Final Explorers Individual Activity

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Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Christopher Columbus sailed west to Asia . . .

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done? After each prompt, imagine you
were in this person’s shoes. Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that
explorer. It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Columbus was born Italy. He grew up in Genoa, a seaport. When he was 20, he went on his first
long sea voyage. When pirates attacked his ship, Columbus was wounded. His ship sank. Although
he grabbed on oar and floated to shore, he was stranded in Portugal. If you were Columbus, what
would YOU do?

(a) Never sail again and get a job in Portugal

(b) Try to get a job in Portugal sailing ships.
(c) Devote your life to seeking revenge on the pirates.

2) Columbus stayed in Portugal and took any job he could find sailing ships. At the time, everybody
and his brother wanted to get to Asia. It had everything (spices, silk) that Europeans wanted to buy.
But the land route to Asia took years. Portuguese explorers were sailing eastward - around Africa - to
get to Asia. If you were Columbus, what would YOU do?

a) Jump on a Portuguese ship and devote years to sailing around Africa

b) Develop an idea that sailing west across the vast Atlantic Ocean would be quicker
c) Start robbing merchants who return with spices and silk so you don’t have to travel

3) Columbus decides it would be much quicker to sail West than to go around Africa to reach Asia. In
1482, Columbus asked the King of Portugal to finance a westward voyage to Asia. The king turned
him down: Experts said Asia was 11,000 miles to the west; Columbus estimated that it was only
3,000 miles. If you were turned down flat, as Columbus was, what would YOU do?

4) The experts were right. Columbus was way off in his estimations. After 10 years, however, he
convinced the King of Spain to support him. In 1492, Columbus began his voyage with 104 men in
three small wooden ships (the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria). The ships sailed south to the
Canary Islands (off the coast of Africa), then headed west into the unknown. After 3 weeks on the
Atlantic Ocean, his sailors lost heart. No one had ever been out of sight of land for so long. After 68
days at sea, they panicked: On October 10th, they insisted that Columbus turn back. If you were
Columbus, what would YOU do to prevent a mutiny?
5) Columbus remained calm and confident. He promised to turn around and head home if no land
were sighted in 3 days. Luckily, they sighted land two days later - which is October 12, Columbus
Day. Columbus first landed on the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. Columbus then sailed to
Cuba and to the island of Hispañiola. (Today, Hispañiola is split into the Dominican Republic and
Haiti.) On Christmas Day, he shipwrecked off the coast of Haiti. Columbus' biggest ship (the Santa
Maria) sunk and its sailors could not fit onto the remaining two little ships. If you were Columbus, what
would YOU do?

6) He built a fort on the beach and left 40 sailors behind. He urged them to explore for gold. He then
sailed for home (Spain) in his remaining ships. Columbus figured the experts in Spain would doubt
that he ever reached Asia. If you were Columbus, what would YOU take with you as proof that you
had landed on a new continent?

7) He took several Native Americans with him, as proof. They would be far more convincing than corn
or tobacco. On the way home, the Niña and Pinta were separated during a horrible storm. One ship
(the Niña) was about to sink. If you were Columbus, what would YOU do?

8) He wrote down his discoveries, sealed them in a barrel, and threw it overboard. In case he died, he
wanted everyone to know about the New World.When his ship landed off the coast of Africa, the
Portuguese governor thought Columbus was lying about going to "Asia." Columbus' crew was
arrested on their way to church. (They wanted to thank God for getting them safely home.) If you
were Columbus, what would YOU do?

9) Columbus exploded with anger: He threatened to shoot up the town, so the governor released his
crew.When Columbus finally arrived in Spain, he was given a hero's welcome by King Ferdinand and
Queen Isabella. He was named "Admiral of the Ocean," making him the governor of the Atlantic
Ocean. He was also named "Viceroy of the Indies," which made him the governor of Asia. He was
ordered to make a second voyage to set up a colony on the island of Hispaniola (Haiti/Dominican
Republic). In 1493, Columbus set out with 17 ships and 1,000 colonists. When they reached the
Dominican Republic, Columbus learned that the 40 men he had left behind had been killed. The
men, in a wild hunt for gold, had mistreated the Indians. If you were Columbus, what would YOU do
10) In 1498, Columbus made his third voyage to the New World. Hoping to find gold to please his
sailors, Columbus sailed further south than usual. Near the Equator, the wind stopped blowing - a
disaster for ships with sails and no motors. The ships stopped dead in the water and the men suffered
in the blazing tropical sun. They finally drifted to the coast of Venezuela. His sailors were angry that
they had not discovered gold. When he returned to Haiti, the colonists were also angry that they had
not discovered enough gold. If you were Columbus, how would YOU satisfy their gold fever?

11) He gave his sailors the land and the right to enslave the Native American Indians. It was a
mistake, for his men were not grateful or satisfied. Many returned to Spain and insisted that
Ferdinand and Isabella put Columbus to death. He moved to another part of the island of Hispaniola,
set up a settlement, and put a man in charge whom he trusted – his brother Diego. He sailed on and
discovered the island of Jamaica. When he returned, however, the colonists and Indians were at war.
He defeated the Indians, then sailed home to Spain, where his sailors complained to the king and
queen that Columbus was too harsh on his men. In reality, Columbus was too kind to his sailors. It
was they who made war on the Indians.In 1500, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella agreed with
Columbus' crew that Columbus should be punished for being too harsh on the settlers of Hispaniola.
Columbus was put in chains and shipped to Spain for trial. Although they released him, they named a
new governor for Hispaniola. Columbus was humiliated; people on the streets laughed at him. If you
were Columbus, what would YOU do?

12) He asked for one last chance to regain his reputation. The king and queen decided to give him
four ships just to get rid of him. But he had had enough of ungrateful adults. This time he took his 13-
year-old son Ferdinand. One-third of the "men" on this voyage were between the ages of 12 and 18.
Columbus sailed as far west in the Caribbean Sea as he could, looking for the Pacific Ocean that
would take him to China. He landed in Panama, never realizing that the Pacific Ocean lay just 100
miles over the mountains to the west. He ran into hurricanes, warlike Indians, and two of his ships
leaked so badly that they sank. He and his men were marooned on the island of Jamaica for a year.
His rival, the governor of Hispaniola, refused to rescue him. Columbus and his men were starving. He
knew that an eclipse of the moon was predicted soon. If you were Columbus, how could YOU use the
eclipse to convince the Native American Indians to help you?
13) Columbus told the Indians that if they did not feed his men, their gods would punish them with
darkness. When the eclipse happened, the Indians fed Columbus and his men. At 53 years old,
Columbus returned to Spain. He suffered from severe arthritis, so his sailing days were over. His
sons lived permanently in Santo Domingo, his base in the Dominican Republic. Columbus was on his
deathbed. He asked that his ashesbe sent to Santo Domingo, the largest settlement in Hispaniola
(the Dominican Republic). His ancestors live there today.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Vasco da Gama sailed east to Asia . . .

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Vasco da Gama was born in Portugal. He came from a noble Portuguese family and his father was
a distinguished soldier who attended the Portuguese court. Because of his wealth, his father insisted
that he be taught several languages, physics, geometry, mathematics and astronomy. The King was
impressed with him and put him in charge of a sailing expedition to find new lands. 5 years earlier,
Columbus had sailed West and thought he had found Asia, and a few years before that Portugal had
sent an explorer around the coast Africa and knew they were close to Asia.

If you were Vasco da Gama., how would you try to sail to Asia?
a) Head West through the Atlantic like Columbus
b) Head South and East around Africa like the previous Portuguese
c) Head North into the Arctic Ocean and do your own thing

2) In 1497, Vasco da Gama sailed with four ships and 170 men to sail for India . He had limited
supplies but some great new technology. What would you bring with you?

3) Vasco da Gama did not bring many personal items but he made sure had a compass and an
astrolabe. He was headed for the lands east of Africa. If you were Vasco da Gama, who would be
the navigator of your lead ship?

a) A Muslim navigator. Although he would distrusted because he was Muslim, he would be the
most knowledgeable and know how to use the new technology.
b) A trusted friend. Although he would be inexperienced, you would know he would have your
back in a mutiny.
c) An Italian navigator. Not as experienced as a Muslim navigator, he would still be competent.

4) Vasco da Gama brought an Arab Navigator, successfully sailed around coast of Africa, although it
took 16 weeks without even seeing land! He soon discovered that he was unprepared for the
journey. As he stopped and tried to meet with local African kings to gather more supplies, he was
laughed at. The gifts he presented to the king were incredibly poor in comparison to the gold, ivory,
and pearls that were common gifts in this part of the world. Fortunately, one ruler took pity on him
and gave him food for the journey. With these supplies, Vasco da Gama and his crew landed in
India. He had found the first sea trade route between Europe and India!

5) It was a terrible voyage back to Portugal. The pilot who steered one of the ships could not be
found, the monsoons were against them and the 2,300 mile journey took three months. Da Gama's
crew suffered terribly from scurvy and 30 men died. In fact, they did not have enough men to steer
one of the ships and had to burn the St. Raphael.
5) When Vasco da Gama returned to Portugal, the King was ecstatic. PORTUGAL HAD FOUND THE
ITALIANS OR MUSLIMS. The King knew he was now in charge of one of the most powerful
countries in Europe. He gave Vasco da Gama large pieces of land, an annual salary, and the highest
titles in the land. When a Portuguese expedition who had followed da Gama’s trade root was
murdered by Indians, the King asked Vasco da Gama to return. Unfortunately, he died in India in

Vasco da Gama was at first buried in India where he died; but later the king thought he was such an
important person to Portugal that he sent a ship all the way to India to return his body. 10 years later
he was buried in Portugal.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Ponce de Leon in Florida

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Ponce de Leon was the son of a wealthy nobleman in Spain. He was born at the right time and at
the right place. At 14, he served as a page in the royal court of Ferdinand and Isabella, the King and
Queen of Spain. At 16, he joined the Spanish Army and fought the Moors. (The King and Queen, who
were very Catholic, drove their Muslim enemies out of Spain.) He was 18 years old in 1492 when
Ferdinand and Isabella financed Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the New World. If you were
Ponce de Leon, what would YOU do in 1493?

a) Stay in Spain and enjoy the life of a rich nobleman

b) Seek fame by accompanying Christopher Columbus on his second voyage
c) Gather your own crew and ship and sail to the New World by yourself

2) He accompanied Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to America. As a soldier in the

Spanish Army, he spent the next ten years putting down native uprisings on the island of Hispaniola.
To reward his work, the King sent Ponce de Leon on an expedition to explore Puerto Rico.
When he defeated the natives and conquered the island, the King made him Governor of Puerto
Rico. After discovering gold there, he became rich and famous. Nothing lasts, however: An
explorer does not necessarily make a great administrator and he was replaced. If you were Ponce de
Leon, what would YOU do now?

a) Marry a Native American and live happily in the New World

b) Return to Spain humiliated
c) Go exploring the unknown

3) When Columbus first landed in the Bahamas, Native Americans told of an island to the west that
had the Fountain of Youth. The King of Spain sent him on an expedition to find that island. With
three ships, Ponce de Leon sailed west of the Bahamas. On Easter, he landed at a place where all
the flowers were blooming. What would you name a place you discovered?
4) Ponce de Leon gave it a Spanish name, meaning "covered in flowers." He called it Florida. While
searching for the Fountain of Youth, he explored Florida's east coast, Florida's west coast, and
the Florida Keys. Not finding it, he sailed across the Caribbean to the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico.
The King ordered him to do three things on his exploration: Set up a colony in Florida. Set up a
colony in Mexico. Drive all of the Carib Indians out of the Caribbean islands. If you were Ponce de
Leon, what would you do first and why?
5) Ponce de Leon fought the Caribbean Indians, who were cannibals (people who eat people). After
being away for 6 years, Ponce de Leon returned to Florida. His two ships and 200 men landed on
Florida's west coast and began setting up a colony. After being in Florida for 5 months, his colony
was attacked by Native Americans. He was mortally wounded by an arrow and died.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Balboa in Panama
Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Balboa was born in Spain. In 1492, he was 17 when Columbus landed in the Americas. Columbus
returned to Spain and told wonderful stories of the New World. If you were Balboa, what would you

a) Sneak aboard a ship heading to the New World and hide

b)Offer to work on a Spanish ship heading to the New World
c) Ask the king to sponsor a voyage

2) Balboa joined a Spanish ship that sailed to Colombia in South America. Balboa ended up in
Hispaniola (now the Dominican Republic), which was Columbus’ home base. There, he became
raised pigs, and fell into debt. When he tried to leave, his creditors kept him prisoner on the island. If
you were Balboa, what would you do?

3) He became a stow-away on a ship and sailed away in secret. He landed in Colombia, where
Native Americans told him of great gobs of gold in nearby Panama. He led an expedition to Panama,
where Native Americans told him of a great ocean. If you were Balboa, what would you do?

a) Travel through the rainforest to reach the Ocean

b) Travel over a very high mountain to reach the rain forest
c) Use your ship to try to find a water route through Panama to the Ocean

4) Balboa did not go trekking through the rainforest. Instead, he climbed the highest mountain in
Panama. In front of him was the great, wide Pacific Ocean! Balboa was the first European to see the
Pacific Ocean from its eastern shore. In Panama, Balboa and 90 men walked to the Pacific Coast.
There, they found gold on the beach. It had washed away in the ocean from the Incan Empire. Balboa
was on the Pacific Coast. Native Americans told him there was a land of gold to the south. If you were
he, what would you do?

a) take your sailors and head south to get the gold

b) head back to Spain to raise an army
c ) convince the Native Americans to join you in conquering the Incan civilization

6) The Spanish governor of the region was exceedingly jealous of Balboa. First, he “discovered” the
Pacific Ocean and now he was on the verge of finding a land of gold. If you were Balboa, what would
you do?
7) It was time to get the heck out of there. But Balboa did not. The Spanish governor put Balboa on
trial and beheaded him!

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Cortez psyched out the Aztecs.

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Cortez, the son of a minor nobleman in Spain, was 7 years old when Columbus discovered the
Americas. At 14, his parents sent him to study law at the university. At 16, he ran away. At 19, he
sailed to the New World to seek his fortune. He went to Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). It was
Columbus' home base in the Americas. There, he joined up with Columbus and helped conquer the
island of Cuba. How would gain more power in the New World?

a) Suck up to Columbus
b) Marry one of Columbus’ close friends daughters
c) Kill Columbus and take control of his group of men

2) When one of Columbus' crew was appointed Governor of Cuba, Cortez married his daughter. The
Governor heard rumors of the Aztecs, who had a glorious city built of gold in Mexico. He sent an
expedition of 11 ships and 600 men to conquer Mexico and bring back the gold. Since the Governor's
purpose was to gain wealth and glory for himself, he chose someone he thought he could trust to lead
the expedition - his son-in-law, Cortez. When he heard rumors that Cortez planned to claim the gold
for himself, the Governor ordered Cortez to come home. If you were Cortez, what would YOU have

3. Cortez ignored the order and sailed to Mexico anyhow. Cortez landed at Veracruz, Mexico. As he
marched inland, he learned that the Aztecs made war on their neighbors. Even worse, the Aztecs,
who believed in human sacrifice, slaughtered their neighbors to appease their gods. For this reason,
the Tlaxcala people were the traditional enemies of the Aztecs. If you were Cortez, how could YOU
use the hostility between the Tlaxcala and the Aztecs?

4. Cortez persuaded thousands of Tlaxcalans to march with him to the Aztec capital city. They could
protect him and then help him conquer the Aztecs by supplying him with troops, food, transport, and
bases to retreat to in friendly territory. Along the way, Cortez was told the Aztec legend of
Quetzalcoatl: Once upon a time, there was a white god named Quetzalcoatl who sailed to the east
and promised to return one day. If you were Cortez, how would YOU use this legend to defeat the
5) Cortez pretended to be the god Quetzalcoatl. He rode a horse, an animal which the Aztecs had
never seen. Montezuma, Emperor of the Aztecs, welcomed Cortez into his capital city of Tenochtitlan
- today's Mexico City. Cortez was greeted with flowers, gifts of gold, and great ceremony. He studied
the layout of the city and planned the best way to attack it. He imprisoned his host, Montezuma, and
ruled the empire through his puppet. In the middle of all this, the Governor of Cuba sent an expedition
to arrest Cortez. He would be put in chains, returned to Cuba, and then beheaded. If you were
Cortez, what would YOU do when you heard the Spanish ships were going to capture you?

a) Run away
b) Bribe the guards who were there to arrest you
c) Surrender yourself and plead for mercy

6) Cortez went to the coast, talked to the Spanish guards, and gave them gifts of gold. He explained
that Tenochtitlan was full of gold, just ripe for the taking. He convinced them to join him. When Cortez
returned to Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), the Aztecs rose in revolt against him, killing the majority of his
men. Montezuma was stoned to death. If you were Cortez, what would YOU do now?

7) He sent word throughout the Caribbean region that Mexico was full of gold. 1,000 adventurers
showed up. With these - and thousands of Tlaxcalans – Cortez laid siege to Tenochtitlan. After 3
months, the Aztecs surrendered. Cortez became the wealthiest man in the New World.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Pizarro wants money.

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Pizarro was born in Spain. Since his parents never married, his mother abandoned her baby at the
door of a Spanish church. He never learned to read or write. He raised himself and became a
swineherd, raising pigs. When Pizarro was 17, Columbus landed in the Americas. Pizarro, along with
a relative (the future explorer Cortez), joined the Spanish Army to see the New World. If you were
Pizarro, where in the New World would YOU go?

(a) Move to France or England to Explore what will be known as Canada

(b) Catch a ship in Spain and travel to Columbus’ home base of Santo Domingo in the
Dominican Republic
(c) Jump on a Portuguese trading ship to explore Africa.

2) Pizarro moves to Santo Domingo, Columbus’ home base. When Pizarro arrived in the New World,
he met another explorer, Balboa, who was so poor that he was raising pigs to pay off his debts.
Together, they joined an expedition to Colombia and Panama. Pizarro was Balboa's chief lieutenant
when they crossed Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean. The natives told them of the Inca
Empire, somewhere to the south, that had gobs of gold. So they built two ships on the Pacific Ocean
and decided to head south. The new (and very jealous) Governor of Panama had Balboa arrested for
treason and beheaded. When the Governor began beheading Balboa's best friends, Pizarro began to
worry. If you were Pizarro, what would YOU to?

a) Sneak into the governor’s mansion and poison him

b) Unite the people of Panama to rebel from the governor
c) Get out of town!

3) Pizarro sailed south and tried to find the Inca Empire. His first expedition was a disaster: Bad
weather made sailing hazardous and the natives attacked his crew. He ran out of food and his crew
nearly mutinied. He never reached Peru, the home of the Inca Empire. If you were Pizarro, what
would YOU do?

a) Return home to Panama

b) Threaten your crew with death and force them to continue
c) Offer peace to local tribes and try to join them
4) Pizarro returned home. He convinced another crew to go on a second expedition. His second
expedition was a success: He reached Peru and brought back llamas and gold. He figured that the
Spanish government would finance his next expedition so he could conquer the Inca and capture
their gold. Still jealous, the Governor of Panama cancelled all future expeditions. If you were Pizarro,
what would YOU do?

a) Charm the Governor’s daughter into marriage

b) Ask permission from the King to explore further and promise all gold found to the king
c) Start an uprising to kill the governor

5) Pizarro asked the Spanish King for permission. The King agreed, but when Pizarro promised all
the wealth found to the King, the people who financed his first voyage felt cheated. Pizarro didn’t
care. He convinced his three brothers and a crew of 180 men to sail from Panama to Peru. After
landing on the coast of Ecuador, they rode on horseback to meet with Atahualpa, the ruler of the Inca
Empire. If you were Pizarro, how could YOU dazzle an all-powerful ruler who had more gold than

6) Pizarro showed him his horse, which Incans had never seen. Although Pizarro and his men were
armed with swords and pistols, they were incredibly outnumbered: The Inca Empire covered 12
million people. The Inca society was ruled from the top down. Normally, a handful of Inca elite ruled
from the capital city of Cuzco. At the top was Atahualpa, who was worshiped as a god. Without him,
the Inca people would not know what to do. If you were Pizarro, how would YOU conquer this vast

7) Pizarro made a surprise attack: he kidnapped Atahualpa and demanded 30 million in ransom.
Once the ransom was paid, Atahualpa was strangled. With the emperor gone, the Inca could not
make any decisions for themselves. Within a year, Pizarro’s troops marched to and conquered
Cuzco, the capital of the Incan empire. Unfortunately, Pizarro’s shady past caught up to him. Diego
de Almagro, who had been Pizarro's business partner on every expedition, felt that he and his men
had been cheated out of what was rightfully theirs - namely, the gold-rich capital city of Cuzco.
Almagro's men then declared war on Pizarro. If you were Pizarro, what would YOU do?

8) Pizarro made war on Almagro and his followers. Pizarro won. Almagro was captured and
executed. Pizarro then created a new capital city at Lima. He rewarded his followers with land grants
and Inca slaves to farm the land and work in the gold and silver mines. Almagro's followers, including
his son, were left out in the cold. Three years later, they assassinated Pizarro.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Cabot claimed North America for England

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Giovanni Caboto was born in Italy - in Genoa, the same seaport where Columbus was born. He
became a merchant in Venice, sailed goods to Egypt, and then moved to England. He was living in
England when Christopher Columbus made his voyage to "Asia." Immediately, Cabot wanted to go
there. He was a merchant. Asia, full of silk and spices, was every merchant's dream. Columbus had
been financed by Spain. Portugal, Spain's rival, financed a lot of explorations. Cabot lived in England.
If you were Cabot, who would you get to finance your trip to the New World?

a) Spain
b) Portugal
c) England

2) He went to the King of Spain and was turned down. He went to the King of Portugal and was
turned down. He went to the King of England and was accepted. The King of England was on a
different wavelength. Like the kings of Spain and Portugal, he wanted gold. Like the other kings, he
wanted land: The lands that Cabot discovered would belong to the British crown. But the King of
England believed that those who discovered the lands could keep them for themselves if they
gave tax to the king. If you were Cabot, and you knew the King of England was cheap with his
money, who would you try to get to sponsor your voyage?

4) Private businessmen, not the government, financed his voyage. Businessmen from the seaport of
Bristol, England financed Cabot's voyage. In 1497, Cabot made a very modest expedition: While
Columbus had 3 ships, Cabot had one. While Columbus had a crew of 104, Cabot had only 18. (One
of his crew may have been his 13-yearoldson, John Sebastian.) An excellent mapmaker and
navigator, Cabot figured he could find a shorter route between England and Asia. From Spain,
Columbus had sailed south to Africa, then west to "Asia." If you were Cabot, how would YOU cross
the Atlantic Ocean in a shorter amount of time?

a) Simply sail West, not South at all

b) Sail North over the Arctic Ocean
c) Invent a flying machine

5) From England, Cabot simply sailed west. He did not sail south at all. Cabot left from Bristol,
England. While Columbus took 70 days to cross the Atlantic, Cabot crossed in half the time. He
landed on the east coast of Canada. There, the fish were plentiful: When his sailors dropped baskets
into the sea, they came up loaded with fish. They had discovered the Grand Banks of Newfoundland -
the greatest fishing spot in the world. While Cabot never found spices, jewels, or gold, his discovery
of fish would be valuable when the Pilgrims landed in New England. Why?
6) In the 16th and 17th centuries, new industries arose around the sea: Shipbuilding, whaling, whale
oil. The Pilgrims on the Mayflower ate codfish from Cape Cod. They were able to raise their first
farming crop because ground-up fish made great fertilizer for the soil. In a place where people had no
money, they exchanged fish. Future generations in New England made their living from the sea.
Returning to England, Cabot was welcomed by the people of London who called him "The Great
Admiral." Thinking about it, Cabot figured he must have landed in Japan on the northeast corner of
Asia. A year later, he decided to sail further south to the Spice Islands (Indonesia). On this voyage,
he was lost at sea. If you were John Sebastian Cabot, his 14-year-old son, what would YOU do?

7) When John Sebastian Cabot was 17, Amerigo Vespucci announced that this was not Asia, but a
new continent. Geographers named the new continent "America." When he was 24, John Sebastian
Cabot tried to find the Northwest Passage – a waterway through America to get to Asia. From eastern
Canada, he sailed through the Arctic Ocean to Hudson Bay. When his crew refused to sail further
west, he returned to England. It was fortunate that he did. There is no waterway through North
America. You had to go around South America. Magellan was the first explorer to get to Asia this

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Cartier claimed Canada for France

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Jacques Cartier was born in France. In 1534, the King of France sent him exploring for gold in
North America. He landed in Canada, where a wide river met the sea. If you were Cartier, what would
you do?

a) Be friendly with the Native Americans and hope they will help you
b) Attack the local people and steal their land
c) Return to France without ever stepping on land because you are too scared

2) He made friendships with the local people but still claimed the whole region for France. Cartier
found no gold, but he had to take something home to France - to show that he had actually been in
the New World. If you were Cartier, what would take home to France to prove you had arrived?

3) Cartier took home corn and two Iroquois Indians! Cartier sailed back to Canada. He found the wide
river that met the sea (the St. Lawrence River). This time, he sailed up to Montreal and founded a
settlement. If you were Cartier, what would you do now?

a) Continue to found settlements and trading posts

b) Trade technology with the Natives
c) Hunt for gold

4) Cartier and his men went hunting for gold! Cartier found no gold and the Native Americans were
becoming hostile. If you were Cartier, what would you do calm your men down?

5) He sailed home and never returned to Canada.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Magellan had a lot of courage.

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Magellan was born in Portugal. Although he was born the son of a nobleman, both his parents died
when he was only 10. He was 12 years old when Columbus, financed by the King and Queen of
Spain, landed in America. If you were Magellan and wanted to become an explorer, what would YOU
a) Get a job on the docks to train for Columbus’ second voyage
b) Use your family connections to get a job working for the Queen of Portugal
c) Sneak aboard any ship that was traveling anywhere and offer your services

2) Magellan went to work as a page (assistant) for the Queen of Portugal. At the royal court, he heard
all about the voyages of the royal explorers. At 16, Magellan's job was to outfit ships that explored the
west coast of Africa. When Magellan was 17, Vasco da Gama (the famous Portuguese explorer)
sailed around Africa to India. If you were Magellan, where would YOU sail when you got your first

a) Asia
b) New World
c) Arctic Ocean

3) Magellan sailed from east Africa to Malaysia in Asia. When the Malaysians attacked his crew, he
helped save his men. Magellan returned to Portugal, but his best friend sailed on to the Spice Islands
(Indonesia). Ever afterward, Magellan dreamed about sailing to Indonesia. After two discoveries were
made, he knew how to get there: Vespucci sailed down the east coast of South America and said
“America is not Asia,” and Balboa walked across Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean.
Magellan sailed around the the southern tip of South America. He was the first European to cross
the Pacific Ocean - to Asia. Specifically to the Spice Islands (Indonesia). What would you do with
this knowledge?
a) Ask the Queen of Portugal to sponsor your voyage
b) Ask the King of Spain to sponsor your voyage
c) Sell this knowledge to the highest bidder

4) The Portuguese crown did not trust this voyage would be successful, but when Magellan asked the
King of Spain he was all for it. In September 1519, Magellan left Spain with five ships and a crew of
241 men. While Magellan was Portuguese, the majority of his crew were Spanish. And they didn't
trust him. Also, he did not tell them that he was planning to sail around the world, which would take
years. After only four weeks at sea (it took them 11 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean), a Spanish
captain challenged his authority and threatened to lead a mutiny [revolt]. If you were Magellan, what
would YOU do?

a) Turn back to Spain

b) Kill men to set an example of what happens to cowards
c) Arrest the leader of the mutiny
5) Magellan had the Spanish captain arrested and thrown in the brig. After eleven weeks at sea,
Magellan's crew arrived in a tropical paradise: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. But instead of lolling on the
beach, Magellan sailed south. Hugging the coast of South America, he tried to find the secret
passage - a waterway that would lead him to the Pacific Ocean. When winter hit, the crew found itself
in a nasty place: The southern tip of South America was almost as frigid as Antarctica. The crew,
unused to cold weather, was not happy. When one of their ships sank, they mutinied again. If you
were Magellan, what would YOU do?

a) Turn back to Spain

b) Kill men to set an example of what happens to cowards
c) Nothing

6) Magellan executed a captain and marooned (abandoned) two sailors on an island. The crew of the
lost ship was put on the remaining four ships and they continued their search for the Pacific Ocean. A
year after leaving home, Magellan finally found the waterway that led to the Pacific Ocean. (Today, it
is called the Strait of Magellan.) Sailing through the strait took five weeks and was a rough: The
strait is difficult to navigate because of wind, fog, and weird tides. In the middle of this ordeal, another
captain deserted and sailed his ship home to Spain. If you were Magellan, what would YOU do?

a) Turn back to Spain

b) Kill men to set an example of what happens to cowards
c) Nothing

7) There was nothing he could do. He took his three remaining ships and sailed to the Pacific Ocean.
Magellan sailed up the west coast of South America. Then he headed west into the Pacific Ocean.
For 98 days, they did not see land. They ran out of food and 19 men died. If you were Magellan, what
would YOU do?
a) Turn back to Spain
b) Resort to cannibalism
c) Eat rats to survive

8) Magellan had no choice: They ate shoe leather, rats, and sawdust to keep alive. Luckily, they ran
into Guam, an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. There, they loaded up on food and water and
kept sailing west. Magellan landed in the Philippines, where he became involved in a local war and
was killed in a fight with natives. If you were his crew, what would YOU do now?

9) They sailed to Indonesia, loaded up on spices, and headed home to Spain. Their route: Indian
Ocean, around Africa, and north through the Atlantic Ocean. The trip around the world had taken 3
years. Only 17 of the original 241 survived.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

Francis Drake became a national hero

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Francis Drake was born in England in 1540, long after Columbus and Magellan. His family was
poor: His father was a minister in a seaport. His cousin was Sir John Hawkins, a famous “seadog.”
(That’s a nice word for “pirate.”) This was the Age of Pirates: The Queen gave you ships and money,
then you raided Spanish ships on the Atlantic Ocean. If you were Drake, what would you do?

a) Become religious leader like your father

b) Become a pirate
c) Betray England and join the wealthier Spanish fleet

2) Drake became a pirate. His cousin, Sir John Hawkins, was deeply involved in the slave trade. He
picked up slaves in West Africa, then carried them to the West Indies (the Caribbean Islands).
Especially to Jamaica, a British island in the Caribbean Sea. If you were Drake, what would you do?

a) Try to persuade your cousin that this is wrong

b) Kick your cousin out of the family
c) Join the slave trade

3) Drake joined the slave trade. However, he was not satisfied. He knew that in 1519, a man sailing
for the pathetic Spain – Magellan- circumnavigated the world. In those days, sailing around the world
was equal to our sending men to the moon. It was a test of courage and technology. Drake decided to
do the same- but in England’s name. He began with three ships and 160 men. If you were Drake,
where would you tell the men where you were heading?

a) Canada
b) Around the world
c) Italy

4) Drake lied and told his men they were only going on a short journey. He wanted to keep them
calm. Going through the Strait of Magellan was truly horrible. By the time he went through it, Drake
had only one ship left. If you were Drake, what would you do?

a) turn back
b) reassure your men the trip was almost over
c) start raiding Spanish ships in Peru
5) Drake started raiding Spanish ships in Peru and it was highly profitable. But he faced a big
problem: If he turned back and sailed home the same way he came, Spanish ships would make
mincemeat out of him. At today’s San Francisco, he made a big decision. If you were Drake, what
would you do?

6) Drake sailed West across the Pacific. From the Philippines he sailed across the Indian Ocean.
Then he went around Africa. Finally, he returned home to England a hero. Drake began his life as a
pirate and a slave trader. He ended his career as a real explorer. Queen Elizabeth I knighted him (Sir
Francis Drake) and he became a national hero. Why?

7) Yet his importance was not over. In 1588, the Spanish decided to take back the Atlantic Ocean.
They sent a giant fleet of warships, the Spanish Armada, to invade England. Before they got there,
Sir Francis Drake attacked the fleet in Spain. When the Spanish Armada arrived in England, he
fought them in the English Channel. The wounded Spanish navy retreated to Ireland. There, a
horrible storm sunk the remained of the Spanish navy. From then on, England ruled the Atlantic
Ocean. Drake died in 1596. He asked to be buried at Sea.

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.
Name________________________ Per ____ Explorers Individual Activity

America is named after Vespucci!

Instructions: If you were this explorer, what would you have done?
• After each prompt, imagine you were in this person’s shoes.
• Circle or write the answer that YOU would have done if you were that explorer.
• It does NOT have to be correct. There are no wrong answers.

1) Amerigo Vespucci was born in Italy. His hometown, Florence, was the city that started the
Renaissance. While folks were exploring the New World, Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci were
back home in Florence sculpting the Pieta and painting the Mona Lisa. Vespucci worked in a bank
owned by the Medici family. (The Medicis were the richest family in Florence; they were the ones that
financed Michelangelo and Leonardo.) But Vespucci was not happy: He was trained in navigation, so
he sailed to Spain and got a job outfitting ships for long voyages. Then Columbus made his first
voyage to "Asia." If you were Vespucci, what would YOU do?
a) Join Columbus’ second voyage
b) Ask the Medici to sponsor your voyage
c) Don’t wait for Columbus but join any ship you can

2) Vespucci never traveled with Columbus. He joined up with other explorers and made two voyages
to "Asia" in 1499 and 1501. Vespucci joined up with the Spanish explorer Alonso de Ojeda, whose
mission was to find the Spice Islands of Indonesia. (Instead of being in Asia, they were actually
sailing along the coast of Venezuela.) Nothing even remotely resembled sailors' accounts of Asia. If
you were Ojeda and Vespucci, what would YOU do?

a) Return to Spain
b) Attack Native Americans and bring them back as slaves
c) Start a colony and live there for a while

3) They returned to Spain. Vespucci joined up with the Portuguese explorer Goncalo Coelho, who
also tried to find the Spice Islands of Indonesia. (Instead of being in Asia, they were actually sailing
along the coast of Brazil and Argentina.) Once again, nothing even remotely resembled sailors'
accounts of Asia. If you were Coelho and Vespucci, what would YOU do?

a) Return to Portugal
b) Attack Native Americans and bring them back as slaves
c) Start a colony and live there for a while

4) They returned to Portugal. There, Vespucci became convinced that this was not Asia, but a new
continent that Europeans did not know about. Back in Europe, Vespucci wanted to explain that this
was not Asia, but a previously unknown continent. He also wanted to "cash in" on his voyages. If you
were Vespucci, how would you accomplish both goals?
5) He wrote a letter to the richest man he knew about his voyages to the New World. That man,
Lorenzo de Medici, was Europe’s richest banker. His nickname was Lorenzo the Magnificent because
he sponsored Renaissance artists. When Columbus landed in the Caribbean, he discovered North
America. When Columbus landed on Venezuela, he discovered South America. So why were these
continents named after Amerigo Vespucci? If you were Vespucci, how would YOU get them named
for you?

6) In his letter to de Medici, Vespucci exaggerated his role. He claimed that he had ”discovered”
South America, a new continent. He claimed that he had made four voyages, when he only made
two. He claimed that he had been the captain of each voyage, when he was only the navigator.
Things snowballed: Lorenzo de Medici hired an author to turn Vespucci's letter into a book. Based on
the book, a cartographer drew the first map of the New World. He labeled the new continents
“America.” After a few years, everyone realized that Vespucci's claims were a hoax. It was Columbus
who deserved the credit. By then it was too late: Everyone referred to the New World as “America.“

Did you make the same decisions as your explorer?

If you finish early, for EXTRA CREDIT, how much do you resemble your explorer: A lot, a
little, or not at all? Explain you answer with at least 3 examples on a separate sheet of paper.

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