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Institute of Transportation Engineers

Transportation Safety Council


MAY 2009
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international educational and scientific
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for meeting mobility and safety needs. ITE facilitates the application of technology and
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ISBN-10: 1-933452-46-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-933452-46-3
© 2009 Institute of Transportation Engineers. All rights reserved.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study i

Technical Brief

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 1

2. BACKGROUND................................................................................................................................. 2

2.1 Experiments Versus Observational Studies ...................................................................................... 2

2.2 Definition of Safety ............................................................................................................................. 2

2.3 Target Accidents ................................................................................................................................ 4

2.4 Causal Factors Explained .................................................................................................................. 4

3. BEFORE-AND-AFTER STUDY APPROACHES .............................................................................. 7

3.1 Naïve Before-and-After Study............................................................................................................ 7

3.2 Before-and-After Study with Yoked Comparison ............................................................................... 7

3.3 Before-and-After Study with Comparison Group ............................................................................... 8

3.4 Before-and-After Study with the Empirical Bayes Approach ............................................................. 9

4. SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................................... 11

5. REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................ 13

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study ii

Technical Brief

Figure 1. The Continuum of Events .............................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2. Number of Monthly Fatal Accidents from January 1993 to December 2004 in Ontario,
Canada ................................................................................................................................................... 3

Figure 3. Number of Monthly Fatal Accidents and Annual Average Monthly Fatal Accidents from
January 1993 to December 2004 in Ontario, Canada ........................................................................... 4

Figure 4. Yoked Comparison ........................................................................................................................ 7

Figure 5. Comparison Group ........................................................................................................................ 9

Figure 6. Emprical Bayes Approach ........................................................................................................... 10

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study iii

Technical Brief

Table 1. Before Period Accidents for Treatment and Yoked Comparison Groups ....................................... 8

Table 2. After Period Accidents for Treatment and Yoked Comparison Groups .......................................... 8

Table 3. Summary of Before-and-After Study Application .......................................................................... 11

Table 4. Data Requirements, Strengths and Weaknesses......................................................................... 12

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study iv

Technical Brief
Agencies are required to evaluate the safety effects of a specific improvement to compare its net benefit
to other improvement options as well as to justify its implementation at subsequent locations. The typical
method of evaluating the safety improvements of a treatment is comparing the crash prevalence
associated with the transportation facility before and after the treatment implementation (a before-and-
after study). A challenge inherent in these studies is that crashes are random and change from year to
year, unlike laboratory experiments in which the analyst can control many extraneous conditions. Other
parameters that affect the safety of a facility, such as traffic volume and weather conditions, change over
time. Consequently, specific evaluation techniques are required to account for changes in order to
estimate the true effects of safety improvements.

The main objective of this technical brief is to provide practitioners with a quick reference on the key
considerations and components of a valid before-and-after observational study. This document also
serves as a tool to increase the level of understanding of before-and-after study techniques so that they
can be more effectively conducted in the future.

By providing better assessment tools and resources to allow practitioners to explicitly consider safety
impacts in their decision-making, there has been a positive shift in North American road safety. However,
there are cases where local studies and research have employed inferior analysis techniques in before-
and-after assessments due to lack of understanding of proper techniques, time or resource constraints
and/or budget limitations. As transportation safety practitioners, shortcomings must be identified in
before-and-after study methodologies so that good research results are identified and poorly conducted
work is not propagated.

This document is not intended to be a prescriptive reference on the methodologies and formulae for
completing different types of before-and-after studies. This has been left to more comprehensive
documents such as the updated Highway Safety Manual and research work available in the public realm
and provided in the final section of this brief.

Section 2 of this technical brief outlines the background fundamentals and definitions required to
understand the primary components of a before-and-after study, the techniques adopted to conduct such
a study and how each technique differs from the others. Section 3 provides an introduction and a brief
description of each technique, its requirements, strengths and weaknesses.

The Transportation Safety Council would like to thank the following authors for their contributions in the
preparation of this brief:

• Pedram Izadpanah, research fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo

• Alireza Hadayeghi, vice president, Synectics Transportation Consultants
• Hossein Zarei, transportation safety analyst, Synectics Transportation Consultants

The council would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Russell Brownlee, transportation safety
engineer at Giffin Koerth Forensic Engineering and Accounting, and Brian Malone, president of Synectics
Transportation Consultants, for being co-editors of this document. In addition, the council’s gratitude goes
to Elizabeth Wemple and Calvin Mollett for being reviewers of this document.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 1

Technical Brief

2.1 Experiments Versus Observational Studies

Experiments are studies that are implemented in a laboratory context. Researchers can intentionally
design an experiment in a desired way in order to answer a certain question. However, in observational
studies, the parameters of the study cannot be entirely controlled by the researchers. Road safety studies
fall into the observational study type because analysts do not have the luxury of designing a test in a
laboratory to count the number of accidents. In road safety studies, parameters that may influence the
safety of a facility would not necessarily be constant in the before and the after periods. For example, it is
conceivable that the traffic volume, weather conditions, traffic regulations and composition of traffic can
change over time in any given transportation system.

Observational studies themselves can be categorized into two groups: before-and-after studies and
cross-section studies. A before-and-after study is used when it is desired to study the safety implications
of a certain improvement or operational change. In an observational before-and-after study, many of the
attributes of a facility remain unchanged. For instance, the study of safety implications associated with
installing traffic signal controls at an all-way stop-controlled intersection falls under the before-and-after
observational study category. In this example, the geometry and other site characteristics of the
intersection retain their original configurations.

However, in cross-section observational studies, the safety effects of one group of facilities are compared
with another group. These two groups of facilities have some common features, and the safety effect of
those features that are not in common must be evaluated. The comparison of the safety of a roundabout
and a stop-controlled intersection is an example of a cross-section observational study. This technical
brief is directed at the techniques that can be utilized for before-and-after observational studies in the
context of road safety.

2.2 Definition of Safety

Before any attempt to estimate the level of safety of a transportation facility, safety itself should be
defined. It should be noted that two beliefs are associated with road safety: an objective measure and a
subjective perception. The objective measure of road safety manifests itself in the number of accidents
and their severity. The subjective perception of road safety—referred to as road security—is the degree of
safety one feels when traveling within a transportation system. An increase in the security level of a
roadway is not necessarily translated into an enhanced level of road safety. In some cases, an increase
in security may result in reduced safety because the road user feels safer and become less cautious. For
example, if a gravel roadway is paved with asphalt, the average speed is likely to increase, which may
result in more accidents.

Figure 1 shows the continuum of events in a traffic stream. In this figure, the volume of each situation
relates to the corresponding frequency. The number of dangerous situations within a transportation facility
is greater than number of accidents per unit of time. Given the fact that events that happen more
frequently can be measured more easily, some researchers have tried to define the safety of
transportation facilities based on surrogate measures of safety.1 Accidents are directly proportional to
dangerous situations, so safety can be defined in terms of the prevalence of accidents.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 2

Technical Brief
Figure 1. The Continuum of Events.

Normal Traffic

Incipient Danger

Dangerous Situations

Unfortunately, randomness of accidents is also one of the primary characteristics of safety, which makes
the evaluation of a safety treatment more challenging. Figure 2 shows the number of total monthly fatal
accidents in Ontario, Canada, from the period between January 1993 and December 2004. If a random
year is selected from this figure, one is not able to determine a specific trend in the number of accidents
among different months. Similarly, if a random month is selected, as can be seen from 1993 to 1994, the
number of accidents decreased from 106 to 83. However, in 1995, it increased to 100. As with any
transportation facility, accident occurrences are random; this must be explicitly recognized in any effort to
measure safety performance.

Figure 2. Number of Monthly Fatal Accidents from

January 1993 to December 2004 in Ontario, Canada.
Total Number of Monthly Fatal






Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05
Months of Years

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 3

Technical Brief
The squares in Figure 3 represent the same number of fatal accidents that were shown in Figure 2. The
triangles in Figure 3 correspond to the annual average monthly fatal accidents from 1993 to 2004. During
this 12-year period, the annual average monthly fatal accidents follow a general trend. This simple
example illustrates that the safety of a facility is different than the number of accidents, which is a random

Safety is an attribute of a facility that is believed to be the same over time if all influencing parameters
(such as environment, users, volumes, etc.) remain unchanged. Consequently, the safety of a facility can
be defined as an expected accident frequency or, more formally, “the number of accidents, or accident
consequences, by kind and severity, expected to occur on the facility during a specified period.”2

Figure 3. Number of Monthly Fatal Accidents and Annual Average Monthly Fatal Accidents from
January 1993 to December 2004 in Ontario, Canada.

Fatal Accidents Frequency

R2 = 0.9544




Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan- Jan-
93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05
Months of Years

2.3 Target Accidents

Having established that the expected accident frequency is the foundation and starting point of road
safety analysis, attention must be turned to the specific types of accidents that are expected to be
affected following the implementation of a proposed or existing treatment—the safety improvement plan.
In any before-and-after study, accidents can be grouped into two categories as they relate to the

• target accidents that can be materially affected by the treatment; and

• comparison accidents that are not affected by the safety treatment.3

The differentiation and determination of which accident types belong to either of the above categories is a
challenge. In general, this division will not be definitive. A firm understanding of the contributory factors in
specific accident types is required to reduce the likelihood that comparison accidents are analyzed as
target accidents and vice versa.

2.4 Causal Factors Explained

The safety performance of a transportation facility changes over time. Two groups of causal factors affect
the safety performance of these facilities. The first are those that are recognized, measured, understood
and can be explained by models. The second group of factors are those that are not recognized, not

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 4

Technical Brief
measured, or not understood. These latter causal factors have to be implicitly understood in a valid
before-and-after study.

According to the two groups of causal factors, change in safety performance from the before period to the
after period can be disaggregated into four components: treatment effect, exposure effect, trend effect
and random effect.4 All of these effects are explained in the following sections.


The treatment effect is the change in safety performance of a transportation facility caused by
implementation of a specific treatment. In a before-and-after study, the treatment effect must be isolated
from the other causal factors to determine the net improvement/deterioration in terms of safety
performance. The net safety benefits/costs of the treatment are obtained by finding and comparing the
answers to the following two questions:

• What would have been the safety performance of the facility in the after period had the
treatment not been applied?
• What is the safety performance of the treated facility in the after period?

To answer the first question, the causal factors outlined in the following three subsections must be fully
quantified and isolated. The second question needs to recognize the importance of the target accident
discussion in the preceding section.


The exposure effect is caused by change in traffic volume and patterns on a facility. Traffic volume and
accident frequencies have a direct relationship. Therefore, it is conceivable that the accident frequency of
a facility increases as traffic volume increases and vice versa. This effect could be significant if the
remedial action applied to the facility significantly changes the operations or capacity of the facility, such
as placing an intersection under traffic signal control or providing a two-way left-turn lane on a specific
road section.


The trend effect is due to causal factors that are not recognized, measured and understood. For example,
traffic composition (such as a higher/lower percentage of trucks or pedestrians), driver composition (in
terms of behavior, age, etc.), enforcement level, weather conditions, etc. can be changed from the before
period to the after period.


The random effect occurs because of a phenomenon referred to as regression-to-the-mean bias in

statistics. In practice, there is a tendency to select facilities with high accident frequency or rates for safety
treatments. However, if the selection is made based on a short-term high prevalence of accidents, a lower
accident rate would be expected in the after period, even if no improvement had been implemented.

Based on the definition of the above four effects, it can be concluded that even if no safety treatment had
been applied to the facility, it would have been likely to observe a change in accident frequency from the
before to the after periods. Consequently, analysts must recognize the impact of each of these effects on
their evaluation results and must employ techniques that seek to minimize or account for these
extraneous effects. Properly designed studies extract the treatment effect from the total change in safety
performance in order to assess if the safety or operational treatment has resulted in a safety improvement
or deterioration.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 5

Technical Brief
The following section is a summary of four common before-after study approaches with specific attention
to their ability to address and control for the exposure, trend and random effects noted above.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 6

Technical Brief
The following is an overview of the four most commonly used approaches to perform a before-and-after
study in order to evaluate the performance of a safety improvement plan or an operational change on a
transportation facility: naïve before-and-after study, before-and-after study with yoked comparison,
before-and-after with comparison group and before-and-after study with Empirical Bayes approach.

3.1 Naïve Before-and-After Study

The naïve before-and-after study is the simplest technique for this kind of observational study. In this
approach, accident counts in the before period are used to predict the expected accident rate and,
consequently, expected accident counts if the safety treatment had not been implemented. The change in
accident counts between the before and the after conditions is considered the treatment effect. The effect
of the passage of time on the safety of a facility is ignored; this technique is unable to separate the
treatment effect from the other effects described in Section 2.4. The application of this technique in real-
world projects is not recommended.

3.2 Before-and-After Study with Yoked Comparison

In the before-and-after study with yoked comparison, the treated facility and untreated facility are referred
to as the treatment site and comparison site, respectively.5 In this technique, a group of similar facilities is
selected so that there is a one-to-one correspondence between each member of the comparison group
and the treatment group. This requires that the treatment site be similar to the comparison site. For
instance, if the treated facility is an intersection, the comparison site should be a similar intersection with
respect to area type (commercial business district, urban, rural), intersection type (three-legged or four-
legged), traffic control (signalized, two-way stop-controlled, etc.), geometric design and traffic volume.
The comparison site should not have undergone any geometric change or traffic control improvement
during the before and after periods.6 A graphical representation of the treatment and comparison groups
is provided in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Yoked Comparison.

Treatment Group Comparison Group

Source: Harwood, D.W. et al. “Safety Effectiveness of Intersection Left- and Right-
Turn Lanes.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1840 (2003): 131–139.

In this method, it is hoped that the unknown causal factors should affect the comparison group in the
same manner that they influence the treatment group. Therefore, the change in the number of accidents
from the before period to the after period, had the treatment sites been left unimproved, would have been
in the same proportion as the matching comparison site. Under this assumption, the accident frequency at
each treatment site in the before period is multiplied by the ratio of after-to-before accidents at the
comparison site to predict the expected number of accidents in the after period at the treated site without

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 7

Technical Brief
the improvement.7 This approach has better theoretical grounds than the naïve before-and-after study
technique; however, it still suffers from three main issues:

• It makes use of only one comparison site, and it is conceivable to have different estimates when
other comparison sites are used. Consequently, the findings based on the evaluation of the
facility will be variable with relatively wide confidence limits.
• It is unable to address the issue known as regression-to-the-mean bias. If the treatment site is
chosen based on the fact that the agency has observed high accident counts in a short term, the
accident frequency will likely be lower in the after period even if no treatment is applied. However,
this method cannot identify whether the lower accident frequency is due to the treatment or the
intrinsic randomness of accidents.
• It is unable to deal with cases where the comparison site has no history of accident occurrences.8

A before-and-after study was performed with yoked comparison in the state of Illinois to evaluate the
effectiveness of continuous shoulder rumble strips (CSRS).9 The target accidents in this study were
single-vehicle run-off-the-road accidents. The author selected 55 treatment sites and 55 comparison
sites. The selected yoked comparison sites in this study were freeway sections adjacent and upstream to
the treatment sites.

Tables 1 and 2 illustrate the time series of the accident counts in the before and after periods. As shown,
the durations of the before and after periods are similar to each other in this study.

Table 1. Before Period Accidents for Treatment and Yoked Comparison Groups.

Before Period
Years 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992–93 Total
Treatment 276 644 863 596 310 112 2801
Comparison 240 515 646 521 259 107 2288

Source: Griffith, M. “Safety Evaluation of Continuous Rolled-In Rumble Strips Installed on Freeways.”
Transportation Research Record, No. 1665 (1999): 28–34.

Table 2. After Period Accidents for Treatment and Yoked Comparison Groups.

After Period
Years 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Total
Treatment 70 391 500 534 255 145 1895
Comparison 112 462 460 454 212 133 1833

Source: Safety Evaluation of Rollen-In Continuous Shoulder Rumble Strips Installed on Freeways.
Highway Safety Information System Summary Report, FHWA-RD-00-32. Washington, DC, USA: Federal
Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1999.

The researcher found that the CSRS treatments contributed to an 18.3-percent reduction in target

3.3 Before-and-After Study with Comparison Group

The rationale behind the before-and-after study with comparison group is the same as the yoked
comparison technique; however, in this approach there is no need for a one-to-one matching between
members of the comparison group and the treatment group. The philosophy is that the larger the
comparison group, the better the assessment. A graphical representation of the treatment and
comparison group for this method is provided in Figure 5.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 8

Technical Brief
Figure 5. Comparison Group.

Treatment Group Comparison

Source: Harwood, D.W. et al. “Safety Effectiveness of Intersection Left- and Right-
Turn Lanes.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1840 (2003): 131–139.

In this evaluation approach, the facilities in the comparison group do not have to be exactly similar to the
facilities in the treatment group. However, it is important that a close agreement exist with regard to
accident history at the treatment and comparison sites in the before period. This approach resolves the
first issue associated with the before-and-after study with the yoked comparison; however, it is unable to
address the phenomenon of regression-to-the-mean bias. Also, it should be noted that this technique is
similar to the yoked comparison approach in that it cannot determine the treatment effectiveness if
accident counts in either the before or the after period in the comparison group equal zero. This situation
is unlikely to occur due to having a group of comparison sites rather than only one single comparison site
for each specific treatment site.

The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) launched the STOP Sign In-Fill Program in 1998 to
reduce the frequency and severity of accidents in residential areas in the greater Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, regional district. The effectiveness of the program was evaluated using an
observational before-and-after study with comparison groups to determine whether the program had been
effective. This program promoted the idea that STOP signs should be installed at every second
intersection in residential neighborhoods.11

One of the unique features of this study was the fact that the intersections treated in this study had not
been selected based on their accident frequencies, but on the basis of a general rule that a STOP sign
should be installed at every second intersection. Consequently, the effect of the regression-to-the-mean
phenomenon was minimal in this project.

The project study area consisted of 22 zones including 380 intersections. The treatment of intersections
had been completed in 1999, 2000, 2001, or 2002 in order to provide the analysts with adequate time for
a thorough before-and-after study. The accident data associated with each intersection were extracted
from the ICBC database. The comparison group in this study was a collection of 133 existing two-way
stop-controlled intersections located in the 22 study zones.

The research found that the total accidents and severe accidents were reduced by 52.8 and 66.9 percent,
respectively. It should be noted that the researchers also conducted a before-and-after study with yoked
comparison. They found that the total and severe accidents were reduced by 44.8 and 61.1 percent,

3.4 Before-and-After Study with the Empirical Bayes Approach

In practice, there is a tendency to select facilities with high accident rates for safety treatments. However,
if the selection is made based on a short-term high prevalence of accidents, a lower accident rate would

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 9

Technical Brief
be expected in the after period, even if no improvement had been implemented. As previously explained,
this phenomenon is well known in statistics as regression-to-the-mean bias. To properly account for the
effect of regression to the mean, the Empirical Bayes approach is used. The Empirical Bayes method is a
statistical approach to determine the appropriate weighting to place on each relevant factor to estimate
accident outcomes for a treatment group. The Empirical Bayes method determines a smoothed value for
expected accidents and eliminates the randomness element of accidents. In this evaluation approach,
safety performance functions (SPFs) are used to estimate accident frequencies had the treatment not
been applied. SPFs are regression models that explain the relationship between accident frequency and
some explanatory variables such as traffic volume on the facility. A number of SPFs already have been
developed by researchers and jurisdictions to estimate accident frequencies on different facilities. A
graphical representation of the treatment and comparison function for this method is provided in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Empirical Bayes Approach.

Treatment Group



Source: Harwood, D.W. et al. “Safety Effectiveness of Intersection Left- and Right-
Turn Lanes.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1840 (2003): 131–139.

In the Empirical Bayes approach, the accident frequency in the after period if the treatment had not been
applied is predicted using accident prediction models or SPFs developed for a reference group and the
observed accidents in the before period. The reference group is similar to the comparison group
introduced in other methods. Consequently, the reference group consists of similar facilities that have not
undergone any improvements from the before to the after periods.

The safety effects of roundabout conversions in the United States were investigated using the Empirical
Bayes approach. The researchers analyzed 23 intersections in seven states: Colorado, Florida, Kansas,
Maine, Maryland, South Carolina and Vermont. All of these intersections were converted to roundabouts
between 1992 and 1997. Among the 23 intersections, 19 had been stop-controlled, while the remainder
were signalized.13

The researchers employed accident prediction models prepared for signalized intersections and those
developed for rural stop-controlled intersections.14,15 However, new regression models were calibrated for
urban stop-controlled intersections based on data from Toronto, Canada, and the states of Maryland and
Florida. Using these models, the frequency of accidents during the before period was calculated. For 23
intersections converted to roundabouts, the total accidents and the injury accidents were reduced by 40
percent and 80 percent, respectively.16

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 10

Technical Brief
The main objective of this technical brief is to provide a quick reference for practitioners to understand the
requirements for conducting a valid before-and-after study. Properly conducted before-and-after studies
can be used to quantify and assess the safety improvements of a particular treatment on different
transportation facilities.

This brief describes four common methodologies for conducting before-and-after studies for
transportation facilities as well as their benefits and shortcomings. The naïve before-and-after study is the
simplest technique for this kind of study. Within this methodology, the effect of passage of time on the
safety of a facility is ignored, which is an unreasonable assumption in terms of statistical validity. The
application of this technique in real-world projects is not recommended.

The most statistically rigorous method of the four reviewed is the Empirical Bayes technique. There is
general consensus among researchers and practitioners regarding the superiority of this technique, and it
is recommended for use in all circumstances where the data and required SPFs are available. The next
preference is to perform a before-and-after study with comparison groups. However, if the number of
facilities is limited in the comparison group, the yoked comparison is the next best analysis choice.

The decision to use one analysis methodology versus another ultimately is in the hands of the
transportation practitioner undertaking the before-and-after study. This brief provides an understanding of
the merits of each method to weigh into the decision process where data availability, resources, time
constraints and other decisive factors are a reality.

Table 3 is a summary of the abilities of each of the four before-and-after study methods to address the
primary causal factors attributed to a change in safety performance.

Table 3. Summary of Before-and-After Study Application.

Ability to determine or account for:

Methodology Treatment Random
Exposure Effect Trend Effect
Effect Effect
Before-and-After with
Yes Yes Yes Yes
Empirical Bayes
Before-and-After with
Yes Yes Yes No
Comparison Group
Before-and-After with
Yes Yes Potential No
Yoked Comparison
Naïve Before-and-
Yes Potential No No
After Study

Table 4 shows the data requirements of each technique and briefly states the weaknesses and strengths
associated with each approach.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 11

Technical Brief
Table 4. Data Requirements, Strengths and Weaknesses.

Technique Data Requirements Strengths Weaknesses

Has a concrete
Accident counts in the
theoretical background
before and the after
and is the preferred Safety performance
Before-and-After periods
approach by functions do not exist
with Empirical Safety performance researchers for all facilities being
Bayes functions that suit the
Addresses the issue of analyzed
facility and the type of
target accidents
mean bias
Accident counts in the Does not address
before and the after regression-to-the-
periods for the The treatment sites mean bias
treatment and and comparison group
Before-and-After Conformity check
comparison sites sites need to be
with Comparison between treatment
similar, but a one-to-
Group A comparison group group and
one pairing is not
that is in conformity with required comparison group is
the treatment group in required in the before
the before period period
Has to be a one-to-
one match between
treatment and
Accident counts in the
comparison sites;
before and the after
therefore different
Before-and-After periods Simple to carry out
estimates are
with Yoked A comparison group Fewer data obtained when other
Comparison that has a one-to-one requirements comparison sites are
similarity with the used
treatment group
Does not address
mean bias
Does not address
Accident counts in the Simple to carry out
Naïve Before-and- mean bias
before and the after Few data
After Does not account for
periods requirements
exposure and trend
effects over time

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 12

Technical Brief
1. Hauer, E. Observational Before-After Studies in Road Safety. St. Louis, MO, USA: Elsevier Science
Ltd., 1997.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Mollett, C.J. The analysis of road traffic accident data in the implementation of road safety remedial
programmes. University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2001.

5. Griffin, L.I. and R.J. Flowers. A Discussion of Six Procedures for Evaluating Highway Safety Projects.
Washington, DC, USA: U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT), Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), 1997.

6. Safety Effectiveness of Intersection Left- and Right-Turn Lanes. Report No. FHWA-RD-02-089.
Washington, DC: U.S. DOT, FHWA, 2002.

7. Griffith, M. “Safety Evaluation of Continuous Rolled-In Rumble Strips Installed on Freeways.”

Transportation Research Record, No. 1665 (1999): 28–34.

8. FHWA 2002.

9. Griffith 1999.

10. Ibid.

11. Sayed, T., K. El-Basyouny and J. Pump. “Safety Evaluation of Stop Sign In-Fill Program.”
Transportation Research Record, No. 1953 (2006): 201–210.

12. Ibid.

13. Persaud, B.N., R.A. Retting, P.E. Garder and D. Lord. “Safety Effect of Roundabout Conversions in
the United States: Empirical Bayes Observational Before-After Study.” Transportation Research
Record, No. 1751 (2001): 1–8.

14. Lord, D. The Prediction of Accidents on Digital Networks: Characteristics and Issues Related to the
Application of Accident Prediction Models. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto, 2000.

15. Bonneson, J.A. and P.T. McCoy. “Estimation of Safety at Two-Way Stop-Controlled Intersections on
Rural Highways.” Transportation Research Record, No. 1401 (1993): 83–89.

16. Persaud, Retting, Garder and Lord 2001.

ITE TSC Before-and-After Study 13

Technical Brief

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