Template Workplace Policies

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines an alcohol-free workplace policy and testing procedures, responsibilities of employers and employees, and a tuberculosis workplace policy.

The different types of alcohol testing procedures mentioned are cause testing, post-accident testing, and random testing.

Employees' responsibilities according to the workplace policy include practicing non-discrimination, complying with universal precautions and preventive measures, and not accessing personnel data relating to a coworker's health status.

A Company Model


The (Company name) adopts this alcohol-free workplace policy and program to
ensure a safe and healthful workplace. In this regard, all employees shall abide by the
terms and conditions of this policy.

The company explicitly prohibits the following:
1. Use, possession, solicitation or sale of alcohol in the workplace; or
2. Impairment or under the influence of alcohol which may cause/causing
adverse effect on employee’s work performance, safety of co-employees or
Company’s reputation.


1. Assessment Team- A group of persons composed of occupational safety and

health personnel, human resource manager, employer’s representative and
employees’ representative who are trained to address all aspects of prevention.

2. Cause Testing- A form of alcohol-test assessment conducted by the Company

when an employee is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol. The
Company request its suspected employee to submit himself to alcohol test.

3. “Involved in an on-the-job accident or injury“- An accident of any person within

the workplace immediately or proximately caused by the employee under the
influence of alcohol.

4. Near Miss- An incident which could have led to any injury or fatality of
employees and/or considerable damage to the employer had it not been

5. Post-Accident Testing- A form of alcohol-test assessment conducted by the

Company to those employees involved in an on the job accident or injury.

6. Random Testing- A form of alcohol test assessment conducted by the Company

Employees may be selected at random for alcohol testing at any interval
determined by the company.

7. Workplace – Any office or property owned, leased or operated by the Company

or at any other place where an employee performs work for the Company.


The (Company name) shall post in conspicuous place and notify in writing all its
employees of this policy and shall establish an alcohol-free workplace policy awareness
program. The contents of such awareness program are as follows:
1. Dangers involved in the use, possession, solicitation or sale of alcohol in the
2. Policy of maintaining an alcohol-free workplace;
3. Available employee assistance program; and
4. Imposable penalties for employees found guilty for violation of alcohol-free
workplace policy.


A. Cause-Test
1. If an employee’s demeanour caused the Company to suspect that he is using,
possessing, soliciting or selling alcohol in the workplace, the latter will
request the former to submit himself to a cause-test. If the employee objects
to subject himself to cause-test, he must state his objection and the reason
thereof in writing. The Company shall immediately decide whether the
ground for objection is valid or not. Should the Company found that the
objection is not valid and the employee still refused to submit himself to the
cause-test, the refusal will be considered as a ground for disciplinary action;

2. If the cause-test showed a positive result, the employee will be referred to the
assessment team for further examination. However, if the employee still
disagrees with the result of the assessment team, he will be subjected to
another alcohol testing at the nearest medical facility.

B. Post - Accident-Test

1. If an accident or a near miss has been immediately or proximately caused by

employees engaged in using possessing, soliciting or selling alcohol in the
workplace, all employees involved in the on the job accident shall be
subjected to a post-accident-test. If the employee objects to subject himself
to cause-test, he must state his objection and the reason thereof in writing.
The Company shall immediately decide whether the ground for objection is
valid or not. Should the Company found that the objection is not valid and the
employee still refused to submit himself to the cause-test, the refusal will be
considered as a ground for disciplinary action; and

2. If the cause-test showed a positive result, the employee will be referred to the
assessment team for further examination. The findings of the assessment
team shall be considered final.

C. Random Test

1. At any time during the working hours, the Company may conduct a random
alcohol test with its employees. If the employee objects to subject himself to
cause-test, he must state his objection and the reason thereof in writing. The
Company shall immediately decide whether the ground for objection is valid
or not. Should the Company found that the objection is not valid and the
employee still refused to submit himself to the cause-test, the refusal will be
considered as a ground for disciplinary action; and

2. If the cause-test showed a positive result, the employee will be referred to the
assessment team for further examination. However, if the employee still
disagrees with the result of the assessment team, he will be subjected to
another alcohol testing at the nearest medical facility.

The (Company name) shall observe at all times confidentiality of the results
relative to alcohol tests done to employees.


The Assessment Team shall determine whether or not an employee found
addicted to alcohol would need referral for treatment and/or rehabilitation in a
Department of Health-Accredited Center. This benefit is only given to employees who
seek help from the assessment team.


The implementation of the alcohol-free workplace policy and program shall be
monitored and evaluated periodically by the Assessment Team to ensure that the goal
of an alcohol-free workplace is met.


1. Failure to submit to cause-test, post accident-test, random-test, or alcohol

test by a nearest medical facility shall be a ground for a disciplinary action
with a penalty of one (1) month suspension without pay;
2. If an employee found guilty for violation of any of the acts prohibited under
paragraph I of this policy shall be subjected to a disciplinary action with a
penalty of one (1) month suspension without pay; or
3. If an employee found to have been guilty for violation of this policy,
repeatedly violated the provisions thereof shall be subjected to a disciplinary
action with a penalty of three (3) months suspension or dismissal from

This company policy is effective immediately to all employees.

_______________________ ________________________________
Owner/Manager Employees’ Representative


Company Model on

(Company Name) acknowledges the problem of drug abuse in our society. As our
company sees drug abuse as a serious threat to our staff and customers, it hereby
addresses the problem by issuing this substance abuse policy and program to ensure
that our company, (Company Name), will be a drug-free workplace.

Drug addiction is a complex, yet treatable disease. For this reason, our drug prevention
and control program aims to prevent this from happening in the workplace while at the
same time assisting drug users to seek treatment.

The ultimate goal of this policy is to balance our respect for individual privacy with our
need to keep a safe, productive, drug-free environment. We would like to encourage
those who use drugs to seek help in overcoming their problem. In this way, fully
rehabilitated drug users who remain drug-free can return to work as employees in good


1. Legal Drug refers to prescribed drug or over-the-counter drug which has been
legally obtained and is being used solely for the purpose of curing disease for
which it was prescribed or manufactured.
Refer to the definition of prohibited drugs under the dangerous drugs act..
2. Illegal Drug refers to any drug (a) which is not legally obtainable, (b) which may
be legally obtainable but has not been legally obtained, or at which is being used
in a manner or for a purpose other than as prescribed.
3. Random Drug Test refers to an unannounced schedule of testing with each
employee having an equal chance of being selected for testing. The policy on the
conduct of random drug test should be known to both employers and employees.
4. Assessment Team refers to the team composed of the safety and health committee
including OSH personnel, human resources managers, employers and workers’
representatives trained to address all aspects of drug prevention.
5. Confirmatory Test refers to an analytical test using a device, tool or equipment
with a different chemical or physical principle that is more specific which will
validate and confirm the result of the screening test. It refers to the second or
further analytical procedure to more accurately determine the presence of
dangerous drugs in the specimen.


(Company Name) policy is intended to deter and eradicate the use of illegal drugs by the
employees within or outside the company premises.

It is a standard of conduct of employees of (Company Name) that employees shall not
use illegal drugs. In order to maintain this standard, the company shall establish and
maintain the programs related to prevention of drug abuse in the workplace.

A. Advocacy, Education and Training

Management shall be responsible for increasing awareness and education of its officers
and employees on the adverse effects of dangerous drugs as well as the monitoring of
employees susceptible to drug abuse. Training on prevention, clinical assessment and
counseling shall be given to employees who will be part of the assessment team which
shall address all aspects of drug abuse prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

B. General Procedure

An employee reporting for work visibly impaired or unable to properly perform his
duties because of alcohol or illegal drug use shall not be allowed to work. The
employee’s supervisor should first seek another supervisor’s opinion to verify and
further evaluate the employee’s condition. The employee shall be consulted privately to
determine the cause of the observation, including whether substance abuse has

If there is sufficient basis to suspect that an employee is impaired, the employee should
be first assessed by the company’s assessment team before sending the worker to a
medical facility for drug testing, depending on the determination of the observed
impairment, accompanied by the supervisor or another employee if necessary. – what
do we mean by impaired?

Composition of assessment team?

C. Pre-employment Drug Abuse Testing

(Company Name) will conduct pre-employment drug testing examinations designed to

prevent the hiring of individuals who use illegal drugs or individuals whose use of legal
drugs indicates a potential for impaired or unsafe job performance.

D. Current Employee Drug Abuse Testing

(Company Name) will implement random drug testing practices to identify employees
who use illegal drugs, either on or off the job. This will be done periodically. (Company
Name), the testing laboratory, drug rehabilitation programs and its agents who receive
or have access to information concerning drug tests shall keep all information

It shall be a condition of continued employment for all employees to submit to a drug

test when:

1. The employee is involved in any mishap or accident in which injury to himself or

herself or other persons or damage to property has occurred. Testing will be
done immediately so as to facilitate compensation claims for work connected
injuries. Accidents not related to drug use may qualify the employee to such
2. The employee is involved in an incident arising from or in the course of work
which could have led to injuries or fatalities of workers and/or considerable
damage to the employer had it not been curtailed.

E. Employee Assistance and Drug Rehabilitation Programs

(Company Name) shall maintain an information on employee assistance programs and

drug rehabilitation programs which could provide help to employees who suffer from
drug abuse and their families.

It shall provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and mailing addresses of at
least three (3) facilities from which the employee can choose from .

A complete list of programs is available in the (Human Resources) department. The

facilities must be duly accredited by the DOH.

However, it is the responsibility of each employee to seek assistance from one of these
programs. The cost of the treatment will be charge against the employee.

F. Grounds for Termination of Discipline

Failure to submit to required medical or physical examinations, including drug testing,

is misconduct and is grounds for disciplinary action. NOTE: (The course of action will
depend on the company policy.)

An employee bringing on to (Company Name)‘s premises or property, having

possession of; being under the influence of; possessing in the employee’s body, blood or
urine in any detectable amount; or using, consuming, transferring, selling, or attempt to
sell or transfer any form of illegal drug as defined above while on (Company Name)
business or at any time during the hours between the beginning and ending of the
employee’s workday, whether on duty or not and whether on (Company Name)
business or on (Company Name) property or not, is guilty of misconduct and is subject
to discipline, including immediate termination or immediate suspension without pay
from work.


A. General Procedures

Drug testing will be accomplished via a urinalysis test, in most cases, at a laboratory
chosen by (Company Name). Such laboratory shall be licensed and approved by the
Department of Health.

Employees may be tested for any or all of the drugs contained on the lists of PDEA.

All specimen samples shall be collected with due regard to the privacy of the employee
providing the sample, and in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitution or
contamination of the sample.

Specimen collection shall be documented, and the documentation procedures shall


a. Labeling of specimen containers so as to reasonably preclude the likelihood of

erroneous identification to test results.
b. A form for the employee or job applicant to provide any information he or she
considers relevant to the test, including identification of currently or recently
used prescription or non-prescription medication, or other relevant medical
information. Such form will provide notice of the most common medications by
name which may alter or affect a drug test. The providing of information shall
not preclude administration of the drug test, but shall be taken into account in
interpreting any positive confirmed results. These forms are available in the
(Human Resources) department.
c. It is the right of the employee or job applicant to consult the testing laboratory for
technical information regarding prescription and non-prescription medications.
The name, address, and telephone numbers are available in the (Human
Resources) department.
Any drug test conducted or requested by management may occur before, during, or
immediately after the regular work period of the employee and shall be deemed to be
performed during work time for the purpose of determining compensation benefits for
the employee.

Within five (5) working days after receipt of a positive confirmed test result from the
testing laboratory, management shall inform the employee or job applicant in writing of
such positive test result, the consequences of such results, and the options available to
the employee or job applicant. The management will also provide the employee or job
applicant, upon request, a copy of the test results.

Within five (5) working days after receipt of a positive confirmed test result, the
employee or job applicant may submit information to the management explaining or
contesting the test results, and why the results do not constitute a violation of
company‘s policy.

If an employee or job applicant’s explanation or challenge of the positive test results is

unsatisfactory to management, a written explanation as to why the employee or job
applicant’s explanation is unsatisfactory along with the report of positive results will be
provided by management to the employee or job applicant and all such documentation
will be kept by management in a confidential manner, for a period of at least one year.

Every specimen that produces a positive confirmed result shall be preserved in a frozen
state by the licensed laboratory that conducts the confirmation test for a period of 210
days from the time the results of the positive confirmation test are delivered to the
employer. However, if an employee or job applicant undertakes an administrative or
legal challenge to the test result, the employee or job applicant shall notify the
laboratory and the sample shall be retained by the laboratory until the case or
administrative appeal is settled. During the 180 day period after written notification of
a positive test result, the employee or job applicant who has provided the specimen
shall be permitted by management to have a portion of the specimen retested, at the
employee or job applicant’s expense, at another laboratory, licensed and approved by
the Department of Health, chosen by the employee or job applicant. The second
laboratory must test at equal or greater sensitivity for the drug in question as the first
laboratory. The first laboratory which performed the test for the company shall be
responsible for the transfer of the portion of the specimen to be retested and for the
integrity of the chain of custody during such transfer.

B. Testing Costs

Management shall pay the cost of all drug tests, initial and confirmation, which are
required during employment.

A job applicant shall pay the costs of drug test done on him.

C. Statement of Confidentiality

(Company Name), the testing laboratory, drug rehabilitation programs and their agents
who receive or have access to information concerning drug tests shall keep all
information confidential. Release of such information under any other circumstances
shall be solely pursuant to a written consent form signed voluntarily by the person
tested, except where such release is compelled by a hearing officer or a court of
competent jurisdiction pursuant to an appeal, or where deemed appropriate by a
professional or occupational licensing board in a related disciplinary proceeding.


The Assessment Team shall determine whether or not an officer or an employee found
positive for drugs would need referral for treatment and/or rehabilitation in a DOH
accredited center. This option is only given to officers and employees who are
diagnosed with drug dependence for the first time, or who turn to the assessment team
for assistance, or who would benefit from treatment and rehabilitation. Following
rehabilitation, the assessment team, in consultation with the head of the rehabilitation
center shall evaluate the status of the drug dependent employee and recommend the
resumption of his job.

Repeated drug use even after ample opportunity for treatment and rehabilitation shall
be dealt with corresponding penalties including termination.


The implementation of the drug-free workplace policies and programs shall be

monitored and evaluated periodically by management to ensure that the goal of a drug-

free workplace is met. The health and Safety Committee or other similar Committee
shall be tasked for this purpose.


All concerned shall comply with all the provisions of this company policy effective

_______________________ ________________________________

Manager/Owner Employee’s Union Representative


A Company Model

(Name of Company) is committed to conform to the established standards

assurance of customer satisfaction, protection of our environment and health and safety
in the workplaces.

The company promotes and ensures a healthy environment through its various
health programs to safeguard its employees. And as part of the company’s compliance to
DOLE Department Advisory No. 05, Series of 2010 (Guidelines for the Implementation
of a Workplace Policy and Program on Hepatitis B), this Program has been developed.
This program is aimed to address the stigma attached to hepatitis B and to ensure that
the employees’ right against discrimination and confidentiality is maintained.

This guideline is formulated for everybody’s information and reference for the
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Hepatitis B. This will inform the employees of
their role as well as the company in dealing with Hepatitis B. A healthy environment
encompasses a good working relationship and great output for continuous business

I. Implementing Structure

The (Name of Company)’s Hepatitis B workplace policy and program shall be managed
by its health and safety committee. Each division or department of the Company shall be
duly represented.

II. Guidelines

A. Education

1. Coverage. All employees regardless of employment status may avail of

hepatitis B education services for free;
2. Hepatitis B shall be conducted through distribution and posting of IEC
materials and counselling and/ or lectures; and
3. Hepatitis B education shall be spearheaded by the (name of company) Medical
Clinic in close coordination with the health and safety committee.

B. Preventive Strategies

1. All employees are encouraged to be immunized against Hepatitis B after

securing clearance from their physician.
2. Workplace sanitation and proper waste management and disposal shall be
monitored by the health and safety committee on a regular basis.
3. Personal protective equipment shall be made available at all times for all
employees; and
4. Employees will be given training and information on adherence to standards
or universal precautions in the workplace.
III. Social Policy

A. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices

1. There shall be no discrimination of any form against employees on the basis of

their Hepatitis B status consistent with the international agreements on non-
discrimination ratified by the Philippines (ILO C111). Employees shall not be
discriminated against, from pre to post employment, including hiring,
promotion, or assignment because of their hepatitis B status.
2. Workplace management of sick employees shall not differ from that of any
other illness. Persons with Hepatitis B related illnesses may work for as long
as they are medically fit to work.

B. Confidentiality

Job applicants and employees shall not be compelled to disclose their Hepatitis B
status and other related medical information. Co-employees shall not be obliged to
reveal any personal information about their fellow employees. Access to personal data
relating to employee’s Hepatitis B status shall be bound by the rules on confidentiality
and shall be strictly limited to medical personnel or if legally required.

C. Work-Accommodation and Arrangement

1. The company shall take measures to reasonably accommodate employees who

are Hepatitis B positive or with Hepatitis B - related illnesses.

2. Through agreements made between management and employees’

representative, measures to support employees with Hepatitis B are
encouraged to work through flexible leave arrangements, rescheduling of
working time and arrangement for return to work.

D. Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and Referral to Health Care Services

1. The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to

diagnostic and treatment services for its employees for appropriate medical
evaluation/ monitoring and management.
2. Adherence to the guidelines for healthcare providers on the evaluation of
Hepatitis B positive employees is highly encouraged.
3. Screening for Hepatitis B as a prerequisite to employment shall not be

E. Compensation

The company shall provide access to Social Security System and Employees
Compensation benefits under PD 626 to an employee contracted with Hepatitis B
infection in the performance of his duty.

IV. Roles and Responsibilities of Employers and Employees

A. Employer’s Responsibilities

1. Management, together with employees’ organizations, company focal

personnel for human resources, and safety and health personnel shall develop,
implement, monitor and evaluate the workplace policy and program on Hepatitis

2. The Health and Safety Committee shall ensure that their company policy and
program is adequately funded and made known to all employees.

3. The Human Resources Department shall ensure that their policy and
program adheres to existing legislations and guidelines, including provisions on
leaves, benefits and insurance.

4. Management shall provide information, education and training on

Hepatitis B for its workforce consistent with the standardized basic
information package developed by the Hepatitis B TWG; if not available within
the establishment, then provide access to information.

5. The company shall ensure non-discriminatory practices in the workplace.

6. The management together with the company focal personnel for human
resources and safety and health shall provide appropriate personal protective
equipment to prevent Hepatitis B exposure, especially for employees exposed to
potentially contaminated blood or body fluid.

7. The Health and Safety Committee, together with the employees’

organizations shall jointly review the policy and program for effectiveness and
continue to improve these by networking with government and organizations
promoting Hepatitis B prevention.

8. The company shall ensure confidentiality of the health status of its

employees, including those with Hepatitis B.

9. The human resources shall ensure that access to medical records is limited
to authorized personnel.

B. Employees Responsibilities

1. The employees’ organization is required to undertake an active role in

educating and training their members on Hepatitis B prevention and control. The
IEC program must also aim at promoting and practicing a healthy lifestyle with
emphasis on avoiding high risk behavior and other risk factors that expose
employees to increased risk of Hepatitis B infection, consistent with the
standardized basic information package developed by the Hepatitis B TWG.
2. Employees shall practice non-discriminatory acts against co-employees on
the ground of Hepatitis B status.

3. Employees and their organizations shall not have access to personnel data
relating to an employee’s Hepatitis B status. The rules of confidentiality shall
apply in carrying out union and organization functions.

4. Employees shall comply with the universal precaution and the preventive

5. Employees with Hepatitis B may inform the health care provider or the
company physician on their Hepatitis B status, that is, if their work activities may
increase the risk of Hepatitis B infection and transmission or put the Hepatitis B
positive at risk for aggravation.


Within the establishment, the implementation of the policy and program shall be
monitored and evaluated periodically. The safety and health committee or its
counterpart shall be tasked for this purpose.


This Policy shall take effect immediately and shall be made known to all

______________________ ___________________________
Owner /Manager Employees’ Representative

DATE: ______________

A Company Model

In conformity with Republic Act No. 8504 otherwise known as the Philippine
AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 which recognizes workplace-based programs
as a potent tool in addressing HIV/AIDS as an international pandemic problem, this
company policy is hereby issued for the information and guidance of the employees in
the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS in the workplace.

This policy is also aimed at addressing the stigma attached to HIV/AIDS and
ensures that the workers’ right against discrimination and confidentiality is maintained.


The (Name of Company) HIV/AIDS Program shall be managed by its health and
safety committee consists of representatives from the different divisions and


What is HIV/AIDS?

It is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).

This virus slowly weakens a person’s ability to fight off other diseases by attaching itself
to and destroying important cells that control and support the human immune system.

How HIV/AIDS is transmitted?

 Unprotected sex with an HIV infected person;

 From an infected mother to her child ( during pregnancy, at birth through breast
 Intravenous drug use with contaminated needles;
 Transfusion with infected blood and blood products; and
 Unsafe, unprotected contact with infected blood and bleeding wounds of an
infected person.

Is there a cure?

No. However, there are antiretroviral drug combinations that are available when
properly used, result in prolonged survival of people with HIV. Holistic care of people

living with HIV-AIDS and comprehensive treatment of opportunistic infections also
dramatically improve quality of life.


This Program shall apply to all employees regardless of their employment status.


A. Preventive Strategies

1. Conduct of HIV-AIDS Education.-

a. Who will conduct?
The Medical Clinic of (Name of company) in coordination with the Health
and Safety Committee shall conduct HIV-AIDS education to all employees
for free. This shall also form part of the orientation of newly hired
employees. The standardized information package developed by the
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) may be used for this

b. How will it be conducted?

The HIV-AIDS education will be conducted through distribution and
posting of IEC materials, lectures, counselling and training and
information on adherence to standard or universal precautions in the

2. Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and Referral to Health Care Services

a. Screening for HIV as a prerequisite to employment is not mandatory.

b. The company shall encourage positive health seeking behavior through

Voluntary Counseling and Testing.

c. The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to

diagnostic and treatment services for its workers. Referral to Social
Hygiene Clinics of LGU for HIV screening shall be facilitated by the
company’s medical clinic staff.

d. The company shall likewise facilitate access to livelihood assistance

for the affected employee and his/her families, being offered by other
government agencies.


1. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices

a. Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to post- employment,
including hiring, promotion or assignment, termination of employment
based on the actual, perceived or suspected HIV status of an individual is
b. Workplace management of sick employees shall not differ from that of
any other illness.
c. Discriminatory act done by an officer or an employee against their
co-officer or co-employee shall likewise be penalized.

2. Confidentiality/Non-Disclosure Policy
a. Access to personal data relating to a worker’s HIV status shall be
bound by the rules of confidentiality consistent with provisions of R.A.
8504 and the ILO Code of Practice.
b. Job applicants and workers shall not be compelled to disclose their
HIV/AIDS status and other related medical information.
c. Co-employees shall not be obliged to reveal any personal information
relating to the HIV/AIDS status of fellow workers.

3. Work-Accommodation and Arrangement

a. The company shall take measures to reasonably accommodate

employees with AIDS related illnesses.
b. Agreements made between the company and employee’s representatives
shall reflect measures that will support workers with HIV/AIDS through
flexible leave arrangements, rescheduling of working time and
arrangement for return to work.


A. Employer’s Responsibilities

1. The Company, together with employees/ labor organizations, company

focal personnel for human resources, safety and health personnel shall
develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the workplace policy and
program on HIV/AIDS.
2. Provide information, education and training on HIV/AIDS for its
3. Ensure non-discriminatory practices in the workplace and that the policy
and program adheres to existing legislations and guidelines .
4. Ensure confidentiality of the health status of its employees and the access
to medical records is limited to authorized personnel.

5. The Company, through its Human Resources Department, shall see to it
that their company policy and program is adequately funded and made
known to all employees.
6. The Health and Safety Committee, together with employees/ labor
organizations shall jointly review the policy and program and continue to
improve these by networking with government and organizations
promoting HIV prevention.

B. Employees’ Responsibilities

1. The employee’s organization shall undertake an active role in educating

and training their members on HIV prevention and control. Promote and
practice a healthy lifestyle with emphasis on avoiding high risk behavior
and other risk factors that expose workers to increased risk of HIV
2. Employees shall practice non-discriminatory acts against co-employees.
3. Employees and their organization shall not have access to personnel data
relating to a worker’s HIV status.
4. Employees shall comply with universal precaution and preventive


The Safety and Health Committee or its counterpart shall periodically monitor
and evaluate the implementation of this Policy and Program.


This Policy shall take place effective immediately and shall be made known to
every employee.

___________________________ _______________________________

Owner/Manager Employees’ Representative

DATE: _________________


Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4, Republic Act No. 7877, An Act Declaring
Sexual Harassment Unlawful in the Employment, Education or Training Environment , and
For Other Purposes, the following policies and procedure are hereby issued by ABC
Company to prevent sexual harassment in its workplace and to provide the procedure
for the resolution, settlement and/or disposition of sexual harassment cases.


ABC Company believes that employees should be afforded the opportunity to work in an
environment free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that
undermines the employment relationship. No employee, either male or female, should
be subjected verbally or physically to unsolicited and unwelcome sexual overtures or

Sexual harassment refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive,
debilitates morale and, therefore, interferes with work effectiveness. Such behavior may
be in the form of unwanted physical, verbal or visual sexual advances, requests for
sexual favors, and other sexually oriented conduct which is offensive or objectionable to
the recipient, including, but not limited to: epithets, derogatory or suggestive comments,
slurs or gestures and offensive posters, cartoons, pictures, or drawings.

ABC Company will not tolerate any behavior that amounts to sexual harassment and any
officer or employee found to have committed sexual harassment shall be subjected to
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


ABC Company has adopted, and its policy is based on, the definition of sexual
harassment set forth in Section 3 of R.A. 7877. It provides that sexual harassment in
workplace is committed by an employer, employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the
employer, or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral ascendancy
over another in a work environment, demands, requires or otherwise requires any
sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether the demand, requests or requirement
for submission is accepted by the object of said Act.

In a work-related or employment environment, sexual harassment is committed


1. The sexual favor is made as a condition in the hiring or in the employment, re-
employment, or continued employment of said individual, or in granting said
individual favorable compensation, terms of conditions, promotions, or
privileges; or the refusal to grant the sexual favor results in limiting,
segregating or classifying the employee which in any way would discriminate,
deprive or diminish employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect
said employee;
2. the above acts would impair the employees’ rights or privileges under existing
labor laws; or
3. the above acts would result in an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
environment for the employee.


Sexual harassment may be committed in any work or training environment. It may

include, but are not limited to the following:

1. In or outside the office building or training site;

2. at office or training-related social functions;
3. in the course of work assignments outside the office;
4. at work-related conferences, studies or training sessions; or
5. during work related travel.


Sexual harassment may be committed in any of the following forms:

1. Overt sexual advances;

2. Unwelcome or improper gestures of affection;

3. Request or demand for sexual favors including but not limited to going out on
dates, outings, or the like for the same purpose;

4. Any other act or conduct of a sexual nature or for purposes of sexual gratification
which is generally annoying, disgusting or offensive to the victim.


Sexual harassment does not refer to occasional compliments of a socially acceptable

nature. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that
debilitates morale, and that, therefore, interferes with work effectiveness.


ABC Company undertakes to provide its officers and employees a work environment
free of sexual harassment by management personnel, by co-workers and by others with
whom officers and employees must interact in the course of their employment in ABC
Company. Sexual harassment is specifically prohibited as unlawful and as a violation of
ABC's policy. ABC Company is responsible for preventing sexual harassment in the
workplace, for taking immediate corrective action to stop sexual harassment in the
workplace and for promptly investigating any allegation of work-related sexual



Any officer or employee, who experiences or witnesses any act of sexual harassment
in the workplace, shall report the same immediately to the Committee on Decorum and
Investigation. They may also report acts of sexual harassment to any other member of
ABC's management or ownership. All allegations of sexual harassment will be quickly
investigated. To the extent possible, the identity of the officer or employee shall remain
confidential and that of any witnesses and the alleged harasser will be protected against

unnecessary disclosure. When the investigation is completed, all parties will be
informed of the outcome of the investigation.

A Committee on Decorum and Investigation shall be constituted and shall be

composed of the management and the employees’ representative to receive complaints,
investigate and hear sexual harassment cases. The Committee shall develop its own
rules in the settlement and disposition of sexual harassment cases. The Committee shall
also develop and implement programs to increase understanding and awareness about
sexual harassment.


ABC Company will permit no employment-based retaliation against anyone who

brings a complaint of sexual harassment or who speaks as a witness in the investigation
of a complaint of sexual harassment.


All officers and employees of ABC Company shall receive a copy of ABC's sexual
harassment policy upon assumption of their respective offices. If at any time an officer
of employee would like another copy of the policy, please contact the Office of the
Committee on Decorum. If ABC Company should amend or modify it’s sexual
harassment policy, all officers and employees will receive an individual copy of the
amended or modified policy.

A Company Model

Pursuant to Section 6 of Republic Act No. 9211 which specifically prohibits

indoor smoking and protects people against second hand smoke, this company policy is
hereby issued to protect its employees and clients against the hazard brought about by

Smoke-free workplaces protect non-smokers from the dangers of secondhand

smoke and also encourage staff to either quit smoking or reduce their cigarette
consumption. Successful implementation of this policy will depend on both the
management and employees support.


(Name of Company) shall notify all employees of this policy and shall establish a
smoke-free workplace policy awareness program. This will also be a part of orientation
for newly-hired employees. A “NO SMOKING SIGN” shall be conspicuously displayed at
floor areas which were designated as a NO SMOKING AREA. The roof top and the
parking area are the only areas in the office in which employees will be allowed to

Capacity building for speakers’ bureau, counsellors and the general workers
population will be part of staff development program of the company.

The ill-effects of smoking will be discussed during the training/orientation of

employees which will be spearheaded by the Health and Safety Committee.


Worksite smoking policies aim mainly to protect non-smokers from

Environmental Tobacco Smoke, (ETS), while the objective of worksite cessation
program is to help employees who do smoke to give up the habit. The use of support
groups of former smokers, HRDS staff, and medical staff that may act as
educators/counsellors and support for workers to enable them in their wish of quitting
the habit. Programs should be coordinated with managed-care providers’ offerings of
tobacco assessment and counselling. Internally, physical activity, nutrition, and stress
management will assist smokers to quit and to stay abstinent.

Networking with health professionals, experts and organizations with the same
advocacy is also being encouraged to create a partnership of sort. This may lead to
better program implementation as their best practices may be replicated.

Strengthening workers participation may encourage ownership of the program.

Team Leaders per Department maybe assigned, he/she may assign secret marshals who
would monitor the no smoking policy in their workplaces. Team leaders would also
monitor the smoker’s diary (mandatory to smokers enrolled in the program) and the
progress of the implementation of the smoking program in their office.
Employees who wish to quit smoking shall be referred by the committee to DOH
accredited smoking cessation clinics.


The implementation of the smoke-free workplace policies and programs shall be

monitored and evaluated periodically by the employer to ensure that the goal of an
alcohol-free workplace is met. The Health and Safety Committee or other similar
Committee shall be tasked for this purpose.


All concerned shall comply with all the provisions of this company policy
effective immediately.

________________________ __________________________
Owner/Manager Employees’ Representative

DATE: __________________

A Company Model

The (Company Name) recognizes that while 80% of Tuberculosis (TB) cases
belong to the economically productive individuals, it is also treatable and its spread can
be curtailed if proper control measures will be implemented. As such, this TB Policy and
Program is hereby issued for the information and guidance of the employees.


To address the stigma attached to TB and to ensure that the worker’s right
against discrimination, brought by the disease, is protected.

To facilitate free access to anti-TB medicines of affected employees through



The (Name of Company) TB Program shall be managed by its health and safety
committee consists of representatives from the different divisions and departments.


This Program shall apply to all employees regardless of their employment status.


A. Preventive Strategies

1. Conduct of Tuberculosis (TB) Advocacy, Training and Education

a. TB education shall be conducted by the (name of company) Medical Clinic in
close coordination with the health and safety committee, through distribution
and posting of IEC materials and counselling and/ or lectures.
b. Engineering measures such as improvement of ventilation, provision for
adequate sanitary facilities and observance of standard for space
requirement (avoidance of overcrowding) shall be implemented.

2. Screening, Diagnosis, Treatment and Referral to Health Care Services

a. The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to diagnostic
and treatment services for its employees. The company shall make
arrangements with the nearest Direct Observed Treatment (DOT) facility.
b. The company’s adherence to the DOTS guidelines on the diagnosis and
treatment is highly encouraged.

1. The company shall adopt the DOTS strategy in the management of workers
with tuberculosis. TB case finding, case holding and Reporting and Recording
shall be in accordance with the Comprehensive Unified Policy (CUP) and the
National Tuberculosis Control Program.
2. The company shall at the minimum refer employees and their family members
with TB to private or public DOTS centers.


1. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices

a. There shall be no discrimination of any form against employees from pre to

post employment, including hiring, promotion, or assignment, on account of
their TB status. (ILO C111)
b. Workplace management of sick employees shall not differ from that of any
other illness. Persons with TB related illnesses should be able to work for as
long as medically fit.

2. Work-Accommodation and Arrangement

a. Agreements made between the company and employee’s representatives shall

reflect measures that will support workers with TB through flexible leave
arrangements, rescheduling of working time and arrangement for return to
b. The employee may be allowed to return to work with reasonable working
arrangements as determined by the Company Health Care provider and/or
the DOTS provider.


The company shall provide access to Social Security System and

Employees Compensation benefits under PD 626 to an employee who acquired
TB infection in the performance of his/her duty.


A. Employer’s Responsibilities

1. The Employer, together with workers/ labor organizations, company focal

personnel for human resources, safety and health personnel shall develop,
implement, monitor and evaluate the workplace policy and program on TB.

2. Provide information, education and training on TB prevention for its

3. Ensure non-discriminatory practices in the workplace.
4. Ensure confidentiality of the health status of its employees and the access to
medical records is limited to authorized personnel.
5. The Employer, through its Human Resources Department, shall see to it that
their company policy and program is adequately funded and made known to
all employees.
6. The Health and Safety Committee, together with employees/ labor
organizations shall jointly review the policy and program and continue to
improve these by networking with government and organizations promoting
TB prevention.

B. Employees’ Responsibilities

1. The employee’s organization is required to undertake an active role in

educating and training their members on TB prevention and control.

2. Employees shall practice non-discriminatory acts against co-workers.

3. Employees and their organization shall not have access to personnel

data relating to a worker’s TB status.

4. Employees shall comply with universal precaution and the preventive



The Safety and Health Committee or its counterpart shall periodically monitor
and evaluate the implementation of this Policy and Program.


This Policy shall take place effective immediately and shall be made known to every

_______________________________ ________________________________
Owner/Manager Employees’ Representative

DATE: _________________


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