6th Grade Error Correction

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1. There is a grammar mistake in each of the sentences on the right.

You have
to find them and correct them
1. Do you have sister? - Yes, I do.
2. When you come to Germany? - Last year.
3. When you return to Japan? - Next year.
4. You like German food? - Not very much.
5. Do you like dogs? - Yes, I like .
6. He plays the piano very well, don't he?
7. Where she live? - Sorry, I don't know.
8. Will you help me today? - Yes, I'll .
9. I live in Germany since 30 August 2006.
10. I must get up very early yesterday morning.
11. Can you do it? - Yes, I think .
12. Did you play tennis? - Yes, I played .
13. She got up and run to the door.
14. Do you like a rap music? - No.
15. My eyes are bad. I need the glasses.
16. Look! It is a pig in the garden.
17. I need any money to buy lunch today.
18. Do you know who did break the window?
19. I came to school with the bus today.
20. How old is this cheese? It tastes badly .
21. Whose that man? - I have no idea!
22. I did very bad in my ESL test.
23. Today's test was more easy than yesterday's test.
24. Where's Miko? - I hadn't seen her today.
25. My grandmother will visit us in March 29.
26. My father work in a bank in Frankfurt.

2. There are 16 grammar mistakes in the text on the right. You have to find
them and correct them.
Mr and Mrs White and their son Herbert was sitting in their
livingroom on cold, windy night, when suddenly they have heard
a knock on the door. It was Morris, an old friend of Mr W
hite. He told stories about his journeys
around the world and show them a monkey's paw what
he got from a man in India. The paw was magic and
could grant three wishes. Morris throwed the paw on the fire
because he was dangerous, but Mr White took it and, after M
orris had went , he wished for $400. Nothing
happened and Herbert went to work in his factory.
When he didn't arrive back at usual time, Mrs White
starts to worry. Then a man came to the door and told the
m the terrible news -
Herbert had been died in a big machine in the factory. A w
eek after the death of her son, Mrs White
suddenly remembered that they still have two wishes. She looked
for monkey's paw and wished her son alive again. A little la
ter they heard a loud banging on a door and Mrs White ran
to see her son. Mr White knew that
his wife will be killed if she opened the door and
made the final wish - for Herbert being dead again.

3.Each of the following sentences has a mistake:

1. It is raining when I got home last night.

2. My sister is annoying today, but usually she is nice.

3. I have not ate anything today.

4. If I am a child, I would play outside.

5. Everyone have seen that movie.

6. If we will be late, they will be angry.

7. My father is thinking that I should stop smoking.

8. Look! It is snow.

9. I fell asleep while I watched TV.

10. I have lived in Canada since 10 months.

11. There is a warm country.

12. I have not an iPhone .

13. I haven’t ever been to Korea.

14. The students have a good time in class today.

15. John probably isn’t going to come to school tomorrow.

16. If the world ended tomorrow, I will be very sad.

17. I still did my homework at 10:30 pm last night.

18. He can speak Japanese because he was born in Canada.

4. Find 10 mistakes in the text.
The Titanic was biggest and expensivest ship in
the world. He was built in Ireland in
1911. First voyage of the Titanic
was from Europe to America. In a ship
there were about 1200 passengers. The rich passengers
was on the upper decks and the poor
passengers on the lower decks. On 14 April
1918 the Titanic hitted an iceberg. The iceberg
make a big hole in the side of
the Titanic and the ship began to sink.
Some people survived because he got into a
lifeboat. Many other people died when they fall
into the freezing water.

5. Find the grammar mistakes in the text.

The story happens in Alaska in the nineteenth

century. The main characters is a man and
his dog. Man is a prospector who
has come to Alaska to looking for gold.
A dog is clever but the man is
not; he don't know how dangerous Alaska can
be. At the beginning of the story the
man going back to camp. After a short
time he stops and eat his lunch.
Soon he feel very cold and makes a
fire. When he was warm again, he continues
to walk back to camp. Suddenly he is falling
in a pool of water. He have to
light a fire before his feet freeze. But
he makes big mistake: he lights the fire
under a tree. The snow melts and fell
on the fire; this puts it out. The
man cannot light the fire again, so he
decides to killing the dog, but he are not
strong enough. He start to run back
to camp but he falls two times. Finally
he's no more strength and he lies
in the snow. After a short time, he
dead. Dog goes back to camp alone.

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