Scope: Republic Act 7277

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The research focuses on community development for people suffering from visual impairment
(totally/partially blind). Providing means for them to be self- reliant by integrating them into a
community. The research tends to study the blind population of CALABARZON without any age
limitation. Study about the circumstances the blinds are facing and the barriers that are keeping
them to fully develop their selves.

Republic Act 7277

Republic Act 7277 or the Philippine Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, which took effect in 1992, is
the definitive legislation that addresses disability concerns in the Philippines. It contains specific
provisions and policies to address the concerns of persons with disabilities and ensures that they are
provided equal opportunities and participation in their development. The legislative measure
identifies and provides for the rights of persons with disabilities with regard to employment,
education, health, auxiliary social services, access to telecommunications, and enjoyment of political
and civil rights. Moreover, it ensures the protection of their rights through the prohibition of
discrimination against them. The Magna Carta for Disabled Persons identifies specific government
agencies responsible for the formulation of programs and services and enforcement of legislation in
support of persons with disabilities.

The 1987 Constitution

There are five provisions of the Constitution where persons with disability are expressly mentioned
to ensure that persons with disability have equal participation in the Philippine Society.

1) Provisions guarantying that person with disabilities can participate in national and local elections
in the country;

2) Provisions to enable persons with disabilities to have a sectorial representative in the House of
the Representatives, Congress of the Philippines;

3) Provisions ensuring the participation of persons with disabilities to have access in training for civic
and community development;

4) Provisions ensuring persons with disabilities to have access to health services; and

5) Provisions mandating the State to establish a special agency that will be responsible for the
rehabilitation, self-development, self-reliance and the integration of persons with disabilities into
the mainstream of society.
REPUBLIC ACT 1179: Vocational Rehabilitation Act

An act to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of the blind and other handicapped
persons, and their return to civil employment. The objectives of this act are:

(a) To provide for the promotion of vocational training for the blind and other persons disabled;
from dependency to self-sufficiency; from hopelessness to active participating and contributing
members of society;

(b) To prepare such disabled persons for suitable employment so as to place them

(c) To train them to be able to take their rightful place in the economic and social activities of the
country; and

(d) To make available to such persons vocational rehabilitation services as a legal right.

Republic Act 3562

An act to promote the education of the blind in the Philippines.

Executive order no. 417

Directing the implementation of the economic independence program for persons with disabilities.

Accessibility Law

Requires that public buildings meet reasonable accessibility requirements in order to promote the
mobility of persons with disability

Republic Act 6759 White Cane Act

An act declaring the first of august of each year as white cane safety day in the Philippines, and for
other purposes. It is an awareness raising measure for the benefit of visually impaired persons.


HB 3046

An act institutionalizing a national employment facilitation service network for Persons with
Disability(PWD), through the establishment of a PWD employment facilitation office in every
province, key city and other strategic areas throughout the country.

HB 4813

An act establishing rehabilitation centres for children and youth with disabilities nationwide.

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