This document discusses many aspects of prostate cancer including risk factors, screening methods, diagnosis, staging, treatment options and outcomes. It reviews over 50 scholarly articles on prostate cancer covering topics such as screening, biopsy techniques, hormone therapy and its effectiveness.
This document discusses many aspects of prostate cancer including risk factors, screening methods, diagnosis, staging, treatment options and outcomes. It reviews over 50 scholarly articles on prostate cancer covering topics such as screening, biopsy techniques, hormone therapy and its effectiveness.
This document discusses many aspects of prostate cancer including risk factors, screening methods, diagnosis, staging, treatment options and outcomes. It reviews over 50 scholarly articles on prostate cancer covering topics such as screening, biopsy techniques, hormone therapy and its effectiveness.
This document discusses many aspects of prostate cancer including risk factors, screening methods, diagnosis, staging, treatment options and outcomes. It reviews over 50 scholarly articles on prostate cancer covering topics such as screening, biopsy techniques, hormone therapy and its effectiveness.
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1. Epstein J. Pathology of prostatic neoplasia.
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