Information Technology 9: Our Mission

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Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School Phone

7055 Heather Street 604-713-8189

Vancouver, B.C.
Canada Fax
V6P 3P7 604-713-8188

Our Mission
Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School contributes to the intellectual, physical, aesthetic,
creative, moral, and social development of its students by providing challenges and
opportunities for them to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to enrich their
lives and society.

Teacher: Mr.Watchorn
Information Technology 9 [email protected]
[email protected]

Equipment and Materials Course Content

 USB Data Stick  Working with the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator,
 SD card Premiere, InDesign.)
 Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher, Excel,
Course Fees: Powerpoint.)
20$  Basic Keyboarding
 Introduction to Computer Programing using
JavaScript (CODE HS)
 Elements and Principles of Art and Design
 Vocabulary to describe and critique projects
Marks for Each Report % of Term
 Web Design Software
 Term Projects 80%
 Participation 20%
Total 100
Students will be able to…
 Use basic commands in the Adobe Suite.
Final Report % of Year
 Apply elements and principles of art and design to
 Report 1 32%
35% projects.
 Report 2
33%  Understand how to present and critique student’s
 Report 3
work and work of others.
 Use basic web design software in order to create an
Total 100
online portfolio.
 Developing problem solving, critical and creative
thinking skills through the application of the design
 Enter information accurately using appropriate
keyboarding techniques and software that allows for
storage, retrieval, and editing of material.
 Respect for others viewpoints and appreciate
alternate solutions to problems.

Continued on the next page…

Course Outline (continued)

Policies and Procedures

Assessment and Evaluation
Churchill Secondary’s Assessment and Evaluation Guiding
Attendance Principles and Policies are printed on Pages 14 and 16 in the
Attendance is recorded and reported for each class. Repeated Student Agenda.
absences may make promotion impossible.
Students returning to school after an absence are Projects will be marked in accordance to the plans,
expected to bring a note from their parent or guardian.
This note must be shown to all subject teachers whose classes
quality of work, finishing and completion.
were missed, and should include the student’s name, student
number, dates and times when absent. The note should then Participation in this course is required. Students must
be turned into the office, once attached to the attendance slip. arrive to class ready to work, use the tools and
This policy is in place to comply with Vancouver School Board equipment correctly and at the end of class to clean
Regulations regarding attendance. up.
Students wishing an early dismissal from school must bring a
note signed by their parent/guardian. The student should show Assignments
the subject teacher the note and then report to the office to All assignments have rubrics, which clearly describe
sign out.
Students who take extended vacations do so without the
how students will be assessed on the project.
endorsement of the school. Teachers are not obligated to All Projects will be submitted through student’s website.
provide homework during these absences. Exams or Assignments should be clearly labeled.
assignments missed may count as zero.
Students going on field trips must have signed permission from Projects are the student’s property once they are completed.
their parent/guardian. Teachers whose classes are being
missed should sign the form also. It is the student’s responsibility to have assignments completed
on time. If absent, find out what the assignment was and hand
Tardiness it in the following class. Marks may be deducted for late and/or
Students must be in their classroom before the beginning of incomplete work.
each period or they will be marked “late”. Students who are
frequently late may be required to make up the time at the Extra Help
teacher’s discretion. Available by appointment.

Academic Integrity Policy

On First Offence CELLPHONES
 The student will receive “0” for that particular work.  Students are not to have their phones out during class
 The incident will be recorded on the student’s time. They will be asked to turn them over and will be kept
discipline file. in my office until the end of class. Students who cannot
 The parents/guardians may be informed. stay off their devices will not be permitted to have them in
 The student will not be eligible for Honour Roll class.
recognition for that particular term.  Cellphones should only be used when teacher has given
On Second Offence permission to do so.
In addition to all first offence consequences:
 The student will not be eligible for Passport to
Education for that academic year.
 The student will not be eligible for school-based
 The student may be suspended or transferred.

Churchill Secondary’s entire Academic Integrity Policy is

printed on Pages 18 and 20 in the Student Agenda.

Please sign and return the following form to the subject teacher.


I, ______________________________________, have read and understand the above course expectations.

(Print full name of student)

Signature of Student: ___________________________________ Course: __________________________

Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________ Teacher: _________________________

Date: _______________________________________________ Block: ___________________________

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