characteristics of EMs

The thermal decomposition characteristics used included the Arrhenius pa-

rameters obtained by means of the Russian manometric method ([9, 11, 151]
and citations herein) or by means of methods that give comparable re-
sults (especially differential scanning calorimetry [9, 151]). Another source
of these characteristics was the simple non-isothermic differential thermal
analysis (DTA) whose outputs were evaluated by means of the Kissinger
method [152–154] in the sense of relationship [154]:
φ Ea 1 AR
ln =– + ln , (7)
T2 R T Ea

where φ is the rate of temperature increase and T is the peak temperature

of the exothermic decomposition. The reactivity was expressed as the Ea /R
slopes of the relationship Eq. 7.
In the case of electric spark sensitivity, the available data were obtained by
application of two instruments [8] whose design and construction were real-
ized with contribution from the Institute of Energetic Materials. These data
are spark energies, EES , for 50% probability of initiation.
As for the impact sensitivity, the data considered were the drop energies,
Ed , obtained by conversion of drop heights values, h50% , both published and
determined by us. Attention was given both to the impact sensitivity as “the
first reaction” (detection with respect to the first decomposition) [6, 16, 148,
155], and impact sensitivity detected by sound ([6, 148, 155] and references
228 S. Zeman

The studies of shock sensitivity were based on the detonation velocities, D,

calculated by the Kamlet and Jacobs method [156], and in some cases they
also were determined experimentally. The heat of explosion, Qreal , was cal-
culated by means of the semi-empirical relationships by Pepekin et al. [157].
Both these quantities characterize the shock wave due to chemical transform-
ation of EM, i.e. the detonation wave.
Also polarographic half-wave potentials, E1/2 , of 24 polynitro arenes were
applied; these potentials were determined in aqueous medium buffered at
pH 7, the final concentration of their solutions being 0.5 × 10–4 M [159].
By means of the above-mentioned methods and data of described
nitramines, basic data were predicted [16, 98, 148, 176] for three substances
not yet prepared, i.e. for 1-nitro-1-azaethylene (Digen), 1,3-dinitro-1,3-
diazetidine (Tetrogen) and 1,3,5,7,9-pentanitro-1,3,5,7,9-pentazecane (Deca-
gen), which are of considerable theoretical interest in the chemistry of

Initiation by Heat

The application of 15 N NMR chemical shifts, δN , of nitrogen atoms in nitro

groups to the analysis and prediction of kinetic data of thermal decompos-
ition of nitramines [10] is presented in Fig. 1; a non-isochronous molecule
HNIW correlates through the δN value in the position 2.

Fig. 1 Relationship between the activation energies, Ea , resulting from the Russian mano-
metric method, and the 15 N NMR chemical shifts of nitrogen atoms of the nitro groups
(non-isochronous molecule HNIW correlates through the shift of the nitro–nitrogen atom
in the position 2)—taken from [7]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 229

Figure 1 shows that in the case of HMX the effect of the liquid phase on
its thermolysis should be absent even if the thermolysis is realized within
a temperature range above 553 K (see discussion in [10]). An analogous de-
pendence for polynitro arenes is presented in Fig. 2 [151].
Figure 3 presents the relationship between Ea /R (from Eq. 7) and elec-
tronic charges, qN , at nitrogen atoms of the first-reacting nitro groups for
nitramines taken from [152]. The discussion of this graph confirmed the dif-
ferences between linear (line D) and cyclic nitramines (lines A, B and C) [152]
from the standpoint of the initiation energy transfer to the reaction centre.
The quantum chemical calculation itself revealed non-equality of nitrogen
atoms in nitro groups from the point-of-view of their potential participa-
tion in primary splitting processes of initiation [152], which was only further
clearly confirmed by the dependences in Fig. 4. A similar approach applied
to highly thermally stable polynitro arenes resulted in the relationships be-
tween Ea /R and qN values depicted in Fig. 4 [160]. Also in this case one can
clearly see very close molecular-structure dependence and, in the cases of
TNB and HNB, also effect of state of aggregation (both these polynitro arenes
decompose in the liquid state).
On the basis of relationship between electron charges, qN , at the nitrogen
atoms of the first-reacting nitro groups and DTA onsets, TD , of exothermic
decomposition of polynitro arenes in Fig. 5, a set of these substances are di-

Fig. 2 Graphical representation of the relationship between activation energies, Ea , of low-

temperature thermal decomposition and 15 N NMR chemical shifts of polynitro arenes
(the numbers in parenthesis denote the position in the molecule): a general scheme of
the primary step of chemical decomposition is presented with each line [150]
230 S. Zeman

Fig. 3 Relationship between the slopes of the Kissinger relation Eq. 7, Ea R–1 , and Mul-
liken B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ charges, qN , at the nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro
groups in nitramino groupings in the molecule (given in parenthesis are the positions in
the molecule which correlate with the non-isochronous molecules). Taken from [152]

Fig. 4 Relationship between the slopes of the Kissinger relation Eq. 7, Ea R–1 , and Mulliken
B3LYP/6-31G∗∗ charges, qN , at the nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro groups
in molecules of high-thermostable polynitro arenes (decomposition of TNB and HNB in
the liquid state; given in parenthesis are the f positions in the molecule). Taken from [160]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 231

Fig. 5 Relationship between the qN values of the nitrogen atoms of the primarily react-
ing groups and onsets, TD , of exothermic decomposition. Codes of the genuine polynitro
arenes are written in boldface type. Taken from [161]

vided into several logical subsets [161]: one with the dominant stabilizing
effect of the crystal lattice (line D), one in which the effects of the mechan-
ism of primary homolysis (lines A, C, E) dominates, and one characterized
by combination of both above-mentioned effects (line B). An addition of sol-
vent (TNB) to substances of class D will suppress this stabilizing effect: TENN
and NONA move to class C (with primary homolysis of the C – NO2 bond),
TATB moves to class E (splitting in the sense of Scheme 2) and the stability of
TPT decreases so markedly that it does not correlate with any of the classes in
Fig. 5.
From the results in paper [6] it follows that a molecule of energetic ma-
terial can contain more than one potential reaction centre of initiation. As
an example, we can give N,N  ,N  -tris(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1,3,5-
triazine-2,4,6-triamine (TMPM) with potential reaction centres in the vicin-
ity of nitrogen atoms N9 (position 6 in trinitrophenyl group) and N12
(position 2 in the same group) [6]; the data of the second reaction cen-
tre mentioned approach those of substances of class A, which means that
the primary splitting by heat should go by the classic trinitrotoluene mech-
anism (see also Scheme 8). The existence of this type of relationship (i.e.
Figure 5) might be connected with the electrostatic interaction of “instan-
taneous point dipoles” at the reaction centre of their molecules (discussion
of this problem in [161] is unfolded from the Einstein–Nernst relation-
ship [162]).
232 S. Zeman

Impact Sensitivity

Impact Sensitivity as the First Reaction

The problem of this type of impact sensitivity was experimentally studied

at the author’s workplace [6, 16, 148]. Figure 6 presents a relationship be-
tween 15 N NMR chemical shifts, δA , of aza (amino) nitrogen atoms carrying
the most reactive nitramino groups and drop energies, Edr , of the first re-
action [6]. This figure was taken from papers [6, 16] and shows that the im-
pact reactivity of linear polynitramines (more than two nitramino groups in
a molecule) is connected with primary homolysis of “inner” N – NO2 bonds
in their molecules (Scheme 6). This finding stands in accordance with the
mechanism formulated for this process on the basis of molecular dynamics by
Kohno et al. [163].
No analogous relationships between Edr values and 15 N NMR chemical
shifts, δN , of nitro-group nitrogen atoms were found [6] due to lower cor-
relation of the shifts with structural details. It must be stated that the aza
(amino) nitrogen chemical shifts, δA , in the nitramino groups are expected
to be influenced by the nitrogen hybridization, the size and conformation of

Fig. 6 Relationship between the drop energy, Edr , of “the first reaction” and 15 N NMR
chemical shifts, δA , of the aza nitrogen atoms carrying the nitro groups that are first to
react in the initiation reaction (given in brackets are the positions in the molecule). Taken
from [16] and complemented by data for Tetrogen, HNIW and TEX [6]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 233

the molecule, and the extent to which the nitrogen lone pair is involved in π-
bonding with the NO2 group. As the conformation and size of the molecule
plays a dominant role in the intermolecular interactions in the correspond-
ing crystal, the interactions should have a significant influence on the impact
This hypothesis is supported by Fig. 7 (taken from papers [6, 16]), which
represents a relationship between the Edr values and heats of fusion, ∆Hm,tr ,
of nitramines (the heats of fusion ∆Hm,tr , defined in the sense of mono-
graph [164] as the sum of heat of melting and heats of all polymorph tran-
sitions). As the heat represents the work needed for formation of defects in
the crystal lattice, the relationships found seem to stand in accordance with
the ideas about the decisive role of dislocations and plastic deformations of
crystal played in the initiation of energetic materials (Sect. 2.6).
Likewise, for nitramines a relationship exists between Edr values and
13 C NMR chemical shifts, δ , of the most reactive nitro group “bearers”
(i.e. carbon atoms in the reaction centres of the molecule) in polynitro
arenes [148].
As shown in Figs. 8a and 8b the relationship has once, again, the same
form as that for nitramines. The more complex molecular structure of
polynitro arenes (particularly the mesomeric and steric effects) and the
two presumed basic mechanisms of primary splitting, as compared with
nitramines, result in a more varied assortment of shapes of this relation-

Fig. 7 Relationship between the drop energy, Edr , of the first reaction and the heat of
fusion, ∆Hm,tr , of nitramines; taken from [16] and complemented by data for TEX [6]
234 S. Zeman

Fig. 8 a Relationships between the impact sensitivity (drop energy of the first reaction,
Edr ) and 13 C NMR chemical shifts of the carbon atoms which bears the primarily re-
acting nitro groups in the polynitro arenes studied (compounds with primary thermal
decomposition via a five-, six- or seven-membered transition state or aci-form) [148].
b Relationships between the impact sensitivity (drop energy of the first reaction, Edr )
and 13 C NMR chemical shifts of the carbon atoms which bears the primarily reacting ni-
tro groups in the “genuine” polynitro arenes (group I) and compounds (group V) with
primary thermal decomposition via a five- or six-membered transition state [148]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 235

ship. The straight line IV in Fig. 8a predicts a likely primary mechanism

of splitting of 2,4,6-trinitro-3-[(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)thio]toluene
(DMDIPS), which possesses two potential reaction centres in its molecule
(see Schemes 3a and Scheme 3b); as this straight line correlates with the δC
values of the “bearer” of the nitro group at position 2(2 ), the DMDIPS pri-
mary splitting in the sense of Scheme 3b [6, 148] is most probably. In the
case of low-temperature thermal decomposition of 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[(2,4,6-
trinitrophenyl)thio]benzene (DIPS), as a result of C – S bond homolysis,
2,2 ,4,4 ,6,6 -hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl (HNB) is formed as a stable intermedi-
ate [167].

Scheme 3 a Theoretical, less probable mechanism of electron shifts at the begin-

ning of the low-temperature thermal decomposition of 2,4,6-trinitro-3-[(3-methyl-2,4,6-
trinitrophenyl)thio]toluene (DMDIPS) with participation of the nitro group at the 2-
position in the reaction centre (typical “trinitrotoluene mechanism”) [6, 148]. b Presumed
mechanism of more probable electron shifts at the beginning of the low-temperature
thermal decomposition of 2,4,6-trinitro-3-[(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)thio]toluene
(DMDIPS) with participation of the nitro group at the 6-position in the reaction
centre [6, 148]. In the low-temperature thermal decomposition of 1,3,5-trinitro-2-[(2,4,6-
trinitrophenyl)thio]benzene (DIPS), as a result of C – S bond homolysis, 2,2 ,4,4 ,6,6 -
hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl is formed as a stable intermediate [167]

The relationship valid for class II in Fig. 8a is excellently followed by the

δC data of 1,5-dinitronaphthalene (1,5-DNN), which means that the thermal
decomposition of 1,5-DNN should begin by the interaction of the oxygen
atom of the nitro group with the hydrogen atom at the peri-position [148], as
contrasted with the presumed homolysis of the C – NO2 bond.
The relationships between impact sensitivity in the sense of the first reac-
tion of polynitro arenes and their heats of fusion on the one hand (Fig. 9),
and the 13 C NMR chemical shifts at the reaction centres of their molecules
(Figs. 8a,b) on the other hand, are of the same types as those found for
236 S. Zeman

Fig. 9 Semilogarithmic relationships between the impact sensitivity (drop energy of the
first reaction, Edr ) and heat of fusion (∆Hm,tr ) of polynitro arenes [148]

Impact Sensitivity Detected by Sound

In this case, the impact sensitivity data were mostly taken from the literature.
Figure 10 represents the relationship between the impact sensitivity detected
by sound and 15 N NMR chemical shifts of nitramines [6]. This relationship, in
comparison with Fig. 6, is mathematically different. The difference could be
interpreted by the different mechanisms of transfer of drop energy to the re-
action centre of the molecule in the case of the first reaction as compared with
the impact sensitivity detected by sound. This difference is evident also in
the relationship between the sensitivity and the ∆Hm,tr values (Fig. 11 taken
from [147]).
The same shape of relationship as shown in Fig. 9 is valid for polynitro
arenes in Fig. 12: here the impact sensitivity detected by sound correlates with
13 C NMR chemical shifts of the bearers of the most reactive nitro groups

in the molecule. According to this diagram, they are the nitro groups in 2-
positions of the DATB, TNX, TNR and BITNT. These groups are also most
sterically crowded [6]. However, in the N, N  -bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-3,5-
dinitropyridine-2,6-diamine (PYX) molecule there exist two potential reac-
tion centres, namely that with participation of the nitro group at position 2
(Eq. 2) in the picryl group and that in position 3 (Eq. 1) of the pyridine ring
(see also Scheme 7).
The dependences given for polynitro arenes in Fig. 13 are analogous to
those given for nitramines in Fig. 10. They are discussed in [147]; we should
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 237

Fig. 10 Relationship between the drop energy, Edr , (impact sensitivity detected by sound)
and 15 N NMR chemical shifts, δA , of the aza nitrogen atoms carrying the first reacting
nitro groups in the molecules of nitramines studied [6]

Fig. 11 Relationship between the drop energy, Edr , (impact sensitivity detected by sound)
and heat of fusion, ∆Hm,tr , of nitramines; taken from [147]

draw attention here to the effect of the introduction of the hydroxyl group into
the TNB molecule (line D), amino group (line A), alkyl groups (line B), or
“doubling” of trinitrophenyls (line C).
238 S. Zeman

Fig. 12 Relationship between the energy, Edr , (impact sensitivity detected by sound)
and 13 C NMR chemical shifts, δC , of the carbon atoms of the aromatic system carry-
ing the most reactive nitro groups (the numbers in brackets denote the positions in the
molecule) [165]

Fig. 13 Logarithmic relationships between the impact sensitivity, Edr , (impact sensitivity
detected by sound) and heat of fusion, ∆Hm,tr , of polynitro arenes [147]

Figure 14 represents very logical relationships between impact sensitiv-

ity and the net charges of the primarily reacting nitro group: here linear
condensed polynitro (poly)arenes are sharply separated from spatially con-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 239

Fig. 14 Relationship between impact sensitivity and net charges of primarily reacting
nitro groups in molecules of highly thermally stable polynitro arenes (the numbers in
brackets denote the positions in the molecule) [160]

densed analogues (i.e. NTFA, TPT and TACOT-Z). The data of TATB do not
correlate with either group due to the above-mentioned singularity of pri-
mary fission of its molecule.

Allocation of Polynitro Compounds
on the Basis of their Impact Sensitivities

The mechanism of transfer of drop energy to the reaction centre of the

molecule in the case of the impact sensitivity as the first reaction should dif-
fer from that in the case of impact sensitivity detected by sound. Comparison
of the drop energy values, Edr , of the two types of impact sensitivity leads to
relationships shown in Fig. 15 [166].
The polynitro compounds in Fig. 15 fall into three classes. Each of them
includes compounds with a characteristic range of values for thermolysis
rate constants at their onset temperature of exothermic decomposition [166].
The given temperatures result from differential thermal analyses of the said
compounds. This finding corresponds with the known relationships between
impact sensitivities and thermal decomposition characteristics of polynitro
compounds [16, 89, 148]. This means that some relationship exists between
240 S. Zeman

Fig. 15 Relationships between the drop energies of the impact sensitivity detected by
sound and the drop energies of the first reaction [155]

vibrational excitation by impact, on the one hand, and thermal activation of

the molecules of energetic materials, on the other [166].

Initiation by Shock

By means of an analogous approach to that used in the case of impact sen-

sitivity mutual relationships between the characteristics of detonation and
15 N NMR chemical shifts of nitramines [26] were studied. In contrast to the

already-mentioned Figs 6, 8a, 8b, 10 and 12 the characteristics of detonation

(i.e. heat of explosion, Q, or square of detonation velocity, D2 ) correlate with
the 15 N NMR chemical shifts, δN , of nitrogen atoms of the first reacting nitro
groups in the initiation process [6, 7, 98]. Corresponding relationships for the
square of detonation velocity, D2 , for nitramines are presented in Fig. 16 [6,
7, 98]. It therefore follows that the primary fission of the nitramine molecule
is the same as in the case of initiation by impact (Scheme 1) [6, 7]. Again this
fact agrees perfectly with the conclusions drawn by Kohno et al. [163] from
the molecular dynamics study of impact and shock reactivity of nitramines.
Replacement of squares of detonation velocities, D2 , of nitramines by their
heats of explosion, Q, gave as good correlations as in the case of Fig. 16 [98].
A closer relationship between Qreal and δN values (Fig. 17) exists for
polynitro arenes and aza-arenes [150]. The more complex intramolecular
interactions in these molecules results in more complex relationships: in
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 241

Fig. 16 Relationship between the square of the detonation velocity, D2 , and 15 N NMR
chemical shifts of nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro groups [6, 7, 98]

Fig. 17 Relationships between the heats of explosion, Qreal , and 15 N NMR chemical shifts
of the nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro groups in polynitro arenes [150]

Fig. 17 the derivative groups of A and B mutually differ by the presence of

intramolecular hydrogen bonds in the first group (the splitting according
to Scheme 2). Class D includes polynitro derivatives characterized besides
a more distinct steric effect probably also by the interaction between the
ortho-nitro group and substituent (mediated by the electron pair at the oxy-
gen atom) as the primary chemical process of thermolysis. Class C in Fig. 17
242 S. Zeman

represents substances with primary homolysis of the C – NO2 bond, and the
C – S bond in the case of DMDIPS.

Relationship Between Sensitivity and Heat of Explosion

As already stated above, Rice and Hare [85] found an exponential depen-
dence, and Edwards et al. [86] found a semi-logarithmic dependence between
impact sensitivity and heat of explosion, Q, without trying to interpret these
facts. Also reported is a relationship between the ratio Q.DH –1 and logarithm
of drop height h50% [84] (in this case DH stands for the dissociation energy of
the weakest bond of the nitro group in the molecule).
From what has been said so far, and from the published papers [6, 7, 9, 14,
16, 98, 145, 151–153] it follows that there exist logical relationships between
the characteristics of low-temperature thermal decomposition and those of
initiation and detonation, respectively. The homolytic character of primary
fission in both the detonation and low-temperature thermal decompositions
of energetic materials (for relevant quotations, see [9]) was a motive for Ze-
man to use the Evans–Polanyi–Semenov equation (E–P–S) [168] to study the
chemical micro-mechanism governing initiation of energetic materials [9].
A relationship formally similar to the E–P–S equation can also be obtained
by mutual comparison of the dependences shown in Figs. 2 and 17; it has the
following form:
Ea = α · Q + β , (8)
and application of the relationship between detonation velocities and explo-
sion heats Q [138] in the form
Q=  2  , (9)
2 γ –1
where γ is the polytropy coefficient, transforms Eq. 8 into the following form
Ea = a · D2 + b , (10)
which can also be derived by mutual comparison of the dependences in
Figs. 1 and 16. Equations 8 and 10 were called a modified E–P–S equation by
Zeman [9]. The original E–P–S describes a relationship between activation
energies E of most substitution reactions of free radicals and corresponding
heats of reaction ∆H of narrow sets of substance structures. The equation
shows that the strength of the bond being split is a decisive factor in the given
reaction. In both Eqs. 8 and 10 the energy, E, can be the activation energy of
thermal decomposition, Ea [7, 9, 98], the slope Ea · R–1 of the Kissinger rela-
tionship Eq. 7 [153, 169, 170], the energy of electric spark, EES [175, 176, 179],
drop energy, Ep [160], it may be substituted by the charge, qN , at the nitrogen
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 243

atom of the most reactive nitro group [12] in the molecule, by the net charge
of this nitro group [160], or by half-wave polarographic potential [159]. The
following text presents several typical examples.
Figure 18 presents the relationship (Eq. 8) for nitramines, in which the Ea
values for cyclic structures correspond to their decomposition in the solid
The validity of Eq. 8 was also successfully verified for the thermal decom-
position of inorganic azides and fulminates [9]—see Fig. 19. For azides
the literature gives activation energy values, Ea , for thermal decomposition
within various temperature ranges. In the sense of Eq. 8, however, only those
Ea values correlate that correspond to the lowest experimental temperature
ranges [9]. This is a very important finding.
Figure 20 has been taken from [9] and presents Eq. 8 in which the Ea
values resulted from the Russian manometric method for polynitro arenes
and Qreal values were calculated according to the Pepekin et al. semi-empirical
method [157]. It must be stated that the Ea value of TATB, obtained on the
basis of the Russian manometric method (i.e. in vacuum, see [151]) in a tem-
perature region above its hypothetical melting point [171], correlates with the
data for thermal decomposition in the liquid state (this Ea value, which is very
close to the heat of sublimation of TATB, is discussed in [171]). The data of
TATB obtained from DSC (see [151], i.e. from measurements at atmospheric
pressure) logically correlate with DATB and PAM data in Fig. 20.

Fig. 18 Modified E–P–S equation (Eq. 8) for the relationship between the activation
energies, Ea , corresponding to the outputs of the Russian manometric method for low-
temperature thermolysis of nitramines, and the real heats of explosion, Qreal [9]
244 S. Zeman

Fig. 19 Modified E–P–S equation (Eq. 8) for azides and fulminates [9]. For azides the
literature gives activation energy values, Ea , for thermal decomposition within various
temperature ranges; however, the Ea values that correlate correspond only to the lowest
experimental temperature ranges [9]

Fig. 20 Graphical representation of the modified E–P–S equation (Eq. 8) [9] for polynitro
arenes with a hydrogen atom at the γ -position with respect to the nitro group (Scheme 2);
exceptional are the polychlorinated derivatives of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene—TNB (i. e. CTB,
DCTB, and TCTB) whose thermal decomposition, however, represents a certain analogy
with the decomposition of polymethyl derivatives of TNB [9]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 245

The relationships in Fig. 21 exhibit very close molecular-structural corre-

lations [172], but is very interesting in regard to HNIW molecules. According
to this figure, in the series CPX-HOMO-α-HNIW the nitro groups at pos-
itions 2,6,8,12 of the last nitramine are seemingly “counted” twice; at these
positions the N – NO2 bonds are the longest and α-HNIW is more sensitive
to stimuli (Ed = 10.2 J [173]; ignition temp. 220 ◦ C; Zeman, 2006, personal
communication) than ε-HNIW (Ed = 11.9 J [173]; ignition temp. 225 ◦ C; Ze-
man, 2006, personal communication), in which similarly the less reactive
positions 4 and 10 are seemingly counted twice.
Substitution of the activation energies Ea in Eq. 8 for highly thermostable
polynitro arenes by drop energies results in the dependence presented in
Fig. 22: here the increasing EM energy content corresponds to increasing sen-
sitivity (Sect. 3.4) [160]. Equation 10 for net charges of primarily leaving nitro
groups for the same group of polynitro arenes is presented in Fig. 23 [160].
Equation 10 with the Ea replaced by the slope, Ea R–1 , of the Kissinger
relation (Eq. 7) was applied also to a study of explosive mixtures (Fig. 24);
a thermal reactivity of several oxidizing systems of emulsion explosives and
some commercial explosives with different nitrate ester content were speci-
fied in paper [153]. The main component of the oxidizing systems in all the
studied materials was ammonium nitrate (AN). In Fig. 24 the line A corres-
ponds to classical emulsion explosives W/O, the line A to W/O emulsions
fortified by addition of high explosives in the amount of at least 30% w/w,
and the line C to gelatinous explosives with the nitrate esters content be-

Fig. 21 Graphical representation of the modified E–P–S relation (Eq. 10) between the
slope, Ea R–1 , of the Kissinger relationship (Eq. 7) and the square of the detonation vel-
ocity of nitramines [172]
246 S. Zeman

Fig. 22 Graphical representation of the E–P–S relation (Eq. 8) between the heat of explo-
sion and the impact sensitivity of highly thermally stable polynitro arenes [160]

Fig. 23 Relationship between the square of the detonation velocity and the impact sen-
sitivity of highly thermally stable polynitro arenes [160]. Data for TATB do not correlate
due to discrepant primary fission (Scheme 2)

low 30% w/w. In particular, the group around line B indicates that a critical
amount of admixtures of nitrate esters or nitramines exists for the mixtures
(i.e. about 30% by wt.): the decomposition of explosive mixture is not influ-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 247

Fig. 24 Graphical representation of the E–P–S relation (Eq. 10) between the squares of the
experimental detonation rates of explosive mixtures and the slopes, Ea R–1 , of Kissingers
relationship (Eq. 7)—taken from [153]. Black points correspond to dynamites with a ni-
tric ester content of over 30 wt %. Oxidizing systems of all of these explosives are based
on ammonium nitrate (AN) and its mixtures with sodium nitrate (SN), potassium nitrate
(PN), calcium nitrate (CN), aluminium nitrate (AlN), lithium nitrate (LiN), and sodium
chloride–sodium nitrate (NaCl/SN), nickel(II) nitrate (NiN), copper(II) nitrate (CuN) and
cobalt(II) nitrate (CoN)

enced by the physical state (i.e. solution or crystalline) of the oxidizing system
of thus fortified mixtures only in the case when the content of the admixtures
is above the critical value. With the line B also data of commercial gelatinous
explosives correlate whose nitrate esters content exceeds of 30% (black points
in Fig. 24).
This effect is analogous to the well-known influence of the shock pres-
sure on initiation and propagation of the detonation in which the critical
pressure plays a decisive role [101]. If the initiation pressure is lower than
the critical value, then the initiation and growth of detonation themselves
will depend on the micro-structure of the given charge (hot spots). If the
pressure is higher than the critical value, then the initiation will depend
only on the chemical composition of the charge [101]. The pressure dur-
ing the detonation process is also given by the amount and reactivity of
the molecular fragments which come into the reaction zone of the deto-
nation wave. It was stated that in studied explosive mixtures the thermal
reactivity of the oxidizing system and/or its mixture with a high explosive
(for example: AN increases the thermal reactivity of RDX) replaces the pri-
mary thermal reactivity of explosophore groups in the individual energetic
materials [153].
248 S. Zeman

Electric Spark Sensitivity

Two different instruments are available for studies of electric spark sensitiv-
ity [6, 8, 61, 174–180] at the University of Pardubice: they differ by configura-
tion of electrodes and structure of circuit [6, 8, 174–180]. Scheme 4 presents
the spark gap of the older instrument with code RDAD; Scheme 5 depicts the
newer one with code ESZ KTTV.

Scheme 4 A spark gap in the RDAD instrument [8, 174]

Scheme 5 A spark gap in the ESZ KTTV instrument [8]

The values of measurements carried out with the instrument RDAD were
comparable with those of LANL in Los Alamos [174]. In the papers [175, 176]
the electric spark sensitivities of 23 polynitro arenes and 13 nitramines were
determined as the spark energy, EES , required for 50 per cent initiation prob-
ability. The relationship between the EES values and the squares of detonation
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 249

velocities of the polynitro arenes resembles a certain form of Evans–Polanyi–

Semenov equation (Eq. 10) (it is limited by molecular structure as docu-
mented by the example given in Fig. 25 [175]).
For nitramines relationships (Eq. 8) or (Eq. 10) are much more unam-
biguous [176] (their molecular structure is simpler). The relationship itself
signalizes an identity of chemical mechanisms of the primary fragmen-
tation processes in molecules of polynitro compounds during their det-
onation and in initiation of their decomposition and/or explosive trans-
formation by action of electric spark. The relationship was used to pre-
dict the EES values of nitramines not yet synthesized, particularly 1-nitro-
1-azaethylene (Digen), 1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazetidine (Tetrogen) and 1,3,5,7,9-
pentanitro-1,3,5,7,9-pentazecane (Decagen). Application of the approach by
Skiner et al. [61] (Sect. 2.4) to solving the relationship between electric spark
sensitivity and thermal reactivity of individual EMs gave a relationship be-
tween ln EES and reciprocal values of temperatures for thermolysis rate con-
stants k = 103 s–1 [177]. In contrast to paper [61], these relationships were
strongly limited by molecular structure [177] (as in the case of the E–P–S
equation). The conclusion was made [177] that both the chemical mechanism
of primary thermolysis of energetic materials and intermolecular interaction
factors in their crystals play decisive roles in their initiation by electric spark.

Fig. 25 Graphical representation of the E–P–S relation (Eq. 10) between the electric spark
sensitivity and the square of the detonation velocity for compounds which thermolyze via
a five- or six-membered transition state involving a direct participation of an ortho–nitro
group (Schemes 2 and 3b) [175]
250 S. Zeman

Attention was also focused on the relationship between the EES values and im-
pact sensitivity, expressed as drop energies, Ed , of the first reaction. It was
concluded that, depending on intermolecular interaction factors in crystals of
energetic materials, the mechanism of impact energy transition to the reac-
tion centre of their molecule can differ from that of transition of energy of
electric spark [178]. In an attempt specify the reaction centre in molecules
of polynitro arenes by means of the 13 C NMR chemical shifts of bearers of
primarily leaving nitro groups logical dependences (Fig. 26) were observed
especially in the case of derivatives whose primary reacting nitro group is
conjugated with the rest of the molecule (Scheme 2) [6].
According to Fig. 26 it was confirmed that the most reactive nitro groups
in the TMPM molecule are bound at the 2-position, those in the DMDIPS
molecule at the 6-position, those in the BITNT molecule at the 2-position, and
those in PYX at the 3(5)-position of the pyridine ring [6].
Xiao et al. [179], using the DFT-B3LYP6-31G∗ approach, re-evaluated the
results of [175–177] for nitramines. They confirmed the linear relationship
between D2 and EES values and, in addition, specified another linear rela-
tionship between the logarithm of detonation pressure and EES values. Both
relationships show, that increasing performance is connected with increasing
electric spark sensitivity in technologically attractive nitramines [179].
In comparison with the instrument RDAD, the measurements carried out
with the instrument ESZ KTTV give EES values lower by as much as two
orders of magnitude. The outputs obtained from the two instruments for
nitramines are compared in Fig. 27 [8].
Figure 27 indicates that the initiation mechanisms in the spark gaps of
the two instruments are different. With regard to the considerably higher EES

Fig. 26 Relationship between the spark energy, EES , and 13 C NMR chemical shifts, δC , of
the carbon atoms of the aromatic system carrying the most reactive nitro groups (the
numbers in brackets denote the positions in the molecule) in polynitro arenes containing
amino, hydroxy and alkyl substituents [6]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 251

Fig. 27 Relationship between the outputs from ESZ KTTV and RDAD instruments (see
also Schemes 4 and 5)

values observed with the instrument RDAD, a substantial part of discharge

energy is realized as thermal energy, which can become engaged in thermal
decomposition of the sample investigated. Different ways of energy transfer
through the spark gap to the reaction centre of molecule are also indicated
by the opposite trends of the dependences of ln EES on the dissociation en-
ergies of the weakest N – NO2 bonds obtained from the two instruments [8].
The EES values obtained from the instrument ESZ KTTV logically correlate
with 15 N NMR chemical shifts of nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting ni-
tro group and with the charges on these atoms [8]. Their relationship to the
heat of fusion (Fig. 28) [8] is also interesting.
Figure 28 reminds us of analogous relationships between impact sensitiv-
ity (taken as the first reaction) and the ∆Hm,tr values of nitramines (Fig. 7).
However, these relationships in Fig. 7 strongly differentiate cyclic and lin-
ear nitramines while according to Fig. 28 this differentiation is only slightly
visible. This might mean that plastic deformations of the crystal should not
have significance in the initiation by electric spark. But dislocations should
be a reason of existence of the relationships in Fig. 28. This means that the
results obtained from the measurements by means of the SEZ KTTV in-
strument should be more dependent on the shape and size of crystals than
those in the case of RDAD. Satisfactory correlation of the data from the first-
mentioned instrument with characteristics of nitramine molecular structure
might be caused by the wide spectrum of their granulometry (given by the
method of samples crystallization) which can lead to the “averaged” EES
values [8]. In a continuing paper [180], samples of RDX and HMX were
screened to obtain narrow fractions, and it was found that an increase in
252 S. Zeman

Fig. 28 Relationship between the EES values from the ESZ KTTV instrument and the heats
of fusion of nitramines [8]

grain size of these nitramines is connected with an increase in EES values.

This corresponds with the opinion of Auzanneau et al. [181] about the mech-
anism of spark energy transfer into the powdered reactive solid, i.e. in this

Fig. 29 Electric spark sensitivity of mixtures of the RDX, HMX and HNIW with crushed
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 253

case the decrease in the number of inter-grain points per volume unit. How-
ever, also dislocations in the crystals should have some effect on this type
of EMs. This theory was also confirmed by the electric spark sensitivity of
some nitramines with admixtures of fine particles of hard additives (crushed
glass, diamond powder [180]). The results are documented, for example, by
Fig. 29.
Artificial introduction of fine and hard particles into crystalline nitramines
decreases the electric spark sensitivity of the resulting mixtures, i.e. the
particles behave as a flegmatizing additive, here the number of inter-grain
contact points of the nitramine grains is decreased by incorporation of the
foreign particles [180].

Application of Polarography

The electrochemical reduction of the polynitro arenes in aqueous medium

(concentration less than 10–4 M) at pH 7 gives the values of resulting half-
wave potentials, E1/2 , which markedly depend inter alia on the solvation of
these compounds [159]. However, it is possible to find logical linear depen-
dences between the E1/2 values and squares of detonation velocities of polyni-
tro arenes. These relationships are another form of modified Evans–Polanyi–
Semenov equation (Eq. 10) for energetic materials. The strong dependence
of E1/2 values on the conditions and way of carrying out the polarographic
measurements, along with the very limited solubility of the polynitro com-
pounds studied in media containing water, considerably restrict the applica-
tion of polarography to studies of chemical micro-mechanism of initiation of
organic energetic materials [159].

Inequality of Nitramine and Nitro Groupings in Molecules of EMs

From what has been written so far it follows that the initiation of nitramines
by impact should be dominated by the key role of the aza-atoms carrying the
primarily leaving nitro groups [6, 7]. The dominant factor in the initiation by
shock, electric spark, and in low-temperature thermolysis should be the elec-
tronic structure and surroundings of the primarily leaving nitro group [6, 7].
For nitramine molecules, whose nitrogen atoms are not isochronous, the said
fact is documented in Scheme 6.
In the case of the 2,4,6,8-tetranitro-2,4,6,8-tetraazanonane (OHMX) mol-
ecule, the primary reactivity of inner nitramino groups (positions 4, 6) was
confirmed by Kohno et al. [163] using molecular-dynamic simulation. Their
paper tends to be quoted without mentioning one of its important merits,
i.e. the selectivity in the initiation reactivity of nitramino groups [163]: “in
connection with the action of impact or shock on a nitramine crystal, the in-
254 S. Zeman

Scheme 6 Summary of the findings concerning initiation reactivities, taken from [7], can
be presented as follows: the dominating reactivity of the “inner” nitramino groups of
the OHMX molecule in impact and shock was confirmed by molecular dynamics simu-
lation [163]; the most reactive nitramino group in the HOMO molecule is that at the
1-position and that in HNIW at position 2 (this is the longest N – N bond in the molecule
of the
-polymorph—see [7])

tramolecular vibration energy is transferred into nitramino groups. There is

a difference between linear and cyclic nitramines in transfer of the energy”.
According to Kohno et al. [42], the linear OHMX molecule shows only low
probability of transfer of surplus energy from the inner to outer nitramino
groups. The longest N – N bond in ε-HNIW is that of the nitramino group at
the 2-position of its molecule [163] (143.6 nm, the single bond N – N length
being 142.5 nm [173]). Therefore, this bond should be the first to undergo
homolysis in initiation processes. This statement is supported by MO calcu-
lations of these compounds and here also by the findings presented in Figs. 1,
3, 10 and 16.
A similar situation is encountered with polynitro arenes. Apart from the
MO calculations, the inequality of nitro groups in the molecule is also indi-
cated especially in Figs 2, 4, 8a, 8b, 12, 14, 17, 23 and 26. All these inequalities
are potential sources of initiation, i.e. one of the causes of sensitivity of indi-
vidual EMs to stimuli.

Several Reaction Centres in a Molecule

The complexity of molecular structure of polynitro arenes (aside from

nitramines) makes the problem of their primary fission somewhat com-
plicated: if a molecule of these compounds contains several types of sub-
stituents, it can contain several potential reaction centres [6]. This likeli-
hood was already mentioned in Sect. 4.3.1 (Scheme 8a,b), Sect. 4.3.2 (here
Fig. 12) and Sect. 4.6 (here Fig. 26). Two potential reaction centres exist in the
molecules of DMDIPS (Schemes 3a and 3b), PYX and TMPM. These possibil-
ities are shown in Scheme 7 for the PYX molecule.
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 255

Scheme 7 Presumed reaction mechanisms (centres) of primary fission in the initia-

tion process of the N,N-bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)3,5-dinitropyridine-2,6-diamine (PYX)
molecule (taken from [165, 183]); here Pi- is 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl whose break away (a sec-
ondary process) as a radical and subsequent reaction with other fragments of the PYX
molecule gives DPA (see Scheme 9)

More probable pathways of initiation of the PYX molecule were esti-

mated [165] from considerations involving the following relationships: (1)
between impact sensitivity and the 13 C NMR chemical shifts of some polyni-
tro arenes (Fig. 12); (2) between electric spark sensitivity and these shifts
(Fig. 26), (3) between Mulliken charges on nitrogen atoms of the primarily
reacting nitro group and onsets of thermal decompositions from differen-
tial thermal analyses of the said compounds; and, (4) with computations
obtained using the DFT-B3LYP/3-21G methods in the GAUSSIAN 98/03 pro-
gram. It was found that both reaction centres in the PYX molecule probably
participate in the first fission caused by initiation stimuli although primary
participation of the picryl nitro group in position 2 (together with the amino
bridge) in this process seems to be more probable (i.e. Channel I) [165].

Scheme 8 Presumed reaction mechanisms (centres) of primary fission in initiation

processes of the N, ,N  -tris(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-[1,3,5]triazine-2,4,6-triamine
(TMPM) molecule (channel III is preferred) [165]
256 S. Zeman

The same approach to the TMPM molecule (Scheme 8), i.e. taking into
account the data in Figs. 5 and 26 with application of the same computa-
tion apparatus showed [165] that primary participation of the nitro group
in position 2 together with the methyl group in position 3 during initia-
tion processes in this molecule should be a unique reaction centre (i.e. only
Channel III).

Comparison of Splitting of Polynitro Arenes by Heat and by Shock

In order to verify the hypothesis of the identity of the primary fragmen-

tation reactions in low-temperature thermolysis and detonation reaction of
EMs, a group of polynitro arenes [182, 183] (with a presumed mechanism
of primary decomposition such as that given in Scheme 2) was submitted
to a comparison study of splitting by heat and shock wave. The chromato-
graphic records of TNT after thermal exposition (Fig. 30a) and after ex-
posure to shock wave (Fig. 30b) and its post-detonation residues (Fig. 30c)
show [182] that the main intermediates identified in the decomposition of
TNT by shock and heat are identical. 4,6-Dinitro-2,1-benzoisoxazole and
2,4,6-trinitrobenzaldehyde are the most reactive. The first finding excel-
lently agrees with the experimental results obtained recently by Bulusu and
Autera [185] in the field of application of DKIE to the study of initiation
of TNT. The results, as well as those found by Bulusu, signalize that the
chemical micro-mechanism of the primary fragmentations of shock-exposed
TNT molecules and/or its detonation transformation should be the same as
in the case of their low-temperature thermal decomposition. The formation
of products on the basis of reaction of the methyl group in TNT can be
connected with the action of the hydroxyl radical (Scheme 2) and nitrous
gases upon the TNT itself [11]; these reactions are in progress namely dur-
ing thermal decomposition of TNT and in the phase of extinguishing of its
In the second group of substances, the same investigation method
was applied to N,N  -bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-3,5-dinitropyridine-2,6-diamine
(PYX), 2,4,6-trinitroaniline (PAM), 2,4,6-trinitro-N-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)ani-
line (DPA), and N,N  ,N  -tris(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-tri-
amine (TPM) [183]. Figures 31a and 31b present the results obtained from
the investigation of PYX, which also seem to confirm the suggested splitting
process in Scheme 6.

Fig. 30 a LC-UV chromatogram of thermally exposed TNT at 316 ◦ C [182]; b LC-UV 

chromatogram of shock-exposed TNT at the limit of its initiation ability [182]; c LC-UV
chromatogram of residues after the TNT detonation [182]; here DNAt is 4,6-dinitro-
2,1-benzoisoxazole, TNB is 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene, TNBAld 2,4,6-trinitrobenzaldehyde,
TNBAlc 2,4,6-trinitrobenzylalcohol and TNBA 2,4,6-trinitrobenzoic acid
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 257
258 S. Zeman

Fig. 31 LC-UV chromatograms of thermally exposed PYX at 367 ◦ C (A) and of shock-
exposed PYX (B) [183]; here the following intermediates are: PA 2,4,6-trinitrophenol,
PAM 2,4,6-trinitroaniline, DPA N-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-2,4,6-trinitroaniline and DNBz

On the basis of the results obtained in the paper [183], it is possible to

present the mutual relationship between the main stable products from incom-
plete initiation of PAM, DPA, PYX and TPM by heat and shock in Scheme 9.

Scheme 9 Mutual relationship of the main products of the incomplete initiation of PAM,
DAP, PYX, and TPM by heat and shock; here Pi- is 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl [183]
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 259

Survey of Results from Application of Physical Organic Chemistry
(Outputs of POC Model)

A common feature of impact, shock, electric spark and thermal sensitiv-

ities of organic polynitro compounds is the reactivity proper of C – NO2 ,
N – NO2 and O – NO2 groupings in their molecules and/or molecular crystals.
Besides the relationships between the characteristics of the said sensitivi-
ties [6–9, 16, 89, 118, 145, 146, 148, 153, 155, 159, 160, 169, 170, 172, 175–178] it
is also possible to study the micro-mechanisms of their primary chemical
processes with help of the 15 N and 13 C NMR chemical shifts of key atoms
in reaction centres of their molecules [6, 7, 9, 98, 147, 150, 165] with the help
of charges on nitrogen atoms of the primarily reacting nitro groups [7, 12,
152, 160, 161, 172] and/or of net charges of these nitro groups [8, 90, 91, 160].
Application of polarography to such studies is limited by solvation effects of
the polynitro compounds studied in aqueous solutions [159]. So far the NMR
chemical shifts have appeared to correspond best to the real electron config-
uration and steric conditions of the key atoms in the reaction centre of the
given molecule. From the point-of-view of physics of explosion these atoms
can be taken as hot spots [7, 172]. In the case of technologically attractive
explosive mixtures with the oxidation system based on ammonium nitrate,
these chemical hot spots represent a part of this system (or its mixtures with
high explosives, as the case may be) [153].
The relationships between detonation characteristics of energetic mate-
rials and characteristics of their low-temperature decomposition and other
characteristics of their mechanical and electric spark sensitivities [6–9, 16,
60, 89, 98, 118, 145, 146, 148, 153, 155, 159, 169, 170, 172, 175–178] means that:

• the primary fragmentation processes of molecules of energetic materials

in the low-temperature thermal decomposition should be identical with
those in the impact, electric spark and shock initiations, which, in the case
of shock, can also be documented by experimental results from initiation
of TNT [182] and some of N-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-substituted polyni-
trated aminoarenes [183];
• the effect of temperature (i.e. thermal decomposition) in the classic sense
is not applicable to the process of detonation initiation by shock, impact
or electric spark;
• the primary fragmentation of EMs in their detonation transformation
should proceed at milder conditions than those present at the front
of the detonation wave or in its reaction zone, which means that the
detonation transformation itself of the given substance should be pre-
ceded by an induction period (whose necessity is, however, also consid-
ered in Non-Equilibrium Zeldovich–von Neuman–Döring theory of self-
sustaining detonation [103, 104]).
260 S. Zeman

Electron configuration and steric effects at C or N-atoms, which are bearers of

the primarily reacting nitro groups in a molecule, should play a key role in the
initiation by impact. The dominant factor in the initiation by shock, electric
spark, and in low-temperature thermolysis should be the electron structure
and close neighbourhood of nitrogen atoms of the primarily leaving nitro
group [6, 7].
The results mentioned are best demonstrated on secondary nitramines [7],
which in their molecular structure are relatively simple polynitro compounds,
and the mechanism of primary homolysis of their molecules is well under-
stood [11, 14] (Scheme 1). Polynitro arenes, on the other hand, have a more
complex structure and intramolecular effects in their molecules: here the
mesomeric, inductive and steric effects on reactivity operate simultaneously.
This fact makes the problem of their primary fragmentation somewhat com-
plicated too [6, 9] (Schemes 2, 3a, 3b, 7 and 8). If a molecule of these com-
pounds contains several types of substituents, it can contain several potential
reaction centres (e.g., the PYX and TMPM molecules, see Schemes 7 and 8).
The initiation proper can then be realized by the molecule simultaneously
participating by several centres or always by a single centre in a given type
of initiation (the initiation of PYX by impact or shock versus its initiation by
electric spark, see Figs. 12 and 26) [6].
As for the electric spark sensitivity, which has also been assessed from the
standpoint of development of the respective instruments [8], this character-
istic is also dependent upon the configuration of electrodes and structure of
the circuit, which complicates the specification of energy transfer from the
electric spark to the reaction centre of the molecule [8]. In instruments ex-
hibiting large energy loss during electric discharge the thermal principle of
initiation predominates [6, 8, 61]. On the other hand, instruments with mini-
mized energy losses still need to be investigated from the point-of-view of the
energy transfer. So far, the operation of hot spots in this initiation has been
confirmed (i.e. the views of Auzanneau et al. [181]), i.e. the role of inter-grain
contact points of the EM grains [8]. On the basis of this view it is understand-
able that addition of hard fine particles to EMs has a desensitizing effect in
this type of initiation [8] (Fig. 29), while the same additives are well known to
have a strong sensitizing effect in the initiation of EMs by mechanic stimuli.


It has already been mentioned that the study of energetic systems by theor-
etical methods has accelerated dramatically over the past 16 years. This study
has provided a considerable insight into the understanding of some factors af-
fecting their behaviour, but, on the other hand, it also has brought a great deal
of opacity and guesswork. The main problem is that quantum chemical calcu-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 261

lations and simulations start from certain opinions held by their authors, and
the results correspond to this fact.
The discrepancy between some starting ideas of pro quantum chemical
simulation of the thermal decomposition and practical findings from this
area of chemistry of polynitro compounds is pointed out in Sect. 2.1.1 for con-
crete cases. It is illogical, for example, to consider the dissociation energy of
C – NO2 to be a stability criterion, if experimental evidence proves the par-
ticipation of an oxygen atom of the nitro group in the primary fragmentation
process (Schemes 2, 7–9 but also [11] and [166]). What has been said is also
relevant to the trends that try to describe molecular-structure dependences
of sensitivity connected with various mechanisms of primary fragmentation
by means of a universal relationship, as mentioned in Sects. 3.2.2 and also
3.3.4. The large variety of intramolecular and thus connected intermolecular
interactions, especially in polynitro arenes and azaarenes, makes these de-
pendences relatively varied (in particular, see Sect. 4.5). Therefore, it should
be stated that, for example, the well-known correlations by Politzer and Mur-
ray (Sect. 3.2.2 and [8] and [81]) must be restricted to specific classes (i.e.
nitroaromatics, nitroheterocycles and nitramines). This is also the reason
why Price and Hare [85] encounter problems when trying to describe by a sin-
gle relationship the sensitivities of a larger set of structurally heterogeneous
individual EMs.
Whereas in the area of simulation of high-temperature thermal decompos-
ition of RDX and HMX there are no distinct differences between individual
authors’ results (Sect. 2.2), in the area of simulation of the hydrostatic com-
pression effect again some of the outputs disagree with practical findings.
Thus, for example, the author of paper [60], dealing with uniform and uni-
axial compression of the nitromethane crystal, calls attention to the distinct
difference between his results and those by Kuklja and Kunz [59]. It is ax-
iomatic because dynamic pressure is under consideration in the paper [60].
However, the latter authors using simulation of an effect of a hydrostatic
compression on the electronic structure of RDX, obtained very good agree-
ment with both experimental results from the action of static pressure on this
nitramine [61] (Sect. 2.5) and the findings about primary fragmentation of
this molecule (homolysis of the N – NO2 bond [11, 14]). The heterogeneity of
views of the fragmentation mechanism under extreme conditions is well doc-
umented by the example of initiation of nitromethane (Sect. 3.3.9), which is
a favoured model nitro compound in this field.
Studies of the sensitivity of EMs are mostly directed to impact and
shock sensitivities (Sect. 3). A primary fragmentation of the given EM un-
til adiabatic compression of a thin layer of its molecules by impact or shock
wave is the unambiguously dominant view in this case. Physical Kinetics
Model [97] was a typical representative of this view of mechanical split-
ting of the molecule at any deliberate bonds between its atoms by shock
wave. One of the best developed models is Dlott’s Model of the Multiphonon
262 S. Zeman

Up-Pumping [1, 74]. As already mentioned in Sect. 3.1, the author consulted
a number of specialists in advance about his ideas. However, in this way
he introduced into his model the ideas of primary fragmentation of EMs
under extreme conditions. Nevertheless, he enriched the theory of initiation
of explosive transformations of EMs by introducing significant ideas about
transfer of initiation impulse to molecules in the crystal lattice of these ma-
terials. Experimental verification of this model is absent to date. In Dlott’s
opinion [1, 74] the initiation by impact is a particular case of initiation by
mechanical impulses (Low Velocity Initiation). Also [105] (Sect. 3.3.4) clearly
documents the difference between the initiations by impact and by shock,
though the authors do not call attention to this fact. Both the cited facts agree
with study results of initiation reactivity of polynitro compounds by means of
physical organic chemistry (Sects. 4.7 and 4.11), where the initiation by im-
pact is treated separately from the set of initiations by shock, electric spark
and heat.
Important to the study of sensitivity of individual EMs are the findings
obtained by Politzer and Murray [77–82]. Their surface electrostatic poten-
tial sharply differentiates between organic compounds of explosive nature
and the non-explosive ones. Politzer and Murray’s approach [81] delimi-
tates the part of the EM molecule in which primary fragmentation can take
place by action of impulse. A similar result was also obtained by Rice and
Hare [85], who improved the method devised by Politzer and Murray. Both
of these approaches give results that agree relatively well with the outputs
from the POC model; however, the last mentioned method provides much
more detailed information. It is a disadvantage that the Politzer and Murray
and Rice and Hare approaches do not consider experimental findings from
kinetic studies and the mechanism of low-temperature thermolysis of indi-
vidual EMs [9, 11, 14, 151].
Interesting is the Multidimensional Reactive Flow model developed by
Tarver et al. [5, 103, 104]; it is based on the Non-Equilibrium Zeldovich–
von Neuman–Döring theory. This model starts from the primary chemical
changes occurring in the adiabatically compressed thin layer of molecules of
the given EM and multiphonon up-pumping due to shock, but in the math-
ematical description it works with experimental data of thermal explosion
of EM [5, 103, 104]; it considers the induction period of initiation of detona-
tion. However, the induction period of the EM decomposition in front of the
detonation wave makes the front kinetically unstable and pulsating [101].
The results of the Excitonic model by Kuklja and Kunz [15, 59, 65–67]
are in concordance with experimental findings obtained by low-temperature
decomposition of polynitro compounds. The outputs from this model also
correspond with results from the application of physical organic chemistry
to the study of initiation reactivity of EMs (POC model). Both these models
are also supported by the results obtained by Raikova and Likholatov [118],
who found that the Arrhenius parameters in both the detonation transform-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 263

ation and low-temperature thermolysis of nitrate esters have virtually the

same values (Sect. 3.3.8). Kuklja and Kunz also significantly contributed to
studies of pre-explosion states of heavy metal azides (Sect. 2.3). This problem
is intensively dealt with by authors from Kemerovo State University [43–
49] on the basis of an idea about electronic excitations facilitated by edge
dislocations in explosive solids which was obtained from the application of
the approach of solid-state physics to the study of this pre-explosion state
(Sect. 2.3). However, there are also critics of this approach; see [50, 52]. Kuklja
and Kunz are also successful when simulating the effect of dislocations upon
the fragmentation (sensitivity) of RDX and PETN (Sect. 2.6); also in this case,
their results correspond with those in [11, 14]). It should be noted that also
Kuklja’s simulation of thermal decomposition of RDX in the solid state [15]
agrees well with the published findings of Russian authors [11, 14]. According
to the opinion expressed by Fried et al. [3], the exited electronic states are not
accessible in perfect crystals under realistic pressures and temperatures, but
may still be accessed through defect or other energy localization mechanisms.
Good accordance with Excitonic and POC models from the point-of-view
of the primary expirable bond and knowledge about the mechanism of low-
temperature thermolysis of polynitro compounds [9, 11, 14] is achieved in
the new methods of specifying reaction centres of initiation in molecules of
polynitro compounds by means of the net charges of primarily reacting nitro
groups [90, 91, 160], charges on nitrogen atoms of these nitro groups [7, 152,
160, 161], but mainly by means of 13 C and 15 N NMR chemical shifts of key
atoms of these reaction centres [6–8, 98, 147, 148, 150, 165]; however, applica-
tions of the 15 N NMR spectroscopy are limited, because its present standard
does not allow differentiation between individual nitrogen atoms in high ni-
trogen EMs, such as, for example, in azapentalene cycles of TACOT-Z. Also
the results obtained by using the above-mentioned charges can slightly dif-
fer from reality (see the note in Sect. 3.2.3), hence also from the results of
application of NMR chemical shifts [160], because these charge calculations
are provided by total optimization of the equilibrium geometry of an isolated
molecule in the gas phase at 0 K. Hence, 15 N NMR spectroscopy will hardly
be applicable to the study of initiation reactivity of high nitrogen EMs. So
far in this field, successful studies have been developed on the basis of in-
vestigation of their thermal decomposition [11, 24] and quantum chemical
calculations [87]. It was found for tetrazole derivatives that the relative mag-
nitude of their sensitivity is determined mainly by the activation energy of the
opening ring in the thermal decomposition [87, 184].
Evaluation of the initiation mechanism of EMs on the basis of monitoring of
products of their incomplete detonation transformation has its pitfalls. Action
of impact or shock on EM brings about primary fragmentation of its molecule;
due to the pressure drop of primary impulse (i.e. during extinguishing of this
transformation) the products of these primary reactions are not further de-
composed, and they end up as stable compounds. Thus, for example, in the case
264 S. Zeman

of TNT the primary stable intermediate is 4,6-dinitro-2,1-benzoisoxazole [11],

which is formed in the sense of Scheme 2 in the extinguishing of the pro-
cess or in low-temperature decomposition; the other products in Fig. 30a–c
result from reaction of the OH-radical and nitrous gases with the methyl
group in the starting TNT molecule during detonation extinguishing and/or
low-temperature decomposition. For these reasons it is impossible to make
conclusions about the multi-molecular course of initiation of nitromethane in
the sense of experiments described in [126, 127] (Sect. 3.3.9)—in this case the
process is finalization of primary fragments of NM.
According to the POC model, primary fragmentation of EM should take
place before arrival of the detonation wave front in its detonation, which
might be caused by electron excitation in the sense of the model by Kuklja and
Kunz. In this connection also the finding by Price et al. [62] should be men-
tioned that the metallization of explosive due to compression cannot be dis-
missed as the initiating step in the sequence of reactions leading to detonation
(physicists of explosion do not take account of metallization [101, 129, 138]
because generation of this state during detonation of the convectional explo-
sives is not possible).


Study of the sensitivity of energetic materials is inseparably connected with

the understanding of the primary chemical processes of their initiation. Over
the last nine years the study of problems of this sensitivity (i.e. initiation re-
activity) has accelerated thanks to theoretical methods based on quantum
chemistry. Impact and shock sensitivities have been the centre of interest.
A beginning of chemical reaction in EM after its exposure to impact or
shock (i.e. at high temperatures and pressures) has been a fundamental idea
of this interest. Therewith connected are activities in the field of simula-
tion of behaviour of individual EMs, most frequently nitromethane, RDX,
HMX and sporadically TATB, at high temperatures and pressures. However,
some outputs of such simulations for high pressures are contradictory. Rather
confusing are the attempts to find relationships between dissociation ener-
gies especially of C – NO2 bonds and the sensitivity parameters regardless
of whether the primary process here is the homolysis of this bond or only
participation of the oxygen atom of the nitro group in this reaction (this set
of compounds tends to include also substances with N – NO2 and O – NO2
bonds). Particularly varied are the views of the chemical mechanism of frag-
mentation of nitromethane, which represents a favoured model EM in the
field of physics and chemistry of explosion.
One of the best-developed models of sensitivity (initiation) of EMs is
Dlott’s Model of the Multiphonon Up-Pumping, which starts from the above-
Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds 265

mentioned primary fragmentation of EM at high pressures and tempera-

tures and presents a complex idea of impulse energy transfer into the EM
molecule proper. However, exemplification of this model by experimental re-
sults does not exist yet. Significant is the Multidimensional Reactive Flow
model based on the Non-Equilibrium Zeldovich–von Neuman–Döring the-
ory, which within the mathematical description works with experimental data
of thermal explosion and, therefore, considers the induction period of the
Sharp distinction between organic energetic materials and other com-
pounds, using the surface electrostatic potential defined by Politzer and
Murray, provided new possibilities of study of sensitivity of EMs from the
standpoint of molecular structure and specification of the molecular moi-
ety in which primary fragmentation could take place during initiation. The
same possibility is offered by an innovation of the approach of the mentioned
authors developed by Rice and Hare. More concrete and more realistic, from
the point-of-view of both the primary fragmentation mechanism and the way
of energy transfer to the reaction centre of the molecule, is the Excitonic
model by Kuklja and Kunz. With regard to the primary fragmentation mech-
anism, the outputs of this model agree very well with experimental findings
about primary fragmentation of polynitro compounds in low-temperature
thermolysis which were mostly obtained by Russian authors.
The analysis of initiation reactivity of EMs from the standpoint of physi-
cal organic chemistry (POC model) showed that the primary fragmentation
processes of molecules of energetic materials in the low-temperature thermal
decomposition should be identical with those in the impact, electric spark
and shock initiations. This means that the primary fragmentation of EMs
in their detonation transformation proceeds at milder conditions than those
present at the front of the detonation wave or in its reaction zone, which
means that the detonation transformation itself of the given substance should
be preceded by an induction period (already during the EM compression —
before the front of detonation). As for the primary fragmentation mechanism
of EMs by action of initiation stimuli, there exists accordance between the Ex-
citonic and POC models. It would be desirable to evaluate the POC model also
from the point-of-view of present knowledge of the physics of explosion (i.e.
in the sense of [101]).

Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Prof. Zdenìk Friedl from the Chemical Fac-
ulty of the Brno University of Technology for his participation in solving some partial
problems of the initiation reactivity of EMs, to Assoc. Prof. Pavel Vávra from the Institute
of Energetic Materials and to Assoc. Prof. Josef Panchártek from the Department of Or-
ganic Chemistry, both from the University of Pardubice, for their valuable remarks on this
paper. This material is based upon work supported partly by the Ministry of Industry and
Trade of the Czech Republic as part of its Research project STRATECH No. FC-M2/05/00
and partly by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic as part
of its research project No. MSM 0021627501.
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182. Varga R, Zeman S (2006) J Hazard Mater A132:165
183. Varga R, Zeman S, Kouba M (2006) J Hazard Mater A137:1345
184. Chen Z-X, Xiao H (2000) Int J Quantum Chem 79:350
185. Bulusu S, Autera JR (1983) J Energ Mater 1:133
Author Index Volumes 101–125

Author Index Vols. 1–100 see Vol. 100

The volume numbers are printed in italics

Alajarin M, see Turner DR (2004) 108: 97–168

Aldinger F, see Seifert HJ (2002) 101: 1–58
Alessio E, see Iengo E (2006) 121: 105–143
Alfredsson M, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232
Aliev AE, Harris KDM (2004) Probing Hydrogen Bonding in Solids Using State NMR Spec-
troscopy 108: 1–54
Alloul H, see Brouet V (2004) 109: 165–199
Amstutz N, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96
Anitha S, Rao KSJ (2003) The Complexity of Aluminium-DNA Interactions: Relevance to
Alzheimer’s and Other Neurological Diseases 104: 79–98
Anthon C, Bendix J, Schäffer CE (2004) Elucidation of Ligand-Field Theory. Reformulation
and Revival by Density Functional Theory 107: 207–302
Aramburu JA, see Moreno M (2003) 106: 127–152
Arčon D, Blinc R (2004) The Jahn-Teller Effect and Fullerene Ferromagnets 109: 231–276
Aromí G, Brechin EK (2006) Synthesis of 3d Metallic Single-Molecule Magnets. 122: 1–67
Atanasov M, Daul CA, Rauzy C (2003) A DFT Based Ligand Field Theory 106: 97–125
Atanasov M, see Reinen D (2004) 107: 159–178
Atwood DA, see Conley B (2003) 104: 181–193
Atwood DA, Hutchison AR, Zhang Y (2003) Compounds Containing Five-Coordinate Group
13 Elements 105: 167–201
Atwood DA, Zaman MK (2006) Mercury Removal from Water 120: 163–182
Autschbach J (2004) The Calculation of NMR Parameters in Transition Metal Complexes
112: 1–48

Baerends EJ, see Rosa A (2004) 112: 49–116

Balch AL (2007) Remarkable Luminescence Behaviors and Structural Variations of Two-
Coordinate Gold(I) Complexes. 123: 1–40
Baranoff E, Barigelletti F, Bonnet S, Collin J-P, Flamigni L, Mobian P, Sauvage J-P (2007)
From Photoinduced Charge Separation to Light-Driven Molecular Machines. 123: 41–78
Barbara B, see Curély J (2006) 122: 207–250
Bard AJ, Ding Z, Myung N (2005) Electrochemistry and Electrogenerated Chemilumines-
cence of Semiconductor Nanocrystals in Solutions and in Films 118: 1–57
Barigelletti F, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78
Barriuso MT, see Moreno M (2003) 106: 127–152
Beaulac R, see Nolet MC (2004) 107: 145–158
Bebout DC, Berry SM (2006) Probing Mercury Complex Speciation with Multinuclear NMR
120: 81–105
274 Author Index Volumes 101–125

Bellamy AJ (2007) FOX-7 (1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethene). 125: 1–33

Bellandi F, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Bendix J, see Anthon C (2004) 107: 207–302
Berend K, van der Voet GB, de Wolff FA (2003) Acute Aluminium Intoxication 104: 1–58
Berry SM, see Bebout DC (2006) 120: 81–105
Bianconi A, Saini NL (2005) Nanoscale Lattice Fluctuations in Cuprates and Manganites
114: 287–330
Blinc R, see Arcčon D (2004) 109: 231–276
Blinc R (2007) Order and Disorder in Perovskites and Relaxor Ferroelectrics. 124: 51–67
Boča R (2005) Magnetic Parameters and Magnetic Functions in Mononuclear Complexes
Beyond the Spin-Hamiltonian Formalism 117: 1–268
Bohrer D, see Schetinger MRC (2003) 104: 99–138
Bonnet S, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78
Bouamaied I, Coskun T, Stulz E (2006) Axial Coordination to Metalloporphyrins Leading
to Multinuclear Assemblies 121: 1–47
Boulanger AM, see Nolet MC (2004) 107: 145–158
Boulon G (2004) Optical Transitions of Trivalent Neodymium and Chromium Centres in
LiNbO3 Crystal Host Material 107: 1–25
Bowlby BE, Di Bartolo B (2003) Spectroscopy of Trivalent Praseodymium in Barium Yttrium
Fluoride 106: 193–208
Braga D, Maini L, Polito M, Grepioni F (2004) Hydrogen Bonding Interactions Between Ions:
A Powerful Tool in Molecular Crystal Engineering 111: 1–32
Brechin EK, see Aromí G (2006) 122: 1–67
Brouet V, Alloul H, Gàràj S, Forrò L (2004) NMR Studies of Insulating, Metallic, and Super-
conducting Fullerides: Importance of Correlations and Jahn-Teller Distortions 109: 165–
Buddhudu S, see Morita M (2004) 107: 115–144
Budzelaar PHM, Talarico G (2003) Insertion and β-Hydrogen Transfer at Aluminium 105:
Burrows AD (2004) Crystal Engineering Using Multiple Hydrogen Bonds 108: 55–96
Bussmann-Holder A, Dalal NS (2007) Order/Disorder Versus or with Displacive Dynamics
in Ferroelectric Systems. 124: 1–21
Bussmann-Holder A, Keller H, Müller KA (2005) Evidences for Polaron Formation in
Cuprates 114: 367–386
Bussmann-Holder A, see Dalal NS (2007) 124: 23–50
Bussmann-Holder A, see Micnas R (2005) 114: 13–69
Byrd EFC, see Rice BM (2007) 125: 153–194

Canadell E, see Sánchez-Portal D (2004) 113: 103–170

Cancines P, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Caneschi A, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Cartwright HM (2004) An Introduction to Evolutionary Computation and Evolutionary
Algorithms 110: 1–32
Chapman RD (2007) Organic Difluoramine Derivatives. 125: 123–151
Christie RA, Jordan KD (2005) n-Body Decomposition Approach to the Calculation of
Interaction Energies of Water Clusters 116: 27–41
Clérac R, see Coulon C (2006) 122: 163–206
Clot E, Eisenstein O (2004) Agostic Interactions from a Computational Perspective: One
Name, Many Interpretations 113: 1–36
Collin J-P, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78
Author Index Volumes 101–125 275

Conley B, Atwood DA (2003) Fluoroaluminate Chemistry 104: 181–193

Contakes SM, Nguyen YHL, Gray HB, Glazer EC, Hays A-M, Goodin DB (2007) Conjugates
of Heme-Thiolate Enzymes with Photoactive Metal-Diimine Wires. 123: 177–203
Contreras RR, Suárez T, Reyes M, Bellandi F, Cancines P, Moreno J, Shahgholi M, Di Bilio AJ,
Gray HB, Fontal B (2003) Electronic Structures and Reduction Potentials of Cu(II) Com-
plexes of [N,N -Alkyl-bis(ethyl-2-amino-1-cyclopentenecarbothioate)] (Alkyl = Ethyl,
Propyl, and Butyl) 106: 71–79
Cooke Andrews J (2006) Mercury Speciation in the Environment Using X-ray Absorption
Spectroscopy 120: 1–35
Corà F, Alfredsson M, Mallia G, Middlemiss DS, Mackrodt WC, Dovesi R, Orlando R (2004)
The Performance of Hybrid Density Functionals in Solid State Chemistry 113: 171–232
Cornia A, Costantino AF, Zobbi L, Caneschi A, Gatteschi D, Mannini M, Sessoli R (2006)
Preparation of Novel Materials Using SMMs. 122: 133–161
Coskun T, see Bouamaied I (2006) 121: 1–47
Costantino AF, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Coulon C, Miyasaka H, Clérac R (2006) Single-Chain Magnets: Theoretical Approach and
Experimental Systems. 122: 163–206
Crespi VH, see Gunnarson O (2005) 114: 71–101
Curély J, Barbara B (2006) General Theory of Superexchange in Molecules. 122: 207–250

Dalal NS, Gunaydin-Sen O, Bussmann-Holder A (2007) Experimental Evidence for the Coex-
istence of Order/Disorder and Displacive Behavior of Hydrogen-Bonded Ferroelectrics
and Antiferroelectrics. 124: 23–50
Dalal NS, see Bussmann-Holder A (2007) 124: 1–21
Daul CA, see Atanasov M (2003) 106: 97–125
Day P (2003) Whereof Man Cannot Speak: Some Scientific Vocabulary of Michael Faraday
and Klixbüll Jørgensen 106: 7–18
Deeth RJ (2004) Computational Bioinorganic Chemistry 113: 37–69
Delahaye S, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96
Deng S, Simon A, Köhler J (2005) Pairing Mechanisms Viewed from Physics and Chemistry
114: 103–141
Di Bartolo B, see Bowlby BE (2003) 106: 191–208
Di Bilio AJ, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Ding Z, see Bard AJ (2005) 118: 1–57
Dovesi R, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232
Duan X, see He J (2005) 119: 89–119
Duan X, see Li F (2005) 119: 193–223

Egami T (2005) Electron-Phonon Coupling in High-Tc Superconductors 114: 267–286

Egami T (2007) Local Structure and Dynamics of Ferroelectric Solids. 124: 69–88
Eisenstein O, see Clot E (2004) 113: 1–36
Ercolani G (2006) Thermodynamics of Metal-Mediated Assemblies of Porphyrins 121: 167–
Evans DG, see He J (2005) 119: 89–119
Evans DG, Slade RCT (2005) Structural Aspects of Layered Double Hydroxides 119: 1–87
Ewing GE (2005) H2 O on NaCl: From Single Molecule, to Clusters, to Monolayer, to Thin
Film, to Deliquescence 116: 1–25

Flamigni L, Heitz V, Sauvage J-P (2006) Porphyrin Rotaxanes and Catenanes: Copper(I)-
Templated Synthesis and Photoinduced Processes 121: 217–261
276 Author Index Volumes 101–125

Flamigni L, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78

Fontal B, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Forrò L, see Brouet V (2004) 109: 165–199
Fowler PW, see Soncini A (2005) 115: 57–79
Frenking G, see Lein M (2003) 106: 181–191
Frühauf S, see Roewer G (2002) 101: 59–136
Frunzke J, see Lein M (2003) 106: 181–191
Furrer A (2005) Neutron Scattering Investigations of Charge Inhomogeneities and the
Pseudogap State in High-Temperature Superconductors 114: 171–204

Gao H, see Singh RP (2007) 125: 35–83

Gàràj S, see Brouet V (2004) 109: 165–199
Gatteschi D, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Gillet VJ (2004) Applications of Evolutionary Computation in Drug Design 110: 133–152
Glazer EC, see Contakes SM (2007) 123: 177–203
Golden MS, Pichler T, Rudolf P (2004) Charge Transfer and Bonding in Endohedral Fullerenes
from High-Energy Spectroscopy 109: 201–229
Goodin DB, see Contakes SM (2007) 123: 177–203
Gorelesky SI, Lever ABP (2004) 107: 77–114
Grant GJ (2006) Mercury(II) Complexes with Thiacrowns and Related Macrocyclic Ligands
120: 107–141
Grätzel M, see Nazeeruddin MK (2007) 123: 113–175
Gray HB, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Gray HB, see Contakes SM (2007) 123: 177–203
Grepioni F, see Braga D (2004) 111: 1–32
Gritsenko O, see Rosa A (2004) 112: 49–116
Güdel HU, see Wenger OS (2003) 106: 59–70
Gunnarsson O, Han JE, Koch E, Crespi VH (2005) Superconductivity in Alkali-Doped Ful-
lerides 114: 71–101
Gunter MJ (2006) Multiporphyrin Arrays Assembled Through Hydrogen Bonding 121: 263–
Gunaydin-Sen O, see Dalal NS (2007) 124: 23–50
Gütlich P, van Koningsbruggen PJ, Renz F (2004) Recent Advances in Spin Crossover Re-
search 107: 27–76
Guyot-Sionnest P (2005) Intraband Spectroscopy and Semiconductor Nanocrystals 118:

Habershon S, see Harris KDM (2004) 110: 55–94

Han JE, see Gunnarson O (2005) 114: 71–101
Hardie MJ (2004) Hydrogen Bonded Network Structures Constructed from Molecular Hosts
111: 139–174
Harris KDM, see Aliev (2004) 108: 1–54
Harris KDM, Johnston RL, Habershon S (2004) Application of Evolutionary Computation
in Structure Determination from Diffraction Data 110: 55–94
Hartke B (2004) Application of Evolutionary Algorithms to Global Cluster Geometry Opti-
mization 110: 33–53
Harvey JN (2004) DFT Computation of Relative Spin-State Energetics of Transition Metal
Compounds 112: 151–183
Haubner R, Wilhelm M, Weissenbacher R, Lux B (2002) Boron Nitrides – Properties, Syn-
thesis and Applications 102: 1–46
Author Index Volumes 101–125 277

Hauser A, Amstutz N, Delahaye S, Sadki A, Schenker S, Sieber R, Zerara M (2003) Fine

Tuning the Electronic Properties of [M(bpy)3 ]2+ Complexes by Chemical Pressure (M =
Fe2+ , Ru2+ , Co2+ , bpy = 2,2 -Bipyridine) 106: 81–96
Hays A-M, see Contakes SM (2007) 123: 177–203
He J, Wei M, Li B, Kang Y, G Evans D, Duan X (2005) Preparation of Layered Double
Hydroxides 119: 89–119
Heitz V, see Flamigni L (2006) 121: 217–261
Herrmann M, see Petzow G (2002) 102: 47–166
Herzog U, see Roewer G (2002) 101: 59–136
Hoggard PE (2003) Angular Overlap Model Parameters 106: 37–57
Höpfl H (2002) Structure and Bonding in Boron Containing Macrocycles and Cages 103:
Hubberstey P, Suksangpanya U (2004) Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Chain and Sheet
Formation by Coordinated Guranidine Derivatives 111: 33–83
Hupp JT (2006) Rhenium-Linked Multiporphyrin Assemblies: Synthesis and Properties 121:
Hutchison AR, see Atwood DA (2003) 105: 167–201

Iengo E, Scandola F, Alessio E (2006) Metal-Mediated Multi-Porphyrin Discrete Assemblies

and Their Photoinduced Properties 121: 105–143
Itoh M, Taniguchi H (2007) Ferroelectricity of SrTiO3 Induced by Oxygen Isotope Exchange.
124: 89–118
Iwasa Y, see Margadonna S (2004) 109: 127–164

Jansen M, Jäschke B, Jäschke T (2002) Amorphous Multinary Ceramics in the Si-B-N-C

System 101: 137–192
Jäschke B, see Jansen M (2002) 101: 137–192
Jäschke T, see Jansen M (2002) 101: 137–192
Jaworska M, Macyk W, Stasicka Z (2003) Structure, Spectroscopy and Photochemistry of
the [M(η5 -C5 H5 )(CO)2 ]2 Complexes (M = Fe, Ru) 106: 153–172
Jenneskens LW, see Soncini A (2005) 115: 57–79
Jeziorski B, see Szalewicz K (2005) 116: 43–117
Johnston RL, see Harris KDM (2004) 110: 55–94
Jordan KD, see Christie RA (2005) 116: 27–41

Kabanov VV, see Mihailovic D (2005) 114: 331–365

Kang Y, see He J (2005) 119: 89–119
Keller H (2005) Unconventional Isotope Effects in Cuprate Superconductors 114: 143–169
Keller H, see Bussmann-Holder A (2005) 114: 367–386
Khan AI, see Williams GR (2005) 119: 161–192
Kind R (2007) Evidence for Ferroelectric Nucleation Centres in the Pseudo-spin Glass
System Rb1-x (ND4 )x D2 PO4 : A 87 Rb NMR Study. 124: 119–147
Klapötke TM (2007) New Nitrogen-Rich High Explosives. 125: 85–121
Kobuke Y (2006) Porphyrin Supramolecules by Self-Complementary Coordination 121:
Koch E, see Gunnarson O (2005) 114: 71–101
Kochelaev BI, Teitel’baum GB (2005) Nanoscale Properties of Superconducting Cuprates
Probed by the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance 114: 205–266
Köhler J, see Deng (2005) 114: 103–141
van Koningsbruggen, see Gütlich P (2004) 107: 27–76
278 Author Index Volumes 101–125

Kume S, Nishihara H (2007) Metal-Based Photoswitches Derived from Photoisomerization.

123: 79–112

Lein M, Frunzke J, Frenking G (2003) Christian Klixbüll Jørgensen and the Nature of the
Chemical Bond in HArF 106: 181–191
Leroux F, see Taviot-Gueho C (2005) 119: 121–159
Lever ABP, Gorelesky SI (2004) Ruthenium Complexes of Non-Innocent Ligands; Aspects of
Charge Transfer Spectroscopy 107: 77–114
Li B, see He J (2005) 119: 89–119
Li F, Duan X (2005) Applications of Layered Double Hydroxides 119: 193–223
Liebau F, see Santamaría-Pérez D (2005) 118: 79–135
Linton DJ, Wheatley AEH (2003) The Synthesis and Structural Properties of Aluminium
Oxide, Hydroxide and Organooxide Compounds 105: 67–139
Lo KK-W (2007) Luminescent Transition Metal Complexes as Biological Labels and Probes.
123: 205–245
Lux B, see Haubner R (2002) 102: 1–46

Mackrodt WC, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232

Macyk W, see Jaworska M (2003) 106: 153–172
Mahalakshmi L, Stalke D (2002) The R2M+ Group 13 Organometallic Fragment Chelated
by P-centered Ligands 103: 85–116
Maini L, see Braga D (2004) 111: 1–32
Mallah T, see Rebilly J-N (2006) 122: 103–131
Mallia G, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232
Mannini M, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Margadonna S, Iwasa Y, Takenobu T, Prassides K (2004) Structural and Electronic Properties
of Selected Fulleride Salts 109: 127–164
Maseras F, see Ujaque G (2004) 112: 117–149
Mattson WD, see Rice BM (2007) 125: 153–194
McInnes EJL (2006) Spectroscopy of Single-Molecule Magnets. 122: 69–102
Merunka D, Rakvin B (2007) Anharmonic and Quantum Effects in KDP-Type Ferroelectrics:
Modified Strong Dipole–Proton Coupling Model. 124: 149–198
Meshri DT, see Singh RP (2007) 125: 35–83
Micnas R, Robaszkiewicz S, Bussmann-Holder A (2005) Two-Component Scenarios for
Non-Conventional (Exotic) Superconstructors 114: 13–69
Middlemiss DS, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232
Mihailovic D, Kabanov VV (2005) Dynamic Inhomogeneity, Pairing and Superconductivity
in Cuprates 114: 331–365
Millot C (2005) Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Intermolecular Forces 115: 125–148
Miyake T, see Saito (2004) 109: 41–57
Miyasaka H, see Coulon C (2006) 122: 163–206
Mobian P, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78
Moreno J, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Moreno M, Aramburu JA, Barriuso MT (2003) Electronic Properties and Bonding in Transi-
tion Metal Complexes: Influence of Pressure 106: 127–152
Morita M, Buddhudu S, Rau D, Murakami S (2004) Photoluminescence and Excitation
Energy Transfer of Rare Earth Ions in Nanoporous Xerogel and Sol-Gel SiO2 Glasses
107: 115–143
Morsch VM, see Schetinger MRC (2003) 104: 99–138
Author Index Volumes 101–125 279

Mossin S, Weihe H (2003) Average One-Center Two-Electron Exchange Integrals and Ex-
change Interactions 106: 173–180
Murakami S, see Morita M (2004) 107: 115–144
Müller E, see Roewer G (2002) 101: 59–136
Müller KA (2005) Essential Heterogeneities in Hole-Doped Cuprate Superconductors 114:
Müller KA, see Bussmann-Holder A (2005) 114: 367–386
Myung N, see Bard AJ (2005) 118: 1–57

Nazeeruddin MK, Grätzel M (2007) Transition Metal Complexes for Photovoltaic and Light
Emitting Applications. 123: 113–175
Nguyen YHL, see Contakes SM (2007) 123: 177–203
Nishibori E, see Takata M (2004) 109: 59–84
Nishihara H, see Kume S (2007) 123: 79–112
Nolet MC, Beaulac R, Boulanger AM, Reber C (2004) Allowed and Forbidden d-d Bands in
Octa-hedral Coordination Compounds: Intensity Borrowing and Interference Dips in
Absorption Spectra 107: 145–158

O’Hare D, see Williams GR (2005) 119: 161–192

Ordejón P, see Sánchez-Portal D (2004) 113: 103–170
Orlando R, see Corà F (2004) 113: 171–232
Oshiro S (2003) A New Effect of Aluminium on Iron Metabolism in Mammalian Cells 104:

Pastor A, see Turner DR (2004) 108: 97–168

Patkowski K, see Szalewicz K (2005) 116: 43–117
Patočka J, see Strunecká A (2003) 104: 139–180
Peng X, Thessing J (2005) Controlled Synthesis of High Quality Semiconductor Nanocrystals
118: 137–177
Petzow G, Hermann M (2002) Silicon Nitride Ceramics 102: 47–166
Pichler T, see Golden MS (2004) 109: 201–229
Polito M, see Braga D (2004) 111: 1–32
Popelier PLA (2005) Quantum Chemical Topology: on Bonds and Potentials 115: 1–56
Power P (2002) Multiple Bonding Between Heavier Group 13 Elements 103: 57–84
Prassides K, see Margadonna S (2004) 109: 127–164
Prato M, see Tagmatarchis N (2004) 109: 1–39
Price LS, see Price SSL (2005) 115: 81–123
Price SSL, Price LS (2005) Modelling Intermolecular Forces for Organic Crystal Structure
Prediction 115: 81–123

Rabinovich D (2006) Poly(mercaptoimidazolyl)borate Complexes of Cadmium and Mercury

120: 143–162
Rakvin B, see Merunka D (2007) 124: 149–198
Rao KSJ, see Anitha S (2003) 104: 79–98
Rau D, see Morita M (2004) 107: 115–144
Rauzy C, see Atanasov (2003) 106: 97–125
Reber C, see Nolet MC (2004) 107: 145–158
Rebilly J-N, Mallah T (2006) Synthesis of Single-Molecule Magnets Using Metallocyanates.
122: 103–131
280 Author Index Volumes 101–125

Reinen D, Atanasov M (2004) The Angular Overlap Model and Vibronic Coupling in Treating
s-p and d-s Mixing – a DFT Study 107: 159–178
Reisfeld R (2003) Rare Earth Ions: Their Spectroscopy of Cryptates and Related Complexes
in Glasses 106: 209–237
Renz F, see Gütlich P (2004) 107: 27–76
Reyes M, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Ricciardi G, see Rosa A (2004) 112: 49–116
Rice BM, Byrd EFC, Mattson WD (2007) Computational Aspects of Nitrogen-Rich HEDMs.
125: 153–194
Riesen H (2004) Progress in Hole-Burning Spectroscopy of Coordination Compounds 107:
Robaszkiewicz S, see Micnas R (2005) 114: 13–69
Roewer G, Herzog U, Trommer K, Müller E, Frühauf S (2002) Silicon Carbide – A Survey of
Synthetic Approaches, Properties and Applications 101: 59–136
Rosa A, Ricciardi G, Gritsenko O, Baerends EJ (2004) Excitation Energies of Metal Complexes
with Time-dependent Density Functional Theory 112: 49–116
Rudolf P, see Golden MS (2004) 109: 201–229
Ruiz E (2004) Theoretical Study of the Exchange Coupling in Large Polynuclear Transition
Metal Complexes Using DFT Methods 113: 71–102

Sadki A, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96

Saini NL, see Bianconi A (2005) 114: 287–330
Saito S, Umemoto K, Miyake T (2004) Electronic Structure and Energetics of Fullerites,
Fullerides, and Fullerene Polymers 109: 41–57
Sakata M, see Takata M (2004) 109: 59–84
Sánchez-Portal D, Ordejón P, Canadell E (2004) Computing the Properties of Materials from
First Principles with SIESTA 113: 103–170
Santamaría-Pérez D, Vegas A, Liebau F (2005) The Zintl–Klemm Concept Applied to Cations
in Oxides II. The Structures of Silicates 118: 79–135
Sauvage J-P, see Flamigni L (2006) 121: 217–261
Sauvage J-P, see Baranoff E (2007) 123: 41–78
Scandola F, see Iengo E (2006) 121: 105–143
Schäffer CE (2003) Axel Christian Klixbüll Jørgensen (1931–2001) 106: 1–5
Schäffer CE, see Anthon C (2004) 107: 207–301
Schenker S, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96
Schetinger MRC, Morsch VM, Bohrer D (2003) Aluminium: Interaction with Nucleotides
and Nucleotidases and Analytical Aspects of Determination 104: 99–138
Schmidtke HH (2003) The Variation of Slater-Condon Parameters Fk and Racah Parameters
B and C with Chemical Bonding in Transition Group Complexes 106: 19–35
Schubert DM (2003) Borates in Industrial Use 105: 1–40
Schulz S (2002) Synthesis, Structure and Reactivity of Group 13/15 Compounds Containing
the Heavier Elements of Group 15, Sb and Bi 103: 117–166
Scott JF (2007) A Comparison of Magnetic Random Access Memories (MRAMs) and Fer-
roelectric Random Access Memories (FRAMs). 124: 199–207
Seifert HJ, Aldinger F (2002) Phase Equilibria in the Si-B-C-N System 101: 1–58
Sessoli R, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Shahgholi M, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Shinohara H, see Takata M (2004) 109: 59–84
Shreeve JM, see Singh RP (2007) 125: 35–83
Sieber R, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96
Author Index Volumes 101–125 281

Simon A, see Deng (2005) 114: 103–141

Singh RP, Gao H, Meshri DT, Shreeve JM (2007) Nitrogen-Rich Heterocycles. 125: 35–83
Slade RCT, see Evans DG (2005) 119: 1–87
Soncini A, Fowler PW, Jenneskens LW (2005) Angular Momentum and Spectral Decompo-
sition of Ring Currents: Aromaticity and the Annulene Model 115: 57–79
Stalke D, see Mahalakshmi L (2002) 103: 85–116
Stasicka Z, see Jaworska M (2003) 106: 153–172
Steed JW, see Turner DR (2004) 108: 97–168
Strunecká A, Patočka J (2003) Aluminofluoride Complexes in the Etiology of Alzheimer’s
Disease 104: 139–180
Stulz E, see Bouamaied I (2006) 121: 1–47
Suárez T, see Contreras RR (2003) 106: 71–79
Suksangpanya U, see Hubberstey (2004) 111: 33–83
Sundqvist B (2004) Polymeric Fullerene Phases Formed Under Pressure 109: 85–126
Szalewicz K, Patkowski K, Jeziorski B (2005) Intermolecular Interactions via Perturbation
Theory: From Diatoms to Biomolecules 116: 43–117

Tagmatarchis N, Prato M (2004) Organofullerene Materials 109: 1–39

Takata M, Nishibori E, Sakata M, Shinohara M (2004) Charge Density Level Structures of
Endohedral Metallofullerenes by MEM/Rietveld Method 109: 59–84
Takenobu T, see Margadonna S (2004) 109: 127–164
Talarico G, see Budzelaar PHM (2003) 105: 141–165
Taniguchi H, see Itoh M (2007) 124: 89–118
Taviot-Gueho C, Leroux F (2005) In situ Polymerization and Intercalation of Polymers in
Layered Double Hydroxides 119: 121–159
Teitel’baum GB, see Kochelaev BI (2005) 114: 205–266
Thessing J, see Peng X (2005) 118: 137–177
Trommer K, see Roewer G (2002) 101: 59–136
Tsuzuki S (2005) Interactions with Aromatic Rings 115: 149–193
Turner DR, Pastor A, Alajarin M, Steed JW (2004) Molecular Containers: Design Approaches
and Applications 108: 97–168

Uhl W (2003) Aluminium and Gallium Hydrazides 105: 41–66

Ujaque G, Maseras F (2004) Applications of Hybrid DFT/Molecular Mechanics to Homoge-
neous Catalysis 112: 117–149
Umemoto K, see Saito S (2004) 109: 41–57
Unger R (2004) The Genetic Algorithm Approach to Protein Structure Prediction 110:

van der Voet GB, see Berend K (2003) 104: 1–58

Vegas A, see Santamaría-Pérez D (2005) 118: 79–135
Vilar R (2004) Hydrogen-Bonding Templated Assemblies 111: 85–137

Wei M, see He J (2005) 119: 89–119

Weihe H, see Mossin S (2003) 106: 173–180
Weissenbacher R, see Haubner R (2002) 102: 1–46
Wenger OS, Güdel HU (2003) Influence of Crystal Field Parameters on Near-Infrared to
Visible Photon Upconversion in Ti2+ and Ni2+ Doped Halide Lattices 106: 59–70
Wheatley AEH, see Linton DJ (2003) 105: 67–139
Wilhelm M, see Haubner R (2002) 102: 1–46
282 Author Index Volumes 101–125

Williams GR, Khan AI, O’Hare D (2005) Mechanistic and Kinetic Studies of Guest Ion
Intercalation into Layered Double Hydroxides Using Time-resolved, In-situ X-ray Powder
Diffraction 119: 161–192
de Wolff FA, see Berend K (2003) 104: 1–58
Woodley SM (2004) Prediction of Crystal Structures Using Evolutionary Algorithms and
Related Techniques 110: 95–132

Xantheas SS (2005) Interaction Potentials for Water from Accurate Cluster Calculations 116:

Zaman MK, see Atwood DA (2006) 120: 163–182

Zeman S (2007) Sensitivities of High Energy Compounds. 125: 195–271
Zerara M, see Hauser A (2003) 106: 81–96
Zhang H (2006) Photochemical Redox Reactions of Mercury 120: 37–79
Zhang Y, see Atwood DA (2003) 105: 167–201
Zobbi L, see Cornia A (2006) 122: 133–161
Subject Index

A7 179 gem-Bis-difluoroamino paraffins 199

Accumulation mechanism 216 Bistetrazolate heterocycles 60
Acoustic phonons 217 3,6-Bis(2H-tetrazol-5-yl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine
Admixtures, desensitizing 215, 220 (BTT) 201
– initiation reactivity 196 Bistrinitroethylamine (BTNA) 96
1-Alkyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrates Bis(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-3,5-
41 dinitropyridine-2,6-diamine (PYX)
1-Alkyl-1,2,4-triazolium 4-nitroimides 47 255
All-nitrogen species 89 Black phosphorus (BP) 179
Aminobenzenes 201 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium
2-Amino-4,5-dimethyltetrazolium nitrate 3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-triazolate 50
3-Amino-6-nitroamino-tetrazine (ANAT) Calcium 5,5 -azotetrazolate octahydrate
67 57
Aminotetrazoles, nitrated 99 1-Chloro-2-nitro-2-azapropane 94
Amino-1,2,4-triazolium salts 40 CL-20 (2,4,6,8,10,12-(hexanitro-hexaaza)
5-Amino-tetrazoliumnitrate 52 cyclododecane) 36, 87
Ammonium perchlorate, thermal Compressed nitrogen 180
decomposition 208 Computational chemistry 153
Azetidine-based explosives 70 Crystal defects 208
Azetidinium heterocycles 70 –, initiation reactivity 196
Azides, heavy metal, Crystal densities 153, 163
luminescence/conductivity 204 Cyanodinitromethane, ammonium salt 3
Azidoethyl-1,2,4-triazolium salts 43 Cyclotrimethylene trinitramine (RDX)
5-Azido-1-phenyl tetrazole 55 205, 207, 209
3-Azido-1,2,4-triazole 41
Azido triazolium salts 41 Dead pressing 210
3,3 -Azobis(6-amino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine) Desensitizers (phlegmatization agents)
(DAAT) 36, 67, 201 215
Azolium salts, bicyclic 62 Desensitizing admixtures 215, 220
Azotetrazolate derivatives 60 Detonation 205
–, physical kinetics 216
B3LYP 202 1,1-Diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (FOX-7)
Barium 5,5 -azotetrazolate 56 1, 209
– pentahydrate 57 2,6-Diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine 2
Benzofuroxanes 202 2,6-Diamino-3,5-dinitropyridine (DADNP)
1,1-Bis(alkylamino)-2,2-dinitroethene 3 2
4,4-Bis(difluoramino)-1-nitropiperidine 2,5-Diamino-3,6-dinitropyrazine 2
131 1,5-Diaminotetrazole (DAT) 92
284 Subject Index

Diazocinedione 128 Furoxans 200

Difluoramination 123
–, electrophilic 135 Gadolinium 5,5 -azotetrazolate hydrate
Difluoramines 123, 138 57
Difluoramino-nitramines, cyclic 126
Difluoroamine 123 Heat of explosion 242
4,6-Dihydroxy-2-methyl-5-nitropyrimidine Heat of formation 35, 153
5 Heavy metal azides,
4,6-Dihydroxy-2-methylpyrimidine 4 luminescence/conductivity 204
1,1-Diiodo-2,2-dinitroethene 3 HEDMs 36, 63, 85, 136, 155
Dimethyl nitramine (DMNA) –, nitrogen-rich 153
1,6-Dimethyl-5-nitraminotetrazole 113 Heptanitrocubanes 36,88
4,6-Dinitrobenzofurazans 200 Heterocycles 35
Dinitro-2,1-benzoisoxazole 256 Hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine) 2
Dinitrobiuret (DNB) 85, 115 Hexanitro-1,1 -biphenyl (HNB) 235
1,3-Dinitro-1,3-diazetidine (Tetrogen) Hexanitro-hexaazawurtzitane 202
228, 249 High energy density materials (HEDMs)
2-Dinitromethylene-4,4- 36, 63, 85, 136, 155
dinitroimidazolidin-5-one High-nitrogen solids 157
4 HMX (1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-
Dinitromethylene-5,5- tetraazacyclooctane) 36, 86, 205, 207,
dinitrodihydropyrimidine-4,6(1H,5H)- 215
dione HNFX 123, 126
4 HNIW 207
1,5-Dinitronaphthalene (1,5-DNN) 235 Homolysis 199
Dinitrotoluene 202 HONO 206
Dipicrate salts 73 Hydrostatic compression 207
–, initiation reactivity 196
Electric spark sensitivity 206, 248
Electrostatic discharge initiation 206 Imidazolium heterocycles 74
EMs (energetic materials) 153, 199 Impact sensitivity 211, 232
–, molecules, primary splitting 199 –, prediction methods 215
–, nitramine/nitro groupings 253 Initiation, dislocations 210
–, performance vs sensitivity 225 –, heat 228
–, phlegmatized 215 –, low velocity 211, 212
–, sensitivity (reaction) characteristics –, shock 216, 240
227 Initiation reactivity, solution 226
Excitonic model 219 Intramolecular vibrational redistribution
Explosion products dispersion 204 (IVR) 211
Explosives, initiation reactivity 203
Laser initiation 203
Fluorinated oxidizers 124 Lead(II) azide 206
FOX-7 (1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene) 1, Lithium 5,5 -azotetrazolate hexahydrate
36 57
–, chemical reactions 16 Lithium dicyano-1,2,3-triazolate 50
–, explosive properties 13
–, isomers 24 1-Methyl-3-azido-1,2,4-triazolium
–, spectroscopic properties 11 perchlorate 41
–, structural properties 5, 36 2-Methyl-4,5-dihydro(1H)imidazol-4-one
–, thermal decomposition 9 4
Subject Index 285

1-Methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium nitrate Phenols, nitro derivatives 201

39 Phonons, acoustic 217
1-Methyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium Phosphorus, black (BP) 179
perchlorate 39 Picrate heterocycles 71
2-Methylimidazole 3 Picric acid 71
2-Methylimidazolidine-4,5-dione 4 Plasticizers 139
1-Methyl-5-(methylnitramino)-1H- POC model 196
tetrazole –, sensitivity 225
167 Polarography 253
2-Methyl-4-nitroimidazole 3 Polynitro arenes, splitting by heat/shock
1-Methyl-5-nitriminotetrazole 113 256
N-Methylurotropinium azide 63 –, thermal decomposition 200, 213
N-Methylurotropinium dinitramide 63 Polynitro compounds, impact sensitivities
Military explosives (HMX, RDX and TNAZ) 239
205 Polynitro (poly)arenes 238
MMTHT 96 Polynitrogen 85, 177
Molecular structure, initiation reactivity Polynitrophenols 201
196 Prediction methods, impact sensitivity
MTHTE 96 215
Multidimensional reactive flow models Pre-explosive stage 204
(NEZND) 217
Multiphonon up-pumping 211 QSAR/QSPR 157
Quantum mechanics 153, 198
Nitramine compounds, neutral 115
Nitramines 123 Raman spectroscopy 218
Nitrate esters 221 RDX
Nitric esters 221 (1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazacyclohexane)
1-Nitro-1-azaethylene (Digen) 228, 249 1, 36, 86, 205, 207, 215, 219
Nitroaminotetrazoles 100 –, thermolysis 200
Nitrocubane heterocycles 75, 88 –, ultrahigh pressure, diamond anvil cells
Nitrogen, compressed 180 (DACs) 208
–, novel high pressure phases 178 Reaction centre 226
Nitrogen-containing compounds, RNFX 131
N-trinitroethyl derivatives 95 Rubidium 5,5 -azotetrazolate dihydrate
Nitromethane 203, 208 57
– initiation 196, 222
1-Nitrotetrazolato-2-nitro-2-azapropane Sensitivity, heat of explosion 242
(NTNAP) 94 Shock front 205
Non-equilibrium Zeldovich–von Shock sensitivities 211
Neuman–Döring (NEZND) theory 217 Shock wave 221
Sodium 5,5 -azotetrazolate pentahydrate
Octanitrocubanes 36, 88 57
Oxidizer, ammonium nitrate 201 Spark sensitivity, electric 206, 248
Strontium 5,5 -azotetrazolate 56
Parabanic acid 3
Pentaetythritol tetranitrate (PETN) 207, Tetrakis(difluoramino)octahydro-1,5-
209 dinitro-1,5-diazocine
Pentanitro-1,3,5,7,9-pentazecane 127
(Decagen) 228, 249 Tetranitro-2,4,6,8-tetraazanonane (OHMX)
PETN 207, 220 253
286 Subject Index

Tetrazine explosives 65 –, azido substituents 41

– heterocycles 65 –, fluoroalkyl substituents 45
Tetrazole azide 36 2,5,8-Trichloro-s-heptazine 68
Tetrazole compounds, neutral 92 2,4,6-Trinitroaniline (PAM) 203, 215, 256
– derivatives 201 1,3,3-Trinitroazetidine 70
Tetrazoles 52, 85 2,4,6-Trinitrobenzaldehyde 256
Tetrazolium heterocycles 52 Trinitrobenzenes 201
–, amino/azido substituents 52 2,4,6-Trinitro-3-[(3-methyl-2,4,6-
–, 5,5 -azotetrazolate anions 56 trinitrophenyl)thio]toluene (DMDIPS)
Thermal decomposition, high-temperature 235
203 2,4,6-Trinitro-N-(2,4,6-
–, low-temperature 199 trinitrophenyl)aniline (DPA)
–, quantum chemical simulations 201 256
–, trinitrotoluene mechanism 200 Trinitrotoluene mechanism, thermal
Thermochemistry 35 decomposition 200
TMPM 255 1,3,5-Trinitro-2-[(2,4,6-
TNAZ (1,3,3-trinitroazetidine) 36, 205 trinitrophenyl)thio]benzene (DIPS)
TNFX 133 235
TNT (trinitrotoluene) 36, 86, 215, 218 Tris(3-methyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1,3,5-
Toxicity 86 triazine-2,4,6-triamine (TMPM)
Triacetone triperoxide 202 231
2,4,6-Triamino-1,3,5-trinitrobenzene Tris(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-1,3,5-triazine-
(TATB) 215 2,4,6-triamine (TPM)
1,3,5-Triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene 256
(TATB) 2
2,4,6-Triamino-3,5-dinitropyridine Urotropinium salts/heterocycles 63
Triazoles 37 Vibrons 217
Triazolium azolate heterocycles/salts 50 Vulnerability/environmental hazard
1,2,4-Triazolium 4,5-dinitro-imidazolate 176
Triazolium heterocycles 37 Yttrium 5,5 -azotetrazolate docosahydrate
–, amino substituents 38 57

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